HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2015-03-10 agenda.pdf1. 2. 3. MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDA Tuesday, March 10, 2015 4:00 pm -Blaney Room The purpose of the Panel is to encourage quality design in the community by reviewing and making recommendations to Council on all new commercial, industrial and multi-family residential projects that require a Development Permit. CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS AGENDA APPROVAL MINUTES APPROVAL -Meeting Minutes of January 2015 4:00 -4:02 PM 4:02 -4:05 PM 4:05 -4:10 PM 4. PROJECTS 4.1 Development Permit: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Owners: Proposal: Location: File Manager: 4.2 Development Permit No: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Owners: Proposal: Location: File Manager: 4:10 -4:40 PM 2014-092-DP Integrated Construction Architect-Larry Podhora KD Planning Design Ltd., Stephen Watt Anmore Holdings Inc. No. BC0786716 Industrial Development Permit for a warehouse to accommodate additional storage space for an existing cabinet manufacturing business on the adjacent property to the west. 20210 1138 Avenue Michelle Baski 4:40 -5:10 PM 2014-028-DP Maclean Homes Ltd. Garcia Zunino Architects (Marcela Zunino) Viewpoint Landscape Architects (Lena Chorobik) Vladimir Levinson & Anita Mar Multi-family Residential 12080 Edge, 22554/66/76 121 Street Adrian Kopystynski Page 1/2 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Agenda -March 10, 2015 4.3 5:10 -5:30 PM 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. /ss Development Permit No: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Owners: Proposal: Location: File Manager: 4.4 Development Permit No: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Owners: Proposal: Location: File Manager: 2014-072-DP Bissky Architecture and Design Wayne Bissky David Stoyko Marek and Kinga Gallus; John and Chrysan Chen; Harminder Shokar; Fadil Berisha Commercial and Multi-Family Development 13738, 13702, 13660 232 St., & 23262 Silver Valley Rd Amelia Bowden 5:30 -6:00 PM 2014-065-DP Scott Gordon Scott Gordon Architect Jonathan Losee Ltd. Cameron Court Apartments Ltd. Renovation of an existing Mixed Use Building in Town Centre 22355 McIntosh Avenue Ann Edwards NEW BUSINESS & UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6:00 -6:30 PM 5.1 Review of ADP Applicant Checklist (attached) 5.2 Election of 2015 Chair and Vice-Chair PRESENTATIONS -Nil CORRESPONDENCE -Nil NEXT MEETING Applicant deadline: ADJOURNMENT Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Monday, March 23, 2015 Page 2/2 I ~■ mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Tuesday, January 13, 2015, at 4:00 pm. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Blair Arbuthnot Roger Amenyogbe Johnny Leung Colleen Dixon, Chair Kyoung Bae Park STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Sunny Schiller Michelle Baski REGRETS Adrian Kopystynski 1. Call to Order & Introductions Landscape Architect Architect Architect Architect Landscape Architect Committee Clerk Planning Technician Planner II The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:15 pm. As the terms of some panel members have expired quorum was not reached. Meeting notes were taken in place of Minutes. 2. Approval of the Agenda It was concluded: That the Agenda dated January 13, 2015 be adopted with the following amendment: Change Landscape Architect name to David Stoyko, Sharp & Diamond CARRIED Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page 1 of 3 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Tuesday, January 13, 2015 3. Approval of the Meeting Minutes It was concluded: That the Meeting Minutes of July and November 2014 and the Meeting Notes October 2014 be approved as distributed. 4. New & Unfinished Business -Nil 5. Projects 5.1 Development Permit: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Owners: Proposal: Location: File Manager: 2014-072-DP Bissky Architecture and Urban Design Wayne Bissky, Architect AIBC David Stoyko, Sharp & Diamond CARRIED Marek & Kinga Gallus, John and Chrysan Chen, Harminder Shokar, Fad ii Berisha Multi-family and Commercial Development Silver Valley Road & 232 Street Amelia Bowden The following applicants were present at the meeting: ► Wayne Bissky, Architect AIBC, Bissky Architecture ► John Meunier, Bissky Architecture ► David Stoyko, Sharp & Diamond The Planning Technician gave an overview of the project, which includes four properties at the southeast corner of 232nd Street and Silver Valley Road. Setback variance, height variance and a variance to have one less parking spot for the commercial area have been requested. The Panel considered the application landscape plans to be incomplete and determined that further information would be required before the application could be supported. The Panel was introduced to the applicants and the concern regarding the landscape plans was discussed. Then the Architect presented the proposed design to the Panel. The overall site includes townhouses, single family homes, commercial development and a community park. The presentation focused on the townhouse and commercial components of the project, which were the areas that require ADP review. The surrounding area currently includes a mix of mostly single family homes with some townhomes. The application fits within the plan for the Silver Valley area. The plan for the area also calls for innovative storm water management features and these features are addressed by the application. The commercial development is two stories, and has a casual look that uses heavy timber with some industrial features. The townhouses are 2500 to 3000 square feet, including basements. These are to be built in blocks of three and Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page 2 of 3 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Tuesday, January 13, 2015 four units and will have a contemporary west coast look. Due to the elevation of the site roof decks have been included in the design. The Landscape Architect has worked to tie in all the different parcels within the development. Storm water management has been·included while fitting the landscaping in with the existing overall look of the area. Water management plans include infiltration throughout the site and the provision of places for excess water to go once the ground is saturated. An environmental consultant has provided input to the planting plans. The goal is to include native and fairly densely planted vegetation that would fit in with the urban look of the development. The plantings will be self sustaining and indigenous. Up to this point the Silver Valley area has been mostly single family developments and this application brings some commercial development to this hamlet area and provides services not currently available. One the presentation was complete the Panel discussed the application. It was concluded: That the proposal be re-submitted and presented at a future Advisory Design Panel meeting with the following concerns addressed: Consider adding a connection or meaningful integration over bio swale to park Provide interface details on all bioswale areas against publicly accessible areas Provide landscaping plans for commercial and townhouse areas (more details such as retaining walls, fences, crossings, planting scheme) Consider diversifying street tree planting and bioswale tree planting Consider bringing pavement out at Silver Valley Road and 232nd Street to create a more urban interface Consider less connection along 232A along bioswale in favor of a few more meaningful connections Provide more articulation on blank walls on south fac;:ade in block 5 where possible, such as extending the bay by enclosing the stairs Provide a fence or barrier detail to prohibit pedestrian access between townhouse Unit 40 and commercial area Consider alternating colour scheme for townhouses Consider further definition and clarity of right in/ right out to 232 Street from commercial area entrance CARRIED 6. Correspondence -Nil 7. Next Meeting: Agenda deadline: 8. Adjournment It was concluded: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 Monday, February 16, 2015 That the meeting be adjourned. Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes CARRIED Page 3 of 3 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Tuesday, January 13, 2015 /ss Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page4of3 ) I, • • • Bnt1sh Columbia TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: Advisory Design Panel 2014-065-DP 22355 McIntosh Avenue City of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: March 16, 2015 An Advisory Design Panel submission has been received for the above noted property for the renovation of a three storey wood frame apartment with 21 one-bedroom units built on a one storey concrete building that contains one commercial unit and enclosed parking on the ground level. The property is zoned C-3 (Town Ce'ntre Commercial) and the renovations are subject to Development Permit approval. The building was constructed in the 1970's and was not well maintained in the last few years. In December 2012 the building suffered major damage from a fire. The top floor of apartment burned and the rest of the building received significant water and smoke damage. This project may meet the requirements for inclusion in the Town Centre Incentives (TCI) program as it has a Commercial unit and it is within Sub Area 1. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Surrounding Uses North: Use: Zone: Designation South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Scott Gordon Architect Cameron Court Apartments Ltd Lot C (N117936E), D.L. 398, GP 1, NWD, Plan NWP3206 Flexible Mixed Use C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Commercial C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Town Centre Commercial Apartment, Commercial C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Flexible Mixed-Use Vacant municipal lot C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Flexible Mixed-Use Single Family Residential Dwelling Page 1 of 3 Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Flexible Mixed-Use Apartment, Commercial Apartment, Commercial 1266 m2 McIntosh Avenue and rear lane Urban Standard Pursuant to section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, this proposal is subject to the Town Centre Development Permit Guidelines for the Downtown West Precinct, as outlined in this memo. PLANNING COMMENTS: • Official Community Plan: The property is designated Flexible Mixed-Use in the Town Centre Area Plan of the Official Community Plan (OCP) and is zoned C-3 (Town Centre Commercial. This zoning is appropriate for the OCP designation. Since this is an existing building and no structural changes are proposed, there are some policies of the OCP that this project may not be in compliance with. The building was constructed more than 25 years before the Town Centre Area Plan was adopted. The building is within the Central Business District and it does have a commercial use (office) on the ground floor, as required. The building is four storeys in height with residential use only above the ground floor. There is a central entrance on the McIntosh frontage providing access to the commercial unit and to the lobby for the residential floors above. The parking garage and long term bicycle parking can also be accessed from the lobby. The building is located within the Downtown West Precinct. The proposed renovations will achieve some of the key concepts of this precinct by providing: improved pedestrian-oriented form; new exterior finishes and colours with glass balconies; new landscaping at grade and on the podium level; and a new entry with glass skylight. The parking entrance is from the lane only. The McIntosh frontage will be improved with new curb and sidewalk, street trees and street lights. • Context: The building is located half a block west of 224th Avenue and was constructed in the 1970's. It is a podium style building, as required in the C-3 zone, and there are other similar building forms in the area. The City's 1978 ortho-photo shows a single family dwelling .on the land to the east of the site, but subsequent images show a vacant site since then. The two small lots to the west still have single family dwellings on them that appear to be in poor condition. Otherwise, the area is all commercial with a wide variety of building types and ages. There has been no new construction and there are no development applications in the vicinity. • Proposal: The development prqposal is to replace all the exterior material, previously stucco, with hardiboard siding. The concrete balcony railings and concrete railing around the second level deck are to be replaced with glass railings. A portion of the heavy concrete overhang above the front entrance will be removed and replaced with a raised steel and glass canopy. All windows Page 2 of 3 and doors will be replaced. The floor plan for Unit 107 has been altered from the original design by incorporating a portion of an amenity room into it for a bedroom (studio unit to a one bedroom unit), and therefore providing better access to the exterior deck on the east side of the building. A planter will be installed in the front at street level, with an adjacent bicycle rack. The decorative concrete blocks screening the parking on the right side of the main entry will be replaced with horizontal metal slats. At the rear, the chain link fencing will be replaced with a picket security fence. The existing garbage and recycling enclosure located within the parking garage will be improved with a new gate. A secure long term bicycle storage room will be constructed in the garage near the lobby entry. The second level exterior deck will be completely renovated and replanted, and will be visible from the street with the new glass railing. • Parking: Some changes are proposed for the interior of the parking garage with the addition of a bicycle storage room and a new security gate, but no structural changes. The parking plan shows 25 parking spaces, with 3 as visitor spaces. The Town Centre Area parking requirements for this building are 19 residential spaces, 1 visitor space and 4 commercial spaces for a total of 24 spaces, whi.ch is sufficient for an area with available on-street parking. A parking space for the disabled is not required when there are less than 26 required parking spaces. It could be a concern that the visitor and commercial parking spaces are behind a security gate. 6 long term bicycle storage spaces are required, and 6 have been provided. 7 short term bicycle rack spaces are required, and 6 have been provided at the front of the building. • Garbage/Recycling: An existing garbage and recycling enclosure is located within the enclosed parking garage and it is adjacent to the access ramp from the rear lane. • Off-site upgrades: The Engineering Department has reviewed the project and has identified some upgrades to the existing services are required, including: replacing the curb; gutter and sidewalk on McIntosh Avenue; installing street lighting; and installing street trees. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Senior Planning Technician Page 3 of3 I I 12002112 12034 12032 12021 12026 0:, IC) -~ ~ 0) I ~ ~ ,._ ~ r-,... . r-...: IC) 0) C\I C\I C") I ,._ 0) (0 ~ IC) co C\I C") C\I ~ IC) C") C\I C\I C\I C\I C") C") . C") C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I DEWDNEY TRUNK RD Q r=-7:,;i- 11998 ~ C\I (0 ~'-1-co -'-1-co co r-,... C) 0:, ~ ~ ~ ~ @ ~UBJECT PROPERTY ~ ~~ ~ -C\I C\I (0 (0 0:, '-1-C\I C\I i--=~ C\I C\I ~ C") r-,... C") ~ ~/~ 0) Cf) 11 990/92194 i--= C\I ~ -C\I C\I -~ Cf) (Y) N 11982186 N V MclNTOSH,,," I 11969 11968170 ~ 11968 11965/67 11963 IC) 11952154/58 - 11950 !.Q -IC) IC) -~ C") -C\I C") '-1-(0 ~ l() C") C") C") C") C") 0) C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I ~ C\I ' C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I 11955 MclNTOSH AVE. MclNTO 11957 ~1924 ~'-1- Cl:) '-1-(0 (0 11939 11933 C) Cl:) C\I (0 IC) <ca 142 ~~ ~' ~~ C") ~t::: /51 C\I C\I C\I C\I 11925 r-,... r-,... r-,... 11915119 ~ ~ t::: 11909 i-.: (j) -C") IC) ~ ~ t -~ ...... ...... C\I ~ (0 r-,... ~ 11912 C") C') C') ~ ~ ~ 11907 C\I C\I C\I ~ N C\I C\I C\I 119AVE. ~) ~J ~ I ~i ~) ~C\j(OCI:) \ , ""'ro ro~ 22355 MCINTOSH AVENUE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE N PLANNING DEPARTMENT Scale: 1: 1,500 DATE: Feb 24, 2015 FILE: 2014-065-DP BY:PC Site Requirements C-3 Zone Required Proposed Lot Area: 1266m2 Lot Coverage: 90% 85.4% Setbacks: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4 Front Rear Om Om 7.5m 7.5m 3.2m 8.2m 8.2m 8.2m East 6.0m* 6.0m 7.5m 7.5m 4.2m 7.2m 7.5m 7.5m West Om Om Om 4.5m Om Om 4.6m 4.6m * rear setback is Om if used for Om Om Om 4.5m Om 4.5m 4.5m 4.5m parking structure Setbacks are OK. Building Height Minimum 3 storeys, no maximum 4 storeys Number of Residential Units 21 One Bedroom 1467m2 residential Gross Floor Area (GFA in m2) 153m2 commercial Total 1620.5m2 GFA 1.0 x lot area plus: 0.3 x lot area x ratio of concealed to required parking; Density (FSR) 0.25 x lot area for each storey 1620.5 + 1266 = 1.3 FSR above 2nd (max. 1.0) Total for this building= 1.7 4 Parking: Mixed Use in Town Centre Residential 1 bedroom = 0.9 spaces 19 residential spaces Visitor 0.05 with on street parking avail. 1 visitor space Commercial 2/100m2 GFA Office use 4 commercial spaces Bicycle Parking: Long Term: 1 per 4 units= 5.25 spaces Long Term: Residential 1 per 750m2 = 0.2 spaces 6 spaces Commercial Total required = 6 spaces Short Term: 6 per 20 units = 6.3 spaces Short Term Residential 6 per 1500m2 = 0.6 spaces 6 spaces Commercial Total required = 7 spaces Page 4 of4 0) 0... N N N - N CD "t'""" ""'" "t'""" ('I') ('I') N N- ~12 11N ~ N ~ co ('I') -CD ~8 N N Den~ LO C'0 ('I') N N N / N i---------~ P 61856 \_ EP 9471 CX) 0 ""'" ""'" CO C.0 LO N """co O t--CO 6'; N I'--""" 0 C'0 CD ,.,,., ..._ C'0 ~ C'0-,-0) -n N -,-~•-N ,-N v~ -NL.L N CD N-N-N f'-..0)(0 ~(l_ 6 ~ 5 CN E O d> 0 N-fe "' ..... "t'""" N N 1 Subject Property f "-:f" 2 C0 <( 0.. ::,_ C0 i-= CJ), ""'" N N ~ p ,-u.. w (l_ t---------L-----L---------'----L--_____,__.,\ I 1=--..----.----,,---,---r------, *LMP4261 N 13 ~15 11968 c.o i--------(l_ 11950 "t'""" ~ LO 14 ~LO _J ~ N"t'""" -fC N N-N P 320f --.. 16 17 ~ ~ LO ('I') ('I') N N "t'""" N cv5 ""'" Ct) LO ~ (l_ ~ N ..._. N MclNTOSH AVE. ..... 20 N E ('I') Q) ~ a::: N N A 11969 B 11965/67 :\ "-\ RP 52529 Pel. "C" ~ 11955 ~ N (l_ 1924 ~""'" ~CO ~CD / 4 2 ('I') 0 ('I') "t'""" ('I') ('I') N-N-N- D Affi ~a 1 11939 P 3206 NW8 2675 ~ ~RP78676 151 N N N "D" ~WS44 qe (0 l"-- (l_ N N LP 77311 P 74119 ""' ..... p 302~ p 3'~06 '-1,~ ......, LO p 3,~~06 ,_ o 1 " Pel. 'A' ~ -~ ("t') f'-.. '-V '> 0 ri I"\ I'--R _ll A A t--A ,... "- 44 11915/19 22355 McIntosh N Scale: 1 :1 ,000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Jul 21, 2014 2014-065-DP BY:JV [~ MAPLE RIDGE ---•------· - Bnll',h Ca1umb,a mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel {ADP} meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: s~ ~-~~~ .;20 I 'f -C){p .y-DP Name of Applicaht File number Address of site Current Zone ,2.2--355 ll{, c )frft)~ ~ C-3 :,__ Proposed Zone C--3 Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date ~o0t01 :2utS Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect v/-e,s , Sc.&-t±&~cl:.1Y\. I ~ A.,..,-, Landscape Architect ~,--,:t,,'i'tCCJ,,{t\.(:IA\ I , Other Professional (State Name & Role} _______________ _ Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. M~jor Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building·with an unstipported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -all schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwellin_g units -any building containing 11 or more: guest rooms Group D & E CommerGial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any building with gross area exceedin-g 470 m2 l~N■ mapleridge.ca DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Project Zone ___ (:_-~_"") ____ Date Prepared Required Development Data Minimum Required or I Maximum Allowed -.. -. ,. : ~OT AREA* (in square met.res} ' Gross Total Less Road Dedication area Less Undevelopable area Net Total , ' ' -. ~-. ~OTCOVERAGE.(in % of ne:t I,ot area)' • I Buildings & Structures Paved & Hard Surfaced Areas Landscaping Total Site Coverage ·: , ' . , < -.. .SETBACKS ( in m!;!tres) " -, _I, ' ... -i- Front Rear Side-#1 (N,S,E, orW) Side ti2 (N,S, E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) :I ·; .r ... -~ ' ' ' : BL!ILDING HEIGHT (in metres/stdr'e\/Sl. . .. ·: ,c Principal Accessory -· '0 J '· .. . "NUIVJBER bF RESIDENTIAL UNITS ; • I , Bachelor One Bedroom . Two Bedroom Three Bedroom+ Total ' ' . - G.RQ~S FLOOR AR~A (in square metres) ., C ?. Residential Retail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type I lnstitutiona'I Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA ~ If the development site consists of more than one lot. lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. • Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) 2- :2-,_c) Required Development Data Minimum Required or Proposed (Complies or Maximum Allowed_ variance needed?) ·-_, ' ' ' DENSITY . . I . . '-. r. # of units/ha (gross) t bb # of units/ha (net) I ~--/ Gross Floor Area /th2..A Floor Space Ratio (net) l ,'2-C--\ .. .• r -. AM_ENITY SPACE (area in square metres) . . .., J - Common Activity Are a I /VJ , 0 Useable Open Space 6 5 0 -. ~ARklNG •• (numb§!r of spa~es) . .. ' . 0 ,. ·r • ,., Residential and Multi-.Residential Uses Multi-Residential town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Un its) :fllfJ Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses ~ Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive -- Total Number of Parking Spaces for Uses 3 Numper of parking spaces for disabled 0 Number of spaces for visitors . ~ TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES .z5 Number and percentage small cars • ;;z_ / f-50/o Number and pe.r.centage tandem spaces TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE($) 6 ' . -. . . .. BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) h \, .:. -·, Short Term Bicycle Parking b Long Terrri Bicycle Parking b ,. l' . ' a• , ! QTH~R~ state v'ES cir NO for eai:h -, . -' Heritage Site I uo I Tree Survey/Assessment Provided I A\ 'D Watercourse/Steep Slopes I 60<:J I Covenants, Stat ROW & .E.asements 1 ·~0 I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Dep~rt~~t. ... ~ Prepared by: j)o ,V).\QQ ~~(1 UL( ~e ~ C(,A ~ Print Nam~ (Please prin~ form and sig1 ab ~ve) NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. gordon a rch;,-t-.,.,c:t t •r.iifit.V b aibc aaa 3370 west 44th ave. vancouver be v6n 3k8 t.604.263.0410 c.604.220.8272 Nove,mber ~b, 14 City q>f Maple Ridge Planrh ing Department Attn: nn Edwards DES~GN RATIONALE -CAMERON COURT APARTMENT BUILDING 22355 McIntosh Ave. This uilding is a 4 storey wood frame building built upon a one storey concrete podi m that contains a small commercial space, covered parking and building entry and three level of residential suites. The building was constructed in the 1970 s and suffered a major fire in 2013. Due o the fire/water damage and chronic lack of maintenance the building has suffe ed major damage to its building services, envelope and structure. The tbuilding owners have changed management structure and undertaken to repai~ the building and in this process change the exterior image to a more contJ mporary feel that responds to the design attributes as requested by Mapl1 Ridge. While the major of the attributes and guidelines refer to new builds we have taken the essence of relevant portions and attempted to incor orate into the redevelopment of this project. The p esign team reviewed the Development Permit Area Guidelines Dowr town West Precinct and keyed in on a number of elements: Creafe a pedestrian-oriented streetscape /Design Particulars -the buildings streef elevation has been altered by removing the decorative concrete block screen that allows light into the parking area and installed a lightweight steel struc1 ure that offers increased light into the parking and a softer image to the street'The buildings main entry -currently under a concrete overhang is being propr sed to remove the concrete structure above and provide a glass/steel canopy with wall sconces to allow more light into the entry and breaks up the facade to distinguish the buildings entry. The !ecurity bars currently on the street windows of the commercial will be remdved all resulting in a more friendly pedestrian streetscape. The unctional service requirements, such as existing lane and parking screening will be replaced with materials which are in keeping with the building char cter. Prov,1de Outdoor Space-the residential portion of the building sits on a podium whic~ was separated from the street by concrete standups along the street and lane ides. The podium will be changed from a desolate concrete pad to a fully land caped area for the use of the residents. To further develop a 'concept of eyes on the street the concrete stand ups will be replaced with open glass railings. The enclosed stairwells at the front and rear are proposed to be open~d up allowing more natural light. All this is in concert with the notion of scott gordon architect aibc aaa ) 3370 west 44th ave. vancouver be v6n 3k8 t.604.263.0410 c.604.220.8272 maki g the building more attractive and better maintained so as to attract a more stable and permanent rental clientele. Enha ce the quality, character and vibrancy of the Town Centre -the existing stuccp cladding and solid railings are being replaced with hardboard siding of variows profiles, glass railings for decks, new windows and parapet. The result is a cbherent design concept that creates a pleasing composition. I ;mao■1;1111al M ·t&dWiUrtM·#M Pursuant with Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, development in the Town Centre will be assessed against the following form and character and green building design guidelines. The guidelines apply to Ground- Oriented Multi Family; Low-Rise Apartment; Medium & High-Rise Apartment; Flexible Mixed-Use; Town Centre Commercial; Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial & Waterfront; and Port Haney Heritage Adaptive Use. See the guidelines in Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan for a detailed list and descriptions of development permit area guidelines. These guidelines are Intended to aid in the review of development permits in the Town Centre and are to be complet~ by the architect of record for the project. The project will be reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Department and I.he Advisory Design Panel. In the checklist, you are only required to address the guidelines with the icon that relates to your project: TCC = Town Centre Commercial (commercial developments only) Mixed-Use (ground-oriented developments, with commercial on the ground level and either offices or residential above) MFR = Multi-Family Residential (ground-oriented developments and low-rise, medium-rise, and high-rise apartments) Precinct Key Guidelines and Green Building Design Guidelines must also be completed for projects within the Town Centre. Development and Design Objectives The following summarizes the development and design objectives for each section on the following checklist. A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height • To promote a cohesive building style and strong pedestrian oriented urban realm in Maple Ridge Town Centre by ensuring new buildings, renovations and/or additions have consistent architectural and urban design setbacks, form, mass, and height. • To help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces. B. Building Fa~ades, Materials and Colour • To ensure additions, renovations and/or new infill projects in the Town Centre have a coherent architectural design concept where windows, doors, siding material and other fayade elements create a pleasing composition compatible with surrounding buildings, commercial and neighbourhood character. • To enhance the architectural and massing conc~pts of a building as well as the quality, character and vibrancy of the urban environment of the Town Centre through the use of harmonious, quality materials and colours. • To screen rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment and trash storage from public view and thereby ensure commercial and mixed-used buildings maintain an attractive appearance to the street. C. Building Site Considerations • To ensure public outdoor spaces are designed so that they improve use and activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, increase safety and provide more attractive, functional outdoor spaces in the Town Centre. • To provide street trees and landscape elements that reinforce the 'urban' character and vibrancy of the Town Centre, enrich the pedestrian friendly character of streets In the district, and Integrate this Important commercial and higher density residential area with the character and quality of the surrounding residential neighbourhood. • To ensure parkln§ lots are designed to be accessible, but do not intrude upon the surrounding residential area, nor the urban, pedestrian-oriented quality of the Town Centre. • To facilitate off-street parking and car storage at the rear of commercial and mixed-use buildings to maintain street inter-connectivity, traditional use of the lane as a service street, and to provide a secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway in the Town Centre. • To ensure service loading and mechanical equipment is designed to protect the surrounding businesses and residential areas from unsightly, noisy and noxious environments. Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines 1 ~ IIB!i#tiF!W Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable ~~:·l]:\••••n;.,,.. .,..,,, t•rtl Hl'iklitfs II t'aff!f!::l~;, •,~'w:t~~> -~ _ ._ • -,, , . .,. .'9,•~'.&~~ ~ ~ ~ .-~ '/.l: -,, ,, ,.,,. ·r,-~--=--.a::. A.1 Buildin!! Mass and Form Al.1 Maintain the mass and scale ofbuiJilings TCC MU MFR ,/ □ Al.2 Enhance the block with comer commercial buildings TCC MU I I , Al.3 Accent comer buildings TCC MU MFR □ , Al.4 Use pedestrian-scale design elements TCC MU V I I □ Al.5 Feature pedestrian amenities TCC MUfllFR □ □ ,,,,,_ Al.6 Desi1m larn:e buildings into smaller modules TCC MU MFR D D ,,,, Al.7 Accommodate street-fronting units TCCMU MFR □ ,,,, ,.. Al.9 Ensure anoronriate roofnitch TCCMU MFR D D ,/ Al.10 Use desiim elements to reduce roof mass and scale TCC MU MFR VI D □ A.2 Buildine: Heiehts A2.l Vary building hei!!bts TCC MUMFR □ D I/ A2.2 Maintain alie.nment of architectural features TCC MUMFR □ □ !/ A2.3 Jnte2rate taller buildini:!s TCC MU MFR I I V A2A Step back taller buildinl?S TCC MU MFR I □ ,,, A2.5 Match building heie.bts at the end of blocks TCC MU MFR D □ ,,, A2.6 Manage phased development TCC MU MFR □ □ ,,, A2.7 Protect views TCC MUMFR □ □ ,,,, A.3 Ba.ildine Setbacks A3.l Place buildings to reinforce sidewalk activitv TCC MU MFR □ □ ~r A3.2 Situate building entrances for visibility TCC MU MFR .Y1 I I A3.3 Provide adecruate tbrouehwavs and lfabtiug TCC MU MFR YI □ A3.4 Provide clear sight lines from buildiug foyers and lobbies to allow .JZ( □ □ visual surveillauce TCC MUMFR . A3.5 Separate residential entrances from commercial entrances MU .r □ ~ A3.6 Respect existiu2: buildings TCC MU MFR I I .Y1 A3.7 Distiumtish entrances with arrival areas and courtyards TCC !nUMFR D D A3 .8 Locate ramps aud entrances in areas that are bLehlv visible TCC MU MFR I/ □ Explaiu how the objectives for Buildiug Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideliue does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. ~/~1JL/&, gd/ L.,;t? /t/& Maple Ridge Town Centre 2 Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable :,,r<l~~-, rmrf) l~r.-?',titveu •_1-.c.11lT.J ,uaH, ii1 u.cfJll >\,".._~';'·· ,_ • ,-_~,.:,;.:'---~• -~-;.'§!c:~-,,c,!f··~ .·~ ••-;,-'\'_:-. "~'.f i~.:-~-r .,'.-;; ,; .. ~":";!!"~::-,'fl B.1 Buildin!? Facade Bl.l Address both sides of the block with comer commercial bujldin~s TCC MU □ □ i;;;, Bl.2 Orient main entrances to face the sidewalk TCC MUl/iFR ,,. Bl.3 Locate windows. doors, and entrv features at the street level TCCMU MFR /,~ □ Bl.4 Use a mix of common facade patterns and elements TCC MU MFR ~ □ □ Bl.5 Reflect orimna] facades and buildil11? scale TCC MU MFR □. 171' Bl.6 Respect original architectural elements TCC MU MFR V □ Bl.7 Resoect old and new desi!m TCC MU MFR □ I/ Bl.8 Maintain the horizontal rhvthm of the street wall TCC MU MFR I;' □ Bl.9 Provide a visual division between the street level and unner floors TCC MU MFR ,,, □ Bl.10 Include continuous canopies, awnings or overhangs TCC MU , □ Bl.11 Ensure aooropriate olacement and materials for awnmgs or canopies TCC MU □. J,•1' Bl.13 Use windows to provide 'eves on the street' TCC MU MFR J...1 □ □ Bl.14 Enhance the public realm TCC MU MFR □ □ □ Bl.15 Ensure signage reflects building scale, character. and materials TCC MU L/1 □ □ B.3 Buildin!! Materials B3.l Enhance the public realm with high quality materials and detailin_g TCC MUMFR L,;" □ B3.2 Use materials consistently TCC MU MFR v~ □ B3.3 Avoid the use of inannrooriate materials TCC MUMFR IL □ B3.6 Use a mix of quality materials TCC MUMFR i;' □ □ B.4 Building Colours B4.1 Select aooropriate colours TCC MUMFR I," □ □ B4.2 Hieblieht architectural details, awnings, and entrances TCC MUMFR / □ □ B4.3 Ensure a cohesive, consistent colour palette TCCMUMFR V □ □ B.5 Screening and Stora2e B5.1 Locate and enclose trash, composting, and recycling to keep JZ( □ □ out of site of e:eneral oub1 ic TCC MUMFR . B5.2 Screen mechanical equipment TCCMU MFR .□ □ I/ B5.3 Avoid conflict with neie:hbouring prooerties TCC MUMFR k"'l . B5.4 Locate buildinl? ventilation svstems to minimize noise and exhaust TCC MU MFR □ I/ Explain how the objectives for Building Fa9ades, Materials and Colour are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met Maple Ridge Town Centre 3 Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable ~~ffhnH'i t ~-111 • • ~= ... ··•= -·-o:r-~i{ • ~~-.~~-o~~-=..~r.r.s. a:.---:-'i--~, i,..i'.f.t-~· '"--'11"(.e~,-::: .. ..,. 1 rn .. ~11, :.uK rHt I ~. ·-.~·-,, .• C.1 Public Outdoor Space and Harclscapes Cl.I Provide public outdoor space TCCMUMFR D V1 y Cl.2 Ensure public outdoor space is higblv visible TCCMUMFR D VI _V] Cl.3 Provide connections between buildings, sidewalks, and outdoor D .□ 21" open spaces TCCMU MFR Cl.4 Ensure universal access for all public spaces TCCMUMFR □ I I I/~ Cl.6 Provide hardscape elements to enhance the street enviromnent TCC MU MFR D I I I/ Cl.7 Desi!!Il bardscape elements as part of the building TCCMUMFR □ i..... Cl.8 Integrate pedestrian amenities with walls and/or landscaped areas TCC MUMFR D ~,,,,, Cl.9 Provide public art TCC MU MFR □ .J.,.,1' .. Cl.10 Ensure new elements complement existing TCC MUMFR □ I I /.,. Cl.12 Provide smooth routes TCC MU MFR □ .. □ / Cl.13 Ensure barrier-free access TCCMU MFR VI D □ C.2 Parking and Park.inf! Lots C2.1 Provide required parking underground. where feasible TCCMUMFR M I I □ C2.2 Screen large surface parking lots while maintaining surveillance TCCMU MFR D I I _J,.,.,f C2.3 Maximize pedestrian safety within parking lots TCCMU MFR I;-' □ C2.4 Provide visible siiroage TCC MUMFR ~ I I D C2.5 Consider develooing underground parking garages TCCMUMFP. □ M C2.7 Locate parking lot equipment away from the public street TCC MU MFR □ YI C.3 Lanes, Service and Load.ine Areas C3.1 Use lanes for service, parkin_g access and loading TCC MU MFR / □ D C3.2 Utilize lanes as secondarv vehicular and uedestrian tbroughwavs TCC MU MFR D YI C3.3 Strengthe11 visual access of the lane TCC MUMFR I/ □ C3.5 Consider lanes as a community amenitv TCC MUMFR D □ □ C3.7 Locate loading and service areas awav from the street front TCCMUMFR YI D C3.8 Separate loading from parking and pedestrian paths TCC MU MFR □ I I Y I C3.9 Screen loading areas TCCMU M l I D C.4 Street Trees and Landscape C4.2 Use the right species TCC MU MFR I I YI,, C4.8 Maintain sight lines TCC MUMFR □ ..vi Explain how the objectives for Building Site Considerations are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. .. --- Maple Ridge Town Centre 4 Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist KEY GUIDELINE CONCEPTS 1. Provide a gateway to the Town Centre a. Does proposed development maintain architectural quality and character of associated new development? • Consistent: Yes D No D NIA,0° Explain: ~/£,,P~ $£//cP/J/6, 2. Create a pedestrian-oriented, boutique-style shopping district b. Does the building's form and mass support a strong pedestrian-oriented urban realm and help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces? Taller buildings should be stepped back podium style. • Consistent: Yes D No D 3. Enhance the quality, character and vibrancy of the Town Centre c. Does proposed development promote the quality, character, and vibrancy of the urban environment? • Consistent: Ye~ No D Explain: V~~ /,6 /ij?~ ,Pd~~ /~~ d. Are colours consistent and materials of sustainable quality? • Consistent: Ye.$ N~ D Explain: UG~&r' p~L;tf ~~/ /Jff'/"AJ/7//,~~ 4. Reference traditional architectural styles e. Does the development incorporate traditional architectural styles that include materials such as brick and wood? • Consistent: Y~ No D Explain: f. Do buildings have characteristics that reflect good urban design principles, for example consistency in setbacks, form, mass and height throughout the precinct? • Consistent: Yes D No D Explain: ,-J / /J,d 5. Capitalize on important views g. Does proposed new development capitalize on mountain and/or river views? • Consistent: Yes D No D NotApplicabl~ Explain: Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the Downtown West Precinct 5 h. Have the important views of existing buildings been ~dered in relation to the proposed development? • Consistent Yes D No D Not Applicabl~ Explain: 6. Provide public outdoor space i. Are public spaces designed to_ accommodate a range of activities, inc01porate universal access, reduce vandalism, and increase safety? • Consistent: Yes D No D 7. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features j. Are landscape elements designed to enrich the pedestrian environment, moderate the internal building climate, manage stonn;:5ter on site, and reference the architectural quality of the building(s)? • Consistent: Ye~ No D Explain: 8. Maintain street interconnectivity k. Does proposed development maintain street interconnectivity and the use of the lane as a service street and secondary vehicular a~edestrian throughway? • Consiste11t: Y~ No D ot Applicable D 1. Explain: Is requil'ed parking pr~ed underground? • Consistent: Y ~ No D Explain: Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the Downtown West Precinct 6 A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height Al.8 Al.11 Design .flexible groun~or uJ1it spaces in commercial and mixed-use buildings. • Consistent: Ye~ No 0 Explain:/~~~ ~/~ Accommodate roof gardens, trellises, and green features. • Consistent: Y~ No D A2.8 Site buildings to capitalize on daylight and solar oppo1tunities. • Consistent: Yes D Ng,..0 A2,9 Protect solar access to surround~ buildings and minimize wind tunnel effects. • Consistent: Yes O N~ B. Building Fai;ades, Materials, and Colour Bl.12 Use exterior shading devices to block summer sun. • Consistent: Yes D NoJZ( B2.1 Explain: Design outdoor lighting to minimize light pollution. • Consistent: Ye0 No D Explain:;Bt:,'/N)/llo, ~ur-Jl/b /6 OM~ ~lj/a:'./4/~ lL,)~~7?~~ B2.2 Encourage energy effi~t lighting. • Consiste11t: Y~ No 0 Explain: B3.4 Select environmentaUy responsible building materials. • Consistent: Y~ No 0 Explain:~~ ~/~/P~//~~ B3.5 Minimize the use of unsustainable building materials. • Consistent: Ye0 No D Explain: Maple Ridge Town Centre 7 Green Building Design Guidelines ~ w~mmi¢HMWI B3.7 Consider life-cycle cost. • Consistent: Yes,E'.l' No 0 Explain:~ J70~~a,t::-~rrt':6 C. Building Site Considerations Cl.5 Locate outdoor plazas to capture the sun. • Consistent: Yes D No D Cl.1 I Use materials that are functional, durable and include recycled or salvaged content. • Consistent: Ye~ No D Explain: Cl.14 Encourage use of infiltration techniques. • Consistent: Yes D No$ C2.6 Locate adequate prio~parking in visible areas convenient to entrances. • Consistent: Y~ No D C2.8 Use permeable pavement and infiltration devices on appropriate sites. • Consistent: Yes D N°.% Explain:~~~ C2.9 Provide shade trees and landscaping. • Consistent: Ye§.0' No D C2.10 Provide secure and sheltered bicycle storage facilities for short-term uses. • Consistent: Yes...,0' No D Explain: / d a C2. l 1 Provide !cog-term bicycle parking. • Consistent: Y~ No D Explain: /U ~~~ ;P~.ldJ:? Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 8 C2.12 C3.4 C3.6 C4.l C4.3 Provide end-of-trip facilities. r-71' • Consistent: Yes D No;a Explain: Minimize impervious paving o!EP lane. • Consistent: Yes D N~ Explain: g::.y/~i/6 Respect existing grad~ • Consistent: Y~ No D Plant street trees. ..-./ • Consistent: Yes D No.,.k'.f Explain: µt) 'f?~~- Minimize use of bigh ~ntenance plants. • Consistent: Y~ No D C4.4 Maximize the use of native and climate appropriate species. • Consistent: Y~ No 0 C4.5 Consider the inclusion of commm1ity gardens. • Consistent: Yes D N~ C4.6 Design and place landscape to facilitate year round moderation of the internal building climate. • Consistent: Yes D No D Explain: C4.7 Minimize erosion potential. • Consistent: Yes D N.9,12( Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 9 C4.9 Provide adequate lan~e maintenance. • Consistent: Yes.t:::'.J No D C4. l O Consider incorporating landscape plantings for green features. • Consistent: Yes D No D C4.ll C4.12 Explain: Inc01:porate low impact sto~w~ features. • Consistent: Yes D ~ Explaio: by/~# J/~ Consider rainwater collection f,-use. • Consistent: Yes D N~ Explain: C4.13 Use natural plaotiugs and green space to support habitat. • • Consistent: Ye~ No D C4.14 Retain existing mature trees. ~ d • Consistent: Yes D N~ Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines lO ,. . &a@a {l,aJODriJ @fJll?f!l@-;j@l?@ IJJanff!Jri/fffiiJ@ l!::,@@aJilff@OD @@O'(]ff(/ffrwai(]@ Showing The Foundation On Lot C DL 398 NWD Plan 3206 Civic Address: 22355 McIntosh Avenue Prepared For The Exclusive Use Of: Canadian Dream Homes Maple Ridge, BC Scale 1 : 250 Dimensions are METRIC Lot Dimensions Are Based On Plan 3206 Lane ~ ci J0.47 0.05 Open Parking Area -Foundation -0.04 0.01 C ______ L L Parkade Below 0.03 I I 17 Five Storey Residential Building 20 0.04 0.04 I I I I -Outline Of Commercial Building 1 LParkode I ~------------------------------~ ~ Lconcrete Roof Overhang ~ ~ ~ Mein tosh A venue 0.01 LJ 0.01 -- The information shown hereon is for Permit Puoposes purposes only and is for the exclusive use of the client for whom it was prepared. The surveyor accepts no responsibility or liability for any This is certified correct and is valid only with respect to the improvements damages that may be suffered by a third party as a result of any decisions made or actions taken based on this document. This document shows the relative location of structures and features with respect to the registered boundaries of the land. This document is not a boundary survey and may not be used to define property lines or property corners. All rights reserved. No person may copy, reproduce, transmit, alter, distribute, or store copies of this document in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the undersigned. ,. @ Terra Pacific Land Surveying Ltd. 2014 as shown hereon and located on the 29th day of October, 2014 BCLS This Document Is Not Valid Unless Originally Signed And Sealed Terra Pacific L a nd Survey ing Ltd , =. 22371 St, Anne Avenue Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2E7 Ph. 604-463-2509 Fax. 604-463-250 I File: MR14-115SC Client Reference: Canadian Dream Homes 1 Subject Property I ! ) Context Map ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS Al Caver Sheet, Context Map A2 Ground Floor Plan, First Deck Plan A3 Main Floor Plan/Second Floor Plan A4 Third Floor Plan AS Roof Plan, Removal Plans A6 Building Elevalions A7 Elevation Details AS Details -DP submission Silelnstruc11cn sue lnslruction Juty09,2014 Ocl 03, 2014 0ec22 2014 r-----7 SCOTT GORDON ARCHITECT MAIBCAIA 3370 West 44Lh Avenue Vancouver, B.C. V6N 3KB Tel, (604) 263--0410 Fax (604) 263-4106 L -----...J NORTH 22355 McIntosh Ave., Maple Ridge, B.C. Alterations -- Context Map A1 Mon, Jan 26, 2015 Residential: 21 units =21 stalls Offices: 1523 sf =4 stalls 20 Bathroom •storage 9'6"x57" Office 12'x9'5" EJJ Office 14'x13'1" 22'-0" [67061 0 19 ' D II ll 18 1 B'--0~ ty~ [54861 _l__ "Visitor" I~ 17 9·.o .. 1yp (27431 "Visilor" 16 "small car' 8'-0" [2438] "Visitor" Garb<1ge; Rec11icing Slooqo E1~t: ""' ' New Aklmi11t1m pldcet J Gate c/wloc.k Garage 005 61 'l l "x56'7" Lane •·-o· 8'-0'' [2438) ,~ :r.l. i -reiOcate wall ( ..,. :-Kltetcom -decorative cnnr.bk« I ~ - Cl 4 _,,,,..,,-1 C3 I i ______ ! """ Garage 005 1 0S'Z"x62'3" Line of Resid1mtial Stories above remove ctccorntive cone. bloc:.: I I i. -Short !erm secured I ~J':~~r;!;mln 0 -~~ -~ c-,,op:,Atiove /,.,,., _,,,, G) ::r~~~~~~ Ground Floor/Parking Plan "' ..,. "' N 0 "' "' New Aluminum picket security fence ,-. ,, axtsl'!tor --art toa·aoowuslab □ Glazed/Alum. Railing aldentor 3 x8 exposed Ridge & Be.ams New 6 X 6 Posts, typ._J Glazed Panels Above - filSCftr. E.1dl/enL T ,-.apply4"cedar lou/sroofdeck 11pp1y4·c:eaar lou/aroorded< ~ ~ 17' Jt.15'~• glazed Canopy Abo110 ~VIOOON ~o.d:IO-~ Stetlposl-' I palnt&d E11l 1 1teel frame -I.It~ .. STAIR#Z $" 01 " -=~-.,,,:.:_·--=-~.... ~ I ~ ✓✓r/✓//l'✓✓l'/✓✓✓✓/✓_,(.Y".~/J/.,,✓///✓///.r/✓✓,.,/(~~-!.f//J✓✓/ pi,inled steal canopy frame -CUI Slab (or opening, strLrClura1ano LO delermlne mair me D P.aubmlssion Sile lnslrucrion Silo lnslri.Jtlion July09,2DM OCI 03, 2014 Dec 22, 2014 r-----7 lscOTT 1GORDON :ARCHITECT IMAIBCAIA I 13370 West 44lh Avenue I Vancouver, B,C. I V6N 3KB I Tel. (604) 263-0410 I Fax (604) 263-4106 I I I I i_ _____ ..J 22355 McIntosh Ave., Maple Ridge, B.C. Alterations Ground Floor Plan, First Floor Plan -- A2 ) NOTFS: W2 1 ~li:lli """ 1◄·3·>11•e· WHERE GUARDRAILS TYPICALcY ATTACH TO THE BUILDING, .ATT.ACH GU.0.RCRAIL TO TREATED 4•·x4" Ee!D POST, F~.SEN TO WALL SHEATrllNG FLASH EXPOSED TOP mo. Q DENOTES COMPOSITE PLASTIC DECKING 51.Jl1£. [!.QL m;, 1----------------------------------------, I ""' I I .......... I I I I ~,. ~ .. u·•· I m : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '""" 206 """ 207 M B£LOW 1"·-1 <a.»10 ... ..__._ -:-v----,.,,.--... -•~~ I I I I I I L----------------------------------------~ LAUNDRY / DISHWASHERS JULY 21, 2014 r------7 1scoTT I !GORDON I I ARCHITECT I I I IMAIBCAIA I I I 13370 West 44th Avenue I Vancouver, B.C. I V6N 3KB I Tel. (604) 263-0410 I Fax (604)263-4106 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L ______ _j ~~ =~fl~~G'°"l..!'f. =r ~L~~f.':7 ==:ltt us.ed wllhcut lhe archilccl'$ wrltlen ccm;enl. pmjt!ct CAMERON COURT ALTERATIONS 110• MAIN / SECOND FLOOR PLAN A3 Dining Room Deck 8'3"x4'6" Living Room 14'4"x11'3" SUITE 13041 ~ 12'6"x12'4" SUITE 13051 Living Room 15'x12'1" ~ 11 '2"x4'7" W5 Living Room 15'9"x11 '4" SUITE !303) llinlns R= Bedroom 11 '7"x9'2" .E!ru!J:22.IIl. 11 '9"x11' ' SH[IV[S ~ 11 '6"x9'7" Bedroom 11 '9"x11 ' -4 SHELVES Dining Room 7'5"x7'5" SUITE 13061 Living Room 15'4"x11 '2" Deck 11 '1''x3'7" lli.olng .!k9.k 11 '6"x4'6" .LlYiD.s Room 16'1 "xl 1 '4" SUITE 13021 Dining Room 7'1o"x7' SUITE '' SHELVES Living &=l. 14'10"x11'3" Room 9'1"x7'11" LlQI] llinlns ,R,Q=. 11'6"x7'5" SUITE 13071 Livjng Room 11'6"x9'8" Deck 11'6"x4'6" Kitchen 8'x6'7" Bedroom 12'3"x11'9" Bedroom 13'8"x9'5" LAUNDRY / DISHWASHERS JULY 21, 2014 r------7 1scoTT !GORDON I ARCHITECT I IMAIBCAIA I 13370 West 44th Avenue I Vancouver, B.C. I V6N 3KB h.1. (604)263-0410 I Fax (604) 263-4106 I I I I I I L ______ ..J project CAMERON COURT ALTERATIONS THIRD FLOOR PLAN dra,,.in9 numb~r projecl numb"" - Co,linuou, 11"wkle ovwtiq . I~.- Glued Panels hung from suporis I Parldr Below """' Cl.It s.ab for Sky11ghl .,_ Slcyllght canopy/frame ~t to e.Ktend beyond P.L _______ ) _ LJnoalbldg, face below. lWJ. new 1ax 1Z'-6" glazed Cenopy Canllnuous Parapet clw Flalhing, lyp - wt T-1:Jar syslem - naw t'ra;1~ .. -o-'gt;uodc.tio;,,, f-b•Sl"JiOnl STAIR#Z l---,-l---!~1-1--1-4--1 newTOWtliuhinQ.~p remove existing structure remove existlny Stalr#Z roof RemoveporilOfl .,.....,, LDWt1rc:oncrelcup.stand Q 1st Floor/Deck Plan Q South Elevation rnmove1lair ·-i RelOOY860lid balconywal(B, -.... IYI>-,, lS\Li _ Lower concrete upstand - ''--~" ::-\ Q North Elevation ramoveslair J endosure removelOOBllng ~fencing -D.P~submlsSlon Silelnslruction Silelnstrucllon Juty09, 2014 Oct03,201d Dec22,2014 r------, 1scon I 1GORDON I I ARCHITECT: IMAIBCAIA I I I 13370 West 441h Avenue I Vancouver, B.C. I V6N 3K8 I Tel. (604) 263-0410 I Fax (604) 263-4106 I I I I I I I I I I I I I L-----...J NORTH 22355 McIntosh Ave., Maple Ridge, B.C. "" Alterations Roof Plan, Removal Plans --AS Mon, Jan 26, 2D15 r ....,.,.-, --/ ----------i==,=;,='i==a;====;a;==l====cl!:==;==c=''=;=i=s===~'~=F====i=====e==o ,- ----------------------------------------- ----!---------------------------------- GbZ8dTh«,8rid:;, Mengane-,etmnspol @ EAST ELEVATION I I honioocal ~ Sia!$, _,_ INSET 'A' -soppoM(lgtas,s ~~ /4._~cY-Jtl 0 ==--==-.!.=-.H.rt •.a~soffil V-,Orflldown. . --o,,/txlrude<l• re.ve.:U.'lrims~tcm GteyCC-518 I r!d..c.ect windllWl/dg,o,S. Almoodfr.tm9 fyp INSET 'B' '"' O z ~ INSET 'C' ~ Elov,Rool ~------------JrdFtr, ~ 2nd Fir, PelntedCO'VllfiL ~~ I J 51100 CC-514 0 ......,.QC-S:J• 9 Skylight CM09)' --p~nclshung from Painted Frame, blown CC-512 Note:-Refer To Benjamine Moore colour charts for exacl colours NORTH ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION ~ Elff. ROOI n&\ Rootrk4 :,, :., .~ JrdFI, ~ "' .,_ ~ 2ndFlr Grado NORTH ELEVATION 0 N 0 ~ Blad!Alum ?icil:etsecurityleno;e,ll'P ----------- \ -----' Flain:edc«l:rtta. lift!CC.$lt onuist:ngnomp F111~lngwrth ractoryr.nes.11 SOUTH ELEVATION .. ......,_ """?""" Exterior Materials l 0 '°' ( 2 : '--.,/ 0 0 ® Hardie Panel wilh extruded reveaVtrim system Hardie Board Siding -5" exposure Obie~ Glazed windows/palio doors, vinyl frame, typ, Pre-finshed 'bright aluminum' thru-wall Flashing Aluminum Slare-Fronl Windows & Doors (Brighi alum.) I I 4'F115>lngv.1!1 ractaryrl!lish 0 (71 '-..._,,.' 0 (9\ '-' @ CD N ~'fll'«.. dark.~ 0 Insulated Metal Door Wall Sconce Fixlure a-round up/down LED light Prefin. Alum. 'slats' Screen Dark Brown Painted Concrete/Black Glazed Thin Brick --------------------- WEST ELEVATION _: ~~ ' Roof Deck 'i-~ JrdFlt. ~;J . 2ndFlr. Parking □P~submissian July 09, 2014 S1\c tns11uc1ion De! 03 20M S1IP-lnslruc:ran Der.22 2D1'1 r -----, SCOTT GORDON ARCHITECT MAIBCAIA 3370 West 44th Avenue Vancouver, B~C. V6N 3KB Tel, (604) 263-0410 Fax (604) 263-4106 L _____ ...J 22355 McIntosh Ave., Maple Ridge, B.C. Alterations Building Elevations 118"■1"-0'" --A6 Mon. Jan 26. 2015 __ r- 1---.~-i-----------~ l1 t r ,amp, slope down @1:12 (m'ax. nso r ·1. • ~/io...---1-I . 0 ·I -112"GWBea,skle,~_J e>:pandedwidth -Cont ~m,:MW.-H) ' L -112.GWB, -21/Z"SSLud -2"rigidinsulalion -Cone block (new waM) door ope,alor ~ ._ equal length !......_ ExisliJlg storefron1s Repair cone slab as ttq'd D.P submission July09,2014 S1\e!nslruc!ion Silelnstruclion 0cl03,2014 Dec 22 201-1 r------, SCOTT GORDON ARCHITECT MAIBCAIA 3370 West 44th Avenue Vancouver, B.C. V6N 3KB Tel. (604) 263--0410 4-.r Fax (604) 263-4106 ,-......... • ... -.. -.. --......... -. -. -., . -.................. . 0 ~:~:~~.~ .. Ramp Detail Plan Uno ot CIC)f'lt1'1tli: utmiind _ removal, see Structural, tyP -Rap cx,nc. O'lb as req'd. 0 ~~:~:~~.:. Detail (east elevation/section) Line of COI\Cfete upstarld removaJ, see Structufal, typ, - equal length / landings,±4'- ---~~u ------~--~ t:-.:<-:•;-:-:-; ~ -,r:-,..._ new stair beyond • -l •• @ ~~:~:~~-~-Detail (west elevation/section) . L _____ J 22355 McIntosh Ave., Maple Ridge, B.C . Alterations Elevation Details ....,_ A7 ) I 1 : ~ LJ It:: __ r" I .- ·---·' / ' ·----------··---·----··----·---· / "" "' , /' 1-----:::-::: '✓ • ~~-----I , r· . ----------- ./' /'/ ./' I , -3'6" tall metal picket fence with gate. ,-----Private patios with concrete unit pavers. -Concrete block retaining walls, 15" high. -Trees and shrubs on slab. See planting plan. Existing parapet wall with new waterproof membrane. -Slab drain (Bi-level) in hard surface areas. -Irrigation sleeving. 3'6" tall metal picket fence with gate. ,,,..,.-Slab drain in planted area. Thin.set concrete slab. Ensure positive . -drainage to drain, nush with adjacent surfaces. PLANT LIST -Podium Level --1 ~'Jl! Lia <Hoartleaf BJH:,=•=~·~-----"',.,__ _ __,,..,_,,,, Eu __ Ell_JJ_h ___ _.:Woo<!Ji~-~-------'--"--i'--'-- IHes .~ . !Jll!'l.'¥..."Wi___Jl)!,!ll t ~-... ,t\s _c}..'.G!>!l_S.!@!.l.dard' '.Go!.\l.S~~r i-:apgea seqata 'BJ!!...ebird' lsluebird.~H_,,,d,_,ra,,.n=••~-----"---i =--=-anum vul~e_'._Gold Ti ' 10rnamental ore ano stichum munitum , Sword Fern ,RhF 1Rh~.Qf9!L-aQL~ Packs' Rhogodendron 'Florence Parks' .fill __ :[lh~ hotei Rhododendron ~~kimmiaia ·ca 'Rubinetta' Rubinetta Skimmia .s.§~P.l!:aea.'..Goldmound' Goldmound ~ea Sm P /fu:ring • ' • • ' Dwarf Korean lilac Txm Tax H.~iU~~~Y•~w~------ V Vi tosum _Doublefile Vic,b,u,,,r-"nu,,,m!!.... ____ ..,,__ __ .\""u-,,"------""'""--------. GR9J,1t!DJ;QVc""-------------------'---+------l--------l ~ ~ennials selected ~~la=nd""""""'--A"rch=l,,:lee,C,_,_t ________ ...,_,_,,__-"'-'_.,,.,__ ___ ,_,C,,o,,nt,c.. _____ _ LANDSCAPE NOTES 1. Sizes on the planting plan shall be considered minimum sizes, 2. All landscape construction to meel the current edition of the British Columbia Landscape Standards as a minimal acceptable standard. Plant material to the salislacilon of the Landscape Standards for nUtsery stock. Extend searco for plant ma1erial lo Washington, Oregon, Calilomia. and B.C. 3. Root balls to be free of pernicious weeds. 4, Top soil mixtures lor lhe proleci shall be tested for partlcle ske, Ph, and Nutrient levels, and recommendations provided and amendments made to bring the soif up to accepiable horticultural quaJfty for the desired plant material, trees, or Wr1 planting. Off slab, min, soil depths are o for lawri areas, ,s· for shrub beds and ground cover plantings. Install 2 inches of composted organic mulch on all shrub beds alter planting and rake smooth. 5. Provide positive grades away from buildings and toward lawn drains and catch basins. Slope away from build Ing at a minimum of 2%. The prepared sub-grade shall be approved by the Consultant prior to appflcalion ol top soil mixtures and finish grading, Slope Iawards lawn basins at min, 4%. 6. Landscape Contractor s to provide 55 days of maintenance after the date al Substantial Completion. Maintain to level 2 'Groomed' as per British Columbia Landsape Standards. Contractor to provide a one-year guarantee for ail plant material. Plants installed prior to June (Between Jan 1 and June1) shall be under extended warranty untll the June 1 ol the following year. • 7. Protection ol existing trees/shrubs to remain; lrtStaJI tempora,y tree protecUon fencing at drip line of extstJng hedges, trees, and shrub beds wh ch am to remain. Maintain the fencing during construction No sto~eol materials or ~ulpmenl, or any other actlvfties are aJJowed within the protection zone dunng construction unih final landscape work ls being done In Ihe, Yiqnlty. Remove protective fencing and landscape as directed . 8. Planting material on City Boulevard to have the approval of the Par1<s Dept. prior to installation. Size, species and focation r~uire approval at the time of installation. 9. All landscaping to have high effeciency irrigation system to IIABC standards. Dec. 11, 2014, Revised hardscape layout Nov. 18 2014 Revised hardscape layout Oct.182014 issued for ADP Oct. 6 2014 or Review Sep 17, 2014 For DEC Revisions: ·.;;_f, Jonathan Losee Ltd . f;:Cf;~· Landscape Architecture ¢~.) ..... ~ Project #102-1661 W. 2nd Ave Vancouver, B.C. V6J 1 H3 Ph: 604-669-1003 Fax: 604-669·0402 E-mail: info@jonathanlosee.com Cameron Court Maple Ridge, BC Sheet Title: Illustrative Landscape Plan Scale: 1/8"=1'-0" Dale: September 2014 Project No 2014-31 L-0 ,-- ) /4 ,·omi::e ..,.~ ,... 11·1", 8'9" ~Sto,aoe\._. 9.6,.,5,7' J -314" IRR stub-out and 1/2" condulL -, ,I Office l Office 12':.9'5' '7 (1 ) LANDSCAPE PLAN \Ji) Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0" Galh1oon, 7 1 '2'\ PLANTING PLAN \,!:!/ Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0" OH1cf 1-1',l:-'7 ,_ Grour. ;:> ,) I New standard city sidewalk c/w scorelines. i::__., wall 1 Office I S'S' x 8'6" Enttv 'rl5'?':-<G:''3 ..1n? of r:.-:-$,dc-nt12 '•.er 2s aac•,0 n<:c~\ E-t ~nc: c/>1, 3G' ~1d? Jht =i---Sloped walkway with ramps and stairs. :::::J / :::::J See Architectural Plans. ,,----Irrigation sleeving ---12" wide gravel strip at edge of building. :::::J :::::J -1-Pj :::::J r--17-Bt-N 75-Au -Irrigation sleeving / 111 111\ 'z PLANT LIST -Street Level LANDSCAPE NOTES 1 Sizes on the planting plan shall be considered minimum sizes. 2' All landscape construction to meet the current edition of the 6 s1andards as a minlmal acceptable standard. Plant material 10th Landscape Standards for nursery stoek. Extend search for plant Oregon, Csllfornia, and B.C. 3. Root balls to be free of pernicious weeds, 4. Top son mixtures for lhe pro!ect shall be teSled tor particle slXE recommendations provided and amendmenIs made to bring the s honlcullural quaJily for lhe desired plant malerlaJ, trees. or turf ~a depths ares· for lawn areas, 18" for shrub beds and ground cove composled 0<ganlc mulct, on all Shrub beds atter planting and rak 5. Provide posilive grades away from buildings and Ioward lawn , Slope away from building al a minimum of 2%. The prepared sul 1he Consultant prior 10 appllcallon of lop sou mixtures and finish g basins at min. 4%, 6. Landscape Contractor Is to provide 55 days ol maintenance af Comptellon. Maintain to level 2 'Groomed' as per BritiSh Columbl ConIracIor to p,o\llde a one year guarantee tor all plant material. (Between Jan 1 and June I) shall be under extended wam,nty uni year. 7. Protecllon ol e•lstln.g trees/shrubs to remain; Install temporari line.of existing hedges, Irees. and shnJb beds Which ara to remaJr construction, No stOf'8!18 o1 maIerlals or equipment. or any other lhe protection zone dunng construction until flnal landscape work Remove protective fencing and landscape as directed. 8. Planting material on City Boulevard to have the approval of th, installation. Size, species and tocat1on require approval at the tim• 9. All landscaping to have high effeciency irrigation system to IIA 10 La • m ____ Co_ mmQ!! Name I~, ~-------+-------, .§!!!!l,!_BS __ _ [A., Arctoot;,ll!,lYJ,"'os.__,.ce::,"--"'----"'"""==------""' J!k~sthun ,5 ' A 100 Dec.11,2014 Revised hardscape layout Nov.182014 Revised hardscape layout Oct.182014 issued for ADP Oct. 6 2014 or Review Sep 17, 2014 For DEC .,,;,1.,r_,Jo n a than Losee Ltd. ~~;-~~ Landscape Arc/lilecture (:\,, Project: #102 -1651 W. 2nd Ave. Vancower, 8.C. V6J 1H3 Ph: 604·669-1003 Fax: 604-669-0402 E-mail: info@jonathanlosee.com Cameron Court Maple Ridge, BC Sheet Tille: Landscape & Planting Plan • Ground Level Scale: 119•~1·-11· Date: Sep1ember 2014 Project No 2014-31 L-1 Malnt4in Existing Concrete par.1pe1 at west perimeter - Maintain Existing Concrete parapet at west perimeter -- insure 42" height is achieved by use of ex. wall and guard, 12" wide gravel strip between building and planter wall. - _\ncrete stepping stones for maintenance access. -~ Maintain E'lcisting Concrete parapet at west perimeter•-- insure 42" height is achieved by use of ex. wall :::and gw,rd. 2"1RR stub-out and 3/4" conduit. -· I lnsuro 42"' t,eighl is aGhieved by use of ex. wall and -new42" ht plexiglass guardrail at lowered parapet from here East. guard.ng 561,,. !:...::L....:.: ~ Ill J □ 3'6" tall metal picket fence with gate. Unit Pavers adjacent Skylight-Abbotsford Concrete Products Texada pavers -Colour Ta.n • on prefabricated pedostaJs -Pavo El or slmilar ro support pavers ~nd provide gap betwe<!n pavers ror dralnago. Install flush with adjacent paving system. STAIR #3 / ..-Private patios with concrete unit pavers. -new 42" ht. plexiglass guardrail at lowered parapet along East parapet Precast stacking Concrete Masonry wall -retaining walls, 15" high maximum height. Trees and shrubs on slab. See planting plan. ~ Ma,cimum soil depth 15" including drain gravel. Existing parapet wall with new waterproof membrane. . __ _.,....,.-Slab drain (Bi-level) in hard surface areas. Planter drain with upstand for visual access ✓-and maintenance access to slab drain. -new 42" hl ptexigloss ,. guardrail at lowered parapet along East parapet Unit Pavers on Slab -Abbotsford Concrete Products Old Country Stone Paver -Type 1, 2 &3 Colour mix 40% walnut, 60% Taupe Blend random -90° Ashlar pattern See photo adjacent for paving pattcm. !'avers set on tevolllng bed or 114·· clear crush gravel on draln"l!" composile 1T1;1l on protection board on wator proof mambrane on structur.11 slab. Screed clear crush grav~l to alllow.for min 1.5% slope from high points to area drains. lnigation sleeving typical. -J'S" tall metal picket fence with gate. ~/-Planter drain in planted area. Thin-set concrete slab. Ensure positive _..,-drainage to drain, flush with adjacent surfaces. Old Country Stone Pavers on gravel levelling bed , L-2 2 \ L-2 w. -f'lnltU.4!.IM"~..,_,.B"'dt. wr1lcalpertpl~clwupfO'r ,ct,,1rt,111,p,Wl)Ott..-~lftt'IMt1m m O;~ NNM!l n $plt<llled- c.Oa40Nsecuredwtlh butyllapeorapprovedadhtslve. ,---·--•lmllpolVahe-etconllnuousbehlndret11lnlngwa11 A~atuic~ AaQ,n .. U.ret.t .,....ooleveUlngbedon -----CONJl'Hk4~0N/o,lila,ln,ii91•N t.RockyMounl.aln IIDlll<~or~l~•-•ul"-- )1111 .. r Ola.•nlN round drain rock behind wall, WTapped In .... ....... --~ IJIP~iUdl illfW!'D_.,tlaOIW-lllllh ;l,W"atM«<nhgt11Wf f'flVIOor plmUng■s per layC>Ut plan. -Pl~bo.irdonrootbarrler. WAU1J1190l" .. 1MW-C11'1.,i,.lo~~p-.. RETAINING WALL NOTES: Retaining Wall on Slab Scale: 1/2" = 1•-0• 0.~ICt.lNl!ltt.(Wtollff!U..~~~jlto t!CCONIS-.lerOlM.,.,.....,_90-.:madl,•IIIIUII ~~.o:.~""~ Helghlofw&llh rnnlmumt5"&bove1Dpof5'11b. ,,--Ta,po-sw'ltl:)On,111[2") 1ppn,W<l'°"'J>OS'l""•"c.llh>l1Dwlnupl.lm:ina, ~··-"'""~""•·~1"0tn~a. ,.-,,-~-.-....,na,e#ll!J.W$..-..--.,.,~,...-t-.._et...,._ults. T■.-,.U-r,tl~IJ'Wf~-tll ........... ._..~-... fl-,,..,_. -r-lNJIIC10~.._,,._ 0ono1a11oo,1or1~01a,_..,,_,,,, __ mulchloftCOQd1J" Soil installation on slab Scale: 1/2" = 1•-0• 0 --·---·-••-"'9-,;bltnit'l,,,.. .. IIIW llda10pwW!l'ICnr-ana,eguna,,, -CDt1C:rir1rd,--..s.u,a,:,t.,.f!W ---- ...,..,_,...,~41.""11~NG. .... -~ ... I P1d~INI ~• l'Mf lJ'lllit.._ K1'0ulft ~t.atei.du-.-'ll,_.-..111~boll'd .,. .,.in,n:,et l'IIIIIUll■JM Oft ll'IUC1.lllul ~..,~ ... •IOI. Oec.11, 2014 Aevfsod hard&aipe layout 3 Unit Paver -Old Count Stone on Slab 8,,-· NTS Nov. 18 2014 Oct. 18 2014 Revised hardscape layout issued for ADP Texada Pavers on pedestals Oct. 62014 or Review Sep 17, 2014 For DEC Ae11isions . :,._~,. Jona th an Losee L rd. i=t;'"~~};-Landscape Arch/lecture ,t··, ; • ... : #lrJ2• f6lJf W. 2nd Ave. Vancot.,w,t, 8.C. V6J 1 H3 Ph: IID4·6~/MQO(I F'o,; 60,-U!l-ooJZ E--mlll;;,,/.-;o,,.,h•-·- Project: Cameron Court Maple Ridge, BC Sheol Title: Hardscape Plan Podium Level Scale: 1/8"=1'·0" Dale: September 2014 Project No. 2014-31 L-2 ------------- ----~-MIii ........... .., •• _ ---,-,•----(7'1m11k:lllollllwln11pi..na1>9 ~, _,,..._1___...,L~a=rge Cali er tree 11lanting on slab ~ NTS NOJIRI.! 1, J,llil\,CAlll'll.tn•■b:eandroot■pmdtoCNTA IIN:l.apt tandard1 for Nur~uy St~k. 2. Prune only damaged, dl&e111Md, or Wlllilk llmbll and rootl, ~ OOIWIC .... ~tt.d"FCM.IIGlll'lflllnstalllltlon =-~~-=~plantlngand 4. Enui,e AIOlblll II ioo.«ied before plantlng ....... ·2 , Shrub !anting on slab ,~! NTS 32-SjR r----------------------------~--------------------------· . 11-Pm 65-SjR 12-Txm .-,-6-Hg n , ~--.. -6-Pm 11.,='-"""= .,t,J,-----,,;x..~~~=;.< • • ::-..--11-Txm -=---~ 6-Hg ,--2-Ap-CB /-27-Bc ,-12-SJR / _{ 3-Pm 6-Bc I 6-Txm 17-Hes / • .-----=---., '/ .-12-Txm --- @l @l @l 55-SjR 6-0v .... --3_ tn. ,,--7-Txm -I I I 13-Eu IJ -4-Sm P 24-Hes .---10-Txm ~ 34-Ov .) -r,;';;jl 1,,,1 _U /' ✓ ./ . ' =i ~ r'",;. L-....:...!:. -4-SG 12-SjR 2-Ap-CB '-- 3-Vp 8-Bc 3-Pm/ 12-Txm . 6-Hg ____. ..,.. ~ 7-Pm ____.. !:TI Li c~·J 19-Hes @l "i 18-Hes ,--6-Eu / / 11-Ap 7-CcV 23-Bc __ 5-Hb 19-Rh -4-Txm -8-Txm -9-CxSP 12-RhF ------, I Q.u~ Sc:lleduled ~~Notes 4-Txm 11 1.25m #20 at Cont. Cornus controversa Varieg,~•ta=---=~- 14 l.ZSm #ZJL~t nt. '7 1.Sm #20 t t. '-"'""---'C"'o'-'rn"'u"-s ,._x 'Stellar Pink' 9 1.Sm #20 pot Cont. I 4 Cont. Cont.. ;Cont. ---, Cont. Cont. ____ _ -='--==,,,I•,.. binetta' Rubinetta Skimmia (Male & Female) ~ =~-"""""'----Goldmound S_pi~ __ Sm P ..SY!i!lll~Y!fi 'Palibin' Owarl Kor~~ _ 14 1-lC!fl 1Taxus < media 'Hillsii' Hills Yew ..J 13, __ .,_1.,...s.,,rn,.,he,t~--.e""-..!:.!""- v • ~~m 1Doublefile Vibumum ----~· 3,_ __ ,c 100 Dec. 11, 2014 Revised hardscape layout Nov.18 2014 Revised hardscape layout Oct. 18 2014 issued for ADP Oct 6 2014 or Review Sep 17, 2014 For DEC Revisions. ;~'~,Jonathan Losee Ltd . .. tG; : Landscape Arch/lecture ~--... ( .... J '<.. -• Project #t02· 1661 W. 2nd Ave, Vancower, B.C. V6J 1H3 Ph: 604-669·1003 Fax: 604-669-0402 E-mail: lnfo@Jonalhanlosee com -6-Ov 12-Txm Cameron Court Maple Ridge, BC -10-SmP 'T t__ __ SheelTille: Planting Plan - Podium Level Scale: 118"=1'-<I" Date: September 2014 Project No 2014-31 L-3 l<Xlffla mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel {ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: Name of.Applicant File number Address of site Current Zone ---'M_-_:i ___ Proposed Zone __ iv1_-_?-J ___ _ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date t.J1 A-'fz.C-K i o , zo t 5 Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect L..I{~~'+ fol')tt0\<zA--/<'iz.C..1--t t te:ut Landscape Architect KP r'L-C<N N \N<:::i .,.. r., e5L6( N Other Professional (State Name & Role} ______________ _ Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 rn or gross area exceeding 275 m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -all schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Horne for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 1~•-' mapleridge.ca DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Project Zone _M_-3 _______ Date Prepared February 13/15 Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed {Complies or variance needed?) LOT AREA* (in square metres) ' Gross Total MIN.2000 4,066 Less Road Dedication area Less Undevelopable area Net Total 4,066 LOT COVERAGE (ih % of net lot area} : -- Buildings & Structures MAX 60% 40.4% Paved & Hard Surfaced Areas 50.3% Landscaping 9.3% Total Site Coverage 100% SETBACKS. ( in' metres} : ~ Front 6.0 9.38 Rear 6.0 7.7 Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) 1.5 (E) 5.57 Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) 1.5 (W) 1.5 Side #3 (N, S, E or W) ' . BUILDING HEIGHT ,(in metres/storeys) -. .. Principal 15M 9.45M Accessory NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three Bedroom+ Total -. . GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) . Residential Retail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type l Institutional Industrial 1,644 TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA 1,644 * If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot d1mens1ons pertain to the entire site. Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) DENSITY # of units/ha {gross) # of units/ha (net) Gross Floor Area Floor Space Ratio (net) AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area I PCNIC TABLE/AMENITY AREA Useable Open Space ,, PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses Educational & Asse mbly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use 18 18 Business Park Uses Comprehensive Total Number of Parking Spaces for Uses 18 18 Number of parking spaces for disabled 1 1 Number of spaces for visitors TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES 18 18 Number and percentage small cars 1.8 (10%) 1 (5.5%) Number and percentage tandem spaces TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE{S) 2 2 BICYCLE PARKING (n umber of spaces ) Short Term Bicycle Parking 3 Long Term Bicycle Parking ' OTHER -state YES or NO for each Heritage Site !No I Tree Su rvey/Assessment Provided j NO Watercourse/Steep Slopes I NO I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements j YES I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. Prepared by: __ L_k_l';:_l_':. _·1 l_~_/\._I_I-\_P<l_V1_M ___ _ Print Name (Please print form and sign above) NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. / Daep Rools Greater Heights ADP applicant Checklist: All presentation material must be in 11" x 17" format (7 hard copies 3-hole punched), one full size copy and one digital copy on CD or memory card submitted to the File Manager. This applicant checklist needs tl1e "Required'' boxes to be completed by the File Manager, while tl1e "Included" boxes need to be completed by the applicant/project architect and submitted with the ADP package. 1) ADP application form & project data sheet 2) Site and Neighbourhood context ,, 3) Design Rationale 4) Project Analysis 5) Architectural drawings in metric dimensions a. Site Planning: Site Plan/layout b. Site Planning: Site Sections c. Site Planning: Streetscape elevations d. Site Planning: Shadow Analysis e. Site Planning: Lighting details f. Building Design: Floor Plans g. Building Design: Roof Plans h. Building Design: Building Elevations from all sides i. Building Design: Signage details j . Building Design: Lighting details·;!( k. Coloured elevations (to show material specifications) I. Building Design: Building Sections 1 Requir~ [Z] G2r ~ ~ Included ~ B B El GJ □ El □ ffiZJ\ * GJ ~- ~ ~. I V 1* (..0\i\2.RS '?Lt~ kMb LkN l'.'S<.'.. t<r'c. L.l~i-1 t1N El ~ m. 3D rendering of the site and/or building 11. Green Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives o. Material Samp[e Board 6) Landscape drawings in metric dimensions a. Landscape Plan/layout b. Landscaping details for features, p[ay area/ amenity space/ common activtty area c. Planting List with specifications d. Site Sections to show lot grading, drainage and landscaping e. Irrigation details for landscaping above structure f. Signage details for free standing sign age g. Lighting details for pedestrians/landscaped areas h. Preliminary Storm water Management (SWM) plan Project ArchitecVApplicant: Name: c.[fRLStl kN ~ ftM.N\ Date: fE-c; \ 5 /4 .fi Signature: 04\Pi,J\.Mt\N\. End of Document Revised December 2012 2 .. / [2f G □ □ ~ ~ Required Included ~/ Ga □ □ ,,, ~---[2j □ □ □ □ ca [illl\. 0" 1~1hi- G~:~'.r-Ga TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: Advisory Design Panel 2014-092-DP 20210 113B Avenue City of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: March 10, 2015 An Advisory Design Panel submission has been received for the subject property, located at 20210 113B Avenue, to permit the construction of a warehouse development in the M-3 (Business Park) zone. There is an existing building located to the front (north) of the subject property, that will remain. The new warehouse building is proposed to be located to the south of the existing building, to be used as additional warehouse space for the existing cabinet manufacturing business, located on the adjacent property to the west, at 20198 113B Avenue. This is a zoned land subject to a Development Permit approval. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: 'Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: South: East West Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: . Site Area: Access: Servicing: Integrated Construction, Christian Hamm Anmore Holdings Inc. No. BC0786716 Lot A, District Lot 280, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan LMP52360 Industrial Industrial M-3 (Business Park) M-3 (Business Park) Industrial M-3 (Business Park) Industrial Vacant and Residential· RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Industrial and Urban Residential Industrial M-3 (Business Park) Industrial Industrial M-3. (~usiness Park) Industrial Industrial Industrial 4,060 m2 (1 acre) 113B Avenue Urban Servicing Page 1 of 3 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: An Industrial Development Permit is required for all new development on land designated Industrial in the Official Community Plan. The purpose of the Industrial Development Permit is to promote quality industrial development through c;:lttractive design that is compatible with adjacent development and conforms to the Official Community Plan guidelines. This proposal will be assessed against the following key guideline concepts: 1. Provide a street presence with entrances and architectural interest in building designs fronting public streets. 2. Loading facilities should be located away from public streets and into the rear or the interior of a site. 3. Outdoor storage and less attractive structures such as accessory buildings should be screened with fencing or landscape. 4. The transportation needs of diverse users should be accommodated through amenities such as bicycle facilities and accessible design for the mobility impaired. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features,· materials, proportions and building articulation. PLANNING COMMENTS: Official Community Plan The applicant is proposing a warehouse development on the subject property (see Appendix A). The applicant has provided a design rationale (see Appendix B) and has completed the Industrial Development Permit Guidelines checklist (see Appendix C). Context The subject property is relatively flat and is located on the south side of 113B Avenue. The subject property is surrounded by industrial development to the north, east, and west, and backs onto an existing residential area and vacant industrial-designated lands to the south. The property is within the floodplain and a restrictive covenant specifying the minimum construction elevation is registered on Title. There are also two additional restrictive covenants registered on Title pertaining to the general business park requirements and site drainage. Parking The Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350 -1990 requires that the M-3 (Business Park) zone provide 1 parking space per 93 m2 of gross floor area for industrial use. The total gross floor area of the existing building and the proposed new building is 1630.2 m2, requiring 18 parking spaces. The applicant is providing the required 18 parking spaces. One of the spaces is sized for disabled parking, and one of the spaces is sized for small car parking. Two loading areas are provided, and a bike rack is provided (see Appendix D). Page 2 of 3 Garbage/Recycling A garbage and recycling area is located within the proposed new building. Offsite Upgrades No offsite upgrades are required as a result of this application. Street trees are already provided along the frontage of the property. • Proposed Variances· No variances are proposed with this development. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on this development proposal submission. Prepared by: Michelle Baski, AScT Planning Technician Attachments: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Design Rationale Appendix C -Industrial Development Permit Area Guidelines Appendix D -Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 3 of 3 20210 1138 St CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT Scale: 1 :2,000 DATE: Sep 26, 2014 2014-092-DP BY: JV - Abbotsford Office Edmonton Office Vancouver Office #400 -34077 Gladys Avenue Abbotsford, BC V2S 2E8 #148 -363 Sioux Road Sherwood Park, AB TBA 4W7 #210 -1311 Kootenay Street Vancouver, BC VSK4Y3 T ( 604) 853•8831 F (604) 853-1580 District of Maple Ridge -Planning Department 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge BC V2X 6A9 Canada Attention: Michelle Baski T (780) 400-9320 F (7 80) 400-9325 T (604) 294-6662 F (604) 294-6665 October 27 2014 A14236 Re: 20210-1138 Ave., Maple Ridge -Proposed Industrial Warehouse/Shop Building Development Permit Statement This letter is to provide explanation in regards to the Design Criteria and Rationale for the works to proceed on the above mentioned site. The present site is Zone M-3 and in its present state is a lot with an existing building. The intent of the Client is to develop this site and an industrial warehouse/shop building in this independent lot. The building will be a shell building with future tenant improvements to follow. The existing building on this site fronts 113B A venue and blocks a portion of the proposed building from the street view. The main entrance of the proposed building faces east property line. From a structural standpoint, the building is a concrete tiltup building with architectural reveals and cornices. There are canopies provided at the main entrances of the building. The loading grade doors are located away from the main street. The parking area is located in front of the building with a universal parking stall and a clearly defined pedestrian access. I trust this explanation is adequate to explain the planned development. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Krahn Engineering Ltd. Situ Sidhu, CTech www.krahn.com -. REC .. EIVED -1 FEB --5 2015 ' • L'ltJ Pursuant with Section 8.6 of the Official Community Plan, industrial development proposals will be assessed against the following form and character guidelines. This checklist is intended to aid in the review of industrial development permits and is to be completed by the architect of record for the project. It is noted that the project will also be • reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Plannmg Department staff and the Advisory Design Panel. Key Guideline Concepts Consistent HNo, provide Yes No justification for inconsistencv 1. Provide a street presence with entrances and Pr"'pa;eJ b,_,,-/dt'~J architectural interest in building designs fronting / do(?5 /\_i>+ .,,:;.,,,,.,+ public streets. Mr.<2.~t 2. Loading facilities should be located away from public streets and into the rear or the interior of a ✓ site. 3. Outdoor storage and less attractive structures such as J' accessory buildings should be screened with fencing or landscape. 4. The transportation needs of diverse users should be accommodated through amenities such as bicycle ✓ facilities, and accessible design for the mobility impaired. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of ✓' development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. Guidelines Consistent If No, provide Yes No justification for inconsistency A. Bµilding Design, Massing and Sitjng 1. Offices, reception, sales, and other public use areas ✓ should be located at the front of the buildings to face streets. Design facades so that these areas are easily identifiable and visible from streets. 2. Main building entries should be located and designed to be clearly identified from streets or ✓ entry driveways. Include glazing as a major component of street-facing building facades. 3. Whenever possible, overhead service doors and ✓ loading docks should not be located on a building -1 - fa9ade that faces a street. Design service doors to fit with the overall design of a building. 4. Buildings with significant areas of non-reflective opaque materials or blank walls should incorporate features such as texture, graphics, reveals, colours / or decorative floodlighting to provide visual interest. Landscaping should also be provided to compliment the architectural details. 5. Developments adjacent to treed slopes, ravines and watercourses must respect natural vegetation, use natural landscaping to retain soils on the site and may require additional setbacks as establi$ed by agencies having jurisdiction. Creeks and ravines are encouraged to be retained in their natural state. Buildings and structures should be integrated into natural slopes and other significant features. 6. New developments are encouraged to incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) techniques into their site planning. Consider employing techniques such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, separation of impervious surfaces, installing below surface infiltration beds and tree box filters, and redirecting water from drain. pipes into vegetated areas. 7. Rooftops of buildings should include design elements, including landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street, surrounding uses and structures such as bridges. B. Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation 1. Wherever possible, the majority of parking and all loading areas should be located between or to the rear of buildings, with access from lanes or internal circulation. 2. Divide large surface parking areas into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous appearance. Use landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pedestrian / pathways, and pavement lreab:nent to enhance the visual appearance of large parking areas. 3. Parking areas adjacent to public streets should provide a low level landscaped buffer between the / parking and the public realm. 4. Consider the use of permeable parking pavers or shallow concrete swales with rolled edges as an alternative treab:nent for surface drainage. 5. Above ground parking structures should not front nublic streets at a:rade. Non-oar.king uses or soecial -2 - ✓ C o_.,.•J1 'J-<. re d bv+ //\.vf /"-urpo r« f..eJ 1o ... ; f J,'"J ,c;,,, .rct botck-{ra "" 5'./-,-~e-f a,,._ J ,:r .('4..-<!'. l\e,ffr llS $1,rrrO"""'-J,·,,.,_J b ..... .-/d,-~9., or t,,,•14.er f"lo+ pof5( J;}e d.v e. fo s,k ('D /\ .rf-r"', 'l'-f-.f C XI '.f' f I "J 71 -:/.e i'f pa.ve Ji ..,e1.v pa.1,i) ·f-o +r'e ,,,_-1-0 f'x,t.fr') fa~ade treatments must be provided along street :frontages to enhance the building's appearance to the public realm. On non-street fronting facades, parking stnictures should be treated to 11,void long blank walls at grade, such as massed landscape treatments or attention to the design detailing on the fa~ade. 6. Parking control equipment, such as ticket dispensers and card readers, should be located at a sufficient distance from a public street to prevent parking queues extending onto the street Similarly, a minimum distance of one car length, and preferably two car lengths, should be provided between an exit gate and the street edge to accommodate cars waiting to merge into traffic. 7. Rooftop parking structures should include design elements, including landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street, surrounding uses and structures such as bridges. C. Pedestiian Access 1. Provide well defined and safe pedestrian access from parking areas and the public sidewalk to ✓ • industrial uses. Design the access to ensure that pedestrian use is given precedence over vehicular use. 2. Industrial developments with large parking areas should provide a direct pedestrian pathway system through the parking area to facilitate convenient and safe pedestrian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscaping with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. 3. Where pedestrian pathways intersect service roads or access roads for access to parking areas, crosswalks should be clearly designated through use of pavement markings, signs, flashing lights or, where warranted, traffic signals. D. Universally Accessible Design 1. Locate parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities as close as possible to the main entrance to a building. 2. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchairs or scooters and should include a tactile -3- piedefrf.t,\t,.r, il<<'es.r prov,·dcd .-P.-.,.,,~ ✓ ft1.rk,'~ ;v/A strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be . provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct / access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 3. Building and site design features should integrate ✓ circulation routes and areas for people with disabilities with general public use. E. Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas 1. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical ✓ units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. 2. Service areas should have differentiated access to minimize visual impact as well as conflicts .✓ with pedestrians. 3. Refuse receptacles must be located indoors or within service areas out of view from pedestrian access. Garbage and waste material should be stored in ✓ containers that are weatherproof and animal- resistant. 4. Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise and exhaust on pedestrian areas, adjacent ✓ residential development and outdoor spaces. 5. Mechanical equipment, drive-through uses, service or car wash bays, restrooms, vending machines, unenclosed storage, and public telephones should be / oriented on the site to face away from adjacent residential development. Whenever possible, these uses should not be visible from an adjacent residential property. F. Signage 1. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign ✓ By-Law. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message should be integrated and complement the scale and ✓ architectural detail of the building. 3. In multiple-tenant buildings, signs should be ✓ designed to present a unified appearance. -4- G. Lighting 1. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged along all / pedestrian pathways. 2. Lighting should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ✓ ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. H. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) 1. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the ✓ design of all buildings and facilities. 2. Ensure convenient, safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to building entrances, v/ lobbies, parking structures, or other principal areas of buildings. 3. Design developments to maximize opportunities for natural surveillance, allowing people to easily view what is happening around them during the course of everyday activities. Design the interior spaces and exits from any parking structures for maximum ✓ visibility within the parking area. Entries should be . highly visible, well lit and spaced at convenient intervals Hidden spaces, !)bscured alcoves and blind comers should be avoided in the design and layout of the parking facilities. 4. Wherever possible, locate parking next to uses that ✓ generate human activity. L Bicycle Parking an4 Storage 1. The provision of bicycle parking facilities, such as bicycle racks is encouraged. Bicycle parking should / be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads. Bicycle racks should be made of sturdy, theft-resistant material, securely anchored to the floor or grounds. 2. Large-scale developments are encouraged to Th.,'s bvi' (di":3 provide end-of-trip facilities, such as showers and lockers, within the development for the convenience ✓ i's j?ttr f-od -'""" I( of employees. t'c,,1e devel Of_,.,e,rf J. Landscaping and Open Space 1. Ancillary or accessory buildings, including structures used for storing materials. should be -5 - visually screened from public streets with dense evergreen planting or should be designed and ,. / finished in a manner consistent with the principal .IV/ A building. 2. For industrial developments with multiple tenancies, consider providing amenity spaces for the common use of employees and visitors. Amenity spaces for individual tenancies may be consolidated into large ✓ indoor and outdoor amenity spaces for the common use of all tenancies. Examples include outdoor landscaped areas or recreation spaces. 3. Landscaping both within and outside the development should: a) provide definition for pedestrian corridors b) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces c) present a pleasing street image d) soften the transition between adjacent land uses e) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site. 4. Provide landscaping of substantial proportions around property lines, particularly adjacent to residential development, to ensure a compatible and smooth transiti_on to abutting residential uses. 5. Landscaping should reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties and the stre.etscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 6. The scale and location of planting material should complement and be consistent with the scale and massing of buildings. 7. Energy efficiency and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) The use of native and/or drought-resistant species; b) designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind; c) providing shade in sumroer; d) allowing daylight into buildings; e) allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the site; f) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 8. Any portion of a building site left vacant for future development should be landscaped consistent with the landscaoe olan for the overall site. The -6- ✓ v ✓ minimum ground surface treatment should be lawn. /V/4 Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property not being developed. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new planting wherever construction activity has v destroyed vegetation. Replanting with indigenous or native species is encouraged. 10: Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces ✓-to increase the natural absorption of rainwater on a site. 11. Chain link fences are to be. avoided, and are f'e,,, ce frr>v,·JeJ discouraged along street frontages. Where chain ✓ t1ro1.n, J.. p.,,.017e~ link fences are unavoidable, a dense landscape i£,/r Sec r,,r 1' }-material is encouraged adjacent to the landscape pvrfQJ ~J1 cJc,{$' screen. "l'!f-(r.., -f-Jfr.ef' f 12. Fences abutting residential sites should be v constructed with materials consistent with fences generally used in residential developments. Date: Feb. S-/I> I Architect Name/Company i tt r r y /Jo cit. o r c,, /1,r c /.., 1 '1--e.c 1' Munici~al File No. 2o ( Gf-O CJ 'J. -DP PlanDescription: Propo{:,ej /:wi' /di'~'j fG7 be. b1..r, /f -7- Abbotsford Office #400 -34077 Gladys Avenue Abbotsford, BC V2S 2E8 T (604) 853-8831 F (604) 853-1580 Canterbury Kitchens Context Photos Project: New Building for Canterbury Kitchens Project Address: 20210 -1138 Ave, Maple Ridge Project No: A 14236 Date: November 07, 2014 Vancouver Office 11210 -1:511 Kootenay Street Vancouver, BC VSK 4Y3 T (604) 294-6662 F ( 604) 294-6665 The following provides context photos taken around the proposed building site situated in the south-1..vest corner of the highlighted property as depicted in the site context plan below. Context Site Plan: www.krahn.com Photo Looking South from 113B Avenue: Abbotsford Office 11400 -34077 Gladys Avenue Abbotsford, BC V2S 2EB T (604} 853-8831 F (604) 853-1580 Vancouver Office #210 -1311 Kootenay Street Vancouver, BC V5K 4Y3 T (604) 294-6662 F ( 604) 294-6665 Proposed siie of new building as seen from 113B Avenue, it should be noted that the site is surrounded by industriai buildings of the same or greater height than the proposed building along the north/east/ Nest sides. As the proposed building site is situatecl within a property that is already developed, the proposed building will be able to utilize the current the s·reet access to 1138 A ,enue as seen in the photo below Photo Looking North from 113B Avenue: Proposed business park industrial buildings to the north on the other side of 113B Avenue. www.krahn.com Abbotsford Office #400 -34077 Gladys Avenue Abbotsford, BC V2S 2E8 T (604} 853-8831 F (604) 853-1580 Vancouver Office ff21□ -1311 Kootenay Street Vancouver, BC VSK 4Y3 T (604) 294-6662 F (604) 294-6665 Photo Looking South from 1138 Avenue to Existing Canterbury Kitchen's Building (Adjacent West Property): The proposed building mimics the colours and style of their existing building on the adjacent property. Photo Looking North from Proposed Building: The existing building on this site as seen from the proposed building. www.krahn.com _,I Photo Looking East from Proposed Building : Abbotsford Office lt400 -34077 Gladys Avenue Abbotsford, BC V2S 2E8 T (604) 853-8831 F ( 604) 853-1580 Vancouver Office 11210 -1311 Kootenay Street Vancouver, BC V5K 4Y3 T (604) 294-6662 F (604) 294-6665 Proposed building site will be able to utilize existing storm sewers on-site and will require minimal new asphalt. Photo Looking South from Proposed Building: Existing trees will block the proposed building from view of the residents to the south, additional hedges will be provided in the south-east corner to provide additional screening to the site. www.krahn.com Streetscape from 113B Avenue: Abbotsford Office /1400 -34077 Gladys Avenue Abbotsford, BC V2S 2E8 T ( 604) 853-8831 F (604) 853-1580 Vancouver Office 11210 -1311 Kootenay Street Vancouver, BC V5K 4Y3 T (604) 294-6662 F ( 604) 294-6665 Below is the streetscape with the proposed building located behind the existing building. As you can see, only a portion of the proposed building is visible from the street www.krahn.com IIII lll,---tii.:.c .... •-111 ~-~• ■-.----1--.• PROPOSED BUILDING for CANTERBURY KITCHENS 20210 113B AVE., MAPLE RIDGE, BC, CANADA AE!BOTSFORO OFFICE }~ioit~r~ttC!i~~~Wf;;,t~e~~~:P~~.C 'i'lS .:e:e EClMONTON OFFICE I NTEGRATED CONSTRU C TI O N larry podhora I architect H~! ~:R.-..:.<.:•:J-1 ·:,AY NC;;;H, l,.,l,.:..•m::tt :l,:; \'f's :!Cl T O?~~~:: 02~~ PROPOSED BUILDING for CANTERBURY KITCHENS r-'RO..i;C-ADDR£:SS 20210 1136 AVE., MAPLE RIDGE, BC,CANADA DP COVER PAGE CIIEO(ED i,; • A0.1 ---' ■■■ ---■ . - SLAB ELEVATION: 5.20m MAPLE RIDGE ZONING BYLAW ANALYSIS: CIVIC ADDRESS: 20210-1138 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, BC LEGAL ADO RESS: LOT A, D L 280, NWD PLAN LMP52360 ZONE: M3. BUSINESS PARK SITE AREA: 100ac[0407ha]l43,76794 sq II {4,06617sq m) SITE COVERAGE: MAX. C01/1:AAGE_ 60% TOTAL COVERAGE: 17,696 38 sq fl 143.767 94 sq II =404% MIN BUILDING SETACKS: FRONT YARD • 6 Om REAR YARD· 6 Om SIDE YARD· I Sm BUILDING HEIGHT: MAXIMUM OF 15 Om (49 21') LANDSCAPING: ALL LANDSCAPING TO BE IN ACCORDANCE W\TH CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAWS ~ I!-.. PARKING: • INDUSTRIAL: . 09;5!fS1 • ij · ~ ~z. ~- ~'i! 1 STALL PER 93 sq m (1,001 sq fl) OF FLOOR AREA EXISllNG BUILDING 1: -3,6000sq ft/1,0010sq fl =360STALLS PROPOSED BUILDING 2: • 14.096 38 sq fl / 1 001 0 sq tt • 14 OB STALLS TOTAL STALLS REQUIRED: 18 (17 68) TOTAL STALLS PROVIDED: 18 PARKING STALL SIZE: DRIVE AISLE (90% ): 7 3m DRIVE AISLE (60%): S 5m DRIVE AISLE (45% OR LESSJ 3 9m STANDARD CAR: 2 Sm x 5 Sm PARALLEL CAR: 2 Sm it.6 1m SMALL CAR {MAX. 10%): 2.4m K4.9m STANDARD ACCESSIBLE: 3.8m x 5.Sm (1 FOR26-75 STALLS, 2 FOR 76-125 STALLS) A.P?Rf>X. SIZE ANO LOCA.T10H OF DUST COLLECTOR 1 ~~J~ANOD ElOSTSt!Op PROPOSED 5' HIGH ACOUSTICAL WALL SEE ELEVATION ON SHEET A4 1 • • PROPOSED , • • LANDSCAPING PER ., LANDSCAPE OWGS ,~•" SITE PLAN SCALE: 1/16"= 1'-0" lE .Al!BOT.SFORO OFFICE ~00 -J.07~ C,(,~!;Y$ "'':F.11<1,; .... f,5•.}TS,'r.',/,') 1a C 1,,:5 ~~6 T (Q.\ 'l,,~J Je~! ;: ,,:,.: ~S,> ;;;.,o ~•;,;,_;..,~t-" :~a. EDMONTON OfflCE :.i, -J&J !:'ICU~ ;;.:Mo :;_ .. ~~·,coo.~.,;;;, .~;, rM 1~•,7 r· >J<).-·~n-v ··no,F'").S1"~ ,· ··•,,•,.=n VANCOUVER OFFICE 210, Ill! ,Wl'Tl;'ll..Y uau \·a..'ICOl•\·iM ac v,"~\J T ~~ ,:9-1 ~,,r,2 F: CW OU~ ·•··•·.~ loJ~!•11 ~:-,r, INTEGRATED CONSTRUCTION larry podhora / architect ,~~• ,:.;;,\-.:;,-:1~; ·:,-\1' :-.a:.111 :ie\....,-:1c-, ~ ,: 1,,ac ~;:~ r ,n:~.:ou;; PRO~ECT NAl.1E PROPOSED BUILDING for CANTERBURY KITCHENS 20210113BAVE., MAPLE RIDGE, BC.CANADA SITE PLAN A2.1 . 45 S.M.J AREA: 3,600 S.F. ELEVATION: 6.37m \ • -~ .. ~)(. ~ ... JllilW II 3 897,88 S:F· [371 ~2-S:M.J Irr i "• -~ MAPLE RIDGE ZONI CIVICAOORESS,20210-1138AVENU NG BYLAW ANALYSIS· LEGAL AOORESS, LOT A O L E. MAPLE RIOGE, ec • PARKING· • !NDUSTRIAL· n)H5· . . 280, NWO PLAN LMP52360 -J.ll • W"~NESS P,~ SITE AREA: l 00 ac {O 407 ha}/ 43 767 94 SITE COVERAGE ' sq II (4,06617 sq m) ~~;A~~RAGE~ to% VG!AG:E..17696385 f MIN BUILDING SETACKS· Cl l 143,767 94 sq ll = 40 4% FRONT YARD_ 6 0m :~~~~~~o--1 s5°; BUILDING HEIGHT· MAX LANDSCAPING. • IMUM OF 150m (49 21') ALL LANDSCAPING TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAWS 1 STALL PER 93 sq m (1 001 EXISTING BUILDING\· • sq rt)OFFLOORAREA PROPOS-E~~~jf~t~:1,001 Osq II = 360 STALLS -M.096.35 sq II I 1.001 0 sq II = 14 OB STALLS igi:t ~i~t: PRREQUIRED: 18 (17 68) OVIOEO: 18 PARKING $7.ALlSrl.E DRNEMil.E(IO'tlJ g::~ AISl~ (&014t 1 .)or1 STAN~-(.\!-~01HeS5) i: F'Afl..Alt.£L~ 1~cS5n1 Sr.u.tl.CAA(MA)t_ 15,tticGlm STJ.tCDAA:OACC~~ 14m•C.O!rJ (I FOJUG-1!ST~LL# 2 ,tm:'55rn ' FOR 7&-12:-5 STALLS) 1 SITE PLAN SCALE: 1116"= l'-0" . .. ; } :'.u;s ;;;, REv'5,c~.;;&; ,if,t,y •n SIJAL PROPOSED BUILDING for CANTERBURY KITCHENS 20210113BAVE BC, CANADA "MAPLE RIDGE, SITE PLAN r.,, A2.1 cp I 0 0 0 o' PROPOSED BUILDING 2 FOOTPRINT AREA: 14,096,38 S,F [1,309,59 S,M.] SLAB ELEVATION: 5.20m !lli.lI.ta 3,997.98 S.F. [371.42 S,M,J MECH. ELECT. 0 I i (7 [§] 37,00' w :o:r f4-l..1Gl't1J o _______ o 12'-0'x12'-0" 0/HOODR 12'-0"K12'-0" OIH DOOR 1700' fl!Hml 0 0 I ' I I ' I ' 1 UNIT •1-eANTI:RSURY CABINETS ! I 9,949,28 S,F, [924,32 S,M,] I ' ' (7 0 [§] ,,..,, (lt.43ft'II ------ 12'-0"x12'-0" O/H DOOR 0 cp I I I l.d-~ L~!<' ~ ----------------F --------------------,rr:_ ________________ _ ' ' I I I I ROUGH-INS FOR FUTURE WASHROOMS 16'-0°11:16'-0" 0/H DOOR 0 0 I I I I ' I 0 1 16'-0"x16'-0" O/H DOOR 0 \J MAIN FLOOR SCALE: 118" = 1'•0" lE ABBOTSFORD OfFICE l:l,l•,l-;;;17:C-UIQ~SA~•EIIUE AfiSUTSFOl'm nc f C3! S<'l ~,r,i r ,,:14 f.S,• 1!;,!;;i .,.,,..,.J.r:,.f" ,,_,.,, EOMONTCN OFFICE. i◄J-J6JSICUX1'UAD !'1"..:A,1•,ccnp,,;_:, .,;; ff.11,(.'/T' 1: :~~.,.~o ~:;2•J ,: no Hhl ~J:,e; ,w,,, ,,,,~., ~~,, INTEGRATED CONSTRUCTION Jarry podhora I architect PR".'Jt:CiNAt.1E PROPOSED BUILDING for CANTERBURY KITCHENS t1"Ltt·~ 20210 113B AVE., MAPLE RIDGE, BC.CANADA ORAV."HG7iTI.£ FLOOR PLANS A3.1 ":"I-,$ c;;,.;•,•,-;w_: ,s FR.:.tr,_~ DF ;,R:.1-:N GnQllPCor-~~o:,IP~~:1<:$ .kNt' ':'I 10\.JL[l N07 i'.E l'Ci'i!::D On D <rR eu,r:r, 'iilTl+,."\U-:-r-R:(1R WP.i-T;\N l~ONS.EN'." PRECAST NOISE BARRIER FENCE, DESIGNED BY OTHERS 5 ACOUSTICAL WALL ELEVATION SCALE: 3/8"= 1'-0' © I ....... @] (1356m) MATERIAL LEGEND RQH"T .. CLEAA.ANOCIZrD TO OWN R:S SPECIF)CATK>l.;'.S CJ RC2 THE ABOVE LEGEND ITEMS ARE SHOWN ONLY ON A SMALL AREA OF THE ELEVATIONS HOWEVER THEY APPLY TO ALLSIMILARLY MARKED AREAS THROUGHOUT THE BUILDING LIGHTING SCHEDULE L 1 -LU MARK LIGHTING -XTOR CROSSTOUR MAXX LED L2-LUMARK LIGHTING -XTOR CROSSTOUR LED L3 -HALO LIGHTING •493WBS06 SOLITE REGRESSED LENS COLOUR SCHEDULE Cl. MILLENIUM !!231W-SAWYER'S FENCE C2 -MILLENIUM 87.JSA-KAYAK BROWN -CJ· DARK BROWN e01.ou.ns TO MATCH EXISTING CANTE:RBURY KITCHENS BUILDING ON ADJ.'.CEttT I.OT CONFIRM ALL COLOURS WITH OWNER cp cp I ...... 0 I I 3 SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8"= 1'-0" TOP OF PARAPET 2 _J -n::a= I TOP OF PARAPET 1 -.., UIS ROOF DECK ·~~ MAJN FLOOR er 1.2 0 l lt:00' (11.21ml I 0 I I 0 .. ))Cr ...... 9 1 EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 118"'" 1'-0" +1--51'1' (27 pm.J -H..50" (1156ml j (11.5,liml -----?------------~-¼----------·-·---•-LI f; 2 NORTH ELEVATION 37,W (lt'28nif SCALE: 118"= 1'-0" 37.f/r r 4 WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 118": 1·-0• TOP OF PARAPET 2 ,1 , .. ..,. -TOP OF PARAPET 1 UIS ROOF DECK ,r.cr AINFLOOR .. WP OF PARAPET 2 .J 31'..0" -TOP OF PARAPET 1 -W.0- U/S ROOF DECK 'lll"•U' MAJN FLOOR o· TOP OF PARAPET 2 31'4" TOP OF PARAPET 1 29•.o· U/S ROOF DECK 28'-0" MAIN FLOOR .. :~:, -' ,;,• -· C• ,\c•' S ~t-:, ,,, -~~ .. -,._, J .,~(,ate' :: ,; •1'> ;,: '• r --,,-,,s·· -,~, :u·xo , . .,,-., ... ,:,;.,. -~-._c_s,::u:<·,0.,:i .~:..1 .. c-.. 1)->',~-~ ., .. r.,,~::• I ---~---~-,-~ • ~O G':·s~·,; ,,,,.u,• ~,,, INTEGRATED C ONSTRU C T IO N ~1.u:-ria. i-}"1~Ji .,...,a;; 1 ~~~'-;ai:,--'a.':,~;""..; ·•~ ~~o· Jarry podhora / architect PROPOSED BUILDING for CANTERBURY KITCHENS 20210 1138 AVE., MAPLE RIDGE, BC,CANADA ELEVATIONS .......... ... A4.1 cp I r --'---' / EXISTING BUILDING J__11 l I © I ~ I 0 .,,.,..., Cf~'fl!Cf1112 I ' i ! ~ ! : :t ,, !! H II Ii - 3700' [1128mf ~ffRCOU.~~- ~ 0 , .. ,,.. Jf.00- 11uam1 PROPOSED ROOF ASSEM8L Y \ J 44 50' fl).56~ cp I . 0 I I 37 50' [11.4:J.rr,t I . - 0 I ~ TOP OF PARAPET 1 --...... i:. la l"".., ' UIS ROOF OE.cK ,.. ... 11nr ~ ::\ll ~ "' - F PROPOSEO GRADE EXISTING GRADE I MAIN FLOOR " ,. T A SECTION A-A ; SCALE: 118" = 1 '-0" TOP OF PARAPET 2 .. ,... TOP OF PARAPET 1 ...... UIS ROOF DECK MAIN FLOOR .. B : SECTION B-B SCALE: 118" = l'·O" /\f!BOTSFORD OFFICE .::)() • .~:~7":'" GL,\Q\$,-\•!:NUC .~53UTSFCRC' SC V<.S .:tr; PCO! 5:'l ~&'.;1 ~ ~~ 65~ 15~0 ,.w., ~r.,ri ~~a, EDMONTON OfRCE 14.~.JGJHO'.:-X=O S"E~":/001)1>.\~,-,\£ fi.i\'-'l/7 r, 1~('.,\lO ,,:;w ~-7~(110:>.!lJ:5 .,-...~:.1,,,~, c,. n INTEGRATED CONSTRUCTION +·· f~~~~i.f 1. -"''-~~ i._!O} u--4:1:; 1 .11)1,l•Zz-O,,I M cif.~u,1,•n larry podhora I architect 19:;2;=:;.,,;;,1.1.>tl'.'I",\' t;/J;;JHS.<\,Vm:," sec t·i'.('C • T •:~ ;~sOll~ PROJEC7 NAI.H: PROPOSED BUILDING for CANTERBURY KITCHENS 20210 113B AVE., MAPLE RIDGE, BC.CANADA SECTIONS "·""':! CIIECKED CR.'W/INGNO ··•t',lf!' A5.1 7) II!:"-CR,:,1,'! NG S l'"Fll~F'-E?." or-1,~;.:.1 :Ii GRctrr Ci' ~m.,?~N:ES 1'.~ICI ~I IDl'L□ ~:n• i!E co?:Ec c~ o;sn: OU"i(:[J w,-r,-;,:,u; F:1:oR ','iel.17:Etl COis/SENT ,, ... 1 L 1.0 STORAGE YARD FOOTPRINT A [444,52 S.M.J REA: 4.7B4.76 SF, LANDSCAPE SCALE; 1 : 200 p LAN EXISTING SHRUBS TO REMAIN EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN :=~5g;-"lt) EXJST .. SHOP PROi'O$EDS'HIGH -.........._ ----· , •• ~ .. .,-----~ :~;Ti:L WALL SEE DRAWINGS _OSNHARCHITECTURAL EETA4.t -----__. PROP NEWC ~ . HYDROSEED MIX PROPOSE g FOOTP D BUILDING 2 0/HOOOR " S RINT AREA! 14 096 /j LAB ElEVATION: 5.20m •38 S.F. 11,309.59 S.M.] ~~geHEOGa _ &cAEBll>~G 1. 8 t. 9' cu :~NTa;,IST & LEGEND -BOTANICAL NAME ~ e @ e 15 MAGNOLIA STELlATA THUJA PLICATA EXCELSA' TILLIA TOMENTOSA 'GREEN MOUNTAIN' RHODODENDRON VULCAN'S FLAME' SPIRAEA JAPONICA "'GOLD MOUND VIBURNUM DAVIDII 9fl:'!5.E-S fERN$ A!m PfflENI 4,S ® UOBECKIA FU..GIDA 'GOlDSTRUM' 10 R HYOROSEEDED GRASS MIX D SEED TYPE TRANSIST INTER CREEPING RED F~EDIATE RYEGRASS HARO FESCUE SCUE TALL FESCUE ORCHARD GRASS TIMOTHY RED TOP SC RED CLOVER ALSIKE CLOVER lAV'IN tGAASS AAEA COMMON NAME STAR MAGNOLIA EXCELSA RED CEDAR GREEN MOUNTAIN LINDEN VULCAN'S FLAME ROHODENDRON GOLD MOUND SPIREA DAVID VJBRUNUM BLACK EYED SUSAN ~ 25 15 15 10 10 15 DlSTINCOf'FS11£TRI£$ 2 M HT B&B, MUU-STE:M, FULL 25MHT B&B,t6m0C 6 CM CAL B&S #5 POT, 120 CM a C #2POT 90CMOC 112 POT ,OOCM O C :#-1 POT.50CMOC % BY SEED COUNT 12,5 " 17 5 13 5 10 8.5 10 ~Krahn . GROUP OF COMPANIES (J INTEGR.A: CONSTRU :TED CTION ~~~POSED BUILDING CANTERBURY KITCHENS 2D210 113B A BC. CANADA VE., MI\PLE RIDGE, LANDSCAPE PLAN L1.0 ) CUT OFF & REMOVE ALL STRAPS, TWINE, WIRES, CONTAINERS, ETC 75-100 mm HIGH TEMPORARY WATER RING I SOIL BASIN AROUND SHRUB 50 mm DEPTH OF BARK MULCH TAPER AT TOP OF ROOTBALL AT BASE OF SHRUB PREPARED PLANTING MEDIUM -FIRMLY PACKED -~---SCARIFY SJDES OF PLANTING HOLE !11=~---100 mm COMPACTED SOIL MOUND 50/50 MIX SUPPLIED MEDIUM & EXISTING SOIL SOIL DEPTH 450 mm MINIMUM IN ALL SHRUB PLANTING BEDS AND GRASSED AREAS SHRUB PLANTING NO SCALE PRUNE ANY DAMAGED OR DEAD BRANCHES. DO NOT REMOVE LEADERS 2-50 mm ROUND PRESSURE TREATED STAKES SET VERTICALLY & FIRMLY INTO UNDISTURBED SUBSOIL ALIGN STAKES PARALLEL WITH ADJACENT SIDEWALKS & PAVEMENT EDGES & WITH PREVAILING WINOS IN OPEN SPACES STAKES NOT TO DAMAGE OR PENETRATE ROOTBALL ./'-c:::::;,:::::::1-----50 mm WIDE WOVEN NYLON BANDING IN FIGURE 8 PATTERN ~~~~" ATTACHED TO WOOD STAKES WI SHINGLE NAIL OR HEAVY DUTY STAPLE OR APPROVED EQUAL 50 mm DEPTH OF BARK MULCH TAPER AT TOP OF ROOTBALL SO TREE BASE EXPOSED 100 mm HIGH TEMPORARY WATER RING/ SOIL BASIN AROUND TREE PIT CUT OFF & REMOVE ALL STRAPS, TWINE, WIRE BASKETS, ETC LOOSEN & FOLD BACK BURLAP TO BOTTOM OF PLANTING HOLE 1:.,--d.l!la''--PREPARED PLANTING MEDIUM -FIRMLY PACKED SCARIFY SIDES OF PLANTING HOLE 100 mm COMPACTED SOIL MOUND 50/50 MIX SUPPLIED MEDIUM & EXISTING SOIL CONIFEROUS TREE NO SCALE E E ~ 1--------SINGLE STRAIGHT LEADER REQUIRED -DO NOT CUT / PRUNE ANY DAMAGED DR DEAD BRANCHES / 00 NOT REMOVE LEADERS 2 -50 mm ROUND PRESSURE TREATED STAKES SET VERTICALLY & FIRMLY INTO UNDISTURBED SUBSOIL ALIGN STAKES PARALLEL WITH ADJACENT SIDEWALKS & PAVEMENT EDGES & WITH PREVAILING WINOS IN OPEN SPACES, ST AKES NOT TO DAMAGE OR PENETRATE ROOTBALL, 50 mm WIDE WOVEN NYLON BANDING IN FIGURE 8 PATTERN ATTACHED TO WOOD STAKES WI SHINGLE NAIL OR HEAVY DUTY STAPLE OR APPROVED EQUAL. TREE GUARD -ADJUST AS NECESSARY 50 mm DEPTH OF BARK MULCH TAPER AT TOP OF ROOTBALL SO TREE BASE EXPOSED 100 mm HIGH TEMPORARY WATER RING /SOIL BASIN AROUND TREE PIT c.-.:;,.,..,"""~.,,,-~ -_ fi6~[J: ;5~0°~:C~L~J~E::~oT:6~~0:1~~ it!~i~~ ~6cLE SCARIFY SIDES OF PLANTING HOLE [.,C,~ffi;---PREPARED PLANTING MEDIUM. FIRMLY PACKED 100 mm COMPACTED SOIL MOUND 50150 MIX SUPPLIED MEDIUM & EXISTING SOIL. DECIDUOUS TREE NO SCALE N-·•·-~ ~···**··~ -~·-¾··*·*··\ -®\-*-- {1) ALL GROUND COVER SHALL BE PLANTED AT EQUAL TRIANGULAR SPACING PER ON CENTER EXCEPT IN SMALL RECTANGULAR AREA - SEE SPACING AS SPECIFIED ON PLA.NTING PLAN (2) LOCATE GROUND COVER ONE HALF OF SPECIFIED SPACING DISTANCE FROM ANY CURB, SIDEWALK, OR OTHER HARD SURFACE. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED GROUNDCOVER PLANTING NO SCALE LANDSCAPE NOTES GENERAL 1-ALL LANDSCAPE WORK AND MATERIALS TO CONFORM WITH BC LANDSCAPE STANDARDS AND THE CANADIAN STANDARD FDR NURSERY STOCK, LATEST EDITIONS LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS FOR DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE STANDARDS TO SUPERCEDE- 2 CONTRACTOR TD VERIFY All SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO STARTING WORK AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR PROJECT MANAGER 3. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITY AND SERVICES WITH THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE, PROJECT CONSTRUCTION MANGER, AND/OR All OTHER RELEVANT AUTHORITIES PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION OR DIGGING FOR TREE PITS 4 All PLANT MATERIAL TO MEET OF EXCEED SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN STANDARDS NURSERY STOCK AND THE BC LANDSCAPE STANDARDS, LATEST EDITIONS, AND BE CERTIFIED AS DISEASE FREE. 6 NO PLANT MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, 7. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE ALL WORKS AND MATERIALS FOR PERIOD NOT LESS THAN ONE (1) YEAR FOR FINAL ACCEPTANCE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR WILL INSPECT INSTALLED LANDSCAPE ON REGULAR BASIS AND REPLACE ALL DEAD AND/OR POOR CONDITIONED PLANTS IMMEDIATELY WHEN DISCOVERED OR NOTIFIED, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST, 8. SUPPLIED PLANTING MEDIUM SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED IN THE BC LANDSCAPE STANDARDS, LATEST ADDITION 9 ON SITE TOP SOIL WILL BE TESTED BY ACCREDITED COMMERCIAL SOIL SPECIALIST AND BROUGHT UP TO SPECIFICATIONS OF BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AS NECESSARY AND APPROVED IN WRITING PRIOR TO USE IN LANDSCAPE. 10 DEPTHS OF PLANTING MEDIUM SHALL BE AS SHOWN IN PLANTING DETAILS 11. ALL PLANT MATERIAL TO BE THOROUGHLY WATERED AND SOAKED AT TIME OF PLANTING 12 CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN LANDSCAPE AND PLANT MATERIAL TO SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION INCLUDING REGULAR WATERING, MOWING, PRUNING, AND FERTILIZATION 13 CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN SITE AND PROPERTY IN NEAT ANO ORDERLY APPEARANCE FOR DURATION OF THE LANDSCAPE WORKS ANO MAINTENANCE PERICO All LANDSCAPE DEBRIS ANO ASSOCIATED WASTE MATERIALS TO BE CONTROLLED AS THEY ACCUMULATE AND DISPOSED OF DAILY IN LEGAL MANNER, r) ABBCTSf~D OF'f'[CE: 41J3-l4mllAD1SAvt AIIII!rn!D,BC V,?Sc!a T•60t8$lB83I f'•60Ul'5Q.I500 -nwS.~n.ccn :I 2015--0Z•Ol ISSUEOFORAPD 2 2014-09--19 ISSUEDFCROP 2014-09-12 ISSUED FOR REVIEW PROPOSED BUILDING FOR CANTERBURY KITCHENS 20~10 113B A\/E., MAPLE RIDGE. BC. CANADA LANDSCAPE DETAILS AND NOTES SW 1..1/IOStJ L2.0 ~ ll@.Pl~nning I one: ~ LANDSCAPING COST ESTIMATE -REVISED FEB, 4, 2015 File No. L14059 I P'rolect; Gant11,b1.ny Kitchens ------~ -----lOllO 1138 Av• Maplo·Rldte-. BC I I I I I unr, Quantity UnliS latJIPrkie l (Earthworlc I • G<•dl~ uubbo,c orop & ft-gr.,dfns} sq.metres 236 S.00 Sl.JII0.00 b T~ll Un cost per m1) cublcm:eul!S 110 30.00 $3.300.00 Cal<!1lOIYSObt0t>l $4,480.00 21 Plant M.1Uerial (lten,ln,J ' Bo:.tnk:IIN:a~ CommonN~me 51•• -----'• Tr~ts MannoU,i .itt!llAII St:i:fMtl!:no& 2m In., multi stem •><h 1 375.00 $750.00 "11Klia :,rat• 1~~uls.a' Excelsa Red ~,nr 2 5 m ht. each 15 350.00 $5,250.0C Ti.W11 torMn,O:S,;J 'G1ttn MoUnt.tln' Gretn Mountain Dnde11 6cma1 ••di 3 400.00 $1,200.00 C.tegory Subtolal $7,200.00 lb I SlmJtl1 Rho:dodernlron "Vul~n•s A:une' Vulcan's Flame Rhododendron •spo1 each 3 40.00 $120,0( Spl~• japonka 'Gold Moond' Gold Mound Spiraea 12.pot Hdl 6 25.00 $150,0( Vlbumurrt David!( OavidViburnvm U2 pot each 4 25.00 5100.00 c.n"PY Subtotal $37D,00 I -~ G,ouncko\'an & Ptrennfails. ----Rudbedf~ ful&fdil 'Gold!tNm' Blod<Eyo,!S.....n ll ~o: eam 10 12.50 $125.00 c.«110,vSIJl>lotal Sl25,DC ~ Mulch cubKrnetre'li 18 40.00 $720.00 $720.00 4 HY,dfOlell!d Hydrcu.ce,d mix as ~r Jpedfatlon5 :Sq.nw!IJC'J 147 2.50 $367.50 I $367.SO 5 L~WD I sq.rnclft'i-20 10.00 $200.00 $200.00 _6_ Silo ru.milhln,p ----~ ---,-~ allowance 1 1,000.00 $1,000.00 I--'-Pknld<>nch / toblO --_ 1llowillr\te I 500.00 $500.00 ,_ --$1,500.00 TOTA.l{ti>xei not in.duded! $14,962.50 I I j I 3 ! w i 1 I ; i ! j 2500 SlM 'H' PLAN W.F. 15910F 01 1.0% (32.0•5l.) 547 'v PLAN 114 v 0 0 0 I t❖ "'"'> I 'I'.,_. 0 ~,,.., I I EX 3UILOJNG LOT 8 PLAN BCP23657 I I I I L _____________________________________________________ j ·~ "T".,,..~,i,',.,...--.... -~.,..-....,..,.,_-'""S,,----,--,,,-...-----s~,i,~-------.,,--,0$.-.,--·q;•=-.----,,,." ________ ...,_,..... .... __ ..----,.----,-rfit~.::'.::'f;::f:~~;t\2~2~::::::.. -"°"" C f' I A5P:-IALT ~A_R_E_A_=-□.-2-5h-o-----~ "-rq,, 2Yr. FLOW=0.0150cu.m./sec. (15.0L/sec.) PROPOSED BUILDING 1s.201 •,,, i 3 ~ I .,. • I ,-·/ ~:;:,i~--~~-~~~~~~::=.----~,~~ ~<'\.tl ' . ~~, t ~ -----~ I ••• co ------, _ __,.., o1' l4-' ( • 92) •~~-1500 sThl ol • • \ ".~ ! <> 548 PLAN 114 549 PLAN 114 ~--,,---' \ I I . . ,- CONTAINERS A PLNl L.MP52360 STRATA PLAN BCS 1738 E<. BUIL~nc ' .. I ' ' ' ' ' ' EX BUlt.OING 7 PLAN LMP31249 SITE GRADING LEGEND: FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF BUILDING EXISTING SURVEY ELEVATION PROPOSED GRADE ELEVATION DIRECTION OF OVERLAND FLOW EXISTING GROUND CONTOUR LANDSCAPED AREA -SEE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS PLANS DETAILS PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEt.tEN T STRUCTURE PER GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENT STRUCTURE PER GEOTIECHNICAL RECOt.tt.tENDA TIONS PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK - SEE ARCHITECTURAL ORAWlNGS FOR DETAILS CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER -SEE ARCHITIECTURAL ORAWlNGS FOR DETAILS. RETAINING WALL PROPOSED CATCH BASIN (RIM ELEVATION) PROPOSED LAWN DRAIN (RIM ELEVATION) SWALE RIDGELINE !:illIE.S; ~ -----1□----- D D D [2Z] M -M 11!1 (23.54) e (23.54) <-<- 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ANO ELEVATIONS ARE METRIC. 2. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR DETAILED CURB ANO BUILDING ALIGNl,IEHT/LAYOUT, AS WELL AS OETAl!,.S OF CO.~C.qETE SIDEWAl.!(5, sn'l,[S, COLOURING, ANO TYPES. STRATA PLAN BCS653 MIN. 65mm ASPHALT PLACED IN TWO LIFTS• MIN. 100mm GRANULAR BASE (19mm CRUSHED GRAVEL) COMPACTED TO 957. MPDO MIN. 300mm CRUSHED GRANULAR SUB-BASE (75mm CRUSHED GRAVEL) COMPACTED TO 9S% MPOD APPROVED SUB-GRADE • UPPER COURSE 35mm ASPHALT #2 LOWER COURSE 40mM ASPHALT #2 TYPICAL ASPHALT STRUCTURE SECTION N.T.S. ALL ROADWORKS TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WlTH THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PREPARED BY: DAITO: FILE: BEFORE YOU DIG EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS ORAVnNG WERE COMPILED FROM A COMBINATION OF VARIOUS AS-CONSTRUCTED RECORD DRAWlNGS AND SOME FIELD SURVEYS. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT NECESSARILY ACCURA TIE OR COMPLETE AND MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION WHERE POTENTIAL CONFLICTS EXIST CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT TELUS, B.C. HYDRO, FORTISBC AND BC ONE CALL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION TO CONFIRM LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES AND APPURTENANCES REQUIRING ADJUSTMENT. ANY DISCREPANCIES REQUIRING CHANGES TO THE DESIGN MUST BE REPORTED TO KM CIVIL CONSULTANTS IMMEDIATELY. J{t-"T---,----------------,--r--,--"T.,:::,_;::-:....,.,..;,::,;:::;; . ..,,.::-, ---------------T""---------------------------,r--------,--------------------.-~=~='."'"'"~~~'."'"'"=:-~:-~-=-=:-=-==-=-=-:-::-r::.-:::;:=:~=:i;""T=::e:::::--; ~t--+----+----------------+--,1--,---1 ~~:i.~~;:;~; LOT 2,0, Gaoue 1, NEWwesTMINsTER 0IsTR1cr, ABBoTsFoRo OFFICE INTEGRATED CONSTRUCTION c/o SITE GRADING PLAN AND STORM 'l,t,.:~~T• ~ICillt, j t--+-----t---------------t---i--t----1 -:~ KM C ■ ■ l 1~cGl:i;:~•-KRAHN ENGINEERING i Jt-3-+-20-,-5,-02-.0-,-+-R-E_V_IS_E_D_P_ER_C_I_TY_C_O_M_M_E_N_TS-------+N-W-P-+-S-J-B-t-S-IM-I 11!1'"•~· ~ 4 IVI lei ~, Fox: to.&~53-1580 400-34077 GLADYS AVENUE, fl 2 2014.12.11 REVISED PE~ CITY COMMENTS NWP SJB SIM ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC AND DERIVED FROM DISTRICT OF .. ""11111111 VANCOUVE.~ CFFfCE ABBOTSFORD, B,C., V2S 2E8 ii! 1 201<.11.11 IssueoFoRDEVELOPMENTPERMIT NWP sJe sIM ~t:;;i\'6~°;~;~-:;;;RATEDMONUMENTB4Hoo<o -._: c OHS UL T _A II TS LTD. ~::;;!'.~~~;;"'°' TE~~~,!~~~~j3~8~t:(~~4~~~1~Bo '1 No. DATE REVISION ORN Eq-i ENG ht 604·5l-e882 Fr, ecw--294-6665 WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Ui.11~1,,i;,A~.-.tlll)-..,UM..~ 02 20210 113'8' AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE -.i,,.:,.-..~.1f:,::,,.. KC14077 • 4 ........ , "'''"' -... ,.. .:,..t HORZ 1:250 NWP SIM SIM "'" DATE SEPTEMBER, 2014 REVISIOl-/1~ 3 DESCRIPTION The patent pending Lumark Crosstour™ MAXX LED Wall Pack Series of luminaries provides low-profile architectural style with super bright, energy-efficient LEDs. The rugged die-cast aluminum construction, back box with secure lock hinges, stainless steel hardware along with a sealed and gasketed optical compartment make Crosstour impervious to contaminants. The Crosstour MAXX wall luminaire is ideal for wall/ surface, inverted mount for facade/canopy illumination, perimeter and site lighting. Typical applications include pedestrian walkways, building entrances, multi-use facilities, industrial facilities, perimeter parking areas, storage facilities, institutions, schools, and loading docks. SPECIFICATION FEATURES Construction Low-profile LED design with rugged one-piece, die-cast aluminum back box and hinged removable door. Matching housing styles incorporate both a full cutoff and refractive lens design. Full cutoff and refractive lens models are available in 50W and 85W. Patent pending secure lock hinge feature allows for safe and easy tool-less electrical connections with the supplied push-in connectors. Back box includes four (4) 1/2" NPT threaded conduit entry points. The back box is secured by four (4) lag bolts (supplied by others). External fin design extracts heat from the fixture surface. One-piece silicone gasket seals door and back box. Not recommended for car wash applications. Optical Silicone sealed optical LED chamber incorporates a custom engineered reflector providing high-efficiency illumination. Full cutoff models integrate an impact-resistant molded refractive prism optical lens assembly meeting requirements for Dark Sky compliance. Refractive lens models incorporate a molded lens DIMENSIONS FULL CUTOFF Wll L 8-3/4" _J [222mml assembly designed for maximum forward throw. Solid state LED Crosstour luminaries are thermally optimized with two (2) lumen packages in cool 5000K or neutral warm 3500K LED color temperature (CCT). Electrical LED driver is mounted to the die-cast aluminum housing for optimal heat sinking. LED thermal management system incorporates both conduction and natural convection to transfer heat rapidly away from the LED source. 50W and 85W models operate in -40°C to 40°C [-40°F to 104°F]. High ambient 50°C [122°F] models available. Crosstour MAXX luminaires maintain greater than 85% of initial light output after 60,000 hours of operation. Four (4) half-inch NPT threaded conduit entry points allow for thru-branch wiring. Back box is an authorized electrical wiring compartment. Integral LED electronic driver incorporates surge protection. 120- 277V 50/60Hz, 480V 60Hz, or 347V 60Hz electrical operation. Emergency Egress Optional integral cold weather DEEP BACK BOX 7" [178mml REFRACTIVE LENS battery emergency egress includes emergency operation test switch, an AC-ON indicator light and a premium extended rated sealed maintenance-free nickel-metal hydride battery pack. The separate emergency lighting LEDs are wired to provide redundant emergency lighting. Listed to UL Standard 924, Emergency Lighting. Area and Site Pole Mounting Optional extruded aluminum 6-1/2" arm features internal bolt guides for supplied twin support rods, allowing for easy positioning of the fixture during installation to pole. Supplied with round plate adapter plate. Optional tenon adapter fits 2-3/8" or 3-1/2" O.D. Tenon. Finish Crosstour MAXX is protected with a Super TGIC carbon bronze or summit white polyester powder coat paint. Super TGIC powder coat paint finishes withstand extreme climate conditions while providing optimal color and gloss retention of the installed life. Warranty Five-year limited warranty. DEEP BACK BOX 7• l178m,r,I ARM MOUNT ARM DRILLING TENON ADAPTER 7 4·1/2" (114mml i----------i_J coofm Lighting www.cooperllghting.com TYPE "C" 3" [77mm] 1-1/2" [39mm] Set Screws (Fits 2-3/8" or 3-112" O.D.Tenon) ~ www,designlights org XTOR CROSSTOUR MAXX LED APPLICATIONS: WALL/ SURFACE INVERTED SITE LIGHTING DESIGNllGHTS CONSORTIUM CERTIFICATION DATA UUcUL Wet Location Listed LM79 I LM80 Compliant ROHS Compliant ARRA Compliant NOM Compliant Models 3G Vibration Tested UL924 Listed (CBP Models) IP66 Rated " . , -" . ' '' Lighting Facts® Registered DesignLightsT"' Consortium Qualified• TECHNICAL DATA 40°C Ambient Temperature External Supply Wiring 90°C Minimum EPA Effective Projected Area (Sq. Ft.): XTOR5AIXTORSA = 0.54 With Pole Mount Arm= 0.98 SHIPPING DATA: Approximate Net Weight: 12-15 lbs. [5.4-6.8 kgs.] ADH130015 2013-03-06 14:53:47 POWER AND LUMENS BY FIXTURE MODEL 50W LED Information XTOR5A XTOR5ARL XTOR5A-N XTOR5ARL-N Delivered Lumens 4,282 4,553 3,532 3,830 B.U.G. Rating B1-U0-G1 81-U3-G2 81-U0-Gl B1-U3-G2 CCT 5000K 5000K 3500K 3500K (Kelvin) CRI 65 65 68 68 (Color Rendering Index) Power Consumption sow sow sow 50W IWatts) 85W LED Information XTOR9A XTOR9ARL XTOR9A-N XTOR9ARL-N Delivered Lumens 7,192 7,416 5,456 5,702 B.U.G. Rating B1-U0-G1 81-U3-G3 B1-U0-G1 B1-U3-G2 CCT 5000K 5000K 3500K 3500K (Kelvin) CRI 65 65 68 68 (Color Rendering Index) Power Consumption 86W 85W 84W 82W (Watts) SOW and 85W SOW and 85W EGRESS Information Full Cutoff Refractive Lens CBP Egress LED CBP Egress LED Dellvued Ltrmens 509 468 B.U.G. Rating N.A. N.A. CCT 4000K 4000K (Kelvin) CRI 65 65 (Color Rendering Index) Power Consumption 1.8W 1.8W (Watts) CURRENT DRAW Model Series Current (A) XTOR5A XTOR9A XTOR5A-CBP XTOR9A-CBP (Fixture/Battery) (Fixture/Battery) 120V 0,43 0,72 0.68/0.25 0.97/0.25 208V 0.25 0.41 -- 240V 0.22 0,36 -- 277V 0.20 0.32 0.41/0,21 0.53/0.21 347V 0.16 0.26 -.. 480V 0.12 0.19 -- LUMEN MAINTENANCE Ambient Temperature TM-21 Lumen Theoretical L70 (Hours) Maintenance SOW Model 72,000 Hours 25•c >91% > 332,000 4o•c >91% > 324,000 5o•c >91% > 324,000 85W Model 36,000 Hours 2s·c >92% > 157,000 4o•c >91% > 134,000 so•c >86% > 85,000 ,,,, COOPER Lighting NOTE: Specifications and dimensions subject to change without notice. Visit our web site at www.cooperlighting.com www.cooperlighting.com Customer First Center 1121 Highway 74 South Peachtree City, GA 30269 770.486.4800 FAX 770.486.4801 XTOR CROSSTOUR MAXX LED ADH130015 2013-03-06 14:53:47 2013-02-26 09:02:58 XTOR CROSSTOUR MAXX LED ORDERING INFORMATION Sample Number: XTOR5A-N-WT-PC1 ,-----,,,----,,----,,,-------------------------------------, XTOR5A=50W Xl'OR9A=85W RofrDStivt LI PS XTOR5ARL=50W XTOR9ARL' 85W LED Kelvin Color _, Bright White (Standard) 5000K N' Neutral Warm White, 3500K Housing Color _ =Carbon Bronze (Standard) w,-=SummR While Options> 347V=347V>-4, 5 480V=480V>-4• • PC1=Pholocontrol 120V PC2=Ph01oc0n1rol 208-277V• OJM=0-10V Dimming Driver> PMA=Pole Mount Arm (C Drilling) with• Round Adapter HA' 50 Degrees C High Ambienl7 cap, Cold Weather Battery Pack•••· a,• MSJDIM-l201 Motion Sensor3, 4, a, 10, ,,.12 for Dimming Operation Acce:s.:iiories t:t VA1040-XX=Single Tenon Adaper for 3-1/2" O,D#Tenont4 VA1041-XX=2@ 180 Degrees Tenon Adapter for 3-1/2" 0 D Tenon14 VA1042-XX=3@ 120 Degrees Tenon Adapler 3-1/2" 0 D Tenon14 VA 1043-XX=4@ 90 Degrees Tenon Adapter fOf 3-1/2'" 0 O,Tenon14 VA 1044-XX=2@ 90 Degrees Tenon Adapter for 3-1/2" 0 O.Tenon14 VA1045-XX=3@ 90 Degrees Tenon Adapter for 3-1/2" O~D,Tenon14 VA1046-XX= 2@ 120 Degrees Tenon Adapter for 3-1/2" O.O.Tenon14 VA 1033-XX: Single Tenon Ada pier for 2-3/8" 0 D. Tenon 14 VA1034-X:X= 2@ 180 Degrees Tenon Adapter for 2-3/8" 0.0,Tenon14 VA'109S-XX= 3@ 120 Degrees Tenon Adapter for 2-3/8" 0 D,Tenon14 VA t036-,0Ct 4@ 90 Degrees Tanon Adapter for 2-3/8" O..O.Tenon14 VA t0-37-XX: 2@90 Degrees Tenon Adapter for 2-3/B'"O.D.Tenont4 MS-L20,. Motion Sensor for On/Qff3, 4, 11, 12 YA10-38-XX.• 3@ 90 Degrees Tenon Adapter for 2-3/8. o.O.Tenon14 Operation VA1039-XX:. 2@ 120 Degrees Tenon Adapter for 2-3/8" O,D.Tenon14 Notes: 1 OesignLights™ Consortium Qualified, Refer to www,designlights org Qualified Products List under Family Models for details. WG-XTORMX; Crosstour MAXX Wire Guard P8120V= Field Installed 120V Photocontrol Add 11s suffix. 3 Not available with HA option. 4 Deep back box is standard for 347V, 480V, CBP, PMA. MS-L20 end MS/OIM-L20. Not available with CBP option. Use PC2 with 347V or 480V option for photocontrol, Factory wirod to 208-277V lead. Thru-branch wiring not available with HA option or with 347V, 120 or 277Vonly. Operating temperatures -20°C to 25°C, 10 Factory set to 50% power reduction after 15 minutes of inactivity. Dimming driver included, 11 For use in downlight orientation only Optimal coverage at mounting heights of 9'-20'. 12 Includes integral photo aensor 13 Order .!lccossories separately. 14 Replace "XX" with CB for carbon bronze or Wf for summit white. STOCK ORDERING INFORMATION SOW Series Full Cutoff XTOR5A=SOW, 5000K, Carbon Bronze XTOR5A-PC1 =50W, 5000K, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR5A-WT= 50W, 5000K, SummitWhite XTOR5A-N=50W, 3500K, Carbon Bronze Refractive Lens XTOR5ARL=50W, 5000K, Refractive Lens, Carbon Bronze XTOR5ARL-PC1=50W, 5000K, Refractive Lens, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR5ARl-WT =50W, 5000K, Refractive Lens, SummitWhite P8277V BUTTON PC= Field Installed 208-277 Photocontrol& SSW Series XTOR9A=85W, 5000K, Carbon Bronze XTOR9A-PC1=85W, SOOOK, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR9A-WT=85W, 5000K, SummitWhite XTOR9A-PC2=85W, 5000K, 208-277V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR9A-480V:85W, 5000K, 480V, Carbon Bronze XTOR9ARL=85W, 5000K, Refractive Lens, Carbon Bronze XTOR9ARl-PC1 =85W, 5000K, Refractive Lens, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR9ARl-WT=85W, 5000K, Refractive Lens, SummitWhite XTOR5ARl-N=50W, 3500K, Refractive Lens, Carbon Bronze XTOR9ARl-PC2=85W, 5000K, Refractive Lens, 208-277V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR9ARl-480V=85W, 5000K, Refractive Lens, 480V, Carbon Bronze [,ays Quick-Ship :"-DAY QUICK SHIP ORDERING INFORMATION 50W Series SSW Series Full Cutoff XTOR5A-CBP=50W, 5000K, Carbon Bronze, Cold Weather Battery Pack XTOR9A-CBP=85W, 5000K, Carbon Bronze, Cold Weather Battery Pack XTOR5A-480V=50W, 5000K, Carbon Bronze, 480V XTOR9A-N=85W, 3SOOK, Carbon Bronze XTORSA-PC2=50W, 5000K, Carbon Bronze, 208-277V PC Refractive Lens XTORSARl-PC2=50W, Refractive Lens, 5000K, Carbon Bronze, 208-277V PC XTOR9ARl-CBP=85W, Refractive Lens, 5000K, Carbon Bronze, Cold Weather Battery Pack XTOR5ARL-CBP=50W, Refractive Lens, 5000K, Carbon Bronze, Cold Weather Battery Pack XTOR9ARl-N=85W, Refractive Lens, 3500K, Carbon Bronze XTOR5ARl-480V=50W, Refractive Lens, 5000K, Carbon Bronze, 480V ,,,, COOPER Lighting NOTE: Specifications and dimensions subject to change without notlce. Visit our web site at www.cooperlighting.com www.coope rli g hti n g .com Customer First Center 1121 Highway 74 South Peachtree City, GA 30269 770.486.4800 FAX 770.486.4801 ADH130015 2013-03-06 14:53:47 2013-02-26 09:02:58 • DESCRIPTION The patent pending Lu mark Crosstour™ LED Wall Pack Series of luminaries provides an architectural style with super bright, energy efficient LEDs. The low-profile, rugged die-cast aluminum construction, universal back box, stainless steel hardware along with a sealed and gasketed optical compartment make the Crosstour impervious to contaminants. The Crosstour wall luminaire is ideal for wall/surface, inverted mount for fai;:ade/canopy illumination, post/bollard, site lighting, floodlight and low level pathway illumination including stairs. Typical applications include building entrances, multi-use facilities, apartment buildings, institutions, schools, stairways and loading docks. SPECIFICATION FEATURES Construction Slim, low profile LED design with rugged one-piece, die-cast aluminum hinged removable door and back box. Matching housing styles incorporate both a small and large design. The small housing is available in 10W and 20W. The large housing is available in the 30W model. Patent pending secure lock hinge feature allows for safe and easy tool-less electrical connections with the supplied push-in connectors. Back box includes three (3) half-inch, NPT threaded conduit entry points. The universal back box supports both the small and large forms and mounts to standard 3-1/2" to 4" round and octagonal, 4" square, single gang and masonry junction boxes. Key hole gasket allows for adaptation to junction box or wall. External fin design extracts heat from the fixture surface. One- piece silicone gasket seals door and back box. Minimum 5" wide pole for site lighting application. Not recommended for car wash applications. DIMENSIONS Optical Silicone sealed optical LED chamber incorporates a custom engineered mirrored anodized reflector providing high-efficiency illumination. Optical assembly includes impact-resistant tempered glass and meets IESNA requirements for full cutoff compliance. Solid state LED Crosstour luminaries are thermally optimized with five (5) lumen packages in cool 5000K or neutral warm 3500K LED color temperature (CCT). Electrical LED driver is mounted to the die-cast housing for optimal heat sinking. LED thermal management system incorporates both conduction and natural convection to transfer heat rapidly away from the LED source. 10W models operate in -40°C to 40°C [-40°F to 104°F]. 20W and 30W models operate in -30°C to 40°C [-22°F to 104°F]. High ambient 50°C models available. Crosstour luminaires maintain greater than 70% of initial light output after 72,000 hours L_ 10W&20W _J 5-3/4" 1146mm] 30W L10W&20W 3-5/8" [92mm] 30W 6-5/8" [168mm] 4" [102mm] ,_ COOPER Lighting www.cooperlighting.com of operation. Three (3) half-inch NPT threaded conduit entry points allow for thru-branch wiring. Back box is an authorized electrical wiring compartment. Integral LED electronic driver incorporates surge protection. 120-277V 50/60Hz or 347V 60Hz models. Finish Crosstou r is protected with a Super durable TGIC carbon bronze or summit white polyester powder coat paint. Super durable TGIC powder coat paint finishes withstand extreme climate conditions while providing optimal color and gloss retention of the installed life. Warranty Five-year limited warranty. ·*www.designlights.org XTOR CROSSTOUR LED APPLICATIONS: WALL / SURFACE POST I BOLLARD LOW LEVEL FLOODLIGHT INVERTED SITE LIGHTING DBIGNllGHH CONSORTIUM CERTIFICATION DATA UUcUL Wet Location Listed LM79 / LMB0 Compliant ROHS Compliant ARRA Compliant ADA Compliant NOM Compliant Models IP66 lngressed Protection Rated Lighting Facts® Registered DesignLightsrM Consortium Qualified Title 24 Compliant TECHNICAL DATA 40°C Maximum Ambient Temperature External Supply Wiring 9Q!>C Minimum EPA Effective Projected Area: (Sq. Ft.) XTOR1A/XT0R2A=0.34 XTOR3A = 0.45 SHIPPING DATA: Approximate Net Weight: 3.7 -5.25 lbs. (1.7-2.4 kgs.J ADH111091 2013-04-02 11 :05:53 XTOR CROSSTOUR LED ORDERING INFORMATION SAMPLE NUMBER: XTOR2A-N-WT-PC1 Series LED Kelvin Color 1 Options 2 Accessories s XTOR1A=Small Door, 10W XTOR2A=Small Door, 20W XTOR3A=Large Door, 30W _=Bright White (Standard) 5000K N = Neutral Warm White, 3500K 347V=347V '· • PC1=Photocontrol 120V' PC2=Photocontrol 208-277V '·' HA=50°C High Ambient' WGIXTOR=Wire Guard' XTORFLD-KNC=Knuckle Floodlight Kit' XTORFLD-KNC-W=Knuckle Floodlight Kit, White' XTORFLD-TRN= Trunnion Floodlight Kit' XTORFLD-TRN-WT=Trunnion Floodlight Kit, White' Notes: 1. XTOA1A not available in 3500K. 2. Add as suffix. 3. Photocontrols are factory installed. 4. Order PC2 for 347V models. 5. Thru-branch wiring not available with HA option or with 347V. 6, Order separately. 7~ Wire guard for wall/surface mount. Not for use with Floodlight Kit accessory, 8. Floodlight kit accessory supplied with Knuckle (KNC) or Trunnion (TANI base, small and large top visors and small and large impact shields. DesignUghtsu• Consortium Qualified, Refer to www.deslgnlights.org Qualified Products List under Family Models for details, STOCK ORDERING INFORMATION 10W Series 20W Series XTOA1A=10W, 5000K, Carbon Bronze XTOR2A=20W, 5000K, Carbon Bronze XTOR1A-WT =10W, 5000K, Summit White XTOR2A-N=20W, 3500K, Carbon Bronze XTOA1A-PC1=10W, 5000K, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR2A-WT=20W, SummitWhite XTOR2A-PC1=20W, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze Oays Quick-Ship 5-DAY QUICK SHIP ORDERING INFORMATION 10W Series 20W Series XTOR1A-WT'PC1=10W, 5000K, SummitWhite, 120V PC XTOR2A-PC2=20W, 5000K, 208-277V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR2A-WT'PC1=20W, 5000K, Summit White, 120V PC XTOR2A-WT'PC2=20W, 5000K, Summit White, 208-277V PC XTOR2A-N-WT=20W, 3500K, SummitWhite XTOR2A-N-PC1=20W, 3500K, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR2A-N-PC2=20W, 3500K, 208-277V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR2A-N-WHT-PC1=20W, 3500K, SummitWhite, 120V PC 30W Series XTOR3A=30W, 5000K, Carbon Bronze XTOR3A-N=30W, 3500K, Carbon Bronze XTOR3A-WT=30W, SummitWhite XTOR3A-PC1 =30W, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze 30W Series XTOR3A-PC2=30W, 5000K, 208-277V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR3A-WT-PC1=30W, 5000K, Summit White, 120V PC XTOR3A-WT'PC2=30W, 5000K, Summit White, 208-277V PC XTOR3A-N-WT=30W, 3500K, Summit White XTOR3A-N-PC1=30W, 3500K, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR3A-N-PC2=30W, 3500K, 208-277V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR3A-N-WHT-PC1=30W, 3500K, Summit White, 120V PC XTOR2A-N-WT'PC2=20W, 3500K, Summit White, 208-277V PC XTOR3A-N-WT-PC2=30W, 3500K, Summit White, 208-277V PC LUMEN MAINTENANCE Ambient TM-21 Lumen Temperature Maintenance (72,000 Hour~! 10WModel 2s0c > 91% 40°c > 91% 50°C >91% 20W Model 25°C >91% 40°C > 90% 50°C >90% J0WModel 25°c >91% 40°C >91% 50°C >90% ,,,_ COOPER Lighting www.cooperlighting.com LUM ENS· CRI/CCT TABLE CURRENT DRAW Theoretical L70 LED Information XTORlA XTOR2A XTOR2A-N XTORJA XTOR3A-N Model Series Voltage (Hours) Delivered Lumens 734 1432 1323 2649 2273 (Wall Mount) ,ow 20W 30W 120V 0.06A 0.21A 0.29A Delivered Lumens > 350,000 (With Flood 713 1424 1315 2614 2243 208V 0.04A 0.13A 0.18A > 340,000 Accessory Kit) 240V 0.04A 0.12A 0.16A > 330,000 B.U.G. Rating• B1-U0-G0 B1-U0-G0 B1-U0-G0 B1-U0-G0 B1-U0-G0 277V 0.03A 0.10A 0.14A CCT 5000 5000 3500 5000 3500 (Kelvin) 347V 0.03A 0,08A 0.11A > 340,000 > 320,000 CRI 67 65 68 65 68 (Color Rendering Index) > 300,000 Power Consumption aw 21W 21W 30W 30W (Watts) • B.U.G. Rating does not apply to floodlighting. > 340,000 > 320,000 > 300,000 NOTE: Specifications and dimensions subject to change without notice. Visit our web site at www.cooperlighting.com Customer First Center 1121 Highway 74 South Peachtree City, GA 30269 770.486.4800 FAX 770.486.4801 ADH111091 2013-04-02 11 :05:53 HALO® 494P06 White Reflector with White Trim Ring • Halo matte white finish die-cast trim ring • Halo matte white aluminum reflector • Trim ring height of .160" at OD and .180" at ID • Provides clearance for remodeler flange and gasket for AIR-TITE'" seal D Accessory: 494OPTIC -over optic lens 494SC06 Specular Reflector with White Trim Ring • Halo matte white finish die-cast trim ring • Specular Clear aluminum reflector • Trim ring height of .160" at OD and .180" at ID • Provides clearance for remodeler flange and gasket for AIR-TITE'" seal D Accessory: 494OPTIC -over optic lens 494H06 Haze Reflector with White Trim Ring • Halo matte white finish die-cast trim ring • Haze aluminum reflector • Trim ring height of .160" at OD and .180" at ID • Provides clearance for remodeler flange and gasket for AIR-TITE'"seal □ Accessory: 494OPTIC -over optic lens 494WB06 White Baffle with White Trim Ring • Halo matte white finish die-cast trim ring • Halo Matte White die-cast baffle • Trim ring height of .160" at OD and .180" at ID • Provides clearance for remodeler flange and gasket for Al R-TITE'" seal D Accessory: 494OPTIC -over optic lens 492PS06 Frost Lensed Trim with White Baffle and Trim Ring • Halo Matte White trim ring and baffle, regressed lens • Wet location listed for use in showers and protected canopy applications • Die-cast aluminum baffle and die-cast trim ring • Frosted glass lens • Trim height of .160" at OD & .180" at ID • Provides clearance for remodeler flange and gasket for AIR-TITE'" seal 493WBS06 Solite® Regressed Lens with White Baffle and White Trim Ring r-----::• • Halo matte white trim ring and baffle • Upper specular aluminum reflector for optical control and enhanced lumen delivery • • Wet location listed for use in showers and protected canopy applications; and IP66 Ingress Protection rated • Die-cast aluminum baffle and trim ring • Trim height of .160" at OD & .180" at ID • Provides clearance for remodeler flange and gasket for AIR-TITE'" seal I / 2-1/4" '"[l I I --◄-7/c· /12Smml 1-1/4" ----{,e4mml \ )-t/,t* ~'"""' L ========= 4-7/8" l12Smml ---1,t1~~r---- II l~rmmt ,.,w I Le::::::===== 4.7/8" (11SmmJ 1,1:,1~~1 ---- II m.:EE!lJ -~ i.... •-m· --~ f1l •"Ml'I II l!lliaml 1•*" 1,e,...,1 4-7/8" 112~ fTlml 7.111· ----[l,1,&mt11I II ML 712840TU NVDO 10 Frost Lensed White Baffle with White Trim Ring Regressed Solite® Lensed White Baffle with White Trim Ring a I j r 1 E a,mP•HE~P~AR~E~O~BV~-----------------•--=::: __ ::u;;":'T~, :.:_:._:_:-.:.::.:.::.:.:::.:.:1=-=~;;;;;,;;:.::.::::::.:-=:::.-.:-.:-~.~:::-:::-----------...l._ ~UENT. OESCRIP!JON - ABBOTSFORD OFFICE # 400 • 340n Gladys Avenue Abbotsford, BC V2S 2E8 Tel: 604-853-6831 / ~-1678(Van) Fax: 604-853-1580 • VANCOUVER OFFICE #210-1311 KooteneyStreot Vancouver, BC V5K 4y3 Tel: 604-29'Ml662 Fax: 604-294-6685 f() INTEGRATED C ON~T RU (; l I ON EXTERIOR BUILDING FINISHES PROPOSED BUILDING for CANTERBURY KITCHENS 20210 1138 AVENUE ,MAf>LERJooe.ec ~ MAPLE RIDGE -------- Bnl1sh Columbia mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: Name of Applicant MACLEAN HOMES LTD, JOSH MACLEAN File number 214-028-RZ Address of site Current Zone 12080 EDGE ST, 22554, 22566 & 22576 121ST AVE _R_S_1 ___ Proposed Zone _R_M_3 ___ _ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date MARCH 10, 2015 Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC, MARCELA GARCIA ZUNINO, PRINCIPAL Landscape Architect VIEWPOINT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, LENA CHOROBIK, PRINCIPAL Other Professional (State Name & Role) _______________ _ Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -all schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D &E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Bnh6h Ca\umbi:; Deep Roots Greater Heights ADP applicant Checklist: All presentation material must be in 11" x 17" format (7 hard copies 3-hole punched), one full size •• copy and one digital copy on CD or memory card submitted to the File Manager. This applicant checklist needs the "Required" boxes to be completed by the File Manager, while the "Included" boxes need to be completed by the applicant/project architect and submitted with the ADP package. 1) ADP application form & project data sheet 2) Site and Neighbourhood context 3) Design Rationale 4) Project Analysis 5) Architectural drawings in metric dimensions a. Site Planning: Site Plan/layout b. Site Planning: Site Sections c. Site Planning: Streetscape elevations d. Site Planning: Shadow Analysis e. Site Planning: Lighting details f. Building Design: Floor Plans g. Building Design: Roof Plans h. Building Design: Building Elevations from all sides i. Building Design: Signage details j. Building Design: Lighting details k. Coloured elevations (to shof material specifications) I. Building Design: Building Sections 1 Required Included □ ~ □ [KJ □ [8J □ [K] □ [KJ □ □ □ [KJ □ [KJ □ □ □ CL] □ [KJ □ [KJ □ □ □ □ □ [[] □ [KJ m. 3D rendering of the site and/or building n. Green Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives o. Material Sample Board 6) Landscape drawings in metric dimensions a. Landscape Plan/layout b. Landscaping details for features, play area/ amenity space/ common activity area C. Planting List with specifications d. Site Sections to show lot grading, drainage and landscaping e. Irrigation details for landscaping above structure f. Signage details for free standing signage g. Lighting details for pedestrians/landscaped areas h. Preliminary Storm water Management (SWM) plan Project ArchitecVApplicant: Name: Luis Zunino, Architect AIBC Date: _F_e_b_r_u_a_ry_l_l_th_,_2_0 _ _15 • Signature: ______ _ End of Document Revised December 2012 2 □ m □ m □ ~ Required Included □ [Kl □ [KJ □ [K] □ [] □ [KJ □ □ □ [KJ □ □ I~ MAPLE RIDGE ------~ British Columbia mapleridge.ca DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Project Zone _R_s._1 _______ Date Prepared February 11th, 201s Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total 3,481.237 M2 Less Road Dedication area 4.5 M2 Less Undevelopable area Net Total 3,476.47 M2 LOT COVERAGE (in % of net lot area) Buildings & Structures 41.84% Paved & Hard Surfaced Areas 13.39% Landscaping 58.15% Total Site Coverage 55.23% SETBACKS ( in metres) Front 7.5 M 4.35M Rear 7.5 M 7.5 M Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) N7.5M N 9.45 M Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) S7.5M S 9.42 M Side #3 (N, S, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal Min 6 Storeys 5 Storeys Accessory NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor 6 One Bedroom 39 Two Bedroom 28 Three Bedroom + Total 73 - GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential 6,114.28 Retail Commercial Office Commercial .) Other Commercial (Type ) Institutional Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA 6,114.28 * If the development site consists of more than one lot. lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) 100 TO 250 UPH 209.70 UPH # of units/ha (net) 220.54 UPH Gross Floor Area 6,114.28 M2 Floor Space Ratio (net) 1.513 AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area 73 M2 133.03 M2 Useable Open Space 1,042.94 M2 1,131.50 M2 PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) 5.4 Stalls 6 Stalls Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) 39 Stalls 39 Stalls Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) 30.8 Stalls 34 Stalls Commercial Uses Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive Total Number of Parking Spaces for Uses Number of parking spaces for disabled 2 Stalls 2 Stalls Number of spaces for visitors 7.3 Stalls 8 Stalls TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES 84 Stalls 87 Stalls Number and percentage small cars 8.4 Stalls -10% 17 Stalls -19% Number and percentage tandem spaces TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) : BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking 21.9 Spaces 22 Spaces Long Term Bicycle Parking· 18.25 Spaces 19 Spaces -OTHER -state YES or NO for each Heritage Site I I Tree Survey/ Assessment Provided I Watercourse/Steep Slopes I I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements I I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. Luis Zunino, Architect AIBC Prepared by: ____________ _ Print Name (Please print form and sign above) NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. TO: 2015 FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MEETING DATE: February 16, 2014-028-DP 12080 Edge Street, 22554, 22566 and 22576 121 Avenue A submission has _been made to the Advisory Design Panel to review the project on the above noted properties for a proposed 5-storey 73-unit apartment building units to be zoned High Density Apartment Residential (RM-3). BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: Maclean Homes Brown Road Ltd. Jason J Kump, Anne M Kump, Vladimir Levinson, Anita Mar and Bella Vista Home Builders Ltd (Inc. No. BC0472515) Lots 10, 11 and 12, Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 8081 and Lot 1, Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 8843 Medium and High-Rise Apartment Medium and High-Rise Apartment RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential) with a site specific text amendment to bonus the density from a base FSR of 1.2 to 1.52 at the proposed 5 storey height. Use: Church and Private School Zone: P-2 (Special Institutional) and P-4 (Place of Worship Institutional) Designation: Institutional Use: Single Family Residential and Duplex Zone: RT-1 (Two Family Urban Residential) and RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Medium and High-Rise Apartment Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Medium and High-Rise Apartment Page 1 of 4 West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) and RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Designation: Medium and High-Rise Apartment Single Family Residential Multi Family Residential (Apartments) 3,481 sq. m. (0.86 acres) 121 Avenue, Edge Street and lane parallel to 121 Avenue Urban Standard Pursuant to section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, this proposal is subject to the Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines. The Key North View and South View guideline concepts are as follows: 1. Promote North and South View as distinctive, highly liveable multifamily neighbourhoods. 2. Create a pedestrian-friendly, ground-oriented, multi-family community. 3. Maintain cohesive building styles. 4. Capitalize on important views. 5. Provide private and semi-private green space. 6. Provid.e climate appropriate landscaping and green features. 7. Maintain street interconnectivity Please refer to the Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist attached in the Architects ADP submission package for compliance assessment of the proposed design relative to these Key Guidelines, the Development Permit Area Guidelines and the Green Building Techniques. PLANNING COMMENTS: Official Community Plan: The application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan (OCP). It complies with the Town Center Plan's Medium and High-Rise Apartment designation with respect to use and density. However, in this Precinct, buildings are to be six (6) storeys or higher. As a variation of heights can enhance the character of urban areas, a reduction of the height guideline from 6 to 5 storeys is supported by staff. Context: The subject site consists of four (4) lots to be consolidated into a single property. It is a corner site (Edge Street and 121 Avenue) with lane access. Each lot has an existing dwelling with accessory buildings, which will be demolished before final approval of this application. The site is relatively flat with a cluster of mature trees along the lane toward Edge Street. The site is surrounded on three sides by urban lots with mostly single family dwellings. This area is in transition towards a multiple residential neighbourhood. To the southwest is "The Edge on Edg~" apartment building, a project recently completed by the same developer. Page 2 of4 Across the street to the north are St. Patrick's Catholic Church and School. Proposa l: The proposed use is for a five (5) storey, 73-unit apartment building. There will be a healthy unit mix consisting of approximately 6 studio units, 36 one bedroom units all but 4 also with a loft or den, and 31 two bedroom units eight of which also have a den. Parking consisting of 77 spaces plus 2 disabled spaces and 8 visitor spaces (87 in total) will be underground. This development will be a similar building in terms of bulk and density to the 77 unit condominium completed by this same applicant to the southwest at 12075 Edge Street (RZ/078/09), marketed as "The Edge on Edge." Parking: All parking is provided underground. The proposed number (87) exceeds the required amount of 84 spaces. A variance (described below) is requested to increase the proportion of small car parking spaces from 10% to 19.5%. Garbage/Recycling: A room is provided at the bottom of the underground parking ramp for garbage and recycling bins. The final development permit plans will review against the City's Waste Management Guidelines for Multi-Family Residential and Mixed-Use Buildings. Off-site Upgrades: The application is still under review by the Engineering, Building and Fire Departments to determine off site requirements. A preliminary response from the Engineering Department proposes the change 121 Avenue into a one way street along its entire length from Edge Street to 227 Street. The conceptual design is attached to this memorandum. Proposed Vari ances: The applicant has sought a number of variances described and justified in the memorandum contained in the Architect's ADP submission package. These variances include: Edge Street Projections: • Exterior wall: The closest distance of the exterior wall face to the property line along Edge St is the bay window wall face proposed at 3.491m from the property line. • Balcony projections: The balcony at center of the building is located at 3,472m from the property line. • Roof projection: The roof overhang projection is located at 2.869m from the Edge Street property line. 121st Avenue Projections: • Building entry canopy: The face of the roof over this feature is located at 5.643m from the 121st Avenue property line. Small Car Parking Spaces: • The Bylaw restricts the portion of small car spaces to 10% of any off street parking area. A total of 17 out of 87 parking spaces to be provided or 19.5% are proposed as spaces for small car. Other: The applicant is proposing to set aside a location at the corner of 121 Avenue and Edge Street for a public art piece. Staff would appreciate any comments the ADP may have concerning how best to integrate this element. In addition, staff would appreciate any comments about the presence of the building and its design elements to the corner. Page 3 of 4 CONCLUSION The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Attachments: • ADP Submission Form; • Covering Letter; • Development Data Sheet e Development Permit Compliance Checklist • Rationale e Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 4 of4 I '\ Rem. 326 L, P 52376 t-f~ Pel.A --LMP24829 N co ~E) .... (') RP 56793 n. 0) LMP 43240 L1J r---r.o Lt) Parcel "A" 305 A a... 0:::: P46852 2~1 ~ =/=L~ ~8~ = 12155 12138 ------------ 12129 I ;g 688 E 1/2 11 ;! P 7875 ,,,/.D E l/) a... N P 61324 (') co «ii p 875 N 24 l/) fu1 6 ~1 7 ci 8 ~ 9 \:: /i 10 ~ I ~ ~ P 1161 "' i:!i i:!i ~ ss a. iii :,,--a5 ):j 121 AVE. 121 AVE. -----. 0 0 .., .., <O <O t a, <O t 0 "' a, 0 ;,; 12000 .., fg ,._ "' C) ~ .., .., "' ~ "' "' "' N N g:18 N 11 ill gj12 ~ ~ ~ N N 17 N19 20 10 co A 0 N 3 P 8679 12085 co N p 843 P 3446 0. P 8l 81 ~~ LMP 44378 f-' en 12080 o:'. P867l (EPS 1223) P 8081 P 384~ P IM4c w en 2064 Lt) 15 A <( a 3 O'. 9 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 6 5 4 u. co c'o EPP 13648 12075 12060 ~ fi ,._ "' 0, ,._ "' § ,._ a, a, 4709 a... , --"' "' "' a, 0 s:i' /62 g: i::i N N N "' <O P 174 N N N ,i::i ~ ~59 f-' BROWN AVE. en BROWN AVE. w "' (!) RP 79869 0 .., <O <O a, CD 1:j 0 w co "' fg [;; a, a, <D "' "' "' <O 0 N N N N N g: N P 30148 (LEASE) 00 N N N N N N LP69873 4 0.. 5 6 LOTA 5 7 8 9 12038 P B081 *L (P9687) P ~446 MP18210 Rem. 302 l1JI P 45004 "'"' 12003 (') ml /09 12018 MP 19460 P 96817 P 9446 ... .,....(') .... (0 (') 0) 0) 303 A 2 1 11 !;; 1 0..1 0, r---~ .... r---P 44882 <D a. ::: w ~ (.D'<" ,._ ,._ :;:; \I~ a... "' ~ ~ Cl} *PP094 N ,._ ~ N "' i§ ~ 0.. ~ RP69394 DEWDNEYTRUNK ROAD P70955 ;LMP 45326 l2JJ .., 0 <O 0 0 0 0 0 !;,c "' "' ,._ a, <O <D P 60451 "' "' "' N N "' N N ~ N N N N N N (t N Rem. Rem N CP 5.t~. I!)~ I ·-AA~ r---,,,.. ,2 -,, MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. From: To: MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia 7092-2014 1620 RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential) I ,,t .., I r. 12195 I a... I I 2 , 12187 I 1 1 I v I 12177 Ol I &l I I i 12167 ~ 5 I O'. P 23392 12157 I I I I ~ I 7 I P 23392 12141 I I I I I I 1 I I I I cl, I I I I 1 ./ 0 ./ 0 0 0 N .., l8 ~ 290 <O -<O g: I N gJ N N N 28i7 288 289 I p 3724 291 ~ 12087 M 1 -a; I P 3724 '<I' 292 f-' &l296 295 294 a... 12077 en ~ ,._ N s IN ,i ~ ;,; Rem N O'. 1 l§ 1§293 / " RP 84340 -I g 0 0 0 "' ,._ 300 ~ <O <O <O 2pl N N N N N 298 299 12047 301 I p 4~ 724 I 2 I P ~0546 1'------... -~ RW18394 ~ - /,! " ., Lt) r.o l N lo .,.... 00 CD 0 N l::i gJ N It) ;';I; 4~ 0.. (D 0.. 6 N SCALE 1 :2,500 _) GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 East Windsor Road North Vancouver, B.C. CANADA, V7N 1K7 T: (604) 987-8304 F: (604) 987-8371 www.g:larchi.tects.com Marcela Garcia Zunino, Architect AIBC, LEEDA.P. Luis Zunino, Architect AIBC February 16, 2015 EDGE 2 CONDOMINIUMS 2014-028-RZ 12080 EDGE ST, AND 22554, 22566 AND 22576 12,sr AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Advisory Design Panel, District of Maple Ridge Dear Members of the Advisory Design Panel, Please find-attached the application for Advisory Design Panel review for the above noted proposed development, complete with documents and drawings. The project is a 73 unit low rise condominium building seeking a rezoning of the site from RS-1 to RM-3 with an FSR of 1.2 plus a site specific bonus to attain 1.52 total FSR for the site. The attached architectural design rationale includes a project description and details of the rezoning application, project density and variances requested. Also attached is a sustainability statement and landscape architect design rationale, for your information and use. Sincerely, ( , l ~~ Luis Zunino, Architect AIBC GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. Tel .: (604) 987-8304 Fax: (604) 987-8371 E-mail: lzunino@qzarchitects.com 1 ' ) GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 East Windsor Road North Vancouver, B.C. CANADA, V7N 1K7 T: (604) 987-8304 F: (604) 987-8371 W\V\V.1t2urchi1ec .com Marcela Garcia Zunino, Architect AIBC, LEED A.P. Luis Zunino, Architect AIBC February 13, 2015 EDGE 2 CONDOMINIUMS 2014-028-RZ 12080 EDGE ST, AND 22554, 22566 AND 22576 12,sr AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN RATIONALE 1. Site and Proposed Development Description 1.1. Site description and surrounding area The subject property consists of four adjacent lots located at the corner of 121 ST Avenue and Edge Street in downtown Maple Ridge. The site is accessed from 121 ST Avenue, Edge Street and also from an existing lane. Across 121 st Avenue, to the North of the site, there is a Church (St Patrick's Parish), its parish office building, and a subsidiary School building with surface parking lots adjacent to all three buildings. To the West of the site, across Edge Street, there are single family homes, and the Edge Condominium across the lane. To the South, across the lane, there are duplexes and single family homes. To the East of the site, there are single family homes. A Community Garden small park is located at the Northwest corner across the site. 1.2. Proposed development description The proposed development would be a market apartment building, consisting of 73 dwelling units with common amenity space on the ground floor. The suites would range in size from studio apartments to 2 bedrooms + den. The building would be 5 storeys in height, of wood frame construction over 1 level of underground reinforced concrete parking garage structure. The offsite parking capacity of 87 parking stalls is located within the underground parking garage, accessed from the lane. 2. Rezoning proposal. Consistency with the Maple Ridge OCP and Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines 2.1. Zoning The project site is currently zoned RSl, Single Family Residential and it is proposed for rezoning to the standard of the RM-3 High Density Apartment Residential District zone, modified to allow a Floor Space Ratio of 1 .8, according to the Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7092-2014, which obtained First Reading from Council on July 21 st, 2014, also allowing a building height of 5 storeys. 2.2. Proiect density _ In regards to the proposed density, this project follows the intent of the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan (OCP) and the Maple Ridge Town Centre Area (TCP) for the Land Use Designation of Medium and High-Rise Apartment corresponding to the North View Precinct of the Town Centre. The density of 220 UPH would be within the TCP intended building types and densities (62+ UPH). For the OCP, our project at 220 UPH wouid be within the apartment district's density guideline (100-250 UPH). 1 ) GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 East Windsor Road North Vancouver, B.C. CANADA, V7N 1K7 T: (604) 987-8304 F: (604) 987-8371 www.gzarchitccLS.com Marcela Garcia Zunino, Architect AIBC, LEEDA.P. Luis Zunino, Architect AlBC 2.3. Building Shape and Relationship to the Street The site usable open space is about 32.50%, thus complies with the requirement of the Maple Ridge Zoning By-law for the RM-3 zone, of 30%. The area dedicated for common activity area is 133.0 m2, thus exceeds the required by the Maple Ridge Zoning By-law, of 73.0 m2 (l .0 m2 per suite). The building height proposed is 5 storeys, reduced from the 6 storey height minimum required for the Land Use Designation of Medium and High-Rise Apartment. The height reduction to 5 storeys is consistent with the Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7092- 2014, which obtained First Reading from Council on July 21 st, 2014. The building proposed setbacks conform or exceed the minimum setbacks outlined by the TCP for high density areas. 3. Building design, massing and siting The building is of contemporary design, to promote some formal diversity in the neighborhood. The length of the building face at the North and South elevations was articulated with higher volumes (5-storey high) with wide roof overhangs to help break the mass of the building in a rhythmic pattern. The 5 storey volumes are also defined by a base of cultured stone cladding. Another accent to the building are the balcony porticos flanked by stone clodded columns combined with timber columns at the top. The four corners of the building are highlighted with higher pop-up roof areas which make the building corners more prominent while enclosing vaulted ceiling areas over the 4th floor living rooms. The building face is clodded with different assemblies of hardi materials painted using an earth tone color palette. The ground floor suites facing the streets have individual exterior entrances that help articulate the landscaping and fence appearance. 4. Proposed variances 3.1. Front Yard Setback variances along Edge Street: The building is proposed closer to the Edge Street property line, to increase the urban appearance of the area and also to allow enough building setback separation at the East property line, where single family homes are immediately adjacent. Principal Building Face • From 7.500m to 4.355m. About 50% of the principal building wall face is proposed located at 4.355m from the Edge Street lot line. Setback reductions by projections of localized smaller fac;:ade and roof projections: Balcony structures Balconies at building corners: • From 7.500m to 4.026m for the supporting columns to upper covered balconies. This setback reduction is limited to 2 small areas at the corners of the building. The roof overhang over the 3rd floor balcony is located at 3.41 Sm from the Edge Street property line. Balcony at center of the building: • From 7.500m to 3,472m to the face of the upper balconies. 2 ) GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 East Windsor Road North Vancouver, B.C. CANADA, V7N !K7 T: (604) 987-8304 F: (604) 987-8371 www.uzarchitects.com Marcela Garcia Zunino, Architect A!BC, LEEDA.P. Luis Zunino, Architect AIBC Center volume • From 7 .500m to 4.10 l m at the center of the fa9ade. The center fa9ade volume on the 2nd , 3rd and 4th floor levels is located at 4.10 l m from the property line, with two bay windows projecting at 3.491 m from the property line (3rd and 4th floors only). • The roof overhang projection is located at 2.869m from the Edge Street property line. 3.2. Exterior Side Setback variances along 12 /st Avenue: From 7.500m to 5.643m for the building entry canopy. The face of the roof over the building entry canopy is located at 5.643m from the 121 st Avenue property line. 3.3. Parking variances: The total number of residential parking spaces provided is 87, the required would be 84 parking stalls. However, the maximum allowable ratio of Small Parking Spaces of 10% (8.4) is exceeded by proposing 17 small spaces for a total small parking space ratio of 19.5%. Luis Zunino, Architect AIBC GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. Tel.: (604) 987-8304 Fax: (604) 987-8371 E-mail: lzunino@qzarchitects.com 3 ) GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 East Windsor Road North Vancouver, B.C. CANADA, V7N 1K7 T: (604) 987-8304 F: (604) 987-8371 www.gzarchitects.com Marcela Garcia Zunino, Architect AIBC, LEEDA.P. Luis Zunino, Architect AIBC February 13, 2015 EDGE 2 CONDOMINIUMS 2014-028-RZ 12080 EDGE ST, AND 22554, 22566 AND 22576 12P1 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. GREEN BUILDING DESIGN -SUSTAINABLE INITIATIVES Economic Considerations The proposed 73 unit project would add value to the existing property and improve the neighborhood's environment and perceived quality. This project proposes a densification consistent with the OCP and Zoning Bylaw intent, which aims at increasing substantially the residential density of the area. It would allow seventy three families to share the space of four single-family residential lots, living in private, modem units with all the amenities. Other than the direct employment opportunity provided during the construction of the building, there will be the indirect economic benefit of the potential employment opportunities in the close area of services and retail, which could allow the building occupants to live and work in the same community. The density of this community will impact and support the existing and future local service and commercial areas. Social Considerations This project is in a desirable central neighborhood, with easy access to parks, recreation, library, and schools, as well as retail and services. The unit mix ranging from studio units to 2-bedrooms plus den provides some housing diversity. The studio units are designed to be convertible to SAFER design guidelines for improved accessibility. The site is strategically located for public transit access along Dewdney Trunk Road and convenient walking distance to retail and services. The project is irrimediately adjacent to two elementary schools, a community garden, the civic complex containing the library, community center, municipality building as well as the business area of Dew dney Trunk Road where an extensive variety of services and retail stores are available. Environmental Considerations Water Use Efficiency The following measures are intended for sustainable water LJSe: - • Water efficient landscaping & storm water management with collection of rainwater. • Water use reduction by using low consumption fixtures (I.e.: low flow faucets and showerheads, low flow or dual flush toilets and Installation of water efficient appliances). I } GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 East Windsor Road North Vancouver, B.C. CANADA, V7N 1K7 T: (604) 987-8304 F: (604) 987-8371 www.1!7 .. architects.com Marcela Garcia Zunino, Architect AIBC, LEEDA.P. Luis Zunino, Architect AIBC Energy Efficiency The building envelope will meet or exceed the current building code standards, with improved insulation R values and double-glazed windows for better energy efficiency. The building was designed to allow daylighting and natural ventilation of all the main living space by means of operable windows. Also, high efficiency appliances will be installed, as well as dimmers on lighting systems. Materials and Resources The project takes a sustainable approach by emphasizing building durability and building envelope integrity. The wide roof overhangs proposed would protect the exterior hardie cladding. The majority of the construction materials will be locally sourced to avoid transportation contamination and costs. The building design allocated space for recycling bins at the garbage room, for collection of cardboard, paper, and glass. Indoor Environmental Quality The indoor air quality is to be enhanced by using low voe (volatile organic compound) paint, water-based finishes for wood, and formaldehyde free wood materials. The selection of interior finishes will include rapidly renewable materials, and flooring systems meeting Ecologo and/ or Green Label certification. Luis Zunino, Architect AIBC GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. Tel.: (604) 987-8304 Fax: (604) 987-8371 E-mail: lzunino@qzarchitects.com 2 Landscape Design Rationale PROJECT: Edge 2, Proposed Condominiums, 121st Avenue & Edge Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. DATE: 12 February 2015 Existing Conditions: The four single family properties are currently occupied by modest houses and gardens containing approximately 15 trees, which are mostly evergreen. All of the trees are within or in close proximity to the proposed building footprint, and therefore proposed for removal. There aren't any significant shrubs on site to be retained or relocated. The road edge has a rural character with a grass verge (no curb or sidewalk). Landscape Design Rationale: Streetscape: Landscape elements facing the streets reinforce the urban and pedestrian friendly character of the Town Centre. A low metal picket fence with informal shrub screening behind it, provides some privacy without blocking the views into the street. The street oriented units are accessed through low gates and private yards. A row of medium sized deciduous trees provides an additional layer of planting along the street. Proposed formal street tree planting in the grass boulevard, and a new city sidewalk will be coordinated with the City and the details refined at the Building Permit stage of the project. Public and Common Outdoor Amenity Space : A common outdoor space associated with the Amenity Room is provided. A large, south facing, fenced patio with seating and feature planting is connected by a wheelchair accessible walk and lockable gate to the lane. The building front entry path widens at the street edge and enhances the street environment. A bench is provided for use by residents or the public. A potential location for Public art is identified on the northwest corner and incorporated into the project landscape. Short-term bicycle parking (22 spaces) is provided at the main and side entries to the building. Private Garden : Each ground-oriented unit has a private garden. The front gardens are defined with a low evergreen hedge. rear gardens are separated with low transparent fences that allow views into neighbours' green space. Each private garden has a patio, shrub and small tree planting and a lawn. Low gates connecting private yards are proposed for ease of maintenance. Each patio has a hose bib for watering individual gardens. Perimeter Landscape: The A combination of transparent and solid fences and layered planting are u ed to enclose the site and screen the units from the adjacent sites and the lane. A 1.5 meter wide planting strip along the lane often the wall and fence and helps to green the lane. A row of deciduous shade trees along the south side of the project will screen _) the views to adjacent houses and provide shade in the summer. 5244 Prince Edward St. Vancouver, BC VSW 2XS tel: 604-669-3 201 fax: 604-669-327B " _) Edge 2 Condominiums -Page 2 Planting: A variety of planting , native and ornamental trees and shrubs, both evergreen and deciduous are proposed for seasonal interest. The planting is hardy, low maintenance and selected to enhance bird habitat. Sto1m Water Management: The project landscape is built on parking structure. Planting areas and lawn with an "intensive green roof' buildup would reduce the amount of and improve the quaUty of storm water runoff from the building site, and mitigate the heat island effect. CPTED The low fence and planting between street and private gardens allows views in and out, providing 'eyes on the street'. At comers and main entries/ exits, the fence and planting are stepped back, to avoid blind corners and enhance the sense of safety for pedestrians. Landscape lighting is provided at all common areas. Lena Chorobik, Principal VIEWPOINT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS INC. 5244 Prince Edward St. Vancouver, BC VSW 2X5 tel: 604-669-3201 fax: 604-669-3278 Town Centre -Development Permit Area G~ide1:ines : . .--, North and South View Precincts • • · • -~@Q4?i§0WM -. ~ , . . . Pursuant with Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, development in the Town Centre will be assessed against the following form and character and green building design guidelines. The guidelines apply to Ground- Oriented Multi Family; Low-Rise Apartment; Medium & High-Rise Apartment; Flexible Mixed-Use; Town Centre Commercial; Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial & Waterfront; and Port Haney Heritage Adaptive Use. See the guidelines in Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan for a detailed list_ and descriptions of development permit area guidelines. These guidelines are intended to aid in the review of development permits in the Town Centre and are to be completed by the architect of record for the project. The project will be reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Department and the Advisory Design Pariel. In the checklist, you are only required to address the guidelines with the icon that relates to your project: TCC = Town Centre Commercial (commercial developments only) MU = Mixed-Use (ground-oriented developments, with commercial on the ground level and either offices or residential above) MFR = Multi-Family Residential (ground-oriented developments and lowcrise, medium-rise, and high-rise apartments) Precinct Key Guidelines and Green Building Design Guidelines must also be completed for projects within the Town Centre. Development and Design Ob.jectives The following summarizes the. development and design objectives for each section on the following checklist. A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height • To promote a cohesive building style and strong pedestrian oriented urban realm in Maple Ridge Town Centre by ensuring new buildings, renovations and/or additions have consistent architectural and urban design setbacks, form, mass, and height. • To help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces. B. Building Fa~ades, Materials and Colour • To ensure additions, renovations and/or new infill projects in the Town Centre have a coherent architectural design concept where windows, doors, siding mate.rial and other far;:ade elements create a pleasing composition compatible with surrounding buildings, commercial and neighbourhood character. • To enh.ance the architectural and massing concepts of a building as well as the quality, character and vibrancy of the urban environment of the Town Centre through the use of harmonious, quality materials and colours. • To screen rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment and trash storage from public view and thereby ensure commercial and mixed-used buildings maintain an attractive appearance to the street. C. Building Site Considerations • To ensure public outdoor spaces are designed so that they improve use and activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, increase safety and provide more attractive, functional outdoor spaces in the Town Centre. • To provide street trees and landscape elements that reinforce the 'urban' character and vibrancy of the Town Centre, enrich the pedestrian friendly character of streets in the district, and integrate this important commercial and higher density residential area with the character and quality of the surrounding residential neighbourhood. • To ensure parking lots are designed to be accessible, but do not intrude upon the surrounding residential area, nor the urban, pedestrian-oriented quality of the Town Centre. • To facilitate off-street parking and car storage at the rear of commercial and mixed-use buildings to maintain street inter-connectivity, traditional use of the lane as a service street, and to provide a secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway in the Town Centre. • To ensure service loading and mechanical equipment is designed to protect the surrounding businesses and residential areas from unsightly, noisy and noxious environments. Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines 1 _.1 Town Centre Development Permit-Ai-ea Guidelines .• - Checklist . . Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not A.I Buildinf! Mass a:nd Form A 1.1 Maintain the mass and scale of buildings Al.2 Enhance the block with comer commercial buildings Al .3 Accent comer buildings Al.4 Use pedestrian-scale design elements A 1.5 Feature pedestrian amenities Al.6 Design large buildings into smaller modules A 1. 7 Accommodate street-fronting units A I . 9 Ensure annropri ate roof pitch Al .-10 Use design elements to reduce roof mass and scale A_2 Buildinl! Hei2hts A2.1 Vaty building heights A2.2 Maintain alignment of architectural features A2.3 Integrate taller buildings A2.4 Step back taller buildings A2.5 Match building heights at the end of blocks A2.6 Manage ohased development A2.7 Protect views A.3 Buildinl! Setbacks A3. 1 Place buildings to reinforce sidewalk activity A3 .2 Situate building entrances for visibility A3 .3 Provide adequate throughwavs and lighting A3.4 Provide dear sight lines from building foyers and lobbies to allow visual surveillance TCC MU MFR TCCMU TCGMU TCC MU i.iWR !CC MU M!'R l CC MU NifR TCC MU MFH TCC MU MF'R TCC MU MFR TCC MU MFR TCC MU ,;,rn TCC MU Mff< Tee MU MFR TCC MU Mr-R TCC MU MFR TCC MU MFR TCC MU MFR TCCMU Ml'R TCC MU MFR □ >< □ 1X □ IXI IXI IX1 gJ □ □ □ □ □ [XJ. )( □ x; IZl □ Applicable gj □ □ □ □ □ □ ) ) □ A3.5 Separate residential entrances from commercial entrances Mu t><l A3.6 Respect existing buildings rec MU MFR M D D A3.7 Distinguish entrances with arrival areas and courtyards Tee Mu Mm t:81 D D A3 .8 Locate ramps and entrances in areas that are highly visible rec MU MFR ~ Explain how the objectives for Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height are met: If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. f)u \\a&. i ~ trot°~ 1s ~t rt:'?1~ e..l'--RA-\ Uf.e-o "-l't. ~~ ~To.. i '=' \.,<> c,,~\t:-J.. M" w tt.l ~ "j ~ '?~ r--Q. ,t-o-(\1\ p.._ lAl Mty--l,y~ ~ C pe,w A~ Tru r--~ ~o-AA) . 6u i \Jt~ ltci~ ~q,. \IN lo V ; \ d,. l~ r"ro Se.A rc.-ltd-c.-b ~ -\-w.. ~ i \ AA ~ ~ 1 t,.J:-t' f ,t !,u.. D ~ a OJM of-,/'-t .,,.l u M-t-v i \ ~ "jS t-;,,v i l r I"' l \-.; f'C-1--~\-e.~ V i ror-W',e,.0-\--. P.,..?>.r; T~ ~l.lM"-j 1"-s ot res.,~ell'-J-,~( o.s.e. o,-._~ Nlaple Ridge Town Centre 2 Development Perndt Area Guidelines Checklist Town c ·e11tre Development ·Permit Area Guidelines • -. _ Checklist • • . . Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable ~~.:;, -~ ... .--.. •'-'•~.:-:r:. ~ 1; •• .-~.~-.,_ . B.1 Building Fai;adc Bl.I Address both sides of the block with comer commercial buildini;:s TCCMU ~ Bl.2 Orient main entrances to face the sidewalk TCC MU MFR ~ Bl.3 Locate windows, doors, and entry features at the street level TCCMU IN'H ) □ Bl.4 Use a mix. of common facade patterns and elements TCC MU MFH "' □ Bl.5 Reflect original facades and building scale TCCMUMi'I< □ □ D?J Bl.6 Respect original architectural elements TGG MU MFR □ J>(.l B1.7 Respect old and new desi= TCCMU MFR □ □ ~ B1.8 Maintain the horizontal rhythm of the street wall TCCMU MfR )( B l.9 Provide a visual division between the street level and upper floors TCC MU ,~f-R )(. B1.10 Include. continuous canopies, awnings or overhangs TCCMU ) B 1.11 Ensure appropriate placement and materials for awnings or canopies TCCMU □ ~ B 1.13 Use windows to provide 'eyes on the street' TCC MU MPH. )( B1.14 Enhance the public realm TCC MU MFR: X. □ B 1.15 Ensure signage reflects buildin_g scale character, and materials TCCMU D □ >< B.3 Building Materials B3.l Enhance the public realm with high quality materials and detailing rec MU MFR )C D B3.2 Use materials consistently TCC MU Mf!l ) □ B3.3 Avoid the use ofinannropriate materials TCC MU MFf< )' B3.6 Use a mix of quality materials TCC MUM.FH )( □ B.4 Building Colours B4.1 Select aporooriate colours TCC MU i'~1F'H Jg] B4.2 Highlight architectural details, awnings, and entrances TCC MU Mfr\ }( □ B4.3 Ensw-e a cohesive, consistent colour palette TCC MU MF-"'P. IXI B.5 Screening and Storaee BS.I Locate and enclose trash, composting, and recycling to keep 18l □ □ out of site .of general public TCCMU MFR 85.2 Screen mechanical equipment TCC MU MFR ><:: □ 85.3 Avoid conflict with neighbouring prope1ties TC-C MU MFr{ )( D 85.4 Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise and exhaust TCC MU MFR ')( □ Explai n how the objectives fo r Building Fa9ades, Materials and Colour are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Bl.\ -TIN. frl>to~u bui \,e,\11~ ts 6t re~,d.e"'J-,:.,.J u~ O"-~ \3\.tj } ~, lA.lr:j \s ot V'--~ c.o v-,,~u ch'-t> "-~or re t',.o\J \. ip T'w\~ l-7 o...o\_d,.:. ~) f:31, \0 ) N-11 r tx-~u\o~e t t-]\u lh rt?d\M l7 ~l~eiA.k A lM~~) lovi\ol; \ . \ \ I . \ c; i I ) Maple Ridge Town Centre 3 De1,elopment Permit Area Guidelines Checklist ) "-../ r i l Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable li:f~;:tr~~TIAt~~i:~:h·!fu",g~~~~~..,. :.~~,~i;~.-"~:.·•: r 1":r.·. ~-~ ·~~~~~!J~,7.-"···'"":"-. '.,.,.i,::::fcii••~tz~-~~M. C.l l>dblic Outdoor Snace and HardscaDes C 1. l "Provide public outdoor space TCC .16U IF.R M CL2 ,Ensure public outdoor soace is hiablv visible "tCCMU t:'!Fft l...Y CU ~ro'.vide connections between buildings, sidewalks, and outdoor en spaces TCC ~fl.l t!!'J:! 'Q(, D □ Cl .4 ( Ensure universal access for all public spaces ,CC MU ~R V C 1.6 ) Prov-idc bardscaoe elements to enhance the street environment TCCMU l!JFR V C 1. 7 ( Design hardscape elements as part of lb.e building '!CC MU MF/l: ~--·- Cl.8 \tntc.,uate oedestrian amenities with walls and/or landscaped areas TCCMVf.l!'F! ,,. Cl.9 /Provide nublic art TCCIIIU tifR l/ ii' !I) Cl .1 0 \En.~ure new elements comolement existing 'rCC-MU~~"l'I ,, ctea1.tt Cl.12 ,,Provide smooth routes Tr.CMU!,ll'R l/ Cl.13 I Ensure barrier-free access TCClilUi\lFl'I ~:1rkine: an.d ParldnP' Lots C2.l Provide rcauircd parkin!!. underl!l"ound. w.hcre feasible ,o.aiu Mf'R )< C2.2 Screen larne surface padci.ng lots while maintairung_ swvcillance TCC MUl,lFR ~ C2.3 Maximize oedestrian safetv within parkin..~ lots T()CMU ~1FR ), C2.4 P-rovide visible si1mae.e TCCl,IU/1!!'?. )( C2.5 Consider deve]QDing underground paTkini:c ~araees TI:C JnU;'¾;"--P. '- C2.7 Locate parlcing lo1 eauinment awav from the nublic-stree1 l'CCMUl.fl'R r)(. C.3 Lanes, Service-and Lnadine: Areas C3.l Use lanes for service, oarkine access and loadinjt TCCMU~m ' C3.2 (Jt:J]ize lanes as secondacv vehicular and nedesbian. throuizhwavs TCCMU T'-'l'S> r,,: C3.3 Strengihen visual access oftbe lane 'fCC~IU '9'R )c C3.5 Consider lancS as a commul)ity at;nerutv rcc111u l.!FR )( C3.7 Locate loading and service areas awav from the street front TCCMU~r-R )C C3.8 Seourate loadin2 from oark:imi: and nedestrian paths TCCMU l:IFR )C C3.~ Screen loadill;!; areas TC{;MU )( C.4 Sireet Tree~ and LandscaDe ; C4.2 )Ose the ri2ht specjes . tee r,m r~ M C4.8 <..Maintain sight lines . Tee MU = Vl • Ex~ow the objectives for Building Site Considerations are met. .lfyou have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guide! me does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Cl-lo -TV\J. rrvt-"°se.J. \.,v'l\M':j is O \-N!-u.> UJ .,.._~ +-ru d-,.o I'\, C2-.2-N.o ~i-FF-r~~ 1sr~~ Of-..{-k.Q -0-(r-e. . C3.q -N-o r A.~ c.o-.L,le_ to t>Ar R-' Maple-Ridge Town Centre _4 Dc1•elopniei1t Permit Arca (iltideline.v Cllecl.list I - 'I-. ' . :··. Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines .• ·.North and South View Precinct Key Guidelines IIWPPN±l'@·2iN -.· . KEY GUIDELINE CONCEPTS 1. Promote North and South View as Distinctive, Highly Liveable Multi-Family Neighbourhoods a. Does proposed development help to establish the precinct as a residential area witb a mix of housing types at varying densities? • Consistent: Yes 121 No D . \ , , , Tv--e ~ ro~e.J... c.o ,-...J...o MA"'-\,J r(\ ~pA-rt"'"-l-4 k,u, l~ ~ Is Explain: t?'("-ip{~,:-j ~~ ~ 1 fTI)N -&--(7~ IMt.>91'r::'.) ~ i11.~.fh\-'1', "-~ ~,t,t..;nj W7 H"-(A.rt..;...,J ~ ~~ w ~~ ~e-v--~k ~. 2. Create Pedestrian-Friendly, Ground-Oriented, Multi-Family Community b. Does the building's fom1 and mass support a strong pedestrian-oriented urban realm and help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces? Taller buildings should be stepped back podium style. • Consistent: Yes 5(1 No D Explain: -~-h r-v ,.._J._ ftoo-r UM~ ;J,e,c,rt~ rr(',. ~ ~ee)- -LtwJ ~~~ ' -o ~ tt-~ ~ ~ l ~-~ -e-v,J"'~"c.e_. . 3. Maintain Cohesive Building Styles c. Is there consistency with other new buildings in the precinct in terms of architecture, building setbacks, form, mass, and height? • Consistent~ Yes J8I No D NIA D t;Jt l\"Y\~ ~~ I ~'tj"-~ ~re_ ti,~~ Explain: ~~rJ.vN. u~ ll\....tk ~·~~de..... 4. Capitalize on Important Views d. Does proposed new development capitalize on mountain and/or river views? • Consistent: Yes jg] No D Not Applicable D Explain: Nn\1..-.. ~GA~ ~1te4 v-.A..r--t.-w-,J..t_ p~ N\,nl~ \he-uJS. e. llave the important views of existing buildings been considered in relation to the proposed development? • Consistent: Yes O No D Not Applicable~ Explain: T v-..e. ~ \ tl--t\tvi d.AVJ ~ l.(\ ovlc..' l 'VV\ ~ u (7-v-t V7 e.-t>J S ~. ~\-1,-.u" ~ t.):;.'~s. 5. Provide Private and Semi-Private Green Space f. Does proposed development include front and back courtyards (in multi-family developments) and incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, and increase safety in the design? • Consistent: Yes D No~ Explain: l"i,...t ~ 1nv~ ~r ~~ ~t OV""v\.. ~ ~-M""Ld ~ t'~ ~e,,\-V,e.,, ~ CA-tcu-i -t\..\L ~e,t}-fWvO"V cJ ~ -A:.~ei r ~r s-. 11N. ~4 l--.u' 1n~"-' ~ v,.i:.b;. f'°l/'\k r"-0~ v.~ ~ i tw ~ ~ ~ ( e,{fA r(\. ~ '7h'u:k). Maple Ridge Town Centre 5 DP Part/: Key Guideline Concepts for the North & South View Precincts ------·~ M,, i -v,. ~ 6. Provide Climate Appropriate Landscaping and Green Features g. Are landscape elements d~gned to enrich the pedeshian enviro11ment, moderate the rotemal building clim~te, manage sto~fer on site, and reference the architectural quality oftbe building(s)? • Consistent: Yes V No D . Explain: ~U. ~~ ~~o~!e.. (!&:\ ~C-Q.M-W 2o\~ 7. Maintain Street Interconnectivity ll. Does proposed development maintain street interconnectivity and the use of the lane as a service street and secondary vehicular and pede!!trian throughway? .. Consi~tent: Yes gj No D Not Applicable D Explain:~ ~ \S U'7~ --t;' A.Ca+d t-ka. ~tL-d~tj (\P-Aa-,ge-. 1. Is required parking provided underground'! • Consistent: Yes jg! No 0 Exp!ain: A·H ~u.J.,t,J-_ ~~l~~s-r~~e.J. --b. l,.e, Vi)~ tf\. IAf'-.. v r-.J.u-0, 07J r--tA ~rr t~ ~ ~u~ re.. Maple Ridge Tt,wn Centre DP Pal'I f: Key G1Lfrleli11e Concepts for the North & Sorith View Predncts .A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height AL8 Al.11 A2.8 Design flexible ground-floor uni! spaces jn commercial and rrrixed-use 1;,uildings. 1> Consistent: Yes O No (g Explain: 'N-0 t"° A~~ • Accommodate roof gardens, tr~Y, and green features. " Consi.shmt: Y~ 0 No 1\/ Explain: N-c,, \-A~ Ct?J.1~ Site buildings to capitalize on daylight and solar opportunities. • C.-0m.;stcnt: Yes I&! No 0 Explain: T\A.Q.. ~\~~ sw,re---1 \.v-..l--< ~ &...e.~o~ ~ c?-17--/ ~., ~ "'j O r ·mo~ 0 t 1"N re-a f(\"=> • 1'.2.9 Protect solar access to surroun.ding buildings and minimize wind tunnel effect~, • C'.onSistent: Yes ~ No D , Explain: l~ ~11.,0-~ ~ Wi \~ ":::J W7\' _ru>~ ~~ , ~ I,~ f\..D ~ ~Go () r-u-tt....L ·1 "qt, tut I O "tti ~ ~ ~~ ~ tan <J. l z..1 ~ Av-c • or t ~ u,, fv\l\"\ u ,.__,;_ vi c::::t ~Ae..1--~ t-¼.. o ~~•rte:, R. :Building Fm;ades Materials, and Co]our J C-,9 ,f'-. ..U-, B1.12 B2.1 Use exterior shading devices to block summer sun. • Consistent: Yes ~ No 0 Explain: W ~ JJ. ~ D'f'"e,r~"jS Design o~tdoor ughlin..[~mininfrze light pollution. .. Consistent: Yesv No D Ex.plrun: B2.2 Encourage energy efficient lighting_ • Cousistcnt: Yes jgi No 0 Explain: 83.4 Select environmertta□y responsible building materi;ils . ., CollSistent: Yes~ No 0 Explain: ~ \"°,0 u~ o--t Lo cJ ff'-CL~~ tA~ ~uJ \JOG ~I\.T~ 83.5 Minimize the use ofunsustainabJc building materials. • Consistent: Yes g No 0 Explain: t\J\tl-\-t.n4 lr\.~ ,1J,-r}. a-'t-t"'tl 4~~ ~lo~ ~~- Maple Ridge Tqwn Centre 7 Green .Buildi,ig Desig~l Guidelittes . - -Town Centre Developn1ent Permit Area Guidelines I Green Building Techniques .·. Wa:/IBhAWMtMW B3.7 Consider life-cycle cost. • Consistent: Yes O No ~ Explain: N-o--\-~~ C. Building Site Considerations Cl .5 Locate outdoor plazas to capture the sun. " Consistent: Yes igJ No D Explain: U l'{\.fi\-.0 I\ ~ ff'.~ ~ 0 n ~ A)Jle, ~ u rk_, Cl. l I Use materials that are functional, durable and include recycled or salvaged content. • Consistent: Yes ~ No 0 Explain: f\S fv',U?\iv M r97\ W Cl, 14 Encourage use of infiltration techniques. • Consistent: Yes~ No O , . , w l,,\..t,,,lre. ~ tJ t--J a> r-..M ~ ~ ru-wjJ-i "'-~ l \-riJ.-~A ~ ~l l ~ eJ Explam. \J,J"\ l\ ~ V ti\.,,: 1,e-J.. ~ ~ ~ c;Lo,-.. + I ~f\. h.Q \,,i ~ v,J"{lA L/4-v~ -\ C2.6 Locate adequate priority parking in visible areas convenient to entrances. • Consistent: Yes gJ · No 0 Explain: ~17\"to, ~ lt-..Ar--~u+ ~d~f';j vlrt-U-4'~ ti.~ L-(t • C2.8 Use permeable pavement and infiltration devices on appropriate sites. • Consistent: Yes O No~ Explain: N-rt" ,?...~ u.Ll.Q.. • C2.9 Provide shade trees and landscaping. • Consistent: Yes~ No 0 C2. l O Provide secure and sheltered bicycle storage facilities for short-term uses. • Consistent: Yes~ No 0 C2. l l Provide long-term bicycle parking. • Consistent: Yes~ No 0 Explain: S,e()JrU ~Cjch. ~~~ WO..( h~'~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ t-iA-t rt~e,l,.e, flU""(t.-;~ ~-lt,tlnJ . Maple Ridge Town Centre 8 Gree11 Buildi11g Design Guidelines ,--.. I,7 m1~u C2.l2 C3.4 C3.6 Provide end-of-trip facilities. s Consfatent: Yes O . No~ Explain: t-J ,-t-~ ~ Minimize impcrvfous-paving of the lane. • Consistent: Yes D No fgJ Explain: t0 ,+ ~ ~~ Respect existing grades/ • Consistent: Yes l2f No 0 Explain:-f;:.')(-1-,ti ~ 4~ Art. ~ ~ ~~~ \\('U -80 t'('J.. ~ ~c;. (?,..re ~ ul re)..._ C4.I C4.3 C4.4 C4.5 Plant street frees. J • Consistent: Yes M No 0 Minimize use ofhi~~tanance plants . .,. Consistent Yes\fl No 0 Explain: P-<{-u---C ~~~ ~--a1'-~ ~ Max.imize the use ofnati£and climate appropriate species. • Consistent: Y cs "QI No D F.xplain:~t ~~ ~'JI'--P-et-h\.~le_ Consider the inclusion of c~_}W gardens. • Consistent: Yes D No V Explain:\~ t ~~ ~•~ ~~€... C4.6 Design and place landscape to facilitate year rolllld moderation of the internal building climate. • Corn,istent: Yes 181 No 0 C4.7 Ex.plain: ~e,d ~f.) 5 ~~ tv\A. n~~;,.... Minimize erosion po~9'1. 4 CotL~i$tent: Yes fvJ' No 0 Explain: \/~ \iC CPl.rtAr-~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~I\Arw./Z.e_ ~S,-tOf"_ • Maple .Ridge Town Centre 9 Green B11ildiJtg.l>esig11 Grutlelines C4.9 C4.10 C4.ll C4.12 (;4.13 Town Centre Development Permit Area Guideline; - Green Building Techniques -_ • - Provide adequate landscape maintenance. • Consistent: Yes 5?] No D Explain: \M lA~~~ ~~ '\:ed-lfr\ \ \ ~ IJI h, N\M "t"tV'.a..f'-CL, ~c:-J ~ ~~ uv-Mr:rr--~cu~ ~ ~ Consider incorporating landscape plantings for green features. • Consistent: Yes O No~ Explai11: µ ,..-t-~ oJ.l~. • Incorporate low impact storm.water features. • Consistent: Yes~ No 0 Explain: T l,,..{ sJMrM ~ ~~eN'--e-vd-~A N'\ vv, ~l t,..e_ ~e.t;..tj tu1_ 'f\ tACc-or~C.V wit{r-~ D.M .12--. W~k,..,U.un;.e... Pn~l"Y'--. ~lPJ1J. Consider rainwater collection for re-use. • Consistent: Yes O No~ Explain: tJ k ~~l_k Use natural plantings and green space to support habitat. • Consistent: Yes ~ No 0 C4. 14 Retain existing mature trees. • Consistent: Yes D No B,. Explain: ~ ~ tt,..A... Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines f2--/(Tl D r-.) ~ ,< , ~-i ~., .-., /., lO GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 East Windsor Road North Vancouver, B.C. CANADA, V7N 1K7 T: (604) 987-8304 F: (604) 987-8371 www.gzarchitects.com Marcela Garcia Zunino, Architect AIBC, LEEDA.P. Luis Zunino, Architect AIBC December 22, 2014 EDGE 2 CONDOMINIUMS 2014-028-RZ 12080 EDGE ST, AND 22554, 22566 AND 22576 12l5r AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, 8.C. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN RATIONALE 1. Site and Proposed Development Description 1.1. Site description and surrounding area The subject property consists of four adjacent lots located at the corner of 121 51 Avenue and Edge Street in downtown Maple Ridge. The site is accessed from 121 51 Avenue, Edge Street and also from an existing lane. Across 121st Avenue, to the North of the site, there is a Church (St Patrick's Parish), its parish office building, and a subsidiary School building with surface parking lots adjacent to all three buildings. To the West of the site, across Edge Street, there are single family homes, and the Edge Condominium across the lane. To the South, across the lane, there are duplexes and single family homes. To the East of the site, there are single family homes. A Community Garden small park is located at the Northwest corner across the site. 1.2. Proposed development description The proposed development would be a market apartment building, consisting of 73 dwelling units with common amenity space on the ground floor. The suites would range in size from studio apartments to 2 bedrooms+ den. The building would be 5 storeys in height, of wood frame construction over 1 level of underground reinforced concrete parking garage structure. The offsite parking capacity of 87 parking stalls is located within the underground parking garage, accessed from the lane. 2. Rezoning proposal. Consistency with the Maple Ridge OCP and Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines 2.1. Zoning The project site is currently zoned RS l , Single Family Residential and it is proposed for rezoning to the standard of the RM-3 High Density Apartment Residential District zone, modified to allow a Floor Space Ratio of 1 .8, according to the Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7092-2014, which obtoined First Redding from Council on July 21 st, 2014, also allowing a building height of 5 storeys. 2.2. Proiect density In regards to the proposed density, this project follows the intent of the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan (OCP) and the Maple Ridge Town Centre Area [TCP) for the Land Use Designation of Medium and High-Rise Apartment corresponding to the North View Precinct of the Town Centre. The density of 220 UPH would be within the TCP intended building types and densities (62+ UPH). For the OCP, our project at 220 UPH would be within the apa.rtment district's density guideline (100-250 UPH). 2.3. Building Shape and Relationship to the Street The site usable open space is about 32.50%, thus complies with the requirement of the Maple Ridge Zoning By-law for the RM-3 zone, of 30%. 1 ) GARCIA ZUNINO ARCIIlTECTS INC. 662 East Windsor Road North Vancouver, B.C. CANADA, V7N 1K7 T: (604) 987-8304 F: (604) 987-8371 www.gzarchitects.com Marcela Garcia Zunino; Architect AIBC, LEEDA.P. Luis Zunino, Architect AIBC The area dedicated for common activity area is 133.0 m2, thus exceeds the required by the Maple Ridge Zoning By-law, of 73.0 m2 (1 .0 m2 per suite). The building height proposed is 5 storeys, reduced from the 6 storey height minimum required for the Land Use Designation of Medium and High-Rise Apartment. The height reduction to 5 storeys is consistent with the Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7092- 2014, which obtained First Reading from Council on July 21 st, 2014. The building proposed setbacks conform or exceed the minimum setbacks outlined by the TCP for high density areas. 3. Proposed variances 3.1 . Front Yard Setback variances along Ed ge Street: The building is proposed closer to the Edge Street property line, to increase the urban appearance of the area and also to allow enough building setback separation at the East property line, where single family homes are immediately adjacent. Principal Building Face • From 7.500m to 4.355m . About 50% of the principal building wall face is proposed located at 4.355m from the Edge Street lot line. Setback reductions by projections of localized smaller fac;ade and roof projections: • Balcony structures Balconies at building corners: • From 7.500m to 4.026m for the supporting columns to upper covered balconies. This setback reduction is limited to 2 small areas at the corners of the building. The roof overhang over the 3rd floor balcony is located at 3.415m from the Edge Street property line. Balcony at center of the building: • From 7.500m to 3,472m to the face of the upper balconies. Center volume • From 7.500m to 4.101 mat the center of the fac;ade. The center fac;ade volume on the 2nd , 3rd and 4th floor levels is located at 4.101 m from the property line, with two bay windows projecting at 3.491 m from the property line (3rd and 4th floors only). • The roof overhang projection is located at 2.869m from the·Edge Street property line. 3.2. Exterior Side Setback variances along 12Jst Avenue: From 7.500m to 5.643m for the building entry canopy. The face of the roof over the building entry canopy is located at 5.643m from the 121 st Avenue property line. 3.3. Parking variances: The total number of residential parking spaces provided is 87, the required would be 84 parking stalls. However, the maximum allowable ratio of Small Parking Spaces of 10% (8.4) is exceeded by proposing 17 small spaces for a total small parking space ratio of 19.5%. 4. Building design, massing and siting The building is of contemporary design, to promote some formal diversity in the neighborhood. The length of the building face ~t the North and South elevations was articulated with higher volumes (5-storey high) with wide roof overhangs to help break the mass of the 2 ) GARCIA ZUNINO ARCIDTECTS INC. 662 East Windsor Road North Vancouver, B.C. CANADA, V7N 1K7 T: (604) 987-8304 F: (604) 987-8371 www.gzarcllitects.com Marcela Garcia Zunino, Architect AlBC, LEEDA.P. Luis Zunino, Architect AlBC building in a rhythmic pattern. The 5 storey volumes are also defined by a base of cultured stone cladding. Another accent to the building are the balcony porticos flanked by stone clodded columns combined with timber columns at the top. The four corners of the building are highlighted with higher pop-up roof areas which make the building corners more prominent while enclosing vaulted ceiling areas over the 4th floor living rooms. The building face is clodded with different assemblies of hardi materials painted using an earth tone color palette. • The ground floor suit~g the streets have individual exterior entrances that help articulate th\andscf ing or fence appearance. Luis Zunino, Arc tect I GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHIT TS INC. Tel.: (604) 987-8304 Fax: (604) 987-8371 E-mail: lzunino@gzarchitects.com 3 Landscape Design Rationale PROJECT: Edge 2, Proposed Condominiums, 12l't Avenue & Edge Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. DATE: 19 December 2014 Existing Conditions: The four single family properties are currently occupied by modest houses and gardens containing approximately 15 trees, which are mostly evergreen. All of the trees are within or in close proximity to the proposed building footprint, therefore are proposed to be removed. There aren t any significant shrubs on site to be retained or any vegetation worth relocating. The road edge has a rural character with a grass verge (no curb or sidewalk). Landscape Design Rationale: Streetscape: Landscape elements facing the streets reinforce the urban and pedestrian friendly character of the Town Centre. A low metal picket fence with informal shrub screening behind it provides ·ome privacy without blocking the views into the street. The street oriented units are accessed through low gates and private yards. A row of medium sized deciduous trees provides an additional layer of planting along the street. Proposed formal street tree planting in the grass boulevard, and a new city sidewalk will be coordinated with tbe City and the detail refined at the Building Permit stage of the project. Public and Common Outdoor Amenity Sf?aces: A common outdoor space associated with the Amenity Room is provided. A large, south facing, fenced patio with seating and feature planting is connected through universal access with the lane. The building front entry path widens at the street edge and enhances the street environment. A bench is provided for use by residents or the public. A potential location for Public art is identified on the northwest corner and incorporated into the project landscape. Short-term bicycle parking (22 spaces) are provided at the main and side entries to the building. Private Gardens: Each ground-oriented unit has a private garden. The front gardens are defined with a low evergreen hedge. The rear gardens are separated with low transparent fences that aJlow views into neighbours' green pace. Each private garden has a patio shrub and small tree planting and a lawn. Low gates connecting private yards are proposed for ease of maintenance. Each patio.has a hose bib for watering individual gardens. Perimeter Landscape: A combination of transparent and soJid fences and layered planting are used to enclose the site and screen the units from the adjacent sites and the lane. A 1.5 meter wide planting strip along the lane softens the wall and fence and helps to green the lane. A row of deciduous shade trees along the south side of the project will screen the views to adjacent houses and provide shade in the summer. 5244 Prince Edward St. Vancouver, BC VSW 2X5 tel: 604-669-3201 fax: 604-669-3278 } Edge 2 Condominiums -Page 2 Planting: A variety of planting, native and ornamental trees and shrubs, both evergreen and deciduous are proposed for seasonal interest. The planting is hardy, low maintenance and selected to enhance bird habitat. Storm Water Management: The project land cape is bum on parldng structure. Planting areas and lawn with an "intensive green roof" buildup would reduce the amount of and improve the quality of storm water runoff from a building site, and mitigate the heat island effect. Lena Chorobik, Principal VIEWPOINT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS INC. 5244 Prince Edward St. Vancouver, BC VSW 2X5 tel: 604-669-3201 fax: 604-669-3278 ( N 0 r--- >< ID I- I-- EDGE 2 CONDOMINIUMS 12080 EDGE ST, 22552 / 22554 121ST AVE, 22566 121ST AVE, 22576 121ST AVE, MAPLE RIDGE, BC PERSPECTIVE VIEW LO ~ 0 N ~ 2 ADP SUBMISSION FEB 16/ 15 ISSUE DESCRIPTION DATE GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 EAST WINDSOR RD. NORTH VANCOUVER B.C. CANADA V7N 1K7 PHONE: 604.987.8304 FAX: 604.987.8371 ALL DRAWINGS. SPECIFICATIONS AND RELATED DOCUMENTS ARE THE COPYRIGHT PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND MUST BE RETURNED UPON REQUEST. REPRODUCTION OF SAME IN PART OR WHOLE IS FORBIDDEN WrTHOUT THE ARCHITECTS WRITTEN PERMISStoN. PROJECT TITLE: EDGE 2 CONDOMINIUMS PROJECT ADDRESS: 12080 EDGE ST TO 22576 121ST AVE, MAPLE RIDGE CLIENT: MACLEAN HOMES SHEET TITLE: COVER SHEET PERSPECTIVE DRAWING NO.: DATA -01 '° PROJECT NO.: ~ 1403 a:l LLJ LL DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: LZ / MG-Z SCALE: NTS N <.!)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DATE: FEB 04, 2015 { I C\l 0 r--- x [(l I- I- N 1 3 5 9 2 f',ERIAL VIEWS OF THE SITE FROM THE SOUTHWEST 4 6 10 ;,.;;;.;;;.;_a,;;;; ___ -~-..:-_ ... =.__-_ ... ,,,rilf;i\l .. ,.,. ,.....,_._ __ CONTEXT PLAN 7 8 1 1 12 Ln ~ 0 N .... al Lu LL 2 ADP SUBMISSION FEB 16115 ISSUE DESCRIPTION DATE GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 EAST WINDSOR RD. NORTH VANCOUVER B.C. CANADA V7N 1 K7 PHONE: 604.987.8304 FAX: 604.987.8371 All DRAWINGS. SPECIFICATIONS AND RELATED DOCUMENTS ARE THE COPYRIGHT PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND MUST BE RETURNED UPON REQUEST. REPRODUCTION OF SAME IN PART OR WHOLE IS FORBIDDEN WITHOUT THE ARCHITECrs WRJTTEN PERMISSION. PROJECT TITLE: EDGE 2 CONDOMINIUMS PROJECT ADDRESS: 12080 EDGE ST TO 22576 121ST AVE, MAPLE RIDGE CLIENT: MACLEAN HOMES SHEET TITLE: CONTEXT PHOTOS DRAWING NO.: DATA-02 PROJECT NO.: 1403 DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: LZ / MG-Z SCALE: NTS DATE: FEB 04. 2015 <!>1.,. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ .._ _________ .. C\J 0 X OJ ..... ..... N 121 STREET FACING NORTH (FROM 227TH ST TO EDGE ST) 22588121st AVE 22582 121st AVE 121 STREET FACING NORTH (FROM 227TH ST TO EDGE ST -CONTINUED) 22576121st AVE 22566 121s1 AVE 22552/54 121st AVE 12080 EDGE ST. Ln T"""' 0 N .... 2 ADP SUBMISSION FEB 16/ 15 ISSUE DESCRIPTION DATE GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 EAST WINDSOR RD. NORTH VANCOUVER B.C. CANADA V7N 1 K7 PHONE: 604.987.8304 FAX: 604.987.8371 ALL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND RELATED DOCUMENTS ARE THE COPYRIGHT PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND MUST BE RETURNED UPON REQUEST. REPRODUCTION OF SAME IN PART OR WHOLE IS FORBIDDEN WITHOUT THE ARCHITECrs WRITTEN PERMISSION. PROJECT TITLE: EDGE 2 CONDOMINIUMS PROJECT ADDRESS: 12080 EDGE ST TO 22576 121ST AVE, MAPLE RIDGE CLIENT: MACLEAN HOMES SHEET TITLE: STREETSCAPE PHOTOS DRAWING NO.: DATA-03 '° PROJECT NO.: T"""' ca Lu LJ_ 1403 DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: LZ / MG-Z SCALE: NTS DATE: FEB 04, 2015 (.')._ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ .., _________ .. ( (\J 0 l'-- x SHADOW STUDY IGlI 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 4:00 PM □ rn rn B X 0 z :::::> 0 w _J _J <( LL 0 z <( • l'.) z a:::: o_ C/) w u i== C/) _J 0 C/) a:::: w ~ ~ :::> C/) ~ ~ z ______ _____ ~ GARCIA ZUNINO tQ ARCHITECTS INC. 662 EAST WINDSOR RD. C NORTH VANCOUVER 8,C. CANADA V7N 1K7 >--a:: PHONE: 604.987.8304 FAX: 604.987.8371 0 -----ALL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND RELATED DOCUMENTS ARE THE COPYRIGHT PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND MUST BE I ~ RETURNED UPON REQUEST. REPRODUCTION '-"'" I OF SAME IN PART OR WHOLE IS FORBIDDEN PERMISSION. s 1-W-ITH-OlJT-T-HE-AR-CH-rre_cr_s _wR_,TTE_"_ ..... C ~ a:: f2 PROJECT TITLE: EDGE 2 CONDOMINIUMS PROJECT ADDRESS: 12080 EDGE ST TO 22576 C 121ST AVE, MAPLE RIDGE I I I ■------- ...... CLIENT: :) V, MACLEAN HOMES V, ---------■ --SHEET TITLE: SHADOW STUDY LO ~ 0 DRAWING NO.: N DATA-04 .._ '° PROJECT NO.: ~ 1403 cc DRAWN BY: LLJ CHECKED BY: LZ/MG-Z LL SCALE: NTS N <.!)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DATE: FEB 04, 2015 ( C\I 0 f'-. >< BOARD & BATTEN SIDING: HARDIE PANEL TEXTURE: SMOOTH COLOR: COLORPLUS NAVAJO BEIGE HORIZONTAL SIDING: HARDIE PLANK 5" EXPOSURE 2nd & 3rd FLOORS TEXTURE: SELECT CEDARMILL COLOR: COLORPLUS AUTUMN TAN HORIZONTAL SIDING: HARDIE PLANK 7" EXPOSURE 1st FLOOR TEXTURE: SELECT CEDARMILL COLOR: COLORPLUS WOODSTOCK BROWN FASCIA AND TRIM BOARDS PAINT: BMHC 166 KENDALL CHARCOAL GUARDS/ HANDRAILS: ANODIZED ALUMINUM COLOR BLACK BAY WINDOWS: HARDIE PANEL TEXTURE: SMOOTH COLOR: COLORPLUS ARCTIC WHITE WINDOW FRAMES: COLOR WHITE COLUMN AT BALCONY: WOOD TRIM BOARD BM 2092-20 SIENNA WINDOW TRIM BM HC HC 166 KENDALL CHARCOAL STONE BASE: CULTURED STONE EUROPEAN CASTLE STONE COLOR: BUCKS COUNTY -J LLJ z ~ z ~ --tD C >-a::: 0 Vl s; C '<:t: a::: ~ G3 ::, Vl Vl -- Ln ""'""' 0 N '° ""'""' cc uJ LL 2 ADP SUBMISSION FEB 16/ 15 ISSUE DESCRIPTION DATE GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 EAST WINDSOR RD. NORTH VANCOUVER B.C. CANADA V7N 1 K7 PHONE: 604.987.8304 FAX: 604.987.8371 ALL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND RELATED DOCUMENTS ARE THE COPYRIGHT PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND MUST BE RETURNED UPON REQUEST. REPRODUCTION OF SAME IN PART OR WHOLE IS FORBIDDEN WITHOUT THE ARCHITECrs WRITTEN PERMISSION. PROJECT TITLE: EDGE 2 CONDOMINIUMS PROJECT ADDRESS: 12080 EDGE ST TO 22576 121ST AVE, MAPLE RIDGE CLIENT: MACLEAN HOMES SHEET TITLE: EXTERIOR MATERIALS & COLOURS DRAWING NO.: DATA-05 PROJECT NO.: 1403 DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: LZ / MG-Z SCALE: NTS DATE: FEB 04. 2015 ~L ________________________________________________________________________________ ....., _______ _ C\J 0 X <O I- I- WEST ELEVATION (EDGE STREET) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © 0 @ @ lliill::!Q;_ FINISH SCHEDULE: STONE BASE: CULTURED STONE HORIZONTAL SIDING 1st FLOOR LEVEL: HARDIE PLANK 6" EXPOSURE HORIZONTAL SIDING 2nd & 3rd FLOOR LEVELS: HARDIE PLANK 4" EXPOSURE SIDING AT 4th FLOOR LEVEL: HARDIE BOARD+ 1X3 BATTENS OR HARDI REVEAL PANEL WITH ALUMINUM JOINTS GUARDS / HANDRAILS: ANODIZED ALUMINUM FASCIA AND TRIM BOARDS BAY WINDOW WALLS AND WOOD TRIMS: HARDIE BOARD + 1X3 BATTENS OR HARDI REVEAL PANEL WITH ALUMINUM JOINTS DOUBLE TIMBER COLUMN AT BALCONY TIMBER COLUMN AT BALCONY: WINDOW FRAMES: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT VINYL WINDOWS: NORTH ELEVATION (121ST STREET) Ln ~ 0 N .... ca LLJ LL GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 EAST WINDSOR RD. NORTH VANCOUVER B.C. CANADA V7N 1 K7 PHONE: 604.987.8304 FAX: 604.987.8371 All DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND RELATED DOCUMENTS ARE THE COPYRIGHT PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT ANO MUST BE RETURNED UPON REQUEST. REPRODUCTION OF SAME IN PART OR WHOLE IS FORBIDDEN WITHOUT THE ARCHITECr s WRITTEN PERMISSION, PROJECT TITLE: EDGE 2 CONDOMINIUMS PROJECT ADDRESS: 12080 EDGE ST TO 22576 121ST AVE, MAPLE RIDGE CLIENT: MACLEAN HOMES SHEET TITLE: COLOURED ELEVATIONS DRAWING NO.: DATA-06 PROJECT NO.: 1403 DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: LZ / MG-Z SCALE: NTS N <.!)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DATE: FEB 04, 2015 CONTEXT PLAN EDGE 2 CONDOMINIUMS LIST OF DRAWINGS ARCHITECJURAL A-0 01 COVER SHEET A-0 03 SITE PLAN A•l .01 PARt::ING LEVEL PLAN A-1.02 FIRST FLOOR PLAN A-1 03 SECOND FLOOR PLAN A•l .04 THIRD FLOOR PLAN A-I.OS FOURTH FLOOR PLAN A·l,06 MEZZANINE FLOOR PLAN A-2 01 BUILDING ELEVATIONS A-2 02 8UII.OtNG ELEVATIONS A-3 01 BUILDING SECTIONS A--4 01 UNIT PLANS A.-4.02 UNIT PlANS CIVIC ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PRELIMINARY MASSING PROJECT DIRECTORY er, tenoCha~k ..... ,.., .§>-[~~UC_ C;•_t~_C9~ -~--•>!~ ;~-,:~:~-:~~: 12080 EDGE ST, 22552 / 22554121ST AVE, 22566 121ST AVE, 22576121ST AVE, MAPLE RIDGE, BC LOTS 10, 11 AND 12, PLAN 8081 AND LOT 1, PLAN 8843; ALL OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 12, NWD PROJECT STATISTICS • ..,, Cf llAllSTTCS 12090EOOE ST 22$21 22554 Z!S6E.!. 225lf 12111AVE UAPlE ROGE BC _01S 10 1 ,'ND ~2, PLAN 0061 Al<O LOT I PLAN 8843 All OF SECTION 20 TOWNSH P 12 tlWD tA,r:6--n,,,to, l96lTM>678-l2l1 l»or • tlif.TI ,_,,s.i,.-.aa:., 12a,, ~--,.,, -.., :i,t,C':Cl:&t!t=c52!I0414M2 roJl!CIAreu'o<FSR •tOl.aei:l-~--DtQ ..,_,,....,,. IJRQal~O~ Ito•$ 'fll'!Uf,.,..~1IOl'C:l'.JICC.~-..-a;tt,,--.· 'lof:t t11:,1,tea 356307'J~squon1-:J:11oosstn. ~1'1.---~1RTa,.n<;enlJcCPArca -.\MW-#ff->•(l!ft~•~IO~ ~'-C•Ull!ft:t,-u~A I 0■lo~o.pe, ~9-1bdm unoL= J90 !111lahr,e12B-2bctT'luni1c:;QS >9sla.lJ~65hldo1.nutc =5◄ f"al.ll tU.uat,•7'hll ',l,W:,,,."I rf)~•1.JiiDII llW'lt&IO.lJlOH= 220S4UPH lJ11"1!:1•01,1rt~C1•625UPA. P'iP~1l11!11(nc:lu(;1ng2hand1cap) 195'1:,11.,,all1paceos::Hsmall r.;,a<;l!S J~Si...M f•WI tr~tilrte1':.., p4'11rtig -~• tr;i,wi 11nipa..,,.• 87 PARKING SPACES . .-i:j'Tlilf\ b.•aniisc 19bocyclos ,.lll""Jh:l!Pl bllii'II!•• 1,1,,qt;~ MloJ ,_ ~,20 uni\11 :: 22 b<:)'clo!1 fJ« -. t,:,,..,o • :~•~ "'°" DPA SUIT'E COL.NT AN) OISTRIBl.nlCN ,. ,., .. I °""' 1.r-~,1011 rutt.J&u Dfl'~•IO't occ-u:::m . ...... OitiCIAll"IQill ... .. ...... 0 ~ --, GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 EAST WINDSOR RD. NORTH VANCOUVER B.C. CANADA V7N 1 K7 PHONE: 604.967.!1304 FM, 604,987.8371 'NEB:gzarttlllectsc:om ML DtAMH'l,l,.Vu:R:A..~ MCI ll{Wm OOC\Mll1S~ Dt! COfrilokl t"0f'tttr OJM(~'tCHf!Oi'IOMUStt:(~"'IJO =:'C:~r~w:'~~ A~CJ'S~•tllilr.11.'.lc. """ ~ ~ ::z:: ClDT: ~ V'l MacLEAN HOMES Lu Q ::,... PROJECT: a:: 0 EDGE 2 V'l s; CONDOMINIUMS Q "<( a:: 0 LI.. 12080 EDGE STREET, AND ~ 22554, 22566 AND 22576 121sL AVE MAPLE RJOGE, B,C, SHEETTTT\.E: V'l COVER SHEET ~ / PROJECT STATISTICS in ..-CIMWINOtkl: 0 A-0.01 N '° PROJECT NO,: 1-403.00 cc ...... LZIMG-Z ICl,LE: 1/8"•1'-0" LIJ LL ---OloTE: KO'l,l'l).,i('ll~ ( USABLE OPEN SPACE COUNT AREA A:. 293.05 M2 AREA B: 305.74 M2 AREA C: 80.92 M2 AREA D:451.79 M2 TOTAL: 1131.50 M2 AREA LOT (net): 3476.47 M2 30 % UOS REQ. : 1042.94 M2 UOS PROVIDED: 1131,50 M2 "32.S! % COMMON A MTV AREA REQUIRED: 1 M2 PER UNIT X 73 UNITS = 73 M2 CAA PROVIDED : 133.03 M2 I SABLE OPEN SPACE A D COMMON ACTIVITY A CALCULATION SCALE 1:200 •· f~ I I I I I .. ! 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SHEET TITLE; SITE PLAN USABLE OPEN SPACE CALCULATION DFY,,Y1¥IIOHO.: A-0.03 PROJECT NO.! 1403.00 """·--LZ/ MG-l seou: 1:200 --o,.re NOV 13. 201◄ I ~ ~ 0191 121 AVENUE "" ,.----1---..... 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ----------.----1+-:j , / ... I I I I I ~ 11 111 I I I I I Ir . .,,. -r-~ I 23 ~ 24 25 ,_ 2Z I i i l j l I I 21 t ·-·-·r·-·-·-·--·-~ ·-·--...., j ea .J ! 29 - I ""' I ""' I I I I I r----. I I L.J I ,_ I I ..o~. I I """" I ' I L _____ . l i.---~- ~ -·-· ' '"" H 72 I !!Ir ' W.OUCM. I~ 71 .... I ___ _J 34 ·--'"--•-·--·-·--·-·-·--·--· 2500 .... -"" ""' ,,., --, ... 73 74 75 7G 77 78 79 llO J MECHANICAL ....... w-," '""'' ...... .... :,Y,U r.,., ... ... N",a""" SY.",i.J.CN. ROOM 70 G9 '6 G7 •• GS 04 LI\ -----,.., , ... - 3G 37 30 40 41 42 43 44 ,..,. 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N Ir-I~ WITH THE ~.iw~.;~v~ ,.~...__15T011i A0(0Uliffl'IYl"1UffQ. ~:~~£ ,,...,..,.,.,.1_1 .. -VE!ln:...Q.u.iw,Q '!W!'!i"'lr"!!NCl!I!\' M~(HTC ..... 0114>Kll•-tlll'.VRCll:KAl.l 1 .. 1(011,\'!l'lt'Gllrt'.lN~ O[TAl.5NEWTEflt:)RPAAff!IOtl $PCC.,-ICI,~ t::,. SPRHUUll'IIOl~C:IW 5P -l:::::::J cotCIU:TEW'"-1. E:Z:ICONCR£tr:8lootwou Q 5~:~ s-WAl.l.1.S-Yfl,G ~FI.OOfl-VT,C e--AOOFASSCUBI.VT.oQ ~ ~ .... :t-~P'f"UCATOC ,U...._);l1: 01'~~ O(.Ctt,J01.1 !)M DlXf'IPTl0J'il CA111 GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 EAST WINDSOR RD. NORTH VANCOUVER B.C. CANADA V7N 1 K7 PHONE: 604.987,8304 FAX: 604.987.8371 'NEB; gzsn;hke1cts.com ::Z: t-cu-,.,-,---------t ~ ~ MacLEAN HOMES >-1---------a:::: PROJECT: 0 ~ Q ~ Q:: EDGE 2 CONDOMINIUMS ~ 12080 EDGE STREET, ANO Q 22554,~5;~~~6:i~sLAVE, ~ t--....,-,-,...,------4 VI ~ FIRST FLOOR PLAN LO 0 DftA~NO.! N A-1.02 '° PROJECT NO.! 1403.00 cc ..,_ LZ/ MG-2. 5CA.l..f:1:100 L&J IL.. ---D'n:: NOV 13, 2014 ( \ , ( 121 AVENUE ..,_ _______ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------T -------7 i ,, ,· ~, ~, •~---.:---...l!!!!!_ ______ -.i ___ ...!~----.f------==-------.i~--...!=.-----r---,'"°'=,.,;,.;,,_.-----;o-------""'-'1----f""-----==-------,----"=----""i'"-----'=--------'t,~: ,• .,f ~ ~!WI l'n. ~ '-'" MIR tT61 _,. t,'( r ......... , ..... =r __ : ---·--------:-----------1 I ----------------------------!---~--------------- ' -I I I ' I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------l I -----r--------------- ., I J '"" ..,.. ., .. '"' ,,,. .. ,. ., .. ,..., I ~! i I ~ I L.---~ll _____ • ______________________________________________________ _j_ _____ j LANE .......,_,,,.. ~l)ft""°Collfrll.1-CNoo "°"""''111.MO.ll"t~• ~~~~t:r:-~ ~~~--,. ===-,.....-.irois .... -••■-•Q•fflf~o;ll;I --~l'O'I.~-),,!, ~"1'«.1........,,0,\~M ~ ~~=-..::~-----~fll1H-5r&.~~i:r.~-.c r.-..---■TDIIE AO(QO.>O.nlYlof.lfTI.ATm L~,.P(Po!OITCTD<rOII.W. , t'M"~f?ON OK-U.201-4 r;;~ ~''°" 01',tlJ ~~~~~ 11..""""fN.Lt"'-~.cu;,,.'Wld llfH?fNTW\Hl'!AIU; Rf.fUIT0-.01,_.,.,...,.JD l,M!GEa::.'-1.( 5UIICD!IAIWQfOfl~ DE'TALS.,.,.,Wlnlt)fl.,NfflT!O'I SPtc:n:: ... n,,,_ ~ 6. SPIU«lE)ll'll!ll(l:TEll sr -c::::l ~-~ r:::=JCO'<RlcTElllOOCWM.I. El---W.O,U.--,YTIG 1E}--n.00'l~Yl"'1 s---IIOQO-YrlG GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 EAST WINDSOR RD. NORTH VANCOUVER B.C. CANADA V7N 1K7 PHONE: 604~987,8304 FAX: 604,987.8371 'NEB: gzarctitl&ds,com ~ ~ :z::-l-"""'--,--------1 ~ ~ MacLEAN HOMES )..1----------1 a:: PROJECT: 0 ~ Q ,,q:; EDGEZ CONDOMINIUMS ~ 120!lOEOGESlREET.AND 22554, 22566 AND 22578 121st AVE. e 1---M_Af'_L_E_RI_DG_E.;_. B_.c. __ ---,1 ::, SHEET TlllE: ~ SECOND FLOOR PLAN in 0 CRAWINGNO.: N A-1 .03 '° PROJECT NO.! 1403.00 co --LZ/M~ 5CAoW 1:100 w lJ.. ...__ ~11'.:: NOV 13, 2014 ( tu ~ tn ll.J 0 a ll.J 121 AVENUE '"' "'" "'" ~2ET8ACKLINE7.SM•"',lil;IC.1" ---~---_ ------------------------------------ 1 l I ~, ., ;1 ~' :JI tll I ~ ~· L L -----------------------------------LANE & ... , -------------------------r-----7 ii ' ~l I >I "'' i: 1' ~, ~: !iJ< --------------------------i-----------1 I ...,.... I I g bwQ ! 7 : I t?--~· I I I I I ,.., oo-----cmi i --------------------------------------------------· /---------------~ I ' I ' I I I I _______________________ __.i _____ _J ~ ~"'' """"-""" 1,DIISIJ'<CCAAlle-U::,,,. -•••UNGSITEIIOl-'<!l•-'IJU ,-~~--,.ic, ~C::~~,_.,.,cu~oo•n• 3,GIWKNIOCl"'(HSIOl'<3AAC5>tQto'rNt, :•;.~TOM'ERIAl.ll"T)IS ._RPUl1OlollO,lfEC'W'Uol.NG ~MO~F0'1£l.£VA!DcS. OIWll..OPA"""'°NCJ~OC'!'_,..J lt..nlE""l'U04IJl,;QOEfOll'n'IS-..CC 9~>111111C.IA.DJ;GCQX.. ~ t,,.llE~~O'OIE,AAQIG SI~ N,,{)~a.EP.L'lo!Mi-,. ... ~"""--•D<Of'fHEoemfCTO,:........: ~~~n~~~ ~~~~l!lffiLI! 1,.--.0::~l'IIOT'E~fM"IJ. W(~Sf;IMC:l'JU:3-3_ .. _ fH(f-Df\OO!ll.[Vf:L.\I..OOoQf>C ~-.J:1011~11DPl,IIJQ',ll "-....,,1",_,.U M~YE>l~a.lN\U,,Q fl.£FER1O,.._01A."11 .... JrllAAl:Lli-.E SUl![llAA"""'-' fllll- Cll!'IAL.5 AND~P~11t!OI< !IPCC,-PIP<. LEGENQ' ~ SPII.NW:11...0l[ClCII sr -c::::J-•= 8§filco,,c:IIET(11Ul0<.,,"4 8------WAI.I, ---YTM; &-A.OOlt""50H-V1~ s--MOOI' MS(,..._V TM; [IT] @ 0 .., ~- QIN. IU<hWAlVOI.EADll.11 D ~ 1 C)Ol~ffO'i' DICZl..201-' 15.W( DtlCMJIIO!rl C'AU: GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 EAST WINDSOR RD. NORTH VANCOUVER B.C. CANAOA V7N 1 K7 PHONE: 604-987,8304 FAX: 604,967,8371 WEB:~oom ~ 4!:; 1--aJ-E_KT_, --------1 ~ ~ MacLEAN HOMES >-1-,-,o-JE-C>e--------t ~ ~ Q '<( EDGE2 CONDOMINIUMS ~ 12080 EDGE SlREET, ANO 2255'1, 22566 ANO 2257fi 121sL AVE § 1---"-""_L_E_RI_OG_E_. e._c_. __ -1 -..J :l>IU'fllTU:: ~ THIRD FLOOR PLAN Ll") 0 DRAWING NO.: N A-1 .04 ,J:f PROJECT NO.: 1403.00 c:c --LZ/MG-Z sc:A1..E: 1:100 LLJ IL.. QCoca~ -DA.TE: NOV 13, 2014 ( ti ~ ~ \LI g \LI /---i----------- ( , l ---------------l21 AVENUE I r ------------------- 1 I i --=-~~'°".-------- .. ___ ,--r,--,-..J.- I I I I I I ~~f2B~~~,!!,.$ .:?!-~ I ____ _:__I I I a: I ~: I ii ~I L e: . _______ 1.._ --------- LANE D ....,., .,.. I I I I I I I I ---------! I ---------I I ________ ___:_ _J . ------- ........,.,.. ~~~~~l!I ~~~~SU=~= =~~~; ==~~AlPG ~0€'fM.J, ~;:~-==-n<l'l'M0,1(~ ,~ -1 l:,. Sf' =:~n:CTUi c::::::J oaocllJt-.. ~,:o,t:RET(la.DQIWAU Q~i.~ S,-wAU.~VT,t,G &--fl.~1&,£1411.VT-.C e---RDOfASSLIIBI..YINJ l?lJ ~...-.,., © (;} 1\11,;oo,,tTMl h "'-0011-®m ~,~- o~ o-p ~ GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 EAST WINDSOR RD NORTH VANCOUVER BC CANADA V7N 1 K? • • PHONE: 604,ga7,SJ04 ~:g~~~ ~ :Z: r,:;'"-;;"-:", ________ I !:2 MacLEAN HOMES ~ >-~;;:;----_J ~ PROJECT; ~ EDGE 2 ~ CONDOMINIUMS ~ ~ VI !:!! SHEE1Tm.E: FOURTH FLOOR PLAN 5 r;;;;:;;-... ;;;;;;.-::.0:::,---....:.. _ __J :~ A-1.05 ~,;;;,::o,:::,c:::,.-0-,--1-40_3:..._-=oo-I ~ ~-=-=-~LZIM-CrZ--,C"=~-~,~:1:.._00__J ~-DAT£: NOV 13. 2014 ( tu :lz tn \U C-') 0 IU 121 AVENUE ~----r:------------------------------------------------------ (' I ' ' ' I I ~ SETBACKu.lE7.5 •kt,OIIJ' --;.-- I I I ai ~· ., -----------r======i-------------- UNIT ... A- , I . i \ I \ I X. I/\ ,. \ /: \ / ! \ , I \ MEZZANINE UNIT r- POP-UP ROOF ! l ___ l ' I ' I I I I I ' I I ' ' ' I I I i : ! ,ii • 'I L-~----·-·-·-1-:- 1, ill 11 ~~-=--1-'.....---r--t-t.-.-t. _--_--_ ..... .~:} ~ ~------~f..Tfl::.... ____ _:L:t..i---+-1.J..-' __ ~-==ld,.......__,, "-Ii-+-'---'__._-~+-'' I --------------------------- ' ---------------------~ .. ~_--:._-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-:;~__.--------------'-----__, I I ' j I I I I I ' i I i L_ __L __________________________________ _ -------------------------_________ _l _______ _J lANE ft IOIS""°ORMllil.,._lD<. _,.,.. . ....:•---r ____ OIV,_"'U'AICI ITCloK-u.>Cl~LfD.ll"or(O OC10alllJJJII"' J.CAAOCMOCllolll;'<i[IIO,,,-~"' ==TtlN'CllW.!n)II .. IIUEATOAIIC>oll'l:~IHl ~~1',?,Gl,olllil.WA~ GAA11ff().P~""""IJ«lv,,Q9Co&l'ED£1HL.!1 !,,'THC.ll't'UCllll.[elX)lTQRTlOP!IWC ~n-E701llGIU.l»!Oc:(:IIX. ,.Loa:~~-"' .. <a:_111,•--••ta. ~-=:..~~:-=~ ... l....a;IIO\O)l\l_.....,IN ~.J...-.UQll~ltll~ '--•~uv-.~4',,IWO ,.,,m!ll.wt"91&' flEF[ATOA,-IJll»G,.,..#II.NIDE= SUIIEllAAIWIC.llfOIICI...,__ OETAl.JIJ«lh'TlRO'l,AATH!O'I -~~n,,,,. LEGENQ: A ~Al'MOl(<;'l'lD SP....., C:=:J~w ..... ~CCl',CM!;l(ilOCOWAU. Q~= 8-----Wl,l.l.~yTM; 8-----J'l.0011-VTOG ~1100fASSU,114YTHl ~ .... mu& l)tlldllPTiQe, !Mtl! GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 EAST WINDSOR RD. NORTH VANCOUVER B.C. """ CANADA V7N 1 K7 PHONE: 604.987.8304 FAX: 604,987.8371 WEB: gurctiltecis can ~ ~ 1-... ---, ------1 ~ ~ MacLEAN HOMES ),. 1-,...-WE-CTa------t ~ s; Q ~ EDGE 2 CONDOMINIUMS ~ 12000 EDGE SlREET, AND Q 22554, ~~~=-~~-1st.AVE, ~ t-,-HEET-m-,e,------1 ;a U"'l 0 N ,c~ co w LL MEZZANINE FLOOR PLAN DRAWING NO.: A-1 .06 PROJECT NO.: 1403.00 --UIMG-Z SCALE: 1:100 .,_.,._ o,,re NOV 13, 201<1 ( ,. !j I TOP OF ROOF EDGI: □ □ 0 FOURTH FLOOR _ 160.00' (40 76M) THIRD FLOOR __ I 5 t .00 (46 02M) EDGE STREET ---I ' ii PARKING GARAG'E t 2 I oo· (36 88M) ~ FINISH SCHEDULE· 0 STONEBASE: CIJL TUR ED STONE 0 HORIZONTAL SIDING 1s1 FLOOR LEVEL: HARDIE PLANK IJ"' EXPOSURE 0 HOflJtOPtfM.SltlNG2nd&3f'd fLOOlll'IJ:VELC: HARDIE PLANK<4• EXPOSURE 0 SqNOA"1"4il\FLOORLEVB..! HARDUi.lOMD• 1X3BATTENS OR HARDI REVEAL PANEL WITH ALUMINUM JOINTS 0 GUARDS I HANDRAILS: ANODIZED ALUMINUM © FASCIA AND TRIM BOARDS 0 BAY WINDOW WAUS AHO WOOO TRIMS: HARDIE BOARD + 1)(.J BATTENS OR HARDI REVEAL PANEL WITH ALUMINUM JOINTS © OOU8LE TIMBER COLUMN AT BALCOt-1'1' ® ~BER COLUMN AT BALCONY: '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--~----------NORTH ELEVATION @ \AIINOOW FRAMES: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT @) VINYL WINDOWS: lhlJltil CONTRACTOR MUST PROVIDE SAMPLES OF MATERIALS AND COlORS FOR ARCHITECT'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO TOP OF ROOI" EDGE □ □ --_CEILING ____ 16'500(51 20MJ _ FOURTH FLOOR _ I GO 00 (46 76M) .._ . -• THtRD FLOOR __ 151 .. 00 (46 02M) It_ a- '1 PARJ;.JNG GARAGE J 2 I 00' (36.MM) SOUTH ELEVATION ...... 1 0, Jllll'Lll!AntlN DCC Z2.._)014 tQUf: ~ CATE GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 EAST WINDSOR RO. NORTH VANCOUVER B.C. CANADA V7N 1 K7 PHONE: 604.987.11304 FAX: 604.987,11371 WEB; guirdllects,com AUC~A\YINGS,1,l'IOW:..110>6.Ml)ll&A'I!!) 00:~:'l,lif-M CO(lllO•IIN'Cll'fUl QI Dit~NO.Uinl fl ~11119'fil UfQl•(OUCSI' 11:tlOOIJC~Ol'IN,W;tl l'Ml0t..,_1-0,f0fOt'fDO(H""1'ffOUIM AICl'Cllc:T\'NlUiL-.!"R~ SEAL, ~ ~ :z: CLIENT: ~ MacLEAN HOMES IU Q ::,... PROJECT: a::: 0 EDGE 2 s= CONDOMINIUMS Q -q: a::: ~ 12080 EDGE S~EET, ANO ~ 22554, 22566 AND 22576121sl AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. :::> SHEETTITLE: VI !:a BUILDING ELEVATIONS U"l 0 ~WNJNO.: N A-2.01 '° PROJECT NO.! 1403.00 cc ,.._ lZIMG-Z SGAU::1:100 UJ LL --(l,OU NOV 13, 2014 ( TOP OF Roar EDGE ~ ·-·----------·--· __ C~ILING -·-·-·-168 00 (51 ,20M) ~ ' i h __ F~U_l,T~F-'CJQR __ 1§0_00'(407GM) s«ot,.t> ROO!t _ J 42 00' (43 WM) LANE I 21st. AVENUE PARK.ING GARAGE 121 00 (3G 68M} EAST ELEVATION TOP Of ROOF EDGE __ CEILING ____ !b800'(5! 20M) ~ --__ fOURTH FLOOR. _ 160 00 (48 ?c;MJ _ T_!!l~ FLOOR. __ 151.00' (46 02M) S,t,(0,,,0 fLOOR _ 142 00 (43 20M) I 2 I st. AVENUE LANE L_ _____________ --:-:-::::~;;::;---'-----..---------- WEST ELEVATION PARl=JNG GARAG~ I 2 I 00' {3b 56M) FINISH SCHEDULE: 0 r~~~ONE @ ~~ING2nd&3rd 0 ® © 0 (i) ® @ 0) HARDIE PLANK◄" EXPOSURE SIDING AT 47' FLOOR LEVEL.: MAAtdl!! IOAAO ,.1X3 BATTENS OR HARDI REVEAL PANEL WITH ALUMINUM JOINTS GUAROSlfW~: ANOOIZEl)M.~ FASCIA ANO TRJM BOARDS BAY WINDOW WALLS ANO WOOD TRIMS; HARDIE BOARD+ 1X3 BATTENS OR HARDI REVEAL PANEL W1TM ALUMINUM JOINTS DOUBLE TIMBER COLUMN AT BAl.CONY TIMBER COLUMN AT BALCmN: ININDOW FRAMES: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT V1NYL WINOOWS: "°"' CONTRACTOR MUST PROVIDE SAMPLES OF MATERIALS AND COLORS FOR ARCHITECT'S APPROVAi.. PRIOR TO INSTAU.ATION OH SITE .,J Lu '.2:" ~ '.2:" ~ t:J Q >-a:: 0 ~ Q -q:: a:: ~ ~ VI !!! in 0 N ~~ ca w lJ... ""' OESCRfP'nON om L 6 .6 c,. NJl'-N'N:A1ION ,Ut&,,:'!U DP APPLICA.TION OEC22.2014 ~'"' DESCRtf'TlON """ GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 EAST WINDSOR RD. NORTH VANCOUVER B.C. CANADA V7N 1 K7 PHONE: 604.967.8304 FAX: 604,987.8371 WEB: gzal'a'lttocts.com wam MacLEAN HOMES PROJECT; EDGE 2 CONDOMINIUMS 12080 EDGE STREET, ANO 22554, 22566 ANO 22576121sL AVE MAPlE RIDGE, B.C. SHEETTlnE: BUILDING ELEVATIONS ,.,.. .., A-2.02 PROJECT NO.: 1403.00 -LIIMO,l S(;.O,Lf! 1:100 --o,,,re: NOV 13. 2014 / ( TOP or ROOF EDGE , . Cl.lL.!J:G _ -·-I Gb,00' (51 20MJ J ; E.,, .. A-L B A-L S2 A-L B A-L C SL ~! I UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT FOURTH FLOOR _ 160 00' (48 76M) B A. S2 A.e,. B A C ~ ~ UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT t. "' "'' .. __!"H_!_RD_F!fH2.R _ ___.!._5..!._ 00' (46 02M) B A S2 A 8 A C ~ UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT " "' '" "' ... ~~fl.f><2_R _ ,! 4~ 00' (43 28MJ B A A B A A ~ EDGE STREET UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT ... fl~T _!L£.0!: _ ~~00 (40 23M) PARKING GARA.GE PARKING GARAGE 121 00'(3600M) GARCIA ZUNINO --~-------ARCHITECTS INC. 662 EAST WINDSOR RD. NORTH VANCOUVER B.C. CANADA V7N 1 K7 SECTION AA PHONE:004.9878304 FAlC 604.987.3371 WEB; gU1ruiil.Clcts,com ~C>v,~,wa oi,:»,:iA..O tAIID ~tt1,.•1•1.~'!lorutr Qlitit.A.11:M:ta~MUStff■-ma.M:t ~.uol,IUIW~Orl,,o,.l,l(H ,..,.,..°'""""°'taKJl.14~•...,i:,,.o,ut,... ~"'-'1l!lbl~ ""' TOP OF ROOF EDGE ..J ~ A-L A-L UNIT UNIT A. A.,,, UNIT UNIT A A UNIT UNIT A A ..., _ CEILING ____ J Gt,,00' (51 20M) __ FOURTH FLOOR _ 160 00' {48 76M) _ __THIRD FLOOR __ I SJ_()()' (46 02tv\J SECOND FLOOR _ 1-42JX7 {43 2BMJ LANE I 2 I st. AVENUE :z:: ~ :z:: CUENT: !:2 ~ MacLEAN HOMES Q >-PROJECT: a:: 0 EDGE 2 ~ CONDOMINIUMS Q ,q: UNIT UNIT a:: ~ 12060 EDGE STREET, AND ~ 22554. 22566 AAO 22578 121st AVE MAPLE RIDGE, B.C, ~linlll.!J VI !!! BUILDING PAUING GARAGE I 21 00 (36 68MJ SECTIONS Ll"I SECTION BB 0 OAA'MNGNO.: N A-3.01 ..c, PROJECT NO.! 1403.00 a:> --l2/MG-Z 'llCa.lr 1:100 LLJ LL --OOQ NOV 1J, ::'(1),11 ( 0 0 IL---•-=,.. L ------•- "" ,...., UNIT A -EDGE 2 651.9141 square ft= 60.562M2 "" UNIT B -EDGE 2 852.7528 square ft= 79.220 M2 .... -------, I 0 0 "" UNIT A1 -EDGE 2 UNIT A-bw -EDGE 2 665.9141 square ft= 61.863 M2 665.6219 square ft= 61.838 M2 i o§O i a - ~ UNIT C -EDGE 2 922.7268 square ft= 85.721 M2 0 □ 0 0 -,,. UNIT A-L 1st fir-EDGE 2 670.2473 square ft= 62.265 M2 TOTAL AREA: 985.2461 square ft= 91.532 M2 ... "" '"' 1 ., [CJQ_ \Jttf ~,i= I --1---7 □!I I "'"--I (Q c..c.. ~c.. I== 56 _J ~ .-, I I I I I L ~-=-l\n I I I --j =::::i - I ,---------7 0 I o : [ ;--! I I I I [Ki 1 0 I I I I I c.-- □ I I I ~ I ! ~ I• li ~ ~-- ,_ ,,., ,... ,. .. ,... "" UNIT D -EDGE 2 794.5046 square ft= 73.812 M2 - ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' l I , I :' 0 I I i I \ , I MEZZANINE \ I ;! ' \ I ~ , I I,' oPEN 1d,oaow ,, I\ .., I I r--------, ,' \ -·= J I , I y.11r,· HT. ClJAJlORAI. I \ 'Ill j I I I I \ I I :111111 I ~ I I I I DN JJ.lst-•I• I I I t l'f'I I I .... , ... :11!,i MEZZANINE LEVEL UNIT A-L 2nd fir-EDGE 2 ,... 314. 9988 square ft = 29 .263 M2 ,,., .... UNIT D-bw -EDGE 2 808.4857 square ft = 7 5.108 M2 I a ~ ft ~ ~ :z: !:2 V'l ~ >-a:: 0 V'I s= Q '<( a:: ~ ~ V'I !a in .... 0 N .c,~ .... a::l LLJ LL 1 "'°"'~r.An:111 m,a.~• I -~ QE:C~>Gt4 ~ DCDCJ!fJll:IOK GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC . 662 EAST WINDSOR RD. NORTH VANCOUVER B.C. "-""'' CANADA V7N 1 K7 PHONE:604.987,8304 FAX: 604,987.8371 WEB:gzarctilt11cts,com MacLEAN HOMES PROJECT: EDGE 2 CONDOMINIUMS 12080 EDGE STREET, AND 2.2554, 22566 AND 22576121st AVE MAPLE RIDGE, B,C, SHEETTln.E: UNIT PLANS ~~MlflO.: A-4.01 P.AOJ[C1IIIIO.: 1403.00 _,,__ tz!MG-Z so.a..E: 1:50 --DATE: NOV1J,201-4 ( . H iii ~ § .... ''" '"" ,.., l -- ~ u LJ jg • I I I- 0 .... I I I 0 I Kl I I u -___ o __ J irlL 8 1-----] lli□l 7 • .... _ -l II I ,~ > A·---~--~~-,r.IJi I ~ "-:= i'D 2 1 . -:-I - ~ il I I ~ ·"' I~ JIJ Q ii f7 JL____]°L i n -,,u w, ""' UNIT E -EDGE 2 893.2449 square ft= 82.982 M2 ,.,. '"' Qll' UNIT S1 -CONVERTIBLE TO SAFER -EDGE 2 524.0759 square ft= 48.686 M2 u ,.., . ... I I 0 0 UNIT E-bw -EDGE 2 907.2449 square ft= 84.283 M2 0 [ UNIT S1-bw ° CONVERTIBLE TO SAFER-EDGE 2 552.0943 square ft= 51.289 M2 -,... ~-----------Ea I ! .... UNIT E1 -EDGE 2 780.6382 square ft= 72.524 M2 0 UNIT S2 -CONVERTIBLE TO SAFER -EDGE 2 571.09 54 square ft == 53.054 M2 ~ ~ :.?:: ~ ~ >-Q:: 0 VI s: Q '<( Q:: f2 ~ VI la Ln .,... 0 N ..c,- co UJ LL 1 ~qf1UC4no,,t raitt.,Ot) 1 liP»f'UCAtmN ~n_..glu. ISSUI! O(IClllll'l10@ill QA.t(i GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 EAST WINDSOR RD. NORTH VANCOUVER B.C, CANADA V7N 1 K7 PHONE: 604.98U,304 FAX: 604,987.8371 WEB: ijZBTCh~edll,com CLIENT: MaclEAN HOMES PROJECT: EDGE 2 CONDOMINIUMS 12080 EDGE STREET, AND 22554, 22566 AND 22576121sl.AIJE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Mf(!.'IUlli.l UNIT PLANS ORAWINGNO.: A-4.02 P-~Cl'-HO.t 1403.00 --L.Z/MG-Z ~e 1:50 """""'-Ooll'Q NOV13 'l(llA / I I . f Iii ~ lU I!) @ ,,. .....,,., -;JI. ~ .. => a. i ...,,,., i><l i><l 1~-., u -~,.O'l~at5'6!,lf' .... -.a.. 22:,cc;.14e!Ui!Dl'CJllD.I". fllbl YJJ?JY.~9.HtTs ~1u,~,.,.b!wo..!SI.. ut~9,Jl01 ....,......,__5evsw1:('; f<>£1S04,!i&9,.lJ19 -EDGE2 PROPOSED c.oNDOMINIUMS 121!tt AVENUE • WGE 5TREET M,irPL.e.RlDGE.BC foe MAC.LEAN HOMES drlllmgLitle: LAND5C.APE PLAN pqed.no: lhwnby. 2:714-34 LO< "'"" $1:allll: .DEC. 2014 1:100M L da:&AMMd: lheetno: 12 FEB 2'.:>15 L1 OF 2 ( PATIO LANT LIST arr-60TANICAL NAME • >-Ger Glr'Glnatum 2 ~r palmatum • c.arplnvs betul~ 'Frau: Fonterle' com~ kousa 'Sat.oml' ,, Llrlodendron tullplrera 'Amold' • Mag,olla kct>us • Maq,olla 51:ellatii 'Llllplutlan' • Pie.ea omorlli:.a 0 Street Tree (erCIVI A~ • Edge St) OfF Site Trec.t1o--5q:ltrnU: cantra:::t ,. St.1,,rl!D(Jeponlca Shnb!!: 0----1: Aronle melarloc..arpa 'AUtumn Ma;;ilc' 0 ........ Japofl/Ga. ~"" --12 ~":-'f1~~~!~" Y-art Foerster' 0---l 0 a.,"""'"""'" CQnlllit <2,t.01.0P,lfUd "" Euonyrnu!I alata © ----23 fe5tlJG.a ovlna © 81 Ga.iltherfa shallom 0 c•)----E Mdlc.lo'::rlGt\on~lrc:rrt 0 ~~~~~~;: .. Beaity' ~ @----~ Lc~tloe f~~ ~.arlftta' 0 ~U•Plic!~ ES ,..,m'10 A1,Mffdlu!s '"'!:"~ Mnai5'!1 '6rc:1Glllmu!I' 0 • ----!!O ~=~~i;,-otdn "''' EB W==~ ,.~~K.~imJl'f\ "\ Rhddodenctron 'Glfp~.., ... e ~ Rh.,dodc,d,r-o" 'eol"' 6~' Rhododendron 'Unique' @ RON 'tlliwfd Toompscn' •• 5.V~o hookerl!W\a humllls ~ ~ sarG«.OGGa rUSGl~olla 0 S,ldlWrll1~'R:l.l;,cll, ~ ~h-c11 X ~3' 'C>rt.:lt Fl.c.d' ~m.ov~ "Ouldctblrd' Vli:\lrrum bodnantense x'New Dal.'1' Ilill.[----,i~ PrLn..15 l11tJroGeras1,15 ~ynvMrlll' Ta,QJ~ media x'HlGlc.&11' Perennflll!I, <:>roundGcvers 4 Vines,: 0 24 6~UIC1rlapr~ @ EB ---~ t&oWd:sor-..il-n~ MefflCl"OC,O!l.)6Yl-)~11C-t, 6 ~=~~tdemone' 0 6 @ ----, LI--TBP ~le:rm!Mlt. 0 45 ~~~¥$' ----83 HEDIIJH SIZE TREES ALONG FENCE NARROY'I EVERGREEN HEDGE BETY'IEEN PRIVATE YARDS cet-1MONNAME Vine Meple e,e. 2.sm ht. Field grown. Full Japan~e Maple -green ONLY B'8, 2.5m ht Fra-u: Fontaine Col1MnMr Hont,e8'1\ e,e, ban dla, 1 sm 5t.d. Red FIOwerlng Ko~e Dogwood BIB,:3rnht Goluml'\Sr TLAlp Tree Bm. ~ dla. 1.b711'0. Kobus M~nolla e,e, 6an dla, 1 em std. Star Mag-,olla B•B. 1 Sm ht :>ert,fa, !;:pn . .ice e,e. 2.sm ht, street Tree e,e. &an dta. ,.em std, Japane,e Snoubell Tn~e BlB, 5Gm dla,. 1 5m std ~W'ltl ~~ Aronla 3'-f,"OC. •2 container ~~l,U z-o· oc, •2 Gontalner l"ctule:r-,teed c.,r.,. '2'-b"OG •2 eontalner ~c:anc1;..1ht:lf~ver 3'-6"0G. 12 COITUllner ~~5$0ffl 3·-o·oc,,, •2 container 3'-6"0G, •2contalner p ... ....,'& ... 3'-0"0.C,, 12 container 15l14' Fetc::tie <:>rass 1s·oc. .1111 Container ..... 1e·o_c, •1 Container ~t.,c oat Grass 2-<ro.c. "1 Container ~~~ea -carmine 3·-0· o.c. 112 Container 2-0·0.c. •2 eontalner ~.etL~ 3'-0" o.c. •2 container PrlYCt Honcliio«..klt 3·-0·0.c.. •2 container-== 3·-0·0.c. •2eorrtainer-3•--0·0.c.. •2 coritarner ~nt.alri6r'°"' 2'-0"0.C . 11 Gontainer 2'-0'0.G. 111 Container f'l'-c:lletn auor:drcn, !Oft.'5llolc-ld f'cn1 z-o·o.c. •1 Container Jl.hodOd!N'dron .. I~ pink, low 3·-0· o.c. •2 COntalner fVlc:,cSOdclld,en .. l}q'lt pink. medl1..1m 3'-0"0.C.. •2 Container Rh0d"'1~ron .. me~. crean 3'--0"0G. •2 Container .,.....,,,_,,_.RDW 3·--0·0.c.. •2 container Hlmd:t.im~IOC:ld 2'--0"0,G, 112 container ~:!:~m\m~ 3'-0' 0.G. •2 container 2'-<roc.. •2 container OMOlte.d5PJ"ea 2'-6"0G •2 certainer e,.,ergreen 1-1:.11:;J::~bc:rr\f 3•--0·0.G. •2COnt.alner New DaunVlbun'll.lm k. 5ho.un ,., e,cntetner Russlmi L.alrel 3'-0"0.C.. lf3 container Hick~ 'T"ew 1'-6"0.G 13 container. min, 15Gm flit., ~lc-r,,.-e.c11 10·0,:., •1 Gqilalner "-hn~Rci.e t.e,~o,. •1 Gonl:.tllner ~~-'t'dW ~~ Ds., Lllles t&•or,,.. •1 Container -"""'l-•2 Container. sta-ed L~~~''""''"'" %:...0-0L.. ~1 Gontaner u Tlrl i$'01:,, •1 Container ~-=Sc;v~ .-o.G. 10Cm Gontalner lrl-!l,tl J;uclt Gol\c rto.liers 15"0G ~, Ccnlainer MCX~l-lar~M& ':l...UOL •1 Container PL ELEVATION 2~ N X.25 N l~TI!: POST ONGOtG~ •MMbFTO,C,, GRASS BOULEVARD AND STREET TREES (TREE SPECIES T.B.D. AT BUILDING PERMIT STAGE) 40.50 40.20 3"l.40 SECTION A: 121st AVENUE SG--ALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" NOTIS f,-,C•:!011"1~~~ I l"Do2M06A~TOBESTEE1.0lt"1.J.MINU-t, ll"Qi,Jr0Glt~Tl:J.BL..,A,,CK. METALG.'ITE .:Z USE G,'J.VANIZ!I) ~ COIN.EC.TORS, PL,lr,T5 ETC.. ....U.. VISIBL!~.ilJ.. ~-5P""1N'TI:D TO MATc.H F&IGE, 9 HNISESTOBe:HEAVY CVTY. 5,TAJNJ.J35, S-TEEL Bl.m'iRFI.Y T'f1"E ON GJVr,Dt. R:t<.E POST EMSEDOt:c:i N 1511'101,1r,X.:Z4NOa::P CONCFtt!TE FOOTING OH 4 IN GAAVEL 4FT HIGH MfT,t,L FENG! ""'""'-'-1 FENCE AT 121st AVENUE SC,AJ..e, 112· a 1'-0" ttftlt ~""",,.:,,,~J'~,w.,a.. :UOC:.I• ~t'IP&Or ~ YJf!~C~I',9J,t,{T, .,.. -· i,l.f,()L(,jj~J(lt -.ac:vswru fta:6(µ.66"121a ,,_ ED6E2 PROPOSED C.ONDOMINUMS 121~l AVB-IUE a WGE S~ M,.t,.P\.ERD6E,BC, foc MAC.LEAN HOMES drB\Wlgtitlt: SECTIONS; PLANT LIST projedno.: lbwnby: 2014--34 LO< "'~ acaltt: DEc.2014 '6SHOffi dltere'tb~ --12 FfB 2015 L20F 2 • ' • • I TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: Advisory Design Panel 2014-072-DP City of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: March 10, 2015 13738, 13702, 13660 232 Street, and 23262 Silver Valley Road A design re-submission has been made to the Advisory Design for the above noted properties to permit the construction of single family, multi-family, and commercial development in the Silver Valley Area. - The commercial building and street townhouses are subject to a development permit application for form a'nd character. The single family component is not subject to AQP review. The rezoning application supporting this proposal was given first reading by Council on October 22, 2013. This application needs an OCP amendment to adjust the existing land use boundaries. The Advisory Design Panel considered the project on January 13, 2015 and provided a resolution to require a re-submission. The applicant has provided comments on how each ADP resolution item has been addressed in the latest submission package. BACKGROUND: Applica nt : Owners: Legal Descriptions: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Bissky Architecture And Urban Design Marek and Kinga Gallus John and Chrysan Chen Harminder Shokar Fadil Berisha Lots 1 and 4, Block A, Section 33, Township 12, Plan NWP20132 Lot 8, Block A, Section 33, Township 12, Plan NWP2409 Block A, Section 33, Township 12, Plan NWP2409 Medium/High Density Residential Medium Density Residential 'Low Density Urban Commercial Neighbourhood Park Open Space Conservation Medium/~igh Density Residential Medium Density Residential Medium/Low Density Residential Low Density Urban Commercial Neighbourhood Park Open Space Conservation RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) . DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: In accordance with the Official Community Plan Sections 8.5 and 8.7, Commercial and Multi-Family Development Permits are required for this proposal and the development is subject to the following . key guidelines: Commercial Development Guidelines: ,_ 1. Avoid conflicts. with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. Multi-Family Development Guidelines: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. 2. Transitional development should be used to br{dge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. The applicant has provided a design rationale and has completed both the Multi-Family Residential Development Permit Guidelines checklist and the Commercial Development Permit Guidelines, both of which are attached to this report. PLANNING COMMENTS: The Advisory Design Panel provided a resolution on January 13, 2015. In response, the project Landscape Architect and Architect have provided comments below in italics to explain how each item has been addressed. 1. Consider adding a meani~gful connection over the bioswale into the park for integration. Provision for a future crossing will be provided when the District provides a park design. • 2. Provide interface details on all bioswale areas against publicly accessible areas. Bioswale details are shown on town home drawings. 3. Provide landscape plans for commercial component and townhouses, including more details such as fencing, retaining walls, and planting strips. Landscape plan sets for commercial site and town home site provided. 4. Consider diversifying street tree planting and bioswale tree planting. Tree plantings have been slightly modified for locations. Street tree types have been maintained for consistency of image. 5. Consider bringing pavement out at corner of Silver Valley Rd. and 232 Street to create a more urban interface. Completed, the paving stones will extend to the road edge creating an open interface to the street edge. This will be required to be reviewed and approved by the City's Engineering Department. 6. Consider less connections of 232 A Street bioswale in favour of a few more meaningful connections. The number of crossings of the swa/e has been reduced on the 232A Street for more continuous bioswales. 7. Provide more articulation on blank wall on south fagade of Block 5, where possible. Completed see drawings. 8. Provide a detail (fence or barrier) to prevent people from crossing from commercial area to residential Lot 40. Fence and hedge will be used between the commercial and residential lots. 9. Consider alternating colour scheme for townhouses. The A &B unit shingle colour is contrasting which provides variation along the street. 10. Consider further definition and clarification of right-in/right-out to 232 Street from the commercial area. The access to and from the commercial parking has been increased in length and arc allowing for greater definition. To be approved by the City Engineering Department. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the multi- family and commercial development proposal. Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician :,; <( Zone Notes: ·" , i I I '--- I.. ' -"':::' __,, --==-'~ ---7 ...,__ - \ -- / ,,- -( I Oesafpdon Vi•ago Ccntle Comm~d-1 Lot~a Lot \Nidth 666m; 5.0m 668m' II.Om 5s1m: 15,0m _!_2'!'1&ellam wliiii"' lheton1.PL Blaney Bog Hamlet Area Plan _ G■:-1:iooo Maple Ridge Zoning Comparisions lot Building Deplh Area Lot Density BuJ!dlngHolghl Fronl Coverage Rear v .om 70% 11,0ro/2.hton .. 3,0,n (~i,Not0 3)_ 6.0m </,QM 12m 15m ◄O}I !I.Om 7.0m 7.Sm zr,0m 1~m.x. 12m ◄01> 6,0m 6.0m '3.Gm 11.0m ECO CLUSTERS LOW DENSITY URBAN LOW/MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL MEO/HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL -NEIGHBOURHOOD PARK OPEN SPACE CIVIC CONSERVATION TOURIST SECONDARY TRAIL HORSE TRAIL WATERCOURSE &tl!rlorSldo Interior Side 3,0m 0.0m 4,_$n, 1.5 (Sum of2 not less lhan 3,5m) J.0m 1.Sm 2,0m 1,2m In the R-1 zone where a comprehensive plan of development has been provided upon subdivision, the minimum width at the building line may be reduced to a minimum of6 metres, provided that at a line parallel to the building line and 8 metres to the rear thereof, the minimum width shall be 12 metres. Excluding basement, garage, and accessory building in GFA l The second storey shall not exceed 80% of the first storey , A minimum setback of 2 m is maintained for the olher side yard 5 A Street Townhouse residential use shall be permitted where no more than four sire et townhouse residential units are attached and located on a lol abutting a public street, The maximum lot coverage for accessory buildings and structures shall be 3%, which shall form part or lhe maximum lot coverage for the entire lot, A detached garage is not considered an accessory building ln this zone. On a lot with no lane access, the rear yard setback may be reduced to a minimum of 6 metres if the rear yard backs onto a greenbelt that is dedicated as Conservation Area or Park PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE VvHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") Site Reconciliation -Lot I C-5 ZONING LOT AREA GROSS FLOOR AR.EA • Permitted GROSS FLOOR AREA • Actual LOT COVERAGE ALLOWABLE HEIGHT smACKS FRONTYARO REAR YARD EXTERIOR SIDE INTERIOR SIDE PAAKlNG PROVIDED LOADING Site Reconciliation -RST-SV ZONING LOT AREA NUMSfR OF UNITS GFA • OVERALL DENSTTY RATIO LOT COVERAGE • OVERALL (includes garage area) END LOTS (I, 4, 5.8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17) LOT AREA GFA LOT COVERAGE (includes garage area) INTERIOR LOTS ( 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14) LOT AREA GFA LOT COVERAGE SETBACKS FRONTYARD REARYARD EXnRIOR SIDE INTERIOR SIDE (includes garage a1·ea) PARKING PROVIDED cs 810 0 m2 245 m2 2300 m2 228 I m2 I I.Om SEE SITE PLAN 3.0 m 90 m 30m I Om 8 SPACES IREQ'O RST-SV 4045,0 m2 17 37775 m2 420 Units 1930.B m2 252.3 m2 222.2 m2 113 6 m2 217 5 m2 222.2 m2 ll3.6m2 SEE SITE PLAN 40m 60 m 12m 00 m 2 SPACE-S I UNIT Zone RST•SV (';.5" e-, R-3 R-3 RS-1 30m2 per stall 28.4% 282 % 2 1/2 storeys 8 REQ'D I PROVIDED 93,4% per hectare 00% 88.1 % 45,0 % 1022% 52,2 % BACKYARD Lot Type Allowed Requested Comment Lot 2-18 Height 11,Dm or 3 Stories 4 Slories To accomodale a roof deck Lot 1 Sitting 30m 1 Om Exterior Side Yard Lol 1 Sitting 3.0m 1.0m F rant Side Yard Lol 39 Sitting 2'0" 1'2 3/8" Exlerior Side Yard Lot 19-44 Height 2 stories stories Lot 55 Lot lh 2r0" 21'8318" on South Sid<! Subject Progem, Reconcilia!iQn Property #1 Property #2 Property #3 Property #4 Combinedkea Civic 23262 Silver 13738 232nd 13702 232nd 13660 232nd Valley Road Street Street Street LT 4; SEC 33; LT2: SEC 33; LT 8; SEC 33. BLKk, SEC 33; legal 1WP12;NM; 1Vv? 12; NV-JO; 1Vv? ,2, "V.0-. T\NP 12; N'v\'D; PLNWP20132 PL Nw:>20132 PLN~N'l.409 PLNWP2409 PIO 008-646-520 002·606-160 012-642-193 002-386-780 Existing Area· 8,540 6 m2 5,997 1 m2 24,396.0 m2 21,273 4 m2 = 120,414 m2 E,cisling Zone: RS-3 RS-3 RS-3 RS-3 1,296,128 sqft &i.5noOCP rl wB.consrv rlow&c□nsrv rltmltCCft&N ~o,,H&~ Architectural List of Drawings Sheet Zone Scale Al.I Ove1 all Site Plan & Site Context As Noted ,At,2 Site Location Map As Noted AlO Existing Survey dw Aerial Photo 1:500 Al.I Site Plan 1:500 All Enlat ged Site Plan 1500 Al.) Enla, ged Site Plan 1:500 AH Enlarged Site Plan 1:500 AlS Enlarged Site Plan 1:500 A26 Environmental Area Plan 1500 A27 Environmental Habitat Balance Plan 1:500 AU Existing Site Slope Anaylasis 1:500 ,UO Site Sections 1:300 "3,1 Site Sections 1:300 M.0 C-5 Floor Plans 1:50 Ai.I C-5 Floor Plans 1:50 M.2 C-5 Elevations 1:50 A◄3 C-5 Building Sections 1:50 M,4 C-5 Material Boa1 d 1:75 A5tJ RSeSV Unit A Plans 1:75 AS.I RSeSV Unit B Plans 1:75 A5.2 RST-SV Block I Floor Plans 1:100 A53 RSi:IV Block I Elevations 1:75 AS.4 RSi:sv Block 2 Floor Plans 1:100 A5.S RSi:IV Block 2 Elevations 1:75 A5.6 RST-SV Block 3 Flam Plans 1:100 A5,7 RST-SV Block 3 Elevations 1:75 A5.ll RSi:sv Block 4 Floor Plans 1:100 AS.9 RSi:sv Block 4 Elevations 1:7S A5I0 RSi:sv Block 5 Floor Plans 1:100 AS.II RST-SV Block 5 Elevations 1:75 AS.12 RST-SV Building Sections Va1ies AS,13 RSi:5V Matefial Board 1:7S A6.0 R3 Unit A Plan & Building Section 1:50 N,.I Rl Unit A Elevation & Perspective Varies Ml R3 Unit B Plan & Building Section 1:50 N,,J R3 Unit B Elevation & Pefspective Va,ies AA◄ R3 Unit C Plan & Building Section 1:50 A6S R3 Unit C Elevation & Perspective Vafies /VO cs View East Towards Commercial Building NTS ... ,.1 cs View West Towards Commercial Building NTS A]). cs View N/ETowards Commercial Building NTS /VJ RST-SV View N/ETowards RST-SV lots (Block S) NTS .-.1.s RSi:sv View East Towa1 ds R.ST-SV lots {Block 4) NTS 43 Shee.is in Sei ISSUED DRAV\t1NGS 0 >-;; ~ z C/)'2 (/) IB z iijOQ z~f3 w<Do I ~~ a.....,a:: w UJ rUJ~ U) ~- wt;(!) z~~ ~I~ ~~:5 «a. 0t.1G. &oltt Oro'tt,, ,oio<IID 0 'g ~ n: i2 1l e a. " 0 a: t ~-~ ~ 1· ~~;]; " . ~~:U hiH ~,~ ~ ~ti=] ~~t!3 2015, Jan 19 As Noted vVS/BT/JM 1319 A1.1 I _l __ 11 128AVE ------------.... i i 'I 119AVE i _j I I a:'. 2 0 ~ u; z ~ 11'.:: N 0 J: 136AVE jl I 12<!A_VE ____ _ 132AVE l~AVE ~1 "'' M " I 61 CHAI/El I • ,,,-- / I __ ., I I I l 133_AVE_< \ .- Location of subject Properties 1 LARCH 'VE ~ ,-,NOPIPER \!ii I AVE a: l'IIGl1T1N ~LE. A'-/€. ,.... "v\'111PP0 OR;.-'(l_ I / ~ t.rE; / :c 118 AVE .. / ,/ 13 ~"--r (j / \ ' ·121AVE 1206AVE r Sile Location Ma~ Scala: 1-:9-00 ISSUED DRAWINGS C 0 ·en ·:; '6 .0 :, Cl) >, ~ iii > .... ~ i:i5 a. ctl :i! C 0 :.:; ctl (.) 0 .....J Q) ...., ' U) (J ~; (/)g, Cl)~ iijO z~ UJ"' ::c!s a.. .. UJ 1--w Cl) !s wbc., zwz >-t:z <( rz ~~'.5 <tO. 0A1r. Su.le "''" ?n,j«:tlD ~~ t~! ifa f~ll ~,~ ~ 1 ;; ai .. il] ~r,.~ 2015.Jan 8 As Nol,ed W8'8T/JM 1319 A1.2 I I : I \ ' \; \' ~ \: ' : \ I • f7· ' ,__ __ ! ; 69 'L --------1\36n"' -i=·t ;~. 7 i 3~1&Cm \ ', '/ I,:,=...::_: i 46 371 s ..L:t ...... a,'L~ Gm.2,:.;INnproporty ' o,t,,_,,gh,~....t...s i,jo,ln~ \ ~.-__:l ' \ \ ' ' \ \ \ \ ' ' ' ' / (\\ -'.3 ----/-----\ ---------, : ' I \ ---··•----·- : ~--I / 62 ········--. ,' 722.3 sq m ", \ ;::::~"::::: ,qm , , , \ \ p"""'"""""""_'f, byfow,od...__ \ \ I I I I I I . f:..+-Top or B~k (TOB) •• f I i----,l;--04::had line~f 10.0m I ~ setback from TOB i--,-----.--el.5m wide Equesbian Trail / : ··-··--..-~-··•· I I I l I r ID ,0 Lot Reconciliation lol# 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 " 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 •• 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Zone cs RST-SV RST-SV RST-SV RST-SV RST-SV RST-SV RST-SV RST-SV RST-SV RST-SV RST-SV RST-SV RST-SV RST-SV RST-SV RST-SV RST-SV R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R1 Rl Rl R1 Rl Rl R1 RS-1b RS-1b RS-1b RS1 RSl RS\ RS1 RSl RS1 RS\ RSl RS1-b Rl Rl R1 Rl Rl .-1 Subdivision Plan Scale: 1:500 i'8 ffl 50m Area 810 O m2 252.3 m2 217 5 m2 217,5 m2 252,3m2 252,3 m2 217,5 m2 217,Sm2 252,3 m2 252 3 m2 217.4m2 217.4m2 252..3 m2 252.3m2 217.4 m2 252,3 m2 252.J m2 252,3m2 213,0 m2 2130m2 213,0 m2 213 O m2 213 Om2 213 Om2 213 O m2 2130m2 213 Om2 213 O m2 213 0m2 213.0 m2 213 D m2 213.0m2 213.0m2 213.0 m2 2130m2 213.0 m2 213.Dm2 213 Om2 213.3 m2 212.6 m2 212 6 m2 213.1 m2 213,5 m2 212.9m2 371,1 m2 371.0m2 371,0m2 371.7m2 370 8 m2 370,6 m2 371 1 m2 556.7 m2 557.0 m2 557,1 m2 671,0m2 671.Sm2 670,2 m2 670,2 m2 669,6 m2 670 3m2 678 6 m2 722.Jm2 631Am2 369,6 m2 3651,7m2 369,B m2 369,9 m2 369,9 m2 3G9.7ml 22.934.9 ISSUED DRAWINGS C 0 "cii ·:,; '6 ..a ::, (J) >, ~ ro > ... QJ 1: en C co a.. 2 u5 Dale: roject ID Sheet 0 ;; ~ ~ ·o J i 0. 2014, Dec HI 1:500 WB/BT/JM 1319 I l ,a <( ~ ~ 6i 1 I ' . ,, . l' . I I I I I ,-....... ti,,dly I . "' I I I I I ~ ~ 1- i ! : I\.) 1-1 CJ) I ....... I CD I CD I CD , I ~ .,----r 1 , ~ Ex;si;ogfi,ehyd,a,j / ~ '------~ \ ; E Ef _E·.: 4 - ------..:Z,.. ___ I _____ 0 • 920 -------7/, Sil:r Valley Road • 0t ----··---·•:, ii --- -----'"'""-ff, "'I" / I I I I I :°NOTE. / Fo, IIX.t'l.tion of fflUIIICl'O,;il Hrvic.es and / r,ghuo,w.yonix~mihaslc· : e• eMI and f\lNOY drlW1"9S ! : BFE: 6224 ~ GFE: 6203 ½-::-~------•• ~; I LOT: 34 :llJ AREA::m..,,,, t MFE: 64 66 ~i ~~:; :!:!~ l.'!4,---------,.1C', ~---··----·· r . :bi. .l;o, -~ fi"i , BFE: 61.71 <y.,. GFEc 60.76 ... ~--,-.--·-- ;;;.:;;~ I LOT: 32 SOW:bO,. AREA;213sgm : MFE: 64~09 t11 ; BFE: 61,3B '#,, -_G{E;..6Q.I,! ~:;-=---· --·· r-ho ·"" ¾, ·F'·· ' I LOT: 31 AR£A::;iUJ!9rn MFE: 63 75 BFE: 61.04 GFE: 59.47 I i I j I I I I i I --l--•·\ ~ . •-.1 I ' ,...., i----- 23262 Silver Valley Road ' \ ISSUED DRAWINGS I-- .,, \ ~ ··-- ~-'l',....__ __ 2:!'._-0 ... 1,a, __ •_,-i:v,----·--··-··- ' ' ---.---1P.1 of parcel for purchase by lulure developer \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ ' I \ (")t----------1 C'\J <C C co a.. 2 U) "O Q) e> ~ C w A -~~ " ~ k, -~! j~_; !~! f1. il!J1 ug 21, 2014 1:500 WB/BTfJM 1319' I -' \ ' \ c-J c-.i ,<( ..,. \ ' ' a,_._ (I) : \ .c : Cf) : QJ ! ~ \ I I i \ ffl \ I \ l \ ···-·· 'I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ . I \ \ . \ \ . \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I ---.... I I I \ I I I I \ \ \ ' I \ \ ' \ \ ' \ \ \ ' \ I \ \ \ \ \ l ·-·-··+·-·-·-··- I PMolporcolfot_ll ~ ..... - I ,r.93M~ I r -TopofBanl\(TOej t----------+--0Dhed"1eof10.0m environmental setback trom T08 Environmental Dedication ISSUED DRAWINGS C: 0 ·u; ·;;: '6 .0 ::::i Cf) >-~ ro > .... Q) ~ u5 C ctl 0::: (I) -en "O (I) e> ctl C w ale: Scale Prawn Project 1D 0 :t 'o ~ "' " e 0.. 0 < .~ j 0 ·a < 8 C ~ g .• ~ ] !l. £ ~ ! 0.. ;,; 0 ii: Aug 21, 2014 1:500 WBIBTIJM 1319 I I I I I \_,--*~ I I I ', I I ' I :>: \ " \ ~ I N \ .;; \ ,, \ \ ~ . • \ E ' " ' ' ~,k I " \ ,, I ~ I N I I , I J ~ \ /l \ I \ I I I I PREUMINAR NOT FOR CO DIMENSIONS ANO SP.i.cES TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED 0 I I I .,i [L 7Z-A 1.w I 165"-9" ~t. ___ I I I I -,- 'l' I ~L. c J I L i ----! I I [, -1- ' , : ~ ~ I I \, I ' I , .. ~r \ \ \ I \ ! I I I I I .L I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 _ii /~ /1 . TJ6J_ SUBJECTto°""""' .•~1 I ,. ! . ) ' I _,, ,. ~ I' ,·. I :,N :w VN ~ )>· L-. -, u (1) t l ro ··-, I I l 1 sv-osla- I , "I , :.,L 8 1 I I I r , I •--- 1 I I I I r-"f= ,. oo• • .-·-·-·· --¾, 18" .... 718' i • i 26"·~' I LOT: 45 I ~:371.1!9~ MFE: 62.08 \ \ \ ' \ \ \ I \ \ I, \ \ \ \ ! i ! i .----· ---1 .......... ., ........ • tma:mour, Bio Pond#2 275m2 \ ____ linear-,.., 1m -\ \ ,. \ \ PARK \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ------------------------------- ' I I ' I ' ' I I ' I ' I I ' \ I I I \ I I I I ISSUED DRAWINGS Q o_ < < g g ~ i 9 ~ § < \ >, a: a: j (I) ? i it cu e e > a. a. cE '--~ l f (I) e J'. > ~ ci5 -~ } ;; CT Q a. L"> "I ~ -s " .r:; C ii) co :;) a: (!,) '} (!) ...... u5 "O (!) 0) '--l!1 C w I 0 >-~ :,:: z Cl)£' !!2 ~5 co -z ~fil llJ .,a I ~~ d-1 Cl.oa:~ llJ LlJ !i!'i !; t;;~~ fiif, ::, LLJ 0c, 1~!] z wz >-t:z illi .. ~rz s: ii 5 ;~ft! "'"-~ltwl ate: Aug 21, 2014 cale 1:500 Drawn WB/BTfJM rnjecllO 1319 PARK ' ' ' ' ' ' I \ I I I \ I \ \ \ ' ' ' ~~ I I I I I I I I I I \ \ I \ \ \ \ ,,'. I PRELIMINARY ONLY - ~l'l!OT FOR CONSTRUCTION , ' ; I \ I . I I 2,,_0001 DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT F!NAL SUBJECT TO CHAN~E TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") ~ ', , , I I I I I I I I See Shee I I I I I I / I ,, ,, I .3 I I I I I , ,, I I I I I I , I / I ,, ,, ' , I I I I I / ISSUED DRAWINGS / , , , , , , , , , / I , / ,. , I , I Top ore.,.( (TOB)' / w1• bsuad lor c· Review , I I I I I I I I I I I I , I , , , I I ' I I I I I I I I , I , ,. , I I I , I I , I , , I , , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I ' I I I I I I , -·--~ .. --t·· ··-, ___ ~----~'· ·- / I ~~~""' / I I I / De~selback lifle & ~to'tbiacklfna • 1 est•' Gooiod\nlcai r~port) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --r··-'·--'-' I , , I I , I I I I I / , I I I I I I I C ·--·-··--·-··--·--0 -··--··-·--'iii ,' :~ I ~ I ~ I ~ ,' (/) J ~ ,I' cu I > .... Q) 2: Cl) ' ! I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I " IJ I , ' I I I , I I I , I I I I ' I I $ I I I I I I I I , / I I I I , , I I I I I I I Environmental I • D~dicati9n • I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I , I I , I I ,. I I I i' I I I I , ~~ ,_....;----', I ,. , , , , I , / I I I , I I , , I , I I , , / / , I , I I I ( I I I I I I I I / ,, , I / ,1' ;.,' I I I , / I / I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I C cu a: Q,) ·"'= (/) -0 Q,) 0) L.. ~ C w cale ---•~Drawn Aug 21, 2014 1:500 W8/8TIJM _ ... --1.. .. ---!--.---/-.,-------··--··--··--··---·--··-·•--" ---~-----·;~-,-~"' -~---... -~--~•·--" JI I I I I / ._,o 1319 I , , , I I , I I / I I I ,' ,' // / / , I , I , I I , I I I I I I I I I , I , I I I I I I , , , I , , I I I , I I I I , I , I I I ... A2.5 I l ~~'!_O he ~~ JubJc<:l to ;l/·-,.l • I . / / / / --I ),, __ ,& 'o / N CTlOCHANGE I I -- ( l / / /. / / / PMt or parcel for purchase ,-\;-· f µ:--Topof8ank(T08) J O.u.hDd lfne of to.Om I on~ao!bad'rromTOB I / Uim wide Equestrian Trail / Tep of Bank (TOB) Environmental Dedication u~ .. Area Reconciliation Plan f.OJ OfttGa,w._ I.OT SIZE n 11)1373El•2J2ndSI 100 . ~ ;: ~~;~:~~~~ :: ~. • 1 4) 23262•S~ver Va~ey Road 8,541.0 14 % 1..0J &OFT:.-UR;F~ J.0-':ZU=-.,,,."',,°"'% -2 1) Bioswales Hebi!at J.8" i: _ --: 2 2) Bioswales Other 2.2 --• 2 3) Bioswares Covenled 0.8 24)Proposedwe!area 1.8 2 SJ PlanledAtea 3.5 2 6) Environmental Dedicalion 2 7)Park -.2.0JHAAOSVllFACEa l7 ! ;: ~~==way 33)Sidewalk ~ 4,0JO~QPMeff~ --5.0JA• AREAS r---, 5.1) 10i!Jfl'OtltlOlona.Ctftk I---! 5.2) 15mf~TOGonU.c..ek -t---1 to~ =nwli;res ~ I I I I I 5.4JEi:islir,gslruc/uft!swi!hin 15mselback 5.S)E.icislingcreekweUedarea • 6.0J COMPENSATION AREAS 61) Tolalot21+22•2J+Z4: 1 I I I I 1 1 l I I I 6.2) Total of 2. 1-1-2 2•2 4· (\.Vithoutcovented<1re.isj \ \ \ I t I I ' 1 I I 1 I I I '· Subdivision Plan Sc-1w.1:SOU ., ·o Sl)m 5,1J7Jm •. 4,6824m B5o/, 78o/,. C 0 ·u; ·s: '6 .0 ::, (I) >, ..<!1 ro > .... Ql > ci5 C co 0::: co ~ ~ co -C Q) E C e "> C w u >-.; :,.:: z C/)Q Cl) fflz CQ OQ z ~[3 UJIDQ I~~ a....aa? UJ w j-UJ~ (I)~- wt<.? zwz >-!:::Z <( Iz ~~5 <Ca. ate: Scale rawn rojecl ID Shee1 ISSUED DRAWINGS :3 < ~ _§ 1 ~ o. ·i u :; 8 ] "' fj!_ i ~ .• I 1 e ff. a. ~ l r ! a. J " d 0 a: g I f ~~~i·· e"! ll~J . 1~~1 "·~ Il l• . ,111] ~ i,j£ Aug 21, 2014 1:500 WBIBTIJM 1319 A2.6 ---------------~ \ \ \ \· \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ ;J, ;; ~ e \ " \ ~ \ ~ ;; } ~ \ \ \ i \ "' : \ .. ~ , ~ j ii -'< m PRELIMINA .., I NOT FOR C OIMENSIO!\IS ANO $P l TO SCALE WHEN P \ : 't -r~---+J 2 . 41 . . 43 : 0 •212.S•q, 42 j'21J,5,ql sq 4 ~13,hq 212. : : : : 39 213.3 sq m 38 213sqm .-----·· 37 213sq m ... -----· 36 213 sq m 27 213sqm 25 213sqm --··-· 24 .. --··-·· 23 213 sq m --·--·· 22 213 sq m -------· 21 20 213 sq m ----··--· 19 213 sq m 4Riparian Area IArea is 540 m 2 Location of well #1 \ ______ ...;•Connecting Channel # 3 rea is 86 m2 1Bio Pond # 3 I 1Area is 22 m2 .____ 4WUlf"'Sq m PARK ·-------·· 136A Ave -· ------··----; ./ I I I , , , ··---- , 55 ,/ 671 sqm , , , , , _.,_ , , , , I I I I Environmental Dedication \ Subdivision Plan Scale: 1:500 0 JD 3° ,. ffl §Om ISSUED DRAWINGS -cu :!::::: ..D CU C I cu 0::: cu -Q) C (.) Q) C E cu C CO eca ·;; C w ... Aug 21. 2014 1:500 WB/BT/JM 1319 A2 .7 1\ \\ \\ \ : \t----r----+J I ./- . ../ I \ \\ \1 \ <'2.,._ .,...;,;,- \ \ ~ \ \ \'1 Silver Valley Road \\ ~~= \' \ r:··- .1 l l ll!O~i< \\ \\ L---~· ! t \ , I \II I I PRELIMINA~\f ONL y I 1 ~ NOT FOR c mNSTRU ~ON ~ DIMENSIONS AND l,PJ\ -e' AR£ NOT FINAL l TO CHANG ~ TO SCALE WHEN PAIN I I ON ARCH D (36" • •i E l l \___ .. --•-··--- Legend , P'2§% Sl!'I)!! ·1 25-33% Slope !_33-100~ SI~ 1 '23262 Silv.er ~ley A0adr 1.0 m contours l \_ ---~-~6A Ave··; ./ I / I I I I I I I I . : I / I Emi ir©nmental E>editaticim \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ _____ .. \ Proposed Lot Layout with Existing Slope Anaylasis o 1n 20 Sc:alQ; t=5m -lll 48 ~m ISSUED OIIAIYINGS --l Cf) Cl) 'vi -cu en >, g> ~ :,.::; <( Cf) Cl) ·-a. X 0 w_ (J) ,,..oe110 heel Aug 21, 2014 1;500 W'8,IST/JM 1J19 A2.8 u5 N (') -=-N -Cl) N C') ~--~ Ol--- Lot 1 -Commercial Lot40 Lot2 Lot3 Lot4 Lot 5 Lot6 ·-1---------r-------1·-----1-------•• o o o I . . . ' I I I I Lot 39 Lot 38 Lot 37 Lot 36 Lot 35 Lot 38 I Lot 37 Lot 35 Lot7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Loi 11 Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 14 Lot 34 Lot 33 Lot 32 Lot 31 Lot 30 Lot 29 Lot28 Lot27 Lot 26 Lot 15 Lot 16 Lot 17 Lot 18 Lot 25 Lot 24 Lot23 Lot22 Lot21 Bio Pond #4 Lot20 Lot 19 I ~ I Site Section 1-1 Scale: 1 :300 I Channel I Site Section 2-2 Scale: 1:300 ISSUED DRAWINGS .... Q) Lot34 I Lot33 ·I· ·lot32--1-.k_~~-.1 Lot30 I Lot29 I Lot28 I Lot27 I Lot26 I Lot25 I Lot24 I Lot23 I Lot22 I Lot21 I Lot20 I Lot19 I Channel I .?: u5 0 0 0 0 0 I O O O f O O I O 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I O 0 ---_______ -_________________________ J _ J _-----l -,•-•m en ----i --~:~ -·-j Q) I ·------,-._.._. rr+---L~~-~~-------.J ~ i:J.i Site Section 3-3 Scale: 1:300 >-~ ~z U) ~ cn[fl iij□ z~ W"' I '5 a.. .. -·-··-------·•• ---------------------------··••--·----------------•·•-··-----•----------------------------···---•-------~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------••~m dil w ~~i] .. I-w i~d (1)'5 U.J t,c.9 i~~j PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (36" x 24") I Site Section 4-4 Scale: 1:300 zwz >-t:z <( Iz s: ~'.'i -<O.. o.i.. -"""" c,fKtlD it!~.~ ~!•H ~~i.WS: Aug 21, 2014 1;300 WB/BT/JM 1319 A3.0 al ,. Lol 7 Lol 33 132 Avenue Lot60 -c I I I I : t I : ~,: .. _::-.. : .... -aj : : .,.. _____ : ~ ~ : u5 N C".) N u5 N C".) N Lot22 232A St _'U:r _________________________ : ______ : ____________________________ : .... SO.Om \_ Dashed line or e,;sLing g,ade I I I Site Section B-B Scale: 1:300 I I I I I I Lane Lot 21 232A Street Park Blaney Road Lol 55 ~ _ .. \., -· · ----------I I I I I Lot 19 232ASt · i • ····· -\;___;;.~:.::~;;;.:·· 1·· ····1·········-·-·········~--r····-· - PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") Site Section D-D Scale: 1:300 Lot44 Lot43 Lot42 Lot41 Lot 40 t I i I I l I ____ I ________ -r. • I J I 1 I I 232 Street Site Section A-A Scale: 1:300 Environmental Dedication Site Section C-C Scale: 1 :300 Lot 1 -=-::1...-----, .-----,; ____________ 10.om _. =:JC] 65 Om Site Section F-F Scale: 1:200 ISSUED DRAWINGS C 0 "iii ·s; '6 ..0 ::::, en >, ~ ro > '-(I) ~ u5 Cl) C 0 :g Q) Cl) Q) .... u5 0. < g ~ j 1 " Q .. Aug 21, 2014 '"'°° WB/BT/JM 1319 A3.1 0 0--.......... : .. 0 -·· .. (0 0 --· PRELIMINARY ONLY • NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ~ DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE 14'•9" @- 14'•7 3/8" CRU #1 j105.1 m2j 0 7 1 4. 0 0 24'•31/8" 13'·1112" I l i l ~-····-------! • ..... : .. ~---······1 ~------·······----: -------················--····· .. ·····--·-···· ............................... -. ' CRU#2 1123.0 m21 C, C ·.:;; .E a, .::, :::) 0::: (.) .::, 2 (/) a, C, C, ::, rn I ELECTRICAL D MAIN FLOOR AREA NOTE: N Site Reconciliation -Lot I C-5 ZONING cs LOT AREA 810.0 m2 GROSS FLOOR AREA • Permitted 245 m2 30m2 per stall GROSS FLOOR AREA • Actual 230.0 m2 28.4% LOT COVERAGE 228.1 m2 28.2 % AU.OWABlE HEIGHT II.Om 2 1/2 storeys SETBAO(S SEE SITE PLAN FRONT YARD 3.0m REAR YARD 9.0m EXTERIOR SIDE 3,0 m INTffiJORSIDE I.Om PAAKJNG PROVIDED 7 SPACES 8 REQ'D LOADING I RE ·o I PROVIDED 228.1 m2 For location of municipal services and rights of way on or adjacent to the site -see civil and survey drawings ISSUED DRAWINGS rn C co 0::: .... 0 0 [i: ii 0 ;;: l() I 0 Aug 21, 2014 1:50 WBIBT/JM Pn:f!!CtN> 1319 Sha: A4.0 ~ ._To_s_c_A,_e_w_HE_N_P_R1N_T_eo_o_N_•_Rc_H_o_1,_s_·,_2•_·i ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .J.. _____ __J { File name: 1319 Architectural 20141-0B-20 6.vwx d2 z -u rJ ili O ;o ~~--1m rn 5 ""TI r !~o~ ;15 :::0z i ~ 0 )> oi r,i O ;:o ~;: z-< ~~ (/) 0 :o z -j Z ~s ;a r ~~c-< ~I' () • en -l ~~6 ~z 6 ~ z i;i )> ~ ..... = i f 6 w ~ ~--. Ni;;'C 0 ~ -0 3 ~ -0 Ni!m ; ;;u en 1j: '"Tl "'r 0 0 ;;u Dafe: August 21, 2014 ® 14'-8" ~ 0 -n 0 m (') ;;,; ii c 'I WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY I ~ " ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN )> ,a I #20422J20louglluudHlghway, :;: N Mapla Al~~.a.c. V2X2T4 w ;;.1. ph.6G<l◄67-B:ioo r.1~604--467-eJOs ~ N E-ma~: bissky@lelus not I g ~ Websile: WWW bi§SkYiUGhiloGlurn Gil a: Time: 9:49:40 AM © I 711 Floor Plans C-5 0 '0 <I) ::, 0 C' <I) [ cp 0 23'.()" 10'-0' j 2 r ' --· ••• •• ••••• •••• j.. • ...... ············-·1· ---.......... s~ = ·-0 " ~ ·-0 t ~ --0 , , ... , I I I I I' r I m .... •·h ·•················- : ••••••••••••••••••• : tr7 2 Silver Valley Subdivision Civic Address: Property ReconciUation A1,0 Legal Address: Property Recondllalion A 100 PIO#: Property Reconciliation A 1,0 = 2 ~ --0 !: ~ --0 Copyrigh(ResaJVed lj r1111'1t',c,,10N&C8:,(l,.Jll~NP:PD•i.t,ilk:Ms.Git~, 1• ::Tl\~~::!=~~~~ i O:.~::U~~":"1~... r til'lllr!Plo,td.. •-«lo,..._.tc;,.,.j11111Mfl,D'1aiaule Ip Gf P1.n•ttllb1Mf,u.,t)'~tliw!W$!11~h~~ f ~IIMtdWIO,Wl ..... ~tlwlhl!w~,'"' . o-11rUMlci'mwit...,.._,.01r10otlcm•1N)IL~ ~WNbeW!),....dMtt~~""'N ~-C,;,i!,o.f_l;Yl\tkimlll\ltwl .... ..i. \ _____ ~ in en ffi 0 I ~ 1 PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") 0 i!~~~ Elevation 0 ~~"'~~ Elevation EXTERIOR FINISHES -See Material Board Item Material GALVANIZED METAL ROOF JAMES HARDI SIDING 2 X 10 FASCIA BOARD 2 X 10 GABLE BOARD ( BARGE BOARD) GALVANIZED CORRUGATED METAL SIDING -HORIZONTAL 6 GALVANIZED CORRUGATED METAL SIDING -VERTICAL STOREFRONT ENTRY ODOR 10 11 PREFINISHEO METAL GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUTS PREFINISHEO METAL RAILING -GLAZED PANEL EXTERIOR ODOR-PAINT FINISH ALUMINUM FRAMED WINDOWS @ West Elevation Sca1": 1:50 l I 0 East Elevation Scale; 1;50 Colour Westman steel or approved equal Sierra 8 Vertical Board & Batten Siding -Tradilional Red Finish Behr Premium solid colour "Stale SC-102· Behr Premium solid colour"Slale SC-102" Wes\rnan steel or approved equal Westman steel or approved equal Starllne Windows 9502 Series • Charcoal Black Behr Premium solid colour "Slale SC-102" Behr Premium solid colour ·s1a1e SC-102" Behr Premium solid colour "Slate SC-102" Starline Series 5000 T Ligh! Commercial -Charcoal Black -------------------------------------------- ISSUED DRAWINGS C: 0 'vi a. :2: < < 'O .~ :, ..Cl ] ~ 0, ::, ·~ ·a < Cl) 8 ~ >, ii_ i:. ~ i f ~ l 8 rn £ 1#. > i;'.j i ,._ .1, Q) £ ~ ~ ;; u5 ~ □ .5 0: Cl) C: 0 :;:::; L!) co I u > Q) w Aug 21, 2014 1:50 WB/BT/JM 1319 el A4.2 PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") Plaza Parking Roof Deck 12 CRU #1 [105.1 m2J 3 CRU#1 !105.1 m2j 12 CRU#2 [123.0 m2I CRU#2 /123.0 m2I Plaza ISSUED DRAWINGS C: 0 ·u; ·s; '6 .0 C\ ::, < Cl) ~ >, ~ ~ 8 ro £ > f; ,.._ ! Q) 2: ii ci5 0 ii'. en C 0 :.:; (.) Q) L!) Cl) I Ol (_) C ~ ::, co 0 >-:;; l,:'.Z (/) £1 (l)[fj iii □ z:i: UJ'" > !~ J:!s a.. ... i!U UJ 1-w (/)!s ~S'J! . LU be.!) i,-,a zwz r1r >-t:::z ~ 1 • <( Iz N ijj• ~~'.5 !la .. i ""- OMO: Aug 21. 2014 1:50 nrtwn WB/BT/JM _,o 1319 A4.3 J I PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (36" x 24 ") Galvanized Corrugated a--='--..:-----Metal Siding Storefront Entry Door EXTERIOR FINISHES -See Material Board Item Material Colour GALVANIZED METAL ROOF Wes Iman sleel or approved equal JAMES HARDI SIDING Sierra 8 Vertical Board & Batten Siding -Traditional Red Flllish 2 X 10 FASCIA BOARD Behr Premium solid colour "Slate SC-102" 2 X 10 GABLE BOARD ( BARGE BOARD) Behr Premium solid colaur"Slale SC-102" GALVANIZED CORRUGATED METAL SIDING -HORIZONTAL Wes Iman sleel or approved equal GALVANIZED CORRUGATED METAL SIDING -VERTICAL Westman steel or approved equal STOREFRONT ENTRY DOOR Slarllne Windows 9502 Series -Charcoal Black PREFINISHED METAL GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUTS PREFINISHED METAL RAILING -GLAZED PANEL 10 EXTERIOR DOOR -PAINT FINISH 11 ALUMINUM FRAMED WINDOWS Behr Premium solid colour "Sia le SC-102" Behr Premium solid colour "Slale SC-102" Behr Premium solid rotour "Slate SC-102" Starline Series 5000 T Ugh! Commercial -Charcoal Black ISSUED DRAWINGS C 0 'cii 0 :~ < -a g .0 .• ::::, 'o (/) ~ >, 0: ~ ro > .... (I) 2: u5 ~ co 0 co cu ·;:: Q) ..... co ~ 0 >-l!, i ~ ~z en~ (I) f3z -□c, ~~~ UJ mD :r:~~ O....oi,a:'. UJ w I-UJ~ (/) ~- w b0 zwz >-t:z <I'. l:z s: ~:"i <O.. Olll:C!. S.,,k, .,.wn P<GjadlD ""' I.() u g l i ~I ~~~ ~ }s:if [~ti iii~.; H"i;; ,..;:ci.w~ Aug 21, 2014 1;75 WBIST/JM 1319 A4.4 1 1 a· s·-2a1B· PRELIMINARY ONLY Yard ,------.. I am. I I p;i~ I ------t, : ' I -----1.~--,---- q.-------+ - 0 - L----------- Landscape NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (36• x 24.) End Wal -End 1 Lot 18 I<>: 1:75 r--··-··-··-··1 --~r I Roof Below Pl P? -------- - I l ( ii " ~ I I I I I -----1'.! ; L_ __________ __j End Wall • End 1 (Loi 18) Scale: 1:75 r--··-··-··-··1 ~ I P1 Roo1Below P2 - 2~'-7 1/4" ,,r7l ( " l I I I I I L_ __________ _j er Floor Plan Floor Areas Floor 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor4 Total Floor Area 60.9 m2 78.7 m2 78.6 m2 4.0m2 222.2 m2 r--··-··-··-··1 I I I P1 - 655.0 sq fl 846.8 sq fl 846.6 sq fl 43.5 sq fl 2,391.8 sq fl ,----I I Roo1Below I l. P2 I r ' I I I I I ' I I I I ,-_____________ J -----.1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I er Floor Plan = ISSUED DRAWINGS r::: 0 .iii ·5 '6 .0 ::J (/) >, ~ cii > ... Q) 2'. u5 (J) C ro a.. <( >-~ ~z Cl) '2 (/)fil co □ z~ W'° I!s C...o w 1--w (/)!s wt(!) zwz >-t:z ,:i:Iz ~lil'.5 <tll. ""' -O<>wn Pn,fod ID > Cl) ~ CJ) 0::: g l fv~!-i~;g~ rx..,.!: J~.;, 'fi,(.}g ~ m:i iJ;J1 Aug 21, 2014 1:75 WBIBT/JM 1319 A5.0 ------------~--------------_______ __, .. ~ N ~ ;;_ ~ q ) I l G,, e ·tt ____ , ,,_,:, -- 1 1 8" 8'-2 3/6" ·-I I :,. ;:: ffi '.1 >-N oc P1 Yard r--i--i ---------..t, I (' ' ----~~~---- EJ ~O,.•lc.'191 .t:.;; 0 r-•'il ,-b I ~ I II .. ~ I I II D. , I II ,---"- L. L:.t1,;!J! '<,.;,_411 --------\ s; \ I ,_ D °"' L------------End Wall -End 1 Scale: 1:75 Landscape CD 'f) >-u. PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (36" x 24") Q.-"-- El ,_..... -1--/ ~1 !,, ~ ~ ~ l ------------ End Wall -End 1 Scale: 1:75 r---··-··-··-··1 I I ~ I Roof I p~ - - rn 14'-91/9" elow P.2 / 24'-71/4" I I -] - D',10U9' I I I I I L. __________ __J End Wall • End 3 Seale: 1:75 End Wall • End 1 Scale: 1:75 r---··-··-··-··1 ·- I RoofiBelow 1 §;I Bedl'(Jom 2 '1"t"•Ul'r I ., 24'-71/4" ( I . .. - ~ ......... UTl'ICT I I I I I L. __________ __J er Floor Plan Floor Areas Floor 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor4 Total Floor Area r---··-··-··-··1 RooflBelow ~'2 I I I --------------l I --===::------=-----....,"°' I I l I ! I I ! ~u-~ I I I I i l .. -..------; I I I : !-.... !""' _____ ,.: I I I I I : I I : ., I ------, -----. End Wall • End 1 Scale; 1;75 I ! : I L. __________ __J 60.9 m2 655.0 sq ft er Floor Plan 78.7 m2 846.8 sq ft = 78.6 m2 846.6 sq ft 4.0m2 43.5 sq ft 222.2 m2 2,391.8 sq ft ISSUED DRAWINGS C 0 "iii :~ "O .c :::J (/) >, Q) ro > en C co a.. co ... > Cl) I f-en 0::: Aug 21, 2014 1:75 WB/BT/JM 1319 A5.1 □ ,i.-.- 24•_7 114" Lot 2 -Type B End 2 ➔ ---,;-~-=s r=-~ -----■~J~q]I f-----■ _ _3_4•-1114". ---~' Lot 3 -Type A \ I 'J 2••.711•· Lot4 -Type A - @ _j __ .,. co ·- .. _______ _ 24•-1114" ~ Lot 5 -Type B End 3-~ : ···-·············.,.-"""""""'-i••················i· .......... -==~···•··•·-·······-<p,-=='='"" .................... .,,._"""" ..... . PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") u er Floor Plan Scale: 1:100 3 ©st ©-'2; ;l; "' .• "' N 24•.1114" Lot 2 •Type B End 2 24•.7 1/4" Lot 3 •Type A \Qj) 24'•7 114" (@ )_ ---_'(_ ' Lol 2 •Type B End 2 24•.71/4" Lot 3 -Type A -----------f --------------······~----·"-------• .. ·······1···--1 I I I I I I I I --l -- I ! : I I I I I °"-"' I 0... I ~+---I I 24•.7 114" Lot4 •Type A : ·······-···f ... ~--------- __. ... I :,•---~ I I I I ······t -· 24'•7 li4" Lot 5 •Type B End 3 I :j ~. -........ ·-I ..... I I I I I I I I I I r-,_o.. : I I I : I I I I -I I 1-►----..... , I : I : ... : ....... -""" .......... : '~--_____ J ISSUED DRAWINGS en C ct! a.. .... > 0 Cl) 0 I u::: f-Cl) ..... 0::: ~ (.) 0 in Ausi 21, 2014 1:100 WBIBT/JM 1319 A5.2 iri ! 0 ~ ;i: al I ! $ I en PRELIMINARY ONLY ~ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIO 24'-7 1/4" Lot2 24'-7 l/4" Lot5 ~ DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES AR N ~ TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ONE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE .._ ARCH D (36" x 24") 24'-7 1/4" Lot3 24'·7 1/4" Lot4 24'-7 t/4" Lot4 24'-7114" Lot 3 24'-71/4" Lot5 24'-7 1/4" Lot2 28'-5114" Lot 5 28'-5 114" Lot2 ~ 6'-6 314" @ ~,----+ ISSUED DRAWINGS en C 0 :;:; ro > > al Cl) w I I- ~ Cl) ~ 0::: C,) 0 al Aug 21, 2014 1:75 WB/BT/JM 1319 A5.3 "' re CJ ~,_,_ 24'-71/4" Cot 7 -Type A 9 Q ~-.,l 2•·.7 1/4 Lot 9 -Type B End 3 D : □ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ····················--···· .............. _,._ __ .._ .................. ,._--•-·····-··········•·IP---11111! @) 24'-71/4" ! --·-·-·----Lot 6 -Type B End 1 PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24 ") 24'-71/4" Lot 7 -Type A 24'•7 IN" Lol8-TypeA 24'-71/4" Lot 9 •Type B End 3 U er Floor Plan Scale: 1:1 "' re 24'•7114" Cof6 •Type B Endf- 24'-7114" Lot 6 -Type B End 1 24'-7114" Lol 7 -Type A 24'•7114" Lot 7 -Type A @i_ _:x: 24'•7 114" Lot 8 •Type A 24'-7 114" Lot 9 -Type B End 3 ,.__==;,,_,.I .. -•·1!i!)········.,.,_==;"""'• 24'•71/4" Lot 8 •Type A -~,r 0 - 1 '{I ISSUED DRAWINGS ... Q) 2'. en Cl) C ro 0::: L.. 0 0 u:::: N .::£ (.) 0 en > CJ) I I-CJ) 0::: Aug 21, 2014 1:100 WBIBT/JM 1319 A5.4 ;; I -5 ! PRELIMINARY ONLY 24'-7114" Lot 6 24'-7114" Lot 9 M OR CONSTRUCTION " NOT F SARENOTFINALSUBJECTTOCHANGE ~ DIMENSIONS AND s~;EED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") ._ TO SCALE WHEN PR ~ 24'-71/4" Cati 24'-7114" Lots ,-______________________ ; 24'-7 1/4" Lots 24'-7114" Lot 7 ---------1-·---__________ , 24'-71/4" Lot 9 24'-7114" Lot6 D~~ 68.84m ; _L _~E~---------------------~40~ @ 6'-63/C" © ; , 28'-5114" Lot 9 ISSUED DRAWINGS C 0 ·en q ·;; < '6 . .0 :::i "' Cl) ~ >, a: ~ i ro .l' > .... Cl) ~ u5 (/) C 0 :..::; > co > Cf) Q) I w f--Cf) N O:::'. ~ (.) 0 co Aug 21, 2014 1:75 WB/BT/JM P,ofOOIJO 1319 ... , AS.5 PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION □ □ □ □ ,---------------,□ ,----------------,□ r--------------1 0 r-----------------,O :o :□---....... ----:□----....... ----'□ :o 10 :o !o ID lo ID :□ ID -------lO ----------:□ ID :o :o :o :o :o :o :o 'o P1 P2 10 Pl P2 :o Pl P2 :o P, P2 1□ """"--!!!!!,,,-¢;;::.-'l:l-i,:10~ :o :o lo 24'•711 • Lo.I 10 •Type B End 1 24'•71/4" Lot 11 •Type A 24'•7 1/4" Lot 12 •Type A El □ □ CJ __ f:-7b1 ..... ',... I 24'•7114" Lot 13 ·Type B End 3B D [J r---7:lt l ---~······~• ', ! ,-=~=sf-;, 1=~-~~ - t ll ,--.'-J ;, Bnll> ... ,::,,--------~ -----■!'...,J'boAf~}1 -----•!..:}~ -------, , ______ , f \,.J \.J '""'~ •••••••J? •••••••••• ,..---~••••• •• ::1. ........ .jp---~····•••••!¥1•··••··••J'fll---•••••• .. •-ii;! •••••••"l'f----11111 24•.71/4" 24'•71/4" Lot 10 ·Type B End 1 Lot 11 •Type A 24•.7114• Lot 12 •Type A 24'•71/4" Lot 13 •Type B End 3 ··-······ -•• ,. ............. o(M··················~-"""""""',,u-·············••~-="= ...... "111"········ ·······"""-""""=""• u er Floor Plan Scale: 1:100 3 DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") 24•.71/4" Lot 10 •Type B End 1 , ·-24'•7.!!£_ --. -~ • Lot 10 •Type B End 1 24'•71/4" _ -~ 24•.7114• 24'•71/4" Lot 11 •Type A Lot 12 •Type A Lot 13 •Type B End 3 IE! .r,.'""F-=,-4! ........ _""!! ....... ,.......,,=,_■, -·· "'l!!lV-......... ,..,.=,,...0,-. 24•.7 1/4" T:c,111·.Type A 24'·71/4" Lot 12 •Type A .J::t .. Main Floor Plan 0 Scale: 1;100 2A'•7 1/4" --lot 13 • Type B End 3 ISSUED DRAWINGS ... Q) ~ ci5 (/) C: co a.. t.... 0 0 LL C"') .¥. (.) 0 CD ~! (/)~ (f)[fj a50 z::: UJ"' I~ a."" lJJ 1--w Cl)~ wbc., zwz >-~Z <( Iz s: ~s «a. O•le.l: O,awn tt,/<rd lD "' > Cl) I I-Cl) 0:::: • ! l ~ .:.;, ·~ ' f i:;}i g~~ ,~~] ;; ·!! ~}ii1! ~· c . Aug 21, 2014 1:100 WB/BT/JM 1319 A5.6 ~ 0 "' ~ ~ 1'! , ~ .,, ! _______ _ 24'-71/4" Lot 10 24'-71/4" Lot 13 ! PRELIMINARY ONLY ~ NOT FOR CONSTRU~I,1 0?.~rncHANGE I DIMENSIONS AND SPA,C,'i,5 ;~~~g~ ~%,· x 24") i TO SCALE WHEN PRIN 24'-71/4" Lot 11 24'-7 1/4" Lot 12 24'-7 1/4" Lot 12 24'-7 1/4" Lot 11 24'-7 114" Lot 13 2-&'-1 ,, ... Lot 10 0 ,;, --···----- I l__~~~--------·------. 57.70m 28'-51/4" Lot 13 28'-51/4" Lot 10 C 0 iii > -6 .0 :::::i Cl) >, ~ cu > .... Q) > u5 (/) C 0 :;::; (U > (l) w C") ~ (.) 0 m P,oj«IID o, :; 'D ~ "' " :r. > Cl) I I-Cf) 0:: Aug 21, 2014 1:75 WB/BT/JM 1319 A5.7 PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") .__ ______ ------------- ©--.--i· ~ '\' ~- ~ □ ~ ···-···· ............... --~····· ······ ...... r,-,--...................... r,-,--11111 l.--------• 24'•71/4" LotfS•Type·A I ·---------.r.=?"J . 1. 24'-7 1/4" Lot 16 -Type B End 3 ················'""'-"""" .... ""····-······· ·····~-=--1······-··········, ... IE=' ........ u er Floor Plan Scaltt: 1:100 3 ©--.---· ~ "' ·' @--"'-· "' ·' <D N 24'•7 1/4" Lot 14 -Type B End 1 24'•7 1/4" Lot 14 -Type B End 1 ;--------- ·•·..--•-····1·--·· I I I I I I -- 24'•7 114• Lot 15 -Type A l 24'-71/4· Lot 15 -Type A : ,------·-·········1····· I i I I I I I I I ._. I I :-~-----,,t I 24•.7114· Lot 16 -Type B End 3 - 24'•71/4" Lot 16~Type B End-3 I •I •·---•······1····.. I I I I I I I I --i : ------1: I I -: 1· ' 1-------!:II I I _.......,"""".._~ .. -····-'·· ........ """"' ..... ~ t_ ISSUED DRAWINGS l:Jffl• luuii!llil, A,1.-.,. C 0 ·oo :~ "O .0 o, ::::, < (f) C >. i ~ j m > 1 ... a> ~ ;; U) 0 a: IJ) C co 0::: .... > 0 Cf) 0 I LL I-Cf) ,q-er: .::s:. (.) 0 in ti >-as ~ z (/)Q (/)fil a:i □ zl( UJ ID -~ I Ig; a..., 1i:J~ UJ I-UJ •>( j IJ)g; s. LlJ 00 1~.,1 zwz rt:z Hhi <( :I:z s: &l '.'i <(Cl. o,i.: Aug 21, 2014 1:100 WB/BT/JM i'w)jocllO 1319 A5.8 PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (36" x 24") 24'-7 1/4" Lot 14 24'-7 1/4" Lot 16 24'-7 1/4" Lot 15 24'-7 114" Lot 16 24'-7 114" Lot 14 S&Aolm.-. * : ' I 28'-5114" Lot 16 28'-51/4" Lot 14 !------------------------------I 54.:::-(9 .-------------------------------· [ ________________________________ ! East Ele~ North Ele~~~~ 0 ISSUED DRAWINGS C 0 ·en :~ "O .c ::::, if) >, ~ cii > en C 0 :;:; re > (I) w -q- ~ (.) 0 co >-~ ~z U) '2 Cl) f:3 iii □ z~ W'" I's CL"" w f--W Cl) !s wb(!) zwz >-t:z <I'. rz ~~:"i «a. .,., ~ On,wn ?rotect ID ., " D a: > U) I I-Cl) 0::: g j f .. ~i-.2'~!~ )Sif- [~~j if!.~.; !J;!i Aug 21, 2014 1:75 WB/BT/JM 1319 A5.9 I PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") "' ,;, N 52 ~ ···········-···-··,....--lllllll!l--···············"'"'"--a11 24'•7114" 24'•7 114" Lot 17 ·Type B End 1 Lot 18 •Type A End 1 tJ er Floor Plan Scale: 1:100 3 "' ·' "' N I @H J IQY 2407114" :· -fot ·f7 -Type B End1 24'·7 114" Lot 17 ·Type B End 1 r-------- •••••••• ···1 ••••• I I I I I @ 24'•71/4" -!--Lot 18 ·Type A End 1 24'·7 1/4" Lot 18 •Type A End 1 I ~ --. ·--····-, u I I I I I l I ......... al ISSUED DRAWINGS C 0 .iii :~ "C .0 0 ::::, :;: Cl) g >, ~ ~ 8 <ii & > ~ L. I Q) Q. 2: ii u5 ~ en C ro a: L.. > 0 Cf) 0 I LL I-Cl) I() 0:::: ~ (.) .Q a:J Aug 21, 2014 Sala 1:100 WB/BT/JM ID 1319 A5.10 ~ i ;; •.. / .2 .el I : PRELIMINARY ONL y I NOT FOR CONST -OIMENSIONSANOSPA RUCTION ~ TO SCALE WHEN PRINT~E; ;:~~g: ~I~~~ :~~ECT TO CHANGE 24'-7 1/4" Lot17 2'"•' ,, .... Loi 18 24'-7 114~ Lot 18 -....;;..=I ' ' ____ , I ~ I '? :--------I .. ______________________ L 8FE 52.ao;-S- ~\-o® ,--/-- 28'-5114" Loi 18 28'-S 1/4" Lot 17 South Elevation (D Scale: 1:75 2 ~ @ 6-.SJW ~ North Elevation Scale: 1:75 0 ISSUED DRAWINGS C 0 ·u; :2: "CJ .0 ::, en >, Cl) "ffi > .... Cl) 2: en en C 0 :.::; co > Q) w U') ~ (..) _Q CJ Pale: Scale Drawn Project 1D Sheet 0 ;f ] ~ ·a j t l i,; i <( .e <3 :i g .• 'g j i ,t i,; ! :;' " E ;l <( g .• g ~ or t ! ;; D i[ > Cl) ~ Cl) 0::: Aug 21, 2014 1:75 WBIBTIJM 1319 AS.11 I! .,I 'B " I 24'-71/4" loi 10 : PRELIMINARY ONLY 24'-71/4" ' , Lol3 24'-71/4" Loi 11 i ~~l,!~~ s~?.~~Yf:~~Yu1a?e~ro CHANGE 24'-7 1/4" Lot4 24'-7 1/4" LM 12 24'-7 1/4~ LolS ~ • Jg, ............... ...., ............. -&;-,~ 24'-71/4" Lol 13 24'-7 1/4" Lot 14 @ -!----· 24'-71/4" Lol 15 24'-7 1/4~ LolB 24'-7 1/4" ~f-7 __ _ 24'-7 1/4" Lol 16 Blo~4 Scale:~ 24'-71/4" lol8 24'-71/4" ~ • Jq,i~---------.r.i:;;~&- ISSUED DRAWINGS C 0 "ui :~ "O ..a ::, (f) >, ~ ro > L.. Q) 2: en 1/) C 0 :.:: (.) Q) Cf) 0) C "O ::i co SliOI 0. :;: g ~ ~ "' ] ~ "- > Cl) I I-~ Aug 21, 2014 Varies WB/BT/JM 1319 A5.12 ~ ...... To_s_c_AL_E_w_H_EN_P_"_'"_TE_o_o_N_AR_c_H_o_c_,._•x_2_•·_1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------....1------....J PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION I DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE '2' East Elevation Garage \.::.,J Scale: 1:3'2. Cultured Stone EXTERIOR FINISHES -See Material Board Item Material 1 OUROID ROOFING 2 CULTURED STONE VENEER 3 VINYL SIDING -TRIPLE THREE 4 VINYL SIDING DOUBLE WIDE 5 VINYL SHINGLE 6 2 X 8 FASCIA BOARD 7 WOODTRIM 8 ENTRY DOOR -PAJNT FINISH 9 VINYL FRAMED WINDOWS 10 PREFlNISHED METAL GUTTER ANO DOWNSPOUTS 11 PREFINISHED METAL RAILING -GLAZED PANEL 12 PREFINISHED METAL RAILING -PICKETS 13 GARAGE DOOR-PAINT FINISH Colour Pabco Premium Elile -Driftwood Rocky Mountain Sloneworks -Rundle Ledge Eagle Mounlain Kaykan Platinum -While Ocean Park Enduring Splendor• Sage Kaykan Perfeclion Shingle -Spice Behr Premium solid colour "Slate SC-102" Behr Premium solid colour "Slate SC-102" Behr Premium solid colour~Slale SC-102~ While Behr Premium solid colour "Slale SC-1 02" Behr Premium solid colour "Slale SC-102" Behr Premium solid colour "Slate SC-102" ~ L..T_o_s_cA_L_e_w_H_E_N_P_"'_"~-□_o_N_AA_c_H_□_1,_s_·,_2_•·_·> ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ ISSUED DRAWINGS C I I...--- Bonus Room s10ra9e & Ulillly Hall j See enl.irged Site plans far grading, relalning walls, & dimenesions, 18'~0 tll" 3'-111/.4" ··--··--·· 25'-11· ··---··---·· Basement Floor Plan PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" >e 24") Scale: 1:50 r-··-··-··-··-··-··7 ! i-·······-··········-··-······-·····-·······-· . . . I ! . . I I . . . . I I . . . . I I Living Room !JC, fll ( _ Kilct,e.eu Silling Room .., Balcony Dining I I I I I I I I I L.·-··-··-··-··-··_J Main Floor Plan Scale: 1:50 r-··-··-··-··-··-··7 I 1·--·--~--~······· ................. . I I I : : : I ! I 1 1 I ! I L .................... ·-·········----··········· ,···· ........ 1--·--, I ; i··································; I I • I Masier Bedroom DN L .·-··-··-··-··-··_j Upper Floor Plan Scale: 1:50 Unit A Floor Areas Basement 61 .1 m2 657.5 sq ft Floor1 61.1m2 657.5sqft Floor 2 58.9 m2 633.8 sq ft Total Floor Area 181 .o m2 1,948.8 sq ft Building Section 1-1 St:aks: fa;o ISSUED DRAWINGS C 0 'iii ·s; ii .c :::::, Cl) 0 'a I >-"' ~ " ro £ > I... Q) .2: u5 C ~E C (.) ro ID -(f) 0.. 0) <( C Salo Projod [) C"') 0::: Aug 21, 2014 1:50 WB/9TIJM 1319 A6.0 File name: 1319 Archilectural 2014-08-20 6,vwx d2 z 7J ~~ 0 ;:o ~~ --t PJ :;z ,1 -ili ~O s': ~~::uz ~! 0 )> iii r;i O ;:o g~ z-< ;~(J)Q ~~--tz I -,;:or ;:~ C-< ~)>o ),:'~~ ]~5 cl Z 6 () j; z " m )> 0) _,., i 1 ! & 0 o :; w ~ ~ ,:: Dale: Augusl 21, 2014 i " WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY I " .. ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN IN PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN I li20422320LoogheadHighway N MapleRidga,BC V2X2T4 ph604.467-BJCIDfb604...;6].llJ05 ~ ~ E-mail: hink)'@Jelus nel WIJb,~e: WWW blnkYarchilACIUCD ca ~ Time: 9:52:53 AM Unit A Elevation & Perspective R3 C ::::J ;::;: )> _,., "TI ..., 0 ::::J -m (I) iii :cO ~ ::::J C ::::J ;::;: )> I\J "TI ..., 0 ::::J -m (I) < -0) ~,a: :cO ~ ::::J Silver Valley Subdivision Civic Address: Property Reconciliation A'\,0 Legal Address: Property Reamcilialion A 1,0 PID #: Property Reconciliation A 1 0 Copyrlgh1Reser1&d •-••llCo,'°',ap(.,. -•-.......... ~: ;;; "' IP'~•~CM AM~""""'' ... Illy IN' I C m =~~~~=r 0 11\Mwl'IO,Mll•illf;t,,l)nq'I-.JUMIIIIMIIMflll,-..,-~ 0 ::~«:~-::.:.---w:..:=ia:: i ..,,.,_.GIW'Sll.Wl'JIW~-INI''"-.. ~ f z ...,""9ad-MOMaM~ltl0..c:, ... fJ e:k.l,l\lillu•~at•,,,.1vAlft.ioA1 ~ oi-..a.-u a/Ill «JM&t111; 1,..o,a-..,. Oft lflia 1!1Ut....,._ I ·---···•···-··········--;----·-···_j !. ----------------------.. I I~ Ii I 1 •••••••• --······ 1--1 1~ ;j I Unfinished Basement -- L C j See enlarged Sile plans fer gfading, retaining walls, & dlmenesioos. i ·-n u.r· ,e-:o ,,r 3•,11 1ft" i L --··--··--·· 2!'-n· ··--··--· ___J Basement Floor Plan PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OJMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (J6• x 24~) Scii.; 136 r:=·······················-········--········•··-··•1 7 i I I I 1 1 i I . ! ! • i i ! I . ! : . • ! : • I 1 : I I 1 .... --·-·········---__ ; I . . . . I I . . . . I I . . . . I I I I I I I lr-,c C•' Kitchen m ·eu Dining 11 LMnG Room ]7· Q-J UP j . . . . L .·-··-··-··-··-··_J Main Floor Plan Scale: 1:50 ~:-~==:==:==-~==··-;---7 I i ! I . ! ! . 1 1 I i I i I I I i I I I L. .. ·----------······-------·······--J I . . . . I I . . I I . . . . I ~ I I: ···--···-·--·-·-····-···--·-···c I -····: I: , .... --····-----------·-·------------; ----: I I : t : I I . . . . I . . I l Bedroom 111 Bedroc.r #2 i . . . . I ~---... .................... I . . . ,...__,~ . I Bathroom ON I I I I En suite Master Bedroom Hall I I I L ---··-··-··-··-··_J Upper Floor Plan Sc:ai.r 1:so a . ._. J l ...J Unit B Floor Areas Basement 63.7 m2 686.0 sq ft Floor 1 63.7 m2 686.0 sq ft Floor 2 59.1 m2 636.5 sq ft Total Floor Area 186.6 m2 2,ooa.5 sq ft ~ a / I / -- Building Section 1-1 si:ii.: l~lt ISSUED DRAWINGS C ~E C (.) co Q) a.. Cf) O'.l gi :'!::: '6 C= :::) ::::, co C") 0::: Aug 21, 2014 1:50 W8/8T/JM 1319 A6.2 File name: 1319 Atehilectural 2014-08-20 6 vwx cl <e Z -0 l'l iii O ;;o ~ffi --1 m mo r :,z "Tl-ili ~O ~ ~fs :::U z ~! (") )> ;;:h1 0 ;;o ~~ z-< !~cno ~~-I z :c --. ;;o r .'?.?/C-< w ,. (') ; ; -I ~~o Qz cl () :c ,. ~ )> 0) (..v < ~· Dale: Augusl 21, 2014 fl WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ! N ~ ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN 11'2D4 22320 Lcughe11dHlghway, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 2T4 ph6D4-467-cl300la:,;6D4-467-8305 E-mail: biuky@l11los.ne1 W11b5Me: www-OOslcviKSNledurc 9 Time: 9:53:08 AM Unit B Elevation & Perspective R3 C ::i ;:.: OJ ->. ,, a ::i .- m ro 'Ii ,:-0 13 ::i C ::i ;:.: OJ l'v ,, a ::i .- m (D 'I i ,:-0 13 ::i Silver Valley Subdivision Civic Address: Property Reconciliation A 1 O legal Address: Property Reconcilialion A 1 0 PIO#: Property Reconciljalion A 1.0 -------~------------. - ' CcpyrlghlRaserved r~toA1BCByl,,lw28fJ),,-\tc,A,,~hM,,~ .. :=.ro=::~~:.:.·=--:~~:: l =:=:r.-~~~~!~~Mi f' ~JIGl.u.Nni1dor(6tecl .. t,llt(Of.-.f\,l,l'i .. •ula s tli'.°"',-,,JllfM11flfl1Y~O..r,WUllllll'lilll;t .. -,t_lM J moMll9'WM.,'NibMl'llllftrMOf'l9111,,Jll;a'.,.P~ ll'4l'U, ... ~,.,t-li,,uiano~lbt!IN!j0.i""' d',t4.,,..?)e~oj~'W",ilHO'III Q-.IM l!HMIWOn1~~aMl' .... 6fl1M•~ in "' rii □ I 3l I PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") l I ..... Basement Floor Plan Unit C Floor Areas Basement 62.4 m2 672.0 sq ft Floor 1 62.2 m2 670.0 sq ft Floor 2 57.7 m2 620.6 sq ft Total Floor Area 182.3 m2 1,962.6 sq ft m / / --Building Section 1-1 ---siair.1w• ,•.a• ISSUED DRAWINGS C 0(j :2 C (.) (1J Ql 0::: (/) u g> :!:::~ c= ::> :::, ca Shatt Aug 21, 2014 1:50 WB/BT/JM 1319 A6.4 File name: 1319 Archileclural 2014-08-20 6 VYIX iJ 12 Z 7J ~~0::0 ~~-; m ;~., C: ili "'O S: z l:-,.,-.,o ;ovz ~! (") ::t> @rn o ;o 0 :,. Z-< ;ill (I) 0 fl ~ -{ z :r:-i ::0 r ::~ C-< ~f!O ~~-; .:.~5 Qz cl n I ~ )> 0) CJ1 Dale: August 21, 2014 Time: 9:53:23 AM i i WAYNE STEPHEN s1ssKY l Unit C Elevation ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC . PLANNING 1NTER10R DESIGN & Perspective ,. I ~ #20422320LciughaedHighway, l'J Maple Ridge, BC VZX 2T4 .~ ~h,604-467-8300 la,;604-467.S305 ~ I I f I ~ ~:::.. :.,~:::=,;:,\.,,,"" I R3 C ::J ;::::;: 0 _,, "TI 0 ::J -m co ,,i ~ 0 ~ ::J C ::J ;::::;: 0 N "TI -, 0 ::J -m "'I[ ~~ ~o ~::J Silver Valley Subdivision Civic Address: Property ReCQncilialion A 1 0 Legal Address: Property Reconciliation A1.0 PID #: Property Reconciliation A1 O ~ ~ CopyrighlReservad, Fi.rthertcAJBC(t,..o¥3P\.._.F'll!,.~♦a~ ~ O,-.mi&niorttMl,:f«---:1~,,,.....~ .. ., ! ~,fe,;1111■,#lltat(ltl,Ul!dl ...... _GOI.~~ Jt ~=-~:~~!=~·, ! te.t fftillld,".,.;ldo,.tt.■dlb~Mfl,l(llilt•WII lf :::,~~==:..~.P\N~..a: :0 ...,IU"Mlt:b~---~e,nt,i.~niia I tllf'Mtl\.llllr.Jn'otimot.,t..,.,.~Wft(l- kMll-'11.a.:'4~~,anQiad.t_~~ in U> C gJ I ii U> ► --.J 0 .. C ~111~1 ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN /1120422320loo~dHighway. MaplG Ridge.a C V2X 2T4 ph 604-467-8300 fa1<604-467,830S E•md· bis.sky@h1l11s nil Wobs~o: www bisskvaccbilectu•a ca View East Towards Commercial Building C5 Civic Address: Properly Reconciliation A 1 0 Legal Address: Property Reconciliation A1.0 PIO#: Property Reconciliation A1,0 ~l{.....,..a =-~~=-:.=:,.-::-~~ i' =~'=-~~:~...., ~ ::.at., .. :~-=:::-J~~~; -. .11 .... w .... at1..,...,_..,.,.uu,.-.~ §.. airra-,i.i~~.~ahilll .... ~~ --~i!lm.•-Mwtc-di-.lWIINl~.fWt ' d:.ttt'-"N ...... ctwtt~Mld!N ~.-.:II~~ ...... ..,_,,_ <n "' C: [3 I z ~ )> -..J .....,. .. w w I a: z ;;l Dale: Augusl 21, 2014 ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN ll20422J20LougheodHighl"ay, M21pl11 Ridge 8 C V2X 2T4 ph 604-467-llJOO ra~604-467-BJ05 E-mall: bls~ky@tolusnel Website: wwwhlsskvarchil0clureca Time: 9:53:38 AM View West Towards Commercial Building cs •• Civic Address: Property Recondlialicn A 1.0 Legal Address: Property Reconciliallon A 1.0 PID #: Property Reconcilialion A 1.0 Fur,her to A18C Bylaw 29{3). al plaM sketdles,d1awirlgs, I 9,aphic,upre:sentalion.sandspeci!i::alionspl'oparedbyl/wl, ( arch1IOCl,l,fo,andalalllimos1emainlheuclusrleprop(l,ty l ~~r~~ ;~:1~:r:~~~l~~~~c~~o;~i::~~~~ny f olherprojocl,orsoldorofferudlorsale(araspa1'1cfasak1 of property) by any party other than WSB wilhmil tho wr~lon f consonlofWSB WrillendirnensioJ\SshaNhavoproceden,:;e overs~leddirnonaiorl$;indcoMilionsonlhojob Th\s officeshaNbeinrorrnedofanyvarialionsfromlhe dimensions and r.tind~ions shown on lhe drawings g; ~ □ I z 1J )> -...J N -------·-..J..+, 6 ~ ~I WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ! N ~ ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN 11204:Z2J20Lough•cd\-!ighW3y, ~IO:o9.B.C.'1Jl)ll't:4 t:""'-r•~:.;,:~:':1i8l05 Wabgi\e: WWW hi55kYilCShilec!urn Pl View N/E Towards Commercial Building cs Civic Address: Property Reconciliation A LO Legal Address: Property Reconcilia\ion A1.0 PID #: Property Reconcilialion A1,0 Pt1111W,._Ml!i~Dt\Ja,t,..Sq,ood:IIMl• ... klll'IY 4"I r~,11o•c.»)'bwH\T1ro•..,_•latf'IM.a~ I ~1:it,it,fl<U{M.,..,-ON,ncl~.· preparod ll't·t,. I ll(Qll:oct<W-.a,w.i11.1~"""""*•J.~Clf\'ICltt; I otW11>JN:bsf•f'jDit,~yMhJlliduN.U111Mo..bn f pb,pc,hd.mMid«oll,t1tfO!NQ(oi"b('tnf(.1L,_ !\' .,_..,,..,.,,.,,,_ .... w,._,......,. j u:itlMl'll·~wtnt..w..n.~11o---~tww.prKat1nc. ...,ICMiOII.Nal<l"ltan.11~-,r..-Tt,is .du.stu•N~elaf!IY~ .... 6'i111~.-c-~,bc,,,,,I Mlh■ !It~ CTURE & URBAN DESIG NNING INTERIOR DESIGN RST-SV Lots (Block 5) RST-SV Civic Address: Property Reconcilialion A 1.0 Legal Address: Property Reconciliation A1.0 PIO#: Property Reconcilialion A 1,0 \ \ ,·~ \ \ Copyright Reserved Further1t1"18Cllt)\l#,.~p~lll(chn,;•~ f .. ~~aHl..,,...,n. pi~rtCb'fV'• ==-~~-;.:~-=-.~~~· r ~.-1~0U'ic,IM,11CMM-M1ol1111Wf..,,., llih-~eit&olltdwol!NN;. ... f!NMIMiol•uki IC~)b:,-,F.Ml)111""thanWW~lill'Mllln ~ ~~"=~-~~ i -,ic.•l'Mo'lh~llill_.,v~--.,_l'IMl'l,.an11~n.w:,e.,.nol\1N~ ,--------------------1( )> :'I 01 )> WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN ,i I I ,a I 0204 2'320Lo,gh .. dHOhWO,, ID N MajM RfC!JV, BC VU. 2T4 [ij _..., ph604-467-113001u604--d67-8J05 --l N E-ma~: blssky@l11lusne1 ~ I C::: ~ ~ W0b1~e: WWW blsskvarcl)Uec\uM GI w ~ (/) .l>, View East Towards RST-SV Lots (Block 4) RST-SV Civic Address: Property Reooncilialion A 1.0 Legal Address: Property Rcconcilialion A 1.0 PID #: Property Reconciliation A 1,0 r a ..... 0) . """". •-IY••'."""'"M•-····••pa.1 garti,,r;: --,-.nn1W1C11llons ft •piic:m~s,res--1 b'f tM ajOli,l,a.,._.MldalaliUinl;INlll!ainlhe-PCIU.,..~ ClfYl~S~"'~ll~l111•,UIN,.~ p ~-~Qdlot,~pmQ1:iH11"""111M"")" ~ Gll",l,r~fll'lokhu1lrw4:11t,Jwl.D h::U•ll•'1.ohulil Q rL~tl,f'A:NfP",0//IWthiJtwtfJ~ IN w(llhin :zi ==v.~,:.~~·I:'~~ f olftcesh::lllbalnfcnT1edolanyvarialionsltcmlh0 dimensloMandcond~ionsshDwnonlhedrawings , -~1 " ij LEGEND PLANTING TYPES LANDSCAPE SHRUBS D LANDSCAPE GROUNDCOVERS AND PERENNIALS t =:=:J RIPARIAN PLANT SPECIES (SEE ALSO ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT) EMERGENT PLAN SPECIES (SEE ALSO ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT) LAWN COMMERCIAL PARCEL AREA FOR DRAWING SET #1 -• ~ fi1ij . . ' \ I I I I I I I I I ~o~~, I I I .. I "···j I "··. I \.: \ \ I ··-··-··-··___/ \ / \ \ \ \ I I, I I "' . ..,, . \ = •• X I \ .,,,,,..\ . \ . "----~----·--· '--, '-. " \ \ \ \ i \ ,, '-. \ I \ \ \_ \ \ ' \ ! \ \ \ \ \ \ \. \ I \__/ (, . ,. \ ..... , \ ISSUED DRAWINGS N (l J (0 ·u ,.__ Q.) E E 0 u >-Q) ctl > l ,.__ Q.) ~ u5 J z <( -' 0... UJ f- Cf) -' -' <( a::: UJ > 0 C, z ~ ,.._ ?.: ;;; ~ > i;;:,_ ~- ;;:; 0 , a.. , C k!:ec C <I: g :z: .:;;· if) ~ 0 ~ ,: .,, 0 m ~ \ ' I o 10 20 30 40 s so m ----------------------------------------------~~~!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!£~::..:..:.:..--L_---.J \ \ ~ BG/OS ---L 1.0 ~ /; i " I ~ ~ a , • • • • • • I \ I . \ . I \ TYPICAL CURB STAMF!E0. CONCRETE PAVING ( I I ::;:., .-~. I -?/U~tt> _.,;,- EXTENT OF SITE I I I I I I I I I I I I 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6 BIKE PAKING 5 4 PARKING MOVABLE TABLES BENCHES 3 2 GREEN HEDGE - I I I I •------------------------------------------------------ LANE '-PLANTING BUFFER 0 2 ---4 6 ---8 10m - N I ('Cl ·c3 ,.._ Q) E izi E 0 ! u >, /g Q) !'.? ... ('Cl ~ > ,.._ ~ l Q) j .? :i (I) 0 j .2: u __J <( 0 __J Z 1-w<( a::: 0 __J w a::: a.. ~ <( w ~ a.. I- 0 (/) 0 ow z; H o>-;:: u ::E ~ ;;; <:C:;: > -u ~-Coe ... 0 o<1"' . "' "' , M Cl.."-" "" ~ a::i ~ "' <( ~ ,: § C :c z ti ~ C Vl '.; ~ "' ~ 0 ~ E ~ "" j r "' "' " f 0 0 M "' ... 0..10: 15-1-23 Sc.,,le 1-100 °"'"'" BG/OS 1319A L 1.1 """' 20'5, J=•~" ( 1: ::----... I \ t rime 1037-s&AM File name: 06-390 iS-01-21 S~e Plan v2015 VWII <3<r(l,s-,.. ' l?t:1:-,, r-,---.---F---_,_ ~ __, ~ ~ ~ ;:o ;:s z Gl ,m L------P s;: z m ~•\Ill~• □, .~, '', -· ', h: !~- \·· L t\::::t 1□0000□0□0□□1 ', ' : ' :,11 t i,--, 11 ".') ,1·8 , .. , " "\ \ \ \ \ \ \ . ----. ----•• -- 1:-· ~~,--. r .. • nr- .._--~-t i .,l 1: 0 3 Cl) E !i' i i ~ . ! r I\.) 0 "' Gl w 0 ~ "' 8 !l'~ ft 16 SHARP & DIAMOND . I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 2305 Hemlock St, Vancouver BC, V6H 2\/1 ;: T 60£1 681 3303 F 604 681 3307 li 'e',H.v~ t.hllt~l:s.monff.rtim oo□g D i \ L ,b;;;liii~=;;: L-nnn ,□□□□□□□□ ===!, COMMERTICAL Silver Valley Commercial Copynghl Reserved ~===~r~.;::::::~=~ al all PARCEL PLANTING PLAN Civic Address: 13702 & 13660 232nd St Legal Address: IIMl~N••~f"ll'O'lr«W....,.~&lfl\,y ~.v,,-w.ci..J,g.,:.~nllr!_..,~.,.,.....tbo11sodtorllt-J;1111hw ct!:.': .. :,-::'.-111P'Of'Glt;)6-r_,P11n70,left-,WlOWl#IOUI ..... LUMO)lll.olltrYW!IO Wlhtfl~Wlhlil\11~~ ~~M4""111f/1~ ... IM~ 111i1.~WMllb.~ol l'lly~il,Ol'll,f~~.li"'ll~~M Ulodl~ -; ,.--, ..,,- i ei ~ ' COMMERCIAL PARCEL PLANT LIST SYMBOL ~ • ® 0 0 0 TREES QTY, BOTANICAL NAME 2 Acer circinatum 5 Pinus sylvestris rastigiata Prunus pissardi Nigra COMMON NAME Vine Maple Scotch Sentinel Pine Flowering Plum SIZE 5cm cal., B&B 2,5M ht., B&B 6cm cal., B&B 3 Street Trees -Uquidambar styraciflua or species approved by the Dislrict of Maple Ridge -Bern cal., B&B SHRUBS QTY. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE 72 Calluna vulgaris 'Firefly' Red Heather #2 pot 18 Cornus stolonifera Red Osier Dogwood #5 pot 8 Forsythia x intermedia Border Forsythia #5 pol 52 Ribes sanguineum Red Flowering Current #3 pot 59 Sarcococca hookerana humilis Himalayan Sweet Box #2 pot 32 Skimmia japonica Japanese Skimmia #2 pol 26 Spiraea x bumulda 'Goldflame' Goldflame Spirea #2 pol 96 Thuia occidentalis 'Smaragd' Emerald Cedar #5 pol NOTES: 1) In CQH ol dbcutp.o,cy ooi\Nffn pl:»nl r,u~ Oil U---IISI ond on f'Mt ptan;, lhe latter shall prevail. 2) Al p'IM:Jt1g ffllll tMt in illlc;:tOl'(tUOCl!I wAA 9C LandSC.PPit Stiind,rd, llltetl e,cldlon. 3) AU pl1mhng bed1 IO bl mulc:hod wlh 2'"" f5(1mm) ol A.IMWCI( Gwden P,OCI~ 'Humus builder' or approved equal. 4) All lJH .OIAndiatcts '° be E:atwoen 1' 10 6" SPACING as shown as shown as shown SPACING 18" 0.C 36" o.c 42110.c 36"o.c 24"0.C 24"0.C 24" 0.C 18" o.c TREES Acer circinatum Vine Maple SHRUBS Ca"una wl•;uis 'An~Jly" Red Heather Ribe, sanguin1um Red Flowering Current Uqukl4mbar sryn1tifluo1 Sweetgum Skimmia japonica Japanese Skimmia Red Osier Dogwood Sarcococca hoobun.1 hvmih> Himalayan Sweet Box SQtrua.a bumalda "Goldflame" Goldflame Spirea Forsythia x lntermedia Border Forsythia Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' Emerald Cedar Cll '[5 '-(1) E in E "C 0 /;i u al 0 m >. m .., (1) "" N Cll 0 > " '-;,; ~ (1) I -1: > <t ~ en u ~ ·sc 0 ."! o,.,.,,, BG/OS 131tlA Sh,Htl L2.1 ~'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..L ______ .J ......, • ~ \ ---------------ASHLAR STAMPED CONCRETE PATTERN -COLOUR NATURAL BUI.DING EDGE --------------THICKEN CONCRETE AT EDGES ----------SAW CUT JOINTTYP 5mm (1/4"] WIDE x 25mm (1"] DEEP; PATTERN TBD ON-SITE ' J ----: ---===--ADJACENT UNIT ------EXPANSION JOINTS AS SHOWN ON PAVING PAVING PLAN ENLARGEMENTS -----CIP CONCRETE BROOM FINISH ,...c,,,. __ ...,_ ___ ~ .... ------L..,--L.---WIDTHWISE DIRECTION -NO TOOL MARKS 150mm (6"] DEEP, 19mm (3/4"] MINUS, COMPACTED GRANUlAR BASE, AS ::_!,· 01?1 ~ ~.\-~ ....,____It'_, ~EINFORCEO CONCRETE i ,u i, • FOOTING BELOW SURFACE 81!(! RACK, TYPICAL MODEL, SCBR1600-S SURFACE MOUNT SUPPLIER, MAGLIN (1,8SS 904,0330} FINISH, DURABLE FINISH ON ALL METAL SURFACES L •• ---····--·-·--···---·•-···•-·--······-·-· I SPECIFIED 11. f -COMPACTED SUBGRADE, AS I I _ SPECIFIED PlAN NOTES, 1. CIP CONCRETE TO MEET MUNICIPAL STANDARDS 2. EXPANSION JOINTS 6m (19'-81/4") o.c. MAX, CONTROLJOINTS@ l,5m (B'-11") o c ADJUST TO SUIT LAYOUT ONSITE 01 NOTES: PROP, CIP CONCRETE PAVING ON GRADE Scale: l:10 1867 {6'-1 l/21 1815 CENTER TO ctNTER IS'•ll l/2'1 794 12'-71/<"I 1. VICTOR STANLEY BENCH: FRAMERS MODERN COLLECTION, MODEL FB-324, BLACK POWDERCOATED FRAME WITH WOOD SlAT SEATING 03 NOTES: PROP. BENCH, TYP. Scale: 1:20 36" ll',O"J 6" ~(S7/8") -+----PROPOSED BOLLARD, AS PER SPECIFICATIONS REMOVABLE LOCK AND PIN ~='--CIP CONCRETE FOOTING, DEPTH AND WIDTH TBD EXISTING COMPACTED SUBGRADE 1. MANUFACTUREERc FRANCES ANDREW, MODEL, MEGA -SERIES 32 BOLLARD SB32·Rl 1 INSTALL AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS 3 COLOUR: POWDERCOATED SEMI-GLOSS BLACK 04 PROP, REMOVABLE BOLLARD, TYP . Salo; lc20 ARMREST BENCH AS SPECIFIED ATTACHMENTS AS PER MANUFACTURER DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS CONCRETE PAVING 19mm (3/4") MINUS BASE COUSE COMPACTED TO 100mm [4"] DEPTH FILTER FABRIC AS PER SPECIFICATIONS NOTES; SECTION 02 BIKE RACK, TYP. Scok?:U0 -------------BUILDING FACE ,-------------2S·SOmm {1"-2"] DIA DECORATIVE ROUND COBBLE, AS SPECIFIED -------------2.l<&PT, TIMBER EDGE ,+,---+.-:--,----.-c----44 PT. TIMBER SPACER BRACE SET AGAINST EXTERIOR WALL & NAILED TO TIMBER EDGE CONTINUOUS FILTER FABRIC STAPLED TO BACK OF 2 x 6 EDGER ;Li!;;nl-Ll;;;I.Ll;F.'-l.Ji,,'--COMPACTED SUB-BASE OR UNDISTURBED SOIL I CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SAMPLE AGGREGATE TO THE lANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATIC 2. ALL lUMBfR TO BE PRESSURE TRE/,TEDM, SIZES ARE SHOWN AS NOMINAL OS PROP. DECORATIVE COBBLE DETAIL, TYP. Scale: 1:10 701 ANCHOR THREADED RODS TO CONCRETE SlAB; DRILL THROUGH PAVERS TO FOOTING ONCRETE PAVING 6j0 [2';0"] 1219 14'-0'J w I ~j NCHOR BOLT BASE I PLATE OR FOOT TO • CONCRETE BLOCK; NC~ETE PAVING see note[1 '·31 38 32 ,_ 11 112·1, J 13 [11/41 i "-·-\. { [1/2"] .........___1/l"x l"xl/4"THICK~l" RIBS GRINDING PADS FOR LEVELING NOTES, 1. SLOT WIDTH IS 3/8" TO 1/2" MAXIMUM, MEETS AOA COMPLIANCE 2. GRATE CAST FROM IRON OR ALUMINUM 3 TREE OPENING SIZE 15" 4, STEEL ANGLE FRAME REQUIRED S. OUTER FRAME DIM IS 3/4" ± 1/8" 06 PROP. TREE GRATE TYP. Scole: l'20 ('O ·e Q) E E 0 0 >, Q) ('O > .... Q) > en 00 -c C ~ ~ ... N 0 ~ ;,; ~ I .is :l <( 0 1 :~ u BG IDS 131~ L3.1 ._ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __. _____ _. ' ·- f ~ l 01 ----=<¥-----SPECIES AS PER PLANTING PLAN ,dji'-----MINIMUM 2 TREE STAKES PER TREE, STAKES TO BE WITHIN SAUCER AND CLEAR OF ROOTBALL ,-----INSTALL TOP QF ROOTBALL ISQmm [6"] ABOVE SOil; CUT AND LAY 81\CK 1/l OF BURI.AP; WATER ANO FERTILIZE AS SPECJFlEO; BACK FILL TREE PIT AND SURRQUNDING ARE{' WITH SOIL; ENSURE SOmm [2"] OF SOIL COVER OVER RDDTBALL INSTALL MULCH TO SOmm [2"] eRf}Jj; TREE SAUCER, l.2Sm [4'•11/4"] DIAMETER, BY COMPACTING SOIL TO lSOmm [6"] WIDTH x 100mm [4"] _ _ •. HEIGHT ABOVE FINISHED GRADE OF SOIL PLANTING BED TO 4SOmm [l'-S 3/4"] DEPTH ROOTBALL TO REST ON COMPACTED ~tf~fNEXisTING suBGRADE AS SPECIFIED 1Ti1!1,!rri!:::Jlif!=rri!:!:lF.I:~-EXISTING -I PROP, DECIDUOUS TREE PIANTING ON GRADE Sc:alo: 1~25 GRADE (i\ 0 ~~----TRIANGULAR SPACING AS SPECIFIED 0.C. w 0 -w & ~::::~""''"""" rT\•• •-~• >' ~~~E V u SPECIES AS PER PLANTING PLAN 02 PLANT SHRUB ATTHE SAME GRADE AS NURSERY, '• • WATER AND FERTILIZE AS SPECIFIED, ENSURE PROP. SHRUB PLANTING ON GRADE Saile~ l!2S POSITIVE DRAINAGE THROUGHOUT PLANTING BED • -· --INSTALL MULCH TO SOmm [4"] DEPTH INSTALL SOIL TD 4S0mm [l'-S 3/4"] ~l'Kmy EXISTING SUBGRADE AS SPECIFIED , _ EXISTING H ' SUBGRADE 03 04 PLANTING AS SPECIFIED ,------S0-7Smm [2"·3"] EDGE, AS PROP. PLANTING/ LAWN EDGE CONDITION Sc.,lc 1;10 POSITIVE DRAINAGE PROP. SOD ON GRAD Sc.tkd:10 DIRECTED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SOD AS PER SPECIFICATIONS EXISTING SU BG RADE GROWING MEDIUM AS SPECIFIED SCARIFY EXISTING SU BG RADE AS SPECIFIED EXISTING SU BG RADE ro T5 ,._ (],) E E 0 0 >, (],) ro > ,._ (],) > U) Cl) C) __Jz -f-<(z tu <( 0 __J a.. D•l< Drown ~· Sl>eot iii " C ~ g ~ " ~ ti jg i i <( <( 0 1 :~ u 15-1-23 NIA BG/OS 13,SA L3.2 I i LEGEND PLANTING TYPES LANDSCAPE Sr!RUBS D LANDSCAPE GROUNDCOVERS AND PERENNIALS [:=:=:~ RIPARIAN PLANT SPECIES (SEE ALSO ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT) EMERGENT PLAN SPECIES (SEE ALSO ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT) LAWN PLANTING IN THESE AREAS TO BE NATIVE RIPARIAN VEGETATION PER ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT REPORT • • r-, DETAILED PLANTING SHOWN ON SHEETS L6 AND L J L7 - I I I I I I I I I I I ~~"1 I I I -. I "'i I ~-.. I \. •.• A.! : !--1, = i--7,' r--· I ; : i; -=:::~--. .... Ji i:! !,i : ·7 1 : i : : .. 'j :: I, i t--' . L__ • ____ ) -----i ISSUED DRAWINGS 0:»t•: -· >, "O :J ..... Cf) co Q) .... <{ >, Q) co > .... Q) .::: Cf) z <( _J Cl.. w I- C/) 0'" -"' «;;:, ot; ~::' <i.: r -u Coe .. ca'" a. 0. <( a:: u <I:~ ::,: z VI~ ~ ;;; ~ > u· "' ~ ~ f j > < ~ E ~ ;; 0 ~ ~ " I 3 0 ~ m " N 15-1-23 As Noled Onwwn BGtDS ""'-1319A SN., L1 ~ is :l' il, c'l ...__, l r i 1 BIO SWALE THROUGH 232A AND LANE ,:200 ( \ I ! \ i ____ _ r·· ~--· \ I I t i I i '- o._ ___________ ..t;l5m I, 3 BIO SWALE ELEVATION ALONG 232A 1:50 -......,..~ ,..; :; ,:, ;> J.25m 2 4-___ ::;Sl::;DE:;_Y:;:A::,:A::_D ___ ..j.. ____ :::3m::._ ____ 1,_ _ _:2:::m:_ __ f--______ <:::m:_ _____ + RESIDENTIAL PLANTING (Carex mertensii/Juncus effusus, Potentilla pacifica/Scripus microcarpus) >-a: !z w l!) z § ::, Ill 0 w "' 0 Q. 0 a: 0. FRONT YARD BIOSWALE EDGE PLANTING ZONE (Symphocarpus mollis/ Arcostaphylos uva-ursi/ Rosa nootkana) -w r ~ •. . ~ECrlON tOCrT S~1l'I' CM BIO SWALE CROSS SECTION 1:50 SIDEWALK > $!DEW Bl-LEVEL UPSTAND DRAIN TO CONNECT TO STOAM,BYCrv SWALE PLANTING ZONE MEDIAN PLANTING ZONE (Carex mertensil/Juncus effusus, Potentilla pacifica/Scripus microcarpus) ~~ (Symphocarpus mollis/ ~ ':s'_c, Arcostaphylos uva-ursi/ ~ !g'?., Rosa nootkana) tlWL MEDIAN BIOSWALE r ._--::s:l?t.~ { 'C:7 ,c_--L ~ -~-, ~ 1?:" --,v--0 <; Q ",,,,:,c) ~~J ~~= GROUND WATER WELL WETTED PERIMETER TO BE MIN 2-4" DEPTH, BY rvn. ROAD "------------------'''" >, -0 :::J -Cl) cu Q) '-<( >, Q) cu > '-Q) > u5 w z <( ....J + <( N ("') N °'""" Sheel in ~ C N al 0 w w "' "' N 0 ~ "' ~ ~ ,e; ,e; :;! :;! u ~ ·s i3 ~ BGIOS 1319A L2 IL-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------'-----' U-..N• .... •"'-"'tU ( I\,) (/J CD r, g ::, --I ·a ,c (0 ,::,- if!,? '(D ;o ,o CD C. l!JJ 5· J(/J ,::;; Ill ''° 0 01 3 [' r (,.) l ... "' '.€ ' CJ -rn li' i I !! a, " ~ 0 u, ii ,J'1p .n~(\,,.p'--J, Vo ~ ~0 7v "EA3i f~} ~} 1t ~~} ~ , ( " ' ll~J • -( I] --_', )" • 5\.,-r\ .. ~ ~.""'C,l,,r--1:'.t i • ~A't.sJ1~.1 .,, &I 1 \ \';. -~-111/ , 111.o .1 (} ~~~ -1 ,l..r,.t-f I/ ,..._)-t-.~ tJ) o,> ,!J) rJ\"(J ·'). """'1 1n ~ '\ ·~ v')\' · 1,,.-1., )t ~ SHARP & DIAMOND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE BIOSWALE ROW 2305 Hemlock St, Vancouver BC, V6H 2Vl T 604 681 3303 F 604 681 3307 w.\~w .11h,1rnrlhtmontt n:rm 7"1.,1. ,-!J' # 3 ....>. c"'!JJ 810 (/J I~ :)> r ,m --I I ::0 0 C G) I i~ I~ ~ ~ 3 "' .. 3 3 Silver Valley Area Study Civic Address: 13702 & 13660 232nd Sl legal Address: wws C-tult•IIQtllAoM!ftlH. 1111"-»oteao~.-21e,i.-,,.._ddhd..*.r~G1.--C: r,i~~M'4'•~-P'npwa:l~·lft~ .... IJl'CI ... "'11M~flltW1u~,.-oo.iffUW~'fJC!rl-~ ~111■.;\hWf,Dff9'1,.Plk!""'9o .... ..__,OW;,o_,-U!flll~btlClllllllllw-lft)'_,.. fl'~---Nla-~Cllt fa-"""fW Mpa'lofAWMld~JbJ'ttl)Jp.pr,atil1t"""Wa8WJIICNI tM•~ooaamaatW!W Wlbtlll~aNl•Nr..ar-~°""" ~lltd~•••llf~licftf!'INjlib.. tHa.ik.ii-.....,~Wollnooo:1 -,~~Nfklllklqtt'lald~~..,hclrK.....,.. ,I _, -------·-1 ··--------·j 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ ,./ // i .:' l / I : . . ............. ----- _,/'·<::::.:~ :...----------------7' ... -•-----··--·•-.i ) \ '----··-·s--··-··--e-··-··~---"·- \ \ , \ \ \ \_ '========--__.11Sm HABITAT PLANTING (Cornus sp, Polystlchum Arcostaphylos uva-ursi ' Amelanchier ' Rosa nootkana) ·r 2•3m /· EMERGENT PLANTING I (Camus sp, Vaccinium, Symphocarpus mollis) 3 ~ 5 ~CTIQf\l THRQUGH WETLANp -o 9m ,J HWL Bl-LEVEL UPST AND DRAIN TO CONNECT TO STORM, BVCN MARGINAL AND EMERGENT WETLAND PLANTING NATIVE PATH AND VIEW DECK 0 _____ ..,;.. _______ _;sm ,~~~':'~R_IE~l AQUATIC PLANTING (Carex mertensii, Juncus effusus, Potentilla pacifica Scripus microcarpus) ' BID-POND ,--------'"Ll'E,.MEDIA. AS SPECIFIED ,-----CIWH ROCK AS PEA CIVIL DRAWINGS GROUND WATER WELL WETTED PERIMETER TO SE MIN 2-4" DEPTH, ev_J CML Sm >. -0 ::, -Cf) cu in a, " C .... N ~ <( N >. ~ a, ., cu ~ > ~ ,_ ;,; ~ a, fil ~ > ~ <( u5 .2 ~ -~ (.) .5 0 z <{ .....J 1--w s <{ Cl) w cw z~ .... o::; ;: ~u, :;; <( i > -u u· ~ Co: ca: ~ ~ > ... ri_O. 8 ~ ~ 0::;; C ~ ~ <( ~ m o >"' :I: z Ill :5 o., .. 15-1-23 Salt As Noted °"""' BG/DS Dwv• 1319A Shoot L4 J J • • ~ ,:i ~ ,!! NON-RIPARIAN AREA PLANT LIST D - AREA TOTAL 2425 (sq.m) AREA TOTAL 4172 (sq,m) AREA 5246 (sq.m) SEE SHEETS l6 AND l 7 FOR PLANT NUMBERS -AREA SEE SHEETS L6 ANO l7 FO"-P~r<rtNM(l.(;A:$ 1035 (sq,m) TREES QTY. TOTAL 43 90 33 19 18 21 11 22 BOTANICAL NAME Acer x Freemanii 'Armstrong' Acer circinalum Acer griseum Cercidiphyllum japonicum Cornus kousa 1Satomi' Magnolia sieboldii Pinus sylvestris lastigiata Prunus pissardi Nigra Ouercus robur 'Fasligiata' Thuja plicata COMMON NAME SIZE SPAClNG Armstrong Maple 6cmcal., B&B as shown Vine Maple 5cm cal., B&B as shown Paperbark Maple 5cm cal., B&B as shown Katsura Tree 6cm cal., B&B as shown Pink Japanese Dogwood 5cm cal., B&B as shown Oyama Magnolia 6cmcal., B&B as shown Scotch Sentinel Pine 2.SM hi., B&B as shown Flowering Plum 6cm cal,, B&B as shown Fastigiata English Oak 5cm cal,, B&B as shown Western Red Cedar 3M ht., B&B as shown 74 Street Trees -Uquidambar styraciflua or species approved by the District of Maple Ridge -Bern cal,, B&B SHRUBS OTY. 194 121 73 121 49 121 170 146 243 121 364 243 49 412 BOT AN/CAL NAME Buxus macrophylla 'Winter Gem' Berberis thunbergii 'Rose Glow' Calluna vulgaris 'Firefly' Cornus stolonifera Forsythia x lntermedia llex crenata Ribes sanguineum Rosa nutkana Sarcococca hookerana humilis Skimmia japonica Spiraea x bumulda 'Goldflame' Symphoricarpos alba Syringa vulgaris Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' GROUNOCOVERS ANO PERENNIALS QTY, BOTANICAL NAME 501 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 209 Crocosmia 'Lucifer' 292 Dicentra formosa 167 Echinacea purpurea 834 Fragaria chiloensis 584 Geranium canlabrigiense 417 Hemerocallis 'Stella D'Oro' 209 Iris siberica 334 Rudbeckia hirta 626 Thymus praecox 'Purple Carpet' RIPARIAN RAIN GARDEN PLANTS OTY. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Little Leaf Boxwood Rose Glow Japanese Barberry Red Heather Red Osier Dogwood Border Forsythia Japanese Holly Red Flowering Current Noolka 's Rose Himalayan Sweel Box Japanese Skimmia Goldflame Spirea Snowberry French LIiac Emerald Cedar COMMON NAME Kinnikinnick Red Flowering Crocosmia Western Bleedlng Heart Purple Conerlower Beach Strawberry Cranesbill Geranium Day Lily Siberian Iris Black-Eyed Susan Purple Carpet Creeping Thyme COMMON NAME PLANT NUMBERS PER ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER CALCULATIONS Bloclmum splcant Splrae• douglasil ArctGSiaphyto, uva-,,,sl Rosa n utkana Physocarpus oap/lnlus frsgu,ia chljoensls Salix lucid• Sambucus racemosa Comus Slolonllera Rubus speclabilis Amelanchier alnifolia Salix scouleriana Alnus sitchensis Symphoricarpus alba Aubus parviflorus Lonicera involucrata Polystichum munilum EMERGENT RAIN GARDEN PLANTS OTY. BOTANICAL NAME Deer Fem Hard~a<:lc Klnnlklnnlcl< Noolka Rose Pacific Nlnebark f'aclfic Beach StrewbelT)' Pacific WIiiow Red Elderberry Red Osler Dogwood Salmonberry Saskatoon Berry Scouler's Willow Sitka Alder Snowberry thimbleberry Twinberry Western Sword Fern COMMON NAME PLANT NUMBERS PER ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER CALCULATIONS LAWN Juncus effuses Sclrpus microcarpus Scirpus acutus 4492 sq,m. NOTES: Common Rush Small Flowered bulrush Hardstem bulrush 1) In case or discrepancy between plant numbers on this list and on Iha plan, the lat1er shall prevail. 2) All planlfng shall be in accordance with BC Landscape Standard, latesl edition . SIZE SPACING #2 pol 18" o.c #2 pol 24"o.c #2 pol 18" o.c #2 pot 36"o.c #5 pol 42" o.c #2pol 24"o.c #3 pol 36" o.c #5 pol 36"o.c #2 pol 24" o.c #2 pol 24"o.c #2 pot 24" o.c #2pol 24"o.c #3 pot 3611 0 C #Spot 24" o.c 1.Sm high trimmed to 1.2m SIZE 4"(10cm) pot 4"(10cm) pot 4"(10cm) pot 4" (10cm) pot 4"(10cm) pot 4"(10cm) pot 4"(10cm) pot #1 pol 4"(10cm) pot 4" (10cm) pol SIZE 4" pot #2pol 4" pot #2 pot #1 pol 4" pol #1 pol #2pot #1 pot #3 pol #1 pol #1 pol #1 pot #1 pol #2 pot #1 pol #1 pol SIZE plugs #1 pol plugs SPACING 18" 0 C 18" o.c 18" o.c 18"o.c 18" o.c 18"o.c 24" o.c 24" o.c 24" o.c 1511 o.c SPACING SPACING 3) All planUng beds lo be mulched with 2" (50mm) of Answer Garden Products 'Humus builder' or approved equal. 4) All tree standards to be between 5' to S' Acer freemanii 'Armstrong' Armstrong Maple M:agnoli• sfebotdii Oyama Magnolia TREES canu"" vulgaris 'Firefly' Red Heather Rosa nutkana Nootka's Rose SHRUBS Polynlchum munitum Western Swordfern lristib«ia Siberian Iris Acer circinatum Vine Maple 5'(mpho<lc>rpo, .1 .. Snowbetry fUbctti sangufnium Red Flowering Current Crocosmia 'Ludfe:r' Red Crocosmia Dicentra formosa Bleeding Heart Acer griseum Paper Bark Maple Quercus-robur 'f~tipiltJ' Fastigiata English Oak SkJmmlaj>ponl<> Japanese Skimmia Red Osier Dogwood Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Kinnikinnick Juncus effosus Common Rush GROUND COVERS, FERNS, AND VINES Pink Japanese Dogwood Thuja plicata Western Red Cedar Sarcococc:a hookerana humilis Himalayan Sweet BoK Spiraea bumuJdll 'Gofdtfame' Goldflame Spirea frq~rla chiloensis Beach Strawberry He~roqllis'Stella D'Oro' Yellow Dav Lily Cercidiphyllum japonicum Katsura Tree Uquld.tmb;r Jt'(ridrtu:i Sweetgum Forsythia x lntermedia Border Forsythia Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' Emerald Cedar Geranium conc.abrfgt-enso Cranesbill Geranium e~umipka,n Deer Fern ISSUED DRAWINGS ,..._ Q) > u5 (/) _J <( 0::: w I-<( ~ 1-z <( _J a. 1319A LS ~L-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..L------.J KEY PLAN RIPARIAN AREA PLANT LIST RIPARIAN RAIN GARDEN PLANTS SYMBOL OTV, BOT AN/CAL NAME PLANT NUMBERS PER ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER CALCULATIONS COMMON NAME 100 0 230 Blechnum spicant Spiraea doug/asii Deer Fern ;~ 364 Arctostaphylos uva-urs; Hardhack 0 0 0 0 0 0 "' . 0 AREA Klnnikinnick 100 Rosa nulkana Noolka Rose 100 Physocarpus capitatus Pacific Ninebark 955 Fragaria chiloensis Pacific Beach Strawberry 100 Salix /ucida Pacific Willow 79 Sambucus racemosa Red Elderberry 479 Cornus stolonifera Red Osier Dogwood 100 Rubus spectabilis Salmon berry 100 Amelanchier alnifolia Saskatoon Berry 100 Salix scouleriana Scouler's Willow 100 Alnus sitchens/s Sitka Alder 300 Symphoricarpus alba Snowberry 400 Rubus parviflorus lhimbleberry 100 Lonicera involucrata Twinberry 200 Polystichum munitum Western Sword Fern EMERGENT RAIN GARDEN PLANTS OTY. BOTANICAL NAME PLANT NUMBERS PER ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER CALCULATIONS COMMON NAME 627 313 625 Juncus effuses Scirpus microcarpus Scirpus aculus NOTES: Common Rush Small Flowered bulrush Hardstem bulrush ·Nura.wy Sloci.10 be inspected by environmenlal consultant prior lo installation. ·Eiwlt~tAj consuUant lo deTermlne plant layout wilt, landscaping contractor. ·Recommend planting in lhe FaU lo aVOid warm weather stress on nursery stock ·Clover seed mix ror disturbed soils in planted riparian areas ·Invasive weed removal per cnvlronm.t..ir consullanl report ·Final locations al all p!anlings to ~"9f.'1Hld in Iha field by !he environmenlal consu1tan1, taking slope, soils, and existing plants and rools into consideration s12e SPACING 4"pot 24"o C #2pot J6"oc. 4"pot 1B"oc #2pol J6"oc. #1 pot 36"oc 4" pol 1a•oc. #1 pot 48"o.c #2 pot J6"oc #1 pol 36"oc #3 pot 36"oc #1 pot 54"0,C #1 pot 72"oc #1 pot 72"oc #1 pol 30"oc. #2pot 36"ac #1 pot 42"oc #1 pot 30"oc SIZE SPACtHO plugs 32:"oc. #1 pol J2"oc plugs 32"oc ALSO REFER TO ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT BY TRITON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS PLANTING PLAN INFORMATION ,------BIO POND #4 BREAK LIN' NG CHANNEL ffiJ. SOUTH I I I I : : I ' I ·----------------------------. ---. ·------------- ---------.--------------' I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I : _____ ---------------------- LOCATION OF WELL#l BIO POND #1 CONNECTIN '£lilY------G CHANNEL#l ,_ (l) > i:75 (5 z 1--z <( _J a. z <( a::: RIPARIA l'f":i-----N AREA #1 ~ a::: __, KEY PLAN ALSO REFER TO ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT BY TRITON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS PLANTING PLAN INFORMATION . /(····• .... : .,/ ·'----•• '----.. :._··-..... . --..._, -......... .... ..'--... ··-... ! ···•. '•'----·-•.. . / ···-........ ··'----......... ···-.. ~ ' • ' • L.-------------••--•--------•••---•-•·•-••--•••••---•---•• ----------------·-··- -BIO POND #2 -COMBINED RIPARIAN AREA #2 ISSUED DRAWINGS >, "Cl ::::i u5 co ~ <t ii;' co > .... Q) > en (9 z f-z <( .....J a.. z <( 0::: <( a.. 0::: Oma. D,own As Noted 1319A POSSIBLE FUTURE ~--------CROSSING i "' ~ l CONNECTING CHANNEL ---~~____:_#3 _______ _G_ Sh<>ul L? LEGEND PLANTING TYPES LANDSCAPE SHRUBS D I I I I I I 11~/- I I 0 0~"j I I I .. I '\1 I c\ I \_··-··-··-··_) \ \ ' •, \ \ \. \\ \ ,.\ l /\ I \ , '-.. L .-/\. . ··------·/ I'\ I \_ : \ \ '-\ ' . \ \ . \ ( 7· • \ \ \ \\ • N \ \ \ \ \ \ .._ \ ,' ' \ I ,, \\\\I\\\\\/ / \ '·· ' \ \ \ •. \ \ \ .... \ 1· ;· -, '\ ', \ \ \ \ \. \ ' \ \ \ \ \_ \ \ ' \ • '\ • \ ' \ .. \ '\ '\ \\.,''--.. \ I \ \ \ ·.. '·· \.. -. • I ' ···y I \ \ '· \ ...._-/_/ r--\' \,, ( r ,, --· ! ! \ I • • ' ' ' ' J \ • \ I -.1,-· . I I ! I : -7 i. ·····71\·-·-·· ' • • •• ' ; !•! ti ,\ ! ! '! .... -... ·,_ ,, .... ' __._,,. V \ : :1: !·j \ !:I !II !I: --~,• --~---·, ••• \ ---' I , • ,,. 1• .• •, • ! '. • :;--'t-•• \ · .. ,, '' 1·1 , .. • •. • -~ -·· 1 -----'iL !:l ·, l,i ill 11·1 1 1 ,; V -._,.,_c· /' .. , 11---..\! 1· ! < C ; ; : ! /\ _. \ .:,,,,.._ o -·' ! ... ! ' .. .. • ••• ' n 1----_;,·h ,,, ..-·-" ·-=N-1 -·1n· · · •• ·-\ '· ----· . -·······::--I I .· . ··--.. -.. . ,, . / ·--~~-.)-:.:. ··--;~·-:......... J r . ,. .. ~--,,7·· y _,, ~-. \' .... ..;:-. ,.,· """' -B 1-;rJ"\'f ----:·'..::.:-._-·1,~---- ~-r / ···,·1:~. " .. . ' ,: •• / ' / ·. .... " ,: ' -,. .. .... . ,. ' ,.,:.::; r -:---.:...-. ,. .• .. ·~ ...... .--~ ,:,: I -....../ "/;;:, _: ---~;.<: 0' 1/'/ ./ :' '·{· _,////// • I• V // '/ / /' \, /,i-;/'. ~/ ·''$cc.. :! ~ // /,,./,-~ : :1•.i r -·-r 1 r· l • ~• :, i,_ ____ -::-.. J . ;l '•.! -----'\ ~ ,1 :---,'! ..,,_// /// .. _..• .. , .. ✓,// 'lfl(n'////////. . -~ //,/,• ////, / ·,: .. /1// ~-;,-///. / / . 0· ,/////'////. I 1/ / • /.// .///// <.. I/ / ////.• / // ·:::::::::-. / 1tl½· .•.1/11•-:.?// --......_ -.,.-✓, // . ( './/; ///, ' \ .. ! ···ct·· , I /.i I i/1/1,l·,?; \ \ --_1-··-l-1/ -.._l/ii)Ji/l/1~1 ~/I ·.. \ .->-.. ,: ( , .. /I!-' ///I/;,'///// _1/ , .. -··•. I · //1~·1 ·l •• • : I.: ;1,·1 I ·-.·-·· I' •' •• ·/ ·~- ,------------·: . l 11; ' '\ .. : : :i ! : : _________ j ·'····-- ·=::.:7 ~--., --~--,, ----- \ . __ ......._ ·-,, '-· • I • / • \ \ _. \ ··~--. .= r:f (f·r1//h'//1~1'0J/IJ •• \ · I , .,,,f....._ · '/Ii ·;I'( • • • ///.-f/ \ \ / \ /}/·/. [_;) :// j I : ( (/ f(1// ij// . \ ·. •.. fl I .-'/, I i I ) I • / • / ( • ( I I I . .-i:::S"::·-.. :· ' 'ft/ 1 1;_1 I , Ii / JI I ✓ ~--\ I \ / "'7-'.'( . ' / \ ~i ,l 1 ½ 1 ? 1- 1 1l(;_;/0 ,X~_1./; -I · I ,' 7 · /\\ ////;I/ ;1//I;/ ½ ,1// 1 1 , , / /,/4' • · . • I I ! I I 1: ! I \_ r l... , , .-, '\ ✓.Y-~✓,f~•/l/;,.:f/1 • I;;/;· •' I ..,, \ ; · / / / • ,,.,:✓,/////!' I z f//1/1///I i 1' ! \ \ . \ \ \ . . .. /' I ', \ / 1/ 1 //I,, J :f::-}::{_;,;? ~-///' I//; \ ·, \ \ \ \ \ \ ~~ 1 -----_j__\_j_;fry'1 1 /ftC::J!ff{:fdl~'' \ ; \ \ \ , \ , _,...;:;;a;.:::,.:, :-'~~~ I • LLL , I.I 1 ///17 · '/.,.;,..._;// :· \ \ ·, \ \. \ \ /.-_: T " , ///1-":;~///I . . \ ' . \ I ..-~LL ' \ 1 I I t I \ \ \..-,._ ••• -/ / / • --, I \ \ , l . \, / ,./ /.. _/· .. / _/ .. -...._ \"\' ...._ I I • I .. I 1· ' J LANDSCAPE GROUNDCOVERS AND PERENNIALS [:=:=:=] RIPARIAN PLANT SPECIES (SEE ALSO ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT) EMERGENT PLAN SPECIES (SEE ALSO ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT) LAWN TOWNHOME PARCEL AREA FOR DRAWING SET ~2 -- ,--, I I L _ _, "··. I \: \ . . -.. -. .. ,,,,,.. -_,_ ·-' / l / / -.. / ••• / __ /.· /ef 1" ././ _ .. /--,.r- / ! , / / / ✓ • /' / •' I .' ,,«-.. / °"'• $Qi/. (J) (I) E 0 ..c C: 3: ~ >. ~ ~ L. (]) 2: U) z <( ....J Q. w I- C/) ....J ....J <( a:= w > 0 Q z 0 :;;E :5 Q c,$ Cl. 0:: <( ::I: V) o,...,. Dwg• Sheol ISSUED DRAWINGS I I' I 1 1 'If~ • If lf d J 1iu l•.::r 11&1 •flt ,~f, l.18 !!fl fi,~~ H·J ,Iii !f11 ;in r,:, :lu,ntl s•z~•IH' ;f f J!l 1Ji 1Hddd ; ;;; > ~ . > 0 0 C > ~ f r 0 m N ,~,.,., 1:5()!) BG/DS 1319A 0 / .,,.,,,,.-· _,_J,Q 20 _..-30 40 ---50 !!!!!!l!lllloll --L1 .0 ....... ' ' \ \ \ I I • • I • • I • • I • • I • • I • • ·I • ~ ·' r • • I • • I • • 'I • • I • • . 1 . . •• , ~ tLU•JI I I I : I I I I 1..--------------------------------------------------· I I ...i""'-~==-'{· I I I I , I I I I I I I I I -,~ -z 1m I I r I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I 0 3 6 9 I . I I ' ' I I . I : I r-------, I i I i I 12 15m ISSUED DRAWING~ N I CJ> Q) E 0 .c C ;;; ~ " C ~ N ~ » I ~ .. ro N > B '-~ ii a, i > ~ "' Cf) u §, 6 3 cnI w I-~ a:: oO IZ z I sZ 0~ I-~ Orawn BG/OS Dwg# 1319A Shee< l 1.1 v'liJ.£1. SOIDS 091.:1. a-1-s1 -u -I 'O ~~ I z (I) I oO C .S: -im I (I) i; 0 (/) '!l ~: )> & < ! ~ (I) /:I ~ .., "' < ~ ll) .. co "' '< g ~ ;i a =E I!! ::, :;j" 0 3 (I) (/) S~NIMWO □3nss, t BMQ UMeJQ a111:is l I I I I ! I -------"" N 0 I i wl z . ~, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,. I --, I I I I I I f-w w a::: ..,, Cf) "E N Ct) C\I 3llS :l0 lN3l _.,.. I, •· . ·, I • . I • i\ • • I • • I f .. 1 :: .,; ' o..~ J01$.....,._.My')J \ n11111: ll:1ll:2~AM Flllnsrrtfl:08-390 l~l-2JRf!!ilfenl1II/P"1r1w.,: ... •• ..!,.•. -· •• ------... ------•• ------•• ------•• ------•• ------•• ------ ~ I ' "II (/) i i iii s;: 0, ~-ci, !· ~ z ·"51 a, 0 0 m Cl>, z. ·~ !!I. z -f i 1 § i 0 o '. •(/) O ' Cl)' "II f -1· t9 o:,· c:· ~ ;u ·~ -- •i-t-t ,;,:; :•:• ~ ----I : --------- . . l • • I I,, I ,•,•,. ',:,, ,:,:, t,t, ,. ,,,,, ____ _ •,•, !•.• :•:: ·!•! ,,, '•'•· ··•: ►.•, ,,, .,,, ,,, .. , .. ,:,: :,; . ., ~: •: : . : •' :,:, •;•: •'1' •••• • ,,t ,, •.• •• ,. '1 ', ·'•' ,,,., ,,, ... ,. ,,., •,t,,! 1,:,:• :,:.: : !•:• I ,f, ------ ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (") 0 s:: s:: m ::0 (") )> I •t• I I I i , ... I •:• :u~r~~ ...... _.{/=~.=/?.} I r- m r-0 (") " 0 "' .... O> "" 0 3 ;, :--• •' t ·:: •,: I :, ti I -~ :,: : :\ ,;, I .. :,,·. 111 I ;,,_· _ ·,:... ,,,, f '•'• .. . ,,, • • I • • I • ' ,,,, . . ,,, .. ,., . . , .. •'•' .. ,. '·' :,:, ::,: ~I ♦ t ♦ t. t t I 1•1 ,,,, ,,. 1 , '•'••,1,1 : ! ~~ I~ I I ·-~t • .! Cl), ij ~ j nn 11nn Cl) I j I (/) m· m m ~ m Cl), 0 :r n --1 ,n ,--1 I : , : • I . ' I ' ! r f) !) J; '1 ··1 ~ J 5HARP 81 DIAMOND ITYPICA TOWNHOME/ Silver Valley Townhomes :-i.---LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LANDSCAPE PLAN (JJ zj m __. _ :nos He. mtock St, Vancouve, OC, \/6H iv1 Ci,icAddress: 13702& 13660 232nd SI 'C... 0 ~ §P T 604 601 3303 F 604 681 3307 Legal Acldrnss: Cl.I O ~~.~har!ldfil'tlgM.£.Q_~ 8 ------ J ;u !: ;u G) s;: /Tl i I I Ill ' I i I 'C.0,.,.,.K•-I r'((rfrl .. l•AI.OC~M:,OQl,•l:ri1M~1,,~ll,,~ ~aMrilr\1tPitQIOMIY\11"'9~tif1n.e~k.:;;1.,.,.,.,,,_,. lfflllr,l!lll~t\,ll!fdu·-,,...,,.f'ftelW..~Sfit~DII.M'y --l.hM.0..11,;.., ffla,r,.•·. •DJf'••' O..,.,,an.,~~H~iu_,,,._. ~::-,,:i1:::«..d~t)WW'l'Da11J•,-...-, W!Je-,1Mt.11 lh•"""'1ntov.9'IIO,W$1. Wiffl..,.,,._..~ .,_ll.W.p,..OM.:• °"" ==,::,~":~~A~~::::~=:" "' f .... -. t I I ,. z ll I 1 I I • • I I I • I I I • I r I • J I I I I I I I I : ______ _ ---------- co I J I ; ,j- 0 N r I ~-'t .. r-----· t r----· t 2 4 6 8 tom ISSUED DRAWINGS (/) a, E 0 .c iii C ~ .,, ~ ~ >. I ~ .. N ro a > ~ : ... i a, i ~ < 0 .. uj J j w ~z O<t :c _J za. sc, oz 1--I- (3~ -_J a. a. >-1-- L2.0 _,,,• i ~ ,i ! RESIDENTIAL PARCEL PLANT USl SV"1l01. • (!) • TREES QTY. 34 20 4 BOTANICAL NAME Acer circinatum Prunus plssardl Nigra Quercus robur 'Fastigiata' COMMON NAME Vine Maple Flowe ring Plum Fastigiata English Oak SIZE 5cm cal.. B&B 6cm cal., B&B 5cm cal., B&B SPACING as shown as shown as shown 16 StreetTrees -Liquldambar styracillua or species approved by the District of Maple Ridge -8cm cal,, B&B SHRUBS QTY. BOT AN/CAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING 428 Buxus macrophylla Winter Gem' Little Leaf Boxwood 112 pot 18"0.c 102 Comus stolonifera Red Osier Dogwood #5pot 36M O c 68 Rosa nutkana Nootka's Rose #5 pat 36"0.C 34 Rlbes sangulneum Red Flowerlng Current #3 pot 36"0,C 68 Syringa vulgans French Lilac #3 pot 36"0.C 153 Spiraea x bumulda 'Goldflame' Goldflame Spirea 112pol 24" 0,C 584 Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' Emerald cedar #5 pot 24"oc GROUNDCOVERS AND PERENNIALS QTY. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING 1114 Geranium cantabrlgiense Cranesblll Geranium 4"(10cm) pot 18"o.c 135 Iris siberica Siberian Iris #1 pot 24"0.C 307 Rudbeckla hi"a Black-Eyed Susan 4"(10cm) pot 24"0,C NOTES: 1) In~-°' df~Cltp'll'C)' l»twaoo ~I~ en tt.ib, IW and on :ht-pbn, 11,0 lattOf shall pro van. 2) All pl,llftfflg U'llll l»ln ACICOfd.-u~ viAtbacUric&cape Stand..11,d, ~te...-\1 ~. 3) Al f)IIWTL1n; bod, 10 bo mukbod 'M!h 2" (SOrtlm) OI Am#Q.I G.1rda.nProdur::1 't-fumus builder' or approved equal. 4) A•1r■o-&iaind.1tc:s.t.Dbe bcttwoon5·t06' TREES Acer clrclnatum VJneMaple SHRUBS Buxus maaophvUa 'Winter Gem' Lltt1e Leaf Boxwood Rlbes s.,naulrtlum Red Flowering current Rlbes sangulneum Red Flowertng Current GROUNDCOVERS AND PERENNIALS Geranium cantabriglense crancsbln Geranium lrlsslberica Siberian Iris Quercus robur 'f~sl.lgllll.t' Fastlglata Engllsh Oak Spireaea bumakit •G()ldfbme• Goldftame Spirea Rudbeckla hlrta Blade-Eyed Susan ThuJa occldentalis 'Smaragd' Emerald Cedar Cl) Q) E 0 ..c. C 3 0 1-- >, ..Q2 ro > °"'"" BG/OS L2.1 '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------L----...1 l ~------------Tl-llCKEN CONCRETE AT ---------~~~\~UT JOINT "JYP,Smm (1/4"] WIDE x25mm (l"] DEEP; PATTERN TB□ ON-SllE ,,------EXPANSION JOINTS AS SHOWN ON PAVING PLAN ENLARGEMENTS ,-----CIP CONCRETE BROOM FINISH WIDTHWISE DIRECTION -ND TOOL MARKS - ~~]~J!~~J~~~Wr,'Jrri" ~=f~illF-i Wt=iL=nt!L~~~T~--:-d::-n~-11=ITT=fr-,~ I 150mm [6"] DEEP, 19mm (3/4"] MINUS, COMPACTED GRANULAR BASE, AS SPECIFIED COMPACTED SUBGRAOE, A5 SPECIFIED NOTES, 1 CIP CONCRElc TO MEET MUNICIPAL STANDARDS 2: EXPANSION JOINTS 6m [19'-8 1/4"] o.c. MAX, CONTROLJOINTS@ 1 Sm (8'-11"] o,c, AOJUSTTO SUIT LAYOUTONSITE 01 PROJ>. CIP CONCREiE PAVING ON GRADE Scale:: 1:10 -----.:-ri'-----SPECIES AS PER PLANTING PLAN ,. ' .,d_'f------MINIMUM 2 TREE STAKES PER TREE, STAKES TO BE WITHIN SAUCER ANO CLEAR Of ROOTBALL ~----INSTAll TOP OF ROOTBALl 1~m (6"] /IBOVESOIL; CUT ANO LAY BAO< 1/3 OF BURLAP; WIITER/1~0 FERTILIZE A5 SPECIFIED; BACK FILL TREE PIT ANO SURROUNDING AREA WrTtJ SOIL; ENSURE 50mm [2") OF SOIL COVER OVER r~m11.t1r!;ULCH TO 50mm (2"1 e~81f! TREE SAUCER, 1.25m [4'-11/4"] DIAMETER, BY COMPACTING SOIL TO 150mm (6") WIDTH X 100mm J4"J HEIGHT ABOVE FINISHED GRADE Of SOIL . ,~-tj.}~.,,./;,,.~ --• -PLANTING BED TO 4SOmm (1'-S 3/4"1 DEPTH ROOTBALL TO REST ON COMPACTED f Af/if/~'JaxlSTING SUBGRADE AS SPECIFIED =='-!-'=;c---EXISTING 3 E:!Ji!:.. • GRADE 1.::11~[1-lll' =:If'; ~Ti§Tt:::!iia11; . -· ~ :=:· 1!:'::'11:!!fT'~I Ii= -II 02 PROP. DECIDUOUS TREE PIANTING ON GRADE Scale: 1::2:S G . 0, ~----TRIANGULAR SPACING A5 SPECIFIED O C ,, I --&DISTANCE -0 ,, ' '. -REfERTOPLANTSCHEDULE ' '-,v 0 '•1 PLANT I /"'-. / ,, --l CENTRE ' ,-' ",.,. I ., \,...,,---,i,/ 0 , •-~=eom,~~ ~ PLANTSHRUBATTHE SAME GRADE AS NURSERY; ~ I'""'-\.. ~•d •t' WATER AND FERTILIZE AS SPECIFIED; ENSURE l ;\, ~ 1_.• Jf> -,,_ I. ~\I /'f.'• ,_ POSITIVE DRAINAGE THROUGHOUT PLANTING ;-#1 ~ 1' b.. • • ,-c. ' ~', ~~ ~ -~1, ~• 1., BED ~.. ---~· ·--"=-~-~---~--.. ':: . --'--tNSTALLMULCHTOSOrnm[4"1 '~ ~·:-.-.. ._... OEPTH INSTALL SOIL TO 450mm [1'·5 3/4"] ~(AA~FY EXISTING SUBGRADE AS SPECIFIED !;\J !il .,L::![j_ __ 1 : ~EXISTING i3 =I l=ill=I = = -1 --SUBGRADE 03 04 PROP. SHRUB PLANTING ON GRADE Salo:.l:25 PROP. PLANTING LAWN ~OGE CONDITION Scale; 1:10 SlAB PAVER {50mm [2"1 THICK) 50mm [2"] DEEP SAND SETTING BED ='--"=--cot-1PACTtD Jg[[~ITgTiflf-J:T!J_l~J: ~WI ;:::t ~ ?0 Jd'ffl£rf'"1Mi~TEIJ..= 11:=.J.~ll~ll~=r,gi, {--~T;UJ 1-f~ I~ r-'" .--:=.Jtt::i .::,;~7_ NOTES: 1. ABOTTSFORD CONCRETE HYDRAPRESSED SLABS, COLOUR: CHARCOAL SIZE: 457mm (18"] x 457mm {18"] x 41mm (1·5/G"~ PATTERN: GRID @ PROP. STEPPING STONES SLABS IN LAWN, TYP. OS Sal<!:1:10 POSITIVE DRAINAGE .,r--SOD AS PER / SPECIFICATIONS SUBGRADE GROWING MEDIUM AS SPECIFIED SCARIFY EXISTING SUBGRADE AS SPECIFIED ='-"'=--""H,,...-EXISTING _.._...~-~.-·-·-~ SUBGRADE 06 ~ROP. SOD ON GRADE Sc.ale:1:10 en Q) E 0 .c C: iii ::: ~ C 0 N t;i t-0 >, ~ Q) "' co ~ > ~ ~ ilt .... -1: Q) -1: > ;j! ;j! 0 .. Cl) ·, 3 (j 15-1-23 N/A BG/DS' 1319A L3.1 !L ____________________________________ _ j .. i: 1 50X1 l?,t'M PRE-FAil WOOD ~ fgf FOlD~'W:G~Peo '\,. 50X1 OOMM CAP RAIL WITH ............ 1 50X150MM BAO< RAIL ',. 50X1S(l011.MAAL---....... 100X10DMM ROUGH CUT POST-.. SOX150MM BOTTOM RAL--; • ' ' NOTES: ·ALL WOO!) TO BE -ALL CU'T ENOS TO -AU.METAi. FIXTU •TREATED ~EtJl.OCl(/fl;i. W1TH P~SSI\VATM:4 V-"IIZED. nDTH »10.sPU'n""e.R FREE. C1.EAN. ,A.LL E:XPOSEO y •Al.I. CUTS TO B5 .AI.J. EXPOSED W TO BEST.<JNED(SQ.IO). COi.OUR TOBE DETERMINED. 2538 BETW£EN POSTS ~ ' ij = , .. , ' .. . ~ "· i ' , E .. -~~ ~ "-' 01 FRONT YARD FENCE., TYP, ~1:25 l l 1830 (6'-0") 1969 11 (6'-5 1/2") I: ~----2000 B~;~.~t POSTS ____ _,, 60 10 \IE RI.AP) ~23/8"1-~~~~ PLAN VIEW I I I'. Ii ! 1 II I I ' I I/ ~ I I I : I ' 1 I I ; • l f ,, A ---= ===== . ~ i ~i"!-. 150mm x 150mm [6" X 6"] PRE-FAB. WOOD POST CAP Wlllj SLOPED TOP FOR ~---.DRAINAGE ------50mm x 100mm [2"x4"] CAP RAIL WITH 25mmx 150mm U"x6''J FRONT AND BACK RAILS 11 ... ____ lWO 25mm x 150mm fl"x6"J FENCE PICKETS (OFFSET) 11~ ____ 100m.m X 100mm [4"x4"] ROUGH CUT POST 3350mm (ll'JTALL 1111-----lSmm X 150mm (l"x6"J FRONT AND BACK 11 r.;;;;;;;::;;;:::1-....,...=<d BOTTOM RAILS 914 13'-0"J l NOTES: 1.ALL WOOD POSTS TO BE PRESSURE-TREATED HEMLOCK/FIR. 2,ALL CUT ENDS TO BETREATED WITH PRESERVATIVE. 3. ALL METAL FIXTURES TO BE GALVANIZED, 4.All EXPOSED WOOD TO BE SMOOTH AND SPLINTER FREE 5.ALL CUTS TO BE SQUARE AND CLEAN. >nri=e=-:~;~1~•~~:L~:~ 9 ~::u\3,;~'J 150mm (6"] DEEP DRAIN L:~,i?,1;~~~-·ROCK -=1-i= 6. USE OLYMPIC MAXIMUM WATERPROOFING SEALER (OR APPROVED ALTERNATE) ON All FOUR SIDES, FOR AU SIDES, FOR ALL WOOD, PRIOR TO INSTALlATIO 7. WOOD DIMENSION ARE NOMINAL UNLESS NOTED ON DRAWINGS. 8. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SAMPLE OF WOOD/ MOCK-UP FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 02. PROP. 6' HIGH CEDAR PRIVACY FENCE TYP. SC.le: 1:25 NOTES: ~ 6 (5 7/8"'] REMOVABLE LOCK ANO PIN CONCRETE J)AVING --CIP CONCRETE. FOOTING, DEPTH AND WIDTH TBD EXISTING COMPACTED SU BG RADE 1. MANUFACTUREER: FRANCES ANDREW. MODEL: MEGA SERIES 32 BOLLARD SB32-Rl l. lNSTALLAS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS 3 COLOUR: POWDERCOAlED SEMI-GLOSS BLACK 03 -1 8" PROP. REMOVABLE 80LLARO, TYP. Sale: 1:20 ~------------25-SOmm {1"-2"] DIA, DECORATIVE ROUND COBBLE, AS SPECIFIED _-------------:2.SP.T. TIMBER EDGE ,.,-------------'2JC• P.T. TIMBER SPACER BRACE SET AGAINST EXTERIOR WALL & NAILED TO TIMBER EDGE [6") r NOTES: =111::l--~lbll CONTINUOUS FILTER FABRIC STAPLED TO BACK OF 2 xG EDGER =r----COMPACTED SUB-BASE DR UNDISTURBED SOIL 1. CON IAACTOR TO PROVIDE SAMPU AGGREGATE TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLAT/0 2. ALL LUMBER TO BE PRESSURE 1REAT£DM. SIZES ARE SHOWN AS NOMINAL 04 PROP. DECORATIVE COBBLE DETAJL, IYP. S<alt: 1:10 ISSUED ORAVVINU~ Cl) Q) E 0 .c C :s: 0 f- >, Q) ro > (9 (9 zZ oI z CJ) wz u.. 0:: CJ) ::J ......Ju.. <(w I-1--w CJ) Oces L3.2 !...._ ________________________________________________________________________________ ....__ __ ___,