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ADP 2018-05-16 agenda.pdf
1. CALL TO ORDER City of Maple Ridge ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDA May 16, 2018, 4:00 pm Blaney Room, Maple Ridge City Hall 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES-April 18, 2018 4. NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4.1. Architects Act and Projects Prepared by Designers Memo dated May 16, 2018 from the ADP Staff Liaison providing clarity on projects prepared and presented by Designers. 5. PROJECTS 5.1. Development Permit No: 2017-031-DP 4:15 PM Applicant: Kevin Urbas Project Designer: Kevin Urbas, Above Grade Consulting Project Landscape Architect: M2 Landscape Architecture Proposal: Courtyard Housing (RT-2) 4 units Location: 21333 River Road File Manager: Adam Rieu 5.2. Development Permit No: 2015-373-RZ 5:00 PM Applicant: Don Schmidt Project Designer: Kevin Urbas, Above Grade Consulting Project Landscape Architect: PMG Landscape Architects Proposal: 16 Townhouses (RM-1) Location: 23616 132 Avenue File Manager: Adrian Kopystynski 5.3. Development Permit No: 2016-176-DP 5:45 PM Applicant: Jim Isherwood, Brookside Properties Project Architect: Atelier Pacific Architecture Inc. Project Landscape Architect: David Jerke, Van Der Zalm & Associates Proposal: 16 Townhouses (RM-1) Location: 23711132 Avenue File Manager: Adam Rieu 5.4. Development Permit No: Applicant: Project Architect: Project Landscape Architect: Proposal: Location: File Manager: 6. CORRESPONDENCE 7. QUESTION PERIOD 8. ADJOURNMENT /aa ) 2O14-069-RZ Pivotal Development Consultants, Wayne Jackson Geoff Lawlor JHL Design Group Rezone from RS-1 and Conservation into CS-1 and Conservation 20894 Lougheed Hwy Therese Melser 6:30 PM ,/ City of Maple Ridge ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel held in the Blaney at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday, April 18, 2018 at 4:09 pm. PAN EL MEMBERS PRESENT Craig Mitchell, Chair Shan Tennyson, Vice Chair Shida Neshat-Behzadi Stephen Heller Steven Bartok STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Amanda Allen 1. CALL TO ORDER Architect Landscape Architect Architect Landscape Architect Architect Committee Clerk 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2018-015 It was moved and seconded That the agenda for the April 18, 2018 Advisory Design Panel meeting be amended to add Item 5.1 Request for ADP member to sit on Public Art Selection Panel for Leisure Centre and that the agenda as amended be approved. CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES R/2018-016 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel meeting dated March 21, 2018 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 3. ) Advisory Design Panel Agenda April 18, 2 018 Page 2 of 2 4. DELEGATION Note: Steven Bartokjoined the meeting at 4:22 pm. 4.1. Ground-Oriented Infill Housing • Brent Elliott, Manager of Community Planning • Amanda Grochowich, Planner 1 • Adam Rieu, Planning Technician • Chee Chan , Planner 1 The Manager of Community Planning gave a presentation on the proposed triplex, fourplex and courtyard housing designs. Planning Department staff hosted a facilitated discussion to develop a shared language on the design intent and preferred characteristics of the new housing forms. The presentation focused on key design elements, including the importance of: • Respecting the neighbourhood context, in terms of size, scale and massing; • Appearing as a 'single family' house in terms of residential character; • Encouraging building articulation to create a comfortable scale and interesting streetscape; • Providing useable private outdoor space for each unit; • Encouraging sustainable and permeable landscaping on site; • Providing shared site accesses to limit impacts of parking on the development; and • In the case of courtyard housing, requiring flexible common space oriented to enhance physical visual connectivity. • physical visual connectivity. 5. CORRESPONDENCE 5.1. Request for ADP member to sit on Public Art Selection Panel for Leisure Centre The Committee Clerk reviewed a request from the Arts and Community Connections Manager requesting a member of the Advisory Design Panel participates in the selection panel for the public art expression of interest at the Leisure Centre. R/2018-017 It was moved and seconded That Steven Bartok (alternate: Shida Neshat-Behzadi) represent the Advisory Design Panel on the Public Art Selection Panel for the Leisure Centre. • 6. QUESTION PERIOD -Nil 7. ADJOURNMENT -5:34 pm . C. Mitchell, Chair /aa CARRIED [~•-mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: Advisory Design Panel MEETING DATE: May 16, 2018 FILE NO: SUBJECT: Architects Act and Projects Prepared by Designers PURPOSE: To clarify the circumstances where projects prepared by Designers may be presented and heard by Architects sitting on Advisory Design Panels (ADP). BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: Two projects prepared by a Designer are on the agenda for the May 16, 2018 ADP meeting. Given new appointments were made at the start of 2018; this is to clarify the practice for compliance with the Architects Act. Maura Gatensby Architect AIBC CP was contacted at the AIBC Practice Advise Office. She has advised that the Act requires an architect at 5 units. Architects sitting on ADPs should be providing their unbiased professional opini.ons on 1, 2, 3, 4 unit buildings by Designers. They need to step aside on 5 unit or greater buildings by Designers. The Institute considers units per building, not units per site. For example, a single development with 6 separate four unit buildings by a Designer would be in compliance with the Act, and should be considered by Architects sitting on ADPs. Both of the following two items, prepared by the same Designer, may be considered and comments made by the Architects on the ADP for the following reasons: • Item 4.12017-031-DP: This is a Courtyard housing project with a total of four dwelling units contained in two building each having 2 dwelling units; and • Item 4.2 2015-273-DP: This is a Townhouse project with a total of 16 dwelling units contained in six buildings. Three of the buildings have 2 dwelling units and three of the buildings have 3 dwelling units. The practice of earlier Maple Ridge ADPs was to request that Structural Engineers accompany Designers presenting to the ADP. This does not appear to be a requirement under the applicable AIBC Bulletins and is no longer being required of applicants. CONCLUSION This memo is for information only. Adrian Kopystynski, MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner ADP Planning Department Liaison Staff Page 1 of 1 4.1 l~-maple,idge.ca TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel 2017-031-DP 21333 River Road MEETING DATE: May 16, 2018 An Advisory Design Panel application has been submitted for the above-referenced property to permit the construction of a Courtyard housing development with 4 units in the newly proposed RT-2 (Ground- Oriented Residential Infill) zone. The rezoning application supporting this proposal was given first reading by Council on June 13, 2017. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Kevin Urbas Lot 49 District Lot 248 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 27106 Urban Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) Use: Hospital (Ridge Meadows) Zone: P-6 (Civic Institutional), RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Institutional, Conservation, Urban Residential Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Apartment Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Hospital (Ridge Meadows), Single Family Residential Zone: P-6 (Civic Institutional), RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Institutional, Conservation, Urban Residential Existing Use of Property: Single Family Residential Multi-Family Residential (Courtyard) 0.12 ha (0.31 acres) Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: River Road Servicing requirement: Urban Standard Page 1 of 3 5.1 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: A Multi-Family Development Permit is required for all new multi-family development on land designated for Multi-Family development. The purpose of a Multi-Family Development Permit is to enhance existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs and minimize potential conflicts on neighbouring land uses. It was with intent that the newly created housing form for triplex, fourplex and courtyard would not have its own set of guidelines within the first year of implementation. However, as infill forms of development, applications for triplex, fourplex and courtyard will use the Multi-Family Development Permit Guidelines for those applications received in the first year. Applications will also be forwarded to the Advisory Design Panel for review. The Key Guideline Concepts for the Multi-Family Development Permit are listed below (items 1-4): 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low-rise ground-oriented housing located to the periphery of higher density developments. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. PLANNING COMMENTS: Official Community Plan The rezoning application proposes to rezone the subject property from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill), a newly created zone, to permit the development of courtyard housing. This new zone provides for the infill of ground-oriented residential buildings within established residential neighbourhoods in a form that will be incremental and sensitive to the existing and emerging context. Dwelling units may be in one building with shared party walls to create triplexes or fourplexes that will resemble a single family home in order to fit seamlessly into neighbourhoods. Dwelling units may also be arranged individually or attached around a shared open space, as is the case for the subject property. Zoning Bylaw The proposed RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) zone includes three new housing typologies: triplex, fourplex, and courtyard housing forms. The new zone permits a slightly higher density (0.75 FSR) than the single family residential zones, but is otherwise generally reflective of the RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) zone. This is consistent with the intent of this new zone to allow sensitive infill of additional dwelling units in existing single family neighbourhoods. Page 2 of 3 Key Design Elements (Triplex, Fourplex, Courtyard) Recognizing that the City is experiencing a growing interest in sensitive ground-oriented infill designs, proposed characteristics for triplex, fourplex and courtyard housing, include: • Importance of respecting the neighbourhood context, in terms of size, scale and massing; • Appear as a 'single family' house in terms of residential character; • Encouraging building articulation to create a comfortable scale and interesting streetscape; • Providing useable private outdoor space for each unit; • Encouraging sustainable and permeable landscaping on site; • Provide shared site accesses to limit impacts of parking on the development; and • In the case of courtyard housing, require flexible common space oriented to enhance physical visual connectivity. Context The site is located on River Road, which is identified as a Major Corridor. This site lends itself well to surrounding ground-oriented residential infill, given the varying forms of development surrounding the subject property, including single family, duplex, multi-family and institutional uses. The resulting lack of character cohesion in the adjacent area supports the presentation of the dwelling units as two buildings facing each other in a courtyard style. Parking Amendments to the Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350 -1990 are proposed as part of the creation of RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) zone. Those amendments, which introduce the parking standards for these forms of development, will require that triplexes, fourplexes and courtyard residential developments have two off-street parking spots per dwelling unit. The applicant is proposing to meet these standards, for a total of eight parking spaces. There are no visitor parking spaces proposed for this new zone / housing form; therefore, the applicant is not providing visitor parking. Garbage/Recycling Garbage and recycling may be stored in the garage of each unit; however, the collection location will have to be determined with the individual waste hauler. Proposed Variances The applicant will likely be seeking variances for the front and side yard setbacks, as summarized on the Site Plan -Stats, Page 2 in the attached plans (see Appendix G). The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on this develiment proposal. ~.~ Prepared by: Adam Rieu The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject Map Appendix B Submission Checklist Appendix C Design Rationale Appendix D Development Data Sheet Appendix E Multi-Family Design Guidelines Appendix F Architectural Plans Appendix G Landscaping Plans Appendix H Stormwater Management Plan Page 3 of 3 f6 (\j ..... (\j i--: (/) ~ ~ 11666 t-Cl) ~ 3 11604 N Scale: 1 :1,500 Legend -Stream --Indefinite Creek 11691/93 11692 11683 11681 11684 11671 11674 11661 11664 r= (/) UJ 11654 11651 z a: 11640 11641 11631 ..... (0 (') ..... C\J 21333 RIVER ROAD FILE: 2017-031-DP DATE: Jan 16, 2018 PLANNING DEPARTMENT -~!~ lmQ.31 mapleridge.ca BY:PC I'---0 '<;I-..... C\j l~!■l'·ml ADP Submission Checklist mapleridge.ca . This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel {ADP). Please refer to the ADP Submission Form and the ADP Requirements Brochure for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP. Project Architect Certification: Prepared by: ___________ _ Sign Print name Submission Requirements: Submission Materials A. ADP Submission Form {Submitted and signed by..Architeet) B. Covering Letter including explanations about: 1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) 2. Architectural and Landscaping Design rationale (Detailed information Required) 3. Statement ir:i brief about the following: a. DP Key Concepts Compliance b. DP Guideline Compliance c. Stormwater management strategy with emphasis on lier A requirements integrated into landscaping plans d. Public Art/ Amenities, etc. e. Sustainabillty practices t Other __________________ _ C. Site and Neighbourhood Context 1. Context Plan -Existing/proposed buildings and trees, vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed grading; and other major features within the site, on the abutting properties and along the road allowances/ lanes. 2. Photographs of site and surroundings. D. Devefopment Permit Area-Checklist (Note: The Architect is responsible to describe how the project complies with each guidelines,. or if not applicable, a description of why not applicable. Please use fillable forms on line.) Date ~:. ·~ ~/:-::-\ •· .. :: : .·/~ -}:•:,.-.~_.r. ,.:, :;i:1~~}-~ ... ,:.·,~ .. ·::. □ ,-. • tt••· -:~, ~.--.~ . : . □ City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist E. Architectural Plans {Site and Buildinglsll: 1. Site Plan and layout 2. Site sections 3. Streetscape elevation 4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees superimposed . S. Shadow analysis t1 f ("6.)Lighting analysis (on building and on site) F. G. H. 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and rooftops 8. Waste collection /recyding (inside of buildings) 9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside} 10. Building elevation (all sides) 11. Signage (attached to building and free standing) 12. Colours and materials 13. Material b9ard 14. Building sections 15. )B"fenderings of the site and/or building(s) with associated landscaping Landscaping Plans: 1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting details 2. Landscaping details, including locations for public art, signage, lighting, play and other amenity areas 3. Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures) 4. Details for pedestrian and amenity features being provided 5. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns 6. Tree retention and management plan 7. Site sections to show k>t grading, drain~, \a~scaping and relationship to adjacent grades / Oty boulevards/ lanes 8. Preliminary storm water management plan with emphasis on Tier A requirements integrated into landscaping plans 9. Pedestrian, bicyde, equestrian path interconnections ,,_ Green "Building-[Sustainabilltv initiatives Other Rev. December 2017 (Page 2) 13' □ El □ El el E( uY □ ·'=-: .. : ••• ·._;; :-.··· •• '':: □ □ 02 May 2018 2017-031-DP 21333 River Road Maple Ridge, BC 4 UNIT RESIDENTIAL INFILL DEVELOPMENT The relatively level single family property is situated on the North side of River Road, just East of Laity Street. To the East of the property, is a 2.5 storey, flat roofed apartment structure. The apartment lot has a one storey, open carport that sits on the property line, and runs the majority of the common Easterly property line. To the North East is a larger single family lot. The rear corner of said abutting single family lot is occupied by a large, 6.0m tall, accessory residential structure located within 1.Sm of both its rear and side property lines. This is an inward facing structure. The North property is an empty, single family pan handle lot, owned by the Maple Ridge Hospital. This lot forms part of the larger Hospital property-predominately parking at this edge. The lot has a legal 20' wide, unused, pan handle access along our Western property line to River Road. The panhandle access is unused and over grown. Directly west of the Hospital's pan handle River Road access, is another 20' pan handle access from River Road. This second pan handle access leads to an existing, well maintained low level, residential single family residence. This lot is occupied and also abuts the larger Hospital property. Across River Road from the property are old homes, of varying 1 to 2 storey height, predominately hidden behind large shrubs. To create a neighbourhood friendly infill development, the submission proposes two, front-to-back duplexes that relate in scale, form and materials to neighbouring properties. The property will be accessed from a central drive aisle off River Road. The proposal has a single family intent at the street level and within the property. End [ ~ it'B.:■ DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET mapleridge.ca Existing /Proposed Zone /;T -2-Date Prepared 'k> 1'\-1"~ I/!, Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total I, Z.$1 -/7 Less Road Widening /Truncations I 02.1-1 Less Park Net Total , , r 1-e-70 LOT COVERAGE (in % of net lot area) Total Site Coverage 4-5 /o H.5% SETBACKS (in metres) Front 7-1;; 4--5b VA!Zt If.Ala, e Rear 7.5 7.5 Side #1 (N,~Jor W) /,5 ~, -?. !7 I. 7 rs- Side #2 (N,s-:-E, or6V,}1 l-~ -ft::'fq{ 3. ,S 1-77 Side #3 (N, S, E or W) :., . .''-';';,.,.~--~··!::t ';{:--·· .• : ·:i/. ·:·;i ·t }?.i ..... ,·. •r•• •• "I'' ·-s~ACKS .-.Undergr,oµnd·st~u~ure~ .. (in -~~es) , , .... •; ,_ l.'•'.'.'1'.•~ Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) BUILDING.HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal f{.O I o-o Accessory 4,? /. ~-~.v NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom r Three Bedroom + ? Total 4--. " l,;' ,: , .... . .. . GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) J' ·-.. ,: ,· .!-.. -. . Residential t?o/o (8t,I S 'J' 51-7% ( 6~ ~J Retail Commercial \.. _,, . Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type l Institutional Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA ~I.S3 &,-~5'-9 * If the development site consists of more than one lot,. lot dimensmns pertain to the entire site. Required Development Data Minimum Required or Proposed (Complies or Maximum Allowed variance needed?) DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) # of units/ha (net) Gross Floor Area Floor Space Ratio (net} AMENITY SPACE {area in square metres) Common Activity Area Useable Open Space PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses 2/ LIi\ iT B Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) . Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive Other Number of spaces for visitors 0 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES Number of total for disabled Number of total (and %) small cars I % Number of total (and %) tandem spaces I % TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking Long Term Bicyde Parking OTHER -state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site I No I Tree Survey/Assessment Provided I Yes-,epor Watercourse/Steep Slopes I ,.__, 0 I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements I No I I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and noJ the Development and :~::::::::•_'_s_e_rv .... ~-~-s-o~1e"""""~-a-rtU_m_;~·~c....t~. ~5---- Print Name (Plet e print form and sign above) NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an ownrr/agent {applicant) for Development Application. 1. 2. ,~ m apleridge.ca Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan, multi-family developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. 8.7.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies New development into established areas The proposed development respects all the noted . should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. Transitional development should be used NA. Single family area with Institutional mix adjacent to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as steppet.l building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. 1 Key Guideline Concepts (Continued) 3. Large scale developments should be NA-proposed development 2 duplexes clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be NA-proposed development 2 duplexes encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. Guidelines 8.7.1 A Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Building Design, Massing and Siting listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Design and siting of buildings should take Units oriented to enhanced privacy on and off property advantage of natural features or views and should enhance privacy and livability. 2. Residential buildings should front or Units front on to only street. appear to front onto public roads through the use of appropriate treatment of exteriors, through direct pedestrian access to individual units from the public street/sidewalk, or through the provision of pedestrian walkways linked to the street. Street frontages should be emphasized by incorporating differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades, with a minimum two storey facade on the fronting street to foster a human scale. Buildings that are designed with an end wall or unit adjacent to a public street should design the end unit with the pedestrian entry facing the street. At significant intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets and incorporate corner cuts. 2 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 3. Higher density dwellings should be sited adjacent to major streets in order to NA minimize access problems and to provide a transition to lower density uses. 4. Multi-family developments adjacent to lower density or single detached Proposed development: residential dwellings should: a-is designed as 2 duplexes.with two storey units and a) be consistent in form and massing with roof access, the surrounding area; b-fronts only one street, b) be sited adjacent to major streets to c-is sited within allowable setbacks I provide a transition to lower density ct-respects adjacent building volumes, uses; e-only has one access off only frontage, c) concentrate density to the centre of the f-respects neighbours privacy development or towards a non- residential boundary and locate lower density components adjacent to lower density residential uses; d) create a transition in building mass and form towards the setbacks of the adjacent neighbourhood; e) minimize access conflicts; f) be designed to maximize privacy and minimize views onto adjoining sites, particularly for portions of the development abutting the side yards of adjacent single detached residential uses. 5. Larger buildings, roof forms and building frontages should include design NA -2 duplexes, two storey small scale buildings elements and features to: a) provide variation in the facades to help reduce the visual length of individual buildings; b) have the appearance of a series of smaller buildings, or as identifiable parts of a larger concept; and c) incorporate components that express strong unit identity and incorporate direct access to grade for ground-floor units. 3 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 6. New multi-family developments should use design themes, architectural Proposed development: features and elements of the a-draws on immedlate neighbour for context, surrounding neighbourhood by b-is single family in appearance, incorporating common elements such as c-has garages that are not facing the road frontage, form, scale, massing and proportion into d-see'a'above, and the design as a means to reinforce e-see Landscape Architects drawings neighbourhood stability. Examples include: a) the articulation of facades, using where appropriate, elements such as porches, chimneys, projections, recesses, and balconies; b) the placement, size, shape and number of doors and windows; c) the location and visual appearance of garages and/or parking facilities; d) the selection of appropriate and compatible roof forms; and e) the design of hard and soft landscaping. 7. The exposed undersides of balconies and porches that are visible from a street or NA public walkway should be covered with exterior finishes to provide a finished appearance to public view. 8. Developments are encouraged to use the Leadership in Energy and NA-code only Environmental Design (LEEDS) standards in the design of buildings. Techniques such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, separation of impervious surfaces, installing below surface infiltration beds and tree box filters, and redirecting water from drain pipes into vegetated areas are encouraged. 9. Variation in individual unit designs is encouraged to provide visual interest NA and avoid significant repetition either within a row of townhouses, or between adjacent rows of units. - 4 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 10. Garage doors should not face public Garage doors do not face the street, nor interfere with streets. Where front facing garage doors are unavoidable, the impact of garage unit front entries. doors on the public realm should be mitigated by: a) designing residential units with enough width to include attractive entrances and windows between garages; b) recessing garage doors behind the main building fa~ade; c) keeping a sufficient width in residential units to allow the creation of attractive entrances and fenestration between garages. d) grouping garage doors in pairs between adjacent units to allow building entrances and facades more prominence on the street; e) providing interior spaces that overlook the street; f) separating and orienting unit entrances to the street; g) providing individual pedestrian walkways linked to the street; h) including design details such as transom windows or glazing in garage doors; i) a comprehensive landscape plan that identifies how the visual impact of garage doors from the street will be mitigated. 11. Landscaping of rooftops is encouraged NA where possible, to provide shared or private outdoor space for residents and to provide attractive views for residents and passersby. 5 Guidelines 8.7.1 B Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation 1. Parking and servicing should be located underground or to the rear of buildings, with access from lanes wherever possible. Where lane access is not possible, access should be from streets via narrow driveways to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 2. Parking structures should be adequately screened and architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. Large surface parking areas should be divided into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous appearance with landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement treatment to enhance their visual appearance. 3. Developments with large parking areas should provide a direct pedestrian pathway system through the parking area to facilitate convenient and safe pedestrian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscaping with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. 4. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. NA NA NA NA 6 Guidelines 8.7.1 B (Continued) 5. Locate parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities as close as possible to the main entrance to a building. 6. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities with convenient, safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to building entrances, lobbies or other principal areas of buildings, and to grade level from any underground or above ground parking structures. 7. To increase safety, consider using electronic security devices and monitoring systems as a supplement to natural surveillance opportunities in parking structures and parking areas. NA NA NA 8. The amount of asphalt surfaces in parking areas should be minimized by integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers, etc. or by using alternate surface treatments. Coordinated with Landscape and Detention requirements 9. Road grades, streets, lanes, and NA driveways should conform to the existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, roads should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. 7 Guidelines 8.7.1 C landscaping and Open Space Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Landscaping both within and outside the See Landscape Architects drawings development should: a) provide definition for pedestrian corridors; b) delineate private and semi private space from public space; c) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces; d) present a pleasing street image; e) provide suitable buffering between public road and privacy areas; f) soften the transition between adjacent land uses; g) provide a buffer between residential and non-residential land uses; h) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site; i) reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties, the scale and massing of buildings, and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 2. Landscape drawings for development applications should include, but are not limited to, the following information: a) the location of mature and existing trees to be retained or removed, b) the location of all protective tree fencing; c) a grading plan or cross section indicating finished grade; and d) a drainage plan for the site. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all development. Incorporate deciduous tree species into streetfront landscaping to define site boundaries, to enhance public space, and to permit light penetration in winter. See Landscape Architects drawings All as per City requirements 8 Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 4. Energy efficiency and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) using native and/or drought-resistant species; b) designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind; c) providing shade in summer; d) allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the site; e) allowing daylight into buildings; and f) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. See Landscape Architect Drawings 5. Maintain continuous landscaping along See Landscape Architect drawings abutting streets and minimize the number of interruptions such as driveways and parking entrances. Continue the sidewalk pavement across driveways and parking entrances. 6. Create visual landmarks on significant street corners and at locations of high visibility. Provide landscaping and consider incorporating features such as flag poles, banners, visual art, ornamental trees, fountains, architectural elements, and landscape structures. 7. Any portion of a building site left vacant for future development should be landscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall site. The minimum ground surface treatment should be lawn. Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property not being developed. NA NA 9 Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 8. Identify, preserve and incorporate NA stands of mature trees into the overall site landscaping design. Retain unique tree species, significant vegetation, natural landscape features and nesting areas on a site wherever possible. To attain this objective, prior to the design of a project, a detailed survey prepared by a qualified professional indicating the location and condition of existing trees and vegetation on a site should be conducted and provided to the District as part of the development application process. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new planting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replanting with indigenous or native species is encouraged. 10. Consider incorporating rain gardens and vegetated swales into parking lot landscaping to increase the natural absorption of rainwater runoff from paved areas into the ground. 11. The height and location of a landscape screen should ensure that: a} privacy to adjacent properties is adequately protected; b) driving site lines are maintained from adjacent roads, manoeuvring aisles, parking lots; and c) the quality of the streetscape and outdoor living spaces is enhanced. 12. Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to increase the natural absorption of rainwater on a site. NA All as per Landscape Architect and detention engineer property will have 6' high perimeter fence All as per Landscape Architect 10 Guidelines 8.7.1 D Universally Accessible Design 1. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 2. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; c) provided with level areas measuring a minimum of 1.Sm x 1.Sm (4.9 ft. x 4.9 ft.) both inside and outside of doorways; and d) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. Guidelines 8.7.1 E Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas 1. Integrate vents, mechanical rooms, mechanical equipment, and elevator penthouses into the roof design or screen with materials and finishes compatible with the overall architectural design. 2. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. NA NA Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. NA Scale of roof access is minimized and set away from common property lines 11 3. Garbage containers and recycling bins NA must be : a) easily accessible; b) appropriately sized for the building occupants; c) contained within roofed/walled enclosures; d) incorporated into the overall design of the development; or e) screened from public view and weatherproof and animal-resistant within the boundaries of each site. 4. Service areas should be internalized within the development. For developments with multiple buildings, common refuse, recycling and service areas are to be provided. Storage areas should be located to be convenient and readily accessible from most buildings or units on the site. Avoid direct exposure from public streets and allow for adequate manoeuvring space for removal vehicles. 5. Enclose or screen all exterior mechanical units or equipment, including roof top units, equipment, and satellite dishes within upper floors or structures that from part of the overall design of a development. NA NA 6. Locate building ventilation systems to NA minimize noise and exhaust pedestrian 7. a) b) c) areas, residential units, and outdoor spaces and locate less sensitive land uses closer to sources of noise. Buildings should be designed and constructed maximize sound attenuation: between units; between public roads and units; and between adjacent land uses and units. NA 12 Guidelines 8.7.1 F Signage and Lighting 1. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message should be integrated and complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 3. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged along all pedestrian routes and pedestrian plazas. The lighting should be pedestrian focused. 4. Lighting should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. Guidelines 8.7.1 G Bicycle Parking and Storage 1. Short term and long term bicycle parking facilities should be considered for all developments. Short term bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads with bicycle racks made of sturdy, theft- resistant material that is securely anchored to the floor or ground. Longer term bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. NA NA Will be handled with on building lights Lights will be minimal in nature. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. NA 13 Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File Number ,2.0 11-0 ~ l -R.'Z... '2-? Afic_.1 L 1.o \ B Date prepared: Ks\J I N l.1P-e>J.G Print Name . ~1k;, 14 L ~6 DR A W I N G NO : I RE V I S I O N S DA 1 E NO , DE S I G N E D BY : KJ U xx x x xx x x I DR A \ ' 1 1 1 1 BY : 1 of 12 KJ U I SC A L E : 1/ 8 " = 1 ' 0 " U.N . D . E- F I L E NA M E I xx x x 1D A 1 E : 09 JA N 18 I ~~! M ! I , ~ ' -~~ .21 3 1 ,5 '• \\ \ : 1 ' ,, f l ~ ' l. " , ~ L. : : , ~ ~· cf >a ? CL I E N T : AL P H O N S E SE W A R D PR O J E C T TI T L E : RT - 2 TO W N H O M E S 21 3 3 3 RI V E R RO A D DR A W I N G TI T L E : SI T E PL A N KE Y _ .ll i . < - +J I\ !i I __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ , ~ 1- i- Vl V I I ~ \ .2 1 3 ,6' 9 I \ ' ' . '• . J I ·~ AB O V E GR A D E CO N S U L TI N G - DE S I G N AN D DE V E L O P M E N T S0 L U 7 1 0 N S kf a d r a f t t l h o t m a i l . co m 77 8 - 2 4 0 - 0 9 0 9 ___ ,/ GROSS SITE AREA: 1,251.17 SQ.M. (13,467.67 SQ. FT.) ROAD DEDICATION AREA: 102.47 SQ.M. ( 1,103.00 SQ. FT.) NET SITE AREA: 1,148.70 SQ.M. (12,364.91 SQ. FT.) 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E- F I L E NA M E DR A W I N G TIT L E : UP P E R FL PL A N S l- - - - - - - - - 1 BU I L D I N G S 1 & 2 DA T E : 05 JA N 18 AB O VE GR A D E CO N S U L TI N G •+ - - ! - - , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DE S I G N AN O DE V E L O P M E N T SO L U T / O N S k) J d r a f t t l h o t m a i l . c o m 77 8 - 2 4 0 - 0 9 0 9 .... j g: I I I I l I I I I N a □ t □n57= 7 I LNDRY O : r _ .... _____ j !I 11 ~ ~ ~ \J/ I I I I • I I j l I I : : : : I I I I I ~BA~£:° I W' I I I I ' I II \ ,'I \ ,' 1 I \ I I ~ , \ ,' I 8 I \ / I GARAGE ! \,' 1 ) 1s·-o·.1s·-2· , ,'\ 1 ~ : ,' \ I ! : / '\ I § ' , ' L .. I I ' I ,' \ : / s·-o· \ •·-ea\ I • I Ti ., I DECK I I I I I I I It I " I----t I I ', ,, "'---------------++--""' ~ .!. i .-;;~-7 : W========:::===:;:::==±~--....;....-----'+-----'!. ~~ ._, 2'-4" J J<--------i r==i= KITCHEN ~ I -I I I ~eel ~ •;:5~ ! I :d -,~ "'J.___ I I I I I I ·~"i-~ l:T ,!. ----u...___-;. -I. ---, I I a: ___ .,, ow : 1-..L EATING DINING ROOM ENTRY /!~ ..,_j I VERANDA LIVING ROOM I Jj_ □ I I I .---: ~------~--------- I~ 1 J ~i---S--tf----'11 FP/TV ",;-I 1n ,_ 1·-0· f- ~ .... ,- ,.. .:. .... ~·- ¾' 111~ ",!,+ J, MF PLANS BUILDING #2 {UNITS 3&4) -:!" J !! ~ i lil T I ~ gi gi I T -' N ~ ,_ c::, c..:i .... "' < I ~ [::::: " .!. r ·1 I I I I I I L- T ~ I ~ ii MASTER ---~ BED #3 ::5 ~ lr) ~ < ::, a ~ u ,_ Lu ; c::i ~E s:::c: ~""8 "" ~ ""1 ~i ~15 t5-e c::;::, I ~H I I BED #2 ~ I e 1~ BED #4 '1;" ,!, -- 2'-1¼' T f--', I I ,.. I ' I ¾' I I ~ I I en cn:Z :z<C <t:_J -10..N o.._J _JLLC) LLo::::Z :zw:3 -0..-<t: 0.. :=, ~:=, CD w w F F F F I .... Cl I I I ~~ z z.., ~ WO < ::J ll:'. ll:'. (.) D. 0 ci z :j r--- ~~SUITE □ I ..,,.. BED #3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 9 5 >' " :::i ':,i, <( m >' ' ~ 0 m I"') w z ~ w Cl ...J ~ iii < < w ll:'. (.) < 0 0 (F) 0 0 IX ti ., Ill I I I I!! '- < ~ 0 ~ BED #2 I t I I l:! J w ::::, (F) < z z 0 (F) ~ iii z 5 < u: w ...J I ll:'. a. w 11'-4!" 0 N z Cl .._.-z UNIT #3 AREA = 1,276 SQ.FT. ~ < '-+--ll:'. UF PLANS BUILDING #2 (UNITS 3&4) 0 0 LD ) MF PLANS BUILDING #2 (UNITS 3&4) G-1 Ir, LJ UNIT 4 j UNIT 3 10'-~- 69SQ.FT. \Nlo;fiO ONLY MF ROOF OUlUNE IT-6 • .,_ I : I : I: -.,-I I I I" ~o I : I ! 1: 0: ~, I I I L I I I I I I 2" r- ,- 1 I I MASTER I : -u -- _j.!::::=~~~i:,., .P,!f. "'~'°"" ~-"'DI 6---~ I BED #3 BED #4 / BED #3 BED #2 I ~-~ I ,_J I I I l.:::=E3JE===lr,:::=Ji----------------~ L _____________ J 2 i ~ I I I ~ ,-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I -,-,_ ., I I I I I J ROOF PLAN BUILDING #2 (UNITS 3&4) gi "' c::, I c::, ~ ~ < I ~ i=:::: " :5 ~ V) g ~ :::, ~ (J ,.._ lw as c:::i ~E ":::c s~ ~ c::;i ~0 -.;:j ~~ --1; ~::, :Z: N <(: _J (.!) Q.. :z: L,_Cl o:::! o=i o::m ~ w r= F F to-(.') I'-' l;l z z -, !ii: WO < :J n:: n:: U IL CJ 0 z :; ,;.: ID ► t;:l ID z i (.') iii < w n:: CJ 0 a n:: cj Cl0 ~ '-I') < '-CJ ~ w ::le 1/1 < z z 0 1/1 w iii ...J z ;:;:: 5 < w ...J I n:: IL w 0 N z (.') ,;---z !ii: < '-+-n:: 0 0 CD I ~ .:, I 11.0M(J6.D2__ ___________ _ ------------------------ I I ,-.. ----- •' ~ m I I --- Ft I I I I I 1 ~ I MF: 28.75M ' I I ' I J \ I I I [D J g~ =□ -~ ~ @] RB ~ - / 12 FRONT ELEVATION (BLDG 2 UNIT 3) ;lr.:,: ~~ :,::,: ~~ .......... i!? i;? ... Ii 5 --'--~ 0--127 ~ ~ ::, --= ~ l!5 m ~ ,1.-·- ~ -~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ ....._ -.:, -....._ -~ I 1 -HORIZONTAL HARDI PLANK/BOARD 2 -HORIZONTAL ALUMINUM PLANK/BOARD 3 -HARDI PANELS 4 -STONE VENEER 5 PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM FLASHING 6 -TRIM BOARD 7 WOOD BRACKET/EXPOSED BEAM 8 ALUMINUM WINDOW 9 DOOR 10 -ALUMINUM AND GLASS GUARD RAILS ITT ~ I f- ~ [] FRONT ELEVATION (BLDG 1 UNIT 1) - 9 @ -fgl =<:is:i l..:'....I ~'?: ij ! [IQ] I! s1-___ H tt__ :,: ~i ~:i ~ ~s @] I / ~ =-m -127 , I ~ Ft =:i: I I 1-IJ I ,_~ -;t ' -~ I I , MF: 29.00M I ; ---,- fC I I (./) z: Cl 0 <C 0 f-a::: -<( > a::: w ~ _J a::: w ~ ~ F F I-(.!) .=-.:~ z z-:, :ii: WO < ::J a:: a:: u 0.. 0 d -:i. CX) ::::i p z <( >= ii --:, ~ (D >= -...... 11') 0 (D 0 w z i ~ (.!) ~ vi < < w a:: u < 0 0 Vl 0 6 I!:! < 0 w :::; Vl < z z 0 w vi ....I 5 c.:: w I a:: w 0 N z (.!) ~ z :ii: < '-+-a:: 0 0 r--- -- - - -- · -- -- . I I I 11 1- 1 t - -- t - ' I ■ ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· ~ ,..- - - - . . . . _ '7 rn AJ ,f " T l 0 )> C) A] ~ 1f " T l ' C f" T 7 z < - )> -- - - l -- - - l N IO z ~ .. . ~ D DR A W I N G NO : RE V I S I O N S DA T E NO . DE S I G N E D BY : CL I E N T : PR O J E C T ll l L E : rn A] r 0 0 z C) -- - - l ~ f" T 7 r C f" T 7 z < -- - - l )> -- - - l ~ -0 z I 11 I 11 1 1 1 1 Il l II Il l II □□ □ □ ~ □□ □ □ ~ ~ I IB ; tH ] O C : ~~ r· - I I I L- --- r· - - I I I t.. __ __ _ I I II I ,'L ' l , ·~ • ,1i1 , , r , ; I I I 11 \I I 11 . 1 1 1 , , 1 1 , 1 1 , . 1 I~ 11 -- -- - - ~ I ~i 77 rn AJ 'O Oz C) -- - - l ~ f" T 7 CM z< -) > -- - - l -- - - l Nl o z 11 □; EE 11□1 ~ 1- 1 ' 11 1 , 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! '' ' ' I LI I 11 t- - - - i t - - ~ 11 11 - 11 1 1 1 1 •• ►; _ ►• - LJ ' ·- z. , , , t• f' ~• 11 1 11 ~ ~' 11 1 11 --~ I I I AB O V E GR A D E CO N S U L TI N G ~ 8 f 1 2 DR A W N BY : \. I / DE S I G N AN D 0£ V E L O P M £ N T so w n o N S 0 'f - / k) , d r a f t O h o t m a l l . c o m 77 8 - 2 4 0 - 0 9 0 9 SC A L E : 1/ 4 " = 1 ' 0 " U.N . O . DR A W I N G ll l L E : EL E V A T I O N S E- F I L E NA M E DA T E : 05 JA N 18 BU I L D I N G 1 (U N I T S 1 &2 ) I I Cf. I T ' 1 -HORIZONTAL HARDI PLANK/BOARD 2 HORIZONTAL ALUMINUM PLANK/BOARD ------I - 3 -HARDI PANELS 4 -STONE VENEER 5 -PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM FLASHING 6 -TRIM BOARD 7 -WOOD BRACKET/EXPOSED BEAM 8 -ALUMINUM WINDOW 9 -DOOR 10 -ALUMINUM AND GLASS GUARD RAILS --- 11 -HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING --- 12 -GARAGE DOOR ... ----------- ------------le. GARAGE ---BIJI.DTNG IS S'IONKLDIED I ~t,\{;~~~O -~i::rJIJ·mfJi USING 3.511 FOR CAlCUl.ATKJI ' U.P.O. AWl'o\EI FoR UNSPlUHJ(U)IED (3'.25,r) I U.P.O. AU.O¥1) fOR SPfl!lll<UREl) (0~ llJ.3 SO.IT. (12.450.M.) !IT U,P.O, PftOfOSEI-112.0 SO.fT.(10.♦SQ.JI. (~"21,Q I I _._ -+ 29,71 ' Q.JjG '-'-~ I=: [=:I = I=: = ,--,,., '-1121 [::=J -I- ~ = = -I ----t: t12.0SOFT. c=J = -I t: '--~ I .... c:J t::: ----I= I= ---L-~& ' ffI 2 E§ ' I I I -[I] G.E'i] ff] ------------- -~ -~ --72SQ.F '--------~-------~ / ~ / -/[IQ] ----- CONCRETE RETAINING UNIT 2 !Mt.QH<:tSSl'AINl<Ullal ~:.\1iH~01ST.,.9cf ! ~~f•{.;.=>\ISIIIQ 3.~ fOR cr.1.cuunOH UP.Q. AU.0116) fllR UNSPT<HURED (11~ U.P.Q. AI.I.OIIIED FOR SP10HQ.UEJ (30.0lC)• J17Jl·SQ.fT, (J0."4SQ.N.) U.P.O. P1l(lf'OS[J)-179.0 SQ.FT,(IUSO.M.) (19,o,c) I I 11.0M(38.01.) I ' ~1 ~, .______, I __ '------ i~ '-•t::::: '--It::: ' I l I 7.5SO.IT. .$SO >CUI ITT IIT] ~ ,/ qJ / I 11 I I ~ 7 / I I !IFJ. E] §[:f] =-= !~ CJ -- 12MSQaFT. CJ .. fill CJ ~ CJ UNIT 1 IIUU)IHG IS~ ~~AN~Oll~iria~:k :!.SI FOR CALCULATION UP,O, AI.LOl'IEIJ FOR UNSPltlNIC1£ll!l1 (IU:ll) U.P.O, AU.O>E> f1lR SPAINl<UJE> (lJ.7'1)-351.0 SO.FT. (32.750.N.) U.P.O .. PROPOSED-:159.5 SO,FT-(2'-ISOl<.) (2'-1lCl -----------1-------------------------------- ' ill ----- II§ I I ' ~ ';:= - '--'-- II§l <---<--- ~ -' '-'-:"';, I I ! MF [I] ~ I ? ":t : 29.00M ~ -,---' RIGHT ELEVATIONill (BLDG 1) I \ I I OJ t--,-1 ,_I -El -~i -~ --21.oso.r -~, -" ~ - ' I I ' I I 1.:= J, . .so. i:: rt ' I ' I ' ..,..,....,.. !;I!,= E1□ :x~g ij ~ lo UNIT 1 UNIT 1 , UNIT 2 I 9IJU>IHO IS SPRIIOO.IMD ~~~OS-~#'tt~) SO.W) t. U.P,O. AU.OWED FOIi U-2.0M • (9.5,r) u.P.Q. AU.OfED FoR $PIII.SklD1£1> (19.0lC) • 188.3 SQ.FT. (15.e S0.W.) UP.O. PllOPOS6> -82.0 SQJT.(U SQ.M,) (7.0lC) ~ IE;? lr:i ~ § I 127 -.,.._. ___ --- -.... 8 UNIT 2 [D] BUIIDIHC IS SPAH<l!mJ ~~~:J:.os~P-«J~,so.M) UP,Q. N.l.O\ltD f1"1 UNSPflOO(I.El'fl)O 1.7,U • (e.15lC) U.P.O. N.LolilED foR SPADIKlDIED (17.5)1) • 141,3 SO.FT. (13.1 SO.M.) UP,Q. PR<F0Sm • 83.5 S0.FT.(5.11 9:1,M.) (7,tll) ------ '" ---- <--- ~ ---11 ~ 81 t:: ------ 5 ------ 2 CT ------ - ITT ~ ....Mf: 29.00M _ LEFT ELEVATION (BLDG 1) le. I I I ' ' I I I I c..'.) < j::::: ::3 V) < C) (._) ~ c:::i "'C ~ w F F I- .=..:~ ~6 i38: 0 z ~ :,: ~ >' ll'l 8 z c., iii w 0 ci 0:: cj ID I!! ' ,,, < ' 0 ~ 1/1 z < ..J a. 0:: 0 0 i 1/1 vi z I-0 1/1 iii 1/1 5 I!!. w 0:: iii 0 z c., z ~ < 0:: 0 gi gi I c:, ... "' I ~ " ~ g :::, cl "' .... ~ ~ @; E ~ ~ ...,,,. Q~ ~0 "(j ~i p;-.. ~::, -----N oe:l (J) z: (/) 0 f-z: I-::::, <( -----> w (.'.) _j z: w 0 w --' F ::::, F ro c., z ~ < 0:: 0 ci 0 z z; co ~ ::, :,: p z z <r "' 'ii "' -:, ~ >' ' Ul ll'l 0 i ~ ~ < 0:: 0 < 0 1/1 0 w :::; < z w ..J Ci:: I w N .._- '-+-- 0 m ~ ~ "' ..:. ~ ~ ::, __) 11.DM(J&.01') __________ _ ------------------------------ ITT -- ITT ---- Ft I [TI I I I I I MF: 28.75M g» li_l,:i:::i; / - \ / \ / l2l -...... I □□ ef FRONT ELEVATION (BLDG 2 UNIT 3) l::::t ,_ ...__ ...__ -...__ ,_ ,_ ,_ I l±J ~ ..:. __________ _J ____ 11~38:2!1 ___________________________ _ REAR ELEVATION 1 -HORIZONTAL HARDI PLANK/BOARD 2 -HORIZONTAL ALUMINUM PLANK/BOARD 3 -HARDI PANELS 4 -STONE VENEER 5 -PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM FLASHING 6 -TRIM BOARD 7 -WOOD BRACKET/EXPOSED BEAM 8 -ALUMINUM WINDOW 9 -DOOR 10 -ALUMINUM AND GLASS GUARD RAILS 11 -HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING 12 -GARAGE DOOR ~ I I I i , I I FRONT ELEVATION (BLDG 2 UNIT 4) G.j r=! F I- t=-= f;l z..., WO ::J a:: u Q. :;; ID Cl w z c., vi w C d z ~ < C (fJ z 0 vi 5 w a:: 0 z c., z :i: < a:: C ,.--.. -.;I- ~ (J) n z: tn I-0 z: I-=:, <( ..__., > N w <...'.) _j z: w Cl G.j _J r=! =:, F CD c., z :l: < a:: C d z ::; r--- ]:, ~ C) II ::> ;.. <( :;; ' ID ~ I"") i G.j ....J ~ < < a:: u < Cl (fJ C w :::. < z w ....J Ci: I w N .._- 4- 0 0 -,;-:- . , _) --------------''~""~--------------------------- 6 I 167 I 1 -HORIZONTAL HARDI PLANK/BOARD -------l -.::::: --------2 -HORIZONTAL ALUMINUM PLANK/BOARD 7 ~ ill ~ ~ ~ ~ 167 6 ~. 4 I I I 1 I "'------- .,_ 1 I 4- I -----~ ----"' ~: ~ -4--- 11.J ..,~F: 28.75M ---,_ II RIGHT ELEV I ATON ~ (BLDG 2) \ I I \ I I I I rn , I , ~. B , ---, ,__ c::::J ,-, ~ t:::: t:::: c::::J t:::: t::::: ,..__ c::::J I;;;;::: [:=:J UNIT 3 IMLDll<G IS -,cin,m W.W. AAU.-1,117.0 ,SG.fl'. IC!ll SQ.II) IDllll!fC OISfANCE U-0 8'511) U5!'lG 3.5M rat CALOJLA11~ U.P.0. M.J.0\IID f1lR UNSl'IIINl(Ull[D (15.15011) U.P.O. AU.OIIIID rat ~ (31.0,r)• ;>♦6.3 SO.FT. (32.Z SQ.M,) U.P.O. PROPOSED-22+.6SG.FT,(20.6SO.M.) (20.0,r) ~ / I _,, , ,_ 128,0SQ.FT. B] ---------------''~""~---------------------------- [I] \ -.--' E --T ~ -----.-·I -- T ~~ I t:: .. t:: ,_ LEFT ELEV A Tl ON (BLDG 2) " ~ ~ -7 11.0SQ ~, 2 ~ liiOii ~, -I ~le~ 1250 -1~,m t:::::::::::::::=j I i....... - UNIT 4 BIJIU)llfC IS SP!<IHICUIIED WAL.l.. AREA• e~.o SQFT.(77 ,o SQ,N) ~~~rof;.:;J:.Ji~ C9,.,., U.P.O. AU.OWEI> Rlll ~ (tt,Oll)• 157.5 SQ.FT. (14.63 SQ.M.) U.P.O. PROP05ED• 84.0 50.1T~5.9SQ.II.) (7.71) )TI _i.- L ' ........__ -..... I lt=rn GI@ gJ I--- I 5SQ. ,.___ It:= 1~ ----- .:=. t:::: t:::: ,__ t:::: t:::: ,__ I~ 40SOFT Ir-,, ~ ' ~ I I UNIT 4 BUil.DiNO IS '"""""1!REI ~~N1f:.=r:l.i01~W-~'f·miNo l.5M FOR CALOJLATI~ U.P.O. ,W,IUIED rat UNSPIIHKUREIJ (IUX) '2SQ,FT, U.P.O. MJ.OIE) FOR -.olED (37,0ll)-313.8 SO.FT. (20.2 SQ.M.) U.P.O. Pll<>'0SED-111.0SQ.n,(IUSQ.M.) (\V.5,r) ITT G;;ff 1/ ,[@] 1/ / / / EB t:G:J !::1FT.L_ t: \ )ill ~ J . -'----- ===== ' -, __ -..,. 1 ;~ ~'? ~ ~~ b~ S' .FT. :r5 ~ ~ , :.::iJ" J cl 3 -HARDI PANELS 4 -STONE VENEER 5 PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM FLASHING -.. I 6 -TRIM BOARD 4 7 -WOOD BRACKET/EXPOSED BEAM 8 -ALUMINUM WINDOW 9 -DOOR 10 -ALUMINUM AND GLASS GUARD RAILS --11 HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING ----- 12 -GARAGE DOOR '"· I 4- ---GARAGE --BUIUXIICISSPMOQDO WAIL NIEA• 207.0 SQ.FT,(tU SO.II) ~~~..:::~Z'~Jmu.r~; rat CALOJLATI~ u.P.O. 1,U.QIE) FOR SPIIOHKW!£l) (e~ tlJ.3 SQ.FT. (12.4 SQ.M.) 11 U.P.O. l'll<lPOS8)-11:UtSQ.FT.(tO."') (O♦.>X) .,_ I 4-,,,. -·t-----~ .... c= -C=:J ~ I= ..... ~ ---I= c:::J .. .::-t::'" I ,__ t:: '----1 _::::,: --t::: c:::J [?] ,__ t::: t:: 0-----,_ C=:J _______ , ------t:: .,__ I= I= SUS ~ ----P..,%p __ - OJ T .I ., I t .. F: 28.7 5M --- gi gi c!, ~ ... "' < I ~ ~ " ~ ~ g < :::, C) cl (_) "' ,__ liJ C:i ::!! c:::i &!: -s::c ~ ~ ~ "-'"" c:,~ ~o -.:6i ~'15 --§ ~~ ,--... -.;:t- ~ c.n n z: U"J 0 f- :z 1--:=:, <I: ..__., > N w <..'.) _.J :z w 0 ~ w ......J ~ :=:, F F m I-C!) ~fi3 z z-:, 1i:: WO <( ::J 0:: 0:: (.) a. 0 d z ::; r---p ~ (!) :;.: " ::::::, ID ~ <( :;.: ~ 0 ID w z i ~ C!) ~ in <( <( w 0:: <.J <( 0 0 <I) 0 ci 0:: 0 ex, I:! '- < ~ 0 ex, w 1/) :::E 1/) z <( z 0 z 0 F ~ in < 5 > Ci: w w ..J I 0:: w w 0 N z ...- C!) z 1i:: '+-< 0:: 0 0 ...-...- R OOF OEa< a., 35.24 ----- -----Q.G Uf ll.; J-4.e«I ~ 4- UF El.: 32.02 ----- U/S OF UfiC" jjT6 ~ re -4' I I I I wr!a..:~- -------·-==-----------...Jr"j ------___ "":,:__::-_ ----------ur a.c. a : 34. 1a -t ':= _ UF_a._, _,2.0_2 ___ 4 ,._ ______ .._ ____ ..... ._ _____ ...1.. __ --V " h ____ uF_EL: ;,2,02. -1,-wr-=--a,-,-,-_,-. --,,.□---------------["l'f--,r--,F==H:=".:':::lilr----!,____ ........ _ ..... _-lt~ .. -L-.,-L -...... -,-.. -.. --------➔r--------T"""----,,,l...J ---MF_a._G ___ a,--,,-.,-. ----- ! ~ ~ '---, c:. n I -~ ........ .. ., _,~F~.o ___ ...,. _ ___. __________ ___,_---'"---...W.---..W.--....t.1---Jl1-----------------------------:::~----+'-------......JL.....--~ -u'-'iir"o..., i._74 --flos:------------------------&----.IL---.1 GARAGE Mf n..: 28.0 ----- alAVL\.SPACE 5' CRA'M.. EL: 27.22 ------ SECTION A-A a.o. a , 37.•+r L===============:::i_1 -------------------..-,--..-' l,.-----,---------.....1,.......J _____ a._o._a._, ,_1._o+_ --' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t:=::i:;:======;"lt""---J I --------1 7 -------~ ~---~===~ , 1 i,:-------I --~ nr ~=1-=1=t==HC=~=-=M=BR==i ~i'i~~-~--~-=x~r~~~~~~:-:~=====~---~ II -I ----1;========::JJ --------1 II r I ====(~~ 1 i EE L ~ I : Uf EL: 32.02 Q.G UF EL: 34.86 I I ~J c~===================~4·~~======~~;:::::;:::::;::::i===============~"----'I.-I I I I I I I DD I SECTION 8-8 ----, ----1 I I I I I I I I ::::::::::::~ .L....Jo t. 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IN PROFILE MINIMUM BASEMENT ELEVATION, IN PROFILE SWALE DITCH SIDEWALK (ASPHALT) SIDEWALK (CONCRETE) WATERMAIN WATER SERVICE CONNECTION WATER VALVE AIR VALVE HYDRANT & VALVE ASSEMBLY CAPPED ENO WATER METER BLOW-OFF UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE & MANHOLE UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL & MANHOLE OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL GASMAIN TRAFFIC SIGNAL & STREET LIGHT U/G DUCTS ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHT -DAVIT ORNA!.IENTAL STREET LIGHT -POST TOP UTILITY POLE UTILITY POLE W/LIGHT JUNCTION BOX APPROXIIA1E l..0CA TION aF U DEIDl1ION TANK. TO BE DESI AT BULDINC PERIIT STAGE. 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ON-SllE LANDSCAPE MEAS NII ROAD IIOUILVARDS 10 HA\£ IINMAI IOOmm AIIS0RIIEJIT 10PS0L 2. AL1. 11001' WA1ER LEAllERS ME. 10 IE DISCHARGED N10 11£ S10RM S'IS1EII 1Jll0UllH 1ltE IIE1EH110N FM:IJlY PIU'OSEJ> ON-SM. IARnFT BIIIEE m11E BEIIIMnl AI SIiia: ta); -43.!IOln' ~ IOOmm ~ JIB I; ■Mff AIOBA. Chi, ffl PRE DEW.OPll8fT DISCHARGE • 0.00D7!1m '/a. Q 1 .. 10,.,, POST IJElolWllllEIT DISCHARGE • G.Ol10m'/&. pam-r DlJNlSS' m 11E Bmlt!'TltW AI mm Oa~ • 1D.Ol)n' (It 11£ PERMEABLE PA\'ERS OVER WALJ<WAY NID COIRTYARD AREAS; JIB G; fl QQQ D N&HN'fHEMT WRI IIUNCff '911£ PE'l!ClDf Ca\ • 41.81m' IN 11£ CN-SllE IIE1EH110N TANK. ~ qm~ ~ II JJm A. lEB I 6IIQ ]DC lolhlo~ • + to.oam + 41.etm • 95.31,i,' 11£ $TDRl,I wu...£ S?0IIED N 1ER A a 1ER B a 1ER C IEEIS 11£ REl:ll&D IIE1EH110N 't'DUAIE a, 8!1.31 m' 1 N 2 'IR PRE IJElolWllllEIT RUNOFF IS 10 IE DISCHARGED N10 11£ DIS1RICT a, IIAPI£ RIDGE S10RM S'l'S1D&. CORPORATION OF THE aTY OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Mll: ON-SllE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN HEf MNL 1Q. 2017 01 CF OI 21333 Rl'G ROAD MAPLE B.C. 111111.llo, 174788-61(1 I ~■ mapleridge.ca TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel 2015-373-RZ 23616 132 Avenue MEETING DATE: May 16, 2018 An Advisory Design Panel (the "ADP") submission has been received for the above cited application and property to permit the construction of 16 townhouses and a single family lot across the ravine bisecting the site. The rezoning application being processed in conjunction with this proposal was given First Reading by Council on January 13, 2016. This rezoning application is accompanied by an Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment to adjust the conservation boundary. This site is subject to being re-zoned to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to accommodate the proposal and R-1 (Residential District) for the proposed single family lot. The development permit application made to the City is subject to Section 8.7 Multi-Family Development Permit. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Sootfi: East: West: Don Schmidt Lot: 1, Section: 28, Township: 12, Plan: NWP2637 Med/High Density Residential, Conservation Med/High Density Residential, Conservation RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential), R-1 (Residential District) Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential), RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Designation: Med/High Density Residential, Conservation Use: -----·-single Family Residential -----------~------~ Zone: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Designation: Med/High Density Residential, Conservation Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Designation: Low Density Urban, Med/High Residential, Conservation, Open Space Use: Upper Maple Ridge Park Zone: P-1 (Park and School) Designation: Park Page 1 of 4 5.2 Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Single Family Residential Multi Family Residential, Single Family Residential and Conservation 0.68 ha (1.68 acres) 132 Avenue Urban Standard The development permit application made to the City prompting this submission to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.7 Multi-Family Development Permit. Key Guidelines: The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal's compliance with the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines provided by the designer: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. The development sits on a corner with one single family neighbor to the south. The design incorporates two 2.5 storey duplexes adjacent to the single family lot. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. The adjacent neighbourhood to the north is developing into townhouses similar in scale. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. Not applicable. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. All parking is internal to the development. Pedwestrian scale is maintained at the street level. Use of landscaping, fencing a building scale reinforces Design Guidelines: The Design Guidelines and a full explanation of how the project complies with them or the reasons why they are not applicable are attached to this memo. Page 2 of 4 = ;:: ~-, PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: The applicant is proposing a townhouse development consisting of 16 units, in buildings ranging between 2 and 3 storeys. There will be 6 buildings consisting of between two (2) to four (4) units along the edges of the property. 2. Context: The north eastern portion of the subject property is higher in elevation and slopes down towards the southwest. There is an existing single family dwelling located on the property that will be removed as a condition of final reading. There is also an existing equestrian trail located on the south side of 132 Avenue in the road right-of-way. A tributary of Maple Ridge Park Creek is located in the northeast corner and flows south across the middle of the subject property. The creek will be dedicated as Conservation as a condition of final reading. There are several trees throughout the property, with the majority being located around the watercourse and the southwest property boundary. Sections are included showing how the southwest corner of the site is treated, graded and landscaped. 3. 0CP and Zoning Compliance: The development site is within the Silver Valley Area Plan and is currently designated Med/High Density Residential and Conservation and is located in the River Village hamlet boundary. The Med/High Density Residential designation provides for densities in the range of 30 to 50 units per hectare in both a detached and single family form. The proposed rezon ing to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) and R-1 (Residential District) complies with the Med/High Density Residential designation within the Silver Valley Area Plan. The balance of the property is designated Conservation in the Area Plan. The subject site is to be zoned RM-1 and Development Data Sheet (Appendix F) analyses the compliance of the project with the applicable zone regulations. The following variances will be required: • Reduction of the front setback (236 Street) from 7.5 m to 5.5 m. This is justified as the design of the units along 236 Street respond to the sloping conditions and have front doors on the street; and • Reduction for the exterior side lot line for two buildings to accommodate the parking. This is justified as the units along 132 Avenue respond to slope conditions and the top of the parking structure is the floor of a front porch/patio. 4. Parking and bicycle storage: The required parking for the proposed use is analyzed in the Development Data Sheet (Appendix F). There are 32 parking spaces, 14 of which are in tandem design; 23 apron spaces; one small car space; and one disable space for a total of 58 parking spaces, which is nearly double of the minimum requirement. 5. Environmental. Sustainability & Stormwater Management: Stormwater management related to Tier A incorporated within the landscaping plans are: 1) 300 mm topsoil in all yard areas and 2) Bio-swale at the base of the slope along the south property line. Page 3 of 4 CONCLUSION: The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject map Appendix B Explanatory letter from Architect (and Landscape Architect if applicable) Appendix C ADP Submission Form Appendix C ADP Applicant Checklist (signed by Architect) Appendix D Development Data Sheet (signed by Architect) Appendix E DP Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix F Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 4 of4 :: [~- mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission1 contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submiss_ion package for the ' ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. • Application Information: Name of Applicant ll -~3 i ;10 File number Address of site Current Zone ;z c() J :;; - 21&Lb 3:73 -~ /<Z J''.>.2 ;9\{€, fo?,{( Proposed Zone £ flli.-f a,,y.{ J?.·-1 Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date &Pt..il J<ir ;;io1~ Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect/TJfi;.S-; t:,Jfi fl..... kl£ v,~t>J V ({ f; J 5 _ Landscape Architect P/11 If LB,vj) 5'c.41: /JI[ f.J-/LC,JJ i aC c.,'T S I Other Professional (State Name & Role) J)DrJ ~CH/Vt;DV CotJSi.Jl:1(-)tJ\l /<f-r~ (~~ Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin1 click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. -Grn□p-A-(Pa rt-3)· Public-Assembly -~---------any-one-s-torey-0uilcliAg--with-aA-u risu fcJ poctecl-si,a n ------- exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m'; and -all schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m' Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing S or more dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 MAPL:E RIDGE I~ Drili~h Columbia ADP Submission Checklist maple ridge.ca Application No. 1:,,0 I 5 -~ 13 -f-7-- This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel (ADP). Please refer to the,ADP SubmissietHorin and the ADP ~equlrements. @roclwre for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted, Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP. - Project -r FPA+LL KE;\JIN ~·~> ~ 1:«P--'Is Prepared by: ---~ 1--'fb\7 . Print name Date Sign _ Submission Requir.~ments: I Required Submission Materials {Flll!.Mi_l/131:e~ ~o . Provided ·1n·it1catc If T"-"ulrcdl .,,. A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) ~ er ..,,-, B. Covering letter including explanations about: -· ~ "' g 1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) 2. Architectural and Landscaping Design rationale . .112r ~ (Detailed information Required} - 3. Statement in brief about the following: : " a, DP Key Concepts Compliance .-' '5)/,, 0/ b. DP Guideline Compliance :[El/ El -··-Stormwater management strategy with emphasis on Tier A C. -·B" ~ requirements integrated into l;rndscapjng plans d. Public Art/ Amenities, etc. -□ , □ ' .. e. Sustainability practices 0 □ , - -f.---Other /-/1 f -:t rfa..-tc.f\ 5.-,_ 11-1:; -~; <!;__LJ ilo~ o..f c,,__, V □ -.. c. ~lte and Neighb·ou1'ho'~d <::onte-xt .. " 1, Context Plan -Existing/proposed buildings and trees, •, ✓ : vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed grading, and other IB.....- major features within the site, on the abutting properties and along the road allowances/ lanes. 2. Photographs of site and surroundings. D . □ .. ,, D. Develonmcnt PermltAl'ea Checklist (Note: The Architect Is responsible to describe how the project complies ~ □ with each guidelines, or If not appllcable, a description of why not applicable. Please use fillable forms on line,) -· :: City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist (P age 2) E. Are::hitectural Plans· (Site and'Building~ 1, Site Plan and layout ~ El 2, Site sections 52(. Gr,, ... / 3. Streetscape elevation .Ef El" 4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees :[!f B' su perimgo~~~ .. 5. Shadow analysis ti · □ 6. Lighting analysis (on building and on site) . □ I □ 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and roof tops tfr S" 8. Waste collection /recycling (Inside of buildings) .. _If)" 13 9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and ~utside) □ □ . --~ B" 10, Building elevation (all sides) -· .. 'D . □ 11. Signage (attached to building and free standing) 12. Colours and materials :gr B" '~ . fil' 13. Material board 14. Building sections -~ El .. , 15. 3D renderings of the site and/or building(s) with associated :11r· ca" landscaping _ l.:an'dseaping Plaiis: ' F. .. 1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting t1Y'" ~ details -2. Landscaping details, including locations for public art, signage, [U· CT llghting, play and other amenity areas 3. Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures) .. oa---B"~ 4, Details for pedestrian and amenity features being provided ~ s J 5. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns .. [ff B' . 6. Tree retention and management plan '[E( □ 7. .SitesectLons_to_sho_wJot grading, c;!raJr.@g~, .. ~ngg,~[Dg and ~ •. El relatlon$hi'p to adJac;~n:t g1'.a,qes / c"ity boulevards/ lanes . 8. Preliminary storm water management plan with emphasis on mJ~· Gr Tier A req1:1.irements iritegrate·cl into landscaping pla ns 9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnections : ·□ □ - G. Green BulldihgLSustalnabillt~ lnltla~lves □ □ H. Other . .□, ,, 0 .□ D Rev. December 2017 1·~ fM1APli· R1DGE -_, ... ...._ ''-n: lie,111,·r, Col~mbia DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET mapleridge.ca . { Existing /Proposed Zone _R_S-_21R_M_-_, ___ Date Prepared 'V'J!\-P(<_/ ~ ... Required Development Data Minimum Required or I Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or state variance needed} LOT AREA* {in square metres) Gross Total 6,7?9SQ.M. Less Road Widening/ Truncations 275 SQ.M Less Park PARK & 1 SF LOT 2,780 SQ.M. Net Total 3,721 SQ.M, = LOT COVERAGE {in% of net lot area) Total Site Coverage ? 33.6% SETBACKS (in metres) Front ( z. 3G,.-+'-\ ~~ ) 7.5 5.5 (2.0M VAR) Rear 7.5 7.5 Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) (N) 7.5 4.5 ~ 5.5 Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) (S) 6.0 6.0 Side #3 (N, S, E or W) SETBACKS -Underground Structures (in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) (N) 4.5M BLDG'S #5 &6 Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) -.. Side #3 (N, 5, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/sto(eys) Principal 11 11 Accessory NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor .. One Bedroom -------Tw0Bedro0m-----~-------------------· Three Bedroom + 16 Total 16 GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential 2,232 (60%) 2,040 (55%) Retail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type ) Institutional Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA 2,232 2,040 • If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. . Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) 23.6 UNITS/HA # of units/ha (net) 43 UNITS/HA Gross Floor Area 2,232 SQ.M. . 2,047 SQ.M . Floor S_pace Ratio (net) 0.60 0.55 AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area 5 SQ.M./UNIT 6.4 SQ.M/UNIT Useable Open Space 45 SQ.M./UNIT VARIES PARKING (number of spa ces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses 2/UNIT (32 REQ'D) 32 Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach·Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bd r) Commercial Uses Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive Other 0.2/UNIT (3 REQ'D) 26 Number of spaces for visitors . , ...... TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES 35 58 Number of total for disabled 1 1 ., --- Number of total (and%) small cars l I ~-D % 1 ( 1.7%) Number of total (and%) tandem spaces 1\4 I 4o % 14 (7..40~) TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking I Long Term Bicycle Parking OTHER -state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site I No I Tree Survey/Assessment Provided Ives -- Watercourse/Steep Slopes I YES I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements IPARK I hereby certify tha_t all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. ~ V-c-,, IN UR.~,U'.'.. ~. ' ' Prepared by: _:C:..__·v_Y _____ v_f-'<...._7___ • ~ Print Name (Please p~~form ~Jsign above) NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. 1. 2. I-~ mapleridge.ca Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan, multi-family developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP,, 8.7.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies New development into established areas The development sits on a corner lot with one single family neighbour to the should respect private spaces, and South. incorporate local neighbourhood The design incorporates two 2.5 storey duplexes adjacent to the single elements in building form, height, family lot. architectural features and massing. Transitional development should be used The adjacent neighbourhood to the North is developing into townhouses to-bridge areas-of-lt.Jw-and-high-Elensities, -similar in scale. through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. 1 :: K~y Guideline Concepts (.Cqntinueq) 3. Large scale developments should be na clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be All parking is internal to the development. encouraged with attractive streetscapes Pedestrian scale is maintained at the street level. Use of landscaping, attained through landscaping, fencing a building scale reinforce the streetscape architectural _details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. Guidelines 8.7.1 A Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Building Design, Massing and Siting listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Design and siting of buildings should take The buildings were designed to step with the site. This stepping has created advantage of natural features or views the 2 storey appearance along 132nd Ave. The elevation along 236th, while and should enhance privacy and 3 storey in scale, has units that are stepped internally to remove the 3 tiers of retaining that would other wise be required. This allows for street livability. presence and fronting along 236th 2. Residential buildings should front or see above. appear to front onto public roads through the use of appropriate treatment of exteriors, through direct pedestrian access to individual units from the public street/sidewalk, or through the provision of pedestrian walkways linked to the street. Street frontages should be emphasized by incorporating differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades, with a minimum two -storey facaaeorrthe -f~onting-strnetto-- foster a human scale. Buildings that are designed with an end wall or unit adjacent to a public street should design the end unit with the pedestrian entry facing the street. At significant intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets and incorporate corner cuts. \ 2 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 3. Higher density dwellings should be sited na adjacent to major streets in order to minimize access problems and to provide a transition to lower density uses. 4. Multi-family developments adjacent to The existing southern single family lot consists of 2 storey , 50 + year old lower density or single detache·d structure. residential dwellings should: The majority of the development orients away from the only neighbour. a) be consistent in form and massing with the surrounding area; This is a corner lot with little current context except as noted to the South. b) be sited adjacent to major streets to provide a transition to lower density uses; c) concentrate density to the centre of the development or towards a non- residential boundary and locate lower density components adjacent to lower density residential uses; d) create a transition in building mass and form towards the setbacks of the adjacent neighbourhood; e) minimize access conflicts; f) be designed to maximize privacy and minimize views onto adjoining sites, particularly for portions of the development abutting the side yards of adjacent single detached residential uses. 5. Larger buildings, roof forms and building the buildings are limited in scale by the number of units per building as well frontages should include design as stepping with the slope to help break the massing of the facades. All elements and features.to: street fronting units have direct ties to the street level via gates into yards a) provide va riation in the faca·de·s to help up to an apparent front door - reduce the visual length of individual buildings; b) have the appearance of a series of smaller bu ildings, or as identifiable parts of a larger concept; and c) incorporate components that express strong unit identity and incorporate direct access to grade for ground-floor units. . 3 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 6. New multi-family developments should The design incorporates 2 -3 storey scale and massing similar to use design themes, architectural developments in adjacent neighbourhoods. features and elements of the The incorporation of porches, balconies, room orientation, landscaped surrounding neighbourhood by fronting yards and street oriented entries helps create residential scale and incorporating common elements such as character. form, scale, massing and proportion into the design as a means to reinforce There are no garages on the fronting facades. neighbourhood stability. Examples include: The roof design helps to reduce the scale of the building. a) the articulation of facades, using where appropriate, elements such as porches, chimneys, projections, recesses, and balconies; b) the placement, size, shape and number ' of doors and windows; c) the location and visual appearance of garages and/or parking facilities; d) the selection of appropriate and compatible roof forms; and e) the design of hard and soft landscaping. 7. The exposed unders.ides of balconies and All exposed areas will have properly located materials porches that are visible from a street or public walkway should be covered with exterior finishes to provide a finished appearance to public view. 8. Developments are encouraged to use . .. na the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDS) standards in the design of buildings. Techniques such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, separation of impervious surfaces, installing below surface infiltration beds and tree box filters, and redirecting •• -~waterfrom ·drain·pipes-int0-vegetated areas are encour~ged. 9. Variation in individual unit designs is there are a variety of unit types facing the streets creating variety. Therewfll encouraged to provide visual interest also be two colour schemes ( light and dark) that will alternate between and avoid significant repetition either buildings, with an overall unifying colour tying the project together. within a row of townhouses, or between adjacent rows of units. 4 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 10. Garage doors should not face public garages doors face into the developments drive aisle, not the public street. streets. Where front facing garage doors Internal to the project there are a combination of tandem and double car are unavoidable, the impact of garage garage s all with apron parking. This arrangement is above and beyond the doors on the public realm should be normal requ irements, but was a request from council in the original mitigated by: submission. The tandem parking doors are recessed Into the building with a a) designing residential units with enough deck partially covering the apron. width to include attractive entrances The double car garages have e small fa9ade drops to assist in creating an and windows between garages; appearance of recess behind the apron parking. b) recessing garage doors behind the main building fa~ade; c) keeping a sufficient width in residential units to allow the creation of attractive entrances and fenestration between garages. d) grouping garage doors in pairs between adjacent units to allow building entrances and facades more prominence on the street; e) providing interior spaces that overlook the street; f) separating and orienting unit entrances to the street; g) providing individual pedestrian walkways linked to the street; h) including design details such as transom windows or glazing in garage doors; i) a comprehensive landscape plan that identifies how the visual impact of garage doors from the street will be mitigated. 11. Landscaping of rooftops is encouraged NA where possible, to provide shared or private outdoor space for residents and to provide attractive views for residents and passersby. 5 Guidelines 8.7.l B Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Parking and servicing should be located underground or to the rear of buildings, with access from lanes wherever possible. Where la_ne access is not possible, access should be from streets via narrow driveways to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. All parking is accessible from the internal drive aisle 2. Parking structures should be adequately screened and architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. Large surface parking areas should be divided into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous appearance with landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement treatment to enhance their visual appearance. Buildings 5 and 6 use the top of a portion of the in ground tandem parking as patio area in their fronting yard areas -patios are close to grade 3. Developments with large parking areas na should provide a direct pedestrian pathway system through the parking area to facilitate convenient and safe pedestrian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscapi ng with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. -4.-~£ha~ed vehicle .access betwe·en adjoJning na sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. 6 Guidelin~!,,8.7.1 B (Co.otinued) 5. Locate parking spaces allocated for stall is central to units people with disabilities as close as possible to the main entrance to a building. 6. Crime Prevention through all parking adjacent to individual units and specific to each unit Environmental Design (CPTED} principles should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities with convenient, safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to building entrances, lobbies or other principal areas of buildings, and to grade level from any underground or above ground parking structures. 7. To increase safety, consider using electronic security devices and monitoring systems as a supplement to natural surveillance opportunities in parking structures and parking areas. 8. The amount of asphalt surfaces in parking areas should_ be minimized by integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers, etc. or by using alternate surface treatments. na only the drive aisle will be asphalt. Parking aprons to be of a permeable finish 9. Road grades, streets, lanes, and site design follows site grading both internally and externally driveways should conform to the existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, roads should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours. and existing grades. 7 = Guidelines 8.7.1 C Landscaping and Open Space 1. Landscaping both within and outside the development should: a) provide definition for pedestrian corridors; b) delineate private and semi private space from public space; c) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces; d) present a pleasing street image; e) provide suitable buffering between public road and privacy areas; f) soften the transition between adjacent land uses; g) provide a buffer between residential and non-residential I.and uses; h) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site; i) reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties, the scale and massing of buildings, and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping_elemerits .. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. see landscape plan 2. Landscape drawings . for development all trees within the developable area are being remov-ed and re.placed as applications should include, but are not per the landscape and arborists report/plan -see landscape plan limited to, the following information: a) the location of mature and 12xisting trees to be retained or removed, b) the location of all protective tree fencing; c) a grading plan or cross section indicating finished grade; and d) a drainage plan for the site. ·3c-·--Street--tr:ee.s--will ---be ... a .... required s~e the JandscaQ§.Rla_o_ __ component of all development. Incorporate deciduous tree species into streetfront landscaping to define site boundaries, to enhance public space, and to permit light penetration in winter. 8 G.uidelines 8.7.1 C (Cor:ilinued) 4. Energy efficiency and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and 'in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: see the landscaping plan a) using native and/or drought-resistant species; b) designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind; c) providing shade in summer; d) allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the site; e) allowing daylight into buildings; and f) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 5. Maintain continuous _landscaping along the landscape plan reflects the presence of continuously fenced abutting streets and minimize the landscaped yard spaces along the fronting streets and boulevards. There is number of interruptions such as only one access to the site driveways and parking entrances. Continue the sidewalk pavement across driveways and parking entrances. 6. Create visual landmarks on significant given the slope and corner visibility, the is limited landscape in the corner street corners and at locations of high visibility. Provide landscaping and consider incorporating features such as flag poles, banners, visual art, ornamental trees, fountains, architectural elements, and landscape structures. 7. Any portion of a building site left vacant na for future development should be landscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall site. The minimum ground surface treatment should be lawn. Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property not being developed. 9 Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 8. Identify, preserve and incorporate there is a western environmental area with creek, now park dedication, that stands of mature trees into the overall will maintain the only mature trees on the site, and will have habitat site landscaping design. Retain unique tree species, significant vegetation, natural landscape features and nesting areas on a site wherever possible. To attain this objective, prior to the design of a project, a detailed survey prepared by a qualified professional indicating the location and condition of existing trees and vegetation on a site should be conducted and provided to the District as part of the development application process. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new planting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replanting with indigenous or native species is encouraged. restoration as per the environmental report see above. The south-east slope is being regarded to allow for the removal of a 3 tiered retaining wall (3.5m) that wold have been required to accommodate the Engineered road design along 236th. The landscape Architect and Environmental Engineer have redesigned the regraded area to do so. 10. Consider incorporating rain gardens and na vegetated swales into parking lot landscaping to increase the natural , absorption of rainwater runoff from paved areas into the ground. 11. The height and location of a landscape screen should ensure that: a) privacy to adjacent properties is adequately protected; b) driving site lines are maintained from adjacent roads, manoeuvring aisles, parking lots; and -c) --the--quality--of-the-streetscape-and- outdoor living spaces is enhanced. 12. Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to increase the natural absorption of rainwater on a site. see landscape plans. Fencing is limited to establish private space and property lines all areas are maximized 10 Guidelines 8.7.1 D Universally Accessible Design Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for th ere is one internal road that will provide all access both vehicular, pedestrian and accessible. The play area incorporates accesible ramping for access. wheelchair/scooters and should include a tactile strip for the•visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 2. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed with large visible from the street; all units have covered e.ntries. Numbers w1n·be visible. The-units are not numbers designed as accessible given the nature of the stepping design of the units to the slope b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; c) provided with level areas measuring a minimum of 1.Sm x 1.Sm (4.9 ft. x 4.9 ft.) both inside and outside of doorways; and d) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. Guidelines 8.7.1 E Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas 1. Integrate vents, mechanical rooms, na mechanical equipment, and elevator penthouses into the roof design or screen with materials and finishes compatible with the overall architectural design. 2. The design of a roof, placement of na mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into-account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 11 = 3. Garbage containers and recycling bins all garbage containers are internal to the individual units must be: a) easily accessible; b) appropriately sized for the building occupants; c) contained within roofed/walled enclosures; d) incorporated into the overall design of the development; or e) screened from public view and weatherproof and animal-resistant within the boundaries of each site. 4. Service areas should be internalized na within the development. For developments with multiple buildings, common refuse, recycling and service areas are to be provided. Storage areas should be located to be convenient and readily accessible from most buildings or units on the site. Avoid direct exposure from public streets and allow for adequate manoeuvring space for relT)oval vehicles. 5. Enclose or screen all exterior mechanical na units or equipment, including roof top units, equipment, and satellite dishes within upper floors or structures that from part of the overall design of a development. 6. Locate building ventilation systems to na minimize noise and exhaust pedestrian areas, residential units, and outdoor spaces and locate less sensitive land uses closer to sources of noise. 7. Buildings should be designed and units as per code constructed maximize sound attenuation: a) between units; b) between public roads and units; and c) between adjacent land uses and units. 12 ·---.------------------------~ Guidelines 8.7.1 F Signage and lighting 1. All signage must conform to the Maple na Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 2. Signa ge design, materials and message no sign designed for development. should be integrated and complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 3. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged common drive aisle will be lit from unit mounted lighting along all pedestrian routes and pedestrian plazas. The lighting should be pedestrian focused. 4. Lighting should be designed so as to lighting will be designed as down casting in common areas have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. Guidelines 8.7.1 G Bicycle Parking and Storage 1. Short term and long term bicycle parking na facilities should be considered for all develqpments. Short terr.n bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads with bicycle racks made of sturdy, theft- resistant material .that is securely anchored to the floor or ground. Longer term bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 13 = Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: FileNumber2Q15-373-R Z Date prepared: 23 april 2018 Print Name 14 ) 236TH STREET ELEVATION -UNllS 1-31, BUILDING 1 & UNITS 4-5,BLDNG 2 - 236 TH STREET ELEVATIION UNITSl-3, BLONG 1 236 TH STREET ELEVATIION UNITS 4-5, BLONG 2 I -v.r E ... ;__ •. I v I N G 236TH STREET ELEVATION -UNITS 1-3p BUILDING 1 & UNITS 4-5,BLDNG 2 MANUFACTURER: James Hardie MATERIAL: Hardie Plank Lap Siding_ Select Cedar rr1ill COILOR: Evenir1g 131ue rVIANUFACTURER: James Hardie [VIATERIAL: Hardie Panel Vertical Siding 5ielect Cedar rhill {SMOOTH) tOLOR: Pearl Grey IVIANUFACTUitE~: James Hardie MATERIAL: True Grain Fiber Cement (:OLOR: Sepia • 1 MANUFACTURER: Eldorado Stone :,i......~ MATERIAL: Stacl,:ed Stone )i c:OLOR: Silver Lining ,, ., MANUFACTURER: James Hardie MATERIAL: Hardlie Trim Boards 5/4 Smooth COLOR: BLACK SG TO BE PAINTED AS PER DESIGN MANUFACTUFtEiR: Kaycan MATERIAL: Vented Aluminium Soffit COLOR: Black SG MANUFACTURER: James Hardie MATERIAL: Hardie Plank Lap Siding Select Cedar mill C()LOR: Pearl Grey ) 132 AVENUE ELEVA T'ION -UNITS 9-12, BUILDING S & UNITS 13-16, BUILDING 6 DRIVE EISLE ELEVATl ·ON -UNITS 9 -12 BLONG 5 132 AVENUE ELEVATION -UNITS 9-12, BUILDl~~G 5 & UNITS 13-16, BUILDING 6 --~~.......;,~~~---~ MANUFACTURER: James Hardie MATERIAL: Hardie Plank Lap Siding Select Cedar mill ~~~~~-~"-t,,~.,t~~+---~-. COLOR: A~Jed Pewter MANUFAC'rURER: James Hardie MATERIAL: Hardie Panel Vertical Siding • Select Cedar mill (SII/IOOTH) COLOI~: Pearl Grey MANUFAC'fURER: James Hardie - Fisher MATERIAL: True Grain Fiber Cement COLOR: Sepia MANUFACTURER: Eldorado Stone MATERIAL: Stacked Stone COLOR: Darlc Rundle MANUFACTURER James Hardie MATERIAL: Hardie Trim Boards 5/4 Smooth COLOR: BLACK SG TO BE PAINTED AS ~ER DESIGN MANUFACTURER: Kaycan MATERIAL: Vented Aluminium Soffit. COLOR: Black SG 23 April 2018 2015-373-RZ 23616 132nd AVENUE, Maple Ridge, BC 16 UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT The property is situated on the South West corner of 132nd Avenue and 236th Street, across from Wild Play and Upper Maple Ridge Park. The ultimate development will consist of 16, 2 to 3 storey, 3-bedroom town homes with associated parking in tandem or side by side arrangements, a single-family lot and an environmentally enhanced stream/park area. There will be 6 buildings consisting of two to four units located along the edges of the property. This arrangement allows for units to respond to the site conditions, minimize road surfaces, protect environmentally sensitive areas, address the streetscape and neighbours as well as create better private areas for the units in general. The use of flat rooves has also helped in reducing the building massing as well as allowing for a unique, more modern appearance, for the target younger families. The slope of the property and the final road design across the both street frontages has resulted in units that step from 132nd to the internal drive aisle and from the internal drive aisle to the street at 236th. The buildings also step side to side down both fronting roads creating volume articulation assisting in creating a more neighbourhood friendly scale. The units along 236 have floor plans that step down internally. This step design has removed all the majority of original 3 tiers of street retaining along 236th, approximate 3.5 m, creating units fronting the street that are more pedestrian and neighbourhood friendly. The removal of the 236th Street retaining has also necessitated regrading of a steep slope area at the Southwest corner of the property. See our play areas. The regrading of this area was deemed a better solution, along with the Environmental, Geotechnical and Landscape designs, than creating an unsightly 3 level retained area at 236th. We have provided extra parking as per a request from council. All units have extra unit parking on an apron directly associated with they unit. Tandem units have 1 extra stall while there are two extra stalls for the balance of the units. We have provided fire protected, environmentally protected and enhanced environmental zones both at the stream side and along our Southwest play area as well as created preliminary water detention design. Our building design also uses building materials and planting as required under the Fire protection bylaw. See the Civil, Environmental, Arborists and Landscape Architect's materials. End. li...P. ,· .... ' ~ ' :~.~\ ,·jMARLfE:RIDG.E·~· [cl: ...;~•· :6' 1-_: --.:. : ~,~oritl~l!'C11t~mbi.:i : '~· . ''7~~ ADP Submission Checklist mapleridge.ca Application No. 1,,,0 l ? ~ ? J? -R "Z.--File Manager AUZ.lAN KOP'/ ST,'NSK\ ' This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel (ADP). Please refer to the ADP Submission Fort'l1 and the ADP Requirements Brochure for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP. Project _tc-'----=-ffJ~1 r-l~~L1~~~-~s ___ ~_ ?-«~ 'I s Sign Print name Date Submission Requircl1ents: I Required Submission Materials (Fllu M~na·gcr!o Provided Indicate If required) A. ADP Submission For111 (Submitted and signed by Architect) cg' Cf B. Covering Letter including explanations about: . 1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) Cf(' El 2. Architectural and Landscaping Design rationale lf r 0 (Detailed information Required) 3. Statement in brief about the following: a. DP Key Concepts Compliance ~ 0'/ b. DP Guideline Compliance ~ El C. Stormwater management strategy with emphasis on Tier A ~ ~ requirements integrated into landscaping plans d. Public Art/ Amenities, etc. □ ' □ e. Sustainability practices □ □ - f. other / /I -J-l r.f o..i;-/I G ,.1 ;.n, 2~ 1-1,r s-lo# CJ. r c. A-, Ef □ c. Site and Neighbour'hood Context .. ' 1. Context Plan -Existing/proposed buildings and trees, ✓ vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed grading, and other Ga,..... major features within the site, on the abutting properties and along the road allowances/ lanes. 2. Photographs of site and surroundings. □ □ D. Develogment Pannit Area Checklist (Note: The Architect is responsible to describe how the project complies G / □ with each guidelines, or If not applicable, a description of why not I applicable. Please use flllable forms on line.) City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist (Page 2) E. Architechir.il Plans (Site and Eluilding{s)l: 1. Site Plan and layout ~ tl 2. Site sections [ij [~( ,, 3. Streetscape elevation (3" ~ 4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees B' ~ superimposed 5, Shadow analysis □ □ 6, Lighting analysis (on building and on site) D □ 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and roof tops [3" (3,/ , 8, Waste collection /recycling (Inside of buildings) [B" 0 9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside) □ □ 10. Building elevation (all sides) a 0 ' □ □ 11. Signage (attached to building and free standing) 12. Colours and materials ~ a 13. Material board tg-' B' 14. Building sections ' ~ 0' 15. 3D renderings of the site and/or building(s) with associated ur [3' landscaping F. Landsc;;a ping Plans: 1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting details Ba' 0 -2. Landscaping details, including locations for public art, signage, uJ-Cf lighting, play and other amenity areas 3, Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures) Ga,,.. B'_ 4. Details for pedestrian and amenity features being provided lB" B s. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns 03' a 6. Tree retention and management plan ~ □ 7. Site sections to show lot grading, drainage, landscaping and llir El relationship to adjacent grades/ City boulevards/ lanes 8. Preliminary storm water management plan with emphasis on Ga/ ~ Tier A requirements integrated into landscaping plans 9, Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnections □ □ G. Gre_en BulldingLSustairrn billtt initiatives D □ H. Other □ □ □ □ Rev. December 2017 .ti ~ mapleridge.ca DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Existing /Proposed Zone RS-2/RM-1 { Date Prepared 1,..-1/\if R.../ e> Required Development Data Minimum Required or I Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total 6,776 SQ.M. Less Road Widening / Truncations 275 SQ.M Less Park PARK & 1 SF LOT 2,7B0 SQ.M. Net Total 3,721 SQ.M. LOT COVERAGE (i n % of net lot area} Total Site Coverage ? 33.6% SETBACKS (in metres) Front ( 2-3'--¼'-\ ~~ ) 7.5 5.5 (2.0M VAR) Rear 7.5 7.5 Side #1 (N,S,E, or W} (N) 7.5 4.5 & 5.5 Side #2 (N,S,E, or W} (S) 6.0 6.0 Side #3 (N, S, E or W) SETBACKS -Underground Structures (in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) (N) 4.5M BLDG'S #5 &6 Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W} BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal 11 11 Accessory NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three Bedroom+ 16 Total 16 GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential 2,232 (60%) 2,040 (55%) Retail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type ) Institutional Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA 2,232 2,040 * If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. Required Development Data Minimum Required or Proposed (Complies or Maximum Allowed variance needed?) DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) 23.6 UNITS/HA # of units/ha (net) 43 UNITS/HA Gross Floor Area 2,232 SQ.M. 2,047 SQ.M. Floor Space Ratio (net} 0.60 0.55 AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area 5 SQ.M./UNIT 6.4 SQ.M/UNIT Useable Open Space 45 SQ.M./UNIT VARIES PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses 2/UNIT (32 REQ'D) 32 Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive Other Number of spaces for visitors 0.2/UNIT (3 REQ'D) 2 b TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES 35 58 Number of total for disabled 1 1 Number of total (and%) small cars l I :?;,.o % 1 ( t.1o/..) Number of total (and%) tandem spaces 14-I 4o % 14 (-z..4"/,,) TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces ) Short Term Bicycle Parking Long Term Bicycle Parking OTHER -state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site !No I Tree Survey/ Assessment Provided IYES Watercourse/Steep Slopes I YES I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements j PARK I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. .-tJ-0u·VJA Preparedby: fSB\J\N URJ::,A_7 ~R~ Print Name (Please prh ~Qsign above) NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent\~pplicant) for Development Application. \ 1. 2. 1~~-:,~ mapleridge.ca Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan, multi-family developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. 8.7.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies New development into established areas The development sits on a corner lot with one single family neighbour to the should respect private spaces, and South. incorporate local neighbourhood The design incorporates two 2.5 storey duplexes adjacent to the single elements in building form, height, family lot. architectural features and massing. Transitional development should be used The adjacent neighbourhood to the North is developing into townhouses to bridge areas of low and high densities, similar in scale. through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. 1 Key Guideline Concepts (Continued) 3. Large scale developments should be na clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be All parking is internal to the development. encouraged with attractive streetscapes Pedestrian scale is maintained at the street level. Use of landscaping, attained through landscaping, fencing a building scale reinforce the streetscape architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. Guidelines 8.7.1 A Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Building Design, Massing and Siting listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Design and siting of buildings should take The buildings were designed to step with the site. This stepping has created advantage of natural features or views the 2 storey appearance along 132nd Ave. The elevation along 236th, while and should enhance privacy and 3 storey in scale, has units that are stepped internally to remove the 3 tiers of retaining that would other wise be required. This allows for street livability. presence and fronting along 236th 2. Residential buildings should front or see above. appear to front onto public roads through the use of appropriate treatment of exteriors, through direct pedestrian access to individual units from the public street/sidewalk, or through the provision of pedestrian walkways linked to the street. Street frontages should be emphasized by incorporating differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades, with a minimum two storey facade on the fronting street to foster a human scale. Buildings that are designed with an end wall or unit adjacent to a public street should design the end unit with the pedestrian entry facing the street. At significant intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets and incorporate corner cuts. 2 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued} 3. Higher density dwellings should be sited na adjacent to major streets in order to minimize access problems and to provide a transition to lower density uses. 4. Multi-family developments adjacent to The existing southern single family lot consists of 2 storey , 50 + year old lower density or single detached structure. residential dwellings should: The majority of the development orients away from the only neighbour. a) be consistent in form and massing with the surrounding area; This is a corner lot with little current context except as noted to the South. b) be sited adjacent to major streets to provide a transition to lower density uses; c) concentrate density to the centre of the development or towards a non- residential boundary and locate lower density components adjacent to lower density residential uses; d) create a transition in building mass and form towards the setbacks of the adjacent neighbourhood; e) minimize access conflicts; f) be designed to maximize privacy and minimize views onto adjoining sites, particularly for portions of the development abutting the side yards of adjacent single detached residential uses. 5. Larger buildings, roof forms and building the buildings are limited in scale by the number of units per building as well frontages should include design as stepping with the slope to help break the massing of the facades. All elements and features to: street fronting units have direct ties to the street level via gates into yards a) provide variation in the facades to help up to an apparent front door reduce the visual length of individual buildings; b) have the appearance of a series of smaller buildings, or as identifiable parts of a larger concept; and c) incorporate components that express strong unit identity and incorporate direct access to grade for ground-floor units. 3 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 6. New multi-family developments should The design incorporates 2 -3 storey scale and massing similar to use design themes, architectural developments in adjacent neighbourhoods. features and elements of the The incorporation of porches, balconies, room orientation, landscaped surrounding neighbourhood by fronting yards and street oriented entries helps create residential scale and incorporating common elements such as character. form, scale, massing and proportion into the design as a means to reinforce There are no garages on the fronting facades. neighbourhood stability. Examples The roof design helps to reduce the scale of the building. include: a) the articulation of facades, using where appropriate, elements such as porches, chimneys, projections, recesses, and balconies; b) the placement, size, shape and number of doors and windows; c) the location and visual appearance of garages and/or parking facilities; d) the selection of appropriate and compatible roof forms; and e) the design of hard and soft landscaping. 7. The exposed undersides of balconies and All exposed areas will have properly located materials porches that are visible from a street or public walkway should be covered with exterior finishes to provide a finished appearance to public view. 8. Developments are encouraged to use na the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDS) standards in the design of buildings. Techniques such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, separation of impervious surfaces, installing below sutface infiltration beds and tree box filters, and redirecting water from drain pipes into vegetated areas are encouraged. 9. Variation in individual unit designs is there are a variety of unit types facing the streets creating variety. There will encouraged to provide visual interest also be two colour schemes ( light and dark) that will alternate between and avoid significant repetition either buildings, with an overall unifying colour tying the project together. within a row of townhouses, or between adjacent rows of units. 4 Guidelines 8.7.1 A {Continued) 10. Garage doors should not face public garages doors face into the developments drive aisle, not the public street. streets. Where front facing garage doors Internal to the project there are a combination of tandem and double car are unavoidable, the impact of garage garages all with apron parking. This arrangement is above and beyond the doors on the public realm should be normal requirements, but was a request from council in the original mitigated by: submission. The tandem parking doors are recessed into the building with a a) designing residential units with enough deck partially covering the apron. width to include attractive entrances The double car garages have e small fa9ade drops to assist in creating an and windows between garages; appearance of recess behind the apron parking. b) recessing garage doors behind the main building fa~ade; c) keeping a sufficient width in residential units to allow the creation of attractive entrances and fenestration between garages. d) grouping garage doors in pairs between adjacent units to allow building entrances and facades more prominence on the street; e) providing interior spaces that overlook the street; f) separating and orienting unit entrances to the street; g) providing individual pedestrian walkways linked to the street; h) including design details such as transom windows or glazing in garage doors; i) a comprehensive landscape plan that identifies how the visual impact of garage doors from the street will be mitigated. 11. Landscaping of rooftops is encouraged NA where possible, to provide shared or private outdoor space for residents and to provide attractive views for residents and passersby. 5 Guidelines 8.7.1 B Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Parking and servicing should be located underground or to the rear of buildings, with access from lanes wherever possible. Where lane access is not possible, access should be from streets via narrow driveways to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. All parking is accessible from the internal drive aisle 2. Parking structures should be adequately screened and architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. Large surface parking areas should be divided into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous appearance with landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement treatment to enhance their visual appearance. Buildings 5 and 6 use the top of a portion of the in ground tandem parking as patio area in their fronting yard areas -patios are close to grade 3. Developments with large parking areas na should provide a direct pedestrian pathway system through the parking area to facilitate convenient and safe pedestrian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscaping with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. 4. Shared vehicle access between adjoining na sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. 6 Guidelines 8.7.1 B (Continued) 5. Locate parking spaces allocated for stall is central to units people with disabilities as close as possible to the main entrance to a building. 6. Crime Prevention through all parking adjacent to individual units and specific to each unit Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities with convenient, safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to building entrances, lobbies or other principal areas of buildings, and to grade level from any underground or above ground parking structures. 7. To increase safety, consider using na electronic security devices and monitoring systems as a supplement to natural surveillance opportunities in parking structures and parking areas. 8. The amount of asphalt surfaces in only the drive aisle will be asphalt. Parking aprons to be of a permeable parking areas should be minimized by finish integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers, etc. or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Road grades, streets, lanes, and site design follows site grading both internally and externally driveways should conform to the existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, roads should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. 7 Guidelines 8.7.1 C Landscaping and Open Space Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Landscaping both within and outside the see landscape plan development should: a) provide definition for pedestrian corridors; b) delineate private and semi private space from public space; c) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces; d) present a pleasing street image; e) provide suitable buffering between public road and privacy areas; f) soften the transition between adjacent land uses; g) provide a buffer between residential and non-residential land uses; h) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site; i) reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties, the scale and massing of buildings, and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 2. Landscape drawings for development all trees within the developable area are being removed and replaced as applications should include, but are not per the landscape and arborists report/plan -see landscape plan limited to, the following information: a) the location of mature and existing trees to be retained or removed, b) the location of all protective tree fencing; c) a grading plan or cross section indicating finished grade; and d) a drainage plan for the site. 3. Street trees will be a required see the landscape plan component of all development. Incorporate deciduous tree species into streetfront landscaping to define site boundaries, to enhance public space, and to permit light penetration in winter. 8 Guidelines 8. 7.1 C (Continued) 4. Energy efficiency and conservation see the landscaping plan should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) using native and/or drought-resistant species; b) designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind; c) providing shade in summer; d) allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the site; e) allowing daylight into buildings; and f) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 5. Maintain continuous landscaping along the landscape plan reflects the presence of continuously fenced abutting streets and minimize the landscaped yard spaces along the fronting streets and boulevards. There is number of interruptions such as only one access to the site driveways and parking entrances. Continue the sidewalk pavement across driveways and parking entrances. 6. Create visual landmarks on significant given the slope and corner visibility, the is limited landscape in the corner street corners and at locations of high visibility. Provide landscaping and consider incorporating features such as flag poles, banners, visual art, ornamental trees, fountains, architectural elements, and landscape structures. 7. Any portion of a building site left vacant na for future development should be landscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall site. The minimum ground surface treatment should be lawn. Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property not being developed. 9 Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 8. Identify, preserve and incorporate there is a western environmental area with creek, now park dedication, that stands of mature trees into the overall will maintain the only mature trees on the site, and will have habitat site landscaping design. Retain unique tree species, significant vegetation, natural landscape features and nesting areas on a site wherever possible. To attain this objective, prior to the design of a project, a detailed survey prepared by a qualified professional indicating the location and condition of existing trees and vegetation on a site should be conducted and provided to the District as part of the development application process. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new planting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replanting with indigenous or native species is encouraged. restoration as per the environmental report see above. The south-east slope is being regarded to allow for the removal of a 3 tiered retaining wall (3.5m) that wold have been required to accommodate the Engineered road design along 236th. The landscape Architect and Environmental Engineer have redesigned the regraded area to do so. 10. Consider incorporating rain gardens and na vegetated swales into parking lot landscaping to increase the natural absorption of rainwater runoff from paved areas into the ground. 11. The height and location of a landscape screen should ensure that: a) privacy to adjacent properties is adequately protected; b) driving site lines are maintained from adjacent roads, manoeuvring aisles, parking lots; and c) the quality of the streetscape and outdoor living spaces is enhanced. 12. Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to increase the natural absorption of rainwater on a site. see landscape plans. Fencing is limited to establish private space and property lines all areas are maximized 10 I Guidelines 8.7.1 D Universally Accessible Design Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. there is one internal road that will provide all access both vehicular, pedestrian and accessible. The play area incorporates accesible ramping for access. 2. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed with large visible from the street; all units have covered entries. Numbers will be visible. The units are not numbers designed as accessible given the nature of the stepping design of the units to the slope b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; c) provided with level areas measuring a minimum of 1.Sm x l.Sm (4.9 ft. x 4.9 ft.) both inside and outside of doorways; and d) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. Guidelines 8.7.1 E Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas 1. Integrate vents, mechanical rooms, na mechanical equipment, and elevator penthouses into the roof design or screen with materials and finishes compatible with the overall architectural design. 2. The design of a roof, placement of na mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 11 3. Garbage containers and recycling bins all garbage containers are internal to the individual units must be: a) easily accessible; b) appropriately sized for the building occupants; c) contained within roofed/walled enclosures; d) incorporated into the overall design of the development; or e) screened from public view and weatherproof and animal-resistant within the boundaries of each site. 4. Service areas should be internalized na within the development. For developments with multiple buildings, common refuse, recycling and service areas are to be provided. Storage areas should be located to be convenient and readily accessible from most buildings or units on the site. Avoid direct exposure from public streets and allow for adequate manoeuvring space for removal vehicles. 5. Enclose or screen all exterior mechanical na units or equipment, including roof top units, equipment, and satellite dishes within upper floors or structures that from part of the overall design of a development. 6. Locate building ventilation systems to na minimize noise and exhaust pedestrian areas, residential units, and outdoor spaces and locate less sensitive land uses closer to sources of noise. 7. Buildings should constructed attenuation: be designed and units as per code maximize sound a) between units; b) between public roads and units; and c) between adjacent land uses and units. 12 .,.. Guidelines 8.7.1 F Signage and Lighting Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. All signage must conform to the Maple na Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message no sign designed for development. should be integrated and complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 3. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged common drive aisle will be lit from unit mounted lighting along all pedestrian routes and pedestrian plazas. The lighting should be pedestrian focused. 4. Lighting should be designed so as to lighting will be designed as down casting in common areas have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. Guidelines 8. 7.1 G Bicycle Parking and Storage 1. Short term and long term bicycle parking na facilities should be considered for all developments. Short term bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads with bicycle racks made of sturdy, theft- resistant material that is securely anchored to the floor or ground. Longer term bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points . Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 13 Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File Number 2 0 15-373-RZ Date prepared: 23 april 2018 ~\/IN Ll R.B->6 Print Name 14 l ' ; 132nd Ave )>125.02M ( 410.17') ---1"'7 116. 79M (383. 17') ,,, NltJIIIQIO~ (136.58')-"7>"-- 8.23M~~u.~~::i~;~~~_,fl__~~rR1;;r,~+~=-m~i~~r~~~======~-=-~:_-;~~~6~~~=-=-=-====::::::r-OM1~i'f- 5.0M STRATA DEVELOPMENT RM-1 ZONING SITE RECONCILI ATION SITE LOCA 110N PROPOSED ZONING PROPOSED HOUSING TYPE TOTAL SITE AREA NET TOWNHOUSE SITE AREA F.S.R. 23616 132 A VENUE SOUlHEAST CORNER OF 236 1H STREET AND 132 ND AVENUE RM-1 16 TOWNHOMES (AND 1 SINGLE FAMILY LOT-AT SUBDIVISION) 6,776.0 SQ.M. (72,934.0 SQ.FT.) 3.721.D SQ.M. (40,054.0 SQ.FT.) (NET= TOTAL SITE AREA, LESS AREA OF ROAD DEDICATION, PARK AREA & SINGLE FAMILY LOT AREA) 2,232 SQ.M. (24,026 SQ.FT.) (60.0:c) AU.OWED 2,040 SQ.M. (21,963 SQ.FT.) (54,ax) PROPOSED REQUIRED PROPOSED SITE COVERAGE (NET SITE) USABLE OPEN SPACE (NET SITE) PLAYGROUND (FLAT) (NET SITE) 1,250.0 SQ.M. (13,461 SQ.FT.) (33.61') 1,134.0 SQ.M. (12,203 SQ.FT.) (30.5ll:) 100.0 SQ.M. ( 1,075 SQ.FT.) (2. 7") 362.0 SQ.M. ( 3,900 SQ.FT.) (9.7") PLAY AREA (TOTAL) (NET SITE) BUILDING HEIGHT SETBACKS 11.0 METERS FRONT: 7.5 M REAR: 7.5 M EXT: 7.5 M INT: 7.5 M 11.0 METERS FRONT: 5.5 M (4.0-4.5 M TO BALC DECK) REAR: 5.5 M EXT: 5.5 M INT: 6.0 M ( 4.5M TO BALC) -in ,.._ a:i ., co U1 q ,.._ N Park 2213m2 )> PARKING PARKING SPACES VISITOR PARKING DISABLED PARKING PROPOSED 32 SPACES (GARAGE PARKING) 23 SPACES (APRON PARKING) 3 SPACES 41.80M (137.14') SITE SCALE: 1" 80" 10 20 1 SPACE (INCLUDED w/total visitor.,) TOTAL PARKING SPACES 58 SPACES FLOOR AREAS UNIT TYPE 'A' (UNITS: 1,3,4&5) UNIT TYPE 'B' (UNIT: 2) UNIT TYPE '81' (UNITS: 6,7,8&9) UNIT TYPE 'C' (UNITS: 10&16) UNIT TYPE 'Cl' (UNITS: 11,12&15 UNIT TYPE 'C2' (UNITS: 13&14) PROPOSED (DOES NOT INCLUDE GARAGE OR 538 SQ.FT,(50SQ.M.)Of BSMl°S) 1,261 SQ. FT. X 4= 5,044.0 SQ. FT. 1,559 sa. FT. x 1= 1,559.0 sa. FT. 1,531 SQ. FT. X 4= 6,124.0 SQ. FT. 1,320 sa. FT. X 2= 2,640.0 SQ. FT. 1,308 SQ. FT. X 3= 3,924.0 SQ. FT. 1,336 SQ. FT. X 2= 2,672.0 SQ. FT. TOTAL FIN. SQ.FT. 21,963 SQ.FT.(2,040 SQ.M.) 54.8 FSR. -(0 ~''---~-----' 0 r..: N PLAN 20·-o· 40 -N r--: ,.._ .....,, :::. 0 -.i-lO gi gi I c...:, ~ ~ ~ " ::5 ~ V) ~ ~ ::, cS (..) "' ,_ ~ 15 .i! ~E ~ S! ~ "-'"' (j c:,] ~Q ""<6 (3~ ~-§ ~~ Cl w f-<.!) (l)Cl .....J ~a: (/) ~:r! :z: f-<(U) z: ~< w 0~ _jf- ~ I-Q_<( 0.... :'.:;~ f-0 51< WU) .....J <-c w 't~ f-> ~.,., U)~ w ~~ Cl ~,Id <C 1-,-..: ~ zcn ~ =>.c w ..... F 0.:-:~~ Cl i'-' &l N z z -, :ii: WO < ::Jct: ct: (.) 0.. C .., q 0 z; "' :::, >-ct: < . :::, 0 z b < >-' "' -, m >-' II "' C m ':-0 w z i ~ Cl I!! vi < < w ct: (.) < C C en C 6 -,;•." . .') ~ < C w ;:i; en < z z 0 ~ vi I(! 5 u:: w ~ I ct: "' w 0 N z Cl --z :!i: < '-4-ct: C 0 -- -i--..., Q) ~ -i--..., (./) EXISTING PROPERTY EDGE WITH AND ROAD DEDICATION NEW ROAD GRADES -i--..., Q) ~ -i--..., (./) -.c:::: -i--..., ~ C"'J OVERLAY EXISTING & RE-GRADE IN SLOPED AREA SCALE: 1" = 20' -0" 8111■ 5 i0 20 40 5.0M \... II II II II II Ill "'-Ill i II ll vt:'11 11 p) p) ~ ... ""' 121 .42M 398.36') AFTER""'° 126.42M ( 414.76') )> RE-GRADE IN SLOPED AREA SCALE: 1" = 20' -0" IIUl.li o sfo 20 40 ~ 0 w I-(.!) V,O _J ~a:: (/) ow :z: I-:C-' :z ~~ <( w o::::i: _JU) ~ .... o.__J 0... :'.::;~ w<( 0 ~< _J <-c 1-1-w LL c: > IN _w I=,.., U)C) w _,~ 0 ~,I/:! <( ._,-:: ~ z"' ~ =>.c: w <0<0 I= □.:,.:~~ c., .:,.: &l z z -, :i: WO < ::J a: a: (.) 0.. C 10 d 0 z N ::::i >-a: < ~ ::, z b < ► N -:, m ► II N D m ':-0 w z i w c., .J ~ iii < < w a: (.) < C C (/) C d I!:! < C w :;;; (/) < z z 0 w iii I!! ....I 5 c;: w ~ I Q'. w 0 N z c., ~ z :i: < '+-a: C 0 N D BLOG 1 ~~·1 BLOG 2 1!!5~- [2J D ,..__ ____ ....:, 1 :0~.~ --fl] I!,. BLDG 3 2O71SQ.FT. -- ~ 'b • !ID rn 1)3] p • BLOG 5 650.FT --□ BLOG 4 2O7150.FT. -- • d ~ • □• 8 @:] [] • d BUILDING SITE COVERAGE TOTAL: 13,461 SQ.FT.(1,250 SQ.t.4) #1 2,961 SQ.FT. 275 SQ.M. z 0 F <{ 0 0 w 0 0 <{ 0 0:::: 1·=20·-o· #2 USEABLE (NET) PROJECT AREA 40,048 SQ.FT. 3,721 SQ.M . [a • 0 YARD , DECK AND ROOF SPACE PER UNIT ~ INDICATES UNIT FOOTPRINT 1·=20'-o" TOTAL SITE AREA (GROSS) 72. 934 SQ.FT. 6,776 SQ.M . PARK 23,827 SQ.FT. 2,213 SQ.M . #4 2,961 SQ.FT. SF LOT +40,048 SQ.FT. 6 099 S . FT. +23,827 SQ.FT. 567 SQ .M. +6,099 SQ.FT. =72,934 SQ .FT. SI TE AREA BREAKDOWN 275 SQ.M. (#1) 3.721 SQ.M. (#2) 2,213 SQ.M . (#3) 567 SQ.M . (#4) 6,776 SQ.M . 1"=20'-o" gi gi I (.'.) ~ ~ I ~ " :3 ~ LI) ~ I:: :::, cl (__) "' .... lJJ Cj ~ ~ g! ~ (.j c::;J §!10 ~6 ~~ ~! Cl w I-<.!) v,c:::, --' ~iE -............ (/) ~~ (/) I-I-z: ~< <!: w o:::E' ~ I-• I- 0.... ~~ (/) (/) 0 :E< <!: --' <-c w LL. 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DOOR 12 -DOOR -( I I I I I / 236th STREET ELEVATION UNITS 1-3, BLDG 1 I I I ~ II:·==:!"?-~~:::;.__, OPEN PLAY AREA (SLOPED) RIGHT ELEVATION UNIT 5 BLDG 2 OPEN PLA (SLOPED .__ .. £ -fr----- 236th STREET ELEVATION • ---/~-/ UNITS 4&5, BLDG 2 REAR ELEVATION UNITS 6&7, BLDG 3 REAR ELEVATION UNITS 8&9, BLDG 4 Cl w <.!:) I-v,c:, _J ~a: (/) VJ 0~ z: I-:i:~ 0 :z ~2 w I-. I-:::iE >-~ <( a.. 0 ~< > _J <-c w w 't c!5 _j > F,., w w _,- Cl ~,l;ef <C ~~ ~ ~ =>.c: W wu:i F Cl,:.:-~ c., .:.:~ z li: z -:, < WO d 8: ll'. 0 0 r--;,; 0 ::, N b I-ti) I ::, ii c., ::, ► ~ < m ► ~ 0 m w t5 i ~ ~ vi < < w ll'. 0 < 0 0 (I) 0 d z I!:! < 0 w ::i; ti) < z z 0 ~ ~ vi 5 [i: w ~ I ll'. w a N z c., ~ z li: < 4-ll'. 0 0 ~ ~ ~ -- - - - ., o . . , m u i • u N - '= I ~7 7 ~ ~ I I I I I I l I I ~ HI U P ! ! i ! 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E : E FIL E NA M E DA TE : 17 AU G U S T 20 1 7 EL E V A Tl ON s c: ; o Zf . i -: c ;- - 1 • fT 1 13 2 n d AV E . -- - - - - - - - · - - - ~ C ;; o zc . ; =i ... . . -- 1 CJ ) IT 1 r cn r, r< O) > G) :: : j CJ ) 0 z -f t . ~ __ _ ,. lil z ., ; i ; j !! i i / ~- - - - - - { I ;:; : : : o GC l l .... mtl l .. . C,, N _ . . ::: I I I I 11 1 I 11 I 11 =t, ~~ s i~ 1JU H I ~ :1 ;i j n 1 1 1 ~ : I ff i ~ ; ~ !! ; & , , , ,~ : t! 1~ ~ Cl r r z " AB O V E GR A D E CO N S U L TI N G DE S I G N AN D DE V E L O P M E N T SO L U T I O N S kjl d r a f t t l h o t m a i l . c o m 77 8 - 2 4 0 - 0 9 0 9 ... . . _,. co z ;;o =i < l/ l fT 1 ... . . )> c. . , , , vi I r ... . . fT 1 0) fT 1 CD r b IT \ ~ G) :: : J 0) z co z ;;o =i < l/ l IT \ (! ) )> )> I vi ui ... . . r r .!' . J fT 1 rr l ai r r IT \ o< G) )> 01 :: : : ! 0 z "T ' J O :;o ;:o o- ;,: : i'i , .. . . )> I l, j _ NU l :, r a. rr l l~ l 9 , l g l 9 . l l l l r-~1 1 ~ ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 ♦ <A N = o em " " 4 G U ' I .. C., ~ - :j 11 1 11 il j f f i! j j ! ; d1 ~; l f f l u .~ ii ! i' ;r DR A W I N G NO : 1~ = N S I DA l E :0 ·1~ E S I G N E D BY : 1; ~ ~ ~ : ~ P E M A DE V E L O P M E N T S LT D 1-- . -- - - - - - - - - 1 . - - - - 1 ~ ~ . D R A W l , j BY · 16 UN I T MU L T I - F A M I L Y TO l ' t t l H O M E S • 23 6 t h ST . & 13 2 n d A VE . , MA P L E RID G E 6 of 12 I I I 'S C A L E : 1/ 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " U.N .O. I DR A W I N G Tll L E : E FIL E NA M E DA l E : 17 AU G U S T 20 1 7 EL E V A T I O N S r [1 1 l l i I C __ . z c. . , , , -N -l ::: , l/ l a. (! ) )> I< ... . . ,! ' . J Z C CD - r PJ 0 G) (J 1 < :: : J ~' I f a1 II L __ .! - f l f t l l l l l h- 1 Il l 1, ... . lN I .. 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I DR A W I N G TI T L E : BU I L D I N G 2 E- F I L £ NA M E DA T E : 0B A U G 1 7 PL A N S _/ II I I W ! ~ ~- Il l u !!> i ~ I ~[ ~ I ' I !ll ' ~ I AB O V E GR A D E CO N S U L TI N G OE S / G N AN O OE V E L O P M E N T SO L U T I O N S kjJ d r a f t O h o t m a / 1 . c o m 77 8 - 2 4 0 - 0 9 0 9 "- - - ✓ ~ mP J I .. . !~ 2 J 2l° L [ ~ [I ~ p Il l 1 ~ I SI I ~ ! I I I j ~ ! ~ ~ ! co L __ )> I l . z; ! I )> z 11 ~ l ~ 1 I U) m1 I lt J !2 ! 1 f7 7 lli I -r i I r' ~ .- -··- - t t = = = = = = = = = ~ ; = = = = = = = = ~ ~ f7 7 0 ~ :z : ~ r; j ~ ~I .J d ] < f = = ! J ~ 11 ! .- i!! f.1 CJ p- ~ I! )> I i I :z : ~ : fi L - - ' i l - - 4 1 -o I I_ .- I )> I :z : :: : : : 0 I C l~ il~ ! i ~~ : r= ; = , = -- - - ~ r 1 0 i -- - ] -r i 0 l -r i ~ I 1--· · · · 0 i: ; [ '!I -- - - - - - - - - - - I: CJ =- t C f7 7 ~ I I u 0 ~ f l u ~ I ~ ~~ !II ::; : : : s : : ; : : : I f7 7 ~ ! j :: : : : 0 u -- - .- ~ r ~ -r i )> .- I m i: lC !2 "' :z : 0 !ll ~ Ill t 0 :: : : : 0 F= f - 1 ~ B1 l i ~~ · !!! '! u '! I --- ~~ .-)> z: DR A W I N G NO : !R E V I S I O N S DA T E NO . DE S I G N E D BY : CL I E N T : DE M A DE V E L O P M E N T S LT D PL O T T E D PR O J E C T : AB O V E GR A D E CO N S U L TI N G . 16 UN I T MU L 11 - F A M I L Y TO Y r N H O ME S DR A ' M ' - 1 BY . 23 6 t h ST . & 13 2 n d AV [ MA P L E RID G E ~ I / DfS I G N AN D DE _ V E L O P M £ N T S0 L U T / 0 N S 1 0 f 1 2 • "4 - - - " kp d r o f t o t i o t m a l l . c o m 0 SC A L E : 1/ 8 " = 1 ' - O " U.N . O . DR A W I N G TI T L E : BU I L D I N G S 3& 4 . 77 8 - 2 4 0 - 0 9 0 9 E- F I L E NA M E DA T E : OB A U G 1 7 PL A N S 1 1 ~ -- r i ~ )> :z : -- r i r-0 0 :: : : : 0 u r- )> :z : :: : : : 0 0 0 -- r i :: : : : 0 0 0 -- r i ~ CJ fT l 0 A u r- )> :z : - --r ! 0 I - 1 r~cn 1 ~ I ;! ; ' z ' <> I - ln 'i : ! 1 r~cn 1i DR A W I N G NO : I RE V I S I O N S I DA T E PL O T T E D I of 12 1 I E- F I L E NA M E I i > ~ 0 C Jj : s z <> ~ C Pi 5 f s ' 0 z <> ! !5 i I ~O . \ DE S I G N E D BY : I I DR A W N BY : I ls c A L E : 1· = 1 O · - o · u.N.o. ID A T E : OB A U G 1 7 rn -- r i I rn )> U) fT l ~ fT l :z : -- - 1 ~ -- r i :z : CJ u r- )> :z : C -r i C -- u . -t J fT l :: : : : 0 -r i r-0 0 :: : : : 0 u r- )> :z : CL I E N T : DE M A DE V E L O P M E N T S LT D PR O J E C T : 16 UN I T MU L T I - F A M I L Y TO Y m H O M E S 23 6 t h ST . & 13 2 n d A Vf. ., MA P L E RI D G E DR A W I N G TI T L E : 8 u I LO IN G 6 PL A N S u - I El ! u I II I I I I , .. _J I ! o I il -f ~ , q1 1 1 1 111 1 .. I I :& di & I _i 11 I □ ··- i I a, ti I "' !i i •J = - "' ID "' I AB O V E GR A D E CO N S U L TI N G DE S I G N AN D DE V E L O P M E N T so w n O N s k) J d r a f t O h o t m a i l . c o m 77 8 - 2 4 0 - 0 9 0 9 - - ·r: : : = , 1 cr = == r lS ! 0 ~ ~ I ii; I )! ; ; J . ' 12 77 I t° i ,, , , __ '. .. . J ~ ---\ _ r f : - I z :: : z : im 1~1 ~ 1 77 r 0 O _ :: : : 0 u r )> :z : :: : : 0 0 0 77 :: : : 0 0 0 77 '- - - - - - . . CJ f" T l 0 ::: , ; : : : : : : u r )> :z : I l,u 1! , , ; J . . . J I~ ! Il k [ I CP I 11 L- ~ - .. . . . . . . , .. . . . . '" C: ,; ; z " C: -N ~ .. I C: ,; ; z " ! i I > DR A W I N G NO : I RE V I S I O N S DA TE !N O . I DE S I G N E D BY : OJ 77 I OJ )> U) f" T l ~ f" T l :z : -- l '- - - - - - . . 77 :z : 0 u r )> :z : C 77 C u u f" T l :: : : 0 77 r 0 0 :: : : 0 u r )> :z : CL I E N T : DE M A DE V E L O P M E N T S LT D I PL O T l E D I I I I PR O J E C T : t- - - - - - - - - - - - - l i - - - - - - - 4 - - - I D R A W N BY · 16 UN I T MU L T I - F A M I L Y TO W N H O M E S • 23 6 t h ST . & 13 2 n d A 1/f . . , MA P L E RID G E 1 2 0 f 1 21 I j !S C A L E : 1/ 8 " = 1 ' - o " u. N . o . I E- F I L E NA M E I I lo A T E ; OB A U G 1 7 DR A W I N G TIT L E : BU I LO IN G 5 PL A N S DU ~ l;- 1 1 ~ I l~ _ _ J •·- - IL . __ J ] ~-h I II a U L_ : : - __ _ -- . I b - h l il l z: !II I I I 1 I o a I I n e I i I a, n I ll l l I lL ~ ~ ~ = I - I i I I , I , ' ' I : r1 r- -- -- - - - - - - --- , i !! l '! I •l = AB O V E GR A D E CO N S U L TI N G DE S I G N AN O DE V E L O P M E N T SO L U T I O N S kj J d r a f t l l h o t m a l l . c o m 77 8 - 2 4 0 - 0 9 0 9 Culvert C><J ~ Q) Q) l____ ~ lr) STAIRS BY OTHERS 42" FENCE AND GATE ., ... . ' : .. ·_., .. , ' -~ .. · •• ~ .... . ...... -. +~ 'IWE --won-~ ... -"""' ~,' GRAVEL SWALE WITH LOGS AND BOULDERS AT BASE OF SLOPE WITH NATIVE PLANTING eY /$) 5Y + 132nd Ave BL G ~ 16146-5,ZJP @Co;,yrig!I: ,...,.,..,, Thia ~ .... dov;n .... prope,.nyot PMG Landtc:apt/uc/'ilttct:sardmay not be tepi~o.-\IMdfot af°Mt ptojeds~!hwt their permission, Suite C100 -4185 Slill Creek Drive Burnaby, 8,[li,h Col~ VSC 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; I ~ 294-0022 SEAL: J t1.-..U ~tt•lltWSl'Tl'fl.L'(/(OUVCMTS NO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION CLIENT: PROJECT: RESIDENTIAL DEV. 236TH STREET & 132ND AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRA\MNG TITLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN DR, DATE: 16JUL.19 ORAV\JING NUMBER: SCALE: 1/16"=1'-0" Ll DRA\MII: DO DESIGN: CHK'D: MCY OF4 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 16-146 PLANT SCHEDULE PMG PROJECT NUMBER: ..., B01A1'111CAL ~Ml COWl(WilllCAME PUJ,IIID SU' RUaARKI l ABIES FRASERI FRASER FIR 175MHT; 8&B ACER RUSRUM 'BOOtW.J..' REOMAPU: 6CM CAL; 2M sro: B&B ACER RU8RUM 'OCTOBER GLORY' OCTOBER GLORY MAPLE 6CM CAL: 1,SMSTD;B&B CERClDIPHYLLUM JAPONICUM KATSURA TREE 6CM CAL; 1 IIM STO; B&B MAGNOLIA KOBUS 'STELLA.TA' STAR MAGNOUA SCMCAL PICEA OMORIKA SERBIAN SPRUCE 25MHT.; S+B PICEA PUN GENS COlORAOO SPRUCE 3.5MHT.;B•B STYRAX JAPONICUS JAPANESE SNOWSEU. 5CM CAL: 1 8M STO: B&B 't' ARBUT\JS UNEOO 'COMPACTA' STRA\.WERRY lREE #3 PDT:BOCM BERBERIS THUNBERGll 'ROYAL BURGUNOY' 'ROYAL BURGUNDY'BARBERRY llPOT;40CM euxus MICROPHYUA WINTER GEM' U"Tn.E-1..EAFBOX f.2POT CORNI.JS SERICEA RE01V'IIG DOGWOOD •2POT:.50CM COPHIJtlOl:IC(!A-,:e:ucr" DWARF KELSEY DOGWOOD t3POT: 80CM CORNUS SERICEA 'WINTcRFIRE' YELLOwnMG DOGWOOD •JPOT;70CM HYDRANGEA QUERC\FOLIA 'SNOWFLAKE' SNOVVFLAKE HYDRANGEA JJPOT;80CM MAHONIAAOUIFOUUM OREGON GRAPE t2POT;SOCM NANDINA 00~.ESTICA HEAVEM.. Y BAMBOO UPDT:SOCM NANDINA OOMESTICA 'NANA' HEAVENLY BAMBOO: DWARF #3POT;50CM RHOOOOENORON 'CHRISTMAS CHEER' RHODODENDRON; BLUSH PINK •JPDT;50CM RHOOODENDRON 'P.J.M-' RHOOODENDRON;LIGHTPURPLE:E MAY 13POT;SOCM RIBES SANGUINEUM RED FLOWERING ClJRRANT 112POT;60CM ~ ROSA GYMNOCARPA BALOHIP ROSE Jl2POT;40CM ROSA MEICELANO 'BONICA' MEIOILANO ROSE; PINK 13PQT;60CM ~ SKIMMIA .IAPONICA (10% MALE) JAPANESE SKIMMIA #3POT;SOCM SYMPHDRICARPOS ALBUS SNOWB!::RRV "12PDT;30CM SVMPHORICARPOS MOL.llS TRAILING SNO'NBERRY 12PDT:30CM . J,V;U$X~"lfCMlr HCK'SYEW 1.2M;B&8 t THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 'SMAR.A.GD' EMERALD GREEN CEDAR 2MHT:eae TSUGA CANADENSIS 'GRACILIS' DWARF CANADIAN HEMLOCK #10POT VACCINIUM CORVMBOSUM 'BLUE CROP' EOJ8lE BLUEBERRY IJPOT;SOCM VIBURNUM DAIJIDII DAIJIC7S VIBURNUM #2PDT;30CM -i -UIICUSEFFUSUS COMMON RUSH It POT PENNISET\.JM ALOPECUROIDES 'HAMELIN' DWARF FOUNTAIN GRASS 1111 POT f'l!"t),lML ,@ . "°""'OC,WJ5 OAVLILY 11 PDT; 1-2 FAN ~ I ARCTOSTAF'HYLOS WA-URSI Klr-.tf/Kl~ICK 11 POT;20CM FRAGA RIA x A NANA SSA GARDEN STRAWBERRY 9CM POT GAlA..THERIA SHALLON SAi.AL #1 POT;20CM LONICERA PILEATA PRIVET HONEYSUCt(l..E 11 PDT;25CM PACHYSANDRA TERMINALIS JAPANESE SPURGE 111 POT; 1SCM Pot.YSTICHUM MUNITUM WE.SlERN SWORD FERN 11 POT;20CM tXU!:S: • 1'Wff ~I 1'2 TI9:I LIST ARE iF{crlED,t,CCCfOI~ TO 'tHE CA.~J ~ 4'1.AIOMO.. \ATU:T ECfTIOU. CONTAINER ~ SPECIF'IED A&P£A ~,ST~:,. -ac>n--+ fll,U,l"J.$llt,Ui!JCONT-""a"lt5&ZIAA£ 'tKWa,t,NACCIJIT~ S:IZUt • REU!ltTOPfancAl10NJFOR DEFINED COlffAHn UU,~£HT5 "1:0 OTI-EFI PI.Nff MAITERiAL~IR •;ENta--1 MC>REYltW, ~fl\.,t,,tr ,!M~~ A.VALi&£ FOR OPTIONAL R£\,!EW8Y\.AIC)!'.:CAN!AACHjTEC1'"Al SOUi\CE 0,-SUPPLV A.1'f,40F~TO INCU.Ol.~W#&NIOANOP.AAUJIV.MJ.,EY. • :SW5TIT\fflOM:: 08T"NNY4'fJreH.-,PP\OYAlFROM"fltl!~MaflU:TP$tl0R101,WCulQ"'"~l\fTICflS TODIE~D~\I"~ .M.BSTtn,mo:•.I.TIV41-Gl~J7TEQ, ~l,t.llf"l.)l,UU.OFFl\'eOAffP8QllTODELNE"fF'OR,'t£0\ll!.:ITlOIU81:i,fflUTt... Jb9,JTlntn0U;AAe-151J!.Jm"TTO CA~LANOSCAPE STANOARD-tEFU~,01!1 ~el AVl>JUBl.rfY All~ UAUJdAI. ~WDAIIMArffMf' KntMUl"Ofl:acti!D CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANOAR0'5 l.ATECT £DrTI0M, ,\lJ,.Pl,ANTMA:TERIAL llil.lST t!L~Ol'N'OM ctRnAED Dl;i~Ji:RU"IMUtR7' • LAWN •· ...... , . •,. '·•;; ~·-.>~ -~"'... ·-- 16·14S TREE SCHEDULE PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 16•146 ••• QTY eQTAlrlC,t.t.W,iiMI: COMMOHNAMI PU<ll1TD MZilllbUJIKS ~ ' A8IES F'RASERI FRASER FIR 1.75M HT; B&B ' ACER RUBRUM 'BOWHALL' RED MAPLE 6CM CAL; 2M STD; B&B " ACER RUBRUM 'OCTOBER GLORY' OCTOBER GLDR'I' MAPlE 6CM CAL; 1 SM STD; B&B 3 CERCIOIPHYLLUM JAPOMCUM KATSURA TAEE 6CM CAL: 1 8M STD; 9&9 t 6 WAGUOU,.KOG!J:'STEI.L,f.'fA' STAR MAGNOLIA SCMCAL . F'ICEA OMORIKA SERBIAN SPRUCE 25MHT;B+B ' PICEA PUNGENS COLORADO SPRUCE 3.sMlfT.;B+B ' STYRAX JAPONICUS JAPANESE SNOWBEL.l 5CM CAL; 1 SM STD: B&B HC)tt~ •,utff IUE~ .. ,n., UST Nl£SP!.ClfllD~lOTI« cu~w:o~ $ToVCIARO.\AlDTEi:,'DCH. C0NT~"'9....R ~ SP[C!RED ,.,nllCl'IA~ IOTHf'I.N'ita!.NOCOffl~~ARE'n-CWUMU.1~~'40.. •RUtftTOSPEQflCAnat..s,:~oe, .. o.;co CONl'AlilER ,_..:!AS\.IIWl.£JlfG ANO Oll«Rfll.ANT·MA~flt.~lf;. • tEAACHNl:l.ll'EVEV: M.AICt PI.JJITMA~ AYNV,1/IJ. FOR.OP1lONAt. ff("VtEWIJY\N;n$CAJl!AltanECTAT~O,::RJPf'LY. AA!A.Oll&EA.ROfTO)PQUO(l,O'l"OW~ilON-Ofl\As.EAVAU.lY.•~stmJ110Ni! OIT.liO~~Al'f/1RDVAI.FROM'D£L.A!crst:Al'EAR:Ofll.C:T~lOJl~NfYiU8Snl'\fflOfl5 TOTFElfU:lf1£0MA.l'DUAL~D ;uesnTUTIOM3'MU.l!ltEJECltD. .w..0\VA~O/FRVfOl'-\t.S"PIIDRTOC!El.NER't10ftft!ct.£1"TTO~TTTUTE ~uumvtJCIN$#,ltE.5\leL.EtTfQ C,.,w;,J,NW~,tNc».RO-CVlNTIOl'tOFco,..o-nON:s~AVM.A&J,JTV.AU..~M4TDUAl~WORK~MU:iTMUT0AUCll!:D ~CINI~ ITAHD.t.llOSUt.fHT(tiTJO:f.AU.-lltNfTMATVl\,l4MUITaf;Pft0'./UOfflOMctftTIFlf.ODBV.SEf'!EllrJMER'r ' BL + ~~ GRAVEL SWALE WITH LOGS AND BOULDERS AT BASE OF SLOPE WITH NATIVE PLANTING 6 16146--5.ZIP ©Cc~ r•nnoffl Thlli ~l'l;t end design Is Iha propmy of PMG l11ndaa.pe Aichi~ IDl"IO may ~ l;w, rep,OOJOIOc, IAedforOUM-.1 pn:,fec:tt,~Jhout.UM!!il' permission. Suite C100 • 4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, Stilish Colt.unbf~, V5C 6G9 P• 604 294-0011 ; t 804 294-0022 SEAL: 11.e«..l) UV!illiUIJtlWSilf~lillUil\ •c ll"JIIOV.JIO H'll'lltO~IW1llll'IM 1 W)CT.U ~$~1,.JJl'(II.QNMUffl 00 NO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION OR. CLIENT: PROJECT: RESIDENTIAL DEV . 236TH STREET & 132ND AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC ORAIMNG TITLE: LANDSCAPE AMENITY ENLARGEMENT DATE: 16JUL,19 DRAIMNG NUMBER: SCALE: l/8"::J'-0~ L2 DRAWN: DO DESIGN: MCY CHK'D: MCV OF4 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 16-146 4 OFF SITE ----BOULEVARD, SIDEWALK AND STREET TREES UJ UJ 0:: I- 1-UJ UJ 0:: 1-(/) ' : ·f ---- -- 4 .... ' 4q ~-1· 44 o:: SOD LAWN SECTION 1 HABITAT HABITAT PLANTING ON SLOPE WITH BIOSWALE AND SPLIT RAIL FENCE AT BOTTOM I PLANTING ----PLAY AREA ON SLOPE 50 49 __ 48 47 le[ 46-=----aa=-----=--i~ ' 45 I -,- ' 44 I --,- ' ....J la. SECTION 2 0:: UJ (9 z ii: a. (/) __ -i- .. r~''-r.:• ,: ' {}' '(/·. ' ,J l,q, w .., . (9 RAMP TO DRIVE -- AISLE DRIVE AISLE KOMPAN ROBINIA PLAY PIECES .-------,------ '\·, ~-. r·/1/· SPRINGER .. l/;·/' ' f i ' ' 1! \ / ', STILTS AMENITY AREA PLANTING PALETTE ABIES FRASERI ACER RUBRUM 'OCTOBER GLORY' MAGNOLIA KOBUS 'STELLATA' PICEA OMORIKA PICEA PUNGENS ARBUTUS UNEDO 'COMPACTA' BERBERIS THUNBERGII 'ROYAL BURGUNDY' BUXUS MICROPHYLLA 'WINTER GEM' CORNUS SERICEA CORNUS SERICEA 'WINTERFIRE' MAHONIA AQUIFOLIUM NANDINA DOMESTICA 'NANA' RHODODENDRON 'CHRISTMAS CHEER' RISES SANGUINEUM ROSA GYMNOCARPA SYMPHORICARPOS ALBUS SYMPHORICARPOS MOLLIS THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 'SMARAGD' TSUGA CANADENSIS 'GRACILIS' VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM 'BLUECROP' •NOTE: PLANT PALETTE INCLUDES NATIVE SPECIES. EDIBLE BLUEBERRIES AND STRAWBERRIES AROUND THE PLAY AREA. AND FOOD/COVER SOURCES FOR HABITAT ON THE SLOPE SECTION CUTS ... ·-• .... ·~ ·J/~· ~~ t )v: -~\: ... ! ' ~7 ! ©CoNl\g ....... lVed Th,Ja,ow,ngandonigil>IM p,OJ)M!Y o/ PMG l11nd,eapc Arc:hilod& W inll)' not to reproo.,c::edOr'LZ1edforoUM:1~vl.~U,elr perm1ss1on_ rnln-•i~~~iif6 Suite C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, B.rililh Columb(a1 V5C 6G9 p: 604 29~ 1 ; t 61)4 294-0022 SEAL: • u.oc..u: ~"'"""°snr~tt -... a 1'.-W.. .!lll'fflCHJIMLWIITll'WII U I 1-.«T,lt ~flMl1(#N,d""~ DO NO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION OR. CLIENT: PROJECT: RESIDENTIAL DEV. 236TH STREET & 132ND AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRA\/IANG TITLE: AMENITY AREA SECTIONS DATE: 16.JUL.19 ORAVVING NUMBER: SCALE: 3/16~=1·--0• L3 DRAl/ih,I: DO DESIGN MCY CHK'D: MCY OF4 16146-5,ZIP PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 16~146 2x4 TOP/BOTTOM RAIL--ST AP -1x2 PO C -1x4 6x6 POST -2" 3 '-3" 3"GAP- :-; I I ~ ~ -i I I I \ I I I I f\ I ~ -~ I 2x4 FRAME AND CROSS SUPPORT 4'-2" I 6'0.C. MAX LATCH §fil. I ---rr-±2" GAP r:;~· ,--,-----,-----I ' I I I ~ I I '~ ~ -~ -' ~ ~ ~ --~ --- 'L I HEAVY DUTY HIDGES -4''- 2 ,_ NOTE 1. ALL POSTS PRESSURE TREATED TO CSA STANDARD AND END CUTS TREATED WITH PRESERVITIVE. I -~ I I I I . I I ~ I I 4X4 POST - ' I 1/3 POST HEIGHT IN CONCRETE FOOTING ON 3" DRAIN ROCK 2. ALL OTHER MEMBERS TO BE CEDAR. #2 (CONSTRUCTION) GRADE MINIMUM. 3. ALL HARDWARE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED. 4. APPLY 2 COATS EXTERIOR STAIN TO MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATION. FINISH SELECTION AS APPROVED BY PROJECT ARCHITECT. 5. ALL FENCES TO BE LEVEL. CHANGES IN GRADE TO BE IN 12"-18" STEPS (MAX.). LJ L! LJ LJ L LJ LJ J LJ GAPS TO GRADE TO FOLLOW FINISH GRADE. GAP TO BE 3-6". BACK OF GATE DETAIL PICKET FENCE AND GATE 112"=1'-0" ~)---POST CAP 2x4 CEDAR 2x6 P.T.-t---,l~lll--1x6 CEDAR 2x6 P.T. 4x4 P.T. POST 1x8 CEDAR BOARDS 1"0VERLAP 12"x12"x24" CONCRETE FOOTING. SLOPE TOP EDGE FOR DRAINAGE F,"""l COMPACTED SUBGRADE NOTES: I . j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I ' I I ' I I I I I ! I I I I I I ' I ' I I I I ! I I I ' ' ; 1 I I ' I I I I I ! I I I I I ' I I I ' ' I ' ' I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I ' I I I : I ! I I I I ! ' I I I ' I I I I ' I I I I I l I I I ' I I I I I ' I I I I I I I ' I I I ' I I ' I I I I ' I I ' ! : : I I ' 1. ALL POST TO BE PRESSURE TREATED TO CSA STANDARDS. ALL OTHER MEMBERS TO BE MINIMUM #2 CONSTRUCTION GRADE UNLESS OTHER WISE SPECIFIED. 2. APPLY TWO COATS PRESERVATIVE TO ALL END CUTS. 3. ALL 1-jARDWARE TO BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED. 4. APPLY TWO COATS OF STAIN ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. ANO IN A CQLOUR TO MATCH BUILDING AS APPROVED BY THE PROJECT ARCHITECT. 5' HT. SOLID WOOD FENCE 1/2"=1'-0'' I I I I ' ' I ' I ! I I I : I ' I ' I ' I ' I . I I I I I I I ' : ,1<---------8' 0.C. HAX---+-------,r POST ON CONCRETE FOOTING f RAILS . r -.,: ---.. ~---~--~ -,E..=~ ---= LL--.--1--=----..----~ _---_------_=--____, __ LAGBOL T GALVANIZED BRACKET IN CONCRETE FOOTING TO POST 1. ALL HARDWARE TO BE HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED RAIL FENCE . . • • .. .. 1614~5.ZJP (Q Cowffotit reutved. 'T1'H cbNinp orid Ol.dgn ii Uie propu1')' of PMG t..ndlOIPI AttNl_.;ts.xS ru, not.be reproO.l~a ot ...ectfo, O:he-t p~ WllboUI. rhar permission, Suite C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, Bfl\iah ColumtQ. VSC 6G9 p: 604 2!U-0011 ; t. 604 294-0022 SEAL I l'J>tC..U liC\'IRIQH[WJITJ~,coo.,»Dm a. J lP.NOV.JO JNll,UJIII.Wlru_JV,.¥ ~II. \ 14..00'.}I h1Cll~'AW'f4IIICO,,,.Y(HT) 00 NO. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DR, CLIENT: PROJECT: RESIDENTIAL DEV. 236TH STREET & 132ND AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC ORA\NING TITLE: LANDSCAPE DETAILS DATE: 16JUl.,19 SCALE: AS SHOWN DRAIM\I: OD DESIGN: CHK'D: MCY PMG PROJECT NUMBER: DRAIMNG NUMBER: L4 OF4 16-146 l ~l■d mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: Advisory Design Panel 2016-176-DP 23711132 Avenue MEETING DATE: May 16, 2018 PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel application has been submitted for the above-referenced property to permit the construction of a multi-family townhouse development with 16 units in the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone. The rezoning application supporting this proposal was given first reading by Council on July 26, 2016. A Watercourse Protection and Natural Features Development Permit will also accompany this application for the watercourse and steep slopes onsite. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed : Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Brookside Properties Ltd . Lot 23 Section 28 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 48925 Medium/High Density Residential; Conservation; Low Density Urban Medium/High Density Residential; Low Density Urban and Conservation (adjusted boundaries) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Single Family Residential CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) Medium/High Density Residential Single Family Residential RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Conservation, Low Density Urban Park P-1 (Park and School) Neighbourhood Park, Conservation, Medium/High Density Residential Multi Family Residential RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Medium/High Density Residential Vacant Multi Family Residential Page 1 of 3 5.3 I · I r Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: 0.34 ha (0.84 acres) 133 Avenue Urban Standard A Multi-Family Development Permit is required for all new multi-family development on land designated for Multi-Family development. The purpose of a Multi-Family Development Permit is to enhance existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs and minimize potential conflicts on neighbouring land uses. The Key Guideline Concepts are as follows: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low-rise ground-oriented housing located to the periphery of higher density developments. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. PLANNING COMMENTS: Official Community Plan The applicant is proposing a 16 unit townhouse development on the subject property (see Appendix A). The applicant has provided a design rationale (see Appendix D) and has completed the Multi-Family Residential Development Permit Guidelines checklist (see Appendix E). This application requires rezoning from the RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) zone and the RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) zone to the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone. The development site is located just outside of the River Village within the Silver Valley Area Plan and is currently designated Medium/High Density Residential. The Medium/High Density Residential designation allows both multi-family and single family forms. The proposed rezoning to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) complies with the Medium/High Density Residential designation within the Silver Valley Area Plan. Context The subject property, located to the east of the River Village within the Silver Valley Area Plan, is 0.34 ha (0.84 acres) in size. The subject property is currently vacant and is bound by both single family and multi family developments to the west, single family lots to the north and south, and Cedar Park to the east. Maple Ridge Park Creek is located directly south of the subject property. Large boulders and rocky outcrops have been identified throughout the property, with a significant feature located along the northeast boundary of the site. The subject property slopes from north to south and has several trees located throughout. A separate application for rezoning and subdivision has just been approved to allow three single family lots to be developed south of the watercourse. The three lots were part of the subject property prior to subdivision; however, two separate applications have been applied (the subject townhouse application and the recently completed three lot subdivision). Page 2 of3 I I r I I ) Parking The Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350 -1990 requires that the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone provide two off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit, plus 0.2 spaces per dwelling unit designated for visitors. There are 16 dwelling units proposed, therefore, 32 resident parking spaces are provided and 5 visitor parking spaces (see Appendix G). Additionally, one accessible parking space has been provided, which meets the minimum required amount. Garbage/Recycling Garbage and recycling can be stored in the garage of each unit and will be collected via the internal strata road. • Offsite Upgrades The existing asphalt sidewalk across the frontage is required to be replaced with a concrete sidewalk, as well as street trees required along 133 Avenue. Storm drainage is proposed to outfall to the existing creek to the south. Proposed Variances The applicant will likely be seeking variances for the front, rear, and side yard setbacks. Variances for building height and parking arc are also requested, as summarized on the Project Data Sheet DP -0.7 in the attached plans (see Appendix G). The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on this development proposal. Prepared by: Adam Rieu The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject Map Appendix B Submission Checklist Appendix C Design Rationale Appendix D Stormwater Management Appendix E Development Data Sheet Appendix F Multi-Family Design Guidelines Appendix G Architectural Plans Appendix H Landscaping Plans Page 3 of 3 L 13347 13350 13343 13346 13339 13340 13335 13336 13331 13332 13325 13326 13319 13320 13315 13312 ., ., i ;;; ::: g: 13295 13289 13283 13ZT7 I I I ' 13245 I I I I I ' I I 13250 I I I I I!;; I ---!~ I I 13227 I I • I r 13215 I I I I I r I ~---- N Scale: 1 :2,500 iii 0, .... ., '"' 18 "' ::: :;: ti ~ l2 lg "' ::: ~ ::: ::: '"' ::: ::: l::l "' 133 AVE. "' .... ;;; "' ;;; <o "' "' ::: ~ "' _ _,,.,,. __ ~ <o '"' "' Legend Stream - Ditch Centreline Indefinite Creek Lake or Reservoir :!: <o ~ 13333 13332 13329 McCAULEY GRES. ~ ... "' C "' ... <o "' ., ;; "' ~ "' "' 13:f22 '"' '"' '"' ~ t? t? t? t? t? t? 13317 !ii 13318 <( r--1331J fl 1314 23743 13309 13310 23745 13305 tt,306 R ... ., "' ,., 2 ~ 11! ~ ~ ~ :::c a, 301 r,; ., l:l '"' ~ ~ ~ ~ "' "' .. "' "' C0 13292 ~ ~ 2 ~ i:i ~ ~ 13295 13282 13275 13276 "' ., ~ 13268 13265 f-' (/J 13260 ~ 13257 i:l 13250 13251 132AAVE. 13238 13235 13230 13225 13220 13215 "' ;::: ~ 13205 13210 ~ l:l 132AVE. ----....-----~ a, ~ ::: 23711 132 AVENUE FILE: 2016-176-DP DATE: Jan 9, 2017 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY:PC ., 1.; g: ~--ADP Submission Checklist mapleridge.ca Application No. 2016-176-DP File Manager Adam Rieu This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for su bmission to the Advi sory Design Panel (ADP). Please refer to the ADP Submission Form and t he ADP Requirements Brochure for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP . Project Architect Certification: Brian I. Shigetomi, Architect, AIBC Print name Submission Requirements: Submission Materials Required (File Manager to indicate if required) A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) □ B. Covering Letter including explanations about: 1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) □ 2. Architectural and Landscaping Design rationale □ (Detailed information Require d) 3. Statement in brief about the following: a. DP Key Concepts Compliance □ b. DP Guideline Compliance □ C. Stormwater management strategy with emphasis on Tier A □ requirements integrated into landscaping plans d. Public Art/ Amenities, etc. □ e. Sustainability practices □ f. Other □ C. Site.and Neighbourhood Context 1. Context Plan -Existing/proposed buildings and trees, vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed grading, and other □ major features within the site, on the abutting properties and along the road allowances/ lanes. 2. Photographs of site and surroundings. □ D. Develo~ment Permit Area Checklist (Note: The Architect is responsible to describe how the project complies □ with each guidelines, or if not applicable, a description of why not applicable. Please use fillable forms on line.) April 23, 2018 Date Provided -~ .... S" rg' .... ~ M' ~(Se e Civil) .... S" .... S" □ M' .... rg ~ City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist (Page 2) E. Architectural Plans (Site and Building(s)): .6 1. Site Plan and layout □ M"__.. 2. Site sections □ ~ 3. Streetscape elevation □ ~.6 4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees □ IY superimposed 5. Shadow analysis □ □ 6. Lighting analysis (on building and on site) □ D__.. 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and rooftops □ S" 8. Waste collection /recycling (inside of buildings) □ □ 9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside) □ D__.. 10. Building elevation (all sides) □ ~ 11. Signage (attached to building and free standing) □ D__.. 12. Colours and materials □ ~~ 13. Material board □ ~~ 14. Building sections □ ~ 15. 3D renderings of the site and/or building(s) with associated landscaping □ □ F. Landsca~ing Plans: __.. 1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting □ ~ details ,.. 2. Landscaping details, including locations for public art, signage, lighting, pla y and other amenity areas □ 19"' 3. Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures) □ 0,.. 4. Details for pedestrian and amenity features being provided □ S"'__.. 5. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns D fY__.. 6. Tree retention and management plan □ M".6 7. Site sections to show lot grading, drainage, landscaping and □ IY relationship to adjacent grades/ City boulevards / lanes .6 -s. Pr-eliminary storm-water management planwith emphasis on .. IY Tier A requirements integrated into landscaping plans 9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnections □ □ G. Green Building[Sustainabilit'l initiatives □ □ H. Other □ □ □ □ Rev. December 2017 -atelier '"d"c architecture inc. April 23, 2018 City of Maple Ridge Planning Department 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 6A9 Attn: Adam Rieu, Planning Technician Re: 23711132 Avenue (2016-176-DP), Maple Ridge, B.C. DESIGN RA TIO NALE Context The proposed site is located on the south side of 133rd Avenue between 236 Stre et and 237 A Street. It is a vacant land parcel which falls within the Silver Valley Area. The 2 acre site generally slopes down towards the south western corner of the lot while also sloping towards the center of the lot into an existing creek. The property is bordered by: -to the north, by 133 Avenue and single family residential. -to the east, by Cedar Park and 237 A Street. -to the west, by 236th street adjacent to townhouse development. -to the south, by 132nd avenue adjacent to undeveloped private property. The 3,402.6 sq .m. site is longer and narrow in the east / west direction taking advantage of the north / south exposure. The proposed project conforms to the development and design principles of specificity, place-making, community building and a more dense, urban enviro nment as outlined in the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan as well as Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines.The project respects and is informed by the natural landscape of the area and through its design, accessibility and viewscapes attempts to foster a friendly and safe pedestrian environment. The form of development is guided by the five cornerstone principles of the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan. Environment First -Land informs development Significant portion of the site (almost 20%) is set aside and dedicated to City of Maple Ridge as Park / ESA protected area. As such , environmental features, such as groves of mature trees will be retained and integrated into the restoration and enhancement of the ESA Area. Natural landscaping and species are proposed. A dry rock pond connected by a site-wide rock filtration swale is introduced to help manage on-site stormwater management. Existing topography is respected; the development follows the lines of the land with as little regrading and tree clearing as possible. Design and siting of buildings protects access to natural features and views, enhances privacy and livability. This will be further elaborated in the Architectural Aesthetic Section. Sustainable Approaches -Balance between environmental, social & economic benefits Overall development accommodates varying unit types and sizes that residents can gro w into, allowing accessibility and affordability. Form of development is a com pact housing cluster to allow for a densified urban environment and setting aside a larger open space for the benefit of the residents and the community at large. Project adopts Best Management Practices (BMPs) throughout. #111 -3823 henning drive burnaby. be canada v5c 6p3 t 604.662.8689 I f 604.662.8655 info@atelierpacific.com I www.atelierpacific.com b''""' sr,g2·:c,rni I architect aibc aaa saa oaa raic A atelier ::;:_df 1-architecture inc. • Re: 23711 132 Avenue (2016-176-DP), Maple Ridge, B.C. Adaptability Incremental growth and changing market trends Form of development proposes 16 ground-oriented townhouse units of varying sizes (122 sq.m . to 133 sq.m.), many with walkout basements to access private yard. Healthy & integrated community -Integration between natural environment, housing, open space, and infrastructure to achieve a neighbourhood and community that is alive and healthy. Design and siting of buildings creates a pedestrian oriented, walkable, easily accessible and safe community to maximize pedestrian access to services. Form of Development Form of development proposes a townhouse residential use with clusters of three to five units per building that have an appearance of rowhouse style residences accommodating 3-5 ground- oriented strata units, each with a direct access to grade at the front and the rear of the unit. Due to the grading conditions on site, all buildings are stepped further re-inforcing the rowhouse look. Buildings are designed to front or have the appearance of fronting onto a public road through direct pedestrian access to the outside and through appropriate treatment of exteriors. Environmental Sustainability Sustainable Sites The project site consists of one large land parcel. The proposed development is in line with the Official Community Plan strategy that increases density at infill sites, but also enhances and revitalizes large undeveloped sites surrounded by established developments. Water Efficiency The site will be incorporating B.M.P. (Best Management Practices) recommended by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for storm-water run-off. The site will be developed to manage stormwater run-off by utilizing active rainwater collection and stormwater catchment techniques. Run-off will be percolated into the ground via rock pits and directed to dry rock ponds for detention before leaving the site. Non-permeable areas will be minimized and new planting and ground cover will mimic the present forest floor wherever possible. Permeable surfaces are used to slow stormwater and to allow more infiltration to occur. Where not possible, paved areas will be sloped towards landscape areas to allow runoff to filter through the soil instead of being drained through catch basins. The ra inwater will be directed into dry wells, dry creeks, and bio- swales. The landscape design uses native / naturalized plants that require no irrigation after establishment. Within the building, low flow fixtures will be specified. Program The proposed project would require rezoning to RM-1 to allow for 16 two-and-a-half and three storey townhomes grouped into four buildings with three to five units per building. A common outdoor amenity area would be situated in the middle of the site by an existing rock. The buildings are on either side of an internal road which would aiiow for vehicle entry via ·a two car side-by-sf de garage and a pedestrian unit entry. These would serve as primary unit entries for pedestrian access. A secondary unit entry would be provided on the opposite side backing into fully fenced, private rear yards. There are six unit types of approximately 122 sq.m. to 133 sq.m in area, all with three bedrooms and an open concept great room / kitchen combination. All units have access to private outdoor space including oversized covered su ndecks and patios as well as fenced and landscaped rear yards. The project site features over half-an-acre of dedicated parkland / environmental area, dry rock pond and site-wide system of swales. The residents would also be able to enjoy 107 sq.m. of outdoor amenity space complete with a children play area. #lll -3823 henning drive burnaby, be canada v5c 6p3 t 604.662.8689 I t 604.662.8655 info@atelierpacific.com I www.atelierpacific.com tJ :J3n s!-1'!?,"' :,:i .. ,· I architect aibc aaa saa oaa raic A atelier pEicl :::c architecture inc. w Re: 23711 132 Avenue (2016-176-DP), Maple Ridge, B.C. Architectural Aesthetics The architectural aesthetics of the proposed project takes its cues from the architectural style / language of the Tudor era. It uses a simple yet elegant building form topped by a gable roof. The simple roof form focuses the eye on the build ing elevation features allowing the details and materials to come through, focusing on giving the facade a more contemporary feel by using seamless material transitions throughout. Although it is inspired by the traditional tudor elements such as the use of battons as a decorative element, the proposed architectural language uses contemporary details in the form of clean straight lines, less contrasting colours, large windows and simple mullions to arrive at a much crisper mod ern yet traditional approach. The project uses reinforced-fibre cement claddings combined with a neutral modern colour and material palette. It would also see an extensive use of glazing on the front and rear elevations to take maximum advantage of natural light as well as views. The building height measures two and half and three storeys above finished grade. In order to break up the building. massing, and to better navigate the grades, each building introduces further stepping between units giving an illusion of a rowhouse. The roof forms are primarily gable with covered entries and roof covered decks to allow for protection during the west coast weather. #111 -3823 henning drive burnaby, be canada v5c 6p3 t 604.662.8689 I t 604.662.8655 info@atelierpacific.com I www.atelierpacific.com br!.3,1 shig,~torni I architect aibc aaa saa oaa raic e atelier : a ci ,. C architecture inc. April 23, 2018 City of Maple Ridge Planning Department 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 6A9 Attn : Adam Rieu, Planning Technician Re: 23711132 Avenue (2016-176-DP), Maple Ridge, B.C. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT STRATEGY The onsite storm water management plan for this proposed development is included in the following and addresses the City of Maple Ridge's three tier storm water events. Tier A Storm Water Events There are three storm water management facilities proposed onsite to promote rainfall capture, retention, biofiltration, evapotranspiration and infiltration into the proposed landscaping areas and subsurface soils. The first facility is the installation of a minimum 300mm thick layer of imported absorbent topsoil (with a 30% void ratio) for all the proposed landscaped bedding areas onsite. T he 300mm thick topsoil layer is in addition to the minimum required amended topsoil depth of 232mm . The voids within the 300mm thick absorbent topsoil layer act like a sponge and are the main source contributing to rainfall capture, retention and evapotranspiration within the landscaping areas onsite due to overall volume and site coverage. The second facility is a biofiltration raingarden situated at the southwest corner of the site just south of Block 2. Approximately 570 sq.m. of storm water runoff from the impervious paved road surfaces and driveways fronting Block 2 and 3 are directed to the biofiltration raingarden via a catch basin and storm sewer pipe that daylights into the raingarden via a small headwall. The biofiltration rain garden is a planted flat bottom depression that allows the storm water runoff from the impervious paved areas an opportunity to be captured, absorbed and biofiltrated into the proposed vegetation. The pervious storm water pooling area within the bioflltration rain garden is a footprint of approximately 40 sq. m. The third facilities are permeable pavers situated on top of a 400mm thick granular structure for all the visitor and handicap parking stalls. The voids within the 400mm thick granular structure have the storage capacity to capture a mean annual rainfall event. #lll -3823 henning drive burnaby, be canada v5c 6p3 t 604.662.8689 I t 604.662.8655 info@atelierpacific.com I www.atelierpacific.com t-r a 1 sh•g.2torn, I architect aibc aaa saa oaa raic A atelier paci ;;:c architecture inc. V Re: 23711 132 Avenue (20 16-1 76-DP), Maple Ridge, B.C. Tier B Storm Water Events Source control facilities include detention/retention ponds, exfiltration trenches, dry wells, bioswales, rain gardens and other acceptable methods suitable for reducing the rate of runoff and removing contaminants prior to release into the downstream drainage system. Tier C Storm Water Events Roadways, overland flow paths, channels and watercourses shall be designed to ensure that the maximum hydraulic grade line is below the lowest existing or proposed minimum building elevation of any adjacent buildings. Surcharging at the inlet under the major floor is acceptable provided that the headwater profile does not rise above the minimum building elevation. Major drainage routes shall be designed with adequate erosion and flood protection where surcharging is proposed. The 300mm diameter storm sewer outfall pipe and the rock lined outfall channel situated at the southwest corner of the townhouse site is sized to adequately convey a 100-year post development storm event. #111 -3823 henning drive burnaby, be canada vSc 6p3 t 604.662.8689 I f 604.662.8655 info@atelierpacific.com I www.atelierpacific.com b,:a,; :.h:getomi I architect aibc aaa saa oaa raic J JqtM■ DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET maple ridge.ca Existing /Proposed Zone R&-,..,.,,..,, •• w.,,o.,,-, Date Prepared Apni 2a.2018 Required Development Data Minimum Required or I Maximum Allowed LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total Less Road Widening/ Truncations Less Park Net Total LOT COVERAGE (in % of net lot area) Total Site Coverage SETBACKS (in metres) Front 7.Sm Rear 7.5m Side #1 (N,S,E, orlWI 6.0m Side #2 (N,slE,lor W) 6.0m Side #3 (N, S, E or W) NIA SETBACKS -Underground Structures (in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, 5, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal 11.0m Accessory NIA NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three Bedroom+ ----Total GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential 2041 .56 sq.m. Retail Commercial NIA Office Commercial NIA other Commercial (Type ) NIA Institutional NIA Industrial NIA TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA 2041.56 sq.m. • If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) 3402.60 sq.m. NIA NIA 3402.60 sq.m. 24% (Buildings & Structures) 30% (Paved & Hard Surlaet!d Araas) 46% (landscaping) 6.0m (VARIANCE) 7.Sm (4.0M VARIANCE CORNER 10-B1) 6.0m 6.0m N/A NIA N/A NIA NIA NIA 11 .81m TO 12.21 m (VARIANCE) NIA NIA NIA 16 ·16- 2040.86 sq.m. NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 2040.86 sq,m. ;/ Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) 47 units/ha # of units/ha (net) 47 units/ha Gross Floor Area 2041.56 sq.m. 2040.86 sq.m. Floor Sp ace Ratio (net) 0.60 0.60 AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area 80 sq.m. I 112.17 sq.m. Useable Open Space 720 sq.m. 721.08 sq.m (VARIANCE) PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses 32 32 Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) N/A N/A Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) NIA NIA Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) N/A N/A Commercial Uses NIA NIA Educational & Assem bly Uses N/A N/A Institutional Use NIA NIA Industrial Use NIA N/A Business Park Uses NIA N/A Com prehensive N/A N/A Other NIA NIA Number of spaces for visitors 5 5 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES 37 37 Number of total for disabled 1 (PART OF VISITOR SPACES) 1 (PART OF VISITOR SPACES) Number of total (and%) small cars I % NIA Number of total (and %) tandem spaces I % N/A TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) N/A BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking N/A Long Term Bicycle Parking N/A OTHER-state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site jNo I Tree Survey/ Asses sment Provided j vEs Watercourse/Steep Slopes I YES I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements jNo I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. r- p d b Brian I. Shigetomi, Architect, AIBC repare y: ____________ _ Print Name NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. 1. 2. ,~,--mapleridge.ca Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan, multi-family developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. 8.7.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies New development into established areas This proposed project is complementary to the existing should respect private spaces, and single detached residential dwellings and new incorporate local neighbourhood townhouse projects in the area. It respects the existing elements in building form, height, context (neighborhood in transition with setbacks, solid architectural features and massing. fencing, landscaping and compatible massing). Transitional development should be used The project has stepped units for each building with to bridge areas of low and high densities, some buildings appearing to be 2 1 /2 and 3 stories through means such as stepped building along the property lines. heights, 0r=-l0w rise-greund 0~iented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. 1 Key Guideline Concepts (Continued) 3. Large scale developments should be N/A. clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be Extensive landscape planting is provided along entry of encouraged with attractive streetscapes the project. The development entry is marked wi_th an attained through landscaping, entry gate with stone and cedar fence. The arch1t~ctural architectural details, appropriate lighting facade is articulated with a stone arch entryway with and by directing parking underground large windows, planter and shutters. where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Guidelines 8.7.1 A listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied Building Design, Massing and Siting with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Design and siting of buildings should take The development cascades down along with the advantage of natural features or views grading from north to south. Each unit with applicable and should enhance privacy and building block has been stepped to follow the natural livability. grades as much as possible. 2. Residential buildings should front or Where the unit side elevations are visible to the public appear to front onto public roads street, the facades have been detailed with stone through the use of appropriate veneer archway and a larger window with planter box to treatment of exteriors, through direct break the building form and to create visual interest. pedestrian access to individual units from the public street/sidewalk, or through the provision of pedestrian walkways linked to the street. Street frontages should be emphasized by incorporating differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades, with a minimum two storey facade on the fronting street to foster a human scale. Buildings that are de-signed with-an end wall-or unit adjacent to a public street should design the end unit with the pedestrian entry facing the street. At significant intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets and incorporate corner cuts. 2 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 3. Higher density dwellings should be sited NI A. Consistent density utilized with RM-1 zone. adjacent to major streets in order to minimize access problems and to provide a transition to lower density uses. 4. Multi-family developments adjacent to a) The project form and character design is similar to lower density or single detached single family houses with main gable roof accent_ed by residential dwellings should: gable dormers. Building massing is articulated with a) be consistent in form and massing with recessed and window bays. the surrounding area; b) The development is setback from the adjacent b) be sited adjacent to major streets to properties. provide a transition to lower density c) One density/ building form proposed throughout the uses; whole development. c) concentrate density to the centre of the d) Every building is setback from the adjacent . development or towards a non-properties. Each unit has a covered balcony or patio residential boundary and locate lower projected out from the main building face. density components adjacent to lower e) N/A density residential uses; f) Rear yards are graded al ong property line to meet or d) create a transition in building mass and closely meet adjacent property. As well a 6 foot tall form towards the setbacks of the adjacent neighbourhood; privacy fence will be provided. e) minimize access conflicts; f} be designed to maximize privacy and minimize views onto adjoining sites, particularly for portions of the development abutting the side yards of adjacent single detached residential uses. 5. Larger buildings, roof forms and building The development proposes rowhouse style units '-:'ithin frontages should include design each block. Each unit is stepped as close as possible elements and features to: following natural grade. a) provide variation in the facades to help The stepping of each unit reduces the visual length of reduce the visual length of individual e~ch buildings as well as creating al] flPP~ar~mce of fiuildiFfgs~---individual units. Unit entries are designed to have a roof b) have the appearance of a series of cover and entry lamps and posts to mark the entry. smaller buildings, or as identifiable parts of a larger concept; and c) incorporate components that express strong unit identity and incorporate direct access to grade for ground-floor units . ./ 3 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 6. New multi-family developments should a) The development takes its cues from the use design themes, architectural architectural style/ language of the Tudor era. It uses a features and elements of the simple yet elegant building form topped by a gable roof surrounding neighbourhood by accented by gable dormers. The development proposes incorporating common elements such as a row house style with a visual pattern created by form, scale, massing and proportion into alternating the garage door/ entry door throughout the the design as a means to reinforce site. neighbourhood stability. Examples include: Each entry is highlighted with a stone veneer archway. a) the articulation of facades, using where The facade is articulated with trims and stone veneer. appropriate, elements such as porches, The rear elevation is articulated with covered balconies. chimneys, projections, recesses, and balconies; Where appropriated, large windows with mullions are b) the placement, size, shape and number provided to allow for natural light and views. of doors and windows; c) the location and visual appearance of garages and/or parking facilities; d) the selection of appropriate and compatible roof forms; and e) the design of hard and soft landscaping. 7. The exposed undersides of balconies and The exposed undersides of balconies will be covered porches that are visible from a street or with a coloured vinyl soffit. public walkway should be covered with exterior finishes to provide a finished appearance to public view. 8. Developments are encouraged to use Permeable surfaces are utilized at the visitor parking the Leadership in Energy and stalls. Environmental Design (LEEDS) standards in the design of buildings. Techniques such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, separation of impervious surfaces, installing below surface infiltration beds and tree box filters, and redirecting water from drain pipes into vegetated areas are encouraged. 9~ ·Variation in individual unit designs is The 6uildiri'gs are· stepf5ed' clue ·to site gracling wfiich encouraged to provide visual interest help identify the individual units. and avoid significant repetition either within a row of townhouses, or between adjacent rows of units. 4 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 10. Garage doors should not face public N/A. All garage doors are fronting the internal driveway/ streets. Where front facing garage doors strata road. are unavoidable, the impact of garage doors on the public realm should be mitigated by: a) designing residential units with enough width to include attractive entrances and windows between garages; b) recessing garage doors behind the main building fai;:ade; c) keeping a sufficient width in residential units to allow the creation of attractive entrances and fenestration between garages. d) grouping garage doors in pairs between adjacent units to allow building entrances and facades more prominence on the street; e) providing interior spaces that overlook the street; f) separating and orienting unit entrances to the street; g) providing individual pedestrian walkways linked to the street; h) including design details such as transom windows or glazing in garage doors; i) a comprehensive landscape plan that identifies how the visual impact of garage doors from the street will be mitigated. 11. Landscaping of rooftops is encouraged N/A. There is no roof access in this development. where possible, to provide shared or private outdoor space for residents and to provide attractive views for residents and passersby. 5 Guidelines 8.7.1 B Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation ' 1. Parking and servicing should be located underground or to the rear of buildings, with access from lanes wherever possible. Where lane access is not possible, access should be from streets via narrow driveways to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the fisted guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. N/A. There is no underground parking in this development. 2. Parking structures should be adequately N/A. No parking structure in this development. screened and architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. Large surface parking areas should be divided into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous appearance with landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement treatment to enhance their visual appearance. 3. Developments with large parking areas N/A. There is no large parking area in this development. should provide a direct pedestrian pathway system through the parking area to facilitate convenient and safe pedestrian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscaping with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. 4. Shared vehicle access between adjoining N/A. There is no shared vehicle accessible in this sites should be considered where access development. .. for_parkir:,g_at the rear oUhe_ property_is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. 6 Guidelines 8.7.1 B (Continued) s. Locate parking spaces allocated for One disable parking spaces is provided located south of people with disabilities as close as Block 3. possible to the main entrance to a building. 6. Crime Prevention through Residential parking stalls are provided in each unit. Environmental Design (CPTED) principles Driveway is lit with outdoor lamps on building facade. should be incorporated into the design Visitor parking stalls are adjacent to the building b!ocks. of all parking facilities with convenient, The outdoor common amenity area is set in the middle safe, identifiable and universally of the site for security. accessible access routes to building entrances, lobbies or other principal areas of buildings, and to grade level from any underground or above ground parking structures. 7. To increase safety, consider using N/A. There is no parking structure in this development. electronic security devices and monitoring systems as a supplement to natural surveillance opportunities in parking structures and parking areas. 8. The amount of asphalt surfaces in Permeable pavers are proposed in all visitor parking parking areas should be minimized by stalls. integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers, etc. or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Road. -gr:ades, .str:eets,-Janes, -at:Jd_ The development-tries·to-follow natural contour-and-- driveways should conform to the keeps existing grades at property lines as much as existing grades as closely as possible to possible, while maintaining road slopes that are ensure minimal disruption of slopes and adequate for fire truck and vehicular access. vegetation. On steep terrain, roads should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. 7 Guidelines 8.7.1 C Landscaping and Open Space 1. Landscaping both within and outside the development should: a) provide definition for pedestrian corridors; b) delineate private and semi private space from public space; c) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces; d) present a pleasing street image; e) provide suitable buffering between public road and privacy areas; f) soften the transition between adjacent land uses; g) provide a buffer between residential and non-residential land uses; h) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site; i) reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties, the scale and massing of buildings, and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 2. Landscape drawings for development applications should include, but are not limited to, the following information: a) the location of mature and existing trees to be retained or removed, b) the location of all protective tree fencing; c) a grading plan or cross section indicating finished grade; and d) a drainage plan for the site. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all development. lneerper-ate deddu01:Js tree SJ:leEies into streetfront landscaping to define site boundaries, to enhance public space, and to permit light penetration in winter. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. See responses to each guideline below: a) Clear pedestrian connection is provided to both amenity spaces and to the adjacent future greenway. b) Private and semi-private spaces have been delineated through fencing and screen plantings. c) Screen fencing has been provided between units. d) The interior access road provides a street tree patterning and landscaped buffer areas. e) Buffering has been provided between side yards. Rear yards facing the road have appropriate fencing and screening. f) N/A. g) NA. h) Amenity space provides view to existing rock and adjacent forested park. i) A consistent street tree patterning and response has been provided. In addition low-level fencing and vegetative buffer have been provided between rear yards and the adjacent street frontage for a more welcoming development approach. a) Refer to landscape drawings sheet L-02. b) Refer to landscape drawings sheet L-02. c) Refer to civil drawings. d) Refer to civil drawings. Refer to landscape drawings L-03 for street tree location and species. 8 Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 4. Energy efficiency and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) using native and/or drought-resistant species; b) designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind; c) providing shade in summer; d) allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the site; e) allowing daylight into buildings; and f) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 5. Maintain continuous landscaping along abutting streets and minimize the number of interruptions such as driveways and parking entrances. Continue the sidewalk pavement across driveways and parking entrances. 6. Create visual landmarks on significant street corners and at locations of high visibility. Provide landscaping and consider incorporating features such as flag poles, banners, visual art, ornamental trees, fountains, architectural elements, and landscape structures. a) Both native tree and shrub/perennial species have been provided. b) Coniferous trees have been provided on-site to allow for a reduction in wind effect. c) Both deciduous and coniferous trees will provid~ . ample shade in summer in addition to the large existing coniferous forest. d) Natural drainage is occurring thro~gh the si_te and rain garden at south-west corner of site coordinated with civil. e) Rear yard areas (especially west facing) have been left open to allow for ample light to enter. f) See civil plans for run-off approaches. A continuous landscape and fence edge has been provided along the sidewalk. Site signage has been provided at entry to site with gate feature. 7. Any portion of a building site left vacant NIA. for-future-development---should--0e landscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall site. The minimum ground ·surface treatment should be lawn. Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property not being developed. 9 Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 8. Identify, preserve and incorporate stands of mature trees into the overall site landscaping design. Retain unique tree species, significant vegetation, natural landscape features and nesting areas on a site wherever possible. To attain this objective, prior to the design of a project, a detailed survey prepared by a qualified professional indicating the location and condition of existing trees and vegetation on a site should be conducted and provided to the District as part of the development application process. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new planting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replanting with indigenous or native species is encouraged. 10. Consider incorporating rain gardens and vegetated swales into parking lot landscaping to increase the natural absorption of rainwater runoff from paved areas into the ground. 11. The height and location of a landscape screen should ensure that: a) privacy to adjacent properties is adequately protected; b) driving site lines are maintained from adjacent roads, manoeuvring aisles, parking lots; and c) the quality of the streetscape and outdoor living spaces is enhanced. • lz-;-·Maximi2e---the-· amount of--landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to increase the natural absorption of rainwater on a site. A significant portion of the site has been set aside and dedicated to the City of Maple Ridge as park/ESA protected area. Environmental features such as groves of mature trees will be retained and integrated into the restoration and enhancement of the ESA area. The development will keep as much existing vegetation as possible with affected areas remediated with indigenous species. N/A. No parking lots are being considered as a part of this development. Screening heights have been designed to meet safety and CPTED concerns. Landscape areas have 6ee·n retained wherev·er· possible include a substantial portion of area to be set aside and dedicated to the City of Maple Ridge as park/ESA protected area. 10 Guidelines 8.7.1 D Universally Accessible Design 1. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. N/A. Unit parking stalls are provided in each unit. One disabled parking stall is dedicated on site. 2. Building entries should be: a) Development signage is located at site entry. a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible from the street; b) directly accessed from the b) Each unit has direct access from internal driveway. street without stairs; c) provided with level areas measuring a minimum of 1.Sm x 1.Sm (4.9 ft. x 4.9 ft.) both inside and outside of doorways; and d) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. Guidelines 8.7.1 E Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas c)There is no common entry provided in this development. d) There are no common entry doors provided in this development. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Integrate vents, mechanical rooms, N/A. mechanical equipment, and elevator penthouses into the roof design or screen with materials and finishes compatible with the overall architectural design. 2. The design of a roof, placement of N/A. There is no mechanical units on the roofs. mechanical units-and satellite·· dishes;·· etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. 11 3. Garbage containers and recycling bins must be: a) easily accessible; b) appropriately sized for the building There is no common garage facility in this development. Garbage pickup is at the individual unit's driveway by a private garbage collection contractor. occupants; c) contained within roofed/walled enclosures; d) incorporated into the overall design of the development; or e) screened from public view and weatherproof and animal-resistant within the boundaries of each site. 4. Service areas should be internalized NIA. within the development. For developments with multiple buildings, common refuse, recycling and service areas are to be provided. Storage areas should be located to be convenient and readily accessible from most buildings or units on the site. Avoid direct exposure from public streets and allow for adequate manoeuvring space for removal vehicles. 5. Enclose or screen all exterior mechanical NIA. units or equipment, including roof top units, equipment, and satellite dishes within upper floors or structures that from part of the overall design of a development. 6. Locate building ventilation systems to NIA. minimize noise and exhaust pedestrian areas, residential units, and outdoor spaces and locate less sensitive land uses closer to sources of noise. 7. Buildings should be designed and a) The party walls between units conform to the B.C. constructed maximize sound Building Code STC ratings. attenuation: a) between units; b) between public roads and units; and c) between adjacent land uses and units. b) Buildings are setback from the public road. c) Buildings adjacent to single family lots are setback minimum 6m from the property line. 12 Guidelines 8.7.1 F Signage and Lighting 1. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message should be integrated and complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 3. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged along all pedestrian routes and pedestrian plazas. The lighting should be pedestrian focused. 4. Lighting should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. Guidelines 8.7.1 G Bicycle Parking and Storage 1. Short term and long term bicycle parking facilities should be considered for all developments. Short term bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and .. dearl:y_ visibJe_.fr:om_a_ main building_ entrance and/or public roads with bicycle racks made of sturdy, theft- resistant material that is securely anchored to the floor or ground. Longer term bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Entry signage is proposed. Please refer to LD-01 . Signage is incorporated in the stone walls which matches the stone on building facade. Lighting is provided outside of each entry and buil~ing facade as well as bollard lighting throughout the site. All lightings are setback from public road. There is no lighting proposed along property lines adjacent to residences. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. No public bicycle parking is provided in this development. 13 Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File Number 2016-176-DP Date prepared: April 23, 2018 Architect Brian I. Shigetomi, Architect, AIBC Print Name f ~:...-tu-re _____ °' 14 ) ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL SUBMISSION APRIL 23, 2018 23711 132 AVENUE 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 DP 0.0 COVER SHEET u C a, '-::::, J..j u a, J..j ..c u '-ro '-a, -a, J..j ro e >- m 0 w a: <( w a: (l_ ~ :"' I .. ...,, r-. ,, Tl 23711 132 AVENUE ment DP 0.1 j 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. CONTEXT/AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION No. 2016-176-RZ 2J711 ll2Av<nu• rn• ·" ·,:.. I fllOP;J!.ED "'""'II hi,m RS•J and RS 2 10 RM· 1 to enable 4' 11 • . _ snt~J;Jmer,l ol 16 ~.-iri'!OllSe umls. • Prt~tc.1numlmolunt1s 16 . _....,- ~fA &tb -~f P~~K~~1.a_t~.:.:?,~.:-m:._,, 1, i1 ,r;• ~ "', APPLICANT: Brookside Properties Ltd. 604-467-5131 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 604-457-7341 T;lM!'IQ?C'f,cJ9c CJ 23711 132 AVENUE 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 i:. • F. i_' _!El~ 1 ! J1~_-1F T! I DP 0.2 CONTEXT/AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH 23711 132 AVENUE ment DP 0.3 _) 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. CONTEXT/AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 _) Context The proposed site is located on the south side of 133rd Avenue between 236 Street and 237A Street. It is a vacant land parcel which falls within the Silver Valley Area. The 2 acre site generally slopes down towards the south western corner of the lot while also sloping towards the center of the lot into an existing creek. The property is bordered by: -to the north, by 133 Avenue and single family residential. -to the east, by Cedar Park and 237 A Street. -to the west, by 236th street adjacent to townhouse development. -to the south, by 132nd avenue adjacent to undeveloped private property. The 3,402.6 sq.m. site is longer and narrow in the east/ west direction taking advantage of the north I south exposure. The proposed project conforms to the development and design principles of specificity, place-making, community building and a more dense, urban environment as outlined in the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan as well as Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines.The project respects and is informed by the natural landscape of the area and through its design, accessibility and viewscapes attempts to foster a friendly and safe pedestrian environment. The form of development is guided by the five cornerstone principles of the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan. Environment First -Land informs development Significant portion of the site (almost 20%) is set aside and dedicated to City of Maple Ridge as Park/ ESA protected area. As such, environmental features, such as groves of mature trees will be retained and integrated into the restoration and enhancement of the ESA Area. Natural landscaping and species are proposed. A dry rock pond connected by a site-wide rock filtration swale is introduced to help manage on-site stormwater management. Existing topography is respected; the development follows the lines of the land with as little regrading and tree clearing as possible. Design and siting of buildings protects access to natural features and views, enhances privacy and livability. This will be further elaborated in the Architectural Aesthetic Section. Sustainable A roaches -Balance between environmental social & economic benefits Overall development accommodates varying unit types and sizes that residents can grow into, allowing accessibility and affordability. Form of development is a compact housing cluster to allow for a densified urban environment and setting aside a larger open space for the benefit of the residents and the community at large. Project adopts Best Management Practices (BMPs) throughout. Adaptability Incremental rowth and chan in market trends Form of development proposes 16 ground-oriented townhouse units of varying sizes (122 sq.m. to 133 sq.m.), many with walkout basements to access private yard. Health & inte rated communi -lnte ration between natural environment, housin o en s ace and infrastructure to achieve a nei hbourhood and commun· that is alive and health . Design and siting of buildings creates a pedestrian oriented, walkable, easily accessible and safe community to maximize pedestrian access to services. Form of Oevelo ment Form of development proposes a townhouse residential use with clusters of three to five units per building that have an appearance of rowhouse style residences accoinmoifatiiig 3-5 ground:ofiented strata u·nits, each with a direct access to grade af the front and the rear of the unit. Due to the grading conditions on site, all buildings are stepped further re-inforcing the rowhouse look. Buildings are designed to front or have the appearance of fronting onto a public road through direct pedestrian access to the outside and through appropriate treatment of exteriors. Environmental Sustainability Sustainable Sites The project site consists of one large land parcel. The proposed development is in line with the Official Community Plan strategy that increases density at infill sites, but also enhances and revitalizes large undeveloped sites surrounded by established developments. Water Efficiency The site will be incorporating B.M.P. (Best Management Practices) recommended by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for storm-water run-off. The site will be developed to manage stormwater run-off by utilizing active rainwater collection and stormwater catchment techniques. Run-off will be percolated into the ground via rock pits and directed to dry rock ponds for detention before leaving the site. Non-permeable areas will be minimized and new planting and ground cover will mimic the present forest floor wherever possible. Permeable surfaces are used to slow stormwater and to allow more infiltration to occur. Where not possible, paved areas will be sloped towards landscape areas to allow runoff to filter through the soil instead of being drained through catch basins. The rainwater will be directed into dry wells, dry creeks, and bio-swales. The landscape design uses native / naturalized plants that require no irrigation after establishment. Within the building, low flow fixtures will be specified. Program The proposed project would require rezoning to RM-1 to allow for 16 two-and-a-half and three storey townhomes grouped into four buildings with three to five units per building. A common outdoor amenity area would be situated in the middle of the site by an existing rock. The buildings are on either side of an internal road which would allow for vehicle entry via a two car side by side garage and a pedestrian unit entry. These would serve as primary unit entries for pedestrian access. A secondary unit entry would be provided on the opposite side backing into fully fenced, private rear yards. There are six unit types of approximately 122 sq.m. to 133 sq.m in area, all with three bedrooms and an open concept great room / kitchen combination. All units have access to private outdoor space including oversized covered sundecks and patios as well as fenced and landscaped rear yards. The project site features over half-an-acre of dedicated parkland/ environmental area, dry rock pond and site-wide system of swales. The residents would also be able to enjoy 107 sq.m. of outdoor amenity space complete with a children play area. Architectural Aesthetics The architectural aesthetics of the proposed project takes its cues from the architectural style / language of the Tudor era. It uses a simple yet elegant building form topped by a gable roof. The simple roof form focuses the eye on the building elevation features allowing the details and materials to come through, focusing on giving the facade a more contemporary feel by using seamless material transitions throughout. Although it is inspired by the traditional tudor elements such as the use of battons as a decorative element, the proposed architectural language uses contemporary details in the form of clean straight lines, less contrasting colours, large windows and simple mullions to arrive at a much crisper modern yet traditional approach . The project uses reinforced-fibre cement claddings combined with a neutral modern colour and material palette. It would also see an extensive use of glazing on the front and rear elevations to take maximum advantage of natural light as well as views. The building height measures two and half and three storeys above finished grade. In order to break up the building massing, and to better navigate the grades, each building introduces further stepping between units giving an illusion of a rowhouse. The roof forms are primarily gable with covered entries and roof covered decks to allow for protection during the west coast weather. 23711 132 AVENUE ment DP 0.4 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. DESIGN RATIONALE ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 Architectural Aesthetics ARCHITECTURAL AESTHETICS The architectural aesthetics of the proposed project takes its cues from the architectural style / language of the Tudor era. It uses a simple yet elegant building form topped by a gable roof.The simple roof form focuses the eye on the building elevation features allowing the details and materials to come through, focusing on giving the facade a more contemporary feel by using seamless material transitions throughout. Although it is inspired by the traditional tudor elements such as the use of battons as a decorative element, the proposed architectural language uses contemporary details in the form of clean straight lines, less contrasting colours, large windows and simple mullions to arrive at a much crisper modern yet traditional approach. The project uses reinforced-fibre cement claddings combined with a neutral modern colour and material palette. It would also see an extensive use of glazing on front and rear elevations to take maximum advantage of natural light as well as views. The building height measures two-and-half and three stories above finished grade. In order to break up the building massing, and to better navigate the grades, each building introduces further stepping between units giving an illusion of a rowhouse. The roof forms are primarily gable with covered entries and roof covered decks to allow for protection during the west coast weather. 23711 132 AVENUE ment 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 DP 0.5 ARCHITECTRUAL AESTHETICS Pro· ect Data Sheet LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 23, SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 12, NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 48925 CIVIC ADDRESS: 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. SITE LOCATION: NORTH PORTION OF SITE WITH ACCESS FROM 133 AVENUE PROPOSED ZONING: RM-1 SITE COVERAGE: GROSS DENSITY: OPEN SPACE: REQUIRED/ALLOWABLE 0.60 PROPOSED/PROVIDED 0.64 0.60 Outdoor Common Activity Area: 80 S.M. @ 5 S.M. / UNIT 720 S.M. @ 45 S.M. I UNIT 112.17 S.M. PROPOSED HOUSING TYPE: 16 TOWNHOUSE UNITS (3 TO 5 UNIT CLUSTERS) GROSS SITE AREA: 0.340 ha/ 3402.60 S.M. / 36625 S.F. UNIT YIELD: 16 SIDE-BY-SIDE TOWNHOUSE GROSS FLOOR AREA (FSR): ALLOWABLE PROPOSED 2041.56 S.M. (21975 S.F.) 2040.86 S.M. (21967.60 S.F.) GROSS FLOOR AREA (MARKETING): 2107.41 S.M. (22683.96 S.F.) Usable Open Space: BUILDING HEIGHT: SETBACKS: Front Yard: Rear Yard: Side Yard (West): Side Yard (East): PARKING: Residential Packing Spaces: Visitor Parking Spaces: Accessible Parking Spaces: (1 per 24-75 Spaces) TOTAL: UNIT DISTRIBUTION: UNIT TYPE A (SIDE BY SIDE) A 1 (SIDE BY SIDE CORNER) A2 (SIDE BY SIDE CORNER) B (SIDE BY SIDE) B1 (SIDE BYSIDE CORNER) B2 (SIDE BY SIDE CORNER) TOTAL: 23711 132 AVENUE 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 11.0m (2.5 STOREYS) 7.5m 7.5m 6.0m 6.0m 16@2/UNIT 5 1 (included as part of visitor) 37 721.08 S.M. (variance) 11.81 TO 12.21 m (variance) 6.0m (variance) 7.5m except 4.0m variance at corner of Block 3 Unit 10-B 1 6.0m 6.0m 32 5 1 (included as part of visitor) 37 APPROX. UNIT AREA # OF UNITS TOTAL AREA 131.05 S.M (1410.62 S.F.) 5 131.83 S.M. (1419.01 S.F.) 2 132.92 S.M. (1430.74 S.F.) 2 121.61 S.M. (1309 S.F.) 3 12Z.16 S.M. (1J14.88 S.F.) 2 123.48 S.M. (1329.12 S.F.) 2 16 655.25 S.M. (7053.10 S.F.) 263.66 S.M. (2838.02 S.F.) 265.84 S.M. (2861.48 S.F.) 364.83 S.M. (3927 S.F.) 244.J1 S.M. (2629.76 S.F~} 246.96 S.M. (2658.24 S.F.) 2040 .86 S.M. (21967.60 S.F.) DP 0 .6 DATA SHEET Pro· ect Data Sheet LIST OF VARIANCE REQUIRED: 1. FRONTY ARD SETBACK (NORTH) Required: 7.5m (24.6 ft.) Proposed: 6.0m (19.7 ft.) 2. REARYARD SETBACK (SOUTH) Required: 7.5m (24.6 ft.) Proposed: 7.5m (24.6 ft.) except 4.0m (13.1 ft.) variance for south-east corner of Block 3 Unit 10-81 3. BUILDING HEIGHT Block 1 Required: 11.0m (36.08 ft.) Block 1 Proposed: a. Unit 1-A112.21m (40.05 ft.) b. Unit 2-A 12.16m (40.00 ft.) c. Unit 3-A 12.01m (39.40 ft.) d. Unit 4-A211.81m (38.75 ft.) Block 2 Required: 11.0m (36.08 ft.) Block 2 Proposed: a. Unit 5-A111.81m (38.75 ft.) b. Unit 6-A 11.81m (38.75 ft.) c. Unit 7-A 11.81m (38.75 ft.) d. Unit 8-A 11.81m (38.75 ft.) e. Unit 9-A211.81m (38.75 ft.) Block 3 Required: 11.0m (36.08 ft.) Block 3 Proposed: a. Unit 10-B111.81m (38.75 ft.) b. Unit 11-B 11.81m (38.75 ft.) c. Unit 12-B 11.81m (38.75 ft.) d. Unit 13-B211.81m (38.75 ft.) Block 4 Required: 11.0m (36.08 ft.) Block 4 Proposed: a. Unit 14-B211.81m (38.75 ft.) b. Unit 15-B 11.81m (38.75 ft.) c. Unit 16-B111.81m (38.75 ft.) 4. USEABLE OPEN SPACE* Required: 720 S.M. @ 45 S.M. I UNIT Proposed: 721.08 S.M. (some units less than 45 S.M. useable open space) * Shortfall of useable open space per unit will be added to outdoor amenity space: Required Outdoor Amenity Space: 80 S.M. Shortfall of Useable Open Space: 25.22 S.M. Total Required: 99.8 S.M. Total Provided: 112.17 S.M. 5. OFF STREET PARKING STALL LOCATION Required: 3m radius arc Proposed: Visitor parking stalls 1 & 4 are within 3m radius arc of applicable building windows 6. PROJECTION INTO SETBACKS Maximum allowable: 1.2m (roof, unclosed balconies) Proposed deck roof projection: a. 2.6m at Block 1 b. 2.4m at Block 2 c. 2.6m at Block 3 d. 2. 7m at Block 4 237 1 1 132 AVENUE DP 0.7 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. DATA SHEET ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 BLOCK 1 & 2 BLOCK 3 & 4 TYPE 11A211 TYPE "A" TYPE "Al" TYPE "B2" TYPE "B" TYPE "Bl" TOWN HOUSE TYPE SIDE BY SIDE SIDE BY SIDE SIDE BY SIDE SIDE BY SIDE SIDE BY SIDE SIDE BY SIDE LOWER FLOOR (SQ.M.) 9.44 9.44 9.67 9.44 9.44 9.67 (SO SQ.M. ALLOWANCE BASEMENT): LOWER FLOOR (SQ.M.) (AREA INCLUDED IN FSR): 9.44 9.44 9.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 MAIN FLOOR (SQ.M.): 61.74 60.81 61.08 61.74 60.81 61.08 UPPER FLOOR (SQ.M.): 61.74 60.81 61.08 61.74 60.81 61.08 UNIT SUBTOTAL (SQ.M.) (FSR): 132.92 131.05 131.83 123.48 121.61 122.16 UNIT SUBTOTAL (SQ.M.) (MARKETING): 132.92 131.05 131.83 132.92 131.05 131.83 *EXCLUDING GARAGE GROSS FLOOR AREA (SQ.M.) (FSR): 265.84 655.25 263.66 246.96 364.83 244.31 GROSS FLOOR AREA (SQ.M.) (MARKETING): 265.84 655.25 263.66 265.84 393.15 263.66 *EXCLUDING GARAGE TOTAL: 16 UNITS 2 5 2 2 3 2 23711 132 AVENUE DP 0.8 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. DATA SHEET ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 ---------iL...1!11 .. ,--',,•,a. 7 ',, ' >:,--f-;f--.;!ff""..,if" ' ) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ra ks §; - 23711 ::i:: ~ 'Ci" ·0 :::,- .I] C) s· ~ s: <l) ==ti C) r, :>s- --d {s I I <:21 v, I .g, I ROAl/HlC WAU LEC[ND ALLAN BLOCo< 1,E'i/.l'-'INC WALL CONCRCTI: R[f,l!~INC \'/All TOW. 10? Of" WALL B O,W 60TTOU OF W~LL 132 AVENUE 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 " C) :::, r, ----<l) <i;' ENVIRONMENTAL AREA USABLE OPEN SPACE COMMON OUTDOOR AMENITY AREA ----PROPERTY LINE ----SETBACK LINE (VARIANCE REQUIRED} DP 0.9 ZONING SITE PLAN SCALE: 1:1000 ~ ~ t '-~ :::,- 'tJ 0 s· ~ ....,_ :::,- Cl) ::,;:i 0 () "'" --ii {5 I a ' -, ~I ~I -~ "W~ I I •~1o ;1". ' ALL,\N BLOCK RETAINING WALL CONCRClt RCTAINit-C WAU.. 1.0.W. TOP er \\'ALL 8 0 W. BOH0'-1 Of 1'11.U 23711 132 AVENUE 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, a.c. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 2J :::, () ~ co' f? b- -~~ ;,,, '\_, ' ~7 3 -; TYPE A TYPE Al TYPE A2 TYPE B TYPE B1 TYPE B2 DP 0.10 UN IT TYPO LOGY SCALE: 1:1000 PROFILED ARCHITECTURAL PAINTED WOOD COLUMNS PAINTED WOOD FASCIAS, ASPHALT SHINGLE IN BENJAMIN MOORE, TRIMS, RAILNGS AND ROOFING: PABCO AF-240 SATCH&:L GARAGE: FIBERGLASS SHINGLES COLOUR: WEATHERED WOOD BENJAMIN MOORE, CSP-570 NOTRE DAME ALUMINUM RWLs + PROFILED GUTTERS IN CHARGOAl FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT TRIMS PAINTED IN BENJAMIN MOORE-, CROMWELL GRAY PROFILED HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING: GENTEK, STORM PROFILED HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING: GENTEK, DOVER.GREY 23711 132 AVENUE 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 PAINTED/STAINED CLUTURED STONE: GREY BEIGE VINYL WINDOW FRAMES FIBERGLASS ENTRY DOOR: COBBLEFIELD WOOD GRAIN, MISSION, WITH GLAZED INSERT: OAK TONE DP 0.11 Al-A-A-A2 BLOCK 1 COLOUR SCHEME 1 .J BLOD< 3 il t1 ...... =----l---t---------------------------------t -~-=--,,_ __ =--t:::-==:=------~CNR~E~EvK----~----"" -------- '--l----+--------------------------1-----i--------------~---_..,.. ...... ____ _l:._ __ _j_ ____________________________________________ J_ ____ ___,_ __ ~---------------------..-. SECTION 1 STREETSCAPE LOOKING EAST SCALE: 1 :200 -""~'--------1-------+----------------i---, ----~--- __ ,......._ ___ +----+-----------t---,--~ _.......,.,...._ _____ +---f---------------t----i-----~- _...,,.,....._ ____ -jr---+----------------t----t-----w . ..- _ _.. ____ ..1__ _ __1 __________ _,_ __ .____ ___ ...,_, SECTION 2 STREETSCAPE LOOKING SOUTH SCALE: 1 :200 23711 132 AVENUE ment 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C . ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 132 Avenue PRO,JECT I\JORTH DP 0.12 STREETSCAPE ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1:200 '\ '\ _J ',~ ,oo ,o,..... '\ ,<% '\ ?-,::. '\ ", \ \ \ 22083 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ \ i: I! ~ ~ c::, Co - 23711 132 AVENUE 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 o'I ti I a I ---,.,1 [,_Q I i5 I RETAINING WALL LEGEND CONCRETE RETAINlNG WAU. A89REV1A.T10NS T.OW. B O.W, TOP OF' WALL BOTTO~\ OF WALL <, a ::, C") -., (1) rn ment 0 0 PROJEC T I\IORTH DP 1.0 SITE PLAN SCALE: 1:200 19'-9" 38 [6.02m) 19'-8" 24.09m [6m] 240'-2" [73.24m] 23711 132 AVENUE .J 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 .---, CD 0) . 3 I L......,(X)= .-, (J) ~ -I>-• (.,J I 3 ~-....... - ....., ~ ~ (.,J • co I 3 ~ ....... ,.....,~ (J) -3 I ~ co~ ~ (J) (.11 3 -l>-f Olen 3 • 0 ,r-.....,_ ment RETAINING WALL LEGEND I· , , , , • • •' • • •••·I ABBREVIATIONS T.0 W. 8 .0.W. ALLAN BLOCK RETAINING WALL CONCRETE RETAINING WALL TOP OF WALL BOTTOM OF WALL PRO.JECT I\IORTH DP 1.1 GRADING PLAN SCALE: 1:200 RE TAINING WALL LEGEND \ ABBREV! A TIONS T.O.W. B.O.W. \ ALLAN BLOCK RETA~ING WALL CONCRETE RETAINING \ALL TOP OF WALL BOTTOM OF WALL \ \ \ \ \ \ \ <1 I\.) 23711 132 AVENUE 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 32.1m 343'-5" [104.74m] r~ !~ ... -0 .. ment PF:O.JEC T I IORTH DP 1.2 GRADING PLAN SCALE: 1:200 .. ,02Jm1 9) UNIT 4-A2 BLOCK 1 UPPER FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1:100 UNIT1-A1 26''"' 1/Z"ll.OC~ •~:e:L,J,J'l<-____ u_N_1T_4--A2 _____ (;)2l------u_N_1_r _3-_A __ _:_,::c:,c.~3=::!....--u-N_IT_2._A ____ 44 ____ u_N_1T_1_-A_, ____ *-,!10,2...,,.,. '?' ,os--,· ;,....., 26'-4 1/T (8.04ml l. 2s-3• l8.0btril 26'-3" f8.00mJ 26'-4 1/2" (8 04ml &-JIU3nll 12'-0'"l3,66m] 14'-4112"[4.3Bm] j r-r-z.a·p~ 14'-3"1'..3-lmJ .... _::: ~ ! I ........ I ~!r _:, ~~1~~ ± 20·..-m.21an1 26'_. V2" (U•mJ ,, 0 BLOCK 1 MAIN FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1:100 @!I CO\IER£0 OSO< ;:--- 5'-1~ ,,.. ,,.J~, I, 1 ® 1--.... -- ---,_ .... _,._ ! !al ........ , __ --- _,._ co::iKED ,._,._ .D.J COVERED !!ALCON\' 20'-6"(0.2'n,J --9•,,.,J 26'-l"l3-"""'I !, , ...... '132-00mj G) 2"-0-f.u&n)t 14'-3"!4..34mJ --2'-0"(366m} 14'-41/2"(4.3Bm] I ~ ..i...--,t=="""!-1!!!1 ::':-! c~~D == D In ,:. m ~~~~ 20'.-16,~ 26'•3"[8.0l\"l>I '..fT (l,J&nl ,, ,, © CO\IEREO ""' di 23711 BLOCK 1 GARAGE/BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1:100 132 AVENUE 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 ment DP 2.1 BLOCK 1 FLOOR PLANS (A2-A-A-A1) SCALE: 1:100 (\\ UNIT 9-A2 (v UNIT 8-A 1·0•103')MI ::-( 'T cp UNIT 7-A er UNIT 6-A © UNIT 5 -Al 131'-6"'-C.Q..Oln\J T 1--_;,...• ----"'26c:'-4c::112::._",:o!6,,::::04:::,ml ___ _,A;,----2=6'...::•3"_.,[6:..::00m:::::,_J ----+------'=""'-"='-------,i'----=-"-""":::::,_-----i(----=-:-=-=-.cc:,__ __ -,1. t 12'-0" (3.66ml 14'-41/2"[4.38m] 12'-0" [3 66m] 14'-3" [4 34m] I, 26'-3" (8 00m) I, 26'-3" (B,OOmJ I, 26'-41/2."(BO◄m] 1 ~ >! ! l ~ :....: - I -:i ! I; r::. ~ ~ t ::3 - ! ~ t ~ ..l...__ !~ !!! ~ ,·..,-ro.oo..i - e. ~ L' - i! -~~ j ,.. II 1' ·' ~ "! r~~ f ,. z 12·~· [3.66ml 14•.3· [4 34ml Ii ! I!! DJ BLOCK2 MAIN FLOOR PLAN I UNIT 9-A2 26'-41/2"J&l'u-l ci~lD v= E@ <:( 1>'-VP...,_I 1,1'""4 11'1'" 14,38ml L- i -·-... ii! I ! I ~ µ,~ ~ ---- IE:1 1l ~-- iii\. ~ ......... ---~ ,__ 1., .....,_ -f-1---,-.,1_ ~- ~ ,.___. '---- "' ~i ------Iii ~ .. -~ - I .....-.~-------"~~ --·---..... J 26'-41/2"(...,."'I BLOCK2 2 I 12'-0-(l.Hm.J ,_ t:~ ,_,_ ,_,_ w ..... -~i-I -r,o, I,.!.. UNIT S-A 3 21"·>" JI OOnl COvtREO B~LCONT 131'-6"140,08trlJ UNIT7-A 131'-6"(40..08tn,l 26'-3" (UIOml ,..-.y~ ,z...-(3.E&nJ ,. «'.J'[<l.a<o,f ~~ 1 ' ,_,_ ' -~•=iii ,_,_ ·---iii EE .r, ! i ~ "' ~ ..5 ~w ~ .... ~ ,_ --I<---··--·-·-·-.--' r{11-.I ~ L .~ ~,. ~-~- n-.;.;:, ._y ·-·-i ·--:::: ~ )-I,, ~ ~L ~ i,.. ~ -~ - I i ! ! j r,-----;;.-:.,.;-----==F-~ -111111 ·-·-·-····- i 1------· ,..._.,,,. ______ • ,_ _____ ...... ~!:'~ .... -•. -' 26'-3"f!:OO'i'l GARAGE/BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN 4 12'-0"[3.66m] COVEFIEO BIILCONT UNIT6-A 14'•3" [4 34m] 26'-3"f&.00rnl q> I. 12'-O"l3.66mj 14'-41!2"[4,38mJ ..26'...C ltr£&.O,Cffll ' UNIT 5 -Al Cf' 26'.4\JZ'OII&-' 1 ·--Er i ~~-~ , .. =-, (i~r~1g;_,~-:=:-j t: l/ lb l!'." ~-- n,-- ~-- r,·" ''-'---· I---··· I---'-1------I,, ........... i,.--.lr -··· I--..... ,_._ ···--'-t t I'--,__ ~ - ¾' : I 1111 ;i--------~ !!<-Ii:' it"----- ---~--~~ ; i ····~·-·v-ttt.._~ •• ---I 1··---· ~•.....-~--------. I 26'-3"flJJlrril 26'~112·~1 7 ~i -! -:: 0 \ -Ql) I-2 Jj l' :;-~ ~ 0 •• N ~ ~ " I\ ~-"'~:;~ ! 0 "" 23711 132 AVENUE me nt DP 2.2A 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 BLOCK 2 FLOOR PLANS {A2-A-A-A-Al) SCALE: 1:100 -·-------- 20',d" (o&rli ~-l ,ir,,.J, 20'-6"~ l.n,.,d, 26'~ 11'l"(&04m 26"-l" IUOo\l '1 . t ~ BLOCK2 UPPER FLOOR PLAN 23711 132 AVENUE 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 20"-6" (6.2SmJ birrm,,.l ~__..-, •. °'"" 1 ,; 111--6' f.CG.o&nJ ~ 20'<" (6.2!ml w.:r a.QOmJ ment DP 2.2B BLOCK 2 FLOOR PLANS (A2-A-A-A-Al) SCALE: 1:100 A 8 C D BLOCK 3 UPPER FLOOR PLAN UNIT 13-B2 cp 26'-4 112"~1 9"10.2:lm] BLOCK 3 MAIN FLOOR PLAN UNIT 12-B (j) UNITll-B ,os-.:r'%..,,,, 26'•3" 18.DOml I. ,,,_,. fl.O<rnl ! I ~~ r--"" T•t•l! i;J ·P -• : cp UNIT 10-Bl Cp I. .. .... ,,..18 ... o,1 1. ·1. 12'-trp. ..... , t..i·-11Jt"(ol:3.!ml 1. I Ill ~ U I I rr·---• ... •..._•·.:..1 ... 1--1--.,1---llt;,;oo::\ - COVEAEO ""'' lil! I --- 1 cb 23711 cp UNIT 13-B2 UNIT 12-B 3'-11l2"(0.95rn) BLOCK3 GARAGE/BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN 132 AVENUE 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 UNIT 11-B 2(1"~4.00mJ ---------~ -~=~---,:,!='="'I- ..... -·--··-··-· l •••••• f--.. ···-... -....... ____ _ 26'-3" {UIOm DP 2.3 BLOCK 3 FLOOR PLANS (A2-A-A-A1} SCALE : 1:100 UNIT 16-81 2e·-41I2·[a.04mJ 1<4'--4 112' f4.38mJ t:r-o· [3.66ml BLOCK4 UPPER FLOOR PLAN 14'-4 112· [4 38m) BLOCK4 MAIN FLOOR PLAN UNIT 15-8 .,...,,..,.oo.,J 26'-3"[8.0Dm) 14'-3" [4 34m] 12·-o· 3 66mJ UNIT 15-8 79'-0" [2.4.o&ml 26'-3" 18 00ml 14'-3" [4 34m] 12'-0" [3.66ml 23711 UNIT 14-82 26'-4112" [8.04ml 14'-41/2"[4.3Bm] 12'~"[3.66m] UNIT 14-82 26'-41/2" [B 04ml 14'-41f2"[436m] 12'--0"[366m] 132 AVENUE 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 BLOCK4 GARAGE/BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN UNIT 15-8 79'-0"~4,DS!!'f} UNIT14-82 ~ 26'-4VZ-~ DP 2.4 BLOCK 4 FLOOR PLANS (B1-B-B2) SCALE: 1:100 ~-,,. .... {N~ UNIT4-A2 ©@ 7 -1 8'#J7M<.4 If"" 1'""'!:)!;jPr,=lc.-._...;23'=."";:.;:17:..::•tSml,.:,_ __ .:.c•·-3":.,?J!"'l ,,. _[ i ! i I i I -4,L 8\JILDING !Qllil Lm (11m ABOVE COP BASELINE) I · • i ~ .I """'==-==:=-;~ ...... 'llrM,l .. .n..ol,.i~1u,c: _--1!.!,•~l:lathWJICl __ BLOCK 1 SIDE ELEVATION (UNIT 4-A1) SCALE: 1 : 100 ~ -----~·1-·-~,n-.. ~ il, i q t.~'[ft12M] .,. .... i 1 ~ i ...-.. ,,~ I. ·i I I !i I i '1 I i I, BLOCK 1 SIDE ELEVATION (UNIT 1-A2) SCALE: 1:100 cp ' I, BLOCK 1 UNIT4-A2 FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1:100 UNIT1-A1 t. 26'-41l2"'(1.04ffl) UNIT 3-A ), ,. 211-'rJUOm) i UNIT2-A cp 105'-3" F"""1 -L i .:i=--~~:::-·· -k --------=-~----__ -!-,j j_ -------1--------• --=-------=:----=-, ------ UNIT 3-A -~~,'52....~ 1'---·-·--i-~-.. -- ti ~ '? ~-,;,,1!.1--· -!-l"'-• V>SIIO'-= ~ I ! e: ~ _i,,.u .. is,.~~'; ~ ~ Tl'OMt~ l a 31 '? I I i I i i BLOCK 1 REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1:100 23711 132 AVENUE 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 UNIT1-A1 ® I ' 26'-4 112' [1.04"1) UNIT 4-A2 Cj) ,, 26'-4 112"ta.04,m,J 1 (i) ASPHALTSHINGLEROOFING (2) PAINTED WOOD FASCIAS Q) AlUMJNL»A Rm PROfllEO MET.AL GOTTER @ PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT HORIZONTAI.LAPSIDM'i'G (l) PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMEITT VERTICAL BOARD AND BATTEN @ PA\NTE0 FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANELING lb -'"""""""""""'"""'.,. TRIMS (A) PAINTED WOOO POSTS, BEAMS (§) Cl.11..11.JREOSTONEVENEER @ VM'l.\.VINOOWS 0 PAINTED I STAINED FIBERGLASS EITTRY DOOR @ SECTION.Al.. GARAGE DOOR @ SUDINGOOOR 0 REAR FIBERGLA.SS DOOR @ PAINTED ALUMINUM RAILING/ GUAAllflAI. DP 3.1 BLOCK 1 ELEVATIONS (A2-A-A-A1) SCALE: 1:100 @® 7<-.1 -----'~- UNIT9-A2 ©@ »-•0'!7.4!ml lr ....... {1.t""'l ,•.31 I- i I ! I . ·r ---~~:...~Fl=t-===::;;i~~~ -1+-----~ > -= ~ BLOCK2 SIDE ELEVATION (UNIT 9-A2) SCALE: 1:100 ! i . ! I I • . I I • . I Ii BLOCK2 SIDE ELEVATION {UNIT 5-A1) SCALE: 1:100 MATERIALS lEGB','O (D ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING (l) PAINTED WOOD FASCIAS @ ALUMINUM RWL PROFILED METAL Gl/TTER @ PAIN'Tm ABER RBNFORCEO CEMENT HORIZONTALlAPSIOitG @ PAIITTEOABERRBNFORCEOCE~\Et/T VERTICAL BOARD AND BATTEN (ID PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT PANELING Cl) PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT TRIMS @ PAINTED WOOD POSTS, BEAMS @ CULT\JREDSTONEVEHEER @ VINYLWiNDOWS fl) PAlNTEO/STAJNEDFiBERGI..ASSEHTRY DOOR @ SECTIONAL GARAGE DOOR @ SLIDING DOOR @ REAR FIBERGLASS ODOR @ PAINTEDAl.UM.NUMRAIUNG/ GUAAOOAIL t'~e;{Je591M) ,,. ........ ~271 82' (82 85M) "~-.,._ G) UNIT 9-A2 121 UNIT 8-A I MA~IMUM BUILDING HEIGHT'r'E (1Im ABOVE DDP BASEUNE) 1 26'-4 ,12· ra.-1 J i i i i i i i i i -~- p l ==::::::;~~:::::::==::=::::j 23711 BLOCK2 FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1:100 UNIT 5-Al 26'-41/2"[8.04mJ 1-=--------~ --,-----· I BLOCK2 REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1:100 cp j UNIT6-A 2 .. .J'l".00ml 132 AVENUE 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 Cf> t 1 ! I i UNIT7-A ,., ..... (<0,""'11 UNIT7-A 131'-6" t•Meml ~..-(8.00nJJ UNIT6-A UNIT 5-Al I ---1 --ffl-\fuCBIUJJll 1=:1:=:it-~<ll ;; q cp UNITS-A I l 76"-3"!8,0Q-nJ ': q> UNIT 9-A2 cp i ,(- )., 26'-4 1tr [!.04mJ 1 i I i i i I i I i I t-----------~L l ! ----------------- ment DP 3.2 BLOCK 2 ELEVATIONS (A2-A-A-A-Al) SCALE: 1:100 + 20a e· re, 2swJ ..,...rt&. ,,..,._ j,ru~~~-1.:I, .ID..»:..l!/a,~ '1---·- i! BLOCK3 SIDE ELEVATION (UNIT 13-B2) SCALE: 1:100 BLOCK3 SIDE ELEVATION (UNIT 13-B2) SCALE: 1:100 ~......, G) ASPHALTSHINGLEROOFING Cl) PAl,'fTEOWOOOFASCIAS (3) ALUMiNUM RWL PROFILED METAL GumR @ PAltnm FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT HORIZONTALlAPSIOlKG @ PAINTEO FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT VERTICAL BOAROANO BATTEN (i) PAINTcO Fl6ERREINFORCED CEMENT PANEUN13 (!) PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT l!OJMS (4) PA!ITTEO WOOD POSTS, BEAMS @ Cll.lURED STONE VENEER @ VINYl\.'~DO'NS d] PAINTED/ STAINED FIBERGLASS ENTRY DOOR @ SECTlONAl. GARAGE COOR @ SLDINGDOOR @ REAR FlBERGlASS DOOR @ PAIWTEOAUJMINUMRAJUNGI GUARDRAIL 23711 cp UNIT13-B2 cp 26'-4 112· (8JWmf i UNIT 12-B 105 ,. 3 ~ UNIT 11-B 0) K I 26"-3" ~) ~,. I I t------=,,,,,.--,-=---e-. -==-=· +,I-i BLOCK3 FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1:100 © _I i, ,. i I i UNIT 10-B1 26'-4 1J2" (8.0<,>J Cf 1, ·, i i i 1- 1 -----i -=---=-=-: =-=--=----:: . -1 +--· ----- j +·-· -- BLOCK 3 REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1:100 UNIT 11-B 26'·3" [8,00ml 132 AVENUE 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 --i_1-_-· -------_-_--_+. 10S-3~J UNIT 12-B cp I, 20"·3"1..-J 1, 1 >i i i UNIT 13-B2 q) 2S'"'41/2"f!:OCITI) DP 3.3 BLOCK 3 ELEVATIONS (B2-B-B-B1) SCALE: 1:100 ·-·-·-· i1 1· .I Ii BLOCK4 SIDE ELEVATION (UNIT 16-B2) SCALE: 1:100 BLOCK4 UNIT 14-B2 2.-:r JISffl) SIDE ELEVATION (UNIT 14-B1) SCALE: 1:100 MATERIALS lEGENO (D ASPHALTSHINGLEROOFlNG (Z) PAINTED WOOD FASCIAS (D ALUMINUM RWL PRDFl~EO METAL GUITTR (j) PAIITTEO FIBER REINFORCED CEI.ENT HORIZONTAL LAP SIDIHG (5) PAINTED FIBER REINFORCED CEMENT VERTICAL BOARD AND BATTEN @ PNKTmFEER IEWP'CIPCED ceen PANELING (1) ,NHTm~ c:slEnT TRIMS @ PAINTED WOOD POSTS, BEAMS (I) CULTURED STONE VENEER @ VINYl 'MNDDWS @ PA»ffEOISTAINEDAltERGlASSENTRY DOOR @ SECTIDNALGARAGEDOOR @ SLOING DOOR d} REAR FBERGLASS ODOR @ PAINTED ALUMINUM RAILING/ GUARORAIL 23711 lMV C':).~ \g-·---- d: -, ~ 1 E!: i.; q -'"''<J!e~'+ ,,._ I !; § 212 1◄·r~ f'- i i I I i i BLOCK4 UNIT 16-B1 26'-41/rlS,.O,ta'I) FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1 :100 UNIT 14-B2 0 I I I, ,. G) ! I rl-----------iL -r,.tJ --:::::---. --i - BLOCK4 REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1:100 132 AVENUE 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 UNIT 15-B rr -0·12•-"""1l UNIT 15-B 79"-0"[24.lll3>j 0 ! .,,_ i ~ . I I I i • UNIT16-B1 cp i -=--~-=-=----=--7 ---j i ----~ I I ! I --·i ·-'· +2:~r~ ~ ;.2,!! "!&JU ZIM) ,,._ DP 3.4 8LOCK4 ELEVATIONS (81-8-82) SCALE: 1:100 J .JJ UNIT1-A1 BEDROOM 12 CL. Q.. tAASTER BEDROOM GREAT ROOM KITCHEN GARAGE BLOCK 1 CROSS SECTION (UNIT 1-A2) SCALE: 1:100 GREAT ROOM KITCHEN BLOCK 1 . CROSS SECTION (UNIT 3-A) SCALE: 1:100 23711 +mm· r,29ewJ 4i VJJ2' [177MI 132 AVENUE 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 BEDROOM 12 I GREAT""""' UNIT 2-A 25'·9" (7.as.,J a.. 0.. ~ :: KITCHEN -·-·---~--~a!,:-:::;;;:;·-=·===·--:;~~-~~~~~=--+ ,-!,~ I .. ~ ! JJ, ~ ~ I BLOCK 1 CROSS SECTION (UN.IT 2-A) SCALE: 1:100 BEDROOM f2. GREAT ROOM BLOCK 1 UNIT4-A2 @ u·-rp.u..1 l ~ ""~~~ ..,,.-= - a.. a.. ~ASTER BEDROOM KITCHEN GARAGE CROSS SECTION (UNIT 4-A1) SCALE: 1:100 ment DP 4.1 SECTIONS BLOCK 1 (A2-A-A-Al) SCALE: 1:100 J UNITS-Al 2s•.9· !U.>ml Q.. 0.. MASTER BEDROOM GREAT ROOM KITCHEN GARAGE BLOCK2 CROSS SECTION (UNIT 5-A1} SCALE: 1:100 ~ @ L UNIT6-A 2S'eVf7.IS<t\) 1 i=-' FFFFFI~· 1 ! "'i=f=FF'#=I~·~- i a.. 0.. MASTER BEDROOM GREAT ROOM KITCHEN BLOCK2 CROSS SECTION (UNIT 6-A) SCALE: 1:100 BLOCK 2 UNIT 8-A 2S' ... (7MmJ CROSS SECTION {UNIT 8-Al SCALE: 1:100 ♦251111' 127 )2M] ·--· """" 23711 132 AVENUE 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 (o) UNIT 7-A (A) T 2Y-O"f7.15ml T --i-~--, r"~~~-"""' - ·---t-,4';'}£i.'"" '"') _ CLCL ~ ~ __ " q .,, ~""'~;===~====f~s;·--· --~allJ?4. ~ i E' .,. ....... r!. re i GREAT ROOM KITCHEN !; ~ § ~ C,\IIAC(: -. 1/0lloit•l'IIM-1 ~l•UlllL ~~~~~~==~~!::==~~~=!:ts:~-.. -~~:..(1DJJ,I).. BLOCK2 CROSS SECTION (UNIT 7-A) SCALE: 1:100 @ I UNIT9-A2 z,• ... f7,MniJ a.. Cl,. MASTER BEOROOM GREAT ROOM tn10Q'.)I ·1-~!I.~ ii ~ q ~~-~-=·-=·-=· ..,,_,_===·=-~~=-·~- BLOCK2 CROSS SECTION (UNIT 9-A2l SCALE: 1:100 ment DP 4.2 SECTIONS BLOCK 2 (A1-A-A-A-A2) SCALE : 1:100 BLOCK3 CROSS SECTION (UNIT 10•B1} SCALE: 1:100 Q... CL MASTER BEDROOM GREAT ROOM KITCHEN BLOCK 3 CROSS SECTION (UNIT 12-B) SCALE: 1:100 23711 ~ ~ 221 J9' (82 6§U] -~-f/C!i>IEAllmC 132 AVENUE 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 BLOCK3 UNIT 11-B 25'-9" [1,!Sm} I i CROSS SECTION (UNIT 11•Bl SCALE: 1:100 GREAT ROOM KITCHEN GARAGE BLOCK3 CROSS SECTION (UNIT 13-B2) SCALE: 1 :100 -·-·l _ -~t,e;_u,21swl ~ ~-~ f/05)1E,,.-!HrlC cl. ~ :? -· -, +~~ .,,~.JJML DP 4.3 SECTIONS BLOCK 3 (81-B-8-B2) SCALE: 1:100 BEDROOM 12 0.. 0.. MASlER -BEDROOM ---! -~.JJ.~==~i::::::'====J~s i GREAT ROOM KITCHEN BLOCK 3 CROSS SECTION (UNIT 14-81) SCALE: 1:100 CL Q. MASTER BEDROOM CREAT ROOM KITCHEN r i i-- BLOCK3 GARAGE CROSS SECTION (UNIT 15-Bl SCAl:.E: 1:100 23711 132 AVENUE 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. APRIL 23, 2018 :r C1.. Q.. MASTER BEDROOM KITCHEN BLOCK 3 CROSS SECTION (UNIT 16-B2} seAI£: 1:100 DP 4.4 SECTIONS BLOCK 4 (B1-B-B2) SCALE: 1:100 23711 -132nd Avenue Townhouse Development -. --------------- I I i i I ff fi ~ I I f i I FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT ; 1 ~~-=,~~-=====-:..:::..,...,_ _______ _ Contact Information Other Key Contacts: van der Zalm + associates Inc. Brookside Properties Centras Project Landscape Archileclure Projecl Q,v,,er PrujC?cl C1t•1I EngirHcermg Suile 1 -20177 97th Avenue 11933 224 St #216 2630 Croydon Drive Langley, Brilish Columbia, V1 M 489 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 682 Surrey, BC V3S 6T3 t 604 8B2 0024 f. 604 8B2 0042 604 638 3152 604 782 6927 Primary projecl contacl: Dave Jerke davidj@vdz.ca O. 604,882.0024 X 38 Alternate contacts (lncase away): Atelier Pacific Architecture Mark van der Zalm Projec1 Buik.li11g Arcl1ilec!l!Oe Principal Landscape Archilect 111-3823 Henning Drive mark@vdz.ca 0. 604 882 0024 x22 Burnaby, BC V5C 6P3 604 662 8689 Sheet List Table L-01 COVERSHEET L-02 TREE REPLACEMENT AND RETENTION PLAN L-03 SITE AND TREE PLAN L-04 PLANTING PLAN L-05 AMENITY SPACE L-06 GRADING PLAN LD-01 DETAILS LD-02 DETAILS LD-03 DETAILS i CD SITE PLAN OVERVIEW f,.___ _________________________________________________________ __J ½ va.n derZalrp + associates inc. """, ........ q,,...,__ \lltlM DHv,I • ~ ,,,ct,ild,u C ,-~,.:on,., ....... , ............ ~11....-cir..,,,:,o ,~ YW4M ....,._.,c;-.o Key Map 1ms) TS For Development Permit APfil 23, 2018 PC For Devel<lprnenl Permit May 16, 2017 &UrS Rev.asPerNewSilePlan May11,2017 DC ForDevelopw.enlPermft Jone27,2016 No By; Oescriplic>n REVISIONS TABLE FOR DRAWINGS o C.,p1tl!lhl le'Hf\~ Thi• drll"IVlr,c; ~rid <Mi'gn ii; lh~ prClpl!nrol w.,.delZalm,.M$0C!Mnlnc.anclmayrotNn,;,'1Jduc:edc1 11s«lfOldh111~ro!tcUIO(ll\oulpermiulon Project: Townhouse Development Location: 23711 -132nd Avenue Maple Ridge, BC Drawn: MdyS PC Checked: DJ Approved: MVOZ Scale; 1:250 Stamp: Original Sheet Size: 24"x36" 1-w w I Cf) a: w ! 6 -~ (.) ~ 0 NORTH High I , l= 10 I\'.=. I Poin1t I On the I \ i~? l ' I I ' I I '. 9:J~ 19:J\)· ~ I Rock ')'o 'o\)· '; ,' -~ I ~ I I I , 24 I TREE LEGEND Tree Tag No. Size (mm) Type Canopy (Radius) (m) 1078 900 Cedar 9 1184 1050 Cedar 10 1180 800 Cedar 8 1167 800 Cedar 8 1168 750 Cedar 8 1185 800 Cedar 8 1166 500 Cedar 5 1181 600 Cedar 6 1182 600 Cedar 6 1239 1100 Cedar 11 1183 700 Cedar 7 1187 950 Cedar 9 1225 1050 Cedar 10 1186 750 Cedar 8 1222 300 Cedar 3 1223 250 Cedar 3 1165 400 Pine 4 1227 300 Cedar 3 1256 300 Cedar 3 1190 450 Cedar 4 1260 1200M Macie 12 1079 900C Cedar 9 1276 850C Cedar 9 1255 1200C Cedar 12 1169 800C Cedar 8 1273 900C Cedar 9 1026 800C Cedar 8 1270 450H Hemlock 5 1271 350M Maple 3 1269 lOOOC Cedar 10 1279 350C Cedar 3 1237 1300M Maple 13 1311 1400C Cedar 14 1323 450M Maple 5 1282 850H Hemlock 9 1324 900 Spruce 9 1240 600 Cedar 6 1173 700 Cedar 7 1249 1100 Cedar 11 1250 500 Hemlock 5 1281 900 Cedar 9 1158 550 Hemlock 6 1289 650 Cedar 13 1236 950 Cedar 10 1073 550 Hemlock 6 1803 700 Cedar 7 1247 800 Cedar 8 1272 450 Cedar 5 1293 650 Cedar 7 1265 1200 Cedar 12 1325 1500 Cedar 15 1307 450 Hemlock 4 1264 450 Walnut 5 1297 700 Cedar 7 1318 2000 Maple 20 1290 750 Cedar 7 1061 500 Hemlock 5 1099 700 Cedar 7 1228 420 Hemlock 4 1189 600 Cedar 6 KEY REF. DESCRIPTION @ TREE PROTECTION --0---FENCE 1174 1299 1131 1319 1298 1294 1220 1241 1320 1317 1345 1315 1096 1322 1295 1206 1300 1302 1328 1312 1314 1329 1342 1316 1326 1305 1334 1340 1330 1304 1313 1204 1341 1343 1333 1309 1332 1306 1162 1205 1344 1308 0 450 1250 300 650 300 1000 800 500 1200 300 550 450 330 300 600 1100 550 900 1050 1000 700 300 300 300 700 500 400 900 250 400 600 800 700 650 400 600 600 600 300 300 300 1200 Cedar Cedar Hemlock Hemlock Hemlock Cedar Cedar Hemlock Maple Cedar Cedar Hemlock Hemlock Hemlock Hemlock Maole Hemlock Maple Cedar Cedar Hemlock Cedar Maple Hemlock Cedar Cedar Hemlock Cedar Cedar Maole Cedar Maple Hemlock Cedar Cedar Cedar Hemlock Maple Cedar Cedar Cedar Maple St:HEDULE.i;·m11 Tree Protection Barrier fb:r»,1:•;,oo!""i:1'"-'"n:nl:. ..,fino:,:,,"',t-::,,-.1,...:., 4 13 3 7 3 10 8 5 12 3 5 4 3 3 6 11 5 9 10 10 7 3 3 7 7 5 4 9 3 4 6 8 7 6 4 6 6 6 3 3 3 12 TREE PROTECTION BARRlER DETAIL Scale NT$ ½ van der Zalm + assodales inc. .......... .-.0.,-.. ... ~CUql-~~ C ...-.....,,.:,,nlNl .... 1 ,<o< ....... '--!;"lft,~OJA,,l,,e:il (....U,;o.Q Vv.tUt ~ Key Map (NTS) " •"-"' -,-~SITE ,5 TS FO( Oevelopmefll Pumil • PC For Development Permit April23,2016 May16,2017 ~0,-S Rtv. as Per New Sile Plan May 11, 2017 2 &etS Rff.aP.,,H&"W~Pl&ll Mau;h23.2017 DC For Develaprnenl Permit June 27, 20115 No ey;: °"~ D.1111 REVISIONS TABLE FOR DRAWINGS " Copyrigl\l roscrved This dla<1,ir,g arid dosla,i is llu! propc~ycr vandttZelm•a~~tesinc~ndm11yn:wbereprodu,;edot usfdlc1oitwrp,aj~cuffldlootpa1miulon Project: Townhouse Development Location: 23711 -132nd Avenue Maple Ridge, BC Drawn: MdyS PC Checked: DJ Approved: MVDZ Scale: AS SHOWN Stamp: Original Sheet Size: 24"x36" z <( _J 0.. z 0 r-z w r-w 0:: 0 z <( r-z w ~ w 0 <( _J 0.. w 0:: ~ w ;:: w .f 0:: ~ r- 1 NORTH (0 C"') I (0 ~ it 0 0 ., C'\I ·e- ll. 0.. ~o I ~ Q ! I ., ! ~ a ii I I @ ~ ~ I I ! ~ Concrete Retaining Wall and Cedar Fence, lyp. See L-06 Grading Plan Stairs with --Wll~fl!il railings; Typ. Mainlenan Path; Ty Railing Fence on wall Hydrapressed Slabs under Deck; Typ. for Block 1-4 Concrete Retaining Wall and Cedar Fence, typ. See L-06 Grading Plan Maintenance Path; Typ. Vegetated Rain Garden Property line Cedar Fence, typ. 0 TREE LEGEND Acer palmatum 'Seirvu' Stewartia monadelnha TREES QUAN. KEY see legend see legend 6ee legend ... .._ 21 see legend see legend see le!l_end se!!legend Chamaecyparis l'\OOlka. 'Pendula' Styrax japonicus 'Pink Chimes' BOTANICAL NAME Acer palmalum 'Seiryu' Camus kousa 'Starlin hi' Existing Trees to be Retained Chamaecyparis noolkalensis 'Pendula' Camus kousa var. nullalli 'Slarlighl' Fagus sylvalica 'Dawyck' liquidambar slyraclrlua 'Slender Silhcuetle' Nyssa sytvatica Stl}W.11-iamonocl~ Slyraxjaponlcus 'Pink Chimes' Fagus sylvalica 'Dawvck' COMMON NAME Japanese maple 'Seiryu' Weeping Noolka Cypress Slarlighl Dogwood Fasligiale Beech Slender Silhouelle Sweetgum Slack tupelo Orange Bark Slewartia Pink Chimes Snowbe11 liquidambar Nyssa sylvatica 'Slender Silhouette' SIZE B&B; 3m hl, B&B; 3m ht. B&B: 5cm caliper B&B: 6cm caliper a&e: 6cm calioer: 1 2m sld 8&8; 6cm caliper; 1.6m std. B&B; 5cm caliper B&B: 5cm caliper HARDSCAPE MATERIALS SITE FURNISHINGS/LIGHTING FENCING KEY REF_ O===O DESCRIPTION COLOURED CONCRETE Pallem: __,.,._ Manulacturer.SolorncnColon:,lnc AQUA PAVE PERMEABLE PAVERS Pall11m:Henin;bone Colcl.JI"; Surnrn~ Blend ~Allltld\illhl~ ,_ STAMPED CONCRETE ~~ Manutac!wer:Mi!lctete Colour.920Srnclr.e(SolomMColors,~I HYDRA PRE SED SL.ABS MaNJiaclurar.Mu1ua1Maleriall VlW':<:lllVerBaySlabl -..... SN:f-4 •?c" RIVER ROCK DESCRIPTION CEDAR/WOOD FENCE ENTRY GATE ALUMINIUM RAILING FENCE KEY REF. DESCRIPTION @ BASALT BLOCK BENCH Manufacll.-.r.Hucklebe,ryStone ~ '""'' Supplier.Northw11Stl11nllacapct& --"""" @ STEPPING LOGS 0 Model#r. 0 Coo,,c 0 _,_,.,. 0 ·-M .... @ BOULDER ~ Modellt: Col~r. Manulael1Ker. Supplitr. Moul'll: @ BOLLARD LIGHTING Mooet•:sRALe e C<llour, OARK SRONZE (RAL-8019-T) Manuraelurer.US Archi1edur.1llighlin1 (661)233-2000 Supplier:Mmc'sllli!}hl.w,; @ LANDSCAPE LIGHTING MoOlil*~"'"-.,.,....., rn Colour:Oarlr.Brom.e Manuf.JClurer.US,ArchKedurallighlill\ (661)233-2000 Sup~lier.Mac's11Ugh1in; -··· -· -SOFTSCAPE MATERIALS KEY REF. DESCRIPTION son See Crilical Landscape NotesfcrSpecHicallons @ HEDGE PLANTING I 11111111111111 I D @ SHRUB PLANTING t @ GROUNDCOVER PLANTING . . SPACING As shown As shown As shown As shown As shown As shown As shown As shewn Key Map (NTS) TS For Oevelopm1ml Pem1il AprJ23,2018 PC F« Oevelopmenl Permit May16,20l7 W-,S PA¥ nPMN.-SII-~ May11,2017 •~ M.1:1.-.iW.W~Pla.1 Mafch23 2017 DC ForOevelopm1nl Permit June 27, 2016 Na. 8y; Description REVISIONS TABLE FOR DRAWINGS • C,;,p1righlrescrvtd !hltd1111Wlg ~nd dnilnislheprcpcnycl v~nderZalm,. .1uocillt:sinc..1M1U11'Q\ lie ~pmdaeedor 11,;edl(lofCIIJ>er~•~dswilho<llpe:miulon. Project: Townhouse Development Location: 23711 -132nd Avenue Maple Ridge, BC Drawn: MdyS PC Checked: DJ Approved: MVDZ Scale: 1:200 Slamp: Original Sheet Size: 24"x36" z <{ _.J 0.. w w 0::: I- 0 z <{ iii w F 0) I-<= -~ e' Cf) 0 NORTH c.o (") I c.o "'"" ;o -~N a. 0.. ~o I I I I ~ i ! i ~ I I :g I i ~~ -r(ijj9----r(ijj9---~ ---r(i]J9 ~----- Match line ~ i 0@ ~ @ ® (iJ) ® @ Matchline PLANT LIST SCHEDULE SYMBOL I QUANTITY I BOTANICAL NAME SHRUBS Az 32 Azalea japonica 'Autumn Royally' Az1 61 Azalea japonica 'Hino While' Bm B2 Buxus microphylla 'Winter Gem· Cs 13 Cornus sericea Pm 61 Polyslicflum munitum Rh 19 Rhododendron 'Capistrano' Rs 23 Ribes sanguineum 'White Icicle' Sa 61 Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis Vo 144 Vaccinium ovatum 'Thunderbird' y 113 Taxus x media 'Hicksii' PERENNIALSIGROUNDCOVERS/GR/ISSES Ar 9 Aruncus dioicus B 147 t:3ergenia cordifolia 'Bressingham White' 9.3 sqm Erica carnea 'Springwood White' G 22 Geranium macrorrhizum H 3B Helleborus 'Ivory Prince· u 195 Heuchera 'Sashay· -a 35 sqm Uriope muscari p 363 Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' Ru 18 Rudbeckia fulgida var. 'Go[dsturm' ;L=...~~~-1 <-=== I _, COMMON NAME ISIZE I SPACING Japanese Azalea; purpfe #3 Pot 900mm O,C. Japanese Azalea; white #3 Pot 900mm O,C. Winter Gem Boxwood #2Pot 600mm O,C. Red Twig Dogwood #2 Pot 1200mm O.C. Sword Fern #2 Pot 750mm O.C. Hybrid Rhoda Capistrano #3 Pot 1500mm O.C. Flowering Currant; While #2 Pot 1200mm O.C. Dwarf Sweetbox #2 Pot 600mm O,C. Evergreen Huckleberry #3 Pot 1000mm O~C, Yew 1.2m H 750mm O.C Goatsbeard #1 Pot 900mm O.C. Bergenia #1 Pot 600mm O,C. Wintet Hoalher. Wlllle #1 Pot 450mm O,C. Bigrool Geranium #1 Pot 450mm O.C. Ivory Prince Lenten Rose #1 Pot 450mm O.C. Sashay Coral Bells #1 Pot 450mm O.C. Lily Turf #1 Pot 300mm O.C. Dwarf Fountain Grass #1 Pot 600mm O,C. Black-Eyed Susan #1 Pot 750mm o.c. 0 !L--------------------------------------------------------------' Key Map (NTS) " ,,._ .., -::-SITE TS For Deve!opmenl Permit April 23, 2018 PC ForDeve!oprnenlPermil May16,2017 L'.0,S Rev. as Per New Sile Plan May 11,2017 ~ Rev.asPerNewSilePlan M.wtn11,.2017 DC For Deve!opmenl Perm ii • ~ :V. ='Cl\6 No By: ~ Dal• REVISIONS TABLE FOR DRAWINGS •Capyrighlrescrvl!d ThisdrnwlnganddnTnnSlhcpropenror VJnder21lm .. cssociJ\csin,:,,indm,iync\b,ere~<l"L1Cedor usodforO!herprojociswilhoulpDrmission. Project: Townhouse Development Location: 23711 -132nd Avenue Maple Ridge, BC Drawn: MdyS PC Checked: DJ Approved: MVDZ Scale: 1:150 Stamp: Original Sheet Size: 24"x36" CONTRACTORSHALLC!iECKALLOIMENSIONS ONTHEWORKANOREPORTANVOISCREPAtfCT TOTHECONSULTANTBEFOREPROaEOING ALLORAWINGSANDSP£Clf1CATIONSARETH£ E>:CLUSIVEPROPERTVOFTHEOWNERANO MUSTBEAITURNEDATTHECOMPLETlOIIOf THEWORKAlLREZONING/DP/PPA/fllA/IIP DRAWINGSMUSTNOTBEPIUCEDFOII CON!.TAUCTIONUNLlSSV.BEl£D ISS\JEDFOR TIIIDER/COUSTIIUCTION z <( _J 0.. (9 z r-~ z ;:: <( g, "j: _J ~ 0.. CD (") I CD '"" ~ 0 0 " N ·e D.. 0.. N 0 0 > ./ § ~ i ! I ~ :! I i ~ Stamped Concrete Stewartia monadelpha Bollard lighting Basalt Block Bench by Northwest +..~f---, Landscape Supply; Typ. Table and Chairs by Owners Kompan Red House M7000 ~ I I 24 x 24 Stepping Stone 7 I HARDSCAPE MATERIALS DESCRIPTION COLOURED CONCRETE PaMem: Co\DlK';920Smoka M,mufadurer: Solomon Coto rs Inc AQUA PAVE PERMEABLE PAVERS Pa11ern:Herr~bone Colour:Summil Blend Manufac:lurer.Abbot.dordConcrele Producis STAMPED CONCRETE Pallem: Slate C~lesktne M,mulatlurnr:M.lfal!I■ ~~~~< HYDRA PRESSED SLABS Manulacturer:M!JlualM.llerials VanccuverBaySlabs Colour.Gray Slze:24:<24" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL RIVER ROCK FENCING KEY REF. DESCRIPTION CEDAR/WOOD FENCE ENTRY GATE D======O ALUMINIUM RAILING FENCE SOFTSCAPE MATERIALS KEY REF. DESCRIPTION SOD See Crilicallandscape Noles ror Specif1Calions @ HEDGE PLANTING 11m11111111111 D @ SHRUB PLANTING . @ GROUNDCOVER PLANTING . . . . . . . SITE FURNISHINGS/LIGHTING KEY REF. DESCRIPTION @ BASALT BLOCK BENCH ~ Manulac!urer.HuckleberrySlone Supply Supplier.Nor1hwestlandseape& Slonl!Supply Mount: @ STEPPING LOGS 0 0 Medel#; Colour: 0 Manufaclurer: 0 Supplier: Mooot: @ BOULDER ~ Modolfl: CN.c --MCIIA. @ BOUARD LIGHTING Model#:BRAl8 El) Colcur. DARK BRONZE {RAL·6011H) Manulact\Ker:U S Atch~cch.,ral Lighr.n (661)233-2000 Suo~lier:Mae'$IILiqhlir,g @ LANDSCAPE LIGHTING balMl,flffll:AclrlfMlil'lf ffi Coloor.Darl:Bronze Manulactu1er:US.Archkcclur.i,Ughlin (661)233·2000 SYpplier:Mac'!olllightifl!I @ FLOWER TALK TUBE Model#:3!1018 ~ Cclour.Y~Hcw Suppli,ar:GameTim11 ~ '!L-----C-ol-o-ur_e_d -C-o-nc-re_t_e_; T_y_p_. -----------Co_n_c-re-te_w_ith-S-co-re __________ F_lo_w_e_r_T_a_,k_T_u_be-by __________________ F_lo_w_e_r_T_a,_k_T-ub_e_b_y __ 2 __________ , ,_s_□_!'_®_"'_''"_ili_ii□_,"_""_iii_j"_""_ilij-iii-ili-•iit_:"_""_"l_""_iii_lij_'.'"_lll_"l_""_ill_·~-111-□II-Jl'_""_"'._'':'_"'_"'_r_"'_"~_':'_'lli_lii_'"_"'"'_1, ...J ! Cut Pattern Game Time; Yellow GameTime; Yellow ½ van der Zatm + associates Inc. -•---•CM-«ff U.-Dni;n •~~ C .....-.. 1,x.m1ii., ... -...w-J •-~,.._~ I ""'Mlli'C-4 YW.... .,,...._,.Ylka Key Map (NTS) H -~-SITE TS For Deve-lopm~nl Ptrmll April23,2016 PC Far Developmanl Permit May16,2017 J,,\:lyS 11w.01Atb<.tWSitePbn May11.2017 1.WJS Rev as Par New Sile Plan M.irch 23, 2017 DC For Developmer.l Pennit June 27 .2016 No By: 0.~liDn-Datt REVISIONS TABLE FOR DRAWINGS D C<>P7Mghlreserved ThisOIZNir>gDl!ddosignls ltle pr<>pe~yol v;on <Ser z~ ~ associ:11., inc. Qnd may nol ba replC<l~sed"' u~(oro(horp,~c:U\Oi\hc,ut~,minion Project: Townhouse Development Location: 23711 -132nd Avenue Maple Ridge, BC Drawn: MdyS PC Checked: DJ Approved: MVDZ Scale: Stamp: Original Sheet Size: 24"x36" w 0 <( a.. Cl) >-1- z ~w .[~ g <( .. I.!) :? 0 "§ I is _J -$Pep.~ .~r· $; .,; -- •-g :-1 ~~ -~-r+ 0 ~ NOT~: Refer to Civil and Architectural for Grading. Match line -- ' 1: 150 [111llll1i11l1lm11111111111,, 6 ,~ 3111111r"m,1111111,u111"11 ..... 5 iiiitiUiiiliilh l!iiiitil 7·5 1d.s ,~ ,1~ 11;'."""t''""'t111111111111'"~""'tl ~ I .S 1 19.S 1 5 fl'•tb,. ~-~ : a_s_soc_iates inc, ½ vander Z I I~ ....,,.. c"'""''"'""' \.. ,,,,,,.-119'1 • Lamlscape Ardlttecture ~•·-~PG~BB20024 i,;,-,1.Klht,., I T1.1,14II F 604&n200~2 frlo~.w,_r:a NOTE: Refer to Civil and Architectural for Grading. Key Map (NTS) ""' l'a--"" -c=SITE. TS PC For Development Permit Mar$ RD.nr., ... a.~ ....,,, Rff~.M Pttr,,._lilllP(M DC For Develcpmenl Permll Project: Townhouse Development Location: 23711 -132nd Aven Maple Ridge, BC ue Drawn; Stamp: MdyS PC Checked: DJ Ap-1123,2018 May16.2017 May11,20t7 March23,2017 June27,2016 Approved: MVDZ Original Shee\ Size: 2.4",c36" Scale: 1:150 t!l"""i'"-.,,, ,. NOl~TH .. (0 ~o :a, I ,5 _J _/ Oo not trim leader 2 pressure treated 050-075mm round wood slakes 2m lengths. Stakes should be aligned parallel to sidewalk/road 'Arbci~n:I+' tree trunk protector -AG-9-4 or 'nds' -tree trunk protector -lp 128 nds ""~,.J-----fl--,-L...L..---1f-="""-f.c,:,,;=-... 50mm deep saucer formed in topsoil for Notes: initial first year watering. Fill saucer with bark mulch 300mm minimum of topsoil around root ball compacted to 85% MPD Ped .. 1aI Slakes to not penetrate root ball. Slakes to penetrate native soil by 300mm 1. Sacking/burlap to be loosened and dropped lo the boltom of the planting hole. all string, twine, etc.lo be removed. 2. All wire baskets shall have the top 1/3 of the wire removed prior to planting. 3. All trees shall be single stem G)1-"""'TR"-!.:E""E'-'-P-"LA"--"-'-NT_,.,l"-'N"'G'-"D=-=ET'-'-'-'A""IL~---------- scaIe NTS batter ftom Yl!rlfcal Cor,a~waul R60mm fillet (TYP) 2•15M@ lop, cont. Conae;o wall sandblast 1---,so----l •. • ••• t -+-----15M rebar reinforcement 50mmfrom top 50mm from side Vertical @ 450mm O.C. Horizonlal@ 450mm O,C 1-1''--<--~-c'H----Fronch drain, use of clean 19mm minus rock •• ! .: ' '3LJ_....:.,"'."'"~77~"'-:"--~-~~=: iav~ ~i~~rdinated f--2007 with Civil. --~--'-_:,,._~ .... ....:,~--....... --....,,-..+-15M rebar reinforcement@ .. . , · .... 600mm o.c. ., ,:: ::::=-:~c;::=:;'.l,....:~~--r.-_-:-1-:'---"-;-i ~;: conl along base hook li!U~~iU~ni!!i~iUU~~iu~~!!iUt~;;~~;;j~~~· ~:~mm~~:~~ lo Notes: 1, Vertical Conlrol Joints Every 3m on center. 2. Wall heights vary. Refer to Grading Plan. CONCRETE RETAINING WALL DETAIL Sc:all 1:10 95% MPD Thfn Branches by:¼ Retain normal plant shape Occom.posed Bark Mulch 75mm min Create Topsoil Saucer 150mm min Remc\'9 To1>-i of Burlap Cut ropes al lop of ball. Remove all non-biodegradable material. Glm(ly Compacted Topsoil Mixture to BC Landscape Standard: "Well Groomed" soil Tamped Admixture Backfill --------Plant material installation@ 50mm Min. 2% Slope lo Edge higher than surroundings to facilitate mulch installation fl~ Plant spacing as per plan Granular herbicide ronstar 9 or approved pre-emergent herbicide. Apply according • lo manufacture~s directions above and below mulch 50mm decomposed bark mulch 71--->S::!.H!!.R~U:!eBCJ.P...,,LA=NT--'-'l"-'N""G'-"D.,ET..,--'-'A""IL~---------~ ScaleITTS @i--:~~eaR"' 1 .0,,,_ 1 ,-"'~'-'~-"'D-"'C'-'=O'-"V--=E"-'R'--'P~LA=NT::..:...elNc:;G"'---=O:..eETa.!.!CAJ"-'L~ ______ _ t t t----:-:zsea o.c.----:---J ,__ __ .....J l11 =::::l.-2"x6" Cedar Cap .------6"x6" Cedar Posts ~----2"x6" Cedar Cap with 4 Sided 45°, Bevelled Top Treatment to Prevent Endgrain Rot l-----'::,...-1--2"x6" Cedar Top Rail 2"x4" Cedar Support Rails 1"x6" Rough Cut Cedar Boards. Alternate and overlap1" (25mm) n+--i-+-+--1 "x1" Cedar Cant Strip 2"x4" Cedar Bottom Rails Centred on Posts 150mm x 150mi:n post saddlo-1-..,._....,__.. ... , 12"0 Concrete Footing to Extend 18" Below Grade anchored in concrete (ootrng Concrete retaining wall. Seo concrete wall detail. ..L_Lif~~',r~=c=+--t~~~~~~~~-Concrete collar. Do not encase boltom of post. At least 1" (25mm) exposed below concrele footing Note: _____ _:.__.:.L-.J-+4?.!lfrri.~iliffl"'----l--150mm Gravel Subbase 19mm minus @ 95% MPD 1. Fence to be constructed in conformance with the Morgan Creek Design Guildelines part 3.12. 2. Ensure all fasteners exposed to wealher are hot-dipped galvanized to prevent staining. PLAN Finish grade for lawn Exlst-,gsoil V Trench 100mm x 100mm (4"x4") Grc,1,ndoov,,, Planting Species and spacing as per plan Decompos«! Bark Mulch 50mm (2") Installed before planting Topsoil 150mm (6") min 'Well Groomed" as per BCLNA Standard Exfsflng subgrade i van der Zalm + nssocial.es 1nc. ...... .....-'""'"-• ~Dn.o,,-LNWl1M!~11 C ...... _,_,.,.,..,.._IP.l.,.,....m.o»I ~.1:m1.11!io~ -= ~ "'lit* ~.""'-D fA'l4 1--=Ba:.:E=-=D'-'E""D""G""E"--'--P-'-'R=E.,_PA'--',_,RA,...,T.:...:l.:::O.:...:N"-'Dc:.:ET:..:..:..A::.:IL'--_______ 1-~-~----~----1 \.:::.) Scale1:NTS Metal sliding gates Concrete Pillar with stone veneer to match Architecture Concrete cap cast in place Cedar Fen Concrete Wall with stone veneer to match Architecture TS For Development Perm ii April23,201B PC For Development Perm ii May16,2017 MdyS iR_., lll~tfr11'111'5111Pwl May11,2017 MdyS ftcv.. ... ~tkNrt-i311A&e'I March23,2017 OC For Developmenl Permit June27.2016 No By: 0.,-iploll REVISIONS TABLE FOR DRAWINGS • Copyright1eservl!d This dr.r,Yin;i ;ir,d design Is lhe prop~nyo1 vanderZ;lm-+;isso,;ialcsinc.andm1ynolbercp<t>duc!dor usedtoro\herprojgdswilhoulpermission Project: Townhouse Development Location: 23711 -132nd Avenue Maple Ridge, BC Drawn: MdyS PC Checked: DJ Approved: MVDZ Scale: AS SHOWN Stamp: Original Sheel Size: 24"x36" 6 1-..::~:..::/;==,,Dc:: 1 t.., 20 Rc,,,,:.F..::E"'N.:.:Cc:.:E=-..,,Dc.,ET=A..::1.::L ___________________________ ~ 7 ENTRANCE GATE DETAIL CONTRACTOASHALLCHECKALLDIMENSIONS ONTHEWOAKANDREPORTANYOISCIIEPANCY TOTIIECONSULT/11/TBEFOREPROCEEOING. ALLORAWINGSANDSPECIFICATIONSAR(lH{ EXClUSIVEPAOPEI\TYOFTHEOWNEI\AND MUSTBERET1JAN£0ATTHECOMPLETIONOF lHEWOAKALLREZONING/OP/PPA/FH.VBP DRAWINGSMUSTNOTB(PRICfDFOA COIISTAUCTIONUtfl.[S.SI.ABHCOISSUEOFOR l£NDER/CONSTIIUCTION Scale nls (f) ___J in <( F 1-f W ll O CD C'0 I CD ...---.. 0 " a, N ·e Cl. a.. N Cl 0 > ._/ .. Mlii¥1■4iiiil=ii¥iS=AIIYl!i .. $" su••'-Y Spi:clncntlona Wa can cre:ale lhls bench eeeordlng lo ycur spec:lrie11Uons and reqi.,kemencs. W• ~ lound thoUgh, 1hel a machine 5awn , 9" ,a.lab 'i:,tct'llldU .. ,tCl'(\fonable seaUng tlelghl all lh• wl'llle proving "ability wl1h Its sawn bottom 0 lmttgci u-ow,, balow ha5 w.wri end~ 10 allow rar light n1 • K~TIR\L STD1\'E ,;,; •. _-L _,._ ___ ELEa~c~ our natural alone bt!lnchH are made frnm Indigenous Bll.3Slt klcally quarrled In the Squam1sh Basin In southwestem British Columbia, Mach[ne sawn lOp end bottom co1umn5 are used to create these stunning site furnishings, .. Depending on the quany, BB!lall Btoek Btmches are mostly grey Jn color wilh brown, gold and 1e.i varlallor\$. These benehes reatu1"e natural wealher-lng on all sides wllh some moss and lichen present. The smoolh top being sawn Is typlcalfy grey in ,-... Pocktt9lng ei. OulJvory. - Our Basalt Block Benches are typlcally packaged lndMdually on wooden pallets or dunnage depending on weight. ~~~ ~~~--..--cGa, ~~. I ~: _j DWrCiul#GDt: LANDSCAPE& STONE SUPPLY www.l11nd11c11pe11upply.ea SBB38ymciRoad Bl.Jmaby, BC VS.J 3J1 Tcl:604435,.842 Fax:604 ,.3594,,12, TollFn:c-: 1 811868"17738 salos.@,indsc;,pt!W,:,pl)',;o,-n G)1-_;~~!:.:.N:::,Ca:.:.H.!.:D"-ET'=..!.!A:e.cl:.L _____________ _ MAIL KIOSK TRELLIS Scale 1:30 Cedar Round Logs Smooth Finish. Top of uprights to be routed to 10mm radius. aatcn grouped logs together Jar.ent surface , :100mm(4")Aggregate base !Ld,..l,,~-H,t'I (19mm Minus "Road Mulch") Notes: Compacled to 95% MPD ompaC~d subgrade Compacted lo 95% MPD 1. 0150mm -0300mm milled cedar round logs to be imported lo site for all stepping slumps east and west of explorer dome. 2. Apply end sealer to below grade end cuts. 2. Size of log uprights as per plan. Mgdel: 38018 Age Group: 2 lo 5 '!'ears Age Group: S lo 12 Years Featul"eS and Benefits: • E11sy to dei'.ln ,otomold plas1ic prevents corrosion and creates durablerlowe.rhead for speaking and receiving niessages • PVC stem piping spans up to 30' o, 40' allowing flowers to be placed in dilferenl arei'.ls or the playground or play pocket ~ Designing award winn'ng playgrounds since 1929 Playagameofte\ephoneon this auditcrypli'.lygraundfavorite! Children can communicate with tt1eir(ri1?ndsusing the visually appealing. fun nower design The talk tubes carry messages from Qlf\.-~ Ill 11JJ.OU1-0<t.O Cl'fb1t •n t:llltlf"il ~~1 DUl"ol.y wnn lfb nature-inspired piece! Flower Talk Tube ,, Complies With ASTI,t standards before il ' Cemfied Installer Network GameTime tralnei'.1 for GameTime lea1,1es the factory. playgrounds 2 1--"';cac,,~.=;,.!.P,.!.~.!!IN-"G"'-"L"=O"G"-"'D-'=ET"'-"'Al"-'L=---------------J 3 FLOWER TALK TUBE SIDE VIEW Notes: C .. Roof Assembly. See noles. f"Plywood NTS Ah.Jminum Eves Trough 2".'xlO-Joists 2"'x12" Fascia. End Fascia to extend 150mm. 1x4 Tongue and Groove Ceiling 2"x12" Rough Cul Cedar Bea 2."x8" Rough Cut Cedar Sea 6"x6" Rough Cut Cedar V Shaped metal base bracket, powder coated Black C8$1•k1-pt.xe concrete cap Stone Veneer lo match architecture 1 Refer to Structural Engineers drawings for connections and reinforcement. 2. All hardware to be hot-dipped galvanized and painted black. 3. Paint: General Paint, Solid Colour Acrylic lalex, Platinum Series • Black. Posts, beams and fascia boards. 4. Seal tongue and grove ceiling with exterior clear coat. 5. Stone Veneer lo wrap entire concrete base, KOMPAN Producl Info 8estUserA9e:6monlhs-4ye~r• F~o:rn !;1Mi~po~l£ So,ba, ,rul,)Ql,\,r,~ :,i.,, .,.-.11a1,1o HOUSE· M7000P -h<I.-.i.tt.u.,,,t••= ......._.. ~-Pl.,.T,....,.. --.....-..-..--, __ .. __ ... ,.._.._, .. ;-·~ ·----------·--,,,....,...._ ............. ,-.... ------·----~-------.-... ----··-·-~-.---,_ .. , .... -~------••'f"-"' KOMPAN RED HOUSE M7000 NTS ½ van der Zalm + associates inc. l",trUt,fqoa:tSOI\+ Civi Engineering U;-.~+Uln~5<:apeAn:h~etlllre c~~.1,1.201719711,Avtnuc Ip 604Sll20024 Lan;i.y. Br~lsh Cclulntlla f W4 8!200~2 V1M489 ll\lo:1l)www.vdz.c.:i TS ForOevelopmsnlPermi! Apri123,201B PC ... __ May16,2017 -R.Y,n"4t!'~S,,.Pltfl May11.2017 ..,,. ~.•1PtttNWS:..Pllf! Ma1ch23.20t7 OC ForOevelopmenlPermll June27,2016 No ., -D.N.• REVISIONS TABLE FOR DRAWINGS •CDpytlQhl"Hr..ed'Thisdra'M"'iil>r,Cjcltsignlslhep1oper1ycl --,..·~--..,,,·-•~« usedforQ1Mfprojet1swilhou!PM111iHion Project: Townhouse Development Location: 23711 -132nd Avenue Maple Ridge, BC Drawn: Slamp: MdyS PC Checked: OJ Approved: Original Sheet Size: MVOZ 24"x36" Scale: :,;1=•=~~ 10 lltfCO!IWUMllllfOlt r,o(tCo,,11. AS SHOWN M LCllf.W9r(.l.....0~~"""-DC OCWIM:HOfP.NOftflt(:11,,...IUIO .l&StR.M'TUIINlDoAT ljc<cwtDJOltOI MWCf.{-Att,~M'.t.,nWIII DMfflllC1'°"'S:1Jri1Cr!N',-;talOII (DGIOtTIQIIUll'.Wl,AMUJ>rS~UltOII ltlllKI/C.Cllfflllll(11Qn Cf) _J <!'. .; F I- 0) w C 'j, 0 ei 0 c.o C") I c.o ~ as 0 0 Q) N ·e ll. a.. N 0 0 > N 0 as I 0) C 0 'j, i" _J 0 Adjacent surface, refer to plan Basalt boulders from Northwesl Landscape Supply.Approx 0300 -0600 In size, No sharp edges. Boulders to be selected and sited by Landscape ArchitecL Subgrade compacted to 95% MPD G)1---'~""~"',.-=~-=~=E"-R'-'O"'ET=-:.:Ac.ol::L:.._ _____________ _ Notes: Product BRALS Manufacturer. U.S. Architectural Lighting Supplier: Mac'sII Llghtilng Colour: Dark Bronze (RAL-8019-T) Install as per manufacturers specifications BOLLARD LIGHTING Scale NTS Full Exfiltratian System '-" ...... i-.o ... -----u,b ...... oll&,.>,....,, I _,,,_ < .. ~ ... ~--''""""'""--..... ~~ ...... _,, ?::~-~;;i...=---1- ~Ort-SireS/ormwmer Souter CDn:col )yslem • -'-'K•>.o . ._,,t,,,<,;.u.,.,... ..,., ..... ,.~..,, -.'-~•-•-"'' A paving system we can all Jit1e with ... ®1--'r-',;=,!™-",,-"-,oE""Ac::B,::;L:::E:..!..P'-'Ac.:.V=E,_,R.,,,S..,,D'-"R""'"-A"'IL~--------- 7020 ,1.C:CEJ\,, FIXTUllE 70IO(>U.D,) "' [~ ... ;,,. \ • f.,.-: I ,..___J -,..- -ui,.• • Ci Aekl Adjustable to so• TYPE: __ _ 7020 (INC.) 3~c~~-! r;--,:;.. s•i.· i:i.~; 1=7 -i J ... 4• 1_ ORDERING INFORMATION ~II 7 Q~,••».MW 0'9Qlt-~ ......... 0 c~•.••· no 2 DnnMl.n ,fl,b..>~• 0 °" Notes: Product: 7020 Accent Feature Manufacturer: U.S. Architectural Lighting Supplier. Mac'sI1 Lighliing Colour: Dark Bronze (RAL-8019-T) ll C!~~ .,... o,,.., c~-.:- W,\'f<l.l/\"ftot0>-£a.ltl,ll ""~•1:.G-1000 ...... n:;;oo, www.usu.1to.a01" Install as per manufaclurers specifications. ,;;\6 ~tA"---"--'N_,,,,D.=.SC:::,APc.:,....:E=--L'='l.::::G.:..:HT.:..;fecNc::G'--_________ _ ~ ScaleNTS Slope away from sidewalk 125mm concrete slab lnstall as per specifications typ Asphalt impregnated fiberboard \ along any vertical surface to be inslalled below lop of concrete pathway with removable plastlc mould strip, Resulting joint to be sealed with gray joint filler/sealer. 100mm min of 95% MPD compacted aggregate base course under concrete slab typ Compacted sub grade 95% MPD Notes: 1. Contractor to provide expansion joints where concrete meets all vertical structures 2 Horizontal scoreline 1500mm o,c. center scoreline on 150mm smooth finish or lo match existing concrete pathway Notes: 1. Slabs lo be spaced equally between adjacent surfaces, SECTION Notes: -------Grar,uJsrfill belween slabs -------Hydrapro-r.sed slab with granular joints -------2Smm sand selling bed ....._ _____ -4-1oomm aggregate base (19mm minus) compacted to 95% MPO 1. Install all components as per manufacturer's specifications. 2. Supplier: Abbolsford Concrete or approved Equal 3. Type: Texada 4. Sizes: 610mm x 610mm, 457mm x 457mm 5 Color: Charcoal ½ van der Zalm + associates inc. ..... .__. "" .......... u.»,~-~~ C ,....._"""""_I ........... ~ ..... I:'....,. ,~ y,w:e ~ 01--'~"-'~"",,N'-'- 1 ,c"',oR:..=ET_:.,:.E.:..P.:..A:..:.T.:.;H:.:,W:.,.A.:.;Y'----""D=ET-'-'A"-"l"'L _________ _ ~~S"'LAB=:,e.S_.,,0'-"N'----'G"-'RA.=N,.,U"'LA~R-"'D'-'=E'--"TA""l""L _________ 1-----------1 ~ Scali:1:10 ,----60mm x 60mm square post lyp. NOTES: 1. All hardware lo be hot dip galvanized. 2. Fence to receive a matt black rough finish. 38 x 75mm aluminum rail typ. 20mm square aluminum picket typ. 150mm x 150mm x 10mm base plate welded to bollom of posl 01--'::";;:a,~:.a,M':': 2 ~::..:Nc..:IU"'M"-'-R"-A"'fL,,.IN=Gc.:.F-=E::..N:..:C::..:E:...... _________________________________ 1 TS For Oe¥elopm1/II Permit April2J,2018 PC Fo, OeV1!lopm1rnl Permil May16,2017 tMyS Rev_a.sPerNewSi!ePlan May11.2017 MdyS Rev nPerNewSit1tPlsn Marc;h23.2017 OC for Developmenl Perm II June27,2016 REVISIONS TABLE FOR DRAWINGS oCml"frlgl'ltreil!fflHI Thi10r...;r,g1nd0'tsignis.Lhe?~r01 ¥a11 d., l~lm .. assoc'11u iiw:. oncl mor ro1 ~ ll!p.,id~ a, usod lora'.harpfq<l:t'lswilhc .. pemwui:,n Project: Townhouse Development Location: 23711 -132nd Avenue Maple Ridge, BC Drawn: MdyS PC Stamp: Checked: DJ Approved: MVDZ Scale: AS SHOWN Original Sheet Size: 24"x36" ~C-~Olltt.AU.IJUllilQIII, Ollt11!1..a&MCIIU(A1~IAW-IO!tolCOMUI.YNfftcrCll&rlillKUOltC-AU~NQ·~..,-JM rtnwrc NIOffAf'l'Of TML""1Wf.11.uo "'1llff N NlW1UIIJQo,.fll'C~ DJ ~wcu11u11~,"~~ QMY,1tlf4ilillffllt1>l"U't'flU".DlOII ~llll\WlotJrllUOn\ilf;blOI m~lflllC."1-..• co ('I') I co '"" .. 0 tl ~ N ·e-a. 0.. N 0 0 > C'0 .. 0 o, I ~o t5 _j ~ t;:; w "" t:; M -,--t--t--.--+---_J ~1--~---i "' 132 AVENUE DEVELOPER: BROOKSIDE PROPERTIES LTD. 11933 224 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2X 6E7 PHONE: 604-250-7755 FAX: 604-467-5124 PROJECT: BROOKSIDE 16 UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT SITE ADDRESS: 23711 132 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, BC SITE LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1 :2500 SHEET TITLE COVER SHEET KEY PLAN SITE GRADING PLAN ONSITE CIVIL DRAWING INDEX TABLE: STORM & SANITARY SEWERS PLAN ONSITE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT DETAILS STORM WATER OUTFALL DETAILS WATERWORKS PLAN WATER CHAMBER DETAILS ESC PLAN -STAGE 1: SITE CLEARING & GRUBBING ESC PLAN -STAGE 2: BUILDING/CIVIL CONSTRUCTION ESC PLAN -STAGE 3: MAINTENANCE EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES SHEET NUMBER 16003-Cl 16003-C2 16003-C3 16003-C4 16003-CS 16003-C6 16003-C7 16003-CB 16003-ESCl 16003-ESC2 16003-ESC3 16003-ESC4 16003-ESCS CENTRAS Engineering Ltd 4 N w l!) C ii< w ... IL <( :e ... 0 >-!:: u w :e <( z .... u w -, 0 "" IL C "" 0 u w "f ... 0 "" w w z i3 z w ... z !!:! u w ... <( C V, -z 0 in V, ~ "' ::::, "' ....... "' z 0 in > w "" I-w w :I: Cl) a,:: w -> 0 I.!>"' u zw i:; ,{::, ~z .... z w :e c.. V, g V, ~u w w "" > C Z"' ww C w -cc >"' in w <( <( l!) s,:V> w "'Q o=> .... in "'"" 00 ~ ... "":i::: .... ~ ..... ,.,z u ~c.. ;: w ..... <( -, ~ :e 0 0 ... "" ... IL z ::::, ~ 0 V'l -0 ~ <::; WW _g ~~ ~ a: g' Z"' we ~ 1-·~ Uz ~a £ z~ ::le z>-~ u.l ·o, ~2 mu u~ zo ~ O!;l eo, >-' ~ • 0~ "'"' ~ U* ~ ci I-_, V) "' w "' -.., ~tu~ W w> o... ~u o~"'-a.:"' w 0... "' C) w ~g C 0-"' ~ w -~ ... V) .. :,.:: <I: 0 ::. 0 a.: llQ ; CITY ENGINEERING FILE: 5245-20-2016-176 l ENGINEERING FILE: ,.,,____ ____________________ ___L ___________________ ~~~ 5245-20-2016-176 ~ ii t " • ~ i ~ ' ~ s .l: i t " ~ j .:, a ~ ALL ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC AND REFER TO SURVEY MONUMENT NUMBER: 84H0060 LOCATED AT: 132 AVENUE & 232 STREET AND HAVING El EVA !ION OF: 14.705m LOT 23, SECTION 28. TOWNSHIP 12, NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 48925 No. REVISIONS/ SUBMISSIONS 1$Sl£0 FOR DE\!£L0PJAENT PERMIT P!!a'OS(I) IJ>SllE 15oo Gl!A>ITY SAl;ITARY SEllEl< SDl-.ia:COIII~ WATDI TIE-IN TO ElCSlm WA'IERlUJlf BY an' Cf' MAPlE b)C£ AT THE DE\£1.CPER'S tos'I. ------<----c-.,;'"'~:-i ... b-~.,,.: .Jl.r ~ _ _.-,..,_ __ ,.,__._~---,.--1.----+---<--!-'---,-+ o'----·--o~~~ • .- "' •-----~---~ ,.. 133 AVENUE EPS2081 PR()P05t]) •,am, llll'<lAl£D A9$C!19£!1T TOPSOL (llMIIJM \OD IIATION Cf :m) FOR ALL IHl:UIOSCPIJ)BUllltlGAAEA~ 'l'r!'\C.ll OOOUCHOOT lHE ~TE. IIER!DWRMA/IEA~111[ APPROXIMATE EXlENT OF HARO SURF'-6.CE ~GM ~~11JRTED~i~t~=~EA t------'mf--:C::=::::i~......_. lll(fl.lRAllQN W< OAAOO< 600m U'Ulla<OUIG SI""' WATER OOENll(JII T.llf< (l!il8ITWOOO smn,~ f'RO\'V.S ...... Of Sl0R\I WATER D£lEJlll0H SlORAt£ TO OITA/N 1----, lH!'. 01YS 10 8 ANO TIER C MINOR STORM WATER IWIAQ'MDIT REOUUIDl!Jffl. SIO!!II WATER ru,y ctW.JRa. "WDfCU TO I.MT STORM 'W.~l'Ot FlDWS Ff!! 1HE CITYS 1El B NG r.tP. C MINOR STORM WATER I.IA.~At.amn.ro:IJIF!El,lrnts. DATE BROOKSIDE PROPERTIES LTD. 11933 224 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2X 682 PHONE: 604-250-7755 FAX: 604-467-5124 ENGINEER-OF-RECORD CENTRAS Engineering Ltd CROYDON BUSINESS CENTRE #216-2630 CROYDON DRIVE SURREY, BC V3S 6T3 PH: 604-782-6927 EMAIL: lnfo@cenlras.ca LOT 24 !RAl. ,IJCSJlDiL PLANS PREPARED + ASSDC1AlES 0£TAI.S. PROJECT NAME BROOKSIDE Om 16 UNITTOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SITE ADDRESS 23711 132 AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC PRELIMINARY GENERAL NOTES 3, All DIMENSIONS, OFFSE'TS, SIZES AND El£VA110NS ARE IN METRIC ANO TO GEODETIC DATUM, UNLrSS NOlED OlHERWISE. 4. A D£M0U110N PERMIT, lREE CUTTING PERMIT AND AN EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PERMIT SHALl BE OBTAINED FRa.l THE CITY Of MAPI.£ RIDGE PRIOR TO ANY WORKS COMIJENCING ONSITE. 5, TEMPORARY TREE PROTECTION BARRIER FENCES SHAU. BE CONSTRUCTED AND ~~ 'JJ;,,11~ilJ'dM~C'~~?J.!':U5s~~1~' DRA~GS P!illlR lll NIY i,;lRIIS ·cOIIWlO!IG lltl!llt 6. ~~~~ ~\:°k.~·~ri: ~ ~~Jll).WAYS, D(SP(JSED ~ AS DIRECTEO BY D€ P'ffOP£RlY OWNrR.. 7. NI. one APPUCA81E -= ANO PEJWJIS sllkAlfl~~,.~llflT.=rig-o,OR PERMITS. 8. ~~~~~~::IRA Al.ti [ISOISS 11£ CM. 0£9()1 MA; =i~lmll'.AOES,P-, 9. AU. talS1lllJCIIOfl WOllkS SIIIU BE ~ L1 SUOl A 1<,11.SER SO AS TQ l'fll\911 1>£ 1iS!A5t or ANY COISlllUOTlON WATtll. Sl.1'. ~ 1.EAC!<A11: ml /JIY OllllR DO..rnllJOUS SIIIISTANtfS SHAU. IE Dl$P(J;rn Cf 0R PV.a:O ~.~"'i\Ml ~ =Jl/ ~~ SICl!II sotR s..r..._ 10• ~~R~~=~": ~ :f g~~~lE~!i-CfNf~RT /.ND SEDl"il'T' CM!SEIJ BT alNSJSUCTION ACIMlY 01 A D,1,11.Y BASIS. l1. ~-·~1?t,£lf~a.Sli~w~Tt~~=n,.CI) /.ND OIY OF UAl'l.E RIDlit'S Sf'llOAADS Al<ll ll) lHE SAll",fACllQN or COill!AS EN~NEERING LIO. 12-~NNE~8~:ifilcB~t~A~g ~=sgi~s~gTRICAL s1TE PLAN AND BC HYDRO DRA'MNGS FOR DETAILS. 13. BY 11£ Q\ll COln;l,Cf(I!! L1!l Alill l1<E ~Cf WAit[ CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. !: ~Js'W~~ 14 NI'( ®JI,(;! ll) OlSTlllC SU!',t'/ F'OSl'l ,IJll)/OR UONUMENlS (DESTROYED OR IWIACEI> WRiHC CONSlllVCOOII) IHAi1 BE REPLAca> BY A B,C. LANO "11!1£'11)R AT 1liE COIITRAC'!OR'S Ol'lliSE. 15. 4B HOURS H01'CE 9Ull. 8£ PflO\UO BY THE DML0FOt'S OVIL CONTRACTOR 10 COl'1RAS -LIO. !JI!) ll<E CITY C. UAP\£ RIO«'S PLUMBING INSrtCTOR PRm 1D m~ CCMSTRIJCTION c~. 16. REftll TO CIJl<i!EI/T NIQ1fltCMW. llflAI\IIIGS ~ MIIIIIGS. f!OAl)S NO SITE 5~~f =~~~ 1.L~rlilr'=kl~~m•. LID'S CIVIL DRAVr1NGS. 17. 11-IE CCHlAACl'M 9IAU.. t:'01,A.'t ~m Jr,U.. 1ltE Afl'.OORIST RECC+,O.IENDATIONS IN :~o:=rm\.r~~ ~~y Y!lH lHE GEOTECHNICAL 18. UPO(< SleSTA>ll!A/. CllffSTRUOtlOII OOM!'I.E1m. lHE CI\I. rotllllACT<JrS ;¼~~s.w ~~~11/.iov.N ~~S~G=g SO!,= PWIS PW'AA!D In' KEY PLAN LEGEND C=:J -+-S-- -+---D- [ • . ~ ., [j] CJ --•-- EXISTING GROUND SURFACE CONTOUR El.EVATIDN. OISTIHG GROUtl> SURFACE ELEVATION. EXISTING TREE TO BE REM0\/£0 AS DIRECTED BY THE PROJECT ARBORIST. EXISTING lREE TO BE RETAINED AS DIRECTED BY THE PROJECT ARBORIST. TEMPORARY TREE PROTECTIO~ BARRIER FrNONG BY OEVEl.OPER. ASPHALT PAVEMENT. OVERLAND DRAINAGE SWAU:. BACKYARD GRASSED SURrACE SWALE. SmlTARY SEV,£R, STORM SEVi-tR. CAP. STORU SE\\m MANHOl.£. SANITARY SEYv[R CL.EAN0UT. STORM SEID ClfAN0UT . CATQ-1 BASIN. LAVIN CATOi BASIN. ~CK YARD I.AWN DRAIN. ZURN DRAIN, STORU WATER OL & GRIT INTERCEPTOR . Ut'f)ER<;ROIJN0 STORIJ WATER DETENllON TANK (BRENTWOOD SYSTEM), DOMESTIC WATER LINE. FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES --f--FIRE LINE. GATE Vl>J..VE, !Om 't 2!m -REOUC£R. ♦ FIRE HYDRANT. SCALE: 1: 250 ,~, UNDERGROUND WAlER METER CHAMBER. ENGINEER'S SEAL CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE KEY PLAN Ap(,1 19.2018 1-'-"'_c_KE_o-+ __ c,_,_+-H_o_R_._s_c_A_LE-+ __ 1_:2_5_0_~~ £\l ENGINEER CEL VER. SCALE --ill D ROY AU PtlN BEARING PUVIOOS IE'l1510N NUM8EI ------c------c'·~•-~ ~s~•·-'!c'c""c'='--~•-<..,_ ____ ~ ___ ..,...,..:...._... _____ _, . ..,....,,_ _ _,....fl. --·---~+--f ..., OMO<ATS ro 8E CXll<SIIIIHlT[l) 9Y HOUSE -~ cQfll!Aa!tJR (BY OlllER'l). l<IHIMUM ~-IOX OOMt!AY SUlPL 1'11'. ________ ,, 'll ~r> PflCPOS£1)1l>1!51<1I10f'F-ru;vAll(J<ROU!lO FI.AllS PREP A!lflJ 9Y OIClll!llltlC Lm. r-OR OCT 133 AVENUE EPS2081 SlRUOMAL l!\IIJ]INC f0011N<;S 10 8£ QIOPPID M.ONC 1IIS Loa.110!ll\Ut!ll0 $1JtlJCl\JRAI. PL,IIS Fm ort,U 8Xfl.JRA110H RAif' -CIOIN'ln[Yo!JltEl!VAlEDO',UlflOW LA\lll _, O..!OM ABO\£ 1liE f><iSH£l) 11M< llABllDI IIOTTCII ~~l?J.~]g~ ~.~m:"r----14-! SITE GRADING NOTES 1. ~r.i'r~ :~~gjllt~~;N=",% ~ COOES, "'SlER MUNIClPAL COISTRIIC1l0tl DOCUMDllS {11110)) F\AllHIIII EDITION, THE mv OF MAPI.E ~IJG£'S -csamo,, ll»!JII. 1H< atY (Y MAP!! ~~R~~~.Al~T~lll<CS) ANO AU. OTHDI -U: M'JHIWM. IIYLA\IS .,.,, P<lll0U utUSS J<OID) OlHDIIISI:. 2. All D1MENSIONS, OffSETS, S1Z£S ANO ElEVAllONS ARE METRIC ANO TO GEOOEllC DAlUM, UNLESS NOTED 01HER\li1SE. 3. All ROAD ElfVATIONS ARE flNlSHD:> SURFACE PA\oSIENT ANO F1NISHEO SURfAC£ GUffiR LINE El.EVAllONS. 4. CHANGES IN GRADE LINES SHALL BE FORMED BY SMOOlH CURvtS. 5, AOJ.JST All EXISllNG ANO PROPOSED RIMS, l,C."s ANO COVERS FLUSH V,,TH FINISHED SURFACE GRADES (UNLESS NOID) OlHER'MSE). 6, TIE-IN All PROPOSED SURFACE WORKS TO EXISTING SURFACE WORKS 'MTH A 51,\00IH 1RAN9TIOH. 7. ™5llm OU11[JI ill£ illVA110IS SHAU. 11< l<STALLED l\llH~ A "'lTICAL ANO IIOOl2(1!{1Al l(UJ!~ 0F iGow OR 1M6Y ARE SU8£CT TO REMOVAL AND Rll'tACDll!<TAT ]li£ CONlllACT\lR'S ElO'DiS(. 8 t:/-A~v'="ffllaJCC:S(~s tiJY1~~tf"sJHl11~m} ~irRg~~E~T S!IOOnt FlJJl(D TIIAl,-S.1111< 11. ~1? p~?f~~~Sc~M~ ~c~r:1Gi2 Mo l~J~KOT-W ll<IS!E) PA'8100 lllciu;fSS. 12_ SURFACE WATER PONDING IS NOT PERMITTED ANO IS SUBJECT TO REMOVAL ANO REPLACEMENT AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 13 If {(c:~ ASPHALT PAVEMENT CUlS ANO PATCHES SHAU. CONFORM TO Ml.4CD ST4S!lA/lD 11/lAI\ING NUMBER GS AND 10 MRENT CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE'S SlA.'GAAOS. 14. REFER 101.ANDSCI.PE DRAW!NGS FOR ROAD PAVER ANO DECORATIVE PAv1NG DElM.S A!'f> 5PEOACATIONS. PA\ffiS SHALL MEET H20 TRAmC LOAD:NC SPEOAC.llKl<S. 15. :~i~~oa~=~~~~~~E DRA\lilNGS rm DCTAll£0 GRADING 16. P8t<il! TO "'STAlLA l1a< 0F CCIICRE1t aJlt6S lHE <OIIRMTIR 9iAU. QITAIN MIi il/ll,ill~f/lllRj)lH>. 1lONS S!R\ll{S HA\'£ BEEH CQlSUlTAHl ANO BC lfflll!(t 19. "1tlJI PtAIDIOO'(F llOl-1111< ASPIIAI.T PAV"'ll. 1liE DM.1.0Pill'S 0"1!.. C011!<AOTOR SllALL COORDISA'IE l!IIH 1lE Dl;'.!U(fflfS Cl:Olt'Cllll~ OIQ.'ffl A!G St<ALL l'RO\!OE ASl'fUlT ca,,: 11:Sl R(SUI.JS -1ll-Y E\OIY !O ll<1!l£S <F INlADWAY AS l>.llrolD 1Ht DE\U.U'i:A'S OC01EC>lljlCA!. Di- SITE GRADING LEGEND ----01 ':I-EXISTING GROUNJ SURFACE CONT"OUR El.£\IATJON ,.i:, \f.> EXISTING GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION. ASPHALT PAV-t.MENT SURFACE /i,S PER lllE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT'S REQUIREMENTS BACKYARD GRASSED SURFACE SWALE DETAIL (BY HOME BUILDER) c:::::J CJ CJ CJ PROPOSED CONCRErE AA£A "5 PER GEOTECHNICAL, LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECllJRAL CONSULTANTS REQUIREMEITTS, PROPOSED OECo,JJ'T\IE PA.\'tllS TO lANDSCA?E, ARCHITECTURAL N1D CEXITTtHNICAL CONSlA..TM«°S REOU!REMENTS . ...... PRELIMINARY EXTENT OF PROPOSED 8W.mDS,. ~FER TO AACHITEcnuw. PLANS FOA' OEWLS; ROt..llMRa83&GlJITTRJ.SPERMl.4CO SID. llR/,111111) C4 RMRSE ROWM]! ®jt8 & GI/TTER IS = PER MMCD S1D. llRAWlh• C4 APPROXIIM.TE EXTENT OF RETAINING WAI..L --(~),:,P EXISTING GROUND SURFACE El!VATION. ~ FlNISHEO SURFACE ELEVATION, __,rn;m---FlNISI® 1lP OF mNif.\11; WW. Ell'IAIIOII. ~FINISI-IJ> CROUtm SU!lf".ACE ll.E\IA1lO« QM 11£ LOW El£VAIII'< S10. OF 1ltt ROIINlll, 11/11. --# MEO EXISTING GROUND SURFACE ELEVATIOlf. 0\.'ERlANO DRAINAGE SWAlf. BACKYARD GRASSED SURFACE SWAlL OVERLAND SURFAC£ FLOW DIRECllON, .M.__ FINISHED DRIVEWAY SLOPE. ~ nSISHED Wt FLOOR ElE.VATIOH. REFER TO 3 A.ROfiEC11.IR,f.1. DRAWINGS FOR DETAILS. ~ lllllSljEO ~ DOOR lliVATION (TOP OF ~ ~ DOOR SLAB El.EYATION AT 3 INTERFACE WITH ORIVEWA'(.l. REFER TO =J:~~~ .~ FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ARCHITECOJRAL DRAWINGS fOR OETAllS. ~ OMSIQ lOl\1II FLOOR ELEVATION. REFER TO RmR 10 cmo,r 1,RQ1TEcnnt11. 0(5IQt MA"NCS FOIi ROAll1'AY AllO 8~ LA'l'OOIS. TYPICAL ROADWAY CROSS-SECTION 5CM.£; ~100HOi\ N.T.S.VERT. l'OI Ml/CO SlAIIOAIIO OCTAi. DAAWJIO C◄. All ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC AND REFER TO SURVEY MONUMENT NUMBER: 84H0060 No. REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONS LOCATED AT: 132 AVENUE & 232 STREET I AND HAVING ELEVATION Of: 14.705m ~ ~ LOT 23, SECTION 28. TOWNSHIP 12. NEW ! ~ WES1MINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 48925 ISSUED FOR 0£\1[\.CA,l,WT rUOIT DATE MAY 16. 2017 BROOKSIDE PROPERTIES LTD. 11933 224 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2X 6B2 PHONE: 604-250-7755 FAX: 604-467-5124 CENTRAS Engineering Ltd CROYDON BUSINESS CENTRE #216-2630 CROYDON DRIVE SURREY, BC VJS 613 PH: 60◄-782-6927 EMAIL: lnro@centros.ca fr BROOKSIDE 16 UNITTOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SITE ADDRESS 23711 132 AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC "'"' SCALE: 1: 250 ENGINEER'S SEAL Ap<n 1,.201s 3 MS)tl[C1UP..>l DRAWINGS fOR DITAll.5. 1,1_ CATCH OOIN. ~-lAWN CATCH BASIN. . BACK YARD LAWN DRAIN, CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE SITE GRADING PLAN DESIGN: CHECKED CEL ttOR. SCALE 1 :250 • '-"- ~E-NC-IN_EE_R +--,-EL-i-:-:VE~R.~S~CA~L~E ---~~ill 0E$1ROY AU PRINTS Bf RJNG PJI.EVl'OUS REVI I N NUMBER ~ I I' !J t I • ~ :i i ~ -,; t _i. J ~ ' ¥ -i; ;i <> ~ ALL ELEVAIIONS ARE GEODETIC AND REFER TO SURVEY MONUMENT NUMBER: 84H0060 LOCATED AT: 132 AVENUE & 232 STREET AND HAVING ELEVATION OF: 14.705m LOT 23, SECIION 28, TOWNSHIP 12, NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 48925 133 AVENUE BOIJLEVAROS A.NO Li500ts I IO&IIS, LA'<C AND WAU(WA'l'S (""'-'I) (Mtl<,l ~ACE RESroRAllON TO l,lil' 11000 lmJI" lO lHE oW'tW.T MATtliOJSllNGOft AS ~ I r,.VDIOO Wl~tl0'l SPECIFIED ON COOTRACT I 0£TJL sa:-.51E !All!«: DRAW.NCS P\J,Hf'C8 DETAI..S. [ /j\ § ~~~ ~~~l!D"JO_/ 90i t.lPIJDD I l ~au.wwt : I 8ACa1U,CCM>l,CIIO rom~ L=· ltlf-m,~ DC ••PIPE BEDDING r~ " All utlDERGAOUND UTILITY TREHOlt/C CONSTRUCTION SliAU.. COMPLY 'n\lH ..U 1li'E CURRENT Vil'.ltlX SAFE BC REGLU110NS AND REWREMENlS .• TYPICAL UTILITY TRENCH DETAIL N,tL STORM & SANITARY SERVICE CONNECTIONS BUILDING No. CONN. lYPE DIAl.4ETER INV!RT El.EV. EPS2 ATCAP 081 SIOflM ·-7"$ BUil.DiNG ,01 SN<ITAIIY 100mm 79-65 SIOP.M 150mm 74..19 BULDl!<G ,02 SN<ITAAY 100mm 74.19 BUii.DiNG ,03 S!Olill ,_ 76.15 WIITARY 100mm 76.15 BUILDING ,04 -150mm 81.11 5""\'Ntt 100.... 81,11 ALL BUILDING '5JORFJ Sfli'ER AND SANITARY Sl"Vit1I SERVICE CCN.:ECtlOMS ARE AT IIINl'LIUf.l 2..0X GRAOE. No. REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONS DATE ISSUED FOR lifVElG'WOl 1 PER!JIT W.Y 16, 2017 CLIENT BROOKSIDE PROPERTIES LTD. 11933 224 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2X 6B2 PHONE: 604-250-7755 FAX: 604-467-5124 ENGINEER-OF-RECORD CENTRAS Engineering Ltd CROYDON BUSINESS CENTRE #216-2630 CROYDON DRIVE SURREY, ac V3S &T3 PH: 604-782-6927 EMAIL: 1nJo@cenlras.ca ,.,--l --_____]_,,,---%-,- LOT 24 PRELIMINARY FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ... 15m ,. SCALE: 1: 250 ONSITE STORM & SANITARY SEWER NOTES: I. ALL Q!<Sll'E t'MI. l'IORXS S1iAU. BE 00NSlllUCIID If< ACCO/OW,,:£ lffll TIIE LATESI EOOIClllS a, Ill[ IIIIIIISH COI.Ulllll>.'S IIIUll0 COO£l N-"J Pl.W8:HO C00ES, "'51Dl IU<Ol'II. ~ DOO\N!h'lli {lnla)) PV.llll\JM ~. 11£ CIIY Of' IU.'U llllC£'S llf.5ICl< C11lltRIA 111.'IUAI. 1ff[ art 0, -.C M)OC'S STMIOAAO COHSIIIUCllOH !ICICIAIDl1S (COl£R/l. CO.'<tlllllNS. SU?PI.El!Dl1'11\' SKCR>\lYl/lS Nil SU>l'l.84!IIT'111' STJJ<!IAAO OR,\11\,'¢$) N<l ALL O'lli£JI m'LICA&E IIIJ,'Ot!?.11. llMY6 NIJ P000Es. ..USS NOTED Oll<EIMSf. 2 ALL DIMENSIONS, OFFSETS, SIZES AND EL£VATIONS ARE METRIC AND TO GEODETIC OATI.IM. U.\ll.ESS NOTED OlliERMSE. •· "'10fllOCO!<S1P.UCOOfi.AHl)-CM' ~Htl'~~~ ... "° lltl:W.'«11. D,'W<;IJ! Nlf) -,,,_ A'<'ltlSCl<O'A,'<Cl(S1l)CE>ffRAS(HCOo'E£RllCLlll. S. PIPE BEDDING A"i() PFE SURROUND IUITERIAL SHALL BE 19.0mm GRANUI.AR AS PER MMCD CL-2.7 stCTlCW 31 05 17 -TYPE •1• ANO AS PER lliE Ul\UTY TREHCH DETAIL ON THIS SHEEI'. 6. ~~-~DR1~i~~ l~g(~~1~\fE 100mm COIIPACml TO !M 1'?lo<OO A'IO JS PER Ill!' UllJlY lllENCH DETML ON 'llilS 511ffi'. 1-~~~~~rf~ ~~~.lg rc:fiLL NEW l'E-... s to~ u;.'ft0US1l> lo!IICII STN<ONIOS. !. All STORM SEWERS ANO SANITARY SEWERS (I50mmll TO 375mmll) SHALL BE PI/C SOR-35 PflE. UNLESS NDl'ED OTHERWISE. '1. AU. STORM AND SANITARY SEWERS 100mm.:! SHALL BE PI/C S0R-28, UNLESS NOTrD O'lliER'MSE. 10• :!Jim~r~rsJir~~ ~~~~ r:o·~Wrr IIJl61/1£STIIIOl1.YPl10KSIITD, 11, M.L. SJ'DiN SEWERS AND S4NfTAR"f SEWERS UNDER PAVED AAE>S HAVING L£SS 1Hm 0.91m or COi/ER TO FlNISHfD SURFACE GRADE SKAl.l BE P-JC OYN PIP£, UNU:SS NOltlJ Ol16\IISE. 12. ~ ~4~~ S:~.:J~E oWE~~~Jts ':in:o~_JF'-BE CONSTRUcrro 11 ll-lE CML CONl'RACTOR S1-W.l INSTAil. Al..UMINLIM TRAPPING HOODS ON All. STORM WATER CATCH BA.SIN 01.JTl.ETS ANO LAWN DfWN Ol.fTL.ETS. 14. ALL STORM SEWER ANO SANfTARY SEWER BUILDING SERVICE CONNECTIONS SHAU. BE 15, 16. CONSTRUCTED AT 2,0,C: MINIMUM GRADE. ,Om '¾lffl'OM~~~&fr"'~f r:;s,, "51/11. A m,,>Ol!MY 2d POST STIii PM'lltO CN'S~~, ~=I~~~~. ~~~~~.''"Jro.To $TOf!1,15Ewatlo.\'O~SE'6'Dt 8lll.CIIC IMJ<T EUVATIJl<S. 11. A1.l STORM AND SANITARY SEWERS 200mm, OR GREATER SI-W.L ENTER \'lo\ UAttiOLIS ONLY. 1B. All STORM SEWER ANO SANfTARY SEWER JOINTS SHALL BE CLOSED JOl:ITS, 19. ~~~'/iii ~~~~CIMJIS, ETC. SHALL BE MINIMUM STORM SEWER & SANITARY SEWERS TESTING REQUIREMENTS 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALl C1.£AN AND FlUSH ALL SEWER SYSTEMS IN ACCORDANCE wrrn MMCO SECTION 33 40 01, CLAUSE J.11. 2. 1'K£ OOHTRACTOR SK\U. NA PJIESSIJIU1 TEST TH£ SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMS JN ~ \flllH 8C Pl.lMliNG COO£ REQUIREIIENIS B'( AN APPROVED ll<IRO ... .,., l[Sl'flC C<M'l.'<'I, 3. '!WE CIJllllW:TOR l>W1. 'llilRO 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPL.fTE 00 OTHER 1ESTING REQUIREMENTS JS REOUESru) fN' THE QTY OF II.APL£ RIDGE AND CENTRAS ENGINEERING LlD. ONSITE STORM & SANITARY SEWERS LEGEND --□-STORM SEl'l£R MAIN. --s-...... SAHITARY SEWER MAIN, • • • • STORM SEWER BUILD~\IG SERVICE CONNECTION. SANITARY SE'NER BUILDING SERVICE CONNECTION. 'lDolPCll'-'l1 satJI CAP N.O 2'4 SIIJil (P""'11» lllllll< ff/A STORM ~ SOMCE ~ It.., eED FOR SN<IINIY SOUi SOl',ICE CIINN£ml<]KS), RUllt T1l M!CIW8CAL OllA"1/ISS FOi< DET"-5' All!I COH11N11A llCII, SOf:1t YAt,,'HQJ..E TO WCO STAKD.lo.QO MJ,.Ydr~ Ho,., SI LAB!UD "S1llll1l' FOR SJ'QIIII SEl\lJI IIAlfiOll:S NIO •s,.,,iN,'(' FQil SNilTARY st,,tR MAN!I0IU. sa£.lt GlDIIQlll TO Muat STANllAl!O IIAAWJIG No. S6 •/• 008fEY 200 CIJ;l.ijQIIT i;o. O•IIA Ill N'l'RO'l!;D EQ.ll'l@IT LA8!l.£l) 'SIOl<I( fCI! S'l0'IM S£lfR OV,IOUTS ,l.','C 0SA1'1TAW FOR SNmRV !Co9I CW>'Cll/lS. &00, J(II INlIT CA.ml 8~ TO MMCD ST;tJIWU) ~•~lJ:I ,</; 008.'C f"11«1RY_ Lli, tffl11li£ OF ASP!W.T R0,11) P ~ CRAll' FOR c.lTCM l!J.!;OIS L Q.1111 & GUTTEJL AU. CATCi ~TIW'Flfo'CHOQOO!ll 6C0f U~( c.<1CH 8ASll4 TO MIICO ST11.'4DAIIO ~=,8,."~(~~ t·.:-011~~~ loo, LA"'1 D!Ual 10 M>lal STMONID OIIA 1G No. ~~~ ':l'nff' ~ ZURN DRAIN. EEEE8 ==s: WATER Om:NTIOO TANK PROJECT NAME ENGINEER'S SEAL CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BROOKSIDE 16 UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SITE ADDRESS 23711132AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC Ap,~ 19, 2018 STORM & SANITARY SEWERS PLAN DESIGN: m DRAWING 16003-C4 ORAYoN: m NUMBER CHECKED. CEI. HOR.SCALE 1:250 ~ & ENGINEER: CEL VER. SCALE DESTROY ALL PIUNTS B RIN PREVIOUS •EVtSION NUMBER ~ .e i ! ii il a i ~ I 1 j " I ~ I " ;;, g ALL ELEVAIIONS ARE GEODEIIC AND REFER TO SURVEY MONUMENT NUMBER: 84H0060 LOCATED AT: 132 AVENUE & 232 STREET AND HAVING ELEVATION OF: 14,705m LOT 23, SECTION 28. TOWNSHIP 12, NEW WESTMINSIER D~lRICT PLAN 4B925 No. AU. -Sl<IAU WAl!R IJ!:lB/11011 T,\HI: CQIS1RUC1Jllll ~AU. 1£ " COMPU.INC£ 'MlH ~~I 8fi£)1-Sl'8:llCl,ll0<',S /110 0£1/JI. Olt,\'/INCS. CQllRM:lllR SH.<U. CXl!ffACT MO WAll':R MA/1"8/DIT SOLUTIONS {ft,ICliEl. SU,.NtltlH O 604-118&-!,$33) TO AA!W;<I: fCII AN EMCO flll.D fiE\11,<.R TO MO\lOE OH511t CUHSlRUC1lON gfE ~T IJUilll{Q THE ASSEll8LY ANO IIISTt.ll.ATION Of THE _.., SffllAI WAlO! OElDI~ 11,1,1(, niE CQll!t\CTCII SHAU. OBTAIN t£ITTR Of R(ca<D FROI.! EMCO IWIT CO!iSIRIJC1!CH Of 11iE t.lKOERORW!III SlORM WAll':R 0£1£)I!10N TANK WAS ASS0a.a> AH9 C0IISlilllC1EI) ~I COIII\J~-«:E .. Iii !llCO'S CIIRll9ll 8'l0ll1'0)00 ll'£CJFICAllONS NlD OETAIL !)AA"'1icS. alHIRACTOR SH.<U. ~ 1ll( R(C(R) l£ITTR OCClJIIDIIAl10N l.ETl8l ltl CEHllli!S ENOMDIIHC L'III. UNDfiGI OUND STOIA\ WATEI DETfNIION PROVIDED; UNOffiGROOND TANK-= 55 2m1 x 0.914m x 97%>o 48 94ml 2m Of .5001 STORM SEYi£R= ~ x 2m = 0,14ml 4 FlOW CONlROL MANHOI.£• ~ x O.96m =--1..Jlm.3 4 TOTAL= 50.5m3 AN UNDERGROUND STORM WAlER DETENTION TANK CONSISTING OF THE BRENTWOOD SYSlEM WITH A TANK HEIGHT OF 0.91m SlTUAlED 0.05m ABOVE THE FLOW CONTROL MANHOLE'S 0Ull£T INVERT AND A NET DETENTION TANK VOLUME OF 49m1 COMPLETE WITH AN 43mm DIAME'!ER CIRCULAR FLOW CONTROL ORIRCE IS REQUIRED TO SATISFY THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE'S TIER B AND TIER C STORM WA lER MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS. STORM WATER DETENTION TANK PLAN VIEW RNISHEO SURFACE ANO GRADE. REFER TO SITE GRADING PLAN FOR OCTALS. NElSOff BOX SUTASU: FOR H-20 Ult L~ 150mm SORJS PIPE~ BELL D'1> TOP 01' ~ R,IL~ TN<IC _j ~ INPSECTION PORT DETAIL !ill. ANISHffi Sl&'ACE AND our GRADE. lltlll! 10 !ill------. Q!Alll<~PIJ,N FMD£LllS. STORM TANK WOOU1£ POROSITY EQUALS 97:t ~ SIDE BACKRll: 19mm qrJ$H£0'1J -~~~:::::5::i==l_,f!:,~~i~~c.,t1,~f:,i_,i~7'. STCW<( ('5111 02:121 CV.SS tBJ O,Jomlllljllll/l,lf'mllEm!N FREE FROM LIIWS NJll OEllll>!l. SIDE OOU!I.E STORM TA/IX MOOUI.£ 'Wll'Dt HO SUPk>n5 STORM TANK SINGLE MODULE DETAIL --,-... - APPR0VtP BACKAll BY lllE GrOl"EO(MICAl ENGINEER TOP !ll: 19mm Cl!IJ$)llD Slll<IC (~111 om, a.ASS 1&) o.JOm ,,_ ti DD'IH ""1)FRfI"'°"u.ll?SN<OOO!IIIS. ~t:10) IMPERVIOUS LINER BETWEEN lWO LAYERS OF NON-WOVEN GE<rTEXllLE (ON AU. SIOES, BOTTOM Nill 'I-OP) AS SPECIFIED BY EMCO, SE£ •OETAL•. ffi'Wiififffffiiffi=----~~j u:g_~~(;~ir'~is.~OTTOM SINGLE STORM TANK DETENTION BASIN DETAIL "" REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONS DATE ISSUED FOR DE1j(t,Of'i>.trtT f'6NTT MAY ll 2017 JJK) TOP) AS SPECIFlEO BY EMCO, SEE "DETAIL", WP8M:lUS LINER BEl'fl,ffN lWO LAYERS OF NOOH•l\91 G!~li:Xtu (<!ti ALL SOES, BOTTOM ANO TOP) AS SP£Ct1£0 BY IMCn SEE "DETAIL". '1N41¢ BOTTOM ELEVATION 8AS(; \!Imm """'1ID S'IQ<( (/,SIii D232I CUSS IS) O.~ -VI IJEJ'1ll AND fRtI ~ WI/PS Nil D£8fllS. CLIENT BROOKSIDE PROPERTIES LTD. 11933 224 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2X 6B2 PHONE: 604-250-7755 FAX: 604-467-5124 30011 O\ffiA.OW RISER IROO FRAME & COVER lA90.ED •sTORM SEMJt (LOW PROA~~ FlllSHIIJ~ACENlOCRADE. llmJITOWGAADINOPI.NI FOi! ll£lAlS. ITT'i::t--------0'-WU>lflilSal HEAD FOR DESIGN OF ~ Pl.Ali; (II• o..Ho,) V.RE MESH lRASH SC!lEEN (MIN. 30Qnm HIGH WITH MAX. Jamm OPENINGS) ~----SllllloOO ANO OIL TRAP STORM WATER FLOW CONTROL MANHOLE DETAIL ,us. ENGINEER-OF-RECORD PROJECT NAME CENTRAS BROOKSIDE 16 UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT Engineering Ltd PROJECT SITE ADDRESS CROYDON BUSINESS CENTRE #216-2630 CROYDON DRIVE 23711132AVENUE SURREY, BC V3S 6T3 MAPLE RIDGE, BC PH: 604-782.-6927 EMAIL: lnlo@cenhos.ca TIER C MINOR MODIFIED ORIFICE DIAMETER SIZING CALCULATIONS Oe....t.p.t/Ch,f!CCv-.,Rd-~tl\e.. F~•c:l/at"4.-.i.a:r ''!:!'li!l~~-1J11113~A.........-.t.&.tl~r.dp,IC:: Jt;114l'tll'lht.:~.~u ce~,n,;.eh_,_I.,,,=----- °"-°'""• OJ)Ol1S J1, • CENTRAS Engineering Ltd ~m lDOTE.-ltKGlflEYAllOHlm) __2¥.!...m ~~~~~::-s~:,~,~~~~~~1 1~1 • ...J!:ll_m fMtAGENC'I' OVEN FLOW VER'IICAL -~,~;:,."J.":=~:::oo • ~m OF ormmo~ r11,cIunI [mJ Hf AO fOII OESIC:N Of OllflCE .....2:!!,__ m ~IA.TE[h)lml ~~~~tf,:'~uowmun,E ~mm OUllElrlrflNYU I U(Y .. rlONl..,I ~m STORM WATER HOW CONTROL MANHOLE DETAIL HEAQON C'/1/E.lflOW ,rnn:z lQY:A-norf h100.~~ 6.:~~)CL"' WHERE: h.a,,,~s 100,YEAR HEAD ON OVERFLOW [ml a.. ... u· 100-YEAR FLOW RATE (m'/sl Wc:=::WEIRCREST LENGTH Jm]• 3.l◄H.x d0 d0• OV~RFlOW RISER DIAMETER (mJ Cltc,U\AI OIURCE EQltAtlON Q "'C11A,;J2.1g11h WHERE: O• MAJCLM\IM p.r:lf:l..n wr.11r1•/~ C= COEFFICIENT• o,, A,. Cll!CUtAR ORIFICE AREA (m'J 9• ?'.81 m/s' h • MEAD OH ORI ACE l't.ATE [m) TIER C (MINOR MODIRED) ONSITE STORM WATER DETENTION VOLUME CALCULATIONS · MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD A~ St",a~ 10.'A,trJ'o61Dw,,UJCl'Nni51NmF._.'YL~'ftD~~~ ~,,0:,,at., 0u&r1eoct~~klilo!E.. ~dJa.Addren: 16'-""'1~~•U•'il1IJ l;ltA~MolliCl-id'oc;,DC ~0..:fd)li.:crr101f Qllb,1'oJ-'d: . .a;f_,=---- 'ft:Rt"'tdc,1r::, .. ......,+,. Clf'°'1'1,;Gc,Waakio.,.,_,,_,. ,......, ... 'f"'C:" ~Vhere I [mm/~) T jtv), o A bheCorulonls Tim&ol Coni:enlrolion {l,J: c2.,,• ___ b,.,,"' __ _ 2.,_,,..,~Jll'Mln.-) RuooflCoellic~nl{RJ: Celchrnenl Heo {Al (Ho!: __ _ H,--- O.,,.r,..,..,..,.c:1.ur,=RAIN: 0.00l75-n3/1 IP:Yffl''r!R:t-S...,.......,..,...,...,- IDFC\lfMIJ~ hel t-•,.,_,, ln!e~rd'" Where I (mm/Iv). T llu-J, c L b ke Ccmlonls o.a.-•~tt.a,•~ twNillo.ilci,ttlll!t)i CUil! CokhmenlNeo\Ho):--•-,.- ~I:~ ,6'§-• CENTRAS ~ Engineering Ltd normo,~ton ~--, ... _ ---IIM-oy,o,i. OulnawVaium• fl,,l ....... ~ lmmJM ... ,. a.C•loN " .tt.11 ...... .. ..... ..,,,, ,. Q,1, ....., O:ml•f "" .. ""' =-ocro, .. ,.,. O..OWI '° ,,.,. OQ.Q.l "-" G.O-t:11 10 ,,_,, IIJIIUO , .. 11.11 ....,, ,,. ..,, -... HN oo:..n "o "'' ...,., , .. n.u ...... "" ,..,, ...... .., ,..,, "''" ,., ...... ... ... , ...... .. .... ...... ,., ..... ..,.,., "'' ... ...... ""' .,,. ... ,,, "" .,. ........ .. , tn'h.t , .... ...,,, ,._,, . ..,,, 1•~· ...,,, ,., . ...,,,,. """'' ..... ·-· ..... ... .,, on ...,,, ov., O.COlll ..... Obna m, •=• ,., . ...,,. ..... ..,,.. .... 0.(l)W) "" ... .,, ,., ... am>1.1 JIJ,.IJ ...,,, lk.•l ~»J , .... ... , .... ,...,. •-= IJ~I . ..,,, IIJ..!' o=n ., ... 01"1!1 ,.,.,, o..,,, ,.,,, 9.CIO.)U .. , 1.1.J .,_,, .,. .,. ..., ,,. '"' 11.,:t ,, ... ,..,. ,.,, ,, ... )),II- ~ ... ., ... .. ... ,,.,. .,,. ""° ,..,. ""'° ..... =o:» !"fl.ta .. , 1:.1'1 11,H :u.u .. .. JIU.I .. ., ,w t.:I .... .,. 1/JNIMUM ONSl!f SlOIIM WATER DE1£NTION VOLUME lm'I: ... 48.69 ·---··-----· ENGINEER'S SEAL .,-.. _.., ---· PRELIMINARY FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ONSITE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT DETAIL DESIGN: CEl DRAWING 16003-CS ORAv.,.a: CISL NUMBER CHECKED: CEL HOR.SCALE 1:100 ~ ffi Aplil19.201B ENGINEER: CEL VER.SCALE DE ROY AU JIINts 8f RING PREVI US REVISION NUM!Ei § ' ~ ~ t ~ I ROW CAPACITr OF PROPOSED ROCK ur,rn STOIM WATU DRAIUAGE OUTLET CHANNEL: MANNING'S EOUAllON: OCAPicAxR2:xs112 Oeu> "' FLOW CAPACITY OF PROPOSED CHANffi A = Afl.f.A (m~ R = HmRAUUC RADIUS a A/W w -mm> PERIMmR (m) S • SlOf'E • MANNING'S ROUGHNESS COErFJCIENT AT A MAXIMUM WATER DEPTH OF 0.20m, A•0,14m2, P=l.2m. S=0.02. n20.033, 0CAP""-0,14m3/s 0100 • 100 'rEAR POST OEVROPMENT FLOW RATE. a,00 "'0.076ml/s F.O,S. • Ow/011x1 • 0,14ml/s/0.076m3/sc 1.9 +7131 +7126 El. _{'\)/-- STORM WATER OUTFALL PLAN VIEW Zlrlr:111CJ:I: I STORM WATER DRAINAGE OUTFALL CHANNEL DETAILS N.TS. PRELIMINARY FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES l1-.,-------------r--.---------------------.-----r------------~-------------r-----------------.--------.-----------------1 "' ALL ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC AND REFER TO No. REVISIONS/ SUBMISSIONS DATE CLIENT ENGINEER-OF-RECORD $ ;! 1 SURVEY MONUMENT NUMBER: B4H0060 LOCATED AT: 132 AVENUE & 232STREET AMD HAVING ELEVATION OF: 14.705m EH-------------i-,r,_.L.1-----------------------l-----l !1, .. j 1.1 " - LOT 23, SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 12, MEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 4B925 filAY 16, 2017 BROOKSIDE PROPERTIES LTD. 11933 224 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2X 6B2 PHONE: 604-250-7755 FAX: 604-467-5124 PROJECT NAME CENTRAS BROOKSIDE 16 UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT Engineering Ltd PROJECT SITE ADDRESS CROYDON BUSINESS CENTRE #216-2630 CROYDON DRIVE 23711 132 AVENUE SURREY, BC V3S 613 fH: 604-782-&927 EMAIL: lnlo@cenlras.ca MAPLE RIDGE, BC ENGINEER'S SEAL CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE STORM WATER OUTFALL DETAILS DESIGN: CEL DRAWING 16003-C6 DRAWN: CEL NUMBER A 19,20!6 CHECKED: CEl HOR, SCALE 1:100 & [NGINEER: CEL VER. SCA.LE DESTROY All P NIS !EARING POEVIOUS IEVIS!ON NU .__) All ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC AND REFER TO SURVEY MONUMENT NUMBER: 84H0060 LOCATED AT: 132 AVENUE & 232 STREET AND HAVING ELEVATION OF: 14,705m LOT 23, SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 12, NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 48925 No. 133 AVENUE All. UNDERGROUt.D U11UTY lRENCHING CONSlRUCTlON SHALL COMPLY WITH AU. lHE CURRENT 'M>RK SAFE BC REQJLATIOHS ANO REOUIREMENTS.. TYPICAL UTILITY TRENCH DETAIL ., .. ONSITE WATERWORKS LEGEND: -w--COt.lBINE0 WATER LINE (DOMESTIC + FlRE). -r--FlRE HYDRANT LINE. ( TEMPOAAR't WlttR C,AP N~ 2.(4 srue ~~llSil~ ~.J:F'ICAI. -REDUCER c/w CONCRElE Tl-lRUST BLOCK. ... GAlE V/IJ..Vf_ ♦ FIRE ~ ASSEMBLY TO MMCD STANDARD ~M~~ TO CITY OF IAAPLE R1DG£'S t WAlERMAlN BEH0 c/w CONCRETE lHRUST BLOCK, "1 WATERMAIN TEE c/w CONCRETE THRUST aDOi Gbl]] UNOERGROONO WA lER CHAMBER. REFIR TO WATER CHAMBER DETAILS DRAYl'ING "' FOR DETAILS. BUILDING WATER SERVICE CONNECTIONS TABLE DIA\lrn:R SIZE MIN. DEPTH Cf' CO\O BtJl..£XtfC l.OOinn• lmCO'nR llll!IING 10':>mn" 1'!> CXl\nl 'CML 01>11IUCIDA lll ilST..U. A iOOmm x ?&nm IIWl9llOH COJPUNG AOEQUAffi.Y emiWteD AT lHE ENO Of EA0t 81.!lQlfD WA lER WU,C( COIKCllO,'j. REFER TO Umwot.lL PUNS FOR DETAILS ~ COl{JNJ/.1!0ll uova. CCtllR.¢'Ta:t TO INSTALL A IQ!Jmm r 50mm TRANSlllON ~Q IDE.QU.4.1E,.Y RESTIVJHED AT '1liE END OF EACH !IM.llCHO WATER SERw:( OO'lb.1'.C'TKtL Flt1tR TO MECHANICAL Pl.<HS f(W! cm.n.s & CCllllflU/.1lOII. Ef'S2081 REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONS DATE ISSUED FOR D£1.tl.Cl1MOH PERMIT MAY 16, 2017 - BROOKSIDE PROPERTIES LTD. 11933 224 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2X 682 PHONE: 604-250-7755 FAX: 604-467-5124 ENGINEER-OF-RECORD CENTRAS Engineering Ltd CROYDON BUSINESS CENTRE #216-2630 CROYDON DRIVE SURREY, BC VJS 6T3 PH: 604-782-6927 EMA!l: lnJo@cenlras.co Mo, ;::d LOT 24 PRELIMINARY FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES 0m 15m t: SCALE: 1:250 ONSITE WATERWORKS NOTES: I, ..U. 0t<Sl1HM. Jt1ll<S ~ at CQ<S1lllJCla) N ACOO<0!IIC( '1111\t'JHE LAltST -Of 1!!E !l!l1!SH C<ll.lAIBIA'S il.lUING COOES NG A.LMaHO COOO,. MASl!ll -1,1. OJHS1RIJC1lll!I OOCUl!!l/l'S (WMCG) l'LAlll<IM EllfflO!l. gst~~ C4~ ~ ~~c:n:.. >W'<£ !llPPUl&lffAKY ~llOHS AH!) 5'.1'PUMOO'AAY sTAH9.Al!D llRA""l<S} AH!) AIL 01>0. Al'fllCA&.E MlJlllCIPAL BI\A'<S A'10 PCU<IES. 1MESS >lOlEI) OIH9<'11St 2. All DIMENSIONS, ~ Sll£S ANO ELEVATIONS ARE METRIC AHO TO GEODETIC DAlUM, UNl..ESS NOTED 0lH!RMSE. J. PIIICR 10 CO!IS11U:111»1 MO -1/AllRi,<lS. lHE CM. CQffitACroR SHAU. £llPOSE A1'0 IOlf'Y lHE \ot.\11al, llil!lllM. mt. 9!t Ai'O IIIOtl OF 11£ WAluNAII! AT PCIIIIS Of 11:-ll'S All!l SHAU. REPCIIT P'!· Dl!DIEJ'ANCl[S TO --Lil!. IIAl[Dl;,lllY, 4. •-TO a»uTIWC1ION 1,/4> Oi1El8i><!l Of M/.lIRll.lS, lit£. O\ll. COff!AACIOR SHAU. <XN10A li!IM. lOCATlO<S, ltMJll'S IJII) SU!$ Of ~,llJI SERl'.a CO,~C11(lm 10 E,IO! -.,,,IH lllE 1/CdWP:AL !/lQll!lR IJII) lllJUIIH(; PUJII-C<>N1l!AC10R N;D SHIU. RIPDAT '1(f 015Qi9'Aff«S ltl C00!!"5 -LlD. IW(DIAlD.Y, 5. Pl'E BEOOlN0 ANO PIPE SURROOND SHAU. IE 19.0on, G>WUJ,11 AS FIJI IIIICO Cl-2.7 SECTION 31 05 17 -TYPE 41~ ,1,.,'«I AS PER THE TrPIC/IJ.. UTILITY TRENCH DETAL ON iHIS SHEET. 6. ~ B.\OIJU LINDE!< R0ADWA,S. Oll'<OIAl'S IJII) SlllEIIMJ<S SIIAll BE tCIOr,wrJ ~ltD GRANULAR M,ltlDtW. AS P£R ~ Q.-2.! SEC~ l1 05 17 C<MPAC1£D TO 515% MPMDD MO A.S PEI 'THE TmC>,I,. Ul\UTY 1R£N01 OETAIL ON ll<SSHEIT. 7. DI WATERMAIN PIPES SHAU BE IN ACCORDANCE 1MTH AWNA C151 PRESSURE CUSS 350 WiTI-1 STANDARD MORTAR LINING TO AWNA Cl0-4. B. NJ. WA19111At1 PIPfS Al<D WATUI S!Rl«:E eoill1£ClfO!IS S>INJ. OC INSlliW) ytl!i A ~ r:Jf I ,Om CO',{]I ff!OII 1HE TOP Of PJ)( TC fV;JgjED Sllllf.c[ GRAOC. 1H[ 0111. C0fflRAC~ SHAU. IHSTNJ. \'Ell'llCAI. 8EJ;D$ Al,ll DEJUC1'1C11l ~ ,s ~ TO Mirr 14\'WM al\l:!t fl(Wltf)IE)lfSC g_ HORIZONTAL ANO v£RllCAL sEPARAllONS Of THE WATERlr.lAIN: a) 'l{RlC,,L; MINIMUM 0....S¢ SEJIAAA'J)(tl OF TliE WATERMAIN FROM ANY STORM StvBt OR $ANITAAY V.,TM ntE WATERl,WN BBNG ABO\£ ANY STORM SEYi(R OR SA!ITAAY SE'l,£R. b) H001Z0NTAL; MIN~Ulr,f J.Orn SEPARAllON OF THE WA'TERMAJN FROM ANY STORM SEWER OR SANITARY srn£R. 'M-tERE lHE ABOvE IS NOT ACHIEVABLE, THE f'OU.OIYING MEASURES SHAll BE COOSTRUCTED: m\e~~~~~~~=:~s: SEW!. 'II£ WAm<IVllf lHALL 8t LAT!I 1H !IICJI A UAl<Nrll lliAT DE l'l'C O!OSSNQ IS !MOE IIIIWAY ~ h,oll'S C/1 A fW. IDICll< 0f W.\!Dl)IAIN p;fL ~~~~~~t==·~~/Ji~~IJI, ROsSl,'O SW,LI. llt IIAIIE UIOWAY BE1lWI .DNlS ON A fl.ti W.:lli 0f W~llllWAIH PIP{. II) li1W N•D 1'1U)l£tf W.\IEIW,1' .DHl'S f< ACCORONJa: '!11\t J>£ RllJ.a,o,G SlAT,W.l<OS: NISJ/A'<rllA ClH (r"'111'1Y APPU!I)~ A/19/AWWA c:I09 (AUD Al'IUDI ANO AT<9/A•WA C:117-90 (P£1RO[flo, TAPQ: All WAradAl.s ARt 10 HA\£ 'ZlllO l£ALTH H.UAflO. ID. Jl<R\JST eutCi<S 5KAll. BE OONSl!IUOl>II 0, MXORl)Af<tt tjl!i ""c:I) SIIIIOAAI) DllAMNC WI 1"° ,S ~ rff llit CE01'1CliMCAL D«.l'EIJ! At<tl/OQ CMl DlllNDL DO IIOT SACl</lll ATlY CQHCIIE1E 1\tRU$T ll.OO<S UNll. C!ll11W5 ENClll!Dl>fC LTD. HAS IIS!INJ.Y NSl'EJ;lED A!IO Af'PlllMO EAClt CCIICl!Elt 1IOIIJST litCd!. BAO<FUi<0 FFJCfl TO COIIIUS-LID. \4!1JAJ.Y ll&f.tll<C DE~ 1lflllS1 111.0CX lHALl CA,l& 1t!I: OE\'ELD!'tR'S Cl','j. <nll!W;1DA ro D!'OSC 1\tE Ctllatt1E Tlt<UST !l.OCI< FOR IISl!Al 11151'1.1:ml AT 111[ O\l. COllRMllDA'S EiPD:&. 11. TIE-RODS SHALl BE 19mmf f'OR 250ti MAINS OR lfSS. 12. MAXIMUM PIPE DEFLECTION AT ..Kl/NTS AND FlTTlNGS SHALL BE HAlF OF THE'. MAXIMUM DEFl.ECllON RECOMMENDED BY THE PIPE UAMJFACTURER. !J, WA1Ell llCl!llS A/rlJ \IJ\lER Mrl!R OW,,V.S S>INJ. BE CCI/SlRUQl!I) #I ACCOR!)Al,CC !"111 JI€ CITY 0f WN'trll!IGE'S ATill url!ll D£gQj CJillElllA IIA.'«J,i. « IU'PU!IDllARY SProflCAll(lt<S. t..i,1Est lll!1ION$. !'!Oat TO CC.S1l\lJCUQI AND 0i!OOIINC 0f UAlIRI.IIS. Tltt: O\U. 011!!.\CIDA SMNJ. SUWI.Y <l)m<AS e1c;.sEDONG L111. A S>ftl' DAA'"-•• OF nlE U~CUIIO 111.10< UElER OIAllllEll f'0R RtV.(W A.\ID CXlllllEllT. 14, 1\tE 0\1L tnflilACTIR S>IAU. rt: 1!110 1llE COSllNG -OITTl1E Fill£ IJllf. NID OITTl1L DCIM£SllC ""llll stlt\lC[ w.itClll>(S ONLT Af'1Ell ftll: PIICl'QS£1I <Nsnt l!ATUI S'tS1!II llAS ll(El 1ISTB>. PASSE) AIID >RlflDI APPP.OV/.l HAS !lUJ< 091AAISl 8Y Q1l1RAS Eli-L'll>. NrlJ T\1E aJY IW'IE EX:E'S PUAIB.'-'O 11151'1:CIOR. 15, All WAmt S!Jl\aCE CON!a:t1K',,-S TO l!Ulllll'l()S S1fAU. 8t 01>15Tl!UC1ED 1,0m A'IIAT F1IOM TH[ f1N!l6tD BUl!lrJIO ;,a AIID CAPf'B> VOil! A 1BIXl1IAAY CN' oil "5 SllO\« 1\1E ,0,Pao/Ji'f C,S, SHALL 8( M)E'OIJA1E.. T 11(-l!Ol)MC e;.c,c Tl) ntE WAmuwH NC) A IOOmrnxl!'ffl(l'I nP.AHSil'ION CCIUrl.ll_Q $fW.L. SE ~um AT 1lE Din rs EAOI ll)(lq,,tf oaa:m: IIUlllll..C WJ,T!Jl ro!\IC[ W<'l<CIIO.'l IHSTAU. A m,i>O!Wl't l>l l'OSl S1U!l PAIi/iil) llWE IJllDll>(l) A8IM lll£ ""5HID G!!oot<O SIJRF,1(1; AT 1l!E lOC.,llllN Of WAlER IDMCE -TO 1Ht 8UiU)ING. 16. WAlER SERY.C( CU,."lrolQNS A>iD V/.LVC tlS1"1A11QIS fllil WAlEII 5"!\1CiS """"' Al,ll SljAUIJI SH/.ll & 11,-ST/.lim AS J>a ll.wtll ST .. ~ARII IICTJd. Ot<AY<N!l Ill!,, WA1Ell 5eMC£ W<:<(O!DIS ,>ID V/<.\'t l!CSTAUATICIIS FDA '"'l!ll SVll1CES OfltA1!R lHA~ 50mm SHNJ. et •ISTAU£D ,S l'8t •UCG STN,llA.'!O OCT"'-DAAl'<:IC WJ. 17. OOM!'.S1IC-WA'l!Ji: LOADS AM) BUILDING WATER SER~CE CONNECTION SIZES v.£RE ~ 8Y 111£ IIEO'.Allbi. COIISULTAIIT AIID Tli8R S1ZES ARE SHO'Ml IS lHt TA/llC>l-9lll:T. MINIMUM WATERMAIN TESTING REQUIREMENTS: THE COlmtlCJtlR SHMI. IHSTNJ. lDl?a<A~Y llST Pllil<TS AT 1IE V,\llH/.l EIIOS rs AU. l'A1EAll,l#I UAll!U<t A.'<n OI( ..U. IIIJll.m<C IIATUI !iTit\ttr C®l£C~'S Nltl !,IN.I. FlUSH. TEST A.SD tt,,ql'CT THE ~ ·wAlER s,,;m, ~I .ltCORDAIICE Mlli BC PI.Ulilill<O C00E ~<X.Q<Ol!?11S BY All 11'1'80\W T\IIIO PAAl'I' T!SIIIO et:1/PAIIY ATIO 1lit Cll<l1RAC1CII SHAil. PJ!OIID( ,U l(Sl..O RtSIA.l'S TC C0111!,\S DIO!IE[R:/IG Lm. Al<D !HE ClTY Of IIN'l.E IOOGE'S A.U._ NSPfCTQ!l, 2. 1!1£ CCINTI!.\t:1(11! SMNJ. !'R[SSUl<f 1£ST AU. 0HS11!: l<lll1!Nl!S AT 201':>Po Ill ClClW>I.Wl<:E M!li /.WI/A C!,02 $1""1)1Ji!)5 IIY Ill APPRo1aJ IESJm ctll!J'Al(Y AIOI !ltAll. PRO\lllE AU. lESttfC aE:Sll. TS TO C!lnR,s DIQ.'lff~C LID. 00 mt 0lY rs ~ ~ PUMlll<l tjSl'[CfQff. 3. rnE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLElE mY 011f:CR TESTING REQUIREMENTS AS REQUESTED BY THE aTY OF MAPLE RIDGE AM) CENTRAS ENGINEERING LID. PROJECT NAME ENGINEER'S SEAL CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BROOKSIDE 16 UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SITE ADDRESS 23711 132 AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC April19,201B WATERWORKS PLAN DESIGN: CEL CEL CHECKED CEL DRAWING NUMBER HOR. SCALE ENGINE(~; CEL VER. SCALE 16003-C7 l:250 Df$flOY AU PRINfS !IEAfl'JHG RlVIOUS REVJSION NU l f . ~ i 0 ! s t i I -,: ! i i: t ___./ $ l t L ! g oa:upancyType Water Meter Si:ting Calculation Sheet A~A M22 fbiun, V~luo Mlllhodolouy ftA00'9iCf Hffl:!UH UR RtJ!tpJ.\fff !'.!'!t:JP:85: Step 1: Calcul.ite Cus10mer To\al Fillture Value Balhtub SedpanW&$hetS Bidet OiJh'l•.i>hcf DrinkingFounlJin-Public H:;!$e Bi~s (GM S'J fl w.wl ~DWfl) ·112inc:h _.,_ -3/4inch l:i"81ory Showertlcao'(Sh0wcr0flly) Toilel: •F!usl'IValve • Tnn~ T~pe -PedtttillAu~Valve WnllFlushValvc Wll$hSir.t.(EachSclclF:iuttll~) Wa5hingh\Jlchine o ... CombinedFldu1cV•lu~Tol&I = ____ GPM (A) Slep 2: Cakulale Cus1omer Probable Peak Demand Re'erloF,9ure4-20,4-3 Ct.oslomo,Pcal<Ocmanrl • ____ GPM {B) Slep 3: Apply Pressure Adjustmenl Factor Ci1ywa!ersyslempressL1re p,..,.w1efae1c,/,.,,.,T1ble<1.1 CuslomerArl/usl1dPo~k0clm.ind(Sl!.CJ ----GPM (0) Step -4: Calcubte lrrigalicn D11mand Underground Sprinklers •SptayS)'slem -RolnryS)'slcm Slep 5: Calculate Total Peak Fixed Demand O..,~IIOll'ISlep3(O1 ~ ._,.,.. fron, S1ep 4 (El Step 6: Select Water Meler Toi.al lnililallon Oom~ml' E ----GPM (E) Total Pc~kFl~cdDem~nd -(l,f,M (,fJ 'T..,.Pea!J.fi,cel1~11~1J'J•'-~~-ldftll'IU!t111,.._...,.._,__. "P1HsRauu.•T-..,,.(.11111r.-,,~(FJllllllllil>soucJ'f!"' P,o!1nlon:lll c«ilrJui)ot1 (Appllc;ao11l'~Eng/nce,j □ --o• - DOMESTIC WATER METER SIZING CALCULATIONS PREPARED BY MECHANICAL ENGINEER-OF-RECORD All ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC AND REFER TO SURVEY MONUMENT NUMBER: 84H0060 LOCATED AT: 132 AVENUE & 232STREET AND HAVING ELEVATION OF: 14.705m LOT 23. SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 12, NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 4B925 0' \ WATER CHAMBER LOCATION PLAN $C.llL:.,:1m No. REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONS DATE ISSUED rOR OE\tO.OPilEHt POOJ.!T LlA'r 16, 2017 ' f--..: 0 3: <.ci x w • 'J i-o ·' CLIENT 2 f--0 U7 BROOKSIDE PROPERTIES LTD. 11933 224 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2X 6B2 PHONE: 604-250-775S FAX: 604-467-S124 >--6M>--;1------------------010-------------------t-- ,__ _______________ J9.0----------------t 2120mmx254mmx300mm OW' SUMP w / 50 UP Ai«) SUMP GRATING ·- 150mm l'f!~i:1--'-+-FFH--.---+-----'---"-'lli'--'iY.I OUll.ET j;J!n~[;--,-H±.:1::1-'----i---'------'--;-,l!J,.---IR' 100mm l'i"'r=ilf--L....-f--~;"l---,--;-----41-.J.tF,, OUll.ET /l=;!..!lr--.--f--t,£:!.j---'--;-..:.,U-1\ 100mm PVC COUPLING CAST INTO CONCRElE FOR 100mm PVC DA '!l.lGHT DRAIN • I WATER CHAMBER ENGINEERED BY COAST WATER SYSTEMS LTD. CONTACT DIANA MORLEY AT 604-460-3622 AND diono@cooslwoter.co FOR SHOP DRA Vv1NGS AND PRICING. GENERAL WATER CHAMBER NOTES I. TH£ BOTn)t $IJf. Of lHE WATER CHAMBfR LID SHALL BE ltaA.AtED Cit lHE WA1'ER LINES 1N THE WATER CHAMBER SHALL OCHCAT11WOJ. 2. AU. SHUT OFF VALVES ON THE ARE LINE SHAU. BE LOCKED ANO CHAINED IN THE OPEN POSlllON. 3. THE INSIDE OF lHE WATER CHAMBER SHALl BE PAINlED Wl-tlTE, +. A S1t'f.M tlRADf SlUU. GE t-:STAIJ.EO AT THE LOWEST ELEVATION °' lH[ eonou OF 1H£ WATER CHAMBER ANO IT SHALl DRAIN TO • STORM S[',wt smoc 5. 'IL WA'IVI IOU! >)Ill WATER OW<lllll 11/sTAIL\noNs 9'-'l1. CCM?I.Y Mlll 11£ CITY Of WAPu: Rl!IGl'.S "\YATD! ut1lll lkSTAUAlt0/1 ST'l«JAIIOS I< Sl'E0r!CA11011S'. ~I !ll1lON. 6. ~nc WATER LINE INSIDE lHE WAlER CHAMBER AT TI,E PACIPiRlY LINE SHAU. HAVE A ODUBLf CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY. PLAN VIEW SCAI..E:l:20 ELEVATION VIEW SCALE: 1:20 SIDE VIEW SCALE: 1:20 9, 'THE ~TED ARE LINE INSIDE THE WAlffi CHAI.IBER AT TllE PffQ1ERTY l.N£ SHAL.l HAVE A DOUBI...£ DElECTOR CHECK VM..Vf.. _..,, PRELIMINARY 10 All P&'lf«; 'SMALL BE TIE ROODED TO OUTSIDE FACE OF WATER CHAMBEJl NO SECURELY FASTENED TO A CONCRffi niRUST BUJ,/ !il.OOt FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ENGINEER-OF-RECORD CENTRAS Engineering Ltd CROYDON BUSINESS CENTRE #216-2630 CROYDON DRIVE SURREY, BC VJS 6TJ PH: 604-782-6927 EMA.IL: lnfo@cenlras.ca PROJECT NAME BROOKSIDE 16 UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SITE ADDRESS 23711132AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC ENGINEER'S SEAL AP!i 19,2018 DESIGN: 21 11 9 MATERIAlS LIST ntM Qr, OUOll,tfOJ4 2 "" <•1 lilt -1!0 (11,1 fffftl'Ud Erlcmal Transition e«-pr,.; C.O{.,CW$"'l, .......... l'li><- 10 11 12 2 tC<l (41Ul'R Reslrcurt 13 ,. 2 , .. (t') • !O. 121 -.. ~ .,,... " 2 ~(nD,;IYdw ,, 19 20 21 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE WATER CHAMBER DETAILS CEL DRAWING NUMBER 16003-CS z " !l l ii ~ ~ • i ~ g ... ~ i ! i • $ 1. i ~ E j ~ <( g 11-IE DEVELOP~ ANO/OR CONlRACTOR SHA!.L NOTIFY BOTH THE ENGINEER AND ESC SOPER\IISOR PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT Of iHE CLEARING ANO GRUBBING STAGE. lHE OE\IEI.Of'ER SHALL PR0"10E lHE CLEARING AND GRI.IBBING CONTRAC'TOR WllH A COPY OF 11-IE ESC PERMIT, i'l"PROVEO ESC ORAWINGS AND THE TREE CUTTING PERMIT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF lHE CLEARING AND GRUBBING STAGE. NO a.EARING ANO GRUBBING WORKS ARE lO PROC£EO ONSITE UNTIL All SEDIMENT CONTRO\. WORKS SHOl'.N ON 11-IIS Cl.EARING AND GRUBBING ST AGE HA \/E BEEN INST AU.ED AND i-lAVE BEEN APPRO\IEO BY lHE ENGINEER OR ESC SUPERVISOR. All ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC AND REFER TO SURVEY MONUMENT NUMBER: 84H0060 LOCATED AT: 132 AVENUE & 232 STREET AND HAVING ELEVATION OF: 14.705m LOT 23. SECTION 28. TOWNSHIP 12, NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 48925 No. REVISIONS/ SUBMISSIONS tSSl(D FOR ll(\(lWll!N'T P£lllll lit! CQf/11!AQOR 9WJ. 1lUSH. VAQII/II AHO Clf,\f< M All SlOIIII 5"l£RS. :allOS, UNIHUIS. C,lQt BASI!<$, LA .. C.toi !!AIIHS, S'l'AUS, WAID! C<RIIIS£S. CTC.. 00111 Ql!IT< A.'IO (lifSl1£ lffltE stllOIDIT lltJUIUI' HAS ACQ/ljlUl!I) DUE TO 1!E PROPOSrn COHSlRUCIIO<I W0l!l<S, 11£ CG'l!RAOIOR Sl1AIJ. O<Sl'Ei:T 1NE SI~ 111!.wl~ SlSUU.S !IOllj t,1511! A/ID omrn: 'fl!E<I.Y NlD J/Sl Pl<IOR N<Y "'110PAlED RHl<l'All (\g/lS FOR SlllMlfr l!UUl\P AHO SKALl RillO',E ANY SUI\IOlf ll.mJXI' u.nttlltA Ttl.Y fit'ntN 24 Hot.If& •~ 1HE. TO\\IIHOUS£ CONS1i!UC1l0tl SITE f'ROM THE 133 AvfNUE ROCK PAD. ;a1 ~ ~ , .. •tt, -·-·--,-;-- INSIAU. A lull'IJ!All'f CAIOI BASP< CAIOI MSei5 Nlll 1.A"' llRAIHS. RE1tR 8,-slN S(llWOII lll,S, DCTJJL' Clll lilt ER OE'fillllS 9UJ, lHt CCMRl,CTOR SHAU. 1K ~ 10 NlY ~AlID JUlt,:;All CJU1 AS 11£ClURED. DO HOl Ell?IY/IW,< &JXM91T'IRN'SII/TON<(Si01111 UNOt<X.ES. SWAUS. airn<S. WAID! STRIP Nll>iltM SlJSC,M!E AS HOl ll),J) SPOIi. ltlSINJ. C8N<II CONSTRUCT• llEC®"-'NlA EPS2081 -~11.l!IE ear. su 'IDIPCIIAAY nwiru» 0£WA~G II.IC UNIT orn,11; • ~l ~iRU. OETAILS DATE CLIENT BROOKSIDE PROPERTIES LTD. 11933 224 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2X 682 PHONE: 604-2S0-7755 FAX: 604-467-5124 U.AY 16. 2017 ENGINEER-OF-RECORD CENTRAS Engineering Ltd CROYDON BUSINESS CENTRE #216-2630 CROYDON DRIVE SURREY, BC V3S 6T3 PH: 604-782-6927 EMAIL: lnfo@centras,ca QI JO Nlf PA>tl) SU<l'ACtS REMOl.to Mil!II.AlD."f' Mnt l'W'ING, v~ Nf)jC<I. OMR A WAY AS 10 1£.\lt: lit£ PA\B> SUl!F~ IIIJ!I. IMl£R ~ CWICIIIS!A.scts SHAU. D FROII PAl<D SO/.'!i"Aa:s 8Yflll9t.S0 WAlEll --SlS1ulS .), /C'fl P.<D. $1J;I> AHO l!EM<ll£ l'0i'so./l)',9l SIJeCRAOE A.'ill O<SlAU. A "2<lMI Un -, lHiCK or 15mm ll<lCM fAD \l!IH IIO flll:S QI 11.n:R CUl1l< (NW< Jll'l5 OR ~,m nu.croR 10 liSfftT IIEDQ.Y /,J,'O >NJ AllQTIO!W-stt '1tllP0RAl!Y ~ ACUSS/Oll PAD DETAI.' N<O !illillOll OQIIROI. OCT...S SJ£El ~~ NIO"'": ~ l~Pll!IMO IISMl!llllEAA'IHOIPOStD UlNO<R llWI ~ H0WIS. Zlll£ <l!A~Y l, TI,E ESC SUPERv1S0R. HEREBY CERTIFY TI-iAT 1 HA'v£ RE\.1E\YED THIS ESC PL.AN. PROJECT NAME BROOKSIDE 16 UNITTOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SITE ADDRESS 23711 132 AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC (SC SUPERVISOR: STEVE O'CONNELL ENGINEER'S SEAL Al>I~ If. 2018 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL LEGEND c:=i l@lihlttffil ~ c:=i @) @ ® ® ---- @1 EXIS'TWG GROUHD SURf'ACE UEVA110N. EXISTING GROUND SURFACE CONTOUR El..£VAT10N. lEMPORARY ROCK ACCESSf<)OT PAO. RITTR 10 TEMPORARY ROCK ACCESS/EXIT PAO DETAIL APPROXIMAlE EXIDlT Of PA(P()S'(O ~ REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL 0RA1tWU:5 fM DEl'AILS. SIJil 8ASE A.'li) &ASE 00..lt:LS (110 nm:s) AS PER ll€ i:.<nml!ICN. OU.ll!D!'s 11£.0UiRDlilll& CAP lroADoiAY Ml!DIAIUY AfTDI IIOUQt GRADING ANO '1'PIIOVAL 8Y C!:Oro:HN!CAL Ell~ NON CONSlRUCT\ON ZONE. ~ SURFACE DISTURBANCE IS STRICn. Y PR0Htai£0, APPROXIJJATr EXTENT Of HYDRO SEED ANO/OR BLO~ SlRAW MULCH. 1£MPORARY C,TI:>l BAS'N SEO EIU lllAP IN OCJSl'f<ll C,TCII B;<5IN. REFER TO l£W'ill!ARY CATCH BASIi stlllll!IIT TRAP OEIII(. l!ll/'Q!MY CATCH 8,\SIJl SUIMENT TRAP IN llE'II CATCH BAS~. P.!nR 10 lEMPOf!ARY CATCH B.<SIM SlOOENT TR/,P IICTM.. ll)4!'0RAIIY Clffll 8JSll !SW!\1!!11 !RAP IN PffllfOSEJ LA!loll B.\!llt REro! TO 11)jP!JRARY CATCII BAS;H DIIEl'l TRAP DtTA!. • 1H.4PORARY PUMP TO DIVERT STORM WATER TO TllE TEMPORARY DEWATERIHC BAG. MOtllTORING POINT LOCATlOtt ~Ali: l.OCAlW)I Of 1£td?ORARY SOIL TIOP<f'UJ: If REaw,ol. REF!R TO T!MPORARY Sill.STCQ:PUOCTI&.. U~SED PI.AT!O lt!ICt£S smmtY PROHIBIT!D TO PA\t:MOO AND c:.<!NMAA ~ACES ONLY. APPROXIMAlE l.OCA110U ~ l£M?ORARY 11GERA..OC DE~ 8/\G COMPUTE WITH POLY U."IED G/:1,\W.. PJ.0. ~ Q.E,t,N WATER CUT OFF SWALE. REFER lO ~ARY CONSTRUCTION SWAL.£ AND GRAvfl. Ota:IC DNA DtTNLS. -CQ<S1RU01lON WATER ~llT/lC!PTal SWA.l£. ~UB! 10 lllll'OAAR'I CCl<Sm\JCII<>< S\VAU: AllD ®\U CHEOC DNA 11£1'.U. T!W<JIARY W..IIO>IAL OlAIO. ct,ECK DNA. fltFl1! TD T!IIXRNl'I' CD!151111JCOON SWALE ANO Q!A\UClltCkD/MoC'llillS. 1!>1PDRAAY HICII S<s:illJ'TY OfWIC£ SNm ro.tt IF AalttRIJ). AUER 10 TEIIPORARY KO< \ISl9IIJ1Y awtt s.n:rr IUltl: O[TM.. lEMPORARY Sil T FENCE. REFER TO TEMPORARY SILT FENCE DETAIL "TEMPORARY COMPOST FV..TER SOCK. REFER TO lIMPORARY COMPOST flllER SOCK DETAIL STORM WAlER SURFACE RUNITT FlOW D!R£CTION. OClS!l~ lm: 10 81: -T!D AS CllltCIID BY !HE -AP.B011Sl. lilJ!R TD All$a1!5T 1'0'l;1ll NIil lANDSCAPt PLIIIS fOR CIETMS. EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES: I, ALL ~~ AND &DN£m tullRCl. WQRKS SHALL 8E UI/OERTAi<EN ~~11),lM~~J~~&~~ITNc:mt CITY Cf MN'l£ --S WATBI COURSE PROlECnoil B:,t,\W NUMBER 64llH!ll06. 2. 11£ CClllllM.cTOil S!tAU. COMPIEIE AU. COOSlRUC1lOtl WORKS fOil lllE O<llR£ DORAlK!N Cf 1liE l'RO,,ttl 11 !,lJOl IIAh~ AS TO ~3&~1sl£Jr~"'&fMm~ ~~I WAlcR lll.<T CONfAINS A TOTAL SUSPal!>EO S(lJl)S (1,S,S.~I ~~°"•~'Wl,l ~s(~~:i'[lllE\tr \\EA1llfll ~ A/111 A I'll BEl'IEEII G.O "'0 9.0. l. IW<l'J.U. UONT-G C,l,lJ(lE STAllON: ~ ~/.lff"-~~~~½F~R THE S!CNlflCN(I RNl£AU. EVOIT r.; 25m.i, OR CR£J.TfR Cf TOTAL RA»lf'AU. D£Plll II A 24 lfOUR n~E l'DllOO. 4. APPROXJMAI!' TOTAL DISTURBED AP.f.A = N0.35Ho, 5. SOILS alllllrTIQ<S OIi 111£ Silt <:El(f.flAU.Y Clll4SISTS Of' A IIIWI \"JIIR Of' TOPSOIL OYiR SAIID A.W GAAVO. DIJ>05JIS. 0"81 • s.w>Y !U , lHEII GIAOOFWl1AL SANO NIO G!!A~ AU. 0'IER P1!C-1tR11,IRY !EJROCI(. PRELIMINARY FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES l)n ·r T SCALE: 1: 250 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN STAGE 1: SITE CLEARING & GRUBBING DESIGN; CEL DRAWING 16003~ESC1 ORAl'IN: CEL NUMBER CHECKED CEL HOR. SCALE 1:250 & -· CEL VER. SCALE DESIR Y All PWIIITS BEAMING P~fl/1 U RE i g ~ ! 5 l. g ~ J i ;;, = 4 i ! I 5 < g ALL ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC AND REFER TO SURVEY MONUMENT NUMBER: 84H0060 LOCATED AT: l32AVENUE & 232STREET AND HAVING ELEVATION OF: 14.705m LOT 23. SECTION 28. TOWNSHIP 12. NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 48925 No. REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONS ISSUED FOR DE\(l.0fltan PER~JT /lfSTAll. A IDD'"!AAY CAlOi 111,!;11 smlmlT CATO! Bl.SINS Al,\l LA"" OIWIIS. wtR m BASIII St:!MlU 11W' OCTAi." 0,1 !HI'., 0£1,-U !>nT, THE ctWIR.<CTOR SHAU. l'filCfl TO A!IY AllllCl'Al!l> lWll"AIJ. N>IIS WT J,$ RE~!), 00 tlOT D<>'N~ M 51mroll !RAPS 1!1111 AllY ST01!11 0IWNA<>: IWll!Ol<S. SWJ,U'.S. Cll!tkS. '<A~ .ISSUllll) OOICEP1\JAI. l<X:.\11011 PU!IP ).\Y AIXUlM.ATED 8UUOlll R>OIIIQ E>(AVAllOKS ~ TR9lt!i IMl£S ~ A FUlC ' !'ERill<TU!n:M ~ 1HllOOOl!OUf THE CO • il<STAlL A ltMPO!!AAY TOI BASN PROPOSED CATCH BASINS ANO U.v.N C,,101 IIASIH SEDIMENT !RAP ocµL• C0tl111Q. OETAIS SHEET. THE IJST Pi!IOlt 111 ANY .IHllaPAtm IIMHf fMl'IY/Ct[AII OUT AS REQUIRED. DO N CliTCH BASIN SEDIMENT lRAPS INTO AN S\IIIPs.lWIMln~QIED(s,WA 10IPORAAY CftNl1iC S UCOISt rum, Elll.OflE)<T IROM Cl!OUIII) COIER OH lDIP'OfWl1 ~>l aJO!l'l:o'E'offlMIJl<JSlOH . cAA'<£1.Cl![Q(OAM:. DATE CLIENT BROOKSIDE PROPERTIES LTD. 11933 224 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2X 6B2 PHONE: 604-250-7755 FAX: 604-467-5124 U4T I~ 1017 ENGINEER-OF-RECORD CENTRAS Engineering Ltd CROYDON BUSINESS CENTRE #216-2630 CROYDON DRIVE SURREY, BC V3S 6T3 PH: 604-782-6927 EMAIL: rnro@centros.ca Cfl TO »rr PAV!D SlllfActS 9E R!).!0'@10.lillAl'ElY vrnt V,ICU.,u,G ,-'ID/al0ll£l! WAY ,S TO L[J.I{ 1lf( PA'IID S!JOfACE IMl.Ul<DGINOCIRQJ\IST,_>,asSHAU. ro f'R(>I PA>tl> SURTAC(S SY l'I.U9irlC WA'!DlMA'NACES'lmllS(l'o?. MXtSS/O'1 PAfl. $mo AHO REMO\£ TU'SOl/!Mfl SUOQ\ADE ANO lliSTAIJ. A -Um WOC > m 1l«X" Of 75mm RCJCl( PAD YtlTH ND Alt$ QI nrnR CLOTH (NilIX NWlS DR APl'RO'IID lt'RAClOR TO INSPECT l\fEKLY AND ADD ADDITIONAL SfE •1!MP()IWl'Y ROCK ACCESS/tlOT PAD DETAIL• I AHO S!IMJ<T CO!IIROl omu s,m. LOT 24 tltE DR BLOWN MMCD CAmlt EXPOSED LDl<WI l\WI 48 HOURS. <SIRUC001'?l>Ne. ~ ~ I, THE £SC SUP£RV1S00, HEREBY CfRTlFY THAT I HAVE RE'vlEWED 1HJS ESC PLAN. ESC SUPER'JlSM: SlEVE 0'CONNEll PROJECT NAME ENGINEER'S SEAL EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL LEGEND +1"""'f> _19.:,-- j;g~~, [::=J ~ c=J ® ® © ® ® EXISTING Gf!OUNO SURFACE El.EVATION. EXISTING GROUND SURFACE CONTOUR EL£VA110N. TEMPOIV,RY ROCK ACCESS/EXIT PAO. REFER TO lEMPORARY ROCK ACCESS/EXIT PAD DETAIL APPROXIMATE EXmn Of PRa'OSt%) BUlMQ. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL CftA~ rOil: otTNLS. 5llll 11,lSE "'1> 8ASC Q!A\tl.S (t<4 ll!«s) AS PER lljE CEOIEOOIICAl EH<MEJ!'S RE<lUREi,oOOs. CAP ROJ.llWAY lll/lDIAID.Y AF1u! ROOQI ~G AND APPRfNAl BY C.:Om:HNICN. £lll"-lt£R. tlO!< C<!<Sll'\x:TION ZONE. CRCllli1) SU!FACE otsi\M8'M'U IS STRICll Y P1l'Cil3ltO. APPROXIMATE EXTENT Of HYDRO SEED AND/OR BLO'Mi STRAW MULCH. 1tlf'llRAR'I CAIOt B.<SN SEOl/011 TRAP IN OlmlO CAIOt BASl!l. REFER TO miKA'~RY CAJOt 81&1 2lllll!!IT lRAP DEIIJ!.. TQWORARY CATCH 1119111 SUll~ENT TRAP 1N HtW C,,IOt BA9N, REF!J! 10 TEMPORARY CATCH BASIN SUll<ENT lRAP 0.."tAL T!l<l'QWlr CAltlt IIA9l< sm,1!)11 Tl!"' IN PIIOPOSEO LAW BAS'll. l!UIR TO TilOPOIIARY Cl.IOI IIASI!' !81>l!NT lRl,P llET""- ID!PORARY PUMP TO DIVERT STORM WATER TO THE l0.l00RARY DEWATERIHG BAG. MONITORING PO!NT LOCATION. APPROXIVA'fE Lot41lal Of' TrMPORARY SOil STOCl(FU F REQHD, REFER TO TEMPDRARY SQl. $TOCJl/>l! Dt"I ..... UCENSEO PLATED Vil«us Sllir:llY PRDHl~TED TO PAVEMENT AND~ SURfACES ONLY. APPROXIW'.Alt I.OCATlfft JS TEMPORARY TIGERflOC oc.AIDU<O SAC COIN'LETE V!TN Pill Y IJH(Q CIIAl<II. P.O. lBAPORAln' a£AH WATER CUT OFF SWALE. REITR ...___ ---TO lW?(fW\'t CONSlRUCTI0N SWALE ANO GRAv£l Olf.cicW,DCl~LS. 'IDli'QURY CONS!l!\ICD •'A1[R NltllCO'TM ----SWM.L llflll! TQ Tlll'ORJJ!Y~ SWALE AllD GRA'-11 CllE!X DAM OETMS. ttMPORIJIY lCtGlVCliN'AL GRA\9. CHECK DAM. RfJiR TO 11),l>OOAAY CO!/SIRUCTIJN SWALE AND CRA,'EI. Ol!:CI( 11AM DCIAILS. 'IDll'OIWIY ttGII IIS!'ilUIY QiW;C£ S-<fETY :=~?~~~llcill- ,U,4PORARY SILT FENCE. REFER TO TEMPORARY SILT FENCE DETAIL lEMPORARY COMPOST FLlER S00<, REFER TO TEMPORARY COMPOST FILTER SOCK DETAJL STORM WATER SURFACE RUNOFF FLOW OJRECTION, Eldm<G 1RtE ffl ll£ l'ROltt1m J,$ D<Ta:Cllll SY lH£ P!IIIE(;T /JISQIIST. roil! TO AR800IST II0'0lll ""° LANOSCAP£ PINIS rtl! QETl,!tS. EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES: l. AU. EROS!OO .. m SEDIMENT CClllR<ll \\lfll($ S>lAU. 8E u,,oorrAJ(fJ< ti ctllll'UA!ICE l,,llH THE APP80l'ED ERQSll)tl & &lllll!llT C001l!{ll PW'5. !RQ90H & SElllll:Hf W<lROL OOMS & PlO)cS IJID 1llE QTY (F 11.APLE RIOGE'S WA T£R COOR!iE PRO!l:CTIOII Im.AW NUMBER 6410-'2006. 2. CWPlET! /il CO,:ISlRUCllOll IYOR!<S FDR Of Iii< PRo.a:f 111 $Utll ILIKIEI "5 TO ITO NlY CATCH OASIII, STOAM st..,_ Alli.I.Ct SYSl[IIS OF IJIY SEDN00 lADOi WAlUl 1llAT CQITAPIS A TOTAL ~ SOOOS (T.S.S.) ~I EXCUS CF :1-5 MUJC!l.lMS PO! Ull!R (/ll:Y('-Jr TNt llf!Y = = Z:8 i5 ~~ ,.o AHO~~ 'Ill£ m 3, RA!Nf.lll. MINTClilliG GAUGE SIADOlt ~ ~'!r~=~~~lr~~F~R TNE -lflCNIT IW!<fALL (Ya-IT IS 25mm OR Cfl!'AlER' (F TOTAL RAIIIFAU. OE!'lli IN A 24 NOOR ™" PER!OO. 4. APPROXIMATE TOTAL OISlURBED AREA c ... 0.35Ho. 5, SOLS CCfbllONS ON 111£ Sf!< GO!cRAU.Y C0.1SISTS OF A '11-0ll IOl££A Of TOPSOIi. O'l!JI SAA!) AHO CIIA"f:L O(POSITS, 0\0! SAl<OY Sill, lliOI GL\Cl<lfUMAL SNJ!J AHO CRA\'il. All O\'EJI PR£-1El!11AllY IIEllf!OO(. PRELIMINARY FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES "" SCAl£: 1: 250 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BROOKSIDE 16 UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN STAGE 2: BUILDING/CIVIL CONSTRUCTION PROJECT SITE ADDRESS 23711132AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC I\ 19, 2018 0;i:~~; 16003-ESC2 DESIGN: CEL DRAWN: GEL CHECKED GEL HOR.SCALE 1:250 ENGINEER: CEL VER. SCALE I ALL ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC AND REFER TO SURVEY MONUMENT NUMBER: B4H0060 j LOCATED AT: 132 AVENUE&. 232 STREET ~ ~ AND HAVING ELEVATION OF: 14,705m No. REVISIONS/ SUBMISSIONS flST.11.l. A CATCH BASINS ~'4SEOIME:Nr IIETMSSMcrf. PSIOR 10 ANY OOTAS !mae<TTRAPS .,,.,lllOU:S. EPS2081 COIITf!tl. D£T-'l.S S>En. 1l£ -Ml ffilOR TO ~y N«llQPAltl> IIANAI.L C',<11 DIPlY/CLEAII OUT AS REQUIRED. DO NOT QIP1'Y CATQt BASif SEDIMENT lRAPS INTO ANY STORM SUIIPS. W,l.'OiOlfS. ~AUS. C!!!£J<S, WA DATE CLIENT BROOKSIDE PROPERTIES LTD. 11933 224 STREET Jt-~-+--------------;...~-1-----------------------1------1 ~ ~ LOT 23, SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 12. NEW MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2X 6B2 PHONE: 604-250-7755 FAX: 604-467-5124 ~ ~ WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 48925 Jl,AJ 18.. 2017 ACC£SS lllE TOl'INHOUSE i:oNS!l!UCllO.~ S!1E FROM 'THE 133 A\91UE ROCK PIJ>. ENGINEER-OF-RECORD CENTRAS Engineering Ltd CROYDON BUSINESS CENTRE #216-2630 CROYDON DRIVE SURREY, BC VJS 613 PH: 604-782-6'127 EMAll: rnro@centras.ca SIIIG-CCMR...ODJSTING lllll'ORA!!Y 1llfl: PROIECllOII l!A."'WI A/Ill/OR ~'IC U.All'.llL'I.S Mlll!l 11£ 2lN5 Nll WA-Sl:TVO<S AA! l&rED. fll'ICAl. nilll>UCIIOOl 1liE 'IJiU 'wA~--tot,~ZQNtS. LOT 24 I, lHt ESC SlffR\\SC(,t. HEREBY CERTIFY niAT I HAVE REVa(t) lHIS ESC PLAN. ESC SUPER1v1SOR: STEVE O'CONNEU. PROJECT NAME ENGINEER'S SEAL BROOKSIDE 16 UNITTOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SITE ADDRESS 23711 132 AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC April 19, 2018 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL LEGEND ~ CJ ~ CJ @) @ e ® ® -=-- EXISTING GROUND SURFACE El.EVAllON. EXISllNG GROUND SURFACE CONTOOR El.£VA110N. lEMPORARY ROCK ACCESS/txJT PAO, REFER TO TEMPORARY ROCK ACCESS/EXIT PAD DETAIL -AlE EXTDIT Of Plla'OSED ll<AU)J<G. iilRlt TO ARCHITECTURAL ORA~ rDR DETAILS. M 84£ NII> 11',SE 01!.\'1:l.5 ~/0 Flil!:S) AS PER ltlE Q;Ol[®'1C,AL Q(Gfl£!R'S l!£QUIIOl£lflS. CAP IIO/,D,rAY IMIIEIIAlll.Y Af'10! ROOOll f;R,VjNG AHO N'Ff!OVN.. !iY CE.OlEOIH!C,'L EHQll/Dl NDH CO:,."SlRlJCT\00 ZONE. C1iWMO SlEFACE 0r.it\/Ra4'«:E IS STRICn. Y PROH1£1lttl:. APPROXl'-lAlE EXIDH OF HYDRO SEED AtID/OR BLOYM SlRAW MUt.CH. 1tlff'GRAl!Y CATQ< l!ASN SEDll!ll'1 111,P IN DIS'lWG CATQi IIASlll REFl:R TO 1!:MPORARY CA'IO< BASl!I -I TRAP DETAI. lEMPORARY CATCH Et"9Tf 50111.!ENT TRAP IN NEW CATCH BASIN. WU TO IDIPORARY CATCH 8AS1N SEDIMENT lRAP OETM.. 1tlli'OR,\R)' CATClt BJ,S.~ .st!IM)IT TRAP IN P1UJPO5a) LA\f,M IIA5lll. Rtrot TO Tll,G>OIIARY CAltll 9AS:I/ l!DlllDII 11W' DETAIL. lEMPORARY PUMP TO DIVERT STORM WATER TO THE TD.!PORAAY OEWATER!NG BAG. MONITORING POiNT LOCATION. ,IPPftOl0JWt LOCAIIOtl Of lEMPORARY SOIL STOCICIU F i,tCllll;m REFER TO l!MPDRARY SO!. ST00IPLE DETAIL LICENSED PLAlED ~ SIR!C1l.Y PR0HJ!l/ITD TO PA\OIENT AND ~ SURF'ACES OM.. Y. APPROX>IIATE LOCAllCH ~ lnlPOAARY ~GERA.OC llEWA!Dll'lll SAC oo.ol'IC1t \Olli POl Y Uo<tD GRA'8. PAD. ~Y' Q.£AN WJi ~ CUT OFF SWAf.£. REFER TO~ CCNS'tR1JCllON SH/tJ..£ ANO GRA\'R Ol!CK OAII OET».S. lEl4'CfWlY Clffilllllal1011 WATEll IHrun:IJ'TOR SW"1.£. l<[f[JI TI)'~y at,'S11Wm)H SWIU .,Ill GR/,\U_ Ot!CK DAM D£TAIIA ~ LONGTIIIOW. QU.\D. OiECK DAM. R9tJI TO '!lll,>OR,IRY ~ SWALE AND GAA\£1. <>£Cl OAM 0£l.lA.S. l1llJ'OR,\lff h¥B \1S9llTY ORNroE WEl'I rota:rfl!EOUR[D,1'Eltl!~01'f.)/?ORARY ,..... "'5allY G'<N<G£ SAFETY FDIC£ DtlML 'J'EW'ORARY Sill fOICE. REFER TO 1£UPORARY SILT FENCE DETAIL TEMPORARY COMPOST ALTER SOCK. REFER TO 1£MPORARY COMPOST FLTER SOCK DETAIL STORM WAltR SURFACE RUNOFF FLOW DIRECTION. EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES: 00111«. ~S 9WJ. B!: Ul<OEJ!l..i<UI ~~~tf ~J'J\l:~ ~ l'ROTrCT1011 8YLAW N\IM!lER 2. ~~~=-~~~~=~~\~OR ~~RE~.Jl:rit=otllf~ ~ENmol \\'ATER lliAT QlflTA\'IS A TOTAL SUSPEND£1) SOUCS (T.S.S.~ ~~<r~~~={~~R~DJE])IE \\t:l \\!AMR SEASOO A/ID A PH llrnlWI 8.0 AHO 9.0. 3. RA,-'F.uJ. IIC!f10t1ftlG CMJQ: STATIOII, ~ WnWFi.06 :/ltMISCl!m<S/IURR(Y / FDR lliE R/JIIFAU. IICIU V~UES fOR AU. SlOi!M E\tHts. A SICN1FICA/I f:l{HT IS 25mm 011 GIIUID! OF TOTAL RAIUfAIJ. 24 Hll<JR TIM£ PfR/00. 4. APPROXIMATE TOTAL DISTURBED AREA = •0J5Ha, 5. SOlS COOCl'llOOS ON THE Silr GEl£RAU.Y COOSIS1$ Of A ~ '!lll!D! OF 1-O\Ol SANO All> GRAia. DEl'OSITS. CMll SIJ<OY Sil T, 11iEN GLAC!OfUJ\W. SAIIO ~'«l Q'IA\n AU. 0~ m-=~ PRELIMINARY FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES 1r SCALE: 1: 250 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN STAGE 3: MAINTENANCE DESIGN: CEL DRAWING 16003-ESC3 ORA\'tN: CEL NUMBER CHECKED CEl HOR.SCALE 1:250 ~ & ENGINEER: m VER. SCALE DESlltOY All PJIINTS' SEARING PIEVTOUS ReVi.SI N NIJM&U ·~ %erjloc~m FLOCCULANT BELTS TEMPORARY TIGERFLOC BELT DETAIL N T.S .![ill; IIITllOOUCED l\ll'!H OOtlS;,!U(;TION WA!f:R V.llEl\t: ~TY. HU.VY MflAL~ '-l'O Hl'llROCAl\ll<lNS ~10~~~s ;ws~J'Zht's"° !)jSCHAR(:INC IIITO DO~SlRtAl,I WA 'l'EACOURS£S. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: 5£>,N ~, ~~ ~'t~E ~T ear W'Glll. LOOP AT TO!' ~ .. ~;1~flli{ ~ .. ie ~s. I.IAIHTAIN lH.E' 11GER.FLCW AT AU.. 1111£5. APPROXIMArE PRODUCT DIMENSIONS: 36" (L) x 5-5° (W) X 2" (H) USES: TIGERFLOC SPECIFICAnONS: ~wt_~~r~f~R-g'~fo Fl51lt ""'El'H.U:S PRO,,,E\.AS LC ,0/PS -> !l ,000 llg/1- FIRST AID PROCEDURES: IF n-tE TlGERflOC POUCHES ARE PUNCTIJREO AND THE FLDCCULANT COMES IN CONTACT CAUSING IRRITATION: -~w~ ~~:Cf™ so~~s°cWi<. E:l!'l; FLUSH "'TH (:UAN w:m-l/N11\. IR8ITATION IV&S.o.J' IIWTAllON PDISISTS, CONTACT f,. I:!!,":':'~. MOVE 10 AM />R£A fll£E OF" OUST. If ~Cf' 11,RfTA!IO.• PfR51ST, OONTACT A PH'rSIClAN, "'HAlA TlOH WY A<;CAAVA'TE EXIS11NC R[Sl'IAATORY IW'ESSCS. ev INSERTING~ TIGOlfl.OC 8ELT INTO 11£ ¥'1} w,~rn n,9-1 LEAOS l!IROOOII A =lf<= ~1:J.r:M:'~ w:TE~k-,J~r~m~~™" 11GER!'I.OC II/SE ~ C SAG UNIT IS ot:SICKEO fOR A 2" ELECTRIC PUMP ANO IS PORTABLE ,_'ID EAS Y OOE P[RS(lN ElJMIJIAlVIG H1llH MOBUI'( ANO SOMCE ~u:u~~ llOIS!Y POl.lt!H'nD,{ Oil N'l'IIO\EO £llJIV.<W(I. ELEVATION W.ULT-~ DOII01~~ RWJ! {rrPICAL). \ CRoutlO AITAOC "lK! OR'A.~ SMm S\JRFMr ,O.'Cf TO 1l<£ FLAT Sl0I'. Of ltt£ U[Tjj_ T-8All />OST. CROSS-SECTION TEMPORARY ORANGE SAFETY FENCING DETAIL U.T..S. ~ DJAMElER ANGULAR rROCiS(NOANES) ~6m~ts; v.ooo· F~~OEJ A=~~li ~~~'.¾i,CTIII<: MATllNC. OR <:UAR \<ti. TO MA"""'U: 1Ht DEWATEJ<lljG BM: SORfAC£ "-'!EA (FLOW RATE~ j==i==c:::r=:========j==,=====-5r'=>= =-c=J DEWATERltlG SAG SPECIFICATIONS: ~ itil~~;l;GTH • 250 lS5 GRA90.0.~ 00:% ~w:.Al • iJ~~ f,.PPAAE!-/T -100 SIEVE E'EIMlllYilY • 1,20 SEC-I WATI:R Ft.OW RAlE "' 30 CPM/Ft1 ~ 'it:erjloc~m TIGERFLOC TUBE & DEWATERING BAG UNIT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: REFER TO THE REFERENCE LETTERS ·A·, ·a· AND ·c· ON 1'HE DETAIL SHO~ TO 11-lE LEFT. @ ?,~~~·B.i.!£u~g~ ~fn~d~. (w) LAYFLAT HOS£ OR PVC SCHEDULE ao PIPE SECURED @ f~ ~M!AN~rM~~~~~L58' oig:;~R1~0~Agu~ o~~~fC~~~A~€N 1l~~F~~D~~E PERFOOMAN1:£. ~• df sJfC co":% BT, ~c5l5W:M ~ STITCH c•wh™c&s~cr· ~~cllto1 *~~~T ~ \__-, (l,llnHWJO)Oil N'l'1!<Ml>Ul.lV,IWI( •\_ ~ SUB-GRADE BY POIIl<IIAL I.OCA~t« er ctOittiO,cAL ENGINED< = :m1 }DJtlib, TYPICAL SECTION 8"5lD Oil sm: ~ NOTES: 1. .AU. CATCH 8.\SN ANO LAWN DRAIN SEDIMENT lRAPS SHM.1.. BE' Fl.£XSTORM INLET Al lERS OR APPROVED £0UlvAL£NT, 2. FOR YNilTllH SPEaFICA TIONS AND ORDERING, 'v1SIT: WWWJtfl.ElFILfERS.COM SUPPLIED BY ADS CANADA. 3. CATCH BASIN INLET Fll1ER SEDIMENT lRAP 10 HAVE INlERNAL OVERFLOW CAPABILITIES. INSIALLATION INSIRUCTIONS: 1. REMOVE 1HE METAL INLET GRAlE FROM THE CATCH BASIN GRATE FRAME. 2. ~~Ai:o~~~~-RitT FROM lHE LEDGE (UP) OF 3. OROP Trft FlEXSTORM INLET ,.,_ttR ntROU:GH THE Cl.£AR OPENING SUCH 1HAT Tii£ tf.AHGa\S REST FlRML Y ON lHE UP OF THE STRUCl'URE. 4• ~ffi, wcmr~,l~~~~~M~TJ5Nfs°sT Of lHE s,m HANW!S. FREQUENCY OF INSPECTION: 1, OlSP£CllOff SHALL OCCUR FOLLO'l-,,io ANY RAIIFALL ~~ I~ Mc'~~ tJ LEAST COl<ST!lOCllOII MID PRIOR 10 ANY Ai<TICIPA Tl'O RAIIIF-'LL M NTS. MAINTENANCE GUIDEllNES: 1. EMPTY OUT niE SU>IMEHT BAG IF MORE 1HAN 50% FILLED W'llli SEOll!ltNT AND DEBRIS, OR AS DIREClEO BY lHE ESC SUPER\1SOR.. 2. CATCH BASlN INLET Fl..rot SEDIMENT lRAPS SHALL R8,lW IN PLACE UNTIL AsPfW.T PA\Vffl AND ANAL LNIOSCAPING WORKS AA£ cot,,l,Pl£T[O. 3• ~~Dl%~l~rlsc~~~~io~t~~J~l~ SYS'JEMS, CREEKS, Sl'iiE.AMS, E1C. R0UND INLEI FILTER RECIANGULAR !!!!!!..!!!!!! ltlL'OilJ,/IYSl.lftlfC( -= __ ,,, .. ,m.::e De'TAl..<WntSSiEtT. NOTES: 1, rolPORARY SOL SJOQ<PIU:S SHALL HAYE '!H0R £Nl1RE EJCPOS!D SI/RFAC£S AOEOUAID.Y CO~ ANO ANQIOll£0 .,n, POLYETH'II.DI£ ~~o/~LH~~ DOJ~W-~ PEll!OOS LCl'JGER THAii ~8 W~ 2-SllUA rr '!HE TOIJ'ORARV SOil STOCK,_LES 00 111E-HIGH £ND OF 1ME oot6lRUC'Tli)N Sl'TE IF J. M'0 VOiER£· POSSl!ll£ A.SO AW•Y fllOI.I O.'WNACE O!TCflES AND STREAJ.IS. S. IDIPOAARY SOI\. STOCl<PIILS SHAU 0.'ll. Y st EXl'OS!D AJ<O YIO\'ED 01!1!1/aO ORT ""A ll<ER CONl10IOHS. TEMPORARY CATCH BASIN TEMPORARY SOIL STOCKPILE SEDIMENT TRAP DETAIL COVER DETAIL FOR ADOmONAl P11:00UC1 it-lFORMATION AND ORDERING, VISIT WYiW.FlOCSYSTtMS.COM OR CALL 778-230-4174. TEMPORARY TIGERFLOC TUBE & DfWATERING BAG UNIT DETAIL N.T.S. ~ 5c)nm " 50mm x fiOOmm ii'0C004 STAKE INSTAl..LED :,t----------"-'_s_. ______________________ __. _______ ..:':.'•T::S.=--------1 _____ ~~~~%m~1r---~T.~~J..-~~~F~,A~~-~'f..w*™~~~-~}:'[S>!m,tt~P~~--- ~nm DWk.7tR -,11.m SOC!( 20Clna)DU.llifl9l CUll'OSTfl.TEII SQQ< • J.o,, ON C0'1R£ ~~= ,. :~ ~------50mm BY 50mm 14 GAUGE l5Cllm, o,, C001I!: ---=%-1-----_;::"':::E:_:M:::ESH::.:..:SU:::P:_:P_:OR:_:T.:_fE::_N::.:;_cr ~ e !l i "1 i ,\ FILIERSOCK PLAN VIEW DETAIL J:!Qill; CONSTRUCTION: THE WOOOEN STAl<tS SHM.L BE IKSTALLfl> TlllOUCH l\<E CfNTl'EUNE o; THE COIJPOST nLT£R SOO< AT A M.utMOM Sl~ SPACING Qf l.Om. ni£ WOODEN s:TAKES'. SHAU 8E. 50mm JC !50mtn "ll &OOmtn. '!H£ START PQHT AJ<0 ENO l'Qljf Of" lllE COL!POST flt.1IR SOCK SHALL PaHT SUGIITLY UP 1)£ SI.OPE ~'Jlf C: ~fa,:;~,J~ = ~ Anti! THE COMPOST 111.lrn SOC!< IS C()l<STI<\JCTEl) NID ST~fl> FlR1,!1_ Y II< ?I.ACE, ADO •~nowL LOOSE COl,IPOST /,IAT<RIAL AT 1HE 801"1'0tl.l OF 11-l( ~u"lt ~ ~1Rf,.i f/12 ~,.i ~Rf'~ TEMPORARY COMPOST FILTER SOCK DETAIL N.1.S. OR AS IIITTRTOIM£ (XMP0$111ll'lll4DI• SECTIOH en.ow rOA: Ma:XA SPt'CflCATIO~S FILTER SOCK CROSS-SECllON DETAIL DO NOT DEPOSIT ANV /l[MOYEO S£01M£NT ~~10s11/&.5¥.1/5c_ S1tllM OR~ACE TI<E COMPOST MEDIA SHALL Ill: Fl!E£ Of ANY REFVSE. OONT""""'15, M--MA1Dl!AI.S OR OnlER DECOMMISSION & REMOVAi.: ~~~~.Jt' ~I,ll~Oll.~rSTD> PAAAMElERS: ~~~~s~l=r:'!~,!~~ ~~ ST.\l!IU1El> FR0tl.l EROSI01l OR AS OOU:C1m BY lHc ESC SUPER\ISOIL TH£ COMPoST Fu: ot<SITE V.!IO< HO ~~~~J M-c,,n 8£ DISPOSED REOUU"O AS R£COMM.ENDED or. THE SOd( NETTIN4 ANO DISPosa> OfFS!TE. SECTION A-A 1• r:.g~~ ~~~ ~H~~1~"'1l~~1~~-/E~ /Ro~1~TJJcts~:~~o ON ROCK. CRAl<tl. Atll>/OR ASl'l!M-~ SIJl!FAttS ONLY. 2. REMOVE AU. TOPSOIL AND OVER BURDEN W11HIN lHE ROCK PAO LOCAllON TO APPROVED SUB-GRADE AS RECOMMENDED AND FIELD REVIEWED BY lHE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. 3~ ~JJ~~i1fX~LEAfA::tiJ~~J&:~WJ? ~E ~~~~l~~l~~~~R~THIN THE ROCK ACCESS/EXIT 4. rNSTAU. • MININUW OF JOllmm l>IICK OF" 75mm cl.EAJi A1'CULAR RQCl<S (NO ri,,ts) \\l'!HIN 11<£ ~EOJ/,£.,OTIIA~ol~t~'l~ m"~· er>i< ~o/Ofl~~,£,";1-SE MAINTAINED 8Y 5. ~J 75mm MlMJS AOAI> WLCH CONTAINING FINES -'S A A«x ~CCES'S PAD IS STRICTLY 6. ~o~c~uX~8Nccf~~r~~NJp~8_ vEHJCl£S TRAVELING OVER lHE ROCK ACCESS/EXIT PAD SHALL MAINTAIN 7. ROCK(S) Looctl) 8£l'6t£lj \'EHJCI.£ l1A£s. ESl'EOAU.Y OF DUAL l'O<m. YEfflCUS; SHM.L 86 RO.!O\'ED PfllOR 10 lLA,11.c ll<E CONSTRUCTK>H Sil£. 11 IS lllE COIITRAC10R'S R£SPCWSIBIUTY TO Rt',IEW £AOl llll!CIC'S tlRES FOR RQCl<S -TO IEAl<NG THE SITE TO IMt ElllSTINC 0Fl'5ITE PU!IUC RO,'DWAYS. 8. A MECHANI= STREET SI\UP£R SHAl.L 8E. lrnuJED ON9TE W1L !l<J9STAl<l1AL -STRUCllON COMPIEl10N. ALL ASl'IW.T '-l'O CONCRClt SIJRFACES (80TH cmiflE AA!! a<srre) S1<ALL st S'il>'.PT W"co;,™=~A~ef:."~J"~Ztc~•\L~'t 1101 ee R£MOV£1> FllOl,l PA= 9. ~ SllRFAC[ WA'ltR RO'A.'S ~ BE. FR.t\ENTm FROM PASSING niROUGH THE ROCK PAD ANO THEY SHALL SE D(~RTED AWAY. UHDEJl NfO/a(t AROUNO lHE ROCK PAD BY MEANS OF SWALES ANO/OR A TENPORARY CU. VERT AND STORM D""NM:E PIPE. lO. ~~J~~~~Jr~~~~RTiE~~TlJNc~Ji:~~~~SE'" p~~r = ~LEf.f.,cwW~ To MANUALLY RINSE TRUCK 11R£s o.• = Roac PAO P!llOR ro THE ll. :m~Jii~iJ/%.5J 6~¢'-ku~rN:°WEfE~~~~l~~ DRY Wf.AlHER CONDITIONS AND PERIODICALLY 12. lHE CONlRACTOR SHAU. ADD ADDITIONAL ANGULAR ROCK ANO/OR REMOV£ft,t-U.-5TN.L lHE ROCK PAO AS REQUIRED IF THE ROCK PAO BECOMES BURIED AND/OR SAn..lRATED Y,ffif SEOU,l!NT. TEMPORARY ROCK ACCESS/EXIT PAD DETAIL li!.1.S.. i I, lHE ESC SUPERVlSOR, HEREBY CERTIFY NOTES: 1. SILT flH0NC FABRIC MA1ER1AL SHAU. BE NILEX SILT f'EtlCE, AMOCO 2130 OR APPROVED EOUIYAt.ENT. Z. ~ SILT ~~.n 'l!&h~. ~ ~Sf: SHO'MI OR IIOTEO OH 1HE £SC .J. tHt co,mwous OOMPACl!D 5"'1l """' SHALL 8£ EllC!-VAlU> IN ElOST!NC OROUIID COVfll AA~ 8E A lOCk,,m =~CF~ SILT ~AillD 4. !HS.TALL 11iE DIOS CF TH£ 91.T ~,,J.=G c=-c:011' rASRIC SHALL OCTENO AT ltAST CONTINUOUS COMPACT!:D SANO. Pl.AC£ AHO GOMPACT SNIO 1)1,{/1 lHE SILT fEIICE r.o.9Rlc. ELEVATION 5. VERTICAL POSTS SHALL BE 50mm BY 50mm HARDWOOD POST'S AND/OR METAL POSTS. 6. SHAU. 8E 01T Fl!OM A FA8AIC ROU. TO l!£DUCE E Sll.T . FIJ!RIC \1<111 A BOTH Y FAS1£Htll 7. m~SL~~=e:1~~ 111£ Ul'HU.. 511l~ OY llJic POSTS BY E1lllER ~oe:'?,ii: AIIO/OR T)IE ~ Mll.,.UM B. Al" END POSTS, 1)-1£ SI.T FENCE FABRIC SHALL BE ~ fE~U PQSTS AT LEAST 'MTH TEMPORARY SILT FENCE DETAIL ,us. 9, S11.T Ftl'CE FASl!JC Y SOmn, 14 GAUGt TSH~~L~ rnEOO\'l'UHnJ..~ OF" TH£ ~IRE IAESH SH T 50mm INTO "Di£ CO.STIHUOUS COMPACTED SANO TRO<Ol 10. SILT FENCE SHALL BE CONSlRUClEO AT LEAST k~ s'6fLAifuRc~1~E ToE A ALL SLOPE AND/OR 11. BE RO!OVED AND Al10ll PRIOII JO .ts=i.~ .. "11 12 'TH£ Ctlff11tACTOR SH.All FACIUl A. TE A)iY ~~/:;::.s 2f~~lDWlct: W0RkS 13. lHE SLr f'ENCES SHAU. BE FIELD REVIEWED BY THE CCfflR.ACTOR PRIOR TO ANY ANTICIPA'TED RAINF'ALJ...£\oVl'J'S.. SECTION A-A 1. TEMPORARY SWALES SHALL BE CONSTRUClED k'II NATIVE UNDISlURBED SOILS. 2~ AU. SWAl.£ OU1\.Ett INTO ANY SlREAMS SHALL BE llEO INTO THE EXISTING WA1tRCCURS£ AT NO M.QRE lHAN 45' TO lliE DIRECTION OF FLOW IN THE ElllS lll<C W~ TEl!COfJffSt. SWAll JN\£RT 3. ANY ACCUMUu\TEO SEDIMENT CAPlUREO BY TI-iE CHECK DAM SHALL BE REMOVED FROM GRAVEL CHECK DAMS PRIOR TO 50% SEDIMENT CAPACITY. 4. ANY ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT SHAU BE DlsPOSEO OF IN A FASHION TO PREVENT ITS RE-ENTRY INTO ANY WATERCOURSE. g lHAT I HA~ REl<[v,£0 lHIS ESC PLAN. PRELIMINARY :,'. ,sc SUPERVISOR, = o·CONNELL FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION WATER INTERCEPTOR SWALE DETAIL ~'1-,---------------r--,---------------------------------,----=-,--------------------,-----------------,,-.L:;;.;;.,;;:=::;:_::::,:~==..::::::::a::.::.,~~------.... ---------,----;,;N.;_;;T.S.:;_ ______________ -' i ::, ALL ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC AND REFER TO No. REVISIONS/ SUBMISSIONS DATE CLIENT ENGINEER-OF-RECORD PROJECT NAME ENGINEER'S SEAL CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ~ i SURVEY MONUMENTNUMBER: 84H0060 BROOKSIDE EROSION & SEDIMENT t ffi LOCATED AT: 132 AVENUE & 232STREET BROOKSIDE PROPERTIES LTD. (ENT RA s 16 UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT CONTROL DETAILS • m Engineering Ltd l' AND HAVING ELEVATION OF: 14.705m 11933 224 STREET PROJECT SITE ADDRESS i MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2X 682 C~OYDON BUSINESS Cf WRE ' ~ LOT23, SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 12, NEW PHONE: 604-250-7755 FAX: 604-467-5124 1216•263° CROYDON DRIVE 23711 132 AVENUE ~ ~ WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 48925 SURREY. ac VlS 4T3 _ JS!lJ!ll rm-, PfAll1 MAY I'-2017 PH: ,.,..,.Nt27 V.V\ll:"'ollc""~"'-•• MAPLE RIDGE, BC DESIGN: CEL DRAWING 16003-ESC4 DRAWN: CEL NUMBER CHECKED CEl HOR. SCALE ~ & AJ)fil 19.20ll ENGINEER: CEl VER. SCALE DE$flOY AU PR! fS IIEARING PlEViOUS IEVI ION NUMBU ,~--mapteridge .ca TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel 2014-069-RZ 20894 LOUGHEED HWY MEETING DATE: May 16, 2018 An Advisory Design Panel (the "ADP") submission has been received for the above cited application and property to permit the construction of a commercial building with 5 commercial units and one accessory apartment above. The proposed building will replace the existing residential building on the site. The rezoning application being processed in conjunction with this proposal was given First Reading by Council on February 23, 2016. This rezoning application is accompanied by an Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment to adjust the conservation boundary around McKenney Creek and to change the designation from Urban Residential and Conservation to Commercial and Conservation. The development permit appli_cation made to the City is subject to Section 8.5 Commercial Development Permit. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Lega I Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East West: Use : Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: PIVOTAL DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS LTD. WAYNE JACKSON Lot 1, D.L. 250, New Westminster District Plan 12376 Urban Residential, Conservation Commercial, Conservation RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) CS-1 (Service Commercial) Park, and Single Family Residential (Lougheed Highway is adjacent to the North) P-1 (Park and School), and RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Conservation, Urban Residential Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential, and Park RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Conservation and Urban Residential Commercial CS-1 (Service Commercial) Commercial Page 1 of 4 5.4 Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Single Family Residential Commercial 0.304 HA. (0.75 acres) Lougheed Highway Urban Standard The development permit application made to the City prompting this submission to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.5 Commeicial Development Permit. Key Guidelines: The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal's compliance with the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines: 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. Design Gu idelines: The Design Guidelines and a full explanation of how the project complies with them or the reasons why they are not applicable are attached in Appendix B to this memo. PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposa I: An application has been received to rezone the subject property located at 20894 Lougheed Highway, from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to CS-1 (Service Commercial), to permit a future development of a five business unit commercial building with a second floor apartment. Council granted first reading on February 23, 2016. 2. Context: The subject property is located on the south side of.-lougheed Highway and is occupied with a single family residence and a separated garage. The site is dominated by a ravine -containing McKenney Creek-on the north east corner, and 2 large trees, one of which is potentially the largest Douglas Fir within Maple Ridge. This significant tree is to be retained and protected, and the proposed building has therefore been designed around the significant tree, located in the centre of the site. Page 2 of 4 ) The proposal provides an appropriate extension of the commercial area, where the ravine and creek separate an established residential area to the east from a commercial area to the·west. The ravine and creek then provide a natural boundary between the two areas. 3. OCP and Zoning Compliance: The subject site is designated Urban Residential and Conservation, proposed designation is Commercial and Conservation The Conservation designation boundary on the subject site is being adjusted and will reflect ground-truthing. The subject site is proposed to be zoned CS-1 (Service Commercial) and Development Data Sheet (Appendix F) analyses the compliance of the project with the applicable zone regulations. The Zoning Bylaw analysis reveals: The proposal has a lot coverage under 40% which complies with the Zoning Bylaw requirements. The following variances will be required, as deemed justified to protect the ravine and retain the Douglas Fir on the ·development site: • Reduction of rear yard setback, from 6 m to 2.5 m • Reduction of setback to watercourse, from 15 m to 12 m~. • Reduction of required number of parking stalls, from 18 to 16 • Increase of building height, from 7.7 m to 8.47 m 4. Parking and bicycle storage: The required parking for the proposed use is further analyzed in the Development Data Sheet (Appendix F). A reduction of required number of parking stalls is required, as stated above. A traffic study may be required. 5. Environmental, Sustainability & Stormwater Management: A preliminary Arboricultural Assessment Report by Michael J Mills has been provided. Significant measures are proposed to protect the stream with a general clean-up of the banks and an expansion of the riparian planting. This planting has resulted in existing and new riparian areas to be dedicated as Park, including the large tree in the center of the property. The Park area will be separated from the balance of.the site by a log and rail fence. Beyond this boundary, porous paving is proposed for the parking surface adjacent to the tree, to minimize loss of rainwater to its root system. The proposed solutions are required to meet Tier A of Stormwater Management requirements. 6. Issues requiri ng review/comments from ADP: a. The landscape and architectural plans show an enclosed, gated garbage enclosure for 1 bin serving all units, and a bin collection area for pickup. Staff seeks ADP input on incorporating architectural elements from the bjJilding in the design of this enclosure. • b. Public Art has not been proposed, however, the developer will cont.ribute to the City's funds in accordance with the guidelines. (a percentage of capital cost of building constru'ction) c. ADP's comments on incorporating a pedestrian link from the sidewalk, with pedestrian scale lighting, through the parking area or the· edge of the natural space to the building entrance are being sought. d. Screening of rooftop equipment from public view and overlook. Page 3 of4 7. Works along abutting roads: The required road improvements will include concrete curb and gutter and sidewalk across the frontage of the site, as is typical of rezoning applications such as this. The applicant will need to submit the servicing design for the road improvements to both the City and the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTi) for their approval. MOTi will also need to approve access from the highway to the proposed development. CONCLUSION: The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. ~ Prepared by~ ~elser The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject map 7 sets submitted by the Arcl1itect: Appendix B Explanatory letter from Architect (and Landscape Architect if applicable) Appendix C ADP Submission Form Appendix C ADP Applicant Checklist (signed by Architect) Appendix D Development Data Sheet (signed by Architect) Appendix E DP Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix F Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 4 of 4 Scale: 1:1,500 20894 LOUGHEED HWY PLANNING DEPARTMENT J-ldlllttl FILE: 2014-069-RZ DATE: Jan 11, 2016 maple ridge.ca BY:PC (/ ) z[ : > (" ) 20 8 1 7 20 8 3 0 - 4 2 !l l ~ 20 8 2 7 _,_ -> . 20 8 2 7 20 8 2 6 _,_ -> . co 0, ► 0 20 8 3 7 < 0 m 20 8 3 7 20 8 3 6 ~ 20 8 4 5 20 8 3 3 20 8 4 1 20 8 5 8 s 20 8 5 5 I I r 5 I I CD 0 20 8 5 5 I (C 20 8 5 9 0 CD 20 8 6 8 0 (/ ) ::: : : s ~ 20 8 5 0 / 6 2 / 7 0 :: l ,.. . , . Q. ;:: ; . : -. C. rn 20 8 6 5 CD C) CD :: ! ! :: : : , OJ :: l 0 3 ;:: ; . : CD 20 8 7 1 20 8 7 4 CD :: : , 20 8 7 5 0 ,_ .. . , al ~ CD :: ; 7'" CD 20 8 7 5 20 8 7 8 20 8 9 5 20 8 9 1 20 8 9 2 20 8 9 7 ~ 20 9 0 1 20 8 9 9 -,. _ -,. _ -,. _ 20 9 0 4 ... . . __, _ -,. _ co co co '- I co (0 0 ,, OJ w __ , _ ~~ m .. .. N RO S E W O O D ST . c.. . . 0 ru -- ' :J .i: , . 20 9 1 4 .:: 0 ' N 0 20 9 -- ' 0 -- ' a, 0 lJ (/ ) - <O N• 0: : , r- m 0 ::0 mN CD ~ 20 9 1 7 ~ -0 20 9 2 0 0 i; r r D 3 z 0 0 ::: ; C Q) z C G) Gl :r : "C .. G) m (D I __ , _ __ , _ rn I 0 ~- m __ , _ ... . . . ., '- I '- I 20 9 3 1 :r : I C. m "- I co 20 9 3 2 ~ i OJ w 20 9 4 5 0 ' I . I c■) '" ' Q) ~ I OJ I 20 9 6 2 I :-- - : : "U 0 20 9 5 5 20 9 8 5 Monday, March 26th, 2018 (lcuffLawlu1 A1,hihxlu1t: Inc uuil I 6 --li5 I Shell Ro,nl lei: (JU,1--147--1308 cdl: 77~-9%-6%8 City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Richnwnd, !LC. vr,x ,111 email: ~.1:ol lfu lawl;.11:.u cllitixtun.:.cum wd1 si11:: WW\\ .. gl'nl1l;1,vlormLhih!t.:llln..: c:I ADP covering letter Current OCP designation Current zoning Requested OCP designation Requested zoning Urban Residential, Conservation RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Commercial, Conservation CS-1 (Service Commercial) This site is dominated by the ravine which contains McKenney Creek and 2 large trees, one of which is located in the centre of the site. The ravine and McKenney Creek separates an established single family area to the east from a commercial area to the west. The creek is located in the north west corner of the site and provides a natural boundary between the two areas. The current residential zoning of the site places it adjacent to the commercial development. The proposed commercial designation is more logical as it provides an extension of the commercial development to the west with the creek providing a natural boundary between it and the residential area to the east. If all standard setbacks from property lines, ravines and tree protection zones are applied to this site only 10% of .the site would be available for development and this available area would be split into 3 separate odd shaped areas. Consequently, several variances have been requested along with the removal of one of the trees. The large central tree has been retained in the proposal but the smaller one close to the west property has been removed. Notwithstanding the commercial designation and primary use, and in recognition of the "Housing Action Plan', the proposed design includes a second floor apartment. This has the added advantage of providing additional security through having 'eyes on the ground'. The project provides for 5 small business units which are capable of being leased in larger and, therefore, fewer units. The design incorporates simple clean lines and durable exterior materials. The building has a commercial character, reflecting the nature of the proposed zoning and the adjacent commercial development. Several variances have been requested from the proposed CS-1 zoning. These are: a) Reduction of rear yard setback from 6 m to 2.5 m. Rationale: extensive areas of the site are undevelopable because of the large areas of land taken up by the stream and banks and tree retention and the subsequent Park designation. Without this reduction the site cannot be economically developed as too little area remains for the building. Page 1 of 2 b) Partial reduction of stream setback from required 15 m Rationale: The stream setback has been fully respected except that the area that would have been created by a simple application of the rule has been redistributed to allow a sufficient and sensibly shaped area for the building and parking. The redistribution of these boundaries has resulted in an additional 200.5 sq m of land being available for riparian planting. c) Reduction of required number of parking stalls from 18 to 16 Rationale: A reduction of stalls is requested to avoid any further encroachment into the stream setback. Although not required by City bylaws, a handicapped parking space has been provided. d) Increase in building height from 7.7m to 8.47m Rationale: 2 issues force the building ht. above the zoning limit. Firstly, the commercial ground floor requires sufficient headroom for its purpose and, secondly, we have chosen to provide visual interest at the roof level by designing a pitched metal roof similar to surrounding commercial developments. This pitched roof covers less than 50% ofthe building area and is set further back from the rear property line than the main building. Significant measures have been taken to protect the stream with a general clean-up of the banks and an expansion ofthe riparian planting. This planting is in accordance with Provincial guidelines and has resulted in the entire existing and new riparian areas being dedicated as City Parkland. This area includes the large tree in the centre of the site. The Park area is separated from the balance of the site by a log rail fence. Beyond this boundary, porous paving is proposed for the asphalt parking surface adjacent to the tree to minimize the loss of rain water to the tree root system. The balance of the site landscaping is to receive 1' of processed topsoil to allow supplementary storm water infiltration. The balance of the rainwater from the parking and the building is directed to an oil interceptor before being discharged into an existing storm culvert beneath Lougheed Highway which, in turn, discharges into McKenney Creek. Existing trees adjacent to the site entry are to be removed in accordance wit the Arborist's report. Public art has not been proposed for this project. The developer will contribute to the City's funds in accordance with their guidelines. Green initiatives that are proposed include: LED lighting throughout, tankless hot water systems, controlled exterior lighting system using photo cell technology. Low flow plumbing fixtures and all Energy Star Appliances are to be installed in the apartment. Geoff Lawlor Architect AIBC Principal, Geoff Lawlor Architecture Inc. Page 2 of 2 J Michael J Mills Consulting Certified Arborist Preliminary Arboricultural Assessment Report Proposed Commercial Development 20894 Lougheed Highway City of Maple Ridge Prepared for MK Meadow Developments. MJM File #1604 Maple Ridge DP #2014-069 1.0 Introduction: May 11th, 2016 Site visit was requested to review the condition and preservation potential of the existing trees located on the above noted property in Maple Ridge . We understand the proposal will involve the development of a commercial building with surface parking. We were requested to provide opinion with respect to the relative quality of the existing trees and to make recommendation for preservation in context with this proposal. Tree survey information was provided by Terra Pacific Land Surveying BCLS. Preliminary site plan information was provided by Geoff Lawlor Architecture. A modified version of the base survey plan is appended to this report. Refer to this plan for the location of all trees referenced in this report Site visit was conducted on May 2nd 2016 under clear and warm weather conditions. 2.0 Observation: The property is located on the south side of Lougheed Highway. The site is presently occupied with a single family house and a separated garage. Only the western part of this site is proposed as development due to need to provide riparian protection for McKenney Creek that bisects the north east corner of the property. Aerial View of the site, Source Ridgeview Mapping 644 Bay Road, Gibsons BC., VON 1V8, ph: 604-230-4711 / email: mills@dccnet.com 20894 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge MJM File# 1628 May 11, 2016 The developable portion of the site is generally level and open with partial grass. Much of the level portions of the site have compacted open soil thought to be associated with vehicle parking. A 15m top of bank set back has been proposed along the east side to protect McKenney Creek. An environmental assessment report has been prepared by Lett Environmental Consultants to address watercourse issues. Single family homes are located to the south. Light industrial (Equipment Rentals) is located to the immediate west. The developable portion of the site has only 10 living bylaw size trees, eight of which are located in a hedge row along Lougheed Highway. The McKenney Creek ravine is forested with a mix of native trees species, dominated by Alder and Big Leaf Maple. None of the trees within the ravine have been identified on the tree survey plan. Refer to the appended modified version of the tree survey for the location of all trees referenced. We offer the brief comment with respect to the character of the existing trees associated with this application. Refer to the appended modified survey plan for the location of all trees referenced: Tree Species Size Comment # 1 Douglas Fir 50cm Part of a hedge row of Firs along the north edge of the site adjacent to the highway. Eight similar trees. Tall and thin with crowded form. Limited lower branching. Good health. Not suitable for selective preservation. Some canopy reduction work has occurred in the past to provide clearance from overhead wires along Lougheed. 2 Douglas Fir 40cm See comment #1 3 Douglas Fir 40cm See comment #1 4 Douglas Fir 35cm See comment #1 5 Douglas Fir 30cm See comment #1 6 Douglas Fir 40cm See comment #1 7 Douglas Fir 30cm See comment #1 8 Douglas Fir 30cm See comment #1 9 Ash? Tree is dead, appears to have been dead for several years, Best guess is that it was a variety of Ash. 10 Douglas Fir 3.lm Very large Fir located on the centre of the site (Largest I have encountered in Maple Ridge). Open grown and very tall. Top appears to have been damaged with multiple main leaders. Compacted soil around base of the tree as a result of vehicle pa rking. Tree appears to be in very good health. 11 Douglas Fir l .Sm Second large Fir but with a tall thin form and narrow canopy. Lean to the east for undetermined reasons. Good health. Not as significant as tree #10 but still a qua lity tree. Page 2 _) 20894 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge MJM File# 1628 Photos: Page 3 Photo #2: May 11, 2016 Photo #1: Overview of the site, looking south east from across Lougheed Highway. View of the hedge row of Douglas Firs close to Lougheed Highway, trees# 1 -8. ) 20894 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge MJM File# 1628 Page 4 Photo #3: View of the dead Ash trees beside the driveway entrance off Lougheed Highway, tree #9. May 11, 2016 Photo #4: View of the two large Firs, trees #10 & 11. _) 20894 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge MJM File# 1628 Additional photos of the site were recorded and will remain on file if required. Page 5 May 11, 2016 Photo #5: View of the ground conditions under the two large Fir trees. Photo #6: View of the vegetation within the McKenney Creek Ravine. ) May 11, 2016 20894 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge MJM File# 1628 3.0 Comment & Preliminary Recommendation: The developable portion of this site has only 11 trees, 8 of which form a hedge row of Firs along the north edge of the property. Most of this row will need to be removed to allow for access off the highway into the site. Selective retention of any remaining trees in this row is not recommended as they would prove to be unattractive with one sided form and sparse branching. Tree #9, is dead and has been so for quite some time. The remaining two trees are quality open grown Firs. Tree #10 is the significant large Fir in the centre of the site. Tree #11 is also a quality tree but of a smaller size. From the perspective of retaining significant old growth trees, the larger specimen would in our opinion be the priority. The difficulty in retaining tree #10 is the large size and the position on the site. Tree #10 is located roughly in the centre of the developable portion of the property. In order for the project to be viable, the building will need to be of a certain size and the parking and servicing requirements must be considered. A Fir tree of such size will have needed to develop a substantial root system in order to both feed both the nutrient and water uptake requirements and to physically support the tree. Given the estimated age of this specimen at over 120 years, the tree has survived many wind events and as such we can reasonably assume the structural root system is significant and wide spreading. The obvious priority in the preservation of the large Fir #10, is safety. The failure of a tree of this size could have catastrophic consequences. As such, the protection of the structural root system of this tree must be assured if any attempt is to be made to retain this specimen. In the preservation of mature trees such as the large Fir, the site plan needs to recognize and protect as much of the root system as possible. In order to find a way to retain this tree we offer a few preliminary suggestions: Page 6 Favour the preservation of tree #10 over tree #11. In a perfect situation we would try to retain both trees, however, I would prefer to see the area of the site occupied by tree #11 used for building or parking in order to increase root protection for the larger Fir #10. Much of the lSm riparian buffer above the top of bank is presently open grass and disturbed compacted soil. The existing house sits fully within the lSm setback. Consideration could be given for using the area occupied by the existing house as part of the new building site (encroachment into the SPEA). In this way the building could designed to be longer, and narrower, improving the setback distance between the building and the tree. This would allow more root protection area for the tree and technically would result in little or no net loss to the environmental benefit of the lSm set back. The areas surrounding the large tree where both compacted and relative un compacted base soils exist. Areas surrounding the tree where grass is established and healthy (no vehicle parking) should be preserved for root protection to the extent possible. This is where the most vigorous and active root growth will be located. In the areas where historically the ground surrounding the large tree has been used for vehicle movement and parking, the base soils will be found to be highly compacted. Through the use of geo grid fabric, parking and or sidewalks could be constructed without the need to remove the base organic soil layer where the tree roots would be found. In effect, we could build over some of the root zone rather than remove them. Some open space (as much as possible) surrounding the tree will be required to allow air and water infiltration to the roots under the hard surface areas. Permeable pavers would be recommended over area where roots have been retained under the hard surfaces. May 11, 2016 20894 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge MJM File# 1628 Site services will need to be organized to avoid the base of the tree to the extent possible. Any excavation within the critical root zone should be done under the direction and supervision of a qualified arborist. The damaged top of this large trees was visible from the ground, but could not be reviewed in detail due to the height. We recommend that a qualified arborist with tree climbing experience be retained to scale the tree to observe up close the condition of the top and the connection of the main leaders. The point where the top was damaged may represent a degree of risk that needs to be fully understood. The tree may have healed over and be solid, as it appears from the ground, or there may be an open wound with advancing decay. Due to the location of the large Fir, it will be difficult to find sufficient space. If a compromise to improve tree protection cannot be found, the tree should be removed to ensure safety and the preservation of tree #11 would then become the focus. 4.0 Limitations We attach the following clauses to this document to ensure you are fully aware of what is technically and professionally realistic in the assessment and preservation of trees. This Arboricultural field review report is based only on site observations on the date noted. Effort has been made to ensure that the opinions expressed are a reasonable and accurate representation of the condition of all trees reviewed, however, conditions influencing the opinion and recommendation as provided in this report can change quickly and without warning. Any trees retained should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure reasonable safety and to minimize the associated risk. The assessment was completed based on visual review only. None of the trees were dissected, cored, probed or climbed. All trees or groups of trees have the potential to fail. No guarantees are offered or implied by Michael J Mills Consulting or their employees that the trees are safe given all conditions. Trees can be managed, but they cannot be controlled. To live work or play near trees is to accept some degree of risk. The only way to eliminate all risk associated with trees is to eliminate all trees. The information in this report is based on conceptual site plan information only and does not represent definitive tree preservation recommendations. This report is noted to be preliminary. The comments provided are general and not considered final. Further review of the proposed site plan will be required prior to any final tree preservation recommendations The information provided in this report is for the exclusive use of our client and may not be reproduced or distributed without permission of Michael J Mills Consulting. Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter. Yours Truly, I ,, Michael J Mills ISA Certified Arborist PN #0392 Page 7 SCALE 500 0 25 A to Z Rentals Legend: 4 Denotes Tree Loco/ion /500, Fir Tree #4 Denotes Tree Size and Species Denotes Report Ref # Survey Information Provided by Terra Pacific Land Surveying F,e No. /./Rf J-858TOP0 ~ C Cl.. 50 m -;;;, ~ ALTree #11 'Yisoo, Fr _,,,._Tree #10 TJ100,,rr Existing Building 6223 Single family residential Lougheed H· 19hwoy Forested Ravine -- Wood Fence Townhouse Development 11,,.,,.. ... .,....~--···--......... wCIIJ,o,l,1t1:11~-Nf-"' =~~=-=::::.-:--._ .._....-V'°'.._,,Mdl!JJ~C---.- .. ~-..... -........ ~ ..... -ltlc --..r,lbo .... ?O<t""'•--..,,. .... ~ lollny•Mull"Cllitolllkt. MICHAELI MILLS CONSULTING CERTIFIED ARBORIST PROPOSED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 2089'1 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY MAPLE RIDGE 9C. EXISTING TREE SUMMARY PLAN: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ) 20894 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge ~ MAPLE RIDGE Bnhsh Columbia mapleridge.ca Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.5 of the Official Community Plan, commercial developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. 8.5.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses Proposal provides major ravine landscape separation from the housing to through sound attenuation, appropriate the east with fenced separation to the development on the west and south lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and sides the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. Encourage a pedestrian scale through Although located at the front, parking is screened by existing trees and providing outdoor amenities, minimizing new landscape planting. Bicycle storage provided. Commercial sign the visual impact of parking areas, located to partially screen parking. creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. Promote sustainable development with Vehicular and bicycle access to site provided. multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. Respect the need for private areas in Apartment has private deck areas and overlooks ravine and stream to the mixed use development and adjacent east thereby minimizing overlooking adjacent residences to the south residential areas. The form and treatment of new buildings There is no strong visual connection with adjacent properties to the east should reflect the desired character and or south. The design presents crisp modem lines and form, a significant pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural up-grade to the existing commercial development to the west styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. 1 ) Guideline 8.5.2 A Building Design, Massing and Siting 1. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, roof forms, facade modulation, architectural features, fenestration patterns, building elements and proportions and building articulation. 2. Exterior finishes should be wood, brick, natural stone or other materials of warm appearance. Substantial areas of concrete should be avoided. Expanses of solid wall or glass are unacceptable. 3. New buildings adjacent to existing small scale buildings such as houses should be designed to provide visual interest whilst protecting the privacy and livability of both properties. 4. Significant corners should be given added emphasis with vertical architectural features and roofscape features. At intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets. 5. Development should be sited to have the building frontage on the main street alignment. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. see above The design incorporates textured concrete blocks and smooth textured stucco, consistent with the building design. Glazing is limited to the commercial fronts where it is needed for display. Houses to the south are screened with fencing and planting. The mass of the proposed construction is articulated to minimize impact and glazed areas are oriented away from them. The site is not located at a street corner and there are no significant corners to the building. The design presents consistent emphasis to the frontage on the north and east side. The building, although set back to the rear of the site, is aligned with the street in compliance with this requirement. 6. Projects located on slopes should be The ravine slopes are being protected and are not being developed. developed in a manner which creates a step in perceived height, bulk and scale between developments. 7. Design and construction of buildings should account for maximum sound attenuation between commercial and adjacent residential uses. To ensure that noise generated on the site is addressed in the most appropriate manner, Council may request that a noise attenuation study be prepared. Significant distance exists between proposed building and houses to the east and the development faces away from the houses to the south. Noise is not expected to be a problem. 2 ) Guideline 8.5.2 A (Continued) 8. Continuous weather protection, such as canopies, structural awnings, or building overhangs, is strongly promoted where at-grade retail uses are included in a development and over common entries to commercial and/or mixed-use developments that front a public sidewalk or open space. 9. Developments adjacent to treed slopes, ravines and watercourses must respect natural vegetation, use natural landscaping to retain soils on the site and may require additional setbacks as established by agencies having jurisdiction. Creeks and ravines are encouraged to be retained in their natural state. 10. Developments are encouraged to redirect water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 11. Buildings should be designed and located on a site to: a) preserve and incorporate natural features or views; b) ensure proper orientation and relationship to adjoining residential uses; c) minimize impacts on natural features and agricultural lands; d) accommodate natural grades to ensure minimal grading is required. Guideline 8.5.2 B Refuse, Recycling and Servicing Areas 1. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. Separate canopies are provided for each entry to promote individual identity. Ravine is retained and enhanced with riparian planting, including the setback areas. Proposal is to direct rainwater to in-ground dispersal ( enhanced soils & permeable paving) for eventual seepage into the creek wherever possible. Balance of paving drainage is directed to an oil interceptor and then to the stream. Ravine is retained, there are no views from the site. Adjoining residential uses are screened and separated. Ravine is enhanced, there are no agricultural lands adjacent. Site is currently flat and these grades will be substantially retained. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Roof-top HV AC units are screened to maximum possible extent. 3 ) --- Guideline 8.5.2 B (Continued) 2. Service areas should have differentiated Loading bay is located to avoid major pedestrian conflict. Access is access to minimize visual impact as well shared with cars. as conflicts with pedestrians. 3. Refuse receptacles must be located A masonry enclosure with gates is proposed. indoors or within service areas out of view from pedestrian access. Garbage and waste material should be stored in containers that are weatherproof and animal-resistant. 4. Mechanical equipment, drive-through uses, service or car wash bays, restrooms, vending machines, unenclosed storage, and public telephones should be oriented on the site to face away from adjacent residential development. Whenever possible, these uses should not be visible from an adjacent residential property. Guideline 8.5.2 C Street Front 1. Particular attention should be made to the image presented to the streetfront. 2. New development should emphasize the street frontages by incorporating differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades. Facades should incorporate vertical and horizontal relief in a well-proportioned rhythm appropriate to the intended scale of development. 3. Buildings with over 15 metres of street frontage should break the -horizontal mass of the building with vertical elements in a rhythmic pattern. 4. Streetfront landscaping will incorporate street trees for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space. HV AC equipment located in concealed positions on roofs. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Quality galazed & lit appearance seen from street. I don't agree with this front/back approach. Buildings should be designed in the round. Street emphasis naturally occurs at entrances and display glazing. Principal elevation is 21.5 m but is broken with storefront glazing and canopies .. This has been done 4 Guideline 8.5.2 C (Continued) 5. Vehicle access on a street frontage should be located to the side of the building away form the pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. Guideline 8.5.2 D Signage and Lighting 1. Signage should be integrated with the design of a building, preferably at ground level only, and its size and design should complement the scale and architectural detail ofthe building. 2. High intensity illumination directed at adjoining properties should be avoided. Commercial signage and high intensity illumination adjacent to residential uses should be minimized in order to protect residential amenity. 3. Lighting and signage should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way. 4. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter should take precedent. 5. In multiple-tenant commercial or mixed- use buildings, signs should be designed to present a unified appearance. Signage space should be provided for upper storey tenancies. Combine vehicle/pedestrian access provided. Pedestrian access is expected to be limited. Pedestrian volume and ravine setbacks limit sidewalk options -additional trees would be lost in order to provide segregated access. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Signage locations are varied in order to provide individual identity to leased units. Unity provided by consistent design. Lighting is directed downwards to avoid spillage off-site. Back lit lighting is proposed for signage on building with light source concealed. Fascia signs provided in compliance with Sign Bylaw. Uniform signage proposed. 5 Guideline 8.5.2 E Vehicle Access, Parking, and Circulation 1. Buildings and structures should be located to ensure safe traffic circulation and access and adequate on-site parking. Parking should be encouraged in smaller units to avoid a monotonous appearance. 2. Parking and storage areas should be appropriately screened. Low level landscape screening should be provided to parking areas adjacent to public streets. 3. Where possible, parking and servicing should be located underground or to the rear of buildings to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and pedestrian amenity. In all new buildings the portion of the structure used for parking and servicing should be adequately screened and should be architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. 4. Existing lanes should be used for vehicle access, loading and servicing. Upgrading of lanes in terms of attractive treatment and screening of parking access and loading and service areas is encouraged. 5. Vehicle access should be located to the side of the building away from the pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 6. Lanes, and driveways should conform to the existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, access should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Parking is split into 3 areas. Ravine setbacks prevent separation of pedestrian traffic Screening provided with shrub planting. NIA NIA Shared access acceptable with low traffic volume. Site is flat (except for ravine area) and proposed parking and access lane matches existing grades .. 6 _) Guideline 8.5.2 E (Continued) 7. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. 8. Minimize the amount of asphalt surfaces in parking areas by integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Above ground parking structures should not front public streets at grade. Non- parking uses or special fac;:ade treatments must be provided along street frontages to enhance the building's appearance to the public realm. On non-street fronting facades, parking structures should be treated to avoid long blank walls at grade, such as massed landscape treatments or attention to design detailing on the fac;:ade. 10. Parking control equipment, such as ticket dispensers and card readers, should be located at a sufficient distance from a public street to prevent parking queues extending onto the street. Similarly, a minimum distance of one car length, and preferably two car lengths, should be provided between an exit gate and the street edge to accommodate cars waiting to merge into traffic. 11. Rooftop parking structures should include design elements, including landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street and surrounding uses. NIA Small traffic area does not warrant multiple surfaces -except for residential stall highlight NIA NIA NIA 7 Guideline 8.5.2 F Pedestrian and Bicycle Access 1. Development should improve pedestrian amenity through interesting design detail at ground level, easily identifiable entrances, shop fronts with clear untinted glazing, concentration of signage at ground level, attractive landscaping and well defined pedestrian crossings for driveways and roadways. 2. A well defined pedestrian access to the commercial use will _ be provided from the public sidewalk. Design will ensure that pedestrian use is given precedence over vehicular use. Where possible, at least one pedestrian connection should be provided through the main block of buildings. 3. Facilities for cyclists should be considered for all developments. Guideline 8.5.2 G Landscaping and Open Space 1. Landscaping should be supplemented to identify and define public space, to present a pleasing image and to soften the transition from adjacent land uses to the commercial development. 2. Adjacent residential uses should be adequately protected by significant landscaping or the provision of screening or both. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all new development for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space. Simplicity in landscaping materials is desirab_le and should be encouraged for screening purposes. Deciduous tree species should be considered in landscape plantings to permit light penetration in winter. Mature vegetation should be retained where possible. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This has been achieved. Shared access has been provided and is acceptable with low volume of traffic. Bicycle rack provided for visitors with internal storage for the apartment Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Major planting proposed between proposed building and ravine and housing. Extensive ravine trees exist between development and the housing to the east. A wooden screen fence is provided to the housing to the south. Existing trees retained where possible, deciduous trees added. 8 Guideline 8.5.2 G (Continued) 4. Aesthetic values along frontages and on- site ought to be enhanced by significant landscaping on all property lines and around buildings. Street trees should be used to provide the landscaping variety that would soften the character and scale of the area. 5. Landscape planting and screening should be used to create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site for pedestrians, passing drivers and building tenants on the site or adjacent to it. 6. Open space should be usable, attractive and well-integrated with the design of the building. Open space, in many cases, will be achieved with courtyards, recessed balconies, terraced balconies, roof top gardens, and atria. 7. Landscaping should reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 8. Landscaping should define the purpose and emphasize the desired character and function of public and private space. All private and semi-private open space should be clearly defined as such and should be controllable by those meant to benefit and be responsible for it, thus encouraging use, pride and safety. 9. Distinguish public and semi-public spaces from private spaces. Design symbolic barriers through: a) building and site design; b) changes in paving, vegetation, or grading; or c) architectural features, such as low walls, bollards or raised planters. Exposed ravine planting with grouped trees along frontage provides variety. The dramatic hollow of the ravine provides an expansive foreground to the building with existing and new trees punctuating the scene. Rooftop and recessed balconies are provided to the apartment. Neighbouring properties have no significant landscaping. Public access is limited to hard surfaced areas. Planting is provided for visual amenity and stream enhancement. Private spaces cannot be accessed by the public. The public has free access to all paved areas and are discouraged from accessing the planted areas by the intensity of the planting and the Jog rail fence. 9 _j Guideline 8.5.2 H Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) 1. Developments should be designed to max1m1ze opportunities for natural surveillance allowing people to easily view what is happening around them during the course of everyday activities. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design principles and techniques are encouraged. 2. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities. 3. Design the interior spaces and exits from any underground and above ground parking structures for maximum visibility within the parking area. Entries should be highly visible, well lit and spaced at convenient intervals Hidden spaces, obscured alcoves and blind corners should be avoided in the design and layout of the parking facilities. 4. Walls and ceilings of parking structures, particularly underground structures, should be painted white to enhance or reflect light. Guideline 8.5.2 I Universally Accessible Design 1. All non-vehicular routes be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/ scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. The site can be visually supervised from the street, the apartment and the commercial space. The site will be lit at night maintaining the supervision from the street and the apartment. The entire site can be seen from the street, day and night. The rear yard is overlooked by the apartment patio. NIA NIA Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. A HIC parking stall has been provided with a curb let-down incorporated. 10 ) Guideline 8.5.2 I (Continued) 2. Locate parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities as close as possible to the main entrance to a building. 3. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; and c) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. Guideline 8.5.2 J Bicycle Storage and Parking 1. Provide short term bicycle parking facilities, such as bicycle racks, at grade close to building entrances. Bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads. Bicycle racks should be made of sturdy, theft- resistant material, securely anchored to the floor or grounds. 2. Provide long term bicycle parking facilities in secure storage areas within buildings. Bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. In mixed-use buildings, bicycle storage facilities for residents are to be separate from those for the commercial uses. 3. Large-scale developments are encouraged to provide end-of-trip facilities, such as showers and lockers, within the development for the convenience of employees. Done. Each unit will be numbered. All units are directly access from the public side and are protected with canopies. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. A bike rack is provided at the front of the building to provide for short term use Long term bicycle storage is provided internally for the apartment NIA 11 _) Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File Number 2014-069-RZ Date prepared: March 26, 2018 Architect Geoff Lawlor Architect AIBC Print Name 12 Signature ._) 1·~ MAPLE RIDGE ------- 20894 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Brl11sh Cotumbl.t mapleridge.ca Existing /Proposed Zone Rs-11 cs-1 Date Prepared March 26, 2018 Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total 2898.93 sq m Less Road Widening/ Truncations 95.93 sq m Less Park 1531 sq m Net Total 2000 sq m min. 1272 sq m LOT COVERAGE (in% of net lot area) Total Site Coverage 40% max. I 425 sq m (33.4%) SETBACKS (in metres) Front 9.0 m 32.9m Rear 6.0m 2.5 m (variance req'd.) Side #1 (~1E, ~ Om 2.5m Side #2 ("-i!ii1 1u W) Om 0.6m Eicl1 ti3 (U,6; EA 111) SETBACKS -Underground Structures (in metres) Front n/a Rear n/a Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) n/a Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) n/a Side #3 (N, S, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal 7.7m 8.47 m Accessory n/a NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor 0 One Bedroom 0 Two Bedroom 1 Three Bedroom+ 0 Total 1 GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres} Residential 141 .25 sq m Retail Commercial 425 sq m Office Commercial 0 sq m Other Commercial (Type ) Osq m Institutional O sq m Industrial O sq m TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA 566.25 sq m * If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. _) Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) 1 (complies) # of units/ha (net) 1 (complies:) Gross Floor Area 425 + 141 = 566 sq m Floor Space Ratio (net) 397 + 126 = 523 sq m (41%) AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area n/a Useable Open Space n/a PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses 1.2 1 Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) n/a 0 Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) n/a 0 Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) n/a 0 Commercial Uses 17 15 Educational & Assembly Uses n/a 0 Institutional Use n/a 0 Industrial Use n/a 0 Business Park Uses n/a 0 Comprehensive n/a 0 Other n/a 0 Number of spaces for visitors n/a 0 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES 18 16 Number of total for disabled 0 1 Number of total (and %) small cars 0 \o % 0 Number of total (and%) tandem spaces 0 \o % 0 TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) 1 1 BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking 0.3 + 1.7 = 2 6 Long Term Bicycle Parking 0.25 + 0.57 = 0.81 1 OTHER -state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site I no I Tree Survey/Assessment Provided lyes Watercourse/Steep Slopes I yes I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements j yes I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. ~ Prepared by: Geoff Lawlor Architect AIBC ___ Cl _J~ Print Name (Please print form and sign above) NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. ) stae! pole & base -pointodblack r ®' street light side 1 : 20 refer to landscape drawings prepared by JHL Design Group for balance of site planting .,. r bicycle rack (5 no.) 023 ++ cone. pavers ,t u , .} ,g\ perimeter fence \.:!._} 1 :50 I T '1' site plan at floor slab level \~) 1: 200 • lill~fllllfil~I I I I Ill e~=:['1 _6 (>.< S \ ._I .. 1.h<>} S \ "r ® guardrail to east wall 1 : 20 t---pn;,pen.,lkw parkin,llghtlr,g ~ ~ ® Section 1 1 : 100 I pn:1perty\11W ---+ --pfllpUly(!'III , palrnd~ ......... § i:c,ncnlll~ east retaining wall at idewalk----1 : 20 MAC:! V. P!ElICi Pl\[ P.;.tS JJ,.0 f!D1S :. ',I ~UlN C, !~r:i ~,t S-J:.i.t ¥. W,C'JW ;>;;[5:9.,..'d; 11/r.f.G'/~':<O ~i A(C(ff);.~•(( 11,r,i (;SI, Sl'IJi'JJ..-1~ ()c,05 iO )'> ;.~•~~ 1,'£7 iiETi'..NI.~ Ci 64l.-;/:-n E'!' .-.SS:.Y Dr i:irnCL1:..;m CC::Ol~ ,~•;11;( rcr.1,) t.S ,W~Tl;..R.£ ~™ :i.-11;u:t~,t~tt;!ic•o.=--wc:..:11,r.1 ,~ ~ i! 'J\l,to .t J.! ~ 'll"n'",-1'1,0:, ,,a' ... v ... v ~ t.1,(...-r-.-;.!.,-..U~'.ti:>c>I .",:1-{0-.1.'-':t ,O.",'" rt • I!..~ r; (• ~~•f" ...1 VJ"t I• 9JJ1 ,t-...:!\ :2.'l)-.t.) !'-) e:;;:w Cf f•. ~>!..!. &: ,, v..1.0,,;11 •~::-1 .~'",f(l•&.~uJC,,-,tUCU,J,r:,.~:.,•.\j,\J!t,~• :~.._ lC,-"o •~ f t!,C. :0 A .. _.~H ''°-1 'C: r.;1,J: n ptLattpaving • peird:lldt.1.el g11ankal !! I-I---''--eoni:1111:11 1etalnlng ... """ '4' east retaining wall \::J 1:20 Architectural drawings Sheet Number Sheet Name DP-1 site plan DP-2 buRdlng elevations and plans OP-3 perspective views OP-4 site locallon and surrounds Zoning Information Current zoning: Proposed zoning: %0Nnghtlmit ..,,."' .. _I RS-1 CS-1 (service commercial) Proposed use: general commercial wilh accessory apartment Sile Information: a) Site area = 1305 sq m (minimum 2000 sq m permitted) b) Building area = 425 sq m c) Dern;ity = 425 sq m (14.6 %), 40% permitted d) Building Height = 8.47 m (7.7 m permitted) e) Setbacks a. Front = 32.9 m (9.0 required) b. Rear= 2.5 m (6.0 m required) c. Sldeyards = 0.6 m (0.0 m permitted) I) Landscape coverage = 236 sq m (18.6 %) (minimum 5% required) g) Parking stalls: required = 18 provided = 16 (incl. 1 HC) ---IJ"CMU\WI, -~ m,1'h buildlng CW -+-1---1-f---h!--f---J-IWodlliit ' ,.,-. garbage enclosure ~ 1:20 ,, ~[m""""-""' flULJ ~ ___ _ I propertyb- 1 --·-.. -.----~!-.. -.-.-.-.-..-.-.-.-.. -.,.,....-~ I ' ) ,_ ..... ~ ...... ~talt.d ,,...,.... 20.76 ~_.,._n.,.,._,,,,,, ........... -....... ~.,__-Olil!u-G,...._. ...__UW!tll!-'-e-1~~-. 1 .. o....i~"""'....,. .... .,.,. ........... A...,...,,,.,..-.,_._ .. «.~TM.-., •""'·'-k\Mll'4o___,.,,td,b.:o,.t .... ~~ """""" ,,....,........_ .. ......,,. .. _ ... ----Oatll'---~fto-..-.. ..... _..,.~ • ..,iri,,,,1 • ..-11 ---1evA,Man:h31/18 Kale CNrve ID metric stt.■mbelishrnenb11mt.d s.ir■&Ktklrisaddlld rnG,'4ffllllt6 slta,_1...,.d r■YC,t«)y11)116 1R■planNJimedlDnllotllra■aince~ rwD,Jaon26117 , ... ,vmd bulmng tlgnags W i-t~..:l~ ,..MMl:d,IUlt~d revE,M.rchl2118 b1Alding,ht.~1T1ct.d DONOT=-'~~~'Ml~E>I NOTT08EV5EDFORc:o,,eTll"..c.ni:N"'"1.DSST~ i!SUEDIOIII~ ~COlJNTBiStGt-e:I Etl'TMEAACl4TECT 11tc.hi111ct Ar,:f/illf!i!J'!!,J11c. c;",lfl:;,.~s,\1.:'.1J,>.1"1~1L-., t,.-1 WI ll; ~lQ, ,.,;, If, ~1<1 s-.-1111,oo.J o,a 1H ·M.• .,~.~ N.1<i•••.J. !ll' •-~ 11o-,,lf.T! ~J.,.,,lul-."10,e,:,,11 \",,X 'Ill ~.:l•"I; "'"" f'-"lll.l"hj,~.._._,._._,.,_, ptaject re-zoning proposal ·2os94 Lougheed Hlghway., Maple Ridge, BC dr•winl;lti11e site plan & site sections .. a1 project# 15-108 .--- dr~ ... ~ GO\. checked by DP-1 ) r:j'I _north elevation ~ 1: 100 r2' _south elevation \V 1: 100 0 east elevation 1 : 100 r'4\ _west elevation ~ 1 : 100 HI/AC ffoor level ~ a.oo building ht, ~ 7.59 ffoorlcvol __ b..idfr,ght. 7.59 Hoorlevel 0,00 ~ roof plan '\.!_) 1: 200 '6' apartment floor -design ~ 1 :100 .,., Lease 1 l.ease2 co [TI 66.04 rn' 69.12m' :· f's\ main floor -design \.::!_/ 1 :100 I. lease 3 Le~• LOGce5 [IJ CD [TI 74.69m' 104.00,,,.. 70.17m' 34.76 ~n. ..... ri ............. ~ ~-~~IIC.,W\....w~~• ~Ml'Ntle...,.. ___ lllll-'.-ct'•.,_......,_ n,.,~ii:..-IWu-cL.--ty .. __ ~-::::.:=.t:..-:=~.:c: """...,.~~,._.. .......... _fl .. t:.'!~~~~.-=k, -~-~~---~---- IWYA,t&reh31116 scdnchllngedlll!TMlbie 1'9VB,Jan26/17 butJclgf'Mfnlg,.d ruvC,SoptlS/17 build!111~added,intalMlt;arb•~DKlion IVl!fflSI~ riwD,l.tlreh1-41111 dims1~dtc,1pe.rlm•nt r1vE,M1rd'l231111 ~ ht, co11wdld eli,cn:iomaddld OO~T~~THEEXPflESSWRrTTl:N ~t#TI-E AAQfTECT toT T08tvsa:JfOR ~Oll/l,I.E!i.'ISTAW'ED \SSUED""CQ~'!90e1ICW ~CXJIJUT'Sl9GNEDth'THE.o.RO(TB..I ERhltect Arc:IJiJf!l f!JilJ,J11c. ,;., 11, ,,.,,, "·~"~ .. .,r,., ,.1 ,,,; 11· ~:,,_ :;:;,'.~ .. ~,~ii/'11~,...., .• ,-.l •. ,,, ,: .~:1,1,7:.~:.-';:: \1 X :1 I ~,I•,,: '°·"" :,.-S'II•, , ..•• ~,,:.11:,•.a1 p,ojed re-zoning proposal '20884 l.Dugheed Highway., Mapl& Rldgrl, BC ctawing title building elevations & plans ... , project# 15-1011 '°~0 asshown DP-2 crawn by GOL _) Split faced block -Painted Ralph Lauren Chalk Stripe RL4355 Stucco -Painted Ralph Lauren Box Pleat RL4008 •-,. • w .... Roof: Vicwest White White QC 56076 I --- Fascia: Vicwest Charcoal QC 16078 ~-c.n.•--·, ........... -.. ~.,-.,•~l--~ lte-......... _,...,..,~.,-i:o-WIII, .... ~~ ...... ,.,.... ..... ,, .. _ :.'fd~-==-~~-=.:-!:"; T\olii-.. ~•.,._.wi111 ... ~--.. =~~'=:.:::::: .. ·-- 1evA,Apri14-16 variotASup-dallls TeYB,Apri118118 tokturslddtd 1•VC,Ott&117 dHignupdatas r-11D,Lti11r1:h13118 perspedff upcbllld DOJf3TCOf'twrrHOlll'TI-El!)(fflESSWRfTI'iN PEHWi90N' 0,: TI-E AACHTECT IJOfTOBEUSEDFORC0NSTRUGl10NLN!.ESSSTA.M.OED ISSl.e'.)FOll~tr NIO ~BY TIE~ architect A rct;il(ft!!J'ft,Jnc. !i."ffl.;.\\I •1 \1.l~i.:1.11,:~ 1,._ =.!U-~•l),f•JC:\·1.~ lt,...J 1.:l:1~11-JH-1~ ,.-.11 '71.JJ'/:1 .. 11'1.> ~uual ~c-,1r_L,n••• .. -1u .. -,., W<h-.1; ..,,1,1~,•1lbn·),rar>.hi1,.·•• .. •~·• tt .. 1r.11-,,.111l' V!,XIX5 project re-zoning proposal "20894 LDUgheed Highway,. Maple Ridge, BC drawing title perspective from east project# 1~106 draYl!n11#-..... .. -,...,..., GOL DP-3 checlmd by ADJACENT ZONING large trees on-site ) '1131)3 tr875 I ,, ,__ '1' site survey '\,:..) 1 : 500 commercial development on north side of road view of site and adjacent commercial development j N site location c::J URBAtJ AREA 80UHDARV l ft l H!STORIC COMMUNl'TIES D NEWCOM~UNITIES -.... _ '" -~ " bstcr's C_;>rners ; ~ : -!> " 1- Whonnock --------- l 1 .:a. =111"' r:, ·• r-. -,..,1 •• p~ •• '"""',G .,,,..\.f +I"' •,., ll' "l 1Y .. ,1 ,.,., \ I,.\"( I•• ... : ...... ~ -;. . 1 \ .. i .. .. . • 1\,o .• ·· .. :. ... ',·,":;·. C--.4l_...._n..__,..,~'°'!-••--~~~-:..°=== n,.a..:n,ieo,ewt:r..._.c.la.lc..:lvcft .. _..._, ~~===~-=.':'=: hsthta:L C\:i~~EE.S, .. ---revA Man.htJ/13 r.dl;K,nf211nlngeci»d 00,DTCOP'fWfTHOt/f TIEEXPRES,SWRfTTDI PERMl,S90NOFTHEA.qOflECT • N:ITTOBE!,,l!iB>fORa».tSnlUCTIONUNI..ESS5T.w.PED ~FORCONST'Rvc;t1CN" MO c;oUNTBlliKiNED fNttE.AAClfiECT erchitec:t ';, .. I! !a,,.: ' ,,.1 :l<,I\O< Ir, ~~l,~. ·,,,1,j(a,, i.t,,,1 11._h11•11,I IIC L:I !~II 11' 1'!1:0 ,,!I ·s~.••N_.,1(1, ,•111111 e;:.,1l_b,l,~•"lu,-,·, \\;h 'Ii-' "'Ill <•"IIL\,I, ,,,_1,,1_,,,,u.; •~ \ h'\ JX~ pruje<t re-zoning proposal ·2099-4 L0Ugheed Highway., Maple Ridg~, BC cnw1..,, ... site location and surrounds proJeci:# 15-108 sc;ale as sho'Nn drawn by GDL DP-4 checlced by ) NOTES: 1. Maintain min. 2% slope away from building. 2. All plants and landscaep installtion to conform to BCSLA Landscape Standards Latest Edition. 3. All growing medium to be tested by PSAI (604-273-8226) and amended accordingly if necessary, and to be tested again at Substantial Completion. 4. Minimum planting medium depths: lown-6"/150mm, 9" on slab groundcover & shrubs-18"/450mm, min 18" on slab trees-12" /300mm, all around the rootboll, 24" small trees on slob, 30" medium sized trees on slab For detailed info see specifications Growing medium shall conform to Level 1 Low TroHic Lawn Are<i, Treea and Large Shrubs (2L/ Tobie 6-3, 2012 BCLNA Standards) 5. All pion\ material shall meet minimum size requirements as indicated in plant list. 6. Trees planted in lawn areas to have 1 m dia. mulched ring. 7. Make sure twine around roatballs to be cut and removed to prevent gridling. 8. All propsoed trees should be planted min. 3 m away from building four>datian or face of buildings or retaining walls. 9. Install min. 2" of composted bark mulch on all shrub beds after planting and ro~e smooth. Mulch ta be "9.5mm screened composted bark mulch". 10. Contractor to ensure all plant material delivered to site is from nurseries certified to be free from the Phytophthoro romorum virus (Sudden Oak Death). 11. Contractor ta report any discrepancies in plant numbers immediately to Landscape Architect. 12. All on-site landscape ta be irrigated with on automatic irrigation system. PLANT LIST Symbols Bolanlcal Name Common Name .Quantity Trees 7 A Pnmus serrulata 'Amanogawa' Amanogawa Cheny Size Spacing Remarks 6cm cal, B&B as shown well branched 2 B Prunus 'Yedoensis Akebono' Akebono Flowering Chen16cm cal, B&B as shown well branched 16 23 86 0 11 25 10 0 4 16 0 43 4 13 27 0 74 28 46 8 32 Shrubs, Perennials and Others a Azalea japonica 'Diamanl Lachs' b Azalea jaoonica 'Hine White' C Erica x Das1eyensis 'Arthur Johnson' d Gaultheria shallon e Ribes rubrum f Carex morrowii 'Aureovariegata' g Physocarpus capitatus h Pn.mus Laurocerasus 'Reynvaanii' i Rhododendron 'Party Pink J Rhododendron Mary Fleming k Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' I Polystichum munitum m Rose meidiland 'La Se\illana' n Comus sericea 0 Osmanthus heterophyllus Variegatus' p Arctostaphylos uva ursiVancou1.er Jade' Q Garex flacca r Buxus microphylla 'Winter Gem' s Taxus media 'Brownii' t Clematis armandi u Buxus microphylla 'Winter Gem' © Cop)"'"ight reserved. This drowlng ond design is and at all times remains the exclusive property of JHL Design Gr-cup Inc. and cannot be used without the londsope architect's written consent. E1.ergreen Azalea #2pot as shown dense E1.erQreen Azalea #2 pot as snown dense Pink Winter Heather # 1 pot as shown dense Salai # 1 pot as shown dense Red Current # 1 pot as shown dense Variegated Sedge # 1 pot as shown dense Pacific Ninebar1< # 1 pot as shown dense Russian Laurel #3pot as snown dense, uniform Rhododendron #2pot as shown well established Rhododendron #2pot as shown dense Emerald Green Cedar 5' high, B&B as shown dense Western Sword Fem # 1 pot as shown dense Rose #2 pot as shown dense Redtwig Dogwood #2pot as shown dense Variegated False Holly # 1 pot as shown dense Vancou1.er Jade # 1 pot 12" o.c. dense Blue Sedge # 1 pot as shown dense Asian Boxwood #3pot as shown dense, uniform Yew Hedge 4' high, B&B as shown dense, uniform Evergreen Clematis #2pot as shown dense Asian Boxwood #2 pot as shown dense DAT£ R.E.IJSONS Morch, 18 DP Submission enclosed gated garbage endosure guardrail on retaining wall coloured stamped asphalt accenl to residential stall painted lettering existing tree removed JHL Design Group Inc. Landscape Architecture + Urban Design catch basin street light asphalt paving 4370. Mople St,..et. Vor1cot.1wr, BC r.i: so4-26~esrJ Fax: 1-866-277-9554- Emo;: Jllde!>ign~aw..ca ------ DAlE Morch. 1B JOB NO PROJECT TlTU: MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 20894 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY MAPLE RIDGE, BC CONSUL TANT D ORAWlt.fG TITLE LANDSCAPE PLAN I l - ~ pl -- ~ I - ~ wooden fence I=--6' high ~ site plan at floor slab level ~ ---.\ » 20.76 ➔ 1r ~ SECTION A-A ) [B ~ SCAlE 1/4"=l'-Q" PROJECT Till£ DRAWING TITLE DAlE REl.1SIONS e> Copyt"ight reserved. This drowlng and design is ond Morch. 18 OP Submission JHL Design Group Inc. '4370, Maple Street, VOllCOUYff. BC Oare March, 16 MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT at all tirnes remains the exclusive property of JHL T,.t; 6(14-263-&613 20894 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY SECTION Design Group Inc. end cannot be used without the Landscape Architecture + Urban Design f'ow: 1-666-277-9554 ...... MAPLE RIDGE, BC landsape architect's written consent. Erno,1; pld~lgrill>.lhowco .,. NO 20870 A Pian 12376 20875 2 Pi on 12576 20895 J.2 P!c11 370"10 ... j Existing 1x:i Building {6· ' 20897 _.,_ ~ S-- QJ '!G,,11 ~~ SCALE (m): --5 10 20899 Pian T/01 0 20 - 20913 ----= Surveyed Top of Bank ----= 15m SPR (Bylaw) Setback ----= Proposed Setback / Park Boundary ---•-•-•--= Proposed Log-Rail Fence -= Habitat Gain outside of 15m Setback: 268 m2 -= Habitat Loss within 15m Setback: 67.5 m• Habitat Balance Map Manjit Sekhon Proposed Development 20894 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, BC DATE: July 2017 DRAWN BY: NGL SCALE: As Shown PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. #505 -175:S W. Broadway, V.mcouvcr V6J 4S5 ~ tel. 604.689.3888 fax. 604.689.3880 DWG: 20894_LH_WPDP.dwg 20870 Pian 12376 20875 P!on !237G Existing 1x::i Building <o· ' I i SCALE (m): --5 10 20 20913 REM 27 = Surveyed Top of Bank ~ = Restoration Planting (Trees, Shrubs & Understory) Area = 907m2 = Proposed Setback / Park Boundary = Proposed Log-Rail Fence ~ = Understory Planting Only Area = 11 Om2 RESTORATION PLANTING LIST: Riparian Area Planting Amount Botanical Name Common Name Size Notes: Trees. Shrubs B Pseudotsuga menzlesii Douglas Fir 5 gallon & Unclerstory 8 Acer macrophyllum Big Leaf Maple 5 gallon 907 m' 8 Thuja plicata Western Redcedar 5 gallon ~ 15 Salix lasiandra Pacific Willow 5 gallon 12 SortJus aucuparia Mountain Ash 5 gallon 30 Acer circinatum Vine Maple 5 gallon 45 Comus stolonifera Red-Osier Dogwood 2 gallon 40 Rubus par.1fiorus Thimbleberry 2 gallon 40 Rubus spectabilis Salmonberry 2 gallon 20 Symphoricarpus albus Snowberry 2 gallon 65 Rosa nutkana Nootka Rose 2 gallon 50 Mohonia neMsa Oregan Grape 1 gallon 75 Polystichum rnunitum Western Swordfern 1 gallon 75 Gaultheria shallon Salal 1 gallon 491 Understory Pla nting Amount Botanical Name Common Name Size Small Shrubs &""1"'"0----l-=R-os_a_n...,ut.,..ka_n_a _____ +,N.,..oo...,t""ka-=-Ro_s_e ___ -+1.,-g-a""'110_n __ __ Understoryl-:2-=-0----;-::::Po_ly'-:cs-:-ti__,ch,....u_m,....m-,-;-u_n_ifu_m ___ +:W:-e-:--s-:-te_m_S.c...,....c''O_rd_le_rn_-+1.,..;g=-a.,,.llo_n __ __ 11 o m1 15 Gaultheria shallon Sal al 1 gallon ~1-'-◄o-=------+,:M,.:..:ho=. =='-'-------t-;-:o:.;.:;;_--,G,-----1-'-◄ ..:e.::;;;ll ;;_;___--1 ~ , o ma neMsa regan rape , ga on 55 I , Log-Rail Fence Detail n.t.s. -.• 1r~= I understory 0 ~ 0 C) 2.omL ·• 2.o' 0 6. , 0 [f yp.] Plant Layout Diagram n.t.s. 1. All landscape/planting operations are to comply with the City of Maple Ridge Planting Requirements. 2. Topsoil is to be placed in the planting areas where invasive species & previous structure removal occurs, and must be a minimum depth of 250mm. 3. A field visit should be conducted prior to planting to verify and flag planting areas. Plant locations may need to be adjusted in the field based on species preferences, shade/sun tolerance. Phoenix Environmental is to be present on site to direct planting works. 4. All Invasive/Noxious species must be grubbed out and removed from the Site prior to plant installation; invasives are to be disposed at an approved dump/composting site. 5. A 5 year maintenance program is required, and is to include annual monitoring, on-going invasive species removal/maintenace, and ensure a minumum of 90% shrub survival & 100% tree survival rate. 6. Any changes/alterations made to this planting plan must be approved by Phoenix Environmental Services Ltd. 7. Phoenix Environmental must be contacted to be present during installation of plant to advise on spacing & Install methods. Habitat Restoration Planting Plan Manjit Sekhon Proposed Development 20894 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, BC DATE: July 2017 DRAWN BY: NGL SCALE: As Shown PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. ~~l -17lS W. Brood•-.y. v.._...-V6J 4S5 "'="' ,c1. 604.689.3$8S c.x. 6-04.689.,sso DWG: 20894_LH_WPDP.dwg Riparian Area Planting Trees, Shrubs & Understory 907 ffi2 Understory Planting Small Shrubs & Understory 110 ffi2 PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. #505 -1755 W. Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 4S5 604-689-3888 24-Jul-17 Amount 8 8 8 15 12 30 45 40 40 20 65 50 75 75 491 Amount 10 20 15 10 55 Restoration Planting List & Cost Estimate 20894 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, BC Botanical Name Common Name Size Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir 5 gallon Acer macrophyllum BiQ Leaf Maple 5 Qallon Thuja plicata Western Redcedar 5 oallon Salix lasiandra Pacific Willow 5 gallon Sorbus aucuparia Mountain Ash 5 gallon Acer circinatum Vine Maple 5 gallon Cornus stolonifera Red-Osier Dogwood 2 gallon Rubus parviflorus Thimbleberry 2 gallon Rubus spectabilis Salmonberry 2 gallon Symphoricarpus albus Snowberrv 2 oallon Rosa nutkana Nootka Rose 2 oallon Mohonia nervosa Oregan Grape 1 gallon Polvstichum munitum Western Swordfern 1 gallon Gaultheria shallon Salal 1 gallon Botanical Name Common Name Size Rosa nutkana Nootka Rose 1 gallon Polystichum munitum Western Swordfern 1 gallon Gaultheria shallon Salal 1 gallon Mohonia nervosa Oregan Grape 1 gallon Fencin Installation Len th Log-Rail Fence 80m Monitoring & Maintenance I 15 year Maintenance (Invasive Species Removal, Plant Replacement) I 5 year QEP Monitoring I Unit Cost Total $25.00 $200.00 $25.00 $200.00 $25.00 $200.00 $25.00 $375.00 $25.00 $300.00 $25.00 $750.00 $14.00 $630.00 $14.00 $560.00 $14.00 $560.00 $14.00 $280.00 $14.00 $910.00 $8.00 $400.00 $8.00 $600.00 $8.00 $600.00 ITOTAL $6,565.001 Unit Cost Total $8.00 $80.00 $8.00 $160.00 $8.00 $120.00 $8.00 $80.00 ITOTAL $440.001 Cost Im Total $45.00 $3,600.00 Unit Cost Total $600.00 $3,000.00 $450.00 $2,250.00 ITOTAL $15,855.001 C 11.12.17 WALL REVISED B 11.11.17 CONCRETIE CURB ADDED/WATER METIER R~SED A 04.08.17 PERMEABI.£ PAIi/NG ADDEO No. DATE I I 1.llm ICAX. HIGH COHC. WAU. O.Jm o • TO P A AV ' APLIN MARTIN ENCaN.'mN:I AACH'l£C1\l'E ~INO ~ AV l'SOS-1755 W. Broachny Sln11et, V.ancoWllr, B.C. canada vs.1455 AV Tel: (604f 224-6827, Fax: (604) 597-9061, EmaH: gen•r.l@apllnmllrtll\.cCJn"I B,U, LOCA1ED AT )00()( XX & XXXX XX BY l,IOftJ.WOft Ho. OOHOOOO El.EVAllON: O(UJOOrn REM 27 EX. 1.<lm COKTOORS PRIOR TO SITE CRAOING NP. 34 33 32 2 MACHINE PEEl£D PINE RAx.S ANO POSTS A MINIMUM Of 150mm DIA. SHAU. BE VACUUM PR£SSUR£ IMPREONA l[O IN ACCORDANCE 111TH CSA STANDARD 080 5 TO AN A\li'RAGE NET Rf'T£NTION Of 6.41<9/m BY ASSAY Of CHROl,IA1£0 COPP1'R ARSENATE (CCA) AS AVAILABLE FROM RONCO POLE COl,JPANY 585-6088 OR OTHER SUPPLIERS POSTS SHALL BE SPACED AT 2.Sm INlERVAI.S ANO A MINIMUM OCPTH Of 0.6m. POSTS SHAll BE SEC\/Rf'O FlRMLY IN THE GROUND BY HANO TAMPING 150mm LIFTS Of BAO<Flll. MA1£RIAL SPACE BElVEEN GROUND AND BOTTOM OF RAIL SHAll BE OAm. MAll/MUM NOTCH DEPTH OF RAIL SHALL NOT EXCEED 40mm. GALVANIZED SPIKES 250mm LONG SHAU. BE USED TO ATTACH RAILS TO POSTS All \l'JRK SHAU BE PERFORMED BY PERSONS Sl(JllllJ IN THE FENONG TRADE ANO IN STRICT ACCORDANCE \\!TH STANDARD TRADE PRACTICE All EXPOSED IN FlELO C\ITS SHAll BE TREA TEO 111TH BRUSH ON PRESERVATI\li' DEVELOPER: 0793619 BC LTD. 3743 SEFTON smeer, PORT COQUlnAM, BC V3B 3R6 PH (604) 374-6921 PROJECT: PROPOSED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 20894 LOUGMEEO HIGHWAY MAPLE AIDGE, BC L£c'1. ....,......., -IF IDT 1 EXCEPT: F1RSTLY, PART ON FUN 25556, SEa:tlll.Y, PART ON SRW Fl.AN 4MJ6 Ol 250 Q> I HWO FUN 12376 CllDW """"" DESIGNED 0-!Etl<ED """'°""' """" """L IOI I I L I I I I '---t---1 l I I I I I I I I I I I ' I 7 I I I I I --~ AV ""' DIii. 0111. 0111. 1:200 __ ,.,. O.o< a,_,o,t• w > <( 0 0 0 3: ~ <( (_) O.QC OfF-SITE NOTES.: 1. !1£'1All0'5 ARE -TO GEOOETIC DAT\AI 2. Ill. CDIS1lUll(JI NO 11.\l!!IIIS 10 lit: It AIXIRlllU 111H WIRDIT aTY OF IIAl'I.E 8IDCE E)(jHERl OO'IR1\0T STANDARllS AND Sl'El:l'ICATIOIS 3. IIEI: lfllJjC OF EXIST, om:H, rn:., IS REQURD AND llHERE stJMrei ARE a»IS1R\JC1ED It Fll SECTKII, Fll UAlfRW. IS TO BE GRANULAR BACICFII.I. CQIPACTED TO 95'1 UOOlflED PROC1tJl ,t RalfHTS lllifCll Y AFfECID> BY OCHSIRUClII> IF PRO.t:Cf SIIAll. BE CMN .a Hru!S Nona: l'lllQl TO ~ 5. COl'lRAC1llR TO EXPOSE ALL ElOS1IMG 1/11.111ES AT ~ l!E-IHS /,ND moss--0\al POMS 10 \MY IIMRTS NU) 1.DCATIOIS Pllla! TO CQIMENCltG CXIISTRIIC~ ANO 9tAU. NOTFY 1ltE EN<HER IF ANY IIISCREPANClES OR CONFUCIS 6. ALL ElllS11NG IINftru: RIIS, VAl.16, U0S. ETC., TO BE oll>.IJSlII> TO SIRT fllAL IJIAll£S 7. ElaSIING BUll.llflGS, STRUCTURES, AND FENCES 1ll BE ll!IIQJ9El AND REMOlm BY llE',UOPER. ALL arr BWllNG DEPT. RWJIREMElllS ARE 10 BE MET PRIOR TO llEllOU1K1l 8. All. l£S1lfG AND R£TESlllC If IIEassARY, \Ill. BE 11£ ~ IF 11£ COflMCTtR. All. ASSOOATtD COSTS FUR lESIING, ~ SIJIIISSIOI IF WRITTEN REPOR1S ,s 'IE!. ,S 'tl!EO LOOS, 'al. IE 1l1[ Rfli'ONSBUTY IF 11£ CON1RAC1fJR. 9. All. lESTING 9tAU. BE CARRIED 00T BY A QI.JAlftD TESTING Fllll APl'ftOlm BY lHE arr IF IIAl'I.E RIJGE. AND 11£ OOHTRACTa\ OR oe.na>!R IIIJ. IE ~ 10 NH& ll£ 119'£C1ION OO'N11l1811' AT LEAST .a ttrulS IH JlNNIC£ OF --ANY lESIING. ON-SUE NQTES· 1. EW/ATIONS ARE RfFERED TO GEODETIC DATUM 2. AU. WORK IS TO COMPLY ¥rlTH lHE BC PLUMBING CODE AND lHE CITY OF MAPI.E RIDGE'S SPECIFICATIONS WHERE APPLICABLE. 3. SEE: ATELJER PACIFIC FOR ARCHITECTUAL DRAWINGS FOR BUILDING DETAILS & BUILDING & DRIVEWAY GRADES. 4. SEE: LANDSCAPE AACHITECTS PLAN FOR LANOSCAPING DETAllS & WAI.LS. 5. SE!: MAINLAND ENGINEERING CONSIJLTAHIS ~S FOR OFF-SITE WORKS & SEIMCES (THESE ~ ASSUME lHE OFF-SITE WORKS ARE COMPI.El£), 0000-00-2017-000 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING OEPARTIMENT Datr JUNE 2017 KEY PLAN, WATER WORKS &'=.=--0-,-~-03 SITE GRADING No. 16-150A-01 ""'· C F1I£ No, A1119-150A .X-519-A I :,; i = J DETENTION PIPE (10 YR) 8 TIER B FLOWS WILL BE RELEASED AT * / 1 :2 YEAR FORESTED FLOW. C TIER C FLOWS WILL BE RELEASED AT 1 :2 YEAR PRE DEVELOPMENT RATE CATCH BASINS AN R/C IS REQUIRED ON THE SITE TO ENSURE A MINIMUM OF 300mm OF PROCESSED TOPSOIL IS * A PLACED ON ALL PERVIOUS AREAS OF THE SITE TO ALLOW SUPPLEMENTARY STORM WATER INFILTRATION LOUGHEED HWY -_J_ --'~----- 37 THREE TIER* SYSTEM A WITH INFILTRATION *1------tf"==:-.---NI GALLERIES (TYP.) A PERMEABLE ASPHALT A TO PROTECT TREE * ROOTS 2 • 1 -----~NG Ir,,, =--....,,//==li---==:::,,,0--==~ I Pft0POS8) 8VllOING -.. GalIDJflbl SEIBICK=~-.,,..___ ---- 33 34 REM 27 .. l i i L---------------.-~-----------r:---~~"""".':"'-:-:-'.:"':""=-=:::---------i=::-----::::---i;;:~----r-----:::;:'.~-;:-;::-:-::-;:--;::~~~:-;-----,•IJ DEVELOPER, 0793619 BC LTD. CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE i oooo--00-2017--000 i "'""" AV ...... B 11.11.17 CONCRETE CURB ADDED AV A 04.08.17 PERMEABLE PAVING ADDED AV No. DATE RE\llSION BY :~1.::i";!.!;"EET, PORT COQUITLAM, BC voe 311,; 1--------::.:EN::::GIN=EER::.:l::::NG:..:D::.::EP..:..:AR:.:..:™:::EN::::T:....__,.,IJA,...,C,---------t:; APLIN MARTIN ""'"""' DI\\. """'"" DI\\. -AAO-f1EC1UaE PI..AN'.N3 su,vEYNG .f565-17$5 W. Bn>adwa.y Btreel,. Vancounr, B.C. ~nada V8J 4SS Tel: (604) 224-H27, Fax: (604) 97-9061, Ernall: 119nar.,l@apllrvnartln.com PROJECT, PROPOSED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 20894 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY !AAPLE AIDQ.£, BC t.w, LOCAiED AT )00()( XX .t XXXX XX <£GAi. °"""''""' f'OR1IOII IF LOT 1 EXCEPT: FIRSTLY, PART ON Pl.AH 255156, S£lXNlLY, PART ON SRW MCl<VWD<T MO, Oll!OOOO ...,,._, 00.000m l'LIH 4343G DL ~ (IP I NIil PUN 12376 .....,... """" .,,,.,. ""'· DIii. 1:200 "':--..-;.,~,,,,, STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN JUNE 2017 I l><m 02or03 i DWO. No. M.."W. - 16-150A-02 B ! F1L.t No. AM16-150 X-519-A C01151RU1;f1E)f. E.s.C. FOND IIIJIJRE CIEHIIHG. AT S8MHl SOOE RDIC7IE Allffl IN OKI' WEAlll!l!. IHSUIJ. IIODfflOII PII'£ a 1tilf'. ~ OOT'F,IU FllR Pff 10 /CT ,.S SOlllEIT CQl1RQl IMll. PI\OJ£CT IS 100S OOIIPl£FID. VN; PIJWP SalllEII' 011 R£lllN\ 6'SIS IS -BY [SC. SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES· , GQfERAl,; 32 11£ carnt1C11R 9!All lXM'I.Y 11111 11£ l!£4IIIIID15 IF 1)£ IUIICPAL SUlllllT aJl1IIII. BlUIS, Nf/ All OMlt IIDI.Ul11Rl' STA11/ltS, IIOOIM. Nf) ~ NIii <XIA.Y Ol 1!( IIIXl.tFDlll1S IF All Cll'dlN()II fll'N!MlllS IIIWIINll 11£ fll'ARlllliT IF FIHJln !!Cl a:t!NS. CIIUDf. llll ll£ llll'B9! (DJlllll, lollSlll\' IF EIM!UIENT. LNllS Nil PARKS, fllR 11£ PR01EC1DI IF 141.\llC ILIIITAT IUK 11£ -IF11£111RS S'EtflCAllY, 11£ COORM:1llR lllALL lltSIR lHAT AU.oa:AYA1DI IIO - -11£. INUTN<DI II !IJOI A -IS 'RI Pll\8IT Sl.f-UOOI IUDT flQI 11£ 91t CF 11£ IIIR( fR!II Dll!1Wl 11£ -IIRAIWE SlS1!II, Nil 9Wl. flWll PflOCIII.Fl:S ,.S ll!lXlllllal) 1111£ PlllJCl,11(11 Df1T1lfD 'l.1111 IElntl'IIOO a.mwe' fQ! 11£ ~ IF AWA11C IWITAT', ,.S l!ruD BY 11£ lalS1RY CF --,; LIHIS Nil PAR!S 2. ~-11£ Clll1ftACllll lllALL EHSUIE THAT AU. IISll.!lllD 11£.,.s 11£. l<!PT IE-WAlERID WTH ca«DflRAl!D 9.IIFACE RIM<fF El1IIR IIIIECllD .!ROOlll UIK 11£.,.s IJ! -y--CUISO) -3. AU. S1!JQ11'1tS. l,Wl Elll:lYA]ID ~ IF Sl'0I. 0.111Ul NG LIAll 1IIFG!AA'I !l.lffl a 'RI IE ca,om ll11f Pa.'1£11111DE HI1IIII. Plllt1Hll.OE l'IIOlEC1M 9IDIIO 'RI IE IMJlAPl'ED -1.5 IEIIE5 Nil IE IIU. ANCIICRD 10 leSI 111D 11111 lEI 1RS IJ!OIIOIISE t II IJlOII.. All a,r Nil 111. lllffS, P.I:~ Nil l)SJ\IIJO) A/9:; 11&:·111 IE PII01fC1ID 111111 -Br~ W1llN'1 llllCS IF <WIIIIG AC1l\!TY INfSS 0-11Sl1111:1!11 !ff 11£ -IF IIXIIID (IJ! IIMllllH1!I. ~ 11«1 olP!'IIWl) BY 1£ arr: l(UJl'!S 11.\Y Qft l,aJ1!C1Df ll1lt ~ IJ! (IC Llffllt S1iB'ER ruff$ 1l1lf III09(lf IDllllQ.11.\TIIIG IS Oll!t1!I) BY 11£ EJMDIIJITIL -HDO-SIID IIX ~ 8E Ill APPROlm IWIDY VNfm (l:l(TANIC FUl1lllDt IF SIIHINlllffllllClll<XIIEIIOll.11.\'IIIIIAlS IIOIIF'KllR1UIDl9WIIIEIIHFll!II IF 9.01 -1.!1£.1. RATE IF fB11IJl!R APPIJCA11(11 9«MII IE 11N 4011 K6/ll,I IF 19-2D-1Z 111.Qi lllALL IE H'l'IID lf'1ll!O-llllHI cal'IAIK 110(1) FBI! Ill.QI IDGIID fllR Hl!J!O-!mlNG H'l'IID AT A RATE IF 2,filO K6/ll,I 1lllEIIJ! 'l!1H TloQ(f'EJt AT A RATE IF 6V K0/11,\ W1!I A -10 ftlll A tulltl.JWS llDl1!R LIi: QM!!. 11mC1i CU!1RO. 11.\TIJIG 10 8£ (1)18CA!DI S'IRAWftXICIN/1 R11E .-;T 11!'£ SCllO IS IWIIFA1l11111D BY NIJ!1lf MIRICAlf Cll!JI llAll<FI 11) IE IVQP SllilCII.Y II NtXJflll«t. 111H IIN«FAC11RJIS -5. lll1EllC!l'lllR Nil MIFF Sll,l!S II( 10 8E tiSl.lll.fll IS l'Dt 11£J.$l:. PUii flllOI TO --CXIMIIIK, INfSS 01IOfi tfl!t'1!II Cit Rna:l,'IID 8Y 11(" DMl!HIMTIL IIOf11R IWJ -.0 8Y 11£ art. IKll£GIII« Dtml5 iii. 1R!JICII IMR1S 10 IE RP RAP /IIICRD CIC c:aF-. 08X lll!Sf'l,U IIEll6 11l IE tiSIIIIID AT 11.\ll 5.0n 0.C. B 11.11.17 CONCRETE C\IRB ADDED A 04.08.17 PERMEABLE PAVING ADDED No DATE REVISION .--------, A INSTALL OFF-SITE STORM {____} SEWER, TEMP E.S.C. POND, LOG RAIL FENCE, DITCHING AND SILT FENCING PRIOR TO Am SITE PREPARATION --------- INSTAil. SILT SACS 011 AU. C8a & MAINTAIN LOUGHEED HWY ill/ ---..: __ _ r. -_J Cl.£Alol lHROUGH CML ~-ll+-__ _ 33 34 STAGE ONE &. All lllT !llOIQ, F fl9XIID. 11l IE aNS1lllJCllll II -IIIH IFl!L -).l\_ ~~ lllT 1811: 111!![ ffl tlJlll1llG OOA'lt 110 00l!l9,IJ'( IF 7. All CA1tlf BA!IIS 10 HA\£ lfSHIM lBIIDIT ~ IIRIIE AIID ,lf1!J! PAlK. 8. II.I. S1IIEm 1V BE l!E!WII.Y 5E'T <U/lf 0toT RIJSIID) -.., 1IIC1 l'Dt DAY l8£S'l.011fl1115{ lll1IIIRlED an £ IIIYll(il(JjJM. 11CN1t11 Nil -111 Karr. !I. 000RACl1R, Ill P/Rr IF IEllAR IIAll1llfAltt 9WJ. VIOIII Allll.lllAJED Sl.lS llfT IF STIJ!II IIMIS ftIIK 111£ SUlllllT Clll1RU. PCICDS 2. 9PEBAJ1AN & MNNIDIANCE .. I. COllR.ICllRll)IIAl!IAIIRfPAl!IJ!IIEPIACCAU.SlmllllCQ!i!a. llOl(S Nil IEASE Nil LEA\£ It G000 -IJIOOl 2. COIS1RIJCll(IC AIID 11.\NIMWU: CF 11£ SEllll(T CXll1R(l. f/411ES ll) IE 11£ IIEll'QCllllJTYCFTI£Clll1RACltlt Cllffll.lCTIJ!mf'ROl'a:msni,;r11111camcr !WIS Nil 24 Hill! EIEmtC'I' cal'IACT. 3. 111'&11. IIAll1IIIAl«E 9Wl. COGST CF, llJT NOT IIITED 11), TI£ fW.OlaiG l1Ell'i: -ACQML\l!IJ llllS It Sl1III SEID S'ISllll 11) IIE VIOIII a.II/ED. -lll1A1Xli FDm 9Wl. IE Q£llE) Nil RfPMl!D IS lfitD, -OU.\U. fLTER BEIII AT WllET 91AU. IE (Wl(I) Cit R!l'lN1ll IS IIEllHll -PEIIIE1ER FDICIIG ll) BE RfPMl!D F IHlm F~~PNI l:o-Wll(l.lSN«U.,ARROO( .,..7 ...------a---m -~I ~ I .. •:t, 1 ::.,(IIICOt --ACCESS ROAD SECTION DETAIL N.T.S. ~ APLIN MARTIN ENC3t£ERINO ARCKTECIURE PL'nlNO SURVEYN3 AV #SOS -1755 W. BroMI~ 6UMt. Vancouver, S.C. Canada WJ 4S5 AV Tel. (c;o.cJ 22;,a.c,u7, Fa-c ('04) 597-9061, ErnaD; gen11,.l@apllnmartln.com DEVELOPER: PROJECT: 511.T FUICE STN'US 150 0/0 sa; NOTES t:;; :::; uJ 0:: WORKS & BUILDING STAGE -POSTS 1,0..,0~ DPICAL PERIMETER SILT FENCE DETAIL N,T.S. 1·102· Cl£l/l I I ~~ 10 AT 10m c/c TYPICAL DRAINAGE PITCH, CHECK DAM N.T.S. 0793619 BC LTD. 374:J SEFTON STFIEET, PORT CDCUl'nAM1 BC V3B 3R6 PH (604) 374-8921 A PROPOSED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 20894 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY MAPLE RIDGE, BC B;l.4, I.OCAlED AT )000( XX & IOOO: XX IC .... OE5"'PTION, POR1K11 CF LOT 1 EXW'T: FIRS1LY. PART OH PIAN 25556, 1£C(H)LY, PART OH SFM BY MO«VWOIT NO, oc»i0000 ELEVATION: 00.000n, PIN, 434311 DL 250 Cl' I HIii fUH 12376 ,, PROPOSal 8\lllOtNG \ 32 r_f.l. GRAD£ 20.oo± ------- -·----~W:Ll9.50 . SECTION J£MPORARY SEDIMENT POND °"""' ""'""" CHEO<Ell A/'l'RO\U) =us HORZ. ><RT. N,T.S. --- rlK <O<lbmld ,o OGM~1sc_~r ,OU C, CClDCXD A lal C,-lCIO!ID lnD !M! IIOO I.Qflt µ._00mm -TYPICAL SU FENCE DETAILS (PONO) N.T.S. AV D'M. D'M. D'M. 1:200 33 STAGE TWO NOTES: SEE PH ~OI ~=------;RIP ---- POND OUTLET STRUCTURE N.T.S. t:;; :::; uJ 0:: 1. StI SHfil 1 F1ll! GOER.IL NOTIS 0000-00-2017-000 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARlMENT t>A1t JUNE 2017 03 o, EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN 16-150A-03 03 Rt\l. B f'II.E No. AM1&-150A X-9-A /J I :; I i = !