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ADP 2016-07-12 agenda.pdf
City of Maple Ridge ADVISORY DESIGN PANELADVISORY DESIGN PANELADVISORY DESIGN PANELADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDAAGENDAAGENDAAGENDA JuJuJuJulylylyly 11112222, 201, 201, 201, 2016666, , , , 4444:00 pm:00 pm:00 pm:00 pm Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal HallBlaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal HallBlaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal HallBlaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall CALL TO ORDERCALL TO ORDERCALL TO ORDERCALL TO ORDER 2222.... AGENDA APPROVALAGENDA APPROVALAGENDA APPROVALAGENDA APPROVAL 3333.... MINUTES APPROVAL MINUTES APPROVAL MINUTES APPROVAL MINUTES APPROVAL –June 14, 2016 Meeting Minutes 4444.... PROJECTS PROJECTS PROJECTS PROJECTS 4:10 PM Development Permit No:Development Permit No:Development Permit No:Development Permit No: 2016201620162016----129129129129----DPDPDPDP Applicant: Emily Kearns, Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. Project Architect: Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. Project Landscape Architect: M2 Landscape Architecture Owners: 0784903 BC Ltd. Proposal: Mixed Use Commercial / Rental Apartment Building Location: 11225 240 Street File Manager: Adrian Kopystynski 4444....2222 4:50 PM Development Permit No: Development Permit No: Development Permit No: Development Permit No: 2016201620162016----222222222222----DPDPDPDP Applicant: Harry Evans, Z.E.I. Project Management Project Architect: Donald Nicolson Project Landscape Architect: Meredith Mitchell (M2) Owners: Bucci Investment Corporation Proposal: Façade Improvement and Landscaping Updates Location: 22709 Lougheed Highway File Manager: Amelia Bowden Development Permit No:Development Permit No:Development Permit No:Development Permit No: 2016201620162016----142142142142----DPDPDPDP 5:30 PM Applicant: Fariba Gharaei, Architect AIBC Project Architect: Urban Design Group Project Landscape Architect: M2 Landscape Architecture Owners: Dynasty Property Corp Proposal: Exterior Renovation for conversion of existing A&W drive through restaurant to Carl’s Jr. drive through restaurant. Location: 20468 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge File Manager: Diana Hall 5555.... REQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY COMMENTS ON APPLICATION RECEIVEDREQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY COMMENTS ON APPLICATION RECEIVEDREQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY COMMENTS ON APPLICATION RECEIVEDREQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY COMMENTS ON APPLICATION RECEIVED 6666. . . . C0RRESPONDENCEC0RRESPONDENCEC0RRESPONDENCEC0RRESPONDENCE 7777.... ADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENT /ss l~-mapleridge.ca TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel 2016-129-DP 11225 240 Street MEETING DATE: July 12, 2016 An Advisory Design Panel (the "ADP") submission has been received for the above cited application and property to permit the construction of a mixed use commercial / residential building with about 955 square metres of commercial floor space and 16 rental apartments .. This site is zoned C-1 Neighbourhood Commercial and accommodates the proposed use. The development permit application made to the City to replace DP/045/09 that was issued by Council for an earlier proposal and is subject to Section 8.5 Commercial Development Permit. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description : 0CP: Zoning: Surrounding Uses North: South : East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use : Zone : Designation: Use: Zone: Designation Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area : Access: Servicing: Ankenman Associates Architects Inc 1005467 BC Ltd. Lot: A, Section 16, Township 12, Plan EPP25279 Commercial C-1 (Neighbourhood Commercial) Vacant Residential RM-1 Townhouse Residential Urban Commercial C-1 Neighbourhood Commercial Commercial Residential RS-3 One Family Rural Residential Low Density Residential) Residential RM-1 Townhouse Residential Urban Mixed use commercial/ rental apartment building 4,783.6 m2 240 Street and Kanaka Way Urban Page 1 of3 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: The development permit application made to the City prompting this referral to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.5 Commercial Development Permit Area . Key Gu idelin es : The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal's compliance with the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines: 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. Design Gu!del ines : The Des ign Guidelines and a full explanation of how the project complies with them or the reaso ns why they are not applicable are attached to this memo. PLANNING COMMENTS: • Officia l Commun ity Pla n: The site is designated Commercial, therefore the proposal complies. The lands to the south across Kanaka Way and across the intersection on the southeast corner of 112 Avenue and 240 Street have the same designation. • Context: The site is located on the northwest corner of Kanaka Way and 240 Street and is zoned C-1 Neighbourhood Commercial. It abuts an emerging townhouse development to the north and to the west. Pedestrian connections to the townhouse project to the north and the west are provided though the parking lot. • Pr opos al : The proposal is to construct a two storey mixed use building with about 955 square metres of commercial space on the first level, 16 rental apartments on the second level and 58 surface parking spaces. The residential parking and visitor spaces are grouped and separated from the commercial parking. • Env i ronmental. Sustainab ility & Sto rmwater Ma nagement: The Stormwater Management Strategy is subject to review and acceptance by the City and may change . • Parki ng: A total of 58 surface parking spaces are provided, including 2 of which are disable parking spaces. For the residential use, 17 spaces plus 3 visitor spaces are provided in the northwest Page 2 of 3 7 part of the site. There are 38 commercial parking spaces, 6 of which are small car spaces. This is generally in compliance. • Garbage/Recycling: . A structure borrowing architectural elements from the main building within a landscaped area for garbage/ recycling collection is provided at the end of the driveway from Kanaka Way. • Proposed Variances: Variances are required to allow for the height of the building (11 metres) and to bring the building closer to 240 street and Kan aka Way (without impacting the easements). CONCLUSION: The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared by: Adrian Kopystynski, MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject map Appendix B Explanatory letter from Architect (and Landscape Architect if applicable) Appendix C ADP Submission Form Appendix C ADP Applicant Checklist (signed by Architect) Appendix D Development Data Sheet (signed by Architect) -to be provided seperately Appendix E DP Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix F Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 3 of 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. r:ae ■ mapleridge.ca Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.5 of the Official Community Plan, commercial developments will be assessed against the form and char:,acter guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines . Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. • This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. 8.5.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses Building has been reduced from 3 storeys per original design to 2 through sound attenuation, appropriate storeys. Building has been sited closer to streets through lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and development variance creating greater separation from adjacent the transition of building massing to fit development. Majority of building lighting will be soffit lighting within with adjacent development. walkway to reduce light spillage . Encourage a pedestrian scale through Parking located within site. Minimal visibility from sidewalk at providing outdoor amenities, minimizing Kanaka Way and 240 Street. Covered arcade on Kanaka Way and the visual impact of parking areas, 240 Street provides continuous weather protection for pedestrians creating landmarks and visual interest accessing building. Curved massing with upper floor canopy at along street fronts. intersection of building wings creates visual landmark. Promote sustainable development with Building design incorporates materials for longevity and multimodal transportation circulation, thermal efficiency. and low impact building design . Respect the need for private areas in Each residential unit designed with large individual deck area for private mixed use development and adjacent outdoor space. Common area for both residents and commercial users residential areas . provided at ground level within site . The form and treatment of new buildings Building features including pitched roof, 2 storey should reflect the desired character and massing, repetition of architectural elements defines pattern of development in the area by individual residential and commercial units within overall incorporating appropriate architectural building mass. Smaller units more reflective of and styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation . sympathetic to scale of neighbourhood. 1 Guideline 8.5.2 A Building Design, Massing and Siting 1. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles , roof forms , facade modulation, architectural features , fenestration patterns, building elements and proportions and building articulation. 2. Exterior finishes should be wood, brick, natural stone or other materials of warm appearance. Substantial areas of concrete should be avoided . Expanses of solid wall or glass are una ccepta ble . 3. New buildings adjacent to existing small scale buildings such as houses should be designed to provide visual interest whilst protecting the privacy and livability of both p ro pert ies . 4 . Sign ificant corners should be given added emphasis with vertical architectural features and roofscape features. At intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets. 5. Development should be sited to have the building frontage on the main street alignment. 6. Projects located on slopes should be developed in a manner which creates a step in perceived height, bulk and scale between developments. 7. Design and construction of buildings should account for maximum sound attenuation between commercial and adjacent residential uses. To ensure that noise generated on the site is addressed in the most appropriate manner, Council may request that a noise attenuation study be prepared. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines , or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is in appl icable. Refer to 8.5.1 (5) previous page . Combi na tion of ma teria ls prop osed includ ing ce men titious cladding , cemen titious panel s wit h alum inum reveal s and brick . Ground floor commercial units will have glazing to maximize vis ibility however glazed walls will be inset fro m exterior building face due to covered walkway. Building has been sited to minimize impact on adj~cent residential development. Building has been redesigned to add visual interest to the neighbourhood. Curved building form with canopy at second floor creates point of visual interest at intersection of building wings/focal point of building from street. Building fron t s onto both streets at intersection. Building designed to have frontage on both streets as well as maximized frontage onto interior parking area , NIA Ground plane slopes, th is is reflected in slab heights at commercial level, however, change in slab height kept to a minimum to maintain accessibility. Site gradient not significant enough to warrant stepped building configuration . Construction to be non-combustible , sound attenuation to be addressed as project proceeds to construction documentation phase. 2 Guideline 8.5.2 A (Continued) 8. Continuous weather protection, such as canopies, structural awnings, or building overhangs, is strongly promoted where at-grade retail uses are included in a development and over common entries to commercial and/or mixed-use developments that front a public sidewalk or open space. Continuous covered walkway provided for at grade retail due to second storey overhang. 9. Developments adjacent to treed slopes, . d N/A . ravines an watercourses must respect natural vegetation, use natural landscaping to retain soils on the site and may require additional setbacks as established by agencies having jurisdiction. Creeks and ravines are encouraged to be retained in .their natural state. 10 • Developments are encouraged to To be reviewed at construction documentation stage redirect water from rooftop runoff and regarding feasibility. downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 11. Buildings should be designed and located Building sited to maximize frontage onto streets. on a site to: a) preserve and incorporate features or views; natural Maximum separation maintained between new project and residential development to north and west. b) ensure proper orientation and relationship to adjoining residential No impact on natural feature/agricultural land. Project site is uses; part of overall larger development. c) minimize impacts on natural features and agricultural lands; Building sited to accommodate predetermined overall d) accommodate natural grades to ensure development grades. minimal grading is required. Guideline 8;5.2 B Refuse, Recycling and Servicing Areas Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. The design of a roof, placement of Mechanical units to be set in screened enclosures mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of incorporated into roof design. the roof from adjacent buildings . 3 Guideline 8.5.2 B (Continued) 2. Service areas should have differentiated access to minimize visual impact as well as conflicts with pedestrians. 3. Refuse receptacles must be located indoors or within service areas out of view from pedestrian access . Garbage and waste material should be stored in containers that are weatherproof and animal-resistant. 4. Mechanical equipment, drive-through uses, service or car wash bays, restrooms, vending machines, unenclosed storage, and public telephones should be oriented on the site to face away from adjacent residential development. Whenever possible, these uses should not be visible from an adjacent residential property. Guideline 8.5.2 C Street Front 1. Particular attention should be made to the image presented to the streetfront. 2. New development should emphasize the street frontages by incorporating differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades. Facades should incorporate vertical and horizontal relief in a well-proportioned rhythm appropriate to the intended scale of development. 3. Buildings with over 15 metres of street frontage should break the horizontal mass of the building with vertical elements in a rhythmic pattern. Service rooms located at ends of blocks. Limited access requirements should reduce conflicts with pedestrians. Separate garbage enclosure provided remote from building and pedestrian circulation. Roof top mechanical equipment to be screen_ed_ by roof dormer. Massing incorporated into overall building design. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Building plan , massing and elevation ~ave ~een designed to create a built form which is pedestrian oriented and to visually enhance both 240 Street and Kanaka Way. New development incorporates a covered walkway design c/w repetitive columns and storefr?nt e~ements at ground level. Colonnade is one storey m height_ to maintain human scale. Repeated storefront and s1gnage elements and upper floor massing all contribute to visual rhythm at elevations. Achieved as noted above . 4. streetfront landscaping will incorporate Landscaping designed to define site boundarie~ and street trees for definition of site access point locations from sidewalk to pedestrian boundaries and enhancement of public walkway at building perimeter. space . 4 Guideline 8.5.2 C (Continued) 5. Vehicle access on a street frontage Achieved (refer to Architectural site plan). should be located to the side of the building away form the pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. Guideline 8.5.2 D Signage and Lighting 1. Signage should be integrated with the design of a building, preferably at ground level only, and its size and design should complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 2. High intensity illumination directed at adjoining properties should be avoided . Commercial signage and high intensity illumination adjacent to residential uses should be minimized in order to protE;ct residential amenity. 3. Lighting and signage should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way. 4. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter should take precedent. 5. In multiple-tenant commercial or mixed- use buildings, signs should be designed to present a unified appearance . Signage space should be provided for upper storey tenancies. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Signage incorporated into building design as repeated architectural element. Located between columns at main elevation some additional signage proposed above glazing at storefronts within covered w~lkway . Two different signage designs proposed for visual interest. Illumination for commercial level of building to be mounted at soffit within walkways. No exposed high intensity illumination to be used on building. Building lighting to be mainly within soffit of ??ve~ed walkway. Residential decks are recessed m1t1gat1ng effect of deck lighting. To be reviewed and addressed at time of individual tenant improvements. Base for all signage to be similar to provide element with visual continuity. 5 Guideline 8.5.2 E Vehicle Access, Parking, and Circulation 1. Buildings and structures should be located to ensure safe traffic circulation and access and adequate on-site parking. Parking should be encouraged in smaller units to avoid a monotonous appearance. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Parking areas defined as separate areas due to pedestrian walkways. 2. Parking and storage areas should be Parking screened from streets by building and from appropriately screened . Low level adjacent development by being located within a landscape screening should be provided recessed area. to parking areas adjacent to public streets. 3. Where possible, parking and servicing No underground parking or parking structure provided . should be located underground or to the rear of buildings to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and pedestrian amenity. In all new buildings the portion of the structure used for parking and servicing should be adequately screened and should be architecturally compatible with the rest of the buildi ng. 4 . Existing lanes should be used for vehicle N/A. access, loading and servicing. Upgrading of lanes in terms of attractive treatment and screening of parking access and loading and service areas is encouraged . s. Vehicle access should be located to the Provided. Access points limited in width to minimize side of the building away from th e impact on street/pedestrians . pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 6. Lanes , and driveways should conform to Access points designed in accordance with existing the existing grades as closely as possible grading. to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation . On steep terrain, access should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades . 6 = Guideline 8.5.2 E {Continued) 7. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. 8. Minimize the amount of asphalt surfaces in parking areas by integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Above ground parking structures should not front public streets at grade. Non- parking uses or special fa<;:ade treatments must be provided along street frontages to enhance the building's appearance to the public realm. On non-street fronting facades, parking structures should be treated to avoid long blank walls at grade, such as massed landscape treatments or attention to design detailing on the fa<;:ade. 10. Parking control equipment, such as ticket dispensers and card readers, should be located at a sufficient distance from a public street to prevent parking queues extending onto the street. Similarly, a minimum distance of one car length, and preferably two car lengths, should be provided between an exit gate and the street edge to accommodate cars waiting to merge into traffic. N/A. Walkway pattern designed to take into account to walkways at adjacent sites and to create visual interest at parking area. NIA. N/A. 11. Rooftop parking structures should include design elements, including N/A. landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street and surrounding uses. 7 Guideline 8.5.2 F Pedestrian and Bicycle Access 1. Development should improve pedestrian amenity through interesting design detail at ground level, easily identifiable entrances, shop fronts with clear untinted glazing, concentration of signage at ground level, attractive landscaping and well defined pedestrian crossings for driveways and roadways. 2. A well defined pedestrian access to the commercial use will be provided from the public sidewalk. Design will ensure that pedestrian use is given precedence over vehicular use. Where possible, at least one pedestrian connection should be provided through the main block of buildings . Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Provided . Covered colonnade provides visual interest ground level. Store frontage eas ily identifiable through large expanse of glazing and individual sign~ge. Pedestrian pathways clearly defined and delineated by landscaping. Multiple (6) pedestrian access po ints from public sidewalks to building are proposed . One breezeway provided through building to allow unimpeded access from street to new pa rking site area . 3. Facilities for cyclists should considered for all developments. be Outdoor bicycle parking provided at southwest corner of building at level access to building perimeter and at breezeway. Guideline 8.5.2 G Landscapin~ and Open Space 1. Landscaping should be supplemented to identify and define public space, to present a pleasing image and to soften the transition from adjacent land uses to the commercial development. 2. Adjacent residential uses should be adequately protected by significant landscaping or the provision of screening or both. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all new development for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space. Simplicity in landscaping materials is desirable and should be encouraged for screening purposes. Deciduous tree species should be considered in landscape plantings to permit light penetration in winter. Mature vegetation should be retained where possible. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Planter border provided at south and east property lines with defined pathways leading to pedestrian walkways at perimeter of building. Defined public seating area created in centre of parking area. Topography dictates need for a retaining wal~ at nort~ a~? west property lines. Depressed par~ing area ~ontr~butes s1gn1f1cantly to screening this area from adJacent res1dent1al development. Existing street trees indicated at east property line : Street trees at south property to be installed per City requirements. 8 = Guideline 8.5.2 G (Continued) 4. Aesthetic values along frontages and on- site ought to be enhanced by significant landscaping on all property lines and around buildings. Street trees should be used to provide the landscaping variety that would soften the character and scale of the area . 5. Landscape planting and screening should be used to create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site for pedestrians, passing drivers and building tenants on the site or adjacent to it. 6. Open space should be usable, attractive and well-integrated with the design of the building. Open space, in many cases, will be achieved with courtyards, recessed balconies, terraced balconies, rooftop gardens, and atria. 7. Landscaping should reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 8. Landscaping should define the purpose and emphasize the desired character and function of public and private space. All private and semi-private open space should be clearly defined as such and should be controllable by those meant to benefit and be responsible for it, thus encouraging use, pride and safety. 9. Distinguish public and semi-public spaces from private spaces. Design symbolic barriers through: a) building and site design; b) changes in paving, vegetation, or grading; or c) architectural features, such as low walls, bollards or raised planters. Significant landscaping provided along east and south prope~ty lines interspersed with pedestrian access point to p~nmeter walkway around building. Landscaping provides soft edge transition from City sidewalk to building faces. Landscaping has purposely been kept low at east and south property lines to maintain line of site to commercial use at ground floor but designed to provide strong border to built form. Interior seating area creates a focal point in parking area at rear of building. Courtyard seating provided at centre of parking area access paths clearly delineated for pedestrians from building and outlying areas including connections to offsite pathways. Continuity of street trees to maintained. Note that proposed project is mixed use development flanked by townhouses . Landscaping designed to complement existing flanking projects. Recessed balconies provide private space at each unit at upper floor. Ground plane is designed as open semi-public space for residents and commercial users. Central courtyard readily accessible visually from units above . Semi-public space courtyard with seating located centrally in parking area. Access through breezeway from public sidewalk creates sense of movement from public to semi-public space. Strong landscaping edge at south and east property lines penetrated by walkways further enhances sense of movement from public to semi-public realm . Sidewalks with parking area defined by change in paving material to strongly designated pedestr ian realm . 9 Guideline 8.5.2 H Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) 1. Developments should be designed to maximize opportunities for natural surveillance allowing people to easily view what is happening around them during the course of eve r yday activit ies . Crime Prevention through Environmental Design principles and techniques are encouraged. 2. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED} principles should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities. 3. Des ign the interior spaces and exits from any underground and above ground parking structures for maximum visibility within the parking area . Entries should be highly visible, well lit and spaced at convenient intervals Hidden spaces, obscured alcoves and blind corners should be avoided in the design and layout of the parking fa ci lities . 4. Walls and ceilings of parking structures, particularly underground structures should !:>e painted white to enhance o~ reflect light. Guideline 8.5.2 I Universally Accessible Design 1. All non-vehicular routes be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/ scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe I conven ient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities . Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Glazing at ground floor provides visual access to covered walkwa~. Similarly covered walkway is largely open. Landscaping around building selected for low h~ight t~ m~intain visibility. Lighting covered walkway will provide illumination in evening. Visibility thr?ugh par~ing maintained with clear sightlines centr.al seat1~g . a.r~a Is provided but with low height planting for vIsIb1llty. Residential units at second floor overlook parking area for additional passive surveillance . Covered walkway to be illuminated by soffit lighting . No park~ng structure. Parking is open. Entry to res~de~t1al_ l~b-~y to be lit along with covered walkway to maintain v1s1b1llty at night. No hidden alcoves at ground level. N/A . Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Curb ~uts provided at pathways transitions from parking to perimeter walkway . Accessible parking located adJacent to building . Ramps where required designed to less to 5% slope. Minimum sidewalk width 1.5 meters. 10 Guideline 8.5.2 I (Continued) 2. Locate parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities as close as possible to the main entrance to a building. ,, } . ,,• '.'i ·, ... • •• t. Accessible parking spot located to combine public walkway with additional width requirement for accessible stalls. Building has multiple entries due to use. 3 • Building entries should be: Signage site to be specified in construction documentation a) clearly address~d with large numbers stage. visible from the ·:street; • • b) di rect ly access~9 from the stre~t Build ing is accessible without use of stairs . • ~ r, r • w it h0ut sta irs ; and ._,, .. ,.~.: -........ ,.1,, • (:, .•• > c) provi ded with wecj,l l'{~rr ,:,P.r.P.tf;!atii:l>h ~ .weather protection and exterior lighting provided. Power exterior lighting, an·d ·p qw~r ~~~-~~ed assisted door locations to be finalized at building permit stage . door openers. Guideline 8.5.2 J Bicycle Storage and Parking 1. Provide short term bicycle parking facilities, such as bicycle racks, at grade close to building entrances . Bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads. Bicycle racks should be made of sturdy, theft- resistant material, securely anchored to the floor or grounds. 2. Provide long term bicycle parking facilities in secure storage areas within buildings. Bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. In mixed -use buildings, bicycle storage facilities for residents are to be separate from those for the commercial uses. 3 . Large-scale developments are encouraged to provide end -of-trip facilities, such as showers and lockers, within the development for the convenience of employees. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Provided (refer to landscape plan). Short term bicycle parking provided at ground level at southwest corner and at breezeway. NIA NIA. 11 Project Information File Number __________ _ Date prepared: Architect Print Name 12 Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. June 29, 2016 City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Attn: Adrian Kopystynski Our File: 1527 Re: Proposed Mixed Use Development@ 11225 240th Street, Maple Ridge Development Permit Key Concepts and Guideline Compliance The proposed development has been designed taking in consideration the development permit area guideline concepts and form and character guidelines. As a 2 storey mixed use building with commercial use at ground level and residential above both the uses and the scale complement the neighbouring context. Attention has been paid to enhancing the pedestrian environment given that this project will be a significant addition to a developing community. The building is articulated in a manner to reduce the scale of the built form and along with materials and colours creates a focal point in the neighbourhood. The building massing is such as to create a covered pedestrian arcade at both street and near elevations of the building. Building materials and colours have been selected to present a warm appearance compatible with the surrounding development. A curved building massing with canopy creates a focal point of the intersection of street frontages. Please refer to the completed development permit area guideline checklist for a detailed description of compliance with key guideline concepts and form and character guidelines. Mark Lesack, Architect AIBC Associate Suite 200, 12321 Beecher Street, Crescent Beach, B.C. V4A 3A7 Telephone 604-536-1600 • Facsimile 604-536-5774 Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. June 28, 2016 Our File: 1527 City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Attn: Adrian Kopystynski Re: Sustainability Practices for Proposed 2 Storey Mixed Use Development @ 11225 240th Street, Maple. Ridge The following features are anticipated as being incorporated into the proposed mixed use development at 11225 Street. • Steel stud construction to reduce waste material in framing. • Use of continuous exterior insulation to minimize thermal bridging and address energy efficiency requirements. • Use of brick, cementitious siding and cladding panels for exterior durability. • Use of roofing with a minimum 25 year warranty. • Use of Low-E coatings, on the applicable surfaces, for energy efficient windows. • Utilize electric base board heat at residential units with the inclusion of heat recovery ventilation. • Utilize Energy Star labeled domestic appliances and high efficiency interior lighting. • Provision of soffit lighting to mitigate effect on night sky. • Utilize low flush toilets and low voe paints. • Incorporate permeable paving into exterior hard landscape surfaces where possible to address storm water management and ground water recharge . Mark Lesack, Architect AIBC Associate Suite 200, 12321 Beecher Street, Crescent Beach, B.C. V4A 3A7 Telephone 604-536-1600 • Facsimile 604-536-5774 Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. June 28, 2016 City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Attn: Adrian Kopystynski Re: 11225 240th Street, Maple Ridge Our File: 1527 The proposed project, located at 11225 240 Street, at the northwest corner of Kanaka Way and 240th Street, is a mixed used development consisting of 1 building with a ground floor split into 2 floor areas by a breezeway, and a second floor with 16 residential market rental units above. The building is approximately 955 m2 in net area for commercial use and 1217 m2 for residential use. The proposed development is bordered on the north and west by a multi family residential townhouse development. A smaller 2 storey mixed use development has been recently completed across the street to the south of the project. The property to the east is currently undeveloped. The project is a key component of neighborhood commercial development in the area accessible by both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The building is situated with frontages onto Kanaka Way and 240 th Street. An easement within the property along Kanaka Way requires the building face to be located 3.3 m back from the property line. A similar set back is maintained along 240th Street. Walkways cross the easement/setback at locations determined by grading to provide multiple access points to the commercial spaces and elevator lobby to the second floor. The building is double fronted providing access to commercial units from both the street and the interior parking area. Access to parking is provided at the northeast and southwest corners of the site. View of the parking from both streets is minimized given the parking is located to the rear of the site. As there is a ±So/a slope across the site from northwest to southeast the floor slabs are stepped. Retaining walls are required in the parking area to maintain a slope under 5% to allow for wheelchair accessibility. Landscaping is designed to mitigate the visual impact of retaining walls required at the north and west property boundaries. An elevator lobby to the second floor residential units is centrally located on the ground floor at the breezeway and is accessible from both the parking area and Kanaka Way. Individual units are designed with decks for provision of exterior amenity space. Substantial glazing is provided at deck areas to allow for visual and solar access. Suite 200, 12321 Beecher Street, Crescent Beach, B.C. V4A 3A7 Telephone 604-536-1600 • Facsimile 604-536-5774 -2- At 2 storeys, the building height is consistent with the neighbourhood. The building has been articulated to maintain a scale that complements the context and enhances the pedestrian experience . The curvilinear upper floor with projecting canopy at the corner of 240th Street and Kanaka Way provides a visual landmark at the intersection. Stairs at this corner leading from the street up to the commercial units have been designed to accentuate the ground plane. Roof top mechanical units will be located to the interior of the site and will be screened by louvers fronting open roof top spaces. Bike storage is proposed at grade for residential units for ease of access. Materials consisting of horizontal cementitious siding and asphalt shingle roofs reflect those of the surrounding area. Brick veneer, a combination of building mounted wood banding for signage and flush mounted sign banding at the commercial storefront, parallel railings and metal louvers provide an enhanced material palette . Due to the recessed walkways at ground level and decks at the upper floor soffit lighting is proposed to illuminate the building. ~/ c:2, Mark Lesack, Architect Al BC Associate 9510\llr.Dislrict of Maple Ridge.Design Rationale.June 8, 2106.doc .l( • JVJIE ,o !016 lss.t/lD rcll!:AOP I .\\.L I N'.'11..!1 lQli 11(.ZQ',ll,\ICJ.OE\'UOP.,1(;,,'fAffllCATIO.,,; Ml PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 11225 240 ST MAPLE RIDGE RENDERING 1527 Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT FOR AL MORTGAGELINE LTD 12321 Beec her St., Cresent Beach, BC V4A 3A7 604.536.1600 AO.O SCA LE : NTS JUNE 20, 2016 l__C_LlJ ~ 'd l to•l I .... ,,, , .. /, l/ !, ' □ 'li I~ ~• ;jjll ,1H. •~ KANAKA WAY 0 0 © .._ I,, I ,, I , .. I J I ,, I ,, I ,, I J mmmm 1 CONTEXT PLAN A0.1 SCAL E, ,m .. ~,·-o· PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT T--i I , . ., 0 @ 1@ -V) 0 '-.::t N -V) 0 '-.::t N FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 112 AVE @) CJ 11225 240 ST MAPLE RI OGE CONTEXT PLAN Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT FOR AL MORTGAGELINE LTD 12321 Beech er St., Cresent Be ac h, BC V4A 3A7 604.536 .1600 1527 A0.1 SCALE: 1/32" = 1'·0" JUNE 20, 2016 i' t- } J~~o.lo1, l is:sucoFORMJP 1 APAll~l .2015 I 11.t.zmu NC&.OEVELOf"ME~TAPrUCATION Ml PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 11225 240 ST MAPLE RIDGE CONTEXT PHOTOS 1527 Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT FOR AL MORTGAGELINE LTD 123 21 Beec her St., Cr ese nt Beach, BC V4A 3A7 604.536 .1 600 A0.2 SCA LE: NTS JUNE 20, :?.0 16 t:3 LLLU LLl-iJ R '17 g( ITIITTI arrm,~--=----=------=·r--i1 b OIIlJ 1lTil) § OIID OIDJ J~.~ ~ am am ' ~v/ :' • 1 ·, MAR. 21 @ 3PM 'A0.3 ! SCALE: 1/64' = 1 '-0' ~ · 3 ·, SEP. 21 @ 3PM t.AQ.3 ,' SCALE: 1/M' 1'.0" I I PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT LJ q ~ i ~ - ~~!~II I 1·, 1\\~ I I I I : 2 JUN. 21 @ 3PM A0T SCALE: 1/64 ' = 1'-0" f::3 U-Ll.J \._J_LLJ, nm rnIOJ ITIITD ):=,.,,Ill__,.~--..~ OIIlJ [IO] OIIDOIDJ amam c-7-.. I i II I I ! I\\ II r I 4 \ DEC. 21 @ 3 PM •·Ao.'.r sCA1.1, 111',J·;;; ,•.er • ! JUNE:!9.1016 ISS\J(DfOR:ADP I ,,ca ::I. "Cl~ fl{.l()NIN(: Ii. 0(\/l!IOPMEHT APPI.ICAllO"' Ml 11225 240 ST MAPLE RIDGE SHADOW STUDY 1527 Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT FOR AL MORTGAGELINE LTD 12321 Beecher St., Cresent Beach, BC V4A 3A7 604.536.1600 SCALE: 1/64" =1 '-0' [ [ ~ A0.3 JUNE 20, ::w16 PL PL I I I I ~, ~. ii I ~. I I I @ STREETSCAPE 240TH PL I PL I I I @ STREETSCAPE KANAKA WAY 1 J 1uN£20.2016 tsSUrnroRAOP t APIIIL 21, 2016 RE•ZO..'•IINC & DlVHOPMENT APPi.CATiON' ML PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 11225 240 ST MAPLE RIDGE STRE ETSCAPES 1527 Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT FOR AL MORTGAGELINE LTD 12321 Beecher St., Cresent Beach, BC V4A 3A 7 604.536.1600 A0.4 SCALE : N . T . S JUN E 2 0, 201 6 ACClSSUrTo [X'fiTINGPATH\'IIAY -;:m----- SITE PLAN SCALE : 1/16" -1'-0" IU.. ICS. 11 t> ., .... ..... ,, U, ... 955.04 SM CONCRflE UNIT PAvtRS AT R(SIIXNI ANDVISOOR PARKING ClYl'ICALI i. ~~ l !:~ CONCRIT( U!'IT MV[ts ~O . .. ... DttlNU H W/\LKWA'ISITYPICAll p " lO H " .. " H 10,280SF ••••• I ~•~-'I 32 ST ALLS REQ'D PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT LAMrSTANO,\RD fTW10.l RIHRlOLANDSCAl'fOWCS f O R5P(ClrlCMIOl'E.) ~ O[coWNi:w,\lKW~, 1 lfUf[R TO 1.ANOSCAPl O'NCSJ (XISTING HYDRO t:OSK ~ 1.1,,j er:: 1- rJl ...i::: .... 0 ~ N SYNOPSIS ZONING C-1 CIVIC ADDRESS 11225 240TH STREIT, MAPLE RID GE LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT A, SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 12, NEW WESTMINSTER DI STRI CT PLAN EPP252 79 SITE AREA SITE AREA SITE COVERAGE SITE CO VERAGE CROSS FLOOR AREA MAIN FLOOR UPPER FLOOR NET FLOOR AREA 4783 .62 m2 (51490.49 SF) 1661 .29 m2/4783.62m 2 = 0.347 1093.65m2 (1 1,772 SF) 1397.26m' (15 ,040 SF) BUILDING FLOOR AREA (EXCLUDIN G ELECTRICAL,STORAG E/S ERVI CE RO OMS, AMENITY AREA, DECKS,S TAIRS ,ELEVATOR, AND LOBBY) MAIN FLOOR -COMMERCIAL USE UPPER FLOOR -SUITES AREA ON LY 955.04m ' (10,28 0 Sf) 12 27.80m' (13 ,216 Sf ) MAX, BUILD! G HEIGHT PROPOSED PRINCIPAL BUILDING 11.0m MAX (36 .081 PARKING REQUIREMENTS REQUIRED PROPOSED 1 STALL PER 30m 2 (955.04/30 x 1) 1 STALL PER RESIDENTIAL SUITE VISITOR (.2 x 16) SETBACKS NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST PROPOSED 32 16 4 11.12m (36.48 FT) PL TO BLDG FACE 37 16 4 3.3m (10.83 FT) PL TO FAC E OF EXTERIOR COLUMN 3.0m (9.84 FT) PL TO EDGE O F ROOF 5.73m (18 .80 FT ) PL TO FACE OF INTERIOR COLUMN 2.97m (9.74 FT) PL TO FACE OF EXTERIOR COLUMN 2.58 m (8.46 FT) PL TO EDGE O F RO OF 4.86m (15 .94 FT) PL TO FAC E OF INTERI OR COLUMN 9.71 m (31.85 FT) PL TO ROOF FACE 45 CO RNER CUT 7.64m (2 5.06 FT) PL AT CORNER CU T TO BLDG FACE GROUND FLOOR 5.36m (17 .58 FT ) PL AT CORNER CUT TO BLDG SECOND FLOOR 3.86m (12.66 FT) PL AT CORNER CUT OUTSIDE FACE OF LOUVERS 2 JUr-.l20.201 6 ISSUrD fOft AOI' l APRll21,201 6 ll(-ZONI/\C .I. D lvtlOl'MINf APPUC,\T'ON ~ 11225 240 ST MAPLE RIDGE SITE PLAN 1527 A 1 .1 An ken man Associates Architects Inc. 12321 Beecher St., Cresent Beach , BC V4A 3A7 604.536.1600 MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT FOR AL MORTGAGELINE LTD SCALE : As i ndicat ed JU NE 20, 201 6 5 Jl"-111' >NI mr .... ..., .... I I I I I I I I I ----------, -----,-----,------,-----.-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~1---tl 1 I I I I I ---------7 -----,----T ----i-----r ---,,1-11+-+-H-~=-==-t,-===-11--- , I I I I I ~ I I I I I I ~II-=-- , I I I I I ----------~ -----1-----t ----1-----~ ---~ J I I J I I I I I I I E] I I I I I ~ I f I I I ----------i -----1-----r-----1-----I----~t-=-":=i=-ll=ffi=ffi=~~~~~G=j~-~~J!tj=Ji~::,~=--=-:~&---- 1 I I I I t I I I I I H t-0-tt I I I I I I _ _EJL =--<-~ -----i----+----i-----~ ---+lf-M-E=EE ~=~B=.,.,_ ~ ~ i i ! i i ' _J ____ J__ l __ j ____ _ ------ -----T-.Q. QF-SLA~B ~~I =:d=.:s=tl ~~~~I 6=l!==+a=~=Jfl ~=~=fll==iiu ==TJl:PI ~~~~~~ -..J'VJa<~ 1 (CRU106-1 09) I 1--~ I ~ ~ ~~"f~'~ .J-JUNE:20,2016 ISSUEDrOrt ADP Ml 1 N'RIL 21, 201 6 Rf-ZONI NG & DEVClO PMt:NT APPi.CATiON ML ~ PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 11225 240 ST MAPLE RIDGE FLOOR PLAN 1527 Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT FOR AL MORTGAGELINE LTD 12321 Beecher St., Cresent Beach , BC V4A 3A7 604 .536_1600 SCALE : 3/3 2' = 1 '-0 ' A2.1 JUNE 20, 20 16 3 .,,, I I I I I I I I I I ---------I -----,-----,-----1-----,---- I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I ~~I I I I I I I ---------7 -----,----T ----i-----r ---, ~ttl~~~ I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I ~,~I I I I I I I ---------~ -----1----+ ----1-----~ ----t- , I I I I I I I I I I 10<101--J-.!~I HOORABOVE I I I I I 11-1~=---1 I I I I I _ ----1 -----1-----t-----1-----I----~~=i=➔l:lrS: ....__=l=l,_,_l=I= -fll~~~~~~~a2-~~lR-:ij=-,t_JL=Jl~I=--==-::-=~=-=-=-=~ I I I I I I I I I I I 1~1----1-1 I I I I I I -~ =-/-~ -----i----+----1-----~ ----+ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _ _j ____ J__ l __ i_ ___ _ u FLOOR PLAN Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT FOR AL MORTGAGELINE LTD 12321 Beecher St., Cresent Beach, BC V4A 3A7 604.536.1600 1 JUNE20,2Cn6 tssUCOfOltADP Ml I N'Rllll, 201 6 11.E-ZONING & OEV[lOPME"'" APl'LICATION ML ~ 1527 A2.1 SCALE: 3/32" = 1 '-0" JUNE20, 2016 .... .... .... I I I I -----_l ---_l ____ J_ ___ _J --__ _I_ --- , I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 -----,----i----i ____ i _____ i __ _ 1 I I l I I I I I l I I I I ------t-----1----+-----t-----1---- I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I ------!----~-----! ----!-----!-'1-:-::::::::l-~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -----7 ----1 ----T---7 I I I I ' ROOfllN[,',IIOVE I I I I I 1 J I I I I -e 1 -----~----+----~-~ -~----~---- ""·' I tl\O" 11-v- ¥~I ·-. -- --~i;_,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\~~t~~~-~~~~-?ffif:Miiiiiii~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~-~=~--~M§aJ LEVEL 2 1 1'.0' ... '"' I ,.,., • l I C..NOPI' I ·~ 7 r T- 11 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 11225 240 ST MAPLE RIDGE MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT FOR AL MORTGAGELINE LTD Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. 12321 Beecher St., Cresent Beach , BC V4A 3A7 604.536.1600 SECOND LEVEL SCALE : 3/32" = 1 '-0" JUNE 20, 20 1 6 ------r I I I I I I I II _________ J _____ ! ____ J_ ____ ! _____ L ___ f!J----1--_~_-___ J l 1---f ~----- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ! 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"_"·""'_"' 0 "_'NC'D-"'HOPM<_•·~"-;2; A2 . 3 Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT FOR AL MORTGAGELINE LTD 12321 Beecher St., Cresent Beach, BC V4A 3A7 604.536~1600 SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" JUNE2D,20 16 PL I ,, ... I I I I I I -----=i~ ~-=+-=--=-4--t ------ ) I I I ~ I I ---f -- ~ I I ,-- 1 I PL EAST ELEVATION SCAL E: 1/8" = 1'-0" ,,,, 2f',ct ,,.,,. ,,..., ,..., @) ,,., . .,,. .,ffl "" ""' .... .... .,.. 11 _____ .._ WEST ELEVATION SCA LE: 1/8" = 1 '-0" -------,z.____ ----IOJ'.J 7)i2• -------------;or,:::j fiSJ·1il t.J EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION SCA LE: 1/8" = 1'-0" SCA LE : 1/6" = 1'-0" SCA LE : 1/8" = 1'-0" SCALE : 1/8" = 1'-0" PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 11225 240 ST MAPLE RIDGE ELEVATIONS Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. 1232 1 Be eche r St., Cresent Be ac h, BC V4A 3A7 604 .5 3 6 .1600 MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT FOR AL MORTGAGELINE LTD PL I PL 2 JUNE 20, 2-016 ISSU EOfOII.AOP I Al'IUL21 , 101(; l!E-ZONING .!. DEVUO PM ENT APPl.0.TION Ml 1527 SCA LE: 1/8" = 1 '-0 " ----w.c-1m· [J,4 .~~<;,~ $ t.0. Of SlAt to,1.1 llJ,Jl --'°'~7~ffll --~·:= .. t.O.Ol k.aa U'-J7/ll"flUO al A3.1 JUNE 20, 2016 PL PL I I I I t I 11 I I I J ~------ _____ _J ____ _ I ~I I I ----~- -------1---1DJ'..'J7J.J~ ---=---=---=--:-..,..::.:r=--=-----------1 --- 1 I I I NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8' = 1'-0" PL CANOPY DETAIL SCALE : 1/4" = 1 '-0'' M.t SOUTH ELEVATION JUN(l0.2016 IS5 U[OFOllADP SCALE : 1/8" = 1'-0' t APRIL 21, 2016 Rf.ZONING & OMl OPM(NT APPlJ:AllON Ml PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 11225 240 ST MAPLE RIDGE ELEVATIONS 1527 Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. 12321 Beecher St., Cresent Beach, BC V4A 3A7 604.536.1600 MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT FOR AL MORTGAGELINE LTD SCALE : As indicated A3.2 JUNE 20, 207 6 PL I I I I -_I_ -----.---- I EAST ELEVATION SCA LE, 1/8" = 1'-0" SCALE, 1/8" = 1'-0' EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE, 1/8 " = 1'·0" SCALE, 1/8" = 7 '-0' SCALE, 1/8" = 1 '-0' SCALE, 1/8' = l'-0" PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 11225 240 ST MAPLE RIDGE An ken man Associates Architects Inc. 12321 Beecher St., Cresent Bea ch, BC V4A 3A7 604.5 36.1600 MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT FOR AL MORTGAGELINE LTD PL I I 0 ,,.., I I I I I _________ I I __ I ____ J ___ =-- -----F-F--=-f-=--r - HORIZONTAtlY INSTAUED aMlNTfTIOUS SIOINC 18' lxPOSEO fACO COLOUR TO .-.V.TCH: HNJAMINMOORE l602 -5D ILU(J[AN C(MlNTnlOUS PIIN(LS P-V.RDI BD.\RD! COLOUR 10 MATCH: -l(t,11,AMIN MOOR{ 2018 -00 LICliTHOUS[ BRICKVEt-1:[R COLOUM[XTURE. TO MATCH:INTCNSTATE BRK:K P{WTERSMOOTH( lllGH PROflLE"'5Hf'ALT 5Hll<;U5 COLOlJRTOMATCH:IKOCY.\BlltOCE HAAVAROStAll BUI LT.UPV.00D FASC~ COLOUR TO MATCH; ll(NJA\IIN MOOR( I-IC 165 BOOTli BAY CRAY VIN"i1. WINOOW/[X)QR FRAMC ('WH IT(\ WITI I 6' WIDE ntl.'., COLOUR TO MATCH: IHN)AMN MOOR( J602-50ILU!.IAN lM(ltM,\llY IKOkf.N lll\.t,11NUMSlO R[fR Ol'll WINDOWfltAM[ C/WDOUBIE CIAZINC -ClAZING . CUAR -f!V.Ml COlOUR: IHNW,11N MOORE 21 2~·10 WkOUGHTIRON MCTAl BIV>Ck(TJHORIZON r Al tOLN[ltS COLOUR 10 .v.ATCH:IENJ,&.MIN MOOR( HC 165 BOOTH BAY CRAY $lATHOaDt'.RSICN,,>,c;[BACKlf'.'G COLOOR:SAN SINENVIROSTAIN ClASSIC AUTI.M,..,COIOlCOA.T HORIZONIAL SK:N &AND nusu MOUNT[O COLOUR TO /<NITCH: IHNIN-1LN MOOR( 212,1 -10 '1,/0RUGHT IRON M\T Ill RAIi.iNG SVSHMCNJ MOO Nfll f'AN[l COlOUR. TO M\TO I: IJ£1','),\MI~ MOOR.( HC 165 HOO TH 8.AY CRAY lOlNfR[OV(NT COIOUR TOM'iTCH: il(NIAMIN MOOR[ HC165000TIIBAYGRAV JUNE20,20l6 ISSU£Df0RADP ML 1 llfRll 21, 201 6 RI-ZONING & DEVHOPM[Nl APPllCAllON Ml COLOURED ELEVATIONS 1527 A3.3 SCA LE: 1/8" = 1'-0" JUNE 20, 20 16 PL -,- 1 PL I I I I __j 11 SCALE, 1/6' = 1'-0' .,., .,..,. 0 ·1 SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE, 1/8" = 1'-0" """ .... .,.,. .,,. .... , MA.JERIAL LECfND: HORIZONIAUYINSl,UUOCCMENHTIOU5SIDINC l&'fXl'OSEOFACfl COLOUR TO MAlCH: BrNIAMIN MOOIC[ 2601-SOBlllt:J(AN C[M(NJIIIOUS PANHS 11-V,ROI BOARD) COLOUR TO MATCH: -ICN?AMINM00k£ 2018, 60 llClffl lOUSC BRICKV(NEER COLOUIVl[XTUR{TOMO.lCU:INTENSlATE BRICK f>[WTER$MOOTHC HIGH PROrlLE ASHPALT SHINGUS COLOUR TO MATCH:IKOC.V-lBRIDG[ HAAVARDSLUf BUILT-UPWOODfASCIA. COlOUR TO MATCH: 8£NJM1JN MOOR( IIC !6Sft0DTHBAVCRAY 6. Vll'M WU>IOOW/OOOR FRAME. (WMIT[) WITH fi' WIDE TRIM COlOUIC TO MATCH: B[NJA,MIN MOOR£ 2002-SO ILUEJIAN PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 11225 240 ST MAPLE RIDGE Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. 12321 Beecher St., Cresent Beac h, BC V4A 3A7 604.536 .1600 MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT FOR AL MORTGAGELINE LTD " TH(tv,,'i.AllV 8R01<£N ALUMINUM 5l'OR( rRoNT WINOOW IIL'Mt(.JIN00U81.£GLA2tt-M; -Cu\ZING • CLEAR ,r~E COlOUR: B(N)All'IIN MOOU 212~•10 WROUGWIR.ON METAL BRACKEl/llORIZONlAl LOlN(RS COLOUR TO MATCH B(N W,1IN MOO RC t-K: 16S BOOlll B"'YClt,W SV.THD CEDAl SICNi\Gl B..-.Ct<ING COlOUR~NrN 1mOSIAJN ClASSIC ,\UTUMN COlDJ COAT HORIZONTAL SIGN BAt-0 fLUSI I MOUNfED COLOUR TO MATCH: B(Nl,IM'N MOOR( 2l2~-10WORUGHT IRON M,\TAl RAIi.iNG S'l'Sl(M C/W MOO t,lftl P,._'-l(l COLOUR TO WTCH: BfNl,IMIN MOOR( llC 165 eooTH8AY CRAY lOlNIA[OVENT COLOUR TO MAT Cf I: BENw,.41N MOORE l!C 165 BOOTH BAY CRAY PL I I I _I__ I 1---- I -- Rff,IJNINCWAll PL I I II I I I I I ~-+-l I It;; I f-__ _ ~~ __ _J _ I ----,W.J Tilr [l\~:!tm~ ~ I I I IU/'C 20, :im 6 ISSUED fOA ADP Ml 1 APRIL 21, 20 16 RE-ZONING & D(VUOPMENT APPLICATION Ml COLOURED ELEVATIONS 1527 A3.4 SCALE: 1 /8" = 1 '-0 " JUNE 20, 20 16 8:----------"". I .,___ _____ 0 0 HORIZONTALLY INSTALLED CEMENTITOUS SIDING ( 8" EXPOSED FACE) COLOUR TO MATCH: BENJAMIN MOORE 2602 -50 BLUE JEAN ~ CEMENTITIOUS PANELS (HARDI BOARD) \..::_) COLOUR TO MATCH: BENJAMIN MOORE 2018 -60 LIGHTHOUSE 0 BRICK VENEER COLOUR/TEXTURE TO MATCH : INTENSTATE BRICK PEWTER SMOOTHE 0 HIGH PROFILE ASPHALT SHINGLES COLOUR TO MATCH: IKO CAMBRIDGE HARVARD SLATE /c\ BUILT -UP WOOD FASCIA \..::_) COLOUR TO MATCH: BENJAMIN MOORE HC 165 BOOTH BAY GRAY f2'. VINYL WINDOW/DOOR FRAME (WHITE) V WITH 6" WIDE TRIM COLOUR TO MATCH: BENJAMIN MOORE 2602 -50 BLUE JEAN 0 THERMALLY BROKEN ALUMINUM STORE FRONT WINDOW FRAME C/W DOUBLE GLAZING -GLAZING -CLEAR -FRAME COLOUR: BENJAMIN MOORE 2124 -10 WROUGHT IRON (a\ METAL BRACKET/H ORIZO NTAL LOUVERS ~ COLOUR TO MATCH : BENJAMIN MOORE HC 165 BOOTH BAY GRAY r;:-., SLATTED CEDAR SIGNAGE ~ BACKING COLOUR: SANSINEN VIRO STAIN CLASSIC AUTUMN GOLD 3 COAT r;;0~ HORIZONTAL SIGN BAND FLUSH MOUNTED \:.:;) COLOU R TO MATCH: BENJAMIN MOORE 2124 10 WROUGHT IRON Q METAL RAILING SYSTEM C/W MOO INFILL PANEL ~ COLOUR TO MATCH : BENJAMIN MOORE HC 165 BOOTH BAY GRAY ,--:'\ LOUVERED VENT ~) COLOUR TO MATCH : BENJAMIN MOORE • HC 165 1300TH GRAY PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 11225 240 ST MAPLE RI OGE Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. COLOUR BOARD 1527 A3 . 5 12321 Beecher St., Cresent Beach , BC V4A 3A7 604.536.1600 MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT FOR AL MORTGAGELI NE LTD SCALE : N/5 JUNE .20, 20 1 G PL I © ...... ,,,, .,.._ , .... .,,.,, .... .-,,,, O,lm .... II SE CTION 1 SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0' PL 0 ..... .... I I __ L_ _____ _ I I --t------ 1 --1------- SECTION 2 SCALE : 3/32" = 1'-0' '"" -67• ..,,. CRUl~ .............. ,,..,._,l!t-'P",,"iH--t CRU 105 "'' ,,,, ., . .... CRU112 ____ T ___ _ I PL I I I I --------~ur.»n~~ I I . 1 ~nr'µu • I ~/J"'r l 10.0fl&M -----90'-6 )/JJ' • ------------, I .... ..,1 11 I I ____ JL I_J _ I I . -~--4-F-::;;J-,-.., 7/fr (:l ◄.;?~f ~ ·~ CRU 106 II PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 11225 240 ST MAPLE RIDGE Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. 1 232 1 Beec her St., Cr ese nt Beach , BC V4A 3A7 60 4 .5 36.1600 MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT FOR AL MORTGAGELINE LTD PL ----,- I I ll'.J1/ CROSS SECTION M.I SCA LE: 3/32 ' = 1'-0' CROSS SECTION SCA LE: 3/32' = 1'-0' 2 JU/\£20,2016 rs.surn rORAOP Ml 1 N'RIL21,201C. Rf.ZONINC & l)(VUOPM(NT ,\PPlk:ATION ML SECTIONS 1527 A4.1 SCA LE : 3/32" = 1 '-0" JUNE 20, 20 16 /IGCE55ll"TO --PA~Y .. .. .. ..., GOMGA:Tl!IIUT'PA~AT """"""" N<JVl:5n'ORPNIQ4&l't'YPIGMJ ~,taJN>AVf STNON<D, 11 ....,._ PA~DN<I: ------f!l _ 61'EfGCl.a,,5EEL4FOROErA/l5 _________ _ ., GOMM 955.04 SM 10,280 SF 32 STALLS REQ'D 40% .. ,. "' I Ii:.--= I f- s: W -I-' w Cl Ci ,;;j"' f- r-J \.f) PLANT SCHEDULE 11&2.,oa~ QTO 90TAIMIALN.ua COtalOlf ._... _, ~: I"¥& 5'r'LIJo\11t.A 'DNtl'Gldl' _ _,, 604GAl.(Bt8 AUUS~TA'~' --tQt~l.5Hsn;)i~el ....,,._ .,-GITY 0 '2 IRUl1J:51.teDoGGffYiGTA c.c."Nl¥Q"~m,f 15flCT1.eoot M ,. ~ ~ 'NICA.HMIE' ~l.N115E~HITE .,,.,,., • ,., ----12~25GH <>' ., ctAIIS S!:RIGE,\ 'F\.AV'RN1!1'' --~flCT1!oGH H 12 -·--"""' "' , --~MGU.Y1f"RAl!IRANTlfflr. llPOT1900f p .. ,e:tlSJN'lrMCA1"0115',v,,,e" ""'"' '5f'Of,,oa( B , __ ...., ----'2P"OT1,ocJ,i .. .. ~"fl«.M!Sl'KIOW ~ '2POT1.5':Xl'i AO .. ~RIIS05A'91c.PN.1!te<r ""-PA\/l!ten'~A05qSAL.tO+-f'llk t2f'IO'r14GI04 VIE • ~ a.811\Tt!>NtWGII -"'"""' IIPOT1~~1RD "" . ,,. ~N'HTl.O!,W~'V~JN:le -11t..ar,20rJ,4 "' ,, ....,....,_,. --IIPOT1ZJGtf a, ..,. __ , --IIIP'IOTr25a4 ., ,. BtlGA • 'DNI. NaE'I" le.'<111 .,.,,. • u __ ,.,..,. --""" V "' \/J,U'.NMCJtldlWQ..»f~ --IIIA:'1r,25GH ~ • PUHi' !m!S It 1H5 IJ5f #le !'fU.-.D M:GOIDIM510 ne ~~S-f.NiCWIWl.l.Al25f"ll)ffl0N. <aa'J,NR,.e,,,...., NS RR (JffA~ MftlftJrritff'im.Nt:I~~ Nr.'M'MNHH ~MU.~ 'f89I. l0ftt.N.A'IWMM.Cla"MDC4CJMIR ~HOO'l\-l:M.f\NlfNMIIIW.~ •9!AIIIOINO~f'W:lfll.Nfftw81:iALNW>&HU.R:llt~lll!\et'llf ~Hllaf'TliG;.T"Af~O''!IP\I\.T. ,,_,,,,,CPRH1Dtl0k1.ta!'l.o«R~Hl)M-.BY~. •sammae, atfANHGfflM H'f'Pt/"IN.. PWIH~~~lO~Mf~ 10 ltC1fta'mtWIRH..~~>C.l.-llle llll!&1ID. HU>fAteelNOl'~"""'"""°''°~l'OIJUaertlO!laW1U'I. Sl85fmmOON/eSll,.&T,09',~ ~MW(),. QJ'N'l'IOllO' COQT'O&QA ~M.HJUrr. AU PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY. PROVIDECERTlflCATION UPOPC REQUEST. ...,,. • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553 .0 044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com , ....,.,. RY. A!R IEH 5ITE fUH • ....... REY .1"1!1111: GfrY ~ ~ R!:Y..A:R8"Sl11!A..AH NO . DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL: PROJECT: COMMERCIAL DEV . 11225 240TH ST. MAPLE RIDGE ,BC DRAWING TITLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN DATE: HARafi&,2'ti6 DftAwtNGNUMBER: SCALE: 1116._I' DRA.WN:G,'t. L1 DESIGN: ta. CHK'D; ~ a. QI. QI. DR , OFS ._ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -,., __ __. M2lAPROJECTNUMBER : 80MM AQUAPAVE STANDARD; HERRINGBONE PATTERN; DARK GREY C,OLOR; SEE L4 FOR DETAILS 51 STALLS AND VISITOR F'ARKIN6 (TYF'IGAW IR:~W.::lia~".MNll"mm~~i-a,~~-a:;~w,[R_ffiif?.::Yc~~Elll--GURB LETDOWN (TYPICAL) LAMP 5TANDARD (TYPICAL REFER TO LAND5GAPE DW65 FOR 5PECIFIGATION5) HOOD ARBOUR; SEE L4 FOR 0 FLAG STONE "'2~3====:=!;jl MAGL/N BENCH; !~!~~~~p1-----L..-......I 45 44 43 42 SM 5M 5M MLB400 24 25 80MM AQUAPAVE STANDARD; HERRINGBONE PATTERN; DARK GREY COLOR; SEE 124, FOR DETAILS \(_56 ~ PRUNJS SERRULATA 'AMANOGAY'IA.30 I ...;.=====:!!I 80MM AQUAPAVE STANDARD; 3 1 &RAVEL ON FIL1ER FABRIC HERRINGBONE PATTERN; DARK GREY COLOR; SEE L4 FOR DETAILS ~g_j./4.'.'.---------F;..;9-;<:11--------------------------- .06m 32 I I +--- 1 I _.:: .. ~·-: --~·:···· ,< • ......... ,. .... ,. ~_.,. ~::· ....,1.:.• ...... . ::-.'-~•l ~ttf:'M"N. Thil ............ d"'C,.15 th e propu1vof Mlu.llSC...,41 Afdvl.,c,u •!'Id 111.W not be ,t:,,,__ed ot~IM01h«pt'Cljla.t"'"9hol.tth~r pe,mission LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email : office@m2la.com !I ........ FIIN.""tel~PI..AH • ..,,.. f1IY ..RR GIT"(' r..o+t!N7S ,--~ Rel. ~ t&4 5nE Ft..,tN NO, DATI' REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL: PROJECT: COMMERCIAL DEV. 11225 240TH ST . MAPLE RIDGE ,BC DRAWING TITLE: SHRUB PLAN --1 DATE : H',P£,ff 16, 20l6 DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: 1/l)"a/' ORAWN :Gl. L2 OESIGN :GIL a-tK'D: l+f ... <IL ... DR . OF5 ._ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ,...,....,,.~..:::.W M2LAPROJECTNUMBER : tlH1l9 ROOF LINE I LINE OF BLDG ABOVE I (SETBACK) ~ GRAVEL ON FILTER FABRIC E....88'..-9...1/4'.'-------- .06 rn • ''<,:i \__ 80MM AQUAPAVE STANDARD; 31 HERRINGBONE PATTERN; DARK =======!:l I • GREY COLOR; SEE L4 FOR DETAILS ·u --------------------------I +---- 31 GOMM 4.0 % ---.. <055.04 SM 10,280 SF 32 STALLS REQ 'D MALGLIN MBR400 SERIES BIKE RACK 36 3 5 KANAKA HAY 34 33 1 I I I P 88'-1 5/8" ---.==:::.::.:26.86 rn '------11.. DEGORA TIVE lrlALKWAY TREATMENT (REFER TO LANDSC.APE DHGS) EXISTI NG GONGRETE . ·-.. -. ._.. S ID EWALK ::; .~:-~-· :}·<~\:-r.t:=·~-~:·y:·: ~~~ ·; -· ~ MALGL/N MBR400 SERIES BIKE RACK ~---EXISTING HYDRO KIOSK MATCH MATCH 26.<f66m O{O,l'ffi"'t'"M>/Wd, nihdtwtAf.-d "~" "''"'" '"9C'tY-'•~l-Md.l,c-~•Nt1ucjJ(UIIII\Cl n'l.fJ • bt1 ,~o,til),dfof'o!Mf~W:.~1~Mrp,t1nlll.UDft,. lANOSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel : 604 .553.0044 Fa x: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la .com • ..._ REV J!R Qrf Gc:HaJ5 fllN. mt H!H STI! fll.AN NO. DATE REVIS ION DESCRIPTION SEAL: PROJECT: COMMERCIAL DEV . 11225 240TH ST. MAPLE RIDGE ,BC ORAWINGTITI.E: SHRUB PLAN -2 DATE : HARG#l 16, Zlt6 DRAWING NU M BER: SCALE: tm.._l' DRAWN:~ L3 tHK 1D: 1-N a. a. OR . OF5 '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_.....,,,__:.-1 M2LAPROJ ECTNU MB ER: l5-ol9 ~ CROSSWALK L4 l'•l'-0' l MAGLIN MBR400 BIKE RACK f-----12·-e· 1 o o.e . -i f- WAIL .. _ ....., -- 1----9'-8'----l \IIPDll'IHl't -,;- •CR111110at Jilli l AU. WCXl)1B1B1110E'911UE11E41ED1UCIA.aMCWr:B l IIL-108EIGI-QIIIDQlll-, a #fUlM) CQm(P ..-10~ ll&llG 00111!: NftllMD .. OINRCIIUIIIIIICft- • CQUIILOlr-W!MMI-M M-Gu WOOD ARBOUR U W•~ ~;~ u· MAGLIN 400 BENCH 0::~hlmHrld. f'Ns4/H~N«..ip-k tha flfoplll'lf"'Ml'-~N'C:Wttfff,...,.,fflltNt1t. r,p,~NIOl'il~.-d,«.,,iet ,NIIII-Ui ~ U1~it pe1m'11.16ff.. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #22 0 -26 Lorne M ews New Westminster, Bri t ish Columbia V3M 3L7 Te l: 604 .553 .0044 Fax: 604.553 .0045 Email : office@m2la.com , ....,, ~ .RR aTY a::ttemli I ••-~ REv. F&l l&ISlrelL4H NO. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL: PROJECT: COMMERCIAL DEV . 11225 240TH ST . MAPLE RIDGE ,BC DRAWING TIM: LANDSCAPE DETAILS DATE : ~'6,.20f6 OSlA.wt.'IGNUM!EJI:: SCALE ; l/8"=f DRAW N : Gil L4 OES•GN: QL CHK'D: f,♦,f ... ... OR , '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'<><1_4>-'--' M2LAPROJECTNUMBER: Jll-i)l9 PART ONE GENERAL REQUIREMEIITS :~1MR:En5 J mlC~JUTttTBJRII <-ttr••.tlda .. lt."'-"~•c.tnct .... ;,.H._..!Nl_,.......,......-,i1~Arc..,-t~ .l &C.~~.WUtUffllll,~.,,..u,Wi!IJ-'~•irOhd\-°"'IL~l~ ............. ~J.M.-'9141-tlltl(s ftllad....,nlde1 ■ .. 1tt--......,.._......,., .. _.. ... "..._IJ~~•wt1•~ J NASml....UAil.SP((IIATDISlSJNIIAIIIIFr,ULlltSJBITIN,l"fNl.,lllaC...~~rlrrtMC--AuMMn-'HfflJ~ Aamltw,. .. tlll,...,...&..,n!Hlla .~ if~fal.l.Ml1WC~tlllfflll!\WU,IPID'~bnthi,liia~~"MM~ 5 1111'.1'.lil..sYUWSMll8lil&rwift!R'.AlllGIIUEllfflD. um,,o ~=~:.;.":'.,-.:=-=::.=---=-~=:::.w~;::,=..• .. ~-::.,.~-~-~~ ,..._T"'-ll'r.,...._ J 0-..,_.,.tt.rt)btltte:t•ra--htta....._ CatrlctW,.._....hPJl•tntatfntnu•1111..t.-.rfl& U511KTT._. J ,.., ...... ,....'ftniitr-alll:it.-........ ~ .......... ~., .......... ""' .1~111...,tli,116,d....,.~~ ....... \S- ........... c.,,,.,.....,.~~., ........... ~., .. s--.c.r.tr.lPLaalt/ ......... ,~■..-r1 .. ..,...., .......... tan■b,.#,11 ........ --0■-hlllll ............. n.,......,,,.tbl~~,IC1r., !.!=..-~...:.=.~==·,._-1111,,1 ............. , ...... .a,__._.,.._...-,J.pil'Aim ....... , J ......... ,......".._,..,... .. ~ .................... ,,, .... 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PART TWO SCOPE OF WORK llSECff.~WIC .1 ot1111"--...1fr.tn■t-,.;JC■lftwkoplrllilnl'I'-"'' ... · !.:'~.,,.,..., ...... ,-{niill ...... ....,,.~-■--•----·ftlt ............. ....., i,....,._,,,~r,.....,.._ • .,... .1J IW,i,,,.....,1-ir..~ .lllilffll,1•-----,,..... ..... .u,.,.,_.,.......,~.._..,,,.,....._ ~ =-=-~=:..~:::=~·--,.., ... ~ =:~::,-.;}:'!J~...:.-- i! ~=~-=-...._'""" ..... ,o, .... .111 uM1iq,,-s,~,..,.,.__,,Sdll1a J.'lt .... ~ ..... ., .... ...,..,~....,_ UIUTDIM.S J "'"""!Wa■,-..hKl .... Slauffw·~fl ....... _,.,.,-. IW1tftT"'■CIIIIW... "fiPDI-. LwTrwtkN-. lt;ITnfflt T-•l-!lrm Llwln'II &NI(,..._,.., I. 31 ,_,. ,_,. .. ,._ _ ..... ,_,. ,_,. --..,.. ........ ,._ .. _,,..,_ 11h _ ... _ ------... ..., ... ,_ ,_ .. ,_ .. a,,•svc... _,.. .-... ,_,. J-IX , ... - ....,_ "'""'m I I' ,_,. ,_,. 11-10< •-zsx ,_.,. _,,. .... ·-- :J ,---.Alll.,..IIIIV .. ....,.. ................ ~mJ. .. ,., .• _...,llllt.,.,...n..,,.....-, .. ffll. J (-■I halll~lf-.nhra..,W,.-.,d1lflltir1.C.i.a...Staruc. ~-=-~,:'~=-=:-Fr!!~t;r~=--~~tk~lrdhf. .S s..a,.,,.,,.,.w~...i1,-+,...,_..fltbll.C. ...... SI--'- • ~ln!Umi -A1'1--l't........_. ... .__, .... hilfllOIINditf61,-■,.lrwakdW-,fl!'Rfllll -.--.""'1•-'!W on-lllltw. frd..,. ...... -" ... ,,.,.,..,. ;t,~-■111Pin:lklb ll'--.-■1mt-11.,--.~ .. 1-■1.ltlMn. ~aatW,~llr...._.__.,ltll~atll■ftla ■ .I Fil•,... ,_~_...,.._,.,_,__._ .... ,._,11,i,_..111w,i.-Wat1Nlllpdil,:a. W•ISAAM .. ftCICIW CIINIOCDi.SU•.._....-,«t,,.. ...... t,11111~----·J . ,~,._.,,....Sd!■Ma"P'K .... ... .• 1)•1■mu...,...a..t,.,. .............. 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MAPLE RIDGE ,BC ORAWINGTlnE: LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS I I DATE: HARC-1116, 20l6 DRAWIN G NUMBER: SCALE: 112'"-1' ORAWN:Gi.. LS OESIGN:Gl. CHK'D: tH Cl. a. DR. OFS '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-.o<.zt,~~:!J M2lAPJIOJ ECTNUMBER: 1IH1l9 DETENTION CALCULATION Pu:-Pevo•oRment Cctchmsnt Arcp In Pte-devcJo-pmenl totol flte a,oo considered os landscape PeNrOU ■ /v'eo (londsecpc oro.o.a) 0.4783ha 0.4763ha Pct:Pevc•oomant Peok ftows Coldun<ln( NCO (I\) Wt:igliled A~ro.;e r,om Pervious &: Impervious Areas lmpc.-Aoua n,nolf Co<fflole nl (o) 0.47B3ha=4 783sqm 1.0 for O.O ho=O,Oha PeN!oua n.,no1f coellklelit (b) Runoff Coefficient, (C) =(o+b)/A Roin foll tnt~n.ity0 (i) 0.30 for 0 .4783=0.1435ho =0.3 [For 2yr. ReUJ tn Storm of 15min. Duratio n] Oisc~orge-, O;,,,••C-i-A Releose Reale Pcovld ad equol to Pre-Development flow =27 .5mm/15min •(0 .3x27.5x4783}/1000 =39.45cum -(39.45x t000)/(t 5•60) •4J.64l/scc Po st-Osve lgpmeot Catch mant Area lmp.rviou: Areo (&lildlng. Or-Ne.woy) Parviov: Moo (lond KCJM" ~P) Po.st-0.."l'tiopm,nt Pt'l'(:en l lmporvious Po:;t-Pav:,.lo nmeo\ Pflgk Ao.ws Cotchm cnl Aleo (A) 0,4783ha 0.31 lOha 0.1673ho 65.027. 0.4783ha=4783sqm Wc~hted Avcrogo fr'om Porvlous & Impervious Areas lmpclrvious-runoff ,C0tfficiet1t (o) Petv;ous runoH cocrnc ient (b) 1.0 for 0.3110ho=0 . .3110ha 0.30 for O. 1673ha~0.0501 ho W ight1d Runoff Coclr,oi,nl, (C) =(o+b)/A Ro infoH lnten::a ny. (t) =0.76 :;:;:,37.5/lSmin [:~::;, ~~r-.::i~~ It 1Smin. DuroUon) =(0. 76x37.Sx4 783)/1 000= 136.3 1 cum DETENTION REQUIED (Oros-,-0,,,e) Cslontion grovlde:d Clo Brentwood sktentloo tank)_, =(136.31 -3 9.45) 97.20 cum E)(JS1Jf'IG ;.« ,t, t JI C l l l .,,. ------o-L -oL ~8 0- 0 ---ID-- --·-·-aJ-- --------w--- LEGEND PROPOSED », "« ·-I I I .,,.. r • f i ~ 0 ' JUNE 28 ISSUED FOR APPROVAL PROPEATY UNE GROUNO fl.£VAl\ON CONTOUR roGE Of" PAVEMENT CVRB & GUTTER SIDEWALK (ASPHALT) SIOEWAlk (CONCRETE) ROAD SIGN BOARD SANITARY SEWER, l.4ANHOLE & l,C CCl(t-'t:C~ STORM SEWER, MANl-fOLE & f.C CONNECTION CATCH BASIN-TOP & SIDE INLET LA'llrtt 0RA1N SWALE DITCH DIRECTION Of SURFACE ORAlN ACE BLOW Off' WATER VAL~ WA TERMAJN & CONNECTION SER'IIICE HYDRANT STREET LIGHT U/G DUCT DAVIT STREET LIGHT Pot£ UTILITY POST UNDERGROUNO EJ..EClRICAL & MANHOLE UNDERCROUNO TEl.EPHO.'lE &: MANHOI.£ G,t.S MAIN CLEANOUT TREES 1REES TO BE RETAINED SERVICES UNDER GROUND REVISION RM BY :;:;:96.86cum BENCHMARK: ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DAl\JM MONUMENT 84H001 3=25.273M ROP CB2 RIM EL-27.87 IN\/ El.•26.30 -/ ~ ~ r--; .!.\ ,--~7 ·-I 1, MFE=27 .59 .l' 0 .;, ~ t ~-• KANAKA WAY -MAINLAND ENGINEERING CONSUL TAN TS CORPORATION DESIGNEO SUITE 206 8363 128 STREET CHECKED .A.PPROl/£0 SURREY, B. C. V3W 4G1 ntlDBOOK S(;J,L£S lEl: (604) 543 8044 FAX: (604) 543 8104 JOO<- IG RM RM AB HORZ. 1:250 VERT. SUL ~ w a::: tij 0 -.;t- N ADDRESS .fillLE._ N INV EL DEPTH Ir-IV DEPTH 11225 240 ST 24.00/2.15 24.00/2.lS NOTE: 1. WE AS SHOWN ON THE PUN IS BASED ON .ARCHIJKlURAL PLANS 2. FOR LANDSCAPE DETAILS: REFER TO LAM:OSCME PLANS IY M2 LANDSCAPE ARCJUTECTS J. DETAILED DRAJlfAG.E PLAN AND DETAILED SITE SERVICING PLAN TO BE SUBMTIEO AT BUILDING PERMIT STAG£. INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THIS DRA\llNG IS NOT NEct:SS,t,RILY AS CONSTRUCTED. FIELD VERIFlCATION SHOULD BE P£l!FORIIED. INfORIAATIOH SllCM.tl Cltl TIO$ DAAIWIG 111,GAROING EXISTll'G 1/TIUllU IS COMl'tlED FROM DMRSE SO<J<ClS.AND MAY HOJ SE tcU.PLQE OR ACCIJAATE.PRIOR TO C0flSTRIJC'!)ON,"llE C<lllTAACTOR 6lfALI. EXl'OSE AIID C-'l!lELOCATlCNSA~D ELEVA no,;$ Of AU EXISTING lmUTlES.AND.AlMsE'n!EENOIIIWIOFAl«POTENTIAL~ICTS. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT O•'lt JUNE 27 2016 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN ~SH!Xl~, -OF-1--< 11225 240TH ST, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. PROl[CT HO. C-1643 t ,~- mapleridge.ca TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel 2016-222-DP 22709 Lougheed Highway MEETING DATE: July 12, 2016 An Advisory Design Panel (the "ADP") submission has been received for the above cited application and property for exterior alterations and landscaping changes to the existing Valley Fair Mall. A development permit applicatio·n is required because the renovations exceed a value of $25,000.00. This site is zoned C-3 (Town Centre Commercial). The development permit application made to the City is subject to a Town Centre Development Permit. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation : Use: Zone: Designation: Z.E.I. Project Management (Harry Evans) Bucci Investment Corporation Lot: 1, District Lot: 401, Plan: LMP46901 Town Centre Commercial C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Office Building and Bowling Alley C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Town Centre Commercial Various, including Gaming Facility, Office, Retail C-6 (Community Gaming Facility), C-3 (Town Centre Commercial), CD-6-88 (Town Centre Commercial and Service Commercial) Town Centre Commercial Various, including Multi-Family Residential, Vacant, and Service Station RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential), RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential), CS-1 (Service Commercial) Town Centre Commercial, Low-Rise Apartment Single Family Residential and Automotive Repair C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) and CS-1 (Service Commercial) Town Centre Commercial Page 1 of 3 Existing Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Shopping Centre 4.12 ha (10 acres) Lougheed Highway, 227 Street, 228 Street, lane Full urban standard Th e development permit application made to the City prompting this referral to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Se ction 8.11 Town Centre Development Permit. Key Guide li ne s: The Downtown East Precinct Key Development Permit Guidelines are: 1. Provide a Gateway to the Town Centre. 2 . Create a pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use commercial area . 3. Enhance the quality, character and vibrancy of the Town Centre 4. Capitalize on important views. 5. Provide public outdoor space 6. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features. 7. Maintain street interconnectivity As this application is for fagade improvements to an existing building rather than re-development of th e subject property, key guidelines 1 , 4 and 7 are not applicable to the scope of work proposed. The site improvements include provision of an inviting outdoor space that also creates a well defined pedestrian area. Additional landscaping and green features will further enhance this zone on the south side of the building. The fagade updates and accompanying site improvements improve the quality and character of downtown Maple Ridge. The Design Guidelines and a full explanation of how the project complies with them or the reasons why they are not applicable are attached in Appendix F. PLANNING COMMENTS: Offic ial Community Plan: The subject property is designated Town Centre Commercial and is subject to the policies of the Town Centre Area Plan. Context: The Valley Fair Shopping Mall has been located on the subject property since the 1970's and incremental updates and additions have taken place over the years. The most notable change to the shopping mall was the construction of a new Save-On-Foods grocery store in 2000. The improvements subject to this application are to specific areas of the mall on the south, north, and west elevations. Proposa l : The applicant proposes to update the fagade on the main south elevation , with a more limited scope of improvements on the west and north elevations. The extent of work of the south elevation includes: • changing the architectural features on the building entrance signs, Page 2 of3 C: • updating the existing fascia on all three elevations to alter the style, and • enhancing the pedestrian realm with landscaping and street furniture along the main south elevation. Environmenta l. Sustainability & St o rmwat er Man agement: Additional landscaping along the. south elevation will be added through this development permit application. Parki ng: No changes to the existing parking are proposed Garbage/Recycling: The applicant does not intend to make ahy changes to the existing garbage and recycling situation . Wor ks a long ab uttin g roads: No works along abutting roads are anticipated . Off Si te· Up grad es: No off-site upgrades are anticipated. Prel iminary s ervi cin g drawin gs : No servicing drawings have been submitted at this time. Pro po sed Va rian ces to t he zo ne: No variances have been requested. Iss ues requiri ng comments from ADP: Please comment on universal accessibility for outdoor areas, and opportunities for increased tree ca ·nopy. CONCLUSION: The subject application is for fagade updates to the Valley Fair Mall on the south, west, and north elevations. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on this development proposal. • ~ Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendi x A Subject map 7 sets submitted by the Architect: App endi x B Design Rationale Appendi x C ADP Submission Form Appendi x D ADP Applicant Ch ecklist (signed by Architect ) Appendi x E Dev elopment Data Sheet (signed by Architect) Appendix F DP Area Guidelin es Checklist Appendi x G Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 3 of 3 0 i ;:: ~ g: IJ'.NE 11980 11971 1970 """' I.ANe 11940/48 11947 11937 11920/36 .. ~ 11931 ;:,., ~i ~ ~g ggf 119AVE. 0 i 11909 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ g: g: 11890 118B9 UINE ,_, E "' ~ 11876 .:::i SELKIRK AVE. 11869 ., :i · i:i ; .. ij iS ~ ! 11857 11858 11844 SELKIRK AVE. s 118AAVE. ~ i ; .. r: ti: N ~ g: N Scale: 1 :3,000 N ~ 0 ~ g: g: "' ~ g: 119AVE. LANE 0 ~ .. ~ ~ i ~ g: 11969 I-' "' I= w z 11~5' a: ::, 11963 <D 11953 196/l ug-40 1f92D H935 U9J7 l!!lOD '190.J 11900 jflJ90 ,_, '"' ~ HaaT ,ts&D 1J83D UHEI 0851 11856 lfG-(!a' 118', I-' "' 118?1 ~ Ua:115 z a: ::, <D 11824 um, 11808 11797 11790 ,,,., 11780 11n5 11764 U7(if rt,.,, 11750 1f1;!& ~#'. U7f6' ,0: ~ .. U6!il5 11690 22709 LOUGHEED HWY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1~1,r.11■ FILE: 2016-222 -DP DATE : Jun 17 , 2016 mapleridge.ca BY:PC Design Rationale: Valley Fair Mall Fascia/Canopy Upgrade Valley Fair Mall was constructed in the 1970s with an addition and expansion, including a new Save-on- -,f oods store, completed in 2000. The owners are planning both an external and internal upgrade to give the mall a more attractive, contemporary look and feel. New colours, tile, lighting, skylights and shop front renovations are planned throughout the interior portion of the mall. The exterior renovations will be limited to the fascia/ canopy modifications and reconstruction of the south-facing (Lougheed side) sidewalk area. Updated facing and soffit materials on the south elevation will create a new and vibrant pedestrian precinct. The area will include outdoor seating, planters and planting, along with both low-and mid-level lighting. The existing EIFS canopy will be removed and replaced with new, low-maintenance materials, including Longboard (produced locally), steel, glass and fibre-cement panels. Colours have been chosen to be in harmony with the existing building materials (dark bronze aluminum frames, glass and brick) which will be retained. Existing signage will be removed and replaced on new fascias which have been articulated in both width and height to reflect the individuality and uniqueness of the tenants ( evidenced in several of the most recent interior storefront renovations and upgrades). The existing 4.59 m (15 foot) sidewalk will be extended by an additional 2.13 m (7 feet) which will encourage areas for retail tenants such as Starbucks, Booster Juice and several of the restaurants to provide outdoor seating for patrons. The additional public seating and landscaped areas will provide further spaces for pedestrians to rest and socialize. The street edge will be defined by a 0. 75 m (2.5 feet) planting strip that will provide year-round greenery as well as increased capability for infiltration, thereby reducing demand on the local stormwater drainage system. In addition to the edge planting and street furniture (including benches, planters and garbage/recycling containers), low-and mid-level lighting will further define this pedestrian area. To enhance public safety and security, visibility to, from and within this area will reinforce key accepted aspects of" eyes on the street." The existing sidewalk will be removed and replaced with new high-strength concrete, with broom finish and saw-cut pattern. Transitions between paved areas and the new sidewalk/patio areas will be constructed to be barrier-free and fully accessible. New sliding glass entry doors will be installed to update the primary entrances and reinforce the project's intent of developing a more contemporary aesthetic. The existing freestanding signs at the two south-facing entries are to be stripped down to expose the structural steel elements. The existing heavy glulam members will be removed and a new steel structure supporting a glazed/glulam entry canopy will be installed just in front of the 0.225 m (9 inches) diameter -~~1steel columns. A metal cap flashing approximately 2 to 3 feet wide will be set on top of the new steel and glulam construction. Longboard will be used as a cladding where applicable and the colour /finish will be in keeping with the balance of fascia and canopy upgrade between the entries. These new entry canopies will enhance the weather protection available at the entries, increase opportunities for seasonal lighting display, and enhance, through both direct and indirect lighting, the night-time visibility of the major entry points. I r · • • I _..., ·~ MAPLE RIDGE ---~----- Bri115h Co umb;tl mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: Name of Applicant ZEI PROJECT MANAGEMENT File number Address of site 22709 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY Current Zone C-3 Proposed Zone _C_-_3 ____ _ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date JULY 12, 2016 Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect DONALD NICOLSON Landscape Architect MEREDITH MITCHELL Other Professional (State Name & Role) _______________ _ Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Oc cupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click he r e. Major Occupancy Types of Build in g or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exce edi ng 9 m or gross area ex ceeding 275 m2 ; -an y bu il di ng of more than one storey w ith gross area ex ceed ing 235 m 2; and -all schools, any si ze Group B (Pa rt 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Horne for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 rn 2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any build ing containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any buildi ng w ith gross ar ea exceedi ng 470 m 2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) In dustrial -any buildi ng wit h gross area exceed i ng 470 m2 ~ .MA _PLE RIDGE : ~ . . . ADP Submission Checklist mapleridge.ca -----------------·----- Application No . _______________ F_ile Manager _____________ _ This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel. Please refer to the :.::2 __ ~ .. ~;-_:,,::_ ~:::-:~~-and the 1<? .:.~_:.:.:~:.·., :? :;-:;::; __ ,_,' for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP. ~ArcMe~ation• 06(4(V f~ Prepared by: , ;~--------- Sign Submission Requirements: 1 Required I (File Manage r to ------r-i_nd_i_ca_te_i_f _r_c_qu_ir_2_d)~------ Submission Materials Provided i A. ADP Submiss ion Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) j O ~ B. Covering Lette r including explanations about: I L Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) { _ _2:_ Design rationale (Detailed information Required) ------+-- 3 . Statement in brief about the following: a. DP Key Concepts Compliance b. DP Guideline Compliance c. 3-tier stormwate1· management strategy d. Public .L\rt / .ti..rnenities, etc. e. Sustainability practices 0 □ I □ I D □ □ .--------------------------------1----------- 0 ' □ ·ii C. Site and Ne ighbo urhood Con text ~--1-. -C-o-,--,t-e_x_t -P-la_n_--Ex_i_s t-i-ng_/_p_r_o_p_o_s_e_d_b_u_i_l d-i r-,g-s_a_n_d-tr_e_e_s_, -----+---------a.;--~ vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed grading, and other O ~ ! major features within the site, on the abutting properties and l f. Other __________________ _ ,__,-=======a=lo=n=g=t=h--~-r_o_a_d_a_ll_o_w_a_n_c_e_s _/_la_n_e_s_. ------------1--__ p _____ • f-7\~l! 2. Photographs of site and surroundings. ~ _ D. Developm e nt Permit Area Ch e cklist (Note: The Architect is responsible to describe how the project O "t8l, complies with each guidelines, or if not applicable, a description of ! , why not applicable. Please use fillable forms on line .) ·-------------------------'----------- ) City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist E. Architectural Plans (Site and Building(s)l: 1. Site Plan and layout 2. Site sections 3. Streetscape elevation 4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees supe r imposed 5. Shadow analysis 6. Lighting analysis (on building and on site) 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and roof tops 8. Waste collection /recycling (inside of buildings) 9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside) 10. Building elevation (all sides) 11. Signage (attached to building and free standing) 12. Colours and materials 13. Material board 14. Building sections 15. 30 renderings of the site and/or building(s) with associated lanasca ping F. Landscaping Plans: 1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting details 2. Landscaping details, including locations for public art, signage, li gh ting, play and other amen ity areas 3. Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures) 4. Details for pedestrian and amenity features being provided 5. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns 6. Tree retention and management plan 7. Site sections to show lot grading, drainage, landscaping and relationshi p to adjacent grades / City boulevards/ lanes 8. Preliminary storm water management plan (Note: This plan must have been accepted by the Environmental Planner) 9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnections G. Green Building/Sustainability initiatives H. Other Rev . October 14, 2015 ~ ~O 1r0i U.::J . _) r J-..) L ~ l 2 (P _age 2) □ □ □ □ 1"o fuL.1.0I..) ---------1 J..>L'( '<. ~ ~ □ □ □ D □ □ ) MAPLE RIDGE . . 9r•h ':>h C:jhfff'h' l L~ mapleridge.ca DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Project Zone _c_-3 _______ Date Prepared JUNE 16, 2016 Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed /:-~./}/i;!:!:_:.y:~.~>1:~::/:.:_i~ft~~i{'.-)?;,~}~\;tf:_.{:;{:1~\)~~f1(?~/jf:.:,;#\: l P,'T1-~RE~,_.(1rais q liar;e,rQ!!:!t~~~).,1.··~---·.•,·t-•• , ) ·-........ -c,-,, .• , •• ,_,_-_;;:,_.~";:•. :. , t• •. ·'-•'-• .. Gross Total Less Road Dedication area Less Undevelopable area Net Total Buildi ngs & Structures Paved & Hard Surfaced Areas Land sca pin g Total Site Cove rage Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W ) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) :}\fi:/\:i'':~i:}::/~;\·:){\\~ 1~/ff :~i~{}?\r.t}\'.\-\/\); Z;-(?~f:::!?ftH/?'.~: J:lUl~~l~,G,.HEl.~l:;IJ\!tr:i;rn~t(eS/-~_o re;y.s}f;:.~ ::_._. ·';.:~.;.,.,,i ·' {;,:, ---~ t: .. c f,"",l.'.1-:_ '. .• • /.;:.-_:,: Principal Accessory : b:;¾~?r~t; t t:;:_ff ;r,:r~r/-:i·.-~,;~<~; .. ~)r~ttt)Ji,ff..:-:-;. .. t;_~i~k)l~Hf-~ f!',ltJ MB6 Ri .ClJ:~ESJl:J,l;l'i,IJl::A):j ~NIT~,,,:, ,; !!/,_=,-. -·· .,•·:,T/. , '·t ';--:-'.•,;~·.,-;.'~;.;-~--, ~·,,~-•./.;'!-J_(:-:..;:.~-. Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three Bedroom + Total Residential Retail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type I nstitutiona I Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA • If the deve loome nt si t e consists of more than one lot lot dimensions perta in to the entire site . Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA EXISTING NIA N/A N/A N/A EXISTING ' Required Development Data # of units/h a (gross ) # of units/ha {net) Gross Floor Area Floor Spa ce Ratio (net) Common Act ivi t y Area Useable Open Space Minimum Required or I Maximum Allowed ;.-J,'.,~·: •• _,-~\::.f';~./~ ('~~'·W;?i>~tff;:),/:.~:t ,. -~=.vt_J;/;:,\ :~~~'.·'_:\~t:/,rtif\ itJ. ,1 PA~~ING_(i:\1.!.f'PP~.r::Q;fi:~~ces hf" .:; krr:,,~~'.{_,._.:r :;-:::_: w·i.: ,;,Jtr;\,. ,;::<'\ ;-:1',::·.f,:". Residential and Multi-Residential Uses Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units ) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Un its) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive Total Number of Pa rking Spa ces for Uses Number of parking spaces for disabled Number of spaces for visitors TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES Number and pe rcentage small cars Number and percentage tandem spaces TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) /:t·?-J/:j rti,·'1~,~'1;~J\;.Jft:t:}~\,<~'.-S/t~~(·f_~~:\tir:!·:ft;··:1•\f/'.!J~~(/tt(;,}1~~;,~ '~l-~JC~~ ~A~l(I_N_(i {.n.tfn:, b_ep ~~,;S~.a~e~L.,: ,. ·'.:.. ·--~ ',_; .. ·,.~--•/. :':'. .. ,: . ·\•· :,•· •,-1 •.J.f· . •la'-·•_,, . Short Term Bicycle Parking I Long Term Bicycle Parking He ritag e Site NO Tree Surv ey/Ass es sm e nt Provided Watercourse/Steep Slopes NO Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING N/A NIA NIA NIA EXISTING NIA N/A N/A NIA N/A EXISTING EXISTING NIA EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING 12 N/A NO YES I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. Prepared by: _Z_E_I _______ _ Print Name NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Subm ission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application . FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MEMBERS Pursuant with Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, development in the Town CC?ntre will be assessed against the Maple Ridge Town Centre Area Development Permit Guidelines. See the guidelines in Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan for the full list and description of development permit guidelines. This checklist is intended to aid in the Advisory Design panel in the review of Town Centre development applications (either in collective discussion during monthly meetings or individually). PART II: SECTION OBJECTIVES A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height a. Promote a cohesive building expression and strong pedestrian oriented urban realm in Maple Ridge Town Centre by ensuring new buildings, renovations and/or additions have consistent architectural and urban design setbacks, form, mass, and height. • Consistent: Yes [B' No D TH£ Pfl.tf PoJ·e:-1> IVEW C/t-NDPY Afvf> Fkt'C /1} Vf'Ci /?..f[() 1£-WI £..l--IEJfM-1,it,C Explain: <"'fl.1-C _A,,t..,~-{) V VI B l<./H..rT PeP ES 7/?.t kN / S7fff2. -F/?O lirr I NrB{ fit(£, /V1of)~T A(<:(/cll'U.77d,\J /;(J rl?RN!S (fF f-1£/M·f"F /hJo OVl3<1-f/tN~S W it.A.-{2€INFOR.LJ5" '71fl~ /1/f:'W Pt:l)t---S,RJA-N I PR.l="Z / Mu'i b. Help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces. • Consistent: Yes ~No D Explain: l#J$11Nt; t/l>lf1N'kt..-k. IS f.>e/lJ'4 IJY:rt:fN'P ff"/J TO cf-c~'JF A-&./tFe Afl.v p e:7J egf'I?-( AA} /Jl?.J eJTE.!) cflf1'/)IJO ~ A-re.!Eil: 1 W rift R.tHlt-1 L. A-t,t.,f;JS Ml D AC'7lll/Tlt3S FVe-7'(.(-eR A~Ntlv, A'YIAJ t, 7He dVTO~ SP~ c. Provide a consistent and complementary scale of building form in accordance with the Development Permit Area Guidelines. • Consistent: Yes cg-/ No D . 1£'X('.J"T(N4 btJW A•N() $/-MVl01v CA-NeJ/JY (Tl"c(cf-l-ldv~ IS /?fl/vt, Explam: /<E)V/(JlJc;{) '77) P f<.tN(/)1:f fV16'"/2.r. Ht;(,4 H'l 1 W}:.~7ffl;7t P19.07e(T/(j 1J kfv!J Ir/<. r, c (.) f_l+71 d'IV 'TD 71-/-£-f'P./ M ,tt(J.. 'i ('?,,{/7,,£,f> INt.. rf(t.4 I) 1£ B. Building Fa~ades, Materials and Colour d. Ensure additions, renovations and/or new infill projects in the Town Centre have a coherent architectural design concept where windows, doors, siding material and other fas:ade elements create a pleasing composition compatible with surrounding buildings, commercial and neighbourhood character. • Consistent: Yes r~r"' No D . 11+€ /£XIS-r!Alf 81?.{Cl<.1 C.lffl-./NC, kNtJ 61~01'JTS M,o /3€I~ Explam: NtAtluTA-JMlV frMO oNftlt-.NUrr.i 11+R..U 'TH·'E. Pr-.Dpmtf!IJ OF A fJfi 'fll~ 6F. Ck·NaPt tfS :oF.FtEI<.1/f!lt; A VA--R.NflY &F-tJVr;"1?.l-f-N.J6.. PR..CJJcC:TltJN"s ANr> U'Tt!..lz.tN~ CaNtel'-'l PfJ/?.ARY Mf'rTt:~itiS t.rr..ro f:67,,{flflt S e . Enhance the architectural and massing concept ofa building as well as the quality, character and vibrancy of the urban environment of the Town Centre through the use of harmonious, quality materials and colours. .· • Consistent: Yes 0 No D . Explain: Maple Ridge Town Ce11tre 1 DP Part II: Section Objectives C/iecklist f. Screen rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment and trash storage from public view and thereby ensure commercial and mixed-use buildings maintain an attractive appearance to the street. • Consistent: Yes D No~ Ex plain: t="XIJ,IN(; (t:FffJ)t715f.J 1 Nl> !N6e.K IS PlM"{J/bP RY!? 0 /$7JJ'.r4 rl/J&H--A"NICA-'L /;~UIP M&TM7 C. Building Site Considerations g. Ensure public outdoor spaces are designed so that they impro ve use and activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, increase safety and provide more attracti ve, functional outdoor spaces in the Town Centre. _/ • Consistent: Yes B No D . M"W p l57)£Srff;.//r,J lt--RGA -t SOVTH· FMIN'4 A-N"D Hl4.~Y rl1s1e,4J" Exp lam: Wt u__ trt,u:J7N kfJO EN CLfl.J'Rtytt E Pt?Jf £..E, ,a Li Al ti ~le A--N P ~&(_( l'r'l,I z..e A,,f,./1) ,ffff:/c.r£P(,Jp,,.f? SC) Pf {)1c., M Al.far C cpr~ 17 IN /1//f fl VF1 h. Provide street trees and landscape elements that reinforce the 'urban' character and vibrancy of the Town Centre, enrich the pedestrian friendly character of th e streets in the district, and integrate this important commercial and higher dens ity residential al'ea with the character and quality of th e surrounding residential neighbourhood ,..- • Cons istent: Yes 62(' No 0 Explain: i. Ensure parking lots are designed to be acce ssible, but do not intrude upon the surrounding residential area, nor the mban, pedestr~-.9riented quality of t he Town Centre. • Consistent: Yes b:f'" No D ' . E 1 · /:;1((ST/Ar4. ?A"/?.!QA.%; l...(J'rtSA·rffl~/rl)(;; A-'NO Vl!sR.Y V !S I R>L!: F/UJ1111 xp am: 136TH THE <i/f~"{l.~t /tND ~f/1Jf.S M' We?.L 111. NIN,_/ e:,..r(R./rArC.fYS j . Ensure service loading and mechanical equipment are designed to protect the surrounding businesses and residential are as from ~ghtly, noisy, and noxious environments. • Con sistent: Yes l!r No D k. Ensure outdoor spaces consider appropriate orientation for solar access and hwnan comfort, in accordance with the Developmen~t Guidelines. • Consistent: Yes Er N o 0 E xplain: $o(Jlft PA-C {M 4 g 'I>lRe-tiN G'/) wrTH A-11/rtU!E"n" OFCA-NtJP'r' Olf0?J-f1-\-NCt ! \ S ,TU:tT fute.N (Tl} f ~ l«NJ) f't,,lz/JT t,~ W l lA- ~-1/'/e~ A-V /IJ R.kNT A-N"D {)E'S / ((.A,fj, (,,15 'pt,P.,(£ re Bf= 1 FURTHER COMMENTS: Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part II: Section Objecdves Checklist 2 Meet Guidelines : Yes No Not Applicable '.W.i..t~ll·~~-r«@[ffi'.f!~·-OO.~f.f~~i'i1flfi~, -~~itlli'~ -~r;:YumJ· 1~·@ • .. .-....;. -, .. ,r. ~ ,._,,~ I . .,,......,. I \o; .-,-;;,-. .,_ ..:·;~~>r~ •• • ,". ",~;!19i~' -~,., •• -.,·-~:-~-1~·.1 ~-~:-'JJ !.-_ 1-:s-i~~~{j1._!'·~~-}. • !I-\ ~.. .: .RJ;f"i •., • -. • ' ·-"'~~'.i~,;;. ' ~Ii,,¥-~- A.l Building Mass and Form _,, Al.1 Maintain the mass and scale of buildings 7CC MUMFi{ V / Al.2 Enhance the block with corner commercial buil dings '!',:;{; MU I, .,, Al.3 Accent comer buildings TCC MU !:t!f.fi l Al.4 Use pedestrian-scale design elements TCCMU !,I Al.5 Feature pedestrian amenities TCCM U MFR v ' Al.6 Desi~ large buildings into smaller modules ·rec MUMF!~ I,," Al.7 Accommodate street-frontin.e: units TCC MUMFH "' Al.9 Ensure annroprlate roof pitch TG (~MU MFR I,, Al.lo Use desi gn elements to reduce roof mass and scale !CC MU Mf::•1 t, A.2 Buildine Beie.hts A2.l Varv buildiM heiehts TCG MU ~lf'fl \.f' A2.2 Maintain aliimment of architectural features lCC MUi\1F>l l;f □ D A2.3 Entegrate taller buildings TCC;MU !VWH □ I,,,. A2.4 Steo back taller buildings TCC MU (,;:m □ □ .,,,,.. A2.5 Match building heights at the end of blocks TCC MUt:lfH ~/ A2.6 Manaee phased development f i}G MU 1~'li~fl □ V I A2.7 Protect views l'CC MUMFP. □ □ I, A.3 Buildin2 Setbacks A3.l Place buildings to reinforce sidewalk activity "i'Ct; MU Mff! "' D A3.2 Situate building entrances for visi bility TGC MUMFF: v □ A3.3 Provide adeauate throughways and ll!!hti ng TCCMU rM.:r~ V A3 .4 Provide clear sight lines from building foyers and lobbies to allow ~ □ D visual surveillance TCCMU l\!lFR I A35 Separate residential entrances from commercial entrances MU I V A3.6 Respect existing buildings TCCMU MFfl ... A3.7 rnstineuish entrances with arrival areas and courtyards TCCMU Mn'l I, A3.8 Locate ramps and entrances in areas that are hi_ghly visible ,·cc MU MPH v Explain how the objectives for Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. ~EE DE5(C,,-J R A-TtONA-l-E ( A-m-t H·ctv FCfR. Af) f>l7l aNA1. I AIF6 RMN77mJ A-I, 2.. rr+e P R-OP<r5Sf'!i) ?R.tJif;.C"T 15 A-Cfr}Vl /li ERCIAL SHO! PINt( l.:.14 r..&- A l,3 il+-G" p-,e..0:11!:'C--T I S !€1e V (c-t?f) /B Y k-&~,-i ~5 (Jr t NT€R.N A-L 1?.,0 AtJWltY5 iHt:T<tAf<-€ NO C/5"R,/VER BUILP!N Ci_S 42. 3 T/4-£R£ A{lC No 7 ') ' ~!.l;7e. 8 fJ tL-D IIJ45 fte.()f()~ ·$) RJ.,e. 711£ srrG A-2,tf ~ ,t'RE No Tlt1AAi/f bVl LPINt. 5 f t O P/Jf,e}) fo i) Tit£ Srtr-i A2., 5 'TH £ t H-~f PI At ti fllkl/ I!. s ff fj A-C K. f/<-0-M IT! S{) RR.OV/JD!NC, 'ST1P.,1:;7.;,s $0 -n-I 1£RE /rf<.tE NO 1fd1_ocks' n MA-7t:.H HEit; ff7s To A·Z,~ t we-Pf!_OJ1:-.C1 IS A-PA-CADE:. l) PC. R.~. {) E-IJ (JT It Nc··tA/ D £Vb1.~ Pt111 tr!T AZ., 7 ,H£ PR.rJTECT tsAfJ 6X,t5 1UJC, "J/fd f PtNCr f 1AfL A-NY £X./STIN ti V/£W5 WILL N(J'T B E MA"TEtc/ku,,.y /t-PFE'! .. Tef) 8Y rHE R.cN o A~·5 'T"Ht:l<E IS JVC; R.~S IPD'«tA(. CC>M PffNc:lff tlJ Tlf/5 !)19167.....6.PM E"lv( Maple Rulge Town Centre 2 Development Pennit Area Guidelines Checklist Med ;;;.;.No Not AnnUcable ~tmii11i1-.'"nr;ri~J)l:~1'g{~1lJ.:••i.ii'lF:l1.._;;;n ri ~•;,;,,.,1 I ... "• .;i,..,__~•t t::·~§, ~ ~""" ' . -~ B.1 Buildine. Faeade Bl.1 Address both sides of the block with comer commercial buildings TCGMU V B1.2 Orient main entrances to face the sidewalk ,CC MU MFR v B1.3 Locate windows, doors, and entry features at the street level ?GC MU MFf.: b."' B1.4 Use a mix of common facade patterns and elements TG.f; MU MFH .v B1.5 Reflect original facades and building scale rGG MU fvW·n I,,,... B1.6 Resoect oriltinal architectural elements T-C::C MU Mfl1 Iv' B1.7 Respect old and new design Ti;C MU MF H ..... Bl.8 Maintain the horiwntal rhvthro of the street wall ':CC MUh!ii'I< t,,; B1.9 Provide a visual division between the street level and upper floors TGC MU r,1FR z,,"'" BLl0 Include continuous canopies, awnings or overhangs TCCMU Iv Bl.11 Ensure aooropriate pJacement and materials for awnings or canopies TCCMU ~ BL13 Use windows to provide 'eves on the street' TCG MU MfH 1,," BL14 Enhance the oublic realm "fCC MUMrl'l 1.,;V BUS Ensure signage reflects building scale, character, and materials 'fCC MU t., / B.3 Boildine. Materials B3.1 Enhance the public realm with hhth quality materials and detailing TCC MU Mff! ,v B3.2 Use materials consistently ,·cc MU MFH t, . B3.3 A void the use of inanoropriate materials 7 CC MU i!1r:1:1 I, B3.6 Use a mix of quality materials TGC MU MFR !,I B.4 Boildini Colours B4.1 Select aonroorfote colours Tr.e MUl\ll f'R I,; B4.2 Highlight architectural details, awnings, and entrances TCC MU MFH ~.,. B4.3 Ensure a cohesive , consistent colour oalette TCC MU MFR L, B.S Screenin2 and Storae.e B5.1 Locate and enclose trash, composting, and recycling to keep □ □ [Er-out of site of general oublic ·rec MU MFf~ B5.2 Screen mechanical equipment YCG MUMFB 1,,...-- / B5.3 A void conflict with neighbouring properties 'fCCMUidl'f-i V B5.4 Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise and exhaust TCC MU MPFt It- Explain how the objectives for Building Fayades, Materials and Colour are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. 3££ OES!CtN RA-7t 6/'J Prt~ E ( A,r1+c HED) RJ/c An>tnt5Nlrt-INF(f/N.JJA-7 UJIJ Bl,5 tH€ PR-ct11.:/CT rs lrlJ uPCtR.AfJ I: TD TH~ fiXlffiNt; FA-S.CtA';4 CkNC'PY·"' c<m vma-N1 (J(c f e:, f Af A-L ~ltDE. fS B E=fN q U 7 tll.VfACT 8 //1 7 1--11,:1:E A-flc' N~ VPP ER Ft..cJOR.S }?;5",I iRltS H' cn111 p () ,,, N ~ \ /(_f;(., '(C.,.l, / N Cr /$ f.fl,~tA-PY EXISTIAltl B5,2 TH1=1te /! NO ,~lffW M i=C/+A-N lCkL f;QO/PM€NT PlMINED (36, 3 iHE &HOPfO,IC. MA-U.. Hlt-5 A-I/ /Ji-LV 131) PLAC£ IN THE Gofr/lMUN11-'Y 'o'3,+ Tl-t£R.E IS NO NEW M e-C(-Nl(t.JtC/{L EQU(V>Mt:ITT PLA-NN-a> M PFrf -r () F 'Tl-IE CA-N(JP '~ I FMC.IA Rl=Pt,,,f1:lli1Ji-t:'f\tr P ~L'T Maple Ridge Town Centre 3 ✓ Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Aoolicable tiW'.,fj_hm -'. --" ' -. . ' . . .. --•• •. ~-, -.. g >.&<>1,,'=1~---,. I ~~IJ111H;H h,,'j ' ~ ~~~"'-· " I f' ,11!"'.fl~:-.d~~ •" ~ •> ~ -;i..~ .,. ~ . ._,.,,.,,• C.1 Public Outdoor Space and Hardscaoes ./ Cl.I Provide pubJic outdoor snace TCC MU MFR IVl ..1 · CI2 Ensure oublic outdoor space is highly visible 'W C MU Mr'FI VT Cl.3 Provide connections between buildings, sidewalks, and outdoor ~ □ □ open spaces 1'(":{;MU M['P. , Cl.4 Ensure universal access for all public spaces "fC-C MU !\:IFft IV ✓ Cl.6 Provide hardscaoe elements to enhance the street environment TCC MU Mr-fl VI Cl.7 Design hardscaoe elements as part of the building YCC MU l:.tiFR t,, Cl.8 Inte.2rate pedestrian amenities with walls and/or landscaped areas TGCMUMf'H "' Cl.9 Provide oublic art YCC MU MF!s I>' Cl.10 Ensure new elements comolement existing 'tCC MU MFB V Cl.12 Provide smooth routes TCC:MU MFA V Cl.13 Ensure barrier-free access TCC MU MH'l V C.2 Parkine and Parkine Lots C2.l Provide reouired parking underground , where feasible TGG MU MrA I, C2.2 Screen large sutface oarking lots while maintaining surveillance TCC MU MFR V C2.3 Maximize oedestrian safety within oar.king lots TCCMU MFR I, C2.4 Provide visible signage ·,cc MU MF.Ii ,,. C2.5 Consider developing underground parking garages TGC MU MFi~ .... C2.7 Locate parking lot eQuioment awav from the oublic street TCC MU MFR l, C.3 Lanes, Service and Loadin2 Areas C3.1 Use lanes for service, oarkin_g access and loading 7CC MU Mt~R t, C3.2 Utilize lanes as secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughways 1'CC MU Mr'Fi ... ..,, - C3.3 Strengthen visual access of the lane TCC MU MFF. V C3.5 Consider lanes as a community amenity TCC MUMFR □ 1,,' C3.7 Locate loading and service areas away from the street front TCC MU Mfl1 I, C3.8 Separate JoadiM from parking and pedestrian paths "iCC MU MFB I !\. C3.9 Screen loading areas TCC!/IU i,, C.4 Street Trees and Landscape C4.2 Use the tight species TCC MU Mf;ti ¥1 C4.8 Maintain sight lines T•~C MU Ml"R ~ Explain how the objectives for Building Site Considerations are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. C,/, C/ M ifl-f:E tiX{ S 17 N q_ f (/'JEW A,U, t, 5 B ti N Ct 13'NLkR.Ct 1:£./) 1o ~vJ MO O Ate {<1:!TA ·t L /r'...:T7Vf'TI ES I lA~f\fD5 Ctt,P IIJ ,;1 l!i-N I) r:7~ 'ftJfA.1/TU R.(I;-/Bll<ES C"l., I 17-t€ Slf<JP PIAU,, f.,J;/H~l--l $. SG"{(,Vf cED B '( SU R'FA-lE PltR..~!N<:; C2 .5 V ND€R..Ci. R.r5l/ND PA-flt< IN Ci /S NOT PltR..T trF 7Hc· FA-$ Cf A I CAf,.JO PY up~R_ftOE f'R..ME.l.7 ct.. 1 THE/<.£; If-RE /IJ 0 PA-R.KIN ti CI-I-A-R4JE.S 1 ~me Rt:: Ft) 1« /\J() IE~U! P!Vl bfl.JT C3 ·3 Tt-f£R.r;~ (5 AtO wOf<{c:.. PIANl\fl;,"'D R){{ A-NY OF 7f:-H5 SER!fl~G/ l-/Jrl✓£$ (JM 1Htf SIT£ c~.s--n+-t XIS ... (lrJ~ S@e.V(C •• lA:1.ffi3S A-f<J; f,J(JT f.>A:R:T or: T(+rf SCOPE Of' vvoe..k'-f) r--r1-te PkS'C.l A I CA-NO PY Vf~ R.A·fJ lf c~ -CJ IEX/S fl 'tf '1 LC>l'rDIIJ4 MffM A·R. :. Ntff fM<,-r t>f ,HV SCOPE -tff€ Wt5~ 6 F 7.7;£ fir~ Cl A/ eltN o PY uPt1R.k/J e- s~ Des< t;,.rJ fc.A:Tt lll\JA:i,•E:. (A-0AcHeD) 'Fo'R AfJD/Tt6NA L -I~ tbR.M A--77 o Al Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist KEY GillDELINE CONCEPfS 1. Provide a gateway to the Town Centre a. Does proposed development maintain architectural quality and character of associated new development? • Consiste nt: Yes D No D N/A (9---- 1 Explain: {ft.ft,r,A{4 5/-fr:J1'P/1Jt:, Ml>rU-1 rkSCfA Jt-f O C/tNtJfY ilP'113AIJS c,.ll,l' 2. Create a pedestrian-oriented, boutique-style shopping district b. Does the building's form and mass support a strong pedestrian-oriented urban re alm and help define the st.reet and sidewalk ar~ active public spaces? Taller buildings should be stepped back podium style. • Consistent: Yes l!1 No D Explain: g(Qt;-WtH-1< lt-f,f {) ?Ef)t:~RI lrN Pf?..fF{fL7 fM,J A-RE R;t;/"t?;-;?e. Offi NEitJ l+M D t;:'M/>f-tr-Ntel> i ff-tlU '7fff; PR.61/ tSttFI\J CTf-~ AND S(JPf LA-NTJSCft<f tN~ i;;-1Af'/vl,cWTS 3. Enhance the quality, character and vibrancy of the Town Centre c. Does p roposed develo~t promote the quality, character, and vibrancy of the urban environment? • Consis tent: Yes ~ No D Explain: 7-FttS (J A-f/1;7LY ~{)$'/ /VlP({;l, A-Alb TH-f; ff?..(JPtfSel:J !+t~ri-vr Pb"'P~'T~/Af.J Put'> u C (J1JT DOCIie SP Af, ON 'Tr+~ .SWlr( trF7H-tr-Bvl Lt> IN~ / S A-tJ [Dt:k1-A -fJf) rrr 01J tr> -n+£ (JR. B,frp.J /:AllVl R/J1J l"t ell/T d. Are colours consistent_agd materials of sustainable quality? • Consistent: Yes 0 No 0 Explain: co/...avr?..5 kR.E IN ka::PtAI4 wm+ 7'b1f:! f,Y,ISTT Af4 ~QP/J/ AM 14 4t,t. AND Mk"T/!R..I ir-w /'rR£. l?-f:;:ri.EO(IV~ OF 71,11; GJ.trA.1-.f 1Y TE-1-e QWNc-""R._ H Lo<i~lNt:,. TO ~$ PA~r?.,cl)F Tifc> M-~tJf'GR.A-1>~ f~L7', e. Does the proposed building (or buildings) present an attractive appearance to the street and maintain a cohesive building styl~ • Consistent: Yes~ No 0 .. /lftA-TcR(At,,~1 CrJU>Vf!_ />riv{) r lNfSffl;S r+ltt.nJ Be/YN CHO-;! ?"ti Explam. Cf) NJ Pu-Ai e""N7 11te ~J~rtM c, NH-I l.-e Aq-mt .!/1;-M E Tlr.Ntf" pR.J5.~1i(TII\J 4 t\-'Plt;W 'FltlE-~ TO '1Ht S f-HJF' Pe/?,.;> /tr-ID 'Te-J itAfT '; f3(JfL()f/Jti /rfffff1ffil Wll-L Dd'ife77t(L. Wtr{l-f ,ffe PR.(J poSF-b t/N1tf?.itJ7e__ 4. Capitalize on important views R..eN6V A-Ti fJN~ S~ I.Fl,.EO ff) /L ~"rf+t~S"1Me:. -m ,;.,fr f. Does proposed new development capitalize on mount~ yid/or river views? • Consistent: Yes D No D Not Applicable l!:f" Explain: 13X/S'71/\/t,, 6/-frfPf>INt.. fVJ P(U. 1 MINIM kL Vtev I/Vt Ntl/(<; g. Have the important views of ex is ti ng buildings been con~ered in relation to the proposed development? • Con sistent: Yes O No O Not Applicable !Er Explain: IS't1 r,71 tJ 4, CtfND t 17 t5N 1 /1/1/ NI Ml¾.-VI (5W IM Pft(J(f Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part I: Key GuideUne C01icepts for the Downtown East Precinct 5 Town Centre Devclop1ncnt Permit Arca Guidelines Green Building Techniques C4.9 Provide adequate landscape.maintenance, • Consistent: Yes~ No 0 Explain: pey eJCtSf rr_J C4.10 Consider incorporating landscape plantings for green features. • Consiste11t: Yes ~ No D Explain: Adoli f1a /11..Ct,l C4.1 I Incorporate low i.mpacf stonnwater features. • Consistent: Yes D No IS_ Explain: C4.12 Consider rainwater collection for re-use. • Consistent: Yes O No ~ Explain: C4.13 Use natural plantings and green space to support habitat. • Consistent: Yes D No~ Explain: C4 .14 Retain existing mature trees. • Consistent: YesTil, No D Explain: Rdo.if\i'j ~ ts+iti tAiS tty ftu/c,tf Maple Ridge Tow11 Ce1ttl'e Gl'ee11 Buildl11g Design Grddeli11es -.w lO ;)I 5. Provide public outdoor space h . Are public spaces designed to accommodate a range of activities, incorporate universal access, reduce va ndalism, and increase ~ty? • Consistent: Yes ~ No D 6, Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features i. Are landscape elements designed to enrich the pedestrian environment moderate the internal building climate , manage sto~~r on site, and reference the architectural quality of the building(s)? • Consistent: Yes [kt" No [J 7. Maintain street interconnectivity j. Does proposed development maintain street interconnectivity and the use of the lane as a service street and secondary vehi cular and pedestrian throughway? ,-,./ • Consistent: Yes D No D Not Applicable lli Explain: /!EX!Sti M4. C@.J Pt 17tfN I a /<LUlA .. 7!tnJ /Jlf"f11A-t'17/t8 LI S/'f!§'f) k. Is required parking provided undeipound? • Consistent: Yes O No l!'.:I Explain: £XIS7l N4 CtJ"Nl>rr, tl1J 1 S tlR.Flt-fE PftR~ if t; Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the Downtown East Precinct 6 A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height Al.8 Al.11 A2.8 Design flexible groun~~r unit spaces in commercial and mixed-use buildings. • Consi stent: Yes (g" No D Explain: /£)(/ £7i Art, C /J1J {> !ii ,,-;'v 1 TeNA-MiS I.Al t U. 8 1£ CAI Cd'l/1?..ktt. ·-'1) Prlv l M/f.-re-tJIJTOt101e Sf,A.·U! ""frtelj Se?r-rlf.rti A-N I) tarbYtS. Accommodate roof g~, trellises , and green features. • Consisten t: Yes ~ No D Explain: '5 0:;LPr-,.lt>S CAf'~ l>Rft-WtlJ4S Ft)fl,. f'UrNrtN 4 Pt-ft/J lt'N D IN R L jR J\f/1 trrJ 17:C fttJ ( 0/ V t::--S Site buildings to ca pi~on daylight and solar opportunities. • Consi stent: Yes ~ No D Explain: e/l£17Nt, (Jtf"Nl)l •rttf'N /Ii /((~ C.ltMN!'E"O'N UJU/{1 Stt>f:f" WIU-- 1'$€ f:3Jltf>-i-WleiJ -m--Jeu L.fW,({)S, Af/lA!t, It-ND Mr/,'\/ C.lt-lJOPI /;f".J. A2.9 Protect solar access to surrounding buildings and minimize wind tunnel effects . • Consi stent: Ye s D No~ N/A Explain: i:;'X/5,IN~ aJNDmt» I 'Flr!C!A/CA;N-gp y ~P{~/W),r B. Building Fa~ades, Materials, and Colour 81.12 82.1 B2.2 B3.4 B3.5 Use exterior shading d~isYS to block summer sun. • Consistent: Yes [l?'" No D Explain-c.A-N tJ PJ i.=r5: I/Il l J,,,L /), ~ I NT!< (F0(Jt,,,Yf) A--, A-V ltl?. l lET't' (;)--P. f) f:;7:tf"/•f 5, • T{--rt:?l ~ !4/tl.J.. ?.,tJ: ()f'froR-TV NITr F07< f..tm+ S. /-J1t0 l:; MD $ VN rOR :P t:.r:>Ef'MR..IM</$, occ,,V f i,,;1Nt. THi;Ne:tl\J 'tft>f3WA-l-(< 4~ Design outdoor Iighti~t9)llinimize light pollution. • Consistent: Yes l.!:::r No D Encourage energy effi ciel)Yli ghting. • Con sistent: Yes [3' No D Explain: U-D 11+-R.JJ crvT Select envirorun entall~_;p onsible building materials . • Consistent: Yes Lld' No D Minimize th e use of u~~inable building materials . • Consi s tent: Yes l..!d' No D Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 7 ~ l~_ I , r:.{~> Town Centre Develo1>111cnt Pcrinit Arca Guidelines Green Building Techniques B3.7 Consider life-cycle cost. • Consistent: Yes 0( No D Explain: L.oA-) ~iJ1e~-->.wc.(! ),,.JO ~u&<A&._tE r\A-1"G< t4-<,_S ~ ... \,If.: &::€u SEc...Gc..,-e!.) ~'t. J>...,)R,,\,a,~• -r-< C. Building Site Considerations Cl.5 Locate outdoor plazas to capture the, sun. • Consistent: Yes IE No D Explain: Sw.ti~j noole.s., lr'liroolli\Ce.<i (A'feO\.S ? iYl (u. H SlAYl . Cl.11 Use materials that are functional, durable and include recycled or salvaged content. • Consistent: Yes 181 No D Cl.14 Encourage use of infiltration techniques. • Consistent: Yes D No 18 Explain: eo n cY'elte CSA ~ Locate adequate priority p~n visible areas convenient to entrances. ~ • Consistent: Yes D No~ Explain: Re~1,v(rvt~S , A-rch ~x,sr1~c::; ?~i<1..JG,. C2.8 Use penneable pavement and inftltration devices on appropriate sites. • Consistent: Yes D No 18 Explain: C2.9 Provide shade trees and landscaping. • Consistent: Yes ® No D C2.10 C2.Il p 0 Vl'cAeol o V\ Provide secure and sheltered bicycle storage facilities for short-term uses. • Consistent: Yes I81 No 0 Explain: /1 Joli-ho~ bi'ILe ParletVj pvop:;seal-. Provide long-tenn bicycle pa~. • Consistent: Yes D No ~ Explain: N O t ttA.n c,,T( 01-wvl Maple Ridge To11111 Ce11tre G1·ee11 Buildl1tg Desig1t Guldeli11es Tow11 Centre DevcloJ)ment ]>crmit Arca Guidelines Green Building Techniques ~ Provide end-of-trip facilities. \_/ • Consistent: Yes D No D Explain: lzet{iv.ifYYl~ A ((,-h • C3.4 Min imize imperviou s paving of the lane. • Cons iste nt Yes ,18 No D Explain: L°'ne. Y'{2.J\A..Ctl & O\d();h'ortcJ. C3.6 Respec t ex isting grades. • Cons ist ent: Yes 181 No D Explain: ;Vlool,·tt_cp._;t;iovt oY e!A1\"'b.v1-j b.iv;(c/ij fy fMfl/j ~ C4.1 Plant street trees. • Consistent: Yes O No ® Explain: Trt~t'll C4.3 Minimize use of high maintenance plants. • Consistent: Yes I& No D Explain: C4.4 Maximize the use of native and climate appropriate species. • Consistent: Yes S No D Explain: C4.S Consider the inclusion of community gardens . • Consistent: Yes D No 8 Explain: /Vo t C4 .6 Desi gn an d place landscape to fa cilitate year round moderation of the internal building climate. • Cons istent: Yes D No 18 Explain: Modi C,_'co.fiori--or ,el(.ist{y h•IA·1 rJl,j ~ flllf}{,':j ' C4.7 Mutimize ero sion poten tial. • Consistent: Y es D No Jg Explain: ;YlooU ~-Ccx.f-t'bvt-oy Maple Ridge Tow,i Ceutre Gl'ee11 B11lldi11g Desig11 Guldeli11es SITE LOCATION PLAN PROJECT DATA PROJECT NAME /ADDRESS: VALLEY FAIR MALL 510-22709 LOUGHEED KIGHWAY MAPLE RIDG E, B.C. V2X 2V5 APPLICABLE CODES: BRITISH COLUMBIA BUI LDING CODE 2012 AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION : CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LT 1; DL4~1; NWD; PL LMP46901 PID: 024-628-009 L TO: BX57019 ZONING: ZON IN G: C-3 • COMMERCIAL TOWN CENTRE AREA 1 AREA: SITE AREA : EX ISTING FLOOR AREA: EXISTING: EXISTING ADDITION: EXISTING TOTAL; EXISTING GFA PERM ITTED: EXISTING PROPOSED: EXISTING LOT COVERAGE SI TE AREA: EXIST ING COVERAGE: EXISTIN G LOT COVERAGE: EXISTING PARKING SPACES: EXISTING LOADING BAYS: EX IST ING PROJECT CONTACTS OWNER: BUCCI DEVELOPMENTS SUITE 202, 1669 WEST 3rd AVE VANCOUVER, BC . V6J 1K1 CONTACT: PETER KUDUMAEc Er,,Atl.: pkffdum>o@Ducd.com PHONE: 6.4.688.7011 DESIGN: ZEI PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1669 WEST 3RD AVENUE. VANCOUVER, BC. VON 1G1 CONTACT: DAVID LUKSHA EMAIi.: OAV10@,Z6-CONSTRUCTIDN.COM PHONE: 604 ,620 .7241 STRUCTURAL: WEILER SM ITH BOWERS ENGINEERING 118-3855 HENN ING DRIVE, VANCOUVER , BC, VON 1G1 CONTACT: DARRYL BOWERS EMAIL: BOWERS@WSB-ENG.COM PHONE: 604.294.3754 LANDSCAPE: M2 LAN DSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 220-26 LORNE MEWS NEW WESTM IN STER, BC, VJM 3L4 CONTACT: MERE L EMAIi.: MERED!T 2LA COM PHONE: 604.553.0044 tu LU Di 1- <S) I: I- r----- C\] C\] Al A2 A2.J A3 A4 A5 AC LI l2 L3 DRAWING LIST n OJ ECT INFORMATION ~STING ELEVATIONS 5-ITE CO.°"TEXT PHOTOS PROPOSED S OUTH RENOY~ CANOPY 5 ECTION5 PROPOSED WfST r:ENOVATf0N5 PROPOSED NORTH R.ENOVAT!ONS <f'l'PWI DETAILS SPEC IFICATION EXISTING SUPERMARKET LANE (J 111111 11111111111 l I I I I I I I I I I I I L d I 11111 ~ 1111111 ~ 1111111 I~' ~ 111111 ~ 1111111 ~ 1111111 l:~t --7 -------------.J EXISTING MALL LINE Of EXI STING SI DEWA LK AREA OF EXTERIOR WORK ---r AREA OF EXTERIOR WORK ---SEE A3/A4 --- ------------------................ .., 1-- lLI LU Di 1-- <S) I: ~ C\] C\] REVISIONS ISSUED FOR. .. D EV ELOPMENT PERMIT & DESIGN PANEL REVIEW 16/06/17 PROJECT TITLE VALLEY FAIR MALL RENOVATION SHEET TITLE SITE PLAN/ PROJECT STATISTICS BY Z.E.I. PROJECT MANAGEMENT DRAWN BY F.H. & H.E . DATE JUNE 16, 2016 SCALE 1I16"~1'-0" S HEET NO . A1 ) EXISTING ALUMINIUM STOREFRONT WINDOWS 1YP. EXISTING EI FS CANOF'Y C/il STUCCO FIN ISH TYP_ 0 EXISTING EIFS CANOF'Y CNI STUCCO FIN ISH 1YP. EXISTING SOUTH EAST ELEVATION 1:150 / EXISTING FRECAST CONCRETE WALLS / 0 0 0 I I n 0 EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION 1:150 EXISTING WEST ELEVATION 1:150 EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION 1:150 n EXISTING EAST ELEVATION 1:150 REVISI ONS ISSUED FOR .. _ DEVELOPMENT PERMIT & DESIGN PANEL REVIEW 16/06117 FROJECT TITLE VALLEY FAIR MALL RENOVATION SHEET TITLE EXISTING ELEVATIONS BY Z.E.1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT DRAWN BY H.E. DATE JUNE 16 , 2016 SCALE AS NOTED SHEET NO. A2 VIEW FROM LOUGHEED HIGHWAY LOOKING SOUTH Rr\llS ION S ISSUED FOR.. DE\la0 PMENT PERMIT & DESIGN PANEi.REViEW 1&0017 PROJECT T~ VALLEY FAIR MALL RENOVATION SHefl"TllU' SITE CONTEXT PHOTOS e,y Z.E.I. PROJ ECT MANAGEMENT DATC SH~J:T NO. JUNE 16, 2016 L---5CALE-A2 -1 1,SNOTED _) CD PROPOSED RENOVATION PLAN AT SOUTH ENTRANCE Fl NISH ED A5 FER WEST ELlEVATION Scale: 1:1!0 0 PROPOSED ELEVATION AT SOUTH ENTRANCE I TO MATCH 50IJTl1 ELEV. ., NEW NI CHIHA "AR.CH , ElLOCK, "TU5CAN CLADD IN G C/W 'LIG HT CHE~ LONGBOAR.0 TRJM TO MATCH SOUTH ELIEV . NEW LON GBOARD FA5C1A 3 300 TYF . NEW SOFFIT HEIGHT EXISTING SOFFIT TO ElE R.EFlACED EXISTING Ml1 ER CURB @ WEST ELIEy'ATION . TIE INTO NEW CtJRe @ l Sl SOU1l1Wf5T co~eR 1 Scal e: 1:1 50 NEW 'LIGHT CHER.R.\-'' LONGBOARD 50FFIT TO MATCH 50UTH ELEV. ------~-== r 0 lYPICAL SECTION @ WEST CANOPY Sca!e:: 1:30 El005TER J U ICE NEW CONCRETE FAVER5 . SEE LANDSCAFE. FOR 5 TREET5CAFE t LI GHTING LAYOUT. SEE lAND5CAFE EXISTING ROOF STRUCTURE VARJES ~ REFAINTYELLOWTO MATCH EXI5TING EXl5T%~~~r~ACE5 RE*RE EX I5TING 5 IGNAGE ® ON NEW CANOPY TYF. NEW STREETSCAFE FU RNITURE SEE lANDSCAFE ~ I I I I I I I I I I @ I ,i;:::::=-.-"' I ~( -. ,-, "7 ~e\i i ,L'. ir=1 l ~ : r~11 , I 1 LINE OF NEW 51 W/ROL REFAIN T LINES TO MATCH EXISTING -!~-frm 'I I 2400 , , 7G20 CLEARANCE FQ~Y'!_H_[q~_Iistffl~-----_____ ,fX!STING FAR.KING BEYOND " \ 750 ,Sff IANOSCAP!; 0 lYPICA L SECTION THROUGH NEW STREETSCAPE AREA Scale: 1:50 0 EXISTI NG ROOF STRUCTURE SECTION @ SOUTH ENTRANCE Scale: 1:50 FINl5H SCHEDULE \IGl1T Cl"'iERR.Y" L0NG60ARD ~AI..CN TO MltTCfl CWC. 0,- l:XetlUG lO""...OCOt.Otik REVISIONS ISSU ED FOR. .. DEV ELOPMENT PERMIT & DESIGN PANEL REV IEW 16/06/17 FROJECT TITLE VALLEY FAIR MALL RENOVATION SHEET TITLE PROPOSED RENOVATIONS BY Z.E.1. PROJE CT MANAGEM ENT DRAWN ElY H.E. DATE JU N E 15, 2016 SCALIE AS NOTED SHEET NO. A3 EXIST IN G ROOF STRUCTURE EXISTING STORE FRONT EXISTING STORE FROl\fT 0 0 NEW ROOF TO MATCH EXISTING 2XG @ I G" 0.C. EXISTING SIGNAGE RELOCATED ON NEW NICHIHA CLADDING C/W LONGBOARD TRIM SPRINKLER TO VOID SPACE AS PER NFPA 13 2-3X 12 PAIR.ED COLUMNS 3 480.C. NEW CONG. SIDEWALK SLOPED FOR DRAINAGE %57 790 TYP, I TYPICAL SECTION @ NEW CANOPY Scale: 1:30 3353 lYl'. I NEW ROOF 2X8 JOISTS @ I G' 0.C. C/W LONGBOAR.D SOFFIT NEWGLULAM BEAM I 3 'SPAN NEW STREET LAMPS SEE LANDSCAPE 2-3X I 2 GLU LAM POSTS STAINED TO MATCH 'LIGHT CHERRY' LONGOO BUI LT UP W/ BLACK 3XG HIGH PRESSURE COVE CAF' 2X2 BRICK F'ILASTE R (TO MAT01 EXST.) LET DOWN TO MATCH EXST. ASPHALT 24 00 TO MATCH EXISTI NG .J _L_ -_ -_-_ -_-_::._-_ -_-_ --1 L--....!IL--r-::::--2XG @ I G' o .c. EXISTI NG SI GNAGE RELOCATED ON NEW NICHIHA CLADDING C/W LONGBOARD TRIM _J..----SPRINKLER TO VOID SPACE AS PER NFPA I 3 __.....---2Xl3 JOISTS @ I G' O .C. C/W LONGBOARO SOFflT t----+----NEW GLULAM BEAM 13' S PAN NEW STREET LAMPS SEE LANDSCAPE I ----+----2-3X 12 GLULAM POSTS STAINED TO MATCH 1524 3375 TYF'. "LIG HT CHERRY' LONGBOAR.D BUILT UP W/ BLACK 3XG HIGH PRESSURE COVE CAP 2X2 BRICK PILASTER (TO MATCH EXST .) NEW LOW MAINTENANCE PLANTERS , SEE LANDSCAP E LET DOWN TO MATCH EXST. ASPH ALT 750 3 e, 2AOO 750 TYPICAL SECTION @ NEW CANOPY Sc.ale: 1:30 LINE OF NEW SNOW GUARDS FOR SNOW RETENTION LONGBOARD FAS CIA 2100 3300 ~ ~ CAP OVER I 4XG LINE OF GUTTER BEYON D 12" 0 ,H . TEMF'ERED SAFElY GLASS ON I 2' GLU LAM I 2" HSS CANOPY FRAME NEW 2X I 2Xl3 HSS COLUMN IN FRONT Of EXISTIN G 9'0COLUMN l! ----EXST . 9" 0 COLUMN NEW 2'G"X3X3 BRICK PILASTER NEW CON C. SIDEWALK LET DOWN TO MATCH EXST . ASPHALT 9 2 I 1500 53GS 0 SECTION@ RENOVATED ENTRANCE SIGN 0 0 25 r--- 1 I GIO Scale: 1:50 LINE O F BRICK CLAD PILASTER BELOW LINE OF CONCRETE PILASTER CAP t---l-~--2-3X I 2 GLULAM POSTS STAINED TO MATCH "LIGHT CHERRY' LO NGBOARD BUILT UP WI BLACK 3XG 25 TYPICAL BUILT UP COLUMN @ NEW PILASTER DETAIL Sc.ale: 1:5 GLULAM FRAMING EXISTING 5" 0 STEEL COLUMN RWL FROM GUTTER ABOVE NEW 2-8XI 2 HSS BUILT UP W/ FILLET WELDED 2X8 HSS STEEL LI NE OF METAL CAP OVER. RWL GUTTE R TO RWL LONGBOARD FACE TYPICAL TEMPERED SAFElY GLASS OVER WOOD FRAMING 9 4 ; ; 4 ,I' ------REMOVE EXISTING ~ FLAGPOLES NEW I GXG GLULAM BEAM C/W CAP FLASHING NEW I 2X3 GLULAM CiW LAMINATED SAFETY GLASS NEW 2x8X I 2 HSS COLUMNS IN FRONT OF EXST. B' 0 STEEL COLUMN REMOVE EXISTING STUCCO FINISH TO EXISTING 5" 0 BEHIND NEW NEW 2'G'X3X3 BRICK PILASTER TO MATCH EXISTING BRICK !.zgJ izfti ELEVATION@ RENOVATED ENTRANCE SIGN 1:50 n n n n n n n n 11 11 I I 11 11 11 1 1 11 I I I I I I II " I I 11 11 I I I I I I II I I I I I I i---1 i---1 ,---, i---1 i---1 i---1 i---1 J---1 r---1 )----1 r---1 1--j )----1 J---1 I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I 1 1 I 'I ' I II 11 II I I I I 11 11 1 1 11 11 11 11 I I i II II II II I --1 1---- : 1 11 II I I II I I I I I I I 1 1 I I II I I 11 I I 1---l 1---l 1---l 1---l 1---l 1---l 1---l 1---l 1---l 300,0 .H , ISOOt 1---l 1---l 1---l 1---l 1---l 1---l 1---l 1---l 1---l ....,.. __ ,___.. I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I II II I I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I I II u u u u u u u u u u 3000.H. 3Q@. ~ 0 PLAN VIEW @ NEW ENTRANCE CANOPY Scale: 1:30 RE VISIONS ISSUE D FOR ... DEVELOPMENT PERM IT & DESIGN PANEL REVIEW 16/06/17 PROJECT TITLE VALLEY FAIR MALL RENOVATION SHEET TITLE RENOVATED ENTRY SIGNAGE/ NEW ENTRY CANOPY BY Z.E.1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT DRAWN BY H.E . DATE JU NE 16, 2016 SCALE AS NOTED SHEET NO . A4 J NEW NICHIHA "ARCH . BLOCK, 'TUSCAN CLADDING C/W 'LIGHT CHERRY" LONGBOARD TRIM TO MATCH SOUTH r'LEV . NEW LONGBOARD FASCIA 3 TYP NEW SOFFIT HEIGHT J.EXISTING SOFFIT TO BE REf'LACED EXISTING IER. CURB @ WESTl:.l ATJON . TIE NEW "LIGHT CHERR'r'' LONGOOARD SOFFIT TO MATCH SOUTH ELEV. INTO NEW C RD @ I 52 50UTHWE5T coRNeR C ~ ~¥-----,""~=, ~iii~iiiiir .. . . .. ... 2 53 0 TYPICAL SECTION @ WEST CANOPY Scafe: 1:30 SAVE ON FOODS -~ ,_ - --- 1 -- ~ ~ -- -t---- t t I 0 -- Oil t I - ROGERS WIRELESS AUSTIN FISH AND CH lf'S B I / 1422 / --------304.5 -t---- lC.2(; I / / / LINE OF NEW CANOPY LINE Of EXISTING SIDEWALK REf'AINT YELLOW TO EXISTING BARRIER CURB SEE LANDSCAf'E FOR LAYOUT e 0 PROPOSED RENOVATION PLAN AT WEST ELEVATION / r EXISTING EIFS CANOPY C/W STUCCO FINISH TYP . Scale: 1:100 oc , 0( )0( )0 - I ./ EXISTING ALUMINIUM _./ STOREFRONT WINDOWS TYP . 0 I ROGERS WIRELESS II + - I 0 --T n -- EXISTING WEST ELEVATION 1:100 2 f • PAPA GREEK I 15~4 I FISH, CHIPS Ill -n -rr ) 0 -- PROPOSED ELEVATION AT SOUTHWEST ENTRANCE l:100 \I ll r ~-\~j 33j NEWSOff t TYP . IT HEIGHT 3 FINISH SCHEDULE IQCl1~ tlC,P.C ClM~h"'f 1'N.:1.. Y'AAOt.ec.oo;.. SCKlt:S 'UGH1 CM!it~ LONGOOAAD rosf51'An;:u10 M'i.TOI OOGeOAAD ~~ Cit.AO f"II.A.Stu TO >MTOt !ll511><G3rltllit0t MCT~I. CN" 10 MAT01 rt.UC CH' D:l~Tl-45 lOGOCX>WUit REVISIONS ISSUED FOR _. DEVELOPMENT PERMIT & DESIGN PANEL REVIEW 16/06/17 f'ROJECT TITLE VALLEY FAIR MALL RENOVATION SHEET TlnE PROPOSED WEST RENOVATIONS BY LE.I. PROJECT MANAGEMENT DRAWN BY H.E . DATE JUNE 16, 2016 SCALE AS NOTED SHEET NO . AS ... ____,J • • EXISTING MALL -- • EXISTING SIDEWALK EXISTING PARKING LOT 0 PROPOSED REN OVATION TO NORTH ELEVAs:l ~~ r r Ii ) 0 PROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION 1:150 TO 0 QD PROPOSED PLAN AT NORTHWEST CORNE R Scale : 1:150 iii I :~/ I l ~ NEW NICHIHA "ARCH. _I/ BLOCK, "TUSCAN CLADDING QIN "LIGHT CHERRY' LONGBOARD TRIM MATCH SOUTH ELEV . J--;.5T1N1'; NEW "LI GHT CHERRY' -,,.,.---- LONGBOARD SOFFIT TO MATCH SOUTH ELEV. EXISTING 152 ti .. . -. .. -, . ... . .. . ·, 0 TYP I CAL SECTION @ NORTH CANOPY Scale: 1:30 4 ?IJCIC<.Q.AD f'II.A5i?Jt TOWA10t OCrStlNGMf~ MllM.CAr!OI.~ t,lUlO, tJo•STHIG tOGO COl0IJa RE VISIONS ISSUED FOR ... DEVELOPMENT PERMIT & DESIGN PANEL REVIEW 16/06/17 PROJECT TITLE VALLEY FAIR MALL RENOVATION SHEET TITLE PROPOSED NORTH RENOVATIONS BY Z.E.I. PROJECT MANAGEMENT DRAWN BY H.E. DATE SHEET NO. JUNE 16, 2016 SCALE A6 AS NOTED ) r-r---r"<"T-------,,---.------r---------._------,----:::-J'--,----------.;----,,--...----------,-\.-=--=--=--=----:..-.. ■t----_-_-_-,-~""-':""'\---,-----r----,--,----,-------------,r---------------------1 «-l(nt-lNs,dr,~M>d ..... otllo ~olMJ\MidJc:fpalv~tKt.l.tndffik,ft.04.~ reorodllcedorvld lo,-CU,..~wll.11oout.1j,el,,permiubn -HAWTHORNE LIGHTING BY LANDSCAPE FORMS -1/"Xl/"31" -CONCORD PACKAGE WARD WATKINS INSURANCE TABLE hi/TH CHAIRS BY LANDSCAPEFORMS BLACK COLOUR -POE LITTER RECEPTACLE, SIDE OPENING BY LANDSCAPE FORMS -2q"X44"X346AL -CONCORD PACKA6E -EMERSON BIKE RACK BY LANDSCAPE FORMS -4"X20'X30" -CONCORD PACKAGE R£PAINT YELLOW TO MATCH EXISTING -MEL VILLE BENCH -BACKED DIVIDERS BY LANDSCAPE FORMS -1q"X76"X30" -CONCORD PACKA6E -ALCOTT L/6HTIN6 BY LANDSCAPE FORMS -21"X2/"X/44" -CONCORD PACKAGE LANDS CAP E ARCHITECT URE lt220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminste r, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com 7 ,,._ VJOSCN'f!ev.N N0 1 DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL : PROJECT: VALLEY FAIR MALL ... DR. 2270 9, LOUGHEED HWY , MAPLE RIDGE , BC DRAWING TITLE: KEY PLAN DATE : ~ ,2:¥ DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: MS!J ORAWN:eN L1 DESIGN: 00 CHK'O, ~ OF3 16053-0JZIP M2lA PROJECT NUMBER: 16 053 Poe &"\JQ:i,..~:>..'C'.t1:¥..t' 3JC·lcn 5,.I'(',,: =ix~ f"'".>,;n~ r. ";tr.J 't.il •c:i ·~ 1•,"'-'Ct-!":M 1 POE LITTLE RECEPTACLE BY L ANDSCAPEF ORMS L2 CONCORD PACKAGE We\1111a n»,«:Gc,c-. r2:1.w;:a.1...,.er,.,o,,'O'"' -.. ...... ,,.,. ..... , ... J., /4-- .,.. L ::: ta:i I >W ----\W ~ -.l ~ ~ T 3 MELVILLE BENCH BY LANDSCAPEFORMS l 2 CONCORD PAC KAGE .AJcott ~.'.l'l:.q"< ~ t,,W)-&>v:.lW..t ;a.1111,:,0,,,.t(_\ a "~.),, lfU\ -l:'l ,A ,,~ A I· tAJH!.,.1f L~. ~~'\:J::=;..~,,,J,!/~_;:t ~~IC -~~C.~~ 5 ALCO TT LIGHTING BY LANDSCAPEFORMS • 12' POLE L2 CONCORD PACKAGE Havvt:horne F'.c-,.,r;lst"':J"l 8.t'-1.:0IA)...-i: T,-r,,: _,,,,.,., j ,,,,, ,.,... 2 HAWTHORNE LIGHTING BY LANDSCAPEFORMS -3 ' BOLLARD LIGHT L2 CONCORD PACKAGE 8nerson &-1:iJb:..l..s.t.a:r:-..'(\rl ~o-.-, -- 4 EM ERSON BIKE RACK BY L ANDSCAPEFORMS l2 CONCORD PA C KAGE I-q/4 -l-q/4 -l-q/4 -l-q14 -'---182<1 iv I ■ OD l ,_ ,_ - I ® DE T AILS FOR CONCRE TE PAVER L2 3$5 121q- -l<!f<I i~ - 2 ,a ' I + ,._ - CAAOUSEl 8AcrIDSEAT GRID PANEi. 7 T ABLE WITH CHAIRS BY L ANDSCAPEFORMS l 2 BLACK COLOR ~----------,!IDlpll"'I-----------, ~tt~ 1'hi1dr~a:."ldclc""'lltht PtOPWl'f OF Mat.lnllQpcNthu<uw,dmwnO'Lte r,produit:edor 111et:fotOUMl"Qf,;,Jtruwitfiouldtclrpermission LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel : 604.553 .0044 Fax : 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com ··-UR:<SGN'e.,_,.,, ND, DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL: PR OJ ECT: VALLE Y FAIR MALL ... DR . 22709 , LOUGHEED HWY, MAPLE RIDGE , BC DRAWING TITLE: DETAILS OAT£: .JJU0 • .2Dl6 DRAW ING NUMBER: SCALE : N.TS DRAWN : SN L2 DESIGN : eH CHK'D: f-f-f OF :J 16053-0/ZIP MZLA PROJECT NUMBER: 16053 PART ONE GENERAL REQU IREMENTS URUlAOIClS .I (tllCCocll.ARS'1EIITOI c...r•t1•~illhc6Nr;il(o,dlilnlot(111lrx1111onjl;Jl(lilllwi1htM~lbil.ntnU411"iriedllycthft(c,ilnclO:r:.-r:lL .2 e.C.l-"r-.l!~d,U.Tmmto(VfPtdhflhfB.C.Socle+,.tl.._..Mlw!ftl1ai"-lll~.,L~.bWO.li..jai,1l,.ALl111ft.-d,qttrill, wllMl,IMQ! .. UU:I011Jflta,.AUJl!lfl«ftS!..;.d1fflnw,tlif''"tf'-~•nhlNt1~-lf'IAnlinJw:lhwritl111itstruclirn J 11AS1IAIU«PALSPt:CRATOISISTOOARIICVAU,lATESTEmot~Nbrllw(lll'Mli,~1IBri!U(altali.i,lwcbilllln¥'1dNe~rccm1rudion Anod.ilm.Pllltelvil:if,al[ajnttr1.llfris#I 4 STOOAlllRl1LNCISCN'E~n»lmT01,LAT[STEDin»t~~,1•higilionht.lstl]A5WOlliDn,lllrilbh[~ .S tulCFAlBl'UWS.OOOl!Hl!MliSPECflCln:NS'WIOElllTEO. UTESTIICi .I 4ft'fMf !nal--Nl•t-ttoltni'-lirM't----b4o~~llru.i1tis ........... ~-,.,,hr-int .. .,•MP,etinltntioJI.Jlr prt,.,.....tq lkllM4aa,fo\rdited. ~,..,... ... ,nr m..llJ!Oll'ldu•Jn3lltdt,,Mrit .. ...,,i.-MflK ...... Acf,ert,,~14Cndl5 Htdualnl'"9fca-fl'Ol...-._ .z Owner~tslherijlt t,1eu • rt-lnl ~llria'-Wllraclor~e top.ir lor lts.lil!iifowlerilts dalll>t 111tel s,prtirotirn. U SUIHTTMS .1 AnJ .i .... 1epc!wt1 Ill'""! lroa llul c~l,int,dl:i lhecelfflracl dou-nhast bt ~~rdt,' llw: Lnisupe ,t.,dalKI. l Su?d!Jltlotffllllirwl ~rr~IKhrn't~ ~Im. U SIT[R[V(W ,I U..-lh._ill,,_t..lw,.~j(tlliff-tn•Hite.e. .. iHHlfit~Ardlltdlllhi~.Cr•~tt.l"'l~Wltf~td"'llcb!m ,-anldilltH ~--. ...... -,.... ..... ~l•lllltfl-W~C.ild().,e,sbtr'tM,llalj,,1to..,..twMl,ttvna!tlll,tlht ..,,,.W•!MMftt,q,c.,,_...ti......_.,~~a,itll .. M_.Nl'IIIJl-it41, .. '4111CW!f ,\.1 UJPtU,.Rit""'lfll~'ll!Mllltll.,_...t1i.,a,~'-'""W,~1hevn-.CLNithrlomitvlm11"tWrnlminun,gffl!l';allmst~biOH •--t.~.._,I. " "wtd,Q.1inu,.i~.prC111!rK1G!1-fP"dtUtlt.e,l.ttil.ri. o..'llbp-H«ll,!iot.Pti...wm1t.1-,~1P1tadr«hr;11n!'f1Sllh NhMlll~llffl!lh•.,;,,,adl1nrir7111t..w,t•1,,,tht-.,..ll'llll ..... ~(,nl/bul•ll»~ .. ,aal,ai:t ......... .,.....atdialnl,...U hr-111:■-l"f ,u ~ShW' .. ll f•lilunt ~"""'•h~ ,tt«.tU-,IWwpltlfNll: d 1'!111 MA..,._.., •lltt"illt n,pt<lccf tilt win my 1:1 mat -.fl 01 -,tlt,f11iil.SG•-,h.&!7"°""'1liu,.il..~W..,.Crrwhf,..._•~r.4iifn ff'M~Or..,.WOniiM,;,t!Wnl~LMl•{t.u..-11,1 ~---~~Npll■l'-""fl~ll;rVfJ~lb'fQn..-u,.pUt1,I...-...Jll'M1iuft~trfl ... l;~~ S,~"'tf....-l:lhhnhti ... lltl!f~ttlllllltlln~.wt br~.k-lMWlth.ll.v,'IM_.m'PW'• .... m1il'IP~ fllffll$, ... ~A.-lllb_,,.~tloflho.,._ .1.1 s..u1111t1t,._...,.,._,..,a1.,cn.,~tt•li9'IM.r-.tttf(-..-JtattaJ1,."'11iifl.11.r,..-,t1L1.m~r.~ilfi .U hfh'i('l!,at~..,. .. ~.._.,-"311t ...... ~1,____,_i.,e,,h,--,t11ltcC.,Wiu!1.tc-.r -,4.,.aalilQtw,-,,...i '-"rf/ia:H~)tt!lf""'11d. .U (!tfrittt1~Prilrl11ktallfdiln.r1 .. ~""4,~111',.U.,_,M'~ 01ttaPcltd,aSdlu'1T'•lhtunmrt~ .LI ..,.,.,.,.....,,,_..tttlrc~tilll ■illllif•Mlr.,.._l-l•IIN'llhs1ll,r-.....US*Wfir.nhalC~rlGlll,~all••.J1•1!slllftmw-t ,~w.ni,,.i~ l5 WORINAIGl9' ,I Unlrn,~ ...... ,Nl'lfk(onlT1Cla..-t1,tlttpl't,_-at.l,.rl)a..,.~ ..... ~,,if--""1 ■1Cllllr•hr,Pll( ..... afgnvi,gllffa.- C1Dlilcfn 1W1Jlfl't<d ltlflltlp"*lrJ lhtl-tw~Ccr1tr.:hr, A...,11itstM111.mlior.a ltbr...,..n,;hf;ff"fltil~J DI l'-!.Mlaolipttll'llr«lcr. 2 AILvri;aniS~lendlrw:1wllbtperlcratdb,~ailtd"ilhn!1.t.t.-.l1acMJ~~allpt«ftll4~Ji,,g~eirNr,(IHJicidts~tdd:a tu'Ttntltr111tissutdb-yl~lffll"GPri'ttaJlhofilies. j. A strtril,lilreq.ej labetaat rilliia'whiilt «ndlkmbd1rtbl:ldrlq.-idtrlrn1ll'1 dwlri. 4 cmr .. 111t•lkinofilllYl"nlubdcr1ptU~wii.anr__. 5 Nalii.,l""rj111Artlilttlofa1J~l'ltitL ~-w-111ttl,-LIDd&:.-ArtN1«1priarlodrtiali:i rn11 llltpln. J (m!Kl lllddi'fl'l'l!!l~lmtrnlll!d/cr,ucru&1ll!Ni rralirdstlflPt"f'l'llim.. Kttpr,nNf.l.ri1Ctsi:IHn1111l r~~tt~tilgfrm.llnhl.--. Rt~ nlobtc~,ltdJ:rillrtofr.ll«cl!Jl•t. 8 Whtff~-'"1-l1wilflfm.lin;.¥M1vhni!'D$lfli"crkff.lll"otil·Uegoodle1wlchtml"111'1\hl1111fdri:ncilDI. """"'""' J &J;;ri1'11tt lll m!fflll.,..O"IIM!llawip '" 1---plriod ■1-IIAI re• r,-t•~leaf(ntifot,ofC•lia. lRelttl11~wcli:ll'tl:lir'l'Rffl1tw1rr.-ilies. PARTlWO SCOPE OF WORK l.l SCIJ'EOfWCO .I Olhtt«nilimsffC11tlr•l•~;ippiJ (anr .... Si:optdVri1ltimt11fl!lldtr. l Wlri.ttl•SIJlPl1ot -.Jtw1.1!td ill■J: illldperl~illClfl'l'llill'.I MUUil"J 11 tGlllpet, It. wri9l iK[Cll"~ctwith tt. ,.lllt,gl ns.pe,cifolil;n.n gMff~ly cca1istsaffwlCIUvwii!I: ZJKATER!Al.5 l~OfiPF!a'ERTES~QICMG~DU'tt\.1;ilXdlriMLfVfi.1KCUAATIAREAS tllildMS,U111 .. s.ai01uiCo ...... l·n1iir■O. .. ,....Sw'"t•"'Snyl-•. ~-bwltlil'JlcNnt. 9Jiilnffit "'' 1.-,,r1-..,o.ou. Pllll!rlllMIOOS- cir,ri:C111ltnt lnrid tnn..,.•-Ilria t-.aran • I lH •. ,,. 0-1SX ....... "" ,_,.. " 11-90X 0-fi,C ■1DNIM HX •-m: J frriJizer>Atlll"jft ■idl«-fll'glrii:clajK'Unclcmrt--"1Milrag■1kJ,l'hMpvl1lZSl,ill'ld~oh&h(td.l.lllt2)1npropotlill'll~ty~lt1I. J lK!:,a,nO~tl,lllilnt~Ktet~-.t,ofthcB.C.la.be.Sl..sri .4 Ci:pir.Mlti!fflC-lniilra~lprodll.l l1thl~.-il,alll•l,U.nkt.19tlrRll,,Ul~ll!ltat..C,r,.w1M11bflJ\tlllmt:1peAfuilttt. Rtt~ ...... TWYG'~1,flwl,nsw1rti¥6ttl""'1iii(t",'"l~~5oil.1,f .. ','l,lrt•o,w.b,..,....,. .S S-Ch--,w~ahNP'll1'5mlo9"1rtqlirc-tt1h1llht8.tlllldM~stn:8'd. Ji c~rNlii\Nukll: lMO/ll"IM1R-lllell•~-'o-i'andr111H,lrNtfctwA.,nrun1,lritrawalltollurn!.frNol1Ud,1l111u.fDlllt,otothir 1-.:1,-1.,;11r.fTtdlcrM91 ·f!clllo,,rb;ri"ilblrtjltll,I. .1 Hcrtiid6eia1Peitultl-l/u~-1,iiir:nlollJ/Ma,pmnill .ibut1tlh.leL Appiln•,tlld.Ourto/lictr.ut.inicdlrJl~lpp'.-;.tcwtt,,rninil th,ean,;a. ., filll'hlric ,_...,m!.~cralllff llk!-fiJ....,W't l~lvillillcwlllepru19tol-.te-b.rtnal fncMllpi11idt1. ISudln.KIIAA\l,Ot(L,Gl(lQl~~O llfJ.1«0~54Sr,tfl--'tlltM:1~1Nrd'1llw:~"""'l1tl.l .1 Ori■'l,gt.P¢19ll~SthtoJ!elOPVtnmimllit11:1.. .n Pl.rtl1.lteNI: Tolhl~•cllht!.C.Lnlw.1ptSlnlnl. FlfferloH,f\•ls.-.f Plftil'II) All~allH1«Nlr:lDtbtproridrdfraeacmiritd4w:Nh'tt -wrrPni"6ept111ofcn1irutian. 11 WRtlfflOilchoJlfotClilmstttwsiptdlicilian. PART THREE SOFT LAHOSCAPE DEVa0PMcNT 11 tfim;eNaf PJS"-Tl!.U ) hwltqw\•ll••--llttl-..S.W111ttnt1•~-1~•·'"'"mli'INl .. lnkc~Jlf-Uft'llUlkllrtl"1lai••u. .LI a.--.t-WA'\l,.t,,dltac-,NUltrdYlll'f'lfftt..,ll'tnl•,..•OW\:ulrttrtlltlltillnnn.ll•1i.t ... atttilgwil.lhtlN1npe:Arthiltct l AjirJllt.lllbffittGUslbr,l\lflllf11todrli'lf1lrdtaT!f~ Fltllll'tap'rJl.ir:llbirltrdehi.lfdctilill'llltjW"idfd.toap.yirilhhXll~rtq,nil!IYr.. j lloulw,elt.ndllnqlotirill'il ~l•IDlrrimlal IN:ISll'lnOerUowra;clllffllDbl rtl.ir!Nil.a!Ntd.. ,5 Da nol ~. lutl r s.mtr rllticln williin ~'9"t10cr1 rtttntan .-.~,. .6 llodtllris.rrff,dtrilgfrn•trnllluTingshlllbtpe:rwilttc'wittlilnttl1!icrlntl .. llll',;nas,. .1 Ntntn~tinl.,1hinotsmit•lrl!lthtsl'd'~°'4fll!'ft-..-...._k~~ttp!IJtl#lrN1!111-•r.N"1lhcd1rwtt.~lb~~rncrout.ffllbJ l\tlnl~Antilt<t .I Danol niltr.chu•roal1alrtlaitdlrffS"ithoul I ... W-C1Hl1f lhtladM:ip,Ardiltd. ' A,,, !$iliogt 11 tlml~regtl~IPl"'ll~l:rpr1""~•mv11 lit ~jt<l !9 nMtui by ;,,LSJ .. (1rllf,ri,vllrisl IIUl9lhe 1iddrlllt"l'\Mll App-~·. lATES,T -.1J ~-IIJli'lgr/..,llenl •-..r11 -1Ztvlftt.ak~ Thlr°'tolllitnal.u!D'lftlo/lhl!~,-ni/UNill1.41btlhl!~lrDflM C-..llllan:airMCmlhtpencakl~lcrllfd41Vbiu. ,Ill h~linwil~s,t(ilr:trrtrrlrNlll'llrtpl~ffll'ltbJIMmwtcCllpint1o~l'III. ~u::•'16f'T.~Hl.~ut•tlrioill"4.tttlll.Akotil,,ll•fff'Mf--..r111txtlll'W.Amitt<tlcrmielpr«l1r.-ct1efl9 ,,..,... !.;:-;_.~,~~-=,~=;~~~:.St(~~~"'~~,;~~t::"::::':'j';o;_;::;~t J Dnsi~int:1:CtHafl1trincllS\bvilde1Uan&loptl•!Ml-.16•)_,..1t\s.lSIIJi'ttnM..._., J i,,..;t,1M-61""'f'•~,lll'Wb,hulg.,.......,_ b-NU,,t,....,1,llmJ.-tuffr;rMt,incap1tliGnlM'"9lhlcClll1tnKIG1is-:~n.. ~IM•Jilai,wt&_..t-«H,_,_,.111tr'til-...dliiilh~V~ J. ll■liNI, il...,_.,.T..,lr111•1h,J,,d,...._ ..,...,&ilololl>,fn;andin.,,,,ui~tnl co,Jorsla91"1d"-"-nanllw:Lnt"'ip,Dr~ llo11GI rt{ttd an ... ..,....,.._,...-i-i•t.11a.t.t.um.qi,·s.,~ .5 Ccr.slrud sVllltsln,1lolrltnl!,".-dr.santhntfrttolu;.Drt.¢fQi,ls. li-i-li"1t2%.UINslda~,M 4n1.npolitinO"IN9tl1coU,dialpcwltr.. .6 Sli,ptllCt l1t1{"'1! ttiefllllwrlguu.,a,i:Fl~6rnslcl,l1wql_,d&(8f)t;,lanl'9"1:l .l frlndMlil.Jdi!ln.Wa'1dlddi,gloc-.il1orithantipa:r~,_t1, """"""'""""' .. r,hl ....... ""'-fae&an!Fmh&~fit-n.1rm,lrttiSnh.n!r-ma.n,Pllltt1n,Cri1Wllls.. l Wnftliad: Silt rrM11MU'IIJn:lwf~1drliiigt. fflllll1lilrlllf.-ry,.liv9Es1•ltmWIR111111---"uptP,n. Molt>Cltdlhalilis5hawnci,~ilPtP.nlir ~MIJ.c:■!lftl""J'll.t'-',rwhW lJ: <-6iiilt•'-""'"" .... ~,..,,.,.,w,it-.,i.tr11,~•~•~h.lil~•t0.rr.,.,.ltW\.. " 0nnNdlll!.c€ .... Anillilf...tlititt N~twnli!lil.,.,,_,.alllir$.w't,__,..-\., ., .......... ..,,,.,■lllllrtnduclworii w.nt..,r"'911.t..,.tflll'llll'41"'c••u..tt~• ...... ,.,.t,ddUilt""'°""'•.UrMf'IU\dk~,,,....,,Moet .1J ~•-•-.O ~.-t:tSr1:1MlQ,.bl~lllCl,c1111tr:"1'a1Wn.. j [1awlian .ll DatTacllirltan!Ndt.llU'lg11aur._..,,...~ .. ,,,_,_..~ .ll lf)'irailm~bed.hwlaln il'lll9'fdr wi111imert,-,h~lrttol ffSI crt;,;lpoirlls. E1JS11cbirrwlofudlpipei,i11<1,1hc1 i,ilh~ltr~1 lw! ..... JJ t~~Jisit•■idrtw,....,..•~1:• ....... ~ ::=(~-t-=-:::r~~ .16 tbllil .. Wll•t•ft,..,ffrMIIIQRMl...,,.-..IMl•nt11'•~1t~. .11 ~ .... 11.t.,;N .......U-kmf-.♦tfft,.-fltCrit.ti,g.-... .. ~~blal'ICcrulfndHb1lnw~Arctill!CI, .11 ..... ..-.-lffic,cWilllwltripfdtan~caps.. J., ~•«-i1191'41••l"llli ~■wi1nfflMbpnlr•ill'ilM~••_...,fllltllils, .... IOCaa. .llO c .. .-o-,.nc•.4t•~eW,rd■lli.._•fdtrl•1tat.---~ .lt1Ass,np01,ifu1'irlN9'- J.Q Wlill11!!1Wl!dwoltrtndlnrouJM J.O Pl'al1d~lro1fl~l11ianuitffll.li1111tian.. U ~JGlr;lt:1,\Jlf\T Jl1J l1UWO'I .I Sl.ff(Jal~ae6iar~l•lhl!pn10!9n:eo/lht(ll'll1'3Cl,DoJdtOlll,tr~tcr'?"tidf"CIW!g.e:cia..tlmitism11t11hll~,,tnKll.r1isQetrtobii .. .,.,_ 1 SiiffilJlll~_...d,Ql1nsA~~lllt~tn:l ,~,-omtlriull-.UIIMthtspecifulil■lot9'Ml!i._;tidtfnedfllali'tOnt!Dl'lt. l~¥f1S. .11 ~iJii-fftihi---,,il!o,..,.-.Hioltlle,..._...._, .lJ' Sfwiillll:il0 ■1Jllrn!l)iod/w-•rilil:S.itwf-■.. Refe,rlci~,-ffffi,NIN:li:riL j Phu llleatndtd!r'ff'9,__fllllgrH1 Nlfailflt¥Ut.. ~ad~ ..:5-SII.Rl-u,tnr.:I O[ttml5 i"l'ISOMl.a,er ~rrwa~ lrtt~f 51ni,ig ~11111'. 4Kr-1.11d'¢1tr;otsr,imga&o..p,1ttd:nlc~ledlo90%: kl G,,f..:ic, .Ut ktfifillo!IOddtdl •~ ,4.U ""3,1,tol_.~,,,_.sc.."~·I~ .1.u ........., .. ,.Ull.w•,.,._,111'1--J'ar..J . tu rml-llr'tlW\llllp'it "'"' .. ""'-lode$11hllfrtl0tblll-viidlh$hllllll.•t1Rn!lffllhtwidlhall•root~lwilks.autttWptc! -UOn-SI* U.1 ~II"..,_ ______ _,.,._, Ul ~n-V'>Obl .1,2.) (...-..--..!~~Ir~ .U4 ~ .. ,,......,,.,._ ___ _..._, . U.5 Jm:l_tllty..■.lll'lt--~ .. .-, .... «1&1..,,-t1$tcf1hblnrifJcol-.-,l11C1li«lsc,q-1,HrlattrttlCQtms.] .w ci.:•rw1tckl.alr■rr.ras.~~ .... ft1••-" .41.l ............... _..11f.,S"""'7t_.,.hrlrn5 ... ._,mrh. 5 tl~ySll'tadg,vwi,gllf:6'o/plilnli)ISGil~mlrlglttt1.lll'IIKa'ldahhdu.. .1 fmlitdr,ldts.st..ll unl'cn lothttltolli:m~c:,hr,du:~t-,fsitt~ GWS-~-lllDNli J *""flP•~nrtl'IIIINanlhllr1~a "Rcughlirus·.Tru1 illlni11,dtr111Nur°'41 ,-mbehlttnilllpropt'l1rlintt;oltl■nJ-I tioJtt lfran.l!N'-.. J ,...,_.ti •nf,rl.dlil M11l,CNl1,.,.,.,......_INJ M~Mh..:. ,.,. ....... UCW-~fr \X lldlh(,,...,~ l•~&n•-•MI- ~ ~t-rMlfl1tit#lol........ uw:tfltlh,tfCt..-■.O.f.t.-,rM'.t'f .. aldl• •"11Mu;,,df'el1-pn .. lll, l'N'«tMI-, NP\.:t.-~!,ta:&a.,._ ~ • .,...__,_,.,.........,_Wff,..wrilt tu ,l ~MUl!Mitf~~f.VtW'rK tr,; 111-.lf-,r~,.,.NN. ,,,,_,ftnSbl ,~.s,..,..,,. ... ...,,,.~" .t•blll r-.t»~Mat11Cttl ..,..noowtchf i, U.1 .!1.2 ltrilinn AUi ... ~in, JI.Ul L-, • Acnnl!l1.eu 1k ~t'Pfd(IH. ,pplrlnlbl/....,)IV4 lh;.llh.af(J"iu lftll ~Ulnafflts.T"' 1llllilla1~shnJ ,-Jfp~-- ~ ....... ---~~fU~ll·~-llillNln,.c ru,~.i;~ 1rr,-a,,....fl,,....tl•lUMN.-·11..-tS...1aUM1t . AN9"°11M~--·kllll,a-llfl:lt~-.lrttt.~'-fA..Ck•lllf!rl ■ ~ .. ICUpf.ll!U~NfLc. Cta;IIJ lfflh5Hlila2l1,ti'V'o'ii!I llflMI. Prier lo Ll:ld(ioig.nq..inl a.n~tionot lht Tmlll!f "adt.ad~hNcnililwl ot ..... -" .. «-~••.-... .,,;,,..cs..t•l,k~...-4l•lttlf"' -.sl-"'-t!S 11111-,t~•n:--,,_.Kt~-ti•~fo,f'fli••la,.,.,1all"llllltn~tJtn~--D,• Sl"'°"'-S«t•U~l..«l~fttl.. .. ~J.-:ru.a-,f.-.111,-11~'"._,....._.,..,_,,tnil:._._ t;na,,ea ... ianJh,( _., .. n., .. ~--•1111 .... t,tko.a..-. 19 PLAHTSAM!PlAHTJl(j J (onlcrat,pla,l~'l!ll')IMHthlvncrtln!M.Pla,s. _J IDI.Wft.ifllt ..... Amllktt..t,p.,NJf~d-Ml""!i .... tacmmm:rmtnl ofpla,IDitoper~tiDra. J MG~.,tm..tl-.ifl 111111rm .t r-afn.itiy .4.1 Plllll i,,"' .,_.. n ~0,1n criJ ~ pt'rigds lhlt n l'Q"U lot such vlri, ;ta dttln!Nd by lgc;il "ulher cood~i:m vhen $eason.lll CCllllffians rt litielJ lo msurtiklttnsf~~pl,licrillfpl111btolheirnt11\11C~ion. ~~...e.-n. $.I A1,i-,t ■1lfrillihlllc011fll"lll•llt."'"'~'"••t1G!IIN .. ~u..rm~"""'•~'1 .... "--Scht!U1111'lti5sptcif1t11• .S.\1 ~?9tt.i.-,.,.ll---.k'-t,,"-f1Ml'l&lfllff•Soft,_1t,~St~f_.Old.N-~•••---■t.fl'ldnl. .111 ldff•~~lrt~f(MllllldcanlN"lllflM■l:--,_.•,tq.irfttr.tL .11 ~U~ail--■tttantt.WI.IIDM'9fn~t~._N.,_11liilkJanfhitiiftllm! .ti Rtrit-, .61 R!'NWat lhtmrttar"W,Jllldllll'tdledianp!lif!I doe1nol 1"tl'5\t ,ubs~ rrjectill'lirf~otlllP,111IDi11l11t•11 lhlC,lt. .l h.11.dty, }~ =~~r~:-:..':!;:i::=~=-u~ ~::;~z;: .. ~.':.,,~1:i':t ••~ .1s..u.1-.. .1.1 t1:1titMt:t.1-.,n>.Cl1'tht~~•d,r'Wit...,....-,vallul_l,tt,,~ltd~lrill. llcrt-Wffff~Mi-rilk,.jfclf'll ~ ~~!tro;===t....--orA,lLdlJ . .1 ~SpftiuliUii:'n .t.1 f'1¥1bshallMV.lor,-andal111thtiglt,c~liptl-andsiuafraal balulhcn,,-11"1lhtl~~sih,t.i"111I Hi'fflt. (flip!roflrtnlll;klA(lll•·l&ml illnmr• .91 ,'\:tll!'1sptcifiedlf)f'tir,.iithl!1«11a'1isdicM!coithtln!M:IJlt,-MISE. J~.-J.n Kflf1-'ililyod•"'""J"_.,■"l!tiueWi<n n m..,_ .9J Dtnilfan ol tjrffl p.a,tiq t10t•vlll .ntr bt .i.!lwtd ~lter ~ ~f It. l"GflOSN dni.llianbf lht lndmpt Atdil«1 • IO hc"a!ill'l: 1g1 Trtc1.Nl-,e~E,cmlti1.M,rih,prdlrttpit I~ llltdeplhol thirOGlbilJ .idlaal ludtllK.,lhtwilllholtherOGl~L AswtlNI rmhN,-Mi5al 1•i~p«ttlll!lr~unp'IJ) .11 ~"'~~tUt11 .n1 ,....Ml'iJ'l:tl---'!S~l wl'ffl~lt.1111'111~~--'""M lkill!td lk-.rl~pil lo tlhrv,.lmgedav!lslcipt; arict"ilfilt candilians.,-...:1 tar.w:ll<tf'MMl.,_t......._"7tf. JIOrlN~'tOf•l..-..tlit...,tt~Wni1!-.trd. .t2 l'l.at°'l"''~l'Nt~ .1l1 ri-'fi~dvnb IN,.1,t«ffilllllllt&IMll,,....,n.licn lllir1.,.,IOG1o1!!1Pl'CU.li,palhli:Wnl[Ut :■111rlM~O.nolp.dJ :!_•"---hlb.11. (inl'b-,t~_..ili,ti,tltltaieNil1. 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PART THREE SOFT LANDSCAPE DEVE.LOPMEHT • CONT ,JIJA '-•lbdMINl,ltit~-"Chl<!lllTUrWllht'91llanlfflllht,Canlr1tlor'cr~ilJ/cr..i11tt9'llVnlw-lf,i'llli:s.opn!lt,l11!dt•.,_,I nlplbllflUWQWIIIUiitfhfillu.tabtS-,V""lh. ...S ..,_..~h~hf-,Jf/l.-.-r,(1Mfwtaet~,...,....~lllll'Jl .. 1..-..wtl:Qllllll .. aalrk1U, .. ~- n,~~ICI"' _,....,_.,.,,,..._, .. ._wll!J.trr.,,.,lltlL~V....criJ«.U..tc-'fl!!lllll(tft ........ lk~ Dlt~ttlldrlil l .,...111.,..lnnt·l'lelio. ld•ltSdal1\~~ .a& lliti.hr.CS111'K'lotl1Uspandii,l1Np.c1..,p•dffWcrrtp•a,yumln,ctiDni'ld~irllJ'll!C.lr~tthllil.~crdolm11"1tllbfiswn:tfl •c.ll'ott.t( .... .r.. _lU ~f,-Jk~■fJ,.,.,DtmHlllltlP.W11TlfllrPlriadn.11t,1tl"IIN'db7tlltl.d1<iptArcHlal ._,_.,riM.uiAln.._.,,t.. hlffltO,-,..,~ b,.....__,._..-,""ltlnl..,,ttfr".Mltacb~li,Jff~-a,,,r, l.TI tsTABLISiflENTHAHTEHAN:E!Prllride•~ .. .ttp,irtlorttnH<llont .I W ffwil!illl.t"t\l~-----li11.,..,.~CWtt1~1._,IMPJ.t.Wltr 1~10#.1,.._sllilltl•..rn.-wm11 IMi.._..-1m10.tt JLll'4ilt n,ti~A ,-t.._lflMtfll!WWtbJt..--klll ... tr'VllllflNlh:llkildqdt~tllinftol P.tvt-,Nl\f'\....y_.1_M.vicWl4.a..-.,r~ (wbhl■arl._,-...ct,,......,'WJltd.,.,,_,Nf.WIM~,_.,....Ntllt1!td hrl(J"u.s ;nu -.1-lrtH .-I lllin,bt,. 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Affl, .. .e .... ,""~-~fl-i.al .. Jfltt .... ,,h .. ~Mllllll ....... a.l.ili,-F""'J ..... ,,~ ~~:~~a::~~=-~::.z11wy~.:::r. ... ~:,:,'!.r.::'!.-1,n,~-~~.-.W• _,,...._.,,.,tlftvl/dilliul:T~_..,tflfaUUA.LuU.~1ptSl~Wn1'61-.mtn■k1hllV'M'l•.-,,ld..nn17,.,_.. ~m•11d!lillll.i-w.llk....CJ.,.hl-mr,ft ■fftdt,ft1 ..... :it .......... """' .. ~,.. .. ~.....,, M-.lclfaaUl.tflMt •.....i~I•:--. JJ ~ ~l ■ulNJill. ,.h lliqAa .... J•""'~ -" .~:;~~~"".:.:=~'!·:::::=~~~!':'~.i~=r;:4~..:='=~:.; ... ~~:;.':';:t a,-,1111~~-Xl•UOOL . .U -~ ~llllll,...,,._lkfro....,.~f~,lilllll...,,,..,_..---,.thlllt41'ftPllf ,_,,.,,.__._a,lr'. C.,..11 1 .._.,._s,.1....c1e-.ttcn .U ~ h"f'•.'l'-'ffl•r .. we""""IIC'C"WJ"'-1ftUr:•~•IJMl!J'n~.-.. ,i,ti,u.,..,"""'""tbt~trr• ~--•~ ....,,_ O..r""'ti,,-. At-lN-'""9 qt t11D~ &aw-lltwttt,,__. klHStt' ..... 1A P1•1hdrr-~nnat~-.i&J~n,, mt - OCOPYf'ChttHffiN.llikdtw.l/itffiS~~isthe ~or M2 ~sa,.M~,ani, rn,ynotbc IC'P'OC$.lced OI' IIHd ro, OllhOl"Otojlt'Cll.....,tfx:ut their permiuion, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com I ··-~RM ND . DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL: PROJECT: VALLEY FAIR MALL .. DR 22709 , LOUGHEED HWY, MAPLE RIDGE, BC ORA WING TITLE: SPEC/FICA TION DATE: .J"-/0, 20f6 SCALE: DRAWN: BN DESIGN: fJN CHK'D: Mt1 DRAWING NUMBER: L3 OF3 /60;~.zJP Mil.A PROJECT NUMBEA: 16053 I~ I mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: FILE NO: Advisory Design Panel 2016-142-DP MEETING DATE: July 12, 2016 SUBJECT: 20468 Lougheed Highway PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel (the "ADP") submission has been received for the above cited application and property for exterior alterations and landscaping changes to an existing building or property . A development permit application is required because the renovations exceed a value of $25,000.00. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Use: Zone : Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Fariba Gharaei, Architect AIBC Dynasty Property (Maple Ridge) Corporation Lot: A, D.L.: 222, Plan: LMP25177 General Commercial No Change C-2 (Community Commercial) No change Commercial 2 properties, CS-1 Highway Commercial a·nd C-2 Community Commercial General Commercial Storage and Warehouse M-2 General Industrial 60% Urban Residential, 40% General Commercial Restaurant (Browns Social House) CS-1 Highway Commercial General Commercial Storage and Warehouse CS-1 Highway Commercial General Commercial Fast Food Restaurant No Change Page 1 of 3 Site Area: Access: Servicing: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: 3910 m2 Lougheed Highway Full Urban Services The development permit application made to the City prompting this referral to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.5 Commercial Development Permit. Key Guidelines: The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal's compliance with the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines: 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. Design Guidelines : Not all of the Commercial Development Permit Guidelines apply to this proposal as this application for exterior renovations of an existing building. Although under new management, the existing use is unchanged, and the fagade improvements are intended to convey the corporate image, and the branding of this new fast food franchise. The Design Guidelines and a full explanation of how the project complies with them or the reasons why they are not applicable are attached in Appendix E to this memo. PLANNING COMMENTS: • Official Co mm unity Plan : The subject property is designated General Commercial. The existing use is in compliance with this designation. • Context: The site context is General Commercial along Lougheed Highway in West Maple Ridge and this proposal will update the existing use. • Proposal: Existing building is sited with building frontage facing Lougheed Highway. No change to existing layout is proposed. Page 2 of3 • Environmental. S ustainability & Stormwater Ma nagement: No change to existing. • Parking: Existing parking is in compliance with regulations. Bicycle parking exists on site and is in good condition. • Garbage/Recyclin g: No change to existing garbage enclosure. CONCLUSION: Development Permit 2016-142-DP proposes exterior alterations to update an existing building that is currently operating in compliance with zoning and its land use designation. No change to the ex isting use is proposed. The Planning Departm e nt requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared by: Diana Hall, MA (Planning), MCIP, RPP Planner 2 The following appendi ces are attached hereto: Appendi x A Su bj ect map Appendi x B Explanatory letter from Archi t ect (and Landscap e Architect if applicable) Appendi x C ADP Submission Form Appendi x C ADP Appli cant Chec klist (sign ed by Arch itect) Appendi x D DP Area Guid elines Checklist App endi x E Archit ectu ral and Landscaping Plans Page 3 of3 ' Cl) (") z[> ~~! ru ro _,_ N 0, 0 20338 0 20346 20356 ·1ST. ~ 20402 20414 20424 20432 20440 1-----i 20448 0 ,, ~ ~ rn .. .. 1'.) )> 0 "O ..... ~ Ol 1'.).:,. I N 0, .I>, ~ ~ n 0 00 ~ en "1l 0) 00 '1J 3 ~ r z 0 ;?; Q) z C G) "C .. G) c6" :::r: .. m -· Q. m a: 0 n :::r: Q) ~ OJ ~ "1l 0 20341 20347 20355 20365 20377 ~ 20389 r z C I 20397 ---< 0 ;u 20409 20421 20433 '20445 I 20459 ~ ... ' .:: WALNUT CR. "'I " ~ ~ I "' ~? ~ "' 20336 20340 ~ 20344 8 20378 20398 l 20416 I 20430 I 20440 20448 20452 20458 ~ :g 20554 0, ~ fT1 I I 20325 20329 203.l5 i-- 20345 20381 ~3 120425 1-I I-20370 I I 20451 20436 i B 20461 20468, 25m 20490 20ffl - 20491 ~ 20492 20519 20525 20522 5 ~: '2()537 C Gl ~· :r ~ ~ ~ 20577 20625 m 20528 @ 20580 1 :r ~ ,< I <OJ20 Cl) C OJ (_ m () -l ""CJ ;:o 0 ""CJ m /li 20503 20395 ~ ~ -. ~ ;:t ~ 206 ST. J 20556 ,., ... -I.~ /it "i 20337: r-- "' ~ rn I I 2C V l~L URBAN DESIGN GROUP ARCHITECTS LTD. 600-1140 W PENDER ST. VANCOUVER, BC V6E 4Gl (604) 687 -2334 FAX (604) 688-7481 Pau l Chiu , Architect AIBC, MRAIC, AAA, SAA, MAA, OAA, SBA, Principal ,,----.._,7riba Gharaei, Architect AIBC, MRAIC, OAA, LEED AP, SBA, Sen ior Associate iJdi Klauser, RID, NCIDQ, LEED AP, Senior Assoc iate Crosbby Chiu, MRAIC, SBA, Senior Associate June 17, 2016 City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Attention: Planning Department Re: Design Rationale Commercial Development -Carl's Jr. 20468 Lougheed HighWay, Maple Ridge, BC Rick Jones, Founding Principal Aaron Vornbrock, Principal Eric Ching, CSBA, Principal Martin Grube, Associate Bojan Ilic, Associate Our File # 4259 We are proposing exterior upgrades for an existing building (former A&W restaurant) located at 20468 Lougheed Highway in Maple Ridge as part of new design concept by Carl's Jr. The upgrades include: • removal of corrugated metal cladding which will be replaced with EIFS acrylic stucco finish. • Incorporating stone cladding to enhance the exposure of the entrance and street frontage at the north.side of the building facing Lougheed Highway. • old entrance canopies replaced with new canopies including recessed LED light fixtures. • the existing order confirmation unit, menu board and restriction bar replaced with new. The existing storefront, drive-thru window and bike rack beside the main entrance will remain. Please refer to photos and rendering within the package for more information. Fariba Gharaei, A rchitect AIBC , MRAIC, OAA, LEED AP, SBA, Senior Asso c iate URBAN DESIGN GROUP ARCHITECTS LTD . FG/MS/aa ,~•-mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements ."Before making your submission, coritact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date . Application Information: Name of Applicant File number Address of site Current Zone £o1C.g -lOIJGHt£() ttw'Y, MAfLtft~IDhe, '3( C.-2. Proposed Zone tJo CffArvG,€ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date _______ _ Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by : Architect Landscape Architect {:::.<1 &I BA &H,td2.AE I ,, ,412lt1 tTECr., A-11>(... • Al/~ Other Professional (State Name & Role)----'-/\(_#--'--~------------ Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey bui lding with an unsu p ported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -all schoo ls, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospit al ) wit h a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m 2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any buildi ng containing 11 or more guest rooms · Group D & E Commercial -a,w building with gr.ass area exceeding 470 rtli Group F (Fl: Part 3) Indu strial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m 2 ,~ ., ADP Submission Checklist f!lapleridge .ca Application No. ______________ File Manager ____________ _ This checkl ist is being provided to you by your File Mal'.)ager, to assist in preparing the material s for submission to the Advisory Design Panel. Please refer to the ADP Submission Form and the ADP Requirements Brochure for submission requirements in terms of expl anatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be subm itted. Address your questio ns to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP. Fariba Gharaei, Architect AIBC Print name Submission Requirements: Submission Materials Required (File Manager to indicate if required) A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) □ B. Covering Letter including explanations about: 1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) □ 2. Design rationale (Detailed information Requ i red) □ 3. Statement in brief about the following: (tJ/1r-) a. DP Key Concepts Compliance □ b. DP Guideline Compliance □ C. 3-tier storm\i\/ater management strategy □ d. Public Art/ Amenities, etc. □ e. Sustainability practices □ f . Other □ C. Site and Neighbourhood Context 1. Context Plan -Existing/proposed buildings and trees, vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed grading, and other □ major features within the site, on the abutting properties and along the road allowances/ lanes. 2. Photographs of site and surroundings . □ D. DeveloQment Permit Area Checklist (Note: The Architect is responsible to describe how the project □ complies with each guide l ines, or if not applicable, a description of why not applicable. Please use fillable forms on line.} 2016/06/20 Date Provided - ~ □ fir' □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist (Page 2) E. Arch itectural Plans (Site and Build ing(s}}: 1. Site Plan and layout □ ~ 2. Site sections □ □ 3. Streetscape elevation □ □ 4. Streetscape ·elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees □ □ superim p osed 5. Shadow analysis □ □ 6. Lighting analysis (on building and on site) □ □ 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and rooftops □ 9' 8. Waste collection /recycling (inside of buildings) □ □ 9. St o rage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside) □ □ 10. Building elevation (all sides) □ g-- 11. Signage (attached to building and free standing) □ □ 12. Colours and materials □ ~ 13 . Material board □ □ 14. Building sections □ □ 15. 3D renderings of the site and/or building(s) with associated □ g" landscap ing F. LandscaQing Plans: 1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting □ 8' details 2. Landscaping details, including locations for public art, signage, □ □ lighting, play and other amen ity areas 3. Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures) □ □ 4. Details for pedestrian and amenity features being provided □ □ 5. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns □ □ 6. Tree retention and management plan □ □ 7. Site sections to show lot grading, drainage, landscaping and □ □ relationshi p to adjacent grades /City boulevards/ lanes 8. Preliminary sto_rm water management plan (Note: This plan must have been accepted by the Environmental Planner) □ □ 9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnections □ □ G. Green Bu i lding[Sustainabilit~ initiatives □ □ H. Other □ □ □ □ Rev. October 14, 2015 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [~ _·· mapleridge .ca Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Sect_ion 8S of the Official Community Plan, commercial developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the arch.itect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the propo?ed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This.checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. 8.5.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses Existing building and no change to the nature of through sound attenuation, appropriate operating business. lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with ad j acent development. Encourage a pedestrian scale through Existing building and no change on the site. Rebuild providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, parapet at the entrance and add new stone cladding to creating landmarks and visual interest create visual impact along street fronts. along street fronts . Promote sustainable development with n/a multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. Respe~t the need for private areas in n/a mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. . The form and treatment of new buildings Rebuilding the parapet and incorporating new cladding should reflect the desired character and pattern of deve lopment in the area by which will enhance articulatiOn to the roof line and add i ncorporating appropriate architectural more interest to facade facing Lougheed Highway . styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. 1 Guideline 8.5.2 A Building Design, Massing and Siting Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, roof forms, facade modulation, architectural features, fenestration patterns, building elements and proportions and building articulation. n/a 2. Exterior finishes should be wood, brick, natural stone or other materials of warm appearance. Substantial areas of concrete should be avoided. Expanses of solid wall or glass are unacc eptable . We are upgrading the building with new stone cladding, EIFS acrylic stucco finish. 3. New buildings adjacent to existing small scale buildings such as houses should be designed to provide visual interest whilst protecting the privacy and livability of both prope rties . n/a 4. Significant corners should be given n/a added emphasis with vertical architectural features and roofscape features. At intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets. 5 -Development should be sited to have Existing building is sited with building frontage facing the building frontage on the main street main street. alignment. 6. Projects located on slopes should be developed in a manner which creates a step in perceived height, bulk and scale between developments. n/a 7. Design and construction of buildings n/a should account for maximum sound attenuation between commercial and adjacent residential uses. To ensure that noise generated on the site is addressed in the most appropriate manner, Council may request that a noise attenuation study be prep ared . 2 Guideline 8.5.2 A (Continued) 8. Continuous weather protection, such as canopies, structural awnings, or building overhangs, is strongly promoted where at-grade retail uses are included in a developm~nt and over common entries to commercial and/or mixed-use developments that front a public sidewalk or o pen sp ace . 9. Developments adjacent to treed slopes, ravines and watercourse s_ must respect natural vegetation, use natural landscaping to retain soils on the site a_nd may require additional setbacks as established by agencies having jurisdiction. Creeks and ravines are encou·raged to be retained in their natural state . 10. Developments are encouraged to redirect water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 4' wide new metal canopy has been provided at the two entrances for weather protection . n/a n/a 11. Buildings should be designed and located n/a on a site to : a) preserve and incorporate natural features or views; b) ensure proper orientation and relationship to adjoining residential uses; c) minimize impacts on natural features and agricultural lands; d) accommodate natural grades to ensure minimal gr ading is required. Guideline 8.5.2 B Refuse, Recycling and Servicing Areas Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. The design of a roof, placement of Existing roof top doesn't have view. mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of ' the roof from adjacent buildings. 3 Guideline 8.5.2 B (Continued) 2. service areas should have differenti_ated n/a. Drive-through is screened by existing hedge trees . access to minimize visual impact as well as conflicts with pedestrians . 3. Refuse receptacles must be located Existing garbage enclosure is located on-site and no indoors or within service areas out of view to pedestrian access. view from pedestrian access . Garbage and waste material should be stored in containers that are weatherproof and animal-resistant . 4 . Mechanical equipment, drive-through n/a uses , service or car wash bays, restrooms, vending machines, unenclosed storage, and public telephones should be oriented on the site to face away from adjacent residential development. Whenever possible, these uses should not be visible from an adjacent residential prope rty. Guideline 8.5.2 C Street Front Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Particular attention should be made to Street front is upgraded with increased parapet height, the image presented to the streetfront. new stone pilaster and new canopy. 2. New development should emphasize the New proposal creates articulation to the existing and street frontages by incorporating linear character of the building. differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades. Facades should incorporate vertical and horizontal relief iri a well-proportioned rhythm appropriate to the intended scale of development. 3. Buildings with over 15 metres of street n/a frontage should break the horizontal mass of the building with · vertical elements in a rhythmic pattern.· 4 . Streetfront landscaping will incorporate New landscaping with existing landscape at the street street trees for definition of site front as well as new six trees at rear of the site will boundaries and enhancement of public enhance defining site boundaries. space. 4 I Guideline 8.5.2 C (Continued) 5 . Vehicle access on a street frontage Existing access from Lougheed Hwy to remain . should be located to the side of the building away form the pedestrian entrance -and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. Guideline 8.5.2 D Signage and Lighting Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Signage should be integrated with the Signage is updated based on corporate standard of • design of a building, preferably at Carl's Jr. ground level only, and its size and design should complement • the scale and architectural detail of the building. 2. High intensity illumination directed at Existing site lights to remain . adjoining properties should be avoided. Commercial signage and high intensity illumination adjacent to residential uses should be minimized in order to protect residential amenity. 3. Lighting and signage should be designed No direct light is visible from public right-of-way . so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way. 4. All signage must conform to the Maple Sign permit will be provided for new signage Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a replacements according to sign bylaw. _ conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter should take precedent. 5. In multip le -tenant commercial or mixed-n/a use buildings, signs should be designed to present a unified appearance. Sign age space • should be provided for upper storey tenancies. 5 Guideline 8.5.2 E Vehicle Access, Parking, and Circulation 1. Buildings and structures should be located to ensure safe traffic circulation and access and adequate on-site parking. Parking should be encouraged in smaller units to avoid a monotonous appearance . Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. n/a (existing). 2. Parking and storage areas should be Existing parking is beside the building and away from appropriately screened. Low level public streets. New landscape screen has been landscape screening should be provided provided at the rear of the site along parking area. to parking areas adjacent to public streets . 3. Where possible, parking and servicing n/a should be located underground or to the rear of buildings to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and pedestrian amenity. In all ne:vv buildings the portion of the structure used for parking and servicing should be adequately · screened and should be architecturally compatible with the rest of the buildin g. 4. Existing lanes should be used for vehicle Loading area is screened by the existing building and access, loading and servicing. Upgrading away from visibility. of lanes in terms of attractive treatment and screening of parking access and lo_ading and service areas is encouraged. s. Vehicle access should be located to the Currently located to the side of the building and does side of the building away from the not conflict with pedestrian access. pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 6. Lanes, and driveways should conform to n/a (existing) the existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, access should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existin g grades. 6 Guideline 8.5.2 E (Continued) 7. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access for parking at the fear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces . Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also stro ng ly encouraged . n/a 8. Minimize the amount of asphalt surfaces in parking areas by integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, Existing parking to remain. New coating and line painting will apply to give it a new look to the parking lot. decorative pavers or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Above ground parking structures should not front public streets at grade. Non- parking uses or special fac;ade treatments must be provided along street frontages to enhance the building's appearance to the public realm. On non-street fronting facades, parking structures should be treated to avoid long blank walls at grade, such as massed landscape treatments or attention to design detailing on the fac;ad e. Building is located along Lougheed Highway and surface parking is located beside the building. 10. Parking control equipment, such as n/a ticket dispensers and card readers, should be located at a sufficient distance from a public street to prevent parking queues extending onto the street. Similarly, a minimum distance of one car length, and preferably two car lengths, should be provided between an exit gate and the street edge to accommodate cars waiting to merge into traffic. 11. Rooftop parking structures should n/a include design elements, including landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street and surrounding uses . 7 Guideline 8.5.2 F Pedestrian and Bicycle Access 1. Development should improve pedestrian amenity through interesting design detail at ground level, ea sily identifiable • entrances, shop fronts with clear untinted glazing, concentration of signage at ground level, attractive landscaping and well defined pedestrian crossi ngs for drivewa ys and roadways . 2. A well defined pedestrian access to the commercial use will be provided from the public sidewalk. Design will ensure that pedestrian use is given precedence over vehicular use. Where possible, at least one pedestrian connection should be provided through the main block of buildi ngs. 3 . Facilities for cyclists should considered for all developments. Guideline 8.5.2 G Landscaping and Open Space be 1. Landscaping should be supplemented to identify and define public space, to present a pleasing image and to soften the transition from adjacent land uses to the commercial development. 2. Adjacent residential uses should be adequately protected by significant landscaping or the provision of screening or both . 3. Street trees will be a required component of all new development for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space . Simplicity in landscaping materials is desirable and should be encouraged for screening purposes. Deciduous tree species should be considered in landscape plantings to permit light penetration in winter. Mature vegetation should be retained where poss ible . Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable . New sign is added and the main entrance signage is added over new canopy . Existing bike rack is in good condition and to remain. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Existing landscape to remain . No residential property is adjacent to the site. Existing landscape to remain as well as new landscape has been provided to incorporate scre·ening and to define site boundaries. 8 Guideline 8.5.2 G (Continued) 4. Aesthetic values along frontages and on-Existing development. site ought to be enhanced by significant landscaping on all property lines and around buildings . Street trees should be used to provide the landscaping variety that would soften the character and scale of the area . s. Landscape planting and screening should Sufficient existing and new landscape screen is be used to create interesting views and provided along north and east of property line to screen focal points into and out of the site for drive-through from front street and adjacent property. pedestrians, passing drivers and building tenants on the site or adjacent to it. 6. Open space should be usable., attractive Existing . and well-integrated with the design of the building. Open space, in many cases, will be achieved with courtyards, recessed balconies, terraced balconies, roof top gardens, and atria . 7 ., Landscaping should reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. Existing to remain and more new landscape has b_een added to reinforce design continuity with neighboring properties. 8 . Landscaping should define the purpose Existing to remain. and emphasize the desired character and function of public and private space. All private and semi-private open space should be clearly defined as such and should be controllable by those meant to benefit and be responsible for it, thus encou ra •ging use, pride and safety. 9. Distinguish public and semi-public n/a spaces from private spaces. Design symbolic barriers through: a) building and site design ; b) changes in paving, vegetation, or grading; or c) architectural features, such as low walls, bollards or raised p lanters . 9 Guideline 8.5.2 H Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Developments should be designed to for natural Existing and new landscape allows for natural maximize opportunities surveillance. surveillance allowing people to easily view what is happening aro~nd them during the course of everyday activities. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design principles and technique s are enco uraged. 2. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities . 3. Design the interior spaces and exits from any underground and above ground parking structures for maximum visibility ·within the parking area. Entries should be highly visible, well lit and spaced at convenient intervals Hidden spaces, obscured alcoves and blind corners should be avoided in the design and layo ut of the parki ng facilities . 4 . Walls and ceilings of parking structures, particularly underground structures, should be pairited white to enhance or reflect light. Guideline 8.5.2 I Universally Accessible Design Site is well-lit by existing light poles and new wall mounted light at storefront facing parking lot, which creates visibility to the parking area. n/a n/a Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. All non °vehicular routes be fully Accessibility is provided on existing site by let down . accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/ scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaire?, Curb -cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities . 10 . Guideline 8.5.2 I (Continued) 2. Locate parking spaces allocated for Existing handicap stall is provided close to main people with disabilities as close as entrance. possible to the main entrance to a building. 3. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed w ith large numbers visible from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; and c) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. Guideline 8.5.2 J Bicycle Storage and Parking 1. Provide short term bicycle parking facilities, such as bicycle racks, at grade close to building entrances. Bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads. Bicycle racks should be made of sturdy, theft- resistant material, securely anchored to the floor or grounds . 2. Provide long term bicycle parking facilities in secure storage areas within buildings . Bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. In mixed-use buildings, bicycl_e storage facilities for residents are to be separate ·from those for the commerdal uses. 3. Large-scale developments are encouraged to provide end-of-trip facilities, such as showers and lockers, within the development for the convenience of employees . New signage and canopies are provided abov~ existing main entrance. Existing underside of canopy will be replaces with new lighting. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the . listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Existing bike rack close to main entrance to remain. Long term bike rack can be provided inside tenant space. n/a 11 Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File· Number _________ _ Date prepared : J<JN[i£ 2..0, 2..0(C:, Architect fan'bca G:rhcarol!' Print Name 12 J CARL'S Jr. EXTERIOR RENOVATION z < ...J a. >-w ~ ...J SUBJECT AREA < et:: w < z <( ...J a. >-w ~ w t- in EXI STINO BUI LDING 6,500 SF (NJ .C.) P;\d259\6) S11!>m ission\7) ADP\CAD\4259A-000.dwg PRINTED BY WSl 18 ON F'rldoy, Jun e 17. 2016 '!:40:32 PM '= FOR FYP INVESTMENTS INC. 20468 LOUGHEED HWY, MAPLE RIDGE, BC < t- ~ < C t- (.) ~~ w -, 0 c::: a. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT A DL 222 NWO PL LMP25177 CIVIC ADDRESS 20468 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY, MAPLE RIDGE, B .C. VZX 2PB ZONING EXI STING ZON E : C•2 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR RENOVATION OF EXISTING SINGLE STOREY COMMERCIAL BUILDING U) t- (.) < t-z 0 (.) ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL DATED: JULY 12TH, 2016 OWNER ARCHITECT LANDSCAPE Carl's Jr, Vafl COU\ler FYP lnV\U tmonts, Inc . Phone: 604-80 5-8285 Fax: - E-mall :- URBAN DESI GN GROUP ARCHITECTS LTD , FARIBA GHARAEI , Arc hllect AIBC #600 -1140 WH I P a ndor S trool VanCOUYC!r, B ,C. V6E 4G1 ~:;ni=cw6:~~~s'f 34 E-mall: farlbag@udga com M2 LANDS CAPE ARCf-HTECTURE 1nd ARBORICULTURE LTD. MEREDITH MITCHELL #220 -26 Lome MBWs New Wo stmlnstcr, 8C VJM 3L7 Phone; 604-SSHI044 l;l!L 102 ~~;:a1\~~,:~~.:l~chel l@ m2la.com t- U) ::i (!) z ~ ~ 0 ARCHITECTURAL A-0.0 COVER S>IEET A-0.1 SITE CONTEXT PHOTOS A -1.1 SITE PLAN A-2.1 FLOOR PLAN A-2.2 EXISTING ROOF PLAN A-3 .1.1 PROPOSED ELEVATIONS A-3.1.2 PROPOSED ELEVATIONS A-3.2 MATERIAL & FINISHES RENDERING LANDSCAPE L-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L·2 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS L-3 STRUCTURAL SOIL SPECIFICATIONS J. 18r;;.g,,• Gmmtlil'H~1/11 114/C0/11; 1![-SSI.Elf?~ f lV'.A/t! 6S',O.m&~ This dro 11-ing, as 011 irisirumen t ol !>~rvicc, is ttlt property of Urb:in Onq\ Cfovp Architects U1, and l'!oy C':.t b: l~p1oducfd, ~·cd or f:ord •d-~ .-rillcn pc.,rrUU!n. en Q 1-!....x: ~:z ::::=-.... _.-w C::>8-::: :2!: ii52-=:; LLI ~ ....... ei:::::. ~,,.. C:.::::: :::5: V# c::> iw ei::::: C> > LLI SE:z I-c:a ~~-_g.-. _c::::> ....... --, --" >-er.>~ =--... ~LL ei::::: c::C c....> ~ architects ltd lill-1140 WcST PENOEfi ~.BC\t':1:0 'iHEl'tO'E <&14> 687ro34 f,O(Uf <W4l 688i'481 rrojed numb.,1 steelli:k? COVERSHEET 1 4 7 I I EmTINO BUllDIIIG ISS.OOOlf (NJ .CJ PI\OPOSEO CA.fU."SJ r. (FO!UtER.UW) 2 ,737 SF I ...., -+ I i!J 1m 1J 11111wuwu JJ I @~~~TS PLAN ~ 2 3 5 6 - - J Jv.,f/211 llSl.$tt•N.fll/07/JJ l l Wt'{IC -,:4tj'UDl{WIP - I 11.fO,lf~ ............ ,. ,~l•-14: b rcb¢11 rev1s 10ns ::::z:::: Ul c:::> ' 1-- !..-c ~ :z: ::::::-a.a..aW c::> g 11111::: ::::z:::: i52 -=:;; LL.II LL.11-er::::: ~ er:::::~U) c::>~W i:i::: ~>· LL.l!:::2 8 fa:z: L&.i-:::::c: _<.::JI ... _::::;:,..._ ---::» g >- y> ~LL --11-=-er::::: c---.a c::C .... <...> J2 architects ltd l>XH 140 vi/EST PENDER \II.ND.MA. BC ~E 4G IB..EPl-0!'{ <c/J4l t,87~ FACSltvlLE <t(W 688·7481 SITE CONTEXT PHOTOS li~ ...... £~ / I I w z ;I !!!<l '<II' ~~I \ I I I lj I I : I I t ,.. -+ 34',6" 1UIMI ----!,'f!!l'~\.._..:.u.N TO ~ltti.:.INEP, ------ :YI& IN(, TREE TO B E RETAINED EXl 5TING LANDSCAFE TO e E R!:TAINED EXISTING BUILDING 6,500 SF (N.I.C.) --b--- U-·S- JLC..A,(J L ~1~E~~/ - EX ISTING t..=..--cac . TOBE RET.ilNED NEW • I :: ~ ,e ~ NOTE: ALL PA.VI~ .a.lRelNG 4 SIDEWALK 51-4.0.LL !!'!E B Y L..I.NO LORD l t .... f7J1MJ ff-10'" 12UIM) 2f'•1t" [UIM) -- EX IST ING, LAND6CAFIN-5 ( EXISTING L~~ TO eE ~~rSPECtAL NEW ORDE R ST ALL L~JJ=ft:'s E XISTIJ,I:; BICYCLE ~ ~ ~ DO NOT ENTER. Tl-l.ANK YOU ON BACK EXISTING TREES TO BE R ETAINED --- . ,. ~ :: 'f• PROPOSED ~!! ~~ ~ .. ~ ; ' ., ~ ~ e ;,15~• WHEEL STOP /TYP / i .. w ~ ~ .. CARL'S Jr. (FORMER A& ) 2,737 SF ... ..,.. [10.'4 M) EXISTING ;:: ... NEW L ANDSC~FING I J t :;·l, I ~ I _, I \ I ,.:.ac , ..... r•i>-<"'l ' 0Al~ " -~Cl ~ w W ! I 5 '.l '" >- 2~ I ~ffi !~ ~~~ w n. {4.J 2 M] -1 L TOTAL PARKING ~"'-I r-ss STALLS P .. INTED L -1 lti _-JJ 111 I _I_ t~l JU __ LJ __ L,,,J ,/~~ I lJ ITE PLAN FROFERTY LINE 204'•1 " ~: :~ WQ !~ <I \'} .... ~~ <!!w X lll "'o .... GENERAL NOTE: scr.t>O.&Re~WC:.~ ,ut£ r;u:ro"tD~C.,.,,-t}tl ~~~'<>~ mi:~~DT~ -~ ne-~T.ot Cfl O~Glt -'8e:..:.tt0!1t ~ ~ID SITE INFORMATION : LEGAL DESCR IPT ION: LOT A DL 222 NWD PL LMP25177 CIVIC ADDRESS : 20468 LOUGHEED HWY, MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2X2P8 CURRENT ZONING: C-2 COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL ZONE SITE AREA : 39 ,855 SF (3,704 SM , 0.91 ACRES ) PROPOSED BUILD ING AREA : 9,237 SF (858 .4 SM ) LOT COVERAGE: 9,237 SF (858 .4 SM) I 39,855 SF (3,704 SM) x 100% =23 .2% FLOOR AREAS : PROPOSED CARL'S Jr.(RESTAURANl): 2,854 SF (254.4 SM) EXISTING BUILDING {RETAlb}: 6.500 SF [604 .0 SM] TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA: 9,237 SF (85a4 SM ) PARKING REQUIREMENTS: TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED: 28.6 STALLS -29 STAllS REQ'D TOTA L PARKING PROVIDED: 55 STAU.S PARKING RATIO: 5.9 STAU.S I 1000 SF PARKING BYLAW REQUIREMENTS: RESTAURANT & RETAIL= 1 SPACE PER 30 SM (32 2.8 SF) G.FA PARKING SIZES : REGUIAA CAR ST ALL : 8-3" (2.5m) x 18'-0'' (5.5ml SMAll CAR STAll (MAX 10%): 7'-11" (2.4m) x 16'-0'' (4.9m) CAR STAll. (ADJACENT TO SffiUC1URE): 11'-0' (3 .35m) x Hr -o·, (6.0m) MANEUVERING AISLE WIDTH (2 WAY): 24'-0"' (7.3m) LOADING SPACE (MINIMUM SIZE): 11 '-6'' (3 .5 ml x 24'·8'' (7.5m) I 16/06/ZC ~'Vl".OU,'V/I? Il~II Jl!-,$~ftwl~ ',w.m ,i:t.tOffJICl' ... -.. -rev 1s1ons w NORTH U) c::::> 1- !.:c~Z ===-LLIW c::::> g-== ~ a.:: ..::: LLl~f-ec:::: ~ , ~ ec:::: _..,,, c::::> ~w ci2 ~> LL.I :c:z 1--c:::. >< ........ _ LL.I~ -:§:CL -,g>- ~~LL ___. ~ ec:::: -=s:: <...> .... ,p architects ltd W)·l l40 l/v£ST PEN DER 1./>J'.ro.MA. BC VI£:. 0 IB.EP!-a-E <104>687~ Fl>(SIM!..E <;04>6881481 ..... SITE PLAN ttft >-5 NOlW w,,. MS -FC 1 2 2':l '-0" /----· @) / ~~ @:; [I ~' °:. ~~•I~ ~~ .. r~ 0 / CJ !,._ :i~ .. '!!! I•: -4·_J I I L~ u.,~ m J I ..,_ - -!C'I 10 B __I -ORDER N Qill I SERVING lfl © [§] ~®@ -1('\I g Lj ' r __J :__J 11 I (fl 0 PROPOSED I "' j - I "" g CARL'S Jr iORRIDOR "" I 'dlNING ROOM OE] 7 102 2,737 s ~CM,.\Cf.JT .. ~!f 01 62 SEATS H 'NISEX ()7 a:::::::=::======n c--::==::Il a::=::-·-=ii -~ Dill ]] <l i:'!. l'i l'i [GJ] r r /4 ® ~ 3""'\>'>IJ.N3 8 '-8" PATIO 4 DRY STORAGE FREEZER Gill [ill] 0 [§]8 ,... gJ KITCHEN [}ill □ r,:,: SERVICE ~~ CElj (]IQ] 8 □ SCU LLERY []ID 0 ,, 5 '-1~" ll'-10" 5 '-4 " 10 '-\0" 7'-11" / ). -I ""'" -I I O'J I f' -IN (SJ I -1("",.l (SJ r<) -st" (SJ r<) -If'\ (fl ;, ' 11/0fF.', W,QO lft/01/IJ 1 tf/QWU '!---d!ia na r, f IJJOlfl! 1218 (!,JIO, Ntt/-1~ lk-:trt,:.cl. ~ NORT~ - Tl's drawing. os en inslrumcnl of service, is \he property of Urban 0,,,,. G1ou;, .lt dlutls Lid . aad fl'o,'")'IIOlkt'tpt~ed,cop1ed or llonrd witllwl -rlllffl pe,m:Ss;o~ :=-:~~ ~:; f«.,,o,fHtl"o,r<l ri~std td bf vlit'd .o(bft,t, .. ~ "l'.tll• _,_ :::;;z:: U) c:> 1-~~:z :=-u.rw C::> 8-=: :::;;z:: ii:: IIIIIC; LL.I ~I- C.::: ~ "'I'll, c.:::: ::::::E:_", e::>·::icW ix:~> LL.I =z=:z 1---c::a ><ttl-LL.I ::::c: -=gD.. ---, g>- Cl> ~LL =---~ c.:::: .... c'.:§ 0 .... architects ltd bC0-1140 WcST FENDER \IW:l'JlNEfl. BC ',()EO TB.l;l'l-0'\E </D4) 687Z!34 Ff¥:SlvU <t04>Ci88?481 proitc\ 11\JmDer _ ... FLOOR PLAN ""' ~- , .,, (?, 1 /\7 I I I I -i b I " I I -1 b ' b, )'•o· 0 ~ >; t --1-----t---1 I I -+-------,-~ - i --~ I I I , 29·2' ._ ... -i -------- •Y,•l(J· 9'-b' __...!.!------- PROPOSED -CARL'S Jr. EXISTING ROOF TO REMAJN l. . 'triil' L.h-i.c.nuri"'J,O •'-t!ttln li~~-~~." .... ,@ f •lu .M C-0-.1U. ~1:.oc'" trk'V~~----dl9'-~ p,-~ 1-t--~ .. ~■--,.,.i,r,~•ld'L(I ... e;J ,✓f - .. * ,--- .-.s __ J-' -~' t ------------- :-' ~;·~~ ~•17 ~u.~crCL'!~ ~~ EH:.rY-.C)«:K~)f 11.;de•.ollt~Pr~ ' , I ---+- ____ ,_2·•_6_" --_ ----------~ -~~R __ o..;;.o..:..f_P..:..la..:..n ______________________________________________ _ U•~-' .... u.11.1~5hall t,; o~~ ,c.""'i>..i. tu,tdard1.1>' u,,. f::W.·11~ Co."lva-:;t.o~·~ ~ ... ,, of bf",C,U CNr•A (~ADgbrl .. ~, '-~• ~:w,.valld ilS .,,.,~,",ej h~r<::•~ In th,: ,;i&e v ' .. ~ ~ut ~-~~do,\11<::ll":09! n,.....,.111t ,u,,,,.a,1MN,.M>.lll .,,a, Af.,-:,d~~---ct.t h,: rr.m-i>r"!l::,!i_y_S~rr.: • C:MSt.'c ~WC. S;-.l.c.i5 n Oil'i1;ion c,+ Carll~<:: Corpcrl:l~on • F,e.~:«11-~!ft! rr:iJvi:.t s C.:in!U:l;:i • ,1?pro .. cd ;;ifurnalA: 6,;lia ~t. · rounik,! •11 W worl'I ir.ovel 1 -1/2" no,rii"-ll dWmeur with t1t·.oc-l 1.ii1::.o ro m> ;,ppmveO ll-;iht ,r:ml>:3n: mJJnuf-,etl.lrer.f', .. W:1 winimum 10 pound!. p~r ~ur,r~ foor of L>allsst =~;~:::.:\ ::;~,-:~~: :;~~;~tA·l5 Bon~1~ M~~iv~ • 24~ lt 2'1" x ?." \Jic.h,,c ~~ pr=ca t.: ~t"...e ~"t ~Su• 128" ,...,_,1:--,r, ~ u.ut, ,,,_~•••t11\u,r.A ~~.,~,~H-1.ffiW;,_1.,jj ~•r,rr.-r..,. ~•'•~""\Ul'Jt'.,~,-,ww~r--4-m:.l.Mti.e.t,yli114 ~~~~~-.t,:.'ff!~IN~Y.""'f'"UI) • .m..:"-..-,'°"'"·'""'r'""f•• ~,otl~fl"t" i/\!lldr./outr,irte (lp.:rDl..iDn !l,ril:nur;i 12" 1<i1eh .:w!, ~w ""'"" :·· r1gi~ 10!,ulnt.l~ fu1; wdd:d a~ ~roJ!'ld {;1t1eo-..b:,~~t.; c;.:,r.,plc:W)'YJilt.:;l~\lh~ r::i.;.hi11 '!1 !">: 11 1~r11J c:sp riM c ounc..r f1n:ih,.,e, cf !>.:imc ~-'el~ ,ir.d rruk:ri:)! ;i, e.r.u1p.1r.irin c:urios : fully wdd"° for w.:,~r1.i~htl'l:!h AFrrqy~,;_r,;,,nubctvr~r!>: !,ilGc, •Kic¼,-.,'lr.lc.ox~C.,n.i:fo Ud • ~ l.»~~.-U...I w:or--trr'v-d~ ~'°"9.,.n,:.\Cf'l f"r odui:i ~Co 1.'Mu~ W.v~ 1'1""11(~ ""=-(~.t.:: t t.J.} .a pprov«I :,i~.-r.;J;;c ,.....__ ~- A7 • J.I~ G2.-n li1f ,:, 1111»/a 1 1l/U$/t1 Rf' . ..Qt:Grat# ,,,.=~ ISllD l'Qt ~ • wt-I~ flr:Q'Cfa " ~ NOR TH --= -, Cl> ~ £Ji:::::: --=C c...> ~ architects ~d lill·l 140 WEST 11:NDER \J\N'..OUVE R. BC ~EO IB£Pf{)flf (604) !i87ro34 FACSIM..E c6()4lt,88y48) clmtlille ROOF PLAN (EXISTING) ....... " E 20•-~ 112 ' I/0 FRONT TOWER L 15'-4 112" T/0 WALL STAC KE D STONE ELDORADO -BLACK RIV ER Ce EL. B'-3 112 '' __ _ TIO STOREFRONT -:0 EL . 3'-1 " ~ ' i<'I T/0 WINDOW SILL E L. 0'-IZI" $ TI O SLAB @ ~~-T.~ ELEV A TI ON EL. 22 '-I" TI O DT TOWER TI O WALL ., ~ - ._.._ . . -. _. :'· '' ._: •• • < \' • ,; .· . . . . . ACRYLIC STUCCO fEIFS ) 1 B .M. HC-97 HAN COC K GRAY :..v>.1--E-L-,-8-,--3-1/-2"0 -• ---"';r,==-='--il 'i$ TIO STOREFRONT EL 3'-1" T/0 WINDOW SI LL EL. 0 '-0 " -...... -~~~T~/~O~S~L~A=B=------ C, DRIVE-THRU ~'"!)CANOPY R EC ESS ED L IGl-iTS ~ !SEE ELEC T DWGS 1 FLASHING B.M. 21 16-1 0 UN IVERSAL BLACK I~ I STACKED STONE ELD ORADO -BLACK RIVER D ACRYLIC STU CCO (EIFS) B,M. HC -97 HAN COCK GRAY CJ l CLOSED CANO P Y RECESS ED L IGHT S !SEE ELECT DWGSJ ACRYLIC STUCCO fE IFS) B .M. 1070 BARLEY HARVEST P A INTED ME T A L FLASl-l lNG EIFS CORNICE B.M. 2118-10 UNIVERSAL BLACK D ACRYLIC STUCCO (E IFS) B.M . 1070 BARLEY HARVEST CJ PA INTED MET AL FLASf-11NG EXTERIOR MATERIALS & FINISHES : 0 EIFS CORNICE (D FRE-rnl5aED METAL c AF FLA5"IN6 0 EIFS ACRYLIC STUCCO FINISI-I 0 EXIST l1\'6 TREATE D WOOD SLAT © ~~~ti G~~Et~:~~~ ;~EN 0 EX IST ING DRIYE·THRU WINDOUI 0 CONGRETc UFST AND © STACKED STONE 0 5IGN.¼E, INDIVIDUAL C"ANN EL LIT LETTER$ (BY TEN.ANT J © INSllLATJ:O DOOR AND F 5 FF!ANE @ EX IST ING STO RE FRONT lllNDOW S © GAS METERS (5EE MECa DU):;SJ @ PL YWOOD BACKING AREA FOR SIGNAGE 0 ALUMIN IUM B~AK 51,.jAP E © STEEL CANOFY 0 LIGl·ff FIXTURES (SEE EL ECT Du.lSSJ ® F F-£-CAST CONCRETE CAP @x 0~ @ ROOF TOP UNIT $ @x ® STEEL CANOPY I-1.AN~ERS SPECIFICATIONS & COLOURS : 0 BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT, "C-~l "ANCOCK GRAY © BENJAM IN MOORE FAINT, 1010 BARLEY 1--lARvE:Jf © BENJAM IN MOORE FAINT , CC-33e> HILLSBOROUG\..I BEIGE 0 6ENJAMIN MOORE PAl-<T. 212&-30 ANCHOR GRAY © 5 ENJAM IN MOORE FA IN T, 21 16-10 • lNIVE RSAL BLACK 0 CLEAR .ANOD IZED 0 ELDORADO • BLACK RIVER G) NA1\JRAL FIN15 " 0 TO MATC" ADJAC ENT © OLY MFIC STAIN· CL EAR @ PRE-FINIS~ED 6 LACK 0 E;mm CLEAR c:/w L4YA SRCt-lZE 5FANl<OTE '""""' tmDIUI.O IYfJ'ITl J tW/U •C~'Olflllfll I,....,,, GJO'P'A1' mMJ.,Ji Olw~• revIst0 ns This dra wing, os on ins trument of servi ce . is lhe property of Urbon Ot"'I" c:,..,p N<M«.t• lid , ...i 1!1CfJ,iol,kt(11(1)du(f'lloic.op,tdOI dlo.C.1,lVl\ra'lt'IIDIGft ::=s~~~~Oltt ;; fu ,,. .. ~h l'~ffll. ~,i,., cd bt littff ~•M .1.!J.oul. .,..,.dffl perm,ssm n ~ architects ~d t())-1\1() WcST PENDER \I.N:DJJE A. BC V61:431 IB£PI-ON: C/:D4>1:87'2334 FACSltvH <l:04 > 6887481 ....... ELEVATIONS • EL. 22 '-I" $ TI O DT TOWER 15'-4 1/2" TIO WALL EL. &'-3 l/2 11 10 GARBAG E ENC LOSURE EL. 0 '-0" TIO SLAB CULTURED STONE SOUTHWEST- PRO-FIT-LEDGESTONE EL. 1'3'-1" TI O FRONT TOWER EL , B'-3 " Q::! Ur5 OF FT DR CANOP EL . 0·-0• TIO SLAB @ §£~Ii~ ELEVATION D ~-~:-'··\:· .?: ·: • .,:-::" ··:. ;·'f\ ... _ -... ,_' -_ -:· ·-. ' -. . . . ' . ACRYLIC STUCCO (EIFS) B.M. HC-97 HANCOCK GRAV' D L P AINTE D M ET AL FLASI-II NG ACRYLIC STUCCO (EIFS) B.M. HC ,97 HANCOCK GRAY B.M. 2118-10 UNIVERSAL BLACK FLASHING l I EIFS CORNICE -- 8 .M , 2111•10 UNIVERSAL BLACK ACRYL IC STIJCCO (EI FS) 8.M.1070 BARLEY HARVEST PAIN TED ME T AL FLASHING i ACRYLIC STUCCO (EIFS) B.M. 1070 BARLEY HARVEST .. ..., CULTURED STONE SOUTHWEST- PRD-FIT-LEDGESTONE EXTERIOR MATERIALS & FINISHES: 0 ElFS CO~ICE 0 PRE-FINISflED MET AL CAP FLAS~ING 0 EIFS ACRYL IC STUCCO FINI SI-I 0 EXISTI~ TREAT ED WOOD SLAT 0 EXISTING ALUM STOREFRONT FRAMES DOJBLE GLAZED, rnERMALL 'T BROKE N 0 EXI STING DRI VE-TI-IFc\J WINDOW 0 CONCRETE UPST AND 0 STACKED STONE SPECIFICATIONS & COLOURS: 0 SIGNAGE, INDIVIDUAL c~-EL LIT LETTERS /BY TENANT! 0 BENJAMIN HOoRE PAINT 1-tC -':ll HANCOCK GRAl @ INSULATED DOOR AN D P 5 FRAME 0 EXISTING STORE FRc:JNT WIND OUJ5 ® GAS METERS <S EE MECI-I Du.t;SJ ® BENJAM IN MOORE FAINT, 1070 BARLEY ~RYE5T © BENJAMIN HOORE PAINT, CC -330 ~IL LSBORO!l$H BE IGE 0 PLYWOOD BACKING ARE A FOR SIGNAGE ® ALUMINIUM B~AK SI-IAFE © STEEL CANOPY ® BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT. 2IU,-3e ANCHOR URAi © BENJAM IN MOOi<E FAINT, 2116-10 -lJ.llVERSA L BLACK @ LIGl-ff FIXTU RES f SEE ELECT DlU::i SJ 0 CL EAR ANODIZED @ PRE-C AST CONCRETE CAF © ELDORADO -BLACK RIVER @x @ x X 0 NAl\JRAL FINISH 0 TO MATCH ADJACENT @ ROCf TOF UN ITS 0 OL'TM PIC STAIN· CLEAR @x 0 FRE-FINISl-fED BLACK @ STEEL CANOPY ~ANGER5 0 G;mm CLE AR c/w LAVA 6RCNZE 5PANKOT= J l6/0f,/2f.! 15JtQ!IC,,OIJ.,f"J/IJ 1 16/ll5Jltl :ff·GS'!Gfllll!# 111/1)&/lf .,,..,.. .. aar,/..-M -re v1s 1ons ~~ic~.0i!nihtp:re~:1~flJ~~a~ °"'91 Cr"'1) Alc!Ml«\I l1(. ond ,r,c,-Ml bf: ttqtadlxtd. <cped Of ~ -~ .. n1.1--~ :,,,,~~~-~-~ :; kr i,,.l),p<qc<!ooir.:7-INII nM tic lii\C'd olllo-• ~ ..i ~li'III ptf11'1!Sl!OII ::z:: en c:::> 1-· !.x: ~:z :::::-~-w c:::> g -== ::z:: ii:: 1111111::: ~ ~1--~ ~U) c:::> ~w er::: a> LLI ::i:: Z t--!C:ll >< w- LLI = -=8C... -=-g > Y->~LL __. -a::::11!::: .... -=c 0 <....> -.- architects ltd W'.}l 1'10 \Af'ST PENDER W\(lJ\J\/EA. BC V6E 4GI lREPHONE <W4>687i2334 OCSllvt.E <604>6881~8! -·· ELEVATIONS ''""' fC STACKED STONE ELDORADO -BLACK RIVER META L CANOPY CLEAR ANODIZED SIGNAGE BY TENANT ACRYLIC STUCCO (EIFS ) B.M , HC-97 HANCOCK GRAY NEW WALL SCONCE SIGNAGE BY TENANT NORTH ELEVATION METAL FLASHING B.M. 2118-10 UNIVERSAL BLACK EXISTING ALUMINUM STOREFRONT CLEAR ANODIZED CHARL'S Jr. -EXTERIOR RENOVATION 20468 LOUGHEED HWY, MAPLE RIDGE, BC -ACRYLIC $T\JCC0 (E.i!'S) B.M. 1070 BARLEY HARVEST J 16/06/2 ~IS.Olfl":U J 15/05/141 ill["/4'MlllDll41P 1 JUl>t/'ZI .... .,. .. M'ff,..,'1J -rev1s1ons This dra wing, os on inslrum enl of service, is lhe pro pert y of Urban 0c"9" ~ """"'"' \!II., .,.. in.:i, llOI be ,tprodottd, <opkd o, ....... »..,i .1111 .. ...- ,;,~5,,«<Cq;~onllofl\tflfl- r.m.,i.,.l'Mli■,Cft,t.la i:.t• :: -= :~~&.';! ~ .,~ JJCfTMWL ::::.z:: en S2 I- I .C ~ :Z: :::::=--..a..rw C> <.:> ::::;;z: -~ :E LL.I ~I- C.:::: ~ , ft. Cl:::: -", c::>~W i:52~> LL.II <.:> !,<@:Z LL.l!:f:!---= gO.. ---, ~ >- ~~LL Cl:::: ._ c3 J:! architects ltd 6':XH 140 W!:ST PENDER \1\N:DJ\11:R. BC V6EO IB.EPI-DIIE C/£)4 l 687'2334 FACSltv'i..E <104> 6881'481 proiec l nu mbe r shel!'l bUe MATERIALS & FINISHES -,;,· • .--o· Ill re CARL'S Jr. EXTERIOR RENOVATION MAPLE RIDGE, BC furFYPINVESTMENTS PROJ(CI /JO t259 EXISTING CITY TREE NEH LANDSCAPE AREAS, PROVIDE MIN. 15" GROH/NcS MEDIUM AND 3" MIN. COMPOSTED SARK MULCH PER LAfDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS INSTALL PROPOSED PLANT MATERIAL TO FILL ALL GAPS IN EXISTl~\5 SHRUB MATERIAL; TYP. STOP - NEW TREES ; 6LEDITSIA T. INERMIS 'SKYLINE' UT,["; Ci'1l11 !1 STRUCTURAL SOIL, MIN 30" DEEP PLANT SCHEDULE tC:ilY OT'I' aOfANtO.A\. NAltS $ . 6\.S:)IISI,._ T.ltl:RMl5 '~TLIIC;' L SO LOI-IIURA Pll.EAT,', " 66 ~A>OJ\FOL.ll.M -• ~ISEnJ-1 ~Olc:e, lWE.lH' A b5 Nt::~~\V I' :12 llr;;it(TMF., .V.POIICA ~ 6AIEn' C01,.,t0N NAlilC: ~ FG\INTAIH S!ASS, BJO!lfl·•h. 5Lvf:R VARi69ATED M~ JOB NUMBER : 1is-o•a J'L.f.M"JCCI ■IZlll , ...... ,uc• •I POT:20(;1 r.!PO'l':4001 l'OftS •_n.,,,,,ns-.zn.•~U!lr~~~ R)~~LM05c'.-.v>!:~r.NQ#l:1,V,.te,rff:Jitl(J(. <,CHtliOH:,l:~sPEGFll:D ~Jll:R. ad),. ~V.;OU05,. IIObo i-..MT~,\\O(Qff-'KR-1M. l)C,-povl""8'fffl.i .$'.la • ~ fO~r"Ooroli: ot,H!)(o/t.-.MJt ~"'HOO'TiU:~~~J~ •-~~~~~~l,V~f'OR'.~~M ~~fAT~(# ,r ~C,~fO~u>et~u.'ONOf'IUQ:lt..YNJEf •~lllfflOi!I 00,lr,!M N~,lr(.~'l\e~~~'!'O~Mt~nM'0'6 10 ~twm,t,t..~!t,.DS"~l'IU,...t ,tf,,U.ftO: oli,,L(IMA~ rr.'f:t",'1"'!t1'll)Olt,OCfl.l'Mt'Ff'OltlfU1$~~fl t'llft. =-.,es~.,.._~IOIIC.~ JtJr,!CNltf • Drf" ~ ~ t:JI<-AYM>MJrt ALL PLANT IIATERIA1.11Uff BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFlED DU!IEAIE FREE NURSERY, PROVIIIE CEKT1FICA.11DN UPON R.fQUEIT. EXI STING 16042-ol.zlp O(q~chc tl1t,vf" Jhilfi'l~G 1!!1tWi,,,i5 the t,1'00C(1ya f MZb/!4l,QIClaAIO'lot~c:r, Md m~y not br q,~ed et~lflo,e1iwlf!Y<)Je«1Wlthcu11heirperminio11 lANUSCAPf AACHIHCTUAt #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Te l : 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la .com > ~ IS~FORMIP I ... , .... ~-1!?6/JEDFOROP. NO DATE REVISIO N DESCRIPTION SEA L: PROJECT: CARL 'S JUNIOR RENO ... ... OR, 20468 LOUGHEED HWY, MAPLE RJDGE DRAWING TITLE: DATE: SCALE: DRAWN: OESIG N : CHK'O: LANDSCAPE PLAN lhMAY.Ob DR AWING NUMBER: =ie2 ·=r-o· GL L 1 GL OF3 M2lA PROJECT NUMBER: 16-D42 PART OHE GeHE:ML REQUIREMENTS 1.1 RlflROIC(S 1 {(0(0..!Ulm!tllllON (1111 1,wi1~..i.1klul\ti'lfCffl'1'.(«'litl91'.lol (.-itr11.t•u111f11Mtilnvtl~IN,~llirl d "11~1tfltttll""(""rt110.1..i-w1 ? II{ l11,,h1'1" Sh.'ld114.IUHT ED IIQJl.,r ri:W'l<I If Int 8 { StHIJ ;I Lftuil)f &rt!wntl n:1 lht !( l,ndlt~r ~ N..-1,n Au,011;.,,, 1"~11,. A! vark ..,d r1l,rill1 ti>!\ ... .,,,_,, UM! ..,i1n, .. ,c t-,.~ ....... , ........ .,., ... ,~, 1 ... ,,-d,ut ............ .,..,1._,,.,,,.,,M"I ... ft .. r,llto1e1ln,c ... I IU1l!lt~ll ~rhfOJlllMo; t \14111),l.llll O(U.11.S.LAltST {OJll(Mrj, 11 .. ~¥ti bj IN c ... 11,lllr,g c,, ...... •1 '"'"' ,11 ... ~1.l!u~•td,rs •od 11o,,, c..,,1 .. 11 ... AH61Hlim,.Mfl~1""1(:"( .. 11t1 °"1u., L ,u.io.u;~fQaU!lllSUPL IUl(ill!Olj ,rs1t11.u1(,1 (DlllllM P1111m ~ 11 .. ~/\II!,.., lrl6.ill•/ ~U<l l>l l.-i ~I l1~idl (.i...tt.1 ~ Hllil(l'Al6Yll',l~ANO~ltij!(RNG~,fOFOTkll6',ltlR(NOTED. 12 R, I •r,.,•llll.,.t-1ftfl•t~IMlt1I for11tqn1•111Qetd.,~t~bf••d•1tni11 1l1 1t r~un !I Pm1d,.,o,i ... f111 11 1"'9,J ;,nnd,p"1111n! l11t111J ll(,l,IJ ,,...,...,.o, ... 1.-.i. . .,.w11>1,.1 0rlo...-,.•-.it•Nil oln,,.1,lh1•1.,nd"IP•.4'11,1 r,1l_,,,....,__._., .. ,..,.1,p1>1-I hhrl•Sorll.,,lHr .. .., 11-1 .... .,, ...... -,,. 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"'- DR 20468 LOUGHEED HWY, MAPLE RIDGE DRAWING TITLE : DATE: SCALE: DRAWN: DESIGN: CHK'O: LANDSCAPE SPECIF/CATIONS f6/1AY.o6 DRAWING NUMBER : GL L2 GL OF3 M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: 16-042 PART ONE · GENERAL 11CDPYRIGHT I H-.e Slmlur~ 'So1 ;~uifiulian is. ,nded ,s ~ll i~lfOO!flt or Seffl(@ ~r.d re~a ]/ls lhe propnly QI K2 l~r.dm~e AWllli'Cllte. Th! inlor,ullo,\ pm,ded in Im spftificationi~ rcr utlusivt ust by outd.tU for Ille sp"1fic prvJHI notfd !Ills 11farl".lf!O'I tonh,"lt:!in Ifill tou.,ul _.., not be rtpro"Jlfd er d Slfl)IJ/td in wl!~lt or In parl,willloi1llhrp,rr..issi,n01H2lMllkOt,tAr(tliltdurt. ,2 S(Q!lf<FWO~K 1 Tht warh al It~!! SH lien sll~\ gne<n tht supply cl ii\ tqui,r.rnl. maleriab and lab~ur 11tnnary !or lht pri:p11lng .ind pl.iting and 10111patlinq Slruclural So~ Hi• tn a ?f"epHtdsu~gode 1 It 11 lht inrtnl fh al IJ\f stru:tunl i;al rnidvr, ,<ill proo,, lhe ntnsury hucl trm119 (h.rut,r11l 1ts lor l,91>1 load ~iml surfu•tfflll9&rtn while all11w ,n~ u1,d proir.ol1n9 lhtdtVtlopm,,I ol tr« rool s Thr 10119 ltrl'lpillS Iii, pro.i1olion ol hulll'ly. longlrnd frets 11Mr rt<l1.1t1ng 111, polentitl nrg.1hvr~lons of lllrgr ~ulr roo/ dr~flo?llrnt um:'tr hilrd s~thct ¥tas 3 Rel~ la dra11b9~ 1111'" locati~n i111d dii'lfOSIM al str~c lural soil l!ll•lurt 13 RELATEOWc.:IK 1 Sec1 .onC2\QO,Li1'11fs(~tRPqu1r,·Hnls 2 St11ionon1a.L1:1dscaptllriin1gr 3 Se<l 1onlZ&lO,lrrrptionSyslm ~ ~ctiaonD2913,S61khr-9tlJ~J S Sutton U9:&.Plll,1 1ng frrn. Shnbs, ;ind G"ur.dw,rr I~ RflAT[DHASlfRHUNICIPAl SPWFl(AllO/<tS I Conlnuor la re~orl ill 1an/l.<ls wilh ci,t e~gnttnng ta l ill dnllpt .•,nMed 2 Srd ,onll210,SiteGriling } Set\00 012H. Emvaling, Trench"'9, Hd Bac~r,Wng 1, Sedion om&, Awegille5 o11d lil'anular Hitni,111 S Sed<0nt26'6,W,1hr1t11rks Setlion02111.SlcrmSr11u1 Stllicn 0271S. H.inho!ts .and (ald1 B~dni I~ STAIIOAROS 1 BCSU./&LHALilnt!mpeSi•ndardl•.osl1urrentedilic1I 1& DUALllYASSU.aAh(E .I Ml ilruclural s01l 11aler1al usf.d 1n ~treel tru Jlla,,l.t11 sll4l\M·"-,1 sclll'U 'f"fJl •'tf t 1 l!lt (NIMIMt NIii.iii ,.a.11 .-ulff l Mppl.ie~ lo the '1111 \klll l tt of ~mol¥ n;ihltf :in-J fro'I I si~gl, swtu. U d.1ys pl'lcr Io uo:!r"ll ~flit#!~ lo lht t,.,lf • .,.J-fk ~l•I al ,..,,.\q "''"-' ;ind;,-....,, a copy al .an an a1,,o. u~erliku by ,1 rr-'9n11td ltlflr.g~gmy ippmedby l~e 011ner,lf t/ltftlltrHfl!'tci9tnst•MU11f9tlw,ttlidt su ,._.." tltoo, tht;r;:,osedrn1lemli~...,.41 .. f111r1n lid cul ,n1110/U1:s u<lcon .z ltll llldrttivr ,1.-n h 1lru1tur•I Ullaalmai sl.4'plied h 1-W t1t1 l.t.ill be /rc11 i sourer ,,,,...n~ lht (~IN IIMII-sirnila: n~,,_.,..., M 1tnt si'Nfft• to the silt ~t , cf .,. .. .__.. Md !refill 1....,,. s~vrct. 14 days,,., h ~rJtq nyrwlrili,r ~twt.d•11 lht t•SOMI rf ~roi,osrd MVtt.ltC1'tfftll!t I te,n al an anal f149"0erl•r,1-f H-f(-,.1rdltsl 1 .. .,.nty ;ipprond by1',twtW Tktnl reporl shall c,i1&1,(y Nqu;i\if ' 1111t ith.-9clluadrrfll"''., t!f ,-..-u,,t lrvt ad:li1'1fll .ZJ lir• und and fir.es (ontenl U.(h as i ¾ al dry wriJh' l'Wn ero)! .2.2 .:.-.-c ••trml tonfrnl u i ptrunla~r of drr weigl'll . 2.3 A1~)f;iMf z., SIIWf ltlllLIWt!un 11 25 d~rtt ( z., eH11r,llil:rlt•t.ii nit ra~•n••~<.Ca,Ng,PJ 26 RKt,'lthrtd,..tt,,incnrporal_,.., 1rss~ry,:!lend<unh ) Pn,M ~nd pay for ~l,~tf tr~I n9 of .,altmls puposrd lt1t us, ch this prcjfd Al th1 Cu,wu.,.,n d1m,llo~. all mat,r1als 1uy bt rt-lu!,d Co.,trarlor 111ll bt ru1or,clble lor to1ts 01 rf•lnilfl.lj ir m.1ltti•ls do nol i:aeft spttilitllli1n •Mi rcir corrrclio~ ot the •titirfrq- .7 A.9,-rgatelnt: 1.1 l'ro,idr scune llM s'ne de1icjnil!en ol inhndtd a9grt9it, 111ltrilll poor to ordetlllg. 1.2 Al lilt Linjsc.apr Ard1i lrd's di1udion, .,,1leri1ls m,y bt "toltd (CJnlratlor Is tl!!~on~ble for costs a/ trsl,ngil u:aplr ~ou mert spec1ric1llon iOd for ccrrtttio" 01 ,1nydefil:iu,c, 1.3 'Su~•il 2 5~~ H•?le of slMe 10 L1ndsrape Atchlltcl frlor ICJ ••xing Su.pie ~h~u\d bt l1tle\led lo ind~dr 50urce ol m,tuial s1.1h1111trd I Slrw.t1,,Ws.ll H111:.t,.,.. 8' 1 Prt9art s4-~lr ol 1.lt\lt.hrfl u• II I ... ,th propostd nil,~ ... ft( .-;ipronl by LiFKIStiQ, /,f(bi!f(1 ,1 n~, •• ,. 14 1hrs tf,w lc-,t,c,111.-.i N,iAtr tan~"'ill=' Af1 t ll 1!1lnum2d1ys,pr111r ta--.iur,11tn az L~Att'Wftl\ftfjr«.UXfJ-.fw.!Clh'l-4 s,,_•.,,iw.-.lutllbe!nlH•lht nN'l lhM ,.11:cr,d~t t i IPM-111 1l1,Afl9"Ml,IIJ 115CHlllULING I o.-...-op~ro~il lru, (th~ulf,1nl of 1chtdcl!-llf,r,t 1n ;dmcl? of .1truclur11\ scil prtpM~t1on or o~lim~ or maltrial l<i site (o-ordinal ionot !ht ins1.a\11lion of tht ,1 ,~1.111l!f soil. mblu" ,s cr,hcil En sure sthriMi-,Mbu,, co,,rdinated wilh -'I Ctlfls~ll1nts ..-idrt\1/ed ccnttlldon l Sd.,M,to rnclude, l I dillt hr 1011::ienwn~nt al prtptnt1~n ol strut! ura\ ,N " ~• 2 2 Sl.ib ,,,~e prtp•rlllion ., silt 2 3 sti~pin9diln 2 4 .ill'rivil ~illts Oil sitt 25 insl.1llal1e1nd~ln t COll;le le \l~rk Io tns~rr lru pl1n1Lng vii ouur under apl~U"I condrlioos Iii ftELDR(VICW I Slatl upr::utri;, illl h hhsu\tanr is nqtJirtll lo conl1rr.dhe mm cl in slillilion 11111 miU,~ II nDt pnvcously SLbirJll!ct,ensurr gr1r11m9ffll!dium umple arul le~t report, ,1g9regalesltneu11pltandt1ruc1urllsodur..ple.1ndrt?Ott •r,suppl1tdattlle!lart-~pHrf.t,nq .2 h-crd1n ll@ ~ih ff'.fetirUJWlth (01m1lli1hl ~, th e lol[~1,1,n9 ti,.u .u O''Jllfla!ltill!! ...... t&.ro\f1t .. 22 '""1lt•U1\IMl.tt• 2) .ri,,ieq,o/sln.ictijralsoi\arxtiKe ,U •1111.t• t i 1tr111t.-M n;& l"Wt .H S<Jb grde prep.-4lio11 Md t.1ynJI 2.6 insl•tl;iiianoftrus 1'3SAHPlES 1 ProY dt 2 ~9 u•J!IU of i!U •llltri,1,ls rtquired for t~e pupaulionol 1lrurluroll ult r.ini'IUm •~ d1ys ptiGr ta cor.Jnencunent of inslall1t 1on Sa111t11u or all malmal shall bt su b;:iit tM 1i11th tol report troll! •pprned tesl ing ll9enrr ~s ?er u,t\111\ Ill ;ind lH 11CPRCDU(11-1A.!f0LIN!i 1 All 111aleril!s uud in I~., toiijias1/1on al strqclural so'l shll\l not bt prfJiiortd, worked or triWt\td 1.1pcn 1ohfft in, 1111 or froun con~il~n 2 Suwtr and h,11dl1 ~cla.'llle l.r.l!, ferlftinir. st;it;~1zer and olher che!llical a ■rnC•ents 1n sl~dard,.sultd. \Uluproof con ta flus ... ~11. ~.,t vei~I an~ protu[f ~n.i ly~s rttulr l'larbd 3h edtrilr at pn~a~, II! OELIY(RY,STl~JiG[AHOPliOUCTIOH I hr 1tru(11f'ill tl)1I P!'1!;>¥Nit 101,;rc, uid dellttrtd to s1le, Cetim all 11al,mls to s1I ,., .mh a i,.aooer a. to prevent da:iagt lo or s~~arillionot oll m~ltri.Ms used il'I lhe prrparahan of stn1C~ur,1f sol J 51ruth1ol so'ls lo bt ln5'i\lt0 u sao~ u pr~11uble •lier 11111ng. 1ny sln;clH•t 50J1 slo,tll onrri;hl 1olhtlhrr oi-silt or ,11 ;oi.,-ce sll1H be uv,rrd w'th tarp;i;11'n cl ~,teri.11 ~FPrnfd by 1hr c~nul\hnt until such limr u l'ldtr,als installed PART TWO • PRODUCTS 11 ijROWINClHmtltl I lA6LfDH[ 1 l Pt•1 .;ill g1011inf .,._t.ed lo cu,pl,te lhe worll 12 (.efCy11ithlhtr•\ill'r~ulh~let,teto>1 I) C,,•K•ilt1ial 111 tht f'T .,d1u'l'I must be 1,1e\l drrompn~d lo pren~I o(ygen <ons11rnpl111~ ca115ed .is, re1ull ol derornpositi0n el lhe or9.1n,c mat I er ,n t~t s111t •tv, fAIUII( PRCPUITIS GrHtl:9'Hltr \lu~1r11-ltu th111S-.'ll S.nd !,ti!hrlllll 0G!in11-lml~;inlmoi 1.1ra,.fir. ACKITYIPII! 60•1D JO lf.•11>: 22AGGREGAT[ ] 5ill91t silt sJone.15amdur sltn duignation BlntedOu1rry Rll(k ~ A9gu9ale tght ust~ l~r slr1.1ct,ral 1,gj\ st>.a!I he lrtt of .M'ly tore'gn e\emols ar material Pm1dt saniples and tesl repcrts d5 drstribed in sedion 1 Sand 18 .S 1.9~lt qyillity . Hi I trial s~11!\ be sound hard, d~rablt. lrtt Ir~., soll, Ihm, elongated or lfflinaleO part1t\rs, organi( material, d•r h.rnips or 11aterial, or olMr s~bsl.lllcu thit ...U, i,[1 ,n a dllel UilUi IUM,r or use inltn~d. 2 l SO\ STAli'Ul(R l ,\n0n-h•icor9,1r.icbindtr. Prod~d , 51~Jim , Thr Or,,,.;il N.1lura! &rlil,n. u llV.~~ble lrc•lsbnd Sporl Turl .?ar!,.nJlr. BC 2SO-liJ6-1J99 Aho ,1n1laDlt lrol!I Yard11orlis Supply ltd, A!dergroYe, 8( m-m-Joo~ ll.GflAH\Jt.fJ16ASE I To HilShr Hu,'IIC pi! Spaific~tion ~ecl ion Ol226, Ag;rt ~illn i,~ Gi•nular Mil enali l'i PAViNliHAT£RIAlS I Rtlertanc~iluluuldr,111i.,gs Z6Fl.l(RfABRJC 1 N,x, Woon ti\tu f1brit sh;illh 1nslalltd as a srpar,llonlay" dirntly .ibo~t the tGl"p.itltd slrutlurat soil r.idirt Do not install f1brlc uolil .1dr~u1te (ompidian af the slrucl11r,lsd /'W1tur,~nbten1cnlirme:1 .2 filler labrk shiU te srluled a'ld dUIIJON to 111/hllil\d Wt¥ .i.,d ,,,ill' durAJtS't51Mlion 11itha11I ~deriar~llm nf its slrrrt9th ..-id Wuing pr~perlirs. (onhr11 ta lhe feD...,.g ASTH duigiwticlns, • <ir•b Tensile Stre-.gll1 ASTH-o-,m 40~ kN -ien$~f 8Mg1tio~ ASfH-D.U32 ~O¾ -Hu!h!I\ Bual ASTH-D-318i mo ~P,1 -Fl01tRiteASfH.O-HJ161111/f!Wn//:i1 PART THREE -EXECUTION 31SUBGIIAOE I E,unte s•b gr,1df Ja uh!ilish tru pit/ trel'ICh as mdic:iltdon canlrul dl'a>1111qs Piao lhe s!Ntt~nl sorl undrr lht p111,n9 ,djuent ta th, pl~ting pirs, HOT in lh~ .. Plllf>O~t lhrew'lht 1 Artn .... tld 11 d""I"' Ml ltt, ..,, t.-11J«I ho ,C.t""i ~ b, Pftpared to nintly.fiu ptrtf~l 195¾) Modified Pr114IW" On"-tr ,.... "1all'4 l1n 11 dNt.,. Qa,m..,ml k-.llt:1,.lo•1c r.taltnals.bui\dmg r.11tuials •--d~lflemus matm.ils t .. rhe op~roul of 1h, (ivrl engin~r }'2 PR[?ARATKIHOFEXISTWCiGIIADf l ~tWillt trer.th loH.i5'e r H~n·1ip M S~ecific:1t1tn Sttlic., Q2l2J, fren(h lng, E,nulion 11\d (ai!IJl iltlion a\\o,,.,ng for du1go d,plh ind >1ldlh c! struclural 1oil mi,,! 11 Reier to ,onlutl ~nllings lor ilrtas to bt trut,d ~no lo ~,t.1,ls lor fWl\rn51M5 12 Ct•pultoiS¾HodiliedPtodtr D,nsity. l) Sut9rade dnaliG11s sb~ll slop, paralld to I~, f1r1slr!i! gri~S and/or ,~ward lh, subsur lm dr~il h~es as 1,id,.i!ed on lttt uv1I tng1.1etrln11 du..,1119s 4 Do nol prccnd with fhr .,ltillhfign ol the ,trijctur1\ "' '"'"' until all vaHs , cnbs • .1,d~l~ily wrh in Ille .1rullH bun 1nslalle~ Slrutlur~I rli111,n!, gr drsign le1taes lh•t are d.opendenl en the slruclural 10il lfidur~ h.-~I 111ay be poslponeduntil all er th! insl;illation cf the mi1lura I l1st1\I ioreq~r,mrnts of H.tt ttt,.._,-.lS;:i,4,lultc-. 11.rlw le Stcli0n 02666. Watrr"Clf~s. S"tion Q2J21, Slor"' Sr11ers. and Setlion D2725. H1nha tes andCatch 8,u11u II d ..... ..,.,.~u.iw-:ul , .. ~Mt.uh..J dw 1'2 ll·•tNttM<t'lfnr:IVMU"'.,t WN'' llllt111«irua,,n-i.!, 13 (tll!ra~fl,/1.hta t1~h1uwit11to, ~ } ~ lRRIGATIDN .I lr,s l•II It t '1Wfft"..tJ1t1 J S.Ci:U tllM.lrnf.ll-" i11tll'!ll ·ti~ ,l.1,t to lmg,l,uoA-,--.t"gs. 11 lnst.1l1rris~.-i"alill ,.,,,,.,...._.J4e-111Mt1ii.sJ Mtd.1rul IN drucluti\ wt (:,irn timing ,t 11art-up 111!tting .12 (MrfNf,taunfrtfl~• w.-~,,,.,.,;.,.H'f""~J!ICl,hin ayu.•µ• I) Ccnl-hul!nta/lf',~l:aco ... t-MI 11tiori1A1-'H 3S MiXJltG STIIUCTIJRAt SO:tHAHAIAL I Ens.re co.,sitltnl nen di~lr,IMJtion of ,II rompcntnls by lnorwgh ~•~m;i The r1t111 or tor-po114!nls "111 ,.iry ,nd "'ay nqu;r1 1djuslr:1ent tc tnsijr@ th sllil vGlu~ is idequ1lrtol~l,i!Jy1'dsl\lhtlla11t 2 !bseR,ahoo/111/uiiils .I, c11mtl1ecfagi,rtg;iJf.stoiir "dion21 • 12Sni cetrtolGrowilgHtdiu.1su1ion21 .2h9St.1biliursrctiot123 •W~luasrrqu,rrd • Th, araaunt at 11~ltr rnt~nd 11 ~! YilfY 1m1rdn9 lomsl~rt prHent ,n c,o..,ingr.;eOiu"! 3 (cr,bJle ll'lf slQl'l4!, grovil\g .,~iu:11 and St,1ti\izu prcdlld inlo a lll~tou~.ha11agr11ttus ,.;,111rr Noist,n midure wilh line spr.iy of ,1un pol1ble 11alrr wh,le mixing lo a1t1v~I e Sl~bJ11er ir0du1 I PART THREE · EXECUTION (cont) 16 HIX1"6 ] Prtpilre UIRple Slructur.1\ So~ Hires to deterraioe ttbs 11., ,..-:,..,JV, Subl!lit £omple 11itk IEsl reull5 lr.r a~prov.il 37 PLACEH[NT 2 Slru(l~rJI tort 5h,1II b! 11ioi1l .but net uturattd \1/lh water 11h,n ~lt1ed Pl..:M,tnl shall t, halldled IG a~o;d da:ria9e l e driiosr slt11duru. ,rri;~li rn tQuipll'tnt. tcMrtte slrudure orp~v,111t11t l Plare51onrmixlurein301)r,,111iilts lhrough11nl1rtilfUol slruth1nl suilmi1tur~ S Provide Geoterhnital R11pcrl lo contirm tcmpictiM Tesl la ensur@ umlum it(eploble (Ofl'par!1on r.Jlts hmi,~un .ichieved fare.ch lift in1 i, ~I areJ~ of sfructur~ soil r.,11 ... e Rtlu to Qu~lity Assur,1nre srclion 1S 1 lnst;U~t ion al slruchlr.11 s~ h lhelootion of the lrn is"°' nu•"ll'rwied v.,_. t,dw, q~n uoc:h u rtnl1WCf'fWNhu1, sin! b01es. l,1rg, ~•.,-PVC pp,. ,It hiYt llnn e~layed lo ill011 tar s•nd la be inst;i\led ii lhf lree location >11lh lht ~ted slructur~\ sail surrou~lllr ... Al the lime of trte ff\tatl,hon, the sandi1 rfHYtd and g,oving rr.ediul'I f,1s ptr Seditn 21) ~ddld lo ,urn ulld lht rool baU 18 INSTAlLATIONOfFILT ER FA8ilC 19 r.RAHlll.AR!IASEHAT{IIIAl I Pli1trr.wn11:w.i 7S1i1119rinu\i1rbastontotJoltilterlabricaverstMILN"also11\ayt r 2 (o'llpacl 9fanuhr but lo 95¾ Hndirird Proclor Density Compaction mu5I bt tom;islenl >11th olher svrcunding gramllar bast m;,ltriah l I~ PRDTECTIDN \ Pro!ecr emling condilions fram damage or staining arid makr good any da,r,agt 2 All darnag~ >1~\ ht repaired at the eiprnse of the ind.i!l<1t ion contrador lll!RfEPLANTINCi 1 Rt:114ve itructur~ sPil er Glher Di<ktrlt Jlilerial ls.-.n4, set UH!nh in mhcn 3111 fro'!I Uie fijll Cil"tfls.~ns of lh lrtt gule are. 11211 \ 121'l r drpth or root bil l! l (nsure lrtt ~ ptar1ted in the tu1I <tnlre ol lhe spullie~ pl.1nting slalion slrllicjht ;ind I rut t. lnsl•II tru,n mordintf llilh B(SlA lif!dstapl 5t~/\Clard (ut •11ay s~nth~tic root ball 1..,ir.e, rut boch i"praptrly mN! lllri b;i-skets, pull bi1h bLN"l;ip lrom 1round trunk ,,, 6 Plu, 5t•m depln (tr.'.pGSled lir/he:i.b;irk r,iullh cnr lhe lop or lht Ojlrn lret pil uu J12TRHGRATES I Sile fl.,m1tu, ind lo scnlracl du .. in9s for I rte 9faln. lr111ts ~FKI lootlngs 313 ACCEPTAN([ 2 F111iJ.II grildt 5hill be le 11jl/11t1 \SIMI cl proposed gril)es ..,ilhin 3 DITI el ,1ny a<.\jacul l1xrd elevd 1on .ir.d to 11illlin 1511m af prOFosed gr•du over any olhtt] 0 lenglh fini~h gr;idu shall nar b, vlliformlr ht~h or low 3 I~ SURPLUS NA TERIAL '2 Oun up •ny 5011 ar dirt spiiled an an1 !)and surf,;cr al th! tml of rnh vcrl.119 d;,y. _,4~1' ~1~1~ll\.1.-r..--,1al'lticlnlip'lis 1h, Qrlil-~ofWlAnrfK-1'H:A.tth'1ttt t~l"l>-;not be f"3!01d-wf:,dorll\Cdf.or~i't,uF"'Di"~Uw.l~ttheir permission, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -2 6 Lo rn e Me ws Ne w Westminster, Briti sh Co lumbia V3M 3 L7 Te l: 604.553.0044 Fax : 604.553.0045 Emai l: off ic e @m2l a.co m , "-""" JSStEOFOR!DP I ,..,_ RE-455«:D FOR O.P. ... "'- NO , DATE Rl;V ISION DESCR IPTION DR . SEAL PROJECT: CARL 'S JUNIOR RENO 20468 LOUG-IEED HWY. MAPLE RIDGE DRAWING TITLE: STRUCTURAL SOIL 5PECIFICA TIONS DATE: !6MAY.o6 DRAWIN G NUMBER: SCALE: DRAWN: GL L 3 DESIGN: GI. CHK'O: OF3 Ml lA PROJECT NUMBE R: 16-042