HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2017-01-10 agenda.pdf1. CALL TO ORDER City of Maple Ridge ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDA January 10, 2017, 4:00 pm Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall 2. 2017 CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR ELECTIONS 3. AGENDA APPROVAL 4. MINUTES APPROVAL -December 13, 2016 Meeting Minutes 5. PROJECTS 5.1 Development Permit No: Applicant: Townhouse architect: Landscape architect: Owner: Proposal: Location: 4:20 PM 2016-008-RZ Greenwood Properties Barnett Dembek Architects (SF homes is Rusbourne Design) M2 Greenwood Properties 8 SF homes (R-3) along the 240 side, access off of a lane from 110, into a townhouse site for 15 units 11016 -11032 -11038 240 Street (corner of 110 and 240) 6. REQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY COMMENTS ON APPLICATION RECEIVED -Nil 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. ADJOURNMENT /ss I~ I mapleridge.ca TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel 2016-008-RZ 11016, 11032, and 11038 240 St MEETING DATE: January 10, 2017 An Advisory Design Panel (the "ADP") submission has been received for the above cited application and properties to permit the construction of a project building 15 townhouse units and 8 Single Family buildings, accessed off of a lane off of 110th. The western portion of the site is being rezoned for the Single Family subdivision and is included for reference. Comments are only being sought for the townhouse component. The rezoning application being processed in conjunction with this proposal was given First Reading by Council on April 12, 2016. This site is subject to being re-zoned to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) and R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) to accommodate the proposal. The development permit application for the townhouse site made to the City is subject to Section 8.7 Multi-Family Development Permit. Another development permit application is made for the single family sites, subject to Section 8.8 Intensive Residential Development Area Guidelines. The ADP is not mandated to provide comments on the single family development subject to an Intensive Residential Development permit application. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East West: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Greenwood Properties Ltd. North half of Lot 4, Section 10, Township 12, NWD P17613 South half of Lot 4, Section 10, Township 12, NWD P17613 Lot 5, Block 9, Section 10, Township 12, NWD P17613 Low/Medium Density Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) R-3 (Speeial Amenity Residential District), and RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Single Family Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Low/Medium Density Residential and Conservation Single Family Residential R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Low/Medium Density Residential - Single Family Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Low/Medium Density Residential and Conservation Single Family Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Urban Residential Page 1 of 4 Existing Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Single Family Residential 0.808 ha. in total (2 acres) lane access off of 110 Ave Urban Standard The development permit application made to the City prompting this submission to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.7 Multi-Family Development Permit. Key Guidelines: The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal's compliance with the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines: • New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. This development is within the Albion Area Plan, a growing community with new areas under development. Along 240 Street there is an established pattern of Single Family homes facing the street with a lane way access, and the proposed development is integrating this specific residential type, together with a higher density townhouse site on the east side of the properties. The subject site planning addresses the adjacent Seigel Creek environmental issues. • Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. As a transitional element the proposed plan shows Single Family houses identical to the denominating housing type along 240 Street. The lane provided by the developer provides the transition from the single family to townhouse area with back yards of both uses on the lane. On the east side of the property there is dedicated park, as a condition of environmental compensation discussions. The density interfaces with the surrounding areas. The building massing is varied by roof designs, building materials and color schemes. • Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. The townhouses are clustered on the eastern side of the proposed development, facing towards each other, with rear yards with a front yard appearance facing 110th Ave and rear yards on the lane to complement the single family back yards. • Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. Pedestrian circulation is proposed through the site, to interconnect with Seigel Creek, and also the 110 Ave street tront. Design Guidelines: The Design Guidelines and a full explanation of how the townhouse project complies with them or the reasons why they are not applicable are attached to this memo. Page 2 of 4 PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: The application proposes to rezone the three subject properties from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) and RM-1 (Townhouse Residential), to permit future subdivision into 8 single family lots, not less than 285.93 m2, and a 15 unit townhouse development. Access for all lots is proposed to be from a new lane created off of 110 Avenue. No driveway accesses are permitted on to 240 Street as it is an arterial road where alternative access (i.e. a new lane) is available. 2. Context: The subject properties located at 11016, 11032, and 11038 240 Street are approximately 2 acres in total. The properties are generally flat, and are currently bounded by a single family residential property to the north, east, and south, with 240 Street to the west and 110 Avenue to the south. Seigel Creek is located on the adjacent site to the east, and protection and enhancement of the environmentally sensitive areas around it are therefore required on the subject properties. The property to the east is under application for a townhouse development. The property to the west is under application to develop into intensive residential R-3 lots. 3. 0CP and Zoning Compliance: The subject site is designated Medium Density and Conservation. The subject site is l?roposed to be rezoned to RM-1 and R-3 , and Development Data Sheet (Appendix F) analyses the compliance of the project with the applicable zone regulations. The proposal for the townhouse site has a density (Floor Space Ratio) of 0.6 which complies with the maximum density permitted. 4. Parking and bicycle storage: The required parking for the proposed use is analyzed in the Development Data Sheet (Appendix F) 5. Environmental. Sustainability & Stormwater Management: A com bination of measurements is negotiated to mitigate impacts associated with the proposed development, and to compensate the environmental setback requirements. As part of the Storm Water management Plan a conceptual proposal was provided showing the 3-tier requirements of volumes, run off rates and water quality, and a bio swale on the eastern portion of the townhouse site. Park dedication is required as part of the negotiated compensation, together with the requirement to register a restrictive covenant over the bio-swale and specific public areas. There is a Natural Features Development Permit application as part of the project files. 6. Garbage/Recyclfng: There is a compost and storage area projected in the eastern side of the crushed limestone path with the community garden plots, in the south east corner of the development. 7. Works along abutting roads: Include new curb, gutter, sidewalk, new sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer connections; street lighting; street trees on all frontages; under-ground wiring for utility services to be under-ground. Page 3 of 4 CONCLUSION: The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared by: Therese Melser The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject map 7 sets submitted by the Architect: Appendix B • ExplanatorY letter from Architect (and Landscape Architect if applicable) Appendix C ADP Submission Form Appendix C ADP Applicant Checklist (signed by Architect) Appendix D Development Data Sheet (signed by Architect) Appendix E DP Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix F Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 4 of 4 [cl_l-ADP Submission Checklist maple,idge.ca Application No. LO I~· 00 f; · (Z.t.- This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel. Please refer to the ADP Submission Form and the ADP Requirements Brochure for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP. ---~ ~ ~. 20 fo Print name Date Submission Requirements: Submission Materials A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) B. Covering Letter including explanations about: 1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) 2. Design rationale (Detailed information Required) 3. Statement in brief about the following: a. DP Key Concepts Compliance b. DP Guideline Compliance c. 3-tier stormwater management strategy d. Public Art/ Amenities, etc, e. Sustainability practices f. Other _________________ _ C. Site and Neighbourhood Context 1. Context Plan -Existing/proposed buildings and trees, vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed grading, and other major features within the site, on the abutting properties and along the road allowances/ lanes. 2. Photographs of site and surroundings. D. Development Permit Area Checklist (Note: The Architect is responsible to describe how the project complies with each guidelines, or if not applicable, a description of why not applicable. Please use fillable forms on line.) ".•Req· : ~.' li=l1e·'· ,.,.Jln City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist E. Architectural Plans (Site and Building(s)l: 1. Site Plan and layout 2. Site sections 3. Streetscape elevation 4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees superimposed 5. Shadow analysis 6. Lighting analysis (on building and on site) 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and roof tops 8. Waste collection /recycling (inside of buildings) 9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside) 10. Building elevation (all sides) 11. Signage (attached to building and free standing) 12. Colours and materials 13. Material board 14. Building sections 15. 3D renderings of the site and/or building(s) with associated 1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications ancf planting t details 2. Landscaping details, including locations for public art, signage, lighting, play and other amenity areas 3. Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures) 4. Details for pedestrian and amenity features being provided 5. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns 6. Tree retention and management plan 7. Site sections to show lot grading, drainage, landscaping and relationship to adjacent grades/ City boulevards/ lanes 8. Preliminary storm water management plan (Note: This plan must have been accepted by the Environmental Planner) 9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnections G. Green Building/Sustainability initiatives H. Other Rev. October 14, 2015 . :~1;1- • ~ • r-' -...,..__ ,--,_ •-. (Page 2} [i;( □,.. □ ar .A □ llY □ □ □ :~- mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: / NameofApplicant • l~ fa,e.,tf,."c_l~wrxn:1.., lrvr - File number 2.0{~-0(JS-gz_ Address of site ' ( 0, ", ( I 0':3 2-, I ( () 'g ,Z,4o 11-~- Current Zone _____ Proposed Zone /2. M -( Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date ________ _ Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect ~ Ba,,r..d;t/ -. ~ batM 6d:-~ . Landscape Architect ·M -Z. ~ SC!Jf?~ -{YT~""-..f.-h J'/;1A.T~ Other Professional (State Name & Role) J-et""-1tAt:J= N,·/<.:,;;,,. -En.v,;-ow1~t c;,h?vl .Jt7t;,~h -Vacifot' eVllJ• Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all 0 developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Archite~t. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 27S m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -all schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 (; R E E N \·V () () I J I' 1 I' I' 11 1 December 9, 2016 Re: File 2016-008-RZ Advisory Design Panel Submission Greenwood Properties Ltd. is submitting the enclosed package for review and presentation to the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel. This submission represents a rezoning of 3 legal lots being 11016, 11032, 11038 -240th Street in Maple Ridge. The consolidated site area, representing 8274.58 Square meters, is currently designated RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential Zone) and Greenwood Properties Ltd. is seeking a rezoning to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) to allow for 8 detached single family homes and to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to allow for 15 family oriented townhome units. The proposed development meets all City DP requirements and addresses the Principles set out in Section 3.11 of the OCP (Housing and Land Requirements). Per Principle 37 "Housing choice is critical to meeting the diverse needs of current and future residents", this development is an opportunity to supply variety in form, density and affordability to the housing continuum in Maple Ridge. Thought and consideration was put into the architectural design, elevations, floor plans, materials and colour stories to provide a high quality, modern, functional, and marketable end-product. The aesthetic of this project certainly meets and/or exceeds the current standards for Town Home/ Single Family Home design in Maple Ridge. A brief summary of the Stormwater Management Strategy is as follows: Fee simple Lots (Zoning: R3) • Tier A: Absorbent landscaping with minimum 450mm topo soil on front and rear yards • Tier B: Onsite detention storage facility to detain 2 year post-development flow to 2 year pre- development flow for each individual lot • Tier C: In pipe storage on road to detain 10 year post-development flow to 2 year pre- development flow Townhouse Site (Zoning: RMl) • Tier A: Absorbent landscaping with minimum 450mm topo soil on front and rear yards • Tier B: Bio-swale to filter and convey overland flow on pavement of onsite access road • Tier C: In pipe storage on road to detain 10 year post-development flow to 2 year pre- development flow As the site runs West and adjacent to Seigel Creek, and with the understanding that the OCP places emphasis on the importance of protecting and enhancing environmentally sensitive areas, the Applicant has addressed OCP Chapter 5 "Natural Features" including policy points 5-6, 5-10, 5-11, 5-13, 5-22, 5-30, and 5-31. Detailed meetings between Maple Ridge environmental planners Rodney Stott, Mike Pym and Greenwood Properties' environmental consultant (Envirowest) have already taken place to ensure compliance with respect to environmental sensitivity. A combination of measures is proposed to mitigate impacts associated with the proposed development scenario and to compensate for what impacts cannot be mitigated. Proposed measures include: removal of invasive plants throughout the SPEA, extensive planting of native trees and shrubs throughout the SPEA, the creation of a bio-filtration swale that extends outside of the SPEA, the creation of an additional native landscaping area that extends outside the SPEA, and the retention of significant trees throughout the development. The proposed development scenario represents a net benefit to the local environment in terms of biodiversity within the riparian corridor, wildlife habitat, and water quality. Please note that appropriate signage will be incorporated along fencing and compensation areas to designate conservation areas. Focus on Landscaping architecture/design was a priority for this development specifically because of the environmental sensitivity of Siegal Creek. Environmental compensations and considerations have been an opportunity and the overall landscape design/plan to complement, enhance, and support these natural environmental features. Greenwood Properties/ 206-3815 Sunset Street /Burnaby BC V5G 1T4 / 604.420.2600 : .w-~ I ~~ mapleridge.ca DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Existing /Proposed Zone -Bt-( ( Date Prepared Required Development Data ••• ---• $' ~- .' . ~-~ -lO - Gross Total Less Road/ Truncations Dedicated Less Park / Open Space Dedicated Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, o Side #3 (N, S, E or W) Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three Bedroom+ Total Residential Retail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type Institutional Industrial Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed * If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site, Proposed (Complies or ."lfL ~,.,::-...: .. -vv ;., ' ·{ ' ....... \\ ,..._ ... i,,,._. r /1564--z-,. Required Development Data # of units/ha (gross) # of units/ha (net) Gross Floor Area Floor Space -~~-1-f-~f..il~~ff7t;f AMENITY $PP. .. 4arf? roetr5;!_. _, t _ -, _ Common Activity Area Residential and Multi-Residential Uses Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive Total r:,i·umber of Parking Spaces for Uses Number of parking spaces for disabled Number of spaces for visitors TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES Number and percentage small cars Number and .percentage tandem spaces TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) 1"2- I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and and Environmental Services D Prepared by: .....,,._~.._.,.....,"""-__ -U<..IC_._~-'-,. ""IL&.&..-----'"-'-b.__--'-------- Print Name (Please print form and sign above) NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submi~sion or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. SITE PLAN COTTONWOOD LANE [~ MAPLE RIDGE O·,lr ,h Ccl1,;111b1:1 mapleridge.ca Multi-Family Development Permit Area Gu.idelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan, mufti-family developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. 8.7.1 Key Guideline Concepts 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. Describe how this project and the design complies 1 Key Guideline Concepts (Continued) 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. Guidelines 8.7.1 A Building Design, Massing and Siting 1. Design and siting of buildings should take advantage of natural features or views and should enhance privacy and livability. 2. Residential buildings should front or appear to front onto public roads through the use of appropriate treatment of exteriors, through direct pedestrian access to individual units from the public street/sidewalk, or through the provision of pedestrian walkways linked to the street. Street frontages should be emphasized by incorporating differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades, with a minimum two storey facade on the fronting street to foster a human scale. Buildings that are designed with an end wall or unit adjacent to a public street should design the end unit with the pedestrian entry facing the street. At significant intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets and incorporate corner cuts. N/A Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why i.t is inapplicable. 2 I Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 3. Higher density dwellings should be sited adjacent to major streets in order to minimize access problems and to provide a transition to lower density uses. 4. Multi-family developments adjacent to lower density or single detached residential dwellings should: a) be consistent in form and massing with the surrounding area; b) be sited adjacent to major streets to provide a transition to lower density uses; c) concentrate density to the centre of the development or.towards a non- residential boundary and locate lower density components adjacent to lower density residential uses; d) create a transition in building mass and form towards the setbacks of the adjacent neighbourhood; e) minimize access conflicts; f) be designed to maximize privacy and minimize views onto adjoining sites, particularly for portions of the development abutting the side yards of adjacent single detached residential uses. 5. Larger buildings, roof forms and building frontages should include design elements and features to: a) provide variation in the facades to help reduce the visual length of individual buildings; b) have the appearance of a series of smaller buildings, or as identifiable parts of a larger concept; and c) incorporate components that express strong unit identity and incorporate direct access to grade for ground-floor units. N/A 3 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 6. New multi-family developments should use design themes, architectural features and elements of the surrounding neighbourhood by incorporating common elements such as form, scale, massing and proportion into the design as a means to reinforce neighbourhood stability. Examples include: a) the articulation of facades, using where appropriate, elements such as porches, chimneys, projections, recesses, and balconies; b) the placement, size, shape and number of doors and windows; c) the location and visual appearance of garages and/or parking facilities; d) the selection of appropriate and compatible roof forms; and e) the design of hard and soft landscaping. 7. The exposed undersides of balconies and porches that are visible from a street or public walkway should be covered with exterior finishes to provide a finished appearance to public view. 8. Developments are encouraged to use the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDS) standards in the design of buildings. Techniques such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, separation of impervious surfaces, installing below surface infiltration beds and tree box filters, and redirecting water from drain pipes into vegetated areas are encouraged. 9. Variation in individual unit designs is encouraged to provide visual interest and avoid significant repetition either within a row of townhouses, or between adjacent rows of units. 4 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 10. Garage doors should not face public ~ ~ ~~,LJAUJt. streets. Where front facing garage doors are unavoidable, the impact of garage Wt~~ AA¥-~~ ,~ ~ doors on the public realm should be rrJad-,,,~~~ mitigated by: ~~'f'v a) designing residential units with enough width to include attractive entrances ~~ v,~~-and windows between garages; b) recessing garage doors behind the main ~~ts~~ .. building fa~ade; <;:(-r~~ I 01J, ~ ~ c) keeping a sufficient width in residential units to allow the creation of attractive '/Af_ ~. ·~~a::z~TL entrances and fenestration between ~~~ . garages. d) grouping garage doors in pairs between adjacent units to allow building entrances and facades more prominence on the street; e) providing interior spaces that overlook the street; f) separating and orienting unit entrances to the street; g) providing individual pedestrian walkways linked to the street; h) including design details such as transom windows or glazing in garage doors; i) a comprehensive landscape plan that identifies how the visual impact of garage doors from the street will be mitigated. 11. Landscaping of rooftops is encouraged where possible, to provide shared or N/A private outdoor space for residents and to provide attractive views for residents and passersby. 5 - Guidelines 8.7.1 B Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation 1. Parking and servicing should be located underground or to the rear of buildings, with access from lanes wherever possible. Where lane access is not possible, access should be from streets via narrow driveways to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 2. Parking structures should be adequately screened and architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. Large surface parking areas should be divided into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous appearance with landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement treatment to enhance their visual appearance. 3. Developments with large parking areas should provide a direct pedestrian pathway system through the parking area to facilitate convenient and safe pedestrian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscaping with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. 4. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is ·also strongly encouraged. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why It Is inapplicable. N/A N/A N/A- N/A 6 Guidelines 8.7.1 B (Continued) 5. Locate parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities as close as possible to the main entrance to a building. 6. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities with convenient, safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to building entrances, lobbies or other principal areas of buildings, and to grade level from any underground or above ground parking structures. 7. To increase safety, consider using electronic security devices and monitoring systems as a supplement to natural surveillance opportunities in parking structures and parking areas. 8. The amount of asphalt surfaces in parking areas should be minimized by integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers, etc. or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Road grades, streets, lanes, and driveways should conform ,to the existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, roads should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. N/A 7 Guidelines 8.7.1 C Landscaping and Open Space 1. Landscaping both within and outside the development should: a) provide definition for pedestrian corridors; b) delineate private and semi private space from public space; c) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces; d) present a pleasing street image; e) provide suitable buffering between public road and privacy areas; f) soften the transition between adjacent land uses; g) provide a buffer between residential and non-residential land uses; h) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site; i) reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties, the scale and massing of buildings, and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 2. Landscape drawings for_ development applications should include, but are not limited to, the following information: a) the location of mature and existing trees to be retained or removed, b) the location of all protective tree fencing; c) a grading plan or cross section indicating finished grade; and d) a drainage plan for the site. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all development. Incorporate deciduous tree species into streetfront landscaping to define site boundaries, to enhance public space, and to permit light penetration in winter. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of die listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it Is inapplicable. 8 Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 4. Energy efficiency and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) using native and/or drought-resistant species; b) designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind; c) providing shade in summer; d) allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the site; e) allowing daylight into buildings; and f) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 5. Maintain continuous landscaping along abutting streets and minimize the number of interruptions such as driveways and parking entrances. Continue the sidewalk pavement across driveways and parking entrances. 6. Create visual landmarks on significant street corners and at locations of high visibility. Provide landscaping and consider incorporating features such as flag poles, banners, visual art, ornamental trees, fountains, architectural elements, and landscape structures. 7. Any portion of a building site left vacant for future development should be landscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall site. The minimum ground surface treatment should be lawn. Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property not being developed. ~ VV'l ~ t...~ .s~ ~ N/A- 9 Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 8. Identify, preserve and incorporate stands of mature trees into the overall site landscaping design. Retain unique tree species, significant vegetation, natural landscape features and nesting areas on a site wherever possible. To attain this objective, prior to the design of a project, a detailed survey prepared by a qualified professional indicating the location and condition of existing trees and vegetation on a site should be conducted and provided to the District as part of the development application process. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new planting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replanting with indigenous or native species is encouraged. 10. Consider incorporating rain gardens and vegetated swales into parking lot landscaping to increase the natural absorption of rainwater runoff from paved areas into the ground. 11. The height and location of a landscape screen should ensure that: a) privacy to adjacent properties is adequately protected; b) driving site lines are maintained from adjacent roads, manoeuvring aisles, parking lots; and c) the quality of the streetscape and outdoor living spaces is enhanced. 12. Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to increase the natural absorption of rainwater on a site. 10 Guidelines 8.7.1 D Universally Accessible Design 1. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 2. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; c) provided with level areas measuring a minimum of 1.Sm x 1.Sm (4.9 ft. x 4.9 ft.) both inside and outside of doorways; and d) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. Guidelines 8,7.1 E Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas 1. Integrate vents, mechanical rooms, mechanical equipment, and elevator penthouses into the roof design or screen with materials and finishes compatible with the overall architectural design. 2. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. • Describe how the proposed design compiles with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inappli~ab_l~. 11 3. Garbage containers and recycling bins must be: a) easily accessible; b) appropriately sized for the building occupants; c) contained within roofed/walled enclosures; d) incorporated into the overall design of the development; or e) screened from public view and weatherproof and animal-resistant within the boundaries of each site'. 4. Service areas should be internalized within the development. For developments with multiple buildings, common refuse, recycling and service areas are to be provided. Storage areas should be located to be convenient and readily accessible from most buildings or units on the site. Avoid direct exposure from public streets and allow for adequate manoeuvring space for removal vehicles. 5. Enclose or screen all exterior mechanical units or equipment, including roof top units, equipment, and satellite dishes within upper floors or structures that from part of the overall design of a development. 6. Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise and exhaust pedestrian areas, residential units, and outdoor spaces and locate less sensitive land uses closer to sources of noise. 7. Buildings should be designed and constructed maximize sound attenuation: a) between units; b) between public roads and units; and c) between adjacent land uses and units. N{A N/A N/A 12 Guidelines 8.7 .1 F Signage and Lighting 1. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message should be integrated and complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 3. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged along all pedestrian routes and pedestrian plazas. The lighting should be pedestrian focused. 4. Lighting should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. Guidelines 8.7.1 G Bicycle Parking and Storage 1. Short term and long term bicycle parking facilities should be considered for all developments. Short term bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads with bicycle racks made of sturdy, theft- resistant material that is securely anchored to the floor or ground. Longer term bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or d~scribes why a guideline is not compl_ied _ with or why it is inapplicable. 13 ( Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File Number ________ _ Date prepared: ~.Lt;,;. ;?a ( I V Architect "'""~n:l..!::::::......c::~~~~.a.~::::::--..::::::~p~---' 14 GutdeUnes 8,7 .1 C Describe how the· proposed desJ&n eompUes with each of the LandKapln, and Open Space llsted guldellnes, or descrlb'5 why a iUJdeUne 1s not complied with or why it i1 inapplicable. ( Landscaping both within and outside the development should: a) provide definition for pedestrian Yes, landscape plan defines public pedestrian corridors corridor~· b} delineate private and semi private space Arbours at focal points define the public spaces and fencing between from r:,ublic soace; each unit define the private spaces adjacent each unit c) provide adC?quate screening between 6'Ht patio screen fencing between each unit divede private outdoor spaces private outdoor spaces; d} present a ple~slng street image; Auracuve oioswa1e 1s v1s101e rrom street rromage, sod 1awn at eacn unit " nl---~~i Hie"' frnm c:fr,=,at CJ provIae sunat>Ie ouner1ng oetween Individual gate at each patio, hedging between patios provides an attractive public road and privacy areas; buffer for each unit f) soften the transition between adjacent Low planting and deciudous trees provide visible and pleasant veiw to land uses; landscapefrom street frontage and lane g) provide a buffer between residential and Green buffer (low planting and trees), fencing between each units provide a non-residential land uses; . defined private space h) create interesting views and focal points Green entry and fencing define the private spaces, arbours act as a focal Into and out of the site; point to define the entries to the site I) reinforce design continuity with Large green landscaped area on the street side; low planting, trees and neighbouring properties, the scale and gates facing the lane side massing of buildings, and the streetscape by providing consistency In street trees, plant materials, and other tandscaping elements. 2. Landscape drawings for development Retained and removed trees are shown on landscape plan.Trees in front of applications should include, but are not each unit, in natural playground area and in semi-public areas are provided limited to, the following Information: a) the location of mature and existing trees to be retained or removed, b) too location of all protective tree Yes, are shown on landscape plan fencine: c) a grading plan or cross section indicating Not provided yet, will cordinate with civil engineer finished grade; and d) a drainage plan for tfte site. Not provided yet, will cordinate with civil engineer 3. Street trees will be a required component of all development, Yes, trees and bioswale on the street frontage enhance the public space Incorporate deciduous tree species Into streetfront landscaping to define site boundaries, to enhance public space, and to permit light penetration in winter. (_ __ Guldelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 4. Energy efficiency and conservation , should be considered in the design of , landscaped areas and ln the seJecti<>n of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) usrng native and/or drouBht-resistant specJes; b) designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind; c} providing shade In summer; d) allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the $Ile; e} allowing daylight into buildings; and f) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for lat~r irrigation use. 5. Maintain continuous landscaping along abutting streets and minimize the number of interruptions such as driveways and parking entrances. Continue the sidewalk pavement across driveways and parking entrances. 6. Create visual landmarks on signlflcant street corners and at loc.ations of high vlsiblUty. Provide landscaplng and consider incorporating features such as flag poles, bannerst visual art, ornamental trees, fountains, architectural elements, and landscape structures. Yes, proposed low maintenance and native plants on the street side surface water runoff is directed into bioswale and water drains from yard and street into bioswale Hedges reduce the wind to yard spaces through buffering Trees provide shade in summer and sun light exposure in winter on natural olavoround area on north side of orooertv Yes, proposed trees will grow to provide summer shade Bioswale on the street frontage is provided for natural drainage Yes, trees are spaced to allow light through Will coordination with architecture and environmental consultant There is a continuous green landscape adjacent to street There is a continuous green landscape adjacent to street, no driveway as per architectural plan, visibility is clear at entries with attractive, ornamental trees and low planting beside entry signage 7. Anv portion of a building site left vacant Not applicable fat this development for future development should be landscaped consistent with the landscape plan ror tl\e overall $lte. The minimum ground surface treatment should be lawn. Where possible, the natural state should be r~tained fOt those portions of a property not being developed. /:•ddellnes 8.7.1 C (Continued) •• ... Identify, preserve and Incorporate stands of mature trees into the overall site landscaping design. Retain unique tree species, significant vesetation, It • natural landscape features and nesting areas on a site wherever possible. To attain this objective, prior to the design of a project, a detailed survey prepared by a qualified professional indicating the location and condition of existing trees and vegetation on a site should be conducted and provided to the District as part of the development appllcatlon process. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new planting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replanting with Indigenous or native species is encouraged. 10. Consider incorporating rain gardens and vegetated swales Into part<lng lot landscaping to increase the natural absorption of rainwater runoff from paved areas Into the ground. 11. The height and location of a landscape screen should ensure 1hat: a) privacy to adjacent properties is adequately protected; b) driving site lines are maintained from adjacent roads, manoeuvring aisles, parking lots; and c) the qualltv of the streetscape and outdoor living spaces Is enhanced. 12. Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to Increase the natural absorption of rainwater on a site. Coordinating with environmental consultant regarding recreation & riparian zone. Native plantings are provided on the south side of the site See environmental plan for reclamation areas Working closely with environmentalist to ensure any disturbed areas are reclaimed with indigenous plants Visitor stalls are drained to bioswale and drainage is coordinated with environmentalist Low height fencing is provided to maintain visibility form the street fronta9e, Low planting and street corner clearance won't block vehicular views and provides a good sight-line for security and good separation within public and private areas CPTED is maintained The bioswale and permeable paver pathway within amenity area allow percolation of storm water Describe how the proposed design comphes with e.1ch of the Guldehnes 8•7 •1 F fl$ted guklellnes, or describes why a guideline Is ~ complied ,-, Slgnage and lighting with or why It Is Inapplicable . .; ---------------+-----------= ....... --........ ------------t 1. AJI sfgnage must conform to the Maple Ridie Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message should be Integrated and complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 3. Pedestrian level lighting Is encouraged along all pedestrian ,outes and pedestrian plazas. The lighting should be pedestrian focused. 4. lighting should be designed so as to have no direct source of light VISlble from the public right-of•way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. Guidelines 8. 7 .1 G Bicycle Partcin1 and stora,e 1. Short term and long term bicycle parking focilities should be considered for all developments. Short term blcycfe parking should be in well•lit locations and cleartv visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads with bicycle racks made of sturdy, theft~ resistant material that is securely anchored to the floor or ground. Longer term bicycle storage areas provided as (__, part of a parking st.ructure• should be located close to elevators and access ooints. Landscape will ensure location and design complies with the requirements Landscape will ensure location and design complies with the requirements Landscape has provide pedestrian level lighting(Bollards) at public spaces, common seating areas, natural playground areas and pedestrian routes We will ensure landscape lighting is dark sky compliant Describe how the Pfoposed deslgn compUes with each of the ll$ted guldellnes, or describes why a guldellne Is noc complied wtth or why it is f naDDlicable. SITE CONTEXT ©COP'ffllatT. All Dfsr:HS Nf) Tl!E wocmm UKENBSES THfRE<F ARf. THE SQ.£ PROPERTY OF 8,1,RNETT DE)l![K ARCHITECTS INC AND MAY NOT Bf USU> w-tru.Y OR IN PART \111\HlJT UIDCE 800G MOlASID. CCPYIUQH ffRffGOIElO tfCl.Ul)[S IDEAS GAINED AND C0N'¥£RSION THEJIEOf'lNTOAHY l,l"lERIAlfce.l CANADACOPYRIGHTACTRSC 1970 e el ill in ~ ~ p !S i ~ ~ -:2 .. 5' ! .. ,., ~ \,1 II ls ~ ~ ~ ~ tii ~ ~ N '-:i \) (!) ro Ill i[ 0 -§ i3 =:.~ < IL §~ z s 0 =w ~ ti H'. 0 _J I!! lfl .. § ~ I i a barnett dembek UNIT 135, ~ 7536 130 SlREET, SURREY, B.C. V3W 1HB PHONE: (604) 597-7100 FAX: (604) 597-2099 EMAIL: moll O bdor1<1tex.com a.JENT NO. SHEET NO. AG-1.0 PRo.ECf HO. RfV. HO. 15042 t- w w Ill t- \ll ::t: t- C) ,t N l'ROP05B:> LHE ,,,.,,,_,_ llr--------------,1 !I 1 R3 LOT 08 1 r-----,• I 312.63m' I I 1: I : I : I: ~-~::=::::=:::,_J ---~====~1 I I I I :, I : R3 LOT 07 [ : n : : 285.93m' : L _____ J : I I I I I L _______________ J I :--r--------·-----, ---r---,: I I I I :, : I R3 LOT 06 l I :: I 1 285.93m' l L _____ J : I I I I I L ___________ J I :--r-------------, ----r--,: I I I : :, I I R3 LOT 05 : 1 'i I I ' I L J'' I I 285.93m I ---i 1 I I I If ~--~---------------~ ---r-----~' I I I I 1, I I I 'L I• [ : R3 LOT 024 : 1: I I 285.93m I ____ _JI ~--~=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=~---------J' I r------------7 r '1 I I I I 1, I : :, I R3 LOT 03 I I : 2ss.93m' L ___ J I I I I L _______________ J I :--r---------------, ----,---,! 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TOTAL 15 25,%1 s.F. 2,412 m2 e, 53% 1 41% USABLE OPEN SPACE (SHADED AREA) REGUIR.ED, 45 m2 I 3 BED 615 m2 5 m2 I UNIT 15 m2 PROVIDED, 10'l m2 BOm2 PARKING>, REGUIRED, RESIDENTS, 2 / UNIT VISITORS, 02 / UNIT TOTAL REGIUIRED, PROVIDED, RESIDENTS, 2 / UNIT VISITORS, 02 / UNIT TOTAL REGUIRED, USABLE OPEN SPACE COMMON ACTIVITY AREA USABLE OPEN SPACE COMMON ACTIVITY AREA (INCLUDED) 30 SPACES 3 SPACES 33 SPACES 30 SPACES 3 SPAGES 33 SPACES (i)COPfflGHT, AU.0(9Q<ISANDTt£ WOOFIED U<D«S'SES lHERECf ARE THESOLEPRCffRTrCfBARNETT ODtllE( AROIITECTS IHC. AND W,_Y HOTBE~MKI.LY Cfl IN PART MTHOUT UCOICI BE»IG PIJliOWE> COPlRICH'JHlllllCflliMf IHa.1l:£S IDEAS GAINED AHO COMRSIOH THERECflNTOAHYWAlERIALFCBI C~M>ACOPYl!ICJITACTR-5.C 1970. f I !. ~ m ; ' ~ i .. .. .. .. 9 ~ i ~ i ~ R h ~ < • fA ~ I ti; § ~ N 0 '° ~ I!:! i[ ! ~-in i ! z ~ ti I ;~ --~ ~I ~8 .. ~ 5 ffi '! 8 il ~ "' barnett dembek I UNIT135, ~ 7536 130 STREET, SURREY, B.C. V3W 1HB PHONE: (604) 597-7100 FAX: (604) 597-2099 EMAIL: man O bdarkltex.com a.JENT NO, ~EET NO. AC-2.0 PRo.ECT NO. REV. NO. 15042 I 7 7 7 I I \ I '' ' ~ I rr ,r , 7 ¼-~-~-,.,-~_l_@_NO_O_N_ rr ,r , 7 ¼~~-21@9Pm 7 ©COPYRIGHT.Al1DESC'.NSAHOTI£ WOOftD UK[NESSES nE!ECf AA£. lHESCU:PRCf'ERTYCf"BARHETT 00,BE)( AROllECTS INC. AND IIAY NOTOCUSED'MIOLLYOO:!NPART '/111HOOTUCENCEBEtlCPUROIA5m COP'l1l!GHINFRIN<BIENT INQ.UD(S IDEAS GAIMED AND CON.\-ffiSION lMERECf lNTO NlY MATElUAJ..FORM CNINlACOPYRG-ITACTR.S.C1!170, ~ I 1;; ~ fil ~ "' !!, ~ ~ .. .. .. .. <j> il ; ~ r: ~ ~ ~ 11 .d ~ ~ ti; ~ ~ N Q 2 d:l m Ill ! LL ~ ~ i i;:: 9 z Cl ~ .. ~ ~ =:.~ ~ !a: s ~ :i: ~ ffi .. ~ .. t; " ffi "I i a ~ barnett dembek UNIT135, ~ 7536 130 SlREET, SURREY, B.C. V3W 1HB PHONE: (604) 597-7100 FAX: {604) 597-2099 EMAIL: man O bdancltex.com a.JENT NO SHEET NO AC,-3.0 PRO.ECT NO. REV. NO 15042 VIE~ FR.OM 110TH AVENUE LOOKING NOR.TH OF EAST ADJACENT LOT VIE~ FR.OM 110TH AVENUE LOOKING NOR.TH AT SUBJECT PROPER.TY VIE~ FR.OM 240TH ST. LOOKING EAST AT 110TH AVE. OF SUBJECT PROPER.TY VIE~ FR.OM 240TH ST. LOOKING ~EST VIE~ FR.OM 240TH ST. LOOKING SOUTH VIE~ FROM 240TH ST. LOOKING AT AT PROPER.TY ACROSS STREET AT SUBJECT PROPER.TY SUBJECT PROPER.TY (DCOPYRIGff. ,IJ.l. ~S N/0 THE liOOif1fD um;~ TIDECf AA£: n£S«.E~ERJYCfBAfKTT oo.eD( .AROflTECTS tlC »10 MAY NOT BE US[l) 'Miell'I' OR IN PART Yllll{OOT ~CE BEING PUAC>IA~. aPYR1()1T INFRINGELIENT INClUOES IDEAS GAINED AND CON\-ERSION 11£REU'INTOAHY I.IAlD!lM.FCRI C~NJA~TACTRS.C l970 !1 13 iii 1. ~ ! ls " is ~ i .. .. "' .. i'; ! ~ r-~ ~ ~~ is ~ & ~ 1ii i:: ~ N (i \) <I) IT: m IO 0 ~~ ~ t ~~ z .. ~ ~ = IU ,ti' I[ ~~ ~ ~H~ I!! \ll .. iS .. I <.> ffi i a barnett dembek UNIT135. ~ 7536 130 SlREET. SURREY. B.C. V3W 1H8 PHONE: (604) 597-7100 FAX: (604) 597-2099 EMAIi.; mall O bdar1<1tox.com a.JENT NO. SllEET NO. AC-4.0 PRO..ECT NO. REY. NO. 15042 BUIDIIIS04 BUlDltlS"' SEiCTION B-B SCAU:, 1116"" l'-0" BAl.lmO.., SECTION A-A 5GAI.E ' 1116" = l'-0- DASHED lite INDIGATES EXISTll'l66RA.DE BAl.lmO., IHTBllOR RDAO BUlDltlS ~ II --------- IIOTHAWIE A 'L r-------i : I 7 (i1Ca>'tl!ICHT.Al.LOCSICHS»iO1k£ IKOOOI U:EHE~ Tt\ERECf AAE lHESCl.EPRCffRTYOfBAAl!ETT 001!£1{ ARCHlECTS INC AHO lilAY NOTBEU~'MIOUY al 1H PART IITHOUT UC[NCE BEING NIOiAS(D COP'fRIQ1TINFR1N<BIEJIT INQ.UDES IDEAS GAINED AND CONVERSIOH THERCIF INTO ANY t.tATERh\L FOAlil CAHADACCf''ffl!QiTACTR,5-C1970 ~ e ~ !i; ~ m p ts ~ ~ i <A2-C<C..., .. .. .. .. i, i ~ ~~ ~ ~ 5l barnett dembek UNIT135, ~ 7536 130 STREET, SURREY, B.C. V3W 1H8 PHONE: (604) 597-7100 FAX: (604) 597-2099 EMAIL: man C bdarklte,c.com ClJDUNO, 9'll!ET"KO.. AC,-5.0 PRD.ECT NO. REV, NO. 15042 ' ' I\ II II II I !DGIJBLE I I ,' ~~ \l?j I ....... 22'-<r 1ll,oc I \ I I I I I I I I ·17 I I I I L_..J_J....._ c _J '"'---.J BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN -WO.ol SG FT. +45:iqsa.FT. EATIN6 ~ ru,,.J MAIN FLOOR PLAN 1e2.<0 5G FT. (6.2!':rnJ MASll:R BEDROOM UPPER FLOOR PLAN 16o.-0 SGI. FT. UNIT TYPE 1N TOTAL, l,'112.li1 SG, FT. (6AAA6€ AREA NOT fNC.l.J.[:IB:)) -------------------------------- ' ! I i I I ! ' /I I\ I I I I I \ I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I L---...J TANDEM GARA6E I ,\ i ,'\ I I I / \ i : \ I I r L~J ·, i I I I I DECK FAMILY/ NOOK 12'-4" 1112'-6" ff LIVIN6 / DININ6 ~ i l • I I . bi J ,1,..-_Jl!:::====.:!:'!::=~ BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN MAIN FLOOR PLAN a,,..se,err, qs,+; SG, FT. 6e'l.&f sa. FT. 61\R116E, ~.56 5G, FT. .,. "' ' MASTER I BEDROOM 12'-4" .-11'-6" I ' 6ED i03 'l"-6"xlf'"""'" UPPER FLOOR PLAN UNIT TYPE 16 1 Tor.AIL, ll"t-16.T.2: SGI, FT. (6MA6E AREA HOT ltt::lJ.tlED) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' ' H II ,' \DOJBL£ ,' \ I <SARAGEI I / lq~6" X 221-<j• '1 I I I \ --t --'ii : \ I ,t r ' I ILJ. ___ I_ L ---.J L ___ ...J BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN E!.'6&efr, 3l4.fl6 SG. FT. 6AR.A6E, 445.14 SGI. FT. N7' DECK MAIN FLOOR PLAN 16'lb1 SG. FT. fO.»,l MASTER BEDROOM I I IL==,.,...,i ~~g, i "'--Cie,.--tL I' I i BED112 i t~! UPPER FLOOR PLAN 16'!.61 SQ. FT. UNIT TYPE 1A21 TOT.AL, l,C!l4.1'1 sa. FT. (6ARN,E /4R1:A NOT ltt:.l.ll[)fD) ---------------------------------- ,..<>' t---i ~~ PATIO r - I I I /I I I I I I I I I \ L -~ I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ TANDEM ~~ GARA6E 11'<1" f 41'-6' II II I I I I I I , \ , \ , I I I I ,,..,. \ L..---.J BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN ~. 'TTDO SQ. FT. 6AA>6f, seeno SG. FT. DECK LIVING/ DINING 12'-4" X 16'-0' MAIN FLOOR PLAN 666.42 SG1. FT. ]5,smJ BED#B 'l'-6" x6'-IO' UPPER FLOOR PLAN bt16.42 SGI, FT. UNIT TYPE 'C,' TOTAL, 1,-46'1.&:, SGI Fr. (6,'JUr6E AREA l'CT' I~) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .,- a PATIO ' /I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L---J TANDEM GARA6E 12'-2' .,,;,+o,-o· I\ I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1_ ___ ...J BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN U565G..FT. ~sa..FT. ,,_,. DECK I I I DINING , I i I I l~'-Q" x 21'-o" I LIVING MAIN FLOOR PLAN 6a0.n sa. FT. 1" IT'-)~• ......, I i MA51ER BEDROOM t:'2'-2" X 11'-6' UPPER FLOOR PLAN I I ' f 68e.11 SG,. FT. UNIT TYPE 'D' TOTM.. l,~1.-43 50. FT. (6AR.A6f AREA NOT INCW::::e::IJ (paJ'1111CHT. NJ. OC90iS NI> 1l£ WIXWIED U<O£ms lt0£0' Nlf. Tl£ sru: PRCl'ERTY CJrBA.'lHCTJ OOl80( AAOITUlS INC. Atll MAY ltOT8£1.1DllHCUY ~ IN PART wrnoo, UCENCI IDiG fll.miASED COl'mGITINFRNalDIT INQ.U!l:S IDEAS GAINED AHO CONVU!90H THO!(or INTO ~y WATERW. roRW CAHADA<XIP\'RIQIT ACTRSC.1970 ~ I 1ii ~ ~ p !! ;< l!i ~ i - ·-.. " .. ~ z f .. ~ ~ ~ Ii 1§: ~ l !): ti; ~ 5? N \) <I)~ ii: ~ -~ ~J If> ~ ~ ii1 ~ :~ _J 2 .. ll. ~ .... _g ~ ~ g .. 8 .. I ~ ~ ~ .; t~;.;;;Z3W UNIT135, ~ 7536 130 S1REET, SURREY, B.C. VJW 1H8 PHONE: (604) 597-7100 FAX: (604) 597-2099 EMAIL: man O bdarkitex.com """'"" """'Nil AC-6.0 PRo..ECT NO. AEV. NO, 15042 IM[;l8,!51DE OF =- TOP OF~ _JJ!!!!~--- LH:lERSIDE OF FLOOR ..k?ISTS ~J ~ti TOPOF:t6-ft.OOR ] ~1~~---- Tc.va=~E 5LA6 ~l'l.DOR. ---- k UNIT T11'E 'A' >k UNIT T11'E 'B' I I >k UNIT T11'E 'C' >k lJNIT T11'E 'C' FRONT ELEVATION SCALE I I ,IOO H, IO 6 12 II I 5 SCHEDULE OF FINISHES (D ASPHALT SHIN6LE ROOflN6 @ PREPINISI-IED ALUHINUH 61.JTTER ON 2xlO fASCIA 2 ® lx4 l'IOOD TRIH ON 2xl2 l'IOOD fASCIA 0 HARDIE SHIN6LES @ 4" PROflLE HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDIN6 a © 1" PROflLE HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDIN6 ~; G) LED6ESTONE ~-~~ ~; A @ VINYL fRAHED ~INDOHS * ~ ,. @ SWITTRS @ l'IOOD POST @ PREfAB HETAL RAILIN6S @KNEE BRACE @) PRIVACY SCRffN I LEFT SIDE ELEVATION @ PLAT PANEL 6ARA6E DOOR @) ORNAMENTAL LOUVRES SCALE I I rlOO M, k UNIT T11'E 'A' >k UNIT T11'E 'C' >k lJNIT TYPE 'C' >k I I 110TH AVE. STREET ELEVATION SCALE , I ,100 H. UNIT TYPE 'A' T ·1 2 I Rl6HT SIDE ELEVATION SCALE, I ,100 H, UNIT T11'E 'A' ij ?ti TOP OF 5L6-FLOOR _____ 11-IIRDR.DOR I.NDER.SIDE OF A.DOR ..k?ISTS H ToPOf'!l8--R.JXIR ----~~- ""'""51DE OF FLOOR .J:>~[- foP()IIJ ~ J c: -•--~RDOR •• BUILDING NO. I ©COPYRIGIH . .IUDESl~SANOnlE MOOIF1EOUKH/ES'SESTHER£0FARE THESOLEPROPERTYOFBARNETT OEMBEKARCH1TEClSINC..ANOU,1,.Y N0T6EUSED'lll-iOllYORINPART '11HHOOTUCUICE8EINi,PURCHr\SEO COP'rR1GHT INFRINCEIIENT NCI.UDES IDE,l,S GAINEDANDCOH\IERSION lHEREOflNTOANV J.IAITRIALFORU CANADACO"'IRICHTACTRS.C.1970. iii .. .. .. ~ i's I .. i ~ ~ ~ g Iii ?: ~ "' z N Q a () <O ~ II) [l iI: ~ ~ (\j. ~~ N c:, II) ill z a ~~ a ~~ 99 2 a ~ < a:ia:i ....I J:: .. .. ~ ~ i5 a ::: ~,~w,:11-1;~3~ UNIT 135, ~ 7536 130 STREET, SURREY, 8.C. V3W 1HB PHONE: (604) 597-7100 FAX: (604) 597-2099 EMAIL: mail O bdarkitex.com Cl,/Dfr •o. ::!i-lUTNQ,, AC-1.1 -· .. REV. NO_ 15042 I ~Ci1FfWl:lRJ?l5T5 q :~ ll>P«'~ ~11\.00R ---- .~~Ge ~ ~ lWB<SIOE OF SOOF """'"'61·. ~! TOP ~ 9.EHI\DOR ---·-~--------•--LtvERSIDE OF R.OOR JOISTS t7 te TOP Of 51.6-Fl.OOR ----SEC,OtDR...OOR I.KleRSIOE OF R..OOR ...bl5TS ~- TOPOF_.. ,,_,,,,i! ,!,.........::~=-===::::::::::.::.=:..:..:::---..Lllaa::a~:i...------=--=-==ai==l=l.===...i:==l---------=--..!:i:=aaaaal!.1...___,;-. -• """""'"-DOR k UNIT TYPE 'A2' )I( UNIT TYPE 'D' UNIT TYPE 'A2' I I FRONT ELEVATION SC.ALE , I ,IOO H. SCHEDULE OF FINISHES (D ASPHALT 5HIN6LE ROOFIN6 @ PREFINISHED ALUMINUM 6UTTI:R ON 2xl0 FASCIA 0 lx4 »:JOD TRIM ON 2xl2 HOOD FASCIA G) HARDIE 5HIN6l.E5 ® 4' PROFILE HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDIN6 i © 1" PROFILE HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDIN6 . i i• G) LED6ESTONE i I ~1 ~~ © VINYL FRAMED HINDOHS i .. ~ " © SWITTR5 ,I @moo POST @ PREFAB METAL RAILIN65 @KNEE BRACE UNIT TYPE 'A2' @ PRIVACY SGRffN k UNIT TYPE 'A2' I LEFT SIDE ELEVATION @ FLAT PANEL 6ARA6E DOOR @ ORNAMENTAL LOWRES RlcS,HT SIDE ELEVATION sc.Al...E , 1,roo M. I( UNIT TYPE 'A2' )I( UNIT TYPE 'D' I I REAR ELEVATION sc.A1....E,l1tOOM, UNIT TYPE 'A2' BUILDING NO. 2 (DCCPYIM,HT. .lrll 0[51()6 AHO niE IIO()jfl(t) U~(HESSlS lHEREOf" ARE niE S<llPROf'fRTYCSBAAHETT l)[NIIO{ AIIOIT[CJS INC. AMO W.Y HOT BC USCO 'IIMCUY <II tf PART NTl!c:tJTUCUfCt 8EJHG PUROIASt:O, COP'l1llGIH IHflllHC(VOIT NCLUD£S IDEAS OAIHEO A~O CONVERSION THEREOF" 1~10 ANY IIATERIAL FORil CAHADACOP~ICliTACTRSC.1970. H H ~ .. 9 1, i • !11 ~ -; ~a ~ i ~ g ti ~ II> z N ~ 0 \) '° ;:: m ID ~g u:: ~~ G < 0. ~ ~ z I!) I!) zz 0 ~~ ··99 2 .s ~:I: I a3 a3 .. ~ ~ Ci z => ~ ; u W,~;Q.:1;,1;~3W UNIT135, ~ 75J6 130 SlREET. SURREY. B.C. V3W 1H8 PHONE: (604) 597-7100 FAX: (604) 597-2099 EMAIL: mail O bdarkitex.com cuoo ... SHEET NO, AC-12 ""'"'..,_ REV~ NO. 15042 6 5 k I LEFT SIDE ELEVATION SGALE, I ,100 t-1 -~ oi,;;;;,.;.;;---- i j i a TGPOf'Ol&l'l.l:>OA 1tffmflG'IOR ___ ._ • : 1Kl'£R:!ifi:Je «-~ .t11SJ'S ij 2 a """'"""""""""' _...,.,.. ---- """™""'-"""" I( UNIT TYPE 'A' )I( UNIT TYPE '6' I I )I( UNIT TYPE 'C,' )I( I I FRONT ELEVATION 5G,',U:, I :100 H, SCHEDULE OF FINISHES CD ASPHALT 5HIN6LE ROOFIN6 @ PREFINISHED ALUMINUM 6UTTER ON 2xlO FASCIA 0 lx4 i'IOOD TRIM ON 2xl2 HOOD FASCIA G) HARDIE 5HIN61£5 @ 4" PROFILE HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDIN6 @ 1' PROFILE HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDIN6 G) LED6ESTONE @ VINYL FRAMED HINDOl'IS @ SHlJT7'ERS @HOOD POST @ PREFAB METAL RAILIN6S @KNEE BRAGE @ PRIVACY SCREEN @ FLAT PANEL 6ARA6E DOOR @) ORNAMENTAL LOUVRES I I REAR ELEVATION 5GAU: , I ,IOO H, UNIT TYPE 'A' 1 I ~DEOFROOFTPJJ55ES . 1.-taRS/DE OF FlOOR ..k:715TS H TOP<#-~ """'"""""" -DE OF FLOOR -"l lSTSi I TO" OF~ S1..>a -·--~FLO;ft I 2 """""""'"" PlDat.i:Jl"ST!. ~i ~OP~ SJ,02 ----~R.OOR. --=------ Rl6HT SIDE ELEVATION ::GALE I I ,IOO H, LtlDERSIOE OF ROOF l1oll55E5 l..hUfRSIDE a:-R..OOR .l:>tSTS TW a= ~ -·--~~-~ """"51DE OF FLOOR .l:115lSj,[, TDl'OF'°""""",..,.,,? ----~f\.00ft BUILDING NO. 3 (Z)Cll'YR\CHT. ALI.OESOiSANO THC MOOlf1EDUKEHESS£$THER£0fARE THE:SOl.£PROPE:RTY OFBARNETT OEMBEXAROllTECTSINC..ANOIIIAY NOTB€USEDWriClLT ~ IN PART YIITHOUT UC:NC( 80HG P\JROlASED COPlfilQITWJIINct:ll(HT NClU:JES IOE:AS CAIHEO ANO COtt\OSION nu::im1r 1NTO >NfuATU!IAL f'OflU CAN~OA CCf''l'RICMT ACT RSC. 1910 ~ I 1i; "' ~ I ,. l!I i "' ~ i ,. .. :!l " ii ! •• ID' ~ ~i 13 ~ i iA tii i!: ~ ll) N 6 ~ ""~ ;:::: m Ill ~~ ~ ~ ~- NC) :z '8 ii' ~~ 2 :~ .. 9 lS C) ~~ h~ ...J .. ~ .. ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ barnett dembek UNIT135, ~ 7536 130 STREET, SURREY, 8.C. V3W 1HB PHONE: (60+) 597-7100 FAX: (60+) 597-2099 EMAIL: mail O bdor1titex.com c,Jon NO. SHEET NO AC,-13 """""' HO. REV. NO. 15042 J='5.= ·--- !i TOP~Sl.6-f\.DOR -~R..OOR ___ _ ·---------~IDEOF R.OOR ..i?IST5 UNIT T'!'F'E 'A' I LEFT SIDE ELEVATION 5C,ALf, I ,IOO M, j--------~OF~TFaJSSe; l . TOPOl',.WU- I:::.ioe,;~.,;- -. ]::=::. JO~lS I TOP OF~ 51...AB 6P.O.H)R.O()R ---- ]!~=- TOP OF SlB-A..OOR "'"""""" ··=========:= 't.ta::ifRSfDE OF fl.DOR ...VISTS u ""'""~ -""""' ~--------- k UNIT T'!'F'E 'A' )I( UNIT T'!'F'E 'A' I I FRONT ELEVATION ~ t I ,)00 k. SCHEDULE OF FINISHES CD ASPHALT 5HIN6LE ROOFIN6 @ PREFINISHED ALUMll-lJM 6UTTcR ON 2xlO FASCIA ® lx4 HOOD TRIM ON 2xl2 HOOD FASCIA G) HARDIE 5HIN6L.E5 @ 4' PROFILE HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING @ 1' PROFILE HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDIN<S G) LED6E5TONE @ VINYL FRAMED HINDOHS © 5H/T1cR5 @HOOD POST @ PREFAB METAL RAILINGS @KNEE BRACE @) PRIVACY SCREEN @ FLAT PANEL 6ARA6E DOOR @) ORNAMENTAL LOWRES I( UNIT T'!'F'E 'A' )K UNIT T'J'F'E 'A' I I REAR ELEVATION SGAl.E, I ,100 H. k UNIT T'!'F'E 'A' I RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION SCALE , I ,100 M, BUILDING NO. 4 IDCOP'rRIGHT,Al.l.DESIGISANDlHE UOOIFlEDUWIESS£SlHEREOfAA( lH(SOltPfillf'Ell.TYCS8NfflETT O[MBOI AROITEClS INC .\NO VAY NOT8(US£DYIHOCI.YORINPART 'llllll0\HUCENC(BEJNG PUROU,SED, COP'l'RIQiT IHFRINGtLIENT NCt.UDES IO(AS CAIHED ANO COH',-£1,SION THEREOfllT0A'4Y lot,\TUllAlfOliU CANI.OACO"l!i!CHTACTRSC.1970. .. .. "' . . ~ (j ! •• l(l~ ~ ~~ ls ~ i r;i !! Iii ~ \fl z N ...:i a \.) <() ;:: {O Ill ~~ i[ ~~ ~ ltl .9 z Q Cl ~~ a :-~ --99 2 a ~~ I!!-- ..J § iil iil .. 8 ~ ~ I ~ z a "' bornett dembek UNIT135, ~ 7536 130 SlREET, SURREY, B.C. V3W 1H8 PHONE: (604) 597-7100 FAX: (604) 597-2099 EMAIL: man C bd<Jrkitex.com CL.JENT NO. Sl(ICTNO. AC-1.4 PROJECT NO. REV. NO 15042 . II ' II II I I /\ I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I I L _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L----1 I ' lf ~,. L ___ _j ' ' ' ' II II II II II II /I II I I , \ I I I\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -;rl_ ~--L __ L_ I I I \ L----1 -'----.....1. L ---..J L --..l k UNIT TYPE 'A' )I( UNIT TYPE 'B' >k UNIT TYPE 'G' I I I BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN SC.ALE , I ,IOO M, k UNIT TYPE 'A' )K UNIT TYPE 'B' UNIT TYPE 'G' I MAIN FLOOR PLAN SG;J.E , I 1too H. ' . II II II II I I I I I I I I I I I \ I I I I I -" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L,. ___ ..J L---..J ' ' II II II ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L----1 L ___ ...J I ::...1- UNIT TYPE 'G' UNIT TYPE 'B' >k UNIT TYPE 'G' . ' II II II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I __ L __ 1L _L_n - L. ___ ...J L,. ___ .J UNIT TYPE 'A' UNIT TYPE 'A' k UNIT TYPE 'A' >'< UNIT TYPE 'B' UNIT TYPE 'G' UNIT TYPE 'G' UNIT TYPE 'A' I I UNIT TYPE 'B' )I( UPPER FLOOR PLAN SC~, I ,100 M, BUILDING NO. I @CCflRIQH. AU. DE90IS AND n£ IICD\EIILl<£HESS£S1HEREOF"~ n£SOLEPflCf'DtTY<TBAJl£TT 0£111:X ARO,'IT[ClS ttC NII WAY HOT 1£ usm 'fltf(UY ~ IN PART lllntOOTUCOICI8EJNCPUROIA!D. C<P\1llGfTllffl!IH<i81ENT \HQ.VOES IDEAS GAINED ANO CONVERSION TH!:REOFINTOANY W"1ERl,1.LFORM CNIADACOP'l'RIQITACTRSC 1970 ~ m !a ~ iii "' ~ i ~ ~ ,. •• ::2 •. !51 ~i~ tii ~ N \) <ll -.i rr, Ill !£ _ i[ Cl -~ ~~ ~~ z ~~ ~~ Cl ;~ --99 ~ ~--Cl ~ :i: ~ jjl jjl _J .. § .. ~ ~ ~ <l It ;,; barnett dembek UNIT135, ~ 7536 130 SlREET, SURREY, B.C. V3W 1H8 PHONE: (604) 597-7100 FAX: (604) 597-2099 EMAIL: maQ O bdar1dtex.com a.DIT NO. SHEET ffO_ AG-8.1 PRO..ECT NO, REV. NO, 15042 ~t ~.;:,,. i D . . I\ I\ 11 II I I I I I I / I I \ I \ I \ I \ I I / I --f--\1 / \ I 11 / I I IL..!. __ ._\_ L. ___ ..J L ___ .J ,,.._,. ~- D . II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L ---..J . II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I I I I L-----1 k UNIT TYPE 'A:2' >k UNIT TYPE 'D' I I BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN 5GALE , 1 ,100 H. l D ,'t ,\ II 11 I\ 11 r I I \ I t I \ I I I I I I I I l \ r/--t-- I I 11 I _, ___ ,!__J/ ' 1., ___ ..,1 L ---J UNIT TYPE 'A2' ! : 1-- ,j,___ _ _____'.:::==========~Jk===:!t--------__J k UNIT TYPE 'A:2' I )I( UNIT TYPE 'D' UNIT TYPE 'A2' MAIN FLOOR PLAN ~,l1IOOH. ,...,. "· k UNIT TYPE 'A:2' )I( U'IIT TYPE 'D' UNIT TYPE 'A2' I I UPPER FLOOR PLAN 5GAl.E, 1,100 H. BUILDING NO. 2 (i)CCPTRIQ1T. AU.D(SQ-ISANDTI£ WOOl'IEll U<EHES58 THER[CF AA£ 1Hf:$U£PIICPERTYfF~ITT CEWEECAIIOIT£CTSftC.ANOMAY H0TB£1J!lD'ftKl.l.YCf!INPART 'fllnU)JT LJCENCE 88HC: PUROi~ COP~GiTINFRINCOl(NT IHa.uoES IDEAS GAINED AND COOl/'ERSION 1HEll£tFINTOAHl'IU.DAl.f"0RM C>JlnlA W"IRK>IT 1,/;l llSC. 1970. ~ I la ~ ~ p l! " 2s ~ ~ .. .. ,. .. ~ is ! ~ i-: ".I . ~~ ls ~ ~ ~ il tii ~ ~ \.) <C (i i[ ~~ ~N ~ ~ ~ ~g % ~ct l2l2 0 ii ~ss li1 s ~mm .. 8 .. ~ ~ m a ~ barnett dembek UNIT135, ~ 7536 1 JO STREET, SURREY, B.C. VJW 1HB PHONE: (604) 597-7100 FAX: (604) 597-2099 EMAIL: man O bdarklte>1:.com a.JENT NO. SliEET NO N:,-8.:2 F'RO..ECT NO. REV. NO 15042 ___ ___, ' II II '' j \ I\ I \ j t ' \ I I I I I I I I J \ I \ I 1 I \ I \ I I -n_ .L .. L __ L_ &,. __ __, L---..J ' I\ II I I I \ I I I \ I \ I \ I \ I I I I 1\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I I I I L,_ ___ J I <-- k UNIT T'rPE 'A' >k UNIT T'rPE 'B' >k I I I BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN SG.AL.E, I ,!OOH l k t.tllT T'rPE 'A' I >k UNIT T'rPE 'B' MAIN FLOOR PLAN ~,l,IOOH, ' I\ II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L ___ J ' II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.. ___ _j UNIT T'rPE 'C,' UNIT T'rPE 'C,' 'l<--i==--rr====i~!iiii,,J ==,--,=1! ' ' II II fl /\ I I I I I I I \ I I I I , ' r ' I I I I r \ I \ I I / I I \ I f""T-_ _J __ -l..-L._J I L ---.J L --__J UNIT T'rPE 'A' k UNIT T'rPE 'A' >k UNIT T'rPE 'B' UNIT T'rPE 'C,' UNIT T'rPE 'A' I I UPPER FLOOR PLAN SGALE, I ,100 H, 1 UNIT T'rPE 'A' BUILDING NO. 3 @CCflRIGl:11 . .lUO(SIIJISAND 1l£ WOOflED l.lCDE~ TMERW' AR£ THCSOl.£P~TYIJ'IWtlE'TT 00190CAROOTECTS IHt MOIU.Y HOTllfltSEDWt!Cl.l.Y CRINPNrr 'fllTHOOTUCDIC(8EINCPUROi'-SED CCPYRIG-lltNnnNQllENT INQ.UIES IDEAS GAlNED AND CONVERSION THEREOflNTO~Y WATERjA!..FORt.l C.YU,OA COP11!1QlTACTRSC.1970. ~ I 1i; ~ ~ l! i ~ i -.. ,. .. r; ! ~ i a ~ ~ 2a tii i!: ~ N () ~~ ~Ill u:: ~ ~~ :s . D..~ z ~ ik'. iU 0 ;~ ~99 ~ ~ ~:I: ~iiliil .. ~ .. ~ i5 i ,l I:: barnett dembek UNIT1J5, ~ 7536 1 JO STREET, SURREY, B.C. VJW lHB PHONE: (604) 597-7100 FAX: (604) 597-2099 EMAIL: man O bdaridtex.com CUEHTHO. SHEET NO, A&-83 PRo..ECT NO, REV. NO 15042 l l ' . . I\ " II JI II II /\ I\ I I I\ I I I\ I I ' \ I I / I I \ t \ I I / I I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I I I \ I \ I I I I I I I I I I / I I I I I -rL .. LL_L. L ---...l L----l _ _J ___ i_ _L__n - L ___ _J L ___ .J k UNIT TT'PE 'A' * UNIT TT'PE 'A' I I BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN ~1 r ,IOOl"l. [] k UNIT TT'PE 'A' >'< UNIT T!'PE 'A' I I MAIN FLOOR PLAN 5GALE t t ,foo H. k UNIT TT'PE 'A' * UNIT Tl'PE 'A' I I UPPER FLOOR PLAN ~Al..1:1 l dOOM. BUILDING NO. 4 (i)COPYAIQH. AU D[oo-lS NU> U£ IIOOIFE>U<tNESSESlliDIECfARf. Tl£ SQ.£ PIU'£RIY Cf llARt!nT OOIIE( AROIT[ClS INC. Ah'O WAY NOT BE I/Sm ltfCU.Y <II IN PAA"? 'flllHOJTUC(NCI8EJNGl'l.lROIA!D. W''IRIGIT INFl!IN!;DIDIT INa.Lro IDEAS GAINED ANO CONVERSION THERECflNTOANY MATERIAi.FORM CANADACOP'l'RICJITACTRSC.1970 ~ m 1i; ~ ~ t ,,_ I§ ~ ~ .. .. ,. .. ('; l'i ~,., ~ ~i§ ~ .d Iii ~ N () d:> s:i j[ ~ a:i_ ~m i ~J ~g ~ ~ ii'. ?2 ll1 ~ ;~ "99 I!!--9 £! :I: ~iiliil .. ~ ~ ~ ~ il I!: "' barnett dembek UNIT135, Ei 7536 130 SlREET, SURREY, B.C. VJW lHB PHONE: (604) 597-7100 FAX: (604) 597-2099 EMAIL: man O bdor1dtex.com QJENT MO. SlfiT NO. AC,-8.4 PRo..ECT NO REV. NO, 15042 ID 6096 .I-------------------1. ~--,·,u • ~ / / r I ' / I / ' / I ' / I '' / / t ' / I / / / ' ... .._. ______________ +---------::....-----------------, 1 / ' : ! / '' : / ; / :/ ~ ...:::...: / GARAGE PLAN If : ~~ ~ 304.a • 111 11111 111 11 -111 11 11 • • ~ TYP ~ '-'- FRONT ELEVATION 111 [!] ~u f-L-----~,.~fil REAR ELEVATION THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE BC B.C. 2012 EDITION RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION These drawings remain the property of Rusboume Design Ltd and may not be reproduced wfthout written consent from same. RUSBOURNE DESIGN LTD P.O. BOX 31087 RPO THUNDERBIRD LANGLEY B.C. V1M 0A9 PROJECT LOTS 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 24oth ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC SHEET TITLE DATE DOUBLE GARAGE PLANS JULY11, 2016 DRAWN C.R. CHECKED 8,A. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'0' PLAN NUMBER SHEET NUMBER DETACHED GARAGE MAJ FLOOR 17.33M co ~ CII FRONT ELEVATION fLOQ.R_15.16M 15.71M REAR ELEVATION co "' .... "' co ~ CII FDOP ----1 .eifM- RIGHT ELEVATION co ~ 0 FLUSH FASCIA co---- ~ 0 THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE BC B.C. 2012 EDITION ' 15.71M 17.33M AFDOP 16.98M REA' 1220.3 SQ.FT. i~\:ii~G DISTANCEN:G 1.~~14% (SPRINKLERED) 170.84 SQ.FT. ABL.EOPENI · ALLOW ENINGS: 60 SQ.FT. ACTUAL OP LEFT ELEVATION f Rusbourne Dasign ltd These drawings remai~u::l~::r:J. ;rttten consent from same. and may not be repro RUSBOURNE r~ DESIGN LTD THUNDERBIRD P.O. BOX 31087 RPO LANGLEY B.C. V1M 0A9 PROJECT LOT 1 -240th ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC SHEET TITLE ELEVATIONS DATE November 25, 2016 DRAWN C.R. CHECKED B.R. SCALE: 1:50 PLAN NUMBER 3A SHEET NUMBER 3 :l ~ :i :···;· j : ··············••··•--·· j : r·1. l ; \ i GARAGE I , \;; : ... ,.,, : I I . TORAGE LINE OF PORCH OVER 7.798 REC ROOM 7.798 BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN 992SQ.FT. "' "' .;; .;; .,; .,; ) ><, WIC COMPUTER LOFT BEDROOM4 11'4'X10'10' 7.798 DECK MASTER SUITE 14'0 'X1 B'O' 7.798 UPPER FLOOR PLAN 105B SQ,FT. \t) "' ~ "' .;; .,; ,- 7.798 GREAT ROOM 10B''X20'0' FOYER COVERED PORCH 7.798 THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE BC B.C. 2012 EDITION DINING 13'8?<12\J' 8 KITCHEN 12·1 o·x1 s·o· "' .;; .,; ,- LAUNDRY DEN 12'2"X13'4' MAIN FLOOR PLAN 105B SQ.FT. These drawings remain the property of Rusbourne Design Ltd and may not be reproduced without written consent from same. RUSBOURNE DESIGN LTD P.O. BOX 31087 RPO THUNDERBIRD LANGLEY B.C. V1M OAS PROJECT LOT 1 -240th ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC SHEET TITLE FLOOR PLANS DATE November 25, 2016 DRAWN C.R. CHECKED B.R. SCALE: 1:50 PLAN NUMBER 3A SHEET NUMBER 4 ROOF RIDGE 19 (') . TOP OF PL.AlE __ "' ,-.: lo UPPER FLOOR ~ lo MAIN FLOOR El.EV 18,04M 17.44 _ BASEMENT FLOOR 15.27m 19 (') In ~ "' ROOF RIDGE . TOP OF PlATE . - ,q ,._ l'i UPPER FLOOR :!! lo MAIN FLOCR BASEMENT fl.OOR 1 5.27m .. ' FRONT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION 17.33 ••= -15.85 I ROOF RIDGE . TOP OF PL.ATE . _ ~ lo UPPER FLOOR ~ lo MAIN FLOOR BASEMENT FLOOR 15.27m ----·-·--- ROOF RIDGE ~ lo UPPER FLOOR ~ lo MAIN FLOOR BASEMENT FLOOR 15.27m --·------- T----------- 1 I I 15,85 ·------------------ ---- [][] RIGHT ELEVATION THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE BC B.C. 2012 EDITION ----------1---------- ~ :: These drawings remain the property ol Rusbourne Design Ud and may not be reproduced wtthout written consent from same. @ ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES @) r~o1~i:~OARD © HARDI SHINGLES (QJ ~~~~eg:i;;~~ ® 6~=~::Dows ® VINYL SlDING C/W 6" CORNER TRIM @ 42" ALUMINIUM RAILING (8l 1 O' TRIM BOARD WALL AREA 1236 SO.FT, LIMITING DISTANCE 1.2M 15.74 s-:so· - ARDDP ALLOWABLE OPENINGS 14% (SPRINKLERED) 173,02 SQ.FT. ACTUAL OPENINGS 74.5 SQ.FT. w ______ J LEFT ELEVATION D WALL AREA 1223 SO.FT. LIMITING DISTANCE 1.2M )1□110 !□( ALLOWABLE OPENINGS 14% (SPRINKLERER) 171.22 SO.FT, ACTUAL OPENINGS 82.5 SQ.FT. 17.44 RUSBOURNE DESIGN LTD P.O. BOX 31087 RPO THUNDERBIRD LANGLEY B.C. V1M 0A9 PROJECT LOT 2 • 240th ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC SHEET TITLE ELEVATIONS DATE November 30, 2016 DRAWN C.R. CHECKED B.R. SCALE: PLAN NUMBER 2A SHEET NUMBER 5 7.01 r.ri9·: ;·71 t . . :1i • .. : ~ .. i • : ; I' . . -! : • . . ~ : ! ····-···············-·--············-·-·~ . ' ., ....... -• .:; . ,. -..... -.... . ; : ...... ·-·-··•··-•··············-·-··········-j l ~ ~ 11: .. .. r:. r :· BEDROOM 120"X12D' REC ROOM STORAGE T J r . .. ' • L!....:1...; . .;_..:.::...·~!J ·---------1-------.o\ 7.01 BASEMENT PLAN 1114SQFT r- 1 I I '- / / DEN 10'6'x10'4' 7.01 COVERED DECK GREAT ROOM 15'6'x15'1 o· COVERED PORCH I I ~=====i-¥==::n=====l~,: -" MAIN FLOOR PLAN 1120 SQ.FT. THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE BC B.C. 2012 EDITION 7.01 WALK-IN DN UPPER FLQOR PLAN 1114SQ.FT. 11 ... ~ These drawings remain the property of Rusbourne Design Lld and may not be reproduced without written consent from same. RUSBOURNE r~ DESIGN LTD P.O. BOX31087 RPO THUNDERBIRD LANGLEY B.C. V1M0A9 PROJECT LOT 2 • 240th ST MAPLE RIDGE. BC SHEET TITLE FLOOR PLANS DATE November 30, 2016 DRAWN C.R. CHECKED B.R. SCALE: 1:50 PLAN NUMBER 2A SHEET NUMBER 6 ROOF RIDGE oo' I TDPOFPLAlE _L.L. --1.....!,_ "' ,..: .:; UPPER FLOOR -------- 17.45 FRONT ELEVATION BASEMENT FLOOR 15.29m ROOF RIDGE ----·--- "1 ~ ., TOP OF PLATE ·-·----- "' ti .. "' "? .... .:; UPPER FLOOR -------------------- "' ,..: '.° ~_J'_L22'3_ 15.85 BASEMENT FLOOR 15.29m REAR ELEVATION ROOF RIDGE TOP OF PLATE ~ .:; UPPER FLOOR ·-·-·----- "? .... .:; MAIN FLOOR -------- 17.44 17A4 AFDDP BASEMENT FLOOR 15.29m ROOF RIDGE -------- ~ ::I "' TOP OF PLATE -------- "' ·-·-----( ,..: ~ "' ~ .:; UPPER FLOOR ---------- --------■- 16.01 BASEMENT FLOOR 15.29m I I I : ... , , .. , '"'' / :-·----------- 1 -----------------. ------1 ---- 1 r • ' i I V/JJ.J.ME/,100550.FT. LIMITING DISTANCE 1,2M m ALLOWABLE OPENINGS 14% (SPRINKLERED) 168.7 SO.Ff. ACTI.JAL OPENINGS 126 SO.Fr. RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION .,._ _________ _ ... ______ , THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE BC B.C. 2012 EDITION These drawtngs remain the property of Rusboume Design Lid and may not be reproduced without written consent from same. -------------@ ASPHALTROOFSHINGLES ----,----------·-·~ ® ~~018ti~ ~OARD © @ (8) 42' ALUMIN UM RAILINGS (j) 10" TRIM B ARD E ~ 1ul 15.85 15.93 ARDDP , .. , \. -----_ ! ... I8I WALL AREA 1125 SQ.FT. LIMITING DISTANCE 1.2M ALLOWABUE OPENINGS 14% (SPRINKUERED)157.5SQ,FT, ACTUAL OPENINGS 46,48 SQ.FT. RUSBOURNE DESIGN LTD P.O. BOX 31087 RPO THUNDERBIRD LANGLEY B.C. V1M0A9 PROJECT LOT 3 • 240th ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC SHEET TITLE ELEVATIONS DATE November 30, 2016 DRAWN C.R. CHECKED B.R. SCALE: PLAN NUMBER 1B SHEET NUMBER 7 ~ ~ 1.01 ········-··-·· _. j . .... J: ......... ., . ' . : .. I., .• l{ t: ,; I: ' • V :l'· :f:, . " ... STORAGE 7.01 BASEMENT PLAN 1110 sq.fl. r - I I I I I I I L REC ROOM ~-l .. , ~ ; ':!-~ OPTIONAL WET BAR BEDROOM 10'6 X 157" DD DN 7.0l DNTO BASEMENT -7 I COVERED PORCH I I I I_., GREAT ROOM @ 15'B'x150' KITC EN 1-S'B'x 4'0" DEN 11'6'lc10'6' -, I I I E~::_:_:_t:_-_----i~Y========I ~ : _ _J 7.01 MAIN FLOOR PLAN 1116 sq.fl. THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE BC B.C. 2012 EDITION 7.01 1-------1------7 ~--~ I ~- r----+---+I_' ' •• / ' ', MASTE ', 15'8~1 ' ' _ __,_,_, ON BEDROOM #4 /7 10'2'x10'0" ,, UPPER FLOOR PLAN 112a sq.ft. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l i I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I These drawings remain the property al Rusbourne Design Ud and may not be reproduced without written consenl from same. RUSBOURNE DESIGN LTD P.O. BOX 31087 RPO THUNDERBIRD LANGLEY B.C. V1MOA9 PROJECT LOT 3 • 24oth ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC SHEET TITLE FLOOR PLANS DATE November 30, 2016 DRAWN C.R. CHECKED B.R. SCALE: 1:50 PLAN NUMBER 1B SHEET NUMBER 8 - ROOF RIDGE TOP OF PLATE ~ .i UPPER FLOOR ELEV ., ~ "' MAIN FLOOR B.EV . _ 17,45m 17.45m ROOF RIDGE TOP OF PLATE ~ .i UPPER FLOOR ELEV "l ,-. ;; IMIN FLOOR EL.EV . _ "' ci FRONT ELEVATION ... .. BASEMENT FLOOR 15.29m ""'"" 11U8m 16.01m :-----------'. I ~ = = = : = = = = : = = ~ I REAR ELEVATION ---------------·--'-----I I g .., BASEMENT FLOOR 15.29m ROOF RIDGE TOP OF PLATE "' ,..: .i UPPER FLOOR ELEV ~ '" MAIN FLOOR ELEV __ 16.10m0•AHOOP BASEMENT FLOOR 15,29m 16.18m ; ' ' ... [ _____ ~ 17.45m EXPOSED BUILDING FACE 1141 SO.FT. UMmNG DISTANCE 1.2M ALLOWABLE OPENINGS 14% (SPRINKl.£RED)159,74 SO.FT. ACTUAL OPENINGS 46.4B SQ.FT. IDil RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE BC B.C. 2012 EDITION These drawings remain the property of Ausboume Design Ud and may not be reproduced without written consent from same. @ ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES' @ © 2X10 BARGE BOARD C/W1X4OVER HARDI SHINGLES @ HARDI BOARD & BATTEN HARDIBOARD SIDING C/W 6' CORNER TRIM VINYL FRAMED WINDOWS C/W 6' WOOD TRIM VINYL SIDING C/W 6' CORNER TRIM 42" ALUMINIUM RAILING "· (D 10'TRIM BOARD ',·-------- ~+-+--->...I -----------------T - I I i EXPOSED BUILDING FACE 1183 SQ.FT . LIMITING DISTANCE 1.2M AFDDP ALLOWABLE OPENINGS 14% (SPRINKl.£RED)165,62 SO.FT. ACTUAL OPENINGS 126 SO.FT. I E 0 ,..: RUSBOURNE DESIGN LTD P.O. BOX 31087 RPO THUNDERBIRD LANGLEY B.C. V1M 0A9 PROJECT LOT 4 • 240th ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC SHEET TITLE ELEVATIONS DATE November 30, 2016 DRAWN C.R. CHECKED B.R. SCALE: PLAN NUMBER 1A SHEET NUMBER 9 ~ ~ 23'·0" !~ .... ·--,,· I ~· ':l ____________________________ _ I UP --·-··········-·------------~--; ~ i -· : ~ : : : . : ''!oi!r -----,~~~~~ ·iri =i .f ·-i-· I • I 1 -. , .. I .• : 1:· I • I •. ....... f: ·) . ; '• ' . ·I - REC ROOM OPTIONAL WET BAR ~~ ~ , BEDROOM 10'6X 157" ( . . ·.:_•~1-~ ., .,, 1'. BATH BASEMENT PLAN 1110 sq.ft. io ~ 111 !& I L _ i I I I ONTO BASEMENT t COVERED PORCH GREAT ROOM 15'B"x15'0' DEN 11'6"x10'6" r-•-l DN I I I ~ _J to ti ----4-:-~~~~~~~~~ -T1Ctr111nn-...--~-+1-----.l I I 23'·0" MAIN FLOOR PLAN 1116sq.ft. I t THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE BC 8.C. 2012 EDITION ,---------,--.J L -.J UPPER FLOOR PLAN 1128 sq.ft. These drawings remain the property of Rusboume Design Ltd and may not be reproduced without written consent from same. RUSBOURNE DESIGN LTD P.O. BOX 31087 RPO THUNDERBIRD LANGLEY B.C. V1M 0A9 PROJECT LOT 4 -240th ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC SHEET TITLE FLOOR PLANS DATE November 30, 2016 DRAWN C.R. CHECKED B.R. SCALE: 1:50 PLAN NUMBER 1A SHEET NUMBER 10 ROOF RIDGE TOP OF PLATE ~ ;;; UPPER FLOOR ca ;; .., "' "' ROOF RIDGE TOP OF PLATE ;;; UPPER FLOOR "' "' ;;; MAIN FLOOR e ~ -------,----·--·-·--·-·----·---·- DD )D11 m THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE BC B.C. 2012 EDITION ----- These drawings remain the property of Rusboume Design Ltd and may not be reproduced without written consent from same. -·,·-·-·-·-·-· ® ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES @ 2X10 BARGE BOARD C/W IX40VEA (9 HARDI SHINGLES (Q) HAADIBOAAD SIDING C/W 6' CORNEA TRIM © VINYL FRAMED WINDOWS C/W 6' WOOD TRIM (I:) CULTURED STONE FACING (VEASETT A, MISSION POIN (§) VINYL SIDING C/W 6' CORNER TRIM @ 42" ALUMINIUM RAILINGS E () 1 O'' TRIM BOARD q :: ~===i~=---=-=-=----..~~~=:=:=:=~~~~p~-~~--------=====~~u ~~=====~~LLJ .. ~fil 17.61 17.45 17.45 FRONT ELEVATION ~ N ~----- 16.18 BASEMENT FLOOR 15.45 BASEMENT FLOOR 15.45 RIGHT ELEVATION EXPOSED BUILDING FACE 1206 SO.Fr. UMmNG DISTANCE 1.2M "l "' 1-i "' N "l r;; ... "' "l ,._ ROOF RIDGE TOP OF PLATE ;;; UPPER FLOOR "l ,._ ;;; MAIN FLOOR BASEMENT FLOOR 15.45 ---------------·----- 16.18 I ••• • 1 ., •••• 1 [I]] REAR ELEVATION 16.36 ., r;; ... N ROOF RIDGE TOP OF PLATE -______ J ~ ;;; UPPER FLOOR ~ ;;; MAIN FLOOR BASEMENT FLOOR 15.45 16.36 ALLOWABLE OPENINGS 14% ( SPRINKLERED) 168.64 SO.FT. ACTUAL OPENINGS 62 SO.FT. rn LEFT ELEVATION 17.61 EXPOSED BUILDING FACE 1171 SQ.FT. LIMITING DISTANCE 1.2M ALLOWABLE OPENINGS 14% ( SPRINKLERED) 163 94 SQ FT. ACTUAL OPENINGS 74.SSO.FT. RUSBOURNE DESIGN LTD P.O. BOX 31087 RPO THUNDERBIRD LANGLEY B.C. V1M 0A9 PROJECT LOT 5 -240th ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC SHEET TITLE ELEVATIONS DATE November 30, 2016 DRAWN C.R. CHECKED B.R, SCALE: PLAN NUMBER 2B SHEET NUMBER 1 1 ( I \ 7.01 ------··············..-•·-··-•··•··········-····· ~ • •• •, .·..-:: • • • .... :• I.,, • -------------················------········ BEDROOM 12'1 X 12'0 ,·, ;'·ll,-- 1~' i r: i 1:- i 1-:1 :,,_f:;':11= ~~~ f':: [.· t "\1 REC ROOM 7.01 BASEMENT PLAN 1114SO FT ';'l 7,01 ,-!F,=-~-;;;,;;;;-=-=---~-=-~-=~!,;;f,;~"r-=~ I I I >< COVERED DECK GREAT ROOM COVERED PORCH 15'6'x15'10' ______ ....__....., __ J 7_01 DEN 10"6'x10'4' MAIN FLOOR PLAN 1120SO.FT. .J - f THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE BC B.C. 2012 EDITION 7.01 ---------------~ MASTER SUITE / 15'0"x13•s:., / / / / / / /I / -.. /I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BEDROOM# I / / / / BEDROOM#4 'i~?'><10"-l' ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L--~----'-----1-J 7.01 _ UPPER FLOOR PLAN 1114 SO.FT. These drawings remain the property o1 Rusboume Design Ltd and may not be reproduced without written consent from same. RUSBOURNE DESIGN LTD P.O. BOX 31087 RPO THUNDERBIRD LANGLEY B.C. V1M OA9 PROJECT LOT 5 -240th ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC SHEET TITLE FLOOR PLANS DATE JULY 11, 2016 DRAWN C.R. CHECKED B.A. SCALE: 1:50 PLAN NUMBER TS-4B-3354 SHEET NUMBER 28 a, g "' ., c!i ., ROOF RIDGE . TOP OF PLATE . _ ., ,-.: .:i UPPER FLOOR :'.! .:i MAIN FLOOR ELEV 18.38M 17.TT BASEMENT FLOOR 15.61 m ROOF RIDGE _ TOP OF PLATE __ ., ,-.: .:i UPPER FLOOR :'.! .:i MAIN FLOOR 17.61 FRONT ELEVATION ., s ____ u=======-:::=i::'.L:=::=:.L~.!.W.LI------'_,__----:1::-6.::49:---.. ' BASEMENT FLOOR 15.61m I, ... I •• ......... ... ------------------------------------ REAR ELEVATION ROOF RIDGE . TOP OF PLATE . _ "l .... .:i UPPER FLOOR :'.! .:i MAIN FLOOR 17.69 AFDDP BASEMENT FLOOR 15.61 m ROOF RIDGE . TOP OF PLATE . _ "l .... .:i UPPER FLOOR "l .... .:i MAIN FLOOR :-·------------1 -------------- THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE BC B.C. 2012 EDITION ' I I I 17.61 [] EXPOSED BUILDING FACE 1211 SQ.FT. LIMITING DISTANCE 1.2M ALLOWABLE OPENINGS 14% (SPRINKLERED) 169,54 SQ.FT. ACTUAL OPENINGS 74.5 SQ.FT. ,, / /'""" __ ....,,, [][] [Q] RIGHT ELEVATION m m I I These drawings remain the property of Rusbourne Design Ltd and may not be reproduced without written consent from same. @ ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES (6) r;o1~t;~=OARD (0 HARDI SHINGLES (Cl) HARDIBOARDSIDING C/W 6' CORNER TRIM (E) 1/lNYL FRAMED WINDOWS CNV 6" WOOD TRIM (8 VINYLS1DING C/W 6" CORNER TRIM (G 42" ALUMINIUM RAILING (81 10'TRIM BOARD RUSBOURNE DESIGN LTD P.O. BOX 31087 RPO THUNDERBIRD LANGLEY B.C. V1M 0A9 PROJECT LOT 6 -240th ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC SHEET TITLE ELEVATIONS DATE November 30, 2016 -.-~. 3LJLbc~~~~~17.P-77 ~ EXPOSED BUILDING FACE 1195 SQ.FT. L -------> LIMITING DISTANCE 1.2M •• ,, 16.49 ALLOWABLE OPENINGS 14% (SPRINKLERED) 167.72 SQ.FT DRAWN C.R . CHECKED B.R. SCALE: PLAN NUMBER 2A BASEMENT FLOOR 15.61m ACTUAL OPENINGS 82.5 SQ.FT. LEFT ELEVATION SHEET NUMBER ------------------ 13 If "" ~ 7.01 4 I ■•I i~·-:··.-·1 ( ::·: :' : -i illr--;· ·;·i ·::·: ~:·:· ;··:::·:·:·;;1[: ~~~~-. ·i ~, ____._ t~ .. ; l .: .. r· 'F BEDROOM 12'1 X12'0 REC ROOM OPTIONAL WET BAR STORAGE □-l-­ □j: ,;, ... ·:·1 f3 ; ...,____.th._ ... , ·-.. 11!1 7.01 BASEMENT PLAN 1114SQFT ~ ';? ,- 1 I I I DEN 10'6'X10'4' 7.01 COVERED DECK GREAT ROOM 15'6'x15'10' COVERED PORCH 11---------- MAIN FLOOR PLAN 1120SQ.FT. I I • _ _J I I I '-I --" If ., ~-... ';! ';? THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE BC B.C. 2012 EDITION 7.01 ,----r -----, "--~ ~-I'-'-,~;;;;;;;;;;;;~=l:=~:::::Jl:11 / WALK-IN BEDROOM #3 ' BEDROOM #4 10·2•x10•4• 1~'~%81 _., 7.01 UPPER FLOOR PLAN 1114SQ.FT. These drawings remain the property of Rusbourne Design Ltd and may not be reproduced without written consent from same. RUSBOURNE DESIGN LTD P.O. BOX 31087 RPO THUNDERBIRD LANGLEY B.C. V1M 0A9 PROJECT LOT 6 • 24oth ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC SHEET TITLE FLOOR PLANS DATE November 30, 2016 DRAWN C,R, CHECKED B.R. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'0' PLAN NUMBER 2A SHEET NUMBER 14 ., c!j ., "' ROOF RIDGE TOP OF PLATE ~ ;;; UPPER FLOOR __ "' ..: ~~!:!..._F_l~~~ 18.83M 18.11 BASEMENT FLOOR 16.06m ROOF RIDGE TOP OF PLATE "' ..: '° UPPER FLOOR . _ "l ... ~ ~~I!:!..._F_LOO~ _ 16.49 BASEMENT FLOOR 16.06m FRONT ELEVATION • :::::c: .: I==== --.. • I \------------------------~ 11.n 16.71 REAR ELEVATION "' ~ .., g ., "l ... ROOF RIDGE TOP OF PLATE .; Up PEA FLOOR . _ "' ..: ~ M~l!:!..._F_LOO~ _ BASEMENT FLOOR 16.06m "' ..: ROOF RIDGE TOP OF PLATE .; UPPER FLOOR . _ g ., BASEMENT FLOOR 16.06m ----------- E 16.71 :------- 1 I ! ! ---------- IDDl WALL AREA: 1232.6 SQ.FT. RIGHT ELEVATION LIMITING DISTANCE: 1.2M ALLOWABLE OPENINGS: 14% (SPRINKLERED) 172,56 SQ.FT. ACTUAL OPENINGS: 126 SC.FT. LEFT ELEVATION ---- THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE BC B.C. 2012 EDITION ------------ These drawings remain lhe property of Rusboume Design Lid and may not be reproduced without written consent from same. --,--------·----® ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES WALL AREA 1125 SQ.FT. LIMITING DISTANCE 1.2M 16.49~-·~··: .._ __ ---_:,-■l ALLOWABLE OPENINGS 14% (SPRINKLERED)157.5SQ.FT. ACTUAL OPENINGS 46.48 SQ.FT. 16.60 ARDDP @ © @ ® (E) ® <B CD 2X10 BARGE BOARD cm1X4OVER HARDI SHINGLES HARDIBOARD SIDING cm 6" CORNER TRIM VINYL FRAMED WINDOWS cm 6'WOOD TRIM CULTURED STONE FACING (VERSETTA, MISSION POIN"T) VINYL SIDING C/W 6" CORNER TRIM 42' ALUMINIUM RAILING 10" TRIM BOARD RUSBOURNE DESIGN LTD P.O. BOX 31087 RPO THUNDERBlRD LANGLEY B.C. V1M 0A9 PROJECT LOT 7 -240th ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC SHEET TITLE ELEVATIONS DATE November 30, 2016 DRAWN C.R. CHECKED B.R. SCALE: 1:50 PLAN NUMBER 1B SHEET NUMBER 15 r 7.01 ~---+--<f-4---,__._up 7.01 BASEMENT PLAN 1110 sq.ft. i • REC ROOM OPTIONAL WET BAR BEDROOM :1 -. • I .. , ' I " I • I • I • I I ~· -., . j - r- 1 I I DN 7.01 COVERED PORCH GREAT ROOM 15'B"x15'0' KITC EN 15'B"x 4'0' DEN DNTO BASEMENT 11'6'x10"6' _J 7 I I I I ' I '.l==>..e<l.==~-~-----------J 7.01 MAIN FLOOR PLAN 1116 sq.ft. THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE BC B.C. 2012 EDITION 7-.01 r------,------, ~--~ I ~- ,,_ __ +-__ __..1_'_ .... _,...lll • / 71 /1 I r-----~ I' ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I/ '<- ON I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ii I.,; 1~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L-------..1..-----_ _J 7.01 UPPER FLOOR PLAN 112B sq.ft. These drawings ramaln the ptoperty of RusbOume Design Ltd and may not be reproduced without. wntlon consent from same. RUSBOURNE DESIGN LTD P.O. BOX 31087 RPO THUNDERBIRD LANGLEY B.C. V1M 0A9 PROJECT LOT 7 -240th ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC SHEET TITLE FLOOR PLANS DATE November 30, 2016 DRAWN C.R. CHECKED B.R. SCALE: 1:50 PLAN NUMBER 1A SHEET NUMBER 16 N ol ~ "' ROOF RIDGE TOP OF PLATE ., ,...: .; UPPER FLOOR ELEV "1 r-- .; MAIN FlOOR ELEV BASEMENT FLOOR 16.09m ROOF RIDGE TOP OF PLATE UPPER FLOOR ELEV ., ,...: .; ~ .; M~IN F~OOR_~LEV 16.71m BASEMENT FLOOR 16.09m FRONT ELEVATION [I]]-=1 ,---··------, I 1671m I ==•·~•,==== f I •!I 18.11m ROOF RIDGE TOP OF PLATE ~ .; UPPER FLOOR ELEV :!! .; MAIN FLOOR ELEV ROOF RIDGE TOPOFP TE ., ,...: UPPER F R ELEV I8III] THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE BC B.C. 2012 EDITION These drawings remain the property of Rusboume Design Ltd and may not be reproduced without written consent from same. E 0 ,...: ® ® © @ ® (E) (G) 8 CD ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES 2X10 BARGE BOARD C/W 1X40VER HARDI SHINGLES HARDI BOARD & BATTEN HARDI BOARD SIDING C/W 6' CORNER TRIM VINYL FRAMED WINDOWS C/W 6' WOOD TRIM VINYL SIDING C/W 6' CORNER TRIM 42' ALUMINIUM RAILING 10' TRIM BOARD - ---,a:;c;;;--1W~A~LL~AR~EA~: 1~1~25~S~Q~.FT~. ~~::::::::-!::~~~=::~J=======:::i======~==Jl __ ll _3l_ LIMITING DISTANCE: 1.2M ALLOWABLE OPENINGS: 14% (SPRINKLERED) 157.5 so.FT. ~------< ACTUALOPENINGS:46.48S0.FT. RIGHT ELEVATION -·--·--- BASEM FLOOR 16.09m --------•-·-·-·-·,·-· :: L ------------------ ~ .-----·-·-·-·: ----------------I I 1 I I !S.?1m 1B.1Bm AFDDP RUSBOURNE DESIGN LTD P.O. BOX31087 RPO THUNDERBIRD LANGLEY B.C. V1M OA9 PROJECT LOT 8 -240th ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC SHEET TITLE ELEVATIONS DATE November 30, 2016 DRAWN C.R. CHECKED B.R. SCALE: PLAN NUMBER 1A 16,71m •ARDDP _________ J L---------' SHEET NUMBER 8ASE/>1ENT FLOOR 16.09m ••• , 16.71m 1 .. , 1■0, I ., ______ _. LEFT ELEVATION WALL AREA: 1183 SQ.FT. LIMITING DISTANCE: 1.2M ALLOWABLE OPENINGS: 14% (SPRINKLERED) 165.62 SO.FT . ACTUAL OPENINGS: 126 SQ.FT. 17 7,01 · ................. ·-·-·-·····-·----- • ~ • r •• I • • _. • • ,-• 1 I•-,._ : \ : , .. ~I ~:i ~,-1, REC ROOM OPTIONAL WET BAR ' Q t-. .lJ:=::=====i'?i l:;,:tl>= ---= r:-BEDROOM 10'6 X 157' BAT ····••·· .-J :::::::: ·1· ............ -~-. MECH/STORAGE ·) -:I .• ·-~ .. , 7.01 BASEMENT PLAN 1110 sq.ft. L_ ONTO BASEMENT 7.01 COVERED PORCH GREAT ROOM 15'8"x15'0' 7.01 MAIN FLOOR PLAN 1116 sq.ft, _J DN ., "' ; ; ~ ~ THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE BC B.C. 2012 EDITION 7.01 r -----[ -----7 I --,--~------, I _1 _____ ___,., I I I )------,, / / I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I WALK-IN I I I l I I I I I ON I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,1 r-------_,. I • I I L_ ~----~----,--J L _________ .J 7.01 UPPER FLOOR PLAN 112Bsq.11. These drawings remain the property of Rusboume Design Ud and may not be reproduced without written consent from same. RUSBOURNE f~ DESIGN LTD P.O. BOX 31087 RPO THUNDERBIRD LANGLEY B.C. V1M OA9 PROJECT LOT 8 -24oth ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC SHEET TITLE FLOOR PLANS DATE November 30, 2016 DRAWN C.R. CHECKED B.R. SCALE: 1:50 PLAN NUMBER 1A SHEET NUMBER 18 R-3 ZONING 10.381 9.500 9.500 LOT1 LOT AREA: 322.08 sq m -3466.B sq ft ALLOWABLE LOT COVER-161.04 sq.m. 1733.4 sq ft PROPOSED LOT COVER -127.09 sq,m. 1368 sq ft = LOT2 LOT AREA: 285.93 sq m -3077.7 sqft I,, ALLOWABLE LOTCOVER-142,96 sq,m. 1538,85 sq ft PROPOSED LOT COVER-142.79 sq,m. 1637 sq ft I~ LOT3 LOT AREA: 285,93 sq m -3077.7 sq ft I,, ALLOWABLE LOT COVER -142.96 sq.m. 1538,85 sqft I,,, PROPOSED LOT COVER-142.5 sq.m. 1534sq It LOT4 LOT AAEk 285.93 sq m -3077 .7 sq ft ALLOWABLE LOTCOVER-142.96 sq m. 1538.85 sq It A=1 ..... ~4WHHH_' ······-·· I ............ :··::~ ~ PROPOSED LOT COVER -142,5 sq.m. 1534 sq ft ..:, c.i• _L;~- LOT5 LOT AREA: 285.93 sq m -3077.7 sqft ALLOWABLE LOT COVER • 142.96 sq.m. 1 S3B.B5 sq ft PROPOSED LOT COVER -142.79 sq.m. 1 S37 sq ft LOT6 LOT AREA: 285,93 sq m -3077 .7 sq ft '-: a, :!l g ..: .~ _.•' .- ~-~ ... • .... :.· ALLOWABLE LOTCOVER • 142.96 sq.m. 1538.85 sq It PROPOSED LOT COVER -142.79 sq.m. 1537 sq fl ~ -j LOT:8 LOT7 LOT AREA: 285,93 sq m -3077.7 sq ft ALLOWABLE LOT COVER -142.96 sq.m. 1538.B5 sq ft u.,.i,tlXlll~UIIW PROPOSED LOT COVER-142.5 sq.m. 1534 sq ft LOTB LOT AREA: 312.63 sq m -3365 sq ft ALLOWABLE LOTCOVEA-156.32 sq,m. 1682.6 sq ft PROPOSED LOT COVEA-142.5 sq.m, 1534 sq n HARDSCAPE LEGEND D o,~ --·-10.393 LANE 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 240 STREET ™ESE~c:c,,;:FORMTOTlE BCB.C'Nitltl110111 8.00 ·~-~ .. ··-.. ~ ..... I------,·• .... '11111111 J w :::> : •.?~ --:····-········· 8 z •••••••• !.11 : u->w ··.. • : : ,.,_,<( ' .> ! i L L0~1 MAl'IFLOOR~,7~W ..c ..... 0 T""" T""" l 8.000 RUSBOURNE DESIGN LTD P,O. BOX 31087 APO THUNDERBIRD LANGLEY B.C. V1M0A9 PROJECT 240th ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC SHEET TITLE SITE LAYOUT DRAWN CR CHECKED BR 9CAJ..E: N,T.S PLAN NUMBER SHEET NUMBER LOTS REAR El..EVATION LOT1 LOT7 REAR ELEVATION LOT2 LOTS ··-"········-········: REAR ELEVATION LOT3 LOTS STREET REAREl..EVATION LOT◄ LANE LOT ◄ "' ••I I ·-········-·--··-················-·· REAR ELEVATION LOTS LOT3 REAR ELEVATION LOT6 LOT2 REAR ELEVATION LOT7 These drawings remain the property of Rusbourne Design Ltd and may not be reproduced without written consent from same. REAR ELEVATION LOTB THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE BC B.C, 2012 EDmON RUSBOURNE DESIGN LTD P.O. BOX 31087 RPO THUNDERBIRD I.ANGLEY B.C. V1M 0A9 PROJECT 240th ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC SHEET TITLE STREETSCAPE & LANESCAPE DATE November 30, 2016 DRAWN C.R. CHECKED B.R. SCALE: N.T.S. PLAN NUMBER SHEET NUMBER 2 ', • i: • ~ ::1 ::= ~~::-~= • .~•, • •.••••• ... _/ :r :....~ ... :i • fr.,,.-·,·, . ,.: ... · ........ •' ... • ' • l •• • .. ' _-';,. ·-· F. l-:$'l'H~J.7 •~11111.GIJ! S'OO!';J , (JIil.ti~ C • ~l!f:,;J, ~fAJt! w; :( l'Vf.ftlji'',i!ro PlW,J.)ti,, A GC.JHtl'; w,re,, ~l9nT 'ffl<IJt-,4 I W/1111 ii>e:l} CP~JfJ'J, tl,f.TN.f), f!)V,11. Y/11Jft YK~JO Tf%!, O.QJWMJ;, ~ti2'J Jt,nJ lMITf r,¥r~.<.v~m W#~P.• flt .,$1/fJJJ 14-• l"f'-Of:{J! ,10PJ2f.)IIJ#L f!I, !:,l'M1, ~ ¥ '? • W.tA'W! 17.Gm'. JT I t,u1)9. • $t II 4 ~~; Pl,r),f'V.:.' CI..A'f, Pl'J'., m,· ei'C"f ' Y!41VI. rv,mw w,,~, v,,:11e t, -!}t1!Jt!~; t Ylt. 6(J2, !Wt.II~ • " f'Wil} tter'IJ. 11AM fJI.. f' 'l,t;('flQ.Z,!1JI, ~. I.W) , 1l•701t, ,;,,HJa, l)(j,CPJ .,f,a/7 Hf,!;, • lb ~ • ff!LS!ll" It,( t/,t;.,Qf',Z, ''(.I>_ f, 2"2,~ -. ; : | . .. . : . . . . w -t ; ¿* È i ,1 t r f f i f i'È . d SCHEME C NAVY: LOTS I , 4 * 7 SCHEME O 5AGE: LOTS 2, 5 ♦ 8 f :~ SCHEME E GRAY: LOTS .3 ♦ G 4 Satin Br:e.'iVck-is H:1"1 t~ ,.~.,.b\l P'! 7 (E) I I (C) I I (D) I I (E) 9 '- SINGlf rAMILY t10Ml!S 501~C N!,VY: l.oT5 I, 4 ♦ 7 501~ D s,,GC, IOT5 2, 5 • ~ 5011!M~ ~ GAAY, LOT5 3 t, G I 2 3 4 5 c; 7 a f' 10 II A!?tf~T~l'!IN:GLe ~~· ~ ~~ r:sfAT?'GAAY l"RfflNISh.fD AWMINUM GUTTI:R: ~ MlGtl'TWH!Te, 4S I WOOD TjtjM, ~IN Me()lij!, eq;s WINT?Jl,\fr'Ml: ttARD!e SHiNGIZ5. ARCTIC WHITC • • H~l:·~K 7• _5il)/1¢'<?i.k ,<.·_ ~, PAttfl'TG ~W.Tef1 ~ SIDING •M~ ~IRl l!ILIJI: (Ch t.li'Tmf5AGl:·(Q): MIT'1lN Sit.TIN GREi I') HARDIC'eom> t .EIATI?N. PAINT TQ MAT01 wm. 510N. • Mm?N ·~IRl ewe ~.Mlt1~N5~ (D);~.~TIN·.-~ 7" l"RGP'IU!~AL VIN't'L SIDING· " MITJ?l,I ~•Rf·i,we (C); ~ ~(li)h MIT1Df ~,_. _ _.,~ ,. CUL~.~ !'.ACING• ~IDA~~ M~"~,NT! 'l'l<jffl'.®, ;\\'IN't'L 1"!W,4eDWINDOW5; ~ -: ' . ~ • f'ffl'ff& M;l'H. ~ ~ ~-21~-20 moNYIQNG(l!IIAOQ ~ i:ioofe: ' ;• ,& • ' ~. ~-~ 11:USTIQue;. ~~5 0. ~ ~ !1/f?N2 RtXJ.!IOm>M C7~~~~W.~l5!\ . -' ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~~ 00-- FRONT ELEVATION I w ~ ::z::JI I ' LJI I -lilll1 ls_EAR ELEVATION SINGLE FAMILY HOMES SCHEME C NAVY: LOTS I , 4 $ 7 SCHEME D SAGE: LOTS 2, 5 $ B SCHEME E GRAY: LOTS 3 $ G I ASHPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING: OWENS CORNING, ESTATE GRAY 2 PREFINISHED ALUMINUM GUTTER: GENTEK, BRIGHT WHITE, 43 I 3 WOOD TRIM: BENJAMIN MOORE, OCG3 WINTER WHITE 4 HARDIE SHINGLES, ARCTIC WHITE 5 HARDIE PLANK 7" SIDING C/W G" CORNER: PAINT TO MATCH VINYL SIDING MITTEN SAPPHIRE BLUE (C); MITTEN SAGE (DJ; MITTEN SATIN GREY (EJ G HARDIE BOARD 4' BATTEN, PAINT TO MATCH VINYL SIDING MITTEN SAPPHIRE BLUE (CJ; MITTEN SAGE (DJ; MITTEN SATIN GREY (EJ 7 7" PROFILE HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING MITTEN SAPPHIRE BLUE (C); MITTEN SAGE (DJ; MITTEN SATIN GREY (EJ B CULTURED STONE FACING: VERSffiA STONE, MISSION POINT, TIGHT CUT 9 VINYL FRAMED WINDOWS: WHITE IO PREFAB METAL RAILINGS: BENJAMIN MOORE, 2 132-20 EBONY KING (BLACK) I I FRONT DOORS: C -BENJAMIN MOORE, RUSTIQUE, AF-275 D -SHERWIN WILLIAMS, SW 70G2 ROCK BOTTOM E -BENJAMIN MOORE, HALE NAVY, HC-154 SCHEME C NAVY RUSBOURNE DESIGN LTD --~'== r~ P.O. BOX 31087 RPO THUNDERBIRD LANGLEY B.C. V1M 0A9 ie1 r 3 RIGHT ELEVATJON LEFT ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION SINGLE FAMILY HOMES SCHEME C NAVY: LOTS I, 4 f 7 SCHEME D SAGE: LOTS 2, 5 t. 5 SCHEME E GRAY: LOTS 3 t G I ASHFHALT SHINGLE ROOFING: OWENS CORNING, ESTATE GRAY 2 FREFINISHED ALUMINUM GUTTER: GENTEK, BRIGHT WHITE, 43 I 3 WOOD TRIM: BENJAMIN MOORE, OCG3 WINTER WHITE 4 HARDIE SHINGLES, ARCTIC WHITE 5 HARDIE FLANK 7" SIDING CN,/ G" CORNER: FAINT TO MATCH VINYL SIDING MITTEN SAPPHIRE BLUE (C); MITTEN SAGE (D); MITTEN SATIN GREY (E) G HARDIE BOARD f BATTEN, FAINT TO MATCH VINYL SIDING MITTEN SAPPHIRE BLUE (C); MITTEN SAGE (D); MITTEN SATIN GREY (EJ 7 T PROFILE HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING MITTEN SAPPHIRE BLUE (C); MITTEN SAGE (D); MITTEN SATIN GREY (E) 5 CULTURED STONE FACING: VER5ETTA STONE. MISSION POINT, TIGHT CUT 9 VINYL FRAMED WINDOWS: WHITE IO PREFAB METAL RAILINGS: BENJAMIN MOORE, 2132-20 EBONY KING (BLACK) I I FRONT DOORS: C -BENJAMIN MOORE, RUSTIQUE, AF-275 D -SHERWIN WILLIAMS, SW 70G2 ROCK BOTTOM E -BENJAMIN MOORE, HALE NAVY, HC-1 54 SCHEME D SAGE RUSBOURNE f:=:. I DESIGN LTD § _--J P.O. BOX 31087 RPO THUNDERBIRD LANGLEY B.C. V1MOA9 3 RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION ERONT ELEVATIOI\I REAR ELEVATION 5INGLE FAMILY HOME5 5CHEME C NAVY: LOT5 I , 4 ♦ 7 5CHEME D 5AGE: LOT5 2, 5 ♦ 8 5CHEME E GRAY: LOT5 3 ♦ G I A5HFHALT 5HINGLE ROOFING: OWENS CORNING, ESTATE GRAY 2 FREFINISHED ALUMINUM GUTTER: GENTEK, BRIGHT WHITE, 43 I 3 WOOD TRIM: BENJAMIN MOORE, OCG3 WINTER WHITE 4 HARDIE SHINGLES, ARCTIC WHITE 5 HARDIE FLANK 7" SIDING C/W 6" CORNER: FAINT TO MATCH VINYL SIDING MITTEN SAFFHIRE BLUE (C); MITTEN SAGE (D); MITTEN SATIN GREY (E) 6 HARDIE BOARD ♦ BATTEN, FAINT TO MATCH VINYL SIDING MITTEN SAFFHIRE BLUE (C); MITTEN SAGE (D); MITTEN SATIN GREY (E) 7 7" FROFILE HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING MITTEN SAFFHIRE BLUE (C); MITTEN SAGE (D); MITTEN SATIN GREY (E) 8 CULTURED STONE FACING: VER5ITTA STONE, MISSION FOINT, TIGHT CUT 9 VINYL FRAMED WINDOWS: WHITE IO FREFAB METAL RAILINGS: BENJAMIN MOORE, 2 132-20 EBONY KING (BLACK) I I FRONT DOORS: C -BENJAMIN MOORE, RUSTIQUE, AF-275 D -SHERWIN WILLIAMS, SW 70G2 ROCK BOTTOM E -BENJAMIN MOORE, HALE NAVY, HC-I 54 SCHEME E GRAY RUSBOURNE DESIGN LTD P.O. BOX 31087 APO THUNDERBIRD LANGLEY B.C. V1MOA9 I . 3 RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION ,.,,,,,,, ,,.,., PA PROPOSED LANE DEDIC.ATloN :J I PlCfflC TABLE t,' ~,:._~~ Ll/13TO/'E ~ii( ~rrLIIE = ·= ll ·= 10 -=-- u:6s.Nl~S~ Kh' a• crA. V~~f!D H!""""""'6'TO~ NOTE, I> SHADED AREA INDICATES THE VSABLE OPEN SPACE' REQUIRED FOR 15 UNITS. = =C 6UILDIN6 NO. 2 = A2 15m. T,O.B. SETBACK NEH PROPERTY LINE SITE AREA FOR F.S.R. CALCULATION) 350¢ Oecid-$-~ ,' , liy RErAIIEO 10 SE RETA/ta, -{j;:::: .' I 'I rt>BERErAINEO 108tc,;tTAMP ~ Ii -4z ; I ToMi.,1. + TO BE RETAlfa;) • TO BE REHOVEO ·- '"' ,. -.', V I \/ fl eµ•~1~·' J f7 I IO TH 5<£GM.-'9 ""'""'-'!JO>:""" AVENUE _ _,._ ..,. -1 W,,tr,LJ::>CAY5 .All.OWi~ DRAINAGE 2!:GM' .. ~ RJR-GON5,~ .. -·~• ,. t s·-er· 2•-3• WORDINA TION WITH ARBORIST -NOTE, -LANDSCAPE PREPARATORY WORK AND CONSTRUCT/ON WITHIN AND IN DIRECTLY ADJACENT TO ANY TPZ WILL REQUIRE LOH IMPACT METHODS AND MATERIALS TO BE USED TO MITIGATE ROOT AND SOIL IMPACTS. ALL SUCH WORKS ARE TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE PROJECT ARBOR/ST IN ADVANCE Of COMMENCING THEM, AND SUPERVISED AT THE DISCRETION Of THE PROJECT ARBOR/ST IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARBOR/CULTURAL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. -NO EXCAVATION IS ALLOWED WITHIN TPZ. -CONTACT TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND ARBOR/ST/NORDER TO REVIEW THE SOIL DEPTHS FOR PLANTING WITHIN THE TPZ. DO NOT ALTER 6RAQES NOR ADD SOIL AROUND TREES A THIN 2" LAYER OF BARK MULCH GAN BE SPREAD IN OPEN AREAS IF NEEDED. OR, POCKET PLANT#/ POT. MAINTAIN A 10" DIAMETER NO PLANTING AREA FROM CENTRE OF TRUNK, OR, SIMPLY LEAVE AS IS. DO NOT SPREAD HILD MIX AS IT MAY CONTAIN GRASSES. -PROJECT ARBORIST MUST BE ON SITE TO SUPERVISE ALL CONSTRUCTION AND PLANTING AROUND ALL CRITICAL ROOT ZONE AREAS. CONTRACTOR MUST GIVE ARBORIST 12 HOURS IN ADVANCE NOTIFICATION. HAND DIG POSTS, HITH ARBORIST ON SITE TO REVIEH IMPACT, IF NECESSARY, ADJUST LOCATION OF POSTS. 2'-6· NAMA!. STONE RIVER-HASHED BOULDERS AROUND POND EDGE VARY IN SIZE FROM IE>"-24" DIA 5IDEHALK '=Jj.J;::;!IJ=:1(L,., • ,f~. ' -• ,_..,. ~Ti!:difiW,:._ 1J=i11=L.J-;'1.,. -=w-J.L--:11r-1-t:-sr~·:~....,. ~ . ~-\',,-; .. _ . .=.,n~T:~lf:~ff~l..!l:;W.~E J 1=1--c,--..,_, I ,1-=1 • Ffr"-12· MIit q• eROHIN6 MEDIUM ' -1 -I 1-· -,-PIPE CIJLVERT AT COMPACTED~ J.1i::rn:b!rn:.!:t'E=11~?1 HALKHAYS, ROADS c·, F BY CIVIL Mil, It>' 6ROHIN6 MEDIUM EGTION A-A BIOSHALE DETAIL ,ot,:,f¥1aMl,.llff'IL~·•"""Cw141Qvcl'klhe p,°'"1'1'~Ml&..,cft..-..A,ri!itlrt\-i-fN'l'nctbt f1111~•~fo,oittn,;ci,t,t~-i,outLheirpft'mlU.iM LANDSCAPE AACHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com ~ _,,. 1""EDFOROP """"' FINASP.!lttlh~~ " ¥a.r;, .,_,,,""' ... ~ _,, rSStED~DP l MIW I.R7.41ED .4$ PER l&l 5'1E PUtN ......., CONCB'1II"-FV,N NO. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL: PROJECT: 110 AVE & 240 ST LONDON PACIFIC TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT DRAWINGTITU: LANDSCAPE PLAN DATE: /6.,t,J,J,S.04 DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: 1116"=1'-0" DRAWN: ffil.H L1 DESIGN: M71.M CHK'O: .,. "" "' "" .. .. DR. OFS 16061-0-, M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: 16067 L---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' "-"'-"' TRELLIS ...,..,. KTl(Gti~ ~ ' • A A """-IHT• FA._ PtBl.fG ,"'11.15 -HITH6ATE SITE ENTRY I 110TH AVENUE PICNIC TAfl.E 6' Lffi:5THOB.LIXE BYPOLLY~"f 15 = 4 ·= 14 '-==:::::::: =7 -- l06 SL.AB STEPP/N6 STOH: MJN J2' DIA. VARY/N6 6/lADVATID t<'/6HTFROH6'T0IS'fff. 7 NOTE, SHADED AREA INDIGA TES THE 'USABLE OPEN SPAGE' REQUIRED FOR 15 UNITS. q A2 =· ;::,,- \/ n 001Jn~ \I NO. I '✓ \1 t7 n V I5m. T.O.B. SETBAGK 22.5m. T.O.B. pfTBAG-K SNAG, ~ LOG SNAG MIN 8-12" DIA /0-15' LENGHT , , ~ ROOT SNAG MIN 36" DIA ET SITE AREA FOR F.S.R. CALCULATION) .:=,:~~?-f~~ ' FATIO \ I TDBE RETA//£0 r~ l I 1 / TO Be RETAINED ~ ~ ~AJD< ~.SEif fH(f PJ.H ~ ~ I JO ~R~l. -$-TO BE RETAINED ' -~ TO BE REMOVED PLANT BOULDERS, f{J O> 0 SCHEDULE 50% l2"-18" DIA 30% l8"-24" DIA 20% 24"-36" DIA M2 JOB NUMBER: 16067 KEY QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME PLANTED SIZ.E / REMARKS J'RtE 16 A6IE5 FRASfRI FRAZIER FIR .2t-1 HT; B4B 4 GHAHAEGYPARIS NOOTKATS<5I5 PENDIJLA' HEEP1NG NOOTKA CYPRESS 2511 HT; s,B e, C,RATAE6U5 DOU6LA5II BLACK HAHlllORN GotflRM AV. AND 5IZE;6l6 1e, FAGU5 SYLYATIC.A OAHY'GKII' DAHYCK 6EEGH bGM GAL;B4B 12 QIJERC,IJS PALUSTRIS PRIN6REEH GREEN PILLAR PIN OAK 6GM GAL; B4B 2 GIJERGl/5 ROBUR 'FASTt6IATA' FASTl6IATE EN6LISH OAK 6GM GAL; IM SID; 64 6 q STEHARTIA PSEUDOGAHELLIA JAPANE:5E STEHARTIA SCM GAL I5H 5ID,64B -~ e,o AUGUBA JAPONIGA JAPANESE AUGUBA 112 POT; 30GH ., 16 AZALEA JAPONIGA 'HINO CRIMSClN' AZALEA; SIN6LE DEEP CRIH50N -112 POT; 25C..H >;;' 264 eu= '5REEN GcM' BOXHOOD t12 POT ~ 10 HEBE PAGEi PAGcl HEBE :112 POT "' 214 PRUNJS LAIROCERA51J5 'OTTO LVYKEN' OTTO LVl't::.EN LAUREL :113 POT;50C.M " 13 RHOOODENJRON 'GAROLII-E 6RACE' RHODODENDROli; GREAH PINK 112 POT;30c.M 42 RlBES 5AN6U/NEUH KIHG EDHARD KING EDHARD flot,ERING GURRAITT -112 POT; 6<X,H 43 POT; fiOC.M 16 ROSA WTKANA NOOTKA ROSE t2 POT; 40CM 51 SARGOGOGCA HOOK.ERANA 'RUSGIFOLIA' FRA6RANT SARGOGOGCA t2 POT;30GM 20 SKIMMIA JAPONICA (10% MALE) JAPANE5E SKIMMIA il2 POT; 30CM Ie, SPIRAEA X JAPONICA 'LITTLE PRINCESS' LITTLE PRINCESS SPIRAEA; PINK il2 POT; 40CH 61 VACGINIIJM' OVAT\JH EVER6REEN HJGKLEBERRY -11.2 POT;50GM 13 VIBl.iRNIJt-1 X CARLGEPHAUJH FRA6RANT SNO!teAU. il3 POT;60GM 61' ,!> ! e,s HAKOt<EOWA MAGRA 'ALL GOLD' JAPANESE FOREST 6RASS 113 POT;40C-M 40 MI5GANTIIJ5 SINENSIS 'HORNING LIGHT' MORNING Ll61-1T JAP 51L VER GRASS •2POT IS SC.IRA.JS MIGROCARAJS 5MALll. FLOHERING BULL RlJ5H ill POT flAL @) 6G 3 HOST A SIEBOLDIANA ELE6ANS SHOR.T CLUSTER HOST A 111 POT; HEAVY SHADE I ;81 ARGTOSTAPHYLOS WA-LJRSI KINNIGKINIC.K -Ill POT;20GH ,.,. ERIGA GARN EA 'WLDEN STARLET' HEATH -Ill POT 20& PAc.HYSAf,tlRA TERHINALIS JAPANE5E5AR6E -Ill POT; ISGH "'3 POLYSTIGHJM MJNll\Jl-1 HESTERN S>l?RD FERN -Ill POT;25c.M 31 RUBIJS GAL YGINOIDES GRAHL.ING RASBERRY fll POT NOTES, • PL.ANT SIZES IH THIS LIST ARE SPECIFIED AGWRDIN6 TO n+E BC l.Al'VSGAPE STANDARD, LATEST EDITION__ GONTAlt-eR SIZES SPECIFIED A5 PER GNTA STAl'VARDS, BOTH PLANT SIZE AND C.ONTAINER SIZE ARE THE MINlt-1.JM AGGEPTABLE SIZES, • REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEFINED CONTAINER MEA9.REMENTS AND OTHER PLANT t-1ATERIAL REQJIREMEN.TS • SEARCH AND REVIEH: MAKE PLANT MATERIAL AVAILABLE FOR OPTIONAL REYIEH BY LANDSC.APE ARGHITEGT AT SOIJRGE OF SUPPLY. AREA OF SEARCH TO INCLUDE LOrlER MAINLAND AND FRASER VALLEY.• SUBSTITUTIONS, OBTAIN HRITTEN APPROVAL FROH THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO MAKIN6 ANY SU6STl11JTION5 TO THE SPECIFIED MATERIAL. UNAPPROVED SLIB5TITVTION5 HILL BE REJECTED~ ALLOH A MINIM.ti OF FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO DELIVERY FOR REGUEST TO 9JB5TllUTE. SveSTITUTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO BG LANDsc:.APE 5TAt-OARD -DEFINITION OF COHDITIOHS OF AVAIL.ABILITY, ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY. PROVIDE CERTIFICATION UPON REQUEST. ()Copyrighlres,rv,d,Thltdrawin11ndd,sigJ1lslhe prop,rty or M2 ~duape Arch!IM\s and may not be rtproducedorusedfOfolherprojrdsWl\houtLheirperminlon LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com ~ ., IC,H?V.2~ ,.,..,,FCRGP $ ~a;[.21 ~~l"t1tOMMDt:0!+&9.75 , -~tat.Cf' ~ ~.k.d:..• __ ,,, , """"' ~TB>AS,e,1.l&l5111!P...M .....,, ~- NO, DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION $E"Alr PROJECT: 110 AVE & 240 ST LONDON PACIFIC TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT ORAWING TITLE: SHRUB PLAN ""· ,,,, ,., .,, .,, .. DR DATE: f6.AU5.D<f I DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: 1/16'=1'-0" DRAWN:HTl.H L2 DESIGN: HTlM CHK'O: OF5 /6067-<77 M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: 16067 '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ··~ .. '"'ii~••· ""' =~-'"""""""""' 2"4TOPH.'JLER 2a:6T"'IWLfR ~if-il't'.o.c, 2dol"IOHAL5 ... -- lo:Df2'1i,80TT~ HAURS,&:llM!iltl!S 113POTtE3~1N """""'""'""' I ,',,ll. ~T!; ~ ~l?D TO CS,,, S,TNOH<D Ive 00 GIJ1S TR£ATB)l,1ifH~~ ::I_ ALLonER....,.._TOBf.Uf!DM.ql{At6TIIU:.l,a;l~Hl!UUt. S."'-1.~..:,!04'Pl!!l1'MV~ 4 ~~1:'~~Jf/;::::f:'~GA~ S ~~.Ji?J\,~"=:&t'~=:~!~•5m,s(HMJ 6' HT HOOD FENCE SCALE , 1/2"=1'-0" 1----------'f_,,. ________ -I I =· ~ ~ - m GONC., FOOTIN5 OH 6' OF COMPACTED BASE ~¥.'"DI{)"""'"'' c,,o,p-,.t;m,-~ ~ FOR ALL ~ FOOTIN5 ARBOUR SCALE , 1/2"=1"-0" "'' fix6 P05T 6x6~1' t-ETAL BRACKET HITH }S"OIA,.C,A~~·~ ~""15~~ .-'LL 6ALVANIZID (TYP J r-------.6'0'-liA..,Cc---4---~ ~TOPOSTS ITTT ,,,. Q 4 ~; ;;===-~ 111·1 I&-" ": •• • IHGQCR!!TE' FOOTIN6 TO POST L_ .. : (TOBE~BY I. M.l.~TOBEHOT~&"LY,._'Cll:D 2. P~re:> ~~~~~ SPLIT RAIL FENCE SCALE , 1/2"=1'-0" ◄' SALL GAP 4'x4'P05 2i1.0"0L, S/l!J" PICKET o 4"0.C CUP ~ .. SAP .....,.., i ~ 1· POhtlfR COAT COLOR co-oRDINATE Hl1H elD6 ffifH -FINAL SELECTION Bl"' OhtER ALJJM/MA-1 RAIL AS ~ OR 5!M/LAR (OR AVAILABLE LOCAL) a·.u 4' METAL PI CKET FENCE SCALE , I/2"=I'-0" .,... , ... PLAN GAP '~"POST : .. " .. 1(4'&\!,EPL.,\fe <!O<TNIGv.,t:a,:. l't)OTll6 =~~~-.i==.-,=- -I'--.---=---- I<.. ..,.,. I >U.POST!,~~ffl:ITOC'.,,..,!iTNCINiDNO&CIGVTS lRE,l,"TB,.,_nl~Tl~ :, ,',l,l.i::met~roBEG8:IAR.'7[Go!6~0tl,ieR,l,Ol!:H1H!tu-l J.~~"'71'&:.it,:D .... Wolt.:ZZ,,. 4, =:-~~~l#~~l'ICAll<'At !i ~T~10~~~:.=.,;,~~~'!iffl'5/H.".XJ 5' HT HOOD PERIMETER FENGE SCALE , 1/2"=1'-0" -,JL--------•/· IIH /10'-'li"'r----------i- ELEVATION SCALE , 1/2"=1'-0" = - ARDEN SHED STONE VENEER 1-c· I 35H MAX. ·o HATC.H Bl.D6. STOIE T C.ONCRETE ~ --L!lf-l HAX. HT. r=-..=--- ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~----··"I"·-- ELlaVATION w ---u h n EB &ARDEN PLOT 5GAl.E , l!I=l'-0" 24"X24' CONC,RfTE 5TEPPIN6 ,--5Tot£ Re=fR TO I-V7VAL. " HAll:RIA!S FOR Sf'EC. _• 5IUC,.A 5NO ~ et!D -4"Di:)6f~AM.~ _,.,_,.._m<F""'°' _,,,,,, __ L r 24"x24" STEPPING STONE SCALE , 1/2'=1'-0" ~~·- ,OC~l,ht1ri.ttWll,'THJ·~_,.anlc,ai~lhe" Jlierrt,afMI u,llf),il•p,.-n'hlt«u•llll,r"''' not b~ 1~N ,cww\,,ra,,et!lll't1l~W1ltlou1lhi!lfpi!1minian. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com . .....,.,. ,S,,,,,-DP ' ii;:;a, REY AS PfR ENI/IRO cot+£HT5 ·-RE/55lf:DFoR DP ' .,..,, lsaB>FOR OP > "'""' ~Je;:tAS~IDl~n.M ........ ...__ NO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL: PROJECT: 110AVE & 240 ST LONDON PACIFIC TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT DRAWING TITLE: LANDSCAPE DETAILS DATE: 16.AU6.CX DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: .., "" .. "' .., .., OR. LEAN-TO 3X5 PRE-FAB SHED BY SUNBURY CEDAR ARK ( 11 y 1c N1c r ABLE 6' LENGTH DELUXE ODUG TS 1.3 BY POLLY PRODlJC TS DRAWN: 1-fTlJ'f L3 DESIGN: HJlM CHK'D: OFS 16067--07 M2L.A PROJECT NUMBER: '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' 16067 FUllX '=----"llffltl.l[ /;,117H ISATE PICNIC (Al!JU b' tB~OflmE -8-t POU Y f'RGQ.C r ~ L/1--EST~ i'Ai!t" -~L//.E 5a! CIVIL DR..Ar/lN6 Jtti.CHt6 ~ .T<iift_ COHSTR'l.JC,.T/OH 110TH AVENUE LOO SLAB 5ffi'F/Ni5 5n::te HIN. 12" DIA. VAR"flN6 ~fl!O HEl5ffTFROM6·Toi,·HT. 7 NOTE SHADED AREA INDICATES THE 'USABLE OPEN SPACE' REQUIRED FOR 15 UNITS. 15m. T O.B. SETBACK ~ BOLLARD LIGHTS • LED PATH LIGHTS NEH PROPERTY LINE T SITE AREA FOR F.S.R. CALCULATION) ~ l [ 1 / 10 BE RETAINED ~f()f!C~I -lol.PI.A• I 6-ROHJNIS NATIVE N:>AT ED6EOF :; TYPICAL LINE ~-"fl 4 ·, I TO~ll. \'\, 5E!: CML ORAHJN6 l'OA CON5'Tfc1X:.TTON ~~ f/ ' ~-TO SE RETAINED ' ~-TO BE REMOVED ~ PHILLIPS R6 ALUMINIUM BOLLARD LITHONIA D-SER/ES SIZE I LED AREA LUM/NA/RE ------TREE PROTECTION PENCE ------SPLIT RAIL PENCE ------5' HT. HOOD PERIMETER PENCE -----------· --4' HT. HOOD PICKET PENCE • 6' HT. PATIO SCREEN PENCE (CCopyri1Mre5erved,Thi!.dr~wing anddesignislhe propeny of t,ll' u,~ih.upe Architec1s and m;iy not be reproducedorin11dl .. olherprojectswithoullheirperm!ssl0n, LAN □SCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553 .0045 Email: office@m2la.com • /6Wif.2-4 1'r.<B>FORDP • /6iXT.2t REV AS PER ENV/F!O c.oHl"Et{T5 ,4 /6,tX,TJ,f REl5el.BJ FOR OP • -155<B>FORDP , ·-LFPAlB7 AS PER fEH SITE PLAN '·-CONaPTIJAL l'IAII NO DATE SEAL: PROJECT: REVISION DESCRIPTION 110AVE & 240 ST LONDON PACIFIC TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT DRAWING TITLE: LAYOUT PLAN DATE: /6.AUe.O'i DllAWJHG HUM!~: SCALE: lllfJ•=t'-0' DRAWN: HTLH L4 DESIGN: MTt.H OH "" l!tl "" "' ,., DR CHK'D, ! DF5 L------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;!_l606~7'.::!-o72.J M2LAPROJECTNUMBER: 16 067 f PART ONE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS L1Rt:HRCliC(S .1 CCoCDtt!1HI {....,vitll.U •li<ttt O\lllt6fflcr .. (-,ion,o/ (onl<KI nlMJ!jll(l-¥.1~ lllo11Nlotll\OIIHI "¥'°1tlit4~.tM"(Nllnd Oo,;.,,od, .l U. ltndmpe Sl~at'd, 11~ ,11,t;,,, ZON. P"Pirtd •1 I~, IC. St1itlr 11 l1Muapt Arcti\1111 .._. IUll 1.fN!,upt t 11,,.,,,.,., Amcq1;.,,, roWlr Al nri, W ,u11,nh ioail ,..It 1!1ndord1 n ul ••I in Ilic BC b11dmp, 511..dud ""ltn 1141tr"d,d br lhil. 1p1df1ul•., ,it .,flhd by l .. d,up1 Arthil11I vilh wr,llcn in,trot!;o., 1 HUl(Jitut(l'.ll. S!'f(.flC.lTION> L Sl,1.NOAAODCTALS,.Im "1;.n,,,.,p.,i 1tf 11 .. r .... 11,ngc,,,.,., .... ,f !t~i<J, [tl~.R11db.Jil1im ll'ltHmr(ONtNll<Oll Amtil!'""-i.,u,.luii(Y,tl{,v,tno..iliM ~ 5T.ll(JAIIQ HR L~SC.lf't: IRIGATKIII SYST(N, 1~11 Prtp•ti •r 111, .. ,~ilion~l'J' Am<i:1ho11 If !t<lil~Cok,a0,'1 S ltllM{PALBYLAWS.IJll(HCilNHRIHGSPEOIKATIONSWHOl(NOflO UTBUIG .1 A1wwl! ~r_,.,~ tf\Olnor.11\Jl,,t lot fll ,-owi, .. d,l!lthll'lr'••IM1;t1/l""''K. ,......,. "'4~rforlut"1•11,n!!,s:tMd! tut""1f.,,.1, ,ro-,woni br lwU'ltll tpt Ard'iil1d. Dtl;w 1rowi1>9 Md1111 lut rnllllJ lo latld•upt Artt.11(1 lor mi,iv ¥Ii •pptonl p,i<lr !o plm.-ul. R1!v to Sul""114 c.r.....,. H1d..,,h11;,.,,rorpm1do.,t 1 0otwr ltU/IU IM ri;ll lo Int or~1111 llllltrlfll (or.lmlw •r1pM1ilW• II p1, r ... 1 .. 1;-.,,r ruh<llh do nol attl ,,r1~1t1l\oll. OSlletllfl,IJ,S 1 Any1ll.rn1l1 produChd~IIMIJ lro• lhll conl1ifitdr,thtt.,,lr1C1 d,t,_~, ••al M i""!•ippr.,dbfthtl;rod1c1p1Ard'Olt<t 1 SIO!lo,itll\s I• , .. ,;,1 ol p,olMt u•• or """"'l1tlorir·• ,nduCI irnri9lion. ", ........ . I .... ~tt1M"'A•l•1---~Hr•<-11t.,i,81Ml,,_ __ , .. U'IW.,.~t.lJIIN•"'t""••m-• .,., ...... .,,,,,,,u,.-..m ,.,.1~nCa,uu.11-,.,~-••...,,•torl••••"'"''""~,...,...,,4,1-.c:"'1t110..--,1ytt_""l'lo•l,~•f,"'•.,-,1,,a11-. --~lillt1 A\ta•l'"1U.1.tcL_,,.,~ .. ,~ .... ~W"4M! .. IHff111M~ .ti-~_,.ilt:1.1.-llttl""',""'°"tc'.•.u Pri01l1iri111.l11h"""'"'"·•-.... _,. .. ...,,..~1.,tu1wv-Jruprri,rrlt>Oni1Nt1,,tnirlllind>:(ap1l.11ur1 ... -.,-,...,....,,, ihtl~:,~.:::~.:.t:-:~...w::::~.,a:,~~:.-;:~7--Z~~~=:::-.:e~::::~:;:~.-.... "" ........ 11 ,,...,,..1,j.'ttt,t, .... ""', ... tr ..... •W11~1-1ULm,-,.....,, .... _lt" ...... ' M--o! •ll-•ovntl~ ...... .,..,.11! ........ tfl .,.,~...,.kll,:..,_, ... , -11•\ .............. ~~(,---~ ... ..ur,~l·p~"~ ... •-"'""'"""-otll-fll,,flN•t lt..,_.....,..,.,.:.-....., ... ,..-._.,..ltt,-.11,,~.,~-.~--m,~,.lolli'..,.~P"l!lu~l,,..r..11t'l._"'1.,M,hifi-';,. i,,1.,.._l';,,rl.........._, .. ,.,,.:,.,r,:..c..,..,.,""t:lf"•tltl>tlol•k ......... -• ... \-.,~"l'lf" ..... U-...;_._-.,,,....,._,,,...., ,.,.,,_.....,,_Jo,l'illlli._.N~t,,;fttr.t u .,._.,_..., .. .......,., In..,,"'""°'.,,_.... 'f/! "'"""'"'----_"""""'_,,.; ,...,...,_,,.._.,,._ o! d.r~itni:y \'II, .....i m,u.,...1lieu tor uo.pelion .. , bn,l.(l.ltlll'[ ............ lkll:llil"""'"M~1tolwiiftrl•-..1t-~,l ... t,rP..-U:.W .. lh,Cttlil~11.,1c.11p111io,avtlbt .. d•l•th,Pi)111ftl f'"'~•1MM•h•"''lllt. ,11 c.N'""lft;r,io!,..,._IIIMi• ... .,,, .. /llllllaA\-,UC.1.~11!"1 ... r..-'a,t,,·-.._.fN,4ot.l~"'l",...1,ol,1,t,1.....,,1 .... U v.,...,,.-... .. ,..,,1to,.,..•-'••·T""'t,....,W•n-,.1MtlltlOl1--'"'"C•1¥";__._,,....,,,.-t,,.-. .. .,. ..... ,.,.,4,,..,,,.., ,~, ...... ..,,, .... _,., LS ',/otl~HAHSHIP .I \lt\ltu1tlllrvi11i1nlr..,_.• 111tc ... 1,w1 ~1,llit pup.,1t-io1 IH•lli>!P'~••lll'"no11...,.M11 •I the 1'.in,r1\C-.n•. Plaor,mt of or•~•"""" (OMlilotu m,,1 .... ur"" a.tt<HttJlhlltdll .. h,11,w, ....... , ·~•~.-1 ltf/!dPt-11 lk~ tli ...... l{f lhtr'-""~•, 11 ltlllondsri,t [Olllfl(lrl. J AK •or~•~ 1uptr"1l1llll•llf11la\l to ,.,1u•1d ~, ,mOIIM\ 1Wltd II la~•up,e 1ot\lml"'1 I, •!"O\ ill pir,.,..tl ~r"'9 tli,b;ill'u lrldlu pulicio\n 1hit holi • 1orrtol liun11 iis•td ~, ltlt 1ppropria!1 autN~l,u l A.i~1fflji i,;rrq,.i'1d lo H1..,1ha.liorv~h1il• t"'41il••••ftf1 ~l.-.g1~dbd0t1 ,1.,1 of~ I (witoolmlionof>llwllitnhf11tpr04Hdrtlfwl~...,_.. S ffll1l1 l1,du~1 A.riM,cl •f 1~, d-wo;,1111in Obt1i<> ;ip,r•nl r ..... L .. dm,pt Arthil1cl ,,-;., I• ~,,;.ti,,1 Ir•• 111 plin, 6 h~• 1ppr,p,;.t• •1n!lt1 lo 1,oi~ 11>i"ON111'1lil d1111g• 0• Ml •v"'I' 1ay wul1 .. ,tirlllo W!!o v,1., b1M1 (onlo, .. v,111 ill lld1rail p-Hinuil 11141ml 1hlul11 w,d """'""' ,J (lllul IOG dotpoH ti alt~ N/or tl(U, lllltriil fro .. tw,ca,t .,.,~ .... ~IIP9"" ,w/m• ,i. .. OM,.,.;. ... .,. rml!itt,i tt ... 1.-.(m,e VH~ ~q:WI 1rtl1b1c ... ,t1l1dprirlo(i,al,m1pboo I \/Mf1ntvvo,l,t.,.,.11l1vilh1,i1fog IMWhtr•t•j•t""!wo,i,l11Umd,n1~1g11dlo•1l1h1■iJliAgu,ji1h"btim,1ili011 U11',l,O.t,AIU 1 "'.,.,,,. IU ,.,1tn1h 1nd worl11,nr.l,;p ftt I ""'h"" p,eried o! Ol'I! IUI 1Hr frlfl 1~, j1l1 ,I (trl~itllo •I (l"pltliorc l Atfttl,-,.d,,iduiln1litn1f•1,l(ilirw.,,111!it1 PART TWO SCOPE OF WORK )lt4tl'COI~ I O!ht• undotioll' el CllllrKt .. ,, •PP"r r.,,..,, Sop• ol \/or~ 11 , .. , ,t 1 .. d,r. l V....Oltl•tt1M;fllllt1IM1nllltdil• .. •~ptl"f .. 11Sllo0tftl-1111onwy1t1,.,..,1,,,.. ......... ,uorli-•willll~1d,1~1ndlfll•r,u, .... ,l<"ls-•, 11111;,111llhthU•W'1 llll4.1~ .. (ut;,fl•fft•bt111how"ot1olr1w"'9, 11 t,r,1v,v-..., .. ,~ ........ H"°""..,,.~"..-.•--;1 t:::/:.::,::::::..~.::rHl,lful '"! ... Mh .. • 1.6 'l'tJlf~tnol,,._''11 ..... ~-.......... ,._flql:.., 1.l ""''"""'t!N'Ofl""''"'•o\.._,.,,."'.__1n"'1 11~;itL..,1ttuo ..... .,.., .. ,,,,,..i, .... ..,.. U'-r,,,,..,,_,t,ri...-.wt 2.10 fl_,•f'f•ll,_.,...c ... ut"iol!fl'IHPil..-oit ..... iofUl'dlJ.,._. l.11 !tlt.U.l[~l.,!1~H1,t"'"'O.."°'ft«tlll lU O!htrnfi,'i.,,.•""' .. "'•MIMl,,,.t~1l~\...tu1,1,~hlnl. lJ H~l(ilj.1.1.S I litt...,K,M.(llV,....h8[ll.~•t•5h,.,,-,f.,drlft!iotu.,•1•W•-hfat.llfl11lrlllll1DHN>lo• :~~r.!'!~1:.==~:!~~.~~.!.~"w..1 I •hit I -~~.!'::;•~ J ~1;;: ".....,.,.._..,~ I a. ltt. ....,....,,n ftri.."•1 ~tl~V..,.,"'~•~Mt- w~"""" 1,.1.,IUl.&1> .. -1.ootll"_I_ SIU llr1trlh1nOISn11 1•.U., lh111ll11• Srll: ,.,,.,tbnftllMo ,.,lort-inllS,,.. .., 1••111. .. 1u>,. &!w~,,,,..,_, °'1tti<(...i-,-.+,iij ~ ,-ai,~ '·" sa-m, ,.,,:i,: ~ 3-SX '·"' 1.sx m..t•""'""' -lodloolioi·c,, .. U•"X u.,ox ..,,._.,.15" ... ,.,.)Ix =t ,.,. i:u .... wx "T 4.5-S.li PrlOllfl: lmtit'&.wtW llUM • ,, .. :._, ~1111"11 litilllr H lioot!I 1/11< 111111! It"""''" ol .,..,,,. 1,i...,rrl<'l 11 ;,.,;g,,,.. 1 ftrll.Jw, Anor1ari!1•dlorino,,.,,1,.-p111'1dc..,1a ..... N~,19l"IM,Phospl,,loll51 •odPolai-l1ohbhllr,pr,porl""'•n1Wojby,oilt11t l liooc litNld'1'il ... lot>1\;.,nton<.H11troq,i11,.."l1ofth1ICland111p,Sh,d1r, I ~-i(Mlllm:f-ollc-,.ilp,Uotllfl .. ill,._,dltfl .. &C.lWu: .. 'k-.61~t1M,..1dJrt·'"°"ff'~llrliMJC,_,.Afdliltd lltt~ ~ h•A<11i1trGlord111PrlCNCl1,fmtrR~'-odSM! l f6rt.SlnMOrf""(1II ...... "' S hn6 Cluo,w"h"p,.,•pu~lo•HI ,.~.,;,,,.,al1oflh1BC L,ndmptSl1ad,rd t (..p11lll!BftKAtli O-IDlf1-l~n--,blfi,""p1ol!lfl,..._ffflt1 .. 1""1 ... 11io!of,,UANt"";,_W'>f.,.r10lit1N,.1hn11,rool1oc1!hlt HIJ'Pfai..,i"'° ln•'•attlol:IR'~ ... kttl"it• i~. :~idti Int Pul~ilU ~ .. ,~. -· unr ..... lo~ frdtt'll,pr11i11<lal •nd 111>1 ,1,1utu lff'tr• rlUll ~~ mr1111 lkt"'n h,u,d b7 1M )p,,...,,;,, • ..,~~111 ii .I Fllltr rabtit, ,._..,..,.IMltli....t w olhtr ftltr.., ..,.,.,. 1~11 wit lllow It,, ,,mg, 11 val,r b<.I 111! l,01 nit p1tlitlu ISurh" IUAFI \0 Mt, C.ClltON MO OilAHD{OlS~S1riJ~t1'1iMJP"--••tt)flll,tllllfU91.A."1. .. INIJ I o .. nig,,: Pipir,t ~ riquio6 Scllfilllll u PY( •••iwl mos 10 Dr•l,rR11I Clo• ,...,,,,i>irt.,1Nrabl1,1nih1vt1•••i•~•in,!Tm11andconl,-..,n9n1 .. 1leri1\,ull,rl~1a10,.. n 1'1..-.1 HJ!trill lothl 1t1W1....t• of 11,t I( l .... H¥1 51.-.d•d R,h, I• 11. '1.11>1, lftd '1.¥11"11 AU pl,aril .,1,iiol KIi tr p-ol'd!d ,, .. , nrl~~ di<m• ''" ...,..,.,Pr, ... .,Mfofml,r•II~ JP W ll.torl1ook ... ~.--.,~-- .B S.~lt, 1nfi"lllltri ol HIJIMIII blo,t~ w1U111 provih tt,t"ftr1d lrlWl"'J< lot 1U vol\1· ,q,t~ 1n1hnld .. ~ lo< I~.,..._ ..... u>lly. h ,,nu ol U•,11 10MIUlioriJ 11 wlll<1 .. 11liu\7in t•lrll 11 Uf\ h,lllllilr!< .._.,, bl rtril"fi W 1'9"-' 111 ~1 (ortilitd Prol_,.(,9fttr, .._. .... ol ..,,....tr"'9 <!<oit!I i, litdtr~c• \I, Hi1etll>111'"l' M1othlt .. 1l11ill.,.ll'll,1tJl1 .. ~,,.._,.,,..1"'-•"-t ........ t"f ......... '-'- PAJ!T TliREE $OFT LANDSCAPE OEVEI.OPMENT l14U.JUgaltui\tN,llll .1 p.,_h, fl"fWl-l'o t111h ••rllfll ln1hii1111l lru10,pl1r1I 1ro~n91.,&ulod" nt1iflli1ol•r!dmpt pl1osU""'1~,nhnlionattH .ll lo-1-l>flln till\--• .ll1hi111I viii I~ lrtu or"""' 11 tt•UI Di1c.11 l1t1 ttlut.., vu, 1l 11•-t411 •1<lnf w/lfl lht L1M<l11'! Ar1t-lt1I l Apl,p~llbrm....,,I 1!"'1!alltOl1""".u•1dn1"f~:i11Uit.1 irfat ·•~pic.t••rittlftl1il. 114'hilnllprmiftf.f..,,iJ,.;ihhul~t!~Ot1Nflh J Nou(hi,.ln1tL!rw1•9horw1llwlr111liljonr1lon1jon1rinor•ndutro.,,,,ort11uto••rtt1ii14il•Dowoi 4 l)oi,ol1lo,ti.e,ilf1.;\,1on1lr..:l..,, .. 1lw1I, "'"'""l•l••lori,llllilWln,ablion11l1nho•vu1 5 Oo .. lFHl,foitl tr>tn~t,Nlt\v:IIWlrf!ll~-<ol...tilin•u• I ....... ,,,.,,11.--,11_..,,, .... ..., ....... .....,..,_-lf'l.-ll'I_....,. .1 H,unuli•u,11u.,.,ur,ic1lr1t111>u_....,._, _ _...t'W .. ,.-..,,..i • .,.,_..,.u-,..,,IM" .. 1"U1~tr1mw1llh1propouj111(ro1thlfnlb1 Ui,L*oc1ptl-rtt.l«I I 0. Mf ,.t ll<111ebc• or rooll of ,.ti.,., Ir HS vilholil ltlt -.,prHil II IM lNmp• Ardittd t~,/•Jil•••gr11r,irl"'t••g•l1l'"•"!rad1dlorpr,uff1lioo•llb,1•b1<<l lo1nl,,ljon~r10IS>,.(_,1..,..,_111,..,..,-,._._.~~nll'",l'f'!l'I~ .9.l Rr,iK1•t11I pltrilirlt 11111',itol!N u\ur lo 1hr ,i1lwW.:, wl H rtljWU TM' ml ol l~! t,ll.,11><1 .rod 1/ lht rrplm-,,1 ,i .. 1;,,g ..... ~ n1 m,..,,.,Mill 1! 1111 G.nt,olCtoln,111,r.l• "'°l'ffJM.hlfl.,-~fwltotbl•~t to n ••IN.(~il~i,n •ilh ,p,eur~ tr.. r,l1nhoo./r,plm .. rnl bJ1av1 trtl,.,,t t•,v.i1nn lo •J1•w1 11 Ir, 1~ualion1 whlft re~nd m1lrurliH ~•r d"l""b 1oi1tinoj ngttal;.n rll,nj,d hr9rimnli..,_,.,,11il l••••up, Ant,il1cl for •t•i1v prior lo 11~•1111"'9 , .. 11r1111;.... HC'A.11:ll I Ub't ..,-~ i1 ,rtF"li le uni«• I• d•Flh, spu~,1~ "'S.t!ion).l,""""'Mt ........ J.Hl1v, Wlllrt plulirig K i"6t1l1d ,tu, I, .,,s,.., hm, Pf'I'"• MA!1-......po1!th t•r•;il1ri1I li,11,,utPdon!h•pl•nl""I pl.n. Sh1p1 Nlfr.tl !011..,,,.4,,Ntl1"di~9v1tr1"4(onforo,t1 lhltit11rtjr,1anj ri.l1919\1n. l D<l1lo~1llr,c111ollll,.,d11.t91ad11tronsl~tl•l!iO,..(,·l..,;_,tlS.ISIIJiAlmtl,.,,,..,... J Scarilrrt,. .... ,..e,-1e1tio,~lt11.,iortoplxiflt,,..,.,,_ flt.1 .. liul,....,,~ .... ,11;i,. • ..u,l'l"flfJ\liondrri,.._,,..,..,,,urhN,,. .. N'u (<11.,.• 11\l\ ltl,,,,.... .,.., Iii •-1111)' !OIIIMtd di tr 1·!f.l t-Wh ffflhtd grl<lu ., ti-111.,.._g vi Irr fro• II\ f111i1h1d 9<ad11. Provllt a t•••lh, l~n u,j 111n ••rl11• Hd 1onltr~ to gr,dH lho~n tr1 lh1 LarM!mp• Dra•i<>g, Do nol 1o111i •1.-..,.,...:-.,.1iionl1d,r ... 11brlht6C.L .... .i1p151,rw!.,d S (.,..,..11vatt1lrwlo!Ml11r,j9'f11,1104t1~Wfrttd•,s<orlli,-,_.;~1, tir.ft...,llt)f}Y..111•--•.i.Jt,pr,IOX Arnnpw!MdrlOIIJtl1clll\tel,_,pci,,!, • Slop, 011 to1>nff tti•foll1\lia;•oi,o•n1-R1U9~1iu11 )1,Lawn4e1,L•...imp,pl>nl~1=1 l firii1hd 1..i1,,..,h 1lmho,, 11 ~16,,g 111ot1,Ly ltil~ ~\ll'Otipail ••1...ir1,1nh t W.-.l .... U)IAr<llilt1lolc•,tri,_.r/f1niMtradt,.-iod1plk!Mlllof~.•M,,pht1h11 .... IL ll LA"°SCAPEDFiA~A~ .I Rtlll!d Wm· Gr.lwn9r,d_,. aod r ... ,h Gtad"1g, linu lfHI, Tru, Slr-"il lf'MI Grourulu,..-1. Pi1<1l111, (rib \1111• 2 Wri kllklitd s;i, !..uh IJ"Hill!i 1114 •\lfllf! OO'Nll;,t 11,,111110 .. or .. , ln'tug,,: 1)111'11 ith;i,i 01> l111impt pliA, lhl• (1hh ~1,;.,,. ,....,,, Oil IIAIICl?f plMI fw '"'~-... .. ~-•.J .... ,,...,t:t .l.l [wtlll,1J11111WM .. ~••11'-.afflftl_,,~.,.~.t)tt11W....,._,.._....,.._;ci,,-,.........,1ioul<IC .... dr'""9'w11L U r.i..--.. ,.,1,n,1 .. o1.,,ai.,..-Llri-~!.,.,,..,_.,_.Ail:t1.,..h~"""°""'~"''b•1lli1,1onr1w"'S'>tld<wl.Klvo,i, ................. ~,,-... ,, ... "1i.1dn'""""~' .. '"" .. ""'' ...... ,N}IA"~lrd1"'!1fl .... .IJ ...,,, .. .--•or& lrhoklf,I .... Jll8!,r...j\fl"'-U1fll•""~"'n J hrNlion 11 o, r,tntti•! .. ,-uw.1..,fl,110,<J..c, ..;in..,...on119,,1:io11 >Mtt01<it~lfiwll.. Jl l1yr'""'••rip,rfdbtd,lr .. 1•1"1t,r!dl""°""-ir\ur11Hool•1t.11fr11ol11g,<f'""1l)fflls E11..-ohrr1lol1><hpip•l•h!ital1<l.,.;inldlflr.,gllnlllrl\ 1,,091\ .l.l '-•Up,1..,..i.~w,.-.~,11.,.1,.;,ot,.,_,. J~ urnrt-rf!lfNt1-..IIIJlrl,,__n.,.w111t,n,-. J.~ ~)o-o'ttr.flf:.•lfl'i&t ... ..-od.,lfl,;.lllW J.l ............ HIWw ... ..,.fV .... Paf~t~ft.,.,tffl"J(l9"'ffl, .37 ,..., •• .;-r,,.~•1Hf:l .. 1«M\.-•n .... ~ ..... utD111 .. ,wh1<•itr~oltd•H"lllo◄-rl...,f~.l.r1hi1t1! .JI "-l"fllr•i-..-. ......... ot .. ,'f'I ... ..-.,-' J., 1on:---•«-.-..,,1iG1~?1> ..... tllt'"1t1•1!1-ICN"IIJ••h1"'1ind1l•b.-fleoo. J.11 c,_.,..,,"'•"'--•o,1r.,...,._,.,,.1t1.totu--Ju Am,n,-,ilWrllo-..,.,. JU !1(),1.,fflk!ftrrll,-Utf'IMfltol J1l ,ro1111~w,, ... 11.,1,1""'"'"'9io<1ilitioo I S.t,,,,;1 r,pru1n!f[i,1 ,..pi, 11 QtOW"" .. ,M pr-a,111~ lor -U oo lhl< JUjoil lo 1nild1p1nl11l l,b0t1!111 ,rtfth tnl ruult1 te hnd'l11p1 Ard•IHI ~r, 11 pl11lotlwrnolbh~i: .II "'a.i:il'..~H\,,X1W""ll9"10\\l .... sil,1b1,.."N1. .ll M>W,,.. .,,.__.r,t,u olUollu 1.W.~Wti .,_,.,,,,..,s,,tuf,t1rant1, .\) .,_,,,_'-'•llll-'1rnt1pl1anoltr1c•~ond,ot-,,( .. j101lornq,,,'1d10~1•1nwitnh U C,rbonllilro1inl1nl JSGi!owltGt{PUISiiPPlYAlll"-,l(O'INf ,I So,,pplr.Ugrow.,,,w""''"""'" lorlh1 l"l•lorN11111l lht [o,ilrotl Donol 11,d_lr .. ,po,1 o, 11rud l""'J!g •tM ....,,~ K n•1I thil 111lrU(l!1ol,ll1\r le I>! ,,..,.. .zl<ios,;:~:: , .. wo, .. ..i;u. ao'rti,IU'U u rrq,,ir,i by lht •oil lul ,.,.,od,d 9'"•"""! "'•IMlll •uol ... , lh• tp!(~ltllion lorg•••"'! •tdollo, u f,to11,. ,n 11~1 Ont hr tllf .2.ITl'lor'"!"'-inllrtq,.,rtd~IIO!olhelu!lf1pl-1llh1g,owfll••d-.lJ ~Ki,t,,;,11 .. ,ybrr, ....... j.,10,/ou1tilnlitll1. Rrlttl1dr1W.1Nlt1lori,,tr11th•111 .1 Pim I~., ""'r.dN9"••"9---';,,-.t11Uym W plM1f\fl"IU Sp,•Htt"'"'9•IOo'Ol■uoii.,.h1,rsnot 1>t111,i,j,•f1S1Mletttwnfmtn1ilbgori>di frt, ,I 11•••"'1"11tr. t tt,,,;r,1110dfl'tt,1 ti 1re\Hll,~tdiu~pll(l'Cl1'1dt1-,i1(lod 11UX ,4,1 .,.,.m, 1.11 S.."-dlfl<!"'°""n...,._____., __ s,~ .. 1 4.ll 11111.-,1 .... t"""""_.._.._.!1 .. t,n,..,,j 4.IJ e,.._. .. ,.~.,.,,1 .. ,""••~t"Cl~ .4.14 fmlllf1llt,,liflP~---full.h-f••l1dtplho!roolb•ll•widlh1h1U~•llmllw'l1lh1~idlhofth1r11tb1~11i!huu1ir1h0j>td ... 410.-Slllo 4Zl"""totttu,.. ___ , ,u ~, .... ,,~ ____ .. ...., U.Jl•~...,,._,.,, .. .r.io.r~.11"....,_, U4 W...lf~'"~"---·f!i•~ 4Z.S 1-nn-.,.c-,w..11.__. __ llf'l,1IIMl-1"'-1Mforedg1ol111,(mityco!uanlot1hon,1•-11l1lo,1rul111hon1J ~u holltNHw,iW11r,-r11S-Jl,r,,il,.i-bllrr~ llT ~r'°'l"f'"'""l ..... fllfl'l-•_,, .. .,0:0,_,.._.,,.,,'6 J HH•tll11,rtlf ,-,.,.,, N~fplM\r,g toil .,,,N u,11"1 lrt!I •hNh ir!d •hll(IU 6 h p1rioo1lorn1dld ,-n, mu. fulhtr l"•wi<>g u&u~ owl 11 ntlhiit al 1d9ts ;rod tl.•nd ;,to 11i1ltlg 9r1d11 .7 fwa.'i,djradtlslotlf1tn!M•hlhe1llnl..,,,W•llllhnohtij11Md1ihpl1111 31~3'.liltCillASSARU-SUPIIG .I ij1,ttul R1Ut°lf'"' ar•H .,,nolrdonth1jr1Wlg111 'Rtujhl'.inn• lrtll tll lol'1II dtln1dnro'9'ogr11•~•t•un1\lp,0j>trlr ,•,n ol lhtprojt(I <\(l~fl\ booJn.,d•l••6t•1lr.,d,1ojlw1 .l Jlrli)lilli'"tl S.1hr•1-T1&C.lW,t!fr$P~1Cb11J .. tH IRlll9lo91ml 5fllion l ll) .21 Clunuul"fl.-\tJ~olf'tNI_,..,__~_,.,.,-,.,.,._ .ll Ro..+lrt'"'''"'fmsl111io~f11 •kll•l"lltlllDn'a-.lwpo1itindr1n111. .) Ti,,1 ol S"d'"t hcd lro•nrlJ 1pntl9!91n1rallyAprl llll lo\al1 hll!S1pl111berl)thlol nch rnr furt1ier ultt11ion1111yb1 obllin1don,onu,rnll(1or1h, lWmp1 Ar,,.lrtt I Su4s.,,lr! lttl"'9 Ml1114MtlkNfMto!ltMatt1.,..,Pd1M-i<\ff"!"Mf!M~hlit •1rmOo11W!tlltlimtliilnnlliMr1bl....,.1ritf•>W19iril•~iN. 41 A.nllpisollh1111d••l•11 U P1m"'1g11lmhntdlyp• 5 t.,:lloit!.,t,.lllu•IPM1 tlt<i!lht,.,l!,1. 1hrngp1<lor•trSlllth,PocilltW'lh~11t ,oi 11011.tj,11 lo tlionl 1ppto,a. lf"Cr,fP•1!lll!F11tur UKA-•IRJI 5)CS..!..-nP.rtnrillR1• SXKrll!utly&iu.,ft" F1rWddtl1vtrArt11"111•i,1,...,ol~o.t•~ln,,.,UJl'l' ... ttul•ll.~tl~!QdhMM•,••.,,-'III••••• 6 ftrtil<m Htc.llocfo\ sud-fts, ~ply 1 010pl,I• •1nlh1I~ olow-rtlmr ltrl(lllf •~h ... , .... );" v1hr 1o!<DII nit, ... ~ ¥If I lwlllol~"" r1t" 1111-11·11. SfX •~•u1utlll,lll~IO,Mhtftl~1"91at,!uniul.,-.adtr . T Sndir!<i Appl11114 111 rat11f llll/lll10tthfl(,.)w~•1•t1~tnilll •p,Ud., l,io,po,ato ,,..,.,i,n1111F 11i• 16-! ofn;\ Wlif'llt)'U"'Pill f A11t(>l,n<r Prt1ifr •f•q•1l1 p,oll(liOII of lh, ,n~od 1,111 ,,.,,~ 10od~i••111 ,crtp!..,tt h1u bNo .,,t (011ply -.,;lh SKlj1n 11 Hyito1tt("'f ,~.......,., lftj,11 ... 'ff..,_ttt..,.,_~_,. ... , .. .___..,"n, .. -,,1 • .,.,,....,"....,t1~ft"""-.rir-o•~ •lllfMtl ...... ,..,..,t~IINr11.IJl.lt~-•-'-•~.,,,•«-o,it~~ ..... ,• .. hAfff..,l!lot..,.,tlJ~lllri, ~ ~ , .................. ""' ... ~~-, .... .,......, ....... _,.,....,Jlllt'_.,~-o:1 ... ,1. IM·iol• .I.I 0.. 11Jut,11UM•.t.nl u, ... , ~f'INIM/.-.j u (urf-' 'lltitr,~1,.11,i;,,11u1~uout1J114~_.111 .,,,.,.,,.,, . I.I. MN 141 M ... 1...,1111.....,,~ """ltC!lfll1llllton~nl1oll11t-pr~11df>tlodog""'c~l1<.~l"'·"•!1rd! ~ U? h·II.,,.. Ull ·t .... 11"111CuHt,4111.11i l.t!lh.-...._,,....,ffl'1•W-t.1 !:::!~ti.-::.::::::..~.t"::=-l .. ~:r.-.::,.;;~~-::i;;t:~~!:':!:_:;·.:-::'= __,, A!11r1hot1r.g,1~lnov,l1ror•ltH:r~1hnllt1lho.,,I,...• ti 1' Mtr-.-Olt,lffoM.,oq_.,,,._i"a1tl ... .-11h .. rt U,,,o .. ,,_..., ... ~, ...... ,.. .. ~HNlliot ~N'T/"._..,.,. ... ,..,. -11 "'""""'""'' ,-..., • ....._,-u.;,,. 11,.__,.,,..,..,.,_..,..~..:.it~.-. 1a,..,lo11JU....,..l+<itdt1llo,i.,..,i,. -•••...-011,,,-...... t11llfft tlfil't.Ht:._.f;o,,fl_.,1,...,.,l.,,.._.,._,,..11""""11...-)lo ... , .. n,.-,tlll~t1t<"tl'II ._ ~"•1-tf-,..t .. ~11 l1'ff'Wff"-'Wllill'.o .... ~.,.11'1i1w""l9il ... ""19'.-.4'..UPln •-t,h•..,..,. t~lt•li,,. nuad4,,11.._..~.-'8 .. .,,.,....,.,..r...,1:11 .ll ...,._... ., .. C,u1M11 ~__....tillun,,p;,t.,,n~.tltfln,..,.....,1o1 ... t-11H( ... t¢9, l\J•• ~ .. •11MMtr "''"' w:..N ........ ll!iltUll'•lltti,t11"'41!11'1kNl~~1'1tt111 .. U~4•P..-C.~ ... !lr. ....... 1111.ch"1'll .. ""' 'If' Mot1f111 ... (1-llllrt-.«1·"-..Jlflt.ru,,fflt" ...... '""ht..,....,.,lJl)li:t--'-1hll•N!'lflrlll" .......... ~ ... -,,l'to II . .,.....,,....:...i.1r11M ... c,~lora1Qll..:,.,..,.i1111H I Gt,,r~ lrnl ~I "'"'d"lld 111••" .,u,rnlll\indllll)tp\lll~l•nn1W 1notttyWl!1 Ill IM ,,.,Jo,<! llflv6ng 1U,1<11ui,rht1H~••I r11d,¥llll"'n l lirtfflf H•dN .. Ce-!IIJ wl!h 51<li1~ lJ ~Gr1win1 H1dou"' Prior lo sod~.r•~unl l~in'l'r(tion ot !ho tini,hld !r•d•, 1nd dill~ 1oj 1oni~i•" •f g•ow.., ••d,uo, by lht Lud1ca,tAnhol1(t 3 1-os,10,r,g St4fl'MA,..ilollo0,I ..... , Fwlfltrut .. lllm••,h••~ .. 11111wr1Mtdllritt~1A,"'1,cl 4 Sod S~ppl,J Ctr1lor• ta •\I 11~tion1 el! C. L,ndsc~• Sla,.,,ml, Sicli1n I, e C Shrldlrd for Turfgrm SIi .!i S,tiifitdl..rf;unby•u ~1f1rlohll!1?br\ow t,a.lJ9'fff1JNIJIM,1\P~A Q).$\1-1 lawn, 111 ¥1H nolrd on d,alli"'lt II l•w" "1\lfblll jml"F""••t)ih1irw:l•d;,,111o.i,..,,,ru, run l 5<111 • pwblic , .. k1,,iAMln.1I a,,j in,M1h1r,1\ "'" flASSl ,-,,r,,m ""'' a.a.ii ... ... ,..,_ 11ot11. ...... , .. ,,.,u,,6 .. PU!!_ltll'O ~ ....... , ·- ' Lio,, lh•l••1h1llbr11hr.,dnS,cliooo2J) H1hri1l1 A,,ly1lulur111H•ftdtdilrt11.1ind11illt1I R1ftrloSlclionlL loro,rlh1j T hrl<lit"' a,,,,.1.s..1i10U.l lb! .... , .1,,i,.,..,, .... ,111iilff"ilnlr,1lll•~irilh<l1"""fC!11Mlul ~,w111 ... INllu\1pulltr c .. 11 .. 1i-...,.,tw19 .....,41hov•l""'°l••"'-1Appl11t?,1roftly(r1111\iat I Std,l,"9 Prip,r,, ••••lfl. I~ ... n1n ,.,,II<• for l1J<l19 ,od. l1r lid <lag.g,rid wi!~ Htlilros tln•ly lull1i1. v~ho-ul o,!fi,n'11 or !llP•. ,,.o,lh in, ut11 vi!h 1djo..:r,g arm ud roK lishlly. Wal tr 11 Pblf'l\11oilt,..., p101lr1lilo ol J" 114° !1 -10<-.I [1•pl1 wilh n1U..1~1nt, of &( l1"d•t1p1 Sl,n~irj St1l,Oa !, !( Sl1nd1rd !or T..-lgm1 "' J "' ......... ""7>•.i,,iil-•.,....•!r',o11 .. ......, ..... ,.,.,,..,.uMf1"'""lobt! . .-.MllM ...... lt•1h111U1C<11'1ef,,'-""-f floetttt....,,,m ., .. , .. ,g1.,;1~1-..,.,.,.,,_""""'....,.,.,11.,,.l-fM't1■-11-•.1.111,i,,,....~y11,11t.tfoW'f/!"~-•"'•'ni:i'";..,r,,t"D•l&lle• ef.ln:lllnttull'1h...., .. 1.J~t'~·tu,".,11o1ot~t!1,o11-a."r {lt•lr<1r-l!k•I ~dllolil1,n!1<~.Jui1M,omJVP.11•,g• ~~I .. li,I h••"'"f.olt,,aa_.t,'-~Jf'~i(.19.p.;.-.1-4..n-fl'.4111•oi'.111rr, Atlol,..aftk,_ .. ~l,ori.\lllill11j,rlt<~,cr't .. """I,•~ I.Vo'9'l~,tfb111.i,.....'liri,,..,. .• tu.f'OIIU•lh ... ~n 9:•lotiuf<IUrtOU!Mi•-'Ul~t,\.tl~MlffM'tnl'Ulll"_.,IIIIN<lt,CIIW:fflll.kruMw~IJln•tfVttllll•&.{. lUdll .... .,,,.,.,d, s,11-""'--O'Q<ll<'.l(""I lllfl,11•eu1 u., ........ M N!m.,, ror-1,.,.. .. 11 ~Ill elhlr1.....i.1,.., ,r , .. 1,111 lwllcj tlltir vu. Aflfl '"' l•wn IN \o-.,11t 1,r,,t , ......... H.,,,.,,.lif ...,._, .... , v~l k I ... N 1m •Y th1 0..oP' 11 PUJll5A.ICll'\JJ11Nl'.i I [>11lor•l1plW...,IIJ"1l1•>howroooln1hup,11.- l Cb1a;,,11'1'••11l1fland1ti.p0Arth~1et fo<l,,o.t 1ndpr,p1nljoorlpl1oli<>9p,iorloto .. ,011•"'I ofpll,1;.,,opor,IK>•• l H1h Id~ 11 ~,1, v,!h ••Hlh!lu• dlt.,.• Loot, Ji 11•••1111'\Wlog .1-1 Pl..,I trm,1hrlb1wld,-NMm1<J ont,N"Jpt1•d• 1!11 "'•-•Mformhw11knHhrHINb1\ccllvut!lit,1tr'41ion1vhnH"tnll tondlion1 lol't l",lt\111 ,n,ur1t111<r11fulad,plali1"•lpl1al1tolh,irn1wl0(1lion .s s, ....... 51 .. __._,,,t',1',NIIMl'"•'-lllf·rt ... ,_,ftllllllll-.Paol.._'l'lt•t.:t ... -,:,,.,"ifdlfill"'"IIPJ,..lo,i,M11tllli1~ful!lf\ .5..\1 IWl'!l1IL1 ....... 1.t.oN,1tC:,-\r.loat,"'°'1 ... ~'""iof.tfb11V.lq1il~l•(-"""'r,,'""3f'lMl1fu-•l_,,,,t,. . Hl loh•hPLP'"~h111n16o!---tloC1Pol.,_,~ ... l""'IMJ•·""---• 52 f\"'4 .. 11..tier-,..-....,11Mll'lr1•u•"1; ........ UUt-1Nlt,,.....ll-!i!IIUt,l11llfl1t1 -' R11it•. JI Rnitv 11 lhl..,.,.riol ~ "'4/•ullKl""fN'I foul"II l'l""I 1"'n.-,l<1jr11.-, 11 onJoraillpli,,,!"'J ,lor'o 11 I.,_ ,:1, .l An;i1bili!r: .1.1 Aru •t Hll'f~ lr,dudu lh1 LOWfl l11r1!1od "d Fram VJl.111 Rolor lol'!llll Sclltd.olr f•r ,07 llll"lon •I na U Sup.ply pr11! ol th1 mi•bili!J ol I~ 1p,,uf1td ~¥11 ~•ltr"I ~,1/lin lO d111 of lh11~1rd 11 lh• (oolr•tt I W.1l~lllko,. !• ot.1'"1,..,11..,1,...•"-rl 1".rhod1t.1ptArd>lo,IP"ior•t .. ....,•r&s1•11ut•• l•lllllf"tifdu11mi.. llM-i;,mH ... ,lil•liol01 d.•1n1'1ttl ll A!lw•-•IS4111p,ilrlo •~ .. .,. forriquul lonob,lilllt, IJ SuU1~"'-.,, 1IOJl{I Po DC llM1<ip, $11ndll'"j. dtl,..lion ti Cotndol'°"' ol A•~nNJ t rlo.otlf-,..,.,t _ _. ,IJ ,.,.,..,.,..,. .. ,n,ob•~ ... l!l-""1"~tll!ff! .. •h-',_, .......... 1 ... 11,1dl1'1'1f•iltpl..,plln!l(Mdc'., [1l;p,rollrtui1lo~h~t<1~"li$tttl -•* ..lJ ~ .... ..,..,...u,.•h1•-...-"'--.llilu-••""'1' ..,,,l....-w•.AHWKt,11 ...... ,Mtt1~r-l"fltU,f1+n111••• _ .. ,:.,,,..,._.tt,·"'t1...,...lll(,1-..i11.,,.W"°"'9(oflH"•-".J•....,""'~lf"'-l....tt1•"'"-'M..:1 II [,ur1I'°" ., • Tutt"""'""' lhrlbl (011011 ,n,.fl' II, .... Ir... )Ii! •• lt1 doflh•I lhtrH1hll ,.i •• ,11ml llli(1 ·~· lntl~tl lh1rH1blll Auvt 1/\ll r .. lffl ""' i< 11 lhlorq,,11,,ldtll-.•· .. •• .. t'•""" \I lltfW'lll,.l'Wwflll'ti .Ill h ....•• ,_.. •I --'I pit• vhm ro'>-'•111 ir. on .:..Of, ... lila1. bruk 11! l~t 1i<1, ol lhtpll•l"'g pil to allow ,lr1ift.g1 lovo 1lop,; 1nd in 11,1 '°"dilj1n1 .• .,,,, • 11 <•·•1tt ,.....,."""9 ..... ,iw; l•rir N•mr lht LIIIO!Klff' ... ~111 •htrt l~t lrlri11r of pl,nl~ Miu b liMtd. .ll l'tWIIIJ•l,.t'-t~fllN•n, IZ.I Pia,,! .. t,"4 -""'-11-.n1111 rNII ,t~d r, !hr n11..,-,., ..... p,i,t..,. H l■rl111p1d, loo1~ .,eu,,,11111 lip ,t-.. wt ind 1vr ,w11., Ill( ...tu. 01 ~•I pu!I l><arlap ,,.,..,..fflluli ,,,. .... ,r, .. 11• 11nl1"1tr1w~h•wl l!l"'flf! .. ,111tb1ll1 Afl1tt1lllodlnplm,c111 twir,1 For -N~11,,d;pand '"'"'" lop llr-11row1 ,r .!Zl Hl!.'11Jii. ....... ~•r~V""'t .. rl..,.....,_..,,......,,1111,p1,-_,1•11k,o,1u,rt. """"'i..1oi\wil••of• ldd1oil11rrq'-'rdlon1rtlMh ,..,... ln .... .,..,. """"''''"',..,lfUl._,_ft•~•~r.......,. .. 1.,_flt"'...,..,.,._t .. 1 ,l.,.llfl11l,dr1t,1. .tlJ """•"•Mt•:..,i,, .. ,.....,,.,"""tlf"l.-il"Jil""t1 .... .t-..l'.,,._ol!IN,-ltf•l--■'ftalwllri,a,tls..cllt11t .12\ Wttt•rllin4.,t.a1Matfl..,,.,;,i,ll'llt'l<il'.~'ldNl-tlt1lt..-ttoPa,1illll!li....t•""'"°"- ll s1a,;,.,9,!Tr11J 111 Uu two J'll"•S' tloliu. 111\rn •14l•nd1d •r .....C1)a\ n...,..,.,.,1, Sil ,l1~u .......,.,. ? ft in nl Oo n,I fr,rr 1111,t lllrC>J#,rHlblll .llJ L.t,,i..,.ltt.u,.,..,,..,~a. .tu J11w,,.t._.,..t,1~/i.a!.,.,t11Jr.i~ulftl:-.«,_..f!l,...,on,i Wl'!Ull'IM,! ~wllo-mihNc••-Ontiln1 .114 Cor.f1'H'lll,N-,lf\.-..,, ~"fvilhll'tt~•~ ... -..{111-.,ti a-l!lrHH-..t•-•mtl-W"'9~(1npl1hl1Hlnottfdt. .135 Trmlfl• •V-.f■r(-fltO.t01. liu1•...,._., .... ~Jw,r,r-ot1i.•tt•ri.~-•-""'4"■11 "1<!ud1fsl1;11, 116 Hark1ll9•1Wu..;11,i1ibltflag9"'t••l1rial .1' P..4'11t JU W,.1<W"Jl•·hl .......... r111tH•Jltl-•tHt411io1'<ffkt11</lu. l'f-turu•ht•tl.,-aldNkltr1fl/wph'ft, ...... ua! lhtltNlfr. \IU....,.llt'",••""'1> , .. 1, ~w Al, 01>11 Ind (11 It tl>t 11<1"11'1 ,1111., """"'i fll •I~• s.,,, llfHlld 1'1U H ff ... ,,. ,.r ... ~1ror. A,_,""'" ■1tui,l .lS""""" .151 11,ai..-\pl,irili19,r111w~h •nm"httrolr,•hhlo 1-111-l"!'S· lS.•l,1pl~ ("'1>•• plm•~ of •IOih,n a11ul1btltd"~rt•odum ~,n·oodnwint• lluldr, 1111111nfl),_l1<1~rltk ....... lrmilli ...... u,,lm11rt1Utip .Ii Auot>IH!t . Ii 1 Thi ulrlll~M,ol of It\ pllfil ~1l1<ial i1 lh( m,rntiU~J of tt,11 .. ••op, [ontrwlor. 11 Pl111IH1!.,IIIH~lt•••t1 UI ,.,..."11f(.-•oll.,~ollf,.UlU7"'1.,...u,.fo:.., .. °"lM,-!41(Mlr,tettC(.--.- J)t V ..... l.-Nektt.U■ftUjllV......,_l..l•UJJ.W,t..-..... ~11111°""' .nu 11,11, ......... thnl,..,.J411<01a11M11J>IH1 ... ,'-"""•lft'tt)O"htr.,:lfhfalfOM•p v-,..,,.,,.r •• ,,h,.h1,.1,-,Ku•1 1 .. ~llr11JMl,Wltw,!tvf'~"•"llu111t.1't,,,C,,r,ttfli ,..,_..,..,w',,t.,....,.M,1,.....,_ll .If) lll•~IM..,1M1tok.t1Ret11it111&u+1!1l'.»toilll..,,•1!1111l(1o"¥,•fitlMllltH'ff"'IC1llll#Ul"f .. ,•ll•,t1ler1h1a11t1,.,,!rll. IU l'hot...r.JA~t..i1,1~0,1Pilh1.,i-•thH.,...,111,~-•~.....,.nr5'otl.-,.,.~llil 11.S hpMtln .. kd1,st1•0.1:ifg,rrw~11.•hotWU'.IJll'J. IU IW-1"' ".'!INblmlJ w,Nt Im "'"'""'• t. ... J. l.Ll"""m11:r s1..,,.,,,o,lf1" II) tr.l l\lo'!f1iuiwllh••~:fd~r,tllo. .., l\tnlllllfWf Ill r"""""•--..:v.i., ............. .-Ct...,."""'-1..,.,,..lo.,-S,oyo~h,I -~~""'n ... -.ntt .. [.-111•111,IC:.~•-luliC• .,.,_.a.1.,"" .... ..w .. ..,...,,n~·••11Jdott-lllfU'•"" .. u.c., .... .,,~ •'111\ti,•A .... ,lll.llO""fllr,, ... -N.1Mt-h1'1'k, --~l'lt .... JH_Ol......,•""IA'•'."Jli ... uMltifl~'-'f ,-,.µ,~-•t•h1iob,lfflt1l"-,l,wj!,«.lilltt11~,o,il!Wfl-fl ~ ................. ,,..,,!,111.,,t,.,,11,~h¥1ulrat•tri.:(111f1■t.l- ll.l thi•~~'"'•t.-ff.a.■•~-.... f•AGi'l"..._._.~,truftbulVlillo-•,_.t.1.,hrl..,...,...,,MOlo!-'O'III......,. tliol.,fl•.,.t...••• --• --.~~ltl'.., .. ._,.,_.,,,..tnMo•-..1""•"V.•.o!IY.tt --•"t""o1.,.,..i, .... 11!f,01.,....,.,.,_.,.,1 1~t.lll'-1t1111,-,.14...-ao1,_,.jUll,1-,,.;~1M•n!.i...-_,..t,._holt •l '"'"""'<Yf"'t ... 1Jof'--tT ... i.il .. f ... rlllll•·i,onotpy11,-,11-AA~.,ltr"l1t-elfing•1Wd1olOf'dloli19,,hnlttlyg,ow!-Hlbllif0<.,"9,will llft .. •k~ PAJ!TTHREE SOFTI.AHOSCAPE oeva.OPIIENT 0COHT 1U For ill pl.-o1 ,Olltriil,tlit landtt>91 ArdO!icl m1tlU Ill righl I• uttfld ltlt tonlrallor'I rupouUily lor Molillr 1"""'1 IUl«t ~. hhil opW.o. In! dutllplltl\l NJ't~lll11tlk-oal l■•--1 !t1,n1tlMtrl1trt11""""' 1'$ lri'lt"titt"""'•1~l•~"""""'_' ... ~•rl~I-IAo!1-U.,-.v,,JIW1 .... •'lfltl•t1l1rntltklN4o_.l,'l'lldltlfllj1 .... l\it\ ... !Off#~f{•11•11tw-•,.......• .. ••••~""-'111t,ol.,.t .. ,·•""tNtU-.-.,..V...,r\tict-1i.H•iftl1...,_,oJt-.. ... 1Mro'!l""-.i ~,ln¥l,i1-lflf•,l""H•lt,--.. , ..... ~•llUl'f.-... ,C,.,....., •• IU ... l-■-r,...c...i,-,no,•1tl)oal ..... l••1Jl111'"f ...... •1'....,._,,~ .... -irv,..,-...... ,•l-{wmt•!>ililda'""1•t#t1illl•w!ti1•1otliJv■i:1•f Ir.. (trl~~•lt of (t~hlion.. .11.l Ooial~n I"~ lh11p11ilKa!io,1 •1r r,q,.,;,i 1,l•ru,," 1l lh111¥T•"IY P,rild 11 ,111ir .. ;,1d bf th• L1nd<e;ip1 .l.rd'ol1tl ---, ,_ l.1'1.t- lullllff~llll1uoi:IIMl .. l11•........,.,...<,o•l(lllftto11,•~-... t~;;.~::.:::,:!~:;!;;.:;~::=.::':::;.lt:.~:i~=::::/:,j,:'~':~1t~~t= -·· ln ($11.ellSIIHOff IWNl[H,IJ!(f ,,.,,., 1 HF•il• ,,~./or,,,., mlior.l j~ ~"/;!'.::Z ~ ;:;~~1~;;:1'1~:7~1::::.:i~~~I:~: ~•:.-:~~::!,-:.-:.;:~~~ ~::;1~::=~=~ ~•.::::;.~:~:•:, l•hr• •nd~1• ... .w\ 1w,lt1-, .,1, ....... llihll"""'"' l.1111hlnto1 ol .,._,Jorm1.,._1»fi apply 11 .;I"• ..,.f1fi,,ot1 nV,lil!A ~flolln1l1d t...-Jrns ••u Md"'" h11• ...i lllrvb1 l Hklt-1P1riN ,,., ............. ,m1.unt1n<lmpir,ffwll.-!kl.UOWIJ,wkllnlii\1aplt!M J R1lal1d Sl;rod.,f, anf L1gjdflioR 9 ( l1,·,chup1 Sl1od1rd, l1lul td.lj1N, ftl'l>lam (1d1.B t PnlKii1 C111ln\ Act .4 V• lt•TOV In oddililro lo lht ;,,,Nlion111 ,..i,,1 .. hal U"""•lio■• ii f.,11 P,'9'UI dr1v lpplicll'■n, 1M 11 ttlt •nf •I lht gu•Mlu ptr,_.,, lhtr• 1hMd k lllrct 11hr ct6o'1 ..,., lht U-,Jb ,11 .... lbJ 1t1tc .. 1,1« .. 1M '"'""''~ 1tpr1<1nl;i!rft 1/ lllt D..ii11. H.nlWI ll'i~ .... .,.. ..... """""" Mf ,Mt •• , ... ~h1irtp,u"•otirt 5 S1h1Mng. Pre,1rr I nh16,!1 ol i,l(ip1l1dvilll1 ... ...., • ., dHif1tlUltt"1tnf.ll., Ill $!1r1•"P· H1inhNI"!• opor1lion1 lhi\l be 11rri1d oul prtd1 .. ul,IJ d"'"'I lht9row"'9tUUNbtlv1..,l1mhhl 1n•Hn,11b,r301\..._,,w ,ii~•tl ol~!I' ...... ofn,i ,t,r .. 1yb1nquird, I HW-rltffl (....,., w,I_ B [ llfldl(• Srllll'wd,Sutioft U TIOI! 1.t1Holt■1111< lutl 1'1"""", .J H•lttia\t (e-,t,vil~Pirt Tvo•I 01,1 ,p,u~iulift .J 1 fo,11,j,m: la,~, ri.,;m,1nl14! ,~. 9[. llfti!tlj>I Sl,ndird f1r•.t11...,, l<\d nlH U r1q,.ic1d ~y ,oit lnl""9 t ft■llllo'1'itlhl...,.....,,. t• Wll-iO:t ....... ,,.tru,........--.• ~ .. •j11..W1i11ft1IUi!l""lilll~1,,1•~~tMW~l•,(.N1ot,IJl.oMllff."'111,,i,e11>t~llt -.di'l'l"llflSlft -J;l----t<'ft,H14' .... IIW., ........ l .. 1 ..... rw""tMhM,Yr' .. "f•~..tJ .. 1,i..,1n1J!W.o:iff..,'1 ... o,•• .. lfllfNJl1 ....,_•i.t-•..,,,.t•!-t.Jl•-!J\d.A'9lllwt,..,iu_,-,..,,..,...a,Nlh•,l,...,,...h.,!M,~,-.,,,,11ti.l\ll!to'91f .... W' ... ....., ~~•'" "li.t..-,.,,,...,,.,,.,,..,,,.,.1,,,.,A:tll t-tVur.11.,,,,.-11.-rn,111 •• • .!fl .. ,.,......,..-.i.., J,..,1 • .,......,..,m,••11.,.,- .,,H.,...._.""'°""..:,i-i.,.ir,1 kl...i.,,:llilll,111-..l•oitodAh-J~..._•••iJlll\ol,_.lt9'11l .... i.lP9'J-1lq;ioo• 1r,,w;a.--...ui....,,,, .. noi"""tl•miett,i"""'""''u,,,-..._ II ._.,,.~ ••-lil-111t .. tl:•t.•11jlohl..,,,"_...,,,11,r,-,....,,..nnbrtm"'911t,hl11hrnl1,.,u;. .. dtpl~orl111,._h..,j,,..,l"'f.or,ij """'I,,""' __ .,...,..,,.., ::.:~-s.:~~ ;,:~ ~=:';.:;!-..:~:=~·::: :=~::i~:;;:'~~~:: 1.::: ::::!:;,:-::;!. . •s ,,..JoiHo,11 P!Mi~1114,,M .... , ...... 1-11o11, ......... IM_ -~ ..... 11,..,-~, ... ~!1tt-1M""1#t!Wl~--■r••,, ....... 1w ...... 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':..""'.:!:="!t HWf"'¥t9t ,"fd'.~11"1 '1 -,pr•pi~h ...... Hftoof\.Wl'J't"' ···-.. ~·•-,....t.,lllll ... t!lLUIW.A ..... ,ti lf"""111,1 .. ,.Q:.. (Alfllffl"tWll •ttl:l""P""'"'.,.'"~,., .... o111 .,.,.,,.,,.,,, ..... Hfk'-11.~...,.M,,ir .. ·, ... 11t1■ ........... ud111S~•MUIIWHdlorv11!1t1i•Utt11IS1~-.11n ,"'~tt•U.llnllol< ""·"'~"-JJ •wi .. , • .,.t,r ........ , ..... 11111,!i H l...,._,...,. .... .t.ilrh !!..~:'.:~~~.:::..::~:;.1:-:.it.· .·::::,·.~:·~~.~~ts't'11~' r:~1:."'..:::;:'::~~·i,:,,;.-:--;..--,r,," .. ~~" ~;'~L"~,:t:•jt;";~!~lht r~,1 ,row"f uu .... r 11tt•nkf, ii 11,,: monf II'"""' ,n,.._ ,.,.,1, 111 •l<t, H1y .,.1•, ,,.IM11 f'ttllnlll unr. (0,1 I• 1 ~•.,.._ Jl'1,,1N11-mu . ~"":_. ::~~=~:.,':::-4,,::::;:::~~~~t::;•;:r.:; ::~'.t~:~~~~~r~: •:r:1~~; ,~::,:-::~;::,,R:~:;,~•1t;!•,1 _., (IIC'l;,p~11cs-.LTl'/t.•~i11M"""'islhe p1yt1~yofMIUll!Nt91".,\lf~b•Plll""""110tbe ,qi,,,...,d en l!l'td INiOltln fr(l:{1!'1'11~ !heir permini11n LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@mZla.com . _,,. """'""'"" '""""' REV "5 PfR BW/RO c.ot+Bf15 .. ,11,,t;UH RE/SS(B] FOR DP . ·-Ml'DRlfft:lr ';t J6.N6J1 lff;l.1178'"5ffRM:tlsrrEPL.IIH I 16A.l:,JO C,.ON{;EPTt/,',LR..M NO, CATE REVISION DESCRIPTION <EAi, PROJECT: 110AVE&240ST LONDON PACIFIC TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT DRAWING TITLE: LANDSCAPE SPECIF/CATION DATE: 16.AIJ6.°" I DllJ.WlnOIM-1aE"!\: SCALE: DRAWN: HTLH LS DESIGN: /wfTl..M CHK'D: .. "' "' ... .... .. OR. OF5 16061-<71 M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: 16067 ;," HT.!Hc)OD '/~ ~ " i-l", r 5' HT. f-1OOD PER/METER~ FENc;E "' t 2'X2' c;oNc;RETE STEPPIN6 STAIRS T<:2_ STONES, TYP:-\ E!A.!i&',ENT \ "'\ ~ "" ·z:.: 'l\; ABBOTSFORD " c;oNc;RETE ~ ~~ # PAV/Ne 5 T PAVER LOT B PIAZZA 2:lo/o· 15ATE FOR Iv\ r MA/NJEl'IANCE STAIRS TO I ~TFI.OOR • ,i .. "',i.t -"'"· ,:: . ' 17 "T 6ARBA6EI Bf(.Tc;L/N6 AREA ·i§fL J :~v:, I • II K T :;'HT,H::iob i"'ETER 'l6ATE LOT #7 .,.,....,.'.::: ;.;;;: :.;;.~ ... = :.;;.= ... ~ -:'~~;:J ~~, I RECT(L ,,I I I I I IT PAVER TE FOR C,ONc;R 11/TEHAACE PAVIN6 2'X2'WNC, ' STEPP! STONES . •• 4. ---_.--._ i~~r I rt , .... ;:~-;.~_··r:-:_&i',;,:..., CONCRETE' , V°"WIT PAVER CON l1~ LOT #6 PAV P/AZ 6ATE FOR 23%' r/1/TENAN::E NA 2'X2' c;oNC.RETE STEPP/Ne .,T0/6. TiP.\ Tn 'T ;:~'li'."I rf:~~.J!" , 1 1--r "'ii T I I t I I J lfCl-"t -~ ... am ' ABeOT r=,:::::;;J..;;~11 N ~ -E l ~I . CONG ·' PAVER LOT #S PAV/N& 5 RE,C,TW~ PIAZZA I I • 233/o"X /IATIMAJ. 1 UNIT PA I _,_ 7 .c_ .-.--,,. ;;-.. -~,;;--.,;; -:.:_ .. I PAV/ .:--"'-L-..i'<IJA~ /5 MORE PAVER LOT #4 P/AZ "DROP, TE FOR 23',l • t .=;~'i:!'2_' KET FEl'U ~ """''""""'-REO: TTP ARI&_ [ I ~ ..,;..;;...;_...;;._w ~L. GEi REc;TaJ/1' " I l 2·x2· c;oNcRETE I I 5TEPP/N6 STONES, TTP. I 1\l ABBOTSFORD HYDRA PASSED ARJSTOKRAT SERI 23'/,,"r 4-»',,' X ¾" BLAc; I s TONE COL OU "'" --__,__ ---- I I I I I ---' II i' P LANT SCHEDULE KEY QTY d,: l 215 114 6 132 83 26 61<, ~ 6(, ; lb 6 00 2~ BOTANICAL NAME FA5\J5 5YLVATIGA 'DAHYGKII' G\.ffiGU5 PALU5TRIS PRIN5REEN euxus 'GREEN 6EM' PRUW., LAJ.,!WGERASUS 'OTTO LUYKEN' RHODODE= 'CAROLINE GRAGE' SARGOGOGGA H.'.?OKERANA 'RLISGIFOLIA' 5KIHMIA JAPONIGA (10~ MALE! SPIRAEA X JAPONIC,A 'LITTLE PRINCESS' HAKONEGHLOA MAGRA 'ALL 60LD' MISC.ANTI-US 51NEN515 'MORNIN6 Ll6f-ff' ElJOt,t'(MJS JAPONIGA 'EMERALD 6AIElY' PACHYSANDRA TERMINALl5 POLYSTIGH/1-1 1-11-"lll\/M COMMON NAME DAHYGK BEEGH eRE:EN Pill.AR PIN OAK 60XWOOD OTTO Ll/l'KEN LAUREL RHODoDENDRON; GREAM PINK FRAGRANT SARGOC.OGGA JAPANESE SKIMMIA LITTLE PRINCESS SPIRAEA; PINK JAPANESE FOREST GRASS HOR.NIN& Ll6HT JAPSILVl:R 6RASS EUONft-tJS; SILVER VARIE6ATED JAPA~E 5PuRGE re5TERN 5HORD FERN M2 JOB NUMBER: 16067 PLANTED SIZE / REMARKS 6GM GAL;BIB 6GM GALj B,B #2POT •3 POT; 50CM #2 POT; .30GM 1Q POT;3()G.H #2 FOT; 30C,M #2 POT;40GM #3 POT; 40CM #2 POT #2 POT;40CM 111 POT; ISGH #I POT; 25CM NOTES: • PLANT SIZES IN THIS LIST ARE SPEC,IFIED AU.ORDING TO THE 8G LANDSGAPE STANDARD, LATEST EDITION. GONTAINER SIZES SPEGIFIED AS PER GNTA STANDARDS+ 60TH PLANT SIZE AND CONTAINER SIZE ARE THE MINIMJM AGGEPTABL.E SIZES • REFER TO SPEGIFIGATIONS FOR DEFINED CONTAINER MEA5,LIREMENTS ANO OTHER PLANT MATERIAL REGUIREHENTS. ' SEAR.C,H ANO REVIEH: MAKE PLANT MATERIAL AVAILABLE FOR OPTIONAL REYIEH B'f LAHDSGAPE ARGHITEGT AT SOJRGE OF SUPPL"f AREA OF SEARCH TO INC.LUDE LOH:R HAII\I...At-V AND FRASER VALLEY '5UBSTITIJTION5, OBTAIN V'IRITTEN APPROVAL FROM TI-E LANDSCAPE ARGHITEGT PRIOR TO HAKING ANY 51JBSTilVl10N5 TO n-lE 5PEG-IFIED MATERIAL LA-IAPPROVED SOOSTITIJTIONS HILL BE RE...EC..TED Al.LOH A MINIH\JM OF FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO DELIVERY FOR REGt,£ST TO SUBSTlll/TE St.SSTITUTIONS ARE :t.e..EGT TO BG LANDSGAPE 5TANDARO -DEFINITION OF CONDITIONS OF AVAILABILITY ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY. PROVIDE CERTIFICATION UPON REQUEST. (tlC:opyright,ei.erved Thisdrawing3nddesignislhe propertyllfl'v1l L;ndsc;ipeArchitectsandm3ynolb1 reproducedorusedforoth~rprojectswllhllutlhelrperm\ssion LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com ,.,,,,,,. REJ551,EDFOROP ◄ ,a,_,, ~FOR OP • -15:ilPl'"-c:lR'Ot- 7 16""1611 l.f'DATED AS PER '6./ 5/TE R.AH Mt;,/() ~Fl.Al' NO. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL: PROJECT: 110 AVE & 240 ST LONDON PACIFIC SINGLE FAMILY & TOWNHOUSES DRAWING TITLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN SH "" .. .. .,, DR. DATE: lb.Al)6Qlt CAA.YANG NUMl\Dl: SCALE: /,ISO DRAWN: t3N L1 DESIGN: aN CHK'D: 1111..H OF4 16061-06 I M2lA PROJECT NUM8ER: 16 067 ABEJOTSF, Hl"DRA PAS: I I I I I ARISTOKRA T SER 23"/o"r 4"t'," X ¾" BLACI STONE COL, \ STEPP, ST< ----.,-,--,-r ~..,....;v-. .!>', "j f'rs'ifi{~ F!'iPa !>I j 4 6A1E i~ RECY◄ -.--1--..;:...:..:.4~-..,....,-"'"trr'l§'1'J:.OA(o'EfRECY◄ -- I I ¥ Rf'(;Y◄ 1 (IC~11plt.,l'IW'9.Ulldr1W111IMIIIUdlr:11bl(fl,• fll'llpe,'l!fol M~lJ!ldM:api'Ardl~t(lll"41•11'f"~I 1- H~lll llkt t-,,·~,lr,arpillfffll •IMl\ll !ilClll~"'1uJH. LAN □SCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com . ~"""" RE/SSl,f:D FOR DP , _,,. RE/5!:iED FOR DP • .,...., .,.,,,,at,c:,p ;, 16.N6.Q U"DATfPAS PER t&lSITEPLAH •-JO co,<;EPnML PLAN NO, CATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL: PROJECT: 110AVE&240ST LONDON PACIFIC SINGLE FAMILY & TOWNHOUSES ORA WING TITLE: SHRUB PLAN .,, ,.. "' ,,, "' DR. DATE: l6.AU5.o'l J DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE· HSO DRAWN: BN L2 DESIGN: BN CHK'O: HrU-1 OF4 16067-06 I M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: 16 067 e ~ !Ila CZ: <2::'!f grr~a, ~~4 P05T = l/3 PO:, T ta;i!JT IH~~· ON5"1>AAJHoac:,: J - I. All. POSTS~ TREATED TO CSA STAHDARD MD eD Cl/TS TREATED HJTH PRESERVITIYE 2. AU OTHER ~KSERS TO BE CEOAR. #2 (CONSTRLtTIOW 6RADE HINl/'1.H. 3. Ail HARDHARE f-lOT DI.Ff'ED 6Al..VAN/ZED. 4. ~ ~~ J$~=~/f/CAT/ON. .5. NJ. F£H:2S--wee-uva. ~ 1116R)DE rofl?-IH 12·-0-sTEPS(MAX). ~n, ~ ror«.i.ON A.~~ 6APro.ee: 3-b". 3' HT PC I KET FENCE 4 GA TE SCALE , 1/2"=1'-0 " ,2~2· EI.L'1i.liJftJ bJ<b P.T. A?ST NOTCI-ED cur TO Suf'PORT BRACE r-<r o.c.. 2xb ,-.~~ ' ,. J "TYPICAL END AA r-•·--i 3·-7 2x6~ b"b POST -----..J.. U3Po;,Ti'24"•- Ga~F0::71'5. L' " l_j :..~------_.,·-&·-------- ~ = /. ,AJJ. H,aD 1-EHBER.5 TO BE PRESSl.RE TREATED TO CSA STANDARDS 2ALL HAROHA~ TO BE HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED 3.AFPLY 1WO COATS OF STAJN TO HATCH BU/L..D/N6 (TO BE APPR0\-1:D BT' OHNER. OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT} 4.COAT ALL air SIRFACES HITH SIMILAR PRESERVATIVE AS ABoVE ARBOUR SCALE , 1/4',l'-0' 7 L.:~ r ~'.J 3' DRAIN ROCK l/l,8fg;.aj ~ b'-6' -~ t1U·-··· ---r .. •. ..... I alJ..L PO!il~ ~ TR!!AT!!) TO GS,,,. STNCINID NO Et0 GUI"!, ~®HITl-l~\fl11VE 1. ~OltOlire-e,ii,,,crm:~•1f:,c:l,6"~11',)f~~ I. -H..L~IOfO-""l:Oo,,r,t.v__,..:ma. ◄ ~~~~~~=Jll'!fll.A1\0H 5 ~~~lD~~~6•~\::~~-S'llf'!;(KtJ(J 5' HT HOOD PERIMETER FENCE SCALE , 1/2"=1'-0" ~::~-=-~-- ·e1 ~ ~ l EL.EVA Tl ON -------- u-0 h 0 EB GARDEN PLOT SCALE , 1/2"=1'-0" 24"X24" CO/I/CRETE 51EPPJN6 ---STO/-E REFER TO HJTVAL MA TERJAL.5 FOR SPEC. j" ~ SA.-0 5E1TJMSeB:) t.;,;.~~JfR~N° FflB'AAlD- 24"x24" STEPPING STONE SCALE , 1/2"=1'-0' T r ~.~•~~~~~~~<~rid.!~ ~;~:e ,:=edo111!oedl111.0..1 ptaiftt.•Ml•Nt their ~rmissk>n LAN □SCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com J tf}O,,f;}-4 ~NJR.GP -t 1ta:r;,, REISSIED FOR DP , IR6.JI l55lEPFOR.OP :t l6.J0511 Lf'OA7B7 A5 PER fEH SITE PL.AA ~-10 CONCEPTI/AL PL'JI NO, bATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL: PROJECT: 110 AVE & 240 ST LONDON PACIFIC SINGLE FAMILY & TOWNHOUSES DR.AWING TITLE: LANDSCAPE DETAILS ,,. .., ... "" .., OR, DATE: f6.AIJ6.('Jq DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: DRAWN: BN L3 DESIGN: SN QiK'D: MTlH OF4 lb061-o6 I M2lA PROJECT NUMBER: 16067 L9091 :}!39~nN D3rO!ld VlZW 90-L909I ·so ... .. ... .... "' :a,)IHJ :u3evmN 9NIMV!:10 NOl.l VOl.:JI03dS 3dVOSGNV1 =37lll 9NIMV!:10 S3SnOHNMO1 ~ A lllNV.:f 37EJNIS ::Jl.:11::JVd NO0NOl 1S OvZ ~ 3AVOtf NOl1dl!:IJS3O NOlSl/\31:l 31VO H'f1d ,V/IJ.,B:;Jt,/0? "~ NVl::J 31/!i 1-91 lBd 9" '8LV<'.l::i'I a""• dtl~t::13'19.i/ ""'"'" d(J'd()::JG:)'1,;t;/;;nl ~fl~ d(J~(B},5/;nl l"Z",',C!f9j 'ON < • . ' woTe1zw@aJ!JJO :11ew3 Sl700"ESS'"1709 :xe, 171700"ESS"1709 :1a1 LlE INEI\ e1qwn10J Y'!l!JB 'Jaisu1wisaM MaN SMalN aUJ07 9Z -DZZ# 3HnlJHIHJHV 3dVJS□NVl fl•lfiltlol'U•~,_'IUA,..,.h-M4lf~ ~n,.-;(•lMJ"»l.,..;'°1•"~'1•~Jdf,...Mlli"f""°l.ltf'l•I• .. .Wn.._ .... ...,.,..;:: -,.i..,,tu11')tt,~ 11 .. ~1-.111•1-.-•n,r.&-,,llN~•MmA~1•Jloko01.a1U..•14111li • ~,.,.,,1.a,-1on~-.,,._~ ~ 1.- Y-hhlfP.,\.,t-..f'~llf ,.,.,~ ,11,....,__..,..,.,,...,...,..~~"'•~,...._v,_~,,. .. 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V3W 1H8 PHONE: (604) 597-7100 FAX: {604) 597-2099 EMAIL: man O bdarl<itex.com ~ ~------1--1 I 'i. . .l '\ r ....,c , ;;J CD[DLJ_J nn1, m u a_ -C •] 1~ ,!-c::::===::J=-l tc-~--. 7 -~.::~:=~~== I I --r----1I r--',~-,::__,,-----,i l~,------...,1 it•• rn 8 .... ~I I i I~ ~I i~~I i~.--------U 1-~ I= I I -• I I I I' I / IR' ,,.__,.___,, U .... .........JL--JJ 1-.;·1 11 jj 11 .I I I i I I I I I I~; .~ ~;.,. ~ ~ ~--'.:'~Ji(-----~. -'~"' '-J • . ~~, FR.ONT ELEVATION -m -rn ·--··□··-- :01 t- pY . .... -=c I [ -~ ~ '1 RJ [TICDIT] ~,.I I I I I I I i I, jl lj II lj !?1'/ l"---lL............../ IL.............JL.............J[ '~I / I I I I I I ~.~;;,;;14;;::t] UNIT 135, t, 7536 130 STREET, SURREY, B.C. V3W 1H8 PHONE: (604) 597-7100 FAX: (604) 597-2099 EMAIL: man O bdar1dtex.com I I~ • • it= =1 ----·--I U-~--·-_\ I I -I 1 I 11 ---~ ~':.':,....Si f--,y------if 11.:..•_-__;ii;:j El IL____J~~• ,-,~•~ I~"----'! f""-~~~ l'-'------J"----"'--'-'----'I ~-~ i■ 1 i' I -,~ •-~ I I I~ J-""~ S:::~'' l===~~~~~~~~~~===~ t--::================~-..... -,_ .. ..,;;....,_ --r-""T'".......=.._~~"!;j ~ -,_ •-~~ ~--· •• •h -•n.,.._ ___ • -► ~"r• ~ ---?...===---·:--~ ..... -t=~ ~ ::-~~~ t------------------; ,...----------------1 =-----..,-----\:t":·::-::.·=----.. =:-=.:-·::c~~~~~~~-;::-=--~~=:-----~:;r--:.E-\~ ,.. ________________ .., KEAR ELEVATION ~:;.:114:i~ill UNIT 135, ~ 7536 130 STREET, SURREY, 8.C. V3W 1H8 PHONE: (604) 597-7100 FAX: (604) 597-2099 EMAIL: man O bdar1<itex.com 1a1~- I] -~ SIDE ELEVATION ~W~,:!!.~Hi~:J UNIT 135, ~ 7536 130 SlREET, SURREY, 8.C. V3W 1HB PHONE: (604) 597-7100 FAX: (604) 597-2099 EMAIL: man O bdar1dtex.com e envirowest consultants inc. Suite 101 -1515 Broadway Street Port Coquitlam, British Columbia Canada V3C 6M2 604-944-0502 November 3, 2015 Mr. Rodney Stott City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Dear Sir, RE: 11016, 11032, 11038 -240 STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, BC Arborist Report This correspondence comprises an arborist report for the properties located at the above civic addresses (the Property) in accordance with the information requirements of applications for a Watercourse Protection Development Permit for the City of Maple Ridge. The Property is comprised of 3 lots identified by the following legal descriptions: Lot 5, Block 9, Section 10, TWP 12, New Westminster District, PL NWP17613; Lot 4, Section 10, TWP 12, New Westminster District, PL NWPl 7613; and Lot 4, Section 10, TWP 12, New Westminster District, PL NWPI 7613. The Property is further identified by PID 010-317-759, PID 007-469-179, and PID 005-689-343 respectively. This arborist report, within the context of the development permit application, locates significant trees (tree diameter greater than 25 centimeters diameter at breast height) within the WPDP area, identifies trees likely to require removal, and recommends mitigation measures for the protection of trees that are to be retained. The Property was assessed by Envirowest Consultants Inc. (Envirowest) on October 26, 2015. Environmental Setting A Preliminary Environmental Assessment (dated July 23, 2015) separately prepared by Envirowest Consultants Inc. presents a detailed description of the biophysical characteristics of the Property. The Property is a total of 0.808 hectares in size, comprised of 3 lots, and is generally bounded by One Family Rural Residential properties to the north and east, 110 A venue to the south, and 240 Street to the west. Drawing No. 1998-01-02 ROI "Significant Tree Stand Locations" (attached) depicts the locations of significant trees on the Property within the context of the currently proposed subdivision plan. Trees, shrubs and other vegetation located in or adjacent to proposed utility, road and building footprints will be removed. The status of trees located on the margins of the proposed utility, road and building footprints will be re- assessed by the project arborist immediately prior to land clearing to confirm suitability for retention. Retained trees will require root protection and are to be afforded Root Protection Zones (see below). www.envirowest.ca r Mr. Keath Williams, London Pacific Property Agents Inc. 11016, 11032, 11038 -240 Street, Maple Ridge, BC Arborist Report November 3, 2015 Page 2 of2 Envirowest recommends that tree protection fencing (see below) be installed to delineate Root Protection Zones. The total number of trees scheduled for removal is ultimately dependent upon the final real ization of utility, road and building designs. A final count of trees removed will be deferred to the time of clearing. Root P_rQtection Zone A Root Protection Zone (RPZ) must be established around individual trees and/or entire stands of trees/vegetation recommended for retention. A RPZ is the area of ground surrounding the base of a tree (s) that is required by the tree for biological function and structural integrity. When establishing an RPZ a radial distance shall be measured from the base of the tree trunk and extended around the circumference of the trunk to form a continuous zone. An industry formula for determining the RPZ, (i.e. dbh x 12 equals area of protection, measured at a radius from the centre of tbe trunk) is generally utilized, although a rule of thumb for establishing a RPZ is to utilize the furthest extent of the tree canopy drip line as a radial distance. Other factors such as existing features (i.e. roads, buildings, compaction, streams, utilities, etc.) may compromise the area and would require further calculations to ensure the RPZ is of a satisfactory size. Tr_ee Prntecti@ Fencing Once trees are identified for protection and prior to construction activities, temporary tree protection fencing shall be installed at the determined RPZ boundary. The al ignment of the temporary fencing shall be determined by the project arborist. The fence frame should be sturdy (i.e. wood or steel posts) and support 1.2 metre high orange snow fencing or be constructed of similar materials. Building materials, vehicles, and equipment must not be stored or operated within the RPZ. Should access be required within the RPZ, permission must be granted by the project arborist. Further involvement by the project arborist may be required during additional clearing activities within the Property boundary. :.,:_-.: ... :·~::,::;~· .. : Please contact me at 604-944-0502 or nilson@envirowest.ca should you have any questions or comments regarding this report. T CONSULTANTS INC. ete Willows Jan.~ Certified Arborist -PN-6690A Project Biologist PJW/JN attachment Envirowest Drawing No. 1998-01-02 ROI "Significant Tree Locations" K I' .. ·--.. tl~( ~'._~;I~~~--~: .• r . ,< ·(.;. ,•··~ ·: ~-:;! :;.,_~ ;•c ~ • •· ~I'-" .•· -·,_-·:";<_-.. -;-.··~; .,,.~-, .r -fbMi SCALE 1:250 I ' I i-·•-··-··-··-··-··--.1F"-V-~----··-·,-··--.··-••r-••-.. -··"t-l • <ht~ \ \ \ '1· !+--\ \ \ 'i i-+-UO,Co.t.r \ \ \ . __ it\ : \ \ \----·'l)~ I I I I i ,.t... -~ ...... \ ♦-',.,. i : r,o,,,,_ .X,C,D,a,J I ;tr,,w/4; l Jl.~.a.it. • ~ I +--•++!,.., , • , """"> --t \/,_· : .W,,t.:i, : t'-~ ~...,+ .·ti ! 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