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ADP 2017-06-13 agenda.pdf
1. CALL TO ORDER 2. AGENDA APPROVAL City of Maple Ridge ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDA June 13, 2017, 4:00 pm Ooh-o Roorri, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall 3. MINUTE ADOPTION -May 9, 2017 4. PROJECTS 4.1 Development Permit No: 4:10 PM 2015-297-DP Applicant: Project Architect: Project Landscape Architect: Owners: Proposal: Location: File Manager: 4.2 Development Permit No: Applicant: Project Architect: Project Landscape Architect: Owners: Proposal: Location: File Manager: 4.3 Development Permit No: Applicant: Project Architect: Project Landscape Architect: Owners: Proposal: Location: File Manager: 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6. CORRESPONDENCE 7. ADJOURNMENT /ss Polygon Development 309 Ltd Ciccozzi Architecture TBA BC Transportation Financing Authority 1) Multi-phased Townhouse Commercial Development Concept Plan 2) First Phase 107 Townhouse units TBC Adrian Kopystynski 2016-191-DP Platform Properties (Maple Ridge) Ltd. Randy Knill -ArchitectAIBC Mary Chan -PMG Commercial Development 11939 240 Street Diana Hall 2016-336-DP Cipe Homes Inc. Jim Bussey -Formwerks Architectural Alexa Gonzalez -Durante Kreuk Ltd. Single family homes and a townhouse development 11250 & 11300 240 Street Diana Hall 5:00 PM 5:40 PM ,~,- mapleridge.ca TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Pane l 2016-191-DP 11939 240 Street MEETING DATE: June 13, 2017 An Advisory Design Panel (the "ADP") submission has been received for the above cited application and property to permit the construction of a commercial development with 2800 square metres of co mmercial floor space. The rezoning application being processed in conjunction with this proposal was given First Reading by Council on July 12, 2016. This site is zoned / is subject to being re-zoned to C-2 Community Commercial to accommodate the proposal. The development permit application made to the City is subject to Section 8.5 Commercial Development Permit. BACKGROUND: Applicant: owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Platform Properties Ltd. Valley Auto Wrecking (1992) Ltd Lot 1, Section 16, Township 12, Plan NWP1676 Commercial CS-1 (Service-Commercial) C-2 (Community Commercial) Vacant CS-1 (Service Commercial) (under re zoning application 2016-039- RZ) Commercial Single Family Residential CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District), RS1-b (One Family (Medium Density) Residential) Urban Residential Vacant RS-3 (One Family Rural Res idential) Agricultural (in the Agricultural Land Reserve) Single Family Residential R-1 (Residential District) Page 1 of 4 Designation: Urban Residential Existing Use of Property: Vacant Commercial Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: 0.946 ha. (2.3 acres) 240 Street Access: Servicing requirement: Urban Standard DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: The development permit application made to the City prompting this submission to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.5 Commercial Development Permit. Key Guidelines: The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal's compliance with the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines: 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. Adjacent residential uses will be buffered from excess noise through acoustic fencing and the separation that the commercial buildings will create between residential uses and the 240th Street arterial road. 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. Streetfront landscape treatment enhances the pedestrian experience, and bicycle amenities are provided on the southeast portion of the site. 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. Multi-modal traffic is facilitated by this development. Bioswales incorporated into the landscape plan will reduce the impact of increased pervious surfaces. 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. Buffering will be provided to avoid adverse impacts on adjacent residential uses. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. The use of natural materials, signage, landscape treatment, and the modern lines of the • proposed buildings will be reflected in the commercial developments to the north of the property to present a unified commercial presence at this intersection. Design Guidelin€s: The Design Guidelines and a full explanation of how the project complies with them or the reasons why they are not applicable are attached in Appendix E to this memo. Page 2 of 4 r ----,_, PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: The layout of the proposal includes a streetfront presence of parking, with the commercial building located along the rear south portions of the site. The building materials used emphasize natural materials including Wood, brick, and stone. Planting strips and landscape islands with trees are proposed for the parking lot. 2. Context: The one storey development will not overwhelm the adjacent residential neighbourhood, and its clean modern lines will provided neede_d shops and services into this expanding residential context. 3. OCP and Zoning Compliance: The subject site is designated Community Commercial. The proposal· complies with the designation. The subject site is proposed to be zoned C-2 Community Commercial and Development Data Sheet (Appendix F) analyses the compliance of the project with the applicable zone regulations. The following vari_ances will be required: • Rear yard setback to be varied from _6.0 metres to 4.5 meters • Free standing sign to be varied by increasing the copy area of the secondary sign to exceed maximum permitted, but reducing the total number of signs from the permitted 3 to 2. Overall copy area will not exceed maximum permitted. 4. Parking and bicycle storage: Parking amenities for bicycle storage are note required, but 10 bicycles can be accommodated. This proposal exceeds the minimum required for disabled and off-street parking stalls. . . 5. Environmental, Sustainability & Stormwater Management: Landscape plan reduces impact of impervious surface. 6. Garbage/Recvcling: Garbage facilities are located to the rear of the site at the north and the south edges. 7. Works along abutting roads: Include new curb, gutter, sidewalk, new sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer connections; street lighting; street trees on all frontages; under-ground wiring for utility services to be under- ground. 8. Off Site Upgrades. Utilities and Services: Road dedication will be 'required along the 240th Street frontage. The applicant is pursuing a second 240th Street access with the Engineering Department. Page 3 of 4 1.-CONCLUSION: The proposal complies with its land use designation and meets the intent of the Development Permit Guidelines. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Pan.el provide. comments on the development proposal. Prepared by: The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject map • 7 sets submitted by the Architect: Appendix B Explanatory letter from Architect (and Landscape Architect if applicable) Append ix C ADP Submission Form Appendix C ADP Applicant Checklist (signed by Architect) Appendix D Development Data Sheet (signed by Architect) Appendix E DP Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix F Arch itectural and Landscaping Plans Page 4 of 4 LO ~ 0) N Cl 0) 0) Cl "' "' ~ N N '\ DEWDNEY TRUNK RD co .... i .... OJ Cl OJ 01 LO 0) Cl N OJ N Cl Cl OJ 0) 0) 0) N .... .... "' "' "' N N N N ~ LO ~ Cl N N N N C\I "' .... LO <o 0) ~~✓ ~ 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) "' "' "' "' "' "' C\I C\I N N C\I ~ --7 """7--' 119BAVE. Cf) 23998 a -st 23996 N 11972 11966 11960 \ ~BJ/ECT PROPERTY I \ \ 11951 11968 I-' Cf) 11954 "' "' N 11948 "' LO r--. -LO 0) .... LO (0 OJ 0) 0) OJ a:, a:, OJ a:, a:, C'") C'") "' "' "' "" N N N N N N \ 11942 11936 119AAVE. 11930 11939 0 0 0 N OJ .... (0 OJ 0) 0) a, a:, OJ OJ OJ l!3 "' "' "" C'") N N N N 11924 11918 11913 0) -LO "' "-,;:_ "' "-0) N .... LO 0:, OJ OJ 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 11907 "' C'") 11903 "' "' "' "' ~ 11922/54 N N C\I N C\I C\I 11901 119AVE. 11893 0 N OJ <o 0 N 11875 N "' LO "-OJ OJ 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) OJ 01 "' 01 "' ~ 11877 C'") N N N N N w z 11869 11888 11857 <( -I-' ..J Cf) 11861 "' 11849 "' "-LO LO N 0) 0) ,-.. 11852 OJ C\I "' LO <o OJ 11853 OJ 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) C'") "' "' "' ~ "' N N N C\I C\I 11845 118AAVE. 11846 11837 OJ Cl N OJ <o 0 0:, C\I .... co "-OJ 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 11829 OJ OJ 0:, "' "' "' "' "' "' "' N N N N N N C\I 11821 11818 I \ f 11939 240 STREET .. . PL.ANNING DEPARTMENT ii 1~1-N mapleridge.ca. Scale: 1 :2,000 FILE: 2016-191-DP DATE: Mar 1, 2017 BY:PC mapleridge.ca Adv_isory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached -schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: Name of Applicant Platform Properties (Maple Ridge) Ltd. 11939 -240 Street File number Address of site Current Zone-_C_S_-_1 ___ Proposed Zone _C_-_2 ____ _ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date June 13, 2017 Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect Randy Knill -Architect AIBC Landscape Architect _M_ar_y_C_h_a_n_-_P_M_. _G _______ _ Other Professional (State Name & Role) _______________ _ Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -all schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing Sor more dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Revised December 15, 2016 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL 2017 APPLICANT SCHEDULE Meeting Date Applicant Deadline January 10, 2017 December 19, 2016 February 14, 2017 January 23, 2017 March 14, 2017 February 20, 2017 April 11, 2017 March 20, 2017 May 9, 2017 April 13, 2017 June 13, 2017 May 19, 2017 July 11, 2017 June 19, 2017 NO AUGUST MEETING September 12, 2017 August 21, 2017 October 10, 2017 September 18, 2017 November 14, 2017 October 23, 2017 December 12, 2017 November 20, 2017 ( 11939 240 Street Maple Ridge Submission to: Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel plat :form May 19, 2017 ( Table of Contents 1 Vision Statement 1 2 Background 2 3 Introduction 2 4 Site Description 3 4.1 Location 3 4.2 Site Characteristics 3 . 4.2.1 Current Site Topography and Improvements 3 4.2.2 Surrounding Development 3 5 Development Permit Proposal 5 5.1 Revised Site Plan 5 5.2 One Centre Concept 6 5.3 Building Form and Character 7 5.4 Landscaping and Fencing 9 5.5 Site Drainage 10 5.6 Garbage and Recycling Enclosures 10 5.7 Signage 11 5.8 Pedestrian and Cyclist Access 12 5.9 Parking and Site Circulation 13 5.10 Site Lighting 14 6 City Bylaw Compliance 15 6.1 Development Permit Area Guidelines 15 6.2 Zoning and Sign Bylaw Conformance 15 7 Summary and Contact Information 16 7.1 Closure 16 7.2 Project Contact 16 B Attachments 16 1 Vision Statement The redevelopment of 11939 240 Street in Maple Ridge creates an anchored neighbourhood retail centre that will enhance the livability-of the community for present and future residents. The centre will complement the existing Community Commercial Node at 240 and Dewdney Trunk Road, providing new services and creating a more vibrant community through increased neighbourhood i_nteraction. In support of Goal 4 of the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan ("OCP") to 'Develop Complete Communities', a new anchor tenant and complementing retail will further distribute employment ·and access to services and amenities, thus building a more complete community. Enabling citizens to walk and bicycle to their local commercial centre will reduce vehicular congestion in the Downtown core and foster healthy lifestyles. The proje·ct will also offer a range of employment opportunities, adding to the prosperity of the community. • 1 2 Backgro und On July 12,-2016, the City considered first reading to a companion rezoning application to rezone the property from the current CS-1 (Service Commercial) to C-2 (Community Commercial). The intent of the rezoning is to create a new neighbourhood commercial/retail centre that meets the needs of the local community. At first reading, the City requested the submission of a Development Permit ("DP") application to provide additional information on the building form and character, sit~ plan, landscaping, and other details outlined on Schedule D of the Development Procedures Bylaw, as a prerequisite to completing the rezoning. The DP submission was made on March 1, 2017. This submission to the Advisory Design Panel (ADP) details the approach and considerations that informed the progression of the DP application, and describes the form and character of the site and buildings. It mirrors the submission made at development permit, with identification of updates, changes and amendments made to the original application. 3 Introduction The DP submission reflects, and has been informed by, the Zoning Bylaw and the Commercial Development Permit Area ("DPA") Guidelines forming part of the City's Official Community Plan. These guidelines have been considered parallel with the context of the site and the nature of development contemplated. The DPA guidelines regulate the form and character of the buildings, signage, accessory improvements, as well as site planning and landscaping. They are the basis upon which the City will consider the DP application, and are central to the mandate of the ADP in reviewing DP applications. The enclosed application translates these guidelines into an efficient and commercially viable development plan. 2 ( 4 Site Description 4. 1 Location The subject property is in eastern Maple Ridge on 240 Street, two frontages (approximately 93 metres) south of Dewdney Trunk Road. The intersection at 240 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road is one of the three Community Commercial Nodes designated under the OCP. In total, the lands under this application are approximately 0.945 ha (2.33 ac), and are described as follows: Current Address 11939 240 Street in Maple Ridge, BC V4R 1M7 Legal Description South Half Lot 1; Section 16; Township 12; New Westminste·r District Plan 1676 PIO 012-292-966 Folio 63176-0000-4 4.2 Site Characteristics 4.2.1 Current Site Topography and Improvements The property is predominantly flat. It is currently gravel and devoid of any vegetation or ground cover. The site is prepared for redevelopment. The nearest watercourse to the property is the southern branch of Horseshoe Creek, which is located 230 metres south-west of the site. 4.2.2 Surrounding Development The subject property has three different edge conditions. To the east, across 240 Street, the lands are in the Agricultural Land Reserve and are used for agricultural purposes. An Agricultural Impact Assessment and Groundwater Impact Assessment 3 were completed as part of the rezoning process, confirming that there is no foreseeable impact to adjacent agricultural lands from the proposed development. To the south and west, the lands are bordered by single-detached residential housing. To the north, there are two single-detached residential dwellings and an undeveloped commercial property, which is subject to a recent rezoning and DP application for a Tim Hortons restaurant. North of the adjacent commercial property is another commercial property at the intersection of 240 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road. The residential interface will require sensitivity to the form and character of the proposal to minimize potential impacts on adjacent residential development. The neighbouring commercial development represents ari opportunity to create a cohesive commercial centre on three separate titles. Figure 1: Site Context 4 5 Development Permit Proposal 5.1 Revised Site Plan Following the initial submission of the DP application, the City requested a 3 metre widening of 240 Street, which has been accommodated on the site plan. Accordingly, there are minor variations between the initial submission drawings and statistics and the current iteration. The following section outlines the proposal with the revised site plan and site statistics, which may vary slightly from the initial submission The site plan is based on two one-storey commercial buildings totaling 2,804 square metres (30,182 square feet). Building 2000, the anchor tenant building, is designed to 1,950.4 square metres (20,994 square feet), and will contain the site's anchor tenant at 984.2 square metres (10,594 square feet), and several smaller Commercial Retail Units (CRU) that may be demised through the future tena~ting process. Building 1000 is 853.6 square metres (9,188 square feet), and will house CRUs that may be demised to accommodate future tenant requirements. The buildings are sited towards the south and west property boundaries and cover approximately 30% of the property. The primary rationale for this arrangement is to utilize the buildings as buffer between the active parking areas of the site, the store- fronts and the adjacent residential lots. The orientation of the buildings in this manner will minimize the transfer of light, noise, or other disturbance from the active portions of the development to the adjacent residential lots. This is consistent with the City's first objective in the Commercial DPA Guidelines to minimize impacts on adjacent land uses. The orientation also contributes to optimal site circulation and site visibility for commercial purposes and after-hours security. The building orientation also contemplates a minor setback variance for the rear yard setbacks for portions of Building 2000, the anchor tenant building. The Development Variance Permit application is separate, but is effectively to accommodate the configuration of the site and to ensure the buildings are square to adjacent development. The balance of the site is on-site parking, landscaping, and site circulation as discussed in later sections. As shown on the Site Plan, the proposal includes two access points which is necessary to ensure efficient and effective circulation of vehicles, including delivery and refuse vehicles. 5 =t::==~ __,..-=-,/-.. ~ ---" " ) I I I I I I I I '2 I ,. I BLDG2000 1,950.<1 SM ' .. rfl1H+HHIU ""'""' eiau~f Figure 2: Revised Site Plan (Including Road Widening) 5.2 One Centre Concept ~ I) 1 . Z.Wf111U:1141tt01U;tl)I I BLIPG 1(1)00 I I I 853.6SM I I tu w 0::: I-en 0 .._.. N ,l+l!--H--u ac"""• -~+'-'-::.'--"." ----CJl""lMPl"CIU!!lO ''"''-"' Though the proposed development permit will apply only to the subject lands, consideration has been given to how the development will relate to the two adjacent commercial properties to the north. Immediately north is a proposed Tim Hortons, and there is an existing liquor retail store at the corner of 240 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road. It is important to the success of the centre, and to the efficient movement of people to and through the site, and on the City road network, that these three commercial properties be considered as one commercial centre. To that end, Platform Properties has collaborated with the neighbours to explore means to ensure the best possible alignment between the existing and proposed development on neighbouring properties. 6 ( DEWDNEYTRUNKROAD r Bl.002000 Figure 2: One Centre Concept Plan Continuity in signage, wayfinding, and circulation will ensure that the centre functions efficiently and as one cohesive commercial centre. Access has therefore been provided to the adjacent .property to the north, and a reciprocal access easement · agreement is anticipated to enable the circulation of vehicles and people between the properties. The intent is that visitors to the centre will be able to seamlessly experience the commercial centre. Continuity in signage across the three sites is another crucial means to enable the three commercial properties to function as one cohesive commercial centre. 5.3 Building Form and Character • As shown on the elevation drawings prepared by DA Architects + Planners, the building forms are intended to express a westcoast contemporary architecture, using basic forms and bold natural materials. Roof forms are simple, yet emphasized at the anchor tenant entrance and building ends with large canopy projections framed by 7 prominent wood structures. At one level, the buildings are intentionally small scale to blend into the surrounding neighbourhood and create minimal visual obstruction, overviewing, or shading of adjacent properties. Architectural details are included to break the massing of the buildings and draw the structures to a pedestrian scale. The bold wooden canopy structures at the anchor tenant and the corners of the buildings create visual interest and add dimension to the buildings. Architecturally detailed concrete panels accentuated by reveals and colour variations will typify the walls of the buildings. Use of stone will create vertical alignments to further break up the fac;ade and to highlight the anchor tenant entrance and building ends. Glazing highlights entrance ways and will be the predominant frontage material for the smaller CRU spaces. Glazing enables visual permeability into the coml')1ercial spaces and creates visual interest along the front building facades. Figure 3: Building Form and Character Figure 4: Building 2000 Front Elevation Figure 5: Building 1000 Front Elevation 8 Though limited in area, the areas of exposed wall along the building fronts will feature colour variations and texturing of the concrete material to retain visual interest. Rear and side facades of the building will continue with the same colour and texturing treatment and will be planted with climbing vines to incorporate greenery on the buildings and minimize their visual impact, particularly from adjacent residential development. The colour palette is based in earth tones with a mix of colours to provide visual interest to the building. Figure 6: Building 2000 Rear Elevation In general, the buildings are a strong expression of the desired design and architectural features outlined in the DPA Guidelines and are consistent with the increased attentiveness to architectural detail and site planning detail typical of newer commercial developments in Maple Ridge. 5.4 Landscaping and Fencing The landscape plan prepared by PMG Landscape Architects focuses on the edges of the property to soften the transition to adjacent residential development. Perimeter landscaping will meet or exceed Zoning Bylaw standards for these transition areas and will consist of fencing and significant vertical tree plantings using cedar and red maple varietals, spaced consistently along the rear of the buildings as identified on the accompanying landscape plans. To further ease the visual impacts on adjacent residents, climbing vines will be planted to grow vertically on the building walls, adding more greenery and softening the rear walls of the buildings. Landscaping has also been strategically incorporated into the parking areas to provide visual relief. Bioswales will break up the parking surface aesthetically, and will function as part of the onsite stormwater retention system. Six-foot (2 metre) perimeter fencing will be solid wood along the perimeter of the site, with areas transitioning into solid, decorative cementitious acoustic fencing as needed near loading and refuse collection facilities. 9 \ ,;,s:"•,..:, .. ~.-;tl.'I BLDG 2000 Figure 7: Landscape Plan 5.5 Site Drainage ' .. JL , . , ~ 81111111 1-UJ UJ a:: ~ 0 ""'" C'\j Core Concept Consulting Ltd. has prepared preliminary grading and drainage plans based upon the City's three-tiered approach to stormwater management. Rooftop retention will be incorporated into the buildings. The site soils have limited infiltration capacity; however, the principles of infiltration and on-site retention will be incorporated through drainage infrastructure in the parking area landscaping and perimeter swales. Connection to the City's stormwater infrastructure in 240 Street and an existing connection at the south-west corner of the site will ensure appropriate stormwater management and drainage in accordance with City bylaws and policies. 5.6 Garbage and Recycling Enclosures Waste will be managed at either end of the anchor tenant building. At the north end, garbage and recycling for the anchor tenant is incorporated into the loading bay area, 10 ( ( which is significantly recessed and screened from view. This area is additionally screened by a significant stand of existing mature trees on the north residential lot. At the south end of the anchor tenant building, the garbage and recycling for the remainder of the site will be accommodated in fully enclosed, roofed structures with lockable gates as shown on the site plan and following detail. The enclosure materials will match the colours and finishes used on the buildings. Figure 8: Garbage Enclosure Perspective To minimize any disruption to the adjacent properties, acoustic fencing will be used where the garbage and recycling areas interface with a residential property. 5.7 Signage The signage plan accommodates two types of signage. The first is freestanding pylon signage along 240 Street. Under the City's Sign Bylaw, one primary freestanding sign and two secondary freestanding signs are permitted. Though the structures may be the same size for primary and secondary freestanding signs, the secondary freestanding signs are limited to 50% of the sign area of the primary sign. To minimize visual impacts along 240 Street and to create more efficient signage, a separate Development Variance Permit application will be submitted to request consolidation of the two secondary freestanding signs into one secondary freestanding sign with 75% of the primary sign copy area. This will result in one primary and one secondary freestanding sign, as represented on the plan. The location of all freestanding signage has been sited in a manner that maximizes vehicular view corridors, and minimizes signage structures along the frontage, while also providing suitable visibility of the signage in relation to the buildings and access points. 11 Figure 9: Signage Perspective To further the one centre concept, and to provide efficient on-site circulation additional shared commercial freestanding signage for the entire centre is proposed on Dewdney Trunk Road at the intersection with 240 Street. Though not part of this application, that sign age is critical to the success of the centre and will be pursued on a separate property under a separate application. The second type of signage incorporated into the elevations and signage plan are the fascia .signs affixed to the buildings. These signs will be detailed through the tenanting process for each individual CRU; however, will generally comply with the fascia sign requirements in the proposed DP and the City's Sign Bylaw. 5.8 Pedestrian and Cyclist Access Pedestrian access to the centre will be from the sidewalk on 240 Street, including through an entrance plaza and bike storage area adjacent to the south access. Another pedestrian specific access has been provided to the surrounding neighbourhood through an existing lane that terminates at the south boundary of the property. This pedestrian access point will flow into the sidewalk network throughout the centre. There will be a grade difference between the current elevation of the lane and the proposed site elevation that will need to be ad_dressed with the City through the development process. 12 ( Pedestrian circulation through the centre is generally along the frontage of the buildings for visitors. As customary in shopping centres, access to and from the parking areas will be predominately within the drive-aisles. Cyclist access will be accommodated from 240 Street to bike racks in the plaza located adjacent to 240 Street. Additional bike racks conveniently located along the building frontages will ensure that cycling traffic is suitably accommodated in the centre. 5. 9 Parking and Site Circulation The efficient movement of visitor, service, and emergency vehicles has been a driving consideration of the site plan. While respecting the City's desire to ensure minimal disruption to traffic flow on 240 Street, the site plan proposes two access points. The primary reason for this is the size of the property at over two acres, and the amount of commercial development proposed. To ensure efficient circulation of all types of traffic generated by the commercial centre, a development of this size necessitates more than one point of access and egress. This is supported by the Traffic Study prepared by Bunt and Associates Transportation Planners and Engineers as part of the rezoning application, as well as supplemental study by Bunt and Core Concept Consulting Ltd. which establishes the need and design solution for the proposed accesses. Though the City's Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw section R13 limits access to one per parcel, that same section also permits a second access with the approval of the Municipal Engineer to "support the intended land use". A formal request for a second access, with supporting engineering design and transportation study was submitted to the City on May 5, 2017 and at the time of this submission was still under review. Provision for larger service and emergency vehicles is accomplished by two points of access to the site to enable movement of vehicles through the site. These movements have been reviewed in the Traffic Study and are deemed acceptable. Parking will be accommodated by 132 surface parking stalls at a rate of 4.37 stails per 1,000 square feet. Of these, 13 stalls, representing less than 10%, will be provided as small car parking. Accessible parking stalls are also being provided in excess of bylaw standards with a total of 4 stalls. Provision for loading is made for the anchor tenant through a recessed loading bay, at the north end of the anchor tenant building. This loading area has been designed to separate the loading function from the parki~g area as much as possible, while keeping the loading access from the front of the building to minimize impacts on 13 adjacent properties. Acoustic fencing will be provided to further minimize sound impacts on adjacent properties. Additional loading for the remainder of the site is provided at the west side of building 1000, and south end of building 2000, in dedicated loading areas as per City bylaws. 5.10 Site Lighting Attention has been paid to providing appropriate building and parking lighting. LED building lighting will be provided primarily by sconces located at a pedestrian scale along the facades of the building. Parking area lighting will be LED and from poles throughout the parking area, and will have a dimming feature to reduce light levels at night. At detailed design, consideration will be given to dark skies principles and ensuring minimal light migration from the site, particularly towards residential neighbours or adjacent agricultural lands. 14 6 City Bylaw Compliance 6.1 Development Permit Area Guidelines The DP application has been prepared to align with the DPA Guidelines in the City's Official Community Plan. As guidelines, they provide general areas of consideration against '-:"hich the City will assess the DP applic;:ation. These guidelines have been referred to in the preparation of the application and the application is consistent with the spirit and intent of the guidelines. The City's Development Permit Area Guideline Checklist is attached for reference. 6.2 Zoning and Sign Bylaw Conformance As this application is subject to a rezoning application, the proposed uses will be accommodated within the proposed C-2 zone. There are however two points of non- compliance in the proposed DP application that will be subject to a separate Development Variance Permit application process as is City practice. The first variance is for rear yard setbacks for the anchor tenant building. As the lot is not entirely square, and 240 Street runs at a slight east-west aspect, a design decision was made to align the building with surrounding structures. Accordingly, small _variances to the rear-yard setbacks are required for portions of the building that encroach .. The maximum encroachment is in the order of 1-1.5 metres for small portions of the building. The second variance relates to freestanding pylon signage. Under the City's Sign Bylaw, the proposed development would be permitted one primary freestanding sign, and two secondary freestanding signs that are limited to 50% the sign area of the primary sign. Both primary and secondary signs are permitted to be 6.0 metres (19.7 feet) in height. As part of the comprehensive signage planning, the preferred option is to have one primary and one secondary freestanding sign, with the intent of minimizing the impacts of freestanding signage along the frontage and to use signage to identify access points. However, to achieve sufficient signage, the secondary freestanding sign would be increased to 75% the size of the primary sign. This results in a net decrease of 25% of the allowable secondary signage, but would result in one oversized secondary freestanding sign, as opposed to two secondary freestanding sign structures. The details and rationales for both proposed variances will be submitted separately in a Development Variance Permit application. 15 7 Summary and Contact Information 7.1 Closure Platform Properties is excited at the prospect of working with the City of Maple Ridge and the local community to deliver an important Community Commercial Node in accordance with the OCP objective of creating a retail and community focused centre for existing and emerging residential neighbourhoods. The preceding DP application is intended to fit the buildings and development into the surrounding neighbourhood with minimum impact and maximum benefit. The development will create a new community commercial node for the emerging community to help residents meet their daily needs within their own neighbourhood. Sensitive site planning, in conjunction with neighbouring commercial development, will ensure the efficient and effective use of the new commercial centre in a manner that minimizes impacts on adjacent residential development. 7.2 Project Contact Application Contact: Cameron Chalmers Planning and Development Platform Properties 604.849 .2138 cameron@platformproperties.ca 8 Attachments Attachment 1: Bylaw Compliance Review Attachment 2: Development Permit Area Compliance Checklist Attachment 3: ADP Checklist Attachment 4: Stormwater Memo Attachment 5: Architectural, Landscape, and Preliminary Servicing Plans 16 ~--mapleridge.ca DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Existing /Proposed Zone-_C_-_2 _______ Date Prepared May 15, 2017 Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or • state variance needed) LOT AREA* (in square metr!;!s) Gross Total 9,452 SM Less Road/ Truncations Dedicated 287 SM Less Park/ Open Space Dedicated Net Total Min. 2,500 SM 9,165 SM - LOT COVERAGE (in % of net lot area) Buildings & Structures Max. 70% 31% Paved & Hard Surfaced Areas 54.5% Landscaping 14.5% Total Site Coverage 100% SETBACKS ( in metres) Front 3.0 m 3.0 m Rear 6.0 m 4.85 m (Variance requested) Side #1 {N,S,E, or W) 0.0 m 2.80 m (int. side lot South) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) o.o m 1.75 m (int. side lot North) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) 0.0 m BUILDING HEIGt:IT (in metres/storeys) Principal Max. 7.5 m 7.5m Accessory NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three Bedroom + Total N/A NIA GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential N/A NIA Retail Commercial Area to be determined Office Commercial Area to be determined Other Commercial (Type TBD ) Area to be determined Institutional N/A N/A Industrial N/A N/A TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA 2,804 SM * If the development site consists of more than one lot, l_ot dimensions pertain to the entire site. Required Development Data Minimum Required or I Maximum Allowed Proposed {Complies or variance needed?) DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) N/A NIA # of units/ha (net) N/A NIA Gross Floor Area NIA N/A Floor Space Ratio (net) NIA N/A AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area N/A NIA Useable Open Space N/A N/A PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units} Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units} Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses Min. 94 (1 per 30 SM GFA) 132 Educational & Ass embly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive Tota.I Number of Parking Spaces for Uses Min. 94 132 Number of parking spaces for disabled Min.2 4 Number of spaces for visitors TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES Min. 94 132 Number and percentage small cars Max. 10% 13 (9.8%) Number and percentage tandem spaces TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) Min.1 4 BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking Not required 10 Long Term Bicycle f>arking Not required OTHER,-state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site !NO I Tree Survey/ Assessment Provided INO Watercourse/Steep Slopes I NO I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements INO I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigne t the e opment and Environmental Services Department. P d b Randy Knill repare y: ____________ _ Print Name NOTE: To _be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/age~t (applicant) for Development Application. ' ' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C_ommercial Development Permit Area ~uidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.5 of the Official Community Plan, commercial developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and descri_be the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with ·each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. 8.5.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses This project employs the use of acoustic fencing wherever relevant through sound attenuation, appropriate and generous landscaping elements which include many large lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and trees. The majority of site traffic and exterior ligliting are separated the transition of building massing to fit from surrounding properties by the appropriately scaled single with adjacent development. story building massing. Encourage a pedestrian scale through The southeast portion of the site serves as a welcoming pedestrian providing outdoor amenities, minimizing entry point/plaza which invites local foot traffic and provides bicycle the visual impact of parking areas, parking space. The street front is enriched with landscaping elements creating landmarks and visual interest that improve the pedestrian sidewalk experience along the eastern along street fronts. property line, and soften the impact of the parking area beyond. Promote sustainable development with This development encourages pedestrian and bicycle circulation in multimodal transportation circulation, addition to traditional vehicular traffic. Bioswale planting areas will and low impact building design. diminish stormwater runoff, reducing demand on existing infrastructure. Respect the need for private areas in Much attention has been paid to the transition between the mixed use development and adjacent development area and surrounding residential properties. New fencing, residential areas. trees, and green wall treatments will provide a buffering effect. The form and treatment of new buildings The buildings present a thoughtful, modern form and character, should reflect the desired character and tempered by natural materials such as stone and wood feature pattern of development in the area by elements. incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. 1 Guideline 8.5.2 A Building Design, Massing and Siting 1. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern c:if development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, roof forms, facade modulation, architectural features, fenestration patterns, building elements and proportions and building articulation. 2. Exterior finishes should be wood, brick, natural stone or other materials of warm appearance. Substantial areas of concrete should be avoided. Expanses of solid wall or glass are unacceptable. 3. New buildings adjacent to existing small scale buildings such as houses should be designed to provide visual interest whilst protecting the privacy and livability of both properties. 4. Significant corners should be given added emphasis with vertical architectural features and roofscape features. At intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets. 5. Development should be sited to have the building frontage on the main street alignment. 6. Projects located on slopes should be developed in a manner which creates a step in perceived height, bulk and scale between developments. 7. Design and construction of buildings should account for maximum sound attenuation between commercial and adjacent residential uses. To ensure that noise generated on the site is addressed in the most appropriate manner, Council may request that a noise attenuation study be prepa red. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. The architectural style of this design reflects that of similar recent developments in the area through the use of projecting shed-roof canopies w/ accentuated knee-braces and a columnar rhythm that divides the fenestration. Non-storefront faces of the buildings use reveal lines to allow for modest yet effective contrasts in colour and pattern, creating a unifying geometry throughout the site. This project includes a combination of horizontal wood cladding and veneers of brick and stone. Some concrete wall faces are utilized for security reasons and to serve as an optimal substrate for ~limbin~ vegetation . Alternating wall geometry and 'green wall' vegetation adorning the single storey building mass will present a . neutral face toward the neighbouring residential properties, while new fencing will provide privacy and separation. All major storefront corners of the proposed buildings feature raised wall profiles with slightly extruded faces clad in horizontal wood. These corner forms are completed with pronounced shed roofs that shelter the entries and walkways below while drawing the eye. Aligning frontage of the buildings to 240 St. did not prove optimal for this particular site. This would have resulted in parking areas bordering the residential prop~rties, which is an undesirable condition for safety, nrnse and privacy. As the site in question is essentially level, this guideline does not apply. The orientation of buildings on the ~ite was greatly informed by the opportunity to use the mass of the buildings themselves as an effective sound attenuation device. Acoustic fencing is proposed to mitigate noise transfer from the site to adjacent residential properties wherever a gap between buildings occurs. 2 Guideline 8.5.2 A {Continued} 8. Continuous weather protection, such as canopies, structural awnings, or building overhangs, is strongly promoted where at-grade retail uses are included in a development and over common entries to commercial and/or mixed-use developments that front a public sidewalk or open space. 9. Developments adjacent to treed slopes, ravines and watercourses must respect natural vegetation, use natural landscaping to retain soils on the site ,, and may require additional setbacks as established by agencies having jurisdiction. Creeks and ravines are encouraged to be retained in their natural state. 10. Developments are encouraged to redirect water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 11. Buildings should be designed and located on a site to: a) preserve and incorporate natural features or views; b) ensure proper orientation and relationship to adjoining residential uses; c) minimize impacts on natural features and agricultural lands; d) accommodate natural grades to ensure minimal grad ing is required. Guideline 8.5.2 B Refuse, Recycling and Servicing Areas 1. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should tak~ into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. At storefront building corners, the shed-roofs overhang the walkways below, providing ample weather protection. Intermediate commercial/retail units feature metal-framed fabric avynings which shelter the width of each storefront opening. The site in question is not subject to any of these natural features, therefore this guideline does not apply. No accommodation for rooftop water storage/re-use has been included in the design at this time. However, vegetated bioswale areas will be used to accommodate surface drainage in accordance with three-tiered stormwater objectives. With respect to the site in question, only part b) of this guideline applies. The proposed buildings have been designed to include green wall vegetation, and located to form a physical buffer around the parking areas. These aspects allow the buildings to present an inoffensive, neutral face to adjoining residential uses. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inc!pplicable. Contemporary features, such· as wood or aluminum screening, will be used to hide rooftop equipment from view. 3 Guideline 8.5.2 B (Continued) 2. Service areas should have differentiated access to minimize visual impact as well as conflicts with pedestrians. 3. Refuse receptacles must be located indoors or within service areas out of view from pedestrian access. Garbage and waste material should be stored in containers that are weatherproof and animal-resistant. 4. Mechanical equipment, drive-through uses, service or car wash bays, restrooms, vending machines, unenclosed storage, and public telephones should be oriented on the site to face away from adjacent residential development. Whenever possible, these uses should not be v·isible from an adjacent residential property. Guideline 8.5.2 C Street Front 1. Particular attention should be made to the image presented to the streetfront. 2. New development should emphasize the street frontages by • incorporating differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades. Facades should incorporate vertical and horizontal relief in a well-proportioned rhythm appropriate to the intended scale of development. 3. Buildings with over 15 metres of street frontage should break the horizontal mass of the building with vertical elements in a rhythmic pattern. 4. Streetfront 'landscaping will incorporate street trees for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public s~ace. Wherever possible, either site orientation or visually pleasing barriers will be used to distinguish service areas and discourage general pedestrian access. The project proposes a wood and steel garbage enclosure at the southwest corner of the site which will be fully secured and covered. The enclosure's simple shed-roof form will follow that of the proposed buildings. Waste receptacles will also be located in a recessed outdoor service area to the north of BLDG 2000, which will be screened from public view. All containers shall be weatherproof and animal-resistant. • This guideline does not apply as the site in question is not intended to include any of the elements listed therein. Describe how the proposeQ design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is nQt complied with or why it is inapplicable. As mentioned above, the combination of building form, character and siting, together with landscape treatments present a softened, inviting image. The proposed buildings incorporate various contrasting colours and cladding materi als in a carefully laid-out geometric arrangement that creates a cohesive appearance while adding interest to the various building faces. Along 240 Street, the 18m frontage of proposed BLDG 1000 is broken by various elements such as a 2m wide vertical band of stone cladding which marks the extent of the "feature corner", as well as portions of glazing and patterned reveals that delineate changes in colour and surface. The proposed landscape plan includes 5 large street trees adjacent to the sidewalk along the east property line. 4 Guideline 8.5.2 C (Continued) 5. Vehicle access on a street frontage should be located to the side of the building away form the pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. • Guideline 8.5.2 D Signage and Lighting 1. Signage should be integrated with the design of a. building, preferably at ground level only, and its size and design should complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 2. High intensity illumination directed at ·adjoining properties should be avoided. Commercial signage and high intensity illumination adjacent to residential uses should be minimized in order to protect residential amenity. 3. Lighting and signage should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way. 4. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter should take precedent. 5. In multiple-tenant commercial or mixed- use buildings, signs should be designed to present a unified appearance. Signage space should be provided for upper storey tenancies. As none of the proposed buildings feature a "pedestrian entrance" along the street frontage, this guideline does not apply. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Proposed permitted signage areas (fascia signs) are integral to the design and geometry of the buildings' storefront facades. Free-standing signs are proposed at less than the allowable maximum area. A variance is sought to reduce the number of free-standing sign str~ctures. All proposed building signage (whether illuminated or not) will face away from the adjacent residential properties. Exterior wall-mounted light fixture~ on the proposed buildings will be minimized and des1gne~ to illuminate the wall surface and walkways below, with limited illumination directed outward. LED lighting iri the parking area will be designed to direct lighting on-site, with minimal off-site impact. Every effort has been made to comply with the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw with regard to both building fascia signage and free-standing pylon signage. A variance is sought to reduce the total number of free-standing signs on site. Further to guideline 8.5.2 0-1. above, facade geometry and proportions have been designed to create equal and symmetrical areas devoted to tenant signage. 5 Guideline 8.5.2 E Vehicle Access, Parking, and Circulation 1. Buildings and structures should be located to ensure safe traffic circulation and access and ·adequate on-site parking. Parking should be encouraged in smaller units to avoid a monotonous appearance. 2. Parking and storage areas. should be appropriately screened. Low level landscape screening should be provided to parking areas adjacent to public streets. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Proposed buildings are located at the site perimeter to allow optimal space for traffic circulation, required drive aisle widths and adequate parking. Parking stall clusters are softened with the use of bioswale planting areas, trees and shrubs. The proposed landscape plan includes ample low level shrubs and grasses that satisfy this guideline. 3. • Where · possible, parking and servicing As buildings on site are intended to serve as a buffer should be located underground or to the around the perimeter of the development, proposed rear of buildings to minimize the impact parking on is at grade, and adjacent to street frontage on streetscape appearance and access. Therefore this guideline does not apply. pedestrian amenity. In all new buildings the portion of the structure used for parking and servicing should be adequately screened and should be architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. 4. Existing lanes should be used for vehicle No existing lanes are present on the site, therefore this access, loading and servicing. Upgrading guideline does not apply. of lanes in terms of attractive treatment and screening of parking access and loading and service areas is encouraged. s: Vehicle access should be located to the As none of the proposed buildings feature a "pedestrian side of the building away from the entrance" along the street frontage, this guideline does pedestrian entrance and should be not apply. designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement; 6. Lanes, and driveways should conform to As the site is essentially level, and does not contain any the existing grades as closely as possible natural vegetation, this guideline does not apply. to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, access should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather _ than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. 6 . \ Guideline 8.5.2 E (Continued) 7. Shared vehicle access between adjoining The proposed site plan includes a shared vehicle sites should be considered where _access access between the subject site and the neighbouring for parking at the rear of the property is commercial properties to the north. This will improve the limited. Joint or shared access should flow of traffic to and from 240 St. and create one also be considered betwe·en adjoining cohesive centre comprised of three commercial developments to minimize disruption of properties. pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and . permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. 8. Minimize the amount of asphalt surfaces Bioswale planting strips at regular intervals within the in parking areas by integrating a variety parking area will serve to minimize asphalt surface of paving materials such as concrete, area, and alternative paving materials are being decorative pavers or by using alternate considered elsewhere on the site. surface treatments. 9. Above ground parking structures.should not front public streets at grade. Non- parking uses or special fac;:ade treatments must be provided along street frontages to enhance the building's appearance to the public realm. On non-street fronting facades, parki ng structures should be treated to avoid long blank walls at grade, such as massed landscape treatments or attention to design detailing on the fac;:ade . 10. Parking control equipment, such as ticket dispensers and card readers, should be located at a sufficient distance from a public street to prevent parking queues extending onto the street. Similarly, a minimum distance of one car length, and preferably two car lengths, should be provided between an exit gate and the street edge to accommodate cars waiting to merge into traffic. As no above-ground parking structures will exist on the site, this guideline does not apply. No parking control equipment will be used on the site, therefore this guideline does not apply. 11. Rooftop parking structures should As no rooftop parking structures will exist on -the site, include design elements, including this guideline does not apply. landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street and surrounding uses . 7 Guideline s.s:2 F Pedestrian and Bicycle Access 1. Development should improve pedestrian amenity through interesting design detail at ground level, easily identifiable entrances, shop fronts with clear untinted glazing, concentration of signage at ground level, attractive landscaping and well defined pedestrian crossings for driveways and roadways. 2. A well defined pedestrian access to the commercial use will be provided from the public sidewalk. Design will ensure that pedestrian use is given precedence over vehicular use. Where possible, at least one pedestrian connection should be provided through the main block of buildings. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. At grade, the pedestrian experience is augmented through alternating cladding materials that have a varying, rhythmic relation with the walkway surface. All proposed storefronts feature obvious entrances and clear, non-tinted glazing. Wherever feasible, low level landscaping has been incorporated to define and soften transitions between pedestrian and vehicle traffic areas. Beginning w/ the pedestrian "plaza" at the southeast corner of the site, a clear "L-shaped" pedestrian pathway will extend west, then north, linking all storefront areas of the development. 3. Facilities for cyclists should considered for all developments. be Given the commercial/retail nature of the development, proposed bike racks will adequately serve cyclists using the site . Guideline 8.5.2 G Landscaping and Open Space 1. Landscaping should be supplemented to identify and define public space, to present a pleasing image and to soften the transition from adjacent land uses to the commercial development. 2. Adjacent residential uses should be adequately protected by significant landscaping or the provision of screening or both. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all new development for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space. Simplicity in landscaping materials is desirable and should be encouraged for screening purposes. Deciduous tree species should be considered in landscape plantings to permit light penetration in winter. Mature vegetation should be ·retained where possible. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Great effort has been made to ensure a pleasing and robust landscape boundary that outlines pedestrian and vehicle areas, as well as provides a visually pleasing buffer between the development and surrounding single-family residential properties. Great effort has been made to ensure a pleasing and robust landscape boundary that outlines pedestrian and vehicle areas, as well as provides a visually pleasing buffer between the development and surrounding single-family residential properties. The landscape plan includes deciduous trees to be planted along the site's street frontage, and a selection of shrubs and grasses will provide low-level screening. The nearest mature vegetation is located on neighbouring lots, and will most likely remain in all cases. 8 ( Guideline 8.5.2-G (Continued) 4. Aesthetic values along frontages and on-As mentioned above, landscaping has been planned along site ought to be enhanced by significant all four property lines, and although the commercial use of landscaping on all property lines and the site limits the number of opportunities for further around buildings. Street trees should be planting areas, "green wall" treatments at the rear of the used to provide the landscaping variety buildings and planting beds throughout the .parking area will that would soften the character and serve to soften the overall appearance of the development. scale of the area. 5. Landscape planting and screening should be used to create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site for pedestrians, passing drivers and building tenants on the site or adjacent to it. 6. Open space shouJd be usable, attractive and well-integrated with the design of the bl!ilding. Open space, in many cases, will be achieved with courtyards, recessed balconies, terraced balconies, rooftop gardens, and atria. 7. Landscaping should reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, arid · other landscaping elernents. 8. Landscaping should define the purpose and emphasize the ~esired character and function of public and private space. All private and semi-private open space should be clearly defined as such and should be controllable by those meant to benefit and be responsible for it, thus encouraging use, pride and safety. 9. Distinguish public and semi-public spaces from private spaces. Design symbolic barriers through: a) building and site design; b) changes in paving, vegetation, or grading; or c) architectural features, such as low walls, bollards or raised planters. Landscape planting and screening will help to reactivate the site from its former use, and will contribute to a significant improvement in the overall site appearance from all vantage points. The pedestrian entry plaza will provide an inviting public open space at the transition point between city property and the outdoor commercial storefront experience of the development. As mentioned in the response to guideline 8.5.2 G-1 . above, street trees and low level planting will be consistent with a cohesive, long-term approach to integrating the development with the surrounding neighbourhood. Although private and semi-private space in the typical sense does not exist on the site, "back-of-house" areas are defined and differentiated from public areas through landscape and hardscape elements. As mentioned above, no typical private space is found on the site, therefore this guideline does not apply. 9 Guideline 8.5.2 H Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) 1. Developments should be designed to max1m1ze opportunities for natural surveillance allowing people to easily view what is happening around them during the course of everyday activities. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design principles and techniq ues are en couraged. 2. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities. 3. Design the interior spaces and exits from any underground and above ground parking structures for maximum visibility within the parking area. Entries should be highly visible, well lit and spaced at convenient intervals Hidden spaces, obscured alcoves and blind corners should be avoided in the design and layout of the parking facilities. 4. Walls and ceilings of parking structures, particularly underground structures, should be painted white to enhance or reflect light. Guideline 8.5.2 I Universally Accessible Design 1. All non-vehicular routes be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair / scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. With the storefront portions of the development facing toward the common, central open parking area, the site allows for ease of view from one end to the other, and encourages activity and movement to remain within this high visibility zone. As mentioned above, the parking area of the site will be open and naturally limit the potential for criminal activity due to its exposed, public nature. As no underground or above ground parking structures exist on the site, this guideline does not apply. As no underground or above ground parking structures exist on the site, this guideline does not apply. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. All sidewalks and pathways on the site either meet or exceed the requirements for accessible design, including width and surface treatment. Ample curb cuts will be provided at all necessary transition points, and cross-walk routes will be clearly distinguished. 10 . Guideline 8.5.2 I (Continued) 2. Locate parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities as close as possible to the main entrance to a building. 3. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; and c) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. Guideline 8.5.2 J Bicycle Storage and Parking 1. Provide short term bicycle parking facilities, such as bicycle racks, at grade close to building entrances. Bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads. Bicycle racks should be made of sturdy, theft- resistant material, securely anchored to the floor or grounds. 2. Provide long term bicycle parking fa.cilities in secure storage areas within buildings. Bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. In mixed-use buildings, bicycle storage facilities for residents are to be separate from those for the commercial uses. 3. Large-scale developments are encouraged to provide end-of-trip facilities, such as showers and lockers, withiri the development for the convenience of employees. All accessible parking stalls will be located either directly adjacent to or within a reasonable distance from the nearest accessible building entry point. All building entries will be addressed with large, visible numbers will have direct, at-grade access, will be protected by overhanging roof or awning elements, will be lit by adjacent wall-mounted light fixtures, and will be equipped with a power-assisted door opening device. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed ·guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Bicycle racks for a minimum of 10 bicycles will be provided at the pedestrian entry "plaza" near 240 Street and adjacent to the main entry of BLDG 2000. These racks will be of simple, durable steel or aluminum construction securely bolted to the concrete surface on which they stand. No long term bicycle parking is required for the project, therefore this guideline does not apply. The scale of the development does not warrant end-of-trip facilities, therefore this guideline does not apply. 11 Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File Number ________ _ Date prepared: May 17, 2017 Architect Randy Knill Print Name 12 l~-ADP Submission Checklist maple,idge.ca Application No.--'-------------File Manager ___________ _ This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel. Please refer to the ADP Subm is_sion Form and the ADP Requirements Brochure for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting· information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP. • • Project Archite~ ~¥j • Prepared by:-( ~w~ W(uL., l7 1~k{oo11 -"-'s· Ign Print name Date -Submission Require rents: - Submission Materials -~~!,lfi:!~. (Flle ri/11inaee·i"co Provided ·fr,di&e-:if~(i;_."jr,ijj) / □ -,-13 A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) ' .. ----------'~~--~ ---,-~-,--B. Covering Letter including explanations about: ,_ s .,,. ,;,1. , -, ----::i:rT . .--Gr-1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) -. -~ ':. ~-2. Design rationale (Detailed information Required) LJ, .. ~-~--.-- 3. Statement in brief about the following: ~ --~-•, .. ~ -;;,, '··' ·:.o --Gr' a. DP Key Concepts Compliance '. -. b. DP Guideline Compliance ' 13 ·' .. Gr' -,,., -.-'Cl'"_•:. Gr C. 3-tier stormwater management strategy -"' l'C• '"' 1:1--='~,~ ••~ ~ □ d. Public Art/ Amenities, etc. •. .,.. .::.. -_,....... -1,.' e. Sustainability practices -. t:I ~ -~ ..... .-, f. Other ' -GI □ ---. -------C. Site and Neighbourhood Context --. -~ 1. Context Plan -Existing/proposed buildings and trees, /· .. --~ -~" vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed grading, and other Cl' 6 major features within the site, on the abutting properties and along the road allowances/ lanes. ., 0 □ 2. Photographs of site and surroundings. --. D. Oevelo~ment Permit Area Checklist - (Note: The Architect is responsible to describe how the project 8 ~ complies with each guideHnes, or if not applicable, a de~cription of why not applicable. Please use fillable forms on line.) . City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist (Page 2) E. Architectural Plans (Site and Building(s}}: 1. Site Plan and layout □ 2r 2. Site sections □ g ~· 3. Streetscape elevation □ □ 4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping·and boulevard trees superimposed □ □ 5. Shadow analysis □ [2f 6. Lighting analysis (on building an~ on site) □ □ 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and rocif tops □ □ 8. Waste collection /recycling (inside of buildings) □ □ . □ □ 9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside} 10. Building elevation (all sides) □ [2f 11. Signage (attached to building and free standing) ·□ s · 12. Colours and materials □ 1:2r· 13. Material board □ [t 14. Building sections □ □ 15. 30 renderings of the site and/or building(s) with associated landscaping □ 0 F. LandscaQing Plans: 1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting details □ G., 2. Landscaping details, including locations for public art, signage, □ Gr'' lighting, play and other amenity areas ' - 3. Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures) □ li2f' □ . u~( 4. Details for pedestrian and amenity features being provided 5. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns □ a 6. Tree retention and management plan □ □ , 7. Site sections to show lot grading, drainage, landscaping and □ izr relationship to adjacent grades/ City boulevards/ lanes 8. Preliminary storm water management plan (Note: This plan must have been accepted by the Environmental Planner) □-□ 9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnections □ □ G. Green BuildingLSustainability initiatives □ □ H. Other □ □ □ □ Re·v. October 14, 2015 G Core Concept J CONSULTING LTD. #220 -2639 Viking Way Richmond, BC, V6V 3B7 Phone: 604.249.5040 Fax: 604.249.5041 ·age: 1 of 1 File No: CCC File #16022 City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 6A9 Attention: Tom Gordon May 3, 2017 Reference: 11939 240th Street -Three Tier Stormwater Management Dear Tom, We engaged by Platform Properties to prepare a stormwater management concept plan to address the City's three tier (A,B, and C) stormwater site source controls including DFO's standards regarding volume, runoff rates, and water quality. The Tier A source controls are intended to capture small rainfall events [less than 50% Mean Annual Rainfall (MAR)] and infiltrate or reuse them at the source. Our design satisfies this source control through the use of three bioswales located between rows of parking stalls. The parking lot is graded to direct runoff into the bioswales. As well, behind the western building, the design incorporates a landscaped area to encourage infiltration of ground water. Considering the ratio of hard surface parking lot area to landscaped areas, 70% of the site is either landscaped or directed to a bioswale. The Tier B source controls are inten\ied to detain larger rainfall events (50%-100_% of the MAR) to a release rate of 1:2 year forested site. We have reduced the rapid runoff from the impervious surface through two forms of detention. The site release rate is restricted through a flow control manhole directly upstream of the site service connection. The additional detention is contained within rock pits beneath the bioswales as well as a 600mm diameter pipe in the central parking aisle. The Tier C rainfall events are extreme in nature that exceed the 100% MAR. The stormwater management design was prepared to accommodate the 1:100 year storm through the previously mentioned detention methods as well as roof detention and parking lot detention (not exceeding 0.3m in any given location). For further details, refer to our storm water management concept plan. Please call us if you have any questions or I can be of further assistance on this matter. Thank you. Yours Truly, Core Concept Consulting Ltd. Brendan Regier, EIT. Civil Designer Enclosure: Stormwater Management Concept Plan ( 11939-240 STREET . . PROPOSED SHOPPING CENTRE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT DATA: ADDRESS: 11939-240 Street, Maple Ridge, BC LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 1, S_ECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 12 NWD, PLAN 1676 DRAWING LIST ARCHITECTURAL DA Architects + Planners A0.0 COVER SHEET [DRAWING LIST, PROJECT DATA] A1.1 SITE PLAN & SECTIONS At2 SITE PLAN VARIANCES A2.1 BUILDING 1000 ELEVATIONS A2.2 BUILDING 2000 ELEVATIONS A3.1 BUILDING PERSPECTIVES A3.2 BUILDING PERSPECTIVES A3.3 SHADOW STUDY A4.1 MATERIALS BOARD AS.1 GARBAGE ENCLOSURE DETAILS A5,2 PYLON SIGN DETAILS [VARIANCES REQUESTED] A5.3 SHARED COMMERCIAL PYLON SIGN DETAILS LANDSCAPE CIVIL PMG Landscape Architects Ltd. Core Concept Consulting Ltd. L1 LANDSCAPE PLAN C1 PRELIMINARY LOT GRADING L2 LANDSCAPE SHRUB PLAN C2 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT CONCEPT PLAN L3 LANDSCAPE SHRUB PLAN C3 STORM WATER DETENTION DETAILS L4 INSPIRATION IMAGES KEY PLAN 2 REISSUED FOR ADP REV1EW "';;;' t ISSUED FOR DP No. Description Dale Dr. Revlslons:ReadUp plat:form Platform Properlie:s Ltd • oco~ 1'.!00WESTT.lRD AVENUE VAtlCouyER, BC TEL.;(604)553,~FAX;(004)56.¼!001 >> 100-1014 Homer Strftt. Vancouver BritJsh Columbia, Canada V681W9 1604 685 6312 f 604 68; og88 www.dwrdiftects.ca PROPOSED SHOPPING CENTRE 11939-240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC COprligrt~ Th6planandd~;n•re,.arw:111a11tnrsrftm1'1 tllce.du1NepropertyolOAArchtec:1!,•Aanrlt1$,atdQlrJdbetosed ~!~ucad\Whcr.tlheArcMectsl'lfl!tn~ .... , .. COVERSHEET """' 1520-000 -•b -AS NOTED "'-~o AO.O c,_, A~,0/0"~ "" 20170224 Re,1i1Ji:w, :: VARIANCE 1A (REFER TO 1-A1 2) A ___ _ ~ ~SMETERS VARIANCE 1B (REFER TO 2-A1 2) I -)--:-- 1 I : ; I I l-~--,- 1 : 11 ' I I I I I I LI I I I I I I M:OUSTIC F~Cll'fGW RETAINlnOWALL BLDG 2000 1,950.4 SM CRU 2150 (984 2SM) 30,531 FDCOHHECTI04<- CRU2140 (2166SM) CRU 2130 (241 SSM) CRU2120 (241.SSM) CRU21 IO (241.5 SM) CD ~EPLAN fil ;.--.,,_.V,--IOO,es'!l:l'l'65'2>,..t-V--lJ.-l--.em£&t---v' - I l"il i SC SC SC SC SC ,~t SC ~.:;;---· ----:::r·----=':ii_ ~ -~--1 -:--~I-1 ·,, ···1-f ··-·····-,, '"'rH::l'la.1 1--NEWLOCATIONOF EXISTING LAMP l l I I I IJ ,, J i?l ~~1 I I I ~I I I' I" I I I I I _ 1., 731S SE<:Oh1>AAY PYL ~-V. (RErul 102- FDCONNECTION 46,680 CRU 1120 I CRU 1130 l CRU 1140 CRU 1\$0 l CRU 1160 (100 3 SM) (100.3 SM) : (100.3 SM) : (100 3 SM): (100 3 SM) 1 BLDG 1000 , I I I 8~3.6 ~M 1 --,-lllU.-111;1_--NEW PROPERTY LINE -+li,tll-iij,qi--='3.f=IMD::,EDICA,:,·::::n.:::o::::.N -1-, 1-w w c::: I--Cf) 0 -.;;I" N .5«> 5486 ✓~~486 ~--'=--n .. , 54811 -EXISTING PROPERTY LINE N w c.o !l) D 10 ---■■ 0 20 40 SITE DATA ZONING: SITE AREA: . LOT COVERAGE: TOTAL FLOOR AREA: PARKING REQUIRED: PARKING PROVIDED: STALLS/1000 SF: # OF SMALL CARS (SC): % OF SMALL CARS (SC): LOADING SPACES: C2 (proposed) 2.27 acres (98,646 SF) 31% 2,804 SM (30,182 SF) 94 STALLS [1 PER 30 SM (323 SF)] 132 STALLS 4.37 13 STALLS 9.8% 4PROVIDED LOCATION PLAN [NTS] REAR PROPOSED SITE PLAN LEGEND LANDSCAPED AREA ~ LAMPPOST e"9 POWERPOLE 'LJ7 CURB LETDOWN ~ PAVEMENT STRIPING .o ACCESS! BLE ST ALL sc SMALL CAR STALL COMMERCIAL RETAIL UNIT BIKE RACK ACOUSTIC FENCING =YA"'R0~/..----•u_1L_0I_NG_2000 ____ S~"f""'~,--lK _________ P_A_RKI_N_G _______ 7 Sr T PAA» 5525M TIOSlA~ I PROPERTY LINE-i CD ~!JE SECTION (BUILDING 2000) INTERIOR PROPOSED INTERIOR ADJACENT l0m S!!!p'::,,_ =-_:B:.::Ul:=,LD::::IN:::_G.:.:1000::::......=S~,:~::.:....-----------'-'=H_,G:.__ __________ ..=Sl;:.O?;r PRO?ERlY TiOSLAB I . rSETIIACl(UflE ED ~..:!E SECTION (BUILDING 1000) SETBACK UNE-j i--PROPERTY utll[ KEY PLAN 3 ISSUED FOR ADP REVIEW 2 ISSUED FOR REVIEW I ISSUED FOR DP No Description Revisions: Read Up WA;:J ''" fEB.:! '"" Date Dr. plat :form Plc1tform Properties Ud 900.1:«i"11J11')10"'\0IA.'f.N~~ 1Utcol~~~W!,(OJ DA. Atthitecb + Planners >> 2.00-1014 Homer Street,. Vancouver British Columbia, Canad& Vl!iB 2.W9 T604 685 6312 F 604 68s 0988 www.dHrd1lteds.a PROPOSED SHOPPING CENTRE 11939-240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC C(,pr,g!II.R~ ~~alld~~~e.~,,datal~mes1ffl8111 111e:e1di&#e~olOA~chmts♦F'lal't""-arid<anrotbe~ 0(1ep'IKl~¥olhalt L'!eAlmte,;t'J~~ltflt ""'"' SITE PLAN & SECTIONS -00'.i) 1521>-000 """"' .... AS NOTED -NO A1 .1 '"""' ....... ... 2017.05.17 Re,1$1011 ( I I ~'m . ~ 't l LOT? I I I GARBAGE/ I LOADING I I I I 0 I DD I I 0 ' I I I LOT6 I I I I I I I ' ' I ' I l 11 !!! .. --I -0 •;;o I~ BLDG 2000 ,m ·~ I~ ,-CRU 2150 ,z r Im )> z I 0 I I (/) 0 LOT5 I )> I -0 m I I )> I ;o I m l )> I I I I I 24.53 SM I I I I LOT 4 I I I --------I I ' I C) SITE VARIANCE 1A 1:1co i J I I I LOT 4 I I I I I ---_I I I I I I I I I I jJ ,o '-0 I gi .~ ,, LOT 3 I~ ., I l I I I I I I I l I I LOT2 I I I ' I I I l I I I _, I I I I I I I I LOT 1 I I l I I I 0 SITE VARIANCE 18 J10l <&3 i a, a ;s: ::0 ~ ::0 -< )> ::0 0 CJ) ~ Ill ~ .;,; CRU 2140 CRU 2130 BLDG 2000 CRU 2120 CRU2110 LOADING E9 KEY PLAN 2. REISSUED FOR ADP REVIEW ~f I ISSUED FOR OP '":;' No Desaiplion Date Dr. Revisions: Read Up plat :form Plalform Properties Lid 900 r 1:.'00 WEST T.lRO AVEUUE VANCOUVER, BC TEl.: (604) ffl-00:XI FAX (604) 563-5001 DA Archlteds + Planners >> :200·-1014 Homer Street, Vancouver British C.olumbla, Canada V6B 2.W9 T604 685 6312 F~68s0988 www.dwrchltecb.ca PROPOSED SHOPPING CENTRE 11939-240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC ~~ 11!:•~-~"'-•ataltmesmmin Neti!M"~f/0'~•1"..-c::,, il~camaloel"fd Ill..,-~...,. ..,~_,.,._.__,nl SITE PLAN VARIANCES REQUESTED m ~·a 152(1-0()(] ..,.. .. -AS NOTED ~-NO A1.2 __, A~~ed .... 2017.0224 ,~- ~ noROOF T.c) ROOf <1tX ~ ~------- EE) Building 1 ooo -North Elevation • 1'100 ~ T,OOPENIKti- C) Building 1000 -East Elevation ~ 1100 (D Building 1000 -South Elevation • ,~100 ~ ~-----·-·- II (D Buildlng 1 ooo -West Ele11alion • 1'10J MATERIALS AND COLOURS LE GENO (';;\ TILT.UP CONCRETE SMOOTH- \.2.:) PAINTED-COi.OUR-BEiGE f::\ TILT-UPCONCRETESMOOTH-\:::;,J PAINTED-COi.OUR-GREY f':;;\ TILT-UP CONCRETE SMOOTH- \::::_) PAINTEO-COlOUR-SAGEGREEN (::'\ TIL T•UP CONCRETE SMOOTH- v:::.,J PAINTEO-COLOUR-OARKTAUPE ; CULTURED STONE VENEER BRICK VENEER~ SAND BROWN HORIZONTAL INOCXl CLADDING Q EXTERIOR CLADDING· V COLOUR -CHARCOAL (';;\ METAL TRI~• PM/TtD-V COLOUR -CAR1( TAUPE: e SPANOREL PANEL t:::\ STOREFRONTGlAZlNG ~ GLAZING: CLEAR LONE FRAMES: ALUMINUM -CLEAR ANODIZED FABRIC A\'\'NlNG -CHARCOAL EXPOSED CONCRETE V..00D RAFTER 1foJOOO KNEE-BRACE Q CANOPY STRUCTURE: PAINTED HSS ~ FACED WI SOLID WCXJO ~ FIRE RATED EXIT DOOR· SOLID CORE V PRESSED STEEL-PAINTED-COLOUR GREY Q GREEN WALL-CLEMATIS, BOSTON \C.'..'J IVYORSIMILAR @ PRE-FINISHED METAL FLASHING @) GAS METER(S) Q EXTERIOR WALL MOUNT LIGHT v::;;J FIXTURE Q TILT-UPCONCRETESMOOTH-~ PAINTED· COLOUR. RED ~ ::E::NALMETAL<=R Q CONCRETE SMOOTI-1 -PAINTED. ~ COLOUR· OFF 'M·ffTE KEY PLAN l REISSUED FOR ADP REVIEW .IM't!J ,011 I ISSUED FOR DP ,es ;u ,011 No 0e50'iption Dale Dr Re_YISIOOS. Read Up plat :form Pl:Hform P•operlies Ltd 900-1200,-.esrmo AYclU VAICOWEJt8C TEl.(604)S63-5COOFAX.(604)563-5001 DAArd,rt:Ktt + Planners >> 100 -101-4 Homer Strffl,, V1ncouver British Cohunbla. Canad■ V68 2W9 T604 685 6312 F 6o4 68s og8& WWW.dwrchttects.a PROPOSED SHOPPING CENTRE 11939-240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC ....... BUILDING 1000 ELEVATIONS ... ,. 1510-000 .... .. ,..,. AS NOTED "'-NO "'"""' A2.1 '"'""" °'' 2017.0224 Rt"'ISlal ( ED Building 2000 • East Elevation 1!\50 t:::\. ~7 L__ _____ _ II ·7 .. ~ L-. ,.,1111,11 C) Building 2000 • South Elevation • 1:10) IA ,.,.-,,:.,..,.,.,.,,_..-✓ ; PAAAP L ______________________ _ ~-i:--== ED Building 2000 • West Elevation CD Building 2000 -North Elevation MATERIALS ANO COLOURS LEGEND (';;\ TILT·UPCONCRETESMOOTH-V PAINTED-COLOUR • BEIGE Q TILT-UP CONCRETE SMOOTH • V PAINTED -COLOUR • GREY f':;\ TILT-UP CONCRETE SMOOTH-V PAINTED-COLOUR-SAGEGREEN (';";\ TILT-UP CONCRETE SMOOTl-1· \J PAlNTED-COt..OUR-OARKTAUPE ~ CULTUREOSTDNEVENEER BRICK VENEER· SAN~ BRCM'N HORIZONTAL WOOO CLADDING r:;;-.., EXTERIOR ClAOOING -\.J COLOUR -CHARCOAL r,;;-.,, METAL TRIM•PMITEO• ~ COLOUR-OAAXTAUPE @ SPANOREL PANEL r::;-_srq,."'1tONTGl>ZiNQ '('.:I ~~=:..;.EAR ANODlZEO A12 FABRICAWNING-CHARCOAL A13 EXPOSE□ CONCRETE A14 IM:X)[) RAFTER 8 'NOOD KNEE-BRACE 0 CANOPY STRUCTURE: PAINTED HSS V FACEDW/SOUD\NOOD Ll FIRE RATED EXIT DOOR -SOLID CORE V PRESSED STEEL -PA!NTED • COLOUR GREY Q GREEN WALL-CLEMATIS, BOSTON ~ 'W'fORSIMILAR 8 PR.E:·B~DIJETAl~NG @ GAS METER(S) Q EXTERIOR WALL MOUNT LIGHT V FIXTURE Q TILT-UPCONCRETESMOOTH· °v PAINTED-COLOUR • RED ~ :::C~~NAL METAL CKX)R Q.. CONCRETE SMOOTH -PAINTED· 'C::Y COLOUR· OFF WHITE KEY PLAN b' rsSUEO FOR ADP REVIEW \4.IYtr '"' I (SSUEO FOR OP FE8 ::~ '"' No. Oesaiplion Date D<. Revisions:ReadUp plat :form Plu.tfcr:n Prop1:rl1r;s :.J,j 900·1:?CO'M:ST7JR0AVENUEVANCOUVER,l:lC tE\.·(604)553-500>FAX;({,04)563-!,00\ DA.An::h~ + Pl~nnen >> 200-1014 Homet Sltet't,. Vancouv« Brit'lsh Colurnbla. Cmud1 V6B 2W9 T604 685 6312 , 60.i 61s09M WflW.d~.a PROPOSED SHOPPING CENTRE 11939-240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC CQpynsl'tRMCIYt'IJ ft.Jt:1:11J1.,.de9gn~ie.~nda1atl~mnremat1 the ~ciusr.-e prl)pl!rtylfOA lir':!ilecls ~ Plamers, i!nd cam()! ~used orrfl'Fl)diad~ lru!Alehoilld';...,t1en1;Q11sert. BUILDING 2000 ELEVATIONS J.:o~rkl 152'>-000 _., """ AS NOTED D;_, NO A2.2 --Ap.cwv,ed ... 20170224 I RN,~011 ED ~RTH ENTRY = Q) BLDG 2000 APPROACH • HTS CD ~UTH ENTRY KEY PLAN 2 REISSUED FOR ADP REVIEW UA!tV ''" I ISSUED FOR DP """' , . ., No Oescriplion Dale Dr. plat :form Ptnfcrm F'opi?rties i..t,j 900,1:,00'l,EST7)RDAVENUeVANCOLNER fC TEl(OO,l)~"OCOFA.X:(604)~1 DA Archit:tds + Plann~ >> 200. ,01-4 Hom.et Sb'Nt, Vancouver British Col1.1mbia. Canad■ V68 2.W9 T604 685 6312 F 604 68s oga8 www.dw.rdiitects.ca PROPOSED SHOPPING CENTRE 11939-240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC Coc,)'l'SN.~19111M«-.~111e,,1nJata'l~rerMr1 llltettmlft~,Cll'l)\Jild;:.em•Pla,'Yle!S,ardt:ll.'lllalbe1'2!1 i:irei:ral..aed\\lhol.t lheArclltt!l:l'swrti,nOJnsert. BUILDING PERSPECTIVES J-3:INo 1520-000 S/leetll:>. "'" AS NOTED -ND A3.1 """"" ,._., -2017,02 24 Fltv•51Cn C) SOUTHEAST CORNER • LOOKING I/VEST • HTS CD BLDG 1000 STOREFRONT • HT.S I CD SOUTHWEST CORNER. LOOKING EAST • NTS KEY PLAN 2 REISSUED FOR ADP REVIEW w.vn :?017 I ISSUED FOR OP FEB.:!f '"" No Oesaiplion Dale o, Revisions: Read Up plat :form PliltfCrfTl P0opcrlle!; 1.td 900-1:?00W:Sf 7~0 AVENUE YAHCOlJ\IER, BC Ta (004JS&3-500l FAX:(604)5&1,.5001 DA Architects+ Planners » 200 ~ 101,4 HOiTltt Strffl, Vanc.ouv« British Colwmbia. Canad, V6B 1W9 T604 685.6312 F604685 og88 www.dwrchitects.ca PROPOSED SHOPPING CENTRE 11939-240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC Ccprr,gttR~ :r,,spanalldd~art",.1ndalaN~~rem.1,i thee.dv,~,~,:;ICAArriitecU• Planners,al1d .:arviclbeu~ etrtprodlJCedwitholt theArt:hrlect'sv,fflena111!'.llrt_ BUILDING PERSPECTIVES .. , .. 1520-000 S~ilo -AS NOTED -NO A3.2 """' Appra,t'd """ 20170224 - (D MAR 21 / SEPT 21 -9:00 am • NTS (D MAR 21 / SEPT 21 -12:0D pm • NTS C) MAR 21 / SEPT 21 -3:00 pm • ITTS ffi JUN. 21 -9:0ci am \__:.__)ITTS CI) JUN. 21 -12:00 am • ITT$ Q) JUN. 21 -3:00 pm • NTS (D DEC. 21 -9:00 am • NTS (I) DEC. 21 -12:00 pm -NTS E9 (D DEC. 21 -3:00 pm • NTS KEY PLAN 2 REISSUED FOR ADP REVIEW ~;J I ISSUED FOR DP No Desaiption Data Dr. Revisions; Read Up plat:form Platform Properlies Ltd , 1:-00V,ES1'73AOAVEIIUEVAtlCOUVEA.8C TEL (604)563-500) FAX:(604)563$01 DA Architects+ Planners >> 200-1014 Homer Sbftt. Vancouver British C.olumbla. Ca"ada V68 2W9 T604 685 6312 F 604 68s og88 www.dHrchit'ects.ca PROPOSED SHOPPING CENTRE 11939-240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC Co?'/TlllttR-.v~ThisplanaJ'od<leSlgnareanclatall\lnrsrD'Nf'I theeici!,.,..•propertyofDAAld'l1eal•Pl.lmeis,and,;;moolbt:uloed f;trtf:'c:llluczdwilloi.ttheAret.tecr,wr111enainsM. SHADOW STUDY .'o:J'O 1520-000 -·~ """ AS NOTED -ND A3.3 c~~ed App,"0,"1 .. 2017.0224 ·- ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES/FINISHES $AG£GREEPI MATERIALS AND COLOURS LEGEND 0,_ TILT-UP CONCRETE SMOOTH-'-J PAINTED· COLOUR-BEIGE r':;\ TILT-UPCONCRETESMOOTH• \J. PAINTED· COLOUR -GREY f':;;\ TILT-UP CONCRETE SMOOTH-~ PAINTED -COLOUR-SAGE GREEN (";;\ TILT-UP CONCRETE SMOOTH- v::.,) PAINTED -COLOUR -DARK TAUPE ~ CULTURED STONE VENEER BRICK VENEER -SANO BROI/VIII HORIZONTAL WOOD CLADDING ~ EXTERIOR CLADDING· V COLOUR • CHARCOAL ~ METAL TRIM-PMm'EO • V COLOUR. OAAK TAI.JP~ 8 SPANDREL PANEL a STOREFR1ltlT GI.AZIIIG V GlAZING: ctl!AIHO\'I E FRAME$; ALIJMINUM • Cl.EAR ANODIZED FABIUC A\"1VJG. CHARCOAL EJPOSEO COl<CRETE WOOOAAFTER ?,t)O()Kh"EE-SRACE 0 CANOPY STRUCTURE: PAINTED HSS V FACED W/ SOLID v,JOOD Q FIRE RA TED EXIT DOOR -sou□ CORE V PRESSED STEEL-PAINTED -COLOUR GREY t:":::\ GREENWAtl-CLEMATIS,BOSTON V IVY OR SIMILAR 8 PRE-FINISHED METAL FLASHING @ GAS METER(S) Q EXTERIOR WALL MOUNT LIGHT V FIXTURE Q TILT-UP CONCRETE SMOOTH-V PAINTED· COLOUR· RED @ DOCKSEAL s 0/H SECTIONAL METAL DOOR Q. CONCRETE SMOOTH· PAINTED· V COLOUR • OFF !M-IITE KEY PLAN 2 REISSUED FOR ADP REVIEW ~;> 1 ISSUED FOR DP No Description Date Ot Revisions:Read Up plat :form Pl;:itform Properties ltd !I00• 1'..'00't\EST73RDAVSI\JEVANCOlNER, EC fEl:(60!)563-5000 FM.(604)55J.5001 DA Archittd:I + Plan nm >> 200-1014 Ham., St,ec,t. Vancouver British ~umb3a. Qnld.J V6B 2W9 r604 685 6312 F 604 685 og88 www.dHrCnit«t:s.ca PROPOSED SHOPPING CENTRE 11939-240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC ~f•AN1'~9nill~,an:!M.Jl'-"1Hr~ bed,,t;.,.lfJtllKtt.llJ.l.kol-•PI.J-.~gllOOlbe!MO r:rrep1~wl.hodlh1Afdrite:"1w,1!'.enal/tSffl,. MATERIALS BOARD Ja?IN:>. 1520..000 _,. .... ASIIOl'O 0,., NO A4.1 -~ ·-~ ... 20170224 ·~ C) FRONT ELEVATION 1'50 0 SIDE ELEVATION 1,&1 ~---38 X 235 0000 PLANKS ~---CORRUGATED METAL ROOFING ~---PAINTED HSS STRUCTURE -E9 ~EAR ELEVATION t) CONTEXT VJEW • NT$ KEY PLAN 2 REISSUED FOR ADP REVIEW 'MY17 ''" I ISSUED FOR OP o =• ,.., No Description Dale o, Rev1sions:ReadUp plat :form Platform Properties Ltd !l00-1:?00W£ST7JRDAVEl'IUEVAtKXlUVER, BC TEl..:(6CM)S6J.500'J FAX:(604)5!»-500T DA Architects + Plan.-..:n >> 200 -1014 Homer Street,, VancouV'tf British Columbla. Canada V6B 2..Wg T604 685 6312 F 604 68s og83 www.dHrdlltecb.ca PROPOSED SHOPPING CENTRE 11939-240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC Ccp)"igrt Rewved This plan atld' desi;ln are, and at al !Wiles rerra111 thef"ld...,.epropertyo/Mhdu.ec!S+R.innmi,andc::11~bl'!used , or•~m.letd'IIChculne~1Y1o1itfflCMSe'1l ""'"" GARBAGE ENCLOSURE DETAILS .kibNI), 1520-000 ~,--AS NOTED -ND AS.1 Ch~ A,P'Cl'l'«I ... 20170224 - 3251 ' ·---· --------··---~ l ________________ j 0 PRINCIPAL SIGN ELEVATION lti<l SIGN DATA OVERALL HEIGHT: 6.0M 9.99 SM [107.5 SF] SIGN AREA: 2.22 M X 4.50 M = 9,99 SM [107.5 SF] EACH FACE 19,98 SM [215.0 SF] TOTAL MAX. HEIGHT PERMITTED: MAX. SIGN AREA PERMITTED: LANDSCAPE AREA REQ'D: 6.0 M [19.7'] 20.0 SM [215 2 SF] 19.98 SM 0 SIGNAGE CONTEXT VIEW ,'<TS 246' t It. ,._ I f I ,__ I ,~ .. ' 165:Z SIGN • T l l'!i lB - ' I I SIGN I \o i i I ,. ~I 7,47 SM SIGN ,jl ~ [80.4 SF] !:II 1~· ~ !111 SIGN o • I I .;, "' I ._!!. ol SIGN ;;;, ~ SIGN 11 0 ;;;' !llj _,,. E--~r~, en-I .. • .:• I r-, ' ~--------~ __________ j (9 SECONDARY SIGN ELEVATION -VARIANCE 2 1.&"> SIGN DATA OVERALL HEIGHT: SIGN AREA: MAX. HEIGHT PERMITTED: MAX. SIGN AREA PERMITTED: LANDSCAPE AREA REQ'D: VARIANCE 2: 6.0M 1.65 M X 4.52 M = 7 ,47 SM [80,4 SFJ EACH FACE 14.94 SM [160.8 SF] TOTAL 6.0 M [19.7'] 10.0 SM [107.6 SF]= 50% OF PRINCIPAL SIGN AREA 14.94 SM IN LIEU OF PROVIDING TWO PERMITTED SECONDARY SIGNS EACH WI AREA 50% OF PRINCIPAL SIGN [20.0 SM TOTAL], A SINGLE SECONDARY SIGN WI AREA 75% OF PRINClf'.AL SIGN [15.0 SM TOTAL] IS PROPOSED. IGN IGN IGN C) PYLON SIGNAGE PERSPECTIVE ITTS ------- KEY PLAN REISSUED FOR ADP REVIEW ";;' \ $SUED FOR OP No OeSCflltion Dale Dr. Revisions: Read Up plat :form Pl.ilform Properties ltd 900• 1::00'l,£ST 7:JRDA\'cNUEVANCOUYER, BC TB.; (604) 563-500'.I FAX. (604) 553-5001 D4 Ard,itwcts + P11nnen >>;:;h~!o;:~=~~ T604 685 6312 F 60.4 61$ o,A WWlltdHlChit:eo:s..c:a PROPOSED SHOPPING CENTRE 11939-240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC Copyn;~R~ ~EfJ&•ddes'gnare,andatalbmcsrerrain l/iee,:o;IIIUi•~Ul».W.lt'ClS•F'1ilMetS,ande11nriolbeused orr~cduoe-dwthou. theAl'dw.m'swr.ii,,=nt • """"" PROPOSED PYLON SIGNAGE DETAILS Job No 1520--000 -·~ -AB.NOTED -ND A5.2 c"""" ,_., -2017 02 24 Rrrisian DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD BLDG2000 II ,-,·-[ a-,-~==..---......... ~ I I I <2) SITE CONTEXT PLAN 1:5:lO . .jj .(). -------- ACCESS I ---;;~8----:-7 i DEV'IDNEY \ I TRUNKRD I L ______ _J EXISTING BLDG FUlUREBLDG I I I 7 1 ' r BLIDG 1000 I I I 1-UJ UJ fl:: t-en 0 '<I" N ti:i UJ fl:: t-en 0 '<I" N EB CHANGEABLE COPY REAOOGRAPH SIGN [3 O SM MAX AREA PERMITTEDJ ~------===-----< le ' ' 1ej 81 ' .,, '°, ' §l ~ ,_ X Cl ijl \i ,; 1 Ii 11 ~ I 7.50 SM (80.8 SF] 1,73SM [18.6 SF] 1 ~---~__,,_ .J, __ "'-172"'7 _ __,, ~--------------~ L----------------~ 2 PROPOSED SHARED COMMERCIAL PYLON SIGN 1:~ SIGN DATA OVERALL HEIGHT: SIGN AREA: MAX. HEIGHT PERMITTED: MAX. SIGN AREA PERMITTED: LANDSCAPE AREA REQ'D: 8,5 M 4.34 M X 1.73 M + 1,73 M X 1,0 M = 9,23 SM [99.4 SF] PER FACE 18.46 SM [198.8. SF] TOTAL 10.5 M [34,41 15.0 SM [215 3 SF]+ 3,0 SM [32.3 SF] PER FACE= 21.0 SM TOTAL 18.46SM KEY PLAN 2 rssueo FOR ADP REVIEW 1 ISSUED FOR OP No. Description Revisions: Read Up MA.V11 ''" fEB:?4 ::_I017 Data Dr. ·plat :form Plutform Properties ltcJ 900, 1:!00WEST T.3RDA\IEllUEVAflCOUVER, BC TEl.:(604J563-5<XXJFAX.(004)56.l-5001 DA Aldiitecl:s + ptannen >> 200 -1014 Homer Stniet, Vana>uvff British Columbia. Canada V6B 2W9 r604 685 6312 F~61s09II www.dHrdt~ca. PROPOSED SHOPPING CENTRE 11939-240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC eop,,i,grtRl.'Vrved.Til11P•_..._,,gnare,alldal~l!rrarerm.111 l/leudia11epro,pmyof~tf'laMe1J,1!10'c::innotbeused or!ep'c:,d~""1lol( lhe~IWll'.efttoll5e'lll """'" SHARED COMMERCIAL PYLON SIGN DETAILS J<bNo 152().-000 ....... -AS NOTED ,.-ND A5.3 c,..., AWatlld ... 20170224 ,_ EXISTING NEIGHBOUR TREES EXACT LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED ' I I \ BLDG 2000 Suite C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, Brilish Columbia, V5C 6G9 p: so4 294-0011 ; r: 604 294-0022 AC e>Copyright reserved, Thi9 drawing and de9ign is lhe Pfoperty of PMG Landscape Architects and may nol be reproduced or u9ed for other projects wi1hout their perm1SSl9fl- I I CLIENT: NO DATE IS$U(Df0110P REVISION DESCRIPTION OR BLDG 1000 PROJECT: SHOPPING CENTRE 240TH STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC i I I I I I I I I I I I I ' \ /r ' -t-----<J,.Sfft 80Ul.E\IAAD SEE CML DESIGN 1-w w 0:: 1- (fJ 0 ~ N PLANT SCHEDULE . l'aG ftlOJO:"r MIIIS£1t: KE'I QIY BOT.ANJCA.L NAME COMIIONNAME Pl.ANTS) SIZE! RDIANlS "JREE ®e 21) ACER RUBRUM 'BOWHALL' COLUMNAR BOWHALL MAPLE 6CM CAL 2M STD; 8&8 ACfRAf.jS,WM'Ra;>SUi~ RED SUNSET MAPLE 5CM CA1..: 211 STD; e&S FAGUS SYLVATICA EUROPEAN BEECH 6CM CAL: 1 8M STD: e&8 $Q;, 1J PYRUS CAUERYANA 'CHANTICLEER' CHANTICLEER PEAR 6CN CAL 1,SM STD: B&B ~. '· THWA PUCATA 'EXCElSA' WESTERN RED CEDAR 2.5MHT;6&B © 252 euxus·,,ocFlOPHYUA ,.YIH'tERGW UTTlE-LEAF BOX '3POT;40CM © "' CORNUS SERJCEA 'KELSEYI' DWARF KELSEY DOGWOOD f2POT:50CM © 65 EUONYMUS ALATA 'COMPACTUS-COMPACT WINGED BURNING BUSH •JPOT;50CM ® 217 NANDINA DOMESTICA 'MOONBAY' DWARF HEAVENLY BAMBOO; t3POT; 50CM ® 45 SPIRAEA X JAPONICA 'LITTLE PRINCESS' UTTl.E PRINCESS SPIRAEA; PINK f2POT;40CM ~. , .. THUJA OCCIDENT AUS 'SMARAGO' EMERALD GREEN CEDAR 18MHT;e&B @) "' CAREX CARYOl;'HYLL£A 'THE eEAnes· BEATLES SEDGE •1 POT 0 400 JUNCUS PATENS 'CARMEN'S GRAY' CARMEN'S GRAY RUSH •1POT VI~ 240 PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIOES ·um.e BUNNY' DWARF FOUNTAIN GRASS 11'1 POT ~ 11T PARTHENOCISSUS QUINOUEFOLIA VIRGINIA CREEPER n POT; 60CM; STAKED ® 290 FRAGA RIA CHILOENSlS COASTAL STRA~RY fl POT;20CM NOTES: ~ PLANT SIZES IN THIS LIST ARE SPECIFIED ACCORDING TO THE CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD, LATEST EDmON CONTAINER SIZES SPECIFIED /1,S PER CNlA STANDARDS. BOTH PLANT SIZE ANO CONTAINER SIZE ARE THE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE SIZES • REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEF°INEO CONTAINER MEASUREMENTS AND 011-IER PLANT MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS. • SEARCH AND REVIEW: MAKE PLANT MATERIAL.AVAILABLE FOR OPTlOHAL REVTEW BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT SOURCE OF SUPPLY. AREA OF SEARCH TO INCLUDE LOWER MAINLAND ANO FRASER VALLEY. • SUBSTITUTIONS; OBTAIN WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO MAKING ANY' SUSSTrn.m<>NS TO TiiE SPECJFIEO MATI:RIAL UNAPPROVED SUBSTnUnONS W'lll BE A EJECTED AI..LOW A MINIMUM OF FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO DELIVERY FOR REQUEST TO SUB5TITUTE SUBSTITUTlONS ARE SUBJECT TO CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD -DEFINITION OF CONOITIONS OF AVAJL.ABIUTY. ALL LANOSCAPE MATERIAL ANO WORKIMNSHlP MUST MEET OR EXCEED CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD'S LATEST EDITION.ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIEO DISEASE FREE NURSERY 2MHT.$0UD WOOD Ff'JfCE-- EX GRADE VARIES SECTION C VINEON WIRE SCREEN BLDG, """'"" WIRESCR£(N BU>G. .,.,. atHT.SOLID WOOOFENCE SEAL: DRAWING TITLE: DATE: 17.FEB.10 LANDSCAPE PLAN SCALE: 1:250 DRAWN: DO DESIGN: MCY CHK'D: MCY DRAWING NUMBER: Ll PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 17026-1.ZIP OF4 17-026 C 141 CORNUS.seruceA ~ E 14 EUONYMUS AlATA 'COMPACTIJS' T 41 THWA OCCIOENTALIS 'SMARAGO' 0 144 CAREXCARYOPHVLLEA"THEBEATLES' X 24 PARTHENOCISSUS OUlNQUEFOLIA FC126 FRAGARIA CHILOENSIS ----------------- Suite C100 • 4185 Still Creek Ortve Burnaby, British Coklmbia, VSC 6G9 p: 604 29'!--0011 : r: 604 294-0022 @Copyright reserved. This drawing end design is lhe property of PMG Landscape ArdiitecLs and may not be reproduced or used for olher projed.s wilhaut U:tei" pem1ission. CLIENT: \ SHRUB LIST LEGEND \ ® BUXUS MICROPHYLLA 'WINTER GEM' \ ©© CORNUS SERICEA 'KELSEY\' \ EUONYMUS ALATA 'COMPACTUS' ® NANDINA DOMESTICA 'MOONBAY' @ SPIRAEA X JAPONICA 'LITTLE PRINCESS' ~ THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 'SMARAGD' ® CAR EX CARYOPHYU.EA THE BEATLES' 0 JUNCUS PATENS 'CARMEN'S GRAY' ----- ~NE PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIDES 'LITTLE BUNNY' 0 PARTHENOCISSUS QUINQUEFOLIA ./ GC ® FRAGARIA CHILOENSIS N • '20 HAND.l!ilA OOMESTJCA ~ r PE 21 PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIOES 'UTn.E BUNNY" BC132 euxus MICROPHYUA 'WINTER GEM' E 44 EUONYMUSAlATA'COMPACTUS' PE 12 PENNISETUM ALOPECUAOIDES 'LITTLE BUNNY' 0 0 ODDI BC 38 BUXUS MICROPH't'U.A WINTER GEM' SP 16 SPIRAEA X JAPONICA 'LITTLE PRINCESS" J 132 JUNCUS PATENS 'CARMEN'S GRAY' PE 22 PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIDES 'LITTLE BUNNY' BLDG 2000 BC 30 BUXUS MICROPHYLlA WINTER GEM' SP 13 SPIRAEA X JAPONICA 'UTTlE PRINCESS' J 138 JUNCUS PATEHS 'CARMEN'S GRAY' PE 26 PENNISET\JM ALOPECUROJDES 'llTl\.E. BUNNY' 1111111111 C SI CORNUS SERICEA 'KELSEYI' N 10 NANDINA DOMESTICA MOONBAY' PE 6 PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIOES 1.ITT\.E.WfiN't" FC 28 FRAGA.RIA CHILO EN SIS ----.P,~US"TO CIJM8 ON WIRE SCREEN • SEE MCA PLANS MATCHLINE NO_ DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION OR. H 81i<ER.<C><S PROJECT: SHOPPING CENTRE 240TH STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC ------------.---. ---r,~-\(!)· BC 26 BUX US MICROPHYUA WINTER GEM' C 37 CORNUS SERICEA i<ELSEYI' N 7 NANDINA DOMESTICA 'MOONBAV' ---• PE 31 PENNISET\JM ALOPECUROIDES 'LITn.E BUNNY' FC 89 FRAGARLA CHILOENSIS ~ ......... , ....... ,1111:1HU!1111,,1,11111111i11NiM~ SEAie ORAWINGTinE: LANDSCAPE SHRUB PLAN DATE: SCALE: DRAWN: 17,FEB,10 1"=10'-0" DO DESIGN: MCY CHK'O: MCY DRAWING NUMBER: 1-w w 0:: I-- Cf) L2 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 11026-lZIP OF4 17-026 -------------------- C 1~ ClORMJS SERlCl:A. ":K£LS!Vr E 12 EUONYMUSALATA'COMPACTUS' N 37 NANDlNA OOMESTICA 'MOONBAY' T 4'il nnJJA OCCIDENT ALIS 'SMARAGD' 0 190 CAREXCARYOPHYll£A'1ltEBEATlES- PE 18 PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIOES 'LITTLE flUtmV" X ◄2 PARTHENOCISSUS QUINQUEFOLIA Fe II FRAGARIA CHILOENSIS ------------ SHRUB LIST LEGEND BUXUS MICROPHYUA WINTER GEM' CORNUS SERICEA 'KELSEY!' EUONYMUS ALATA 'COMPACTUS' NANDINA DOMESTICA 'MOONBAY' SPIRAEA X JAPONICA 'LITTLE PRINCESS' THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 'SMARAGD' CAR EX CARYOPHYLLEA 'THE BEATLES' JUNCUS PATENS 'C.ARMEN'S GRAY' PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIDES 'LITTLE BUNNY' PARTHENOCISSUS QUJNQUEFOLIA ~ Suite C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, VSC 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 ~CopyrigMt........i, Tn~ dtwwf'llJ """de~n ii lho propafty~I PMG Undsape An;hil.ecu, ol)d m;,.y not be ra,p,oducad or u~ rcr ohir profodJ ~t IM~ permlsslon. CLIENT: MATCHLINE -----PAA.TMEHOC$SS\JS T0CUtJll ON WIRE SCREEN: SEE ARCH PLANS -----PAR1ltEHOQSSUS TO 0.JMB 0H WlftE SCRE£N.SEEAAq1PLANS =-a-----2"'1 HIGH woo□ FENCE '<f--------ACOUS11C F!flCI!! ON TOP OF RETAINING WALL SEE CIVIL PLANS I I I I I I• 1 2017FElll4 m,,Jf;,h)IIOf" NO. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION OR, H ACOUSTIC FENCE ON 'TOP 0, CONCRETE AETAINtt:CWAU PROJECT: SHOPPING CENTRE 240TH STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC BC 18 euxus MICROPHYLlA 'WINTER GEM' SP 16 SPIRAEA X JAPONICA 'LITTlE PRINCESS' :J 132 JUNCUS PATENS 'CARMEN'S GRAY' PE 18 PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIDES 'LITTLE BUNNY' FC 39 FRAGA RIA CH!LOENSIS BC 8 BUXUS M1CROPHYLLA 'WINTER GEM' PE C PENNISETIJM ALOPECUROIDES 1.ITilE SUNJl'Y SAWCUT CONCRETE IN FRO!IIT OF atHlDtNG BLDG 1000 -----J.---->u"l(lHWOOOl'l!J<CE SEAL: BC:a; BUXUS MlCROPHYL.lA WINTER GEM' C 37 CORNUS SERICEA 1<ELSEYf N 1 NANOINA OOMESTICA 'MOONBAY' PE31 PENNLSET\JM ALOPECUAOIDES 1.ITTlE BUNNY' FC 89 FRAGARIA CHILOENSIS DRAWING TITLE: LANDSCAPE SHRUB PLAN &IKERACKS DATE: SCALE: DRAWN: DESIGN: CHK'D: 17.FEB.10 DO MCV MCV DRAWING NUMBER: L3 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 17026-1.ZIP OF4 17-026 = I BIOSWALE GOOD NEIGHBOUR WOOD FENCE PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING ~ Suite C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f. 604 294-0022 ~Copyright reserved This drawing and design is the properfy of PMG LandscapeArchltech; and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission CLIENT: STORE FRONT SAW CUT CONCRETE BUILDING LIGHTS GARBAGE.ENCLOSURE NO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DR GARBAGE AND RECYCLE BIKE RACK PROJECT: SHOPPING CENTRE 240TH STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC WOOD FENCE WITH WOOD RETAINING WALL VINES ACOUSTICAL FENCE ON RETAINING WALL ACOUSTICAL FENCE SHRUBS SEAL: BLOCK RETAINING WALL EVERGREEN TREES CABLES FOR VINES VINES ON BUI LDING FLOWERING TREES DRA\JVING TITLE: INSPIRATION IMAGES DATE: 17,FEB,10 SCALE: DRAWN: DO DESIGN: MCY CHK'D: K Y DRAv-.llNG NUMBER· L4 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 17026-LZI? OF4 17--026 r { 2.0m CEDAR FENCE EXISTING GRACE \_ (V.ARIES)_i ------- 1.0tl! CEDAR FENCE P1t. RETAINING WALL L (Xcm~ GRADE , . ......., 11--~----,.,.,- CROSS SECTION A-A iCAl.b-tl1t.lOliCA.N'fs1,,AL 011:AJHM:E CROSS SECTION 8-8 SCALE:1:100HOR. NTSVERT. CROSS SECTION C-C K,,1,1;.bl,i'IIQQHC,JI..Ntj'-'U.J. LOT GRADING LEGEND D ~ D ~ ,@I) CONrnETE SURFACE ASPHALT PAVEMENT SURFACE AS PER GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANrs REQUIREMENTS PROPOSED BOULEVARO EXISTING GROIJNO SURFACE ELEVATION FINISHED SURFACE ELEVATION MEET EXISTING GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION SUflfACEA.OJi~Q'Tl,Cfl 11960(239S1) BCP 45642 8 11954(239 SI) BCP 45642 7 11948(239SI) BCP 45642 6 11942(239 SI) BCP 45642 5 11936(239 S1) BCP 45642 4 GAS METERS 11930(239SI) BCP 45642 3 LMP 18051 31 23943(119 Ave) 23992(1198 Ave) P 83677 6 23944(1198 Ave) P 83677 CRU2150 FD CONNECTION~ CRU2140 CRU2130 23957(119 Ave) 5 LMP 18051 33 23971(119~ve) LMP 18051 34 23983(119 Ave) SE \ I fl • I ~ I 11951(240SI) L P 7528 S1/2 OF B I \ 3 I I- I w IC w a: I- I (/) I s \ I N ~ ::;; UJ a: "' co "' I'-I a.. I ~ l u I • I I I .'g ,f-,,-,,-----------------.--,------rs-:::=---==-===--==--=-;-=--,=.~=c--=;,--=----::---::---,-~-c---:-,---:---.----;-:---------:=---.,..--,---,--,-----e---.,---------.-,-----,-----,------,...rr;w-n.:"&Tc7m=:------e .. ALL ELEvAnoNs ARE GEDDrnc AND REFER 10 N_o. 0-.&.TE REVISIONS,~ ;!I.BMIS_s101,ls -·ENGINEER" -..,... <::UE~ -' SEll,J -PRELIMINARY LOT GRADING BTR BTR i ~i SURVEYMONUMENTNUMBER:97H2155 1-',-+~....:--+--'-'-'----'----'--"""'---"-'"-----'-----+-----------------------+--------.......;:.:.... ______ --i __ ,;_ __________ ~ ___ _:,_ ____ -+-'--'---=-;...;;,.....;::=._+='--==-==========----- ~ a LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION oF, 236TH STREET AND 116TH AVENUE f-'::'-+-----+-----------------------; g Core Concept PLATFORM PROPERnes LTo. PRoPosrn SHOPPING CENTRE ~ AND HAVING ELEVATION OF: <3,78◄m CONSULTING LTD. · •-, ._ g l:--+--------------------+.-'l:'--t-----+------------------------1 #220_2639 Viking Way. Riclunoud. BC. 900-1200 WEST 73RD AVENUE 'SITE;A·DDRE5S KOS ci ~ RF .... :J f '< VGV 387 VANCOUVER, BC V6P 6G5 11939 } :g 1 i• FEB 2011 FOR DP SU!IMISSIO!l lei, G04 249 5040 fax, G04,Z49 3041 TEL: 604_563_5000 240 ST MA IDG BC Ltl.-".1_ ____________________ .....1. ...... .._L-'~~·~rr~•~~="'---'--ro~•~COORO==-M-•llOl<=-.......,,,==;;_ ______________ _,_ ____ .,,,,.,_ ....... z_..,._~-~-•~l""'_w_,_,1,_J._.~,.,-" ____ _._ ________________ _._ _______ R_E_E_T_, __ P_L_E_R __ E_, _____ _._ ________ ___..~!!R<Qrillill!iii'!!illM!~nJ~2Yltffi1rnfill:ili~~::'.:} ,sa STORM WATER DETENTION TOTAL SHE AREA • 9,-450 m• PARKING LOT AREA • 5,487 m• BUIL□ING 1000 AREA ::a 909 m• BUILOIN(i 2000 AREA -1950 m1 SIOEW.AJ..K AND LANDSCAPE AAE.t. -1,104 m' lHEREFORE TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA • 8,346 m2 M • .\.R. • 65 mm MB ,. -itp IRAJf Oft erusr Ml .(if y r' A BIOSWALE VOLUME REQUIRED .. i X M,A,R, X TOTAL IMPER\JIOUS AREA • ¼ X J2.5 mm X 8,346 m' .. 2712 m' ASSUMING A POROSITY OF 0.40 FOR THE 25 mm ROUNDED DRAIN ROCK VOLUME PROV1DEO IS AS FOLLOWS: NORTI-t SIOSWAL.E • 1 Ofi J m' CENTRAL BIOSWALE • 112.S m• SOJlH BIOSWALE -89 9 m' TOTAL BIOSWAL..E VOLUME AVAILABLE .,. 308 7 m1 :nt8 S -f'ft11',t Il!f '91-IOM U ,ti f! TO Arpt,c[ f<>ST-Of\ftopyEHI s,•il'Qff DElENTIOH VOLUME REQUIRED TO REDUCE 1: 2 'r'EAR POST-DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF TO 2 YEAR WOODLAND FLOW • 65.4 m '<TIER A REFER TO CALCULATIONS ON NEXT PAGE FOR DETAILS 11Elt...C· MtNQB SXSD'Y -FfCUCC P:PSJ-Ql'\£HlfVfNJ ffl!ttOa: [PIN 1·10 ItM $WHM OElENTION REQUIRED TO REDUCE 1:10 YEAR POST-DEVELOPMENT RUNOFT TO 2 'YEAR WOODLAND FLOW -200.5 m '<TIER A - REFER TO CALCULATIONS ON NEXT PAGE f'OR DETAILS l!ER. c M,e,,tQR snlfu -ArrAY®""rr MQQ n:,., now 19 PBt'<'friI f12PP!K11 DETENTION REQUIRED TO ACCOMOOATE 1:100 YEAR POS1-0Ev£LOPMENT STORM FlOOOING = 602.8 m' REFER TO CAL CUL.A TIONS ON NEXT PACE FOR DETAILS AVAJV,IIL.EDCIIJ'l'ltOfl -BIOSWAI.ES • 308 7 m' -PIPING & MAHHOl£S -19.1 m1 -BU1lD1NG 1000 ROOf "" 22.7 m' -BUILDING 2000 ROOF' -48,7 m' -PARKING LOT• ~JJO m' TOTAL AVAILABLE DETENTION • 729,2 m' PLEASE NOTE THAT OIL AND CRIT FROM TI-iE RUNOFF 'Mll BE CAPTURED AND REMOVED BY FILTERING 11-lROUCH TI--IE BIOSWAlES BIOSWALE DETAIL 11960(239S1} BCP 45642 8 11948(239 SI) BCP 45642 6 23992(1198 Ave) P 83677 6 All..- 1 l=~~"!"" ... ,m•I 11942(239 St) BCP 45642 5 ~ CRU 2150 11918(239 SI} SCP 45642 1 \ LMP 18051 31 23943{119 Ave) CRU 2130 CRU2120 CRU 2110 P\JJJ.P ~A"IIOti 1,,1H FW•5503 ti. INV. • TBO W. INV. • 53,11 C. .tv. -$1J! 23944(1198 Ave) P 83677 5 LMP 18051 33 23971(119 Ave) n I LMP 18051 34 23983(119 Ave) 11951(240SI) P7528 S1/2OFB 11913(240 $1) LMP 18051 35 l I I CRU 1170 • • iJ - . • I-w I w er: I- I 0 Cf) \ I • I I N l :,;::. o,W ::: a: ~ &l ::~ a.. • I I ~ I I 0 .. I . I I I -'~ sm . TQ.RAWIN5i QAAYit em NU!AB.ER-C2 ·-O<EC>«£' KOS • 110,RiSC"l)U 1:250 & -~-, RF VER.SCU.t.E,. NA OYA PIINT ::J TIERTG1MIN0R SYSTEM'ST8RM WATER DEIENTIONfCAL:CULArn<:>NS Plalbrm Properties 1J93!:f240ih Str-eef ~ . 10-y, Po&I DcliC~erlt Re!CilSC Ra1e vs: 2:yr PrC-d~I-0l_)fflcii1 ~ Ra1c Febiua,i1o, 20fr·-·------------··---·-·-. .. ·---------·-·· --.••• - Golden Ears Elementary th:r PQGldl'-t-lopfflfnl: par■m1t1nc R(Rwd!CoolU 0-70 A(No) O.M514 N 0,00278 ~r-· 1lntemitt PHk'.}"OfttM ,1--'-.:0..!.. • --:1,i s &2.! 7 .. -..i lO ~-· .., Z4.8 ,,,, 11.li S8Q 10.3 no , .• o.ou.~ .... 53 0,0tol8 ~,(mm/hr) ~,• RAIN (m'I,) rn"O#:~~ "'1.5 115• 122.0 11'4 .. .f 249.1 418.S 827.3 ..... nlPUlilM O,ICI 0.9'5 Ha o.oom 5.00 20.SD 0,13 o.o, 1.7 6.7 ~ ~•ta•.•tt! lm'1"i • 0.01103 001103 0,01103 0.0110) 0.0110) 0,01103 0.01100 0.011DJ Gnlwlt~Lot (lua\1.;;i .... """" l,3 u 19.9 39,7 ,.,, ll!U ,1a.1 "53.3 OETI:HnON VOl~ • •1o~r;J,-::~ ◄5,2 7SJi ,ou 1:M.I 16~.7 200.6 fS0.1 2ll0.S Pl,,tmnp,_lin 1lll'3St240lhS~ 160'22 =Loc:1111r:r.on. P-ro;telNo.: 1'\'l>OolA-: 2.Y, Pc»a ~Mt RcaM-Ro1C Vs. 2..yr Woodland Release Rate Oa1edAnN)'l,is: ,..,...,.,o,:ion ................. . IOFOJMu,ed: Golotn EM es.mera.y ,'1.'ft Po« dn••lopment ~anmtUI r&: R(-Cod.) O.TS A (tgJ 0.945 Ha N 0,00278 2,yr-Pr:,-dt'l'tl opmenl P•fllmtllHC R(lu1aaf('.r,o,q 0.,0 "' (ha) 0.00 lb N G.00718 T(l,,ln) To(l,\ln) i,,.(mm/h,) D.1,t= RAN g,n·1to) 5.00 2UO 0.13 ~.01 t7 6.1 ◄2.0 0,01103. Woodland Flow [i="" TIER G MAJOR:SYSTEM STORM,WA:rER'DETI:lifTlOf.i"OALCUlllAOONS.~ Client: Pia~ Propetiis ~~~L~lion: 13939 24oth Slreet P,oj,ol~.:. 16022 , .•. ------. Type of Analysis: ·10.yr P_oot ~Jo~~nt Release Rate Vs: 2-yr P.re-~opm~! Re:tease ~le ~~t~y~;_ Felwaly 10, 201!_ IDF Cme Used: Golden Ears Elementary 10!!:f!" P9!!! 9:!V•!nmtnr.·~~rUM .. 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L-CElENTION VOLUM'E • &al.I j1- 1 ~::--:r-A-ll-EL-Ev_A_r1-o-Ns_A_R_E_GE_o_D_ET_,c_A_N_D-RE-F-ER_ro ______ 'l"-:'.t\l:-o.::-. .---::o-=-A=1E;::_=-r---?-"'-;-::-,R='=e"'v::;-1s::;1=:o;,,;N-::s''.;=su;E'.B:-M:;;~~,ss=:;_ -::,o::'ij!;;.;:-s--;·=·=--==--r.=-7.....,=· -:::;--;;::~--,E:-N:-G=-,-,111-::e-::e=-R--::-~,-· -_-,..,..,...,.,-,-----:---e-u_E_N-::1~----,----.-------__ -p-_R_o..,.J_E_CT ______________ s_eA-L-,.---..-----,-"""_,...,.,,.....-n,.,,,.,,,.,.,,.....,E,,..._-: ------l E ~ SURVEYMONUMENTNUMBER:97H2155 t~;:~===~===~==t::::::::::::::~====~~~======~~==~=::::::::::::jf------"-.:......::.....::.. ________ +-______ ..:.:=.:,:.:.:, _______ +-------~C:..:::.:::.::.:.==-_:=--==-....:::i=--=:::..=:.2::..-1~=--4=:.-=::_..:.==.!~:!!!!!2~~~!'!!,!~:!!.:,-----~ i .O' LOCATED ATTHE INTERSECTION OF, 236TH STREET AND 116TH AVENUE ~ CoreConcept PLATFORM PROPERTIES LTD. PROPOSED SHOPPING CENTRE sToRM wATER DETENTION DETA1Ls " ~-ANDHAVl~GELEVATIONOF: <3.784m· CONSULTING LTD. ~ 1--1----------------------+-',,>-!-----+------------------------I #ZZO-ZG39 Viking Way. Richmond, BC. f ~ VGV 3B7 } &l :, FED :zo,7 FOR OP SU8"4ISSION t,l, G04...Z49 5040 f.t."t, G04 249,5041 L f .. -10 FE9 19i1 FOR COORDINATION PURPOSES W'lltW'.i:m-Moot:.,Jl'COnwl.lli~vm 900-1200 WEST 73RD AVENUE VANCOUVER. BC V6P 6G5 TEL: 604-563-5000 ' SITE·ADDRESS ·-. -~ .. __ _ C3 11939 240 STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, BC I~ • mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: FILE NO: Advisory Design Panel 2016-336-DP MEETING DATE: June 13, 2017 SUBJECT: 11300 & 11250 240 Street PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel (the "ADP") submission has been received for the above cited application and properties) to permit the construction of 5 single family homes and a townhouse development with 54 units/square metres. The rezoning application being processed in conjunction with this proposal was given First Reading by Council on October 17, 2016. This rezoning application is accompanied by an Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment to adjust the conservation boundary around Seigel Creek. This site is subject to being re-zoned to R-2 Urban Residential District and RM-1 Townhouse Residential to accommodate the proposal. The development permit application made to the City is subject to Section 8.7 Multi-Family Development Permit. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: ·Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South:· Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Gipe Homes Inc. Lot: 1, Section: 15, Township: 12, Plan: NWP22347 & Lot: 2, Section: 15, Township: 12, Plan: NWP22347 MRES (Medium Density Residential), CONSRV (Conservation) Medium Density Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential), R-2 (Urban Residential District) Urban Residential R-1 (Residential District) Medium Density Residential (Albion Area Plan) Vacant RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Low Density Residef!tial, Medium Density Residential, and Conservation (Albion Area Plan) Vacant RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, and Conservation (Albion Area Plan). Townhouse Residential RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Page 1 of 4 I Designation: Urban Residential Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Vacant urban residential . 0.778 HA. (2 acres) 240th Street Urban Standard The development permit application made to the City prompting this submission to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.7 Multi~Family Development Permit. Key Guidelines: The following is a brief description 'and assessment of the proposal's compliance with the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. Combined design initiatives including utilizing the natural grade, private landscaped yards, and siting of buildings foster privacy and continuity in building design. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. The maximum height of the proposed RM-1 Townhouse Residential District is 11 metres, which is the same as all single family zones. In addition, the proposed R-2 Urban Residential District single family units to the north of this townhouse will provide a transition of compact single family housing, bridging between lower density R-1 Residential District further north and the proposed townhouse site south. 3. Large .scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. The proposed development is clustered into separate buildings to provide an attractive neighbourhood feel. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through laT>dscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. Private landscaped yards, parking garages, and architectural features emphasizing individual entries, and the different materials used will provide visual interest in the landscape. Design Guidelines: The Design Guidelines and a full explanation of how the project complies with them or the reasons why they are not applicable are attached in Appendix,;: to this memo. Page 2 of4 PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: The proposed layout involves 54 units in 12 separate buildings located in the centre a_nd periphery of the site to provide enclosure. The central units are situated back to back offering landscaped areas and pedestrian pathways between them. All units front onto the strata road. Materials used include brick, hardie, and board and batten. 2. Context: The 240th corridor is developing as a multi-family area, and this proposal is consistent with this emerging area. 3. OCP and Zoning Compliance: The subject site is designated Medium Density Residential. The proposal complies with the designation. The Conservation designation of the subject site is being adjusted to reflect ground-truthing. The subject site is proposed to be zoned RM-1 Townhouse Residential and Development Data Sheet (Appendix F) analyses the compliance of the project with the applicable zone regulations. The proposal has a density (Floor Space Ratio) _of 0.75 which complies with the maximum density of 0.75 with density bonus provisions in place in accordance with the Albion Area Plan. The following variances will be required: • Front yard setback from 7.5 to 4.5 metres • Rear yard setback from 7.5 to 5.0 metre? • Side yard setback (north side) from 7.5 to 4.0 metres • Side yard setback (south side) from 7.5 to 6.0 metres 4. Parking and bicycle storage: Bicycle storage will be individual responsibility in the private garage space. No tandem stalls are proposed, and required parking spaces will be accommodated with this proposal. 5. Environmental, Sustainability & ~tormwater Management: The required 3 tier approach to stormwater management will be met with this proposal. 6. Issues requiring comments from ADP: Architectural details and landscape design. 7. Garbage/Recycling: Garbage will be the responsibility of each tenant. 8. Works along abutting roads: Include hew curb, gutter, sidewalk, new sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer connections; street lighting; street trees on all frontages; under-ground wiring for utility services to be under- ground. Requirements include road widening along 240th to an arterial standard and to create a left turning lane for ·112 Avenue south of the site. A multi-purpose trail is required along 240th street. Street lighting, street trees, underground wiring, and a new watermain will be required. Page 3 of4 ,,,.-------... r 9. Off Site Upgrades, Utilities and Services: Existing sewer is adequate. Storm drainage proposal will require provincial approval. CONCLUSION: This proposal for a multi-family development complies with the land use designation in the Official Community Plan and is supportable. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Preparedb_y:Diana Hall M.A, (Planning), MCIP, RPP Planner 2 The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject map Architect submission: Appendix B Explanatory letter from Architect (and Landscape Architect if applicable) Appendix C ADP Submission Form Appendix C ADP Applicant Checklist (signed by Architect) Appendix D Development Data Sheet (signed by Architect) Appendix E DP Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix F Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 4 of 4 11410 11402 I d ! KANAKAWAY .... ~ &l "'"' C "' ... 0, C, 0, 0, ~ ~ ~ ~~ 111AAVE. "' ~ "' "' g "' "' "' 0, 0, ~ l:J "' "' "' "' N Scale: 1 :2,500 11363 ......... f-' U) 0 1,:j -------,,,,, 11394 11382 13i6 11372 11362 11356 11350 11336 11328 11316 11310 11302 11360 ,._, U) ~ 113AAVE. <'si 11333 11340 I ~ I· SUBJECT PROPERTIES I i;, r(.~ 11166 11156 11146 11:!S 11305 11225 11189 I 11183 ] 11177 11173 I 11167 I I 11163 11159 I 11155 I Legend -Stream I I I I I i .. I 11300 1250 I 11184 .., _______ _ ---Ditch Centreline Edge of Marsh Indefinite Creek ~ Marsh 112AVE. --- 11250 & 11300 240 STREET PLANNING DEPARTMENT l~littl1W FILE: 2016-336-DP DATE: Mar 17, 2017 maple ridge.ca BY:PC May 18, 2017 City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge BC, V2X 6A9 Attention: Advisory Design Panel Member Re: 2016-336-RZ I Advisory Design Panel Submission A tradition of qw:dity and value Please find enclosed a submission package for the above referenced application to be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel. Each package includes the following items (in order): 1. ADP Submission Request Form 2. Development Rationale Statement 3. ADP Submission Checklist 4. Development Data Sheet 5. Multi Family DP Area Guidelines Checklist 6. Supporting Materials: a. Environmental Impact Assessment prepared by Phoenix Environmental b. Arborist Report prepared by Michael J Mills Consulting c. Geotechnical Report prepared by Valley Geotechnical d. Traffic Impact Assessment prepared by CTS e. Storm-water and Rainwater Management Strategy prepared by Aplin & Martin 7. Servicing Concept Plans prepared by Aplin & Martin 8. Architectural Plans prepared by Formwerks Architecture 9. Landscape Plans prepared by Durante Kreuk Inc. 10. Topographic/Tree Survey and Subdivsion Plan prepared by Terra Pacific Surveying I trust the above and enclosed to be in order. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Kind Regards, EPIC HOMES Cole Lambert 201 -20050 Stewart Crescent, Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 0T4 I www.epichomes.info I 604-465-6886 ,~ MAPLE RIDGE ---- British Co umbta '----mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: Name of Applicant Cipe Homes Inc. 2016-336 -RZ File number Address of site 11250 & 11300 240 Street Current Zone RS 3 Proposed Zone _R_M_-1 ___ _ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date June 13, 2017 Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect Jim Bussey -Formwerks Architecturce Landscape Architect Alexa Gonzalez -Durante Kreuk Ltd. Other Professional (State Name & Role) David Laird -Alpin Martin (Civil) Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -all schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 A tradition of quality and valw:. DESIGN RATIONALE STATEMENT 2016-336-RZ I 11300 & 11250 240th Street I Advisory Design Panel Submission Site Description and Proposal The proposed site is an assembly of two properties located on the northwest quadrant of the Albion Area plan, just north of the 11ith Avenue and 240th Street intersection in Maple Ridge, BC. The combined gross acreage is 1.99 hectares with 130m of frontage along 240th street. The site is gradually sloping from north to south and west to east, with a tributary to Siegel Creek traversing the _pro_perty along the eastern most boundaries. The properties are currently zoned RS-3 and are proposed for Medium Density Residential in the Albion Area Plan. The land use designation "allows for a range of housing styles and densities, including smaller lot single detached housing, town housing, and duplex dwelling units," with Conservation adjacent to Seigel Creek. The plan provides a long-range indication as to how the lands can be expected to develop. The Albion Zoning Matrix allows for R-1, R-2, R-3, RM-1 and RMH zones. The site plan prepared is proposing R-2 Urban Residential and RM-1 townhouse residential. The R-2 lots are intended to provide a buffer that will help transition density from the low-density CD and R-1 lots to the north and the proposed medium density RM-1 townhouse site to the south. The townhouse lot will consist of 12 multi-family buildings comprising 54 units. Development Permit Compliance Formwerks Architecture has completed the Development Permit Area Guidelines to emphasize the project's compliance with the City's Form and Character Guidelines. Key concepts include integrating the design into the existing neighborhood, transitioning from the single-family densities to the north, and emphasizing pedestrian circulation in an attempt to foster a sense of community. Home Design The community is designed as an affordable alternative for young families with a varied mix of three and four bedroom family units. This helps to complement the needs of an expanding local community while addressing the affordability concerns inherent in an area dominated by low-density single- famity residences. The units vary in size from a 125 sq.m. three bedroom unit to a 186.5 sq.m. four 201 -20050 Stewart Crescent, Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 0T4 I www.epichomes.info I 604-465-6886 bedroom unit backing onto the riparian habitat. The majority of the units are designed with a double car garage to meet the needs of a growing family in a suburban environment. All main floors provide an open-living concept ideal for hosting guests or coordinating the daily activities of a bustling family. Moreover, each unit features either a generous porch or steps down to hospitable patio at grade. Community Space The creation of a community starts with providing the basic requirements for shelter and is complete when there are open and collaborative spaces that foster engagement, gathering and social activity amongst neighbors. This community features a linear trail network that fosters a walk able and active neighborhood, where residents can enjoy the natural environment right outside their doorstep. The trail system is designed around meandering bio swales that helps to regenerate rainwater. The riparian environment is emphasized with bridges spanning the bio-swale, large natural boulders, balancing timber logs, and carefully selected deciduous and coniferous trees dotting the created environment. This mews area is accessed by a combination of front entries and rear decks creating a dynamic and interactive ambience. The outdoor space is designed around multiple gathering spaces that provide an opportunity for _people of all ages to socialize. Children can enjoy their choice of a tot lot or grassy expanse while their parents take advantage of the numerous benches for socializing, resting, or catching up on some reading. For social gatherings or special occasions, a picnic area featuring a log table and chairs is the focal point for one of the many trail heads. Meanwhile, for the adult crowd, a courtyard has been integrated at one end of the trail network with multiple benches oriented to take advantage of the late afternoon sun. Architecture The architectural design is a combination of Colonial Georgian and English Tudor that is evidenced through the use of brick, wood trim, and wooden columns painted in light colors. The architectural style suits the massing of a townhouse structure that is naturally box-shaped in design. The an::hit-ectural elements include brick elements, wooden shutters, board and baton bay windows, roof dormers and decorative chimney caps. With brick and the natural environment as a contrast, the light color scheme provides a striking appearance that is richly themed and uniform. Finished materials include brick, painted horizontal fiber cement, painted board and batten, and vinyl siding accompanied by extensive wood detailing. Articulation is achieved through bays of varying depths and configurations that Hmit the need to add extraneous ornamentation that would conflict with the simplicity and continuity of the singular color scheme. The sloping nature of the site provided further opportunity to create a variety in building form and architectural detail. The site features a prominent mix of building elevation's and massing through a variety of three-storey units, two-storey units with walkout basements, three storey units with main floors that walk-out onto the community mews and even a conventional duplex unit. finally, to avoid a repetitive faqade, the buildings have been designed to incorporate stepping, bump- outs and bay windows that add dynamism to the exterior theme. 201 -20050 Stewart Crescent, Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 0T4 I www.epichomes.info I 604-465-6886 r" \ Natural Features and Environmental Sustainability This proposal includes the dedication of 1.8 acres of riparian area surrounding the tributary to Seigal Creek. The retained conservation space will help to ensure the fish-bearing watercourse and wildlife habitat are conserved, protected and enhanced. The initiatives include replanting the conservation area above the top of bank to restore the previously farmed area to its natural habitat with an extensive replacement-planting plan. There are also plans to work with the DFO to remove a culvert that was installed by the pre-existing farm and has decayed in recent years. Finally, the development will incorporate bio-swales throughout the community in an attempt to control rainfall discharge and encourage bio-filtration. Storm Water / Rajnwater Management Strategy Aplin and Martin Consultants Ltd. designed the Storm Water Management Plan that meets and exceeds the GVRD and DFO Guidelines for water velocity, quality and quantity. The 3 Tier Approach employed is part of the Storm water Planning Guidebook for British Columbia as issued by the Province with the GVRD and Maple Ridge being some of the sponsors. A complete description of the proposed system is included in a report from Aplin and Martin. Amenity Zoning Provisions The project intends to utilize the Albion Area Amenity Zoning provisions in an effort to improve the affordability for future homeowners. The provision is a great opportunity to help spread the fixed cost of raw land and municipal services over a greater number of units helping to reduce the total purchase price to cash-strapped young families trying to purchase their first home. 201 -20050 Stewart Crescent, Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 0T4 I www.epichomes.info I 604-465-6886 [~,,,,. ADP Submission Checklist mapleridge.ca Application No. 2..0{\o-3 ~lb·· R2. FlleManager...,Q ...... ~_c::-~ ___ \ ___ :-'5..._c-......._ __ \ ...... \ __ This checklist Is being provided to you by your FIie Manager, to assist In preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel. Please refer to the ADP Submission Form and the ADP Regulrements Brochure for submission requirements In terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting Information and splcltkatlons on size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions to the FIie Manager or he Planning Liaison to the ADP. Project Architect C --------------Print name Submission Requlr Submission Materials A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed b Architect) B. Covering letter Including explanations about: 1. Project descrlpllon/analysls (Detailed Information Required) 2. Design rationale (Detalled Information Required) 3. Statement In brief about the following: 1--- a. DP Key Concepts Compliance b. DP Guideline Compliance c. 3-tl~r stormwater management strategy d. Pubiic Art/ Amenities, etc. e. Sustainability practices ------ f. Other C. Site and Neighbourhood Context 1. Context Plan -Existing/proposed buildings and trees, vegetation, roads, el(fst1ng / proposed grading, and other major features within the site, on the abutting properties and along the road allowances/ lanes. 2. Photog~phs of site and surroundings. D. Development Permit Area Checklist (Note: The Architect Is responsible to describe how the project complies with each guidelines, or If not applicable, a description of why not applicable~ Please use fillable forms on line.) oe,/ l9 lzo Date aty of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist E. Archltedural Plans {Site and Bulldlns(s)): F. G. H. 1. Site Plan and layout 2. Site sections 3. Streetscape elevation 4. Streetscape elevatlons with landscaping and boulevard trees superimposed S. Shadow analysts 6. lighting analysis (on building and on site) 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and roof tops 8. Waste collection /recycling {Inside of buildings) 9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside) 10. Building elevation (all sides) 11. Slgnage (attached to building and free standing) 12. Colours and materials 13. Material board 14. Building sections 15. 30 renderings of the site and/or bulldlng(s) with associated landscaplng Landscaping Plans: 1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting detalls 2. Landscaping details, Including locations for public art, slgnage, lighting, play and other amenity areas 3. Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures) 4. Details for pedestrian and amenity features being provided 5. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns 6. Tree retention and management plan 7. Site sections to show lot grading, drainage, landscaping and relationship to adjacent grades/ Oty boulevards/ lanes 8. Preliminary storm water management plan (Note: This plan must have been accepted by the Environmental Planner) 9. Pedestrian, blcyde, equestrian path Interconnections Green Bullding/Sustalnabllity Initiatives Other Rev. October 14, 2015 (Page 2) ~-.::~--~~-.~. ·~. ~~ ... ,._. ..:. ~;-· :"-· --:...... .. 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DENSITY ft of units/ha (gross) . 53.72 ft of units/ha (net) . 53.72 Gross Floor Area -9,800 Floor Space Ratio (net) -0.75 AMENITY SPACE (area In square metres} Common Activity Area 2.415 - Useable Open Space 270 2,829 PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses 119 119 Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) -- Multi-ResidentialTown Centre (1 Bdr Units) -- Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) . - Commercial Uses -- Educational & Assembly Uses -- Institutional Use . - Industrial Use -- Business Park Uses . - Comprehensive . - Total Number of Parking Spaces for Uses 119 119 Number of parking spaces for disabled 2 2 Number of spaces for visitors 11 11 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES 119 119 Number and percentage small cars 11 (10%) 3 (2.5%) Number and percentage tandem spaces -- TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) NIA NIA BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking . - Long Term Bicycle Parking . - OTHER -state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site INO I Tree Survey/Assessment Provided IYES Watercourse/Steep Slopes Ives I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements INO I hereby certify that all the above information is true arid correc . I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and n e Development and Environmental Services Department. Prepared by: James Bussey Print Name (Pleas NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner gent (applicant) for Developmen Application. r 1. 2. ,~,--mapleridge.ca Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan, multi-family developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed gu idelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Th is checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. 8.7.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies New development into established areas Setbacks have been provided with landscaped yards to should respect private spaces, and help with privacy. Buildings have been designed to limit incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, the number of units that would overlook neighbouring architectural features and massing. residential properties. Massing provided is appropriate for the density allowed. Buildings have been carefully stepped to follow the natural grading of the site, which also helps to not overpower the neighbouring properties. Transitional development should be used Development addresses the sloped site by stepping the to bridge areas of low and high densities, buildings as to not overpower neighbouring properties through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented of 2-2.5 storeys in height. The massing of the new housing located to the periphery of a development will be respectful of existing and future higher density developments. residential developments planned north of the site. See proposed streetscapes. 1 I Key Guideline Concepts (Continued) 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural Buildings have been sited to created an attractive separation to foster a sense of streetscape, as well as providing clusters of buildings community, and improve visual on site which allow for pockets of greenery and attractiveness. landscaped spaces. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes Development providing an attractive streetscape using attained through landscaping, street fronting buildings with individual unit entries and architectural details, appropriate lighting landscaped front yards. The use of different materials and by directing parking underground such as brick, hardie, and board and batten will add ' where possible or away from public view visual in_terest to those passing by the site. Parking is through screened parking structures or located internally on the site, with most parking being surface parking located to the rear of the located within private garages. property. Guidelines 8.7.1 A Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Building Design, Massing and Siting listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Design and siting of buildings should take advantage of natural features or views The design and siting of buildings address the natural and should enhance privacy and slope of the site, as well as providing appropriate livability. setback from the Park to the east. 2. Residential buildings should front or appear to front onto public roads The three buildings fronting 240th Street have direct through the use of appropriate pedestrian access to ground level unit entries off of the treatment of exteriors, through direct s!reet. ~treet fronting buildings have been designed to pedestrian access to individual units from d1fferent1ate the facades through use of materials such the public street/sidewalk, or through as bric~, har~ie an_d board and batten, emphasizing the provision of pedestrian walkways b~ys with un!t ent_nes. Bu_ildings have designed to step linked to the street. Street frontages w1t_h the sl?ping site creating respectful massing for the should be emphasized by incorporating neighbouring community. differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades, with a minimum two storey facade on the fronting street to foster a human scale. Buildings that are designed with an end wall or unit adjacent to a public street should design the end unit with the pedestrian entry facing the street. At significant intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets and incorporate corner cuts. 2 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 3. Higher density dwellings should be sited Development sited with access off of 240th Street as to adjacent to major streets in order to not impact the neighbouring residential community. minimize access problems and to provide a transition to lower density uses. 4. Multi-family developments adjacent to The massing of the buildings is appropriate for the allowable lower density or single detached density. The sloped nature of the site helps the residential dwellings should: neighbouring single detached residential to not be a) be consistent in form and massing with overpowered by the development. the surrounding area; b) be sited adjacent to major streets to The development will be fronting 240th street with vehicle provide a transition to lower density access off the street through the site entrance. uses; c) concentrate density to the centre of the the Larger buildings on site have been located either along development or towards a non-the street or toward the centre of the site, while smaller residential boundary and locate lower buildings have been laid toward the side yards. density components adjacent to lower density residential uses; Setbacks have been provided with landscaped yards to help d) create a transition in building mass and with privacy. form towards the setbacks of the adjacent neighbourhood; Buildings have been designed to limit the number of units e) minimize access conflicts; that would overlook neibhouring residential properties. f) be designed to maximize privacy and Access to the site is provided oft of 240th Street as to not minimize views onto adjoining sites, particularly for portions of the intrude on the neighbouring residential communities. development abutting the side yards of adjacent single detached residential uses. S. Larger buildings, roof forms and building Buildings have been designed to provide variation frontages should include design within the facades through use of different materials and elements and features to: a) provide variation in the facades to help roof forms. By accenting key features like bays, this reduce the visual length of individual helps to provide unit identity. buildings; b) have the appearance of a series of smaller buildings, or as identifiable parts of a larger concept; and c) incorporate components that express strong unit identity and incorporate direct access to grade for ground-floor units. 3 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 6. New multi-family developments should use design themes, architectural Articulation of the facades through use of bays, features and elements of the recesses, chimneys, etc. have been used to provide surrounding neighbourhood by stronger ties to the surrounding neighbourhood. incorporating common elements such as Doors and windows have been designed to provide form, scale, massing and proportion into the design as a means to reinforce sufficient light and access for the new units, while still neighbourhood stability. Examples being respectful to the neighbourhood. include: a) the articulation of facades, using where Garages and parking have been located internally on appropriate, elements such as porches, the site, as to be less visible from surrounding streets chimneys, projections, recesses, and and neighbours. balconies; b) the placement, size, shape and number Roofs have been designed to be architecturally of doors and windows; appropriate for the buildings. c) the location and visual appearance of garages and/or parking facilities; Care and attention was put into the design of both hard d) the selection of appropriate and and soft landscaping for the site. compatible roof forms; and e) the design of hard and soft landscaping. 7. The exposed undersides of balconies and porches that are visible from a street or The site has been designed so balconies are not public walkway should be covered with directly visible from 240th Street. exterior finishes to provide a finished appearance to public view. 8. Developments are encouraged to use the Leadership in Energy and Swales are being utilized to redirect water. See Civil Environmental Design (LEEDS) standards Plans. in the design of buildings. Techniques such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, separation of impervious surfaces, installing below surface infiltration beds and tree box filters, and redirecting water from drain pipes into vegetated areas are encouraged. 9. Variation in individual unit designs is encouraged to provide visual interest Buildings have been designed to provide variation and avoid significant repetition either within the facades to promote unit identity through use within a row of townhouses, or between of different materials and roof forms. Colour scheme adjacent rows of units. has also been used to help differentiate between buildings. 4 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 10. Garage doors should not face public Garage doors are not facing public streets. streets. Where front facing garage doors are unavoidable, the impact of garage Attention has been taken to designing units with either doors on the public realm should be mitigated by: attractive ground level mews entries, or providing a) designing residential units with enough entries between garages. width to include attractive entrances and windows between garages; Garage facades are broken up either by recessing b) recessing garage doors behind the main garage doors, or by providing entry doors between building fa~ade; garages. c) keeping a sufficient width in residential units to allow the creation of attractive Units have been designed so that living spaces entrances and fenestration between overlook either the main street, or internal roads. garages. d) grouping garage doors in pairs between Units fronting 240th street provided with ground level adjacent units to allow building street fronting unit entries, with landscaped yards and entrances and facades more prominence path connections to the street. on the street; e) providing interior spaces that overlook Landscape plans have been provided, however, garage the street; doors will not be directly visible from the street. f) separating and orienting unit entrances to the street; g) providing individual pedestrian walkways linked to the street; h) including design details such as transom windows or glazing in garage doors; i) a comprehensive landscape plan that identifies how the visual impact of garage doors from the street will be mitigated. 11. Landscaping of rooftops is encouraged private and shared outdoor green space is provided at where possible, to provide shared or private outdoor space for residents and ground level for this Development. to provide attractive views for residents and passersby. l 5 Guidelines 8.7.1 B Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation 1. Parking and servicing should be located underground or to the rear of buildings, with access from lanes wherever possible. Where lane access is not possible, access should be from streets via narrow driveways to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 2. Parking structures should be adequately screened and architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. Large surface parking areas should be divided into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous appearance with landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement treatment to enhance their visual appearance. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Access to the site is located on 240th street to avoid bringing traffic through the neighbouring residential community. P_arking is located internally on the site, avoiding views directly from the street. Par~ing _lar~ely contained within private garages. Visitor parking 1s dispersed around the site, with landscaping used to help mitigate the appearance. 3. Developments with large parking areas should provide a direct pedestrian N/A -parking provided in private garages pathway system through the parking area to facilitate convenient and safe pedestrian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscaping with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. 4. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access providing secondary emergency access to the site for parking at the rear of the property is through connecting residential lane. Use of grasscrete limited. Joint or shared access should allows for a softer appearance. also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. 6 Guidelines 8.7.1 B (Continued) s. Locate parking spaces allocated for N/A _ multiple buildings on site, rather than one main people with disabilities as close as entrance. Disability stalls located in a central area. possible to the main entrance to a building. 6. Crime Prevention through N/A _ parking provided in private garages Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities with convenient, safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to building entrances, lobbies or other principal areas of buildings, and to grade level from any underground or above ground parking structures. 7. To increase safety, consider using N/A _ parking provided in private garages electronic security devices and monitoring systems as a supplement to natural surveillance opportunities in parking structures and parking areas. 8. The amount of asphalt surfaces in variety of materials are being used, where possible. parking areas should be minimized by integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers, etc. or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Road grades, streets, lanes, and Site has been designed to respect and conform to driveways should conform to the existing grade as closely as possible. existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, roads should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. 7 Guidelines 8.7.1 C Landscaping and Open Space 1. Landscaping both within and outside the development should: a) provide definition for pedestrian corridors; b) delineate private and semi private space from public space; c) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces; d) present a pleasing street image; e) provide suitable buffering between public road and privacy areas; f) soften the transition between adjacent land uses; g) provide a buffer between residential and non-residential land uses; h) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site; i) reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties, the scale and massing of buildings, and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 2. Landscape drawings for development applications should include, but are not limited to, the following information: Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Pedestrian corridors into and through the site are provided and defined by feature paving, layered planting, lighting, and landscape furnishing. Hierarchy of private to public space is defined through the use of layered planting, hedging, and fencing. The use of evergreen hedging and low fencing between private yards will provide security and screening. Privacy fencing will also be used to screen private yards from adjacent properties. Low wood fencing with layered shrubs and small flowering trees will form the private front yards space along 240th Street. Street trees and lighting will also be provided to the City of Maple Ridge standard further softening the streetscape experience. A back boulevard and 24" of planting separate the public sidewalk and streetscape from the private yards along 204th Street. Private yards abutting adjacent properties will have a 6' Privacy fence at the property line, semi-public area will feature layered planting to allow visual penetration into the site while encouraging pedestrians to use the designed circulation paths. Private yards (residential uses) are buffered from non-residential land uses through the application offencing and hedging. The site's main entry off 24oth street has flanking boulevard trees, pedestrian sidewalks and layered planting. There is a band of feature paving immediately at the site entry to define the site. The first view into the site will be of a feature landscape wall with lush planting and a group of trees. Street trees and boulevard geometry (at the approval of the City of Maple Ridge) will match the adjacent site to provide seamless integration with the adjacent community. There are no mature & existing trees to be retained or removed. a) the location of mature and existing trees In correlation with the above, there will be no protective tree to be retained or removed, fencing on the site needed. b) the location of all protective tree fencing; c) a grading plan or cross section indicating finished grade; and d) a drainage plan for the site. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all development. Incorporate deciduous tree species into streetfront landscaping to define site boundaries, to enhance public space, and to permit light penetration in winter. Spot elevations and initial landscape grading has been provided on the landscape plans. A drainage and stormwater management plan has been provided by the Civil Engineers. A row of deciduous street trees at approximately 8m on-centre spacing have been shown on the landscape plan. Species will be determined by the City of Maple Ridge. 8 Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 4. Energy efficiency and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) using native and/or drought-resistant species; b) designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind; c) providing shade in summer; d) allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the site; e) allowing daylight into buildings; and f) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 5. Maintain continuous landscaping along abutting streets and minimize the number of interruptions such as driveways and parking entrances. Continue the sidewalk pavement across driveways and parking entrances. 6. Create visual landmarks on significant street corners and at locations of high visibility. Provide landscaping and consider incorporating features such as flag poles, banners, visual art, ornamental trees, fountains, architectural elements, and landscape structures. 7. Any portion of a building site left vacant for future development should be landscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall site. The minimum ground surface treatment should be lawn. Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property not being developed. A proposed plant list that features native and adaptive plant material has been included in the landscape package. Variation in shrub and tree height as well as consideration to building orientation will moderate the effect of wind across the site. Private yards have been provided with large canopy deciduous trees that will provide shade in summer. Consideration for building orientation and solar orientation has also determined the appropriate type of planting throughout the space. Natural infiltration is encouraged and facilitated through the use of permeable paving (at visitor parking stalls), linear rain gardens across the site, and minimizing hardscape wherever possible in favour of planting and softscape materials. Tree and planting layout has been thoughtfully developed to respond to the proposed building elevations to encourage daylight penetration. A stormwater management plan has been provided by Civil. The site entry is centrally located on 240th street and the looped circulation system allows for minimal interruptions to the streetscape by drive aisles. As the site is located mid-block on 240th street, the most significant visual landmark will be the site entry. This is defined by boulevard trees and feature paving. This is not applicable for the site. 9 Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 8. Identify, preserve and incorporate stands of mature trees into the overall This is not applicable for the site site landscaping design. Retain unique tree species, significant vegetation, natural landscape features and nesting areas on a site wherever possible. To attain this objective, prior to the design of a project, a detailed survey prepared by a qualified professional indicating the location and condition of existing trees and vegetation on a site should be conducted and provided to the District as part of the development application process. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new planting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replanting with indigenous or native species is encouraged. 10. Consider incorporating rain gardens and vegetated swales into parking lot landscaping to increase the natural absorption of rainwater runoff from paved areas into the ground. 11. The height and location of a landscape screen should ensure that: a) privacy to adjacent properties is adequately protected; b) driving site lines are maintained from adjacent roads, manoeuvring aisles, parking lots; and c) the quality of the streetscape and outdoor living spaces is enhanced. 12. Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to increase the natural absorption of rainwater on a site. As the entire site will be cleared and developed, there will be an emphasis on native and adaptive species (as shown in the plant list) throughout the new planting layouts. Natural infiltration is encouraged and facilitated through the use of permeable paving (at visitor parking stalls), linear rain gardens across the site that are situated adjacent to the groupings of parking stalls and can pick up any excess runoff. 6'-0" fencing will separate and protect adjacent properties where necessary. Landscape screening is not located within any drive site lines. Consideration to fencing and screening to enhance the quality of the streetscape and outdoor spaces has been shown and can be referenced in the landscape sections for scale and proportion. Hard, impervious surfacing has been kept to a minimum. Where feasible, permeable paving with be used and planting areas have been maximized on site. 10 Guidelines 8.7.1 D Universally Accessible Design 1. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. NIA -ground oriented townhouse development on sloping site 2. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed with large visible from the street; NIA-ground oriented townhouse development on numbers sloping site b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; c) provided with level areas measuring a minimum of 1.Sm x 1.Sm (4.9 ft. x 4.9 ft.) both inside and outside of doorways; and d) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. Guidelines 8.7;1 E Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas 1. Integrate vents, mechanical rooms, mechanical equipment, and elevator penthouses into the roof design or screen with materials and finishes compatible with the overall architectural design. 2. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. NIA -ground oriented townhouse development NIA -ground oriented townhouse development 11 3. Garbage containers must be: and recycling bins N/A -curb side pickup a) b) c) easily accessible; appropriately sized occupants; contained within enclosures; for the building roofed/walled d) incorporated into the overall design of the development; or e) screened from public view and weatherproof and animal-resistant within the boundaries of each site. 4_ service areas should be internalized N/A _curbside pickup within the development. For developments with multiple buildings, common refuse, recycling and service areas are to be provided. Storage areas should be located to be convenient and readily accessible from most buildings or units on the site. Avoid direct exposure from public streets and allow for adequate manoeuvring space for removal vehicles. s. Enclose or screen all exterior mechanical N/A _ ground oriented townhouse development units or equipment, including roof top units, equipment, and satellite dishes within upper floors or structures that from part of the overall design of a development. 6. Locate building ventilation systems to NIA_ ground oriented townhouse development minimize noise and exhaust pedestrian areas, residential units, and outdoor spaces and locate less sensitive land uses closer to sources of noise. 7. Buildings should be designed and Units are designed to address the appropriate STC constructed maximize sound rating required between units. attenuation: a) between units; b) between public roads and units; and c) between adjacent land uses and units. 12 Guidelines 8.7.1 F Signage and Lighting 1. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message should be integrated and complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 3. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged along all pedestrian routes and pedestrian plazas. The lighting should be pedestrian focused. 4. Lighting should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. Guidelines 8.7.1 G Bicycle Parking and Storage Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. NIA-ground oriented townhouse development NIA -ground oriented townhouse development pedestrian lighting will be provided. Lighting designed will be respectful of neig~bouring residences and roadways as to not be a nuisance. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Short term and long term bicycle parking There is ample room for bicycle parking within the units. facilities should be considered for all developments. Short term bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads with bicycle racks made of sturdy, theft- resistant material that is securely anchored to the floor or ground. Longer term bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. 13 .. Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File Number 2016-366-RZ Dateprepared: May 19, 2017 Architect James Bussey Print Name 14 PHOENIX ENVIRON1,1ENT AL SER VICES LTD. #505 -1755 West Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. V6J 4S5 Tel. 604-689-3888 November 28, 2016 Cole Lambert CIPEHomes #201 -20050 Stewart Crescent Maple Ridge, BC V2X 0T4 Dear Mr. Lambert: Re: Environmental Impact Assessment, Proposed Subdivision & Townhouse Development, 11250 & 11300 -240th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. Phoenix Environmental Services Ltd. (Phoenix) is pleased to present this Environmental Impact Assessment report for the properties located at 11250 & 11300 240th Street in Maple Ridge (the Site). Seigel Creek extends in a prominent ravine along the east side of the Site, and CIPE Homes is proposing to develop a townhouse complex at the Site. This Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) provides a summary of existing environmental conditions of the Site such as vegetation communities, stream and aquatic habitats, and wildlife habitats at the Site; including Provincially-listed Species at Risk. Phoenix has determined the applicable streamside setbacks (SPEA -Streamside Protection and Enhancement Areas) under the City's Watercourse Protection Bylaw. This report also describes the proposed development concept for the Site, and provides an assessment of potential environmental impacts and recommends associated mitigation measures. 1 INTRODUCTION Phoenix has been retained by CIPE Homes to conduct an EIA to identify and assess the key environmental attributes at the Site. CIPE Homes is proposing to demolish two existing single- family residential buildings along with associated out-buildings and to develop 5 single-family lots and a townhouse complex consisting of 54 units. The City of Maple Ridge requires an Environmental Assessment as part of the Watercourse Protection Development Permit (WPDP) process, for any Site with development activity and building PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. • 1 ~r .a· k.l.l -'";. - I_ IIJaA,< l Figure 1 -Location Map Environmental Impact Assessment page 1 11250 & 11300 240th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. permits within 50 meters of the top of bank of a watercourse or wetland, or for sites with slopes steeper than 15%. This report provides a bio-physical inventory of the Site including a description of topographic and geologic features, vegetation communities, watercourses and wetlands, wildlife and wildlife habitat, and potential occurrence of Species at Risk. This report also describes the measures incorporated into the proposed plan to provide aquatic and terrestrial habitat conservation, protection of key environmental features, and the mitigation measures to be taken toward environmentally sound construction methods and development at the Site. In addition to identifying project-specific habitat conservation and protection for the proposed development, this EIA includes a conceptual plan for stormwater management best practices associated with the proposed development. 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The location and extent of the proposed development project are shown on Figure 3: Proposed Site Plan presented in Appendix A. The primary components of the development include a 5-lot subdivision and 54-unit townhouse complex and associated internal roads, parking, and amenity spaces . The areas to be developed include the existing disturbed portions with existing houses and maintained yards. Portions of the property to remain undeveloped include the ravine on the eastern portion of the Site that is vegetated with mature forest and contains Seigel Creek. The proposed development includes a flexing of the bylaw SPEA with on site compensation. A storm.water management plan has also been prepared for the project, as shown in Appendix A. 3 METHODS In the early stages of development planning for the Site, a Phoenix biologist conducted a field assessment on June 9, 2016 to determine the location of the ravine top of bank along the east side of the Site, and. mark the ravine top of bank with flagging tape for subsequent survey by a BC Land Surveyor. The topographic survey of the Site by Terra Pacific land Surveying has included the ravine top of bank as determined by a Qualified Environmental Professional (RP.Bio.) Phoenix has conducted another field assessment of the Site on October 4, 2016 under mild and dry weather conditions. The forested fringe along 240th, the residentially landscaped central part of the Site, the old pasture area to the north and along east bench above the ravine, and the mature riparian mixed forest within the ravine area of the Site, were observed. The broad forest cover and dominant plant species were documented with a focus on indicator plant species or communities. An assessment of Seigel Creek and farm road culvert crossing were conducted during the field assessment. Mapping of distribution and identification of invasive species was undertaken during the field assessment. Prior to the field assessment, Phoenix reviewed the City's Ridgeview mapping database to identify mapped watercourses and associated fisheries watercourse classifications, and existing land use and riparian area characteristics. Aerial photos, topography (0. 5 m contours), and zoning designations were reviewed by Phoenix. Phoenix has also reviewed the Ministry of Environment's (MOE) Conservation Data Centre ( CDC) database of known and potential PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. Environmental Impact Assessment page2 11250 & 11300 240th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. I occurrences of provincially-listed (i.e., red-listed or blue-listed) plant and animal species, and federally-listed species on Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) and the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). Phoenix also conducted a search of the Fisheries Information Summary System (FISS) database for Seigel Creek. 4 SITE DESCRIPTION The Site is 1.99 hectares in size comprising of two lots located at 11250 & 11300-240th Street in Maple Ridge. The Site is occupied by two dilapidated single-family residential buildings with a few small sheds and outbuildings, surrounded by sparse mature mixed forest of native and ornamental species with some typical residential garden landscaping. The west boundary of the site along 240th Street is bounded by a drainage ditch along the roadside storm main. The ditch falls within the road allowance and will likely be converted into road and sidewalk with development Just within the west Site boundary is a row of mature coniferous trees along the hydro lines. Culvert crossings occur where the driveways connect to 240th. The area north and east of the residential buildings is old field pasture / backyard area, which has been left fallow and become overrun with blackberry. East of the old field pasture area is a natural ravine containfog Seigel Creek. The riparian area is dominated by mature mixed forest with some disturbed and edge areas encroached upon by blackberry growth. There is a farm road crossing of the creek and ravine in the southern property; which is in disrepair and the road is collapsing into the creek. Adjacent to the north of the Site are newer, existing single-family residences. The location of the Site in Maple Ridge is shown on the Location Map (Figure 1 ). 5 TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY The Site slopes generally to the south and the southeast from from 240th St. on the west to the ravine containing Seigel Creek. There is a bench around the middle of the Site sloping east to a relatively flat pasture area, between the existing residences and the Seigel Creek ravine. The ravine slopes along Seigel Creek are steeper than 33% within the Site, which confirms that a ravine condition exists along Seigel Creek. Refer to Figure 3 in Appendix A, which shows the existing topographic mapping for the Site based on the Terra pacific topographic survey superimposed on aerial photography of the Site obtained through City of Maple Ridge online mapping system (i.e. Ridge View). According to BC Soil Survey mapping (Soils of the Langley-Vancouver Map Area, Luttmerding, 1980), the soil at the Site is primarily classified as W-N (Whatcom- Nicholson), as shown on. Figure 2. The Whatcom soils are moderately fine textured glacomarine deposits and are moderately well drained with telluric seepage. The Nicholson soils are moderately fine textured glaciomarine deposits and are moderately well drained. The soils within the ravine section are "N" ctl .,;"L.._ (Nicholson) soils. The west edge of the Site Figure 2: Soils mapping at the Site PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. Environmental Impact Assessment 11250 & 11300 240th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. page 3 along 240th Street are "AB" Albion soils, which are moderately fine to fine-textured glaciomarine deposits with moderately poor to poor drainage and a perched water table. During the field assessment, exposed soils were observed to be clayey silt (e.g. ravine slope, channel of Seigel Creek); consistent with the fine textured glaciomarine deposits noted in the BC Soils Survey mapping for the Site (see Appendix B, Photo 2). 6 WATERCOURSES The Site is within the drainage catchment area (i.e. watershed) of Kanaka Creek. Seigel Creek (Watershed Code: 100-037400-20000-35900), is a permanent fish-bearing watercourse under Maple Ridge's classification system and is situated within the eastern portion of the Site. There are small seepages/ rills along the banks of the ravine from surface runoff, which have been mapped by the land surveyor. A collapsed wood-stave culvert exists in the creek near the southeast comer of the Site where a farm road crossed the ravine. During high flow events, flow builds up at the inlet area due to the collapsed inlet and erodes the old farm road crossing (Appendix B, Photo 3). This area is of flooding and erosion concern and has been assessed as part of the riparian enhancement opportunities. The wetted width of the creek varies from 0.8 and 1.5 meters, with a majority of cascade pool morphology. The creek is entrenched within its banks with the top of bank to creek ranging from 0.5 to 1.2 meters and alternating from bank to bank. Some areas of undercutting and sloughing were present. The northern portion of the creek bed was gravel and clay (Appendix B, Photo 4). The area upstream of the farm road was silts, clays and organic leaf deposition (Appendix B, Photo 5), and the area downstream of the farm road crossing was large cobble and gravel; likely inputs from the erosion of the farm road (Appendix B, Photo 6). The west bank of the ravine has two side channels where seasonal seepage or ephemeral flows pass down the clay soils of the ravine bank. At the northwest corner of the ravine, there is a surveyed side channel from a stormwater outfall (Appendix A, Figure 4). There is another side channel over the west side of the ravine near the south comer of 11300 -240 St. lot at the Site (see Figure 3, Appendix A). Another seasonal or ephemeral side channel flows from the east into Seigel Creek near the northeast corner of the Site. The side channels have steep banks about 0.5 m deep and about 0.5 -0.75 m wide. No flows were observed in the side channel at the time of the field assessment. There were no records from FISS database for Seigel Creek. It is inferred that Seigel Creek supports salmon and trout (i.e. salmonids) populations. Seigel Creek drains to the north side of Kanaka Creek. Kanaka Creek drains into the Fraser River. Based on records from the FISS database, Kanaka Creek supports coho salmon ( Oncorhynchus kisutch), chinooksalmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), trout spp (Oncorhynchus spp), and numerous other fish species ( e.g. white sucker, redside shiner, and peamouth chub). It is possible that Seigel Creek could contain fish presence, or could be enhanced to support fish residence or passage in the future. The collapsed culvert under the farm road at the southeast end of the site is likely a barrier to fish passage due to the lack of a clear inlet due to erosion of the farm road (Appendix B, Photo 3). No evidence of fish presence was observed during the Site visit. PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. Environmental Impact Assessment page4 11250 & 11300 240th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. A municipal roadside ditch was observed along 240th Street, which drains south towards 112th Avenue. Some evidence of ephemeral flow was present in the ditch but was dry during the site visit. (Appendix B, Photo 7). 7 VEGETATION COMMUNITIES The Site is located within the Coastal Western Hemlock dry maritime sub-zone (CWHdm), as described by the Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification (BEC) system developed for the Province of British Columbia. Coastal Western Hemlock dry maritime forests are typically dominated by Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), western red cedar (Thuja plicata), and western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) with a shrub understory of salal (Gaultheria shallon) and red huckleberry (Vaccinium parvifolium) and less commonly vine maple (Acer circinatum), bracken fem (Pteridium aquilinum) and sword fem (Polystichum munitum ). The main vegetation areas on the Site include the mature riparian mixed forest vegetation type (approximately 16% of the Site) situated along Seigel Creek at the east boundary the Site, the old pasture area (approximately 44% of the Site) in the north and lower bench area, the disturbed vegetation type (approximately 32% of the Site) within the south central portion of the Site and the remaining portion of site (approximately 8% of the Site) is structures and buildings. Some of the old pasture area could be classified as disturbed vegetation type due to the overgrowth of blackberry and subsequent mowing of the blackberry. Refer to the aerial photography of the Site shown on Figure 3 in Appendix A. Representative photographs of the vegetation types are presented in Appendix B. The three vegetation types identified within the Site are described below. A list of the predominant plant species present on the Site is provided in Table 1. 7 .1 Mature Riparian Mixed Forest Vegetation Type The mature riparian mixed forest vegetation type is associated with approximately 16% of the Site, situated along the eastern boundary of the Site; in conjunction with the riparian ravine area of Siegel Creek (Appendix B, Photo 8). The riparian forest vegetation along the Seigel Creek and the ravine slopes comprises of mixed mature forest of primarily red alder (Alnus rubra), black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) with red cedar in the northern portion of the ravine and some paper birch (Betula papyrifera) and English oak (Quercus robur) at the south end of the ravine. The understory layer comprises salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis), beaked hazelnut (Corylus comuta), Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus) and red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera) with some Red Elderberry (Sambucus racemosa) and pacific crab apple (Ma/us fasca). The ground cover was primarily fems (sword, bracken, lady, spiny wood), mosses, trailing blackberry (Rubus ursinus), giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia) with some buttercup (Ranunuculus sp.), piggyback plant (Tolmiea menziesii), and mixed grasses. Some areas of the understory, especially at the top of ravine bank, and around the farm road crossing were dominated by Himalayan blackberry thickets. Table 1. Plant Species Observed at the Site -October 4th 2016 PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. Environmental Impact Assessment pages 11250 & 11300 240th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. = Group Common Name Scientific Name Trees Balsam Poplar Pop11/11s balsa1111fera Bia-leaf Maple Acer mncrovhvl/11111 Black Cottonwood Populus trichocarpa Douglas-fir 1Pse11do/suf(a menziesii En~lish Oak Quercus robur Paper Birch Be/11/a papyrifera Red Alder IA.Inus rubra Red-osier Dogwood Cornus slolonifera Michx Western Hemlock 1'suJZa helerovlw/la Western Red Cedar Thuja p/icata Shrubs Beaked Hazelnut Cory/us comuta Black Hawthorn Cra/aef(l.1s do11JZ/asii Canada Thistle Cirsi11111 arvense [ntroduced Himalayan Blackberry Rubus armeniacus Introduced Japanese Knotweed Fa!lopiajaponica Pacific Crab Apple Ma/us fusca Red Elderberry Sa1nbucus racemosa Red Huckleberry Vaccinium parv(folium Salmon berry Rubus speclabilis Sitka Alder A/nus viridis Vine Maple Acer circinatum Herb Layer Canada Thistle Cirsium arvense Common Horsetail Eq11fset11111 arvense Creeping Butteroup Ra11unc11/11s repens Introduced English Ivy Hedera helix Giant Horsetail lSauiset11111 telmateia Moss spp. Bryophyta spp. Reed Canary Grass Phalaris arundinacea TrruJing Blackberrv Rubus ursinus Western Sword Fern Polystichum munitum 7.2 Old Pasture Area The old pasture area occurs in the north and central portion of the Site and is associated with the former pasture area and the back yard area east of the buildings; which accounts for approximately 44 % of the site (Appendix B, Photo 9). This area is disturbed but offers different habitat values than the other two areas. This area is sparsely treed with some apple (Malus pumila), black hawthorn (Crataegus douglasii) and red alder. Himalayan blackberry is dominating from the top of the hill to the west, especially. The ground cover species through the PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. Environmental Impact Assessment page6 11250 & 11300 240th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. I areas not overtaken by blackberry are creeping buttercup, common horsetail (Equisetum arvense), Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense), reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), American Vetch (Vicia americana), and a variety of other grasses. 7 .3 Disturbed Vegetation Type The disturbed vegetation type occurs in the south central and south western portion of the Site and is associated with the residential buildings, which accounts for approximately 32% of the site. Ornamental species of trees are planted along the pathway and driveway to the houses (Appendix B, Photo 10). Mature trees extend along 240th and a cluster in the northwest comer of the Site include Douglas fir, Balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera), English oak and Big Leaf Maple. There are also large areas of typical residential lawns and garden beds (flower and vegetable). There are large areas of garbage and debris spread around the site as well from homeless acti.vity. The buildings, debris and garbage account for an estimated remaining 8% of the Site. Some invasive species are present in this portion of the Site (Appendix B, Photo 11 ), including English Ivy (Hedera helix), Himalayan Blackberry, and Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica). 8 WILDLIFE 8.1 Wildlife and Wildlife Habitats The majority of the Site is expected to support various bird species (e.g. songbirds) and small mammal species ( e.g. squirrel, rabbit, opossum, skunk, raccoon) that are common within riparian forested and disturbed habitats in rural areas. There are wildlife trails along the length of the riparian area and through the old field area west of the riparian forest. Coyote, bear, and deer droppings were obseived around the Site with the bear scat being fruit laden likely from the apple and pear trees in the area. There was a 2 year old male black-tailed deer was observed at the northeast comer of the Site resting in a stand of cedar trees (Appendix B -Photo 12). There were claw marks from a black bear in the bank of Siegel Creek where the wildlife trail gave way into a shallow and wide section of the creek (Appendix B -Photo 2). Phoenix observed several wildlife trees within the Site. A wildlife tree is any standing dead or living tree with special features that provides present or future critical habitats for the maintenance or enhancement of wildlife. There are nine classification of coniferous and six classes of deciduous wildlife trees in various successions from live and healthy with no decay, to stumps and debris. Most of the trees obseived in the Site were identified as Class 1 wildlife trees. Class 2 to 8 wildlife trees were also identified within the Site. No raptor nests or signs of raptor (e.g. hawk, owl) use (e.g. plucking stations, fecal wash) were obseived during the site visit on October 4, 2016. Several wildlife trees offered suitable perching and nesting habitat for raptors, and a number of captor species including red tail hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), sharp-shinned hawk (Accipiter striatus), Cooper's hawk (Accipiter cooperii), Western screech-owl (Megascops kennicottiz), and great homed owl (Bubo virginianus) may use the Site for foraging or nesting. Numerous songbirds, both resident ( e.g. black-capped PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. Environmental Impact Assessment page7 11250 & 11300 240th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. chickadee, northwestern crow, American robin, song sparrow, etc.) and migrant species are expected to utilize the Site, especially the Seigel Creek ravine. Table 2. Wildlife Species Observed (including sign and trnck) at Site -October 4th 2016 Gr·oup Common Name Scientific Name Mammals Black-tailed Deer Odocoileus hemionus columbianus Black Bear Ursus americanus Coyote Canis latrans Birds American Robin Turdus mlgratorius Black-Capped Chickadee Poecile atricapillus Brown Creeper Certhia americana Northern Flicker Colaptes auratus Northwestern Crow Corvus caurinus Spotted Towhee Pipilo maculatus Willow Flycatcher Empidonax traillii Coarse Woody Debris (CWD) is typically described as woody debris greater than 0.3 m in diameter. CWD provides important foraging, nesting and cover components in forested ecosystems for small mammals, amphibians, reptiles and invertebrates. Minor CWD cover ( <5%) was recorded within the mature riparian mixed forest vegetation type within the riparian area along Seigel Creek. 8.2 Rare and Endangered Plant and Wildlife Species Phoenix has reviewed the Ministry of Environment's (MOE) Conservation Data Centre (CDC) database of known and potential occurrences of provincially listed (i.e., red-listed or blue-listed) plant and animal species and federally listed species from Schedule I of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) and from the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) candidate list. Search parameters were: Lower Mainland, Chilliwack Forest District, Metro Vancouver, and Coastal Western Hemlock Biogeoclimatic Zone. The BCCDC mapping tool was also referenced on October 19, 2016 to determine if there were any known species occurrences on or near the Site. No mapped known occurrences of species and ecological communjties at risk were reported on the Site. No federally or provincially listed wildlife species of conservation concern were observed during the site visit on October 4, 2016. Records for Green Heron (Butorides virescens) and Roell' s brotherella (Brotherrella roellii) were recorded near the mouth of Kanaka Creek approximately 2 km from the Site~ however no suitable foraging or nesting habitat for Green Heron occurs within the site. The moss, Roell's brotherella, was not observed at the Site. An occurrence of Oregon Forest Snail (Allogona townsendiana) was noted to be approximately 1 km from the Site near a separate tributary of Kanaka Creek. There were no stands of Stinging Nettle/ Big Leaf Maple at the Site observed, which is the highest value habitat and a strong indicator of the presence of Oregon.Forest Snail. There is low potential for Oregon Forest Snail to be present at the Site. PHOENIX ENVlRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. Environmental Impact Assessment page8 11250 & 11300 240th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. -- Other wildlife species at risk that may potentially or occasionally occur at the Site, within the ravine of Seigel Creek, include Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias fannini), Western Screech Owl (Megascops kennicottii kennicottii) Pacific Water Shrew (Sorex bendirii), Trowbridge's Shrew (Sorex trowbridgii), and Northern Red-legged Frog (Rana aurora). The stream and wetted banks and riparian forest along the ravine provide suitable habitats for the above species, which is the area of the Site that will be protected from the proposed development. There is low potential for species at risk to be present within the disturbed and old pasture area of the Site. 9 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION The proposed Site Plan prepared by Formwerks Architectural (Appendix A) shows the proposed development layout at the Site. The proposed development is largely outside of the applicable stream setback (SPEA) along the Seigel Creek ravine. Potential environmental impacts and measures to avoid, minimize and mitigate impacts are discussed in the following sections. 9.1 Habitat Protection The key environmental features that will be conserved and protected at the Site include the fish and wildlife habitat of Seigel Creek, the steep ravine slopes with the mature riparian forest, and the proposed Streamside Protection and Enhancement Area (SPEA) extending beyond the ravine top of bank. The City of Maple Ridge establishes SPEA along streams based on the setback determination procedures under the 2001 Streamside Protection Regulation (SPR). Seigel Creek is classified by the City of Maple Ridge as a permanent, fish-bearing watercourse. While no fish were observed in the reach of Seigel Creek within the Site, there is good rearing habitat and limited spawning habitat within the Site; if fish migration access is enhanced. The classification of Seigel Creek as a fish bearing and permanent stream has been confirmed by this environmental assessment. The slopes along Seigel Creek are steeper than 3H: 1 V. By definition under the SPR, slopes steeper than 3H: IV (33%) indicate the presence of a ravine slope. The width of the ravine along Seigel Creek varies between 40 -50 m from ravine top of bank to ravine top of bank. The Seigel Creek ravine at the Site does not qualify as a wide ravine under the SPR The existing and potential vegetation along Seigel Creek at the Site is greater than 30 -50 m wide. Based on the width of existing and potential streamside vegetation, and Seigel Creek being a fish-bearing, permanent stream, the applicable SPEA under the City's Bylaw ("Bylaw SPEA") is 30 m measured from the ravine top of bank. The combination of the riparian setback includes a majority of the highest quality habitat on the Site (the mature trees currently on the steep slopes, the creek and small tributaries, wildlife corridors). The side channels along the west side of the ravine are non-fish bearing and non-permanent streams and are subject to a 15 meter setback from stream top of bank. The side channel setbacks do not extend beyond the main Seigel Creek SPEA. PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. Environmental Impact Assessment page9 11250 & 11300 240th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. = A variable SPEA that is "flexed" in relation to the 30-m Bylaw SPEA is proposed for the townhouse residential development planned at the Site. In some locations, the proposed SPEA is narrower than 30 m, and in other areas, the proposed SPEA is wider than 30 m from ravine top of bank. For the most part, the proposed SPEA will be protected against encroachment by dedication of the proposed SPEA as park. However, in order to meet development area ratios for the intended zoning for the proposed townhouse development at the Site, a portion of the proposed SPEA at the Site will be protected by a "no-build; no disturbance" restrictive covenant at the north edge of the Site. Refer to Figure 4: On-Site Habitat Balance Map in Appendix A for details. The areas where the proposed SPEA is less than 30 m wide are shown hatched in red as habitat losses on Figure 4, while the areas where there are habitat gains with the proposed SPEA being more than 3 0 m wide are hatched in green. The area of the proposed SPEA to be protected by restrictive covenant is hatched in black on Figure 4. The area of Bylaw SPEA relaxation (habitat loss) is 296 m2. The area of habitat gain where the width of proposed SPEA is greater than the Bylaw SPEA is 105 m2. The flexed, proposed SPEA is 105 m2 short of matching the same streamside protection area as the Bylaw SPEA, as detailed on Figure 4. To compensate for the proposed loss of riparian habitat, a compensation ratio of replacement habitat of 2: 1 has been applied for this environmental assessment; which conforms with habitat compensation ratios that have been used in the past by the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO). Accordingly, the habitat compensation target for offsetting the impact of the reduced riparian habitat protected by the proposed SPEA is 210 m2. The proposed offsetting habitat replacement entails the removal of the collapsing wood culvert and fill within the ravine for the former farm access road crossing Seigel Creek at the Site. The fill deposited in the ravine for the former access road will be removed, and the grade of the ravine slopes will be restored and re-planted with native riparian trees and shrubs, resulting in a 240 m2 gain of riparian habitat. The creek channel enclosed in the culvert will also re- established to match channel morphology upstream and downstream, resulting in a 20 m2 net gain in wetted stream habitat. The proposed replacement of lost riparian and stream habitat associated with the historic farm access road crossing Seigel Creek will ensure there is no-net- loss in fish habitat, and a modest net gain of 50 m2 habitat associated with habitat protection plan for the proposed development. In addition to the habitat protection associated with the proposed SPEA and removal of the abandoned access road and culvert crossing of Seigel Creek and ravine, the existing area within the proposed SPEA will be enhanced. As much of the proposed SPEA is already vegetated, planting of native trees and shrubs be done in those areas where the proposed SPEA is old pasture or disturbed by former structures and overtaken with invasive plants (e.g. blackberry). A riparian habitat restoration planting plan will be formulated for the proposed SPEA, which will match existing tree and shrub species as well as add diversity of native riparian plant species. There was some evidence of localized ravine slope instability and erosion ( e.g. soil creep resulting pistol butt tree trunks, exposed roots, sloughing, rilling) observed during the field assessment. With the proposed SPEA ranging between 23.5 m to 37.5 m in width beyond the PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. Environmental Impact Assessment page 10 11250 & 11300 240th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. ravine top of bank, and with removal of the collapsing culvert and former access road, the potential for slope instability within Seigel Creek ravine at the Site should be lower. A no-disturbance zone will be established prior to the start of construction with orange snow fencing fence and silt fence erected along the SPEA boundary. At the completion of the project, a permanent fence ( e.g. post and rail with wire mesh) will be installed to deter encroachment into the SPEA by future residents. Placing signage along the permanent fence indicating that the SPEA I park area contains sensitive fish and wildlife habitat would also help to protect the SPEA along Seigel Creek at the Site. Based on the proposed SPEA, habitat replacement with removal of the abandoned access road across Seigel Creek, and with enhancement of the existing disturbed portion of the proposed SPEA, there would be significant quantitative and qualitative gains in habitat at the Site in conjunction with the proposed townhouse development. 9.2 Stormwater Management While adequate conservation of fish and aquatic habitat is important for sustaining fish habitat functions, stormwater management plays an important role in preventing and minimizing impacts to existing watercourses through channel erosion, bank failure, siltation and water quality degradation. Aplin & Martin Consultants have prepared a preliminary stormwater management plan for the proposed townhouse development at the Site. Refer to Appendix A for the details associated with the preliminary stormwater management plan for the Site. A common impact associated with residential redevelopment is alteration of the hydrologic regime, typically as a result of extensive areas of permeable ground surfaces slow and infiltrate rainwater runoff with impervious ground surfaces such as buildings, road, driveways and sidewalks. The Aplin & Martin Stormwater Management Plan (Appendix A) incorporates several elements of best management practices for handling storrnwater with urban development. These include bioswales, infiltration sumps, and dry wells (perforated manholes) to provide separation of stormwater runoff and infiltration of rainwater and stormwater to groundwater to support base:flows in Seigel Creek from the Site. In addition, water quality control facilities ( e.g. stormceptor manhole and velocity control ( e.g. detention) are included as stormwater management features at the Site. These features will help to slow, sink and spread rainwater runoff at the Site, and to mitigate water quality degradation that can otherwise occur with storm drainage discharges to streams. 10 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This Environmental Assessment has included a review of available information and an assessment of the key environmental attributes at the Site including vegetation communities, stream and aquatic habitats, wildlife habitat, and wildlife use at the Site. The re-development plan for the subject Site would entail clearing of all structures on the existing two large PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. Environmental Impact Assessment page 11 11250 & 11300 240th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. = residential lots and construction of 54 townhouse units and associated internal roads, parking, and amenity spaces. The potential impacts associated with the proposed townhouse development at the Site are avoided or mitigated by locating the townhouse complex in existing disturbed areas at the Site, establishing a streamside setback (SPEA) that protects Seigel Creek and its ravine, removes an abandoned access road and collapsing culvert across Seigel Creek, enhances the disturbed areas within the SPEA, and incorporates best management practices for stormwater management of the planned urban development at the Site. This Environmental Impact Assessment concluded that the fish and wildlife habitats at the Site are primarily associated with the forested ravine slopes along Seigel Creek. No other fish or aquatic habitats have been observed at the Site. Most of the Site extending to the crest of the Siegel Creek ravine has been disturbed by past residential activities over many years, including an access road crossing the ravine and Seigel Creek. The applicable Bylaw SPEA for Seigel Creek is 30 m from the top of ravine bank, with non-fish bearing and non-permanent side channels having 15-m SPEA. A variable SPEA that is "flexed" in relation to the 30-m Bylaw SPEA is proposed for the townhouse residential development planned at the Site. In some locations, the proposed SPEA is narrower than 30 m, and in other areas, the proposed SPEA is wider than 3 0 m from ravine top of bank. The flexed, proposed SPEA is 105 m2 short of matching the same streamside protection area as the Bylaw SPEA. To compensate for the proposed loss of riparian habitat, proposed offsetting habitat replacement entails the removal of the collapsing wood culvert and fill within the ravine for the former farm access road crossing Seigel Creek at the Site. The proposed replacement of lost riparian and stream habitat associated with the historic farm access road crossing Seigel Creek will ensure there is no-net-loss in fish habitat, and a modest net gain of 50 m2 habitat. This Environmental Assessment has also concluded that the primary wildlife habitats at the Site are within and adjacent to the Seigel Creek ravine. The Site is expected to support various bird species (e.g. songbirds) and small mammal species (e.g. squirrel, rabbit, opossum, skunk, raccoon) that are common within riparian forested and disturbed habitats in rural areas. Coyote, bear, and deer droppings were observed nearby or within the ravine. A black-tailed deer was observed at the northeast comer of the Site near the ravine. The proposed SPEA ranging between 23.5 m to 37.5 min width beyond the ravine top of bank will protect and sustain the primary wildlife habitat and movement corridors at the Site. Preliminary stormwater management plans for the proposed development will include quality and quantity control to ensure the protection of Seigel Creek and downstream aquatic and riparian habitats (i.e. Kanaka Creek). Biofiltration swales, catch basins with infiltration galleries, dry well manholes and discharge of storm water from the in pipe detention to a velocity break oµtfall which ties into a existing side channel tributary will mitigate the increase of impervious surface by the development on Seigel Creek and groundwater in both quality and quantity. PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. Environmental Impact Assessment page 12 11250 & 11300 240th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. l CLOSURE It is hoped that this Environmental Impact Assessment has adequately described environmental features at the Site, the proposed development plan for the two existing rural residential lots, probable impacts associated with the planned development, and effective measures to mitigate potential impacts and to protect and enhance key environmental values at the Site. Please contact me if you require any clarification or additional information regarding this report. Sincerely, Phoenix Environmental Services Ltd. - =--'fJc KenLa Principal Enclosures: Appendix A -Figures Appendix B -Photos c.c. City of Maple Ridge Tim Adam, B.Sc., BIT Project Biologist, Environmental Technician Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. Environmental Impact Assessment 11250 & 11300 240th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. page 13 Appendix A: Figures FIGURE 3: SURVEYED TOPO with AERIAL MAP SEIGEL CREEK = SITE BOUNDARY RAVINE TOP OF BANK (RTOB) -....... • RAVINE SIDE CHANNELS DATE: NDV. 2016 DRAWN BY: NGL SCALE: AS SHOWN DWG: CIPE-240lh.Twnhe-DCT.2D16 m n e:; "' ,,, ..;>- I-w ~w ,o,:: I- V) 0 "'<I" N ~ 35 ,5) ·.J - '\~;,,f ~ 11r I "'t-~ r.---~::,__=----~...l'-'. '· • :1 ,:!-Ii~• ~•~;,,,1._.~ "'"' t i1 ~ APi"!A.•S\t..2tn2" i 2 BED 3 BED 3 BED p 3+ BED 3+ BED 4BED 4+ BED TOTAL UNITS TOTAL AREA SITE AREA FSR AMENITY AREA REQUIRED AMENITY AREA PROVIDED PARKING 2 STALLS PER UNIT VISITOR PARKING DISABILITY STALLS 9% TANDEM PARKING t1 = 1 (1270 SF) =20 (1250SF) = 4 (1270 SF) = 13 [1330SF) = 6 [1430 SF) "2[1830SF) • 8 (2530 Sf) • 54 = 81,120 Sf = l08,209SF = 0,75 = 2,906 SF = 3,388 SF = 108 STALLS = 11 STALLS = 2 STALLS N ~ THI p'a, aid OIHlgn 01e, aid ol di !lmet rem ah !he O>Clutlve piop,uly el f01mW61la AIChlec;luo! Inc:. and C.<ll'Y'IOI b1o \Md QI' 1e,:x~1d wllhovl Wrlllen e«sa,1 bf Fomn11erks Archlledurd lr>c, 'Millen ~ ~ ,tQN, CO"~• ~ ,~G dl.N.tl~, C~IM 1/'dl """'V ~t.~!t;,tolldll'I ud CCrdS,on -en ~ ~ rotTntM, Ar...,,,<Kl-.r.d W. I:+ H.-,i,ta c(--, ~ ,_,, IN ~ N ~onlhadro.irhg, tllYJl,IOlllC Clli:I !OlCutll un'.W" UOUCf MAPLE RI OGE TOWN HOMES 11250•11300 2-40 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, SC ·~ .,.,..,,,.0 SITE PLAN u.u., l.fllll .......... A 1.00 - ·'\ I?. ~• I 1', . ,,· ,./:.~. '.r '-1 ~ ,•!" -l ~) l,<t,-•ni),IJ~ -11-· l'' ,;,T .,,,.".''°',,., ,i; iltu-~d llkiM .t..Jt 1 I ~• X l<, ~ ./ ,. ,, ,(,•~ ~ ~ -1 I . ,, ' + . -,, -' ~ '. -IR-2 Lo .·· 1:., I . .. I _' ;t' .. ';. ~ ,t<f~ .... ~.z-•· 11.'H1-":?25 ~ ,-,2 C(, ~:::: ~ 1:.£.l. 3d ~ .:,,,-,,.)~' r-• .; ;;.; ,.. /..t .0 ' ,;i' :::~t· ,, .<b ~-. ¥-z/ .. 'i~ -i .;.· ,, ,(i ~ ' ~I• ,:;>t ~.,,,. ,,, ., 1/ .,) ·r ,; r1l :: .., ,f' .,t- ·" tf,lr ./·' i· i lr. l.· SCALE (m): 0 25 e--------;...r- ..$1 50 m I IJ:GENO: WATERCOURSE RAVINE TOP OF BANK (RTOB) NO BUILD I NO DISTURB COVENANT BOUNDARY ~ NO BUILD/ NO DISTURB COVENANT AREA BYLAW SPEA (30m from RTOB) PROPOSED PARK BOUNDARY SITE BOUNDARY RAVINE SIDE CHANNELS RAVINE SIDE SETBACKS (15m) = CALCULATED GAINS: 191 m• . -= CALCULATED LOSSES: 296 m2 NET LOSS = 105 m• COMPENSATION REQUIRED = 210 m• (105 m• x2) •,,.., ·:: -j = WETTED GAIN (CUL VERT REMOVAL) = 20 m• ---~ .... .-: ; ~ 1-.· •' -, ... ,:; • 7p '·': ,,/ ,, = RIPARIAN GAIN (RAVINE FILL/ ACCESS ROAD • / r.''r,;., • REMOVAL & REVEGETATION): = 240 m• TOTAL COMPENSATION = 260 m• NET GAIN = SO m• FIGURE 4: ON-SITE HABITAT BALANCE MAP CIPE HOMES -ALBION TOWNHOUSE 11250 & 11300-240th Street Maple Ridge, BC PHOENIX ~J ~~"!r~.=~1:w "-="111.11:i«&.I- DATE: NOV. 2018 I DRAWN BY: NGL I SCALE: AS SHOWN I DWG: CIPE-2401h.Twnh&-OCT.2016 0 "'" I .L . ~ -" ,:.'10.'I,~ i:l~· -~~ I C .... ~ ~~~ ~ .. :t:;.~ ~;;!/"' <.~~ Appendix B: Site Photos Photo 1 -View looking west at the extensive blackberry growth in the northern portion of the site. Photo 2 -Silty, clay soils along the bank of Seigel Creek with claw marks from a Black Bear. PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. Environmental Impact Assessment 11250 & 11300 240th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. Photo 3 -Culvert inlet of the farm road crossing. Flow is from left to right. This area is eroded and there is no clear access to the culvert inlet. Photo 4 -Gravel and clay substrates within the channel at the north end of Seigel Creek. PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. Environmental Impact Assessment 11250 & 11300 240th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. = Photo 5 -Clay and organic substrates from the middle portion of Seigel Creek. Photo 6 -Cascade pools downstream of the farm road culvert. Cobbles and boulders dominate the substrates here, likely imputes from the eroding road. PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD, Environmental Impact Assessment 11250 & 11300 240th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. Photo 7 -View looking south at the roadside ditch along 240th which has signs of intermittent flows to the south. Photo 8 -View of the mature mixed riparian forest in the southern portion of the site. PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. Environmental Impact Assessment 11250 & 11300 240th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. Photo 9 -View looking south across the old pasture area between the ravine and the residential building area. Photo 10 -View looking east at the house at 11300 -240th street across the drive way in the area of disturbed vegetation type. PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. Environmental Impact Assessment 11250 & 11300 240th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. Photo 11-Japanese knotweed infestation behind 11300 -240th street. ~r .. Photo 12 -Two year old male mule deer was observed at the northeast corner of the site. PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. Environmental Impact Assessment 11250 & 11300 240th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. Michael J Mills Consulting Certified Arborist Arboricultural Assessment Report / Preliminary Proposed 64 Unit Townhouse and 5 single family lots Development 11250 & 11300 240th Street City of Maple Ridge Prepared for Epic Homes Ltd. MJM File #1666 1.0 Introduction: November l5t, 2016 Site visit was requested to review the condition and preservation potential of the existing trees located on the above noted properties in Maple Ridge. We understand the proposal will involve the development of a 64 unit townhouse project and five single family lots that will join with existing single family properties located to the north. This report is intended to satisfy the arborist submission requirement of the city of Maple Ridge Tree Protection and Management bylaw no. 7133-2015. We were requested to provide opinion with respect to the relative quality of the existing trees and to make recommendation for preservation in context with this proposal. Preliminary site plan information was provided to us from Formworks Architecture and Aplin and Martin Consultants ltd. Tree survey information was provided by Terra Pacific Land Surveying BCLS. A modified version of the survey plan is appended to this report. Refer to this plan for the location of all trees referenced in this report Site visit was conducted on October 5th 2016 under clear and cool weather conditions. 2.0 Observation: The property is located on the east side of 240th Street one legal lot north of 112th Avenue. The site is comprised of two legal lots that both contain a single family homes. At the time of our site visit, the homes were not occupied and were being prepared for demolition. Both properties are dominated with open land that has not been actively maintained in recent years. Relative new single family homes are located to the north. A vacant lot is located that was previously farmed is located to the immediate south. Multifamily townhouse development is in process across 240th Street to the west. There is a small watercourse (name unknown) in a ravine that borders the western side of the two lots. A top of bank 25m set back has been identified on the survey plan that defines the areas that area associated with this watercourse. The site slopes from west to east with drainage into the watercourse. The survey plan provided to us indicated the- location of 87 trees, 39 of which are located in a hedge row along 240th Street and 5 of which are located within the stream protection setback. Tree tags attached by the surveyor were located on most of the existing trees. We have referenced these numbers where the tags where found attached to the trees. 644 Bay Road, Gibsons BC., VON 1V8, ph: 604-230-4711 / email: mills@dccnet.com :: November 1't, 2016 Proposed 64 Unit Townhouse and 5 single family lots Development 11250 & 11300 240th Street City of Maple Ridge MJM File# 1666 We offer the following comment on the existing trees. Refer to the appended modified survey plan for the location of all trees referenced. Ref# Tag # Species Size Comment 1 543 Cedar 70 Three stems with wide spreading form, poor form and structure, good health. 2 550 Blue Spruce 45 Spa rs foliage due to shading. Poor one sided form. 3 556 Ponderosa Pine 45 Located in the centre of single family lot 1. Good health. 4 566 Fir 40 Growing along the south property line. Small tree with sparse foliage. In decline for no apparent reason. 5 571 Silver Poplar 4x30 571 & 580, part of a cluster of eight stems. Tall and leaning form. Spars foliage. 6 573 Cottonwood 35& Co dominant main stems. Tall and thin form. Good health. 20 7 580 Fir 60 Open grown, good health. 8 582 Silver Poplar 4x30 571 & 580, part of a cluster of eight stems. Tall and leaning form. Spa rs foliage. 9 1050 Willow 45 Crowded by larger surrounding trees, poor health and one sided form. 10 1055 Lombardy Poplar 50 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 11 1060 Norway Maple 50 One sided due to crowding, good health. 12 1062 Sitka Spruce 60 Good open grown form. 13 1069 Fir 60 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 14 1070 Fir 60 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 15 1071 Walnut 25 Small Walnut located just east of the stream protection set back. Single stem form, good health. 16 1072 Fir 60 Located just south of the driveway into 11300. Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 17 1076 Lombardy Poplar 40 Part of a row of six Poplars between the two houses. Typical tall and thin form. Dead top. 18 1077 Norway Spruce 35 Located in the centre of single family lot 1. Broken top form. Good health. 19 1080 Cedar 60 Larger open grown, good condition. 20 1081 Cedar 45 Small Cedar growing in close association with larger Oak. Crowded form. 21 1082 English Oak 35 One sided due to crowding with tree 1081. Good health. Page 2 November 15\ 2016 Proposed 64 Unit Townhouse and 5 single family lots Development 11250 & 11300 240th Street City of Maple Ridge MJM File# 1666 22 1084 Willow so Crowed by large trees, poor health and form. 23 1085 Fir so Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 24 1086 Fir so Dead. Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 25 1087 Lombardy Poplar 40 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 26 1088 Lombardy Poplar so Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 27 1089 Oak 30 Small Oak located within the stream protection set back. Good health. 28 1090 Lombardy Poplar 35 Part of a row of six Poplars between the two houses. Typical tall and thin form. Dead top. 29 1092 Fir 45 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 30 1093 Lombardy Poplar so Part of a row of six Poplars between the two houses. Typical tall and thin form. 31 1094 English Oak 30 Small tree, good health and form. 32 1095 Fir so Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 33 1100 Fir 45 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 34 1103 English Oak so Crowded by surrounding trees, poor form, good health. 35 1105 Cottonwood 55 Part of a tight row of three Cottonwoods. Crowded form. 36 1106 Crimson King so Red leaf cultivar, growing just off the front of the existing house Maple at 11250. Good condition. 37 1109 Fir 80 Broken top, recovered form, good health. 38 1118 Fir 30 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 39 1119 Fir 45 Located just north of the driveway into 11250. Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. Poor health. 40 1120 Cottonwood so Part of a tight row of three Cottonwoods. Crowded form. 41 1132 Lombardy Poplar 45 Located just north of the driveway into 11300. Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. Page 3 : November l't, 2016 Proposed 64 Unit Townhouse and 5 single family lots Development 11250 & 11300 240th Street City of Maple Ridge MJM File# 1666 42 1133 Cottonwood 50 Part of a tight row of three Cottonwoods. Crowded form. 43 1137 Walnut 25 Small tree with multiple stem form from the ground. Located within the stream protection set back. Poor form. 44 1141 Norway Spruce 70 Located beside existing house, tall and thin form. Lean toward house. Used to be co dominant but one side has broken out leaving a significant structural issue. High failure risk. 45 1142 Fir 35 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 46 1143 Norway Spruce 50 Broken top, Low branched form, good health. 47 1144 Norway Spruce 50 Located in the centre of single family lot 1. Broken top form. Good health. 48 1145 Cottonwood 70 Single stem, open grown form, good health. 49 1146 Fir 45 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 50 1147 Fir 55 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 51 1148 Fir 50 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 52 1149 Fir 40 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 53 1150 Fir 45 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 54 1151 Lombardy Poplar 40 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 55 1152 Fir 45 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 56 1153 Fir 50 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 57 1154 Lombardy Poplar 40 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 58 1155 Lombardy Poplar 30 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 59 1156 Lombardy Poplar 35 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. Page4 November rt, 2016 Proposed 64 Unit Townhouse and 5 single family lots Development 11250 & 11300 240th Street City of Maple Ridge MJM File# 1666 60 1157 Lombardy Poplar 35 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 61 1160 Lombardy Poplar 40 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 62 1161 Lombardy Poplar 40 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 63 1163 Ponderosa Pine 55 Located along the edge of the driveway into 11300. Contorted form, good health. 64 1164 Fir 55 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 65 1169 Fir 40 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 66 1196 Lombardy Poplar 30 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 67 1197 Ponderosa Pine 45 Located beside driveway into 11250. Top broken out, poor form. 68 1198 Fir 45 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 69 1199 Fir so Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 70 1201 Lombardy Poplar 50 Typical tall and thin form, good health. 71 1202 Fir 60 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 72 1207 Norway Spruce 60 Locate in the rear yard of single family lot #1. Good condition. 73 1209 Norway Spruce 45 Lean toward the east. Good health. 74 1210 Lombardy Poplar 30 Part of a row of six Poplars between the two houses. Typical tall and thin form. 75 1211 Lombardy Poplar so Part of a row of six Poplars between the two houses. Typical tall and thin form. Dead top. 76 1212 Fir 30 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 77 1213 Lombardy Poplar 40 Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. 78 1214 Walnut 80 Located within the stream protection area just below the top of bank. Wide spreading form. Lots of surrounding seedlings 79 1215 Weeping Willow 65 Old tree close to the stream protection area, in decline. Page 5 November 1•t, 2016 Proposed 64 Unit Townhouse and 5 single family lots Development 11250 & 11300 240th Street City of Maple Ridge MJM File# 1666 80 1216 Douglas Fir 81 1217 Weeping Willow 82 1218 Sawara Cypress 83 1219 Fir 84 1221 Lombardy Poplar 85 1251 English Oak 86 1252 Norway Spruce 87 6545 Lombardy Poplar Photos: Page 6 70 60 50 40 60 30 50 30cm Open grown tree located within the stream protection area. Good condition. Located to the rear of the existing house at 11250. Older tree with some decline evident. Located beside larger tree. Co dominant main stems, good health. Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future road widening. Part of a row of six Poplars between the two houses. Typical tall and thin form. Located in the centre of single family lot 1. Small tree. Somewhat crowded by other trees. Good health. Located in the centre of single family lot 2. Crooked form. Good health. Part of the hedge row of trees along 240th. Firs and Lombardy Poplars in alternating pattern. Tall thin and crowded form. Located within the future ro;!d widening. Overview of the site looking south east from 240th Street. r Proposed 64 Unit Townhouse and 5 single family lots Development 11250 & 11300 240th Street City of Maple Ridge MJM File# 1666 Page 7 November 1'\ 2016 Photo #2: View of the Walnut trees within the stream protection set back. Photo #3: View of the trees within the stream protection area below the top of bank. Photo #4: View of the trees in the north west corner within the single family area. : Proposed 64 Unit Townhouse and 5 single family lots Development 11250 & 11300 240th Street City of Maple Ridge MJM File# 1666 Additional photos of the site were recorded and will remain on file if required. 3.0 Comment & Recommendation: November l't, 2016 Photo #5: View of the existing house at 11250 240th. Photo #6: View of the existing house at 11300 240th. The survey identified the location of 87 trees associated with this development. Of these, 39 (25 Douglas Fir and 14 Lombardy Poplar) form the hedge row of trees that is located along the edge of 240th Street (see photo #1). These 39 trees fall within the road dedication and we assume they will be removed to allow for road widening and sidewalk improvements similar to what has occurred along 240th Street adjacent to the development to the immediate north. Another 5 of the surveyed trees are located within the stream protection area. These trees will be retained and protected. All five of these trees are in good condition and represent minimal risk to the development area. There are numerous other trees within the stream protection area, however they are located below the top of bank and are well removed from the development area. Page 8 Proposed 64 Unit Townhouse and 5 single family lots Development 11250 & 11300 240th Street City of Maple Ridge MJM File# 1666 November ist, 2016 Due to the density of the proposal and the need to re grade the site, no on-site tree preservation is being proposed. As such a total of 43 bylaw size trees will need to be removed. We assume that the 39 trees located within the 240th Street road allowance will be exempt from tree replacement as noted in section 5 of the bylaw. Tree replacement: Based on the bylaw criteria as outlined in Schedule "E", a total of 116 replacement trees will be required in compensation for the removal of the 43 on site trees. Size of trees to # of trees required # of existing trees # of replacement be removed trees to be provided 20-50cm 2:1 29 58 50-70cm 4:1 13 52 Above 70cm 6:1 1 6 Total 43 Total 116 All replacement trees will need to meet the minimum size criteria of 6cm caliper for deciduous trees and 2 metre height for coniferous trees. Refer to the landscape plans for replacement tree information. Temporary protection fencing or the permanent park edge rail fencing will need to be installed along the border of the stream protection area prior to any development work on this site. Page 9 = Proposed 64 Unit Townhouse and 5 single family lots Development 11250 & 11300 240th Street City of Maple Ridge MJM File# 1666 4.0 Limitations November 1st, 2016 We attach the following clauses to this document to ensure you are fully aware of what is technically and professionally realistic in the assessment and preservation of trees. This Arboricultural field review report is based only on site observations on the date noted. Effort has been made to ensure that the opinions expressed are a reasonable and accurate representation of the condition of all trees reviewed, however, conditions influencing the opinion and recommendation as provided in this report can change quickly and without warning. Any trees retained should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure reasonable safety and to minimize the associated risk. The assessment was completed based on visual review only. None of the trees were dissected, cored, probed or climbed. All trees or groups of trees have the potential to fail. No guarantees are offered or implied by Michael J Mills Consulting or their employees that the trees are safe given all conditions. Trees can be managed, but they cannot be controlled. To live work or play near trees is to accept some degree of risk. The only way to eliminate all risk associated with trees is to eliminate all trees. The information in this report is based on conceptual site plan information only and does not represent definitive tree preservation recommendations. The information provided in this report is for the exclusive use of our client and may not be reproduced or distributed without permission of Michael J Mills Consulting. Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter. Yours Truly, Michael J Mills ISA Certified Arborist PN #0392 Page 10 SCALF: 1 : 500 0 i------- ~y /nlormal/ort Pm"1«d bj T,m:, /;«Ilk: L~-iJ SmvaJltig File: lr/R/6-54 ~ 0-ote: July I , 2'-Mt Ex/sl/ilr,i s/ngls r'amhy ,,-- Exist/Jig single falnVy ::i ----- Park -- 1 ' I l I MICHAEL J MIU,S ~ONSULTING CERTIFIED ARBDRIST MO O"Tl 111!'-ISIOJI 0~Y,ftlPT(ON ~ ..... EPIC HOMES 64 Unit Townhqµse & 5 Slnele Famity Lots 11250 & uSOO. 240\h &treet MAPLE RIDGE BC --EXISTING TREE SUMMARY PLAN: l(fl r EOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES LTD. Epic Homes #201 -20050 Stewart Crescent Maple Ridge, BC V2X OT 4 Attention: Cole Lambert Telephone: 604 882-8475 Fax: 604 882-8476 general@valleygeo.ca Regarding: Geotechnical Investigation & Report Proposed Townhouse Development 11250 & 11300 240 Street, Maple Ridge, BC Project#: 43701-09 1.0 INTRODUCTION #15 -20279 -9yth Avenue Langley, British Columbia Canada, V1 M 489 www.valleygeo.ca October 6, 2016 (revised January 24, 2017) Valley Geotechnical Engineering Services Ltd. (Valley Geo) has been retained by Epic Homes to carry out a geotechnical investigation and provide recommendations for the proposed development of townhouses at the above addresses. This report summarizes our work to date and presents geotechnical recommendations pertinent to development of the site. This report . addresses the stability of slopes at the site using APEGBC's guidelines for "Legislated Landslide Assessments for Proposed Residential Developments in BC (Revised in May 201 0)". Based on our work, we conclude that the site is "safe" for the use intended with reference to the BC Building Code 2012 and Community Charter Section 56, as per Bulletin #2012-02. This report may be used by the City of Maple Ridge Approving Officer for development permit and building permit considerations. 2.0 INFORMATION REVIEWED Valley Geo has local experience on several projects in the area. Several projects in the vicinity of the subject site were reviewed during the preparation of this report. These files are listed as follows : • Geotechnical Report & Hazard Assessment -Proposed 7 Lot Subdivision -24211 113 Avenue (May 28, 2015) • Geotechnical Investigation & Report -Proposed Commercial and Townhouse Development (Maple Heights Village) -11213 240 Street (May 31, 2012) Valley Geotechnical Engineering Services Ltd. 3.0 SITE DETAILS & PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 3.1 Site Description 43701-09-Proposed Townhouse Development 11250 & 11300 240 Street, Maple Ridge, BC Revised Jan 12, 2017 -Page 2 The site comprises two properties with civic addresses of 11250 and 11300 240 Street in Maple Ridge, BC. The site is rectangular in shape with approximate dimensions of 130m N-S and 150m E-W, and a total plan area of 1.95ha. The site is bounded by 112 Avenue to the south, 240 Street to the west, residential townhouses to the north, and a forested area with a creek to the east. The west half of the site slopes toward the south with an approximate gradient of 6%. From the center, the site slopes eastward at gradients between 20% and 60%, with an intermediate gentler slope of 6%, toward a creek running N-S along the east property line. Elevations range between 18m and 35m geodetic datum. There is currently an occupied house on the south property, and a vacant house on the north property. It is our understanding that an environmental setback line has been established at a distance of 22.5m west from the top of bank in the east portion of the property. A site location plan and site survey is included in Appendix A. 3.2 Proposed Development Valley Geo has reviewed the development concept plan, site survey, and preliminary stormwater management plan. The proposed development on this site consists of 55 townhouses in 12 buildings. New roads will be constructed, with the main access from 240 Street. New storm and sanitary mains will be installed below the proposed road. The sanitary main will tie into the city system, while the storm main will direct water towards the creek in the east portion of the site. Plans detailing the proposed development are attached as Appendix B. Valley Geotechnical Engineering Services Ltd. 3.3 Subsurface Information 43701-09 -Proposed Townhouse Development 11250 & 11300 240 Street, Maple Ridge, BC Revised Jan 12, 2017 -Page 3 According to the published Geological Survey of Canada Map 1484A, the native subsurface soil is of Fort Langley Formation (Flc and Fld). Flc soils consist of glaciomarine stony clayey silt to silty sand betwee 8m and 90m thick, while Fld soils consist of marine silty clay to fine sand. Valley Geo carried out a test pit investigation on June 15, 2016. A total of 13 test pits, designated TP1 to TP13, were excavated up to a depth of 2.90m below the existing grade. The soil conditions on the site generally consist of the following: • Dark brown, loose, sandy silt (topsoil) up to 0.40m thick, over • Brown-grey, stiff, silty clay (upper crust), to depths explored. Exceptions to the above include: • TP1, TP2, and TP13, where grey, very stiff silty clay was found below up to 1.90m of brown, stiff silty clay (upper crust), and • TP6, which contained grey, medium-stiff to soft silty clay with a trace of organics below a depth of 0.60m (underneath brown, medium-stiff clay), to depths explored. The consistency of the soil softened with depth. At this test pit, the brown, stiff silty clay (upper crust) was absent. Minor seepage observed in approximately half of the test pits, between depths of 1.40m and 2.90m. Please see Appendix C for the locations and logs of our test pit investigation. 4.0 SEISMIC CONSIDERATION In accordance with the British Columbia Building Code (2012), the Site Class is "D". Data provided by Earthquakes Canada indicates this site could be subject to a Peak Ground Acceleration of 0.301 g and seismic hazard values of Sa(0.2)=0.689g, Sa(0.5)=0.600g, Sa(1.0)=0.349g, and Sa(2.0)=0.216g during a 1 in 2475 design earthquake. Based on our investigation, the native soil conditions at the site are stiff and considered non- liquefiable. Valley Geotechnica/ Engineering Services Ltd. 5.0 SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS 43701-09-Proposed Townhouse Development 11250 & 11300 240 Street, Maple Ridge, BC Revised Jan 12, 2017 -Page 4 Valley Geo has carried out a slope stability analysis of the site in its existing condition, and after development of the townhouses. The stability of the slopes was evaluated using the Slope/W program from the GeoStudio 2007 software package. This computer software conducts limit equilibrium slope stability analyses using the Morgenstern-Price's Method. The slope stability analysis is based upon the 2012 BC Building Code and the APEGBC guidelines for "Legislated Landslide Assessments for Proposed Residential Developments in BC (revised in May 2010)". The minimum requirements for static and seismic factors of safety are 1.5 and 1.0, respectively. Horizontal displacements of less than 15cm are required for seismic conditions. Section FS FS > 1.5 FS> 1.0 Existing Static 2.472 y n/a Seismic 1.312 n/a y Static 2.209 y n/a Proposed Static (2) 2.450 y n/a Seismic 1.164 n/a y Seismic (2) 1.291 n/a y Based on the results of our analysis, we conclude that the onsite slopes are stable and meet the requirements discussed above as set out by APEGBC and the BC Building Code. Therefore, the site is safe for the use intended. The results of our slope stability analysis, as well as our APEGBC Landslide Assessment Assurance Statement, are attached as Appendix D. 6.0 HAZARD ASSESSMENT In conjunction with the preparation of this report, we have reviewed the topography and water courses of the surrounding area for any evidence of past or potential hazard events. The following subsections provide an estimation of the various hazards detailed in the "Hazard Acceptability Thresholds for Development Approvals by Local Government" (HA TOAL) report by Dr. Peter Cave. 6.1 Inundation by Flood Waters The site is outside the floodplain areas for the North Alouette, South Alouette, and Fraser Rivers, as indicated by the City of Maple Ridge Floodplain Maps. This hazard is not applicable. Valley Geotechnical Engineering Services Ltd. 6.2 Mountain Stream Erosion and Avulsion 43701-09-Proposed Townhouse Development 11250 & 11300 240 Street, Maple Ridge, BC Revised Jan 12, 2017 -Page 5 The site is not located on or in the general vicinity of an alluvial fan, and does not have steep gradients and flows stemming directly from mountains. Therefore, the threat of avulsion or mountain stream erosion at this site is non-existent and this hazard is not applicable. 6.3 Debris Flows and Debris Torrents There are no creeks subject to debris flows and debris torrents in the vicinity of the site. This hazard is not applicable. 6.4 Debris Floods Creeks subject to debris floods are not located in this area. This hazard is not applicable. 6.5 Landslides (Small-scale/Localized) We have completed a slope stability assessment for static and seismic conditions for the slopes in the east portion of the subject site (see Section 5.0 -Slope Stability Analysis above). The annual probability of hazard from small-scale and localized landslides is considered low (1 :2475). 6.6 Snow Avalanches The site is not located in an avalanche area. Therefore, this hazard is not applicable. 6.7 Rock Falls There are no rock slopes and cliffs present on the site or in the surrounding area. This hazard is not applicable. 6.8 Landslides (Massive/Catastrophic) Based on our experience in the area, and upon review of the surrounding topography, it is to the best of our knowledge that there have not been any large scale slippages or landslides in the area. The annual probability of hazard from a massive and catastrophic landslide is low (< 1:10,000). 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Provided the recommendations in this report are followed it is our opinion that the site is safe for the use intended with reference to the 2012 BC Building Code and Community Charter Valley Geotechnical Engineering Services Ltd. : Section 56, as per Bulletin #2012-02. 7.1 Site Preparation 43701-09 -Proposed Townhouse Development 11250 & 11300 240 Street, Maple Ridge, BC Revised Jan 12, 2017 -Page 6 All topsoil and organics within 1m beyond all proposed area of development must be removed. Minor over-excavation in areas of soft clay, and replacement with approved structural fill, may be required. Based on the development concept plan, fill will be required in some areas to bring the site up to design grades. Fill should be structural fill consisting of granular materials approved by Valley Geo. We recommend that all materials placed be tested to ensure compaction to a minimum 95% of the SPMDD (Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density). Slopes to receive fill should be benched prior to the placement of fill. Please note that the native materials on site are not considered re-usable as structural fill. 7.2 Stormwater Management Based on a preliminary stormwater management plan provided by Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd., surface runoff will be collected in swales/bioswales located throughout the site. Sumps will tie into a new underground storm pipe below the road, which will then direct water towards the east creek with a flow control. In-pipe detention will also be implemented. We confirm that the proposed SWM P is feasible for this site from a geotechnical standpoint. 7.3 Slopes & Excavations All excavations must conform to Worksafe BC excavation regulations which can be found in Part 20 from Section 20.78 to 20.95 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation posted on the website of Worksafe BC. Excavations deeper than 1.2m should be carried out in accordance with the written recommendations of a Geotechnical Professional Engineer prior to workers entering excavations. Utility trench excavation cuts should be sloped at a minimum of 1 H: 1 V to protect against sloughing, or box shoring used as an alternative. Trenches should be backfilled with compacted structural fill and should not be left open overnight. If water is encountered, dewatering may be required and can be a~hieved using a typical sump and pump. Valley Geo recommends that temporary and permanent excavation cuts be no steeper than 1H:1.5V and 2H:1V, respectively. All permanent slopes should be vegetated to protect against erosion. Valley Geotechnical Engineering Services Ltd. 7.4 Foundations 43701-09-Proposed Townhouse Development 11250 & 11300 240 Street, Maple Ridge, BC Revised Jan 12, 2017 -Page 7 The following design parameters may be used for foundation design: • • • • Ultimate Limit State (ULS) Serviceability Limit State (SLS) Site class Peak ground acceleration (PGA) 108 kPa (2250 psf) 72 kPa ( 1500 psf) D 0.301g Spread and strip footings should be founded on native, stiff clay, or on Valley Geo-approved structural fill, where fill is required to achieve design grades. Valley Geo should be contacted to approve the bearing surface prior to foundation construction . Exposed silty clay should be protected by a 50mm thick layer of 19mm clear crush gravel. A minimum soil cover of 450mm should be provided above the footings for frost protection. 7.5 Roadworks As discussed above in Section 7. 1 -Site Preparation, all topsoil and organics within 1 m of the proposed road must be removed. We recommend that all materials in the road alignment be tested to ensure that compaction meets the minimum of 95% of the MPMDD (Modified Proctor Maximum Dry Density). The following minimum pavement section is recommended over approved sub-grade: • 300mm of compacted 75mm minus sand or sand & gravel sub base • 100mm of 19mm minus crushed gravel base • 80mm asphalt (40mm first lift, 40mm second lift) Proof-rolling using a loaded single-axle hauling truck of the pavement areas should be carried out after the sub-base and base gravel are in place. If requested, Valley Geo will proof-roll the curb and base prior to paving. 7.6 Erosion & Sediment Control As required by the City of Maple Ridge, during construction, appropriate measures must be taken to minimize erosion and prevent sediment from contaminating stormwater systems and sediment-sensitive areas. Monitoring by Valley Geo or a qualified ESC consultant will be required when clearing and grubbing are in progress, and during construction. Valley Geotechnical Engineering Services Ltd. = 7.7 Geotechnical Setback Line 43701-09-Proposed Townhouse Development 11250 & 11300 240 Street, Maple Ridge, BC Revised Jan 12, 2017 -Page 8 A geotechnical setback line is required to protect the onsite slopes in the east portion of the site. This shall be set as the same line as the environmental setback line (minimum 22.5m from the top of bank), as indicated in our slope stability analysis (Appendix D). 8.0 CLOSURE In the preparation of this report, Valley Geo has reviewed the development concept plan, the results of our soil investigation, and information from nearby sites. We should be given the opportunity to review the final lot grading plan, building plans, and stormwater management plan when they are available, and make revisions to this report as necessary. Valley Geo should be retained during construction to: • Review all site excavations, • Carry out compaction testing on all fill placed, • Review all bearing surfaces, and • Ensure compliance with our recommendations as required for our Schedule B and C-B We trust that this report provides you with information required. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Yours very truly; Bryan Lui, EIT Geotechnical Engineer LIST OF ATTACHMENTS: Appendix A: Site Location Plan & Site Survey Narayan Abhyankar, FEC, P. Eng. Principal Geotechnical Engineer Appendix B: Development Concept Plan & Preliminary Stormwater Management Plan Appendix C: Test Pit Locations and Soil Logs Appendix D: Slope Stability Analysis & APEGBC Landslide Assessment Assurance Statement \\vges-srv-dc1 \VGES\VGES-PROJECTS\43700\43701 -09\2016dec21 revised report.doc Valley Geotechnical Engineering Services Ltd. ( EOTECH1 ICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES LTD. Telephone: 604 882-8475 Fax: 604 882-8476 general@valleygeo.ca Appendix A Site Location Plan & Site Survey #15 -20279 -9yth Avenue Langley, British Columbia Canada, V1 M 489 www.valleygeo.ca Valley Geotechnlcal Engineering Services Ltd. EOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES LTD. Telephone: 604 882-8475 Fax: 604 882-8476 general@valleygeo.ca Appendix B #15 -20279 -gih Avenue Langley, British Columbia Canada, V1 M 489 www.valleygeo.ca Development Concept Plan & Preliminary Stormwater Management Plan Valley Geotechnical Engineering Services Ltd. EOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES LTD. Telephone: 604 882-8475 Fax: 604 882-8476 general@valleygeo.ca Appendix C Test Pit Locations and Soil Logs #15 -20279 -gJ1h Avenue Langley, British Columbia Canada, V1 M 489 www.valleygeo.ca Valley Geotechnical Engineering Services Ltd. : EOTECHI IICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES LTD. Telephone: 604 882-8475 Fax: 604 882-8476 general@valleygeo.ca Appendix D Slope Stability Analysis & #15 -20279 -97th Avenue Langley, British Columbia Canada, V1 M 489 www.valleygeo.ca APEGBC Landslide Assessment Assurance Statement Valley Geotechnical Engineering Services Ltd. core Lamt>ert Epic Homes CRb.ATIVb.. TR.AN6P ORTA TION 60LUTION6 #201-20050 Stewart Crescent Maple Ridge BC, V2X0T4 Dear Mr. Lambert, Date: Our File No: BY EMAIL 84a moody street port moody, british columbia canada v3h 2p5 W 604.936.6190 lriil 604.936.6175 ~ www.cts-bc.com 16 February 2017 5600-01 Re: 11250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Traffic Impact Study, Maple Ridge, BC Creative Transportation Solutions Ltd. (CTS) is pleased to submit this FINAL report s.ummarizir:i.g, our work on the above study. CTS was. retained by Epic Homes to undertake a traffic impact study for a proposed mixed residential development located at 11250-11300 240 Street in the City of Maple Ridge, B.C. The primary objectives of this study were as follows: 1. To undertake a traffic impact assessment for the proposed mixed residential development; and, 2. To document the analysis in a report that meets the requirements of the City of Maple Ridge. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The Site The proposed development is to be located at 11250-11300 240th Street in the City of Maple Ridge. It is proposed to be a residential development consisting of 5 single family units and 54 townhouse units. A full movement access is proposed on 240th Street approximate 170 meters north of 11ih Avenue and approximate 100 meters south of 113A Avenue for the 54 townhouse units only. The traffic generated from the 5 single family units is expected to use 113A Avenue as the access. Construction is proposed to be completed by 2018. A copy of the site plan used for this study is included in APPENDIX A. FIGURE 1 illustrates the study area and adjacent road network. innovative. functional. comprehensive----------------------~~-= &stablls hed 1993 Page2 FIGURE 1 STUDY AREA AND ADJACENT ROAD NETWORK J J 250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Traffic Impact Study -FINAL Report (16 Febniary 2017) Page3 1.2 The Road Network 240th Street is a north/south oriented arterial road with a two lane cross section-, curb anti• gutter on the west side and streetlights at the study location. It is expected the curb and gutter, sidewalk and streetlights will be implemented on the east side as part of the proposed development. Within the study area, the posted speed limit is 50 km/hr. On- street parking is not restricted on both sides of the roadway but with regulation signs showing "Temporary Future Travel Lane'.'. 1· 1-3A Avenue-is an east/we-st-oriented local road appro-ximately 7 O meters in-length and serving about 40 single family units. A sidewalk is provided at the south side of the road. Kanaka Way/112 Avenue is an east/west oriented collector road with a two lane cross section. Kanaka Way is west of 240th Street has sidewalks , curb & gutter and street lights on both sides of the roadway. 112th Avenue east of 2401h Street has a rural cross section -no curb & gutter, or sidewalk or streetlights. Within the study area, the posted speed limit is. 50 lun/hc 1.3 Scope of Work CTS selected the weekday morning and afternoon peak hours as the design hours of analysis for this study as they represent the peak trip generation period for residential development. The following scenarios were used in this traffic impact assessment: 1. 2016 (i.e. existing base) 2. 2018 (future base) 3. 2018 (future base+ site generated) 4. 2028 (future base + site generated) 2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS 2.1 Study Area The following intersections were included in the study: 1) 240th Street & Kanaka Way/11 ih Avenue; 2) 240th Street & 113A Avenue; and 3) 24ott1 Street & Proposed Acces·s. 11250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Traffic Impact Study-FINAL Report (16 February 2017) :: Page 4 2.2 Site Vjsit CTS Staff conducted a site visit on Friday, 25 November 2016, in order to document current conditions. The following were the key observations from the site visit: 1. During the afternoon peak hour, no capacity issues were observed at the intersection of 240th Street & Kanaka Way/11 ih Avenue and 240th Street & 113A Avenue; 2. The sight distance from the proposed access approximate location to the north is 170 meters and to the south is more than 200 meters. 3. A residential complex with 167 townhome units located at 11305 240th Street opposite to the proposed development is not fully built and occupied. 3.0 BASE TRAFFIC VOLUMES 2016 Base Traffic Volumes In order to obtain current traffic data for the study area, CTS conducted intersection turning movement counts on Thursday, 5 December 2016 from 7:00..,9:00 and 15:00~ 18:00 to augment the historical traffic data. The traffic count data was tabulated and reviewed to ensure data integrity and validity. The tabulated traffic movement count data sheets are included in APPENDIX B. FIGURE 2 and FIGURE 3 illustrate the weekday morning and afternoon peak hour vehicle volumes, respectively. 2018 Future Base Traffic Volumes Year 2018 is anticipated to be the year of full buildout for the proposed development. Therefore, in order to access the 2016 base traffic volumes were factored up by a traffic volume growth rate of 2.0% per annum (simple straight line) to represent base year 2018 volumes. The residential complex located at 11305 -240th Street opposite to the proposed development is not fully built and occupied and as -of 1-6 January 2017, only -80 of 1§7 units are occupied . In order to include the future additional traffic generated from 11305 240th Street residential complex in the year 2018 when it is fully occupied , CTS estimated the trip generation volume by using the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Rate Informational Report (9th Edition). TABLE 1 summarizes the estimated additional generation traffic volume from the 11305 -240th Street residential complex by the year 2018. l 1250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Traffic Impact Study-FINAL Report (16 Febniary 2017) Page5 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF GENERATION TRAFFIC FROM 11305 240th STREET Trip Scope of Vehicle Trip Trip Rate Directional Split Peak Hour Volumes(vph) Land Use Peak Hour Generation Generation Development Source Variable Rate %in %out in out total Weekday 0.44 17% 83% 7 32 39 Morning ITE91h Townhouse Dwelling Units 87 Edition- Weekday 0.52 Code230 67% 33% 31 15 46 Mernoon .. As of Januaiy i6; 2017: 80 of 167·umls were occup1ecr. Therefore, in 2018; we expecf ST more units traffic 1/0lumes lo be m the network . The estimated additional generation traffic volume will then add to the factored 2018 base traffic volume based on the trip distribution summarized in TABLE 2. TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF TRIP DISTRIBUITON FOR 11305 240th STREET WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR FROM/ TO INBOUND OUTBOUND INBOUND OUTBOUND 7 32 31 15 240 Street (North) 2 13 12 5 112 Avenue (East) 1 2 2 1 240·Street (South) J 10 H} 6 Kanaka way (West) 1 7 7 3 TOTAL 7 32 31 15 39 46 FIGURE 4 and FIGURE 5 illustrate the total projected 2018 weekday morn ing and afternoon peak hour volumes (2% annual growth volumes + 11305 -240th Street generated volumes) for future base conditions with no proposed development traffic. 11250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Traffic Impact Study-FINAL Report (16 February 2017) : FIGURE 2 2016 WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR BASE TRAFFIC VOLUMES I LEGEND Existing Road Exisiling Traffic Signal Existing Stop Sign Control Proposed Local Access NOTE,: NE,TWORI< IS NOTTO SCALE l.17 ,10 0 ~ N l.58 (X)C')C') 113AAvenue Study Site P.ag.e6 ,.; t L.. -s4 _____ "r-_K_a_n_a_k_a_W_a...;:y~---{l-•-1_5 _____ 1_1_2_A_v_e_n_u_e __ ~~::. ., t ~ 52""l ~ ~ gj ~C') 11250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Trcif.fic Impact Study-FINAL Report (16 Febmary 2017) r FIGURE 3 2016 WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR BASE TRAFFIC VOLUMES I LEGEND Existing Road Exisiting Traffic Signal Existing Slop Sign Control Proposed Local Access NOTE:NETWORK JS NOTTO SC At.£ .., t,. NN'<f" t--.-("') s:t ~(O l..21 l'--C"lV 11 I -4Q 11JAAvenue Study Site Page 7 Kanaka Way .., • .. 11--.-_13 ______ 1_1_2_A_v_e_n_u_e __ ~!~ .., t,. 129") 1g~~ .-N l 1250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Trqffic Impact Study-FINAL Report (16 February 2017) :: FIGURE 4 2018 WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR BASE TRAFFIC VOLUMES I LEGEND Existing Road Exisiting Traffic Signal 18 Existing Stop Sign Control Proposed Local Access NOTE: NETWORK IS NOT TO SCALE 0, ,.,., ,;)"'S)"(O -l.17 ..,! l. . .-10 0 1:8 !Sl ~ -l. 84 113AAvenue Study Site P.age8 Kanaka Way .., + i. • ~~~ 112 Avenue -------i,,---------7-5-j--1:r------------___,;___,; __ _ 32--., t ~ 54,. l;:I o g .,......,. 11250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Traffic Impact Study-FINAL Report (I 6 Febmary 2017) FIGURE 5 2018 WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR BASE TRAFFIC VOLUMES I LEGEND Exisling Road Exisiting Traffic Signal Existing Stop Sign Control Proposed Local Access NOTE: NETWORK IS ,'JOT TO SC A1.E ~ ~ ~ +__37 .J 11 -52 113AAvenue Study Site Page9 Kanaka Way ' -f""34 112 Avenue ----------,,-----------97-_J.----ii~-------------....;..-- 92-+it,+ 134") ~gig ~N l l 250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Traffic Impact Study-FINAL Report (16 February 2017) = Pag.e IO 4.0 SITE TRAFFIC VOLUMES 4.1 Traffic Generation The published vehicle trip generation rates from the Institute ofTransportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Rate Informational Report (9th Edition) were used to estimate site traffic volumes. TABLE 3 summarizes the forecast site generation traffic for full buildout which is projected to be completed by the year 2018. TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF SITE GENERA TED TRAFFIC Trip Vehicle Trip Scope of Trip Rate Directional Split Peak Hour Volumes (vph) Land Use Peak Hour Generation Development Generation Source Variable Rate ¾in ¾out in out total Weekday 0.44 17% 83% 4 20 24 Morning ITE 9th Townhouse Dwelling Uni1s 54 Edition- Weekday 0.52 C0de 230 • 67% 33% 19 10 Mernoon Weekday 0.75 25% 75% 1 3 Single-Family Morning ITE 9th Dwelling Uni1s 5 Edition-Detached Housing Weekday Code 210 4.2 Mernoon 1.00 63% 37% 3 2 TOTAL WEEKOAYMORNINGPEAK HOUR 5 23 TOTAL WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR 22 12 From TABLE 3, we found that the townhouse development is forecast to generate a total of 24 vehicle trips (4 inbound, 20 outbound) during the weekday morning peak hour and 29 vehicle trips (19 inbound, 10 outbound) during the weekday afternoon peak hour. The single family development is forecast to generate a total of 4 vehicle trips (1 inbound, 3 o-utbound) during the weekday morning peak hour and 5 vehicle trips (3 inbound, 2 outbound) during the weekday afternoon peak hour. In total, the proposed development is forecast to generate a total of 28 vehicle trips (5 inbound, 23 outbound) during the weekday morning peak hour and 34 vehicle trips (22 inbound, 12 outbound) during the weekday afternoon peak hour. The morning and afternoon peak hour trip generation volumes are equivalent to an average of 0.47 and -0-.57 veh~cle movements perminut-e, respect~vely. Trip Distribution Trip distribution parameters to distribute the site generated vehicle trips to/from the site were developed from existing traffic patterns entering and exiting the study area for the morning and afternoon peak hours. The trip distribution parameters and volumes used in this study are summarized in TABLE 4 and TABLE 5 respectively. 11250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Trqffzc Impact Study-FINAL Report (16 Febniary 2017) 29 4 5 28 34 FROM/TO 240 Street (North) 112 Avenue (East) 240 Street (South) • Kanaka way(West) FROM /TO 240 Street (North) 112 Avenue (East) 240 Street (South) Kanaka way (West) TOTAL TABLE 4 TRIP DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES FOR SITE GENERA TED TRAFFrC Page 11 WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR INBOUND OUTBOUND 34.6% 40.1% 9.9% 6.3% 43.7% 31 .2% 11.8% 22.4% TABLE 5 TRIP DISTRIBUTION VEHICLE VOLUMES FOR SITE GENERA TED TRAFFIC INBOUND OUTBOUND 37.5% 31.3% 6.1% 10.8% 32.1% 39.5% 24.3% 18.3% WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR INBOUND OUIBOUND INBOUND OUTBOUND 5 23 22 12 2 g 8 4 0 2 1 1 2 7 7 5 1 5 6 2 5 23 22 12 28 34 4.3 Traffic Assignment The additional vehicle trips generated from the development were subsequently assigned to the road network using the trip distribution parameters in TABLE 5. FIGURE 6 and FIGURE 7 illustrate the site generated traffic volumes on the road network for the weekday morning and afternoon peak hours. I 1250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Traffic Impact Study-FINAL Report (16 February 2017) = FIGURE 6 SITE TRAFFIC VOLUMES FOR THE WEEKDAY AM PEAK HOUR LEGEND Existing Road I Exisiting Traffic Signal G Exisling Slop Sign Conlrol Proposed Local Access NOTE: NFTWORK IS NOT TO SC ALE Ul r---N l.1 . .-2 t <:0 l.a . ...-12 113AAvenue Study Site Pag.e 12 Kanaka Way ...i • l. • 112 Avenue _____ ...,... ______________ 1_-1---111'-t------------- N 11250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Traffic Impact Study-FINAL Report (16 Febn1ary 2017) Page 13 FIGURE 7 SITE TRAFFIC VOLUMES FOR THE WEEKDAY PM PEAK HOUR 113AAvenue ..-r--l. 3 t L. .7 LEGEND ----- t~ Study Existing Road NN ~ I Exisiling Traffic Signal Site Existing Stop Sign Control Proposed Local Access NOTE: Nl:N,'c.FI.K IS NOTTO SCALE N lO ..- Kanaka Way +l t L. l.1 112 Avenue 5J t I'- J 1250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Traffic Impact Study-FINAL Report (16 February 2017) P_age 14 5.0 TOTAL PROJECTED TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE 8 illustrates the total projected traffic for the year 2018 weekday morning peak hour consisting of both future base and site traffic resulting from the proposed development. It is the result of superimposing FIGURE 4 onto FIGURE 6. FIGURE 9 illustrates the total projected traffic for the year 2018 weekday afternoon peak hour consisting of both future base and site traffic resulting from the proposed development. It is the result of superimposing FIGURE 5 onto FIGURE 7. FIGURE 10 illustrates the total projected traffic for the year 2028 weekday morning peak hour consisting of both 2028 future base and site traffic resulting from the proposed development. FIGURE 11 illustrates the total projected traffic for the year 2028 weekday afternoon peak hour consisting of both 2028 future base and site traffic resulting from the proposed development. 11250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Traffic Impact Study-FINAL Report (16 Febniary 2017) FIGURE 8 2018 AM PEAK HOUR BASE + SITE TRAFFIC VOLUMES I LEGEND Existing Road Exisiting Traffic Signal Existing Stop Sign Control Proposed Local Access NOTE NETWORK JS NOT TO SCALE t_ 18 ,12 113AAvenue --r---=4t-=..:.._ ____ _ CXl CXl v~ ♦ I+ t...a ,12 r--m ~~ t_a4 Study Site Page 15 Kanaka Way ..i + i. ~;~ 112 Avenue -----..L,--------::..-----1:1~------..;..;;.;;;;..;;...;~;.;;..;;,;.,;;;....__ ;~!. ., t ~ 54") ~gg ~v 11250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Traffic Impact Study-FINAL Report (16 February 2017) FIGURE 9 2018 PM HOUR BASE+ SITE TRAFFIC VOLUMES I LEGEND Existing Road Exisiting Traffic Signal Existing Stop Sign Control Proposed Local Access NOTE:NETWORK IS NOTTO SCALE t,.. ..-('I C') ... ~ 018 I'--l. 38 co(') l'-- 113AAvenue Study Site Page-16 Kanaka Way ..J • t. • -;=~~ 112 Avenue -------..--------------{11,1--------___;_;;;;....;...;..;...;;..;~.;;..._- 1~~ ., f ,.- 134. ~~g ... (") l 1250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Trciffic Impact Sh,dy-FINAL Report (16 Febmary 2017) FIGURE 10 2028 AM PEAK HOUR BASE + SITE TRAFFIC VOLUMES I LEGEND ExisUng Road Exisiting Traffic Signal Existing Stop Sign Control Proposed Local Access NOTE:N=TW~K !S NOTTO SCA!£ '!I vi.Or---l.1a .i + i.. 0 r12 t... 8 .-12 113AAvenue t,.... ~(") Study Site ~~co -l. 96 .,....vv Page 17 ._J t L.,. -83 _____ ...,__K_a_n_a_k_a_W_a-=-y-----1!,...._f""_3_4 ______ 1_1 _2_A_v_e_n_u_e __ ;~!. ., t,.... 64,-~g ~ .,.... '<t 11250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Traffic Impact Study-FINAL Report (16 February 2017) FIGURE 11 2028 PM PEAK HOUR BASE + SITE TRAFFIC VOLUMES LEGEND Existing Road I Exisiting Traffic Signal G Existing Stop Sign Control Proposed Local Access NOTE:NETWORK IS NOTTO SCALE Ol Ol <Or-.. ♦ t. l.3 ,1 1!"l ~ ID l._ 42 Ol~CO 113AAvenue Study Site Page 18 Kanaka Way .i • t. l,,---•-~_g _____ 1_1_2_A_v_e_n_u_e __ 121 ..J • .._ f,.. 107-I i · 1601' ~~~ ..-(") 11250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Traffic Impact Study-FINAL Report (I 6 Febniary 2017) Page 19 6.0 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ANALYSIS 6.1 Capacity Analysis Capacity analysis was performed at each of the locations in order to determine the intersection levels of service (LOS) that is provided to motorists. LOS for intersections is defined in terms of delay (seconds per vehicle), which is a measure of driver discomfort and frustration, fuel consumption and lost travel time. An intersection or movement LOS can range from "A" (which is excellent) to "E" (which is capacity} A LOS of "F" indicates that an intersection or movement capacity is failing because vehicle delays are excessive. A LOS of "D" during the critical peak hours is considered acceptable by many public agencies in large urban areas for overall intersection operation and a LOS of "E" or better is considered acceptable for left turn movements as it recognizes that the intersections normally perform much better the remaining 90% of the day. Highway Capacity Software (HCS) was us.Eid for the unsignalized intersedio.n anaJy.sis and Synchro was used to analyze the signalized intersections. The following assumptions were made with respect to the intersection capacity analysis: • Saturation flow rate= 1,900 passenger cars/hour of green time/lane (pcphgpl) • Heavy vehicle percentage for roads = 2% • Peak hour factor (PHF) = 0.80 (morning peak) and 0.95(afternoon peak). TABLE 6 and TABLE 7 summarize and compare the main performance parameters of the intersection capacity analysis for signalized and unsignalized intersections respectively. De lay time in seconds for each lane group is summarized for unsignalized intersections while the volume to capacity ratios for each movement at the signalized intersections. Wherever necessary, attempts at improvements have been made to maintain intersection and approach movement level of service standards for each of the post-development scenarios. The capacity analysis worksheets are included in APPENDrX C. 11250-11 300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Traffic Impact Study -FINAL Report (16 February 2017) TABLE 6 CAPACITY ANALYSIS FOR SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS TIME OF PERFORMANCE EASTBOUND WESTBOUND INTERSECTION DAY SCENARIO MEASURE Thru I Right Left Thru Right Left Volumes 72 2B 52 15 54 I 58 2018 Base VIC 0.20 0,06 0.13 0.04 0.26 Volumes 75 32 54 31 72 I 84 2018 Base Weekday VIC 0.31 0.08 0.15 0.11 0.38 Morning Peak Volumes 76 32 5"4' '31 72 I 84 2018 Base+Sita VIC 0.33 0.09 0.16 0.12 0.40 Volumes 90 38 64 34 83 I 96 2028 Base+Site 240 Street & 112 V/C 0.55 0.12 0.20 0.14 0.52 A\eflue/Kanaka Way Volumes 93 74 129 13 40 I 21 2016 Base VIC 0.26 0.15 0.25 0.04 0.13 Volumes 97 92 134 34 s2 I 37 2018 Base We~day VIC 0.28 0,19 0.26 0.10 0.18 A1temoon 52 I Peak Volumes 103 92 134 34 38 2018 Base+Site VIC 0.30 0,18 0.26 0.10 0.16 Volumes 121 107 160 36 60 I 42 2028 Base+Site V/C 0.36 0.22 0.30 0.11 0.21 VIC= Volume to Capacity Ratio Intersection approaching capaclty(LOS 'D' or 'E1; or approach demand nearcapacity(v/c 0.85 to 0 99) Intersection equals or exceeds capacity(LOS 'F1; or approach demand exceeds capacity(vlc ~ 1.00) NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND Left Thru j Right Left Thru I Right 156 383 I 22 32 337 I 80 0.34 0.39 0.07 0.41 162 401 I 30 39 360 I 86 0.48 0.49 0,11 0.52 162 =I 30 41 367 I '91 0.43 0.46 0.10 0.49 193 480 I 34 48 435 I 101 0.65 0,55 0.15 0.59 106 274 I 10 46 332 I 74 022 0.30 0.08 0.43 110 295 1 30 76 351 I 78 0.24 0.33 0.14 0.¥ 110 302 I 30 77 356 I 80 0.24 0.34 0,14 0.45 131 357 I 32 86 423 I 95 0.33 0.38 0.17 0.51 LOS A A A A A A A A 11250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Traffic Impact Study-FINAL Report (16 Febmary 2017) P.age20 NOTES Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Page 21 TABLE 7 CAPACITY ANALYSIS FOR UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS TIMEOF PERFORMANCE EASTBOUND WESTBOllND· NORiiiBOUN& SOUlHBOIJNO INTERSECTION DAY SCENARIO MEASURE LOS NOTES Left ThN Righi Left Thru Right Left Thru Righi Left Thru Righi Volumes 1 0 2 10 0 17 7 501 5 6 437 2 2016 Base A Okey Delay 17.6 17.6 17.6 20.0 20.0 20.0 02 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0,2 Volumes 14 0 16 10 0 17 10 545 5 6 459 4 Easlbound is approaching 2018Base A Weekday Delay 26.1 26.1 26.1 23.0 23.0 23.0 0.3 0.3 0,3 0.2 0.2 0.2 capacity Mornina Volumes 14 0 16 12 0 16 10 553 5 7 460 4 Pee.kHour Ea.stbound is e.pproac:hing 2018 Base+Slte A capacity Delay 26.7 26.7 26.7 25.0 25.0 25.0 0.3 0.3 0,3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Volumes 14 0 16 12 0 16 10 653 5 7 548 4 Easd:tound ■nd ~•tbound 2028 BasetSlte A i,.o·s•••• & 113A Delay 38,5 3e:S 31k5--35,0-.J6,0-360 0.3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 s approaching cupaclt-f A.-anue Volumes 0 0 4 7 0 4 2 372 14 12 443 1 2016 Base A Okay Delay 11.1 11.1 11.1 16,4 16.4 16.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3 Volumes 5 0 12 7 0 4 12 402 14 12 488 13 2018 Base A Okay Weekday Delay 149 14.9 14.9 16.7 18.7 187 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 M:ernoon Peak Hour Volumes 5 0 12 6 0 5 12 405 16 13 495 13 2018 Base+Site A Okay Delay 15.0 15,0 15,0 18 6 16,6 11l6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 Volumes 5 0 12 8 0 5 12 479 16 13 583 13 2028 Base+Site A Okay Delay 17.4 17.4 17.4 23.0 23.0 23.0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 Volumes -,.. 't' -12 -8 561 3 1 488 !westbound is npproaching 201 S-·Base-tSlte ,,,, ' ,. " ., A· Weekday Delay ~ , .. ....,. . 27.3 .'-"" 27.3 ,..IJ~ 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 ....... capacity Morning '"' ' f, Peak Hour Volumes "' 12 8 663 3 1 576 I\Neslbound is approochfng 2028 Base+Site A cap!!lcity 240 S1reet& Delay 388 31l8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Access Volumes ,, 7 3 431 12 7 508 .,, 2018 Base+Site A Olmy Weekday Delay ' 189 I 18.9 -0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 .,~ J Alernoon Peak Hour Volumes -. ' .. 7 .~ 3 I 508 12 7 699 -, 2028 Base+Site -C A Okay Delay ~ IU', ' ~ 23.2 232 0.0 0.0 0.2 0,2 Delay= lowfage Dalay(liieconds/wh1ele) Intersection approaching capacity(LOS 'D' or 'Et; or medium approach daleys (25sec to <50sec) Intersection equals or exceeds capacity(LOS 'P); or high approach delays(=> 50sec) From TABLE 6 and TABLE 7, the following observations can be made: 1-240 Street & Kanaka Way/112 Avenue • This is-currently a signalized intersection with left tum storage at all approaches. For the existing conditions, the intersection operates at LOS A (excellent) in both the morning and afternoon peak hours. No operational and capacity issues were identified. • The intersection is forecast to operate at LOS A (excellent) in all horizon years (including the 2018 base, 2018 base+ site and 2028 base+ site) in both the momtng and afternoon peak hout"S'. • No operational and/or geometrical improvements are recommended for this location. 11250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Traffic Impact Study-FINAL Report (16 February 2017) :::: Page22 2. 24dh Street & 113A Avenue 3. • This is currently a four legged intersection with STOP control on the east- west approaches. For the existing condition, the intersection operates at LOS A (excelJent) in both the morning and afternoon peak hours. N.o operational and capacity issues were identified. It is noted that the west approach (eastbound traffic) is the access of 11305 240th Street residential complex and is currently a construction vehicle access only. • The intersection is forecast to operate at LOS A (excellent) in the 2018 base and 2018 base + site during both the morning and afternoon peak -hours. However, wh·en the 11305 240th Street residential complex is fully occupied, the eastbound is approaching capacity. • The intersection is forecast to maintain operate at LOS A (excellent) in the 2028 base + site during both the morning and afternoon peak hours. However, eastbound and westbound are approaching capacity under the current condition of 2 lane cross section on 240 th Street. 24d'1 -Street & Proposed AcoesS' • This is proposed as a future full movement access on 240th Street for the residential development with STOP control for the access (east approach) westbound. • The intersection is forecast to operate at LOS A (excellent) in all study years (including the 2018 base + site and 2028 base + site) during both the morning and afternoon peak hours. However, under the current condition of 2 lane cross section on 240th Street, the access is approaching capacity for both the 2018 base + Site and 2028 Base+ site during the morning peak hour. 7 .0 ADDITIONAL ANALYSIS 7 .1 Capacity Analysis for 4 lanes cross section on 240th Street At the study location of 240th Street, it is expect to be upgraded as 4 lanes cross section (two lanes per direction) in the year 2018 at the proposed development built-out year. Therefore, CTS conducted the capacity analysis based on the condition of 4 lanes cross section on 240th Street for the scenarios of 2018 Base + Site and 2028 Base + Site to the following intersections: • 240th Street & 113A Avenue; and • 240th Street & Proposed Access. l 1250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Traffic Impact Study-FINAL Report (16 Febmary 2017) r Page 23 TABLE 8 summarizes and compares the main performance parameters of the intersection capacity analysis for condition of 4 lanes cross on 240th Street. TABLE& CAPACITY ANALYSIS FOR 4 LANE CROSS SECTION ON 240TH STREET EASTBOUND WESTI!OUND NDRTiiBOUND SOUTiiBOUND TIME OF PERFORMANCE INTERSECTION SCENARIO LOS NOTES DAY MEASURE Left Thru Righi Left Thru Righi Left lhru Righi Left lhru Right Volumes 14 0 16 12 0 18 10 553 5 7 460 4 Weekday 2018 Base+Site A ~y Delay 180 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Morning Peak Hour Volumes 14 0 16 12 0 18 10 653 5 7 548 4 2028 Base+Site A [04«,y 240 S~eel & 11JA Delay 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.4 22.4 22.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Avenue Volumes 5 0 12 8 0 5 12 405 16 13 495 13 Weekday 2018 Base+Slle A !Okay Deley 12.6 12.6 12.6 14,9 14.9 14.9 0.3 0.3 03 0.3 0.3 0.3 Afternoon Peak Hour Volumes 5 0 12 8 0 5 12 479 16 13 583 13 2028 Bese+Slle A iOk>y Deley 13.9 13.9 13.9 16.9 16.9 16.9 0.3 0,3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Volumes 11, • ·~ 12 ---;:<', 8 ., 561 3 1 488 2018 Base+Site ''"""' T A !Okay 'i, f. [, •' Weekday Delay 19.7 :,;c,_Y 19.7 ~ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Morning I: ' Peak Hour Vofumes 12 ~ 8 ,, 663 3 1 578 Westbound is approaching 2028 Base+Site ·"" ,, . A ~ Delay ~1 25.1 25.1 r,· 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 copaci~ 240 Street& i Access Volumes 'ii ~-' .• ~ -7 3 431 12 7 508 .-, 2018 Base+Site -. L,.,,,,, ·o A Oioly We.ekd-..y Deloy ;la . u 15.0 -~=::. .... 15.0 0.0 o.o 0.1 0.1 ic.~" Afternoon ,. ,. Peak Hour Volumes '"-· L 7 "· 3 ~ 508 12 7 599 2028 Bese+Site -::.~:c: ' ., ' 7, ll" II A !Okay Delay ·,, !, 17.3 •i 17.3 -0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 Delay= Average Delay(seconds/veh1cle) Intersection approaching capaclty{LOS 'D' or 'E);; or medium approach dela~ (25sec to <50s ec) Intersection equals or exceeds capacity(LOS 'P); or high approach delay.; (=> 50sec) From TABLE 8, with 240th Street having a 4 lanes cross section, the intersection of 240th Street at 113A Avenue is expected to operate at LOS A (excellent) for all study scenarios and no capacity concerns on the east-west approaches until the year 2028. For the intersection of 240th Street at the Proposed Access, it is expected to operate at LOS A (excellent) for all study scenarios and no capacity concerns on the access approach at the year 2018. During the year 2028, the access approach is expected to have 25.1 second delay time, which considered as acceptable for a private access. 7.2 Sight Distances Review on Proposed Access As part of the field visit, CTS undertook a sightline measurement for the proposed access on 240th Street. The sight distance from the proposed access location on 240th Street to the north is 170 meters and to the south is in excess of 200 meters. According to the Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads as published by the Transportation Association of Canada, the required sight distances for 50 km/hr posted speed roadway are listed below: • The minimum decision sight distance is 140 meters; • The minimum left turning sight distance without being overtaken by a vehicle approaching from the right is 105 meters; • The minimum right turning sight distance without being overtaken by a vehicle approaching from·the left is 90 meters; and 11250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Trciffic Impact Study-FINAL Report (16 Febniary 2017) = Page24 • The minimum left turning sight distance across passenger vehicle approaching from the left is 100 meters. Based on the field sight distance measurement, the proposed access sight distances are considered adequate on 50 km/hr posted speed roadway. 8.0 CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1 Conclusions 1) The proposed development is to be located at 11250-11300 240th Street in the City of Maple Ridge. It is proposed to be a residential development consisting of 5 single family units and 54 townhouse units. A full movement access is proposed on 240th Street approximate 170 meters north of 112th Avenue and approximate 100 meters south of 113A Avenue for the 54 townhouse units only. The traffic generated from the 5 single family units is expected to use 113A Avenue as the access. Construction is proposed to be completed by 2018. 2) CTS Staff conducted a site visit on Friday, 25 November 2016, in order to document current conditions. The following were the key observations from the site visit: • During the afternoon peak hour, no capacity issues were observed at the intersection of 240th Street & Kanaka Way/112th Avenue and 240th Street & 113A Avenue; • The sight distance from the proposed access location to the north is 170 meters and to the south is more than 200 meters. • A residential complex with 167 townhome units located at 11305 240th Street opposite to the proposed development is not fully built and occupied. '3) CTS conducted intersection turning movement counts on Thursday, 5 December 2016 from 7:00-9:00 and 15:00-18:00 to augment the historical traffic data. The traffic count data was tabulated and reviewed to ensure data integrity and validity. 4) 2016 base traffic volumes were factored up by traffic volume growth rate of 2.0% per annum (simple straight line) to represent the 2018 base volumes. Also, the future trip volumes generated from the residential units that are still under construction located at 11305 240th Street residential complex are added to the factored 201'8 ·case volumes to estimate the total 2018 future base volumes. 5) Upon full build-out, the proposed development is forecast to generate a total of 28 vehicle trips (5 inbound, 23 outbound) during the weekday morning peak hour and 34 vehicle trips (22 inbound, 12 outbound) during the weekday afternoon peak hour. The morning and afternoon peak hour trip generation volumes are equivalent to an .aver.age of 0.47 and 0.57 vehicle movements .per minute, respectively. 6) The intersection of 240th Street & Kanaka Way/11th Avenue is forecast to operate at LOS A (excellent) in all horizon years (including the 2018 base, 2018 base+ site and 2028 base+ site) in both the morning and afternoon peak hours. l 1250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Traffic Impact Study-FINAL Report (16 Febmary 2017) Page 25 7) The intersection of 240th Street & 113A Avenue is forecast to operate at LOS A (excellent) in all horizon years (including the 2018 base, 2018 base + site and 2028 base + site) in both the morning and afternoon peak hours. However, the eastbound is forecast to approach capacity during the morning peak upon the development located at 13005 240th Street is fully occupied at the year 2018. 8) The intersection of 240th Street & Proposed Access is forecast to operate at LOS A (excellent) in all horizon years (including the 2018 base + site and 2028 base + site) in both the morning and afternoon peak hours. However, the access is forecast to apf)foach capacity during the morning peak with the-de-~ay of 27 .2 seconds and 3-8-. 7 seconds on 2018 Base+ Site and 2028 Base+ Site respectively. 9) Upon the 240th Street is 4 lanes cross section, the intersection of 240th Street & 113A Avenue is forecast to operate at LOS A (excellent) for all study scenarios and no capacity concerns on the east-west approaches until the year 2028. 10) Upon the 240th Street is 4 lanes cross section, the intersection of 240th Street & Proposed Access is forecast to operate at LOS A (excellent) for all study scenarios and no capacity concerns on the access approach at the year 2018. During the year 2028, the access approach is expected to have 25.1 second delay time, which considered as acceptable for private access. 11) Based on the field sight distance measurement, the proposed access sight distances are considered adeq_uate on 50 km/hr posted speed roadway. No safety issues were identified for having a full movement access on the proposed location. 8.2 Recommendations Based on the findings of this study, the following is recommended: 1) That the City of Maple Ridge considers upgrading 240th Street to four lane cross- section as planned. 2) That a full movement access be granted on 240th Street for the proposed multi-family development. 11250-11300 240 Street Mixed Residential Development Traffic Impact Study-FINAL Report (16 February 2017) = Page 26 We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for this unique project and we look forward to working with you again in the future. Please call the undersigned should you have any questions or comments. Yours truly, Attachment //2511-/ 1311112./0 Street ,\hxed Nemle111ta/ De,·elarmwm Traffic Impact Srm(r HUI. Report (/6 Fehma,~· ~1117} APPENDIX A Site Plan ..... w ·w ~ I- V) u 3 ARE/1""31Y~m2 ---------- 2 LANE ARE/, =507,7m2 •,: I ---4-----c---;== --. J~<___,...,,--- ....r---/ -, _,.,/ 4 2 BED 3 BED PARK 3 BED 3+ BED 3+ BED 4 BED 4+ DED TOTALUNIJS TOTAL AREA SITE AREA FSR ENITY AREA REQUIRED ~~ENITY AREA PROVIDED PARKING 2 STALLS PER UNIT VISITOR PARKING DISABILITY STALLS 9% TANDEM PARKING C • = 1 [1270 SFI = 20 [1250 SF) = 4 [1270 SF! = 13 [1330 SF = 6[1430SF = 2[1830SFI = 8 [2530 SFJ a 54 -'10111:t =81,120SF = 108,209 SF MAP LE RIDGE =0.75 TOWNHOMES 11250· ! 1300 24~ s 1 ~ EEl = 2,906 SF M ... PLE R!DGE, BC = 3.388 SF = 108 STALLS 1r••w 1"6 = 11 STALLS = 2 STALLS SITE PL AN N 0 1 t11LI j .... Al.00 Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. 505 -1755 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6J 4S5 February 10, 2017 City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X6A9 Attention: Diana Hall Dear Diana, Tel: (604) 224-6827 RE: Proposed 54 Unit Townhouse Site CIPE Homes, 240 Street/113 Avenue, Maple Ridge File: 2016-336-RZ; Our File: 560 RM Certification: I hereby ce1tify that our Stormwater Management Plan for this project meets or exceeds the GVRD and DFO Guidelines for water velocity, quality and quantity. Background: The 3 Tier Approach to Storm water Management is part of the Sto1mwater Planning Guidebook for British Columbia as issued by the Province with the GVRD and Maple Ridge being some of the sponsors. Tier 1 Events: These are small rainfall events that are less than 50% of the mean annual rainfall event, which occurs once a year. These events represent about 90% of all rainfall and should be captured at source to reduce runoff volume and provide rainfall capture. In Maple Ridge, these Tier 1 Events are less than 40mm of rain per day. (Calculation sheets attached) The geotechnical repo1t indicates that the site is not suitable for in-ground infiltration and accordingly 300mm processed topsoil will be placed on the landscaped areas each to allow supplementary stonn water infiltration. A restrictive covenant will be placed on the site to ensure the soil is placed when the buildings and landscaped areas are consh·ucted. Water will, however, be introduced into the ground with impo1ted granular material for the bioswales, drywell manholes and catch basins with infiltration galleries. Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. 505 -1755 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6J 4S5 Tier 2 Events: Tel: (604) 224-6827 These are larger rainfall events that are greater than half the size of the mean annual rainfall and represent about 10% of the overall rainfall. Typically, these events are to be detained. In Maple Ridge, these Tier 2 Events are between 40 and 80mm ofrain per day. An in ground detention system will detain the rainwater before discharging into Seigel Creek to the east of the site (calculation sheets attached). Tier 3 Events: These are extreme rainfall events that may or may not occur once a year. These events can be released as long as the 1 00 year storm is managed to provide public safety. In Maple Ridge these events are over 801mn of rain per day. CC Cole Lambert, CIPE Homes r CATCH BASINS 2 WITH INFIL TRA 110N GALLERIES (TYP.) 3 810S\VALES Rom I A IN Pl 1 DETENTION * 2" (10 YEAR) ..D ~!._~ APLIN MARTIN 240 ST Df.Vf:LOPEn: CIPE HOMES LTD. ~01-:00,-0 :5T?:Ylr.RTCIIESCENl', h\APU: I\IDQC, ilC '(".JC DT~ PH(TCtl-4)4~~a PAil:K ---..... --..; LA £ (> 2 THREE TIER* SYSTEM AN R/C IS REQUIRED ON THE SITE TO ENSURE A MINIMUM OF 300mm OF PROCESSED TOPS~L TO ALLOW SUPPLEMENTARY STORM WATER INFILTRATION DRYWELL * z MANHOLES I ISSUED FOR D.P. I CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE * • e r i ~~~v 1----------''""""": ==·-==-·c ..... =.::::"""::.:'--=-----1:• l•.k AU&J'AAY !311' * STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN , .. _ 16-182 'k, IC'o ....-~k:, ~ t7-~ f-7fZo ~~ c=r ~ 4-u t-J~ 1J~-t17\)~ -~ rra::=---·- • 1.40 ?r( I u~ ~ 6l:P!:-: :fu?W\~ I ~v\~. ··p-~lp.A~A.f-.L., Cr\~~ .. -t-~ Mµ\ ( v,@ % oP µ,k\~ J -r-o~'-~ ~~.c-1-0-p,V\~' * ,~~love;. A~A :t, Ot?.)47 (A) 0f'-A. x_ Pr~ /1 o o.o ~ _ "? ~ _.., c !-'. (~ )" • • "2.J ~ ~ ,~ oL-u ,¼€- f ~-r "t'.'>,€;',J..(!;-~O'l7M~t t;;e~~ 1 c,vS., A~A ~G?-.J\'P-"\o...J~ .A~~'2-,Vb'.,c~,-J,.t -,-o,-,AL- -~~ t1A~~~-4 ~-~-~ a..~M, ;-2(74± 47,~(c) -('o'f70P\L ~,J\~~9 ~ 1J(},O (e))),.J 0 ~0[\\o\l>~) Aplin & Mar-tin Consultants Ltd. #505 ·-17S5 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6J 4S5 1,?7¥z_ (C~ ::-\ ~ \ f,J\ fv\ .• l %,i;f1?~ ?7 ,;;,O i'-A jV\ J ✓ '2,\Co 0 \&::, ~ ~:17 1 •,CIPE Homes Ltd 5it:l,Unit Townhouse Site 113 Ave / 't-;\-o 071 10 Year Peak Flow Calculations Tc min / plin & Martin Cons\lltants Ltd. ff:505 •• :1755 West Broadwav Van«:ouver, BC V6J 4SS Runoff coeffecient Area Intensity Ha mm/hr n 16-182/DXSG0 31-Jan-17 Q ems Qprq (2-year) 15 0.25 0.95 28 0.00278 0.018 Q post (10-year) 15 0.80 0.95 #REF! Storage Volume Required (Modified Rational Method) Storage Volume= T,= Duration of storm, in seconds Tc= Time to concentration, in seconds Oi,1 = Peak flow for storm, T, =TO ems Oi,2 = Peak flow for storm specified, ems Q,.1= Maximum release rate, ems lll\llaximum Storage Required= 137 m3 Rainfall Duration Rainfall Peak Flow Peak Flow Tr Intensity Op1 Qp2 I min mm/hr ems ems 5 82 0.102 0.173 10 59 0.102 0.124 15 48 0.102 0.102 20 42 0.102 0.088 25 38 0.102 0.079 30 34 0.102 0.073 40 30 0.102 0.063 50 27 0.102 0.057 60 25 0.102 0.052 70 23 0.102 0.048 80 21 0.102 0.045 90 20 0.102 0.043 105 19 0.102 0.040 120 18 0.102 0.037 135 17 0.102 0.035 150 16 0.102 0.033 165 15 0.102 0.032 48 0.00278 0.102 11 Required Storage cm 46 63 75 84 92 98 108 116 122 127 130 133 135 137 137 137 135 1 CIPE Homes Ltd ~"t Unit Townhouse Site 113 Ave /tz, le" e--,"< Orifice Sizing Equation Orifice Equation: Q=CA(2gh)".5 A=O/{C(2gh)".5) A= Area of orifice {m 2) g = Acceleration of Gravity {m3 /s) h = Head on the orifice plate {m) c = Coefficient of discharge r = Radius of proposed orifice Q = Desired flow (2-year pre-development) Q 0.018474 m3/s C 0.62 A Pl*D112/4 g 9.81 m/s2 h 1.9 m A 0.00488 m2 D 79 mm 16-182/DX560 31-Jan-17 Aplin & Mar~in Consuliants Ud. #SOS ·•-1755 west ~roiadwav Vancouver# BC V6J 4SS A ( ---27---- 26 I \_, A 17.05.17 FOR APPROVAL No DATE REI/ISION AV SE( Off-SITE ORAIIINCS FOR OET/\ILS -.-APLIN MARTIN ~ 8'1GINEERNG ARCHTECTURE PLANNING SUAVEYING #.505-1755 W. Broadw11ys,101l. Vancouver, B.C. C■nltdaVGJ 4$5 Tel: (604) 224-6827, Fax: (M"l 51)7-9061, Email: o■noraJ@1plintT111f'tln,com , M, LOCATED AT CENTIREUNE ALONG 240 STREET (CW28 GVRO) BY v0i.~,uc,o NO 84H897'2 ELEVATION: •2..7<17m 240 ST llE INTO EXISTING I\IN TO BE PERFORMED BY .CITY FORCES AT EVEI.OPERS COST. CON11!ACTOR T \IERJFY LOCATION ANO INVERT PRIOR TO MOONC CONSTRUCllON CONlRACTO TO CAP OFF PROP. MAI/I 1.5M FROM llE AT CORRECT GRADE ANO AI.ICNM TO F ACIUTA TE llE-IN ALL MATERI REQVIREO FOR llE-IN TO BE SUPP O BY iHE CONlRACTOR. PROJECT: PROPOSED OFF-SITE WORKS 11250 & 11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC !LGI.\. DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 & LOT 2, SEC 15 TP 12 NV,t> 22347 ~ " ORA""'1 DESIGNED CHECKEO APPAOVEO SCAl.£S """' VERT. 2 8 PARK AV DIil. D'I,\. D\ll. 1:300 GENERAL NOJES· 1. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERRED TO GEODETIC OATUM 2. AU. CllfiSTRIJCIJOH A.~0 WAlDl!AI.S TD BE Ill ACCOROANCE ~AA=1-r~:l~ ~:=~ 3. l\liERE INFlWNG Of EXIST. inCH, ETC .. IS REQUIRED ANO ltJ(Rt: Sill'<\C£S AAE CONSTRUCTED IN FlLL 5t:C11011, ru_ WAlmAI. IS TO Bf CIWI\JLAA BACKALL CQWPACTED TO 9S~ UOOl'IED PROClat 4. RESIDENTS DIREClL Y Aff'ECTED BY CONSlRUCTED OF PfiOJECl SHALL BE Gll{N 411 HOURS NOTICE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 5. CCMRACTIJf! TO EXPOSE Al.I. EXISTING UTILITIES AT PRWOSEO TIE-INS AND ~OSS-0\l'R POINTS TO \l'RIFY INll'RTS ANO LOCATIONS PfilOR TO COIIIIENCIIIG CONSlRUCTION AND SH.\U. NOlFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANOES OR CONRJCTS 6. ALL EXISTING MANHD1£ RIMS, VALll'S. LIDS, ETC., TO BE AOJJSTED TO SUIT FlNAL GRADES 7. EXlSllNG BUIUJIIICS. STRUCTURES, ANO FENC£S TO BE DCIWUSllED ANO RIMOll'O BY DE'IEI.OPER. ALL CITY BUILDING DEPT. REQUIREMENTS ARE TO BE MET PRIOR TO DEMOUTIDN B. ALL TESTING AND RETESTING IF NEC£SSARY, \\lll BE THE RESPONSIBILITY Of THE CONTRACTOR. ALL ASSOCIATED COSTS FOR lESllNG, INCUJOING SUSU.-SS:IJI Of IIRlmll IIO'CllTS >.S '1W. AS v1DEO LOGS, WJ.J. BE 11£ R.!Sl'ON1l811.1TY Of THE CONlRACTOR. 9. l,U ltS11HO SHALi. BC CARffl8> our BY A CU,IIJfJt]) TESTIHG Alill ,IPl'ROVED BY 1lj£ aTY Of IW'l£ Rll)C(, ANO THE CONIRAOlQI! OR 0£\nao!R NI.I. BE REQl!RED 10 AOIISE 11!£ !IISl'ECllON OEPAAN!llT AT l£AST 43 HOURS. el AOV>Sef. Of iJIIOERT-0 ANY TESTING. .. I I ISSUED FOR D.P ■ I 5245-20-2016-336 I OFF-SITE JANUARY 2017 5><!:[T " DC ~ KEY PLAN D"M;; flo. REV. !:: 16-182 A I F11.£·No. AMlB-182/DX-550-0fF A I Rem 1 \ ~ 26 L A 17.05.17 FOR APPROVAL No DATE REVISION AV ., APLIN MARTIN .. 8'K31NEERNG ARCHTECTURE PLANNINC3 SUAVEY1NG f:50-S -17SS W. Broadway Slrnt. Vancouver, O.C. Canad• V&J IISS Tel; (&0-1) 224-6827, Fax: (60ill) 5tl7•9061, Email: gon■ral@'a~llnm■rtin.,com , " LOCATED AT CENTRELINE ALONG 240 STREET (C'ID28 GVRO) BY ~'VWOlf NO_ 84H9972 ELEVATION: 42.747,n 240 ST PROJECT: PROPOSED 54 TOWNHOUSE SITE ON-SITE SERVICES 11:!50 & 11300 240 STREET, MAPLE RIDGE. BC LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 & LOT 2, SEC 15 1P 12 NWO 2234 7 DRAWN OESICNEO CHECKED APPROVED SCALES HORZ. VERT. 121 2 8 )750 All()" IAl!H --------i--------1------18'.SIN"' tOO, lD,I) 11E 11110 Jl.'11,L 11'1'. ----------- PARK AV NOTES: SEE APLIN & MARTIN OFFSITE DRAWINGS FDR ROAD IMPROVEMENTS & SERVICING. 1. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERRED TO CE<IOETIC OATIJ/,1 2. ALL WORK IS TO COW'L Y TO lliE BC PlUt.481NC CODE ANO lHE CITY Or t,IAPLIE RIDGE'S SPEClflt:A TlONS v.HEl!E APPLICABLE. 3. SEE ARCffilECTS OiU.'MNGS FOIi BUILDING DETAILS. 4. SEE LANDSCAPE AACHITECTS Pl.AN FOR 1.ANOSC-'J'ING DETAILS & WALLS. ! ISSUED FOR D.P -1 DI\\. DI\\. 1-----------=-EN..:.G..:.IN_EE_R..:.IN_G_;_D_EP_A..:.R_Tt.4_E_NT __ --r0a-:A.:.,.,--------f DI\\. ON-SITE JANUARY 2017 S><tt"I OF 1:300 KEY PLAN Q'M.. No ""'· 16-182 A fllE No. At.416-182/DX-560-0II i ... ~ C: ~ " L CATCH BASINS A WITH INFILTRATION GALLERIES (TYP.) A PERMEABLE PAVERS A N 0 c%' g ,--,--------,-,.1....,...., ~ ~~ A BIOSWALES *l----/..~+~-+_;__+---- SEPARATE RAIN WATER LEADER A SUMPS TO DRAIN TO BIOSWALES WHERE SHOWN SEE APLIN & MARTIN OFfSllE DRAWINGS FOR ROAD IMPROVEMENTS & SERv1CING. ' N ---J 26 IN PIPE * DETENTION ~ •SO.S-1755 W. Broadway S'1ffl, Vancouver, B.C.. CM.Ida, Vr,J 4SS I-A-!-l-7.0-S.-17+-FO-R -AP-PR-OV-AL--------------j-A--!V Tel:(604) 224-6827, Fax: (604) 597,9061, Email: 9~1r.1l@.'pl1nm1:rtln..com No. DATE REVISION e • LOCATED AT CENlREUNE ALONG 240 SlREET (CV02B G'IRO) BY MONUMENT NO 84H9.972 fi[V~TiON: 42.747m 240 ST B a. ..... . . . _. -~-_. . _. .-_. _. . ~. _. . : . .. ,.. .. /'; .... -~ ~~t~ ·"'m'-.lili"" I '9 I\_ I\_ / I PROJECT: PROPOSED 54 TOWNHOUSE SITE ON-SITE SERVICES 11250 & 11300 240 STREET, MAPLE RIDGE. BC U:CAL DESCRJPTION, LOT 1 & LOT 2, SEC 15 TP 12 N'Ml 22347 ( DRAWN AV OES!GNED QI',\_ CHECKED QI',\_ AFPROVEO QI',\_ SCALES HDRZ, 1:300 VERT. l2l SEAL ·~-,· I (N 01 I 9 I 2 A 8 THREE TIER* SYSTEM AN R/C IS REQUIRED ON THE SITE TO ENSURE A MINIMUM OF 300mm OF PROCESSED TOPSOIL TO ALLOW SUPPLEMENTARY STORM WATER INFILTRATION ! ISSUED FOR D.P. ! * STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN JANUARY 2017 I ,.,_s-=m~--o,---,i 0~ No, 16-182 FlLE No. Al,416-162/DX-SSD-OH L --35 I- (/) --'l 0 v N =---- l * LOTS 1-5 UNDER SEPARATE APPUCAllON A PARK t!QlE:. IN lHE EVENT Of SIGN1f1CANT RAINF"ALL (S.R.E.-2s+mm RAINF"Al.L IN 24/iR PEl\100). "THE 01.Jll.ET CEU Of lHE PONO IS TO BE PUMPED TO lliE TE!.lPORAAY DISCHARGE POINT, ANO lliE RUNOFF AU.OWED TO SHEET F"LOW lHROUGH "THE UND!SlVR&D/\IECETATa> GROUND. AS A FIJRlliER M!:ASURE IF S.R.E. CONTINUES, THE PONO Is TO El( IM/,4EOIA 1EL Y PU MPEO OUT 'M"!H A VACTOR lRUCK & SEDIMENT LADEN WATER HAULED Off SITE. IF S.R.E. & DISCHARGE IN EXCESS or lODNTU IS NOm TO OCCUR RECIJLARLY ON ESC MOOITORINC REPORTS, ON-SITE lREATMENT PLANT AS RECOMMENDED BY E.S.C-MONITOR (PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL) & APPR0>,£1) BY D. LAIRD, P,ENC .. MUST & IMPLEMENTED TO AUGMENT THIS E.S.C-PLAN & PREVENT PROI-OBfl'EO DISCHARGE f!IOM REOCCiJRING. SILT FENCE STAPLES 150 0/C S(E NOTES TYPICAL PERIMETER SILT FENCE DETAIL N. TS. ~:,Os.m F.io;..,!HIOCPMJ to:>M!o.EARCROS>IROCIC O,Qj~ 4 £D1Tai -... "--.. , ::.:_:l!;=.= .. ::::;1~-~"-""l'OIIR ruBQWlECfGSO ACCESS ROAD SECTION DETAIL N T.S. 1"102"Cl£1N I RO!mll5(GRA\1:L) ~F'R([OOAA; ~ AT 10m c/c I ,o TYPICAL DRAINAGE PITCH. CHECK DAM N.T.S. --M I-(/) -0 v N =---- ~~...::...,==~'.""-J ~ STAGE TWO STAGE ONE SEDIMENT CQNJBOL NOJFS: ' GD/ffi,'J,; M: ctllll!ACIIII !11111 CQIPLY WIit 11£ llEW!IDllllS CF 111 _,-4 SIIIIIEHI' COOllOC B!IA115, AHD AIL 01)(ll JltQIAJW!l' STA'I\IU ~ AHD ~l!Ha.ll. AHO Cllll'll' Wlll 1li£ REWIROIElITT CF ll.L CIIIUIIIIIOO OIJ'AAllllm ltO.llotlG 11( O(!'IRIIOT CJ'fl!lDIES N(J OCll/6, C/,il/llA, A!Cl 11£ !1111191 CQIIIIEIA VIISIRY CF OOORUMIII, lA'IIS ~ PN!XS. IQl 11£ PROl(0JiOI II" ~ATIC 1!191Al D1,!t11C lit: ~(J'lll£11l(l11($ !l'!(flC;/J.T, 1l£ COfll!AC!tl! !111U OOA1£ 'DIAi Ill. EXC,WAIO! M9 CDISTINC!l(H l'l!lllllltm /Rf. UIIIIOtTAkllf If S1.IQf A IIAlflll AS to PRNNT 91.T-w>Bt ~ FIIIIM lHE 111'Cf 11£ IOO(,f'ROII OIIUIIHG Tll[OOltlS'llitlll ~ Milli, /II) 5lllll. flll.O'I Pl!IICUUl[S ASJl£COll1IOOEI)' NH lWJCA~ DrnTl.111 "\N«I ~ WIPEIJ6' IQl IHE IW1Wl(lf rl Aemilc H.IIIITAr, AS l$SUID BY !HE IIHIS1KY CF Di'll«IMIIT. L..1/m I/IO fAlll(S 2. WffiC ~TOI llE ~ IIWI. !lfSUfl( W.1 !11 ~ /Jl!',IS ARE K£l'T OC-11.1100 WIit IXIHC8IIRA11D SURFAC£ 111.0Klr 011£R llRCl!D IINU() 'QK /Jl!',IS OR ~y COO;JfG Wl!fl! l!mlll <:qOIIS J. ,1U.S100CPUS.IAA«£XCAVA1!Dl'USff9'0llltl!D'IAll/lOLAA«~Y!llffS NJ!. lO BE com •ra PCl'1£1lfl\.8£ !IIIM. l'll.'1£1Hl\D1£ PR01£C111{ -lO 111'.0\!lllAPl'll) lflllUI 1.S ~ I/ID BEWOJ. AHQllll!D lDRClS'fWW WIii 10 M!S ti! OJIERWI( ~ IK 0011RA1. IU ,;Ill AND IU. ~(Pf,S, j!(Clllll(D AND~ I/OS Ii£ lO 8C PROIEt'T!D nt011 £ROSQI BY ~~~Q M Z llElXS er aINllfc AC1l\lTY lHra 011£R11!l lfSllillClO> SY 11£ DQ«IR (J' ll£allD (Ill _Ill. Wllffll'II) /JI) APl'l!O\tD 8-J T!C arr. NEW !.1»'15 UA1 llfl1.JR£ PROl!CIIOI WIH H'ltillO-IIJI.QI OR a. µl!G8i S1lIPDI !ill'!S l"Jlt ~ catllla 11.\1™) AS 0l1£Clfl) BY 1l¢ E!MlQAIOOII. IIOIIIII. lfllJ!O-SOl> 11111 9l(W) B£ AH APl'IIOlm KARDT V/1!£N can• ll.R11Ut'I II" SINCl!IID lffl900I COUll!RaAl W.l(IIIIIS E,o,c CW" 11£ IIRllJD !IICWI 8C N ll£ F~ II" II.OIi ll£l£A5£ lll£A. !!Al£ CF ltllllJZ!Jt Al'l'UCA»I SIW.D 8E Ill 400 KC/HA ff 19-20-12. 11111.0I Ill.Ill. 8C lfi'l!D ~ltl!O--lllQllfC CQIIAIH IIOO'.I fall. Ill.lot D£SQ® f'<ll lf'IDR0-5llllHC APflfl) AT A RA1£ I'( 2,5(1) KC/lfA ll1t(llQ WIit TAOCflER Af A RA1£ rl ID l'.C/t!,1111111 A 1!11)110-S!IDlll l0 f~ A C0IIIMKIJSQ.Om:R MCOIIR. fll09(lf COORQ.. WAJ'll!C lD BE -llCN SlRAWftX(QIIJT' fllR£ IIUHJCET 1'11'£ SCl!O AS IIAlllll"AClll!Ell BY ffCll11f ,lll!IICAII Cffl'II lltlWXT 1D BE !UOO) SIRlCllY 1H ~ YIIH MAIIUFACl\lllERS INSlRUCTIIINS S. IIIB!aPICll /JI) CUT !JF SJIAUS 1,/1£ lO 8£ INSTIUID AS Pill T1lr UC. l\Alt mQI! lD ~ 1,C11\lll!li IXlll!l¥Jllc. tjNlfSS OllOW!I; Dlll'CllD Ill ll!lOOAl!D BY 1llt =r:~~~~~}~~~~~:mlfill) AT 11/,Jl S.O. O.C. !. All. Sl.l fDIONI. F ll(Qlli£f), ]0 BE c:o.sm,tlll) 11 _AO:®N(a: IIH DEIAI. txlll!W:~ lO IIISIIU Ail(IOOj/,1. 91.1 llliCE HR£ 91[ CXNXlMJjS txC!AlE AIID -CF NJ..!PQLPUS. 7. II.I. CA]tll 9.I.SliS lO HA\£ Ui'SWAII 5mllElll 1RAPS BEm!E AND AFIIJI PA\tlC. 8. Ill. Sl!IIElS lO BE lltQU,11.Y s1iPr Q£AH (HoT IW9€D) 11H1M1 1WCt 1!!R D.IY IN£SS 011181MSE /llmklilm) llY IHE 91W)ONID(l!I. IIQ4IIII NII N'l'lllMD BT 11£ OT'Y. f. CQ!1!1,11:TIII. AS PAAI r, lmkAA MllHl!!W,U IIWI. VAOIIIW ACO/llll.\llD SLJS 001 CF SIOIIII MIINS fUlllfG 11£ S!lJIIIHT WilRO. l'OIJS 2, OPERADON 4,; MAINTFNANCf .. I, Clll1R!t1IR lO IIAM~ R!l'AII OR Rl1IAC£ !11 llJllllll Qlltll!U. USAHDIICAllllESAICl l!A\l:NCO(l)'IIO'l(JIIOMOO!. 2. ~ Mil MAll1J.1Witi: rl lHE ~I CQffllll FACUIE"S 10 BE IHE ~Sl8UTY II" 11£ CQflRACIIR CQIIRACTCI! lO PIIOl10C ll6TRIC7 W1H COIIACT NAMES ANO z• HOOR EMERG91CT COOTACT. J. lft.11. IIAN1l!C.\NC111W1. COOISI r,, !IUT NOT l.lllTBI 'lO, 111£ f~ ITEM~ -ACOII.AAl!D SI.TS II Sl0RII ~ smDI 10 8E Vl,CiMI a£»O -Sl.1Allltl F!lfCES !11111 BE QIJl(J) 1111 IID'Affl IS l<CQ'O, -a!AIU fl.lDl li!l!II AT IIJll£I 91All. Ill'.. a.ENID Ill P.O'Llllll AS Rl:C!JRD> -POIIMETER FENOHG 10 BE IID'~RD> IF HEDJED. 28 27 26 28 27 26 SECTION A A JEMPORARY SEDIMENT POND HOR. 1: 250 / VERT. 1: 100 SECTION B -B TEMPORARY SEDIMENT POND HOR, I: 250 / VERT. 1: 100 TYPICAL SECTION IOUISO.'lbll;l(DJ.Qrr 300mm INTO rnE f'\JIIOl"'IK POND OU TLET STRUCTURE N T,S d~=n:cfS~, "'"::----j 1SSUED FOR D.P. I TYPICAL Sil T FENCE DETAILS (PONO) N,T,S, NOTES: 1. SEE SIIE£T 2 FOR GENERAL NOTES i 1--.----.---------------------..--.--------------------.----------------------------,.--------..... --------.-------------------------------r.cs DEVELOPER: CIPE HOMES LTD. 201-20050 STEWART CRESCENT, MAPLE RIOGE, BC V2X 0T4 PH (7604) 456-6686 DWI.. I J-------,----,-------------------------1 CHECKED Q'M..._ J-----------------------r.cOA:-;;lE;---------f ENGINEERNGAAQ-llTECTUREP~SURVEl'IN0 PROJECT: PROPOSED 54 TOWNHOUSE SITE EROSION & SEDIMENT JANUARY 2017 APPROVED 0~ fe,.,~.,~,,-------1,-0,o5-1755 W. 8,oadw,y Sit,oi, Vaneou,o,, 8:~, CanodaVSJ4SS ON SITE SERVICES nL ~= 1:: A 17.05.17 FOR APPROVAL AV Tel:(tiC!'4)224-6827'Fax:(tOl\'$9l-9D61,Emall:g,e_nuai@aplinff\ltltln.c:om 112S0-&11300240STR£ET,MAPLEAIOGe.ec SCALES CONTROL PLAN Of i...:.:...j..:.:.:.:=4-~.:._:.:._:.:..:_:.:::._ _______________ +-_t::::-;-;;;;7:~-;,c-~-;;-';;;;;:c:;-;:;;;;::--;;:;;;-;:~~:;:;;;;::;;--;;;-;;;;--;-:-;:::::-===------~--~'-"-----------7 1:500 OWG. No, ... LOCATED AT CENTRELINE ALONG 240 STREET (CV026 Gl/llD) LECAL DESCRIPTION, LOT 1 & LOT 2, SEC 15 TP 12 NWD 22347 H,EORRT'.· STAGE 1 & 2 16-182 Ho DATE REVISION BY UONVM£HT Ho 84H9972 ELEVATION: ,1,2.747m A r; ,.__._ __ _._ ____________________ ..__._ __________________ ...._ _________________________ _. ________ ..._ _______ ..__ __________________ .,,Fl""LE"""'N_.o.-A/,1=1"'s-""1"'s"'2;o=x--56"""'0-"""'0N,,....r2 APLIN MARTIN ORA~ AV OESICNED CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT A Rem 1 -26 L A 17.05. 17 FOR APPROVAL No DATE -~ §w = 1!i :; ~I.JI 3 ! -~ ~ffl = 3 LNIDSCAPE WAU.S (I'll'.) MAl(.H8Gtfl,2,n REVISION \ 240 ST B JO.ID AV \ I0.F.O. OUTIFAU. AUCUST 2017 I #505-1755 W. Broadway Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6J 4S5 Tel: (604) 224-6827, Fax: (604) 597-9061, Email: general@eplinmartin.com B,M. LOCAll:D AT CENTRELINE ALONG 240 STREET (CVD2B G\'RD) BY MONUMENT NO. 84H9972 ELEVATION: 42.747m ( 2 ---- DEVELOPER: CIPE HOMES LTD. 201-20050 STEWART CRESCENT, MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2X 0T4 PH (7604) 456-6886 PROJECT: PROPOSED 54 TOWNHOUSE SITE ON-SITE SERVICES 11250 & 11300 240 $:i'~EET. MAPLE RIDGE. ec LECAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 &c LOT 2, SEC 15 1P 12 NWD 22J47 .:J;, .:J5 ORAYIN OES!CN~D CHECKEO APPRO'l!D SCALES HORZ \<RT. IZl ~ I I 1--t.v I I LANE 9 31 '---..__ -....__ PARK "" AV OWL OWL OWL 1:300 I e,, " C> 2 -- 8 COMPREHENSIVE LOT GRADING SYMBOLS: 34.00 + 30.50 M + ~ l.iE...2.l!..6. ~ -PROPOSED GROUND -MEET EXISTING -EXIST. 1.0m CONTOURS -SUGGESTED MAIN FLOOR ELEVATION -SUGGESTED LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION -SUGGESTED GARAGE ELEVATION -DIRECTION OF GRADING w:i::o= -CRIBBING WALL (MAXIMUM HEIGHT 1.0m) (SEE M2 DRA\\lNGS FOR DETAILS) -BOULDER WALL (SEE M2 DRA\\lNGS FOR DETAILS) 0 -3750 •PATIO• LAWN BASIN & 100, LEAD {TIE INTO R.W.L.,) -4500 LAWN BASIN & 1500 LEAD 0 2.o,: MIN. -9000 RAIN WATER LEADER SUMP DRAIN TO BIOSWALE (TYP.) SEE APLIN & MARTIN OfFSllE DRAWINGS FOR ROAD IMPROVEMENTS & SERVICING. I ISSUED FOR D.P. I CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT COMPREHENSIVE SITE GRADING PLAN JANUARY 2017 or .. v. A flUE No. AM16-182/DX-!i80-0N ll l5 ~ ., I ! ~ u .. • ~ ~ 0 ; ii! f (j E ~ .... 0 ,.. !:: i MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES MAPLE RIDGE I BC I ____ .!,_ COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan and design ore, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Formwerks Archileclural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced without written consent by Formwerks Architectural Inc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and condilions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc, shall be informed of any varialion from the dimensions ond conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENf PERMIT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l l 250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING SCALE DATE COVER SHE ET SHEET NT S A0.00 MAY 2016 PROJECT DATA DEVELOPMENT DATA CIVIC ADDRESS 11250-ll300240STREET MAPLE RIDGE. BC LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1 AND2 <LEGAL DESCRIPTION LINE 2> LOT AREA LOT AREA fHa.l LOT AREA /SQM\ LOT COVERAGE AREA OF eun.□!NGS & STRUCTURES PERCENTAGE OF LOT AREA SETBACKS FRONT f2◄0 STUEll RE.'.RIPARKl SIDE Ill (<STREET OR PROPERTY NAME>! SIDE #2 !<STREET OR PROPERTY NAME>! BUILDING HEIGHT BUILDING HBGHT NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS ONE-BEDROOM UNITS TWO-BEDROOM UNITS THREE-BEDROOM UNITS FOUR-BEDROOM UNITS TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS TOTAL BUILDING FLOOR AREA RESJDENnAL UNITS fNET AREAi DENSITY NO. OF UNITS PER HECTARE FLOOR SPACE RATIO IFSl!:1 AMENITY SPACE/ USABLE OPEN SPACE 45 SQM PER 3 BEDROOM UNIT 30 SQM PER 2 BEDROOM UNIT S SQM PER UNIT FOR COMMON AM~ITY SPACE TOTAL AREA PARKING RESIDENT SPACES GARAGE APRON APRON /SMALL CARI TOTAL RESIDENT SPACES VISITOR SPACES STANDARD SMAllCAR ACCESSIBLE TOTAL VISITOR SPACES TOTAL REQUIRED SPACES CONSULTANT LIST OWNER: ~r(O, EPIC HOMES 201 -200~ STEWART CRESCENT MAPLE RIDGE, ec V2X OH PH: 604.4&5,6686 CONTACT: COLE LAMBERT FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL INC. 1625 WEST 5TH AVENUE VANCOUVER. BC V6J lNS PH: 604.6B3.5-4-41 CONTACT: JULIE SCH\JLTZ MICHAEL J MIU.S CONSULTING 644 BAY ROAD GIBSONS, BC VON lVB PH: 604 230.4711 CONTACT: MICHAEL J MILlS MIN. REQUIRED / MAX. ALLOWED PROPOSED CIVIL: LANDSCAPE: 75M 75M ],SM 75M 0,997 Ho /9,970SQM1 3.52-4SQM 35% 4.SM 5,0M 6.0M 6.0M IIOM REFER TO ELEVATIONS 0.75 2385SQM 305QM 270SQM 26855QM 10800 11.00 119 Al.PIN MARTIN 505 -1755 WeiT BROADWAY VANCOUVER.SC V6J 4S5 PH: 604,22<1-6827 CONTACT: DA\10 lAIRD DURANTE KREUK LID. VANCOUVER,BC V6J 1 NS PH: 60-4.684.◄61 l CONTACT: ALEXA GONZAt.EZ J " 10. 54 7.493SQM 5◄.16UPHa 0,75 2,msQM 108 3 113 11 ,,. TERRA PACIAC LAND 5URVEYNG LID. 22371 ST. ANNE AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2X 2E7 PH: 604.463.2509 CONTACT: Mtl(E BERNEMANN CONTEXT PLAN .. ., ICANAKA WAY _,,... 2Jt o STl flt ;J ' . I ,I,,. "" ,...-:n .1 o .. 4 ,["Nu'! ; ,f • ) AREA CA LCULATI ONS UNIT AREA TOTALS UNIT TYPE A/AR AE/AER • " " '2 C Cl C2 DE El !> TOTAL QUANTrrY JO 10 JJ 2 ~ " UNIT FLOOR AREA UNIT FLOOR AREA l~SSI J!'ET 1&5,7 125,0 166,6 125.7 l&S.3 127,,j 167,3 129.1 m, 137,9 1763 137.1 1741 128.7 17◄.I ,,.,. 1742 12B,8 m, ,., ' 2238 185.7 2426 185.5 2◄3.6 1863 '2.:J,9 1.86-' TOTAL AHA: DRAWING LIST COVERSHEET OAlASHEET RENDERING SITE PLAN PARt::ING PLAN SITE SECTIONS STREETSCAPES COLOUR ,::EY PLAN COLOUR SCHEME A COLOUR SCHEME B BUILDING 1 PLANS BUILDING 1 El.EVATIONS BUILDING 2 PLANS BUILDING 2 ELEVATIONS BUILDING 3 PLANS BUILDING 3 ELEVATIONS BUILDING 4 PLANS BUILDING 4 PLANS BUIL[)NG 4 El.EYATlOt-lS BUILDING 5 PLANS BUILDING 5 ElEVATIONS BUILDING 6 PLANS BUILDING 6 Pl.ANS BUILDING 6 ELEVATIONS 8UJLOING7Pi.ANS BUILDING 7 PLANS BUILDING 7 ELEVATIONS BUILDING 8 PLANS BUILDING 8 PL.ANS BUILDING 8 ELEVATIONS BUILDING 9 PL.ANS BUILDING 9 ELEVATIONS BUIUlfNG 10 PLANS BUILDING 10 ELEVATIONS BUILDING 11 PLANS BUILDING 11 PLANS BUILDING 11 ELEVATIONS BUILDING 12 PlANS BUILDING 12 PlANS BUILDING 12 ELEVATIONS UNfT A/AR PLANS UNIT AE/AER PLANS UNrTB PLANS UNITBE PLANS UNIT B1/82 Pl.ANS UNITC PLANS UNITCI PLANS UNITC2 PLANS UNIT D/OE PLANS UNITE PLANS UNITET PLANS UNITE2PLANS UNfTSECTIONS -·- TOTAL FLOOR fOTAlFLOOR ~"I AREAINETJ ,..., 1,2.50 1,666 1,257 1.818 1,402 335 258 533 .,, 529 ◄JI 3'8 257 348 258 17◄ 129 223 185 224 , .. 970 7◄2 ,., 373 ... ~-f,800 Ml 7,.CUSQM AJJ,00 AJJOJ A0.02 Al"OO Al.01 Al 02 Al 03 Al 04 Al 05 Al.06 A200 A20l A2.02 A2,03 A2,04 A2,05 A.2.06 A207 A208 A2,09 A2,10 A2.11 A2J2 A213 A2.14 A2.15 A2.J6 A2.17 A2.18 A2,19 A220 A221 A2.22 A223 A2.24 A225 /o:l,21, A'l..27 A2,28 A2 29 A300 A3.01 A3.02 A3.03 A304 A3.05 A31M A307 A3.08 A309 AJ.10 AJ.11 A4.00 COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan and dflligr'\ are, and at all 1imes remain the excluvvo property of Formwero: Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced without written consent by Formwerks Architectural Inc. Written dJmenJions .shall hove Pfecedence over scolod dimenslom. Con1<0,:toa "101 votifv ond be m,pon,lble fo, ol dimensions and cooolt;o,,, on '"" lob, Formwelkl Architectural Inc. shall be inf01med of any 'VOriotlon from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR OEVB.OPMENT PERMIT MAR, 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC CRAWi NG DATA SHEET SCALE SHEET A0.01 MAY 2016 ( L COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion and design are, and at all limes remain the exclusive property of Formwerks Architeclural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced without wriften consent by Formwerks Arch11ectural Inc, Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions, Conlroctors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job, Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT MAR, 10. 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING RENDERING SCALE SHEET MTS DATE A0.02 MAY 20 1 6 l A) STREETSIDE COMMUNITY TO THE WEST ( B ) LOOKING EAST FROM THE PROPOSED ENTRANCE ( 0 ) LOOKING SOUTH FORM THE PROPOSED ENTRANCE ( __§_) PROPOSED SITE -- L F J SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO THE NORTH 1 G '! LOOKING EAST INTO THE PROPOSED SITE ( C ) LOOKING NORTH FROM THE PROPOSED ENTRANCE KANAKA WAY f, ..Jf l r-..-:;r- ~ -<>'£ '.,, IL>o AVINUE .. r . ~ 112 AVENUE COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan ond desJg,, ore, and al all times remain fhe oxcluJ.ve property of Formwerk.s Architec1ural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced wi1hout written consent by Formwerks Architecfu,ol Inc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions Controc1ors shall verify and be 1esponsible fOf oU dimensions and condi1ians on lhe job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any vorio1ion from the dimensions and condilians on the drawing, REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERM\T MAR 10. 201 7 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19. 2017 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWNHOMES l l 250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE. BC DRAWING SCALE DATE CONTEXT PHOTOS SHEET N TS A0.03 MAY 20 \ 6 ,._,'l- b.· ~937 ~ :, 0 iil CIJ 0 C: a- I <JO;, ~- I ~ot<o ":>"-'' C: I n) 13'10 I Culvert I~ I ulvert Jnll-= n:,'1-f, "' ' :f.i93:3 0.::: 'o. ,-. """·~ V') i ~31- -.::t" N 1 Culvert lrti"28.2 C: a- ,,.;,_t-~lh -.....:....t=:::.----"'' 30.00 ("~988 AREA ; 330.0 m2 "~ r--t----1----1r=:=+--+--~4_,:.,,,,,1 ll\1"N , ., 33783 / ,, I .., / L I LEGEND □ AMENITY ARA/ USABLE OPEN SPACE jERJE.c:J ElECTRJCAl ROOM/CLOSET ~ CD UNIT NUMBER 55 I~~ 101).00 .. SPOT ELEVATION ◄328.0B' 100.00M TOP OF CURB ELEVATION N COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan and design ore, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Formwerlcs Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced without written consent by Formwerks ArchitecttKal Inc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. FOJmwedcs Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR OEVaOPMENT PERMIT MAR. JO, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS A R C HITEC T URAL 1625 Wes I 5Ih Ave Vancouver, BC V6J l NS Phc'1e 683-54.1! 1 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l l 250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE . BC DRAWING SITE PLAN SCALE SHEET 1 :240 DATE A 1.00 MAY2016 u w I- w w ~ I-I (/) I 0 t-SETBACK "¢ N w- 1 AREA = 330.0 m2 2 AREA= 330.0 m2 .,---.-, \ .L r" -11 r;-~ •• Gt AREA= l.2 m2 , T . .,58,rro LA N E AREA=587.7m2 4 AREA = 325.2 m2 5 AflEA=315.3m2 ( I I BUILD/ NO DISTURB lE0 COVENANT \ G.S.L. \(22.5 M FROM T.O.B.) I \ I \ \ ) I ---+--E.S.L -w PARK LEGEND f~~ ~1·1~·1 ~:10 ~tI~1 GARAGE PARJ:ING APRON PARKING SMAll CAR APRON PARKING VISITOR PARKING SMALL CAR PARKING ACCESSIBLE PARKING COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion and design ore, and al OIi lfflei remain the exclusive property or Forrn-.vierks Architectural Inc, and cannot be used or reproduced withou1 written consent by Formwerks Architectural Inc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions. Controc1ors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR OEVB.OPM'B',IT PERMIT MAR~ 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR AOI/ISORY DESIGN PANEL MA'f 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625 Wes· 5th Ave Voncouve'. BC V6J IN5 Fai,;685-?076 Phone 683-5441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l l 250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING SCALE DATE PARKING PLAN SHE ET 1 :2◄0 A 1.01 MAY 2016 ( ,I 'i i ! I j I ! ! ! ;1 )i 'i i i I i ! ! BlOCltf SITE SECTION A-A I: 150 SITE SECTION 8-B 1: 150 SITE SECTION C-C I : 1 5 0 I I ll0CK3 SITE SECTION D-D I: 150 lllOCK8 - E] ;;· :"-~ ,, ' -I;/~ a., --=, -11: ;j"ij'" BlOCK7 lll0CK7 BLOCK6 llOCKII =11- ,I ;j 'i i i i I ! I I I ~, I i lllOCl(II J ~ ., I I i i ! l COPYRIGHT RESERVED Thls pion and d01ign 010. and ol ol f.-n&S remain the exclusive p.toperty of fotrnwf!l'ts Archifeclural Inc, and cannot be used or ,c~cduced without wtUlen consent by r;;cwmwerks Archllo.;11Jfol Inc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensio.ns, Con1ractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and con~itions on the job. Formwerks Arch1t_ec1ural lnc. shall be informed of any varla11on from 1he dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEB,24. 2017 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWNHOMES l l 250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING SCALE DATE SITE SECTIONS SHE ET I: I 50 A 1.02 MAY 201 6 :· l FUTURE DEVELOPMENI ·l ..:.=....!_ .. L __ -----------~------- '1 j ___ I __ _ I I 240TH STREET STREETSCAPE N.T.S. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT J 7 I INTERNAL ROAD STREETSCAPE LOOKING EAST N.T.S !I ~I I I I I 2'0IH I STREB SOUTH STREETSCAPE N.T.S. BLOCK2 INTERNAL ROAD BLOCK A &LOCK 3 INT ERNAl ROAD BLOCK.cl PARK FUTURE DEVELOPMENT COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion and design ore. and at all times ,emoin the exclusive property of Formwerks Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced wilhout written consent by Formwerk.s Architectural Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimen'lk>ni and condilions on lhe job. f0rmwod:t Architeclural lnc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and condilions on the drawing REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT MAR, 10 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19. 2017 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l 1250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING STREETSCAPES SCALE SHEET NTS DATE A 1.03 MAY 201 6 1 ,-AREA= 330.0 m2 3 AREA= 319.2 m2 ' 2 LANE AREA= 330.0 m2 - ,--7--,,__~-7--~ ( I- w A w Ck: I--I (I') 0 ""¢ N • ! BLOCK6 ! I BLOCK4 ! 4 AREA= 325.2 m2 AREA = 587.7 m2 5 AREA= 315.3 m2 I I --• -'"" -----F~~-~-~==J~~------~~~ ( A I \ \ I \ \ ) PMJl I • I I -L __ \ \ PARK \ \ I .,: __ ..!.,____!, \ \ ) / / / A ( N LEGEND A cmouR SCHEME g COLOUR SCHEME Bl COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion and deilgn 010-. and at oll limes remain lhe exck.Js(ve property ol Fo,mwe,ks: Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or utp,oduced without wrttten consent by FcwmWerlcs .-:Chiteolu,ol Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR OEVB..OPMENT PERMIT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANB.. MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITE C TURAL 16?5 Wes· 51h Ave Vancouver, BC V6J IN.5 t-ox 685-✓076 Phone 683-5441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11250-11300 240 STREET M A PLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING COLOUR SCHEME KEY PLAN SCALE SHEET 1 :2-40 DATE A 1 .04 MAY 2016 PAINTED FIBRE CEMENT PANEL M1'N; BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: CLOUD WHITE NUMBER: OC-130 LAMINATED FIBREGLASS SHINGLES MAN:PABCO COLOUR: ANTIQUE BLACK 6" FIBRE CEMENT SIDING ------I! MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: CLOUD WHITE NUMBER: OC-130 PAINTED WOOD WINDOW SHUTTER -----E MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: WROUGl-rr IRON NUMBER: 2124-10 PAINTED WOOD DOOR MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: WROUGHT IRON NUMBER: 212.._10 COLOUR SCHEME A FRONT ELEVATION LAMINATED FIBREGLASS SHINGLES -------------, MAN:PABCO COLOUR: ANTIQUE BLACK VINYL SOFFIT MAN:KAYCAN COLOUR: WHITE VINYL WINDOWS --------- coLouR: FACTORY WHITE PAINTED FIBRE CEMENT PANEL ---- MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: CLOUD WHITE NUMBER: OC-130 PAINTED WOOD TRIM -------.+,~ MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COlOUR: CLOUD WlfiE NUMBER: OC-130 BRICK------------ MAN: INTERSTATE BRICK COLOUR: CLIFTON PAINTED GARAGE DOOR ---------' MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: CLOUD WHITE NUMBER: OC-130 COLOUR SCHEME A REAR El.l:VA!ION ALUMINUM GUTTER MAN:GENTEK COlOUR: alACK VINYL SOFFIT MAN: KAYCAN COLOUR: WHITE -----PAINTED WOOD TRIM MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: CLOUD WHITE NUMBER: OC-130 c------VINYL WINDOWS COLOUR: FACTORY WHIJE ------4.5" VINYL SIDING MAN:MITTEN COLOUR: BONE .--------ALUMINUM GUTTER MAN:GENlcK COLOUR: BtACK :-----4.5" VINYL SIDING MAN:MITTEN COLOUR: BONE =i:i----6" FIBRE CEMENT SIDING MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: CLOUD WHITE NUMBER: OC-130 +.,,-------ALUMINUM GUARD MAN: GENTEK COLOUR: BLACK PAINTED WOOD COLUMN MAN; BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: CLOUO WHITE NUM!!Elt OC-130 METAL CHIMNEY CAP --------------, MAN:GENTEK COLOUR: et.ACK LAMINATED FIBREGLASS SHINGLES MAN:PABCO COLOUR: ANTIQUE BLACt:: 6" FIBRE CEMENT SIDING----- MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: aouo WI-ITE NUMBER: OC-130 PAINTED WOOD TRIM ------at MAN: SENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: CLOUD WHITE NUMBER: OC-130 PAINTED WOOD WINDOW SHUTTER MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: WROUGHT IRON NUMBER: 2124-10 VINYL WINDOWS -------- cmouR: FACTORY WHITE BRICK ------------ MAN: INTERSTATE 8RICK COLOUR: CLIFTON LAMINATED FIBREGLASS SHINGLES MAN:PABCO COLOUR: ANOQUE Bl.AO: VINYL SOFFIT MAN: KAYCAN COLOUR: WHITE PAINTED FIBRE CEMENT PANEL MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: CLOUD WHITE NUMBER: OC-130 COLOUR SCHEME A SIDE ELEVATION PAINTED WOOD BRACKET ------'I" MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: CLOUD WHITE NUMBER: OC-130 ALUMINUM GUARD --------111J.WJ. MAN: GB\ITEK COLOUR: BLACK PAINTED WOOD COLUMN -----l'I ALUMINUM GUTTER MAN; GENTEK COLOUR: BLACK r--------VINYL SOFFIT MAN: KAYCAN COLOUR: WHlE PAINTED FIBRE CEMENT PANEL MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: CLOUD WHITE NUMBER: OC-lJO PAINTED WOOD BRACKET MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: CLOUD WHITE NUM!!fR: OC-130 llllilllllt-----ALUMINUM GUARD MAN: GENTEK COLOUR: BLACK PAINTED WOOD COLUMN MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: CLOUD WHITE NUMBER: OC-130 '-----------4.5" VINYL SIDING MAN:MITTEN COLOUR: BONE ,---------ALUMINUM GUTTER MAN:GENTEK COLOUR: BLACK -------VINYL WINDOWS COLOUR: FACTORY WHITE PAINTED WOOD WINDOW SHUTTER MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: WROUGHT IRON NUMBER: 2124-10 -------PAINTED WOOD TRIM MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: CLOUD WHrrE NUMBER: OC-130 ==>i==!I------6" FIBRE CEMENT SIDING -==---.J MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: CLOUD WHITE NUMBER: OC-130 MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: CLOUD WHITE NUM8ER: OC-130 __ ....SLJ!:~$:======!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:=-------:MA=N::,N:TER:S'TA~ER!~c~ 4.5" VINYL SIDING MAN:MfTTEN COLOUR: BONE COLOUR: CLIFTON COLOUR SCHEME A SIDE ELEVATION COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan ond dMGO ore. and ot 011 time$ remain the ex~ pmperty of Formw8f13 Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or rapf'Oduced wiJhout wriMen consent by Formwer'<s Nchi!eclural Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions, Contractors sholl verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc, shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUro FOR DEVaOPMENT PERMIT MAR, 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANa MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625 Wes1 51'1 Ave VonCOl,Ve'. SC V6J 1 '-5 Fo;,; 665-2076 Phone 683-5441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l 1250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING COLOUR SCHEME A ELEVATIONS SCALE SHEET I : 1 00 OATE A 1.05 MAY 2016 ( PAINTED FIBRE CEMENT PANEL MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: CLOUD WHITE NUMBER: OC-130 LAMINATED FIBREGLASS SHINGLES MAN:PABCO COLOUR: ANTIQUE BLACK 6" FIBRE CEMENT SIDING-------1' MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: STONE HARBOUR NUMBER: 2111-50 PAINTED WOOD WINDOW SHUTTER MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: WROUGHT IRON NUMBER: 2124-10 PAINTED WOOD DOOR MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: WROUGHT IRON NUMBER: 2124-10 COLOUR SCHEME B FRONT ELEVATION LAMINATED FIBREGLASS SHINGLES -------------, MAN:PABCO COLOUR: ANTIQUE BLACK VINYL SOFFIT MAN:r:.AYCAN COLOUR: WHITE VINYL WINDOWS --------- coLouR: FACTORY WHTE PAINTED FIBRE CEMENT PANEL ---- MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: CLOUD WHITE NUMBER: OC-130 PAINTED WOOD TRIM ---------al- MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: WROUGtil IRON NUMBER: 2124-10 BRICK ------------ MAN: INTERSTATE BRICK COLOUR: CUFTON PAINTED GARAGE DOOR ---------' MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: WROUGHT IRON NUMBER: 2124-10 COLOUR SCHEME B REAR ELEVATION ALUMINUM GUTTER MAN: GENTEK COLOUR: BlACK VINYL SOFFIT MAN: KAYCAN COLOUR: WHITE -----PAINTED WOOD TRIM MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: WROUGHT IRON NUMBER: 2124-10 ------VINYL WINDOWS COLOUR: FACTORY WHITE ------4.5" VINYL SIDING MAN:MITTEN COLOUR: FLAGSTONE ~------ALUMINUM GUTTER MAN:GEt-nEK COLOUR: BLACK ------4.5" VINYL SIDING MAN:M1TTEN COLOUR.: FLAGSTONE =ilf----6'" FIBRE CEMENT SIDING MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: STONE HARBOUR NUMBER: 2111-50 tt------ALUMINUM GUARD MAN: GENTEK COLOUR: BLACK PAINTED WOOD COLUMN MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COi.OUR: WROUGHT IRON NUMl!ER: 2124-10 METAL CHIMNEY CAP -------------, MAN:GENTEK COLOUR: Bl.ACK LAMINATED FIBREGLASS SHINGLES MAN:PABCO COLOUR: At-fflQUE BLACK 6" FIBRE CEMENT SIDING----- MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: STONE HARBOUR NUMBER: 2111-50 PAINTED WOOD TRIM -------■ MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: WROUGHT IRON NUMBER: 2124-10 PAINTED WOOD WINDOW SHUTTER MAN: SENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: WROUGHT IRON NUMBER: 2124-10 VINYL WINDOWS --------cmouR: FACTORY WHITE BRICK ------------ MAN: l~RSTATE BRICK COLOUR: CLIFTON LAMINATED FIBREGLASS SHINGLES MAN:PABCO COLOUR: ANTIQUE 8LACK VINYL SOFFIT MAN:KAYCAN COLOUR: WHITE COLOUR SCHEME B SIDE ELEVATION PAINTED FIBRE CEMENT PANEL ---- MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: CLOUD WHITE NUMSER: OC-130 PAINTED WOOD BRACKET -------' MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: WROUGHT IRON NUM9ER: 2124-10 ALUMINUM GUARD ------twJUl MAN: GENra:: COLOUR: BLACK PAINTED WOOD COLUMN ----- ALUMINUM GUTTER MAN:GENTEK COLOUR: BLACK .--------VINYL SOFFIT MAN: KAYCAN COLOUR:WHITE PAINTED FIBRE CEMENT PANEL MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COi.OUR: CLOUD WHITE NUMBER: OC-130 PAINTED WOOD BRACKET MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: WROUGHT IRON NUM8fll': 212-4-10 :UW!t------ALUMINUM GUARD MAN: GENTEK COLOUR: BlACK PAINTED WOOD COLUMN MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: WROUGHT IRON NUMBER: 2124-10 '-----------4.5" VINYL SIDING MAN:MJTTEN COLOUR: FLAGSTONE ~-------ALUMINUM GUTTER MAN:GENlEK COLOUR: BLACK VINYL WINDOWS COLOUR: FACTORY WHITE PAINTED WOOD WINDOW SHUTTER MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: WROUGHT IRON NUMIIER:2124-10 'liiil:t-------PAINTED WOOD TRIM MAN: BENJAM!N MOORE COLOUR: WROUGHT IRON NUMBER: 2124-10 6" FIBRE CEMENT SIDING MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COlOUR: STONE HAR80UR NUMBER: 21 ll•SO MAN: BENJAMIN MOORE COLOUR: WROUGHT IRON NUMBER: 2124-10 __ __!:...,_!~~;;;~~l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l::=---------:MA=N,:IW:ER=Sr!~;i 4.5" VINYL SIDING MAN:MITTEN COLOUR: FLAGSTONE COLOUR: CLIFTON COLOUR SCHEME B SIDE ELEVATION COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan ood d0$ign cce.. and a, on lrrnes remain the aic:cluslve property or Formwecks- Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or rnptoduced wlthOUl yr,jflen consent by Fotmwerks Atchitectvral Inc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions. Conlractor.. shoU verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT MAR, 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19,2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625 Wes1 5:ri Ave Vancouver, SC V6J lNS ~ox 665-?076 Pho..,_e 6B3-544I PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING COLOUR SCHEME B ELEVATIONS SCALE SHEET 1:lOO DATE A 1.06 MAY 2016 t~---- -{------I~- r· :··----~ I • • I • , I I I ['.'_ ______ ~ LEVEL 1 PLAN BUILDING l LEVEL 3 PLAN BUILDING I ,,., '"" 1 UN!T'2 I ~--···-----. . . . :·-·······1 ...... ·-·---... . . . . r.t====:!/1 : ' . . ' . . . . ! : ~====~====l!J l•-r'----i-11 I • al I jD □1 "-------' '------.J ·1 I I I I I ~ 70dl ----~ --- 6'24B t_"l'AI LEVEL 2 PLAN BUILDING l ROOF LEVEL PLAN BUILDING 1 '"" KEYPLAN GLD n-, [[]JI:D I I' \J I T'."-:-r r . =--'( , c:CJ::rr::i, n -rTI -, -;JTI COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan and design ore, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Formwerks Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced without written consent by Formwerks Archltedural Inc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions. Controcto~ shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and condiOOns on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR OEVB..OPMINT PERMIT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625 We~· 51h Ave VC"'.COuve•. BC V6 .• NS Fa;,;, 685-?076 Phune 683-544'. PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l 1250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE , BC DRAWING BUILDING PLANS SCALE SHEET l: 1 00 DATE A2.00 MAY 2016 i i:,------;, l i i:;' !:· J l...r,2.1,mu __ _ lL9JII!: -, .!1.9.!flm.L_ iii -·- 11 ~J_!l9.Jt.ml.. FRONT ELEVATION BUILDING l ill1 ---- _r lQ.~--";.~:t~~is~;i~~i.~'~:tji'.a~;J REAR ELEVATION BUILDING 1 ~__!!.Q.'.!ll!a·--·r--- ·i -·~!Pj'_'W)a __ _ -------·-~g -,i I :~ -~ ___ /lll.lfV!/.~_-1.: -------------,, ~ n ___ TLQIJ/ffl.2 --~' 11 , tf.!J~~-Wl,C MASTER ~~~=-~~•, ~ ~ BEDROOM x g 1 1 : 1-·~~---l~====:!;~rr==,~===~~ll=11'l~=1=1":~;!=_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =J/,:::,. =,]':i3=~~-=-,=~~=i:=~_=,=_=_¾:-==~~:t 1 :1 ~__.!L~l._____ --'IP.!l\'11.L~- i_________ --------...,I z ~ ~ ; ;:j ~ ENTRY ~ ~ -..L...riru~---i , =lh"'l"'-=~~-~~~-in:"='=~-=-,.,,,."'!""~=fl...,, .... -i....=--..... ;=~-,,,;:;~===== ..... =if----·..-1l2ID'.!..L . ...L.-~ SECTION BUILDING 1 --;.,--'1.QJ!!Rli!_ ,_!.1!,~.MI i "j·---- 9 I N <, -i _'LS!.11Y!H ~ I , ____ _ ~ .. ~ lld_.rJS! 1 I ¥,---- ~• i ::i J _.,a _!19..ll.Yl!...'-·--=-;;;;-;:::;:;-=~tt,;=====::;;;;;c;;;;~:;;;;;;=-~3~ SIDE ELEVATION BUILDING l ANISH SCHEDULE [D FIBREGLASS SHINGLE ~ ~~~~~~;~:,.:o w~~~:~cTAL 0 :~~~=:~~OR m~~~~~D ~ BRICt::: SIDING m ~~.~SURE FIBRE CEMENT [jJ ◄ S HORIZONTAL VINYlSIDING [!) ~~~~~~~RIEX ~:~NT PANEL [Qj PRE-FINISHED FASCIA GUTTER {DJ PAINTED WOOD TRtM Gl] =~~ r7:i~ARGE BOARD @] PAINTED 2X10 BEllY BOARD ~ ::~~~~REEN IHI PANTED wooo BRACKffi ~ DECORATIVE DORMER ~ WOOD ClAD PANEL POST l1I) FAUX CHIMNEY ~ ALUMINUM RAILING ~ METAL CHIMNEY CAP UZI WOOD SHUTTERS @] PAJNTcO WOOD RAIUNG (Im DECORATIVE LOUVER KEYPLAN a:tD t:l .... • Jf11J DJI[[[J OT.Tl:] COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion or,d design ore. and of an limes. remain the 4tl'Cllsiva p,operty of Formwetks Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or rep,oduced without wntren consent by FormwefXS ArchfteC"Nral Inc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions. Conlractors shall verify ond be responsible for all dimensfons and condi1ions on the job. Formwerks Architectural lnc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and concfrtions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT MAR, 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625 Wes! s•-, Ave Vc-,cou,,e·. !lC V6J lt-5 Fox 685·20/6 Pho'le 683-5441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING l ELEVATIONS SCALE SHEET 1: 1 00 DATE A2.0l MAY2016 i ! ~, I I ' I I lo 01 L-------.J 1 I I ., .. rr=-=;i=-- .... I ~~;; I I I JD Di L-------.J LEVEL l PLAN BUILDING 2 ""' LEVEL 3 PLAN BUILDING 2 6248 I I I 1a 01 10 01 "'-------..1 L-------...J ...... ~ ---·•······ .. . ' . ' : ! I I 10 01 L-------...J ~ I j LEVEL 2 PLAN BUILDING? ROOF LEVEL PLAN BUILDING 2 32106 ID:11 ~ j i . • I I KEYPLAN I 0 w --~- rr i 1 ._l_J J.ItD:.1 [Ll_D]J o~m :::J_.i:.:tJ U:::: D COf'YRIGHr RESERVEO This plan 011d dmign Oto. and 01 OD limes remain the e:«:k,l:vl.•e property al Fotmwetla Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reptoduced wffhou' vi,ntten consent by Formwerks Archltecturol Inc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerlc.s Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DIM10f'M8'1T PERMIT MAR. 10. 2017 RS5UE0 FOR AO'JGORV DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS AR C HITE C TURAL 16?5 Wesl 51n Ave Vancouver. BC V6J INS Fcio: 685-?0/6 Phtme 683-5441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l l 250-1 l 300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING 2 PLANS S CAlE SHEET 1: I 00 DATE A2.02 MAY 2016 ., ii _ _!(l!.'!lr.JY.'.!.. __ sr·------ 1: ii -J 1 ....!£9.lll.'4.~---f· :r--------·-• 11, ~ i l :;i ,' _[_,m.~-~--·- 'l--------·-· ~ i N ~! ---t. T/QLEVEL 1 _ -.,-;;;•~,,,,,,.,.~ .. FRONT ELEVATION BUILDING 2 ( REAR ELEVATION BUILDING 2 ___ !/.Q.----·---- i L SECTION BUILDING 2 .. ii ----~• !:! = ~ ~ --=====:if"---'12.\!\!f'~~;,; i -----1 Q ·---'&~.!.'L f -----,i !! ~,~ __ fi:gm-J!J_J_~- ....!l!l,\!!R';,L __ .,,. I. fl l ~.L__,_I w. !f;!V - -·-~ --, 11 = ::i _,,9.m·t1.1_.lt. 111• l------!t!U9• ltAl,L_ _, 11-----· i, ii -· §1 .llQ!_M~J __ -- ~; l r ----1 111 ij! f . • t• -· 110\E~, ____ • - ,. SIDE ELEVATION BUILDING 2 SIDE ELEVATION BUILDING 2 Ell::!~ SCtlWUL~ [D FIBREGLASS SHINGLE (I] ~~~~KOSURE FIBRE CEMENT @] PAINTED 2X10 BELLY BOARD [ill ~C.!V~~~gREEN [1) e~~~~~:t~~~D [fil 4.5" HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING ~ PAINTED WOOD 8RACK8S ~ 0ECORAT\VE DORMER QJ :~:~BAL (!] ~~~~c~~~X~~~e;r PANEL (ill WOOD CLAD PANEL POST fill FAUX CHIMNEY 0 :~~T~~~;;;:~R [@I PRE-FINISHED FASCIA GUTTER ~ ALUMINUM RAILING ~ METAL CHIMNEY CAP IT) ~~~~~!~t=LED CT] PAINTED WOOD TRIM [zj WOOD SHUTTERS ~ PAINTED WOOD RAILING 0 BRICK SIDING ~ ~~~1~~ T:iARGE BOARD ~ DECORATIVE LOUVER KEYPLAN ~ ::rt1:J ::.0 0 _J ITl I ;___i § Lb-LO ' ~ :r.J:::J D COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion ond desl;n ote. ond o1 o-timm remain the exch:JiN'e property ol FounwefU Architectural fnc. ond connol be used or re~oduced wtthoi..ir w,illen consent by fofmwerk:s A1c.hl1ec:1U'ol Jnc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dime~m of"l(t conditions on the job. folmwl!fts Architectural Inc. shall be inf01med of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT Pl:RMIJ MAR. 10. 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19. 2017 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWNHOMES l l 250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE. BC DRAWING BUILDING 2 ELEVATIONS S CALE SHE ET I : I 00 DATE A2.03 MAY 20 I 6 ,. I I I I I L I' ................ .. ' ' ' . • ! l l\!=l===t,i I I ' 10 of L------J I I ID 01 L-------~ LEVEL l PLAN BUILDING 3 LEVEL 3 PLAN BUILDING 3 • ! ic ol L ________ J :□ cl L _______ .,J ,· /------~-r r,=::::&e"'='==::;i LEVEL 2 PLAN BUILDING 3 ;.;_ ---- ' ' . i l ,1'2 .. ' j-====t,1. _____________ i: ROOF LEVEL PLAN BUILDING 3 .... _ "" ; : I •,_. ... -. ........ --•••••I I ' I , I i KEYPLAN ~! l I □ !::CO. COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion and dosign ore, and ol oll limes remain 1he th:ciusive J:('operty of Formweta Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or repr:Oduced without wri11en consent by Form,.,erks Architecfu,ol Inc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and bo responsible for all dimerwons: and conditions on the job. F04'mworics. Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drowin.9. R EVISI ONS ISSUED FOR DEYS.0PMENT PERMIT MAit 10, 2017 LSSUED FOR ACMSORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625 Wesl Slh Ave. Vancouver. BC l/6J INS Pt-o.-1e 683-5441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l 1250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE , BC DRAWING BUILDING 3 PLANS SCALE SHEET I: l 00 DATE A2.04 MAY2016 j II.OM ,--z---_ J}ORIDGE •----·-••~~-••- i : -~=-~~ =- ~ I ~~----- --~--------., ii I QJ/1!:,lim___ --~ FRONT ELEVATION BUILDING 3 REAR ELEVATION BUILDING 3 ... ____ ., ... , .. _l 1 ~ I ---~&~~!! _}Q\t'IIl.1_1 L I -----<i i ! :! I ¥ i'i I i 1 _.,_. r @-·--·--·--------•~ll1,~ -i i g~~~M W,l(; -•-·----i ~ ii ~=~--~-~-----------===--·----___ !tQ.lfl.!l_LJ ~ -i i 1 ~z~~ 1 , """" , -------i ~ ~ :.• LIVING !f! g ·-~~~~-""-·~·--_-_-.::~---i ~======l~.fit;;;.::.dll1r=lJJ:}~======_11~1~~~~=====~IE::i:~~========~-·---;L.Q.ID.!tL) ;1 i ~ ~ i! .TJOLo'fELI --·-·---- SECTION BUILDING 3 ----·---! ,., l§ ti &k..~-~ ... ii ,--.!IQJ.Q!_l'\fil.. __ I!;------------n ~ i ::;! --~_imlj_ __ _ ~· -----·-----,. §!' ~t !i ,}..,_ .!..19-WIL_ __ SIDE ELEVATION BUILDING 3 SIDE ELEVATION BUILDING 3 FINISH SCHEDULE OJ FIBREGLA55 SHNGLE m~~~~,.~= Il) ~~~:~ETAL (i] ;~~~ ~~~;~~OR (1J ~~~~~~~~LED (!] &RICK SIOING [I} ~URE FIBRE CEMENT [i] 4.5" HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING m ~~~~~Rfx~:~NT PANEL [QI PRE-FINISHED FASCIA GUTTER fill PAMEO WOOD TRIM filj =;~ T~~~ARGE BOARD ~ PAINTE02X10 BEU.Y BOARD l!!l-:!Tff~A~gREEN ~ PAINTED WOOO BRACKETS §Qj DECORATIVE OORMER ~ WOOD ClAO PANEL POST g!] FAUX CHIMNEY ~ ALUMINUM RAILING ~ METAL CHIMNEY CAP fill WOOD SHUTTERS ~ PAINTED WOOD RAILING ~ DECORATIVE LOUVER KEYPLA~ a aD1 [JJ :j JJllJJ q WlllO □ '.Ir: t:J o I :TD:J' r:: □ COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan anct dosign om. and of ctl frmes remain the e~e poporty 0, Formwe/'fc!; Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or ieproduced .....;1hout written consent by Formwerks .Arch'ifGCturol Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scoled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for o~ OimerulQ,u. and conditions on the Job. Fotmwerts Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1G25 Wesl SlriAve Yoncouve•, BC V6J INS fox 685-2076 Phone 683-54•11 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l l 250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING 3 ELEVATIONS SCALE SHEET I : 100 DATE A2.05 MAY 2016 ,.-------, I I !.:, =====-l, ,a a a1 10 a 01 '------------~ ~------------J LEVEL l PLAN BUILDING 4 ( _I f: I LEVEL 2 PLAN BUILDING 4 ,,, r --------, -------, I . . ·--········'""·"-· ......... . I I 10 o a, '--------~---" 10 D D I 1.. __________ , ,.,. ,.--------., I ' I a a o1 l.---------J KEYPIAN COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion and cteslgn ore. and of o• times remain the exclLJSive ~operty of Fctmwedai Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or rep,-oduced -wttnou-t wrilfen consent by FotmwerKS Archltectvrol Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions. Contracto~ shall verify and be responsible for all dimet"li<Ons OJ1d conditions on the job. fotmwetb Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from 1he dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVB..OPMENT PERMIT MAR. 1 0, 2017 l5SUED FOR ADVISORY DE.SIGN PANEL MAY lQ, '2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625 West 51h Ave Var"\CCU'Je', BC V6J 1N5 Fux 685-?076 Phone 683-5441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l l 250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING PLANS SCALE SHE ET I : I 00 4 DATE A2.06 MAY2016 LEVEL 3 PLAN BUILDING4 r··--· -·····, I ~w ~ ' -c.·------------·+ .. 'k====Jf,=~t~-=-~=-'='--:'r._==~.=il===== -;. -..-1=============11~--=-=--=r--=--=-':'.:. ;=il ······•-•··•· ·1 i~ : .............. ·; 10:12 1~11 --~---······ ·1 i~ L ·············-··r-····-··-···· ~ "ii12 I I I i i~ i t~ \ •• ·············-··· ·-·••·•-······· l!:=======l--.. ROOF LEVEL PLAN BUILDING 4 KEYPLAN COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan and design ore, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Formwerks Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced without written consent by Formwerks Architectural Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions. Contracto~ shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR 0EVELOPMB',IT PERMIT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS AR C HITECTURAL t6L5 Wcsf 51h Ave Vo,"COUVC', ec VCJ INS Fox 685•?076 Pnone 683-5441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING 4 PLANS SCALE SHEET 1: I 00 DATE A2.07 MAY 2016 11.0MMAX tp.()f,°'!GHEfGHT ------------------••-•--••-- ~..Y.0...~----• o,I £ ___ I/JV !jl1•- i, I ~, •,_.il,_1Q\i~ 3 i ,..,!jl,--·- "j ~' !?• .. ___J,2.ll)!IIJ IR•r---- i· ~ J ~i_, .. ,-..---119~----·-· ~ _.1/.QJlltJ'leL FRONT ELEVATION BUILDING4 REAR ELEVATION BUILDING4 _..z-_,.J}QRIDGE _ -•--•,,_--------------------------------,__ BEDROOM BEDROOM MASTER BEOROOM 1 ""''..,_I --·-T;;,,. I - LMNG llVING GARAGE GARAGE 111 II C. SECTION 81/lLOING 4 ,i !LP-1Q'....~----·----..,8 § ~ --W~l __ lN ----4--~" i ~ ~ ~ __ JLQ.umJ_ -~ -. ------., ~ l;i = II; =""H'=--===ai;;;:o,;;;=_!l2~1ll-J ~~ ~ ~~ '<, --....----------------------x-------112._ ____ _ -·~ I ~ , __ TIQ\l'lfil_,_~_ GARAGE ~ _ _ TJQRIDGf __ , __ , I::; £ i ---·--·-- ~ ~ i; ~1 -...l J .(q11mL,--==--. SIDE ELEVATION BUILDING 4 j ijl I: ~ ;i'_.J.l!?.JJ/a!,L-_ 21--------- :!, ii ~1 i _lL9~L, ____ _ SIDE ELEVATION RNISH SCHEDULE OJ FIBREGLASS SHINGLE m~~~:t~0 (1) ~~~~~tAL (iJ ~~~ ~=~~~OR ffi ~~~~~=irLED [§J BRICK SIDING BUILDING 4 (I] ~~SURE RBRE CEMENT @] PAINTED 2X10 BELLY BOARD (i] ◄.S" HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING ~ PAINTED WOOD BRACKETS (I] ~1~~~~~RlEX~~~NT PANEL Ml WOOD CLAD PANEL ?OST [iQj PRE-FINISHED FASCIA GUTTER ~ ALUMINUM RAILING [i] PAINTED WOOD TRIM fizl WOOD SHUTTERS Ill]~~~~ t~!ARGE BOARD ~ DECORATIVE LOUVER KEYPLAN t:LL1J U1J ~~ .... ~~gREEN @J OECORATIVE DORMER Iii] FAUX CHIMNEY ~ METAL CHIMNEY CAP ~ PAINTED WOOD RAILING C::CJ ij [E.tfj . R - d LJ ~ <-! W1 COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan and design ore, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Formwerks Archiiecturol Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced wilbot.11 written consent by Formvrteri::s Archttoc:tvral Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT ?ERMIT MAR 10. 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN ?ANEL MAY 19, 2017 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING 4 ELEVATIONS SCALE SHE ET 1: 1 00 DATE A2.08 MAY 2016 "" -~ , ------~ 1711 ~ .... i ... - I I ---------.J L-------L--------J LEVEL 1 PLAN BUILDINGS ( .l!.fil_ --,, I T- r LEVEL 3 PLAN BUILDING 5 ,.,, ,.., ---------· ...., ..... I _'UNIIA!l!l~ ...... -, ~~---· :, ..... LEVEL 2 PLAN BUILDING 5 ~----------~ . . r .! t~ i I ROOF LEVEL PLAN BUILDING 5 "" "" ,--··· .. ------···--------·· . . ---~-----··-··---· .,_ ..---~--------------t~ ! ··-·····------· i ______________ ,. KEYPLAN COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion and des5gn ore, and ot a1J linos remain the exciu,ilva property of Formwerk$ Architectural Inc, and cannot be used or roproduced without written consent by fotmwerl::s .A.rcffieci\.l'ol Jnc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from 1he dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR OEVB.OPMENT PERMIT MAR. JO. 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL WIAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625 Wes1 .)lhAve Vancouver. BCV6J 1N5 FCK685-7D16 ;,rone t.83-544 • PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l 1250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING 5 PLANS SCALE SHEET 1: I 00 DATE A2.09 MAY 2016 ( L ~l ,-~_______JJ2J~)l. tr------ ' .l._!f.•m:a!J. ____ , FRONT ELEVATION BUILDING5 :c==:::::::::::===:=,;::,.__11!1..=. __ ._ -----'~ 1§ I~ _!(f,!.l&l'il_ :f N ' 11JLMMA~.P'N'Q~I -------------------•-••··----....... ~----·.,-·--·-·~•~-•-------·•• .. i ,:._ __ ...!('2J:Q!.~- Sr -------- i i' f,j ~! _J'JQ..J.!YfU. __ ! I 2--·---·-- -1 i1 !j ~ _v.Q.J.rot.i._ I ; --~ ii I! ,.,131·· UP..LfV.11 L,_; ___ --------------- REAR ELEVATION BUILDING5 !! ,!: !4!!91'~--~ ------,;i --~--J ~ i i ~ __ _..Ull.lM,.L .. } ----------------==~-r-·---} I ----------·------' ~ ii I -~:::::=_~ __ -...... _-._;:,•r,----.., .... n-_-_-_-_,,.._-_..,,,..-_-_-::::== ....... ....,,._-_-_-_-_ ...... _....,,rr-_-_-_-_-_-_-,rr_....,,.::::-::..-_-_-_ .................... ....,,.---...... ll-... _-_-_-_-_-_-_---.-2_~_,&_.~_-~=~ 1 ii fl MASTERBEDROOM BEDROOM MASlERBEDROOM BEDROOM MASTERBEDROOM BEDROOM BEDROOM MASTERBEOROOM l§ 9 !I .~U----_·ug,_~-.J~ }" ~ "' 'i------·-------------·---------~ s f:! i luu~N~) I ~1~~~R I I :~RI lu~~~~I JI ~ § 111 ;I ~ ,i ..,:: __ .YQ.;W!.l ____ i,::=========:;:;:;:::'.1'°' ~~:;::===_=_=_=_=_=_= _= _==~t----1111.ID'l;l,L .. :'' ! ) ri -----------------------; .. ~ 0 GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE ~-~ M ,0 ~ l ~ ==JL=-...-========J.Ll~~=========!b=#~t-===:::====-==~.,!;;~~:...~ll..~-="j~;""'=-===-1!~-~-~!lll~L-L ~ , .<: ___ 1/Q.l.;'.<!..J ___ ,_ SECTION BUILDINGS ~-'l!l.---- 1 i! I .... _.Jf_QJ~ --~---·---- a: 1; _I i t.JIO__mru. ___ , ~] i i i I 1 1 ~~-•--·-- ---:;,;;.-- -------~ 8 -----~-----------·-------·-·-·----~ ~ SIDE ELEVATION BUILDING 5 ___ J/12.~- r -..Y.(l)Qt~ ... j!, -------~ il ~~L....uaE'll1..i.. i ~I ~',,..--•- ~ I !i ~..Jl.QJ~ SIDE ELEVATION BUILDING 5 FINISH SCHEDULE [I] FIBREGLASS SHINGLE W ~~~~~~~t~~:c W~,-.~~ElAL m ~~~~ ~::;;:~~OR ~ ~~~~~~~~LEO (il BRICK SIDING [LI ,6.f"XPOSURE FIBRE CEMENT """' [j] ~ S HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING @ ~~~~~~~~\ ~~:NT PANEL [@j PRE-FIN1SHED FASCIA GUTTER [ill PAINTED WOOD TRIM \j] ~~~ff~ T1;iARGE 80ARD ---------·- ~ PAINTED 2XIO BEtlY BOARD ~ ::~,..~~fcREEN Iii] PAINTED WOOD BRACKeTS ~ DECORATIVE DORMER ~ WOOD CLAD PANEL POST 1W FAUX CHIMNEY fill ALUMINUM RAILING ~ METAL CHIMNEY CAP fill WOOD SHUTTERS ~ PAINTED WOOD RAILING @ DECORATIVE LOUVER' KEYPLAN ::r:Y"....L_ CD I -rr OIDilJ CLLO l ,M CO"TJ:J , I l i COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion on<I design ere, and ot al limes remain the exciuslve property of FormweotS .A.rchltecturol Inc. and cannot be used or rep,oduced wlttx>vt v-tritten consent by Famwerks Nchlfectural Inc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verity and be responsible for all dime~ and conditions on the job. FormwotkS Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation rrom the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR OEVROPMENT PERMIT MAR. l 0, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625 Wesl 51n Ave Voncm.Ne', BC V6J 1N5 Fox685-'.!0/6 Pt'lo"e 683-54-11 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l 1250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC □RAWI NG BUILDING 5 ELEVATIONS SCALE SHEET 1: I 00 CATE A2.10 MAY 2016 -- ,.,., '"" ,---------, r-----, I _j_ LEVEL 1 PLAN BUILDING 6 ( iG' LEVEL 2 PLAN BUILDING 6 r--------:.] -- .,..,... '""'" I 78'9 _______ ,r __ ----7899 __ r--------, L- a o 01 ~----------~ ---------- I I I 10 0 □1 L------------...l 1,==::::ia!!=:J '''" l,!:::::::ei:=:l!::::::::::i,,e===J - KEYPIAN COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion and design are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Formwerks Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced without written consent by Formwerks Architectural lnc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions~ Contrac1o~ shall verify and be responsible for all dimenslons and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any voriotkln from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR □EVaOPMENT PERMIT ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAR. IO, 2017 MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625Wesl .s:hAve Voncouver BC V6~ 'N.5 fa)( 6fiS-7:J76 Priof\8 683-54AI PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l l 250-l l 300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE . BC DRAWING BUILDING 6 PLANS SCALE SHEET 1: l 00 DATE A2. l l MAY 2016 LEVEL 3 PLAN BUILDING 6 , •• ::.::.: .:_::;_--l • 10tl'2: 10:1:Z ! I ' . I ===~~----~---Ji=--=-=·••=···=···=···~-~~~==~~~~==4=·•·=·-=-~=···=··=···=··-=··=-·='··1=======!1 ROOF LEVEL PLAN BUILDING 6 KEYPLAN :....J d [__J g 0 t:r-r:r-J CTJ Cl1JJJJ LuIIIO R r--= COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion and design ore, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Formwerlcs Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced without written consent by Formwerks Architectural lnc. Written dimerurom shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. sho11 be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditiom on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR OEVB.OPMENT PERMrT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL /IMY 19, 2017 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11 250-11 30 0 240 STREET MAPLE RI DGE , BC DRAWING BUILDING PLANS SCALE SHEET 1: I 00 6 DATE A2.12 MAY 2016 ( 11.0 M MAX.JM'!~+°t~t ________ ..... ..-..... ----·~-• •• ..... •---~-• • ----••-• ..,.. __l/2.'!!2Ci. ____ _ ~.--112!~ ~--- i I ~ ., L ..!/""""'-"--11 i 2 ti II ~i_!j~Ey_ J,WQ!-!l. _(&ID'! _ !/.Q. ~f ;r--- ~~ FRONT ELEVATION BUILDING6 REAR ELEVATION BUILDING 6 SECTION BUILDING 6 --······----·----·-·········-····--····--···· !.!JL"\.W.""C!NG"-""!Jl ·----,..'IP~--- !19.!Qfl!.'!Jl __ ---------..~ ~ 9 i r §~§§~§§§=ii=~--1LQ.~-... ~ ~ 4 !! :t ~ __ f/l1,\Mb.1 _ _! _ ----•-----..ii ~ _,J/2,mu_,J ........,._..J/R.~--· ~QI! i ------- i f, Ni~_;, __ ., --·----- ~ii f' SIDE ELEVATION BUILDING 6 SIDE ELEVATION BUILDING 6 ANISH SCHEDULE (I] FIBREGLASS SHINGLE @ ~~~~~;t:.=D w~~~~~ErAL GJ ~~~L~~ ~=~~~OR rn ~i~~~:=LED [§J BRICK SIDING III ~~URE FIBRE CEMENT Ii} 4,S' HORtZONrAL VINYL SIDING @ ~~:~~~~RlEX ~~~NT PANEL 1121 PRE-FINISHED FASCIA GUTTER ITI) PA.MEO WOOD lRIM 1i1J ~~~~~ r7:i!ARGE BOARD ~ PAINTED 2X 10 BEllY BOARD Ull ~~ ... ~<;gREEN ~ PAINTcD WOOD BRAO::fTS ~ DECORATIVE DORMER Ml WOOD CLAD PANEL POST [il FAUX CHIMNEY ~ AWMINUM RAILING ~ METAL CHIMNEY CAP fizl WOOD SHUTTERS @I PAINTED WOOD l!:AIUNG ~ Df:CORATIVE LOUVER KEYPIAN ~ d JJ w § J n 'qxr-J § a:r.:r: COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion and do,lgn ere, ond cl ~ limes remain the exclusive pmpe,rty of Formwetl<S Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced Without written consent by formwerks Nchltocturol Inc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors sholl verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the Job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be Informed of any variation from the dimensions and condttions on the drawing. REV ISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT MAR, 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11250-1 I 300 24D STREET M A PLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING 6 ELEVATIONS SCALE SHEET 1: 1 00 DATE A2.13 MAY 2016 I ( L ~-I I I I "'" I UNIT DE I . ········-·1 L. : ! i I I I I ~------'!l LEVEL l PLAN BUILDING 7 6!_0t -- - L_ LEVEL 2 PLAN BUILDING 7 ..,, ..,, _!§11 -- 8 ..... ,_ I ________ .., ___ 3&202 ---~-- .l"l'l.' ~ -- I I I ~ 8 I UlffCI I 1-,,,1 !""'> I ______ _._ _______ r ..,, e e ., - .,,.. l ········•·1 I I I I ~ KEYPIAN R [J l -, ,.,, _ If ;tJ wJill ------ [J::0::::0 cccn [IJJ:T COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan end design oro. and c1 ol lfrnm remain the exctusive property of fo«nwerts Architectural Inc, and cannot be used or ,e_p,oduced wtthoul written co.nsent by FOfffl'Werks Archltectural Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing, REVISIONS ISSUED FOR OEVELOPM8'll PERMIT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625 We51 51h A11e vor.couver, BC V6J tN5 t'ox 685-/076 Phone 683-5-441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11250-1 1 300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING PLANS SCALE SHEET I: I 00 7 DATE A2.14 MAY 2016 .... t ...., ~ I I LEVEL 3 PLAN BUILDING 7 ROOF LEVEL PLAN BUILDING 7 l ~E_~ ~ KEYPLAN r~~LI H -R L'--:Il =i l IT1 H--c tD COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion and design are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Formwerk.s Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced without wrttren consent by Formwerks ,t.J'c.hlfeo1urol Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scoJed dimensions, Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing . REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVB..OPMe-lT PERMIT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL ~y 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625 Wesr 51h Ave Von::cuvc•. BC V6J IN5 Fox 685-?.076 Pt1one 683-5441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l l 25 0 -1130 0 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING 7 PLANS SCALE SHEET l: 1 00 DATE A2.15 MAY 2016 ~.....!/'IV~ !i~- i ! ~ ~ ~ ~ i~---- .J._..!&lf!. FRONT ELEVATION BUILDING 7 REAR ELEVATION BUILDING 7 ~~~----------------------f~---------------------~--- l.-.../" SECTION BUILDING 7 1:Q!.~-• ---·-1 ij g ..!f!Ul'!!\.}_ __ _i ., j .., 1 i I _rrumi-1_.!..:, I -------8 :! § ii I _T/Q~iY~.Ll-J __ _ --.J/.QJ!lt~ - !i!' -------- ! i 8 ~ . .!&>ll!U __ ~------~ ; _J..!12Jm!-l. __ SIDE ELEVATION BUILDING 7 ~ -_j/Q_~---•-- 1 ~' ;:;, SIDE aEVATION BUILDING 7 RN/SH SCHEDlll f (D FIBREGLASS SHII\IGlf m~i~~~~~~= m~;~=ETAL m ~~~ ~~~:~~OR 0 e~~~~~t~LEO (IIBl!ICl::SIDING fl] ~..!:°SURE FIBRE CEMENT [!) -4 S' HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING (!] ~~:c~:R,\ ~~~NT PANEL 6]j PRE-FlNISHED FASCIA GUTTER fill PAll'll'ED WOOD TRIM U1i ~~~~ T~~ARGE BOARD ~ PAINTED 2X10 BEU.Y BOARD ~ :!r11 ;":~~gREEN ~ PAINTED WOOD BRACKETS ~ DECORATIVE DORMER ~ WOOD CLAD PANEL POST ~ FAUX CHIMNEY ~ ALUMINUM RAILING ~ METAL CHIJ..INEY CAP ITz} WOOD SHUTTEAS @I PAINTED WOOD RAILING ~ DECORATIVE LOUVER KEYPLAN :o::tJ w R [I tlIJJ JI ,q :.__i -H § COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan and dm:ign are, and cl ell llrr,m remain the axdusive property of ~ Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced wtthout written consent by forn'Nr,erlcs Arthftoctural Inc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for alt dlmeruklra ond conditions on the job. fo(mwed::, Archifeciural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and condi1ions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT MAR, 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESJGN PANEL MAY 1?, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625 Wes1 Sir\ Ave Vancouver, AC V6J I t-15 tax 685-20/6 Phone 683..'.>44 \ PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING 7 ELEVATIONS SCALE SH EET 1; too DATE A2.16 MAY 2016 ~-"" f ! I . ' I .,. _________ . L LEVEL 1 PLAN BUILDING 8 LEVEL 2 PLAN BUILDING 8 -------, al I : It;:,====;:~ l . ' "-•--········ -----------401~5 ------------ --------, o cl I -----~-- l ' . ·-·-·------· ., .. r------- lo I KEYPIAN ~ --- ! ....... ...! LU:L COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan and de&ign are. and of 0:1 times remain the excMNe p,operty or Fonnwerlt.S Architeclurol Inc. and cannot be used or rnproduced wtthout written consent by Formwerks Atehltecl1.1101 Inc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for oq dime~ or'K'I condltk:>ns on the lob-rot'mwerk..!i Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and condilions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR OEVB.OPMa,.jJ PERMIT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 16?5 Wesl 51h Ave Vancouver, BC V6J I N5 =ex (:65-7.:)76 Pt-one 663-544' PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWNHOMES l l 250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING PLANS SCALE SH EET 1: I 00 8 DATE A2.17 MAY 2016 ( L . ~-"-''~------., .. LEVEL 3 PLAN BUILDING 8 ROOF LEVEL PLAN BUILDING 8 ! ·/ ,- =L---··· §i--~---· ~: 3~1 l.S ,,., '"" KEYPLAN t7 § R r l-i ~LJ 1 \ ,_j COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan and design are, and at all times remain 1he exclusive property of Formwerks Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reprOduced wffhoUt wrflton consent by formwerks ArchllechJrol Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions. Contracto~ shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Fcxmwel'ks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR 0EVaOPMe-lT PERMIT MAR, 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR: ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625 Wesi 51n Ave voncouYer. BC Y6w • N.5 Fcx 6B5-'/D76 Phone 6B3-5441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE , BC 0RAWING BUILDING 8 PLANS SCALE SHEET 1: I 00 DATE A2.18 MAY 2016 - ( ., i!J -~-·-'/!}.rr:tf l §!-------- _Jl!&~-~ f ~----__ _;_2 -1 .. §! "'I ii! -~•- ---~-T/.2.W{U.,1_ : ~ I -~---; ! ;:,13 L,_,l_J/9.~~I ~;;;;;il!P~'.':!l='::' • i i ! ,}L-'12Jl.l'.!u....._ I ~~--- ; i F, 3 '<>"'"' '-s FRONT ELEVATION BUILDING 8 ~.l~\~f,J =~===::::l:;3 :E::=::: REAR ELEVATION BUILDING 8 SECTION BUILDING B 1.Ql'."lM.!.l-.-......... -----g § ~- 1.112.ill!.I!.}_} _ ;,--·1 i ~ !iPlfrtl..•_} __ --· 1/lill'!l\1__ -I ~Ii ii ·2.. ,,. 7 ~I~ ,;l!l i 1_~!-r, .... __ f(Q.'Qi'll!'R. ~,----·-- ~! f, IN,ili _~ -....... jilf ___ _ h ._illl.l<Y~-- 1 ::;i 2,·------_, i: ' • ID __ l(Q..'WL --=--=-:::J=CEi;=:=:::.=::::::::::i::;:i===~F-' SIDE ELEVATION BUILDING 8 ~---'(!l)Ql'JY.-.!l. _____ _ 2,------· ! t! -1 -'llilllm.~------~ 1---·----• 2 ~1 l _~L------· _- 2r--· ! ~ !! !1 ~i -l&lmU ____ . -- SIDE ELEVATION BUILDING 8 FJNJSH SCHEDULE IT] FIBREGLASS SHINGLE ~ ~~~~~;t==D @J~~~ETAL GJ =~~~ ~r::~~OR ~~~~~~~~LED (i] BRICK SIDlNG m :~~SURE FIBRE CEMENT [ii ◄ S HORIZONTAL VINYL SDING @ ~~~~:~-~:~ESNT PANEL (i2} PRE-FINISHED FASCIA GUTTER fill PAINTED WOOD TRIM (ill ~~t;f ~~ T~~!ARGE BOARD ~ PAINTED 2X 10 BEllY BOARD ~ PANTED WOOD BRACKffi Ml WOOD CLAD PANEL POST ~ ALUMINUM RAILING fizl WOOD SHUTTERS Ml DECORATIVE LOUVER KEYPLAN ~ ~c:;~-'~~~REEN ~ DECORATIVE DORMER ~ FAUX CHIMNEY ~ METAL CHIMNEY CAP ~ PAJNlEO WOOD RAILING COPYRIGHT RE5ERVED This pion and design are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Formwerks Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced without written conse.nt by Formwerks Ar(:hitecturol Inc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be Informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMlT MAR~ 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWNHOMES I I 250-1 I 300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING 8 ELEVATIONS SCALE SHEET I l I 00 DATE A2. l 9 MAY2016 r------------, la a cl ,----------, a o 01 r---------, lo al ' I I L-------.J LEVEL 1 PLAN LEVEL 2 PLAN BUILDING 9 BUILDING 9 ( 11.0, j'-t ,.,. ,, ~' r .,..., .l'?! -" ·1 LEVEL3 PLAN ROOF LEVEL PLAN BUILDING9 BUILDING 9 I l ! ~ --------/( ----""---~- ----·-····--------..__-.~----------- KEYPLAN ' -__j CT] ~ D ll.lTIJ q 0TIT1TI B 1tt□:o q rrr□ d CCITJJ __. COPYRIG\-CT RESEINEO This plan and d4;1:Sign ore. and Cf 01 lirnm remain 1he exclusive property or Fotm'NCOO Architectural Inc, and cannot be used or ,ep-oduced without written consent by Formwerks Alchlteah.r<» Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerl::s Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing, REVISIONS ISSUED FOR 0EVB.0PM8'1T PERMIT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, '2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625 Wes! 51h Ave Vor;couve•. BC V6J I N:i Fox 685-7076 Phonl'! 683-5441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING 9 PLANS SCALE SHEET 1: 1 00 DATE A2.20 MAY2016 .. ____ ..JIQ.m>i.. ____ --- i __ ..J&.IJZ_~ --~---------- :! i it J l. . ..!&Jr=._ -·-- ~ ~----·-----i ; !!! ~-~-----,,---·-·----~ X .. 1i I~ ~ .... I LIQ.!t'!<U__,-~- REAR ELEVATION BUILDING 9 .,. . ..,._..Jill.~~---------:,c---------------:,s:------------;," i __ ,.J/QTOPPLATE •---- i- ~ j 8 -,.;:;.,.~1. -----l~=====~:::!l:===~IE=11:=====~::!::===~l:::lf ___ [I UNIT A 1 jl ~ ;_·~--------I uNrr AE I ~ LIVING Jil ! LIVING l\VNG lJ _ _uq_~.1----1;:::========:#;;'.t-·II:=========~;:;! GARAGE SECTION BUILDING 9 BEDROOM BEDROOM -----· lQIIIOG..t___ __ MASTER BEDROOM I uNrr AER I LIVING GARAGf :~ I .QJ!l~!-_ _,( ------·-; -~ I~ ___ !19.W..!ll .. J ------13 -Ii 'ii l ___ !LQ.YY.!l.l.......!,.. •------~·" 1li ~ ~ g __ _..UQ,.1.EY,!,L_l __ i ___ ...l/&!Rf.FWL----· o-------~----· s i f'I .i-1,'Q_'l~--------- SIDE ELEVATION BUILDING 9 FINISH SCHEDIH f OJ Fl:IREGLASS SHINGLE [fil ~~~~~~~t~D @J~f~ETAl ~ :~l~~~:~~R (§] ~~~~~~rLED [§) BRICK SIDING 0 =URE FIBRE CEMENT [i) 4 5" HORIZONTAL VINYUIDlNG @;z:~~~~~~,_isNT PANEL iI9 PRE-AMSHEO FASCIA GUTTER ID] PAINTED WOOD TRIM ~ ~~I~ T':i~ARGE BOARD --------- @J PAINTED 2X10 81:UY BOARD (!!I ~T~A~~gREEN ~ PAINTED WOOD BRACKETS ~ DECORATIVE DORMER ~ WOOD ClAD PANEL POST fill FAUX CHIMNEY [I§) ALUMINUM RAILING ~ METAL CHIMNEY CAP [zl WOOD SHUTTERS ~ PAINTED WOOD RAILING ~ DECORATIVE LOUVER KEYPLAN -CfJ CtilJ.II I ilIIlill COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion and design ore, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Formwerks Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced without written consent by Formwerks Architectural Inc. Written dimensrons shall hove precedence over scaled dlmensions. Contractors shall verity and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shell be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT MAR. 10. 2017 LSSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l l 250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING 9 ELEVATIONS SCALE SHEET 1: 1 00 DATE A2.21 MAY 2016 _____________ 15799 __ "" •--~---·····• .. ·-···--· . ! I ~-------..1 LEVEL l PLAN BUILDING 10 LEVEL 3 PLAN BUILDING 10 -----------,, "" ·······---·--·········· I ! -, --L---------' ,,, ----------_____.lm!_ ------- 7899 "'' LEVEL 2 PLAN BUILDING 10 ======t·;-----------.--------···•f"I======= --------·-··•·-•-· •• i •• t~ ROOF LEVEL PLAN BUILDING 10 KEYPLAN D t=f _:_LL -7! fil[[fj -L 8 Diillll ::::1 I 17 El :::J. TL! COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion and design are. and ot oll times remain the exclusive property of Formwerks Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced without written consent by Formwerks Architectural lnc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions.. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any vorioUon from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVaOPMENT PERMIT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19. 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625 We:· Oln Ave Vancouver. BC VCJ lN~ Pt-one 683-54.1 • PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l 1250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING 10 PLANS SCALE SHEET 1: I 00 DATE A2.22 MAY 2016 ( \ i' ____ T/0 TOP Pl.ATE i r•--·----a ,!;' ~ ~- ~1.EVJLJ_ __ _ FRONT ELEVATION BUILDING 10 ______ !£9_~ ii REAR ELEVATION BUILDING 10 ===._-1iPJQt.tW.L __ , _ ----,-~,. ~-9 l;,. ----'&ID!ll..~---3..... ------·---" :~ :j ,j '~ = ----!l9~~t ~; ,s:i 5!;; --~J _ .... __ .. ./P.JQ!'.!Y,J--.L.._...,, .I ----1 1 1S a ----~LJ.l~ ~ -·---11 i ___ ...JIP.!LYtl.~--I l lil; ~ il __!iQ_\lY_q_, __ J..,---t i :§ I ~J /Q..Tllt~TL ._!Jl:>.Jll!'.!.IB __ _ !,--------'--!~---g u 8!0000... ~ ~ ~ .l . ..!/Q.lf.!1!.1. ____ I!==========~§~~11§1~~11~==='.==~====: ---l&W•a.L_j___ i 2: r I~) )u=I ------·1 lfi i i 1:;:;·~·;==========: ____ uo~1 __ ....... SECTION BUILDING 10 ...... ...... @------ ~; ~[ .... ---L...u<mY.~ -·-----...ffi:=:§~=~=--jc§~d,=1l:'Efil!: i- i~ :l ~ _L.,,o_\m..l_ ---·----- --i¼.. ------~-----·--.., --------·-·--------- " ~ Jig_-._ __ ~ ~ . ...!lQJRe.~!f--- 1 ~ r------ -§l _.IIQ.l!i!:JU._ 'l'. --------2l I;: ~~~- 0--------- SIDE ELEVATION BUILDING 10 RNLIH SCHEDULE OJ FIBREGLASS SHINGLE ~~~~~~,=D Cfil~f~=ETAL 0 =~~~ ~c:~~OR m~~~:=LEO [!) Bl!.ICK SIDING [I] ;::::o suRE FIBRE CEMENT Ii) ◄,S" HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING [!) ~~~~~~;(~;~;NT PANEL [Qj PRE-FINISHED FASOA GUTTER IIi] PANTED WOOD TRIM Ill] ~~~~~ T~~ARGE BOAi!.□ [@J PAINTED 2X10 BEllY BOARD ~ -::i~=.~l!.EEN ~ PAINTED WOOO BRACKffi ~ DECORATIVE DORMER ~ WOOD CLAD PANEL POST [j] FAUX CHIMNEY ~ ALUMINUM RAILING ~ METAL CHIMNEY CAP fizl WOOO SHUTTERS ~ PAJNTI:D WOOD RM.ING l!fil DECORATIVE LOUVER KEYPIAN ~ o__:n:; -lIU1 R DTTTI I J [JJ..li § rrt:l1 0::CJ:JJ COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan and design ore, and at all times remain the exclusive property of formwerks Architectural Inc, ond cannot be used or repc-oduced w11hovl written consent by fotmwerks Ar<:hitech.Jrol Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions .. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and condi1ions on the Job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on fhe drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOi!. OEI/ELOPMENT PERMIT MAR, 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS AR C HITECT URAL 1625 Wesl 51'1 Ave. Vcr.ccuvc•, BC Vt,J 1~5 fox 6B5-7076 Phone 683-5-141 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES I I 250 -1 I 300 240 STREET M A PLE RID G E, BC DRAWING BUILDING 10 ELEVATIONS SCALE SHEET I:, 00 DATE A2.23 MAY2016 _ -----_ _ 3169-1 ____ -- l,---------J L-r---------JI L -J -----J i _______ ~ _______ J ~-----0 _____ J ~------~------5-----E ______ 0 _____ i ---- LEVEL l PLAN BUILDING 11 _ .... i : ·-----■-----········ LEVEL 2 PLAN BUILDING 11 !!!!!. KEYPLAN CTt1:I 0-:J lJIT.DJ 1'l10H1 ITIIIJ LJ:]:0 =1rIYJ COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan and design ore, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Formwerks Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced without written consent by Formwerks Architectural Inc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for oil dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be Informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVB.OPMENT PERMIT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANC:L MAY 19. 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITE C TURAL 1675 Wesl Slh Ave Vancouver. BC V6j 1N5 ~m: 685-?076 Phone 683-5.40:1 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING PLANS SCALE SHEET l: 1 00 l l DATE A2.24 MAY 2016 ' , ... .,.,,.., ~ -1 ' I I I I I ....... I .,._, I I I -·, I ~ LEVEL 3 PLAN BUILDING 11 .. -----i J========H=! --------------------· \ ....... ------····-----__,! i IS ! ROOF LEVEL PLAN BUILDING 11 KEYPLAN L g -· ct:.t1J CJ.:J JJtIT _,.,--- DJJ]jjJ COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion and Co;lgri (l(C, and or °" limes- remain the exc~ivtt property o1 Focm.wei~ Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced whhout Wl'itien consent by Fotmwerks Alchllec1urol Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwet1cs Architec1ural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT MAit 1 0, 2017 liSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANB. MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1675 Wes1 Sin Ave Vancouver, BC Y6J I N5 f-ol( 685-7076 Phonl! 683-5441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l l 250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING PLANS SCALE SHEET I :I 00 1 1 DATE A2.25 MAY 2016 l· _____ .Jl,2..qw.=.. -· ,.,, o-------·- a· i .; 3 . i~. j '~,----- -, i1 I _...~_J 0 .. = ~1 I " ---l-r&\,l:,,;~~t-------------·------- FRONT ELEVATION BUILDING 11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------11.0MMAX"ll[lll..DltJG~t ~ !IP.19!'..?\&<_ -- '!", ~! a: _,w .• ~{>L ~l I -----I s: ¥< '2: Ii ~-=.,.,=~=,,....,,=sil!ll::,:::n~-1....'.".- 11 0 M MAX, ,,-.p~ ••• ••------------..•-----_______ -----•••• ..... -....... ---~-.. ..., .. -.-----•• ~if __ J/~~------- _i&JJlf.MlL-2-----·- i f1 ~,1._- 1 - f .,,..,---1,(Q_lft_!U,__ i ·-------- i)~ ,.,.i-112.®\..L.~- REAR ELEVATION BUILDING 11 SECTION BUILDING 11 _, § i.---. ..J/QJQ:erJ.:t.JL -•-·-2~-------·- ~I I "l ,-...,·· I -· ~=-==---· ~, ;-:------·-· 2 1 !j i ~ ',--•-JLQ_JOOl,J., __ _ .) i ~------, ,;- J t f/CHEVfLI,_ #~ --------·--·---~-=1::~~~~~.;:a_ RNISH SCHEDULE OJ FIBREGLASS SHINGLE [fil ~~~~~t==D ~~~=BAL QJ =~~~ ~~~~OR ill ~~~~~~~LED (§] BRICK SIDING SIDE ELEVATION BUILDING 11 SIDE ELEVATION BUILDING 11 (I] ::URE FIBRE CEMENT [ill PAINTED 2X10 BELLY BOARD ~ rc...~~~rm:N (i} ◄.S'HORIZONTAl VINYLSIDING i!il PAINJED WOOD BRACKETS ~ DECORATIVE DORMER [!) ~~~~~~RIEX~::tT PANEL [fil WOOD CLAD PANEL POST jm FAUX CHIMNEY [Qj PRE-ANISHED FASCIA GUTTER fill AlUMINUM RAILING ~ METAL CHIMNEY CAP Ii] PANTED WOOD TRIM [zl WOOD SHUTTERS § PAINTED WOOD RAJUNG [llj =~~ T~~!Al!GE BOARD [jj OECORAlWE LOUVER KEYPLAN ,::::[J :.....1 I H ! J J.ITJ lq I § LlTIJ ·7 :JI1 ! J ~ COPYl!IGKT RESERVED This plan and design ore. and at all times remain the exclusive property of Formwerks Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reP(Odvced wttllout written consent by Formworks Archltecturol Inc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for oil dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation rrom the dimensions and condi1ions on fhe drawing, REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT MAR.10, 2017 ISSUED FOi! ADV1SOl!V DESIGN PANEL MAY 19,2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1G25 Wes! 5''1 A·,e Varcou11e•, 6C VO.I INS f.ax 685•✓0/6 f'hone 683-5441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l 1250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING 11 ELEVATIONS SCALE SHEET 1: 1 00 DATE A2.26 MAY 2016 ____ 9J9a --~--r 7 ,-----------, ;~::::::::;::;:;-, .-,r-----~ -_ -_ -~ -~ -~ -~--, 1;::==::::::::;::;-'f LEVEL 1 PLAN BUILDING 12 ( fl"' LEVEL 2 PLAN BUILDING 12 L KEYPLAN ,----------------, ! ·······---·········-·· - I r I I I I I I I I COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan and design 0<0, anc:I at all n,ne, remain the ex.cJus.ive pto;>erty of Fcwmwerks Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or ,oproduced witt,oul Ymlmn consent by F«mwerks Ndtite-clural Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and bo responsible for all dime~ onc;I cond',flons on the job. Forn'twe11o Architectural Inc, shall be Informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT MAR, 10. 2017 tsSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625 Wesl 51h Ave Vancouver BC V6J INS ~ax 685 ?ll/6 Phone 683-5441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWNHOMES l l 250-11300 240 ST.REET MAPLE RI DGE . BC DRAWING BUILDING 12 PLANS SCALE SHEET 1: I 00 DATE A2.27 MAY 2016 \ ·' . , LEVEL 3 PLAN BUILDING 12 ROOF LEVEL PLAN BUILDING 12 I I I I i-· 10:1:11 ro-;n ., .. 3769◄ ,,,, .. •"-"--•-·······--- ! ; N 1 ~ : ·---------··----·· '" KEYPLAN .11:IJ rrrrn DillLO ---- tJ t.J:CJ:1 j1 I UJ..Jj COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan and dtmgn ore, and of cit flmM remain the ext:iu.,lve property or Formwetkl Architectural Inc, and cannot be used or 18,Ptoduced wtrnour WOtten consent by Formwarks A(chile-c:turcl Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dlmensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc, shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing, REVISIONS ISSUED FOR OEVB.OPMENT PERMIT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 16'25 Wesl Slh Ave Vancouver, BC V6J I NS Fox 685 /0/6 Phon1= 683-5441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l 1250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING 12 PLANS SCALE SHEET l: 1 00 DATE A2.28 MAY2016 11.0J,j!,'ftMW\G,HJi>Se<J, __________________________________________________ _ .., i -~~L. ic-•-- a· i! ~-3t ~~- i, ... ·r--·--a I . .,, -~..JlQ!~ FRONT ELEVATION BUILDING 12 11._0 MMAX.BUl,!.DINGHEIGHT ___________________________ .,.,., ... ..__ • ., ... __ _ ----'&~------' I I j; _,..!/2!!1f. L I r,_----· ~i NI i _....112J!)'.Iµ_ REAR ELEVATION BUILDING 12 ..,__,J IQ.~.-'J ~I -L _J/.QJQ..e.ru!_ -/"" E o-----·- .,, gj ii .. ~!'!JU i --·--.. i !l t ~il~ ¥r -· --~ i 1 __ j_..!tllliY(I.L..._ cc. ' -----·- ENSUllE ·-· ~ GARAGE - MEDIA ROOM ., ,,. Ill ' -----·--- BATH ............. ---. = ~ EN!RY :::= 1Il~ I ' II SECTION BUILDING 12 / "" ----· ----·- ENSUIIE SATH -~ GARAGE ,... - MEDIA ROOM !J I 11 1,1 '1·:i. ····-··• .. -·-····-··--··---·••---·•--------·•··-~--------------'1-0MMAX~~GHBGHT -""'-- / "" / "' ·-- ----"'.J L....--..----· -----------·-----1-------------~ ENSIJITE BATH ~ ENSUITE BATH ~ ·- I::::::::; ---------------· t:::= ENTRY ~ -I UNJJE2 I - GARAGE ENTRY GARAGE ENTRY I= ·----· ·-.= f---..----..------· = ',- ~ I' MEDIA ROOM MEDIA ROOM •11 11--·, "'-'II 'si;1 I'...!,, -ii-~ f ti;'=" =· ·c "!. Tm_RJ£,G..1.. ____ _ '"'·•--...... _ SIDE ELEVATIO N i ,...,_...!JrlJfl!!i'!.!! Jri---·- ~,..J/.Q.!.F.Y.n2 . WI~ r--- ~~-i,-.J/.~.l. ii-·---; i !: 31 ,... _ i .__!/Q_~~~ --- BUll.lllNG 12 SIDE ELEVATION FINISH SCHEDULE [TI FIBREGI.AS.S SHINGLE [1] ~~~~~~~t~□ @J~~~~~ETAL m ~~~~ ~~J:~~OR (K] ~~~~~~LEO ~ BRICK SIDING BUILDING 12 III f~ftOSURE FIBRE CEMENT ~ PAINTED 2Xl0 BEU..Y BOARD D1] ~~A~~gREEN [fil 4 5" HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING ~ PAINTED WOOD IIRACKErS ~ DECORATIVE DORMER (!] ~~~~~~~R1\ ~~~:t PANEL (i] WOOD CLAD PANEL POST (W FAUX CHIMNEY [!2J PRE-FINISHED FASCIA GUTTER fill ALUMINUM RAILING ~ METAL CHIMNEY CAP [ill PAINTED WOOD TRIM fill WOOD SHUTTERS Ill! PAINTED WOOD RAILING 61} ~~~~ r':iiARGE BOARD l.ij} DECORATIVE LOUVER KEYPLAN ~ .TI ITTIID ~ r 11 i, 1·n I I 11 C'i.IIT] □ ~ Ul.□ CLTJIJ COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion and de,jgn c.-o. and ot on limes remain the exclvstve pro?ertv ol Formwerb Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced v/thou1 written consent by Fotmwerks Arciilteeturol Inc, Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and b@ responsible for all dffieruions ond condiUons on the job. Fcnnwrnt.s. Architectural Inc. shall be Informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR Df'VEiOPMENT PERMIT I-MR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR AOYf,'ORY OE.SIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l l 2 50-l l 30 0 2 40 STREET M A PLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING BUILDING 12 ELEVATIONS SCALE SHEE T I: 100 DATE A2.29 MAY 2016 I fu ... , 2870 ---~-- ----3&11 __ ---2870 OECIC DINING LEVEL l PLAN LEVEL 2 PLAN UNITAR UNIT AR .~ 1:§!' ~ _,..,, $ ~78 ZU.!... n_!! ~ .$!!' I I ' r ---------------------ci t □ 0 0 1 -1 .. ~ 11 ~· DECK ·--- 1.,/ 11 D I :, .. ,, STORAGE l ,.,. r l EL= I DINING I ]] J1=l !I § i t MINIMUM 1 MINIMUM i ~ U_ l' PARKING SPOT GAAAGE PARl(INGSPOT ; ~ KITCHEN 2.SM>:5.SM I 25MX55M ~•·-.. ··-... -~ .. ----- I 1 ! . I LIVING i11 r ________________ J Ii} _ 6299 ------------'"'° 36'2 , ---------.j267 <!." f , ... LEVEL 1 PLAN LEVEL 2 PLAN UNITA UNITA UNIT TYPE A FLOOR AREAS lEVEl I GROSS 5'2..9SQM EXCLUSIONS -4075QM NEl l23SQM ii: I LEVEL 3 PLAN • UNIT AR • ~ .. {'.,ill 11 ' MASTER BEDROOM LEVEL 3 PLAN UNITA UNIT TYPE AR FLOOR AREAS LEVEl2 I.EVEt3 TOTAL LEVa. 1 55.2SQM 575SQM 165.7SQM GROSS 529SQM 005QM OOSQM 40.7SQM EXCLU90NS 407SQM 552SQM 575SQM 125.0 SQM NET 12,3SQM 2870 BEDROOM2 BEDROOM2 LEVEL2 552SQM OOSQM 55.2SQM ,· ; j tEVEL3 57,5SQM 0.050M 57,SSQM TOTAL 16.S,7SQM ,4Q,7SQM 125,0SQM COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan arid delign 01e, and 01 oll tma remoin the e:xcllsive ~party of Formwerid: Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or mproduced v.rithout written consent by Fofmwerks ArehHaclurol Inc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimenslons and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR OEVS.OPMENT PERMIT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOi! ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19. 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1615 Wesl 51h Ave Vancouver, BC V6J I NS Fm. 685-7076 "hone 683-5441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l l 250-l l 300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING UN IT A/ AR SCALE 1 :50 DATE MAY 2016 TYPE PLANS SHE ET A3.00 ~· :i, j• ( ;i I I ~ ! -------5080_ - ______ 3467 --_ _ __?w...__ --------- ----.f ---_ 2870 _ ~--,f b ---------------~ ~=-=--i ;-+----~ I I I ' I LEVEL 1 PLAN UNIT AER ~ 7!99 1!! ..w.• -f· 13.!!. -m , I I ----------,-------7 □ □ □I ! MINIMUM MINIMUM PARKING SPOT A/!AGE PAAl:lt•K; SPOT 2,5MX5SM l '2.SMXSSM --·-·-·---·--.. -•'<!--------·-·····------·-- I I _______________ J ----6299 ---- ,,.~ LEVEL l PLAN UNIT AE ~.!L STORAGE , ""' _., -l-'ii ii J ~, I I I I j1 -➔ _J ~ 1 ,· ---· ~ ~-,u. 1 2670 0EC1( "" --------------1i- f _I DINING II LEVEL 2 PLAN UNIT AER ·r '.t~ -~-,, ~tuO l "' DECK ~I ---~---------------- .-- =i_- [ 1 DINI.NG :Ji ~ IW 11 J E_l J ~ KITCHEN ~, I LIVIN; . I f r ,1 I- r.: ~ ~26] ,... LEVEL 2 PLAN UNITAE UNIT TYPE AE FLOOR AREAS LEVEtl GROSS S3.2SQM EXCLUSIONS "41,0SQM NET 12.3SQM ---------79!!:IJ ------------! -------· 5080 -------2870 BEDROOM2 LEVEL 3 PLAN UNIT AER 1-It~ J!l:1!11. ,.., .: _,., __ 'ii: "I r I ! BEDROOM2 J iii! "" , .. j ~ I I I MASTER BEDROOM 'iii ' f >:m_ / ~ " 7899 LEVEL 3 PLAN UNIT AE UNIT TYPE AER FLOOR AREAS LEVEL2 LEVB.3 TOTAL LEVEL 1 LEVEL2 LEVEL3 55.5SQM 578SQM 16&.6SQM GROSS S3.2SQM 555SQM S7,BSQM O.OSQM OOSQM 41.0SQM EXCLUSIOKS 41.0SQM 0.0SOM OOSQM S5.SSQM 57.BSQM 125.7 SQM NET 12.JSQM 55SSQM 5/,BSQM ' $ lr if $ TOTAL 1'6.6SQM -41.0SQM 125.7SQM COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan ond (.1cslgn oce, and ot all ,mes remain the exc:ILnwe ,Ptoperty ot formwe:ilc:S Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or roproduced v.itholJf Mittan consent by Fotmwerks Archltoch.n»l Inc. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions_ Contractors shall verify and be· responsible ror all dimemlons and condtlons on the job. Fo~ Architectural Inc. shall be Informed ol any variation from the dfmensians and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR OEVB.OPMENT PERMIT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY HI, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625 West 51h Ave Vancouver, BC V6J I NS f:'.))( 665·2C76 Pror;e 683•544' PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING UN IT TYPE AE/AER PLANS SCALE SHEET I :SO DATE A3.01 MAY 2016 ( I I __ ... __ ! ,, MINIMUM PARKING SPOT 2.5MXS.5M :··(······ ···-···,· i 29!' ~ LEVEL 1 PLAN UNITS 1372 GARAGE ii vu , -~ OFFICE/DEN MINIMUM PARt:;ING SPOT 2,5MX5.5M _2!10 -~ '2:IS9 .... LIVING r ~ L 1 I 11 r' I T O:CI( _J :_- .WI ll♦2_ Ja ,,._I f >;?I 3~ !~- LEVEL 2 PLAN UNITB 21$9 -I MASTER 7 rBEDROOM l 8EDROOM2 7 ,= ....J LEVEL 3 PLAN UNITB UNIT TYPE B FLOOR AREAS LEVEL I LEVEL:2 GROSS 52.6SQM 5•t3SQM EXCLUSIOMS 37.?SQM O.OSQM NEf l◄JSQM 5<l,3SQM J. ii i:I I ' i:! I ~· L.EVEL3 TOTAL 5B.olSQM 165,3SQM O.OSQM 37,9 SQM 58,,4SQM 127."4 SQM COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion and design ore,. and ct oil 1mes remain the o:u:MN'e ,::i-operty or Fom,we,kS Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced wfthoul written consent by Formwerks An::hil&e11J1'01 Inc. Written dimen~ shol hove ~ecedence over scaled cimernlonl. Confroclon itlo/1 verify ond be ~ roe ol dirnen,lom 0nd condiTions on the fob.. Fotmweticj Archltectur01 Enc. shall be informed of any variot1ot, from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR OEVB.OPMENT PER.WT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11250-1130 0 2 4 0 STREET M A PLE RIDGE , BC DRAWING UNIT TYPE B PLANS SCALE SHEET 1 :50 □ATE A3.02 MAY 2016 2159 MINl.'-.-IUM PARt::;ING SPOT 2,SMXSSM .,,,, LEVEL l PLAN UNIT Bl OFFICE/DEN MINIMUM PARKING SPOT 2,5MXS.5M :, •.• ·•. ;ii I I §: ~' <-i I ~! ~ ""' / ~ 'i [ """"LiJ I I I L _____ u,2 ,._ ~-.... LEVEL l PLAN UNIT Bl .... ... ' T --, I I ~ ~ LIVING t sl Ft Ii r I DINING , "'1 I , QJ --------- D"ECK ~. .... 1 ?~ , ,, ,,,,, ,£. 21S9 ""' MASTER BATH AJo J I BEDROOM l aEOROOM2 -r-1 LEVEL 3 PLAN UNIT Bl UNIT TYPE BE FLOOR AREAS 1.EVB.I lfVEL2 GROSS 53.0SQM 55,lSQM EXCLUSIONS 38.2SQM O.OSQM NET 1418SQM 55.ISQM ~ g: I I I ~r 1.EVB.3 TOTAl 59,3SQM 167.3SQM OOSQM 38.2SQM 59.3SQM 129.lSQM COPYRIGHT li'ESERVED This pion ond cjesign cro. ond ct oU rirnas remain the exciUllve property or Famw(Nb Architectural Inc. ond cannot be used or roproduced 'Wifhouf wriHen consent by .Formwerks Atchllecturol Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions.. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any varia1ion from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVB..OPMENT PERMIT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DE.SIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 16£5 W~.)I 51h AYe. Vancou•,e·. 6C V6 .• N:.; Fo1168S ?01!'1 Pl:one 683-5441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l l 250-1 1300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING UNIT TYPE BE PLANS SCALE SHEET 1 :50 DATE A3.03 MAY 2016 ~J ,. j 2 1st.,,_ i!O' J un ..,, r I r J ;! ~l ----------7061 --~, .. .... OFFICE/DEN EN I: ~ I ::i lNING it I I I JJ ..., ,:,J I ~ ~ .. , ::.' ti ~I .,;:1 1•1 GA~AGf MINIMUM PARJ::ING SPOT -, I I I 2SMXS.SM MINIMUM I J I PARJ::INGSPOT !I s I 2SMXS,5M ·----------------·· I I I --••••• ••••• --__ 1 •• I :,; _j l ( I I rn KITCHEN r I §I l :1 ~,. i i l.~-'ill .. , [ _____ J I ~ 1, l ~, j ~_ :□ . ~ □I- I ------------~ _JJ, l + I I I I ,. 2!!!. !-;.~ ~ I :WI --,..fil~. 7 762 , ~1 7-02 lt"61: W.L 2680 LEVEL 1 PLAN LEVEL 1 PLAN LEVEL 2 PLAN UNJTBl UNITB2 UNIT Bl ~ -, _!U9 ., •M..... ~- Z-O'tc□tje 'T-r-r7 !W:1.C. I ll.! I MASTER I ! [IT] 0 qJ POWDE 0 SAili I HALL L EOROOMI BEOR001!!] Cl .,"' I 1 ..JJl1' LEVEL 2 PLAN LEVEL 3 PLAN UNIT B2 UNIT Bl UNIT TYPE B 1 FLOOR AREAS UNIT TYPE 82 FLOOR AREAS l£VEL 1 LEVEL2 LEVEL3 TOTAl lfVEL l GROSS S6.3SQM S93SQM 62.0SQM 177,6SQM GROSS S5.9SQM EXCLUSIONS 397SQM O.OSQM OOSQM 3,.,.sQM EXQUSIONS 392SQM NET 16.6SQM 59.3SQM 620SQM 1J7.9SQM NET 166SQM -7 J I _.-4-l)J I.EVEL2 S8,8SQM 0.0SQM 58,BSQM § " ,. .. i 11 I!. I ~, I iii: ~ ,;ii ~, hr :, LEVEL 2 PLAN UNIT B2 lfVB.3 TOTAL ,fl7SQM 11,.JsQM OOSOM 39.2.SQM 61.7SQM 137.lSQM COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan and d&Jlgn o o. and of oll times remain the exc:lt.rtive ptoperty ol formwmks Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced wrlhoul written consent by Form.vc!lts Afehltectural Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions, Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and condiOOns on 1he drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY OE.SIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS AR C HITE C TURAL 1625 Wes I Slh Ave . Vancouver BC V6J 1 N;i rux 685-✓076 Phone 683-5-44 \ PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE , BC DRAWING UN IT Bl/B2 SCALE 1 :50 OATE MAY 2016 TYPE PLANS SHEET A3.04 ( ., ~------- MINIMUM PARICINGSPOT 2.5MX5,5M GARAGE MINIMUM PARKING SPOT 2_5MX55M I I i I "" """ LEVEL 1 PLAN UNITC ENTRY 1~~ '[---- :------------1 c===::::::::;--.::=:r, DINING LIVING r !J 0 • l i ________________ , __ _,. LEVEL 2 PLAN UNITC 5232 7 BEDROOM 11 BEDR00M2 I ---' , .. ~-/• ..!.""' 7 !-~ LEVEL 3 PLAN UNITC UNIT TYPE C FLOOR AREAS lEVEl 1 LEVEL2 GROS.S 56.lSQM 57.0SQM EXClUSIONS ◄S3SQM 00SQM NET 10.7SQM 57,0SQM ~) !! LEVEL 3 TOTAL 61,lSQM 174.1 SQM 00SQM 45,3SQM 61.TSQM 128.7SQM COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion and design ore. and ol ol lines remain the excJoshie poperty of Fotmwer«s Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or r&pfoduced wtfhout wrltton consent by l'ormwerks M:hilae!urol Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions. Controcto~ shall verify and b& responsible for a~ dmenslons ond condllions on the )ob. Fonnwer'lcs Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR OEVB.OPMENT PERMIT MAR, 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625 West 5Ih Ave Vancouver. BC V6~ 1N5 fn)( 685 ?0/6 Phone 683-5441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l l 250-11300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE , BC DRAWING UNIT TYPE C PLANS SCALE SHEET I :50 DATE A3.05 MAY 2016 t L MINIMUM PARKING SPOT 2.SMX55M GARAGE MINIMUM r~r.:.;;$PIO'J 2.5MXS.5M -'--·-·····-······· I LEVEL 1 PLAN lJNlT Cl !i -, ENTRY 0 • -1677 r------------------, I I I I FF- lf DINING r lmO\fN I f ~I [ lW' , .. i!: LIVING ~ ~~ f l c____~ i ______________ ] I l ~ LEVEL 2 PLAN UNIT Cl f BEDROOM l r MASTER 1T l _»5S , LEVEL 3 PLAN UNIT Cl m,, 8EOROOM2 I I I ~Tl I I ___!!!!I .'~ ... J.56: UNIT TYPE Cl FLOOR AREAS LEVEL l LEVEL2 GROSS 56.ISQM 57.0SQM EXCLUSIONS .-iSJSQM OOSQM NET I0,7SQM 57.0SQM 0 a; I ·i i -, LEVEL3 TOTAL 61.ISQM 174',1 SQM 0.0SQM 45,35QM 61.ISQM 128,&SQM COPYRIGf-fT RESERVED This pion and de$ign arc, and al oU ~,mes remain the excW4'e p,oc:,erty of Fcwmwerd Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reprOduced without written consent by F0tmwerk.s Nehltoctural Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for oil dimeNlons and conditions on the job. Formweru Architectural Inc. shall be inrormed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing, REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVB..OPMEl'U PERMIT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS AR C HITE C TURAL 1625 Wes• 5In Ave Voncouve·. BC V6J :N.~ Fo:,;685?0/6 Phone 683-54'1 I PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11 250-11 300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING UNIT TYPE Cl PLANS SCALE SHE ET 1 :50 DATE A3.06 MAY2016 ~i ( MINIMUM PARKING SPOT 2,SMXS.SM GARAGE MlN!MUM PARKING SPOT I 2SMXSSM ······-······-·· J I I I LEVEL 1 PLAN UNITC2 i j · ENTRY f l I t ~l104;N I j ' LIVING I T I JJ -lJ I I ____________ , LEVEL 2 PLAN UNITC2 !I =· ~' 1 <877 , ~ ·~ I I I MAM 0 0 BEDROOM 1 I=-J ..; LEVEL 3 PLAN UNITC2 UNIT TYPE C2 FLOOR AREAS LEVEL I lfVEL2 GROSS 56.lSQM 57,0SQM EXO.USIO~ 45.4SQM 00SQM NB 10,7SQM 570SQM ~t "'.1 i: i1 =' _! 1.EVELJ TOTAL 61,lSQM 174.2SQM 00SQM 45.4SQM 61.ISQM 12a8SQM COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan and daifgo om. ond ot on tmes remain lhe exc:Nsive P'()perty ot Fo,m,,ye,lcs Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced wttr~t written consent by Formwerks Architectural Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from 1he dimensions and conditions on fhe drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625 Wesl 51') Ave Vonccuver. SC VO. 'N.5 f.ox 685-1076 Phone 683-54.tl 1 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11250-11 3 00 24 0 ST REET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING UNIT TYPE C2 PLANS SCALE SHEET 1 :50 DATE A3.07 MAY 2016 _ <1750 ------_ .,_ 71 r I I -- BEDROOM3 Ii'! ii! :.I ~, i;;' ,;-· -:;I ';: ! ! ~ 0 .; - ~I i !1 1 ::, :: ~ ::, I ;l I !1 r I ,-I I ... I I I MINIMUM MINIMUM I i' I PARKING SPOT I GARAGE I PARKING SPOT I I ~1 I ~ I' I 2.SMXS.SM 2SMX5SM ~I 1! I I I I I I il I ! -------------·-r I 1-, I I I ~1 j 1 I ~1 r Jl ------· .... I §1 I I i'!' ! ~ -I I I -1 ~ □ -!,.{;!: Go 0 1 ----------------~ I~~_.. MlllJl!_ J 2972 ~- ~ ,10 , 1 '~·-· "'' -----1023! "57 ~ LEVEL 1 PLAN LEVEL 1 PLAN LEVEL 2 PLAN UNITOE UNITD UNITDE L ----~--------2159 3213 1537 1080 I ENTRY UVING t r r·· I ;l, I Si I =i - ~ ~ -1 ,.~ [J-~ s! [L JI L---f I I t ~ 1 I ' DECK L--- _____________ J ii! I I -i 1 ~ ~ .i'-$'V' I ,· t~"sr.7 3@ , ... '""' •l!>.~'P. , .,.. LEVEL 2 PLAN LEVEL 3 PLAN UNITD UNITDE UNIT TYPED FLOOR AREAS LEVEt.1 LEVEL2 lEVEL3 TOTAL GROSS 734SQ."'1 73.8SQM 75.6SQM 222,7SQM EXCLUSIONS 38,lSQM O.OSQM OOSQM 3B.1SQM NET 35-2SQM 73.8SQM 756SQM l&USQM -----6909 ----------- 2159 M~TER ~ I ~I '~ I BEDROOM •I l . [-=, I -!· -&10 ~ ~..! I '"' , LEVEL 3 PLAN UNITD UNIT TYPE DE FLOOR AREAS LE'VB..l LEVEL2 LEVEL3 TOTAL GROSS 738SQM 742SQM 75,SSQM 22J,BSQM EXCLUSIONS 38.ISQM O.OSQM O.OSQM 38.1 SQM NET 35.7SQM 74.2SQM 75,8SQM 145.7 SQM § i COPYRIGHT RE.SEINED This plan and dO'.,jgn om. and 01 a!I tin"ic,; remain 1he excl,n;ve i:xoperty al FotmW'efb Architectural Inc. Ond Cannot be used or reptOduced wilhovl wrilten consent by Pcw'mwerks Archlleolurol Jnc. Written dtmensions sholl hawe precedenc.e ovet sccl!>d dlmcn,ioru. Con11cclon snbl oe1lly and be re,poosible for a• dimensiof\S end condllfon:i on the job. Fcwmwe/l<s Nchilecturol tne. shall be informed of any rvarioHoo from the dlmenslons and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR OEVaOPMENT PERMIT LSSUED FOR AOVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAR. 10, 2017 MAY 19. 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 1625 Wes I 51h Ave Vancouver. BC V6J l N.5 :>ror.e 683-544" PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES l l 250-11300 240 STREET M A PLE RIDGE . BC DRAWING UN IT D/DE SCALE 1 :SO DATE MAY 2016 TYPE PLANS SHEET A3.08 3937 I '□ ..----------------1-, I I I FAMllY ... , □ BEDROOM3 , I 0 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J .... l -----------~~-----1 1 LEVEL l PLAN UNITE j I ..! .. ., ,,. 1 3937 ,.,, LIVING I f. u _ ON IC.16i LEVEL 2 PLAN UNITE , .... , t , i '60 / 2870 I~ PA~~~~~~T CrARAGE PA~:~N~~~OT I 2.SMXS,SM I 2,SMXSSM ·················l ...... ·····-··········· l I ,.. LEVEL 3 PLAN UNITE 9449 ,------ I I I I VI.I.C. ! I I UNIT TYPE E FLOOR AREAS LEYal GROSS 63.2SQM EXCLUSIONS 216SQM NET -416SQM MASTER '°" LEVEL2 L!'VEl.3 TOTAL 102.2SQM 77.l SQM -'A2.6SGM 35.5SQM 0.0SQM 57.lSQM 66,BSQM 77.lSQM 185.5 SQM COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan and Cfeiign are. and ot cl tfmes remain the exclu1ive property of Fo-mwcrts Architectural Inc. and cannot be used or reproduced withof.lt wn ten consent by Famwerks Archttech,Kol Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dlmensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVB..OPM8'1T PERMIT ISSUED FOR ADVISORY OE.SIGN PANR MAR. 10, 2017 MAY 1,;,, '2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 16?5 Wes1 51h Ave. Vancouver. BC V6J INS h;x 685-✓D/6 Phonl! 683-5441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11250·1 l 300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING UNIT TYPE E PLANS SCALE SHEET 1 :50 DATE A3.09 MAY2016 /- r-----------------~ I I I I I~ FAMILY I 9,00 .,., ---------------------7 BATH 0 D 0 1 I BEDROOM3 I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I ' I I J_ I I I : L----------------------------" J J LEVEL 1 PLAN UNIT El g: 3937 3639 LIVING LI LEVEL 2 PLAN UNITE! 7 I l DINING MINIMUM PARKING SPOT 2,5MX5..SM il f ..., m • .... m ,oc~, GARAGE I MINIMUM PARKING SPOT 2,SMXS,SM el -=1 • > / 8EOROOM2 LEVEL 3 PLAN UNIT El 9449 i------ i Yl.l,C, I I I .,,. UNIT TYPE El FLOOR AREAS lEVEl I GROSS 634SQM EXCLUSIONS 21,6SQM NET 41.&SQM LEVEL2 102,BSQM 35BSQM 67.0SQM MASTER l BEDl!OOM I I r l LEVEL3 TOTAl 775SQM 2AJ,6 SQM OOSQM 57.JSQM 77.SSQM 184.JSQM COPYRIGHT RESERVED This pion and design are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Formwerks Architectural lnc. and cannot be used or roproduced 'WithoU! wotlen consent by form.warts Archltec1urol Inc. Written dimensions shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions. Controcto~ shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job. Formwerks Architectural Inc. shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing. REVISIONS LSSUED FOR DEVELOPM&-IT PERMIT MAR. 10, 2017 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAY 19, 2017 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11250-11 300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING UN IT TYPE El PLANS SCALE SHEET 1 :SO 0Alt: A3.10 MAY 2016 ( 2565 ---~ J' r-------------------------, I lo o □! i j I I I I I~ I UP 1J,..16R FAMILY LEVEL 1 PLAN UNITE2 BEDROOM3 I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I __________________________ ] I ~ .,, ;;;, ' .,. UI' ,.,, 3639 LIVING ENTRY !6.1M ~~ ~ LEVEL 2 PLAN UNIT E2 --9449 _____ _ ------··' 2870 IP'--./ 116.t ,., II DINING I = MINIMUM GARAG MINIMUM PARKING SPOT PARKING SPOT 2,SMXS.SM I 2-SMXSSM l I [ I ! .; --9449 I ________ .0:013 __ i------- I MASTER BEDROOM2 I W.1.C. I l I I I I I I ___J oP-eN'To Bf'-'.◊~ BEE>ROOM1 I 11 ,, LEVEL 3 PLAN UN'1E2 UNIT TYPE E2 FLOOR AREAS LEVEL 1 LEVEL2 LEVEL3 GROSS 63.7SQM 102.8 SQM 77,SSQM EXCLUSIONS 2USGM 355SQM 0.0SOM NET -41,BSQM 673SQM 77.SSQM ~ ::, ~ l?, ii l t I TOTAL 2Al,9SQM 57.4 SQM 186,5 SQM COPYRIGHT RESERVED This plan and dosign ora. and at oll fimes remain the exc.~ve 1¥(Jperty of Fo,mwerlcl Architectural Inc.. and cannot be used or ~produced wilhoul written consent by r-otmwerks Arehileoturot Inc. Written cfimemio,n ~II hovtt precedence over scaled dimensions. ConlroclM slloll verify ond 1:1c, re,pcnslble 1or o11 dimonii>n> ond ccndilloru on lho· Job. Form,,ero Architectural Inc. shall be infamed of any variation from the dimensions and conditiom on the drawing. REVISIONS ISSUED FOR DEVaOPMENT PERMT ISSUED FOR AOVISORY DESIGN PANEL MAR. 10. 2017 MAY 19, 2017 FORMWERKS ARCHITECTURAL 16')5 Wes I 5th Ave Vancouver. BC V6J I NS ;,r,one 683-5441 PROJECT MAPLE RIDGE TOWN HOMES 11250-n 300 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE. BC DRAWING UNIT TYPE E2 PLANS SCALE SHEET 1 :50 DATE A3. l 1 MAY 2016 J J ') ) r J AREA = 330.0 m2 A~EA = 315.3 m2 PLANT LIST f'l'M CDY IC1'#J&C.Al NAME THU • ~ '7 Ace,c;;oaa,,m 17 A~rOlabrum 3 Ac.er 9rise11m ~-B Ace,Poknal"m v 6 AcerRubrum Senlinel' ,.. ,0. AlMMflll"'A1,111mt8b,r1t' ~" Como,'Eda•·,Wh,Ce Woac,,,• • ~---4 c11amaecypansnoolkatensls [~ -: . ~~.,.~; ... {. • ·-0 I Prunus Accolade' ~ 1 Ouercus paluslris"Grt'enP1llar' JHIUll &-FUHS Aa 73 Amelanch1eral111loha IM,M'Mla~W..- AZ 178 Aza\ea'HinoPink' Bx 116 Bum:imicrophylla'W<llierGem• Cl n t Cfoly,11,QNn:ll!.1'.,':n.cPull cs ~lllfb .. DI 26 D,Oc,n:it.11 JoJll"ICM EJ 252 Euonymusjap0nic119'Falomall~nc.J' LP Looicerapdea,ta MA 81 Mahania aquifolium Pm 171 Polyslichum munilum Pl 228 Pnmus lamocerasus 'OUo l)'uken' Rh ::ii~~~ Rr 132 AON,..,.. Sh Jlt .fii~~.....O. Sj 114 Skimmlajaponica Sp 167 SpJaea 1aponiea 'Gold Aame• .-, 556 TaMU~ X media 'Hicksli' Vd 293 Viburnum davidii fUHtmllAJ.S.GIOIJHr;iC.O'vW LCUAS:SD - 347 AjugarepIens•AIropurpll'rea' 437 CaUU1111 vulgaris 826 Carexoshimensis 347 Elir.acarnea ha 338 Heuche,a 'Amt>e, Wave'ii." hi 412 Heuchera "Tiramlsu' 162 Hypericumca~nium 150 lrismissouriensi:oi Je 270 Juncu~ etfusus la 101 Lavalldtt.a angu'ii.tifob 'Hidcole' 267 L.iriopemuscari'BigSloo• pl 377 Pachysandralerminal\s ph 192 Permiselum aloppe<:ufOic!es 'litlle Bunny" Rudebeckialulgida Goldslrum" st 218 SUpatenuissima MATERIALS KEY MAlEAIAl SUlf.ACJNG D Bark Mulch at Tree RefenHon Zone CI] Permeabale Pavers at Visitor Parking Stalls SF Rm□ or o.pproved eciual D CIP Concrete Smom Finished polhwavs 100mm lh1cl: Sawcut as per J'.)!on o□□o 18''x18" Hydrapressed Concrete ~ Povers Nolu1□1Grey ~ Gravel/River Rock -, Drainage SI rip ~ Feature Concrete Pavtng ' ~ Grey 4 :it 13" Hollorid Pmer (vehicular) ~~Pfflh.m □ Offlste CIP Concrete Pe, C,ly or Surrey SlandOfd . I Wood Decking D Sod Lawn . Im] Grosscrete Q 9Q Landscape Boulders @:0: Balance Logs ~ /' Kids Play Spinner Wood Benching 'T Wood Fencing COMMON N'AME 1tWCOWilfHt1 Vine Maple 5cm cal B&B Douglas Maple 6cm Cill B&B Pape1balil. Maple 6cm c.al B&8 ~t1-ea.ri,-JJ Scmc.al.BSB Sanlinel Red Maple 6cm cal, 6&8 Autumn Blaze Red Maple 6cm cal. B&B While Flowering Oowgwood ~adeFlawerin9Cherry Green Pillar Pin Oak Serviceberry Azelea Hioo Whrle HJIOPinkAzalea Winter Gem Boxwood MeXICilO Mock o,aoge Redosier Dogwood Bl~ngHe.trl PalomaBLancaEuonymus PrlvelHoneysuckle o,egon G1ape Ho~ SwOrd Fern Laurel Hedge Sp«irnen Rhodod,mdmn RugosaRose Dwarf Swee I Box JapaneseSkimmla Japane5aSpiraeoi Hick's Yew D1:1.v1d'sVibumum Carpe1Bugtewee<I He11lher(whi\e) EvergoklSedge Heelh Amber Waves Coral Bells Tirami.suC01alBells Sl John's Wart Pufl!kllrish Common Rush HidwleBloelaveoder l1tsJT11rl PachySilndra Owarl Fol.llltain G,ass BlackEylldSusans Mexican Feather Grass 5cmcal,B&B 3mht 8&8 :lmhl B&B 7cm e.al,B&B 6cm cal B&B /15pa\orB&B,36"oc #2pol 1B"oc 12po1.1s·oc 112pa\14"oc, 4'3pol,24"oc l2pal 18"oc A'2pol.1B"oc t2pol 1e·oc /12pol24"oc ll2poL24"oc t2pol 1B"oc l2pol24"oc l/3pol.24"oc #3poI24"oc l2pot.uroc 112pa\,24"oc A'2poJ. 1a·oc 4'hl 1s·oc e&B #2pol.24"oc 9cm pol, 12• 0 c l1 pol,12"oc 11 pol, 12·oc /11paI12·oc, l 1pol12"oc 11 pot 12"oc #1pol,14"oc 11 pol, 12"oc #1po!,14"oc #1poI.14"oc 9cm po\, 12" 0 C 9crn poI,12·oc .Hpol.14"oc fl pot,14"o,c t1p01,12·oe LANDSCAPE NOTES GRADING KEY SYM 7G ilriimed Grode 1w Topal Wo! bw acnOmo,w011 ±3,85 S~ol UevoUon (meten) Is rop of Stop -o.-e-effon of Slope DRAWING SHEET L0.0 COVER SHEET & SITE PLAN Ll.1 NORTH: MATERIALS & GRADING PLAN ll.2 SOUTH: MATERIALS & GRADING PLAN 1.2.1 1.2.2 NORTH: PLANTING PLAN SOUTH: PLANTING PLAN L3. 1 LANDSCAPE SECTIONS L3.2 LANDSCAPE DETAILS L3.3 LANDSCAPE DETAILS I .J::. t 0 z MAY 19-17 lSSUED FOR ADP MAR 7-17 ISSUED FOR DP no.: dote: ilem: Revi~ions: ~ i Oc#-'"'lOKJau)tlld. 102 • t637 WM.I. 5th Avenue ~BCV6J 1NS ~ ~ I: eli4 684 4S, I ..,~~~= Projecl: EPIC TOWN HOMES l l 250-11300 240th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC Drawn by: AG Checked by: PK Dole: JANUARY 2017 Scale: NTS Drawing Tille: COVERSHEET & SITEPLAN Projecf No.: 16155 Shee1 No.: LO.O L IUOdllflll ,, ...... , I , .... ·~ I II ii I AREA= 330.0 m2 2 AREA= 330.0 m2 ~fmeablepovtngatvhllorp••klng ,i.11, BLDG () #l llliLJ = :,;: "' "'"1 ""' "'"' :,;: "' "'"' .,_ "'"' :,;: M "'-0: .,_ "'"' :,;: "' ~~ "'"' :,;: 0 0 ~ 0 BFE: 111.28' (33.92 M) GAR 33.81 M l l ® GAR 33.57 M •BfE: ·103".58' ls'l.57,'M) ~~ Ind~.:~,.. ... '{,.,,., 3 AREA= 319.2 m2 278'-8 3/4" B.LDG#9 BFE: 111.92' (34.11 M) GAR 34.00 M ® GAR GAR 33.90 M 33.91 M ,7 n~-§ ~"<-'( -== GAR BFE: 113.17' (34.49 M) GAR 34.38 M 34.22 M l "'<•-T ~,;.~_ r1 r1 BLDG #7 I 11 I! Ii 11 I I 11 It 11 11 11 11 BFE: 104.bl BFE: 106.Jsl s~i 106.69' BFE: 107.3~ (31.77 M) (32.32 M) (32.52 M) (32.71 M) Gll"R 34.65 M fl 11 11 11 GAR 34.66 M sM107.33' (32.71 M) GAR 32.34 GAR 32.51 "1--1--,GAR 32.54 •IU I ,ttu n~• .n_,1 @ @ ----® L l, .. 14n'l,.._.,.lr,;,vt ~11ti.111-t>f.llO! BfE: !07.33' (32'71 M) GAR 32.60 M AREA I AREA GAR 34.19 M BLDG #11 4 = 325.2 m2 5 = 315.3 m2 .s::. t 0 z MAY 19-17 ISSUED FOR ADP MAR 7-17 ISSUED FOR DP no.: j dale: j item: Revisions: ~il>l,;,,.o.K{MLtd. 102, 1837 w~, 5th Avenue ~8CV6J 1N5 ...... ~ t:6046&C4G11 '-'~l:6Q.a6&1\0577 w,,~.bo.u Project: EPIC TOWN HOMES l 1250-11300 240th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC Drawn by: AG Checked by: PK Dole: JANUARY 201 7 Scale: 3/32'-. r-o .. Drawing Tille: MATERIALS & GRADING PLAN Ptojecl No.: 16155 Sheet No: Ll.l - ::,: _.., 0 .,.-., ~~ ''"" ::,: "' "'"' 0 <-""" ,,. "' ac": <-"'"' ·:___..::l ::,: .,, © ~~ "'"' ,,. "' 0 ~~ "'"' ::;: "' "'"' L 9'1 .... 11o-~ <o --"'"' ,,. © i --1 "' "'"= <o "'"' ::;: I 0 ::,: B·LDG~ #3 ~~"f:=9=:..==J rnTr7 illil....J "'"= 13 Rl h I I I I I I BFE: 1 03.58' BFE: 1 o4J2~ (31.57 M) (31.77M) GAR 31.24 M @ GAR 29.53 M ~, ID'II~ L,r LLV.,Z,i5.Gn .. __."";:""'• BLDG #7 r7 I·! i I 11 11 II 11 I I BFE: 106.J.sl s~i 106.69' BFE: 107 J31 (32.32 M) (32.52 M) (32.71 M) GAR 32.34 • Ii., @ BLDG #6 BFE: 97.87' (29.83 M) BFE: 98.54' (30.03 M) BLD#4 !l I I' 11 II sJEi 107.33' BFE: 107.33' (32.71 M) (32.71 M) GAR 32.54 GAR 32.60 M ..... ,Jin _J @) @) ..i .IL, ® ..... @ t----.--...,,1 @ ,~D GAR 30.14 M BFE: 99.18' (30.23 M) DLUU #11 BLDG #12 .c t 0 z MAY 19-17 ISSUED FOR ADP MAR 7-17 ISSUED FOR DP no.: I dote: [ ilem: Revisions: ~ i Durf'nteKnn.ikl.ld. 102 • f637W~ 5th Avenue ~8CV6J1NS ~ [ I! 604 684 4611 '-'~1:G0-&6&40577 ....... «t,c.ca Projecl: EPIC TOWN HOMES 11 250-11 300 240th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC Drown by: AG Checked by: PK Dole: JANUARY2017 Scale: 3/3T • V.0- Drawing Tille: MATERIALS & GRADING PLAN Project No.: 16155 $heel No.: Ll.2 I 4 3 AREA = 330.0 m2 AREA = 325.2 m2 AREA = 3 1 9. 2 m 2 278'-8 3/4" ~ t 0 z 2 LAN 5 I AREA= 330.0 m2 E A~EA = 315.3 m2 :!:r."......_1~.aw1U1,-.eO 2 MAY 19-17 ISSUED FOR ADP I MAR 7-17 ISSUED FOR DP no.: I dote: I item: Revisions: ~ ® ;-r BLD:G #-8 ~ r7 ~ Project: 0~ ~ EPIC TOWN HOMES u l l 250-11300 240th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC Drown by: AG Checked by: " Dole: JANUARY2017 l Scale: 3/lT"" 1·.q Drawing Title: Bt.DG'#7 f1 D n ,. . l 11 11 'J 11 11 11 II I 11 11 u 11 I 11 11 LI L U u PLANTING PLAN Projec! No: 16155 Sheel No.: L2.l ( rrrrr7 lillL _J c:::::i BLDG #3 ~ © @ '\ I !PMT1 B·L0.G #7 fl fl . . I r.f j__J I l 11 I'! I: 11 11 11 11 11 11 l I l1 L-J LI LJ lJ " @ I @ @ I @ ~ @) I @ f -~ ~-®-25 ____,__,-~r·. _--®-""";~c::=~'r --®_' -,~ IBLDG#5 ___ ....J @) I -~-I ~ J ;:..:,..,=~-__ E2_.1.....,l1....,.._·_®_-'-,r,,-l-' • __ @_.:...M r----"7::=.-:r::..::-:..J B'LB#4 DL.UU #11 BLDG #12 .c t 0 z MA'r 19-17 ISSUED FOR ADP MAR 7-17 ISSUED FOR DP I dole: l ilem: Revisions: ~ i 0ur41niDKnh.lkLld. 102· 1637 Wost S!h Avenue Vi:t.nCOU\'CH' BC V6J 1 N5 __,.. ~ t!-60468440\t '-I' * I:~ 68• 0577 """'l':rrol1bc.ca Projecl: EPIC TOWN HOMES 11250-l I 300 240th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC Drawn by: AG Checked by; Dole; JANUARY 2017 Scale: Drawing Tille: PLANTING PLAN Projecl No,: 16155 Sheel No: L2.2 ,, ~ small trees J fencing and hedging ~ between yards layered planting ,, ',I , l I FFE 33.47m ., 6 '1 <a'-2=-•.:::0c.::Sc:l•_.;,..l ___ -lo:.:,w;.:;n~----.1,L'--'jld=eccw<>=lk~.,;.l..:.1a;..w.;,;n-'+L _____ .;,.fr""o::.:n:..t y._,or::;d~-----..;!.,_,e"'LO,,_G,._,l_i> 1 bo,Jlevard 1 51np 1 i s1ro1o ori:,-t ■ SECTION A: WEST PL AT BLDG 1 Scale: l/4"=1'·0" lonscape wall J)ia,'l]fng ■ SECTION C: CENTRAL MEWS @ BLDG 8&7 Scale: l/4"=1'-0" columnar lone trees FFE 104.04m ■ SECTION E: TYP UNITENTRY-BLDG 12 Scale: 1/4"=1'·0" ■ SECTION B: STRATA LANE ENTRY Scale: l/4"=1'-0' centtol wolk.woy & unit occe! ■ SECTION F: KIDS PLAY @ CENTRAL MEWS -BLDG 5&6 Scale: 1/4"=1'-0" hedging between potjos ,poce, log to < 1klc~ ~ 8lDG l '.') ., 6 '1 ::: ■ SECTION D: EAST PL@ BLDG 11 Scale: 1/4"=1'-0" .. 6 Yf maintenance gates lanscape retaining wall at PL MAY 19-17 ISSUED FOR ADP MAR 7-17 ISSUED FOR DP I data: [item: Aowsbu: ~ i Duranle Kreuk Ltd. 102 • 1637 West Slh Avenue -c Vancouver BC V6J 1N5 9 l: 604 684 4611 Projecl: ~ r: 604 684 osn www.dkLbc ca EPIC TOWNHOMES 11250• 11300 240th SfREET MAPLE RIDGE. SC Drown by: AG Checked by: PK Dole: JANUARY 2017 Scale: AS SHOWN Drawing Tille: LANDSCAPE SECTIONS Project No.: 16155 Sheet No,: L3.1 I' Medium Total (mm) _.,.,.(Ml.'j Size ol Surface Square Size of Surface Circle Depth ol Growing Variation 1 Variation 2 450 11.11 3,3Mx3,3M 3 80 M 0 600 6.33 2,9Mx2,9M 3 25 M0 750 6,67 2,6Mx2..6M 2.9OM0 -·-1. Do1Gr.t.111"""\MCl4f, 2. fl26:dTrlllb0""~0il'llltg~ ~~Jll"MIIClld.tMIS....,-,061cr~tll'I. 3. Ct11,i.1NbQlllielidoftlh:ICCDl$ct ... ~~ "Cal.I~~ 4. A11.--ll'fllt»N~•Jbt•loo,.nQ•~l;(IJ. ~cl~cilllMeemoedN~Mlm. Ens!Jraslakesdi:,not pe.....-«CWt191IOOCtllll ;ll14""al"WM1i-~p.ld.ltfbm.tliM'G'MQ!tNllllp).0,W,,~lne 5. PQlolroin_J~~-al~IIIW:,iM'IIIK'ltrN 6. ~"'~~CIYl'l..,...~~--~ .. ~MtaQII. ~Q.~::nBl~:e,r,tP°~~~~llit!g.mpF,gure a~ ~0'1: 8th of.aced .al i.ght no QlfC!..\lft Chan~~ which will support tree. l!i ~i I TyplcolTreo s..><o. Ror« U> NOie 4 a'bove !~ lt==:::'soo=~-==~--Tree Finished Grade at Tree St.:tl>CI~ Gr&MnO Me(fic.Jm NOTE: INSTALL 24" DEEP ROOT BARRIER TO CITY OF PORT COQUITLAM STANDARDS ON BOTH SIDES OF ffiEE FOR ALL STREET TREES d var;e, w;1h depth ol Roo\ball J 11· ~raprQ$0'd Coouvte slabs on sen;np S3nd on c:ornpoood $Ubgfado U•jO(II '"" .. ,.,...po OI.VII slope -Gravel set belween pavers 18" I a. 50mm Mulch Cover at minimum 150mm from trunk Rootball 150 mm Topsoil Saucer Reier lo Specificillions Note: Ensure top of roolbaU is al or slightly above Finished Grade RCfl)C)Y(llopU'l ol 1>1Jtt.11.p 1Jcm rQOlball and twjno ftom ~ of trunk, ~andlo<wirCboll<el .!'J~~~ve i:r;!r°"~ L~~" .. "" -ond-Don04'compacr, Bol!Offl ., pit. Co<nt»<! 1'qrad.o,undt!1:_ ~ ~t~~·" 1- 'I ©07"'"""""' .... II'"" ..... """' Gc-MIU2"al' 2" Mulch Type II Growing Medium (screened) Scarified Subgrade ;11 2-... Cross 91ope (Sa11 plan lor Dlractlcn) t r---6' hl precast block S1eps ....,,......,..........,...,...,...---'>i'-,l--4~ 1~ ensure overlap or steps tor seHrng ,,")."'"""I U_ I t~L'0~'-%'-S'-'-'-"'&'-¾ ~. Sodded lawn on Glowing Medlum !)'Pe II (eoreened) on free dra;n1ng, ..,aimed and graded subgrado ~lopad 1! drain ~ ,,.· ----'-'8_' ___ ....;: 1211 or 1 • 1 /2' Round River Rock Washed 2~ x 411 Pressure Treated Timber on edge pressure treated stake 611,86e ,;r,\ 1,~\sl\e ,:;-Min. ~' SFAlma~illQt,,aP.111U1 -~~t.~= ~Spaeebet'Wl!enpaveu;;lorl11511rRl!on ~tWt•CLilbB.lf.c! ~--"~ ~~~::::=;:!:;=!:::;=r: .• ,., · •.• · ~<, _:] ... Penn••,wi,.-1,ga~llol)p; 25mmFln•=e: 20DmmGnlvill8aseCourseal •4.~19mm partlclos on LlghllyCompecledSUb•Grade © SF Rima Pe'""ab• Pa .... _r Boulders MAY 19-17 ISSUED FOR ADP MAR7-I7 ISSUED FOR DP no-I date: I item: Revisions· ~ J Durante Kreuk lid, 102 • 1637 Wes I 5th Avenue -,:, Vancouver BC V6J 1N5 1: 604 664 4611 7-r: 604 684 osn WWW,dklbcca Project: EPIC TOWNHOMES 11250-11300 2401h STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC Drown by: AG Checked by: PK Date: JANUARY 2017 Scale: AS SHOWN Drawing Tille: LANDSCAPE DETAILS Project No : 16155 Sheet No,: L3.2 -- -~~ b "' e -Sahlllgod f1n,be1 log, smo<>lh sanded and Inspected by contra,ctor for any -Sharp edges, or abnorma!Ues. IJ!r,gth to Sand area tayoot• f1eler to Plan Ma,. 6' ie119th and 1• hf. aiam. 1 OM rebar set 311 into concrete curb Rebar to be min. 311 from bottom or concrete curb -Fibar on Filter cloth / on 3/4" Compacted clear crushed gravel 4" PVC pcrtorated drain pl_pa connectud 10 storm syslem ,--- ~-2x4fence cap I --2x4nak!:r -exlsling post - (deck) ~ I I 2x2 I • t--1 /2" overlap (Good Neighbour) I t---1x6 board ➔ I I Wood Privacy Fence (6'·0" hi) As Shown 11 11 11 . Tl II 11 11 3f8" Rounded Edge Formed concrete Wall wilh Sandblast finish a· •• .. ,f.: .,,. ·. ,..,. ... ) ., '.:,· ... -·.:• {·. Rebar set in cone. __ _ .. , .. ;: .. ·.=. 6" CIP reinforced cone. fooling with 1/3 rebar 6" compacled subgrade ;.-'.'!{: .. . • . ..... :.. .--... . .. ..... . . ~ .. ... ~--♦ • .-· •• I : : 11 II I 11 ... : :. .. J _ _:_. -_J Landscape Feature Wall Scale: 1"= 1'·0" Fence posts should be place I no further 1han 5.5' apart in distance. I -Evenly space horizontal boards with 1/2" Overlap eilher side -Boards to be painted prior to assembly I -All Wood Boards to be t~~in Moore: Iron Mountain 2134-30 I I I I 1 f2" rormed reveals in Sand Blast Finished Concrele at 3'-3" intervals I I Parking Stall-'l~I S~p $(:1!1]011/'Z"= 1'--0" Max 5'-611 Max 5'-6" 4 •1/2" ,,,,. 1 o· CL 31/2' H Centre wheel stop in parking stall and set 2'-0" from back of stall surface mount visitor plaque Into wheel slop -surface mount visitor plaque Into wheelstop \ \ f •q •~•eir,g ~ _!:I spaeirig -} 2x4 cap --E================1i=============~===t,=============7 1xs I 1" I " 4x4 post 1x6 1x6 e I I ➔ I J !, 1· I TYP. 3•Rai1 Fence As Shown II 11 I '( I I I I J I I II I I MAYl'H7 l MAR7-17 oo,: J date: Revisions: ISSUED FOR ADP L'iSUED FOR DP I ilom; ~ ' OUflntCKrnukl.ld. 11~2. 1037 YIM1 Slh Avenue Y.w,OOIN1!'r 8C VSJ 1NS ....,.. t!l$0d68-4461t ~,...ll80468-l1)571 ¥i'WW.c'.4~c:II Projecl: EPIC TOWNHOMES 11250-11300 2401h STREET MAPLE RIDGE, SC Drawn by: AG Checked by: PK Dole: JANUARY 2017 Scale: AS SHOWN Drawing Tille: LANDSCAPE DETAILS Projecl No.' 16155 Sheet No.: L3.3 00 SKETCH PLAN SHOWING PROPOSED 6 LOT SUBDIVISION 2 1 ~, --SRW J.O 29.25 8 1 8 ::: ::: AreosJ2l.7 m2 29.25 8 2 8 ::: Area-J21.7 m2 ::: Road mos2J8.1 m2 ..... Cb ~ ...... (/) ~ i ~ o, c:::, ~ Road Ana=l52.7 m2 Client: GIPE J ...... 3/ 8 ~ C/j § ~ " ~ ~ 9 ~ --SRW 7.50 22.11 15.00 ,., t:! 15.00 ~~ Oi 3 !;I"' a ! & :l 111 7.50 -·-~J/5;2m2 -:I! ...: ~ I "' V ~~ )i 15.00 ~ .?. 4. M "' ii! Lane Area-BBB.a m2 " ii! 45.19 " 6 Ateo-9992.J m2 9J.87 ~ I I 2 ::: Project: 11250 & 11300 240th Street Maple Ridge, BC Notes: 29 30 Park 31 SRW JO.,f,5 45.09 4 AnltPJ25.2 m2 28.66 5 Area•Jl5.J m2 26.11 10.51 15;60 ~ ...: "' t /::i I:. ~ Park k9a•7277.2 m2 1!'"~ 56.IJ Rem 1 SCALE 1 : 750 0 10 25 50 75 m ~----~~----1----~ Drawing Title: Proposed Subdivision Lots 1 And 2 Section 15 Township NWD Plan 22347 Over 12 Lots 1 to 5 ore R-2 zoning. P S• 17" X 11" aper tze: ( Land Surveying Ltd 22371 St. Anne Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC Phone: 604-463-2509 Fox: 604-463-4501 Date: May 12, 2017 File: MR16-547sk_6 Lot Sub J GB L -' .. :.:. , ... ., ,._ • 1-t ... "" . : : : = : : : 112th Avenue I I / / -------.,/ Park Rem 1 SCALE 1 : 500 a 2s ,---,....-_--50'" I ~ _T e_rr_a_P_ac_if_ic _ ~ Land Surveying Ltd 22371 SL Arvie A~1.1e, Maple Ridge, BC Phone: 604--463-2509 For: 604--463-~501 Client: GIPE Project: 11250 & 11300 240th Street Maple Ridge, BC Drawing Title: Topographic Survey Plan Of Lot 1 And Lot 2 Section 15 Township 12 NWD Plan 22347 ~ CtlrlffiMI CIJtrtct P..22n4()qy Of .Alnt1, 2016. ~ ftNJ tcr;.,. ,lhoi, 2Dort, (M~sur«J At 1,4M Abo~ r...i,) -a-SJ,,w,.. And Sha"" t>, "°" Pl,,,. Lot dntllllslons trs bond on aJrrffll legal •u,..,,,,y ond all di$1ances are in mtJtns. COtlloor lnlerva/$ a,,, I mtJlftt and lhfll fabtJJ3 r,rtt oriflfllttd to bit mad fadl'lg up-hi/. ~ @ Sun,ey Control Jlonumenl ♦ TrfM (llsd Al Point Of Entry lnlo The Ground) fRJund e,nalion C2l Catch Basin 0/lch (SWol,) ....J,1_ EdgtJ Of Asphall ® rn Hydrant I-Guy ltfre lns,ncUon Olambor 0 Lawn Drain J:!-0 lamp Standard 0 Alanhole ~ Power PoltJ Power Pole l+fth light "" Watl!t' Vot'w ® Si'gn <Ill Gas Vall'!!' ICI Gas Mdtr Benchmark Noles: Elevolions Aro Geodetic Referred to Mon um en I: 84H99 72 Monument Eleva/ion: 42. 747 m Localed Al: Centreline along 240th SI. Poper Size: 22• X 34" Dale: July 12, 2016 Revised: March 9, 2017 File: MR16-547TOP0rev with Overlay