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City of Maple Ridge ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDA June 14, 2016, 4:00 pm Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. 2016 CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR ELECTIONS 3. AGENDA APPROVAL 4. MINUTES APPROVAL -May 10, 2015 Meeting Minutes 5. REPRESENTATIVE TO DEVELOPER PUBLIC ART STEERING COMMITTEE 6. PROJECTS 6.1 Development Permit No: Applicant: Project Architect: Project Landscape Architect: Owners: Proposal: Location: File Manager: 6.2 Development Permit No: Applicant: Project Architect: Project Landscape Architect: Owners: Proposal: Location: File Manager: 2015-253-DP (New Submision) James Iversen, Concosts Management Inc. Brian Shigetomi, Atelier Pacific Architecture David Jerke Quarry Rock Developments 43 unit townhouse development 23539 Gilker Hill Rd. Michelle Baski 2016-115-DP (Resubmission) Falcon Village Joint Venture Wes Friesen, Points West Architecture Meredith Mitchell, M2 Landscaping City of Maple Ridge Mixed Use _ Building 227 Street and 119 Avenue Amelia Bowden 7. REQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY COMMENTS ON APPLICATION RECEIVED 8. CORRESPONDENCE 9. ADJOURNMENT /ss 4:15 PM 5:15 PM MAPLE RIDGE . TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: Advisory Design Panel 2015-253-DP 23539 Gilker Hill Road City of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: June 14, 2016 An Advisory Design Panel application has been submitted for the above-referenced property to permit the construction of a multi-family townhouse development with 43 units in the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone. The rezoning application supporting this proposal was given first reading by Council on October 27, 2015. This application needs an OCP amendment to adjust the conservation boundary around Cottonwood Creek. A Watercourse Protection Development Permit and Natural Features Development Permit will also accompany this application for the area around Cottonwood Creek and the steep slopes onsite. BACKGROUND: Applicant: • Owner: Legal Description : OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses : North: Use: Zone: Designation: South : Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: §ite Area: M. Oard, Quarry Rock Developments Inc. Quarry Rock Developments Inc. Lot 19 Except: Part Subdivided by Plan 39988; Section 16 Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 35398 Urban Residential and Conservation Urban Residential and Conservation RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Single Family Residential and Agricultural RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Urban Residential and Conservation Single Family Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Urban Residential and Conservation Single Family Residential and Agricultural RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Urban Residential and Conservation Park Land RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Conservation Single Family Residential Multi-Family Townhouses 1.24 ha (3.1 acres) Page 1 of 3 Access: Servicing requirement: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Gilker Hill Road Urban Standard A Multi-Family Development Permit is required for all new multi-family development on land designated for Multi-Family d ~velopment. The purpose of a Multi-Fam ily Development Permit is to enhance existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs and minimize potential confl icts on neighbouring land uses. The Key Guideline Concepts are as follows: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. • 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low-rise ground-oriented housing located to the periphery of higher density developments. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged wi t h attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through sc reened park ing structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. PLANNING COMMENTS: Official Community Plan The applicant is proposing a 43 unit townhouse development on the subject property (see Append ix A). The applicant has provided a design rationale (see Appendix B) and has completed the Multi-Family Residential Deve lopment Permit Guidelines checklist (see Append ix C). This application requires rezoning from the RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential ) zone to the RM -1 (Townhouse Residential) zone. The subject property is located within the Urban Area and is currently designated Urban Residential and Conservation and is subject to the Major Corridor Infill policies as it has frontage on a collector standard road. The proposed RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone is compatible with the Urban Residential designation. Minor amendments to the Conservation boundary may be required. Context The subject property is located at the north end of Gilker Hill Road, just before it bends and turns into 236 Street. There is a single family dwelling located on the eastern portion of the property which will be demolished with this development. A tributary to Cottonwood Creek is located in the north-central portion of the property, with steep slopes located on the western side of the property. This development·proposes to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Res idential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit the development of approximately 43 townhouse units. The subject property is currently accessed by an easement across the neighbouring property to the south, located at 11195 Gilker Hill Road. A different access point is proposed with this development. Page 2 of 3 Parking The Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350 -1990 requires that the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone provide two off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit, plus 0.2 _spaces per dwelling unit designated for visitors. As there are 43 dwelling units proposed, 86 resident parking spaces are required and provided, and 9 visitor parking spaces are required. Additionally, two spaces for the disabled are to be provided for developments that require 76 -125 spaces. The applicant is providing 11 visitor parking spaces, two of which are for people with disabilities (see Appendix D). Garbage/Recycling Garbage and recycling can be stored in the garage of each unit and will be collected via the internal strata road. Offsite Upgrades Road widening on Gilker Hill Road is required with construction to a collector standard. A separated concrete sidewalk is required along the full frontage of the property. The sidewalk will need to be extended southwest to connect to the existing sidewalk. Proposed Variances The applicant will likely be seeking variances for the front, rear, and side yard setbacks. Variances for siting setbacks and height are requested, as summarized on the Site Reconciliation Drawing DP -0.9B in the attached plans (see Appendix D). The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on this development proposal. Prepared by: Michelle Baski Attachments: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Design Rationale Appendix C -Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines Appendix D -Architectural Plans Page 3 of 3 I. Scale: 1 :2,000 ' •c !.Q ,CJ) 23539 GILKER HILL ROAD 1 1 ~'----------NT----, ~ PLANNING DEPARTME FILE: 2015-253-DP DATE : Jan 20, 2016 BY:PC I~ • mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements . Before making your submission , contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: Name of Applicant File number Address of site Current Zone QUARR Y ROCK DEVELOPMENT INC . C/O CON CO ST MANAGEMENT INC . 2015-253 -R Z 23539 GILKER HILL ROAD , MAPLE RIDGE -=-R=s'--1,_ ___ Proposed Zone _R_M_-1 ____ _ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date June 14, 2015 Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect BRIAN SHIGETOMI , ARCHITECT AIBC Landscape Architect DAVID JERKE, CSLA , ASLA, /MBA , BLA Other Professional (State Name & Role) STEVE O'CONNELL , P.ENG . CIVIL ENGINEER Note.: The Architects are requ i red to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click he r e. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act . Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2 ; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -all schools , any si ze Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m 2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any buildi ng co ntai ni ng 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any b uild ing with gross area exceed ing 470 m2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any b uilding with gross area exceed i ng 470 m2 ,~ ■ mapleridge .ca DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Project Zone RS-1 REZONE TO RM -1 Date Prepared MAY 17 , 2016 Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed LOT AREA* (i n square m etres ) Gross Total not less than 557 sm Less Road Dedication area Less Undevelopable area Net Total LOT COVERAGE (i n% of net lot area ) Build ings & Structures Paved & Hard Surfaced Areas La ndscapi ng Total Site Coverage SETBACKS ( in m etr~s) Front 7 .5m Rear 7 .5m Side #1 (N,S,E, or @ 6 .0m Side #2 (N,S ©c,r W) 6.0m Side #3 (N , 5, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (i n metres /storeys) Pr i nci pal 11.0m Accessory NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three Bedroom+ Total GROSS FLOOR AREA (in sq uare metres) Residential 6,269.4 sm Retail Commercial N/A Office Commercial N/A Other Commercial (Type ) N/A Institutional N/A Industrial N/A TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA 6 ,269.4 sm • If the development site consi sts of more than one lot. lot dimension s pertain to the entire site . Proposed (Complies or variance neede d?) 12,311 sm N/A 1,862 sm 10,449 sm 31% 21% 48% 52% Varied between 4 .5m to 7.0m (Va l Varied between 4.0m to 8.7m (V, r ance ) iance) 9.9m 6.0m Varied between 11.15m to 11 .65m ( J ariance) N/A N/A N/A 43 43 5,894 sm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5,894 sm Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) " •. -. ·l .,. : \ !-,.1. ., " ~;:1;.{.; 't:'•:{•·; I•'\ ·._:. DEN_SITY.. ' r.; ·:,. --. -,.,, < .l'°C •1,-\ __ -:,;-, ,.,) l:, •• v.=,-=.t r·· ... f•, l' ,_,r ,,.~:: ... # of units/ha (gross} 43 # of units/ha (net) NIA Gross Floor Area 7.465 sm Floor Space Ratio (net) 0.6 0.56 •. ... .· (.' .• .,. ... _1_ . ' . < AMENIT'( SPACE (area in square metres) . , . -".' . '-, ;}, ·' : ~- Common Activity Area 215 SITI 437sm Useable Open Space 1,935 sm 1,919 sm I. • l. '·"' " .. -. PARKING ' (number of spaces) ·'• , . .~ .. ·' ' . .. :, ~ii , ' ' .. · ' Residential and Multi-Residential Uses 86 86 Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) NIA NIA Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) NIA NIA Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) NIA NIA Commercial Uses NIA NIA Educational & Assembly Uses NIA NIA Institutional Use NIA NIA Industrial Use NIA NIA Business Park Uses NIA NIA Comprehensive NIA NIA Total Number of Parking Spaces for Uses 86 86 Number of parking spaces for disabled 2 2 Number of spaces for visitors 9 11 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES 95 97 Number and percentage small cars 2% Number and percentage tandem spaces 27% TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) NIA ' . ' ' . BICYCLi: PARJ<ING .(numBe_r ofapaces) .. '•· -. Short Ter-m Bicycle Pa rking 6 6 Long Term Bicycle Parking inside each unit inside each unit . . . .. ' OTHER -_state YES or NO for each Heritage Site I NO I Tree Survey/ Assessment Provided I YES Watercourse/Steep Slopes I YES I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements I NO I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. Prepared by : BRIAN SHIGETOMI , ARCHITECT AIBC Print Name NOTE: To be prepared by an Ar chitect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. MAPLE RIDGE ~ ADP Submission Checklist mapleridge .ca Application No . .2p\[-2-5)-l)f File Manager M,~ 'e,.,-,1<.l... This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel. Please refer to the ADP Submission Form and the ADP Requirements Broc hure for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP . ----,,,1<~~~~~-~i!J ;£ •• u >·: I l Submission Requirements: Submission Materials A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) B. Covering Letter including explanations about: 1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) 2. Design rationale (Detailed information Required) 3. Statement in brief about the following: a. DP Key Concepts Compliance b. DP Guideline Compliance c. 3-tier stormwater management strategy d. Public Art/ Amenities, etc. -. Requjr.ed ,, (FJle M~niger'to· lhclfeate If re 'iifred) Date Provided SEE CIVIL SEE LAN SCAPE t----------------------------1--:-'-"'-"-_,...-o--+----/----I e . Sustainability practices f. Other ------------------ C. Site and Neighbourhood Context 1. Context Plan -Existing/proposed buildings and trees, vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed grading, and other major features within the site, on the abutting properties and along the road allowances/ lanes. 2. Photographs of site and surroundings. D. Development Permit Area Checklist (Note: The Architect is responsible to describe how the project complies with each guidelines, or if not applicable, a descript ion of why not applicable. Please use fillable forms on line.) City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist E. Architectural Plans (Site and Building(s)): 1. Site Plan and layout 2. Site sectjons ''• 4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees superimposed 5. Shadow analysis 6. Lighting analysis (on building and on site) 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and roof tops 8. Waste collection /recycling (inside of buildings) 9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside) 10. Building elevation (all sides) 11. Signage (attached to building and free standing) 12. Colours and materials 13. Material board 14. Building sections 15. 3D renderings of the site and/or building(s) with associated landscaping F. Landscaping Plans: 1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting details 2. Landscaping details, including locations for public art, signage, lighting, play and other amenity areas 3. Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures) 4. Details for pedestrian and amenity features being provided 5. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns 6. Tree retention and management plan 7. Site sections to show lot grading, drainage, landscaping and relationship to adjacent grades/ City boulevards/ lanes 8. Preliminary storm water management plan (Note: This plan must have been accepted by the Environmental Planner) 9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnections G. Green Building/Sustainability initiatives H. Other Rev. October 14, 2015 (Page 2) □ NIA □ N/A □ □ N/A □ □ NIA ., ., ~ rg , t3 □ N/A / l9 121 □ □ □ □ 9 atelier architecture inc. May 18, 2016 City of Maple Ridge Planning Department 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 6A9 Attn: Michelle Baski, Planner Re: 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge. B.C. -ADP SUBMISSION DESIGN RATIONALE Context The proposed site is located on the north-west side of Gilker Hill Road between Kanaka Way and where Gilker Hill Road transitions into 236th Street. It is a vacant land parcel which falls within the Albion Area. The 3 acre site slopes down away from Gilker Hill Road towards Cottonwood Creek to provide some nice views of the environmental areas surrounding the creek. The property is bordered by: -to the north, by existing single family undeveloped private property -to the east, by existing single family development and Gilker Hill Road -to the west, by Cottonwood Creek and Environmental Area -to the south, by undeveloped private property The 12,311 sq.m. site is longer and narrow in the east/ west direction taking advantage of the north/ south exposure. The proposed project conforms to the development and design principles of specificity, place-making, community building and a more dense, urban environment as outlined in the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan , the Development Permit Area Design Guidelines, the Natural Features Development Permit and the Watercourse Protection Development Permit for residential and commercial buildings as well as Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines . The project respects and is informed by the natural landscape of the area , especially its steep grades and setting , and through its design , access ibility and viewscapes attempts to foster a friendly and safe pedestrian environment. The form of development is guided by the five cornerstone principles of the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan : Environment First -Land informs development Significant portion of the site (almost 20%) is set aside and dedicated to City of Maple Ridge as Park/ ESA protected area . As such , environmental features , such as groves of matu re trees will be retained and integrated into the restoration and enhancement of the ESA Area. Natural landscaping and species are proposed. A dry rock ponds connected by a site-wide rock filtration swale are introduced to help manage on-site stormwater management. Existing topography is respected , the development follows the lines of the land with as little regrading and tree clearing as possible. Design and siting of build in gs protects access to natural features and views , enhances privacy and livability. This will be further elaborated in the Architectural Aesthetic Section . Sustainable Approaches -Balance between environmental, social & economic benefits Overall development accommodates varying unit types and sizes that residents can grow into , allowing ,;uite 109 -131 water street vancou ve r, be canada v 6b 4rn3 _ _,,i: 604.662.8689 I t 604.662.8655 info@a te lierpacific.corn I w ww.a telierpa cific.corn fv io n <,i,i t;E,l:omi I arch itect aib c aaa saa oa a raic A, atelier p·acifk architecture inc. • accessibility and affordability. Form of development is a compact housing cluster to allow for a densified urban environment and setting aside a larger open space for the benefit of the residents and the community at large. Project adopts Best Management Practices (BMPs) throughout. Adaptability -Incremental growth and changing market trends Form of development proposes 43 ground-oriented townhouse units of varying sizes (1,434sf - 2,051sf including basements), many with walkout/ day-lit basements to accommodate growing families and teenage children. Healthy & integrated community -Integration between natural environment, housing, open space, and infrastructure to achieve a neighbourhood and community that is alive and healthy. Design and siting of buildings creates a pedestrian oriented , walkable , easily accessible and safe community to maximize pedestrian access to services. Form of Development Form of development proposes a townhouse residential use with clusters of three-to six-units that have an appearance of rowhouse style residences accommodating 3-6 ground-oriented strata units, each with a direct access to grade at the front and the rear of the unit. Due to the grading conditions on site, all buildings are stepped further re-inforcing the rowhouse look. Buildings are designed to front or have the appearance of fronting onto a public road through direct pedestrian access to the outside and through appropriate treatment of exteriors. Environmental Sustainability Sustainable Sites The project site consists of one large land parcel with an existing older single family dwelling that will be demolished. The proposed development is in line with the Official Community Plan st rategy that increases density at infill sites , but also enhances and revitalizes large undeveloped sites surrounded by established developments. Water Efficiency The site will incorporating B.M.P. (Best Management Practices) recommended by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for storm-water run-off. The site will be developed to manage stormwater run-off by utilizing active rainwater collection and stormwater catchment techniques; with five storm water management facilities, rainfall capture, retention, biofiltration , evapotranspiration and infiltration into the proposed landscaping. Rainwater will be captured and absorbed by a thick layer of topsoil at all landscaping locations. A leaner meandering rock lined bioswale along the northern and western property lines and biofiltration raingardens at site north are proposed to capture runoff from the lawns, paved road , driveway and build ing rain water leaders. The Biofiltration gardens are designed to retai n, treat and slowdown the storm water runoff flows . Non-permeable areas will be minimized and new planting and ground cover will m imic the present forest floor wherever possible. Permeable surfaces will be used to slow stormwater and to allow more infiltration to occur. Where not possible , paved areas w ill be sloped towards landscape areas to allow runoff to filter through the soil instead of being drained th rou gh catch basins. The landscape design uses native / naturalized plants that require no irrigation after establishment. Within the building, low flow fixtu res will be specified. Program The proposed project would require rezoning to RM-1 to allow for 43 two-and-a-half-storey townhomes grouped into ten buildings with three-to six-units . All of them would be clustered around a large green I landscape open area ('green commons') that joins up with th e ded icated ESA A rea. The buildings ri ng an internal road which would allow for vehicle entry via a two-car side-by-side and tandem garage and a pedestrian unit entry. These would serve as primary unit entries for pedestrian access. A secondary unit entry would be provided on the opposite side backing into fully fenced , private rear yards . There are three unit types of approximately 1,434 sq .ft. to 2,051 sq.ft .i n area, all with three bedrooms, a flex room and an open concept great room / kitchen combination . All units have access to private outdoor space includ ing oversized covered sundecks and patios as well as fenced and landscaped rear yards. In addition , the proposed programme for the site incl udes semi-private and public amenities . The sui te 109 -131 wa ter street vancouver, be canada v6b 4m3 t 604.662.8689 I f 604.662.8655 info@a t elierpacific.com I www.atelierpacific.com l.Jr\,,n sh,:;t:>i :o mi I arc hitect aibc aaa saa oaa raic A atelier pacific architecture inc. V project site features over half-an-acre of dedicated parkland / environmental area , a linear meandering rock lined bioswale and biofiltralion gardens. The residents would also be able to enjoy 437 sq.m. of outdoor amenity space divided up into two areas complete with a children play area. Architectural Aesthetics The architectural aesthetics of the proposed project takes its cues from the architectural style / language of the Pacific West Coast combined with equestrian inspired building details. It uses a simple yet elegant building form topped by a gable roof accented by gable dormers. The simple roof form focuses the eye on the building elevation features allowing the details and materials to come through , placing a special emphasis on material transitions. Although Equestrian in sp ired , the proposed architectural language uses contemporary details in the form of off-centred gable roof forms , beefy wood posts , large windows and simple mullions to arrive at a much crisper West Coast interpretation . Buildings are designed to front or have the appearance of fronting onto a public road through direct pedestrian access from the sidewalk and through appropriate treatment of the exterior. The project uses 'noble finishing materials' throughout such as stained and sealed wood, wood shakes and trims , wrought iron , and hardie siding combined with a neutral West Coast colour and material palette. Contrasti ng custom accent elements such as window shutters and planter boxes combined with wood fascias and details, painted wood trims and reinforced-fibre cement cladding complement more the substantial use of glazing throughout to take maximum advantage of natural light and the views. The build ing height measures two-and two-and-half above finished grade. The two storey aspect is more suitable for a hilly site and helps to better rel ate to human scale. In order to break up the building massing , and to better navigate the grades , each building introduces further stepping between units giving an illusion of a rowhouse. The roofs are simple and low-pitched with large overhanging eaves, and ample covered entry porches and rear verandas to allow for protection from functionality during the West Coast weather. \uite 109 • 131 water street vancouver, be canada v6b 4rn3 ___ /t 604.662.8689 I f 604.662.8655 info@atelierpacific.com I www.atelierpacific.com iJ,iM, ;hi\T<'!:omi I architect aibc aaa saa oaa raic 1. 2. _) l~Mlil mapleridge.ca Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan, multi-family developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable . This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. 8.7.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies New development into established areas This proposed infill project is complementary to the should respect private spaces, and many new townhouse projects in the area. It respects incorporate local neighbourhood the existing context (neighbourhood in transition with elements in building form, height, setbacks , solid fe nci ng , landscaping and compatible architectural features and massing. massing) Transitional development should be used The proposed rear yard grading adjacent to s ingle to bridge areas of low and high densities, family houses are either matching th e existing grade or through means such as stepped building lower. The proposed basements are minimum 2m lower heights, or low rise ground oriented than the rear yard so the buildings appear to be 2 housing located to the periphery of a storey in height. higher density developments. 1 Key Guideline Concepts (Continued) 3. Large scale developments should be The development is clustered and designed as a unified clustered and given architectural form and character, yet has enough variety through separation to foster a sense of material choice and colour to add visual interest. community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4 . Pedestrian circulation should be Extensive landscape planting is provided along entry of encouraged with attractive streetscapes the project. The development entry is marked with an attained through landscaping, entry latch gate and low stone walls. architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the pro perty. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Guidelines 8.7.1 A listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied Building Design, Massing and Siting with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Design and siting of buildings should take The development cascades down along with the grading advantage of natural features or views from east to west. The building blocks have been and should enhance privacy and terra ced to follow the na t ural slope. The north blocks livability. have views towards the existing environmenta l area. 2. Residential buildings should front or None of t he units face the mun icipal street, however, appear to front onto public roads where the units are visible to the public street, the through the use of appropriate facades have been detailed with more windows , bays treatment of exteriors, through direct flower planters and window shutters to break building pedestrian access to individual units from form a nd create visual interes t. the public street/sidewalk, or through the provision of pedestrian walkways linked to the street. Street frontages should be emphasized by incorporating differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades, with a minimum two storey facade on the fronting street to foster a human scale. Buildings that are designed with an end wall or unit adjacent to a public street should design the end unit with the pedestrian entry facing the street. At sig.nificant intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets and incorporate corner cuts. 2 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 3. Higher density dwellings should be sited N/A. Consistent density utilized with RM-1 zone . adjacent to major streets in order to minimize access problems and to provide a transition to lower density uses. 4. Multi-family developments adjacent to a) The project form and character design is similar to lower density or single detached single family houses with main gable roof accent_ed by res idential dwellings should: gable dormers . Building massing is articulated with a) be consistent in form and massing with recessed and window bays. the surrounding area ; b) The development is setback from the adjacent b) be sited adjacent to major streets to properties. provide a transition to lower density c) One density/ building form proposed throughout the uses; whole development. c) concentrate density to the centre of the d) Every building is setback from the adjacent . development or towards a non-properties. Each unit has a covered balcony or patio residential boundary and locate lower projected out from the main building face. density components adjacent to lower e) N/A density residential uses; f) Rear yards are graded along single detached d) create a transition in building mass and residential zone properties to similar or lower than the fo r m towards the setbacks of the adjacent neighbourhood; adjacent properties. e) min i mize access conflicts; f) be designed to maximize privacy and minimize views onto adjoining sites, . particularly for portions of the development abutting the side yards of adjacent single detached residential uses . 5. Larger buildings, roof forms and building The development proposes rowhouse style units within frontages should include design each block. Each unit is stepped as close as possible elements and features to: following natural grade. a) provide variation in the facades to help The stepping of each unit reduces the visual length of reduce the visual length of individual each buildings as well as creating an appearance of buildings; individual units. Unit entries are designed to have a roof b) have the appearance of a series of cover and entry lamps and posts to mark the entry. smaller buildings, or as identifiable parts of a larger concept; and c) incorporate components that express strong unit identity and incorporate direct access to grade for ground-floor units . 3 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 6. New multi-family developments should a) The development takes its cues from the use design themes, architectural architectural style/ language of the Pacific West Coast features and elements of the combined with traditionally inspired building details. It surrounding neighbourhood by uses a simple yet elegant building form topped by a incorporating common elements such as gable roof accented by gable dormers. The form, scale, massing and proportion into development proposes a row house style, with a visual the design as a means to reinforce neighbourhood stability. Examples pattern created by alternating the garage door/ entry include: door throughout the site. a} the articulation of facades, using where Each entry is recessed with a covered roof. The facade appropriate, elements such as porches, chimneys, projections, recesses, and is articulated with trims, finals, wood shutters and flower balconies; planters. The rear elevation is articulated with covered b} the placement, size, shape and number balconies or patio and posts. : of doors and windows; where appropriate, large windows with mullions are c} the location and visual appearance of garages and/or parking facilities; provided to allow for natural light and views. d) the selection of appropriate and compatible roof forms; and e) the design of hard and soft landscaping. 7. The exposed undersides of balconies and The exposed undersides of balconies and porches will porches that are visible from a street or be covered with a coloured vinyl soffit. public walkway should be covered with exterior finishes to provide a finished appearance to public view. 8 . Developments are encouraged to use The site will be developed to manage stormwater run-off by utilizing the Leadership in Energy and active rainwater collection and stormwater catchment techniques; with Environmental Design (LEEDS) standards five storm water management facilities, rainfall capture, retention, in the design of buildings. Techniques biofiltration , evapotranspiration and infiltration into the proposed landscaping . Rainwater will be captured and absorbed by a thick layer of such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, topsoil at all landscaping locations. A leaner meandering rock lined separation of impervious surfaces, bioswale along the northern and western property lines and biofiltration installing below surface infiltration beds raingardens at site north are proposed to capture runoff from the lawns , paved road, driveway and building rain water leaders . The Biofiltration and tree box filters, and redirecting gardens are designed to retain , treat and slowdown the storm water water from drain pipes into vegetated runoff flows . Permeable surfaces will be used to slow stormwater and to areas are encouraged. allow more infiltration to occur. 9. Variation in individual unit designs is The buildings are stepped due to site grading which encouraged to provide visual interest help identify the individual units. The development also and avoid significant repetition either provides 3 colour schemes for visual variety . within a row of townhouses, or between adjacent rows of units. 4 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 10. Garage doors should not face public N/A. All garage doors are fronting the internal driveway/ streets. Where front facing garage doors strata road . are unavoidable, the impact of garage doors on the public realm should be mitigated by : a) designing residential un its with enough width to include attractive entrances and windows between garages; b) recessing garage doors behind the main building fac;:ade; c) keeping a sufficient width in residential units to allow the creation of attractive entrances and fenestration between garages. d) grouping garage doors in pairs between adjacent units to allow building entrances and facades more prominence on the street; e) providing interior spaces that overlook the street; f) separating and orienting unit entrances to the street; , g) providing individual pedestrian walkways linked to the street; h) includ i ng des ign details such as transom windows or glazing in garage doors; i) a comprehensive landscape plan that identifies how the visual impact of garage doors from the street will be m itigated. 11. Landscaping of ro~ftops is encouraged N/A. There is no roof access in this development. where possible, to provide shared or private outdoor space for residents and to provide attractive views for residents and passersby. _) 5 Guidelines 8.7.1 B Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation 1. Parking and servicing should be located underground or to the rear of buildings, with access from lanes wherever possible. Where lane access is not possible, access should be from streets via narrow driveways to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not cemplied with or why it is inapplicable. N/A. There is no underground parking in this development. 2. Parking structures should be adequately N/A. No parking structure in this development. screened and architecturally compatible with the rest of the building . Large surface parking areas should be divided into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous appearance with landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement treatment to enhance their visual appearance. 3. Developments with large parking areas N/A. There is no large parking area in this development. should provide a direct pedestrian pathway system through the parking area to facilitate convenient and safe pedestrian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscaping with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be ' incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. 4. Shared vehicle access between adjoining N/A. There is no shared vehicle accessible in this sites should be considered where access development. for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. 6 , __. Guidelines 8.7.1 B (Continued) s. Locate parking spaces allocated for Two disable parking spaces are provided. One is people .with disabilities as close as located near the common amenity space, the other is possible to the main entrance to a located near the site entry. building. 6. Crime Prevention through Residential parking stalls are provided in each unit. Environmental Design (CPTED) principles Driveway is lit with outdoor lamps on building facade . should be incorporated into the design Visitor parking stalls are adjacent to the building blocks . of all parking facilities with convenient, Th e outdoor common amenity area is set deep into the safe, identifiable and universally site for security. accessible access routes to building entrances, lobbies or other principal areas of buildings, and to grade level from any underground or above ground parking structures. 7. To increase safety, consider using N/A. There is no parking structure in this development. electronic security devices and monitoring systems as a supplement to natural surveillance opportunities in parking structures and parking areas. 8. The amount of asphalt surfaces in Permeable pavers are proposed in all visitor parking parking areas should be minimized by stalls and the townhouse entry. integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers, etc. or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Road grades, streets, lanes, and The developmerit tries to follow natural contour and driveways should conform to the keeps existing grades at property lines as much as existing grades as closely as possible to possible, while maintaining road slopes that are ensure minimal disruption of slopes and adequate for fire truck and vehicular access. vegetation. On steep terrain, roads should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. 7 Guidelines 8.7.1 C Landscaping and Open Space 1. Landscaping both within and outside the development should: a) provide definition for pedestrian corridors; b) delineate private and semi private space from public space; c) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces; d) present a pleasing street image; e) provide suitable buffering between public road and privacy areas; f) soften the transition between adjacent land uses; g) provide a buffer between residential and non-residential land uses; h) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site; i) reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties, the scale and massing of buildings, and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscapin g elements . 2. Landscape drawings for development applications should include, but are not limited to, the following information: a) the location of mature and existing trees to be retained or removed, b) the location of all protective tree fencing; c) a grading plan or cross section indicating finished grade; and d) a drainage plan for the site. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. See responses to each guideline below: a) Pedestrian corridors have been defined in park areas using a variety of surfacing including crushed granite, pavers, and asphalt. b) Semi private and private spaces have been delineated from public space using fencing and change in grade c) Private outdoor spaces have been separated using fencing d) The street frontage has been accentuated with deciduous trees, driveway accents, and a variety of plantings e) Each outdoor amenity area sits back from the main access drive to allow for a safe, comfortable space. f) Plantings have been provided along property edges for ease of transition to adjacent properties g) NA h) Both amenities areas are orientated to create views into the surrounding landscape. The western amenity area overlooks the dry pond and the adjacent open spaces while the north amenity space works with the existing slope into the environmental area to create views. i) A consistent plant and materials pallette was used throughout the development to create a uniform development character All items have been provided 3. Street trees will be a required N/A component of all development. Incorporate deciduous tree species into streetfront landscaping to define site boundaries, to enhance public space, and to permit light penetration in winter. 8 : Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 4. Energy efficiency and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) using native and/or drought-resistant species; b) designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind; c) providing shade in summer; d) allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the site; e) allowing daylight into buildings; and f) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. a) A rigorous plant palette as been proposed with both native and drought tolerant species. b) A mix of coniferous and deciduous trees have b~en planted throughout the site to reduce the effect of wmd. c) Shade will be provided by the tree canopy throughout the site d) Bio-swales have been provided along the northern property line to integrate with the storm water management plan e) Plantings have been spaced to allow for ample southern light to enter the units. f) The bio-swales provided will accept run-off from streets and roof structures ' s. Maintain continuous landscaping along Continuous landscaping has been provided along the abutting streets and minimize the street front on Gilker Hill Road number of interruptions such as driveways and parking en.trances. Continue the sidewalk pavement across driveways and parking entrances. 6. Create visual landmarks on significant Several landmarks have been included in the landscape street corners and at locations of high plans including the entrance archway and visibility. Provide landscaping and signage, bench swing, and built-in hill slide. consider incorporating features such as flag poles, banners, visual art, ornamental trees, fountains, architectural elements, and landscape structures. 7. Any portion of a building site left vacant All landscape areas are covered within the project for future development should be property. landscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall site. The minimum ground surface treatment should be lawn. Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property not being developed. 9 Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 8. Identify, preserve and incorporate Existing vegetation is being preserved along the stands of mature trees into the overall southeast and northeast corners of the site. In addition site landscaping design. Retain unique substantial environmental zones have been preserved tree species, significant vegetation, on the northwest corner of the site. natural landscape features and nesting areas on a site wherever possible. To attain this objective, prior to the design of a project, a detailed survey prepared by a qualified professional indicating the location and condition of existing trees and vegetation on a site should be conducted and provided to the District as part of the development application process. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new planting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replanting with indigenous or native species is encouraged. 10. Consider incorporating rain gardens and vegetated swales into parking lot landscaping to increase the natural absorption of rain water runoff from paved areas into the ground. 11. The height and location of a landscape screen should ensure that: a) privacy to adjacent properties is adequately protected; b) driving site lines are maintained from adjacent roads, manoeuvring aisles, parking lots; and c) the quality of the streetscape and outdoor living sp aces is enhanced. 12. Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to increase the natural absorption of rainwater on a site. See environmental areas for enhancement of existing vegetation. In areas with existing trees VDZ+A will provide appropriate native plantings. A leaner meandering rock lined bioswale along the northern and western property lines and biofiltration raingardens at site north are proposed to capture runoff from the lawns, paved road, driveway and building rain water leaders. The Biofiltration gardens are designed to retain, treat and slowdown the storm water runoff flows. Proper screening has been provided taking into account the height and adjacent uses Wherever possible our plans incorporated softscape and areas of pervious surface. 10 Guidelines 8.7.1 D Universally Accessible Design 1. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe , convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 2. Building entries should be : a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; c) provided with level areas measuring a minimum of 1.Sm x 1.Sm (4.9 ft. x 4.9 ft.) both inside and outside of doorways; Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines:. or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. N/A. Unit parking stalls are provided in each unit. Disabled parking stalls are placed close to the common outdoor amenity. a) Development signage is incorporated in the stone wall at site entry. b) Each unit has direct access from internal driveway. c)There is no common entry provided in this development. a nd d) There are no common entry doors provided in this d) provided with weather protection , development. exterior lighting, and power-assisted door o pen ers. Guidelines 8.7.1 E Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or w hy it is inapplicable. 1. Integrate vents, mechanical rooms, N/A mechanical equipment, and elevator penthouses into the roof design or screen with materials and finishes compatible with the overall architectural design. 2. The design of a roof, placement of N/A. There is no mechanical units on the roofs . mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. 11 3. Garbage containers must be: a) easily accessible; b) appropriately sized and recycling bins for the building There is no common garbage facility in this development. Garbage pickup is at the individual unit's driveway by a private garbage collection contractor. occupants; c) contained within roofed/walled enclosures; d) incorporated into the overall design of the development; or e) screened from public view and weatherproof and animal-resistant within the boundaries of each site. 4. Service areas should be internalized N/A within the development. For developments with multiple buildings, common refuse, recycling and service areas are to be provided . Storage areas should be located to be convenient and readily accessible from most buildings or units on the site. Avoid direct exposure from public streets and allow for adequate manoeuvring space for removal vehicles. 5 . Enclose or screen all exterior mechanical N/A units or equipment, including roof top units, equipment, and satellite dishes within upper floors or structures that from part of the overall design of a development. 6. Locate building ventilation systems to N/A minimize noise and exhaust pedestrian areas, residential units, and outdoor spaces and locate less sensitive land uses closer to sources of noise. 7. Buildings should be designed and a) The party walls between units conform to The constructed maximize sound Building Code STC ratings. attenuation: a) between units; b) between public roads and units; and c) between adjacent land uses and units. b) Buildings are setback from the public road. c) Each building/ unit is at least 6m setback from the adjacent units. 12 C Guidelines 8.7.1 F Signage and Lighting 1. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message should be integrated and complement the scale and architectural detail of the build i ng. 3. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged along all pedestrian routes and pedestrian plazas. The lighting should be pedestrian focused. 4. Lighting should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, ped estrians, or motorists. Guidelines 8.7.1 G Bicycle Parking and Storage 1. Short term and long term bicycle parking facilities should be considered for all developments. Short term bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads with bicycle racks made of sturdy, theft- resistant material that is securely anchored to the floor or ground. Longer term bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access poi nts. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inappl icable. Entry signage is proposed. Please refer to LD-03 . Signage is incorporated in the stone walls which matches the stone on building facade . Lamp is placed on top of stone post at entry as well as outside of each entry and building facade. All lightings are setback from public road. There is no lighting proposed along property lines adjacent to residences . Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inap plicable. 6 short term bicycle parking racks are provided near the site entry. Long term bicycle parking stalls are provided within each unit. 13 Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File.Number --------- Date prepared: fr1Q,,r ch I~/ .::..:0 I C . ' Architect '.:?, .. •✓--.., J,.i_&!tN J 1-1iwv ~1 , ' ---- Print Name ore 14 [L Kanaka_l:li 11 23539 Gilker HIii Road , Maple Ridge , B.C. MAY19,2016 '° .,.. 0 N u C Q) '- :) ..,_, u (l) :':: J;;;: u ..... ro >- a) 0 UJ X CL w u; CL. Kanaka Hill 23539 Gllker Hill Road , Maple Ridge, B .C. OCTO@ER 30, 2015 ~ NORTH -i--<i.J I Kanaka Hill 23539 Gllker H Ii i Road Ma pie Ridge , B .c'. OCTOBE.R 30, 2015 Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road , Maple Ridge , B .C. OCTOBER 30, 2015 NORTH Kanaka Hill 23539 Gi lker Hill Road Maple Ridge , B .c '. OCTOBER 30, 2015 N ORTH Kanaka Hill 2353,9 Gilker Hill Road , Maple Ridge, B .C . • OCTOBER 30 , 201 5 DESIGN RATIONALE The proposed project conforms to the deve lopme nt a nd des i gn pr i nc i ples ot spec ificity, p l ace-making , community building and a m ore dense, urban environment as outlined in the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan , the D~velopment Permit Area XXI Design Guidelines (Hillside Policy) for residential and commercial buildings as well as Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines . The project respe c t s and is informed by the nat ural landscape of the area, especially its steep grades and setting, and throu gh It s design , accessibil it y and viewscapes attempts to foster a friendly and safe pedestrian environment . The form of deve l opmen t is guided by the five cornerstone pr inciple s of the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan: ENVIRONMENT FIRST -LAND INFORMS DEVELOPMENT Sign ificant portion of the site (almost 20%) is set aside and dedicated t o City of Maple Ridge as Park / ESA protected area. As such. environmental features, such as groves of mature trees wi l l be re tained and integrated i nto the restorat ion and enhancement of the ESA Area. Natural landscaping and species are proposed . A dry rock ponds connected by a site-wide rock filtration swale are introduced to help manage on-site stormwater management. Ex is ting topo graphy Is respected, tt,e deve l opment follows the lines of the land with as little regrading and tree clearing as possible . Design and s iting of build in gs protects access to natural features and views, enhances privacy and livability. Th is will be fu rther elaborated In the Architectural Aesthetic Section. SUSTAINABLE APPROACHES -BALANCE BETWEEN ENVIRONMENTAL, S □CIAL & EC □N □MIC BENEFITS Overall development accommoda te s Varying unit types and sizes that residents can grow into, allowing accessibility and affordability . Form of development is a compact hous in g cluster to allow for a densified urban environment and setting aside a larger ope n space for the benefit of t he res idents and the community at large. Project adopts Best Management Practices (BMPs) throughout. ADAPTABILITY -INCREMENTAL GROWTH AND CHANGING MARKET TRENDS Form of development proposes 43 ground-oriented townhouse units of varying sizes (1,332sf -2 ,000sf) including basements), many with walkout/ day-lit basements to accommodate growing families and teenage children. HEALTHY & INTEGRATED COMMUNITY -INTEGRATION BETWEEN NATURAL ENVIRONMENT, HOUSING, □PEN SPACE, AND INFRASTRUCTURE T □ ACHIEVE A NEIGHB □URH □□D AND COMMUNITY THAT 15 ALIVE AND HEALTHY Design and siting of buildings creates a pedestrian oriented, walkable, easily accessible and safe community to maximize pedestrian access to services. r □RM □F DEVELOPMENT Form of development proposes a townhouse resident i al use with clusters of three-t o six-units that have an appearance of rowhouse style residences accommodatin g 3-6 ground-ori ented strata units. each with a di rect access to grade a t the front and th e rear of the unit. Due to the g radi ng conditions on site, all buildings are stepped f u rth er re-i nforc i ng the rowhouse look. Buildings are designed to front or have the appearance of fronting on to a public road t hrou gh direct pedestrian access to the outside and through appropriate treatment of exteriors. C □NTEXT The proposed site is located on the north-west side of Gilker Hill Road between Kanaka Way and where Gilker Hill Road transitions into 236th Street. It is a vacant land parcel which falls wit-hin the Albion Area . The 3 acre site slopes down away from Gilker Hill Road towards Cottonwood Creek to provide some nice views of the environmental areas surrounding the creek. T h e property is bordered by : -to the north , by exist i ng single f amily undeveloped private property -to the east. by existing s i ngle fami ly deve lopm ent and Gilker Hill Road -to the wes·t , by Cottonwood Creek and Env i ronmental Area -to the south, by undeveloped private property The 12 ,333 sq .m. site is longer and narrow in the east/ west direction taking advantage of the north/ south exposure. ENVIR □NME:NTAL SUSTAINABILITY: SUSTAINABLE SITES The project s i te consists of one large land parcel with an existing older single family dwelling that will be demolished. The proposed development is in line with th e Official Community Plan strategy that increases density at infill sites, but also enhances and revitalizes larg e undeveloped sites surrounded by established developments . WATER Errl CI EN CY The site will incorporating B.M.P. (Best Management Practices) recommended by the Department of F isheries and Oceans for storm-water run-off. The site will be developed to manage stormwater run-off by utilizing act ive rainwater collecti on and stormwater catchment techniques; with five storm water management fac ilities , ra i nfa ll capture , retention , blofiltratlon . evapotranspiration and infiltration into the proposed landscaping . Rainwater will be capt ured and absorbed by a thick layer of topsoil at all landscap i ng locat ions . A leaner meandering rock lined bioswale along the northern and western property l i nes and b!ofiltratlon ra i ngardens at s i te north are proposed to capture runoff from the lawns , paved road , driveway and bui l ding rain water leaders . The B iofilt ration gardens are des igned to reta i n , treat and slowdown the storm water runoff flows . Non-permeable areas will be minimized and new pla nting and gro und cG>ver wlll mimic the present f orest floor whereve r possible . Permeable surfaces will be used to slow stormwater and to allow more infiltration to occur. Where not possible , paved areas w i ll be sloped towards l andscape areas to allow runoff to filter through the soil i nstead of be-ing drained through catch bas i ns . The la n dscape des ig n uses native / n at ura lized plants that require no irriga ti on after estab l ish ment . W i thin the build i ng. low flow fixtures will be specified. PROGRAMME The proposed project would require rezoning to RM-1 to allow for 43 two-and-a-half-storey townhomes grouped into ten buildings with three -to s ix-units . All o f them would be clustered around a la r ge green / landscape open area ('green commons ') that joins up with the dedicated ESA Area. The bui l dings ring an i nternal road which would allow for veh icle entry via a two-car side-by-side and tandem garage and a pedestrian unit entry. These would serve as pr i mary un i t entries for pedestrian access . A secondary unit ent r y wQuld be provided on the opposite side backing into fully fenced , private rear yards . There are three unit types of approximately 1,434 sq .ft . to 2 ,051 s q.ft .In area . all w ith three bedrooms , a flex r oom and an open concept great room/ kitchen combination . All uni ts have access to private outdoor space including overs i zed covered sundecks and patios as well as fenced and lan dscaped rear yards . In addition, the proposed programme for the site includes semi-private and public amenities. The project s i te features over half-an-acre of ded icated parkland/ environmental are a , a linear meandering rock lined bioswale and bioflltration gardens. The res i dents would also be able to enjoy 437 sq.m. of outdoor amenity space divided up into two areas complete with a children play area . Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge, B.C. OCTOBER 30, 2015 Inspirations/ Architectural Aesthetics ARCHITECTURAL AESTHETICS The architectural aesthetics of the proposed project takes i1s cues from the architectural style/ language of the Pacific West Coast combined with equestrian inspired building details . It uses a simple yet elegant build i ng form topped by a gable roof accented by gable dormers. The simple roof form focuses the eye on the bu i lding elevat ion features allowing the details and materials to come through , placing a spec ial emphasis on material transitions . Although Equest rian inspired, the proposed architectural language uses contempo r ary details i n the fo rm of off-centred gabl e roof for ms, beefy wood posts, large windows and simple mullions to arrive at a much crisper West Coast i nterpretation . Buildings are designed to from or have he appearance oi fronting C>nto a public road through direct pedestrian access from the sidewal k and through appropriate treatmenl of the exterior. The project uses 'noble finishing materials' throughout such as cultured stones , sta i ned and sealed wood , wood shakes and trims . wrought iron , and hard i e siding combined with a neutral West Coast colour and material palette. Contrasting custom accen e l ements such as window shutters and planter boxes combined with wood fascias and details . painted wood trims and reinforced-fibre cement cladding comp l ement more the substantia l use of glazing throughout to take maximum advantage of natural light and the views. The build ing height measures two • and two-and-half above tinished grade . The two storey aspect is mo re suitab l e for a hilly site and helps to better relate to human scale . In order to break up the building massing , and to better navigate the grades , each bu il ding i n troduces further stepping between units giving an illusion of a rowhouse . The roofs are simple and low-pitched with large overhanging eaves , and ample covered entry porches arid rear verandas to allow for pro tectio n from functionality during the West Coast weather. Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road , Maple Ridge , B .C . OCTOBER 30, 2015 Project Data Sheet LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 19 EXCEPT: PART SUBDIVIDED BY PLAN 39988; SEC 16 TP 12 NWD PLAN 35398 CIVIC ADDRESS: 23539 GILKER HILL ROAD, MAPLE RIDGE SITE LOCATION: NW CORNER OF GILKER HILL ROAD & 236TH STREET PROPOSED ZONING: RM-1 PROPOSED HOUSING TYPE: 43 TOWNHOUSE UNITS (3 TO 6 UNIT CLUSTERS) GROSS SITE AREA: 12,311 S.M. / 1.23 HA / 132,513 S. F. DEDUCTIONS: ENVIRONMENTAL AREA/ PARK: 1,826 S.M. / 0.19 Ha/ 20,037 S.F. (INCLUDES ENVIRONMENTAL AREA & SWALES) NET SITE AREA: 10,449 S.M. / 1.04 HA/ 112,476 S.F. UNIT YIELD: 43 TOWNHOUSE UNITS (30 SIDE-BY-SIDE & 13 TANDEM) GROSS FLOOR AREA (FSR): 5,894 S.M. (63,376 S.F.) GROSS FLOOR AREA (MARKETING): 7,465 S.M. (80,269 S.F.) SITE COVERAGE: GROSS DENSITY: OPEN SPACE: PROPOSED/ PROVIDED 0.52 0.56 (EXCL. 50 S.M. BASEMENT) REQUIRED/ ALLOWABLE N/A 0.6 (EXCL. 50 S.M. BASEMENT) Outdoor Common Activity Area: 437 S.M. 215 S.M. (@ 5 S.M. / UNIT) Useable Open Space: 1,919 sm 1,935 sm (45 S.M. / UNIT) Additional No-Build ESA Area: ESA Area Subtracted ESA Area Added -81.08 S.M. +170.09 S.M. Net Additional ESA Area +89.01 S.M. (Ratio 2.1:1) BUILDING HEIGHT:* SETBACKS:* 11.0M TO 11.65M & 2.5 STOREYS 11.0M & 2.5 STOREYS Front Yard: 7.0M to 4.5M* Rear Yard: 4.0M to 8. 7M* Side Yard (East): Side Yard (West): PARKING: Residential Parking Spaces: Visitor Parking Spaces: Accessible Parking Spaces: Total: UNIT DISTRIBUTION: UNIT TYPE A (SIDE BY SIDE) A1 (SIDE BY SIDE CORNER) A2 (SIDE BY SIDE CORNER) A3 (SIDE BY SIDE CORNER) A4 (SIDE BY SIDE CORNER) B (TANDEM) C (SIDE BY SIDE) C1 (SIDE BY SIDE) D (SIDE BY SIDE) * See DP-0.9B for variance. APPROX. UNIT AREA 143.8 S.M. (1,548 S.F.) 145.2 S.M. (1,563 S.F.) 144.6 S.M. (1,556 S.F.) 147.0 S.M . (1,580 S.F.) 144.3 S.M . (1,553 S.F.) 123.7 S.M . (1,332 S.F.) 137.2 S.M. (1,477 S.F.) 137.9 S.M. (1,484 S.F.) 127 .o S.M. (1,366 S.F.) 6.4M 9.9M 86 11 2 97 OF UNITS 7 4 4 4 4 13 3 2 2 7.5M 7.SM 6.0M 6.0M 86 9 2 95 TOTAL AREA 1,006.7 S.M. (10,836 S.F.) 580.8 S.M. (6 ,252 S.F.) 578.2 S.M. (6,224 S.F.) 587.0 S.M. (6,312 S.F.) 577.2 S.M. (6,212 S.F.) 1,608 .7 S.M. (17,316 S.F.) 411.7 S.M. (4,431 S.F.) 275.7 S.M. (2,968 S.F.) 255.0 S.M. (2,742 S.F.) Kanaka Hill 23539 GI-Iker Hill Road , Maple Ridge, B.C. MAY 2nd, 2016 Project Data Sheet LIST OF VARIANCE REQUIRED: 1. FRONTYARD SETBACK (SOUTH) Required: 7.5m (24.6 ft) Proposed: a. 7.0m (23.0 ft) to principal building faces for all units in Block 1 , 2, 3 and Unit 18A1, 19A in Block 4. b . 6. 0 m ( 1 9 . 7 ft) to pr i n c i pa I bu i I ding faces for Un it 2 0 A and 21 A 1 i n 8 Io ck 4 . c . 4.5m (14 . 76 ft) to principal building face for Block 10 , Unit 43A 1 2. REARYARD SETBACK (NORTH) Required: 6m (19.7ft) Proposed: a. 4.0m (13 .12 ft) to principal building face for Unit 22D (Block 5). b. 4.30m (14.1 Oft) to principal building face for Unit 23C and 24C (Block 5). c. 4.5m (14.76 ft) to principal building face for Unit 37A1 (Block 9) 3. BUILDING HEIGHT: Required: 11.0m (36.08 ft) Proposed: a . 11.65m (38.22 ft) for Block 1 (0.65m required) b. 11.50m (37.24 ft) for Block 2 (0.50m required) c. 11.40m (37.39 ft) for Block 3 (0.4m required) d. 11.25m (36.91 ft) for Block 4 and Block 8 e. 11 .50m (37.73 ft) flor Block 7 (0.5m required) f. 11.15m (36.58 ft) for Block 9 and Block 1 O (0.15m required) LIST OF VARIANCE REQUIRED (cont'd): 4. USABLE OPEN SPACE MINIMUM DIMENSION Required: 6m Proposed: 5.77m for a. Block 1, unit 3B and 4B b. Block 2, unit 8B, 9B, 1 OB and 11 B c. Block 7, unit 30B d. Block 8, unit 33B , 34B and 35B e. Block 9, unit 38B and 39B f . Block 10, unit 42B 4A. To reduce the required usable open space minimum dimension from 6m to 4.00m for Block 5, Unit 22D. 48 . To reduce the required usable open space minimum dimension from 6m to 4.50m for Block 5, Unit 23C. 4C . To reduce the required usable open space minimum dimension from 6m to 4 .50m for Block 5, Unit 24C. 40. To reduce the required usable open space minimum dimension from 6m to 2.80m for Block 5, Unit 25C. 4E . To reduce the required usable open space minimum dimension from 6m to 5 .80m for Block 6, Unit 26C1 ,27C and 28C1. 5. USABLE OPEN SPACE* Required: 1,935 sm (45 sm/ unit) Proposed: 1,919 sm *Shortfall of usable open space will be added to outdoor community amenity space : Required Amenity outdoor space: 215 sm Shortfall of usable open space: 16 sm Total required: 231 sm Total provided: 437 sm 6. OFFSTREE PARKING STALL LOCATION Required: 3m radius arc Visitor parking stalls 1, 7, 8 and 11 are within 3m radius arc of windows. Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road , Maple Ridge, B.C. MAY 14, 2016 UNIT TYPOLOGY SUMMARY TYPE 'fl: TOWNHOUSE TYPE (SIDE X SIDE) LOWER FLOOR (SO MSQ ALLOWANCE BASEMENT): 40 MAIN FLOOR: 72 UPPER FLOOR : 72 UNIT SUBTOTAL {FSR) 144 GROSS FLOOR AREA (FSR) -S,894 sm 1,008 UNIT TYPE 3 BDRM + DEN +REC TOTAL: 43 UNITS 7 TYPE 'Al' TYPE 'A2' TYPE 'A3' (SIDE X SIDE COR.) (SIDE X SIDE COR.) (SIDE X SIDE COR.) 41 40 41 73 72 73 72 72 73 145 144 146 580 576 584 3 BDRM + DEN +REC 3 BDRM + DEN +REC 3 BDRM + DEN +REC 4 4 4 Kanaka Hill ATELIER 23539 GUker Hill Road, Maple Ridge., B.C. APRIL 11 2016 ARCHITECTURE INC. TYPE 'A4' TYPE 'B' TYPE 'C' TYPE 'Cl' TYPE 'D' (SIDE X SIDE COR.) (TANDEM) (SIDE X SIDE) (SIDE X SIDE) (SIDE X SIDE) 41 19 53 53 46 72 62 54 54 56 72 62 83 84 72 144 124 140 141 128 576 1,612 420 282 256 3 BDRM + DEN +REC 3 BDRM + DEN +REC 3 BDRM + DEN +REC 3 BDRM + DEN +REC 3 BDRM + DEN +REC 4 13 3 2 2 Building Colour Scheme 1 -~- FRONT ELEVATION S CALE l:5C 23539 Gllker HIii Road, Maple Ridge, B.C . .. MARCH 18, 2016 I' I BACK ELEVATION (!) f'ADflUO MCJ41H( IUNM. Aif""'-'lf $ML'\'dU t.oe,f .. ING -PAl<O lltlF:4~AU iNINGUS. COLOUS: \o\UIII• IAI0\\000 © fllllll IIIINPOM:10 <llM(N:' f&.'Wi'Llllt;.. fllN\• JAMU .. ,,..on . HA'IA.1 O "''°'· JfU0•U {!9 h\,_IID •OOD 1*11/S J • J.C.w.JAV.W M«>IC. CC-S.U, ISCUHIIT @:~-::L:~~~•:::::~~:~1 :.u1n ,CI.MDU ,Makt UUt U.Uot. JHC0•,U ~9 -A;\~"0.-:t1TAIHCD FIUA:, ,C.l4S.S UHRY C,OOR • Ui\1O\UU.'JILD'"NIII J P'AHI:. ,iD[AOU.'5~ OOOR:. ~rVLC V.'O:)0 e.•.11,w, 111 :n.~11. \\II .. (.,U,UO i.vSUCl M'I) s,~,. U1CJ. GOlOV1. OAK TOHC r---- Building Colour Scheme 2 FRONT ELEVATION SCALE ,:~e· I, I • ■ • ■ BACK ELEVATION $CALE ,:!-0 MARCH 18, 2018 -~-·- © a,40fl1.iO-l ot(KUH1-1J ft l.,. AS P•AU SM L\'O t..t ~·- IN'• l"Al(O l 11U:4t.AU S->-111CUS. COLO UJ:'f\'OfU- CAlD IIIOOD © :::::.~~~:.~:~:::G~ i,u, IHl..'CI, IUD @, h\HITID WOOD 1*111:I l • K"IAIIIW lll<>DH. CC-SU, UCUHlrT ~ PAWUD 1100D *l<.l«lTt., counuu HNJI-VOt V~I. Al·t41, UTCHIL r@) =~-::,~~~!•:c::::~~::' /,UU\ kl.MDII . MDNU!ICI t tMIQa ,_.,,JO @ 11>.-.w r L~lhUt t &fll'CR• C.L AJ.,S C>.Tl(f vOtUI • .,,,,ov1 u : .. u u,t 1tl\ > rANI l t 1DUUll.Mi~ OOOR . ~r'W'i.C '/110:,n c;..-.a 1>.. v 131,, "· \\nat GI LA.?CO ~"SCftT .AA (> ~t!l>l• "''CS.. GOl0\11. OA.~ ro wc ®P•OIIU!O ttOlllQOliTAl vnn• ® NIOflUD ~•aONTA\ IIDIHQ ,auHDf.Y IOU YUN'l ~"(I • fOUHO..., ,1a1 ® CVlTIUUD 1,TOVI 'All Ul&.V c11co <0•1u,tt10 Building Colour Scheme 3 FRONT ELEVATION SCALE •:iO BACK ELEVATION © ,,,a,n.io l,,'t(,,.I U(1UM M. ASPAAU S.M1.~U ~• ING -~Al<O ,, .. ~uu S-INGUS.. COlOUt: V.'f.UII• IAl0~00D .IIUMlllt;'MV.U'IDO~ 101.'ILANUK • (HAI • (0 ... © flltR RIIIIPOM'lO (OUtU' PUtUU~ Tlllll• IA.Ml\ KIJl:011, KMUU 81CMIIM JH.JO •JI ® t AI Vrt O IIOOD lftlVi J • Httllt~W "'°OU. CC·S•I. UCUNIIT @ Nouuo "OlllOOl1Al YINfl U CINC PDUHCU,'t IIH• @~~-::l~:~~•::.:::~~;~1 /.\NI\ N.IJIIDU , IIIOHUJ:I, 11.UQf ,..,.,o ~liJAt.'-'I [C\.•UMNUI f1Uff , YlAI-$ unlt"f C,00~ - MAI.OIIIU-'.ULD'NIPI J rt.NH ,1DUIOU.-S!, ooot. !,fVL.C \\"O;)C'I e,~.1 11-t, \1 11-t.'00"1, \'I U -.1 ~1.1\?(0 W )Cl,:f ,.,,,.0, S I !)(. t.llCI,_ 4;0l,C,,,1 1 OAt: TOHt I I ; I iOP / i I P C L 't,.,' LEGEND ENVIRONMENTAL (ESA) AREA ' + - 11 I I .: I I BACK YARDS (USEABLE OPEN SPACE) COMMON ACTIVITY AREA Kanaka Hill ---=--=-~ ..... :--- j I ' l ■ r :11 1U 111 , , _, -I l I I I -t 23539 Gilker Hill Road, ~-~ll=-11·:•,-~ .. 'lkII ., .... _l.,,.~~J~'!.'r-?4 I 'r1 I Maple Ridge, B.C. w lllJ , ••. ,.).1, ' 11!1!,I • • I I ~·, II • • ◄ II , •• • 41 .:.._11 ■ -I -.,~. -.. ,j I --I 1 I MAY 11TH 2016 -_■11~. -• /~ ::::.,l 11 JJ f -L__■_L I I ::-: 1 r--·■• _ ' 11 I• -. , ••■ -. ., --.J _. ::,i -, r_ n ■.11.-: ◄iL°, 1 1--·.1 =, -;;;; •~~11 • .• , • 1 ...,..-- "' -" fP • .--r , l , r---, ."'-•"-:,i:-I • • -■ I -; ==-.. -= ■ ==---=-----=-.. • -• .11 i U===-.:.-1 • -:._ ... ~ ~ " house 7 I' :•: I;_ .... ;.: . ~ • ... 22 -■ .. PLAN 39988 0cs lllm.!lll!!!llla -PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE 111 11 111 ■■11 GEOTECHNICAL SETBACK LINE ----• SPEA SETBACK LINE J... ---,1~ .. A. I I ...... - 8 .6 10 I ENVIR ONMENT~L llREA - 1 1826 sm PC L LEGEND I I PROVIDED CONSERVATION AREA -SUBTRACTED ESA AREA HABITAT CONSERVATION AREA 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge, B.C. MAY 11TH, 2016 .-.. -" . . .. 1/ ..., 22 PLAN 3998 8 I I COMMON OUTDOOR AMENIT Y AREA -USABLE OPEN SPACE ,. ,------- ! ' hou se LEGEND CONSTRUCTION PHASE-1 (16 UNITIS, 6 VISITOR PARKING , 2 COMMON OUTDOOR AMENITY AREA , SITE SERVICES) CONSTRUCTION PHASE-2 (27 UNITIS , 5 VISITOR PARKING, 1 COMMON OUTDOOR AMENITY AREA) 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge, 8.C. _ __/ PLAN 39988 A 0 cs __ _/ ,------22 / PLAN 39988 0 "L 'A ! \_,, house AN-8~ I EA i'MEN T 0 cs LEGEND I I COLOUR SCHEME '1' -LIGHT -COLOUR SCHEME '2 ' -WARM -COLOUR SCHEME '3' -CLASSIC LEGEND UNIT TYPE 'A-1 ' -1577 S .F. (EXCLUDING BASEMENT & GARAGE) UNIT TYPE 'A' -1562 S .F. (EXCLUDING BASEMENT & GARAGE) UNIT TYPE 'B' -1366 S .F. (EXCLUDING BASEMENT & GARAGE) 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge, B.C. J ~MAY 11TH, 2016 22 PLAN 39988 hous e ! 0 cs swr . ut ility UNIT TYPE 'C' -1477 S .F. (EXCLUDING BASEMENT & GARAGE) UNIT TYPE 'C-1' -1484 S.F. (EXCLUDING BASEMENT & GARAGE) UNIT TYPE 'D' -1374 S .F. (EXCLUDING BASEMENT & GARAGE) A .... LEGEND r·,, '--""' L_ UNIT TYPE 'A-1' -1577 S.F. (EXCLUDING BASEMENT & GARAGE) UNIT TYPE 'A' -1562 S.F. (EXCLUDING BASEMENT & GARAGE) UNIT TYPE 'B' -1366 S.F. (EXCLUDING BASEMENT & GARAGE) Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road , Maple Ridge , B.C. MAY 11TH, 2016 nouse ,------. __ _/ i PU"' ecer 1 p.9.9.0~ "1(' 2.:? PLAN 39988 0ca UNIT TYPE 'C' -1477 S.F. (EXCLUDING BASEMENT & GARAGE) UNIT TYPE 'C-1' -1484 S.F. (EXCLUDING BASEMENT & GARAGE) UNIT TYPE 'D' -1374 S.F. (EXCLUDING BASEMENT & GARAGE) 1' PROPERTY UNE BLOCK 7 TYPE T BLOCK 8 TYPE R BLOCK 10TYPET PROPERTY LINE M SET BACK -''""""""''-+-----1-------------+----------11---------11-------1---------+---------------+------+------+------ STREETSCAPE 1 -LOOKING NORTH BLOCK 5 TYPE U COMMON OUTDOOR AMENTITY2 Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road , Maple Ridge , B.C. MAY 14, 2015 BLOCK 6 TYPE S SITE MAP J - PROPERTY LINE BLOCK 9 TYPE V STREETSCAPE 2 -LOOKING SOUTH BLOCK 1 TYPE Z Kanaka Hill 2353·9 Gilker Hill Road , Maple Ridge , B.C . MARCH 18 , 2016 BLOCK 2 TYPE Y 6M SETBACK PROPERTY LINE SITE MAP BLOCK 2 TYPE Y PROPERiY LINE 6M SETBACK STREETSCAPE 3 -ON GILKER BLOCK 1 TYPE Z Kanaka Hill 23539 G i lker Hill Road , Maple R i dge , B .C . MARCH 18 , 2016 PROPERTY U~E BLOCK 10 TYPE T BLOCK 3 TYPE X SITE MAP l PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE I i I ···-· i ·-· i i ·-I I lJUJJV\ I ~ Ill ! llllllwt" I~ 1111 11 111111111" I ! I I ,,t I JJf'A/ \ I / \ BlilI[ .II 4 DD I ~-J ~ .. ! e:::, I r RF J " J?r"''~ _ .......... __,. ~ ,. ;; J I J L-..._ '"" ] ~ ___.J ? l , ~:.. ~ ~;? t.J AA ~ ~~--~ ~ ! I il I •tCl<l ffllf• : -v-I i ~-~ '' i i UNIT 27C UNIT 118 i BLOCK 6 TYPE S BLOCK 2 TYPE Y STREETSCAPE 4 -NORTH-SOUTH SITE SECTION 1 Kanaka Hill 23539 Gi 'lker Hill Road, Maple Ridge , B.C. MARCH 18 , 2016 ·- ,._ ·--1 --- --· ·-· SITE MAP PROPERTY LINT PROPERTY LINT i I i ! -~~Jill i I I l 111111 1 ~ ~11 11 Il l I I j 1 1'-"<"I f \ f .I ... ..,,,, ~· i .,:;:; I I V I I ~ ~~ ! i -~·-·-" , .. I ~~ ffl ~ I WI . -·· .. "'..J .. I .._ r 'i" .,. :'111 -~~ ~ ---··-l .,, IIE31 II I " .di £.-·-~ ' ~.AB l .siB.~ I ·---= Cw --1 'LJ C ' ~ ! ---·-- I ---·-· .. i -·-· i I ! : I --·---· l ··--·· I i --·---i UNIT 32A1 UNIT 5A i BLOCK 8 TYPE R BLOCK 1 TYPE Z STREETSCAPE 5 -NORTH-SOUTH SITE SECTION 2 Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Ro.ad , Maple Ridge , 8.C. ' MARCH 18, 2016 .. ·-·..-.. -- ·-····- .,_, .... ~ - ·- .. ··- .. SITE MAP PROPERTY UN£ BLOCK 5 TYPE U BLOCK 3 TYPE X STREETSCAPE 6 -NORTH-SOUTH SITE SECTION 3 Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker H i ll Road , Maple Ridge , B.C . MARCH 18 , 2016 PROPERTY U~E SITE MAP ' - 1,610 RETAINING WALL LEGEND =---CONCRETE RETAINING WALL ---= ALLAN BLOCK RET AJNING WALL I ~--1 CULTURED STONE WALL A88RE'l1ATIONS T.O.W, TOP OF WALL 8,0,W. BOTTOM OF WALL ,, Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road ' Maple Ridge, B.C. MAY 19, 2016 1/ house /) 22 PLAN 39988 .. -;;,;~t;~,~; ~---I ."'e,·;:,: ·Utility -/ //, .. -,," .... ," ,·· / }tee ...... ..._ r.-:::.-_e, PROJECT NORTH RETAIN ING WALL LEGEND ~ ABBREVIATIONS 1-48 J ' CONCRETE RETAJNING WALL ALLAN BLOCK RETAINING WALL CUL TIJREO STONE WALL t , I PROJEC T NORTH , I 92'-0" [28.06m] [.7.05 m ] , / .. .. (7.01m] [28 .1?m] Kaaaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge , 8.C. MAY 19 , 2016 , , ...... {? .... ~~ . , / I I I / I , / / 11'-2f ; [3.42m ] .:.: 11! I : r. I • I I _ _:_[_ / I { I . ~ / ) Pn rPiAROE}\ ,A -· P~f¼-LMP26965 , I / / 4 / / / / , I ! I I :,,,,,,.-[35. t5m ] / / I ._, ,I RETAINING WALL LEGEND ~ CONCRETE RETAINING WALL ~ ALLAN BLOCK RETAINING WALL I -~ I CULTURED STONE WALL A88RE\'1A TIONS T.O.W, TOP OF WALL 8 0 W. BOTTOM OF WALL L ' . [3.42 m] 8'1 .. 38' (2!}.8·1M) J.~MAIN FLOOR) "Y 72.~3~ (22 .0 5M) {L,F.E1 / 16A .,_ __ , ' OPEN Sl?ACE ,:., (45 SQ.M.) / t:!~~d7),-,, ~ 'if_; ., ; I...,-.,.,.~ : fl .-r \ I , . m -------115'--3 ... _[35.1'5m] ( ' l { _.., _ ........ i / / / , 84.65' (25.80Mf di tMAIN ,noo ~1· ,' 75 .. 58' (2.3.04M) ~L F'.E) ' / ,-14-A I 87 .6;5 ' ,(26.72M) ',' (~A(N FLOOR) 7~'58' (23.915"1) (H.E) .., __ __ ·' ,; , / ,. /f3A2 / , / ' [3.95m] !~ i:'Jl ~:· I rr--7.\{1 )~.~I I t~;;li I 11';;;;;.;!i 1 !_.__::_ __ I -~--j ', ,.lf# . /.- ' ...... a E '~ / 0 c.ci 92 .32'(28.14M) "' (MAIN FLOOR ) 83.2;J' (25.39M) (U'.E~ 112A4 ..,.., Kaaaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road , Maple Ridge , B.C. MAY 19 , 2016 --.... m 121'-11" •. [37.18m) PROJECT NORTH 103.5'8' (-31 .sat>l) + (MAIN FLOOR) S4-.53 '. (28.82M) (L.F.E~ 7A hn11c:P [3.61m] :n f ; :., ~ . / / / / / / , 107.9!f ,( ',' (M~IN FL 98.92' (:: (l,.F.E) 6A4 RETAINING WALL LE:GEND ~ CONCRETE RETAINING WALL ~--~ ALLAN BLOCK RETAINING WALL l .sun-I CULnJRED STONE WALL A88REv1A 110NS T.O. W. TOP OF WALL 8.0, W. BOTTOM OF' WALL ' U§.3 ,58 i:, (31.58M) "'~AIN t-LO.OR) 94.5.3:, (28.82M) (L.F,.E.) ?A. .' l.-. \ \ I I I "\ • I --DE I -------,_,,,. .77m ] ,,,--- CK -7JSEAB OPEN,SPAE: .. (5;2S0.M .) ·~flit.~· (}9111'1 n..:·~ \~ ..... ___ Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road , Maple Ridge , B .C. MAY 19 , 2016 ----------·•" L LAN oE I CD • CD N . ~ [2 '~E~E «-r--,..~ co I r--I ro ·ro Lf:i l() cri ..-I......J c.o ~ • ~ [11.4Nl·=·-, - ..--::::----; ' e ·G ... -· ~ ~--," .:: __ r;;J-· • ·' .,.-; _,,, RETAINING WAU. LEGEND 1--1 ABBREVlATIONS r.o .w. a.o.w. CONCRETE RETAINING WALL ALLAN BLOCK RETAINING WALL CUL TUREO STONE WALL TOP OF WALL BOTTOM OF WALL V Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road , Maple Ridge , B .C . MAY 19 , 2016 71 :39 ' (21 .77M~ ~(MAIN F'LOOR) , • 62.34' (19.01M) ~L.Fp . . __ a-.,. ---.~TI$uuomt f'IN.C:,UO,: -7-2.39' ~22..01M,) (MAlJ'H:l()OR) .63.34' (19 .31~ ~ (L.F .E) ,, / , ,, ,, ,, ,, ,¢/, ;!<Y/ RETAINING WALL LEGEND ABBREVIATIONS T.O.W. 8.0.W. CONCRETE RETAINING WALL ALLAN BLOCK RETAINING WALL CUL TUREO STONE WALL TOP OF WALL BOTTO~ OF WALL ·-:;,0 .1.3• /,2_1 _.3BMj ~ fMAJN .-FL OOR) s""So:M~ 61.S-n" .!f?!Jlr" ~ / {"", f& .. , I / Kanaka Hill 23539 Gllker Hill Road , Maple Ridge , B .C. MAY 19, 2016 ., / / 1}2:46' {25.1':3M) ',' (MAIN FLOOR) J.,M l ',,(22.38!,,1" (L.f.E) , r 27C .,. , , 8'4.46' (25. 74M) , MAIN F.t.O0R) ,' 75.4)' (22.99M (L.F;E!) • / / , , / / / / r U$EABLE .' PEN SPAGE /ISSO.M:) / / 2sc1 8"7,46_' (26:66M) (MAIN' FLOOR ''78 .41' ,(2 3.9:0M ) • (LF.1;)' _; , , .._p,~. , . , / , , ' 1,r'-2t , /[3.42n,J ; I I I ·j I I JI• , .. ""'··,__...·~----,~ . / .:. ; PR .J CT65 t,.fQRTH[1 ,S 23 '-1.f • [~.05m) _ EABLE .-E:-, 9SQ.~.) I @&-'4 '(2!'°""') ........... o-y /r,iiiii1 _!l.u.L..U- 29A1 161.112· (30.BSM) (M.AIN_ FLOOR 92.17' (28.09M) (L.F.E) I . .il ' ., SQ ,M.) ,..Q!.._l -I -, --..,.... I j\ I 11 I I .-{iT )#,: ~~-·' RETAINING WALL LEGEND ~ CONCRETE RETAINING WALL --"' = ALLAN BLOCK RETAINING WALL I ....... .,. I CUL llJRED STONE WALL ABBREVIATIONS T,O. W. TOP OF WALL B.O.W. BOTTOM OF WALL \-""t V ...:>t..t .lVI.)'" + p .u • (2t.1on,} ·~?GS AD'.: m l , • 3LE PAGF \4" ,-,.J'.M.)-- l.~♦n,t':1 '0 -, .I .-1· ·• ·, hi,i,rn ,.._..J,-J.1...1..Lnl} 9J~67 ' (29 . 77M) (l.F.E) f' ~,- '-:' \ i / ,..;_ ~.r \. -i 111 .67' (J'f.Q4M) {MA IN,. FL00_R 103'-1'' -----i---- i\ :«-·-1!lf--,. - Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Roat(, Maple Ridge , B.C. MAY 19, 2016 20'-o" [6.1m] _l . :' - N~,, ... ' 21'-of' (6.42m ] n .. on.\ (.JI CD <.D 03 @ PROJECT NORTH -r-, .:-.-, E ~ LI) _I o n . N r--'-' :-'? ~ r-- 1 r--co Lil ~ ,__, bE I a:, -""' CX) -~ LI) '-' bE I co -co N • ~n '-' ®---- ©--- _1 ' I I ' MAIN LEVEL PLAN /rYPE 'Z' (DLOCK 1) f I ' I : I i UNIT TYPE 'A3' lowE!l LEVEL PLAN fl'PE 'Z' (B LOCK l) 9 I i I I UNIT TYPE 'A' l:itit-1'" (JU,~) er er cp I UNIT TYPE 'B' I UNIT TYPE 'B ' I UNIT TYPE 'A' I I I I I I I I ' ' I ' er I I I I I , ... •f:..919: UNIT TYPE 'A4' ·•·-~· t~oUllo) r • < r CJ --I I , --~~ _, ... t I I J I ~--Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge,. B.C. MARCH 18, 2016 i/br :..::.,.'., :i l _!.1 _,__+-.,....,.--- u~ ~ ___ j I ' I ' UNIT TYPE 'A3' U'-lX' Uit,,,,l 14'-1)S"[4.'8m UPPER LEVEL PLAN jn'PE 'Z' (BLOCK I I er ' ' I ' I t~•I' h .. Ja UNIT TYPE 'A' er UNIT TYPE 'B' q> l ' I I I I I U'~ }.~ I I 14'-11" [4 42m 1'-8"[Uem] 12'-lllJ§' [JGlm] UNIT TYPE 'B' er Cf ' UNIT TYPE 'A' UNIT TYPE 'A4' ' ' I ' I I I l I .... u-• -.. , 1 ♦'-15" [4 42m] 1<1-'-11" 4,43ml Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road , Maple Ridge ; B .C. MARCH 18 , 2016 ii!fi: ·:·::_.~i, :1:. l'.l,--1--..-- ~~~ • ii UN IT'1A3' UNIT 1A1 FRONT ELEVATION SCAtE.: 1:100 UNIT'6A4' UNIT'2A' UNIT 2A UNIT 'SA' _::1 ______ _ UNIT '3B' 4 UNIT 3B UNIT'4B' ~ -------- BLOCKl FRONTl UNIT '4B' CD UNIT 'SA' ® UNIT '6A4' 0 UNIT 4B UNIT SA UNIT '3B' UNIT '1A3' Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge , B .C . MARCH 18 , 2016 FRONT 2 REAR 1 REAR2 AVG . FIN . GRADE BASEMENT ELV . DIFFERENCE .,. ,,,_, ""'"""""IP ...... n..CQllt ♦ .......,., """'IP lAl 2A 3B 4B SA 6A4 33,3 32.99 32.38 31.77 30.71 2917 33.3 32.99 32.38 31.77 30.71 29.95 34.31 34 01 34.54 34,54 33.48 32.71 34.31 34,01 34.54 34.54 33.48 32.48 33.805 33 .5 33.46 33 ,155 32.095 31.0775 0 UNIT '6A4' 33.5 33,2 32,59 31 ,98 30.91 30.15 MAXIMUM BUIWING HElGHT UNE (11m ABOVE DDP B~N_g__ -0 .305 -03 -0 .87 -1.175 -1 ,185 ---- •~ln,cal WEST ELEVATION ~t.1100 MATERIALS LEGEND (j) PROFILEO ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT A UNIT'1A3' SHINGLE ROOFING (i) STAINED WOOD FINIAL MAXIMUM BUltDING HElGHT LINE @ Al\Jl,11/M! R\'ILS • GUTTEitS (l) PAINTED WOOD FASCIAS @ PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANELLING 1 ® PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANELLING 2 @ PAINTED WOOD -t DOOR TRIMS 1 ® PAINTED WOOD+ DOOR TRIMS 2 (l) STAINED WOOD SHUTTERS @ VINYL WINDOWS ® ALUMINUM WINDOW BOX/ PLANTER \IM'f\.OCIR ® PAINTED/ STAINED FIBERGLASS ENTRY DOOR l(j) STAINED WOOD POST @ PROFILED HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING DDP BASELINE @ SHAKE VINYL SIDING 43) DECORATIVE LIGHT FIXTURE @ INSULATED GARAGE DOORS ® CULTURED STONE EAST ELEVATION ICAIJ1 11oii ' ' I UNIT TYPE 'A2' M.\IN LEVEL PLAN PPE 'Y' (BLOCK 21 4 I UNIT TYPE 'A2' ' ' 14'-7ij" (4.4&111 ' LOWER LEVEL PLAN tyPE 'Y' (BLOCK 21 cp UNIT TYPE 'B' er UNIT TYPE 'B' cp UNIT TYPE 'B' er UNIT TYPE 'A4' ur-u•r,,.u.1 cp er ~ cp er ' UNIT TYPE 'B' ' UNIT TYPE 'B' ' UNIT TYPE 'B' ' UNIT TYPE 'B' I ' ' ' ' ' UNIT TYPE 'A4' I I I I I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~~--Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road,, Maple Ridge, B.C. MARCH 18, 2016 ±Ii,; •> IJ..):..i--..,.__...,-~ u,..,.;,' "I I " PL.AMJUU . *~ ~~ , .. .. I I I I I I I UNIT TYPE 'A2' UPPER LEVEL PLAN pPE 'Y' (BLOCK 21 cp UNIT TYPE 'B' UNIT TYPE 'B' <r I I I UNIT TYPE 'B' cp UNIT TYPE 'B' er j I I I I UNIT TYPE 'A4' a_riaka11_il I 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge, B.C. MARCH 18 , 2016 fl/lg;-· ,. ·::·~❖~•~ -..... --------------------------'~.:;;;• ..... / 4-,. /.l' / /•' / / ci" UNIT '7A2' UNIT'88' 3 UNIT'98' (j) UNIT'12A4' © UNIT'11B' ® UNIT'108' IJ/S lllUn M,~n.OQII ~ --~ ~ --------- -------------"l 0 5 UNIT '118' 6 UNIT '12A4' 0 BLOCK2 UNIT'98' 0 UNIT'88' UNIT '7A 2' U/1 nr.rn f Kanaka Hill 235.39 G il ker Hill Road , Maple Ridge , B .C. MARCH 18 , 20 1 6 )Al BB 9B FRONT 1 29.17 27.74 26.98 FRONT 2 2836 2774 26.98 REAR 1 32.18 31.57 30 81 REAR2 31.42 30_81 30.04 AVG .FIN . GRADE 30 .2825 30 .04 29 .27667 BASEMENT ELV, 28.82 28.21 27.45 DIFFERENCE •l.4625 -1.83 -1,82667 MATERIALS LEGEND <D PROFILED ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING ® STAINED WOOD FINIAL @ ALUMINUM RWLS , GUTTERS @I PAINTED WOOD FASClAS ® PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANELLING 1 @ PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANELLING 2 ® PAINTED WOOD+ DOOR TRIMS 1 @ PAINTED WOOD+ DOOR TRJMS 2 (j) STAINED WOOD SHUTTERS ® VINYL WINDOWS ® ALUMINUM WINDOW BOX/ PLANTER ® PAINTED I STAINED FIBERGLASS ENTRY DOOR 6 STAINED WOOD POST @ PROFILED HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING @ SHAKE VINYL SIDING @ DECORATIVE LIGHT FIXTURE ® INSULATED GARAGE DOORS ® CULTURED STONE 10B 11B 12A4 26.37 25 .76 24.92 26.37 25.76 24,46 30.2 29 .7 28.57 29.43 28.82 25 ,82 28 ,66667 28 .09333 25 .9425 1:;-_ UNIT'7A2' f ---26,84 26,23 25.39 MAXlf,!UM =l~~E°iGHftJnE..{11.[!1 ~OVE D □P BASELINE) ·l.82667 -1.86333 -0 ,5525 ------ """""' """""""" ...... """" EAST ELEVATION SCALE: !:100 D UNIT '12A4' A MAXIMUM BU!LDING HBGff UNE (11m A80VE DOP SASaJijf.).-------- ~ urs naus, """"'"°°" ! ' ...,.nooe ! -----. ...,.,.., " WEST ELEVATION SCAL E:1:100 I I I UNIT "NPE 'A2 ' ~/\IN LEVEL PLAN l YPE 'X' (BLOCK 3) UNIT "NPE 'A2' LOWER LEVEL PLAN lf PE 'X' (BLOCK 3) cp I cp ' I J ' UNIT TYPE 'A' UNIT "NPE 'A' UNIT TYPE 'A' UNIT TYPE 'A1 ' <r er UNIT T YPE 'A2' UNIT TYPE 'A' UNIT TYPE 'A' I UNIT TYPE 'A' I UNIT TYPE 'A1' I I 0 0 J 0 J 0 I I IT-·t,.-J l'-D'[a.51lm] ,r .... • f"-.:l!!II ~-e"ft.n!I u·--1 ·1"°'""' •- ' UPPER LE VEL PLAN ~YPE 'X' (BLOCK 3) ~---KanaKa l:IJJI ~3539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge, B.C. MARCH 18, 2016 cp i I I UNIT TYPE 'A' UNIT TYPE 'A' er 11·-a· [2.,im] UNIT TYPE 'A' 14•-~· •.◄2ml er I I I : UNIT TYPE 'A 1' UNIT '13A2' UNIT'14A' 3 UNIT '15A' UNIT'17A1' 5 UNIT'16A' UNIT '15A" © UNIT '16A' 5 UNIT '17A1 ' 5 I 3 UNIT'14A' 2 UNIT '13A2' Kanaka Hill 23539 G l lker Hill Road , Maple Ridge·, B .C . MARCH 18 , 2016 BLOCK3 13A1 14A 15A 16A 17Al FRONT 1 24.1 2258 22.05 2159 21.28 FRONT 2 23.49 22.58 22.05 2159 2L28 REAR 1 26,56 26.4 25 .87 25,41 24,32 REAR2 27.32 25 ,64 25.11 24,65 22.5 AVG .FIN. GRADE 25.3675 24,87333 24.34333 23 .88333 22-7 UNIT'17A1' BASEMENT ELV . 23 ,95 23 .04 22.51 2205 21 75 DIFFERENCE -1,4175 -1.83333 -1 .83333 -1.83333 -0.95 MAXIMUM BUWING HEIGHT LINE (11m ~VE _jW' B,'r9fl1REY WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1:lDO MATERIALS LEGEND (j) PROFILED ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING (i) STAINED WOOD FINIAL @ ALUMINUM RWLS + GUTTERS @ PAINTED WOOD FASCIAS ® PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANELLING 1 @ PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANELLING2 ® PAINTED WOOD+ DOOR TRIMS 1 @ PAINTED WOOD+ DOOR TRIMS 2 !JJ STAINED WOOD SHUTTERS ® VINYL WINDOWS ® ALUMINUM WINDOW BOX / PLANTER ® PAINTED/ STAINED FIBERGLASS ENTRY DOOR {l) STAINED WOOD POST @ PROFILED HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING @ SHAKE VINYL SIDING 431 OECORATNE LIGHT FIXTURE EAST ELEVATION ® INSULATED GARAGE DOORS 1,CJ,lJ.1 jtoCI ® CUL TUR ED STONE I I I I UNIT TYPE 'A3' MAIN LEVEL PLAN ijvPE 'W' (BLOCK 4) ~ I I I I I I I UNIT TYPE 'A3' D :u·-,Js.-[7.0!m] I..OWER LEVEL PLAN 'ljvPE 'W' (B LOCK 4) cp I I J ' UNIT TYPE 'A' D q> ' ' J UNIT TYPE 'A' D 23•-o· 7.oun <r UNIT TYPE 'A1' <r I I J UNIT TYPE 'A1' er J I ft .--------~~__,,,_.-Ka D a k a Hll I 23539 Qilker Hill Road , Maple Ridge , B.C . MARCH 18 , 2016 , ;,--::;--_;;• --------------------------------------. 4 / //$ //•' UNIT TYPE 'A3' I I I I UPPER LEVEL PLAN ijvPE 'W' (BLOCK 4) I'- @ I I I I UNIT TYPE 'A' <p I I I I I / / <,~ UNIT TYPE 'A' UNIT TYPE 'A1' FRONT ELEVATION SCAlt; 1:100 0 UNIT '21A1' UNIT '20A' REAR ELEVATION SCALE:1:100 BLOCK4 UNIT '19A' UNIT'18A2' rnc,.,. Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge, 8.C. MARCH 18 , 2016 FRONT 1 FRONT 2 REAR l REAR2 AVG . FIN . GRADE BASEMENT ELV. DIFFERENCE 18Al 19A 20A 21Al 21.28 20 45 20.06 19.68 20.83 20.45 20.06 19.68 22.78 22.78 22.17 21 .25 22.78 22.78 22.17 20.64 21.9175 21615 21115 203125 21.03 20.65 20.27 19.89 -0 8875 -0.965 -0.845 -0.4225 '"""'"- ~fDIDfl' ~. WEST ELEVATION I.IATERW.S I.El!END © PROFILED ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING UNIT '18A2' a, STAINED WOOD FINIAL @ ALUMINUM RWLS + GUTTERS --1;.Ql~G HOGHT UNE (llm ABO\£ 0£:f :fASEUNE} ------- © PAINTED WOOD FASCIAS ~ PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANELLING 1 ® PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANELLING 2 @ PAINTED WOOD+ DOOR TRIMS 1 ® PAINTED WOOO + DOOR TRIMS 2 (i) STAINED WOOD SHUTTERS """""""' ® VINYL WINDOWS ® ALUMINUM WINDOW SOX I PLANTER ® PAINTED/ STAINED FIBERGLASS ENTRY DOOR ii} STAINED WOOD POST l!ll PROFILED HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING @ SHAKE VINYL SIDING ® DECORATIVE LIGHT FIXTURE ® INSULATED GARAGE DOORS ® CULTURED STONE EAST ELEVATION SC,,.LE:1:100 _j 0 I I I I I ' UNIT TYPE 'D' I ' UNIT TYPE 'C' er I I I I UNIT TYPE 'C' er I I I I UNIT TYPE 'D' ~ ' i I t I I I I I I ---------t.="e!!!lj !!'!'!I j-~~ ®--_J-'-1-~---4--F~· -+.::::.... ........ c::::;JH-..;s._- () <) ©-·· ~ I I I I I r-4' cp I i UNIT TYPE 'D ' er ' ' I ~ UNIT TYPE 'C' 14'-0" 't,27m er I ' I UNIT TYPE 'C' •,,.J 14.'-o" ♦.27m er I I I I I UNIT TYPE 'D' i i I i I I J I I I I I I I ---i---------·-··--i-------·-··---+--------------~-------------~-----l------- ! ' j i i ' ' ---·,-r----------··1·-----------,--------------,-------------,---,----- • I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I LbwER LEVEL kAN I I I I TYPE 'U' (BLOCK 5) ____ Ka _n_aka_ H _i LL 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge , B .C. MARCH 18 , 2016 9 I I I UNIT TYPE 'D' I '.,, .,,_ ..-.u• !.?h ,.,.a'f" ..... UPPER LEVEL PLAN TYPE 'U' (BLOCK 5) er I I I I nr'..,s" na,,, Cf er er I I ' I I UNIT TYPE 'C' I UNIT TYPE 'C' I UNIT TYPE 'D' I U'-IX'" (1.»-1 ' ,s I ;a:1'..G"'.Llll'II u •..q /IJJM r-~·tu..J r-~·1,1u....1 ,r-,· u "' r-,,· ,.~ ! _,, UNIT'22D' 0 UNIT'23C' UNIT'24C' UNIT '25D' 7 --------------------------------- FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1:100 UNIT'25D' UNIT '24C' REAR E(EVATION ------- K,l.lL.1.1tJrJ UNIT'23C' 3 UNIT'22D' Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker H i ll Road , Maple Ridge , B .C . MARCH 18 , 2016 BLOCKS 22D 23C 24C 25D FRONT 1 20.79 2L17 21.56 21.87 FRONT 2 20.79 21.17 2156 22.57 REAR 1 19.66 19.35 20 57 21.8 REAR2 18.75 19.35 20.57 23 .02 AVG .FIN . 1 UNIT'22D' GRADE 19.9975 19 95667 20.9 22.46333 BASEMENT ELV. 18.24 18.62 19.01 19.31 -AX~M ~l~El~ U~(t1ID...},Bcu.t-OOP-eASEDf.lE) - DIFFERENCE -1 .7575 -1-33667 -L89 -3 ,15333 --- WEST ELEVATION sCAU:1:rno MATERIALS LEGEND © PROFILED ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING (i) STAINEO WOOD FINIAL UNIT '25D' A MAJOMUM !IWJllj) -• utif(llm ,ao\( 00P BA511Jl<£) @ ALUMINUM RWLS + GUTTERS @ PAINTED WOOD FASCIAS ~ PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANELLING 1 ® PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANELLING 2 @ PAINTED WOOD+ DOOR TRIMS 1 @ PAINTED WOOD + DOOR TRIMS 2 (l) STAINED WOOD SHLITTERS ® VINYL WINDOWS ® ALUMINUM WINDOW BOX I PLANTER @) PAINTED/ STAINED FIBERGLASS ENTRY OOOR ii]) STAINED WOOD POST "-"""" @ PROFILED HORIZONTAL VINYl SIDING @ SHAKE VINYL SIDING <!l) DECORATIVE LIGHT FIXTURE @ INSULATED GARAGE DOORS EAST ELEVATION ® CULTURED STONE 1 i ®--~ t • ~ I UNIT TYPE 'C1' MAIN LEVEL PLAN TYPE 'S' (BLOCK 6) 4 l ! UNIT TYPE 'C1' I AEC.ROOIJ ;l,\;",l!-4' UNIT TYPE 'C' UNIT TYPE 'C1 ' n'-"1{' J"t .7:-wi] 'f <p t I I I I UNIT TYPE 'C' I UNIT TYPE 'C1' I I I ... , u-..-.r,.,,, r r,..., Ji(~ ,u, .. ----- I I i I ' -~=a. ! _,:, p -ro.: ! I D'w11r' '..l'Je a ls I ~ ©---I r ___ ___..,.!.:_:!i!,..~"!l!""eL---t-----'"'!!'.::!-«Ufl~.Do~----!----....!~'.l!.:~---Ji +--.:.----------I It --•1-••-------••-r,' •-•--••--•---I I :!. ls ~ I 11 I I I I I : l e\ --------, 1 1'? ---1 -----~-------------' ! I ----I I I LOWER LEVEL PLAN TYP E'S' (BLOCK 6) i I 23539 Gilker Hill Road s ' Maple Ridge , B .C. MARCH 18 , 2016 4 I I I I UNIT TYPE 'C1' I UPPER LEVEL PLAN TYPE 'S' (BLOCK 6) 11"-~ .. (tU~J Cf <p ~ I I I ' I ' I I I ' UNIT TYPE 'C' ' I UNIT TYPE 'C1' I I UNIT '26C1' UNIT '27C' ! ~ Fl.Oo;l -------------I ~~~~00T ELEVATION UN IT '2BC1' UNIT '27C' 0 REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1:100 UNIT '2BC1' 8LOCK6 FRONT 1 FRONT2 REAR 1 REAR2 U/5TRIM AVG .FIN . GRADE BASEMENT ELV . DIFFERENCE UNIT '26 C1' !M!Nr~ Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Ro.ad , Maple Ridge", B.C . MARCH 1 8 , 2016 26Cl 2423 24.15 23.04 23.86 23.82 22.38 -1.44 27C 28Cl 25.54 26 45 25.54 26.45 25.08 26.3 25.08 26.3 25.23333 26.3 22 99 123.9 -2-24333 -2.4 ----1ilPBASEUNE ~-~,! ------------------------,,\,,r.-=,--;;,._-,;;,;a-~ WEST ELEVATION SCAL~: l :100 MATERIALS LEG"..NO (D PROFILED ARC HITECTIJRAL ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING UNIT '2BC1' @ STAINED WOOO FINIAL @ ALUMINUM RWLS + GUTTERS WAXIMUM BU/WING HBGHT LINE (11m ABO\£ DOP BASWN() (j) PAINTED WOOD FASCIAS s PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANELLING 1 @ PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANELLING 2 @ PAINTED WOOD + DOOR lRIMS 1 @ PAINTED WOOD + DOOR TRIMS 2 (I) STAINED WOOO SHUTTERS ® VINYL WINDOWS ® ALUMINUM WINDOW BOX I PLANTER @) PAINTED I ST AINEO FIBERGLASS ENTRY OOOR 4)1 STAINED WOOO POST @ PROFILED HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING @ SHAKE VINYL SIDING @ DECORATIVE LIGHT FIXTURE EAST ELEVATION ® INSULATED GARAGE ODORS ® CUL TUR ED STONE I ! ? I ~ ! ~ ' l = UNIT TYPE 'A1 ' -r [Wnil ' • r'◄·(.u.n.} I : MAIN LEVEL PLAN I TYPE T (BLOCK 7) + UNIT TYPE 'A1' ........ y~ -rtu,,,J 1a'-1o.1Si· [5.7&m] ' i : LOWER LEVEL PLAN I TYPE 'T' (BLOCK 71 cp ' ' I ~· .. r [1ui....1 q> UNIT TYPE 'B' ' UNIT TYPE 'A2' ' I ' I u·-m· ... ..,,. + ' ' I I ' a_n a kaJ:lj 11 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge , B.C. MARCH 18, 2016 UNIT TYPE 'A1' ...,.,Uio,;J I r•"· [.42m] I : UPPER LEVEL PLAN I TYPE 'T' (BLOCK 7) UNIT TYPE 'B ' Cf ' ' I I UNIT TYPE 'Al' ~L l tl W © UNIT'31A2' 0 Ufl mss ' ~ """'"""' -"°"' REAR ELEVATION .SCAU:": 11100 I UNIT '308' UNIT'29A1 ' UfSml'S'S or,ot r..oc:a VNHR* ''"'"" ,,__ Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge, B.C. MARCH 18 , 2016 BLOCK7 FRONTl FRONT 2 REAR 1 REAR2 AVG . FIN . GRADE BASEMENT ELV. DIFFERENCE 29Al 30B 31Al 27 ,44 28.66 30.3 27,89 28 66 29.57 29,09 29,7 30.92 UNIT '29A1 ' 29.09 29.7 30.92 28.3775 2.9.35333 30.47 28 09 28 .86 29 77 -0.2875 -0.49333 -0.7 """""' ! . """' WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1:100 MATERIALS LEGEND (D PROFILED ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING Q) STAINED WOOD FINIAL CT) ALUMINUM RWLS + GUTTERS © PAINTED WOOD FASCIAS @ PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANELLING 1 ® PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANEUING2 @ PAINTED WOOD+ DOOR TRIMS 1 @ PAINTED WOOD + DOOR TRIMS 2 (J) STAINED WOOD SHUTTERS @ VINYL WINDOWS ® ALUMINUM WINDOW BOX I PLANTER @I PAINTED/ STAINED FIBERGLASS ENTRY DOOR <!J) STAINED WOOD POST @ PROFILED HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING @ SHAKE VIN\'\. SIDING d3I DECORATIVE LIGHT FIXTURE il} INSULATED GARAGE DOORS EAST ELEVATION @I CUL TU RED STONE I I UNIT TYPE 'A4' ~ ' -..i~(1,,.►-o ar-~;:.,,._J ' i I IIOWl:R LEVEL PLAN iYPE 'R' (BLOCK 8) UNIT TYPE 'B' D ,,_ lf'-tr~• ?).nail = Jt.o1-1 - cp UNIT TYPE 'B' I ' ~ D ' <p UNIT TYPE 'B' l D er ' . ~ I e) ITIJl i -~---,-~ ~ UNIT TYPE 'A3' r.=====:::::::;1----- a n_a Ka H i_U_ 23-539 Gilker Hill Road , Maple Ridge, B.C. MARCH 18 , 2016 •T ' ' I UNIT TYPE 'A4' WPPER LEVEL PLAN "\YPE 'R' (BLOCK BJ cp UNIT TYPE 'B' I I I I I l!OT-11' a.n.,. cp UNIT TYPE 'B' cp UNIT TYPE 'B' er UNIT TYPE 'A3 ' I I I • I I I I j I U"-!Jl,·tr~ lf'-t«'{.s...1.-.1 ...... UNIT'32A4' UNIT'33B' U/11JM;ISS u~ n.oal FRONT ELEVATION UNIT '36A3' UNIT'35B' •fl- """"""' UNIT '34B' UNIT '35B' UNIT'36A3' BLOCKS V/l1JI05> ~l'OltlUXJI: .... ,._ UNIT'34B' 3 UNIT'33B' UNIT '32A4' 0 .,,..,._ ~Tfl.OCII Kanaka Hill 23539 G i lker Hill Road , Maple Ridge , B.C . MARC H 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 32A4 33B 34B 35B 36Al FRONT l 3L08 3L99 32.6 33 .21 34.6 FRONT 2 31.08 31.99 32.6 33.21 34.12 REAR l 33.05 33 OS 33 .66 34 27 35 ,37 UNIT '32A4' REAR2 32.44 33 OS 33.66 34,27 35 ,05 AVG .FIN . GRADE 3LS125 32.69667 33,30667 33 .91667 34.84667 BASEMENT --...M~M IUlnlHC HE(GHT UNE (11m ABOVE DDP BASEl.JNE) ---ELV . 31,28 32.19 32.8 33.41 34,32 DIFFERENCE -0 .6325 -0.50667 -050667 -0.50667 -0,52667 Vfl 11MS ..... ~ J -~ WEST ELEVATION SC.-.lE:1:I00 MATERIALS LEGEND (j) PROFILED ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING 0 UNIT '36A3' a> STAINED WOOD FINIAL MA XIMUM BUJLOING HEIGHT LINE (11m ABOVE OOP BASELINE) @ ALUMINUM RWLS + GUTTERS @ PAINTED WOOD FASCIAS 9 PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANELLING 1 ® PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANELLING2 ® PAINTED WOOD+ DOOR TRIMS 1 @ PAINTED WOOD+ DOOR TRIMS 2 ............ (i) STAINED WOOD SHUTTERS ® VINYL WINDOWS ® ALUMINUM WINDOW BOX/ PLANTER .... ,._ @ PAINTED I STAINED FIBERGLASS ENTRY DOOR @ STAINED WOOD POST @ PROFILED HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING """""' @ SHAKE VINYL SIDING (!JI DECORATIVE LIGHT FIXTURE EAST ELEVATION SCALE:1:100 ® INSULATED GARAGE DOORS ® CULTURE □ STONE UNIT TYPE 'A3' I I ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ' MAIN LEVEL PLAN !rvPE 'V' (BLOCK 9) UNIT TYPE 'A3' 0 iz .. 1,r p.o,.i.J , ... ., ...... , I l I lOWER LEVEL PLAN !rvPE 'V' (BLOCK 9) cp UNIT TYPE 'B' UNIT TYPE 'B' er UNIT TYPE 'A4 ' w1.·u.,_ cp cp cp ' UNIT TYPE '8' ' UNIT TYPE '8' I UNIT TYPE 'A4' ' ' I J 0 J 0 J 0 I I ......-----~~-Ka D a k_a _ H_i 11 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge, B.C. MARCH 18, 2016 I ' . D ~-~ .. <_,:;;;/:.' ~-,,, • .-Pi.AH JUIII ~ ,r,4 I• ~~::., • J • r· ... , , ---------------------~••'~/ :--J··· UNIT TYPE 'A3' ' PPEII LEVEL PLAN ~YPE 'V' (BLOCK 91 cp ' UNIT TYPE '8' q> i ' I UNIT TYPE '8' <p i ' I //;f.S q, / /•' 6~ / / UNIT TYPE 'A4' , __.,,,. U/S,,.,... ,MMIIIUXJilt UNIT '37A3' UNIT '38B' FRONT ELEVATION KMtl 1llll;li s UNIT '40A4' UNIT '3 9B' REAR ELEVATION ""'':tc» 8LOCK9 J UNIT '39B' UNIT'40A4' cp U/S ..... """""""" UNIT '38B' UNIT'37A3' ""'"'"'" Kanaka Hill 23539 G i lker Hill Road , Maple Ridge , B .C . MARC H 18 , 2016 37Al 388 398 40A4 FRONTl 35.97 35.32 34.94 34.33 FRONT 2 35.63 35.32 34.94 34.59 REAR 1 37.2 38 09 37.71 36.45 REAR2 38.4 3809 37.71 37.1 AVG FIN . GRADE 36.8 37.16667 36,78667 36-04667 BASEMENT ELV. 35 .84 35.53 35 15 34.54 DIFFERENCE -0.96 -1 .63667 ·l.63667 -1.50667 0 UNIT '40A4' MAXIMUM SIJ!LDING H£1GI-IT LINE (11m ABQ~p,.-e,:SWNf ----- """'"""' -C"-! I ~ ! ----------------------li.KWtNr ELEVATION SCALE: 1:100 UNIT '37A3' MATERIALS LEGEND (j) PROFILED ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING MAX!t.1m;r-al#WN~~ ~E (11m ABO\,£ DDP BASELINE) I!) STAINED WOOD FINIAL @ ALUMINUM RWLS + GUTTERS @ PAINTED WOOD FASCIAS ~ PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANELLlNG 1 +u~nw,;J l @ PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANaUNG2 @ PAINTED WOOD+ DOOR TRIMS 1 ! """""""' ;J 1 ~ ® PAINTED WOOD + ODOR TRIMS 2 (l) STAINED WOOD SHUTTERS ® VINYL WINDOWS -"""' ® ALUMINUM WINDOW BOX I PtANTER ® PAINTED I STAINED FIBERGLASS ENTRY DOOR @ STAINED WOOD POST @ PROFILED HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING @ SHAKE VINYL SIDING NORTH ELEVATION SCALL\tilllO d]I DECORATIVE LIGHT FIXTURE ® INSULATED GARAGE DOORS @ CUL TUREO STONE UNIT TYPE 'A2' r t-ii" (~I Lrw1• [H~I i , ... I MAIN LEVEL PLAN I TYPE 'T' (BLOCK 10) 4 l UNIT TYPE 'A2' I I I I I ' 1 LOWER LEVEL PLAN I TYPE 'T' (BLOCK 1 OJ cp I I I I ' UNIT TYPE 'B' cp ' ' I UNIT TYPE 'A 1' UNIT TYPE 'A 1' ____ Kan aka_ Hj I_ I 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge, 8.C. MARCH 18, 201(> UNIT TYPE 'A2' UPPER LEVEL PLAN TYPE 'T' (BLOCK 10) UNIT TYPE 'B' cp i I I UNIT TYPE 'A1' ... b ' //~¢-,,. / /, .1 &"' / / UNIT '41A2' UNIT '42B' 3 FRONT ELEVATION .SC.-l f l 1letl UNIT'43A1 ' """"n.ooo """"""' REAR ELEVATION .w:Alt: •~•oo 41Al BLOCKlO FRONT 1 33,7 UNIT'43A1' FRONT 2 34.14 REAR 1 36.46 REAR2 36.46 AVG. FIN . GRADE 35 .19 BASEMENT ELV. 33 ,9 DIFFERENCE ·1.29 uts •flllmi UNIT '41A2' ....,,,._ .......... Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road , Maple Riqge , B.C. MARCH 18 , 2016 42B 43Al 33.7 33 .01 33.7 33 .09 35 85 35.42 35.85 34.33 35 .13333 34.28 33.9 33.3 ·1.23333 .Q.98 MATERIALS LEOENO (i) PROFILED ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING (;!) STAINED WOOD FINIAL @ ALUMINUM RWLS + GLITTERS @ PAINTED WOOD FASCIAS @ PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANELLING 1 @ PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANELLING2 @ PAINTED WOOD +-DOOR TRIMS 1 @ PAJNTED WOOD+ DOOR TRIMS 2 (JJ STAINED WOOD SHUTTERS @ VINYL WINDOWS @ ALUMINUM WINDOW BOX I PLANTER i@ PAINTED I STAJNED FIBERGLASS ENTRY DOOR /(JI STAINED WOOD POST @ PROFILED HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING @I SHAKE VINYL SIDING l!l) DECORATIVE UGHTFIXTURE @ INSULATED GARAGE DOORS @ CULTURED STONE A UNIT '41A2' D ---MAXl'-IUM BUILDiNa' H£16HT ~ (11m ABOVE □DP BASELINE) -----.,;.,=---'f. U/J tam NORTH ELEVATION KA.lL ltlCICI UNIT '43A1' MAX"11UIJ BUllDNG HEIGHT LI~ (11m ,tBQVE OOP BASEU.:=!. - """""' SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1:100 A M,BED 11\C KITCHEN 4 '-..___/ 8ATH '"''" BLOCK 1Z UNIT 1A1 SCALE: 1:100 SCALE:1,ll!O SEO ! GREAT ROOM ~1 I ,_..., .,._ A M,BEO KITCHEN 8ATH DINING BLOCK 1Z UNIT 2A SCALE:1:100 SEO GAEAT ROOM ~ .._ _[MAXIMrJW.~ftDGHlUNE ----(11MAOOVl.0CH"~ --- _Kan aka Hi 11 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge , B.C. MARCH 18 , 2016 MBE'.O "'c BATH BED __ ,A --""' KITCHEN A I DINING BLOCK 1Z UNIT 38 SCALE: 1:100 GREAT ROOM ~ MAXIMtl'I I\AILDPQ~LIN!; I -----(11MAB :wlD0f"~ I -- M,BEO ... BATH BED KITCHEN DINI NG GREAT R00.'4 --,.,c..__ 'i i QUll'[llU t iJ ,~ l -.,. ... n MSEO "c BATH !1£(> KITCHEN DINING GREAT ROOM ---------.._ -e~:~~;lu»ffllNE ---------- M.BED BATH BED KITCHEN DINING GREAT ROOM M BED "'c BATH BED SCALE: l:IOU Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge , B.C . MARCH 18 , 2016 M.BED KITCHEN ..... , ,. T " } M-BED .,.~ KITCHEN ---------- "'c 1110 BATH BLOCK 2Y UNIT 9B SCALE: 1:100 BATH BED GREAT ROON BED DIN ING GREAT ROOM "'"'""" -BLOCK 2Y UNIT 12A1 SCALE: 1:100 0 I ♦ l t&tr::-1 ' ~ n1.1r.u.r.l ...... I -- ii ~ ,~-- ~ I .... ._ .,. ... ! ... .,. ... IIMT U-1111111 I ~ ..,, .... ~-:I ,,.~,--c 1 ~i ,,. ... -._-._ -C~l::.~~:-:,;~LINE --- M,BED "c 8AlH KITCHEN Ow-llNG GREAT ROOM ---------REC, -BLOCK 3X UNIT 13A1 KALE: L:IDO i t,4,BED 'MC BAJ>< " ~ = I! 'j u KITCHEN DINING GREAT ROON I l ---------~ REC. ! BLOCK 3X UNIT 16A SCALE; 1:100 ..,, .,, M.BEO 'MC BATH KITCHEN ---------REC ·~ 11\,.,i,J'j»d~j ,,._ KITCHEN DINING GREAT ROOM --.,, ... ---REC ' ... ...... 5.c:AlE: 1:100 ~~~--Ka n a k a H i 11 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge, 8.C. MARCH 18 , 2016 0 ---._ -r-~~l~~~~'/INE --- """ .... M.BED .. c KITCHEN --------- ,,._._.. -,,. ... ~ A -·-~- BLOCK 4W UNIT 18A1 SCAlE.:1:1 0D I ~IIUl!,lllti,OIIUC;hl UM!. ----(llM~00P~I ---- M.BEO .,c BATH aEO KITCHEN DINING GRE.AT ROOM REC. --- 00111""111~ LOCK 4W UNIT 21A1 SCALE: 1:100 ! ~, • A ® -...._ (11M ABO'l(.0Qfll&Ul.l!al --_[MAXIMUUtN.kDtefflQff°Lf';E ---- Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge, B.C. MARCH 18, 2016 i --·~ i'. [ I .......................... ..... ~ -, ........ --... . I ---i -i M.BED .,c BATH BED KITCHEN DINING GREAT ROOM 1 _J_ I l i1 I ......... .., .,._ \l('-"&D ' _.., .. I ~ ~ ! l BEO LWKO/IY Y<C GREAT ROOM v.,c BA1H GARAGE lr,4,BED i BLOCK sui UNIT 220 I SCALE: 1:100 I -----~MIUUIIJl,,OHCl!il1Y"l,f',,!. - L.t111~,-1:0\111l)Olll(IA~ ""' COM/CO~ Q1£ATR00f,I •~Tl< ·- BLOCK SU UNIT 250 ~CALE: 1:100 i ,!. ~ ! ~ I ) I r ! ! i ! ~ l -~ l&..ll'[Sll-al] .,. ....--.,. .... ..,..,..., --,,,_ ' --,,. ... ' ..., , ..... 1111•aDll!I .,._ -,,,,_ v,-a A 0 OVEO:,ll't,&.Sl;UNEI __ ---e ~~,uiie. ------ GREAT ROOM 'MC --- REC. BLOCK SU UNIT 23C SCALE: 1:1 00 Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge, B.C. MARCH 18 , 2016 BED CORRIDOR BATH tr.4,BED I 1; . GARAGE GREAT ROOM NC -----o="s:EJ REC. ...... LOCK SU UNIT 24C SC,\lE: 1:100 _,,/ r "'r---i I IUA~.ICMootlPl4.falHli __ ~-----------I I i BED COARIDOR ~EAT ROOM ___ Ri.Gr-- OoPeASELINE M.BEO GARAGE --- BLOCK BS UNIT 26C1 SCAl£: 1:100 '' -.,. .... cp . I ! ------7_;------, ~lll&.QPiO~Ultill I r IIMABOVEOOP ... ~ i I i CORRIDOR GR.EAT ROOM ----s REC 00ll'IA5C~ •.ea, BLOCK 6S UNIT 27C SC:ALE: 1:100 Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge , B.C. MARCH 18 , 2016 A r~l;JUIIOf,0!4:)HEIGHTLINE I L fl~~~-1--------- i CORRIDOR GREAT ROOM ----- M.BED GARAGE BLOCK 6S UNIT 28C1 5CALE:1:100 ! J s ·---~.._.+-' .. =w'-""•~,,_=- ,,, ... ~ ~ © .... f I,,◄ ! ! I I ~~t,00,ffU,.:1. r ----(:SOVEOOPBASEUIE) M,BED \ilC BATH BED KITCHEN DIN ING GREAT ROOM REC. CJII..U..TII"" l ~ ~I.INM.aDMIHtlOKT\JHE. t------["-™"•tNIOOl'AAICUICEI I --- M,BED KITCH EN DINING BLOCK 7T UNIT 30B SCALE : 1:100 GREAT ROOM Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road , Maple Ridge, B.C. MARCH 18 , 2016 .,. I ! ➔ i . ,. ... A @ I 1L I ..._..........,....,., .... 1 --...._ ---(UifloOC\'E~6AJ&11',CJ I ------ ....., W O GATW ""°"" ..... ...,....__-i3LOCK 7T UNIT 31A1 SC,\LE:1:lOU ~T IICOM I i I-_[~-.oo,ctHDGHrLINE I ----..... ___ ..., -------~- M.BED ,ac BATH KITCHEN DINING _J!EC. ·--DDF'OASELINE_J KITCHEN BLOCK BR UNIT 32A1 SCAL E; 1:100 BLOCK BR UNIT 35B SCALE: 1:10 0 BED GREAT ROOM ! ! l ) l I I -!!!!!l.... .,,_ I D.N ,,,_ .. _,....,. , ..... --f- i A I i L ~BUILDING HEIGHT LINE I. --flll.lAaJYGDOl' .... ffU';'EI -- M.BEO "' KITCHEN BATH ...... GREAT ROOM BLOCK BR UNIT 36A3 SCALE: 1:100 Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge,. B.C. MARCH 18 , 2016 ,,. ... .1. -'~ ,. ) ----I W)U.JM(IUl.~"6(pff,~ (IWM,OVll.oo=-11.t&lLJ41 --- M,BED v,c BATH i£D KITCHEN DINING BLOCK BR UNIT 34B SCALE: 1:100 GREAT ROOM 1-u,' .,,._ ! ~ uu.---1 .... ! ~ ...,. ,. ... ~= (11MABMm.flMll.M!!1 ------ \ ... JI' M Uii'] . - M,BED ... BAll< '"' I ! --i-_ .... j KITCHEN DINING GAEAT RDDM t--IMAXIM~9Uli.lltNG~LINE I ---.__ --(11~1A~llOP6AIQt\1!i i --- i -.,._ I ! ,ra1_, "" "' M.BED \\lC BATH ! i I --. .[MAXIMUUIULOJ.QtEIQf4tll.'<IE ----(11MA80\l'IH1Clfll~ ---- M,BED \\IC BATli BED -1. -·"" i KITCHEN DINING GREAT ROOM - BLOCK 9V UNIT 388 SCALE: 1:1011 Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge , B.C. MARCH 18, 2016 ---· . ,. . 'j' ,! ! ..... , .... -r~ ~ ., ..... ~- -. -. .[MA.XIMW.~HDQ!fTUNE ---{11MAllCNC00,-Well'.fQ M.BED WC }(ITa-tEH DDP~J ---- ··™ OINJNG BLOCK 9V UNIT 398 SO.lE: 1:100 BED GREAT ROOM uur .... 1 ... ..,. .... .... ,_ ,,...,. _j_ !', ; 1 :------rMAXIMU!A IMa tJIHCH~JONJ LINE -----l_(ltMAIOVECIDP~ --------- M,SED .,c KITCHEl>I REC ·---~----·-·--- ""'" 8'0 DINING GREAT ROOM BLOCK 1OT UNIT 41A1 SCALE: 1:100 ® uur t ui.1 .1. i • !-. r---· ... I ----flUl)~l"lal!iCI I ------ MBED .,c KITCHEN __ J BATH DINING GREAT ROOM BLOCK 1OT UNIT 42B SCALE: 1:100 ® I Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge, B.C. MARCH 18 , 2016 ® _[ MAXIMUU. ..... OIWGHUJN,LINE ----(1 1MABM00f'~ M,SED V,C BATH BEO -I- ~ KITCHEN DIN/NG GREAT ROOM SCALE: 1:100 Perspective Kanaka Hill 23539 Gilker Hill Road, Maple Ridge , B.C. MARCH 1 I, 2016 J Kanaka Hill Townhomes Contact Information van der Zalm + associates Inc. Suile 1 -20177 97th Avenue Langley, Brilish Columbia, V1 M 4B9 t. 604 882 0024 f. 604 882 0042 Primary projecl contact: Dave Jerke dave@vdz,ca o. 604 B82 0024 x3B Alternate contacts (incase away): Mark van der Zalm Principal Landscape Archilecl mark@vdz.ca 0, 604 882 0024 x22 1 SITE PLAN OVERVIEW Scale 1:500 Other Key Contacts : Concosts management Inc. F:~:;<Kf M~;q:~H:~ir;~Gn! 202-5489 Byrne Road Burnaby, BC V5J 3J1 t, 604 522 9977 Keystone Environmental Ltd. />.-...; ,.,t : ... ,:.--~·.oL"'\~'. : .... ,:,.e, i;,.H Warren Appleton Suite 320-4400 Dominion Slreet Burnaby, BC VSG 4G3 t. 604 430 0671 Atelier Pacific Architecture Inc. #109-131 WalerStreet Vancouver, BC, V68 4M3 t. 604 662 8689 GeoPacific Consultants Ltd. :•• ... +,-.; <~_,(m,,.; .. l._df :::.,:,,;, ibL.;: L\$ John Carter 1200 w 73rd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G5 L, 604 439 0922 Hub Engineering Inc. ;:~r<;j:::1:t Ci,:,: Er:g;f;~:i<::; i:~H Suite 212, 12992 -76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3M 2V6 t 604 572 4326 Landscape Sheet Index L-01 Cover Sheet L-02 General Landscape Specifications L-03 Overall Site Plan L-04 Site Plan -North West L-05 Site Plan -South West L-06 Site Plan -North Central L-07 Site Plan -South Central L-08 Site Plan -North East L-09 Site Plan -South East LD-01 Details LD-02 Details LD-03 Details LD-04 Typical Details - ½ van der Zalm + associates inc. ~~& ~ + E,wironmenlalConsulting fi .,,-u..i~ + Landsc:apeArchlleclure '-. ~t.!'V'l "t1~,.,.._1p eo4 ~a2002 ◄ ~.IICJr.Cltl,,r.¥\ F eo~ ~noo~:r vw m inl<>@www ........ ._. ,.,,; .... ~~ ~, . , ~ .. ~· ~ ~l--+--1--------1-----1 .. ct-· .{ .. Ll~ . ~ . #. :\-~. ' ... ~.;If· ;' ~ ~ ~ . ~ i::: . . . . . , . : -~--' • ~/~ ,{! ------r~ -~ ... , .. :--:·:.-:.:·; ;,._,~-:i _;-;,;_ ... ,,,. <-· . --••• ,~<"\ • ' . • .,? -. ;~£;]:_:-,;..>" \f~~·: ,tj . • a a.Y.... -,.e,,;.7c:: \-i \ (';;\2 ~OCATION MAP \.::_) N f S. DJ go.:,,.,no for OP May1S,2016 DJ RM.,ullllll forOP Mar2S,2016 OJ b.uad for Oe~elopmenl Permil Oct 30, 2015 No . By: ~k,i: Dale REVISIONS TA!ll.E FOR DRAWINGS •Capy,;ghLn,•o,voci Thlsdr~wing andcieol~ni•lhoprop•rty0f •~nciorZalm+aosadaluln•.andmaynolb•roproducodar u1odfcr01horprojocL1w1lhoulpo1mr<~ian Project: KANAKA HILL TOWNHOMES Location: 23539 GILKER HILL ROAD MAPLE RIDGE. B.C. Drawn: St.all'fl= PC DJ Checked: DJ Approved: MVDZ Scale: AS SHOWN Original Sheet Size: 24''x36" I I iL--____________________________________________________ __J 1-w w I U) 0::: w j!j > ;:: g> 0 ]o I j CRITICAL LANDSCAPE NOTES: PR0JECT-C0NT'ACT: 1-1 Inquiries regarding landscape drawings should be addressed to: PRIMARY CONTACT: Dave Jerke, Senior Project Manager (dave@vdz.ca) P. 604 882 0024 x38 F . 604 882 0042 ALTERNATE CONTACT (IN CASE OF ABSENCE): Mark van Zalm, Principal Landscape Architect and Landscape Architect of Record (mark@vdz.ca) P. 604 882 0024 x 22 F. 604 882 0042 PROJECT COORDINATION: 2.1 The contractor(s) responsible for completing the landscape scope of work shall conform to the reference standards, submittals process, coordination standards, specifications, and works as defined under the "General Scope" of the master specification (complete). DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS : 3.1 The contractor, sub-contractor, and coordinating trades/suppliers responsible for completing the landscape scope of work is responsible for reviewing the master specification package for the project in conjunction with all consultant drawings, inclusive of landscape. 3_2 Should any drawing or detail conflict with the master specification file the contractor must immediately notify the design team for coordination prior to order, preparation or installation of said conflicting works (typ ). 3.3 The contractor(s) responsible for completing servicing, hard and soft landscape works are responsible for providing the landscape architect with a complete "project record copy" of mark-ups or changes to works defined in the Landscape Drawings. This is in addition to any record drawing requests defined under the general scope. The project record copy mark-ups should be completed with red pen if submitted as a hard copy or in red coloured notes if submitted as a PDF. LANDSCAPE CONCRETE WORK: 4.1 All concrete shall conform to all standards Identified under the master specilicaUon and specifications by the Civil Engineer (refer to civil drawings, with references to MMCD specs) (complete) 4.2 Concrete re inforcing fo r vertica l landscape cast In place walls shall comply with details and specifications . The general contractor will be resµons lble for providing a englnae~s stamp on shop drawings for all vertical concrete higher than 1.2m (typ). 4 .3 All horizontal exterior concrete surfaces shall have a light broom finish or approved equal unless specified otherwise 4.4 All vertical concrete surfaces inclusive of cast in place walls shall have a light sand blast finish or approved equal unless specifie d otherwise t,_5 The-contractor should con fi rm the locations of control Joint patterning and expa nsion )oinls with the landscape archHect prior to Installation for concrete paving surfaces and walls . The contractor Is to provide contl'QI Joints chau lked In place for lni;pecUon and approval by lhe landscape· architect prior to installation. UNIT PAVING: 5.1 Precasl concrete unit pavers or natural stone unit pavers must be provided In a 2m x 2m 'mock-up' on slle a minimum 2 weeks prior to ordf)r of materials fo r approval by lhe landscape architect. The mock-up should be installed as per n,anufacture~sspeclficalions and include any bedding material, pedestals, grouis or mortar speo lfied in proj ect drawings or speciflciltlons. Grouts, mortars, sealers. or producls that requ ire drying time must have been installed a minimum48 hours prior to lhe.Ume of review by the landscape architect. 5.2 All approved unit paving and bedding or joining materials should be installed as per manufacturers specifications 5.3 Professionals should be qualified and experienced (minimum 5 years) in installing paving products specified in landscape drawings METALS: 6.1 All metal work shall conform to the master specification for the project (complete) 6.2 Additional references that apply to metal work (may not necessarily be included under the master specification): SPEC NOTE : Edit lhe following for the speclfic project. • .1 American Society for Testing and Materials International, (ASTM). • .1 ASTM A531A53M_[02], $peciflcatTon for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot_Dipped, Zinc_Coated, Welded and Seamless . • .2 ASTM A121_[99], Specification for Zinc_Coated (Galvanized) Steel Barbed Wire. • .3 ASTM D5116_J97], Standard Guide For Small_Scale _ Environmental Chamb_er _Qs>ierminations of Organic Emission§. From Indoor Materials/Products. , .2 Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB). , .1 CAN/CGSB 1.28 [98], Alkyd, Exterior House Paint. • .2 CAN/CGSB-1.69-[98], Aluminum Paint. • .3 CAN/CGSB=1.181_[99], Ready_Mixed Organic Zinc_Rich Coating. • .4 CAN/CGSB 1 GP 138M [97]. Paint Exterior Latex Type Flat. • .3 Canadian sia~arifu Asso~iation (CSA International). • .1 CAN/CSA-A23 .1-[00]/A23.2-[FOO], Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction/Methods of Test for Concrete. • -2 CSA G42_[1964(R1998)], Galvanized (Zinc_Coated) Steel Farm Field Wire Fencing. • .3 CSA_080 Series_[97], Wood Preservation. • .4 Environmental Choice Program (ECP). • .1 CCD-047a-[98], Paints, Surface Coatings. • .2 CCD-47b-[98], Stains, Surface Coatings. • .3 CCD-47c-[98], Varnishes, Surface Coatings. • .4 CCD-048-(95], Surface Coatings -Recycled Water-Borne. 6,3 All fences, fasteners and railings shall be submitted via shop drawing and submitted for approval by the landscape architect prior to purchase or installation 6.4 All fasteners used Tn wood connections (i.o. screws, nails, etc) are to be countersunk and predrilled to prevent wood splitting unless specified otherwise 6.5 All anchor plates, hangers, and affiliated fastener j oining materials must meet flush between joining surfaces without gaps, unless specified otherwise 6.6 All metal work shall be treated for protection from corrosion (i.e. Aluminum must be anodized and steel must be galvanized or stainless steel) prior to additional coatings of paints or sealers. This is inclusive of fasteners. 6.7 All metal bonding (i.e. welding or soldering) must be completed and metal work should be treated for protection from corrosion. Bonding work should be concealed by lhe finishes of the metal work. Sand ing or handwork needed to provide a smooth and consistent finish along the bonded metal material should be done to match the finish of lhe metals used for joining 6.8 All railing heights, picket spacing, and rail spacing should be in accordance with the British Columbia Building Code, CAN/CSA-Z614-07 and affiliated ASTM standards 6.9 Install a grounding rad on all fences, metal posts or poles taller than 6' (1600mm) in h el ghl through th e direction of the proj ect electrical engineer. Contractor to confirm the location(s) of said work at the time of project start-up with the electrical engineer and landscape architect IRRIGATION: 7.1 Irrigation work should be completed to comply with the Canadian Electrical Code and Canadian Plumbing Code 7.2 Irrigation work should be completed by and installer with over 5 years experience in irrigation work 7.3 Refer to irrigation drawings for additional specificalions PLANTING AND SOFTS CAPES: 8.1 All landscape materials, planting and softscapl ng shall conform to standards defined under the master specification and BC Landscape Standards, latest edition . 8.2 Warranty of plant material shall conform to BC Landscape Standards, latest edition. 8 .3 The contractor is responsible to have the landscape arch itect inspect the si te for fine grading Tn areas where slopes. berms or mounds are used as part qf sofl landscaping fea_tures prior to lhe installa llon of plant material. A minimum 7 days notice ls required for lhls review . 8.4 The contractor Is respons ible to have the landscape ard11tecI Inspect the site for fine grading In areas wheie sod or seed arc used as part of soft landscaping fealures prior to the Installation of sod or seed . A minimum 7 days nolice is required for lhls review_ PreparaUon or sod and seed areas shall cooform to BC Landscape Standards . No 1 Turfgrass and No. 1 Canadian seed standards apply as defined through BC Landscape Standards. Installation and maintenance specifications of sod and seed shall apply as defined through BC Landscape Standards. 8.5 Establishment maintenance must be completed by the landscape contractor through the course of conslructionflnstallation, substantial completion and until the time of final acceptance once all deficiencies are deemed as complete. Establishment maintenance practice and procedures al1a._diafln,fill_u.mls>Llh.e _6...CJ.~~!l§.c_ape_Stancl1ard_s,J atiss.t ia_ditlon .. Jhi_s_sho.uld ______ _ be compliant with "Level 2, well groomed landscapes". 8.6 Establishment watering must be completed by the landscape contractor through the course of construction/installation, substantial completion and until the time of final acceptance once all deficiencies are deemed as complete. Establishment watering practice and procedures are defined under the BC Landscape Standards, latest edition. This should be compliant with "Level 2, well groomed landscapes". 8.7 The landscape contractor should provide the landscape architect with one week's notice lo perform a review at local nurseries who are supplying major plant orders to the site. The landscape architect reserves lhe right to reject plant material that does not meet drawing specification or BC Landscape Standards at any time, despite any review of said materials. 8.8 The landscape contractor must submit a soil report/test report to that shows that growing mediums comply with the slandards identified i n the BC Landscape Standards, latest edition for "Level 2 , well groomed landscapes" 8.9 The general contractor shall pay for a minimum two (2) random tests will be performed during the course of construction lo confirm lhat the growing medium being installed on site matches lhe test approved by the landscape architect. The landscape architect will notify the general contractor of when said tests wnt occur and soil samples should be mailed out within 48 hours of this notice. Failure to have soil match approved material could result in removal, amendment or reinstallation of appropriate material at the contractor's expense. Soil tesls should be sent lo Pacific Soil Analysis Incorporated or approved equal testing center. Pacific Soil Analysis Inc. Suite 5-11720 Voyageur Way, RICHMOND, BC V6X 3G9 Telephone 604 273 8226 8.10 Landscape mulch shall conform to BC Landscape Standards and be installed at depths specified under BC Landscape Standards, 7th edition . Mulch must be non-toxic. Mulch should be dark brown or black in colour; red coloured mulch is not permitted unless specified otherwise. 8.11 Filter fabric must be provided in any areas were drain rock is used as a mulch substitute or landscape feature, with the exception of drip strips (unless noted otherwise). EXTERIOR SITE FURNISHINGS: 9.1 Sile furnishings shall all be provided via shop drawing submittals through the submittal processes defined under the master specification. 9.2 It is expected that lhe landscape architect shall see a shop drawing for every piece of landscape site furnishing sp eci fied in landscape drawings. II is the contractor's respon sJ billty to rece ive approval from the landscape architect on all colours, inslallation options and affiliated finishes through shop drawing submiltals prior to the purchase or installation of site furnishings. 9.3 All site furnishings should be installed as per the manufacturer's specifications. 9.4 It is the contractor's responsibility to notify lhe landscape architect if a conflict occurs between the installation requirements defined by manufacturers and lhe landscape site plan, specifications, or details. l DJ Ru-is5Ued tor OP May 18,2016 l DJ ~_,ma Mar28,2016 1 DJ Issued klrD11velopmontP11rmil Oct 30, 2015 No , By; ~ OW REVIS IONS TABLE FOR DRAWINGS • Capyrf!lfil raoer,ed TIii• dr:iw"'f 1nd dni11n is IM1 prop o")' ol v~n dorZalm • u~e>cla!H In s., .... ~yna! ~a JUproduc:od a/ u.-d laralkorptoj•~•""""'utp,,nniu lon Project: KANAKA HILL TOWNHOMES Location: 23539 GILKER HILL ROAD MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Drawn: Slamp; PC DJ Checked: DJ Approved: MVDZ Scale: Original Sheet Size: 24"x36" , (f) w I- 0 z .....J <( 0::: w iii z ~ Cl w C: '§ (.9 ~ 0 22 ~ PCL 'A' r r ,,.. Tree ReQlacement Summa!l,'. Diameter of Trees Prooosed For Removal Reolacement Criteria 100 mm to 151 mm 2 reolacement trees 14 152 mm to 304 mm 3 renlacement trees 75 305 mm to 456 mm 4 renlacement trees 24 457 mm to 609 mm 6 re □lacement trees 6 610 mm or Qreater 18 re□lacement treesl 16 Total Reolacement Trees Recurred 135 Total Replacement Trees Proposed Final numbers to be determined in coordination with District of Maple Ridae ' NOTES -The average of the 3 largest diameter trunks was used for multi-stemmed trees ½ van der Zalm + associates inc. P:am&~ • Envfro11m11nlalConsullng f ~ .,,,.-&.kotwi.~ • l andu~peAl'Chl'.achJ1e '-..... ~TJ.,..""'-I IJ .,.,u:).c,::, ~ ..... ~ ,woq.(l)Q Vt.114' ....__..,~ LEGEND (:)36 @as ©•2 ..,,., Traalol:e~moved . tK •i.,J ..,.._, l f911•••"'" ·~---ct:•~.....,) Rtpl11cemont llee• w,I b11 -'tul""'-on the land-=P• p!~n ■ndwll11onec:tlh11quanlilics.111drnin helghlrequlromcn!s 11ssh01"'1onlhe lro11re1rnawlcalcul11lian, Referloi:u-borisl'srtp0r1d11led Oclobar111~, 20 15fw l'llnh0rff0rma!ionsp1c:iliclonch1r11 Tree numbers st10Vo110n l •Olc:orre:r,pc,n.dlDl~l"U'llban pTOllidedin - DJ Re -lnuod for DP May1!1,201ff OJ .._.ltwNll,DP M.ir2B,2016 OJ (u11od for OnvelopmenlPermll OCl 30, 2015 Na By: 0..;ftl!Mft O.il11 REVISIONS TABLE FOR DRAWINGS •~---' ,,.,..,_..Ml..._._. _..,ti ,ru.,tw,b!lol •--..lflo:ain(.~11d1Ny110l~o,opn,d1£ad .. 111od l«othtt ~fojeclr,v,i\l,<>11\ pom,!11i011 Project: KANAKA HILL TOWNHOMES Location : 23539 GILKER HILL ROAD MAPLE RIDGE, B.C . Drawn: Stamp: PC DJ Checked: DJ Approved: MVOZ Scale: Original St,.t Sit.a.: 24"x36M 1: 300 gu 11h11e·"•iu1.mr,11n;~mm;~Jllili;~mrn~~iliil~j~IIWl~~lhiit•Ull;i;·1m1~mn;~nllii!l~Mi~~ 1 :300 !L------------------------------------------------------------1 z <( ....J D.. z 0 I-z w I-w a: 0 z <( I-z w ~ w (.) <( ....J D.. w a: iii w ~ w en a: C: .! 0 I- ... RIH ,...._ N I LO ~ ii 0 g N a ct D.. N C 0 > l ~ I!' ~ j ~ i .. I i ;: X ~ ~ ~ I "' il !;; s I I - Expanded bio-swale pond . Treatm ent to match bioswal e. Refer to drawing 2/L-10 for conditions. )\ll art Block Ste .. . · .. · , ~ { I ' Allan Bloci< Retalnh lg Wa ll -Typical .I ~ ~ ,t' I .. I , (":;"\1 _.::,Oc:=,V-=ERA:.,.:...::LL=-::S"--'ITE'-"'-'P-"LAe....::.:N _______________ _ ~ Scale1 :300 TREE LEGEND @ • //•f:-i?,. \:/!:: CB 0 ~ @ Co lumnar Ma ple Princess Diana Cl oud g Japanese Redmond Red-Tipped SeleclGreen Servlceberry Dogwood Maple Linden Norw. Spruce Pine TREES SCHEDULE SYMBOL OIJA:."lT'rrY I BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE [SPA CING QS(HOUOUS TRLl=S AP 11 At« pl.ltln1.1.M"il 'Colunv\U•· Catw'llnM~ 6:mal Hpcrpbn AG 13 ~~rld\.l~xgraniftor,1 Pri~u.sOana S~bary Ocmcal. ■spcrpt.n 'PrtQCClln: ...... c, ,. Ccmw:s fl:c»ld.11 'Ckl"6dl ;-QolNI D Doo\'laod ocmcaJ.. ._aJ)flrp!An AP 26 "'-orpAlms1~ ~-■Ma~ Ocmul iuperpf'11;r, TA 17 ma 11mafeaM 'R4Mmoao-i,,_._....., Gc:nal. a1p(.lr_,, COUIFEROUS TREES ·~ I • 1Pk111a A:ble.s: "Rub{■ S,iQ1a~ 1u~.:nppe.:1 No"n,<:ii1 s~ 3-'TI high la=ipctJ)WI PN I 1B Plm1 Ngr.\ "Sc::ed 0,(4.n· 18e~acnnf¼nc 13m hilij h as per plan TP I ' Thuj a plicala 1 Weslern Red Ce dar 3m high as per plan 111 I • Tsuga heterophylla I Weslem Hemlock I J m hig h as per plan .' (' ,·. ,, ~ ® WeslernRed Wes lern Cedar Hemlock Cedar Fen ce on top of All an -hl,,-;-Jr------ Block Wall -Typical Allan Block Steps and Wall s - Typ ical //-,· /~;hfu~;i,n·u~/ry;ic:i"t _.- . ); 1// /' :!'~·:>" /. /., / . / • ,..,,..7 ,:,-:,e.,.;,-.,.-,"""'T" ,_ 1 , C~crete Un il Pavi ng-1;;,:;;.;---' ~ • Pa"rking_.,. :ryplcal :' HARDSCAPE MATERIALS KEY REF. DESCRIPTION ...... • •.•.-► .. ".• ... ◄ ►.,. •• ,t OE>U<cCOMMO,ITY~----------• I t-,-1 I • I I I I I I I I .. DJ "°••11t11 1'NDP May18,2016 .~::."-----------1-;--j-;;D-;"J +. .. ::-.,..:::: .. ::-: .. :;;..,;;-----tM:::,:':,,:::,,'::20;;1;;-, -t PAVI NG SL ABS Material:Hyd1 11p111'$t"d sl11bs Colgur. Ma n1J faclurcr. GA RDEN PLOTS CAFE TABLE SO D See Critical Lan dsca pe Notes for Sp ecifi cations SHRUB PLANTING OJ l111ued for O&ve[opm8fll Penni! Oet 30. 2015 REVISIONS TABLE FOR ORAWl"'GS o CcP')'ri~ ruoNN Thlo d~Wll'IJ and de>,lgn ll lho prop o,ty c>f """ dH blm . H IC<lo\Of [o,c. and mar Mlbt "?Jt>dlleel or 1>1..:llfcr alhup1+.:t1wM<>l.1 p1 rmi::..,n Project: KA NAKA HILL TOWNHOM ES Location: 23539 GILKER HILL ROAD MA PLE RIDGE , B.C. Drawn: 51an>p; PC DJ Checked: DJ Approved: MVDZ Scale: 1:300 Original Sticot Si ze: 24"'x36 " z <( .....J CL w I- (f) .....J .....J ~ ~ w ;:: a, > C: "j< 0 ~ 0 ,. .. ... , ...... / 1 ,, DETAIL AREA 1: COMMUNliY AMENITY Scafe 1:100 DETAIL AREA 2: COMMUNITY AMENITY Scale 1:100 / / / -,-- / Shrub Plantings· Typ. \ 3 DETAIL AREA 3: COMMUNITY AMENITY scale 1:100 / _____ Allan Block Wall· Typ. ----1;/l\.•-;;;;t-Hardlng Swing __ __,i;-;;:;•;;;r-Crushe<l Granite Pathway • .._ .......... 1,-• -·· ·tv•. 4 It.-..--~.~.._•;.~••• ..... U •.:.,,f',:.. DET;I: A~EA 4: COMMUNITY AMENITY Scale 1:100 ·7 ;._ ,/ 1:100 Bike rack Mailbox with Trellis See Architectural Entrance Sfgnage ---+=:-:r-Wrought Iron Fencing. Typ . •. ,. Concrete Unit Paving Vehicular. Typical ------Permeable pavers in all parking spaces Paving Slabs-Typ. OJ flt,b~forOP May1a.2016 No Project: KANAKA HILL TOWNHOMES Location: 23539 GILKER HILL ROAD MAPLE RIDGE, 8.C. Drawn: PC OJ Checked: OJ Approved: MVDZ Scale: 1:100 Slamp: Original Sheel Size: 24"x36" _./ Cf) <( w 0:: <( _J <( 1-w 0 ,. LO g>Q ·;,; I g _J \ / ' ,, ' / ·\ '< I' .. - ........ ; MAT '\/ / ' ' / ' X / , / ' I / / / / ..,. / I' / / i ........... , _,_ / / / -· / --· / / / / .,, / . . '\ : .. ---- -- -· .. .--· ·•••• __ .. _.. . -- ----·- .. -• : . '. --_..- . --·- --·- .,, -- Bioswale Through Environmental Area Underground tank, see civil drawing .. .. .. Property line Geotechnical Stability Line .. - -- .,.:.: .•··· .--·. .-·· ..... -·· ·-..... ,00 AllIU~'CnnfiHot .shot' DO 75 Buddleja davidfi'P•Lite Indigo' BM 74 Buxus microphyl/a japcnica 'Wlnler Gem' CM .. Ceanolhus 'Miss Krm• cs 65 C=nlts~a·F1rrh~•• cc 2 1 Callirr.n~--1\o}WPwp»' EA 17 Euonym\Js 1tlalus 'Rudy Haag' HI. ·"7 Hypericum1.izzie' JC " Juniper1Jsconfe/1a'Blue Pacinc' PL .,. Pn,i,lwi law~•wt 'Gc1,ab' "" 118 Rosa meld ~and sew[lana SH .. !11r:ococca~ VO .. Va«'i,lutadt~W'.1)4 GRASSES. 5 EDOES I \YLDf1,.O't",£ftS ,s I 41 I ldillt•'Sn~S.!kd:ir,' I CB I 22 I Coreopsls 'Creme B1ulee' HS I ,. I Hemero c:ams·rce Carnival' I w 171 f t.lr'.opeffMCMflta~P~o• J FERNS&VlNES IIS I , .. --I PM I 23 Pol!i'slichummunilum GROUNOCO\r'ERS AU I 106 Arcloslaphylusuva-u,si GP I '330 aai.abml~fl.C Cll 114 Corrn11ianadc-n.lb Sod I ... AnduuaSodf-mn ~o,•;pwod e,c;,1,11!i IIJOSWALJ; c, I 129 I Corlr.lssciCh I ""I IID I ............ I Sa I 1,a I Sambucusracemosavar.arbor•sc 11ns I "' I t!◄ I S)1npflalkllip'li i11bld I .. -· ,· ...;:,.._ ;• ----. _.. .... -. .. -. , , .. Gir.ird's Hal Shot Azalea #2.Pol 75Utftm-.c. #2Pol 7!iO!Nft o.c . #2 Pot 75Dmmoc, ::zPot lOCOmm~ #2Pol 1200mm oc_ ., . ., 1.20Clm.nl'o,c. Dwarf Burning Bush ;12Po1 QODmmoc. SI Johns Wort #ZPol ~~o.c.. #3Pal 1ooommoc #SPol ,_m..._ #ZPot ,...,,, .... SwelttBox n.PD, 600mmoc, '2.Pol MOcluno-C. Seduction Yarrow 1 #1 Pol . ....,, .... Creme Brulee Hybrid Coreopsls I #1 Pol ~50mmoc Ice Carnival D.i ylfly I #1 Pal I 600mmac Rop.l Pl,tfllllL~ I #1PGt I , .......... D••Fa..'ftl •1~1 I ......... c. Sward fem #1 Pol I , ......... K,,,_ SP◄ct·~crcO~I do11•1n,o-.1. Be.irberry ., Pot I ,~~ Bunchberry SP•~ .apj:.towll 9Cllf&I I .C.f.OMlrlGA. Red Osier Dogwood I #3 Pol -·-I #3 Pol I 1Dil:JOfnmo.c. Red Elderberry I #3Pot I 1000mm o_c. Snowbeny I #3 Pol I 120Dmmoc. s ~ •)> -i (") I r ½ van der Zalm + associates inc . C .,..-Utban~ • larubcai,1 Architei:ture ~ P.aib,~ • En uironm 11nla1Con11.1!1ing ...,..1,,a1n~,..._,lll'aic.1.u,J»:-1 ~~c~ ~:.,._m::. DJ Ro-issued for DP May18,20113 DJ -"'"" hn.201e DJ lssuedrorOevelopmenlPermil 0cJ 30,2015 N,. By. -o,,. REVISIO NS TABLE FOR DAAWltfGS a Ccp1ri!lh\r1sorv•d Thlsdn.wl,,g andda~lgn lalho pn,po,ty or un d•rZalm ~ "~'"'-!aoln~ 1nd may no l ba Npiadui:ed ar ,.r1H fo,a'.hor p,ofo d, ....... 1,1 parml11lon Project: KANAKA HILL TOWNHOMES Location : 23539 GILKER HILL ROAD MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Drawn: PC DJ Checked: DJ Approved: MVDZ Scale: 1:100 Original Sheet Size: 24-x36" I- Cf) w s I I- 0::: 0 z z <( _J Cl. (9 z I- ai z ~ <( 0, C: _J '§ ~ Cl. Cl / i ~ ~ = § ~ e ! ; .. ~ I I f0ATCHLINE SEE( DWG L-06 ; ' l ' . ' ' r ' , , ' / ' ' _/ Geolechnical StabITity Line Crushed Granite Palhway Conneclion lo Asphalt Driveway · Property line Bioswale ~ ... ..-·· I •• -- 1 1 ··-··__,··' I ·•-........ * ....... •--·; .... I ! ' / ' ' i' Undis1u ed Areas Ou lside of Geo-technical Stability Line / ,·. ,. , , , ' Harding Swing-h-r=!---' SIIRU8s AJ 100 Az.alea japonica 'Girard's Hol Shel' G!rard's Hol Shot Az.at0a nPa1 750mm oc. BD 75 Budd!eja davidii'PeUlt11 Indigo' Pt'lihlndiJO~I'-"~~ #2 Pot 750mmoc. BM ,. O"uw1 mi:rop."l)ts Jlp,onlG ,. '\\l'inter Qm' Wfnler Oem Boxwood #2Pot ,..,,,.. ..... CM .. Ceanolhus'Mlsst<Tm' UlnKhiUht.ll 12Po1 1000mmo,c, cs 65 Comus stolonlrera 'Flavitamea' Yellow Stemmed Dogwood #2Pot cc 1 1 Cotinuscoggygria 'Royal Purple' Ra)'JtPlltpk~R'3J'I SJ Pat 1200mmo,c, tA 17 Euonymus a1alus 'Rud y Haag' OWl:lf~ev-1-h #2Pol HL w Hyperlcum'Llzzie' SL Jahns Wort .,_,,., 450mm o.c. JC " ~CCMl1cda1WIPKA:"" BluePacilicJun1per #3 Pol 100Drnm0.c. PL .,. Pn.itw:11 tawt,:-,uu., -C.,,.Oiia' Genolia English Laurel #SPot ........... 8M 11S Aou. rrutld'JAM IS11V11.tn:11 S..•""lana.J\ou .... , 750mmoc SH " Sarcococcahookertana sweolBo;,c #2 Pot ~mo.,c.. VD .. VacclniumdelavayJ Delavay's Blueberry ..... , 750mmo c. G.~3.,5£0G£S & W1LDFl~ AS •• I Achilea "Slrawbeny Seduclion' Seduction Ya11ow I #1 Pot I ~011tmo.c. <3 I .. Coreopsis'Creme Brulee' Creme Brulee Hybrid Coreopsis I #1 Pot I 450mmo c. HS I 33 Hemerocallis'lce Ctitnival' Ice CamivalDaylily I #1 Pot -=o.c. U-1 I ,.. ........... ,..,.. .... .,... I Roy~Piapl■Wll't' I II Pot FERNS & VIN€.S BS I 100 I eli,dlnu.mlpk.,11 I Out Fem I •1 Pol PM I ~I Pm~r.w~ I Swat'd rem I II Pol GROUNOCO\IERS NJ I , .. 1 A:cl0~)~,rci;iin-1rrd I --I SP•cu&pfl«lwd ~I 4Si)mr1',0.c. GP I 3315 I Gaul!heriaprocumbens -I #1 Pol -1 •SOmffl o,c. CH 11◄ I Comus canadensis I Bunchbeny I .$?4 o, ~ftd c,o_vill I 450mmoc_ ., .. , I 12,,,,1\111 .... Rn 1Q I Rosa nul.kana t tlocd.1.-RCY #3P0t I ,OCIQ:!Mlo c, Sa I 12'3 I Sambucus racemosa var. aroorescens I Red Eldert>111ny IOP01 I 1000mmo.c:. s, 134 [ Symphcricaroos albus Snowberry #3 Pot 1200mmoc. ... · ... •,.·. _,._ ........ •.· :~~ •• ,,. ♦ •• ♦ ••••• ,I -:::-• ••• ►• •,: •••• ,I .......... .·.·.•.·.•.·. ........ .. .. ' ... ,,. , roperty, ine Allan block wall with wood screen fence / ,/ i I '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------....J Mily18,2018 OJ Re-issu9d for OP Mar28,2016 OJ fsi;ued forOev&klpmMI Permit Oc!JO, 2015 No . Dy: ~ REVISIONS TABLE FOR DRAWINGS eCopyngl1l.-•1Ned Thlc d~wingaiiddH;Oft (Sthepl'Opo,1yd vand1<Zal:n+HIMlri:llulo,c~~m:it11ol~"'P"'d~:1dOf 11Cod/aro\htrprcJKl1v,,~oul,pe,m!11\on Project KANAKA HILL TOWNHOMES Location: 23539 GILKER HILL ROAD MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Drawn: Stamp: PC DJ Checked: DJ Approved: MVDZ Scale: 1:100 Original Sheet Size: 24"x36" I- (/) w s I I-::::, 0 (/) z <!: _J a.. (9 z I- Jg z ;:: <!: g, _J -~ !" a.. □ ;. r---.. g, 0 g _j I i ~ i ~ .. ! 5 I j I ~ I j I ./ i i ~ .--·· ----__ ,,. / I __ .'...~--- "-,:'\ / ., .• I :~ / _ .. ,.· _. /.. __ r-p; / , • / , :.· / / ..... . ; , . , . ,, ... / / /,, // / / MATCHLINE SEE DWG L-09 &HRIJBS AJ 10C Azalea japonlca 'Glrard's Hot Sh ol' Girard's Hol Shot Azalea #2Fol 750mm o c. BU 75 ~d~-.fdll?•liM~ Fe~\e Indigo Butterfly Bush .... , """""""'- SM T< B!IJQIS ~r,. japon.b, Wmltr GCffi" Winier Gem Boxwood #2Pol 750fflma.~ .... 54 Ceanolhus 'Miss Kim' M,h;;~Lm 112.Pol llJOClrMI~ • cs OS Comus slo!onlfera'Flavlramea' Vctow $.kUMl.liJ ~ #2Po\ ~oc. cc 21 CoUnus coggygria 'Royal Purple' Roy..! P1a1c,t. ~Ulh IGPo, 1200mmoc, EA 17 £\Mwl)IIIIN, a1oJu1. '1tl)G'y HH~1 Owa rfBuming Bush #2Pot 8:IClmmO,F-- HL 337 tfnNnemr1 ·ua,,a· SL Johns Wort '1.Pal 450mmoc JC 94 .h.ll'IJPCIN•OW1!.arta11iue P11tlk" tui.i.P.11 ~~JIM'llflu #3 Pot 1000mrno,e. PL .,. Pnmus laurocerasus 'Genolia' Genolla English laurel #5Pot 600mm oc RM 118 Roumu:IUM~ SeviUanaRose #2Pol 750mmoc SH ,. Sarcococc:a hookeriana SweelBox #2Po\ 600mm cc vt> •• V.«in1vffldU,:w.ayt 0.iov.-.,,..!lu@eny r.zPot 750mmoc GRASSE'-. SEDGES A \V11.0F1.<M'ER:S AS ., Athillea'SlrawberrySeduclion' SeducllonYarrow I II Pol 45□mmoc, CD I 22 I Ottn9ib. 'CNtr,• f!MD•' I Creme BMee Hybrid CoreopsIs I #1 Pol I 4SOm.r,io.c.. HS I ii> I '-'• I 171 I ~8 & VfNES BS 10D PM Z> GROUN DCOVERS IJ.J I 100 I GP I 336 I c;,,,1 I 114 I HemerocalPis'lceCarr.ival' I !.inelplffl~l llayt,1 Plltlpio' El.le~IVliilfl spian4 I Per.~•~ I ""C1cl-ta1)1i~w.a-Utll I c.aurthwb,.~M n, I CO!m.1•01111~ Sod I ~ I .Af)it.not\SOd Fann ~or;1j:~YGdeq_dl DIOSWM.E IPfCaml\GJD1-.,.Y aoi~•-..._ Oe111:Ft1.m !WOid Ft-1111 -Bearberry Bunc:hberry Rn I 163 I ROMnulkana NoolbltoH- Sr I 13,t I Symphoricarpos albus Snowberry I #1 Pol I 1100mm oe. -1 #1 Pot l ..,..,,. .... I stPt,1 ·r 600mftlO~ I 7~mo.lC.. #1 F'ol I 450mm o c. SP-I Of •PJ:IO'l'e:.O •QV.aH 450mm o,c. #3 Pot 1000mmDA I #3Pol ''"""'""'''-I #3 Pol 120Dmmo,c : ·, "'-... ,. Pour-in-place Concrete Wall w/ Ce~ar Fence· Typ., • -:: ' . ~- / ., -. ~~ ·--.::., / ., , .. ,,. , ,, / ., I ., I , / ,, ., / ,,. ..... - , I ,' I . , i Pour:ln-place Concrete / Wall-Typ ._ -l j ,' ,, / ,' I i , ; / i i !,- / . ::.;z .: ~:. . -,.. :-:: ..... .. ........ ... ,. .. ..... . . . . f~·::.· .f . / i ,. MATCHLINE SEE DWG L-09 r I _. 0 , 1--4-+--------+------I w-,,e,2016 Mar2ll.2016 DJ lssuod for Development Permil Oc:l 30, 201 6 REVISlONS TABLE FOR DRAWINGS D ~rlgh\1oso,.H Thfsd""w'-'il :Md1>i511'lllf,e prcportvc/ •:at1dctr b1m • no.iatec ;,,c :tttd -r""' to ••P"'~""id cw VHdforo!hor pfOfl-""with!tlllp.,1minion Project: KANAKA HILL TOWNHOMES Location: 23539 GILKER Hill ROAD MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Drawn: PC DJ Checked: DJ Approved: MVDZ Scafe: 1:100 Original Sheet Siz.e: 24"x36" ....J <( ~ I-z w 0 I I- ~ 0 z z <( ....J a.. (9 z I- iii z ~ <( O> C: ....J "§ ~ a.. 0 NOHlN I'- N I L() T""" ,.; 0 ~ N o' d: a.. ::! 0 > / ~ i ~ ~ I I I .. I i .____,.. 0 I MA,TCHLINE SEE DWG L-08 / ,, / / / / ·' / / / ,, / / / / ,/ SJ,qJBS AJ 100 A:.lf4.•J~il 'Glt&N'$ Hot .ShoC" "" ,~ Baidc:U•jlida\lldl'P'allhiilnr!l;o" BM 74 BUX\Js microphyla Japon(ca 'Winier Gem· CM ,, Ceanolhus'MlssKlm' cs 65 Comusstolonlfera'Flavlramea' cc .. eolnvt ~NII 'Royal Pwp:e• EA 17 Em&o'Yffl1,1,:""-'-l1n'RvitrHa.a111' HL 337 HY1J,itrlcvtn'l.lWt' JC .. .lurlfpcNI ~onflltt• Ulu,c Pocik' PL 236 P1Vrput,l.a\Jl'c,i:CtllJI.IS~' RM "' Rosa meidlland S1tvillana S>I " Sarcococca hookeriana VD ... ~Wiilllvayf GI\A.SSE"S. SEDGE$ 6. WlDF\.OWEAS AS " Achillea 'Strawberry Seduclion' cs Zl Coreop:.l s'Creme Brulee' HS I " lfmo.l'focaJd 1" C.NW•r LM I 178 Lkk;i« tn usg,I 'f\oY2/ P1,1rpW f£RN:S&VJN!:S BS I 100 8.-Chrwm •plant "" ., fol:,Akt\ummlN"lblcri GA.01Jl'~OCOVEI\S ,., 1 .. , N'CI0,~1pa)"a!N,1>WM GP 335 1 G.wlhiada ri,o:,,rntirn, CN 11, Comu:.canadensis ,, ,, / / ,, / /\ / ,, ,, / / Allan block wall with wood scre~n fence Redi-rock retaining wall Girard's Hat SholAzalea PeUle lndigoButter11yBush Winier Gem Boxwood _ ... Ulx Yellow Slemmed Dogwood Royal Pufl)le Smoke81.1sh Owa.11'81.\mil'!Qftwll Sl.John:.WC-11 nl.n..hok"Jufllplfl Genolia Engli sh laurel .S'-1MIWIRQM SwHlBox D,b..,Af" B!Wbcm'Y I ScrdiadiM YatJCW &rofM'lln4t•H~blld"COftlopgJ 1uc,,,,a,,,0.,..,. R.oy.aJPi.p.i•LJ~ DHr F-,,: 5'woN.IF ■m I .. ...- I Bezuberry I Bunchbe rrv $od ... AM!~IOltS0i:f FMn -s.likl'cto;,pr~ ,aqital 010:SWALE Co I 12" I cemus Mntll.a I Rld0'1u0o.i~ Ra I 163 I Rc,-al'llll,brwl I N..,.._ s. I 1;., I ~an n1~,mot.a ltV. iltt:oWU.(ltflt I Ree!Eld11100lt',' s, I 134 I Symphoricarpos albus I Snowbeny , , / / #2Pol #2Pot #2 Pol #2Pol #2Pot ..... #2Pot #2Pot #3Pol ~5Pol #2 Pol #2 Pot .12.Po\ Ill Po l I #1 Pot #1 Pot I ;1;1 Pol I .11fot I #1 Pot I .!IP.& or 11ppv,~d ~uai I I #1 Pol I .$P4atRwnd~U.III I ta Pol I I ::!Pot I I #3Pol I I #3Pot / / -.... !" ,./,. • '!' •• ' .... , ••••• t ... 4 .... ...................... • 'I' • ..-.... & •• ..... + . ~ .... :::::::::\/} •• '." ........ f •••• 750mmoc. 7!h!m-cu::.. 75 0mmo c. IOCOmmo,c. 12oommo.c. t200mmo..c. GOCmmA,~ 450mmoc, !OCIOMIBO.A. 60 0mmoc 7Krnma..e.. 600mm oc. ,.......,._ 4S0mmoc -4.SOmtr,Q.C.. 60 0mm o.c 600mm o c l!OOll'lmo.t:. ]SGtnlft o.c. .ii~nta~ ◄SOm,no.,e,, tSOfflrnoc. t'2IX!rtltrla..c.. 1000mm oc 1~mD...C.. 1200mm o.c . MATCHLINE SEE DWG L-08 --.. --~-~---_--, , , -, I - --~-·-r ,:·.. I ./ I I: 100 ol11l•lll""llkllil111~"""·"""J""""'"'"1""'"""" IIITTIT'""'"'""'"!"""'mrn.1,m,rnm1mm1't"""''""·'i""•"millllllllllrrnlll1Amtl;b""" lllffl1iil~llllitllllllullUl;~wlirnUllil1U;s"""lllllillliiU,~iimml1,m;\ Key Map (N Ts) No OJ ~tc,QP May1B,2016 OJ ,-_,IIG for DP Mar 28, 2016 OJ lu ued for Cevetopmenl Poonil Ce\ 30, 2015 By: l)awtltoo o• REVIS!Ol>S TABLE FOR CRAVnNGS o Cop)l1igh\ ,-ue..od Thl1 dr.i.wing ~nd duign Is lho prnporfy or •:andor Z>Jm•an~•tll1sln•.al'HlmayMll,.,n:1pl<>duo::odo, v,:odfo1<>\Ml'prgj1c1Sw11hll\ll,..,,.,iulo11 Project: KANAKA HILL TOWNHOMES Location: 23539 GILKER HILL ROAD MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Drawn: PC DJ Checked: DJ Approved: MVDZ Scale: 1:100 _J <( 0::: I-z w 0 I I- ::::> 0 (f) z <( _J Q_ (9 z I- i,i z ~ <( g' _J ·~ Q_ 0 ./ i ,< ·NfATCHUNE SEE DWG L-11 • '► ... ◄ ., • • • r-• I • , ... ". I'-............. :,;.: 11-,=-==-,,::,:::::: -~:.:·• :~ J" • ► • .. r •I ~••• f • • ....... $ ... • ".·., • r • •• • • I • ........ :::::r:::~::::: '1 t " ... . .... . . . . _ ..... ~ r' 'T • 'I • r • ••••• ,I,. • • ,. T • f ..... -...... ,. .... + ••• t ...... " •• • • • • • • .. &-.... "~ ....... •• ,.' ...... t . t • .. • • • • -..... f . ... ., . • f'-.' ..... G)r~~~~~ .. ~~;,,~~fN=G"P'-"'LA=N,._-!,;N:.,O:cR,.,_,T_,_H.!...!:EA::....::S:cT.:.... _____________________________________________________________________ 1_: ,-□-□-;E;;;ill;;;ttl;;;lil;;;l~;;;lil;;;ij~;;;ili;;;l11;;;Ul;;;f;;;hii;;;,;;;,1;;;"';;;iil;;;ll!;;;'O;;;h;;;il~;;;lil;;;IU;;;ill;;;r;;;11;;;ia;;;,i;;;•*';;;lll;;;U~;;;l,,;;;jjj;;;i1;;;;~;;;hl;;;JU;;;~l~;;;m;;;11i1;;;;~;;;111;;;,_;;;ll~;;;~,;;;lll;;;h;;;;~l;;;m;;;;;,111~~ SHRUBS ,.. 100 Az.alea japonica 'Girard's Hol Shot' BO 75 l!v6ikl• ltMl 'Pdla ll'ld'-'.'a" ... ,. !lNl.l&Mra,ih)l.aJ;:i,io,itbl 'V.1ntc, Gem' CM " Ceanothus 'Miss Kim' cs .. Comusstolonifera'Flaviramea' cc 21 CoUnuscoggygria 'Ro yal Purple' EA 17 Euonvmus ala lus 'Rudy Haag' HI. 337 Hypericum 'Lizzie' JC " Juniperusconferta 'Blue.Pacific' PL 23.0 Prunuslaurocerasus'Gcnolia' RM 118 ~1:u,1 .... lffl'.Mli'I Se~"· 5H ,. Saraicocca hookeriana VO 40 v.~,.dtlaw,1 GM:i~, SEDGES & WIJm.O'NERS AS <2 I ~'kJi 'Snrwti•II't Sild\.ldon' I CB I 22 I Coreopsis 'Cn1m e Brulee' l<S I 33 Hemerocal~s'lce Carnival' I LM I 178 J UfC!j)I l't'nlS!Qrf°';tl)y,1,IP1irFW I FERNS & V1NES BS I 100 I ........... _,,, I PM ,. I Porpll:1'11,milfWll,!uffl CiROUNOCO\-~ AU I 100 I Arcloslaphylusuva-ursl GI' I 334 ·1 G,.ai,vwriaprocumbens I CN I 114 I Comuscanadensis I Sod J ... I Anderson Sod Farm 'Sclecr or approved equll 8lOSWAL.E Co I llt I Comc.a"Nri:•a i ~• I 163 fk':nl~ I Ghrft)-lal5tiol~ Pit1i\o~Btr.1arfty&d! \\"inlct Gllml!~ WuKmUx Y'ollcwSt:almutd~ODd flo'ra/ Pl.ll'pll ~1i1Dll!lh Dwarf Bumfng Busti St Johns Wort Blue Pacific Juniper Ck1MbE"O,'bhW1el S•'ti.lMaRou Sweet Box Oelavay's hlebttrr SeducLionYarrow Cr11me Brulee Hybrid Coreops1s lcaCamivalOaylily ,..,..,l',..:,U,... DHffAm Sword Fem Klnnikinnick I Burberry I Bunchberry I Red CkjMt>cg~ I Noc.Ilea R-o-14 I ..... , #2Pot .. ,..,, ..... #2Pol .... , #2Pot a2Pol #3Pct •15Pct #2Pot #2Pol #2Pc\ #1 Pel #1 Pol all.Pol #1 Pot .. .., I #1 Pot .SP.C•~~-~7 #f Pot I SP4«appl"O\¥Cf-.qw1fl ::I Pot -llPot 1$0n:unD.d. ..... "' .... ........... IOOOn,:m o.C. UOOm,.o.c. 1"20Dmffl.c.J:.. ....,,. ..... "°"""O."- 1,00Cnw11:1.c. Ol»m111c1,1: .. ?C~,ncc. e00mnt.o.c. 750mmo.c. .C.$0ri,:m 0..C.. ~G,C. ~mo..:.. 600mm O&. C500mmoc 7!1bm~ ..... ,,. .... 4iSOm.t:la.~ -.... 1"20Cmffl O,C , 1000ftmi o_c. 500mm wide rock channel . .-+ @ 1--~'-.,'--'t-'-.',-=-~'-'A=-L-=B-'-'IO=-S=-W=..:A=-l=E-=LA'-'-'-Y-=O-=UT'-'----------------------------- L-------------------------------------------------------------------__J Key Map (NTsJ No May1B,2016 DJ A-«-llld forDP Mar2B,2016 DJ Juua~ for Development P1mnil Oci 30, 2015 °'" FtE\l!SIONS TABLE FOR ORIIWINGS o C~py righl ,. .. ,...d This d,..-,:,,g ,.r,d d1:i;n 1, Iha p"'f'•liv DI .-3nd.Jlalm•»or~i:la1"slfl• 3ntmar1Wtbt1 .. pll>di,;edo,- uu<lfo,olk1rp1ajoclsw1tho1A,-rmb1;,,,.. Projecl: KANAKA HILL TOWNHOMES Location: 23539 GILKER HILL ROAD MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Drawn: S!Amp; PC DJ Checked: DJ Approved: MVDZ Scale: 1!100 Original Sheet Size: 24"x36" I- (f) <( w I I- 0::: 0 z z <( _J a.. (9 z I- i,i z ~ <( 0) C: _J "j: ~ a.. 0 at 0 Cl ~ C: "j: I ~ _J 0 I ..,I MATCHLINE SEE DWG L-10 ,--... --------/-· ------I ; : ~; I .........,..__ • ..... I. I I . -... •""'I • ... f . -~.:-:<< I • * • .... ~ .... '. ..... . . ....... .. • • • ::--+" ... + .... , ..... ': .. .. ~ ~ ~,i----------~ ~ g ! ·sm.ua~ AJ 100 Azalea jaoonk;a 'Glrard's Hol Shot' 6D ,. Budd!eja davidJl'Pelilo Indigo' BM 7' Buxus mlcrophyl ajaponica Winier Gem' CIJ .. Ceanolhus 'Miss Kim' cs ., Camus slo!onlfera 'Flaviramea· co " Colinus c:oggygria 'R oyal Potpie' EA 17 E'i!Qr'\)'1111.1.Uratus-i.i.tery Ha~ HL 337 HyJ;Jericum1.lzz.ic' JC •• AH'vpaus C:Wlf'Gllai "OlJII PDrJ~• PL 236 P'Nmn:~~ .. 'O•rdt' RPA 116 R.o.um.i&MdS~ SH ,. ~OCOII hoot1ffon• VD 40 V~i:W..11..-ayil GAA.55£.s .UDGES&Wl.DfLOWERS ,_. I ,2 I Acl'lha ·s.,.;w:t,tny SRdbdion" ca I ,,, CGiraqnb'CrlrffDGNIW HS I " I Hemerocallts lceCarrw~r UJ I '711 I Ufropt 1111.tac&li Roylll PiwpSt' FEA.HS & VINES a,; I 100 I ea,~.tpk:)nl PM ,. I PtJff1k."4.;im mUlllhltn GROUNDCOVEf\S ,_, I , .. M-to~11vva,unJ GP I 336 I G:.Mlt!ffll,ncumbcn• CH I tH I Comus ca nadensis I I I I I SOd I Scd I Anderson Sod F.a,m "Sdtd.' ar DpPl'OWd ~ OIOSWALE co I uo I CGll)lr.s•aricU I R, I IOl I flvu.nuotatr:a I ---·- ..: ... .,,,. GJrard's Hot Shel Azalea P9'l,-~o 9.llh,q, l!tu.h VVinhu Gem Boxwood M1s•IUmLlo1C Yellow Stemmed Dogwood Royal P11,pll 6mot.8v11\ OwarfBumlng Bush SlJohnsWor1 DkNPlldlcJcni;lat G•l'IOL!• EJt:lbt, Lmr1tl .Se\ill•naRou SwoelBox OltUYl."(1.~ S•d~~ CNtm.. lklrillr• ~ Coreopsb I tccCamlval □aytily I ............ Llyfurl I CHrfam, I SwonJ.f"'1 1CiMilUMldt 8c11tberry -.. R~:tO~rO:,gwood noolllil1h:i:a .. , ., .... , 750mmo.c. #2Pot 75GIM\o.c. n.Po: 7S0mmCl,L #2Pol 1000mm oc #2Pol 12COl'r.fflo.c. IDP01 1200mm oc. #2Pt1I "°°mm0.¢. ., .. , ........... #3 Pol 1000mm o c, .tSPo! -.... #2 Pol 750mmo.c #2 Pol GOOmmo,g, .rJPot l!OmmOL :UPG-C ASQmmoc. #1 Pot 450mmo,c. #1 Pot OOOmmo~ SIPa-1 600mmoc. •1 P.111 '°""""" #1 Pol ...... ~ ..... Sf'♦or•ppr9vr.fcq,~1 I 450mmoc M\Pot 7 -4.SDmmo..c. -SP-1oran,o-\'fdoquaf f 450mm oc #3 Pol I IZOOmm&<. ..... ' •-= ------------- I • .,_., .. . , . ., -... . ... . . . --- ~:~:~:~:\: ~: ! :~: ~ }~: ~ .. ,,. .... -·.•,.. ....... t • .. • -f-• t, .... _. • 4 • , ♦ I .. -........... ~ ... . . .. . ~ . . ~. . .. . . .. . .. ..... . . .. . . • .. ••• ' •• ••11 . . , . -..... • •.• :.•.r .•,r .• ............ ~ . ~ ........ .. : ':'• :-:.•: .. :.: .. : .. : .......... • ► f • I • t • ........ 1: ........ ►-• ...... . .. . • .. •. ::~!~~];:-:: ......... • .-t .-.".--.":· .. ........... f ..... t ... ~•I' I t ' • . ' ..... . .. . . .. .. . ·! ••• 1 •• _, .... - ••·I •••.,.•,. f • • • ••• t . r---. • ..... ,,, . S• I .., S-.m.t.ur:.l1qumogv.w,ntiiu.c2M I ;tedE.id1Uttnty #3 Pol I 1ooommoc, s, I 134 I Sym~k•fl)Cls•• I s nowbl!rry i::3Pot I 1<.0Qmmi,.c. I , , , oo tlll"'t::"nr .. T™r""':r"''r"'"'f """'r''·''r"";b""'';~"""'s""';~""'·;~""";~ .__ _________________________________________________________________ :.__:___;___;,,_ __ ....:.:__;___;;__;_:....;.:.__~ Key Map (NTS) ,j -~ .::--I . -_, DJ P.~VN ,-.; DP May 1B, 2016 OJ Re-issued for DP Mar2B, 2016 DJ Issued lor D11v11lopmonl Ponnil Del :JO, 2015 No REVISIONS TABLE FOR DRAWINGS Project: KANAKA HILL TOWNHOMES Location: 23539 GILKER HILL ROAD MAPLE RIDGE, 8 .C. Drawn: PC DJ Checked: DJ Approved: MVDZ Scale: 1:100 Sta mp: Original Sheet Size: 24"ll36" I- Cl) <( w I I-::> 0 Cl) z <( _J a.. (9 z I- ;; z ~ <( C) C: _J "§ ~ a.. 0 N O R H I'- C\I I LO ~ .. 0 u " C\I ·e- 0. a.. N 0 0 > .. ~ C) ~ -~ I ~ _J 0 - Notes: 1. Product Supplied by CMR, Installed by Contractor. 2. Finished grades adjacent slide to be less than 300mm below slide bed. 3. To be installed as per manufacturers specifications. G)l------'~c.c~:::L::.~,.:::~.:::L:..::ID:..:cE=------------------ PLAYWORKS PLAY STRUCTURE Scale 1:1 ? E 0 0 .'.'.?., PROOUCTISI LAYOUT PLAN ;C<JOTATIOI/ 10445B6 Product, Jambette -J3-15034-5B Supplier: Baldwin Site Elements Contact: Adrienne Castellon Phone: 604 424 4168 Colour: TBD Product: Kompan M582 Supplier: RecTec Industries Contact: Sheldon Stanley Phone: 604 940 0067 Colour: TBD (i / I I' _,j 10mm Landsafe wearing course 40mm Landsafe base mat 150mm base course permeable aggregate compacted to 95% MPD. Slope towards drainage pipe Approved structural fill compacted .__.....,,,,,,.,,., to 95% MPD. Depth varies Existing subgrade compacted to ---1~ 95%MPD ;oo,Do:18J;f~tsL>1~is,~ l !f:~iifflfi PROOUCT(S) ISOMETRIC VIEW l'l,.I..V$r;::J::..'TJ~ {J}-:!eA-,:iil CA7,;c,t!":'.Jl'CHtruf.;tlS lf!Mo,.r:t'S•l~'i"!AF.5 eni,,.~lrr.C.t D~~5ftl2/201.S 8)>---'~:::.:!;-;-: 1 ~-",D=-, ..:..P.:LA:...:..:..Y..:..A.:.:.R~EA=--------------- 10mm Landsafe wearing cour,;e 40mm Landsafe base mat 150mm base course permeable aggregate compacted to 95% MPD Approved structural fill compacll!d to 95% MPD. Depth varies Place geotextile between sub grade and structural fill materials as shown Cedar Edge Logs Inside edge of hill slide stepping stump stairs to be proud 300mm of stair with 45 degree angle. Cedar Round Logs Smooth Finish. Top of uprights to be routed to 10mm radius. Fasten grouped logs together lri"i==iar'f7-,Adjacent surface Notes: 100mm(4")Aggregate base (19mm Minus "Road Mulch") Compacted to 95% MPD Compaetcd to Q5% MPO 1. 0300mm milled cedar round logs to be imported to site for all stepping stumps east and west of hill slide. 2. Apply end sealer to below grade end cuts. 2. Size of log uprights as per plan . ½ van der2alm • associates Inc. P.altil &~IM • ~nbl~J \J!'N1tOt,,Jvn •~~· C ...-.....,,.:,.,.,..,.~-,,, .. ,tU_=• ~l,'fiil,~ ~'.o,ullle'f Y•ui.t:• ..,...,_"'1..1".1 @>---';::.:;;_::..:_G=-.,,:::.ST.:..;U::.:M"'-P'-----'-W'-'-A.!::L:::U:.,,Sc.,_T.::E,_PS"'-----------f-~~-----~---1 Rubber surface play area 150 Backfill with clean material / growing medium and hydroseed (typ). Max slope at 1 in 3 ==---Approved structural fill compacted to 95% MPD . Depth varies Existing subgrade compacted to 95%MPD DJ Ro-in ued rorDP May18,201$ Mar2!1,2016 DJ l11ued for Dev&lopm11nt P11nnit o~t 30 .2015 No . By: Det clipSon o,i. REVISIONS TABLE FOR DRAWINGS a CapyrigM rou,.,ed Thi• d~wjng and do•lgn I• Iha propufy DI' van dor hflrl ♦ a;wc\:,IH Ince and =r n•l be rop,.,d<-"=od or 11...i r..ulherFn>io~Wflllo.Ape,....,sion Project: KANAKA HILL TOWNHOMES Location: 23539 GILKER HILL ROAD MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Dra wn: Slamp: PC DJ Checked: OJ Approved: MVDZ Scale: AS SHOWN Original Sheel Size: 24"X36" U) .....J ;; <( Fl- g, w Jo I _, \'I ~ I ~ I d I " I: ,! j .a i I I 2"x4" Cedar Timber-Typ. Notch Adjacent Beam 1/4" and Toe Nail to Secure 4"x6" Beam Cut-through Posts PRECEDENT IMAGE Wrought Iron Rings-Typ. ---------------~3: 1" Square Bent Steel Painted Black Stainless Steel Cable 1" Width Attached to 4"x6" with Bolt 6"x6" Rough Cut Timber-Typ, Redwood Stained Custom Redwood Swing ---- Stained w/ Wrought Iron Arm Rest Stone Veneer Match Architectural Concrete Footing ------------------ -1_1_; __ -,-,-, ___ -1-1-,-:.. __ ,-,, G) ~~~~NG SWING ----,-,-,---1-,-, __ , 2"x6" Cedar Cap -----'-+-----+---i~:::-____ 6"x6" Cedar Posis~ PLAN g ~ Note: -----2"x6" Cedar Cap with 4 Sided 45°. Bevelled Top Treatment to Prevent Endgrain Rot i===~-2·xs· Cedar Top Rail 2•x4• Cedar Support Ra1 1"x6" Rough Cut Cedar ---""---ffl Boards. Alternate and overlap1" (25mm) 11-1,-1--1-.i:--1"x1" Cedar Cant Strip 2"x4 " Cedar Bottom Rails,-c;___-..J Centred on Posts 12"0 Concrete Footing to Extend 18" Below Grade Concrete collar. Do not encase bottom of post. At least 1" (25mm) exposed below concrete footing 150mm Gravel Subbase 19mm minus@ g53/o MPD 1. Fence to be constructed in conformance with the Morgan Creek Design Guildelines part 3.12. 2. Ensure all fasteners exposed to weather are hot-dipped galvanized to prevent staining. 10 CEDAR FENCE Scale 1:1 ~--------------------------------------Trex Edge 25mm x 150mrn with stake ~-------------------------100mm Crushed Granite ------------------------..rompacted geotextile fabric --------------------.,.50mm x 100mm Pressure Treated Wood Stake -------Crushed Granite ~----Trex 25mm x 150mm or Approved Equal Growing medium 50mm x 100mm PT Wood Stake (Recycled wood) every 1200mm O.C. attached to Trex with 100mm galvanized nails Existing soil 150mm Aggregate base (1gmm minus) Compacted to g53/o MPD L-----------------------------ExJs tlngsoll NOTES: 1. Contractor to provide 1 L sample of crushed granite material for approval by landscape architect prior to installation . 2. En sure top of Trex board meets flush with crushed granite pathways. 3. Refer to Trex board anchor detail. 4. Minimum 2% cross slope . @f----";:.:.~,:,~<.::~:.:.~,_,,E,,:D:_:G"'RA'-"-"N"'l'-'-T=-E.!.P..:..:Ac:.T!..!H..:..:Wc:..A:..:.Y ________ _ 1. 2. NOTES: 1. Lawn to be 25mm below top of edger board . 2. Trex Edger 2.1. Model: Trex Escapes 2.2. Color: Pewter Boulders will completely cover all exposed areas of fabric Contractor to layout and paint centerline of river feature !rrl..amuJmwidlh v.arles IA\4 ~B:.:.:10-"--"'S..:..:Wc:.,;A:::.LE=----------------\..::..J Scal•t:25 Allan Block Retaining Wall along Rear Yard = \,, "'--Ptanl as shown on plant list -"'--------ecisting sub-grade '----------!-lanting As Shown '---------300mm-450mm boulders with 25mm clear round rock top dress to fill uncovered area '-------------NCTex 801 Landscape Fabric. Install • per manufacturer specifications '------------River Pump Sand (300mm Depth) ½ van der Zahn + associates inc. Parks & Raeuia6on + En Yi,onmenlal Conwlting C~ _,,.-UrbanOuig.n ,._ Landseap11Archi!ec:ture L1tt..n1n•rt1 -1,..._,u.Q1 ~ . ....,~ "'C4t.Ul~r Vlll 81 lrJo@www.vd:c.,;:o OJ ~~fUC::,, May18,2016 OJ f'Mu.i.:Jfo4Df' Mar2B,2016 OJ Issued re, Dov11!0pmen\P11m,il Oct 30, 2015 REVISIONS TABLE FOR DRAWINGS oCopyrighlrnurved Thlc dr.1wir,gandd11IJ111l,1h•prcperi)lcf "•n d•r Z.lm + auoillln In• and may Ml b ■ ral""'dueo d ..- UHd for cf111 p...;1r:11 wilho<A,c1rrn;u 1on. Project: KANAKA HILL TOWNHOMES Location: 23539 GILKER HILL ROAD MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Drawn: Stamp: PC OJ Checked: OJ Approved: Original Sheet Size: MVOZ 24"x36" Scal e: ~ll\,IC,l,Oo«IAIILC'f,tunod Ot!;'-ll'Wl)l.(1/tl).lltPOII T~Nll/C' I CIM,"°'~T,..,'11bCiil~ AS SHOWN ~~~.~o:3/'° INE Mlllll .. ~AJtM(~(tlQilU I IC¥,'Olt.,~~Jtt ~ ~~~-J:~JCI T£NC Efl/COHS'TIIUCTIOK. (J) _.J jg I-<( ;:: g> w ~o ['-... C'\J I I.!) ~ .. 0 t5 Q) C'\J ·e a.. 0.. N 0 0 > C'\J 0 .. I "' 0 C: 'j< ~ .....J 0 .. J CULTURED STONE WALL/ARCHWAY (":;\1 ..._::E::..N'-'-T-'--'RA:..::..:.NC:::;E=S'-"IG~NA=-=G:.:::E'-------------~ &M NTS 1 ® WROUGHT IRON FENCING li: 1-.....:Sc.:.a:..;lte.,Nc;T,:;S=.:.:..;-"-'="-'-====------------- ~ I t w • 1 r,;'\3 1----'C<>U~La.!.T.::eU.,_,R,,,EDe<....:=Sc.:.T:::<O-'-'N=-E...:.W'-'-A"'L-'=-L----------\:?..) Scale NTS '4'1----'P-'LA:::.,:,.:Nc.:.TE=R=B:::<O,_,_XE=S:<...... ______ _ ~ Sa l•NT:s MAGLIN FURNITURE MLPT1100 SERIES KEYPAD/ENTRANCE PANEL CUSTOM SLIDE GATE WITH LOGO SAND BLASTED CONCRETE SIGN 6' CULTURED STONE WALL WITH CONCRETE CAP ®1-....:C=-'-A-"-F-=E'---'T'-'-'A=B=LE=------------ &1t.Nrs JL-------------------------------------------------------------------...J No OJ ~,,,..rorOP May18,2016 OJ Ra,~OC for OP Mar 2B, 2D16 OJ bsued /or Oevolopmenl Permit Oct 30, 2015 o ... f<EVI SJOl<S TAf!l.E FOR DRAWINGS e C<>p119h\ ,,,0eNod Tl\i~ dJTI<ing 3nd dto.ig~ Is lh• prcporty r,/ var,dorZalm•uuclalH;,,o 11,,,/1NOyn1>ibll9?/'4'dUC11d0< und(orolho<F«>]I O\$wl\ho"1p1unit.;on Project: KANAKA HILL TOWNHOMES Location: 23539 GILKER HILL ROAD MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Drawn: Stamp: PC DJ Checked: DJ Approved: MVDZ Scale: AS SHOWN Original Sheel Size: 24"x36" / W'lni.i.c:JOll~Q:ll«M~~ °"lMl'HOUQ~~ 10 ltlf~Uik1"'11lil ~ ~~~s:e:..ic:~~M )MIM~MIJC~~Cf' ,...~~MN'~ c:;&.t.~,.,-n:l fllOJ.-ftilUO fOf. (ownllUCTICIIII WU,Wlt\lGl":'.UCO~ - I'--- N I l{) T""" ,it 0 " Q) N ·e a.. 0.. N 0 0 > C") 0 ,it I 0, 0 -~ i" _J 0 Notes: Do not damage or cut leader 50mm wide woven nylon bioding _ attached to stake with shingle nails 2 x Pressure treated round wood stakes 50 mm -75mm in diameter 2m in length Crown of root ball shall bear same relation to finished grade as it did to 75 mm decomposed bark mulch Create saucer around tree Cut & remove top ,\ of burlap from root ball B&B root ball Compacted top soil with pedestal to bclna standard: "well groomed" soil L-------Scarify pit bottom minimum of (150mm) ~--------Mlnlmum of (150mm) on all sides of root ball 1. Do not damage main roots or destroy root ball when installing tree stake. 2. Water thoroughly after installation 3. Remove tree rings and stakes two years after installations 4. Provide drainage for planting pit in impermeable soil Finish grade for lawn Exisling soil "V" Trench 100mm x 100mm (4"x4") Groundcover Planting Species and spacing as per plan Dec6mposed Bark Mulch 50mm (2") Installed before planting Topsoil 150mm (6") min "Well Groomed" as per BCLNA Standard Existing subgrade I I r;\ CULT IVATED EDGE § ~1--'Sc=,,.""",,,..!.!.!..!.!:""-=""=---------- g I I ~~~Tul!Et!:!i~ 60mm concrete unit pavers 10 -15mm sand joints 25mm sand setting bed 150mm aggregate subgrade Prepa red subgrade I ® CONCRETE UNIT PAVING PATIOS 0 c-,---------Do not trim leader 60mm wide woven polyweb banding attached lo stake with __ shingle nails. _ _ __ _ __ Strapping sources: Fabritech Manufacturing ltd . #201 -20540 Duncan Way, Langley, ph: 604-534-5300, fx:604-534-6306 George n. Jackson ltd. 600 derwent way (annacis island), Delta, B.C. V3M SPB (t) 1-800-663-1369 (f) 1-800-663-3736 www.Jackson.ca 2 pressure treated 050-075mm round wood stakes 2m lengths. Stakes should be aligned parallel to sidewalk/road 'Arborgard +' tree trunk protector -AG-9-4 or 'nds' -tree trunk protector -tp i;::::;:~;;:=Ll:;;\J;~;;j~~'----128 nds 50mm deep saucer formed in :: ! I :~ Notes: ~L topsoil for initial first year watering. Fill saucer with bark mulch 300mm minimum of topsoil around root ball compacted to 85% MPD Pedestal Stakes to not penetrate root ball. Stakes to penetrate native soil by300mm 1. Sacking/burlap to be loosened and dropped to the bottom of the planting hole. all string, twine, etc.to be removed. 2. All wire baskets shall have the top 1/3 of the wire removed prior to planting. 3. All trees shall be single stem ® ?!~l~OUS TREE ~------Holtand concrete paver Pattern: Off set running bond Type: Holland Paver Colour: Charcoal Manufacturer: Mutual Materials P:(604) 888-0555 15mm min. mortar setting bed with 10mm mortar joints ·~ ~ ~ 100mm concrete base with reinforcement as required 100mm aggregate subbase Prepared subgrade @ 1-...:~:=.:?:=.:,.N-",,7,,,,R'-"ETE"--'-'"-U::cN:.:.l:.:.T..:.P..:.A:.:V_,,IN.,_,G,,,_-V.:cE:.:H:.:.l"'C"'U"'LA'-'-R:.:..... _____ _ Thin Branches by i Retain normal plant shape Decomposed Bark Mulch 75mmmin Create Top soil Saucer 150mmmin Remove Top 1 of Burlap Cut ropes at top of ball. Remove all non-biodegradable material , GenUy Compacted Topsoil Mixture lo BCLNA Standard: "Well Groomed" soil Tamped Admixture Backfill G)1-...:~::.:,~..e,,R_,, 1 U,,,, 25 8~P-=LA:.:.Nc,.T-'-1"-'N,_,,G,__ ____________ _ Notes: ~-------------Maximum slope 5% for 600mm away from sidewalk r------------20mm rounded edge typ r-------Light broom finish with minimum 1 % cross slope ~------125mm concrete slab install as per specifications lyp Asphalt impregnated fibreboard along any vertical surface. To be caulked and sealed 6 gauge 4'x4' wire mesh chaired in center of slab 100mm min of 95% MPD compacted aggregate base course under concrete slab typ Compacted sub grade 95% MPD 1. Contractor to provide expansion joints where concrete meets all vertical structures 2. Horizontal scoreline 1500mm o.c. center scoreline on 150mm smooth finish 0 1--;_=-0=-i.'-"~,=-~-'---'R=ET-=E-=Sc:.alD"-'E=-W:.:.:..:A:;LKic::.:..P~Ac:.T:.;;H _________ _ _,-----Planti ng soil mix as specified Note: Concrete wall detail see structural engineer drawings Finish grade (slope away) """"..---Reinf. concrete footing, depth varies with frostline 300mm(12")min. 150mm aggregate backfill Prepared subgrade @ 1--';"',~'°',~-'--',,7""R.,,ETE=..:..:aa..:P...:O:=.:U:=.:R..,_-.:,.IN_,_-,_PLA=CeeE:..,Be:.:E:.:N-"C""H_,__ _____ _ ~-1-----------------------------------------------------------------' Cf) _J <( I-w 0 _J <( OJ Ro-iu:uEMllorDP May18,2016 () OJ ~~fl)r 01' Mar26,2016 1ti OJ l:;su&dfarD11velopme ntPenni\ OclJ0,2015 F a.. No . ,, CINoi)bo D ... Cl >-C: REVI SIONS TABLE FOR DRAWINGS '§, "' I-a CDpyrighlrn$oNlld Thlsdr:1wlr,9 ::1ndd1slgni~(h1 P"'Portyol a v1nduz..1.,,+n•<><Ollulnc 1ndl!'<>ync>\be111p1odL£od<>r 1101df<>rothuprcj<,ol1""'1<>Ulptrml .. 1or. Project: KANAKA HILL TOWNHOMES Location: I'- N 23539 GILKER HILL ROAD I MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. L() ~ .. 0 u " N ·e 0.. a.. Drawn: sump : N 0 0 PC > DJ Checked: DJ Approved: Original Sheet Size: ,, MVDZ 24"x36" ~ Scale: (Ollltl,;l,Cr.M..MWJ.oci(,,U.~~ 0 Cllnd.WOCIC J.'.OltPQllf ~Ntl/Clf tOtl'((C.siM.UollirlUDlfllOCm-4 .. I ::i=':~C:.:~":oa!f Cl AS SHOWN C: 0 lllllff*/,llVll'l(OAl tN(Cli,\IPlqDl'CI '§, llilWOUJi.l ~'M/11 caA W;&0Wl.'\1 lfOI IUMIOi\JII !!! _J toSRIIIUOlDNl#IIIL'U:~lallllll'OII 0 ·~~ - ;, < I I I J ) , .. GENERAL NOTES KEY PLAN LEGEND 1, "-1. ONSf!E C',fL WORKS st{"-1. 8E COIIS1ftlJCTEO IN -J.t<CE \l,IJH 'IHE lA'ltST EDITIONS OF n<£ SR!llSH OOLUM!IIA'S. EIUliJIINC COOES MD PUJM81N<: COO'ia S. W.SlER MUl<ICP.<l CONS1RUC11011 OOOUM[NlS (MWCD) PLATINUl,l ElllllON, ll<E CnY OF 1,1"'1.[ RIOCE'S PES!CH <;RllElllA M.,1\/AL THE aTY OF MIJ'L£ mct's STJ.t<OARD COIISTRI/CllOH OOCIJll(NlS (CD<ERAL CllHllfllONS. SUl'PUMENTARY ~~~~~~~yp~~r~~%tr~ .. ~ 2, ~ E:Ain:~o&'J~l/&.~ifo' RlllC£ AND 8C ONE CAlL PlliOR R> C 1llE CONIRAClOR $HAI.I. EJ<POSE ....0 m>ES Nlll SIZES 01' l\fl'f~O Ml. ~~¢"&,W~.d',.J;S~D 3. AU. DIMENSIONS, OFFSElS. SIZES ANO ELEVATIONS ARE IN METRIC AND TO GEODETIC DATUM, UNLESS NOTED OTI-IERWISE. 4, A TREE CU111NG PERMIT AND AN EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PERMIT SH ALL BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO ANY WORKS Cot.O,IENCING ONSITE. 5. 'Tp<PORARY TR£E PR01£0n011 B~ER FENCES Sl!ALL BE CONSIRUClEO AND ltlSP£C1tO SY niE crf"r' OF WJ>I.L .RIOG£'S PAR-kS 0£PARThlENT AS PER THE ~~~%5 ~1n~~ clll'1~0N"fn:.an AND LANDSCAPING 6. All EXISTING BUILDINGS, SHEDS, FOUNDATIONS, SEPTIC SYSTEMS, DRIVEWAYS, FENCES, TREES, SHRUBS, ETC . LOCA TEO ONSITE SHAU BE REMOVED AND OISPOSEO OFFSITE. "= WA~,;,'-u~r~Cl<ir;i:~r~E ~~~~vt~~'a"~..l'i<'¾ TOR SHAU. ARRANGE Ai,,> PAY rOfl ALL PERMIT fEE.5 FOR OBT~G IHE PERMITS , a. PRIOR TO CGNSf!WC_TI<lH niE COIITRAC'TCfl SHALL AAIWICE rOR A ~~i,cmllfJf~ ~[~~/.S1~,::ll'os~~t~°"~~ ltlID.cw C0Cl<0INATI<lH B£11\'EEN 'IRAOES, l¥A)N0, SITE RE\1£'1.s. TESTING PRClCEll'JfitS. TESTING RES UL TS, ETC. 9, ·ALL COIISTRUCTIOII """l<S SHALL &E C0MPt£TED IU SUCH A M4!111"' SO AS TO PR09'T 1H£ fta£\5E OF ANY CON~N WAlt!I, SII.T, CQIJCf<CIE LEACl<Alt AND Al<T Oll<ER OEl.EID<IOUS SUIJSTAli<:tS SHALL 81c: OfSP()SU> Of' OR PLAC[O IN ~"cll,1'£\M ~l,,/gJ•~~~T~TOftM S[,v,£1< SYSTEII. 10. THE OEW.OPER ANO CONTRACTOR ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SWEEPIN G OF THE EXISTING F'(Olt,OWAYS FREE OF ANY DIRT ANO SEDIMENT CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY ON A DAILY BASIS . 11 . THE ODNIRACTOR SHAU. RflMSlAl'E All DIST1JR9EO W0Al<S TO PRE-ta<STRUCTIDN CONDITIOII OR BEmR ANO TO CURRENT MMCO ANO CITY OF t,IAPU RIOCE'S ST ANDARDS AND TO 'THE SAllSFACTlON Df' Ct:t<lltAS EHClll[[RJNG LTD, 12 • ~6ilNtgg;'~filC:'W:A~ ~~=?~~rEi \EJ'';','i~\trg!RICAL SITE: Pl.A.~ AAO 8C H'ID!!O OIIAW<IG5 FOR OEl>JLS. !3. ~~~MB:m<,iwiio •z.~.Cg<JR~~..ftl.l-o Bf: iWOR8roEJ\W BY BACkF'IWNG. f~U.URE: T O 00 SO 1.1-'Y RESU!r.T ~ THE ai CONTR1'CTOR t:XPOSING SUCH \\OA!CS AND SER .. Cf:S FOR \IISUAl Sil[ RE',!E'.W AT lllE Cl "-C<lHTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 14. ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING SURVEY POSTS AND/OR MONUMENTS (DESTROYED OR DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION) SHALL BE REPLACED BY A 8.C. LAND SURVEYOR AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE . 15. 48 HOURS NOl\a: SHALL 81c: PROVIDED BY lllE DEVELOPER'S Clvtl CONT!!AC'T()fl TO ~~~oW\i 1::f~~ ~~M~rc&J'r~LE RIDGE'S PLUMBINC INSPECTOR 15 • rl~r~RE~km~~~s0 %'M~ ~°riM':~~&le~s,::;fd;-ftt Y, DO ~Of LAY ou r 5UIJ)tl(l1; Al<D SITE n:AIUR£S FROM CEMTRAS ENG1NEil!1ffC LTD.'S CIVIL DRAWINGS. 17. THE CO NTRACTOR SHAU. COMPLY WlTI-i All. Tl-IE ARBORIST RECOMMENDATIONS IN THE ARBORIST REPORT. THE DEVELOPER'S CIVIL CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY 'MTH THE GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS IN lHE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. 1 B. UPON SUBSl'ANll.<l CQNSTRIJC'llON COIAPLETION, THE CM. COHTRACTOR'S i~~~ ~~i'fS.lll~~di ~~~= ~.:'~~~Ov.N ON 111£ SflE CRAl!INC Pl.All .AIIO M SITE SER\1Cf:S PlAIIS PREPAR£1) av CEHTRAS £NQIIEERIH0 Lll). rOR REVll:W, ,•,- --D- -w-- EXISTING GROUND SURF ACE CONTOUR ELEVATION EXISTING GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION EXISTING TREE ASPHALT PAVEMENT BIDFILlRATION RAIN GARDEN OFFSITE BOULEVARD TOPSOIL ANO SOD PROPOSED COVENANT AREA FOR THE STRATA TO ACCESS AND MAINTAIN MEANDERING ROCK LINED BIOSWALE BACKYARD SURFACE SWALE STOR M SEWER SANITARY SEWER GAP STORM SEWER MANHOLE STORM SEWER a..EANOUT CATCH BASIN L.AW'N DRAIN STORM WATER OIL & GRIT INTERCEPTOR UNDERGROUND STORM WATER DETENTION TANK (BRENTWOOD SYSTEM) DOMESTIC WA1ER LINE -r --FIRE LM GATE VALVE ♦ FIRE H'l'ORANT 1~, UNDERGROUND WATER CHAMBER " All ELE VATIONS A RE GEODETIC AND REFER TO No. REVISIONS/ SUBMISSIONS DATE CLIENT ENGINEER-OF-RECORD ~ SURVEY MONUMENT NUMBER: 97H2155 % u LOCAT ED AT: 236 STR EET AND 116 AVENUE . ~ AND HAVING ELEV ATION OF: 43.784m ~ LOT 19, EXCEPT PART SUBDIVIDED BY PLAN 39988. SEC 16, TOWNSHIP 12 NWD PLAN 35398 ISSUED FOR DE VELOPME NT PERM IT MAY 16. 2016 QUARRY ROCK DEVELOPMENTS INC, c/o CONCOSTS MANAGEMENT INC. #202 -5489 BYRNE ROAD BURNABY.BC VSJ 3Jl PHONE: 604-522-9977 FAX: 604-568-3410 CENTRAS Engineering Ltd CROYDON f!USINESS CENTRE #216-2630 CROYDON DRIVE SURREY, BC V3S 613 PH: 604-782·6927 EMAIL: in1o@centras.ca lllln.ll!AllOI 1W< eAAllel P00!£T '°"'1.£1r llllt flAT BOTTOM FOR STORM WAT'Dt fl:UfiCff" TO COLI..ECT NCI POOL AND OVERFLOW \CA J,,. JK'ci( I.HD V-HOTCH / / / / /. ./ / PROJECT NAME KANAKA HILL N // ~ •" -. ,. ' . ~ r • ,~; ~ -- ·.f..,..,,. ~· -;' ,./ 1-.~ !" / / ,,/ PR0POSED 80mm TiilD< MILL ANO 8Cfflm nta< ASl'ffALT O\tRu.Y ACROSS lHE Silt'$ fROHTA.C( ~ PER RECOMJ.EN'.)AllONS IN THE a:~ REPORT UNDER SECTION 5 5 OA.'1tD IUtY I !. 2016 PREPARED BY ~ACflC. Pl!IFO!D Offilrt H-'lf ROAD INf"IASlRIJCTUFIE UPGRADES ACROSS THE snrs 236 .srRttT f"ROHl.\CE. DETAILED OFFSHE llftA~ 'fdU,. BE PREPARED AND SUBMITTED SO'A/!AlELY mt1II lHE DNSTE 8\JIU,NG POIIO'T 0f!.IMIIGS AT OEVD.CRI.ENT P(:RjQr SUB"6SSKII STAGE , PRELIMINARY FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES 5m Ulm 15m ?Sm SCALE: 1: 250 ENGINEER'S SEAL CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE 43 UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT KEY PLAN AND STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN PROJECT SITE ADDRESS 23539 GILKER HILL ROAD MAPLE RIDGE, BC M ay 16. 2016 DESIGN: DRAWN : CHECKED: ENGINEER: omROYA L CEI DRAWING 16001-Cl CEI NUMBER CEI IIOR, SCALE 1:250 ~ & CEI VER. SCALE RlNIS lfARING PREVIOUS RtVl11ON l<UM8Et I ~•< / f --• ' < \ - ,,. 1/ ,,, - .-:d , . 1, ALL Cfl9TE: C,W. WORKS SHALL 8E CONSTRUCTED 1H ACCOl<OANCE l"lH 111[ lATt:'ST EDITIONS OF 'Tli[ BRITISH COl..UM8jA'S 8ULD\N,C CiOOES 'AHO PLUMBING 000ES, MASTER ~\f'rJ:~S~~~ .. ~~~. (~JOM~~ .. Rl~rsr~= or-MAPLE COl<SlllUCTION DOCUMENTS (CEJ<f;IIIJ.. CONOlnONS. SUPPID.o&ITAAY Sl'tC'11CAl10HS ~:t~M~ils.STtM'~H&\'to'"~ft.AU. OlHER APPUCASL£ IIUN,C,PAI. 2. ALL DIMENSIONS, OFFSETS, SIZES AND ELEVATIONS ARE METRIC ANO TO GEODETIC DA WM, UNLESS NOlED 011-IERWISE. 3. ALL ROAD ELEVATIONS ARE f-1N1SHED SURFACE PAVEMENT AND FINISHED SURFACE GUTTER LINE UEVATIONS. 4-. CHANGES JN GRADE LINES SHAU BE FORMED BY SMOOTH CURVES. 5. AD.JJST ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED RIMS, I.C.'s AND COVERS FLUSH WTH FINISHED SURFACE GRADES (UNLESS NOlEO OTHERWISE). S. TIE-IN All PROPOSED SURFACE WORKS TO EXISTING SURFACE WORKS WITH A St.lOOTH TRANSITION . 7. flNfSHED ~ LINE ElEVAllONS SHAU. BE !NSTAU.EO WITHIN A VERTICAL AND ljORIZOHT•l TOl£RANCE 0.-10mm OR lH~Y AAE SUBJECT TO REMOVAL ANO REPI.ACEIIE1'T A"f lHE COIHRACTOR 'S EXPE1'SL 150x150 CONCRETE CURB AU. AROUND BACK AND SIDES OF PARKING STAU. CLUSTER PERWEASU: PA\'ERS AS PER lANil$CAP£ COOSUl.,AHTS SITE GRADING NOTES 8 ~~~~nJi6~1~8R~:0~~:~ft.£1~€ 2~J~~o~lrVR~~"f ~o~~~\l0 A FI.AA£0 TA'ANSlnoN, 9. onSTINc sue .. MD APPRCMD ~;~:;:g ~~[r~\1flC. AS PER GtOTECM><IOAL R£Cao,ENDAJK)IIS Qs'E£R Pll!OR TO PLACQ<ENT OF IMPORTED AHO BAS£ .IIATERIAI.S SHAU BE R£C0'°'£HOA TIONS 1H 11£ <;£01!:CMNICAI. ICM. ENCINWI PRIOR TO CCMIIENCINC 10 • ~.'v~ ts°&'r..~~~ M~1i:~r. ~~~~-oSMsW-..J'k~ACED 1'l1H APPR0'1:D ENQNtEIIED f1.L AS PER CEO~ICAL RECOMl<!MIAllONS ANO APPROVAL 11. REFER TO THC CEOTEOCNICAL REPORT AND MMCD SECTION 32 12 16 FOR HOT-MIX ASPHALl PA\"EMOIT R£CQf4fENDATIONS SUCH AS MIX DESIGN AND MINIMUM FINISHED PA \/EM~T lHJCKNESS.. 12, SURFACE WAlER PONDING IS NOT PERMITTED AND IS SUBJECT TO REMOVAL AND REPL ACEMEN T AT TI-IE CON7RACTOR'S EXPENSE.. 13. JF REQUIRED, ASPHALT PAVEMENT CUTS AND PATCHES SHALL C.OtsOfU,f. TO MMCO STANDARD DRAYr1NG NUMBER GS AND TO CURRENT CITY OF MAPl.£ RIDGE'S STANOARDS- 14. REFER TO l.AHOSCAPE DRA'MNGS FOR ROAD PAVER AND DECORATIVE PAVING DETAILS AND SPECtfl~TIONS. PAVERS SHALL MEET H20 TRAfrlC LOADI NG SPECIFlCATIONS. / MINIMUM 80mm ASPHAL.'TIC CONCRE TE 40mm OF UPPER COURSE #2 MIX MMCO 40mm OF LOWER COURSE 12 MIX MMCO ,....---MIN1MUM I 00Mm BASE -CONSISTING OF 1...., MINUS. CR\/SHED GIWIU.AR TO IIMCO, OOMPACTm TO Ml>,IIWJl,C 95,: MPMDD. MINIMUM 20Drrvn SIJB-DASE CO URSE SPf:Cll'lCA llDIIS ANO Cf!ANUI.AR BASE ANO Sllll-l!ASE 5111\JCM!f: AS PER GtOT!CffNlCAL R£C~E»DA1l0HS. • .L~I ~~-CON5'STING Of 75mm M)NUS PI T RUN ~!L~:• '\__ GRAVEL TO M'lril CO. CO:Wi>AClED TO i'ARKING STALL DETAIL ,us MINIMUM 95,: 1.1PMDD. APPRO\IEO SUB-GRADE SY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER . 15, :~~icro8j~~~Cl¼~A[A~i~t~E ~~~~~~PE DRAYt1NGS FOR DETAILED GRADING 16, PfltOR TO INSTAU.ATlOtl ~ COt4atETE Q.WtS &. CUTI'ERS AND HOT-UfX ASPHAL-1 r-CCMRACTDR 511"'1. QIITAIN WRlntk SKlll OfF APPROVAi. l'RQM lHt CONSUlTANT ""° ec H'llll!<'> 1HAT All. 1HE UMDEIIGROUNO El£CTRICAL COIIMUNlCATICflS S0!\1CES HA'£ 8EElf INSTall.UD ANO A/IE ACCEl'TASI.£ TO !Ric.IL COHSIILTANT ANO 8C H"'RO. 17. 1HE -OP,£11 SHAI.L 0,Pl..()Y Ttft 581\'IC>:S or A GEOTI:CH>llCAL £NQNE£R '"" Ffilv~~~~~~in'lw.'™S'~G a'!.'t™& ~-~DE'MlHIN 1'1!ENCHl:S, SHORING. ll(IAD STRUCTURE MAlERlAI.S, COMPAcn&fl l,SPH.$" MJX DESIGN , ASPIW.T CllA£ TESllllG, A$PHAI.T ODMPACTIOH lES'llHC. ETC. 18. PRIOR TO F't.ACOIENT Of' CQIJao£TE CUR8S & GUmRS. UiE C<ltllRAClOft SHALL PERF"ORM A PROO!' R0U. T!ST IN ACC<lROANCE IOlH MMa) SEC'llOO 32 11 16 .1, g~QIN~~~~CUft8 & CUTTER LINES IN 1l<E PR(SDl<:E' Of TH[ DEVELOPER'S 19. AFTER PL\c:EljDl't 0f' HDT~MIX ASPHAI.T PA\1NC. 111E 0£\'ELOPEl!'S QVIL C0N1R ACTOR SHAU. COOROINATE l"TH lHE ~£A'S GtOltC!iNlCAI. -'re! ANO SHALL P80"-0!: ASPHAI.T CCR( TEST RESU.TS APPROlCIMAmY ewiy 50 llt1RES OF ROADWAY Ml 09l£CTED llll: lltVELOPE!l'S CEOTEClilllCAI. EIIGl"ID!. l•"W:-1 ~ ' ROUGHEN flNISHED PU!lle:.BLE PAWi SlMACE TO A 0EPll1 Of' 5r,v,, AND 80HO CURS TO ASPHALT 111TH AN EPOX'r 80f/0. ALTERilAlELY, SAW CUT Oft r,<IU. A 90mm I\!()£ av 4<.'mf'I\ DID' ·KEV" 1H 1H£ PA~S TO BOHO 'MlH lHE ·coNCl'ETE CUfl9. 1HE Pl!EPAR£0 IIOAtlW4Y sue-OR<;OE SHAU 8£ GIIAOOI TD PRO\'IOE • T l£\ST IX SloPE TO ASSIST Ill OAA1111NC 1HE SIIS-CR,ot A!ID CRANOW< Al.IS, lH£ F1NISH£0 >.SPllAI.T SIIRFACE S>IAU. & AT A Ill MINIMUM SLCPE TO PIIO\'U POSITI,te RUNCFI' TO A SI/ITASI.£ Sl<lf™ WAID!, ORAl!IAGE S'l'Sltll ANO SHALL PRE\/OIT WATfll SURFACE PONDING , ROLLOVER CURB &: GU TTER AND STRUCTURE AS PER MMCD STANDARD DRAWING C4 PA\.9'£HT 'lHICKHES'S AND CRAliUI.A~ SlJI\ICMi( AS PER Gl:OltCIHCAL R£C()j.11.!£HOA TIOHS \_ \_~-.□ CON5TRUC1ED BY >tOOS!: BUIUIO</GOIEl!AI. CONTRACTOR (l!Y OIHEIIS) {nP,) TYPICAL ASPHALT PAVEMENT SECTION DETAIL ,u.1. ltEfER 10 CUlRENT o\RClil[C1\IR OE.$iQ,I DRAYt1NGS fOA ROAD AND 9UI I.O(NG LA YOU TS . A ll ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC AND REFER TO SUR V EY MONUMENT NUMBER: 97H2155 No. REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONS DATE LOCATED AT: 236 ST REET AND 11 6 AVENUE. AND HAVING ELEVATION OF: 43.784m LOT 19, EXCEPT PART SUBDIVIDED BY PLAN 39988, SEC 16. TOWNSHIP 12 NWO PLAN 35398 VAY It , 2016 TYPICAL ROADWAY CROSS-SECTION SC ALE: l:1 00 H0R N T.S vau CLIENT QUARRY ROCK DEVELOPMENTS INC. c/o CONCOSTS MANAGEMENT INC. #202 -5489 BYRNE ROAD BURNABY.BC V5J 3Jl PHONE: 604•522·9977 FAX: 604·568·3410 REVERSE ROI.LOVER CURB & GUiTER ANO STRUCTURE AS PER MMCD STAHOARO DRAYr1NG C4 (TYPICAL BOTtl SIC£S) ------APPROVED SUB-GRAOE BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. ENGINEER-OF-RECORD CENTRAS Engineering Ltd CROYDON BUSINESS CENTRE #216-2630 CROYDON DRIVE SURREY, BC V3S 6T3 PH: 604-782-6927 EMAIL: info@conhas.ca • ~ / / //' / • PRELIMINARY FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES / PROJECT NAME KANAKA HILL / 'j_, . ',· ---- GILKER HILL ROf ~-. ,. / .:;· ===-,,,±===,.,,--~ <1 / / P' / / N t: 25m SCALE: 1: 250 SITE GRADING LEGEND EXISTING GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION . __ EXISTING GROUND SURFACE CONTOUR .--~1 .., El.£VAT10N c=i c.::J ~ CJ ASPHALT PAVEMENT SURFACE AS PER THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT'S REQUIREMENTS. PRO!'OSED CONCRE;TE I\Rt,\ Ml PER GEOTtCltl<ICAL l.,\NDSCAK A.'<O AR<:lilltCIURAI. C:0/ISL.UANT'S REDUI REMENTS. PROPOSED OECORAllVE PAVCRs TO l.,\NOSCAPf:, AACHITECIURAL ~D Gt.OTECIINICAL CONSUlT .. 'fTS REQUIREMENTS . PROPOSED EXTENT OF BUILDING. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PlANS FOR DETA.ll.S. ROLLOVER CURB &: GUTTER AS PER ~ MMCD STD. DAAWING C4 RE.VERSE ROLLOVER CURB & GUTTER ~ AS PER MMCD STO . DRAWING C,t. ~~""f) EXISTING GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION ENGINEER'S SEAL ~ FINISHED SURFACE El..EVATION -# FlNISHED TOP OF RETAINING WALL ELEVA110 N ~ MEET EXISTING GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION OVERLAND SURFAC E SWALE. REFER TO $WAL£ DETAIL ON THIS DRAWING► OVERLAND SURFACE FLOW DIRECTION .A._ FINISHED DRrvEWAY SLOPE ~ FINISHED MA!N F\.00R £1.EVAllON. REFER 5 TO ARCHITECTURAl.. 0RAW1~ FOR DETAILS . ~ ~~~/~TI~NCIF 5 AT tlTERFACE W!1H ORM.WAY). REfER TO AACljl!ECTI/RAI. DIU~ FOR OETM.S, !A CATCH 8451N "' LAWN DRAIN CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE 43 UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT SITE GRADING PLAN PROJECT SITE ADDRESS 23539 GILKER HILL ROAD MAPLE RIDGE, BC May 16, 2016 DESIGN: co DR AWN: CEI CHECKED : CE I ENGINEER· CEI 05STRO'1' All ,RlHTS. lfA DRAWING 16001-C2 NUMBER HOR. SCALE 1:250 11; ~ VER. SCALE .. lNG PREVIOUS RE'l/1310N NUMl!IElt ) FINISHED SURFACE AN O GR ADE. REFER TO SITE GRADING Pt.AN FOR DETAILS, STal'M ¥(4.lER FLOW CONTROL MANHQI.£ C8M.S [If nE DRA NELSON BOX 9.JllA8i.£ FOR H-20 U\JE LO Afl lN G 150mm SIJR35 PIP£~ Bfil WI T!F <F 5' RAIN TANK _j_ -i INPSECTION PORT DETAIL Fl'll!>O 5URrACI: ANO OU T WI/£. fllrnl TO SIIE----- "'-"'"C P!.AH ltll! DETAil'l. IMPERVIOUS LINER BEffrffN 1WIJ LA~S A~ ~~~:~~:f,_4'-!l' _i.u_ !>_ "'_"-_-.:_ AS SPEOAED 8 '1' EMCO. SEE "tlElM.". STORM TANK SIDE PAllEL ----- llWIL STORM TANK MODULE POROSI TY EQUALS 97X IQE_ EI.EYA]l!/i SINGLE STORM TANK DETENTION BASIN DETAIL "" ALL EL EVATIONS ARE G EODETIC AND RE FER TO SURV EY MONUMENT NUMBER: 97 H2 155 No. REVISIONS/ SUBMISSIONS LOCATED A T: 236 STREET A ND 11 6 AVENUE. AND HAVING ELE VATION O F: 43,784m LOT 19, EXC EPT PART SU BDIVIDED BY PLAN 39988, SEC 16, TOWNS HIP 12 NWD PLAN 35398 ISSUED IDIIE Df't'O,~r ~I AU. IOlll(RQtQll.'D ,STORM WA TtR OEIEl<llCtl TAI« CONSlROCllCN 9WJ. IE COWPl£ltll Ill ~~~TT!l!O:OIMOO STORM WATER DETENTION TANK PLAN VIEW OOIMESmaM IAllXM<Ol.l!l!lH !<O IU P,._'llJ,S STORM TANK SINGLE MODULE DETAIL ~ TOP Fll.L: 19mm CRUSH ED STON E (ASTM D2J21 CLA SS 18) O 30m MINIMUt.l IN DEPTH AND FREE FROM LUMPS ANO DEBRI S, IMPERVIOU S LINER BETWEEN TWO LAYER S OF SCA l[. 1:100 ·WO>Ot Gm-TtXru (Cl:I AU. 5IOES, BOTTOM AND TOP) ,\S ~ ev E»CG. SEE "O ETAL". IW'OMlUS Lt<ER B£T\1ffN 00 LAYER S Of H<IH-"'7,tH Q:0-TOOl.E (OH AU. ~DES, BOTTOM AND TOP) AS !l'{c,,cJ) BY EIICO. SEE "DETAIL", • 19mm CR0SH£0 $tCIE (ASTU 02J21 CLJ.SS 18) 0.1:!n\ -111 0!1'1>1 ANO flllI: IROM WMPS NiO Wl!IIS. PREP'"1D 11A TIIC SOIL suaOIIMI£: 8ASE OF OCA.VA1Hlll ro er s.uoon, "'°LOO."'° FREJ: lllOM. IJJllPS )ill) llOllilS. CEO!t®'/C.11. EIOlllt "JO INSPl'C'T N'IJ ctR1IN Sl.6-QIA!l( P!Ollll Tll CO!MllCEIIOiTOF"'°'T,,.,,[l<Sl'AUAllCN. CONnv.tTM SHAU. OMN:T 8ICO WAliR MAN,\GDIDIT ~UllQIIS l =~~~r~•1~~:~l:.::C~ r.t: r:::f ro -y PflOCU$ "1Q OISTAUAllOfO.Tl<E -SJQ<II WATER oaDIIIOH 1'10(, 1l<E COITRACRIR SHAU. !el~ A l.tT1DI Cf'•REa>RD IT!fN .!!!fO l)iAI CCNS11IUC110H <F M ~ S!0RW ~ATtR D£IDITIC»I T "5"~AJII CXll<SlRUC!El) Ill~ MlH O,CO'S- CU RRENT IIRD<IWCOO !l!Etll1C,lllOlis./,l!Q DETAA. DIIAIONCS. CtiNT!IMIOl 51-IAlL FORWARD A COPY OF tJ£ RE~~-~TRAS Dte:lttERlt-.'C l lD. ----- I AN UNDERGROUND STORM WATER DETENTION TANK CON SISTING OF THE BRENTWOOD SYSTEM WITH A TANK HEIGHT OF 0.91m SITIJATED 0.05m ABOVE THE FLOW CO NlROL MANHOLE'S OUll.ET INVERT AND A NET DETENTI ON TANK VOLUME OF 108m ' COMPI..Elt WITH AN 84mm DIAMETER CIR CULAR FLOW CONlROL ORIFl CE IS REQUIRED TO SATISFY THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE'S TIER B AND TIER C STORM WATER MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS. I CAST IRON FRAME & COVER LA8ilfO ·sroo M SEWtR. TO H-20 LI VE LO.A.DING Rltr.l = 19JO 'AttR TI~T Fl.AP GAlE c/w m BClD (A.$ rA88lell!D BY LE RON PLASTICS 00 ~It (15nwn llffO() \Olli SOJAAE !DC£ 0/!QLII! QMn Of a....., CIAMC'/ER STORM WATER FLOW CONTROL MANHOLE DETAIL DATE &JA'Y II. ?01$ CLIENT QUARRY ROCK DEVELOPMENTS INC. c/o CONCOSTS MANAGEMENT INC. #202 -5489 BYRNE ROAD BURNABY.BC VSJ 3Jl PHONE: 604-522-9977 FAX: 604-568-3410 ··~ ENGINEER-OF-RECORD CENTRAS Engineering Ltd CROYDON BUSINESS CENTRE #216-2630 CROYDON DRIVE SURREY , BC V3S 6T3 PH : 604-782·,H27 EMA IL: ln fo@centras,ca PROJECT NAME KANAKA HILL 43 UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SITE ADDRESS 23539 GILKER HILL ROAD MAPLE RIDGE , BC I TIER C MINOR MODIFIED ORIFICE DIAMETER SIZING CALCULATIONS I o. .. 16p4r/C.rit. O~tK'tOitv~lbe:. Proft<VSbt Add.-HJ: (cr,c\OtNll •f.liSfQ~tiij:5,,ad AN:IIW,Oola :..;"""'=·..;;.'..;;.' _____ _ 9:,,.,.,..0,,......,., .. ,.-...tJ IOfCurve: Golden Eau El~,...,lmy Tm9et &.i.c..-clO"lrt,~ l&,;;:;; o ,.,, • 37.642 l:l ::,,,," ~ 100-YecrlnlemHy(mm/hrj·~ F!unotlCcetfici!!nl IFII :~ Co lehmenl h ea (AJ (Ho] --10-,- N· ~ O,:,,,~RAJN:~ ~ CENTRAS Engineering Ltd ~m laO-~lAl~EADONVERTICAI OVIJlflOW .. IUr!Hl",oo-ul !mJ lM(IIG I NCYOVlRfl.OW Vl ,ilCAI \_ -~!IPJl'l!IIEVATIO N III\AXIM,IINI ___!.!:!!_m SlO~ WAIU s,o .... GE ELEVATION - OFDmNT>O NIAC:llllY][ml "'UJIYI HE.1.0 ro~ Of.SIG H Of O~lflCE HAIEl~llmJ J_ ~M / --• vumc:.\l ov1mow ..i ~E~ "'E Dl#ill.EIH(m111J w .. u ,11ow .........., -- ·•H•-·············· KlADQN OVUHOW illOfODAflQM h _I°-•• \06,1 icrn \1.M,w1 } WHE RE: h-n • 100-YEAR HEAD ON OVEltFlOW [m] 0...,n• 100• YEAR ft OW RA if (m'/SJ W.,=WE IIICIIUT lEN GTH Jml •31 ◄1 6 it d0 d0., 0\/Ell flOW IIISEil DIAMETER [mJ ......!!&Q_m CI RCUL A R OR lf lCE EQUATI ON WH ERE: Q"' MA XI MUM RElEASE RA l E fm"f•J C • COEfflCIEHT,. 0.4 A = CI JIC ULAII ORIFICE AREA lm>I 9"9.&l m/s' h • H!AO ON ORIACE PLATE [ml ER C (MINOR MODIFIED) ONSITE STORM WATER DETENTIO VOLUME CALCULATIONS· MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD Analy,b k11 na rlo: io,r-~o.,.,~,JJOfftl•..-.i'A~""""•ap,lNlll 1!Mc:l•kll• Dev tilepwJCS.tli: ORl'rf&t.6,w•io;;.:;::.;.;i1.inc.- Projecy»'-Add!-•w lmdllha•z1i3l#t.i#...-5mi- Anaffalt0t,*~~lt c:;,_0tl'r~t.~•""=--'---- 3.,-,,~, .......... fi DF Cu rve: Golde-nEorsElemenla ry lrolMl.lttol'" Wh~e llrrm/iv) T (hil o 3.bAleCan,lonli TimeolConeenlr<JHonlT~j: O;,." ___ b ,.,=~ '?-Y&a.r lnteri1ily llllrrn1/r111: ""'~!{Pl·==== Co!ehman l /'iea (Al (H oj: ,,. a,., .• ,. ... .,.,. ... = RAIN: D.014Ult\l/J TlmnCIUfoton -·· ---.. -•~ ,.,. ....... fmmlh1J ... N =\ ' ''-" ~·-..,., .. )11',IJ ... ., . BJ> ' ....., CUIII • ,... ,, .. v . ., ... ..... " .,.., ...,,, ,. ,._., , .. ,,, lo-t ..l'a .. ,... . .,.. .... ,n.., ,0 ....... ,...., .. ,-_. .. ·--,. -· 0 . .,~, .. -........ ....., l ,V ··-....... l m ,., ,,.., 002663 23970 ... "' ,.,., :.,:o "" OLC ., ,.. .. "" t:.il •=• ,., ""' ·••= '"'"' ... -,00112• ...... -·-lf.01t1 ... .., 001S12 ~35 31 "" -....... -·· .,. ... ....... , ,..., -.... 0 COIi .,,., ,.,, ~ .. :JIii ·-,_ ...... ...., IC-Tp r 1.,0.••"'li"!:t'!l f-+.,, DFCU l'•fl: GoldenEorsElemenloty Vlhf.tfe I lrMi/hr). T lhrl o Z. b Ale Comkm/1 o :,"~b,..," •0.'87 ~ lruoolfC oellcleol (RJ:--,.,-- ColcnmenlMeo !Ho J: ~ rl:~ fJ:::•· CENTRAS ~ Engin eeri ng Ltd 1 .. --11.r,• 1~•--......... ...... ~ ,... .. '"" , ... _.., -,, .. ···-~ ~., .. .,., •= .,,., ···-,, ... .,,, 0 u.., '.:1Y, ,,,,. 0.01 ~~ ,..,, 79.6~ 0-04•~ ,.,, .... ~··-.,., ""' _,.., ..... .,,, . V.IUO~ .... ....,, ... ,..., ,..., ,.... _,_ •=• 1U.,:, 00 ~~ 13 1.67 1os m O<lllU ..... ..... .. , ... ,.,. ,.,., 1UIH-"'1 . ..,. OOlt.U ,~ .. ran ..... .ll...01 , ... Ot .. l _ _.. 001 ~6,3 421 3~ Q,r Q_(H.l,Q >H .. fll! ""' .. , ... ="" ..., ..,.., ••. 'Z? "" 0-0IW ,.., . ' -MINIMU MONSl!UtORM WA1U DEIDI IION VOIUME •m": 108.43 - Om ENGINEER'S SEAL ~- PRELIMINARY FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ""' 10m !Sm T SCALE: 1: 250 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ONSITE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT DETAILS . DESIGN : CEI DRAWING l 6001-C3 DR AWN : CEI NUMBER CHECKED : CEI HOR . SCALE 1:250 May 16.2016 EN GIN EER : m VER . SCALE 0 fSTltOY AU PRJNTS IEAft lNG PJl:fVIO US IEVI SION NUMB MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia City of Maple Ridge TO: MEETING DATE: June 14, 2016 FILE NO: Advisory Design Panel 2016-115-DP SUBJECT: 11909, 11889 227 Street, and PIO 009-280-642 (No Civic Address) PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel (the "ADP") submission has been received for the above cited application and properties to permit the construction of a 5 storey apartment building with 44 residential units and 8 commercial units. This site is zoned C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone and is designated Town Centre Commercial. The development permit application made to the City is subject to Section 8.11 Town Centre Development Permit. This application was presented at the May 10, 2016 ADP meeting, and the following draft resolution was made: That the proposal be re-submitted, with a completed Data Sheet and dimensions shown for aisles and parking-spaces;-and ptffse·nte1:rat-a-fatureAavisotyDesign -Pan elmee.t7ng wifnfhefollo wmg concerns addressed: 1. Consider CEPTED for the first floor and after hour safety, including the covered parking area~ 2. Consider relocating or adjusting the storage area on the parkade level for safer egress; 3. Consider hoWthe second floor privacy screens are laid outfor safety ahd security; 4. Show CRU signage style and locations, placement on fa9ade, hung under canopy and/or incorporated into storefront 5. Consider a variety of brick patterns or colour on the frontage for added visual interest; 6. Consider Courtyard access through to the lobby, with suitable .surface treatment through the parking area; 7. Require further information on the first floor finishes and open space design; 8. Consider a corner building element similar to lobby entrance to be located at the corner of the building; 9. Consider material for parking area with higher visual interest and snow removal from parking areas; 10. Consider reducing the parapet height on the second floor to allow for better sightlines from units while seated; 11. Consider occupancy limits for rooftop patio; 12. Consider wider breezeway connections in future phases 13. Consider additional breezeway in Phase 1 between the parking area and CRU front entrances; Page 1 of 3 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: The development permit application made to the City prompting this referral to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.11 Town Centre Development Permit. Key Guidelines: The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal's compliance with the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines: 1. Promote the Civic Core as the "heart" of the Town Centre 2. Create a pedestrian-oriented, boutique style shopping district 3. Reference traditional architectural styles 4. Capitalize on important views 5. Enhance existing and cultural activities and public open space 6. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features 7. Maintain street interconnectivity PLANNING COMMENTS: Revised Proposal: The applicant has revised the first floor layout to include courtyard access to the main lobb area to ---c""'"r=e=a·te a stronger pe estrian rn from the building to the future central plaza area. No additional breezeways were added to the building design to maintain the focus on the 119 Avenue breezeway in the next phase of development. A CPTED consultant has been engaged by the applicant to review the comprehensive development plan for CPTED considerations. Additional rooftop patio information is provided, including the addition of concrete planters. Requested Variances: Development variances are still in the review process with Planning Department staff. The applicant has provided a revised data sheet specifying the building setbacks required. CONCLUSION: The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Pre~den Planning Technician Attachments: Appendix A -May 10 ADP Resolution Response Appendix B -Revised Building Rendering Appendix C -Revised Development Data Sheet Appendix D -Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 3 of 3 ) ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• points west ARCHITECTURE May 19, 2016 Re: Falcon Village 11909 -11889 227 st. Maple Ridge, BC In regards to the proposed development we would like to highlight the following points that have been changed in response to the ADP comments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 21. A CEPTED report is being drafted by Liahona Security and will be provided when available. The entrance to the parkade storage has been relocated to provide safer egress. Privacy screens have been added to the second floor patios. Signage for the Cru's will be a combination of 3d signs on the brick facade and hanging signs within the colonnade. 3 stack soldier corse bricks have been added to the corner element to provide further interest. Extensive brick patterns are currently shown along the entire length of the colonnade and color variation is used at the residential entry. Courtyard access has been added to the lobby which will be available to all visitors during normal office hours via automatic electronic door locks. First floor finishes have been added to the landscape drawings. The corner element has had new brick patterns, lights and concrete detail elements added for interest. Parking paving patterns have been added to the landscape drawings, little snow will need to be removed from the parking area given the 2 nd floor patio overhanging the parking area. The parapet height of the second floor has been reduced and glass railings added. The roof top patio will be limited to 60 persons and 150m2 per building code. The propsed breezeway starts at 22'-0" wide and narrows to 14'-8" before returning back to 22'-0" wide. A additional breezeway was considered and decided against as it would not add a connection more than parking and would in turn reduce the significance of the proposed breezeway in the next phase. Overhead security door has been added to parkade level 1. Landscaping finishes added to 119 avenue and 227th street. Additional variety of landscape finishes added to the exterior frontages. Larger planters added to the rooftop patio. Larger concrete planters added to the rooftop patio to allow for larger tree planting. 3d views added and details added to the lane facade of the building . •• •• p.604 864 .8555 ;; f.604 .864.8505 ;; e.pwa@telus.net #203 -2190 West Railway Street, Abbotsford, BC V2S 2E2 _) Thank you for your consideration with our application and we look forward to working with you to complete another successful project in Maple Ridge. Wes Friesen, Architect AIBC, LEED AP Points West Architecture 604-864-8555 wes@pointswestarch.com H p.604.864.8555 ;; f.604.864.8505 ;; e.pwa@telus.net #203 -2190 West Railway Street, Abbotsford, BC V28 2E2 ADP -227th Street Falcon Village, Maple Ridge Existing building at 11882 226 th & corner of 119th (facing south) Current lease tenant, signage, lighting and patio space View of laneway and pedestrian walk Existing building at 11862 226th Street Existing building colonnade Existing street finish with bench and street planting on 226 th I _.. ~ ·:MAPLE RIDGE : • I ~• • 8ritl$h Cc.lumbln '~ ~ .'1 • ' mapleridge.ca DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Project Zone C 3, Date Prepared ,All%! '24/;1, Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed LOT AREA"' {in square. metres) Gross Total '1 l':'.\ 'S V'-1 ~ Less Road Dedicati on area '2..1..Cf ,_ z Less Undevelopable area Net Total 19 C,f, m'~ ; LOT (OVERAGE (in % of net lot:a"rea) Buildings & Structures t;-<R %, Paved & Hard Surfaced Areas 7? ~ Landscapi ng 0% Total Site Coverage I 00 o/o SETBACKS ( in rn-etr~s) ' Front --J ''l n... n.tl. ~~D.Ai:! r .s--pM Rear ~ I !~ll'"-: mo '2u C ,i:,.A.. Side #1 (N,S ~r W) .t:;\'t>G ~Ae-0 ~r-.J,.-' ,s (V\ Side #2 (N,S ~or{WD • ''I ''L 7 ~ 'Z., C-d. -~ ,5" r'lA Side #3 {N, S, E or(VI/J BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) - Principal m.; Accessory "fZJ ,,. NU.MBER OF RESIDEN.TIAL UNITS I Bache lor a One Bed ro om 41 Two Bedroom 5" Three Bedroom + '- Total 4~ GROSS FLOOR AREA (in squa~e ·metres) 467i !Mz..-Residential Retail Commercial 7 '1 Bid- Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type I Institutional Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA (~ I ~ z__l'>\ '-- • If t he develo r.,ment site consists of rnore than one lot. lot dimensions pe rta in to the entire site . Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) Required Development Data OENSITI # of units/ha {gross) tt of units/ha (net) Gross Floor Area Floor Space Rati o (net} •' A:MENITY SPACE (area in square metre.s) Common Activity Area Useable Open Space PARKi°NG (number of spaces) Residential and M ulti-Residenti al Uses Multi-Resident ial Town Cen tre (Bach Units) Multi-R es identi al Tow n Centre (1 Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Add ed Bdr) Commercial Uses Educational & Assembly Uses Institutiona l Use Industrial Use Business Pa r k Uses Comprehensive Total Number of Parki ng Spaces for Uses Number of pa r king spaces for disab le d Number of spaces for v isitors TOTAL NUMBER GF PAR KING SPACES Number and percentage small cars Number and percentage tandem spaces TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) BICYC1£ PARKING (number of spaces) Short Te r m Bicycle Parking Lo ng Term Bicycle Parking OTHER -_state YES or NO for ea c Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed (0 (lJ 'V _ ff') \ ,'v\,. I UIJ J 1 I 'J..e>~ l.ot-.Ab~ --4 2. ~E.J? ~ !;{_ 1 3 ~EV-=-~ • 1 I !C01¥l··· 1 :s 4ts "2-- /4 l I Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) Heritage Site Tre e Su rvey/Assessm ent Provi ded Vo Watercourse/Steep Slopes Covenants, St at ROW & Easements A/ I hereby certify that al! the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. Prepared by: 74,lE ER\c/~udJ Print Name NOTE: To be prepared by an Archite ct for AD P Submission or by an owner/ag ent (appl ican t } for Deve lopm ent Application . l FALCON VILLAGE DRAWING INDEX SHEET DRAWING TITTLE DP1.0 Cover Sheet DP1 .1 SITE PLAN DP1.1a SITE PLAN -PHASE 1 DP1.2 UNDERGROUND PARKING OVERALL DP1.3 UNDERGROUNDPAR~NG DP2.1a FIRST FLOOR PLAN DP2.2a SECOND FLOOR PLAN DP2.3a THIRD FLOOR PLAN DP2.4a FOURTH FLOOR PLAN DP2 .5a FIFTH FLOOR PLAN DP2.7a ROOF PATIO PLAN DP3.2a ELEVATIONS DP3 .3a ELEVATIONS DP3.4a BUILDING SECTION DP3.5a SHADOW ANALYSIS DP4.1a SUITE PLANS DP4.2a SUITE PLANS DP4.3a SUITE PLANS DP4.4a SUITE PLANS CONSULTANT: THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF POINTS WEST ARCHITECTURE, ANO MAY NOT BE USED. DUPLICATED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANf WAY WTrHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION ======Ila= points west ARCHITECTURE 203 -2190 w. Aallw.ay s1.1 PHONE: 604-664-8555 Abbotsrord, B.C. FAX: 1504-864--8505 V2S 2E2 E-mall: pwa@polntsweslarch.com PROJECT: FALCON VILLAGE 11909, 11889 227th STREET, MAPLE RIDGE .BC DATE: Feb. H5, 2016 SCALE: DRAWN: WF ZE AF " ---~---........... DRAWING TITLE: Cover Sheet JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1503 DP1 .0 I (J.) 15 16 I LJ\ \ o c1'T SITE PLAN 1" = 20'-0" 1S -<> ( >=< : <_.) \ I \ \ 16 __ r --...____/ CH:! G) 4~.d, I + 9", .. - !::.~ 9 W I \ LANE WAY 9 -8=> .,,_ j -, ~) ..,.._ ~ ll _.,. PHASE 3 I- LU LU 0::: I-, en ::r: I-~· I'- N (l) N cu L -1-' (r ) ) _c -t--·' r---._ -l I C 1---I .~ ! "'1''' ~ o-<i r{ 1 Jssueo FOR DEVELOPMENT 12(.!:1/.2.015 PEAM(f APPUCATlON No~ Des,;ript1on Date REVISIONS: THIS ORA WING IS TH E PROPERTY OF POINTS WEST ARCHITECTURE, AND MAY NOT BE USED, OUPUCATED ,OA REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION CONSULTANT: PROJECT: FALCON VILLAGE, BLDG A 44 UNITS DATE: Feb.16.2016 SCALE: 1" .. 20'~" DRAWN: WF ZE AF DRAWING TITLE: SITE PLAN JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1503-A DP1 .1 SITE DATA PROPOSEDZONE : -CJ UNITS: -4-4 SUITES PROVIDED NET LOT AREA: -0.22 HA RESIDENTIAL DENSITY: -MAXIML..t.1 RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA RATIO: 2,05 {4,4BS SQ.M) LOT COVERAGE: -0 BB -1191hAVENUE -7.5M ABOVE n,e SECOND STOREY (ACTUAL., 1.7m) -227IhSlree! -4.Sm ABOVE THE T'rllRD STOREY (ACTUAL,. 2 1Jm) -LANE -0 Om (ACTUAL ,. 0 Om) -SIDE YARD -4..Sm ABOVE n,e TI·HRD STOREY (ACTUAL,. 0 Om) NOTES 1. TI-HS SITE PLAN IS TO BE READ IN CONJUNCTION V\lllH CIVIL & LANDSCAPE PLANS. 2. ALL TOP OF WALLAND FINISHED CONCRETE GRADES ARE TO BE CONFIRMED ON SITE, Ji IMPERIAL FLOOR GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE ASSL.t,1ED,. 4~METRIC GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE ACTUAL & GEODETIC. 5. MAIN FLOOR GEODETIC GRADE EL.EVAllON MUST BE CONFIRMED \AIITI-1 Cl\/ll DRA\IVINGS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION~ LEGEND 1-1/C -HANDICAPPED PARKING STALL SU-SUPPLY AIR EX-EXHAUST AIR r.o.A.-ft'l'Ol',lo~l-iM.T T.O,C, • TOP OF FINISHED CONCRETE T.O,S, • TOP OF SUSPENDED SLAB T.O,W,. TOP OF WALL AO-AREADRAJN TBC -TD BE CONFIRMED BUILDING A INFORMATION UNIT SUMMARY UNITTYPE BEDROOMS AREA(SFJ ND,OFUNIT A B C D E F " G H " J2 "TOTAL FLOOR AREA 9'7 1,467 1,320 1.10a 77J 1,029 1,037 1.2n 1,449 "" ""' All. WEATHER INSULATED TOTAL BLDG. LEVB. DECKS !S AREA !SF] AREAfSF} 1ST 2ND JRD '1H SlH 8420◄ 0 J,457 9"5 9'5 9'5 9,682 14,20B 14,20B 14,206 14,20B 66,514 9,602 111,650 15,193 15,193 15,193 73,911 942.69 8 ◄2.68 842,93 842.SJ 04J06 8427J STAIR @ .f 119TH AVENUE ,CR U. f I r----..J I I I ---7 I L _____ J r -J I I I I r-CIUI\JRoF-1\00111:~ I r-' I I " I • L __ j. I I CRU . PARKING @ U.tt. J.., I ,,.._. ffl\ ~ . 1 • ~ I " I I I. I L CL/TUNE OF FLOOR ABOVE I I I c.'--___ a -~ ... -_ .. _ .. _____ - PROPER1Y LINE LANE WAY 8 ◄301 SITE PLAN -PHASE 1 3/32" = 1 '-0" 842.99 84297 GRU.2 ,CRU.3 843,09 84320 843J6 -' 7 I I I I I I ...J i I □! """" I i i ! 7 i I i : ! I j I D i i i i i 84J.40 84334 843.26 8 ◄3.45 w z ::J ~ ~ Q'.N w a:i I-D.."' 0 w O'. D.. w 0::: I- Cf) I I- I'- N N 843,49 84335 843,41 04332 ~ 1 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION No, Description REVISIONS: CONSULTANT: +-' w en a: ::J 1--Q) 0 w $ 1-- :E m 0 ~ en a: <( i!iffi +-' C --0 o_ PROJECT: 12/21/2015 (I) (I) 8. t815~ ~?~ so• ~~· ..,...,.£! 00£ coo t ~ ~ ~~1 ~ ~ ' 'a ~6 3~ OJ! ~.2 ~~ s.D o.D N< FALCON VILLAGE, BLDG A 44 UNITS DATE: Feb.16, 2016 SCALE: A•fndfe:AW:d DRAWN: WF ZE AF DRAWING TITLE: SITE PLAN -PHASE 1 JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1503-A DP1 .1 a @-I ~I--,-,- c:: ®-i-+- ®·-·-·- ®·- ®· ~3 ::::::i --j -- ., ~ !,-J·---- .J_ r. I I ·E [ --- E ~ ,.. __]JJ1 PARKADE LVL 1 3/64" 1 '-0" .. . i l ~ l " I i l i : I I -• I I -' r ---- l I I I . : I tm , C I l I ; l I ·--® l ~ 1 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT 12rz1,20,s PERMIT APPLICATION No. Description Date REVISIONS: THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF POINTS WEST AACH[TECT\JAE, AND MAY NOT BE USEC, DUPLICATED, OR AEPROOUCEO IN ANY WJ,.Y WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION CONSULTANT: 0 Q. PR OJECT: FALCON VILLAGE, BLDG A 44 UNITS DATE: Feb.16,2016 SCALE: 3/64" • 1 '--0" DRAWN: WF ZE AF DRAWING TITLE: UNDERGROUND PARKING OVERALL JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1 503-A DP1 .2 .J H J -J• 16'-6" i 16'-6" @ ~ ·t ,a.r rr··· -:,,-.o-qr j 1 1 1===::================i:j1i=;,;::=====;::;:==;-,:-----:-----------')< t ~, ' r1c..c=r---1~--olF--FA-Al=r-----!'=!l=;----F#=lr--Fl?1-----,~9-----f'"i9 L/ LJ L.J L~) [__) L/ L./ [_,, I ]_,/ ,J= ~ " " " " I\ " I\ I\ ~ }:$ ,(.4·1 .-.o--. l 1rnbr ~ ' ' ... a.. ::J a.. ~ ~ ~,~ ~ ./ STORAGE e,..,, ,.,,. .. ., I. ' """· -.0 rt' ~ ~ la ~ It~ ; rt~ d I • Ii ....,,_ ., I • f u RAMF ON I t ~ ~ I'\ I'\ I'\ K I'\ 40 TArtt.M J6 T~ ,. ,, " ~ ''I'-~, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~ ~ ~ I'\ " ~ ...... 1\, MECH. '-.,. \ ----..;,;;;:---,,,;:,;;;:~ ., ., I- L_ ,, c_ ~Jt ,:i c._ ,-.. L .. L ti c_ r· 1.-.a-r s-.r " C " C_ ,. ,,,.- L ,, r '--.. i ~ r ,- 1) L :. l! ... (_ ,. ,,,,,.. :...._ ,. {_ ,, C "' _____ ,)/p7' 1~------------'':::.'.:.·•:...· ___________ --:.tl·.::-----="c:'-c_D" ___ -:::t'.::-----=,rc: • .:.'"----::,!: i' "C.) @ @ (§ ® PARKADE LEVEL 1 -PHASE 1 3/32" = 1 '-0" PARKADE PARKING LV.1 INFORMATlON PARKING STAU.S PROVIDED: !14 ON TI·HS LEVEL -STALL DIMENSIONS 18'-0" X 8'-3" (5 Sm x 2.Sm) TANDEM STALLS: 6 ON lHIS LEVEL -STALL DIMENSIONS J6"-0" X 8'-3" (10 97Jm x 2 51ml MIN. SMAU. CARS: o ON lHIS LEVEL -STALL DIMENSIONS 16'-0" X 8'Q (4.88m x 2.44m) MIN. -STALLS TO BE CLEARLY LABELED "SMALL CAR". VISITORSTAU.S: 9 ON n-us LE\IEL -STALL DIMENSIONS: 11>'-0" X 5'-3" (S Sm x 2 Sm) -1-VC STAU. MIN.DIMENSIONS 18'-0" X 12'-2" (5.Sm i,: 3.7m) -VIS.STAUS TO BE CL.EARLY LABELED "'VISITOR ONLY- H/C RESIDENT STAL.LS: 1 ON lHIS LEVEL -H/C STAU. MIN DIMENSIONS 19'-0" X 12'-2' (5.am x 3.7m) -H/C STAU.S TOBE CLEARLY LABELED "PARKING ONLY WllH 'MlH AN ACCESSIBLE PERMIT". STORAGE LOCKERS: '.13 LOCKERS ON THIS LEVEL -T-9" x 4' LOCKERS: 211 -MISC;S -ALL LOCKERS TO HA\IE AN 0/H LIGHT -220 V AUTO CHARGE RECEPTACLE AND A 110 V RECEPTACLE -ALL METERED TO A CORRESPONDING SlRATA UNIT • .. " " PARKADE PARKING LV. 2 INFORMATlON PARKING STAU.S PROVIDED: 26 ON THIS LEVEL -STAU DIMENSIONS 15'-0" X 11'-'.I" (5_5m 1 2,5m) TANDEM STAL.LS: 4 ON THIS LEVEL -STAU. DIMENSIONS 36'-0" X 5'.J" (10_973m i,: 2_51m) MIN, SMAll. CARS: 0 ON THIS LEVEL -STALL DIMENSIONS 16'-0" X a·-o· (4 aam i,: 2.44m) MIN, -STAU.S TO BE CLEARLY LABELED "SMALL CAR"• VISITORSTAU.S: o ON THIS LEVEL -STAU. DIMENSIONS: 111'-0" X 8'-3" (5 Sm i,: 2_5m) -1-1/CSTALLMIN.OIMENSIONS 15'-0" X 12'-2" (5.Sm ~ 3.7m) -VIS.STALLS TO BE CLEARLY LABELED "'VlSITOR ONLY- H/C RESIDENT STAU.S: 0 ON THIS LEVEL -1-1/CSTALLMIN.DIMENSIONS 19"-0" X 12'-2" (5.amx 3.7m) -1-1/CSTALLS TO BE CLEARLY LABELED "PARKING ONLY Vl'ITH WITH AN ACCESSIBLE PERMIT·• STORAGE LOCKERS: 5 LOCKERS ON THIS LEVEL .7.9· xJ'-4"LOCKERS:5 -ALL LOCKERS TO HAVE AN 0/H UGKT -220VAUTO CHARGE RECEPTACLE ANDA 110V RECEPTACLE -ALL METERED TO A CORRESPONDING STRATA UNIT ,. .. TANDEM TANDEII/I TANDEM 57 .. a.. ::J a.. 2 ~ .. 24• . ..-23'-3" OVERALL PARKING SUMMARY yq;mpp,yocu:,• 45 RESIDENT PARKING STALLS (4UNITSXO_!l z 4) (J6UNITSX10 z J6) (4UNITSX11 "'5} (4"4X005 z JSTALLS) -48 TOTAL PARKING STALLS REQUIRED 1-1/C PARKING "' 1 PER 75 ST AUS recM>rnumY? 72 RESIDENT PARKING STALLS (70 NORMAL+ 1 1-1/C) a VISITOR PARKING STALLS ,00:;lMW~Sf.A~ 90 TOTAL PARKING STALLS & 33 STORAGE LOCKERS PROVIDED NOTES 1.IMPERIAL FLOOR GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE ASSlhJIED . 2. METRIC GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE AClUAL AND GEODETIC. 3, MAIN FLOOR GEODETIC GRADE ELEVATIONS MUST BE CONFIRMED W.TH CIVIL DRAVVINGS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. TANDEM " .. .. .. " ., .. • ,. " 15'-0" TYP 72 " PARKADE LVL 2 -PHASE 1 3/32" = 1 '-0" l"i®PrP IIIClSl,lflOMGE: 1 LONG TERM BIKE STALL PER 4 UNITS (44/4" 11) 6 SHORT TERM BIKE ST AUS PER 20 UNITS (-44120,. 3X6 z 14) fflOI/JRIPIKf'Ril£ lmMW 11 LONG TERM BIKE STALLS 14 SHORT TERM BIKE STALLS LEGEND SIC. SMALL CAR PARKING STALL H/C-HANDICAPPED PARKING STALL VIS -VISITOR PARKING STALL SU-SUPPLY AIR EX-EXHAUST AJR CB-CATCH BASIN T.O.C, -TOP OF FINISHED CONCRETE I. ti. 1 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION No. Description REVISIONS: 12/21/2015 Dale THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF POINTS WEST ARCH[TECTIJAE, AND MAY NOT BE USED, DUPLICATED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY li\llTHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION CONSULTANT: +-' w g en a: ~~ f ::) mm ~~ !- (I) f-~~ 0 ~@ { w ~$ f-' t I 0 w " ™ en a: i5 ~ <l'. ff:~w iffl c ;;; " -" ~() ·-3~ 0 g l! ·~1~Q Q. r. ~ PROJECT: FALCON VILLAGE, BLDG A 44 UNITS DATE: Feb, 16, 2016 SCALE: As Indicated DRAWN: WF ZE AF DRAWING TITLE: UNDERGROUND PARKING JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1503-A DP1.3 LEGEND ~-~o\lJ.CYl.,-"fU'IIIOnALL. tti;:.~Jl'NUOHliiff.lU. w,.~m::,iP,4UIJ.:1,1,1iii 51'~ IIJ-~'Volrl- u.O:tWJSt.AaR" CB-CATCH BASIN NOTES 1,IMPEAIAL FlCXJR GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE ASSUMED Z. MEmlC GRADE ELEVAllONS ARE ACT\JAL ANO GEOOEnc. ~tl.AIN FLCX>R GEOOETIC GRADE ELEVATIONS MUST BE caiARMEO VoATH CIVL DRAWNGS PRkJR TO EXCAVATION.. COMMERCIAL FLOOR AREA COMMERCIAL PARKING INFORMATION t--NOQNOSTAI.U ""°"'10mi 1G c,,1 nR I.Ml -STAU. DIMENSIONS 1B'-O" X&'-3" (5 Smx 2.Sm) SI.W,Lc,a,U,:;:,Oat'ltdU'lttt, -STALL OIMENS1CNS 16'-0"' X 8'-0-(4 !&m :r 2 44m) MIN -STAIJ.S TO BE Cl.EARLY LABELED ·sMALL CAA" VISITOR STALLS: 10 ONTI·!IS LEVEL • STAU.CNENSIONS: 18'-0" X 8'-.l" f5 Sm x 2,5m) •WCSTALLMIN.OIMENSJONS 18"-0"X 12'·2"{! Sm:r l.7mJ •\11S.STJIUS 11J BE CLEARLYI..A8ELEO 'VISITOR ONLY" ti'C RESIDEHTSTAIJ.S: DON THS LEVEL -WC STALL MIN.DIMENSIONS 1g-..(l" X 12·-r1sainxl7m) • WC STALLS TO BE ctEARLY LAflELED • PAAl<ING ONl Y WITHV .. TH/ll'.t.OCES::raEf'DWf'T•. COMMERCIAL PARKING SUMMARY VMffl!Ml'Otm· 115 CUSTOMER PARKING STAL.LS (753SM150 • 15 06) 16 TOTAL PARKING STALLS REQUIRED H-CiPNIMM1G,• I 119' :'5.sTM.A.4 PnM'lRfPN/lt'WG: 1D CUSTOMER PARKING STALLS GROUND LEVEL (10 NORMI\L) 15 CUSTOMER PARKING STALL PARKA DE LEVEL (1 HIC) 16 TOTAL PARKING STALLS PROVIDED PfPSl!fP-:'l'C..UfPMC«1 1 LONG TERM BIKE STALL PER 750 SCY.4, • 2 6 SHOOT TERM BIKE STAlLS PER 1,500 SCM. •4 i-TOT.ll.111111.IT.IU.S~ P!507PiPIK;YR,IJIPMCf: 2 La,k; TERM Bll<E STALLS '4 JHOlltll'UM IIQCE $TAUS IT01'M.elnf:.TM.U~ w :) z w ~ I 1- 0) T""" T""" A 227TH STREET 1M'-43l.'6◄- ·-·-·-··-·--1 □ □ □ y i I r'1,__-;;=:.=~-1Y'11..,,_.;==~----Jf'-{71.-_.;-==--;,..,..,,,,_,Jr v u;;:s =n-a c;p II II II II II II l I :: I: II 11 I I 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 II I 1 1 II 11 ~ 899SOFT. £fill..?. 1,D12SQFT, II gfil§ II £B!ll II 0 876 SQ FT. 0 9715 SO.FT. 0 I I I I II '1 I fl fl i II : : : l I I ' I : II i I l " l l ---------11===-~-~-==~==-==~=~==:r::::r:========= i I l II l I iO ------·-·-·-+-r;~;;:;;;;;~·-::;-.,·;.;:;-~--------·-c¾ ·-·-·-·-·__Ll_·-·-·-·-· ·r:::¥r--:---· I _,,J\j L,,.\J~.,Aj CRU3 ~- £!llil 1.2B7SQFT. ' ,, I ',,,,, i ,,., ,,.~, I ~~~=='I i AMMENITY ROOM 171SCFT. i i i i j I i ================:::c::c==============~= I I £!llL1. i 1.136SQFT. I 61'-5112" ~ 0 ~ 1 ST FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1 '-0" ~ ,; ~ ID\-----------------•' ! \_~- I I I l I I ..,,._ CRU 8 1,oii"io.Fr. 0 i q i ! i I g ! I I i ! i DN i i i l 9,682 SQ.FT . 1 I.SSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPUCAllON No, Description REVISIONS: □•le 11·11S DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF POINTS WEST ARCHTECT\JRE, AND MAY NOT BE USED, DUPLICATED, OR REPRODUCED IN NN WAV 'WI Tl-lOllT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION CONSULTANT: +-' w .. J en a: :.mi :::, ""~ I-inf Cl) 0 ni w $ I-" ' IIH:lilo :i: .. ! [)□ILi□ 0 h! ffil1lel@Cl □lm'ITI a: ~EIEmBEIII en <( 11•"10010 +-' ., " . ·•"1□□□ j • •□□□□ C ~d 0 illi_ I]~ "~ = c.. ii~ PROJ ECT : FALCON VILLAGE , BLDG A 44 UNITS Feb, 16, 2016 Aa lndlca10d WN: WF ZE AF JOB NO: SHEET NO: 503 -A DP2.1 a _ _) ..... 0 I i--@ I I ! I 'I I I i i i ! • I I ' ·I -0 ·-,---·-·--~---A I /2J~:r ~2:..:,N..:.,:D:::...:.F~L:.::O:::O:::.:..:R:....:P:....:LA::::....::...:N __________________________________________ 14_,,,2-'-o_s_s_a~.F_T . \Jl 1/8"=1'-0" 1 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT ,::,,1,:0" PERMIT Af'PUCATlON No. Oescrtptlon Dab!: REVISIONS: Tr·US DRAWING IS Tl-H!: PROPERTY OF POINTS 'A/EST ARCHITECT\.IAE, ANO MAY NOT BE USED, OVPUCATE□, DR REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY Wln-to\JT E)(PAESS WRITTEN PERMISSION CONSULTANT: PROJECT: 0 Cl FALCON VILLAGE, BLDG A 44 UNITS DA.Te: Feb. 115, 2016 SCALE: 1/8" • 1•~• DRAWN: WF ZE AF DRAWING TITLE: SECOND FLOOR PLAN JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1503-A DP2.2a ®- i i ©--~--->-+--=---!! j ~ I ! j I ! ~□ 113=:::====i~==::::~ □~ ~ 7--------------------- , f a.r I i I I i I 0 ·-'<--L=·-J...-~J!k~~~===~~~~~~~~~~ ,,_,. I I I ___ j_ _________ . i I 0 3RD FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" . . . . I I .. {,. I i .J. . I i 0 ·-·-·-·--·--+---- • -• -•-•-• I , ,1..------. ~ . I W@j □ l'ii=c===~, -·-·i' ----~ -r -· i "-© @ I ' I l I I I ........... ·;;::.;..;·=--~·-![ __ 00 i ----v:.,; i cb 14,208 SQ.FT . 1 ISSUED FOR DE:VELOPMENT 12..21.fOl' PERMIT APPUCATION No. De scription Oa~ REVISIONS: lHIS Ol'IAWlNG IS ll-iE PROPERTY OF POINTS WEST ARCHITECTURE, ANO MAY NOT ee USED, DUPLICATED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY \i\'lTHOIJT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION C ON S ULTANT: PR OJECT: FALCON VILLAGE , BLDG A 44 UNITS D ATE: Feb, 16, 2 01 6 SCALE: t/8• • \t-O " DRAWN; WF ZE AF DRAWING TITLE: THIRD FLOOR PLAN JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1503-A DP2.3a I ·--r -·-·-j r::==:!.l==::::::l ©-·. I I 0 4 4TH FLOOR PLAN _) 1/8" = 1 '-0" cp ,~.o· cp 0 cp 21\(: 35'-0" 2,.10• } 36'.Q"' ·===t l j Ii ·-® ~ l I ! ·-© ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-----·-·-·-----~----·-----·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·1 1~ 42.•-r c -r I .,-T I i 0 cb i i j i i j ! , I I : i l i: . I I I . I ! I ..... --~---0 I I © 14 ,208 SQ.FT. l l),.VCDl'Qll~r 1:2'.'l.1,:0U, PEAMIT APPLICATION No. Desr;rtptlon Date R EVISIONS: THIS Of\AWING IS THE PAOPEF\lY OF POINTS WEST ARCHITECTURE, AND MAY NOT BE USED, DUPLICATED, OR REPAOOUCEO IN ANY WAY WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION CONSULTANT: PROJ ECT : FALCON VILLAGE , BLDG A 44 UNITS DATE: Feb, 16, 2016 SCALE: 1 /8" • 1 '-0" DRAWN: WF ZE AF DRAWING TITLE: FOURTH FLOOR PLAN JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1503----A DP2.4a W·· ©-·-I I ©---1 ~ j ©-·. - ,r.r 5TH FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" X ~ I .,-.r cm [2j -~ H~t-lr ...... p 2"'-10" I i I i I i r i .. --..... .:~_J---~ ...c.. ·-·-·-·-•-·- ! I 0 35-0" p lj jj ~-¥•-® 14 .208 SQ .FT . 1 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT 12121/2015 PERMIT APPLICATION No, Description Date REVISIONS: THIS DRAWING IS lHE PROPERTY OF POINTS WEST ARCHITECTURE, ANO MAY NOT BE useo . DUPLJCATED. OR REPROOUCED IN ANY WAY Wlll-lOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION CONSULTANT: PR OJECT: FALCON VILLAGE, BLDG A 44 UNITS DATE: Feb.16, 2016 SCALE: 118" • 1'-0" DRAWN: WF ZE AF DRAWING TITLE: FIFTH FLOOR PLAN JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1503-A DP2.5a 0 I I i ®-·-·-------i ·---nnnnnnn,.._,.,..n ©-·---·- C C C ©-----·-: C C C C 0 C C = C C uuuuuuuuu r.====-li, \ I I I I ' 1+-+-1--i-.--H-l,;I ---l'-+-+-t-+-H $ Ill •.JI cp ---© ' , ' , ' , I C , i ' II ll , ' p ~ C lo -·-----·-·-·-r-·-·-·-·-· "_. u u u u u u u u" u u u u u u u u u u u •• u ~ u u ·---·-----i~ i i r.=;:\. !,· i i Ill"',."-. " " " • j i ! , I I O I I O j i O i i;::;;::;;t;:;:::;;::::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::::;.{" • wu1uvY~YYU j I . I . I • 0-·-·-·-•-L....:========~~ 1 ',w iiiii~==±: ===±==-·-·-·-·-·L·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·: ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·L----0 I I . I i I j ! i ~ 0 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 1 ROOF PATIO PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT 12f21/201S PEAMfT APPLICATION No. Description REVISIONS: 1h15 DflAwtNG IS lHE PROPERTY OF POINT$ 1NEST ARCHJlECllJAE, AND MAY NOT BE USEC, OUPI.JCATED. OR REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY IMTl-fOUT EXPRESS WAITTEN PERMISSION CO NSULTA NT: PROJECT: FALCON VILLAGE, BLDG A 44 UNITS DATE: Feb. 16, 2016 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" DRAWN: WF ZE AF DRAWING TITLE: ROOF PATIO PLAN JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1503-A DP2.7a 0 IT _ ~ cp cp cp __ .J. _____ OJr..-c:o,r\.OCJR1aOW I I I ®-·-· I I cb 0 ) ROOF PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" cp ··-----i 1· ·-© ·--·-if'-© j I i I i . I I i ! : I ! i i ·-·-· . ·-·-· -il ----0 I I 0 1 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT 12121/201, f'£RMrT APPLICATION No, Description Date REVISIONS: THIS CA.AWING 15 Tl-IE PROPERTY OF POINTS VIJEST AACHITECT1JAE, ANO MAY NOT BE UHD. O!,#VCAts:n_OR REPRODUCED 91 NH WAV"-,TMOtJT EXJflftESs WRITTEN PERMtl.lUOH CONSULTANT: 0 Q. PR OJECT: FALCON VILLAGE, BLDG A 44 UNITS DATE: Feb.16, 2016 SCALE: 1 /8' • 1•~• DRAWN: WF ::zE AF DRAWING TITLE: ROOF PLAN JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1503-A DP2.8a E ----;------B ~~~~ ------- FLOOR -0:l/4' ------- G ~----P NORTH ELEVATION 1/8"=1'-0" 0 K i M cp N ~ C ! Q E ' I I j .,..,., EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" BUILDING FINISHES A-ROOF· ASPHALT SHINGLES (40YR, WARRANTY) B -FASCIA-PAINTED DECORATIVE TRIM WITH PREFINISHED ALUMINUM GUTTERS WHERE REQUIRED C -FASCIA-PAINTED DECORATIVE KNEE BRACE E -WALL-PAINTED CEMENTITIOUS BOARD AND BATON SIDING F -WAI.L-PAINTED CEMENTITIOUS CLAPBOARD SIDING I -WALL. STONE G-WALL-BRICK, COMMON H -WALL-BRICK, SOLDIER COURSE J -WALL -CAST CONCRETE STONE K-TRIM-PAINTED 2x12 MIDBAND & FLASHING (TYPICAL) M • TRIM -PAINTED DECORATrvE WINDOW TRIM L-TRIM -BRICK SOLDIER COURSE WINDOW TRIM N-GLAZING -VINYL FRAME WINDOW UNIT P -GLAZING -FIXED GLASS PANELS 0 -PLANTER -ALUMINUM PLANTER RAILINGS NOTES I .IMPERIAL FLOOR GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE ASSUMED 2, METRIC GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE ACTUAL AND GEODETIC 3. MAIN FLOOR GEODETIC GRADE ELEVATIONS MUST BE CONFIRMED l;VITH CML DRAWINGS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION ~~ • I i I j 1 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMfT APf'l.JCATION No. Oe sc::rlptlon REVISIONS: CONSULTANT: PROJECT: FALCON VILLAGE, BLDG A 44 UNITS DATE: Fetb4 16,2016 SCALE: A ■ h:IJcarod DRAWN: WF ZE AF DRAWING TITLE : ELEVATIONS Date JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1503-A DP3.2a ) SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" A C F a B E N BUILDING RNISHES A-ROOF -ASPHALT SHINGLES (-40 YR . WARRANTY) B -FASCIA-PAINTED DECORATIVE TRIM I/VITH PREFINISHED ALUMINUM GUTTERS WHERE REQUIRED C-FASCIA-PAINTED DECORATIVE KNEE BRACE E-WALL-PAINTED CEMENTITIOUS BOARD ANO BATON SIDING F. WALL-PAINTED CEMENT1TIOUS CLAPBOARD SIDING I -WALL -STONE G -WALL· BRICK. COMMON H -WALL -BRICK, SOLDIER COURSE. J -WALL-CAST CONCRETE STONE K-TRIM-PAINTED 2X12 MIDBAND & FLASHING (TYPICAL) M-TRIM-PAINTED DECORATIVE WINDOW TRIM l-TRIM-BRICK, SOLDIER COURSE WlNOOW TRIM N-GLAZING -VINYL FRAME WINDOW UNIT P -GLAZING • FIXED GLASS PANELS 0 -PLANTER-ALUMINUM PLANTER RAILINGS NOTES 1. IMPERIAL FLOOR GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE ASSUMED 2. METRIC GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE ACTUAL ANO GEODETIC 3. MAIN FLOOR GEODETIC GRADE ELEVATIONS MUST BE CONFIRMED \NITH CML DRAWINGS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION M K ---~~'½,~~~ ~ L L---:::,::~=.::::::..=--.=:=:::_ ___ :::::'::::::::::===:::,:=:..:::==~=l.~2:=::::::::::::::.==:::::::L Jl...----.i.i...J..iii!...C:..__,_:L__:,__;_:._-'-~J....::_:...:.::.......::__::..:.._.___j'--.,,__:,_:....:__----=---£...:...:......:....:.~--'--L....:... _ ___'.___....i....---1.. 8 ,~,~~__L------1SLfoo.~~ ~ ..; WEST ELEVATION 1/8"=1'-0" 1 ISSUED FOR OEVELOPt.1ENT FEl'IMrT APf'UCATICN No. Description REVISIONS: 12/.21/2015 THIS DRAWING IS Tl-IE PROPERTY OF POINTS Wl=ST ARCHITECT\JAE, ANO MAY NOT BE ~~=i\:;'~sRs ~~~;~~~~:S~cirJ CONSULTANT: ii w 8 a: Pl ::i I- 0 sf~ w -$ I-~ :i: • 0 .. ~ Mffl en a: h! <( mffl +-' ;;; C I 1·g °G.o' i~ oi, ~~61 ,ON ~DW ~~~ PROJECT: FALCON VILLAGE, BLDG A 44 UNITS DATE: Feb. 16, 2016 SCALE: A ■ jndk-iattrd DRAWN: WF 2E AF DRAWING TITLE: ELEVATIONS JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1503-A DP3.3a - .) I I i I I L .Ji u .,.,,.. '-ll .) I I i ---------------rt:! UNIT J2 UNITH I I 0 UNITC C I ~ ii1 i w· It: e w 0 (.) I I ' --- ~ I UNIT J UNITH 0 I UNITC ~ I .. w It: w 8 i --- "ii1""+-I UNIT J UNITH 0 UNITC C < ii1 .. w It: w 0 f (.) ---J ~ l UNIT J UNITH C '-UNITC w ii1 .. w m ll'. 0 1 (.) .. I • I .. 2NOFLOOR ---------11"'3•~. o=:_.,.._,..... CRU1 CRU2 CRU3 f CRU4 , ... ~-'6t7 I -. - ! SlRG. I LOCKER ~ PARKADE 2HR I .. w i --- PARKADE STORAGE w -- EAST -WEST SECTION 1/8"=1'-0" 0 ~ ~ ~ i;. ~ 1 !11 1111 1 111111 Y 1,t::::,;;::=;;:=:::::::::;:;:::==::;.====i=====,===========i==========;========i=======,11;====;_ : 0 0 1 I n I STAJR N0.2 i 1□ 1 □1 ~ ~ i UNITB Q) Q) cp I i ! ' I I B CORRIDOR 8 9 . = UNITB - CORRIDOR □ □ 9 i n 8 STAIR N0.2 ! !Ell I ==,,~ ~==~~::::$::=~==:::::;l1~-=-=_=~-=-=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=l...,.=_=_=_=~-=-=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=~-=-=_=~-=-=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_fr=:::;:;;;;;;ttr ------ ! 17 1 8 ~ 8 w . ~ UNITB CORRIDOR I LJ SI.AIR N0.2 ~ i '.::] □ =,."{'1 llt====~~=::!:!:==~,1-=-=_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_=_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =t-+ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_=_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ ?::._ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_=_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_=_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_:=-__fr=;;;tfl------- I ~-□I 0 0 ~~ I 8 8 w ~ UNITB CORRIDOR F w -j iui lo! ==.1'x' I ~=;;i==:=lt:::si:====±==~==;;;=====i='=~:i:::::;;~p::::=====~=====:.======================.';:,====~~------ ! ~ s 8 \o/ - ': ;,, I CFU 4 I - ·= = ; ~ .. NORTH -SOUTH SECTION 1/8" = 1'-0" LOBBY I I I i I i I i II I II i II . CRU 5 CRU6 w PARKADE :Ht w CRU7 .. - - CRUB ... GARBAGE/ RECYUNG PARKADE IL"',._,........ ! LL_·--~-----------------------------------------------"E~~=~-w .f'AR KAOl:LVL 1 --89'-8"' II I! Ii II ~,:_'°;'~-=:IL £AR KADE LVL2 --7"i-4" I l;Jl;\JKll~Ol\r'RDfl',-,tttr 12/21/2.015 PERMIT APPLICATION No. Descrtplfon Date REVISIONS: THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF POINTS WEST ARCHITECTURE, AND MAY NOT BE USED, DUPLICATED, OR REPROOUCEO IN ANY WAY WITHOUT EXPRESS WRm'EN PERMISSION CONSULTANT: PROJECT: 0 c.. FALCON VILLAGE, BLDG A 44 UNITS DATE: Feb. H5, 20"15 SCALE: 1 /8" = 1 '--0" DRAWN: WF ZE AF DRAWING TITLE: BUILDING SECTION JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1503-A DP3.4a ,- j LJ ) 9AM MARCH 21 3PM MARCH 21 1" = 20 '-0 " 1" = 20 '-0" 1 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT 12/21/2015 PERMIT APPUCATlON No, Description Oa~ REVISIONS: Tl-115 OP.AWING JS Tl-£ PROPERTY CF POINTS WEST ARCHITECTURE, AND UA,Y NOT ae USEO, OVPUCA"TED, OFI FIEPRODUCEO IN ANY WAY \NITHOUT EXPRESS WRrTTEN PERMISSION CONSULTANT: PROJ ECT: FALCON VILLAGE , BLDG A 44 UNITS DATE: Feb. 16, 2016 SCALE: 1" • 20'~• DRAWN: WF ZE AF DRAWING TITLE: SHADOW ANALYSIS JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1 503-A DP3.5a IAA.STER BEDROOM 12.SX ll'S ' ' ' ' l @p '"~~ I o!o ~ r b ' ' CIN I □ " ~ } D BEDROO M 13'UX12'll ' -="' ~ 11·-1xe·10 -0 Unit C -1328 SQ.FT. 1/4" = 1'-0" 0· 7 ·-0 Unit E -773 SQ.FT. 1/4" = 1'-0" Unit D -1108 SQ .FT. 1/4 " = 1'-0" ) LIVING 10'1iX11'5 mIBQQM. IZ'GX HI'S MASTER SEORQOM 1 ◄2x1ro BEDROOM l'llX10'5 l.!l.!.!lli!fil 1'6Xl0'0 r I D Unit A -967 SQ. FT . © ------C 1/4" = 1'-0" ·-0 ·-0 1 ISSUED FOR CEVB...CPMENT PEAMIT APP'.JCATICN No, Oescr1ptlon REV IS IONS: 1Z/21/2015 Oah, 'THIS ORA WING IS THE PACPEATY Of POINTS WEST ARCHITECTURE, AND MAY NOT ee USEC, DUPUCATEO, OR RCPROOUCEO IN Al'N WAY \NITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION CONSULTANT: PROJECT: 0 Q. FALCON VILLAGE , BLDG A 44 UNITS DATE: Feb.16,2016 SCALE: 1/4",., 11-0· DRAWN: WF ZE AF DRAWING TITLE: SUITE PLANS JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1 503-A DP4.1 a .. .. 12·-2· Unit F -1029 SQ. FT . 1/4 " = 1'-0" MASTER BEDROOM DINING "'ioxin 12'11X 11'0 0 □ BEDROOM 14'7X 10'11 ~ T1-IO"IO MASTER 81;QRQOM 12'6 X 11'0 b • ·-0 23'-0" Unit F2 -1037 SQ.FT. 1/4" = 1 '-0" ~ 1-1'1X10'6 DECK r1X101o D -0 .. -0 1 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMrT APPUCAllON No. Description REVISIONS: Da te THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF POINTS WEST .IIJ\CH(TECTlJAE, AND MAY NOT BE utm, ~OR REPRODUCED lt•UN W,&.Y \..,lltct,11" .Ell:PfileSS WRITTEN PER~ CONSULTANT: PROJECT: FALCON VILLAGE, BLDG A 44 UNITS DATE: Feb. 16, 2016 SCALE: 1/4" • 1•-0• DRAWN: WF 2E AF DRAW ING TITLE: SUITE PLANS JOB NO : SHEET NO: 1 503-A DP4.2a QsgS 11"2X8'11 li G !: Unit H -1449 SQ FT 1/4"-1'-0" •• ~ 9'10]Ui!il \ KITCHEN tJ'◄X811 ! ' I ! l I I i ! I □ LIVING ~ □ ~ 11 '~ X 12'8 -=- --L ·- [@] D ' Unit G -1292 SQ.FT 1/4 " 1'-0" • ------·-----, I ! ' ' ' 0(0 d@ l -·-0 CONSULTANT: PROJECT: 121'21/2015 Date FALCON VILLAGE BLDG A 44 UNITS' Feb. 16, 201 S 1/4" .a 1•-0· WF ZE AF DRAWING TITLE: SUITE PLANS JOB NO: SHEET NO: 1503-A DP4.3a _) 3 ~ I !l i ~ I ! I s b ~ !I ~ ~ cp ... ,,It' ,----- ' ' I l ;6 BEDROOM 811 X 11'3 ~-T Unit J -879 'so.FT. 1/4" 1'-0" .-.1vr BEDROOM ~ " . :ti·-:r KITCHEN !liX l3'3 ~ , LIVING 1D'6X11'5 ,r .. a· .... ,. LIVING UY6X 11'S 1. ----·-·-·- T'-l· ,r .r A Unit J2 -887 SQ.FT. 1/4" == 1'-0" z3·.i;112· ' 1.1-•\JT @ s ., \ ) i! , I ...... DECK !, 10 6 XT1 .; I 3 i 11•.4• © ~ 10'10 X 13'5 i l. ~ ~( < )J --==--(~ .,, ... /1 r====~;::;;::::===~ I l ~==;L__-f 11'9XT11 Unit B -1467 SQ.FT. 1/4" -1'-0 " MASTER B.EPBOOM 1-4'SX11'0 1 ~s~~~ ~~u°c~~;~MENl' ,,~1not:s No, Oescrtptfon Data REVISIONS: THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF POINTS VIJEST ARCHITECl\JRS, AND MAY NOT BE U,:S,, OUf"lJC4Tl:0, OR AEPROOUCED IN ANY WAV\\'fTl10\lf ~ss WRITTEN PEI\IIIIISSION CONSULTANT: PROJECT: FALCON VILLAGE BLDG A 44 UNITS' DATE: Feb, 16, 2016 SCALE: 1/4 ' • 1•~• DRAWN: WF ZE AF DRAWING TITLE: SUITE PLANS JOB N O: SHEET NO: 1503-A DP4.4a ) PLANT SCHEDULE M2 JOB NUMBE.R 18017 KEY QTY 8 0TAJHCAL NAME COMMON NAME. PLANTE> 8 1Z£ / REMARK& () n AGER ~ 'OGTOBER 6LORT'' OCT~ 6LORY HAA..f 6GM CAL; 2M STD, Bl B 5/R.8 A 15 ~BOHEEJ.5' ~P11« lt2 POT;20GH Vl~ ,~ --AI.Of£a.l<OIDf5 \WE.IN' DWARF Fru!TAIH 6AA55 ~ POT @ 5 Hl57mlA R.ORIElMDA JAPNE5EHl51m!A "2 POT, T IAJ.w le'ETA X VERAHICA VROf'HORE' CAll<UIT l5CH POT 50 FODllEGKIA FI.L61DA VAA 51.Ll.lVAHTII 'OOLDS~A Ill POT ~ 51 COTONEASTIR DAMMB<.11 BEARB8<R( WTOIEASTI'R •1 POT NOl!!5. 'FlA'<l'.5125 11< ms U!,T N'S -~ TO Tl£ BC.__., 5THOAAD, 1.,1,1!3T"""1at CC!IT"AIIER SIZES 9'1lciFla> >6 PER GHrA sr,,,.,AA!>!'i, eant PI.NIT 51l7; A'l)(.()IITAle<!<ZI< I\Rf T!E -~ SIZE5. • -TO !ffGJ'IOA'llCW,""" ce9!Et> W!<TMel -ND 01l£R Pl.NIT W.'l!R!Al REalll&elT5. • Sl'AAl.11 ND -~ Pl.NIT Ho\-AVAIJ..H'll F<lROPJlO!W. """'5-1 !Jr I.NC>SCH'E AAalTl!(;T AT 5Q.flGc OF f,tfl'LY. N'EA<JF S&oRa!TO l1W.o!! L<ll"B< >'AN.NC) A'O l"l'WfR V/11.1.JaY.' Sl85IT1VllGtl5, Ger"-'l - APPPOv>J.. Fl!DH m! I..A'05C»e ~T ,_ to HN:1115,..,., 511!5IIM'IONS ro nl! 5!'l'£AlD l"A113'fl,L ~ SUl5T11VIIQIIS WU ee RU,,®, ...U0W A HIHIO' OF FM: D/•'fS l'lll<ll< TO llBJ\ll;R!" FGI< l'fGle5T 'ID !U!STTME. SllllSmvTlOHS AAf !ie.E(;T 'ID BC~ 5 TAll>AAO • Da'IHlllOIO Of' GON)ITl(ll6 OF AVAII.ABl.ln'. ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIOED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY. PROVIDE CERTIFICATION UPON REQUEST. ,-----------------------------------TRASH RECEPTACLE, FRANGIS ANDREJ,! GARRIA6E LANE #31 POHDER GOAT BLACK PER BENCHES ,-----------------------------BIKE RACK (ATTACHED TO PILLAR) ..---------------------------COLOURFUL PLANTIN6 FLANKIN6 BENCHES ,---------------------------STREET TREES /AGER OCTOBER 6LORYJ IN RHYTHM HITH DOORS BENCHES IN Rrl'frnM OF PILLARS /BENCHES FRANCIS ANDREJ,! GARRIA6E LANE #31) ,-------------------DECORATIVE PAVIN6 IN RHYTHM OF PILLARS , ABBOTSFORD CONCRETE, CLASSIC STANDARD SERIES ,GHARGOAL COLOUR, UNSEALED -----7~'7ilP.~Allllt!~•~-~~-ltl~'1Frr--il§~~~:~1;i:~S~----BROOM FINISHED CONCRETE HITH EXPANSION .JOINTS GITT IN RHYTHM HITH PILLARS II II II II ;. II ~ II a II II a II II II II t II II II II ---·-c ___ _ it _____ c ___ _ --!-,--,-----LET DOHN BROOM FINISHED CONCRETE HITH EXPANSION .JOINTS GITT IN RHYTHM HITH PILLARS BENCHES IN RHYTHM OF PILLARS /BENCHES FRANCIS ANDREH GARRIA6E LANE #31 POWER GOAT BLACK) TRASH RECEPTACLE, FRANC IS ANDREH GARRIA6E LANE #31 POHDER WAT BLACK PER BENCHES BIKE RACK (ATTACHED TO PILLAR) INTERIOR DRIVE ISLE BROOM FINISHED CONCRETE HITH EXPANSION .JOINTS FOLlOHIN6 ARGHITEGTURAL RHYTHM, HITH DECORATIVE PAVIN6 IN RHYTHM OF DOORS INTERIOR CONCOURSE 2'X2' CONCRETE PAYERS, ABBOTSFORD CONCRETE HYDRO PRE55ED SLABS, NATURAL COLOUR "TEXADA SERIES ' UNSEALED UNDER WNGOURSE AREA 30" HIDE CONCRETE SIDEHALK ROLL OVER CURBS BENCH AND TRASH REGEPT AGLE SUMMER COLOUR 30"HIDE51DEWAL SPRIN6 COLOUR BIKE RACKS ATTACHED TO PILLARS HISTERIA FOR ABOVE PARKIN& RAMP AGER RVBRUM STREET TREES ORNAMENT AL 6RASSES ~t-t,nftTd-,-WaltrtvAtlc12WJon1111 1sthe ~of M2U11111hn:ic,M<tllntu 1ndfl'\l'J nOtbe ITOl'OChKl!d u. \l'lelf lt1;: Olhct Of'Cllc::;u ~ their permiS5ion LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 • 26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax : 604.553.0045 Ema il : office@m2la .com 2 u="" .., __ , NO. DATE SEAL : PROJECT: ~RRSTN:PCOff:M'S AR >Ol!ll'ERM_..>Rt;Hr' REVISION DESCRIPTION THE VILLAGE MAPLE RIDGE DRAWING TITLE: PHASE 1 DATE: ffB 5TN 20/6 DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: 1116 DRAWN :n::; L1 OESIGN :Tk CHK'D: - "' "' DR. OF5 H2 ..00 J60n M2lA PROJECT NUMBER: JOBNOl6017 .._ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __, ) SECOND FLOOR PATIOS 2'X2' CONCRETE PAYERS ON PEDESTALS : ABBOTSFORD CONCRETE HYDRO PRESSED SLABS, NA T1JRAL COLOUR "TEXADA SERIES II UNSEALED PRIVACY SCREENING: SEE ARCHITECT1JRAL FOR DETAILS L ____ _ li"'i'=r:ll+-------tt---SECOND FLOOR PATIOS 2'X2' CONCRETE PAYERS ON PEDESTALS , ABBOTSFORD CONCRETE HYDRO PRESSED SLABS, NA T1JRAL COLOUR "TEXADA SERIES II UNSEALED etoo,1"i,htmc:rvd-n.l14t~ndc:tJc"isthe f:l"O~-'tYOf Ml.L,ftlh,c:»pc,~etttll"d~.,notb, te,gradi.-ed orldltdhN0':"'61'J»'OJct.ts•~theirpermlssion LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel : 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com :,. okr1f% -~ NO. DATE SEAL! PROJECT: ~ FIRST NJP c:a+IM5 FfRMH:511f P!JMfflO'f.MrHT REVISION DESCRI PT ION THE VILLAGE MAPLE RIDGE DR AW ING TITLE: PHASE 1 SECOND FLOOR DAT E: FEB STH 20/6 DRAWIN G NUM6El:- SCALE : ~2 DRAWN:TK L2 OESIGN:TJ::: CH K'O: • ... "" DR . OFS rQ ...t?e 160n M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: JOBNOl8017 L-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ) PL A N T SCH EDU LE M2 JOB NUMBER 16026 KEY QTY a9 BOT ANICAL NAME GORNIJ5 KOUSA 'CHINENSIS' PRUl-l:JS SERRULATA 'SHIROTAE' COMMON NAME CHINESE D06Y'IOOD KT. RJJI FLOH:RINIS CHERRY CALAMAISROSTIS AWTIFLORA !CARL FOERSTER' FOERSTER REED 1SRAS5 R!JDBECKIA RJLISIDA VAR SIJLLIVANTII 'ISOLD511JRMWDBECKIA PLANTED SIZE / REMARKS 25M HT, STD FORM, em bCM CAL, I5M sro, 848 #2 POT #I POT NOTES, 1 PLANT SIZES IN THIS LIST ARE SPEc.lFIED ACCORDIN5 TO THE BC. LANDSCAPE .STANDARD, LATEST EDITION. GOIITAINER 5!ZE5 SPECIFIED CNTA STANDARDS, BOTH PLANT SIZE AND CONTAINER SIZE ARE ilt: MINlt-1/M ACCB'TASLE SIZES . 1 R8'ER TO SPE(,lflGATIOW!'. FOR DB'IN!:D CON T MEASVREMENTS AND OTHER PLANT MATERIAL REGUIREMENTS. ' 51:ARGtl AND RE\116-c MAKE Pt.ANT MATERIAL AVAILABLE FOR OPTIONAL REVIEW LANDSGAPE ARCHITR.T AT SOURCE OF SWPLY'. AREA OF SEARCH TO INCLUDE LOh!:R MAINIAND AND A<A5ER VAIJ.P(,' 5UBSTl11JTION5, OBTAIN Af'PROVAL FROM TtlE LAI-V5GAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO MAKINIS ANY 5UBST111JTION5 TO THE SPEc.lFIED MATERIAL. IJNAPPIWVED 5UBSTl11JTION5 REJECTED. ALLOl'I A MINIMJM OF FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO DELIVERY FOR REGVEST TO 5l.66Tln!TE. 5l.66Tl11JTION5 ARE SUBJECT TO BC. LANDScAPE STANDARD -DEFINITION OF CONDITIONS OF AVAILABILITY. ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY. PROVIDE CERTIFICATION UPON RE.QUE T. STORAGE SHED r FOR SITE FURN/TU ·--8'-6"--' fl 42' €'1ARo RAIL ~ ROOl'OEGI< PER ARGHITEGTLf<A!. €'1AAD RAIL DETAIL II I 1 r: C. 11 ::::; L.1 ..., w r r;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;-1= t-F -'\'F. _= _= -i-F _= _= ,=i_= _=_=TT_=_=_= t-F _=_=-ii-=_=_= -t:;:_= _= _= 't'F _= _= _= t-F _=_=-ii-=_=_= -t=r=_= _= _= 't'F _== _== -1-F _==_== ,=i_= _= _= 1'T_= _= _= t-F _==_==-ii-;=_==_=,:;:_=_=_= TT_=_=_= t-F _=_=-ii-;=_=_= ,=i_= _= _== 1''f _e!!_■ il;r-42' l5IIARD RAIL= ROOFDECK PREFABRICATED~ afJE PlANTl'RS SEE SPEGIFICATION ON DETAIL FLOHERIN6 D06HOOD LAR6B< PlAKT1eR, BARKMAN F'ROCtlCT ltll-'&R 053lt.'> TOI..BX) FIHlSH, ◄5 X 4S X 36 IN 5MAI.LER PlAKT1eR, BAR.KMAJ-1 PROttlc.T ~ I~ TOLBX) FINISH, 20 X 20 X 30 IN DEc.K RRNl11JRE BY YDHOMAN.COM MOVABLE CHAIRS AND BENCHES , /0' l l--l--hJ....J-4~1!._.5:.g,!l--¾*+-!-ll--=l-+-1HH-l!.!~l._1SW--l»~-H-+I---I-II-H-!t4-!f\/S!1,~,ffl-=:JF~'i==ll-StEET L496' H/611 X 40' H!DE Ail PLANTERS TO BE AJ/T"OMATICALL Y IRR/6ATB} (DRIP IRRl6AT10N/ ~TED TO IRRleAT/ON SY51cM ND 81.0ffi CUT IN FN..L '>12' CONCRETE PAVER, COMl'l<ES5ED, NATLf<A!. COLaf<, ON PEDESTALS PREFABR/CATB} BARKMAN afJE PLAN1IRS ALLAN BLOCK PLANTER: 60" HIDE X 40" H/6H ~licht tov-d..ltudl*'fttt .tnid dnlp1isth, CN'Q,!ltlfff i::iF M 2 ll;cul;OJ)tllArc:hl1t:ttJ..._,,d~y no1be ~~d o,-WitdJ~a=t.er~'WltMUltheirpermi~ion LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com ; ~2' ~--· NO, DATE SEAL: PROJECT: FEQfl'IRSTN)f'(.Off;MS f'Bl tEH SITE PU.H t'FD4 N1.CHIT REVISION DESCRIPTION THE VILLAGE MAPLE RIDGE DRAWING TITLE: ROOF TOP PLAN DATE: FEB STH 20/6 DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: V,f. ORAWN:11:: L3 DESIGN:1':: CHK'D: • "' "' DR . OF5 JOBN016017 ) + LAR6ER PLANTER BARKMAN PRODUCT NUMBER 05318 TOLEDO FINISH, 45 X 45 X 36 IN □ SMALLER PLANTER, BARKMAN PRODUCT NUMBER 1568'l TOLEDO FINISH, 20 X 20 X 30 IN DECK FURNITURE BY YDHOMAN.COM MOVABLE CHAIRS AND BENCHES . TREE 6RATE ST-48 BY DOBNEY FOUNDRY; MA6LIN SITE FURNITURE MLWR 200-20 TRASH CONTAINER KEY Pl.AN (kr n,t.--m'jl /RR/GA TION LINE. veJf6N BUILD TO CITY STANDARD II II II II II ti II II ~ II ' i " II P. II II II II D II II II II II ih II II 1~·; II II 1., II i ~ SILVA GELL TI'P. 2 " /5 1 MM SPAGIN6) SEE DETAIL ON THIS SHEET QUANTITI' GALGULATI ON5 ARE BASED ON 12 GELLS PER TREE ~ I! PLEASE NOTE , THESE ARE REFERENCE DETAILS ONLY THE CONDITION OF CURB, SIDEHALK ANO TREE IS REVERSED ON THESE REFERENCES TO THE CONDITION FOUND ON SUBJECT SITE /8" /45()mrri) minimum~ $EJB,t,de~FMZ OFGW.B· I I a.RB At.CJ STREET F£R F'RO..ECT SPECIFICATIONS ELL DECKS TO FRAMES AFTER SNAPP/N6 IN PLACE (TYp J . 'J' 6"(/50HM) MIN/MM BEl.01' BACKFILL AT BASE. l2"/300MM) M/Nllffl AT TOP OF CELLS. MM X 350MM) ZIP TIES, ATTACHIN6 GEOGRID CEll.S AT EACH LEVEL AND AT CEil. DECK _,...,,_.,.. I INSTALLED IN 8"(200/-111) LIFTS, HITHIN 4"-6"(100-/SOMM) Of DECKS, COMPACTED TO "5% ANCHOR EACH SILVA CELL TO ~ Htlll (4) /0" /250MM/ SPIKE,<IOMM DIA., SEE Gal. BASE FOR. SPIKE HOLE KEY Pl.AN n-lJI",,,,.._.,.,~ 4'VIOOJ-t1.I COHGRE1E PAVIN6 4'(100MM) A66R5SATE BASE~ 6EOn=.xnt..E, IIJ"(4SCH1) H1MMN OVERJ..N PAST EXCAVATION PAViNS &\SE CGtiR5E fffi AiO..ECT SPECIFICATIONS SG,JU!h' Ga.J.. DEa:S TO FRAHE5 AFTER 5NAF'f'jN5 IN PI..ACE (TYP J l!iEo6RID. '..I 6 ~ HINl/"lti SELOH eACKFJU. AT BASE. QV'EPU,P ~ HfOo:lH AT f-tY'"Ct' at.LS,. ~~~~~3~~~~ ~ 1'6TJ.l.J.BJ fH61"20(:M(l ~ KntH ◄"~eGff'D FRGJ-1 Tc::POf 06;1:S.ti,(',114!1.ICIS) 'IO~ ANGH?REAalSILVACB..l TO ~~(~/O" (250MM) SPJKE,<IOHM DIA, 5Ef WJ. ~-~ SPIKE 1-1:?lE SILVA CB.l.. BASE 51..0F'E TO MAX. 5lt.i 6EOJ'fXTTLE OH C,OHPAC,ra, 9.66RAOE 5LEEVI~ FOR ~ fDI AND ELEC,TR/CAL.. Ll"8 PL.ANTIN6 SOIL ~ !,L\l'A CELL SPEGIFICATIONS, INSTAU..ED UJ ~•(2(X»t,f) LIFTS (2 LIFTS ~ CBl.) I L4 SILVA CELL TREE PIT DETAIL 2 SILVA CELL SIDEWALK DETAIL SGALE , 112•=1·-o• L4 SCALE, l/2'-1'-0' LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel : 604 .553 .0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email : office@m2la.com ~ ... ~ ·-- NO, DATE SEAL : PROJECT: F£R'~N:PatHM5 PfRl5;5(TEPf.MFRQ,4.AAalr7" REVISION DESCRIPTION THE VILLAGE MAPLE RIDGE DRAWING nnE: DETAILS DATE : FEB 5TH .20l6 DRAWING NUMBER : SCALE : J/16 DRAWN:TK L4 DESIGN:7'( CHK'D: - "' "' OR , OF5 H2 J?B l60f1 M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' JOB NO 16017 PART ONE GEH£RAL REQUIRElllEHTS """'""" ,I CDXPa:ll.AlESJ[IIJDI c,..:1withiaatttnt11Nr.W11Ccnftilra.tC.l,"3ll~"'•l'-UC11!111iftt1&.....,.,tJ c:.,Jtfdc.-t1o- J ILLNQfll~~lUTRmll~.,lflflL~t,,fll--...r~nJ•--Hl:IL~l,llvwf~)'IIIJ.Ailllfl'm:IMeiu. IW-r\l..-ctt1Mt""11'"'taillL~RMIIIIN:-.nl~.,llit·~ .. •e,d ... tj~~.tll.lllllflHlll'INlnldlat .l tu.s:m1 IIN'.JIAL 51,'l([N).TQIS I STOOAJID DETAl.5, ~lEST EDITllN, pr1p'td bJ 1M CCIIW!n,i Engilftn: or Briti1t1 (ifalg, Roa:b,j_dan: ind 1utJ (llllf,tnrtk,n AIIOdllbl,.NHll~~lhtlb, 4 STANIARD f!II LUOSU,P( IRll6Aml SYS1Dt. UTEST BITllll: Pnp;ind by It. mglt.l hhotry Auocifflll tf llritidl ca.--. 5 IOICPAL BYLAWS Alm E)Q(fRtfG SPECFO.TDtS VlfRE NOTED llTE5lll6 . I Aarrll'lhtl ...... lMl---ltst,.. ............ ttki-.t .. ttDalttJ.,...... ~INf,IJfWla!lill'7 .. ~kl-JIIU) =::..~~;:::-N"oihll.CW.... ........... ,tt,tl'ftll.l1lolMllbcipllrdfl1hrl'l'iftll!f...,...,.,....,,,,__,_ .. .twl.falilflU6rM'l§I .2 Ovlsrflll"1a llltrtghttatat•n-lut IAtlrillL ContnclDrrnp:l'IIINtopi, fer ln1~11111t.-lih daro1 .. 1 spmfkitbl. USIINTTAI.S .t ,lrilfa!-.!1~1...,ll'\lttr .. ~r•-cahanirld~-tksn-lA"frdbJltl!I.JndsnptNdl'ltrt. .2 Si.Datt••ta~llllilt,,pr!Gltt~•-.lwhnr'1pn,dld~lin 15 ........ .1 1Wttt..,_.~ .. 1!WC..-lf1.~c,.l'-~-'"'9'..,.•--~1"~rlhrii'-'il!att,-aiJr1. Pl ___ tf,.......,_ ~Wttemlf..-.1:ll~ ...... ~--l··{---. ""' ...... wndllllil1~ ...... 1'11P"fC.,blr1~.tbr~twlll.1_., "!.!t-:!..'1==-~=lry~sklltd~l..tlape«mtr~~~-lll~WJq~ft/cr:priticimlhlllllolJ1 3 Allhltdlllreqihdlobtco•haltlrwllhllh:c!Pffimbefin~Sldbe1'cre1trtlll'wllri,.. A l'.-'b'"-""tflilwnt:nbtlOf'l~wlttl_,Wft. 5 ~ttfJ lnlt~AttHln:t•fw,y~ln. Cbt.,W""l fra ..... MNttc•p>krto~ fra tl•IUII. ~~~elldlVfltllf'llldmmNll'lhlda,ge. Dllnitdlllfq'Qllh1111larlll1h10Vl'trblcla. [111tcn..tlh;illfedn,P""'ff1Unllto.1t11vtm.-d .1 c.ldn9.,_of;illat.1Jrr4J•m:aaNI...W,,._~Gl'll'"rffmnLKftllplffllwtttndaanlnpllt,_.l"IIUth;i!Ha~~ Rtpiri ilrlllobl~ladprfa,toltlll1atpl.._ J Wh81n.wwmhta'l'ltdlwith1mhlg.llldwl!llrt--.!"l'.wllll"1ilnC, ... t""'hoaddl,~inaao,W...._ U WAR!WITIS .I 6D',,nt•-ullrW£nl~f•1---,......o1-tiaprt,...lladltt1tl'.irt1fbltol[.1D\. .l Rll11rtohliTlll.lll.lfflkrtlfw~wil'Ja'lt.l. PART lWO SCOPE OF WORK 11SCIJ'Ell'VUIII: 1 otlll!'ondilmo1c .. 1ract-.q9,. ccrirnSc.-of\lftdtmlfttrm. .l Wortilrdmatupplyof;illffld«llttaandpe-~lil~IIIU&WJIOCD!lplttthtwt.~ICCordn:tvlthtllta',rmg:la'ld~andgnn.lJ cansn:lsllflhtfatlowti!,: .2.1 At+tdlltdf~~lttawliffl._,..a~ .ll~~-~· ... 13~--,--r~ .... -l.~ ·~-1ipfai ..... dht .. ,,.... 15 ~-~--.wet.np..t,,...,....1..C~lft!_.t~O:il. .2.6 ~--~~'-"'lflfl!IMflflllNllr'W .... 8', .2.1 JINpntwl .. rutlJ ..... ""-"4'111td-.W1n~ .z., ,,.....,.._ .. wt:»-.ll,fllr_._,.,w,.111i1__, i~ =.=:-=~~.:t,~ .... .rlm-,fdtJ~. .l.11 St.l'Wn:l'Kllnt_,_KiW.-.,.~lA .2.12 m.lflW\i\tndlllll,._..,"N,• ...... ',:1..,_~~. UHAllllW.S WU:Gr.i-,tr,fUf'UfJICIIMGIIDLM ,all l.CYEL ffillll,l;IUMGLMU IIUDA'IUl().S C.....S,U.t(W~(odtn.On•,._.,~t:.'\Wfl.oa", .. .. ......... nlRd .. , .. &wilal'leaaTnn ...... PeuttOfO,V"Jltofltt.al'-'hgM.a (,-a.Inn(, -- .... lqtttll.il05u -.I.-INl12.tai '" Uf'91fttl•f.M:Z. _....lha,lt5u I o.,-c .. 1n1cnt): )0-,...C•ldli'itffla'): ,_,. 11-ZSX ..... ,.. ,_ .. , ... ...... 01., ,_,. ,_,. ,_,. ,_,. .rGr.,..Wal.w.,linN 10-,0X u .mi: ,_ .. 10-JSX ,_ .. ,.,.. ........ ...,.. l-SX 11-20,c , ... ll-ZOX U-1.t U-l.f 15-'5 Pmot,tlan-lWNa1,t111•d~vhll .. t,tllnitnt.1l11"111!lm:Jf..aettt~1l•ilfflJnliDr~ J F1!1lblrt Mqri:.:nlc,hl-Jri:«ll(INldtonl..,,MlmlgmllO,PlwtSp\ltt~l,llldP.tKl'llu:CiM.eZlhp,ip,ribllrtqlhdllfllll'tl.1. .l t.:&-..d,p;n.,N".iililtll-.Hnl-~.,tmlll.l.Jnkc .. stnlri .4 ~ ..... ~t..,Upno,dM~~-n.lt.laa1Pf~UftSI.IDI01•,,....,mdbJIN~MHttct. Rlc-..W~T~Tll~-...-""-ifhO,oda.tr--~S..&Rlrt.Ur.M~-.-... !i Sn!-tlta,, wrndp.apYld loatti"r~l,ol lhr:8.C.LmKIP! Smin. J C.-.tldBn!Udr, NaaBll1BIJrAl.ldltri·~nlft'ltl,.lrototduMW1lm.dn.,._i'ltUln:ltrftol;ill~1hrn,rmh•«Nr ----uiter.Frntioraigelll_,lidwllr.t~ i~~ldft..:!Pnllddn: lfllM'd, .. tcll'lfcnt,alltdln,prc,mdllla'ldloul.11•Mts.. ~n-ttddafflfltlollllll~bfllw~ewttatlluln J Fita"FD1t• ,\l'M~Mdflte.ilt•._/ltri'9...,_b.twQ-iowtteP11H1JtDl'vllflMMtlTIIIOlpa-l'dK. tSll!'lnHIAAFl'l4111...,WllllMI OIIAHIXOJ54S•Q~,p,'IA,d_...~.,bitl.a151r.11![11'MdliillllJ ., ·o,;..,.,_..11,....~,.j,yt,....,..._ .10 Dr■-111!.k O,,-i,11Q111,nri,"'1blt,-.dhn11111m.11m1111t..ll'ldc,:intaqrmffllrilllNlerthll'l'lha .11 ~PhiBW: TolN~tsollNBLl..nlauptStnri bfertalt,Pln1111dF'blltt,g. AIIJinllllfflll1nlbtin'f'dN,,._1tfffflltdillffs.tht N'wrJ,/lrmltiroofofarttrbttl',. ,T,t W lra!«t~w..r.clillQltlli&.iiuoitd!ut• ,0 ~nlh!l-..9'..,..nta•tdi11Att.,..,..,._.,.l'M';t,_..a IJ~aid"'-IU!i*~f•oll•lll1L~f.lli~tuodU.,• =:::1("11.U1~l1..:a'.ftllllU.. ~-tt.a~• ... -,.,·JtbyCsilfltdPrstnsiml~MAlftCM! .......... ~h .V. It~ N,Jottwutnl~l•<--l1ltwf"Jtrlll"-111ttw•~n16na""11mffl. PART THR.EE SOFT LANDSC AP E DEVELOP MENT 11RmNTIINll'Ol5TIIG1R£ES .1 P,wtoq11lnenlff1 •NIMf~----......-NoffldnltM011 ..... -IDll ..... ~n- .t1 --~n:111-~~.ahl..._•.,_,.,-..ai.,au~rt1--11rU1...t ■■taot~lil\lht~Ardl111t .l A~PfW.stbilhlt6111ocl!!iv,dtftlgboan!lriG. RtftrltP'lfwlurirdflal. lt~ral~1-lllltlloc.t~~-.tl. .l t.ad-.hnllfNu!#lcrwllt-1'91'1tionntllltlonn.nll'.,_a,,wm,ltrn1hNntiihdll;illowwd. A Do~, 1tadpl.t ul, tintMIDI utlNb, Cl' ra:nrttd u1.W. wllftl ngridiafl rwtll'ltb! .- JO.•""-....... .-...~ ..... nr..-.- .6 Notlotllhl,dlriw,ll'rnartmht..n'-lstlalbllp.-Hldwlltti,'V(t~rtllllltion .. n. ,l No m::~nttm,nm r~h'1ndwl,,-.,,. ,lhlrdlsn.fl1DI WII Nptrnllldwll~"teg.t.tlonretntlmrn,wlthout I mllw 11 l'lllinimtd91Cl'aalwnt by Hit lanaupa Al'<Nttct . J °'llllfclllrrdluCl'rwt'illliwttiwdl,-wllto.tttaa,p-1tlftln.~AnMtld. ~daallj!t,mttit,f9(1.ttC11HllldedfOl''"'9"'ribillllbllWljtcttDnallrtl:lnby.,LU.c.rtlnldArwlltlllqthlii:611forPlri~-.um1 .JJ .....,._,Jl..tiltcrf~unl• .. ftrilirAdirl;.-a~llf~ Thlc111toftt.n.iti.Ylirln:lffthtrepa-■mtp.,t-.gwtlbllthl~1oftht '-1.Cal!llni;W .. trltllpw,.Cl'l(ll,..,........_C-,111~ .11 -~~.ipdfk:IT9nilfl'.-,,.,,__,.~..,,~tlobJl.ww. .11 hdllltbnwlwlir-,rwdtomtndllll..,-c11t1na:llt~•l!l)lll1ti..W...lr1·~11!'i.\ad11:IL...,._~~,.._""""'.,.t1t-.mJ '"""""" '""""' .1 i.n-..... lll~llt---tll~~k.ll(!il,IJ.s.,"""VlfNdaSl.w!J, ..... , _._.....,.IIWQl:l'i.t..at,illWl~tr-.r,n llilMY~~n, .. --1,e1..,...sitt..)l-.,ta ~..,...,,sa\lt,h-n,ut161f•tbl..C-..tan.••F ........ l'M. l ~li..-shaau.11J:1tredl~•a:toullap,tlS../r] ... tt1.5a!SltJh1.-nls ..... J Smir1t1111Jn...,_.~,....t-,_.,,..... .......... IPl;;t11dw1nNIWrtrlffkr-.il1hc~dimglMcC11Shv:HCl'IP'11:illba. Ellllnlhatlflpe--.,,.,.._-.t~ofllllltUtlllV'llf~J....,,tt.haftillW,-adft. .4 Oillrllttalni'ignt.-tra•~f'ldn. f'Nori21IIIDlffl.l'nAfftl'IAl'ftct91dtvtll-to~it.vn11111t.l.lll!lapOrM111, Dol'IOlnwd ......... , ...... r-~IN"lt.L..NQ,rst.cri !i C-tNd walnttuttahnlgrldl,-lhaidl'rNDIA;itrN;ipatrl:1. ttillllsl<11t:2'1:,_...lldtllG1BNl. Aul.npmittr1dr~tacdltcl'llnpa,h. Ji Sloplrathnuldtfwfdlovilg...m.,R~lnsal:1,~4a1,l¥dlclp!JU'lthpH J FNft( ... 111,ta!MJDa•Maitlt~ .,...~ .. J hfc:nl..tM:ap1ArcHtldff~ff~pltfl"ll'loplx-19'snd,IOd,pln1•akh. lll.A.IG)SCAPECRAIIA6E .1 lhlltedWln' r.whglldaandfWIIICndilg.~nn, TN1:tSINlland&Wldr.ll'l1n,Plaltn,Cri,W&Uc. J WW\,~ iil■"""r .. NvtJCI.....,. bll~.-fl'l .. ..,..,,-.i.-.at.&o,1.,latlv ... ~111t1,;Q!I bahllt-,cri~ptr.i;lr:r ,~■-,.~.:,.-olvwtyirl•IM. ~ =!t~'!.~•,.t~:.,...~--~7:i.=:.s;.-=::::-::..~...,~ ~o~.!r:::!t.."'tS::;:.~~-r:S::::•wtlJJ,..an.llll•~r.-c-.~ l- .l.1 Ollin,uns~lt~Wltt..-q'd-.nlfldi..._ ~,IJ·ft•~W.N f•iNftf_,...itt'-hWIDllll"'■f ... •NiaJi,-• Eminbanltltai~lliltafltacfwilhbed~ll.t J.)-{-.:.~1!111111-,wtnl~~-hiliilD. .).1 ,-,..,llllllll'illrr.•~1t1J11R"9~ !! ::r:t~!: ... ~.:-:::c~ .... -~~r.■-'- J.l Navttirtl-Jdi.-.,_ttalil,_.,......,_fff'll"eiiia,..,.. .. 4,M,ab.,._hli:ihf11;otitNr, ...... J.rditm.. 3J ~1f'hllllr•tl ... II ~dr• ..c !apt,. J.t ~ll!li"....-,..'lffll.-fdiil ...... NlaY('ldlt •.,._--n~hdrtlilt, ..... 11..._ .l.11 tmn ... no..-~t'ltll!'dAbplltffnll'lll.._■i'-g,a._ J.flluin~ .... .l.l211t,,.,.....,111~IIJl~- .l.O Pht111t ...... NMin.--.~ .U.__,.,IOIMtUtlG l,\"f1!0WM,PG.ifl'.wf\1AIEl,v,moJ" .I Si4iP-rlillJ'ffll'!l ... mpndrll'ilaJlllll'foran:z~tt.Cmrlnc:1,Dorwti.,~or•prHd,-nna...-wtwnilllAwriltidH11tndlnislil~,tabe _ .. l ~111.lgrwi,gatdla__.,ll"nartq.ndti,lhldtnl.~~----l-tlhitq,eafimicr,fll'pll'ftlg__,.11dm-iedhT,tqO.l•I,_ --~ ~-=:~::1:_::-11!~~==.-,_Nlra:"-a. J l'llolht~grvrhg~hll.lgr-m-,dpi.rth;ina. Scrui:1w-amam1Uhlrilorali)'l!l""JIDl~6·1M-],onrlllf'raanml!J""Dfrttof 11'wd,gwmr. .4 ........ turJPM'f..._pbudlfld~hltX: ,UQp, .... .U.1 ,._.. .. llllldadl •f15M! .4.U ,W1_.N_,.l f•--■ Wti ... .4.U ~d,...._l .,_•~[m. ~ TmlW..,.,_.:ila, t-,tliN~-lodlpll!llfrmiblli--.ldlhwllblltlaM.ltwtalhewllllollhlrootb;il.lwtHi.aa,~ .u ..... .U.1 h;pt.. -ez91i1i1 4.U ~ .. --(JIW .4.2.l l.f'llllll .. lao:i~~~ 4.14 At\t l ........... -~---&•~ US ,....,,_, ... er,-W"rat.1---.N/f'_,,....,.ttillifmt,CMllllll(aftll!:ltll-littf•b-NW5ml.l .1.u ei.,,11i-■111hWnr ttrm..Mwifww.,..t11,,~ A.11 ,..._r~ ............. ..__.,,.trttll'l'l!l"<1ha,pah1c. !i ~Sfl"ladgrowhg..,._,fYlhglOIIIWl:laiJl\,glrll1.,amtnnllmt1cln. J hpn■1fl"utdedgr'IM ■us,(mhtrgrM'lgmlMCIU!to~1lmJISav:lblmd.tapblhgJ'ldl:I. .1 A-fftd,.....&Mll__.,fflirlf~--•---•llklUII. u.,.ca.us.wi-smN ~.-::::...-..::...IMW• ......,.n-..,G-nt".fm,! ni,a....,a,..,-nlW.-.tl,......,..._lln■;n~bW!'IC i1 ~:-:.::;~==~=:=::n4iiJHcn1.lU .ll b.tlfr ... w#acftl1""'91'll"aillf■-t ........ ft.~•,-&.• ... 3 Tl■lllf.Std'qs.dl'NMIJ .... ~ApiWJlolaltlttl&pl-■"fit~oltadl,...fw"tMnllltlbna1Jbldl!vltda--,ftllofhlt~ ........ !.l ~~~~e::~-1i.ci,tnd,,.,_1n09'1iz:Nllftd~andwllt.No.t,-..•tv1.._..tl1"..._.e,,...,tt.rlll!.wh)et-'-■ .1..2 Pll"Cllffl9ID/tlidllffdl,iie J. willfiffirfllA~_.ti.,••• .... ~•nt-P'dlr.li■il,,mfa.ft .. jidtoclllt~ ltx(m,i,;iRtdFnaa 2txArmilllR,. 5X ~hl'II l'lrWrii ltrt SXKlnhlaJlll&avrlU ,-'di!IMl-,,,.,.11W1D!ift••~••ru"""°n.,...,ttt11t1'4ffltl.Wllillllfla'IJ1Dt•~llltffflfl1. -' frliiur: tttdlftll~ARilJll~,,mhriir.dw-nlttstf"'iilcrrillMlilo.aNi:Vmi"IOlitulf~ftaffnu.ttbirftof'I-S-9-SfX ~n1eoilffd, nz~tcrtlun;J1 ■-'IMKll.1pr1•. .l Sedv lipp.JAtdl'f1nl11ftm/H!HhlilCJ'll"'"11il■Chncll11"1dr, kimparrl1MtdlllathttapV4"16a-]otllllnl~ltJ~, J Atttplwt;Pmidt~lffl«tblDIIN..-dnn ■1tltordtlimol•t111l-•IIIT■N■'INI.C~tvtt~Stctto.ll~ 11 ll'llllOS!EII« .1 ltfybti.,udna,lfl«Nttlo.cut:Jlwd"ljllr11.9'1,-111nG. l M,ynilla!Mil._oll.tvi,ln1u~bJltal.nhttp1.Ardil«tpi:l'tg~ J ,... ...... ~MIi,_._ i! ::~:=~~■::1:=:,1;t~lJlN1N1a:~ L fn!~ftll """'..,_ltll'l&tlll'li ........... r.fc:...•tllfll'ct•fflllt .. rl-,rra.. ..... •..,_~,"fl'I""" O.•~,,-•·IUd.■1 ■1i1'1l1M1._..N1,.....-na.PNllld~til1 ~,~brttilPll,fflnl'D,wiit,,.,.--,l,_..,..lllllldl'liftW'tlltr.,.......,_,. tlftllllNtfa!Jimn,.,-.....-...,,,,t■~tf"--, .......... ..,1111L ■llbc1p1Ardilld- ,$ MaM~tfri'tk-■t~••"l!fd,_.t.,......,f•~.&._..n.,..,tw...._o1.--.---...--.~,_..-..1...w ,. .............. (l,J ...... c.,,_1,1.t.~.Jt .... hr.■i,b.,......i1. ., W,llf': Sllallbtfrnff..,-llpl'ttll5tNtUJlltna'lhjlrioJ1f1"'1 ■1thtw:t11S.111f.lfldhjr,rlllJ'bt~lolhttmTor-.-t. ,l ~llt~li ...... l!IW-■a .... falafw ......... Datri--.....,_.t, ........ ptri1ll'1Hck11t1lll&all• .... 11t1tllll ........ n.~a.Q.IMlt/.,__'.itlll'~wflMfaNI-Ji"-i,t1 ■il-~■--Wl.t.1....,._. • .,,,Wldl ■..-d ... CffJ••,_.....1t1t1 lilllftltla.ac,olW. U.fdertt,....9'(p..m~lll~dW,-.1:t1t~ldfflJmrlht11tll,,.IN-. PAATTHREE SOFT LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT • CONT .J~l,lt, .l1 ~NaJrrcOU9/hll125lbl/tlfd .ll f•tlHI !0"9'\l(Mi..J.,.i J.J c-111vua.r..,...w.n.,.,..,_w,m11111tm11114~1UL.t,--Me1 .u """' !~ ==•IJ--~1,.ttwrtofa.lc~1ofthtlllD~hdd,gaidl,IJdiffirr,w1lertlc.Sl'Pld:illn~tmlfll:r . .lU.1 !illl.9'1',au,11'■-r&,-.·il, .. ..._._.i..-ra,uh .lUl l.Mi:~,,.......a_,...._a■;1:,.ftwl .... ~ ., ~,_,.,.,,_~_,_,.,l!flt-,fnc.10N__,..lJrl.1Dllallt'-'ltf.,...•'f.t-'711'.119idlJ'l•tfUIIHNfd .. --■ •........,a. TIIIUriulhalt.aM■ftttllti.ad4t11W.RWllll•rl•.iilht~~-C.t.1 ,;_ .....,.._, .. _.,..,....,.., Mt•UAlddl'IIIVUorGthl!rait■rtlllotlllmh,L Clll!OtldnlUITJ~lllttrilll'-■thalr-141hill,n. ,If Dislriutellll'T) lrifirdJOY• lt.swhu,of Hl!nalabt~ BllnlWicllloniltDP'ffllOJl.lppi:riianslffll tlisti,g,-nc..w ta I-int-wf~tL .11 Cka,l.f: R~.t!IIIIIBWcadolhtrdtlrllrtUtk,;f,.,_5"dhillPl!"llnlrfalhl,loti.tt. A ~ ... .._ ....... ,.n.-...--,....1rt1..,._lff.-W...IIM~--l~ .. .,.ltll0v!w . ._-,,t111:awm WlfUU._,..~.,.1"4it'"'-t_..na.,_..,...a,~.hr1twili-.. . ..W1111~,.,... .. .--irullil .... .._'°r6it Orlmtr. V1~·1i111tt\:lcal~h.-11R1V~fttt.,..-,._.,.,.thalll!• .... p,dlii,itiy-it.~-l'f11t0.W4 1k""-o-.-'t mpDllilllttrtg~,•lf.••f•oft1 .-tl■h{al1JtL .0 ,1,:•,...,111•-.llrW.....,.. ,.,._.~_,., .,.o'IIIIIJ.._..-,..~ ... ,......,"n,.~C.,.u,;tw-.n■,-..,~llf,u,.:,■llly Ca,~1lffll-........ taldtl'Wl .............. ,o-.MJlrftd .... ll!ll(.~1Ja5rC.1da'DMf.-.»I.MII~ ...... {mty &IJlitllf'~~..._-;,1-~--••1-.tnt'fh°""", """"-"""af,lwilklUISltM ·.s,ilc--alll'l•daiol .....,,.~,..,..ffl■l~aln ....... ftrletlfllllCllaN ...... lJUWNAREAS-SOOONG .1 Gtnlra, TM! liln111Mhed11.l"""nn•IIRIMkr:1ptplS11ahmnal~hs.tilll11"C1Jltl~a.lboulnro1,,.cr1nainn11-. .2 ~Hldua Cc■iplJvilhSlrtblll,ij,-n,hg....._ Pl'blo~'IIJllll~~ollhtl'Wltlld'#.-■ldlptti..S~llllltbiof~NIMbJHII lllllbupr,i\RNtad. J Tlllllof~ Sodf'n■llip't.'lltt'OOd«hl Ftritwcrttltlba.UJla~crtclRIITBDllihlundmpl.Arlh'tect. ~ Sod~r, [mrf-toatonlti:Mcrla.t.~~.s«!bll,11.(Sl~hrTirf'grn.lSod J ~1•tr-ia,~ !d#" .... , .. 1w-. TABI.E 2 SPECRll T\RF!ilASS BY~ nASS"1 LN11,.lllrus~l'!dll'lcrwi"lp11ltwnili.tml ilftlf~llllunl.ld'IJ~rm Cl.us2 Grou-piifil.i:pri&,nd.111rWnlhsllhftN!lltn CUSS3 Ra,flG-ns .,..,_ .I I.a Thl!latWIJb■ndrfndhSl!tlbiUllbltriu. A/IPr.tnta~hreqndldl.lm.t. RafrtgSKtiml4hr•ltlld. .l ~ lhl•to.twilllNatnf.._ AP11'Japditdftrttlarftnl11dlc!Wlllllht~60l~t. AfPl:Jwllh,-~.-••· ~lfftltlll•~ adua41t.r&P"b't•~""'11rllP"~•IJtrmlllt. !-~=~=:.=·=::\:~~!1:"c:::--,.::~~~=:.~s:~~ ..... 1~:= Sot .J ~• fNffl~a'w_..aila■!1t11WWifJ'M'l•SM■t.W(.,..__..,n~,r"'o--. fntttf ■--c.,... ........ .,... • ........,.n1111~1 .. ~•·....,..•.,..l.1M1.fNl'1'1~°"°"·vthtte..ti•Mlihn,..,t,t!l-tllYl•i~P•Jltllllf ~MCtiM")'llaad.--..,-w11.,-..,unt-t,.,,dW-~VT"4Jll •rW.~-■--.. ,r,,t.«liilllf..-.4 ............ ldl .. Nfaa._ftlillll ... q ,fN!w, ....,_,...,..._""9'••........,,, ~NtN,,,.....ll'ir.d.'-'-.tnMtm~....._ llroujllt.udbll.t_..lltap....d. Jt ~--_,..__,.,_ IW'f~•----,11111t11 ..... ~-............ ., ....... ~.,--,fm ..... tt■a.t. ~~.StdllaO~lfflfJ---:itl.\■lillllllliirllt•ltU'f,__.,_■1W1,fl!M-Uldt .... l:■ffl'.a::lflidiiltlia-1N.Arterlit &:IWll .... llft!l.13' .. t,hlh!ll:.•-IIICthJl!ll..-n■.."'-.0'-1 ... _,tflkClrrimJ. 19 PWITSAIIJPUHTIIG J rar..tg~i.,wtallllwninl..nSIQJII~ l Obl.WftalellNltl!plllrtHtK1fOl'l'Pfl..iP',p,r1"'°"offil-lt,giwilrt•~totlia'llhg~ 3 tlillllmjl~btdll\lh-'hcl.ladtfhlldln!I. .lti.rJP\q, .,.1 P\Jnli,..._._.-.lf'Nldm1r1-dp~pm,dt.lhatnllll'Nl•~wlri,adrltrAdt,lacllw:1thercondlim'fflrl1taOClillordibmarelal!Jt1 smn1G.t11N--,IIH■1ff,t.d1'9tte--l«illb\ 5 Stnlrdii: .5..1 AllP,a,!W-'l'WN1..,_,_bit~IICP,.U.~~UTISTBIDll,llli.uartldtdbJdo-ffl'IIPl■rtS<N<Utll'tlu~kln. .S.1.1 Ral.rtl~~t.tfiN,\bt"lllfltr\WN!Nlii~R,.llllJIAStn.-dlll'(IIIIINl'~l'lnll'Clt..._.dniln!L 5.U ..,.,.lll'tlllf~r.....«c:lfllt .. ,riJIW·tlln .... (1191'rlllll~r.~n, .5..2 "-~11,t-fl'-■"UI ... W_..dlWtlf,_~,. .... l,l\llllt.-dthtllltcl.la,t.. ··-ll Rlritwil'itt■toneafJ!Wlynlll'ColltdlcrtpmltdoeclOl,-.,wt--.-lt)rl!i,,l.illt -,•lll~.t■d..tf1'1wY. .T ,,, .... .altr: .7.1 Art1ofYrthrd.ll:ln;tlalawr~andlnsrVlll.rt. Rtfrl1PIJnlSd'lttill•111JUilnsJ1111-1na. .l.l ~,i:rwtaltht"lhbil!J"'thtlpldfltdj:Caltullria..tlf'l~fdlyli,tthtawwd.tlfleCC11lrKt. .IS~ .L1 Clwii.,,._IIIPW'41"itill.-.~f'Wfll ..... 111t.....,_t,tt■•■1facl1111ltrial.. ~lllblllt.tloltlllllbllr■~h:ii .u ,....,..oll"'1,:Wt1.U..,l•rtM1tta_,.,._ .U -~•tM)ltl14!1C~R_.,.••W-lltilllilrlW#J.•llMIJ. JPl.rtSfainll.,aa. .9.1 Planlhllbl'"■1t-n1.i11-~.~ .... IWofrN1Wnlh■wn1111tht!Jrmctptlalltplaiptllltld'ltddt.~Dflftallhkl-r1&a1 --~lili;ptdfled~hlNl.oaitbl111MPWncrtlMl~hvhp. 16otilylnboptlltttttldil1;1Z1fKtilgn11lrcr:~1N"hlJdlff"li:cl-■ .U IWlll'crtofijl1nphntn;ilciatlonllllorf7btaliOlltdilflttMilvo1'thtprapmldaNtmnbJlt.Lnl1e1p1Arddlld, ,M EIU'l'litln ,-.t Tn,nnl11tgr....,Ertnrt111.1Kf!'i.\lpld"'--'l•lkdi!ftllort11tn»tWwdto,tlNsttwbrt.wffhor1bll'flllbal .U11nlflal1Hu1Hr■11s11 ""~9,"adltfw:tre,wn~t&. ·" ~.,~llila Jl.1 ~ ....... _. .. pl,ll!Wl~li.111,..._~ .. l:tlt~~fjw~litJ•._drlMIJ'dwnllope;■ldi,ffllCllllltin;,mnl h~tlittt,dt,al._ ...... ~wt,n.el....,MM,d~llrlt ...... 1/,W"'..._isiila J:f'l.d'I. ... ,....~ • .l:U ~llhnalnwkwlllll 111«-,tac,il iit;!ilir~~...-..•N"IW-l~_,.,ft.tlpor-■w-m1-,•M4.._.,111_.,..U Nllt.._airdrll!ritLtil~,._.__,,.._,~brrwtt.ltl. ut.-Mt!Wlapto.Ollt-.fll'wh ....... dlpillldr.-titff!tft,-ol ... .11.l Fillht~Jw.na,,-t,l'hhftti■ .............. ,.,. • .,.lf_\il"~"Jfl,kltll w1111111•■rr. MihMnl"tlp'ldl11111tfWdi grD. Lme11-t>.-.. V.UJ ■1i......-... "-'--.C..,f.C,..11t11.-....~lhl~~tll!d .. ltra.«'"_,r:1tes. .12.l Whi!r!;...,.,ll.,..__.i,a.ck,ablllt11-m,,•-"c:rtb~•!l,rW,af!Tar,_tf'llll•Mrlll" ...... .ttmlntl. .IU Wt.nhw'lnll"'"".--.,,...,t-......... DnJ~do'lk~--'""- .13 si-.■h-- .D.1 ktwril"d'staft.LmD.114NtvdrdbJ~~s.s.t1tan .... 2rt.llltll. Do110llttn1blrlth'~roolb;il.L .'DJ l.Tf"tl'ttflltw.i-..i,-m1it:i. .1JJ fl1"'11~~11M1--~.-.1~Wt .... _...111aC~'l"l....,.,,_.•Altlltr•·"...,"'-,.• .ru w .... trM.,...•"-~Ct.lJ•nr.,...-wllfflrnpt,9ll DoMftn,.t .. apW11111._..-._.,,.~'9t#...._ .W flffllff., •V...r'-t-dtMti&IJ•.._■a;,l!fttll ... Wil.1"&1"d.,lil■ti■l t■h ..... ~--llll,_..rldll■L ,B.li "-Ii .1111 M WIii wlffl 'tld(1 llW'9uhtWl ....... ,IU IW~t■tht .... ..-.WJlo-•Mrlytrllk_,_,.,~,-~.-tu1111tllfti■fUl!lt.#-'a,i11!:irlt_,.,1.11tcrtlytl.1:1r1,N'p hlh llat.Smidrwi*nth•tnr11t1ne.~•i.hl■. ~tltact,..,._••-l•1rlfl'!.0Jtt«. ,__ .... ~~ .'5 tudq: .5.1 twdi.iptn"9 ... with.,_lq9',raldlt12-112•Tlf6:-J5■a)-,tL CO!ftw~ .. ~---~~.,.,,..••~~• Jrt.mo-l~l•crd■--ll'N'lhfflnn,IBN1d.i■"\1119L .16~ .161 Dll-n!.....,.tilll_.,.iutNl,ttwrapomlblltycrlhlnbclptCffl«tw. JI Pl.Iii~~ .1JJ '-'••~M.-wl,-.N"Pilft" .... -'IMnc-tf1r.w.m..tc..■,ll.!ia. JU Vlll:lftlft.:tnllfl~M..._s.llaD.U-W"'-,...-,",._.,, f.._J.Jo.!,==~~::!:"~i:-''7:m~~~=::.-:.."k~VihrhftllN_.rl._1'■11,__.iM .OJ Uu_"'"'""'■-Nt1..t,nt1rWaQ-..;a1•.W.~Jwitt.~ld...,._.,t'ifMt1-.!~ttrda■iui udN, :JJ~ ft-9Mtnl11!1idtr111tt..,....w1•.,....,_•nu,n.1...,..i«.,w..•Crt._.-,11i1Ln:1t«~. .tu ....,_._...._~ .. ,,......._w._YJ,- .tJ, _.e-t_,...,_,..,.,,_~_,.!.IL~~O..-'OI. JU ~.-,..~--- PART TliREE SOFT LANDSCAPE DEVELOPIIEJIT • COMT 110 HiTAUJl6L.AJl15USIEIJIS111JC1UU J Y.tt,lflala' .. nl1"IKlb!U.WIIC-,:rltt,~ftarrepti61.Rlnbegl,ihJvri.c.t.:llnlK•AnNfffl(cr:hllra:t.lf...th~ .l ~·-'111h~lf.«1nn,t.:11, .. .._ .l.1 YlrfftM1ail.mltr.._1tth~-,,_;fM ... hlffllrlB!lllprt1111lp'Wl'ta~wrylhill'OU"ll"ui. J l'nwldltlt•ouf.aall~&lal~lciutlm11.U•3Nalllln.clLPVlPiptflledvlthcr.irJni.rin1i;ptdflcm"M'l!IOrhlnMI. 4 1ut11••n111ilfllli1fo1...._-,tflol'"~ilfl-'cdwt._lf~ ltlt.itfffl•.tiap.-aft/f.t,nr't~liinl. !i (ll'ltr d rod, lcr lllffllllll stwt ... II l!Mfflld crt ltldlg lilt-.! 1'41h ffltff r11n: ~ ,. hSml ~I ;ii.I lllgn. ~ wwll DI 4-INfll qsla f1V to j:Cil(!nggr!IWl'IJ--- ,. P\a:1.,nan"71191Z5-S-dR11nhedpllllll.-.:l1nrRl1rlill:rk. ~~~-=::r:=~=-!:":J:.t:.:::~.:f::='=.t~ .. ~-~~~::e .,.fttlg«'Wl!Wri 3.11 ESTAIIJSltfOfJIWNTBWICEIPn>naa~lleJ:l'Ul111INlltdbll J 111tdl ~111t-,ot•n,.....-...__a,-,,...w.~t-.Jo"""IM.t--■:flat__..,.,nQtW,...,,...,,,._h._..,llicMt ~ ... tw.....-..tll!ilt~ n.a}ldfnlllft.lMli!aad,,_, ... ,.."' • ...., ...... n.~.tftd:tt-~~.,..t'laOfa.nhtl 1 ..... -■1-■--lf'J.iw\~•~at.,._.,lll'........_. .. UH_.,,..,._.,,,■11....,_,m._."'fld.Jl!li-t~on,,,J.■, hrfgr111 .... ■ld111Wlrmlml&PN,s.. .2 Hililla,n1PeW: Prlllidtlllhtrr,a,ai1tirlll'-ltd~rr:rl2amrffrrfoUavi,gmll,lmllill<o■p.lllm. 3 1141hdstnwd,nl.t9dalkft; lU.t.idll.llfllSl ..... lltnltfflb'l;F'lrtllnrC■dt.,lU.Ptdlrtit(m!NIAd, J. Si!I---~ ... ...,.,._.,~~.tt,__'""""...,_.,._,_,, ..... ._dlftk,._..,t1"""""thln.t..itattntalhlr ""--.....,.b■llt..&tN. .... .,nrc(alridrNt~,.~.,..,•hllr,"-fWl ■L-;r-■l•~.,_,,,nw.itlatt. deslgnlttd"lll"IS,ll'lt.tlft. !i ~ ......... ~1r.tid,,,'-..:11Mlnl-■ith. ....... ..-,t6w .. llwt• ~DPIHtknlll\llllllltcilfflll!dCU~ltlydll"tlt ttw.-■1--~l'iii,,o"t ......... h.hlor■,w-lil, ....... .,.'ff.~IMJ .. ,... I Natt■1111:1U'Ml:C~wllllt~stnlrd,s.taiD,Talile7,Mll1M1Ctltftl,..._ •. .l ~~iet.thiutNa~■t-- .l.l r..tt.rs J11!iii~rlhll:.~Stnlltd.Fll'!adllirllnll"lln11~bJlllit!lliig. J ~ ltltCNI EstallllDmh .11 •"'f °""'•fi"lf.~~ll"l!r-,rffilflwlf--,t1110ffU71~..,..W -"Ut):)lt,-,ffll'JlwatJQDl-,,,__~*III .,.5-...,aa, ,.__:zs:--■,.,.n,,,~ o.n,t11:wc•~~.-""-., .. foaa!n■'Jl"l"ll!dJ4if'kJ¥WtArl tdM,11 and-,i:e~~-.J-"'1-tlllllirM ,liPJ.,_.r,1,_.._,..,. ... 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J .. ~...-atfr.,.«w1ddin.-~ .tJ fell!ai,,q Ckt~rtieh,fnllldli,..UDl'~...,,....,f■Uiu ... ti'9"-S......,,.. .... h-lCll ■"llllfW,.......tL ·' "'"'""[s!lllli:slari: JI ""..., Ut.■l'mlsa'ldJlll"'dd.tn.fflfdwlrr" ....... ~i.--.!•ltO,.,t ao-1,..■,;N&C.l ...... ~t1:161't~,.Llwnl ~:=-:.=--.;~:;;w-::~~~~~:':!,.-,-;':~,::'~:ti-,::-,=t'.::::;'!:!~:, MIOfdl""""" ... "'""~llldi!&Wrd•.,. ...... .,,.r.;.,_,.,m.,,....upid'J,, ~~:=.=.r~c.Z•=~~~-=.~:.:.:a:=:==~i~.--~-~■-!111.tllr.Jllilllb .... ~--·~._., .. ,......,..:..,.""-'J'tput1,p■"Ulq,Wt..t .... Tlft~Hft!ll;ll;t t!S-■-1.,..._,hwa. .1J ,.,...,~,_ .... ,., ,u...e~h--..f,.a. .ll """"'ftfrw-..-~-n■l'nifwcwliulilll ... ,i:t.,:nl~f'r,lt._.....-4 l.QllpM.,..,..Wlila,.......,,__ld-. ..... ,.tui111 ... ,. • ..., .... m-,-10ta~,...,,...,,...,."..._twr.1Wf'l ■1u-Uga--.,__..-.tuairi.,..,_.-■,.rw11111-v. ....,_llt,111dlJ,hp ■n.-1d11L .U .W~ 1'41',ra_.....,_.._,ni,..,....,._f-■-WJ,llll!ra.--,~ ...... Wfl•lltJrltl'IIIJ ... 1-.il■lii.i ~urw. Clf'II•• ...,.■t-.Ji,.-,,._..rwa. .u ~.,..,-.tt--wl•ft'Ml"fhn<-ne<e1WJtoffll .. c..,rrMtpw.ilrlln. ,..1n1•p1wnllnhlill~,,..., t,,.wc,I~ • ~tJ11,....., ... -.. .... ~11pt.11t..iA,rt~W-_.....,,.,n:1S4(:,t ..... aPNt«1,.-,..,. ....... ..we1tt.rn1 - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com , ~,,.,., No. DATE SEAL: PROJECT: FfR ARST NJP cot+BlT5 FfR /o&I SITE FU,N F'Ra4 ARO/TT" REVISION DESCR IPTION THE VILLAGE MAPLE RIDGE DRAWING TITLE : SPECIFICATIONS DATE: FEB 5TH 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: IA6 ORAWN:JX: LS OESIGN :T)( CHK'O: - Tl< "' DR. OF5 M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: JOB NO 16017 ) 119Tl-l AVENU PLANT SCHEDU L E M2 J OB NUMB.EA 18017 KEY Q TY BOT AHIC4'L NAME CO-ON N AME PLANTED SIZE ✓ REIIAAICS l) r, Ac.ER RIA3RUM 'OC-TOOER 6LORY' OGTOBER GLORY MAF\...E 6GM GAL; 2H STD; BtB 5HRLl3 A 15 ~NOOHBEU.5' ~ PINK #2 POTi 20CM VI~ 110 PEIO<ISETtH ALOl'ro.ROIDf5 IW-EIJN' DWARF Fat<rAIN 6RA55 •1 POT ® s HISTERJA R..ORJBJtOA J>PNESE HSlERIA tt2 POT; T ~ l<EJ'ETAXYBWIIGA-• GATMlNT lsc.M POT so Ra3EGKIA RA..61DA VAA 5t.UIVANTII '60LD5~1A OIPOT '"€9 51 COTOHEA51ER DAMt-ER.11 BEARBERRY GOTOHEASTm OIPOT OOTES: • Pl.ANT SIZES IN THIS LIST ARE ~IFlED ACGOROIN5 TO nE 6C-L...AfiJ5C..AFE STANDARD, L.All:5T EDITION. GONTAIHER SIZES SA:GIFIED AS ~ GNTA STAJ<)AA.05. BGTli F'I...ANT SIZE AND cotrrAll'ER SIZE ARE TifE MlNIH.t-1 ,AGC.EPTABl.E SIZES. ' REFER TO SPECIFIGA110N5 FOR Dffltf:D CONT"AltER ~ AND On£R Pt.ANT HA.TI3<.JA!. REGVIR&e{TS, • SEARCH AND REVl&I, MAKE Pl.ANT MATERIAL AVAILABLE FOR OPTIONAL REVJB-1 Bl' ~AA:amlGT AT scx,,a al' !<ffl.Y. ""1:A al' -TO llt:U0E,.,,.... ......_..,., A'O R!A5eR V/'UEr. • &a5TIMIOHS. WTAIH H<JTIB< /fff/CH}l.. """'1 tlf:IA'l>SGN'EAl<Ql11'Glf"""-' TO tw:!16-!l.e6T!M1ClHS TO ti£ SE'l:GFIB)"'-~~ ~TI~HILL BE RE..EG'TED. Al.LOH A H INll-'l.t-1 Of AVE OAl'S PRIOR TO DEl..tvERY FOR REGU:ST TO ~TIME SIJeSTinmoN5 AR£. s.B..EC.T TO BC LAM::>SGAPE STAIC>ARD -DEFINITION OF cot-a::ilTION5 OF AVAILABILITY. ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY. PROVIDE CERTIFICATION UPON REQUEST. ,-----------------------------------TRASH RECEPTACLE FRANCIS ANDREH CARRIA6E LANE #31 POHDER COAT BLACK PER BENCHES .-----------------------------BIKE RACK (ATTACHED TO PILLAR) r---------------------------COLOJRRJL PLANTIN6 FLANKIN6 BENCHES ,---------------------------STREET TREES (ACER OCTOBER GLORY) IN RHYTHM HITH DOORS BENCHES IN RHYTHM OF PILLARS (BENCHES FRANCIS ANDREH CARRIA6E LANE #31) DECORATIVE PAVIN6 IN RHYTHM OF PILLARS, ABBOTSFORD CONCRETE, CLASSIC STANDARD SERJES ,CHARCOAL COLOJR, UNSEALED -1,':..-:.t.-::-:..-;:_'::~~-----BROOM FINISHED CONCRETE HITH EXPANSION JOINTS CUT ~l_;~,r~i~!!l!!l!!ll!il!~fr""T1-'---:-"'\ IN RHYTHM HITH PILLARS LET DOHN !!~s;t~~::E:!::~'.:::~:::~;:..t---2'X2' CONCRETE PAVERS, ABBOTSFORD CONCRETE HYDRO PRESSED . , SLABS, NATURAL COLOJR "TEXADA SERIES ' UNSEALED UNDER CONCOJRSE AREA t<---PINK FLOHERIN6 RHODENDRON -1'---ACER RUBRUM OCTOBER 6LORY BROOM FINISHED CONCRETE HITH EXPANSION JOINTS CUT IN RHYTHM HITH PILLARS BENCHES IN RHYTHM OF PILLARS (BENCHES FRANCIS ANDREH CARRIA6E LANE #31 POHDER COAT BLACK) ~---TRASH RECEPTACLE, FRANCIS ANDREl-'l CARRIA6E LANE #31 POHDER COAT BLACK PER BENCHES BIKE RACK (ATTACHED TO PILLAR) INTERIOR DRIVE ISLE BROOM FINISHED CONCRETE HITH EXPANSION JOINTS FOLLOHIN6 ARCHITECTURAL RHYTHM, HITH DECORATIVE PAVIN6 IN RHYTHM OF DOORS INTERIOR CONCOURSE 2'X2' CONCRETE PAVERS, ABBOTSFORD CONCRETE HYDRO PRESSED SLABS, NATURAL COLOJR "TEXADA SERIES " UNSEALED UNDER CONCOURSE AREA 30' HIDE CONCRETE SIDEHALK ROLL OVER CURBS BENCH AND TRASH RECEPTACLE SUMMER COLOUR 30" HIDE SID K SPRIN6 COLOUR BIKE RACKS ATTACHED TO PILLARS HISTERIA FOR ABOVE PARKIN& RAMP ACER RUBRUM STREET TREES ORNAMENT AL 6RASSES C)Copyrfght ,eserved .. This drawll\ll; and dnign is the p~of M2 Landscape A,chlttcts and may not be reproduced or used for other profe<ts without their permission LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email : office@m2la .com 2 ~n,,,.a,i •=-• NO. DATE SEAL: PROJECT: PER FIRST ,4DP COf,HMS PER IEH SITE P1M FPai J.RC.WT" REVISION DESCRIPTION THE VILLAGE MAPLE RIDGE DRAWING TITLE: PHASE 1 DATE: FEB 5TH 20/b DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: 1/16 ORAWN:TK L1 OEStGN:TK CHK'O: .. "' n,: DR . OF5 f,Q .J'.')fl /60f1 M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: JOBN016017 .._ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___. ) PLANT SCHEDULE KEY QTY ~ ~ 15 ~IIAL @) 44 BOTANICAL NAME CORl-4JS KOUSA 'CHINENSIS ' PRUNU5 SERRULATA ~IROTAE' COMMON NAME CHINESE D06vt)O[) MT. FUJI FLOHERIN6 CHERRY CALAHA6R05TIS AGt/TIFLORA 'KARL FOERSTER ' FOERSTER REED 6RA5S RUD6ECKIA RA.61DA VAR SULLIVANTII '60LD51URl-'RlJDBECKIA M2 JOB NUMBER 16026 PLANTED SIZE / REMARKS 25H HT; STD FORH; B46 6CH CAL; 15H STD; B4B #2 POT ill POT NOTES , 'PLANT SIZES IN THIS LIST ARE SPECIFIED ACCORDING TO THE BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD, LATEST EDITION. CONTAINER SIZES SPECIFIED CNTA STANDARDS. BOTH PLANT SIZE AND CONTA INER SIZE ARE THE HINIHUH AecEPTABLE SIZES. ' REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEFINED CONT' INER HEASUREHENTS AND OMR PLANT MATERIAL REGIIJIREHENTS . ' SEARCH AND REVIEH, HAKE PLANT HATERJAL AVAILABLE FOR OPTIONAL REVIEH 6 LAND5CAPE ARCHITECT AT SOURCE OF Sl,PPL'f. AREA OF SEARCH TO INCLUDE LOHER MAINLAND AND FRASER VALLEY .• 5UB5TIT1/TION5, OBTAIN APPROVAL FROH THE l.ANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO HAKIN6 ANY 5U65Tll1JTION5 TO THE SPECIFIED MATERIAL. IJNAPPROVED 5UB5Tll1JTION5 H REJECTED. ALLOH A MINIM.A-I OF FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO DELIVERY FOR REQUEST TO SUBSTITIJTE. SUBSTITIJTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD -DEFINITION OF CONDITIONS OF AVA ILABILITY. ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY. PROVIDE CERTIFICATION UPON REQUE T. FLOHERIN& DO&HOOD w LA~ PLANTER, BAIVCHAN PROO.K,T ltJl'-l3ER 0531f> TOUDO ANl5H, ◄5 X 45 X 36 IN 5HAlJ..ER F1.Al<TER, BARKH,6,,N f"'ROC:\.tT N.tft3ER 15bL:>CI TOLEDO FINISH 1 20 X 20 X 30 IN 0 DECK FURNITURE BY YDHOMAN .COM MOVABLE CHAIRS AND BENCHES. 8 1-6 11 -· 42" OOARD RAIL ~OUND5 ROOFDECK. FER AA.CHITEGTlRAL EAlARD RAIL DETAIL ELEV. LOBBY 4Y 6UAR.O RAIL ~ FWOFDECK PREFABR/GA TED BARKMAN Cl6E PLANTERS SEE SPEGIF/GAT/ON ON DETAIL SHEET L4'36" HISH X 40" HIOE ALL PLANTERS TO BE. AUTOMATICALLY /RR/6A !ID /IJRJP IRR /6ATIOW CONNECTH' TO /RPJ6ATION AND BI..Or,,I Of.IT IN FAil 2'X2' CONCRETE PAVER. COMPRESSED, NATu!<AL Wl.00<, ON PEDESTALS FREFASR/GAIID SA~ CW!' PI..AN1cRS 18" X /~• X 18" SEE SPECIFICATION ALLAN BLOCK PLANTER, 60" HIDE X 40" HIGH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel : 604 .553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com ; "'"" ~ .. ~ NO DATE SEA L: PROJECT: PER RRST AW~ FIR /EH 5(TE F'I.J4H FROM "'-RC.HIT REVISION DESCRIPTION THE VILLAGE MAPLE RIDGE DRAWING TffiE: ROOF TOP PLAN DATE: FEB STH 2016 DRAWING NUMBER : SCALE: 1/4 DRAWN:TJ::: L3 OESIGN:n::: CHK'D: • "' "' OR . OF5 JOBN016017