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ADP 2019-09-18 agenda.pdf
) City of Maple Ridge ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDA September 18, 2019, 4:00 pm Blaney Room, Maple Ridge City Hall 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 4. NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5. PROJECTS 5.1. Development Permit No: 2019-011-DP Applicant: Lovick Scott Arch Project Architect: Lovick Scott Arch Project Landscape Architect: N/A Proposal: Exterior and Interior Remodeling McDonald's Location: 22780 Lougheed Hwy File Manager Therese Melser Development Permit No: 2019-065-DP Applicant: Lovick Scott Arch Project Architect: Lovick Scott Arch Project Landscape Architect: N/A Proposal: Exterior and Interior Remodeling McDonald's Location: 20390 Dewdney Trunk Rd File Manager Therese Melser 5.2. Development Permit No. 2018-508-DP Gordon Hume Ionic Architecture Applicant: Project Architect: Project Landscape Architect: Proposal: Location: File Manager: 5.3 Development Permit No: Applicant: Project Architect: Project Landscape Architect: M.K. Lascelle Landscaping Consultation & Design Brewery and Lounge 23840 River Road Adam Rieu 2018-319-DP M. Charkhchi Amir Farbehi, Inspired Architecture Patricia Campbell, PMG Landscape Architects Ltd. 4:15 PM 5:15 PM 6:15 PM Proposal: 13 storey apartment building, with 13 townhouse units, and 4 apartments units on the bottom two floors; 4 penthouse units on the top two floors; and 72 apartment units on the 3rd to 11th floors, for a total of 93 units (one of which is a guest suite) Location: File Manager: 11920 228 Street Michelle Baski Advisory Design Panel -Agenda September 18, 2019 Page 2 of 2 6. CORRESPONDENCE 7. QUESTION PERIOD 8. ADJOURNMENT QUESTION PERIOD Question Period provides the public with the opportunity to ask questions or make comments on subjects that are of concern to them. Each person will be given 2 minutes to speak. Up to ten minutes in total is allotted for Question Period. Doc#2304306 I~-■ mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: Advisory Design Panel MEETING DATE: September 18, 2019 FILE NO: 2019-011-DP and 2019-065-DP SUBJECT: 22780 Lougheed Hwy and 20390 Dewdney Trunk Road PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel (the "ADP") submission has been received for the above cited two applications for exterior and interior alterations to an existing McDonald's building. A development permit application is required because the proposed works will exceed a value of $25,000.00 or the addition is larger than 100 square metres. This site is zoned CS-1 (Service Commercial). The development permit application made to the City is subject to Section 8.5 Commercial and 8.11 Town Centre Development Permit. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Existing Use of Property: Site Area: Access: • Servicing: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: LOVICK SCOTT ARCHITECTS LTD. ANDREA SCOTT MCDONALD'S RESTAURANTS OF CANADA LTD Lot 63, District Lot 401, New Westminster District Plan NWP51655 Lot B, District Lot 222, New Westminster District Plan LMP34007 TCCOMM (Town Centre Commercial) TCCOMM (Town Centre Commercial), and COMM (Commercial) CS-1 (Service Commercial) CS-1 (Service Commercial) commercial/ McDonalds 4.100m2 and 211om2 Lougheed Highway and Dewdney Trunk Road Urban The development permit application made to the City prompting this submission to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.5 Commercial and 8.11 Town Centre Development Permit. Design Guidelines: The Design Guidelines and a full explanation of how the project complies with them or the reasons why they are not applicable are attached to this memo. Page 1 of 2 PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: Both proposals are submitted by the owner's architect, to update the existing locations, both interior and exterior, to match the new marketing branding. For your reference, there are already several locations within BC rebranded, such as the location in Pitt Meadows. 2. Context: Both locations are within a commercial area. Revisions to comply to McDonald's new marketing branding will elevate the area, and provides a modern street view from major corridors. 3. OCP and Zoning Compliance: The subject site is designated Town Centre Commercial and Commercial. The proposal complies with the designations. Both the subject sites are zoned CS~1 (Service Commercial) and Development Data Sheet (Appendix F) analyses the compliance of the project with the applicable zone regulations. No variances will be required. 4. Parking and bicycle storage: The required parking for the proposed use is analyzed in the Development Data Sheet (Appendix F) 5. Environmental. Sustainability & Stormwater Management: As the Development Permit was required for a revision to the existing DP, no new stormwater management plan was required to be submitted. 6. Issues requiring comments from ADP: The lo~ation on Dewdney Trunk Road proposed to have a new entrance on the south side, but there is no sidewalk or crosswalk on that side. Please discuss. Please provide your comments for both locations in one response. CONCLUSION: The Planning Department requests thatthe Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared by: i°herese Melser The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject map 7 sets submitted by the Architect: Appendix B Explanatory letter from Architect (and Landscape Architect if applicable) Appendix C ADP Submission Form Appendix C ADP Applicant Checklist (signed by Architect) Appendix D Development Data Sheet (signed by Architect) Appendix E DP Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix F Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 2 of 2 Scale: 1 :2,000 20390 Dewdney Trunk PIO 023-816-406 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~- FILE: 2019-065-DP DATE: Feb 22, 2019 mapleridge.ca BY:MC LOVICJ< SCC)TT ARCHITECTS BRITISH COLUMBIA,ALBERTA, S,A.Sl<ATCHEWAN, MANITOBA _j Design Rationale McD's Dewdney & 203rd 20390 Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple Ridge, BC This project is a renovation of an existing building located at 20390 Dewdney Trunk Road in a Service Commercial (CS-1). The building has entrance doors from both Dewdney Trunk Road as well as the parking area and has easy access and good visibility from the buildings within the mall. The mall is predominantly one storey building with combinations of; retail, restaurant, office and assembly uses located directly to the East, South and West of this site. The existing structure is a one storey building combined with stucco, metal cladding, steel canopies and a featured curved roof along with a tandem lane drive thru. The proposed renovation will create an improved, modern fac;ade treatment with the use of metal alpolic panels combined with metal siding, continuous canopies and a building addition to accommodate more seating. The LOVICK SCOTT ARCHITECTS LTD 3707 FIRST AVE, BURNABY BC, VSC 3V6 604 298 3700 WWW.LOVICKSCOTT.COM LOV ICK SCOTT ARCHITECTS BRITISH COLUMBIA, ALBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN, MANITOBA ) ) existing curved roofs and portion of existing stucco will be removed to suit the modernization to the restaurant's fac;ade treatment that will provide an improved street presence and better visibility. The proposed location of bold architectural details, such as the red and white metal cl added vertical elements that extend above the rest of roof parapet, serve to highlight the main entry, and drive thru windows. The colour and material palette reflect the high-quality materials and detailing that have been used in other site improvements. The use of metal panel accents combined with neutral coloured horizontal metal siding creates a common theme that compliments the overall development and provides an attractive pedestrian friendly street presence. The existing surface parking (within our property only) will remain and no other work to be done including the drive thru lane and landscaping. Exterior lighting on the building is provided through soffit and wall mounted lighting to maximize building visibility. Signage is designed to complement the scale and detail of the building to the tenant's requirements while the existing pylon sign will remain. All signs are to meet the City of Maple Ridge by-law and the size and design parameters as outlined on the drawings. In addition, a small garbage enclosure is proposed to accommodate cardboard and recycling bins. The garbage enclosure is designed with wood and steel posts painted to match the main building colour scheme. In terms of sustainability to exterior materials, portions of the existing stucco cladding will be retained, repaired as needed, and repainted, which reduces waste and consumption of new materials. The proposed horizontal metal and hardie plank siding are designed for at least 40 years of durability, and the metal panels are made from high-quality materials while manufactured stone are maintenance-free building materials. In general, we see the project being consistent with the guidelines for commercial developments and is a low impact re-use and sustainable redevelopment of an existing structure. LOVICK SCOTT ARCHfTECTS LTD 3707 FIRST AVE, BURNABY BC, VSC 3V6 604 298 3700 WWW.LOVICKSCOTT.COM J ~ MAPLE RIDGE Bnt,sh Co umb1a mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: Name of Applicant Reilen Reyes 2019-065-DP File number Address of site Current Zone 20390 Dewdney Trunk Road _C_S_-_1 ___ Proposed Zone _C_S_-_1 ___ _ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date September 18, 2019 Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect Andrea Scott ------------------ Landscape Architect Other Professional (State Name & Role) Reilen Reyes -project architect Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -all schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 J CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL 2019 APPLICANT SCHEDULE Meeting Date Applicant Deadline January 16, 2019 December 17, 2018 February 20, 2019 January 28, 2019 March 20, 2019 February 25, 2019 April 17, 2019 March 25, 2019 May 15, 2019 April 18, 2019 June 19, 2019 May 27, 2019 July 17, 2019 June 24, 2019 NO AUGUST MEETING September 18, 2019 August 26, 2019 October 16, 2019 September 23, 2019 November 20, 2019 October 28, 2019 NO DECEMBER MEETING I~ I ADP Submission Checklist mapleridge.ca Application No. ______________ File Manager ____________ _ This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel (ADP). Please refer to the ADP Submission Form and the ADP Requirements Brochure for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP. Project Landscape Architect's Certification: August 15, 2019 ------+---+lt-Pr-----;.~-::--- Signature D ate Signature Print name Print name Andrea Scott Submission Materials A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) B. Covering Letter including explanations about: 1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) 2. Architectural and Lep;idsear,ifl!§ Design rationale (Detailed information Required) 3. Statement in brief about the following: a. DP Key Concepts Compliance b. DP Guideline Compliance C. Stormwater management strategy with emphasis on Tier A requirements integrated into landscaping plans d. Public Art/ Amenities, etc. e. Sustainability practices f. Other C. Site and Neighbourhood Context 1. Context Review-Context Plan with existing/proposed buildings and trees, vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed grading, and other major features within the site, on the abutting properties, the public realm and along the road allowances/ lanes. 2. Photographs of site and surrounding sites. D. Develo~ment Permit Area Checklist (Note: The Architect is responsible to describe how the project complies with each guidelines, or if not applicable, a description of why not applicable. Please use fillable forms on line.) Date Required Provided (File Manager to indicate if required) □ IZI □ 0 □ [I □ [I □ I!) □ □ □ □ □ III □ □ □ 0 □ IZI □ IZI City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist (Page 2) E. Architectural Plans (Site and Building(sl}: 1. Site Plan and layout □ l!l 2. Site sections □ □ 3. Streetscape elevation □ l!l 4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees □ I!) superimposed 5. Shadow analysis □ □ 6. Lighting analysis (on building and on site) □ □ 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and roof tops □ 0 8. Waste collection /recycling (inside of buildings) □ □ 9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside) □ □ 10. Building elevation (all sides) □ [El 11. Signage (attached to building and free standing) □ (8) 12. Colours and materials □ l!l 13. Material board □ [I 14. Building sections □ (8) 15. 3D renderings of site, building(s) and associated landscaping □ [El F. Landsca~ing Plans: 1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting □ □ details 2. Storm water management works focused on Tier A requirements integrated into landscaping plan with details □ □ 3. Landscaping details, including public art, signage, lighting, play and other amenity areas, fences, retaining walls, □ □ 4. Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures) □ □ 5. Details for pedestrian amenity and furniture features provided □ □ 6. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns □ □ 7. Tree retention and management plan □ □ 8. Site sections for lot grading, drainage, landscaping, retaining □ □ walls and relationship to adjacent grades/ City roads/ lanes 9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnections □ □ G. Green Building[Sustainabilit~ initiatives □ □ H. Engineering~related Information: 1. Site grading plans □ □ I. Other □ □ □ □ .J □ □ Rev. March 2018 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ,~ MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia mapleridge.ca Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.5 of the Official Community Plan, commercial developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP . 8.5.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses Other than the 38sq.m. addition the building is existing through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and and no change, Typical 2x6 studwall with stucco and the transition of building massing to fit insulation will decrease the noise coming from inside. with adjacent development. Encourage a pedestrian scale through Maintained the existing outdoor features but the providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, building's enclosed garbage area and the use of more creating landmarks and visual interest inviting colour combinations creates a visual interest to along street fronts. pedestrians and customers. Promote sustainable development with Not applicable multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. Respect the need for private areas in Not applicable mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. The form and treatment of new buildings Existing building with the combination of stucco, metal should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by panels, metal siding and glazing matches and benefits incorporating appropriate architectural the adjacent building, with red colour matching adjacent styles, features, materials, proportions gas stations and drug mart. and building articulation. 1 ) Guideline 8.5.2 A Building Design, Massing and Siting 1. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, roof forms, facade modulation, architectural features fenestration patterns, building element~ and proportions and building articulation. 2. Exterior finishes should be wood, brick, natural stone or other materials of warm appearance. Substantial areas of concrete should be avoided. Expanses of solid wall or glass are unacceptable. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Maintained square and rectangular shapes of the existing building, and curved roof altered with thick parapet highlighted with red & white coloured alpolic metal blades. Horizo~tal metal siding painted with charcoal grey wood fiber cement panels in chestnut brown contributes to its warm and organic appearance 3. New buildings adjacent to existing small scale buildings such as houses should be Not applicable designed to provide visual interest whilst protecting the privacy and livability of both properties. 4. Significant corners should be given added emphasis with vertical The alpolic metal blades in red at the entrance and the architectural features and roofscape front of of the building facing Dewdney trunk road features. At intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets. 5. Development should be sited to have the building frontage on the main street Fronted on the same location, no change alignment. 6. Projects located on slopes should be developed in a manner which creates a Not applicable step in perceived height, bulk and scale between developments. 7. Design and construction of buildings should account for maximum sound Building is existing, same use and location attenuation between commercial and adjacent residential uses. To ensure that noise generated on the site is addressed in the most appropriate manner, Council may request that a noise attenuation ._) study be prepared. 2 \ I ) Guideline 8.5.2 A (Continued) 8. Continuous weather protection, such as canopies, structural awnings, or building overhangs, is strongly promoted where at-grade retail uses are included in a development and over common entries to commercial and/or mixed-use developments that front a public sidewalk or open space. 9. Developments adjacent to treed slopes, ravines and watercourses must respect natural vegetation, use natural landscaping to retain soils on the site and may require additional setbacks as established by agencies having jurisdiction. Creeks and ravines are encouraged to be retained in their natural state. 10. Developments are encouraged to redirect water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. Canopies at front and side of the building as weather protection were always in consideration Not applicable Not applicable 11. Buildings should be designed and located Building location and use is the same as existing on a site to: a) preserve and incorporate natural features or views; b) ensure proper orientation and relationship to adjoining residential uses; c) minimize impacts on natural features and agricultural lands; d) accommodate natural grades to ensure minimal grading is required. Guideline 8.5.2 B Refuse, Recycling and Servicing Areas 1. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Building's existing location and height is m~intained and roof equipment stays as much as possible ~) L_ ______ ___l_ _________ ~ 3 Guideline 8.5.2 B (Continued) 2. Service areas should have differentiated Service area like loading area stays on the same access to minimize visual impact as well location and no change as conflicts with pedestrians. 3. Refuse receptacles must be located Refuse containers were provided and enclosures were indoors or within service areas out of designed for aesthetic and animal resistance purposes view from pedestrian access. Garbage and waste material should be stored in containers that are weatherproof and animal-resistant. 4. Mechanical equipment, drive-through Not applicable uses, service or car wash bays, restrooms, vending machines, unenclosed storage, and public telephones should be oriented on the site to face away from adjacent residential development. Whenever possible, these uses should not be visible from an adjacent residential property. Guideline 8.5.2 C Street Front Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Particular attention should be made to Same as no. 4 of guidelines 8.5.2.A the image presented to the streetfront. 2. New development should emphasize the Fronted on the same location, no change street frontages by incorporating differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades. Facades should incorporate vertical and horizontal relief in a well-proportioned rhythm appropriate to the intended scale of development. 3. Buildings with over 15 metres of street Not applicable ( less than 1 Sm.) frontage should break the horizontal mass of the building with vertical elements in a rhythmic pattern. 4. Streetfront landscaping will incorporate Landscaping is existing and no change street trees for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space. 4 ) Guideline 8.5.2 C (Continued) s. Vehicle access on a street frontage Parking is the same and no change should be located to the side of the building away form the pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. Guideline 8.5.2 D Signage and Lighting 1. Signage should be integrated with the design of a building, preferably at ground level only, and its size and design should complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 2. High intensity illumination directed at adjoining properties should be avoided. Commercial signage and high intensity illumination adjacent to residential uses should be minimized in order to protect residential amenity. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. All signage around the building are the same and no changes Existing lighting is the same and no change 3. Lighting and signage should be designed Existing exterior lighting: No change except surface so as to have no direct source of light mounted lightings around building are new visible from the public right-of-way. 4. All signage must conform to the Maple Signage to be submitted separately Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter should take precedent. s. In multiple-tenant commercial or mixed-Not applicable use buildings, signs should be designed to present a unified appearance. Signage space should be provided for upper storey tenancies. 5 Guideline 8.5.2 E Vehicle Access, Parking, and Circulation 1. Buildings and structures should be located to ensure safe traffic circulation and access and adequate on-site parking. Parking should be encouraged in smaller units to avoid a monotonous appearance. 2. Parking and storage areas should be appropriately screened. Low level landscape screening should be provided to parking areas adjacent to public streets. 3. Where possible, parking and servicing should be located underground or to the rear of buildings to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and pedestrian amenity. In all new buildings the portion of the structure used for parking and servicing should be adequately screened and should be architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Parking layout: same and no change Parking layout: same and no change Not applicable 4. Existing lanes should be used for vehicle Existing and no change access, loading and servicing. Upgrading of lanes in terms of attractive treatment and screening of parking access and loading and service areas is encouraged. 5. Vehicle access should be located to the side of the building away from the pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 6. Lanes, and driveways should conform to the existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, access should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. Existing and no change Not applicable 6 Guideline 8.5.2 E (Continued) 7. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. 8. Minimize the amount of asphalt surfaces in parking areas by integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Above ground parking structures should not front public streets at grade. Non- parking uses or special fa~ade treatments must be provided along street frontages to enhance the building's appearance to the public realm. On non-street fronting facades, parking structures should be treated to avoid long blank walls at grade, such as massed landscape treatments or attention to design detailing on the fa~ade. Existing and no change Existing and no change Not applicable 10. Parking control equipment, such as Not applicable ticket dispensers and card readers, should be located at a sufficient distance from a public street to prevent parking queues extending onto the street. Similarly, a minimum distance of one car length, and preferably two car lengths, should be provided between an exit gate and the street edge to accommodate cars waiting to merge into traffic. 11. Rooftop parking structures should Not applicable include design elements, including landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street and surrounding uses. 7 ./ Guideline 8.5.2 F Pedestrian and Bicycle Access 1. Development should improve pedestrian amenity through interesting design detail at ground level, easily identifiable entrances, shop fronts with clear untinted glazing, concentration of signage at ground level, attractive landscaping and well defined pedestrian crossings for driveways and roadways. 2. A well defined pedestrian access to the commercial use will be provided from the public sidewalk. Design will ensure that pedestrian use is given precedence over vehicular use. Where possible, at least one pedestrian connection should be provided through the main block of buildings. 3. Facilities for cyclists should considered for all developments. Guideline 8.5.2 G Landscaping and Open Space be 1. Landscaping should be supplemented to identify and define public space, to present a pleasing image and to soften the transition from adjacent land uses to the commercial development. 2. Adjacent residential uses should be adequately protected by significant landscaping or the provision of screening or both. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all new development for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space. Simplicity in landscaping materials is desirable and should be encouraged for screening purposes. Deciduous tree species should be considered in landscape plantings to permit light penetration in winter. Mature vegetation should be Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Existing and no change Not applicable Existing trees and the rest of landscaping to remain as is ) retained where possible . ...__ ______ __,___ ________ _,__ ______________________ __, 8 J Guideline 8.5.2 G (Continued) 4. Aesthetic values along frontages and on- site ought to be enhanced by significant landscaping on all property lines and around buildings. Street trees should be used to provide the landscaping variety that would soften the character and scale of the area. 5. Landscape planting and screening should be used to create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site for pedestrians, passing drivers and building tenants on the site or adjacent to it. 6. Open space should be usable, attractive and well-integrated with the design of the building. Open space, in many cases, will be achieved with courtyards, recessed balconies, terraced balconies, roof top gardens, and atria. 7. Landscaping should reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. Existing trees and the rest of landscaping to remain as is Existing trees and the rest of landscaping to remain as is Not applicable Not applicable 8. Landscaping should define the purpose Not applicable and emphasize the desired character and function of public and private space. All private and semi-private open space should be clearly defined as such and should be controllable by those meant to benefit and be responsible for it, thus encouraging use, pride and safety. 9. Distinguish public and semi-public Not applicable spaces from private spaces. Design symbolic barriers through: a) building and site design; b) changes in paving, vegetation, or grading; or c) architectural features, such as low walls, bollards or raised planters. 9 \ Guideline 8.5.2 H Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) 1. Developments should be designed to max1m1ze opportunities for natural surveillance allowing people to easily view what is happening around them during the course of everyday activities. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design principles and techniques are encouraged. 2. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design {CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities. 3. Design the interior spaces and exits from any underground and above ground parking structures for maximum visibility within the parking area. Entries should be highly visible, well lit and spaced at convenient intervals Hidden spaces, obscured alcoves and blind corners should be avoided in the design and layout of the parking facilities. 4. Walls and ceilings of parking structures, particularly underground structures, should be painted white to enhance or reflect light. Guideline 8.5.2 I Universally Accessible Design 1. All non-vehicular routes be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair / scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Windows existing and new were provided on all sides of the building except the rear side of the building where surveilance equipment is an option Same as above Windows existing and new were provided on all sides of the building. Parking is highly visible from the inside with minimal blind corners Not applicable Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Ramps and pathway provided Existing and no change. with disabilities. )'----------~---------------' 10 \ ) _) Guideline 8.5.2 I (Continued) 2. Locate parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities as close as Provided. ExiSting and no change possible to the main entrance to a building. 3. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; and c) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. Guideline 8.5.2 J Bicycle Storage and Parking 1. Provide short term bicycle parking facilities, such as bicycle racks, at grade close to building entrances. Bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads. Bicycle racks should be made of sturdy, theft- resistant material, securely anchored to the floor or grounds. 2. Provide long term bicycle parking facilities in secure storage areas within buildings. Bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. In mixed-use buildings, bicycle storage facilities for residents are to be separate from those for the commercial uses. 3. Large-scale developments are encouraged to provide end-of-trip facilities, such as showers and lockers, within the development for the convenience of employees. Existing location of entrance area. accessible from the street comes with canopy and lighting Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Existing and no change Not applicable Not applicable 11 Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File Number 2019-0 6S-D p Date prepared: March 11 2019 Architect Andrea Scott/ Reilen Reyes Print Name Signature 12 DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Existing /Proposed Zone cs-1 Date Prepared August 1s. 2019 Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total 2,109.73 2,109.73 Less Road Widening/ Truncations Less Park Net Total 2,109.73 2,109.73 (existing) LOT COVERAGE (in% of net lot area) Total Site Coverage 40 I 16 SETBACKS (in metres) Front 9.0 14.0 Rear 6.0 6.0 (existing) Side #1 (N(S;E, or W) 6.0 20.0 Side #2 (N,S(E) or W) 6.0 4.6 (existing) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) SETBACKS -Underground Structures (in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal 7.7 6.55 (proposed) Accessory NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three Bedroom + Total NIA GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential NIA Retail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type Restaurant with drive thru ) 301.47 339.80 Institutional Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA 301.4 7 (existing) 339.80 (proposed) • If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) # of units/ha (net) Gross Floor Area Floor Space Ratio (net) N/A AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area N/A Useable Open Space N/A PARKING (number of spa ces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses 20 43 Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive Other Number of spaces for visitors N/A TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES 20 43 Number of total for disabled 1 Number of total (and%) small cars I % 2 Number of total (and%) tandem spaces I % N/A TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) 1 1 BICYCLE PARKING {number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking 3 (existing) Long Term Bicycle Parking 0 OTHER -state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site I No I Tree Survey/Assessment Provided I No Watercourse/Steep Slopes I NO I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements I No I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. Prepared by: Reilen Reyes Print Name .., NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. ~UTI-i Y'IEST VIEH 5C,AL.E ~OT TO sc;ALE ) NORTH EAST VIEH KEY PLAN SGALE ~T TO ¾NE SGALEIIOTTO¾ALE NORTH HEST VIEH 5CAUS NOT TO 5'.Al.E Existing Context Photos @) ~ tJ®V -~ D..:, it0 ~\) 5~ c:::==:::J <I'.\.) -2 a::i ~ ;z: }- ~ <I'. ID 0 <( LL~ iW [s aii'l \!2 - z:~ @ ~- ili ~es ,d >-IL I (DJ ~ tB ""' Ol Ol n .1110 i ~ C,--' -I @ ~~ ~§ ~ I'St ~1~ i;;: ;s ~ CCWiRl..'"IOilSWoLJ.vi;:u:y~O:~CtlSr.i.awnaiD-IAIJ..l(Jlclc S.A!..£0. -=-I 3707 1ST AVENUE BURNABY,BC VSC 3V6 ADM I N@ LOVICKSCOTT ,COM P: 604 298 3700 www.lovickscolt.com MEMBER OF TiiE A!BC, MA, S.V,, MAA & NWTAA ~«A. eG'YRG-l'TI.O'l'Q(!i.:IJTT...or:ECTSLTn.i,IISW,;;;:v,:.C,N(~ Ql:~NO~ATAU.TJe.H:D:l.LOVE~O:LDV0< ~ITAlD!~iJ'l) ~;n:::fl~RELE~!!.~\\TT',GJTl,E ~COG.tiTA.'IJWillEOfl.DiDiSC:OTT~Llll~TtlH SI-CIIINISRJR!n0HnEl£;CMicl!PAlETCH.'r. McDonald's -Dewdney & 203rd 203'10 OeHdney Tronl:: Road, ~lo, Ridge, BG CONTEXT PHOTOS !g c:b /EXISTIN6) ,,.....,=7 .. -=--------=....,._=e-=._,_=--1 ll\-056 ASO .0 o6 ---,---------..,,,.._--, ...... --ii;" "~"'",_r,..,o'---'sc,=ALE=---~:""~ ... =---¥ "l:!12:@:ffi""""""'-"'-"20!"""!1'--______ ,3 ) r,..;-oa' -----------------------------, l=~==r=--- 0 I I [fil el ~ t f I I A5ll i ~~ --~ L 00 [!] i u I I I 13 ·~ 1 • I i,... 7 + ADDITION m ZI i i!] I ~ B I~, \,~====d.;=i--i.==-i--, ... ,.;._~ f@ _ ,cP i I j • ··,, ~~::;JI -- I ~ L---··-··-··-~---·-··-··=~--~::--_--:,: ________ _ SITE PLAN SCALE, I' • I0'--0'' Site Plan r 0 "O ro 0 a:: ~ C :::::, s.... I- >-Q) C j Q) 0 PRQ..ECT 5fAflS,llG5 HmccmYAA!ffl5 IP5?r'il'C!li Cll'r'a"tt\R..f:'-1~ ~ lDr~Pb"mQLOfc'Ztl5ROP~ UO,r;N..AlfltPM.:!Ot -CG-ISBMGf~l,tJ.. ~srl;t~~ -lrE:=t;',~saFT.c,ol:.f:1~J R!5TI'""" ~ -· IDr_,, • BJ.l.DM!71>PEA.(EJ ~Dlft:IJIIW TOT,1\ILJJ1t.18Mll!!P.• 5111:' ~ "9UKl SQ.W.:,,IOCB saM. • J6 .J6XIOO ,. l6ti ......,_ -~•ID:'~- 8..B/A..1~ "1lHl) """""" ""' (lb-..,,,_ U)111t,21H'J 2:;IDCJ11'66'-T) --f1G11n(l<t-O"'j ~•!CP-d>.C~ """™~IIEI 6tJm0ct-ll'1 ]4.0(!11("6'<1'J OOIIH~ffi IJDm(IW'1 4-10 m i\5'-5'} ltl GIWl$! --~ • z;~ rr:,o Kl EXt!tll6• 22'~' ~ ~-2N' r~ -~ ,e~n,, ~.a0~l!I PMRn C P:DJIO « JP Utef1iA'1 lfEQ.IIIH!l,lflNU:m59"Jal'BP.:4~~ li056'1.T9f.;c:W %l PJ.mll5 ~,as ~, +wt:)~ • I PAB:II-IS SPJa3 dml.•2P~M'Aa5 m,aJ.l,R.•40P~ff"f.a5 fWCPXit'rslfr.-U. TDTAl.c~r-,A,Rt:Gls!Pka I O!OW:::(tnS'M: f "2 QWR1 _, ~~,I sre m tmrs r'2r t.Mt P&'dti5k [TI~~==~~~~~ .. ~ft.AVM:rte 0D!M'"'"1lAIG!l') lil~ .. 0 D!RfCfli::WIJ. 515N (W m_.,,.,.,.__,., (!JvBIGU.Ntfeeif~TORM,I (!]tt:iPAli:t:Gb!it>J.1,l!J (!JeRI.LORCER.SrAU III""""""""' @JHEW"""'°l'J m--ro @:JY8«Ll!IElOfff"""',..ilJ @-_,.,,.., §3--cfl @=vi>J ~ :r-lllUHl)~~ @]"""'I<'"' ~~ ~--., §~e;,:,'l't:.~ .. llt ~:sr~~~HIEA ~ M!N<lO(l(I $1]:B-,AJJWIS, ~~~~~'==,o,e ~ 15'1t>f9'AIRTD I-W1itiE<lS'T115"'-lll>C.0ST10 ....... 1 NJ.f!lt'l!Tlll9~ 5atWJ:!i ~ TOPfT~. ~15TOMNS~.~Oltl5~ TO~~ JU_ Dllwa5 "1:1 '!ilm'W.«::i 1t:J THI! ~TtoN.a:NDrrt:.fCio. ,. Al.LSl'refeAJIR!SAAE. ro REM'IINlHLESSonai!i!:tt>"fED. ~ Tli:'!l;~t.lSl!i/.R, c.cM'll-l:D m:itl'IM'Ql!t-Y-.Tl::l,1 !:(.ffl.ll!J)B'( lf~Nm ~Bf 511E\'BilJFIED Bf CDfTIUGT~l>JBIDT1H£. 5. ~ SWti V9VF'r" ,l,,L..l. SITE rat171US ~11' ~ 1EtlS~,ff!IClR.1QSTARTlm;~rt,.lHO ~ Nf!Dl!iGRIPAA;E50RV~'R'~ PK &.UNV,Cll'.Jlt~~ HJ.. IJll49806Pnlf:TD ~Na, 1£~ Fat.~ 1. N..L ~ 5W..L c.ocFORH'-,:, 'nE ~ OF .LOGAL Gaa. ll,WffSCICl'Nt-~Sf!M!ilAATi,Pl51Ul!m)~PW1~ q 5G~E31...Et'URAAJ'll~R!:iORRE1.0c.l,TICJN~'l!:D ttlnt~~r,t;oMa.aw.tt:m::. I~ c,·§ ~\) B ~~ <( lj c=::::J ~[l ~ ;z: >- ~ <( [l ~& ~ [s C)ii'l t -~~ "I @ ~es ~~ n i (gJ .I.fl\) I~ D::J -a @ ~[ii ~~ ~ I:'¢ 1,~ ~ I LOVICf< SC OTT ARCHltCTS 3707 1ST AVENUE BURNABY.BC VSC 3V6 AD 11 1 N@LOV I CKSCOTT .COM P: 604 298 3700 www.lovickscotl.com MEIIBER OF IBE AIBC, AM_ SAA, MM & NWTM ~- CCPY'ilDIJIDl'Dtm:JTT~UUtlGIWIK4.1Sltl.NrnlMM' CJF:BMCE#ZJ~ATM.1.llEMlilala{EfR:F&rJ'l~UNCK scarrliDiEJ5UD..~0A15ll!il:l!:FRJlimll~Ttl. \9IT"IE!ICQGBl'T'IIIIIIJIMl&:(l:LDiDl:si:::i:mlfElll'iiC'TSLT1:LNR:AWJDt SKMN.l&RJIIISECll11£[Ball'Dfllllliiitlt'NLY. R McDonald's -Dewdney & 203rd 20~ Dl'H~ Tnd Road, ;,q>I~ ~. BC, ....,.. lg 51TE PLAN ~ ~-=~,,_=-----~_,~.~c~,.....==--1 "" ~_.~.=-------~-=-=,,,.._==--~ ~!:,:::,;~P~'-O:~-----.,,===----"i ~;zott, ~ IIHJ5& ASI.O .. 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CM!U5lftl:l..~fl.ll'p tmlt.aal!'ll!!!!l!TIIID!iJI> -- ..... ---_.....,., ---- TEI' 12' iN!!l'IN.TatCDDel!'l"NIIHII 16'Pll!BIE"IIEJl'IID""2': ~~JI"" ---........... _. ___ ~ dl.l'•~mM._,!YaJIM QJJIIIIIMlrra:t'a -- @ WEST ELEVATION 161.1 ~ 114' = l'-0" ®Ta. •n•rrw-_ ®TD.-Fl/llll\. @ SOUTH aEYATION Jell SG.>,IE,IW •l'<I' """ ,,,....,_,. .,.,..,._, l'IBl.1!11!:snu:.T. ..... ~TIONA-A A5IJ !iC".,fjb l/4' • l'-0' Bt..SE FL-4.TE / POST OETA.IL NfTS ~:::=~aaa~ m.aJNl'tr:041 --..,..,,_ ... •M:IDS.4!9S'D'e ,U~Jll,li:&AMll'N2>1t4 --ltl.S1021C4-MOCII ..... c;.,.-,...,~-..a: S!&l.f'll~'l)Slf'. ---- Garbage Details !i ~ 6§ I [J 123 ~o :::!: "' ::J> c:::::::::::::l I~ (w 1n i, u.l [s Oil!: I! Ul::, ..,m I~ @ iii! 15 ii ~~ @ wW ll!:w ~~ :;i!::::! @ zl;i i! 1~ @ t -- lalT1lllrnJII...U.YEFFl'.IU.....,...lllmE.--.W.lllll"E - I 3707 LOVIC K: SCOTT AR.C ---j ITECTS 1ST AVENUE BURNABY,BC VSC !VI AD YIN8 LOVICKSCOTT.COM P: BU4 291 37D0 www.lovicktcoU.carn MEMBER OF THE AIBC, AAA, SAA, MAA tNWTAA ™ OJ11¥11HU!lallllill'IHMl&ftlm.NI .... M,..._. SCRCi--lfA.a.-'MimmllllD!mYaROIID: CIT,lfltlls::!ILlllllll,alliCZll~·,oll!Sl---ua ~-Ullldllll:dCOIT~~ ----~18!CIIM!____.Rl)l!l.!l',.._Y. McDonald's -Dewdney & 203rd 203'!0~ Tnn< l!aad, l'lcplc!tip,8', -PROPOSB:> 6ARBAGE l:NGLOSIJRE 1:!. =-==.=------=-=,.,,-=--li l&-056 • ---ill' : I 0 ,e, Ii ,._.., 0 0 ) b. rrPIGAL t\ALl LE6END, EXISDN6 FLOOR FUN lEffl=ND r--;i,;J~tUJ.L QQQ[).....,......,, ~ -----d9~,NIJJ't1RK,Et. TOSI:~ a ~ .. 112'1 EIJIWINl:7 .AREA /El ,3245 SGFr (;lQI 47 SGHJ EXl5TIN6 SEA l1N6 , 50 SEA TS Existing & Demo Plan I AU. DIMfN51QN5 ARE IQ BE WNFIRHED ON SITE -7 I I I I I I I I I I _ _J I D(J[JJ Ci :3 B ~"" -.:l ;~ c:::::::J is~ ~ <( [l) ;z:,_ ~ ;'.§ ~ LL &z ii [s ~ii3 !~ @ ~e!. .; ~~ "(S LQJ ~ I!: I)!'. '1)\) § i [)_j @ ~~ ~~ @ I,;- 1~ ii ..... !NO COQL.ll«T~ axt'AAef0AgWJ,'l\:RFY,Ull~CHsr.E.~9Wl.lllTIE .,..... LOV ICI< SCOTT _, ARCHI-ECTS 3707 1ST AVENUE B URNABY ,BC V5C 3V6 ADM I N@LOVICKSCOTT.COM P: 604 298 3700 www.lovickscott.com MEMBER OF IBE AIBC, AAA, SM, UM & NWTM ~"" t:CP!RQ(TJ.O«X$CGIT NDmenlJ1l u11SW.T9W.6Nt NrnlMM" OFB'IGNCl!liMoaGKT.UTIEnii~,i:a:srr,/CFUWICI( scmr~LTU1liREOOtTtlN0AFEusa.l.PfDG'TmllmO.ll'Tdi: Wlll'mlCOM!DrNCJJIIMl.(FUh'D!:C:ITTNIOGIG:JSL111.NtAM.TCH ~1.RlAUS£CllnEPii:5QWmPr:ma:TCH.T. DAlr.'ANQY ,'WAlVBJ McDonald's -Dewdney & 203rd 20:l'!O Dt>1idre9 Tninl:. Rood, t-lc,,le Rld,Jt>, Be; ... = ... ~--------:g C) EXISTIN6 l co ~--DEMO __ F_LOOR __ PLAN ___ 'E J;ci.cc:MMO; ~.IUliliiili ~ 111-<J56 AI.O "" = 1/4' = l'-0' "'" »2@jBER 2Qll> i it> ) TYPICAL HALL LEGEND: "'11:, L I\U.. ~Tl"P~ WID, rroJe. HMt~ctt ~~~f'!JR.~~l"l!ll~A1b --jE)EICTl:Rlalt$,l. ~ 1.:-.:-.:-.:-_J ::;:m•.,,,zrnn.r:ro ~ IV f!ftA tWI c::==:::::::J lll..ll!!ll1ll1 I ALL DIMBISION5 ARE TO BE ~ONFIRHED ON SITE PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN I...E6£ID ~ """" ...... ~ tlOOR~Rffl:R.TI:>POOR5CHfPII.E -----leHl'll.1.Si~'fTG.TOBf~ -t------------------------------------------------""11!+<--------------------1------------------------t '""'""1 ....... ----------------------------------------.... -------------""'-""RE ---------=-~t:rrGtrK __...--------DD_ ----0 0 -------------------- _,.. _ ... ~ r----~ 7 ,-:---t----7 ~ ... r ::\ ______ I - ' I b. 2"">H .. ...... Jr--61(71 Proposed Plan -------I _________ _ - z @PROPOSED FLOOR A..AN 1,1.1 = V4' • r-<r llUILDlllS AREA IE), :u45 ~.Fl'. 00 '17 SG,HJ aJILPINS Af/1:1\ (NJ , :11,51.52 55l.FT. ( 3"'1.!IO SG.MJ ADDITION , DININ6 t l.OOOY-412.52 SGl.f( l;l1132 SQ.HJ SEA11N5 {l-0 , !IO SEATS .... ... N~ H ~ " i~ l!i I (JfJD -:3 tJ C, '° B ~I.) 5~ c=J e's lj ~ <( I[] Z)-- ~ ;§ ~ IL fi1 I (s ~ iB !~ @ ~~ >-'u ,: ~~ "rs @ p: ,11\,.) Ii ~~ @ 8cn "~ ~ I'<!" 11 i. .....,.... COCt.l.'i'.IICI'~ alfTWDDASWU.l'oRA'Al..l.D.IEt&:f4[N!ilfa.llR,WG:SW,U.KJtS.: = 3707 LOVICI< SCOTT ARCHr ECTS 1ST AVENUE BURNABY,BC VSC 3V6 ADUIN@ L OVIC K SCOTT.COM P: 604 298 3700 www.lovickscott.com MEMBER OF THE AIBC, AM, SAA, MM & NWTM """"'"""""- CWlilGfTUNIXJZ:OTT~LJl>.lM&M\raf.111.!iNtNml.llEu a;ml','ICENtJIEMN/loTAl..l.llG.MDrll0¥EF1U"iRTY(S;UMIKX samND11B:1Sun.~~15us;;:i::~'lllfldJrnt. \R'TliXCCtGOO"Nlll'IM.CflDICISICOTI~LlD~ SKMMll!:RlAU5EOlt.l.l'.nQWEl)PfOliiCT(HT. tiMUlr ~ McDonald's -Dewdney & 203rd 20~0 De><dr.,,y Trunl:: Road, M~leR~.BG """""~ ... ~----------:g c:, PROPOSED R..OOR PLAN ~ ~ IIH)56 Al.I ... -=--------...,,-------i ;'c:=-•-=~l~'-0'~----===---~ .,,ll2'fEljilffl..,_._,...."'-":W""I&""--------'~ 0 ) _) lftlHW-f.tW..1.CJJi lffl- ~~~ TO!al~~i:,r,~ Building Sections e, ~ t'\..OOlt ~ tetRN£1-Wl.c,+t .... ,_,,._ 0 1--------A'.M?i'OC'927ffl: [Qft!!lflO.TP I 1--------'"""'5Pl'.lil!1'-m ll'ffl:12t1'2 I ~ILDING SECTION B ALI ~ V4' 2 l'-01 @, ~§JD n:3 i~ I!:'"' -1.:l ~~ i::==:J is~ ~ <( [Il :Z:)--<( [Il ~ I.)< LL fil ~ (s ~ii:l f--~~ iii @ ~~ f-' I.L .. ~ ~& ii ILQJ '1)1.) I~ n-' ~~ I @ ~~ @ I'<t" lh ,ii """'-'""""'- alffll,l,rTCRSIWJ.VERFYMl.tlllilUaDCotSli'.E.DP.VlrG:Sl·WUOTiE ...... I 3707 LOVICI< SCOTT ,A.RCHI-ECTS 1ST AVENUE BURNABY.BC V5C 3V6 ADM I N@LOV I CKS COTT .COM P: 604 298 3700 www.lovickscotLcom MEMBER OF THE AIBC, MA, SAA. MAA & NWTAA "'°"""""' .... ~t.CWaSCCITT ~lJD. 'M'Mffiolfl.11:M rc:rAAElt a=avu:~QQCATAU.~TMie.imv'.i,R::fSUYa'LO'(O( :c0'1'TMDITri'CBLlll.~0RRELGi~PFOGr.BIWITICIJl'Tlr.: llll'n.il'c:a£liN'l'NIJNAIECSI.Dtl'.XSCCITT~LTD.'NRHM.TCN J:l.mtrll&RlRUSli:ClllMii:IE.aooB!FlllETCJl.f. McDonald's -Dewdney & 203rd 203'10 De~dr.oy Trunlc Road, H<f>IB Rldg", BC, BUILDIN6 SECTIONS :g ~ --e =......,=,:e:,.....=c------;;-=;;-;,._,..;.--~ c<I =-:,:,,--------;;:...,=-=.a--=.-i,;- !/:1/4~'....:=:...11.:'-(/"-' -----===:-----i L~B!!!!!)RY~,__,,7,011111q ________ ~ A3.0 ) SOUTH WEST V!EN SCA. fo 1--0T TO SC.A.'...E ) .- NORTH EAST ViEW "'"-"·'-E, i-or ro %:kf ) NORTH HEST YIEH ¾\:.Ed-Or ro S!:.A"1: Existing Proposed ~I ;§ ~ ii u; ~ " 0 -" ~ r l' ~ i ~ " ~ El !,::! :,;1m11:,1:H~ I "hll-~J.: I 1n••·L~r.:;_"i:1\~ • ltl~\ll\:l~S-,1,1 Miil ~- 3"::.',.f(, I 3707 LOVICI/ SCOTT AJCHTEOS 1ST AVENUE 8URNAeY ,3C vsc avs AJ'.11-~@LDVICKSCOTT.COM P: 6D4 298 3700 vrw~ lo~·icksco:1.::on J.IEMBE~ OF THE Alec, ,IM. SM. HM & Nl\'T A,\ ,.1::i~t~'C. C)"fel3-T -on,,-r(•,1j'41'"~;1;_1r 1-IJ"t-1~!-tlllJ: ~,ifHT Cf :i:~•,.:;c,..,c.111::1'-t.!i•T f,U. TrJ~ • 1e:r,..J;.-.';ffi>"':tl:-)"u,l.'t-: ~-..-.,.1-:::H"I'> ~t:1"'.hll.r·.~~ "f'-~ l:> "'(11,.l'tl;: 0:-,TIQ,f IH" :o.a"m!o:nwr>JZ:\."fJ&Crt.=',CJ;SC:r.T.4.CIITS.:.B.n tr.iU',\o-.l', m~lri ~•::-1 ~•:.i ,.._u-••ui)l-i•►~:1u1 ,. McDonald's -Dewdney & 203rd 20~~ J""dne~ :ri,11< i<oad, Kxle "'<lge. f-l -.. --~,-.,------------1l5 CO'l,c:XT F'HOTOS i~XISTl1':G) ,~,,~ ""'·:iol\lJw~ 1::,-ai,;o A:.:o.o 0 <O ~ ol1 :c..,_.e::,--------:: ..... =,.:-c,,.,.=..,=-~ ~1 10 :X,"'-f ·-c: , .. :<;,"-'"'-'=""-----,,,,.,.,,.,,,.,,..----1 lm::"H31:F ?Q !} D l ../ (J;:fiROPOSED SOUTH R EV ATION A2.~ ¼'U:,llfS @R~~ED HEST ELEVATION (4feROPOSED EAST ELEVATION Kl.~ !iGM..I:, lff5 Colour Elevations i~ -~ D '° ~0 B §~ c=::::J ~~ ~ Z).- ~ ;'.§~ LL 5z ~~ oii:l ~-~~ iii @ ~~ !, ~ ln ;L ~ i i@ ~~ ,r,0 j ~ ~g -m @ ~§ ~~ I'<:t II ~ COfm,\CRJR!iW,ll~NJ.D~OfS'EIIWOGSS1-WL.:J'JII. """' I 3707 LOVICI< SCOTT ,A.RCHI-ECTS 1ST AVENUE BURNABY,BC VSC 3V6 ADMIN@LOVICKSCOTT.COM P: 604 298 3700 www.lovicksc.otl.com MEMBER OF lHE AIBC, AAA, SAA, MM & NWTAA "'°"""""'"" taFJRDfflJMJ(!ZOTT~UUTIISIWBIAl.!iNtNml.lEu a:!:Slto'ICEOO~ATM.I.Tv-'nG~PRRIITTC$1JMOt scmTIJDtlTEC'1ilTILl&RDltl'Ol0Rlli-lG:GPAGGIIBIMnDA'"M ,Kl'Ti>ICOH5BfTNGJUJ,l;Cf:~saJTT~lD.NalMTm :;J.DflNGf0AIJ!:ECIIN.~ll~aa.T. McDonald's -Dewdney & 203rd 20:l'lO D"ttdnoy Tnmlc Rood, Mcf>le Rldg<,, BG """""===---------m C) CO...OURED B.£V ATIONS a, -~----===----~ Pllllii:TNJIEI MOiNGrU&H ~ IIH156 A2.4 "" sa.:.s;: ~MIJDULN"..lla i igr ro $'\1£ :, "i ,..Jffl½RX==--20.,,A-'--__ ._.FEB/....,..ooJ""'q'----~ Examples of completed projects McDonald1s -Grandview Hwy. 2909 Grandview Hwy, Vancouver, B.C. I .~---- South West view West View ) fter McDonald1s -Grandview Hwy. 2909 Grandview Hwy, Vancouver, B.C. View of dining area North West view .,, North view McDonald1s -Fleetwood 15574 Fraser Hwy, Surrey, B.C. @drive-thru lane McDonald's -Fleetwood 15574 Fraser Hwy, Surrey, B.C. View of dining area ) South East view McDonald's -Pitt Meadows 12549 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, B.C. -· / -. .. -f,j -;; @drive-thru lane North East view DELICIOUS iijiGEI ~ - McDonald1s -Pitt Meadows 12549 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, B.C. View of dining area Scale: 1 :1,500 22780 Lougheed Hwy PLANNING DEPARTMENT ,~ .. FILE: 2019-011 DATE: Jan 9, 2019 mapleridge.ca BY: MC LOVICK SCOTT ARCHITECTS SRITISH COLUMBIA, ALBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN, MANITOB,A D A ) Design Rationale McD's Maple Ridge 22780 Lougheed Hwy, Maple Ridge, BC This project is a renovation of an existing building located at 22780 Lougheed Hwy in a Service Commercial (CS-1). The building has entrance doors from both sides of the parking areas and has easy access to Lougheed Hwy. The existing structure is a one storey building combined with stucco & a sloped roof along with a double lane drive thru. The proposed renovation will create an improved, modem fac;:ade treatment with the use of metal alpolic panels combined with metal siding, continuous canopies and a building addition to accommodate new equipment that will make the drive thru service more efficient & reduce wait times. The existing sloped roof parapets will be rebuilt and increased in height to provide an improved street presence, better visibility and increased screening for roof top mechanical units. LOVICK SCOTT ARCHITECTS LTD 3707 FIRST AVE, BURNABY BC, VSC 3V6 604 298 3700 WWW.LOVICKSCOTT.COM LOVICK SCOTT ARCHITECTS BRITISH €OLUMBIA, ALBER:fA, SASKATCHEWAN, MANITOB'A The proposed location of bold architectural details, such as the red and white metal cladded vertical elements that extend above the roof parapet, serve to highlight the main entry, and drive thru windows. The colour and material palette reflect the high-quality materials and detailing that have been used in other site improvements. The use of metal panel accents combined with neutral coloured horizontal metal siding creates a common theme that compliments the overall development and provides an attractive pedestrian friendly street presence. The existing surface parking immediately to the NE of drive thru exit has been re-organized along with the proposed removal of portion of the patio, which enables the existing lane to create better circulation for vehicle exiting the drive thru lane and provide better pedestrian access while maintaining most of the existing parking spaces. Exterior lighting on the building is provided through soffit and wall mounted lighting to maximize building visibility. Signage is designed to complement the scale and detail of the building to the tenant's requirements while the existing pylon sign will remain. All signs are to meet the City of Maple Ridge by-law and the size and design parameters as outlined on the drawings. The landscaping will remain as it was recently improved when the drive thru lane was upgraded from single to double lane previously. In addition, the existing garbage enclosure will be removed and rebuilt with durable material which will screen garbage equipment's. 2 parking stalls will be gained with this proposal to the garbage enclosure In terms of sustainability to exterior materials, portions of the existing stucco cladding will be retained, repaired as needed, and repainted, which reduces waste and consumption of new materials. The proposed horizontal metal and hardie plank siding are designed for at least 40 years of durability, and the metal panels are made from high-quality materials while manufactured stone are maintenance-free building materials. In general, we see the project being consistent with the guidelines for commercial developments and is a low impact re-use and sustainable redevelopment of an existing structure. LOVICK SCOTT ARCHITECTS LTD 3707 FIRST AVE, BURNABY BC, VSC 3V6 604 298 3700 WWW.LOVICKSCOTT.COM ) [~ MAPLE RIDGE ------- 8r111sh Co umbl.s mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: Name of Applicant Reilen Reyes 2019-011-DP 22780 Lougheed Hwy File number Address of site Current Zone _C_S_-_1 ___ Proposed Zone _C_S_-_1 ___ _ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date September 18, 2019 Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by : Architect Andrea Scott ------------------ Landscape Architect Other Professional (State Name & Role) Reilen Reyes -project architect Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -all schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 ) J CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL 2019 APPLICANT SCHEDULE Meeting Date Applicant Deadline January 16, 2019 December 17, 2018 February 20, 2019 January 28, 2019 March 20, 2019 February 25, 2019 April 17, 2019 March 25, 2019 May 15, 2019 April 18, 2019 June 19, 2019 May 27, 2019 July 17, 2019 June 24, 2019 NO AUGUST MEETING September 18, 2019 August 26, 2019 October 16, 2019 September 23, 2019 November 20, 2019 October 28, 2019 NO DECEMBER MEETING I~ Iii ADP Submission Checklist mapleridge.ca Application No. ______________ File Manager ____________ _ This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel (ADP). Please refer to the ADP Submission Form and the ADP Requirements Brochure for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP. Project Landscape Architect's Certification: August 15, 2019 -------~r-#'---..,,-- Signature D ate Signature Print name Print name Andrea Scott Submission Materials A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) B. Covering Letter including explanations about: 1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) 2. Architectural and Le,u~seof'i~g Design rationale (Detailed information Required) 3. Statement in brief about the following: a. DP Key Concepts Compliance b. DP Guideline Compliance C. Stormwater management strategy with emphasis on Tier A requirements integrated into landscaping plans d. Public Art/ Amenities, etc. e. Sustainability practices f. Other C. Site and Neighbourhood Context 1. Context Review-Context Plan with existing/proposed buildings and trees, vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed grading, and other major features within the site, on the abutting properties, the public realm and along the road allowances/ lanes. 2. Photographs of site and surrounding sites. D. DeveloQment Permit Area Checklist (Note: The Architect is responsible to describe how the project complies with each guidelines, or if not applicable, a description of why not applicable. Please use fillable forms on line.) Date Required {File Manager to Provided indicate if required) □ [!I □ III □ [I □ [I □ IE) □ □ □ □ □ [I □ □ □ III □ [!I □ (8) City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist (Page 2) E. Architectural Plans {Site and Building{s)): 1. Site Plan and layout □ IE] 2. Site sections □ □ 3. Streetscape elevation □ IE] 4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees superimposed □ [I 5. Shadow analysis □ □ 6. Lighting analysis (on building and on site) □ □ 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and roof tops □ [I 8. Waste collection /recycling (inside of buildings) □ □ 9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside) □ □ 10. Building elevation (all sides) □ [I 11. Signage (attached to building and free standing) □ IE] 12. Colours and materials □ IE] 13. Material board □ [I 14. Building sections □ [!) 15. 30 renderings of site, building(s) and associated landscaping □ [I ) F. Landsca~ing Plans: 1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting □ □ details 2. Storm water management works focused on Tier A requirements integrated into landscaping plan with details □ □ 3. Landscaping details, including public art, signage, lighting, play and other amenity areas, fences, retaining walls, □ □ 4. Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures) □ □ 5. Details for pedestrian amenity and furniture features provided □ □ 6. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns □ □ 7. Tree retention and management plan □ □ 8. Site sections for lot grading, drainage, landscaping, retaining □ □ walls and relationship to adjacent grades/ City roads/ lanes 9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnections □ □ G. Green BuildingfSustainabilit~ initiatives □ □ H. Engineering-related Information: 1. Site grading plans □ □ I. Other □ □ _) □ □ □ □ Rev. March 2018 Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Downtown East Precinct Pursuant with Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, development in the Town Centre will be assessed against the following form and character and green building design guidelines. The guidelines apply to Ground- Oriented Multi Family; Low-Rise Apartment; Medium & High-Rise Apartment; Flexible Mixed-Use; Town Centre Commercial; Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial & Waterfront; and Port Haney Heritage Adaptive Use. See the guidelines in Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan for a detailed list and descriptions of development permit area guidelines. These guidelines are intended to aid in the review of development permits in the Town Centre and are to be completed by the architect of record for the project. The project will be reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Department and the Advisory Design Panel. In the checklist, you are only required to address the guidelines with the icon that relates to your project: TCC = Town Centre Commercial (commercial developments only) MU = Mixed-Use (ground-oriented developments, with commercial on the ground level and either offices or residential above) MFR = Multi-Family Residential (ground-oriented developments and low-rise, medium-rise, and high-rise apartments) Precinct Key Guidelines and Green Building Design Guidelines must also be completed for projects within the Town Centre. Development and Design Objectives The following summarizes the development and design objectives for each section on the following checklist. A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height • To promote a cohesive building style and strong pedestrian oriented urban realm in Maple Ridge Town Centre by ensuring new buildings, renovations and/or additions have consistent architectural and urban design setbacks, form, mass, and height. • To help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces. B. Building Fa~ades, Materials and Colour • To ensure additions, renovations and/or new infill projects in the Town Centre have a coherent architectural design concept where windows, doors, siding material and other fagade elements create a pleasing composition compatible with surrounding buildings, commercial and neighbourhood character. • To enhance the architectural and massing concepts of a building as well as the quality, character and vibrancy of the urban environment of the Town Centre through the use of harmonious, quality materials and colours. • To screen rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment and trash storage from public view and thereby ensure commercial and mixed-used buildings maintain an attractive appearance to the street. C. Building Site Considerations • To ensure public outdoor spaces are designed so that they improve use and activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, increase safety and provide more attractive, functional outdoor spaces in the Town Centre. • To provide street trees and landscape elements that reinforce the 'urban' character and vibrancy of the Town Centre, enrich the pedestrian friendly character of streets in the district, and integrate this important commercial and higher density residential area with the character and quality of the surrounding residential neighbourhood. • To ensure parking lots are designed to be accessible, but do not intrude upon the surrounding residential area, nor the urban, pedestrian-oriented quality of the Town Centre. • To facilitate off-street parking and car storage at the rear of commercial and mixed-use buildings to maintain street inter-connectivity, traditional use of the lane as a service street, and to provide a secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway in the Town Centre. • To ensure service loading and mechanical equipment is designed to protect the surrounding businesses and residential areas from unsightly, noisy and noxious environments. Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines 1 ~ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Meet Guidelines: Yes , __ !\.~~ Lffi1i'I", ~ ,~,-~~ --,ii\_·' _,-J, ~ ~ t. ' ( I~ fl.! t§.:~llfli'I r-·11 •~1--! -•· • I fl,l,rtlr~ all .. _. . I,• A.1 Build.in!?' Mass and Form Al.I Maintain the mass and scale of buildings TCC MU MFR !Kl Al.2 Enhance the block with corner commercial buildings TCC MU □ Al.3 Accent comer buildings TCC MU MFR □ Al.4 Use pedestrian-scale desiim elements TCC MU ~ Al.5 Feature pedestrian amenities TCC MU MFR □ Al.6 Design lare:e buildings into smaller modules TCC MU MFR □ Al.7 Accommodate street-fronting units TCC MU MFR □ Al.9 Ensure annropriate roof pitch TCC MU MFR □ Al.IO Use design elements to reduce roof mass and scale TCC MU MFR □ A.2 Buildin!! Hei!!hts A2.l V arv building heights TCC MU MFR □ A2.2 Maintain aliITT1ment of architectural features TCC MU MFR l"-1 A2.3 Integrate taller buildings TCC MU MFR I I A2.4 Step back taller buildings TCC MU MFR □ A2.5 Match building heights at the end of blocks TCC MU MFR □ A2.6 Manage phased development TCC MU MFR □ A2.7 Protect views TCC MU MFR □ A.3 Building Setbacks A3.l Place buildings to reinforce sidewalk activity TCC MU MFR □ A3.2 Situate building entrances for visibility TCC MU MFR I!! A3.3 Provide adequate throughwavs and lighting TCC MU MFR 1.11.1 A3.4 Provide clear sight lines from building foyers and lobbies to allow ~ visual surveillance TCC MU MFR A3 .5 Separate residential entrances from commercial entrances MU □ A3 .6 Respect existing buildings TCC MU MFR □ A3.7 Distinguish entrances with arrival areas and courtyards TCC MU MFR □ A3 .8 Locate ramps and entrances in areas that are highly visible TCC MU MFR ~ No Not Applicable -. □ I I □ 0 □ I!! □ □ □ !Kl □ !Kl □ ~ □ I!! r I IB] □ IB] □ □ □ ~ □ ~ □ ~ !Kl I l □ lKl I I 1x1 I I □ □ □ □ □ □ ~ □ ~ □ IXl □ □ Explain how the objectives for Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Maple Ridge Town Centre 2 Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist _) Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Meet Guidelines: Yes ~·I~ ._:•i1 :1·1;-1un,r: ·1111(\M c ,:..:.~.1l,~1,~rn-!'fi:.,u,.irT1·1 r1ir11 run~ :,--~ -;:~_:.,_, ~.. ~ ~ .i-, ---·-... ·- B.1 Buildin2 Facade Bl.I Address both sides of the block with comer commercial buildings TCC MU □ Bl.2 Orient main entrances to face the sidewalk TCCMU MFR I I Bl.3 Locate windows doors, and entry features at the street level TCC MU MFR lII Bl.4 Use a mix of common facade patterns and elements TCC MU MFR 1.x.1 Bl.5 Reflect original facades and building scale TCC MU MFR □ Bl.6 Respect original architectural elements TCC MU MFR ~ Bl.7 Respect old and new design TCC MU MFR ~ Bl.8 Maintain the horizontal rhvthm of the street wall TCC MU MFR □ Bl.9 Provide a visual division between the street level and uoper floors TCC MU MFR □ Bl.IO Include continuous canopies , awnings or overhangs TCC MU □ Bl.11 Ensure annropriate placement and materials for awnings or canopies TCC MU !Kl Bl.13 Use windows to provide 'eyes on the street' TCC MU MFR ~ Bl.14 Enhance the public realm TCC MU MFR ~ Bl.15 Ensure signage reflects building scale, character, and materials TCC MU ~ B.3 Buildine Materials B3.l Enhance the public realm with high quality materials and detailing TCC MU MFR !Kl B3.2 Use materials consistently TCC MU MFR ~ B3.3 A void the use of inappropriate materials TCC MU MFR IXI B3.6 Use a mix of quality materials TCC MU MFR 18] B.4 Buildine Colours B4.l Select aooropriate colours TCC MU MFR !Kl B4.2 Hi!!'.hlight architectural details, awnings, and entrances TCC MU MFR lg] B4.3 Ensure a cohesive, consistent colour palette TCC MU MFR !Kl B.5 Screenine and Storaee B5.l Locate and enclose trash, composting, and recycling to keep 18] out of site of general public TCC MU MFR B5.2 Screen mechanical eauioment TCC MU MFR !Kl B5.3 Avoid conflict with neighbouring properties TCC MU MFR 18] B5.4 Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise and exhaust TCC MU MFR ~ No Not Aoolicable -·-- ' □ Kl □ ~ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ IXI □ 18] □ ~ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ I I □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Explain how the objectives for Building Fa9ades, Materials and Colour are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Maple Ridge Town Centre 3 Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Meet Guidelines: Yes --- ,~ '.I"",, -, ;;" ~~•;._ -. .. ,· [G;!, :IIHTil'i I " 1~1 .... ,.,;:..~-I IL't , ... - C.1 Public Outdoor Space and Hardscapes Cl.I Provide public outdoor space TCC MU MFR !Kl Cl.2 Ensure public outdoor space is highly visible TCC MU MFR 0 Cl.3 Provide connections between buildings, sidewalks, and outdoor □ open spaces TCC MU MFR Cl.4 Ensure universal access for all public spaces TCC MU MFR IX Cl.6 Provide hardscaoe elements to enhance the street environment TCC MU MFR □ Cl.7 Design hardscape elements as part of the building TCC MU MFR IRl Cl.8 Integrate pedestrian amenities with walls and/or landscaped areas TCC MU MFR □ Cl.9 Provide public art TCC MU MFR □ Cl.IO Ensure new elements complement existing TCC MU MFR ~ Cl.12 Provide smooth routes TCC MU MFR Kl Cl.13 Ensure barrier-free access TCC MU MFR ~ C.2 Parkin2 and Parkin2: Lots C2.l Provide required parking underground, where feasible TCC MU MFR □ C2.2 Screen large surface parking lots while maintaining surveillance TCC MU MFR □ C2.3 Maximize pedestrian safety within parking lots TCC MU MFR IX C2.4 Provide visible signage TCC MU MFR X C2.5 Consider developing underground parking garages TCC MU MFR C2.7 Locate parking lot equipment away from the public street TCC MU MFR □ C.3 Lanes, Service and Loadin2 Areas C3.l Use lanes for service, parking access and loadin_g TCC MU MFR !Kl C3.2 Utilize lanes as secondarv vehicular and pedestrian throughwavs TCC MU MFR Kl C3.3 Strengthen visual access of the lane TCC MU MFR IRl C3.5 Consider lanes as a community amenity TCC MU MFR Kl C3.7 Locate loading and service areas away from the street front TCC MU MFR X C3.8 Separate loading from parking and pedestrian paths TCC MU MFR □ C3.9 Screen loading areas TCC MU □ C.4 Street Trees and Landscape C4.2 Use the right species TCC MU MFR □ C4.8 Maintain sight lines TCC MU MFR □ No Not Aoolicable ~ l J<. ·-· ''" ·~ □ □ □ □ □ fK] □ I I □ Kl □ I I □ ~ □ Kl □ ~ □ IKl □ □ □ ~ □ IKl □ □ □ □ □ IX I □ ~ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ ~ □ □ ~ □ [x] □ 00 Explain how the objectives for Building Site Considerations are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Maple Ridge Town Centre 4 Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist ) Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Downtown East Precinct Key Guidelines KEY GUIDELINE CONCEPTS 1. Provide a gateway to the Town Centre a. Does proposed development maintain architectural quality and character of associated new development? • Consistent: Yes~ No D N/A 0 Explain: The proposed renovation will create an improved, modern facade treatment with the use of alpolic panels combined with metal sidings. Existing sloped roof parapets will be rebuilt and increased in height to provide an improved street presence and better visibility. 2. Create a pedestrian-oriented, boutique-style shopping district b. Does the building's form and mass support a strong pedestrian-oriented urban realm and help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces? Taller buildings should be stepped back podium style. • Consistent: Yes ~ No 0 Explain: With canopies along entrance, generous sidewalks and ample glazing 3. Enhance the quality, character and vibrancy of the Town Centre c. Does proposed development promote the quality, character, and vibrancy of the urban environment? • Consistent: Yes [x] No 0 Explain: Vibrant new materials brings life to the built environment d. Are colours consistent and materials of sustainable quality? • Consistent: Yes [xl No D Explain: hardie panel with a 80-year lifespan e. Does the proposed building (or buildings) present an attractive appearance to the street and maintain a cohesive building style? • Consistent: Yes Ix] No D Explain: The building has a base charcoal with white accents and pops of red to add character 4. Capitalize on important views f. Does proposed new development capitalize on mountain and/or river views? • Consistent: Yes O No D Not Applicable ~ Explain: g. Have the important views of existing buildings been considered in relation to the proposed development? • Consistent: Yes O No D Not Applicable [xl Explain: Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the Downtown East Precinct 5 Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Downtown East Precinct Key Guidelines 5. Provide public outdoor space h. Are public spaces designed to accommodate a range of activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, and increase safety? • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: Open spaces with view angles from the front counter have been provided. 6. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features 1. Are landscape elements designed to enrich the pedestrian environment, moderate the internal building climate, manage stormwater on site, and reference the architectural quality of the building(s)? • Consistent: Yes D No Ix] Explain: Landscape elements are existing 7. Maintain street interconnectivity j. Does proposed development maintain street interconnectivity and the use of the lane as a service street and secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway? • Consistent: Yes D No D Not Applicable jg] Explain: k. Is required parking provided underground? • Consistent: Yes D No Ix] Explain: Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the Downtown East Precinct 6 Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height Al .8 Design flexible ground-floor unit spaces in commercial and mixed-use buildings. • Consistent: Yes D No IB] Explain: Restaurant only A 1.11 Accommodate roof gardens, trellises, and green features. • Consistent: Yes D No~ Explain: N/a A2.8 Site buildings to capitalize on daylight and solar opportunities. • Consistent: Yes D No [RI Explain: Nia A2.9 Protect solar access to surrounding buildings and minimize wind tunnel effects. • Consistent: Yes D No IB] Explain: N/a ) B. Building Fa,;ades, Materials, and Colour Bl.12 Use exterior shading devices to block summer sun. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: Canopies B2.l Design outdoor lighting to minimize light pollution. • Consistent: Yes 129 No D Explain: Downlights only B2.2 Encourage energy efficient lighting. • Consistent: Yes 129 No D Explain: Led lightings B3.4 Select environmentally responsible building materials. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: Natural concrete and hardie panels B3.5 Minimize the use of unsustainable building materials. • Consistent: Yes IB] No D Explain: Wood frame construction Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 7 Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques B3.7 Consider life-cycle cost. • Consistent: Yes D No D Explain: C. Building Site Considerations Cl.5 Locate outdoor plazas to capture the sun. • Consistent: Yes D No~ Explain: Nia Cl.11 Use materials that are functional, durable and include recycled or salvaged content. • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: Interior materials are recycled C 1.14 Encourage use of infiltration techniques. • Consistent: Yes D No [Z] Explain: N/a C2.6 Locate adequate priority parking in visible areas convenient to entrances. • Consistent: Yes D No Ix) Explain: Most parking sre existing C2.8 Use permeable pavement and infiltration devices on appropriate sites. • Consistent: Yes D No [XI Explain: Pavements are existing C2.9 Provide shade trees and landscaping. • Consistent: Yes D No~ Explain: Existing C2. 10 Provide secure and sheltered bicycle storage facilities for short-term uses. • Consistent: Yes [XI No D Explain: Bicycle racks is existing but no sheltered storage C2. l 1 Provide long-term bicycle parking. • Consistent: Yes D No D Explain: See C2.10 Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 8 Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques C2.12 Provide end-of-trip facilities. • Consistent: Yes D No IB] Explain: N/a C3 .4 Minimize impervious paving of the lane. • Consistent: Yes Ix] No D Explain: Pavements are existing C3.6 Respect existing grades. • Consistent: Yes IZ] No D Explain: Existing C4.1 Plant street trees. • Consistent: Yes D No 1K] Explain: N/a C4.3 Minimize use of high maintenance plants. • Consistent: Yes O No 1K] J Explain: N/a C4.4 Maximize the use of native and climate appropriate species. • Consistent: Yes O No Ix] Explain: N/a C4.5 Consider the inclusion of community gardens. • Consistent: Yes D No~ Explain: N/a C4.6 Design and place landscape to facilitate year round moderation of the internal building climate. • Consistent: Yes D No 1K] Explain: N/a C4.7 Minimize erosion potential. • Consistent: Yes D No 18] Explain: N/a Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 9 J Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques C4.9 Provide adequate landscape maintenance. • Consistent: Yes D No [R] Explain: N/a C4.l O Consider incorporating landscape plantings for green features . • Consistent: Yes D No IX] Explain: N/a C4.l l Incorporate low impact stormwater features. • Consistent: Yes O No Ix] Explain: N/a C4.12 Consider rainwater collection for re-use. • Consistent: Yes D No~ C4.13 C4.14 Explain: N/A Use natural plantings and green space to support habitat. • Consistent: Yes O No ~ Explain: N/a Retain existing mature trees. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: As is Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines Jcl.:-DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET mapleridge.ca Existing /Proposed Zone cs-1 Date Prepared August 1s, 2019 Required Development Data Minimum Required or I Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total 4,708 4,708 Less Road Widening/ Truncations Less Park Net Total 4,708 4,708 (existing) LOT COVERAGE (in % of net lot area) Total Site Coverage 40 10.5 SETBACKS (in metres) Front 9,0 36.13 (existing) Rear 6,0 20.95 (existing) Side #1 (N)S,E, or W) 7.5 14.94 (existing) Side #2 (N(S)E, or W) 7.5 7.85 (existing) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) SETBACKS -Underground Structures (in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal 7.7 6.9 (proposed) Accessory NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three Bedroom+ Total N/A GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential N/A Retail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type Restaurant with drive thru ) 485,33 493.20 Institutional Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA 485.33 (existing) 493.20 (proposed) * If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) # of units/ha (net) Gross Floor Area Floor Space Ratio (net) N/A AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area N/A Useable Open Space N/A PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses 35 53 Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive Other Number of spaces for visitors N/A TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES 35 53 Number of total for disabled 1 Number of total (and%) small cars I % N/A Number of total (and%) tandem spaces I % N/A TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) 1 1 BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking 5 (existing) Long Term Bicycle Parking 0 OTHER -state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site jNO I Tree Survey/Assessment Provided !No Watercourse/Steep Slopes I NO I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements !NO I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. Prepared by: Reilen Reyes Print Name NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. ' ) .:.-:- , ,. -:,r .. r. \. ~1- ' • r. i • ' I_. ·i' .'$( '· ·, '' ('Sc -·-4 --~ ' ' ,, ,.• '/ ·• ·,-,, .. '· -,_,, ' ·•--· " " ~ ' . , . # l, ,. ' , , ' . "' ' ' ' ' ' " " • Fa'>2,!1 ) ~PJIF1~$t' 159.E'f'OR.CP McDOWALD'S RESTAURANTS OF GAN.ADA LIMITED, 4400 STILL CREB( DRIVE, BJRNABY B.C. V5G 6Ch co,a;i.Tlill'1'~"--= .....,,.,,...,.,.._ I L.-1Vl,,..V c:t-/-) -rr _;\,_,,_,, l 1RC7 ·1c 1s 3707 1ST AVENUE BURNABY .BC VSC 3V6 ------------ A D M I N@ LO V I C K SC OTT . COM =~~=~~~= =-==-=_,= .... cc...,._=cccc,.cc=c:,.,,.....,,=-,_,-.-.,,-11: 604 298 3700 WWW .LOVICKSCOTT .COM ~M0•rEc,nm.A.AIXlC1"DICJ1RE-USisAIG&iiDY1mor.T.ti: ~ MEMBER OF rne Al.BC. AM. SM."""'' NWTM =:~=~~~~LTll.llRRMTD'C Existing Context Photos N ffiKEY PLAN w · 5CALf, Nor TO= RMP- McDonald's -Maple Ridge 227il0 Lougheed~ 1-q:,le l'!lag&, !JG COf.tTEXT A-toTOS co /EXISTIN6) 0 ~...,.,;;=,~ ..... =-----.....,--....,---"° =~=-16-------~~:°~ .. ~-~.o-...,,.--? ~~__.r,,,.Q~¼'Lf= .. -~--....,,=,.=,----~ ~?QI,' ~ !I I C-.U.11'1.I:~ 10 Ill tfUQ'.',01 .a,.:! .... ,&::, •")< ru-.CIO!lip•;flc:s:..-t DI C<., fOI =.11&.r.l. • m EXISTING McDONALO'S RESTAURANT ~CWA•-as.11~1~U~ ""°'°·cr"'•.i.m.»a.1Ja.aai.at u CC"'11UCIOR IS 10 l&:l'Al'f/;>:.lCH .l.!/D Rl.,~~I ~lUS!r.t: A;J'i,1A1JJ;SllftUi'(iP CC..<.:lR~t TOR 15 TO t <f,1;11 :.-o F.lol!H .l.l..~ P~lON i;,r,.:;t,5, 01~1.C 1:etu.:. :ilCll!ii RO~ ~Cl/!: A.',0 Cl LIH,;J IIO•li'C ~~1•1:s,~:~'ifE ~r~~!~~,~- 228 TH. STREET a CAST IN Pl.ACE CCWCRE"TE I I ....., 1:21D(m) @ ~.~/MH PROTECTION \ DETAILS OF DEVa OPMENT CATA REQUIRED PROVlOED ZONING CS-1 SERVJce:COMMERCIAL FY (228TH STREET) 0.Dm Je 13m (EX) "" O.Dm 20 95m (EX) SETBACKS EXT.SY 7.5m 14.94m(EX) EXT.SY 7.5m 7.B!lim(EX) BU1l.DING HEIGHT (PS\MITTED) 7.7m """"""'"""""('lOSTINOJ .... BUILDING HEIGHT (PROPOSED) 7.l2m LOT AREA 4.708sq.m EXlSTING BUILDING AREA 485.33sq.m PROPOSED AOOfTION AREA 7.B75q.m TOTAL BUil.DiNG AREA 4Q3.205q.m IJ.LOVYABl.E LOT covmAGE .... LOT COVERAGE ,o.,. SEATS t::O (EX) I t40 {PR0P05EDj COPYRJCHT ----..... MOO~~Crfve .~.ac =~ Td:~::s&-::!.181 ""' ___ ..... _____ _ ... c...., .... -.... ---·-~ _ __,_a,.._ .... ~"'-.... .. ....,_. .......... 1,a. .... 1110-..~ .. _ _, __ H _ _, __ _ _,_...,._._. __ .,.....,_ .. tilO..,,b ___ _....,._~ COl"IAI01'1'0211111 Ktml.l'WU.t--.Clll',/0:•~llllC = ! ! I fat LOADING SPACES Gt.RBAGE ENCLOSURE DETACHED """'°"""-Tl•HT loouiAGrnCLO!ruas:-1-°'CTACi®----1----------li ! lANDSCAPEAREA NO CHANGE DTSfAa<..ING ,. f PARKING REOUfRED 35SPACES PARKJNG PROVIDED 53 SPACES t-.,_:::::::]2~1:::::::::!b---------lf NOTES """"""""'-TANT f === r---'I BGfDW ! 1&a~Tll4•!1111PM&Rmlllm I B I :!-:::~~~ f &1.ln~,_.._._lMMl_~JIICl'TID. L.....-J ~ 5 :::-a.,.,=..c::~~.:'na& '"'•"''"'""" .... ---------15 ac.ro~,-,wm--,wi::.wLOQJlll!BTDlllmn. M DONALD'S i =.:.=--.._.,._,,_,... .. _.,.. C jl =.:r..~~::.::' 4095-MAPLE RIDGE __ .. _..,.__ 217IIOLOUGHl:flJHWY,MAf\.ER!DGE,BC ' ___ ...., __ ..........,_ i ==~~Wl«-licma I a.LPI\Dl ..... ma::nail.lml9.11;11Da.•-a't-.t 1· PROJECT NO: 118848 aMDOM'alOt'IIJamafllll'MfflD.,MlfM'11:1f1D~ CZ!tl'IWll:·nt•IICDM cn.e ;~'IDa,..,....,,,,._10 WIIDflll ... lCl-=r,tl VIII& ~,wiiw.t"NJIM,lOTll1D•,..,,.._~NG __ _.._ DRA'v'mBY: 0-l<'DBV: = .,.Te ""'"'""" SC TW 12)0 2JIB-t1-2D SITE PLAN l i-----L-EG_AL_D_E_SC-R-,P-T-,o-N---t--8--p-1-_-0---1 1 : ~f-•. -, ------------------------------tm•~aar•.MW.111.~• .,_ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ .... ________________ ..1,_;:SHEET::ali~-..J.-~~:;_-~_.J; Site Plan 0 " ~ c·::,_ Dl![] / -, =-□ L_ ""-""" - ... , ... 0 H .,,., ... HcOONAl..D5 RESTAURANTS Of GANA!JA LIMITED, 4400 5T1LL CREEK DRIVE. aJRNABY B.C. V5C bCh (12"-I V2"J 00<""1 ~ ~ I I I I l I = = -I I t=[ I~) ~ ~ hlfl utri~ """'""""- T 7 T , 11' T 7 1 7 T7 LJ LJ LjLj LJLJ LJ I I I I I Ii I I Ii I I I ...,.,_.-= -=-=----=--= -= ffiz @EXl5TIN6/DEHO FLOOR PLAN \+7 IJ.O ~ V4•, l'-0' 3707 6JWN6 AREA (E) ,522f:SG,f[ (4!'h33 5'3J:1) EX15Tlll6 SEATI-I&, ~ OVICK SCOTT ARC-i tCIS 1ST AVEN UE """"""'"-""'- ....... BU RN A BY , BC VS C 3 V 6 ~IUfD(.s:cmTNE!lliCTSLTtl.TIGM'iT'Gn~ISNUG'TRAElf A D M I N @ LO V I C K S C OTT -C O M OF5BIVl::I.NIIIBNCiiliTAU.116THEEltUGYEPRHRnOFUMOC: ---, -..._-,_-.. _--.,--=----_,.----,---60-4 298 3700 WWW.LOVICKSCOTT.COM ~~~==~-='~ ~ MBlB£A Of THE At8C, AM. SAA., MM & NWTM SM1111'NISRlllUSl.a11\EIEXM!cDF'RlK'Ttlll.Y. Existing & Demo Plan 1YPIGAL HALL LEGEND: telFrnPIG!i'HAII Will!imJilU. EXISTING FLOOR PLAN I EISEND ~""""- ---SDOQl5.M~ EfG TO-BE 6MN'ED ALL DIHENSION5 ARE TO BE WWFIRMED ON 51TE FI/REl McDonald's -Maple Ridge 22WO LDugheed HlghH<Jj, t-q?le l<lcl;Ja, BC. EXl5TIN6 t ~ DEMO FLOOR A..AN ° -----~------.--~ nic.=~ ---t ----------~-...... ~a: 111-01~ Al.o ""1l4c...:" •'--"C.i=--------=-=---~ CCI. l;)"",.101 cu ~ 201!1 '5 "" B H i1--..,,_----1 0 ■80 ■80 ■8 LJ n 11 11 L-C~~~~~~~=~~F =~ KIT'Gllfli DID ~ fflpn @O KGOOIIALD5 RESTAURANTS OF CANADA LIHITED, 4400 STILL CREEK DRIVE, B.JRNABY B.C. V5C bet, F> ~~ ~~ c:====i t,l_\il ~a l',:.''i r7 ~ =r8 I ...J LJ caG.l.TNffSU.. """" BIJIIDIN6 AREA (l:J, 5224 !i<i>ft (485,33 SQ.HJ ADDITION, M.151 5GtFT. ( 1.&1 561.MJ a!LDIN6 AREA (J-0, 53Qb.?27 SQfL (')'0.20 ~ SEATING (NJ , 140 SEATS 3707 ~L~O~V~ll ~K SCOTT ARC-1 -f:CIS 1 ST AVENUE """"""""""- BURNABY.BC VSC 3V6 :::-,...,-,-,,=--------- -----------ADM IN@ LOVICK SCOTT. COM ==:a~=~= ~SI-IAU.YW'tAU.DUBGOG~snEIIIA~:wll.NOrlE 604 298 3700 WWW.LOVICKSCOTT.COM =.:==~~ IIEl!BER OF THE AIBC. MA. SM. MM & NWTM -•"""""'""'°"""-"''• Proposed Plan "°"" I Al.1.~13T1'r'le.Al..lilrl.t:l.l'G1t~ Pi,l,l,l.5Qfi!.!'#Hi!ALT'l'~GN 2.~ TCI 1'1,1,U.!GttOU f'OR:Je:B-tll,.~ P'IMl5!3 MO ma.I~ ffJl (")WJ'Rk?R/:W) ~ ~-=--=-~ f:i:iL:SE ~ OPCffi"UJ! PWl ==llll..llll:l!ll (]8[]l!OO!f- ~=~"""""' ----lt.lli'IU.5iJl(XJ!l:Q.m;. "'"'""""" PT/Rfl McDonald's -Maple Ridge :2:zT!lO Lougheed Hlghtia,, M'l}l6 Rl<i:3s, BC. PROl'OSED FLOOR PIAN «> i5 =,_,-._-. ------------~ ==1e-0;;,--6-------,,~=1~,_=,,,,.....=--:' ¥.:M~:!--·-=-•...t:r-o:"'·'-----~::..:;:;,,,----·~ ,,,)/QVfHBffl"-'-"'""""L>.-"20<.!!~"-------~ mtzreiftMWi10f¥ffl::!M? I ) fll5'Jlll5onATRoOf' Sr9'l!M ro m1'1M "6~PA~ 1 ll!PMld'Rm.'Ja> ~tn1't!Mt-4l-O?JC. HA!.K-IN c:aou., l----mmn,,.,..1t1tmrrffl1M'P I 159.11D mR D.P McDONALD'S RESTAIRANTS OF CANADA Llt-111ID, 4400 STILL CREEK DRM:, E!RNABY B.C,. V5G 6Ch ~~=--~=------=~ SEEE!fll.J;llt&EJ.BI..._TtJW ""'HEJ<<D.JM! -0!1-->-------11 ~"'- ~CIR,f~ TOl!l!m,oaDNO(,NI IX'P~~ ~ILDIN6 SEGTION B N!>IJ 5GAlb V4" • r-oo Building Sections 5EGTION A I 3707 LOVICK SCOTT ARC --J 1·-ECTS 1ST AVENUE McDonald's -Maple Ridge :22100 ~Ol"]heeci HlghN~. MC\?le RlctJB, Bt;; BUILDIN6 5EGTION5 .,, 9 =""""'=,,, ..... =-----~-=~ ..... ~--~ A3.0 & =-=----------=-=-.. -,_--~ 1a-016 ¼j"=l'.g' :-,,.,. ~ .,.peca:ffl..,..,.,.......,2Ql=&-------i ) 'r:.Vil1.tt> FZ\.'' 0/.E Existing I L()\/,! k' -! \ <-,c JTT ,4RCI ITECTS 3707 1 ST Proposed M';bonald's • Maple R'd ·,-,.,~. I ge ::;" ~=1 _1,-oc<;hccd H'ah"", na .. ~ ...::1dge, ec, ':I -,, o.;.o..-:; CO'IT::X-Pl-Ores (EXl::a,11\SJ ft,:W:lt; 1~ 10·01& """- ~TTO!.,(.:\U:: IQf.:;ttlt!; X, ~ Clll~~ ,Asa.a ::!.""'-~".J.0;"" ''''"" «> 0 a:, 5 ) ~ED NORTH ELEVATION A2.4 5C,,\l.f,i'/l5 @PROPOSED HEST ELEVATION A2.,f SGAL£, Nr5 H,;OONAW'S RfSTAURANTS OF CANADA LINITID, 4400 STILL CREEK DRIVE. BURNABY B.C. V5C 6C,b Colour Elevations @~~5ED EAST ELEVATION ~95EP SOUTH ELEVATION "2.4· SG.6!£,NTS #f>"::t.\. ~ ~......:. I LOVICK SCOTT 1l\RC 7,·cc Is 3707 1ST AVENUE BU R NA BY , BC V 5 C 3 V 6 IXFYRla{Tl,CY0;;~NDITECTll1UT\CW.'ta',LCNOCiT1IJIEli A O M I N @ LO V I C K S C OTT . C O M on&MUHl1ENGKfAU.T¥t;;1uxcwMPR:MMYa:UMX t:""""""==~"'•cc....,,:=c::~-:==-°'=·..,.=......,,=::-:""""""':::,, =-604 298 3700 WWW.LOVICKSCOTT.COM :e."'=f~===-=-~ i.:.a:. MEMBER Of THE AIBC, AAA. SM. MM I NWfM X<111N:~.:t.a:•Mtc0V.:C,cc::,ou. -· McDonald's -Maple Ridge 22100 ~ougheea ~ghHaJ. ~le RlctJ>, BC, COLOURED El.B/ATION5 ....., ...... ll}-016 A2.4 & ---· ------=-=,.=...,.= ...... =-i¥ ~ IQ %61-; =-~ .,IIQ@il&.....,c"""'....,iQl"'ll"---"'J.\."'~"'1</l=llS~-~ ) Streetscapes Examples of completed projects McDonald's -Grandview Hwy. 2909 Grandview Hwy, Vancouver, B.C. I ~-------, r South West view West View ( fter J McDonald1s -Grandview Hwy. 2909 Grandview Hwy, Vancouver, B.C. View of dining area North West view ) North view __) McDonald's -Fleetwood 15574 Fraser Hwy, Surrey, B.C. @drive-thru lane I, .II ' I .. , 'I .. McDonald1s -Fleetwood 15574 Fraser Hwy, Surrey, B.C. View of dining area I South East view McDonald's -Pitt Meadows 12549 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, B.C. {; ~f: . • -~ii!i:},'.~ @drive-thru lane North East view liIEl[lCiOUS - IURGEl~ ) _) McDonald's -Pitt Meadows 12549 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, B.C. View of dining area TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel 2018-508-DP 23840 River Road MEETING DATE: September 4, 2019 An Advisory Design Panel (ADP) application has been submitted for the above-referenced property to permit the construction of a microbrewery and tasting lounge under the existing M-3 (Business Park) zone (see Appendix A). The proposed microbrewery will complement the existing restaurant (Kingfishers Waterfront Bar and Grill) already located on the subject property. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Gordon Hume Lot 4 Except: Part Dedicated Road on Plan BCP30195 District Lot 405 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 7324 Industrial Industrial . M-3 (Business Park) M-3 (Business Park) Use: CP Rail Right-of-Way Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Industrial Use: Fraser River Zone: n/a Designation: n/a Use: Car Storage Zone: M-2 (General Industrial) Designation: Industrial Use: Vacant (will be used as Parking for subject property) Zone: M-2 (General Industrial) Designation: Industrial Existing Use of Property: Restaurant Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Microbrewery and Tasting Lounge (and existing restaurant) 0.36 ha (0.89 acres) River Road Urban Standard Page 1 of 3 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: An Industrial Development Permit is required for all new development on land designated Industrial in the Official Community Plan. The purpose of the Industrial Development Permit is to promote quality industrial development through attractive design that is compatible with adjacent development and conforms to the Official Community Plan guidelines. This proposal will be assessed against the following key guideline concepts: 1. Provide a street presence with entrances and architectural interest in building designs fronting public streets. 2. Loading facilities should be located away from public streets and into the rear or the interior of a site. 3. Outdoor storage and less attractive structures such as accessory buildings should be screened with fencing or landscape. 4. The transportation needs of diverse users should be accommodated through amenities such as bicycle facilities and accessible design for the mobility impaired. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. PLANNING COMMENTS: Proposal: The applicant is proposing a microbrewery with associated tasting lounge in a new building, to be located adjacent to the existing restaurant, on the same property. The proposed development does not require rezoning and will utilize the existing M-3 (Business Park) zone. The proposed building is an L-shaped structure that creates a courtyard space adjacent to the existing restaurant entrance. The total floor space of the proposed building will be approximately 287 m2 (3,092 ft2 ), with the ground floor consisting of 229 m2 (2,466 ft2 ) and a mezzanine at 58 m2 (626 ft2 ) (see Appendix I). Landscaping will be implemented within the courtyard space with the intention of providing a gathering place of cyclists. A bench, bike rack and some basic plantings make up the small landscaped area (see Appendix J). The existing restaurant will lose parking spaces due to the placement of the proposed building (on existing parking spaces). The solution to address existing parking, plus additional parking required for the new building, is to utilize the vacant lot to the west -also under the same ownership as the subject property. The adjacent site, located at 23810 River Road, will be used strictly for parking to accommodate both buildings (existing restaurant and proposed microbrewery). A site specific text amendment, permitting an off-street parking use as a principal use, was supported by Council in January 2018 for 23810 River Road. The applicant does not intend to provide any upgrades to the adjacent vacant property in terms of access, re-surfacing (combination of cracked asphalt and gravel), or landscaping. Context: The subject property is relatively flat and is located on the south side of River Road. The subject property is surrounded by industrial development to the west, River Road, CP Rail and Lougheed Highway to the north, the Fraser River to the south and the old Albion ferry grounds to the east (currently car storage). The proposed use and new building will complement the existing restaurant, as well as provide an ideal Page 2 of 3 ) location for viewscapes along the Fraser River. The new use will also provide diversity to the existing industrial uses located along River Road. OCP and Zoning Compliance: The applicant is proposing a microbrewery and tasting lounge on the subject property within a new building adjacent to the existing restaurant. The applicant has provided a design rationale and has completed the Industrial Development Permit Guidelines Checklist (see Appendix F). The subject property is zoned M-3 (Business Park) and Development Data Sheet (Appendix E) analyses the compliance of the project with the applicable zone regulations. An interior side yard variance is proposed to be reduced from 1.5 m to 0.5 m for the proposed building. Parking and bicycle storage,: The Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350 -1990 requires that the M-3 (Business Park) zone provide 1 parking space per 93 m2 of gross floor area for industrial use and 1 parking space per 4 seats for a licensed premise. The total gross floor area of the industrial space is proposed to be 203 m2 (2,188 ft2) requiring 2.2 parking spaces. The number of seats for the tasting lounge is proposed to be 36 seats, requiring 9 parking spaces, for a total of 11.2 required parking spaces (industrial use and lounge). The existing restaurant parking requirements based on seating and office use total 40.2 spaces. The applicant is proposing 52 parking spaces total between the existing restaurant and proposed microbrewery, which meets the minimum parking standards. Two of the spaces are identified as accessible parking spaces, as well, a bike rack is provided. Garbage/Recycling: Existing infrastructure for the restaurant will be utilized for garbage and recycling pick up locations for proposed microbrewery. Off Site Upgrades: No offsite upgrades are required as a result of this application. All requirements will be addressed at the Building Permit stage. CONCLUSION: The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development propo~I. /~ -I~ Prepared by: Adam Rieu The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject map Appendix B Submission Checklist Appendix C Covering Letter Appendix D Project Description Appendix E Development Data Sheet Appendix F Industrial Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix G Servicing Review Appendix H Stormwater Management Plan Appendix I Architectural Plans Appendix J Landscape Plans Page 3 of 3 N Scale: 1 :3,000 -Stream ---Ditch Centreline -Edge of River --Indefinite Creek 1111 Lake or Reservoir 1111 River -Major Rivers & Lakes ... - I I ' I 23840 RIVER RD. FILE: 2018-508-VP DATE: Dec 14, 2018 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY:RA lci,t:!tli"I · ADP Submission CheckJist mapleriage ca This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel (ADP). Please refer to the ADP Submission Form and the ADP Requirements Brochure for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting Information and spedfications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted, Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison .to the ADP. Certification of Complete ADP 51.ibmissio~: Signature Submission Materials A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Archltect) B. Covering Letter Including explanations about: 1. Project description/cinalysis (Detailed information Required)_ 2. Architectural and Landscaping Design rationale (Detailed information Required) 3. Statement i'n brlef abo.ut the following: a. DP Key Concepts Compliance b. DP Guideline Compliance c. Stormwater management strategy with emphasis on Tier A requirements inte"grated into landscaping plans· d. Public Art/ Amenities, etc . . e. Sustainability practjces [,F o f. other ________________ _ C. Site and Neighbourhood Conte'Xt 1. Context Review-Context Pian with existing/proposed buildings and trees, vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed grading, and other major features within the site, on the abutting properties, the public realm and along the road allowances/ lanes, 2. Photographs of site and sur.rounding sites. D. Development Permit Area Checklist .(Note: The Arc~itect is r-esponsib[e to describe how the project complies with each guidelines, or·lf not applicable, a description of why not applicable, Please use fillable forms on llne.) (SJ/ t I I I ! I City of Maple Rfdge ADP Submission Checklist E. Architectural Plans (Site and Buildlng(sl}: 1. Site Plan and layout 2. Site sections 3. Streetscape elevation 4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees superimposed 5. Shadow analysis 6. Lighting analysi~ {on building and on site) 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and roof tops 8. Waste collection /recyding (inside of buildings) 9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside) 10, Building elevation (all sides} 11. Signage (attached to building and free standing) 12. Colours and materials 13. Material board 14. Building sections 15. 3D renderings of site, building(s) and associated landscaping F. Landscaping Plans: 1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting details 2. Storm water management works focused on Tier A , ~ff 1 requirements Integrated Into landscaping plan with details 3. Landscaping details1 Including public art, slgnage, lighti and other amenity areas, fences, retaining walls, ~-c-1£ 4. Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures) 5, Details for pedestrian amenity and furniture features provided 6. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns 7. Tree retention and management plan 8. Site sections for lot grading, drainage, landscaping, retaining walls and relationship to adjacent grades/ City roads/ lanes 9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnections G. Green Building/Sustainability initiatives i-( o. I I Co.\, le.,. H. Engineering-related Information: 1, Site grading plans I. Other Rev, March 2018 (Page 2) 1 □ □ □ □ ) Transmittal ... Unit 201-5500-152nd Street Surrey, BC V3S 5J9 Tel: (778) 571-0618 Fax: (778) 571-0619 Sent to: City of Maple Ridge Attention: Adam Rieu Phone Number: 604-463-5221 Subject: 23840 River Road Date: Monday,August26, 2019 Project No. 18-1839 The information contained in this message is confidential and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or reproduction of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone, destroy/ delete the message. Thank you. I Covering Letter for ADP submission: 1. Project Description -a microbrewery with associated tasting lounge in a new building on the same lot as the existing Kingfishers restaurant 2. Design rationale -the proposed microbrewery will augment and complement the existing restaurant operation. The building has been designed as an I-L-shaped structure forming a small courtyard adjacent to the existing restaurant entrance porch. The required square foot area is achieved within this shape and utilizing interior mezzanines in order to minimize the building footprint. To this end a side yard variance is requested for the west setback. This would have no impact on the existing property to the west and should not affect any future development. Landscape design is focused on the courtyard with the intention of providing a gathering place for cyclists in particular who would most likely be the only arrivals other than those arriving by automobile. 3. DP Key Concepts and DP Guidelines Compliance -these are covered under Item B.1 submitted with the original DP application and the Industrial DP Area Guidelines Checklist attached to this application. Please refer to civil engineers submission regarding stormwater management. There are no particular sustainability practices to being referenced with this application. Regar~/ Samuel rn ....__... lonicb/4hitecture C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Reply to City_ Maple Ridge.docx Printed 8/26/19 @ 12:44 PM Page 1 of 1 .) Project Description (Item B.1) The applicants propose to construct a new building to house a craft brewery and tasting lounge on 23840 River Road (the "Lot"). The proposed building and use are consistent with the applicable zoning (M-3) and bylaws. Maple Ridge Council previously added restaurant and brewpub use to the zoning bylaw at this location (Bylaw No. 6464-2007). Both the new building and the new business have been conceived to complement the existing development on 23840 River Road: Kingfishers Waterfront Bar and Grill. The new building will have a similar profile and appearance to the existing building, and it will increase the density of economic activity and employment on the Lot. The new building has been designed to emphasize the unique riverside location of 23840 River Road. The proposed brewery will be visible from the road, and the tasting lounge will provide accessible, ground level views of the Fraser River. The total floor space of the new building will be 2,745 sq ft. The craft brewery will occupy 2,190 sq ft (including a 626 sq ft mezzanine to maximize production efficiency) and the tasting lounge will occupy 555 sq ft. The proposed building has been designed to comply with the BC Building Code and to advance many of the principles, objectives, and policies from the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan. Those principles, objectives, and policies include, but are not limited to, the following: Principle/ Objective/Policy Proposed Development Principle 19: There is value in identifying The proposed brewery and lounge will make new lands for commercial and industrial uses more efficient use of existing industrial lands to secure locations for future employment and will add diversity and quality to the mL'!: that will help to create a balanced of products and services available to community. Citizens pref er locations where residents of Albion and Maple Ridge. commercial and industrial activities "fit" within the community context. Principle 20: The community has a The proposed brewery will provide good preference for economic development that paying manufacturing jobs. includes clean, high pay, low environmental impact, and manufacturing and high tech industries . Principle 22: Initiatives such as providing The proposed brewery and lounge will more shopping opportunities and provide an additional local shopping emphasizing smaller stores, local merchants opportunity for the Albion community on a and better use of existing areas (no strip relatively small scale, while also making malls, concentrate in commercial nodes, etc.) better use of an existing industrial location are supported because they are central to and supporting an existing local business achieving a balanced community. (Kingfishers Waterfront Bar and Grill). Objective (Ch. 6, p. 23): To create a larger The proposed brewery and lounge will add a and more diverse industrial sector that offers new business type to the AIA, create new greater employment opportunities for jobs, generate additional investment on the residents, generates additional investment, Lot, and support an existing local business enhances local businesses and creates a larger (Kingfishers Waterfront Bar and Grill). tax base to pay for municipal services and amenities. Objective (Ch. 6, p. 23): To create a more The proposed brewery and lounge will "complete community" by providing a range provide a new type of business opportunity of industrial opportunities throughout the within the AIA. municipality. Objective (Ch. 6, p. 23): To encourage The proposed brewery and lounge will industrial development that meets the enhance opportunities for Maple Ridge community's aspirations for quality of residents to experience the Fraser River and environment, character and sense of place, will comply with all applicable land use and compatibility with other Maple Ridge regulations. land uses. Objective (Ch 6, p. 23): To ensure that the The proposed brewery and lounge will policies, zoning regulations, and supply of demonstrate that municipal policies and industrial land are favourable and adequate regulations are favourable, adequate, and to attract industry to Maple Ridge. sufficiently flexible to attract investment and industrial activities to Maple Ridge. Policy 6 -54 Maple Ridge will be flexible in The proposed brewery and lounge will be the types of uses permitted in the Maple consistent with the permitted uses in the Meadows Business Park and Albion AIA, on M-3 property and, in particular, at Industrial Area. the Lot, given Bylaw No. 6464-2007. Maple Ridge has already confirmed its flexibility and support for this business. ) ~ DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET maplerid~e.ca ~reposed ~one ~--,z;-.-Date Prepared ~ 22;/11 Requi~ed Development Data Front -:::-· A') Tff Rear '/7'T Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) /-~ ~- Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) c· Side #3 (N, S, E·or-W) Retail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type zct::'~T/rth'<~Nl} Institutional • Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed ~,'c7 -.. o /,.-~ /,/2 * If the development site con~ists of mqre than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) ~-?~:Z:2.. ~~az ;;?~a-C,-';5 "?c:J _) Required Development Data R Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (i Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive . Other Number of spaces for visitors TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES Number of total for disabled Number of total (and%) small cars Number of total (and%) tandem spaces TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) Short Term Bicycle Parking Long Term Bicycle Parking Minimum Required or Mc1ximum Allowed 2,2... Heritage Site Tree Survey/Assessment Provided Watercourse/Steep Slopes Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements Proposed (Complies or variance needed,.?) 2... / .. I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. . Prepared by: -~4-M,u:G1V (irk, .....__~'--!,!;"'-'oL..1.L-------- Print Name NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ,~,--mapleridge.ca Industrial Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.6 of the Official Community Plan, industrial developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. 8.6.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies Provide a street presence with entrances The existing restaurant entrance is readily apparent from River Road, and architectural interest in building the microbrewery entrance is a few steps beyond. designs fronting public streets. Loading facilities should be located away from public streets and into the rear or The single glass loading has been treated as a feature of the building the interior of a site. and provides a view of the brewing operation. Outdoor storage and less attractive structures such as accessory buildings There are no accessory buildings or outdoor storage. should be screened with fencing or landscape. The transportation needs of diverse users should be accommodated through l"fhe brewery and tasting lounge will be accessible for the mobility amenities such as bicycle facilities, and impaired. A bicycle rack is provided for visitors. accessible design for the mobility impaired. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and The building will have an industrial character that reflects its function. pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. 1 Guideline 8.6.2 A Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Building Design, Massing and Siting listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Offices, reception, sales, and other public use areas should be located at the There are no offices in this building -the existing office is in the second front of the buildings to face streets. floor of the adjacent restaurant building and will serve as office for both . Design facades so that these areas are The sales area (tasting lounge) faces the river to take advantage of the easily identifiable and visible from unique setting. streets. 2. Main building entries should be located and designed to be clearly identified The entry to the tasting room is in close proximity to the restaurant from streets or entry driveways. Include entrance and will be readily apparent with directional signage and glazing as a major component of street-lighting. facing building facades. 3. Whenever possible, overhead service doors and loading docks should not be As described under item 2. the single loading door does face toward located on a building fai;:ade that faces a River Road but is intended as a feature to showcase the brewing street. Design service doors to fit with operation. It's use for loading/unloading will only be intermittent. the overall design of a building. 4. Buildings with significant areas of non- reflective opaque materials or blank The north elevation of the building will have an intentional industrial look walls should incorporate features such with signage and graphics in keeping with the existing Kingfishers. as texture, graphics, reveals, colours or A small landscape courtyard is provided. decorative floodlighting to provide visual interest. Landscaping should also be provided to compliment the architectural details. 5. Developments adjacent to treed slopes, ravines and watercourses must respect No change is proposed to the existing setback and natural vegetation natural vegetation, use natural between the proposed microbrewery and the Fraser River. landscaping to retain soils on the site and may require additional setbacks as established by agencies having jurisdiction. Creeks and ravines are encouraged to be retained in their natural state. Buildings and structures should be integrated into natural slopes and other significant features. 2 Guideline 8.6.2 A {Continued) 6. New developments are encouraged to incorporate Low Impact Development Roof water will be directed toward the Fraser River. (LID) techniques into their site planning. A bio-swale will be incorporated into the landscape setback to the river. Consider employing techniques such as Although one infiltration bed will need to be removed the other will rain gardens, vegetated swales, remain in place and in use. separation of impervious surfaces, installing below surface infiltration beds and tree box filters, and redirecting water from drain pipes into vegetated areas. 7. Rooftops of buildings should include design elements, including landscaping, There are no nearby buildings or other structures higher than the roof of to reduce the visual impact from the the proposed building. street, surrounding uses and structures such as bridges. Guideline 8.6.2 B Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Wherever possible, the majority of parking and all loading areas should be Due to the unique riverside setting of this building parking and loading located between or to the rear of (a single load ing door) are not to the 'rear' of the building. buildings, with access from lanes or internal circulation. 2. Divide large surface parking areas into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous The parking area is not large and is close to an interesting industrial appearance. Use landscaping strips, 'artifact' and adjoining green space. trees, building edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement treatment to enhance the visual appearance of large parking areas. 3. Parking areas adjacent to public streets should provide a low level landscaped The existing simple low landscaping will be maintained adjacent to buffer between the parking and the River Road. public realm. 4. Consider the use of permeable parking pavers or shallow concrete swales with The existing parking area has drainage features. rolled edges as an alternative treatment for surface drainage. 3 Guideline 8.6.2 B (Continued) 5. Above ground parking structures should not front public streets at grade. Non-There are no above grade parking structures. parking uses or special fa~ade treatments must be provided along street frontages to enhance the building's appearance to the public realm . On non-street fronting facades, parking structures should be treated to avoid long blank walls at grade, such as massed landscape treatments or attention to the design detailing on the fa~ade. 6. Parking control equipment, such as ticket dispensers and card readers, !This guideline doesn't apply. I should be located at a sufficient distance from a public street to prevent parking queues extending onto the street. Similarly, a minimum distance of one car length, and preferably two car lengths, should be provided between an exit gate and the street edge to accommodate cars waiting to merge into traffic. 7. Rooftop parking structures should include design elements, including !There is no rooftop parking. I landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street, surrounding uses and structures such as bridges. Guideline 8.6.2 C Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Pedestrian Access listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with-or why it is inapplicable. 1. Provide well defined and safe pedestrian access from parking areas and the public Pedestrian access to the restaurant and microbrewery is primarily sidewalk to industrial uses. Design the internal and clearly marked. There is no public sidewalk on River access to ensure that pedestrian use is Road. given precedence over vehicular use. 4 Guideline 8.6.2 C (Continued) 2. Industrial developments with large parking areas should provide a direct This is a small development, pedestrian movements are generally pedestrian pathway system through the shared with the parking areas, with defined walkways adjacent to the parking area to facilitate convenient and buildings. safe pedestrian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscaping with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. 3. Where pedestrian pathways intersect service roads or access roads for access !This guideline doesn't apply. I to parking areas, crosswalks should be clearly designated through use of pavement markings, signs, flashing lights or, where warranted, traffic signals. Guideline 8.6.2 D Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Universally Accessible Design listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Locate parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities as close as There are two parking spaces provided for persons with disabflities possible to the main entrance to a adjacent to the restau rant and microbrewery entrances. building. 2. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways These routes will be designed and consrtucted to full accessibility should be wide enough for wheelchairs standards. or scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 5 \ I Guideline 8.6.2 D (Continued) 3. Building and site design features should !This will be done. integrate circulation routes and areas for I people with disabilities with general public use. Guideline 8.6.2 E Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes, Not appl icable -there are no higher adjacent buildings. I etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. 2. Service areas should have differentiated access to minimize visual impact as well SeNicing areas are minimal and space will be shared with pedestrians., as conflicts with pedestrians. 3. Refuse receptacles must be located indoors or within service areas out of Refuse receptacles will be contained within the building and/or in view from pedestrian access. Garbage weatherproof and animal-resistant containers in a screened and gated and waste material should be stored in area on a separate lot. containers that are weatherproof and animal-resistant. 4. Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise and exhaust on Ventilation systems will be rooftop and will not affect pedestrian areas. I pedestrian areas, adjacent residential development and outdoor spaces . 5. Mechanical equipment, drive-th rough uses, service or car wash bays, There is no adjacent residential development. I restrooms, vending machines, unenclosed storage, and public telephones should be oriented on the site to face away from adjacent residential development. Whenever possible, these uses should not be visible from an adjacent residential property. 6 Guideline 8.6.2 F Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Signage listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign By-Law. In the event of a Signage will conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message should be integrated and complement Signage will be based on and compliment the existing Kingfishers the scale and architectural detail of the sig,nage. building. 3. In multiple-tenant buildings, signs should be designed to present a unified Not applicable -this is not a multi-tenant building. appearance. Guideline 8.6.2 G Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Lighting listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged along all pedestrian pathways. Lighting will be at a pedestrian scale, low level post-tops or building mo unted. ) 2. Lighting should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible There is no adjacent residential land or public right-of-way. from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. Guideline 8.6.2 H Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Crime Prevention through Environmental listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied Design (CPTED) with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles The bui lding is simple in form without hidden areas and will share should be incorporated into the design security features with the existing restaurant. of all buildings and facilities. 7 Guideline 8.6.2 H (Continued) 2. Ensure convenient, safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to Building entrance will be readily identifiable and fully accessible. I building entrances, lobbies, parking structures, or other principal areas of buildings. 3. Design developments to maximize opportunities for natural surveilla nee, Parking is open and vfsible with no hidden, obscured, or blind spaces. I allowing people to easily view what is happening around them during the course of everyday activities. Design the interior spaces and exits from any parking structures for maximum visibility within the parking area. Entries should be highly visible, well lit and spaced at convenient intervals Hidden spaces, obscured alcoves and blind corners should be avoided in the design and layout of the parking facilities. 4. Wherever possible, locate parking next to uses that generate human activity. Parking is for the use of the microbrewery and existing Kingfishers restaurant, both 'generators of human activity'. Guideline 8.6.2 I Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Bicycle Parking and Storage listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. The provision of bicycle parking facilities, such as bicycle racks is encouraged. Bicycle parking is highly visible from the existing restaurant entry and Bicycle parking should be in well-lit parking area. The area will be well lit. locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads. Bicycle racks should be made of sturdy, theft-resistant material, securely anchored to the floor or grounds. 2. Large-scale developments are encouraged to provide end-of-trip Not applicable -this is not a large-scale development I facilities, such as showers and lockers, within the development for the convenience of employees. 8 Guideline 8.6.2 J Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Landscaping and Open Space listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Ancillary or accessory buildings, including structures used for storing Not applicable -there are no accessory buildings. materials, should be visually screened from public streets with dense evergreen planting or should be designed and finished in a manner consistent with the principal building. 2. For industrial developments with multiple tenancies, consider providing Not applicable -this is not a multi-tenant industrial development. amenity spaces for the common use of employees and visitors. Amenity spaces for individual tenancies may be consolidated into large indoor and outdoor amenity spaces for the common use of all tenancies. Examples include outdoor landscaped areas or recreation spaces. 3. Landscaping both within and outside the development should: Appropriate accent landscaping will be provided withi n the a) provide definition for pedestrian development site. corridors b) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces c) present a pleasing street image d) soften the transition between adjacent land uses e) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site. 4. Provide landscaping of su bsta ntia I proportions around property lines, Not applicable -there is no adjacent residential development. particularly adjacent to residential development, to ensure a compatible and smooth transition to abutting residential uses. 5. Landscaping should reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties No new streetscape is involved with this proposal, the microbrewery and the streetscape by providing will be built on the same lot as the existing restaurant. consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 6. The scale and location of planting material should complement and be The new 'courtyard' next to the microbrewery and adjacent to the consistent with the scale and massing of restaurant will feature a suitably-scaled deciduous shade tree. buildings. 9 ' I Guideline 8.6.2 J (Continued) 7. Energy efficiency and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) The use of native and/or drought- resistant species; b) designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind; c) providing shade in summer; d) allowing daylight into buildings; e) allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the site; f) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 8. Any portion of a building site left vacant for future development should be landscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall site. The minimum ground surface treatment should be lawn. Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property not being developed. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new planting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replanting with indigenous or native species is encouraged. 10. Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to increase the natural absorption of rainwater on a site. 11. Chain link fences are to be avoided, and are discouraged along street frontages. Where chain link fences are unavoidable, a dense landscape material is encouraged adjacent to the landscape screen. Appropriate low-maintenance drought-resistant plant material will be chosen for the landscape areas. IThis guideline doesn't apply. I !This guideline doesn't apply. I The existing parking area incorporates concrete pavers and an infiltration system. !The brewery will not require chain link fencing. 10 l Guideline 8.6.2 J {Continued) 12. Fences abutting residential sites should !This guideline doesn't apply (no abutting residential site). be constructed with materials consistent I with fences generally used in residential developments. Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File Number .:::Z d 43 •'-.-S-06---PP Date prepared: JAugust 21 , 20191 Architect j1onic Architecture Inc. I 4 A1vtu: t:l✓ M C f!k✓ ~ ~ Print Name Signature / 1/ ) 11 ,,..-. ·ohn curran nevi/le raham & assoc en ineers inc Ionic Architecture Inc, Unit 3, 15243 -91 st Ave, Surrey, BCV3R8P8 Attention Samuel Chan. Dear Sirs, Re: Proposed Microbrewerv addition t-0 Kingfishure restaurant 23840 River Road, BC. 15 March2019 The Kingfisher restaurant owners are considering adding a Microbrewery to the restaurant building, and I, as a registered Civil Engineer, have been asked to comment on the implications of doing this on the lot. On reviewing the proposal I have the following comments: The subject lot was originally developed as restaurant surrounded by an asphalt paved parking area. The municipal services include: a drainage system, incorporating two rock pits under the pavement, constructed specifically to cleanse stormwater falling on the site, and have it re- absorbed by the natural soils. The currently proposed microbrewery building will cover a significant part of the existing parking lot, so that rainwater falling on the site will not be contaminated by falling on the parking area before being discharged in a controlled manner into the Fraser River. With this new development sto1m runoff from that part of the parking area not covered by the building, can be directed into the existing second rock-pit, to be cleansed, without overloading the second rock pit. The water and sanitary services to the site are likely to be adequate for the extra development, or can be easily upgraded if necessary to provide for the extension. The proposed new building will reduce the amount of auto parking on the Kingfisher Resaurant lot, however the property to the west of the restaurant is owned by the Restaurant owner, and the restaurant currently uses that lot for patron parking by written agreement with the City. This arrangement will continue to provide ample parking after construction of the microbrewery, My review identified no immediate reason fui:,.cp~cem in the construction of the Microbrewery. I! UtJuaiv'. /~~~ss,ai ~ ...... f ~~Q.~v~·'J/'~ • ~~\f\ . ' " J hn Curran P.Eno-~ J. o. cuRAAN ~ o ~ # 15 2 ~ Suite201,Unit74, 15515-24'hAve " .-· ')j ,' Phone/Fax(604)536-1621 South Surrey, B.C. V4A 2J4 't. ~' . l' e-mail nga@paralynx.com ~s ..,_ ~' _) A EXSNl50f1t.Jf'IIC TO IE M' JIG TIO uu~, 100,, PYc PP£ FROM WNHQ.£ ID 600ll lAWH BASIN t f <l' , IX EX ROCK PIT SECTION NOT TO SCALE JOHN C/IRRAN N£"7/.LE GRAHAN &! ASSOC ENGINEERS INC. Suito 201, Unit 174, 15515 24 ave, Surrey, BC V4A 2J4 Tel.:604--536-1621 emaR.: ngaCporol)11X.Com proj!Jctf 1067.13 2019.04.18 RlVl5ED PER CIIY COMIIEHIS No. DATE REVISION PLAN SC/U 1:250 70mm CRUSHED GRA\IEI.. WRAP ~ &. Ta:' <F DRAIH ROO< IN till£X 4545 GEOTEXllE 1,oS1IRPll'ESUDltlllll PEFIFERATm 1tlP -SV?PORTED 8'I' LWJUAU.Y PLACED ROOCS AS BASE 6" UllrNJS CRUSliED ~N ROCX IOOtl ~ SOR JS mou GRASS CRErE PA\IERS BENCHMARK 0,Sl\NO ""''°'"" CONTROL NOMJMENT: """"',.,.. LOCATION: :NfttM'fst'llf!R GAS .,,.. U.C. U()fJJNC UC.MY(RO SK UC. llllJ>HIJ'fE El£\IAT10H: U.,..OIE CATOl..,,,. --ca0 --ca• ""' SAN GAS W/U S/t HYO IU. ~ "' ~TlCAI.OAlUU: BY WATER DR CAS VAL'l'E tx nt 100. rvtl/OIM cc:ael -~~[CH~ ~IJIS) ~ J,u:Cn,◄50f P\IC DO.Jlli f'loj • "' " EX Bl.mlER CllRBS OR EC. TIP l£VEL D 5.4-0rn SUPPORTING IWII< D 5.4Drn mt FERRi"ES SOC ('sa"UEtH DWCS RlR OEfM.S} Dito< EDGE rF CRAIIEL U11Un' Pot.E / ANCHOR e ,. FIRE HYDRANT 0 SLOPE IRON FIN ol.P. SASEUENT ElEV, I.UT 1. R~T T SHRL.18 WCE OfPA~T HEil<:< --·- TD' DRAIN LINE DETAIL NOT TO SC/i£ 0.30 IN All. DIRECTIONS PROFILE -EX GROUND 1 Om EAST OF WEST P /L SCAl£ 1:25D(H), 1:25{V) -GRASSCRETE PAYERS ---{;()LCX/R-GRAMTr -3mm MINUS \1BRATED BE'TWEEN JOltlrS -25mm -6mm Cl.EAR CRUSH -275mm -19mm CLEAR CRUSHED GRAVEL BASE COURSE. SJP8U WJ.tr8 #MWTMOO:: = TO Q.EM'SE STORM WATIR ON STTE, ANO HA~ rr R£ABSORBED BY THE NATUR>l SOLS, a= ~o:.lto oroo wll be mod, up of the building rvDf, pawd pal'Wn;, cmd lands~pin; sa.. kl~ ot• ~ ~ .... lO OCOltlUAOla dirirl9 ~-°' lo• roiNdl. a~ :!,if!,. ":~~~a={~\ &:'~ti.! ~ f:'0~11bto:,:!;._tbt =r::n::f3.:i:· ~.:r111i,-:. T. :~ ~~:~~ 4i'Jt.l lhtDt,.'fl'i lob CM!t .. d and: ~bad II o ~ ,:iii ~0t,,~ l" llltll net~tal •~d•• r""1.h# •~ l'\M'IICllt •UI C(ll,IDI o., i-.1 ., Uie tflrlw ~ 1.o ,;..,., .-.,l'lt11111ly t• til• ir,.t of th• c,oho .. ~Hnt odJK--M to tl"9 -,. d ~ pc4_t, ol 11Ncil ~ lh =-~~;;::--_::::::,~~~ti. IMS-~ ~ the r,nt °' The pum1obt11 pCIYlrll con b9 ~ iMsp~ •~ cind raplocec:I 't/lh nc,11, cl1on sand on a 5 ylllOr cycle (or-m 111q,uirwd] le ll!Cfllalin U.. ert1~Uveness ol IM system. Al=-11 ba1" ltp~III U..=-=oNt• ~ta. 1111• •hktl ~ llll'YI cis on ~ .rr:.~ :r=,~ P.•~ :.~'~°: ii.~i~:: ~ dona :'~ ~-=: ~·~k n::..mc:,y aa:ipl 1M ;l!'J'lllr.1 lNwp lhe IHn ftvMl't lrem e«b al lh• O,IOI wjl t,-~ tdl«wl Bq,of IIIC clecmfrio ~ ... lien -.......... _ ...... ... =:~:~~ cd'~~ ,~,.z: ~t~~~oirted f1Jr cin-ail• abaotption, 919 m2 ... m2 (Roof -290 m2) Rcilnfoll lnlen1ilia, ltK 10,...-arid IOOyr ewnts (HJ mil ran) I 10 • 51mm/h • i100 • 78mm/h Runorr, Q (m3/s) • FWN, ~ ., Oa>, R100 • Cl~ H • Q,00'214 Ania 1 05 (mJ/1) • O.5'0.DtU~l"'G.DOVS •0.010 raJ/• ~oclcpit QIOO • '"5,0.0,'7'7&"0.00171 -0.017 tnJ/1 1em:,. OCQU'ft """' s )"11:ar-o.o,0•1cr60 • &nJ 100 )"""" 0.011•10'60 • 10..:l.mJ Tola! vol • 7m"4m•1..5rn • 42m3 Vold vat • lglol/J • 14mJ Ground gb,orption by Ptft le,t • 0.002i'7m3 by ol'ftl 0.594m2 Absorbtlcn rula • 0.00272/(D..594°600) • 7.77•10--6 m3/m2/, .Arita otm,ttiing • 22• 1.5 • 33m2 Time lo ob1orb lOOyr rurn,ff • 11h EX PAVERIASPHALT PAVING INTERFACE NOT TO SCALE CUR FILE DRAl\tl SK ...... CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE lOE DESIGNED JC/SK ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ~ CHECKED JC .. l[ RADING & STORM WATER MANAGEMEN 2011J,08,26 APPROVED JC ...... """' -·"" -occcuous O@cc,11FEROUS SCAl£S RIVER ROAD Cl or .1 ~\IE"Y MOOUMENT 6 HDRZ. 1:250 (UNO) UIIQ..fl~ ,-,..C, ltiGP(,; bQII O,AUOOI 0 23840 RIVER ROAD, MAPLE RIDGE Sll'IEET UG-IT -<> BUILDING C] 0946.08 VERT. AS NOTED e c; tr ,q- 40.22 m road widening 1,764.1 m2 (18,989 s.f.) net development site existing Kingfishers 1,764.54 m2 (18,994 s.f.) overall original lot area 3,688.97 m2 (39,709 s.f.) drawing list • A-I SITE CONTEXT A-2 SITE PLAN 4 PROJECT DATA A-:5 ORIG>INAL !:>ITE PLAN -(REFERENCE) A-4 FLOOR PLAN!:> A-5 6UILDIN6/!:>ITE !:>EC TION!:> A-b BLDG>. ELEVATION!:> -NORTH & SOUTH A-1 BLDG>. ELEVATIONS -EAST & l'IEST EXl~TIN<5o IPQbTRIAI. ARTIFAG T / vie~ PROM RIVER-ROAD proposed microbrewery : ADDRESS, .2:5~40 Rivef"Rood. Mople Ridge Albion lnclu!>tric:11 Areo ZONING, , M-:5 ElUSINESS PARK ZONE !>ubjeGt to DP:50 1:iy10 ... , CounGil oppr-ovol -r-ePel"' to Mople Rlcl9e Zone Amending ey10 ... No, 140:5-2011 per;9'1lttin9 p01"kin9 u!>e on odjoeent pr-operty to ...e!>t =TIN,:S,-t:::INGfl$HERS ELEVATION FAGIN,:S, !'RASER-RIVER site context proposed microbrewery 23840 River Road Maple Ridge C: Q) 0) 0 "0 :e ii: "0 "0 Q) ca C. >i ... ca Q) :ii!: :: Q) ... .0 "0 0 ca ... 0 (.) 0::: E ... "0 a, > Q) 0:: Ill 0 0 C. -.:t' 0 00 ... C. C"') N E C ~ 5 E ~ LI\ 1238401 1,764.1 m2 18,989 S.F. net development site proposed microbrewery 1,764.54 m2 18,994 S.F. existing restaurant 3,688.97 m2 39,709 S.F. original lot area -----------·-·------ I) PIUSCIP.U.USES i} Jndcmw-•ia:;hd;a,: i) .. j!ID.ll.nMtl"-Sbrp,,:,duca,az:id.,...,_~ I) ~rdaq:1111liv&-~ ii) cbodalplar: ff") 11octr.rm~11:htllf111in: <t) wp:i'cllzm:miica. ~ ~nduclrioapl>lsr,.-1 flJ) CDl"l(ljQDirl,,tmtri=,11M. b) Wi<ltrrnsla-mtau: c) ~ ... kr'I~ d) Jadunrialtr:io.iKbool•: c) knllsaltmldl'CDl:llofill4mlNl,'mcks.lnil111,md!a:a,-ycqmpPll'flt:zod f'J On,-pcrJCIIJimiltdlg!IJOm:~!ffl":lfl:L II l!CIOOl'Ol:mrTltn:lalHtcnlallc.i\lHill&llbeflV!TTlnll(lirtl305i5Kala\lOIIS!r9'1l\l.JJll4 Sectlon2'TOIO'flSl'd111::!Ntww.sti'rllrnlllrD<stnd.PIZIBCP.l22Q2j tin~ hi llelt'4i!Mean01'11 CSauN 1) al D), c,unlflll ol 1!1'11 ha:ard jund,r 50 ~ per rnHM;r, al PCll)tltcltlc::lltq,,,t;,mam:;11Drap.1ndmMrprut>JDlngath)'d!Ol:arl,,Otq;h,;pe!fflltt8dwt 141~256SIJM t.al2Dlslnd.t.alSJ21QrQ\lr,l.N81<Westmll\SlirDlslnd.Plin41BJ0 " OIISl.lwlparl.ll\cu .. .iull>9pg~d•L237112;i,,-.d23S1DRlwl'AooCI I a.42,D.L~05,PllulNWl"1J2'andU>l3,DL405,l"anNW1'7324) o· MIC.R06RE~ERY AREA : 5ROS5 AREA· .2,125 oJ. l.253.2 oq,nJ BREH:R"f -.2,110 6J. {20lb oqJOJ LCU<e,E -555 o,F, /!,lb oq,n.•.23!111 -- .20' ... o· proposed 00] existing restaurant f.f.e. 8..90 m. 22.b3m ,425' setbo<:.k. Pe>aD PARKIN& LOT ferry building (existing} 1238581 PJ'l:Al::INSoL.01' ~ site plan SC.Ole 1'=30' 00' l20' 160' microbrewery 23840 River Road Maple Ridge development data ADDRE55 : .23&40 "''"" Rooc:I • c.11~ oF ""'P"' Rlc:lge , ... _,_,,,,_, ZONING, M-3 aF.>INESS PARK ZOIE out>jeol lo C>P30 t>jlGw . c:.o..non opp,ovol EXISTING, 4 PROPOSED .USES PROPOSED MIC.ROSRE>ER"T' ( klcl,olrlol J -oo~ lool""3 ,oom I pc,rk""3 EXl!;,TIN& Re!:>T~/Pl,6 ( "°""""'Glol I • ~ oflluo . oto,og,o CS>CI porl<»q DEVELOPMENT SITE AREA : LOT AREA 3'!,100 S.J'. ( 3.t,e,<, 1112. J LESS -1,125 51'. / lb0.31112.) -ROAD DEDIC-ATION LESS -le>,.,... 51'. I l,1b4~ 1112. / -LO<DEVELoPASLE NET AREA -IC,,qqo S.J'. I 1,1(>4 1112.) • DEVELoPA!lLE LOT DIMEN510NS : .,40j,4m. x '1'1,12m. / 132' x 320.b' ) DENSITY (LOT C.OVERA6E) ... .300 51'. F'ROP05ED MIC-ROBRE>ER"T' • .2,!,.20 S.J'. TOTAL • b,t>.20 51'. (t,:S3b m:J) t,33btnb4 • 36~ (BASED ON DEVELOPASLE LOT AREA) 6R055 FLOOR AREA , MICROBRE>ERY • eROlH'.> FLOOR ~ANINE5 TOTAL I .2,-41,t, 51', (_22q,1 m.2) 62b 51'. I 58.2 m:i J 3.0U 51'. ( .2&1.3 m.2) EXJSTINIS--RESTAURANT - ~ FLOOR 5EC-O>C> FLOOR TOTAL I 3.30"1 5.f', I 301.2 m.2 I l,5t,& 51', ( 14!>,1 m;J / ------- 3.0:0 • 4815 ■ 1.~1 S,F, i,q&1/Jl,,,qqo F.A'"R ■ A2 (BASED ON DEVELoPASLE LOT AREA) SETBACKS TO MIC.ROBREl-'IERY NORTH -112.11' l.25.21mJ EAST -'J.4.25' C22b3mJ 50l/TH -14t,,3<1' / ...... .tQmJ .-E5T -J,b,4" (OSOmJ • VO"lonGe requ..,ed 61.JILDING, HE16HT .22' 11 b,1lm. PARKING, PROV151QN --REGIJJRED SPACES I Re5T~/A,13 SEATIN& • EXISTINI.S INDOOR 5EATINI& ~ 100 EX15TIN& DECK SEATIN& • 5-4 TOT AL -15-4 15-4/-4 • 3&.S • OFFICE -1.28 !JJ. 128/.o430 c~ TOTAL REGMRED -... 0.2 PIWP05EO ~ • MICROBRE.-eR'r' 0Nru'51'RIAL/ • .2.2 l.211O/1000 • .2J1/ Llc.ENSED LCWISE 3f>/,4 • !Y:!." TOT AL 'REGIIIReD -11.2 TOTAL REG'D SPACES ·A0.-2 • 11.2 • SIA ■ 52 SPACES PARKIN& PROVIDED , 53 Sf>Ac.ES. (INCL . .2 SPAC-E5 FOR D15AeLED PER50161 T'l'PIC,AL P""'°'IN& SPAC-E • .2.bm. x !>.5m, lt>jiOw -• .2.5ffl. X !,,5m./ DRIVE AaE -1.3m. C: a, 0) 0 "O :e ~ "O "O a, ca 0.. >, ... ca a, ~ 3: a, ... .c "O 0 ca ... 0 -~ 0::: E ... "O a, > a, ~ 1/) 0 0 a. 0 -.:t ... 00 a. (") N <( ... ,- <( 0:: C ~"'u ... ll! &Iii u w m --, 0 0 5 ~~ 0:: Q. ~ii:~ ,II! :z ~Mo.!! <( ... 0 g- Q. es !~ • Ir : vi ~ D. { } -. .!I N • I "ii <( ;ji Ol ., I<) ~ d (X) ~ % -~ l I a;: (X) --1 -~ <D • -~ 0 ,~ ;§ <:! E "' ~ ,t0.22m 16<[8" rn2·--- 1 725 S.F. 1,764.1 m2 18,989 S.F. net development site 1,764.54 m2 18,994 S.F. 39,709 S.F. original lot area EXISTIN6 ElCJ RIVER ROAD 11----/ I I I ' PA- "----•-proposed restaurant f.f.a. -6,90m. STORAGE ---1------1-TO ee'RELOGATED (original site plan proposed restaurant & -,,__LOT ,,__LOT proposed development : ADDRESS : .23t>-40'-f<lv...-'-Rcc:lcl. Mopie~ ZONING : M-2 c5EIERAL IIQ.IS'l'RIAL -JeGI IO DP30 ti\!'°" . C.0...:.11 opp-c>vol PROPOSED -USES : MlCROllRfl'<l!R'f ( ~• } "Rl:ST-T ( c.omn...-Glol} • °""""'°"""l olll«o. MGV"og<t onG1 pGR»g DEVELOPMENT SITE AREA : LOT ARl:A • 3",,0C, SJ', ( 3bll'I 1112, } LE$ • l,']21 SJ'. ( 160.31112.} LE$ • ,&,qq.o SJ'. ( 1,16'4.S 1112, I NET AREA • lb,""<' SJ'. ( 151& 1112, } LOT DIMENSIONS : ..o40j,4m. w.2&1.2m. ( 1:12· w ,u2· } DENSITY ( LOT COVERAGE ) : 3,1t,2 SJ'. I lb.""<' ( .22 " } GROSS FLOOR AREA : ~ FLOOR 3301 SJ'. ( 301 m.2} SEGOIC> FLOOR ,,-SJ'. ( '40 m.2} TOTAL , ""4.&~ 'i>J'. ( ""4!>3 m.2} F~•~ PARKING PROVISION , "Rl:GinRl:D SPAGES , 'MICROE!REl'l!RY -3014•1.S 1.S SPAGl:S "Rl:ST-T • lfCIOOR -10/.4 ■ 11-" 11,.!5, OUTDOOR • .-4014 • IO IO OFFIGI: / STORAee • ..o4 TOT AL -3" SPAGE!:> PROVIDED SPAGES , ~ ( INCL, I H/C. STALL I "mlc.t'OO--'J "'°" nol W."-deel n lnol ~ 51Tf PLAN 2007) micro-b rewery AUE z :J Lu1~ A-3 DEC.. 4 20le> ~ Cl) Cl) 3: C') Cl) "C ... i:i:: .c 0 Cl) ... (.) 0.. E ns :i!: oc!S .... C: "C ns ns ... 0 ::::s 0::: ns .... 1/) ... Cl) (I.) ... > "C i:i:: (I.) 0 1/) ~ 0 co C. M 0 N ... C. c.: ,,; e 8 ~ ........ 0 0 I I ~ c!;:::: 0 I I Q :g :g 8E! <.J u u C -.D ®·"" ii lb • 2l 0 ~~ ¢,I._ i~ ~,; ~E Js© © E ... ~"' lb I ~-1!, ~u H~ ©2 -r D~~ ...~ ©'-Ulil =0 i I ◄ J 'C<J .. ~ ~ai .., t" . ~., .. .,.,, ~ .?'-c lJ :ii: It ~~ I=' ~ y OI -1 E /§ :[ i r., 3 l C"4 0 I il -< iji ("( ~ !§ d IO "" r I ]. ! ~ ,i....._ : • ! '.x g ~ t i t ' I C: Q) Cl 0 -0 E ii: i -0 -0 ..9:! ca ~ C. ca Q) :E 3: Q) ... .0 -0 0 ca ... 0 .5::? 0:: ---i--==::::!:=:::::::::::;:::;::;:::::;:::;::;::;::;::;:::~'.;;;;~:::::;-r--------D E ... Ir I I I mezzanine A J 21Os.f. I ..,_ I L _______ "'7lravel _________ __J storage ~ l 1---==-===~=====~1-__ --l ___________ y _______________ j 1 rc,o'lo,,er-I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 mezzanine or-eo : 210 + 356 = 626 s.F. (.4 X 1,564 = 626 sJJ mezzanine B I I • I 356 s.F. storage I I,.. .,-1 ., I ,,,,,, I ..... ____ _. ~ total or-ea -626 s.F. mezzanines plan sc.ole , 3/16" = l'-0" .. .,. microbrewery areas : INDUSTRIAL AREA : eROUND FLOOR -1.564 SQ. FT. MEZZANINES -626 SQ, FT. TOTAL -2.lqO SG. FT. TASTING ROOM , GROUND FLOOR -555 SG. FT. (..,.oshr-oom5 not inc.lvded in areas) --1 ----7 ___ __J I "C Q) > Q) ii: U) 0 0 C. s::t 0 00 ... C. C") N ~ r-··--- r ~----- -------~OVl!!R _____ J __ _ ' r----- ! r----·--0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l ____ l==i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i::::::it~~~~~~=ii--t I o~~ I I I I f.f,e. 5.20 m. i I I mic,robrewert ,.,r-ountl Floor-1,5641 s.F. ";;J I I L _______ .J I I I I I I I I I p----------~M;-----------b I I : :----T----r----r·----:--T~-:---1-~-1--r·--7 ~=;1-:::!==ir=====;; iQ!Q!QlQ!QiQlQif-'i"l"i L-.. .1,.,. ........_ .. .L.. ...&. •• .t.. ~-..... ~ .. tops ser-vic.e gr-ovnd Floor-gr-oss or-ea -2;466 s.f. (site c.over-oge) ground floor plan SC.Ole : 3/16" = l'-O" a- tasting room occupant load : (gross area -555 SGl. FT J .. .,. ... seating area -464 SG. FT. 464/12.9.2• = 35_q1 (36 persons) • 12 .9.2 = 1.2m2/person per B.C-. bvlldlng c.ode (36/4 = q porKing s,poc.es, req'd) proposed microbrewery 23840 River Road Maple Ridge I l \ : e .....; ____ _ -® O'I A-4 REV. TO JAN. :24 :201Cf i.::.....=--'-=----' "' N') 'o a:J -.:. ~ i w I :! :z: ... a:J ;;, e ~ ~ i ~ i N') 0 ( -n ;r -. -~ Ol l'. en 0 CD ~ -. ,,.. ;a < CD -. 0- i ~ .~ ! ----------0 I II I II I ----@ I I ]II O" C T•_&i1~ -· a. -· ::::J cc (") -. 0 en en \II I 8 en ~ CD r·-1 -o I ,_ ui--;;L ' -· f ~ 0 t_J • ::::J 6 I )> . q '-'! II (! ~ ;p .. ,-~ ,::;-) ,....._:; ,,\,,111,,, ~:...) ,,,,... . ,,,~ jl) r·-:, ::' ~~~•····•·•···~~c\, m .-...:::, ::ft./ 4~ •• '{i>.,_,:. < lo ~;;'$. c .... ::_ . .:: • ' If ~~ -::.= --i \ •: • .l:f ~~ C) .. .,... ~">,?:: L ",,, •·•••••·'!; •• ,··~~ ,:: )> )> ,,,, . '),.'l~,,,,-~ ,,,,,. .. ,,, ~ I iC11 t----'--:I ___ _j 1----'--i= jlJ---- IJ----'--~ ___ _JI 11--~-~ ---- 17·!0" R_-<7'1!>.1'oJ Scol,r: ,·~ ~·-o· Sheel Dro*ing TIiie: BUILDING/SITE SECTIONS Dote: JUNE 2018 of Project Tille: ··~·;" l 7;~ ~~39 PROPOSED M•CROBRE'(/ERY A-5 Wo84O River Rood ople Ridge B.C. ----@ ----@ !©[ii)!© ~li©mlafr@©~{l,!](j@lnc. architect-member a.i.b.c. 201 • 5&00 1'2nd S1rH1 1a1:: 111a1 ,,toe1e S.-rey B.C. YJS 6J9 ·••1 1'711 6'1,0fil9 E,m1i , ollieeai0ftie.a,Chi1e1:1uri,c0ffl 03 02 01 Rev. 8-22-19 1-17-19 12-0HB Dole O" C -· a. -· ::::J cc (") -. 0 en \II en (' 0 I ~ en .. CD UJ (") ::, ~ --' 0 ~1~ q· '-'! II (! ~ ISSUEO FOR ADP ISSUED FOR D,P. -n -. Ol en CD -. ;a ISSUED FOR REVIEW Description :~o > ~ ~ ~ Do D D .:t.A' ----@ ------·---0 0 proposed microbrewery addition 23840 River Road Maple Ridge ~ C: Q) C, 0 "C E ii: "C "C ..!l:! ca ~ C. ca Q) ~ ~ Q) ... .0 "C 0 ca ... 0 u 0::: E ... "C Q) > Q) ii: 1/) 0 0 C. '<:I' 0 00 ... C. C") N _Ft. b.qQ .!!!,_ _ existing Kingfishers restaurant P/L P/L north elevation to River Road sc.ale : 3/16" = l'-0" Er I I I • --_ -I ' --! r -_ ------=-_ I I -----I I -- I ---' - 61.AZED OVERHEAD DOOR r-~·JO.-J--,1<--,1<----------------=~•_.:o..q-.c=:;:,._ _____________ ---+ existing Kingfishers restaurant P/L south elevation to Fraser River -SC.ale : 3/16" = l'-0" .. ... l "Tl ~ """"I w l: en C (\ CD .... """"I :-:::0 <" CD """"I 0 ----------0 CD 1-l w I I .......... I I en I I I II \J\ ,-+ I I Im (' I I C CD I I ~ : I / CD .. I I Ul < I ~-' w ~~ ----@ ~ m1 I ' ,-+ ~I I 0 111 ~~rt q I :::J q I I ~ ml I i. LJ \ I ~ I I <lnr I I I i I I II I I D "hi I ! ! I I ,./ ·ii.-:j \ Cl I~ I '.UL~ ll ----0 (!~ ~ '};:;.,.,. c::: '··" .. ,\,,,,' .... ,, I I I I I I I I I I LJ ........... . ,,;,,, ,. .::-~ ~······· Q_ '"' •~·"•') ~~ ... . •. , .. , ;u --.· ~◄--Q .. ,,. m ~<, -1.t +e:· (>_-:. < :;1. =n r i \~~ • .•.,:;-, -0 • • 0 - i .... ,.-,\ -I -• ~'G, • \ r,kj: i () -:.,~.~ ... ~'~"·'.f ~ L "',,; '"•~···~')~"_,," !► ............. . ~ I i -----J Scale: Shf::tl Qt-ot~9 Tille: :u-a-,.. 1·= 4'-o" EAST & V/[ST ELEVATIONS Dole: JJNE 2018 ., Pro,iacl Title: ·~~~ r;o;,~ ~0~39 PROPOSED ~ICROBREW[RY A-7 ~ 840 River Rood ople Ridge B.C. --@) ~©llilO© ~li©inlafr®©frM!i® Inc. architect-member a.i.b.c. 03 201,6600 ia2t10 s,, .. , 161: f7Tlll art.(115\8 02 Svuey BC. VlS llJ9 ,,., 17181 671,0l!lit Ot 0llice111iat1ie•l'CtlilllCh.11'• com Rev. 8-22-19 1-16-19 12-04-18 Dote I :iiE CD \J\ en (' r-+ C CD ~ .. CD ~ < ~ w r-+ ·10 q :::J <l m "hi Cl ~ (! ~Ill -i r7 I I Ii i I I I I : : " I I I I , I I I, I :111:< iL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I U Iii "Tl """"I w en CD """"I :::0 < CD """"I ISSUED FOR ADP ISSUED FOR O.P. ISSUED FOR R[VIE'// Oescriplion OD bo ji II;, \ . ·1 0 • I'· ;a ' ~ 1:· ~ ....... cg ----@ "11'.r )>m ~) .,. rJ ~ ►r [iJ .1-----------0 0 proposed microbrewery addition 23840 River Road Maple Ridge ·~ I (/) ..-+ .., CD CD ..-+ (/) (') 0) D "O CD ..-+ 0 :::0 - Ul (' <" 0 ~ CD .. .., ~ ;o 0 -:: I 0) q 0.. 0 "' "'O w """"'i co 0 ..i::::,. "'O 0 0 ;q (/) < CD CD Cl. ~ .., ~ 3 ~1 --t (") """"'i s:: 0 0) O"' ~ "O """"'i CD CD ;q ~ 0.. CD ~ '< ~ --~~~, ~ m :< -I C) !):> ~ I ~00 C) ..ri Scolll: 1/8" = 1'-0" She11l Drawing lillo: ~@llilO© &:.1i'©lruoft®©frl!1lli® Inc. RIVER ROAD STREETSCAPE Dole: AUGUST 2019 or architect-member o.i.b.c. PJ1J}e0t TIU.: -~~ r::~ ~~39 PROPOSED MICROBREWERY 20~ • 6500 H52nd Slreel IOI: 17781 15T1-06i6 A-8 23840 River Rood Surrey B.C. V3S 6J9 lo: ITT81 571-0619 Maple Ridge 8.C. E-mail : olliceaionic-archi1ec1ure.com 01 8-29-19 Rev. Dote 0 ' 3 (b ' )> o' a ::, 71 (b ' ' u::: ? a: s· LO t-J UJ CP .I>, C) t:. 'S ~ (p' :::,-(b ' Ul 1·: .. ·t '~-~~ • ::1 .. l,ti '"'111;1~ ii ---~.· ... ISSUED FOR REVIE~ Description proposed microbrewery addition 23840 River Road Maple Ridge I\.) "'O ~ a ~ "'O 0 0 ::0 en < CD ('I) a. "'""I ::0 [I~ (") --, s: 0 n> 0- "'O --, ('I) CD ::0 ~ a. CD cc --, ('I) '< jU m ~ -I () ~ ~r ~ I 10......lii. () :i\_ Scole: 1:250 Pale: Nov. 2018 ·~~" r;·;~ ~·839 Shul . , L-1 .,, . ,~-'>: -•· .. ...... .... I'..! .• .- I • r r- .,. .~•. . _, ;~:. ~ .'J __ ,. I.. ._, '-' -:. : .. '·' ,:_1, ~-. ,,·: ' •• T-··· I,·• ... ! Dto,Ylni;i Tilk; ~ .:., ,. 1' rt .. •..-·- i, ~1 . -~ ,, . ~-... ri.·.· Yn.~ ,~ ~ ~I :•,. i:' . :, j~;1,-j,1·.'1'':· .;·, :·',";',"!/,) ,].• ·'}:J!··i 1 ' ~.1(:/!~~ •. ,;· ;,:f/1,.f. -'• , l ..... ,t: .:•· 1 I ~~ ... , i ~.~~-.' ' ''· -~'1 1 ': 1, ~f '•- .~ -- . : ·=··-... ,,.._.: LANDSCAPE PLAN ProJecl Tille: PROPOSED M1CROBREY(ERY ~ 840 River Rood Opie Ridge B.C. I . Ir- . '• ·•:• ...:,~';_t._• ·--·~J.) :~'f}!t--. .. ,. . l, ·', L '-':,' . _.;-• '.:::~"i 1_1_ ·<'·· II ·-:·r-:·;-··: ... ! 1j !--:-"'T 1: . ,; i :. i . I:• ,. -: .:: !·· ' •· ,:... __ _1; . ~71 ,· ' ..: ,. ------·, ·t.~1·1 r ~""--'. • :. ·•. l ~..-·~. ····!:•·;-J, ~-;-.. ~!' --~ .,:::-.-_·.1 -:·,;: :-.,: .:. . I' ) . , .. J I ;' (·-·':-· .-··. :.; . ~-·· , t "·:.•.-· r ' - •·' .1 • I •. • J f •• l,. .. !. ,t· i:: ,. f' !:_;_· '· I ! { 'I,~-, - 'c ' , .. '• _J , , .. ! ·-; .... i. .. , ·.• '"~ I:·• '• I ;"'•' .. :· ~ ( ! • .. ! .•• i ;,·· p: 1 1: i . ~@ifllO© ~!i©llilofr~frllJJ!i® Inc. architect-member o.i.b.c . 204-&aoo 1&il\O SUHI llfll: 117B1 &71.05'8 $4,,,r•r e.C.. Y3S &..Jt '••: ITfBI &71,05tG olliceGionic-•rcfliUtclute com ·'• :i J 03 02 01 Rey, .. 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'l ··-,,,,.,L...,.,,...._; . ··,~, '-· ., • -· n -- ,.- .- ,-, ...... ·• ... I-•. ... ~.! t i ""-:. \. ' l ..... • • .//:'-·-:' ·;._.,, .... ........ -', ' ,. • ..-•= ....... t .. -·-=-, •~ ,::; .. _ I 1l .~ f~-. "•\;. . . ' .. ,, __ ... -_.,.~·· . ., ,, ,, •·-; ! . ·r :/ ------ •.t-•' "'.. ... _ ... -.. ,. ~-,,. -. :..} ..... . := ....... !·1 -' ., . H '• --. ~ :. ::· . -.. ,,_ .. ;. ' - ~,.m~.-~ f:',:&r" r•··.1 ~-:~_···-Df-..iQn~ ·~~.,J,-~ l:!;11,:, I ,',It"' proposed microbrewery addition 23840 River Road Maple Ridge _) I~ I mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: FILE NO: Advisory Design Panel 2018-319-DP MEETING DATE: September 18, 2019 SUBJECT: 11920 228 Street PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel (ADP) submission has been received for the subject property, located at 11920 228 Street (see Appendix A), to permit the construction of a 13 storey apartment building, with 92 units and one guest suite. The subject property is a pre-zoned RM-6 (Regional Town Centre High Density Apartment Residential) lot, approximately 0.4 ha (1 acre) in area. The development permit application made to the City is subject to Section 8.11 Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines for the Downtown East Precinct for Multi-Family Residential development. The applicant has submitted their Advisory Design Panel application for review and comments (see Appendix 8). BACKGROUND: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing/Proposed: Zoning: Existing/Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Prdposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: M. Charkhchi, Sunnyville Project 228 Ltd. Lot A, Section 17, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 86981 Medium and High-Rise Apartment RM-6 (Regional Town Centre High Density Apartment Residential) Mixed Use Commercial and Residential C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) and CS-1 (Service Commercial) Town Centre Commercial Multi Family Apartment Residential RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Low Rise Apartment Multi Family Apartment Residential and Single Family Residential RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) and RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Medium and High Rise Apartment and Low Rise Apartment Office and Lumber Yard C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) and CS-1 (Service Commercial) Town Centre Commercial and Low Rise Apartment Vacant Townhouse and Apartment Building 3,840 m2 (0.9 acre) 228 Street Urban Standard Page 1 of 6 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: This development permit application is subject to the Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines for the Downtown East Precinct. Key Guidelines: The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal's compliance with the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines: 1. Provide a gateway to the Town Centre. New development should promote the Downtown East Precinct as a Town Centre gateway for travelers heading west along Dewdney Trunk Road and Lougheed Highway. A gateway element should have strong visual presence that features landmark structure(s), landscape elements, welcome signage, public art and/or enhanced viewscapes to the mountains, while maintaining architectural quality and character of associated new development. The proposed development promotes the streetscape view using modern architectural elements, such as landmark structures, strong landscaping, such as privacy shrubs, building signage, public art and high-quality finish materials which creates a strong building character. 2. Create a pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use commercial area. New development in the Downtown East Precinct should foster a pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use commercial area with a portion of medium to high density residential development. New development should promote the East Precinct as an important new commercial and residential urban environment in downtown Maple Ridge. A building's form and mass should support a strong pedestrian-oriented urban realm and should help to define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces. Taller buildings (greater than 5 stories) should be stepped back in a podium style to blend with low- rise (3-5 storey buildings) and provide a more ground-oriented feel. Although the development is a multi-family development, the proposed pedestrian-oriented streetscape view, high quality landscape, artworks at a recognizable strong entry and limited sitting area creates a pedestrian-oriented urban realm and promotes the residential Town Centre. The tower steps back at the third storey, above the two-level ground-oriented townhouse units. 3. Enhance the quality, character and vibrancy of the Town Centre. New development should inform the quality, character and vibrancy of the urban environment. Colours should be harmonious and materials of sustainable quality. All new commercial, multi-family and mixed- use buildings should create an attractive appearance to the street and should maintain a cohesive building style. The precinct can accommodate a variety of building forms, from single- storey bigger box commercial to mixed-use commercial buildings with residential above, provided the building orients to the street and offers a pedestrian-friendly fagade. The proposed finish materials are a higher quality and have a longer life-cycle. The tower base form and character and landscaping is highly pedestrian-oriented and strongly invites them into the building. The dominant tower cladding colour is beige, with dark navy blue, off-white, and burgundy as an accent colour. The building base form and character consists of straight C-shape concert frames which is a/so repeated on the tower in contrast with curved-edged balconies. The C- shape concert frames are repeated stronger on the top as a closing element. Page 2 of 6 ) 4. Capitalize on important views. New development within proximity to 226th Street should protect important mountain views to the north. Existing streets and buildings should maintain and enhance these views. The upper tower levels will have a mountain view from the north and a river view from the south. The tower is significantly setback from the property line, which permits to over 60° view cones from the adjacent existing buildings in opposite directions. 5. Provide public outdoor space. New developments should include attractive, functional public outdoor spaces, where appropriate and feasible. Outdoor spaces should be designed to accommodate a wide use of activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, and increase safety. There is limited public outdoor space in this development. 6. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features. New development should provide landscape elements that reinforce the urban character and vibrancy of the Town Centre. Landscape elements should enrich the pedestrian-friendly character of streets in the precinct, moderate the internal building climate, manage stormwater on site, and reference the architectural quality of new buildings. Where feasible, mature trees should be retained, vegetation suitable for the Maple Ridge climate should be planted, and green roofs and walls should be considered. Plantings are all at least moderately drought-tolerant and include native and adapted species. The perimeter plantings buffer winds and provide privacy within the site. Tree species have been selected to provide summer and winter interest, shade the parking and pedestrian routes, and to help soften the views of the building. The quantity of planting will reduce ground-level surface water flow, collecting water via roof drains into a detention tank. 7. Maintain street interconnectivity. New development should maintain street interconnectivity and the traditional use of the lane as a service street and secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway. Where feasible, parking requirements should be accommodated underground. The proposed development has a big lobby with double-height exterior glazing which strongly connects the main building without an access ramp. There is no surface parking proposed in this project. A Design Rationale is provided summarizing the form and character of the development (see Appendix C). PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: The development proposal is for the construction of a 13 storey apartment building, with 92 units and one guest suite (see Appendix B). The subject property is an existing RM-6 (Regional Town Centre High Density Apartment Residential) zoned lot, approximately 0.4 ha (1 acre) in area. The development consists of 13 two-storey townhouse units at the base of the building with an amenity room and guest suite on the ground floor and three additional apartment units on the second storey with an indoor gym and storage area. The building then steps back to a tower Page 3 of 6 with 8 apartment units on the third to eleventh storeys; and 4 two-storey penthouse units on the twelfth and thirteenth storeys. An amenity area with a play structure and benches are provided on the northwest corner of the property. Ground-level entry is provided for each of the townhouse units with patio areas. Sundecks are provided for the four penthouse units and decks are provided for the apartment units. Two levels of underground parking are provided with long-term bicycle storage provided on the first parking level, and short-term bicycle storage provided at grade, near the entrance to the building and at the northwest corner of the building. Building materials consist of mainly Trespa panels, concrete and double-glazed glass. 2. Context: The subject property is located on the east side of 228 Street, at the intersection of 119 Avenue and 228 Street. The property is currently vacant and generally flat, with a mixed-use two-storey commercial and residential building to the northwest; a two-storey commercial building to the northeast; a three-storey apartment building and single family residence to the east; a three- storey apartment building to the south; and a single-storey commercial building and lumber yard to the west. 3. OCP and Zoning Compliance: The subject property is located within the Downtown East Precinct of the Town Centre Development Permit Area. This precinct offers great potential for new development that can contribute to more urban and pedestrian-oriented development. A number of large and/or underdeveloped lots in the area can accommodate a variety of building forms, from single- storey bigger box commercial to mixed-use commercial buildings with residential above, provided the building orients to the street and offers a pedestrian-friendly fagade. Medium to high density residential high-rise towers can also be accommodated. This property is designated Medium and High-Rise Apartment, which supports development of apartment forms of dwelling that are 5 to 20 storeys with underground parking. The subject property was rezoned to RM-6 (Regional Town Centre High Density Apartment Residential) in 2007. The original proposed development was for a 16 storey apartment building, with 3 storey townhouse units at the base. The RM-6 (Regional Town Centre High Density Apartment Residential) zone allows for a maximum floor space ratio of 1.6 times the lot area, with some exceptions for additional density. The applicant is proposing to take advantage of the following exceptions within the zone for additional density; for a total Floor Space Ratio of 2.8: i. an amount equal to 0.2 times the lot area may be added for each storey above the eighth, to a maximum of 1.0 times the lot area; ii. an amount equal to 0.1 times the lot area may be added for providing a minimum of 90% of the required parking spaces in an underground structure. An additional 0.1 times the lot area may be added for providing all required parking spaces, excluding visitor spaces, in an underground structure. The Development Data Sheet (see Appendix D) summarizes the development details and the project architect has completed the Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines checklist for the Downtown East Precinct (see Appendix E). The development proposal complies with the Medium and High-Rise Apartment designation; however, the applicant is seeking variances to Page 4 of 6 the RM-6 (Regional Town Centre High Density Apartment Residential) zone and Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw as discussed below. 4. Proposed Variances: The applicant is seeking the following variances for this development: • Front yard setback increased from 4.5m to 6.0m; and • Increased percentage of allowed small car parking stalls, from 10% to 21%. Low retaining walls are proposed approximately 2m from the front property line; however these are not considered structures that would require a setback variance. 5. Parking and bicycle storage: The Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990 requires that development within the Central Business District of the Town Centre for Multi-Family Market Housing provide the following: Residential Component: • Bachelor= 0.9 spaces/unit • 1 bedroom = 1 space/unit • Each additional bedroom= 0.1/unit Visitor Component: • 0.10 space/unit -where on-street supply available. This development consists of 2 one-bedroom units and one guest suite; 50 two-bedroom units; 36 three-bedroom units; and 4 four-bedroom units, for a total requirement of 107 stalls for the residents and 9 stalls for visitors, two of which should be allocated for vehicles of people with disabilities. The applicant is providing 144 parking stalls, nine of which are allocated for vehicles of people with disabilities, and 31 will be small car parking stalls (see Appendix F). Bicycle Parking Space Requirements are as follows: Building Classification Long-Term Bicycle Parking Short-Term Bicycle Parking Townhouses Storage provided inside 3 spaces for every 20 units, individual units located at visitor parking areas Low-Rise, Medium-Rise, 1 space per 4 units 6 spaces for every 20 units and High Rise Residential Based on the number of units proposed, 20 long-term Bicycle Parking stalls are required, and 26 short-term Bicycle Parking stalls are required. The applicant is providing 32 long-term Bicycle Parking stalls and 26 short-term Bicycle Parking stalls. 6. Environmental Sustainability and Stormwater Management: When the original Rezoning and Development Permit were approved in 2007, a restrictive covenant requiring LEED components was registered on Title. The applicant has indicated_that they have hired a LEED consultant and intend to meet the requirements within the covenant. Additional Green Building Techniques are outlined in the Development Permit Guidelines. Surface water is intended to be collected in detention tanks and reused for irrigation onsite. Page 5 of 6 7. Garbage/Recycling: A garbage and recycling storage room is located on the Level 1 parking level, with an enclosed temporary storage area at grade for pick-up days. A garbage compactor is provided with an agreement for garbage and recycling to be collected from the garbage room. 8. Off Site Upgrades. Utilities and Services: The existing sidewalk, curb and gutter will need to be replaced and a new driveway letdown installed at a maximum width of 9m. Street trees are required along the property frontage. Street lighting and pedestrian level lighting is required to enhance the streetscape. Bicycle storage, seating, and garbage receptacles are required at the property frontage. New water, storm and sanitary service connections will be required to support the proposed development and will need to be sized by the developer's engineer. An excavation and shoring plan has been submitted to the Building and Engineering departments for review. CONCLUSION: The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared by: Michelle Baski, AScT, MA Planner The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Subject Map ADP Submission Form and Checklist Design Rationale Development Data Sheet Town Centre DP Area Guidelines Checklist Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 6 of 6 Scale: 1 :2,500 11920 228 STREET PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~•- FILE: 2018-319-DP DATE: Aug 8, 2018 mapleridge.ca BY: LP APPENDIXB MAPLE RIDGE 1-~ ... l ~+,@HIM._ mapleridge.ca ADP Submission Checklist Application No. ____ 2_0_1_8_-3_1_9_-_D_P ____ File Manager __ M_ic_h_e_ll_e_B_a_s_k_i ___ _ This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel (ADP). Please refer to the ADP Submission Form and the ADP Requirements Brochure for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP. Certification of Complete ADP Submission: Architect's Certification: Signature ~ Print name Amir Farbehi 21/08/2019 Date Submission Materials Signat re Print name A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) B. Covering Letter including explanations about: 1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) 2. Architectural and Landscaping Design rationale (Detailed information Required) 3. Statement in brief about the following: a. DP Key Concepts Compliance b. DP Guideline Compliance Patricia Campbell Required (File Manager to indicate if required) ~ Iii' 121 ~ 121 C. Stormwater management strategy with emphasis on Tier A ~ requirements integrated into landscaping plans d. Public Art/ Amenities, etc. ~ e. Sustainability practices (if f. Other ~ C. Site and Neighbourhood Context 1. Context Review -Context Plan with existing/proposed buildings and trees, vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed ~ grading, and other major features within the site, on the abutting properties, the public realm and along the road allowances/ lanes. 2. Photographs of site and surrounding sites. □ D. Develoj;!ment Permit Area Checklist (Note: The Architect is responsible to describe how the project complies with ~ each guidelines, or if not applicable, a description of why not applicable. Please use fillable forms on line.) 21/08/2019 Date Provided ~ ~ !S1 !S1 ~ ~ e ~ □ ~ □ e City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist (Page 2) E. Architectural Plans {Site and Building{s}}: 1. Site Plan and layout 121 ~ 2. Site sections ~ [5)' 3. Streetscape elevation lia ~ 4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees ~ ~ superimposed 5. Shadow analysis ~ ~ 6. Lighting analysis (on building and on site) li:1 □ 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and roof tops Iii [21' 8. Waste collection /recycling (inside of buildings) ~ ~ 9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside) (3 ~ 10. Building elevation (all sides) (3 ~ 11. Signage (attached to building anctfree standing) ~ □ 12. Colours and materials [if ~ 13. Material board ~ ~ 14. Building sections [£)' [g 15. 3D renderings of site, building(s) and associated landscaping ~ [21 F. landsca~ing Plans: 1. landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting (3 ~ details 2. Storm water management works focused on Tier A requirements integrated into landscaping plan with details ~ ~ 3. landscaping details, including public art, signage, lighting, play and other amenity areas, fences, retaining walls, (3 e 4. Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures) □ □ 5. Details for pedestrian amenity and furniture features provided 121 ~ 6. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns 121 [g 7. Tree retention and management plan □ □ 8. Site sections for lot grading, drainage, landscaping, retaining □ □ walls and relationship to adjacent grades/ City roads/ lanes 9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnections [if 121 G. Green Building[Sustainability initiatives ~ [3' H. Engineering-related Information: 1. Site grading plans rg e I. Other □ □ □ □ ) □ □ Rev. March 2018 Development Permit application for 11920 228 St. Maple Ridge, BC. Context plan: APPENDIXC The subject lot is vacant residential land with an area of 3,840.40 m2. The project site is fairly flat, and the finish grade levels are approximately similar to 228 street levels. The proposed development is a 13 storey concrete structure on top of two-storey underground parking. The form of the development is consistent with the new additions to the neighbourhood and overall vision for the area. _ Context plan INSP!RED ARCHITECTURE l.\80 Mal'ine Dtl\let Suite 5 NGnh Voncouvar1 British Columbia, V7P 1TS C 604-773•1015 T 604-770-2088 www.inspirndarchitecture.c~ Page 1 of6 /;uf7ti✓ bArchitecture Develop ment Su mmary Legal Description: LOTS A SECTION 17 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER PLAN 86981 Civic Address: 11920 228 Street, MAPLE RIDGE, BC. BUILDING ANALYSIS CIVIC ADDRESS: 11920 228rd St, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. LEGAL DESCRlPTION: LOTS A SECTION 17 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER PLAN 86981 ZONE: RMS MAPLE RIDGE LOT AREA: 3840.40 m2 / 41338 JP --LOT COVERAGE: 1536.16 m• ---DENSITY RATIO: 2.8 ALLOWED PROPOSED COMMENTS ----- FLOOR SPACE RATlO 3840.4X2.8:c10753.12 m' 10733.25 m' DEGK AND GOVERO PORCH NOT INCLUDED TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA -12767.85 m' .... (GFA-Parking)/ Lot Area -- NUMBER OF FLOORS -13 NUMBER OF ONE BEDROOM SUITES -1 NUMBER OF ONE BEDROOM SUlTES+DEN -1 NUMBER OF TWO BEDROOMS SUITES -29 INCLUDES 11 TOWNHOUSES NUMBER OF TWO BEDROOMS SUITES+DEN -21 INCLUDES 2 TOWNHOUSES NUMBER OF THREE BEDROOMS SUITES -36 -NUMBER OF THREE BEDROOMS ... -2 NUMBER OF FOUR BEDROOMS SUITES (P.Hj -2 -NUMBER OF SUITES --92 NUMBER OF SUITE PARKING STALLS 108 135 NUMBER OF VISTOR PARKING STALLS 9 9 -------TOTAL PARKING STALLS 116 144 -------LONG-TERM BIKE STORAGE 20 32 ,_ ----SHORT-TERM BIKE STORAGE 26 26 -----TOTAL STORAGE -94 UNDERGROUND PARKING STRUCTURE 90% 78.3% BUILDING COVERAGE 40% 1528.2 m'. 39.7% EXCLUDING PATIOS & DECKS -·----PATIO AND DECK COVERAGE -354.7 m'; 9.2% ------BASE BUILDING SETBACK-WEST/FRONT 4.5 rn 6.002m 1.988 m TO PLANTER WALLS --- BASE BUILDING SETBACK• SOUTH/SIDE 7.Sm 7.892m NOT PARALLEL Wini P.L MINIMUM DISTANCE PROVIDED --BASE BUILDING SETBACK-NORTH/SIDE 7.5m 15.443 m NOT PARALLEL WllH P.L MINIMUM DISTANCE PROVIDED -BASE BUILDING SETBACK-EAST/BACK 7.5m 8.216 m NOT PARA.LI.El. WITH P,L MINIMUM DISTANCE PROVIDtD TOWER SETBACK-WEST/FRONT 7.5m 11.752m --- TOWER SETBACK-SOUTH/SIDE 7.Sm 12.552 m NOT PARALLEL WITH P.L MINIMUM DISTANCE PROVIDED -,--TOWER SETBACK-NORTH/SIDE 7.Sm 20.094 m NO'f PARALl.EL Wl'tH P .L. MINIMUM DISTANCE PROVIDED -TOWER SETBACK-EAST/BACK 7.5m 16.212 m NOT PARALLEL WITH P.L. MINIMUM DISTANCE PROVIDED The project This project is a per-zoned RM-6 high-rise lot. The proposed structure is concrete construction up to the rooftop. The residential tower is comprised of two storeys residential townhouses with a larger footprint and typical floor plans between level 3 -11. The top two levels are comprised of four residential penthouses with a large private roof deck patio. • INSPIRED ARCHITECTURE i480 Marine Drlvef Suite 5 North Vancouver, British Columbia, V7P 1T6 C 604-773-1015 T 604-770-2088 wvJw.inspiredarchltectm e.c:a X:\H12i 228 Stree•Mapi;:; R1ctge\Drawin~p\D0sign\Deslgn Rationc::le120190904 228 Design 1•ai1onal.docx Page 2 of6 _) /;z$ire/ vArchitecture The Ground floor comprises of residential units, entrance lobby, indoor and outdoor amenity, a rental guest suite, loading bay and lobby, storages and service rooms, which is accessible from 228 Street. The covered visitor parking is access from 228 Street as well as the entrance lobby. The residential units will be composed of 92 units ranging from one-bedroom to spacious four- bedroom penthouse. A large open patio will be provided for all townhouses on the first level, level 3 suites and penthouses. The top floor is partially set back on the building corners to provide relief in the massing, and to offer additional open space in front of the top units. The provided two-storey underground parking accommodates all residential and visitor parking as well as 27 additional parking for building the residence. The parking and enclosed garbage room will be accessed from 228 Street through a ramp. _Site plan INSPIRED ARCHITECTURE 1-480 Mnrlne Driva, Suite 5 Nofth Vnncouvcr, British Co!urnbla, V7P 1TB C 604-773-1015 T 604-770-2088 Wl,'iJW.inspiredarchitecture.ca X:\171Z~ 228 Stree·f...1aµle R.;dge\Drav.:hg!:i\Oibsign\Dssigr. Ralioru:iie':20190904 228 Design ratlonar dacx c:::l " II EB flage3of6 ht/fe,1-✓ vArchitecture Design Rationale The proposed development will implement the land-use policies, principles, and initiatives of the town center Development Guideline and the OCP. The use, massing and architectural vocabulary adhere to the vision for the area. The site use falls in the High-Rise apartment within the town center Area of the 2014 official community plan (OCP). The project lot is located between the Lougheed Hwy and Dewdney Trunk Avenue. The adjacent lost designated as a low-rise apartment or Town center commercial in OCP. The building frontage is etermined by a 6.0 meter setback from the west property line along 228 Street and 15.43 meters setback from north property line, respecting the east neighbour privacy with the 8.12 meters setback from future multi-family development, respecting the south neighbour privacy with the 7.89 meters setback from the existing multi- family development. This configuration with the additional tower set back delivers both a cohesive frontage and substantial setbacks which permits two over 60-degree view cone from the neighbour buildings on the opposite directions. The proposed development promotes the streetscape view using modern architectural elements as a landmark structure, strong landscape such as privacy shrubs, building signage, public art and high-quality finish materials which creates a very strong building character. Although the proposed development is a multi- family high-rise development, the proposed base tower and individual access to townhouses provide a pedestrian-friendly streetscape view and hides the tower mass behind using the tower base and a high- quality landscape, artworks at a recognizable strong entry in the residential urban in City town center. The massing strategy is to have an articulated but continuous street facade on 228 street with a robust base supporting a modern architecture that acts as a distinct volumetric component on the visual termination for the ground level. The tower base is also setback to extend the public space at grade level and help to create a vibrant and pedestrian-friendly streetscape view. INSPIRED ARCHITECTURE North Vancouver, British Columbia. V7P 1 Tfi C 604-773-1015 T 604-770-2088 v1v1wJnspiredarchitecture.ca Page 4 of 6 ) /2illi,1-✓ (!Architecture An indoor residential amenity and gym is located on the ground and second levels and is visually connected with glazing to the entrance lobby on the interior side for easy access and surveying. High-quality materials, windows, and doors with a combination of different claddings and architectural finish concrete will be used on the base of the building. Exterior high-density composite panels and aluminum window frames and glass railings will be used on the base and upper levels. The dominant tower cladding colour is Beige, and we used a dark Navy Blue colour on the tower as well. The tower base colour will be Off-Whit, and we used a classic Burgundy as an accent colour on building elevation.The proposed finish material having a higher quality and life-cycle. The tower base form, character and landscape is highly pedestrian-friendly and strongly invites them into the building. The base form and charter is highlighted with a straight C shape concert frames which are also repeated on the tower in contrast with curve edge balconies. The C shape concrete frames repeated stronger to on the building top as a closing element. To reduce the long corridors at ground level, some of the townhouses having direct access to the suite from a dedicated underground parking space. The third -floor setback create a transition in tower mass and form towards the adjacent major street and provides a transition to lower density uses and allows landscaping of roof decks were possible. Level 3 has some associated built-in concrete planters which will be visible from the main building entry. The penthouse deck will support planters provided by the residents. All roof decks will be accessible with the suite owners only. Trellises are proposed for the west and south ground patio entries, over the main entrance walkway, and on Level 3 patios. To improve the pedestrian streetscape experience, a variety of materials and articulated facade will be used for the ground floor unit exteriors. The garage access door from 228 Street will have a comprehensive landscape plan to reduce the visual impact of garage doors from the street. Proposed loading zone behind the base building mass is close to the underground garbage and recycling room and will have a multi-function use for building occupants. We believe the required 26 short-term bicycle storage is too many and compromise the landscape and building aesthetic at the main entry. we therefore provided 7 stalls at the entry with additional 19 overflow storage on the north side of the building with proper level of lighting and CCTV monitoring system. A total of 20 long-term bake storage required no this project. However 32 bike secure storages provided at parking level 1. The storage access door has direct sightline to elevator area. The building design and contextual relationship within the neighbourhood have been based on the 2014 City of Maple Ridge Official Community Plan (OCP), the key guideline concepts. INSPIRED ARCHITECTURE 1480 MariM Drive, Suite 5 Nonh Va~ccwor, British Columbia, V7P 1TG C 604-773-1015 T 604-770-2083 v1t.vw.inspiredarchitectur~.c:;;. Page5of6 Public Benefits The following benefits will be enjoyed by the community through rezoning the property and replacing a vacant lot with a new high-rise development that will implement quality urban design principles and construction methods, which will help revitalize the site and street (A) The project contributes to the OCP objectives of creating a compact and complete urban community. (B) The addition of 92 units will provide a wide range of new market residential housing which may include adaptable units for people with disabilities. (C) The extended public space at grade along 228 street will create a lively urban environment and opportunities to increase the landscaping and use of public space. (D) The project will provide a secure, fully accessible underground parking for residents. (E) High-quality streetscape view and pedestrian-friendly access to all revels. (F) This medium density development will bring considerable social, public and economic benefits to the community. INSPIRED ARCHITECTURE 1480 Marine Drive, Suite 5 North Vancouver, British Coiumbk:1. V7P 1 T6 C 604-773-1015 T 604-770-2088 WVJW.insplredarchite.cture.c:a X:\17121 2:28 Strel.!•M3?1c R:d9e\Drawings\Desig11\0~sigr! Rgtiormle\20190904 228 Qc;sign rational docx Page 6 of6 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Suite C100 • 4185 StiU Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f; 604 294-0022 September 04, 2019 City of Maple Ridge -Planning Department 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Re : 11920 -228 Street-Landscape Design Rationale To Whom it May Concern, Our design rationale for this project is as follows. A. Public Realm Relationship: This project is located east of downtown Maple Ridge. Its landscape style is consistent with that of its neighbours and fulfills the urban design goals set out in the Town Centre guidelines. The street frontage consists of an existing sidewalk and proposed lawn and street trees. Also proposed are a public bench, waste receptacle and bike rack to liven the public realm. Decorative paving links individual patios, side walkways, and the main entry to the existing sidewalk and relate to the public realm as a residential frontage. B. Plantings: The plan proposes a balance of hard and soft landscape. Plantings are all at least moderately drought tolerant, and include native and adapted species. Tree species have been selected to provide summer and winter interest, shade the parking and pedestrian routes, and to help soften the views of the building. Shrubs have been chosen to provide easy care year round interest with a "backbone" of evergreen shrubs softened and brightened by flowering shrubs, ornamental grasses and perennials. The perimeter plantings buffer winds and provide privacy within the site. C. Outdoor Private Spaces: Ground floor units have enclosed patios with gated entries. Some also have trellis features at entries to distinguish private to semiprivate space. Ground unit patios have direct access to garden beds for residents' enjoyment. A significant metal trellis is proposed to frame the main entryway as is to be planted with flowering vines. Page 1 www.pmglandscape.com D. Hard Landscape: Decorative paving using commercial durable materials is featured around the site, including within the main auto entry and the interior semi-public walkway. A path system provides access to all sides of the building, including to a tot play area and to quiet garden seating. The west (rear) path is of gravel and pave rs, for a softer, more intimate garden style. E. Water Storage: Storm water drainage is to be coordinated by the civil engineer, gathered on site and underground. F. Furnishings: Site furnishings are attractive, coordinated and are commercial grade. Bench seating and bike racks are provided at the amenity space locations. At the main entry, a built-in seating edge lines one of the side planters for an integrated modern look. Bike racks are also provided at the main entrance. A bank of overflow bicycle racks is located adjacent to the vehicle entrance. Decorative light fixtures -bollards and standards -provide safety lighting along interior walkways. Other features include a modestly scaled play area for children with both moving and stationary play pieces, an outdoor dining area in close proximity to the amenity room, and passive recreation opportunities in bench seating along a garden walkway on the south side of the project. G. Existing Trees: Neighbours' trees located close to the property line are to be retained under supervision of project arborist. All existing vegetation within the site will be removed due to the extent of the proposed underground parking. The landscape plan calls for 55 trees on site plus four street trees. Yours truly, Bronwen Jones, CSLA PMG Landscape Architects www.prnglandscape.com Page 2 610 -EAST TOWER, 221 ESPLANADE WEST, N. VANCOUVER, BC V7M 3J3 P: 604-987-9070 F: 604-987-9071 www.creus,ca September 3rd , 2019 City of Maple Ridge -Engineering Department 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Attention: Eric Morin &ivil :lnjinun 1 f'rujec.t J.{t,:J.,nMJer5 File No. 18165 Re: 11920 -228 Street -Stormwater Management The following is in regards to the stormwater management for the 11920 -228 Street development in Maple Ridge. The site is approximately 3800m2. The site is proposed to be developed into high density residential. The site will consist of approximately 2600m2 building and hardscape surface with the remaining area consisting of permeable pavers and landscaping. See SMP attached for site plan. The stormwater management feature will consist of a detention system and will be designed to meet the following three tier objectives: Tier A: Objective: Retain 50% of the 6-month/ 24-hour post development volume from impervious areas on-site and infiltrate to ground. The Geotechnical Consultant (Valley Geotechnical) has indicated the presence of "Haney Clay" on the site and has recommended against infiltrating rainwater into the ground due to low permeability and its sensitivity to moisture. As an alternative to infiltrating ground water we propose to install an irrigation cistern that will be the first source for all irrigation for the site. The cistern will be 94.3m3 in volume as shown on the attached SMP drawing. Tier B: Objective: Retain the 6-month/ 24-hour post development volume from impervious areas on-site and release it at a controlled rate of 1 :2 year forested flow Achieved by: Direction of stormwater runoff from roof leaders and impermeable areas to detention system and controlled release onsite TierC: Objective: Retain 1: 10 year event and release it at a controlled rate of 1 :2 year pre-development rate. Achieved by: Direction of stormwater runoff from site to detention system and controlled release onsite. The required storage for the proposed site is 91.7m3 . The proposed detention system and controlled release provides 94.3m3 of storage which exceeds the requirements. Respectfully yours, Andy Criddle, Reviewed: Kevin Healy, P.Eng. X:117181 228 Stree-Maple Ridge\Drawings\Design\Design Rationale\Stonnwater Management v2.0.docx 2/2 APPENDIX D I ~■ DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET mapleridge.ca Existing /Proposed Zone RM5 Date Prepared a812312D19 Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total 3840.40 sm Less Road Widening/ Truncations N/A Less Park N/A Net Total 3840.40 sm LOT COVERAGE (in % 0f net lot area) Total Site Coverage 40% 39.7% SETBACKS (in me~res) Front Base 4, 5m, Tower 7 .5m Base 6.002m, Tower 11,752m Rear Base 7,5m, Tower 7.5m Base 8,216m, Tower 16.212m Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Base 7.5m, Tower7.Sm Base 7,892m, Tower 12.552 Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Base 7.5m, Tower 7 5m Base 15 443m, Tower 20.094m Side #3 (N, S, E or W) N/A SETBACKS -Underground Structures (in metres) Front 3m 6,917m Rear 3m 3.369m Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) 1.5 m 2,298m Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) 1.5m 2.705m Side #3 (N, S, E or W) N/A BUILDING HEIGHT (in-metres/st.oreys) Principal 20 storeys 43.167 m /13 Storeys Accessory N/A NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor N/A 1 Guest Suite One Bedroom N/A 2 Two Bedroom N/A 50 Three Bedroom + NIA 40 Total N/A 93 GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square mettes) Residential 10,753.12 sm 10,733.25 sm, Retail Commercial N/A Office Commercial N/A Other Commercial (Type I N/A I nstitutiona I N/A ) Industrial N/A TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA 10,753.12 sm 10,733.25 sm, • If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. Required Development Data Minimum Required or Proposed (Complies or Maximum Allowed variance needed?) D.ENSITY. # of units/ha (gross) -49.98 # of units/ha (net) -86.64 Gross Floor Area 23,502.37 sm 18,605.3 sm Floor Space Ratio (net) 2.8 2.795 AMENITY SPACE (ar.ea-in square m·etres) Common Activity Area 93sm 176.7 sm Useable Open Space 1152 sm, 2,501 sm PARKING (numbeF 0f ~paces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses 107 135 Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) N/A Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) N/A Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) N/A Commercial Uses N/A Educational & Assembly Uses N/A Institutional Use N/A Industrial Use N/A Business Park Uses N/A Comprehensive N/A Other N/A Number of spaces for visitors 9 9 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES 116 144 Number of total for disabled 2 9 Number of total (and %) small cars 14 I 10 % 31 stalls , 22% Number of total (and %) tandem spaces 0 lo % TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) 0 BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaees) Short Term Bicycle Parking 26 26 Long Term Bicycle Parking 20 32 OTHER -state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site I NIA I Tree Survey/Assessment Provided IYES Watercourse/Steep Slopes I NIA I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements IN/A I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. 1 -----, P db Amir Farbehi, Architect AIBC .-.-,--f ~ . --.:;-? repare y: _____________ ., yr Print Name ( ease prinf form and sign above) NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. ·) --MAP Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines • • • Downtown East Precinct • N:fflfflNifiHM·iFM Pursuant with Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, development in the Town Centre will be assessed against the following form and character and green building design guidelines. The guidelines apply to Ground- Oriented Multi Family; Low-Rise Apartment; Medium & High-Rise Apartment; Flexible Mixed-Use; Town Centre Commercial; Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial & Waterfront; and Port Haney Heritage Adaptive Use. See the guidelines in Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan for a detailed list and descriptions of development permit area guidelines. These guidelines are intended to aid in the review of development permits in the Town Centre and are to be completed by the architect of record for the project. The project will be reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Department and the Advisory Design Panel. In the checklist, you are only requ ired to address the guidelines with the icon that relates to your project: TCC = Town Centre Commercial (commercial developments only) MU = Mixed-Use (ground-oriented developments, with commercial on the ground level and either offices or residential above) MFR = Multi-Family Residential (ground-oriented developments and low-rise, medium-rise, and high-rise apartments) Precinct Key Guidelines and Green Building Design Guidelines must also be completed for projects within the Town Centre. Development and Design Objectives The following summarizes the development and design objectives for each section on the following checklist. A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height • To promote a cohesive building style and strong pedestrian oriented urban realm in Maple Ridge Town Centre by ensuring new buildings, renovations and/or additions have consistent architectural and urban design setbacks, form, mass, and height. • To help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces. B. Building Fa~ades, Materials and Colour • To ensure additions, renovations and/or new infill projects in the Town Centre have a coherent architectural design concept where windows, doors, siding material and other fac;;ade elements create a pleasing composition compatible with surrounding buildings, commercial and neighbourhood character. • To enhance the architectural and massing concepts of a building as well as the quality, character and vibrancy of the urban environment of the Town Centre through the use of harmonious, quality materials and colours. • To screen rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment and trash storage from public view and thereby ensure commercial and mixed-used buildings maintain an attractive appearance to the street. C. Building Site Considerations • To ensure public outdoor spaces are designed so that they improve use and activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, increase safety and provide more attractive, functional outdoor spaces in the Town Centre. • To provide street trees and landscape elements that reinforce the 'urban' character and vibrancy of the Town Centre, enrich the pedestrian friendly character of streets in the district, and integrate this important commercial and higher density residential area with the character and quality of the surrounding residential neighbourhood. • To ensure parking lots are designed to be accessible, but do not intrude upon the surrounding residential area, nor the urban, pedestrian-oriented quality of the Town Centre. • To facilitate off-street parking and car storage at the rear of commercial and mixed-use buildings to maintain street inter-connectivity, traditional use of the lane as a service street, and to provide a secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway in the Town Centre. • To ensure service loading and mechanical equipment is designed to protect the surrounding businesses and residential areas from unsightly, noisy and noxious environments. Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines 1 ~ N 'MM,iitiMM·ifM Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines '- Checklist \ ' - Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Aoolicable ~ 1;1nSli , : ,..: .... , • ~1,n11:r;.i1:11n a• 'im.;\.,,~_.;,:;t_-= >,Fj·, --1--~~r'}~;__,, ~ -~ ·111 , I • ,r. - A.1 Building Mass and Form Al.l Maintain the mass and scale of buildings TCC MU MFR Iv!' □ □ Al.2 Enhance the block with corner commercial buildings TCC MU □ □ Al.3 Accent corner buildings TCC MU MFR □ □ IV!' Al.4 Use pedestrian-scale desi gn elements TCC MU □ I I □ Al.5 Feature pedestrian amenities TCC MU MFR V I I □ Al.6 Design large build in_gs into smaller modules TCC MU MFR \,ii □ □ Al.7 Accommodate street-fronting units TCC MU MFR " □ □ Al.9 Ensure aoorop1-iate roof pitch TCC MU MFR V □ □ Al.JO Use design elements to reduce roof mass and scale TCC MU MFR V □ □ A.2 Building Heights A2.I Vary building heights TCC MU MFR " □ □ A2.2 Maintain alignment of architectural features TCC MU MFR V □ □ A2.3 Integrate taller buildings TCC MU MFR \I □ □ A2A Step ba-ck taller buildings TCC MU MFR \,I,. □ □ A2.5 Match building heights at the end of blocks TCC MU MFR □ □ I~ A2.6 Manage phased development TCC MU MFR Iv!' □ □ A?.7 Protect views TCC MU MFR Iv!' □ □ A.3 Building Setbacks A3.l Place buildings to reinforce sidewalk activity TCC MU MFR " □ □ A3.2 Situate building entrances for visibility TCC MU MFR V □ □ A3.3 Provide adequate throughwavs and lighting TCC MU MFR Iii I I □ A3.4 Provide clear sight lines from building foyers and lobbies to allow [it □ □ visual surveillance TCC MU MFR A3.5 Separate residential entrances from commercial entrances MU □ □ □ A3.6 Respect existing buildings TCC MU MFR " □ □ A3.7 Distinguish entrances with arrival areas and courtyards TCC MU MFR V □ □ A3.8 Locate ramps and entrances in areas that are highly visible TCC MU MFR '¥ □ □ Explain how the objectives for Building Setbacks, Fonn, Mass and Height are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Notes: A 1 .3 The proposed project is not on a corner lot. A2.5 The proposed project is not on a corner lot. Maple Ridge Town Centre 2 Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist ~ N:ffiffllibMli-ifM Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Meet Guidelines: Yes No •f:l,,'i·I:111111,, ,,; .. ~ rifu,v .... ~ • ., rc••-n III a"" 11111,, .. :, .°?';-~;~r:.:1.~;,;11.5,;r,;•:::~'.,t.-:-::, . .;;.if ,~:;,5ffJ.::J::':::Btf:::'' ...... -..1,·,. ; .. · ·,;.~•~:~~ B.1 Buildin2 Facade Bl.l Address both sides of the block with corner commercial buildings TCC MU □ □ Bl.2 Orient main entrances to face the sidewalk TCC MU MFR .,,, □ Bl.3 Locate windows, doors, and entry features at the street level TCC MU MFR 'ii □ Bl.4 Use a mix of common facade patterns and elements TCC MU MFR \I □ Bl.5 Reflect orig-inal fac;ades and building scale TCC MU MFR □ □ Bl.6 Respect original architectural elements TCC MU MFR □ □ Bl.7 Respect old and new des i!!Tl TCC MU MFR □ □ Bl.8 Maintain the horizontal rhythm of the street wall TCC MU MFR /'IA' □ Bl.9 Provide a visual division between the street level and uooer floors TCC MU MFR /'IA' □ Bl.10 Include continuous canooies, awnings or overhangs TCC MU □ □ Bl.11 Ensure aooropriate placement and materials for awnings or canopies TCC MU □ □ Bl.13 Use windows to provide 'eyes on the street' TCC MU MFR \I □ Bl.14 Enhance the public realm TCC MU MFR .,,, □ Bl.15 Ensure sig11age reflects building scale, character, and materials TCC MU ·" □ B.3 Buildinl!: Materials B3.l Enhance the public realm with high quality materials and detai ling TCC MU MFR ' □ B3.2 Use materials consisten tly TCC MU MFR ",. □ B3.3 A void the use of inannrooriate materials TCC MU MFR "" □ B3 .6 Use a mix of quality materials TCC MU MFR \I □ B.4 Building Colours B4.l Select appropriate colours TCC MU MFR 1, □ B4.2 Highlight architectural details, awnings, and entrances TCC MU MFR 1, □ B4.3 Ensure a cohesive, consistent colour palette TCC MU MFR " □ B.5 Screening and Storal!:e B5.l Locate and enclose trash, composting, and recycling to keep □ □ out of site of general public TCC MU MFR B5 .2 Screen mechanical equipment TCC MU MFR IV □ B5.3 Avoid conflict with neighbouring properties TCC MU MFR 'ii I I B5.4 Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise and exhaust TCC MU MFR ['ii I I Not Aoo.licable '.£".:'/:~';;£.'..: 'J. □ □ □ □. .. \I " □ □ '"' ~ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ M' □ □ □ Explain how the objectives for Building Fa<;:ades, Materials and Colour are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Notes: B1 .5 Proposed project is not renovation or addition. B1 .6 Proposed project is not renovation or addition. B1 .7 Proposed project is not renovation or addition. B5.1 A secure underground garbage room proposed at parking level one. The waste Control Services will replace the receive and collect the recycle items directly from garbage room. Maple Ridge Town Ce11tre 3 Developme11t Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Meet Guidelines: Yes No ~:,11u1u1 •--• -1 a U!.I . Ill ~,\:;:;i';';:+;~•:";{•:iE~t·..,_~~':'.'". ... ~,=.it,(i -;-,.;•"~·_..,,, ,,.;;; ·' ~,:,;,,, , .. ~ "-"' ,_,a;_:~t""";f; C.1 Public Outdoor Space and Hardscapes Cl.I Provide public outdoor space TCC MU MFR IV'I . □ Cl.2 Ensure public outdoor space is highly visible TCC MU MFR "1' □ Cl.3 Provide connections between buildings, sidewalks, and outdoor M □ open spaces TCC MU MFR Cl.4 Ensure universal access for all public spaces TCC MU MFR " □ Cl.6 Provide hardscape elements to enhance the street environment TCC MU MFR ' □ Cl.7 Design hardscape elements as part of the building TCC MU MFR ' □ Cl.8 Integrate pedestrian amenities with walls and/or landscaped areas TCC MU MFR 1, □ Cl.9 Provide public art TCC MU MFR 1\1 □ Cl.IO Ensure new elements complement existing TCC MU MFR 1\1 □ Cl.12 Provide smooth routes TCC MU MFR ~ □ Cl.13 Ensure barrier-free access TCC MU MFR \I □ C.2 Parking and Parkin!! Lots C2 .l Provide required parking underground, where feasible TCC MU MFR 1°¥1' □- C2 .2 Screen large surface parking lots while maintaining surveillance TCC MU MFR □ [\JI' C2.3 Maximize pedestrian safety within parking lots TCC MU MFR I\I □ C2.4 Provide visible signage TCC MU MFR 1\1 □ C2.5 Consider developing underground parking garages TCC MU MFR I\I □ C2.7 Locate parking lot equipment away from the public street TCC MU MFR \I □ C.3 Lanes, Service and Loading Areas C3.l Use lanes for service, parking access and loading TCC MU MFR □ □ C3.2 Utilize lanes as secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughways TCC MU MFR □ □ C3.3 Stren_gthen visual access of the lane TCC MU MFR □ I I C3.5 Consider lanes as a community amenity TCC MU MFR □ C3.7 Locate loading and service areas away from the street front TCC MU MFR 'V □ C3.8 Separate loading from parking and pedestrian paths TCC MU MFR \I □ C3.9 Screen loading areas TCC MU \I □ C.4 Street Trees and Landscape . C4.2 Use the right species TCC MU MFR vi l I C4.8 Maintain sight lines TCC MU MFR '\If I I Not Aoolicable ?,1~~0::-~l~~::, □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ ~ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 1\1 1, 1, 1\1 □ □ □ □ Explain how the objectives for Building Site Considerations are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Notes: C2.2 No surface perking proposed in this project. C3.1 Proposed project lot dose not have a back lane. C3.2 Proposed project lot does not have a back lane. C3.3 Proposed project lot does not have a back lane C3.5 Proposed project lot does not have a back lane Maple Ridge Town Ce11tre 4 Developme11t Permit Area Guidelines Checklist _) ~ e~M@NiMMUfM Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Downtown East Precinct Key Guidelines KEY GUIDELINE CONCEPTS 1. Provide a gateway to the Town Centre a. Does proposed development maintain architectural quality and character of associated new development? • Consistent: Yes 5f No D N/ A D Explain: The proposed development promote the streetscape view using modern architectural elements as landmark structure, strong landscape such as privacy shrubs, building signage, public art and high-quality finish materials which creates a very strong building character. 2. Create a pedestrian-oriented, boutique-style shopping district b. Does the building's form and mass support a strong pedestrian-oriented urban realm and help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces? Taller buildings should be stepped back podium style. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: Although the proposed development is a multifamily development, the proposed pedestrian oriented streetscape view, high quality landscape, Art works at a recognizable strong entry and limited sitting area creates a pedestrian-oriented urban realm and promotes the residential urban in town center 3. Enhance the quality, character and vibrancy of the Town Centre c. Does proposed development promote the quality, character, and vibrancy of the urban environment? • Consistent: Yes M No D Explain: The proposed finish material having a higher quality and life-cycle. The tower base form and character and landscape is highly pedestrian oriented and strongly invites them into the building. d. Are colours consistent and materials of sustainable quality? • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: The dominant tower cladding colour is Beige. We used a dark Navy Blue colour on the tower as well. The tower base colour will be Off-White. We also used a classic Burguandy as an accent colour. e. Does the proposed building (or buildings) present an attractive appearance to the street and maintain a cohesive building style? • Consistent: Yes M No D Explain: The building base form and charter is consist of straight C shape concert frames which is also repeated on the tower in contrast with curve edge balconies. C shape concert frames repeated stronger to on the top as a closing element. 4. Capitalize on important views f. Does proposed new development capitalize on mountain and/or river views? • Consistent: Yes 5( No D Not Applicable D Explain: Proposed development is at the city center, the upper tower levels will have a mountain view from the north and a river from the south suites. g. Have the important views of existing buildings been considered in relation to the proposed development? • Consistent: Yes~ No D Not Applicable D Explain: The proposed tower have a significant setback from property line which permits two over 60 degree view cone from the adjacent existing buildings on the opposite directions. Maple Ridge Town Centre 5 DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the Downtown East Precinct Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Downtown East Precinct Key Guidelines 5. Provide public outdoor space h. Are public spaces designed to accommodate a range of activities, inco11)orate universal access, reduce vandalism, and increase safety? • Consistent: Yes D No lit Explain: We have a limited Public outdoor space in this multi-family development project. 6. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features 1. Are landscape elements designed to enrich the pedestrian environment, moderate the internal building climate, manage stonnwater on site, and reference the architectural quality of the building(s)? • Consistent: Yes~ No D Plantings are all at least moderately drought tolerant and include native and adapted species. The perimeter plantings buffer Explain: winds and provide privacy within the site. Tree species have been selected to provide summer and winter interest, shade the parking and pedestrian routes, and to help soften the views of the building. The quantity of planting will reduce ground level surface water flow, collecting water via roof drains to a detention tank. 7. Maintain street interconnectivity J. Does proposed development maintain street interconnectivity and the use of the lane as a service street and secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway? • Consistent: Yes~ No D Noc Applicable D Explain: The proposed development has a big lobby with a double height exterior glazing which strongly connects the main building without an access ramp. k. Ts required parking provided underground? • Consistent: Yes lit No D Explain: No surface parking proposed in this project. Maple Ridge Town Ce11tre 6 DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the Downtown East Precillct ~ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques M 1tbiiiiflMtiHfM A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height Al.8 Design flexible ground-floor un~aces in commercial and mixed-use buildings. • Consistent: Yes D No M Explain: Proposed project is a multi-family residential Al .11 Accommodate roof gardens, trellises, and green features. • Consistent: Yes M No D Level 3 has some associated built-in concrete painters which will be visible from the main building entr Explain: The penthouse deck will support planters provided by the residents. All roof deck wil be accessible witl the suite owners only. Trellises are proposed for the west and south ground patio entries, over the ma entry walkway, and on Level 3 patios. A2.8 Site buildings to capitalize on daylight and solar opportunities. • Consistent: Yes D No~ Explain: The proposed project lot is west oriented and have a larger axis along north -south direction A2.9 Protect solar access to~rounding buildings and minimize wind tunnel effects. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: The proposed development has two step-back at 3rd and 11th level which reduces the wind tunnel and overshadowing. B. Building Fa~ades, Materials, and Colour Bl.12 Use exterior shading devices to block smmner sun. • Consistent: Yes M No D Explain: We achieved this goal by proving large balconies and floor slab edge projections over the existing windows. B2. l Design outdoor lighting to minimize light pollution. • Consistent: Yes 5J' No 0 Explain: Proposed light fixtures will provide a downlight. B2.2 Encourage energy efficient lighting. • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: LED light fixtures to be used through out the project B3.4 Select environmentally responsible building materials. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: High life-cycle material with an standard embodied energy will be used for the proposed development. Except for the cladding finish materials, all building material will be purchased from the local suppliers. B3.5 Minimize the use of unsustainable building materials. • Consistent: Yes 5t No D Explain: High life-cycle material with an standard embodied energy will be used for the proposed development. Maple Ridge Town Centre 7 Green Building Design Guidelines BJ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques M@IOiltiM#HfM B3.7 Consider life-cycle co;;, • Con istenl: Yes ~ No D Explain: We proposed panted concrete finish and composite cladding for the building exterior. Also, all exterior wall studs and cladding substructure and fasteners will have a higher Zinc coat for loner life cycle. All selected materials are UV rated C. Building Site Considerations C 1.5 Locate outdoor plazas to capture the sun. • Consistent: Yes D No D Explain: Yes and no. The proposed outdoor amenity spaces are located on the west (entry seating), north (pla) dining area) and south (passive garden walk) sides of the building. Cl. l I Use materials that are functional, durable and include recycled or salvaged content. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Hard landscape materials proposed are functional and include poured in place concrete retaining and Explain: planter walls, commercial grade concrete slab pavers and aluminum metal fencing. The materials do 1 include recycled or salvaged content. Furnishings are commercial grade and durable. Cl .14 Encourage use of infiltration techniques. • Consistent: Yes [:g' No D Explain: The site will gather surface water into detention tanks and use the rainwater water for the irrigation system. C2.6 Locate adequate priority parking in visible areas convenient to entrances. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: The main entry located with 15 m from a on street drop-off zone. As encouraged in design guideline, we proposed a secure underground visitor parking with barrier free access to main elevator and entrance lobby. C2.8 Use permeable pavement and infiltration devices on appropriate sites. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: The project does not propose the use of permeable pavers. However we propose a detention tank anc use the storm water for the irrigation system. The proposed tank size is complaint with the objective of Tiers a, B & C of the City of Maple Ridge C2.9 Provide shade trees and landscaping. • Consistent: Yes D No D Explain: The site is designed for a high level of shrub and tree planting to create an attractive, functional, and practical "garden" style landscape. The plan calls for 55 trees on site, plus fo~r street trees. C2. l O Provide secure and sheltered bicycle storage facilities for short-term uses. • Consistent: Yes D No M Explain:We believe the required 26 short-term bicycle storage is too many and compromise the landscape and building aesthetic at the main entry. we therefore provided 7 stalls at the entry with additional 19 overflow storage on the side of the building with proper level of lighting and CCTV monitoring system. C2. l l Provide long-Lenn bicycle parking. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: A total of 20 long-term bake storage required. However 32 bike secure storages provided at parking level 1 . The storage access door have direct sight line to elevator area. Maple Ridge Town Centre 8 Green Building Design Guidelines ~ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques M=Mlb3iHfiHfM C2.12 Provide end-of-trip facilities. • Consistent: Yes D No 5t C3.4 Explain: Proposed development is a multi-family project only. Minimize impervious paving of tl}e lane. • Consistent: Yes D No~ Explain: The project lot does not have a back lane C3.6 Respect existing grades. • Consistent: Yes D No M Explain: The project lot does not have a back lane C4. l Plant street trees. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: Street trees are proposed per City Director, with the species and variety chosen by the City. C4.3 Minimize use of high maintenance plants. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: All the plants specified are functional and practical, and require no high maintenance techniques for survival. C4.4 Maximize the use of native and climate appropriate species. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: All plants chosen are climate appropriate. Native plants are specified, but there is a mix of native and non-native plants. C4.5 Consider the inclusion of community gardens. • Consistent: Yes D No 5t Explain: Community gardens were not provided. However the patios are generously sized to allow for resident pots for personal garden cultivation. C4.6 Design and place landscape to facilitate year round moderation of the internal building climate. • Consistent: Yes 5t No D Explain: Consideration was given to place trees and shrubs for shade and for privacy. C4.7 Minimize erosion potential. • Consistent: Yes 5t No D Explain: The project site is fairly flat and we do not expect any post development erosion. Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 9 J ~ M ·ffiffif@@HfM Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques C4.9 Provide adequate landscape maintenance. • Consistent: Yes IYf No D Explain: The entire landscape area will be under Strata supervision and will be maintained based on the BC Society of Landscape Architect and/or BC Landscape and Nursery Association standards C4. l O Consider incorporating landscape plantings for green features. • Consistent: Yes D No~ C4.ll Explain: No common roof deck provided in this project. We direct the storm water to a detention thank and use the rain water for the irrigation system. Incorporate low impa~tonnwater features . • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: We direct the storm water to a detention thank and use the rain water for the irrigation system. the proposed tank size is complaint with all three tiers A, B & C objectives in City of Maple ridge. C4.12 Consider rainwater collection for re-use. • Consistent: Yes IYJ' No D Explain: We direct the storm water to a detention thank and use the rain water tor the irrigation system. the proposed tank size is complaint with all three tiers A, B & C objectives in City of Maple ridge. C4.13 Use natural plantings and green space to support habitat. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: There is a variety of flowering & fruit producing native and non-native plants on site to encourage visits by bugs and birds. C4.14 Retain exisliog mature trees. • Consistent: Yes D No 5( Explain : There is no existing mature tree on the project lot. We only have to remove and replace a mid-size tree at the south west corner within the neighbour property. Maple Ridge Town Centre 10 Green Buildillg Design Guidelines hDire/ fArch,tecture CREUS ii,H,0911,M PROJECT OWNER SUNNYVILLE 228 Ltd. Owner Representative: Angle Construction, Mohammad Charkhchi. 5-650 Clyde Ave, West Vancouver BC V7T 1 E2 Phone: 0 604-912-0117 C 604-417-6061 Email:charkhchi_m@yahoo.com ARCHITECTURAL Inspired Architecture #310 2030 Marine Drive North Vancouver BC, V7P 1V7 Amir Farbehi Project Architect, CRP Phone: 0 604-770-2088 C 604-773-1015 Email:Amir@inspiredarchitecture.ca LANDSCAPE PMG Landscape Architects Ltd. Suite C100-4185 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, British Colombia, V5C 6G9. Palricia Campbell, Landscape Architect. Phone: 604-294-0011 Email:Pat@pmglandscape.com CIVIL CREUS Engineering Ltd. 610-EAST TOWER, 221 ESPLANADE WEST, N. VANCOUVER, BC V7M 3J3. Rob Loe. Civil Engineer. Phone: 0 604-987-9070 Email:rloe@creus.ca Enerphotan ENGINEERING CORPORATION l AES STRUCTURAL HXG Consulting Engineering Inc. 726 Vinedale Rd, North Vancouver, BC, V7K 1A2 Houman Ghalibafian, Ph.D.,P.Eng. Phone: C 778-997-7543 0 604-770-2144 Email:ghalibafian@hgx.ca MECHANICAL Enerphoton Engineering. 101-5410 Balsam St. Vancouver, BC, V6M 4B4. Nima Atabaki Lead Mechanical Designer. Phone: 0 604-827-4065 C 604-562-4630 Email:natabaki@enerphoton.com ELECTRICAL AES Engineering Ltd. 1330 Granville Street Vancouver, BC Canada V6Z 1M7. Amir Tavakoli. Lead Electrical Engineer. Phone: D 403-910-4663 C 403-975-7176 Email:Amir.Tavakoli@aesengr.com GEOTECHNICAL GeoPacific. 1779 West 75th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6P2. Zakhar Okunev. Design Engineer. Phone: O 604-439-0922 C 604-518-7110 Email:okunev@geopacific.ca ~ JENSEN HUGHES m ■ MORRISON HERSHFIELD APPENDIX F CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL BUILDING CODE Jensen Hughes. 1195 W Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6H 3X5. Jack Hui Lead Design Engineer. Phone: D 604-415-4775 Email:jhui@jensenhughes.com BUILDING ENVELOPE Morrison Hershfield. AUGUST 26, 2019 # 310, 4321 Still Creek Dr, Burnaby, BC V5C 6S7 Jonathan Heidt. Lead Design Engineer. Phone: D 604-454-0402 C 604-928 2284 Email:JHeidt@morrisonhershfield.com /mire/ iArch1tecture PROJECT NO 17181 REV DATE 2019-08-26 DRAWING NO REVISION A0001 5 /2~[/✓- ACC ACCESSIBLE GRO GROUND ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING LIST -Architecture ACfL ACCESS FLOOR GWB GYPSUM WALL BOARD R RADIUS ACT ACOUSTICAL C8LING TILE GWG GEORGIAN WIRE GI.A3S RIA RETURN AIR SHEET CURRENT J13-2JJJW-RIN:DRl'1E.i«>RlrtVA.IICOU\fE~ AO AAEADRAIN GYP GYPSUM RB RUBBER BASE NUMBER SHEET NAME REVISION REVISION DATE a~SHCLOIMlll>,\IJ?IVl:."''lA04. ADJ ADJACENT RCP REFLECTED CEILING BASE EIJ,\I'. NfO~NS?lc.D,\RCHITE;;WR; :::A TEL50l-"!'J;J-2f& AFF /i.BrNE FINISHED FLOOR KB HOSE BIB RO ROOF DRAIN ALUM ALUMINUM HC HOLLOW CORE RE REVQI..VING DOOR A0001 COVER PAGE 5 2019-08-26 ANNP ANNUNCIATOR PANEL f'IC HANDICAP REINF REINFORCED A0002 DRAWING LIST & ABRIVIATIONS 5 2019-08-26 ANOO ANODIZED HCW HOLLOW CORE WOOD REF REFERENCE A0003 BUILDING ANALYSIS & SUMMARY SCHEDULES 5 2019-08-26 ~• Cc~~\ mspred Attl\aleclUle Allrighl5~Sel'ied APPROX APPROXIMATE HO HANGAADOOR REFR REFRIGERATOR 2019-08-26 ARCH ARCHITECTURAL. HOR HEADER RECIO REQUIRED A0004 AREA SCHEDULES-FSR & PARKING 5 THl5 DRAWING IS THE PROPERT'I OF INSPIRED AACHITCCTURE THE COPYRIGHT IN THE SAME BEING RESERVED TO THEM N.J REPRODUCTION IS AUTO AUTOMATIC HOWD HARDWOOD RES RESILIENT FLOORING A0005 AREA SCHEDULES-COMMON AREA 2 2019-08-26 ALLOWED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF INSf'IRED ARCHITECTURE AND ':\'HEN AVB AIR VAPOUR BARRIER HDWR HARDWARE REV REVISION A0010 CONTEXT PLAN-STREET SCAPE VIEW 5 2019-08-26 MADE MUST BEAR ITS NAME THIS DRAWING IS NOTTO BE SCALED THE CUITTR.ACTDR IS TO VERIFY AVM AIR VAPOUR MOISTURE BARRIER HM HOLLOW METAL.. RM ROOM A0011 3D-VIEW 5 2019-08-26 Dl~IENSIONS AND DATA NOTED HEREIN PLANS, EI.E\IATIONS. SECTIONS AND HO HONEY-COMB RO ROLLING DOOR 5HEDULES WITH THE CONOITIJNS ON SITE AND IS RESPONSIBLE F;:JR A0012 3D-VIEW 5 2019-08-26 REPJRTING ANY DISCREPANCY TO INSPIRED ARCHITECTURE FOR a BASE HOIR HORIZONTAL RR RAPID RDLL DOOR ADJUSTMENT BF BIFDLD DOOR HR HOUR RSF RESILIENT SHEET FLOORING A0101 SITE PLAN 6 2019-08-26 BLOG BUILDING HSKG HOUSEKEEPING RUB RUBBER A0200 LEVEL 2 PARKING PLAN 6 2019-08-26 BM BEAM HSS HDLLOW STEEL SECTION RWL RAINWATER LEADER A0201 LEVEL 1 PARKING PLAN 6 2019-08-26 BIO BOTTOM OF KT HEIGHT 2019-08-26 BOl BOU.ARD HVAC HEATING I VENTING I AIR CONDITIONING SIA SUPPLY AIR A0202 LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLANS 5 BUR BUILT UP ROOFING HVY HEAVY SAM SELF-ADHERED MEMBRANE A0203 LEVEL 2 FLOOR PLAN 5 2019-08-26 HW HOT WATER SB SETBACK A0204 LEVEL 3 FLOOR PLAN 5 2019-08-26 CAB CABINET SBl SETBACK LINE A0205 LEVEL 4 FLOOR PLAN 5 2019-08-26 ca CATCH BASIN ID INSIDE DIM1ETER SC SCl.JOCORE co CO!LINGOOOR INFO INFORMATION sew SOI.JO CORE WOOD A0206 LEVEL 5 FLOOR PLAN 2 2019-08-26 CG CORNER GUARD INSUL INSULATION so SINGLE S\NING ODOR A0207 LEVEL 6 FLOOR PLAN 2 2019-08-26 CIP CAST IN PLACE INT INTERIOR SF SQUARE FEET A020B LEVEL 7 FLOOR PLAN 2 2019-08-26 CJ CONTROL JO!NT IMP INSULATED METAl... PANEL SFl SAFETY FLOOR A0209 LEVEL B FLOOR PLAN 2 2019-08-26 C/l CENTRELINE ISO POI..YISOCYANURATE SG STRUCTURAL GLA.ZING ClG CEILING SHT SHEET A0210 LEVEL 9 FLOOR PLAN 2 2019-08-26 ClR CLEARANCE JAN JANITOR CLOSET SIA SIAMESE CONNECTION A0211 LEVEL 10 FLOOR PLAN 2 2019-08-26 CMP COMPOSITE METAL PANEL SIM SIMILAR A0212 LEVEL 11 FLOOR PLAN 2 2019-08-26 CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT KIT KITC:HEN SL SLIDING DOOR A0213 LEVEL 12 FLOOR PLAN 5 2019-08-26 COL COLUMN SMC STEEL METAl... CARRIER COM CUSTOMERS O\"°IN MATERIAL L LENGTH SOG SLAB ON GRADE A0214 LEVEL 13 FLOOR PLAN 5 2019-08-26 C:()(1/C: CONCRETE LAV LAVATORY SP STAND PIPE A0215 ROOF PLAN 5 2019-08-26 c:oNST Cct-lSffiUCTION UNO LINCX..EUM SPEC SPECIFIC:ATION A0401 ELEVATIONS-WEST 5 2019-08-26 00\'T COOTINUOUS LL LIVE LOAD so SQUARE A0402 ELEVATIONS-EAST 5 2019-08-26 CORR C~lDOR lVR LOUVER ss STAINLESS STEEL CPT CARPET SSA! sruo SURFACING MATERIAL A0403 ELEVATIONS-SOUTH 5 2019-08-26 CPT-T CARPET TILE m METER ST STONE A0404 ELEVATIONS-NORTH 5 2019-08-26 cs COUNTER SHUTTER MA"TI. MATERIAL STC SOUND 1RANSt.llSSION CLASS A0501 BUILDING SECTION 5 2019-08-26 CT CERMIIC TILE MAX MAXIMUM STD STANDARD A0502 BUILDING SECTION 5 2019-08-26 cw CURTAIN WALL MECH MEOiA"llCAL STL STEEL C/W COMPLETE WITH MED MEDIUM STOR STORAGE A0503 BUILDING SECTION 5 2019-08-26 MEL f\lELAMINE STRUCT STRUCTURAL A0504 BUILDING SECTION 5 2019-08-26 □CRON DURACRON MEP MEC:HANIOO, ELECTRICAL.AND PLUMBING SUSP SUSPENDED Grand total: 33 DO DOUBLE SWING DOOR MEZZ MEZZANINE DEG DEGREES MF MINERAL FIBRE TBO TO BE DETERMINED DEMO DEMOLITION MFR MANUFAC:TURER TO TRENCH DRAIN OF DRINKING FOUNTAIN MH MANHOLE TEL TELEPHONE DIA DIMlETER MIN MINIMUM TEMP TEMPORARY DIM DJMENSION MISC MISCELLANEOUS TERR TERRAZZO Dl DEAD LOAD MLDG MOULDING T/0 TOP OF ON DOWN Mlv.1< MILLWORK TDC TOP OF CURB ONAR lllRANAR mm fll!LLIMETER TOF TOP OF FLOOR OP DEPTH MP ~1ETAl...PAtfl TOS TOP OF STEEL OR DOOR MID MOUNTED TPO IBERMOPLASTlC: POL YOLEFIN ow DISHWASHER MTL METAi. TS TRANSITION STRIP OWG DRAWING TSG TEMPERED SAFETY GLASS NIA NOT APPLICABLE TYP TYPICAL EA EACH NF NO FRAME iFRAAlELESS) EJ EXPANSION JOINT NIC NOT IN CONTRACT U'G UNDER GROUND El ELEVATION No NUMBER '-"'O UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ElEC ELECTRICAi... NTS NOTTOSOOE UIS UNDERSIDE ELEV ELEVATOR EP ELECTRICAL PANEL 0/C ON CENTRE V VENEER EPCM ETHYLENE PROPYLENEOIENE M-CLASS (ROOFING) OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER VB VAPOUR BARRIER ' ,,,...,., __ >F EPX EPOXY OH OVERHEAD DOOR VCT VINYL COMPOSITE TILE . n1~1 ., ' Ell(!HI ., EO EQUAl... 0/H OVERHEAD VERT \IERTICAI... ' Dll-tll-D .,. ES EMERGENCY SHOWER OPNG OPENING VEST VESTIBULE I ·rn1<'4" ., EXIST EXISTING OPP OPPOSITE VIF \IERIFY IN FIELD .,_, '"'"' . _,.., EXP EXPOSED OS OWNER SUPPLIED CONSULTANT EXP-S EXPOSED STRUCTURE OWSJ OPEN \IVEB STEEL JOIST w WIDTI-1 EXT EXTERIOR WC WALL COVERING EWS EYE WASH STATION p PAJNT(colour) WIC: W,._TER CLOSET PC POWDER C:OAT WO WOOD F FRAME PCONC PO..ISHEO C:OOc:RETE \\~ WATER HEATER FAAP FIRE M..ARM ANNUNCIATOR PANEL PO Pl.N-ITERORAJN \\P WATERPROOF FAB FABRIC PERP PERPENDICULAR WPR WALL PROTECTIOO FC FLASH COVE PH PHASE WRM WASHROOM FD FLOCRORAIN Pl PROPERTY LINE \W WOOD VENEER PRO.!ECT FON FOUt\'DATIOO Pl.AM PLASTIC LAMINATE FE FIRE EXTINGUISHER PLY\\'O PLYWOOD X-HVY EXTRA HEAVY FFE FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION PC POLYSTYRENE 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL FF&E FURNITURE FIXTURES & EOIJIPMENT POLY POLYETHYLENE FHC FIRE HOSE CABINET POLY•U POLYURETHANE TOWER FLR FLOOR PREFAB PREFABR!c:ATED F/0 FACE OF PREFIN PREFINISHED FOC FACE OF CONCRETE PS-HC PARKING STAI...L-HANOI CAP 11920 228th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC FOG FACE OF GLAZING PS-SC PARKING STALL-SMALL CAR FOS FACE OF STUD PS-SCL PARKING STALL-SMALL CAR LONG DRAWING TITLE FP FRMlE PROTECTION PS-SCW PARKING STALL-SMALL CAR WIDE FRR FIRE RESISTANCE RATING PS-SC\\l PARKING STALL-SMALL CAR WIDE LONG DRAWING LIST & FT FOOT/FEET PS-STD PARKING STALL· STANDARD PS-STOL PARKING STALL-STIV-JDAAD LONG ABRIVIATIONS GI) GLASS Oype) PS-STOW PARKING STPU-ST~DARD WIDE GA GAUGE PS PRESSED STEEL GAf.V GALVANIZED PSFR PRESSED STEEL FRAME GB GRAB BAR PT PRESSURE TREATED ~\T.M'.i,SU GBN GARBAGE BIN PTO PAINTED GC GENERAi.. CONTRACTOR ISSUED FOR ADVISORY GI. GI.ASS I Gl..A21NG QT Cl\JARRYTILE DESIGN PANEL PROJECT NO IPLOT['ATE I""-""' AUGUST 25, 2019 MGH 17181 ISCALE I REVIEWED AF DRAWING NO I '~5'" A0002 IA_BUILDING AREA SCHEDULE-SUMMARY (GROSS) I IA_BUILDING AREA SCHEDULE-SUMMARY (GROSS) BUILDING ANALYSIS h~v-e£ Level Area Category Area Area Sq.fl Includes In Area Type r Level ! Area Calegory I Area I Area Sq.fl I Includes In I Area Type CIVIC ADDRESS: 11920 228rd SI, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTS A SECTION 17 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER PLAN 86981 -Architecture P2 PARKING PLAN Common Area 49,50 m' 532-81 fl'ICommon Area Gross Building Area 843.33 m' 9,077,54 fl' ZONE: RM6 MAPLE RIDGE P2 PARKING PLAN Parkino 2,703.25 m' 29,097.59 ft' Common Area Gross Building Area LEVEL 7 1,030.74 m' 11,094.83 ft' LOT AREA: J1)2Jl0 .. Wn'4:0Rl\'E 1''0:1.Trl\lA.'K:JU>'S P2 PARKING PLAN Service Room 105.86 m' 1, 139.42 ft2 Common Area I Gross Building Area 3840.40 m' / 41338 ft' 3:UTISH:~OU~Ello\VT? IVl':.\"IAO.O. LOT COVERAGE: 1536.16 m' EJJAt WO~INSPJR:DARctJTE:TLfl; CA P2 PARKING PLAN Vertical Circulation 59.24 m' 637 69 ft' Common Area Gross Building Area [LEVEL 8 ]Balcony 92.98 m'I 1,000.84 ftZ Deck Balcony&, I Exterior Area TELS04-:10-2~ 2,9'17.85m' 31,407.51 fl' Pation DENSITY RATIO: 2.8 P2 PARKING PLAN 2,917.85 m' 31,407.51 ft' 92,98 m' 1,000.84 ft' ALLOWED PROPOSED COMMENTS fLEVEL 8 I Common Area ~!Cci,~\1115111redArthiledure 49,10m'I 528,51 ft' Common Area I Gross Building Area M11,JIUrui!Ked P1 PARKING PLAN Common Area 53.51 m' 575.97 fl'[Common Area Gross Building Area I LEVEL 8 !Vertical Circulation 45.33 m'I 487,95 ft' Common Area I Gross Building Area FLOOR SPACE RATIO 3840.4X2 8=10753 12 m' 10734,52 m' DECK AND GOVERO PORCH NOT INCLUDED THIS DAA'.YiNU IS THE PftO?ffiTY OF IN5P,REDAR.J-{IT:CTURE nE P1 PARKING PLAN Parking 2,487.80 m' 26,776.49 fl' Common Area Gross Building Area 94.43 m' 1,016.46 ft' COPYRIGHT IN THE SAME BE~G RESERVED TO THEM NO REPRODOCTIDN IS TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA -12767.85 m', ... (GFA -Parkina)I Lot Area Al.LOVIED WITHOUT TH!: PERI.AISS\ON OF tN5PjRED ARCHITECTURE AND WH!:N {LEVEL8 !Suite I 843.33 m'I 9,077.54 fl'!FSR I G1oss Building Area I MAOE MUST BEAR ITS NAME P1 PARKING PLAN Service Room 177.64 m' 1,912.05 fl' Common Area Gross Buildina Area NUMBER OF FLOORS 13 THIS DRAl'.'ING IS NOTTO BE SCAlEO THE COITTRACTOR IS TO VE~IFY -P1 PARKING PLAN Slorage 134.68 m' 1,449.69 fl' Common Area Gross Building Area 843.33 m' 9,077.54 ft' DIMENSIONS AND Oil.TA NOTED HEREIN PL.ANS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND NUMBER OF ONE BEDROOM SUITES 1 &EDl.l.ES \VITH Tl-IC CONDITIONS ON SITE ANO 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR P1 PARKING PLAN Vertical Circulation 64.18 m' 690.80 tt'!Common Area Gross Building Area LEVELS 1,030.74 m' 11,094.83 ft' -REPORTING ANY 01S::R.EPANCY TO HSPREO ARCHITECTURE F~ i10.1usn.100 2,917.81 m' 31,407.00 ft' NUMBER OF ONE BEDROOM SUITES+DEN -1 P1 PARKING PLAN 2,917.81 m' 31,407.00 ft' I LEVEL 9 I Balcony 94.69 m'I 1,019.24 ft2 Deck Balcony & [Exterior Area NUMBER OF TWO BEDROOMS SUITES -29 INCLUDES 11 TOWNHOUSES Pation NUMBER OF TWO BEDROOMS SUITES+DEN -21 INCLUDES 2 TOWNHOUSES LEVEL 1 Patio 538.37 m' 5,794.92 ft' Deck Balcony & Exterior Area 94.69 m' 1,019.24 fi' NUMBER OF THREE BEDROOMS SUITES 36 Palion ILEVEL 9 I Common Area 49.10 m'I 528.51 fl' Common Area I Gross Bulldlno Area - 538.37 m' 5,794.92 fl' I LEVEL 9 I Vertical Circulation I 45.33 m'I 487 .95 ft' Common Area [Gross Building Area NUMBER OF THREE BEDROOMS_ .. -2 LEVEL 1 Amenity 101.59 m' 1,093.46 ft'[Common Area Gross Building Area 94.43 m• 1,016.46 ft' NUMBER OF FOUR BEDROOMS SUITES (P,H) -2 LEVEL 1 Common Area 311.19 m' 3,349.60 ft' Common Area Gross Building Area lLEVEL 9 !Suite I 843.33 m•I 9,077.54 !t'IFSR j Gross Building Area I NUMBER OF SUITES -92 LEVEL 1 Service Room 52.47 m' 564.74 fl' Common Area Gross Building Area 843.33 m' 9,077 ,54 ft' NUMBER OF SUITE PARKING STALLS 108 135 LEVEL 1 Starace 149.22 m' 1,606.17 fl' Common Area Gross Building Area LEVEL 9 1,032.45 m' 11.113,24ft' NUMBER OF VISTOR PARKING STALLS 9 9 LEVEL 1 Vertical Circulation 45.31 m' 487.67 ft' Common Area Gross Buildina Area TOTAL PARKING STALLS 117 144 659,76m' 7,101.65 ft' !LEVEL 10 ]Balcony 96.61 m'I 1,039,92 fl' Deck Balcony & !Exterior Area LONG-TERM BIKE STORAGE LEVEL 1 Guest Suite 30.74 m' 330.86 ft'I FSR Gross Building Area Pation 21 32 LEVEL 1 Town House 837.65 m' 9,016.42 fl'IFSR Gross Building Area 96.61 m' 1,039.92 ff' SHORT-TERM BIKE STORAGE 26 26 868 39 m' 9,347.28 It' fLEVEL 10 I Common Area 49-10 m'I 528.51 ft' Common Area I Gross Building Area TOTAL STORAGE -94 LEVEL 1 2,066.52 m' 22,243.85 fl' [LEVEL 10 I Vertical Circulation 45.33 m'I 487.95 h' Common Area )Gross Building Area UNDERGROUND PARKING STRUCTURE 90% 78.3% 94,43 m' 1,016A6ft' BUILDING COVERAGE 40% 1528.2 m', 39.7% EXCLUDING PATIOS & DECKS LEVEL 2 Balcony 117.30m' 1,262,62 fl' Deck Balcony & Exterior Area !LEVEL 10 !suite I 843.33 m'I 9,077.54 ft'!FsR !Gross Building Area I PATIO AND DECK COVERAGE -354.7 m2, 9.2% Pation 843.33 m' 9,077.Sd ft' 117.30 m' 1,262,62 fl' LEVEL10 1,034.37 m' 11,133.91 ft' BASE BUILDING SETBACK-WEST/FRONT 4.5 m 6.002 m 1.988 m TO PlANTER WALLS LEVEL 2 Amenity 124.05 m' 1,335,22 fl'ICommon Area Gross Building Area BASE BUILDING SETBACK-SOUTH/SIDE 7.5m 7.892 m NOT PARALLEL WITH P.L MINIMUM DISTANCE PROVIDED LEVEL 2 Common Area 43.83 m' 471.82 ft'ICommon Area Gross Buildina Area 'LEVEL 11 I Balcony 96.77 m'I 1,041.62 ft' Deck Balcony & [Exterior Area BASE BUILDING SETBACK-NORTH/SIDE 7.5m 15.443m NOT PARALLEL WITH P.L. MINIMUM DISTANCE PROVIDED LEVEL 2 Storage 69.46 m'I 747,69 ft2 Common Area Gross Building Area Pation BASE BUILDING SETBACK-EAST/BACK 7.5 m 8.216 m NOT PARALLEL WITH P_L MINIMUM DISTANCE PROVIDED LEVEL 2 Vertical Circulation 45.31 m' 487.67 ft2 Common Area Gross Building Area 96.77 m' 1,041.62 fl' TOWER SETBACK-WEST/FRONT 7.5 m 12.302 m 282.65 m' 3,0-12..~fl' [LEVEL 11 f Common Area 49.10 m'I 528.51 fl' Common Area I Gross Building Area I LEVEL 2 \LEVEL 11 !Vertical Circulation 45.33 m'I 487.95 ft' Common Area I Gross Buildina Area I TOWER SETBACK-SOUTH/SIDE 7,5m 12.552 m NOT PARALLEL WITH P.LMINIMUM DISTANCE PROVIDED Suite I 305.12 m'I 3,284.28 fl'IFSR I Gross Bull<flna Area I LEVEL 2 Town House I 901.17 m' 9.700.11 fl'IFSR Gross Bulldina Area I 94.43 ml 1,016.46 ft' TOWER SETBACK-NORTH/SIDE 7.5 m 20,094 m NOT PARALLEL WITH P.L. MINIMUM DISTANCE PROVIDED 1,206 29 m' 12,984.39 fl' llEVEL 11 !Suite I 843.33m'I 9.077.54 rt'IFSR I Gross Building An:a I TOWER SETBACK-EAST/BACK 7.5 m 16.212 m NOT PARALLEL WITH PL MINIMUM DISTANCE PROVIDED LEVEL 2 1,606.24 m' 17,289.40 ft' 843.33 m' 9,077.54 ft' LEVEL11 1,034,53 m' 11,135.61 ft' LEVEL 3 Balcony 82.44 m' 887.37 fl' Deck Balcony & Exlerior Area Pation rLEVEL 12 r Balcony 23.53 m'I 253.25 fl' Deck Balcony & 'Exterior Area LEVEL 3 Deck 516.84 m' 5,563.18 fl' Deck Balcony & Exterior Area Pation Palion rLEVEL 12 1 Deck 307.08 m'I 3,305.36 ft' Deck Balcony & !Exterior Area I I IA_PARKING SCHEDULE-SUMMARY IA_PARKING SCHEDULE 599.28 m' 6,450.55 ft' Pation LEVEL 3 Common Area I 49.10 m'I 528.51 fl'jCommon Area Gross Building Area I 330.61 m' 3,558.61 ft' I I STALL I COUNT I STALL Parking Parking Parl<ing ILEVEL 3 Vertical Circulation I 45.33 m' 487 .95 W Common Area Gross Building Area fLEVEL 12 I Common Area I 42.47 m'I 457 .12 ft' I Common Area I Gross Bull ding Area I LEVEL TYPE LEVEL TYPE Width Length COUNT Use - ILEVEL 12 I Vertical Circulation I 45.33 m'I 487 .95 ft' I Common Area I Gross Building Arca 94.43 m' 1,0t6.46fl' ILEVEL3 !Suite I 843.44m'j 9,01a.13 n•IFSR I Gross Buil<flng Arna I 87.80 m' 945.07 fl' t 1 PARKING PLAN I I 32 I P2 PARKING PLAN PS-HC 3.80m 5.50 m 5 Principal ILEVEL 12 IEenlhouse I s84.12 m11 6,293.83 fl'IFSR I Gross Butldi!12 Area I 26 P2 PARKING PLAN PS-SC 2.40 m 4,90 m 8 Principal 843.44 m2 9.078,73U' LEVEL 1 LEVEL 3 1,537.15 m' 16,545.74 fl' 584.72 m' 6,293.63 fl• : 58 P2 PARKING PLAN PS-sew 210 m 490 m 10 Principal LEVEL12 1,003.12 m' 10,797.51 fl' [P2 PARKING PLAN I PS-HC I 5 I P2 PARKING PLAN PS-STD 2.50 m 5 50 m 43 Principal LEVEL4 Balcony 96.61 m' Deck Balcony & [P1 PARKING PLAN I PS-HC r 4 l P2 PARKING PLAN PS-SIDL 250m 11.00m 2 !Principal 1,039.92 fl' Exterior Area • "' ., Pation ILEVEL 13 I Deck 97.95 m'I 1,054.33 ft' Deck Balcony & [Exterior Area PS-HC: 9 P2 PARKING PLAN PS-STDLW 2.80m 9 80m 2 \Principal . ,,,....,. u 96.61 m' 1,039.92 fl' Pation IP2 PARKING PLAN I PS-SC ! 18 I P2 PARKING PLAN PS-STOW 2.80 m 5.50m 12 I Principal • :tl!\CNI .,. ' l!l1•'9n ., LEVEL4 Common Area 49.10 m'I 528.51 fl' I Common Area Gross Building Area 97.95 m' 1,054.33 ft' IP1 PARKING PLAN I PS-SC I 17 I 82 . l'Jll-Ql~f .. ""'· =-""""· LEVEL 4 Vertical Circulation 45.33 m'I 487.95 lt'ICommon Area Gross Buildina Area !LEVEL 13 I Common Area 42.52 m'I 457.67 fl' Common Area [Gross Building Area PS-SC: 35 P1 PARKING PLAN PS-HC 3.80 m 5.50 m 4 Principal CC,.$t,U,.\.'I 94.43 m' 1,016.46fi' !LEVEL 13 fvertical Circulation 45.33 m'I 487.95 ft'ICommon Area [Gross Buildina Area \P2 PARKING PLAN I PS-STD ] 57 I P1 PARKING PLAN PS-SC 240m 4.90m 1 Principal ILEVEL4 !Suite I 843.33m'I 9.077.54-h'jFSR jGrcss Building Area I 87.85 m' 945.62 ft' IP1 PARKING PLAN I PS-STD I 41 I P1 PARKING PLAN PS-SCW 2.70 m 4,90m 10 Principal 843.33 m' 9,077.54 fl' jLEVEL 13 IPooOlouse I 483.76 m•1 5,207.20 ft•jFSR I Gross Building Area j PS-STD: 98 P1 PARKING PLAN PS-SCWL 2.70 m 9 80 m 4 Principal LEVEL4 1,034.37 m' 11,133.91 fl' 483,76 m' 5.207.20 ft' {P2 PARKING PLAN !PS-STDLW I 2 I P1 PARKlNG PLAN PS-STD 2,50 m 5.50 m 23 Principal LEVEL 13 669 57 m' 7,20715ft' PS-STOLW:2 P1 PARKING PLAN PS-STOW 2.80m 5.50 m 11 Principal LEVEL 5 I Balcony 96.61 m'I 1,039.92 fl' Deck Balcony & Exterior Area Grand lolal: 202 53 Pation IROOF I Service Room 52.83 m'I 568.61 ft' Common Area [Gross Building Area P1 PARKING PLAN PS-SC 240m 4_90ml 1 !Visitor 96,61 m' 1,039,92 fl' IROOF 1 Vertical Circulation 15.64 m'I 168.35 ft' Common Area )Gross Building Area P1 PARKING PLAN PS-sew 2.70 m 4_90 m 1 Visitor F'RO.'ECT LEVEL 5 I Common Area 49.10 m'I 528.51 fl' Common Area Gross Buildino Area 68.47 m' 736.96 fl' IP1 PARKING PLAN PS-STD 2.50 m 5.50 m 7 Visitor LEVEL 5 I Vertical Circulation 45.33 m'I 487.95 fl'ICommon Area Gross Building Area ROOF 68.47 m' 736.96 ft' 9 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL 94.43 m' 1,016.4611' Grand total: 324 21,050.98 m' 226,590.87 ft' Grand total 144 {LEVEL 5 !Suile I 843,33 m'I 9,077.54 ft'IFSR !Gross Bullding Area I TOWER 843.33m' 9,077.54 ft' LEVEL 5 1,034.37 m' 11,133.91 fl' r IA_BUILDING AREA SUMMERY I I IA_BUILDING AREA SUMMERY-ABOVE GRADE I 11920 226th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC LEVEL6 I Balcony 94.90 m'I 1,021.51 ft' Deck Balcony & Exterior Area I Includes In I Area I Area Sq.fl I Area Type I I Includes In I Area I Area Sq.fl I Area Type I OR.Al'/INGTITLE Pation 94.90 m' 1,021.51 fl' !Deck Balconl & PaUanl 2.445.sam•I 26.324.82 ft'IElcterlQf Art,a I joeck Balcony & Patron I z.44s.ss m•I 26.324.82 WjExterior Area I BUILDING ANALYSIS & [LEVEL 6 I Common Area I 49.10 m'I 528.51 ft'ICommon Area Gross Building Area I E><terlorAnla 2,445.66 m' 26.324.82 fl' Exterior Ar.ea 2,445.66m' 26,324.82 fl' IA_BIKE SCHEDULE I SUMMARY SCHEDULES )LEVEL 6 [Vertical Circulation I 45.33 m'I 487.95 rt'ICommon Area Gross Building Area I I Common Area I 7,872.os m'I 84,734,33 ft'[Gross Building Area I l Common Area I 2,036.42 m'I 21,919.82 ft'IGross Bulldin<J Area I 94.43 m' 1,016.46 fl' IFSR I 10.133,25 m'I 115,531 72 fl'IGross Building Area I IFSR I 10.733.25 m'I 115,531.72 ft'IGross Bul1<11ng Area l LEVEL STALL TYPE I COUNT I USE I jLEVEL6 !Suite I 343.33m'I 9,077.54 !t'IFSR !Gross BuiJdlng Area I Gross Building Area 18,605.32 m' 200,266.05 ft' Gross Building Area 12,769.67 m' 137,451.53 ft• ORAW~G 155\A: 843.33 m' 9,077.54 fl' Grand total: 324 21,050,98 m' 226,590.87 ft' Grand total: 300 15,215,32 m' 163,776.36 ft' P1 PARKING PLAN B1 l 32 [LONGTERM I LEVEL 6 1,032.66 m' 11,115,51 ft' LEVEL 1 B2 I 26 fSHORTTERM I ISSUED FOR ADVISORY I I Grand Iola! 58 DESIGN PANEL ILEVEL 7 I Balcony I 92.98 m'I 1,000.84 fl',Deck Balcony & jExterior Area IA_,BUILDING AREA SUMMERY-BELOW GRADE Pat1on I Includes In I Area I Area Sq.ft I Area Type I 92.98 m' 1.000.l34ft' Pft:,UCf'-;J IPlOT['ATE 'IORAl'IN [LEVEL 7 I Common Area I 49.10 m'I 528.51 rt'[Common Area [Gross Building Area I jcommonArea I s.sJs.ss m'I 62.614.51 ff'IGross Bu~ding Area I AUGUST 26, 2019 MGH 17181 [LEVEL 7 !Vertical Circulation I 45.33 m'I 487.95 fl'[Common Area I Gross Buildina Area I Gross Building Area 5,835.66 m' 62.814,51 fl' ISCAl.E IREVIEIVEO AF 94,43 "1' 1,016.~Sfl' Grand total: 24 5,835.66 m' 62,814.51 ft' DRA\VINGNO l "s'" !LEVEL 7 !suite I 843.33 r11'i 9.077,54 tt'IFSR !Gross BuUdlng Area I A0003 IA_ FSR AREA SCHEDULE (GROSS BUILDING) IA_ FSR AREA SCHEDULE (GROSS BUILDING) I IA_BUILDING AREA -FLOOR SUMMERY SUMMERY I h~v-✓ Level Number Name I Area Area Sq.ft I Bedroom Den Area Category Includes In Level Number Name I Area Area Sq.ft Bedroom Den Area Category I Includes In I Level I Includes In I Area I Area Sq.ft I Area Type I LEVEL 1 100 GUEST SUITE 30.74 m' 330.86 SF Guest Suite FSR LEVEL 8 807 I SUITE 807 I 106.37 m'I 1,144.97 SFI 3 I Suite I FSR I jP2 PARKING PLAN !Comrnoh Area I 2.911 .ss m•I 31A07.51 W!Gross Bu1ld1119Area I Architecture LEVEL 1 101L TH 101 63.96 m' 688.41 SF Town House FSR I LEVEL 8 I 808 I SU1TE808 I 114,07 m' 1.227.85 SF 2 1 Suite I FSR I P2 PARKING PLAN 2,917.85 m' 31,407.51 ft' LEVEL 1 102L TH 102 64.70 m' 696.44 SF Town House FSR LEVEL 8 843.33 m' 9,077 54 SF m-»» ~:lft',,.t..~r◄YA.~J LEVEL 1 103L TH 103 70.68 m' 760.80 SF Town House FSR IP! PAAKING PLAN [CommonAtca I 2.s11.s, m'I 31,407.00 ft'lGross Build1n2 Area I aHfTISrl .:t.0'.P,'8:~ VP 1V7 Cll.'l.ADA EWJ:. L'l~Ojt'IS"'lfED . .a.RCHITES:TUR~ Cil. LEVEL 1 104L TH 104 61.22 m' 658.98 SF Town House FSR LEVEL 9 901 SUITE 901 109,25 m' 1,175,98 SF 3 Suite FSR P1 PARKING PLAN 2,917.81 m' 31,~07.00 ft' TELS~•Hl•-W38 LEVEL 1 105L TH 105 68.43 m' 736.56 SF Town House FSR LEVEL 9 902 SUITE 902 91.96 m' 989.86 SF 2 Suite FSR LEVEL 1 106L TH 106 71.48 m' 769,44 SF Town House FSR LEVEL 9 903 SUITE 903 106.31 m'I 1,144 32 SF 3 Suite FSR ILEVEL 1 !Common Area I 659.76 m'I 7,101.65 fl'[Gross Bulldll'IQ Area I LEVEL 1 107L TH107 63.31 m' 681.51 SF Town House FSR LEVEL 9 904 SUITE904 114.00m'l 1.227,06 SF 2 1 Suite FSR [LEVEL 1 IFSR I 868,39 m'I 9,347 28 11'1 Gross Building Area I t'C~)'f9htmp1radArth,l~rJ Mngtt~rasm·ed LEVEL 1 108L TH 108 63.31 m' 681.51 SF Town House FSR LEVEL 9 905 SUITE 905 109 71 m' 1,180 87 SF 3 Suite FSR LEVEL 1 1,528.16 m' 16,448.93 fl' THI~ DRA\\~U IS TH: PROPERn· OF IN5f'R:D~HfTECTURE THE LEVEL 1 109L TH 109 63,20 m' 680.27 SF Town House FSR LEVEL 9 906 SUITE 906 91.66 m' 986.62 SF 2 Suite FSR COPYRIGHT IN THE SA.\IE BEING RESERVE~ TO lliEM N.> REPR.>OUCTIOI-I ~ A.I.LOWED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF IN5PIRED ARCHITECT~E AND WHEN LEVEL 1 110L TH 110 61.49m' 661,89 SF Town House FSR LEVEL 9 907 SUITE 907 106.37 m' 1,144,97 SF 3 Suite FSR I LEVEL 2 !Common Area I 282.65 m'I 3,042.39 ft'I Gross Building Area I MADE MUST BEAR ITS NA.".1E THIS DRAWING 15 NOT TO BE SCAlED THE CONTRACTOR IS Tv VERIFY LEVEL 1 111L TH 111 62.03 m' 667.72 SF Town House FSR LEVEL 9 908 SUITE 908 114.07 m' 1.227 85 SF 2 1 Suite FSR I LEVEL 2 IFSR I 1,206.29 m'I 12,984.39 fl'IGross Building Area I DIMENSIONS AND DATA NOTED HEREIN PLANS, ElEVATIOt-1S, SECTIONS AND SHEOULfS WITH THE CONOll'->NS ON SITE AND IS RESPoNSIBLE FOR LEVEL 1 112L TH 112 61.36m' 660.47 SF Town House FSR LEVEL 9 843.33 m' 9,077.54 SF LEVEL 2 1,488.94 m' 16,026.78 ft' RE?~Tll'IG ANY D~CREPANCY TO INSl'~ED ARCHfTECTlJ.RE FJR Af>JUSTl.19/T LEVEL 1 113L TH 113 62.47 m' 672.42 SF Town House FSR LEVEL 1 868.39 m' 9,347.28 SF LEVEL10 1001 SUITE 1001 109.19m' 1,175.29 SF 3 Suite FSR ILEVEL 3 I Common Area I 94.43 m'I 1,016.46 fl'IGross Building Area I LEVEL 10 1002 SUITE 1002 91.96 m' 989.86 SF 2 Suite FSR ILEVEL 3 IFSR I 843 44 m'I 9,078.73 fl'IGross Building Area I LEVEL 2 101U TH 101 63,85 m' 687.32 SF 2 Town House FSR LEVEL10 1003 SUl1E 1003 106,31 m• 1.144.32 SF 3 Suite FSR LEVEL 3 937.87 m' 10,095.19 ft' LEVEL 2 102U TH 102 64.28 m~ 691 93 SF 2 Town House FSR LEVEL10 1004 SUITE 1004 114.00 m' 1,227.06 SF 2 1 Suile FSR LEVEL 2 103U TH 103 64.85 m' 698.08 SF 2 Town House FSR LEVEL10 1005 SUITE 1005 109.71 m' 1,180.87 SF 3 Suite FSR ILEVEL4 JCommon Area I 94 43 m'I 1,016 46 fl'IGross Building Area I LEVEL 2 104U TH 104 62.69 m' 674.76 SF 2 Town House FSR LEVEL10 1006 SUITE 1006 91.66 m' 986.62 SF 2 Suite FSR I LEVEL 4 IFSR I 843.33 m'I 9,077.54 fl'[Gross Buildina Area I LEVEL2 105U TH 105 91.10 m' 980,58 SF 2 1 Town House FSR LEVEL10 1007 SUITE 1007 106.37 m' 1.144.97 SF 3 Suite FSR LEVEL4 937.76 m' 10,094.00 fl' LEVEL2 106U TH 106 78.55 m' 845.56 SF 2 Town House FSR LEVEL 10 1008 SUITE 1008 114.13 m' 1,228.53 SF 2 1 Suite FSR LEVEL 2 107U TH 107 69.47 m' 963.01 SF 2 1 Town House FSR LEVEL10 843.33 m' 9.077,54SF ILEVEL 5 !Common Area I 94.43 m'I 1,016.46 ft'IGJoss-Buildlng Area I LEVEL2 106U TH 108 65.11 m' 700.86 SF 2 Town House FSR I LEVEL 5 IFSR I 843.33 m'I 9,077.54 ft'IGross Bulldll'IQ Area I LEVEL 2 109U TH 109 65.11 m' 700.87 SF 2 Town House FSR LEVEL11 1101 SUITE 1101 109.17 m' 1.175 06 SF 3 Suite FSR LEVEL 5 937.76 m' 10,094.00 fl' LEVEL 2 110U TH 110 63.55 m' 684.06 SF 2 Town House FSR LEVEL 11 1102 SUITE 1102 91.96 m' 989.66 SF 2 Suite FSR LEVEL 2 111U TH 111 64.34 m' 692.58 SF 2 Town House FSR LEVEL 11 1103 SUITE 1103 106.31 m' 1,144,32 SF 3 Suite FSR I LEVEL 6 [Common Area I 94.43 m'l 1,016.46 fl'IGross Building Area I LEVEL 2 112U TH 112 63.66 m' 685 28 SF 2 Town House FSR LEVEL 11 1104 SUITE 1104 114.00 m' 1,227.06 SF 2 1 Suite FSR I LEVEL 6 IFSR I 843 33 m'I 9,077.54 ft'IGross Building Area I LEVEL 2 113U TH 113 64.59 m' 695,23 SF 2 Town House FSR LEVEL11 1105 SUITE 1105 109.71 m' 1,180.87 SF 3 Suite FSR LEVEL 6 937 76 m' 10,094.00 ft' LEVEL2 201 SUITE 201 91.43 m' 984.13 SF 1 1 Suite FSR LEVEL11 1106 SUITE 1106 91.66 m' 986,62 SF 2 Suite FSR LEVEL2 202 SUITE 202 77.63 m' 837.74 SF 1 Suite FSR LEVEL 11 1107 SUITE 1107 106.37 m' 1,144.97 SF 3 Suite FSR ILEVEL 7 I Common Area I 94.43 m'I 1,016.46 fl'IGross Building Area I LEVEL 2 203 SUITE 203 135.86 m' 1,462.41 SF 2 1 Suite FSR LEVEL11 1108 SUITE 1108 114.16 m' 1,228.76 SF 2 1 Suite FSR ILEVEL 7 IFSR I 843.33 m'l 9,077.54 ft'[Gross Building Area I LEVEL2 1206.29 m' 12,984.39 SF LEVEL 11 843.33 m' 9,077.54 SF LEVEL 7 937.76 m' t0,094.00 II' LEVEL 3 301 SUITE 301 109.25 m' 1.175,98 SF 3 Suite FSR LEVEL12 1201L PH 01 146,38 m' 1,575.64 SF 1 Penthouse FSR I LEVEL 8 [Common Area I 94.43 m'I 1.016.46 ft'I Gross Building Area I LEVEL 3 302 SUITE 302 92.07 m' 991.06 SF 2 Suite FSR LEVEL12 1202L PH 02 147.18 m' 1,584.25 SF 1 Penthouse FSR I LEVEL 8 (FSR I 843.33 m'I 9,077.54 ft'[Gross Building Area I LEVEL 3 303 SUITE 303 106.31 m' 1,144.32 SF 3 Suite FSR LEVEL12 1203L PH 03 145.72 m' 1,568,55 SF 1 Penthouse FSR LEVELS 937.76 m' 10,094,00 fl' LEVEL 3 304 SUITE 304 114.00m' 1,227.06 SF 2 1 Suite FSR LEVEL 12 1204L PH 04 145.43 m' 1,565.40 SF 1 Penthouse FSR LEVEL 3 305 SUITE 305 109.71 m' 1,180.87 SF 3 Suite FSR LEVEL 12 584 72 m' 6,293.83 SF I LEVEL 9 I Common Area I 94.43 m'I 1,016.46 fl'IGross BuiTding Area I LEVEL 3 306 SUITE 306 91.66 m' 986.62 SF 2 Suile FSR I LEVEL 9 IFSR I 843.33 m'I 9,077.54 fl'IGross Building Aroa I LEVEL 3 307 SUITE 307 106.37 m' 1,144.97 SF 3 Suite FSR LEVEL13 1201U PH 01 114.48 m' 1.232.28 SF 3 Penthouse FSR LEVEL 9 937.76m' 10,094.00 ft' LEVEL 3 308 SUITE 308 114.07 m' 1,227.85 SF 2 1 Suite FSR LEVEL13 1202U PH 02 127.73 m' 1,374.88 SF 3 Penthouse FSR LEVEL 3 843.44 m• 9,078.73 SF LEVEL13 1203U PH 03 114.32m' 1,230,56 SF 3 Penthouse FSR !LEVEL 10 I Common Area I 94 43 m'I 1,016.46 ft'IGross Building Area I LEVEL 13 1204U PH 04 127.23 m' 1,369.49 SF 3 Penthouse FSR !LEVEL 10 [FSR I 843_33 m'I 9,077_54 ft'IGross Buading Area I LEVEL 4 401 SUITE 401 109.26 m' 1,176.03 SF 3 Suite FSR LEVEL 13 483,76 m' 5,207.20 SF LEVEL 10 937.76 m' 10,094 00 fl' LEVEL 4 402 SUITE402 91 .96 m' 989.86 SF 2 Suite FSR Grand lolal: 110 10733.25 m' 115,531.72 SF LEVEL 4 403 SUl1E 403 106.31 m' 1.144.32 SF 3 Suite FSR [LEVEL 11 !Common Area I 94.43 m'I 1,016.46 fl'[Gross Building Area I LEVEL 4 404 SUITE 404 114.00m' 1.227.06 SF 2 1 Suite FSR !LEVEL 11 IFSR I 843 33 m'I 9,077.54 ft'[ Gross Building Area I LEVEL4 405 SUITE 405 109.71 m' 1,180.87 SF 3 Suite FSR LEVEL 11 937.76 m' 10,094.00 ft' LEVEL4 406 SUITE 406 91.66 m' 986.62 SF 2 Suite FSR IA_ PARKING AREA SCHEDULE (GROSS) LEVEL4 407 SUITE 407 106.37 m' 1,144,97 SF 3 Suite FSR Level Name Number Area Area Sq.fl I Area Category ILEVEL 12 I Common Area I 87.80 m'! 945.07 ft'IGross BulldinQArea I LEVEL4 408 SUITE 408 114.07 m' 1.22n9sFJ 2 1 Suite FSR ILEVEL 12 IFSR I 584.72 m'I 6,293.83 fl'IGross Bullding Area I LEVEL4 843.33 m' 9,077.54 SF JP2 PARKING Pl.AN jCOMMON AREA I P210 I 49.SOm'l 532.81 n•j Common Ate.a I LEVEL 12 672.52m' 7,238.90 fl' 49.50 m' 532.8In' LEVEL 5 501 SUITE 501 109.25 m' 1,175,98 SF 3 Suite FSR jP2 PARKING PLAN jPARKING I P215 I 2,703.25 m'i 29,097.59 wj Parking I ILEVEL 13 I common Area I 87.85 m'I 945.62 ft'IGross Building Area I • !')1~ l'AM.L ., LEVEL 5 502 SUITE 502 91.96 m' 989.86 SF 2 Suite FSR 2,703.25 m' 29,097.59 fl' ILEVEL 13 IFSR I 483.76 m'I 5,207 20 fl'IGross Building Area I ' .,. ..... ., LEVEL 5 503 SUITE 503 106.31 m' 1,144.32 SF 3 Suite FSR P2 PARKING PLAN MECHANICAL ROOM 845.09 fl'I LEVEL13 571 62 m' 6,152.s1 n• J n1u~-n "' P213 78,51 m' Service Room ' »IJ,~» "' LEVEL 5 504 SUITE 504 114.00 m' 1.227.06 SF 2 1 Suite FSR P2 PARKING PLAN STORAGE P214 27.34 m' 294.33 ft'I ' n ., I Service Room I LEVEL 5 505 SUITE 505 109.71 m' 1,180 87 SF 3 Suite FSR !ROOF !Common Area I 68.47m'! 736.96 fl•jGrQss Building Area I ""'· 'IT'IY"""" ~ 105.86 m' 1. 139.42 n• CCNU..TAvt LEVEL 5 506 SUITE 506 91.66m' 986.62 SF 2 Suite FSR P2 PARKING PLAN STAIRS P211 25.22 m' 271.48 ft'I Vertical Circulation I ROOF 68.47 m2 736.96ft' LEVEL 5 507 SUITE 507 106.37 m' 1,14497SF 3 Suite FSR P2 PARKING PLAN ELEVATOR P212 22.83 m' 245.77 fl'I Vertical Circulation Grand total: 188 18,605 32 m' 200,266.05 ft' LEVEL 5 508 SUITE 508 114.07 m' 1,227,85 SF 2 1 Suite FSR P2 PARKING PLAN STAIRS P216 11.19m' 120.44 tt'I Vertical Circulation LEVEL 5 843.33 m' 9,077.54 SF 5924 m' 637.69 fi' P2 PARKING PLAN 2,917.85 m' 31,407 51 ft' LEVEL 6 601 SUITE 601 109.25 m' 1,175.98 SF 3 Suite FSR LEVEL 6 602 SUITE 602 91.96 m' 989.86 SF 2 Suite FSR P1 PARKING PLAN COMMON AREA P110 44.93 m'I 483.65 ft'[ Common Area LEVEL 6 603 SUITE 603 106.31 m' 1,144.32 SF 3 Suite FSR P1 PARKING PLAN COMMON AREA P113 8.S8m2 92.32 fl'[ Common Area I PROJECT LEVEL 6 604 SUITE 604 114.00 m' 1,227.06 SF 2 1 Suite FSR 53.51 m' 575.97 fl' LEVEL 6 605 SUITE 605 109.71 m' 1,180,87 SF 3 Suite FSR P1 PARKING PLAN PARKING TOWNHOUSE P101 29.58 m' 318.3511'1 Parking 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL LEVEL6 606 SUITE 606 91.66m' 986.62 SF 2 Suite FSR P1 PARKING PLAN PARKING TOWNHOUSE P102 29.48 m' 317.33 tt'I Parking LEVEL 6 607 SUITE 607 106.37 m' 1,144.97 SF 3 Suite FSR P1 PARKING PLAN I PARKING TOWNHOUSE P104 36.66 m' 394.60tt'I Parl<ing TOWER LEVEL 6 608 SUITE608 11407 m' 1,227.85 SF 2 1 Suite FSR P1 PARKING PLAN PARKING TOWNHOUSE P108 34.60 m' 372.45 fl'I Parl<ing LEVEL 6 843.33 m' 9,077.54 SF P1 PARKING PLAN !PARKING P115 2,.357,49 m' 25.375.76 WI Parking 11920 2281h STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC 2,487.80 m' 26,778.49 fl' DRAWING TITLE LEVEL 7 701 SUITE 701 109.25 m' 1,175.98 SF 3 Suite FSR P1 PARKING PLAN MECHANICAL ROOM P115 50.60m' 544.60 n•I Service Room LEVEL 7 702 SUITE 702 91.96 m'I 989.86 SF 2 Suite FSR P1 PARKING PLAN GENERATOR ROOM P117 35.65 m' 383.7211'1 Service Room LEVEL 7 703 SUITE 703 106.31 m'I 1,144,32 SF 3 Suite FSR P1 PARKING PLAN ELECTRICAL ROOM P118 50.81 m' 546.88 11'1 Service Room AREA SCHEDULES-FSR & LEVEL 7 704 SUITE 704 114.oo m'I 1,227.06 SF 2 1 Suite FSR P1 PARKING PLAN GARBAGE ROOM P120 40.58 m' 436.8411'1 Service Room PARKING LEVEL 7 705 SUITE 705 109.71 m'I 1,180.87 SF 3 Suile FSR 177,64 m' 1,.912.0Sfl' LEVEL 7 706 SUITE 706 91.66 m'I 986,62 SF 2 Suite FSR P1 PARKING PLAN !STORAGE P114 I 14,92 m' 160.6211'1 Storage LEVEL 7 707 SUITE 707 106.37 m'I 1,144.97 SF 3 Suite FSR P1 PARKING PLAN IBIKE STORAGE I P119 57.50 m' 618.90fl'I Storage OAA\\'!NGISSUE LEVEL 7 708 SUITE 706 114.07 m'I 1,227.85 SF 2 1 Suite FSR P1 PARKING PLAN STORAGE P122 62,26 m' 670,17 fl'[ Storage LEVEL 7 843.33 m' 9,077.54 SF 134.68 m' 1,449.69 fl' ISSUED FOR ADVISORY P1 PARKING PLAN STAIRS P111 29.90 m' 321.82 fl'! Vertical Circulation DESIGN PANEL LEVEL 8 801 SUITE 801 109,25 m' 1.175.98 SF 3 Suite FSR P1 PARKING PLAN I ELEVATOR I P112 I 23.09 m'I 248.54 ft'I Vertical Circulation LEVEL 8 802 SUITE 802 91.96m' 989.86 SF 2 Suite FSR P1 PARKING PLAN !STAIRS I P121 11.19 m'I 120.4411'1 Vertical Circulation LEVEL 8 803 SUITE 803 106.31 m' 1,144.32 SF 3 Suite FSR 64.18m' 690.80 fl' ...,...,.IQ ' PLOT ['ATE ,□RAl'IN AUGUST 26, 2019 MGH LEVEL 8 804 SUITE 804 114.00 m' 1,227.06 SF 2 1 Suite FSR P1 PARKING PLAN 2,917.81 m' 31,407.00 fl' 17181 !SCALE lREVIEmo LEVEL 8 805 SUITE 805 109.71 m' 1,180.87 SF 3 Suite FSR Grand total: 24 5,835.66 m' 62,814.51 ft' AF LEVEL 8 806 SUITE 806 91.66 m' 986.62 SF 2 Suite FSR DRAIVINGNO I "sON A0004 IA_ COMMON AREA SCHEOULE 1-13 (GROSS BUILDING) IA_ COMMON AREA SCHEDULE 1-13 (GROSS BUILDING) IA_ COMMON AREA SCHEDULE 1-13 (GROSS BUILDING) !t~v-✓ Level Name Number Area Type Area Area Sq.It Area Category Level I Name I Number I Area Type I Area I Area Sq.ft I Area Category I I Level Name I Number I Area Type I Area Area Sq.ft I Area Category I !LEVEL i jAMENfTYROOM I 132 I Gross. Bundrng Area I 101.s9 m•I 1.093.46 «'I Amenity I LEVEL4 BALCONY 401.1 Exterior Area 14.81 m' 159.40 It' Balcony LEVEL 9 BALCONY 901.1 Exterior Area 12.89 m' 138.72 ft' Balconv Architecture 101.59 m' 1.093.4611' LEVEL4 BALCONY 402,1 Exterior Area 10.10 m' 108.77 ft' Balcony LEVEL 9 BALCONY 902.1 Exlerior Area 10.10 m' 108 77 ft' Balcony LEVEL 1 LOBBY 120 Gross Building Area 116.42 m' 1,253.15ft' Common Area LEVEL 4 BALCONY 403.1 Exterior Area 14.81 m' 159.40 ft' Balcony LEVEL 9 BALCONY 903.1 Exterior Area 14.81 m' 159.40ft' Balcony 302Jllll.WH"l:ORIVC HO~TiiVA.lfCOI.NErl LEVEL 1 CORRIDOR01 121 Gross Building Area 18.75m' 201.85 ft' Common Area LEVEL 4 BALCONY 404.1 Exterior Area 4.01 m' 43.11 ft' Balcony LEVEL 9 BALCONY Exterior Area 4.01 m'l 43.11 ft' Balcony :BmS-t :'..OU~\61~ VP 1V7 ::.l\'IIAO, 904.1 HW~ IN.=o,~5:~~~~TE::Ttlfl.: ;.\ LEVEL 1 LOADING AREA 123 Gross Building Area 39.91 m' 429 57 ft' Common Area LEVEL 4 BALCONY 404.2 Exterior Area 7.07ml 76.12 ft' Balcony LEVEL 9 BALCONY 904.2 Exterior Area 7.07 m l 76.12 ft' Balcony LEVEL 1 CORRIDOR 02 127 Gross Building Area 136.11 m' 1,465.03 ft'[ Common Area LEVEL4 BALCONY 405.1 Exterior Area 12.85 m' 138,34 n• Balcony LEVEL 9 BALCONY 905.1 Exterior Area 12.85 m' 138.34 ft' Balcony 311.19 m' 3,349.60 ft' LEVEL4 BALCONY 406.1 Exterior Area 8.99m' 96.81 ft' Balcony LEVEL 9 BALCONY 906.1 Exterior Area B.99m2 96.81 ft' Balcony ~! ~\r."11\ 1n~rnd ArcMoclul~ LEVEL 1 PATIO 100 Exterior Area 20.33 m' 218.87 ft' Patio LEVEL4 BALCONY 407.1 Exterior Area 12.85m' 138.34ft' Balcony LEVEL 9 BALCONY 907.1 Exterior Area 12.85 m' 138.34 ft' Balcony Mr,;ht;rase,•c'd LEVEL 1 PATIO 101 Exterior Area 24.62 m' 265.00 ft' Patio LEVEL4 BALCONY 408.1 Exterior Area 7.11 m' 76.51 ft' Balcony LEVEL 9 BALCONY 908.1 Exterior Area 7.11 m' 76.51 ft' Balcony THIS OAA\\'1NU IS iHE PROPi:RTY Of IH5P,RED ARCHITEO~ TtE CJPVRiGtfT INTI-!: SAME e;NG ?ESERVEO TO TllHI 1-1:J Ri:PR.>OOCTIDN IS LEVEL 1 PATIO 102 Exterior Area 26.44 m' 284.58 ft' Patio LEVEL4 BALCONY 408.2 Exterior Area 4.01 m2 4311 ft' Balcony LEVEL 9 BALCONY 908.2 Exterior Area 4.01 ITT1 43,11 ft' Balcony ALLOWED WfJHOUT THE PERMSSION OF INSPIRED ARCHITECTURE AND WI-EN MADEMUSTBEAArTSNA..'.IE LEVEL 1 PATIO 103 Exterior Area 28.24 m' 303.95 fl' Patio 96.61 m' 1.039.92 It' 94.69 m' 1,019.2411' THIS DRAV.'ING IS NOT T::l SE SCALED THE CONTRACTOR !S TO 1/ERIFY LEVEL 1 PATIO 104 Exterior Area 27.10m2 291.66 ft' Patio ILEVEL4 jCOMMON AREA I 420 I Gross Building Area I 49.1om•I 528.5111•1 CommonAsea I jLEVEL 9 lcoMMON AREA I 920 !Gros.s Building Alea I 49.10 m•I s28.51 n·I CO!l1mon Area I Cl~IENSIONS AND D1nA NOTED HEREIN PLANS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND SHEDULES WITH THE CONDITIJNS ON SITE AND IS RESPOtlSIBLE FOR REPORT NG mv (IISS:R.EPANCY Ta INSPIRED ARCH!TECT!ff: FOR LEVEL 1 PATIO 105 Exterior Area 46.63 m' 501.95 ft' Patio 49.10m' 528.51 ft' 49.10m' 528.51 ft' 411111\!911 LEVEL 1 PATIO 106 Exterior Area 4143 m' 445.90 ft' Patio LEVEL4 STAIRS I 421 Gross Building Area I 24_76 m2 266.49 ft'J Vertical Circulation ILEVEL 9 STAIRS 921 )Gross Building Area I 24.76 m'I 266.49 fl'I Vertical Circulation LEVEL 1 PATIO 107 Exterior Area 41,78 m' 449,72 It' Patio LEVEL4 I ELEVATOR 422 Gross Building Area 20.57 m' 221.46 ft'I Vertical Circulation LEVEL 9 ELEVATOR 922 I Gross Building Area 20.57 m'I 221.46 ft'I Vertical Circulation LEVEL 1 PATIO 108 Exterior Area 36.66 m' 394.64 ft' Patio 45.33 m' 487.95 ft' 45.33 m' 487.95 II' LEVEL 1 PATIO 109 Exterior Area 37.12m' 399.57 It' Patio LEVEL4 191.04 m' 2,056.37 ft' LEVEL 9 189.12 m' 2,035 70 It' LEVEL 1 PATIO 110 Exterior Area 37.21 m' 400.51 ft' Patio LEVEL 1 PATIO 111 Exterior Area 37.54 m' 404.09ft' Patio LEVEL 5 BALCONY 501.1 Exterior Area 14.81 m' 159.40 ft' Balcony LEVEL10 BALCONY 1001.1 Exterior Area 14.81 m' 15940 ft' Balcony LEVEL 1 PATIO 112 Exterior Area 37.18m' 400.16 ft' Patio LEVEL 5 BALCONY 502.1 Exterior Area 10.10 m' 108.77 ft' Balcony LEVEL 10 BALCONY 10021 Exterior Area 10.10 m' 108.77ft' Balcony LEVEL 1 PATIO 113 Exterior Area 36 33 m' 391.08 ft' Patio LEVEL 5 BALCONY 503.1 Exterior Area 14.81 m' 159.40 It' Balcony LEVEL 10 BALCONY 1003.1 Exterior Area 14.81 m' 159 40 ft' Balcony LEVEL 1 PATIO 132 Exterior Area 59.76 m' 643.26 ft' Patio LEVEL 5 BALCONY 504.1 Exterior Area 4.01 m' 43.11 ft' Balcony LEVEL 10 BALCONY 1004.1 Exterior Area 4.01 m' 43.11 ft' Balcony 538.37 m' 5.794.92 ft' LEVEL 5 BALCONY 504.2 Exterior Area 7.07 m'l 76.12 ft' Balcony LEVEL 10 BALCONY 1004.2 Exterior Area 7.07 m l 76.12 ft' Balcony LEVEL 1 MAIL ROOM 122 Gross Building Area 18.52m' 199.36 ft' Service Room LEVEL 5 BALCONY 505.1 Exterior Area 12.85m' 138.34 ft' Balcony LEVEL10 BALCONY 10051 Exterior Area 12.85m' 138.34 ft' Balcony LEVEL 1 ELECTRICAL 129 Gross Building Area 17.69 m' 190.45 fl' Service Room LEVEL 5 BALCONY 506.1 ~xterior Area 8.99 m1 96,81 ft' Balcony LEVEL10 BALCONY 1006,1 Exterior Area 8,99m' 96.81 ft' Balcony ROOM LEVEL 5 BALCONY 507.1 Exterior Area 12.85 m' 138,34 ft' Balcony LEVEL 10 BALCONY 1007,1 Exterior Area 12.85 m' 138.34 ft' Balcony LEVEL 1 MECHANICAL 131 Gross Building Area 16.25 m' 174.92 ft' Service Room LEVEL 5 BALCONY 508.1 Exterior Area 7.11 m' 76.51 ft' Balcony LEVEL10 BALCONY 1008,1 Exterior Area 7.11 m' 76.51 ft' Balcony ROOM LEVEL 5 BALCONY 508.2 Exterior Area 4.01 m'\ 43.11 ft' Balcony LEVEL 10 BALCONY 1008,2 Exterior Area 4.01 m' 43.11 ft' Balcony 52.47m' 564.74 ft' 9661 m' 1.039.92 ft' 96.61 m' 1,039.92 ft' LEVEL 1 STORAGE I 124 Gross Building Area I 57.06 m'I 614.15 ft'I Storage !LEVEL 5 !COMMON AREA I s:io I Gros.s Buiding Area I 49.lOm•j 528.61 11•1 Common Alea I !LEVEL 10 jCOMMON AREA I 1020 jGross Bu~di~ Alea I 49.1om•I s28.s1 n•I Commoo Are• I LEVEL 1 STORAGE I 125 I Gross Building Area I 53.08 m' 571 ,30 ft'I Storage 49.10 m' 528.51 ft' 49.10m' 528.51 ft' !LEVEL 1 I STORAGE 130 I Gross Building Area 39.09 m' 420,73 ft' Storage I LEVEL 5 )STAIRS I 521 Gross Building Area I 24.76 m' 266.49 ft'I Vertical Circulation )LEVEL 10 !STAIRS 1021 Gross Building Area 24.76 m'I 266.49 ft' Vertical Circulation 149.22 m' 1.606.17 ff' !LEVEL 5 )ELEVATOR I 522 Gross Building Area 20.57 m' 221.46 ft' Vertical Circulation LEVEL10 !ELEVATOR 1022 Gross Building Area 20.57 m'I 221.46 ft' Vertical Circulation LEVEL 1 !ELEVATOR 126 Gross Buffding Area 20.55m' 221.18fi' Vertical Circulatior 45.33 m' 487.9511' 45.33 m' 487.95 ft' LEVEL1 STAIRS 128 Gross Bufldirig Alea 24.76 m• 266.d9 fl'I Vertical Circulation LEVEL 5 191.04m' 2,056.37 fl' LEVEL10 191.04 m' 2,056.37 ft' 45.31 m' 487.67 ft' LEVEL 1 1,198.13 m' 12,896.57 ft' LEVEL 6 BALCONY 601.1 Exterior Area 14.81 m' 159.40 ft' Balcony LEVEL 11 BALCONY 1101.1 Exterior Area 14.81 m• 159.40 ft' Balcony LEVEL 6 BALCONY 602.1 Exterior Area 10,10 m' 108.77 ft' Balcony LEVEL11 BALCONY 1102.1 Exterior Area 10.10 m• 108.77 ft' Balcony LEVEL 2 IGYM 223 Gross Building Area 75.14m' 808.85 ft' Amenity LEVEL 6 BALCONY 603.1 Exterior Area 1310m' 140.99 ft' Balcony LEVEL 11 BALCONY 1103.1 Exterior Area 1481 m• 159 40ft' Balcony LEVEL 2 MANAGEMENT 224 Gross Building Area 48.90 m' 526.37 ft' Amenity LEVEL 6 BALCONY 604.1 Exterior Area 4_01 m:r 43.11 ft' Balcony LEVEL 11 BALCONY 1104.1 Exterior Area 4.01 m• 43,11 ft' Balcony ROOM 124.05 m' 1,JJS,22 ft' LEVEL 6 BALCONY 604.2 Exterior Area 7~07 m2 76,12 ft' Balcony LEVEL 11 BALCONY 1104.2 Exterior Area 7.05 m:i 75.84 ft' Balcony LEVEL 6 BALCONY 605.1 Exterior Area 12.85 m' 138.34ft' Balcony LEVEL11 BALCONY 1105.1 Exterior Area 12.85 m' 138.34 ft' Balcony LEVEL2 BALCONY 101U.1 Exterior Area 5.65 m' 60.83 ft' Balcony LEVEL 6 BALCONY 606.1 Exterior Area 12.85 m' 138.34 ft' Balcony LEVEL11 BALCONY 9.18 m• 98.79 ft' Balcony LEVEL2 BALCONY 102U.1 Exterior Area 3-06 m2 32.94 ft' Balcony 1106-1 Exterior Area LEVEL 6 BALCONY 606.1 Exterior Area 8.99m2 96,81 ft' 138.34 ft' LEVEL 2 !BALCONY 103U.1 Exterior Area 3.47 m1 37.38 ft' Balcony Balcony LEVEL 11 BALCONY 1107.1 Exterior Area 12.85 m' Balcony LEVEL 6 BALCONY 608.1 Exterior Area 7.11 m' 76.51 ft' 76.51 ft' LEVEL2 BALCONY 104U.1 Exlerior Area 6.15 m' 66.22 fl' Balcony Balcony LEVEL 11 BALCONY 1108.1 Exterior Area 7.11 m' Balcony LEVEL 6 BALCONY 608.2 Exterior Area 4.01 ffi1 43.11 ft' Balcony LEVEL 11 BALCONY 4.01 m' 43,11 ft' Balcony LEVEL2 BALCONY 105U.1 Exterior Area 11.36m' 122.26 fl' 1108.2 Exterior Area Balcony 94.90 m' 1,021.51 ft' 1,041.62ft' LEVEL 2 BALCONY 106U_1 Exterior Area 19.91 m' 214.36 ft' Balcony 96.77 m' jLEVEL 6 (COMMON AREA I 620 I Gross Building Aroa I 49.lOm'I i;2a.s, n•I Common Area I !LEVEL 11 jCOMMON AREA I I Gross Bulldlog Alea I 49.1om•I s28.s1 n•j Common Alea I LEVEL2 BALCONY 107U,1 Exterior Area 7.46 m' 80.28 ft' Balcony 1120 49.10m' 528.51 ft' 49.10m' 528.51 ft' LEVEL 2 !BALCONY 10BU.1 Exterior Area 2_J6m2 25,45 ft' Balcony I LEVEL 6 STAIRS I 621 I Gross Building Area I 24.76 m'I 266.49 ft'I Vertical Circulation LEVEL11 !ELEVATOR 1121 I Gross Building Area 20.57 m'I 221.46 ft'! Vertical Circulation LEVEL2 BALCONY 109U.1 Exterior Area 2..41 m1 25.95 ft' Balcony I LEVEL 6 jELEVATOR I 622 I Gross Building Area I 20.57 m'I 221 .46 ft2i Vertical Circulation LEVEL11 )STAIRS 24.76 m'I 266.49 fl' Vertical Circulation LEVEL2 BALCONY 110U,1 Exterior Area 2.44 m2 26.27 ft' Balcony 1122 Gross Building Area 45.33 m' 487.95 W 487.95 ft' LEVEL2 BALCONY 111u.1 Exterior Area 2A0m2 25.B1 ft' Balcony 45.33 m' LEVEL2 BALCONY 112U.1 Exterior Area 2A0m2 25.80 fl' Balcony LEVEL 6 189.33 m' 2,037,97 ft' LEVEL 11 191 .20 m' 2,058.08 ft' LEVEL2 BALCONY 113U,1 Exterior Area 5.32 m' 57.25 ft' Balcony LEVEL 7 BALCONY 701.1 Exterior Area 12.89m'I 138.72 ft'I Balcony )LEVEL 12 )BALCONY I Exterior Area I 12.52m'l 134.73 ft'! Balcony LEVEL2 BALCONY 201.1 Exterior Area 14.65 m' 157.71 ft' Balcony 1201L 1 LEVEL 7 BALCONY Exlerior Area 10.10 m'I 108.77 ft'! !BALCONY LEVEL2 BALCONY 202.1 Exterior Area 8.40 m' 90.46 ft' Balcony 702.1 Balcony LEVEL 12 1203L 1 i::xterior Area 11.01 m' 118 52 ft' Balcony LEVEL 7 BALCONY 703.1 Exterior Area 140.99 ft' LEVEL2 BALCONY 203.1 Exterior Area 14.61 m' 157.25 ft' Balcony 13.10 m' Balcony 23.53 m' 253.25 tr ' 1>UU-JI '"""'""' , ...... IF LEVEL 7 BALCONY 704.1 Exterior Area 4.01 m2 43,11 ft' jLEVl:L 12 !COMMON AREA I !Gross-Building Arca j '-2.47m'I 457.12 tt•I CommonAroa I I DIV(:j,-:J "' ....., ., LEVEL 2 BALCONY 203.2 Exterior Area 5.24m, 56.41 ft' Balcony Balcony 1220 ... 'fflT......, ..... 8!\'11~ 117.30m' 1,262.62ft' LEVEL 7 BALCONY 704.2 Exterior Area 7.07 m2 76.12 ft' Balcony 42.47 m' 457.12 ft' C()t."51,lTA\'1' LEVEL 7 BALCONY 705.1 Exterior Area 12.85m' 138.34ft' Balcony LEVEL12 DECK 1201L.2 Exterior Area 79.34 m' 853 96 ft• Deck I LEVEL 2 !COMMON AREA I 220 j Gross 8ulld1n11 Area I 43.83 m'I 411.82 n•I I Common Area LEVEL 7 BALCONY 706,1 Exterior Area 8.99 m' 96.81 ft' Balcony LEVEL12 DECK 1203L.2 Exterior Area 75.03 m' 807 63 ft' Deck 43.83 m' 471,82 ft> LEVEL 7 BALCONY 707.1 Exterior Area 12,85 m1 138.34 ft' Balcony LEVEL12 DECK 1203L.3 Exterior Area 73.35 m' 789 51 ft' Deck I LEVEL 2 !STORAGE I I Gross Building Area I 69.46 m'I 747.69 Jl'I I 225 S1oraga LEVEL 7 BALCONY 708.1 Exterior Area 7J1 m2 76.51 ft' Balcony LEVEL12 DECK 1204L.1 Exterior Area 79.36 m' B54.27 ft' Deck 69.46 m' 747,69 ft' LEVEL 7 BALCONY 708.2 Exterior Area 4,01 m2 43.11 ft' Balcony 307.08 m' 3,305.36 ft' LEVEL 2 STAIRS I 221 I Gross Building Area J 24.76 m'l 266.49 ft'I Vertical Circulation I 1,000.84 ft' Gross BuUding Area 266.49 ft'I Vertical Circulation LEVEL 2 I ELEVATOR 222 I Gross Buildino Area I 20.55 m' 221.18ft' Vertical Circulation I 92.98 m' LEVEL12 STAIRS 1221 24.76 m' jLEVEL 7 jcOMMONAREA I !Gross Building Area I 49,10 m'I 520.51 n•I Common Area I 221.46 ft' Vertical Circulation 45.31 m' 487.67 ff' 720 LEVEL12 ELEVATOR 1222 Gross Buading Area 20.57 m' LEVEL 2 399.95 m' 4,305.01 ft' 49.10 m' 528.51 ft' 45,33 m' 487.95 ft' ?AOJECT LEVEL 7 STAIRS 721 Gross Building Area 24,76 m'I 266.49 ft' Vertical Circulation I LEVEL12 418.41 m' 4,503.68 ft' LEVEL 7 !ELEVATOR 722 Gross Building Area 20.57 m' 221.46 ft' Vertical Circulation 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL LEVEL 3 BALCONY 301.1 Exterior Area 6.56 m' 70.57 ft' Balcony 487.95 ~· !LEVEL 13 lcoMMON AREA I jGross Buildin2 Area I 42.52 m'I 457.67 trl CQmmonArea I LEVEL 3 BALCONY 303.1 Exterior Area 6.43 m' 69,25ft' Balcony 45.33 m' 1320 TOWER LEVEL 3 BALCONY 304.1 Exterior Area 28.20 m'I 303.51 ft' Balcony LEVEL 7 187.41 m' 2,017.29 ft' 42 52 m' 457.67 ft' LEVEL 3 BALCONY 305.1 Exterior Area 6.63 m'I 71,32 ft' Balcony LEVEL13 DECK 1024U.1 Exterior Area 11.27 m' 121.30 ft' Deck LEVEL 8 BALCONY 801.1 Exterior Area 138.72 ft' Balcony 336,83 ft' Deck 11920 228th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC LEVEL 3 BALCONY 307.1 Exterior Area 6.37 m'I 12.89 m' LEVEL 13 DECK 1201u.1 Exterior Area 31.29 m' 68,58 ft' Balcony LEVEL 8 BALCONY 802.1 Exterior Area 108.77 ft' \DECK 11.63 m' Deck LEVEL 3 BALCONY 308.1 Exterior Area 28,26 m' 304.15 ft' Balcony 10.10 m' Balcony LEVEL13 1202U.1 Exterior Area 125.21 ft' CRAWINGTITLE LEVEL8 BALCONY 803.1 Exterior Area 13.10m' 140.99 ft' Balcony LEVEL13 !DECK 1202U 2 Exterior Area 7.01 m' 75.42 ft' Deck 82.44 m2 887.37 ft' LEVEL 8 BALCONY 804.1 Exterior Area 4.01 m, 43.11 ft' Balcony LEVEL 13 jDECK 1203U.1 Exterior Area 29.83 m' 321 04 ft' Deck jLEVEL3 jcoMMON AREA I 320 I Gross Buijd1ng Area j 49.1om•I s2s.s1 n•I Common Area I AREA SCHEDULES-COMMON LEVEL 8 BALCONY 804.2 Exterior Area 7,Q7m2 76.12 ft' Balcony LEVEL 13 IDECK 1204U.1 Exterior Area 6.92 m' 74.53ft' Deck 49.10m' 528.51 ft' LEVEL 8 BALCONY 805.1 Exterior Area 12,85 m' 138.34ft' Balcony 97,95 m' 1,054.33 h' AREA LEVEL 3 OECK 301 Exterior Area 81.63 m' 878.68 ft' Deck LEVEL 8 BALCONY 806.1 Exterior Area 8.99m2 96.81 ft' 266.49 ft' Vertical Circulation LEVEL 3 DECK 302.1 Exterior Area 27.39 m' 294, 78 ft' Deck Balcony LEVEL13 STAIRS 1321 Gross Building Area 24.76 m' LEVEL 8 BALCONY 807.1 Exterior Area 12185m:z 138.34 ft' Balcony LEVEL13 Gross Building Area I 221.46 ft' Vertical Circulation LEVEL 3 DECK 303.2 Exterior Area 80.94 m' 871.27ft' Deck I ELEVATOR 1322 20.57 m'J LEVEL 8 BALCONY DRAWING ISSU: LEVEL 3 DECK 305.2 Exterior Area 11B.97 m' 1,280.60 ft' Deck 808.1 Exterior Area 7,11 m2 76.51 ft' Balcony 45.33 m' 487.95ft' LEVEL 8 BALCONY Exterior Area LEVEL 3 DECK 306.1 Exterior Area 90.48 m' 973.91 ft'! Deck 808.2 4.01 m1 43.11 ft' Balcony LEVEL 13 185.80 m' 1,999.95 ft' ISSUED FOR ADVISORY 1,000.84 n' LEVEL 3 DECK 307,2 Exterior Area 117.42m' 1,263 94 ft' Deck 92.98 m' 516.84 m' 5,563.18 ft' jLEVEL 8 jCOMMON AREA ! 820 !Gros.s Building At~a I 49.1om•I 528,51 WI Common Area I ROOF ELEVATOR AND 1401 Gross Building Area 52.83 m' 568.61 ft' Service Room DESIGN PANEL 49,10 m' 528.51 It' MECHANICAL LEVEL 3 STAIRS 321 Gross Building Area 24.76 m' 266.49 ft' Vertical Circulation ROOM LEVEL 8 )STAIRS I 821 I Gross Building Area J 24,76 m'I 266.49 ft' I Vertical Circulation I LEVEL 3 ELEVATOR 322 Gross Building Area 20.57 m'l 221,46 ft' Vertical Circulation I LEVEL 8 )ELEVATOR I I Gross Buildinq Area I 20.57 m'I 221.46 ft'I Vertical Circulation 52.83m' 568,61 ft' ....... "ll IPI.OT(lATE IORAWN 45.33 m1 437.95 ,,, 822 !ROOF jSTAIRS I I Gros.s BoRdln~ Area I 1s.64m'I 168, 35 ft' I Vertical ClrculaUor1 I AUGUST 26, 2019 Author 45.33 m' 487,95 n• 1421 17181 ISS:Af.E IRC:VIE\YED LEVEL 3 693.71 m' 7,467.01 ft' LEVEL 8 15.64m' 168.35 ft' Checker 187.41 m' 2,017.29 ft' ROOF 68.47 m' 736,96 ft' DRAl'IINCNO I R~:t AOOOS Grand tolal: 190 4,482.07 m' 48,244 64 ft' 3-STOREY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING lit.iv-✓ bArchrtecture J1) mo MARIN: :)Rl~'E NO~T:-1 YA',C~J~E:l. 3:l.lTISH .;':LOU~,81~ 1/1) Wi' :::~IJA0,1, HlAJ~ IN~O~INS"IREOARi:HITE;;:TLIR:C ;;:.i, Ti:L51>4-'7020M .:.,.:o;~r.i1p~edkch1lrclure Al11gt«rt'lffi!!d THl5 DRAWING IS THE PRCll'e"Rn' OF INSPIRED AACHrTECTUl.~ TH: C::JPYRIGHT IN THE SAME BEING FIESERVi:D Ta THEM NO REPRQClUCllON 15 AL.LOV:EO l'/ITHOUT HE PER~ISSION .)f IN3PIRED AR.CJ-11TECTURE AND WHE'-MAOE MUST BEAA ITS 1'lo\ME THISD~V.'INGISNOTTOBESr.A!.EO TH:CCOITTRACTORl3TOVERln' DIMENSIONS #lD DATA NOTED HER:IN PL.ANS, ELEVATIONS, S!:CTIONS AND SHE□ULES '.'l'fTH TI-1E CONDITIONS Q,',j SITE ANO IS RESPON51BL:: FOR REPORrnG ANY □ISCREPAN;;:Y TO IN5PflEO AACHITECTUl.E FOR AOJUSHIENT CONSULTANT PRO~ECT 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 2281h STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC OR.A\'IINGTITLE CONTEXT PLAN-STREET SCAPE VIEW DRA\'\'lr,,'G ISSUE ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL PRJJEC'TNO PI..OTOATE DAAWr,," AUGUST 26, 2019 MGH 17181 SCALE REVIEl'/ED 1:1 AF DRAIY~GNO REVLSotl A0010 5 /wire/ bArch1tecture 31 J 2JJl1 MA.RINE ~RIVE NU~T rl \'ANC.)U-:E~ 3~ffiS-i :~o~~l9111. >IP 11/i :;"-vAO, H\,\t llffOJll~S?IR::D~CHITE.:TUR;:,:;,~ TEL 5~-~10-2M8 .:.•Coi;f->}'1\1.,ijltedArthltetlure Mngtl!srr.er.ed iHG ORA\\'INU IS itE PROP;m' OF r,.,5p1flEO AAOUTECTl.AE THE C.JPYRIGHT r-1 TH: SAME BEltlG RESERVEOW THE!.\ NO REPf<;JDUCilON IS ALLOV.'EO \WTHOLTT THE PERMISS\ON OF INSPIRED ARCHITECTURE AND '.\'HEN MAOEMUSTBEARrTSWv.lE THIS D?.AV.'ING IS NOTTO eE SCALED THE .::ONTRACT:JR IS TO VERl::>i' OIIJENSIONSAND DATANOli:D HEREIN Pl.ANS, ELEVATIONS, S!:CTION5 AND SHEDULES WITH TH:: CONDITli:INS ON SITE AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPJRrnG ANV ['ISCREPAN.::Y TO INSPlREO ARCl-llTECTURE FOR ADJUSTMENT CONSUlTANT PROJECT ., ., ., 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRA\"IINGTITLE 3D-VIEW ORAWlt.G 1551..E ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL PROJECT NO PI.OTCIATE AUGUST ~o, 2019 DRAWN 171B1 SCALE REVIEi\'ED MGH AF ORA\'/INGt.:O REVISION A0011 5 l wu-e/ bArch1tecture JI:) 2JJa M.4Jl:IN: ORloJE NO:UH \'A'fCJU~'Erl 8,tllSH :::!.OU~\81'-1/1? IVi' ~>V-lAO'- EA\AI!. ~'l;QilNS.::,llc.D:i.RCHITE:::T!JRE :A TEL 5~ ~?0-208~ t•:o;~jhtr.1,p,1edArttu!oclure A,hlJlt\1e~2,'V~ THIS ilR/11\'~G IS THE PROPERn OF IN5Pl1lED AR~ECTURE nE COPYRIGHT IN THE SAME BEttMi FIESERYi:(l Kl THEM NO FIEPROOUCTION IS All OWED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF INSPIRED ARCHITECTURE ANO WHEN MA□EMUSTBEAAITSNA~E THIS DMY.'IN3 IS NJTTO BE SCA!.ED TH:C CONTRA.CT OR IS TO \IERlrY D11.IENSlONS /WD OAT A NOTED HEREIN PLo\NS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND SHEOULES WITH TI-iE CONDITIONS ON SITE AND IS rlESPOlt51BLE FJR RE?JRTJNG ANY l!IS~PANCY rn INSP~::o ARCHfl'E~E FDR ADJUSTI.IENT 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC 3D-VIEW ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL """"""" PlOTCIATE OAAIVN AUGUST 26, 2019 17181 S.:ALE RE\/IEWi:O MGH AF D~\Vlh'CNO REV.SON A0012 5 SITE PLAN LINE TYPES PROPERTY LINE SETBACK LINE PARKING OUTLINE LEVEL 1 &2 OUTLINE LEVEL:l-11 OUTLINE LEVEL 12 OUTLINE LEVEL 13 OUTLINE SITE PLAN LEGEND □ GRAVE SURFACING ~ CONCRETE PAVER □ CONCRETE SLAB □ GARDEN/LAWN ~ CONCRETE PAVER □ CONCRETE DRIVEWAY ~ FIBAR WOOD SURFACING □ BUILDING FOOTPRINT C!) z a ..... 3 co C!) z ~ x w EXISTING BUILDING I: I ---'· -------~---~- EXISTING BUILDING SITE PLAN N>tl)I SCALE: 1 : 200 EXISTING BUILDING 0 0 0 mJ<PL 67165m 17114' EOOE~CURl3 STREET 0 EXISTINGTREETOBEREMOVEO 0 EXISTING BUILDING w lit.iv-✓ 0Arch1 tee tu re J1)-2Jl1Jf,Wl:I1€0Rl\'E NOi\THVA\fC.)IJVEEt 3~ITIS'-1:;!.0U\191A!fl?W7:A'-lAO, EMAIL IN.i'Ojl)tS.3IR!:OARCHITf;::TlJR: :A TELSOhT/021»9 ,!~\m')ht\J\iDirtdAAMec!ure flJn~tt<,rase,,;~ THIS DRAW.NG IS TH:" PROPERTY OFIN5PiREO AACHfTECTmE THc COPYRIGHT IN THE SA.\!: BEING RESERVED TO THEM NO R~R.JOUCTION IS ALLOWED WITHD\.JT THE PERMISS\ON OF INSPIRED ARCHITECTURE ANO W~N MAOE MUST BEAR ITS NAME THIS D?.AV/ING IS NJTT.> BE SCALED THE i:vNTRACTOR IS TD VERIFY 011.IENSIONS .ANO DATA NOTED HEREIN PLAf',IS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND SHEDULES WITH lHE CONDlTIONS ON SITE AND IS RESPON51BlE FOR REPORTING ANV DISCREPANCY TO INSPRi::O ARCHITECTURE FOR ADJUST/JENT CONSULTANT PRo.!ECT ., .., ., " 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC CRA\'/INGTITLE SITE PLAN DAAWlt.GlSSUE ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL ..,...,..,, iW'.C'll"ATE AUGUST 26, 2019 ORAIVN 17181 SCALE AE'JIEWEO As indicated MGH AF CM.WING NO REVISION A0101 6 I 0 0 (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I j I I I I I I I 1 r EXHAUST SHAFT i ~;;.;;;;;j,f===r.==:::a;f==,===91:ff==CC,·iF'· ===YF==r==F==lCJl!r'==¥==:,I!f==7fC==:!=?q_i;i::==:,;:::;;:====1P.""===w===rr===91F==··r."'==· -qp.==='T'r.:zf===t;1 , -. Jll::~ --_-:= __ -: : , ii I i 111 , c ~~-f -' PS-STD ! PS-STD PS-STO PS-STD PS-STD PS-STOW PS-STD PS-STD PS-STD PS-STOW I I PS-STD PS-STOW PS-STD PS-STD PS-STOW I PS-STD PS-STOW PS-STD ~ I i ; :;--I 066 I 067 ose 069 010 011 012 013 074 01s I f 076 011 01a 019 oao J os1 os2 I osJ PS~~w ~ I , • ~ r ---r -----1 ---= · ----~ ----_: 1 _:----i---= -_:_:_,1 • -----• --------1---=----l~ t ! ! I PS-SCW PS-SC I PS-STD 063 06'1 065 '' ' ,I I I i / / / / : " ~ I I / ' ~I , ...-' I ' ~~: .--I ~~ ; ~ i I I I~ / / I : ~~ 1 / I l1J ---! -~ I V I I I I I ' I I e e , t.~1 I I 1 I r t-- ~ I i I I ll ~ ~..... ,, / .,, ·, r•-;;----· ' / 7245m I '-j / 1 U,-~~---.,.:...--~··'"'" 0 ~---, 1 rn1==+====="6ai l::l!i:!======="1 _.L ::_ ------r ---7 -~c--~~· r ;~i -&:, I ,,,~ I --i :== ,! "l r.:.// -l"l·PS-~D-----1! •.• PS-~~ow Ps1-:;o I ~-===!=======II j =no I • 141 I I 109 I \~ PS-STOW "'-~ • "·----~--~: -: --~---""--:-~' !~(•~~ -!'.: -:. :\ J PS-STD I PS-sew t'-c===r:1 Ps-scw \ i 139 : 115 ><l • .. 10 • 0 I I I / :h ~PS-STD J / ~ 088 Ps-sttX.W PS-STOLW DOil 08S / I ;ii ~ ~PS-STD I ~I ~ 089 I ~ I --.t; iS =-------1 I PS-HC 090 t- i ,~ :!!~ ·~ I ~":_, ~ --~·~-l ~-1 : ~, \ I"~'~.~ I ·_ I . +-.-,.',,,-~_,f'___,,,'~-~ /½i: --1 ~" : \ ~ -[XJ --][/~~-\~\ -~~~~~-~~---, i ! ~::• "'.;:• ! ---~ .,., \-, '"-'iO' : ~ ni -'i i i; n ~ ~ ~~ I I I I I I PS-SCW 131 P~;~c ' P~;~c I========= -,-...---~~--1 '--r----. I •!======== ! I es,-;;o ~11 , • ~~~hfS<l UJjl ' -) . ~ ----~✓ --~~ ---~;-"'-~.::<:~ ----=-i=-1_...; _,,; PS-SCW I -_. 118 PS-SCW 10S PS-SCW 104 PS-SC IOJ PS-SCW ,01 II \ \ PS-STD 091 PS-STD 092 I ', PS-STOW 094 ... I I ----:~~==r====~'~F=== i II' r -t --, • T -ri -~! . : ,;----L --t ------+.r------t-~-------L---=m--i~----~-----l _________ _j _____ 71I_ --~--~-_J .'!__ PS-STOW I PS-STDW ! PS-STD PS-STD ! II PS-STD PS-STD ! PS-STD PS-STD PS-STD ! I PS.STD f>S:-Sll>\V I PS-STD PS-STD PS-STD I PS-STD PS-STD I P5-STQ! ;, PS-STOW f&!. 1,0 I 12lil I 12B 127 t 126 125 I 124 123 122 11 121 \:tO 101 100 099 I 0!!8 097 ! I 096 '!! wt 095 'i! ~---J --------l ------i _____ j . _______________ L -----------__ ---1--------'w 1 L EXHAUST SHAFT P2 PARKltl!G PLAN L ---------------------------------------------------------------I !DALE. I: 100 /w ire/ bArch1tecture 3H mo MARIN: DRI\/E NO;!.TH v'ANCJU,'E;!. 3CUTIS"4 -=~ou~Ull~l/1? lV7 CJ\.'IAD', EA\AI~ INCO@li>,iS?IR:OARCHITE:::TURi: CA T!::LSDV7~~ t•Co.tnJll!ni?lfHArtMeclurl! AMnglOrtlel\'~ THl5 DRAWING IS Hf.: PRJPERT'l' OF IN5P[Rf0 ARCHITCCTlJl.C THi: COPYRIGHT IN THE SAM!: BEING RESERVED TJ THEM N:J R:PRODUCTION IS AI.L.'.>VIEOWITHQUTTHEPERMISSION:JF IN~IREDARCHITECTUREAND'.\'H!:N MADE MUST SEAR rrs NA.'-1: THIS D;i.AV.'ING IS N:JT TO i!E Sc;AJ.ED THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VEAli=Y DII.IENSIONS AND DATANOTEO HERi:IN PLJ\NS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS ANO SHEOVLES WITH THE CONDITIONS ON SITE ANO IS Ri:SPONSIBLE FOR REP:JRTING /WV DISCREP.-.NCV TO ~SPIRcO ARCHITECTURE FOR ADJUSWEITT ~'"°'"'"' .. ,,,~, J :m'lCIHI J 1Jlt,!~ "'><W' RIV, nn'M1.S10J PRD.!ECT ,, .. ., " ., 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC LEVEL 2 PARKING PLAN DRAWlt,:GISSUE ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL _,., P'..OfCJft DRAWN AUGUST 26, 2019 17181 SCALE REVIEWED 1: 100 MGH AF DRAWING NO REVISION A0200 6 ~ 0 @ 0 ·- 0 @ - 0 E = 0 0 @ ~ 0 0 0 0 €© 0 © 0 0 0 0 ..,_ ____ '1l>2_ _________ .....!M!!,!.. ____ _,_ ___ _E"'1!!...._ ___ _,_ _____ ___!llll2,_ _____ ~-----''"'ll'-l ___ _,_ ____ _,,;,,::,lc_ ___ ,,_ 11.t?' r-----~ ---~~ --------~------~.);.,i,.....--------~111---------~-------...SlZSci. -------S.llllm...--------3ZJ,lll...._ ____ --·--llti.lrl-- I ,r ____ jJU:,_, I I 3fi I ' I i I k -il ~r I )A~ ,.. Au!.01 I I ,. ~ ;f I I ~ i:,1:! r I Visitor PS-SCW 001 Visitor PS-SC 002 Visitor PS-STD 003 PS-STOW OS. Visitor PS-STD 004 Visitor PS-STD 005 Visitor PS-STD ODE ( Visitor PS-STD I 001 11>-==,___ -·-• 1; PS-STD 062 I PS-STD l ~11===0=61=== PS-STOW 000 \ \ \ \ \ \ Visilor PS-STD 000 .\ \- \ \ \ \ Visilor PS-STD 009 PS-SCW 044 ----\ ------- PS-STD 057 6l PS-STOW 05~ PS-STD 050 \ \ \ \ ~ PS-SCW 045 PS-STOW 0'7 I PS-STD 014 I PS-STD i 015 I ---1 PS-SCW 037 PS-STD 016 I I PS-STD 017 E J PS-STD 024 --ps-_,:c ___ , ----------__ I ---=nr-- Ol& 025 PS-sew 035 PS•STDW 034 PS-STD 033 PS-STD 032 \ \ \ \ 1.X,11'!1 \ rj \ \ PS-STD \ 031 _____________ ___L__ PS-STD 026 PS-STD 027 PS-SCWL IPS-SCWL 023 I .... 7 I PS-SCWL PS-SCWL 022 ti _ll_ _ __ 1 • [Ji~·t:::=:!bi=l=Pse;;-;::::5~:,:;DW~~::::P::so:;:-;:,:J"=_:!iJ:fil:l,:_,:PsQS:,,~:::,~=j±===J!E!;:;:::l!:,;:;:===!t,d:=:s::0!§E:E=:::e:!!~===&=PS-S=B<::::f::::Y::::!!Chps.::041::::;scc:w=~==-=-=-==-=-:::,-q:=::!:l;:-5:i:-:;;5=!P:l:;,::: __ -:,";:-_w==i::-~-:::-===-:::,-=-==-=::IJ:==\=~±~:::=:::::;:::=:=:,=::,:i!l±====c,,½:=_,=:fi I L ___________ _ P1 PARKING PLAN ----4 -------------------------__ --- SCALE~ 1 '.100 ' I -~ I _J_ I _LJ ~ ffi /wire/ tArch1tecture J1~2JJO MA.CIIN': DRl~'E NOrl.TH VANCJ!NEil. 3il.mSri ;;LOUMBlo\ "7'i' WT ::;A.'IAO'I. El.IA!. INCOJ!l.'~5i'l~OAA;;HITE.::HJIE ,::,.i, lELSiM•n0-2QU t,l CDf:t111bt lllspflld AitMecture Alln'lhllnmr•ed THIS DRAWING IS TH:i' ?Av?ERT'l' OF INSPIRED AR~t'CTURE TJ.{E C;:ll'YRIGHT IN niE SAME BEING RESERVED TO THEM N:J REPR:J!lUCTION IS AJ.LO'/.'ED WrTH:Jl/T THE PERMISSI0,'11 OF INSPIRED ARCHITECTURE AND \\'HEN MADE MIJST BEAR ITS NAME THIS DRA't.'ING IS NOT TD BE SCALED THE CUITTRACTOR IS TO VERIF'i' DltJENSIONS AND DATA NOTED HEREIN PLANS, ELEI/ATIDNS, SECTIONS AND SHED\Jl£S WITH TI-I: CONDITl.:>NS ON SITE AND IS RESPONSIBLE F.:>R REPORTING ANY C!ISCREPANCV TO ltlSPIRED ARCHfTECTI.RE FDR ADJUSTIJ;:NT t:::::r::::::::::::::r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::r:::::::::j CONSULTANT PROJECT ., ., ., 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC CRA\'/INGTITLE LEVEL 1 PARKING PLAN CIRAWINGISSUE ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL m.'C-:;r~ 9\,Clf~ W lYff AUGUST 26. 2019 17181 SCALE REVIEWED 1: 100 MGH AF DRAWING NO RE~'!SON A0201 6 SV LEVEL 1 AOAOt SO\I.E. 1 1CO 0 -· e 0 0 0 0 1m P.0.,T!2_; @)0 0 ,..,,. llll , ... "a!i• 'J ".Jf\1I_S2, o.-.n, 7 0 llJl 0 l --,- -...J ,,,. PAT!O 0 0 p,-·o 5 !i TH 'J5 J1 fi,AT1-:JJ ------------------~----------~---. [C lmu-✓ tArchrtecture 31) 2,'.IJO MARIN::: DRl~'E NO~TH YANCO!JVER 3Rms; .:~ou~Bl6-'17=> 1V7 ;::A,IJADA El.IN'~ fN.=o@N5r'IR:OAACHITE;::TuR::: .::A TELS04·H0-2tm 110:c,.~M WIS~~ed .l,rt~'l'e All~hlsrenl'\:ed THIS DRAWING IS THE PAOPERn' OF INSPIRED ARo-f!TECTURE THE C.>FYRJGITT IN THE SAME BEING RESER~·eo rn THEM NO REPRJDUCTION IS .-.,_LOWED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION Of INSPflED ARCHITECTURE AND WHEN MA~ MUST BEAR ITS NAME THIS ORAV,'ING IS NOT TO BE SCALED THE CONTRACTOR IS TD VERli'V Olt.1ENSIONS AND DATA NOTED HEREIN Pi.).NS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND SHEOULES \Vlll, 11-IE CONDITIONS ON SITE AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTtro ANY DISCREPANCY TO ltlSPflED AACHITECME FUR AOJU5n!ENT ., ~r;e:-:1 J ;tlt$-:O:O , n1~ Jin Y'l'Y'T4'1.!.-tD PRO~ECT 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228Ih STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TITLE LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLANS DRAWING ISSUE ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL OIIOCI"" PLOT[IATE DRAWN AUGUST 26, 2019 17181 SCALE REVIEWED 1: 100 MGH AF ORAWIN.JNO REVISION A0202 5 0 0 0 © ® 0 0 t===::11i!!:::===:;:=====]1E=====::;:!!;:::===!!!===::::;:::===:jrn~-,[, ==±=:::;;::===~!'!:::===::;:=====::i!lL=====::::;:::===~===:j;,.. 0 - ·l ~ ;;i. '771 l! ~ Of "' @ !l m 0 If § t 5l "~ @ ii ., ,r ffi 0 ~ ~ ----, -, --------- ;;; " " ~ 0 ;ii ! ~, ~ --+ @ i ~ "' f;! f€ 0 SV L VEL2 Al)4D1 SCALE: 1 : 100 /m ire/ tArch1tecture m 2~l0 !,\ARIN: ORl~E NO.~TH VANCOlNER 0RITl5; C~OU'-lBI~ '17=> 1V..:."1',1PJJ~ H1AIL lf.l~0@J:-J5.?IR:0AACHITECT~ c,i, TEL504•!1~200S ~•Cq:y;J:1hlO'ISjl,eoAltMed\lre Allfll'l!Smtr.l!d THIS DRAWIN:3 IS THE PROPERn' OF JGPIREO ARi'.:HITECTURE TH: COPYRIGHT IN THE SAJ-AE BEING RESERVED TO THEM NO REPRi)DUCTKlN ~ Alli'.H,'ED WITHOUT THE PERM5SION OF INSPIRED ARCHTECTURE AND \\'HE:N MADE MUST BEAR ITS NAME THIS ORA'I/ING IS NOT TO BE SCALED THE CONTRACTOR IS TO \/ERIFY 011,IENSIONS ANO DATA NOTED HEREIN PL,\,NS, ELEVATIONS, SECTION5 ANO SHEDUL.ES \'/ITH lllE CONDITIONS ON SITE AND JS RESPONSIBLE F,JR. REP.)RTING ANY Ots.;R.E?ANC'r' TO IN5PIREO ARCHITECTURE F.JR AD.JUSUIENl CONSULTANT PRO.'ECT ., ., ., "' ,, .......... 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 22B!h STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC OAA\'IINGTITLE LEVEL 2 FLOOR PLAN DRAWING ISSUE ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL PROJECTNiJ PLOT DATE DRAWN AUGUST'-6. 2019 171B1 SCALE REVlEWED 1: 100 MGH AF DRAl'ilNGNO RE\:ISON A0203 5 SV LEVEL3 Al);QI SCALE:1;100 0 0 @- " .. ----AOS0I i 9 0 5JO? • .. ;! ~ ::! !i'I,. -I+----+-- • ;. ill ,,,. "' "" 0 0 0 0 na ---------1---I --• -------, I "''° I iROOF DECK I ---r-. . I~ ! ili 3\JI-E· ~ !ii ~-,-~ I ---:------__J 5 TE~: 0 - ~;-rr"-t--=i=r-=i=="'EL~=::::::=~=t=~~~~~~===::t==~~~~=c:::=~ l I ~ In.iv✓ tArch1tecture J1HJlD ~= ilRIVE NOO:TH VA'«:.)IJl,'E~ 3iUTISsl :mUtlSIPi VP 1Vl ::;,,wi._ EI.W'~ JN,:0~:,1S.,IR=OARCHlTE:TUR: ~ TElS!lll,770.2003 -!l.::O..~)ht11J~imdAidl•ec1url' AJ'ri9~~111ser;ed THIS ORAWIN_; IS TH!: PROPERTY OF INS~EOAROifTEClURE TlE COPYRIGHT IN TtESAMEEEltlGRESERVEOTOTHfP.I NO REPRODUCTION IS ALLOV,'ED \\'ITHDUT THE PERMISSION OF INSPIRED ARCI-QTECTURE ANO ',"It-EN "'AOE MUST SEAR ITS NAME THIS DRA'v'.'ING 15 NOTTO BE SCALED THE i:clNTAACTOR IS TO YERIFY Olt.lENSIDNSANDDATANOTEDHEREINPLANS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND SHE:DULES WITH TllE CONOITl.lNS ON SITE MO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REP.lRrnG ANY DISCREPANl;:'f TO INSPRED A.RCHITEc:TL.RE FOR AOJUmlEHT PROJECT 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 2281h STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC ORA\'/INGTITLE LEVEL 3 FLOOR PLAN ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL PROJECTNO PlOTl\ATE DRAWN AUGUST 26, 2019 MGH 171B1 SCALE REl/fEWED 1: 100 Af' '""11<;,u """"" A0204 5 l I I I -~ 0 @)0 0 I 0 0 0 ~ n>• 111, )})] • : I . ..,. . 7976 : 1 .------,,.,-----i:,, . -"" -----:---;,-, ----.,,,-----~ -"" ------"" -----------~ I-Ii uo flJ IIR Si»" l HD tr.J 1759 SD 1til7 on W. 1 a.t 1/'SI, ~ l»:1 m J1i5 l 665. 2430 I l1u d ¥ 0 ~ j ,. .SUfTC -l\11 surrt,Ht> I @ ., ,a :, " "' " 0 51 ! El I') ~ --' 0 .3 "' i i'J " $ !! ~ ~ :! 0 a -~ @ ., ~ " ! :2 ~ lll I " i ~ 0 !i! :/) @---I I i1 la -----' ~511 ll!l 0 -----------------------------------1--- 1 I I SV LEVEL4 4 /mire/ /!Architecture lla-.1:i>lO~tAAIN:"DRIVE NO:\TrfVA'IICJ\J\fEFt 3!UTISH.:t.OU,,\ill.\Vr?IVJ':::A'IAD-' EJ.W:. Lll~O@INS"'IR::':OARwlJTE.::TLR: ~ TEL~04-?70-ZQ.S.9 ~,::~yrght1:1~ArtMedure AJ11,Jl'll51!1Sef\"ed THG DRA\Vlt-,;; IS THi: PA;)PERJY OF IN~PHDAR;:HfTECTlRE THE COPYRIGHT IN THi: SAME BEING RESERVED TO Tl-EM NJ REPR.JOUCTION ts AJ.LOV,'ED WITHDl.lT THE PERMISSION OF INSPIRED ARCHITECTURE AND WHEN MADE MUST BEAR ITS NAME THIS DRAWING 1S NOT Tu BE SCAlEO THE CONTRACTOR IS T:J VERIFY [Jlt.l.ENSIDNS AND DATA NOTED HEREIN PL.ANS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND SHEOULES WITH Tlii: CONOITIJNS ON SITE ANO IS RESPON51BLE FOR REPJRTH,'i Am O\SCREPANCY TV INSPREO AACtHTECT!flE FOR ADJVSTIJENT 1 )Jf>-19,0J , n•~ Fe; TfTT-,'IM,t'O CONSULTANT PRO..'ECT N ., " ~ '"'''" 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRA\'IINGTITLE LEVEL 4 FLOOR PLAN ORAWINGISSUE ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL PRaJECTNO PLOT~ATE ClRA\VN AUGUST 26. 2019 17181 SC,IJ..E REVIEWED 1: 100 MGH AF DRAWING NO. REVISION A0205 5 -·-, SV LEVEL S Al\401 SCALE. I 1DO l I I 1 0 ~ 0 I 0 0 0 I ~ I ; n1◄ ,Ill, lrl ~ ~ ) i!a1 'I : 1 r-is ":55 m : 161 ·m u: r,;, "' ~r. "" '"',m ~ "' :is ;;' 1llf "' "" ,." m ~'" 1765 n --.@- 0 'i:l !'d ~- 0 ;; ·" :a ill - @ !:I "' ~ l! !il j j 0 el i:l @----,... "" I I ,;,;rf_ ------I -----------------------·r-- , I I 4 ii i i! ii: !! "' " li!I a ~ _ _j ! ~ g l! ~ l! ll I i ;l ii, i:ll ____ _J "" m "' ... I 3095 au ldTir✓ t-Arch1tecture l1Hill!l#.Wl:IN:ORM: NOOTHVA~JU'JEi\ i!MlS'-4 ~UMOII\ Vf? iVi' :A'I~ EM,V_ rN~OJ!:'&.~ARCHITE.::T~: ~ TELS~ H0-2MS t•Co;1-'V'\,i;piredArtMeclu11 ~lrigli5rt~l\ed THIS ORAWl~G IS THE PAOPERTY OF 1~5PIRED AR-.HJTECTWE THE COPYRIGHT INTHE S.-.,1,1,i: EEi.NG RESERVE(' TO THEM NO REPR.JOOCTIOH IS Al.LOVIED WITHDUT THE PERMISSION OF INSPIRED ARCHITECTURE ANO \'\'HEN M.-,DE MUST BEAR ITS 1'WJ.E THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO BE SCAlED THE CVNTRACTiJR IS TO VERIFY 011,IENSIONS JIJ'ID DATA NOTED HEREIN PLANS, ELEI/ATIOt-1S, SECTIONS ANO SHEOUlES WITH me CONOITIJNS ON SITE AND IS RESPoNSIBLE FOR AEPJRTtm AN\' OISCR.EPAN.:Y TO INSPIRED ARCHITECTI.RE FOR iWJUSn.lENT. PROJECT 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 2281h STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRA\'/~GTITLE LEVEL 5 FLOOR PLAN OAA\\'ING ISSLE ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL PROJECT NO PlOH'AT£ ........ AUGUST 26, 2019 17181 SC:,IJ.E REVlt\'IED Author 1: 100 Cht!deer DRAWINCNO REV6'CJN A0206 2 l 1 I I 0 0 I 0 0 0 : "" I ll: DB ► : I .,_., 118 ~ 1 .------..,, i:, ----)'Ill -nn ---",,-----~ -nu ------llii --------------~ Di a'6 !tiliiSsPtrDIOU s~ 1so1 1755749 mmm1311>>t.U sss mo \11tru 1:1 V 0 :a ,_ ~ [;! !i i ~ ~ '"t;1Ti:.t1~1 " " ,: :=3 "' " ii ~ ill @-,, "' __J 0 · " ~ - ;;; ~ ;;; i? i{ l! @ ~ , ~ --- ~ " l! ;, if ~ § I! ¥J:---r:.-, ,~VITE 6G1. ~ !j ill i 0 i ill @--- 1765 nu I sss nss ____ __J 9'11 !ll< 3'95 0 ------------------------------------1 I I I SV LEVEL 6 4 /w ire/ bArch1tecture 31) mo MARIN!: ORl'o'E,NORTH 1/ANC;JU,'ER 3Rms; .:~DUMSII), 1/7? 1V7 ;;A',IAO/\ E'-!AlL IN.=□~INSF'IR:DARCHnE;;:TLR= ;;:.~ TEL:504·H0·20M {'~0f.Y"1;hlnspuedAAM,cture Allnglism~M!d THIS DRA\\'IHG IS TH: f'Ri'.}PERTi' Of INSPlRED ARClilTECTLAE THE COPYRIGITT IN THE SAME BEING RESERVED TQ THEM NO REPR.JOUCTION IS AJ.LOV/ED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION i)f IN:iPIRED ARCHITECTURE AND WHEN MADE MVST BEAR ITS NAME THIS DRAWING IS NOTTO BE SOOED THE CONTRACTOR IS TiJ VERIFY DIMENSIONS ANO DATA NOTED HEREIN FV/,lS, ELEVP.TIONS, SECTIONS AND SHEOLlES WITH Tl-IE CONDITIONS ON SITE ANO IS RESPONS~LE FOR REPORTING ANV DISCREPANCY TO INSP~ED ARCHITECTURE F;JR ,l.OJIJSWENT IE1i' YmU.H!O CONSULTANT ,, ,, 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC ORA\'IINGTITLE LEVEL 6 FLOOR PLAN DRAWING ISSUE ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL PROJECT NO PLOTOATE DRAWN AUGUST 26, 2019 17181 SCALE REVIEWED Author 1: 100 Checker C:iMM'~\O ... _ A0207 2 l I I I 0 0 10 0 I . -I 0 i S'JiH:. -1•~ S•..:1T€ .1)·1 ~ "' ,; 0 " " "' g ! ~ @ ~ !i " " ~ "' S\1 IE 7U1 "' § iii 0 il ill ~- 1765 '"' I 0 --------,----- ' I I SV LEVEL 7 SCALE: 1 : 103 4 0 ii ii ~ ill l! " " e -e i!! ~ __J ill Ji! ____ __J ln.ii/e/ bArch1tecture Jli>-2Jl0 IMRINE DRIVE, NIRTH 1/MIC~J','Eit 3iUTIS!-I ::.OUMBt~ V1;> Wi' :~~~ El!Al~ 1).1.:0@INS:>!laJARCHtTES:TIJRE ;::,i. iELSOHT0-2008 ~'4~~Archilet"ll~ "'-flllln1115e!'>ed ~=~ti:=~~~~11 Al.Li)Y.'EDll"thQUrfr'!POMS:SlCN.::f'"t'ISM;O:~JlCI\P:E Ni/J \ ' MADE MUST BEAR rrs NAME THIS DRA'l.'ING IS NOT TO SE SCAl.EO THE CONTRACTOR IS TO 1/ERIFY Dlf,IENSIONSANDDATANDTEDHEREINPLANS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND SHEllUl£S WITH THE CONDITlvNS ON SITE ANO IS RESPON51BLE FOR REP.JRTING ANY OIS;::R:EPANCY TO liSPRfO ARCHITECTIRE FOR ADJUSn.lEHT CONSl.l.TANT PROJECT 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TITLE LEVEL 7 FLOOR PLAN ORA\\'JNGISS\.E ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL ?ROJECT Na PLOT DATE ORA\1/N AUGUST 26, 2019 17181 SCALE REVIEWED Author 1: 100 C~echr ~~M) -A0208 2 SV LEVEL 8 St:.l,L£. 1. 100 l I I I 0 §D 0 I 0 0 0 ' rn &, wi c:; 1 "" l >m ; 1 .-------Zffl ___ iii _____ sm -M ---OIi----~-9511 -, -u-----, -----~ M\. tra -MJ rm a: 1l!il 1111 1hs m • uu m 1 a 1m ~ 1,w m uo 1,"' m, 1 m, n Y ,,~, I 0 ~ !;! !¾ ., "' !< @- @-ffi 0 1! "' ., "' !ii i ~ @ !a i: ~ ~ § i 1! 0 1 i1i @----SOI 0 n11 2,u1i~,r.r SJiT£f: h -1-- I ~II 1765 !ll• --. --. -1-,_ --------:--------- I I I 4 !;! i l1i a l! ., " -il -!i iii ___J J !l tl ____ ___J l n.iire/.'" bArch1tecture 31,} ZJlOMA.RI~ DRNE.NO.UH 1/A-~.)IJ\'Ei't 3~ms;.i ~OUMBI~ VfP 1V1 .:.4.NAO, aw~ JNi"OfdL'IS."IR=DARCHITE~TUR= ~ Ti:L:SOP10.20% 1;1,:oi;~hlL!!ipr~Althiledure A.ln~tt, ll!!i~Ned THl5 ORA\-\'IHG IS TH: PRJPERTY OF IN5f'IRED AA~CTURE THE COPYRISHT flM SAME BEING RESERVED Kl Tl-EM NO REPRJOUCTION IS AU.OV/ED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF INSPtRED AAClilTCCTURE AND WHEN MA.OE MUST BEAR ITS 1-Wdi: ms ORAV:ING IS NOT TO BE SCALE□ THE CONTRACTOR IS TO 1/ERlFY Ol~IENSIDNS AND DATA NOTED HEREIN PLANS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND SH EDU LES WITH Tl-Ii: CONDITIONS ON SITE AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY l"IS::::REPANi:Y TO INSPREO ARCHITECTl..ff: FQR AOJUSTI.J=NT 1 U1'K'W:.t Rl\o'. ff'l'-ui.i,CO CONSULTANT ?AO.!ECT 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228Ih STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC CRAWINGTrTLE LEVEL 8 FLOOR PLAN DRAWlt-.'G ISstE ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL PRJJECTNO PLOT DATE OAAWN AUGUST 26, 2019 17181 SCALE RE\/IEWEC Author 1: 100 Checker tlW'r,(Qt,0 RE\/.fiON A0209 2 0 il !;1 ii ~ ~ ! @-" 'l 0 -.. ~ "' .. it "' ;, @ ~ !i !J ., ~ " Ii j ~ 0 "' :l @---- 0 SV LEVEL 9 SCALE· 1 •100 l I I I 0 I ® 0 I • 1114 al 11,, ) : I . lilll • 7915 ~ llli W 1765 6!' !765 .IM ------ "" •111 ~ ~n 119 '"' l!r ''" "" 2!8l !;! i ~ ii ~ ., " lil a ~ __J !!! €! ~ l! !! i ij Ir! j ~ iii ii ___ __) ------------------,----------------------------- I I I 4 lmv-e/. PArch1 tee tu re J1)2JlOMARIN!:OiGVE t,,'OiUHVA.~01,NER: 3RfTISi ;:t.OUWlli\ V1? IVi' ;;::4..'W)~ E.l.!M. ,,,:;-o@JNi.!>1RcD.-vu;H1TE.::JL1R!...:A TELSCMifl~ZW {l;::a~',ri]Mnspr~Ard\lloclure Allfl'/ll1nm/\'ed THIS DRAW IN;:; IS THE PROPERTY Of ltGPIREOAA~ECTLRE THi: COPYRIGITT IN THE SAME BEING RESERVED TO THEM NO R:OPR.xJUCTIONlS ALLOV/ED WfTHJUT TH£ PERMISSION OF INSPIRED AAet-rrECTURE /\ND WHEN MACE MUST BEAR rrs NAME THIS DRA ..... 'ING IS NOTTJ BE SCALED THE CONTRACTOR lS TO VERIFY Olt,IENSIONS AND DATA NOTED HEREIN PLANS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND SHEDULES WITH THE CONOITIJNS ON SITE AND 15 RESPOIHIBLE FOR REP~rnG ANY DISS::REPANC'f TO NSPIRED ARCHITECTIBi: FOR ADrusn.100 l ::l1\i.(IW.I Nl'J' l'TY'l'...uu.c:D CONSULTANT PROJECT 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TITLE LEVEL 9 FLOOR PLAN OAA\i'INGrsstJE ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL _ .. ,wrrm AUGUST 26, 2019 DRAWN 17181 5CA1.E REVIEWED Author 1: 100 Chocker CR.AWING NO RE\'ISION A0210 2 l I I l 0 0 I 0 0 0 I ,,m I l! ~ !i! :: i!! ~ 4}--;; __J 5· ·ri · ij ! " '" ~ ~ ~ l! !! ~ ___ __J C¥ 1l'SI 2ilTT 0 ---1---- 1 I I SV LEVEL 10 4 lmu-e/ bArch1tecture JIHJJ!l UAAIN:' ORI\'£ ND:lTH VN«:Jtl~'ER S.'ffllSH.;~OUMB1'-V1?1Vi'.::ANAOA EWJ!. WO@L'<S.3IR:OARClilTE;:;T~ :;A TEL504•~70-2083 {1~,..;;,t~edArch(!ldut& n ri!lhlsraiel\·ed THIS DRA'.\'~'113 IS TH: PROFERTY OF INSPIREDAACMTECT\.AE THE COPYRKil-lT INTHE SAM~ 8EltlG RESERVED T:l THEM NO RCPROOUCTION IS ALLOV.'EO WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF INSPIRED ARo-tnEcTURE ANO WHcN MACE MUST BEAA rrs NM1E THIS DRAWING IS NOTTO BE SCAl.EO THE CONTRA.CTOR IS TD VERIFY 011,IENSIONS MID DATA NOTED HEREIN PLANS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND SHEOUlES WITH TiiE CONDITIONS 0,'11 SITE ANO IS RESPONSIBLE FUR REPORTING ANY OISCP.fPANi;V TO INSPRED AR.CttlTECn.RE FOR ADJUSTl1ENT " ,, ....... CONSU.TA.NT PAO~ECT 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 2281h STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TITLE LEVEL 10 FLOOR PLAN OAA\\'I,-'GISSlE ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL PROJECTN.> Pt.Oll'ATE DRAWN AUGUST 26, 2019 17181 SCALE REVIEWED Author 1: 100 Che<:ker ci.w,•1tQ1'Q. REV.SON A0211 2 l I ........ I I 0 €© 0 I 0 0 0 lll' °'► Sill \ a,, ► Slll > "1J : 1 .-------""---,,..----5J2~ -:iliT ----01,-----.-------:----9811 -----... ------------~ w. IHl so H!is lU , ms . cu r.'S) su w.-!1il "~ UJ µg t-L r.» m C'li ?t HJ m> 1:'ia Q V . ~, I 0 ,I ii f: I !j I:! I i ~ I ii " ,. l! ., " !: er .. t "' 1:1 "' @-" " __J 0 fl " ! E ~ IC..i !ii "' "' ! I @ :.. !2 1 fd ~ il !j ~ 0 -~ ;1j @--- llll IJE "'" llO 1759 ___ __J "11 IT, ,,., I 0 -,-----------------------_ -- ' I I SV LEVEL 11 AlloiDI SCALE. I _ JOO 4 lmv-e/ ~Arch, tee tu re J1;) 2Jlll flAAIIE: OiU\'E HO~TH VANC,)IJ;tB 3ifillS!-I ~O'J~\81~ VJ? IV7 .:A.'iAOo\ HIAI~ ltFO@~'IS."lcD~CI-IITE:Tt.JR: CA TEL~O·P10-2008 ~• C~~ Ul54Jnd A11:Meclu1e AJri~hls 11.tl\"ed THIS OAAl\'IN3 IS THi; PMPERTY OF WSPIRED AA~EClURE THE COPYRIGHT~ TllE SAME BEING RESERVE[' TO THEM NO REPRODUCTION IS Al.LOVIE□ \VfTHOUT THE PERMISSION OF INSPIRE□ AACI-ITECTURE AND \'\'H!:N MAOE MUST BEAR ITS ~IC THIS DRAWING IS NOTTO BE SCALED THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY Dlt.lENSIONS AND DATA NOTED HEAElfl PLANS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND SHEDULES WITH TI-iE CONDITIONS ON SITE AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR Rl:P::>RrnG ANY DISCREPANCY Ta INSPIRED AACHftECTLRE FOR ADJUST/JENT l ZlliOf.N Dl'Ofil cnt!LOi:J!I.ENT.PDtltiT llrtV ,&WCI) Al!,'i";$Qff,ca;.M.~'~"'i~ CONSLlTANT PFIO.'ECT 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRA\'ltlGTITLE LEVEL 11 FLOOR PLAN QRA\'1',tl[jj55lE ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL PROJECT NO PLOT DATE ORA\1/N AUGUST 26, 2019 17181 SCALE REVIEWEO Author 1: 100 Cl',ecker DRAWING NO REVrSION A0212 2 j SV LEVEL 12 l I I I 0 €© 0 I 0 0 ,0 !ltll I . m, rn ,l!I ms m, :;n .---------------------------.,-------------------------~ Pl:'~ lti ::1s-nsJ 5,1as I n:, l1l1 ~m ,u~ 1111 im ~ y § 0 ·= " ii I .. " -,\OSOi 0 ~ s " "' " @= !: 0 !I 0 - I I '"1 ',.. I I I rr I j I 1, I ....._ 1j ~ I ..::_ - I k, "'' I I. --, ' I ' - ' I I I IROOF DECKI I I I I I I I I I I I r ..1. -1-_j__ - I "" I •, 1 " ,__ __ I = ill ------------ffl~-~".,....+----__J -----------• 1Pt---i 12D2 ~ -__ -________ -_-'_-+;1!+---·_-.,_-.. I IROOJ >ECt:I /'?OOfDECKI ------ - ,m ni: Iii hi 4267 "' --------------11~-----------------------7--1- 1 I I 4 lll.iire/ PArch1 tecture 31cl-2JJO MARIN:: DRII/E NO~Trl 1/A'ICJUifE;l. 5.!ITIS!-!CLO-JM8I~1/r?1V7.::.0."IA0Jl.. EMAi~ I/.lfO@L'lS?IR:DARCHITECTUR.; :;.~ TELS04•~7(>.2{M t.•Cq:vn.J~J~Al{.Medt#e Allngttsra~ed THIS ORAl'l'ING IS THE PR0PERTV OF IN5PIRED ARCHITECTURE THE COPYRIGHf IN THE SAME BEING RESERVED TO THEM NO REPR;JDLJCTION IS ALL.JV/ED WITHOUT THE PERl~ISSION :>F ~'!SPIRED ARCHITECTURE AND \\'HEN MADE MUST BEAR ITS NAME THIS DRAV'/ING 1S NOTTO BE SCALED THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY DIMENSIONS Nm DATA NOTED HEREIN P~S. ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS ANO SHE□Ul.ES WITH 11-IE CON□rTIONS ON SITE AND 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR AEPJRTING ANY DISCREPANCY TO ~SPIRED ARCHITECTIBE FDR AOJUSWENT CONSULTPID PROJECT 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 2281h STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC CM\'/INGTITLE LEVEL 12 FLOOR PLAN DRAWING ISSUE ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL PLOT['ATE DRAWN AUGUST 26, 2019 MGH SCALE REVIEIVED 1: 100 AF REVISION A0213 5 (€B 0 © 0 I I I ""' "' lit'> •111 t'>J 197~ U,l) .. 1111 "" ~ ~ @ . ..,,, -- ~ ~OEC.1 "' I .. r """'' 0 ii " " .. I I I I SV LEVEL 13 4 0 lnUvet/) b'Arch1tecture Jl ... T.llll!W!tl;ORl'IE NOatTHVAIICO'Ji/ER 3"ms;.i ;::~ou~•sI, !JP 1v; C-\"AD' EMA!~ l~i'NS?IR:DAR::ttlTE::T~ ~ TELSOl-?10-2036 '..•C¢..y.>)h\i:15jinedArt:h1l!lciure. l'Jri11~rsser.:!.'d lltl5 OAA\\',N;; IS TH:; PROPERTY Of IN.SPH"DAA;::HITECll.Rf Tl-IE COPYRIGHT IN THc SA/JC 6e~G RESERVEO TO THEM ~ REPRDOUCTION IS AI.LOVlED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF iNSPIREO AROfTECTURE ANO \\'HEN NAOE MUST BEAR rrs NM1E > . , ' ' THIS DRAWING 1S NOT TO BE SCA!.ED THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERl;a'f 011,IENSIONS AND DATA NOTED HEREIN PLANS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS 11.ND .SHEDULES WITH THE CONDlTIJNS ON SITE AND IS RESPONSIBLE F.JR AEPORTtl5 AN\' DISCREPANCY TO ~SP RED ARCHITECTURE FiJR ADJUSUIENT ,,,...,, ,, l)lf(IW.I ., 1.)IICIHI "" »••~.JJ ., :.')11-.:JJ ,, ..,, ........ ..,,,. Rf\'iE\', CONSULTANT 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRA\'/INGTITLE LEVEL 13 FLOOR PLAN llf!A\\'INGl55t.E ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL PROJECT NV Pl.OT DATE ORAIVN AUGUST 26, 2019 17181 SCAf.E REIJIEIVED 1: 100 MGH AF .....,...,., ... RE\'Ei ON A0214 5 0 0 0 0 0 '''" "" !Ill -I I l I ! ! I I I I I I II l I I I I I I r;::::::=:::::;=====~, ,rxr~,. ---i---II--1 i ----l _ = = = = =---- I I I __ _J_L_ ·J _~-I _____ I I I I ~ .-I ------!-~----ii! I ---~------ 1 .J/a'----~1~0'--t---Mi-..:~~~= I _ __J 1 1 §J I I I I l I I I ~ -----I_I --l ___ ' _____________ __J -----I I I I I ROOF I I 4 ffi lmv-e/ tArch1tecture 31,HJlO MARIN:'. ORI\/E NO.\TH \/A"IC;:>lJ~ER 8RITIS'i::~OUM8I"1/7? 1Vi'Cl&.~/I.D.\ mi,1~ IN~O@,NS?IR:DARCHITE::TUR: C:A TELSt),h~7().2~ llCDj:~!RSOl"MMec!U1e Allr,;,.smer.ed TfJS DRAWING 15 THE PROPERT'I' OF INSPiRED AACHITECTIJl.E THE COPYRIGHT IN TIE SN.I: BEING RESEfl\1:00 TO THEM NO REPRDDUCTION 15 AJ.LOV,'ED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION ;JF INSPIRED ARCHITECTURE AND WHEN MADE M,,JST BEAR ITS NAME THIS ORAV,'ING IS NOTTO BE SCALED THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIF'i' 0I1,tENSIDNS AND DATA NOTED HEREIN PLANS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS ANO SHEOULES WITH 11-IE CON□ITl;JNS ON SITE AHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING NIY DIS~f'>.NCV TO lt6PIREO AACHITECTLJI.E FOR ADJUST/Ji:NT CONSULTANT PRO~ECT ., II ., 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TITLE ROOF PLAN DRA\'\'INGISSUE ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL PROJECT NO Pt.OT DATE AUGUST 26. 2019 DRAWN 17181 SCALE REVIEWED 1: 100 MGH AF DAA\VINGNO REV150N A0215 5 0 \,,. . . '1'. .· 'West Elevation-Fron(. 'A~'_. ,;C'J.E. 1 100 0 0 0 09 0 07 OS ;.. ' ; 09 OS 01 08 ✓ , -'"' ? ... .., MATERIAL LEGEND ITEM MATERIAL FINISH/ COLOUR 01 TRESPA PANEL, METEON-10 mm NAURALS. CRAFTED WHITE 02 TRESPA PANEL-METEON, 10 mm TITANIUM SILVER 03 TRESPA PANEL. METEON, 10 mm DARK BLUE 04 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAINTED, GRAY 05 CAST-IN -PLACE CNCRETE PAINTED, BENJAMIN MOORE.CLASSIC BURGUNDY, CH-182 07 ALUMINIUM WINDOW MULLION DARK GRAY 08 DUBLE GLAZED PANEL CLEAR 0 09 GLASS GUARD C/W ALUMINUM FRAME ANODIZED GRAY, CLEAR GLASS 10 ALUMINUM SCREEN ANODIZED GRAY 11 PREFINISHED ALUMINUM REVEILE ANODIZED, MATCH COLOURTO PANEL _ _ _ --. _ ROOF ~CCES_S_[B9 c?7 (2~ 51'[] ROOF_ [B6 ~1 12~.ll<'[] _ _ __ _ __ L_!SVEL 12 [60 :3]6 12~ 51'[] L_EVEL 10 [74 ~5 {2~ 18'[] LEV_E.!_9_1:71 ~9 (2~ 51j] LEV_EL_7 [65 ~· 12).? 1 •TI LEVEL 6 [62 ~0 l2Q? 51'[] LEVEL 3 [53 '!!)1 {1~ 511] /w ire/ bArch1tecture 31J2JJOMARIN:DRIVE,ND~T:11'A.IIC~Jl'Eil. 3CUTIS-I ;:co!J~BII\ ,n:. 1Vi' :;..i.\lAD.l, EA\AlC IN.=O@INS>IR;0-1.RCHITEVTLR:C.::~ TEl 5~•~11)-21,M t•.:c;:y:,)hll~\;JllodArch1l'!Cture Allll)h!Sl&Se:".'!!d THIS DRA'.\'l~G IS TH: PRJ??:Rn'oi: IN5PIREO AR::::-nTECIURE r.i:: CJPYRIGHT IN THE SAME BEtlG RESER\IE!:o TO THEM NJ ~?RJO!JCilON IS AL.LO'l'IED \\'ITHQUT THE PER~~l55IO\I Of INiiPIREO ARC:-llTECTURE AND '.\'i-lEN MADE,\1'JST6EARrTS~1E THISDrt41':INGISNOTTOBESCALED THE.:JITTRI\CTJRISTJVERIFY 0I1,IENSIONS AND D-H/1. NOTED HEREIN PLANS, ELEVATIONS, SECTION5 ANiJ SHE□ULES WITH TH~ CONOITl.:>NS ON SITE AND IS R:SPONSIBLE FOR REPJRTING /WV OISCREPAN~V T:l ltl3PIREO ARCHITECTURE FOR AOJU511'IENT PRO!ECT 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAl'/INGTIHE ELEVATIONS-WEST DRAWING ISSUE ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL Pfl;JJECTN;J PLOTOATE DRAWN AUGUST 26, 2019 MGH 17181 SCPJ..E REVIEl\'ED 1; 100 AF DfW'IINil~ RE~'ISON A0401 5 0 01:i East Elevation-Bae SCALE: 1 : 100 0 0 0 0 0 05 03 09 02 04 L MATERIAL LEGEND ITEM MATERIAL FINISH I COLOUR 01 TRESPA PANEL. METEON-10 mm NAURALS, CRAFTED WHITE 02 TRESPA PANEL-METEON, 10 mm TITANIUM SILVER 03 TRESPA PANEL, METEON, 10 mm DARK BLUE 04 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAINTED, GRAY © 05 CAST-IN -PLACE CNCRETE PAINTED, BENJAMIN MOORE,CLASSIC BURGUNDY, CH-162 07 ALUMINIUM WINDOW MULLION DARK GRAY 06 DUBLE GLAZED PANEL CLEAR 09 GLASS GUARD CIW ALUMINUM FRAME ANODIZED GRAY, CLEAR GLASS 10 ALUMINUM SCREEN ANODIZED GRAY 11 PREFINISHED ALUMINUM REVEi LE ANODIZED. MATCH COLOURTO PANEL LEVEL 12 [BO ;,_18 12~.511] L~VEL 9 [71 '.!79 [2~ 511] _ __ Ll;YEU [65 ~6 (2).2 1Bj] LEVol 2 [so '!_54 (1~ 641] o [46.fillO (152 891] .O~/::,(/ / , /. / • / /.' •✓-<. . . / . lwiE✓ bArch1tecture 11,} l)J!I UAAIIEDRl~'E NOi{i:i\'A'fC~J~E.~ 3;:ims..i ::.O'.Alill.l. ,fp Wi' :::A'lAD~ aw~ IN;Q~l\!S"!R:DilRCHITE::;rnR; ;:,, TEL5il4•!!0-10M t•Co;;r,]hl11soredArchlloclure All~h..~ll!ier\00 THIS DRAWm3 IS TH: PROPERTY Of IN5PiREDAA.::HITEClURI: THC COPY RI GITT IN THC SA.\\; BEING Nl:SERVCD TQ THEM NO RE?RODUCTION IS All OWED \\'!TH:JUT THE PERl,1IS5t00 QF ~3PIRED ARCHITECTURE ANO '.\'HEN I.IADE M,JST BE/\R ITS NAME THISORAl','lN3ISN.JTTJ6ESCAlEO TH::.::JNlRACT.JRISTaVE~IFY DI1,IENSIONS AND DATA NOT!:0 HEREIN PLANS,ELEVATIONS, S!:CTION5 AND SHEO\l.ES WITH Tii~ CONOITlslNS ON SITE ANi'l 15 RESPONSIBLE FUR REPORTING ANY C!IS;::P.EPANCY TJ IN5PREO ARD-I/TECH.RE FJR ;a.m,""'1 >'110!ECT 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC OAA\"IINGTITlE ELEVATIONS-EAST ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL ~NO PLOT(IATE ORAIVN AUGUST 26, 2019 17181 SCALE REVIE\'IEO Author 1: 100 Checker ORAWINGNO REVIS,ON A0402 5 MATERIAL LEGEND ITEM MATERIAL FINISH / COLOUR 01 TRESPA PANEL, METEON-10 mm NAURALS, CRAFTED WHITE 02 TRESPA PANEL-METEON, 10 mm TITANIUM SILVER 03 TRESPA PANEL, METEON, 10 mm DARK BLUE 04 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAINTED, GRAY 05 CAST-IN -PLACE CNCRETE PAINTED, BENJAMIN MOORE,CLASSIC BURGUNDY, CH-182 0 0 0 07 ALUMINIUM WINDOW MULLION DARK GRAY 08 DUBLE GLAZED PANEL CLEAR 09 GLASS GUARD C/W ALUMINUM FRAME ANODIZED GRAY, CLEAR GLASS 10 ALUMINUM SCREEN ANODIZED GRAY 11 PREFINISHED ALUMINUM REVEILE ANODIZED, MATCH COLOURTO PANEL I I I I _ LE'/_ELJ1..L83 ~9 J2~ 1 SI] I l I I r · LEVEL, 1_1_[77~2 J2'D 84'i] I --I-___ LEVEL 10 [74 425 1244 18'iJ I I ______ _ L!aVEAa 9_[71 ~9 J234 51'iJ _ __ Ll;'VE_L 8 [6B,'D3 J224 B4'iJ LEVEL 7 [65 ~6 J2!,S 1B'i] L!a_VE!...§___[62.~0 J2()cS.51'i] . LEVE!,, 4 [56 ~7 (1~ 181] 05 Ll;YEJ..tl::SO !'_54 J1!;!i B4'i] LEVE). 1 __ [47 ~O 1155 51'i] ~tUQIGri"cie[46 fillo 1152 89'D South Elevation-Side SCALE 1100 lmv✓ LtArch1tecture J1J mo MARIN; DRIVE NO~TH l'A~C~NE~ 3iUTIS-I :~DWJDI.\ •n? WI C;\'JAD-\ E~lilJ~ IN.=O@INS?IR:OAFCHITE::rnR:: ::A 1ELS(l.l.n02()',,3 {.•~i:y.,)ht1nsp11edArthlletlure All119t11Sle$tl\~ THIS DAAWIN.:; IS HE PRJF'i:RT'r Of IHSPIRED AR;::H!TECTllRE Tl-IE CJPYRIGITT IN Ttl:: SA.\1E BEING RESERVE(\ TO THE~ NJ rEPRJOUCTION IS AlLOV,'EO WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF INSPIRED ARC!ilTECTURE AND WHEN MADEMUSTSEARrTSNMI:' THIS ORAV:ING IS NJTT:J BE SCALED THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERI~' 011.tENSIONSANDDATANOTEO HEREINPLANS,ELEVATIONS, s;CTION5AAJD 5HEDl..lES '.','ITH TH:C CONDITIONS ON SITE AND IS R:SPONSIBU; F.:)R REP:lRTING A~Y DIS~PA.N.:Y TO l~lSPIREO AACHffECT~ FJR ADJUSHJ~NT CONSULTAAT PRO~ECT ., ., ,, ,, 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC ORAl~INGTITLE ELEVATIONS-SOUTH ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL PA:>JEC'TNO PLOTC!ATE ORAl'IN AUGUST 26, 2019 17181 SCP!E REVIEV/i::D Author 1: 100 C/laeler ORAIYINGt,;Q """"' A0403 5 i / / ' ' _,-/ . ,~;,;,, / ~--/ , ,. .,. A '\,,. ,. 1 North Elevation-Side ..s<:AtE.; ,, 100 ~ @0 f I I I -1 I _I I I _, I I -, I I I I I -1 I I I I I 1-----1 0 (00 04 08 07 09 OS 1--- MATERIAL LEGEND ITEM MATERIAL FINISH/ COLOUR 01 TRESPA PANEL. METEON-10 mm NAURALS. CRAFTED WHITE 02 TRESPA PANEL-METEON. 10 mm TITANIUM SILVER 03 TRESPA PANEL, METEON, 10 mm DARK BLUE 04 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAINTED, GRAY 05 CAST-IN -PLACE CNCRETE PAINTED, BENJAMIN MOORE.CLASSIC BURGUNDY, CH-162 07 ALUMINIUM WINDOW MULLION DARK GRAY 08 DUBLE GLAZED PANEL CLEAR 09 GLASS GUARD C/W ALUMINUM FRAME ANODIZED GRAY, CLEAR GLASS 10 ALUMINUM SCREEN ANODIZED GRAY 11 PREFINISHED ALUMINUM REVEILE ANODIZED, MATCH COLOURTO PANEL _ f!9_0£..C•• ~· f21l4.Mj] _ __ _ LEVEL 9 .[71 4 79 (234 51 'IJ LEVEL 7 [65 ~• (2!_5-181] LEVEL 6 [62 ll4D f2QS 51'i] __ LE.Y_E.!,_4...L56 ~7 (111!; 16l] LE_VE_q [53 ~1 (1:,:<; 51'iJ _ __LE~_u_[so ~54 11 ~ 84'[] Natural Grade [46 EC!o [152 B9']] l nHire/ t Arch1tecture ll:J .!:Jl!I IMRIIE DRl~'E NOil:T:-11/A.\IC:>'J~'S: 3iUTIS-t:::.OW.\!l!,\>/1"'1Vi:;<\"A0"-ElW~ IN:=D31.'15?1R:OAA:tillE.;TllR: .;~ TeL~il4-no-20S6 -~•C:+!f•lhl~~~edArchnec:\ure AJ1113h\~r~;,:-;~ THIS DRA'.\'IN;i IS TH: PROPERTI Of IN5PIREO ARCHrTECTURE THE COPYRIGITTINTH,CSAMEBEINGRESERYEDTOTHEM NO REPRODUCTION IS Al.LJV,'ED WrTHOUT THE PERMl5SIO:>I OF IN5PIREO ARCHITECTURE AND 1.,'H:CN MADE MUST BEAR ITS NA.~E THIS DRAV.'IN3 IS NOT TO BE SCALED THi; CJNTRACTOR IS TO VEfl:IFY Olt,IENSIDNSANDDATANOTi:DHEREINPLANS.ELEVATIONS, S!:CTIONSAND SHEOULES WITH rn;:: CONDITIONS ON SITE ANO IS R!:SPON.ilBlE FDR AEP.;.RTING ANY DISCREPAN.::Y T.J IN5FIRED AACHITECTURE FOR ADJUSTMENT 1 nn,oOJ I ;D}Kl41 REV "1'\IYN.1~.p.(fU CONSULTANT PROJECT 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228lh STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC ORA'.'/INGTITLE ELEVATIONS-NORTH DRAWING ISSUE ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL PRO.JECTNO PLOTDATE ....... AUGUST 26, 2019 17181 SCALE REVIEl'IEO Aulhor 1 : 100 Cl1ec!<er DRAWING NO REVISPN A0404 5 0 ----- ------- ----- II I ,'11 I I l"!f IW I 'I = II II II I I I I II II I I I I II ' IT] l II I I /1\ Seclion A-A ~ SCALE: 1: 100 © 0 11 M-aEOROOM HALLWAY ~ lliill 18lJm' r86m' ----------~ I ·1 ~ LIVING ROOM ~ 1 il~il 407D m' --------- l j LfWfO~ j/, CH ~ m g; lll'9h'I I 10 I 111111111 ----------- j 'jgi J7 -!:!i m Ill r , 11 1n1111 I ----------- l l,.MNGIDOW r l l!!!:!l] m --------1nm 1 r 11111·11n I I l ] ·--~ !lrn 111 Ill r 1 111n1111 I ----. l L~ ~ rfl UI . .J It f l II I -------l I LNING RODM r. ~ ~ m Ill 11 11 11 I -- l 1 U'NI~ ~ R m Ill .,1,1 ' I ---I 11 1n II I ------T ' l I """""""" ~ ~ I ~ Yll i ··1 -------+ -111 1' I II r·J II I , ~Jo,M:1~,:~1 lNIHGROOM ... ·~; 1 li!w m 'f I :t .m'I 11'U ' ,= ---_j__ =---1 1 11 I r--I • I I I [ii!!' I I r t; I I I 'h I - LL~2i.t-' BIKEROOI l!Eill 5B.24m' PARKIN6 ~ U8652m' ~ --- LIV_; " JI\ Ir t' I rr STORAGE ~ <47.Um' ,l!=============il ' PARKING [!ill] MU.rllll't" 1¥- -i ENTRY eii 4.6lm' ENTRY i!i0 ◄.70m' ENTRY li5!E 9.42.m' ~ ENTRY ei! 463m' ENTI<Y em 4.70m' - EKTRY ~ 4.12m' ENlRY I B 4.lilm' -I EKTRY ~ 4.70m' EKTRY -I l!l3 7.5Gm' "'""" f lffi:iil ~ J,1- PARKING ~ 251552m' 0 - = I YAlOJl..08:,. illi:il ll40m• -= •--:~-V~lJ:>KlOl n [lID9 n .nm• 32.'1'7m' "'~"",; l!!!.!l 376Jm' ......-----I I• \l,t.~O--,, ...... EL ~--·,1 .. j .. f EL ~~ .... J7,S1m' 1"'~11>·· ll.11Sm' I li\l~O· 37.54m' P~• 37...SOm• EVE ~o ~ ,,, ... 1 '"i ~"""' ,. J!V[ ~oc l4 Om' .tvA.Lui ,, f· --j LV~ ~~ ,, fm' 0 0 0 I I ~ I I - BEDROOMr. -ENTRY !~·• I lliill ffii:!l r tr l.6am' I .,. 11nm' V --'--'. :i ~ I ___J : ·¥ f;,.~ I il , ·mra••KUl.'t' -f, "' 11 I/ a ~y s=.-;; ;· r I ;;;.:._;__; -r ·~ ~ ,.,- - "CC OE "t 53' 1~ • m' -~r:i .. I~ - --'--'-~ ----DEN "t W!,Y I@ :!l 10.151 . m' -•r l!!!:!l ;;; Uaf\r,jl I ~·· . -rn .L-L.U ,..._ -- AilH~ l.81~ -f- ~y f-DEN "i ~ 10.15m' . m• r BEOROON , B ii'" 1391m' --:-, IU --= ~ 1_~ - -:-.. -~, "i ~y 10.15 • •' '--.. .._ I ~ iii" tUI•' :-=,-, II ___,_ [l M I ->im! -.-, '~ -,_ -f- "i. ~y m' .r,•I ii i;; Ill = ~ I ~ J -,-f-- 8 "1 ~y 1D.15'f . m' ------1m e3 iZ'! IJJ1111• llli .....c., ----DEN "i ~y ~ 10JSm' ' ~· BEDROOM pr: l§il 1J91m' ~. bi"" .~: Ill --= I ~ ,j --:-, ~y .. 1~ ' m' .....-·· /1 j "'Q' .1' f 11.tl_. ji .--, I IU = - I @ ,.,. "r ~y .. 10.18 •' -;- ~ -;;- ..... l NTROOM l!iill 1r BEDROOM ~ ~ ~ LIVING ROOM =· I {, ~ ii"BEBr- I ~ PARKIHG ~ I 2u2nm• ---'-' r PARKING ~ ,...., ... ,. ,. r 0 0 __ RQOE..[86 ~1 [2~ B4'IJ - ---, -_ __LEV_!al tl::71 '.c79 [234.51]] _ __LEV_!al !LCGB ~3 [2~.84'I] _ ---1 ______ LEV.S:L L.J::65.~6 121_!,,18'[] ~ __ LEV_!al ;J:62 ~O 12~.51'IJ __ L~Eu...[59 ~3 [1~ 84'i] --__ L!aYEuI:53 "!)1 [1~.51'I] r.. ·! -------__ L~EU.J)0.~54 [1~.B4j] ~i I ~ II __ L~Eu.[47 :'_00 [15E 51'IJ -, -NaturafGra'ae[46 600 j152 B9j] PARKl~G ~ IUUJW --!'_1 PARKIN<,_PLAN .[43~3 [1~ 021] STORAGE ~ 2479m' --~2 PARKIN_§ PLAN [40.~1 [134.19'I) __ Pll_LEVEL [39 ~1 [1~ 91'[] lwve/ bArch1tecture 31~2JJO MARIN: DRl,,,E.NOil.TI-I VA.NC:)IJ,,,ER. B~ITIS-1 CLOUt.,Blf\ V,',) 1'17 ~'lAO<I. EMAIL IN,=0@1~5',JIR:DARCHITECTUR:: ;JA TEU04·!10-2~ !.:•C~y,;htASpifeaAttMed'.ll'e Alll;lltSrHtned THIS DRAWING IS THE PRJPERT'i OF IN5PR'D ARCliITECTUU: THE COPYRl5HT ~ THE SA~~ eEm RESERVED TO THEM NO Ru>RDOUCTION IS AlliJVIED IVITHOUTTHE PERMISSION :JF IN;iPtRED ARCHITECTURE AND WHEN '-IADE MUST BEAA ITS NAME THIS DRA't,'ING IS NOTTO BE SCAlED TH: CONTRACTOR IS TO ~'ERleY D11.tENSIONS AND DATA NOTED HEREIN ~S. ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS A.ND SHEDULES l'IITH THi: CONOITIJNS ON SITE AND IS Ri:.SPONSIBLE FOR REPJRTING A.NY DIS'CRE?ANCY TO lt-lSF'IRED AACHITECTIBE Fc!R AOJUSn.l!::NT CONSULTANT PRO~ECT ., ., 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC OAA\'IINGTITLE BUILDING SECTION ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL PROJECT NO Pl.OT DATE DRAWN AUGUST 2£. 2019 17181 SCALE REIJIEIVED 1: 100 Author AF DRAWING NO REVISION A0501 5 I --j -----i i ----1.. --+---- t- i I I 7 ~ ""i ---- 7 i I -i Seclion 9.9 SCAU:~ 1: 100 t0 I -1- 1 + I -I 0 ENTRY / ~ \\ ' ----+-----,-- t r ----" - I PARKIHG ~ 218287m' PARKING ~ UIU.lrtl' PARKING ~ 2n21Tm• 0 ___ 1 __ IJ;V"'-11_[77 '!72 [2~ Mj] _bEVEL6 [-.2~0f2~51j] _____ J,EVEL 5 [59,~3 [1~ 84j] _bEVEL 3 [531!91 [1!§ 51'!] J,E~SO ~S< [1~.84'iJ N_l1 PLAN [40_~1 [1~.191) P!I LEVEL [39 ~1 [1~,91'iJ /rt.ii.re/ /JArch1tecture l1H,U0MARIN~DRl!.'E.IID.UHW,.NCO!.NER 3;m1S!-l::'..O!Jl.'.311>.I/J?1Vl':::4.'W>4. EI.W. W~~.NS?lftD.4-1\CHITE:::Tlft: .:A TEl50(-?l0-20Si3 •!•C~yrghlnspll9dkt~ileel'Jre AHll!J~§f'l!Sier>ed THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF INSPIRED AR~fTECTUAE THE COPYRIGHT IN THE SAME BEING RESER YEO TO THEM NO REPROOUCTION IS ALLOWED IVITHDUT THE PERMISSION OF INSPIRED ARCHITECTURE ANO WHEN MADE MUST BEAR rrs WI.ME THIS DRAWING 1S NOTTO BE SCALED THE i:ONTRA.CTOR IS T;J VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND DA.TA NOTED HEREIN PLANS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIOI-IB /IJIID SHEDULES WITH TI-li:C CONDITIONS ON SITE AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR AEPJRrnG ANY DISCREPANCY Tu INSPIRED ARCHITECTURE FOR ADJUSWENT 1 nn-Q-1'5 , n,~1 ) 1JJ1,CUI 1 n••·•-" PROJECT ., .... ,.,.. 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAl~INGTITLE BUILDING SECTION ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL PROJECT NO PLOT DATE DRA\VN AUGUST 26, 2019 17181 SCALE REVIEWED 1: 100 MGH AF DRAWING NO "'"'"" A0502 5 © 0 0 0 0 0 ' -----~ -----------n! _-_ - I I T -I -I ----------'" ,,, '" ,. Cl, ,, . ' [if , I :r I ;1J I 0 t & : ,Jj i I i-,l, 1 f, ' /~ ff j, . l' 7T --L..__ ----'---/ - n J I WI , , , ,, J )Ii ~ ;f; }? /4 1/f, I 1},' ;1 J ./ @, I I ,i!,,;l H !/.~ vi I J/'I •1' l.,t l I ~~ti ---t-------I I ~ I ,, r fl; ~ i I :1i1) I, ll --ft / --I p P' ~ I, r;,, / 1,· mff " I n 4) '. 'II J, {' I l'f I < I __ _._ ____ i ----. -- r· r'•;~ vv -i ft" )W # Wr Y') ' --I -/ # YI I 1/J I ,, I#, "' l_ mfr'" " &7 l .c:r J , .Iii" I/;/ -------------- I I ~I :/-' '~-: fY, 1 J, f f,' --I ... & ' I $ M,l =:;,, !~ ii/' .• I I '• I --,----------T -' IL -- I J-l.,1 l 1J J !' --i q,i j 1/4 I I' ,., : .I,, iir., ,,~ 11" ,l /• I /JI I» I~ --------f-----t /~., w l .I I I I I ff, , j, ' ft -} --//, Ad $ ' if 71 ( I, j ,,,,'; I I !, ,. 'Jr / l u, '/11 7 \ 1~ 7V I ---------- fA'li ---, p;t j ¢1 ~ -rt , ) f/1 j ~i If/ ft f 6✓ 1i/, ,/4; iii11 = = • ,. II I •' i I, ~,I _I --, r I Ii # , fl ,, 1/f' 4 ' I -l,l -llf £ { II f '--fi • .. • ~ I• '--,' I' 1/_il I ------------ij Iii[ ~,i kl i 1-:% 'f I IJ ./ #i -, -I', ,,~ ,J II' "' • I ' } ] I 'I ----.. 1 11 w· w I I ,,f -~ r -% , I, % m ,. _If, -' Ji ,, -!) ----H-Fl ''fl .__ . I-I ·,- cL ---~-/fl~ -- ~.I ,-I ~ -r-- SA~ It IAl,uiOI ·b ~ ~ ', -:-WJ.C .e ,:_ kftifH)i• ~ ·~ = tc::r·!,.ll.'f ,d--Jlffl" ~ I ,,. -: -"'"I -I C: r I ~ --7 ·!: ITCHEN ~ l"K~ ll',IINGROOM fijill' UVINGROO ~ = ffiill ):rt 0 !!!ill ~ .... -~ rF LJ V r' 4rlriP h l B1m' -~ 181m' -~ ... li·[I ,':,. - rl I :J ·-PAAIONG TO'M\IHOUSEP PARKING ' PARKING ~ ~ ~ ~ ,. tilUlm' 21,Um' 218:ZUm' k ! I :Z1U87ni' -.. -. -.1 :1 :.1/ I PARtuNG PARKING ;I PARKING PAJIXJNG ~ ~ :1 ~ [illiJ l 256652m' :ZS665lm' l'ULA"'' I 251652.m' -I ------------I Section C-C A(Q\'IIJ 5CALE-I' 100 0 © 0 -----ROOFAGCESS 89~712~51 jJ I ~ -------RoQEJJ86 821 [284 84']] -1 - I ---____ l-.-__ LEVJ;LllJ)3.!1P9 [2~.18']] I '¾ • ,~ ''l I _ LEVELR.J:80.:!)8 {2~ 51']] - I ~ ," - ... ~,r _LE'{l;L 11_[11,J2 [2~ Mll I,. r L ---- l ,, w1 I I --I tu I .1. 'Ill! ff ~}\.I I I li~t" 1 I E'@. l!lD••:!.2512~.18']] ---- .' r I .. ? i~W' ~: ' ,, ·•i-.. !tJ n _LE_\/EW-71 ~g [2~ 51i:J I -----I I:} 6~/« i~, it t I t' I X-l, ' I __ LE_\/Eu..J:6B J3 12~.84TI -----, --I ti ~i ~L i ' - I I __ LE_\/E"-L[65.J6 !2!_5.18']] ~ L .L '"' ( ; r ~,., -- ~ -1;1 -~· ,Ii, n ' . . r __ LE_\/EUJ :S2 ~o 12~.s,i:J -- VI ,' ~ I t --% I I ~, I ., \ I ' ____ LEV~[59~3r1~, ----84']] l,~ ,~ J I). 1/ I iZ rm i I 1(, ' "I i-~v~_[)6 ~7 [1~j1 ----------aj] 1 111:-1/f II I --• ,7, /I -~ ' l . __ -Id j)-:, i 'II ,if !J,V~53 ~, 11~ls ._ _, -----1')] ------c.,. ~ --~ .,... ~ ~ !J,V§J __ [)0,!'§4 {1,;_6 ----,-----841] ::, -I I ~ I.Nwottootit \- ~ TCHEN. """"" rf ' ~~ m~ U -I I ;,·{~, 11~1 ,,. I /'#/J I I ,1 I ' . 76m'-.... - I CL L...__J ' . ,_ --1---i , c-r--' 'A-P,odo ~ho Ii [11 .. r""'"" -·-J • :::·i .. · ~ .. D PARl(ING I [@ ""' 111TH W l1!:ZJ!7m' t1JJ : ... ' " ,~ -.. , - l .i. I PARKING ··! PARKING PARJUNG ~ I l!ili1 §!] 2SB652n,' T 25!652m' lSll~52 m' --_ PJ_T LEVEL [39 ~1 [1:J!l.91'.Q 3i:J 2~:lO MARIN: DRIVE NORTrl \'A\'C~JVER 3;llTIS-1 C~OUM31A VT? W7 ,:11,,UUl.\ E~IAI~ INFO@l,11S?IR~AACHITE;;TUR: :;,1, TEL504-?'70-2Ma -:i.:cs:yri-~h\L11sp~edArc:Mec1un1 f,Jn~hl,s;res;~r\"!!d THIS DAA\'\'JN;; IS THE PR.lf'tRn' Of IHSP1REO AROi/TECTIA\E THE CJPVRl.'.iHT DI THE SAM: 8EING RESERYEO TO THEM ND REPROOI.ICTIOH IS ALLDWEOWfJHJUT THE PERMISSION Df INSP1REDARCHrTECTURE AAO\\HEN MADE MUST BEAR !TS ~E THIS DRAV.rlNG IS NOTTO BE SCALED THE CvNTRACTDR IS TD VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND DATA NOTED HEREIN PLANS, CLEVATIDNS, SECTIONS AND SHEOULES WITH TrlE CONDITIDNS ON SITE AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORT~;; ANY OIS.:REPANCY TO INSPIRED AACHITECTURE FOR ADJUSTt.•ENT l U ll,TUJ 1 ::1~1 CONSLA.TA.NT PROJECT 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228Ih STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRA\"l--,3TITLE BUILDING SECTION DRA\,1NG ISSUE ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL PROJECT NO PLOTQATE DRAWN AUGUST 26, 2019 171 81 SCALE RE\IIEWEO Author 1: 100 Checker ORA\'/INGNO RE\IISION A0503 5 0 0 © 0 ---t ,I -r f 1--, J .::: I if ml - - ,-... PARKING ~ PARKING ~ 'ffi' 1' 21IZ.81m' 218217m' ,,. PARKING PARKING _.,/ ~ 2Sll652m' ~ 25B6S2rr,' - ;I' f. I 1, ! i 0 ii ' (/ -I rl '.f~r----1_; 0 1/) /I I I ' I '/ l ' 11,~-,_.L.--1----4...:..&-....,.,1;1 ~ - I I I I t- ft -rn - T ...... J!l ~ 1165m >--- ~ Tl,·= •AANJitG ~ 258652111' l 1( - - 1/. .; I I PARKING ~ 218l.87m' PARHING ~ 258652111' H l . w LOBBY ~ 94211m' I i--• ... ...,__._...__~• I I I i ' I .......... _,_ ......... --'-I >--- >---·, I ' I I I I I +~ I ' I .v MECHANICAL/ WATER I ROON I SPRINKLER I (ili!]I 47.21m' ~Jill MectN1c· l __ _' rER !TA~~ ~ I "·"i' I , IH-'---''__._---1, ...,. ti Y; m ;f r- ill 1 j/ ,. D - -if n - -- ,_ -~ BATHROO ~ 15,74• J.8~ PARKING ~ 251!652m' 0 - .. - -rn ,.., 0 Fill rm ---.., ..l ..l ,..,. ~-· ~ 1&,SBm' I BATHROOI ~ 395TIC!' 0 RQP_E_AC_\;E'l§__[B9 ~7 [29:'.) 51'iJ _ __LEVJ;L 11...[_83 ~9 [2~ 181) ___ LEVEL 11._[BO,'!!B [2~ 51'!] _ __LE\/!;L J.1...L'1-~2 [2~.B4'i] _ __LE_l/El,_1!_(68 ~J [22_j,B4'i] __ LE_llEu_l:65 ~• [215 1Bj] __ LE_l/El,§_[62 ~O [20Ji 51j] b_EV!ah.,__[59 ~J [195 B4j] ___ (JSV!as_iJ)6 ~7 [1~ 1Bj] __ l,EVlaU J)3 ~1 11"!" 511) I ~ PARKING ~ 258652m' I ll.iv / vArch1tecture 31)-2JJ0),Wl:IN::ORNE NOO:THVANCJI.M:R 9Rm5J-l~OUMlll~lfl? IV7 C4.'IAOO. EAWL Iu.:O@!NS?fcDARCHITECTLIR! _;,\ TEl5iM-!7~20!l8 ~•=~~htllSjlrndArthitectura Allrig!i1srasen.·~ THG ORAWIN,> IS TH!! PROPERTY OF ff5P!REDAA~HrrECTl.Ri: THE COPYRIGHT L'I TtE SAM: BEING RESERVE[' TD THEM NO RE!'~TION1S ALLOY/ED WITH:JUT THE PERMISSION OF INSPIREO ARCHITECTURE AND \\'HEN /,IAOE MUST BEAR !TS NAME 1l11S DRAWING IS NOTTJ eE SCALED THE COITTRACT:lR IS TD VERIFY OIMENSIONSANDDATANOTEDHEREINPLANS, ELE\IATIONS,SECTIONSANO SHEDULES WITH Tl-IE CONDITIONS ON SITE ANO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REP.'.lRTtm ANY DISCREPANCY Ta INSPRED ARCHITECTURE FOR AOJUSH.IENT CONSULTANT PRO~ECT 228th STREET RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 2281h STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TITLE BUILDING SECTION OAAl'l'!NGISSUE 17181 ISSUED FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL "0' 0:a'OGUST 26, 2019 0/!AWH SCALE Rc\llEWED Author 1 : 1 oo Checko, DRA\VINGNO REl.'IS'°N A0504 5 PLANT SCHEDULE IOT~M:ALNAMJ" ==a- l. ~IIJWOCQP[RIMCTCRrENCE "J~• ,.~lt'tt.ll Y.'OOO!aM[T.1lOENClt(X2)- JCtlli,,.\UC(jtJ,tl!U~alln (lM.1911\,,fBNQII, "#· 111G, BOULOER: APPROX 24"-36" o:, -CUSTOM LOG Ill t,'tlSFOR SITTING ST[l'PING ON; ISTING BUILDING VART,NGl,e,c,m NOT( RHERTCPAViNG KEVOtH,t~OR SHCIFICAlCNS l'LAYEOGE&rlBARS/,ffTV SUflF,\Cf PEHCSA. FALLH~IGHt Sl.WOAROS MAGLINPICNIC,TABU; CAAPINUS 8ETlllUS 'FASTIGIATA" LOW\'MlLAND ___ __;c:]p 0 LOC~ABLE GAT[, SINGLC METAL AA.BOUR ACER AUBRUM 'BOWt/ALL' • BF SA\\'CUTCONCR(T[,ill~ffl:0.---- t, w~~~~~;R~GL~~~1~6c6~~-A~-c~T~ COMMON~ ENTRY DRIVE FROM L0-1.DIN(; !ONE l'IC!:AOMORIKA 'BRUNS' ~ PRIV..\C, SCRCCM 5t1\'.Ut1 PATIOS mnrwwhJ MfT,~R,'1LCENCE, 1 OMHT I --ro l ---1 P~O[STRIAN SCALE LIGHT tX3) STAIWAIW: SPECSANOFINAl PU.CEt.l~Nl lC B!: APPIIOV!:0 BY M,IPtE filOGf Et:UINEERlNG OEPT 0 l"MCi JOB NUMBER: ACERORISE.IN .. ~,...,._tj"'tJ. 6CMCAL l&IJS10 8&8 6CMCAL 2MST0:858 I.CERRUBRIAil!OW!-1"1.L' ~~~~ CARPINUS l!ETULUS FASTICllATA' P'IRAAIIOAL EUROPEAN HORNBEAM ~IAECYPAAIS NOOTK.,,TENSIS "VPl>l OEN AkKER VAN OEN AKKER NOOTI<A CYPRESS CORNVS f00IE"$ VIHITE WONDER' ~ n !Jt,,C,OlOQm\QIOC t.li,('Anl!,ft_W1'1C,.10.W.'t'dsf!UllftF PURPlEF,\STIGIATEBEECH ~,~J!M-<,11,V&I~ C.a.ERHAT"SBELLEMAGNOLIA QDOCJOU.t(~ SOURl-,00D PICEA OMOR.l!(A '8flUNS" ORI.INS 6ER8I/ll>l Sf>RUCE P!NUS lH~RG~ JAPAI-IESE EIL"CK PINE f!t;IU,mSSEFl:Sl:I.A.ATA•.w...,.;m:aA\\IA' .W~O(',Wi.\CHERRY 50l'8US AUC\IPARIM FASTIC~TA' ,.,.e,,Jlff 1'11°11iCi.liAtnQ.Vflt ASCNOSENBYCm' IVOfl;YSIU<lREE 6CM CAL 1 5M ~\IN STO 858 2MH'T;8&B SCMCAL:STOFORM;Ball 61:MCAL:1 BMST0,858 6CMCA1_18MSTO 8&8 51:M CAL.AHN 1 5AI $TO, SINGLE LEAOER,B&B 1'.)liill;T;lQ 25MHT;B&B SCM C~ I aM STD: E:!51:! 6CMCM..2t.'$T0,8!e ECA'CM.. 1e11H'TSTO B&B 5CUC.\L:ZCMS1088B NOTES • Pl.ANT Sl2ES It,: THIS LIST AAE SPECFlrn ACCORDING TO THE BC 1,,.,11.NOSCN'E STANDARD MD CANAOI.IN t,>lliCSCAPE STMDARC' LATEST ECITION CONTAINER SIZES SPECIFIEO MS PER Ct-:LASTANOARO 801H FLANT SIZE AND CONTAINER SIU: ARE Tl-IE MIMM\JM ACCEPTABLE SIZES • REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR □Eflf\;EO CONTAIJ,;ER MEASURE~IENTS ANO OIBER PLANT M.,_TERIAL REOUIREMENTS 'SEARCH ANO REVIEY/: MAKE PLANT '-IATERIA.l A\'All.Al!LE FOR OPTIONAi. RE\'IEW BY LANDSCAPE AACHITECT l',l SOURCE OF SUPPLY ARE" CF SE~CH TO INCLUDE LOWER MAINL..ANO ANO FF!AsER VAi.LEY 'SUBSTITUTIONS: OBTAIN WRITTEN APPROVAi. FR.OM ™E LANDSCAPE AACHrTECT PRIOR TO MAKING ANY SUBSUTUT10NS TO THE SPECIFIED MATERIAL UN-..,PA:0\'ED SUBSTITUTIONS Will BE REJECTED "J..LOW A ~MNIMUM OF FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO DELIVERY FOR REQUEST TO SUBSTITUTE SUBSTlTVnONS ARE SUBJECT TO BC LANOSCAPE STANDARD ANO CANADIA.N LANDSCAPE ST ANDA.RD· DEFINITION OF CONDITIONS OF AV.tJL .. ,\Bll.lTY AU LANDSCAPE MATERIAl AND WOF.KMANSHI' MUST MEET 0A EXCEED BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD ANO CA.NAOIAN LI\NDSCAPE SHlllDAAO LATEST EDITION AU.. PLANT M,',T£RIAl MUST BE PRDl,'IDEO FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY EXISTING BUILDING ,V.,'-,"'TW~W~ '"".ir...:11) B[TWEEIJ P.l.TlOS AND AT ENO OF PATICS (TYP) MAGNOLIA X 'CA~RHAY'S •tW 7 C:JNCRETE o,\VERS INSET IM Cl>.USHED Gf;Al~ITE MTH I r w,rn m Pl l,MBEe EDG,NG PLANT SCHED ULE IC£I' TY BOTANJCAL NAME Al 18 . "' "' ' "' ' 52 25 ' " . "' "' . "861-u.~ ....... ~ .\VCU8 ... J.\PONICA1lOLDOUST' ,;J,,,l,U.\'O.Ulrttt .... --a,:o.,vi.a""'TA\:~1\it" HYOR.\NGl:A MACRO 'HORORB HYDRANGEA MACRO 'HYM~IDDlr N..!:XXMESERVE'BLUEPRINCESS J\JNIPERUSs:;;oPULORUM'MEDORA' N.OV.CINII.OOMESTll:A'JAVTEE' N"1-IO ... .\OC'MESTil:A'NONUM PMI..MlELPhUSLEIMSII PhYSOl:AAl'\.!S DPlAJFOllUS 'TINY WINE' ~""'°"',-'\',iU&Y,...- ~,M.WX,~'fiE'l---\'A»vf .,.,, ..... t..lUtOOL...wd,'2.«lw.NM' -ooc:iou,.c-o,.'t!Qllf ----~1'.U,..f\H~ ROSA'NOARE SKIMMIA J"'1"0NICA (1C(, MALE) ~flltt\owi, SPIRAE4X BUMAI..DA 'GOL.OFL.AME' TAX US K MEOIA OEl\lSIFOIWIS' TMUJA OCCIDENT AUS 'St.lARAGO' VACCINIUM OVATl/M THUMJERBIRO \II BURNUM OAVIOn ,~.,'l,U.IHm' COMMONN...,... tW..EIOOSCOPE ABEUA GOlDOUSTPl.\HT OECIOUDUS A2ALEAS V>JUETIES COMMON BOX\\'000 CQ\,..,.,;:l~IIV'll'"OtlJSH ABRACADABRA ORI! HYDR.\NGEA if"lH:OlilQ"M~~ BLUE PRINCESS HOLLY WDOJl.~~111 OIU;Oo:lll'~~-:Ult ~a!l.ll_O;";Mf~VIMIJ~ ,U,.,W.,U.C:,.-,-C4.\\"C,Yll,1,ICIOG --·~~ TINY l\'INE P,\CIFIC Nir.El!AAK PIEPI5 RUSSIAHLAUREL ZAelESLAUREL RI-IOCOOENDRON RHOOOOEN□RON; PINK; E MAY IUllll'A-1~ CARPETRasE;RED JI\PANESESKIMMIA DWARF SKIMMIA GOLDFLAME SPIREA DWARF ANGLOJAP YEW EMERALD GAE EN CEDAR EVERGREEN HUCKI.El!ERRY DAVIDS VIBURNUM MARIE'S DOUBLE FILE \IIBURNUM l'lAl'fT'tO.satJ~ "2POT;lOCM UPOT 50CM UPOT.•GCM IIZPOT ZSCM 113 POT soc~, •JPOT;SOCM •1 POT IIJPQT SQCM "2POT:"4SC/\I •JPOT 6GCIII UPOl !OCI\I •::1POT.6QCM UPQT,JCC11,1 112POT, ~CCIII lrlPOT SOCM UPOT UPOT SOCM UPOT •OCM 112POT:•OCM •JPOT 1QMHT 9118 16MHT 848 112P0l.SO(:M 112 POT~~OC~ IIIDPOT NOTES ' PLANT SIZES IN Tl,I5 LIST ARE SPECIFIEO ACCORDING TO THE 6C LANO SCAPE STANDARD ANO CAN..OIAN LANO SCAPE STANOAAD LA'raST EOITION CONTAINER SIZES SPECIFIED AS PER CHI.A STANO-.RD 60TH PLANT SIZE AND CONTAINl:R SIZ~ ARE THE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE SIZES ' REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR OEFINED CONTAINER MEASUREMENTS ANO OTI--IER PLANT MATE RI PL REOUIREMENTS ' Sl:ARCH AND REVIEW: MAKE PLANT MATEFl.l,._L AVAltABLE FOR DPTION"l. RE\IIEYI BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT SOURCE OF SUPPLY .\Re.A OF SEARCH TO INCLUOE LOWER MAIN LANO ANO FRASER \IAUEY • SUBSTITUTIONS: OBTAIN \\'RITTEN i'J'?RO\'"l,. FROM THE L"-NDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO MIIJ<INli ANY SUBSTllUTIONS Ta THE SPECIFIED MATERIAL UNAPPROVED SUBSTITIJTIDNS WILL BE REJECTED Al.LOW A MINIMUM OF Fil/£ DA'l'S PRIOR TO DELIVER" FOR REDL'EST TO sueSTlllJTE S\JBSTIT\JTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO ec LANDSCAPE SlMOARCl ANC' CAJ,j"-CIAN LANC'SC.\PE STAN DARO. DEFt,,:ITION OF CDNC!ITIONS OF AIIAiLABM.17" ,Ill LANC,Si:,.;>E /1,IATERl~,u,:o V,,ORIWANS..IP WUST ~•EET OR EXCEEO BC LANDSCAPE ST..,.OMRO """1l ~A!llMI t..AADSCAPE STANt'ARD LATEST EOITIVN All Pl.ANT MATEFILAI. WST BE PRQYIDEO FROM CERlFlEO OISEASc FREE NURSERY ·~-............. --....... . ' ~\~(10BEREIJDVED l ~--.... ----,. ---L _.,.: ~tw..tt~ # -MAGLIN ML8720 \\'00D 8. METAL BENCH (Xll l.H)ERGROONO PARKflGO!ITUNE COMMON O~F.N Ji0 36"1'11'( 1.:C~TtJ~tts1~1HG --pc,:\!;;('f\ ',\ll.l PATIO [DG[ (TYP! ., ~ •.3 =·~!' ~·,i.c, GATE tl't ) CONCJ.ETE P.\\IERS t)4 LAWN (TYP) Ttf1CALI..EVEL3·11 lllflUIE EXISTING BUILDING UI ~V'U\' P,l,TH l20Cr1m WIDE ror l IIM l\'0.'.lD PERIMETER FENr.E CU['T.ll .... FOJC[l ot,.IHT c:::::J --' l.l:i SINGLE MET Al ),P,eouR,l,T I ;:" PATIorn1~,nw! 0 ~ HORl201\'T,\LG-'lffllPj PLANT SCHEDULE "' " BM S<> ' .. \'INE ,c " ' PERENNl.\l AS S " " " " " " " "' ' E2 4~ G '5 0 " F 128 CAI..MIAGROSTIS )C .\ K.\RL FOERSTE!t" OPHIOPOGON PLAN NIGRESCENS' PENNISETUMALOPECUROICES MOUORT" CLEMATISVAA HYDRA.NGEA Pl>IDMAJ... V 'PETIOl>RIS WISTER/ASINENSIS C.\ROLINE' ,su.er~..: HEMEROCAUIS 'SlEU.A DORO' ~!U~IPI.Qoi,MI.OU\o'.li HEUCHER.\ B.ECTRA' 6lECtt..,.t•MSPtc.wT El<ICACAAA'EA'\IIVELLII C\.'Ol'l,'VII\SfCllt ~~Ci;lt.C' GALLIUM ODORATUM M:.TTEUCIA STRUTHIOPTERIS POLYSTICHUMMUNITUM KARL F::lERSTER FE.AllEREED GRASS l!LACK MONOO GR.ASS MOVORY FOUNTAIN GAASS CLEMATISVAAIETIES CLIMBINGHYCRA.NGEA C.\ROLINEWISTERIA VISIONSASTILSE STEU.AD'OROC'A'l'UL'l' eRESSJNGHMI l!RONZE CORAL BEUS ELECTRA CORAL 8EU..S OEEAFERN HU-.l"-PiJP(.t'l'fl.ter<llJAOI l~"l'tlt$.G.QI.Cw,all(.04U:E ¥.l!l,t~-~ """""""" WES'raRNS\IOROFl:RN PMG JOB NUMHE.R: :12 POT, HEAVY 1~CMP::lT :12POT 1'12 POT, TRAIN TO ARBOUR ,3PVT;50CM;STAKED #3 POT 15CM: TRAIN TO AflBOUR ,~ POT 20LM ,:POT ,1 POT,:l~CN ~I POT,20CM N.lTES: 'Pl.,ll,IT SIZES IN THIS LIST .\RE SPECIFIED ACCORDING TO THE ec L~DSCAPE S1'ANOARD ANO CAN,>.[11/1.N LANO SCAPE STANOAAD, LATEST EDITION CONTAINER SI2ES SPECIFIED AS Pl:R CNLA STNlDARD EIOTH PLANT SIZE ANO CONTAINER SIZE ~ETHE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE SIZES • REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEFINED CONTAINER NEI\SUREMENTS ANO OTHER PLANT llATERIAL REQUIREllENTS • SEARCH AND REVIE\\ M.a.xE PLANT MATERIAL AVAILABLE FOR OPTIONAL REVIEW BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT SOURCE~ SUPPLY. AAEA OF SEARCH TO INCLUDE LOWER MAJt«..N.0 N-ID FRASER \',\I.LEV • SIAISTITIJTIONS OBT~IN WRITTEN ~OVAL FROM THE LANDSCAf'E ARCHITECT PRIOR TO .\IAJW,113 ANY s1..11sm1JTIONS TO THE SPECIFIEO MA TERI Al UNAPPRQ'IIEO SUEISllT\Jl lONS WU BE REJECTED AUOl'i A MINIMUM OF F\1/E DAYS PRIOR TD □ELIVEAY FOR REQUEST 10 SU6Sl1TIITE SUBSTITUTIONS .U.E SUBJECT TO BC 1.MDSCAPE STAAOA.RONtO C~IAN LA'IOSCAPE STNtOAAO ·OEFINITION OF COMOlll~S OF AVAILABIUJ'V ALL LANOSCAPE M4lERIAl ANO\'IORKMANSI-IIP MUST MEET OR EXCEED ac L<I.NOSCAPE SlANDAl'IO ANO CA.""'°IAH LANDSCI\PE STAN:>AAD LATEST EDITION ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIJED mot.I CERTIFIED OISEAsE FREE fl,'\JRSERY 18050-421P © Copyrighl reseNed This drawing and design is the property of PMG Landscape Arciiitecis and mc1y not be reproduced or used ror olhe< projects without their perm1ss1on Suite C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; r: 604 294-0022 SEAL: I l90426 At\lSIONSPE~CrTYC0"1MlHT5 NO. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION CLIENT: PROJECT: RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228TH STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TITLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN DR DATE: lBJUL 25 DRAW!NG rfUlilOeA: SCALE: 1:200 Ll DRAWN: BJ DESIGN: CHK'D: PCM OF4 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 18-050 _) AAA EXHAUST SHAFT ~ UN PARf LEVEL' OUTLlr-- il-'---=----LEVEL ' OUTLIN c~JJ, ©Copyright reseNed. This drawing and design is the property of PMG Landscape Architecis and mc1y not be reproduced or used for other projec1s without their permission. Suite C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, Brilish Columbia, VSC 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f; 604 294-0022 SEAL: ffM.iCt)1 ACPSUBMMION 190426 Q'\1$1W,"1H.IIGn'(CNl.-'ufl NO, DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DR CLIENT: PROJECT: RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228TH STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TITLE: SHRUB PLAN DATE: 1BJUL23 SCALE: 1:100 DRAWN: DESIGN CHK'O: PCM PMG PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING NUMBER: L2 OF4 18-050 1/4-1/3 BU~EO aoULDERS LOC..1.LLY SOURC:o .SRANIE l0C£. \'YIT-i SMOOTHED EDGES, NO SHARP CORM:RS, Af'PROXIMATE SIZE AND SHAPE AS SHOWN ON Pu\N 7 MAX.16''HT ,,,1--....:::=-----'<,,:,m,---SJ,FETY SURF<\CE PER CSA STANDARDS ---eASE MATERIAL ..-.;.:::_-_-_ -_ --~,l:;:::~T::A~:AVEL ROUNDED BOULDER 2x2 IH---~:1 = Pt P UPSTAND WALL (SEE ARCH DWGS) NOTES: 1 POSTS, BEAMS, RAFTERS ALUMINUM 2 WELD All SEAMS 3 PmVOER COAT GLOSS BLACK oil VERIFY All CONCAfTE OPENING WIDTHS AND POST CONNECTION LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 4 SINGLE AND DOUBLE METAL ARBOURS L3 3/8"=1'-0· LAG eon FASTENERS IMSTALLED, COUNTERSUMt: ENOS & PLUG WITH 00\VEL (TYP) SAFETY SURFACE DEPTH TO VARY PER CSI F;\LL HEIGHT STANDARDS: 6" DEPTH DRAIN GRAVEL-...:_==~~~~m~~E~--'- COMPACTED sueGRAOE T098%PO UNCOMPACTED SUE<3RADE--- NOTES 1 POSTS TO BE HEM/FIR. SMOOTH, ROUND, FREE OF SPLINTERS, CRACKS 2 APPLY "f\o\10 ::OATS COLOURED STAIN, CHOSEN BY OWNER 3 ALL POSTS TO 6E INSTALLED VERTICAL, WITH TOPS HORIZONTAL 4 ARRANGE POSTS SO THEY FIT TIGHTLY TOGETHER S ALL FASTENERS HOT-DIPPED, GALVANIZED 6 PREORILL HOLES FOR FASTENERS STEPPED POSTS 4x4 r T ELEVATION M.\X96" SPJ,L[ [VENLV I lllfT,\L !;,\l/,\tl.'H)A\U\11~U\1 ! l\• l1t.'i\.1:"J..1,.Joj1 H~,.~• -~!Jl,1\WU J :,'l'I~ h\'.;JCj,,l~>nWjHGJ,\U,j:; :.i,,,acr.,1.:::.:noi:R Flllli'I T;) \1~'1:11 l,~~II f~I\I @ ~'.',~!ZONTAL FENCE ANO GATE ELEVATION : WEit, G/IL,l,'Oltl>,\t.ffll"UII ~ ~~~(~\~}~;:i•,1g~,ri:1.c;J.\II\J CHo'--1-:.C.>,lCC ,JI.I~ Fl:/l)l'lC ,1~-0• ~II.Cl -•,1\1 ~ G•M 1' :M C,! ~C:~i'•:11:~hM~Y.llL;Utl.\ G~R)[l(,'I; LC~~U..G IJR~\m LA7;:1, \\"r," I c:.{ • ~ ,o~Sl\1L..'R) BL~c ... ,:L':...>7WIIIG 2ll610P'"1l 2X6HUM> AITFRNATING ]XO: ""'io 2X6 80ARO!. '-------MAXS'·O"OC ------- M~X 1/4" GAP --1-i~t,-_:.-_:.:.:.:.:.:.~t:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.-:il-_:_:.:.:.-_:.:.:.-j ,.,,...,,, TVPICAL POST FOOnNG ONGIUOE 6' NDIT5 l All WOOD ,EDAR. S25 FHICE GR.ADE 2 ST,\IN 2 COATS,tEllR WE.>\THERPROOFING FOR CED•\R 3 STEP FENCE WITH Gf..AOE SO DARGE DOARO REMAINS lE\'El '1 ALL ~ASTHIERS 10 BE HOlOIPPED, OAL\ANllEO SCfl.EWS HORIZONTAL PERIMETER FENCE r r GATE POST: CONCRETE FOOTING BOLTED CENTRE WALL (SEE ARCH ) LEVEL 3 PLANTING PLAN SCALE 1:150 LEVEL 3 B 115 BUXUS SEMPERVIRENS N 26 NAN DINA DOMESTICA 'MONUM' Y 32 TAXUS X MEDIA 'HICKSII' KF 46 CALAMAGROSTIS X A. 'KARL FOERSTER' X 48 PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIOES 'MOUDRY' 18050◄ ZIP ©Co11yrighl reseNed, This drawing and design is the property or PMG landscape Archilects and may nol be reproduced or used for other projects without their perrmssIon Suite C100 -4185 SI.ill Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, VSC 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 SEAL: I 1~0426 AlVISKlNSP£RCITYC0"1~lNJS NO. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION CLIENT PROJECT: RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228TH STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TITLE: DR LANDSCAPE CONCEPT DETAILS DATE: 18JUL23 DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: VARIES L3 DRAWN: BJ DESIGN: CHK'D: PCM DF4 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 18-050 ~ ;--------ir,•--------- I Il l I I ll I -I I • - I I' I I 1\ -----I ' : 2X3 METAL 1·1/2X6 METAL RAFTERS iX4 METAL fl);Ei POST. METAL ~-----~-------~1 ., r .. I I • PiP CONCRETE W~LL LPAVEJ.S, PREPARE~ SLAB NOTES: 1, POSTS, BEAMS, R~FTEAS ALUMINUM. 2 \\'ELD ALL SEAMS 3. POWDER COAT GLOSS BLACK - 4, VERIFY ALL CONrnETE OPENING WlDTHS AND POST CONNECTION LOCATIONS PRIOR TD CONSTRUCTION @ ~-~~~L ARBOUR AT MAIN ENTRY t/:"\li.t•.~IJ.t.!t,..,,.,.\,l,~'")',.,_ J Ul'ffl!W>t J!; '-'tffl!lil•ll~l r\1..-bl"•~q ~w,~:!.:-t!_=v, rf...~r:~ ... ::u· lit::wt-.-•t\'I 1 ,1tll 1 1olft..o."l'M"I\Jlf\l"f:it'(flt:ffi : ., Jrttf,:.1,.\1.tt ..U•lflT N2'[S 1 11'l\l"ll Fl~ ,-,i,,Nu,~c l.~EJ;'~SH[,-IC,\l,Q.\~, e :!PJ; ~ rn aE r-E\ 1;:v,rn.i-.0 ,,rr;c. 1 ro &r sr;ucrnn~L ;-.:i;,i.nr, r•r~u, ro ll\~1,,Lll'l1cJt, @ PLAYEDGE W ·u CONCEPT IMAGES BlKE RACK: MAGLIN SCBR 1600 POWDERCOAT BLACK AlUMINUM . BENCH: MAGLIN MLB700 WA POWOERCOAT BLACK ALUMINUM IPE WOOD, STAINED SURFACE MOUNT TO PREPARED CONCRETE SLAB SURFACE MOUNT TO PREPARED CONCRETE SLAB WASTE RECEPTACLE: MAGLIN Ml8400-W-2SL PQ\\'UERCOAT BL.Q,CK ALUMINUM IPE WOOD. STAINED SURFACE MOUNT TO PREPARED CONCRETE SLAB ,O:ol?OST. M::TAL lXl METAL l'XlM~T.>.L T ,.. i 2 METAL LATTICE L4 3/R'=l'-0 PAVING KEY SCORE CUI 1500mm OC ALIGN A5 SI IOWN COlOUR: NATURA1. CJBF CONCRIT[ PIP CONCRETE WALL CJA86UTSFUROCONCRCT[PAOOUCTS COF.TE2 SERIES Sl,,).(I PAVEF.S 1rx1r.·x2·; AllGN AS !>I IOWN COLOUR: CHARC0J'l' 'PROVIIJE 3G>:30 SAMPLE TO ARct IIHCT F\,)R PRIOR APPROVAL CJ ABBOTSrOR0C:ONCRETE~ROOUCT5 NE\\'VORKSERIESSLAEIPAVERS 11 '11!24' X2'; ALIGN A~ SHOVI N COIOUR S,\tlDAIWOOO' 'PROVIDE 31'iX3ii SM,lrLE TO 4.RCHITECT roR PRIOR ,,PPRQvi;L AOBOTSFOF.ll CONCF.ETE PROOUCTS NEW YORK S~RltS Su'\6 PA';H,$ !~"Y.2~"X2": ALIGN AS SHOV\N COlOUR 511.NLIALWOOD' "PROVlm ~6X36 ~/\IPI~ JO ,\RCH1TECTFOI\PRIOR,\PPROV,)L PICNIC TABLE: MAGUN MlPT720 POWOERCOAT 91.ACI< ALUMINUM !PE WOOD SlAINEO SURFACE MOUNT TO PREPARED CONCRETE SLAB ~r,s NOTES: l POSTS LATTICE ALUMINUM 2 WELD All SEAMS 3 POWDER COAT GLOSS 8L~CK. 4Xol POST, METAL 4 VERIFV ALL CONCRETE OPENING WIDTHS AND POST CONNECTION LOCAT!ONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 1 S :;~I M\n-fhTIR::R lU '~D~I.([ ~I -iPJ/'1~1•; 11:; '-'R PR(A<r~~\',',LBVCl\llcR ~•c IITLT ® SIGN CONCEPT L4 •m ------·-- t-OMPAN CRUMBNET (COR02430] INSTALLED ON HOUSEKEEPING SLM WITH SAFETY SURFACE TO CSA STANDARDS ARISTOKRAT PAVE RS DOVER GREY PATTERN VARIES; TBO PLANT I MAG ES BLECHNUM SPICANT GALIUMOOQRt,.TuM Hl:UC!IERA 'BRESSINGHAM 8FION2E' CCWIVS (DCJrt'S-Vtttnr WONDER' IHUJAOCCID,cNTAllS 'SMARAGD' TAXUS X MEDIA 'HICKSU' BOLLARD: LIGMAN BENTOf~ ROUND BOLLARD UBE-10001 PEDESTRIAN STREET llGHl: LIGMAN ANDERSON 1 POWOERCOAT BLACK ALUMINUM POWDERCOAT BLACK ALUMINUM TO BE PREl'IPPROVED BY ELECT ENG TO BE PRE~PPROVEO BY MAPLE RIDGE ENGINE!:RING DEPT 18050-~ ZIP (ti Copyright reserved. This drawing and des!gn Is the property of PMG Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects wilhout Uieir penmssion ~ Suile C100 -4185 Slill Creek. Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; r: 604 294-0022 SEAL: l9AUG23 l 191Jo126 NO DATE CLIENT: PROJECT: ADl'SU~MISSION P.EVl510NSPEP.(11"COMl.1ENT~ REVISION DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228TH STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TITLE: DR, LANDSCAPE CONCEPT DETAILS DATE: SCALE: DRAWN: DESIGN: CHK'D: 1BJUL23 VARIES BJ PCM PMG PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING NUMBER: L4 OFS 18-050 ) PART ONE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS l1 IUUDQt. .1 mx:11i1cu• c-.,v111111d:inllll116-rllC..,_lftlSl'ld•~iAlllilNfflll.._ ......... ~_.c-,.t~ .l <..-..--..M"-.._~.._,....,.,,_l..-s.dl!JflUlllil:lfatn,11111h_._C:....t~l...,......,_Ji-i:ir_/lA·~ adalnblllllMtft ...... _•1111-~IIIIC...rl~~....,..._.,_..,_.,,_ ...... ., • .._,,.,._,l.lM(_.~.nBM --:=::::::u~~ADIID~~M,•-,,.......IIJIN~~,t.._,.[--"lil,~allllllilft'pC..tr.;t- •' STAIIIMDRal.NIISWEl!lliATDlffllD\.Mlc,,,...brllll~w.tl'yAllllillllllltfMIIII,[...._ .5 IIIO'N.t'IUld'flieDUCIN~---.....ml UllSTIO ~t;-.. -r.:;..-..=,hllc:.;~.=.::.-:~===•=..•.:-.;!.-=-'L~~..;~rni,.. 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PART THREE SOFT LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT 11111DCJQ1111'Dlmll-.S . 1 P'lt■rhllJWft .. lh-prwhd..,_I,_•.,.......,...._. ..... ,_..._.,._ .. ,._.._....,.__ .u Ntlalh.t.-.-Mtb.t•hl'-•-t■of'lllalliili¥wy_,....,,....;i,.,.,.,__.,,..., .. _.,,..t-.~o\rdlh:t. .l ._..,...i.!W_llt_,llloillll ... ,~.....,..bf•h,,.,..Mflll'Mll.• .. • ........... u.,111tt1_.___.,.~ J ---. ............... m-. .... ~-""""'"' .. ,. .... ..,. .4 e..-1l ..... t111,~,-----.-.. ....,.m111r1a""""lfwnt_.,._ 5 u...i,..,,. .. ..w.1"1Nda~...,.i611"11■--na I, .... ,.,..~f'fa•tr.a--ltrilllt,i,.,..l'nlllllln---1"11-----. ~~lf..-ft•trwda--, .......... ~ .. ~M-.,.,..._IWlll __ ..,_,,l'WM#l .. ,.,...._..,...., A Dlalml■--•""'1r/M ... ir-.... ...--.. ~~ :m..,., .... ~~.v..1111111~.......-... .+n,.....,_>r•f.SAC..w.lAn■rist .... tlll.,..,.PlalAflpraAr,Bijrtll[dfl■a, I ........... rf.,...it-r,1111...,,....•1it,...... llilratlltll111__.nl_,11■1,..,......~dlllli.~rftlll _..c__. . .,.,....--..i,........,..., . ......_ ................. 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"',_.._ ..... .,..,_ . .., ...... ..._w--.... s. .... 6et.""""J....., _______ Jli'lt - 180S0--4,ZIP (C)Copyrighl reseNed This drawing and d11slgn is lhe property or PMG Landscape Archilect!i and may nol be reprodu;;ed or used for other projects without lheir pennIssIon, Suile C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 SEAL: -------------- -~WlJI.ISWO!> Uw.--G'\.1tf,-OfTRll,~1Ml I lj.o,t.Ji NO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION CLIENT: PROJECT: RESIDENTIAL TOWER 11920 228TH STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TITLE: LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS DR. DATE: 19,AUG 21 DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: NA LS DRAWN: DESIGN: CHK'D: OFS PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 18-050 _) r \ ", .. I "" 001 R1M El.: 47.07 E. IN EL: 44.64 S. OVT El.: +4,36 SEE SEE SEE SEE SEE SEE KEY-1 FOR GENERAL NOTES DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING ESC-1 FOR SILTATION CONTROL NOTES R-1 FOR ROADWORKS NOTES R-1 FOR DRAINAGE NOTES SERV-1 FOR STORM AND SANITARY NOTES SERV-1 FOR WATERWORKS NOTES MAX WATER LEVEL 41mm ORIFICE INSPECTION CHAMBER OUl1..ET TO S'TM ~ DETENilON JANK Flow CQt{TROL STRUCTUBf JYPICAl DETAIL N.T.S. I 11110 22.8™ sn;a:r .till[fS;. 1. SrTE GR>DES SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. DETAILED SITE GRADING B'I' OTHERS 2. SITE DIWNAGE SHOWN REI.ATES TO STORMWA'JER MANAGEMENT ONLY. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE ADEOUAlE DRAIMAtGE PR0\10ED. 3. ALL WORKS TO CONFORM TO CURRENT MUNICIPAL ANO BC BIJILOING &: PLUMBING CODE REQUIREMENTS, 4. INFILTRATION TRENCH LOCATIONS AND EXTENT'S TO BE COORDINATED IN FIELD WTTI-1 ENGINEER. 5. MUNICIPAL SERVICE CONNECTION IS TO BE INSTAU.ED & VERIFIED PRIOR TO lHE lNSTAI..J.ATION OF lHE STORMWATER ~EMENT SYSTEM. Note: tr~l~:~~~~ l~~~l~l~=s ;:1i;~orl~~~'fns~~l~olion ('j'jrl,''l(fi"5i ... ,' inslrvct;ons.lnslollolion contraclorshould conlocl Brenlwood Industries or ils dislribu!or prior lo inslollo\ion to ormnge lor o sile meeting Rell'\ T(,U, Side WOP BRENTWOOD DETENTION JANK INLET / OUTLET CONNECTION =-- tronsmilted lo lank side ponelil sellling occurs ------IIIULDIJtG ftlOl'J'll!Wfl MOOUI.AA DETENTION TANK 2 MODS HIGH x 10 MODS WIDE x 0.91 m x 4.57m x LEGEND + 12l.4S EXISTING EILVATION +§) PROPOSED aE'VATION CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY & LOCATE EXISTING MAINS & SERVICE CONNECTIONS & NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION . □ ffl ~ ~ LANDSCAPE (PERMEABLE) DRIVEWAY/HARDSCAPE (lt.4PERt.4EABLE) BUILDINGS (~ •D'JiCTLOCAJION ~ OJ:V.lJlOH fO 6E REVIEWED IN FIELD WITH ENGINEER PEIENJIQN TANK DETAIL JYPICAL CQNAGURATION SCALE,.,,; 07Jm 150 /sn,.0·2.--SIV O ,._ ID:JSTl,IC QtOl..WDl, ,MOn O llJllDi80 _ .,.6,l 5TM n.oo,t 215 MODS LONG 2J,76m 48 47 I I I lll.WiMOU: DDJI-... I 0 I I I&'. l II I ......,... """"[R "'--II I I I rHSHCDCROUND ' '\ '"' '\, II ~I'-., !\ I / .. - c»r--~eo;o -·I OEm.TION TN« C/'lf~ J~ BI.IIUIHC EXn>lTS OS11:AN. stE DETHI.. NIOIE. C REUS Engineering Led Calculations ~ 111;'"1' -Cl.~:,.-::: l~e~noll ~'I;<!" Ttllc Gr.u. rrec'-'~~ ,=.,:.,.i;....-, :{.>'~ <'.II t.'.1.1-1 $11>1n C""'1(V:0:.•1~CJAu;ll Ot,•""'"'2: ~ .. 'l-Sa,.n ... 1?uJ11"1.r. .,...,,.__,.:,;~1,...,,.:-u U&,'?:;,..,J...,.,Ro,,.. • .,tJ;IJ>.~lc,I~ f'Wflctl:'"'e.11=-"1\¥1#":Fl:n """""' .. "'"1.r C C.,Jd"l 1 0 Y~,, ;:,.,, L ~l)IJ Rok""~ I ,il II C,.11:1<.1 ,.J lt.olwOl 12 "W l''l:Ol:'-.ill;~-;,"A ~I~ ltet ~.,:...-:-M~~• Ek."-:~Ar.::1.:•"" ·c1,1 r>crcc'T1 l11~rv~1,~ TLllil c.:.:.,.-,krlA~ ;, .. p,,..•~A.._.,, R;iff:fo,1,-y 1.~•,;,-:.11"'.i......, J.t..!o(rt.M":..7-IClsCc,rt •~1~, .. Slomi:;c,,.,~ LJ·c•~~.:.'f!0 1,~,..,11.,,r Tr.p,:::, r>.:;~h Oo:i11nl''r",o,,1• S11r.11,c Vcl..m~ ~'lll,11'a·kC,,alu~ .-..~uu~ :..cncllt.·~u•.: '-"• l?J,f;llVU,r., .. Tu0,-1""..o;Ju,..., ~~c.y ..... ~-- ~:ntJ;•Ti ... ~l)l•rc\'de,-.,; fl:MnoffDJr1ngStorm~n1 '?~: 1-.eo,:;i','1':,:,,;i C,;,;t':0:'01',:,,,!, ~S'OP~-..,:; ,-:,:•:f>:1:,g .. .,.,:o;•.•p:>-.,;' -c,,"';'cc;::i,'-'-;~:-u~,.. ........ ':2?r' {lt.~i 1o,,1.~e; ~-,:bo,c) S[E Sf'.:CTION i'l'fJ;:rr,~ ,,.,, ... ,.,, ........... ,._,,_., ~~ ~"'-'r,.n__;_C_al~_:,,,-~:~re.:i D1J1Ia,;1;;o,;:<,•....:-cr:,~..,:u: j .......... ,~·-' l'<!oMM!!•"E~A.rH.11'ff','G1Jj L:l"tS:;.Jpt'•\'Rlf>cr,·:a.,: ·crf:rir:•--1 .-::rc:t--!:'!i'H= C.-..-14'111~ =u~uJR1rnT~lr.,.'111 ~~LJonwJpr.ion\ ~nc1~·1 !C) k.orll• ""',..:~• !ll '>-,.r.-,...,lr • .,.,...,TOI: l&;r>~•=~ 2';•R:!•t.:.1 -.erw.,1 STORM MANHOLE TO RULi PINC CONNECTION SCIL£ • h\50 ;ro~""""-c:..te:iT.~£1~3~ n,,,:i~;i:;,.,,.-. ~, (r'l>c'.,;;.i.,.: I &l'tb<:~~ "1.~l (l~~•'IOU) r::o-aii,::11<-,,:o(Fus.io.•! t:><S .. '7!-qrm>W ~goPrcvidlld CO<ffllOI. STllUCM£ sa:OCTNL..-JJO\.'£ 150 oun.tr TD '"""'- lit.'«~~ 1MPDblua.t~ INSTAll..EO TO TANK MANUFM:'TURER'S RECOMMENOATIONS ANO ENCIHEER'S N'Pll<>IAL """' ~ - 48 47 .. 45 .. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C REU S Engineering Civil Engineers & Projecl Managers l'olCEASTT□ ... EI\ 21,esPL,,.N11CE\VESTNOflTHVAA::OuvERHi:;VmJJ:i WEBSITE:.,,mc,eu<c• LEGAL LINE EASEft'ENT ~~ STCRM hYORO m ITllll'(ru:l>T GOS DRAWING LEGEND TUBE EXISTING eso, .. FIRE HYDRANT ~ \I! ~1i1e~E\;E 0 . REDUCER ~CNCHAt~BER rsiia -ir!!fj ri:::IN (STO,SI) ~ ~ --~ ~ JIN.Ilur;;t,11 approved - SUNNYVILLE 228 LTD_ ... 11920 228TH STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC --,j.:..... -> STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ti 110-~...:1 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PER!.IIT AGC" !i 1' ,;.I ll ISSUl:0 FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AOC I 110> 11 ISSUEO FOR DE\1£lOPMENT PEfWIT N.l1C. J 11,CU ISSUED FOR COOROINAT(ON AOC l~SUED FOR CCCROINATICN '"' h•"150 ..._.,. ..... KBH __ .,. 18165 AOC -- 20180713 SMP-1 DISCHARGE POINT MATERIAL STORAGE STOCKf'ltf MT,\ 'lO 8[ C~ wmt Wfl(;tiED DOWN POl.i' ~ ~ 1$ ESTJ.8USHll\. EXACT l.OCAllOH TO SE. OUONJHm 1H F10J) MIN~. ~ Q: uJ <( .... ~~ ~~ f3g (/) z ~ I-Oo w g;~ w c:: ~~ I-u (f) X "" a:, N N ~~~~~ AND OOWNSTii'E'NI OF DEVELOPMENT JiS PER ~ fi1Dq[" WATERCOURSE PROlECTIOH 8'T\A'ff NO, 6-110 -2006 DO'>lllT tR0SOt ~ SElWCHT (IOHTROL Rl'QUIREMDn'5 no, 4,. 226th SffiEEr TO BE KEPT Cl..E'.N~~Altt.ar CffAVEl./Dt1iRl5 AT IU ~ w.NO ~'EIJ'P«J AS ftEO\IIRm. UfflW«:[: TO st MCMDTOHEW~ ,s" 1"...........CO SEE DRAWING KEY-1 FOR GENERAL NOTES SEE DRAWING R-1 FOR ROADWORKS NOTES SEE DRAWING R-1 FOR DRAINAGE NOTES SEE DRAWING SERV-1 FOR STORM AND SANITARY NOTES SEE DRAWING SERV-1 FOR WATERWORKS NOTES ALL LOCK BLOCKS AND JOINTS TO BE GROUTED TO FORM LEAK TIGHT SYSTEM r '---- T I I SILT FENCE LEGEND + 123_4,5 EXISTING El..EVATION +§!) PROPOSED ELEVATION LOCK BLOCK WHEEL WASH OR APPROVED ALTERNATIVE TO BE INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR I I I QeEBA!IQN (c! SURFACE RUNOFF RIJNOfF TO BE OIREC1ID TO SEDIMENT PONO AND MEctwrn:AL. SEDIMENTATION SYSTEM PRIOR TO DISCHARGING FROM SfTE ACCESS P/ID TO BE INSTAUED UNDER SUPERVISION OF ENGINEER. ACCESS PAO MAY BE MOVED TO NEW LOCATIONS ON SITE 1-S REQUIRED AT ENGINEERS DISCRETION. ACCESS PAO lO BE CL.E:ARED OF ANES WHEN SATURATED. rrPICAl Hf&! YQflCLt ACC£SS PAO SCALE -1:50 MA!NIENAt:1!:;E 5!:;HEQ!.!LE SEDIMENT COmROL BMP MAINTENANCE ACTMTY rnEQUENCY -~ I~ :,, ~ : 100mm OVERFLOW PIPING TO BE CATCH BA.SIN SILT SACK ACCESS ROADS CONsmLJCTION ACCESS SEDIMENT PONO/SEDIMENT T.ANKS REPAIR & REPLACE DEGRADED ONCE A WEEK, BEFORE & AFTER FABRIC. REMOVE ACCUMULATED ANY SICNIFlCANT RAINFAU. EVENT SEDIMENT & DEBRIS OR liS RE.QUIRED 5WW' DAILY OR 1iS REQUIRED Cl..EA,N D£BR1S M. REQUIRED REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT ONCE A MONTH, BEFORE & AFTER Nf( SIGNIFlCANT RAINF'Al.1. EVENT OR M. REQUIRED TRUCK WASH INSPECT .AND OR..IJN M'. ONCE A WEEK DIRECTED TO WHEEL WASH DETAJt, NECESSARY SEDIMENT PONO. N T S MECHANICAL.. SEDIMENT MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE TO BE ONCE A WEEK CONlROL S'1'SrrM PRQl;l□ED BY CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ENGINEER WHEN EXCAVATION BEGINS AND COORDINATE AN INSPECTION SCHEDULE l.'~SERT I" ~ES.I.~ FO~ 3AG J.Et1(iv~.L P~V. INLET {~l'.A<t svr J.'ICll oE-;;; ~ w Sll.SACI( CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY & LOCATE EXISTING MAINS & SERVICE CONNECTIONS & NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION OUt,,i_:.-: LOO~ ~:a .. ~ .... '" ~ ,, JYP(CAL 51L-r SAC DETAIL NTS Jm I l±ii ___ !!_ ______ [--r u u l---2.0m---------1 NOT"ES 3600 WS(WJ SILT FENCE DETAIL N.T.S. T POST (TOP 120mm) PAJNTID WHITT fJ..EY.8IlQN CU'IWH:S.S>WJ.11£~ usmoeMLmm M. DETAILED ABOVE. "'"'-,,---...a..-- 1. PROTECTIVE FENCING MATERIAL SHAl.1. SE 'DUPONT VEXAA L-70' PLASTlC SA.FE1Y FENCING OR EQUAL (COLOR ORANGE), 2. FENCING POSTS AND ANCHOR POSTS SHAl.l. BE STANDARD MILD STEEl. PAINTED T POSTS J. TENSION WIRE AND GUY WIRE SHAu. B£ 9 GAUGE GAL.VANIZIED t.!IU) STEEl. WIRE, 4. BINDING WIRE SHAU BE 9 e,tJJCE ALUMINUM WIRE, 5. All. DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILUMETERS UNlESS OTHERWISE NOTED 511 TATIQN CQNTRQL NQTCi 1. THE CO,mucrolt S~ BE. RESPONSIBl.E FOR lliSTA,WNG ANO \i&,t,,fHJA.'HJNG A SI.TAf)ON N«J EROSION CONIROL $'tSID, AS SHOWN 01!4 mESE MAMNC$ AS WEU. AS N« .\DIXJ1llN.t.l. ttM~ WORKS M:C£SS,t,.W TO PREVENT SILT D~ TO TH:: STORM DRAINAGE ~- 2 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT .AJ...L NECESs-.RY' SILTATION AND EROSION CONTROL WORKS BEFORE COMMENCING Nf'f OTHER ON-SITE CONSTRUCTION OTHER Tt-lAN F-'l.l.lNC TREES. 3. n-tE CONTRACTOR SHAU. T.-XE All STEPS NECESS.4R'l' TO ENSURE Tr!AT NO SILT IS DISCHARGED TO THE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM, ROADWAYS OR ADJACENT PROPERTIES DURING THE COURSE Of CONSTRUCTION. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHAU. INSPECT THE SILTATION AND EROSION CONTROL WORKS DURING RAINF'AU. EVENTS AND UNDERTAKE ANY REMEDIAL WORK REQUIRED FOR FlJNCllONAI... OPERATION 5. SILT S-.CS MUST BE INSTAU.ED. MONfTORED AND RD"lACEO -'T AU. CATCHBASINS AFFECTED Br CONSTRUCTION. &. AU. ON SITE SURFACE RUN-OFF IS TO et. OIRfCTID TO . AJ"£R: ~~ 5'tSt£M AND lHEH ~ TO lHE STORM StwER, AS SHOWN IN THE DR-1.WlNC. NO St.RF'AC:E RUN-OFT S to ()(ff 1'Ht SITt BOUNDARIES UM.lSS ft0U'tm THROUGH THE WATER FlllR-'TION SYSTEM ?p AU. txPOsm OSTS/St.OPtSf$lOCKPUS A..'!£ TO et COY8W> -mi POl.,mlffl...Of£ 1.HttG. ALL 5'0CKh.m "°'TIRW.S tBT ONS(fE fOR C:RE,QlR UW. 24 1i01.m T0 SE CO\OEO 'Mfl1 SlCUilC P<l.VDH"II..Dft ~ AHiJ sµR~NOO) ffltt ~= ~~~!::~~~~~a~~~=::= ::1r"~ FROM TOP OF BANK, WHERE -'PPL.JCABL.f. 8. NO MUD ~ 8E '1'RACMtD ONTO CMC LANDS OR smo:TS. EWP\.O'r STREIT SWUPERS M. REOUIRED. NO FLUSHING ON RO.ADS IS P£Jt,,dJ'lUJ. Jt' 0RY PERIODS OR AS DJREClID BY THE tNCilNEDt. ~Tt: DUST SUPPRESSION MEASURES MUST BE UNDmTAKEN. 9. THE COt(fRl,l;roR WILL NOT PERMJJ 11-iE ~ OR IN~ OISOiNtCE, nt0M mt PROPERTYi OF ~ lHA.T DOES MOT AT AU. TIMES Mffi OR EXCEED THE R~ENTS OF' 0ISJRICT fX" iUPi.E RIDGE S-.V, 15410-200ti. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL Pt.ACE, STORE. TRANSPORT, OR OISPOSE OF f,J,ff '"PROHIBITTD SUBSTANCE" IN SUCH A MANNER SO AS TO PREVENT THE LIKELY ESCAPE OF' THE MATERIALS INTO THE -□RAINAGE SYSTEM; 11. CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF' THE SILT"TlON AND EROSION CONTROL SYSTEM SHAU. BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OIStRtCf or ~ RIDGE'S ~ TI£ LATEST EDmON OF' THE C)O)ART'MDff OF ASHCR1£S NiO octAl,i$/\f1'ilSTRY OF' ~Off. tNm5 AND PARKS ~ DEVELOPMENT GUJDFJ..INES fOR TI-« PA.OTEc,,otl Of" M)U,MlC WBIJ'Ai AND SECTION 01561 OF' THE M.&S'TER MUNICIPAL SPECIFlC'TlONS {MMS). 12. mt ~ CRm;RIA. l'ROW ntE NA.itR fl!.lJtAJ\CIH S"rSII),( >NCLUDES A E"H OT 8ETWEtN A..5-ll.D HQ 6't IND!RtCT QR DIRECT F\U0 ~ CONOMHC SUSP['P«E) S0U)'S ~ 25 MU.JGAAW:Si P0t LITOt (.wO/l.) IKm A."ff ORAINACt S'rSfEW WHER£ ff' f5: MD.SURED 4T 1"E IW9MIE OJI\D Oft P<»li Of ~ tflTD mt ~NM% MRW OU5'1HO ~ ORY 'flfElllHIR ~'DOH AHO ea.cw 75 Jila/UltR OF ~ SOLllS tM1R1H0 M 7lftf SEASOrt'. CROJS £>IGIN[IbQ l'1U. SHOUt.O SC R(TNN:£0 TD ~ 1H[ stOCUOIT 00ffTROl.s N PlJiC£.. NOffTI)lt Tti£ DtSCH,l,,Rr;E OH A 'REQ(\.Y 8M1S NiD OUfllNC CA N=JO EN:>t ~ ~AU. NO ~ Cl Pl;TR(lllUt.l ~ SOL.va<FS. HEAVY METAL P.-RTICULATE, CDIOO, ETC. OR >ffl MATIRW. ™"1 CMD 8E □[DIED ~ UNDER THE FISHERIES N:r, OR "THE DISTRICT Of lroVA,f RIDGE WATERCOURSE PJJOT[C110N 8T\JiW 6410--1006 IS PCRUlfl1:D. IT IS lHE SITE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBIUT'Y TO ENSURE TH"T NO □El...ET'ERIOUS SUBSTANCES ARE DISCHARGED. 13.. WSFEC:r10N. lrit(Wl'TOliVK> AND TESTING OF THE ·coHSTRUCnON #ORN:. BY CJi£US ENGINEERING. IN CIS£ Cf -'!. SiltATlOf,t eotrrROf.. fM~ C,.U. MARCO CUSNro O 601-!Ul7-9070. Mlh'UilUM 1 INSPECllON/2 WEEkS DURING Dirr SE,\,SOtt NCI t .. 'SP(ctlON~ DURING ¥.U SWOft I~ RECW!ED WHEN >25mm RAIN Wl™IN 24HR PERIOD. NT\J TESTING BY am.,s li1 UONrfCRING POINTS. NTU 1£.An:HCS :i-iSS W:U. ttt:.OUIRE L.-e TESTING FOR TSS TO ENSURE WJTHIN ACCU'TABLf "-"'GE. 1 '4, .AU. CONCRETE SUPPLY TRUCt<S SHAU BE EQUIPPED Wl'TH WASH BUCkET SYSTEM FOR FLUSHING OF FLUME. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL E)(CESS CONCRETE FROM FLUME AND/OR TRUCK BE FLUSHED ONTO RO>DS OR INTO STORM SEWER S"'<STEMS. 15. "5 COHSTRIJCflOtl PROCRtSSE5 AND INTERCEP1[1) A.OWS ARE REDUCED, ffif. Slt.lY£h'T .ANO EROSION cot(tf«JL Pt>H BE ADJUSTED ~y AT n£ DISCRETION OF' ™L ~-ADDmONAL SEllWDIT C0tl1"ROL ME'ASURES IQi.Y a( R[QI.SAED UNDER THE DISCRETION Of THE DISTRICT OF MAPL£ RIDGE. I&. ~ AU. SQ)W.Off COHTROL srsm.t5 Otcil..Y Af1tR KM:0 SURfJ.,CD IJf£ IN PU.a: AHO S\IRf~ ~ surTMI..Y DR£CTm TO n-t[ stOfi'M WAJ'ER ~-M.1. 'StrllMDn' 10 et Ra;o,.'tn OJT Sitt"~ OISPOSED Of f1'( UHD f'UIN; ~ OR DtSP05£D Mn-I mE" PFi'D..0,lO .._.,ltlftALS. Nl'r REOWl£D. Dc5fRCT OF" IUiPl.l ll8.0C£ PERNtTS TO BE ACOVJRED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO OECOMMISSIONIHG, 17, AU. ESC F'ACIUTIES AND WORKS 0ESCME) q,t THE PLAN MUST SE lliST'H.l.D). COrtSJRUCIB), AND C'FtRA1KlfW. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED [SC ~CS BEFORE >,Hr' CONSTRUC'ncti ~KS BfQN. fJIB.JMIKAAY INSPtcn0N ANO SIGN OFF' f11 THE ~TD) ~ ENGINEER NfO/OB. DMRONMENTAL. MONITOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO ENSURE THE .APPUCNif KA$ SUCC£SSAAt't iNSfi'IU-CD THE ESC TAOUT'itS NKJ CONTROLS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ESC PLAN OAAWINGS. 18, A FlNAI... INSPECTION OF' THE LOT ,',NO " SIGNED LETTER IS REQUIRED BY THE DESIGNATED ENVIRONMENTAL MONITOR TO ENSURE THC ~ HAS SIJCCCSSFULL't' COMPLETm THE ESC PLAN RE0\JIROIOffS (\IHICH INCLUDES THE CONSTRUCTION OF' GRAVEL .acass P.tDS rDR D01 Nl.DlNG LOT, DECOMMISSIONING OF ~ ao rN!l.ITIES, PROPER DISPOSAL OF' ANY WASTE MATERIALS, AND STABIUZATION OF ~ EXPOSED SOILS) BEFORE THE DISTRICT ISSUES A FlNAL CERTlFlCATE OF ACCEPTANCE. OCCUPANCY PERMIT, OR ~y OTHER REI.EVANT APPROVM... If , IT tS n£ RESPDN5llll.f2T Of' lt-i(' C£\'tLOPEJI Nm/Of'. Sl1r co,mtACTOA TO O&IRt nfC DTmtl\t:: MN~CE ANO ()POW>0N 0, niE OlOSION ,XO !iDIIWDl1' C0ffflt'0L M£ASVRC$ OH 5lTt. ~ AU. ~ N'1J ESC UCI..J'flES WITHIN A SllBOMSl0N UNTli. ,. ~ c:..-~ OCJ:.U)Nfl:'f P(RWlT. OR Nff ono RQ.£V»IT ~ MAS &(EN ISSUED BY THE DISTRICT. 20. THE DEVELOPER SHALL RETAIN CR£US ENGINEERING U0.. TO SAMPLE ~D ANALYSE THE WAJlR: BEING .~ F'JtOM THE SITT. WHERE THERE IS AN EXCCIIWCE OF THE '-l.lJ)WA81£ TSS, TURBIDITY LEVELS, OR PH. nK DESI~ ~ciN{m tS TO BE CONSULTED AND CORRECllVE MEASURES AAE TO BE IMPLEMENTED IMMEDIAffiY. 21, TEST HOLES TO BE Flll..ED AND REPAIRED. 22. PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING GETWUH co,mw:roR., ENDO«:ER. M'O ~ STAFF' TO CONRliW [CI.IIPWOIT TO SE USED, SITT ACCESS, EXTENTS OF CLE,Vtl*. 1'Ri>CKINC,. .u'0 OTMER RDLVNf'I ITEMS. PRE-COHS'fRUC'l'Qf IIIEDltfC TO M.S0 COVER TEST PITS; SIZE. DEPTH, EXCA.V-''OON ANO REPAIR METHOOS, ETC. •E)(CESSIVE SUSPENDED SOUOS OISCHARGE" MEANS AN ~DIRECT OR DIRECT Fl.UID DISCHAACE CONTAINING SUSPENDED SOLIDS EXCEEDING 25 MIWCRAMS FER LITER (MG/L) INTO Nff DRAIN-'CE SYSTEM WHERE IT IS MEASURED -'T THE IMMEOIATE 01.IT1.Er OR POINT OF' DISCHARGE INTO THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM DURING NORMAL DRY WEATHER OPERATION AND EXCEEDING 75 MC/LITER OF' SUSPENDED SOUDS DURING THE 'WET SEASON'• 'PRDtlflTED W.A,T[RIA&,·~ 1. Nlf SlDDttm". ~ ~ ott: DCQ.VA.OON w~ eotENr. COh~ CR cm«1t ~ WHICH ~ l4X1D wmt WA.TfJl. 'MU. RESULT ,W ~ SUSPEMDED SQJ0S ~,; 2. Nf1 ;:narJ90US SUBSlNCE" WtOCH wQlil.1) fOlA. IT: YAPI.£ RU.t W.uBCOURSE P90TtC'1'l0H 8'11.AW HO. M 10 - 2006 PAGE :5 :5 -0:CESSIVE SUSPENDED SOLIDS DISCHARGE•; CR 4. -0:CESSIVE TIJRENOf1Y MEANS A DIRECT OR INDIRECT Fl..UIO 0150-'.ARCE lHA.T EXCEEDS 20 tffiJ INTO ~ DR>JNAGE SYSTEM ¥11-fERE JT ts MEASURED AT THE IMMEDIATE OlJTI.ET OR POINT Of Dl~GE INTO lHE DRAJNAGE SYSJEM. PHASE 1-DEMOLITION· DURING PROJECT STARTUP AND DEMOUTlON THE ENTIRETY OF' THE WORKS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING AAE NOT REQUIRED, HOWEVER All. PERTINENT ·s1LTAT10N CONTROL NOTES. AAE STILL APPLICABLE. F'OR INIT1AL PHA.SE: PROVIDE 3.0m WIDE ,c 1 a.om LONG 75mm CLEAR CRUSH ROCK ACCESS P.AD TO UMIT TRACKING FROM CONSTRUCTION TRMFlC ONTO PAVED ROADS. ""1aT """' OEWO<IIIDt< NifA TO et DdlECffl) TO StlllOOI!-POID. stt llOA."L 8ElO!I'. !llUJtD .-.mi TO ll£ PFm Oft PUMF£D TO THE £kSDtC SJCftll SYSml OH Sitt. 1.0CAnor. or SlDiMOO POf'i'O TO B[ O[l'U_YJJC 11 DfQll£ER Ott 5ffL INfl\At. 1'1lfA:nm,(f PONO 5m: TO BE .J.Crn X ~ POHO TO ec L'PSIUD I,$ ,mJOIR[D 8Y OtCNDt .UCOC UUlllAmY f!f.PI..NXD 'MlH SfORM WAl'Dl ~ ~ Af 1.ATEA' $TACE-ltl toll.CPWOO. SEQIMENT PQNQ PEJA/1 t<TS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C REU S Engineering Civil Engineers & Project Managers &O;ltEASTl.J .... "E/:t-221ES~D!WEST N;JRTtt~'AN.:OIJ\Elti>C \'1M)J; WE9SITE: w.:<1 ~tCUf •~ ~ DRAWING LEGEND LEGAlLI"E ~r,ENT C)'1[1\'1Cf"~"°""' PROTE::TIVE FENCE EXISTING STORM ON SITE STORM QertQlll'\lltQJJftK~ -- .IIG~\'lll'd.U.'W4!,, .. , .............. ""' l:1l"'iilB ~"!IC.III.U~n:ctJIIICt. @@□ 5EOIMENT PONO ■ C-',TCH6ASIN ;STOISI) f!iiJ/s M.\NHOl.E ~.., appmvl!d pn;,je,:;l SUNNYVILLE 228 LTD. 11920 228TH STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL EXCAVATION & SHORING S 1ltlai:'1 ISSUEO FDA OEVELOPMENT PERMIT 11,(;ti t \t:..e,l tt ISSUED FOR OE\'ELCf'MENT PERMIT M;iiC J 00,1'1' ISSUEOFORDEVELOPMEl'\TPERMIT AOC ISSUED FOR CCCRCJINATICN KBH -" ..... 18165 .,.. _____ RJ_, __ 41•-•"iil'IID• ESC-1 2C1H07lJ DISCHARGE POINT STOCKPILE Sl()Q(P.U ~ J0 BE CCP.".ERil) WITlt ·W8Ctml DOM,I POLY UHJl. ~ IS E$T"8US!lD. """' ,oc,,,.,. fO BE D£IUbl1fE) IN FIELD MTI-t~. 0 '"' S(TE E'.NTRANC E 228th STREET TO BE KEPT CLEAN N-1D FREE OF GRAVEL/DEBRIS AT AU. TIMES. HAND SWEEPING AS REQUIRED. ENTRANCE TO BE MOVED TO NEW DRIVEWAY AS IT IS ESTABLISHED 1-w w 0:: I-m co N N o no 100 SILT FENCE SURFACE RUNOFF OPERATION & MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP MAINTENANCE AC11VlTY FREQUENCY CATCH BA.SIN SILT SACK REPAIR & REPLACE DEGRADED ONCE A WEEK, BEFORE &: AFTIR FABRIC. REMOVE ACCUMULATED AN( SIGNIFICANT RAINFAU. EVENT SEDIMENT &: DEBRIS OR AS REQUIRED ACCESS ROADS SWEEP DAJLY OR AS REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION ACCESS CLEAN DEBRIS "5 REQUIRED SEDIMENT POND/SEDIMENT REMOVE ACCUMUlATED SEDIMENT ONCE A MONTH, BEFORE &: AFTER TANKS Nff ~ RNHF.lril.1. MNT OR AS REQUIRED t.!ECHANICAI... SEDIMENT MAINTENANCE SCHEDUL£ TO BE ONCE A WEEK CONlROL SYSTEM PROVIDED BY CONTRACTOR NOTB J600 @ (h¥.J LEGEND + 123,45 EXISTING ELEVATION + §) PROPOSED ELEVATION CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ENGINEER WHEN EXCAVATION BEGINS AND COORDINATE AN INSPECTION SCHEDULE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY & LOCATE EXISTING MAINS & SERVICE CONNECTIONS & NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION I POST (TOP r2:0mn,) PAINTED WHITE ~ °'" .....,;o s,..u. 8~ usmo.~~ AS DETAILED AE!OVE. ..~ .. ,---..0...-- wr:J. 1. PROTECTIVE FENCING MATERIAL.. SHAI..L BE 'DUPONT VEXAR L-70' PL.ASTlC SAFEIY FENCING OR EQUAL (COLOR ORANGE). 2, FENCING POSTS AND ANCHOR POSTS SHAU. BE STANDARD MILD STm.. PAINTED T POSTS. 3 TENSION WIRE ANO GUY WIRE SHAU. BE 9 GAUGE CALVANIZIED MILD STm.. WIRE. 4. BINDING WIRE SHAl.l. BE 9 GAUGE ALUMINUM WIRE. 5. All. DIMENSIONS ARE IN MIWMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SEE DRAWING KEY-1 FOR GENERAL NOTES SEE DRAWING ESC-1 FOR SILTATION CONTROL NOTES SEE DRAWING R-1 FOR ROADWORKS NOTES SEE DRAWING R-1 FOR DRAINAGE NOTES SEE DRAWING SERV-1 FOR STORM AND SANITARY NOTES SEE DRAWING SERV-1 FOR WATERWORKS NOTES INSE_g;T 1• ~:.,~ FO~ ::!AG r,E)l()V~L Fi<(JM l\'lET (RES~~ '<OT l~LLOC0;, ~ "' S!LTSAC:K _.~- ou1,i::i LOOPS ~~. (RG-'.k NOT INCU!G 1·· "'-<I PHASE 1: DEMOLITION: lYPICAL SILT SAC DETAIL "1S ClfN< G&I\U $!LI FENCE DETAIL N.T.S. Jii .. , .. DURING PROJECT STARTUP AND DEMOLJTlON THE ENTIRETY OF THE WORKS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE NOT REQUIRED, HOWE.VER ALL PERTINENT :ilLTATlON CONTROL NOTES" ARE STIU. APPLICABLE. FOR INITIAL PHASE: PROVIDE 3 Om WIDE x 1 a.om LONG 75mm CL.EAR CRUSH ROCK ACCESS PAD TO LIMIT TRACKING FROM CONSTRUCTION l'RAFFIC ONTO PAI/ED ROADS. RUNOFF FROM DEMOLJTlON AREA TO BE DIREClID TO SEDIMENT POND. SEE DETAIL BELOW. TREATED WATER TO BE PIPED OR PUMPED TO THE EXISTING STORM SYSTEM ON SITE, LOCATION OF SEDIMENT POND TO BE DETERMINED BY ENGINEER ON SITE. INITlAL TREATMENT POND SIZE TO BE 3.Dm X 3 Om. POND TO BE UPSIZED AS REQUIRED BY ENGINEER ANO ULTlMATB..Y REPLACED WITH STORM WATER MAW.CEMENT SYSTEM AT LATER STAGE IN OE\IEI...OPMENT. SEDIMEN'T PONO DETAIL "1S CREUS Engineer1ng Civil Engineers & Project Managers O';K EASTT□WER • 221 ESPL.AN,>.□E WEST N□RTH 1/-"N~OU\'ER B~ \'71~JJ.J ""4 o&<l•IU-fltl WEBSITE: wo,,icrou•c• £IE....MAf' DRAWING LEGEND LEG<IJ.LINE EASMENT O"tl: fCf'II-C.~ FMTIC1\'d'. Pl'l',:CI Sl,t'l,.'a. ~T,.;.dll"0l',l,II l)t<lllli.5'JCl'W -l2l3I1B MECH,',.NIC,\L SEDIMENT CONTRQL @@□ SEOIMENTPQND ■ CATCHBASINiSIDISI) rsi/a apprn~ed SUNNYVILLE 228 LTD. 11920 228TH STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL CONSTRUCTION 5 19.05 21 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT .-.0:C 4 t~041E ISSUEDFCRDEVELOPMENTPERMIT A.DC 3 t El.CJ 1!l ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AOC ISSUED FOR CCCRDINATICN drav.nby 18165 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ------,o,:"-o:.,-"'""'~sC-2