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ADP 2017-05-09 agenda.pdf
City of Maple Ridge ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDA May 9, 2017, 4:00 pm Coho Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.AGENDA APPROVAL 3.MINUTE ADOPTION –April 11, 2017 4.PROJECTS 4.1 4:10 PM Development Permit No:2017-012-DP & 2017-027-DP Applicant:Streetside Developments Project Architect:John Bingham, Bingham Hill Architects Project Landscape Architect:Mary Chan-Yip, PMG Landscape Architects Proposal:Commercial and townhouse residential Location:11080, 11154, 11184 240 Street File Manager:Diana Hall 5.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.CORRESPONDENCE 6.1 Response from 2016-352-DP applicant re: March 14, 2017 ADP Resolution 7.ADJOURNMENT /ss - l~WPI maple ridge .ca Cify of Maple Ridge TO: FILE NO: Advisory Design Panel 2017-012-DP MEETING DATE: May 9, 2017 SUBJECT: 11184, 11154 , & 11080 240 Street PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel (the "ADP") submission, has been received for the above cited application and property to permit the construction of a 130 unit townhouse development. The rezoning application being processed in conjunction with this proposal was given First Reading.by Council on August 29, 2016. This rezoning application is accompanied by an Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment to .adjust the conservation boundary around Seigal Creek and to change the commercially designated portion of the site from Neighbourhood Commercial to Village Commercial. The remainder of the site proposed for commercial development is under concurrent application 2017- 027-DP. • This site is zoned RS-3 One Family Rural Residential. The portion of the site that is· designated for residential uses is· proposed to be rezoned to RM-1 Townhouse Residential. The development permit application made to the City is subject to Section 8.7 Multi-Family Development Permit. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Residential Streetside Developments Lot: 9, Section: 10, Township: 12, Plan: NWP809, Lot: 1, Block: 9, Section: 10, Township: _12, Plan: NWP17613, & Lot: 1, Section: 10, Township: 12, Plan: NWP17613 MRES (Medium Density Residential), CONSRV (Conservation), Neighbourhood Commercial MRES (Medium Density Residential), CONSRV (Conservation), Village, Commercial RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) C-5 (Village Centre Commercial) & RM-1 Townhouse Residential Vacant RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Low_ Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, and Conservation 2 properties, duplex and single family RS-3 (One Family Rural R_esidential) Low Medium Density Residential and Conservation 18 properties, neighbourhood commercial and street townhouse residential C-1 Neighbourhood Commercial and RST Street Townhouse Page 1 of 5 Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Commercial and Urban Residential · Vacant RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Institutional and Conservation. Existing Use of Property: 1 single family house on one of the 3 parcels . Commercial and Townhouse residential Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: 4.5 HA. (11 acres) Access: Servicing requirement: 112th Avenue or 240th Street Urban Standard DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: The development permit application made to the City prompting this submission to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.5 Commercial Development Permit. Key Guidelines: The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal's compliance with the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines: 1. New development into established area should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. This development is relatively isolated, as it is on a street corner, with conservation lands tO its east. Townhouse development is occurring across 240the Street and would be supported across 112th Avenue. 2. The development respects the height permitted in the proposed zoning. The building form and architectural features complement the surrounding developments. This development is in a context of multi-family development and is consistent in height and density. • 3. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or l_ow rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. There is consistency in overall housing form, and therefore a 'transition to bridge different residential densities is not required. 4. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. The development incorporates variation wi(hin the site through the use of colour variation and number of units within the building to foster a sense of community 5. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away-from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property The townhouse development's streetscape is both varied and is scale appropriate for pedestrian and vehicular circulation. Parking areas are carefully integrated into the urban fabric of the development within the internal roads. Landscaping has been used to provide screening from vehicular areas and to create attractive streetscapes through the inclusion of trees between garages and planting throughout. Page 2 of 5 Des ign Gu idelines:- The Design Guidelines and a full explanation of how the project complies with them or the reasons . • why they are not applicable are attached in Appendix C to this memo. PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Works along abutting roads: Road Design . • Arterial road construction is required across the 240 Street and 112 Avenue frontages. • The design of 240 Street is to include the construction of a center median at the intersection. • 3.0m of dedication is required across the full frontages of 112 Avei:iue and 240 Street. Corner truncation as specified in the design criteria manual is required. Truncation is to not be less than 5m x 5m. • Concrete curb and gutter is required across both frontages with the arterial road construction. • Both frontages have ditches that will need to be considered as part of the road design. • Storm sewer works will be required on 112 Avenue with the construction of the arterial road including any service connections. Road drainage for 240 Street and any services will need to be installed as part of the arterial road construction. • Street lights are required across both frontages. The properties are required to be serviced by underground wiring. • The Subdivision & Development Bylaw requires undergrounding of the existing overhead utilities on 240 Street and 112 Avenue. Under Council Policy 9.05 the City can support a variance to waive the requirement to underground the Hydro and Telephone on 240 Street and the Telephone only on 112 Avenue. The Hydro on 112 Avenue must be converted to underground. PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: This combined commercial and multi-family development includes a central amenity area for residential users including outdoor space as well as a recreation building. There are 3 complimentary colour schemes employed with this proposal, in earthy shades of greys, burnt sienna, green, and blue. The site context includes conservation area to the east of the site. Emphasis in placed on private outdoor space with shade trees. 2. Context: The earthy colours used in the vinyl siding complement the natural assets of the site. This site context includes adjacent existing and developing townhouse forms. 3. OCP and Zoning Como liance: The subject site is_ designated Commercial, Conservati_on and Medium Density Residential. The Conservation designation 'of the subject site is being adjusted to reflect ground-truthing. The residential portion of the subject site is being rezoned to RM-1 Townhouse Residential. Development Data Sheet (Appendix F) analyses the compliance of the project with the applicable zone regulations. The proposal has a density (Floor Space Ratio) of 0.6 which complies with the maximum density permitted in the RM-1 Townhouse Residential Zone. The following variances will be required: Page 3 of 5 I • The proposed recreation amenity building has a maximum height of 4.8 metres. Accessory residential buildings in the RM-1 Zone have a maximum permitted height of 4.5 metres, thereby necessitating a variance. 4. Parking and bicvcfe storage: The required parking for the proposed use is analyzed in the Development Data Sheet (Appendix F) Parking requirements have been met with this proposal 5. Environmental, Sustainability & Stormwater Management: The vegetated bioswales through the site promote natural drainage. Water from rooftop runoff and downspouts is redirect.ed into these areas. 6. Issues requiring comments from ADP: The fit and ~onnectivity between the commercial and residential uses should be reviewed. 7. Garbage/Recycling: Garbage containers and recycling bins will be picked up from the curb of the internal roads, which is typical of townhouse developments. 8. Works along abutting roads: Road Design • Arterial road construction is required across the 240 Street and 112 Avenue frontages. • The design of 240 Street is to include the construction of a center median at the intersection. • 3.0m of dedication is required across the full frontages of 112 Avenue and 240 Street. Corner truncation as specified in the design criteria manual is required. Truncation is to not be less than Sm x Sm. • Concrete curb and gutter is required across both frontages with the arterial road construction. • • Both frontages have ditches that will need to be considered as part of the road design. • Storm sewer works will be required on 112 Avenue with the construction of the arterial road including any service connections. Road drainage for 240 Street and any services will need to be installed as part of the arterial road construction. • Street lights are required across both frontages. The properties are required to be serviced by underground wiring. • The Subdivision & Development Bylaw requires undergrounding of the .existing overhead utilities on 240 Street and 112 Avenue. Under Council Policy 9.05 the City can support a variance to waive the requirement to underground the Hydro and Telephone on 240 Street and the Telephone only on 112 Avenue. The Hydro on 112 Avenue must be converted to underground. Page 4 of 5 The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject map 7 sets submitted by the Architect: Appendix B Explanatory letter from Architect (and Landscape Architect if applicable) Appendix C ADP Submission Form Appendix C ADP Applicant Checklist (signed by Architect) Appendix D Development Data Sheet (signed by Architect) Appendix [ DP Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix F Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 5 of 5 [~ MAPLE RIDGE ---~-- 8rill!.h Co umb1.i mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: Name of Applicant StreetSide Developments (BC) Ltd . RZ 2016-244 File number Address of site 11080 / 11154 / 11184 240 Street Current Zone RS3 Proposed Zone _R_M_-_1 ___ _ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date May 9, 2017 Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect John Bingham, Bingham Hill Architeca Landscape Architect Mary Chan-Yip, PMG Landscape Arco Other Professional (State Name & Role) ------------=:,------ Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -all schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) industrial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m1 Revised December 15, 2016 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL 2017 APPLICANT SCHEDULE Meeting Date Applicant Deadline January 10, 2017 December 19, 2016 February 14, 2017 January 23, 2017 March 14, 2017 February 20, 2017 April 11, 2017 March 20, 2017 May 9, 2017 April 13, 2017 June 13, 2017 May 19, 2017 July 11, 2017 June 19, 2017 NO AUGUST MEETING September 12, 2017 August 21, 2017 October 10, 2017 September 18, 2017 November 14, 2017 October 23, 2017 December 12, 2017 November 20, 2017 ~ Diana Hall Planning Department City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 To Diana Hall: Re: Advisory Design Panel Application (Townhomes) 11080, 11154, 11184 240 Street April 13, 2017 Please find enclosed the Advisory Design Panel application for the properties at 11080, 11154, and 11184 240 Street, which proposes rezoning the site from RS-3 One Family Rural Residential to RM- 1 Townhouse Residential to permit the development of 130 townhomes and a recreation building. \_ The proposed rezoning conforms to the uses prescribed in the Albion Area Plan within the Official Community Plan (OCP), which designates this location for Medium Density Residential. The enclosed package includes plans of the proposed development and supporting documentation. The design rationale for this project can be found on page 03 of the Architect's drawing package. As described in the design rationale, the site plan has been largely influenced by the environmental considerations of Seigel Creek, located along the east property and shown on the Setback Determination Map on page 07 of the Architect's drawing package. The plan shows variable dedications from the top of bank at Siegel Creek and a 10m dedication from the creek located at the southwest corner of the site. The stormwater strategy has been developed by the Civil Engineer with input from the other consultants. The detailed strategy is included in this package. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Yours truly, StreetSide Developments (BC) Ltd. Sarah Bingham Development Manager 310 -5620 152 Street, Surrey BC \/JS 3K2 P 60°1 579 0018 vancouver@streetsidedevelopments,com streetsidebccom ( 1~•-· maple ridge.ca DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Existing /Proposed Zone _R_S_3 _I R_M_1 _____ Date Prepared April 12, 2011 Required Development Data Minimum Required or I Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total 41,245.8 Less Road/ Truncations Dedicated 892.5 Less Park / Open Space Dedicated 12906.3 Net Total 27,447.0 LOT COVERAGE (ih % of net lot area) Buildings & Structures 31 .2% Paved & Hard Surfaced Areas Landscaping Total Site Coverage SETBACKS ( in metres) Front 7.5 4.5 Rear 6.0 6.0 Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Street Side = 4.5 4.5 Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Creek Side = 6.0 6.0 Side #3 (N, S, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal 11m 10.6 Accessory 4.Sm 4.8 NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor 0 One Bedroom 0 Two Bedroom 0 Three Bedroom + 130 Total 130 GROSS FLOOR AREA {in square metres) Residential 17,566.08 16,498.2 Retail Commercial n/a n/a Office Commercial n/a n/a Other Commercial (Type ) n/a n/a Institutional n/a n/a Industrial n/a n/a TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA n/a 16,498.2 • If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. ( Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) 41 .87 # of units/ha (net) 47.36 Gross Floor Area 17,566.08 16,498.2 Floor Space Ratio (net) 16,468.2 16,498.2 AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area 650.0 670.3 Useable Open Space 5850.0 5850.0+ PARKING (n umber of spaces} Residential and Multi-Residential Uses 260 260 Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units ) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Co mprehensive Total Number of Parking Spaces for Uses 260 260 Number of parking spaces for disabled 1 1 Number of spaces for visitors 27 (including disabled) 27 (including disabled) TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES 287 287 Number and percentage small cars 0 0 Number and percentage tandem spaces ·--TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) 260 260 BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Pa rking Long Term Bicycle Parking OTHER -state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site INo I Tree Survey/Assessment Provided !YES Watercourse/Steep Slopes I YES I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements I No I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. Prepared by, ..ldl\l'I 1:)~8WI• Print ame NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Sub Application. 1. 2. [~- mapleridge.ca Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan, multi-family developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. 8.7.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies New development into established areas This development has limited adjacent development. should respect private spaces, and Directly across 240 Street are rowhomes with new single incorporate local neighbourhood family homes behind them. There is a new townhouse elements in building form, height, development to the northwest of the site. The properties architectural features and massing. directly north, east, and south of the development are zoned RS-3. The development respects the height permitted in the proposed zoning. The building form and architectural features complement the surrounding developments. Transitional development should be used This development respects the surrounding densities, to bridge areas of low and high densities, as it faces other multi-family developments including a through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented rowhome development across 240th Street and is housing located to the periphery of a adjacent to another townhouse development on the higher density developments. east side of 240th Street north of 112th Avenue. 1 I Key Guideline Concepts (Continued) 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural The development incorporates variation within the site separation to foster a sense of through the use of colour variation and number of units community, and improve visual within the building to foster a sense of community. attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes The townhouse development's streetscape is both attained through landscaping, varied and is scale appropriate for pedestrian and architectural details, appropriate lighting vehicular circulation. Parking areas are carefully and by directing parking underground in!ewated_into the urban fabric of the development where possible or away from public view wrthm the rnternal roads. Landscaping has been used to through screened parking structures or provide screening from vehicular areas and to create surface parking located to the rear of the attractive streetscapes through the inclusion of trees property. between garages and planting throughout. Guidelines 8.7.1 A Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Building Design, Massing and Siting listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Design and siting of buildings should take advantage of natural features or views Buildings step with the contours and are oriented to and should enhance privacy and en~a_nce privacy and liveability. Where possible, livability. burldrngs are oriented toward the natural greenspace. 2. Residential buildings should front or appear to front onto public roads Each of the units facing public roads incorporate a gate through the use of appropriate and low picket fence to create a sense of entry, leading treatment of exteriors, through direct to a ~oor. These units include a small porch faci ng the pedestrian access to individual units from publrc roads to enhance the private/ publ ic realm. the public street/sidewalk, or through Vehicular access is provided to the site on both fronting the provision of pedestrian walkways linked to the street. Street frontages streets, and also function as pedestrian access into the should be emphasized by incorporating development. Pedestrian access directly to the differentiated front, side and rear Commercial site improves connectivity to the site. oriented facades, with a minimum two storey facade on the fronting street to foster a human scale. Buildings that are designed with an end wall or unit adjacent to a public street should design the end unit with the pedestrian entry facing the street. At significant intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets and incorporate corner cuts. 2 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 3. Higher density dwellings should be sited adjacent to major streets in order to This development faces 240th Street and 112th minimize access problems and to provide Avenue. a transition to lower density uses. 4. Multi-family developments adjacent to lower density or single detached This development faces a rowhome development residential dwellings should: across 240th Street, which acts as a transition between a) be consistent in form and massing with the single family homes at 239 Street and this site. The the surrounding area; density matches that of the adjacent townhouse b) be sited adjacent to major streets to development on the east side of 240th Street north of provide a transition to lower density 112th Avenue. uses; c) concentrate density to the centre of the The building mass of this development is similar to that development or towards a non-of the adjacent multi-family uses. residential boundary and locate lower density components adjacent to lower density residential uses; d) create a transition in building mass and form towards the setbacks of the adjacent neighbourhood; e) minimize access conflicts; f) be designed to maximize privacy and minimize views onto adjoining sites, particularly for portions of the development abutting the side yards of adjacent single detached residential uses. s. Larger buildings, roof forms and building frontages should include design The building forms are smaller scale than the adjacent elements and features to: townhouse development. Vertical elements have been a) provide variation in the facades to help used to create the appearance of a series of identifiable reduce the visual length of individual parts_. Colour ha~ been used to express strong unit buildings; 1dent1ty. Each unit has direct access to the ground floor b) have the appearance of a series of from the front and rear of the building. smaller buildings, or as identifiable parts of a larger concept; and c) incorporate components that express strong unit identity and incorporate direct access to grade for ground-floor units. 3 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 6. New multi-family developments should use design themes, architectural This development is of similar scale to the surrounding features and elements of the developments. surrounding neighbourhood by Scale and massing is similar to the adjacent townhouse incorporating common elements such as form, scale, massing and proportion into development. the design as a means to reinforce neighbourhood stability. Examples Similar architectural elements are found in the roof style include: and building materials. The colours have been chosen a) the articulation of facades, using where to compliment the surrounding developments. appropriate, elements such as porches, chimneys, projections, recesses, and Garages are accessed from the internal strata balconies; roads .Hard and soft landscaping is used to compliment b) the placement, size, shape and number the architectural form and to create a sense of place. of doors and windows; c) the location and visual appearance of garages and/or parking facilities; d) the selection of appropriate and compatible roof forms; and e) the design of hard and soft landscaping. 7. The exposed undersides of balconies and porches that are visible from a street or The under sides of decks exposed at the street will be public walkway should be covered with enclosed. exterior finishes to provide a finished appearance to public view. 8. Developments are encouraged to use the Leadership in Energy and Vegetated bioswales will be used throughout the site to Environmental Design (LEEDS) standards mitigate run-off. in the design of buildings. Techniques Water from drain pipes is directed into the bioswales such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, separation of impervious surfaces, wherever possible. installing below surface infiltration beds and tree box filters, and redirecting al water from drain pipes into vegetated areas are encouraged. 9. Variation in individual unit designs is encouraged to provide visual interest Variation of unit block size, colour, and roof form and avoid significant repetition either provide variation throughout the development. within a row of townhouses, or between adjacent rows of units. 4 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 10. Garage doors should not face public Garage doors are oriented into the strata road and so streets. Where front facing garage doors not face the public streets. are unavoidable, the impact of garage doors on the public realm should be mitigated by: a) designing residential units with enough width to include attractive entrances and windows between garages; b) recessing garage doors behind the main building fa~ade; c) keeping a sufficient width in residential units to allow the creation of attractive entrances and fenestration between garages. d) grouping garage doors in pairs between adjacent units to allow building entrances and facades more prominence on the street; e) providing interior spaces that overlook the street; f) separating and orienting unit entrances to the street; g) providing individual pedestrian walkways linked to the street; h) including design details such as transom windows or glazing in garage doors; i) a comprehensive landscape plan that identifies how the visual impact of garage doors from the street will be mitigated. 11. Landscaping of rooftops is encouraged Landscapiing on rooftops is not applicable due to the where possible, to provide shared or pitched roofline. Each unit has private outdoor space private outdoor space for residents and through a yard, and balconies. to provide attractive views for residents and passersby. 5 Guidelines 8.7.1 B Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation 1. Parking and servicing should be located underground or to the rear of buildings, with access from lanes wherever possible. Where lane access is not possible, access should be from streets via narrow driveways to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 2. Parking structures should be adequately screened and architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. Large surface parking areas should be divided into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous appearance with landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement treatment to enhance their visual appearance. 3. Developments with large parking areas should provide a direct pedestrian pathway system through the parking area to facilitate convenient and safe pedestrian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscaping with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. 4. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Parking is located away from the public realm. Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. 6 r Guidelines 8.7.1 B (Continued) s. Locate parking spaces allocated for Parking for people with disabilities is indicated on the people with disabilities as close as plan near the entrance to the Amenity Building. possible to the main entrance to a building. 6. Crime Prevention through Not applicable with relation to parking. Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design An overview of internal street and public areas has of all parking facilities with convenient, been incorporated as part of the CPTED considerations. safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to building entrances, lobbies or other principal areas of buildings, and to grade level from any underground or above ground parking structures. 7. To increase safety, consider using Not applicable. electronic security devices and monitoring systems as a supplement to natural surveillance opportunities in parking structures and parking areas. 8. The amount of asphalt surfaces in Special paving has been incorporated at the Visitor parking areas should be minimized by Parking stalls. integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers, etc. or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Road grades, streets, lanes, and Road grades have been designed to ensure minimal driveways should conform to the disruption to slopes and vegetation. existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, roads should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. 7 Guidelines 8.7.1 C Landscaping and Open Space Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Landscaping both within and outside the development should: Pedestrian corridors are defined through the use of a) provide definition for pedestrian concrete paths and planting. corridors; b) delineate private and semi private space from public space; c) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces; d) present a pleasing street image; e) provide suitable buffering between public road and privacy areas; f) soften the transition between adjacent land uses; g) provide a buffer between residential and non-residential land uses; h) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site; The Landscaping includes special paving at the development's entry to delineate semi-private space from public space. Gates at the entries to the unit's yards delineates public from private space. Private outdoor spaces are screened through the use of patio screens and landscaping between neighbouring yards. The development maintains views toward the forested areas. A view corridor has been maintained from the Amenity Building to the forested area. i) reinforce design continuity with Street trees have been identified on the Landscape neighbouring properties, the scale and plans to reinforce design continuity with the massing of buildings, and the neighbouring developments. streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 2. Landscape drawings for development applications should include, but are not The location of mature and existing trees to be retained limited to, the following information: and removed can be found in the Arborist Report. a) the location of mature and existing trees to be retained or removed, Grading can be found on the Landscape plan. b) the location of all protective tree fencing; c) a grading plan or cross section indicating finished grade; and d) a drainage plan for the site. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all development. Incorporate deciduous tree species into streetfront landscaping to define site boundaries, to enhance public space, and to permit light penetration in winter. The drainage plan is also shown on the Landscape plan, which includes bioswales and the site slope to contain run off. Street trees are shown on the Landscape plans. 8 r Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 4. Energy efficiency and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) using native and/or drought-resistant species; b) designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind; c) providing shade in summer; d) allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the site; e) allowing daylight into buildings; and f) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 5. Maintain continuous landscaping along abutting streets and minimize the number of interruptions such as driveways and parking entrances. Continue the sidewalk pavement across driveways and parking entrances. 6. Create visual landmarks on significant street corners and at locations of high visibility. Provide landscaping and consider incorporating features such as flag poles, banners, visual art, ornamental trees, fountains, architectural elements, and landscape structures. 7. Any portion of a building site left vacant for future development should be landscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall site. The minimum ground surface treatment should be lawn. Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property not being developed. Native species with low water requirements (per the City's requirements) have been incorporated into the landscape plans. Except where they back onto the forested areas, each yard has a tree to provide shade in the summer. The vegetated bioswales through the site promote natural drainage. Water from rooftop runoff and downspouts is redirected into these areas. As much as possible, the buildings are oriented so that windows face east and west to allow natural daylight into buildings. Landscaping is continuous along abutting streets, except at the entrance / exit to the development. Not applicable. Not applicable. 9 . , Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 8. Identify, preserve and incorporate Mature trees are shown on the Arborist plan. The stands of mature trees into the overall majority are along the top of bank and are retained . site landscaping design. Retain unique tree species, significant vegetation, natural landscape features and nesting areas on a site wherever possible. To attain this objective, prior to the design of a project, a detailed survey prepared by a qualified professional indicating the location and condition of existing trees and vegetation on a site should be conducted and provided to the District as part of the development application process. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced Not applicable. with new planting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replanting with indigenous or native species is encouraged. 10. Consider incorporating rain gardens and Vegetated swales have been incorporated throughout vegetated swales into parking lot the site. landscaping to increase the natural absorption of rainwater runoff from paved areas into the ground. 11. The height and location of a landscape screen should ensure that: a) privacy to adjacent properties is adequately protected; b) driving site lines are maintained from adjacent roads, manoeuvring aisles, parking lots; and c) the quality of the streetscape and outdoor living sp aces is enhanced. 12. Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to increase the natural absorption of rainwater on a site . A landscape screen has been provided at all patios. The quality of the streetscape and outdo_or living spaces has been enhanced with trees and planting. Impervious paved surfaces have been limited to drive aisles, driveways, patios, and pathways. 10 Guidelines 8.7.1 D Universally Accessible Design 1. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it ls inapplicable. Non-vehicular routes are concrete to permit wheelchair/ scooter access. 2. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed with large numbers Building entries will have unit numbers visible from the visible from the street; strata road. b) directly accessed from the without stairs; street c) provided with level areas measuring a minimum of 1.Sm x 1.Sm (4.9 ft. x4.9 ft.) both inside and outside of doorways; and Units are accessed from the strata road without stairs. A level area of 5 ft. x 5 ft. is provided outside the doorway. d} provided with weather protection, Weather protection is provided at each doorway. exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. Guidelines 8.7.1 E Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas 1. Integrate vents, mechanical rooms, mechanical equipment, and elevator penthouses into the roof design or screen with materials and finishes compatible with the overall architectural design. 2. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. 11 3. Garbage containers and recycling bins must be: a) easily accessible; b) appropriately sized for the building occupants; c) contained within roofed/walled enclosures; d) incorporated into the overall design of the development; or e) screened from public view and weatherproof and animal-resistant within the boundaries of each site. 4. Service areas should be internalized within the development. For developments with multiple buildings, common refuse, recycling and service areas are to be provided. Storage areas should be located to be convenient and readily accessible from most buildings or units on the site. Avoid direct exposure from public streets and allow for adequate manoeuvring space for removal vehicles. Garbage containers and recycling bins will be picked up from the curb of the internal roads, which is typical of townhouse developments. Not applicable. 5. Enclose or screen all exterior mechanical Not applicable. units or equipment, including roof top units, equipment, and satellite dishes within upper floors or structures that from part of the overall design of a development. 6. Locate building ventilation systems to Not applicable. minimize noise and exhaust pedestrian areas, residential units, and outdoor spaces and locate less sensitive land uses closer to sources of noise. 7. Buildings should be designed and constructed maximize sound Not applicable. attenuation: a) between units; b) between public roads and units; and c) between adjacent land uses and units. 12 f Guidelines 8.7.1 F Signage and Lighting 1. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message should be integrated and complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 3. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged along all pedestrian routes and pedestrian plazas. The lighting should be pedestrian focused. 4. Lighting should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. Guidelines 8.7.1 G Bicycle Parking and Storage 1. Short term and long term bicycle parking facilities should be considered for all developments. Short term bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads with bicycle racks made of sturdy, theft- resistant material that is securely anchored to the floor or ground. Longer term bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. Lighting will be provided at unit entries. Additional lighting will be provided along pedestrian pathways. Lighting will be placed to reduce nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Bicycles will be parked within the individual units, which is typical of townhouse developments. 13 Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File Number RZ 2016-244 Date prepared: April 12, 2017 Architect John Bingham Print Name 14 Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. 505 -1755 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6J 4S5 April 12, 2017 City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X6A9 Attention: Diana Hall Dear Diana, Tel: (604) 224-6827 RE: Proposed 130 Unit Townhouse Site, Streetside Developments, 240 Street/112 Avenue, Maple Ridge File: 2016-244-RZ; Our File: 522 (REVISED) Certification: I hereby ce1tify that our Stormwater Management Plan for this project meets or exceeds the GVRD and DFO Guidelines for water velocity, quality and quantity. Background: The 3 Tier Approach to Stonmvater Management is part of the Stmmwater Planning Guidebook for British Columbia as issued by the Province with the GVRD and Maple Ridge being some of the sponsors. Tier A Events: These are small rainfall events that are less than 50% of the mean annual rainfall event, which occurs once a year. These events represent about 90% of all rainfall and should be captured at source to reduce runoff volume and provide rainfall capture. The geotechnical repo1t indicates that the site is not suitable for in-ground infiltration and accordingly infiltration and accordingly 300mm processed topsoil will be placed on each lot to allow supplementary storm water infiltration. A restrictive covenant will be placed on the site to ensure the soil is placed when the buildings and landscaped areas are constructed. (Calculation sheet attached) Water will, however, be introduced into the ground with imported granular material for the bioswales, drywall, manholes, catch basins with infiltration galleries. Where possible, the roof drainage will be introduced directly to the bioswales and only the foundation drains will be dispersed to the nearby storm sewers. Two split base flow outfalls are proposed to discharge to Seigal Creek, both will have oil/pollutant traps. Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. 505 -1755 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6J 4S5 A bio-filtration pond is proposed in the south west p01tion of the site. Tier B Events: Tel: (604) 224-6827 Tier B events are larger rainfall events that exceed Tier A up to and excluding MAR, these events represent approximately 10% of the annual rainfall and result in the majority of the peak flows in downstream watercourses. Two in pipe detention systems will release rainfall runoff at a controlled rate of a 1 :2 year forested flow to manage the sudden increased flow from the impermeable areas. Tier C Events: These are extreme rainfall events that may or may not occur once a year. Two in-pipe detention systems will convey up to the 1: 10 year event and release at a 1 :2 year pre-development flow. The st01m sewer pipes are designated to accept the 100 year flow. The methods described above will help to lessen the impact of these more extreme rainfall events. The runoff will discharge to the creek at the southwest comer of the Site in two separate locations. Both outfalls will incorporate stormceptor systems to treat the rainwater before discharging to the creek. SEPARATE RAIN WATER LEADER B SUMPS TO DRAIN TO BIOSWALES WHERE SHOWN A]t1,G,4,.1t ,-.:.u.11E'llso10 •:~all.'tilt1.1~ ~1 = •s.o1-1mw . ...-,1-.v-,11.c.c..,...iov'-!..e.G 11.v i.t:\lo0ol):Uwnr,,-.1~n,.,.1,tauo11:1-,..iu.,i-11111u1...,. .-u:cAD J.f lU J.1o0'&,1o1~nl'tl(<Ynttw) a _ ... •t"ICIIU ~JSJ1la ) THREE TIER* SYSTEM AN R/C IS REQUIRED ON THE SffE TO ENSURE A MINIMUM OF 300mm OF PROCESSED TOPSOIL IS * PLACED ON fil PERVIOUS AREAS OF THE SITE TO ALLOW SUPPLEMENTARY STORM WATER INFILTRATION SPLIT FLOW MANHOLES & OIL INTERCEPTORS CATCH BASINS __.--------1B WITH INFILTRATION * GALLERIES (TYP.) l*'MlR><S 10 Bi: COiii'. Ill I 2017 "f!SIWIJES "IIIDOW" ltSSUED FOR D.P. I • STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN '=-~--"-~ ... ~, A J '2€}\ 'a-'i:4-4-~=b. r )?fZo::r~~-t7?o "-'~(:( .o\fY,~"""~~~r(T:::... • 0~ 4 l:t2?-"~G-\£.4l~ -z.4:o,;;r t llz_A,$r.. ~vt~.7 ~,~~AJ...L,, ~~~ '4-~ Mtv\ {_ i;,,0% oP µ.~iz.-) -r-o~L i~ ~"'1-Dl71\I\~\ '* ,~~lov<;. A~A l'0; 04.~ ( A) c,,/V\ x.. ~ J, o o.c> -.. _ 8!!<P _ c. ,-,... (e.,) • l2..J~~~oL..v1¼€-. -r~r 1:,,e,-~.J-E: i-vt71V\ ~ r p~rAl t e, tvS _ A-~A ~G?•J\~NC-t .kf7~~:;&",t-.\ t -ror,AL. . -· ~~~~~ ~e,, ~7~ ~"FM ~"-, ;-~~O ~'v\( C) 1"0-p~D\L l2)~0\tf~9 ~ 84G (E:>)~-\p/Jro{,to\~) k~~_e (C~ ::::.. tit::?B _ µ\fv'\. . l✓f'\2~~~ ?,oo··~ av\J ✓ ~@J~ f:,.~fi~'~ 1. \",)'-u:, -~2 .t=1A1'\}\A~<.. ~ \ 1h>t.\· h Uot;,· - '"l7~~~~~? l?1o!" t2.Q ~/p_oo . .«~..;~~ ~'\7~1'cn l?lv)l~t \l 1 \?Jo +~.~~~ ec, -J.~A~,J&, 1,(,,? 'J-1--·4~ .e.,.~ ~o • --,,J;,f'J~~L---==--\ ~ &:> 4t-h Ch ~r A) r1.!rtflf..•[sfll0 ~ · ---\ ~ ~@·., r°Jwy ~ . :' --• , ·- ~,, ·~~-~. • -~-,.( ik/ • -' l YI •• Aplin & Martin Consultants~ . ···-··•" ·-· -• ~-~.:....:l. #sos·-1755 West 8ro~dwa~ Vancouver, BC V6J 455 ,·.~ '\ A;~}tti_tt-!~·~t .. ;/ .. i1~f' :t"""~...., ~ \ <Z,, · >!f..b.{tur\t1?/1/ ,:J.f ,r v;:;.;y I ·®'! '.'-,o, ....... --:.-.. _..•·1 -"r.'" _;_______:::_..,_ _____ _ \ ~ •J:t(:t:i1-;i~-:-t~ ,.:,~,-:. 1:-.>~~~;,,J J''j].',;.~;-• ~ A.,~G -\ r1 A_ no 1..., ~~.i":ft,Y·,., ~,~~ .v ·v• 6-f'• /.,,. '"t'"" TITLE SEARCH PRINT 2017-01-18, 11:45:33 File Reference: Requestor: Kevin Anderson .,..... Declared Value $2000000 **CURRENT INFORMATION ONLY -NO CANCELLED INFORMATION SHOWN** Land Title District Land Title Office Title Number From Title Number Application Received Application Entered Registered Owner in Fee Simple Registered Owner/Mailing Address: Taxation Authority Description of Land NEW WESTMINSTER NEW WESTMINSTER CA5141317 BV435010 2016-04-28 2016-05-05 STREETSIDE DEVELOPMENTS (BC) LTD., INC.NO. BC0917495 310 5620 -152ND STREET SURREY, BC V3S 3K2 MUNICIPALITY OF MAPLE RIDGE Parcel Identifier: 008-039-291 Legal Description: SOUTH 150 FEET LOT 1 SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 17613 Legal Notations Charges, Liens and Interests Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: Duplicate Indefeasible Title Title Number: CA5141317 NONE MORTGAGE CA5142285 2016-04-28 12:26 THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANK INTER ALIA ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS CA5142286 2016-04-28 12:26 THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANK INTER ALIA NONE OUTSTANDING illLE SEARCH PRINT Page 1 of 2 TITLE SEARCH PRINT File Reference: Declared Value $2000000 Transfers Pending Applications Title Number: CA5141317 NONE NONE TITLE SEARCH PRINT 2017-01-18, 11:45:33 Requestor: Kevin Anderson Page 2 of 2 TITLE SEARCH PRINT 2017-01-18, 11:44:53 File Reference: Requestor: Kevin Anderson r Declared Value $2150000 **CURRENT INFORMATION ONLY -NO CANCELLED INFORMATION SHOWN** Land Title District Land Title Office Title Number From Title Number Application Received Application Entered Registered Owner in Fee Simple Registered Owner/Mailing Address: Taxation Authority Description of Land NEW WESTMINSTER NEW WESTMINSTER CA5141318 BV330365 2016-04-28 2016-05-05 STREETSIDE DEVELOPMENTS (BC) LTD., INC.NO. BC0917495 310 5620 -152ND STREET SURREY,BC V3S 3K2 MUNICIPALITY OF MAPLE RIDGE Parcel Identifier: 010-317-694 Legal Description: LOT 1 EXCEPT: SOUTH 150 FEET, SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 17613 Legal Notations Charges, Liens and Interests Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: Duplicate Indefeasible Title Title Number: CA5141318 NONE MORTGAGE CA5142285 2016-04-28 12:26 THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANK INTER ALIA ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS CA5142286 2016-04-28 12:26 THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANK INTER ALIA NONE OUTSTANDING TITLE SEARCH PRINT Page 1 of 2 .: il TITLE SEARCH PRINT File Reference: Declared Value $2150000 Transfers Pending Applications Title Number: CA5141318 NONE NONE mLE SEARCH PRINT 2017-01-18, 11:44:53 Requestor: Kevin Anderson Page 2 of 2 TITLE SEARCH PRINT 2017-01-18, 11:43:31 File Reference: Requestor: Kevin Anderson Declared Value $3950000 **CURRENT INFORMATION ONLY -NO CANCELLED INFORMATION SHOWN** Land Title District Land Title Office Title Number From Title Number Application Received Application Entered Registered Owner in Fee Simple Registered Owner/Mailing Address: Taxation Authority Description of Land NEW WESTMINSTER NEW WESTMINSTER CA5141074 88575290 2016-04-28 2016-05-05 STREETSIDE DEVELOPMENTS (BC) LTD., INC.NO. BC0917495 310 5620 -152ND STREET SURREY, BC V3S 3K2 MUNICIPALITY OF MAPLE RIDGE Parcel Identifier: 011-913-215 Legal Description: PARCEL 11 811 (REFERENCE PLAN 5589) LOT 9 SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 809 Legal Notations Charges, Liens and Interests Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: Duplicate Indefeasible Title Title Number: CA5141074 NONE MORTGAGE CA5142285 2016-04-28 12:26 THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANK INTER AUA ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS CA5142286 2016-04-28 12:26 THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANK INTERAUA NONE OUTSTANDING TITLE SEARCH PRINT Page 1 of 2 TITLE SEARCH PRINT File Reference: Declared Value $3950000 Transfers Pending Applications Title Number: CA5141074 NONE NONE ffiLE SEARCH PRINT 2017-01-18, 11:43:31 Requestor: Kevin Anderson Page 2 of 2 I I , I 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street CREEKSIDE TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT City of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Design Panel Submission: May 9, 2017 ·~~~-=:.~~~ ----- MAY 9, 2017 MAY 9, 2017 PROJECT TEAM APPLICANT: STREETSIDE DEVELOPMENTS 31 0-5620 152nd Street Surrey, BC V3S 3K2 Ph: 604-579-0018 Contact: Sarah Bingham ARCHITECT: BINGHAM + HILL ARCHITECTS 201-1444 Alberni Street Vancouver, BC V6G 2Z4 Ph: 604-688-8254 Fax: 604-688-3323 Contact: John Bingham LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: PMG Landscape Architects C100, 4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6G9 Ph: 604-694-0011 Contact: Mary Chan Yip CIVIL ENGINEER: Aplin & Martin Consultants 505-1755 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6J 4S5 Ph: 604-224-6827 Contact: David Laird , t11 ~ •.• !_:•·.\. DRAWING LIST 01 COVER SHEET 02 CONTENTS 03 DESIGN RATIONALE 04 STATISTICS 05 SITE SURVEY 06 LOCATION PLAN 07 SETBACK DETERMINATION MAP 08 EXISTING SITE CONTEXT PHOTOS 09 EXISTING SITE CONTEXT PHOTOS 10 UNIT TYPE PLAN 11 COLOUR SCHEME KEYPLAN 12 GRADING PLAN 13 GRADING PLAN 14 GRADING PLAN 15 GRADING PLAN 16 GRADING PLAN 17 GRADING PLAN 18 GRADING PLAN 19 TYPICAL DUPLEX -LOWER LEVEL 20 TYPICAL DUPLEX -MAIN LEVEL 21 TYPICAL DUPLEX -UPPER LEVEL 22 TYPICAL DUPLEX -FRONT ELEVATION 23 TYPICAL DUPLEX -REAR ELEVATION 24 TYPICAL DUPLEX -SIDE ELEVATION 25 TYPICAL 4 PLEX -LOWER LEVEL 26 TYPICAL 4 PLEX -MAIN LEVEL 27 TYPICAL 4 PLEX -UPPER LEVEL 28 TYPICAL 4 PLEX -FRONT ELEVATION 29 TYPICAL 4 PLEX -REAR ELEVATION 30 TYPICAL 4 PLEX -SIDE ELEVATION 31 TYPICAL 5 PLEX -LOWER LEVEL 32 TYPICAL 5 PLEX -MAIN LEVEL ~··· S iJi HIE,f {f s :ro E D E V E L O P M E N T S ... ~ ..... - B liNIGJ:l!A:M HILL A AC HITE CT S -~J:• ••. ~~!J..: .. _ .. 33 TYPICAL 5 PLEX -UPPER LEVEL 34 TYPICAL 5 PLEX -FRONT ELEVATION 35 TYPICAL 5 PLEX -REAR ELEVATION 36 TYPICAL 5 PLEX -SIDE ELEVATION 37 TYPICAL 6 PLEX -LOWER LEVEL 38 TYPICAL 6 PLEX -MAIN LEVEL 39 TYPICAL 6 PLEX -UPPER LEVEL 40 TYPICAL 6 PLEX -FRONT ELEVATION 41 TYPICAL 6 PLEX -REAR ELEVATION 42 TYPICAL 6 PLEX -SIDE ELEVATION 43 RECREATION BUILDING 44 TYPICAL CROSS SECTION A 45 TYPICAL CROSS SECTION B 46 TYPICAL CROSS SECTION C 47 112 STREET ELEVATION 48 112 STREET ELEVATION 49 240 STREET ELEVATION 50 240 STREET ELEVATION 51 SITE SECTIONS A & B 52 SITE SECTION C 53 3D VIEWS 54 3D VIEWS CONTENTS CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 02 MAY 9, 2017 DESIGN RATIONALE This is a proposed rezoning on a 27,447 sq.m. site located at the SE corner of 240th Street and 112th Avenue. The site is bounded by Seigel Creek to the east, single family homes to the south, and by a small stream in the SW corner. The site gently slopes from north to south with occasional trees that have been assessed by an Arborist. The site is designated in the OCP as Urban Residential, which is consistent with this application. It is dominated by environmental considerations resulting in significant setbacks from Seigel Creek varying from 22.5m to 33.5m from top of bank and 1 Om setbacks from the stream in the SW corner. Road improvements to 112th Avenue and 240th Street will be implemented as part of this development, wrapping around the commercial site at the NW corner, as will a park trail parallel to the Creek's top-of-bank. The resultant road pattern within the site provides a residential scale consistent with projects within the area, while also providing pedestrian linkages at the rear of the townhouses where possible. A landscaped common activity area is located centrally with a modest community gathering space for play and with a recreation building that acts as a meeting place for the community as a whole. Access to Seigel Creek is located at the midpoint of the development joining the common activity area to the Creek's trail. Both the environmental and building setbacks from the Creek preserve most of the significant trees and undergrowth protecting the existing habitat. Townhouses are grouped in 4, 5 or 6 plex groups providing a variation driven by the road pattern and unit mix requirements. The Architecture is reflective of a contemporary approach to the use of material and colour, moving away from the adjacent Craftsman styles but using strong colour and window arrangements to provide variation in the streetscape. DESIGN RATIONALE MAY 9, 2017 PROJECT INFO CIVIC ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 11080 240th St. 11154 240th St. 11184 240th St. SITE AREA (before subdivision) SITE AREA (after road & environmental dedications) SITE AREA RESIDENTIAL (for FSR) RESIDENTIAL REZONING FROM RS3 TO RM1 AREA FOR DEVELOPMENT (excluding road dedication) RESIDENTIAL UNITS: SETBACKS: FRONT T.O. BANK SIDE EXTERIOR SIDE REAR DENSITY/ FSR (0.6 x site area) USABLE OPEN SPACE 3+ BED UNIT (45 sq.m. / unit) 2 BED UNIT (30 sq.m. / unit) TOTALI COMMON ACTIVITY AREA (5 sq.m. / unit) PARKING RESIDENTIAL (2 spaces I unit) VISITOR (.2 spaces/ unit) 12-Dec-16 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street, Maple Ridge, BC South 150 Feet, Lot 1, Section 10, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 17613 Lot 1 Except: South 150 feet, Section 1 O Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 17613 Parcel "B" ( Reference Plan 5589) Lot 9, Section 10, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 809 45,249.0 sq.m. 31 ,049.0 sq.m. 27,447.0 sq.m. 487,056.2 sq.ft. 334,208.6 sq.ft. 295,437.0 sq.ft. 27,447.0 sq.m. 334,208.6 sq.ft. 3+ BED UNIT 130 2 BED UNIT 0 TOTAL 130 REQUIRED PROPOSED 7.5 m 4.5 m 6.0 m 6.0 m 4.5 m 4.5 m 6.0 m 6.0 m 0.0 sq.m. 16,498.2 sq.m. 0.0 sq.ft. 177,585.6 sq.ft. RM1 AREA COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS: DESCRIPTION: Garage Area Basement Floor Area (habitable) Basement Floor Area (non-habitable) Basement Floor Area (habitable -50 sq.m. + non habitable area) As defined by zoning bylaw Main Floor Area Upper Floor Area Site Coverage I Unit Total Gross Floor Area (includes basement as defined by the zoning bylaw (excluding garage)) Total Gross Salable Area (Includes habitable basement area) UNITA 3 BEDROOM DOUBLE GARAGE UNITS 3 BEDROOM TANDEM ~~ .. ~ ~9:.r:11· .. 55.3 sq .m. 27.0 sq.~: ....... ·••-.... -~·?.~9:.':1:\ .... . ~_.1 sg_.m. __ ............ o.o .. sq.m •.. 4.). sq.m. . ~.?.·.? .. 5.ctr:n• ............... ~2~. sq.!!1:. ~5-~ ~q.m: ...... _ ............. 6~.:6 .. 5.~l:!~: .. . 66.9 sq_._m. UNITC 3 BEDROOM TANDEM . .... ~.5-.4.sg_.rri. .... ~:~ 5.9:111•. 0.0 sq.m. 62.S __ sq.m. 60_.7 sg_.m._. 64.2 sq_._~: .. " -~·· ... ·-···-........ . 5,850.0 sq.m. 0.0 sq.m. 5,850.0 SQ.m. 5,850.0 sq.m. 650.0 sq.m. 670.3 sq.m. 260 260 27 27 Density (Number of Units) 54 Sub-Total of Actual FSR Sub-Total of Site Coverage 3,614.2 s .m. 52 24 3,341 .0 sq .m. 2,955.4 SQ-":'• 1,541.8 sq.m. TOTAL 130 16,498.2 sq.m. 8,497.0 s .m. STATISTICS r 19 18 17 16 15 t 14 13 /: 12 11 10 A - 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 f 3 MAY 9, 2017 .,-.i .. "!:' ,,-? :--_ •=~=-= :,..i , ... "" ,.,-..~ '<'"~ ('~m;::"iJ::::;<-.: ,... _.,. -.:--. ./ -c-"' "(,<-·· < ---... .:?:ii--=:· !=:¾~.,;----.,_ -__ ,.__ --~~. ----:, ..... ~,:--·--·.,.--~ ··.---::;------,:;----• . .-·U2th A11-en-ue· -..-" "'0 -:: ..... i=:f■ ,e /' f.... "H I , ~ ,, ' o' i ~ ' . • ·> I I I b -· .,.~ x ■ PLAN 17613 8 REF, PLAN 5589 PROPOS6D TOWNHOUSE • SIT~ ) I I .,.,,, DEVELOPABLE AREA = 31031 S~:.P"· / < . ~ ~ 0~ Ill , ;,c ··~ ~e; ; ; •. :\· ~} .,~. PLAN 17'.)3 x ( x \ \ Area= 4~40 Ho. i \ ·••' l X \ ., 'II~,~ tl,'i' .. ,z;..1111• ;o..u,i;; .. ,µ '~o ·l t;vr.... ... ~ ,,·, ...,,,M•"'"''" . k ~ ' ·-" ~? .}' \ TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY OVER PARCEL B (REF PLAN 5589) LOT 9 PU.N 809, LOT 1 EXCEPT: SOUTH 150 FEET PU.N 17613, SOUTH 150 FEET LOT 1 PLAN 17613, ALL OF SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSJER DISTRICT l ---{OP OF BAHK BY OlliERS Rem 10 PLAN 809 . Scale 1 : 500 10 20 AU.DISTll!CfSAA[!HI.ERES C\/HRFNTQ'vlC APDBESS 11184, 1115-4, 11080 -240lhS\retl l.lop!elodge,BC EIMDQN ll"Rrt'ATJON £LEVAOONS AA£ OOMEO FR06I CRY OF' MAPLE RIDGE WONUUENT 84HOOIJ lOCAJED Al IHJERSCCOOH OF' 240th SlREET ti. 112th AVENUE. £l.EVAllOH= 2527Jm (OOUM:2005) fl[lD SU1MY C<ll'I.Il£O OH: F!BRUARY24,2016 UPOATrD N'Rl. 05, 2016. UPMTED APRIL 27, 2016 UPO\T[O Jlll£ 14, 2016 UPDATED .)IJH£27,2016. ""'1[D SD'l1ll3D: lt, 2016. EUC[NE O WONG, BCLS JO H. Y. (&] Associates Land Surveying Ltd. ·-o.,,~ ............. 11200,9128•152ndS'lrool S..rey, BC V3R~E1 Tel (604)5831616 Owg; 164421l_TOB_LEGALOWG = LOCATION PLAN MAY 9, 2017 SCALE: 60m MAY 9, 2017 LEGEND: WATERCOURSE UPDATED TOP OF BANK (TOB) BYLAW SPEA (10-30m from TOB) ---PROPOSED PARK BOUNDARY -·-·-·-·-·-SITE BOUNDARY 0 RAVINE SIDE CHANNELS SIDE CHANNEL SPEA (15m) TREE ROOT PROTECTION ZONE (Beyond Proposed SPEA) = CALCULATED GAINS: 1,440 m2 = CALCULATED LOSSES: 1,600 m2 = SPEA RESTORATION AREA: 2,420 m2 (@ 50%) = 1,210 m2 NET GAIN: 1,050 m2 SETBACK DETERMINATION & HABITAT BALANCE MAP Streetside Developments Ltd. 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street Maple Ridge, BC PHOENIX EIIVIRONMEHTAL SERVICES LlD. SOS-l?SS W, Bro:adwl)', Vtnie"WYct V6J JR3 "'="' lei. 604.689.3888 fax. 604.689.3880 DATE: JUNE 2016 DRAWN BY: NGL SCALE: AS SHOWN DWG: Streetside.SE-240th-May2016 SETBACK DETERMINATION MAP VIEW FROM NW KANAKA WAY VIEW FROM SW 240TH STREET MAY 9, 2017 .::i -_ .-1 ...,_11 . . _ .... - 11: !_; ____ _ s.m._· R@,:·E~:J::$1·pE DE v EL o PM ENT s B.I Ni~~_t:(fX_M .HILL A A C H IT EC T S 11 • /." j., ·= VIEW FROM NW ACROSS 240th ST VIEW FROM NE KANAKA WAY EXISTING SITE CONTEXT PHOTOS CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 08 VIEW OF DEVELOPMENT ON NW CORNER OF 112TH & 240TH VIEW OF DEVELOPMENT ON NW CORNER OF 112TH & 240 MAY 9, 2017 . ,}.,:: S ili R 1 ~'ii5:--~ DEVELOPMENTS BI Nilllii. _._: -,~'.\.iL L ARCHITECTS VIEW OF DEVELOPMENT ON SW CORNER OF 112TH & 240TH VIEW OF DEVELOPMENT ON SW CORNER OF 112TH & 240TH EXISTING SITE CONTEXT PHOTOS CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 09 ::: MAY 9, 2017 'l I\ I I ii I I 11 ll 11 11 ID . .. ,J,. ......... ....:: ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ,J,. ,J,. ,J,. ,J,. ...... ... ... ,. ,J,. ,J,. ,J,. ,J,. ......... ,J,. ,J,. ,J,. ,J,. ......... ,J,. ... ,J,. "" ......... ... ... ...... ... ... -L-t ,J,.: .J... -4,,/ ... ... i --:.-· ..,\"' ,J,. -.I., r"'~"" ,J,.t-J, ... ...... ... w ..... -.1-,J,. -4,,/ ........ ... ... : ,J,.: ,J,. ,J,.f.; .... ,J,. J, ►•...,:---: :J,,J,.,J,. 11,.otr ,J,.,J,.,J,.\ ... ,J,....,,J,. ... ~ ,J,."' l ,J,. ,J,. ,J,. ,J,. •---:A:...,: ---------'-----:,...:_ ..... t I I ( / ---- \ \ \ ~ I I I \ \ \ \ / \ \ \ NOTE 'A': OEVELOf>MENr BOUNDARY & TOP OF ElANK AS PEA PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL FLAN THAT ACCOMPANIES JU.'-CE 19,2"C019SOOl!l. CREEK HABITAT BALANCE REPORT \ \ TOP OF BANK BY OTHERS r-- \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I l I I I I I I I ) ( I I I I I I I / / ) LEGEND ~ UNITTYPE"A" ~ UNITTYPE"B" ~ UNIT TYPE "C" -RECREATION BLDG ~ COMMERCIAL BLDG UNIT TYPE PLAN SCALE: 1:1000 a, a, MAY 9, 2017 ...... .. ... ... .. .. ... ... ... .. .. ... .. ... .J, ~ .J, ... .. ... .. ... ........ .. ... ...... ... I .J,t .J,: .J, .J, J,/ ... ..I, .... .J, ... 1.J,:.J,:.J, .J, .J, ,-4, .J, .J, ·--r"'"' .J,.- .&: ... \ ...... ,J, ...... .J,.-• -.,) .J,.-"'-I ,J., .J,.-... ...... :J.-..... ~ .... -----------\..... -:::x ___ .J,.-.... .J,, /-i-..::-....... :: .J,.--1.-.J,.J,.-.J,.-J...~+ .. ..,• .... , ... :1·: .J,: .. : 1.J,: .·: ... "" ~~.J,.-...... ·.J,.-:r-.J,.-:-~ .. I,, .J, : ,J, -s-\"" .J,.-.J,.. .J,.-.J,.-.J, J.. ln'-11!,it° ....... .J,.-.J,.-............ ~·~ ..... .J,.-1.J,.-..... .J,,J,.J,.J, • •\: +...... : .&- ._ '\ '\ '\ ~ I I I I ( I ) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I NOTE 'A~ DEVELOPMENT BOUNDARY & TOP OF BANK AS PER PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN THAT ACCOMPANIES JUNE Hi, 20016 SEIGEL CREEK HABrTAT BALANCE REPORT I I l , l I I I I I LEGEND c:J CJ COLOUR SCHEME "A" COLOUR SCHEME •s• COLOUR SCHEME "C" I ) ( I I I I I I ) COLOUR SC HEME KEYPLAN SCALE: 1 :1000 TIAL \ ~ 2% SLO ➔ w CL 0 ..J en ,,g 0 C') 'V 'b'\ ,-J-· fv ·a '~ J2 :-; 11 II<,(!)/ I <y✓-' • 12 13 14 15 ~• ' 5l'; ·6',s E·l :r ~j-L 0)11 "q" :· ! -, ' ' I !' ' I ,. I ··-. -,••--·-·, _____ j _' :: ,~ MAY 9, 2017 .:>e , . • .? r~ I I I I I I I I I <(' ~: o , I I I IL_J19==;===;;!1 I I I I I I 11l=,t'---"""6.&..-f ' '--~ 0 c.o - I I I I I I I I !Il' N ' o ' I I ' J L __ I I ,.,t,;,'f> ~=;J9"=l;L::.,d::~~==1;:a;=J~~::F==;rj ·w I I I I I I --1 I l -1 I I I ,a a a a a, a 6.0 3 4 5 6 7 8 .11 oo□□ POSTBOX 0 '¢ N 1" 1 'i----13.Q r-·--'• \ I \ N i, __________ J_ ____ , ~-- I I /! \ \ GRADING PLAN SCALE: 1 :300 I ...... -.J co 0 ~ N cii OJ \ \ \ \ MAY 9, 2017 D ---- (\J I I I ------______ J D D ! ' 6.0 ' ~--------D ci f -----·--··-·--··-··-----·_1 -_.. -f I \ • ,0: I • j D a a D D D --~ --J I I I I I I --1-.J q, ~v ~=-::::1r=:!::=n=====::====rn==r7m~==r==m===:=n==::!:::=b:J~~-•;0 I I I I <C ' CD' M' ...,., r--' .... , I I I ' I , __ _ _, ,.. ! J D I ii' ,, 1 -D D ------ (0 "': ~ -- ,; ) l D - D I I ' I (.)' ' u-,1 I .... , I I I I I I I I I_ --_J ... -- I ------- -·11sA- I I I L..... - 23_0 24.23 18 I ' ,.I l r ,.. iREc7 ~ D GRADING PLAN SCALE: 1 :300 ------------------_J_: i: '' I I I I I I '' ' .L ·------~ fl5S---l I ______ _i MAY 9, 2017 <3.o 12 13 14 15 JL i"i •-_j '1 .. 1 I ! I I I I j --- l 112A -j] I ' ~· Cl I ,.._, I ,----., I I I ' ' ' I I I co' -sr' co' I I I :-----' ' I ' ' 24.14 D I I .. co' ~: ' I I I I I I ---..J L D D 0 . (,0 -, I ' ' o, ll') co, I CONTINUEl;>O D COMMON TIVITYAREA 7 8 9 5.9 10 ooo□ ·pQST BOX I r I ! ' I - D I ~ -2 -<?.s \~ ~ \ \ 'I,,'?)· \ I \ \ I I I \ \ I ~ .,.. N ~\ \' I ;; l I D D ~ \ " I GRADING PLAN SCALE: 1 :300 r f i ' I t . ➔ I ' a I I I ' I -,- I I ' ' -ti I O ! ~! = i ): I ;,r _!'.'· I' J ~I 1__. rr===;;;::::=====r--~ .i I I -------- a :---12313"" ------D I 0 I <0 I • --------a ; I IH--,-----,-c::!~---' f D a ;; D D D D r - ll ' I I ------_______ J POSTBOX A 6.0 1--- 1 l I ._ ______ _ (0 r,--"--i:::lp===:i:S3±::!:C: I I I I I H---,-~11=_==-_ ... --_-_----_I_ ---- z 0 C w 1Jr-----'L-.::!tb:;f====;:;;:==:::!:=:=:;! ~ rirn===~~J;~~~~~~~~~~:::::::::;::::::~;;;::::::::;;;:~!~~:::;::;;::::::::~:~----·----7,$'-::_-·--l~;=rt § =='====="======~'~•, ="======"======~□~□~□~=======~~~✓: ·j I . I I I 16 17 18 :- -1 I ,, " I I ., ~ I I I l MAY 9, 2017 I I BIO FILTRATION l_ POND ---------------- ..... ' ;e ~----(,:; ---.• ro·-a I <' r--' ID I I ' -, ,-- ' I 1 I I a I I I I I a, L ' ,_ GRADING PLAN SCALE: 1 :300 iizA] 6.0 MAY 9, 2017 :" ---!---! - 1..--------I ---- ' ) ) ~------------- r---fogc ------ 1 CO "! ------- :-----rmm--1 //1--~=!1,l=_=_ ... -_-..,-----! -----~ - • I .• 18 1 • ii '?) lf1 ~ . 0 ~ I ' CONTINUED ON~eJ6 __ ~ __ .J I I ~ ; [ a ___ t:3 ______ l __________ _! D ,I 1 ~ 'l,'?i~ r:,~ 'li ~ ~6' -. I •- <"l (') c,j C\I ;; j l • D D • ----------- 1 --~ i C\I I I I ------------~ --gm--- C\I C! I ---_____ .,.! ---=U==----.,........ll \ g -----------------c,j ·---: j N I I I I '--------- ------ 0 l N I C? -------(N --- !1---~=!"--"" D ~1 I D " D C ~ 5] C/) 0 a. 0 [ ':) . ..,.,--.·, r----i;=====:::::;;::== 'l,'y a3 -----------: -----~ --a ' I I 6.0 L.--------I ~---:r2i,--: I : ~ 11--,,--~~~=---... ---... ------~-----~ --- GRADING PLAN SCALE: 1 :300 r" \ ( I +! ' -I ' j- i :· ! ' I I I ~: '-r -----------------~ l__ I , ----, TOP OF BANK ', I --,,, I I I I I I I I I I I I l I REFER TO NOTE 'A' "- 0 N I J --= ---,- \ \ l ___________________________ _ MAY 9, 2017 15 ~ f I I -------\ --~ -----------458\-- 0 ~ ---=--iu-1--..r::---;:=---,--ll 20 00 "r'" CL 2z 0 C .W ::, z j:: z 0 0 GRADING PLAN SCALE: 1 :300 " ,.... a. z 0 C w ::, z !z ~ 8 l I ~ • D 7 I I I ------------~ --------45er'-- o I Cl! 'I _______ 1 D 0) ·o -1:)~ I ! I 0 I • !: •.i J • 'D., 7 ---·•-·••---··-··-··-·-.':~--· ----~--~--·•---f-=• MAY 9, 2017 I I ct:' N ' o • .... I ~ ::..-'l,'l,, :1,! ,<:> 4 ., l QJ • D I I i:o: ... , ~: I I I I ____ J I D ~ j j ! r.:,~ 'l< 27 26 25 24 OD POST BO -► ) ------- 0 CX) ---------~ --- LI-~-e:!1 ..... -- ., J Ii..- D • D I ~ I GRADING PLAN SCALE: 1 :300 ( u MAY 9, 2017 1\3 4.0 C3 4,01 / / .. 4§'.,7" (14, 1~9J_ / / 3'-7' / (1,092) / I ~ REr. ROOM ~: 2: 10'-91/2" I _8'-3' I IDOUBLfCAR GARA E I I I I NITTYPE "A" A3 4.01 TV STOR t'!!r TYPICAL . ._. ,, S i1i R E:Ew}~i' ~ E DEVELOPMENTS BIN.Gl:li~,lv1.ir,JILL ARCHITECTS ~\, .. :·"' • i,=._!:---,,· ~ / / ' I ~: REC. ROOM! TV STOR / .1',P" lYPICAL 8°-3" I DOUBLElCAR GARAPE UN TTYPE"A" B3 4.01 1·-0· /. 3'-9" --:143) / ✓ C3 01 TYPICAL DUPLEX -LOWER LEVEL SCALE: 1:100 CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 19 MAY 9, 2017 ,,!<- i 1(- ,;, (1~~~·~) ,( 1 _ls,' {7Jl9ID II 7'•8" (2,33 l /-~; •• 1;: <;;:;;;Ql - I ! I ! / 11·-o· I l b ' I IVING !i!; 1§_'· 7"_(l 1, 19.9] _ / TV/ FP TV/ FP 12':112" ,~ 670) 11•-o· t LIVING I DINING~- I ~~---.--Jr-1_· --r I I -~ I~.i!~\ ~-I FA,ILY I I ro ~. TV I 10'.:1-!1'g:' 0 ~, I -3'-9" /-· (1~143j" / 12'-3" (3 7341 _ / _ .. I':3 .Jjg" (g,g2~--;.,. /-~ITTYP!; "A' /- A3 4.01 -•\f-C -. ~ 1::· ~ .-.• $ Tfits.i.o E o E v E L o p M E NT s B :tt~)i. M H ILL A R C H IT E C T S .•~ ' Kl;rcHEN □ ~ !'.? I I I ,r - 1m l ow ---'- 7'-3112" (U?.3) / I l JrH01 L1 ~ Jl>.: 669.8 sq ft I ~ I FAMILY "TV I 1 - 11)'-4_1/?," I ~ I 1?'·3' (3,731) t '·'? :143) : 1 TYPICAL DUPLEX -MAIN LEVEL SCALE: 1 :100 CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 20 MAY 9, 2017 -7'-----1----<----""'-'C..U.:,..ti'Sl'-----l I -k---- 1 18'-3 j I ', '<---1---~~~~~c:;;;==:p::i:::::::;:;::::~:r::::::;:;:::tr===t:1=~J-.......+..-.. I -. I I ! I -"i.--';.-, - ~-~[ I J ~-1r.__,,,'----"' 1(1,1-'13) ,.- {'----- ' :r BED.2 l I i --J I-----J'--f-------l.1--"'--1----.l"l TYPICAL DUPLEX -UPPER LEVEL SCALE: 1 :100 ::: MAY 9, 2017 ~M~A=IN~L=-EV'-"E=L----<<1'1>-• LOWER LEVEL FIBREGLASS ENTRY DOOR ,1'~-------~N=IT~TY,_,_P.,,,E~•A..,_• _____ ---,{a'-----------""'1U...LI.L:.s..,o_ ________ ,( 1--------~(ZJm,__ ________ ,,_ _______ ~.,,_,._......,_, AS HALT SHINGLE ROOFING ALUMINUM GUTTER RTICAL BOARD & JTEN VINYL SIDING 12 0/H GARAGE DOOR CM/ TRANSOM LITES FIBREGLASS ENTRY DOOR TYPICAL DUPLEX -FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1 :100 r MAY 9, 2017 UPPER LEVEL ~; Vi ~ ~] ALUMINUM AWL "'Mc.cAl~N-=L=-EV~E=L---<~9--;_ I )' / / UNIT TYPE "A" g;i'-~ 112." (I,9_99) HORIZONTAL VINYL LAP SIDING VINYL WINDOW 46'.r(M.199) / :, UN IT TYPE "A" /. / 23'-31/2" (7,09fil / ALUMINUM GUTTER ALUMINUM AWL TYPICAL DUPL EX -REAR ELE VATI ON SCALE: 1 :100 MAY9,2017 UPPER LEVEL ' ~ •' 0 .;, ALUMINUM AWL ~ VINYL WINDOW d b' 6,t -1 ALUMINUM GUARDRAIL _M_A~IN_L_E_V_E_L __ +.,_ , .'1 ;r~,- .... >--: .• • ... / / / 11'=0" (:t~53) FIBREGLASS DOOR j r-!- S iii RJ ,J\s I.DE DEVELOPMENTS 13 I N1GJ '.J'.A' M HILL ARCHITECTS I -~• •I .. ~l,,•; / 3~'-.5. 11?'.' (19, 1jlijJ UNIT TYPE 'A" 22•-~ 1/2~(6,37fil ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING HORIZONTAL VINYL j LAP SIDING / / / VINYL WINDOW ALUMINUM AWL TYPICAL DUPLEX -SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: 1:100 CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 24 MAY 9, 2017 x_ : ~- / / 3'-7" / (1.092) @ 2:i! -~~ ,o' ~ ~ ;i ci,: / KJ 4,0! 2 '-3 112· (7,099) / 6" (152(/-7'-8" !2,3_;!_?) / I 1-.,I REr. ROOM~: 10'-91/2" I -j lV I STOR I ~'-}" I ;Y I 8'-3" -,f I ~ TYPl 0 AL IDOUB_!.fCAR GARA E ' I I le _g ~·~ "'- bo I •\ie. 112" (13 l NfTTYPE •A• / t<3 4.01 83 .01 C3 ,4.01 83'-5" (25, is) 18'-5.'.'_(5,6 3J STORAGE •HWT , DOUBLE CtR " / GtiRAGE /' (T NOE, 5',0" CEILIN_G / ' "' in "' !?. l a, -11'·5 112" /1.'.:91 8'·3" r / I ,_ ' s·-s w·: c1..si,m / 11 -11 11g" (~,ll.45) UNITn<PE B1" B3 4.01 18'-S" (6,613) 23'-3 1/2" (7,099) 11'·6 112· (3, 18) / __ 7'-6''. (g,3~7) ! I I STORAGE 1 D0UBLE CARI I GARAGE ~TANDEM) I "' ~ I I ·-J / 1 5' ~ 11'-s 1./2" I 8'·3' 1'-91/2" / I j • I I /~ / C3 4.01 UNIT TYPE "81" TV HWT STOR 5'.,!l" CEIUt{G • 6'-5 1 /2" (1 969) I 112" / -__ ,,. ----'~-7\13) -/-- / DOUBLE CAR GARAGE 19'-6" [5,944) -- l,,INJTT'r'.PE "6" / TYPICAL 4 PLEX -LOWER LEVEL SCALE: 1:100 :l MAY 9, 2017 I~-.... R ~~ ,- ' ' ' / / 3•.7• / (1.0l)2) / ~ t. I I 12" (7,Q!l!I) _Z'.:ff_' (~.:l;!_J I / 111·61!2" (3,518) TV THj1 L1 A: 66la sq ft I FA,ILY 11'-0" I ~IVING t TV/ FP 9'-0" (?,743) 7'-111/2" FAMILY ROOM 12',3" (3,734J '.t'IIJTYPE"A" ,1 7'.':;l"(:,.2_10J :~r. 6'•5 1/Z' (1,969) / A3 4.01 :,:· :,~~. -r _I J' I :, . /- 1 1B'•li"(S t ,1 9•.5• (2,S70) 17'-5" I I I I 9'-5 112" KIT I ~ ~ ~- I DINl~G . -~-,\'~} ----_. ·s ili~t~1::l}s;T_S I DE D E V E L O P M E NT S 13 liN;G':,H;A M . HILL ARCHITECT s ·•t~i\-: ' TV/ -fp I TV/ FP _ _?'·111a" !i> LIVING 2 I TH02 L1 I A: 672.6 sq IL ' r;:;;:;::==!!:::=l KIT. D1NING 17'•5" 0 FAMILY ROOM / /i--1-1'-111~(~,64~]_ _ UNIT TYPE "B1" 4,01 / TV/ FP 23'-3 1/2" (7,09_9) 11.'.:§ 1/2''.(M1B)_ -/ Z'.:§"_(2~7) 11•-0· l LIVING KITCHEN ? [J]I -, I / - ?'·8" DINING~ TH01 L1 A: 669.8 sq ft FAMILY 10'-41/2" _ 12'-3"(3,734) __ TV ,/' ,(· -/· 3'·7" 1 / (1092) ,( • I I / 3':J!" -/ (1,143) / TYPICAL 4 PLEX -MAIN LEVEL SCALE: 1:100 CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 26 r I ' 'J MAY 9, 2017 J '---------'9'--> ~.~). _ 1r-s1rz:1s I -~-"'11:i--1 "'::. i I ~ I '----· (;1 7~ __ ,,,..~~· A3 4,01 I I i I I I 8'· 1/4" BED.2 " MASTER • TH01 L2 BED. • A: 699.2 sq ft l ---- I •. 112"~-.,.~·-,'--". ,.,,...,.__---,,. ,-~·-.:.tlt§:l~J, __ -7-"-'"'--'-"'-~L ~C13J . '-1',<I" I. " ~~,·· y • 1 ----1----.l,lJ,l).J_u..a;;__.!i!.L,_ __ _,f'-------'-"--'-'-.....,._.,'------.( 83 4.01 , TYPICAL 4 PLEX -UPPER LEVEL SCALE: 1:100 MAY9,2017 J ~' ~ 5'1 ~,m,~ • r I _M_A_IN_L_E_V_EL~---,,i, .. l I ~ .. J ----- ✓-I ALUMINUM RWL 83'-5" 254 ---- ( -/- ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING ALUMINUM GUTTER "' 1 r /· f FIBREGLASS El'lTRYDOOR TYPICAL 4 PLEX -FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1:100 ( VINYL WINDOW ) ! 9 ALUMINUM AWL a> UPPER LEVEL ~ 1 le' ~ ti MAIN LEVEL ~ ' ~ £,!. b' &1 MAY 9, 2017 UNIT TYPE "A" 23'-3 1 /2" lz.099) _ / / UNIT"(YPE "B1" _ 18'-5"(5,613] / / UNIT TYPE "B1' ...W'-~'.'._(M1;,) _ ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING ALUMINUM GUTTER VERTICAL BOARD & BATTEN VINYL SIDING UNIT TYPE_"A" 23'·31/2".(7 099) ·-- / / / ALUMINUM AWL TYPICAL 4 PLEX -REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1 :100 UPPER LEVEL .: MAY 9, 2017 ~ VINYL WINDOW ri: ~i ~ PRIVACY SCREEN / / / / 3J '-s 1 c~'.' ( 1 o, t~eJ \)NIT.TYPE "~" ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING HORIZONTAL VINYL j LAP SIDING VINYL WINDOW PRIVACY SCREEN TYPICAL 4 PLEX -SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: 1:100 C MAY 9, 2017 ". ~- I' / / d6iij ~ ~i~ --i"" <') £2 iiii 5>: ~ ;::· ~ ~( .,.. bl! } 3'-9"_ / I ,1.14a, / A3 .01 2 '·3 ll2"_IT,099) 7'·8' ~337) / I I ~ REf. ROOM ;:;: I 10•.9 1/2" ::: I HWT I l !)OU_BJ:,fCAR GARA E I I I I !/'JIJ.JyPE "P/ AJ 4.01 TV STOR / \',O" TYPIC!',I. B3 4.01 16',6" M3J □, STORAGE I i HWT 1 I -I DOUBLE Cft,.R G~RAGE; (T~NDE~ .-; ,,,1 ~I ~ 111 '·S 1/2' /t'•!Ll 6'·3" I / l,INITTYF'J= 'It 83 4.01 C3 4.01 191 '·JQ'.' (31,039) 18':~· (5,~13) D I JsTORAGE r i·•s'11,e~J (25( / / C3 4.01 DOUBLE CAR GARAGE (TANDEM) 12'·0" (3,658) l,/NITT'l'PJ;"C" 'j,,!I ~,,-. S ''":DJ~: D E V E L O P M E N T S B ·:°l:'.tlLL ARCHITECTS II • • c'-::. /.·--'----........c--'=8'=·5"_,,[5=,6~13"'-) _ D 1 • 0 DOUBLE CAR GARAGE ~TANDEM) ,;; i 11'-51/2" 1 8'-3" 1'·9112"/- STORAGE ',/ /'.. 5;0" CEILIN,G I' ' 23'·3 1 /2" (7,099j 11'-61/2" (3, 18), 10'·9 1/2" TV STOR I i { 8'·3" / 8'-3" 1'-P" rtPICAL DOUBLE CAR GARAGE ·-19'·6" (!i044)_ Uf!lff TYPE "A" 3•.7• (1,092) /. D 3' 9" / (1,143) / / TYPICAL 5 PLEX -LOWER LEVEL SCALE: 1 :100 CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 31 MAY9,2017 / ), ., 3•.r / ' ((092) '1 ~ 3'-9' / (1,143) / / t I I /'Z'{Z,09fil 7'·8" {2,337] ;· -.. -11~6 1/l!" (3,518) I .,;, 11'.:.Q" ~I DININJ I ~IVING t TV TH~1 L1 A: 66 .8 sq ft ! FA~ILY J_Q',41)/2''._ NITJYPE_~" MJ 4.01 I I <;>, ~ I 8'c1J112" TV/ 7'-11112" .,. '!' 0 FAMILY ROOM / I , J .• ~", ; , 1s•-s·1s t / _ ::§'.' (?,!!70} I Ll~INb 9 , 51 :1 I ~ I~1f~~\ ' KlT. I ,1 ~ I .. f ' I I " I I b DINING .I 11' 0 112• (3,6~) UNITTYPE 8' 83 4.01 TV/ l -FP FAMILY l,,· ROOM :: ~i I 8'·'11" _l!'c§~I / ' DINING ~ i, "' TV/ I FP LIVING ,~Y ~•·S'.(1,9_!;6L / 12'-0' (:t65B). /-_ UNIT TYPE "C" C3 4.0 ..:1 . S iTi R E.E·:J,S IDE DEVELOPMENTS B I N G\8'1fi.:M HILL A RC H IT EC TS ~ 11" ,_, -~·.-··._ / IL l!l'~s• ls.01 JJ 9•.4 l/2" (2,8.~_8) / 9'-0~(2, 743)_ ~ ,,._. TV/ ~·-s,~ } 7'•1_1112" FP m, LIVING ~ §: ei ! I TH02 L1 : _.A:_672.7 sq f1 ' KIT. 1•.3• I 8: ~ ~ §j r ' 9, FAMILY DINING ROOM 17•~ 11'-101/2" (3,620) UNIT T'(l:'_E "B" / j1'·§ 1/2" (Mt§) 11•-o· TV/ FP b LIVING 1- 23'-3 1/2" (7,099) / / , 3'-7" --J(-· (1,092) / 71-a• • -h DINING~j --J!'-1_"_ --,!· I TH01 L1 Kl;TCHEN A: 669.8 sq ft DJ FAMILY '!91 !:! TV J(-,10'-41/2" =- _ 12'-~(3,734) ---3'-9" / (1,143) / UNIT TYPE "A" _ ---.... /. TYPICAL 5 PLEX -MAIN LEVEL SCALE: 1:100 CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 32 /, ' 1e·-s• {5.613) 7.· a·-s· 1 0 J ,~1 6!:1 ! 6"1 ~!LillLk. ,1s2)"T I I ,,s2jr I 'a -\_-·-~~'-~-=--=---=~..;:-=--=J~~:iE~c~~~~=s===~==1:::::;Fn=f=:!=~=t::7~::=1~~::;;::::;::;::~::1::::~c::='-r:::::l'.::====~=t=rr4FE:~===2==z=l'==i:=;;::::::::i~='i:1==:~i--=-=-~---lll «>C MAY9,2017 "J1H01 L2 1 -~:9~.2-sq ft Jr.;. ::::::::~~~r t=::::::::::l~~::;;-1 n MASTER !BED. BED.3 0 MASTER BED. I BED.3 ~ MASTER : BED. ----7 -r u l ' I TH01 L2 A: 699.2 sq ft I -I : l~~~==~~c:;P~~==::i;;..;~~-~, !:::!=======~· : ~ ----~1 tt=======:01 I~ 1 ' "tu.~-1 --~-~~ra.mLiR:f~J _ __.,1 " ru!.2)_ '•11"m.l!:!2 251;;.,[ 11·-O" ~-~;t--"-'-'6'-S,_,.,1/2""--'!....,J.ll"""'S!ll _ .. 1!2"J •3 J/2"!2 223) ✓-'-----"M..~l--~·-!=-.7-1 . .z.l (1,143)-/'---~ I i( (13) ~-i=----11-3) -X---....u::.J'-'-'--dc,r (13) • , 11.1•1SJ 1· YP "A" NITTYP "A" 1----><Ull..LJJ~-----,.rl------"'llil...1-Ll:.!ii.J.,____~--r-----~~~-----.~ --lY;lr".:-.. ,. . ·•~";."."i. ·.'· :i-.1 ~-=~r S ·;n.,R. E ET S I D E D E V E L O P M E N T S -~"· aXJi& H A M H ILL A R c H , r E c rs ·,.:?~;~-.' :· ; orjt..:: TYPICAL 5 PLEX -UPPER LEVEL SCALE: 1 :100 CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street 33 City of Maple Ridge '\.- ~-"" ~ ., UPPER LEVEL ., !21 G> t:i f,IAINLEVEL ~r ;;, ;!I .,1 ~ LOWEALEVEL MAY 9, 2017 J.,________________________ ----------------------------i 0.__ ________ \e!!.lJUJ..l.C!~l--------~/-'------..!,!!'!11..!..!.!"'--"'-L------.f'--------'U"'N"lT-'--T-'--Y!!P:s..">,Cl.!.." _______ )< ______ _.,c!ll..LLC~e.L..--~- 1 . .:i-"· .-•.• J;.(:~ .... ~'-------'§'£'._(M.),,,,_ ____ ---,t O/H GARAGE DOOR CIW TRANSOM LrTES ·q: sn: .R E E T S I D E D E V E L O P M E N T S ' W"~f{ f\f G H A M H I L L A R C H I T E C T S ,1£ii£/ ... ,;_ ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING ALUMINUM GUTTER f FIBREGLASS ENTRY DOOR TYPICAL 5 PLEX -FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1:100 CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 34 UPPER L EL • ' ;.;M::..:A:;.;IN'---'L.E""V""EL=---,!!> , LOWER Leva MAY 9, 2017 !,L~UYff"K _ 2.:r~a 1a" <Z,Q91ll. VINYL WINDOW UNIT TYPE "B1" J.~oS"_(MNl. EBimr S -$,'..l°la\ b E V E L O P M E N T S B , _ -Mit::8,71 L L A A C H I T E C T S t ~',.,: • .. I~ l t 101'-10" (31,039) _ UNIT TYPE "C1" ---18'-5" (!i~lill. -/ /- UNIT TYPE "!W 18'-S' lS,613) ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING ALUMINUM GUTTER I VERTICAL BOARD & I BATTEN VINYL SIDING / / _ UNITTYPE"A" 23'-3 1/2" (Z.099) I ---~ --.( --{- ALUMINUM AWL TYPICAL 5 PLEX -REAR EL EVATION SCALE: 1 :100 CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street 35 City of Maple Ridge ~ MAY 9, 2017 ' I <O' l1J £!, l:, UPPER LEVEL ~1 CO: VINY c3j l:ll I:, ~ _, MAIN LEVEL ~ ' ~ !t .;, I LOWER LEVEL -.·, -. _, ,~-.. ttJ· .·' . / / / 11 '·0~{8 353) S iTi R E1E-T'S I D E D E V E L O P M E NT S -i,: .... ·: 8.1 N G! ~-fM H I L L A R C H I T E C T S ;! •. ,r I ~1',§ ui· c10.1ssJ UNIT TYPE "A" ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING ALUMINUM GUTTER HORIZONTAL VINYL LAP SIDING VINYL WINDOW TYPICAL 5 PLEX -SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: 1 :100 CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 36 r /-1 3'-9" / (1,143) / / MAY 9, 2017 A3 .01 2 :-3.1/2"{1_,0,\l!!) / 1/2"(3,Sm / . J;"y), (152) i i . ' ' I ~ B3 .o !8'-~.l~,6 3) 9•.5• (5,613 01 REr. ROOM i STORAGE I !0'.:9 112" I TV STOR / 8'.-3" I IDOUBL~CAR GARA E I I I I NIT TYPE ''.A" A3 4,01 1::ir TYPICAL 112"-(' 6_':l; 1/g" (1.,jt69J. /- (13 z I ~ I ~ --1 DOUBLE CAR G~RAGE (T~NDE"V 7 ~ "' 11' 0 1/2" (3,620) UNJTTYPE 'B' B3 4.01 CJ ,01 129.':~" (3!i,liS_g) te',5" (§.~ 1 ~J 112', (13)1 r I I I lsTORAGE '.HM, E) DOUBLE CAR : GARAGE (TANDEM) 12'·0"(3,658) VN!T TYP_E "Q" ,( (2ti,~ ,,,w, / CJ .4,01 / / / .w.s:· (s.2J3J (131 ·□ I STORAGE DOUBLE CAR 1 GARAGE i (TANDEM) 12.'.::Q"(MS!ll. l/NIJ TY_Pl;_"C" i HWT 1 -~---/ / '-./ /', 5;()" CEILIN,G 6'·5" (1,956) _I" ,( (25)/ / lJ!'·S• (5,613) 1s•-s•(M13J D STORAGE O@UBLE CAR 'GARAGE I JTANDEM)I ;; "' .•. 1 l!l-I .11'·.5JL2" __ b ii, 8'-3" 1'·9 ,,,.,, 11'· 1. 9_1/2".1~620) UNIJ TYl'E "B''. HWT / 5',0" CEIUN,G I -),' I 11'-61/2" [3, 18) / 7'-~" (2,337]. -1Q'-_!l_1/2..:'... TV STOR 8':3" / DOUBLF ~AR GARAGE 19'-6" (5,944) UNIT TYPE ".,A" D /, / 3'-7" (1,092) / , 3'·9" / (1,143) / / TYPICAL 6 PLEX -LOWER LEVEL SCALE: 1 :100 ' ~ ;.o ··1!., -,- ' /} ti ;t "'- / / 3•.7· / (1,092) / /. MAY 9, 2017 TV _, ~ '-:l_ 1/;!" {l,O@) I 7'-8" (2,337) / 11 ·6112" (~518) 1 • I I l2':3'(3,7$<1) NIT D'PE "A' A3 4.01 I I ~IVING ~ / 7'-3' (2,210) TV/ FP / 7'-11 112" FAMILY ROOM 112:J 6'-5 112" (1,969) .;, (13) I / / 83 4.01 I 9'-5"(5,613). __,._ Ll~INb 9'-5 112" I I~1~~1ft ' l I I I DINING 11' 0 112" (3,620) UNTTTYPE 8" ·B3 ~-01 1 t _7 11l':5'~(Mt3) . 1~, 9~·<1 11?" (g,§_~) / _ l ~ I TV/ FP FAMILY ROOM s·-1,11 / LIVING ,,;~ ~""" , -/ __ _ ___ UNITTYPE"C" C3 4.01 12Q'-3'.' [36,652). 18'-5" 9'·0" (t743) 9'-4_ 11?" (,sR58) / --'.- I I KIT. 8: ~ !!> _ij FAMILY ~ ROOM ~ § TV/ 9'-5 112" /--"FP- LIVING ~ l:! 1!'·6" .. 8'·6" )' 81-11• "' ~ TH02 L1 .A:.£7.2-7 sq ft ' ' ' 1cs• I I I a:· DINING DIN 1 1NG ~-1 I I ~I t,I :;:,1 t "' ~I ~I "' LIVING °'NING / 1.1 ',J0 1!Je" QJ'i?.Ol / UNIT TYPE "C" .. / 9'-0" (2,743) .l'.:11112'.' I I I 3'1 ~i I J I FAMILY ROOM TV/ FP 11 '-6 1/2" [3,518) 11'-0" ti LIVING -1 !· _ --9'-1_' --_ -;f KITCHEN lo DJ § / J, . .§.'-_!j_~" (LlJ_61))_ J,,12" 7'-3" (2,210) / • (13) 4.1 '·8 1/g' 23'-3 112" / / DINING~i m, TH01 L1 A: 669.8 sq ft FAMILY TV 10'-41/2" )'- -/- 3'-7" / (1,092) / !~ .. a:,-~ S'-9" / (1,143) / / TYPICAL 6 PLEX -MAIN LEVEL SCALE: 1:100 r --/,---11l'.:S:{M.~J -7 1 '•5" ----.z-_ -7 (§.l!l!:) 1/g:_} I)" I ,,_____ ,2° • 1.Qfil_J ---'-"-=LI!tLI .,._ __ .....,(13fl ,,s2r ./ 1 I I i -/ /[5{'------'-"= I I -7 I 1 0 ·' -1 >s-~[ =--=---p, ~~=n~~E~::;::5~"' ~c;=~r:::r.::~:e:=firt:::::::l':::=:!:~==i:?:;1:::::::::::!'~='C:::::z:::;::;::::;;:::::::~='l:==~==~:='l::::::;;;::;:;::::z=~':::'=::'C~:r:::l'.::~~=flrr=t:::::::1===~72~~=;::I:_ =,, 4 ==. 0 ::e::;:;::::?:: ... ~tt:~n-.::::-=,,..:;-: - ! j BED.~ BED.3 ! 1 BED.2 ~. ~ BED.3 BED.3 ~ BED.2 I .., '--''-=-' -.' -I ·-11. ~---~=--+-.H"~ ':/U/_4" __ '•'1'---"'=--+--,l'J' Oi----"--"'--'-"'---,1' }" - J ~ "' r:. \· ' , I r } \ l __ _ _, I I I TH02 L2 I I TH03 L2 • -TH03 L2 [ 1I ' A: 653.0 sq ft A: 653.0 sq ft 1 ' ~ .. i -·, (J I 0 1- ~~~ I '-----1 I I • MASTER I MASTER ~ BED. I BED. 1 _____ ! _____ ! i • •• 3.§;l,2J MASTER BED. ·1 (1,14'§)"",i' ~--·9"_ 1 --lA3~NZil:l~L'e.:.....--t-----7, ----NlfTYP .4.01 MAY 9, 2017 '-:~t:,!T-:1• $ hl'R EJfi t s IDE DEVELOPMENTS . --. --~--.~.;-·.:.·. -.• ,a 11N·$r~'~lM' ti _ILL AR c HITE c _T s JL.·:·.-- TYPICAL 6 PLEX -UPPER LEVEL SCALE: 1:100 CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11 080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 39 ::: UPPER LEVEL 4' MAIN LEVEL LOWER LEVEL i "' ~ JALUMINUM AWL .. 0 ., 9 0 f I I MAY 9, 2017 UNIT TYPE ·A• ~ ,; UNIT TYPE •e• 23•.3 , 12· 11 pgei ,a,~•,~ e131 I, 'I r UNIT TYPE 'C' 18'·5" (5 6)3) O/H GARAGE DOOR C/W TRANSOM LITES L 1 UNIJ TYPE 'C" l,. ,, UN~ "B" ~ 'I UNITI)'.P!;;"A' '< 1 1~ 18'-5' (5 6131 1~ !B'-~ (§ §1i!l 1' ~N ll2.11!lfil!l t ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING ALUMINUM GUTTER TYPICAL 6 PLEX -FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1 :100 UPPE~LEVEL ~ '- :.CM,.,Al::.:N-.v.:..:a=--<1>-' LOWE LEVEL L MAY 9, 2017 _ UNIT TYPE "A" _ 23'-3 1/2" (7,099) VINYL WINDOW / l UNIT TYPE "B" __ 18'-5" (5,613). VERTICAL BOARD & BATTEN VINYL SIDING )'--- ~-:·t: S ili RE E1T, s_f11o ;'E: DEVELOPMENTS ... -.~-~-~,-,1,:._ 81 N G Hrf,.'i~iji:i: LL A R C H IT E C T S -~~ UNITTY.PE -C.". 18'·5' (5,613) 12Q'·3' (S6,6~?l K'- / UNIT TYPE "C" 18'-S"(Snrn) ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING ALUMINUM GUTTER FIBREGLASS J ENTRY DOOR !Jl!lJT.Yf'!;."§" 18'·5"_~.~-l~. VERTICAL BOARD & BATTEN VINYL SIDING -k - /. UNIT TYPE "A" _ 23'-3 1/2" (7,099) TYPICAL 6 PLEX -RE AR ELE VATIO N SCALE: 1:100 / / )' CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street 41 City of Maple Ridge MAY 9, 2017 r ~ ~ !?: "'I UPPER LEVEL ~ { IN LEVEL PRIVACY SCREEN TIMBER BEAM -+--- (PAINTED) ~ .~ ~; TIMBER COLUMN -+--- (PAINTED) )(-' 33'-5_1/2" (10 19B)_ UNIT TYPE "A" ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING ALUMINUM GUTTER / / / VINYL WINDOW TYPICAL 6 PLEX -SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: 1 :100 0 ) I rn MAIN LEVEL / MAIN LEVEL ~ SECTION A MAY 9, 2017 dJ B80 ouneT PATIO A / _ _§'.-ll'.' _(g,§19J / RECREATION SPACE I 20'-0" (6,096) COMMON AREA A: 800.0 sq ft I STRATA STOR. ./ 4'·0" I TV[ i .,I ;:::::::::::=:: I I A l.-r·., .. OUTDR STOR. s ~li ·10E DEVELOPMENTS B . ~t{. :H I L L A R C H I T E C T S --..-_J _ _.. .• -=~:~r:_/· - HORIZONTAL VINYL LAP SIDING / FRONT ELEVATION HORIZONTAL VINYL LAP SIDING / REAR ELEVATION 40'·0' (,0, 198) VINYL WINDOW 40'-0" (1 o, 198) ALUMINUM GUTTER VINYL WINDOW RECREATION BUILDING SCALE: 1:100 CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street 43 City of Maple Ridge ,(- ,(-. ----1Jc,Q''_~.:i~:i) ---)/ ·'>- ~i BED.3 UPPER LEVEL . b LIVING/ ,:, DINING ROOM MAIN LEVEL bl l BATH I ~ ci. LOWER LEVE¼ji : . t~;C-'· •• -;f ·-~~.-. ,· . S iii F:l]J:JJ: T S I D E D E V E L O P M E N T S MAY 9, 2017 B Ii N~~-• 8)(M H I L L A R C H I T E C T S "'' ~ '. • ' --_;_.:·~--- 33'-5 1/2" (10,198) 22'-5 1/~(6,375J _ 12 ~5 • j ~i q io GARAGE MASTER BED KITCHEN / / I -I TYPICAL CROSS SECTION A SCALE: 1 :100 CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 44 r 0 MAY 9, 2017 BED.3 UPPER LEVEL LIVING ROOM MAIN LEVEL lOWER LEV ?-""---=-·~ > .••.. : # ----• s ~~s''1Jl E o E v E L o P M E N T s B frvf~ H I L L A R C H I T E C T S ·:-= :-·~ ~: • ri't~:;_. _33'-51/2" {10,198) _ . ;22~ 1L2" .{6J375) KITCHEN GARAGE 9 MASTER BED a,, I DINING / / TYPICAL CROSS SECTION B SCALE: 1:100 CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street 45 City of Maple Ridge / ~ Cl) UPPER LEVEL KITCHEN MAIN LEVEL STORAGE LOWER LEVEL~ :: MAY 9, 2017 33'-51/2" UD,198) . 22'-5 1/2" (9,375) WR LIVING ROOM / / ENTJY i I• : I TYPICAL CROSS SECTION C SCALE: 1 :100 ( TOWM_H_QUSE;_ Dl;VE;!,,QPME:NT u '.i.~: '; .~ ._ ..... •.' ·- MAY 9, 2017 cc·, . . . s·m 8 E E11'i S:1 D E D E V E LO P M E NT S B I N G r,11~4fu;: -HILL A R C H IT EC T S 1_;.~·- -;;" -'._·: ~· ~I ~ 0:: I w' g,I 0::' a..' I 112 STREET ELEVATION CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street 47 City of Maple Ridge _COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT _,·J~?: : -.:,. .... - MAY 9, 2017 $ iTi R;~i{fs, 1 D.E DEVELOPMENTS ' ,;,,.I.,·--•, B I N(G.iH !A M H ILL A R C H IT E C T S ·--~-~;'. -;~· ; •.·-~': . ..'.'_ ~, 8 o::::• UJ' ti 0::::' a..' I ' ' 112 STREET ELEVATION CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 48 u ~I ~f 0:::' W' g,I C:::• Q_ I MAY 9, 2017 COMMERCIAL DEVf LOPMENT -:.;t,-) ·i\::... S :'1i j E D E V E L O P M E N T S illiliililiiilGiMJ 11_ B /H I L L A R C H I T E C T S • ·, 1\ : -:J.=11 ~ ~I ~ c:::, W ' g,1 c:::, Q..' 240 STREET ELEVATION CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street 49 City of Maple Ridge TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT f:~(~·•:C .• '.I r_•: S i1i R EE :r, S I D E D E V E L O P M E N T S MAY9,2017 C'!-· '. B I N GrH·A: M HILL A R C H IT EC T S 't,> ~•''!!_:, ------------~) 240 STREET ELEVATION CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street 50 City of Maple Ridge SITE SECTION A STREET SITE SECTION 8 MAY 9, 2017 .'l ,,- m::'.'.J\'' -~~~t~~-: ;•;· S /S ID E D EV E L O P M E NT S B ·._M, 'HILL A R C H IT E CT s TRI SITE SECTIONS A & B CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street 51 City of Maple Ri dge SITE SECTION C ' . ' >' •• l!=====:!::=11:=::l : ... :.:~.:: :: SITE SECTION C !\Y----:;._ MAY 9, 2017 :.....·, .. ·.;: • .!i' . • s·m ~-EJ(t ·s 1:0 .E DEVELOPMENTS :a ...... _. --. B I M G'1H'-A· M . H IL L A R C H IT E C T S -~ii\~'°: -. - ..... J,.. ' ; t :"'~;..: ... ~' .. , , .. ' I ..,t1 . ...-.,; ., 112TH AVENUE SITE SECTION C CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 52 ~-' - VIEW FROM 240TH STREET -----~~ =--- --~~,;.,.ii:c~~~-----=~ VIEW OF COMM~RCIAL BLDG MAY 9, 2017 INTERIOR VIEW :: INTERIOR VI EW2 MAY 9, 2017 .. ~ J j. _:;. , .• S iT, F,fE '.ET'S· I DE DEV EL OP ME NT S s·:i N{i,(f WM -HILL A R c H IT E c Ts ,1 !/.::,~_:_ 3D VIEWS CREEKSIDE -TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 54 PLANT SCHEDULE -TOWNHOUSE BOTANICAL NAME: ABIES FRASERI ACER CIRCINA TUM ACER X FREEMANII 'AUTUMN BLAZE' CARPIN\JS BETULUS CHAMAECYPARIS NOOTKATENSIS 'PENDULA' CORNUS KOUSA X NUTTALLU 'STARLIGHT FAGUS SYLVATICA •□AWYCK' PICEA OMORIKA PRUNUS SERRULATA 'AMANOGAWA' PRUNUS YEDOENSIS 'AKEBONO' STREETlREE STYRAX JAPONIC\JS STYRAX JAPONICUS 'PINK CHIMES' SYRINGA RETICULATA 'IVORY SILK' FRASER FIR V\PE MAPLE AUTUMN BLAZE MAPLE EUROPEAN HORNBEAM WEEPING NOOTKA CYPRESS STARLIGHT HYBRID DOGWOOD FASTIGIATE OR DAWYCK BEECH SERBIAN SPRUCE AMANOGAWA FLOWERING CHERRY DAYBREAK CHERRY JAPANESE SNOWBELL PINK FLOWERED JAPANESE SNOWBELL IVORY SILK JAPANESE TREE LILAC PMG PROJECT NUMBER! 16-133 P.U\HJED &~, IWt\aiR.KS 25M HT; B&B 2M HT; eae; 3 STEM Ct.UMP 6CM CAL; 1 eM STD; B&B 5CM CAL; 1 2M STD; 8&8 2 SM HT; 9&8 SCMCAL; B&B 6CM CAL: 1 eM STD; B&S 2 SM HT: 8&8 SCM CAL; 1,5M STD; B&B SCM CAL; 8&8 6CM CAI.; 1 eM SlU; 8&8 SCMCAL;B&B 5CM CAL: 8&8 SCM CAL; 1 SM STD; 8&8 I I I ~ I :,........c_----- 112th Avenue 16U3•2ZIP C)Copyrighl mOIVOd Th;, a,.,.,,, aod a .. ;,, 1, ~ property of PMG Landscape Archilet;\S and may n:tbe I reproduced or used for olher projecls v.ilhoul their permission, Suite C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, VSC 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 SEAL: NO, DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DR CLIENT: PROJECT: TOWNHOUSE DEV. 112TH AVE & 240TH ST MAPLE RIDGE DRA\o\1NG TITLE: LANDSCAPE KEY PLAN DATE: 17JAN.18 SCALE: 1:500 ORAl/vN: DO DESIGN: MCY CHK'O; MCY PMG PROJECT NUMBER: DRAIMNG NUMBER: Ll OF6 16-133 ) L +-' Cl) Cl) "-+-I CJ') ...c:: +-'.,. 0 ~ N 112th Avenue LOWWOOO ~~'CE X FREEMAN II 'AUTUMN BLAZE' QA.I, PAYNO A.'rEmRY lLowwcoo FENCE l ----I \ I I I \ \ \ \ \ I I 0 ( © Copyrighl reserved This drawing and design is the property of PMG Landscape Architects and may not ba reproduced or used forolherprojeclswi\hout their permlssfon, SEAL NO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DR CLIENT: PROJECT: TOWNHOUSE DEV. 112TH AVE & 240TH ST MAPLE RIDGE DRAvVING TITLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN (NORTH) DATE: 17JAN..l8 DRAINING NUMBER: SCALE: 1:250 L2 DRA~: DO DESIGN: MCY CHK'O: MCY OF6 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 16-133 ...,,ro,, PA ATENlRY I I I I I I 1·---·-··--- 1 I I I I I I I I "' I ·,uo 3 __ i . ---·--·------ ...,,.,. .. IO!lWI. I I I \ ,_) I I I \ 0 16133·2.ZIP ©Copyriqhl tll-Urwd. 11111-drlnMQ aoddo»gnh lho pr~of PMO L•ndcupcl Atd,Hciet•:tnd ll\ll,:f rtoe be repradwcod or UMd for oltwt pR/ads ,v. lhout Iha!, permission Suite C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, VSC 6G9 p: 604 294--0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 SEAL: NO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION CLIENT: PROJECT: TOWNHOUSE DEV. 112TH AVE & 240TH ST MAPLE RIDGE ORA\rVING TITLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN (SOUTH) DR DATE: 17JAN,18 DRAVw'ING NUMBER: SCALE: 1:250 L3 DRAWN: DO DESIGN; MCV CHK'D: MCV OF6 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 16-133 -., HT WOOD SCREEN FENCE 0 TYPE 1 01~ HT WOOD FENCE <1: [!J [!J s----i N n 0 0 0 ASPHALT COHC:RETc DRIVEWAY APRON PLANT SCHEDULE-TOWNHOUSE PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 1&-1Jl """ OTY BC>TANJC/.L NAM!: c.OW-W>HHIIME: IIUHTE)SID!IR~ SHRUB ®<e> AZALEA 'ROSY LIGHTS' DECIDUOUS AZALEA; PURPLE/RED #3 POT;-40CM euxus MICROPHYLLA WINTER GEM" UTTL.£-LEAF BOX #3POT;40CM €) CARYOPTERIS ,c CLANDONENSIS 'DARK KNIGtff BLUEBEARD #2POT;40CM e@ CORNUS SERICEA REDTWIG DOGWOOD #2 POT; 50CM HYDRANGEA PANICULATA 'LIMELIGHT LIMELIGHT HYDRANGEA: LIMEGREEN-PINK #3 POT: 80CM 0 NANDINA OOMESTICA 'FIREPOWER' FIREPOWER HEAVENL y BAMaoo #2POT;◄OCM ® PIERIS JAPONICA 'FOREST FlAME' PIERI$; WHITE BLOOMS #JPOT;SOCM ® RHODODENDRON 'BOW BELLS' RHODODENORON; PINK #3 POT;3DCM @e RHODODENDRON 'LEM'S CAMEO' RHODODENDRON; APRICOT; E MAY #3 POT: 50CM ROSA MEIOILAND 'FERDY' ~IDILANO ROSE; CORAL PINK #2 POT;4DCM ® SKIMMIA JAPONICA (10% MALE) JAPANESE SKIMMIA #2POT; 30CM ® SPIRAEA JAPONICA 1.lffiE PRINCESS' LlffiE PRINCESS SPIRAEA: PINK #2POT; 40CM ® STRANVAESIA OAVIOIANA UNDUlATA CHINESE STRANVAESIA #3 POT; 60CM 0 TAXUS X MEDIA 'HICKSII' HICK'S YEW 1 OM HT; B&B ® lHUJA OCCIDENT ALIS 'SMARAGO' EMERA.LO GREEN CEDAR 15MHT;B&B ® VACCINIUM OVATIJM EVERGREEN HUCKLEBERRY #2 POT; 50CM ~ VIBURNUM OAVIDII DAVID'S VIBURNUM #2POT; 30CM @ CAREX □AVAL.LIANA BAlHSEDGE #1 POT @) CAREX FLACCA BLUE SEDGE #1 POT ® HAKONECHLOA MACRA 'AUREOlA' GOLD VARIEGATED JAPANESE FOREST GRASS #1 POT @ HELICTOTRICHON SEMPERVIRENS BLUE OAT GRASS #1 POT 0 JUNCUS INFLEXUS BLUE-GREEN RUSH #1 POT 0 MISCANTHUS SltENSIS 'ADAGlO' MAIDEN GRASS #1POT VI~ PENNISEll..JM ORIENTALE ORIENTAL FOUNTAIN GRASS #1 POT P~NNIAL LONICERA JAPONICA HONEYSUCKLE #3 POT; 75CM;STAKEO ® ASTER x FRIKARTII 'MONCH' FRIKART ASTER 15CM POT ® HOSTA 'PATRIOT HOST A; GREEN AND WHITE VARIEGATED #1 POT; 1 EYE ©@ KNIPHOFIA UVARIA RED HOT POKER 15CM POT LAVENDULAANGUSTIFOLIA 'MUNSTEAO' ENGLISH LAVENDER: COMPACT; VIOLET-BLUE #1 POT ® MONARCA 'GARDENVIEW SCARLET BEE BALM: RED 15CMPOT e® ORIGANUM lAVIGATUM 'HERRENHAUSEN' ORNAMENTAL OREGANO 15CM POT RUDBECKIA FULGIDA VAR SULLIVANTII 'GOLDSll..JRM\UDBECKIA; YELLOW 15CM POT ® SALVIA NEMOROSA 'CAROONNA' PERE!ll'IIAL SAGE #1 POT ® SALVIA X SYLVESTRIS 'BLUE Hill.' VIOLET SAGE 15CMPOT © SEOUM ALBUM VAR MICAANTHUM ·coRAL CARPET CORAL CARPET STONECROP 9CM POT GO © GAUL THERIA SHALLON SALAL #1 POT; 20CM @ POL YSTICHUM MUNITIJM WESTERN SWORD FERN #1 POT;2SCM © VACCINIUM VIT1S-IDAEA LINGONBERRY #1 POT; 25CM N~~~ • FUJff:SW.:.S ~ TKISUS'f A.RE ~QFIED',~ 'tOTMe~ ~~:siANCAAO, U.TDTEOl110H, CONlNtlER.stZE.$ SPEOFIED ~~~~~~~~~~~=;:!:=:t~~i=~~~~~:~~'=:= f\EVIEWBY~E.ltRcttlTECT AT SOURCE OFSlJPPI.'(_ AREA OF~ttcHto INQ.~1.0W'ERMNNlAHO N.:o~ VAl.LEY • 5\JB5TTTV1'~,_ OBTAINWRITTENAPPROVAl.rRO.\tllE.lANDSCAPEAAOiJttC!'PRIOA.lOMAIUHONlYSVSSTI1\Jl10N5 TOTHESPECIF'iEOMATiiRJAl.,tJN~ ~=~~~~~-::;~~F:~:~i=m.~~~~~::sn~~~~.:~TcefoTO CANA014N ~:DSCAl'-1!;: :STA.~O'SU.iUTEDmOf',l,Al.i. P\.4"0"1."'-iENAL. MUSTS!: PR.CMDEO FROV. Calft:£0015£ASE FRUN\:RSERY 2 <1: LO 0 °-i<t:) X l_ -- PERMEABLE PAVERS IN VISITOR PARKING STALLS (TYP) 129B LLl o_ >-t- 128B 0 ~ u 0 127A co \ _\ _:·J \ • • 1 • " U11M HT WOOO SCREEN ~NCE I \ .• •. I / ·I I I :1 I I I I I 1 SM HT. WOOD SCREEN FENCE ) L ~113A <"\,<"\,· X lJ LLl 1145 o_ >-t- 0 115B ~ u 0 116A \ I 16133-2.ZIP QCopyright reserved This drawing and design is the property of PMG Landscape Architects and may nol be reproduced or used rorolherprojeclswilhoullheir permission Suite C100 • 4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, VSC 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; r: 604 294-0022 SEAL: NO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DR CLIENT: PROJECT: TOWNHOUSE DEV. 112TH AVE & 240TH ST MAPLE RIDGE DRAWNG TITLE: PLANTING ENLARGEMENTS DATE: 17JAN 18 DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: 1:100 ORA\'\N: 00 L4 DESIGN: MCY CHK'D: MCY OF6 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 16-133 111B 110C <t n (XJ ~ (XJ SOD LAWN LOCK L) LD (XJ 0 106 6M HT. WOOD FENCE !OOLAWN O?t:NU.WN~_f QR BA~TOH A>D90CCE ,I • ,•~ •• • ' L) (0 (XJ TYPE -· . -.. ., ... . . .. I \ I \ J '- (0 r----. (XJ ,,- / ~ '- I / Lu /"'\ '-._ "- \ --l ..,~~am,.,... ( I / \ I I \ I 90B 91C PLANT SCHEDULE -TOWNHOUSE KeY on BOUNIC.AI. Hi\ME COMMON NAM! AZALEA 'ROSY LIGHTS' euxus MICROPHYLLA WINTER GEM' CARYOPTERIS x a..ANOONENSIS 'DARK KNIGHT CORNUS SERICEA HYDRANGEA PANICULATA 'LIMELIGHT NANDINA DOMESTICA 'FIREPOWER' PIERIS JAPONICA 'FOREST Fl.AME' RHODODENDRON 'BOW BELLS' RHODODENDRON 'LEM'S CAMEO' ROSA MEIDILAND 'FERDY SKIMMIA JAPONICA (10% MALE) SPIRAEA JAPONICA trTTl.E PRINCESS' STRANVAESIA DAVIDIANA UNDULATA TAXUS X MEDIA 'HICKSU' THWA OCCIOENTALIS 'SMARAGO' VACCINIUM OVA.TUM VIBURNUM DAVIDII CA.REX DAVALLIANA CAREX FLACCA HAKONECHLOA MACAA 'AUREOLA' HELICTOTRICHON SEMPERVIRENS JUNCUS INFLEXUS MISCANTI-IUS SINENSIS 'ADAGIO' PEl',NISETUM ORIENTALE LONICERA JAPONICA ASTER x FRIKARTll 'MONct-1' HOSTA 'PATRIOT ICNlPHDAAIJVAAJ,l lJ,YEf,Q.11.A~'TIFOLlA 'MUNSTEAO' MONARDA 'GARDENVIEW SCARLEr DECIDUOUS AZALEA; PURPLE/RED LlffiE-LEAF BOX BLUEBEARD REDTWIG DOGWOOD LIMELIGHT HYDRANGEA; LIMEGREEN-PINK FIREPOWER HEAVENLY BAMBOO PIERIS; WHITE BLOOMS RHODODENDRON; PINK RHODODENDRON; APRICOT; E MAY MEIDILAND ROSE; CORAL PINK JAPANESE SKIW.MIA LITil.E PRINCESS SPIRAEA; PINK CHINESE STRANVAESIA HICK'S YEW EMERALD GREEN CEDAR EVERGREEN HUCKLEBERRY DAVID'S VIBURNUM BATH SEDGE BLUE SEDGE GOLD VARIEGATED JAPANESE FOREST GRASS BLUE OAT GRASS BLUE-GREEN RUSH MAIDEN GRASS ORIENTAL FOUNTAIN GRASS HONEYSUCKLE FRIKART ASTER HOST A; GREEN Af\O WHITE VARIEGATED RED HOTP'Cl<ER· ENGLISH ~V'ENOER: COMPACT; VIOlET-BLUE BEE BALM; RED ORIGANUM LAVIGATUM 'HERRENHAUSEN' ORNAMENTAL OREGANO RUDBECKIA FULGIDA VAR SULLIVANTll 'GOLOSTUR~UDBECKIA; YELLOW SALVIANEMOROSA 'CAROONNA' SALVIA X SYLVESTRIS 'BLUE HILL' PERENNIAL SAGE VIOLET SAGE SEDUM ALBUM VAR. MICRANTHUM "CORAL CARPET CORAL CARPET STONECROP GAUL ll-lERIA SHALL ON POL YSTIGHUM MUNITUM VACClNIUM VITIS-IDAEA SALAL WESTERN SWORD FERN LINGONBEAAY PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 16-133 PLANT!I> StZ:E I A!MARK'Ji #3 POT; ◄OCM #3 POT; ◄OCM #2 POT:◄OCM #2POT;50CM #3 POT; 80CM #'2POT: ◄OCM #3 POT; 5DCM #3 POT;:lOCM #3 POT; 50CM #'2POT: ◄OCM #2POT;3DCM #ZPOT; ◄DCM #3 POT; e'iOCM 1 OM HT; B&B t,5MHT; 886 #2 POT: 50CM #2.POT: 30CM #1 POT #1 POT #1 POT #1POT #1 POT #1 POT #1 POT #3 POT; 75CM; STAKED 15CMPOT #1 POT; t EYE 15CMPOT #1 POT 15CMPOT 15CM POT 15CM POT #1 POT 15CMPOT ~MPOT #1 POT;20CM #1 POT; 25CM #1 POT; 25CM NOTE~ • Pl.J.tlTStZES IN TI-II$ U$T ARE SPEOFIED ACCCHl&f<O TO 1JiE CAHAOWf l..>XO.SC,..DE STN,'OAAQ. LA TUT fom0N1 COtnAINER st.zE.s SP\:CIAB> A5 PEf\.CM..A STA."-'DARDS., B01l19LAUf$l2:E ~:o C'OHl'.WIEA 5m: ilR£ l'Hl!. !.UNIMW Act;EPT.ABL.t SlZF.S, • RE,FE'R to $PECIFl'C,'.nONS FOACEF~O CCIW"'-HER ~Mi;NlS MDODtfA Pu.Nl'V.ATERW.IIIEOUIRat£N1.$, • SIEAR:CH ANOREvs£\V;~-PLAH'Tw.A.1e\lALA.V.~LE Fo,t.OPTIOOAl REVIEW9YLN405C/I.PEAAOVTECT AT SOURCE OFfiUF'Pt,Y. AAEA.OfSEAAO:i l'OWQ.1.JJ:e LOY,'tfl.MA.INVJ«}ANO FRASER I/All£T', • SUBSTITUTIONS OBTAIN Yt'RiTTE:NAPPROV~ FROM 'THE: LANOSCAPE A.R.CHITEOT PJUOlt TO J.W(INO NN .suesmvnONa to '1)i£ SPECIFIED 'A~. UN.APPR.cw£0 SIJBSTllVT}ONS 'h'IJ. BE fl.SJEctrn. IUJ..CIHAML.._.,.,.Of AVE0JiY'$ PR:oA TOCEUYER'tfOP: R.EoueS.T'10'5UBSttl\lTE. SIJ85Tl1\ffl0NSAM;5UBJECTTO CN::JiDW-1 t.A~STANOAAD· OiflHITIQHCF 00tl0n~ Of'AV/JLA8U1Y ~LL LNC>SCAPE MA~ ~0W(IOOJAH$H!Pt.tlJ'9TMEO OFt EXcefD CN~l..A.KO$CAPE-&TA140ARD'SLA1E&'Tm4Tl0ff-ALLPVHT""TERJA.a.aJSTDE:PROYJDl!DfROMCt.f\TIF~Dd£A5E.f'A:i:£NUI.IERV ~ 16133-2,ZIP e~~llOUMid. Tiu dt•W'!IIQ •11d d•ttQn b Ch■ propan)' ofPMO L■nd1c:,ptl A~tocb and INY l'ICII be re~d or ~d for o'!h.r p,Of"b ~O.OUt lh11lr perrmssion. Suite C100 -4165 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, Brilish Columbia, VSC 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294--0022 SEAL: NO. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION OR. CLIENT: PROJECT: TOWNHOUSE DEV. 112TH AVE & 240TH ST MAPLE RIDGE DRAWING TITLE; PLANTING ENLARGEMENTS DATE: 17JAN.18 DRAWNG NUMBER: SCALE: 1:100 LS DRA\fohJ: DO DESIGN; MCY CHK'D: MCY OF6 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 16-133 2x4 TOP/BOTTOM Ml\. PQSTCA? t»:.6POS-: 1----------.. ·•r l LATCH T I GATE ~ ~~ -~ I I I ~ I \ TJ, ' ' I I \ I I ~ I ->"GAP -I I '--~vv DUTY H1odes BACK OF GATE DETAIL .-b,. -t:a l'OC .I.Wl I "' POST -tt-±2" GAP I I I I I '-I .. I .. !:i2!5. 1 ALL POSTS PRESSURE TREATED TO CSA STANDARD AND END CUTS TREATED WITH PRESERVITIVE 2 ALL OTHER MEMBERS TO BE CEDAR #2 (CONSTRUCTION) GRADE MINIMUM 3 ALL HARDWARE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED ◄ APPLY 2 COATS EXTERIOR STAIN TO MANUFAC~S.$P£CIFICATJON ANISH SELECTION AS APPROVED BY PROJECT AR~T 5 All FENCES TO Sf LEVEL. CHANGES~ Gft/!DcrDee l:tl 12·-1a· STEPS (MAX) GAPS TO Q.RAOE 1'0 FOLLOW FINISH GFlA(JE C>SJ TO BS 3~·. C) 3'-3" WOOD PICKET FENCE AND GATE KOMPAN GALAXY KUMA AMENITY AREA e3 BIOSWALE CROSS SECTION 1/4"=1'-0" BADMINTON SWALE PLANTING EXAMPLE IMAGE ~ b_,c::E(tA.R 2x◄ P.T.-t----l'lll--1.a., CEDAR ~ l.t.O CEDAR BOARDS "4~4 PT. POST 1~Z~Q.l"CCNCRET!: . FOOWKi. SLOPE TOP EDGE FOR DRAINAGE COMPActEO$USCRAt>e )"DEPTit DRAIN ROCK r""' I I 'I I 1. ALL POST TO BE PRESSURE TREATED TO CSA STANDARDS All OTHER MEMBERS TO BE MINIMUM #2 CONSTRUCTION GRADE UNLESS OTHER WISE SPECFIED 2 APPLY TWO COATS PRESERVATM: TO All ENO CUTS, 3 ALL HARDWARE TO BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED 4. APPLY TWO COATS Of: STAIN ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS, ANO IN A COLOUR TO MATCH BUILDING AS APPROVED BY THE PROJECT ARCHITECT C) ;;~~: WOOD FENCE - I I I I ll ~ P0$1'CAP :._.4; CEDAR 2x4 P,T,,---11I111--b:4 CEDAR ~ 1X8 CEDAR BOARDS 1· OVERLAP ,4x-fi PT POST 12">i:12"X24" CONCRETE FOOTING SLOPE TOP EDGE FOR DRAINAGE CO.MP.ACTED SUB GRADE )' DEPTH DRAIN ROCK 1 All POST TO BE PRESSURE TREATED TO CSA STANDARDS All OTHER MEMBERS TO BE MINIMUM tl2 CONSTRUCTION GRADE UNLESS OTHER 1/./ISE SPECIFIED 2 APPl Y TWO COATS PRESERVATIVE TO All END CUTS. 3 ALL HARDWARE TO BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED 4 APPLY TWO COATS OF STAIN ACCORDING TO MANUFA~ SPECIFICA'TlOt.1, ANO IN A COLOUR TO MATCH BUILDING AS A?PROVEO HYTlil: PROJECT ",RCtUT£CT C) ~.~]-WOOD PATIO SCREEN PAVER PARKING IN VISITOR STALLS 16133-2.ZIP ©Copyright resarved. This drawing and design is lhe properly of PMG Landscape Archilec\s and may not be reproduced or used for olher projects 'Mlhout \heir permisSian. Suite C1DD -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, VSC 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 SEAL: NO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DR CLIENT: PROJECT: TOWNHOUSE DEV. 112TH AVE & 240TH ST MAPLE RIDGE DRA'MNG TITLE: LANDSCAPE DETAILS OATE: 17JAN 06 SCALE: AS SHOWN ORA\llhll: 00 DESIGN: MCV CHK'O: MCV PMG PROJECT NUMBER: ORAV\IING NUMBER: L6 OF6 16-133 ,~- t, --mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: FILE NO: Advisory Design Panel 2017-027-DP MEETING DATE: May 9, 2017 SUBJECT: 11184 240 ST PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel (the "ADP") submission has been received for the above cited application and property to permit the construction of a commercial buildirig of 905.0 square metres with residential uses on the second storey comp.rising 637 squa_re metres and 8 dwelling units. The rezoning application being processed in conjunction with this proposal was given First Reading by Council on August 29, 2016. This rezoning application is accompanied by an Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment to adjust the conservation boundary arourid Seigal Creek and to change the commercially designated portion of the site from Neighbourhood Commercial to Village Commercial. The remainder of the site is proposed to be developed into townhouse residential under concurrent application 2017-012-DP. This site is zoned RS-3 One Family Rural Residential. The commercial portion of the site is subject to being re-zoned to Cs5 Village Commercial. The development permit application made to the City is subject to Section 8.5 Commercial Development Permit. BACKGROUND: . Applicant: • Legal Description: OCP: Zoning: Existing: , Proposed: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation:· South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: • Streetside Developments Lot: 9, Section: 10, Township: 12, Plan: NWP809, Lot: 1, Block: 9, Section: 10, Township: 12, Plan: NWP.17613, & Lot: 1, Section: 10, Township: 12, Plan: NWP17613 MRES (Medium Density Residential), CONS RV (Conservation), Neighbourhood Commercial . MRES (Medium Density Residential), CONSRV (Conservation), Village, Comn:iercial RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) . C-5 (Village Centre Commercial) & RM-1 Townhouse Residential Vacant RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, and Conservation 2 properties, duplex and single family RS-3 (One Fam ily Rural Residential) Low Medium Density Residential and Conservation 18 properties, neighbourhood commercial and street townhouse residential Page 1 of 5 (-Zone: Residential Deslgnation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: C-1 Neighbourhood Commercial and RST Street Townhouse Commercial and Urban Resldential Vacant RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Institutional and Conservation. 1 single family house on one of the 3 parcels Commercial and Townhouse residi:?ntial 4.5 HA. (11 acres) 112th Avenue·or 240th Street Urban·Standard The development permit application made to the City prompting this submission to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.5 Commercial Development Permit. Key Guidelines: The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal's compliance with the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines: Applications for Development Permits will be assessed against the following key guideline concepts: 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. The scale and s_iting of this building is consistent with the buildings across 240th Street. Separatioo between residential and commercial uses is provided by landscaping on the south and east sides of the Jot. 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual intere$t along street fronts. Glazing has been used along the commercial streetfront to create a visually interesting pedestrian environment. Parking is screened from adjacent uses with landscaping. 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. • • Circulation is appropriate for pedestrians, bicycles, and vehicles. 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. The residential component of the building is isolated from the commercial component by separated. and well-defined entrance. • 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by ·incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, pr'oportions and building articulation. Page 2 of 5 Architectual elements from adjacent developments have been incorporated into the character of this building. There is also similarity with materials used, proportions, and building articulation. Design Guidelines: The Design Guidelines and a full explanation of how the project complies with them or the reasons why they are not applicable are attached in Appendix C to ·this memo. Page 3 of 5 ! ~ PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: This application forms the commercial portion of a larger development proposal combining townhouse residential and a streetfront commercial development with rental housing above. The pedestrian scale is _emphasized with parking to the rear, an awning to shelter from the elements and attractive landscaping. Materials used and architectural style will compliment the adjacent residential development 2. Context: The subject property is within the Albion Area Plan and is located along a major arterial (240th Street). Environmentally sensitive areas on the site ace to be dedicated as part .of this de~elopment. 3. OCP and Zoning Compliance: _The subject site is designated Neighbourhood Commercial, Medium Density Residential, and Conservation. The commercial portion of the property is being redesignated to Village Commercial to accommodate the proposed C-5 Village Commercial Zone. The Conservation designation of the subject site is being adjusted to reflect ground-truthing. Development Data Sheet (Appendix F) analyses the compliance of the project with the applicable C- 5 Village Commercial Zone regulations.· The proposal complies· with regulations for height, lot coverage, and setbacks. • 4. Parking and bicycle storage: The required parking for the proposed use is analyzed in the Development Data Sheet (Appendix F). The requirements.for disabled stalls, residential stalls, visitor parking, commercial parking, and bicycle parking have ~een met with this proposal.. • 5. Environmental. Sustainability & Stormwater Management: Walking, cycling and motor vehicle transportation are fostered with this proposal. Bioswales are included the design for stormwater management. 6. Issues r'equ irlng comments from ADP: In addition to form and character, the fit between the commercial and residential uses of this application and the concurrent adjacent ~ownhouse residential development should be reviewed. 7. .Garbage/Recycling-: The site plan shows the garbage enclosure on the south property line with the pick up pad at the -. 1 rear of the proposd 240th Street commercial building 8. Works along abutting roads·: Road Design • Arterial road· construction is required across the 240 Street and 112 Avenue frontages. • The design of 240 Street is to includE? the construction of a center median at the intersection. • • 3.0m of dedication is required across the full frontages of 112 Avenue and 240 Street. ~ Corner truncation as specified in the design criteria manual is required. Truncation is to 'i notbe ·lessthan5mx5m. • Concrete curb and gutter is required across both ·frontages with the arterial road construction. Page 4 of 5 1-., e Both frontages hay~ ditches that will need to be considered as part of the road design . c, Storm sewer works will be required on 112 Avenue with the construction of the arterial road including any service connections. Road drainage for 240 Street and any services will need to be installed as part of the arterial road construction. Cl Street lights are required across both frontages. The properties are required to be serviced by underground wiring. • The Subdivision & Development Bylaw requires 1,mdergrounding of the existing overhead utilities on 240 Street and 112 Avenue. Under Council Policy 9.05 the City can support a variance to waive the requirement to underground the Hydro and Telephone on 240 Street and the Telephone only on 112 Avenue. The Hydro on 112 Avei:iue must be converted io underground. CONCLUSION: This development proposal is supportable by the Planning Department. The Official Community Plan amendment to Village Commercial is supportable du.e to the great~r range of business opportunities in the C-5 Vill9ge Commercial Zone than in the Neighbourhood Commercial zone. The rental housing units proposed above this-commercial structure are a response to Council's wishes, and should be ' ' supported. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared by: Diana Hall Planner 2 The following appendices are attache~ hereto: Appendix A Subject map Appendix B Explanatory letter from Architect (and Landscape Architect if applicable) ApRendix C ADP Submission Form Appendix c· ·ADP Applicant Checklist (signed by Architect) Appendix D Development Data Sheet (signed, by Architect) Appendix E DP Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix F Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 5 of 5 1~•-mapleridge.ca City of Mapl.e Ridge TO: FILE NO: Advisory Design Panel 2017-027-DP MEETING DATE: Ma y 9, 2017 SUBJECT: 11184 240 ST PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel (the "ADP") submission has been received for the above cited application and property to permit the construction of a commercial building of 905.0 square metres with residential uses on the second storey comp.rising 637 square metres and 8 dwelling units. The rezoning application being processed in conjunction with this proposal was given First Reading by Council on August 29, 2016. This rezoning application is accompanied by an Official Community Plan (OCP) ame.ndment to adjust the conservation boundary around Seigal Creek and to change the commercially designated portion of the site from Neighbourhood Commercial to Village Commercial. The remainder of the site is proposed to be developed into townhouse residential under concurrent application 2017-012-DP. • This site is zoned.RS-3 One Family Rural Residential. The commercial portion of the site is subject to being re-zoned to C-5 Village Commercial. The development permit application made to the City is subject to Section 8.5 Commercial Development Permit. • BACKGROUND: . Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Streetside Developments Lot: 9, Section: 10, Township: 12, Plan: NWP809, Lot: 1, Block: 9, Section: 10, Township: 12, Plan: NWP17613, & Lot: 1, Section: 10,. Township: 12, Plan: NWP17613 MRES (Medium Density Residential), CONSRV (Conservation), Neighbourhood Commercial MRES (Medium Density Residential), CONSRV (Conservation), Village, Commercial RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) C-5 (Village Centre Commercial) & RM-1 Townhouse Residential Vacant RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, and Conservation 2 properties, duplex and single family RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) • LowMedium Density ReMdential and Conservation 18' properties, neighbourhood commerdal and street townhouse residential Page 1 of 5 ,-l~-mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: Name of Applicant StreetSide Developments (BC) Ltd. RZ 2016-244 File number Address of site Current Zone 11080 / 11154 / 11184 240 Street _R_S_3 ___ Proposed Zone _C_-_5 ____ _ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date _______ _ Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect John Bingham, Bingham Hill Architec:n Landscape Architect Mary Chan-Yip, PMG Landscape Arcn Other Prof~ssional (State Name & Role) _M_a_y_9_, 2_0_17 __________ _ Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -ail schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or mo.re dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 ~ STREETSIDE T DEVELOPMENTS Diana Hall Planning Department City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 To Diana Hall: Re: Advisory Design Panel Application (Commercial Lot) 11080, 11154, 11184 240 Street April 13, 2017 Please find enclosed the Advisory.Design Panel application for the properties at 1108Q, 11154, and 11184 240 Street, which proposes rezoning the site from RS-3 One Family Rural Residential to C-5 Village Commercial to permit the development of a 3,607.5 sq.m. commercial lot. The proposed development conforms to the uses prescribed in the Albion Area Plan within the Official Community Plan (OCP), which designates this location for commercial use. Following discussions with staff at the City of Maple Ridge, we are requesting an OCP variance from C-1 Neighbourhood Commercial to t-5 Village Commercial. This will permit additional commercial uses to better serve the neighbouring community, Following Council's direction on the commercial uses at this location, residential rental units have been incorporated on the second storey of this building. The design rationale for this project can be found on page 03 of the Architect's drawing package. As described in the rationale, the buildings have been designed with pedestrian scale in mind • through elements such as scale and setbacks, awnings and landscaping. Pedestrian connectivity is provided through a break in the commercial building on 240th Street, and access to the neighbouring townhouse development has been provided. The stormwater strategy has been developed by the Civil Engineer with input from the other consultants. The detailed strategy is included in this package. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Yours truly, StreetSide Developments (BC) Ltd. Sarah Bingham Development Manager 310 -5620 152 Street, Surrey SC 1/3S 3K2 P 604 579 0018 vancouver@streetsidedevelopments.com streetsidebc.com 1~•1• mapleridge.ca DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Existing /Proposed Zone _R_S_3_1_c_s ______ bate Prepar~d April 12, 2017 Requfred Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed -~,.,-~{-~' > -~~7,!i"..;,, ~~.,i· ,'J?--:-·:. _."' t·v-, .. ,.,;;·: ~j,; '.;'_,:',_: ~--,~ ~£ lcr ~~'.J>:,t·1'~ ~ :;"L'~o==r4 A';t.R-~E--A~;t-rf(t"'1~n-~s·g-~u·~a·"r'e..:'~m:·irr.,-,e'.t~.r--e~~s··i11J~f~d'\jf~::.~~lT;~;t~!.~;"~t>i:[x°%~ .tr~ ~~ j• • ~ , , .t",o•••·••• ,-,..t,~,._,..,,.,-,.JJI .,·.,..._, .. -\:~• .. -1-:"_:::_:-.,.,~.•,"";~· f"';+.•-.1_ Gross Total Less Road/ Truncations Dedicated Less Park/ Open Space Dedicated Net Total Paved & Hard Surfaced Areas Lands:caping . Total Site Coverage 2525.:2. 5ide #1 (N,S;E, or W) Exterior side lot -3.0 Si<l.e-#.2 (NJS~E, orW) lnteriorside lot-n/a Side #3 (N; s, E or·wi _. Proposed (Complies or state· variance neetjed) 4.,003.0 3,95,5 10095 4.2' 30.1 4.2 3.0 ~--;:; .-;.-g tt-~t::·f:tsr."":_C~ •~i: •7-~-...1.-4 i? ~ :r~-. -::.-~ .. ~..:i ........ L a-xL ~""~'i.~~--.;..! ~-~-=-~ .• -~~·.i. •\:-'"; .. i~:jf4~~ .. :,.~~36i•,1~2: ... 1,~ ;~,--.. ~~:1-·~ :~~_;)t~:-1--:,{r-,•.:~~-l~-~~~-;t~-;~tt~· 1,,~~1 .. 1~-,~~- ·=eu11:-01_NG.1J:fEI_G_H'(:(in tiJfetr~t.st.o,r~ys).::: _.;f~~,}l;{•Jl.,!_~,::~~':,;t'i;:~l"s'i.'<;:f"-·11.~\ ·!'!~/•·.~.._,:.::, ------· -----· -·•Principal------____ • _____ --------Hrn /.,2.5.s\ories._ --_, __ --=-·-____ 1.D.2m i_2_slo.cies-... -------··· _ --__ Accessory ·•· -·,-a c;.,;••a· ~ r;t. ~' ·7.r -~-·r-o~ ...... -•--., ~ ., •.• -~~-· , ••. ),. -,T,~ ~ 3~~?..~-t;J~¥,r~.ri:lt ~-~;~ -.~;;h~f;~:,~_;i~f:-:<"{~~~i~f.~f ~~: .t~ :-:_f-1:v;~~~.:f~~ ~; ·~·i •~NU MB.ER.b F..RESlD.ENl=l~L,.O_Nl1S : :::'r. '--r~~~-1-:-~"1 ~-· ',~· l''!-F"N~i-~i.:;.:.,;>.~:;;lt;-,-.~ Bachelor On~ Bedroom Two Bedroom Three Bedroo.rn + Total Re.tail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type· l lnsfautional Industrial TOTAL GROSS 'FLOOR AREA • If thia development. site consi~ts o( more than one lot, lot din,en~1.ons pe_rtsln to•the elitire site. 0 6 2 0 8 90!;i.0, 1 ,_542 I t ~ E. E I l· j Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed '---; .. • .. '! ~~-;-.. -,(_ --1,'--=!;; ·~.. •• -·_ ~ '_-... -~--~ l-1 '.~ ~QE~SlTY • --' --., -· ::, ~·-._ .. --~ ~:-~-..,: --~ ...,-;.-~~-· ·~.: _;" --~ --.. # of units/ha (g._ross) # of units/ha (net) Gross Floor Area Floorspace Ratio (net) Useable Open Space .-• .!:tft1•2::~~ c-~~jr :«f?-r-~it1;::.~i~·~1!~-.~. ;~t~-~~-;-~~?. :-}-t~-t~; .. :~ -:;:.-~~f.f=i f~ ., PARKI N~_i,(n!J. r;nber' 0f_s_pac~) lf~~,, -''1,,Z,;',=· . .-·~-•c-~.w ,:-:':!·.-;.~•,-=if:,::;,~.--._;• ·c . ..::,•zi'\i Residentiai and Mu.lh.,Residential Uses 8 Multi-Reside.ntia!Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 B·dr Units) Multi-Residential Town Cen;tre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses 30 Educational & Assembl_y Uses, Institutional Use lndustri•al Use Busines.s Park Uses Compreh.ensive Total Number of Parking Sp.aces for Uses 38 Number of parkirigspaces for disabled Number of spcJces for visitors .2 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES. 40 Number and perceritc1ge small tars Nuniber and percentage tand~r.ri spaces TOTAL OFF STREET LOADIN~ SPACE{$) LongTerm Bicycle PaTking 4 Proposed (C0triplies or variance needed?} \ --: ..... .. 1,542 8 . 32 49 2 2 42, 0 0 0 4 Watercourse/Steep Slopes Nd Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements NO I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge _that any error or omission$. are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and riot the Development and Environmental Services Department. \ /. _ . Prepared by: Jc,h.n btf""M _j_-' :, • · / · .A/1, _ • Pc;ntNahfe'.-~ . . /''ea'j pri~,'.:'0,apt oV~J NOTE: T0 be prepared by an Architect for ADP Subm1ss1on orb\ an owne~fagent (app eloprnent Application. \ / • ,J'/ ...___,,,, -I' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1-&l-maple,idge.ca Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.5 of the Official Community Plan, commercial developments will .be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. • 8.5.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses The scale and siting of this building is consistent with through sound attenuation, appropriate the buildings across 240th Street. lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit Landscaping on the south and east sides of the lot with adjacent development. creates a buffer with the adjacent townhouse site. Encourage a pedestrian scale through Glazing has been used along streetfronts to create a providing outdoor amenities, minimizing visually interesting pedestrian environment. Parking is the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest screened from adjacent uses with landscaping. alo ng street fronts. Promote sustainable development with Circulation is appropriate for pedestrians, bicycles, and multimodal transportation circulation, vehicles. and low impact building design. Respect the need for private areas in The residential component of the building is isolated from the mixed use development and adjacent commercial component by separated and well-defined entrance. residential areas. The form and treatment of new buildings The character of this building is compatible with the should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by adjacent buildings and draws on the same Architectural incorporating appropriate architectural expression. It also uses similar materials, proportions, styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. and building articulation. 1 t ·1 Guideline 8.5.2 A (Continued) 8. Continuous weather protection, such as canopies, structural awnings, or building overhangs, is strongly, promoted where at-grade retail uses are included in a development and over common entries to commercial and/or mixed-use developments that front a public sidewalk or open sp ace. 9. Developments adjacent to treed slopes, ravines and watercourses must respect natural vegetation, use natural landscaping to retain soils on the site and may require additional setbacks as established by agencies having jurisdiction. Creeks and ravines are encouraged to be retained in their natural state. Continuous weather protection is proposed along both street frontages. Not applicable. 10. Developments are encouraged to Bioswales have been incorporated into the site for redirect water from rooftop runoff and runoff. downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 11. Buildings should be designed and located on a site to: a) preserve and incorporate natural features or views; b) ensure proper orientation and relationship to adjoining residential uses; c) minimize impacts on natural features and agricultural lands; d) accommodate natural grades to ensure minimal grading is required. Guideline ~.5.2 B Refuse, Recycling and Servicing Area_s The building is oriented according to the OCP. The development is stepped to accommodate natural grades, ensuring that minimal grading is required. Describe how-the proposed design complies wi.th each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. The design of a roof, placement of This will be taken into consideration as the design mechanical units and satellite dishes, progresses. • etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. . 3 Guideline 8.5.2 C (Continued) 5. Vehicle access on a street frontage Vehicle access is located on the east lot line of the site. should be located to the side of the building away form the pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. Guideline 8.5.2 D Signage and Lighting 1. Signage should be integrated. with the design of a building, preferably at ground level only, and its size and design should complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 2. High intensity illumination directed at adjoining properties should be avoided. Commercial signage and high intensity illumination adjacent to residential uses should be minimized in order to protect residential amenity. Describe how the proposed design complies ~ith each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Proposed signage bands are at ground level, and complement the scale and design of the building. Lighting will comply as necessary. 3. Lighting and signage should be designed Lighting will comply as necessary. so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way. 4. All signage must conform to the Maple Signage will comply as necessary Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter should take precedent. 5. In multiple-tenant commercial or mixed-Signage is required for ground-floor commercial uses use buildings, signs should be designed only. to present a unified appearance. Signage space should be provided for upper storey tenancies. 5 I I I I Guideline 8.5.2 E (Continued) 7. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considere_d between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. 8. Minimize the amount of asphalt surfaces in parking areas by integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Above ground parking structures should not front public streets at grade. Non- parking uses or special fac;:ade treatments must be provided along street frontages to enhance the building's appearance to the public realm. On non-street fronting facades, parking structures should be treated to avoid long blank walls at grade, such as massed landscape treatments or attention to design detailing on the fac;:ade. Not applicable. Parking stalls will be treated with a different paving pattern than the driveaisles. Not applicable. 10. Parking control equipment, such as Not applicable. ticket dispensers and card readers, should be located at a sufficient distance from a public street to prevent parking queues extefld ing onto the street. Similarly, a minimum distance of one car length, and preferably two car lengths, should be provided between an exit gate and the street edge to accon:imodate cars waiting to merge into traffic. 11. Rooftop parking structures should Not applicable. include design elements, including landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street and surrounding uses. 7 , Guideline 8.5.2 G (Continued) 4. Aesthetic values along frontages and on-Landscaping has been included on all property lines site ought to be enhanced by significant and around buildings. Street trees have been landscaping on all property lines and incorporated along both frontages. around buildings. Street trees should be used to provide the landscaping variety that would soften the character and scale of the area . s. Landscape planting and screening should Different landscape planting and screening has been be used to create interesting views and used around the property to create focal points and focal points into and out of the site for interest. pedestrians, passing drivers and building tenants on the site or adja cent to it. 6. Open space should be usable, attractive Open space for the second floor residents is through and well-integrated with the design of balconies that look south. the building. Open space, in many cases, will be ach ieved with courtyards, recessed balconies, terraced balconies, roof top gardens, and atria. 7. Landscaping should reinforce design The type of landscaping proposed is c~nsistent with that continuity with neighbouring properties proposed on the adjacent townhouse site. and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 8. Landscaping should define the purpose Landscaping has been used to define the entrance to and emphasize the desired character the commercial building and the property line of the lot. and function of public and private space. All private and semi-private open space should be clearly defined as such and should be controllable by those meant to benefit and be responsible for it, thus encouraging use, pride and safety. 9. Distinguish public and semi-public Planters are used to distinguish between public and spaces from private spaces. Design semi-public spaces. symbolic barriers through: a) building and site design; b) changes in paving, vegetation, or grading; or c) architectural features, such as low walls, bollards or raised planters. 9 Guideline 8.5.2 I (Continued) 2. Locate parking spaces allocated for Parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities are people with disabilities as close as located adjacent to the access ramp. possible to the main entrance to a. building. 3. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; and c) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. Guideline 8.5.2 J Bicycle Storage and Parking 1. Provide short term bicycle parking facilities, such as bicycle racks, at grade close to building entrances. Bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads. Bicycle racks should be made of sturdy, theft- resistant material, securely anchored to the floor or grounds. 2. Provide long term bicycle parking facilities in ·secure storage areas within buildings. Bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. In mixed-use buildings, bicycle storage facilities for residents are to be separate from those for the commercial uses. Building entries are clearly identifiable and are access directly from the street. Weather protection is provided through the pedestrian arcade. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Short term bicycle parking facilities are available through the bike racks as indicated on the Lanscape plans. Long term bicycle storage is provided through a bicycle parking room on the east side of the commercial building. 3. Large-scale developments are Not applicable. encouraged to provide end-of-trip facilities, such as showers and lockers, within the development for the convenience of employees. 11 . MAY 9, 2017 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street CREEKSIDE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT City of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Design Panel Submission: May 9, 2017 ~;: ~,i~~~ .--~· -~:.'-_ -~"?-4 -C --=--=-~ c-----~- ---~ --·.::;:-,;;::..-~-;,~~---"'--=~-;;;;:-~-=---·~~"'~ -.;ThK. t~§J:'.R E E TS I D E D E V E L O P M E N T S . ·a:-i-:N G H A M H , L L A R c H , T E c T s ~;~-;~·~;. CREEKSIDE -COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 01 PROJECT TEAM APPLICANT: STREETSIDE DEVELOPMENTS 310-5620 152nd Street Surrey, BC V3S 3K2 Ph: 604-579-0018 Contact: Sarah Bingham ARCHITECT: BINGHAM + HILL ARCHITECTS 201-1444 Alberni Street Vancouver, BC V6G 224 Ph: 604-688-8254 Fax: 604-688-3323 Contact: John Bingham LANDSCAPEARCHITEC~ PMG Landscape Architects C100, 4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6G9 Ph: 604-694-0011 Contact: Mary Chan Yip CIVIL ENGINEER: Aplin & Martin Consultants 505-1755 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6J 4S5 Ph: 604-224-6827 Contact: David Laird :: MAY 9, 2017 :~.ST R E E T S I D E D E V E L O P M E N T S • \s··INGHAM HILL ARCHITECTS .l.,-, . -.~ [~i ·_ ~ ... DRAWING LIST 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 COVER SHEET CONTENTS DESIGN RATIONALE STATISTICS SITE SURVEY LOCATION PLAN SETBACK DETERMINATION MAP EXISTING SITE CONTEXT PHOTOS EXISTING SITE CONTEXT PHOTOS SITE PLAN MAIN LEVEL LEVEL 02 ROOF LEVEL NORTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION SECTION A SECTIONS B & C SECTIONS D & E SECTION F 112 AVENUE ELEVATION 112 AVENUE ELEVATION 240 STREET ELEVATION 240 STREET ELEVATION 3D VIEWS CONTENTS CREEKSIDE -COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 02 MAY 9 , 2017 ifj}::~-• '-..'j--'lr ,, ,s•~;R· i: E r s I o E o E v E L o P M E N T s ·.si tJ'G .H A M H I L L A R C H I T E C T S ··•··~f--~..:.-,~ ::· ' DESIGN RATIONALE This Commercial Development reflects the O.C.P. 's designation for commercial uses at this location, and Council's direction for residential rental units on the the second storey, similar to the commercial lots at the N.W. and S.W. corners of this intersection. The project presents itself on the street with parking to the rear. Its scale and setbacks provides a comfortable pedestrian environment, with awning to provide cover from the elements and attractive landscaping. The scale is broken along 240th Street with a one storey building, which provides pedestrian connectivity through the space. The project is intended to provide a harmonious contribution to the streets cape at a modest scale. The retail units provide individual variety, responding to the area's changing dynamic. The rental units above vary in size to accommodate a diverse population. The materials, while similar to those used in the adjacent residential development with pitched roofs, are intended to blend in with the overall street scale, while providing variety within the overall expression of the development as a whole. DESIGN RATIONALE CREEKSIDE -COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 03 MAY 9, 2017 PROJECT INFO CIVIC ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 11080 240th St. 11154 240th St. 11184 240th St. COMMERCIAL/ RESIDENTIAL REZONING FROM RS3 TO CS SITE AREA: (excluding road dedication) SITE COVERAGE: (0. 7 x site area) FLOOBAREA: MAIN FLOOR UPPER FLOOR (max 80% of first storey) MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT: PARKING REQUIREMENTS: 1 stall / 30 sq m 1 stall / residential suite visitor parking (0.2 x residential stalls) TOTAL: H/C parking (1 / 50 stalls) SETBACKS: FRONT EXTERIOR SIDE REAR 30-Jan-17 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street, Maple Ridge, BC South 150 Feet, Lot 1, Section 10, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 17613 Lot 1 Except: South 150 feet, Section 1 O Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 17613 Parcel "B" ( Reference Plan 5589) Lot 9, Section 10, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 809 FLOOR AREA SUMMARY PERMITTED PROPOSED LEVEL DESCRIPTION Commercial • Apartment Circulation TOTALGFA (sq.m.) (sq.m.) (sq.m.) (so.m.) (so.ft.) MAIN LEVEL COMMERCIAL 905.2 -0.0 905 9,743 3,607.5 sq.m. RESIDENTIAL -0.0 33.4 33 359 38,830.5 sq.ft. UPPER LEVEL RESIDENTIAL -518.9 84.7 604 6,497 TOTALS 905 519 118 1,542 16,600 2,525.2 sq.m. 1,009.5 sq.m. 10,866.1 sq.ft. SUITE SUMMARY RETAIL 1BED + DEN 2BED TOTAL 938.6 sq.m. L1 7 --7 750.9 sq.m. 603.6 sq.m. L2 -6 2 8 TOTAL 7 6 2 15 max. 11 m / 2.5 stories 10.2m 2 stories 30 stalls 32 stalls 8 stalls 8 stalls 2 stalls 2 stalls 40 stalls 42 stalls 1 stall 2 stall 3.0 m 4.5 m 3.0 m 4.5 m 6.0 m 3.0 m STATISTICS ~;f . .. ·1:r.·-_.·;·,_• ~.r f E E T S I D E D E V E L O P M E N T S CREEKSIDE -COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT i,§\1'.~ G HA M HILL A R C H IT EC TS ;i.~';~~t ',• 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 04 19 18 17 16 15 ----,..i,t ~ 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ..,_ ~ i ' .,+ -----'-~ ~ .. \ . 3 MAY 9, 2017 ,I X ., X ... . DEVELOPABLE AREA ra ..,:: .,• .,,• . <>. P.AN 1761J ,,:t Area= (40 Ha. ,.• .. cf l!III,UC:O.&la--~ 9 ~ "" • .,t • .p • 31031 Sq.m. ,.f X .,,, X 10POGRAPltCSUIMY<MR PARCEL B (REF PUN 5589) LDT 9 PUN 809, LDT 1 EXCEPT: SOU1H 150 FEET PUN 17813, SOU1H 150 Fm LDT 1 PtAN 17813, 1U OF SEC110N 10 lOWNSHP 12 NEW WESTIINSJER DIS1RICT Rem 10 P.AN 809 Sea~ 1 : 500 D ID ZI IU.-CISIJNCBll'ElllilGO Q8QI mg NPa$ 111114, 11154, IIOl!O -240th SIJlllt --"" ODYD( IJIWPI ----Cffl'f$"1111fUauz-lllaUDCT" MH0013 llX'Rm AI WlmETOI fT'I.IICIJ!i SD1D a 11:2111 ,IQ,l. .,,,.,_ 15..m, {IWllt2llm) FllD SllMY C0lfll.£Tm at f'EIII.Wn' 24, 2D18 lRMJEDN'Rl.m_.2011. lFIWEDIAm..T1,2ll16. ~ .... 1,,01,1. l.FOOED .DE 27. 2018. l.FOOEDSEPIB&Rlt,2016. EUCOEO.ma..ms " H.v. [I] Associates Land Surveying Ltd. &iab,tc;t.d:l11.ntat.tym C)'J.'12ll•152nd5'11« 91.nl)',B.C. ~El r-.(IIQ.')SS3,.1S1! Owi,g: 1JM211_TOlj.8:;ALIMIG LOCATION PLAN MAY 9 , 2017 SCALE: ~ O 15m JOm 60m 120m MAY 9, 2017 LEGEND: --- 0 WATERCOURSE UPDATED TOP OF BANK (TOB) BYLAW SPEA (10 -30m from TOB) PROPOSED PARK BOUNDARY SITE BOUNDARY RAVINE SIDE CHANNELS SIDE CHANNEL SPEA (15m) TREE ROOT PROTECTION ZONE (Beyond Proposed SPEA) -= CALCULATED GAINS: 1,440 m' -= CALCULATED LOSSES: 1,600 m' = SPEA RESTORATION AREA: 2,420 m2 (@ 50%) = 1,210 m2 NET GAIN: 1,050 m2 SETBACK DETERMINATION & HABIT AT BALANCE MAP Streetside Developments Ltd. 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street Maple Ridge, BC PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LID. -505 -175S W. Broadway, Vancouver V6J lRJ ~· iel,604.689.3888 fax.604.689,3880 DATE: JUNE 2016 DRAWN BY: NGL SCALE: AS SHOWN DWG: Streetside.SE-240th-May2016 SETBACK DETERMINATION MAP VIEW FROM NW KANAKA WAY :: VIEW FROM SW 240TH STREET MAY 9, 2017 • :~;""·:~~· *.}\~-•. -~~;t?~_E ETSI DE DEVELOPMENTS 1•:)8;!1:N:G HAM HILL ARCHITECTS ·•1.rt; VIEW FROM NW ACROSS 240th ST VIEW FROM NE KANAKA WAY EXISTING SITE CONTEXT PHOTOS CREEKSIDE -COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 08 VIEW OF DEVELOPMENT ON NW CORNER OF 112TH & 240TH VIEW OF DEVELOPMENT ON SW CORNER OF 112TH & 240TH ( VIEW OF DEVELOPMENT ON NW CORNER OF 112TH & 240 VIEW OF DEVELOPMENT ON SW CORNER OF 112TH & 240TH EXISTING SITE CONTEXT PHOTOS MAY 9, 2017 I I ,i. • • c~ MAY9,2017 • OMMEACIAL BUILDING ~ 29 30 31 -2oJ; ~ ;-260 • ~ • 3%SLOPE COMMERCIAL PARKING 32 l 33 38 ~ ' SITE PLAN SCALE: 1 :500 MAY 9, 2017 "r-.:..-sQ::..,.,_.._-e & ;-:.::_-0:.--~-"--= =~.:---=----~ - I I -·r ·---------·-?--·---· CRU104 A:1,087.79sql -------~------- ' ' I ' _ ·-----. _cJ101.. ________ _ "-L•flol.101111 I 1 CRU10S ~:1,7Ba.00sq" I ' ------~------·-·-· PLAtnER -6 " I I • Jau100 ! A:~79&.00sq1 I I i ! ·-·-•-· I ·-i;i------· ·-·-·t· ! ·-· GRoss Loo~·AR_ EA 10,r !I-O,I~~ I I I j I I I . ·-·----~--0------- 1 ! N'.r.ulNI MGu.M I REGULAR ~ .. .. " ... " )I I I • CRU107 ~:1,790.84sql1 I\_PLAkTINQ~ I I i i i ·-,----~------·-·-1·-· I ·-·-·-· ' W,=ilo:z=II I ' I I I ! I I I . -•----b----·-·---~-,a~•J~ I ! COMMERCIAL PARKING ' GARBAGE I ' I REGULAR REGUUR a,G(.UA REGVI..AR REGULAR REGULAR ··--··-·-.. AP ______ L_ ____ _ 7 RESIDENTIAL PARKING ,. vw.MW.D')'O H'IICllf!Ul. t ,, u " " " ., REGULAR ........ ......... , ••--·•-·•--•• • ·•--··--••-··-··-··--••--•·--··--••--•·--•• BIO SWALE·•-••-··--••--•·-··--·•--··--··--··--··-··--··--··--··--··-··--··J MAIN LEVEL SCALE: 1 :250 I ' . I ~ ' I I I I i i ! l i , ' I ' , ·--~------·---·--!·-·-·-·-·-· '--·-+ t I I I o I ' : ' TERRACE A:1◄2!M.,;,q n TERRACE A.:JUlt111t111i I ' ' I ' ' L __ _;_ _____________ _ ··-----·-·· ·---··-··-··--·-··-··----··-··-··-·--··-··-··-··-··-··-·---·-··-··-··-··-·--··-··-··-··-··-··J LEVEL 02 SCALE: 1 :250 MAY 9, 2017 ~ ROOF LEVEL \JI]/ SCALE : 1 :250 MAY 9, 2017 I I CURTAINWALL GLAZING = ~i,t·~-~ .. MAY 9, 2017 -,~-J ( . i•3;. ·'. ~itT.R EE TS IDE DEVELOPMENTS Qo-"" ••. ·~B'f NG HAM HILL ARCHITECTS "'-:.1::•,~:·.-. :::.,:':(/ ... --' I I -1- I wootim1M-• BOAT I ' I --•-- SECOND LEVEL 96'•5 314• (29,41) 84'•5 3/4" [2.S.75) NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1 :150 CREEKSIDE -COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 14 SECOND LEVEL ♦ 86'·5 314" (28.41) MAIN LEVEL + 64'·5 3M" (25, 76) MAY 9, 2017 !I ii L z,·-o: ra1 a.,, l4•.6314" L ss·:O" {17 983} L '1 'I (1 ,391)., .,. _.1, __ _..13'-'·._..t1;;:_4"..,.,(3..,8 .. § .. 'll.____,,i,-L ___ __.20'.._._.•1_,.31,,4c..J" (.,.§ ... 14:,,,0u,.) ___ _,,,,__ ____ ~&o::4c,'·90.lllta!:41-'ul7_..s..,e,1.,_1 _______ Li<-----"13,i;:'·cu11::c4'-"(3,i.96=9l1-_J,.1. I, ]4'-9' (4 496) I. 1•'-!l' /4 4961 ,~ 14'•9" /4 495} L 14'-9" /4 4961 I, 'r '1 'I "i >1-.<------'='-"'"""'"------,.,f----":,.:;,.--"-=-oo..---.-1'----~c:i-=-t= __ lll---l1'----1!!:::!_:.J_~_;!ll_!L.._---,,~ I I I I ' I I I I I . ·-·-·-·---+-·-·-·-· I I PRIVACY SCR$N I ALUMINLM GUARDRAIL I METAL FLASHING I '-wo,ofli1id· BOARO ' CURTAiNWALL ------- ,LAZING I ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING I HORIZONTlL VINYL LAIPSIDING I I I RTICAL BOARD & o 1 TIEN VINYL SIDIN1 1 FO I I ·-1 -·-f--·-·-·- ' ' HQRIZONTALI VINYL LAP SIDING l ' ---f- ' I I ' -r ------~- ! I I I I I ---·---·-i-!- l I CURTAIN WALL GLAZING -1---1-, I !I ii I I I I I _I_ WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1 :150 = SECOND LEVEL 96'•5 aJ4• (29.41) MAIN LEVEL 64'-5 a/4" (25.75) MAIN LEVEL 78'·3' (23.65) MAY 9, 2017 ~I ffi• ii I I 1 I I META+LASHING ·wooo~ -- 00 MI T/II. FLASH WOO,TRIM I ARD I I _I_ ' t 13'-Jld' 13·969\ L ., I I -,- 1 22·-1 112" 16 1••) HORIZONTAL VINYL LAP SIDING .:.J\C. t I 12 12'-2" '(3 7061 I. ., 12'·2' 13 7081 7s L:r1R·E E T S I D E D E V E L O P M E N T S ,:,a-•.c•. B,JN G HA M HILL A R C H IT E CT S ·~~n.··~- ~----·· L ., L .. L ., 12'-2" 13 708) L ., L .. I§'"' 112"(5601) I SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1 :150 CREEKSIDE -COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 16 MAIN LEVEL 78'-3" (23.85) MAY 9, 2017 L 59•:0· oz 983} L--s 3£•· L 21•-o: {21 641) L », >, (1,391) », >, -1'~'------1!1'!L::'·9"LJ:'f'lt.:•40l!l9§11Ll __ _,1,ILL ___ 1,.,,4.:,'·91-" .,.(4.:,49.,.Bu,_) --,l~f-----''"'4'-:,1.9"...l{a.4 4,.9,,_6j...__1 ~..._ _ _..14,.c'·,._9"-"/4,._4a9§.,) __ _,1,ri, ,11~,..___;Jl.il3::J'•1!!,!14t:." (~3J!l9§9illl.l..) _ _,1,,.L ____ __,2.:!!4c:i'•9t.,31"'4t:." {f.!.7.;i:562-lu..l ----,----.l'------'20='•1L..,3/a<edc.;' (.,,6,.c14,.0._l ___ _,1,-L_....c1:l°'"''·cuJl4::.."..,13,..9ut69;ul_~'J~ ··~7_:.: ~~·>:.~: ;r.r.' . S~T R E ET S I D E D E V E L O P M E N T S ~·.,, .. _ ... ;~.I NGHAM HILL ARCHITECT s ~-:__·--.~~.;:-_· • ' _I_ __ ' P~VACY SCREEN ' ALUMINUM I GUARDRAIL -+ MJTAL FLASHING e t ·wooor 1M-00ARO ' ~~~l"'1YALL TIMBER OLUMNS ~ (PAINTE ' ♦ SECOND LEVEL 96'·5· 314• (29.41) MAIN LEVEL 84'•5 314" (2S.75) EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1 :150 CREEKSIDE -COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 17 ~, ,L I L !;: ~ 13' 1/4" 13 9691 ., l!2' I 112' /6 744\ 12'✓.1' 13 708\ L 139'-10 1/41t (42 §28} ij 1 1 t 1 1 I I i : ! I I 12 I 12 I I I I 15~ I _j -~ -e---,_ ! ------! ! ·--! ---~ ~ ~5 ~ ! 12' 2" /3 7081 L 1 18' 10" 15 740\ L 1 18' 10" 15 740\ L 1 12' 2" /3 7001 L 1 12' 2" 13 7081 L 181 d 112" 15 6011 ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING - 1 1. : i ,ll7'~~ i i .-~~,.u ~ i i rtl HT~ --__, r -~ --J_ ---_:!':'.:~--=-.~-,='~==:1=1 =::::;:::;!L-lr-l----'-.L..l_jjLJ__J___L..l.___J_Ll-4--4--L.LJLJ_..h..Jl..J__..LJLJ_,J-ll,-1---1...J.L..I___J_J__J___J_L.JL.L..L...Jl..J___J_JL4---L,µ-LLJ.-t,_.L.J_£~!',,,..,----- i : ! ! i ;.-! !-! r1 ! !i !---~ N I I I EXIT STAIR I I I I CORglDOR I I I I I i---WOOD FRAME ~ I • 1 I I coNsTRucTI0N ;; METAL LASHING 1' GREEN 7 t t I I I I t I CIWVINYLHORIZ, ROOF J_ I I I I I I I I I I I LAP SIDING SECOND LEVEL I = 96'·53W(29.41) T ----WOOO TRJM --· I -·~ ~ ·--·---• --J O --' --.. -~ ----- TIMBE4 BEAM ......-1 I ..J5V ! I I ! , I ! , I ~ TIMBERC,LUMN ---l I I -9'1" I I i I I I I i ~1 NUM-! ~. i i I : CRUIOS i +U106 i I i i CRU107 GU1 0RAJL , I , , , , I , , I , ~M~Al~N~Lev=a"=_.......,~ -~===tlt:==~=====tf-I 1 , , 84'-5 3/4" (25.75) --_. ---1W I ------------! ~I t I I CRU 103 1 1 I I t I sioew .... i< r ti. 1 • :1 1 , I I I , I I , I I I I I I I I I I I tTHSTREET .. :a I MAY 9, 2017 RESIDENTIAL LOBBY C.:I SECTION A SCALE: 1 :150 .u. MAY 9, 2017 SECOND LEVEL 96'·5 J/4" (29.41) MAIN LEVEL SECTION B SECOND LEVEL 96'·5314' (29.41) MAtNLEVEL SECTION C J3'•114' (3,969) I. 1 ' ' I ' I _ _j_ --l_ --_ _.-_.......,u., ' I ' I f ' ' I ! ' I I I 13'-·1/4" (3 9691 _ __j ___ J_ __ _ ' I ' I nmii ' ---,--- 1 I. 1 20'-1 3/4" 16 140} CO~R. I CO~R. I 1 ~RU 106 24'-9 3/4' 175§3\ t I ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING I 24'·9 3/4" a 563) L 1 I I ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING RESIDENT, 1 AL SUITE J3'·Jf4" 13 969\ ----'--------- 1 C,ONCRETE PAVERS GREEN ROOF 13"•1 , •• [3 969) f ----'--------- 1 TITin -WOODTRfM-- TIMBERBEAM TIMBER COLUMN SECTIONS B & C SCALE: 1 :150 = MAY 9, 2017 ~, ffi, ~i I I ;l;:s~tsEA--;:; - TIMBER Cl>LUMN I I MAINl.l:VEL 78'-3" (23.85) SECTION D ---·- ., ... SECOND LEVEi. ---ll6'-5 3M" (29.41) ~ ~ MAIN LEVEL ♦• 84'·5 3/4" (25.75) =:.s CRU 103 0 "'°'-..! .::.. MAIN LEVEL ♦ --·-78'·3" (23.85) SECTION E L 1 s,•.,, 114• c,s 831} 1 I I I CRU 101 I 1« , J3'-11e f3s969) 1,4'·§3/4·., 1 (1.391) 1 !4'-11' 14496) I I I ~ I I 7 -·-l- I I I GREEN ROOF METAL FLASHING ·-WO,OOTRIM TIMB~BEAMl---11 TIMBER,-., COLUMN! 1-1-l-- W,il -~~-= -1 I Ir , 14'•9" <• 4961 I ' I I I ::J [ CR+O, D ;J ,~1 Ir , I l 1 ' l I I I I I I I I ' I j I I METAL FLASHING _ 1','QQlllRIM PARKING 'M'-9" 14 496\ ,. , 14'•9" (4 d96) Ir , ! '= I ==----v=-=r=:L:C::J11==~~=1 I I !~ IJ ( c•J~ _L I I METAL FLASHINi I IM_i _,_ I ♦• MAIN LEVEL SECTIONS D & E SCALE: 1 :150 I ~· I I 1~ 13'-lW /3 969) I, 1 a., I I 12 ( §;<;Qt:! D LEVEL 96'·5 3/4" (29.41) • ... • ~!NJ,.EVEL 84'•5 314' (25,75) • ... ~IN LEVEL 78'·3''(23,85) ... MAY 9, 2017 22'-l l/2" (6744) J2'-2" (3 7QJU L 1 12'·2" 13 708) L 1 I r ASPHALT S!GLE ROOFING HORIZONTAL VINYL LAP SIDING _, SECTION F SCALE: 1 :150 = MAY 9, 2017 TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT ' .. ~ ... . ~,.1 -f\ ,'/ •~-).Vi,.,r I 0::' LU' g,I 0::' Cl.. I ' . 112 AVENUE ELEVATION ( COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT MAY 9, 2017 1-0::' w' g,I 0::' o..' I I I 112 AVENUE ELEVATION ~, ~I ~f -----------------'C=O'-'-'-'M'-'-'--'-M=ER-'-=C-"---'IA=-cl D=-=Ea..=...V=EL=-=O'-'-PM'--=E'-'-'-NT-'-------------------------.;-,-itEl--------------------- 0:: I LU' t i 0:: I O..' I MAY 9, 2017 ~f\:~·' 1'~ --·~•; -~ ;).--;:· . _,,.: ·:,-:'."'- .fS ;r ~R E E T S I D E D E V E L O P M E N T S :.r,r}~GHAM HILL ARCHITECTS 1~k>l. o::, LU ' ti 0:: I 0,_ I I 240 STREET ELEVATION CREEKSIDE -COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 11080, 11154 & 11184 240th Street City of Maple Ridge 24 TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 240 STREET ELEVATION MAY 9, 2017 VIEW FROM 240TH STREET "'- ~ ~-__::;~----~-~~ "-•-18::~=:;::::::::::::::::::::::::=-■i,.;J'J=-'-' I ~~>_;::c~ ~~~ -~------· --------~ ~-,.-------;:::-,;,---- -=-= --~~_:~---~~~~--------. _., -~---~ ~~:=~--------------~ .... _ ... _ ... ______ .... -~- VIEW OF ~~RCIAL BLDG MAY9,2017 L ljj w c:: t-C/) I t-o 'Sf" N PLANT SCHEDULE -COMMERCIAL PMG PROJECT NUMBER: KEY aN SOTANICAL NAME CDMMON.NI.Mf PUHT!O StZ.E I REMARKS TREil J. ' ACER RUBRUM.REO ROCKEr RED ROCKET MAPLE ecM CAL; 2M SlD; B&B , CARPINUS BETULUS FRANS FONTAINE EUROPEAN HORNBEAM SCM CAL; 1 2M STD; 13&8 ' PYRUS CALLERYANA 'CHANTICLEER' CHANTICLEER PEAR 6CM CAl; 1 SM STD; B&B ' THUJA PLICATA 'EXCELSA' WESTERN RED CEDAR 25M HT; B&B ~!. 238 BUXUS MICROPH\'lLA WINTER GEM' UTILE-LEAF BOX lfJPOT;40CM 114 CORNUS SERICEA 'l<ELSEYI' DWARF KELSEY DOGWOOD 112POT; SOCM 47 RHODODENDRON 'CONLEF' AUTUMN CHEER ENCORE AZALEA #'J POT; 45CM; 104 VIBURNUM OAVIOU DAVID'S VIBURNUM #2POT; 30CM ~ "' CAREX FlACCA BLUE SEDGE #1 POT 22 HELICTOTRICHON SEMPERVIRENS BLUE OAT GRASS #1 POT PE NN!AL @ GC 322 THYMUS PRAECOX MOTHER OF Tl-lYME 9CM POT © 106 ERICA CARNEA 'SPRJNGWOOO 'NHITE' WINTER HEATH; WHITE #1 POT NCJTES> "P\APffSIZES tN Trft9 lt5T ARE SFEClFEO .U:CoADt.W. TOTHE.CAN.liOIAH\.A.SDSCAPESTA.'<-DM0.1.ATEST6X'TION CONT;J,',.'!Jt·slms.$P£.CFIEO A.s PER OU ST'N~ oo~ l"L,ANT3fZEAH0cot,tTAI,{t!A.,SfZEARETHIE MlNIMVM A.CCl5PTMiE.SlZU.. 'REFER 'ro Sff:ancA1tOXS, fOA.oa:~ catr~,1,~fAiEMeHTSNCO'fflel\Pt..lXTMAfS&ALAEOiMReMEN't'~ "S£N\OiNlO-REVEW J1.AAE.PI.A1fTW..TE:RSAI..AYAI.A8l.ERJROPTICr~M. R...~EW9Y~ AAQ-fl~ AT·SOURCe OF 5'6'Pi.'t° AREA~~ TOl.f/Q.\IJE LO'flE'.Ft ~Af.oJ\.A.ND ANO F;WiER. YAU.£)' ·-su~nnmo,: 05TAW WR.I~ APPf«:NN.. fAOM. ntE LANOS'CAPE AAQ-lt'E'Cl'.PRIOR TO "W(INC NIY'SU85il1\J'TIOtCS TO mE: $PE.CIFIE0-.&.\1ERIM..\RW'PRO\l'EO SUBSfflUTlCK:IWU.8£AEJE.~-M.\,.OWAMltl™1.!M0FFIVl::"D.\V$PAJCRTODEOvfi::R'(fGR~QuEatT0508ST!TVl'2.. WBSTIT\JTIONSIJl'E,.S~TO CANi'Ql,l,NtA.~C Sl'AND,\RO· tlEAN~OF C0t.clTIDl'IS.Cf AY'AA.M,IJ:N AU. l..M'O$CAP'E MAlERJAl/lHD WORkJ.!N«SHPu:.mT M!:ET OftlEXCEED CAN',O&A.~ WCSw'PE $lANOA!W'S 1"" TUT E;DmON,AU. f'Wff JMT!JltW. MU3T BE PMMDEOFROl.1 CEJITIFED OISiEASE FRtt>IUMi£R'V GROSS FlOOR AREA 1u1e~().j,qll 112THAVENUE STAMP CONCRETE lflP~INOLOCATIONS COM.\-tERCIAL PARKINO STAWP COH<><E't£ IN' PAFl!(J«) LOCATIONS RESIDENTIAl PARKING EXCELSA CEDARS TO PROVIOE YEAR ROUND CREIEN 16133 I• IJ ... ... I l . J in 'I I ·I 'l l I 'I ·:· I ___ J @Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is lhe prop,ftt1)1: of PMG Landsct1p0Archilects and may nol be reptOd"tllCed or used for othu projects \Mlhout their permlsSlon. Suile C100 -4185 Slifl Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 SEAL: NO, DATE REVISION OESCRIPTION OR. CLIENT: PROJECT: COMMERCIAL DEVEVELOPM ENT 112TH AVE & 240TH ST MAPLE RIDGE DRA'MNO TITLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN DATE: 17JAN.18 DRA'MNG NUMBER: SCALE: 1:150 Ll DRAl;'h..l: DO DESIGN: MCY CHK'D: MCY OFl PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 16-133