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ADP 2016-09-13 agenda.pdf
City of Maple Ridge ADVISORY DESIGN PANELADVISORY DESIGN PANELADVISORY DESIGN PANELADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDAAGENDAAGENDAAGENDA September 13September 13September 13September 13, 201, 201, 201, 2016666, , , , 4444:00 pm:00 pm:00 pm:00 pm Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal HallBlaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal HallBlaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal HallBlaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall CALL TO ORDERCALL TO ORDERCALL TO ORDERCALL TO ORDER 2222.... AGENDA APPROVALAGENDA APPROVALAGENDA APPROVALAGENDA APPROVAL 3333.... MINUTES APPROVAL MINUTES APPROVAL MINUTES APPROVAL MINUTES APPROVAL –July 12, 2016 Meeting Minutes 4444.... PROJECTS PROJECTS PROJECTS PROJECTS 4:10 PM DeDeDeDevelopment Permit No:velopment Permit No:velopment Permit No:velopment Permit No: 2016201620162016----095095095095----DPDPDPDP Applicant: Bissky Architecture and Urban Design Inc. Project Architect: Wayne Bissky Project Landscape Architect: Paul Whitehead Owners: Halostar Development Crop. Proposal: Mixed Use - Commercial and Apartment Residential Location: 22335 McIntosh Avenue File Manager: Adrian Kopystynski 4444....2222 5:00 PM Development Permit No: Development Permit No: Development Permit No: Development Permit No: 2012012012015555----309309309309----DPDPDPDP Applicant: Bissky Architecture and Urban Design Inc. Project Architect: Wayne Bissky Project Landscape Architect: Paul Whitehead Owners: Pagliacci Holdings Ltd. Proposal: Commercial Location: 21773, 21787, 21795 Lougheed Highway File Manager: Adam Rieu 5555.... REQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY COMMENTS ON APPLICATION RECEIVEDREQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY COMMENTS ON APPLICATION RECEIVEDREQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY COMMENTS ON APPLICATION RECEIVEDREQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY COMMENTS ON APPLICATION RECEIVED Comments on Proposed Hammond Area Development Permit Area Guidelines (circulated earlier) 6666. . . . C0RRESPONDENCEC0RRESPONDENCEC0RRESPONDENCEC0RRESPONDENCE 7777.... ADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENT /ss TO: FILE NO: ~UBJECT: PURPOSE: City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel 2016-095-DP 22335 McIntosh Avenue MEETING DATE: September 13, 2016 An Advisory Design Panel (the "ADP") submission has been received for the above cited application at 22335 McIntosh Avenue (see Appendix 1 Subject Map and Appendix 2 Air photo) to. permit the construction of a mixed use building with 35 apartment units and 458.1 square metres of commercial floor space. This site is zoned C-3 Town Centre Commercial, which is the appropriate zoning for the proposal. The development permit application made to the City is subject to Section 8.11 Town Centre Development Permit of the OCP. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description : OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation : Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Bissky Architecture and Urban Design Inc. Halostar Development Corporation Inc. No. A0070687 Parcel F, Group 1, (Being A Consolidation of Lot 16 and Lot 17, See 884084864), DL 398; NWD; PL NWP3206 Flexible Mixed-Use C-3 Town Centre Commercial Vacant Commercial C-3 Town Centre Commercial Town Centre Commercial Mixed Use -Commercial and Apartment Residential C-3 Town Centre Commercial Flexible Mixed-Use Mixed Use -Commercial and Apartment Residential recently renovated after fire (2014-065-DP) C-3 Town Centre Commercial Flexible Mixed-Use ' Mixed Use -Commercial and Apartment Residential C-3 Town Centre Commercial Flexible Mixed-Use Mixed Use -Commercial and Apartment Residential 0.121 Ha (0 .30 Acres) Lane parallel to McIntosh Avenue to the north Urban Page 1 of4 The following Zoning Bylaw va r iances will be required : • Reducing the front and rear setback for floors 2 -6 from 7.5 to 2.0 m.; • Reducing the interior side setback for floors 2 -6 from 4.5 to 2.0 m.; and • Reducing the front setback for ground floors 7.5 to Om. 4. Pa r king and bicycle storage: Underground parking is being provided as follows: • Five (5) Commercial parking spaces; and • 37 Residential parking spaces (including 2 visitor parking places). The following Parking Bylaw variances will be required: • Reducing the residential parking by one space from 36 to 37 spaces. The justification is that the site is located in the Town Centre Area, where residents can walk or cycle to stores , offices and recreation, and the Haney Bus Loop is within a convenient walking distance. An off street loading area in the northwest corner of the building is accessed from the lane. Long term bicycle storage is _provided in a secured room within the ground level parking garage area and short term parking spaces toward Mclntoch Avenue. The required parking for the proposed use is analyzed in the Development Data Sheet (Appendix F). 5. Env ironm en t al, Sust ainability & Stormwa t er Manageme nt: A LEED Canada Checklist is provided for the project, achieving a score of 110 points. The Landscape Architect will provide further information about Tier 3 measures like bio-filtration and rain gardens to maintain and protect water quality for ADP comment. 7. Garbage/Recyc li ng: A refuse storage area is provided in conjunction with parking access off the lane. 8. Issu es requiring commen ts from ADP: . The following matters are being brought to the attention of the ADP for comment: • Revised landscaping plans will be presented at the meeting for comment. The Landscape Architect will provide further information about Tier 3 measures like bio- filtration and rain gardens to maintain and protect water quality for ADP comment. • Apart from ori street parking, commercial patrons parking on the main level, will need to reach the storefronts though the same lobby area as residents. Comments from a safety and security perspective would be appreciated. Page 3 of 4 Cl ) C) Il l (D .. . . . . . (J l 0 0 0 "T l ~~ m .. .. N ~~ I ~ 0) -~ 6 ~~ ~o 0) -0 I CD :- - : : -0 0 zf > N N IT T w w (] 1 7J ~ r () 3 ► z z z D, ) z "C S G) -I .. - 0 (D "' I (/ ) -· C. I ' ~ . (' ) m D, ) z C I m -r- ~ ' ~ r- -~1 0 -PO r- DB r- .. . . . . . .. . . . . . r- co ~ fT l ~62 r- - - 66 ~70 r- -37 8 82 86 88 90 - 22 2 3 5 .- - - - - .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . -. . . . -. . . . .. . . . -. . . . -. . . . (0 (0 (0 (0 0 I\ ) w 0, 'l 0, w 'l ~~ 22 3 1 1 1\ ) ( 0 I\ ) .i : , . . 22 3 0 2 10 4 22 3 2 3 22 3 0 8 /1 8 22 3 2 4 s: /3 6 Q_ z -{ 0 (/ ) 22 3 3 5 I 22 3 4 3 ~ [T l 22 345 / 4 7 ;, ; , _1! ' 1 . " l 22 3 6 1 22 3 6 3 / 6 7 22 3 5 6 22 3 7 1 1 7 7 22 3 6 6 17 0 .. . . . -. I . (0 -. . . . .. . . . tr i ~ -. I . ~ (0 -- -- , . ~ g (0 (0 22 4 ST . I I I -- , . -. . . . _(Q 22 2 64/6 8 22 2 7 6 / 9 2 -. . . . 22 2 5 5 -. . . . <o 0) w 22 2 9 8 22 3 ST . 22 2 8 9 .. . . . -. . . . 22 3 0 2 / 1 2 -. . . . -. . . . . - <o (0 22 2 9 5 / 9 9 I\ ) 0, 0) 0 0 CX ) 0 ~ 22 3 1 6 I\ ) 22 3 1 1 /1 5 22 3 2 6 / 3 4 .. . . . 22 3 2 5 I\ ) -- ~ W3 8 22 3 2 1 / 2 5 0 0 w m I\ ) 22 3 3 5 ~ i" ' - - r- - - - - - . ~ 0 22 3 2 7 / 2 9 z m r- - - -i -< 22 3 3 7 '1 J ?1 4 8 -! -. I . ;; a :: : 0 I\ ) 0 C 0 I\ ) c- - - '1 J z .. . . . m P2 3 5 0 ;, ; ; - ;; a :: : 0 22 3 5 3 / 5 5 ~ 0 t- - - .. . . . -. . . . - := : r o o / 6 2 I\ ) 0 I\ ) I\ ) 0 22 3 5 1 0) w .i : , . . 22 3 6 3 22 3 6 4 17 0 22 3 7 4 22 3 5 9 17 8 22 3 6 7 / 8 1 r- -. . . . 22 3 8 4 -. I . / 94 (0 0) -. . . . ~ -. . . . -. . . . -. I . 11 9 7 9 / 9 7 (0 Oj (0 0, 'l 0) 0, (0 22 4 ST . ~ 22 4 1 0 ~-1 -. . . . -. . . . I co ,~ -. . . . -. . . . ~ (0 (0 ~ 0) !? CX ) (C l A.DP App lication ARCHITECTURE URBAN DESIGN PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN !-I f: i\ 0 0 ~ !=I (_ E : :! () ·.J .! .! :i ~ 0 L () L! G H E i: fJ Hi G H \VAY MAP i E R i D G F f3 C PH 6 U --! -,·! 6 7 • 3 !, 0 I i F ,:\ :.{ rJ () I -4 6; 8 J O .i Adrian Kopystynski & Chuck Goddard City of Maple Ridge Planning Department 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Wednesday, July 20, 2016 Regarding a covering letter describing the project, the rationale for the proposed design and key features of the proposal, including storm water management, "Green Building Techniques" and principles of sus- tainability incorporated into the overall project for: Our Project# City Ref#: 1529 2016-095-DP Civic: Legal : PIO: 22335 McIntosh Ave Maple Ridge BC Parcel F (Consolidation of lot 16 & 17, see BB4084864) DL 398 1 NWD Plan 3206 02 9-654-424 Dear Chuck and Adrian, Further to the Maple Ridge "Advisory Design Panel Minimum Submission Requirements" including the: 1. Project description /a nalysis (Detailed information Required) 2. Design rationale (Detailed information Required) 3. Statement in brief about the following: a. DP Key Concepts Compliance b. DP Guideline Compliance c. 3-tier stormwater management strategy d. Public Art/ Amenities , etc. e. Sus ta inability practices f. Other _____________ _ O m P1 UJ t'(l I 5:!CJ r~e: 1.1 J .15 i\\c 111lo~h AVL~ ,\1,1 pk-Ridge HC I o f ! ~ IH'4•i;JM91 l.~E@MNM+- mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and fo r the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission , contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of t he deadline date . Application Information: Wayne Bissky 2016-095-DP Name of Applicant File number Address of site Current Zone 22335 McIntosh Ave Maple Ridge BC _c_-3 ____ Proposed Zone _c_-3 _____ _ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date Thur sday, August 11, 2016 Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect Wayne Bissky, Architect AIBC Landscape Architect Paul Whitehead BCSLA Other Professional (State Name & Role) _N_o_ne ______________ _ Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Arch itects building codes Act . Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2 ; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2 ; and -all schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m 2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m 2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m 2 ( 1~,--ADP Submission Checklist niaplefidge.ca Application No. 7 »/b -oq r--JJP This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assi st in preparing the materials for submi ssion to the Advisory Design Panel. Pleas e refer to the ADP Submission· Form and the ADP Re q uirements Brochure for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP . Project Architect Certification: Prepared by: ___________ _ Sign Print name Submission Requirements : Submission Materials A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) B. Covering letter including explanations about: 1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) 2. Design rationale (Detailed information Required) 3. Statement in brief about the following: a. DP Key Concepts Compliance b. DP Guideline Compliance c. 3-tier stormwater management strategy d. Public Art/ Amenities, etc. e. Su stainability practices f. Other _________________ _ C. Site and Neighbourhood Context 1. Context Plan -Existing/proposed buildings and trees, vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed grading, and other major features within the site, on the abutting properties and along the road allowances/ lanes. 2. Photographs of site and surroundings. D. Development Permit Area Checklist (Note: The Architect is responsible to describe how the project complies with each guidelines,-or if not applicable, a description of why not applicable. Please use fillable forms on line.) Date Provided □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 2016-095-DP l~I • mapletitlge .c·a DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Existing /Proposed Zone _C_-3_/ C_-3 _____ Date Prepared August 2, 2016 Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) .- _ LOT AREA* (in 'square metres) .-I Gross Total 186 m2 1,210.7 m2 Less Road/ Truncations Dedicated 0 0 Less Park/ Open Space Dedicated 0 0 Net Total 186 m2 1,210.7 m2 . -. . r ' 1 - . LOT COVERAGE (,i,n% of het lot area) --1 . - -___ ,._ -- Buildings & Structures 100% 91.7% (1,110m2) Paved & Hard Surfaced Areas NA 6.7% (81 m2) Landscaping NA 1.6% (19.7m2) Total Site Coverage 100% 100% (1,21 0. 7 m2) - -- SETBACKS ( in 'rn~tr.es) -· :... . . ~ Front 0.0 m 2.1 m Rear 0.0 m 0.0m Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Interior -East 0.0 m 0.0m Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Interior -West 0.0 m 0.0m Setbacks above 2nd Floor 7.5 m Various Variances •, ' - .. ~ -. BUiLDING HEIGHT,(in metres/storeys) ·,,.,_ ~ ' l - Princi pal None 6 Stories Accesso ry . NA NA . , I '• -' ., -~· .-.,l NUMBER'OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS ; --~ ~ Bachelor NA 0 One Bedroom NA 0 Two Bedroom NA 35 Units Three Bedroom+ NA 0 Total NA 35 Units ----·-" . . . . -\ a , I --. v'- GROSS FLOORARE A (in··s"iiu~re _metres ) - -. -~~- ' ,. ! • -. Residential 2,784.5 m2 2,663.5 m2 Retail Commercial NA 0 m2 Office Commercial NA 458.1 m2 Other Commercial (Type ) NA 0 m2 I nstitutiona I NA 0 m2 Industrial NA 0m2 TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA 2,784.5 m2 3,121.6 m2 * If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. Town Ce.e Development Permit ArtJGuidelines Civic Core Precinct - Pursuant with Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan , development in the Town Centre will be assessed against the follow jng form and character and green building design guidelines . The guidelines apply to Ground- Oriented Multi Fam ily ; Low-Rise Apartment; Med i um & High-Rise Apartment; Flexible Mixed-Use; Town Centre Commercial ; Port Haney Multi-Family , Commercial & Waterfront; and Port Haney Heritage Adaptive Use. See the guidelines in Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan for a detailed list and descriptions of development permit area guidelines. These guidelines are intended to aid in the rev iew of development permits in the Town Centre and are to be completed by the architect of record for t he project. The project will be reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Department and the Advisory Design Panel. In the checklist, you are only required to address the guidelines with the icon that relates to your project: TCC = Town Centre Commercial (commercial developments only) MU = Mixed-Use (ground-oriented developments, with commercial on the ground level and either offices or residential above) MFR = Multi-Family Residential (ground-oriented developments and low-rise, medium-rise, and high-rise apartments) Precinct Key Guidelines and Green Building Design Guidelines must also be completed for projects within the Town Centre. • Development and Design Objectives The following summarizes the development and design objectives for each section on the following checklist. A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height • To promote a cohesive building style and strong pedestrian oriented urban realm in Maple Ridge Town Centre by ensuring new buildings, renovations and/or additions have consistent architectural and urban design setbacks, form, mass, and height. • To help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces. B. Building Fa~ades, Materials and Colour • To ensure additions, renovations and/or new infill projects in the Town Centre have a coherent architectural design concept where windows , doors, sid ing material and other fai;:ade elements create a pleasing composition compatible with surrounding buildings , commercial and neighbourhood character_ • To enhance the architectural and massing concepts of a build ing as well as the quality , character and vibrancy of the urban environment of the Town Centre through the use of harmonious , quality materials and colours. • To screen rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment and trash storage from public view and thereby ensure commercial and mixed-used buildings maintain an attractive appearance to the street. C. Building Site Considerations • To ensure public outdoor spaces are designed so that they improve use and activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism , increase safety and provide more attractive, functional outdoor spaces in the Town Centre. • To provide street trees and landscape elements that reinforce the 'urban' charact er and vibrancy of the Town Centre, enrich the pedestri'an friendly character of streets in the district, and integrate this important commercial and higher density residential area with the character and quality of the surrounding residential neighbourhood. • To ensure parking lots are designed to be accessible, but do not intrude upon the surrounding residential area , nor the urban, pedestrian-oriented quality of the Town Centre . • To facilitate off-street parking and car storage at the rear of commercial and mixed-use buildings to maintain street inter-connectivity, traditional use of the lane as a service street, and to provide a secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway in the Town Centre. • To ensure service loading and mechanical equipment is designed to protect the surrounding businesses and residential areas from unsightly, noisy and noxious environments. Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines I Town Ce-e Development Permit Ar.uidelines • Checklist Meet Guidelines: Yes N-Not r'l'! ;-:-rm n rw:7' a<:T,fiYJ ~\'J Jffl'::firnl C'BiTITj •f:ril I -" -I A licab!e B.1 Buildine: Fatade Bl.I Address both sides of the block with comer commercial buildings TCC MU □ □ rn 81.2 Orient main entrances to face the sidewalk TCC MU MFR rn □ □ 81.3 Locate windows, doors, and entry features at the street level TCC MU MFR rn □ □ B1.4 Use a mix of common facade patterns and elements TCC MU MFR l]I □ □ Bl.5 Reflect original fa<;:ades and building scale TCC MU MFR l]I □ □ 81.6 Respect original architectural elements TCC MU MFR l]I □ □ 81.7 Respect old and new desi.gn TCC MU MFR rn □ I I Bl.8 Maintain the horizontal rhythm of the street wall TCC MU MFR l]I □ □ Bl.9 Provide a visual division between the street level and uooer floors TCC MU MFR l]I □ □ Bl.IO Include continuous canopies, awnings or overhangs TCC MU l]I □ □ Bl.I I Ensure appropriate placement and materials for awnings or canopies TCC MU rn □ □ Bl.13 Use windows to provide 'eyes on the street' TCC MU l\1FR I]] □ □ Bl.14 Enhance the public realm TCC MU MFR I]] □ □ Bl.15 Ensure signage reflects building scale, character, and materials TCC MU I]] □ □ B.3 Buildin2 Materials 83.1 Enhance the public realm with higb quality materials and detailing TCC MU MFR I]] □ □ 83.2 Use materials consistently TCC MU MFR I]] □ □ B3 .3 A void the use of in aooropriate materials TCC MU MFR I]] □ □ B3.6 Use a mix of quality materials TCC MU MFR I]] □ □ B.4 Buildin2: Colours B4.1 Select aooropriate colmrrs TCC MU MFR I]] □ □ B4.2 Highli_ght architectural details, awnings, and entrances TCC MU MFR I]] □ □ B4.3 Ensure a cohesive, consistent colour palette TCC MU MFR I]] □ □ B.5 Screenioe; and Storae:e B5.1 Locate and enclose trash, composting, and recycling to keep IBl □ □ out of site of gene1 :al public TCC MU MFR B5.2 Screen mechanical equipment TCC MU MFR []I □ 85.3 A void conflict with neighbouring properties TCC MU MFR []I □ B5.4 Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise and exhaust TCC MU MFR []I □ Explain how the objectives for Building Fa9ades, Materials and Colour are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. B 1.1 -Nor corner buildings proposed Maple Ridge Town Centre 3 Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Town Ceee Development Permit Ar9Guidelines Civic Core Precinct Key Guidelines KEY GUIDELINE CONCEPTS 1. Promote the Civic Core as the "heart" of the Town Centre a. Does proposed development reflect the quality and character of the existing Civic buildings, such as the municipal hall and The ACT, and will the design enhance the vibrant pedestrian realm created by Memorial Peace Park and the surrounding public spaces? • Consistent: Yes !XI No D N/ A D I .. This development will have a distinctly contemporary character reflective of the civic Exp am. buildings and the municipal hall. Th e metal and brick facade will continue these expressions enhancing the pedestrian realm . b. Are the building materials of a sustainable quality and the colours harmonious within the development and with existing quality buildings? • Consistent: Yes [XI No D Explain: Very high end AL 13 and masonry are proposed and will be long lasting and sustainable and will have colours in harmony with the existing buildings. 2. Create a pedestrian-oriented, boutique-style shopping district c. Does the building's form and mass support a strong pedestrian-oriented urban realm and help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces? Taller buildings should be stepped back podium style. • Consistent: Yes [XI No D Explain: The main floor commercial space is pulled to the front lot line with the floors above set back on the podium. 3. Reference traditional architectural styles d. Does proposed development reference Maple Ridge's more traditional architectural styles? • Consistent: Yes D No !XI Explain: Not really, other than the low scale along the street. e. Is proposed development consistent with the existing newer buildings in terms of s_etbacks, form, mass, and height? • Consistent: Yes [XI No D Explain: There is a newly renovated building to the east with similar treatment and a slightly older mid-rise across the street; both of which reflect the scale of this building. 4. Capitalize on important views f Does proposed development capitalize on mountain and/or river views? • Consistent: Yes [XI No D Not Applicable D Explain: Wonderful 360° views will be captured from this building from most units and floors. g. Have the important views of existing buildings been considered in relation to the proposed development? • Consistent: Yes D No D Not Applicable IX! Explain: There are not really any views of existing buildings that are important. Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the Civic Core Precinct 5 Town Ce.e Development Permit Ar9Guidelines Green Building Techniques A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height A 1.8 Design flexible ground-floor unit spaces in commercial and mixed-use buildings. • Consistent: Yes ~ No 0 Explain: The easterly commercial units on the ground floor can be combined into one unit if desired but also may accommodate smaller units. A 1.11 Accommodate roof gardens, trellises, and green features . • Consistent: Yes [XI No 0 Explain: Extensive landscaping including patios have been designed on the commercial podium . A2.8 Site buildings to capitalize on daylight and solar opportunities. • Consistent: Yes Ila No D Explain: All units will enjoy access to sunshine at all times of the year. There are no units without south east or west exposure. A2 .9 Protect solar access to surrounding buildings and minimize wind tunnel effects. • Consistent: Yes Ila No D Explain: Due to the existing higher building directly to the south lot this proposed new building the solar access impact will be minimized because our building is shorter. The shadows of that existing building follows a similar path as our new building . B. Building Fafades, Materials, and Colour B 1.12 Use exterior shading devices to block summer sun . • Consistent: Yes ~ No 0 Explain: There are numerous shading devices on the building along the main floor commercial and then through the extensive balconies used throughout. 82.1 Design outdoor lighting to minimize light pollution. • Consistent: Yes [XI No D Explain: Patio lights are provided but are shawn up and down not outward to minimize light pollution. B2.2 Encourage energy efficient lighting. • Consistent: Yes [X1 No 0 Explain: Lighting used will meet current industry standards. B3.4 Select environmentally responsible building materials. • Consistent: Yes [XI No 0 Explain: The main structure of this building will be wood frame; a renewable resource. B3 .5 Minimize the use of unsustainable building materials . • Consistent: Yes Qg No D E 1 .. I am not sure if we have any more non -tenable building materials proposed; almost all xp am. are sustainable. • Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 7 Town Ce. Development Permit Ar~uidelines Green Building Techniques C2.12 Provide end-of-trip facilities. • Consistent: Yes D No IXI Explain: The residential un its will each have full washroom facilities. The commerc ial un its may install showers as a tenant im provement. C3.4 Minimize impervious paving of the lane . • Consistent: Yes Del No D Explain: Paving will be to municipal standards . C3.6 Respect existing grades. • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: The site is virtually flat and no major changes to the existing grade are anticipated . C4. l Plant street trees. • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: Trees will be planted to municipal requirements. C4.3 Minimize use of high maintenance plants. • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: Easily maintained planting is being provided . C4.4 Maximize the use of native and climate appropriate species. • Consistent: Yes [)Cl No D Explain: Climate appropri ate spaces are planned . C4.5 Consider the inclusion of community gardens. • Consistent: Yes D No !XI Explain: No community gardens are planned . C4.6 Design and place landscape to facilitate year round moderation of the internal building climate. • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: This has been done. C4.7 Minimize erosion potential. • Consistent: Yes DC No D Explain: No erosion will occur. Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 9 ~ MAPLE RIDGE ------ British Columbia -mapleridge.ca Intensive Residential Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.8 of the Official Community Plan, residential developments in certain zones of above a certain density will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form ahd character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. Fo~ the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications. 8.8.1 Key Guideline Concepts 1. Neighbourhood cohesiveness and connectivity should be maintained through the design of varied yet compatible buildings, in materials used and in architectural styles, in landscapes and in recreational areas, and by facilitating a range of transportation choices. 2. A vibrant street presence is to be maintained through a variety of housing styles, by maintaining street parking and by directing garage structures and offstreet parking to the rear of a property accessible by a lane. Describe how this project and the design complies This development will have "greet the street '' presentation to McIntosh Ave . with entries and windows fronting and will be friendly pedestrian friendly. Warm masonry materials at this level as well. Street trees will create a protec ting canopy and reinforce human scale. The building will be in very close promptly to all major public transportation. This a residential apartment building, increasing the density and reinforcing the form of hou si ng in the neighbourhood. There is street parking with access also from the back lane for the main parking areas. 1 Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Building Design, Massing and Siting (Can't) listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 7. The presence of garage doors along This is really meant for townhouse or other ground oriented roadways should be minimized in order housing types and not applicable to our development. Our street to enhance the pedestrian experience. front hanse garage doors. Where front facing garage doors are unavoidable, the impact of garage doors on the public realm will be mitigated by: a) designing residential un its with enough width to include attractive entrances and windows between garages ; b) recessing garage doors a minimum of 0.6 metres (2 ft.) behind the main building fac;:ade; c) providing interior spaces that overlook the street; d) limiting the width of the garage door to no more than 50% of the building width, as seen from the fronting road. Where severe grade limitation allows the garage to be located within the basement level, this maximum width limitation need not apply; and e) separating and orienting unit entrances to the street. 8. _Buildings should be designed and located This is a very urban site with no natural features to be enhanced or on a site to: maintained. The building height will allow views to the golden ears a) preserve and incorporate natural mountain as well as towards the south to be enjoyed fully. features or views; b) minimize impacts on natural features and agricultural lands; and c) accommodate natural grades to ensure minimal grading is required. 9 . Developments adjacent to treed slopes, Not Applicable; the property is virtually flat with no ravines or ravines and watercourses must respect watercourses. natural vegetation, use natural landscaping to retain soils on the site and may require additional setbacks as established by agencies having jurisdiction . Creeks and ravines are encouraged to be retained in their natural state. Buildings and structures should be integrated into natural slopes and other significant features . 3 Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Landscaping and Open Space (Con't) listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 4. Whenever possible, measures should be Not applicable; as there are no exiting trees onsite. taken to retain existing trees and vegetation on the development site. . 5. Street trees should be required as a Street trees are included in the landscape plans. component of all new development. 6. Simplicity in landscape materials is Our development complies: see landscaping plans. desirable and should be encouraged for screening purposes. Landscaping should provide definition for pedestrian corridors, delineate private or semi- private space from public space, and provide adequate screening for private outdoor space. The scale and location of planting material should be consistent with the scale massing of adjacent buildings and seek to complement them. 7. Landscaping should: a) pedestrian access provided on main deck -see landscaping a) provide definition for pedestrian b) done -see landscaping corridors; c) done -see landscaping b) delineate private and semi private d) landscaping provides a green and softer effect on the main space from public space; level. c) provide adequate screening between e) With commercial on the main this is not applicable on this very private outdoor spaces; urban street f) there is a build-to lot line on the main floor but landscape d) present a pleasing street image; reinforces the separation and privacy over. e) provide suitable buffering between g) landscaping defines and reinforces this at the second level. public road and privacy areas; h) this project will be an attractive visual addition to the f) soften the transition between streetscape while enhancing view to the exterior as well. adjacent land uses; g) provide a buffer between residential and nonresidential land uses; and h) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site. 5 Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Fencing (Con/t) listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 2. Fences that are adjacent to a street Not applicable, except off the lane where an open grill gate and should be somewhat transparent (such grace doors are used to permit visibility. as a picket type) rather than solid board, and should be in combination with landscaping along the street edge. 3. Chain link fences are to be avoided, and Not applicable . are discouraged along street frontages. 4. Any fencing should be provided in On the back lane vines will cover the fencing soften and provide combination with landscaping on the character. street side. 8.8.1 E. Vehicle Access, Parking & Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied Circulation with or why it is inapplicable. 1. On public roads parking is to be There is street parking for this site and access to the parking os accommodated on streets and to the from the rear lane. rear of residences accessed by a lane, where possible. Where parking garages are oriented towards the street, the garage width should not exceed 50% of the total building width. 2. On private roads, parking is to be accommodated within garages/carports Not applicable. and driveways or discrete parking areas. Parking garages should not exceed 50% of the building width nor project forward. Parking areas should accommodate alternative uses such as play areas. This is best achieved with the use of alternative materials to those used on roadways. As much as possible visitor parking or common parking areas should be several small sites rather than a few larger sites 7 Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the 8.8.1 F. Lighting listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Street lighting is requ i red on public Street lighting will meet municipal design requirements. streets and should be provided for all private streets within a development. 2. Lighting is to be pedestrian focused and Lighting along McIntosh is on the main floor, while focused down as such should be located at a maximum and up and not outward. height of 4 meters and at lesser intervals than standard davit st r eetlights. 3. Care should be taken to ensure that Lightning is places at 8' above grade on the building face avoiding lighting does not pose a nuisance to · both pedestrians and glare. adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists by way of glare. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the 8.8.1 G. Universally Accessible Design listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable . 1. Whenever possible, pedestrian access This building is entirely accessible to the handicapped . for all areas of a site should be designed to be accessible to disabled persons. Careful consideration should be given to the proximity of pathways to private space, ensuring sufficient separation to avoid conflicts. Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File Number __________ _ Date prepared : Monday, March 28, 2016 Architect Wayne Bissky, MAIBC Print Name 9 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 Yes No 3 12 ~ ,:~\"l 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) I Ye s No i 0 Effi Yes No Credit 1.2 Credit 2 Credit 3 Credit 4 Credit 5 Credit 6 Credit 7 Prereq 1 Prereq 2 Credit 1 Credit 2 Credit 3.1 Credit 3 .2 Credit 4.1 Credit 4.2 Credit 4.3 Credit 4.4 Credit 5 Credit 6.1 Credit 6.2 Credit 7 .1 Credit 7.2 Credit 8.1 Credit 8.2 Credit 1 Credit 2 CGJ 3 1 Credit 1 [=rTI Credit2 Yes No Building Reuse: Maintain Interior Non-Structural Elements Construction Waste Management Materials Reuse Recycled Content Regional Materials Rapidly Renewable Materials Certified Wood Minimum IAQ Performance Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring Increased Ventilation Construction IAQ Management Plan: During Construction Construction IAQ Management Plan: Testing Before Occupancy Low-Emitting Materials: Adhesives & Sealants Low-Emitting Materials: Paints and Coating Low-Emitting Materials: Flooring Systems Low-Emitting Materials: Composite Wood and Agrifibre Products Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control Controllability of Systems: Lighting Controllability of Systems: Thermal Comfort Thermal Comfort: Design Thermal Comfort: Verification Daylight & Views: Daylight Daylight & Views: Views Innovation in Design LEED® Accredited Professional Durable Building Regional Priority Credit 1 : 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 Required Required 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -5 1-3 ' mm Project Totals (pre-certification estimates) 11 O Points L EED CANADA FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVAT IONS 2009 100 base points; 6 possible Innovation in Design and 4 Regional Priority points Certified 40-49 points Silver 50-59 points Gold 60-79 points Platinum 80 points and above Note that projects must meet all prerequisites and achieve 40 points from other credits before they may earn any points from Regional Priority credits. Page 2 of 2 i l ~ ~ fi~ ~D ! ,,_ CurrentZo~f~ (f) t)t;)hr. 2016, July 20 7:51 :46 AM FINJ r,.o.mc: 1529 Nc~dl.lral 20 16,07,ea.YWJI PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Proposed new mixed use 6 storey building Current OCP High Density Res~ .. ~~!~ (f) Landscaped roof deck over -main floor plus street trees Area Compliance Calculations Residential Unit A Unit B Unit C Unit D Unit E Unit F Unit G CoTlmm:n I Description Oonlity (# or Units) S\b-Total ol Floor Area Commercial f'tq«Atea LEED Density ~Area: Site Area: ~Area/Ha 2 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 78 3m2 80~8 m2 842A SF 8694 SF 391 .3m2 403.6 m2 Unit 1 Unit 2 287 ~1 m2 197 ,9 m2 3,089 9 SF 2.130.6 SF 3.148 5 m2 1,210.7 m2 26.000.3 m2 Area Reconciliation Site Area 1,210 7m2 13.032 SF FSR@23 2,784 6 m2 29,973 SF Underground 1,052 2 m2 11,325 SF Parking Floor 1 Service 461A m2 5,181 SF Gross Commercial Floor 1 636 3 m2 6,849 SF Net Commercial Floor 1 485 Om2 5,220 SF Gross Residential FJoor1 O.Om2 0 SF Floor2 599.0 m2 6,447 SF Floor 3 599.0 m2 6,447 SF Floor4 599 O m2 6,447 SF Floors 599 o m2 6,447 SF Floors 599.0 m2 6,447 SF Total : 2,994 8 m2 32,236 SF #of Units/ha: 116,9 Net Residential Floor 1 00m2 0 SF Floor2 532.7 m2 5,734 SF Floor3 532.7 m2 5,734 SF Floor4 532,.7 m2 5,734 SF Floors 532,7 m2 5,734 SF Floors 5327 m2 5,734 SF Tolal : 2.663.5 m2 28,670 SF # or Units/ha: 131,4 Total Gross .A.rea: 5,164.7 m2 55,592 SF Tolal Net Alea: 3,148.5 m2 33.890 SF .;:, I -1 ( ~· I -_t_ ,) ·-- 2 Bedroom 69 O m2 742 3 SF 5 344 B m2 2 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 71 9m2 B82 m2 71 5 m2 774 OSF 949 8 SF 7696SF 5 359,5 m2 4412m2 357 5 m2 2 Bedroom 73.1 m2 786 5 SF 5 365.3 m2 Tolal # ol UnHs 35 unils = 2B9.097 UPH Tolal Floor Area: 2,663.5 m2 = 28,670 sq fl Total# of Unils 2 unils Tola\ Floor Area: 485 O m2 = 5,220 sq fl Zone C-3 Reconciliation lot .A.rea: ~Width: Lot Depth: Building Height • of residential units: Ratio: Difference: -FrontSelback: Rear Selback: E~terior Side Yard Setback: Town Centre Commercial Existing / Required 186 m2 6m 27m 2,002 1 sq ft No Height Restriclicn 2,784 5 m2 29,972 sq fl 2.300 121.0m2 1,303sq fl = 60m = 6.0 m = O,Om Interior Side Yard Setback; So ll>a::ils Above Floor 2 Apartmenl =O,Om Front & Rear Se1back: St!blck.s~ Floor 3 Interior Side Yard Setbacic: Parking Requirements Residential Unil: Addilional Bedrm: Residential Visitor: Commercial: Total Parking SLalls: 0 91 Unil 0 1 /BedRm 0.05/ Unit 1/100m2 Handicap Accessible Parking: 1/50 Stalls Small Parking Slalls Al1owt!d: 0 1 / Unit Bicycle Requirements Long Term : Short Term: 1 /4 Units 6120 Units = 7.S m =4 Sm 31 ,5 stalls 3.Sstalls 2 stalls Sstalls 42stalls 1stalls 4stalls BBstans 10.Sslalls Proposed / Provided 1,210 7 m2 13.032 sq fl 6Storeys 35 Units 2.663 5 m2 28.670 sq fl 2200 Rear selbr;kcanbereducedlo Omw,lrlCOVl!l'ed patkingand lan dSG1peclrool deOover Variance Requested 32 slalls 3 stalls 2 slalls 5 stalls 42 stalls 1stalls 2s!alls 9 sla11s 11 slalls .- /7").. ··:r=,! ~ I I _ _: \[I __ _J._,,,===~~ \'c..., ,,. List of Requested Variances Type Allowed Requested Sitting Front Setback Floor 2-6 Sitting Rear Setback Floor 2-6 Sitting East Interior Side Yard Selback Floor 2-6 Sitting West Interior Side Yard Setback Floor 2-6 7 .Sm 7,Sm 4.Sm 45m List of DP Drawings Sheet DP1 O Si\e Recondllalion DP1.1 Sile Plan dw Survey OP2 ,1 Underground & MainFloor Plans OP2,2 2nd Floor & Roof Plans OP2 3 Typical Unil Plans OP30 Building Sections OP4 O Building Elevations DPSO EKteriorMaterials OP6 O Perspective View North West DP61 Perspective View North West OP6 2 Perspective 11 Sheets in Sel Proposed new mixed use 6 storey building 37m 1.1m 3.4m 2.8m Scale As Noled As Noled As Noled As Noted As Noted As Noled As Noted As Noled As Noled As Noled As Noled Landscaped roof deck over main floor plus street trees Mcintosh Ave. ISSUED DRAWINGS C 0 :.:; cu ·o C 0 (.) Cl) 0:::: Cl) -u5 w l'! C a: D ~~ -,- wW i~ jj g li 0 Ov ~ ~! i @1!; ~ ~~ 2016, Jul 20 WBIJM 1529 DP1.0 Area Compliance Calcu lations ResldenUal Unit A Unit B Unit C Unit D Unit E Unit F Unit G CQrnmciinl f Descriplion FIOofArea Oanl/fY (# of Units) Sub--TotMal Floor Area Commercial Floor Area LEED De nsity Oow:JopedAlo.: Silo,.,.., ~ Area I Ha 2 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 78 3 m2 80 6m2 8424 SF 8694 SF 5 5 391.3m2 403,8 m2 Unit 1 Unit 2 2871 m2 1979m2 3,089 ,9 SF 2,130,6 SF 3,148 ,5 m2 1.210.7m2 26,006.3 m2 2 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 69,0m2 719 m2 742 3 SF 774,0SF 5 5 344 8 m2 3S9 5 m2 Zone C-3 Reconciliation Loi_.,.., LOI.~ lOlDeplh: ~Heighl: I of residential units: Road_.FSR: Ralio: Difference: -.. Front Selbacfc: Rear Setback: Exterior Side Yard Setback: Interior Side Yard Setback: Town Centre Cornmerctal Existing / Required Proposed / Provided 186m2 Sm 2,002.1 sq II 1,210 7 m2 13,032 sq rL 27m No Height Rostriclion 6 Storeys 35 Units 2,784 5 m2 29,972 sq It 2,663 5 m2 2B,670 sq ft 2,300 2 200 121 Om2 1,303 sq fl =6.0m =6,0m Re.Jrl~CMIMl'IClolmllto Omwilh~~-C =O Om lil!lds~l(l(l!fKI,-- =OOm So1:bitcb Above Floor 2 Aparlmcnl Front & Rear Selback: Sdbacb AboYa Floor 3 lnU>riO<SiooY.,._., P1lttung Requiremcnls Rasidenlial Unit: Additional Bcdrm: Residential Visitor. Commercial: Total Parking Stalls: 0 91 Unil 01 /BedRm ODS/Unit 1/100m2 Handicap Accessible Parking: 1 ISO Stalls Small Parking Stalls Allowed: 0 , 1 I Unil = 7,Sm Variance Requested =4 Sm 31,Sslalls 32 stalls 3.551.alJs 3slalls 2stalls 2stalls 5 stalls S stalls 42stalls 42 stafls 1 stalls 1 stalls 4 stalls 2sla11s Blcydo Requiremenls Long Term: 1 I 4 Unils 8 8 stalls 9 stalls Short Term: 6 / 20 Units 10 S stalls 11 stalls Date: 20tS, July 20 7~1!49AM File name: 1529 Architeclural 2016-07-08 vwx 2 Bedroom 2 Bodrnom 2 Bedroom B82m2 71 .Sm2 73.1 m2 949BSF 769 ,6 SF 766 5 SF 5 5 441 .2m2 357,5 m2 3653m2 Total# of Units 35 units = 289.097 UPH Total Floor Area: 2,663.5 m2 = 28,670 SQ fl Total# or Units 2 un its Total Floor Area: 485 0 m2 = 5,220 sq fl c" PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONS I t-<Uc I IVl'I 'l,'l, sri E090-.. !I '),<o -Jis ..,., i; o,'o i · MHH 515 LMS771 I £ ~ o, it,C7m 2.8Sffl r I 1--,i I f I I I I I ,------- ' -1 .___ ........ ! I I L ------ ---• .. -•-•···•-•• 6Storey ______________________________ . ! 35 Unit !_. 1 MFE 38.0m r----------------- 1 I I I i ,-----~ I I 11 I 11 I 11 I I I 11 L ___ J I I l-----------------------------, f+t --------, I I I I I l _________ , : ... I I : I :, :,, ! : I I I ! ~~'-------!; I +--+----Le-','",,-=-.. -----.-.. -.-_-_.....,-_ ... :_-~---.. -... --.. -~----=--+-__ -.. -.. -.. -.=---~.7.t=~-~-=-~=-r ~ ,;.- :i!,I 4-'-" McIntosh Avenue ,.,,., ~ ,_,o, i' ,.:-t· ._nm 342m ~ ,;.· ~ o," ,;.· <-.)>-i; San MH Rim=37 .72 E Inv = 35.17m (2000 PVC) W Inv= 35 .17m (3000 PVC) C S71 o,'o ,;.- !If ~9 ,,,,., ~- -·-----·-·-•-·-•---·-·--·-·---·-----·-·------·-·-·-----·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-&o List of Reguested Variances Type Allowed Sitting Front Setback Floor 2-6 7.5m Silting Rear Setback Floor 2-6 7.Sm Sitting Ea st Interior Side Yard Setback Floor 2·6 4 5m Sitting West Interior Side Yard Setback Floor 2·6 4.5m Requested 3 .7m 1.1m 3.4m 2.8m Site Plan Scale; 1'150 Sim MH Rim=37 53 W Inv = 34.90m (4500 Cone) E Inv= 35 .03m (4500 Cone) (f) t5 Q) -~ a.. Q) en ::J -0 Q) X ~ Ct) (.) >, <ll C: ::) Cl) ?: ---(.) C: Ctl a: Cl) ..... U) >-~ -:,::z Cl) £1 cn filz i'i5 0\2 z i~ ~ ~2i a. .. a: l::w~ Cl)~- w t" ~~~ ~~~ Date: cale Drawn rojecllO Sheol -ij I fa•i ;d. h!1 Hh1 2016, Jul 20 As Noted WB/JM 1529 DP1.1 PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Y}P w,, ~& T r 23"..f'N l i 51('.1;;-• l I • ~ rr -----;..-===-c.:-:..:-=t~=i-:..:-=====i.,;iiiiiiiii-iii·-•iiiiiiiiiiiiiii•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij,iiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiM'-------·--------·r ··-----■ ·············:t __ ._ ...... ·····-·-·-···· ···········-·-· ······.l.··· .. J __ ----,C-------1--.. .. .. ,~.._ ~ .. i£;-LL -----+-.-_-_-_-_-_-_-_____ --~t--!:J 22 l _._21_ ....... _2_0 '""'\ ~= ____ .J I • I I I ! i I : l i II : I I , I I , I I I I : : , : i : L---------•,•--1 o, I i ; : : ! ! I I ! ! 00 I I f~----' ! ; S,50m ! l ,. :_: I i;:: j Uj ! ,;~ I I I 1 li I: Elov-,: 1 Madi in<\ 26 25 I: l Room : smi' c-. SffilQ c.. I• co ~ :5 ! i ~-7 ~ . . ......... ~ .. ~ ................. h!!!!lll .. l .. _______ ....._ ................................. -i-•·t·-~·-·······-·· ······--···1 •••••••••••• -___ ! _r:i-0--------~~~ fV II Lobby 1 ..... ~f ! ........ --···.J, ··-nar··············· ~~·-1,ii~iii■-•-.--■iii/_. ........................................ : .... .l..~ ....... -.-.. -.-.. --"~'fa· ·~ ~--- 1 I ,: '1 l f: I ··••········-t-·············· I I L ;: =s= 27 Stai r 1 -~,I r 1: N ":---, 2r II ! : ........... '--------- i I\. j 1 " i I I ! I i Uri derg round Parking : 0 I Ouhe<!Uaeof " 28 Re ~ide ~ti al Parking Stalls v~ntover I ! ! i j I 1 ! j~-------t--.,, I l : -----·---~: ______ _,. __ , +-----11---+--_ .. 11.___"'-i _ ! II ........................... J)ll!.f!!f!.---!l!'!.!!1!.'!'!f!!f!l ... !1!1! .. • ........... . 2 h ~ 5 s 7 s ~ 6, Service I ·•-::~•~,.,.. --··-···1 ------IW--+---■----...._,i■■, ~--------------~. ,j,llliiiifi-■-~ ~---------------r -7-----------------------t- ; i : i m • Underground Parkin~ Pl an Scale: 1 8" = 1 '--0" Date: 2016, August 11 a..5&37 /1.M Filename: t529Ar~o./.?.0 1 8■01-08,'a'WX r 30•-o~ 3 -----;..--------- llo ad i n ·········•···1-··Hay ·· • I I I r----1 I UP; ---------'------r--················-·········· : I : I ; I ! : : I ---~·---~----·, ___ ... _ .. _ ................. . : I : I : f I I '--. I I I I I I __ J I I I I Dashed line of v-a;i.,,1rMnlover I I I I I ~nit 1 -.l-.11:i: •• l I I I (;€)(;€) ! 6'-0" ! ; t :,q-~ ! ....,.. E : 5 ; () :;; : ~ •(')• : 0:--~ ...., __ __,_! __ 8 ____ On Grade Parking ! ] 14 Parking Stalls 1 N • :~i : () Crime Prevcnllon lhr<>ugti Envlronmonlal O~l~n {CPTED)RocommondoUcnc ~.....,gs: ~-spa=a!ooncoura.9elononlilileradion -mirilml~o Iha number ofunllnh.rulng "common cnmc:o -equipontranceswilhanlnler=<><nsyslem -ensureh3l/fr.lysart1v,nll-l,l ~"""911111b.b-t,:ol"'""~ ....... ~ ~lolr,11a'\"'l...uMm, ... ~~ ~~----1111~a.,_,irooms l'J(lli!.fldl_,~110 ... --~~...,._, ........ ...a.~1Jl,b.-·~ll,o,n"""NfMO'~ :::r.::::-:i~__._..11Mflll!I -..-.. -i-•---.sWill"~ 9 8 7 ' I i ,------~~~~ ~ i : ; : I -·-·····-i ···~-·-········-··--' --------------.,.__ _____ ....jr ~ ! Commercial j 1 I I I I ; Comm ercial ~ rw--,-----~--T~'°'~ ~J ,. _________ J t l l : Rampup 1J Main Floor Plan Scale: 1/8" = 1 '-0" ISSUED DRAWINGS t5 (I) ·e 0.. (I) (/) :::) -0 (I) >< ~ Ct) () >-i ~z C/)~ (I) fBz -□c, [D - z ~fB W "'D I ~[s 0....ad~ w UJ 1-w!z (/)~- w t:5(9 z UJz >-!::Z <( :Cz :s:~:5 <(a. Oi'llo: Sco!t ""'"' t0JcdlD . ~ i~ t ~r RI!; ~~-§.w~ 2016, Aug 11 AsNoled WB/JM 1529 DP2.1 ) PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION I ••.• ···•••··I I 0 ! I L- f I I l ·····-····-·J·· I I I I I I I e 1 .0 ◄.50m I : I : o.tilhodfh'lctc,I! .,... .... ~~ ... r-~- i I I I : I ; ' : I I I I I : I -""";;tilc:::i.oe;==-a;2~.) : ' ' I I I N-1-1-1-Jl-l.....l...J...J.~-l.-L..J..~Ll! __ J -·······-···J-.... I : J ___ / -----------L-.. Wit ;.--------.---- 0 Dale: 201 6, ~ 20 7:51:49».. File namo: 1529 Archileclural 2016-07-0l.w. i List of Requested Variances Type Sitting Fronl Setback Floor 2-6 Sitting Rear Setback Floor 2-6 Sitting East Interior Side Yard Setback Floor 2-6 Sitting West Interior Side Yard Setback Floor 2-6 Allowed Requested 7.5m 7,5m 4.5m 4.5m 3.7m 1.1m 3.4m 2.Bm I L -----: ~-0 2nd Floor Plan Scale: 1/6" = 1'-0" 0 0 ~ ,- ! =t / -= / ,.j .===! j FF 1 ; ! 1 u••••••-••••••-••••••••·•·•-••-••o-. ... ,,,,,, j l I / ! ,I l===========::;:1:1 i I l ···-··· ········-···1···-······· : I r.:::===~' i <~ :~ :I i i l I I ! j I 11========='.J:: !~ .......... ·+, ········•·· ... ··-·· i ..... '--·············--············· t ····-····--·······--·1--········ l!=:==O======~==========~···---··---····-··-········-•·i-' 1 ; I i I I . I : i \ i l_ _______ 1,---------~----------------+J ~ __ : k ~ 1 ~-0 . . Roof Plan Scalo: 1/8• • 1'-0" ISSUED DRAWINGS t5 <l) 'a ct <l) en :::::> "O <l) -~ 2 en C cu a: ..... 0 0 0::: ~ L.. 0 0 u: "O C N l) >-~ ~z (/) Q (/) [il co 0 z:i: W'° :r:!§ (l_"' w f-w (/) !§ w5ci zwz >-Cz <{ J:z s: ~::i <a. Pale: cale Orawn P,ojecl ID heel g 1· 1~11; ,t.t-t~~i : !fid 'It. -'t..w,~ 2016, Jul 20 As Noted WBIJM 1529 DP2.2 i ~ ~ ~ i, i f jg I i i i nl c , i ~I o, :- 1 I: .. J §. ~ ,. , 1 0 "O I\ . ) w ( \, □ IL - - ~ - □ Li v i n g I 11 •,z , , · Ill 0 ,. , .,0 . ;, «I Ba l c o n y Ba l c o n y Be d r o o m Ma s t e r Be d r o o m 10 Ma s t e r Be d r o o m Be d r o o m Ma s t e r Be d r o o m a Un i t B ◊ -11D ~ ~ ]' ~ ff i " ~ ; -i - w • WA Y N E ST E P H E N BI S S K Y AR C HI T E CT U R E & UR B A N DE S I G N IN C 5 PL A N N I N G IN T E R I O R DE SIG N l" l lt 2 0 4 2 2 J 2 0 l o ugt , e t i c ! H i g n w a y , ~ ~ ~l l l " e J t . B.c. Yn c n " i' l l , ~ 1 .. JM kr t O U 6 J. B J 0 5 .. . ~ ~ ~- b'n ~ .. . . . . . - ~ t. . N Webs ~ e : \' f t ! : ! ! . hi ~ ~ k ~ ; i r i a J , i e ~ p r g ,a <D ;: n 11 •.or --" Ba l c o n y 0 Ki t c h e n ~ St a i r 1 ,- . P' 9 Ba l c o n y 1l ' 20 ' , 0 - i! -: , . ,, . Ty p i c a l Un i t Pl a n s 0 Li v i n g 11 '~ 9 ! ' . L _ • "i aa 1 r o ~ ~ ~ = ' \ ~ .. . , . Be d RM ft 0 Di n i n g [] □ . 1 · - ' -· F 9 ,~ Ma s t e r Be d r o o m ~ (] ) -= - Li v i n g Ma s t e r Be d r o o m Be d r m '- · A Ba l c o n y ,i Jl Ba l c o n y " I ~· □ 0 E~ Ba lc o ny ~ C3 Mi x e d Us e Pr o j e c t Ci v i c Ad d r ess : 22 3 3 5 Mc l n l o s h Av e Ma p l e Ri d ge BC Le g a l Ad d r e s s : Pa r c e l F (C o n s O l i d a t i o n af lo t 16 & 17 , se e 8B 4 0 B 4 B 6 4 ) Dl s \ r i c l lo l 39 B 1 NW D Pl a n 32 0 6 PJ D #: 02 9 - 6 5 4 • 4 2 4 23 " • 1 1 - ' , · Cc p y t i g ~ Re s e r , l l d FU 1 \ b l 1 1 L e , . I O C ~ ; : a i l ~ a l . . . , _ ~ • . . , . _ i ' "l j Y ' l ! ' ~ M d ~ , O f l l ~ i p , a t 1 1 0 .. . . . , ~ .. . MW t l i i l l d l 4 ' 1 i K f f l : : t . : , : ~ -.. . . i: J u , p , H l y ~- : : . - ~ e: : : i t . i U l \ l l f # ~= if ~j J I C i : ( r . . o r l t i l d o . . , _ _ b . _ . r o , ~ µ l ' I ~ • - - Ii !' , , = ; ~w ~ :. : _ •. ! : " ~ ' : ; l' f C . « ) f f l N . _ , .. ~1 1 0 - l l l l b l t • ~ e t 1 9 " ~ ~ ll " l l . . . . - ~ b f : l t l ' - r l nd o J , i o n r , . a t l i l l l p , M -. 0 . 11 . • ~' l O M - , o ~ ~ M l ' l e M ! & ~ .. "' ~ :• I I "' O ;: o rn r ~ z 4' - 5 12" )> ;: o -< 0 z r -< z 0 -l 77 0 ;: o () 0 z (. / ) -l ;: o C '" I I~ i; j 'f ! I . 4 :. : 5 11 ~ ' ·,-J • •• • • • • • • -~ ~-·=· ·==-·=-·=· ·=·=· ·=· ·=· ·=-·=·=· ·=· ·=··=··=·=· ·=··=· ·=·=··=-·=-=· ·=·=-·=· -=-·=·=· ·=-·=··=· -=··=··=· ·=· =··=··=· ·=··=·=· =··=·: ·1;;.· • .... • •• PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Building Section 1-1 Seale: UIS ••• ····-···•. -· --•••• n -·····•·•·•·········-····--··········•··-··--···-•·····················•···········--···-·---···••-····· ······-·--~ •• ""'-===4 Roof Poak l ,__ D ~ l l ,cn=:::::=:;-:=:=::::::1 ======:::::::::===:::.::;-:=:=:i l ~ ! I ! ! I .. . .... l .. . ... . . -' .. ~ n L ff ,_3,2_.~.J.{~)_"1a_x_FJqon-t~•!l'!n!--1-~--+ 1-···•···· .. . L....I. --_-_-_-_----....!..._ --l~I,----•• • •••••• 1--. . l ··c:::::::=:::::: . ..____.__,--~-.... .... '"L • ·-· ::::=!!:~===±===±~::==:J I Floo,u .1.. --. •-·····-(~n~: ==:-□:"!:::':=:n ======~I .. . . .... l ... l , QI],7 ~ ...... ~~J==!:n~!±===::=T ~ ====it :. .. 1_: 1 I . l. .. LJ □=n ===========1 ·············I ····· 'ti I ~CIIJ-~ ~J n : '· ! ·~·: ) . ·····-t ~--==-------~...._I-=== on . j j I DOD:==-~~:.~-_ • ~e==:::=r~n======t=: ===!!====ii • l :i f!1•·· ..... .. □ .... [ll ............ J i !I, :::.L CIJ]" !~ r ·I ··J-1 n l ~ I -□ [l : 'f ···~, ,···:,J ~ ·······!~ ! ~ CRU , "'"""'· ~ I """~ Pa,klog r= ~ I • U>bby i j J Ramp ··+ --', ,L.:========~=~ ···t:::::======:!:iip'""'Ef..1"~""To=:S==========~ •·· •• •· l1 t======================:fT ··1::==========±=±==========:J• I·• p-;5~:!~ ._II It dnht!!f Jinc of 1:1 cul Dale: 2016, July 20 7$'\~AM File name: 15;29A(Cltilte:u,.,2016,07--0e.w.,; Buildina Section A-A Scale: 1:96 !i Ii I I I I I I 1 I I I Rool Deck ~ I I r I I I ~ Ramp l "' ~ V $F-1 ~ P:-.f .... loS __ , Building Section 2-2 Scala : t:96 I CRU 101 .. I s I~ Roof i Deck ~n ,l I I~ I I I I ! ~ rt- underground Parking Building Section 3-3 Scale; 1:96 I I I ISSUE D DRAWINGS u Q) 'a .... a.. Q) Cl) :::::> "CJ Q) >< ~ ("') () (/) C 0 ~ Q) CJ) OJ C :Q ::::l m >-~ :,.::z (/) Ce (/)~ a:i □ z~ W"' :r:~ a."' w 1-w (/)~ wt;(!) zwz >-t:z <(:Cz ~~5 ..:a. Dale: :Scale brawn roject ID Sheet g 11 ~ ~ lialft : i SS i ~.is" ~•.::;• ~,- ~"'I-i I ft££ 2016, Jut20 As Noted WB/JM 1529 DP3.0 ) I I I ... -- I .. i ......... . I ···r · .......... . I I I ·······t ·· •••••••••• I I Compartment Horth Facade Floor1 Floor2-6 East Facade floor I F'IOor 2-6 South Facade F-1 Ftoor2,t:J wurFacade Floor 1 Ftoo r2-6 • Area of Use Fa cade C 109 5 m2 C 346 5 m2 C 142-4 m2 C 5176m2 C 109.5 m2 C 346.5 m2 C 142.4 m2 C 5173 m2 Oo r•: 2016. July 20 7:51 :47 AM File name: 15N l\tiehiloc!Ullf 2016-DN)O,'w'Wlt Limillng -~ Distance Allowed Aclual 317 m 281 ¾ 623 % 525m 53.7% 333 % 0.41 m 0.0% 00 % 4,77 m 37,1 % 31 .8% 104m 1000% 60,3% 15.74 m 100,0% 39 7 % 0.12m 00% 0.0% 447m 34 ,8% 33.5% ..... Con~uclion Eq»ling Bldg Cladding Face 1hr,C NC 3/4hr,C NC thr,NC NC 314hr, C NC 314hr, C Cor NC 3/4hf, C CorNC 1hr, NC NC 314hr, C NC PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -·-··········-··--,0 r----· ----------12 ····•-~ I I I I I I _ ~ .---1 ·------_____ ._. __ ....... _,,,..F~ .... -• ___ l _ .. ___ ·----·- 51Nm I I ....... ···r-···· ..... Scale: 1:100 12 , 1 Floor• 41.7m I I -l ••--·-··- I ··r ············· I I I ··t ······-···-· I I Floor 2 I ,' -.,~,.-~-·r····-r · I ; i ii; Flooll 38m I Floo,o 1 53.74m I I Exterior Materials # Description Material Wood 2x 2Waodtrim 6" Fascia Gullcr Aluminum Batcoy Soffits Aluminum Canopy Metal & Glass Commercial Storefront Windows Aluminum & Glass Concrele Cap Concrete Elec trical Fixture A 15" Tenapin LEO 9 Electrical Fixture 8 P5641-B2130K 10 Exposed Concrete Concrete 11 Exlerior Panel Siding A Metal 12 Exterior Panel Siding 8 Metal 13 Exterior Panel Siding C Me!al 14 Green Screen Metal 15 Guardrails & Handrails Glass&Melal 16 Masonry Brick 17 ,.._.,._ Nail on Vinyl Flange & Glass 18 Signage Extruded Acrylic Letters Colour Finishes COt Benjamin Moore-Bla ck Knighl-2136-10 C-0t Benjamin Moore -CopPer Kellie-12tB c-o3 Benjamin Moore -Mi ss issippi Mud -211 4-20 C-OC. Benjamin Moore -Snow White -2122-70 Manufaclure Gentek Ea lon Progress Ughling AL1 3 Al13 Al13 The Wes tern Group Mutual Materials Colour C-04 C-03 Brighi While C-02 C-01 MetallfcGray Harvard Maple Silver Metallic While The Living Screen C-01 Coal Creek -Mission C-01 East Elevation 31sam Scale: 1 :100 "0 ---------J---@ ····-·-···-r --····--12 . ____ .. _________ ~,-----,11. I .... ·---·-·· .l. ••... --··· I I I ···•·······••·~•········-··· I I I ISSUED DRAWINGS t5 (I) -~ n. (I) (/) ::) -0 (I) -~ ~ C') (_) CJ) C: 0 :;::; co > Cl) w 0) C: -0 ::J c:o u >-~ ~ z (1)\2 (I) ~z (0 Cl* z~w wino :r:~~ O..c,60: w w I-UJ~ (/)~- wtci zwz >-t:z <t: l:z :;:iil:5 "a_ Dale: Scale 0-,, ?lvjoc:tlD $heel ~ l'. ht ~,·! jSi ' B~!J ~ ~n·!!: ~, 1 ';i ~ t:J i 2016, Jul 20 As Noled WSIJM 1520 DP4.0 ) \ J ONL 2016, July 20 7:51:47 AM FlhJ name: 1529 Archilactural 2016-07-DB~vwx white ihe Uvlrig S<:rcoo by The Western Group (RoarL•rie) silver metallic old AL 13 code AL 900 5 new AL iJ code 11.,:c309 pantone 877 c cmyk c-1i m38 yJB k2 ,gb r1 4?. g1 <13 b1-l•1 harvard maple old AL 13 code AL-WOB new AL 13 code WO3 16 PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Exterior Materials # Descriplion Material Manufacture , 2x2Woodlrim Wood 6" Fascia Guller Aluminum 3 ~ Soffils Aluminum Genlek .:. c..nopy Melal &Glass Commercial Storefront Windows Aluminum & Glass Concrele Cap Concrete a Electrical Fixture A 15" Terrapin LED Ealon 9 Eleclrical Fixture B P5641-82/30K Progress Lighting 10 Exposed Concrete Concrete 11 Exterior Panel Siding A Metal AL13 12 Exterior Panel Siding B Metal Al13 13 Exlerior Panel Siding C Melal AL13 14 Green Screen Metal The Western Group 15 Guardrails & Handrails Glass & Metal 16 Masonry Brick Mutual Malerials 17 Rosioemla' Wlnoow. Nail on Vinyl Flange & Glass 16 Signage Extruded Acrylic Lelters Colour Finishes C.01 Benjamin Moore -Black Knight-21 36-10 C.02 Benjamin Moore -CopperKe!Ue-1218 C-03 Benjamin Moore -Mississippi Mud -2114-20 C.GC Benjamin Moore -Snow While -2122-70 6. CRU 101 Entry Colour C-04 C-03 Brighl While C-02 C-01 Me1a11icGray Harvard Maple Silver Metallic While The Living Screen C-01 Coa l Creek -Mission C-01 6. Residential Entry Partial South Perspective Scale: 1:70 ISSUED DRAWINGS t5 QJ ·e 0... QJ (fJ :::::> "O QJ X ~ C') 0 L.. 0 ·;:: 2 >< w !)ale: Scale 2016, Jul 20 As Noted WB/JM Project ID 1529 heel DPS.O -i -~ ow l ! ~ C3 Mi x e d Us e Pr o j e c t Co p \ ' f i 9 h \ R c s e i v ca E 11 : ;; WA Y N E ST E P H E N BI S S K Y Pe r s p e c t i v e Vi e w f" l i l ' l t . , 1 1 t 1 A i . 1 C l l t l , t 1 r ~ ; t l . a l i ~ t . l l l t d l a . . 1 ! 1 ~ ~ r I AR C HI T E C T U R E & UR B A N DE S I G N IN C No r t h We s t ~~ : : : : . ! = = - ~ = 0 0 I PL A N N I N G IN T E R I O R DE S I G N Ci vic Ad d r e s s : 223 3 5 Mc i nlo s h Av e ~~ ~ ~ : : , = q 0 Ma p l e Ri d g e BC :a "" O • •or p r t p e t . o r . _ , 0 t . , _ , . . , ~ .. p. , , p a 4 ~ • . - . fl ~ le g a l Ad d r e s s : Pa r c e l F (C o n sol i d at i on of l o! 16 & 17. tl ( ~ b y ' M l ' f ~ Q C M f O - W 5 0 ~ .. .. 0) ~20•1 2232 0 Lou o hcc d Hi 9 h w ~ y ~~ ~ ~ d ~ - : ' ~ o = i z M# l l ~ , 8. C y: t , q ) , f se e 88 406 4 6 6 4 ) Di str i c t Lo i 3g 5 1 NW D Plan 32 0 6 Zl 0 pt ~- W T . a JOO l, u . 1( 1 - 1-W . 7, SJ0 S :: r - ~ a t \ l l b l ll u c n n e c t a f . , , , .. . . . . . . . . ~O l ' I I .. . ~ ll iS s~ ~ PIO# : 02 9 - 6 5 4 - 4 2 4 ,. , , .. M' . M • .. C ~ a . t l O / l l l l ! l ( l l l l i l ' t C f l ! I M ' I ( ? , ~ ~ [ ~ We b !. 11 ~ ww w h1, ; , ky ,, 1 , . t- ,1 e c h n P C, J ~ ~ ' ~ 0 "" O C) ( ~ a ~ ~ ~ - 1- il l a: il : ' z ~ ~ t tl WA Y N E ST E P H E N BI S S K Y AR C HI T E CTU R E & URB AN DE SIGN IN C , PL A N N I N G IN T E R I O R DE SIG N li 20 4 2 2 l2 0 l ou g heed Hi g h w .i y, MA : l i t ~ B.C. ''l } J ( J T - 1 P" ~ ◄N JO O ~I I O I J f i J ,63 0 5 E. . . t ; bi s n ,nS ; - . l ' I W Webs~~ : ww w b1 s s k y i J r c M @ C [ 1 t r e r. r , Pe r s p e c t i v e Vi e w No r t h We s t C3 Mi x e d Us e Pr o j e c t Ci vic Ad d r e s s : 22 335 Mc i o l o s h Av e Map l e Ri dge BC Leg al Ad d re ss : Parce l F (C o n s o l i d a ll on of lot 16 & 17, see B8 408 4 B 64 ) Di slr i c t l ot 39 B 1 NW D Pl a n 320 6 PI O # : 029 - 65 4- 4 24 t ,~ IO N G C O f \ l M ' 2 1 f ) ), I I I Q & J M , . . . . . . _ l l r l l ' # f t J 1 . f ~~ ~ . - ~ ~ ~ b · =~ ~ " - s i : : . : ~ ~ : = : - = = ~ =- ~ - ~ - ~ - : = : : - . - : : : i Ol ~ Y ' I D ' f l l ' t f o o , - t y - l M ! I W 5 D ~ l . t ' _ . • <' t : I I M I ., - : ! . - : = ~ " = = - ~ ~ t; : = = ' : - . c - . ~ 1 » .. . . . . d. . . . . , ~ i l Q r ' l l ~ IJ ! J - . l a n \ a l C ( ~ l ~ O l l l ' l • I I Q l l " ' O ' J ;; ; en ii i 0 0 i z &l ~ ~ j ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ij I 2 f 0 1 ~ • ~ 0 "' O 0) N I :l ; ~I ~ ~ I I' : ! ;; t :, , : WA Y N E ST E P H E N BI S S K Y AR C H I TE C T U R E & UR B A N DE S I G N IN C PL A N N I N G IN T E R I O R DE S I G N 11 2 0 4 223 2 0 lo 1 1 gh e e dH ig h w a y , M~ l t l t . > ) a , B. C \1 1 7 A l t 4 tf t .60 f - ' 6 J , t 3 0 0 .. . . ,o ~ - • I I I . T 083 0 5 f- n u t . . bi » ~ ·l l a . . J t , o f We b s ~ e : ww w h1 s s k y : i r c h 1 1 e r . 1 .. re v~ Pe r s p e c t i v e C3 Mi x e d Us e Pr o j e c t Ci v i c Ad d r e s s : 22 3 3 5 Mc i n l o s h Av e Map l e Ri d g e BC Le g a l Add r e s s: Pa r ce l F (C o n s o l i d a t i o n or lo l 16 & 17 , se e 8B 4 0 8 4 8 6 4 ) Di s l r l cl La l 39 8 1 NW D Pl a n 32 06 PI O # : 02 9 - 6 5 4 - 4 2 4 Cl t i c r r r ' o 1 • ~ ~" ' . ' - :: . = , ~ ' : } - ~ . : . : : , ' : ; t . ; I :t : : , a n i ,Ml d • . 1 ' . . . . _ ~ . _ t ~ ~ , ~_ : ~ e ~ = ~ ~ • C9 ' 1 1 1 t .ci r o , x l c1 . . - , o t O l f t f t o l l l i ; I I M 1 t 1 + i r , . a a p , 1 , ! \ 0 ~ s a l ' t t Q: ol mp e , 1 ) 1 ll y _. , "" ° ' 1 ~ lf l M \' 1 ' 1 8 wd l D A ho == ~ ~ - - = ~ G l l t l » ~ ~ j! l b TI W ! c ! l a i l . l W I C . i d o r . . . O e f ! M ) ' ~ Q l l l . 9 ' -• N ~ > W t • ., . , _ a u t • . - n t " " ' I ' . ~ i 0 I ----Tight c;o lumna~,,•.-----"'-.~ .. .,,,.,,., trees aong wall . ! t ~ ;; Vines on parkade structure Metal mesh attached to concrete wall (Uvlng Screen by Western Group) Vines planted at lane level . and on roofdeck. 12' x36' wide x 18' daep planting strips along lane Cover soil at lane with 25mm depth ornamental pebble ! ~ :\• -----~,-__ .:.~~~ro_."" ___________ °' 1 --~·-·············· ------+---Vines on parkade structure Metal mesh attached to concrete wall (Living Screen by Western Group) mes planted at lane level, and on roofdeck. 12" x18" deep planting strips along base of wall Cover soil at lane with 25mm depth ornamental pebble 11-l~~~==l+~~I+---Gravel splash strip along bu ll dln g- Evergreen hedge Roof or balcony above 11=!4.~-f-l-HH~I+---Patio 18' square paving slab on ag gregate dra inage layer (pea gravel). Size of patio lo whole pavers, exoept where <:tjltlng unavoidable. Drainage strip for alleast one edge fo r over1low (nOJ"mel drainage between pavers). 11 Retaining wall -Allan Block or similar Low along building for gravel strip (±6') , stepping up to outside edge of patio for increased soil depth for tree and shrub planting 12 -18") . ··;,_,,,;-·- Raised planting beds on roofdeck Trees, shrubs, perennials, ground cover No lawn ,'\:~~---Planter boxes Ornamental grasses, perennials, and cascading ground cover "'"' ~ ~10' !20' '-----Streettreewithmetalgrate j c___J 2m Ll .,,sm!.!!. ______ ..Jl 10m Deciduous columnar due to limited space to building. ~ PRELIMINARY ONLY Confirm if required by clly as none seem to be exist on McIntosh . · Confirm planting detail with City (grate, structural soil/soil cells?) Au Cd Pt 6l e Ac Ep He Hs Rf (Si * PLANT LIST -McIntosh Apartments updaled July 11, 2016 QTY. BOTANICAL NAME TREES Amelanchier x Grandinora Robin Hill Acer palmalum Osakazuki Cercis chlnensis Prunus serrulata Amanogawa Quercus palustris Pringreen SHRUBS 32 Azalea japonica Gumpo Pink Calluna vulgaris 14 Euonymus alata 'Compactus' Erica carnea Springwood White 7 Erica x Darleyensis Furzey 6 Erica x Sluar1ii Irish Lemon 22 Hydrangea macrophylla 12 Pi eris japonica compacta 35 Polystichum munitum Polenlilla fruiticosa Red Ace 36 Rhododendron 'Ramapo' 11 Rhododendron Vulcan 74 Sarcococca H. Humilis 30 Skimmiaj. macrophylla M + F 126 Taxus x Media Brownii 2 Spiraea x Bumalda Gold Flame Vaccinium ovatum 23 Weigelia norida MW GROUND COVERS AND VINES 45 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi VJ 30 Cotoneaster dammeri 180 Pachysandra terminalis 12 Clematis annandi 11 Lonicera mandarin PERENNIALS 10 Astilbe chlnensis 19 Echinacea purpurea'Magnus' 20 Hemerocams 'Happy Returns' 51 Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans' 12 Rudbeckia rulgida 'Goldstrum' 28 Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' 32 Stipa tenuissima NOTES: COMMON NAME Robin Hill Serviceberry Green Japanese Maple Chinese Redbud Amanogawa Cherry Green Pillar Pin Oak COMMON NAME Dwarf Pink Azalea Pink Heather Dwarf Burning Bush White Spring Heather Pink Spring Heather Yellow Summer Heather Big Leaf Hydrangea Dwarf Pieris Weslern Sword Fem Red Ace Shrubby Cinquefoil Dwarf Red Rhoda Red Vulcan Rhododendron Himalayan Sweet Box Skimmia (male and female) Brown's Yew Gold Flame Spirea Evergreen Huckleberry Midnight Wine Weigelia Vancouver Jade Kinnikinick Bearbeny Japanese Spurge Evergreen Clematis Mandarin Honey Suckle Magnus Purple Coneflower Magnus Purple Coneflower Happy Returns Oaylily Elegans Planlain Lily Black-Eyed Susan Hameln Fountain Grass Mexican Feather Grass SIZE SPACING 2 .0m tall mullistem 2.5m tall, multi stem 2.Dm tall. mullistem 6cmCal, WB 6cm Cal, WB SIZE SPACING #2 pot 750 o .c. #1 pol 450 o .c. #2 pol 900 o.c #1 pol 450 o.c. #1 pot 450 o.c. #1 pot 450 o.c. #2 pot 750 o.c . #1 pot 800 o.c . #1 pot 600 o.c #1 pol 650 o.c. #2 pol 750 o.c #3 pol 900 o.c #1 pot 450 0,C, #3 pol 900 o.c. 1.2m tall, B&B 500 o.c. #2 pot 900 o.c. #2 pot 900 o.c. #2 pot 750 o.c. #1 pot 500 o.c 10cm pot 500 0.C 10cm pot 450 o.c #3 pol train #3 pot Lrain #1 pot 450 o.c #1 pot 450 o.c #1 pol 500 0,C #1 pot 500 o.c #1 pol 450 o?c #1 pot 5000.c. #1 pot 300 o,c 1) In case of discrepancy between plant numbers on this list alid on lhe plan, the plan shall pre vail. 2) All planting shall be in accordance with BCSLA/BCLNA Landscape Standard, latest edilion. 3) All planting beds: mulch with 75mm of decomposed hem/fir bark ISSUED DRAWINGS +-' l) Q) ·o '-a.. Q) en =, "O Q) -~ 2 (Y) () C cu 0:: Q) Q.. cu (.) en -0 C ro _j ., ! 1u ,§ID ;! ~-~« ~; ~ ~ ! ~ ·~ 1i, u ~ L 1.0 " 0 .: I NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Align with angle park ing (between stalls), ifposslble. ~ L..r_o_s_c,_L_e_w_H_e_N_e"_'_Nr_e_o_o_N_AA_c_H_o_c,_••_x_2•_"> _____________ N_O_R_T_H ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ._ ______ _, " a. ~ ~ 1 :: " ~ I ~ • PRE LI MINARY ONLY Resldcnll1ISp11.ca ,,,....._, spin I.ice Hi,,,.jal block wilh cap M~g111"lo2~'h1gh 'o.irden v1alr by Abbol1fcrd Coricral ■ Produi:;11 G) Patio and Planter Walls 11------- 1cm = 10cm ~~_ii( <-, .. ' Bi-leve1drainforroofdeck, Snme<:h.lnlcal SlopeTc;iofSlab (TOS)m'.n 2'11. ',4--------Par.ipel refer lo a1chlecii.al dr3Wings Fihrfabric tosepall!llosoilfromdraina{lll b.yor 50rTwn dctplhsand chokcrl~uoverl'..ibric Pbnleredge sp~f.K:11,s.egmenl.albloek\'Klhcap 1lepplnglo1B" high 'i;;irden wai r by Abbol~ord Concrolo Produci1 Dr.iJna11a1lr!palongblJHdingperlm1lu 12" /JOOYlidew~hpeagr.ivel 0 Gravel Strip / Planter ~!g~ 1 o cm Living Screen as manufactured by The Western Group. Wall m ounted to concrete parkade structure. Refer to architectural elevations for layout on wall. Vines (twining) to be planted on roofdeck and ground level plan ting strips, and trained to grow on metal screen. 0 Green Wall screen 1cm = 10cm ISSUED DRAWINGS M 11 H [)Qyolopmcnl Pelll'r.l App ,.~,,_._-'#. ...... t) Q) 'o ,ii L... n. 1o Q) -""' u. (/) "~ ::::, §~ "'CJ ,I"-No Q) N,S -~ ~ ~ ~ ii ~ (") ~ ;. 0 CJ cl 0: (/) ·co +" (l) 0 (l) Q.. Ctl (.) (/) -0 C Ctl _j L2.1 ~ i Lr_o_s_cA_~_WH_E_N _e_•I_N_re_o_o_N_AA_c _H _□_c3_o_·x_2_•·_1 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _jc..._ ______ ~ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 12,Sm EXISTING 4500 CONC. STORM 4 9m EXISTING 60 OP GAS •------•---• .. l--t---+-----------------------+---1 2016/03/21 ISSUED FOR APPROVAL AA ,.,., No. DAlE REVISION BY n C 0 -, ::::i () c,;, -, (D rl---(D (J) 4- Q_ (D =l< Q A "' <O ---- l-- ---- a:, C w::::i 00. m "D. OJ CQ ~g :::l :::l co 0. (/) "D r+ OJ 92... -;,;;- C/) -· :::l co IHL£T ~ ntOI.I. AoOf" lfY OJHOt5 a w I I FfmPO'it.--0 10 CIJ.lft.. OCTOfTIOll JJJM BENCHMARK Topogroph,c Survey Pion Over Parcel F (Being a Consolidair'on Of Loi 16 And Loi 17, See 884084854) District Loi 398 Group I New Wesfminsler District Pion 3206 CONSULTANT I c,;, "' JS ,) . Ramp UP '3 1 I OMEGA & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING LTD. CONSULTING CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS ON 1l0-6 St. 11[, BOX I 182 SA\,\tOfl AP'U, Be VIE 4P3 P 2.!0ID~l F ~Ul..51"' I DRAWN AA DESIGNED AA CHECKED OMBO APPROVEO DMBD FIELD BOOK N/A SCALES - (J) (D < o· (D N "' N "' N en N "' N 0 ,- I 1 4m £XlSTING 200G SANITARY 2~4m EXISTING 60 OP GAS F 48m EXISTING 1 500 WATER MAIN I -=LE ENGINEERING DEPAR1MENT CONCEPTUAL DESIGN 22335 & 22341 McIntosh Ave i= L L MAR 21, 2016 S><fET 01 OF 01 DWC. Nil. 2016-043-C-Ol [~ .. • I mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: Advisory Design Panel MEETING DATE: September 12, 2016 FILE NO: 2015-309-DP SUBJECT: 21795, 21787, 21773 Lougheed Highway PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Pane l (the "ADP ") subm ission has been received for the above cited appli ca t ion and properties to perm it t he constructio n of a Pediatric and Family Care Clinic with s even prop osed units , totaling 2,7 67.50 m2 (29,790 ft2 ). The rezoning appl ication being processed in conjunction with this proposal was given f irst reading by Council on Decem ber 8 , 2 0 15. Thi s rezon in g applicat io n is accompanied by an Official Community Plan (OCP ) amendment to cha nge the designation of 2179 5 Lo ugheed Highway from Urba n Residentia l to f Comm ercial. The properties located at 21787 and 21773 Lo ugheed Highway are currently designated I Commercial, and therefore, do not require a designation change. Thi s s ite Is s ubject to being rez oned f ro m RS-1 (One Family Urban Res identia l) to C-2 (Commun ity Co mmercial); 2 1795 Lo ugheed Highway is being re d esignated from Urban Resid ential to Com mercial to ac commo dat e t h e p rop osed use. The d eve lopment permit applicati o n made t o the City is s ubject to Section 8.5 Commercial Development Permit. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Descriptions: OCP: Existing: Proposed : Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use : Zone: Designation : Bissky Architecture and Urban Design Inc. Pagliacci Holdings Ltd. Parcel "B" (Explanitory Plah 10251) Lot 8 'District Lot 24 7 Grou p 1 New Westmin ster Pla n 1007 Lot 1 & 2 District Lo t 24 7 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 12044 Commercial and Urban Residential Commercial RS -1 (On e Famll y Urban Res idential) C-2 (Com mu nity Comme rcia l) Single Fam il y Residential RS-1 (On e Fa mily Urban Residential)· Urban Residential Page 1 of4 South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Commercial and Residential CS-1 (Service Commercial) and RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Commercial and Urban Residential Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Commercial CS-1 (Service Commercial) Commercial Vacant and Residential Commercial 0.53 Ha (1.3 acres) Lougheed Highway Urban Standard The development permit application made to the City prompting this referral to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.5 Commercial Development Permit. Key Guidelines: The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal's compliance with the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines: 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, fE:latures, materials, proportions and building articulation. The applicant has submitted a checklist for the Commercial Development Permit Guidelines and has identified the policies that the project meets. The checklist is attached to the Advisory Design Panel package. Design Guidelines: The applicant has provided a design rationale and has completed the C.ommercial Development Permit Guidelines checklist, all of which are attached to this report. Page 2 of 4 Pu\NNING COMMENTS: Official Community Plan: The properties located at 21773 and 21787 Lougheed Highway are designated Commercial in the OCP and the property located at 21795 Lougheed Highway is designated Urban Residential. The two parcels currently designated commercial fall under the General Commercial Category. General Commercial lands are intended to provide a mixture of traditional highway commercial and other retail development. The proposed C-2 (Community Commercial) zoni ng does not comply with the Urban Residential land use designation , however, an OCP amendment is supportable because this amendment permits a logical assembly of land into one development. This property, given its residential designation; small size and Lougheed Highway location, would likely remain undeveloped. Therefore, a future OCP application is required to re -designate 21795 Lougheed Highway from Urban Residential to Commercial. A detailed assessment of the proposed OCP amendment will be provided in a future report to Council. Context: Properties to the north and east are zoned RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), west is zoned C-2 (Community Commercial), and across the Lougheed Highway south is zoned CS-1 (Service Commercial) and RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential). Proposal: The proposed development will consist of a two-storey commercial building with 4 units on the main floor and 3 units on the second floor, for a total of 7 units. The floor area of the main floor is 1,197 m2 (12,886 ft2) and the floor area of the second floor is 1,570 m2 (16,902 ft2), for a total of 2,767 m2 (29,788 ft2 ). The development site will have one access from Lougheed Highway. Building material will consist of metal paneling painted in silver metallic and l1arvard maple; glass with coloured glazing of blue, green, rose and yellow; and several columns located around the perimeter of the building painted in mirage white or autumn orange. Environmental, Sustainability & Stormwater Management: The applicant has provided a LEED Canada checklist indicating the 'Certified' level of point system will be achieved with 49 points. Stormwater Management will consist of a detention system including oil / silt interceptor, as well as a sprinkler system designed to use the captured rainfall accumulating in the d~tention system through a sump and pump system. The property is located within the Fraser River Escarpment; therefore, no infiltration ls permitted within this development. The Landscape Architect will provide further information about Tier 3 measures like bio-filtration and rain gardens to maintain and protect water quality. Parking: The applicant has provided 92 parking spaces, which is in line with the current Off-Street Parking Bylaw; the Ministry of Transportation (MoTI) standards require 95 parking spaces; however, based on the proximity to the Town Centre , parking demand is anticipated to be lower than the MoTI standard. The 92 spaces provided are considered adequate to accommodate peak parking demands, and have been reviewed and accepted by Mo Tl. Bicycle parking is provided in the form of outdoor bicycle racks. Page 3 of 4 = Garbage/Recycling: Located to the rear of the property away from the building in the south-east corner; the area is proposed to be fenced and will consist of pressure treated hemfir, painted to match the building trim, 1.8 m (6 ft.) in height. Gates will consist of heavy duty hinges, locking latches and wheels. Off Site Upgrades: The Engineering Department has given an initial review and determined that upgrades are required to curb and gutter, a new sanitary and storm sewer service, street lighting, street trees, underground wiring, water service, as well the City's Strategic Transportation Plan has identified that the recently installed off-street pathway on Lougheed Highway between Laity Street and 216 Street should be extended east. The current asphalt sidewalk may remain as a temporary sidewalk; however, further assessment is required. The driveway and location of street trees is subject to further discussion with MoTI to accommodate a deceleration lane along Lougheed Highway into the site. Proposed Variances to the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone: The applicant has sought variances described and justified in the developers ADP submission package. These variances include: • Increased maximum building height from 7.5 m to 8.0 m • Increase in second storey area from 50 % to 100%of the first floor area for office use • Decreased depth of lot requirement from 70.0 m (230 ft.) to 55.0 m (180 ft.) There variances are justified because they are in keeping with similar developments, allow incorporation of improved design elements and allow for enhanced landscaping on the site. Other The Landscape Architect will provide further information about Tier 3 measures like bio-filtration and rain gardens to maintain and protect water quality for ADP comment. CONCLUSION: The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared~ Adam Rieu The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject map Appendix B Explanatory letter from Architect (and Landscape Architect if applicable) Appendix C ADP Submission Form Appendix C ADP Applicant Checklist (signed by Architect) Appendix D Development Data Sheet (signed by Architect) Appendix E DP Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix F Architectural and Landscaping Plans Appendix G LEED Checklist Page 4 of4 ST~=",-'ff,j C •CS('V C ,) -' ARCHITECTURE ADP Application URBAN DESIGN PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN HEAD ()F F ICf · 2C ·1-~~J20 I OLICHfED HIGH WAY MA PI E RIDGF BC PH 604-~6~-SJOO FAX 61J ,1-467 -SJO, Adam Rieu & Chuck Goddard City of Maple Ridge Planning Department 11 995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Tuesday, July 19, 2016 Regarding a covering letter describing the project, the rationale for the proposed design and key features of the proposal, including storm water management, "Green Building Techniques" and principles of sus- tainability incorporated into the overall project for: Our Project# City Ref#: 1522 2015-309-RZ Civic: Legal: PIO: 21773 , 21787 & 21795 Loughee d Hwy., Maple Ridge BC Lot 1 & 2 D istr iq Lot 247 Group 1 NWD Plan 12044, & Parcel "B" (Exp lanato ry Plan 102 51 ) Lo t 8 Di st ri ct Lot 247 Group 1 NWD Plan 1007 001-956-248 009-650-245 006-842 -107 Dear Chuck and Adam, Further to the Maple Ridge "Advisory Design Panel Minimum Submission Requirements" including the: 1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) 2. Design rationale (Detailed information Required) 3 . Statement in brief about the following: a. DP Key Concepts Compliance b. DP Guideline Compliance c. 3-tier stormwater management strategy d. Public Art/ Amenities, etc. e. Sustainability practices f. Other ______________ _ I u11 : This is an application to re zone these properties from RSl to C-2 in order to accommodate a 2 storey med- ical facility of approximately 29,800 sf in total area. There are 92 parking stalls required and provided. The Development Data Sh eet submitted with this ADP Application contains the project's comprehensive infor- mation . As well, in order not to avoid redund ancy, please reference the Commerci al Development Permit Area Guidelines Checkl[st provided with t his packag~ to confirm our compliance with the key guideline concepts. The Storrnwater Management proposed for this site is clarified by Omega and Associates in their May 10th letter attached following. The LEED Checklist has also been completed and included herein. A service area is located in the north-east corner, while a landscaped buffer surrounds the entire project; higher to maintain a visual bu~er along the north, east and west, and lower along Lougheed to soften the visual impact of the parking . The building is roughly in the centre of the property surrounded by parking for ease of access, traffic flow and to "anchor" or "control" the entire site visually. The long low building re- flects the zoning height restrictions and the predominantly fast-moving vehicular character of Lougheed Highway in this location. • Acknowledging that many children and their pa rents visiting a medical facility are often anxious, many with lives seriously shaken or un certa in, the design seeks to communicate a warm, ca l ming, professional and orderly environment. It's symmetry reminds us that good health requires physical, emotiona l and mental balance. At the same time the design blends elements of Maple Ridge her itage with the east indian back- ground of my clients with its combination of metal and "wood-look" siding on its clean, orderly contem - ·porary exterior while introducing a touch of colour to the central rounded element id entified as the waiting area on the second floor of the bui lding. The coloured glass on the windows here serves multiple purposes. On one level it is a form of public art contributihg to the vitality.of the public realm. Further, its bold colour references Indian culture while its vibrancy and sense of fun remind the users that l ife will not remain colourless forever. There is always hope. Finally, on a more subtle level, it teaches that whatever lays in front of us is affected by the lens through which we choose to view it. Thank-you for tak ing the time to review our submission. We look forward to presenting the plans to you in person and to receiving your support for this very -worthy building type and client. Wayne Bissky, BA, C.Ed, MArch, ArchitectAIBC, M RAIC Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture & Urban Design Inc . Thb nif~;,.,g~ 1~·01,l\· i 11trnrlPtl lo, lht.1 use o the incl1vu.l11 ,1I or c1n11t1 10 wl11(h il ii ,,drJrtJ-.U~ ,rnd nMr c~1 11L.1in 111tonnalions 1ha1 1s prw1JegPd. con1iden lic1l c1nd t'xempl from (li!.rk1HrrE>. It 1h~ re'arler oi 1h1s ntP$-'>ilit~ i~ 1101 1hr ime11cle-d 1!.'-c•pi~1,1 Of ;rn t1nip ln~ett or '1gr:onl (t'ij)o nsible for delivering the m<'"1,'\ti,e l O the intended recip1en1, \'OL1 Jl"(o ht'•vhv 1u.:itil it:'tl lhJt .1m U1'!-:;emu,,wu,1/ dbtrib1111on, cir c~)\'ing oi thh co11rnun,11.:.,uun h -,tr'icth· proh1h•kd. Jf \OU h,ivE' rif:('rt\'(ld th,) c.on11t1u,11cr1t10n 10 tttror, j.lle.1~-:-IUJtih u~ 1111111,:dhHeh b, tt--lt11,Jh1,mt-,hh 1eluru ihe t \tiJm.11 ,~ ll) hy 1ll,1il. 1h.tl\lt•VO\I. ' • • f !~ MAPLE RIDGE Briti sh Co umb1a map leridge .ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Ad v isory Design Pan el (A DP) meets monthly. Re f er to the attached schedu les fo r submission dead l ine dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File M ana ger to establish what constitutes a com p lete ADP submiss ion package for y o u r project. Fo rwa rd your complete submiss i on pack age for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the dead l ine date. Application Information: Wayne Bissky 2015-309-RZ Name of Applicant File number Address of site Current Zone 21773 , 21787 & 21795 Lougheed Hwy., Maple Ridge BC _R_S_-1 ____ Proposed Zo ne _c_-2 _____ _ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date Thursda y, August 11, 20 16 Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by : Architect Wayne Bissky, Architect AIBC Landscape Architect Pc1ul Whitehead BCSLA Othe r Professional (State Name & Role) None ------------------ Note.: The Architects are required to prepa r e plans and to attend and to p r esent all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bullet in , click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects bui lding codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceed i ng 275 m2 ; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2 ; and -all schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any building contain ing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F (F l: Part 3) Industrial -any building w ith gross area exceed ing 470 m2 : MAPLE RIDGE ~ Br111sh Columbia ADP Submission Checklist mapleridge .ca Application No. _2_0_1_5_-3_0_9_-_R_Z _________ File Manager _A_d_a_m_R_ie_u ________ _ This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel. Please refer to the ADP Submission Form and the ADP Requirements Brochu re for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted . Address your questions to the File Manager .or the Planning Liaison to the ADP. Project Architect ~ion: Prepared by : ~ ~- Sign _W_a-'-'y_n-'-e_B_i_ss_k-'-'-y _________ July 13 , 2016 Print name Date Submission Requirements: Required Submission Materials (File Manager to Provided indicate if requi re d} A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) □ lX) B. Covering Letter including explanations about: 1 . Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) □ lX) 2. Design rationale (Detailed information Required) □ ~ 3. Statement in brief about the following: a. DP Key Concepts Compliance □ lXI b. DP Guideline Compliance □ ·w C. 3-tier stormwater management strategy □ ~ d. Public Art/ Amenities, etc. □ □ e. Sustainability practices □ □ f. Other □ □ C. Site and Neighbourhood Context 1. Context Plan -Existing/proposed buildings and trees, vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed grading, and other □ lX) major features within the site, on the abutting properties and alon g the road allowances/ lanes . 2. Photographs of site and surroundings . □ □ D. DeveloQment Perm it Area Checklist (Note : The Architect is responsible to describe how the project □ l!I complies with each guidelines, or if not applicable, a descri ption of why not applicable. Please use fillable forms on line.) 2015-309-RZ City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist (Page 2) E. Architectural Plans {Site and Building{sU: 1. Site Plan and layout □ !XI 2. Site sections □ ~ 3. Streetscape elevation □ □ 4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees sup erim posed □ □ 5. Shadow analysis □ □ 6. Lighting analysis (on building and on site) □ □ 7. Floor Pl ans for all levels, includ i ng underground and roof tops □ IXI 8. Wast~ collection /recycling (inside of buildings) □ □ 9 . Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside) □ □ 10. Building elevation (all sides) □ !XI 11. Signage (attached to building and free standing) □ □ 12. Colours and materials □ 00 13. Material board □ IXI 14. Building sections □ 00 15. 3D renderings of the site and/or building(s) with associated land scap i ng □ l!) F. Landsca~ing Plans: 1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting details □ l!) 2. Landscaping details, including locations for public art, signage, lighting, play and other ameni t y areas □ IXI 3. Waste collection /Recycling {exterior areas/structures) □ 00 4. Deta i ls for .pe destrian and amenity features being provided □ □ 5. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns □ fXI 6. Tree retention and management plan □ □ 7. Site sections to show lot grading, drainage, landscaping and □ fXI rel ationship to adj acent grad es/ City boulevards/ lanes 8. Preliminary storm water management plan (Note: This plan □ fXI must have been accepted by the Environmental Planner) 9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path i nterconnections □ IXI G. Green BuildingLSustainabilitv initiatives □ □ H. Other □ □ □ □ Rev. October 14, 2015 2015-309 -RZ MAPLE RIDGE BnUsh Columbia mapleridge.ca DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Existing /Proposed Zone RS-1 / C-2 Date Prepared July 13, 2016 -------- Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total 2,500 m2 5 ,323 .3 m2 Less Road/ Truncations Dedicated 0 0 Less Park/ Open Space Dedicated 0 0 Net Total 2,500 m2 5,323.3 m2 LOT COVERAGE (in% of net lot area) Buildings & Structures 70% 30.0% (1,596 m2) Paved & Hard Surfaced Areas NA 53 .7% (2,860 m2) Landscaping NA 16 .3% (868 m2) Total Site Coverage 100% 100% (5,324 m2) SETBACKS ( in metres) Front 3 .0m 15 .8 m Rear 6.0m 14.0 m Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Interior -East a.om 20.9m Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Interior -West 0 .0m 11.9 m Side #3 (N, S, E or W) NA NA BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal ; 7.5 m Second Sto rey 50% 8 .0 m Second Storey No Rest rictior Accessory NA NA NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor NA 0 One Bedroom NA 0 Two Bedroom NA 0 Three Bedroom+ NA 0 Total NA 0 GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential NA 0m2 Retail Commercial NA 0 m2 Office Commercial NA 0m2 Other Commercial (Type ) NA 2,767 .5 m2 Institutional NA o m2 Industrial NA o m2 TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA NA 2,767.5 m2 * If th e deve lopm ent site con sis ts of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertai n to the enti re site. Required Development Data Minimum Required or I Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) DENSITY # of un its/ha (gross ) NA NA # of units/ha (net) NA NA Gross Floor Area NA NA Floor Spac e Ratio (n et) NA N A AMENITY SPACE (area in sq uare metres) Common Ac;tivity A rea 0 m2 0 m2 Useable Open Spa ce 0 m2 0 m2 PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses 0 0 Multi-Residentia l Town Ce ntre (Bach Units ) 0 0 Multi~Resident ial Town Centre (1 Bdr Units ) 0 0 Multi-Residential Town Centre (Ad d ed Bd r) 0 0 Commercial Uses 92 92 Educational & Assembl y Uses 0 0 Institutional Use 0 0 Industrial Use 0 0 Business Park Uses 0 0 Com p re hensive 0 0 Total Number of Parki ng Spaces for Uses 92 92 Number of p arking spaces for disabled 2 2 Number of sp aces for visitors 0 0 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES 92 92 Number and percen t age small cars 10 % 0 % Number and pe rcenta ge tandem sp aces 0 0 TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S ) 1 ·, 1 BICYCLE PARKING (number of sp aces ) Short Term Bi cycle Par kin g 0 8 (4 Racks of 2) Lon g Term Bicy cle Parki ng 0 0 OTHER -state YES or NO for each . If YES describe on se p arate sheet . Heritage Site j NO I Tree Survey/Assessment Provided I YES Watercourse /Steep Sl opes / NO I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements j NO I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and MD~ Environmental Services Department. Prepared by: Way ne Bi ssky Print Name (Please print form and sign above) NOTE: To be prepa r ed by an Architect for ADP Submis sion o r by an own er/agent (appli cant) fo r Dev elopme nt Applicati on. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.5 of the Official Community Plan, commercial developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Dev~lopment Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. 8.5.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses The project will harmonize with th adjacent neighbours and is through sound attenuation, appropriate designed to be neighbourly. lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. Encourage a pedestrian scale through Low scale central building with articulation of the facade and tactile providing outdoor amenities, minimizing materials at pedestrian level. the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. Promote sustainable development with The site provides excellent transportation circulation. multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design . Respect the need for private areas in Planting provided around the perimeter to the residential sites. mixed use development and adjacent reside ,ntial areas. The form and treatment of new buildings This is a new urban development designed to fit in with the should reflect the desired character and downtown and reflect the liveliness and density of the OCP. pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. 1 Guideline 8.5.2 A Building Design, Massing and Siting Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. The form and treatment of new Contemporary and varied architectural expression is being buildings should reflect the desired proposed . character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, roof forms, facade modulation, architectural features, fenestration patterns, building elements and proportions and building articulation. 2. Exterior finishes should be wood, brick, Materials proposed are metal and glazing for a contemporary natural stone or other materials of warm commercial complex . appearance. Substantial areas of concrete should be avoided. Expanses of solid wall or glass are unacceptable . 3. New buildings adjacent to existing small The building is central to the site and respecting surrounding scale. scale buildings such as houses should be designed to provide visual interest whilst protecting the privacy and livability of both properties . 4. Significant corners should be given Not applicable to this site as the building faces only one street. added emphasis with vertical architectural features and roofscape features. At intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets. 5. Development should be sited to have This building fronts the main street. the building ·frontage on the main street alignment. 6. Projects located on slopes should be Not applicable to this site. developed in a manner which creates a step in perceived height, bulk and scale between developments. 7. Design and construction of buildings Acknowledged . should account for maximum sound attenuation between commercial and adjacent residential uses . To ensure that noise generated on the site is addressed i n the most appropriate manner, Council may request that a noise attenuation study be prepared . 2 J Guideline 8.5.2 A (Continued) 8. Continuous weather protection, such as overhangs of the second floor are proposed . canopies, structural awnings, or building overhangs, is strongly promoted where at-g r ade retail uses are included in· a development and over common entries to commercial and/or mixed -use developments that front a public sidewalk or o pen sp ace . 9. Developments adjacent to treed slopes, Not appli cable to this site . ravines and watercourses must respect natural vegetation, use natural landscaping to retain soils on the site and may require addition al setbacks as established by agencies having jurisdiction. Creeks and ravines are encouraged to be retained in their natural state. 10. Developments are encouraged to Acknowledged redirect water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 11. Build i ngs should be designed and located Acknowledged on a site to: a) p r eserve and incorporate natural features or views; b) ensure proper orientation and relationship to adjoining residential uses; c) minimize impacts on natural features and agricultural lands; d) accommodate natural grades to ensure minimal grading is required. Guideline 8.5.2 B Refuse, Recycling and Servicing Areas Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. The design of a roof, placement of The mechanical units will be hidden on the rooftop away from view . mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings . 3 I Guideline 8.5.2 B (Continued) 2. Service areas should have differentiated Service areas are located away from pedestrians . access to minimize visual impact as well as conflicts with pedestrians. 3. Refuse receptacles must be located Refuse is located outside away from the building . indoors or within service areas out of view from pedestrian access. Garbage and waste material should be stored in containers that are weatherproof and animal-resistant. 4. Mech.anical equipment, drive-through Not Applicable. uses, service or car wash bays, restrooms, vending machines, unenclosed storage, and public telephones should be oriented on the site to face away from adjacent residential development. Whenever possible, these uses should not be visible from an adjacent residential property. Guideline 8.5.2 C Street Front Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Particular attention should be made to The front facade is clean articulated and professional looking . the image presented to the streetfront. 2. New development should emphasize the A well balanced and proportioned facades have been designed. street frontages by incorporating differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades. Facades should incorporate vertical and horizontal relief in a well-proportioned rhythm appropriate to the intended scale of development . 3. Buildings with over 15 metres of street A good combination of both vertical and horizontal elements are frontage should break the horizontal proposed. mass of the building with vertical elements in a rhythmic pattern. 4 . Streetfront landscaping will incorporate Street trees are provided . street trees for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space. 4 Guideline 8.5.2 C (Continued) 5. Vehicle access on a street frontage Vehicle access provided from the front street. should be located to the side of the building away form the pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. Guideline 8.5.2 D Signage and Lighting Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Signage should be integrated with the Clean, clear signage is shown on the main level design of a building, preferably at ground level only, and its size and design should complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 2. High intensity illumination directed at No high intensity illumination provided . adjoining properties should be avoided. Commercial signage and high intensity illumination adjacent to residential uses should be minimized in order to protect residential amenity. 3. Lighting and signage should be designed No direct source of light visible from the public areas. so as to have ho direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way. 4. All signage must conform to the Maple Confirmed. Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter should take precedent. 5. In multiple-tenant commercial or mixed-Confirmed . use buildings, signs should be designed to present a unified appearance. Signage space should be provided for upper storey tenancies. 5 I Guideline 8.5.2 E Vehicle Access, Parking, and Circulation Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Buildings and structures should be This project complies. located to ensure safe traffic circulation arid access and adequate on-site parking. Parking should be encouraged in smaller units to avoid a monotonous appearance. 2. Parking and storage areas should be Parking and storage are screened appropriately screened. Low level landscape screening should be provided to parking areas adjacent to public streets . 3. Where possible, parking and servicing No underground parking is proposed . should be located underground or to the rear of buildings to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and pedestrian amenity. In all new buildings the portion of the structure used for parking and servicing should be adequately screened and should be architecturally compatible with the rest of the building . 4. Existing lanes should be used for vehicle No lane . access, loading and servicing. Upgrading of lanes in terms of attractive treatment and screening of parking access and loading and service areas is encouraged. 5. Vehicle access should be located to the side of the building away from the pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 6. Lanes, and driveways should conform to the existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, access should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. Vehicle surrounds the building . Co nfirmed . 6 Guideline 8.5.2 E (Continued) 7. Shared vehicle access between adjoining Not applicable . sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged . 8. Minimize the amount of asphalt surfaces Parking surface is concrete and interior. in parking areas by integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Above ground parking structures should Confirmed . not front public streets at grade. Non- parking uses or special fa~ade treatments must be provided along street frontages to enhance the building's appearance to the public realm. On non-street fronting facades, parking structures should be treated to avoid long blank walls at grade, such as massed landscape treatments or attention to design detailing on the fa~ade. 10. Parking control equipment, such as Not applicable . ticket dispensers and card readers, should be located at a sufficient distance from a public street to prevent parking queues extending onto the street. Similarly, a minimum distance of one car length, and preferably two car lengths, should be provided between an exit gate and the street edge to accommodate cars waiting to merge into traffic. 11. Rooftop parking structures should Not applicable. include design elements, including landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street and surrounding uses. 7 I I Guideline 8.5.2 F Pedestrian and Bicycle Access 1. D~velopment should improve pedestrian amenity through interesting design detail at ground level, easily identifiable entrances, shop fronts with clear untinted glazing, concentration of signage at ground level, attractive landscaping and well defined pedest r ian crossi ngs for driveways and roadwa ys. 2. A well defined pedestrian access to the commercial use will be provided from the public sidewalk. Design will ensure that pedestrian use is given precedence over vehicular use. Where possible, at least one pedestrian connection should be prov ided through the main block of buildings . Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Done Done 3. Facilities for cyclists should be Done. See main floor plan . considered for all developments . Guideline 8.5.2 G Landscaping and Open Space Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Landscap ing should be supplemented to This project complies. identify and define public space, to present a pleasing image and to soften the transition from adjacent land uses to the commercial development. 2. Adjacent residential uses should be Not applicable . adequately protected by significant landscaping or the provision of screening or both. 3. Street trees w i ll be a required St reet trees are pro vided . component of all new development for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space. Simplicity in landscaping materials is desirable and should be encouraged for screening purposes. Deciduous tree species should be considered in landscape plantings to permit light penetration in ·winter. Mature vegetation should be retained where poss ible . 8 : Guideline 8.5.2 G (Continued) 4. Aesthetic values along frontages and on-Done . site ought to be enhanced by significant landscaping on all property lines and around buildings. Street trees should be used to provide the landscaping variety that would soften the character and scale of the area. 5. Landscape planting and screening should Done . be used to create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site for pedestrians, passing drivers and building tenants on the site or adjacent to it. 6. Open space should be usable, attractive Not applicable. and well-integrated with the design of the building. Open space, in many cases, will be achieved with courtyards, recessed balconies, terraced balconies, roof top gardens, and atria. 7. Landscaping should reinforce design Our proposed landscaping is much more extensive than on continuity with neighbouring properties existing developments. and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 8. Landscaping should define the purpose Done . and emphasize the desired character and function of public and private space. All private and semi -private open space should be clearly defined as such and should be controllable by those meant to benefit and be responsible for it, thus encouraging use, pride and safety . 9. Distinguish public and semi-public Done . spaces from private spaces. Design symbolic barriers through: a) building and site design; b) changes in paving, vegetation, or grading; or c) architectural features, such as low walls, bollards or raised planters . 9 I Guideline 8.5.2 H Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Developments should be designed to Done max1m1ze opportunities for natural surveillance allowing people to easily view what is happening around them during the course of everyday activities. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design principles and techniques are encouraged. 2. Crime Prevention through Done Environmental Design (CPTED} principles should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities. 3. Design the interior spaces and exits from Done any underground and above ground parking structures for maximum visibility within the parking area. Entries should be highly visible, well lit and spaced at convenient intervals Hidden spaces, obscured alcoves and blind corners should be avoided in the design and layout of the parking facilities. 4. Walls .and ceilings of parking structures, particularly underground structures, should be painted white to enhance or reflect light. Done Guideline 8.5.2 I Universally Accessible Design Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. All non-vehicular routes be fully Done accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/ scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 10 :; Guideline 8.5.2 I (Continued) 2. Locate parking spaces allocated for Done see main floor parking plans . people with disabilities as close as possible to the main entrance to a building. 3. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; and c) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. Guideline 8.5.2 J Bicycle Storage and Parking 1. Provide short term bicycle parking facilities, such as bicycle racks, at grade close to building entrances . Bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads. Bicycle racks should be made of sturdy, theft- resistant material, securely anchored to the floor or grounds. Done Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Done see plans 2. Provide long term bicycle parking Not applicable . facilities in secure storage areas ~ithin buildings. Bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. In mixed-use buildings, bicycle storage facilities for residents are to be separate from those for the commercial uses. 3. Large-scale developments are Not applicable. encouraged to provide end-of-trip facilities, such as showers and lockers, within the development for the convenience of employees. 11 Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File Number 2015-309-RZ ---------- Date prepared: _J_u_ly_1_3_,_2_0_16 ____ _ Architect Wayne Bissky, MAIBC Print Name Signature 12 2015-309-RZ 21773, 21787 & 21795 Lougheed Hwy., Maple Ridge BC New Medical Building Bissky Arch. Project # 1522 LEED® CANADA FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS 2009 LEED® CANADA FOR CORE AND SHELL DEVELOPMENT 2009 RATING SYSTEM ii LEED CANADA FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS LEED CANADA FOR CORE AND SHELL DEVELOPMEl')T PREFACE FROM THE CAGBC The built environment has a profound impact on our natural environment, economy, health, and productivity. Breakthroughs In building sci ence, technology, and operations are now ava ilable to designers, builpers, operato rs, and owners who wan t to build green and max imize both economic and environmental performance. The green building movement offers an unprecedented oppo rtun ity to respond to the most important cha ll enges of our time .. Including global climate change, dependence on non sustainable and expensive sources of energy, and threats to human health. The work of innovative building professionals is a fundamental driving force in the green building movement. Such leadership is a critical component to achieving the Canada Green Building Council's (CaGBC's) vision of a transformed built environment leading to a sustainable future . CaGBC Membership The CaGBC's greatest strength is the diversity of our membership. CaGBC is a balanced, consensus based not-for-profit with more than 2,300 member companies and organ izations . Since its inception in 2002, CaGBC has played a vital role in providing a leadership forum and a unique, integrat ing force for the building industry. CaGBC's programs have three distinguishing characteristics: Committee-based The heart of this effective coalition is our committee structure, in which volunteer members work with staff and expert consultants to design and implement strategies. Our committees provide a forum for members to resolve differences, build alliances, and forge cooperative solutions for influencing change in all sectors of the building industry. Member-Driven Membership is open and balanced and provides a comprehensive platform for carrying out important programs and activities. We target the issues identified by our members as the highest priority. We conduct an annual review of achievements that allows us to set policy, revise strategies, and devise work plans based on members' needs. Consensus-Focused We work together to promote green buildings and, in doing so, we help to foster greater economic vitality and environmental health at lower costs. We work to bridge ideological gaps between industry segments to develop balanced policies and programs that benefit the entire industry. • For more information: Contact the Canada Green Building Council 47 Clarence St., Suite 202 Ottawa, Ontario Kl N 9Kl phone: 1-866-941-1184 fax: 1-613-241-4782 info@cagbc.org www.cagbc.org CANADA GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL LEED CANADA FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS LEED CANADA FOR CORE AND SHELL DEVELOPMENT DISCLAIMER AND NOTICES The Canada Green Building Council authorizes you to view the LEED® Canada for New Construction and Major Renovations Green Building Rating System and the LEED® Canada for Core and Shell Development Green Building Rating System for your individual use and to copy as it is, or in part if you reference the original document. No content may be altered. In exchange for this authorization, you agree to honour all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the original LEED® Canada for New Construction and Major Renovations Green Building Rating System and LEED® Canada for Core and Shell Development Green Building Rating System. You also agree not to sell or modify the LEED® Canada for New Construction and Major Renovations Green Building Rating System and the LEED® Canada for Core and Shell Development Green Building Rating System or to reproduce, display or distribute the LEED® Canada for New Construction and Major Renovations Green Building Rating System and the LEED® Canada for Core and Shell Development Green Building Rating System in any way for any public or commercial purpose, including display on a website or in a networked environment. Unauthorized use of the LEED® Canada for New Construction and Major Renovations Green Building Rating System and the LEED® Canada for Core and Shell Development Green Building Rating System violates copyright, trademark and other laws and is prohibited. All text, graphics, layout and other elements of content contained in the LEED® Canada for New Construction and Major Renovations Green Building Rating · System and the LEED® Canada for Core and Shell Development Green Building Rating System is owned by the Canada Green Building Council and is protected by copyright under Canada, United States and foreign laws. Also please note that none of the parties involved in the funding or creation of the LEED®Canada for New Construction and Major Renovations Green Building Rating System and the LEED® Canada for Core and Shell Development Green Building Rating System, including the Canada and U.S. Green Building Council or their members, make any warranty (express or implied) or assume any liability or responsibility to you or any third parties for the accuracy, completeness or use of, or reliance on, any information contained in the LEED® Canada for New Construction and Major Renovations Green Building Rating System and the LEED® Canada for Core and Shell Development Green Building Rating System, or for any injuries, losses or damages (including, without limitation, equitable relief) arising out of such use or reliance. As a condition of use, you covenant not to sue, and agree to waive and release the Canada Green Building Council and its members from any and all claims, demands and causes of action for any injuries, losses or damages (including, without limitation, equitable relief) that you may now or hereafter have a right to assert against such parties as a result of your use of, or reliance on, the LEED® Canada for New Construction and Major Renovations Green Building Rating System and the LEED® Canada for Core and Shell Development Green Building Rating System. COPYRIGHT Copyright© 2010 by the Canada Green Building Council. All rights reserved. TRADEMARK LEED® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Green Building Council (USG BC), licensed to the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) for use with LEED Canada. ISBN# 978-0-9813298-0-2 CANADA GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL iii iv LEED CANADA FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS LEED CANADA FOR CORE AND SHELL DEVELOPMENT LEED CANADA FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS 2009 PROJECT CHECKLIST SUSTAINABLE SITES 26 POSSIBLE POINTS g Prereq 1 Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Required g Credit 1 Site Selection 1 g Credit 2 Development Density and Community Connectivity 3,5 □ Credit 3 Brownfield Redevelopment 1 g Credit 4.1 Alternative Transportation: Public Transportation Access 3,6 g Credit 4.2 Alternative Transportation: Bicyc le Storage and Changing Rooms 1 □ Credit 4.3 Alternative Transportation: Low-Emitting and Fuel-Efficient Vehicles 3 g Credit4.4 Alternative Transportation: Parking Capacity 2 □ Credit 5.1 Site Development: Protect and Restore Habitat g Credit 5.2 Site Development: Maximize Open Space g Credit 6.1 Stormwater besign: Quantity Control g Credit 6.2 Stormwater Design: Quality Control □ Credit 7.1 Heat Island Effect Non-Roof □ Credit 7.2 Heat Island Effect Roof g Credit 8 Light Pollution Reduction WATER EFFICIENCY 10 POSSIBLE POINTS Required 2,4 2 2-4 Gl Prereq 1 G3 Credit 1 □ Credit 2 □ Credit 3 Water Use Reduction Water Efficient Landscaping Innovative Wastewater Technologies Water Use Reduction ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE 35 POSSIBLE POINTS G3 Prereq l Fundamental Commlssioni ng of Building Energy Systems Required g Prereq 2 Minimum Ene rgy Performance Required 0 Prereq 3 Fundamental Refrigerant Management Required g Credit 1 Optimize Energy Performance 1-19 0 Credit 2 On -Site Renewab le Energy 1-7 D Credlt3 Enhanced Commissioning 2 D Credit4 Enhanced Refrigerant Management 2 a Credits Measurement and Ve rification 3 □ Credit 6 Green Power 2 CANA ·DA GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL LEED CANADA FOR NEW CONS'TRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS LEED CANADA FOR CORE AND SHELL DEVELOPMENT MATERIALS AND RESOURCES 14 POSSIBLE POINTS g Prereq 1 Storage and Collection of Recyclables Required □ Credit 1.1 Building Reuse: Maintain Existing Walls, Floors, and Roof 1-3 □ Credit 1.2 Building Reuse: Maintain Interior Non-Structural Elements 0 Credit 2 Construction Waste Management 1-2 g Credit 3 Materials Reuse 1-2 g Credit 4 Recycled Content h? □ Credit 5 Regional Materials 1-2 g Credit 6 Rapidly Renewable Materials □ Credit 7 Certified Wood INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 15 POSSIBLE POINTS g Prereq 1 Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance Required g Prereq 2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control Required □ Credit 1 Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring 1 g Credit 2 Increased Ventilation 1 g Credit 3.1 Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan: During Construction g Credit 3.2 Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan: Before Occupancy g Credit 4.1 Low-Emitting Materials: Adhesives and Sealants g Credit 4.2 Low-Emitting Materials: Paints and Coatings g Credit 4.3 Low-Emitting Materials: Flooring Systems g Credit 4.4 Low-Emitting Materials: Composite Wood and Agrifibre Products 1 g Credit 5 Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control g Credit 6.1 Controllability of System: Lighting 0 Credit 6.2 Controllability of System: Thermal Comfort g Credit 7.1 Thermal Comfort: Design □ Credit 7.2 Thermal Comfort: Verification g Credit 8.1 Daylight and Views: Daylight g Credit 8.2 Daylight and Views: Views INNOVATION IN DESIGN □ Credit 1 Innovation in Design □ Credit 2 LEED® Accredited Professional REGIONAL PRIORITY □ Credit 1 □ Credit 2 Durable Building Regional Priority Credit C A N A D A G R 'E E N B U I L D I N G C O U N C I L l 1 1 1 6 POSSIBLE POINTS 1-5 4 POSSIBLE POINTS 1.-3 Total points = 49 V vi LEED CANADA FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS L E E D C A N A D A F O R C O R E A N D S_ H E L L D E V E L O P M E N T LEED CANADA FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS 2009 100 base points; 6 possible Innovation in Design and 4 Regional Priority points Certified 40-49 points Silver 50-59 points Gold 60-79 points Platinum 80 points and above Note that projects must meet all prerequisites and achie ve 40 points from other credits before they may earn any points from Regional Priority credits. 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Lol 2 DL 247 Group 1 NW□ Lot 1 DL 247 Group 1 NWD Parcel -s· EXP Plan 10251 Lot 8 Plan 12044 Plan 12044 OL 247 Group 1 NWD Plan 1107 PIO 001-956-248 009-650-245 006-843-107 ,.,, .. 3,272.4 m2 986,9 m2 1,062,0 m2 5,323.3 m2 Z-· RS-1 RS~1 RS-1 57,299 SF oc• COMM COMM RES ~ ~ ~ ~ List of DP Drawings Sheet DPoa OP1..o 01"2.0 0?2.1 OPU DP3,1 01'3.2 OP4.0 OP<,I DPS.0 OP5.I OP~ O?S.J OPS.A Dl'5,5 ,. lilleSheel Sile Reconcmation Sile Plan Existing Survey Main Floor Plan Upper Floor Plan Archileclural Program Elevations Ex1eriorMaterials PeT$pedive View A Deytime Perspeclive View 8 Daytime PeT$peclive View C Daytime Perspective View E Daytime PeT$peclive View A Nlghtime Perspeciive View 8 Nlghlime Sheets in Sel Floor 1 Floor 2 Total Area: GFA 12 ,886 sq ft 16,903 sq ft 29,789 sq ft le -mr,i OCP Lan<IUse Ill AgriculluraJ and Forest ! 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Da"' le Drawn Project ID Sheet ~ :il~ " ii:: ~ ~:Jl -ai r (S..,. .... iil ~:; w i~g ~ r "' -~;;.'~ :, '3 i!H ,,; ~ t~.~ g .. tlii ~ ~~i ~ ~~ ~c:~; ~~ ~.;.:~~ Ni,-...J ,C NiE ~:::.o ~ J, ~ ~ .1, g ;1 ;; -. 3 ~ -~n·-,~11 i h }~h j~ ~ !fd~ 2016-07-13 As Noted WBfJM 1522 DP1.0 PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 16.44m 25 ,49m I --+--~•--35'52m ·-··--··--··--··--··--··--··-··--•·--·· Rea ;t ;~Line ··--··--··-r··--··--··--·-··--··,·•-'--•·--··--··--i ---::9:: I ·"'""~. = = = = r==i = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = c::::b = = ·= cc::i = c= ~ E:34,4~ / ~ " M ro ro ~ ro n U n n TI ro 9 M ~ ~ 5 ~ a a ~ 00 $ ! 9 • S S !M ' -~=-"::... ~--r I C ~ 'c ~ 0 i ~ 0 ~ .E Q) C: :.::; T.3m Proposed s ·ite 55,318 SF I I Bay I : II i ,1 ·--1 9 Dashed fine or. .., ~ • zoningMtbaci< v I I line of existing-: I I I propertrn• I -~----l~ l ! I Dashed line of I -... n ,: I I /••condtoor over I . 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'~----•-=s,,:..::,.:::::"'·:::;•:.:::s••::::!..--1 ill Way11e St~ph11n Brssky (Shaer Lougheed Highway 0~~~~~!!!!!!!!~201iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil"°!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'560iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 80 FT DP2.0 ~ 2016, July 14 211~:23 PM Fil name: 1522 Archi1 eclural OP20t6-07--l3 vwx -- ~ r -- - ./ ~ m B " "' ~ , ~ • ij ,. .J 6 ' ·Oo ' .; > 6 ' - ~ .; > ~ "o f ~ " 77 X '1 ' 1 7 o- ·.9 , ; > . :r X "J ' t -.. . - C : ,; > 6 ' J ' 6 ' (0 •7; j s ' .J 6 ' 1 (J ' l ~ N (X ) 0 .J ~ ,) ~ X Iv ' "' ' ' > IS J > 6 ' J > 9 ' ,J S ·,2 6 ' 'o ' . 9 ~ 1c . i · ~ - . -~ 2i l , •! , , . • • • ,, ,a o • 3 3 • 1 3 . . • r • - - !y . - .;; , & 6 r3, 1 1 ' ~1 1 ' \ l l. t c 9 6 ' 57 . 9 2 )( ·~ " i t - £< . i ' - f . s - . .s : ' I ' ' x ~ .J ·~ ;o · ~ X .; > 6 ' X u' - f ~ X ~; : ,) 6 ' ·v> . s , ~ -~ 9 0 Il l 3' 5 · (0 :, ~ tr ,) ~ , J S @r e ·.; > v .; > 6 ' X ,; > 6 ' ·6' 6 ' " " :, s ~ .; l G) C :+ (I ) , I .J , J ·. ; > > ~ X X -' 6 ' u> e .,. j ·, ) 7 . ., ~r I j I I ,; I I I v! 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I , , N X J' s ·J ' s X J' s '< Y > ► ,; > 6 ' '9 ' . ; , X .; > 6 ' ·, . : > c 9 X .; > 6 ' '7 6 ' I X ,; > 6 ' ·. = > . 9 c? . .9 6' i/ ' 6 ' ~a ;9 X ,; > 6 ' ·. 9 . 9 <Y , t •0a L __ __ ~ J' s ·>6 ' ~ i' ; g I l! : .; > 6 ' • 7. 9 :' j 0 -u !" ' -' I I J> , s i l I I I .; > 6 ' '7 6 ' ~ vl a. ~ ) ' o ' X ,J S ·« ~; : X * X ,; > 6 ' .9 ·O o ·o > v 00 I I p .. , <D WA Y N E ST E P H E N BI S S K Y AR C H I T E C T U R E & UR B A N DE S I G N IN C PL A N N I N G IN T E R I O R DE S I G N ~ i: =: . . ~ ~ · .~ ~ . 1 •83 0 5 I #2 0 4 2 2 3 2 0 l o o g h e a d H l g h w a y . -~ ~ (- I n .. ~ .. . ~ ii I a: I ii . I w, , . , , . , ww w o ·., • v o r c b l l ' G l l l r e @ X J' s ·6' d ' X ,; > 6 ' ·S > Ex i s t i n g Su r v e y X J' s 18 0 ° 0 2 ' 3 2 " •2- , 58 . 1 3 X <1 6 ' X .; > 6 ' m ·. = > 7 '9 ' > -u -' OJ X J' s 0 N ·v 6 ' (J ' l .. . . l t . 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K l f 1 ~ ~~ ~ = = : = ~ . . . , .. _ , : = . ; u , 11 1 - ; S t 1 1 e i t t l 1 t e 1 k l ' N k (o r . - t t1 11 1 t . ~ , u, . e 11 i P « 1 p M 1 ? 1 bt l l l ' f t w f 'f ~ ~ W i i i : - W ' N 1 1 , 1 1 ; 1 _ , . . , , Cl O f l ~ o l W S I . Wt l N . n ~ 1 h • h - . . ~ .. . . , , c a W e f m 1 1 1 . , _ w w i l U ' d 1 o " w c , : , l l l e . , . _ Th l t •r r t n l h l l b t i " l l ' ~ a l . . , - , ~ h n h f -- ~ l r l d o e n & 6 M l ~ ~ l h ■ d1 • w l r i i g " (1 1 P' ~ <D ,; > 6 ' -~7 X ~ -- . . J 's J' s '1 1 ' . 9 r )> z m ,J S ~/ o > .f 6 ' u' z 0 -I r, : , z 0 en Gi z :; ; c' i )> z -I -I ;o m m ,; > 6 ' en -~ > .; > 6 ' '7 > <D 0 N -- . . J ui ~ J' s . ., . . , X .. ; > 6 ' ·«? . ,; > 9 ' ·c 9 1 1 ' "U :: u I: ! ! ~ z )> :: u -< 0 z ~ 118 'T l 0 ;; o () 0 z (/ ) -- 1 :: u C () II~ ( ( 0- 1 81'-4 " PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION dashed line of 2nd floor over 81 '-4" 15'-1 3/8" ~ .r ····-···························-······•········-·············••······························T ••••••••••••• -----------------------------------------------····-····-···---··-----------······.i ,-.-r----==---==--""'-i•• ' ' ----.............. , 14'-3 3/8" ' ' ' L 2l'·2" 21'-2" Dental Area 650.049 sq m Main Floor Gross Floor Area=12,886 SF Coffee Shop 100 .166 ~q m ---------... __ 21'-51/4" Pharmacy 169 .664 sq m ~· -----.......... ---... -----.. -- 21 ·-2· {ii •• An t f GP-161ini e 8 s·g m ---••------•---------r 21'-2" 6'-10"' Main Floor siai.: 1Ji' s 1'-0- GFA i I . ! I I l i i •1 I I I I I .: ' ' : I ' I I I i ei I I I i I : ' r "'r --.--.,..--,:.i: 14'-3 3/8"" Floor 1 12,886 sq ft 1,197.2 m2 Floor 2 16 ,903 sq ft 1,1 97.2 m2 Total Area: 29,789 sq ft 2,767 .5 m2 ISSU ED DRAWINGS lloWIII 1uo .. b:~ -'[ t!f i . ~ fhll.e i -t 11uizt !j•H11tri i1t 1 t ,. 4 i -I " iu1Ihfis 1 1 'jihHlflf I ! -h • E:i J 1 j .. hffpO • " Hi~ t ~hd O') C :§ ·3 CD "iii -~ -0 (I) ~ "iii ·c3 ... (I) E E 0 (.) N I (.) C: ro a.. .... 0 0 u:: C: ·ro ~ 0 >-;;_ ~z en £1 en ffl iii □ z:::: UJ "' I~ a.. ... UJ t-w en ~ 1 " ~ I fil w I '-' ::, g '" ~ .. ;ii N_~ ~-~m ~~ Nii: w bc, zwz >-!::z <(:,:z ~~~ <(O. Lo: -· '""" P1ote,c.1&0 Hi -<:;;-g~i ••,:, ia~~ -h i ~.: ~ ;: u~ ;~f ~z(.:.: ';:,.:.:~ N,.~ ~=-° ;,; ] ~ ! ~ ffli l !~!, ~-,:1 · a , • i f!H 2016--07-1 3 As Noted WBfJM 1522 DP3.0 ~ " ~ 2" ~ ,t ~ ;g ~ l s I Ii :l ~ i i - . 1~ 0 J! -0 w Jt .. . . . ;t Il JJ ,- . 0 0 ~Q Q ► N~ m ~ N ~ ~~ G) CX ) 0 OJ 'T l ~ ': ' : : ► .0 .n .0 ;: ; , ;: ; , ; : ; , N~ ~ -- . J :. . . . . --l , a, <D <D -. J -. J - . J CJ l k> N 3 3 3 NN N :5 ' -~I ; ,. _ a > • a " .. ij ~ ~ a: [ - i ic l i I• • · , ; • · [ --- - - - _---- -- - - -- -·· - __ ___ _ --- '" · "_ "' __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ • ___ • -- - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - ~: • · __ ' I -- = r ' ~- 1- - J . . ; - ' ' ,: , ; ~ ~ "' r · - ~ ' ' ' I ,- - - 1-' ,: - II : I ' ' I . I I I I I I I I I I I I i ~- - -• - · · ✓ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I \ I I I ' I I ' I ' I I I I l l l l 1 l I I ~ G) ., 0 C/ ' J C/ ' J (/ ) .c 3 "' O Il l (! ) 0 ct > I : 0 (" ' ) I : ., 0 ' ® 00 ~ ~ I ~- I 71 en I I : )> :: , ! -i Q 1- - -- ' - ~ f - - f - - - -- - - - -- - -, Q. I r (t ) i : ® . . l I \ 1 I I I I ' t I ' I I ' ' I ' UJ . __ _ j b L __ I 1 ' ' I I t ' I I I I ' I ' t · -1 I I I i I I ! I i l I I I I I I I I I I I J I I : t ~l l l l lll l f I I ' I I - J ~ .. . L __ _ __ __ _ _ ___ _ ~~ ~ ii J Tl "' - - ~ .. , ; L - - • 1 ' . I ~- - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - - -- Up p e r Fl o o r Pl a n WA Y N E ST E P H E N BI S S K Y I AR C H I T E C T U R E & UR B A N DE S I G N I PL A N N I N G IN T E R I O R DE S I G N 11 1 2 0 - 4 22J2 0 L o o g h ee dH l g h w a y , Ma p l e Rl d g e, B C . V2 X2 T 4 J; h, 60 4 - 4 67 -3 3 0 0 (11 1 : 60 4 - 4 67 .a J O : . E- ma~: b'5 5lt y @ t ~ .ne 1 Ws b s i l e : mr « bl n k v e r c b l l o s ! u r e r. a ll ) ,, .i , : . 11 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 :. . . . . cf O' ) -, Ol C. c. o (, ) Q) o ~ ro N 3 Q) en ,, I I I j I [ co !: c. n -- . J N 0) 0 Ol (/ ) .c 3 I I ~ I Dl I "' ' ~ I CD I ~~ I 0 CD Q Q. I g3 I [~ l 10 · _ L_ _ _ J. , .. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - C- 2 Co m m e r c i a l I Me d i c a l Bu i l d i n g C! v i c Ad d r o s s : 21 7 7 3 , 21 7 8 7 & 21 7 9 5 , LOUG H E E D HW Y , Ma p l e Ri d g e , BC le g a l Ad d r n s s : LT 2; DL 24 7 ; NW D ; PL NW P 1 2 0 4 4 LT O : AC 248 2 B 6 (L T 1; DL 24 7 : NW O ; Pl NW P 1 2 0 4 4 lT O ; AD 2 2 4 7 8 5 ) Dl 24 7 : NW D ; Pl NW P 1 0 0 7 L TO :BH 194 6 6 6 PI O # : 00 1 - 9 5 6 - 2 4 8 , 00 9 - 6 5 0 - 2 4 5 & 00 6 - 8 4 3 - 1 0 7 ® ;; . ~ w ~ /" " ' 0 U1 Co p yr i g l \ l R enr v & d f Fu r 1 hu t0A l e ca ,r .. . ~: i ,l" ' ~ ' . . . , . _ ' " ' - ~ • ,;: - ~= - = - = = : : - ~ I ~~ = = = = ; ~ ' T ° ' . , . C : ~ . , ~ l oh t ; : l . a , , , o r t ol d M~ r . . .. {p r . 1 1 1s - n d ■ ff J t l . !i l "p r g g , t f f , . . b'fr - f ' ~ ~ - . f t t , - - W S & ~ N ~ OC ! t l M W W $ 8 1 . Wl i l l w l d : m r l n w t 4 u . & ' . I ~ ~ .. . . ~~ W ' ° " " .. . . . '" • ~ Th il ~ ■ P. a t, , ■ ll d t f f l l l d 9 f - , i y ~ ~ - 6f f l ~ , r . , 4 1 ~ ~ o n f f l l l c n 1 , i t , g 1 . ~ C m a 0 ~ " z ~ "' O ;o ~ ~ z ► ~ 0 z r -< z ~ "T l 0 ;o () 0 z (/ ) -i ;a C () -- 1 6 z Palldh1\dGPhvs1c,po;; 495.08 sq m ~ 270.905 SQm gr1'lfffler«;rb:D,Wf)lrl ffl: 495,0Bi,qm -156.17sqm PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -7B6331sqm B This sheet is to demostrate the scaled size of the architectural program/spaces relative to the footprint of the building I , I .. ' ,. '. ,. ' ' '. • I , .:. .:L. JJ.:..~ ·---··---··-... wm.u.u ,. Subject Property MFE: 35.Sm Proposed 92 Park in g Stalls I I I j . i i I I I I ! I I I I I I I i .J L 6 ! ' " ::-::."'-~ 1 1~1 :::::.:::-~-°I --·-· ' ·, ; ·-·-······-··-,;;.-,;.;:, •• ··-----~----··---··---·· \ ... --~--_=-____________ -,// ===========: ____________ .::.....,=,.!:-~=--------_/ New Righi lo Righl01.11Ac:~ss \...,,.;:-------:"."."'-::'.--:-------\.-rc:;::: __ -:::_=_-_ ...... _._·· ______ .:.b_.;._::.:Y_· ___ _ ........_ E-11"11~-- I Lougheed Highway <O 60 IIO FT Oar. 2016 , July 14 2!15c.2 5 PM File nomB: lS"Zl.ArdJ,h1<1und DP 2016...(17-13 .vwx Biss~Pro]~l/1522 _...., Spm,i, (Romn) Name 1. Paediatric 00railetkmmo1T11 Physicians IDllf!midlonroama P81i.-il~ •-m MW95hmCl'l1 ploy- lnatfeedingn:iom ciapordl8:ngi'lgRJQm =lellllldlllonlge .... , 118!\lafVTtJClffl -"'""" --c.,,,,,,,,,,- OnCKIITtJCJm -ColmiDn Ped5 wablgTtJCJmand _,_ subtotal 2. General ~- Practice& Walk in clinic Pn:>oodureroom W9M,"1C£ ua,,lnldtmnim1, R-p11mand --·-MWumun ---~- IZM"t..-nmm -m -PlltlenteDJcakln Pl'ac:1lcllil!U111111Xmll subtotal 3. Dental Area DllntelworklllE!tlar9 FW.-,.,, MW!Bhroan _ ... .. ...,_ .. _ ---....,,_ Lob Mana,ger'!IOffloa Conlo~- subtotel 4. Allied area °"""" jcumfflOl'I to PedW1Jlc1 11ndGPII) _,.,., --·-MW- Sud!Washnillffl subtotal 5. Pharmacy 6. AnesthetisV complex pain clinic 7 . Coffee Shop • Net SUBTOUU. AllAREAS • +15"/oGross up --.,...._.__,Ill, --• Gross Total AreaReq'd Archh1:1ural Prag mm li;r Room planning 1or Lou ghoodModlc.alBuilding asol: Tuesda y,Jal'IUaly 19,201 6 u ... ... -dlnw.lonaaf --::.. -__ , ... 1n 1r rrveprar:l'ilioners(each 1 .. 12'l:12' dodor i5 llMgnedone coos11lalionroomand 0118 _ .. _ "" 10'--:IG" 100 1o·x10• 100 10',r \O' 100 10'x 10' 100 10'x 10· 100 10'x10' 100 10'x 10' "" 18');16' 150 125'x 125' 150 12.5'x125' 500 20'x 25· 100 1o•x10· ,00 15'1120· 1,000 25'x 40' 5 GPI plua wek-ffl clS\K: • " 100 1o·x10· aadldlletori118Sliignad3 enmln hg IOC7Tl!I 150 10"x15' 100 10'x10· ,.ooo J2'x32 100 10'x10' 100 10'x10' 100 10'x10· 200 14'x 15' ""' 2ttxZ.' 200 14'x 15' 200 14'x15' 100 1o·x 10· 100 10'x10' 1 P~08nlist:+/· 4(1) 20':r2D' IITIJ!herPltdDer1ial 1- 1 Gerwaldonti8t Orthlld antis1 1,600 40'x 40' ,,, __ 1,600 40'1t40' ,oo 10'11 10· 100 10'1110' 1,000 32' )[ ]2' 5(1) 20'x25' 100 10'x 10' 19) 10'1115' ,oo 10·11 10· 100 10'•10' 500 20')[25' For Ps~Cht>logist. speech 200 14'x 15' lhflra,ii Physfolherapls, and Oec1:pelional Tos1apis1 2psyct,l.wtrist5and2 19) 10'x 15' ~lsts(uad'lglrta oneOllcellllWI} 1.000 32'x 32' 100 10'K10' ,oo 1ox10· 100 10'11 10' pa1J ft l lllll 4 ti;mlrmt.-. ---~1JS----fa> fl) c ... -.. , 720 .,., 100 1(1) '" 100 ,oo 100 ,oo 2SO 150 19) 500 100 300 1,000 4,590 1,500 150 ,00 1,000 100 ,oo 100 200 500 200 200 ,oo 200 , .... 1,000 1,600 1,000 ,oo 100 ,,ooo 500 100 19) 100 100 500 '·"" ,,ooo ""' 1,000 100 ,., 1(1) .... 1,500 1,500 1,000 2l.590 ....... 21,128 5 ISSUED DRAWINGS ctl ·o ... (I) E E 0 u N (.) E ~ Cl 0 ... c.. ci5 ... ::::, t5 Q) :!:::: ..r::::. (.) ~ " 0 a: 2016-07-13 As Noted WB I JM DP3.2 ( I "' ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ PL .,__ __ 1'-'5-'-1.;....cc3/-'-B" _______________________ 81'-4" ___ • Roof Peak --------------.. •----·-------------------------.... -........ _______________________ PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION I C/L 81'-4" 15'-1 3/8" 4':l,Alim ~--~------------------------------------------------------------------------------FiWil.Y:, ImE.-EffliM: ---~--~ . ---_______________________ ...__ ___________________ ~---------------------·- _lfl , .l.. :; 1/1. v :i . ✓ ai n -,.._. /. I~ ~ ' I l~ .. i I I l' ' ! ~ . -·--3'9.1Bm • ~ ' MEDI-Lab I ~7 I ;!; --~ 0 D D D rr I DD I J f-L ~ : I I.I ; --V 1 ,..., 1 l Roof Peak 43.46m --·---------------------------------------------·-·----··········-----·---c:;:::=================:;:;;::::::=:==:::;==:::;;:;;::==:::::::;;;;;:;~ I I. ~ ; Floor2 ■ II J ' :t-, '' '11-• 71 -q " ,\ ~ ■ I. I ■ .. ' " --H.-" l· -.,,1 l -·L ·" ::~ ' ., ' !, ■ • 'I '1-' I_ ,i J I -i,,- ___J . ,l (LI 1L,.L. l! _, 'l9,l-8m .:mo ,IIIAH>!CBM . II, IJ JI, ' il l ··L:"":I, 1 ai I ■ ■ I ~ ■ ■ ■ --■ i - Floor 1 M.Sm Roof Peak ~ ~ ·~- D D --D D ,1 I 7 - ~ A· -I ■ - n ;!; ~ :· I , Ml:Dl-CHAJR. eltc. ....... --_ ..... , . ' ~1 J, I North Elevation se&ill&·•r:& i,,-,,,·~ ·""".'.:.~_--';I - du-103M South Elevation ~1tr• 1'-0" ~ ,.: - .c.:J :'61TJ •w ~I I ::;;:::;;;;;;;;;;:;~.::r.:;_-.=--·--·-·•·-••-···-···--·-------··--·-······---·--··--·--·•··-··-·····-·•-·••·-······-·--·-····-----·--··-·-···--·--·---·-····-------·-······-·-····-·-·-··-·-·--···-··--·-··-c::;:::i=;=:;;:=i:;;::;:r 1 1...._su • r .J!_ Floor2 :J,\l,1$n ■ FIOOI" 1 I 35.5m --' __, ::=:iiiiiiF¥¥=¥=¥=¥=¥==i==t=99FF=t==i==iiiiiiiii=u .• i F ~ Iii " -,, ~ oo ---. H---+-t--t--=! West Elevation sc:ilc-11a':R 1'-6'· East Elevation ~:l,ra1•-0'" PL Build in g Exgosure and Sgatial Segara tion Area or L1milmg Unprotected Cons1ruction Companmenl Use Openings Exposing Bldg Faeade Distance Allowed Actual Face North Facade C 367,1 m2 15~8 □ m 100.0 % 67.2% 314hr, C East Facade C 167.A m2 11.93 m 100,0 % 60,7 % 3f4hr, C South Facade C 347.5 m2 14.01 m 100.0% 169 % J/4 hr,C West Facade C 167.4 m2 20,85m 100,0 % 60,7% 314hr, C Notes: NC = Nonco mbustible Cons\ruclion C :a:: Combustible Construction The building will be sprinklered to NFPA Standards Dote: 2016, Jvty 1, 2:16:29 PM F#t name: 1522 Ald1it4ctilffll DP 2016-07-13.vwx Cladding C or NC CorNC CorNC Car NC ISSUED DRAWINGS ~1,IUMl ,_D"' -~f tdi fi I ■l I "" ... -l iU 1!JH 1f .~-IJHPh i Htlti·rtft =~ jlJ ·j iHrtH1hII I t!?lljP 11 ~ i U1iifuil J u1;~-~I1 11 i ~& •• l .. 14 .. Ol C: g '1l :::l ,1 co ~ ro :r 0 w -~ w :r "O c:, Q) ::, ~ g ! ro ., ·c:3 :e '--~~ Q) E ~~ E ~a: 0 ~ 0 • N ~ I :~ 0 u C ~g (/) CJ C (I} oCI) :.:::. 0) ~ C (I} "'O [jJ ::, a) 0 >-.<a :,:: z (/)Q Cl) ~z -o c, ~~ffi lJJ'°o I~~ a.....,~ lJJ w r-w~ Cl)~- UJ b{!) zwz >-t=z <( Iz s: ~:5 <(O. Poll,; -"'""" P:ofc!,ct lD Shi al "'"' ~~ ~~ Nc,,o :;ice:g ~g~ ...J;'.~ ~~g b ~i~;:; ~zo:; Z...J0::tb ~':':~8 ~i~; :~~~ ~Nz llj> ~~i~ N1--...J IIO 1-...JCI--: ...J-.., ~ j ~ 8 " 1 0 0: -~ l ~ ~J!- Ill'.: ~~iil£ 2016-07-13 As No1 ed WB/JM 1522 DP4.0 harvard maple old AL 13 code AL-V,10£ new A l 13 code 1N031E PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0 ® ~ Main Entry 0 ® Exterior Materials # Descriplion MaleriaJ 1 Bike Bollard Colored Glazing Colored Glazing Colored Glazing 5 Colored Glazing 6 Exterior Panel Joinl locations Exterior Pane l Siding A Exterior Panel Siding B 9 Fascia 10 Glazed Aluminum Curtain Wall 11 Painled Concrete Columns 12 Painted Concrete Columns 13 Signage 14 Soffi1s Colour Finishes Metal Glass Gl ass Glass Glass Met.al Metal Metal Aluminum Aluminum & Glass Concrete Conc:rele Extruded Auyllc Le tters Aluminum C--01 Benjamin Moore -~.-clt:Kaa;l\t • 2 136-iD C--02 Be nja min Moore-Mqg,oWhlJe• 211~70 C--03 Benjamin Moore-Aulumn~ • 2156-10 • All Materials a.5 noted or approved equal Manufacture Colour Reliance Foundry R-7906 Po sl & Ri ng Blue Green Rose Ye llow Al13 AL 13 Harvard Maple Al 13 Silver Melallic AL 13 Silver Metallic Oldcaslle Building Envelope C-02 C-03 While JSSUED DRAWINGS Ol C § . ·3 ~ " c::J ~ <ii :,: ~ .S2 :,: "O "' a, :, g ~ t --(IJ ., T5 ~ .... a, -u N_a, E M,i ~~ E ~:E NO: 0 u N I u Cl) ro ·;:::: Q) -cu ~ '-0 ·;:::: Q) -X LJ.J 20 16-07-13 As Noled WB I JM d lD 1522 DP4.1 ( Dale' 2016,Ju1y14 ISS UED DRAWI NGS cu u -0 <J.l 2 cu ·13 ..... <J.l E E 0 0 N (.) <( ~ Cl.) 0. :I ~ i:l I " :, g > (j > Cl.) a., E >:;::; :;::; >- (.) (ti ~o C/) ,.__ Cl.) 0.. 0 iC 201 6-07-1 3 As Noll'!d WB /JM 1522 DP5.0 f !~ ~ \, ii ! I • ~ 0 -a CJ 1 -> . "' - ·I1f n .. ~ ~ ii : 2 i, ~I WA Y N E ST E P H E N BI S S K Y AR C H I T E C T U R E & UR B A N DE S I G N IN C PL A N N IN G IN T E R I O R DE S IG N lt 2 0 4 22 3 2 0 L o u g h o o d H l 9 h w a y , Ma p l e Ri d g e. . B.C. V2 X 2T 4 pt i . 60 4 - 4 6 1-8 J O O / a 1 : 6 0 4 -4 61 -B 30 5 E-m a il b1s. s k y @ t ~ U S r : l ' I we 1 > s 1 1 e : ww w b1 s s k v a r c h 1!e d u r t ca ,- Pe r s p e c t i v e Vi e w B Da y t i m e Ci v i c Ad d 1e ss • 2 177 3 , 21 7 8 7 Bo 21 7 9 5 LO U G H E E D HWY , Ma p le Ri d g e, BC Le g a l Ad d r e s s : LT 2: DL 24 7 : NW D ; PL NW P 1 2 0 4 4 LT O : AC 24 8 2 8 6 ( LT 1; DL 247; NW D ; PL NW P 1 2 0 4 4 LT D : AD 2 2 H B 5 ) DL 24 7 ; NW O ; PL NWP 1 0 0 7 L T0: 8H 1 9 4 6 66 PI O # : 00 1 - 9 5 6 • 2 4 B , 00 9 - 6 5 0 - 2 4 5 & 00 6 - 8 4 3 -10 7 Fur t h e r ID, Al i e li l yl ~ w 21i l t , .i tb n l~ t l d je, . dr a w i n g $ . I" gr ap h ic 1 ■~\ 1 0 n s . . , , . . , ~ ll f t pa r e d by Ih a :! ! ;, rc h 1 t ec i n. a n d el l l l l l ll ! I H l l l f f l i h l t l l t f ' l d u si v e p1o p11 < 1 y g_ el W r , ! i t S l l f N t i 8 ' 4 U i W ' ~ ,Uf l l l l l ' D l n l O ' \ i, ~9 1 l d W w i l w O N l l ' l • I O ~ I M _ . i l l t r H f 0 .. ~. l l l i d . - t f . ' t l l ! N J l i t H l l t t o a ' n p . n ~ .. . . . . -a =~ ~ : = ~ ~ ~ , . : = oY G r sc a l e d d1m1 1 n >i o l l 5 an d co n d , l m n s on lh e jo b . . T/ u s of f i c e sh i l l be l! l fol l f l l l d of My vm l al l o n~ fr o m 1h 11 di m e 1 1 s , o n g an d ~o n d 1 1 l ~ n s sh o w n 011 lh e d1~wln g, , . -- . . / __ r t ! .. < ~ 0 "" C l U1 N 1, 11 J' t 6 ! ~l ~ WA Y N E ST E P H E N BI S S K Y AR C HIT E C T U R E & UR B A N DE S I G N IN C PL A N N I N G IN T E R I O R DE S I G N l1 Z 0 4 2 2 3 2 0 L c u g h e 1 1 d H lgh w a y . M, , ; • F U J r t " , B . C . ' ~ ) 1 ' ◄ st i . , ~ - ' t l , a3 0 0 lu l l C W -lf J ' . 8 J0 S -E " • " r K b, s ~ r . a Wa b s ,lcr WN W h•,; s k v a c c h 1le CI U C £ ca Pe r s p e c t i v e Vi e w C Da y t i m e Ci v i c Ad d re s s : 21 7 7 3 , 2 178 7 8, 2 179 5 , LOU G H EE D HWY , Ma p le Ri d g e , BC le g a l Ad d r e s s : l T 2; DL 2. . C 7 ; N' W O ; PL NW P 1 204 4 LT & . J , C 1 4 9 2 8 6 (L T~ ; Dl 2◄7: NW D , Pl NW P 1 2 0 4 4 LT O , A t ) 2 ' 2 . ◄73 5 ) DL 24 7 ~ NW O : Pl . NW P 1 0 0 7 L TO · O i- l U ~ C e . 6 6 PI O II ~ 00 1 - 9 5 6 - 2 4 8 , 00 9 - 6 5 0 - 2 4 5 & 00 6 -84 3 - 1 0 7 =~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ ,~ == = " ! t ~ ~ ' " ° : " " " ' r "" " 'fH t ~ a . a l ' l d l w l l l h n r . l ! l l i : , i t , . - 4 1 ·1cl : ; , . M . I" " " ' > l cb t M f l i t d . • ~a ~ l . z c . . , 4 0 , 0 H " " ' 1 o l • .. . 'i el l l l ' C C l t f ! Y ) b t .. ,. . , . .. . Nf t \\ ' $ 8 wl u V N i .. .. , . . , . ~G f -W- 4 . , . , ' l ' l h • n ~ , ' l l u l l » ' l ' l f l ' " ~ ov e r se a le d d, mo n s i o n~ 11 n d co n d i l 1 0 n s an th e jo b This ~: ~ : n ! l,:, b; 11 ~1 ~ 7 , 1 ; ~ - = l~~ 0 1~~ /~ ~ : w ~ ~ S . 7J ;: o m r ~ z )> ;: o -< 0 z r 11- < z 0 -i ~ ~ 0 I z g; c3 ;: o () 0 z (/ ) i -~ ,: a: 0 lJ c. n (. , . ) -= - • i it ft i' 5 " ij I ~ ~i . ~ i i WA Y N E ST E P H E N BI S S K Y AR C H I T E C T U R E & UR B A N DE S I G N IN C PL A N N I N G IN T E R I O R DE S I G N #2 0 4 2 2 3 2 0 l c t 1 g h ood H t 9 h W . l . y , Mnp le Ridg e . B. C, V2X 2T~ ph . 60 4 - - 1 6 7 - 0 3 0 0 r~ x 50 4 -4 6 7- 8 3 0 5 E- m ~ , I b1 ss k y@ l e \ 1 l' i .nt ' l Wo b 5 1lfl ww w t, ,ss k v a i c ! J , t c c : t m e ca - Pe r s p e c t i v e Vi e w E Da y t i m e Ci v ic Ad d res s · 21 7 7 3 .2 1787 & 2179 5 . LOUGHE E O H WY , Ma p ! e Ri d g e , BC Le g a l Ad d r e s s : LT 2; DL i. O : NW O : Pl NW P 120 4 4 Ll O ! A C 2 4 8 2 $ & ( LT 1: DL 2; 1 7 ; UW D , PL NWPi 2 0~ 4 t. 1 0 ; A0 2 2 4 7 ' 8 6 ) DL 2 4 7 :, NWC) ; , P l . NW P 1 0 0 7 LT O : D~ i S A . 6 8 8 PI O # ; 001 - 95 6 - 2 4 8 , 009- 6 5 0 - 2 4 5 & 00 6- 1 ' 1 43 - 1 0 7 "" " " " ) l , M e , C t •f. a , f - , ~ -11 1 ~ : N \ • l r f l 4 ~ C h 1 9 1 f f i l ' r 1J 1 1 l f f l h c : • ~ 1 1 4 1 " 1 1 U . , , , , . a , ~ p ~ ~ by ll j l ll f d l 4 f d . , . ~- - - b - 1 . . _ _ .. ~~ .r W.. , . . s . t ■.II I I M .. . . 1~ , Ur M ' , D r l . ~ ~: - = = : ~ W ' b a " " : ' : ! ' : ' . al i ~ u t _ . , , - t y - . . ; . . W H , . . _ l l l l h a w i n l l l ' I , ~• l l l c i f W ' f f l . '" " " " ' " ~ . , _ - _ _ . . . p r ~ - I. O I M · ~ •r l , l ~ l l l l h , i n " - Tl i i l l tf k • . . . . i -ti e l f 1 o : < l ' l l l l l l l f • n ) ' ~ - . . - - ~- ~ .. . . . ., . . , , d r . . . . . . . , _ .. . . . . . . i 0 -u CJ 1 :i : , . "' s. ~ if t, l~ ~g , 1~ a ~ - , - ~ ~ ~I WA Y N E ST E P H E N BI S S K Y AR C H I T E C T U R E & UR B A N DE S I G N INC PL A N N I N G IN T E R I O R DE S I G N 11 2 0 4 22 3 2 0 L o u g h 9 a d H g l ' t w a y M. i p l e Rrd p e , e ,c . v 21 . 2 T◄ ph . 6 0 4 - 4 6 7 - B 3 0 0 [ a , ; 6 0 4 - 4 6 T - B 3 0 S E- m a i l : bi U ky @ l a l u ,. ne t We b s ite : ww w b i55 k v a r c h H e c h 1 r & c . a Pe r s p e c t i v e Vi e w A Ni g h t i m e Ci v i c Ad d r e s s : 21 7 7 3 , 21 7 8 7 & 21 7 9 5 . LO U G H E E D HW Y . Ma p l e Ri d g e , B C le g a l Ad d res s : LT 2; DL 2◄7: MY O ; PL NW P 1 2 0 4 4 LlO ! AC :2 : 4 82 8& ( LT 1; DL ~7 ZHW ' D ; PL NW P 1 2 0 4 ◄ L1 0 : A 0 2 2 47i 5 } DL 24 7 ! N\ \ 1 0 ; PL NW P 1 0 0 7 LT O : O J , l 1 9 ' 6 6 6 PI O # : 00 1 - 9 5 6 - 2 4 8 , 00 9 - 6 5 0 - 2 4 5 & 00 6 - 8 4 3 - 1 0 7 ::: : : . , . . ~ a : r1 : : :1 - ,:= , e : : · ; :: -= af ' U ! i 1 K t - . . . . . t a la l l"' " , . , . . . . 1 1 W u c . 1 v s r , . I R N ! t , .. .. . . . , . .. -~ . , .. . . . . . . . . ... . . . -. . . AM - . l f t t t , . . U : l n l l l l l o f ~ t n d ~ - - - - . . , , :: : = - . ; : ~ ~ = " ~ ~ - = : ~ ~ (l l r l . . . t c , f ~ l t , ~d i f t ~ • w . t ~-~ ov o r s c a l e d d 1 m e n s i o n s e n d c o n d , l 1 o n s o n \ h e j o b . Th 1 s o! n c e s h e • b e l n l c l ' l ' O ! l d o f a n y v a r i a \ l ons / r o m l h a dime m io n s and co ! l d d i o n s ~ho w r l on th e d1 a w ing s -· -- - - - · -- - - - - - - - - - -, ~ C ~ I z gi -- ( 0 -a tJ l tJ l a ~ ~ I ~ I: if [ AR C HI T E C T U R E & UR B A N DE S I G N IN' PL A N N I N G IN T E R I O R DE S I G N 12 0 4 2 l 3 2 0 lo !t gh e e dH l g t i w a y !: t R. : ; - e ~ ~ · ~~ ~U ,83 0 5 ~t bis s\~ We b s r t e : ww w b 1ss k v a r c t J i l e c 1 u r e c a - Pe r s p e c t i v e Vi e w B Ni g h t i m e -- - - = - -- Civi c Ad d r e s s · 21 7 7 3 , 21 7 8 7 & 21 7 9 5 . LO U G H E E D HW Y , Ma p l e Rid g e, BC l eg a l Ad d r e s s: LT 2; DL ~f ) ' : N" t \ 1 > : PL NW P 1 2 0 4 4 LTO AC 2 4 4 2 1 6 ( LT 1; DL 24 7: NW D : PL NW P 1 2 0 4 4 L1 0 ; AD 2 2 • 1 7 e l 5 ) DL 24 7 . NW O; Pl NW P 1 0 0 7 LT 0 :8 H i f M & f i PI D ti - : 00 1 - 9 5 6 - 2 4 8 , 00 9 - 6 5 0 - 2 4 5 & 00 6- B 4 3- 1 0 7 t :~ .:; ~ ~ :: . : : = ~ ~ ,- tn - C : . J n . l l N 11 l , l f f f 1 1 t 1 l,. . . l l i t o ,t d l , , , I , , • ~ ~ [ =~ . . : = ~ - ~ : : - ~ ~ Qo ! I - . J ! f ' e ; t a . ~ t , , ; , l ; l f l l t o ! ' l t m l l w u h f a t i n , . U , U l • M I • "' ! I d~ b/ l f f l " , . , , . , .. . . U" I WS 8 .r i ' l o l A I M .. . . . . . =~ ~ . : = - ~ w : : w . d ~ .i t j f • ll ' . . : I M ~ o t f l n ) ' W d l i l l l l l ' l t f m m .. ~r i d ~ . _ _ , , . _ , .. ~ - __ _ ., . .• , •• -- - - - - ·- ·- ~ .. -- · -- ~ - Bi ~ 0 0 ,, ~ z l; l i i, .. ~ " ~ ~ Wood fence 1.Bm tall refer to details sheet l2.1 end at building Wall of neighbouring building --I--.. Columnar evergereen and deciduous trees to screen wall trees and lawn in -----!:,-,1-----"~...::::;.;;:t highway boulevard Existing utility poles and~- s 7 •. 10 11 t2 overhead wires -------------------------------------------~ approximate location Proposed Site 55,675 sf I I Wood fence 1.Bm tall refer to detail line of existing I property line -----i Dashed line of second floor over Walkway -Pedestrian unit paving 12' square paver, running bond pattern , tan colour refer to details sheet L2 . 1 '----------Driveway -Vehicle unit paving with concrete band 16 Lougheed Highway 9" standard paver, 90° Herringbone pattern -red/black colour Ramp up to same level as entry refer to deta ils sheet l2.1 I • 16 17 TO SCALE WHEN PAINTED ON ARCH D (36~ x 24'') PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES AAE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE Landscape buffer Trees, shrubs, groundcovers \lo.----Wood fence 1.Bm tall 9) 811FT Plant List and Details Refer to sheet DPL2.1 refer to detail sheet L2.1 ISSUED DRAWINGS 1• If FI ESUBMIT FOFI OP ,.,. RESUBMITFOFI DP llfl0[VB_OJ'Jol0,1'~lf 0) ro C ·u :Q ,,_ Q) :::::l E ID E 0 ro (_) (.) C\J '6 I Q) (_) ~ C ro a: Q,) a. ro (.) (/) -0 C ro ....J >-~ ca 0 3: .!! :E C: !: <( a, ., Cl. a, .. " i.. ., .,, C, C: .. ..J ;uo : S<alo o--,. 0-.V ' " f ~ :i: @ w :i: (!) ::, 9 f .. ~ ~ ~~ ~~ NO: j ! ~ ~ f M >o 0~ "'°' e E~ ® ~~ ·~g I o w Ot--w 2016,Jul 14 As Nolod PACW 1605 DPL 1.1 ~L---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'---------' j f i " :i 'ii " i I !.------SOmm0 x 2400 PT wooden stakes. AJign with prevailing winds. i:::.::::==i..------50mm wide labric strapping Fas/en to pos1 ------Aoot Ball: Cul back burtap and wire basket Aaotball al original elevation -----50mm mulch ----300 Grow ing medium, all sides and bottom. Form dish far waterini;i Compact~ soil pedeslal nole: City or Qufitwlak m,,a111ds 1'11"«.V.ii. Tree pit to bl 2JC tl)Cltboll ~•r. minimum 300 goil all sides.., Scarify a#des lnd borsom. 0 Tree Pl anting 1 1----=----- 1cm =20cm Post 4" x 4" limt,.,_ __ _ with cap Top rail; 2" IC 4" Hor with 2ff x 6" Vt1n Bottomrail:2"x6'' Slats 3/4" x 4" Fooimo-----,;;;;::!!!!. 3000'. 600 deep conaete Crown above grade to shed waler on 150 depth gra\18I Fooling depth lo be modified to suite local lrost conditions, as applfcable. compelenl subgrade Cu1 l orslope plan ting. Remove any damaged stems. RomoH ~ o, ~1160 pol, Rol'hO'o"'.tl ,im and break sldo, 0, fibro poll 111,q, ~ w~ 1oil. ~~~~::~":'9~":t=~n. Fill for slope planting, Compact. Topdress wilh SOmm mulch. Shih planl tocabOft 11 rock is enccivnlAlf ed. Ni:;ue::: '------Blend new and existing soils at edg e al planting pit , '------Scarify bot1om and sides 100mm. PIJnting ilnd pbnt. nutC'fQI in D¢C0rd;an,ce w;u, Lrttst BCSLV&Cl.NA Landscape Standard, Soi1 depth 300mm for smalt/mtdiwn ,hn,t,s. pll.G 300mm 11rout1d illQ sides. s~ dept h l■rv--lhtub, 1S0mtn c;kiplh p lus -4S0mm 111"01.IAd DI 3oldaiL P1¥1~ toil depth to W continuous '" planUng bGd.t. ® Shrub Planting 2 f-------=----- 1cm = 10cm varies 1.Sm to 2A m SOIL, PLANTS & LANDSCAPING 1. ClENEML REOO tAEMENTS 1.1 Fu~ .QU tabol.--r, rn.ateli•15. equI0tntM and opttt~Ol'IS 10 5up;,ly and insIall planli"IQ s.otl and soft tano:cac,&,g, 1t:1 a.riow-n. Q.l'I lha <llawing1 ■nd u a,ced'fed Mt-.. All m111!HI.Js ,no txoicuth:in lh■nc.antotm lo thl!I lb.tW edl lori or the BCSLA/BCLN A 8ri0ih Columbla Landscape Stendard 1 ,2 F'IN/U. ACCEPTANCE Flr\lJ""6P1im:O OI tncll work will be cortilied by the landscape archi1ect, when landscape conslructlon and ~•dtftc:iGndo111ft completed. l 3 MAJ."lrENAN<:e ~:~1:"~m:':=~::~~;:~•tt:•~~~=~i:::i all work consistent wnh Qood 11orieutlunil pw:11C:1 ta Ol'l!1Uro noffflal.. viggrous, n.a1:1n1 QtOWl1h o1,1 planlw. Avoid me ll!IO of t!Cf~. ptdj ••'W ood:IJ.Ani:1 WHd (OCI~ b't! hlftd. 1.4 WARRANTY PrompUy raplace all dead or unsatislactory plan! malarial 1or one lull year after Final Acceptance . 2. PLA.t<TIN<l SOIL 2.1 Piarlll~CoiiQNll'/111 roport J:OD'e sup~to 1hl lono:,apo art.Htoa10,.aP1)tOfal cin:i, 10 supplying any $oll 10 thl silt. tnoorpo,a.i.. toc:ommorc11lcn, 01 sori.. t•i1lfto agocwe;, 2.2 Rlrllkl.O Go61 ,Prci _...'J: 12.. 205 o,oanic: ffllfllf. liC • "tot. unci. mu:fflum ~ I1ne.s 2.3 Apolw ~ 1011 mht~ liK•drilnln,g •~flldl.J, llit lM 'Ollawin; mlnlnMJm 11,t!ttled depths: 3Cl0mf!.I 1t0t.lnd II &ld•S ,rnd tel.om 0, lleet 150mm 1or lawn arees 300mm for shrubs and groundcovers 450rnn, lor large shrubs 2.4 Fine grldoi'•Jat (or a smooth, firm surface. Ensure lhere is 2% min, slope or as Indicated on drawings 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.1 42 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 6. 6.1 6.2 PLJ.NTS Plltrl&WI be li,sl class represantalivesol their spec:ios or varioly . Planls shall be subject to inspection to, qua1it~, health, slze and colour. Plan1 material le meet or exceed minimum BCLNA/BCSLA landlltape $Qindllitd. ~~:~:~•1!:::=: ~~:01:i'/~•;~ ~:~~~~~'%•.: :t~~ ;;~e~~ :,:;i:r,:l=~~~:~L All phainfir9 And layotrt le lt'lc u.11:1uIcOan or Lht, Londs.caPo ~t MULCH Mulch lo be decomposed hoI~Whr. meoun utni1•: lrta ot alJ OXlnLnl;IOb:li maflm and •e tas Apply 1resh mulch, 50mm depth to all shrub beds and trees, Reke smoolh and even SOD TU AF Soc 10 be ni:i:iwnamt:CI , cu butao u.ncH,•fOd .;port 1, ltJtf l,o,n approved supplier. t:: :: ~~t~ir::;:=.::v::;.:,~:~ ~:1!'::!:i:n~ smoolh uniform surface WATiffiiNG W11-0t .111 pllll'llod OJQHSufflCilil"II[ to prevent drying. Sp,~ IIWfl ligh1.ly tar tnt; 1"11 thr■e days suNicienl lo prevent drying and weter normally for the 11m,a lnd ■1o1t1'1■ rrutinln■ni:1 POiied. 7. cn.E,ANUP 7 .1 Rern:JVD 11 surplus materials and olher landscape debris. 7.2 Loa..,. ■•pl anting areas neetly dre ssed end finished, end le eve all paved areas flushed clean to 1he salislaclion ol the ConsultanI. END OF SECTION Conc,lllltc.Ur11 refre to civil drawings slope to drain Asphalt paving and ,. 30mm1~maximum OYtn Geotextile Noi es.: All wood to be pressure 1reated hemfir, paint colour to match building . All hardware to be certified for use with pressure treated lumber. Refer to clvll drawings Relum up curb edge 50mm Min, Mu1-Base 19mm Minus 1 50mm depth conlinuous Compact lo 95% SPO Note: Saw cul pavers as required lor best In. Guillotine cuts will not be accep1ed. ~ Privacy Fence 1 .am Tall 0f-----''----------------1-:_1_o_m_e_t_ric 0 Unit Paving -Pedestrian 4,.----=----- 1cm =10cm © ® • © @ ® ~ * Cd ~ • ,, "' Rf TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (36n x 24n) PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHAN OE PLANT LIST -Lougheed Medical Building upd aled July 14, 2016 QTY. BOTANICAL NAME TREES Acer rubrum Red Sunset Halesia carolina 12 Parro1ia persica Piceacmorika Prunus yedoensis Akebono Thujaplic21ta Ouercus coccinea BOTANICAL NAME SHRUBS 10 Calluna vu lg.iris 61 Cornussericea 38 Euonymus ala1a 'Compactus' 10 Erica camea Springwood While 12 Erica x Darioyensis Furzey 10 Erica x Sluarii Irish lemon 107 Mahonia aqulfolium 69 Physocarpus opultfolus Oiabolo 58 Pieris japonlca compacta 108 Polyslichum munilum 48 P01enti11a ln.rlticosa Red Ace 20 Rhododendron 'Ramapo' 15 Rhododendron Vulcan 41 Aibes sanguleum King Edward VII 69 Spiraea x Bumalda Gold Flame 126 Vaccinium ovatum 25 Weigelia llorida MW GROUND COVERS 52 Cotoneasler dammeri 340 Gaullheria shalon 35 Mahonia nervosa PERENNIALS 21 Echlnacea purpurea 'Magnus' 53 Hem.,,oc.llla 'HIPP'/ A.,vm,• 16 Audbeckia lulgida 'Goldstrum' NOTES: COMMON NAME Armstrong Maple Red Sunset Maple Carolina Silverbell Persian Ironwood Serbian Spruce Daybreak Cherry Weslem Red Cedar Scartel Oak COMMON NAME Pink Hei!lher Redtwig DogwoOd Dwarf Burning Bush White Spring Healher Pink Spring Heather Vtllow S11mm1, ~ Oregon Grape Diabolo Ninabark Dwarf Pieris WesIem Sword Fem Red Ace Shrubby Cinquefoil Dwarf Red Rhode Red Vulcan Rhododendron Red Flowering Compact Currant Gold Fl am e Spirea Eve~reen Huckleberry Midnight Wine Weigelia Bearberry Salal Longleal Mahonia Magnus Pu1ple Conellower Happy Returns Oaylily Black-Eyed Su sa n SIZE 6cm Cal,WB 6cm Cal,WB 6cm Cal,WB 6cmCal,WB J.Omlall,WB 6cmCal,WB 30m lall, WB 6cm Cal,WB SIZE lt1 pol /12pol #2pol #1 pol #1 pol lt1 pol 112 pol 112pol 112 pot #1 pot #2 po1 112pol #5 p01 112pot #3 p01 #2 pol #2pol ft1 po1 10cmpol #1 pol ft1 pol #1 pol #1 pol 1) In case of discrepancy between plant numbers on this list and on the plan, !he plan shall prevail 2) All planling shaU be in accordance wi1h BCSLA/BCLNA Landscape Standard, latest edition, 3) Alt planting beds: mulch with 75mm of decomposed hem/fir bark 4 .. SPACING 8mo_c 9m SPACING 450 o,c. 900 o,c 900 o.c 450 o.c . 450 O,C, 4500.c. 750 o,c, eooo,c . BOO o_c. 600cc 650 o.c. 750 o.c 900 o.c 900 0 C 9000 c. 900 o.c. 750oc 450 o,c SOOoc 450 c.c 450 o.c 450 oc 450 o.c Note: Saw cut pavers as required lor best l iL Guatotine cuts win no1 be accepted 0 Unit Pav ing -Vehicle s ----=-----1cm =10cm ISSUED DRAWINGS ,, .. ~tAWlrFQftDP ~--RESL.eMITFOROP nt .. OEYL'U)Jl lolfllJ"Pf;'IWrf en ca C ·5 '6 ,_ -(I.)"- E cE E ca 80 C\J '6 I (I.) 0~ !!!. ·ca -(l) 0 (l) a. ca 0 Cl) "O C ca __J Oat•: ,..,. IIWl'I =· .... , 2016,Jul 14 As No1ed PACW 1005 DPL2.1 if L------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'--------' ,. il' ~ e (!) ] "' ,. • ~ Refuse Enclosure 'Tirnbm lence f!l1olosure and gates -l.Sm tan x •.om x 5,0m Gatos (two) with IQclclng latch, canu bolt, sp1ln9 Joaded "'4)pot\ wt,,,ols, and heavy dll!y hlng~. Paint colOIJr 10 match bulldiog trim AU wood 'to be pr8S$U re ~nolocl hl'fflllr. paint colO ur lo match building . AH hardware to be cort.ified for uso With pr~uc_e treated fumber. - .. I I ~NN ~~~ 6'11 "/210m ~ 111 11 ClnldeY.'llkn- South Elevation 8'6n/2 55 m • I -1 1- T I- I I-,., .,, ,,v I i,;i,, I " I , .,v'"' '■ I v'" I , vv'' I 1, 1,." I I- , ....I~ i..,"' I .... licll tnn:o I 11 West Elevation -Gates I I t--1-.. ' ' lo II AWL\G11,:, @ Refuse Enclosure 1 .8m Tall 1 : 20 metric ' ---1---1---4-------proposed concrete paving ~ LJ ~ LJ ~ LJ t-.t-. " ' t-. . " h. ' t-. " :, t-. ' "1, \_OcllJbllogalH ' ' I-~ , .... I I I 1 I I ' t-.t-. I " ' I t-. ' ' I- I -.... ti~• -hHvy du1y brass bea ring , 2 p• u:Jo 100mm lhick. medium broom linish . lookld edg es Control joints both ways,5' o.c,maxi mum 1ypic al Top rail: 2" x 4" Hor wl1h 2" x 6" Vo,...--__ Bol lom rail : 2• x 6" Slats3/4"x4" if = =-- Foo"°'l!---l!i==IWI 3000< 600 deep concre1 e Crown ab ove grade 10 shed waler on 150 deplh gravel Fooling dep1h lo be mootlad lo suite local frosl cond l:MM'lw. "" applicable. Foolings 1or gate posts to be sized as required lo support gates competent subgrade •.'I •. i , ~. I ' ~ • ·, •' .. • •t ¢mg can, 00ft , drill ho le in toncreto p~ng ~ boh latch-heavy duty Prl7\'kl• sh op drawn gs and hardware samples tor approval. Typical Section 1: 10 metric TO S CALE WHEN PAINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE ISSUED DRAWING S 0) co C: ·5 "O "-Q) ::::, E co E cij 0 (.) .2 C\I "O Q) I (.) ~ !!!. ·co -Q) Cl Q) "- ::::, en 0 c3 C: w >,~ ctS 0 3: ~ ,c C: le ..: a, " a. a, .. " II.. "' ,, " C j SlwOI t ,. ~ ,: 0 w w ,: (!) ::, g f .. ~ N_g §~ NOC ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ l 0 l <!l ~ 1 "5 :l. " w 2016, Jul 14 As No1e d PAC\V 1605 DPL2.2 ~L------------------------------------------------------------~--__. ~ " ~ g ~ 0 ' u ' I i Pion 36099 -------_......_ __ ---2-33-----'-----_2_3_4_ --_ _,_ __ --_2_3_5_ --_ __._ __ ---2-36-----~----_: --_J 192 Pion 35428 ~==:,;,c:=,c:::::s~c:::i~ c;::::::::.i:==c::ac:::==:::11c=-,:c==c;;;;;;;:::a~ • 1111,,en1e" .. ftn••ttvilil•'" o . ~ ~ PROl'QSEO SMllTAAY ;:::_':,, St'RVICl~C £XAC1' LOCATION .....,_,, AND s,zr re BE O!:TERIAlN[O AT SUILOING P RMIT ST~GE --- LOUGHffD HIGHWAY ocv~ TO BE PROVIOEO ·~ "'EC><A>IICAL ~COM BT OtHERS PRELIMINARY UTILITY DESIGN • -----------------------------------SCALE 1.250 ~ 8 • 0 EP 1021!1 a • 0 • a . ~ • a • 0 • 0 . ~ 121 ---------------- 1,., '"'" • 122 0------0-t 1 !!D!OVE EXISTING 2500 PIIC STOl!M l<IAlN --------------------------------------- RE"OVE EXJSllNC 60,0!m 2500 STORM" II Ra'IJ,C( EX!STIP<G 250<> "'TH PROPOSEO 6001 •50o PIIC PIPE j -9---•-I £XJS C MH IJlCC n7 i f--~---,-----------------------,,--,,----------------------------.---------------------------,,-----------...,..,=-------,---------------------------------1~ ~ "°"""'-CO<SIA.TAl<T ....... AA .. Al c--:: 1 Ty o F M A P I F R I n G F ~ J. Topographic Survey Plan Ov~r OE9GMm AA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 0::: ! Poree/ F (8e;ng O Consof;do/;on OMEGA & ASSOCIATES CHECKED DMBD o•tt (l'.'. -Of Loi 15 Ano Loi 17, See 884084864) ENGINEERING LTD, CONCEPTUAL DESIGN MAY 10, 2 016 0 ~ Oi'strict Lot 398 Group 1 Ne w Westminster Di'stdct CONSULTING CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGIN EERS APPROVED DMBD SHE:rr lL §. 0 Pion 3206 FED BOOK N/A 01 OF 01 @ s! 2016/05/10 ISSUED FOR REVIEW AA □m~'.•.~0 •t ~.i-r~it·~~~UE □~1z: •. ~"J.Xe \\!'J sr.,,us 1,250 21773 ,217 87, & 21795 Lougheed Hwyowc.... m i No. DAlE RE'ml~ ev ~ ::::~~} ~ :Zf?J:~~ ~ ~.: MAPLE RIDGE, BC 2016-049-C-01 ~