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City of Maple Ridge ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDA October 13, 2015,4:00 pm Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.AGENDA APPROVAL 3.MINUTES APPROVAL –July 14, 2015 Meeting 4.PROJECTS 4.1 4:15 PM Development Permit No:2015-281-DP Applicant Fariba Gharaei, Urban Design Group Architects Project Architect:Urban Design Group Architects Project Landscape Architect:N/A Owners:Mussallem Realty Proposal:Exterior upgrades to Burger King restaurant, as part of a new design concept by Burger King Location:20290 Lougheed Hwy File Manager:Therese Melser 4.2 5:15 PM Development Permit No:2015-248-DP Applicant:Falcon Homes Project Architect:Wes Friesen -Points West Architecture Project Landscape Architect:Meredith Mitchell -M2 Landscape Architecture Owners:Falcon Homes Proposal:39 unit apartment Location:12367 224 Street File Manager:Amelia Bowden 5.NEW BUSINESS & UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5.1 2014-072-DP Update –Adrian Kopystynski Update on application reviewed March 10, 2015 -13738, 13702, 13660 232 Street and 23262 Silver Valley Road 6.PRESENTATIONS -Nil 7.C0RRESPONDENCE -Nil 8.ADJOURNMENT /ss TO: 2015 FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: Advisory Design Panel 2015-281-DP 20290 Lougheed Highway City of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: October 13, An Advisory Design Panel submission has-been received for the above noted properties to permit the exterior upgrading of the existing leased building (Burger King) located at 20290 Lougheed Highway, zoned CS-1 (Service Commercial). This is a zoned property subject to the Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: . South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Urban Design Group Architects Ltd, Fariba Gharaei Mussallem Realty Ltd • Parcel "One" except: Firstly; part subdivided by plan 68232, and Secondly: part subdivided by plan 69704, D.L: 222, Group 1, Plan : NWP62569 Commercial Commercial CS-1 (Service Commercial) CS-1 (Service Commercial) Commercial CS-1 (Service Commercial) Commercial Bare land as part of same property, and residentia'i CS-1 (Service Commercial) and RS-1 (One FamHy Urban Residential) Urban Residential Commercial (Shell station and Ford Dealership) CS-1 (Service Commercial) and C-2 (Community Commercial) Commercial Bare land as part of same proper:ty, and residential CS-1 (Service Commercial) and RS-1B (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Commercial/ Urban Residential Page 1 of 2 Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Commercial Commercial leased area portion of the property; 4050m2 2; off of Lougheed Highway and off of 203 Stre~t Commercial Pursuant to section 8.5 of the Official Community Plan (OCP), this proposal is subject to the Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines, as outlined in this memo. 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale 3. Promote sustainable development 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas 5. The form and character of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area PLANNING COMMENTS: • Official Community Plan: The proposed land use is Commercial and this use was/is in compliance with the OCP. • Context: The neighbourhood is a commercial area next to a residential area further to the south and west. The proposal is an upgrade of the exterior of the existing building, as part of a new design concept by Burger King. No additions will be made to the existing building and therefore the application will not impact the neighbourhood except for ecstatic's. • Proposal: The upgrades include the addition of a new tower element and signage on the north-west corner. A new tower metal canopy will be added, with recessed lighting, for weather protection at the drive-through location. The lighting below the existing canopy will be replaced with a new LED light fixture, and new canopy and signage will be added above the main entrance which does not have any exposure to the street Furthermore, the existing drive-through window will be replaced with a new one, and the ordering window will be closed and infilled with matching stucco colour. The existing order confirmation unit, the menu board and restriction bar will be replaced with a new unit, and a new bike rack will be installed nearby the main entrance. The site plan will receive new asphalt coating and line painting. • Parking: total existing parking stalls: 46. The applicant has added some additional landscaping elements to the parking area. o Garbage/Recycling: Existing garbage enclosure in south-east corner to remain. • Off-site uogrades: tbd The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared by: Therese Melser Page 2 of 2 Deep Roots Greater Heights ADP applicant Checklist: All presentation material must be in 11" x 17" format (7 hard copies 3-hole punched), one full size copy and one digital copy on CD or memory card submitted to the File Manager. This applicant checklist needs the "Required" boxes to be completed by the File Manager, while the ''Included" boxes need to be completed by the applicant/project architect and submitted with the ADP package. 1) ADP application form & project data sheet 2) Site and Neighbourhood context 3) Design Rationale 4) Project Analysis 5) Architectural drawings in metric dimensions a. Site Planning: Site Plan/layout b. Site Planning: Site Sections Existing. c. Site Planning: Streetscape elevations Existing. d. Site Planning: Shadow Analysis One storey. e. Site Planning: Lighting details Existing light poles. f. Building Design: Floor Plans g. Building Design: Roof Plans h. Building Design: Building Elevations from all sides i. Building Design: Signage details Existing. j. Building Design: Lighting details Existing. k. Coloured elevations (to show material specifications) I. Building Design: Building Sections 1 Required @ ~ 5(1 ~ ~ [2f [Zl ~ [g] rg] [Zj ~ Included 0 ~ 0 [Kl [1 ~ ~ [¼] ~ G' ~ ~ [Z] l8l fZ] ~ 6) m. 3D rendering of the site and/or building n. Green Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives N/A o. Material Sample Board Only two towers with black corrugated are added. Landscape drawings in metric dimensions (No landscape -N/A) a. Landscape Plan/layout b. Landscaping details for features, play area/ amenity space/ common activity area c. Planting List with specifications d. Site Sections to show lot grading, drainage and landscaping e. Irrigation details for landscaping above structure f. Signage details for free standing signage g. Lighting details for pedestrians/landscaped areas h. Preliminary Storm water Management (SWM) plan Project ArchitecVApplicant: Name: F~Jl3fl GH!H!.fr"EI I fr(<U<('T-tC--T" m ~c Date: S e P'T. Z.. I , 2. o IS Signature: o1,,Z,,.,_;_ End of Document Revised December 2012 2 □ [Z] g] Required □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Included □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ \ r~-mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: Name of Applicant Fariba Gharaei, Architect, AIBC File number Address of site Current Zone 20290 Lougheed Hwy, Maple Ridge, BC _C_S_-_1 ___ Proposed Zone No change Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date --------- Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect Fariba Gharaei, Architect, AIBC Landscape Architect N/A Other Professional (State Name & Role) N/A ------------------ Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -all schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 2015 Meeting Schedule for ADP Meeting Date Submission Deadline January 13 December 29 (2014) February 10 January 19 March 10 February 16 April 14 March 23 May 12 April 20 June 9 May 15 July 14 June 2-2 August 11 July 20 September 8 August 17 October 13 September 21 November 10 October 19 December 8 November 16 Revised 201 4-05-12 URBAN DESIGN GROUP ARCHITECTS LTD. 600-1140 W PENDER ST. VANCOUVER, BC V6E 4Gl (604) 687-2334 FAX (604) 688-7481 Paul Chiu, Architect AIBC, MRAIC, AAA, SAA, MAA, OAA, SBA Principal Fariba Gharaei, Architect AIBC, MRAIC, OM, LEED AP, SBA, Associate Steven Wagner, Architect AIBC, MRAIC, AIA, LEED AP, Associate Rudi Klauser, RID, NCIDQ, LEED AP, Senior Associate Crosbby Chiu, MRAIC, SBA, Senior Associate September 21, 2015 District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Attention: Planning Department RE: Design Rationale Commercial Development 20290 Lougheed Hwy, Maple Ridge, BC Rick Jones, Principal Aaron Vornbrock, Senior Vice President Eric Ching, CSBA, Vice President Martin Grube, Associate Bojan Ilic, Associate Our Project No. 4129 We are proposing exterior upgrades for an existing building located at 20290 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, BC, as part of a new design concept by Burger King, The upgrades include the addition of a new tower element and signage on the north-west corner, a second tower and metal canopy over the drive-through window, The lighting below the existing canopy will be replaced with new LED lighting. The new canopy and signage will be added above the main entrance to improve visibility from the parking lot. Furthermore, the existing drive-through window will be replaced with a new one, and the ordering window will be closed and infilled with matching stucco colour. The existing order confirmation unit, the menu board and restriction ·bar will be replaced with a new unit, and a new bike rack will be installed nearby the main entrance. The site plan will receive new asphalt coating and line painting, Please refer to pictures incorporated in the package for more information. Yours truly, Fariba Gharaei, Architect AIBC, MRAIC, OAA, LEED AP, SBA Associate URBAN DESIGN GROUP ARCHITECTS LTD, (FG/aa) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.5 of the Official Community Plan, commercial developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by t he architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concerts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guideline, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. 8.5.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses Existing building and no change to the nature of through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and operating business. the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. Encourage a pedestrian scale through Existing building and no change on the site. Creating providing outdoor amenities, minimizing tower element with new prototype design to create the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest visuals impact. along street fronts. Promote sustainable development with Existing building and adding bike rack close to main multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. entrance. Respect the need for private areas in N/A mixed use development and adjacent residential areas . The form and t reatment of new buildings The new addition of tower element will create more should reflect the desired character and articulation to the roof line and add more interest facing pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural Lougheed Highway. styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. 1 Guideline 8.5.2 A Building Design, Massing and Siting 1. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, roof forms, facade modulation, architectural features, fenestration patterns, building elements and proportions and building articulation. 2. Exterior finishes should be wood, brick, natural stone or other materials of warm appearance. Substantial areas of concrete should be avoided. Expanses of solid wall or glass are unacceptable. 3. New buildings adjacent to existing small scale buildings such as houses should be designed to provide visual interest whilst protecting the privacy and livability of both properties. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. NIA We are updating the building with new Burger King prototypical tower to comply with their new brand. NIA 4 Significant corners should be given • Proposed tower is located at the significant corner. added emphasis with vertical architectural features and roofscape features. At intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets. 5. Development should be sited to have the building frontage on the main street alignment. 6. Projects located on slopes should be developed in a manner which creates a step in perceived height, bulk and scale between developments. 7. Design and construction of buildings should account for maximum sound attenuation between commercial and adjacent residential uses. To ensure that noise generated on the site is addressed in the most appropriate manner, Council may request that a noise attenuation study be prepared. Existing building is sited with building frontage facing main street. NIA NIA 2 Guideline 8.5.2 A (Continued} 8. Continuous weather protection, such as canopies, structural awnings, or building overhangs, is strongly promoted where at-grade retail uses are included in a development and over common entries to commercial and/or mixed-use developments that front a public sidewalk or open space. 9. Developments adjacent to treed slopes, ravines and watercourses must respect natural vegetation, use natural landscaping to retain soils on the site and may require additional setbacks as established by agencies having jurisdiction. Creeks and ravines are encouraged to be retained in their natural state. 10. Developments are encouraged to redirect water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 11. Buildings should be designed and located on a site to: a) preserve and incorporate natural features or views; b) ensure proper orientation and relationship to adjoining residential uses; c) minimize impacts on natural features and agricultural lands; d) accommodate natural grades to ensure minimal grading is required. Guideline 8.5.2 B Refuse, Recycling and Servicing Areas Existing building. Weather protection of 4' overhang is around 3 major sides of the building. N/A. N/A N/A Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. The design of a roof, placement of Existing. Roof top doesn't have view. mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. 3 Guideline 8.5.2 B (Continued) 2. Service areas should have differentiated1 N/A. access to minimize visual impact as we I Drive-through is screened by existing hedge trees. as conflicts with pedestrians. 3. Refuse receptacles must be located Existing garbage enclosure is located on-site and no indoors or within service areas out of view to pedestrian access. view from pedestrian access. Garbage and waste material should be stored in containers that are weatherproof and animal-resistant. 4. Mechanical equipment, drive-through N/A. uses, service or car wash bays, restrooms, vending machines, unenclosed storage, and public telephones should be oriented on the site to face away from adjacent residential development. Whenever possible, these uses should not be visible from an adjacent residential property. Guideline 8.5.2 C Street Front Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Particular attention should be made to Streetfront is upgraded with two new tower elements, the image presented to the streetfront. new canopy and a window. 2.· New development should emphasize the New proposal creates articulation to the ~xisting and street frontages by incorporating linear character of the building. differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades. Facades should incorporate vertical and horizontal relief in a well-proportioned rhythm appropriate to the intended scale of development. 3. Buildings with over 15 metres of street Horizontal mass is broken with two new tower elements. frontage should break the horizontal mass of the building with vertical elements in a rhythmic pattern. 4. Streetfront landscaping will incorporate Existing. Landscape is in good condition and provides street trees for definition of site nice screen for drive-through. boundaries and enhancement of public space. 4 Guideline 8.5.2 C (Continued) 5. Vehicle access on a street frontage should be located to the side of the Existing access from Lougheed Highway to remain. building away form the pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. Guideline 8.5.2 D Signage and Lighting 1. Signage should be integrated with the design of a building, preferably at ground level only, and its size and design should complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 2. High intensity illumination directed at adjoining properties should be avoided. Commercial signage and high intensity illumination adjacent to residential uses should be minimized in order to protect residential amenity. 3. Lighting and signage should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way. 4. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter should take precedent. 5. In multiple-tenant commercial or mixed- use buildings, signs should be designed to presen·t a unified appearance. Signage space should be provided for upper storey tenancies. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Signage is updated based on corporate standard of Burger King. Existing site lights to remain. Light poles along the so~th and west property lines are far away from the adJacent property and we will add a cut shield on the other lig~t pole along the east property line to stop light trespassing. • No direct light is visible from public right-of-way. Sign permit will be provided for new signange replacements according to sign bylaw. N/A 5 Guideline 8.5.2 E Vehicle Access, Parking, and Circulation 1. Buildings and structures should be located to ensure safe traffic circulation and access and adequate on-site parking. Parking should be encouraged in smaller units to avoid a monotonous appearance. 2. Parking and storage areas should be appropriately screened. Low level landscape screening should be provided to parking areas adjacent to public streets. 3. Where possible, parking and servicing should be located underground or to the rear of buildings to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and pedestrian amenity. In all new buildings the portion of the structure used for parking and servicing should be adequately screened and should be architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. N/A (Existing). Existing parking is behind the building and away from visibility. N/A 4. Existing lanes should be used for vehicle Loading is screened by the existing building away from access, loading and servicing. Upgrading of lanes in terms of attractive treatment visibility. and screening of parking access and loading and service areas is encouraged. 5. Vehicle access should be located to the side of the building away from the pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 6. Lanes, and driveways should conform to the existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, access should be aligned, wherever possible, t.o run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. Currently located to the side of the building and does not conflict with pedestrian access. N/A (Existing). 6 Guideline 8.5.2 E (Continued) 7. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining •. developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. N/A 8. Minimize the amount of asphalt surfaces in parking areas by integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers or by using alternate surface treatments. Existing parking to remain. New coating and line painting will apply to give it a new look to the parking lot. 9. Above ground parking structures should not front public streets at grade. Non- parking uses or special fac;:ade treatments must be provided along street frontages to enhance the building's appearance to the public realm. On non-street fronting facades, parking structures should be treated to avoid long blank walls at grade, such as massed landscape treatments or attention to design detailing on the fac;:ade. Building is located along Lougheed Highway and surface parking is located behind the building. 10. Parking control equipment, such as N/A ticket dispensers and card readers, should be located at a sufficient distance from a public street to prevent parking queues extending onto the street. Similarly, a minimum distance of one car length, and preferably two car lengths, should be provided between an exit gate and the street edge to accommodate cars waiting to merge into traffic. 11. Rooftop parking structures should N/A include design elements, including landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street and surrounding uses. 7 Guideline 8.5.2 F Pedestrian and Bicycle Access 1. Development should improve pedestrian amenity through interesting design detail at ground level, easily identifiable entrances, shop fronts with clear untinted glazing, concentration of signage at ground level, attractive landscaping and well defined pedestrian crossings for driveways and roadways . 2. A well defined pedestrian access to the commercial use will be provided from the public sidewalk. Design will ensure that pedestrian use is given precedence over vehicular use. Where possible, at least one pedestrian connection should be provided through the main block of buildings. 3. Facilities for cyclists should considered for all developments. Guideline 8.5.2 G Landscaping and Open Space be 1. Landscaping should be supplemented to identify and define public space, to present a pleasing image and to soften the transition from adjacent land uses to the commercial development. 2. Adjacent residential uses should be adequately protected by significant landscaping or the provision of screening or both. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all new development for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space. Simplicity in landscaping materials is desirable and should be encouraged for screening purposes. Deciduous tree species should be considered in landscape plantings to permit light penetration in winter. Mature vegetation should be retained where possible. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. New sign is added and the main entrance signage is added over tower on the corner for main entrance to the site. This is a drive-through restaurant where the main entr~nce is lo?ated on the backside of the building with parking and direct access to main entrance. Bike rack is added near the main entrance. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Existing landscape to remain . No residential is adjacent to the site. Existing landscape to remain. 8 Guideline 8.5.2 G (Continued) 4. Aesthetic values along frontages and on- site ought to be enhanced by significant landscaping on all property lines and around buildings. Street trees should be used to provide the landscaping variety that would soften the character and scale of the area. Existing development. 5. Landscape planting and screening should Sufficient landscape screen is provided along east be used to cr-eate interesting views and property line to screen drive,.through from gas station. focal points into and out of the site for pedestrians, passing drivers and building tenants on the site or adjacent to it. 6. Open space should be usable, attractive and well-integrated with the design of the building. Open space, in many cases, will be achieved with courtyards, recessed balconies, terraced balconies, rooftop gardens, and atria. 7. Landscaping should reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 8. Landscaping should define the purpose and emphasize the desired character and function of public and private space. All private and semi-private open space should be clearly defined as such and should be controllable by those meant to benefit and be responsible for it, thus encouraging use, pride and safety. 9. Distinguish public and semi-public spaces from private spaces. Design symbolic barriers through: a) building and site design; b) changes in paving, vegetation, or grading; or c) architectural features, such as low walls, bollards or raised planters. Existing. Existing to remain. Existing to remain . N/A 9 Guideline 8.5.2 H Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Developments should be designed to for natural Existing landscape allows for natural surveillance. maximize opportunities surveillance allowing people to easily view what is happening around them during the course of everyday activities. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design principles and techniques are encouraged. 2. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities. 3. Design the interior spaces and exits from any underground and above ground parking structures for maximum visibility within the parking area. Entries should be highly visible, well lit and spaced at convenient intervals Hidden spaces, obscured alcoves and blind corners should be avoided in the design and layout of t he-parki ng facilities. 4. Walls and ceilings of parking structures, particularly underground structures, should be painted white to enhance or reflect light. Guideline 8.5.2 I Universally Accessible Design Site is well-lit by light poles and storefront is facing parking lot which creates visibility to the parking area. N/A N/A Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1 All non-vehicular -routes be fully • Accessibility is provided on the existing site by let down. accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair / scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 10 Guideline 8.5.2 I (Continued) 2. Locate parking spaces allocated for Handycap stall is provided close to main entrance. people with disabilities as close as possible to the main entrance to a building. 3. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; and c) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. Guideline 8.5.2 J Bicycle Storage and Parking 1. Provide short term bicycle parking facilities, such as bicycle racks, at grade close to building entrances. Bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads. Bicycle racks should be made of sturdy, theft- resistant material, securely anchored to the floor or grounds. 2. Provide long term bicycle parking facilities in secure storage areas within buildings. Bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. In mixed-use buildings, bicycle storage facilities for residents are to be separate from those for the commercial uses. 3. Large-scale developments are encouraged to provide end-of-trip facilities, such as showers and lockers, within the development for the convenience of employees. New signage and canopy are provided ab?ve exis!in~ main entrance. Weather protection is provided. Existing underside of canopy will be replaced with new lighting. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. New bike rack close to main entrance is provided . Long term bike rack can be provided inside tenant space. N/A 11 Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File Number _________ _ Date prepared: <;6PT. ~ 11 a..015" Architect fA1lf f2., II hH~ Print Name Signature 12 1~•-mapleridge.ca DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Project Zone _c_s-_1 _______ Date Prepared _2_01_s-_09_-1_s ___ _ Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total 3685.09 m .l 3685.09 m2 Less Road Dedication area Less Undevelopable area Net Total LOT COVERAGE (in % of net lot area) Buildings & Structures 40% max 9.8 % Paved & Hard Surfaced Areas Landscaping Total Site Coverage SETBACKS ( in metres) Front Min. 9m 9m Rear Min. 6 m 30.46 m Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Min . 7.5 m 7.52 m Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Min. 7.5 m 28.34 m Side #3 (N, S, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal Max. 7.7 m 5.66 m Accessory N/A N/A NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom N/A N/A Three Bedroom + Total GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential Retail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type Fast Food Restaurant ) 359.8 m2 359.8 rrf I nstitutiona I Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA 359.8 m" • If the development site consists of more than one lot. lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) # of units/ha (net) Gross Floo r Area N/A N/A Floor Space Ratio (net) AMENITY SPACE (area in sq uare metres) Common Activity Area Useable Open Space N/A N/A PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Co mprehensive Total Number of Parking Spaces for Uses 1 Number of pa rking spaces for disabled Min.1 1 Number of spaces for visitors Min. 32 44 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES Min. 33 45 Number and percentage small cars Number and percentage tandem spaces TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SP ACE(S) 1 BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking Min. 1 1 Long Term Bicycle Parking OTHER -state YES or NO for each Heritage Site I No I Tree Su rvey/ Assessment Provided I No Watercourse/Steep Slopes I No I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements Ives I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. Prepared by: __;_n_,ttLic____8_,4 __ G_H_14_fl-_A-_E _I _ Print Name NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for AD P Submission or by an owner/agent (ap plicant) for Development Applicat ion . z :5 D. >-w ~ ...J <( a:: w <( z :5 n.. >-w ~ w !::: en SUBJECT AREA 'J.( .. , t....f \.<J•,•1·...r1 ~ " DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR BURGER KING EXTERIOR RENOVATION R . < CIVIC ADDRESS ~l============I C 1-u w 20290 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. V2X 2P7 31--------------t f l=::::L=E=G=A=L=:::D=E=S=C=R=IP=T=IO===N===I PARCEL ONE EXCEPT FIRSTLY; PART SUBDIVIDED BY PLAN 68232. SECONDLY; PART SUBDMDED BY PLAN 69704, D.L. 222, GROUP ONE, N.W.D. EXCEPT PLAN 62569 ZONING EXISTING ZONE : CS-1 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR BURGER KING EXTERIOR RENOVATION ~ u ~ z 0 u OWNER ARCHITECT 1032732 e.c. Ltd. SANDEEP BATTA 20290 LOUGHEED HWY (MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. V2X 2P7 URBAN DESIGN GROUP ARCHITECTS LTI>, FARIBA GHARAEI, Archlt.dAIBC #60D -1140 Wut Pender StrNt Vancouv.,.., e.c. V&E 4G1 Phone: 804-GB7-23J4 Fax: 604-688-7481 E-mall: farlbag@udga.com ISSUED FOR ADP MEETING OCT 13, 2015 1-ARCHITECTURAL UJ l===========l:l=============ll:============11 ::J l-.!:A::!-0~.0'----!:C~OVER=..::!S!.!!HEET:!:.!.. ______ --41 ____________ -l+-----------------I A-1.1 SfTEPLAN (!) --~A~-2::,!.1 _ _,!cFL~O~O:::,R,:::PLA=N-------+1--------------tl---------------11 Z l-.!:Ac::-3~.0'---~E)(:o:IS::,:Tc::.IN:,,G:..,:EX:,:T:::E::.:R:::IO::,:R..::E::::LEV=ATI:.,::O:::;N:::S_--41 ____________ -ll---------------l §: A 31 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ~ 1----·-----------tl--------------ll-------------1 C 1-------------H-----------41---------------1 P:\4 29\4129A-000.dwg PRINTED BY WS124 ON Tuesday, Sepfomber 22, 2015 10:45:54 AM This drawing, as on instrument of service, is the prop,rty of Urbon ~ Group A'CNl.ccls Lid., ond m.tf rol be repf'QO.Ced, copied or batd without wrillc3 permission. orchttects ~d tOJ-1140 'M:ST FENDER \IIN':CIJVER. BC W O IB.EPl-0\E <tOP 687'2334 fli(SIMlE <61)1'6881481 projtd mmlm shed tiU~ COVER SHEET i.olt JCU--U--111 fflt f'l.2r.Oft PROPERTY LINE----. ~ 32'·3' (9.83l.q L e 0F 5£Te.ACi< 92'-11' [2a.33M) PYLON TO REMAIN LOUGHEED HWY EXIST. BURGER KING 3,871 SF (359.8 SQ. M) -1---------EXIST.------- RE-STRIPE ALL PARK.ING 5FACE5 PER CITY REGULATIONS PAVERS TOAL EXIST. PARKING \ 46 ST ALLS + 1 LOADING L--------EXIST~.-----------.. LINE OF SETBACK 229'-0' (59.81M) PROPERTY LINE ---~ ""-----i---'Hlt--EXl5T, BOLLARCS TO REMAIN {TTPJ ~l--+-l+--IN5TALL NEW CON.C APRON ADJACENT TO MENU BOARD, SITE VERIFY FOR EXACT LOCATION ,t/"--tt-~-.,-.-,--llt-➔--1--iil--EX!ST MENU SOARD EXIST ~EIGI-IT RESTRICTION eAR TO eE REMOVED AND REPLACE W/ NEW I \ \ LINE OF SETBACK _/I E>Cl!.T. LA."-'09 I \ \ I I I TO REMAIN lnit-''-ir--<--;;+-;--+-lt--EXIST ORDER 24·.r 17.SOl,I\ SIDE#! SETBACK CONFIF:MATION lJNIT TO SE REPLACED WITH NEUJW/ CANOPY ABOVE EXIST GARS.AGE ___ ...J ENCLOSURE ISSUED FOR ADP MEETING OCT 13, 2015 P:\• 129\4129A-101.dwg PRINTED BY WS 124 ON Tuesday, September 22, 2015 10;<15:23 AM LEGEND, ;!\""$Gf. F::::.c:£5,R5.Pl -= ' FAINT f'YLON FOl-1= I ,...~r S.A!!; IN BLACK, PAINT PYLON FOLE CABINET -SILVER EI CLEAN S[GN FACES, REPLACE 61.tRNED OUT BULBS, PAINT CABINET -SLACK r:'1 CLEA/\1 SIGN FACES, REPLACE BURNED OUT BULBS, L.:l PAINT CABINET -SLACK 'E[ REPLACE DAMAGED S!G:N FACE UnTI-I NEIJJ -BLACK 'E[ INST ALL NEIJJ DRIVE THRU 14El61--1T CLEARAl'-/CE BAR INSTALL NEIJJ DRIVE THRt.l ORDER CONFIRMATION u-llT WI CANOPY T':"1 1N&TALL EW OECORATlYE BASES TO EXIST. MENU .L:..l BOARD AND PREYIEUI eOARD 0 NEW PAINT LINES, TO EXIST PARKIN6 STALLS B NEW PAINT LINES TO EXIST ACCESSIBLE PAR.K;ING- ST ALLS TO LOCAL BARRIER FREE GUIOELINES 0 NEW YELLOW PAINT TO EXl&T BOLLARO& EI. INSTALL NEW CONCRc.-rE APRON TO DR.1VE TI-IRU WINDOILI AND MENU eoARD El NEW jD'.4.M TO EXl&T GARBAGE ENCLOSURE'& GATE (BK 2©/2(Zl EXT FINISH SCI-IEDULE EP-&J COLOUR, OEEP ON.TX e,y PFC:, CONTACT, RICK GA~IN, PPG CORP, (317J 3!8-561Z)0 C~ 4rl.,.. ~ T:'T RE.FAINT SITE LIGl-.fflNC,, 6ASE.5 SAFETY YELLOW, REPLACE SU~ED LJ,. OUT6UL65 t40N•!!ltiCK I BLOCK WALLS ~ EP-2J COLOUR: C.AMEL TAN BY PPG . . on, .S\6-S800 OR o_•,lln• .coa "'1:ER Cl'JJ ~ LIT ROUS:;) eUTTON LOGO 6 S SCl-{EDULE MP• l J MASTER.l..lN!: 16 PANEL& ATURE 2(Zl0. COAL BLACK CONTACT, ELWOOD NEWSOME (~0) 6-IZl26C, XW·:3~ EMA ~IOr-4\.o.ot.tl~ c:om TALL NEW ;lll .t.SO S -c RO 2(!')/2(!) EXT FINl51-l 5CI-EDULE MP-4J COLOUR: SILVER METALLIC SR TACT: BRENNA ROMAN! £311J.6~•:J1C!XJ GR' (763) ~61-1652 ST ALL NEW CANOPY AT MAIN ENTRANCE (NORTI-I) ~DER EX SClFFIT 21Z1/21Zi EXT FINlSI-I 5CI-IEDULE HF-JJ CLEAR ANODIZED CIW CI-IANNEL TTER5 HOTU/ $16NA.GE B NEW PAINT TO EXIST PARAPET CAP (eK 2C,/20 EXT FINISI-I SCI-IEDULE EF-&J eu~ER Kl:-k'.:i SIL YER CONTACT, RICK GARLIN PPG CORP, (~17J 318-58"© OR c::iarlfn6 ~ NEW WALL PACK LIGI-ITS ON EXIST E:XTER!OR WALLS G NEW 112'© uJ MH OROP Dou.N LENS 50FFIT LIG~T AT EXIST SOfr'IT (TTP) 0 EXIST ASPl-lAL T TO RECEIVE NEW SEALER R NEW ORtvE Tl-I~ WINDOW TO REPLACE EXISTING B INSTALL NEW BIKE RACK 8 NEW 4''~ METAL CANOPY IMAGE REFERENCE I I 0 DRIVE TI-IRU I-IEIGl-fT CLEARANCE BAR ~ g¥!:?. ...:,---1--~ r 1~ i r,i DRIVE T.,_.RU ORDER J....:.l CONFIRMATIOI"'-UNIT W/ CANOPY ~ 15/0~/21 4'SO RI! a 1"10/U J r\lD'J~ rt'Sl.1'0 IOI ;ill 11¥,1/'0t ""' 'JjfOJ/J; ,.._. N,r/-/« .. rev1s1cns ~ NORTl-l :~ic~.0~!"~he05pr~~!i~lr~rITr~:~ Ocsi11n Group Archilecls Lld., ond moy not be reproduced, copied or loaned -.ilhoul wriltm permission. ~'"""91s.,...U..•ln-19-1'~'9'1 ~'ia on thit ora;,, c.tt :. t :r:u:.~e:el ~t -t:! permission cO::H 140 WEST PENDER WJCCUVER. BC \16EO IB.EPION: <6()4) 687W4 FKSIMLE <604>6881481 pr01cd numoer SITE PLAN ~ .101H1•JOlttd~ -n! ~□·u -~ P:\41 29\4129A 201.dwg ®.,-~--Im Tf LINE OF i:)(IST MANSARD t .---LINE OF EXIST MANSARD ROOF O ~--fl{:: fE:4~ TOWER C/W -~------A =- \ 91'-"' II / EXIST WINDOW TO BE INFILLED CHILDREN'S PLAY (]ID 7 \ ~----0lf' e,4--<. EXIST MANSARD ___ _,..I\ II I ~ FOR NEW TOILER DINING ~ I EXl~T. BURGER KING 3,8f1 SF (359.8 SQ. M) I I.!:::::::===== SERVING Ofil -- KITCHEN ill!] LOUGHEED HWY AA ,----E>Cl&T ORI,£"""""""' wiNix>u O eE IEMOYE0. LL OP"=.NING 0 STORAGE [@] FREEZER [ill] ----- t l$/riff11 aJD)f'CIQ r,/~U J IWO,~ ~JG'IIP- ''ll'f/04 '"' I IJ;#1/JI .,,._ 14lft/m/-il~ ~ ORTH This drowing, os on instrumenl ol service, is the prcperl.y of U1bon Otsi4Jt1 Gt<Jvp Arct-.'l«b Lid., ond "'1'f r.o! be reprod&,c;td, co,ijed or ~wilhoulwriltttlpeimission. M ~U:9!1,L CCt'.Cts)lS, IN o:P"~ '1• la~ n0!!lhisG'1tt~Oltl ::~til~!c~ ~~~ pl!rmission archrtects ~d. tro-11'10 WcST PENDER IJll,.K.C!J,/ER. BC \HO ffi.El'fO.E C6()4) 6872334 F#:SIMLE '604>6887~81 projeclrurnber sheeltiUe FLOOR PLAN ~ 2015-07-20,e«d~ :: AS ~r: /A□~o ~ -l'XjrG EXIST ORDER PREVIEW BOARD TO REMAIN, INSTALL NEW DECORATIVE BASE TIO 5'..GJ!I £L_ 16'-1" (50SMJ f/0 ,..t.AAF=:T a1~•.4 .. , ..... .3;a,t1J TIO 5LA6 .,,,.EL i.-., .. rs.es~ v l /0 PARAPET ""-EL-W.'~-<• t~!IMJ ___ ._U/$0!::GK EXIST BOLLARDS TO REMAIN -ELZl'-iZl" -TIO SL.AB .__ t .,I "'- IF EXl5T EXTERIOR FINISH TO----, ® ~-------EXIST E;:::: W:L: :::::T_-r_P_' __ ~ I TO BE REPLACED WIT\-1 NEW REPLACE EXIST METAL ROOF WITJ--1 NEW ----, STANDING 5!:AM METAL ROOFI~ fTYP) t / / NeuJ CORNER TREATHENT-TOl1.ll=R C/W New ----, SIGNAGE TO ee INSTALLED ----EXIST BRICK CLADDING TO REMAIN TIFJ REPLACE EXl5T METAL ROOF WtTI-I NEW STANDIN6 !IE.AM METAL ROOFING (TYFJ !EXIST DRIVE TI-IRU SI~ EXls.T DRIVE THRU 7 TO 65 REMOVED, CAP EXIST FLASHING TO RECEIYE NEUJ WINDOW TO BE er OfF ELEC ~ PAINT (TYFJ ~ Fi?.EMOVEO, INflLL OPENING WIT~ NEW WALL I T I ~/ I DJ[NE:IHR:OJ ' I == / / fST~ TO ~ II II II II / / / n n fi 1 II II " 111 11 ~ 11 -J I-:-" I REPLACE EXIST METAL ROOF FINISI-I WITI-I NEW----, 5TANDIN6 SEAM METAL ROOFING (TYPJ EXl5T MANSARD ROOF TO BE CUT TO 51.JIT NEW TOWER, RETURN ROOF ED6E, FINI.SI-! UJITl-l NEW ST ANDING SEAM MET AL ROOF I 1111 11 I 111 I 1111 11 __________ =._] ---- C)~YT~LAN ~ El.. I&'-,.,..,,~ T/O P'~ T/0 UF&TAND '(-----EXl5T 6RICK CLADDING TO RE.MAIN TYP) / / EXIST EXTERIOR FINISJ--1 TO ~ RECEIVE NEW PA.INT (TYP) I ~ I L- I I I I I / / / / TIOF'~ EXIST ORDER CoNFIRMATION UNIT TO BE REPLACED WITM NEW EXIST MANSARD ROOF TO BE CUT TO !!UlT NEW TOWER, RETURN ROOF EDGiE, ;:\NISI-I WITH NEW STANDING: SEAM METAL ROOF EXIST GLAZING TO ee REHOV'ED, INFILL OF'ENING, ~ STEEL STUDS NEW GUJe INTERIOR ~ e 1 1.c.•.4"'U2i&MJ U/5.0ECK.- EL. 8'-6• .Q,S~J I- T JO 6LAZlN6..,,,,, ~ EL )••6"lt0-:-U.. 1"/0 UF5TANO..,,,,, EXIST 6" CUR:8 WI EXIST EXTERIOR FINl51-l TO ~~!ti DRIVE Tl-!RIJ WINDOW TO BE -\. EXIST EXTERIOR FINISI-I TO .:...,_______J" RECElVE NEUJ PAINT (TYP) REPLACED WIT~ NEW -EXISTi::XIT OOR TO EXIST BRICK CLADDING TO REMAIN TYFJ RECEIVE NEW PAINT (TYPJ D REMAIN ISSUED FOR ADP MEETING OCT 13, 2015 P.\4 IZ9\4129A-J00.dwg PRINTED BY WS1 24 ON Monday, September 21, 2015 2:10:00 PM f 1-'/ll!hl ~l'r#OlS/,!C/IJ J. ~;,fj,•, ""'°""" l~.4 ""' I tVOJ/J/. ,,...,.., Uln/~dt. ........ .. rev1s1ons This drawing, as an inslrument of service, is lhe property or Urban Oes.t• Qwp Arcti:"-b l.1d.., end ~ nDI Ill tepro!Mtd. iC'O?td or b:r:td to.,1:wril1uipr,fnS.v;m. ~ ~ wupts. _G1'14 Git•~~ ~ S! ., lh1!_~ ort ~ k :rt P1¥.s~1 ~:rt: perm1ss1on ~ ~ C> .,_ 11--=e ~<-> ==--CD=::> c::::> u..i" DI:: ~ c:>1- LL-11 ~ en Cl!::: LLI ~ Cl!::: ~ C> c::::> ~ c..> ffi~~ .,_=_ >< c::::a DI:: ILL-I LLI 0.... <.!>~Cl> ~ c:>::::-___ :::::> ;:a. ::::.::::gC> Cl!::: c::,, __. ILL-I re__. ~~3:: => cc::I archrt:ects ~d WJ-1141 'Af:ST PENDER \I\N.CXMA. BC \EiE 4GI lB.fFHOI\E <li)4) 687'2334 f,ll(SI~ <6Q4l6887~8I prcjecl number st-.eelliUt EXISTING EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS cf,;k JGU-01•» '"d ~ r.n ,s roii;: ffil"~,@ ,~ f.ll/lG P:\4129\~ 129A-J01.(lwg LEGEND: El INSTALL NEW CANOPY AT MAIN ENTRANCE (NORTI--I) UNDER EX SOFFJT (BK 2@n@ EXT F1N151-1 &CHEDULE MP-3) CLEAR A.NODIZED C/UJ CI--IANNEL LETTERS >-IOTW 51GNAGE EI INSTALL NEW ROUND eunoN LOGO SIGN ON NEW TOWER el INSTALL NEW DRIVE rnRU HEIGHT CLEARANCE BAR EI INSTALL NEW DRIVE THRU ORDER CONFIRMATIQ\.l UNIT Wt CANOPY EI INSTALL NEW DECORATIVE BASES TO EXIST MENU BOARD AND PREVIEW BOARD 0 NEW YELLOW FAINT TO EXIST BOLLARDS --. NEW PAINT TO t:.XIST, EXTERIOR NON-BRICK I 8 LOCK WALLS ~ (BK 20/20 EXT FINISH SCHEDULE EF-2! COLOUR CAMEL TAN BY PPG CONTACT: RICI< G:ARLIN, FPG CORF, (311) 318-5~:z> OR garlin«ppg,com NEW FEATURE CORNER TOWER C/W NEUJ LIT ROUND BUTTON LOGO SIGN E[ (BK 2r2>/"Zr2> EXT FINISH SCHEDULE MF-1) MASTERLINE lb PANELS SIGNATURE 2eY.Zl_ COAL BLACK. CONTACT: ELWOOD NEWSOME (60'2>) El Nt:.W FAINT TO EXIST PARAPET CAP (BK 20/'20 EXT FINISH SCHEDULE EP-6> BURGER KING SILVER CON1ACT, RICK GARLIN. PPG CORF, (317J 318-5!!0@ OR aarlineiopacom GT NEW WALL FACK LIGHTS ON EXIST EXTERIOR WALLS El NEW l<Z>r2> W MH DROP DOl!JN LENS SOFFIT LIGHT AT EXIST 50FFIT (TYPJ El NEW DRIVE THRU WINDOW TO REPLACE EXISTING EI INSTALL NEll/ BIKE RACK EI NEW 4"H METAL CANOPY 248-028if> X2835 EMAIL: eme$iimat.in~$except.ionalmeta\sAcom EI INSTALL NEW STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF (BK 20/2.© EXT FJNIS!-1 SCHEDULE MF-4J COLOUR SILVER METALLIC SR: CONTACT, BRENNA ROMANI 011) 8lb-32e>b OR (1b3) 587-1852 2 EI .. a. "' •• ,. '~'!:.'"'.!!':_,rt=====i=::;:=====f=======E:li=========l===4====~ TIO PARAt='ET EL 1,.:-• .c .. (.c..S!,MJ UIS OECK UO!.LA!> EL... IE:>'-1" (5.05M) TIO PARAPET a_l.ol~-.1•(,0,.!,,,"1J U/SCECX --r- T/0 GLAZING T/01.JPSTAND EL.0'·1Z'" TIO SLAB .. / RTI---I ELEVATION I / I I I ~ September 21, 2015 2: 10:31 PM \'.__fu NEW FEATURE TOILER W/ 51GNAC:iE / / I m 1r 1111 I ~ I I 1111111111111 11 ------------ R NEW FEATURE TOWER W/ SIC;,NAGE EL 16'-1"( !;.bi&M ~ATOI EXIST J TIO PA,'"l.A,.111!:E'f EL 3'-&'VIS-'"R'il TIO UFS.TAND = EXl&T DRIVE TI-IRU LANE ~ NORTl--1 ISSUED FOR ADP MEETING OCT 13, 2015 1"110/IJ archrtects ~d Wl·ll40 'MST PENDER \J\N'..0-MR. BC 'HO IB.EftO'lf Cb()4) 687'2334 fil(SIMLE Cb04>6881481 projm. number EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ~ 1-,1)0GM1':I ""' ,S!i(ll[l) Ill MAPLE RIDGE Brl11sh Cc,lumbla • City of Maple Ridge TO: FILE NO: Advisory Design Panel 2015-248-DP MEETING DATE: October 13, 2015 SUBJECT: 12367 224 Street PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel submission has been received for the above noted properties to permit the construction of an apartment building with 40 units in the RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone. This is a zoned land subject to a Development Permit approval. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation : East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Falcon Homes Ltd. Nystar Developments Corp Lot: A, D.L.: 399, Plan: BCP46508 Ground-Oriented Multi-Family RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Vacant Multi-Family Residential RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Ground-Oriented Multi-Family Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Ground-Oriented Multi-Family Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Ground-Oriented Multi-Family Park (Environmentally Sensitive Area) RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Conservation Multi-Family Residential 0.275 ha (2,750m2) 224 Street Urban Page 1 of 3 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Pursuant to Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, this proposal is subject to the Northview Precinct Town Centre Development Permit Guidelines, as outlined in this memo. The key guidelines are: 1. Promote North and South View as distinctive, highly liveable multi-family neighbourhoods. 2. Create a pedestrian-friendly, ground-oriented, multi-family community. 3. Maintain cohesive building styles. 4. Capitalize on important views 5. Provide public and semi-private green space. 6. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features. 7. Maintain street interconnectivity. PLANNING COMMENTS: Official Community Plan: The subject property is located in the Northview Precinct of the Town Centre Area and is designated Ground-Oriented Multi-Family. Context: The subject property is bordered by a conservation park area to the west, single family homes to the south and east, and a new townhouse development to the north. Adjacent single family homes will develop to a higher density in the future. Proposal : The applicant proposes to construct a four storey wood frame apartment building with 40 units over an underground parking structure. The driveway access will be from 224 Street and the underground parking gate is located on the north side of the building. The building is L-shaped, with most of the units oriented north-south. An outdoor common activity area is provided in the north-west corner of the property, and half of the units will overlook this green space, which is bordered by the conservation park area further west. Parking: Although the property is located in the Town Centre, it is outside of the Central Business District and therefore not subject to the reduce parking standards. The parking requirement for this development is 1.5 spaces per unit for resident parking and an additional 0.2 spaces per unit for visitor parking. Based on 40 units, the number of parking spaces is 60 residential parking spaces and 8 visitor parking spaces. The applicant has provided 68 parking spaces within one level of underground parking. Garbage/Recycling: The Garbage and Recycling bins will be located within an enclosed space in the underground parking structure with access doors to the driveway for pick up access. Off-site upgrades: The subject property was rezoned in November 2010, and a condition of that application was off-site servicing upgrades agreement and security. This work will be completed prior to the on-site Building Permit work. Proposed Variances to the zone: Existing variances have been approved for this property under a previous variance permit application and are as follows: Page 2 of 3 The building will be setback 3 metres from the rear property line, which was previously approved under application VP/O3O/O7. On the 224 Street frontage, the building will be setback 6.03 metres from the property line and the deck columns will project approximately 2 metres into the setback. The north and south building faces also have setback variances under VP/O3O/O7. On the north side, the building setback is 6.02 m and 6 m on the so.uth side to the building face and 4.37 m to the balcony column. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the dev~ Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician Page 3 of3 ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• points west ARCHITECTURE September 21, 2015 Re: Falcon House 12367 224 st. Maple Ridge, BC In regards to the proposed development we would like to highlight the following points: 1. The new apartment building is designed with a dramatic covered entry fronting 224th Street. 2. The architecture is a classic english style with a low sloped roof, large overhangs, brick masonry and angled wood brackets. 3. The building finishes are durable and low maintenance and include brick masonry, 40 year asphalt shingles, vinyl shakes in the gables, wood midbands and a mix of vertical & horizontal vinyl siding. 4. The building includes street friendly h/c ramp access at the front entry. 5. All units include at least one secure parking spot in the parkade (40 stalls) plus some additional. 6. The floor plan includes a large site amenity area (350 m2) as well as bicycle storage and storage lockers. 7. There are a mix of unit types from 631 -2014 sq ft. Thank you for your consideration with our application and we look forward to working with you to complete another successful project in Maple Ridge. Wes Friesen, Architect AIBC, LEED AP Points West Architecture 604-864-8555 wes@pointswestarch.com 11 p.604.864.8555 H f.604.864.8505 II e.pwa@telus.net #203 -2190 West Railway Street, Abbotsford, BC V2S 2E2 I ~■ ~apleridge.ca DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Project Zone 2 .NIL---Date Prepared Av°:) ( 7 (te Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total ~, 7 'ta. ,V\a Less Road Dedication area . Less Undevelopable area Net Total "2, 14 Cl ·--z_ LOT COVERAGE (in% of net lot area) Buildings & Structures ~C-Wkl Paved & Hard Surfaced Areas '1 t:.<. tif~ Landscaping / '1 "te:, Total Site Coverage ( 00°1'i:, SETBACKS ( in metres) Front 4, s ti"\ Rear -z., _.c) """-. Side #1 (N,GE, or W} C..o~u 4,5" ~tu ..... Side #2 (~S,E, or W) c..o~~C-L.- Side #3 (N, S, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal Jt; tM.. Accessory NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor CJ One Bedroom " Two Bedroom ~o Three Bedroom+ L\: Total 4n GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential 4, S 4 I V'-'\_-z... Retail Commercial ., (p Office Commercial f?f Other Commercial (Type ) '(I" Institutional ,,< Industrial 'r.7 TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA 4,5~/ M-z..- * If the develoornent site consists of more than one lot. lot d1mens1ons oertain to the entire site. Required Development Data Minimum Required or I Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) ;-'\ # of units/ha (net) ff;°> Gross Floor Area 4.t;'4 l ~~ Floor Space Ratio (net) 'l.''5 AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area Useable Open Space "2._s[) V\'\-z.. PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses C-.·o Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr} Commercial Uses Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive Total Number of Parking Spaces for Uses Number of parking spaces for disabled I Number of spaces for visitors g TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES Number and percentage small cars -, /o8ZA Number and percentage tandem spaces a, r i.~C> TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) \ BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking 4 Long Term Bicycle Parking 4'2- OTHER -state YES or NO for each Heritage Site I AJO I Tree Su rvey/Assessment Provided l Watercourse/Steep Slopes I t1J n I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements I I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. Prepared by: 2c-...L t;::_r--:r ... J .. 1?.rv\ Print Name lease print form and sign above} NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Aoolicable ~o\/[~l".f.H:t[tfJ~liG~.rt~IT~~l'.r.J~~~ill ({'(,:Ij1,Tt('.!,~~:;~~.~l~'l:~~f"i~,fii}~?l1'~/;-~·•~~f!;-,1,'fi~~~~4~t~~~l-~~~t✓-,~'- A.l B.uildine: Mass and Form AU Maintain the mass and scale of buildings TCC MU MFR IX □ □ Al.2 Enhance the block with comer commercial buildings TCCMU □ X Al.3 Accent comer buildings TCC MU MFR □ □ 'I. Al.4 Use pedestrian-scale desim elements TCCMU >(j □ Al.5 Feature pedestrian amenities TCC MU MFR ., □ □ Al.6 Design large buildings into smaller modules TCC MU MfR □ □ Al.7 Accommodate street-fronting units TCC MU ~lFR □ □ Al.9 Ensure aimropriate roof pitch TCC MU ~IFR □ □ Al.10 Use design elements to reduce roof mass and scale TCC MU MFR I I □ A.2 Building Hei!!:hts A2.l Vary building heights TCC MU l.1FR ~ I I □ A22 Maintain alignment of architectural features TCC MU MFR l □ □ A2.3 Integrate taller buildings TCC MU MFR □ XI A2.4 Step back taller buildings TCCMU MFR □ □ IA! A2 .5 Match building heimts at the end of blocks TCC MU MFR l2sl □ □ A2.6 Manage phased development TCCMU MFR □ □ !XJ A2.7 Protect views TCC MU MFR }(I □ A.3 Building Setbacks A3.l Place buildings to reinforce sidewalk activity TCC MU MFR ~ □ □ A3.2 Situate building entrances for visibility TCCMU MFR IXI □ A3.3 Provide adequate throughways and lighting TCC MU MFR IX'I □ □ A3.4 Provide clear sight lines from building foyers and lobbies to allow 00 □ □ visual surveillance TCC MU MFR A3.5 Separate residential entrances from commercial entrances MU □ □ [&I A3.6 Respect existing buildings TCC MU MFR I) □ □ A3.7 Distinguish entrances with arrival areas and cowtyards TCCMU MFR ) □ □ A3.8 Locate ramps and entrances in areas that are highly visible TCCMU MFR ~ □ □ Explain how the objectives for Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline do~s not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Maple Ridge Town Centre 2 Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not ~l ~.hJIJrJ Hf~::f ilt', 1Y.\l1!..i..-,...,._~~n;:1MY.I :--.-,,i:1 10~~'1!10:UJ .. -,no;--• -l(j ,:'. ,. ' ~, :,:t .. B.1 Bu.ilding Facade Bl.I A.<ldJess both sides of the block with comer commercial buildings TCC MU □ □ IXI Bl.2 Orient main entrances to face the sidewalk TCCMU MFR Ix] □ □ Bl.3 Locate windows, doors, and entry features at the street level TCCMU MFR IXI □ □ Bl.4 Use a mix of common facade oatterns and elements TCC MU MFR !Kl □ □ Bl.5 Reflect original facades and building scale TCC MU MFR □ □ l~I Bl.6 Respect original architectural elements TCC MU MFR □ □ IA! Bl.7 Respect old and new design TCCMU MFR D(J □ □ Bl.8 Maintain the horizontal rh"ylhm of the street wall TCC MU MFR ~ □ □ _Bl.9 Provide a visual division between the street level and uooer floors TCC MU MFR □ □ Bl.IO Include continuous canopies. awnings or overhangs TCCMU □ □ Bl.11 Ensure aoorop1iate placement and materials for awnings or canooies TCCMU ) □ □ Bl.13 Use windows to provide 'eves on the street' TCC MU MFR IX □ □ Bl.14 Enhance the public realm TCC MU MFR X □ □ Bl.15 Ensure sirmage reflects building scale, character, and materials TCCMU le:'. □ □ B.3 Buildine; Materials B3.l Enhance the public realm with high quality materials and detailing TCCMUMFR ~I □ □ B3.2 Use materials consistently TCC MU MFR lXI □ □ B3.3 Avoid the use of inappropriate materials TCC MU MFR ~ □ □ B3.6 Use a mix of quality materials TCC MU MFR 1)(1 □ □ B.4 Building Colours B4.1 Select aonropriate colours TCC MU MFR ~ □ □ B4.2 Highlie:ht architectural details, awnings, and entrances TCC MU MFR IXI □ □ B4.3 Ensure a cohesive, consistent colour palette TCC MU MFR I }(I □ □ B.5 Screening-and Stora!!e B5.l Locate and enclose trash, composting, and recycling to keep !Kl □ □ out of site of ireneral public TCC MU MFR BS.2 Screen mechanical equipment TCC MU MFR IXI I I □ BS.3 A void conflict with neighbouring properties TCC MU MFR ~ I I □ BS.4 Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise and exhaust TCC MU MFR IX'l □ □ Explain how the objectives for Building Fa9ades, Materials and Colour are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cam1ot be met. Maple Ridge Town Centre 3 Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable :,!1~ ::ffl1 rliWJ!,;',ri,.:~ !~-.."" ll I I,.'! n (~~}.~l!lt;_.,,., .~ .\r."Yl."J.,~.';''.,,:,..,~•l,;I-'!;!)ll~ ,'."'-""--~-1 ..... ,.. ·-· ~~~. -..:-. ~"T- C.1 Public Outdoor Space and Hardscapes Cl.1 Provide public outdoor space TCC MU r~FR V □ □ Cl.2 Ensure public outdoor space is highly visible rec MU MFR ·oc1 □ □ Cl.3 Provide connections between buildings, sidewalks, and outdoor !XI □ □ open spaces rec MU MFR Cl.4 Ensure universal access for all public spaces rec MU MFR r,. □ □ Cl.6 Provide hardscape elements to enhance the street environment rec MU r,lFR ',/ □ □ Cl.7 Design hards cape elements as part of the building rec MU MFR. X □ □ Cl.8 Integrate pedestrian amenities with walls and/or landscaped areas rec MU MFR ~ □ □ Cl.9' Provide public art rec MU r,1FR IX] □ Cl.10 Ensure new elements complement existing rec MU MFR ~ l J □ Cl.12 Provide smooth routes TCC MU i\lFR X □. □ Cl.13 Ensure barrier-free access TCC MU r,1FR IX] □ □ C.2 Parking and Parking Lots C2.1 Provide required parking underground, where feasible TCC MU MFR [Kl □ □ C2.2 Screen large surface parking lots while maintaining surveillance TCC MU i\lFR □ □ 00 C2.3 Ma-::imize pedestrian safety within parking lots TCC MU MFR IX □ □ C2.4 Provide visible siimage rCCMU r·,9FR IKI □ □ C2.5 Consider developing w1derground parking garages rCCMU i'ilFR ]!] □ □ C2.7 Locate parking lot equipment away from the public stTeet rec MU MFR Ix □ □ C.3 Lanes, Service and Loading Areas C3.1 Use lanes for service, parking access and loading rcCMU MFR XJ □ □ C3.2 Utilize lanes as secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughways rec MU MFR !XI □ □ C3 .3 Strengthen visual access of the lane rec MU MFR IX □ □ C3.5 Consider lanes as a community amenity rec MU MFR □ □ ~ C3.7 Locate loading and service areas away from the street front rec MU MFR I.I([ □ □ C3.8 Separate loading from parking and pedestrian paths rec MU MFR [!l □ □ C3.9 Screen loading areas rCCMU IBJ □ □ C.4 Street Trees and Landscape C4.2 Use the right species TCCMU MFR IX] □ □ C4.8 Maintain sight lines rec MU MFR )([ □ □ Explain how the objectives for Building Site Considerations are met. If you have selected '"no'.' or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Maple Ridge Town Centre 4 Development Permit Area Guidelines Che.cklist KEY GUIDELINE CONCEPTS 1. Promote North and South View as Distinctive, Highly Liveable Multi-Family Neighbourhoods a. Does proposed development help to establish the precinct as a residential area with a mix of housing types at varying densities? • Consistent Yes lXJ.. No D Explain: Tl_ ~0 ;(J:,j (.onto-;~5 . c... w:<h.<.. "Sr -zes ~ 2. Create Pedestrian-Friendly, Ground-Oriented, Multi-Family Community b. Does the building's form and mass support a strong pedestrian-oriented urban realm and help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces? Taller buildings should be stepped back podium style. • Consistent Yes fl! No D Explain: Al\ ~~~ ~(o-r.,,, s~t-~ {-U>"-~ts J~ ~ ~CL~S 1-V ~ 'S:~Vf-<, 3. Maintain Cohesive Building Styles C. Is there consistency with other new buildings in the precinct in terms of architecture, building setbacks, form, mass, and height? ,. Consistent: Yes~ No D N/A D Explain: s~ ~~y a~~ 4. Capitalize on Important Views cl.oJ'Ll ~~~ • d. Does proposed new development capitalize on mountain and/or river views? • Consistent: Yes O'Q No D Not Applicable D Explain:~0--M<' ~ e. Have the important views of existing buildings been considered in relation to the proposed development? • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Not Applicable D Explain:~ ½o ~ \j1l~ :cs ~\ V\.e..,~<\ ~\.oocrc ~"4\ ~ ~~\ u Cv\~ ~ 5. Provide Private and'semi-P1ivat'c Gre1n Space -SC\M.(.._ \} • ~ • f Does proposed development include front and back courtyards (in multi-family developments) and incorporat~ universal access, reduce vandalism, and increase safety in the design? • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for tlie North & South View Precincts 5 □ . I ~ 6. Provide Climate Appropriate Landscaping and Green Features g. Are landscape elements designed to emich the pedestrian enviromnent, moderate the internal building climate, manage stonnwater on site, and reference the architectural quality of the building(s)? '" Consistent: Yes l\l No D Explain: 7. Maintain Street Interco.nnectivity h. Does proposed development maintain street interconnectivity and the use of the lane as a service street and secondary vehicular and pedestrian tb.roughway? • Consistent: Yes fXl No D Not Applicable D I. Explain: ~~vtAk. \°'IVl_ ~fOl!:w Is required parking provided underground? • • Consistent: Yes i)Q, No D Explain: Maple Ridge Town Centre OA DP Pmt 1_: Key Guideline Concepts for the North & South View Precincts 6 A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height Al.8 Design fJexible growid-floor w1l!}paces in commercial and mixed-use buildings. • Consistent: Yes O o jlS,J Al.11 Explain: Accommodate roof gardens, trel1ises, and green feat.ures. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: CJa-tJo-o-r ~°'-€...L ~~ A2.8 Site buiJdings to capitalize on daylight and solar opportunities. • Consistent: Yes~ No 0 Explain: A.\\ A2.9 Protect solar access to surrounding buildings and minimize wind tunnel effects. • Consistent: Yes~ No 0 Explain: ~('.) ~ ( J: ~ \ ~ B. Building Fapdes, Materials, and Colour B 1.12 Use exterior shading devices to block summer sun. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: L~ ~ B2. l Design outdoor lighting to minimize light pollution. • Consistent: Yes fiJ No D Explain: B2.2 Encourage energy efficient lighting. • Consistent: Yes OCJ No D Explain: B3.4 Select environmentally responsible building materials. • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: B3.5 Minjmize the use ofunsustail1able building materials. • Consistent: Yes IZI No D Explain: Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines \ ' f V\/\ 111'\./t\/\, ,~ 7 B3.7 Consider life-cycle cost. • Consistent: Yes IX) No D Explain: C. Building Site Considerations C 1.5 Locate outdoor plazas to capture the sun. • Consistent: Yes~ No 0 Explain: C 1.11 Use materials that are functional, durable and include recycled or salvaged content. • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: C 1.14 Encourage use of infiltration techniques. • Consister1t: Yes lZJ.. No D Explain: C2.6 Locate adequate priority parking in visible areas convenient to entrances. • Consistent: Yes l>ZJ No D Explain: C2.8 Use penneable pavement and infiltration devices on appropriate sites. • Consistent: Yes D No~ Explain: C2.9 Provide shade trees and landscaping. " Consistent: Yes IX] No D Explain: C2.10 Provide secure and sheltered bicycle storage facilities for short-term uses. o Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: C2. l l Provide long-term bicycle parking. • Consiste)'lt: Yes 00 No D ExpJain:S½ Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 8 C2.12 Provide end-of-trip facilities. • Consistent: Yes %J No D Explain: C3.4 Minimize impervious paving of the Jane. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: C3.6 Respect existing grades. • Consistent: Yes '!xJ No D Explain: C4. l Plant street trees. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: C4.3 Mini mize use of high maintenance plants. • Consistent: Yes LXl No D Explain: C4.4 Maximize the use of native and climate appropriate species. • Consistent: Yes [XJ No D Explain: C4.5 Consider the inclusion of community gardens. • Consistent: Yes O No~ Explain: C4.6 Design and place landscape to facilitate year round moderation of the internal building climate. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: C4.7 Minimize erosion potential. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Exp!ai.11: Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 9 C4.9 Provide adequate landscape maintenance. • Consistent: Yes 'fl] No D Explain: C4. l O Consider jncorporating landscape plantings for green features. • Consistent: Yes~ No D . Explain: C4.11 Incorporate low impact stom1water features . • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: C4.12 Consider rainwater collection for re-use. • Consistent: • Yes D No ~ Explain: C4.13 Use natural plantings and green space to support habitat. " Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: C4.14 RetaiJ.1 existing mature trees. • Consistent: Yes !,Kl No D Explain: Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines ~ lO Scale: 1 :2,000 12367 224 STREET PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~IDBI■ FILE: 2015-248-DP DATE: Aug 17, 2015 mapleridge.ca BY: PC J Asphalt Shingles 'Cambridge' by IKO Colour -Weatheiwood . Vertical Hardie Siding 'Navajo Beige' by James Hardie Colour -JH30-10 Brick 'Titan' by IXL Colour -Straiton Red 12367 224th Street Horizontal Hardie Siding 'Sandstone Beige' by James Hardie Colour -JH30-20 Fascia & Window Trim 'Woodstock Brown' by James Hardie Colour -JH30-30 Aluminum Railings Prefinished Aluminum by Duracoat Colour -Black Exterior Materials Colour Selection Site Context -12367 224th Street, Maple Ridge Property 12345 & driveway access of 12347 224th Street View looking south on 224th Avenue View of subject property at 12367 224th Street (looking west) View of adjacent property at 22388 124th Avenue. (12 unit townhouse site) Property at 12396 224th Street, looking east Property at 12386 224th Street, looking east from subject site View north down 224th Street at 124th Avenue. Property at 12344 2241h Street. L.EGEND M/C.•M>kD~!Cf'~ST-'LL !iU -SUPPLY ... R 1 O C • TOP DI' flf,1Q<4~ GONCR2T!. T06 -TC::P~6R,1,0E ros -1QPOf!:,,IH"ENCl!05U..S Tl:lf'l-~oPOf'~L ~-AAE!>-OR>-tJ me -TO ee. CCMl'IQ-IEP ~-~....u--~~""""' NOTES SITE DATA ,en;,.,.. ~~-= O:V>Rw-lGE V< V.••IW•JJGI!. == 6U/L.DING INFORMATION UNIT SUMMARY > , ' , . . ' ' ' GROSS FLOOR AREA PY,ljl'~ SfGQNOl"Lo.:iR. n-,~,.~ rG'l,f\THfLQQ!t RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA 1.~!ial"T. ~+can l,AQ.2!,0 l"T 6--'0:;QrT. 1,1,.sa" 1,:,1~1"T. 'W,-1-!!,0l"T ~1,!,Q,rT 1.,TTSO J"f ,.~,so l'T !~to.rt ~to'tf ,,,◄\~1"1 • ,. ..... ,,a ,.-r Ul .. h~rT ~~~·~:: 1•JOl~l'T 14JOl5a rT , ... ,01Soal"T 1<110150 n 1◄>,a,1,-1.00"t u.ae.50 l"T ~couor~ 1:zow~ n lllKOP'L.OOfl d_!l<w50 11T Q.,,<U$Q '"1' 0 OPEN Sf'ACe r"•bO-o· =~F,l,U OOl.PNG, F...a! c.ou.t,-1~~ ! i Site Plan 0 125 ) _/ ·-.'. '·. -...... .l.•. ..... . ~ :.. · .. ., ... -•,• I• '• I, Iii IU Ii 1-\J) I ~ (\I (\I No. DESIGN PANEL APPLICATION D•,c:rlptlon REVISIONS: 09/21/2015 -0.S.Ol'\AY~ISTHIIJIOl"~fYOl-llCIN'tl Y-9.IT ~NfOL_VtVUOfM U1a,.~u:,.Q111t1~l>IHNH WA.V \-..JTltOVf~ Y,9',flUrl Plf0,ftSIOt4 CONSULTANT: I~ w ~ ([ ~§ii :) .,,, I-ni 0 Hi w m 5 I-© i ~ .. 0. 0 ~ ~ §§fflffl1 en ([ U! ~ ffljffl c ~ i ~d ·-~~ 0 ~i« 0. i;_il ih PROJECT: FALCON HOMES 1"367 224TH ST.AEET, MAPLE RIDGE AUGUST20i4 WF HB DRAWING TITLE: SITE PLAN JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1114 A1 ."1 ©-------· PARKADELVL 1 LEGEND ,..,c..~ .. Mt>,o~.-.;.L ve •Y61TCR;P>RJ<.N6S.T"'-l ..... ~ ..... U •tA4#t."J,tHf. U •~I~ ...... OVERALL PAA~INe; OOMMARY "!fH;(O(' ,o,~~rr1>MT.1JUl"T.-cur-o~"''''.ot •~C"l;~~IAO '{~ • ••r~> ~ ~~rNtA11a, !ioT~/5:it~ORMAL •1 ~H.LCAA• IM/G1 6V61TOl'-5T""-U{O_,_.~ {ol I ~i j i i j I ! I ! i I j i No. DESIGN PANEL APPLICATION Oe,crlptlon REVISIONS: CONSULTANT: PROJECT: 0 Q_ FALCON HOMES 091'21/2015 °'" 12367 224TH STAeET, MAPLE RIDGE OATE: AUGUST 2014 SCALE: A• iodlc.attd CRAWN: WF HB DRAWING TITLE: UNDERGROUND PARKING LEVEL P1 JOB NO: SHEET ND: 1114 A1.2 ®-· ®-· 1r-uJ.Q" I I I ' I ' :.r- 'I ... !, /• /.• i • I I I 10% -----• ---!'i~r~'--f-_-_-__ ~•~l~_-_-_-_---t--__ -~="'_=,..~·_-_---,i-_-_-_-__ -·"'~ .. ~-uY~.-_-_-_-;_~/-,.~~--~.i~~~if~i~i~~;;;;~;;~~~i;;;;i;;;;;:;~,if~~~~iii~~f§ft,~,~~~fiii~~~ii~i~iiFi~i~~f~~i~~;~l:~t~ii~~~~i~~i~~ii~i~jiiiiij~jF[it:i=tT~r,~ I I i -·-·-·-·-· ! -------- I ~ i ~ i I ! ~ lt---i 1STfLOOR. 1 / ( I DJ ------------------··-... ----- 1 DESIGN PANEL APPLICATION Oe1c:riptlon FALCON HOMES 09/21/2015 12367 '224TH STREET, MAPLE RIDGE AUGUST2014 1/8';;1'--0" WF HB DRAWING TITLE: FIRST FLOOR PLAN JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1114-A A2.1 0-· B ~ t 0-· ©-· ~ 0 2NDFLOOR 1✓0·, J..o• 0 -----•-·--L. I I I lf.111,IJ" ® I ·-·-·--j-·-·-·-· i I • '·-·-·-· I I i I ,._ ·u ·-1---·r,=;;;;;;;;;;;~~=;r=~~:::::;;r --,-;.;==5;="==r~~;;;;;;;;;iisr"ir-·~--o I l.!=::;;:;;;;:;;:::==.l I I I 4.--------..:.--1--------+----I---------J-------J------J:-------i-----+-;......----11--n-- I I ·-·-·-·-•-·'- ! ------·-·-·.1. ~ ~ ; I I ~ i I I -·-·---•-·---· I I ---·-·-•-·-r-· j I 0 c5 0 0 ,. ... I 9 c5 i I I 1----1--..j 0 i i -----r,:;,,""""'====:t'" ! ~□B D :: :. -=-== :.::::::::i:i ,, " n " 1: ' 1!:::;c:==~------1-----l!::c==~ -__ _J, --·-·---I.!:;;:,===!!. tr-41 ur N" 32'-2" I ! ... ~-Ir i ~ I ~..J INIIT ,,..,. 10-.,0 ut· 0 1 DESIGN PANi::l APPLICATION Oeu::riptlon REVISIONS: CONSULTANT: 09/21/2015 Date ·-·-·-·-·-·-·~---_J I I I ;; -r------~ ~ I j I j I l.=c:;~=:::!:!=;;:::;,::::!J_. __ 1---- I I ..J 1 □ NOTES 1 J..l.L CJCTEl'tlOR Dt<let~~ J\Rt T.:) TH.e c;\11'50!! I'~ OP Tt<t l'\N-1. !i<ll!,._"1al'l6 .2#U.~P•~'°""J'lillXf01ffl,,ICl'l~l!F.-.c,eM,~~Of1'll-lCl'l:700 s~......,lWl~o·Cl'IV.-~~ ~nitr\,,OOit"""°~!I.Jrn!t'~!I :5 PR~TO~~TtEl!~Atplll.,...1>,M C,Ot,il'flf,ll"'IIT><Tllll!l!l,.CY.4l0'\H...,_-"GTIA'W tl<e !om! Of' hC ~ ... TOR •• ..,, Mm ~ftl:O ~~· 00, nle f'~#l..,t,N ◄ 1>el'U! l!o TO B~ U·IITl!D PU,,1-113,...S, "'1!.Rt-1~ I'< THI!. l"-TY l"'V>U..5, G,O<)R,t:1 ....... .-U, Nn 5TRI.G'l\lft""l. MO Mll:Ct<ANt:."'I. ~,S!i 5 ~ 51'WCnA>.I.. DRH"""6!1 F(;R 1-GIC.J>n::;,>, OF J.LL ~L "11-00D ,.,.~ ,ie""' lv.t.l..!, PROJECT: FALCON HOMES DRAWING TITLE: SECOND FLOOR PLAN JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1114-A A2.2 0- &1'o1tL7 .,. .... ... .,.. 12·.,,w ·-·-·-·-·-·j_· I ~ I ! i ·-·-·-----1--h y------;----t------t---r--=---r.r==;;:;:::=::::;;;;;i;==~i7"""1i1 I □ 4'--+--·--------·-·-· . I ! I I ~;;;;;;;;;,;='ii'r.,l ---·----·-r-· I i ~ i I i i ....... 11'-4 \i'f" _______ i _______ _ I i 0 • '·-·-·-· I I i cp ©· ·---l- i i.:::1===:c:!L·---1------·C===:::¢!•-•-•-i----·----,1.!::;;;,====L □ 03F<D FLOOF< 1 1/b"• 1•-0• C I cj I I I 11"4111"' n"a1!l"• tfJ\.,:' ,r.r lfM0 I I _J ~ cp n•.r I I _J 0,',01/1" .... NOTES I I I ~ ______ J t I J 0 J 2.1-1..1.W~OM~Ui:11t1'~n<l!l'.-.;.1!~CL .. lfJt:,,U!Cc#l\,ot.llliO(lt) sruo"°"'~vo·o11u••9'GM..I!~ !el!™l!"I..CIOlli~.HOat;unt....,,..,. s -01110~1'-CUZV.-.~t,,w,1 ~-TWS~J&.•""' .......... T»l"'2l'OF flc.i:i,.&V,i,.~,..,..,,..,~~Ol~"l,(l,Ojll""'-Ht 1 DESIGN PANEi.. APPLICATION No. Cuc;riptlon REVISIONS: CONSULTANT: PROJECT: FALCON HOMES 09/21/2015 o, .. 12367 224TH STREET, MAPLE RIDGE AUGUST2014 WF HB DRAWING TITLE: THIRD FLOOR PLAN JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1114-A A2.4 ©· ·-·-·-·-·-·L. i I i I ! ----1-- I --t ---·-·-1 ·-·- ! I ---~- ' Jr.f MT -·-·-· l ! I --~--· ===::::::!d~~dl I lf-..JUC" ·-·-· i -·-j-•-·-·- i I I ---i·-•-·--t===-...J I I I l I _j ~ 0) ,..,, , ... l4'•io' ~ I I _j ! I I i I I I ·----1---- 1 NOTE:S 1 DESIGN PANEL APPLICATION No. PROJECT: FALCON HOMES AUGUST 20'4 DRAWING TITLE: FOURTH FLOOR PLAN 09/21/'2015 ~ j I • I ®-----------------~---•-·-------------•-------------·-•---------------------·-l-·-·-·--- J ' , I ! i I . . I I • -, ~r ·--·---~· cp cp 'i OJll.lNE OF FL.00~ BEWn cp ·-·--·--® ,...,_,,,,.._ 1-~-~~-t,,,,,d "' I I 0-·-·-•-------·-·-i-·-·-·-·---·-·-·-·---·-·-·-·---;·--· I I ·-·-·-·-0 i I i :!"!'"· • .....__.._..._'l'l=P'-__ • -·-· -·-·-® I ~--1----·-· --·-------·-·-·-·-·----· ! -I I I ®--·-·-·-·-·-·-·-:=~=-±-:L_ ©--·-·-·-·---·-·-1-- ·-· -~--:;;,,;·~-;:,::.~--~_J ____ ---·-· I j i I i ! I I i l I I . I I • . I _L_ _________ _ I I I I I -·1-·---•-·-·-· ·->------'-1_·-_--_--_--_--_i_-_-_--_-_-_·-_·-_·-_•-_--_--_-_-·_-·-+--·-_--_·-_-_·-_-_ r-·- • I ·-·T --·t--·T·-·---·-•--·-·-·-·---r·-·-·---·-·-·- 1 ! ! ~j ! I '>---~>------r I I ~ I 1 I I ,.....,..._ --·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-•-•: ·-·--·-·---·-·-·-·-i--: ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·---·~----·-·-·-·-·-·~----·-·-·t·-----·-· ..... I I ©·-·-•-·-·-·-·-·-~- ' I I i 0 P:OOF PL.AN ,. ~ I I I ® . ' I ! ! I I I . . . . I i ! I ® I I I I i i I !® ~ I i ® I I I ~ I I i ~ I ,. ! I! _ _______ J ·---·-·-© , .... ·-·-·-·-·-__J I i © €] 1::1 ~ HCT...,_ l'-00' ~T HJSr~lll:CIV!t>f; I SQ l"'T .. #, OOSTRLIGTfD c:J V&IT~ M;'i;_ ~""'rel't~lA I DESIGN PANEL 09/2112015 APPLICATION No, ouc:rlptlon o,1e REVISIONS: CONSULTANT: +-' ~ ~ ij!o'JaL ~~ ;j Hf Hi m 3 ~ ., i .. ~ B"'fflffl a: l~--1 ~ ·Cl)<!'. ~'" J mlffl +-' "' C l 1·g_ ilo ;;m ~!:i Hi PROJECT: FALCON HOMES 12367 224TH STREET, MAPLE RIDGE DATE: AUGUST 2014 SCALE: A• indieatod ORAWN: WF HS DRAWING TITLE: ROOF PLAN JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1114 A2.7 ..,, 2 e,>,ST El.!:.VAT!Clt' t✓t.>-•1<;1· NORTH ELEVATION -+- I ~0 $ I I .!. i I I I ' . I '- cp I =-I -,- 1 I i 1- 0~ I ! !-~' ! ! cp I I -----'j -t---- i y~ I '- 0) ~ -j T0POFSUSPENDfDS!Afl o.oom BUILDING FINISHES A-ROOF ·ASPHALT SHINGLES (-40YR WARRANTY) B -FASCIA-PAINTED 2:t12 FASCIA WITH PREFINISHEO ALUMINUM GUTIERS WHERE REOUIREO C-FASCIA-PAINTED 1x6 TRIM ON2X12 FASCIA BOARD 0-WALL-PAINTED CEMENTITIOUS HORIZONTAL SIDING £..WALL-PAINTED CEMENTlTIOUS BOARD AND BATON SIDING F ·WALL-STONE VENEER G -WALL· BRICK MASONRY H-COLUMN· PAINTED CEMENTITIOUS CLADDING PANELS WITH TRIMS J. MIDBAND-PAINTED 2x12 TRIM & FLASHING (TYPICAL) K-GLAZING. FIXED TEMPERED GLASS PANELS L-GLAZING -SLIDING GLASS PANEL ON 42' HIGH PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM RAIL WITH TRACK M-GLAZING -VINYL FRAME (TYPICAL) N ·GUARDRAIL• METAL WITH PICKETS P· STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF NOTES 1. IMPERIAL FLOOR GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE ASSUMED 2. METRIC GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE ACTUAL ANO GEODETIC 3 MAIN FLOOR GEODETIC GRADE ELEVATIONS MUST BE CONFIRMED WITH CIVIL DRAWINGS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION ~!E,\!!lGA OfRWTT,1/SSES 000m -~A I;!' ~TOf'PlllG 000m -1- 1 LOC.,0,t.J5ED 0Er"RC5510N FOR. f'.>RMDE RAMP l DESIGN PANEL APPLICATION OucrtptJon REVISIONS: CONSULTANT: !iJg~ fl\ El9~UI fitll ~ C ·-0 Cl PROJECT: FALCON HOMES 09(21/2015 12367 224TH STREET, MAPLE RIDGE DATE; AUGUST 2O1-'I SCALE: '1/8" .,, 1 '-0" DRAWN: Wf HB DRAWING TITLE: EAST & NORTH ELEVATIONS JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1114-A A3.1 P:,....,""'I""""'°""" FOR PAR!C ~ ------~--~------------- 50trrH ELEVATION I I -L I --==-r ..: -. -• I I ---i---- 1 I I I I --j--- I I i I ' i -i-. j I ...J cp -j---- 1 ! I L BUILDING FINISHES A. ROOF -ASPHALT SHINGLES (40 YR WARRANTY) B. FASCIA-PAINTED 2xl2 FASCIA WITH PREFINISHED ALUMINUM GUTTERS WHERE REQUIRED C-FASCIA -PAINTED h61RIM ON 2X12 FASCIA SOARD 0. WALL -PAINTED CEMENTITIOUS HORIZONTAL SIDING E -WALL. PNNTEO CEMENTmous BOARD ANO BATON SIDING F -WALL. STONE VENEER G ·WALL· BRICK MASONRY H ·COLUMN• PAINTED CEMENTITIOUS CLADDING PANELS WITH TRIMS J-MIDBAND-PAINTED 2x12TRIM & FLASHING (TYPICAL) K -GLAZING -FIXED TEMPERED GLASS PANELS L-GLAZING -SLIDING GLASS PANEL ON ◄2" HIGH PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM RAIL WITH TRACK M • GLA21NG • VINYL FRAME (TYPICAL) N-GUARDRAIL-METAL WITH PICKETS P-STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF NOTES 1. IMPERIAL FLOOR GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE ASSUMED 2 METRIC GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE ACTUAL AND GEODETIC 3 MAIN FLOOR GEODETIC GRADE ELEVATIONS MUST BE CONFIRMED WITH CIVIL DRAWINGS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION cp ---+- I I ----t I ...J cp TOPCFSUSPE~0£0SLA8 . 0.00m 1 DESIGN PANEL APPLICATION No. oucrfptlon REVISIONS: CONSULTANT: PROJECT: FALCON HOMES 09/21/2015 12367 224TH sTAeET, MAPLE RIDGE DRAWING TITLE: WEST&SOUTH ELEVATIONS JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1114-A A3.2 FIRESTOPPING NOTES I ..,,.,:I>_ 't\DIO,OX'.l" .. G>l~IC~ Ol'~l"O'WC#OI.D .U.C'-tlll~rillU~O ~,o~,r~,.,.,.,~rau.,e,,,r,u.-ft.e...r'1!1't.~~~ ~Ot,c,c¼!t-'&.>ll..,.,_..,.Xl'tV~""'y11•1MJ11U;n:;A•~~~,-"'l"{T(llr .\H~'T~f;;11"4.¥C,,_l'N~T,ll,q/ll,\"QOO!il,,.._.C,,..,.T0-1. lll'Cl.,~n,,r,,nm°'fa,,r,u:pe1",,_P'l'U!•TOO"S'!'litt,,rni.,,,,t....,,~f0Ar,,,(t =~ro:~::~:::~~~~1Wf ... ~~~:~~"~ ~..,'Tl'lCr-,:,.u,.-1o...r1PN 2 !f!llvic;c n:Ne.l',t;,;n:7'.fS Tli~H ~ ~ TO Be. O,lll(ll,fftD !!OLID l'V'IH ="""" I ----------- ----------· ---------- ---------- ,·-~66~ ---- ------ I I NOR1lf SO'.JTH SEC.TION V0"•14" I ------- I I I : I ~ ~ I I l I !· ------------------ UNITM i I I ------ UNITG UNITF ------ UNITG UNITF ------ I UNITG UNITF I I I I I 1 I : 2 i i i i I ! I I T I ! i I I ut;n I i i i I I ! UNrto UNl'tF n I I ; I I I = UNITD UNrrc I i I I = UN'TD UNITC ! I : : ! : I I I ! I I I I ! I I I : I I I I ~ I.. ~ ~w I I I ! i I I I I UNITF4 i UNITFJ I I i i I i UNITF I UNITFJ i I UNITF i UNITF2 I I UNITF i UNIT F2 l I I I I i i I i i . I I ...J - UNITK UNITA UNITA UNITA ~ I i I i I i ............... ,~ -__ f~I&_,. ~ UWS OF ROOF tNIJO 0OOm ' .. ,! 4TH~ !r.:;\ ----roncttOW..r!tt~ 0OOm !l ; ~ -_RIA"'< --IQl-(,Olr,tllJ~ O.OOm s . ~ .::,11,f\G,:-:;: ~ -fOl'CICOCJIJflOl'fNl 0OOm g " 9 l(TA°"' ~ --;:;-;~~ 0OOm ;, ; 9 ~ -P!,_RKADELVL J tJISUsPEIIDE'OS\.A8 0OOm 1111 cp ~ ; SECTION NOTES I '!,12.:tffll,ll:,~~•t;:,,P.>-u.~l'llOO.~f\"'41..S COU-S-.LO,>D ae.,,AM ~ lib,,,dl. ti..lo06 • !ot.>A a,,,.escu' ct"~. P'~"""61'>. RO()P'~.1"4,1,,Ll..P,l'Vl-/1'161!.1G ~t'""'Ul,f~•t-..,,00"-~,.,a&.n10DC1sMI>< T..o',c.-<1~1~0,Ht'f#'ON.L OMlW.iG.'he>a,._~...u...CO, ~~T ti&~~'t.l~e ~ ELEVATOR NOTE;, I C,Ot,l'f'IVGTOfll TO WSMIT~V},.fOl'I, ~Of' o,t .......... a,5 ro -Cf<ra:GT rC'ltc 6D-<,l!R ... L "'"" 191,..,..,!,LZI! el.LVATOR~ tl"lrt)' .. !~~T.:)Ell!GOM!'JIU-l~lffl.l f.LZV ... 1c:R M,.,..,..Jt<,Wf(Vt f ~~ ~~ ! GONTJC.>..::.TOR TOC.ONl"RM LOG,.,T'ON Of' /!.Ml.I tLl!.V,,_TOR ~~ Y1I-U... ...W ~~VATO!lt. H,ilN,ll",••:'..:n.«~ft 'sTTWG,u:v,.i,. GOt,15ULT>,NT G!:aODETIC. NOT!;~ :l '"'~rLOOl'tel!!~6FV-OetU!V,.TG>NSH..6TOI! Gc..l'lllHl!P Nnf GML ~16=-~ TO ex,:;,..v ... roi ~ 1 DESIGN PANEL APPLICATION No. cuc:riptfon REVISIONS: CONSULTANT: Ii~ m 5~ m lffl en ~ tffl3ffl c 09/21/2015 I -,..........__ I 0 Q. I -- UNITF. UNITL I I i I I i-I TOPOFCOl+c:ArfElGJ>f1U(j PROJECT: FALCON HOMES UNITD I UNITFJ i I i I --~ROFlOOR ------ I I TOP Of CONCRE!t ,vm•;i; 0 00 m UNITE UNITD I I I !f 12367 224TH STREET, MAPLE A1DGE ; DATE; AUGUST 2014 I--~'1,.01r. Del CDC.Kif mn.G 0.C0 1ft SCALE: Al lr.dlc:a\ed I I UNITE UNltD i DRAWN: Wf HB DRAWING TITLE: I l I SECTIONS i I ~ ~ I I I I I I I ...J JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1114-A A4.1 I ./ I I I --, 0 NORTH 50!/TH 5EGTIOl'f1 11!>"• I-O" ======== _i ____ _ I I -t UNITF4 UNITF UNITF UNITF ~ i i UNIT J UNIT J UNIT J UNIT JZ ------~-~-~------ 1- __ I ----------......,!:'~!;::::' _____ _ I I -I- I I I -1- 1 I I -1------- ($> cp ' i cp -..---1 -------------+------!- EAST i'<EST SEC,TICl<l ....j__ I I I --t-- cp TOPOFCONCACIETCM'ltlt; 0,00,n ___ .A.o:.-IA rop OF CONCRETE TGPl'UIG O 00 m UNITC I ~----7- _j Flf-:.1::;,TOPPING NOTl=S , ~~ ~.~n,,c,,,.-'r'<Tt,~"aott~~~""'° G.t4M.n,TOT"""-'1'~~<04'6'1"0LC:ou.Ce~,.1t, ~~~eoc.. ~QtMl'J'l~~~-,~~ .... ~~,."""""" _.....,...,.~,o..,;.1.,i,,.,1tt._t-"NU(1U>n.C-.ra&K1"""'-r-..:>a •u 8f:n>t-F\.,.'1T'IUl'-~~91''"'Nf.&lf'V'""""~ ~l' ,._..,.~"'1::!C>TOAt"- n:tttetkv-Otol'CMi.to4il~~l~~oe-nut~~Ol" ,~TOf' ~,-,_~_"l,A,)NtT""-'"1P<Ofl01'i.a2--....Y,.t'4r ~,p,qt,IN>,W6Rl!:aJ!l'tl!Dr~ ~ .. nc~-,,cr,.,..,n;ioc :;;? ~\/IG-l::P&l!.~~1)<1'(c.iu6f4'-"~TI!.~T.::>U6'1.i:::vrl!D~I.-Cl~ ""'"""'"' ' ~ ·,-,c~ ~ "°'K"-"°""°"'TQO ~ ~c.dlUMIO i,o,,,o ~•""-1..S., ....... ~fSL,1,GO,UC)~tl"lttlO'.u,.al,)d'~J!:J,0'-5. OIOOt'~""""'~"°&''-' "l,, "~IJT...U0.N'i/0~'4iU,1-toCeJt.M~ -..-.-c.d-Mf~C#'NffNl0AL.l.-00S["-"-~ ~.1.U,,t«,II I.O. .. ~NT . .!t.te,,.~1.1'wtlit.'t(. TYPIGAL GE:ODE:TIC. NOTE;, •-~~~cuv•n:>4.....,.ret: ~·,O,C:, ""1" c;,.,4 CltN'w4~ ~-TC>t.AA.YAT'Ca A"1CQ.TAA\K~ =~.m.~~ llVSOFROOnRUSSES 0OOm ----~~~ TOPOICONCIIE!ETOPPIIIG O.OOtn ---~~A raPorcoN:RerETOFPrlG 000m PARKAOELVLl~ T;-QF~S~ .O'J _ ~T~ H'"·" TOP0ffOOTJIG 6816m DESIGN PANEL APPLICATION No, Oucripdon REVISIONS: CONSULTANT: PROJECT: FALCON HOMES 09/21/'2015 o, .. 12367 224TH STREET, MAPLE RIDGE AUGUSi 2014 WF HB DRAWING TITLE: SECTIONS JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1114 A4.2 I _ ,,,,__,._,-...w ~-....i--_.......,... --~·lrOC-I!~ -~-....-~ ......... _. ---.... _,....,.._ ·-wrx,--~-~ IO,~~~• -111 .ICII/' ... _ l 'II v,,,,,au.--,,._ c ' • lll-..:l411Jff/1 o,,-""'m"~l'f-• .. ___ ,......,. I ,,.,,., __ -------~---.....r .... :,tfflo:lll fC>IU...>+:!>TD,D". 60!u.L.1"""tl!INI Xf'ICAL.~~INO ~~=:. to'l"""'-":Olt\Doll "'"""•-·-·-'!111'11'1',:,«.H .,_,_ ·-·~ :::= =:= ~ ~= m ff "'"'"" \ / , "· ,rnuwv RA,c ( ON THE PARAPET; SEE L4 FOR DETAILS I I ALL SOFT LANDSGAPE AREAS TO BE AUTOMATIC.ALLY IRR/6A TED. DES16N-BUILD IRRl6ATION SYSTEM TO BE PROVIDED. --18" HT. CONCRETE RETANIN6 WALL ~I II NCRETE PLANTER MTH 5' MET MEO FROSTED PRIVACY SC E L4 FOR DETATLS ; 1.,,. . CONCRETE PLANTER HITI-I 5' METAL FRAMED FROSTED PRIVACY SCREEN; SEE L4 FOR DETAILS LANDSCAPE BOULDERS p r , ', .. A _j --:---7 a::::-=-:=::-Bl 1,UNITJ/ o !_; 1445sf A.A 6' HT. SOLID HOOD FENCE RAMP SLOPE ON@ 10% 7TJJ□-j '-----6' HT. SOLID HOOD FENCE UNITD 1319sf .-,-, ' 1' ~ r r-_1 I I I :-i _, _:,, I .J_ I 42" HT. METAL RAIL FENCE 42" HT. METAL RAIL FENCE -~-6' HT. SOLID HOOD FENCE CONCRETE UNIT PAVER; RUNNING BOND PATTERN; DESERT BUFF COLOR lAN□SCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: olfice@m2la.com I 6!B'R /55(EO FOR AfJP NO, DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL: PROJECT: FALCON HOMES 12367 224TH smEET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TITlE: LANDSCAPE PLAN UPPER LEVEL DATE: 1506.01 DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: 1,100 DRAWN: Gl L1 OEsiGN: GL CHK'D: H-1 ... DR. OF5 ~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'sos_1-a_>_11>~I M2lAPROJECTNUM,!~R: 15-057 I - I ;~! I I ·/ I 1 Ii I + I I I I I ' ' I I " ,., A r --., r --------- I 1 ;' 71 - '""""' 3, \/ISITOR tJ. ' --------_. __ ,_ -.--.---, , I • -,~ I RAMP SL PEUP,@10% ~ ) / .. SMAI.LCAR UU•<LCAII .,,,. . ' ..... .,, ... ,.. ... ,,,; .,,,. ,c ,.. .,.,. SMALL CAR Id ~,· ~:~ :\~ :t H " SMALL CAR VESTIBULE ,.7TAIR. , I ~ PLANT SCHEDULE-LOWER LEVEL M2 JOB NUMBER: 15057 KEY OTY BOT AHlCAL NAM£ COMMQN HAMIi PLANTm 8 LZ.E / Rt!MAAKS ....... GS I ~H 'AL/Cf 5'TREET' ~= 113POT;50CH R02 2 ROSA 'SGARLET MEIDILAAD' 5GARI...ET HEIDILAW ROSE nPOT:40CH T 43 TI-lJ.,l,\ OGGIDENTALIS '51-V-RAOO' ft-ER,IJ..D SREf'H C.EOAR 1.25H HT; 6tB 6AAS5 HA T HAKO~OA HACRA 'SEHI-KAZE' .,,W,(APt,IESf FORST SR,t,,55 "f'OT NO-re. • Pl.NCI ~ IN'lllS l,JST ARe ~eo ~ TO TtE ec. ~ 5fA"ON«1. LA rest ~OON. GDKT.Ma 5,/ZI,$ ~ AS FfR GHTAST/1.'0~ 15Cm1PI.H(t5lll;A'<J(.Ol(f"AOEft!,i,n:.a..QenE"K'!CH.H~MILE'5ilZB. •~lO~W-IGATICINS~~(air~ -~-Onelf\A"1 ""ta<L'ol.-'-•NO-.....,.-IVltl ""'JlRW. AV"'->/U •OR°""""'-lOMl'W5r LNO"~}N.ffl'fG.f AT~OF!iJPf\.J". ~(A!~ tOK.U:Dl!! l,.()teR~NOFfU6£Rv',AU.e'T' .• !l.MTIM1016 oerAIH 1-fbrrfk J,IIMb,IN.,~ neL~AA!ll~T~TOk>Ul6Nri!il85TIMIONSo fD nt:~ ~~l~~flT\fflON!t~ et: ~. IU.OHAIN"'V"ICif.~OA'Y~f'RIOft-YOO£LJVSit1"1"6~erro~mvre. ~0$TIM"'15,M:.~rro°'"~ $1'NG,!r,RD -~I\ON Of' GO!OITIOMS-Q" AV~l"'I", ALL PLA.NT MA.TEfUAL MUST BE PROV.OED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY. PROVIDE CERTIFICATION UPON f',EQUEST. I I· LANOSIAPE ARtHITECTLIAE 11220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster-, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel : 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: offlce@m21a.com ~.n, 15!,(£0,af,;.t;f¥ NO, CATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL: PROJECT: FALCON HOMES 12387 224TH STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC ORAWING TITLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN- LOWER LEVEL DATE: 15.0l!J.01 DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: /"<=8'-0" DRAWN: GL L2 DESIGN: Gt CHK'D: MM ... OR OF5 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------= __ -ou_..;P_, M2LAPROJECTNUMBEA: 15-057 I / I I e<. R',tC m BE """""' \ , / 5' HT. METAL HANO RAIL '\( ON THE PARAPET; SEE L4 FOR DETAILS :::i-- :;t:;2: ,_ 2'-==::---1- :::i --------· I I "' NTER WITH 5' MET TEO PRIVACY SC ETA/LS ;L.,1 •. NCRETE PLANTER NITH MEO FROSTED PRIVA E L4 FOR DETAILS BOULDERS j --., cr----GI I [:]I I UNIT J2 ~ 1.w:s~, 6' HT. SOLID HOOD FENCE RAMP SLOPE DN@ 10% ASPHALT PATH iTTDDl I LJ!I:fi CONCRETT' PLANTER WITH 5' METAL ~ FRAMED FROSTED PRIVACY SCREEN; '> UNIT A SEE L4 FOR DETAILS ( 2'X2' HYDRA PRESSED~ CONCRETE PAVER -=-=-==-= 18" HT. ALLAN BLOCK _.,) RETAINING HALL 30" HT. ALLAN BLOCK T -- SEAT HALL - 1319sr I I I C' a I I _J:1 _--;,/,· , , ~ lk;=!!~~=e~-', 1_j I r· I I J r E:i 11 ½-: [ I I LJ '----6' HT. SOLID HOOD FENCE 42" HT. METAL RAIL FENCE 42" HT. METAL RAIL FENCE ...__.....__.6' HT. SOLID HOOD FENCE CONCRETE UNIT PAVER; RUNNING BOND PATTERN; DESERT BUFF COLOR OC~,cht,-~ rllhdl'.......,.-'1ttt1c/l~thr 0t~ofMJl.and1UPt1Ard!ua.l~l1fll~noLbe ,o,c,,ti,ced cwvtHl0totNf',.ojedsw,1,-..., Lh~r plfm!WO!' LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUAE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel : 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Em ail: office@m2la.com I ""1'0 15'<EDFCR/.DP NO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL: PROJECT: FALCON HOMES 12367 224TH STREET MAFLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TITLE: SHRUB PLAN ON SLAB DATE: 1506.01 DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: /,/00 OAAWN: at. L3 DESIGN: GI.. CHK'O: MM "' DR. OF5 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---''"'--' M2lAPROJECTNUMSER: 15--057 ., 3' SQ. POST MAX s·-o □.c 3/4' SQ. PICKET l"X2" RAILS 1'X2' HrDPOST·~ 0 I I I I I I I ~""" ' I I I. FENCE HATERIAL POrV!:RWAT Al.1.11IN.!'1 2, G-OlatR Of HETAL TO MATCH ARCH. RAILINGS. OR On-ER TO BE CHOSEN BY ()l.,flER,IARCHITEC..T Cu) 42' METAL PICKET FENC.E L PAI HIRADR.AIN<iCOO ,--'-,r.,,--,-,..-,,_,..,........,,,,,--~,,-, ORE<UV,u,,T-l="""="'=;;,"'=~==""'"=-i FILTER FASR/c;. >tM- 1 l PLAN ,!! ~ J;2re,, I, ALL HOCK, HS-f3ER5 TO DE~ TREATED TO C..SA STMDAADS 2. AU.tWWl<w:lffQ'eie'ff1T~Gltl.VNfU.X, 3. NR.Y )'),OC.O,,.fS0'-5fAI, rOHA.T&JI M.D!NS(TO BE Aff'RlMD B'f Ciff6t ~ ~ ~,, 4. COAT ALL GUT ~ACES .I-I/TH SIMILAR PRE5ERVATIVE A5 >.eo:::NE ENo SEGTIOH TO PROVIDE LATERAL 5TABIU1Y; TYP S. LEN5TH AND PL.AGE~ AS FER LND5CAPE PLAN POST ,. '"·· CUSH 2 X 4 C.EDAR GAP R ~ ,-.-6Xb POSTGAP1T"l'P , __ DeLE I X 4 GEDAR TOP RAIL SAl'OWIGHIN5 VERTIGALS R01.16t1 1 X 1 P.T. HB-flflR f'05T5, Hl'\X. b'-0' Ol, 1 lYP --1 Gt.DAA VERTIC.Al..5 I X6 IJflLE I X 6 c.EtlM EIOTTOH RAl. ~ V9t;ll0,l\l.S"-r--i' rD7 ·····--FOOTl"50VERSlM·SEEDfTAIL ~Vti.i..taRFOOTlttS 'JM. ~ ~':-:ftT-f"""'6'-~TNQlfO/'fQ~C,fflo • .w--••C&WI...,...,__ _ _.._ .,_Al,_,.._.,.. __ "·=r..::r::.~=~ ' ~~"-=~.:-~-r-~ g s HEIGHT SOUO WOOD FENCE ON GRADE .. SIDE ELEVATION END ELEVATION PAYERS ON SLAB-TYP. ,:·-. lb" Irr. CQt4C.RfTE F'I..NfreR HAU. ~~HA,-:;,----,;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;d __ _J====~·-~-~-;,,;,==='===~'F'•~•;··=·~==~,;;,,J. __ ~ IOHIL POLY HP ~ ON GONGRETE 5l.AB $LOPE TO /'$EA DRAINS, " J--DRAIH 420 _______ J F'ROVIOf Of'ENIN5$ IH DPAll-v'6E GORE~ 5I...A5 DRAINS Csi) PLANTER ON SLAB -TYP. L4 t'•NT AL.LAN 6lOGK UNITS----+.>-<-~ 3" METAL P05T i'-lGt'l'frEO TO M:TAL PLATES FRONT FACE FCRNARD CONc.RE1E PIER A5 l'cR EN61NEER'S CEMIL ROOF A55EHeL y SI.AS--~~ ~-DEPTH DRAIN -----! --, CONCRETE PLAl'fTcR HITH 5' METAL FRAMED FROSTED PRIVACY SCREEN S,C:.M...E, 1/2"=>1'-0• 6' HT. PRIVACY FENCE J-DRAIN 420 ON PLANTER WALLS INSTALLED AS PER >1AN!JFAC1\JRERS SPECS ..,... 6R>DEIS~nfAN6" BB.OH flOTTOM RAIL, EXTEt-0 KIC.Kl;R TO 4" ABOVE 6R>D:E INDUSlRIAL ORW'f RIVET; TYP. I ~+-s~jt~ e~ l POST TOP STYLE NOTE, FLAT BLAGK POYVERc.OAT MET Al RAIL FENGE; '-------' TO MEET TERASEN GAS SPEC.IF1C.ATION5 METAL HAND RAIL ON THE PARAPET V'IALL SECTION LANDSCAPE ARrnlTECTUAE #220 -2 6 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com I """' /SSLel FOR~ NO. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL: PROJECT: FALCON HOMES 12367 224TH STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TITLE: LANDSCAPE DETAILS DATE: IS.O!JUT DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: DRAWN: Gt. L4 DESIGN: Ol CHK'D: MH ... DR, OFS ~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'_-<»_,~!>~ M2LAPROJECTNUM8ER: 15-057 PART ONE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ti Rfffll!l(ES 1 UQf:ll•dltH '-ti1•~~•H•litluftll'lo<iotol(Oldl~d{Wr•dri(_,.,U,Cl;.,l,\lhlti>Mo1 .... lrit11•lf'Oll..,..,tJtlhtr[..-lroctOt(-IL J 8.l LW,t ... SI~ .. \,,1 pr,plr•4 ~, 11',t IL t.-:'ottf ,r LIIIMl,,np, ,ltdi,lt<h W lho H. llf'IAU,>t ~ ""'lfT Auo<i•I""'. l""'l'r .-1 WOf~ Mid•""'"''~_, 1IMt¥ib ~ HI •I 0, 1hr lt llfld"-,t Sl~•-tri• hperlffltd I, II-ii ~fo!tM o,, '"drtdtd t1 L...i'l-!i,t Artt.lt<I vii~ w,ilt•inlnit.l ... J IUSIUt,,H(l'AI.SP(CflO.ll:tlSISTAijDAJIObCT.t.1.S.DC( -~td~tN( ... ~l"'J(.-n+1.-;ti1,ca1_,;1 R1~~Ku,y(omlrvcllM A•:l"l'iota\~lk/lri.ip,il(~--•Oi.~ ~ ST4!Cl.lM>IClll LAHJSUPf Mil(iAll'.lfl SYSUt\ tWKH lttl h~H bJ 11\t ~~liN M.1lrr AmNlioll 1f !Ii~ (111-1 S 11>.«f'AI. S'l'll\lSAMJ DfCH:(118,!.'{(lftATIONS \itU( l!OlfD. \2IUl111Ci .I ,.,.,..,l»t _,,._Mt ... hll~dhc-.afl'......, ........ ku,t4onllii,\"••f*-C P,11'idt ... uiJ•l'11"'f,,ao~ lnt""r1tv1 "'"''l'f''ttJtbt1tc.....,...,wcwt1:1. llcif•tr,....•N0111lftlr,'N111,..-,....m-.otortoM,ua-,.ullprior1,p1a,_,. hlfl'l•~l'"'"""'-'19 Kt&alnlioglwfl'"'""''" U~JTAts I Ally .. lern1l1pro.Ml•,;rf"W'1lr-lh•l1.,.lllrlf<ll.,lht11111'1r~IM<.,_l,N11lbti1""•·~•ffdb1lhol1/ION1j1tkdol11I J s...i1M•l•1..,.;.1 ofprodwcl Uofltorl\MOll(l_.., •• ,,Oflel ilntri,1;.,, U.9TU(W'it I ~fMltnut ... i.-nc_,.}.IU,,l.,1'1C..loll..r,t,1•, ......... ~ ... U!lfll .... Mt.'lllfllf"l'-4n.fUl'"'lf-. .... ,.,..U.,hc;tp,0At,:ltodwlll•i.,,,t0 f~1'1oll ... r1ou/)llll ..,._,,o,,1,,_1w'.,_1t611M,l-.... ""'"',,_,_,.l!!!lllll.._•~W"ll'l•lol• ... IO!' __ t.._lfr•~tlN _,_..., .. ~~•••CJTl•«t.tlmno!)Atot6N""'1~t,JHJ,,..k_,.,,. .. ..,........, II St•li.,Q,~C...•c-~,-,,.., .... ~-... _...... ne,..,lt(-..t•l•tt-WHIII,,.,,. ..... 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T~taps,ropri>lewmo, le1.-4,t!!....,..._UII'~ D'l111>I ~~1~1$lt~>ltri.>11illo.:iltrboditt (o,,1,,.w•>1Jftdt<Jl.p,O'nlllliottNlonJ1l1hAu.W -~· 1 hlHl~,hpo,,t.llll.,._,rM/lll!tittU•i,'l"""Jl-~ ... n'-.-1iwlMilftlttdt-.lNHJVW ... mJl"1l,_lowlc:1f•'llin ~ .......... ~f1! .... ~i,q'11tfill"lf• L' W,UWWIIU I Gw>nrt llll ••lenlll~ 1Jld wo,\Q,111.t,,p tw , ...:...ptri,ci ol 111o run ,u, tr .. 11i1: t111 ,ICtrlifoulr ,r C""PlclM l Rd"° le~ •KIIIM hr ~,c v1rr1 ... ;,, PARTTWO SCOFEOFWORK 2.ISCCf>COFwtlRK I Dl,'ltfclGll,l,oullC-lr)<l~yipplp (111r .. SC-.cf\lri>ll<Wollindrt 1 \IOO,f'(lu.ln,~,~r11trih1M,1 .. ,NP(lll~llllo,pt,'ll .... llll'(nnt1locoapt,tclhcivrir\)<(O<Ol'(1.,jl~IH.l--,SWSJlf(lf,c1l,om;lllM!~lllJ, lon~hQllhelol'.o.....,- lltUT[IIUJ..S I ""-f~"'"'-l1Ml1tw~Sl--dlor~f•ft•liaf;orlH;i,,4.,..s;"lri"11Mlil Rtl.rltla,ltbbtkv ,_ h19fC'l~¥1t~ ,,.,llfl'lh~IO.. '" l"?ftl•IOC,-. Unllf.lYIUS.• .I.coll~ INb.-.WA.llll• fnn·wi.-~ ll•lSX ,_,. e.'l"lx l f.rl,i.cor: bet11:t,,ic ~,Uw-..-9-c~conlMl""Jl'lr....,,K,PM'<ph>le!2Sl,"'4f,l,.llho1.WeJl.,,....lilllSri,qo,irHh1.a. lu\ J l .. r.,.....,.""""'"'"\anl.,.. 111it1,..-,,.,,1,,1111cetl...,,.up,Sfwar4. ~~d!:.:'";};;;~z::~:::'~il=·s-:~~ ~1~"".!;=.t:,::d."h "6tiofl nl prc•>ipp<o,-tOJ 1wu,,tu1p1 Atdiltd Atc-ffldtd S S-Cltia 0V>N-~1Nle""l'~-ls•ll~1!C.L~11'1SIW1r4 ., t .... ~ltd!ril\.tch: ~DIT'1-•fr/lltd .. k~¥'1ic/;,j,1>114r.., •• ln■ol1r..."1,5111/1'.Ch.d.nbrtlfflklttlow¥'41<f•of>ll~.st"""' rtols.,olf.tr i•lfj,lr!'t'lr.111.r. i'ruh "'lf")t"'U!!f'liftl vii~ rtjlllril. I~ :~«1-.IPuli:""= W ,u( urti,,,lor■l•llllldtrlil,l"•ff'ICIJI WIMII 1l1l~lu. ~• -.:cl Wdnl'TIIIA itenCH•U~ •1 Ille JIIP'eptllle Ulltriti1!1 91 I fllorfJtirll. A■111Ml .... i1.,._,MW.11., •l~r/1Utr.,.nt•1r1•lh1lv.il illc-lM~111~tfw1lttbu1Nlfo1ulp1,titlt1 IS..:t..nl9:Afllt.Ol4..C.C01.0tllltl OR Alt:)(O ls.I~ or lllltm>h ll'lllWI ,u•awu« •1 tM Lnnc-. Ard.,t<U t Dfl<",111P;p;,,,itr ..... c<IS("""'1•tOPV(,_;,,,1.,,., It '1Wtt.l..,... hl~er .... -~l1♦f1!1rltt LlfWll.t.-Sl••Or£ R1/orl•Jl,f'IM1hi.wl1'1¥1I;,,, .lllpl..,.•.olffl>l..,.lhllftNllr-1urt,lftlfil.111.CtrH IM'•"T ,,.,....., .. 1.1u,lir,u1io11. 0 ~>n0.,.1hlllf1ol~lllll..:~•~hh•,,-1o..tr,n,....,H·""""'l•·•>lh .,"'"Ww•td .. ~•l•••l ,e ......... ,,.,•OlrUII 11•.• 1-..w.■At~I ~, .. r.Ut<li,fl;flliffOII ti Ila. hl,111,1~""''"" ,l,it ...... ...,,..ir,,c .... .,~Pr,r111MilbpW:t1:.""llUW t■f"'tll'"9Uf•(U .... Tt!l<it<Jln(f PART THREE SOFT LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT )I l<CTLC:IGll:-OlllMIIRO .1 --.,..t..., nnMilt.-f'tl•il .:.i,;11 fnuw pUt•I p•...,,.. O•IUldnrtl.lft!onl ..... tc~pllln •• •~th!..,,_ltoli.,_ 1teH, .ll lluNMhotft~l~ Ul!r,lfll...Ul)t lrtt1 lratUI lo rte.1,irl. CkUlll lrttrflMliiwHf'm)I Hllf'l .... wtlill9.iilUl'-tllMI.C¥t, Nlt-ltct ? Apl',,,_;tlllN'rirr ..,., bt Mllll~ 1•drlf',ol1cJur"'9t1••••.iriu. Rolff loflhl'~il b.....,dtl~ U•lllil not P,•riold.tfflP1vilhlocl'I _,;,f.olrt~tlltn1s .1 lkc1CHl~W.dllillwu1fflct,fll(r1u11«<>11,tt,,,,fW~Mk,r'Mld¥.l!il~fl!,,r-V'11" -Jruiiiw,lli>tf"l9'1tdl1lC/-..'.t.il~r lhfl,IMS(.Ar1~1lct t NofNal1gt4t~,.,.t..tt.doMrtlllt,,.,_ .......... -...,.,.~ H mlulioll.,111LSA(lfl~itd,.,.,.,,1I .,rogtllo"(i,.;,ilc r...-P11111 -',prlinl·,tif,lh[dilitol,. '" .ti A.,c.i,c1111tt1I plnl"fel t,Jitllltll flillk ltllltl:\llffWI vii N nqrffl1 Tr-t1nl ff 11\t ruM1;.,,Jfld tllhcir!fll(tMII Jll~IJl1 vill!>tlht rnponii0olilyol1tlf Cio••"lll C•lr>tl., illd w lhci t'"..W rt,pen,~r lw lhl chlurtw, II ~,ih.ilioti1...+,,nr..,...Ni(IIIOlnJ!liofll....,.s,1~r1 .. ;,.1,..,.,~,1~1.,,.;,,1~r ... pu•-lllion,{1111ll(llWM:1ptArdi!H•l-rttitvpritrl,1-"'t <.-.1ll'\IIIJ;.._ 11~..:U I ~•tslbJ'"~is.e,rr,¥tdH-.i~!Ddfo;lthltpt< .. IPl•1UIDI] C,• .... HfljuaStwi, ..... .__,,11t11"9isirodic1tff1lc~lou"lf11JlrU1.P,1f':ll't WMIJIMlfl!I 1<11~•1• for a>ldlff•ldltcl 1!t lh1pl.aril~f!-. ~ ...... looli•~il• lrn ll ..... •lol• Jr-4 c"'I°"' It Jr,, sllr grld,,g ltld dr~ugt~llri. .l 0..1hpuio1,u1ltllllrllf'llll$f.&,-1)t~H1.i.,.1.r;-1r1 ......... 1 U•/'iltJi,,llf•>I• ....... .J S.Criflhe.-u 1\09'~f~"'r,,•i.t!iK"'1F1vilg~ llM1'liule-.hrltutol~l.vlu!hcml.llJil1oai;Mhot14'.rnflllt11rull\lClia~aulM'u . low1lNllllljl . ..,,.,lftH,-•-1,lfi-a..,..a>1lo, • .,,lce,ap11•lo,,1,l~\H,.~L I [lio,i.'\ll1••'>flll<1vloltrfr•llltl.........,9"•s Pr01~••-III.FO'•Wnm1i,hu1N1t.,.f-ltFl6n.,...,t11t~lWl<..-i-OrJw191 lloMl10:rtf N ..... ~ ...... ,...,l,dtf ..... b1lht Ir lWsop1Sl~4 l \tori, .. ,.,. ~~ ,nu f'a.l'°f i,>CI 1.rlx• •~1 1,,1,11.ilon ,, ,., s .... lflltH ••"11Nle, 11 .. , •• ,, ... plll't.. lltl• (>lfh t1U111 s.llo"n t11\Wll>ipc: pli..1 , ... ,_,. .... ,. ....... 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DINI 1;,r1y •ud., ..... c~on ..,,.ttW1,._oft11,,...,.n,ft9'MIUR~lllt,....,.....,,....._,,~.1¥l~r,ltt1:.t•M ... ..._.t,llnmllld1lrv1lwnl1t1111Mf9t, l!'lltrt t■a!_ll..,.~-H•.,...,tl#Jl•U!,.,MIM. .. ...,tJ .. ••Wt.,Mtf""~ .. 'NW'11I S IU1h'111lun"lld,i'1lfl'l-4llttorr.,to4,._..,,.....,..,.,.~ySu,lit11~-ft."'l"'USt1l-'•...,~ic1lft llV\flllfltJ'dN,Jftt'"lllfl'III (cr•OOl!llirc..Jislil•ltu11JY,l~ywe:i;,IIC....-hl(tl>'O(-,.Sl...,.,dlv..,icu~ • w,1.,. St..>1JHlrtt••..,,-,.n1iu1...,1iw,hl,e>nO'l;.rio,,stfl10 ... 111t,;,i:1m•l"~"'•1Jl>IIW•lvltlllr....,_IN ' I.,.,..., fM""'-"NrtlM»4'1'■-~..,. .......... ~hll'ltl .... •-l~., ...... ,,,11h••IIW••,t1ltrllli..td-,pl•--.. .... ,..... , .. .,..~\~IM!Wu.-&hl .... •4kl(,U114 lf'lliocllo.,j •WIIIW't111••~11 .. ,, .. ,._,wi1~w,,ri1~1111, ..... , ....... ,..~ .. ,._ ........ ,.,t_k~~t#1P94,-,glhNt-W1 ...... al1Mt1•••"J"•~--11. PARTTHREE SOFT I.A/fOSCAl'I' DEVELOPMcNT • CONT I ,i,wiul;...R1le '1 Su4 lidurt: IJ6 k9'h1 ms lhlw,I .51 htlliltr>ll1\yt,1l!Niitliltof .u (tJ1hl\tW!lvttKr W111twqnird.,)Hlrllll~t./wcllV~~ ll1' tl9'm1N<Q .H HCll11, .H.1 Al J~ Int cl l~r p,11idf J te■fllet, L~;irl el )II c~uli ti Ille IMI p,opc~dml.dll' aukh, tl(Nlitr. wJlfl' ttt S!Ojltd ii1n tfClul'f l)(ilfier. t~J Ftr•)luf'. .1~1.1 ~C',1wll11w .... r1isis1, ..... t ..... rvith,u~h. ~4.U ll"'"'olkr••r•.,_....,,1.,,..,""tbeifr'"""Mli~1iil:r"'-'O!iM< ., 1lflflld~n.-,q,t11 ,1, ..... .,,.~.,... ,,_ .. , .. IM1lfflherh~l•tt•~klt9lc4s1sl~tf&.tH·C,I ... ,...,.. ~.,., ...... , .......... t.tt'IUl .. ......, .............. 1,, ....... ..,..11tr,ic,lhtf~ ......... ,ff'C..,ttl•;1,.... 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IHMll'ht>qlUhUfl~ clt•tl"l!"l!ll1ilufllt\dngl1NihWdtrlU CLASS 2 Gr1u. pull\~ p>r~• .,.,nlmi and ;.,IIMIIMI 1ilu QJ.SSJ lla.,gllfr.., ~- J ftrlihltr fld11< ,. Stctoo■ 111 Kl1tNh . .lftlr ~il!ffl , .... ~,tt II "In ~....-..;ii IN,.,.... ... ,.,;, lnl .....,,,, w~ )l>N)>nir:lll ..,, ... (~liuh -.1. v11W19 tlfUU11oir1(1ri,rl~Hd4itlt .l.oplyt~¥Jlt!pfrC11l•1 .I SoOl!f,g t,.,,,,,,.,...1h.f.-..1;er,1wfoulorl•1"'1ud.l111od1l~Nv~~n<1illl1dostl1buttN1."'11t,o.,l,,.~•......,1.■.olhlndevfl'lvilhi4jom, lnUM>drtll t 'ollltrlt oblM'IMi1I01tpto,tlnliol'ltl i· I• l. 0 • Mc■I. (""f'I, ..;J~•t<1•t11•-isol a(l,wttltf\hw.-.s.11.-1, & Sl»111rd , ... fi,f,-in So< J II ....... , .......... 1 ......... ,-.. ...... .no,~ .. u,i-lir .. ,.,;.n .. ~u•"''-""' .. ■ICWlllli,r.c,, ........ .,~.\HNlrll' li .. ,,,....n.1dtWfl'•"'•r--!-.,1t-.itt.o11t11~-0a.....1tl-tW111'jll,lo..t.,..'11',,i-,boil.-,-1v1,..!11"'-Jl°WI.IJ,'9aollll .>!.->hMt•µ,irri. ........ ~,..abt,.,.n,HIW_,,,., ..... al•W'llo!IIJll(r~.,.,...~1p;1l~11•1, .... ,t . ...,,.. wJ11'-hritt1~1--.. ei.-~-.r ........... ,..., .... ,m•►'--.t.«.u,h,,.,,..Ht:.~\--•"1.~f(h .... ■\~ ltr°"9"thtsOi!h1tllN1&1ii;.,p.;rtd. .le Jcr,;U1,i1olli..,J./'u" lill,..!1.lA-.:n--i,..,,.,.:.,~,liilh..,.,.....,,u,,-,,..h•N'•"P'll><-dVllllbtrn..-,1r11ol•fff11•8.t lltldot~R~t.Sdlior\011 ......... tMt:U,,-ln!,f.il OM~ilriru,_,w_,~.,.molllttu,>dilicn1•f _.,611 fwM! ... -. Aflo, 1hr h.,,.W1...,..,o1,1rm11w:,.,,.,....,i"l-., ..... ., ..... ia._,,, .. ....,.,,., J.1PI..AHISAHDl't.AHJ111(i j ~,,...,.,.. ... """'°*"''" .... _ .~ liat ,1,u.,-,, .~I Pl>nl IN,t(.-ll'ld9'0\,0ld,::1vo,1ool1d'"'1ptrl0d11/ut lf!NINI lor,uchwOC'~ not•~~111X,i"'e~!htr fOIMil1on<whMn11onil1ondiliofl1lnlillelp lo ..:si,tlU((t11fl.l~plllionolpl .. l1lolllfirM><loulioi, .SSl.auf\· 1.1 •Jl""U:,.........,~,.tt••...,..winil""':lt.l..,.:o,,'1111DFt.ttn .. r.ci.viu,u1NOHb1dr••i"!IPl..-~orllo$'9t{~~at""' .s.u ttf~"'I_Cn••lflf•M~c..r-1,fl:W:o .. ~w.,'-'•1f .. tCL11,t.i1·-•J•rC..,1......rGro""Pl¥1!,ko......,.,1 .. iw•s. Hl 1,1-,1tflMt~u,i...,..;111,t11111a1ai,wwnl■IUillltfwl.,....._d1. .S.l 1\.1,,l•tlmil!Mioo,ll vtM.,,£OmvHr,fliM"•l"""'-IW .. .,--, • ..tDI .. INlil11!ao1lo. .I Au,ht,;i,•,. .I.I Art11funh~~l.....,~1"'1frW¥\l'llltJ. Rdtrl~fllMISc.~t .... ..,t•l-tf¥0.. .1.1 Slw1Jp,t+l1lh14-,ibi,t71IC-.,..:f"4plant•lltrilliwilMl]l4itlOllht•"W◄lfn..{ontrxl. .I $,,i.olll .... .U .. i,,..Oo•llf"'llil.,lllel~AMllllf,,_r1_..,..,~;.,,,1,a.~f~a>l.,.;,I llon·>fprhNls.t!ill~"';;.,,vi.lbertjulH .ll ih,,_jof§,,r1p,iorfa,._tl■l'l""'"'kW\.I..,__ IJ~.,l'fljt(lt,8{1-1f1\l:i,o,wl•.-t..t,.."'C...,_tl.l.,"'1W 'Plarl~iuLlllc•liM: 91 Pla,,ls dillltbr lnJtlu-ir..dtl 11-1 t,o;gill clllf"N wrolroel hlln ll>t..,.Ol'l lht ludmpt/1al1 pl111pl111I 1t~t. Clll~ 11 lrtni1 l1k l~N ,. 11.ic■I .... ,.~ ,.1 Pl1r1l llll ,pe<1IIH specie, fl lht lout;,,, 11 $lit.,. M lht linds.c .. h......,. ~1ilr lJMm;,o Arttilt1I ;I unllid"'9t.ck orlNN'f"OI.MJ.,rrl,tH ''"""' lrl ........ .U °"'""'""ol 'l"'tn planl"91o<;,11;.,,wil lnJbt ;a11,~td,llffre;irw 1l lhrpropowdllt~~llonb1 IIIIL1rwlmpr ,l.r<tilttl .10 {11.1111- 101 Tru111'\0l>I,, ,t,,.-i,[11>,11• IU,,,Ctrshiptd 1,u p,I lo lllr .. pn If 1111, .. 1~11! ltld to ;ii ltlll 1..,ct •. ',ev,dlhd lhtrooi.l111 ,..,..,, "''' r"1ht4,-f<!ti, II lhtorigi,..!Tldtlhtlr,t'Oll9"llfll•I .n 0tinaot1t\l'.,...,Jn .Ill ,,,.....,...,._,,u,l'....,..,.....,,,~t11te.111>1•~c....tl,..t,,W•lfo'W-llj'4fffllt1'WllltpillelllwO'W'.1fl"""<Uf•;Wlf'\lht1dliDl'I, -."Id lor, .. •.riron ... ,.~liJff, flcihltlhtll-M1C1p0Arctiiltd~•Ao.._.,1!pl111l«11Miotilfill<ltd. .ll ~"""''°1'-,hllo,on: ,QI ,....,. • .,,n.it""-k lhtrMII--IIOltl'l!lr~ ......... ,... ..... l(~Joo, .. .._..a.hpcll!lo;t-iRlhd{fllWl1"'ro10111'\dllf', 0.a:i-lp,,11. M• ..... !!it ... C,..1W1r.-uU'lf_....,,_,.~..,l'MC\,ll1.Al ... !,ltllitf.,plw•,1'1il-fw<lftlMHb,df'IN•->tltfltw'Urowul .11 SIMf,ITrtti., ,!JI IJMlv12·,1·.s1,1».u .,..,n l~ltdt◄lby ■.n( ... r~l'Cli<'ilLSd 1111.,slln-l II Ml<cil 0.IIOI drn111»., lhrooqlr ... tbllll .Ill h tt0~"'"u,'tw!f-t,Qt, .ru r•J!lr 1111!1"''"'~1111-,-.:t"l'fl-l..-....-,. __ .,.,,_UA, ..,..._,.,..,.,1.,,,..rc • .,a1~ • ., .. ...,...., :~1 !:':,",~.'1::~=~~=~•,-:;1:.•~::.=-i:.=~,:;:;'~•='=~i::.•;;-r,:~~~o~~: 11• Nlf'o>llg-,wnwh.,;,i>!,ll~••loriil "p,..,. .14.1 l/lM~ 1• lhl ...... rit(mary I• ·-•tdu<1••1'f!br1Kltn. trU,ffOf lber.ihnl 1Nroc:lor,r1i-.: pl•t.•NIHilt.ctnd,r \.11111'\11 ctu .. ,w, loolL ""'' lwh 11•¥1 ;irid '"' •• lht br,r,,;h coar 111,,,g If,~ .... S,'i1pt JIIMJN luu $0 ., ftOI I• rel Ml Wlltr .. Rt,u-.~111ltrlll. ·-.151 ,UO.ilplfll~ wo,vilft.a Olll'll~dld1hlaJ-Vl • 1·1&s-n-l◄tpltl.. 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"''4'1llfril■t.....,..io,;--,tuu ... 1l4 .Mifln..-.i.••• .. ••l■llll~irt• ....... ,~l,f,, ....,._,;,..r"9',._b1Htllo!•-HfllllW.•'l)la" .. ,_i.,,i, ..... _,_,.\ft.t,_911l1nt...rr,-,,._.#C.1fll_.Jn1t_...,._,,,1&Jnl --- 1.5057-02..ij:, c,::.,,,.lf:h1 tltlM'WIII. '"" •~wi111 and 41"iJlliS lh~ .,,~,,~ofU.llMlhl■NAtchittOJ.Nft\ffnOlbl! f,iN'~M.Slhllkl!~htfp1fli,t(Uwo1>iout1htirptrmiui1;,n, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604-553_0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com ' 4!Dn fSS(.f;DF(iR,'J:IP NQ_ DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL: PROJECT: FALCON HOMES 12367 224TH smEET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TITLE: LANDSCAPE SPEC/FICA T/ONS DATE: 15.o801 DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: DRAWN: GL L 5 DESIGN: a,_ CHK'O: ,.., <Z, DR OF5 M2lA PROJECT NUM6ER; 15-057 Land Surveying Ltd 22371 St. Anne Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC Phone: 604-463-2509 Fox: 604-463-4501 Drawing Title: Topographic Survey Over Lot A DL 399 G. 1 NWD Plan BCP46508 Client: Falcon Homes Ltd. Project: 12367 224th Street Maple Ridge, BC Notes: Elevations Are Geodetic Referenced to Integrated Monument 84H9971 Monument Elevation: 19.401m Lot Dimensions Are Based On Plan BCP46508 FHe: MR15-320TOPO Certified Correct This 2nd Day Of September. 2015 Legend: Ground Elevation + Tree -0-Power Pole ® Sign El Electrical Box Mike Bernemonn, BCLS r Inspection Chamber IZ] Catch Basin Rem 5 Rem 4 Park 2 Rem 3 Tqg_ 5665 700, Cedar Tag 5675,---~ 6aa-Cedar 0 2 ...._, (l) ~ ......., . V) Decid 1.'\. ~- ~ 1 '\~ 1->. 5 ~~ SCALE 1 : 500 25 50 m ••••••••••••••••••