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City of Maple Ridge ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDA April 17, 2019, 4:00 pm Blaney Room, Maple Ridge City Hall 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES– March 20, 2019 4. NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4.1. Landscape Buffers / Designations for Greenbelts - Discussion For members to collect and share information in advance of the meeting. 5. PROJECTS 5.1. Development Permit No. 2016-246-DP 4:15 PM Applicant: M. Cheng Project Architect: Matthew Cheng Architect Inc. Project Landscape Architect: PMG Landscape Architects Proposal: 10 unit townhouse development Location: 12111 and 12119 203 Street File Manager: Michelle Baski 5.2. Development Permit No. 2019-033-DP 5:15 PM Applicant: Corey Adams, Spire Development Project Architect: Chip Barrett Project Landscape Architect: Al Tanser Proposal: Self storage industrial building Location: 20288 113B Avenue File Manager: Diana Hall 6. CORRESPONDENCE 7. QUESTION PERIOD 8. ADJOURNMENT QUESTION PERIOD Question Period provides the public with the opportunity to ask questions or make comments on subjects that are of concern to them. Each person will be given 2 minutes to speak. Up to ten minutes in total is allotted for Question Period. City of Maple Ridge ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at 4:11 pm. PANEL MEMBERS PRESENT Steven Bartok, Chair Architect Narjes Miri Architect Shida Neshat-Behzadi Architect Stephen Heller, Vice Chair Landscape Architect ABSENT Meredith Mitchell Landscape Architect STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Adrian Kopystynski Staff Liaison, Planner Amanda Allen Committee Clerk 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2019-008 It was moved and seconded That the agenda for the March 20, 2019 Advisory Design Panel meeting be approved as circulated. CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES R/2019-009 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel meeting dated January 16, 2019 be adopted. CARRIED Advisory Design Panel Agenda March 20, 2019 Page 2 of 3 4. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4.1. Resolution of 2014-069-RZ The staff liaison provided an update on the project application. 5. PROJECTS 5.1. Development Permit No: 2016-031-DP Applicant: Florwest, Dan Floritto Project Architect: WG Architecture Project Landscape Architect: Viewpoint Landscape Architects Proposal: 17 unit townhouse Location: 13227 236 Street File Manager: Adam Rieu The Staff liaison provided an overview of the 17 unit townhouse development. The project team gave a presentation of the project plans. R/2019-010 It was moved and seconded That File No. 2016-031-DP be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to Planning staff for follow-up: Landscape Comments: 1. Add a gateway element to ensure prominent entry to the site; 2. Improve the design of the north-west amenity space. Consider using the grade change, more play equipment, natural play features or social gathering elements; 3. Add an additional row of ground cover to improve layering on south property line; 4. Relocate visitor stall adjacent to Unit 11 to a more functional location; 5. Provide a wider variety of surfacing materials to differentiate driveways, pedestrian walkways, and unit / garage entrances to better define pedestrian usage; 6. Add decorative paving to enhance drive aisle and provide a sense of arrival at the front entry; 7. Introduce alternative treatments to reduce the expanse of asphalt at the three-way intersection; 8. Add wayfinding signage, etc; 9. Consider multiple bike rack locations; 10. Ensure landscape plans are coordinated with architectural site plan; 11. Clarify tree retention possibilities in front of Unit 4. Landscape plans do not show trees being retained; however, the architectural plan appears to have shifted Unit 4 back from the street to allow for tree retention. Architectural Comments: 1. Reduce the building step of Unit 4 if existing trees are not retained; 2. Exposed elevations to the site entry at Building 1 and Building 2 should be articulated to provide a sense of place and arrival; Advisory Design Panel Agenda March 20, 2019 Page 3 of 3 3. Review and consider revisions to interior layouts including: Building 3: proportion of ensuite to closet in level 3; Building 1: consider increasing the width (square out the room) / relocate the closet to create better access to bedroom #3; 4. Consider strengthening the singular roof overhang triangles; 5. Add windows and lighting to interior facing elevations between buildings to address potential CPTED concerns, safety, and liveability conditions; 6. Encourage consistent colour continuity throughout the buildings, specifically for Building 1. CARRIED 6. CORRESPONDENCE Invitation from the Maple Ridge Agricultural Advisory Committee to the “Let’s Get Farming” event on April 4, 2019. Invitation from the City of Maple Ridge to the Lougheed Transit Corridor Open House on April 10, 2019. 7. QUESTION PERIOD – Nil 8. ADJOURNMENT – 5:59 pm. S. Bartok, Chair /aa l~-maple,idge.ca TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel 2016-246-DP 12111 and 12119 203 Street MEETING DATE: April 17, 2019 An Advisory Design Panel (ADP) submission has been received for the subject properties, located at 12111 and 12119 203 Street (see Appendix A) to permit the construction of 10 townhouse units. The properties are currently zoned RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) and will need to be rezoned to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to allow for the townhouse development. The rezoning application being processed in conjunction with this proposal was given first reading by Council on September 20, 2016. The application was delayed due to the application of Building Code and Fire Code requirements that required Fire Department vehicles to have direct access to at least one face of every building by means of a street. By definition, a street needed to be dedicated and at least 9m or more in width. Due to this requirement, the orientation of the buildings needed to be revised to meet the Code requirements. The development permit application made to the City is subject to Section 8.7 Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines of the Official Community Plan. The applicant has submitted their Advisory Design Panel application for review and comments (see Appendix B). BACKGROUND: Applicant: Legal Descriptions: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East West: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Matthew Cheng, Matthew Cheng Architect Inc. Lots G and H, District Lot 263, Group 1, NWD Plan 18612 Urban Residential Urban Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Single Family Residential RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) and R-2 (Urban Residential District) Urban Residential Church P-4a (Church Institutional/Educational) Institutional Page 1 of3 5.1 Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Single Family Residential Multi-Family Residential 0.31 ha (0.7 acre) Lane off of 203 Street Urban Standard The development is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.7 Multi-Family Development Perm it Area Guidelines. The purpose of a Multi-Family Development Permit is to enhance existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs and minimize potential conflicts on neighbouring land uses. The Key Guideline Concepts are as follows: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low-rise ground-oriented housing located to the periphery of higher density developments. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encou raged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. A Design Rationale is provided summarizing the form and character of the development (see Appendix C). PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: An application has been received to rezone the subject properties, located at 12111 and 12119 203 Street (see Appendix A), from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential), for future development of approximately 10 townhouse units. Context: The subject properties are located north of Dewdney Trunk Road, on the west side of 203 Street. The properties are relatively flat and are currently occupied by single family dwellings. There is single family development to the north, east, and south, and a church to the east. 2. OCP and Zoning Com pliance: The subject properties are designated Urban Residential -Major Corr(dor in the Official Community Plan (OCP). This designation allows for ground-oriented housing forms such as single detached dwellings, garden suites, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, townhouses, apartments, or small lot intensive residential, subject to compliance with Major Corridor Residential Infill policies. The proposed development for townhouses is consistent with the OCP designation. The Development Data Sheet (see Appendix D) summarizes the development details and the project architect has completed the Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist (see Appendix E) to indicate how the guidelines are being met. Page 2 of3 = 3. Proposed Variances: The applicant is seeking the following variances for this development: • Useable Open Space to have no dimension less than 6m, to be reduced down to 5.2m; • A front yard setback reduction from 7.5 m down to 4.5 m; and • A rear yard setback reduction from 7.5 m down to 4.5m. 4. Parking: The Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350 -1990 requires that the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone provide two off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit, plus 0.2 spaces per dwelling unit designated for visitors. As there are 10 dwelling units proposed, 20 resident parking spaces are required and provided, and 2 visitor parking spaces are required. The applicant is providing 2 visitor parking spaces and double-car garages are provided for the residents (see Appendix F). 5. Environmental Sustainability and Stormwater Management: Stormwater management will be achieved with increased topsoil in the landscaped areas and an infiltration tank with connection to the municipal storm system. Sustainability measures are discussed in the attached Design Rationale. 6. Garbage/Recycling: Garbage and recycling can be stored in the garage of each unit and will be collected via the internal strata road. 7. Off Site Upgrades, Utilities and Services: The two existing driveway letdowns will need to be removed and replaced with sidewalk and barrier curb and gutter. A lane must be constructed along the north and west property lines for access to the townhomes. New sanitary and storm service connections will be required and will need to be sized accordingly by the applicant's Engineer. Any downstream improvements will be the developer's responsibility. Street trees are required and third party utilities are to be provided underground. CONCLUSION: The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. !Z(h/4-ft ~ Prepared by: Michelle Baski, AScT, MA The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Appendix 8 Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Subject map ADP Submission Form and Checklist Design Rationale Development Data Sheet Multi-Family DP Area Guidelines Checklist Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 3 of3 Legend 12111 & 12119 2 03 St ---Stream PLANNING DEPARTMENT ---Indefinite Creek N -River mapleridge.ca Scale: 1 :2,500 Major Rivers & Lakes 2016-246-DP DATE: Nov 25, 2016 BY:JV APPENDIX B ~ MAPLE RIDGE British Ca umb1a maple ridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: Name of Applicant Feng Quan (3Y Development, Inc.) 2016-246-DP File number Address of site Current Zone 12111 203 Street Maple Ridge _R_S_-_1 ___ Proposed Zone _R_M_-_1 ___ _ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date April 17, 2019 Architect Information: . Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect Matthew Cheng ----------------- Landscape Architect Denitsa Demitrova Other Professional (State Name & Role) _______________ _ Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -all schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any buflding with gross area exceeding 470 m2 l~-ADP Submission Checklist mapleridge.ca Application No. {).Q\Jo -2.. '{ (., _:~ f File Manager Jhi c..h4.-\ I.e., '\6a..Sku This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel (ADP}. Please refer to the ADP Submission Form and the ADP Requirements Brochure for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP. Certification of Complete ADP Submission: Project andscape Architect's Certification: ·:~:-· ;·., · If?: ( /v~ ·~,/i B, I 1( Signatu ofute ' Print name .~V\f\· r ?. CC,,, Submission Materials Required Provided (File Manager ta lndl.~ate rr r~ufre~J .,. A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) M (:St'' B. Covering letter includlng explanations about: ~ 1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) N □ 2. Architectural and Landscaping Design rationale (3 tD/ (Detailed information Required) 3. Statement in brief about the following: ./' a. DP Key Concepts Compliance 9' (Sf'~ b. DP Guideline Compliance ~ ~ c. Stormwater management strategy with emphasis an Tier A lif' El requirements Integrated into landscaping plans . d. Public Art/ Amenities, etc: □ □ /' e. Sustainability practices tr ~ f. Other B.s6~ePr~1,~1.-;;tt-,,~·5 ~w ~ El ' C. Site and Neighbourhood Context 1. Context Review-Context Plan with existing/proposed buildings and trees, vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed liZf grading, and other major features within the site1 on the' □ abutting properties, the public realm and along the road allowances/ lanes. - 2. Photographs of site and surrounding sites. g' □ I . D. OeveloQment Permit Area Checklist (Note: The Architect is responsible to describe how the project compiles with if □ each guidelines, or tf not apptrcable, a description of why not applicable. Please use flllable forms on line.) :: City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist (Page 2) E. Architectural Plans (Site and Building(s}l: I ~~· □ 1. Site Plan and layout , ., ' ~·· □ 2. Site sections ,,_ ~ ·,? ·□· 3. Streetscape elevation ' -, . Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees .. . (B'." -~· [j 4. . superimposed III . -G 5. Shadow analysis Ii ' 6. Lighting analysis (on building and on site) -. ...... -'~-•-□ ,_ . ., ~-, Cl 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and rooftops_ -v.-· . (g' Cl 8. Waste collection /recycling (inside of buildings) / 9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside) ~ ... !!ff □ ' 10. Building elevation (all sides) ~~ . 191' ·. ·,\• o· ,·•.;,<" _l!f' --··~ 0 11. Signage (attached to building and free standing) 12. Colours and materials ' 8a' .. □ 13. Material board '• ~ ,0 1•;, . 14. Building sections r • !]ft 0 .,.. ~-□ 15. 3D renderings of site, building(s) and associated landscaping . < - F. landsca1;1ing Plans: .. I 1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting •. □ '-' 0 ., ' details ..,. 2. Storm water management works focused on Tier A ~ -□ ' requirements integrated into landscaping plan with details 3. Landscaping details, including public art, signage, lighting, play ;:~-~4 ~-: p and other amenity areas, fences, retaining walls, / •, l•·. rtr ·□ 4, Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures) .. :•) W .. 5. Details for pedestrian amenity and furniture features provided 'i ,' □ . , . .. !BJ □ 6. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns 7. Tree retention and management plan ~~n•, □ 8. Site sections for lot grading, drainage, landscaping, retaining ; !M1.: □ ~ walls and relationship to adjacent grades/ City roads/ lanes 9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnections ~; ~' □ "' --· Green Building[Sustainabilitv initiatives /. u)(. □ G. f· ' l H. Engineering-related Information: .. .... or-· □ 1. Site grading plans t~ I. Other □. . □ '~ [I'. ,, □ .~r· El □ Rev. March 2018 _) COVERING LETTER PROPOJECT: PROPOSED 10-UNIT TOWNHOUSES LOCATION: 12111, 12119 203 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC 1. PROJ ECT DESCRIPTION/ANALYSIS APPENDIXC A rezoning is proposed for 2 properties from RS-1 to RM 1 for 10-unit townhouses at 12111 & 12119 203 Street, Maple Ridge. The proposed development will require a consolidation of two RS-1 lots into one RM-1 lot. Once consolidated and developed, it will not only increase the dwelling unit density fivefold from two to ten but also provide a highly needed alternative housing type to the community which is predominantly single detached dwelling. As part of the development process, the site will dedicate a substantial portion of its site area to the community to participate in the District's endeavor to widen and expand its road and lane network in the surrounding area. The original lot size is approximately 185' X 178' equivalent to 33000 sf. A 9.84' (3.0m) wide road dedication is allotted from lot facing 203 Street, a 12.3' (3.75m) for future lane at North side and 24.60'(7.S0m) wide for future road at west side. There is approximately 7500 sf of lot dedication that leaves us with a final lot size of only 25,500 sf. On the South side of the property, there is a gasline R.O.W. of 31'-0" wide, pushing our setback even further, effectively reducing our buildable area, as well as limiting any opportunities for any development around the ROW, other than small live plants and easily demountable landscaping features. With all the above limitations, in order to improve habitability and sound design for the townhouses, we are requesting a relaxation on: Front yard setback (from 7.Sm to 4.Sm) and, Rear yard setback (from 7.Sm to 4.Sm) 2. ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPING DESIGN RATIONALE There will be two proposed buildings on site that are separated and to be served by an internal driveway. The 2 visitor parking spaces required for the development are to be located at the west side of the property. Located near the entrance driveway is the mailbox, some seating areas, and class 2 bicycle parking. The development on the south yard is limited because of Fortis BC restrictions on its R.O.W. on high pressure gasline. The garbage and recycling room is located at the west side of the North Building. The 2 buildings are designed as 2-storey with a basement. Each townhome unit will have 2 side-by-side garage parking spaces. An exterior stair is provided that lead residents to the main floor. The top floor is hidden in the slope roof with dormers to allow daylights to living areas. The proposed buildings characterize that of cottage/craftsman style, resonating and harmoniously blending with the common architectural style around the neighborhood. Materials to be utilized will embody the building character we are hoping to achieve without sacrificing durability and sustainability. Exterior materials include fiber cement board siding on the main and upper levels and use of cultured stone cladding at basement level. The roof surface will be dark gray asphalt roof shingles with Sagi PVC Soffit with wood grain texture. Color schemes are primarily neutral colors of various grays, dark brown, white and an accent color of red painted on the main entrance doors. In terms of massing, to create some sort of separation and identification of each townhome unit, we placed emphasis on the verticality accented by dormer at upper floor lever. Semi private outdoor space is provided for each unit and common exterior amenity space is provided at the gas ROW area. In addition to these dedications, proposed landscape design on the units' front and side yards, this development will provide an attractive and pedestrian friendly environment to the existing streetscape and the neighborhood as a whole. 3. STATEMENT IN BRIEF ABOUT THE FOLLOWING: A. DP Key Concepts Compliance • The proposed development provides smooth transition from low rise condos and between the single detached houses. • The proposed building blends well with the predominating cottage/craftsman style of architecture that is common around the area. • To avoid disproportionately massive structure over a relatively small lot, the units are separated into two distinct buildings that houses 5 townhouse units each. • The buildings are separated an internal driveway and walkways around the whole property. This allows circulation and access around the prop,erty for safety, for tenants' enjoyment, and for maintenance purposes. B. DP Guideline Compliance The design of site, landscaping and buildings ensure that the DP guidelines are applied where applicable. Please refer to Development Permit Area Checklist that go with this application C. Storm Management Strategy with Emphasis on Tier A Requirement Integrated into Landscaping Plans Landscaping plans maximize space and provided soft landscaping where applicable. D. Sustainability Practices • Landscape design minimizes wide impervious hard surface in order to allow water penetration into ground. • Landscape for this project has been designed to provide native and drought-resistant species on the North side; Small deciduous trees are proposed for each Unit on North P.L. Green Pilar trees on the East P.L. E. Assurance of Compliance with Fortis BC ROW Coordination with Fortis BC were conducted with regards to the limitations and conditions for development, access, and use of their R.O.W. as an access point to South Building units and as a Common Activity Area. A Fortis BC Approved Permit is secured with permit number 4200015891 (see attached appendix for reference) ~FORTISac- PIPELINE AND/OR RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT (Pursuant to the Oil and Ges Activities Act of British Columbia) Date lssuedlY/M/DI 2018/05/02 Expiry Date{Y/M/D) 2019/05/02 Pennlt Number: (Use this number when requBsting Info) 4200016891 BCOne Reference Number 2018182422 Aoollcant Information Applicant Name !Telephone Number I.Applicant Company Nama Drawing #Isl: Reynold Orogo 604-721·3012 Matthew Cheng Archit Malling Address: Street No &. Name/Apt No./Town/Province Postal Code Unit 202-670 Evans Avenue Maple Ridge,BC,CA V6A 2K9 Location of Works App&cant Names(s) !Contact Number Plplellne Type Reynold Orogo 604-721-3012 TP On-Site Contact Information Person on-;:,ne end t..0ntact Number: Permit Approval Information t'ermIssIon Is hereby grentea to construct tne 1ollowmg tacmties across or near pIpehnes and/or within pIpelme right of way belonging to FortisBC Energy Inc. (hereinafter referred to as FortisBCI: Fencing Landscaping Walkway and Patios Site Clearing IIYOJK LOCauon ana t"'1pe1me ~pe"',11ca11ons Location/Station: 12111-12119 203 STREET MAPLE RIDGE I Class: 1 O.D. M.O.P. Wkfth Pipeline Offset 2 O.D. M.O.P. Width PlpeUne Offset 3 O.D. M,O,P. Width Pipeline Offset 4 O.D. M.O.P. Width Pipeline Offset t"Ortistsl; Information univ: Functional Location: ROW File#: Employee Charge Number, Plate Map/Mosaic II: B-LN-MPR-005 Service Order Number: E(Xl Coordinates: 31004533 N(Y) Coordinates: IJTM 7nnA • Inspection and Notification HlB l~SlECIIQU CALL Rob Macleod 7am-3pm Mon-Fri (604) 328-9202 Fortists~ Permit consent ~ Signature Mosaddeque Ahmed ~:1 3o/ q~ Print Name 7 Page 1 of 9 ~FORTISBc- PIPELINE AND/OR RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT (Pursuant lo the Oil and Gas Activities Act of British Columbial Date lssued(Y/M/D) 2018/05/02 Expiry Date(Y/M/DI 2019/05/02 Pennit Number: (Use this number when requesting infol BCOne Rererence Number 4200015891 2018182422 *** VERY IMPORTANT *** (Must be read and understood) Upon receipt of this Permit from FortisBC, it shaU be the responsibility of the Applicant or his Agent to provide FortisBC with a minimum of seventy-two (72) hours notice, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, which is mandatory by law, prior to the start of any construction or excavation work, FortisBC will dispatch a representative. The Applicant may, at the discretion of FortisBC, be charged for such inspection costs. The applicant will be charged for inspection costs that require a FortisBC representative to be on site to meet the contractor's needs, beyond normal working hours Monday -Friday, weekends and statutory holidays. A copy of this Permit and related drawings must be on the job site prior to commencement of any work. Do not proceed without a FortisBC Representative on site. Construction, excavation or backfilling may not take place on a FortisBC Right of Way or in the vicinity of FortisBC facilities unless a FortisBC Representative is present. Non compliance with anv of the Terms and Conditions of this permit will result in construction delays or permit cancellation. SPECIAL CONDITIONS General Conditions All conditions contained in this permit are subject to the onsite approval of the FortisBC Pipeline and Right of Way Inspector. No activity is to take place without a FortisBC Inspector on site. The applicant is to ensure that all applicable Work Safe BC Regulations are complied with prior to the commencement of any work near FortisBC facilities. (Work Safe BC Regulation 20.79) The FortisBC consent granted under this permit is contingent on the Applicant first obtaining consent from the registered property owner, and all affected stakeholders where separate approval is required. These stakeholders include, but are not limited to; BC Hydro, Work Safe BC, Municipal, Provincial, Federal Authorities. This permit is strictly for fencing, landscaping, site clearing and construction of a walkway and patios. It must not be used for any other work purpose other than the above. If the applicant wants to do any other works, then they must obtain another permit specific to that job. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that their proposed works, will not damage, impair the usefulness or safety of, or interfere with the existing FortisBC facilities and, prior to commencing the work under this permit, the applicant shall undertake the necessary due diligence and engineering assessment to ensure its proposed facllities will not damage, impair the usefulness or safety of, or interfere with the existing FortisBC facilities. The applicant shall provide copies of all reports and assessments to FortisBC upon request. Prior to the works, the location of all FortisBC assets must be clearly marked in the field. All works will be done as per the following drawings: Page 2 of 9 ~FORTISnc· ; PIPELINE AND/OR I RIGHT Of WAY PERMIT (Pursuant to the Oil and Gas Activities Act of British Columbia) -·-··-·-·--, Date lssued(Y/M/0) 2018/05/02 Expiry Date(Y/M/O) 2019/05/02 Permit Number: (Use this number when requesting info) 4200015891 BCOne Reference Number 2018182422 Drawing Number L 1 to L4, Revision Number 5, Dated May 24, 2018. The stockpiling of excavated, building or other materials within FortisBC right-of-way is prohibited. There is to be no deterioration of soil stability or drainage patterns within FortisBC right-of-way. All fill material placed within FortisBC right-of-way must be clean and free of any hazardous substances. No building, structure or foundation or portions thereof are permitted within FortisBC right-of-way. The designed depth of cover over FortisBC high pressure gas pipeline must satisfy the following standard unless written consent has been provided by FortisBC: i. Minimum Depth of Cover: 1.2 meters (41) ii. Maximum Depth of Cover: 1.8 meters (6 1 } Excavation over FortisBC transmission pressure gas pipeline must not exceed 0.3m. Exact location of gas pipeline shall be determined by hand excavation. Machine excavation is not permitted within 1 m of the gas pipeline. Access to the right of way for FortisBC personnel must be maintained at all times. FortisBC onsite inspector must be present at all times during all works covered under this permit. No vehicles or equipment are permitted to cross the gas pipeline unless approved by the onsite FortisBC Inspector. The pipeline signs/markers displaced during the proposed works must be placed back making sure that the pipeline locations are well marked. Additional activities not identified on the permit are not permitted without the prior written consent of FortisBC. Site Clearing Tree Removal /Site Clearing must NOT result in any slope failure because it will impact the integrity of the gas pipeline right-of-way and the gas pipeline itself. Trees must not fall within the boundary of FortisBC right-of-way. If the applicant cannot avoid trees falling inside FortisBC right-of-way and over the gas pipeline, then the applicant may cut the trees down in sections or put blasting matts across the gas pipeline so that trees fall on the matts. Trees must not be skidded or dragged over the gas pipeline and inside the boundary of FortisBC right-of-way. Use of tree spade is not permitted. ) Trees with roots in close proximity of the pipeline must be removed by hand in presence of a FortisBC Page 3 of 9 l PIPELINE AND/OR ~ FORTIS Be·· RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT (Pursuant to the Oil and Gas Activities Act of British Columbia! !Date lssued(Y/M/0) ~018/05/02 Expiry Oate(V/M/0) 2019/05/02 Permit Number: (Use this number when requesting info) 4200015891 BCOne Referenc-; N-;;-mb~ 2018182422 _j inspector. Stumps must be grinded flush. Walkway and Patio Construction As a result of the proposed walkway construction, there shall be no pipeline settlement. Settlement needs to be monitored if required. It is up to the discretion of the applicant. If the FortisBC high pressure gas pipeline experiences any settlement, all works must be stopped and the situation must be reported to FortisBC for further assessment. The proposed walkway is for pedestrians, cyclists and rollerblader#s use only. For the purposes of the proposed walkway and patios, the applicant may use inter-locking pavers/patio bricks. The applicant must not use any concrete set patios in backyard. Any type of private decks are not allowed inside FortisBC right-of-way. For the purposes of the proposed walkway and patios, there shall be no ground disturbance greater than 30 cm on top of the high pressure gas pipeline. Trail illumination, street lighting and signalization including all kiosks are not permitted within the right of way. Storm water design should limit the installation of drain lines and catch basins to that area that is outside the limits of the pipeline right of way. Benches, litter receptacles and dispensers are to be located a minimum distance of 1 meter from the outside edge of the gas pipeline. The applicant shall install the necessary security measures to restrict unauthorized motor traffic on the high pressure gas pipeline (gates installed must be a minimum of 3.7m wide and interlocked with FortisBC locks). The applicant hereby acknowledges and agrees that FortisBC has no obligation to repair, maintain, groom or upgrade the walkway and patios or jointly share in any costs of repairing, maintaining, grooming or upgrading the walkway and patios. The applicant shall indemnify and hold FortisBC. its directors, officers, agents and employees harmless from and against any actions, claims, damages, costs and expenses including without limitation all applicable solicitors# fees and disbursements. investigation expenses, adjusters# fees and disbursements whatsoever which may be brought against or suffered by FortisBC or which FortisBC may incur, sustain or pay arising out of or in connection with: any injury to or the death of any and all persons; damages, destruction or loss to or of any and all property whether real or personal; and any act, omIssIon, default or representation, negligent or otherwise, of the applicant, its employees, agents and subcontractors; arising, directly or indirectly, at the present or in the future out of the use of the Right of Way Area for the construction, operation and maintenance and use of the walkway by the applicant, its employees, contractors and agents, or by any third parties. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this indemnity shall Page 4 of 9 ~ FORTIS nc· ) PIPELINE AND/OR RIGHT Of WAY PERMIT (Pursuant to the Oil and Gas Activities Act of British Columbia! Date lssued(Y/M/D) I Expiry Date(Y/M/D) I Permit Number: (Use this number when requesting info) • BCOne Referenc; Nu;.;;;-J 2010Ios102 12019Ios,02 420001sa91 _ _ __ 1 20,0102422 _ include but not be limited to those actions, claims, damages, costs and expenses brought against FortisBC by third parties who use the walkway; contractors or subcontractors who construct the walkway, or the landowners who have granted the Statutory Right of Way, their heirs, successors or assigns. The applicant shall: Reimburse FortisBC for services provided by FortisBC to the applicant relating to the walkway upon written request by FortisBC. FortisBC may seek reimbursement from the applicant for FortisBC labour, overhead, transportation and third party expenses based upon FortisBC documented labour. overhead and transportation rates and at cost for third party expenses. The applicant will pay FortisBC such costs within thirty (30) days after the receipt of a request for reimbursement. The request for reimbursement shall include an invoice accompanied by such personnel time sheets, vouchers, receipts and other documentation as may be reasonably requested by the applicant to substantiate the invoices. Interruption of the walkway and patios may be necessary for gas pipeline maintenance and construction. FortisBC will not be responsible for any damages and costs. FortisBC will provide a 30 days written notice, emergency situations exempt. Should FortisBC be required to construct an additional gas pipeline within this right-of-way, the property owner/authorizing authority shall be responsible t-o relocate, at its expense, all appurtenances and infrastructure pertaining to this permit upon FortisBC providing 30 days written notice, emergency situations exempt. During the construction of the walkway, no crossing of FortisBC transmission pressure gas pipeline is permitted without temporary equipment crossing structure and/or a CEPA assessment conducted by a Fortis BC onsite inspector. Maintenance truck limited to 4000 kg GVW will be the maximum vehicle weight which will be used periodically along the walkway post construction. Also, these equipment should be restricted to a few designated pipeline crossings only. The applicant must ensure that a good stable crossing surface is installed so that there is no loss of soil cover over FortisBC gas pipeline. Fencing Fence posts are not permitted directly above the gas pipeline. Fence posts to be installed a mm1mum of 2.0m from the edge of pipeline. The posts on either side of the pipeline to be hand dug. A gate may be required. The access gate will not be placed right over the pipeline. The gate can be placed at a minimum distance of 2m away from the top of the gas pipeline. Crossing angle of fence must be between 45 and 90 degrees to the gas pipeline. The posts and gates may need to be removed at the applicant#s expense for any maintenance issues or if FortisBC decides to add another pipeline within the existing FortisBC right-of-way. LandscaQiog For transmission pressure gas pipelines (Tp) that are located within a FortisBC Right-of-Way, landscaping shall Page 5 of 9 ~ FORTIS Be·· ) PIPELINE AND/OR RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT (Pursuanl to the Oil and G<1s Activities Act of British Columbial Date lssued(Y/M/DJ 2018/05/02 Expiry Date(Y/M/D) Permit Number: (Use this number when requesting info) BCOne Reference Number 2019/05/02 4200015891 2018182422 be restricted to low growing ground cover within 2.5m either side of the gas pipeline (sodding only). For the remaining of the right-of-way, the species of shrub (NO trees) must be of a dwarf type that has a mature growth height of 1.8m. It is up to the applicant to maintain / prune the shrubs to maintain a height of no greater than 1.8m. If the applicant does not comply with this permit requirement, FortisBC will prune the shrubs to the required height and the applicant / property owner will borne the associated costs of this work. Trees exceeding 1.8m in height (large trees) can be planted in a location outside the right· of-way but the tree canopy must not encroach on the right-of-way. Large tree canopies are not permitted within the right-of-way. All vegetation must conform with FortisBC Landscape standard Drawing 99000-C-000-1045-R0. Compaction Procedures For backfill or embedment thickness, less than 600 mm, lightly compact the embedment/backfill materials using a 1000 pound, vibratory plate compactor or tamping equipment, ensuring that it runs parallel to the pipelines at all times. A Vibro-hoe may be used for compaction with due care not to impact and/or damage the pipeline. Except immediately next to the pipe, mechanical or air operated tamping equipment must be used. Hand equipment such as a T-bar may be used next to the pipe, if necessary. Care must be taken when compacting under, alongside and immediately above the pipe to prevent crushing, fracturing, or shifting the pipe. Compaction may be carried out using self-propelled vibratory compactors of a suitable size when the total cover over the pipeline exceeds 600 mm. When total soil cover over the pipeline exceeds 1 m, suitable mechanical compaction equipment may be used. Unless otherwise specified in the drawings or in the construction specification, mechanical compaction must be achieved with a minimum of 10 passes of a vibratory drum compactor (or a sheepsfoot roller) having a drum weight of at least 4,500 kg and a dynamic force of at least 9,000 kg. Achieve compaction to 95% Maximum Dry Density for embedment soil and to 98% Maximum Dry Density for all backfill as determined by ASTM D1557/ASTM D698, as applicable. The number of passes will depend on the type and mass of the compaction equipment and on the thickness of the soil layer being compacted. For achieving better compaction results, maintain the optimum moisture content of the fill materials (estimated optimum moisture content between 1% and 3%) to attain the required compaction density. Do not backfill over porous, wet, frozen, or spongy sub-grade surfaces. Before compacting wet soils, remove all the soft soils of the last 300 mm of the final sub-grade elevation using smooth-edged cutting buckets (avoid disturbing the sub-grade) and place 75 mm downgraded sand and gravel for initial lift of the fill. Page 6 of 9 ' ~FORTISBc· ) PIPELINE AND/OR RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT {Pursuant to the Oil and Gas Activities Act of British Columbia) Date lssued(Y/M/DI 2018/05/02 Expiry Date(Y/M/D) 2019/05/02 Pennit Number: !Use this number when requesting info) BCOn;-;ere,ence Number] 4200015891 2018182422 If the backfill placed does not require a higher degree of compaction. it will be compacted to approximately the same density as the adjacent native/undisturbed soil. TERMS AND CONDITfONS A. It shall be the responsibility of the Applicant to hand-expose the gas pipeline facility, in the presence of the FortisBC Representative, to ascertain its exact location and to excavate and backfill a minimum of one (1) metre in any direction of the gas pipeline by hand, with particular attention being taken not to damage the gas pipeline coating. B. Once the Works have commenced, they shall be carried out as expeditiously as possible and backfilling over the gas pipeline shall be completed as soon as possible. C. Gas pipelines left suspended in excavations greater than three (3) metres in length shall be adequately supported. In all excavations where a gas pipeline has been exposed, backfill shall be compacted to at least the top of the pipe. D. Any changes made to the design or the conditions under this Permit must be approved by FortisBC prior to commencement of Works, as required by the Oil and Gas Activities Act of British Columbia or any amendments thereto which may come into force from time to time. Approval for minor changes may be obtained by verbal communication followed by as-built drawings within fifteen (15) days of the installation. For major changes, re-application will be necessary. E. Any person assigned by FortisBC to inspect the Works shall have unrestricted access to the job site at all times, but full responsibility for the safe performance of the work remains with the owner of the Works and the contractor responsible for the Works. FortisBC personnel will not enter an unsafe work area that is not in compliance with WorkSafeBC regulations. F. The Applicant shall ensure that all subcontractors comply with all the requirements as contained herein and that they are adhered to in all respects. G. The Applicant shall indemnify and save harmless FortisBC against any and from all costs, damages, actions, proceedings, claims and demands, whatsoever arising and by whosoever incurred, brought, made or prosecuted, caused directly or indirectly as a result of the Works. H. The Applicant releases FortisBC of and from all manner of action, suit, debts, dues, sums of money. claims, demands whatsoever, either at law or in equity, which it has or may at some time have, by reason of the existence or operation of the gas pipeline(s) except insofar as a result from the negligence of FortisBC. I. The Applicant agrees that prior to commencing Works within the FortisBC pipeline right of way or near FortisBC facilities it will obtain the necessary permits, orders or authorization from all Authorities having jurisdiction over such activities and all parties having an interest in any lands affected by such activities. J. This approved Permit may be cancelled at any time prior to or after commencement of the Works \ stipulated on this Permit by FortisBC should the Applicant fail to observe and perform the conditions outlined ,/ in this Permit and instructions of the FortisBC Representative on site. Page 7 or 9 ) ~ FORTIS Be· PIPELINE AND/OR RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT (Pursuant to the Oil and Gas Activities Act of British Columbia) Date lssued(Y/M/D) 2018/05/02 Expiry Date(Y/M/D) I Permit Number: (Use this number when requesting Info) J BCOoe Reference Number J ____ ,_2_O_1_9_1o_s_1O_2 ____ _,_4_2_O_O_O_1 sa91 _____ 2010102422 K. This Permit is valid for a period of up to one year after the date issued. If the Works have not been completed within one year then re-application for the Works will be necessary. L. WORKSAFEBC Regulation 20.79 -Underground Utilities (1) Before excavating or drilling with powered tools and equipment, the location of all underground utility services in the area must be accurately determined, and any danger to workers from services must be controlled. (2) Excavation or drilling in proximity to an underground service must be undertaken in conformity with the requirements of the owner of the service and with the requirements of the applicable regulations of the provincial or federal authority having jurisdiction. (3) Pointed tools must not be used to probe for underground gas and electrical services. (4) Powered equipment used for excavating must be operated so as to avoid damage to underground utility services or danger to workers. M. If necessary, the applicant must obtain prior approvals from landowners and other concerning agencies before the commencement of proposed works. Page 8 of 9 ~FORTISBc· PIPELINE AND/OR RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT (Pursuant to the Oil and Gas Activities Act or British Columbia) Date lssued(V/M/D) I Expiry Date(V /MIDI / Permit Number: (Use this number when requesting info) BCOne Reference Number 2018/05/02 2019/05/02 4200015891 2018182422 Annlicant Information Applicant Name !Telephone Number I Applicant Company Name Drawing #Isl: Reynold Orogo 604-721-3012 Matthew Cheng Archit Mailing Address: Street No & Name/Apt No./Town/Province Postal Code Unit 202-670 Evans Avenue Maple Ridge,BC,CA V6A 2K9 Ac.Built n .. +ailt:a Depth of gas pipeline I Separation of Horizontal Vertical 'Gas Pipeline Exposed m Works from pipeline D No D Yes (If Yes, complete form 1434) Ba·ckfill I Compacted Dsand □ Native Material D Gravel with Sand Padding D Other (Specify) D Yes D No Follow-up Required 0 No Dves D Deviation from Permit (Specifyl Comments: GPS Coordinates I X I y ROW File#: PRIOR TO EXCAVATfON The following responsibilities were reviewed with the crew leader and excavator operator on site: Terms and Conditions A □ Worksafe BC 20. 79 (Terms and Conditions L) □ Potential for unrecorded jogs and fittings on the gas pipeline D Inspector Signature Date IV /MID) Print Name Crew leader Signature Date (Y/M/D) Print Name Excavator Operator Signature Date (Y/M/DI Print Name Page 9 of 9 SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVES PROPOJECT: PROPOSED 10-UNIT TOWNHOUSES LOCATION: 12111, 12119 203 STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, BC This project will not be using the LEED certifications. It will however provide minimum applicable Sustainable development measures that meets or comparable to guidelines laid out by City of Maple Ridge: • Storm Management Strategy with Emphasis on Tier A Requirement Integrated into Landscaping Plans. Landscaping plans maximize space and provided soft landscaping where applicable. • Landscape design minimizes wide impervious hard surface in order to allow water penetration into ground. • Landscape for this project has been designed to provide native and drought-resistant species on the North side; Small deciduous trees are proposed for each Unit on North P.L. Green Pilar trees on the East P.L. • As supplies allow, utilization of locally produced building projects to minimize the cost of energy transporting various construction material supplies will be followed. • Use of low-e glass on fenestrations facing west and south. • Ensure that a minimum R-Values for insulations are met on external walls, roofs, and foundations where applicable. • Maximize material salvage and recycling building items retrieved from demolition of existing buildings. Ensure proper disposal of not reusable waste. • Ensure soil erosion and sediments control are properly carried out, to avoid contamination to city storm line and to natural water courses. APPENDIX D ) ~,-mapleridge.ca DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Existing /Proposed Zone Rs-1 Date Prepa red _R_M_-1 __ _ Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total 557 qs.m. 3,070.07 sq.m. Less Road Widening/ Truncations 756.21 sq.m. Less Park n/a Net Total 2,313.86 sq.m. LOT COVERAGE (i n % of net lot area) Total Site Coverage 28% SETBACKS (in metres) Front 7.5m (Relaxation to 4.5m req.) 4.5m Rear 7.5m (Relaxation to 4.5m req.) 4.5m Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) North Side 6.0m 6.30m (NE); 6.45m (NW) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) South Side 6.0m 9.86m (SE); 9.83 (SW) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) SETBACKS..,.. Underground Structl!res (in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal 11.0m 10.71m Accessory n/a n/a NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor n/a One Bedroom nla Two Bedroom n/a Three Bedroom+ 10 Total 10 GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential 1,388.3m 1.372.26m Retail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type ) Institutional Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA 1,388.3m 1,372.26m * If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. \ ,/ Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) # of units/ha (net) Gross Floor Area Floor Space Ratio (net) 0.60 0.597 AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area 50 sq.m. 373.20 sq .m. Useable Open Space 450 sq.m . 521.19 sq.m. PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses 20 20 Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive Other Number of spaces for visitors 2 2 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES 22 22 Number of total for disabled n/a n/a Number of total (and %) small cars none I none % n/a Number of total (and%) tandem spaces none I none % n/a TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) 22 22 BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking I 2 Long Term Bicycle Parking OTHER -state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site I no I Tree Survey/Assessment Provided lyes Watercourse/Steep Slopes I no I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements I yes, Fortis BC SRW I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. P db Matthew Cheng, Architect AIBC repare y: ____________ _ Print Name NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. 1. 2. APPENDIX E I ,,¥ l~ MAPLE RIDGE Brlt1sh Columb1J mapleridge.ca Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan, multi-family developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP . 8.7.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies New development into established areas With three sides of the site abutting lane and street and should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood south side providing 4017 sf of common activity area elements in building form, height, (minimum requirement 538 sf), the new development architectural features and massing. will provide sufficient buffer areas to the nearby or adjacent buildings. The architectural form of 2 storey building with gable roof reflects cottage/craftsman style of nearby buildings. Transitional development should be used The site being situated in between 4 storey low rise to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building condo at corner of Dwedney Trunk Road and 203 Street heights, or low rise ground oriented to the South and single detached residential buildings to housing located to the periphery of a the North, 10 unit townhouse development with 2 storey higher density developments. height will provide a smooth transition between these two different density zones. 1 Key Guideline Concepts (Continued) 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural The 10 unit townhouse development will be divided into separation to foster a sense of 2 clusters of building. The landscape articulation on community, and improve visual three side of the lot will provide both visual and physical attractiveness. enhancement of the streetscape. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes The internal driveway is visually shielded from two attained through landscaping, clusters of buildings that occupy the North and South architectural details, appropriate lighting side of the lot. Walkways around the buildings will be and by directing parking underground provided. Landscaping includes lined-up trees on three where possible or away from public view sides of the of the properties will enhance visual through screened parking structures or interests and area. surface parking located to the rear of the property. Guidelines 8.7.1 A Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Building Design, Massing and Siting listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Design and siting of buildings should take advantage of natural features or views The site is located close to urban setting therefore and should enhance privacy and natural feature or views does not play major role in livability. architectural design. Privacy and livability are enhanced through articulation of landscape design. 2. Residential buildings should front or appear to front onto public roads Each residential unit is either directly accessible from through the use of appropriate ~treet or through the provision of pedestrian walkways treatment of exteriors, through direct lm~e? to the street. The building facades fronting pedestrian access to individual units from exIst1ng street and future street are designed to indicate the public street/sidewalk, or through as a main entrance with design articulations that stone the provision of pedestrian walkways cladding at base of buildings. Corn er condition is not linked to the street. Street frontages applicable as the site is not situated at corner of should be emphasized by incorporating significant intersection. differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades, with a minimum two storey facade on the fronting street to foster a human scale. Buildings that are designed with an end wall or unit adjacent to a public street should design the end unit with the pedestrian entry facing the street. At significant intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets and incorporate corner cuts. 2 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 3. Higher density dwellings should be sited n/a ; density for this townhouse development proposes adjacent to major streets in order to minimize access problems and to provide same density throughout a transition to lower density uses. 4. Multi-family developments adjacent to a) The 2-storey gable roofed architectural form reflects lower density or single detached cottage/craftsmanship style of nearby buildings. residential dwellings should: a} be consistent in form and massing with b) The 1 O unit townhouse development will be divided into 2 the surrounding area; clusters of building. One on the North and the other on the b) be sited adjacent to major streets to South. Each of the clustered buildings' end unit are facing 203 provide a transition to lower density Street and its main entrance facing the road. The landscape uses; articulation at front yards of buildings will provide both visual c} concentrate density to the centre of the and physical enhancement of the streetscape. development or towards a non-c) The adjacent sites are currently empty and may be residential boundary and locate lower density components adjacent to lower developed into townhouse in the future. The building massing portrays consistent density throughout to reflect the site's density residential uses; location within the low to medium density residential area. d} create a transition in building mass and form towards the setbacks of the d) Refer to response c) adjacent neighbourhood; e) minimize access conflicts; e)The primary vehicular access is from 203 Street to internal f) be designed to maximize privacy and paved driveway while pedestrian access to individual units can minimize views onto adjoining sites, all be accessed through walkways around the buildings apart particularly for portions of the from entrance doors beside the garage. development abutting the side yards of f) Refer to response of 8.7.1 Key Guideline Concept 1 adjacent single detached residential uses. 5. Larger buildings, roof forms and building The roof of both building has a dominating gable roof frontages should include design elements and features to: with sections of lower gable and shed roof breaking up a) provide variation in the facades to help the main gable roof in order to emphasize individuality reduce the visual length of individual of each unit. buildings; Other design elements such as gable dormers and b) have the appearance of a series of recessed front porches also further reinforce the idea of smaller buildings, or as identifiable parts reducing the visual length of the building . of a larger concept; and c) incorporate components that express strong unit identity and incorporate direct access to grade for ground-floor units. 3 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued} 6. New multi-family developments should use design themes, architectural T_h~ proposed 2-storey buildings with gable roof, shingle features and elements of the siding and horizontal siding reflects surrounding neighbourhood by cottage/craftsmanship style of nearby buildings. incorporating common elements such as form, scale, massing and proportion into the design as a means to reinforce neighbourhood stability. Examples include: a) the articulation of facades, using where appropriate, elements such as porches, chimneys, projections, recesses, and balconies; b) the placement, size, shape and number of doors and windows; c) the location and visual appearance of garages and/or parking facilities; d) the selection of appropriate and compatible roof forms; and e) the design of hard and soft landsca ping. 7. The exposed undersides of balconies and porches that are visible from a street or Landscape design propose shrubs on both sides of public walkway should be covered with front ~tair so that the exposed undersides of porches exterior finishes to provide a finished are visually blocked to public view. appearance to public view. 8. Developments are encouraged to use the Leadership in Energy and The proposed project did not adopt any LEED Environmental Design (LEEDS) standards ~tanda~ds; however, landscape design minimize large in the design of buildings. Techniques 1mperv1ous hard surface in order to allow water such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, penetration into ground. Other post-construction feature separation of impervious surfaces, such as rain water collection will be considered at later installing below surface infiltration beds stage. and tree box filters, and redirecting water from drain pipes into vegetated areas are encouraged. 9. Variation in individual unit designs is encouraged to provide visual interest The proposed design ensures bu ilding form is broken and avoid significant repetition either up with elements such as recessed front porches, gable within a row of townhouses, or between ?o~~ers ~nd lower gable/shed roofs to emphasize adjacent rows of units. 1nd1v1duallty of each unit; however, material and colour selection remain the same to maintain the visual unity of the townhouse development. 4 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 10. Garage doors should not face public The proposed garage doors are accessed from intern~! streets. Where front facing garage doors driveway and are not in direct view to public or the mam are unavoidable, the impact of garage street doors on the public realm should be mitigated by: a) designing residential units with enough width to include attractive entrances and windows between garages; b) recessing garage doors behind the main building fa~ade; c) keeping a sufficient width in residential units to allow the creation of attractive entrances and fenestration between garages. d) grouping garage doors in pairs between adjacent units to allow building entrances and facades more prominence on the street; e) providing interior spaces that overlook the street; f) separating and orienting unit entrances to the street; g) providing individual pedestrian walkways linked to the street; h) including design details such as transom windows or glazing in garage doors; i) a comprehensive landscape plan that identifies how the visual impact of garage doors from the street will be mitigated. 11. Landscaping of rooftops is encouraged Rooftop garden or vegetation is not proposed for this where possible, to provide shared or development. private outdoor space for residents and to provide attractive views for residents and passersby. 5 ) Guidelines 8.7.1 B Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation 1. Parking and servicing should be located underground or to the ri;ar of buildings, with access from lanes wherever possible. Where lane access is not possible, access should be from streets via narrow driveways to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 2. Parking structures should be adequately screened and architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. Large surface parking areas should be divided into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous appearance with landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement treatment to enhance their visual appearance. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. The townhouse development comply with parking design guideline by proposing internal driveway that is accessed from 203 Street. No parking structure or large surface parking area is proposed for this development. 3. Developments with large parking areas should provide a direct pedestrian No parking structure or large surface parking area is pathway system through the parking proposed for this development. area to facilitate convenient and safe pedestrian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscaping with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. 4. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access T~e proposed vehicle access is currently only shared for parking at the rear of the property is with the other single family dwelling at North East limited. Joint or shared access should corner of the site. Any future development on the also be considered between adjoining current empty lot in the North across the lane will developments to minimize disruption of consult with 12111 203 Street townhouse strata pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize regarding vehicle access pattern. landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. 6 Guidelines 8. 7.1 B (Continued) s. Locate parking spaces allocated for Visitor parking stalls are provided on either end of people with disabilities as close as buildings off internal driveway for easy access to all possible to the main entrance to a units. building. 6. Crime Prevention through No parking structure or large surface parking area is Environmental Design (CPTED) principles proposed for this development. should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities with convenient, safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to building entrances, lobbies or other principal areas of buildings, and to grade level from any underground or above ground parking structures. 7. To increase safety, consider using No parking structure or large surface parking area is electronic security devices and proposed for this development. monitoring systems as a supplement to natural surveillance opportunities in parking structures and parking areas. 8. The amount of asphalt surfaces in Landscape design proposes pavers for all visitor parking areas should be minimized by parking stalls and for surfaces immediate adjacent to integrating a variety of paving materials visitor parking. such as concrete, decorative pavers, etc. or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Road grades, streets, lanes, and All road grades, streets, lanes, and driveways are driveways should conform to the designed to ensure minimal disruption of existing existing grades as closely as possible to grades. ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, roads should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. 7 Guidelines 8.7.1 C Landscaping and Open Space 1. Landscaping both within and outside the development should: a) provide definition for pedestrian corridors; b) delineate private and semi private space from public space; c) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces; d) present a pleasing street image; e) provide suitable buffering between public road and privacy areas; f) soften the transition between adjacent land uses; g) provide a buffer between residential and non-residential land uses; h) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site; i) reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties, the scale and massing of buildings, and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landsca ping elements. 2. Landscape drawings for development applications should include, but are not limited to, the following information: a) the location of mature and existing trees to be retained or removed, b) the location of all protective tree fencing; c) a grading plan or cross section indicating finished grade; and d) a drainage plan for the site. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all development. Incorporate deciduous tree species into streetfront landscaping to define site boundaries, to enhance public space, and to permit light penetration in winter. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. a) Each unit at North P.L. have been provided with entrance walkway from Future Lane. Pedestrian access has been provided to integrate with the common activity area. South Units are provided with direct access from 203 Street via walkway along South P. L. b) Private and semi private space are separated from public space by fencing with landscape to create privacy. c) Screening between private outdoor space have been created by 6' height privacy screen and landscape on the North Units. d) n/a e) Suitable buffering between public road and privacy area have been created by fence and shrubs/trees landscape buffer. g) Buffer between residential and non-residential land uses have been created h) Interesting view and focal point have been included i) Continuity with neighboring properties have been improved by providing consistency in street trees and plant materials. Tree management plan and Arborist report have been provided with all existing trees shown on L3 with exact location, grade and size included. Deciduous street trees have been incorporated on streetfront landscaping to define site boundaries, to enhance public space, and to permit light penetration in winter. 8 ) Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 4. Energy efficiency and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) using native and/or drought-resistant species; b) designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind; c} providing shade in summer; d} allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the site; e} allowing daylight into buildings; and f) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 5. Maintain continuous landscaping along abutting streets and minimize the number of interruptions such as driveways and parking entrances. Continue the sidewalk pavement across driveways and parking entrances. 6. Create visual landmarks on significant street corners and at locations of high visibility. Provide landscaping and consider incorporating features such as flag poles, banners, visual art, ornamental trees, fountains, architectural elements, and landscape structures. La~dscape for this project has been designed to provide native and drought-resistant species on the North side- Small deciduous trees are proposed for each Unit on ' North P.L. Green Pilar trees on the East P.L. Streetscape have been improved with low aluminum fence along the back of sidewalk with low hedge beside. The proposed interruptions are minimized with walkways to the Units and 1-pedestrian entrance to internal of the site from the street. Driveway entrance have been proposed from the 203 Street. There will be attractive shrubs on NE and NW corners. as well as various plantings on the entrance to the driveway. 7. Any portion of a building site left vacant for future development should be Lawn have been proposed in "Road&Lane dedication I areas". andscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall site. The minimum ground surface treatment should be lawn. Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property not being developed. 9 ) '. Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 8. Identify, preserve and incorporate stands of mature trees into the overall Survey plan and Arborist report have been included as part of the development application process. site landscaping design. Retain unique tree species, significant vegetation, natural landscape features and nesting areas on a site wherever possible. To attain this objective, prior to the design of a project, a detailed survey prepared by a qualified professional indicating the location and condition of existing trees and vegetation on a site should be conducted and provided to the District as part of the development application process. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new planting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replanting with indigenous or native species is encouraged. 10. Consider incorporating rain gardens and vegetated swales into parking lot landscaping to increase the natural absorption of rainwater runoff from paved areas into the ground. 11. The height and location of a landscape screen should ensure that: a) privacy to adjacent properties is adequately protected; b) driving site lines are maintained from adjacent roads, manoeuvring aisles, parking lots; and c) the quality of the streetscape and outdoor living spaces is enhanced. Indigenous plant species have been proposed as trees and shrubs. n/a a) Privacy to adjacent properties have been created by 3'-6" ht. Aluminum and landscape strip. b) driving site lines are maintained from adjacent roads , maneuvering aisles and parking lots. c) Streetscape have been improved by 3'-6" ht. Aluminum Fence and along the back of sidewalk with landscape strip beside. A designated common area is allocated at the south part of the property with minimal landscaping. This area is within Fortis ROW; Landscaping and permit has been granted. 12. Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of Landscape areas have been maximized compared to the amount of the impervious paved surface. impervious paved surfaces to increase the natural absorption of rainwater on a site. 10 • J Guidelines 8.7.1 D Universally Accessible Design L All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 2. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; c) provided with level areas measuring a minimum of l.Sm x l.Sm (4.9 ft. x 4.9 ft.) both inside and outside of doorways; and d) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. Guidelines 8.7.1 E Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas 1. Integrate vents, mechanical rooms, mechanical equipment, and elevator penthouses into the roof design or screen with materials and finishes compatible with the overall architectural design. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. All non-vehicular route are accessible to all units from sidewalks and designated internal pathways. The design will ensure all universal features meet code and bylaw standards. a) Unit address numbers to be determined all selections of signage will meet universally ~ccessible design code and bylaw standards. b) n/a c) due to large street and road dedication it is not feasible to maintain 4.9' deep on either fr~nt porch or front foyer; 4' depth is proposed for front foyer and porch. d)n/a Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Garbage and recycle area for the townhouse d~velopment is located in outdoor setting to assimilate single dwelling residential neighbourhood nearby. 2. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes n/a; mechanical design to comply guideline at later etc. should take into account views of stage the roof from adjacent buildings . 11 ~, ) 3. Garbage containers and recycling bins must be: a) easily accessible; b) appropriately sized for the building occupants; c) contained within roofed/walled enclosures; d) incorporated into the overall design of the development; or e) screened from public view and weatherproof and animal-resistant within the boundaries of each site. 4. Service areas should be internalized within the development. For developments with multiple buildings, common refuse, recycling and service areas are to be provided. Storage areas should be located to be convenient and readily accessible from most buildings or units on the site. Avoid direct exposure from public streets and allow for adequate manoeuvring space for removal vehicles. 5. Enclose or screen all exterior mechanical units or equipment, including roof top units, equipment, and satellite dishes within upper floors or structures that from part of the overall design of a development. 6. Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise and exhaust pedestrian areas, residential units, and outdoor spaces and locate less sensitive land uses closer to sources of noise. 7. Buildings should be designed and constructed maximize sound attenuation: a) between units; b) between public roads and units; and c) between adjacent land uses and units. a) accessed from internal pathways b) size and number of bins determined by GVRD garbage and recycle design guideline c) the garbage and recycling bins are enclosed in the building and incorporated in the design on the building. Garage and recycle area follows GVRD garbage and recycle design guideline and ensure is screened from public view by integrating landscape design. No common storage facility is proposed for this townhouse development. n/a n/a; mechanical design to comply guideline at later stage All design and construction will comply relevant building code, bylaw and design guidelines to achieve safety and livability. 12 Guidelines 8. 7 .1 F Signage and Lighting Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. All signage must conform to the Maple All design and construction will comply relevant Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a municipal bylaws. conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message All design and construction will comply relevant should be integrated and complement municipal design guidelines. the scale and architectural detail of the building. 3. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged n/a; electrical design to comply guideline at later stage along all pedestrian routes and pedestrian plazas. The lighting should be pedestrian focused. 4. Lighting should be designed so as to n/a; electrical design to comply guideline at later stage have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. Guidelines 8.7.1 G Bicycle Parking and Storage 1. Short term and long term bicycle parking facilities should be considered for all developments. Short term bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads with bicycle racks made of sturdy, theft- resistant material that is securely anchored to the floor or ground. Longer term bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Short term bicycle parking is located at high pedestrain traffic common activity area for both easy access and theft prevention. Locking device is provided as per landscape design. 13 Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File Number 2Q16-246RZ 2019-03-27 Date prepared: _______ _ Architect Matthew Cheng Print Name ) 14 STREETSCAPES TABLE OF CONTENTS Sheet ) Number! Sheet Name A00 COVER PAGE AO 1 SITE PLAN A0.2 CONTEXT PLAN A1.0 BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN A1.1 MAIN FLOOR PLAN A1.2 UPPER FLOOR PLAN A13 ROOF PLAN A14 FSROVERLAY A1 5 FIRE TRUCK ROUTE A16 HORIZONTAL ANGLE OF DAYLIGHT ANALYSIS· BASEMENT & MAIN FLOOR A1,7 HORIZONTAL ANGLE OF DAYLIGHT ANALYSIS· UPPER FLOOR A2.0 BUILDING A ELEVATIONS A2.1 BUILDING A HEIGHT "2.2 BUILDING B ELEVATIONS A2.3 BUILDING B HEIGHT A24 ELEVATIONS & SECTION A25 LONGITUDINAL SECTIONS A26 MATERIALS ANO COLOUR SCHEME A30 TYPICAL UNIT 1-5 FLOOR PLANS & SECTION A3.1 TYPICAL UNIT 6-10 FLOOR PLANS & SECTION PROJECT CATA EXISTING PROPOSED METRIC (M!SM) IMPERIAL (F/SF) METRIC (M/SM) IMPERIAL (F/SF) ADDRESS 12111 /12119203RDSTREET 12111 203RD STREET LEGAL DESCRITPTION - 12111 203RD STREET LOT G-F-1; DL 263; NWD; PL NWP 18612 12119 203RD STREET 1-~ LOTH; BLK 1; DL 263; NWD; PL NWP 18612 PIO '!P.- 12111 203RD STREET 010-426-001 12119 203RD STREET 001 -281-089 SITE AREA 3,070.07 33,046 2,313.86 24,906 ROAD & LANE DEDICATION AREA 756.21 8,140 203RD STREET(EAST) 3.00 9.84 FUTURE LANE (NORTH) 3.75 12.30 FUTIJRE ROAD (WEST) !::=co 7.50 24.60 LAND USE -=-= SINGLE FAMILY TOWNHOUSE ZONING ~,:-, RS-1 RM-1 NO. OF DWELLINGS -.L:.l 2 10 REQUIRED / ALLOWED PROPOSED METRIC (M/SM) IMPERIAL (F/SFJ METRIC (M/SMl IMPERIAL (FtSF) FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) 0.6 0.597 FLOOR AR.EA TOTAL 1,388.3 14,944 1,372.26 14,862 LOT COVERAGE -SETBACK-FRONT YARD -7.5M 24.61' 4.5M 14.76' (RELAXATION TO 4.5M ( RELAXATION TO REQUESTED) 14.76' REQUESTED) SETBACK-SIDE YARD (NORTH I 6.0M 19.69' 6.30M ( NE) 20.67' ( NE) LANE) (FOR A WALL WITH A BALCONY OR A WINDOW 6.45M (NW) 21.17'(NW) TO A HABITABLE ROOM) SETBACK-SIDE YARD (SOUTH I 19.69' 9.86 M ( SE) 32.36' (SE) GAS PIPE R.O.W.) 6.0M (FOR A WALL WITH A 9 83M (SW) 32.24' (SW) BALCONY OR A WINDOW TO A HABITABLE ROOM) SETBACK-REAR YARD 7.5M 24.61' 4.5M 14.76' I (RELAXATION TO 4.5M (RELAXATION TO 14.76' REOUESTEOl REOUESTEDl 11M 36.09' 10.71 M 35.15' HEIGHT MAIN BUILDINGS (2 1/2 STOREYS MAX) OFF-STREET PARKING RESIDENTIAL/ VISITOR 20/2 20 /2 OFF-STREET PARKING TOTAL 22 22 COMMONN ACTIVITY AREA 50 538 373.20 4,017 12111 -12119 203ST, MAPLE RIDGE 10 UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT I I I 1----'---' .,__J mf-~L SU I I I ) I 1 1 l1 • __ I l.' APPENDIX F ffiI MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unit 202 -(,70 EVANS A VENUE VANCOUVEIL l3C VC.A !K9 Tel: l60~) 73 1-302 l / F□~: (f,o.f) 73 J-3908 Ccl: tC.O•n 6~9--0669 / Email: mallhcw1~'mcai cu IJnSllltAWJXG'.\n'St 1\01 UESCAl /!O TIIE GESEJt,\/, C0i\TR:\C I OR SI L·\J L, "ERIJ-Y :\LL Dl~IE!\SIONS ,\i'-l) I E\loJ~<; l'RlOR JO C0'.\l\fi(XCE.\U:Xl 10 WORK ALL ERRORS \~1) mnss10:,;s Sil:\! LnE: REJIORlllODl'.\JEDI.-\Tl:.J.Y ro rHEARC.:lllrECJ corYRJGlrJ RESER\l:D 1111S \'I A.'\" ,\>.'D DESlGS ,\RE :\.'\TI XI Al.t l L\tr:S Rl:lL\rl.lllE E.\"CJ.rSJ\11 l'ROrERn OF :\l,\TTI!WA"Cl IEXCi ,\RCJ ITTECT l'.\C. ,\l\1) ~I:\,• '.\:O'J llEl'Sl!l)0RR.El'R0DL'CED \\'rrl!Ol"l PRIOR ,rn.r1TES co:-.:sEKI C011_.,. 12111-12119 203RD STREET, MAPLE RIDGE B.C. Sheet TIile COVER PAGE °"~ RK CheckedMC 15MTH01 ....... Cwg AO.O ) w z <C ..J w 0::: ::, I-::, u. --~- I I I I _.,_ ______ G9~-~~~ ORIGINAL P.L. GRAY HATCH AREA DENOTES PROPOSED INTERK>R SIOEYARO SETBACK DUE TO GAS PIPE ROW 11221' /3420m 144.92' 144, 17,, ULTIMATE P.L. PERMEABLE PAVEMENT MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unit 202 -670 EVANS AVENUE VANCOUVER. BC V6A2K9 T cl: (60.J) 7J I-JO.'.! I /Fax: (6().1) 7Jl-J908 Ccl: t60-1l 6-19--0669 / Em.iii: mallhcnt{imcai ca Tl□SDR.-\W1NG;\fllS1 XOI DESC,\Ll:D THE GEl\l~R.AL co:-.TRACTOR SH:\l..t \'f:.lUFY ALL D~IEXSIO:-:SA,'\IllE\"'ELSrRJOR 10 COM;\fE:-.CE.\11:.l'•,TTO WOkK :\LL ERRORS ,\i'\U m.nss10;,,;s SHA] J. DE Rf.l'ORTl!D l\P.>WJ)L-\lEL Y TO rlffi:\RCITITECT COPYRIGIITRESER\'ED Tl□S PL,\:.~ ,\ND DESIGS ARE A,\1) ,\1 ,\LL l r.-.ms RE:,,.1,~ rJ IE E.'\'.Cl l'Sl\'E l'Rorr:.Rn OF i\l,\rnIE\\'CJIEl\G,\RCllrrEC11NC :\),Ui\1:\'l ;.;or OE l sr:.J) OR REPRODl._!Cl:.D WfJ I rot ;y rRIOR WRrn EN COJ\"Sf:..'fl Revision: Pro}edTlle 12111-12119 203RD STREET, MAPLE RIDGE B.C. SheetTdle SITE PLAN °""" RK 1 : 150 Proiect 15MTH01 Re~i'lion [).,,g Print Dalt: 2019/02/28 A0.1 ) BUILDING A ,906 SF 13.86 m2 ~__.__~~~"" ~--~ t ~~~.::. ·"'" i : ._'.=-·e .. BUILDINGB EXISTING NEIGHBORHOOD ALONG 203 STREET STREETVIEWS AND BUJLOJNG CHARACTER ON NEW DEVELoPMENT LOCATED NEAR THE SITE. THESE UNITS ARE REMINISCENT OF COTI"AGE/CRAFTSMAN HOME STYLE THAT WJLL eE THE SAME BUILDING CHARACTER TO BE USED ON THIS PROPOSED TOWN HOME DEVELOPMENT 1@r i0Jl MA TIHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unil 202 -670 EVANS AVENUE VANCOUVER. I3C VGA 2K9 Tel: t60-l) 731-3021 I Fax: t60~) 731-3908 Ccl: (604) 649-0669 / Cnrnil: ma1lh1:\\r~mcai co llDSJlR:\WP.\Gi\n'STKOl OESC,\1£1) TID~ GE~El:\I CONTRACrQRSIUU. \UUJ, ... \LL DP.-10\'SIONS AND l.f.\'EI S rRJOR TO COi\L'\IEf,;CE.\IEl\7 TO WORK ,\LI ERRORS ,\i,ll m.11ss1o~s SI l:\l,1.nr:: REJ'OR1EI) l\lXrEDI:\ rEI.Y ro l I IE ARCI nTECT. COPYJ{)Gl rr RESER\ "El) Tl ns \'l,\,'\" ,\:,n DESIO!', ARI\ ,\J\TI :\1 ,\LL Tl\lE.S Rl!:l'-,1,\Th" rl--IT::E.'\CJ,l'Sl\"El1ROPER'l'i OF li.lA77llEI\ Cl!El\G,\Jl.CIITIECT l};C ,\'.\lJ;\lAY ';\OT llE tTSEO OR REPllQDllCJ~ \\ m im: r PKJOR WRrrrEX COl\SE:-..1 R~ision: Projeclnle 12111-12119 203RD STREET, MAPLE RIDGE B.C. Shee1n1e CONTEXT PLAN Drawn RO °""""'MC Saile 1: 200 Pro}ecl 15MTH01 Revision PriRIOale: 03126119 A0.2 ) w z <( ..J w 0::: ::::, I-::, u. •\:: 09:,. t . ~. .' • -t50IJ$'. 4 . ,: -/. "'.''J :-. , ::J : ~ .. ~ J . -. --"' ---. -. . . . --. . -... . -.... -.. .. -.. • • . • . • • 0 ' AC 1-w w 0::: I-"' C 0::: M 0 N LEGEND: :------------~ ' ' ' ' ' L-----••--•-....1 n [ZJ ~ □ . . . . -- LOW CEILING ASPHALT DRIVEWAY ROAD/ LANE DEDICATION RIGHT OF WAY OPEN OUTDOOR PROP. CONCRETE WALKWAY MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC . Unit 202-6701:VANSAVENUE VANCOUVER nc V6A 2K9 , 1 cl: (6041731-3021 / F□x: t604l 7J !-3::'3X . Ccl: l604) 649,-0669 / Emnil: mollhcwr~ mc:n en Re¥iskln: Projectnle 12111-12119 203RD STREET, MAPLE RIDGE B.C . SheelTile BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN Of~wn RK Checked:MC S<a• As indicated Project 15MTH01 Revision A1.0 ·--. l w z < ...J w ct:: ::, I-::, LL Q) MAIN FLOO~ PLAN 1 .100 AU I I cp C? cp cp I I FUTURE LANE I 33,a I cp =-----_ J __ --1 BUILOING1WIOTH ... 1 --::-uLrlMAnCPT : .. ----I I l -----:r..----1 I I . ii I ~ I m I I I RELAXATION REC'D • , 14.76' /450m .Jr.. I PitOPACAA<fl'IAQC 1 'I ! I 1 1 . I I , 1~~7~~~~ I j PROP REARYA~-Ll I A23 L __ -\\-----~- ULTIMATEP.L. ' ------------------------------ y I I I !_ _ -+---'Is--'!.----@ I -l!:::,,e:;1-''-------_J_ ---""" I I I I • ---+--~ I • RELAXATION FIEO D 14.76' 14.!SOm ; REQ O SETBACK I I ~ 147f!I /450m 0 ; 1-w w ct:: I-en C ct:: C"') 0 N ---• --I I -r--------'jc---@ I I I I I I ________ J MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unil 202 -670 EV ANS A VENUE VANCOUVER. BC V6A 2K9 Tel: (604) 73 HO:! I I Fnx: t604) 7,ll,J~ Cc\: (604) 649-0669 / Email: mnlll!C\,~dm.:aLc:i 11llSDR,\WrNG:\Il'STKOT11ESCAUID TIJE GE.Xf:RAL CO'.'.iR:\C fOR SJ 1,UJ. \'ERir-Y :\LI. DThl~SI01'S A,\'D J..E\1:1 S PRIOR TO CO/\l.\OiSC'R\l~T roWORK ,\1...1.JlUCQ:(S \.'1> O~IIS.,tiJ0,'3El\l,J, IJE RErGR'JE> ~1\!JDl.\tEL\' TOTI-IE ,\ROOn-;t, COPYRIG!ITRf.SER\'ED. lJOSPL.\.~;\.\l>l)tiSIGNARf:.-\.1\UATAU TlllES kf. LUS"lllll!-'\'.t1l'$t\1:J'fIDl'0cl'\'(W" )L\TlliC.\l."C)lh-~-U<CllllD::11,X Mi'l),\f:\Y ~"OtW-ll":Sl:~)QM.IIJJNlOOl O!l)\\"011011'1 l'RJON. W'RTITENCOXSIJ..T Fie-.oision: Proje,:tnle 12111-12119 203RD STREET, MAPLE RIDGE B.C. Sh~ln.Je MAIN FLOOR PLAN 1: 100 Prcjed 15MTH01 Rni&ion A1.1 w z < ..J w D:: _j :::> I-a: :::> w u.. ~ :iii i= ...I ::;) ) cp 3420 cp 0 684 r-----1-------t _j 'I I 7-------, --TirTTMATEPCr----......,;.-----· I LANE I • • 1 ! ~ I RELAXATION REQ'O • I 1-4 76' 1-4 50rn PROP REAR SETBAC;f I ~! I I I -.(' 1969' 1600m ,t, REO'D SETBACK ~ I I I I I I • ~ S; re 5 ~ M ~ ~ :.i Cl) ... l I, --,.,,.-. ---,-----7 I I ~: ----~re ~ _J_ @ I I - ~ @ RELAXA"flON REO'O 147f; /-4,0m I-REC'D SETBACK 'I w I w D:: I- I Cl) J C J D:: M 0 N - a: IW , ... Ii : I ...I I::;) ---,----4 0 .. ----t-----:__ j----tsc\ .' I ~ I I I L -------"It------------------JI ULTIMATE P.L -------------------- ffl MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unil 102 ~670 EVANS AVENUE VANCOUVER. BC VGA 2K9 Tel: (604) 73 I-JO:? I I Fa-.: (604) 73 t-J90H Ccl: (c;o.i) 6-19-0669 / Emuil: mntthc-1,:q"mcai ca flDSDR,\\\JKG).ll1ST ;,;o, JJESCAI.EO TIJE GE~1:.R.AI CO:\1R:\CTORSll,\LL ,uurr .-\LI. DJME:-:SIONS ,\."'-U LE\1-:LS PRIOR TO co;,.l'.\[E~Cr:..\IE,"\I ro WORK ,\LL ERRORS .-\,,1) Q;\/ISSIOS5: SI l:\l.L llE REPORTED l!\l:\IEDL:\TFLY TOHIEARClhJECT COP'IRIGlrTIU!SER\'ED nnsl1LA.~ ANDDESJG:-. ,\Rf.,\a'-'D:\T \LL lIMES RE;\IATI\'. TJ D~ E.\:CLl ·sl\'C PROPERn or, :i.1:rrn1EWCHE1\GARCtlITECl r.-.c ,\l'.l)'.\l\Y ?-OT AC \!SED Ok. llliPRODllCED \\ TT1 JOl~J l'RlOR "RITTt'< co:-.:si:: .. xr Re11ision: 12111-12119 203RD STREET, MAPLE RIDGE B.C. UPPER FLOOR PLAN Drawn RK Projed 15MTH01 Prin1Oalc; 2019/02128 ow, A1.2 ) 0 12........-1e&1Q I r-----1-~ I "",,,~ -____ \ ___ l---~:;----- 1 1 I I I 1476' 1450m RELAXATION REC'D • I PROP REAR SETBACK ?-I I I 11221' 13420m 0 0 UU'tlMm ,, 22..u 11.e,&m L 2245' f6!Mm I I ---1-- ____ (___ RELAXATION REQ'D 1476' 1450m I I ~ I I .I I ~ I 1 PROP SETBACK I -!1 I . k ~ o., r . ~, ' ' ; . ;_ :!ii, ~· ::ii E [ ~ ~ ~ : iii i z ~ I t ~ , I ~ ~·3 I . ~ . ; ? I •, I -I I I L--~----------: ' ------------UL.TIMATEP.L ____________________ J MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unil 202-670 EVANS AVENUE VANCOUVER. EC V6A 2K9 Td: (604) 7J 1-3021 / Fo1s: {604) 7 1-)tJOR. Ccl: ((,Q..1} &19-0669 / Enmil: m:illilCWftnC'.ii ca 1HlSDR...\W~G~ll1S'I ;,.Ql lJESC,\IJ!D TIIE GEl'>l:.R:\J. C01'JR_.\C IORSll,\LL \"ERlf'Y :\Ll. J)JME:--sroxs:\1\l)U::YEI.SPRIOR 10 CO,\I\IEl\'CE..\IE .. '\l TO \\'ORK :\LL ERRORS ,\,\l) m.llSS!O~S S1-l\l.L im k.EPOR"J1::D l\l~n~)l:\.TEL Y ro nIEAkClDlECT COr)RfGJITRf•$[R\°I~) r1 DS PLAN ,\XD DES JG:,.; :\RE ,\.\TI XI ALL rr..tES RE\J.,\TT-;711EE .. \CLl SIVEPROPER1) OF l\l:\Tl111!\\'CIIE!\'GARCl1T1ECTINC ,\),1)\IAY :,;01131; FSED OR K.E\'RODl.1Cr,1) \\ ITI rm· r PH.IOR WIUll 1:.!\ COXSJ-J\T ReYSion; FrcjedT,le 12111-12119 203RD STREET, MAPLE RIDGE B.C. She-e1n1e ROOF PLAN Drawn RK Scale 1: 100 15MTH01 Revision Fn,-D.11e· 2019/02/07 A1.3 l_ 224e· /685m 225Cl'/686m 2244' /684m ll!ilU! COMMON ACJJYJD >a14#f2tl.M..-'. 2135' /651 m 2240' 1683m 2244' 1684m Building Area Legend O BSMT Ill COMMON ACTIVITY LJ FSR □GARAGE OoPENSPACE UNIT02 22s1· 1686m 224-1' 1684m l!!illir 2243' /68dm 4,G" 1442 911· n:m 4.7B'/4.50i r----------1 .Eli!!. "2l$F. IB5J$m' ------------- 663SF /80.22 m" <" .:.,:- J.'-' .. ""''" I 1 ---r;i·r----~r-----,t---==-------.-J<----~J t47if 1450"' I ill n..J.S.1..60,nl • ~ ... llF , ...... µ, __ "" .. I I 11 ill 1---,.=::..J. .. 1.l_t1'1'4..85m 15.Wl◄SSm •57 ,,~ Building Area Legend OFSR BUILDING A UNIT01 I METRIC IMPERIAL !SO.Ml (SO.FT.> INCLUSIONS BASEhlENT 1.78 19 MAIN 80.22 81!3 UPPER 45.48 -190 FLOOR AREA SUBTOTAL 127.48 1,on EXCLUSIONS: BASEMENT 150 sa.m. mox.l 33.101 3561 GARAGE 43.68 4701 USEABLE OPEN SPACE 84.31 9071 BUILDING B UNrT 06 I.IETRIC IMPERIAL INCuJSIONS BASEMENT 1.31 14 MAIN 7522 810 UPPER 48.48 522 FLOOR AREA SUBTOTAL -126.01 1,346 EXCLUSIONS; BASEMENT 35.08 378 GARAGE 44.44 478 USEA8LE OPEN SPACE PER UNIT 118.74 1,278 '" "· !PROPOSED SITE AREA 2,:113.86 24,9061 METRIC IMPERIAL I,so.r,u I1$0.FT.) !ALLOWED FLOOR AREA I 1.388.32 14,944 PROPOSED FLOOR AREA 1,384.67 14,862 2250 1686m I rl.4.76' 14.50m ~~ I t.sa tUOm E 1':Plr.,-l!l\!,~r.!_ I ;,-.,..__-+-<,."._...o.i;_. ' 2251' /5B6m 223T /662m I I m• I ' . I ~,t,JW'tUOni >f----f 2110 ,:~m l...::'1=-"'=--'.:..""':....;;"';_;e.-:n<r=.:.'.:;"-"'=~~....,;::.:.=_.:.._::_i,...:..:..:..-=:::;:.:;;__,j< I ' I +-----------'.:.'•::"'=-..:'::":: .. .:."'::_ _________ ➔· I L_______________ _JI @ ~~~ LEVEL FSR OVERLAY UNITS FLOOR AREA TABULATIONS --------- Building Area Legend L BALCONY CFSR UNIT 02 I UNTT03 I UNIT 04 I UNIT 05 I TOTAL METRIC IMPERIAL r,IETRIC IMPERIAL METRIC IMPERIAL METRIC IMPERIAL f.lETRIC IMPERIAL ISOJ,1.1 ISO.FT.) ISO.I.I,) tSO,FT,I (SO.ii.I !SOFT.I (SO.M.l tSO.FT., rso.~tl iSO.FTI 4.16 45 4.16 45 4.16 45 18,79 202 33.05 356 85.51 920 85.81 924 85.75 923 85.69 022 422..98 4,662 51.34 553 5'1.27 552 5154 555 51.27 552 250.90 2.,702 141.01 1,518 141.24 1,621 141.4S H23 166.76 1.676 706.93 7,610 35.92 3671 35.66 384 36.061 3881 36.101 3891 176.861 1,80◄ 44.581 4801 44,331 4nl 44.471 4791 44.541 4791 221.587 2,38! 38.63 4161 38.451 -4141 38.311 412 50.49 5431 260.191 2.,692 UNIT 07 UNIT08 UNIT09 UNIT 10 TOTAL METRIC IMPERIAL l,IETRIC l~IPERIAL METRIC IMPERIAL METRIC IMPERIAL r.JETRIC IMPERIAL 1.38 15 1.38 15 'L4J 15 6.51 10 11.02 76 8586 924 (l5 79 9Zl 85-56 921 8460 9'11 417.03 4,489 5'1.00 549 50.98 549 50.£12 548 48.31 520 249.68 2,688 138.2A 1.488 138.16 1487 137.92 1484 138-42 1.447 677.74 7,252 38.79 ,418 38.81 -418 38.68 416 37.GS 405 189.01 2.036 44.44 478 44.4'1 478 44,32 4TT 44.56 460 222.20 2.391 38.25 412 38.40 413 38.45 414 37,12 400 271.00 2.,917 TOTAL OPEN USEABLE SPACES 621.19 5,609 ~, = lOfAL tm11MOff A'CTMTY ARE1.i 1AM811JYSP.ACE 373:20 4,0;1~ FSR I 0.600 I FSR 0.597 MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unit 20'.!. -670 EVANS AVENUE V ANC.:OUVER. l3C V6A .2K9 Tel: ((..0-1) 731-)021 / F:1x: (60-ll 7l 1-3908 Ccl: l604) 6~9-0669 /Em:Jil: m□llhcw'iimc□i ca Tl□SDR.•\W1KG~!l1S! XOJ f1t.SCAL0) llrt GE;\Bl:\/. co:--.TMC rOR SI 1,\/L \l~JF) Al I~ J>l~lr:l\SIO:-.:SA.,l) I E\1~1 S rRlOR TO CO,\L\fE:-iCE.\W.:--7 TO woru,; ,\LL ERRORS ,\"'1) m.nss]O'.'\S Sll:'J.I. OE REPOK'IED r.-.l~trnlA11:1., TOTIIEARCIGTI:Cl COPYRIGlff Rt.Sl:.R\TD. TIOS l'L·\," .\.'\'.!)l)li:SIG;\ Allli. \.~U AT AU. Tl,\IES ~I\N'111~&~.l Sl\1':t1to,u:n: OF )JAfflff)&' t1n-:::,,"tJ ,\J\C'IITTl;rt NC..,\l\1) ,\l:\Y ,"Onu· nm Oil 11Jo:r,wu, "CD> wm 10t ·T riuoR WkJITl1'COi'-SE:--.J Pro}eclTille 12111-12119 203RD STREET, MAPLE RIDGE B.C. Sheet TIiie FSR OVERLAY Ora'M'! RK CheckedMC 1: 200 Pro;ed 15MTH01 _; ' ---j w z I ~ I ..J w 0:: I :::::, I .... :::::, L1. r-- (D SITE PLAN 1 : 150 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L -- I I ri I ~ :,; ~ g ~ 0~ z~ ,o .~ ~~ r.l I j J -_J_ -------- .. ~~ . ¥:(;f i ~~~ C. <• 1-w w ~ I- C/) C ~ M 0 N L @ EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT HARTNELL AVENUE r ffi MATTHEW CHE ARCHITE NG Unil202-670EV CT INC. Vi\NCOUVE ~SAVENUE I cl: l604) 7i [1:i IK: V6A 1K9 Ccl: l604) 6~9-U~!~ ~ ~ax: _(~-0~) 731-3908 ---.mail. m:.illhc\\'~-mcai c:i R~ision: Pro:JeclHle ------ 12111-12119 203RD STREET MAPLE RIDGE , B.C. Shcelnle FIRE TRUCK ROUTE Drawn RK CheekedMC 1: 150 Project 15MTH01 Revision A1.5 ) I I ,--_ -----------------------------7 L ________________________________ _J ULTIMATE P.L. HORIZ ANGLE OF DAYLIGHT ANALYSIS -@ BASEMENT LEVEL 2 1 : ,so i I HORIZ ANGLE OF DAYLIGHT ANALYSIS - 0 ~;~LEVEL \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I \ / \ / ': / ,!/ r / . i '• : ,'•,,/ J MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT rNC. Unil 202 -670 EVANS AVENUE y ANCOUVER BC V6A 2K9 Tcl:(604)nl-3021 /Fnx:(604)73\-3~8 . Cc\: ({,04) 6<\lJ-06(19 / l~m.,i!: nrn11hrn'a mc;11 ca 12111-12119 203RD STREET, MAPLE RIDGE B.C. 5 HQRIZONTAL ANGLE OF DAYLIGHT ANALYSIS - BASEMENT & MAIN FLOOR Dfawn RK ,~-1 : 150 Pro,ed 15MTH01 ..,...., 0., A1 .6 .---\. 1 ' ' ' '~ '•· ••• ~~=li:~~~~~~~~::-!.Y HORIZ ANGLE OF DAYLIGHT ANALYSIS. 0UPPER~EVa 1 .150 ml MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unit 202 -670 EVANS AVENUE VANCOUVER BCV6A1K9 Tel: (604) 731-3021 /Fax: ({..CW) 7JJ-3908 Cc]: (604) 649-0669 / Em.iii: malthcwt?mc::ii ca TIDSDR.\\\'J1'GM\1STN01BESC,\l,B} Tiffi GEl\"ER.Al. COl\lk.:\CTOR SHALL \T:.RJF"I :\LL DL\IE1'S10NS :\J'\'D LEVELS rRIOR TO COl'-L\rE!\CE.\IE!\I TO WORK ALL ERRORS ,\.¾1) m.11ss10~s Sll.\Ll 1m REJ>OR1T,J) L\1!'.IEDJ:\TEI. Y TOTHE;\RCIOTECT COf'\RKifO RfSER\'1-D rrnsrL \,',;,\,\'DDESJG~,\Rf::'J\l),\1,\1.L lI:\lES RE~IAJN TlfE E.\:CLL1S(VE rROl'ERTY OF M:\17llE\\' CHENG,\RCJJTTECr ll\C ,\1\1) M,\\ NOT BE. l!SED OR REPROD(_ICED wn HCX. 'T PRIOR WRJlTE,'-:COl\~I Prajec.1nle 12111-12119 203RD STREET, MAPLE RIDGE B.C. Sh~Tnle HORIZONTAL ANGLE OF DAYLIGHT ANALYSIS- UPPER FLOOR °'-Author °"'""''Checker Sale 1: 150 Projec:I 15MTH01 Revilion Print Dale: 2019/02r.28 ""' A1.7 UNIT1 GRADE AVG 45.00' I 14,02 m --.Unl11~fll ~.BS·TTW 3 lll" CAP STONE AT TOP OF CULTUREO STONE CLADDING AT BASEMENT LEVEL AS INDICATED, TYP 224S 1684m 2244' 1684m I . B1n-1"'-n~ 841a .:;.63m 1~ I I cp I 2244' 1684m UNIT2 er I 1t7" n •J)Cho I ~- l l I I I 11221' /3420m 2244' /684m UNIT3 82!53' /2515m ~ I ' ,urn•~; /•WiSf,:,-:~~~' t .l LJ i 1-H·Lj fl r ·1 L_-r I . ~~~~~ ~ ••• ·1~! ~ -=-r-----9rr1,i,·r, ,.-• " -I r • ~. 11221' /J.420m 22.u ,t.ttffl UNIT4 13.3 12'.am ,$ 2244' /66'1n1 22«'f6S4m 8331 /2539m -0 &253' /2515m ~ 817,r /2491 m ~ 1f'll4JJO.ffl ~ r-··7_ ' ~.,;..,; ~ cp 2245' /684m 2244' 16&4m UNITS ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF, TYP R&fACfMfHT~ BOARD, TYP -~-.----,----+-+--------S''EXPOSURE FIBER CEMENT SHINGLE SIDING AT UPPER LEVEL AS INDICATED. TYP PREFAB ALUMINUM GUTTER, TYP ------'---------6''EXPOSURE FIBER 69m I ---r--- I j.1~22::_ - ' I CEMENT SIDING AT MAIN LEVEL AS INDICATED, TYP ,.._rFl8:£.ACEM£HT CORNER TRIM, TYP 3"~ 4" FIBER CEMENT ~~DOW & DOOR TRIM, STONE VENEER CLADDING AT BASEMENT LEVEL AS INDICATED, TYP llF'i _, _____ ~NIT1 G".:'Jci _ --46.ii0'714Ji2~ 44,85' /1367~~ MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unit 102 -Ci70 l~V/\NS A VENUE VANCOUVER. nc V6A J:K9 rd: ((:,04)7:,J-JUJ:l /f'as: ((.,()..1) 7J l-.l908 Ccl: ((..o.l) 6~9-06(19 / Email: m:it1hc:1wimcai c.1 T1"SDR.-\\\'fl\'G~n:srr,.:01m:sc\lED 11n: GL:~U,\L COf\J fl,\CTOR S1 \:\LI. \'r.Rff'\' \I 1 l}l~ICXSIONS \.'-lJU,\'TTJ.SPRIOR 10 CO~l\P~~Cf..\l£.,l TO \\"Ol<K ,\I I.ERRORS ,\XD Q.\IISSIOXSSll:\I I OF.RIPOklBll\f~IEDJ:\"JEI.\' ro IIU.::.-\RCllllECI C01°YRIG!rt Rf.Sl:R\'ID rJ IIS PL.-\.~ ,\\TD DESJ(_j;'. ARE .-\:'\I) A1 \JI TIMES RE~l:\P.\ IIIEE.'1:CLl'Sl\"El'ROPE!l1\ OF ~IATna,\\"C[IE!\G \RC[lr\ECI IXC ,\~l)~[:\\" ~O'I nE l'S0) OR REl'RODL'CED \\ m IOI' I l'RIOR WIUTTD'. cossr,..,1 Revision: 12111-12119 203RD STREET, MAPLE RIDGE B.C. Shee!Tllio BUILDING A ELEVATIONS Drawn RK Salt 1 : 75 Flrc}ed 15MTH01 Revisicl'I "'"' A2.0 ' ' _J lq2 2245' 1684m UNIT 1 •t/138lm 0 BlDG A NORTH ELEVATION 1 , :'75 2244' /684 m UNITS ~ 0 •~• I ~ . \'1 ' ---~ .1 t ·1 @ 8LDG A SOUTH ELEVATION z 1 :75 0 2244' /6B4m 2244' 1684m UNrT2 UNIT3 2244' /6B4m cp 2244' 1684m UNIT4 UNIT3 3 2244' /6B4m UNIT2 2 2245' 1684m UNIT1 49.!B' 115.12m(U~rTSREAA) 48.e1· 114.88 m (U~IT 4 REAR) 48 04' / 14 64 m (UNIT 3 REAR) 47 24' / 14 40 m [UNIT 2 REAR) (9- 4639' / 14 14 m (UNIT 1 REAR) 4590' h399m MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unit 103. -670 EVANS AVENUE VANCOUVER.. BC VGA :!K'J Tel: (60<1) B I-J01 I/ Fa:.:: ((llJ-1) 7J 1-J?OB . Cd: t604) 649.{)669 / Em:iil: m:illhc\\r1_1 mcm C3 ____________________________ MAX.BLDG.HT.(I1MJFORUNIT ___________ _ _ -=--.=---=---=---=---=---=---=---=---=---=---=---=--~~--=:~ ~~ .;:-~--:-=-.:-.;:--=-.:--=::---,,ii1;~E~:i,~:£1r -------MAX.BLDG.HT.(IIMJFORUNIT IIDSDR.·\\\ThGMt SI l\01 IJESCAUID. 110.: GE\'ERAI.C0'.\1R.-\C]ORSll.-\LL \"ERlfl ,\LL Dr..lE1".S10NS AND LE\1:1 S PRIOR 10 C0:0.L\IE\\"CF.\IE(\J ro \\ ORK ,~ I ERR?RS ,\..'\TI_ 0).IISSlOSS SI L.\LL IJf; Rf:.POR"J1:D l\~\D:1)~:~l EL'\ 10110:,\Rcrnrr:cr. COP\RIGIITl~:.SER\ED . IIDSPI .-\,'-,\i'\UDESIGX ,\RE \.~~,\I '! I lL\U:S REl'll,\TI\11TI~E-\'.CI LSl\1.:PROPh~I\ 01· . - <ii :u." 1 -:::...-··~ ,~d· ._ .. . . fo\J&~G A &_§__E,'\ST_E_sEVAT_19_N_~T]_ \::..11 :75 ~IA l'l1 am Cl !l:SG ARCJ m EC~ ~~ ,\'.\l) _:-.I,\\ NOT IH:: l"Sr:.J) OR 1-lEl'RODFCED \\ fTI [Ol-T Pl-llOJt WRfl1EXCOSSE.'\T. Reviuon: 4858' /1481 m(UNITSFRONT) 47 65' / 14 52 m (UNIT 4 FRONT) 46 89' / 1-4 29 m (UNIT 3 FRONT) 46 2T / 14 10 m (UNIT 2 FRONn 4562' /1390m(UNIT1 FRONT) MAX. BLDG HT. {11M) FOR UNIT _ _ _ _ _ MAX. BLDG HT. (11M) FOR UNIT __ -------__ -..---MAX.BLDG HT.(11MJFORUNIT -::_-~ ~~~:--~: §-5:_~--~---~---------~~i i ~-~-----=--~: ::::.:~c"i/;;7~;~;:i;,r 12111-12119 203RD STREET, MAPLE RIDGE B.C. _z ·:: "":,4(=' £.CJ- -( /' .,,/"------ ./ ,// BUILDING A WEST ELEVATION \FUTURE ©~~r 7 I SBUILDING A HEIGHT 49 8J 115 12 m !UNIT 5 REAR) -40.gr n •.Am(UtnT--01£AJQ c.9:0-Ii469m(UNIT3REAR) 47 25· J 14 40 m (UNIT 2 REAR) <4636' 11413mQ~1RKRJ Scale 1: 75 15MTH01 ""' A2.1 j Z2.W 16-tMlft I r I ,, I ' r-·: r , ------= 1' ------.. ••· •. ~ ' @ BLDG 8 SOl/TH ELEVATION I :75 --~-, 7 2245' 16B4m ~ ~r r•;JJ& . ·_.:_) ' f&J-k -~"'-.,c--~--t--- Q) ~~~ 8 NORTH ELEVATION 11221· 13420m 0 2244' 1664m cp 2244' 1684m 11221· /34.20m 2244' /684m 2,?44' 1684m I L G..&./2536m I ~-i cp 0 f" 2244' 1684m 2245' J6B4m 0 I I 'I•~· I I i I I ~ «-r § ' ; r : _____ •• ___ , ------- 0 2244' 1684m 2244' 1684m IZliOm '4~125B4m /2403m ----b~;i==== -,.J ... ,.,., I __ I • !!I ii . UNIT6 GRADE •7.98" ,,. 6~ 5 4:ma:~ MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unit 202 -670 EVANS AVENUE V J\NCOUVER BC V6A 2K9 ·1 cl: l60~) 7J 1-3021 / r:is: t60~) 7J 1-3908 Ccl: l604) 6-19-0669 / Ern:ii\: m:1t1hc1\'.t[mcai en llDSJ)ll,\\\r.,,:(j~[FST;,,:01 DESCALED rm: QE;\'f,R_.\LCOXI R,\CTOR S11,\LL w.rur, .-\I I Dl)IEXSIO:-IS ,\i\U IJ\rF.LS rRIOR 10 CQ:1.1:\IENCI:..\ffi;'\I 10 WORK .-\LL l!RRORS ,\l\l) m.11ss10;-;rs SI LAI.I JlE REPORTED Thl~ffiDl:\'l a. Y IOTIIE:\RCIU1lTT. COl•YRJGITfRl:SER\'ED 110S rl ,\.,"\ ,\'.\l)T>ESIG:-.: ,\RE.-\;\l) AT ,\U.Tl.\tr:-5 R.£~1,\f.\'1 Im r:XCI l ST\"EPROl'ERn OF M,\I nIE\\'(]18,;GARCIJTrECI n-,:c .'\i\~).\1:\)' XO r HE l!SFJ) OR REPl(O))l CED" m K)l 11 l'IUOR \\ RJfTE!I.' CO!\'SE!\ l R~ision: P1o;ectrne 12111-12119 203RD STREET, MAPLE RIDGE B.C. Sttee!Tile BUILDING B ELEVATIONS Drawn RK Project 15MTHD1 Revlliion 0.,. A2.2 ) j 2244' I584m UNIT10 CD~~~ e SOUTH ELEVATION __ 0 2245' 1684m UNIT6 ~ I I I I I I l I I -------! -- 1J• -I . ...,. 11 I, ® ~ B NORTH ELEVATION HT 2244' /684m UNIT9 22.44' / 6 64 m UNIT7 ·1 {M\ .. c (;) I 2244" 1684m UNITS I I I I ,. I I ~1 1 r =I! -=~ ·-;;• =- 2244'/684m 0 , < UNITS .. 22-44' 1684m UNIT7 2244' /684m UNtT9 0 1 1--. r2'l!"fl1?5m 224S /684 m UNITS 2244' /684m UNIT 10 0 49 69" t 15 15 m (UNIT 10 FRONT) 49 35' 115 04 m (UNrT 9F'RO'ff) 49 26" 115 01 m (UNIT 8 FROtil) .d.1~ 114G5'T't\liMIT7FA0tlll_; 4881' 11488m(UNIT5FRO,ff)- 0 r t l I I I I 5029' I 15:J.1"'tui«f tORl,\Rl -1950' ,1'COm(UfllTSFttAII) 487S'IMCl6111tuKf1'tAf.AR) 4797' /1462m(UNIT7REAR) 4718' /143em(UNIT6REAR) MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. --~~~=-E=-=-=~-=-=--~-=-;--;-=---:-::-:-:-::::::::::::::::--:F:~~~t£~S~'figJ,iJ·" -----------MAX.BLDGHT.(11MJFORUN/Tf Unit 202 -670 EVANS AVENUE V I\NCOlJVER, BC: V6A 2K9 1 cl: l60.Jl ?Jl-3021 /Fax: {61N) 731-3~8 MAX. BLDG HT. (1 tM} FOR UNIT 6 Cc]: t604) C>-19-06691 Emnil: m.1llhc\\'f{mc:ii ca L=:E= _.g~-- .-,. .La--~:- ff ' ,•- . ~--- -• I TlnSDR:rnrxG:.1t:s1 XOl lJESC,\1.1:.D rllE GE:-.l!R..:\L CO;\TR.\Cl OR SI IAI L \'EIUF\ .-\LL l)r..lr:..'l'S!O!\S ,\,,1) LE\T:J.S l'RlOR 10 CO\l\m~E..\IE;\l'IO \\'ORK Al.I. ERRORS ,\.,u O\IISSIO:'\S Sll:\IJ, IJI\ REl'ORlEll l\l\lIDL\1 ELY TO rHE ARC[□ f(CT. car, RJGIIT RESPJl.\'FD rJDSl'fA'\; A.'-1)1)1:SIG:-. :\RE,\,'TI,\1 ,\1 LTl\lES RE~l,\I?\ Tl n:: r,-\::Cl.l1S1\ ,~ l'ROPER'I \ or- /,l:\Tn lEW CIIE\GARCIITfECT IXC ,,\;\l) \IA' :-:01 rrnL'SE]) OR l<EPRODl1CED \\ fflJOl "f l'RlOR \\RITTG.'i:COl\-S8'1 R~isioo: ~, -I -~-~~~~:.-~==;;~~~~"i; _ -$-"'"""'~"-"' ~ l.'2" / 15 CS m (UNIT 9 REAR) 4874 11◄ S6 m(UNITBREA"Rt-00-,,-,,-,1-, --------- 4797 /14 62m(UNrr7 REAR) 47 16' / 1◄ 37 m (UNIT 6 REAR) @ ~~BEAST ELEVATION (203 sn . -- ~ . . ---•. -·-. .r BUILDING B WEST ELEVATION (FUTURE ©~~~) ProjeelWe 12111-12119 203RD STREET, MAPLE RIDGE B.C. Shee1Tdle BUILDING B HEIGHT ◄9 3-4' 115 04 m (UNIT 9 FRON!) 49 24' 11501 m (UNIT B FRON7) ,,~,li'j (Jll:'ij5tn!UNIT7FRONT) • •,jl-lr ic..Mm(UNrT6FRONT) · ! Iii ! -o.-~-R_K ________ _ sa• 1: 75 Project 15MTH01 Revision Dwg A2 .3 ) I ca. lJnitS Ui§ Clg,. .. _ ._, 77.00' / 23.47 rn METAL RAILING W/ POWDER COATING, TYP UNITS GRADE ~ AVG. 98'/ iT.ezm: 46,95' I 14.31 m - ~ J -------6UIWING-A-&-8 WEST EL6VMIQN---------------@ !FUTURE LANE] 1; 75 l.r.=;. =r.l.,.,.., ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF, TYP 5" EXPOSURE FIBER CEMENT SHINGLE SIDING AT UPPER LEVEL AS INDICATED, TYP FIBER CEMENT FASCIA BOARD TYP -- 3"-4" FIBER CEMENT------• WINDOW!. DOOR TRIM, TYP 6'' EXPOSURE FIBER CEMENT SIDING AT MAIN LEVEL AS INDICATED. TYP STONE VENEER CLADDING AT BASEMENT LEVEL AS INDICATED, TYP ------------- "&."''93m _ii -----! - 1991' /607m E i.1 Q I I _j ____ : .. Q ___i.!!!itlU r ----65.8S' / 20,07 rn UNIT 1 GRADE /\ G 46.oo· 11,.02 m ~ ~ MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unit 102 -67U EVANS AVENln£ V M'COUVER BC V(,A .2K9 1"cl: (()()4) 7J J-J02 I / F~x: (604) 7J I-J90R Ccl: t604) 6~9-0(i(i9 / Email: m,,llhc\\ :<jmcai ca llDSDRAWNG~R ST ;\01 OESCAl.F.D TIU\ GE;\lcR,;\/. COXI R.-\Cl OK SI lALL \l'.RffY :\I I, DJ\tE;\S!OSS .\.'\U LE\ 1~1.S l'R!OR I 0 COXL\□(SCE.\□Xl 10\\QRK ,\ILEltRORS:\;\U mllSSIOSS SIL\l.l 111: R.El'ORU.:DB.1:-.IFJ>l\ff:J,\' 101,n:.,\Rcrnn;cr co1•,RIGJ11 ltf:SER,·ED Tl ns \11 ,\_\; :\.'\1) DESIGS :\RE A.\;l) ,\'[ :\LI 1 L\1E.S RE:-.1 \f.\' 1'111':E.'i:Cll Sl\10 PROPER1) OF :-.ixrn IEW Cl IE;\G AH.Cl lfJ EC I l'.\'C A:-.7) :,..1 \Y ;,;01 IJE l SEDOR REPROIX "CED \\ Tri Kll •t l'lllOR \\ kITTE'.\' CO;\"SE:-.-J Reiisiorl Coo- Proje<:!Tl\le 12111-12119 203RD STREET, MAPLE RIDGE B.C. Shee!Tilt- ELEVATIONS & SECTION 1: 75 Project 15MTH01 --::io1~ ()"" A2.4 ) 11221· 13420m 2244' 16S4m 2244' l6Mm ' ' . , 1-1,,=t -_::::J --11=1113 :I ~ • '~III:::~Ell ::::I r:::.:.II.;::: I 111::::I11-1-ITT= _ 111!...lrr',--1.!rn I It I I I 111-, II I 1-1 II~ t -1 .--I fl 1-11 fl f lt-ft l--fl 11 (D 8UlG A LONGTITUOlNAt. SECTION 1: 75 11221' /3420in 2244' 1664m 0 22.44'/68'1m 2244' /6S4m 2245' /6.84m L r Un~1Ro~ ~ 81.00' I 24.69 in_______, I ~ ~ ~ --------73u~i.\~~\~~ I I , , __J,1r>ij__8 f -------~ 1.s.·12..aem ~ .I ..\!nll§ U/S Qlo. 1/C\ -----i -'" ,,a.,,--_--a, ------; 68.5'~~i~~1~ E ~ ~ :: ; ~ ------53Pj'~h~~ ~ NIT6 GRADE fi u • _ • • ~,F-1 --11sI~11~ Ml:~:l.!.r"'"" :;~: nm~ ~-~ J! ~lf:M ---= I ~TillmQ _!_ITT= l~lL9!! --11~71~11 ~~r~ ~l I r1 t ml ~ ~II 1 .mm ~l In !=r I I I I ,.,llllrl ~ ll~H TTi m HI JI I Ill I I I ti 11 "' I 11 111 f tJ I m IO m @ ~~ B LONGITUDINAL SECTION MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unil 202 -670EVANS AVENUE VANCOUVER.. BC V6A 1K9 Tel: (604) 731-3021 /Fax: (fi0-1) 1Jl,J.'.Xl8 Cd: (60./) (l-'!9--0669 /Em11il: m:inhcn n~i ea TIUSDM\\lNG).fllSrl\oTDESC,\LEI) mE GENERAL CO;\"TR,\C roR SHALi \"F.Rlf'Y AU. D[).IENSIOKS A,'\l) LE\l:LS PRIOR TO CO)'.L\IEKCE:.\IP.\LTOWORK AU,ERRORSA.'\1J Q).IJSSIO;\S SI l.:\LL nt Rf:.PORTEI) Th.r..lIDrxra r ron.lE,\RCIIITECl corrRJGHTRESER\'FD I IDS rL,\.\! ,\ND DESIO~ :\RE A.I\U AT ,\LL TL\IES REM:\JN TllE E..'\CLl'SJVl: PROPERTY OF lll,\lll{E\\ CIIEl\G,\RCHrrECTP.-C ,\~'DMA1 !\OT DE l'SED OR REPRODLICED wmtOllT PRIOR \\"RffTEN CO!\SE!l.'T Projee!Trtle 12111-12119 203RD STREET, MAPLE RIDGE B.C. Shectr.le LONGITUDINAL SECTIONS Dra'M'I RK Scale 1 : 75 Prejtd 15MTH01 Revi&ion Di>'!l A2.5 ) ) @ BUILDING 1 NORTH COLOR ELEVATION 1; 75 @ ~~{~D NG l WEST COLOR ELEVAJlON (D ~~~~DI NG 1 EAST COLOR Ei.EVATION ill ---------------1r-1~:::J ...,,,..---------/-.~ ..:...-------i-,~.o -------f----..C] M1 DARK GREY ASPHALT SHINGLE • ALL GABLE ROOF • ALL SHED ROOF M2 SAGI SOFFIT (PVC SOFFID CHOCOLATE BLACKWOOD • SOFFIT THROUGHOUT M3 JAMES HARDIE COLOUR PLUS ARCTIC WHITE OR TO MATCH • FC FASICA BOARD • FC WINDOW & DOOR TRIM • FC CORNER TRIM •FC BAND • PTO. REAR ENTRANCE DOOR • PTO. COLUMN ·PTO.GARAGE DOOR • WINDOW & DOOR FRAME M4 JAMES HARDIE COLOUR PLUS AGED PEWTER • UPPER FLOOR 5" EXPOSURE SHINGLE WOOD TEXTURED FC STRAIGHT EDGE PANEL • MAIN FLOOR 6" EXPOSURE SMOOTH TEXTURED FC SIDING M5 BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT SANGRIA 2006 -10 • PTO MAIN ENTRANCE DOOR PANEL MS BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT LEAD GRAY 2131-30 OR TO MATCH • HANDRAIL & GUARDRAIL • GUTTER M7 I-XL ELDORADO STONE ZINC EUROPEAN LEDGE • BASEMENT FLOOR EXTERIOR WALL MATTHEW CHENG ARCJilTECT INC. Unit 202-670 EVANS AVENUE VANCOUVER. nc V6A 2K9 1 cl: l604) 73 I-J02 l / F□x: l604) 731-3908 Cc!: (604) 649-0669 / Email: molthc\1{q°mcai c., rlllSDR.:\\\'rNG~n:s-1 NOTDESC:\Lffi nJE OENER.:\LCO:,.,TR.,\CTORSIL·\LL \l!RIF'i' .-\LL Dl\lENSIONS AJ\1) !.£.\'ELS l'RJOR TO COi\11\IEKCE..\IEl\"T TO WORK ALL ERRORS :\.1',,'D O~IISSIONS SHAU 01.: REPORTED l?',.IMIDIATEJ V TOTIIE,Ut.CIDTEC1 corYRJGHfRESER\"ED 1111S J'L:\.:'l:\J\'DDESlGN :\REA.'-ll ,\T ,\LL l~lES RE;\IJJNTIIEE."\CLl"Si\'El'ROPERT'\ OF ;\IATnIE\\"CIIE?':GARCHITECT IKC ,\l';lJ i\1.-\'I" )',:OT DE VSED OR REl1ROCX.ICl!J) \\ ITJ JOlll PRlOR \\RillEKCOJ\'Sr:;J\l R~isic>n: Pr0jeclnlc 12111-12119 203RD STREET, MAPLE RIDGE B.C. SheelTr\le MATERIALS AND COLOUR SCHEME °""" RK CheckedMC 1 : 75 Projed 15MTH01 A2.6 I 1991' IG07m ~122' /125"m =0==---,===11_~ !------- 45.29' /1381 FP DW I ~, ENLARGED UNIT 1 MAIN FLOOR PLAN 0-- ® CTYP, BLOG A UNIT 1-5 LAYOUT) AA 1:so 17.82'/!543m I I' I l E~LA:GED UNIT 1 UPPER FLOOR PLAN G) 'TT~o BLOG A UNIT 1-5 LAYOUD "4122' /1256rn @ ~ . < 2131' 1650m ~8" l1399m ~ 7 ?t3t' ,ism J 8ALCON 1Ut' {6.,07111 y .... ,, .. r-.,------ ---=-'--l~"'=''"=""' ENLARGED UNIT 1 ROOF PLAN (TYP. ©~AUNITl-SLAYQUD DASHED LINE DENOTES ALLOWABLE VERTICAL BUILDING ENVELOPE @ ~~1Jo1 CROSS SECTION I T ~ 21.ll'lfl~m I I I -___L__ ---- •~,~,--x I ~ MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unit 202 -670 EVANS AVENUE VANCOUVER BC V6A 2K9 Tel: (604) 731-3021 / Fnx: (604) 7:\1-3908 Cc\: t604) 6,19--0669 /Email: ma.tthcw(@'mcai c::i TIOSDRAWil'\0!'-fllS'T NOTBE SCALED TIIE GEi\1:R.:\L CO~I RACTOR SHALL \'ER.IFY :\ll. DL\11::NSK>KS AJ\'D Ll:'VEJ.S PRIOR TO COM~J[.,~~"f TO \l,'0(0; .\lJ. t-~\\1) o~rl~Kr.-.'ss:Jl\U BE&fJ!Oll.n,Jt.\.Wl.ill.\rrt., T011-IE,\RCITIT'ECT COl'>YR1GIITRESr:Jl\'ED TlllSPLA,'l ,\i,'[)DESJG): ARE,U..UAT AU. TBJl:S RE~ 1,\IN THE E.\CLl!SJVE PROPERTY OF /1.l,\'rn IE,\\"CI IEI\G ARCI lrTECT JXC.:\ND :\!AV 1'0T DE USED OR REPROOLICED wm 10n PRIOR WRITTO..: COXSO\f. R~ision: _ .......\ffi!I !.)l:ggil...,4(~----------81_00, 12<.89 m Conlllb!lb. F'rQ:iedTlt\e 12111-12119 203RD STREET, MAPLE RIDGE B.C. 5S.84~~i~t~2a~ ~ SheetTlle TYPICAL UNIT 1-5 FLOOR PLANS & SECTION 1: 50 15MTH01 Revision --2'0tt,GQ7 A3.0 I 0-- 0-- .,., ,- --I l ---~~------+~4132"/125Qm :u,31·11t41hn =I"- ENLARGED UNIT 6 BASEMENT/ GARAGE FLOOR PLAN (TYP, BLDG B (D ~~li-0§:10 LAYOUD 2131' 1649m \Fl KITCHEN ENLARGED UNIT 6 MAIN FLOOR PLAN ® r:a BlOO B UNIT 6·1 O LAYOUT] 2001' /610m 2001' /6 tOm I I I t------ 1 I ~ @4132'/1259m 0 -~...-...r-..J-_ -~- -r-~-------~--~~ I -----= --,,,,.,....._,,,...,..,'--'---.a..;.--l---l 1K -l''i1==➔----MAJNGASUi:WJ -=--= ij r:..!-~T~~-!;I _-=-~1,t :_-" -. ---~ -~ .. :i :..ru -·,·~:c::~~==J::::r-=:r;:t: ~ ---t ::i-:..:;:...r--q-o---~--~~;j"' ENLARGED UNIT 6 ROOF PLAN (TYP, © ~ B UNIT 6-10 LAYOUl) , , , nv CHEN tit MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unil 102-670 EVANS AVENUE VANCOUVER, BC V6A 2K9 !'cl: (604) 731-3021 / Pax: (60-1) 731-3908 Ccl: (604) 6~9-0669 / Email: mallhcw{q'ITlC:li C.'.l TIIISDRAWD.GMLTSTNOTHESCALED TIIE GE\\Ut:\J. COKTRACTOR Sl [ALL \'ERJFY ALL DIMENSIONS A?<-1) LE\'ELS PRIOR TO C0~!11D\CE..\IEl\7' TO WORK ALL ERRORS :\?-TI 0~11ss10:-:s smu DE REPORTED l\(MEDIATI:.L Y TOTHEARCJrrmcr. cor\1UGJITRFSER\'FD. TIIIS Pl.,\i'\ ,\.,'Dot:SIGN :\RE,\J'l) ,\TALL Tl\lES RE~LAJNTl:D~r,._\:CLrsJVEJ>ROPERn Of M,\TTl JEW Cl IEKG ,\RCHITECl' rl\C ,\.'\'D l\l,\Y NOT BE FSED OR l<.EPRODl'CED wmmn PRIOR \\ RJTTE/\ CO!\SEl\j Re¥ision: Coo ....... Projeclnle 12111-12119 203RD STREET, MAPLE RIDGE B.C. SheelU\e TYPICAL UNIT 6-10 FLOOR PLANS & SECTION Pl1ljed 15MTH01 Print Date: 2019/02128 """ A3.1 View of unit entrances to Building B facing Common Activity Area View of unit entrances to Building A facing Future Lane _) NOTES: TREES AND PLANTINGS SHOWN ARE FOR REPRESATION ONLY ANO DOES NOT REFLEC TTHE ACt1,l,,IJ,.N,1,Gf0,:Tif! P'\.Aff~O. PLEASEREFEATO~'GJ:lt.ANTSR)flDETAILS SOME TREES M4Y8!OM0TfDlNTHE PE.R.P:$PECTfJE VIEWS SUCH THAT THE BUILDING FOR CAN BE FULLY SEEN Entrance driveway and building fa9ade along 203 Street Rear yard view MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Uni! 202-670 EVANS AVENUE VANCOUVER.. BC V6/I. 2K9 Id: (604) 73 1-3021 / Fax: (6CM) 7Jl-J'J08 Cc]: ((l0-1)649-0669 / Email: malthc,,(~lrncai ca nnsrnt,\\\'JXG;\Jl Sl :-iOfDESC,\IF.D TIO( GE;',l-'.R.ALCO:-,lR.,\CroKSll•\ll \l:'.klFY .-\JJ. l)ThlEXS!OXS ,\XD LE\ 'ELS PRIOR TO CO)'.ThfE'.\'CE.\fl:>,·1 TO\\ ORK .-\I L ERRORS ,\.\:D mussro;,.;s Sll:\IJ. BE REPORTED 1).11-.fr,Dl \TEJ.Y JOTIIE,\RCfnTECl cor,'RIGffl R.F.SER.\'Bl 11nsruN A,'\TIDESIG~ ,\REA.~1),\1 ,\Ll.lt:\fl;.5 !lE)'.l,\N I I IE E..\'.CI l 'SIYE PROl'ERT) OF ;\L-\TTimWClllit\'G ARCIITTELI !KC .-\1'1);\I.-\Y XOI DE liSED OR KEPROJX•CED \\'ITIJOl T l'R!OR \\RITll;~COXSE.,l Coo ....... 12111-12119 203RD STREET, MAPLE RIDGE B.C. Sheelnle PERSPECTIVES Drawn RO Prcjed 15MTH01 Revi5ian Prir110a1e: 03/21119 A4.0 .J .: ...J ., z ci ii: 0 w z '.5 w a: :::, I-::, LL LANE FUTURE LANE r -·---,----------·--·-·-·r --------------' --·-··-••-·-•-·-·· ORIGINAL p~'--·-j ! l i i j i ! I i i i i I ! i i ! i i i j I i j . "Tl C :--I (') C ;o CD 3'.fl' liT PtCl<S.1-FE,lCE WTH G\TE soo1•1tS24m 4921'~ ';~~ ~-==- 4895' l1-492m I 4922' l1S00m t ' 45 50' / 13,871m 44.85' / 13.67 m r· --=--=-..:.==-====-====--~-~ !~~ $ ---·up BUILDING A 4.44" IHi'ISllft 4765' ,1~.S2m UP T-" 4685' /1428m .... ,. I ' I I I I I I ' I I I I I 'I !(T dJAGONAL HATCH ~~n°!~~s 4816' 114 68m 4728' 11441 m 12111-12119 203RD ST. 4659' /\420m BIKE RACK I · J ~~TO BLOCK ' ,! l I I ' i O!:DICATION AREAS i J l i i -!! a.• ...JI ~: §! ~! j j 1 i ! I I 4926' 11502m 4990' 11S21m 04 1l,$ ii• BUILDING B L.J ' lfOSE BIO BV'MECHAN.cAL UP = ~- . I -.. ,,.;,.,.m i .,,i,,._ .... [ ~ • ,t l INlERNAL EMERGENCY use ~ ( PAVED on 1861201'1.Y ----1 DRIVEWAY ! --l ~-- 1 .. J 3/IIX3M _:, Ii"' LAWN i I ' I I i ' I I ~i '.ti I 1-w w 0::: I-C/) (") 0 N PROP. 1M WIDE CONG. SIDEWALK FORUNITl -5 FIRE HYDRANT f;TltEETTREE TYPE Nl0 UXATIOH TO BE Modcnn P:irk Bcoch:Moc.Icl Number: M-5 BY WISHBONE SITE FURNISHINGS Sflllf--J n Whl!ihbone BIKE RACK Sw-r 3 Sp.ice nikc Ruck Ullr.lplasl 1"' Rccyclc.,'ll Plaslic SI.tis-Gr.,~ Model Numhcr: SffiR-3 Lein[!. Lnstin[!. Slninlcss SIL"CI lfanlw::irc-Blnc:k tO:il,-nnizctl Slee\) :h~~°! ~~6.::~s lOIE -is1.&u co10 ......,..,,c,11n11 s BLACK COLOR; KE ULE-TREETTRE lll.lJV$Nll."IICll',,,'f\1."W>ITVIQ'.l,r "VI SJl'PON!CA VAU.EYnRI!' 1101,0.K,O,lllETMIXl!Vl'll" 1KM.1;o.Jl,l'OHL;AtlV",....lf1 JAAUSAr.oEW'H-C~Slr 'll6l,ol'V,Ull[)AV/D0 V$JINHUIUA>IY,00ClW WOU<Af\0"'11,1,M;Cl'<"l(;HT-t• ~-.. -,U1t:t•1• CARV!C:!Nll'Et<5'SUEAc;cU)' !'>00,EO-lCAN,OCll,\"ALLGCL.17 PtN<1$EJLr,i....OJrf.C\:!rolCU ....... UN Ph,:60-l6?Ci0..176 oc1otfllGlOIIY .. Al'I.£ ..,NCl"IOHsonn w 1-..,11 l.ffl'l«Uo•IOX V"l.Lf:'I' fl~f,.,t,11!$ SCAll\f'l1,1£ll)Ul;DIIQ&[ -,~u-;o, -~- K>-lllRlUISll!IIFt,\ll10l((l)~1 EVEIIG(llOJ,UI.OMUUCQE A1.1.Ceu:: ...... MC~~Oll(~GIIAU D.!T"Wlll.l~ ~Alsta~lll1U> l'IIO<H.~ "'"' ___ .. _____ ...,_ .. ,.,c-..--- ~u,...,,c:c,,o:aiilt -IUir.,oc.,_ • ....,._ CONftRJ.J.ED& COORDNATEWTHCITY AND BC HYORO ANO CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE I HADCO-DBJ0, allumlnum bollard ac"'~&l:s'IOl,II ICIIOC.,,l NliTOMI IIC1.ICOl li'~S'r0 IH ••PCT ••PCT FENCING LEGEND: LIGHTING LEGEND: PAVER K£Y: i 11, l I --RW-~~;;--------------------------------------' I I 1 1 I I ~ 111 I l -, ,-N-o-te_: __________________ ..:.:======-----,-----------------------------------· ---- ---------Contact FortisBC at 250-380-5797 in min 3 business days notice priOTw-the-startof...iny.construction._QL~c;_avation work in gas pipe R.O.W. corridor FortisBC will dispatch a representative. Do not proceeifwTthoii iil'ortEBC-_____ _ representative Inspector on-site! --------------------------------- :I~: ,!",•RO or j I ---EXISTING POWER LINE -----6HT SOllOWOOO PERIMETER FENCE -----4JhT,-LUMINUMFENCE ••••••••••••• 42"HTV.OOOFENCE BOLLAA036' HT UPLIOh1 V/SrTDR PARKING SPOTS AND DRIVEWAY PAVER C\LIFCRNIA STANDA~O CLASSIC PAVER M.lfPl,t,.~..E SIZE 4.71a,xe 718'X6Cmm CCJLOUR NAlURAL WALKWAYS !~:~~ ~ER LOD<INC,; STANO,.RD CLASSIC PAVER Nlroltl,tnBQ Rl,,UaG90t0 ~ ~nc"U,7 .. lllll)wl ~Oi."' ... 'DFO Bl.ENO ,.00-IU&DII/GI :.-~ = ~\0QOllr,CSTN.:CAROCUSSCPAVER PATTERN 1:-1 FrELD RUNNING 6CNC St2E 47l16"XB718·xromm CCX.OUR NATURAL i LEND PATIO· BU/WING A PAVER CONCRETE PAVER SIZE 24·X24' COLOUR NATURAL BLEND 16056·82tP Copy,;pN,......a. l'hnodmw,oandci<slll"''"''" ptoperty of PMG LlmdlOlpo Atc/'lilow; Md m,y not be ,..;,,Oducrd o, wed ro, oew p-Oi&Cts w.tnout Ulolt perm1ss1on Suite C100 -41B5 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 SEAL; 7 19.1 ... N.26 NEW~f!EPLAH~Cll'l'COMM~.~ 6 1!.JUN.1& SSTJIEETTREESIICC[O U~.UHJl'Cltl~ 4 IIIIM30 _ GIISFIPEIIO,W, ____ _ 3 J6MARCi NEWSITEPLJ,N CD ----------·--· 2 llCCT ~1 NEW9T( ~LIIN/CllYCOWME/1.'TS 510 ,---,.---~-ao NO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION OR CLIENT: FAYE OUAN PROJECT: 10-UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 12111 AND 12119 203RD STREET MAPLE RIDGE \N'ITH: MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC DRAWING TITLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN DATE: June 21, 2016 SCALE: 3/32"=1'·0" DRAWN: DD DESIGN: DO CHK'O: PCM PMG PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING NUMBER: Ll OF4 16-056 ll lf II II n I II II II i----'--------~- r----2 X 6 CAf> ~4 MID R~L-J l11◄AALEA__A -~4 POST 3" ----'l1t6H"--.E:A •, ~ COMPACTED IT,!z,a.-c~ FOOTING fJ 2x4 p T ao~t SUBGRADE ~~g:1~0:0~ u~~ cRAJNAGt - OR PATIO ON SLAB 8'-0" MAX. O.C. NOTES: 1 ALL POSTS PRESSURE TREATED TO CSA STANDARD AND END CUTS TREATED Wlll·l PRESERVlTJVE 2 All OTHER MEMBERS TO BE CEDAR #2(CONSTRUCTIONJ GRADE MINIMUM 3 ALL HARDWARE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED 4 APPLY 2 COATS EXTERIOR STAIN TO MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATION FENCE TO MATCH TRIM COLOUR, CONFIRM WITH ARCHITECT 5 ALL FENCES TO BE LEVEL CHANGES IN GRADE TO BE IN 1Z'-18" STEPS (MAX) GAPS TO GRADE TO FOLLOW FINISH GRADE GAP TO BE 3-6" @6'-0" HEIGHT WOOD FENCE WITH LATTICE L 1/2" =1'-0" ®ENTRY SIGN lOPOST HEIGHT IN -C-OSCRETE FOOTING ,.,,.._ 1 FENCE TO HAVE 2 COATS OF • ,i-(',~ FQ,,\t)ERCOATINBLACK 112"= r-o· " NOtE 3'-7'-+ GATE 1/3 POST 'kSGHf • .. 1 ALL POSTS PRESSURE TREATED TO CSA STANDARD AND ENO CUTS NOTES: ALUMINIUM TO BE POWDERCOATEO WITH 2 COATS OF COLOUR TO MATCH BUILDING RAILINGS 1NC6NeRETE:"FOOn~'O ON 3" DRAIN ROCK ®3'-6" HT ALUMINUM FENCE WITH GATE L2 j -1---4·.o· ----l- I .-.AS()t(R'f UNITS All.AN BLOCK. MINIS ,G~(M G MEDIUM SPECIFIC FOR GROWlNG FOOD ,~·--""' -·- GARDEN PLOTS TREA TEO WITH PRESERVmve 2 ALL OTHER MEMBERS TO BE CEDAR #2 (CONSTRUCTION) GRADE MINIMUM 3 All HARDWARE HOT OJPPED GALVANIZED 4 ~tr:'-~i~\t~:~=TB~P~J~~W~fec57CIFJCATION 5 Al,LfENCES T08ElEVEI...CHANGESIN ~TOBE IN 1Z'•1ff' STEPS(MAX.) GIIPSTOGRADE..10FOU.0WflPG$HGR.AD£ ~Pl O BE3--6"'. 1/2"= 1·-0• ®3'-6" HT PICKET FENCE WITH GATE t2 112'= 1 '-0" NO..!_E 1. ALL WOOD TO BE CEDAR #2(CONSTRUCTION GRADE) MINIMUM 2 ALL HARDWARE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED ~':::::.':._ -r•~E::Jg~~RI~ SANDWICHING PAIGE WIRE -· -2X4 CEDAR -- ! NAILING STRIP J --~~CE!Wl --2X.4CEDAR -- --~-=~=---JfN&,JNGSTRIP -, -l ~ SANDWICHING PAIGE WI RE t::::::::.:1_ =,=nomm•-~• 2 X 4 CEDAR TOP RAIL 4X◄P.T HEM/FIR POST ---- 2x 2 CEDAR VERTICAL =====~-2 X 2 CEDAR VERTICAL 2X4 CEDAR BOTTOM p;,AA:----:; CONCRETE FOOTING: 2X 'MOTH OF POST X} HT OF POST COMPACTED SUBGRADE ----- GRAVEL UNDER FOOTINCr--- -= 16056-BZIP ©C:O,,,,,lgh!r-d.Til$d<""""'1•M<eoJonJsu,e prope~ or PMG Land1capt /.I~ tl\d rMy nQ1. be rep:-ochaoed a1 used for olhtrt p,ojitc.11. w.thoul ULtir permission ~ Suite C100 ~ 4185$1111 Creek Drive Bumab,1. British Col~ VSC 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; I ra;4 294-0022 SEAL: > :♦ ........ ~ ......... I ttNA'->t IIAN.JC- JJl,.VMai l UQC".1.,1~ lt,..Ut.J.J NO DATE M'.'IIIIIIIIL~,l(if'lc.e,.r;,,Jti,,r, ii'ii,;,.OJ.~tc •&""'°"~l"lll~ .. 0.-UT ,...,...,.-14.,..._ -..JWr,t(~ ~~~~1~--;.; ............ REVISION DESCRIPTION CLIENT: FAYE QUAN PROJECT: 10-UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 12111 ANO 12119 203RD STREET MAPLE RIDGE WITH: MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC DRAWING TITLE: LANDSCAPE DETAILS .. .. '!" cc l"'_ .. .. DR DATE: June 21, 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: L2 DRA\IVN: DD DESIGN: DD CHK'O· PCM OF4 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 16--056 i -.. ) i i 1··( d.AGOW\L HATCH ;AllEA DENOTcll FUTURE LANE Ul TIMATE P.L------------------ ELECTRICAL _ 1 Cl0SE7 •• ' _, ' 7 ,....'...=-PROJ?.,GAfl8AGE & ,.; • fle<:YCLEAAEA~di:; I so.01· 115 24 m I ~ VISITOR • P_ARl(JNG , ,, • 50.00' I 15.24 m 47.00' I 14 33 m $ ·=; 4&.30' 114,11:~ $ I -~l r==~- ":;=:_ 7---~- UP BUILDING A 492z 11Soom ,.....__ 45 50' / 13.87 m ◄4,85' / 13.67 m- $ $ UP --=, ~ 4765' /1.tl52m I ~85'/1◄28m -$ ====~~.~--=--==~=====~=======~~=====$ ◄921·n5oom : 484J'n4715m ◄7,64'~l◄52m 4685'/14.28:m <1S68'1113Mlm -4816' /14,68m $ 4726' 114-41 m I I l I I ! / j Tree 1rHr'Cedar 70cm 12111-12119 203RD ST. 0 - 4SS9' 11420m -t--r----• 11:'j;,. -!: BOLLARDS TO BLOCK ➔ w I ROAO&LANE ➔ Z D~DICA TION AREAS INTl:RNAL ~ TRAFFIC, I 1 ' I EMERGENCY USE X 3M; (") 0 C'\I PROP.1M WlDE CONC. SIDEWALK FOR UNIT1 -5 FIRE HYDRANT (~5) TREE TO BE RE :3 iJ i I (;f(jf ree #1!7 - IL '-+-Cypre~ 30cmso09"/1S4Sm -/1S2l m 49.10'11497m 4928' 11502m 4649 /l478m 11454m ( PAVED -prfn DRIVEWAY 18612 ON!.Y ~ 1' EROif : j(J3) Tree #1 Cypress 28cm !-L:. t18) Tree #2 Cypress 30cm --~ ~I --====tpr.'.10~,F<,sii:'o1"'2.=== 7<>:::====· ~""'"' ( "'i )_Tree #16 __ VJsrroR , ... _;: Cypre 3~-112 !4.88',,545m 4gga•,,s2,m ··"d>u, 0 j _ -,s, ,s, BUILDING B ree #14 • E~~AL ... __.., -T ~ ;-0a, press. m ~ ~ --.Tre 15 Mtn Ash -----1 ..... UP 32cm I 487ZIIUISJ?1 ~ c press sscrn-- 477j/1<l5S• ·-= 'lc>!'J•SQ1!ft 9 Ila l 1· /\CTIVl'IY kREA • I jl_ • ------------------ I l --------------------------- !(3;) Tree #3 Cypress 28cm I, ... - ~ ) Tree #4 Cypress 32cm Tree #5 Cypress 20cm Tree #6 Cypress 30cm ) Tree 'Ii_? <;y_ r~ss 35cm $ TARD AS l'llf: I r---I 16056-B ZIP ©COf)'tffob!11S11.l'l'ed. TJedir-MJ1.0ru.ddesigflt,!'hlli propatlY oi ~{G UndlCllpt Arehlteets •n<I fT\IIY riot be reprMUC:\Odo,t UUtt1 for ottii11 projKH.'!MthDUt lhef1 permission ~ Suite C100 -4185Still Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, VSC 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; 1: 604 294-0022 SEAL: ', " 6 lU,--,.,Y, I l,l.Y,")'41 ......... 11.V..U:U. .!'OCI.! ,....,., NO. DATE I\SWjlll""""'°l'I'~~•~ S~IIEETT/;£~A0D[() Q\,ftJO,N,tf&IOlfltl,lllOI..L.P GAS-.PA,..;: ,,J.wt,I\J'\M ;;..,.;-ftNillfl--_;~11,1J •-MW-;7,.;; REVISION DESCRIPTION CLIENT: FAYE CIUAN PROJECT: 10-UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT '!I!. "' .. DR 12111 AND 12119 203RD STREET MAPLE RIDGE WITH: MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC DRAWlNG TITLE· TREE MANAGEMENT PLAN DATE: June 21, 2016 DRAWN: 00 DESIGN: DD CHK'D: PCM PMG PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWNG NUMBER· L3 OF4 16--056 --. J PART ONE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS llljJ{Jflal Z C•~~ L~m;a S!nln,.lllHI "°'""· pr,i,ml! 11, I/If C1n1d,on !iomlt ol Li<'Nlmpe "1<M•1ls ind 11\t (,111do;111 Lol'ldmpe l Hi.rmr Asmi1lioQ. joirlllr 411 wa,rl,. -~•"'' ,hH11tt! sl.....,_ H tt1 o,,;I., •~•CJ~ l1'>1!mipt ~llnlUt~\OlltH Wftrutdb1 l~,i •~Ki!i[al,ontr nc,re1lt-' b1 L•mjM' Ar111.lul """ vnlhn iMln,,;lior,. 3 11.1.STER HIINl(LPAL !.PECFICATIONS, SIANOARO DETAILS 2111 ,dil1on prep1r1db1 lhf(on:ullirig t"9nem ol Br,1,1~(olur:1bu RoadO<Jlder, andH,i.,1 (Ollslro<liM Auoti1lion 1ndlh1Ml/l'IOt11ulErigiae1r<Dr.,.,on 4 Sb11>A;JfOIIL.l.l{IS(AP£111116AllONSYSTOI ma l'tt011rt6)y'l~el:ri;,1l;i,nlnMlr1Am1iJliono/Eo!«ll(cl•)n Sl'IJ!l'(IPAlBlLAWSAlltJENlilNEEAl),l:j',PEOFICATION!iwt\EAENDTED 12HS!lliG 1 A mnrt lr.<:l 1•, Ill.ii-= ncnll'II IHI In !ll~1b"l1rt6o.m le ti cs,~ <11 lt,1 \ile 1s rN:lY~. Pro•~ ~/Ill p1r /er tnl~ by ;c ir.<~rrt,nl tuln; ta,1;11 p-1.1;:p~,~~J IN lil'llu~e 4n.Mtd ()(lf>try-ov,r.g lr.t(•;n 1'11 m .. h l~l~K.P. Ni~•lul l«r"'"' .r:a "~ro..;I pi:r le .,1-C~fr.l. Rt Irr It ~Id;~ t;rwir.; t'.t61.1:lulinsl<t1V<(t<k,• Fi £1.'fHllTAlS II, ~ltll'rtW !.i:t::~-:::,,:;:c-::n:,~;;::.-:,':,!!:::t:!~!!!::::".:11:~~~;::.~:lf>t ...,.~IILl!!tfl Mlt,,,lo,tU;11"'1« 11!1• ,..,~UJ.W,1,;t •tt~t,•.iit~ !!.~:.:..::,~'"''! tncT..-t ,,..tto.r, iWt4'1111iit"l!t 110IP'l)"A llt 1'Willlu,,,l•ILLl·lll'-"-'lrM•trl•1m"•-"~'P'""•lftot-.-.. u,11 1J ~~l&t,.. ... ~(l'tt#'lir11U'lU1 .,t ... llJtt---..,(li0..-:.1l"lll'"(~ll ... k ,~~•i,e,au, .. ~~(ll'ttl!2r""UttJ-,O,,. h~illr-..fllllttt..flllllll••r-'lltllrll((q!IIIA!tlllMWC>fW...,;,:tf"ltlHt1._ll ... ~f.iott}(t,ar.,_...,_~,..,.,.,.u,,.111t1.,-h l.lflf'ttl\J.lt ... :.:::.:~1::. .. ~:.:;,:;-:::t:==~~=~~tr~=~:,~~~~"11::~~:!..H::.::.:-. ""W"ilif·~~Jl!l,1d .. n~-ftlll,INl .... ,-•,aiKi.._lllrd1.tn,~•,,.-11~"1d••fllilll11""41 trlnNJplll.M)r."4,11# l1it '1,_(~i,lthffllo.rt.N..-r,t'.-!lt11~._i,.tt-~•'Wtiv~to,,,_!l\.l"N..,.1!ar...;...-ue11P't«i1r. ·~ l~:::;,',,;::: .. ~~':!.'7'..-,.111:•tfl.w,1,t.....,,_~,t#IAIU/ll,t11J~~--~~la1.ll'lfrt<o~l,0Mt~r1cr:,pltl~ ~~thu:~~':::,~~ .... .-,1 kwt""""'"'!btltMl,IJ1~,.. .... ...,... ... clt"hN1hlf(1...-... bt~ht11:r,,..- ~~ ~=::;;:::1~::.:::::::=,~':':~~~:::~.:1c!~~~t~e:-~. ~ .. e_::::''':~~I rn•~ot11111i.•fffl"IJ,.i«:~ I IJl\lns olh,nm• wiilrLKlt~ in lht Conltiel 011111111nls. llt pr,p1ralion of Ill~ 1h1II b• lht ruponJ,IJ/~r ot 1hr G1n,ral Con1nclor Placi1<,nt ,! grow.-,; ~Id'""' cori,11\~lr> ampf;in(t ~I lht W:1ri,l1 b1 lht LMlol>Clj:l (Dl\lrillor 4nJ 11ta~\M1'1Clio11 ID lilt i,,ll9ud, 11"Q\irtd m I~ r,~n11bililt ol lht lNi.c1p1 (ocrlmlor 2 .~ ........ ,_:11,,;11ri•l111illrn !111~11turtwBttl<)' pt<!OIIOll1 ,utN!.,llilll!SO;)tco,lr..:10; !ti~ ... 1'f~triOMIIW1111!tt.e.-t:Odo ll",/)lrK~n•,udn,hlltldda <UTTtnt l111nu 1111.Ltd ~! lh, ippnprilll ~lborihu 6 hii.t m:rcp,al1 •UllTU lo a,Old ,n.,1cno:1otcl dilug, De r.ol ~~~p 1ny-...i1, 111l1ri1ls inle wilor tc~,u Ccnler.i wHh ;,II /t(fr1l ,,~....,ml ar.t 1u11 1fi!ult1 an~ ~L.QIO:n 1 (GIINI .lfl< l'I!,<•• If ;II ~tin! 1ncfl<r t>ll!J -.iltri.f •• , ... Wu;;, <Ff'IIICM ~"" p;i>lOJUI"" tlla It'll,., .. c.■1.-,,n1l!Jlll.1Jtn.•I.On)I ,.,)11ft ortlot,1c~l1l1dp-,"lchn;rl1mplantt PART TWO SCOPE OF WORK 21 S(OP(OFWORK I Oln,r mdl10os ol (onlr;icl 011y oppl1 (onhn, S<o~ ol Worh al I~ ,r Ttnl!t•. 2 w .. ~.:tluou ~t ol au rr!alrd 11a, .illdptrl«tir~ ~· optr"lhorSIIUtlllfJ lo(,a,)ltlf lilt worl-Ill i«Gr&·rt .. ;1• 11it ~~..a;• HIil SP'(lhrll!OII• ,1~69"ienUr u11111t1 •I th, tollo.,ng JI '4itsr'ilLl.lf ltlu~ Trtu where 1ho~n on dnwtng, J1 hn~<, q:Nlr•otr.ctlfi.RtJ! l) k,1...-Pl"9IIM\f1.._4iol J4 l•tt.11"~•Vt"""l~M,!I~ !~ ~:::!W:7'.!;'t!.~:;::=::-::d!!~"l'•'-"-CIII 21 Plf!IIJl••ltft/111,VH\rtll,.'ktl'ffdllLIIIJ..bal~ lB 'rtP'"1'.Q.d l(~•ll."P;Cr'jd•••,t11!1d1,~~""-!I 1.9 I.W,1ttPKl:':ll'llCtldOl'.l;lll ;;~ ~:~;;:f:';~~:.!rl~~=,~=•~;~"•'•u,~ 211 Cll1'•r.t• ~.u.,,~,~&.lt ,.,,~w,..-(t)l.-tl.,£it""-hilect llHATER!AlS I C.~•.-iNt~..., (011lo111 lo{aal!Jlll1'41<l,,. Slar.dircl Jo, ddnl:o,r;ol 1~,11ltO a"A! 011-,~t lo.)!~ P,ler lo Tal>lt Orotblo-. TAeL(ONEPRDPERTl(SOFGRDWti(itf:D.l.il"lfCRLEVIllGROOt-:ED.lllDl[Vfl)HODERAIEAREAS (,nad,;in Sr1l111 of So,l Clm,l,c.ilion Tt,l~r.il (Im -L01,o~ Sffil· to ·sanc11 l1ari,· "" lv;u /hN'-~•~"n satlr,ltu.;,m lac91rlhinQll110n, n1ll1rlh.nD~Sro11> Qi, .. \J1Cu,1d lil'p.h#••'•ui.q 0rglric(onlta!l11lrriorl 11.zsx , ... 1.15;: L ~ Add,li,, (01'1.111r<l.il ,onplll ~•OMI lo 11\t r,'\«tllt~ls of th1 (i414' Lllldm~, s11,dltd, !ii HI •~ho• ~ ~rf•lPP,0fld br lht llln<1,i.p1 ,IJ-1/i;lul RlttL.!nHd •~Jllllfr5 lht An1w1r G;rd.n Proi:..:,11. Fra,u R1(M!ond Soil1 lt"' llrfllll Orginic< M1naoier1,nl 6 (010foiltd611~"-11h l:'mll31S""l""IHf•llll.dei~bir~<hl~•a•dhnt1 lruollluil,,ino!111th nri1tcw,,111tal""n!frud311U1l ''""" mht,to1hlr ulrln•••' m;ll,r Fr,~ or;ng,., co-loL/t ~•~ Wl ~I rejttl1d 1 lterbw.lC!e> ;nolPnl~ldu II u .. ~ nusl <1nl<r01 lo.t\ l•C11111 pro111Xiil Wlool slalul,s Appt,ir,.,.11 hol~turr,nl l11en1n ,11u1dby I~• ippr1pri1lt 1ulhonl"1., thtoru m f~l1r FatrK ~ r,u ti<tf(IM .. etl.rl.ct tr tit .... 1,11,~t1fJtr.r,r thil •oil lllo lt.r J;il!~r ol ~•ttr tll ... ,~ ,c~ Flrldfl l~l~! .•• ttlllm JU i.t_ C[CI.CNli~C C~ Jl".C(G ~~,~ a-;;11,roil• 1/C:C>,ti ~rt·•~r•cnd ti l~.t Loncm,i:, Ar,t.lulJ 11 ~lnl Hatmil lo l~,t rrq,.■r,.,."I' ol lht (1111!,on Landu~, Sl1nd.rd Fl,/rr lo l ~ Pl.nl< aad Pl;al""l AU ~1nl •1lr1iil ""''I ~t pro,idid Iron~ 1,rt~1id '''""~ lrunu,,.,., Pro'1d!pr00fofterl1l1<il1on ll ~'-'Fjlhir 1ndin11 .. t,,, ot uga.en!il ti .. ~ ... ~. lo f'O•.rlL! tf\9"lllrtc!d'.IW"''I' ror ,11 .. ~, l,g,,tel loo! .. ~t(I er.'"91 ,., ;II VIiii•. i11d1,llll/1~, . .,,,,tu o, •Mor ~:::/:'~~; d .,,11, cdlt<l,,ilJ in .. ens or U[, ~1l.tl1liCJ'o! .-:u,I t1 m11~1c i~C •l!ir.•c oil~) (1rJilit~ Prolnmn.l Er.;i,-.1,r, ,r.t"(l <cil ol 1r9'".nrr:§ wrnu ii PART THREE SOFT LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT JIP.[T[NTICOIOiO:l)Tlf,'lila[£:, 1 Ptior 1~~-~onsilr -~ .. ,,,, m,;~Jt1 ••tt• orpllllll ,.~,llllfuld~•·• .. e'n•,orn,1ptF1111> il~llil~""fll.lCl;liffil 11 h l011(! iralllll(U lhl L~,1~ ol.rl~l!!I wilt l1'j lrf'5 U _,UI lo reron. 0.IMI lree ret,nt,on 1rru at a II.rt••~ r1ul,r.g w,l~ lht l..-d11;,p, 4rlhttd 5 Do Ml p.rk ru,t or ur,K.t nhklu 11ilhin •lgthlion rtltnllon 1ru1 .1 ~-!•(•••hons. ~r1io"' Um" lrttdn "'°' "'}' ol/1.u .. ll"U~l111"1 JII.\I bf pt1,Sl1r~ w.lllln ,,;1l1t1011 "l1"1111,r1 .ru1 .,;\Ito.ii i ''""' at I~ l"""P"lfd ffllrOUMfOt br lh1L1n~ICiftAr1Mtd ~-/•) Or1~ lot•i,lir~ •r<;tl,iliG,r ,i•o.:IC lcr ~,.-,;hen ,..1,1 tt '"~tte• lttu•.at,o~b)" 11111 ~A Cirl f.t<l Altuisl ~~ It( ·cu!r lu Plant lff0!12'· liyll~(C.licn .9.1 ~1~lm~1nl fl111lwi; d tCui>cl1r,t ,;rt~t I~ lht C11h.1b1rtt •tll b1 n,;\1/!( Tht co,I ti lht m;l~ilitn <nl cl lhf r1~llftr"'1! 1J;nl.,!, •jl tt lh, mponsibHr ol lh1 ~,~ml Cootmlcr mi er l~t ~v,rnM rup•~1Ll.lf lcr lllf foll~~;nr. 11 ~ 1ilv1liu1 "htrt t1;,.-ir1~ c101frs1hcn •11 dr,11,;f~ t>1111no;Tlill1l1eoonlo~,( l<r ~lfll'1~Hcn <cnl1el l~•(lpe 1-rc~,ltd /er rhif." ptic:r lo mr.rr.tUf\S rcn.ln;ilim lZGRAOCS .I E1$cr••lll:9rWi1pr,p.r(41o,onlc1a!odo:p11>,,rwtidia5'tlio.,3S.linWL.911r""""~y.!ltlov wt.r,!111n!,i,g!i,n4u1Hdcl--101,illdl4lr,ts,l'ftJ)il• ·~•311'•~1W,09p,c<l-tl1lu•1ltn~"6(ilt<lt~•"'pt;'11'19~I-Sh~so.t.9".idllot!air.i·l••udlillOl-$"lttrl1'.J!tDr-,B .i:t9".-f"!lnd<rf~pt.._ J Sci,i11 lhrt11lir• "V•~tlJ prier topt;ici,g !1""""~ R1-1ulhole ~e•111itlil! /rallK mlil•llUf1111ch1111durmg 1hr fcm!rucl,onpro<rdur11 E~tl11ill!l1lar.li<lg1NJttr<IMl!tft<..nlourld1/ltrlifllutt.,mh1111lolfflilt(l9'i,lu. -~ El<flln11, 11~,t,ng w1\_tr lrm ~I fM~d !lfldn. Pro,i~r; lt~o\h, lroi iM .,,n mlm iM ,11111..-a lo ~rado UIOVl\on lh1 landm~1 D11...,g1 DolKII t,ul<! 11a.,~n Ind"'""""' gr1dlfnl1 dlf1n1d by IM, (1111diin l.oclsr;~ Sl1odird 6 ~l!f•ii.11~1,tud l~t l~l•W1n9•l•"'Ull$:Jl"";t,&on l\h""l l la1Km;1 pllo.ling,1• J fn1~,d 101/mutch tl!nlion ol buldin9 lo (00",llJ "ilh IOL.fttijill r!Quir-nl< i lolon1L;'ld1,~ Nchilui ol conp!1lia, o! lori!h 9flclt prior lo pt.c,~~t o/ uld 1od pl11ls or &U1h ill~Pl..'UU 1 Rtlllld ',/ort, IJl"011ilwJ-ik,a ™ fimh IJl"1(!o'iq Groll MUI,'"" ~"bl .ll"Ld IJl"0<.o1d<o,m Pl1nltr\ Crib W;Us .2 Wor~ h!kJd1d Silt lw1n !lflll<•!l .n<j ,Llrll(r dr1mag, h<tlfllhoo ol iny dranl!j! iJlllrlS dtlajpd or, l!Mmpf pll,i ~If (al,h b;,n$ Oown on l¥1<Jsupe pl.ins tor fOCl"Cfl,._...,llllni\l.•.t..w\r,UMt .l• ~.,,,,...,_..,.,_.,....,.,.....,011.r;llli-•---. t"t>,rh"'9ffl"Vl9dt.i".,,.ll"ll,c,o,Mil1lion1lorWV:tclio-:l1i'l.llotW~1~"cri 2.1 ,,a111ut .... ■-.-u,q.-""1eflirv..,,~_,~ ... 1.u;in•l•~w«fo..•r11h...,r.oltt••<l·..:IGfl~l ....... iOOO<CWl(II( ...... 10na.lff>(l!l,t'l!l~~ .. ffllllllh!l9 fn1o(IH+llw,IIIWHtn 1ricl~ll"ilJU1"-r•••K1itmpon1ibttlor~(~\t~ .23 rt1¢trr•---11a Stle-l1lt,fNIIIJ"-•'IIIIP'IOIIILlt-n•ift■1,,., J (ut•lion J• Dtlnnchno;allCl'6-!ll.oig11«fo,~Jnrt"IU1«1-'IHRl9clfl,ioh1d•pe<i!iul,_.~ 31 llyOriicsoopl'l!Jl' .. ~I~ tr~1 lelnrl~~~r.«ll'lh.,.,rh IIUGthi:rllrtool U!jl or r.>s~po,,11, [n1,ir1~mf16I lll~p0,1'11U1rJ;icl v.•ht..:1l•.f1lll!ll!fijl fdl 1.,sth ; :, ((Ulr.tf\fr'~ f'Fl .ii tulltl ;;r.d pmud., lp!lrt.,, Clrt(hcn. 'ii. Li) ~,r/c/,lf«"U •ilh pirfmllc"I ii !~ iJ"-~ ~ .... ~c,ihen1 .i5 Hllor,cril1lio;hl•~•ru r~nefsctttnf!I. j6 Ocr,11 ......... 11sfli .. .,lt.tt1pff•t(d(llri-;•.l!!!Uulu.,,((pl U<Ule•"t,Ul§1iu1. i1 ~tM;ltrll5hl..,~.1fco11lf1UM.1.l'lf""'""'"''umduoru•(t.t:u.,, .. n,.,,nou1n,r,~i.-11hdbyl1r.csup,Al1r.lt(I ; t Pl~s •P•lnill IM• cl ni• •rlh .. il<rll~! (lt;o g~I (i~ 3 S Surrtw.d 1ed (ov,r ~~• •·ilh Cr.itn mk ir, •rilml\ 15CNn l;y,rs le ~11icc< t1pl~1111(.cwn r. d1l.,l1 fir.r.-.l'I", i!!M :; I! (o,,r a1.., rcth w,lh ncn-wc"n fdltr 1lcll. l;p 111 l~!,U ,r.~ u;ru 1t.irj~~" illH lll A11u1r~11lo,,dru,. i•2 81r~W,""'*'"'lrcnr~nindonlt<1 Jll Ptohcl11i::/r.11r1,110111t101tat""'dw"'91\ll.'l,1tiori l ~111'J'nfff~"41'1:J',ldp■-,: ..... ,r..,...l!tt1:trllliflil11D:,,tlh1!~li+a,,tll') Pffwlfil lt\Jnlltt,t1\~UJ•""1:tlUIFl'•l1 ~ lnlht-•haMII U k,u.tJ,r.•I :IW,1~t1tv1"4..1.,., .. l.qN..pac• lJ #.ott1lJ1~~_.1t<f"9twW.-11-,Cl1 ... ~""-IH1-. IJ l;cl~,.(llllf-tt!l..t,..ci.w,e!!',_...,~W,-~!uff •Ml~II Ut,rtwM. ... llr,( I) ~P'l:~Wf\'tl,\0'1l(O(lll " l SoN)lf Ill 9'C._;~g ont<lu, rrl!<ird lor lhtp!IIWnlll(o of lh, (o~lml Oo col Ind lrln>F"I or 1prnd ~row,og afbl~ whlll ol "10 ~I l~lt ,Is 1lruclur1 n 1,1,<'lf lo Cf 6i:,,1!;1:I 2 Sup~y Iii grow,og rl!M ;d..,,luru ,11 rt'lWI~ ~, ltlt uil ltll hmd!d 9ro•ln9 1111<fll'" 1iu1I oi1el tile 1p1C~1c.!"" lor srow,r,g mtdoom ;1 <itlroed in lib!, One lor I~ ,iriou111re.11 21 ~11i•rt~i.Ol"tt~tnl1Lllloln,1L11ld1plhofl1it,,-o"'""l"'ooo, 21 ic,nJPt,u1111tftf\ tlor,1nou,1~01h1115 ~,1ir-loOnvNJnoltsl011n11,,..1,o.11 J Pim lh1 .r.rllt<6¥4w,ng r.tdv■.., Ill ;nu .in6 p1..,t1119 .rus Spr1o:lgro•11911t0.Vnin 1Qfo,,.t11m nol utttdlng ~· 11';1:,,ml 0,11 ~,.tmm ,al9"idl frH QI sl1r><!"'9•1l1r ~ t'.ioinun ,,~1/-.s o! ~ro•~ .,..;,.,. ,.f,<;,~ .ni {<,.,pitlld lo ~O~ i. I c,,,91~t ~11 S1uocr.oi1ui:tol1.a ·--· ____ ~-,is,,.111 1-tt Hn1;1.H.1t•1~u1v .... T1t:1t l!i-Ku.,.f .(•.l G,~mt¢1.w.u ,1c11ruu.• SlJ)'..ul :::J! lh! 11~1,1 l.ll!o.lJII,.-··--C1pa.i•!M'fcr~. lo01plh cf mlt~I -wJClh 1h1ll be 111 lt11l l•K• H.c •1dlhtl lt,,rccl b;rll .,,lh ••~m 1~,ip1, i.lb-SIIO ,u .,...Ji rttte.ii1 i..ll tr-,H,on -__ .. ,. ... ~ l.l lr. ~ ~11K nngihon ... _ .. 12" ~ 1.1~ Dt.(ll~-1,m 1s·bnM1 I. 1.5 "111 dfe,ii-11",ub1• --·--·· ··-~-~1,ir colLa1111111Q1tr 1dg1 ol ,lot, l,1!'111colLl[l"J1l..:1l1M11n-11le /or lrt1 lot1l1011,I ll6 Otj)Jh,,.lt<lirlctudt1r1.rllS-St.-}undo.u/i.ltr"lllllr11 .U.l H.i.:.-1111W-~1t1h9ro\fllM)ntUt,upt wl?trt~f• frtt• ""(1luu,~o,nb ~ kl P!IIWll!r lte~!d 11111 inii l11lhtr gro-.,ii'!j nidnn oul lo nolhilig !I tilgll .ind ~l!M 1nl0 t,i1I~ 9'~• J ,..,,...,.,.,tn1~•1«11tr..l••hrfl .. ~lif~shoV11onl.nd1c~anos••P'W i fa~cr1I· ~c,,i, 5r1ss ir!i!I ere ncl,d er, !ht Cr.•m<Jt ;t! ·"(~11, ~rc,t· Trnl 111 u,;, ~,,or.,~ u rcl"5h ~r•n ~1lwun all tn,orlr lin,1 ol fh1 ,re:HI tr.,lc~.-.5 ill bclln.r,s It•~~~ cl ro;~1.iid l.r.ts 1 Pt .......... s..-11:u h(;iri;itaofllo·io,.,.\~OHto)#IHJwt,hymlS1:l"",1•u l.\ o,..,fo11lir,gn,l~jllf<hMi~alnnns1l~1tt'IU.••"'f---•"'" 2'1 h.ft'1!lnd1sL1rll(U loillovl0r11J<nllU!ll11f~Wrtt.;.i~"•'hn151 J T,w o! StrllinoJ ~ lroi, titlr ~pr11g lg,ntrllly Apr,t !ti! lo lllt /ill (Stpl1Nl11 ~lh! or rnh yur. hirlh,r ,,l,~lion1 llli1 ~ obl~infd on tollC...,.IIK• el lht Llndmp• Altlii••" l 5Hd Suppl) l Tn\"'5 A.II sHd mos I be ,bl1n,d Ir~ .I rtC'9"'ltc! sud nppl,ir .Ill~ ,II.II bl Na I srn, r_,lun 11,11,i,f<ln 1oril.mtr1 h11r.,9 IM follov119 •lor...il<OII ~ I An1ly11sol lhe1Hd1111lir• (l Ptrttnligoo!,.thlt!~IJ?" S SttdK,l~rt All u1it•iu 1,l,ill tu.ild u ~ln.19p,Hlormtr1 fllh Pie IK Norlh~nl .n:11rt 1~'!:>lf{l lo doffll _,pro,111 11¼(,~Rtdfnt~t ;o;: ,.,,.,11 "'' ~¼ Siler" Fmcrrjil ~yt 5¼KtnkthrEk1~••n Fer w,~tlcHr i1n1 CH ;t ~,lu-c ,1 WO~llowtr• wM, livi >,1rcu 11,mitd, (rul.l l/~dlkvir1I •1lh lt;rd Fim1t tr ir•·ii:i:ro1ec ;ll,r1,1I, i IILftl!l,r Hld.ad~~lffl.1•""'tk11NhM.••~ l~~E.ag". ... t,11\::,tijnpa.•••~.-ti'-_.■•V..■•'-t".. ..-:.w. ... ,,"r.: n.t~~IJ/tD ... ,~\llfab:f l Sn,±,,,g App\y<1tdal•r•ltollll!/H(IIOlb1lltrflw1lh;t~tl~ln1talspr,adlr lnc0f]l1r.il,1,td111lolh,loplll-~)ol,0<l111dlighlljtOllpld S Ac.1!flw•Pt .. N!•~•tl,pr~ecli=-oflfw,srt-dfd11e.,,,..,a(e.~hon,ofamplwtll.•ti:11Alltl c,r;::1,,.,11,Se<honJ.1Hfdr~lffdll!I """"' j tnt«•'•atfn•rt'..,-H I' .,.,ut'-t.i;to-C,o•, l.nl" -.,,i1.-C'M 3'1 .,,,,,,, ij'.~m1d lcr ~,,.., mo! 011,~n lf.t.l',...-l-llM ,u.t1. ~(m·.~ \ •11•~••n••.,.,knr1!l~Clw1M..,..,1 .. 11rl --.1qf~A"f 1."tik..-dl-■l't¥111t,i,!llit,.Hol' Do110l1.-r11111'do1...,.r;hon t)JRIUll1•~·••r.pf'lll\..fn' ltoi!"'fth~ ,..,,.1J\ .,.,,.,_:wn,_<11~-~"t.1uea.p '111\!tt 1nl1!NhUlll1JV'1,...,,u.,,...~ltUl;tfMUt■-tfa-t ~•1ft,t1Lf HJW,ri 5 Mu Ith ,nm tonml of ,;,g.i wood libre or ruycled p1ptr lib rt dni91td tor hjdr1ul< "'"'"1 NqoJI" •r.,hr.'°" ;ppii(;hm II •1t!Q m11led paper 111l tml lcrwoot1/~risub.t,lultu11l))Xlb1w,igl,l)(onlorlllo(INclo;nL1rlC!11,1ri,SlindardN1'-..Wl~1 PART THREE SOFT LANDSCAl'E DEVELOPMENT . CONT _ ... 11 lVJ IJl,"'t:,..M1k'....t Bl (lfl ~tfUIIUll.,.,-.1 ., c-.11, "· llh1r1i?t(rl1td appl1!l11~1/mtlllli.l~ ,.,,,~ih"'"' H Mt.II !i.1 Vl'1 rn..-f.-r-.._, • "'llt\J 1/l;rt o! ill componrnl10! lh, "'' p:opo11dn([~r1ul,h t~~il,ir 1111..,,1, >lipid .,1,1 r,quirr ltd,1!1,r 11.z,~tt1 IUI awpom.••Ui&~ltl&o ,~ir,..nm~o t~Ll tt.t-.lllr1tt4l'ftffUtll~IH lu,t'fA,JM~ J ,e,,.&1t141NKw,ll--~dtdi.th11U!t~Jt .,.1.ltllf'-f'IWtJ!Ehl""''~,um-,111too,0I01ill Ulillral,dvol""'t lll'""""'tl l .. 1tt1~~ .. ILCILLl!nl\th..,;.elil1•"'9c. • ....... UC~~.lfM.tl'{l"t> ThGrougblylli,r\lo1tla~o11rn,os1l,...11 llt-,r..-f'l,.,.,_.n'l«•-.."' IIL ... IU!Wt Ila-• .M tt,tl ... NfWW9/!ltoltuU,..,, ■ Clrn11 ~•ur-1•l•.i1rU'l:i•niollilfWQu.ol!' q<1~lmltt.~ 0:: Ptui,_ f9i"'•~ -.ul•)lllfftrNitt•c~u•lf(l)\ttt,fMhtl.lllPfi•kr, -',l.,..~•fill■t 1,t ... 11.cdtlttt•N' ll'111oiWf prrnMI.U11,.t~t•l~«t.ftnlra:taJit•.-A~.,,..,..r.1:""',1t•w,1...,_.., '-'"v•1.rn~IM>,urt1l~e ~f' ',,1f,r11t.iMA!!'f~~ltt!llofl("UlJEVIN•"IJM;;ellafr,>lhUl#J .. "4~l9",..f'idlph1 i""'f~rlh1tw"' lt,:1lh1,w.or·1 N~1tt11rrll~er1Juut,,;tt1tlllb<..n111 .D ~.,,.,.si:.p.<n,, knl lt1ttl'~Oat,flfl!.-.C9"B.LIIIUlll..,fl'IIIU:lliiltl1tt)l•Ul'ft(lf•~•ID fU~b "'·""~ .. ..tH111wttc....n---;;rtdnoevt.fN!l1..,lll'OUl~N1!WUtJtt111"'4ft1tlt-~tlCIU~J«J ctr.a"tu-,,ti .. ll .,~,, u.t,Qt-imr~llalNl~lff.,....l'lUt'-'t!•ff"'U-~NU:t,1 .... _l,,.,t.c., Al .. lflMll'l .... tt11~r~1u 11n,,r1~11Plf',IIT•~t1,tr...:ta11---ht~.itnt1tM lllAIINil(.1..5-SODOING I wat, .. l<ul 311 it HI dll~ I> h"1l~H OIi lblnll(afll)\lllbfclvnn ill pr<l)ttly 10:u cl I~! jlOeJr<I ndud"'ng Ml h1\llfmfi lo Nl,;1 ol ro..i; 1dlr.t1 2 IJl"oww,g litir""1 (...pit wilh 1t1li0112 l I, 6ro•irw) HN"" Prior lo 10~ ftll<'UI r. fn,ptdion ~I I~! ll\lltit~ gull a d1plh ;~un:IIIGn 11 ~owilg llt<I,_. ~, lh• l¥lclmptArthiltct ~ 5adSupplf (tdorm lo.ti ecrioJlicM ~I hn'61~hmtmp1 ~hMu~ Se<•ion 6. BC Slin!!ud l,r 1"'19fiU Sed 5 Spttili,dTurl!lrnsbyaru Rlf1rloT1blt2btlow TABLElS/'((f(D1Ulff,AASS8TAREA con I I li"11 ~ ;ru1 rte Id on j•••"'91 1111.,.,'" .,,o,n dn,lop,anl1ilc,11th1din9bouluardgr,11t (LASSJ Gms-publl(p1r,,i1duslriiland11111,lulron1l1ilu QASSl 10<..'fl~m -""'W. l Ftrhl.m,r RtlorloS,11.,nl!lH1lt11;rl1 ,l.pp/11pKll!fdltr1411t11lr1.lts1how1inltli,nljllrfdl1•1u1 Jl'flt"'lh1atthiNlCll1pr,111tr.(Lllli,1l1lllo;rowin9 ,.,:..,,Uhe;npriorl,sodd'; i;,pl1••?l'•lt!.yl1aal.W .! Sod6noJ hu_.,, HOQlh. In, mn 1urf;ict tcr liying sod Li) ud il"l9rf.d v,lh 1c,lion111011\y b<rlltd, ,.Sll"lolrl o"rhppin9ar g1ps, srnool~ lncl t•m w~h ld/C'rwl!j ,1ru1 and rolli■,JIIJ ll;l1r lo O~liM r1oi1tu" p1nilral10n ol T lo~· n -1tcml (0~1, wiln riq1u,~1nl1 ol (;aachn L1'1(j1tiP1! Sl.inll.rd Std ion I. 8( Sl1n<J;rd lor lurlgrmSod ' r.-c_, ..... "'!,MIC• '"t"""'~ ... --.1.&fU,till11'$\u1i"llt!'-"',.__g,t.l,r(rfldhl(i,C-. Pfolrl'I~» fW-.t..,. .. t~~.q.r,.-1~1 • 1ar,fc!,.O....-l1w.~1oi1M\•-t~ltl•C...'-llll!ltCUAN1'.rr...,.tt.~•3·1ol."P"•~lt! '-J111•ll•'"flU')h..,, .... ~ .. t.tvv,ua1.i,-,1.1~,1-,oe.~-vr1roa1ir.c:r ... m-.<r,m1-tr,J•,tM:91 111(tdH•Nlff.RIOU,:t • ll1lutluL1..u-~iW!olfl1<'ww.lnil'~Clll~U--._N,1t•5'•(ti1H.1.,U."9 lar1lc•1.f!U11 1t&l""O,,b .. "''',u;lc,l"1q:11LLM,~ lhrces~ l~t ml tm 11:,<i~111 i1 tr.p;re( K "'°'u,ndta.,nAren· l •1111'-1llb•rf..U'1.IJ~tllt1•1-ll1c<1:fd_..,lhr.0'1'PltfA!(ud•r•Ut,1~lrt\pol,.r..i1hllt.fr,~lrtecl•M.Ul>t(;,,~iffl lU.!Jl-.;t u~o,ci. StdlCft 131Udt:--t Lori 111;.■il,ll'UI t!u ~.trtic-'u•f l'ILl!tll¥}" f<r •fff rt11c•fl '11i1ll ~,ti,, 1<n(,l«<1i of ff.t,ILflLII ,(lb( IMJ"OQ• '"" lb l;"'!IIUIM1l-.ia!l1,,llwict.ll'l~•ullrl(:!h1(1Nl,,rqotcu••lt1fal,1n0,trt)lhtti•wr )9PLANTS.U:0PIAHTt:G .4 l11ulP1ar.•1119· ~ 1 Ptaoil l•Hl, 11"n.Lb1 .in~ Q<otlld<oun utJ durin!jpm>ds IMI ill IIOrnlLI lor ILK~ wor~ u d!ltrci>lfl hf loci! wt1lt1r tcr.61roris whtn Ull~~II ooditlOIII m latfJ to 1n1urt!llHtllfu\i~lpl;l1onolplar,l,tolhtirn1wloc1toon 5 Sl1rul11d1· SI J.llplac,ln11tr411:Altlf-l"ttl•t----1'111fln{--..U•ctlk 111."1W~ illnt 11tt-.lllinl,,c1cd!dbr dlwini P!anJ Sc.ilt~,ltorlhj; 1p1t1lulion ~11 11,1trle(..,,o.ou,,,,:~U...,,..ln~1111\Pt-d1llll~.,.,.k,dio,,11.ltlJll\!-Jttht<e1 .. -wrc,..nP1....i,1.,,...--sl1ndi1:h .5.Li RtfttloFl.ir1l~kr~rt4illrA1IIILll~•izf\-,~odl.qQ\l'fl'Ji.d\ .5.l Pt.nl llllltru\wifllLWlllll'Wl•tH..t0 1hv,,n,"'"lict-t,l:tQ.t1.111Wv,,~a lo......,,=!htiJ .l Avaol~ily 11 Ar.10l1cmhir1Clud!1lh1lo"ttHi,nl.rid1r-dfra,.,V,ll•y Rtf1rloPI.MllScht~LJl1lor1nytd1n,ioool;ru l l Sur.ly ~rcol cl 11-.t 1>.1l1t,;l,l1 cl lh• •>t<iht~ rl.nl l<Oltml .. ,lti.n :c (1)1 ol I► .• h.ird or lh• c,nlr1<1 ! i C'l:l.o11•nl1cn ;wu•I of l~l;W.(of,e Art'1i1H. i;r,<r 1c••l-in§ ...,.w:i\liMitn~ lo lt,t lfnir1t~u•oi.1 lkr.•Offf<Ud ,1~iu~t1Cllll .-ii h ftjt<lft! fl All cw I •-er, ol ~ di11 ~'" /o <1li>1ry fc, rto;ut•l lo 1l'lalil,c~t I 3 Sct1li!"lion, ar• ,ctjf<l lo C1n1Qi11 l.r,cl1c1~ Sllidird -~•hr.lien d [cn.:1l1<n1 ol A,;~ibjil) 9 Plaril5priinlloc1I""' 'I I Pbt.111hl\bt 1,., leri~r idol 11\fht,glll nlftt 1·.d wtel rool bill 111tio~n o~ lh, l1n~1<1j:tl1dt p!111 pl•I W\t~,\t (ii~ ol lm1 k lo tit l.iloM •· no;u,l fboft~rat• , l Flan I 111 1puil"d spuMl1 ii lj1 lmh111 ll '"""" on 1hr la•hupt dl",1vif1~1 l(olily l-.d1<.ip, Arcl,;l1d ,t <onlt~hng rot~ u .ndir;rovncll .. trhud 11roKtl ar, lft(O\ml,rtO 9.3 De,i1lion of lji,in pl1nlon9 lml1on wll onlj bt II lowed Iller r,,11• of lh1 pr0po11d d1'1ll1011 by lht Ltn~1m1 Arcl"Lil1tt 1;• lrtts ~•.rs1 it.-,,. ~•m1lt11uttsh;tdln•J>il l••lltdtplhol lt,1 ..,.b.ill .r.~lo.1••1a.d l•itt lh,.,JO!.hol lftfroolhi9 Aswt•'lit lril!ird9"a!1,ial lhto1igirlilgrid,lh1lmwn9ro"1lil n~10IFl1nl.oigHol11: 111 '""" Orlillllil ol pl.nlngp,ls·•-ll!rffl~IMIO ,r 0!1 l~~IOIII, br11I,. Olli lilt ~d!ol lhtplan!"9p1I lo ;rllow drllll~! foW111\op1 111(1111/lil tondilKnl M..-.l I craw .._,~lllt.l ••e-.=u,;..., ,.W h'olilr •ti.lir.d<l.-e>t bOil'rcl 1<1i1u Ulf.duii11,;1 ~, pl111lil'i holu islnll•~ ~ I f~~;~7;::~•1~:.:'1~, reels pllttd., lh..r r-~V'""'!i pc1ilicn II bl.1lifptd. (conn 1•t~Tl<I th, top cl I~ b<II om'. tul 1•11 er /chi lC~lr Ca no! f,l'n ~~~IP fr<r. ctm" I~ l~ r.-j,.,_ ri~•" «:.,l;.ir.11s "ilhcd •>1'94 lt,t rccl~1ll1 Alli, ,illled in flUt. cul loi!;c fer w1rr t11\,1h. <lir, ir.d ,r~c,1 lcj: l~.ru ro~, ti 1,2 follltt~-•t1(""t ~ .. ~--D'l"UlllolulJ nu.r•l"llu"ll<1it1.\iottf11" tcA •ilh"llir '(crn• u tfC\itedk r~,I l,...h !ir•d1 hi,t•l'f ... Wllttl/h!t5.MJ•l:abtff,:«ti 1Wfyl#Hllr~"""'5',_.,..,.9'1od•ti11l•'>t,~r1lfN!,;•11. :ll.J Whr1t.i-1'f11adul~lf,-..eti,u uqltns,,,Ytf c..-thnalS11Y111111t1a.rect11lol orn;hr.tgr1duof1v,hlru1 114 Whtrtl1W1 .. 11lawn111n...PWhlf_..._.~l;CalJIIJ~f,!'lNl, .. 1r11•.-ltn d 1,1-..,,nu DI lwl r,t•,\ .i-. 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(~ rol 1d lt.t l•l(tr ~If c"IJ 1l1;r, tt<Jrp lctl1 IQ\-o • isl< d,;;n 1r.d cul I~ lr.1 trir.1h ,c\11.r lu,.-.~ r.c 1M:, ih1~1 alJttllC 1ru110 ll ~GI le rit;n v1ltr ~11:t,f ~IIIC!,1< r«T1ml 1S Kl:l!lw-i· 1)1 lllillhtllptr.lDS!M~.Sv,lhMlt>flll.1%CI ...i,hl<-2-112-3•1•~. l5ntl<k;lh (oobnnpldlflll1nl ol.,.J,h.,irt1<h~lrd·(iroi::-.«c,tr ~1n·onclr-s1 11Lli<h• l It !~Kr,nlf•l!l'lft,r <~<It ac"'1nd lriu 11111-.n MU> tuvt illlMI 1"91' 1~ Ampl~nft 161 lh~ ntabl,1tnclll ol 111 plinl ,.,1,n,1 ,1 It,, rt1pon11bolily ol lt.e Laridmpe Corilr.iclor IJJQ,lf~f')fll".1-- 11.t P..ulUtiJ,...1Ql~Witnr1,~ ... uuu:qo .. .-t.M ..... r 1{fft,tullt!Ce#I-.:;!, •~•==:,=::=!:..,!:},;:.-:.:~~~:i::.i.:--:....1,wwly Wair, to lh1 ILllld,pli, ol l~!rool zon,u,h IJLnt! lh,O,.N,,1t111•_...,l,--, ..... ■1 .. ftfr•mt1tt1,t••t C.u,:o:u.,1ttl•1-,,pal1Up!N!ll:worl, 113 ""'JJ~"f_,.4' .. 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"ttbitlnm,,pl.ol..t•~tue,...,.,~,,...,_...,.,~,•1,.,,.,, .. _,a,,,.Alnt'lwl!l;tl..Of•"•lo'l1 _,....-,•••~II ttn.l, ~h tt1\litd"""'-'M:ll••,_.41-nlr,n\11NC- lf) lrt,1t1,1Tiyttrt(~f<ltO(\?O",~.ILtl#lt.1l ..... lllf~--rtd1,~un111. Aid/Ill cr .. ,< .. l'ICl~nh\Kl.r. 'lh&.11:1:lrt"""" lt,1nbtlolt"oer PART lliREI: SOFT LAHOSC,,PE OMLOFMENT-CONT ., l«rlp,ltll'l'.rd,.tt.'-'lt1M~•"tn••"-........... e-i.--.,_,,_,____,,_,._~t11t1•'°·•...,...,_N.r• .. ~ ftJ:p-,rr•.■.i-.Hf 1•...-lf/tflih:liltty~ht\ I\ loiW'"IN~•rn,mi111h"tllllll88-1n&Jl■LILf(1'.._l.~JN#I 1»,tu,..,,.-......,,,;.t.,ftl,,_Jlldf~hJMIHWttoN --~Qllr.;\I ~·I ""'1D'B"ntf1Utfl~_,t1'al..U.-1~Nt,,tui.~-,.Uttt..-... '.N:t.Ml\l'ta'.,,...,t1111t-~tftlltH t_,l'NLfl11lN.a"l11t-.•1•oti~r, • .....-lth1h~1J\tllaln~r-lN~• ■1 i..tl'lfl'll•:..tit1.rle~,.,.., ..... lllaH11lw;wm .. ,....,.._,'llllflflntfillf ,._■fl••p1.,vMuwl'h'"'"""" th{af1Jllt.i111.i.f,..(I• ..al ~---•••ot.s--,-• .. fo-"Dl"""i'Tl!ftl~ri... n11llli"6U)f#IWO!II ),t , lUO'.C&1fCIIIIM:I.-U I 'fWt • N~111l,ria\ ,1 co=~l11,1, iti1i1lltd and mepl1t.11 bl fort ~tg"inrrn; vor~ (onl~(I Landsc•~• Ar1hot1tt /or ,n1lrucl""' ir r>:ll in plact I Ctt.-.utt-d<.-1 ill"N; ,._-r II Yl'l'ltlt;tl)t~aM1..,•Jlltu 1lnV,,Mt■----ll'"t1ffll.,...op1.;icn;i"Jc!IMf•:l•!Od S (cur<F-"'rcc~ltr,ll1mllfl~Hl(raor,lf lj!ll:ifitec.11(r;VO"-sC,t6'11Jufto•ll(r,licr,; -h•al.ltt!if< Cl:llir.JCFm.ltlO"lr~tl)!ltoar.nc:r•• ~li(~!,ICW""JTJ(C:,~i,. t I AM:tl.o~••~--ltaaltl~u.~u,,11:1WAttli~llf,■: ~~~~=~~~~!,a:::::::.=:.;;~h.~.i:=~~~~:r:,~,!-'••:,~ .. k~1e11a:e C.lp""'~Jt( ]II [STAEIIJ5H.KUIIHAIIHENANCE(Pro,idt.i1ep111leprolorlri1mlionl .1 rn1,r.1, t-.ilttftcl--tl#ll-.nttir .. llilrftM.tlllOpr<:,-icl,11. ...... Unlltt""l~lill1tpl ~""''••nhh,ityll-crl1"".::IOll'"'ftsH•1•■t1UI! thtl""SINal:lllt'11•ltkrt,!'"9 lflla~"'1~.,,c11itllion .. ~1lc111,ol,il"lor~1.111••-,.,...,11,:tf,oe11l ... ~lin!l""• .. ,_...·~·•~lttl li1Aun¥1d-lU"t_,..h.1<1tlil1~via~11libl1!lm1M JltM\J111ott1■-'•~ltl<1prLICl,_,ui,,ita•ntwacidr,1e,tl,f""91l1ho•....,..<Ufoott<l lvrl1r.111;ir,a11~dn1vlm11nd1hro.to, -~ Sil,RfVil" In 1dllohont0 lh,1111pr1lioa, ii iuo,!inliil ,~.;ti !rl1\progm1d11~ 1pplic;li0n. aM ol lhttnd ol !hi gumllletptriocl. llltrt lh11JldDr llntolhtr r,mw1 durinoJ lt,e 11 ioonlhs ;illeodtd by lht (mlmlu ml a in~ed r,~111nlaliv, ol lht Own,r H1int1in, lo!iC°"" 1ocl rtporl~ pm1duru and 1ub,,ul lo lh, llfiq,1l1drtJ1"11-t1>!1liv, ~ Sultll</1,~ Pr,;ire ; nrll'<lutt ~, ,n1,011,h~ U!LII ~ ........ , lo<!r19utff rtpr1w•11.,r 11 ,1111~ Hn>•t11.1:1ct a;:tr,llllfll l~illbt { .... iltcd prffl1>11iltl1 Milot lht grow~ 1u1on !Nlwltn H:l!"lh ht .!IC! No,110bor lt\h, ~,w,ur ,isil< 11 olh,r lilln ol lt,e JI¥ "'I Ito rt ...... ed 1 Hilt 11...,vi•~F.rl l,;tol •!lil•$fliliu•itn l t frr~ ltl~1rrfl'-"'•llfilhol lt,e(1-.1,ht1l~m,,s1..rord forn</11:on, wri1u 1\r~l"fdt1 Hllll"'"'9 1 11.w 1nllht..,_n.., t1 VII"~ ~l!o.tnlPf"""~na,-Pw-fbth• ;,;:.,.,,,,.., .. ,,,~bl ~ld-JIJ)IU W t..rrhm,L"ll,0,Utt"4f1 ~Htl ... \1Jt,.""$l,.__:)fbitt""~",..,_.~ew..,1ti1-t"-7"t\lll.___ .. i,1•-i'•t411h&'d......,tl•~,a,tt(l_.,.,.,1,,u,1JS1 --•~~~1'11-~~ ads-."11 .. ll1•• ... ,_,....-IJ.l.t ..... 1t•1-.d CIWlt11""1QjltllltllolM.,.lf"',....... __.. 41f&tu!•~..'n ... _..,,,_,.,,nlrllnl1'-t1f41C1.41w..1, ~-tt,pr.. .. o:.._.,,,,.._.,..gPf ht....,._ "~~._., •kn.,'11181tn1t1.-,ltlle..c idMil:,....,...,.,,.,,.i,.a,1111111u1-,wc,t.tulll,IHJ1tr"'fft.tiksdt,<t,u,..,• :: Vf#l:::::::O::::r.::•:,: .. nlfi:;.-::--lfl"~M1141tff' .... 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Vlf1'WttLl•I""~ ~n-lOl1t.«.....-.if1h~Wl ...... lft1LLl~UMo ...... wr~-• .. .,.-i ........ •,11:!n~.,,~~, :~::::.:tw::~":t'.!!:;::;.:~:~(,-:;:::,::.'1=•i~~.;::":~~~;;;=::,t~' ~ ..... , .... ~ .... d~tot~illrtlLl.llf"ffh•!:~."hlr•tt'Cil'nu.,-Ouw, ... t,n "-•·•-~ro .... , •••tl~ltWt O hn~ """"'"w-ru ,, ~,..,.,.,..,,.w_.,.. fiJ Nw<l(-l,-.;••lrm 1),,M.1-Coi\dh:t\U°flll .. fl"'-(oi.t,fnt.......-~\wllotttN>dM"~14'tlo•tl 1'1.-..f/i/<yt'I~ 11t ..,,.,.ifJ"t"1IIHf")lf"'"~t,,i...,-1111-. n-.,1ub _.., • ...,.,,,~ ........... ,._ .. , .. ,Jllll:11h .. •IJll-l'Lflfll!&-'Vd,. ~•11\,,uNPlf'il""'"""' 1t M'""-.._,._od,......,..,.ltll#"ll.,,....1ot-■m11u, ■lh....-Jf"l.:., .. 1 ... ,•11tlf'lttQy.Jtl •~II---(lft lll (q,l'ldUh"' 11•1 . .-:~r-tfOIII .11 R1p,1111 11,.gr.:ILI, rr-1~d « rr•1od ,lltflnmn1r1 le rrslort O»<!ildor tlU>Lj ~•~s :W-tl'! tt,h~ •~gr•u nntlit1"' l~t ""'~ ifU Pr-,..i.,I rtQIIO"e,I, lhroL15houl lh1 g,"O~""J 11~5<11 Rt•Hld Hl~ttn Apri( ill and Apr~ ISlhor b1lwun S,pll!L"lbtr hi and 5,plrf'lllu 151h ProlHI IMtrdfcl .rm _,d ""' noill "nl,1 IM lr1I mgv,n; 16056-8.ZIP © ~Ill r~Ned. This. ~IW!fl94ttld diHSVTI It 1ho p!optr.'/ 01 PMG land:Kapt-N c.!\llbc:I Ind ':"olY nor be reproduCl!do, taed fot Olt'6r pmjed$wil~ ~ permiss10n Suite C100 • 4185 Still Creek Drive Bumaby. British Columbia. V5C 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; I 6G'l294-0022 SEAL: SS"lREE""fT~EESAllllEO CO &l;Y.K,).M"l~1'lq0,.UJ = Cl~""fU~------"'c "(Wll'U"-" ~ • .. ~,lftl,~~u Ill,) n.oet,h 1~ NO DATE -Mwkfl,v.,,.-00 REVISION DESCRIPTION OR CLIENT FAYE QUAN PROJECT 10-UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 12111 AND 12119 203RD STREET MAPLE RIDGE WITH: MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC DRAWING TITLE: LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS DATE: June 21, 2016 DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: L4 DRAWN DO OESIGN: DO CHK'D: PCM OF4 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 16-056 ~ D,t,14 ' ALL ELEVATIONS REFER TO IIIAPL£ RIDGE MON No, {? § ~OCATID AT: ~? ! MD l!i.V',IIG ;;'i l U.VdlOtiu " 1 No, DATE REVISION REIi 1 PINI 75884 RI,.,.. -o------c .. ,..., BY 8 PINI EPP20lll7 TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 12111 & 12119 -203 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, 8.C. 0 & M 111..2£3 GP.I N.W..D. PtAH 18612 t \ 11 \\ I . ~ • 0 I 1. ~k~"t-1• Q \\ ~ . I . \ Hub Engineering Inc. En9ineerin9 and Oevetapmen1 Consultants ,,_._ ~••■oup Suile 212, 12992 • 76 Avenue, Surrey, B.C. V3W 2V6 lel; 604-572-4328 I fox: 604-501-1625 I moil@hub-ioc.com www ,hub-inc,com I I I 1 • 1111\! i \ I I • l : \ DRAWN SEAL DESIGNED - CHECKED - APPROVED FlELD BOOK SCAl.[S HORZ. 1:250 VERT. 1 :25 Se 1, 2017 ON-SrTE SITE GRADING LEGEND •' x'"· EXISTING CROUND SURFACE B..EVATIOH. / ,~~-EXISTING GROUND SJRFM:E CONTOUR El.E.VATION. TOP ElOSllNG SWA!E. PROPOSED SWAl£. IMREC!lOH Of PROPOSED SURfACE Fl.OW. T ~ ,s PER GEOT!"CHNK:AL CONSULTANrS BOTTOM l"I KO! -1G WIIQ) SJl;IOl,III) SIi WITH =.:m~~nl: ~·{k"""'- PROPOSED IAOM DRMII 1G IAICI> SI-51! (m>E 2) c/• AI.LUN\111 llW'PING H000 OH n£ OU1UJ" PIP£. POSSIBl.£ FUTURE FlNISI-ED ELEVATION PROPOSED ANISHED PAVEIIOO/suRFACE EliVATION. Mm EXlST1NG PAVEIIOO/GROIJND SUIO'ACE EliVATION. ~ GNW;E DOOR ELEVATION AT DRIVEWAY INTIRFACE ~ '222Z1'2 """""511) PA!]) N1!;A >S PER GEa!EtlflK:AI. COIOM.1>Kl'S RBll.lllEIIOOS. PROl'OSED ,spfWJ PAVEMENT CUT & FA~ ,S PER MWCO AND GED!ECHNICII. COHSIJLTANr$ 11£0UORDIOOS. PROPOSED """"°1! NlEA ,S PER GEOT!"CHNICA1. IRiosc:,,of NIIl AAClfilCIIJRAL CONSULTANrS ll[QUIOfMEl,,S. Pl!llPOS!D ll(COR,l.lM: PAVERS TO LANOSCN'E, MClf1ll:t1JIW. N!D GEOTECIIHC>J.. CONSULTANrS !!£00,000S. D£MOTF5 PRQP0SED 0.6m WIDE ,c 60mm HIGH C<lffl>II.OUS SPrn> BUMP FDR DNSITE DR>J""" COll1ROL ON-SrTE SrTE GRADING NOTtS: 1. All IMMENSIONS Nlf. METRIC ~LESS NOTm OTHERWISE. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY 'WITH All NOTES ~D SPECIFICATIONS ON lHE •oN-511£ ~ SHEil. J.-5WU~N<INIIJAll11511J119!1)WORKSTO -~1111".(lll DR IIEITBI. ANll 1G 1IC SATISFACTION Of THE Pl<OPERlY OWNER(S). 4. CONTRICIOR SIW.I. 'IE-IN All Nl'II SIM.ICE WOOKS TD EXISTING Sl)!O"Ar::£ ~ fl!IMHG A Sll<lOll< 11W<St110H, IL C()illRAC!OR SIIIU. RtSlllfiE !lCSIISO PA-Cllr ANO P.QCIIES TD IAICI> S1Jl!OAROS. Wl£Rf. !Ell ASl'IW.T PMMOO IIIJ:1S ~ ~ p;.',OIINJ, -SIW.I. .,_.oE;. 200!M, illE • 40own 1IIQ( ASPIWJ" IIU ANO LN' lOIHT, IL RmR 10 ,'l!Cill8:11J!I 011111'11CS f0II SIil: IAlWI, 8llllaH0 IAlWI, UO: PNNI\NG, MmJ:>WI DROPS I< RAMPS ANll aJRB IIO'MS. 7. IIUER TO SJRllCl1J"-'I.A'<O/DR GWTWISICALIIIAllll«;S f0II ~~~TIOII~~ a.~~~~~~ ~~LS...:~~~=~~ TO COOR!lllWE 1fflli 1118 DQifllll,IC IMC. PIIQR TO ClllAl!)IC[MOO Of tit£ AS--IIOIIT MD SIJIM.'(, II NOT FOR CONSTRUCT/ON II II PRELIMINARY II THE Cl1Y OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT LOT GRADING PLAN DA11: 01 OF 0 owt,.No, 16025- l~W mapleridge.ca TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel 2019-033-DP 20288 1138 Avenue MEETING DATE: April 02, 2019 An Advisory Design Panel (the "ADP") submission has been received for the above cited application and property to permit the construction of self storage buildings as a phased development. There are currently 2 self storage buildings on site, and 2 new structures are proposed. This proposal will bring the development of the site to completion. Completion of this project will bring an additional 10,412.2 square metres of industrial space for a total developed building space of 17021.43 square metres. This site is zoned M-3 Business Park Industrial and this proposal is in compliance with this Zone. The development permit application made to the City is subject to Section 8.6 Industrial Development Permit. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Spire Construction Inc D.L.: 280, Plan: BCP39223 MMBP (Maple Meadows Business Park) MMBP (Maple Meadows Business Park) M-3 (Business Park) M-3 (Business Park) Storage and warehouse M-3 Business Park Maple Meadows Business Park Residential RS-1 One Family Residential Single Family and Compact Residential Residential RS-1 One Family Residential Single Family and Compact Residential Closed warehouse M-3 Business Park Maple Meadows Business Park Self Storage Self Storage 16,1100 m2 113b Avenue Page 1 of 3 5.2 Servicing: Full urban services DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: The development permit application made to the City prompting this submission to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.6 Industrial Development Permit. Key Guidelines: The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal's compliance with the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines: 1. Provide a street presence with entrances and architectural interest in building designs fronting public streets. There is consistency in the overall design. A customer service area is given architectural importance, adding visual interest to the streetscape. 2. Loading facilities should be located away from public streets and into the rear or the interior of a site. This objective will be realized with this development. 3. Outdoor storage and less attractive structures such as accessory buildings should be screened with fencing or landscape. The existing outdoor storage area will be replaced with one of the proposed buildings. Landscape screening will buffer adjacent residential uses. 4. The transportation needs of diverse users should be accommodated through amenities such as bicycle facilities, and accessible design for the mobility impaired. Wheelchair accessibility has been considered in the site plan. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation: There is consistency in the proposed design with adjacent buildings. Design Guidelines: The Design Guidelines and a full explanation of how the project complies with them or the reasons why they are not applicable are attached in Appendix_ to this memo. PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: This proposal is for a self storage business in 4 separate buildings and a campus style layout. Self. A range of cladding materials is proposed, to provide compatible contrasts and visual interest. Landscaping is designed to enhance the street front and to buffer adjacent residential areas. 2. Context: This proposal is consistent with the Business Park context of the subject site. 3. OCP and Zoning Compliance: The subject site is designated Maple Meadows Business Park and this proposal is in compliance. The subject site is zoned M-3 Business Park and Development Data Sheet (Appendix F) analyses the compliance of the project with the applicable zone regulations. The proposal has a density (Floor Space Ratio) of 1.05. There is no upper limit to the Floor Space Ratio in the M-3 Business Page 2 of 3 Park Zone. However, this zone has a maximum lot coverage of 60 %. This proposal will provide lot coverage of 42.5% and therefore is in compliance. 4. Parking and bicycle storage: The required parking for the proposed use is analyzed in the Development Data Sheet (Appendix F). The required number of i:iarking stalls (30) is provided. No bicycle parking is proposed, with the rationale that the user base will not be using bicycles to access self storage. 5. Environmental. Sustainability & Stormwater Management: Low maintenance and drought tolerant landscape treatments are proposed. 6. Issues requiring comments from AD P: Consistency with existing structures on site, interface with residential users to the south and east. 7. Garbage/Recycli ng: Located at north end of property and will be screened. Low volumes of garbage are anticipated due to the nature of this business. 8. Works along abutting roads: Plans showing servicing design are included in the applicant's submission. 9. Off Site Upgrades. Utilities and Services: Prior to construction commencing, securities must be provided in the event that the storm sewer is damaged. CONCLUSION: This application for an expansion of an existing self storage facility is consistent with the land use designation and the zoning of the subject property. It is therefore supportable. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared by: Diana Hall Planner 2 The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject map 7 sets submitted by the Architect: Appendix B Explanatory letter from Architect (and Landscape Architect if applicable) Appendix C ADP Submission Form Appendix C ADP Applicant Checklist (signed by Architect) Appendix D Development Data Sheet (signed by Architect) Appendix E DP Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix F Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 3 of3 Legend ---Ditch Centreline ~ Active Applications (RZ/SD/DPNP) N Scale: 1 :2,500 11520 t ~ "' '" ~~ 0 "' 0 0 N "4 115AVE. 11497 11489 11481 !ii ~ --' 11471 u Ct'. ;ti 11451 11445 /' 20288 1138 AVE PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~,111.■ mapleridge.ca FILE: 2019-033-DP DATE: Jan 29, 2019 BY:LP ) Proposed Building for Advanced Storage Centres -20288 113B AVE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Covering Letter Project Description: The proposed project has been designed as 3 phases of 3 storey self-storage buildings, in addition to the existing 2 building 2 storey self-storage facility that is currently on site. The subject site is zoned as M-3 with an existing self-storage facility currently operating. The entire building for Phase 3 and all of Phase 5 will be divided into individual lockers and associated circulatio_n spaces consistent with this type of use. A customer service area will be housed in the main fldor of Phase 4, as well a covered loading area on the north-east side of phase 4. The remainder of Phase 4 will be divided into individual lockers and associated circulation spaces consistent with this type of use. The existing customer service area at the north of Existing Building A will remain operational until the customer service area in Phase 4 is completed. Access will remain at the existing north-west and south-west asphalt crossings onto 113B Ave. Architectural and Landscaping Design Rationale: The proposed storage facility is located in between residential zoned properties and an industrial area. There is very little activity on the project site due to the use as a storage facility, and it will continue to provide a visual and sound buffer between the industrial area and neighbouring residential properties. The design of the addition is consistent with the existing buildings and uses a wider palette offinishes to add more visual interest to the design, including contrasting fa~ade colours, materials and extensive glazing. The landscaping, the majority of which is existing on the site, will provide a buffer as well as visual interest along the fronting street while providing a screen along the residential area to the east and southeast. Please refer to landscape architect's drawings for more information. DP Key Concepts & Guidelines Compliance This site is located within the Maple Meadows Business Park and the proposed development is consistent with the guidelines for this precinct as outlined in the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014. Please refer to the completed 'Industrial Development Permit Area Checklist' as it demonstrates the DP compliance in detail for this project. Stormwater management strategy: An engineered stormwater management plan has been provided by the civil engineer. Please refer to civil drawings for more information. Tier A requirements were not considered for this project. Public Art/ Amenities, etc.: No public art or amenities were proposed for this project. CHIP BARRETT ARCHITECT ■ 1u :.ssoc1A1,c:~ ·11111-1 P,EDRCE ,~ MAPLE Rl9GE ----~--------s, f,,I Co llrnb1,~ mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP} meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: Coe°] _;lrdll-i'l'1b /t?j(e, /A(l!:,ti,iAvho,-i Inc. Name of Applicant File number Address of site Current Zone -+-M_3 ___ Proposed Zone _M_o ___ _ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date ./\f¥1 I 11--, 7,() I~ Architect Information: Submission will be pres Architect Landscape Architect Other Professional (State Name & Role) ______________ _ Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -all schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 !~illl ADP Submission Checklist I _ mapleridge.ca AppJicatlon NCt, 20 ( '1. ~ 0) 3 -V ~ This checklist~ being pr.m,idecl to you b"f your Rle Manag-e,r, tt; <l~slst i11 prepar1n8 the materials for submission to the Advisory Oeslgn Panel (ADP}. p:Jease rnfor to the AD-P Submissioj;il Form and the ADP Regu~rement~ Bt-0.:.hur~ for s;ubrm~s1-km req:1Jirements in terms of m,:planatoty letters, plans, supporting. lnform.itron and sp~dfic:atkms on. size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Addr~c,s your questions to the Flie Manage, or the f-'l,mnlng liaison to the ADP. ' • 1 Submls.sion M.-terlal$ A. ADP Submlsslot:t_Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) B. CoverJng Letter i,nduding expl~n;ations about: -----~-~---- 1. Pr-ojectttescrlption/analysi$ (Oetailed informatk:m Required) 1------~ • 2. Architectural and landscaping Oesign rationl'.lle (Petalled information .Required) 3. Stateme,l'ilt in brief about th,e following: -----------t--------r----t---=--:,'~ .1. OP l<ey Concept$ Compliance b. DP Guideline CompHan~ c. Stormwater man;1gement Jitrategy with emp~asis on Tier A 1-----~requi1-ements Integrated into landscaping pl~.n_s_~~-+-----,----+------i d. Public Art/ Amenities., etc. e. Sustainability practices . t Other C. Site and Neighbourhood f?ntm 1. Context Review-Context Pl;;m with exl!ltlng/proposed buildings and trees, vegetatiofl, roads, existing/ propo,)ed grading, and other major features within the stt.e, ◊fl the abutting properties, the µublii; realm an.d afong the rnad allowances/ tanes. 2. Photographs of site and s.uriounding $ites. D. peveloprnent Permit Area Cheekllst {Note: The Architect Is reWQnsible to de:stribtl h(iw the proj~d {J)tnpiies with each guideiil'le:., or if not applicable, a desulption -o( why not appl[callle. ?1~~~ u.e fliiable forrrl$ on lif!e.J • cr Cit\' .:,f ,apfe Ridge ' (Page 2) E. ArchitectUr.ll Plans (Site and 8uildlnglsl}: j ,,-f--, -~ 1. Slte Plan and la~•Otit 13f CJ ---cr ·· ]. Site !iettions ~ --· --~ a ~-3, S-tre.etscape elevation Streetscape e1evatiotis wrth iandsc.iplng and boulevard tr,ee-s ul -Er 4. ~uoerimposed 5. Shadow analysis □ ~(.) i---~---- 6. Ughting an.Jly!iii!i (an building and ,on sitej ra -. l!i - 7. floe,; Plans fot an fevels, including llndergrnund c1nd roof t{)ps Er' 8, Wiste col!ed:iott /recycllng (rnslde of buHdingsJ U3 J □ f-i< ll') ·- 9. St-orage, !~duding bicycle storage (lo~ide and outside} 1B' □ -, .. . Qt 1tl BvHdlng eli!v .. t1on {a11 !;ides.) ~ --~----· ~ l l. Signage {attached to buflding a:nd fn:.e ~t.indin,gl -----3 CJ 12. Colours and materials . -· ~.~:--. [.:Y 13. Materia'l board ---[3" ~ ~ l.4. Building sections Jisihtl~f\ e..\ e.a:rov,.\<. .. a El 15. 30 renderings of site, buf:lding(sJ and associat-ed landscaping , . -/ F. Landsca1!1ng Plans; _/ ---landscaping plan and layout with £peciflcaUons and plartting ti caJ l. detaUs ~r -2. $tQrm water management works focused on Tier A □ rnqulrements i"tegrate-d Into iandsc~eing plan with details 3, Land-scar,lng detail'!., rnch.rd1ng pubBc art. $lgnage, lighting, play -~ □ and other ~mcntty areas, fence:S, retalniog wails, 4. Waste r;ollection /Recyding fexterior areas/stn:ictures] ~ □ 5. Details for pede$trran amenity and fum:lt~re featur,es provided :□,,,~ □ -E( Q 6. Details f,or hard s1.1rfacing i.fl't!e5 / patterns . 7, Tree retention alilid marregement plan iifl htJ □ 8. Site s-ect1Q05 for lot grading,. drainage, landscaping, retaining □ □ waits and relationship• to_ adj;;icent ~rades / City roa-ds / fanes 9. f>edestri,m1 bic.yde, equestrian path interconnectlons □ v,l) ~ - G. Green BuildlnglSustalnablllt~ Initiatives □ Vl l) )B <J N • . H. Engineering-related lnformatlon3 J ~-1. Site grading plans ul I. Other □ □ □ □ □ □ .. Rev. March .2018 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ~~-mapleridge.ca Industrial Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pu_rsuant with Section 8.6 of the Official Community Plan, industrial developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. 8.6.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies Provide a street presence with entrances The design of the proposed new 3 story buildings are consistent with the and architectural interest in building existing 2 story buildings. The new customer service area fronting 1138 ave designs fronting public streets. incorporates a more diverse selection of materials including extensive storefront glazing to make it more aesthetically interesting from the street. Loading facilities should be located away The loading facilities are located away from the fronting from public streets and into the rear or the interior of a site. street. Outdoor storage and less attractive Outdoor storage use on the site is existing. structures such as accessory buildings Phase 3 building addition will replace the outdoor storage. should be screened with fencing or Proposed landscape buffer will screen existing site from adjacent landscape. residential property. The transportation needs of diverse The site and building has been designed with users should be accommodated through amenities such as bicycle facilities, and consideration for accessibility including H.C. parking accessible design for the mobility spaces, sidewalk letdowns and level entry into the impaired. building (bicycle access??) The form and treatment of new buildings Design for the new buildings is consistent with the existing should reflect the desired character and buildings and includes addition design enhancements for pattern of development in the area by visual interest such as contrasting cladding materials & incorporating appropriate architectural extensive storefront glazing at the customer service area styles, features, materials, proportions of Phase 4/5 which is closest to the street. and building articulation. 1 ) Guideline 8.6.2 A Building Design, Massing and Siting 1. Offices, reception, sales, and other public use areas should be located at the front of the buildings to face streets. Design facades so that these areas are easily identifiable and visible from streets. 2. Main building entries should be located and designed to be clearly identified from streets or entry driveways. Include glazing as a major component of street- facing building facades. 3. Whenever possible, overhead service doors and loading docks should not be located on a building fa~ade that faces a street. Design service doors to fit with the overall design of a building. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Building Phase 3 public entrance includes prominent storefront glazin~ as well as 2nd and 3rd story glazing a canopy and design elements to help define the area as public access. Building Phase 4/5 incorporates a customer service area and has extensive glazing, a large ~anop_v ~nd d~~tinctive design elements help to make 1t easily 1dent1f ,able from the street. Bui!ding r=: hase 3 &_-4/5 building entries are-clearly - defined with canopies, glazing and visual design elements. . ., ___ . -------1 Overhead doors are used extensively all around the buildings due to the use as a storage facility. Minimal doors are visible from the street for the new addition and they are the same colour as the building facade 'to remain unobtrusive. ~~·---. ~4i.~B~u~ildld~in~g~s~w-;;iifith~sicig;;;n~ifi;:ic:a;:-;;nt;--:a;:::re:a:;s-;o~f~n::--;o::n:--_+----------------------J -• .. M -• reflective opaque materials or blank Expanses of walls include reveals with linear design walls should incorporate features such elements painted with the company's colour. Wall . as texture, graphics, reveals, colours or mounted lighting and landscaping will also help -to decorative floodlighting to provide visual enhance visual interest interest. Landscaping should also be provided to compliment the architectural details. 5. Developments adjacent to treed slopes, ravines and watercourses must respect natural vegetation, use natural landscaping to retain soils on the site and may require additional setbacks as established by agencies having jurisdiction. Creeks and ravines are encouraged to be retained in their natural state. Buildings and structures should be integrated into natural slopes and other significant features. There are no treed slopes, ravines or watereau rses: ~-- near this site to be considered. -=---··---·-·-------- 2 Guideline 8.6.2 A (Continued) 6. New developments are encou raged to incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) techniques into their site planning. Consider employing techniques such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, separation of impervious surfaces installing below surface infiltration bed~ and tree box filters, and redirecting water from drain pipes into vegetated areas. 7. Rooftops of buildings should include design elements, including landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street, surrounding uses and structures such as bridges. Guideline 8.6.2 B Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation 1. Wherever possible, the majority of parking and all loading areas should be located between or to the rear of buildings, with access from lanes or internal circulation. ~ecause of the use of the buildings there is very low impact and therefore no LID techniques have been implemented. The buildings will have: -very low water use -no production of waste -very little consumption of electricity The proposed buildings are three stories with flat roofs and will have a parapet used to screen RTUs Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Low volume parking is required & few stalls are located near fronting street. Loading is designed to be between the building and _unobtrusive from the street. Existing and proposed dnve up doors are visible from the street and are infrequently accessed. 2. Divide large surface parking areas into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous The way th~ proposed buildings are configured, there appearance. Use landscaping strips, ~re no sect1ons_of la:ge surface parking. Parking areas trees, building edges, pedestrian include pedestrian sidewalks and landscaping for pathways, and pavement treatment to enhanced visual interest. enhance the visual appearance of large parking areas. 3. Parking areas adjacent to public streets should provide a low level landscaped A shrub and ground cover buffer has been incorporated buffer between the parking and the along the fronting street. public realm. 4. Consider the use of permeable parking pavers or shallow concrete swales with rolled edges as an alternative treatment for surface drainage. ~ajority of site previously developed. Phase 3 has· very little proposed pavement. No permeable parking pavers or swales were considered. 3 .. Guideline 8.6.2 B (Continued) 5. Above ground parking structures should not front public streets at grade. Non- parking uses or special fa~ade treatments must be provided along street frontages to enhance the building's appearance to the public realm. On non-street fronting facades, parking structures should be treated to avoid long blank walls at grade, such as massed landscape treatments or attention to the design detailing on the fa~ade. 6. Parking control equipment, _such as ticket dispensers and card readers, should be located at a sufficient distance from a public street to prevent parking queues extending onto the street. Similarly, a minimum distance of one car length, arid preferably two car lengths, should be provided between an exit gate No above ground parking structures are used in this project. There is no parking control equipment considered for this project. and the. street edge to . accommodate ..... cars waiting to merge into traffic. 7. Rooftop · -parking strucfures should Th~re ~re no roof top parking structures in this project. include design elements, induding landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from th_e street, surrounding uses and structures such as bridges . Guideline 8.6.2 C Pedestrian Access 1. Provide well defined and safe pedestrian access from parking areas and the public sidewalk to industrial uses. Design the access to_ ensure that pedestrian use is given precedence over vehicular use . Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. No pedestrian street access provided because access to site is by vehicle through a security gate. Parking lot is use is for minimal staff and first time customers. 4 Guideline 8.6.2 C (Continued) 2. Industrial developments with large parking areas · should provide a direct Demand for parking is very low so there are no large pedestrian pathway system through the parking areas proposed. • parking area to facilitate convenient and safe pedestrian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscaping with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian m.ovement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. 3. Where pedestrian pathways intersect service roads or access roads for access There are no proposed access or service roads. to parking areas, crosswalks should be clearly designated through use of pavement markings, signs, flashing lights or, where warranted, traffic signals. Guideline 8.6.2 D Universally Accessible Design 1. Locate • parking spaces allocated for people with disabtlities as close as possible to the main entrance to a building. 2. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchairs or scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe . , convenient, and direct access from parking spaces _to buildings for people with disabilities. •• Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. T_he requir~d parking spaces for persons with disabilities has been placed close to the main entrance of building Phase 4/5 Accessiib_ili~y ha_~ ~Elen _considered for all non-vehicular routes by use of let-downs and adequate width of sidewalks. 5 Guideline 8.6.2 D (Continued) 3. Building and site design features should integrate circulation routes and areas for people with disabilities with general public use. Guideline 8.6.2 E Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas 1. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. 2. Service areas should have differentiated access to .minimize visual impact as well as conflicts with pec{estrians. Circulation routes and areas for people with disabilities have been integrated in the site/building design. Included are code compliant sidewalks, letdowns & H.C. stall. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Strategic placement of-RTUs and the fact that the proposed buildings are 3. storeys will make them less visible from the street and surrounding buildings. .. The service area for building -'C' has a separated access door and will be painted to match the buidling to minimize visual impact. 3. Refuse receptacles must be located Existing refuse container is located at the north end of indoors or within· service areas out of the property and is screened with enclosure and view from pedestrian access. Garbage landscaping. Due to the nature of self storage, a very and waste material should be stored in low volume of refuse is produced. containers that are weatherproof and animal-resistant. 4. Locate building ventilation systems to Ventilation needs are very minimal and vents will be minimize noise and exhaust on strategically located away from the street and adjacent pedestrian areas, adjacent residential residential properties. development and outdoor spaces. s. Mechanical equipment, drive-through MUA rooftop unit is going to be located in the c~~ter of uses, service or car wash bays, the building Phase 3 and will therefore not be v1s1ble to restrooms, vending machines, the neighbouring residential properties. unenclosed storage, and public telephones should be oriented on the site to face away from adjacent residential development. Whenever possible, these uses should not be visible from an adjacent residential property. 6 Guideline 8.6.2 F Sighage 1. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign By-Law. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message should be integrated and complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Fascia signage on new building complies to the sign bylaw. Freestanding pylon signage is existing. Wall signage design will match the storage facility company brand and will be of a complementary scale for the building. 3. In multiple-tenant buildings, sign~ should This project is not a multi-tenant building so sign be designed to present a unified unification is not applicable. appearance. Guideline 8.6.2 G Lighting 1. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged along all pedestrian pathways. 2. Lighting should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, pr: motorists. Guideline 8.6.2 H Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) 1. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design of all buildings and facilities. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Provided site lighting design from electrical engineer will meet safety requirements. Very few pedestrial pathways are included in this project. Exterior lighting has been designed to minimize/ r~duce light pollution and glare. Foot candles at property lines have minimal off-site impact and are dark sky compliant._ F~rth~r, the ~$-~ide·n~l?I ~J_de _of t!i_~_P!OO~rty is protected from building lighting glare with tall hedging. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied • with or why it is inapplicable. The site includes full time security monitoring, a security fence with gate, and customers/tenants are required to use a keypad with code. Lighting design promotes safety for pedestrians and Exterior mandoors are steel and include welded astragals. 7 Guideline 8.6,2 H (Continued) 2. Ensure convenient, safe, identifiable and Access to building entrances are easy to identify, safe universally accessible access routes to to access and accessible. building entrances, lobbies, parking structures, or other principal areas of buildings. 3. Design developments to maximize Security system is full time monitored with staff ~ccess opportunities for natural surveillance, throughout the day. There is never anyone on site allowing people to easily view what is without staff knowing due to keypad requirement. happening around them during the course of everyday activities. Design the interior spaces and exits from any parking structures for maximum visibility within the parking area. Entries should be highly visible, well lit and spaced at convenient intervals Hidde·n spaces, obscured alcoves and blind corners should be avoided in the design and layout of the parking facilities. 4. Wherever possible, locate parking next Parking is located adjacent to customer service area in to uses that generate human activity. building Phase 4/5 Guideline 8.6.2 I Bicycle Parking and Storage 1. The provision of bicycle parking facilities, such as bicycle racks is encouraged. Bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads. Bicycle racks should be made of sturdy, theft-resistant material, securely anchored to the floor or grounds. 2. Large-scale developments are encouraged to provide end-of-trip facilities, such as showers and lockers, within the development for the convenience of employees. Describe how the proposed design complies with each ofthe listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Bicycle parking is not needed due to the use of the buildings as a storage facility. There would be very low staff bicycle parking needs. There is no end of trip facilities due to low staff level.' 8 i Guideline 8.6.2 J Landscaping and Open Space Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Ancillary or accessory buildings, There are no accessory or ancillary buildings to including structures used for storing consider. materials, should be visually screened from public streets with dense evergreen planting or should be designed and finished in a manner consistent with the principal building. 2. For industrial developments with This project has very low staff level, therefore, no need multiple tenancies, consider· providing for outdoor amenities. amenity spaces for the common use of employees and visitors. Amenity spaces for individual tenancies may be consolidated into large indoor and outdoor amenity spaces for the common use of all tenancies. Examples include outdoor landscaped areas or recreation spaces. 3. Landscaping both within and outside the development should: a) provide definition for pedestrian corridors b) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces - c) present a pleasing street image d} soften the transition between adjacent land uses e) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site. a) The off-property sidewalk has definition with ground cover and a line of trees and shrubs planted along the property line. On-property landscaping defines pedestrian corridors to access buildings. b) High shrubs along east property lines screen the site from the residential properties to the west. c) Along 1138 ave buildings are enhanced with landscaping design that includes regularly planted trees, shrubs and ground cover. d) Landscaping is used to soften the transitions between properties e) Irregular, angled building juxtaposition mixed with landscaping deign will create interesting views and focal points. 4. Provide landscaping of proportions around particularly . adjacent substantial Tall hedges will be placed adjacent to residential property lines, to residential properties to the east to provide buffer and smooth transition. development, to ensure a· compatible and smooth transition to abutting residential uses. 5. Landscaping should reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 6. The scale and location of planting material should complement and be consistent with the scale and massing of buildings. New landscaping to match existing landscaping along 113B ave. for consistency. Landscaping has been designed to complement building scale and massing of buildings and maintain consistency with existing landscaping. 9 Guideline 8.6.2 J (Continued) 7. Energy efficiency and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) The use of native and/or drought- resistant species; b} designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind; c) providing shade in summer; d) allowing daylight into buildings; e) allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the site; f) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 8. Any portion of a building site left vacant for future development should be landscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall -site, The minimum ground---surface -treatment sh9u!d be _lillNn. WtierE? poss_ible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property not being developed. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new planting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replanting with indigenous or native species is encouraged. 10. Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces. to _increase the natural absorption of ra inwater on a A significant portion of the s1te has already been landscaped. Landscaping architect has proposed new plantings similar to existing planting. All proposed planting is low maintenance and drought tolerant. The majority of the site is existing storage. Entire perimeter is landscaped per landscape plan. Proposed p~r.l111et~r land~c~ping a_l_o!Jg street ar:,d abutting .res1dent1al property for adequate screening. Land~cape arc_hitect has reviewed condition of existing planting and wrll advise contractor of replacement planting due to construction Qr long term maintenance issues. , Landscaping is proposed in all un-hard surfaces. site. · ·· · ·· ·· --0 --• • • • •• • • 11. Chain link fences are to be avoided and are discouraged along street fr~nt~ges. Where chain link fences are unavoidable, a dense landscape material is encouraged adjacent to the landscape screen. Chain link fence is existing along fronting street and will remain in place for Phase 3, the bulk of which will be remOVE!.rcr~-rJrig•·pha$E(4/s·consfrucH6ri. 10 Guideline 8.6.2 J (Continued) 12. Fences abutting residential sites should Proposed use requires peri meter security fence. . be constructed with materials consistent Existing storage use is currently al ready fenced with with fences generally used in residential chain link and screened with high cedar hedge. New developments. hedges are proposed where no screen currently exists adjacent to residential uses. I Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File Number _________ _ Date prepared: /JL4(2., \ ~ °.) Architect G:t1\ p <!o~ Print Name 11 Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed LOT AREA* (in square metres ) Gross Total Less Road Widening / Truncations Less Park Net Total LOT COVERAGE (in % of net lot area) Total Site Coverage 60% MAX SETBACKS (in metres) Front 6.0m Rear 6.0m Side .#1 (N,S,E, or W) (Rear SE) 6.0m Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) 4.5m(N) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) 1.5m (SW) SETBACKS -Underground Structures (in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal 15.0m Accessory NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three Bedroom + Total GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential Retail Commercial Office ConimerdaJ . -. Other Commercial (Type ' ) Institutional Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA • If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot d1mens1ons pertain to the entire site. I Proposed {Complies or state variance needed) 16,120.22 m2 0 0 16,120.22 m2 42.5% 10.47m 8.05m 14.62m N/A 7.62m N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12.34m N/A N/A N.A N.A N.A N.A 0 0 0 0 0 17021.42 m2 17021.42 m2 Required Development Data Minimum Required or Proposed (Complies or Maximum Allowed variance needed?) DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) N/A # of units/ha (net) N/A Gross Floor Area 17021.42 m2 Floor Space Ratio (net) 1.05 AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activit y Area N/A Useable Open Space N/A PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use 30 30 Business Park Uses Comprehensive Other Number of spaces for visitors TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES 30 30 Number of total for disabled 1 Number of total (and %) small cars 3 13 % 1 Number of total (and%) tandem spaces 0 13 % ----·--_. :..·--. ·-. -- TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking I 6 . LongTerm Bicycle Parking 0 .... - OTHER -state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site !No I Tree Survey/ Assessment Provided I Watercourse/Steep Slopes I NO I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements !No I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. ackJowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and t e Dd;elopm . Environmental Services Department. Prepared by:Q\tlip1rJeeP43(:~CA, kf...!.16?i~~µ./ ~, ~"'~::.=..!::~-- Print Name (Please pr nt f r NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. MATERIAL & COLOUR BOARD PROJECT PROPOSED EXPANSION for FIClVFlnC::EC STORAGE CENTRES CIVIC ADDRESS: 20288 113 AVE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. LEGAL ADDRESS: DL 280; NWD; PL BCP39223 MAIN FIELD COLOUR DULUX 4-110X1C LINE PERMA-CRETE TO MATCH EXISTING (WHITE) FIELD ACCENT COLOUR 1 BENJAMIN MOORE 2120-50 (SILVER SPRING) FIELD ACCENT COLOUR 2 BENJAMIN MOORE 2120-30 (WITCHING HOUR) FIELD ACCENT COLOUR 3 DULUX IRISH GREEN STOREFRONT GLAZING FRAMES: CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM TYPICAL GLASS: GREY REFLECTIVE I I BOLLARDS: SAFETY YELLOW EXTERIOR GUARDRAILS: POWDER COAT BLACK VELVET PROPOSED EXPANSION: FICVFlnc:e:c STORAGE CENTRES ADDRESS: 20288 113 AVE, MAPLE RIDGE, e.c. FICJ ; -STO I YIEH TO 50UTH EA5T TOl-'IARD BLDG-, D 4 BL.D5 C ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING LIST COVER SHEET A-0 CONTE;-...'T FLAN A-01 SITE PLAN A-I SITE SEC TION5 A-la PHASE 3 FLOOR PLANS A-2 PHASE 5 f:LEV ATION5 A-3 PHASE 4 4 5 FLOOR FLANS A-4 PHASE 4 4 5 ELEVATIONS A-5 PHASE 4 4 5 ELEVATIONS A-6 YIEH TO EAST TOHARD BLDG G VIEl-'t TO SOUTH J;,,IEST TOHARO BLDG D VleH TO EAST TOH.ARD BLD6 C. FROM SLD6, D ■ I-. u ~~ w :t t::: >• , e I ~, u li ~ <( : :; a; ., I-:- t• I-i; w ~ ~,. we ~ ;~ <( l • ,□ co .~ ..1.J ~· c.. ... N I u ------ " 7' " >O ft " ,,· N ~ " It, n .. 1' I WM...11..1t __ TOI.AO_, -, • ,il,IUl,'111 rc.CII.YBCINiOt-;;i.t .ND DATE OESCRIF'TION ~(U~IO:-TMCtOla A SPIRE CONSTRUL JON ~RCVRnc::e a ~ STORAGE CENTRES PHASE 3, 4, & 5 COVERSHEET JOIIJO 1)111,1,'Mt 1&-0et OC. -~-.. Plcn'OO't MAR1l18 PROJECT-ORAW:MGNU,1,1.IIEA REV. A-0 2 113B AVE. LOOKING SOUTH 113B AVE. LOOKING SOUTH AT EXISTING BLDG A __ ) 113B AVE. LOOKING NORTHEAST INTO DRIVEWAY ,. .,. ■ 1-u lJ.J I- I u a::: <( I-1-LJ.J a::: a::: <( cc CL I u -;;·'~ ----------- ~ .. " ti() DATE OESCRIPllON -A SPIRE CONSTRUL--=--1Qi\J ...... ~ACVAnCED ~ STORAGE CENTRES PHASE 3, 4, & 5 CONTEXT PLAN oc ....... Jll,.OfM'1' Mo\R 1119 PROJECT· ORAWING NUMBER REV. A-0.1 2 ) " ··--¾ ............ ...,.,......, J, I ' ✓-...... , ~ l_T .. - "' ~ ~ 47 "' ._ I I I . / II I ._ : \ @ OVERALL SITE f'Y'N •.. 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'\,..,"' ,, ./ .;#,.,..,,,,"' ~,,✓ ,,,"' ,, ,,,"' ,,., ,, PHASES oeca, •. ,.,.. ,,, ,, 0 ~.• ,. )O" GENERAL NOTES: I !ERVIGe ~ ARe Al"P'AOJQHATE 0:1.-1', !EE GML c,,v,w.~~FJNlloL.UX,,..~ !I GONTRAC.TO!l Ta ~DI! FOOTIH-S I HALL SUR~!!i (8T' U e l!!i'Tt:RCD A.L.5) ~H6 ,;.oH!!iTRUGTlOH, 5.'l!IMIT GOP~ TO CITY OOILD'ING Dt!!l"T -+ ,e:l'EC.~t.~Cft>,ftN.sSPc«l"l/t'ILU,U,.TIOH CP,-lfU!'~n,m,rf CO'fCt;T'KW fHOSeell!Jl!!i !!i !!ii!!!: eLEGffl.lCAL DRAl'll~ !"Ol'l LOCATION Of'~ ,-Al<l!L 6 ALL eot-l!!iTl'Q..ICTlaH, ~CIUGTS, ,',NO MA~IALS TO GOH,.Oi't'-1 l'U.J..,-l'IITI-1 ALL .-..sf'!!G~ Of" TI£ ~T !lUILDlli6 GOC1!!, ~ OT'rER ""'"'/CABLE~. FIE.SU...ATIOle, ~'TS, USTIHl9-t. A!> H:lJ. -AU. AEOJi~ OF Mm40RITY HAVIHS ..UU!Olc.TION T SlleG-O~TOl'!I AA.!! 50!.n:r Ref"Ot,ISICIU; TO ~ Tli!!tR ~l!D PRODUC,'B r,.u.,-COM"Of'-H TGI AU. ,.,_,,_IG/lll3Le ~ ANO le,T l".EGVI~ ND~ TO HAV'l!!~~T"'ftCIN"V"~• ~=~Tl~~EHlTI-IAl..l. 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FOl.22.11 PNUICT-tllil.linlllOJlllNIDII A-1 I 4 ) cp ~[0~ PAR,O,Pl!:T BeT'ONO -----.j ~ I ~ ~ •,o _,./ '""~ i I ----II I f f~~...,. )!Pit'!RDsOP! ll~i-'"l'"""""'""'__..-...-_... ........ -...-.--....... --..-1 C>'O" I 1111111111111111111!1 __,____ i i: .. I !: ,,,.., 11~6 AVE :,:TSlr,1"1:~GNIL :1s -a ~:! :o ~!B .,,_, '5: !j ~ I t ~~ liif! G)~ IL' o: ~: ": "'I 'lll ::;, l=' '"I "', ~i ~· :z, ~I ~· I ' ' I ,./ ./] / ' . ' / I : .-✓ , EXIST. ~.RH.-+! 2HD FLOOR HINl-5TOAA6E i I 1 'i MAIN FLOOR MINl-5TORA6E l LJ~ !SUM~, 4 BUILDING C SITE SECTION ,.,...lo oe.u vt>'•r-o- l . . .... l r . . ~-'01 ', -I !.t-'D rL.c::Ofl w.~ ... ST~ HAJN J'l...O(:llf{ MlH1~TC1V6!. B BUILDING D TO C SITE SECTION ..,_,a •i / n[h -✓---!Fi! ✓• !!v·· --✓--fi ~~ 1./ ~~/1], H J I .I _/ ---✓ /• /' i ✓-· ' ✓-· ; ✓-· : /4;:,., I ..... e,_,\f:T'. .. /4ot i ......... \,\~ ; i 1 ! DRIVEKA"r" PARKINS ! I o_ Q_ l.1$1"E1'.GIVIL ·"' C, BUILDING D SITE SECTION ./t,...JG J ~ 1,/fl.'•.-.Q ~ I J ~ l'LOCIR ... ~l,-$TOIV<S!! 21'0 flL00'R Mtt-S.TO~ M"'N ,-LDOfl '11}Q-SiORA6e ~~ C? I I l111 LOADIN5 ..,...,.. !~i 0 i I L ~Jll...OoRMlNl•!j,~ .lte~HINl-$-T~ ~IH PLOOR MINl-5T~ I'll i~ 11 I~ I~ •" ,,, ... .,_~ 5Rl'I 1• i" 'l'ii ·1-! I: ! l DRIV!e AISLE etA'PVl .___..,. 2m I I I J.!P). "'·"l' : EXIST. SR.J,,1.--.i Sm , i I : I I ~ I !~ i~ l·O~/~".r:,• '\ [~ 4 ·1'! !ii "' "' ~· I J9 ,-PftPz«~ ! "; EXIST. 5.R.1'-1.~ i ~I , 1, I ,oa,,n,_, .,....,. ) I I ' ~· • , L •• ,.,...r ........ l i • j 1 ~~ IW-"1 1 I I RS-I ZONE " ;; " ,, ,; .!!. . !! ~ u ~ ■ 1-: u · w: !:: ~ I" u· • ea:::~~ : <(~' • 1-=~: I-:,I :; UJ ~~ : ~~: :- ~v· ~ '-,c;. ... - <(: cc : Q..! I u . ~~ ·-Nu >• :-e UQ oi@) c~ ~~ ~d 0 ( m I .. < ,:~ -~ .. ~~ WO "• z_ ~~ "• <- jJ :~ N a...x::c~,;:.?~-z: =•~~~~•.,:,,.,.._,;: :..-s.~---.::-~..,:--:.:',::\:.';'.. ::::Z:..-'!1.::---.----- ~.u.,, I mut::UGU.O,!l, 1 tJN4a.tt~'°'~~-~ jlNQJEC, ~SIC)Clfl'lllM;,T~ ~""ij"F, A SPIRE CONSTRUCTION ACJVAnCBC STORAGE CENTRES PHASE 3, 4, & 5 ~:imtt11•Avt..M,Ql\.f.fl~I(. - -FLOOR PLANS .aJG. I~ -· --c, ~CITC>ollll:- ~C:T•OIU,W.HO~ A-1a I 2 _) WALL SCHEDULE "' 0 !!!!!:!. ,r,TES ·"-"~ >:::&C.•.t..O,:.J t c-:o,,,~"l)tUJ.~ ~~~~~~~~ • ,1,1;,,1. ~.f!I OI' I.Lt. ClETAIL~ TO C.t:l~ TO alR1'VIT ULC Dt:l'_.I~. ~-"4,!IIC:!Mfll!O GENERAL LEGEND ea • ,;,itAO.,._ -~·o"'"'......._,~ HG • l'.,I\ICIC"" TOILIET tNOtCAT'ES E,'ITEI-D ~ TP • 1-eTAL TOUT ~Al'I.TIT'10N9 (GOKF'Le'TI! HI DRYHAU. ~THSl~/TOIJNJ:l!l~ICl!: Of"Ol!:CKlt,16 GENEIIAL NOTES IMPORTANT NOTE, -ALL COH.STRUCTION TO ee HOJf. COMIUffllSLfl & TO CONFORM TO e.c. e.c. 2012 SECTION 3.1,5 C ~ D E 1 © 0 i --~ -I -~ 0 ~- I ~ ~ I 8 I i . l i __ ~ ~ l ~ ,. i >, I i ~ I "" . ~l p E) ~ II I @) ; ~ ; ., ----i-----~rlfl-----·-··-(K;f[ t @ ~ '1{ l t E§) __ Jj ~ L06BY ___ .., 0 0 B I ~t==n l ~ s ------ r3 ELEG. ,--/:--(c) ~-{-,------I ~ ltt::B<)nm, +------- t ~t=n I ·-I l a i i tt=rr I I I t-I i i,, l ~~-----··-[ _ i ~t=-n ! I I i i ~ i s I i ~-. 01"~-~ W_l l I -1 i i l I I B ~ ~ l €3 -r--I ·"" ~ ~ ... -•= __ , ---- 1 0 @~u!.~.:LOOR PLAN 0 I r A l-r+--- 0 © t © I I I """ I 11:..: 0 .... .,,. l t .. ~ -::=J'' a ~ ~ L_ ~ -' _l _ ~ <$ I J- I © ----~- k • ~ ,__ ________ ··-----©-=~ 0 r->-J- ,'9 ~ . :::= I fo .i----, :-·-t= -·---- ~ f!l..."V_ i -~--,--= -w IA\. ~ I l --<$ --·- ·-D 0 I i . ~ n I ,_ E '4' u-I I © 0 3 @ SECOND FLOOR PLAN A, ... 2 ~.,.·•r,o' r y;r;; A ~ © I i <$ I C =l .~ :-J ~-i ;-:-:-,..,._ ;:::::, - ~ 5..!!V. ~ - A".. t= k • 0 ~ ® I'.:, I I I I I I 11',I E ,,..,. 1 0 I ,.,,, H ~~ e? b:.. ~ <S 0 ~ ~ t.= 1r....,. !J -~ - <a: 0 ··- 0 ~ 0 5 " " q .. " " .. J IU2J'.11 1111.EOl'Dl~TAICTI.SE 1 Wlft..H IS'IIUfOl'DIIIDflc,M[Hl'IPtJKI .. OATE ~~1(.(9,'t~ A SPIRE CONSTRUU ION ACJvAnc::e:c STORAGE CeNTRES PHASE 3, 4, & 5 ADDRESS: 2028111 ue AVE, UAPLE RIDGE.BC FLOOR PLANS PHASE 3 1 @ © 0 4 ? ---· ""'"'7 _, G""°"' ~'IIT' I-tr~.,,._. -----. ~· ·-·--.... _ -~ ,.... I 1 r r --I~ ~ ; 0---j = "' "" e1 ~ I E) @§) ~ E> ---t--r-· I~ ~ LO, """'' fl&, ~ ~ i-r---1- i I ~ t i • B I ----~--=-~ ~ ,_ GI.JSTOMER § ~ SERVICE !I i !I n i l t fl ~ f'\ -~,,_;:, c=: i l!:!e!J = I ELEV, ELEV. ,,..,. !LEV. ELEV. I .=.,-MIR. a.LE t MIR. i C I 1t ,_ ; i ·= :"'-0~ c-... ,IC"' ~ TJ' ·-..,..,. J l! ~-~ J ' ... I ~b ..:,-:;:s: = l:-' ·-~ .....=..-1 tll'••lfT MECH. j STORASEAREA ~ .(;:.;j) PHASE 4 = - EL.EC. 1 i @B 0 <w (§1 B @) (@) tz;;;) (;:;;.} (i:;;;) D 0 ~-D N~ 0 0 __ D -l ~-.,,,. ---·-,:,0: ---· 1 5 ~ .=. ..... ........ -~ ~ -~ -~· ~ / 1M: = ... = ~- ""' 8 €3 ~ ~ --t -~ ~ ...-1 - L- I .,,, .. ~ ~ tc<»l ~ ~ -~-~ -l=.~. 0 u l .. , __ ,...,. l -- 5 GROUND FLOOR PLAN A-2.l -· ----.... --N-~ ~- ... ,= ,.. -B B ~ @ @ STORASE AREA PHASE 5 ~ ~ r.:;:.) (Ki) ~ .. .,,. 0 .. ,., -0 ·-. ...,. ~,,00~,~ WALL SCHEDULE = ~ ~1"'4?1("M'!Ptw~·"Y:!!D..., • ..,.. • .q,.'.1"'!1N! mr~J11LTIJP l"'"!e..S 9•~~IORGO!-IGFlel'eH'l'Tt-!: :!"XP!, lli9JL..ATION 1 112" 9muc;11.WV,L GOt<GFUm:: l'il"TtE cll,i (';.-.UU::ED !1/4" .JOI~ STWH P,'r,~ AATlli5 l"'l::R TABLE Cl•21 4 D-2!1 ~ Erif::.:r~PERfVN W AATECl G.-.UU::IHi:;1 eETl'EEN JO~>-$ l"ER PL.AH, 1Vo11Nl5 ~ T"81.J: 0'•21 4 0-1.!I, !lee 0?:T ... IL 2/ ... -12 (l)u:.D'!!J"AlL.JF20J ~ S:nZ:.:r.~~~~~ 1'S ~ DETAIL 1/A•I:' RILG DETAIL 1-MO"J) '-' .. I!!" DIAMQHC) Ml:!,ti ~~TT 6R!C, TC~? Ol'C $1De: <G>~~EOl"~51b"~6" 5T!El.. S'TIJD5 • 16" o/c. ~ SmJGTUU,,j_ Di,,i,SS <e> :fl;;. rti:.~ncH TC ee C!!T!'~Hft; <e>iai.= .;s:;::;::., •• ,ru...n~ V2' &YPSUM eo"'RD <&'>-112• ~y~ eoAAO <9> ;.~etM~M"1lml ""1.~C1L5>1'\.U,T' ~ f ~IN!"~ !iTl'QJCT DW5'$ Tl-I!! l!aJJV',',,L.£',ff" ,,_tc:~5 0f'-M;.SONRY UNIT'S IS ~'TER 'flV,,M ll!lnn, ~ cat1Pl.1!5 ~llli ™I! 214C\,RRATil'46~$Ge:G :::01:: T~D-211, <8> ~~-?.:?'~~~~ ""5 l"ffi t,ET;.IL 1/A•I!!, (IA.(;; DE'T'"'IL l'MO-IJ 1,,., Dl,.,t-lOl'-ID 1-eSH $!:GI/RITT' 6RIO T'O b?ote: 51= 6 . ..,, --~ •= ¥- ,.., = L ~ ~ 1 ,_ El ! l==:J @ t IC:=i @) l ~=::J @) t [[=::J ~ k ~==:J §) l i rn--i ·} §) t rn==:J §) ! ~=::J § l ~~ 8 ~ ... ~If:" ll- Jj D-'00 ~ ... I~ ~ ! ..,.., l:l != @i) L.... l ~ ....... © WALL NOTES -RATIH6SFRaH12BC.S.G,.C,:2,1 t D-~ H-0E:M::7TEJ.~ ~"""'4WlrlU.,l,=-"'C(f,oO'~~ONS. ilcU.~e.rf,C:Ll!«'CT'()~~ .. Pl"'!.IC. ... TIOH l"-'S'Tt:Nlt-1$ _.ND l'IH/51--e -~ ~TS Of'-VLC Dl!T,t,ILS TO COHl'Ol'0-1 TO CURRENT UI...G C:l!T,..ILS, cot,FJRM-'$1"EOJIF-!m, -cotf"IRM "'1..1. STm.. 51\JD &1'Ll6C ,.,n, ?-'Cltl& IHCLLOiH5 HOH-l.C-'D~Rl!.IG GENERAL LEGEND -·-~-~~ ,. . ~ ~ "~ GENERAL NOTES IMPORTANT NOTE: -.&•11,&TT"°""""TIC"' ~'f"Ouff)O~ ((.QMPl.£TE,JDR'J1,W..l.. SOTiiSIDESJ TO~DI! ~ D.l!CKIMS -ALL CONSTRUCTION TO Be NON• COM'IU$TII LI! & TO CONFORM TO 8.C.11.C. 2012 SECTION J.1.5 A C ,. ,, " " " .. : PEl"l: tt ma..mJtiRCOCMfA.tlf t:11E. I .Wl:1111' "2.Gf°'~,wnt NO DATE DESCRIPTION PROJECTM,1,.'~l(D<IIIM!'f(IA!I h. SPIRE C(lllSTiltXMN -::..=..:-:::•'!:'"'." .!. ACVFlnCEC STORAGE Ce.NTR:!"S PHASE 3, 4, & 5 FLOOR PLANS PHASES4& 5 CESIGHED Ci-!ECKED CB Pi.On:!AtE W\R1419 3 0@ 2 3 0 0 © ® ,,,-I ,.,,.,,. .. ~--.... ""'""7 .. ~'..()' ·-G""""' eel.al-I ... ..,.. .,_.,. ·-~ .r-~. M .... - 0 1 ·1 0 e1 ~~ ~1 ~OOOR l ! l i ■ ,.._, ! ___J 1-: . t u· ~ a M~ , ...... II:" w: ~~ ®-+--I-> >• ! . □ . " I~ LI a ~ ai@J .► u ~-:.. au t I .. 0:::,. -a< -.. ~~ <(·-. f-J t r1 c:;~~-p f \ =~ ~ ll. ~~ I:=::: ~ <" -,. -,Cm ~ ~ = ... 0-•m l w~~: "• WI!< ~m ELEY. ELEV, ~ ! ELEV. ELEV. 0::: < •• • i-=-~ MIR, MIR f •□ 0::: "• • "· C " --1 <(~ ~; JO I J. co ; c· <- % ~J ~ ' NW ,_ STORASE AREA o..~ •" ... ~~l:l PHASE 5 . N f I §~ ~ u ... ~ =!: ! - G~.,.,-=t ea.ow ,.__, L....I -I ..... .,. STORAGE AREA PHASE 4 l ,,;•-~:El.~~ =::;..-:... ~=-:.:·.z.-:.r. m ~~ =:J..~-~;::.· ......... ~I".!!:.•~ =:..i:1.=.;....---·--.. .,. " ~ ... " i ~i -,::;;: ,. ..... " " L....I " " ® D ,, I ,. fl I " " JC'"=!l:~• iet:2:~! ,., ,,...,. ,, .. 0 © .. I 0 . I Q ~Ou~-':!!LOOR • . . ' ' wA1u• JJUJtoAD, ,u.r,11 dKm!IJ'QIICO,mli,TANTl:ff!! NCI DATE DESCRIPTION ,._c /Ml>flliO;f,l~~fOftl 11 SPIRE CDrJSTRUCTION ---- """'"' •Aov~nce:c[I STORAGE c:e.,,.-r,uz.s PHASE 3, 4, & 5 ~ =in lllllAVI ~.l"lfiOGK...lf:.. -SECOND FLOOR PHASES4 & 5 '"" ,1Ci,1:'oe1 ,~ .. " 01111.lfCG ....... CB "010AJCI MAR 1:t1S MO.ll~~QIU•N:ftO~ a,v A-2 2 ~ l t ~ t ~ l 1 C r I I =-- __:_i Iii!===~,- O H i----- 0 2 3 fl ~ ELEV. MIR, I -= ~ ;:? =· ~ ~ ELEV. . STOR,6,,<SE AREA PHASE 4 0 .f'\ = ELEV, MIR. L...:...J I 0 (;'\ THIRD FLOOR 'eY ~vi,•~tioo" 5TORA6E AREA PHASE 5 © © A ,, ,. ,, " " .. ,, " " ■ I u 1 n:an1t 11fUlOro11cm&A.tANJI.SI MO DATE DESCRIPTION I COHnuaoia._ A SPIRE cm.STRL'CTIOI\ """'"' ~FltCVP'lnC::e:DI ~ STORAGE ceNTMf!sl PHASE 3, 4, & 5 ADDRESS 202BS 1 IJBAV'E MAPLE RIDGE.BC .... THIRD FLOOR PHASES 4 & 5 PROJECT•~~ A-2 2 0 j @ © 0 ) ~~~ ~i !~~-~- _o?.,=J9_~ ~~-- Is.,._.,... II&·~ I& M: )/& -~ hi& w ·ltd's liJ.: M: Id.-_.,.. 1,k -Ji;..{ ,.,.. 1,•,>cjr~•i '"'"" I ..., Jil m· liJ.i: w liJ.:: •·11· '1& M 11 '""':;:;7!_;·1 ~-nz ) .. ---@ "··--. -•. ,..,. l @ WEST ELEVATION . A-:3 k,,IL.L -V-"•'i'-0' © B A ~ --------T~• ~:!!: "!£'_~! -----r ------ .. !. ► • == !.0-_:1£'~ 11-\0lt:" EAST ELEVATION X,,l,,U!, 1/IIV•i"-cr 5 !,_O_C-£_~ t«~ ~t -- = _) ~ ) NORTH ELEVATION A-!5, """""'J ""'"'•1-.0" ~ SOUTH ELEVATION l't•~ ~ W..pc,' l!..~' Q ~It • d ® TYP. REVEAL DETAIL A-2 f'I.U..~ MATERIAL LEGEND 0 -----COMC~ ~CH TILT-IJP~L PA.Ha., rrP -f'Allfl'U;I ~ IH cct,iG~TI! -PAIHTW -~,----------------1'..&JC..JO!Mt ®----------PRE-!"IHl!t!ED ~"'L. CAP ~ASMIN6 0---ST~MNTarG-Vl'lTAIHK"l.L m,,.1-tES•~~ e STC'Re'FWNTOR~T,.,IHKJ.:!~ °"""°•C,l..C.ML()t-+.E (e-------.,,_..,,,.._ •• ....,.,. 0 "TIB.~e:oo,:lR5 -PAll-ffll> 0 ----------61J,>,l'DAA.IL5-P"I~ ©--,-.~-.m-~ M'l"~._...~,..... 4>-------~-,. Lll!Wf l'IAroM: • U:I IU£~ ci.,,o.t, ~------,.,,.. ~~sr ... ,111: .. t STEELf'IPE~IL ~ w "'""'°"''"="'""" $ " ~-·'"''"'"= ~./q'"-c,~c"""" -"""""'""' ,,..._ -c-_, ~----"~-------STl!:ELBOI..L"'-"'D -PAWT'ED ,:,,_ ~IHl5t£0 ..-.CM CANOPY • ~ 6RE'T" 125 --o,,,.ut;)~ <-,',------------P"AIMTSTI'l:IP(t,IO~ """' 0 • 5!"ANOR.!L GLAZING -• "°""°°~~ -~,. PROJECT COLOURS □•@ 1-VJHl'IU.OGOL~I D ·@ flfLO ,.,CGENT GOL.o.R" -•@ l'l!!:LO AC.:~ COLO!,R ::!, -·9 ,ml-I) "'"°'t~ >a ~~~ ~Cl"'V,...,,~ Kl!t,IDAL.l. CH,t,RG-OAL (HC.-IU.1 AI.JJMINJH 5TOREF'FWNT M-U.10"'5, Cu:,,t,,111 .-N:x>l:0-"UKMIH ~~ ~Ao,,tt,~-0.1~""'"-'NtU 9 Cl P'Ol..-'R l-+IIT'I!: OGl6,o-R •c.3'~""-oc.a.:,.oe M"-""t6«/i..T M7ltO AC.M f',o\l,El.1~9~ ~U'Z:!J' [ t-lO!'t., GO!t"ll'0'1AU.~, r.x!l>-Dl'lllntete-,OWBII~ ro l'AMJC:. .... TION ti~ l"AIHTINO~ -• N..L e..AZil"8 TO ee. ~ q,o I :lt:llO GOMP\..IAHT, P'7l0Vlc:le ,l,,LJ.. l'la:iLJ!Ra? ~ ... ~ . -L~~ro el!! 6UAADIAN !1NX b2/IT C!ll~IUJ ~ 1)11 ~~Gl...EAAAHG'Olza!AUIMINA--l ~~U'IMIC.~ 61...Atlt-16-HILL~ l'iu.= 1-1111"1 AA60H I. ""-1.J.. ~ ~XIMA~. CML ~INf;S TO~ AAOI ~ I " ,. 1• .. ;; ., ■ I-: u · LU ! 1-· I " u :~ = 0::: ;_, .• <(;: ~ 1-== ~ ~;lll f u LU:;~ o:::::· 0::: :· <(: co : 0... ! I u • ,< "u ~-" u >• ; e Oo ai, ~~ ~o ~ :J o, ., .. • ,= • .. .. ~~ ., WO u• z_ <• Jo .. •-~a "• . " ~4:---,,,_,. .... ,,.. ho~~~~..,~ z:;..,w_-~7....;:•..::,.--;::: ;::_r:_:~--:i~·~ )1_1!__~1),lt ,~,.QII~_!_ 1;1tD.'11.IILUU10fOl!.~JN!ffl,)V '.INda,tt IZl.t:Clf'Ol!rct"tflQIPWiMt~ hG o,,,Te OESCRlf>TION -,,,.:a.c-r....wu.ui1t1101JH/;...c1~ A SPIRE c□Nsrnuc-10N F'CIVAnC:EC STORAGE C:~NTFU:.S PHASE 3, 4, & 5 ADDRES$;202B! 11]8AVE,MAPLEAIOGE..8C ... w .. - ELEVATIONS PHASE 3 ,IQl~,I~ --c, "'""""' _,._,, ?ROJECT,IJl\,l,W.lf().M,1111.li:A A-3 3 ® TYP. REVEAL DETAIi. A,.,l I\U.~ MATERIAi. LEGEND ~~~TII..T~~ !'.NC.. l'fl" •l"..Mlftg ~-~TU•~ ..... 11:D <,; _______________ ..,,,,_...., 0--$TOREF~TQ!"~TAIN"'"'1..~,. 0----- 0------~--------- ~>-------- <&-----""'.'li~ 0 >------.JC..-----~·~~~ ~ (,, e,MDREC °""'~ (= ~.-~"li(.C&A)~ .. ,,....~•TW.•~ (!) ~ O!D1. ~ ••AOfflO ~,--~-Rift---~"""'~. J<ll;;~.-r(Q 0,_ _ _,:;._ ________ U!Nl-'M~O(IITJT~ M ------------P>Jtff!>TRIP(l-lO~U -• LOJiGeO-"'D S11'11<15/50FFIT • L!6HT FIR PROJECT COi.OURS ALL COL~ =ACE$ TO BE 651..!AMIN HOORE PAINT, □•@ ,...,it!C.O((X.AJll... LAf.~~Rl.(2lOt>-,o) □•@ ,-,CU1....:,c:bc?~I c.o\lEITTRl'GAAY{l-lC-16•0 •@ P'ta.D-"'UDO~::.. oeuc,,.e,ov,,y-oi,.;_~ ••8 ,m:,,~a,r<,Q.(Ull.a,. KEHDALJ.al~C0>-1.lHC-lt,t,/ l"OK;Ef;!; COAT 91,..-.c.1<: vELV"eT CL~ "'1-IOCllZED ALt.t-11Mh-1 TYPICAL DL.-..ZIN6 CL.CAA (\.O>" E ~ "10 I 2010 COl-fPI.IAN"l'J • GI ~.+Mt!! ac.l!>20-l't. • G3 C~RCOAL oc.b~6 !,of'~, KAAH 6MY 3---0TIO .I.C.MPAl-la.11116 ■C,>.Nof>'f ~.-ii-"!'~ BB ® I 2 NORTH-Wl:ST EU.VATION A-5 ~ w•-o.r...:,• " " " ,. " " " " • Cl..: I u ~ lt&.l?.tl 1111,0Tt:l!!,~JN«UK I JoW.a.o ll:IU(OJOll~,o,1111 HO CATE ~r~,~cu• 11 SPIRE CONSTAUCIION ADVFtnCEO STORAGE Cl:NTR.-US PHASE 3, 4, & 5 ,\OOFIES5:20288 1 ll8 AVE,MAPLERIOGE ec - ELEVATIONS PHASES4 & 5 ,dHO. ~ """' """"" MAA1l19 f'll0.CCT. ~-~o.,...,. A-5 3 0 I •·:sz -I ------- ,J ® TYP, REVEAL DETAIL A-2 rw.~ MATERIAL LEGEND ~~ ~),IIG4-4 TILT-tP HAU. P'Na. ~-• P'AIKm::> ~ IN CONCRETE -PAii= U:,---------------,0.....C...JOI~ [o'>---------l"RE·l"IN~ METAI..G"1'FLASHIMi9 0------S~ or 0-RTAIN l"l,t,,l..l. ~-~ ◊-----~--------~ 0-----GOHC$.ETEQ'.J <-i:>-------------P.MC"5TRJP(N() ~ -HCJT >LLMJr.n,tiAl.9 ~ ,.,,,.._,~ m • SP~ 61.AZlt-6 -"~AIW 51c:>1/i61SOf"'"4T • LIISHT l'llt PROJECT COLOURS ..u;.ca.cuu::o.Q.N~!Olll:~~1!'•'"1' □•@ M,l,l/tFla..c>COl..£;\.RI, ~eYPEARI.Cl./0&-10) ~•@ f'iE.O~<,.a.C\alJ GCJVetm(Y<5RAY(HC,-l&'IJ •@ l"~ACG.o,n--COLO.R:2, GHfi..SEA~Yn,.c.-16&/ -•@ l"lfLD AGGE!iT GOLCUl ,, KENVA1.L GHAAGO,ftJ. (l,t:;-t66J l!J<'reR.IOR C.UAAOAAIL5, ~Ill COo'IT ......:;"l ~•#fl ~e,~~ ~.-.NODl~....u..HlfU-1 Tl'PIC"'-6t.AZ'IN5, a.Y,Rj\,.OH~~"Ol2GIO~INlr) ., ... ~,_..,,,,.,OQ.I~ • G!I GHARGO"L. GGb~6 """"°"'~"-'-o'T'IO """1'e, GOM"'IIV-1 >LL ~ e P'INl!te 1-!lnl 11-E ~ l"'llllOl't TO P'Al!IRJGATION t/OR l"Allffi~- """" -,o.,u_ 6l.A%.INO TO ee ~ "101 :20!0 GO-PL.LIHT, PRO,IIQe M..l.. ~~ ""''""""'"' •~~TOi,r.'5U/lfWIAA~6212"TO't~lt:',IJ,t,L.llit ~~Gl.!:,AA.~IZJSJ,lJ..l.Mltu-1~.-n-GUlt'ICDClt,C..m 6LAZIH6 ~LL~ PILI..1!1' t-lllll ~ 1 •~~~1"!:,,~Mll.c,w,,otooTO~~~, T1> ~;;£ = t ,._,, © Ct) ~ I ;a~ I £ ... i2:£ = = ;2::2: !l':!: SOUTH-WEST ELEVATION © ® SOUTH-EAST ELEVATION >, ... ~llb'•r-<>" .. .. ,, " tJ " ) "41UJ,lt DIOR:IIA.~ ~ rm.nt• ll&la>fa..~- , p,HJI It i:S-SI.IOJtll~pP),11' i10 0.-.TE OESCII.I~ WAlliGUl!ll~ A SPIRE CONSTRUCTION ACVAMC::B.O STORAGE CENTRES PHASE 3, 4, & 5 ADDRESS; 2028a 1131J A.VE, MAP\.E R.IOGE, BC ELEVATIONS PHASES4& 5 -,0 """'"'' c, ......... \IM..t1.1• .,..,,..!irr:'t ;:::~:=;~,;.k,ii..vu,c. -AU. >.5PEGTS a: ~ OE:St6M ~~It: ~~Tl~~~ el' ~GOl-1PLl-""GEHI MMUl'"Gl\JRER'S Sl'l!GIFICATIO~ ~OR TO GOM$m.lGTIOM SJ~/;'~~ °"""""" -5.!I!)" TYf':E I -flllelc:> l~TlON ~, -ROOI" l~T10H "'1'IO SK'!'Ll6HT5 TO Rill."!" GOt-iPl..'T"lo"llTl-1,"J.l. ,,.pp_,1.::;"81...EREO,JJR&'!Et-rrS Of' ~ "l'O I 2016 ~RIPT1VE HET'HOD, c:aMPUANT FOR GOl'DITION SP-'C! -Roe, "1'0 SIC'l"l...l&.ffTO Be GO~A.'rrTO ALL Af"l>Llc..Ael..J! RfOJI~ FOR Hem ~TIEIU: ~~TIOM r © -· I - A I l B 1--------•I / C ;.. 0 }--+--L':~::::::::;;:;:;::;:;;::;::;:;:;::;::;::::~ r'};l 1 11°" E !---+--I--' I I II IIJ.l'/!L ,.___,,._lul_.1_. 17"1'_,,'/1 fu·1....,_W"'_-t I 0 ~ ~~ ,::> <S \ \ @ ROOF PLAN © I ! :,Qrn"'I v: o; ,• ,' i " .. " .. .. . , u " ■ t-: u · w ~ t-~ I" u· • °',:: -,. 3' <(~; ~ ~~~ ~ •• 0 u.J ~: ~ °' .. < °' ... ~ - <(: co : . c..~ I u • ~ , ·~ ." Nu >• ' .o .. Ua ai@J .> oU .. o ◄ •" lL ~~ :~ <" t: .,. "• D "• ~~ f WO U< ~~ •a .. ' <- ( ~J ~~ • ,..0 OATE. OESCRIPTION PHASE 3, 4, & 5 AOOAESS:20288 11:36/1\VE. MAPLE RIDGE llC ROOF PLAN I\Of~fli w.Rlll!il ' 0§, ·-""-"" ....... , A 1-----,- ,A1 ,,v C: .- :~11 i • / : : r ,I _./ =+ t~' . . 7·· -; f ·. ! \ I '\·., .. r \, \I h. •. \ \ \. ......... '---·-· I . I , \ M,,A""1 l'JG ~ ~.......e1Hf4.I. ..,tC!e<iM11.CnlCHt"'8'T dl.ll!l.~1'\o'CII~ ~0.C TO~ ,_...,........,. // 4 1--t t ~i - .. \ © \ .. \ \ ........ I •. t : ·® '-·· \ t .,,. I i --·-··-~ "'\l,<l,i,MT('KI!.~ ~~Uft ...... ~eeYtS,111..t~~ <tit:~~""°•'~ ~C'LC".fOf"IIO~ ,_-.ioi"~~ \ \.._ \ ;;. .. ......... / -r-i ~ ,,, .. ¢ -: ! \ : \ I / .. \ © ~II I ~ I II I : II I ... \ I ~-@ ~ H I \!!.,. i i i i i l~'" I ROOF PLAN fe,6 ~c v,1·,r-cr I I I I " ;; " ,; .. ii' u 'ii " • ■ 1-· u = . . , w : "' t:~ .q •" >~ I " ,e Uo u· • ~~ Ci::~:: ; oU .. e~ <~:: ~J .. -:~ I=..;:: ,. u <" LU :;;! Ci:::· "" • ◄ ~!: .. ! <(: c:o : 0..': I- u ;;~~~~~~ 55.?.~~~::"":Ec~. s--r-~-:::-~-----·, 1"-'Cl(',llq,) A SPIRE COI\ISTRUClOI\I -· Acv,=.nca:c STORAGE ce.rrr,u:.s PHASE 3, 4, & 5 ~~tU.A .... IIMl(:flllDCILltt -- -ROOF PLAN --:c.,11~~ -....... c, IMtDllft:t.WI..IUI ~T~ ...... A-6 ADVANCED STORAGE CENTRES PROPOSED ADDITION 20288113B AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC FtCJVFtnC:ECJ STORAGE CENTRES l 113B AVE. STREET VIEW· SHOWING EXISTING & PROPOSED BUILDlNGS ONLY EXISTING ~ O' t ~ ~• (l:l!'!CNI} :2 113B AVE. STREET VIEW• SHOWING BUILDINGS & LANDSC.APING SC.Al..E, ~ ... .._~ STREET VIEW ELEVATIONS II A !:;Xl5TtN6 ~ ON ~"i'T"~ SPIRE CONSTRUCTION .._., ··"'"' ,. , ''", ~. ,_ ,-' ••. ""' __ .,,_, • 4 • - 0,E□RCE U.t§ldN INC. VIEW LOOKING NORTH FROM ADJACENT SITE OF EXISTING BLVD VIEW EXISTING HEDGE ALONG EAST PROP LINE VIEW LOOKING SOUTH TOWARDS ADJACENT SITE OF FUTURE BLVD AREA ',•, PROPOSED TALL HEDGE _ See Photo of Existing PROPOSED Shrubs and Ground Cover ~· ' \ .. \ \ 0~ ~~~ 1..~ V /40 r:,~./.0'<~ \l-~"'~tt--~ ✓-~~~Qt::J .. ~~-<;.'-.>' i MPmum wichh of plantl~ pit Sh.Ill be the rootball dlamater plus600rrrn Schedule One Street Tree Planting Detail EXISTING STREET TREES, __ SHRUBS, GROUND COVER AND GRASS BOULEVARD (Shown Approximately) PruneaUbrokenm dim,ged tnndws If required tree stakes to be aligned parallel to road Two pressure u,atllld.50rTYn dla, wood staffl 'Z.Om In length 50mm wide grfffl or black vinyl b~ng In a figure 8 pattern attached to stake with roofing nilils " Galvamzed wire In green or black rubbe-r hose fastened in a tigura Bi,ittem. Place7Smmolbari::mulchoV!lr uaepitcircumlerence. Bast mulch shall nol be in contact with the trunk, IO<lrrni-,;,UIIIJ Dt MIi around lhtlfNalt~n,,.mterence =~~~~ =e'rU::~,:: noc RoflbKtlop1/S-,dot~ =-... ~~ tl.tckltlltdtltc•.lln~'IOIT. bf•1il uo dcds iMld COttOKUd soils ltoocbtll Jl4W'l<"Ct-' mound of --- not to scale See Photo PROPOSED STREET TREES, --SHRUBS, GROUND COVER STREET TREE GUIDELINES s lo b11 gra1.sed All sllOdod areas :.hall be established lo 1h11 6CSLAIBCLNA class 1 area des1gm1tl0n as a required standard IMPORTANT NOTE: TREE LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY-SUBJECT TO ACTUAL SITE CONDITIONS. ADJJS'Th1ENTS AS DIRECTED ON SITE FINAL LOCATION AND SPECIES SELECTtON SHALL BE TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE STREET TREE PLANTING AS PER THE COAPOAATION OF MAPLE RIDGE SPECIFICATIONS. SECTION 3 8 (REV 12/31/96) INCLUOING SCHEDULE ONE: STREET TREE PLANTING DETAIL, MINIMUM LITILITY CLEARANCE TO STREET TRl!l!S SrreetUght 6.0m Catch Basin 20 m Hydranc 6.0m Ut~ity Poles 3 0 m Sidewalk Crossings 2.0 m Valve Bores, Seniices. Manholes 1 2 m Sewer serw:es 1-5 m Street Corners 7 Sm Trees may be placed over a uci~ty provided 1he u1mcy h;n a minirr.um O 9m cover NOTE: UTlUTIES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE FOR REFERENCE ONLY· REFER TO ENGl'iEERlNG PLANS FOR SERViCE LOCATIONS, SYMBOL 0 0 0 © 0 0 0 ~ 0 EB 0 0 PLANT LIST QTY. BOTANICAL NAME AcerpalmaIum Acarrubrum'AedSunset' Pinusmgra Plceaabies P511udotsugam1tnz1esu Shrut11 260 A:talu japonca 'Aoset>ud' 280 llercrenata 37 lon1Cera.p1leaLa P1erlsj,lpcm,ca Forest Flame· 37 Pholinialraseri 24 Prunusl 'OtloLi.rken AhoclodemXon 'Chnslmas Chee( 207 Rosa meidIland (low)" 71 Sp,raeaxbumalda'Froebelri 38 V~umumdavidIi 13 Cc,fnusaJbaeltgallllSS/ffla COMMON NAME Nool~a Cypress Austrian Pine Norway Spruce Douglas Fir Japanese Azalea JapaneseHo\"1 Everygieen Honeysuckle Japanese Andromllda Pho\1nla Otto Luken Laurel Rhododendron var Rhodadendronvar HardyFraoch Rosever Sprreavar WesternAIKICedar Viburnum VarIeg11led Dogwood GRASS BOULEVARD EXISTING 650 Cotoneasterdammi!fli&/OVlfasl EXISTING TREES AND TALL HEDGE (See Photo) EXISTING EXISTING STREET TREES, SHRUBS, GROUND COVER AND GRASS BOULEVARD See Photo 500 Ericac.amea "(lcwvars) 1 Specircalion as per rnosl ri,cenL BCSLA/BCNTA lands.ca~ sLandards and LanCJSpaceoesrgnlnc 2 • • Denotes varltlln to be serecll!d bV LandScape Nchittc\ at nu,sery li .AuamM&:.lftiO.I-S'l'\.-.n,_.l.-.:tQOt.-,..1 BUILDING 'B' (PHASE 2) NOTE: EXISTING LANDSCAPE IS GREYED FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES .. AND IS APPROXIMATE ONLY. SYMBOLS ARE INDICATED IN PLANT LIST BUT ONLY QUANTITIES OF PROPOSED (NEW) PLANTING IS INDICATED. SIZE 3m+ l'I! I roarmw lotm 6m cal/1Jlmstnd 6m cal 11.8m stnd '"'"' 25mhl 25mh: 25mhl #3 pot '3polf07moc #3 pot #3 pot #3 pot #3pot #3pot #7pot #3 pot #3 pot 2mht1,smoc #3 pot #3 pot #1 pot #1 pot " " .. ,, " " I • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT "410 OP.TE DESCRIF'flON SPIRE Spire De•Jelopment Corpormion _, ADVANCED STORAGE CENTRES flii\CVAnt=EC STORAGE C£HT5tE$ PHASES 3 & 4 ~U 11)0 AV£. "'-'P\E PtlDGE.. B.C. LANDSCAPE PLAN .101,-0!0'1 ............. Prme au bfolen and ~maged tnnches If required tree stakes 10 be aligned paralel to road TwopreSS0111treated 50rtl'Tl dla. wood stakes 2,0m In length Schedule One Street Tree Planting Detail t( \~ii: \~:-:}::,. '\:\t, '\-. PROPOSED TALL HEDGE See Pholo or Existin•g~~ Ul Ul Ul ' ' ' Place 75mm or b..O:: rn.ilch o~r tree pit circumference. Bartlmulchshallnotbein contactwiththelrunk.. 100,im, '"'\Jl'ldcil ~ :wOl.lndl tb91/'Mp(tcir(\ollrluen(lt lonnlnu a ,utio.~ to Pflllvt:M taetr flollOII. Soll over the root 1)111 fhllt not Uteed 25rnn I'll dtpU\, not to scale \if,-. '\~···> ..... . ", .. ~ ..... , "\,--)\ PROPOSED Shrubs and Ground Cover -~- '<:;::· \f~>,t. \\i:: \~~~ / Q / o~~g«,,_,,,,,, o~ ,,_c,~,,, ~ ~7 / ~-~~1/ ~~ g«,, V / f:,~~ V~ // ~~~<::; ,/ ~ Ul Ul en / / EXISTING BUILDING Adjacent Site NEW PARKING 6 STALLS EXISTING STREET TREES, SHRUBS, GROUND COVER AND GRASS BOULEVARD (Shown Approximately) See Pholo EXISTING SIGN, EXISTING TREES AND TALL HEDGE (See Pholo) PROPOSED STREET TREES, SHRUBS, GROUND COVER GRASS BOULEVARD EXISTING (J1 VIEW LOOKING SOUTH VIEW LOOKING NORTH TOWARDS ADJACENT SITE FROM ADJACENT SITE VIEW EXISTING HEDGE VIEW EXISTING HEDGE ALONG EAST PROP LINE ALONG EAST PROP LINE OF FUTURE LAND, AREA OF FUTURE BLVD AREA OF EXISTING BLVD STREET TREE GUIDELINES ir.aP'OArANrNO'T-E' TAel.QC:All()f.'S511CIWNAM ~TCONI.Y•Q&JECT TOCN'4. COteli~ AOJl,5'Ml\'T$4SOf.£CT8JCUSfft. r«a.1..LOC.-.~>.,i)SP'fotS.SI~ $J-'..,1,U.9t TOlME S.At'M~llONO,lHEOISJRJCTOF ~ftfflGt_ $TA!'e,' TREE PUIMllfl 1,$ PIJI lMc CORPCIAA1101t Cl=tJAF\.f MX.I!: Pla'CATI0NS• stCTlON 1-1 (lt[V, fUll1'61 NUl)'J,,'O.SOi(OCJU: ON'!! ffl!ET TJll ~ 0£TAIL. auwu.M unurt CUA.AAM:t lo --STM.11' mus EXISTING STREET TREES. SHRUBS. GROUND COVER AND GRASS BOULEVARD (Shown Apptoxlmateiyl S:.11c1 tl;ln l.O m Otdl ~ U 111 --Oli,i1,.'°""" ~C,tmw'llt\ ,.am J,Om I.O m l..lm ISm ?Sm See Photo ~\ .. llo\ft, SitMt~ ~ Saon~xa: '""'"'""' Trees may be pliced ove< a utility p,rovided the utility has a minimum 0.9m cover NOTI:: UTILITIES SHOV'r'N ARE APPROXIMATE FOR REFERENCE ONLY • REFER TO ENGINEERING PLANS FOR SERVICE LOCATIONS. PLANT LIST SYMBOL QTY. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE en 0 0 0 0 0 ® 0 EB 0 0 Ace,palmatum Llouidambar s:yracillua 'Slend111 S1ll'louette' C01um081 Sweet Gum Betula ja~quernonlii Chamaecyp;i,is nooikatsnsis P1nusnigra PiGeaabJes P511udo\sug11 menzies" Shrt.1ba 280 AzaleaIaponica"floset>ud' 2ao Hexcranata Lonicera p~eala Plens japor11ca"Fo1aslFlame' Phol1niafrase111 Prunusl 'Onol uken· RhDCod1:1ndron"ChrisunasChe-11r' ~-~~ 71 Spi,aea x bumaldil 'F,oebe!li• 192 Thujaplie.aiaexcelsa 13 Comusalbaeleganlluima 650 C01oneasIer dammeril & lowlast 500 Erica tarf'llla • (low var'S} lAndacapeNolaa: W'Nld:IIJ.M ~O-'Jlysi !irtn Noo1kaq,p1eu Aus1nanP1r1t1 NorwaySptUce Douglas Fir _.,.M __ ...,, ---Japanese Andromeda PM0I1rna OltolukenLaurel i:lhodDCend1onvar Rhooodend10,,var l<l-'dr RW'dl flo .. V'JII Sp,1eava1 Western Rad Cedar Vobumum Va11eyated Dogwood ColcMa•ISO-~ -- 1 Spec~1eaIIon as per m05t r&eern BCSLAIBCNTA landscape standards and LandSpace Design Inc 2 • -Denotes var1a1H1s 10 b6 stiled.0<1 tiv Landscape Architect al nu1serv > ~ ftOWI'\.~ 111:i'~ ....... NOTE: 3m+ ht I Ml/OW IOflTI 6mcal/1.8m stnd. 6m cal / 1,8m stnd 2Smht 25mht 2Smhl 25mhl #3 pot l3ptll/D7moc #3 pot #3 pot #3 pot #3pot #3 pot #7 pot #3 pot #3 pot 2mr,t11 Smoc #3 pot #3 pot #1 pot #1 pot EXISTING LANDSCAPE IS GREYED FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES .. AND IS APPROXIMATE ONLY. SYMBOLS ARE INDICATED IN PLANT LIST BUT ONLY QUANTITIES OF PROPOSED (NEW) PLANTING IS INDICATED. .. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ,....-, ..... _,,_, .... --·-c-,,,r .. --... .. -----.. _,.,. __ ., ... _ ... -------•-•'"• =~=-..:.-:;~~ -:-:.::.---=•-""" .6-1"1'1 IHU11ForDPR1..iew o.c,,re DESCRIPTION \ SPIRE Spire Oev~lopmenl Cnrpor.1t1on FICJVRnce;c STORAGE CENTRES PHASES 3& 4 20288 1138A'll't.UA9i.ERJOOE..B.C. LANDSCAPE PLAN ENLARGEMENT ... ... ... ···1 ... ... ... ... , ... ... ... , ... ... , ... PROPOSED BUILDING ... C ... , FUTURE BUILDING ... ... D ... ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN SCALE: 1• .. 20•-o• ~ MEASURED VALUES M-'Y VARY DUE TO -'ClUAJ. FlEl..D COMllll()t,jS, CALOJLATION Til..ERAHCES Nil MEASUREMDH TECHN!OlJfS. AU MEASUREMENTS 1NOICAT£0 ARE IN FOOTCANOLES ~ ttcti~ Dt5ICh' ~,, TUt.O"llft:Q\ t»ft»,IC S'r'STEMS ,-OIi: ':l,tS r..'l~,ti"-vt l!ltl)f t(:;;g,,[O TO ~J,P~J~:t.:' ~,:C:.1~ ~1rt~~R~ANT ~.n:uo.tHC S't.NC.&J!OS-NC' ~ It IG;MC n.,s DUQr Cl:llIJih.trl' • IC5HA Jll:COIN!NCU). ,iitAC'flC[S • 4~1,( .011 -om;!IIOlt UQffWC, CXlf'IICU ~ at,UUP.S KEENE FIXTURE SCHEDULE DESCR.ll'TION W.-U.t-14'-0"An lfDYIAU.P.0.0,:TOWJ.TQIOl:!mHCl =OrHDlllr.£ TYPE 'B' PHIUPS KEENE =• ,CAN'OPY ~ -----= ....... ,--.,._,..,...,~...,,,,_.,.. .... ,..-.« ,-. .............. , ..... -....... -....., ........... ~------....-~-·-~•rD.., __ -:-:---•~;::;.:::--· ... ~ " " .,, " " " ■ ti= w: .... ~ I" u~-. -o:::> ; <:~ ,~ 0 ~~~ ,, ~ z• . W wo ,. 0::: < ~ 0::: :· ! <(: ~: c..: I u ,....,,_ ... ____ .,. _., _____ __ -·------_,. __ .__,. ------___ "" __ "' __ .. :-.. ·::r:=:-:= ... ...,_ • , M~ . ; "" >• .0 . " U O ,i@) -> ou .. o< ~~ > J g~ •" e• "• "• ~-• i-ea u~ ~~ JO "• •-~J :~ " jt,O DATE DESCRIPTION PHASE 3, 4, & 5 SITE PLAN JOellO l)IV,1"1'111 SMl.-1&&5 Fl.CT ....,.,. . ....... sso PROJECT DRAW~ NUMBER ll"t EDP-1 ~ (I) -C: ..... m z )> C -n C m .,, C .,, < )> ::,u ::,u m 0 r-r-m 0 (I) L.. .,, (I) m .,, r-m n m m (I) ..... ::,u . . . . . . "-) )> 7) 0 ::f:t: (/) 0 0 I m ___, 7) "-) 0 r 0 -< ;:;:{J V> ()) -I 0-:::; m m ()) )> z )> V> () 0 )> ___, z m, n .... () co '..J !"!' l> _. n 0 0 -::! 0J 0-n i-.) 0 m 0 ()) z u, z CJJ 0 0 _,I:)..< ()) 0 3: (/) )> )> I _,I:).. < -I ... < (/) b0 ;:;:{J -I m C m 0 "-) z z I _. -I n ;:;:{J 0-C )> 0-I C -I m u, u, ;:;:{J 0 ' C) 0 m ~ m (/) z )> 7) -I z ;:;:{J 7) I m n r )> m m (/) -I ;:;:{J m -0 C) m ' co n ~~ mm v,v,v,v,() V, ::c 000;:;1;:;1;:;1 0 m m (/) (/) ;:{) (/) G) G) < ... o o ~ ~ ;;o ;;o ~ ... :::j ZZ ::E<:J>>v, .... 9<>9<>:i>Ogg:r: m v,v,-<m ZZ m mmm v,G)G)r:!1 OO;;o7J s: s: ~ ► ~ ~ 0 mm-<zP P z z 't! z z z -< -< ---< c,, n o-7J 7J =i 0 0° :r: :r: m z zz )> }> () (/) (/) -< -< 0 mm ~ ;;o ;;o m 0 0 -< <= ,--,--~ .... 0~0 9'> C n < ;:1111 m r::i:i }> )> ~z ~ :::s ,-- (/) z lC m (i) z -■ C :::s z m >< --t (t) )> CIIJ .... (D -I ~ """" V, -■ __. --' __, --' __. -__. ::c ::, ~ co co co co co co co m 0 00000 0 m "Tl c.,,u,c.,,c.,,c.,,c.,,u, --f 0 lC 0 0000 0 0 z ,,"'C n n n n n n n C: g ;;a > '-J O--C.,,.),.<,J I'-)~ :1:: ~m llll e r r m en _ ::u 5 :S: z -r+ .,,z V, c )> Cl. ~;;c g -< m en 3: No. REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONS DATE CLIENT ENGINEER-OF-RECORD PROJECT NAME CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE C z SPIRE CONSTRUCTION INC. CENTRAS ADVANCED STORAGE PHASE Ill COVER SHEET 0 :;; #106 -7088 VENTURE STREET Engineering Ltd )> DELTA, BC V4G l HS PROJECT SITE ADDRESS DRAWING 18050-Cl .... CROYDON BUSINESS CENTRE NUMBER z PHONE: 604-432-6650 #216-2630 CROYDON DRIVE 20288 113B AVENUE, ~ SURREY, BC V3S 6T3 MAPLE RIDGE, BC SCALE ISSUEO FOR ~(PMDfl Pflii,IIT JAN 28. 2019 PH: 604-782-6927 EMAIL: lnlo@centrai,ca ESTRO AllP GENERAL NOTES: 1 A TREE CUTTING PERMIT AND AN EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO ANY WORKS COMMENONG ONSITE. 2. ~ 'IW:. Po,tOt(C1)CH a1',IIM]I f1lQS ~ Et CCIHS1RU011D 00 ~~~~':l~itd&t~~~E OIU,WIMG,S PAn'.ft Id Ni'f ,aucS, 0:IJ:t4)ICltO Mff:. • J, A ~ ,ob,,Jn-ANO Ml. one ~AIU' APPROV>I.S ,l.'111) P$,ll"S ~i,IJ..l r~=:~~~ezi~~~=~ REQUIREDPERMIT!i 5 AIL C~DlM w SXA1.1. -sE 1X11f\£1'!11 IN ~ A IU.~ SO AS tu-~~ i~m!A~~~': ~~ 'mlt 5UCH • V.&NliDt 1,s 10 ~ ,n Offltl' orro NfY SfOA)I soa srsru; 11.1: WATER COURSE 6. THE ODn.CP.EJI i',IO CONTRACTOR ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR S\lfiPING OF lllE EXISIN: llO.tl)WAYS FREE Of ANY DIRT AND SEDII.IENT CAU5ro BY CONSTRUCTION ACTI'f'ln' ON A DAILY BASIS. 7. 'Qf; (C!Nl!;.CTOR ~AIL P-.OtiSTAJE.M.l. t»S1Ufi8CD 'flO!U(S 10 ~W-."'STRUCTION ~~ ~DB~.l,.:";.~l,,~~~M~~ 8 AU. NEW OHSITE W:CTRICAL AND ru!CCIWWlJN:cAllOHS SERVICES ANO CONNECTIONS SHAU. BE LOCATED ~D. REFER TO TifE ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN AND BC HYORO ORAW,NGS FOR DETAILS 9' ~~~~~M~~N~R~~~~~i~~ ~o~: {:~D~J~ ~g~ TO tO nf[ COOTRACTM SHAl.l COMPLY WllH All THE ARBORIST RECOUUOOAllONS IN TtiE ARBORIST REPORT ANO GEOTEQINICAL REPORT. 11 ro:--~~~ ~~.~1~ ~--G.=mCN(~--=~ ~S.~.D{Q. COOttl>) FOR AU. SITE GRADING NOTES: I. All llflSlT!: CIYl W()!!l(S 511,\1.1. SE ~ IH ACCOi!ll,INC( "11H lHE V.ll'ST EDUIOHS 1K 1t1E Sft!l\Slt COU/lalA'S !l(J~C COOES NIO PLUM~PfC COOES, IIAS1lll -,i_ CO!i5llfut'1Klll OOC\A&J/IS MIO>) ~~~ ~~~ g~~ :=::W"· = COOOIQIS. SUP!'LE1IOIIAR'I sPl'.CIRCAllO!iS AND UUNQl~~~x~r=~~~"to'tt~ or~:s~~CABLE 2 AU. DIMENSIONS, OFFSETS. SIZES AND ElEVAllONS ARE METRIC AND TO GEODETIC DA TUM, UNlESS NOTED OTHER'MSE. J All BUBBLED ELfVATIONS ARE FINISHED SURFACE PAVEMENT El£VATIONS. 4. CHANGES IN GRADE LINES SHAU. BE FORMED BY SMOOTH CURVES 5 AOJJST AU EXISTING ANO PROPOSED RIMS, I.C.'s ANO COVERS fl.USH WITH FlNISHED SURFACE GRADES (UNLESS NOTED OTHER'MSE). 6 TIE-IN All PROPOSED SURFACE WORKS TO EXISTING SURFACE WORKS WITH A SMOOTH TRANSITION, 7. 11r«SHD) SIJRf~ El.£VA~S stU.u er ltfSTJ.UED -~ A VERTICAL A/Ill MQ!ll<JNTM. lll£IWIC!: OF 10nm CR T>!(Y /JI[ ~er TO 11£:UOVM. AN1I RCPI./J:EJ,(ilff AT lliE COOTRACIOifS EJIPC<SE. a. REFrR TO ARCHHEClURAL PLANS FOR CONCRETE CURSING DETAILS. 9. SHALL. 8£. PREP rI:Qtf'ICM. Jl>PIIO',\;I) er .£1/G~CER 1K IM!'OSIU) • UA1UIIJ,LS. MArolJ,llS SH.Ill BC A-"il Ct>W'AtltD 10, TIONS Ill 1)j£ G(Ol[DINICAL R<l'ORT AHO IECH/4CAL EIIQI.Wt nll0R TO ~ 11. REFER TO tH( CEO'lt0111CAL REPc.Rt AND lrl.MCO SECllON 32 12 16 FOR HOT-Ir.lb: "5PtW,.T PA\'tMtNT RECCIAEl)ATIOHS SUCH AS MIX DESIGN AND Mi:flMI -PA'91ENT 1!<ICl(l£SS. 12, SURFACE WAlER PONDING IS NOT PERMITTED AND IS SU8..£CT TO REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE, 1J. Jf REQUIRED, ASPHALT PAVEMENT CUTS AND PATCHES SHALL CONFORM TO MMCD STANDARD DRA'MNG NUMBER GS ANO TO CURRENT CHY OF MAPLE RIDGE'S STANDARDS, 14. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRA'MNGS FOR DECORAllVE SURFACE TREAlMENT DETAILS AND SPECIFlCAllOOS. DECORATI'VE SURFACE TREAlMENTS SHALL MEET H20 TRAFFIC LOAOING SPECIFlCATIONS 15 ~i~NJO A~~B~1iat~tgt~~#\~lts~NGs roo DETAILED ALL ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC AND REFER TO SURVEY MONUMENT NUMBER: 84H0040 LOCATED AT: AND HAVING ELEVATION OF: 6,829m PARSBO I, DISTRICT LOT 280, GROUP 1, NWD, PLAN BCP39223 No. REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONS ISSUED FOR 0£\1l(A(Of1' PER~IT PfflC!I TO ClJ<STRllCT,0N_ CQIIRACTI:1< SHALL Fltl»~A>ll-AU.O!Sl1t/C ~A~-WVi.&..mirttlSSI'[~ R£P()Al /ollY Gl50!EPANOES 10 1\lE EN<lNE 1.1/l1£1l!AIB.r. 'l'll'ICJ.. IH!!ruOHllJT Tl!!: = ,v•' ; r ~ ,,, ~ FINISHED TOP OF SLAB ELEV,=5.34m > !, 56,000 DATE ~~-' l I i CLIENT SPIRE CONSTRUCTION INC. #106 • 7088 VENTURE STREET DELTA, BC V4G 1H5 PHONE: 604-432-6650 6.100 ENGINEER-OF-RECORD CENTRAS Engineering Ltd CROYDON BUSINESS CENTRE #216-2630 CROYDON DRIVE SURREY, BC V3S 6T3 ti(-,. Al!. PRCPOSED SURfAct >twiXS •110· ALL OOS!OlC ~I.a:~-· SIIOOlli IRAHSlllON T"1l'ICll lll!IOOCMOUT lHt sm: PSJ!lornR / ,, ,,/' .J I I P!llCR 10 =nl!JCID<, COOlRACI~ SHALL F;Elll suR\t'r NO~ ,U. OOSTlffi GRtlUII) SlRFAC!: illVA110t!S SPEcmALLY AT PIIOPOS£D 'IIC-IH LOCl-000/S ANO !IV,ll ltfl'<lRf >..>rr -AHCltS 10 1)£ [IQ,W! IIIMEllCAlUY. rn>ICAL T 11!£ Tl"- I /4 I I I , I ' , ', , , ' I , I I , s , , PRELIMINARY FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES I I ,.. I ' I PROJECT NAME ENGINEER'S SEAL ADVANCED STORAGE PHASE Ill PROJECT SITE ADDRESS 20288 1138 AVENUE JAN 28, 2019 PH: 604-782-6927 EMAIL: lnfo@centras.ca MAPLE RIDGE, BC January 27, 2019 CJ CJ CJ - SITE GRADING LEGEND EXISTl~'G GROUND SURFACE Elf.VATION, E)(ISTING GROUND SURFACE CONTOUR ELEVATION, ASPHALT PAVEMENT SURFACE AS PER THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT'S REQUIRBJENTS. PROPOSED CONCRETE SURFACE AREA f,,S PER GEOTECHNICAL, LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANT'S REQUIREMENTS PROPOSED EXTENT OF BUII.D\NG, REFER TO ARCHITEClURAL PLANS FOR DETAILS~ PROPOSED STORM WATER 9IOSWALE. REITR TO B!OSWALE DETAIL ON THIS PlAH FOR DETAILS. E)(ISTlNG GROUND SURFACE ELEVAllON, PROPOSED ANISHEO SURFACE aEVATION. MEET EXISTING GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION 01/ERLAND FlNISHED SURFACE FlOW DIRECTION [l PROPOSED CATCH BASIN. t> PROPOSED LAWN DRAIN MINIMUM 75mm ASPHAlllC CONCRETE ='11.:Cco:",~~(l!IJSl!ll) GR""U!.AA TO IIJICO, COW'ACllcD iO M:111-.U1195•"""'111. MINIMUM 200mm SUB-BASE COURSE CONS\STING Of 75mm MINUS PIT RUN GRAVEL TO 1.1.MCO, COMPACTED TO MINIMUI.I 95,;: MPMDO. APPROVED SUB-GRADE BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER, 1H[ FflEPIJl[D ROADWAY SIJ8-Sli'1.l 8E WOCCI TO Pll<M0£ Al l£AST 1': 51.1:ff TO -= I" ORAINIIIG lHC SUB-CRA!lE ~\'O ....,.,...._.. rus.. IH£ MSHlll ASPt<•J.f Sllllft.a: SHAU Bl: Al A I~ "'""'UM SUlP( TO P>!0'10t f'09l11<' RU:o01T 10 A SUIA!I.E S'l(,1111 WATER OAN.tlAGt SYSTtM. il,NO 9W.J.. ~NT WAltJI SURrAC( PCNOltiC. TYPICAL ASPHALT PAVEMENT SECTION DETA.IL ""' QES:CN• DRA'M'II: CHECKED: ENGINEER: ESIR r All P o/" ttJ_S,. no ,. KEY IN THE EXTRUDED /CO,',,'Clt!:lt CURB LINE / lNIO lHE FlNAL LIFT ASP'tt,f.Ll PAVEMENT CXIMP\£1'£ 'MTH A 60mm 'MOE 9r 40mm THICK r.£.l'WAY, TYPICAL ONSITE CONCRETE CURB DETAIL NT.S Ulm l!!m •°"' Mm SCALE: 1:250 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE SITE GRADING PLAN INTERIM -PHASE 3 sec DRAWING 18050-C2 S80 NUMBER SBO HOR. SCALE £ VER. SCALE GENERAL NOTES: I. A lREE CUTIING PERMIT ANO AH EROSIOH de SEDIMENT CONTROL PERMIT SHM.t. er OOTAINEO PRIOR TO ANY WORKS COMMENCING ONSITE. 2. ~ fRU' AA(i'lt(l'ICW e.A-~ nJi"C(i ~All GE CONSTRUCTED ANO WSP(Ctm B\' n-!( OlT (E ~ ~ W'ARlMEHT AS PER THE ~~,,:.~~~~~J:r'AHO LANOSCAPING J A. flUlll'i,NC-POMf ANO AU. ono J.PJVCABl.E .-Jll"80YM.S AND FDlUns ~All ~~'fc: = l~~~Eu~c~~ = ~~:r:m(ffl~ m~ REOUIREDPERI.IITS S. .AE.i. CC6STa001)0trt 'l'ICAXS Si-W.l iC COWI.C1iD ~ SUCH " iUK:0-SO A$ m. PQt\t.HJ u-ir: AO.(J.Sl CE' JJf't cctt'SllWtrJCf,I 11to1U', "Sa.T. 0CHCAtT[ t.OOiAll: NK> AHt Ol>O onrmeous gmsf~£S S>VU ilE DISfOD <$ CR PUiC(tl ii' .9JOt A WA>CS£R AS"'IO ~TIT'S Of{RY IMro AJft ~ ~ S"mOI' (ii WATER COURSE. 6 11-tE 0fltLOPEA mJ COOTRACTOR ARE RESf'ONsiBLE FOO S'n£EPING OF lHE rnsiwr: RO~WAYS FREE or AHY DIRT AHO SEDIMENT CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY ON A DAILY BASIS 7, H ~lb,CTOR ~ RtmSl'A.tI. J,U. "9SMIO 'tl'tWltS TO f'Rf:-«-.t51ROCTION w-,= ~,~t~~.ffi"M'i:i.",;ff ~""Ii,.,..... B A\1 ~ QSlt QECl1bC.AI, »ID 'l:tl[~TIONS SERVIC£S AND ~t:;~~~~~~~ REffR TO Tl1E ELEClRICAL SITE 9. A MINll,lUM OF 48 HOURS N011CE SHAU. BE PROVIDED BY TI-IE CClllnu.cTOII TO CENTRAS EN~EERJNG L 10. PRIOR TO OVll CONSTRUCTION CO~f. 10. THE CON1RACTOR SHAU. COMPLY '111TH All THE ARBOftlST RECOMMENDATIONS W THE ARBORIST REPORT ANO GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. " ~~-=~mli)~~ ~~.....'i.s~t.!ffii:S.~OIC-eottnO) FOR All SITE GRADING NOTES: 1, AIL ONSl'E CIVIL lli:JRICS 9W.L BE CQISIROC1tO IN ACC()F.OJ.1'C£ '\tllH lHE U11:S1 Ell\1IONS or TI!( M!IISH cru,"~~'S 11Ulll1'¢ CCO(S /.Nll PI.WBIHC CXlOES. w.sttR lllirroPAI. COHSil!IJC1IOff D0aMms (•"CO) l'UltHW EDrJW!/. ll<t QIY or MN'\.£ AlOGCS DCSIG>I CM!l!IA MAIIUAL. THE cm or IUJ'lI: FIIOGE'S Sl""'OAAO CM1RIJC11011 OOCUIIOlrs (OOOAL WIIIIOO,IS, 51Jl'PW1tl<TA8Y ~lMi/lS A»D ~~.r~o:-~~.,,'!tn °oW.~ 2. AU. DIMENSIONS, OFFSETS, SIZES AND ELEVAllONS ARE METRIC ANO TO GEODETIC DA TUM. UNL.£SS NOTED OlHER'MSE. 3 ALL BUBBLED ELEVATIONS ARE FINISHED SURFACE PAVEMENT ELEVATIONS. 4~ CHANGES JN GRADE LINES SHALL BE FORMED BY SMOOlH CURVES 5, ADJUST ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED RIMS, 1.C.'s AND COVERS FLUSH WITH F~ISHED SURFACE GRADES (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE). 6. TIE-IN ALL PROPOSED SURFACE WORl<S TO EXISTING SURFACE WORKS WITH A SMOOTH TRANSITION 7, f\t,,'$E> SURf'ACE n£\'A'rJCf,jS SHJ.1.L 8£_ INSlAU.EO 'fl\'DIN A VER11CAL M'O H0RlZUITAI. ~ or ltl!n!n OR lHE'I ARE 5'.18,.{CT TO l!OIOVAL .\tlO R(PU.C(MEllT AT 1l1E QONTRACIOR'S EXP£l<SE. 8 REffR TO ARCHJTEClURAL PLANS FOR CONCRElE CURBING DETAILS. IC SUB•CIV.OC SHALL 0C Pfl£P>1'1D AS !>ER CEOTEOiHIC& r ~'rccr~.& 9~~~~ ~ .. ..a DAS£ IIAl!lllAlS SHALL 9E INSTAil£!> A.'«I COIIPAC1tD AS A(Cll\l\O)tl)A'IIONS IN 1>I( CEOTEOIHICAI. RENl!iT Al«) GY IHt CEOTEOl"CAI. El<ct<E!ll PRlCI! TO CCt!l/~111 ASPHALT P.AYHG. 10, ~~Rl~V~ ~'IC~~ 11. R[JU TO 1H£ G(OlE~NICAL REP(»,:zT Ah'D .Mli!CO SECTION 32 12 16 FOR ~i-~~~\E~fJ~~S SUCH AS MIX DE~CN 12. SURF ACE WATER PONDING IS NOT PERMITTED AND IS SUBJECT TO REMOVAL ANO REPLACEMENT AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. lJ, IF REQUIRED, ASPHALT PAVEMENT CUTS AND PATCHES SHALL CONFORM TO MMCD STANDARD DRAWlNG NUMBER GS AND TO CURRENT CITY OF MAPLE RIOG£'S STANDARDS. 14~ RITtft lO tAUl)SC1~P( OfUWIN.CS Fe:! otCORAlTVE SURFACE IBEATMENT ermi:~~~~l.\t\=~,..ACE TREATMENTS SHALL 15. REFER TO ARCHtltCUUJ. AND/OR L.A/"itsCA?E DRA'MNGS FOR DETAILED GRADING AROUNO 8UUY.HGS ANO LA.~.O'SCAPE AREAS. 16, =G. &J~M.L~Jl'~\!Jn.Allllsim'l:#~ ~11: Al ~'ll:k=,.t1l~l1~:1;1~\E ru/' e~°\1= /,NI) A.~ACCEPIASI.E 10 TH£ !I.ECIIIIC/,I. CMIJl.l/,IIT 17 ALL ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC AND REFER 10 No. REVISIONS/ SUBMISSIONS SURVEY MONUMENT NUMBER: 84H0040 LOCATED Al: AND HAVING ELEVATION OF: 6 829m :;/. PARSBO I. DISTRICT LOT 280. GROUP I. NWD, ~ PLAN BCP39223 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SRW CCH<:f<ElE SIJE\\t,\!lC fllVAUDISC>Tvoi,(;ti£!1 fWNC lltt..AO.IACOfT r PA\OIENT. FINISHED TOP OF SLAB ELEV.=5.34m 56.000 DATE JAN 28, 2019 CLIENT SPIRE CONSTRUCTION INC. #106 • 7088 VENTURE STREET DELTA, BC V4G 1H5 PHONE: 604-432-6650 @l !~~ s ,, '/ ... ~ ( 6100 ENGINEER-OF-RECORD CENTRAS Engineering Ltd CROYDON BUSINESS CENTRE #216-2630 CROYDON DRIVE SURREY. BC VJS 6T3 PH: &04-782-6927 EMAIL: lnlo@c:entras.c:a / ,J I I I / I / \ s I I I I., , I I I .,' ',, , ' I PRELIMINARY / ,., I ' , FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES PROJECT NAME ADVANCED STORAGE PHASE Ill PROJECT SITE ADDRESS 20288113B AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC ENGINEER'S SEAL January 27, 2019 C::J C'.:J C::J - SITE GRADING LEGEND EXISTING GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION EXISTING GROUND SURFACE CONTOUR ELEVATION. ASPHALT PAVEMENT SURFACE t,S PER THE GEOTECHNlCAL CONSULTANT'S REQUIREMENTS. PROPOSED CONCRETE SURFACE AREA AS PER GEOTECHNICAL, LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANT'S REOUIREME~S PROPOSED EXTENT OF BUILDING REFER TO AACHJTECTURAL Pl.ANS FOR DETAJLS PROPOSED STORM WATER BIOSWAL.£, REFER TO BIOSWALE DETAIL ON THIS PLAN FOR DETAILS EXISTING GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION, PROPOSED FINISHED SURFACE ELEVATION MEET EXISTING GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION. OVERLAND flNISHED SURFACE FLOW DIRECTlON, [;iii PROPOSED CATCH BASIN, tJ PROPDSEO LAWN DRAIN. MINIMUM 75mm ASPHAL llC CONCRETE ll,N'J,(UU, JOCn,m BASE COURSE CIJH~ Of' I~ MINUS CRUSHED GRANULAR TO i.WCO, COMPACTED TO MINIMUM 95,: YPwOO. MINIMUM 200mm SUB-BASE COURS£ CONS\STlNG OF 75mm MINUS PIT RUN GRAVEL TO MMCD, COMPACTED TO MINIMUM 95,; MPMDD APPROVED SUB-GRADE BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TIE PRIPA8t0 ROAllWAY SUl·CIW>!' !i>fW. 8E CRAD[O TO PR0\1QE AT ~ /i: ~stJg :, ~~~ s:-..f~~·~~AR $I.Cf'£ ro PRO<U P0511l'IE AUJl(IFF m A 9.KIASU: SIORM WAID! ORAll<ACE S>S1I1I Alli) ~ PRE,gjl WATER 9Jlll'ACI; PONOO.'O. TYPICAL ASPHALT PAVEMENT SECTION DETAIL Om DESIGN: ... NTS. TYPICAL ONSITE CONCRETE CURB DETAIL NTS ,, :r i: SCALE: 1: 250 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE SITE GRADING PLAN ULTIMATE· PHASE 4 & 5 SBO DRAWING NUMBER 18050-C3 ffi l ~ SITE SERVICES NOTES: I ti~ t,.._ 11:l!DCS .Mi. BE~ 1K ~ 'llllH' M LUts'I ~ Cf K ~ WJ.lla\'! IUllDf.: COin NfO PlWla!IIC Cl00!S. l4AST1Jl W~N. ~~("'CO) i"l>lWM £DTm. 'K Cll'r CP' IW'I.£ RUC'S tlCS(M: ST'NP.W.D .l."4> Ml orHER: ~ IQCC'Pol!C. 8IU1l'S ~ POUOES, UNl..£SS NOTED OTI-tERWISE 2. AU DIMENSIONS, OfFSETS. stzES AHD a.£VATIONS AR£ METRIC ~D TO GEODEnC DATUM, Um.ESS NOTED OTHERW'iSE. S PIPE BEDDING AND PIPE SURROUND MATERW.. SHAU. BE 19.0mm GRAMJI..AR AS PER MMCD CL-2.7 SECTION 31 05 17 -TYPE "I" AND "5 PER THE UTlUTY TRENCH DETAIL ONTHISSHm. 6. moot~ Ltitl(R. RGtrDWAVS.· gA.~Ar5; Na> ~ 'SHAU. BE 100mm ~WP~•~~ ~1~;: ~~~~="~ ~E~-COMPACTED 7~ ~a~ ~~~~R~.U~\IN4=~f~ciEt~~~~ ~ tEW TIE-1,'fS TO EXIST'NG MANHOl£S TO MMCO STANDARDS 8 All STORM SEWERS ANO SANITARY SEWERS (15ommlf TO .J75mmi1) SHAll. BE PVC SOR-35 PIPE, UNLESS NOTED OniERWISE. 9 All. STORM SEWERS M'O SANITAAY SEWERS UNDER PAVED Ill.OS tWiJC L£SS Tl'AN 0.91m Of COVER TO FINISHED SURFACE GRACE SHAU. BE M f/f/f Pft'. UHL.BS NOTED OTHEFrft'lSE IO INSTAil. ALUMINUM lRIIPPING HOODS ON All SfOftM WAT!R r.ATCH BASIN oun.rT PIPES Nm I.AWN DRAIN mm.ET PIPES 11k AlL STORU. SEWERS ANO SA.NITARY SEWERS 200mmJI OR GREATER SliAJ.1. ENTER ~ I.IANHOI..ES ONLY. 200mmll CATCH MN LEADS ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED UNLrSS OTHERWISE NOTED. 12. All STORM SEWER AND SANITARY SEWER JOINTS stW.l BE CLOSED JOms. 13 .4JJ.. MANHOLE COVERS, CLEANOUT COVERS, VALVE COVERS, ETC. SIW.L BE CONSlRUCTED FLUSH 'Mllf FlNISHro SURFACE CRAOES. 14. t.W:IMUM WATE.IU,IAIN PIPE DEFlECTlON AT JOIITTS AND FlllViGS SH>J..L BE HA1..F OF THE W..XIMUM DEFLECTION RECOt.4t.4ENDEO BY THE PIPE MANUFACTURE. 15 HORIZONTAL N'() \-ERTICAL SEPARATIONS OF lHE WAlIRMAtl: a) VERTICAL: M:NIMUM 0.5m SEPARATION OF TliE WATERMAIN FROli4 ANY STORI,( SE\liOI OR SANITARY WiTH THE WATERMAIN BEING ABOVE ANY STORM SE\li£R OR SANITARY SE...,, b) HORIZOHTAL: ~ l.Clrtl SEPARATION Of THE WAlERMAIH FROM ANY STORM SE\lv'ER OR SAHIT.Akr ~ 'MiERE TliE ABOVE IS NOT ACHIEVABLE, TliE FOU.OWiNG MEASURES SHAll BE CONSTRUClED: 0 =~.:Jf~ IS a.~ ~o.~~:l=:la OR W1,,l[Rl,IAIH '5HAU. RC ~ ~ A. WAMsQI: :1, 1Mt 'Pl'( ~NG IS MADE V:QWA'f 1'£1limt J(l'lltS O" ,. A.U tDl01H Of 11:AJ,W!, PIPE, Ii) =~rt=: ~~~c~~P=N~TH5t"',ff~i;·R BE MAO£ l«l'lfU KT'ittN JO.Ht$ ON A F"UU. L!IJGTH CF "-'ltfl~ J¥'L, VI) 'fdAP ~ Plt'Olr'T Altitf,(Alt,I JC2ffl fl~ 'lllrH 1nt rtumi'.HQ sr~ N$/AWJ. °"4 ,,.A,Q'fqn' ~l. AW.iJ/AW'(IA (209 (flEl,O ~~~=11•'10 (ffl'R(UUM TAl'Q, H.l.M,1,~ .u{( TO 16 = ~~~~~~~T~NE ~Ja;l',\:'.'~,:,0-l """'-!IC """'°SW OY.U l11; SITE SERVICES TESTING REQUIREMENTS: 1, ALl TESTING REOUIREMEN'TS SH>J..L BE C'Oll1l.OtO IJY A THIRD ,Altl'f iES1WC COMPNfl' AND AU. THE THIRD PARTY TESTING RE9..Jl.15 !iJWl. 8E FORW1'R0ttl TD ttKt'AAS ENGINEERING LTD. FOR REVIEW 2. CID.N 00 FLUSH fil SEWER S'r'ST'EMS IN ACCORDANCE WITH MMCC SE'.CTION JJ 40 01,Cl.AUSEJ.11, J. PR£SSURE trsr THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMS N N::COROANCE WITH TliE BC PWMBING COO£ GUIDWNES AHO R£OOIREMOOS 4 =!tfta:~~~=-~~~~t~~ QJUSt l,,O fa.10',ffil: "1tR Nt ~ "1L'(f" 'RCU. ttsT All. THE Sff[ ~ r!ST'liC REOOIREMENTS WITH ~~~~~TESTING lC-111 TO 1liE DISTI~ OITTllE WAJDI 58MC!: OONl<ECllOtl OIO.Y ,,.!ti! 11it r,<gl[ f,'ff: AND D0IES1IC WAJ!ll I.JI~ !!A-VE oa:H 'l!StEO A><O Affl!O>fD rOR IC-IN SY arr AHO !)Q,'(!1t All ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC AND REFER TO SURVEY MONUMENT NUMBER: B<H0040 No. REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONS LOCATED AT: AND HAVING ELEVATION OF: 6.829m PARSBO I, DISTRICTLOTW0. GROUP I, NWD. PLAN BCP39223 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 56.000 DATE JAN 28, 2019 0 .... :l:i -~w~• ~"Y-• I !, .. .... 0l'1' TI"'1. CD STANDARD W-4 ANO CITY OF MAPLE fUlG(lOI S\U'a' NO 4111-lttS IR[H'1't!fWff'S T08E P.Alffl:D ::;:R10~LO'MI~:~ ._j• I-~ l ~1ii ~===-=c, 2-J~'-1 -M. 891) (<S-+1~? ~/1 ~~ SIM m.-J.70 .. ; "'-~~ ~ I ~ \t ~ -~o, lN:w44 I 6,.100 I I ~ I I I , I ' I ', , I , I , , / \ , , PRELIMINARY FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES , , I ~ I '• , SITE SERVICES LEGEND --w-_, __ PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER LINE PROPOSED FlRE LINE, rt~~~~INST~~Nr>°AR6\tr~EiERT~W1~iu:,~ BLOCK --D- PROPOSED GATE VALVE PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM S£'w[R CAP • PROPOSED STORM 5tMJI' MNtH0t.E TO MMCO STANDARD DETAIL ORA'MNG SI ~O S2 CCIMPt£T'E WllH TR18 FRAME AND COVER LA&lCD 'Stan, ~•. • GI <,) PROPOSED 15011 STORM SEYrrR CLEAN OUT TO MMCO STANDARD DETAIL DRAWING S6 COMPLETE Y,Hli IB14A FRAME & COVER LABELED "STORI.I•. ;>Ra'OSED $00, roP INLET CA~ BAS• TO MMCD SINfflN<D DCTA/l Olll,\\ING SIi C(luPlDE \'i1H TR22 !illATr AND AI.UIJII~ TRAPPN!l H000 ~ OUTI.ET PIPE. PllllPOSEC roP \lll£T L.4"" D1IJIII IO ~•oo STA!<D.ll!O DCOOI. CIRA'Wi+C Si2 ~Pl.a£ 'MIH lRl.2 CRATE rM JOO,' LA•~ OOAll,"S Ah'll 11W CRA1E FOR IOOt W,,. Dl!NHS A!<D AWIIIIII.M TRAPS'lf,'G HODO OH OUTI.IT PIP[, [j] PROPOSED STORM WATER OIL & GRIT INTERCEPTOR, --PROPOSED SANITARY SEVtffi. PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER CAP PROPOSED 150_, SANITARY SE'nER ClEAN OUT TO MMCD e STANDARD DETAIL DRA~NG S6 COMPLETE WITH TRl4A FRAME &: COVER LABEL£0 ~SANITARY". ~!>Si LANES AHO WAU<WAYS (m»CAL) 9.JRfACE RESTORATION TO MATCH EXISTING OR AS SPEaflED ON CONTRACT DRA'MNGS mtR TO THE ASPHALT PA\OIDJl RESTORAllOH """-'Stt ROAO'l'll'CRKS DWG "'" APPROVED NA llVE SACKFlll COMPACTED TO 90~ MPMDD a 8 -,Jr:t.o+,1(10 ~3 IDIO...,., M1. llCMOilHG SH All COMPLY WiTH All Ttft ~NT R!;Ql,.IR(wnns OF Tl'IE WORKERS COMPENSATIC,fiOARO. TYPICAL UTILITY TRENCH DETAIL N.lS 5m 15"' """ SCALE: 1: 250 CLIENT ENGINEER-OF-RECORD PROJECT NAME ENGINEER'S SEAL CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE SPIRE CONSTRUCTION INC. #106 -7088 VENTURE STREET DELTA, BC V4G IH5 PHONE: 604-432-6650 CENTRAS Engineering Ltd CROYDON BUSINESS CENTRE #216-2630 CROYDON DRIVE SURREY, BC V3S 6T3 PH: 604-782-6927 EMAIL: lnlo@centras.co ADVANCED STORAGE PHASE Ill PROJECT SITE ADDRESS 20288 113B AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC DESIGN: DRAWN: CHECKED: January 27, 2019 ENGINEER: DESTROY SITE SERVICES PLAN S80 DRAWING 18050-C4 S80 NUMBER SBO HOR. SCALE 1:250 il'; £ S80 VER. SCALE .. RINTS BEARING kEVIOUS VISION NUMMR SR.W STOll"l¥Alt!i fl.Q'N COIIT1tOl.~s« IIETAIIS Cl< IIIS DRA•INC. 56000 Ullll!RGROOHD STCRII WAmt DrnNTKlN PIPE. Pl?£5 ANO MANHOLES PR0YIOi: $7 .lim' Of SlOllM WATER OITEITTION st0Rt,G( TO DETAIN M: CITY'S TIER -e .v-.'O TIER C MINOR STOR~ WAmt 11.1.'-'Gill:NI R£0W<DID,1S. 6 100 STORM WATER DETENTION SYSTEM PLAN VIEW ALL ELEVA !IONS ARE GEODETIC AND REFER TO SURVEY MONUMENT NUMBER: 84H0040 LOCATED AT: AND HAVING ELEV A !ION Of: 6.829m PARSBO I, DISTRICT LOT 280, GROUP I. NWD. PLAN BCP39223 ~t::11> No. REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONS ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT I I DATE CLIENT SPIRE CONSTRUCTION INC. #106 • 7088 VENTURE STREET DELTA, BC V4G 1 H5 PHONE: 604•432•6650 JAN 2B, 2019 UNOEIGlOUND SIORM WATER DETENTION PROVIDED: 84m OF 900~ STORM SEWER• ~ x 84m -53.•4m3 ' 3 STORM MANHOLES-~ x 0.9m x 3 = __um' ' TOTAL-57.6m3 Ni UNDERGROUND OVERSiZEO STORM WATER OETrNTION PIPE CONSISTING WITH A PIPE DIAMETER OF 900mm SITUATED 0. 13m ABOVE THE FLOW CONTROL l,IANHOLE'S OllTLET INVERT AND A NET DETENTION TANK VOLUME OF S7 .6m' COMPLETE WITH A 44.4mm DIAMETER CIRCULAR FLOW COl'lTROL ORIFICE IS REQUIRED TO SATISFY THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE'S TIER 8 ANO TIER C STORM WATER MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS. A JOOoSIORM OUll.£1 PIPE ',I WATER DIRECTION PfflCR 10 COl'STIOIOTION AND <>Rll!JIIHC ll<lllllo.S. CO!ff..emt! SHALL l'IIOIIIO£ ~ g.l)p ~.i.~ OF' THE FlOW A J CONTROl SiRUCnlAE. TO CENlRAS El<CIIE»!G Lil).~ REVIEW. CAST IRON FRAME & COVER lABELED "STORM SEWER" (LOW PROFILE CASTWG) RIM = 5.08 IHSl<O)SURl"M:£Nl!)C&III£. Jlff"DI ro Sill'. CRM:l'<G PtAH FOR DETAILS. W,i!( MESH TRASH SCREEN (MIN . .lO()m,o ----OP9'llGS) -----SEDIMENT ANO OIL t,.,!JI ~----APPROVED SUBGRADE BY GEOITCHNICAL ENGINEER ~~7 ""+t-t---l'lat C MINOR -< H'".L (TYP.) STORM WATER FLOW CONTROL MANHOLE DETAIL NU TIER C (MINOR MODIFIED) ONSITE STORM WATER DETENTION VOLUME CALCULATIONS • MODIFIED RAIIONAL METHOD A.n<1ly!llkena,ra: IO/foo-i'(ffl~\IOn't'IMl'll''wi.!-Yr:m~~~ ~/Cllenl: $c,/,DCGnm.CliOnfflC. Ml~Addr•ss:~5""'!9!~•-·la2f311Jl~.~~-!!C .....,,.nm•: ,o,,,.a,ii;1t C..-osfl#ot,1-c.t-"I""°=---- t·iw,,.,,,,• trtrettts,' .JOI Cvw. Go!dl,111; Ian fhl.-..lory _,.,.,.., ~•'"""""I IJ~.a.l.tiiN•O-..'otlb ~dCCll,c;.OfQ;;fl_,,.n.,· c,.,.,. ___ c,,,•:::==: '1·'ftul~fllil'""""1- IJ,,riotl'Cc:~k.,_~ ===== Colchll"ltll'lt .,.,,..~ (Al (Hal "' O1,,~P___,_,=llAIN: 0.004111ml/, _ .. _ -, .......... ~"'~ r,1Mit,,tf:011111 Oulll4wYolum■ llcng•V~ ,_ -_,,., _., .... ..,,, ~~ ' .... -lo r7 CI.Q:).ftf "' ,..,, 10 1".11 ._, 23.07 ..,.,, '" ,... .. ..., 0.o)1)6 ,,., ""'"' ,,. .... "' d.11 .,,,,.. 3292 UO)UI ,., ::t,91 ,, ,,.., ocu:,1 ,.,, ....... ..,, ,. .. ,. ..... . .,,,, •ITT• OJ)LHI "' .,., ... -.. ,,,. ~d ~e ...... ,.., ,.., ,. ,.. .. O.OllW '"' .,..,. ,u, ..... ., ,.,. co,., Sl I!~ otou• ""' ..... " .,,_,. OOt'-41 .... 0..00411 , .. ~ .... ., .. ,, ,)Qt,3,\f n.n tlWf!I ru, ..., "' ,,,, OO!HI. 1!2S,i """" ..... "'" "' ..... .. ,.,. '"' o.:ic.111 , .. , ..,, ,., '"' ..... , 10163 om.1.1 .. ,. ... ,,. ·~" ..,.,, 1090 O.OOUJ .,.., .,,, ,., 0.Ql4 11779 000,tll ""' '"" ,., '"" . .,,,. 1:rr.oa ...... ,.,, ..... ,., -= . .,.,. ld50J """" .. ,, ,.,. a, .... . ...,, 156.96 .,..,., . ,OU, '"' 41) .., "'°' Oa,tll l)Q•..]i •W ..., ... ~;'4 l!!B ~e om-11 I» ... ,.., ... ,., ·-· ,,.. .. OOHII , ... u ••n .,,. -oo»•J ,..., o.aw•• , .... O.tD ,..,, L. . .,.., mµ 000,4.1. ]J!,Ot, .,,, , ... .,, """"' """ Q,CC,lll lll_l! . ., MINIMUM ONSITf SIOIM WATER DE!tNTION VOLUME lm~1 57.60 TIER C MINOR MODIFIED ORIFICE OtAMmR SIZING CALCULATIONS Developer/Client: ie-faC~l1cnlflC., l'roJecl/S~Add,eu: ~..o'IC.a??!?9'!J'n,cie1I Jela11llA.VClfV.ltl ~!599!.tc AnalyslsDale: ~~If Cfll'lt'OittC!fKl!.c,'"'"=o ____ _ JPP•'Jsar t'ttl Ptx019271't PP!tmtlm; ID~Curve: Gddnllhn~ TirneotCOni;;e,,11:.tlQl"lp,1 UlJllrn G •.-..,• JJ.u, 0.-•~ ,,;o..,-~,t~ ~ Runall Coelnc:ienl (I!)--.-.,.-- Colchmenl Area (A) jHaJ --,-.,.-- N: ~ O,;,c.,o"RAIN:~ • CENTRAS Engineering ltd IQll•YfAlllV,OOHVfllllCAl OVUflOW IIISU fl Pf IH IDG-U I [ml lMEl!GINCY OVER HOW VEIIICAl IIIW PIH: urv1onoM !MAXIMUM nol'!M WAIU ROM(;l llt"t'AllOH • O~DElfNIION f.-.CUTY]l"11 HIAOFOlOUICHOIIOllRC( ""'"11111"'1 V[IITIC::Al OVERFLOW RIUR Plfl OIAMETEl(mm] -.!&!_m ~m ~mm <... ... '-OUILET,inlHVflfflUVATIONlm] • __ ,, ' CUCUt.UOIIIIICfDINIIIETfll-.i) [}fDmm ••••••••••••-£>~••• MEADOW 9Yf1HOW IISR l9:UATION h1ce-v-• G.:1;;c )° U7 WHERE: h-ll • JOO-YEA/I HEAD OH OVE/IFlOW Im) G,,;e •R· 100-YEAR FLOW RATE [m'/s] ',\•WEIR CREST LENGTH [mJ • 3,1.tl, x d0 d0• OVERflOW RISER DIAMElU [mJ CllCUJ,U Ollftct. EQIJATIOH 0 • C ii; A.xf i;g·,th WHERE: Q • MAXIMUM REtEASE RATE [m'/s] C • C0EfflC1£NJ • 0.6 A• CIRCULAR ORlflCE AREA Im'] g • ,.1n m1s• h"' HEAD ON ORIRCE PLATE [ml PRELIMINARY FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ENGINEER-OF-RECORD PROJECT NAME ENGINEER'S SEAL CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE CENTRAS ADVANCED STORAGE PHASE Ill Engineering Ltd CROYDON BUSINESS CENTRE PROJECT SITE ADDRESS #216-2630 CROYDON DRIVE 20288 113B AVENUE SURREY, BC V3S 6T3 MAPLE RIDGE, BC PH: 604-782-6927 EMAIL: lnlo@centras.ca January 27, 2019 OE'.SIGN: DRAl'rN: CHECKE'.D: STORM WATER DETENTION DETAILS S80 580 SBO DRAWING NUMBER 18050-CS ENGINE'.ER: seo DESTROY AIUAINTS BE All ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC AND REFER TO SURVEY MONUMENT NUMBER: 84HIJ040 LOCATED AT: AND HAVING ELEVATION OF: 6.829m PARSBO 1. DISTRICT LOT 280, GROUP 1, NWO, PLAN BCP39223 No. REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONS ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT ltlS1M.l A 1llli'ORAltf C,\f()i B>SN 5E1lCMINT TRAP INSIDE 111( Ell tATDt BASINS ANO LAWN DRAINS. REFER TO THE iEMPORARY CATCH B.l$l>i SEDIMENT TRAP DET~L-Oil fH£ EROIJOOl 41 stDIIIOO' CONTROt :1.:510~-,;;;~I~=:~~ ~• ;;-i..,,~ . .1-------_.;. __ _, QUI' >S ll(Ql.lllED, 00 NOi EM1'JY/aJ>ij Ol/1 TEMPORARY Cll'CH SASJC SUK!ll fR"'S NTO ANY SIORM DRAJNAGE SYSTEMS, SUWPS. ll,l/f10lfS. SWlilS. CRa1<S. W~. ETC. TYPICAL. nc -SHAU. fl.USH, ·-~ AHO cw., OUT AU. SfORM SEW£IIS. SUMPS, IWHll.ES, CAtCtl IIASll<S. LAWN C,\1 8>SlflS. SW,ll!S, WATER tru<SES. ETC., 80TH O!,STTE AND Off~•~ SEIIIIIOIT BUILDUP HAS ,'(QJIIW,lll) DUE TO fl<E """"1l&O CONSTRUCTION ~ T\t( COIIIRACTOil SHALL 1-------' IIISroif lllE SIORU ORAJNAGE SYSIEMS oon, Ol<Sl1t AAO !iITTl1I: iltEJCll AHO J\ISI FRIOR wt A.-«1Cl'Alll) f!JIP<!''li. MJ/IS FOR S£DMflll BUILDUP ANO SHALL (lE"'1/E Ml'f SCOl,IEUT 9UlDUP tuMEOWRY Wf1'lolN l.C. IIOUR$.. F »tr SEIJJ(IIT OR ,WO 5 TR.l0<ED ON TO Nt/ PA'/0) SVfl'~ (8'1111 Oll$1Tl: • Cfl5ll£l IT SH'lJ. BC RE11CMD IIIMEOO.ltl.Y WTTH SllO'>'tl.5, S'OUJ'!.11S, BROOll ~-VAOA.lliHI: ,W/(1>. 01lt(H Al'P!li"M:0 -.-s IN SUCli A '11111 AS !O LfAV. 11£ PA\{0 SW'ACC L__~- r!1EE Of AAY =n' OR MU0. UC.'OEII NO CIRCW5!Nlt6 SWU SEOIMOIT CR l4JO BE RDiO',U) tllOII PA\1£D SllafAG!.i Br FUJSHiN0 OR OiSPOSm IN -,10oll WAT!ll lli!Allw:£ SlSlD<S ,). 0 AU lJc!'JlS(O ,V.1[0 V£HC!.ES JIAUllNC EXC\VAIED IIATt'tAL F11tiM A'lD/OR OElNER.'IG ""1UiW5 to 00: !Xl!151ROCT10N Sffl'., S>jAU. EIIT!JI/EXIT 1liE COMSIRIICOOH SIT[ t/lLIIING tH£ Al>CK PAD. 11W: IXOISE PlA1[0 \t\lCUS SWU HOf lRAVERSE IO A.S AA£J, \>ll'llH lit: CllllSTRUC1ION ~ IJll1L 1™T NIE). HAS 8E£H AD£CUl.1U.Y SURF'AC(D wmt A HOl+-£8008:E lrU.J'IRlAL. 0 -O\'ER8UROE~!O-SIJ8QWlC.NrJJ HOT LOAD S~L MATERIAL AND lliSPOSt OITTIJL ~TRY lNSTAU. ROCK MATERIAL CONWl 'C NO nHES TO CAP AU. D<POSED SURFACES ;s I'{)! cantcAAICM.. RECOMMENDATION, TYPICAi. lltROUCltOUT 1lt1: PHASE ■ COHSTIIIXIIOII ltlllf. PROPOSED PHASE Ill DISTURBED AREA EQUALS APPROXIMATELY 1,875 SQM. DATE JAN 28, 2019 CLIENT SPIRE CONSTRUCTION INC. #106 -7088 VENTURE STREET DELTA, BC V4G 1H5 PHONE: 604-432-6650 / I / I ENGINEER-OF-RECORD 00 NOT DISTURB llt( ~ ~ CO>'ER • lHE D<ISTING IUl.•. ST~ A'1l/e,;,. STlllll!<G IIA1!R/o'l5 Wlll!IN THE D:iS11NC R.O.W. ZOI« 1$ snotllY PROHIBIIED 1'(Pal lliRCUCHCIJI Tl<£ [>ISlll,1Q R,0.W. -•ntE EXISIJr, >SFK'l1 P.lYOJ.t.'(I SIRfAC!S. PROJECT NAME CENTRAS ADVANCED STORAGE PHASE Ill Engineering Ltd CROYDON BUSINESS CENTRE #216-2630 CROYDON DRIVE SURREY, BC VJS 613 PROJECT SITE ADDRESS PH: 604-782-6927 EMAIL: lnfo@centras.co 20288 113B AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC I s , , , , , , , , ,., , -, ENGINEER'S SEAL January 27, 2019 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL LEGEND • .,~ EXISllNG GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION. @ rn EXISTING GROUND SURFACE CONTOUR ElEVAl!ON, TEMPORARY ROCK ACCfSS/EXIT PAD, REFER TO TEMPORARY ROCK ACCESS/EXIT PAO DETAIL APPROXII.U, TE EXTENT OF PROPOSED BUILDING, R£F£R TO ARCHllECnJRAl ORA'MNGS FOR DETAILS SUB BASE AND BASE GRAVELS (NO FlNES) AS PER lHE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER'S REQUIREMENTS. CAP ROADWAY IMMEOJAltLY AFlER ROUGH GRADING AND APPROVAL BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. NON CONSlRUCllON ZONE. GROUND SURF ACE DISTURBANCE IS SlRICll Y PROHIBITED. APPROXIMATE EXTENT Of HYDRO SEED AND/OR BLOl'.tl STRAW MULCH. TEMPORARY CATCH BASIN SEO!l.4ENT TRAP IN EXISTING CATCH BASIN, REFER TO TEMPORARY CATCH BASIN SEDIMENT TRAP DETAIL lEMPORARY CATCH BASIN SEDIMENT lRAP IN NEW CATCH BASIN. REFER TO TEMPORARY CATCH BASIN SEDIMENT lRAP DETAIL lEMPORARY CATCH BASIN SEDIMENT TRAP IN PROPOSED L.AYm BASIN. REFER TO TEMPORARY CATCH BASIN SEO!MENT TRAP DETAIL TEMPORARY PUMP TO DIVERT STORM WATER TO lHE TEMPORARY 0£WA T£RING BAG MONITORING POlNT LOCATION APPROXl,.,ATE LOCATION OF TEMPORARY SOIL STOCKPILE IF REQUIRED REFER TO lEMPORARY SOIL STOCKPll.E OETAIL UC EN SEO PlA TED VEHICLES STRIClL Y PROHIBITED TO PAVcMENT AND GRANULAR SURFAC£S ONLY. APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF TEMPORARY TIGERfl.OC 0£WA TERING BAG COMPlElE 'MlH POLY UNEO GRAVEL PAD, TEMPORARY CLEAN WATER CUT OFF SWALE, REFER TO TfMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SWALE ANO GRAVEL CHECK OAM DETAILS TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION WATER INTERCEPTOR SWALE REFER TO 1£MPORARY CONSTRUCTION SWALE ANO GRAVEL CHECK DAM DETAILS TEMPORARY LONGITUDINAL GRA I/El Q--IECK OAl,L REFER TO TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SWAI..£ ANO GRAVEL CHECK DAM DETAILS lEMPORARY HIGH VISIBILITY ORANGE SAFETY FENCE IF REOOJRED REFER TO TEMPORARY HIGH VISIBlUTY ORANG£ SAFETY FENCE DETAIL -x-TEMPORARY Sll T FENCE REFER TO TEMPORARY SILT FENCE DETAIL. STORM WATER SURFACE RUNOFF FLOW DIRECTION EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES: 1. fil EROSiOIJ ~ SEDIMENT COIITROL W!)RJ(S SHIU EE ~•oon~l<EN IN WMPUNICE "11lt THE APf'ROl(l) EROSICH & SEDIIIEHr CO~fROl PLANS, EJ!OO!O~ I< SWME!IT CCIITROL OCTM.S & N01!S AHO 1\£ C!l'r OF ~.iJ>\.E RIOct'S \!ATER COURSE ~ROTEC1JQN BYI.AW tMleER 6410-2006, 2. THE C01/TRACIOR 5llAU. COt,oPU'I[ AU. COIIS1RVC11Ctl ~ FOR ll<c t.SIIR£ llJRATION i !If!: Pfl()Jli;CT !fl SUCH IIANllER AS TO ~~~ORAIN~~~J~~ ~~Ji~ WAIDI TI~ T COIITAJNS A TOTAL Sll$!'EW£0 SOLIDS (T,S.S,) IH ~CESS orsl.k~J rJni~(~~R~~:\n WEA::c su.so4◄ .1110 A PH BEl'l(EII M AHO 9.0. 3, RAl>,'fAlt, ~ORINO GAUGE SIAl!O!I! ~ ~~«tvfflX/l:~~tf{ii/2_'2R THE Slt,;JlCA>IT -•All E~T IS 15mm CR ci;E,A1ER ()(' TOTAL RAN'.1,1.l 00'1\i IN A 74 ~OUR 1ll£ ptJ;jCO. 4, APPROXIMATE TOTAL DISTURBED AREA = N0,19Ho, 5• ~~JDfo~s1n~~ J1Wo GJ~5Rt~~~C:00Ji,~ Git!' SA!<OY 51.T, THEN GLACIOFLUVlAL SAND AH1) OR4'<U m OVER PRE-l!RTIARY BEDROCK PRELIMINARY FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES Om t' 10m SCALE: 1: 250 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN DESIGN: sao DRAWN; S80 CHECKED: S80 DRAWING NUMBER HOR. SCALE ENGINEER: 580 VER. SCALE 18050-C6 1:2S0 ALL ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC AND REFER TO SURVEY MONUMENT NUMBER: 84H0040 LOCATED AT, AND HAVING ELEVA !ION OF: 6 829m PARSBO I. DISTRICT LOT 280, GROUP I, NWD, PLAN BCP39223 No. -~ 'J;erjloc;om FLOCCULANT BEL TS TEMPORARY TIGERFLOC BELT DETAIL N TS ,_ -~ID--- A DEWATERING 8AG SPECIFICATIONS: MASS ,., 10 Oz/Y01 GRAB TENSILE STRENGTH -250 LBS GRAB ELONGATION = 50~ Ol511NGED<Z (I ftOAD'ir.A.\' ,,.,,..-...._ EXISllNG ROADWAY-......,,,.,-r=T:~F~ r J~ ("1Ul< 1®5) OR AP!>RO\'ED EClJIVAIIHT ~ ~C!:OJEXl'IU: FABRIC •\_ APPROVED SUB-GRADE BY POlDil\AL LOCATION OF GEOTEa-lNICAL ENGINEER -~ ::m }0 R~~IRE□ TYPICAL SECTION BASED ON SITE PERFORMANCE "'"'- SECTION A-A 1' ~~1c1cJ-1t~~~R~~iK ~~Tff.5{i~~~s~~oP~~~6" ~H~~~~TF;.~~~~ic~~ ;~0~1~TrrLic\~5~~A~~1i:0 ON ROCK, GRAVEL AND/OR ASPHALT SURFACES ONLY. 2.. REMOVE All TOPSOIL AND OVER BURDEN WITHIN TI-IE ROCK PAO LOCATION TO APPROVED SUB-GRADE AS RECOMMENDED AND FIELD REVIEYtED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. 3 ~fti\~c~~i~x0iLEAf A:f&,J~kLJ6E~wa3; &i f/o~~~i&f~l~~T~JJR~THIN THE ROCK ACCESS/EXIT 4• ;5~~£; i=~~~P~1t~~n6~~~Ec~:~~=~o~rL~S)Btm11%T~ED BY 'll<E CQll1l!ACIOR UNll ll!E ROC1< PAD HAS BEEN Al'Pf!OYED FOR 0£COMMISSION. 5. THE USE OF 75mm MINUS ROAD MULCH CONTAINING FINES AS A ROCK ACCESS PAO IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 6 ~~E~Uf~3Nc~°s'+~~~NJp:~g VEHIQES lRAVEllNG O\Jt:R Tl-lE ROCK ACCESS/EXIT PAO SHALL MAINTAIN 7 ROCl((S) LQOG£ll !!£Th.EN \>tHICU. TIRES. ESPECIALLY or DUAL WHEEL vEHICLES, SHM.L BE REMOVED ~OR TO LEA~V 1ME COtlSTR\JCl10N Sn't. IT ts THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONS\BIUTY iO U"1£W E~OI 'fRUCk"S ~s FOR ilOCtCS PRIOR ro L£A~C lME SITE TO THE EXISTING OFFSIT£ PUBUC ROAOWAVS. 8, A ,.,EQl1'/l1CAL S11<££T 5'/fiPl!R SHAU. 8E UlUlEO OOISllt UNTIL SU85TSN1lAL CCNSllRUCTION COt,iPLtTION. AU. ASi'HALT ANO cctlCREl'E SURFACES (901K orrsm: AJIO O,,sm) SHALL BE SWEPT gf~~~A~~,tN~~N~~,J~~C,Ft1~~ HOT 8E RB.\OVED FROM PAVED 9, O~D SURF"'CE W.\ttR FLOWS -sttfil BE PREVEN?::0 FROM PASSING THROUGH THE ROCK PAD ANO THEY S>iALl 8£ DIYEltl"EO ~WAY, UN0£R AND/OR ARMII) THE ROCK PAD BY MEANS OF SWALES ""1>/CIR A 1D!POIW!Y CULKRT NIO STCll<M ORAINMlE PIPE. 1 a. BASED ON SITE PERFORMANCE. llit COtfTRACTOR TO 08TA!H A rr.MPOftAAY H'YDA.AHf US[ PERMIT F1tCJ.t THE MUNICIPALITY OR U1l.JZ£ TH£ OIS'T\N;C WATER s~cc CONttECTlON COMPl.(TE '111TH ,-DACK F\.OW ~~~~~E~~~l~Rs1irra TO MAl4UAl..LY RINSE muoc TIRES OH n-re ROCK p,,o PRICR ro ~ 11• ~~o~i~'&fl%5J J~¢\~-u~fNJ1~fE~~'1I~l~~Jo~-Ni~Ns~ DRY WEATHER CONDITIONS AND PERIODICALLY 12.. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADD ADDITIONAL ANGULAR ROCK "ND/OR REMOVE/RC-STALL THE ROCK PAO AS REQUIRED IF 11-lE ROCK PAD BECOMES BURIED AND/OR SATURATED wrn-t SE®fNT,. TEMPORARY ROCK ACCESS/EXIT PAD DETAIL ~ WlllOOOCO>, ~1TH COl<StRUCTIOtl WA TE!! v,}l(RE l\JlllllOITY, HEAVY !,l[TM.S, >J<D HY0ROCAA90tlS EXlST 10 ACSllCO!A'lt PAATICI.E D£POSl'll0H AHO REOUa: lVRll1lll1Y U:vns FOR SlORM WA 1tRS OISCH•RQNG INTO 00\>NSTREAU WA TERCOUl!S£S. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: SE.,. NYI.OH ME9i l\llH FOUR ~ UI, SEAi.CO POUCHtS Of TIGCRnOC INS!:RID> .IUJNC 1H£ fl_OCC\JI.HIT 8£L T lEMOTH. N'IUJN LOOP AT TOP ~"~~P'J ~.,,!P =.w11£1"ERS. IU/IITAJN lHE llGERFlOW 8ELT MOIST AT ALL TIMES. APPROXIMATE PRODUCT DIMcNSIONS: 36" (L} , 5 s• (W} , 2" (H) USES: N T.S TIGERFLOC SPECIFICATIONS: SODIUM MQiTMOflU.~llt AHO Olli[R PR()PRETARY INGREDIENTS. 1-5'< C!l\'STAUJ E SIUC,._ TOXICll'I' TO FISH, PIMEl'lfAJ.£S l'ROl<EI.AS LC ~/96 HOURS > 13.000 Mg/L FIRST AID PROCEDURES: IF THE TIGERFLOC POUCHES ARE PUNCTURED AND THE F'LOCCULANT COMES IN CONTACT CAUSING IRRITATION: -~ W~L 'W:~fkr"l\l&~~~S~II. ~L~~:~i:~g~ g~~~]AllON PH'l9CIAH- -~Of0,4~1M .'t'®sr~JAg}'~-,r ~fOff~J,lf~ '4Y ACGAAVAlt £XIS11NO 8Y INSERTIHO A '11otRFl.OC BELT .. lO tliE lUBE ~HICH lHEN LE.AOS TI!IIOOGH < MfmO-PCWito 0£WA1tR1NC BAO,. THE RESIA..T lS ftEM:OWrlC MOST SEOIMEHi fROM CONS'TRUCOON STCfU.I WATER OR sm: OISCHIJICE l'!lliO< El«:AVSbON l'\J~PiNC. 11<£ l!GDl"I.OC lUBE AIID OEWA 1tllll«) B•G UIIT FOR A z• El.EtllllC !P AHll 15 PORTl,!llE -"'O EASY TO usr BY 011£ PER IIGH MO&IUTY ANO CHAR(lES. EXlllllG WATl:R Ft.OW FR<lM IHE SAC <:AH 9E OIREC1£Jl Til<O A 8m x 6m OR L.AAGER WOOD FRAME Willi Hlr,c. U ... "EO 'MTH: POlY SM GClR MATTING, OR CLEAR CllAVEL O MA~Mll.E T'rlE OEWAlrRfNC &AC SURFACE AREA (fl.OW RATE). PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: REFER TO THE REFERENCE LEffiRS ~A", •a" AND ~c· ON TI-IE DETAIL SHOWN TO THE LEFT. ® W.Jr~.':fi-"J;!;L~g~ ~7i-TI~ri~ (W) LAYFLAT HOSE OR PVC SCHEDULE 80 PIPE SECURED ® fu ~lN't~rbrM~b~~~Lgg· D~~;:Rl~~o~Agu~~T oi~MML~~~~A:Wo~ 11.~EiF~~gD~~E P£1G'CRMA."4CE. PUNCTURE STRENGT'rl = 700 LBS 1RAP.t'ZOOIAL TEAR -100 LBS APPARENT OPENING -100 SIEVE PERM1TTIVITY = 1.20 SEC-1 WATER FLOW RATE = 80 GPM/TT1 TIGERFLOC TUBE & DEWATERING BAG UNIT © ~ 9:.SS ~~lcL5~~zt~~:c~~a~F~o~ ~r~cToTHE~SuRE SEIXMCNi MAT'EAJAL DOES NOT ESCAP( AT THE SU.M AS IT OOES 1MiH OTHER DEWA TtRING BAGS FOR ADDITIONAL PROOUCT IHFORMATION AND ORDERING, VISIT WWW.Fl.OCS'f'STEMS.COJ,..( OR CALL 778-230-4174. REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONS DATE TEMPORARY TIGERFLOC TUBE & DEWATERING BAG UNIT DETAIL CLIENT SPIRE CONSTRUCTION INC. #106 -7088 VENTURE STREET DELTA, BC V4G 1 HS PHONE: 604-432-6650 NTS ENGINEER-OF-RECORD CENTRAS Engineering Ltd CROYDON BUSINESS CENTRE #216-2630 CROYDON DRIVE SURREY, ec V3S 6TJ PH: 604•782·6927 EMAIL: lnlo@cenlrcs.ca NOTES: 1. ALL CATCH BASIN AND LAWN DRAIN SEDIMENT TRAPS SHALL BE FLEXSTORM INLET FILTERS OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT 2 FOR WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING, VISIT: WWW.!NLETFIL TERS.COM SUPPLIED BY ADS CANADA. 3, CATCH BASIN INLET FILTER SEDIMENT lRAP TO HAVE INTERNAL OVERFLOW CAPABILITIES. INSTALLATION INSTIIUCTIONS: 1, REMOVE THE METAL INLET GRATE FROM THE CATCH BASIN GRATE FRAME. 2. g~~~A~JO~fR~itftT FROM THE LEDGE (LIP) OF 3, DR~ niE FLEXSTORM INLET FlL TER T)-fl'0UGH THE ~~ ~N~~ G~c~F ~l ~~~s REST 4 REPLACE THE GRATE ANO CONFIRM IT IS NOT ELEVATED MORE THAN 3mm. THE THICKNESS OF THE STEEL HANGERS FREQUENCY OF INSPECTION: 1. INSl'ECllO,~ SHAU. OCCUR rou.o .. llC AHY RAINFALL £VENTS > 10mm OF' TOTAL R:AIHtAU. A,T I.EAST ON<:( P£R \\03< DURING THE ctlURS£ ~ CCtlSTRUCTION M'O ~OR lO MIY At+TlC&PATED RAINFALL EVENTS. MAINTcNANCE GUIDELINES: I, EMPTY OUT THE SEDIMENT BAG IF MORE THAN so,:; FILLED WITH SEDIMENT ANO DEBRIS, OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ESC SUPER\IISOR 2 C,UQI BASIN INLET nLrot SEDtM.ENT TRAPS SHALL ROlAJN IN PLACE UNTIL ASPHALf PAVING AND FINAL LNIOSCAPING WORKS ARE COMPUTED. J. gg,~iil~~~Jy =~io~t1~~A~~lb1 SYSTEMS, CREO(S, SlRtAUS. UC. TEMPORARY CATCH BASIN SEDIMENT TRAP DETAIL N T,S ROUND INLET FILTER 11 GAU CM,V""l[O S1E -UFT IU,W STANDARD 50mm OVERFLOW ZONE CATCH 8A$llt GRATE FRAM( RECTANGULAR ~ TEMPORARY Sil T F'ENCE SURROUND REFER to TEMPORARY SILT FENCE~ DETAIL ON TI-115 SHEET. \. TOE OF 1HE. TEMPORARY SCNL STOCKPILE Fill. SLOPE DnlRE EXPOSED SURf ACES OF ntE TEMPORARY STOCKPILE TO 8( CD\.fRED 'MTI-1 POLY TARPS AND/OR HYDRO SEED 2, SITUATE THE HIGH ANO 'M-lE DITCHES A Y SOIL STOCKPILES ON CONSTRUCTION SITE IF ND AWAY FROM DRAINAGE 3~ \~~~y!J~ORW fl' Jr~ ~t~N~~g~E Al!OtJIID 1111: ENIU!E f'ERll,l[ltll Of lHE 'ltMPORARY SOll. STOCKPILE. REl'£R TO lHE 'IOIPOll<RY SILT f8'C£ DETAIL OH THIS SHEET. 4_ P(l\.~n,,u:14;: TAAPS SHAU. 8£ S£Qll\£LY ANC>iOREO 10 'll<E S<lll_ STtlQIPll£ 10 PREvOH lHE STOO<PI.E FROM BEtlO UNCOll'".,R(0. POLY TARP E08ES SltA!.L O"OllAP EACH OIH'1< BY 1,Sm MINIMUM 5 TEMPORARY SOlL STOCKPILES SHALL ONLY BE EXPOSED AND MOVED DURING DRY WEATHER CONDITIONS. TEMPORARY SOIL STOCKPILE COVER DETAIL N T.S ..,,,,,,,,--METAL OR 50mm BY ---.......... MA~ SP~ 1M1H '#Mf M£5H mk:£ _____ ,..,:/ 50mm HARDWOOD POSTS "" .. , ----=i;:JM,a\F.iW,iji~"1U!l.-ii'i;_i'i,a, c:,,.,,"<,w,.iin<alarr..#'a-i!ooffi/i;;,~;i;J:r-----, STAl'US. HOC IOh,:S ______ _ 00!1£-S-IS<)ovn Ct< C[l(lllt 50mm BY 50mm 14 GAUGE Yi1RE MESH SUPPORT F!NCE 11/ NILEX SU rtNCf. AWOCO~ 2130 SILT fTh'CE CR I APPROVED l:CUV-'tltHT EXISTlNG ___J GROUND C0>£R -........... 1----------------~---' 1-------- ~asv,~NCH =:; Cll<P~ltl) SAND EMBED FILTER F ASRIC TO THE UNDERSIOE Of TI-IE SAND TRENCH ~ !iQfil. 1, Sil T FENCING FABRIC MA TERI AL SHALL BE NILEX SILT FENCE, AMOCO 2130 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 2 TEMPORARY SILT f'!NCC SHALL BE INSTMJ.£0 ALONG EXISTIN(; GROUIIO SURF ACE CONTOURS. UNLESS 0~1SE g.ffYM,,I OR NOTED ON THE ESC PLANS, 3 TtiE COtiTINUOOS C()MPACTE!) SANO TRfNC>i U,,'£ SHAJ.L Bf EllCAvAlID ' EXISTING 1Jt/OIST1JR!l(D C!IOI/NO CXM:R -"'O SHAU. BE A JO(lm,n \\10£ av 200mm CUP ANO. SH"1.L Bt INSTI.U.to ON Tl1£ UPIIU SIOE Cl' THE Sil T FENCE. 4, IHSTAU THE O<DS <lf THE 511.T ENOS FACING UPl<lll \\11H1H Cc«llHVOUS COIU'ACTU> SANO fA.BRIC SMALL EXlEUD AT LEAST tfTO THE COtl1"UOUS COMP<Clm S.....O 1MHC>i IJNE: ..._.CE ANO COMPACT SAND O..R IHE JOE Cl' THE SILT FENCE FABRIC. PRELIMINARY FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES 5 VERTICAL POSTS SHALL BE 50mm BY 50mm HARDWOOD POSTS ANO/OR METAL POSTS. 6. SI.T FV<OHG FA!!alC SHAU 11£ CUT FllOM A CON SII.T FENCE f "1lR1C ROU. TO REDUCE 1'HE OF FAMIC ~TS. v.HERC 51.1 ~r'1.e"'/{A'I,~'~f'i'<fs'tk~1H A ,iuN1MIJM JOOml"l\ rABRJC ovmu.P ,1.11.fD eont 9<DS CF 1>t£ FA8R'C ENOS SEC\IReLY FAS,0.':I) TO THE V!;RllCAI. POST, 7 Tl<£ SILT ro«:£ Fil TER F A9RIC AHO/OR \\lNE .M.£g.t suPPOAr tt:.NCE SMAU. 8( r~ST£.Nfl) TO 'll<E UPIILL SIDE Cl' THE POSTS 8Y OlH£R f~Sot<"'liN1JE ""D/08 THE WRES MINIMUM 8, AT ENO POSTS. n-tE SllT ,O.U f'ASRIC SHAU BE ""-"'PED AAOIJNO TWO POSTS AT IL\S1' .. 1K c«EC fULL 11£\'0lUllQN. TEMPORARY SILT FENCE DETAIL N TS ~ 9. ~HEl!E SIANOARO SlREIIC'll< 511.T fENCE f A/lPIC J.1>.f,J~~Ji,,~ ~iioff,Y ,. c~ USEO -""O SECURELY FAS.TENEO UPHlU. s,o;: Of THE POSTS AND Ctl 1H ll SIDE i,:rJMo"ri-'1:~'mm:~N SH CAlNnNUOOS COt.lP<C'ltO SAND 10, SILT FENCE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT LEAST t.Om AWAY FROM THE TOE A. FILL SLOPE AND/OR ANY SOIL STOCKPILE, 11. ~=rw,_,~~~~rlo.~~~TiND StOl~.EllT S!OR~GE REACHING A !lOCHI O+" 1~m ABOVE TH£ CONllNOOUS COMPACtED SAND TRENCH LINE 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FACILITATE ANY NtcESSAAY REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE WORKS lMMeDIATn.Y WITHIN 24 HOURS. 13. THE SILT FENCES SHALL BE FIELD REVIEWED BY lHE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO ANY ANTICIPATED RAINFALL EVENTS MtT-'l 1-SAll DONOTUlla ~ REBAR (=CAL) !sll.:: T.ES 1liS 11£ ,_ QfUIUfC) ATTACH THE ORANGE SAFETY SI.IAFM.'E FENCE TO TrlE Fl.AT SIDE OF TI-IE METAL T-BAR POST CROSS-SECTION TEMPORARY ORANGE SAFETY FENCING DETAIL PROJECT NAME ADVANCED STORAGE PHASE Ill PROJECT SITE ADDRESS 202BB 113B AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC ENGINEER'S SEAL DESIGN: DRAWN: January 27, 2019 MTS CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS SBC DRAWING NUMBER 18050-C? i' X •· Spot Erevatfon llll Water Bo>t ~ Lamp standard 'ii's Catch Bosln CXl Water Voli-,, ElevoUons art1 Geodetic, shown i'n mefn,s, deri~ from Control Monument 84,H004() €!~lion -6.829 ~tn,s Datum: C\ltl28<Mi'D, 2005. Lot dim1tnsions an, bastJd on Pion BCPJ922J. Additional manhoMs surveyed Januo,y ,s. 2019. CERTIFIED CORRECT this 28th day of September, 2018. ©·------, W. PAPOVE: 1.C.L.S. , . ., . . ,~ .,. bt..":>. .. ~ ,, .,. • ,1 .,. ,i X ~ ,. s ,c X ,1 .,. ,;'\ X 4 / TOPOGRAPHICAL PLAN OF PARCEL 1. DISTRICT LOT 280. GROUP 1. NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT. PLAN BCP39223 ,s ,. ,t SCALE: 1 :400 Pel. 11711 /6120,2 ml J.98 acres " er lid efev=5.20 ~· .,. 33,56 \.fl ,c ,. & ,s .,. .)' parking area ~ ,. ,X ,~ ,, ,. ,s ., . ~ ~ parking area iC , . . ,~i ,s .,. :!:: X 0::: <ti ,~ iC ,i ,. .,. ., . ~ ,, .,. ,t c~ Cb ,~ ,. ,. storm manhole X s .,. ,. rim efev-5.00 X n,w ±1.50,, lnv=1 06 ,c ,. " ,. ?' Pel. "28" 555 554 553 Jlfcmt manhole rim elev=S.03 n,w ±1.SOt, inv=J_J1 5 4 J 1 556 PARCEL IDOIT1F1ER CMC ADDRF:SS 027-743-292 20288 11.Jb Avenue Maple Ridge, B.C. I 2 J 4 MANHOLE TABLE ,..._,,.,,,,,Manhole locolion Manhole ID/-._~ Q!J Type & E/evolion Storm manhole dm elev=S.26 Storm manhole rim elev-5.28 Storm manhole rim e/ev-5.29 Storm manhole dm efev=5.J2 CHARGES 01'/ mtc CHARCC NO. NATURE T107058 AD207J75 BJJ1BJ54 8K400824 BK407960 BR151172 BR151175 PAPOVEC Cowmont Covenant Covl!nant Statuto,y Right of Way Statuto,y Right of Way Covl!nant Statuto,y Righi of Way PROFESSIONAL I.AND SURVE:YlNG INC. 202 -I f 20 IIE5Tl!\'.X}l) STl?EIT COOU/T!AAI • 8.C. , VJB 71<8 In : (-) 464-5199 FAX • " 464-6509 FIU. : 74904 ------------------------------______ _.