HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2019-10-16 agenda.pdf1. 2. 3. 3.1 3.2 4. 5. 5.1. CALL TO ORDER City of Maple Ridge ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDA October 16, 2019, 4:00 pm Blaney Room, Maple Ridge City Hall APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA ADOPTION OF MINUTES September 11, 2019 September 18, 2019 NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS PROJECTS Development Permit No: 2017-473-DP Applicant: Anya Paskovic, Aplin & Martin Project Architect: Joseph Park, JP Architect Inc. Project Landscape Architect: PMG Landscape Architects Proposal: 10 Street Townhomes (RST-SV) Location: 13616 & 13660 232 Street File Manager: Michelle Baski 6. CORRESPONDENCE 7. QUESTION PERIOD 8. ADJOURNMENT QUESTION PERIOD 4:15 PM Question Period provides the public with the opportunity to ask questions or make comments on subjects that are of concern to them. Each person will be given 2 minutes to speak. ' Up to ten minutes in total is allotted for Question Period. City of Maple Ridge ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel held in the Coho Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 4:11 pm. PANEL MEMBERS PRESENT Steven Bartok, Chair Stephen Heller, Vice Chair Shida Neshat-Behzadi Meredith Mitchell ABSENT Narjes Miri STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Wendy Cooper Amanda Allen 1. CALL TO ORDER Architect AIBC Landscape Architect BCSLA Architect AIBC Landscape Architect BCSLA Architect Al BC Staff Liaison, Planner Acting Committee Clerk 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2019-027 It was moved and seconded That the agenda for the September 11, 2019 Advisory Design Panel meeting be approved as circulated. CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES R/2019-028 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel meeting dated July 17, 2019 be adopted. CARRIED 4. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS -Nil 3.1 ) Advisory Design Panel Agenda September 11, 2019 Page 2 of 4 5. PROJECTS 5.1. Development Permit No: Applicant: Project Architect: Project Landscape Architect: Proposal: Location: File Manager: 2017-510-DP Jodh Sinjh Dhaliwal Flat Architecture C. Kavolinas and Associates Inc. 31 townhouse units 10386 240 Street, 24022, 24028, 24060 104 Avenue Adrian Kopystynski The staff liaison provided an overview of the 31 unit townhouse development proposal. The project team gave a presentation of the project plans. R/2019-029 It was moved and seconded That the following concerns be addressed regarding File No. 2017-510-DP and digital versions of revised drawings and memo be submitted to Planning staff; and further that Planning staff forward this on to the Advisory Design Panel for information. Landscape Comments: 1. Clarify retaining wall heights, materials and relationship to neighbouring properties and proposed lane; 2. Provide perimeter fencing plan and details; 3. Provide onsite fencing and grading plans showing all locations of proposed fencing and retaining walls complete with details and materials; 4. Consider enclosing amenity space with appropriate fencing; 5. Move proposed boxwood hedge within property lines; 6. Provide additional shrub planting at end of driveway to screen vehicle headlights onto 240 Street; 7. Expand side yard planting with multiple layers and screening; 8. Provide legible materials legend for hard surfacing, separate hatching for different hard paving materials; 9. Consider different materials on internal driveway to delineate pedestrian route; 10. To the extent possible, provide context or civil plans for offsite landscape areas, including dedications; 11. Demonstrate how landscape can enhance the urban identity at the corner of 240 Street and 104 Avenue and be integrated into the architectural concept at the comer. Architectural Comments: 1. Provide warm material palette colour options; 2. Provide texture material palette options; 3. Demonstrate how architecture can enhance the urban identity at the corner of 240 Street and 104 Avenue and be integrated into the landscape concept at the corner, 4. Provide screening to three sides of all PMTs; 5. Provide enhanced architectural elevations facing interior lane; 6. Provide street identity and sense of entry/place at both moments of entry off of proposed road; 7. Review terminations of all materials and trims for consistency; 8. Consider delineating bike storage in units. CARRIED Advisory Design Panel Agenda September 11, 2019 Page 3 of 4 5.2. Development Permit No. Applicant: Project Architect: Project Landscape Architect: Proposal: Location: File Manager: 2018-458-DP Aquilini Group Craig Taylor, Taylor Kurtz Architecture and Design Jessica Thiessen, KD Planning and Design M-3 Business Park Development (Industrial) 11310 Kingston Street Diana Hall The staff liaison summarized the recommendations from the June 19, 2019 Advisory Design Panel meeting regarding the business park development. The project team gave a presentation on changes to the design and addressed the previous recommendations on the project. The Panel noted that the applicant did not consider sustainable stormwater management techniques ie: bioswales. R/2019-030 It was moved and seconded That application 2018-458-DP be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to Planning staff for follow-up: Landscape Comments: 1. Ensure that onsite stormwater management is coordinated during the development permit process and that all City departments have reviewed and approved the design so that minimum requirements are achieved; 2. Provide a rational on why stormwater infiltration beyond a tank was not considered; 3. Ensure guardrails are provided at trail access point off Kingston Street; 4. Consider painted line crosswalks at Kingston Street trail for all five crossings: Wanstead, Lorne, Ospring, Hampton and Ditton; 5. Provide pedestrian wayfinding at trail and crossings; 6. Consider additional shrub planting at foundations of buildings at Lots 4-7, similar in character to Lot 3; • 7. Consider using higher percentage of recommended native plant material to match character of environmental ecological areas; 8. Consider planting Hemlocks in more sheltered locations on site and consider an alternate species at building facades; 9. Consider adding berms in Lot 7 Amenity area at circuit path to increase screening and visual interest; 10. Consider concrete attenuation fence; 11. Cross section F -plant material seems low growth, consider substituting with taller growing plant material to screen the attenuation fence. Architectural Comments: 1. Provide updated landscape cross sections of context from closest proposed building corner to property lines; 2. Update architectural drawings to indicate neighbouring context ie: neighbouring houses; 3. Enhance shadow study to show existing houses and bridge context; 4. Building corners facing neighbouring property lines should be further scaled ie: horizontal or vertical line work/materials; 5. Articulate the roof line of the south fa~de of building Lot 7; 6. As previously noted, historical reference and character as identified within the Hammond Area Plan has not been reflected in the design. CARRIED ) Advisory Design Panel Agenda • September 11, 2019 Page 4 of 4 6. CORRESPONDENCE -Nil 7. QUESTION PERIOD -Nil 8. ADJOURNMENT -8:10 pm. S. Bartok, Chair /aa City of Maple Ridge ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at 4:13 pm. PANEL MEMBERS PRESENT Steven Bartok, Chair Stephen Heller, Vice Chair Shida Neshat-Behzadi Meredith Mitchell Narjes Miri STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Wendy Cooper Amanda Allen 1. CALL TO ORDER Architect AIBC Landscape Architect BCSLA Archit~ct AIBC Landscape Architect BCSLA • Architect AIBC Staff Liaison, Planner Acting Committee Clerk 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2019-031 It was moved and seconded That the agenda for the September 18, 2019 Advisory Design Panel meeting be approved as circulated. • 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES -Nil 4. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS -Nil 5. PROJECTS Note: Meredith Mitchell joined the meeting at 4:18pm 5.1. Development Permit No: Applicant: Project Architect: Proposal: Location: File Manager 2O19-011-DP Lovick Scott Architects Lovick Scott Architects Exterior and interior remodeling McDonald's 22780 Lougheed Hwy Therese Melser CARRIED 3.2 Advisory Design Panel Minutes September 18, 2019 Page 2 of 5 Development Permit No: Applicant: Project Architect: Proposal: Location: File Manager 2019--065-DP Lovick Scott Architects Lovick Scott Architects Exterior and interior remodeling McDonald's 20390 DewdneyTrunk Road Therese Melser The staff liaison provided an overview of the rebranding project of the McDonald's buildings at 22780 Lougheed Hwy and 20390 Dewdney Trunk Road. The project team gave a presentation of the project plans. R/2019-032 It was moved and seconded That application 2019-011-DP be supported as presented and the applicant proceed to Council for approval. Landscape Comments: 1. Consider providing additional exterior bike racks for clients and staff; 2. Ensure existing vegetation is retained and protected. Architectural Comments: 1. Provide additional CPTED provisions along South elevation ie: include CClV, lighting, material transitions, etc; 2. Consider providing additional interior colour and pattern highlights (playfulness); 3. Consider wrapping South elevation with lower stone element. CARRIED R/2019-033 It was moved and seconded That application 2019-065-DP be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to Planning staff for follow-up: Landscape Comments: 1. Ensure existing vegetation is retained and protected; 2. Ensure pedestrian safety with pedestrian oriented circulation from East side of building to West side of building along North elevation; 3. Consider adding bollards on North elevation for vehicular protection; 4. Consider providing additional exterior bike racks for clients and staff. Architectural Comments: 1. Consider providing additional material upgrades to South elevation; 2. Consider providing additional interior colour and pattern highlights (playfulness); 3. Consider creating articulation at transitions between building materials; 4. Provide additional CPTED provisions along South elevation ie: include CClV, lighting, material transitions, etc. CARRIED Advisory Design Panel Minutes September 18, 2019 Page 3 of 5 5.2 Development Permit No. Applicant: Project Architect: Project Landscape: Proposal: Location: File Manager: 2018--508--DP Gordon Hume Ionic Architecture M.K. L.ascelle Landscaping Consultation & Design Brewery and Lounge 23840 River Road Adam Rieu The staff liaison provided an overview of the proposal to be sited on the same parcel as the Kingfisher Bar and Grill. The project team gave a presentation of the microbrewery project plans. Based on the landscape information provided with the application, the Advisory Design Panel's Landscape Architects were unable to adequately provide comment on the landscape form and character of the project. R/2019-034 It was moved and seconded That the following concerns be addressed regarding application 2018-508--DP and that digital versions of revised drawings and memo be submitted to Planning staff; and further that Planning staff forward this on to the Advisory Design Panel for comment Landscape Comments based on the Architectural plans: 1. Provide landscape ligh~ing and materials to enhance the corridor between the two buildings and be more pedestrian friendly; 2. Demarcate pathways through paving materials or patterns to eliminate pedestrian and vehicular conflict -consider reflective material or alternatives for nighttime safety; 3. Based on the importance of the site, it is recommended that a professional Landscape Architect be retained as part of the design. Architectural Comments: 1. Provide enhanced form and character considering the adjacent building; 2. Consider revising building massing to address form and character and CPTED pedestrian access issues; 3. Provide erihanced pedestrian entrances, visibility and exits for safe circulation; 4. Consider shifting building mass to the North to reduce shadows cast on existing patios; 5. Consider access to roof for potential future entertaining use and provisions for exits. CARRIED ) Advisory Design Panel Minutes September 18, 2019 Page 4 of 5 5.3 Development Permit No: Applicant: Project Architect: Project Landscape Architect: Proposal: Location: File Manager: 2018-319-DP M. Charkhchi Amir Farbehi, Inspired Architecture Patricia Campbell, PMG Landscape Architects Ltd. 13 storey apartment building, with 13 townhouse units, and 4 apartments units on the bottom two floors; 4 penthouse units on the top two floors; and 72 apartment units on the 3rd to 11th floors, for a total of 93 units (one of which is a guest suite) 11920 228 Street Michelle Baski The staff liaison provided an overview of the 13 storey apartment building proposal and requested variances. The project team gave a presentation of the project plans. The Panel noted its support for individual access from townhomes at ground level to the street. R/2019-035 It was moved and seconded That application 2018-319-DP be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to Planning staff for follow-up: Landscape Comments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Ensure PMT has access to street for maintenance; • Consider green separation between patios; Provide more planting buffer between private patios and public areas ie: bike rack area, guest suite, amenity area, exit walkways; Review trellis and screen detail to ensure patios are enclosed; Coordinate soil and fall surfacing depths on slab with Landscape Architect and Engineer; Review installation detail of step posts and play equipment over slab; Consider continuing semi-public walkway around East side of building to ensure onsite access to amenity from southern ground floor units; Consider reviewing landscape design to provide Tier 3 stormwater management; Provide softening of 1st floor North elevation through architectural features, landscaping and programming (reduction of exposed concrete, adding raised planting beds or landscape features). Architectural Comments: 1. Consider simplification of the architectural language through architectural features, materials and colours; 2. Consideration for sustainable features beyond code minimums; 3. Provide softening of 1st floor North elevation through architectural features, landscaping and programming (reduction of exposed concrete, adding raised planting beds or landscape features); 4. Consider emphasis on tower entry features to clearly delineate activity; 5. Planning Department to confirm that the Public Art component is substantiated through regulations and is located within the public realm; 6. Review and confirm material consistency through colours and use ie: trellis and wood features. CARRIED Advisory Design Panel Minutes September 18, 2019 Page 5 of 5 6. CORRESPONDENCE -Nil 7. QUESTION PERIOD -Nil 8. ADJOURNMENT -8:18 pm. S. Bartok, Chair /aa I ~■ mapleridge.ca TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel 2017-473-DP 13660 and 13616 232 Street MEETING DATE: October 16, 2019 An Advisory Design Panel (the "ADP") submission has been received for the subject properties, located at 13660 and 13616 232 Street (see Appendix A) to permit the construction of ten street townhouses with detached garages, accessed from a rear lane. The rezoning application being processed in conjunction with this proposal was given first reading by Council on February 27, 2018. This rezoning application is accompanied by an Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment to adjust the boundaries to the Low Density Urban, Medium Density Residential, Medium/High Density Residential, Open Space and Conservation designations, to respect the current pattern of development in the area, and better locate the Open Space area. The subject properties are currently zoned RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) antl are being rezoned to RST-SV (Street Townhouse -Silver Valley) for the ten street townhouses; and R-1 (Residential District), R-2 (Urban Residential District), RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), and RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) for the 13 single family lots to the east of the street townhouses. The ADP is only required to review the form and character of the ten street townhouses fronting 232 Street (see Appendix B). The development permit application made to the City is subject to Section 8.7 Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Legal Descriptions: OCP: Existing: Propose,d : Zoning: Existing: Proposed: A. Paskovic, Aplin and Martin Consultants Ltd . South Part Lot 9, Except: Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 1027 4), Block "A", Section 33, Township 12, NWD Plan 2409, Being all that portion of said lot lying to the south of a straight line drawn parallel to and perpendicularly distant 200 feet south from the north boundary; and Pace I "A" (Reference Plan 1027 4) South Part Lot 9 Block "A" Section 33, Townhsip 12, NWD Plan 2409 Low Density Urban, Medium Density Residential, Eco Clusters, Open Space, and Conservation Low Density Urban, Medium Density Residential, Medium/High Density Residential, Open Space, and Conservation RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RST-SV (Street Townhouse-Silver Valley), R-1 (Residential District), R-2 (Urban Residential District), RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), and RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Page 1 of 4 5.1 Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Properties: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Conservation and Neighbourhood Park RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and P-1 (Park and School) Conservation and Neighbourhood Park Single Family Residential (under application 2O11-1O7-RZ) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Eco Clusters, Open Space, and Conservation North Alouette River, vacant RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Low Density Urban and Conservation Single Family Residential (under application 2O16-O55-RZ) A-2 (Upland Agricultural) Medium/High Density Residential, Conservation, and Civic Vacant and Single Family Residential Multi-Family Residential and Single Family Residential 2.6 ha (6.3 acres) Future Blaney Road and future Lane from the north Urban Standard The development permit application made to the City prompting this submission to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.7 Multi-Family Development Permit. Key Guidelines: The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal's compliance with the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. The applicant has provided a design rationale (see Appendix C) and has completed both the Development Data Sheet (see Appendix D) and Multi-Family Residential Development Permit Guidelines (see Appendix E). Page 2 of 4 ) PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: The subject properties are located on the north-east corner of the intersection of 232 Street and the un-constructed 136 Avenue. 13660 232 Street is a vacant triangular property, with a tributary of Cattell Brook that traverses the north-western point of the property. This tributary will be diverted with the development to the north to realign with 232 Street. A reduced watercourse protection setback will be required along the frontage of both properties. There is an existing single family dwelling on 13616 232 Street, which is located in the central portion of the property. The eastern half of the property is heavily treed and slopes down toward the North Alouette River. The western half of the property slopes more gradually toward 232 Street. There is an existing pump station located within the un-opened 136 Avenue Right-of Way. This pump station requires upgrading and will eventually take up a larger area within the Right-of Way. The applicant is proposing to rezone and redevelop the properties to allow for approximately ten RST-SV (Street Townhouse -Silver Valley) townhouse units along 232 Street, approximately four R-2 (Urban Residential District) single family lots, approximately six R-1 (Residential District) single family lots, approximately two RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) single family lots, and one RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) single family lot, gradually decreasing in density from west to east. This pattern of lot size gradient is reflected in the subdivision pattern of the lands to the north. The ten street townhouses are designed in response to the slope of the street, with the units broken down into two masses. Further details on the form and character of the development are summarized in the Design Rationale. Architectural plans and landscaping plans are attached (see Appendix F). 2. OCP and Zoning Compliance: This rezoning application is accompanied by an Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment to adjust the boundaries to the Low Density Urban, Medium Density Residential, Medium/High Density Residential, Open Space and Conservation designations, to respect the current pattern of development in the area, and better locate the Open Space area. The attached Development Data Sheet analyses the compliance of the project with the applicable RST-SV (Street Townhouse -Silver Valley) zone regulations. This zone has a maximum density of 233 m2 (2,400 ft2) gross floor area per unit, excluding the basement, garage, and accessory buildings, in addition to a maximum lot coverage of 45% to 65%, depending on the type of unit. The applicant is proposing a maximum of 188 m2 (2,024 ft2) gross floor area per unit. The following variances will be required: • To reduce the minimum lot width for proposed Lot 1 from 10.5m to 9.9m. • To reduce the minimum front setback from 4m to 3.7m. • To increase the height for the garage from 4.6m to 5m. Note that the project may require additional height variances, but the Zoning Bylaw does allow an exception for stair towers. Additional variances may be required once more detailed plans are provided. Page 3 of 4 3. Parking and bicycle storage: Each unit requires two parking stalls, which will be provided in the detached garages for the units. Visitor parking is not required for the Street Townhouse -Silver Valley zone. 4. Environmental. Sustainability & Stormwater Management: Landscaping is provided with a bioswale and increased growing medium with a tree and shrubs are provided to help to collect and detain stormwater. Stormwater management includes catch basins with infiltration galleries, in-pipe detention, stormtech manholes, and topsoil requirements ,.., to allow supplementary stormwater infiltration and to reduce discharge into the City's storm drain. The Stormwater Management plan and rationale are provided with Civil Plans (see Appendix G). 5. Issues requiring comments from ADP: The design of the rear yards should be reviewed, with respect to the grading and tl1e amount of stairs required to access the units and the garages. 6. Garbage/Recyclihg: Garbage and recycling storage can be within the detached garages and can be collected from the rear lane on collection day from each of the individual units. 7. Works along abutting roads: Street improvements along 232 Street have recently been conducted by the City. Street improvements within the development, including street lighting and street trees will be required as a component of the Subdivision application for the single family lots. CONCLUSION: The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared by: Michelle Baski, AScT, MA The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject Map Appendix B ADP Submission Form and Checklist Appendix C Design Rationale Appendix D Development Data Sheet Appendix E Multi-Family DP Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix F Architectural and Landscaping Plans Appendix G Civil Plans Page 4 of 4 137 AVE. 2017-319-SD 13!J47 13:527 131'17 13493 13461 N Scale: 1 :3,000 SILVER VALLEY RD ' [;)(X)<Q(:)()<:)C>CX""-"✓Vv,,V"""-'"'-✓' ,..v _,-'<-,'''Av __,.vv"I,,,.",,._✓' I •~r,~~~-~-~~.H- ' ~x;><:x><:xxxx: 1 , e \ ' l I I 1 13546 I I \ I I 13~16 I 13490 ' I 1 134421'8 Legend -stream --Ditch Centreline -Edge of River --Indefinite Creek -River Centreline -Lake or Reservoir -River -Major Rivers & Lakes ~ Active Applications (RZ/SD/DPNP) APPENDIX A 13!'5B3 13!}73 13'63 13!J49 13531 13616 & 13660 232 STREET PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~,■11.■ FILE: 2018-327-DP DATE: Aug 14, 2018 mapleridge.ca BY: LP ) ) APPENDIX 8 I~ • mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: Name of Applicant Anya Paskovic, MCIP, RPP 2017-473-DP File number Address of site Current Zone 13616 232 St., 13660 232 St. _R_S_-_3 ___ Proposed Zone RST-SV Seeking to appea r before the ADP on this date October 16, 2019 Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect Joseph Park, Architect AIBC Landscape Architect Rebecca Kerbs, MBCSLA Other Professional (State Name & Role) Anya Paskovic, MCIP, RPP, applicant Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A {Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -all schools, any size Group B {Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building {excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL 2019 APPLICANT SCHEDULE Meeting Date Applicant Deadline January 16, 2019 December 17, 2018 February 20, 2019 January 28, 2019 March 20, 2019 February 25, 2019 April 17, 2019 March 25, 2019 May 15, 2019 April 18, 2019 June 19, 2019 May 27, 2019 July 17, 2019 June 24, 2019 NO AUGUST MEETING September 18, 2019 August 26, 2019 October 16, 2019 September 23, 2019 November 20, 2019 October 28, 2019 NO DECEMBER MEETING ~ _ mapleridg~,ica AD.P Submission Checklist This checklist is J::>elng pr.ovi_ded .tp you by your Fi'le Manager, to assist in preparing the materlals for submission to the Advisory Design Panel (ADP), Please refer fo the ADP Submiss1on :Form ,and the ADI?. Reguiremehts· Brochur.e for $\lbmi!;sloh r,etJUlrem~nts in terms of explanatory l!:!HE!i"s, plan~,. supporting informaflori ·ahd SP,eclfitatjons on size and n4mbers of copies to be submitted. fl.ddress your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP. Cerl,:ificatian of Complete ADP Submission: ArcJ:iitect's ,Certification: 0 Signature ~r-f\~_f 1~ Date Sui:imission Ma~eri<1ls· A. AD~ Subniissionform {SLillmitted and signed by Architect~ B. Covering Letter lncludin.g explanations about: 1. PrdJect descrlption/~naly,i;ir(Detailed informatloh ({eq_Ulre.ci) 2. Architecttiral.ancf ~an.dsi:i11_pln~. besign h;1tl□nale (Detailed information Requlr,ed) 3, Statement lh ~,:l~f ijP.0_1,Jt tJ,e follo":'lng: a, DP Key Concepts Compliance l;i. DP µ,ulc:!e,lili~ c;oiJipliante c;. storrnwater rfranagern~n·t s'tt:<itegy wJth erri,phasis on Tier A requirements .integrated irita landsq1ping plans d. PUblfc Art/ ,Amenities, etc .. e, Susfainabiiity pracffces f. O.ther ________ _,__ ____ ........,_'---'...._ __ C. Site arid Neighbourhood Context 1, C□ntex~ Revi!:W ~ .ci!intext; Plan With existing/proposed buiidings and trees,·vegetation, roads, exlstlr1g / propose.d gri!.ding, a:nd pth~r (i'lajor featores wjthin the site, on the a butting prQpertles, the public re~[m and .ilang the road allowances/ lanes, . . 2. PhcitqgriJphs of site an·q sorrounditig sites, . . - D. Dev.eloptnent Permit Area Checklist (Ncite: Thi? ~rchltect ls.resp9nsj~le ~o dflsqrilie how the pro]ec;t .c;omplies wl,th ea~h guld¢.ll11es,.or ff not appl(..ibJe, a d_esc;r)p't}im qf why.not.ippl!ca\l!e. Please use fillable forms on llile.) • • • • •. / 13 D 1p---,· iti,,,<w~1J _ CitV of Maple Ridge-ADP submission Checkllst (P ~ge 2) 6. lighting analysis (on building and on site) J.I}~ti~${?~ tJ ·~f-7 \..cv-J>o.yt.e 1----7-. -F-1□-□-r-P-la_n_s_f_o_r_a_Jl_l_e_v_e_ls-, .-m-c-lu_d_i_n_g_u_t1_d_e_rg_r_o_41_n_d_a_n_d_r_o __ o-. f_t_o_p_s_'"';~'-'-~~;""J-I½"";;"-1;~"'-~'°':"'·-:"'y_.i}c..};.:;:J..;.;,~4 • --[3---. -/---1 ~~~ 8. Waste collection /recycling (inside of buildtngsJ ~!t\J{~T@%j [~( 9. Stora·ge, including bi.cycle storage (inside and oµtside) ~\:::,}:;\~ i*Jf.½ [:17 :11. Slgnage (attached to building and free standing) {~rt~~fri!f~~t;&~~lm □. 13 I, Other --,-□ □ 0 Rev. March i018 _) J p Architect Inc. Architect custom home . residential . commercial . institutional . highrise . rezoning . 203-1106 Austin Ave, Coquitlam, BC, V3K 3P5 T. 604-917-0154 D. 604-771-5695 F. 604-492.0234 Email: jp@jpai.ca Principal: Joseph Kyung Rae Park, Architect AIBC To: City of Maple Ridge Date: Sept 11th, 2019 Re: Development Permit Application (2017-473-DP) 10 Street Townhouse Residential Units Lot 1 to 10 of 13616 St. and 13660 232 St., Maple Ridge, BC South Part Lot 9 & Parcel 'A', Block A, Section 33, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 2409, PID 004-825-471 & 002-366-100 APPENDIXC This letter is prepared to provide key descriptions of the design proposal for the development permit application of the 10 Unit Street Townhouse and for review by Advisory Design Panel. 1. Site Context The subject site is consisted of 1 O lots facing 232 Street; they are generated from subdivision of two lots addressed 13616 232 St and 13660 232 St. The subdivision will be completed by Alpine Martin Consultants Ltd. as part of the development permit; it calls for change of existing RS-3 zone of the lots to a mix of diverse housing types that makes transition from RST-SV Street Townhouse for the 1 O lots facing 232 Street on the west to four R-2 lots, six R-1 lots and three RS-1 Single Family lots with decrease in density as it goes towards the east. The rest of the area to the east of the site are Riparian, Conservation and Eco Cluster areas of North Alouette River. The river runs along the east property line of the site. In terms of site context and OCP designation, the site is part of the Center of Hamlet located within 400m or 5 minutes walk from the Center of Blaney Hamlet. Along 232 Street on the north of the site, a stretch of newly rezoned RST-SV and RM-1 lots are being developed continuing the pattern and scale of Street Townhouses or Townhouses and building up higher densities towards the Center of Blaney Hamlet. South of the site along 232 St are mostly large RS-3 single family residential presently; many of them are currently going through rezoning to subdivide the lots to smaller R-1, Single Family lots. The neighboring lots across 232 Street are currently zoned A-2 Agricultural and Conservation; they are also going through rezoning to permit RM-1 Townhouse for the portion facing 232 Street. 2. Design Rationale The proposal calls for 1 o Unit Street Townhouse facing 232 Street; the proposed design is response to the slope of the street. It follows the slope closely with repeating architectural elements such as bay windows and roof overhangs in contemporary style to articulate a repeating patterns creating a "rhythm" along the street with its facade design. The units are broken down into two masses with a void, open space in the middle to avoid monotonous massing. It also responds to the trade changes from 232 street to the rear lane; there is approximately two storey difference in elevation from 232 street to the rear lane. Each unit has its main entrance on the basement level facing on 232 Street, and access to the rear yard and to its garage is through an exterior door on the ground floor level located above the basement. All the entry doors are kept at no higher than 1 to 3 steps above the adjacent grade to keep them as ground oriented units. The subject lot's RST-SV zoning requires each unit to be treated as a standalone building ; all units are subject to the 7.0m highest building face provision, and the top floors of the units are recessed back to bring down the building height perceived at street level and its scale to a pedestrian friendly level and also to match the scale of the adjacent neighbors to the south. Page 1 of2 :.o· .... fP J p Architect Inc. ',-;;.' " • '. Architect custom home . residentiol . commercial . institutional . highrise . rezoning . 203-1106 Austin Ave, Coquitlam, BC, V3K 3P5 T. 604-917-0154 D. 604-771-5695 F. 604-492.0234 Email: jp@jpai.ca Principal: Joseph Kyung Rae Par k , Architect AIBC To: City of Maple Ridge Date: Sept 11th, 2019 Re: Development Permit Application (2017-473-DP ) 10 Street Townhouse Residential Units Lot 1 to 10 of 13616 St. and 13660 232 St., Maple Ridge, BC South Part Lot 9 & Parcel 'A', Block A, Section 33, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 2409, PID 004-825-471 & 002-366-100 Each unit's entrance is articulated with a brick veneered porch to clearly define the entry and to express individuality of the unit. Accent panel system with reveal line is proposed in addition to the flat root over hangs to enhance the contemporary look of the building. To enhance roof lines and to add interest to the massing of the buildings, the proposed roof line is broken into different roof types in varying heights. Further back from the already recessed upper floor building face, a roof access stair shaft is located to provide an access to the roof patio; it's set back far from the face of the building and mostly not visible from the street level. Each unit is provided with minimum of 6.5m by 7.5m private outdoor space at the rear yard. In addition, a roof patio adds to the outdoor space provided for the residents of the unit. Each unit is provided with 2 concealed parking spaces in a detached garage. Each garage is shared by 2 units, and total of 5 detached garages are proposed accessed from back lane accommodating total of 20 parking spaces. 10 street trees are proposed as public amenity and to enhance the streetscape. Most of plants proposed are drought tolerant plants and requires less watering. It also uses permeable paver in paved patio areas and provides landscaped planters in open spaces between the garages to minimize impermeable surface and retain storm water. 3. Storm Water Management & Energy Efficiency Each unit has a private outdoor space in the rear yard with the minimum 6.5m by 7.5m in size and located approx. 4'-0" lower than the lane and garage at the back; in the outdoor space, a planting area is provided as a bioswale, and increased growing medium with a tree and shrubs are provided to help to collect and detain storm water. Storm water management employed by the project civil engineer includes catch basins with infiltration galleries, in pipe detention, Stormtech manholes, and topsoil requirements to allow supplementary storm water infiltration and to reduce discharge into the city's storm water connection. All unit will have dual flush toilet and appliances with Energy Star rating. They will be designed to meet required energy efficiency standards per 9.36.5 of BC building code 2018 or latest edition of NECB. Windows will be double glazed to reduce heat gain or loss. To reduce the cooling load, it will use low SHGC windows or windows with a light color tint to reflect the sun light and to reduce solar heat gain in cooling season. Roofing of the building will be capped with a light color roofing material to reduce heat gain and the heat island effect. All rooms in the units will use LED lights for energy efficiency. Regards, Joseph Park, Architect AIBC t. 604-771-5695 , jp@jpai.ca Page 2 of2 ) LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Suite C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, VSC 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 September 16, 2019 13616 232nd Street Design Rationale The landscape design for this project has been developed to provide a number of important aesthetic and functional goals. Grass boulevard with shade trees are designed along 232 Street, in order to provide a street friendly presence and comfortable pedestrian experience. Shrub hedge are provided on terraced retaining wall in front of each townhouse unit to separate public realm and private front yard. Each home has a generous back yard with open lawn area, shade tree, shrub/groundcover planting and large patio which is suitable for BBQ and patio furniture. In consideration of storm water, we use permeable pavers in patios which encourage groundwater recharge. Given the grade transition, the landscape along the north and south edges is terraced and planted. The planting buffer can also separate the units from future road. Overall, the selected plants are not high maintenance. Our current proposal suggests 26 trees and over 1300 shrubs and gmundcover. The planting consists of a mixture of deciduous and coniferous trees, groundcover, ornamental grasses and perennials for scale, texture and interest. The overall planting design focuses on providing spring flowers, summer shade and fall colour. Plants selection also aimed at providing habitat for birds and pollinators. Page 1 www.pmglandscaoe.com APPENDIX D I~ I DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET maple ridge.ca Existing /Proposed Zone RS-31 RST-SV Date Prepared sept 13 ,201s Required Development Data Minimum Required or Proposed (Complies or Maximum Allowed state variance needed) LOT AREA * {in-squ~re met.res) Gross Total 2591 sm in to\al of 1 O lots 2591 sm in total of 1 O lots Less Road Widening / Truncations Min. 234 sm: Exterior Lot 279.03 sm : Exterior Lot Le,s·s Parl< Min. 195 sm: Interior Lot 215.6 sm to 261 .56 sm: Int. Lot Net Total Min. 273 sm: Ext. Lot on Slreel 352.35 sm: Ext. Lot on Street LOT COVE.RAGE (in% of net lot area) Total Site Coverage Max. 55 / 65 I 4.5 44.88 / 47.74-57.05 / 39.98 SETBACl(S (in metres) ~11'-llUll\1-t 41X'\l/l&lC~ Front 4.0 m: Unit & n/a: Garage 4.0 m: Unit & n/a: Garage Rear 6.0 ril: Unit & 1.5 m: Garage > 6.0 m: Unll & 1.5 m: Garage Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Co\z.-\te-\'.-V(~ ·61~a'9,.,./7'( 3.0 m: Unit & 3.0 m Garage-South 3.0 m: Unit & 4.5 m: Garage-South Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) \~'f. ~\'VG 0.0 m; Unit & 1,5 m; Garage0 Inter. 0.0 m: Unit & 0.0 m: Garage-Inter. Side #3 (N, S, E or W) "[;:...I'\,\? l,,01" ~. ,Z}(-( ~ w::,. 1.5 m; Unll & 1.Sm: Garage-North 2.1 m: Unit & 3.2 m; Garage-North ~ //.,. 62.-~ {<.:1.:111-c- SETBACl<S -· (in metres) yt l 1-\ \111,U--\ ~~~ ) Front Bay wind,; a:39 m & Porch; 2,75 m Bay wind.: 3.39 m & Porch: 2.75 m Rear RFEave:4.75rn: Unit & 0.25m; G_araga RF EavE!: >4:7sm: Unit_&_ 0.79m: Garage Side #1 (N,S,E; or W} (n2..lh,,\I..,~: 2,\--f.$\V<--Yf. RF Eave:1.75m: Unil&1.75m: Garage-$ RF Eave: -2.5m: Unit & 3.9m: Garage-sciulh Side #2 (N,5>,E, or W) I[-\'\. ~\'().-.:, nla nla Side #3 (N, S, E or W) ~~Vc,f-, ~x--n ,t\1~ RFEa.v_e:1:5 ~: Unit& 1.~m: G~u~g~-North ijF Eave:1.5 m: Unit & 2.6m: Garage. North BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) l1M<\1-11J I-\. Princ\pal 3 storey or 11m 10,93 mi; \\,Z.,\\~,-t Accessory . 4.6m >4,6m NUMBl;R OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom - Three Bedroom+ 10 10 Total 10 10 GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential Ma~. 223 sm per unit 165.88 smto 187.64 sm Retarl Commerciial ·. ·.'' '-\ . r: ' .. 'I It'll -•~ , \ I~ Office Commercial '' ., ~:."'.., , -, '·· t-:.~ \ • L, I"• • •. ,. Other Com mercial (Type \ .... <~' ... ;~ .. i I ' ... ,-.... ': Institutional ..... .... , ... .. :: ct :·,\, ..-:, .. _) lndµ,strial -.. I fo.a..1(, .. . , . ...::~ --.-. TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA n/a -~ ~ 4Y~ sm for 10 unit -· Q ... . Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) 39 uriits /ha 39 units /ha # of units/ha (net) 39 units /ha Gross Floor Area n/a 2210.67 sm Floor Space Ratio (net} n/a 0.85 AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres} Common Activity Area n/a I n/a Useable Open Space 4.8.75 stn (6.5m x 7.5m) per unit 93.9 sm per unit PARl<ING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses 2 per unit 2 per unit Mult i-Res idential Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Uriits) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses Educationc,JI & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive Other Number of spaces for visitors TOTAL NUMBER OF PARl<ING SPACES 20 20 Number of total for disabled 0 0 Number of total (and%) small cars 0 Jo % 0 Number of total (and%) tandem spaces 0 jo % 0 TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) n/a n/a BICYCLE PARl<ING (number of SRaces) ShortTerm Bicycle Parkif1g Long Term Bicycle Parking OTHER-state YES or NO for each, If YES describe on sep;:irate sheet. Heritage Site I no I Tree Survey/Assessment Provided jYes Watercourse/Steep Slopes I no for 10 unit I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements I No for DP stage • f ' I O , I hereby certify that ,;111 the above information is true and correct. I _a,_ol~rP'fl/le'dg'e t~ah.19y error or omissions are the sol_e responsibility of the undersigned and not tr.r~ .. :o·~y~l~P .. &i.~.nJ ~no/-:. Environmental Services Department. .. : (;(_.-''.';·:i •• • • .. •, • :.,-:·:. ~ ·,;p <· 5o~-eq ~ ~41-t: , k ,,Cn-t~Af ~ _ ____::~=~-~{ .._""'' • ~=--'------::=---• • ;...·· ...:.::· ·c....;· (Please·prlnt .form an~~~'IVE!) .. ... ~.,. '-';.. ...... ,.., .. • ·~ ,r. .. .. NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/aefe9-t {1Ji~1;;~nti~of:9,iv~~;~rne~; / t i /• u.:n ,•'.'.:l· '\,." '" Application. // •. ·,s,.1 "r,\ _\\•~· '°' 1, .c , ,, 11 1'111111 1\· Prepared by: Print Name ) APPENDIX E I~l-mal)leridge.ca Multi-Family Oevelopment Permit Area Guideli.nes Checklist ·Pursuant with Sectron K7 of the Official Community Plan1 multi-family developments will be .assessed agalfisf the forrh and .character guidelines established bv caundi c1.nd. summarised below'. This checklist is to be j:}rep;:ired bv the architect df .record for the project to demonstrate the proposed clesign was developed ln ac;::tordance wit/) the form and character guidellnes. Please asses~ 9nd describe "the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the i<j:!y Guideline C(;H1cepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. bescdption •of the l(ey Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Maha15ers to quote in Development P:ermit Application Reports to Council. For the Form arid ch;frader GuideHnes, .dearly describe how the proposed design ·oomplies with each of the listed gl)idelines, or describes why a guideline is not·cor:riplieq With or why it is in~pplicable. This checklist is to ~c.¢ompany Pevelqpment Permit Applications and sµqt}lissions to the ADP. 8:7 .1 Key Guideline Concepts 1. New.development fnto established areas shouid" respect private ~pac~~, and incorporate local neighbourhood efern$nts· in building form, height; architectural features and massing. 2. Ttansi"fional development should pe used t6 qriqg~,,freas ciflow <;1nd high ·gE!i,sitle$J through means such ,a:s stepp,\?d building, h~ights, or low ris~ groµnd oriented hoµsi"ng located to the periphery of a higher density pevelopments. Describe how this project and the design complies In ·consideration o(privar;:y of the nej~hbors' PQYale SPil~ lhe propqsl(!~!"10 Street Townhouse has minimal numoer and size of Windows placed on Its north side fac1ng lhl;! e~terior lot line and no V{fricf pw~ placed facing interior yard. lhe Str~et Townhouse design follows !h~ ~lqp~ closely with repe13-ting archlle.ctoral elements such as bcJy windows ~pd109f overhangs and creates "rhythm" along the,st(eel facing facades matcliing .the pattern and scaie of qeve.lopment~ cilong 232 Streets: The units a.re t:Jroken down into two riiasses wi.th a yoid space in the ITJiddle to avoid monotonous rn;l.§_s1ng. 10 lots are Within Blan~y Hamlet Center and follow the form ahd scale of the townhouses lh<1t are ~~sling and peiog developed alorig 232 S:t to c;:oiiUnue creating the street front ·that are co.rnpallble with the neJ@hborhoad. Top floors of \he units are recessed to bring dovm the.scale and perceived height of lhe building to a pedestrian frjendfy level and to h1alch the scale of adjacent developments. The prop'.osal continues-the townhouse street frontage of RM-1 and R$T-SV developments-that ar.e,bein_g tifeveloped ~IQ"ng 2.32 Street on .the north oft.he ~ite, _i;i.ntl it_9dnneefs t9 thef single fami_ly lots on fhe south of the sit~-·Tt,e ptop.osed 1 o unit StreetTownhouse is part of subdivision proposed as part of the ae\ielopmeht; it makes transition from RST-SV Street:Townhouse for the.subject 10 lots facing 2.:32 Street on the \o\'~sJ to fourR-2 lots, six-R-1 iots and th ree RS~1 Sii:igie Family 1.ots with decrease in density as it gqes toward$ the !:la~t. Thl:l rest of the ;;m~a to the east of the s_ite-~re Riparian, Conservation 'ahd Eco Cluster areas of North AloLiette River. 1 l(ey Guideline Concepts (Continued}' 3. Large scale developments shpuld be dwstered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and rmprove visual .attractiveness. 4. Ped~sttian circulation should be encour~ged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting anQ by dinwlihg parking underground where-possible or away from public vlew through $Creened pc1rking structures or surface parking loc,ited to the rear of the property, Guigelities 8.7;1 A Building Design, Massing arid Siting 1. Design arid siting of buildings should take . advantage cif natural features or views and.should enhance privacy anci" ih,ability. 2. Residential buildings shotild front or appei;ir to front .onto pµblic roads thro4gh the µse of appropriate treatment of exteriors, through direct pedestrian access to. h1dividual units from th~ ptiblic ~fre~t/sidewalk, o"i'through the provision of pedt=!strian walkways linl.<ed to the street. Street frontages should be emphasized by incorporating differentiated front, side and re.ar orie•nted facades, with a minimum two stpreYfilcadirnn the fri:iliting street tci foster a human scale, Buildings that are. de!iign~d with an ·en~ waii or .unit adjacent to a publk: street should design tne end unit with thee ped,estrian e11ttv facing the street. At significant intersections, the definition of corners should .be re•inforced by buildings that front on.both streets and incorporate corner cuts. The proposed townhouse µnils are broken into two building masses; units from lb't 1 to 6 are grouped into one l?Uilding anti the rest, units from lot 7 to 1 Q are grouped into anther building. A Void space between th.e two buiidings provides visual break to avoid rr19notonous building· massing and improve visual attractiveness of their $freet facatj.es. Each unit has its main entrance facing onto 232 Street providing pedestrian access to the street. Retaining wall is 'pcgposed cilong 232 street separates tne front yard of the unit and the street sidewalk. It accommodates grade transition between the front ·yari:l and the street With elW~tiqn c!ifference gf approx. 4'-0". The retaining \oj/~11 steps 9,_~"'{n folloi,yihg the $lope along 232 $l1t:iel to reduce _its v(sual preserit of blank wall and to make the height m0re approachable for pedestrians. All rt:iq\Jitecl parking spaces of the project are c9nceal~d and acc6tiimodated inside ~he garages located at the rear yard; they are acce.ssed by a lane. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines; or dE!scribes Why .i g~iqeHn(! is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Large; clear windows are placed on· the front of the Street Townhouse facing 232 Street to provide clea.r view to opeh space outside and the park on the west. Punched windows are propo.s.ed for bedrooms facing the rear yi;lrd t9 provide pfiv~cy. The.voi.d between the two bLiildings provide open view towards 232 Street and open space to the west. Each unit has its main entrance facing 6htb 232 Street providing p~destri'an acGess to the street, and the entr~=mce is artituiated with a brick veneered porch to clearly define the entry and to express individuality of the Unit To $nhance rbof line and ~dd interest to the massing of the bLJilt;iings, flat roof line is broken ihto different rMf types in varying height Top floors ofthe units are recessed to brihg down ths scale and pE!rceived height of the .building to a p$.destrian friendly level. Further.back from the face of the upper floor and above the upper floor, roof access stair 'Shafts are provided to give access to roof patio; it's set back fat.from the face of the building and hot lil<ely bevis1~lefroh1 the street level. Retaining wall is pfopo1:>ed along 23.2 street separates·the front yard of the. Ul'lit and the street sidewalk. It accommo:dafes gra:de transition between the front yard and the street with elevation difference of approx. 4\-011. The retaining Wall steps down following the slope along 232 Street b reduce !ts yisuar p,r~sent of blank wall and to make the height more approa<::hab!e for ped~strians. There is unrecoiistructedluture road, 136 Ave along the south; a patio space with a porch structure is proposed t6 the transition to the future street. 2 Guidelines 8.7,1_.A (Continl,!ed) 3. Higheq leris1ty dwellings should be sited adjacent to major streets in order to mihimize access:pr9pJeh1s and to provide a transition toJowerdensity uses. 4. Multi-family developments adjacentto lower density or single det9ched residentiaf dwelHngs :should: a) be cons'isteht Iii form and 1.11.~ssiog with the surrounding area; b) be sited adjace.nt to major street~ to provide a transitlon to lower density uses; c) concentrate denSity to the centre of the development or to·wards a non- resirlential boundary and locate lowe'r 4ensity c:ompohents -a•djacent to lower density residential uses; , , d) create a tr9nsition in building mass and form towards the setbacks of the a_djacent neighbourhnod; e) minimize access conflicts; f) tie designed to rnaximiz,e priVi!CY and minimize vlews onto adji;lintng sites, Pel rticuia rly for portions of the deilelopment abiJtting the side yards of (Jdjacent singl(;) ~eta ched resldetltial uses. 5, Larger buildings, roof forms and building frontages should hitlude design elements and features to: a) provide varfatioh in the facades to he!p -reduce the visua I length of individua I building}; bl have the appe~fr~n·ce of a serie's of sri'faller b'uildings, or as jqentifi'able parts of a larger concept; a:nd c) irJ~Oi'porc)te components that express ·strong unit identity and inc.orpor'ate ditect access to grade for ground-floor unit~, 1he proposed Street townho.us~ is faqing directly onto a majofsfreet, 232 Street. _ a) rI.1!:l prpposect Stre~l Townhous_ij cqnlimie.::i [h!;l patterfl ;;ind scafe of de~elo.pmeht <!long 232 ~t. ?n lhe north of 11\e.s(le ratjialing from Center of B\aney Hamiel. To-address transIllon lo single family lols to the south a·nct by breaking down its mass1n·g into lwo buildliigs, providing varied roof heights and recessing ils lop noor,;, ll brings down lhe size and height of the building to a scale that is eompalible lo single l'am1Iy houses that are b~ing developed in the neighborhood. b) 2.32 srre·et and la:ne provides eno4gli dl!itan1::-e io s~parate the-.P.topcised SlreeitTow~h·euse from adjacent single famlly'houses, Both 232 Slre'et and "136 Ave (unconsliuclea) are both major roads:, -and provide t,ansilion 'lo single family areas: c:) The pro"posed Rs'T-S\/ !01.vnhouse zpnin/ft(ansition inio· 4 R:-2 lots, 6 R-1 lots and 3 RS-~ lots wilh less density towards east lrligller defisily is concentrated close io the center and on 23ZSL d) Close to th~ adjace-n.t-~eigh~or-19 !~e n9rth, the proposep tlpits' maS"!lirlg and sc,1le matches lhEfSlr.eet T'o'wnhouse develppments on lhe-norlh; the buildings have lot cdve·rc\g·e 4p to 57.05%. ·crose lo th·e neighbo(s tq·the soul!), the proposed unit 1 has a lot covera·ge of 39.98% to transition inta single family _houses across 136 Ave. Both sin.glefamily holJse and Street Townhb"tfse's heights are kept at 11 .0 meter maximum. e) All vehicular access is ·provide(! lhto'l.19h the real'lane apd pedestrian access is provic!ed through' ~ 'front door facing 23.2 Street for.all units fo p·rovide clear access poiril both for vehicle-and pedestrian. !) In considefl:l)ion of priv~c;y of the neighbors' piiv!!le spaee, 'ttie prop9sect 1 0 Sireet Towrihouse h'm; minimal number and size·of windows placed· on its north side facing the exterior lot llne and no windows pla'ced facing interior yard. a), b) & c) Different heights ol tool , upper roof and lower roof are articulated at ro_of leve·I and continued on to L2 level to create visual inferesf and to break down massing and tlie Visual len gth of each bulld11ig irtfo· cl s~ries of smaller pprtions·; it provid·es ~ppearanc~ 0f a series of smaller buildings.. Avb.i.d separates the two twq buildinf}s tp avoid monotonous massihg. ES'lch unit$ are provi_ged wjth fronl porgb and clearly defined .e'r1trance with no ·mote tlia.tJ three ~teps to th e .enfry dt10t$ from tbl3 adjace.nt ;gr11.ct_e rm,klng (t approachable ~ncJ. ground oriented access. • • 3 Guid.elines 8.7~1 A (Continued) 6: New multi-family deveiopmerits should ia) Mdst ofexlsling developmenls !n the Blaney Harr1let he!shborhooci,are in • use design themes, architectural form of lhree storey and loca ted on steep, sJciping lots: Tne proj13.ct matches feat'ures and elements of the the scale of surrour:idlng developmen·ts and incprp'Qrates-common arc::hit.ectunil articulations that can be observed in the existiny developments of the ~urrounding neighl:)ourhood J;iy rieighb~rhood including bay projection s wllh latge, tlear windows, front porch ihcorporating common elements such as at the entrance and balconies on lhe upper floors. form, ~cale, m~ssing ~nd proportion into b) A large wintlow on Living room, ah.entry door on porch fai::-ing street·an'd the design as a means to reinforce farge'vlindow on master bedrooms are common features in the·existing neJgi)bourhood stability. Examples c;le:velop,ments oflhe neighborhood; they are also incorporated in (he project. include: .c) ·Garages0al'e all located at !_he rear yard and accessed frori1 a lane; they are • ai ·the aiticulatioi1 of focades1 Using where all screened fyom the street Landscaped planter areas will be placed in approprlate, elements such as.porches, between to provide visual Interest of repetllion of a small building and a . chimneys, projeGtJ.oris; retes~es, and landscape feature . balconies; ¢) riliany of-lhe·exlsfing im1llif;;imfly development U!;eS lciw pit~tie,d roof forms to b) the placement, size; shape and rn,imb1:lr mimick the contemporary look"of ffat roof; il is achieved with cheap.er rqofing ·material, asphalt shingles witti a low j)ilch. The prop!>sed Street Townhouse of doors·a·nd windows; cfesign uses !rue llal roof with torched op $BS rciqflng ltW~~raqe; it is lo s.tay c) the locaticit\ and visual appearance of f'!Ulhenlic to contemporary form pf flat rgof. garages and/or parking facilities; e) R~taJriing wall follow closely to-~M slope by:steppirig down ihto segments; cl} the selectinr1 of appropriate an·d the step r~duced elevatloi:, changes between twi;i grades and ll)ake the wal l to c.ompatible roofformsi and appea.r more pedestrian friendly and in human scale to allow smooth transition e) the design of ~ard ~nd soft landstaplng.-. of steep slope of the existinQ grade. 7. The exposed undersides of bal<;onies and S'tained cedar soffit is prnpo,s-eci ori the underside .of patches that-are-visibie from a street or balco_nies and porches to ·Jjrov(de na,tL.rraJ t~xture and public walkway shonld be covered with e.xterior finishes to provide.ca finished some 'warmth' to the project. appearance fo publftView. 8:. Developments are e'ticouraged fo use Most of plants proposed are drought tolerant plants and the L~adership in Energy af!d requires less Wc:ttering. Permeal:lle swrfaces are Eiiviro.nrnental Design (LEEDS) st~ndii.rds. in the de:sigl) of pulldings. Techniques maximized _by .extending landscape areas to retain such as ra.iri gardens, Vegetated swales, storm water within a .gt'i:¼Vel bed under the permeabie separation of impervious surfaces, paver and landscape.ti areas. it')stalling below surface infiltration b¢ds _and trE!e box filters, and redirecting water from (:!rain pipes into vegetated .are-as are: encouraged'. :9. Variation in individual unit designs is Contrasting color and matedal of bright naturai cedar errnouraged to provlde visual' interest soffit and the n~utrc~I colors of faG'aqe ar~ prop9sed t¢ Gll)d avoi~ significant repetition either create visual interest. Eaeh unit's entran_te is clearly within a row of townhouses, or between adJar;e'ilt rows of tiilits; de.fined by a brick Vert~ered porch providing it$ own id'enlity and diversity in color {$i. material on front facq;de facing 232 ·Street. 4 1 :GJ1ideHnes 8.7-,~ A{Coritinued) 10. 0a·rage doors shou Id not face public :stre:e.t{ Where frontfadng garage doors nia are unavoidable;, the iiJipact of garage All garages are located at the,. back arid d0 notf~ce ahy poem on t.he public realfn stu.mli;f be mitigated by: street~. They are scree1ieq from th.e ~tt~~t, al l:{esignlng re~(c:lential units with eno1.1gh width to includE'! attr<1ctive efitrances ~ind-windows between garnges; • b) recessing garage doo.rs beh'ind the main building fa~ade; c) keeping a.sufficient wldth h, res1dential units to allowlhe creation of attractive. entr~nces and fenestration between garages. d} groijping g;;u:agl:} dpor~ fn p?Jirs between adJacf!nt units to allow building • • ~ntrance:? i:lhd facades mo"te prominence ·on the street; e) provi~lrig interion;paq~ that overlobk the street; f}' separating a_nd orten~ing unit,erifrances to the-s·tre~J; g) providing individual pedestrian walkways lirikecl to the street; h) inc::luding design details sIJth ~.s tran:sptrf windows or glcizing in garage doors; i} a comprehensive landscape plan t~;it identifies how'the visual imp.ict of garagE! doors from the street will be mitigat ed. ;1.1. Landscap1ng-of rooftops is encourag~cj ~a~h L!~it is provided with its own private rqof top patio; where possible, to provide shared or private 04tdoor :spac~ fot residents and rt will b~ landscaped .and planting ls proposed in a ·to. provide attr,ictive views for residents planter box·tot mafntehahce ahc;I to increase life span of and passer~by. rooting membraTJl3, • • 5 Guidelines 8.7.1 B Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation 1. parking and senticjhg !ihould be located underground or to the rear of bul!dH1gs, wit~ •• ac:c_ess from lanl:!s wherevet possiole. Where lane access is not possible, cicces~ .should be from streets via narrow driveways to minimize the itnpa~t on ·streetscape appearance an.d disruption to pedestrian movement. 2. Parking structures .should be adequately scree~~d and architectur<Jliy corn'patible With the rest of the building. Large sutfate ·parklng areas should ·be djvfded int_6 ),mailer .s.ectibhs to. avoid c;1. monotonous ap·pearance with landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pt;destrian pathways; and p~vement treatment to enhance ·their visl!al appearance. 3. Developments with large parking areas should provide a direct pedestrian p~thw;;iy system through the parking area to facilitate convenient and safe p~destriah access between buiiding entrances~ parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special ·landscaping with trees ancl benc;pes, overhead weather protec;t1qli and distinct paving should b~· incorpofated Whe~e appropric1te. Pedestrian· movement should be designed tq ayoJd any obstruction bi/ parked vehicles. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the lis,ed guidelinf!!s, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. All reqyired p~rk.ir.ig spa:ces and. se.tvicing (i.e. ga;rbage pickup) are accqmmodated insiae detachE?d garages-. All garages are located at the rea r yard ·arid acce·ssed from the lane at the pack. Low sloped roof and siding materials & cpl~rs .ar-e propos~d for the detached .garages to mafoh the colors & materials of ·tire main Street Townhouse units. The garages are loeated at a higher eleyation close _to the iane,le.vel at ~he ba~k ~nd planting strips are provided to screen-a,xposed_ retaining walls of the garages. Landscaped is.lands and planting beds are proposed in void spaces between garage buildings to provide separation between the garages and their driveways~ the void ~paces -a]s-o bre~k down the \llqs~ing of the gc!r-ag-e into 5 separate b.uildings defining e,ach garAge o avo1t1 monotonous E!ppearances. h/a: E?ch gar.age proposed is for-slngle famify·us·~; no iarge ,eommon parking space is propose·a for the proiect . Eath Ltnit is pro.videq With its own p&fh.way .tli~t le<Jds to a garnge and the recJr lane: the path way is locate.d directly under 24" roof overhang around the garage and provides shelter from rain. 4. Shared vehicle access between ~.illP!11lng n/a: sites should be considered where access all a<;:ljojning site·s fl.re proyided with their QWll 9ccess way, and for pc1rfdng at the rear of the property is ho sh'ared 9r joint actess is r~quired. All require·<;! off-street lfm.ite.d. .Joint or shared access should par!<ing spaces are proposed to be accessed from a lane at the also be considered 'between adjoinfog back. Each unit is provided with a direct actes·s to 2.32 Street developments to minimize disruption of at the fr'oot entrance facing 232 $treat in the basement level; pedestr\ci_h sidewalks and to maximize it is kept close 1a a<;ljc1celit grade level for smooth tr~nsition to landscaping and. permeable surfaces, the street's sidewalk fr.dni the front entrance. Pedestrian Integration of driving alsles ahd access and aceess from parking space are separated to avoid pedestrian walkways between adjacent confHcf between pedestrian and vehicle. sites is also strongly encouraged. 6 Gui~elines 8.7~113 (Continuedj 5. Lo~ate P.c1rkf ng ~paces allocated for n/a· peopl¢ With disabilities ~s close ~s •possible to the ma.in entrance to a bili!cling. 6. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) prindples should be incorponited into the d~sjgn of all parking facilities wlth convenient,. sa:fo, identifiable and universally acce:s:siple atcess routes -to building entrances, lol;J~ies or qth¢r principal , areas of buildings, and to grade level from ahy undergr'ol!M or' above grq_und parking,structures. 7. To increase safety, con-s_ider 11sfo~ d~ctronic s.ecurity· devices and mon·itoring-systems as -a sup·plement to ,n'atural surveillance oppott4niJfes jn parking structures and patking areas. 8. The amount of asph_alt swfac;;es ·ih parking areas s:hould l:le ·minimized l:ly int~gratin_g a variety of pavin_g materials such .a·s .concrete, decorative P.~vers, etc·. or by-using alternate surface treatments. 9. ·Road -grades, streets, lanes, an-cl qriveways should conform to the e1<isting grades as closely as possible. to ensure minimal disruption of slope.s and vegetation. On steep terrain; roads sno·uld be aligned, wherever possible, to run parailel rather than counter to, . natural contours and existing grades. Vaid spaces between the p~oposed ga1'ages., gated 6' cedar fence with ~xtE$rior lights e.quipp·ec;I with motion defe.0ling =se'nsor and windows ·at the rear bf main building ptbvides passive surveillanct=nh:rough dear view of the pathways, th·e lane ;:1nd dr.ive"Va-Y areas. Lighting equipped With mo'fion defecting sensor· will be ptovided fo r each delached g~rage lo illumfriate th$ pathway from ·th'e gar.ag~ 0r'tt,e lane to· rei:lr yc11J:I -and to the niain housing unit Landscaped plantings-are in_tegrated into the drivewaY' access. to provide p.er,n~abf~ $'t.i1face for dra1_nage. A landscaped pla·nting areas are prop'.OS$d in OP.en spaces between the garages. • The propqs~p de:~ign iP. a response to the existing s!oj:ie of th¢ grade. The buildl_rig steps down ,along 2~2 Street followfng the slope of the existing grade. There is grade elevation difference ofapproxiniate:IY two storey petween 232 Street 9t t!"le front a"i19 the lane at the back. B~ing sympathetic to the e~isting terrain, retaining strl(<Jtures follows existing terrain and are scale down and retined to. minimize disruption of the existing s'lope and veget~tion$ . 7 1. a) Guidelines 8.7.1 C Landscapi~g and Open Space Landscaping both within and outside the development should: provide definition for corrldois; pedestrian b) deffneate t)rivate and semi private spac;e from public space; provide adequate, screening between private outdoor spaces; d) present a pleasing street image; e) prnvid·e oSUitable buffering J::ietweeri public rnad and privacy areas1 f) g) soften th.e trai,s'ltion between adj~cent land uses; provjde a hµffer between residential and non-residential la.nd usesi h) create inter'estit1g Views and fotal points into and out of the site; 2. reinf<;>rce design continuity With neighbouring properties, the scale and mas~1ng pf buildings, ·and the streetscape by providing consistency in street _trees, plant rriateri~is, and other la.ndscap)ng elements. Lanclscape drawings for develot:irneht applications should include, but are not limited to/ the folloWing information: Descri!;Je h9w the proposed design complies with each ofthe listed guidelinesj oi" describes'why ~ giJideline is not complied with Qr why it is ihappJicable, a) RST-SVzoning requires each unit lo be treated as a standalone butldlno w,lh ris own lot'(l.e. single family Ip!). Thus. e;,ch unil Is provided wilh its own pedestrian palhway lo 232 Slreel end lo U1e la)le & parking al !he bade. La~dscnplng and paving aro <Ja:;lgned lo <refine the access thro110~ th• pathway. b) Bau11dones-along rronl yards otong 232 St itnd exterior side yard along 136 Ave are defined by low p~nling slrlps lo damarcate lhc yanl space as private raalm sep·arate fro_m public sidewalk while allowing conlinuous vtsual transparency to lhe streel from Iha yards. c) ri' cedar fence and pfanung stnpsare proposed·asa dliMer to prolect priv,fcy of each uriits pnvafe ouldoor'~pace·at rear yard of the propose\! townhouses_ ~) <,roduel.elevarlon changes al?flg·2a·2 streel lo front yards an, achieved wllh sleppiog retaining ,~Is. 'Thblr helohls are llmllerl to app\OX. 2.co· 10 brlng uu; helghl down lo more approachal/le and lo a pednslrian se11le. Entrance lo each unit Js localed no hlghtr lhan 3 steps above lhe adja,cenl grade and provided with a rront porch to clearly de Ono lhe enlly lo lhe unll The propo.sod hard nnd solt lal)dscopes provides pleaslnq view and enhances sln!ot lmege along 232 Sl end 136 Ave. e) Deose bu_t low sl1rllbs are proposed along 136 A>ic lo jlrovicfo ·ti,Wefror p}ivacy cif fiie pnviite outcloot spa.co or uni_l t lroni lhe slrec.l. ~or the, rest of lhe uni!s, 0' cMar fences are proposed a"round !he rear yards os screens lo prolecl privacy of !heir privale ouldoor spaces. JI full wldl'1 of3.!lm side yard,landsgapod boulevard lil9.rig 136'-Alle a,jd Iha stre~l 1'iidU1 sorfons tr..nsillon to lhe single ramlly lots oo lhe sou h across 136 Ave. Towards llie easl, single ramify houses tn· tho odjaccnt lols ore separated from lhe projcel by a lane; due lo Ilic grade di!Torencc lhc proposed bullcl/rius are placed appro!(, 1-1/2 ~lo~ey below lhe lane. To901t,erwith lhe separalion provided by Iha lane, stepped grading with landscape dasl?ned elorig the reU!lnlno wall• o,f lhe garaoe.s and landscaped planler& In open space$ between lhc g~ages-so·nens lranslUon to tho single ra111lly lots ·g) nla: all n~lij_hbg_rl~!J jols are rasldenllal use-. "lij Due to lhe sleep slope of lhe exfoUng contour, translllori riom parking spacuor lhe detaci,ed 'garage Into rear yard and Iron, r1011(yard irtlo 232 Street provides ·views lowards tho slrael or lo lhe Jane, ·n,'e vlow are enhanced by arti~aling lhclr pathway wilh different types or plant & soft lands-cape Integrated Into !he relainlng slruclure Iha! allow stepping along the palhways; towards U1e west, ll open up the vtcw of lhe park, ciirisacvallon area and open spaces or lhe edjacenl lolS lo lho wesl. I) The proposed fandsc~pe deslii"n 'r'etnforce:deslgr:\ of the pro1fosed building 10 coolinu.es the.t~fe and njass!ng of the slreel fronls of Slreel Townhouse de.velopmanl atong;!32'St in Ille_ lots facing 232·St lo Iha north or lh• sun. a) & t,J) Arhorist's report is -stjbrfl itted to assess pos~ible tree retE:lnJion or replac;ement required for the proposed tree removals. c1) the locatiori of mature and existing trees to be retained .Qr r~moved, free c) They are provided in the submitted architectural plans. b} the loc;;ition of all protective fendng; c) a .. ~rading plan or c'rciss section indicating tinished grade; and d) a drainage plan for the site. ~. Street trees wHI be a required com:r>on~ht of all development. Incorporate deciduous tree species into st,re~tfront lclndstapjng to define site boundaries, to enhance public space, arid to permit iight pehetration in winter. d) Civil Engineer will submit the r'equired dra.inage plan. See submitted landscape p!an-street trees are to be provide and coordinated by land$cape ·c:1.rchitect with the City of:M;,,ple Ridge and civil engineer, 8 ) Gi.iideiir,i¢s 1,i.7.1 C (Cohtinued) 4, Energy efficiency and conservation shoµid be. considered in the design of landscaped areas. and 1n the select1bn of piant materlal. This can be zwcomplished through: cl) uslrig native and/or droughHesist~rnt species; b) designing the landscaping to moderate the .effect of wind; a) drought resistant plants are proposed. for most of sbrubs. • l:i).1 c) & e) decicli.ibus -tree~ are pro·po~ed to provide snad(;} from the ~!-1'11 and allow q'pyliglit irt win-fer by permitting sunlight through branches; Trees are in moderate height to mitigate impact of the·wtnd. cf providing shade i.ii summer; d) allowing natural dra:tnage throughout the site; d) Permeable paver a11d permeable stfrface are to occur p.rovided extensively throughou.t the site to rn.i:lXirnjZ'.e drainage opportunities. e) allowing daylight into blii(dings;-artd f) redireding wciter from n:ioftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated 9reas qr n1in barreis for later·ifrigation use, f) Collection of roof run~otf water :anc:J detention sy$tem of rain ~atet will be acco'h1rhodated in a gravel bed of rear patio in each unh; it will be coo·rdinat~d w1th civil engineer. ~-Maintain continuotJs laridsc~ping ~iorig n/a: abutting streets and minimize the m.irnb·er of Interruptions slfc;h as drtveways and parking enhances. No vehicular access such as driveway access or Contln4e the sidewalk 'i.'>~vement across parking entrance are proposed from the stre:~t. driveways and parkin~ entrances. 6. Create visual lilndmarks on signiflca-nt street corners and at Jocations of high visibifity. Provide landscaping ,fnd cons.ider incorporating feature~ such as fla!} poles, banners1 visual ,~·rt, wna:r11en1ai ,tr'e'es, fountains, architectural efements, 'anti landscape ~trw;;tu res. An ornamehta! tree 'with retaining structures ate proposed .at Corri.er of 232 st and 136 Ave. 1. My pQftion of a building site ·li;!ft.vacant nia for future development should be landscaped cons1st$'nt wfti, the landscape: plan for the overall site. The mi,nlmuni groutid surface treatment should be lawn. Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions .of a property not being develope~: • • • Guidelines ~.7.1 C (Continued) 8. lde·ntify, pre·serve and inco(porate stands of mature trees into the o\ferall site landscaplng design. Retain unique tr~.e sped~s, significant Veget~tkiti,. natural landsci'!p.e features and nesting areas .pp a sitg wherever po_ss~ibfo, To .~ttain this objective, prlor to the design of a project; a detailed survey .prepared by a qualified prcifossional indicating the location and cdhdition of existing trees ahd vegetation on a site should .be conducted and .proviqed to the District as part c.if the development applicatlon process. $. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new plahting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation; Replanting with indigenous cir native species i.s encotiraged. 10. Consider lncorporating n;iin gardens and vegetated swales into parking lot landscaping fo increase the natural absorption of rainwater' ruli9ff from paved areas· into the ground. 11. The height and location cif a landscape . screen should erisure that: a) privacy to adjacent properties is- adequately protected; b) driving site lines-are ma.intained from. adjacent roads1 rnanoeuvri(lg aisles/ parking lots; and c) the quality of the streetscape cJlid outdoor living spaces is enhanced. i2. Maximize tM amount of ·1andscaped • ~reas and minimize the amount 6f i_mpervious paved surfaces to incr-ease the natural absorption of rainwater on a site. Arb'orist's report will be slibmitteq tp assess possible tree· retention or replacement for the proposed tree removl:11s, •. Arbbrist's report will be submitted to assess possible tree retention or replacement for the· proposed tree removals. Collection of roof run--off water arid detention system of rain water will be accommodated in a gtaV~I bed of rear patio in each unit; i_t will be coordinated with civil engineer. a) 6' cedar fence is provided as a Vi~IJai prfvacy ,screen to ptotect privacy of each L1nit'$ private outdoqr space$. bj The proposed hard landsc.apes and plant!ng s_tjies hig~ei' than 1.2m are setback from the slreet to help ma1ntain1n9 contmuous vision lines for drivers, c) The proposed plants and hardscape design_ provide vlsual interest for the streetscape and enharic~s quality of outdoor spaces. Permeable p.;:ive_r arid p~_rm·eabJe surface ·are provided extensively throughout the_ site to maximize drainage opportunities to gravel bed for storm water detention an\:i to mfniniize impermeq_ble ::;urfaces,. 10 J Guidelines 8.7;1 D Universaily Accessible Design 1. All non-vehrcular routes should be fully ,i¢c¢ssible. Siclewalks arid_ pathways should be wide ·enough· for Wheelchair/scooters and should irtdude a tactile strip for the vfs~ally. im~aired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in <;1ppropriate locations to fa.cilitate s-at'e, convenient, and (:lirect access from parking spaces :to buildings for peopie with disabilities. Describe how tfle propos~c{ clesign complies with each ofthe listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not cc,n,plied with or why it is inapplicable. nla TIJ~ ,?:Qning requfre·~ ~ach ~mit to be treated as a s~andalo~e build_ing .vyith its own lot (i.e. single family 109; t~ciil~ w~rning ·strips fjnd acC€!$Sibmty featurss indicated in the sentenae are· exempted for a si ngl~ family Unit.. There is no ·common facilities proposed. 2. Building entries shouid be: a) dearly addressi?d with l~rge humbers a) large. unit number v{siple frorn the street will be Visible from the street; provided ·for each uhif. • b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; c) pfovided with level a.re~s me;:is,yrio.g 9 minimum df 1.Sm x 1.Sm (4.9 ff.-x4,9 fi:.) both inside c!nd outside of doorways; and d) provided with weather prote.ction, exterior flgh½lng, and power-.assisted door openers, Gui!ielines ~;7~1. E Refuse, Recycling and s·ervice Areas 1. Integrate vents, mechanical rooms, mechanical ¢guipment, and elevator penthou,ses into the roof design or scr~en with i'n?terials cind finjshes compatlble with the overall architectural design. •• 2. °T.!ie design of a roof, ph1terneht of mechanical units ;1nd satellite dishes, etc. sh,9uld ta.~e into actcfunt views of the roof from adjacent oi.iildirig~, b), c) & d) n/a. Th~ r~ferenced sentences ~P.'ply lo ~ommon a'iid p~plic fac1ht1es or pat.~":'af~ ~f mLifti_famfly residential building only, th~y are not app!1.cable to the proposed building as the zornng requires ~qch unit fo be treated as a • standalone building with -its own lot (i.e. single family lot). Descrfbe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes wf-Jv a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. n/a: ~hrr~ i$ n~ elevc:1tqr or.mechanical penthouse proposed m this proJect !her~ l$ ii~ elevator or mechanical penthqus~ proposed m this proJect 11 ·3; Garbage cdtitainers -~ii\! recycling bins mus~ be: ci), b), c), d).1 e) <!) e~sily <:1ccessible; 6) appropriately sized for the building oi:;cµpants; c) contained within roofed/walled ericlosures; d) incorporated irito the overall design of the development; or e) screened from public view and weatherp,roof ' ahd animal-resistant within the boundaries of each site. 4. Service areas should be internalized within the development. For devefoptnents with fi')uitlple i;iuilgiitg$, common refuse, recycling and service areas are to be provided. Storage ~freas sbould be located to be convenient and readily acces$ible frbm most puildings or units :on the site. Avoid direct exposure fro.m pubilc strj=iets and allow tor <:1<,:leqliate tnc\hoei;ivring space for reri'JO\lq) ve_hic!es. 5. Enclose or screen all exterior mechanical 4nits or equipment, fnc(uding roof top units, equipment, and _satellite dishes WithJn upper floors or structures that from part of ·the over~li de§ign, of ci clevelopment. 6. Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise alicl exhaust peqest.rian areas, residential units, and outdoor spa,te,s and iotate (e.ss sensitive land uses dos er to sources of noise. • • • ·For each unit, ;g9:rbage containers ari~ recyCHng bins are housed within the detached garagE;:. They are ea~Uy acGe?sible and appropriate ~ize for a single residential Linit. As_ they are irisi.de. the garage, ·they are screened from public View and k~pt away from wild ?nimais. • • h/a: No c.ommon garbage toom or refuse are proposed. n/a: No mechanical units , equipment and sateilite are proposed •• • Any ventilation system are kept away from the pedestrian .area or neighbor's windows. Vents will be ~bcated with enou9._h separations to avoid creating noise issue to pedes\ria n or to reighboring u11its'. 7. Buildings should be designed and •ci;mstn.icted rtfaximize f,iOl.lhd ·9) .Mirr. STC rating qf5Ci Will be provided between unit to attenuation: unit separation wall to maxhnize sound attenuation p~r a) h~twee11 units; the .c;o!;le requirem.ent. b) betwe·en public roads and unfts· and c) between a.diacent land uses <:1nd uriits. b) & ·o) landscape design provides a buffer to soften noise from the two roads or adjacent units in the • neighboring lots. • 12 Guidelines'8/7;1 F Signa~e and Ughi:ing 1. All signage mi.1st conform to the Maple Rrdge Sign Byiaw, In the eveht of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw antj these guideiinE::s; th·e latter shall tc:ike precedent. • • ' • • •• 2. Signage design, materials and message should be integratep an_d complement the s_cale l:!nd a_rchitectl.iral (fetail of the building. • ••• 3. P:edestrian Jev~l Hghting is e:nc·ouraged plQrig all pedestrian routes and pedestrian plazas. The jightfng sho~lcl be pedestrian focused. 4. Lighting should be desighed w as fo hav_e no direct source of light vJsib,le fr9m the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. (~re shou[cf be taken to ensure that ilghting glare deres rrot pose a nuisance to adjacent .resi,dences, pedesi:tians, or motorists. Guldellnes 8.7.1 G BicyclE! Parl<lrig c1nd Storage 1. Short term and long term bicycle parking facilities .should .be q:instdered for all developments; Shott term bicycle parking .should .,be in well-lit locaJlohs an·d cieai"ly vliible frorn a main building entrance and/or public roads with bkyde racks made of sturdy, :1:heft- resistant rnaterial that is securely anc~ored to the floor or ground. longer term bicycle storage c;!r.e~s provided as part of a parking structure -should be .located dose tq eievators arid ~c_c~$S points. Describe how the proposed design compiies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is ~cit c~niplied With or why it _i_s inapplicable. n/a: No commerqial signage is proposed n/a: No commerdal ~ignage js proposed For E;Jcich unit, waJI mou,,t scone Uglits ~re proposed at the.front a_nd rear b.~ilding face to illuminate p_edestri,;m pathways towards the street and to the detached J;Jarage at the back. • The proposed exterior lights will be mount13d at low level ~Yo_und -t_he door header height. They will bE? down light; their loo.ations ano projection angles will _carefully be pl~nned ·to minimize their fn,pci.ct on the adjacent ne1ghb0rs 1 drivers and pedestrian. De~cribe how the proposed desigri complies with each of the listed guidelines1 or describes Why a guid(:lllne i_s not complied with or why it is inapplicable. • • • • n/a The. subject site is lo.cated outside of Town Cerite·r Area, thus n~ Jong-term or shorf'tE;!rm bike parl{ing is r~quired or provided. • • 13 ·project Information To be cqmpleted by the Arc:hltect on rec!)rd fi;ir thls project: Date prepared: _..;_!Jz_Y"1,_~_\_1_r_~_Lj+. __ Arch\tect Print Name 14 ·• ) PROJECT TEAM CLIENT KEVIN JOHAL JOT MATTU, Owner's Agent 700-700 WEST GEORGIA ST., VANCOUVER, CANADA TEL 604 828 6225 EMAIL JOT.MATTU@CA.CUSHWAKE.COM ARCHITECT JOSEPH PARK ARCHITECTURE JOSEPH PARK, Architect AIBC 203-1106 AUSTIN AVE, COQUITLAM, BC, CANADA TEL 604 771 5695 EMAIL JP@JPAI.CA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PMG LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LTD. REBECCA KREBS, MBCSLA, MLA, BED. C100--4185 STILL CREEK DRIVE, BURNABY, BC, CANADA TEL 604 294 0011 EMAIL REBECCA@PMGLANDSCAPE.COM CIVIL ENGINEER APLIN MARTIN CONSULTANTS LTD. ANNA ZHUO, ASSISTANT PLANNER 12448 82 AVE., SURREY, BC, CANADA TEL 604 597 9058 EMAIL AZHUO@APLINMARTIN.COM SURVEYOR MURRAY & ASSOCIATES. BILL PAPOVE. 12448 82 AVE., SURREY, BC, CANADA TEL 604 597 9189 EMAIL SURVEY@MURRAYLS.COM ARBORIST DIAMOND HEAD 3551 COMMERCIAL STREET, VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA TEL 604 733 4886 10 UNIT STREET TOWNHOUSE ,1 / ./~·/' • -. WEST ELEVATfON ~ ,,\;;O 33616, 13660 232 Street, Maple Ridge, BC DRAWING LIST ADO COVER SHEET AOB UNIT PLAN -TYPE A (UNIT 1) A01 SITE PLAN & PROJECT DATA A09 UNIT PLAN -TYPE B (UNIT 2,3,4,5,8 & 9) A 1 a CONTEXT PHOTOS A10 UNIT PLAN-TYPE 81 (UNIT 6 & 7) A02 BASEMENT, GROUND FLOOR PLANS -LOT 1 TO 10 A11 UNIT PLAN -TYPE 82 (UNIT 10) A03 L2 FLOOR & ROOF PLANS -LOT 1 TO 10 A12 WEST & SOUTH ELEVATIONS-COLORED A04 WEST & SOUTH ELEVATIONS A13 EAST & NORTH ELEVATIONS -COLORED A05 EAST & NORTH ELEVATIONS A14 EAST GARAGE ELEVATION (LANE), EAST & WEST BUILDING ELEVATIONS-COLORED A06 EAST GARAGE ELEVATION (LANE), EAST & WEST BUILDING ELEVATIONS A 15 EXTERIOR LIGHTING SCHEME PLAN A07 BUILDING SECTION A-A, B-B & C-C A16 3D RENDERING ~ COVER PAGE APPENDIX F Arcn1tect ~@jpai,ca Telephone604-771-569S FacslmlYe 6D4-565-0234 #203.1106AustinAve., -8CCWC,V"l"'5 JP Archite ct Inc . ~'<:i'•C<..iffllCd.•~•l"~.••IIJCl'r'-0 Jlt,;~l'IJlliM.lliflDll(sc:.ull flCl;u[Mla,/;Til,I.CU!IWJ.l'[U"f Ul~N'1t!\tU-ffl(:OIQIOctl!v;lllff'iCIW. 1.1.l.llWI~ NQCIW::J!:f<S!HC.1.HMNIIIIUUIUIIIWlfllYD11tE.IAOfttl.~ llfllll'fUI, '!IGl'U,IIIJOOCSO!Ull~TALl. hlnll,Lll;,l!fffDD.IOl"I ~~~::=~~i.c:.:111.lllOTMLISlPDF.Pm.OOUC!l ISSUED Date l..w~IOI /\'A!IIJ 2018 ISSU[{)fOIICUOO'Sl'fiS.ll,IRE\'Ei'I Affl07ZDH COOl'.Olt~ltOn.iSEDOOPMl.lt.tDlll'tANOI A1'1121,20le CCOAOIII.TEOBASEDOUl'llaU~ Q'1PUJI02 ~l.l,,.~1' ~.;Dt4W1~Jl'W.t.,C1(1Cllil;X,t1 MA.Yl12018 REVISEOASPEI\Cfill.CW\IIGEl'l'MBE&GMDEOZ Mtu:.q w=mlltNIIII.AltiT1lfwtn .MiZCi,201! ISSllEDiOACLLENl'SDESIGNAPPRD\'AL JUl'i'O'LZ<m ISStJEDfOIICOOSIJLTAflTCOOfflflAlll»IOl A1.IGOl,l011 IS5UEOFOIIOI' .-1Ut1II ~rtlca,'CC..'M(lll1 W,11,.Nrt .ll\\'IUmarttmJLMG SEPTl!2019 lil,~f(a~ REVISIONS j,_ Qate. R1!ma1l:s ......... PIIOJECTTITlE 1 O Unit StreetTownhouse 13616, 13660 232 St. Maple Ridge Diann: JS Designed: JS P1ojet1Nlffller 10 08 / r ~-.J ~~-~IP'TiON, -: -~ PART LOT 9' t PAAGEL 'A',~ A, SEC.T\ON ~~ l"~~ .. b '".._ f io-c>.PLAN.2409', PID.004--62$--nl _ ' CG/> L.0H DEHSln" UF!SAN, ~A,ios• '6n.~Y~ l'!GO-CllJ!i~ 0~ SPACE AND LOH ~~"(J "' ~ """""""' LOT SIZE, eXTERJOR SIDE (SC'UTH) - 5IB.l:ET CORNER MIN, ,.om (9' e,4 FT) HN. bD-m c'M.60 ffi :,,..ow noJ,)6 rrrJ1 "'1(. lO :s.m POK I~~ LDT l"ll!(,_21,,rnl'G!'!!XT.l:.DI' -SffiEET CORNER Lm 2 TO ''h .215 6 sm TO 261.56 sm . L, 1--------.L'"'c.:';.,"-c:c~=""'"'-'-".:..:..;"'"-j ,.e-==-•"----'-"''->m=/3"'.s"'•ccF_cT)'-'F-"O"'R"6"'A"""'6e"'""'' ~---'----l LOT Ii 35235 ~m /,,,r • • / DeNSITY =- O.EJO TO 0.9'0 FAR,/' LOT :Z. 3, ◄, 5, e,, "I, 41.14 t,;, S1.051i15 (124.E,q ~ TO 124Z>b ~ MAx,. 451i15 (158.56 ~m) FOR EXT. U?T LOT I, ~."lt,Slli (140 t.6 ~ tlULOttlo 5eTSACK7 5ARA6ES l"'~NT (lr(ESTJ -232 ST NIA "'" O.Om (OFT) :!' 22m (10.56 FT) TO 2 b:lm (l.'> 60 F.T,,- t, ..?:' "C' ~~, V\, ~TR!!--i'fl'~ I ,~ .2?.AG.e~UNIT .2SP,-l,,CESPERt.lNIT•·"' ~5TRl!IITCORNER /,-!i.lTIN6 EX'C:.EPTI.ON5 FRONT (r°'\ESTJ-232 ST _., SETeACKSL ----' - ~ Hltf 2,15m ("1.0.2 FT) PORCH MIN, ?I ~Clm (11,12 FT) BA'T' 1--i!NCOl'i 2.15m ('I.0.2 FT) PORCH !,.~m (Jtl2 FT) E!AY HINOO~ ..... ....:Yl::,OITDR"-"'"---,--1----"""""°'--------1---✓-"'ec"c:.· _______ _j INTERIOR ~DE OORTHJ ~XTl:~OR s16e: (scmrtJ ~/FVTIJRE 136 AV """"'"""'""""" HIN l,"15-m ("i.02 Fr) pot<C,H HIN. l.75fli,('t·0.2 FT) EAVES MJH. 0.15m '(,2 46 Fr) EA~ O,Om 2 o&m (6.b-4 Fr); PO.QGH l eAVES '·"'°'" (6 e,4 FT); sAAAGe l;.A.VES, / f--------f'-'MM.=.::au.o,,=,,:'"'6:,o'°""-'-FT7'-)1'00=··c:.·F_:'1eAN="-f-"lla,.2m:::.:,:"'6=.00~FTC:CJ.:;ROO=F_Pc.:A.:.!T:::I0:_:6\1=AAO""---f----i HT FOR PRINGlP~ WILDIN55 RALL FOR PRINCIP.A.L aJII.DI~ ~' / MAX, 4.6m (15,o=1 FT) FOR 6ARA61! -C,<l,-n (14.:Z;I Ff) FOR 6ARAGE ROOF'keAN HT ENc.ROAGHMENT ~ CL1'DDIH6, 5>0FFIT, EAse--e-lT OR COVENANT/ ~H 00, EXTERIOR v<AJ..L. TO AOJ..4GENT LOTS // ROOF OVERHAN6 / ~FMEAN,HT l".cR~~.S(;lf!JITT, TRIM BD, EXT'EFllOFt KA.LL, fWOF OVERHANG ,-- ""' 4 5 """" ...... 7 7 8 8 ,.2._ 9 10 10 Tou.l ea,,., " 1105.66" 45 lll9.97 65 1817.31 65 l7S9.4S 65 lGSS.Al 65 JSJ6.00 55 7IS2.SO C'ovPtr " lSOl.67 5S llolt,27 .. 1Sl9.c6 .. U.SLU .. ... , ... a\."Wo" ,,,. lM.\rn(,\,fJ~ j,mJ Ptt'Rr BS(..wo.d) 3792.57 352.35 2d00 ~91i3J 2815.34 261.56 1400 8S3 .:iS 2795.86 259.75 ,...., 332.66 2706.84 251.48 2M10 S&2 GS 2546.79 23661 ,..., aa2 66 2792.74 259.46 2400 8$8 G3 17450.U ...... l.olAtH [$fJ .... ,., 8S(uwd<c!l 2730.31 253.66 2457.28 8(18_53 2352.72 218.58 2117A5 382 66 2352.40 218.55 2117.16 88266 3003,38 27903 2703.04 88863 10438.80 9194.92 co,,p,o " l.Sl'-ll .,,.,. 1"'4.17 -i.74 ..... .,, U.00 l342A7 ..... J3.lur7 52.70 l3C&03 4U1 ....... U .1' C.VP,o " 1340,03 49.J7 1342.07 57Jl4 J3,12.a7 57.0S .....,,. ...... SlaU SU. - _,,_. ~,f" I ,., •.( ~ -SITT PLAN Gf u •• Prn' Ar 99833 944.88 76.46 2DJJ.G7 S83.38 822 .. ,_ 882.66 821.85 u ins.st 88266 821.85 "1 11U.$1 882,66 821.85 ., :ins.st 88863 826.98 SJ 11"-'l 10959.19 <iF u Pro'Rt 8B8.63 826.98 Bl 179&Ji1 B8266 821.85 Bl 1785.51 882.66 821.85 81 1785.51 88863 826.99 81 179&.&Z 7J.14.2S -- I SITE PLAN & PROJECT DATA Architect ~n Oiiecll504-771-569!', Ttlep1Qffe6049IH1154 Fauitmi11604-!i!i502J4 WNW(llll,a .11203-111XiAu<;tinAve. et:,;i~lbmtlCC.mda\lJKJPS JP•AJChlJecT lti'c;.~ 'l'f ... ~ .... ~-D.tl=~-~ i•~~ u.;v,1 ,,1,t,11'1 111.111.,l;lt wu.•" ~',1Yi,12lll :,11".ff!f l!.'1:'ll~ .wn . llo':M,tH -·-"''"" ,. .. P.i11tN,t ........ ...... &\IF.OF~ai;:•,1-sP?clN~"II!'# IIQli;."ifo!CY:;:(\~-ht.f.r.• ~~(l.lie>IC'n.l\All C'~~~.1¥,;111 ;~'tl,1,Sf;;JCV,t{i\4:G~l/,..,;;:H,?)[!~ •it1.a.tl.HJ.~t::.rg (SL• oro:i.c ~:.'i'SCE½ll»;w.·,1 6~V~''"' 'l'lll!lA'IICO:i!l1.11ou1 r,i,&trvlt' u;:aront ff.t.~t.;~ ~•IIJ.MC.'W'.!'11'" --n,ac,,ii~• 10 Unit Street Townhouse 13616, 13660 232 St, Maple Ridge -· JS --10 08 A1 ) ) CONTEXT PHOTOS Architect l~•r,..!.a Oi.'!et!i04•7H-56,;<;i T~IXl!~1J-0154 P.c:!~~-{1234 \nflT,jplU •~ll(<{;Alz'.11A.,., ~'-'l!.o:iSCC.l-'1m'f.!K3f'!i l ··1 ... ~.~ "'~'~---···-··-·--Yl\.~I~ ~;;s ~.•,~~~r.~1;,::mu~-.~;"81 t'l . .(lt Q;:;J., .. ,_....,_,,;- Cc"::.:.-...t'All!,f.:.SCT'''~.;.:l~-•!>t.HA'l•J! (t>:J{E;l,lrt;t,V;(C•(Ml-fru',~11'.lf~7,ti~1 "'iv:, "t.'\oU\Ol'p;U l:,lt_Jt'&'Ml:I 1-!.u,~, ... ,""'J~'J;C.1U U1t,OUI 11:r;~~,,,..""°' J!\!i"] :c..; (m'!!l/.~~,., .... 'J.\,~..;:r.l,;r~;n ....r.n ~;, r--~~O:!{~t' \'1\(11,~J:; ~u:.u <.m a~G)rt.~ror.;c,y,~r,,:;2 ~.'Lll 2m E:a:.~~-1~:P ----------"'""' ... 1 O Unit Street Townhouse 13616, 13660 232 St, Maple Rid 10 O! T A1a ED !_ fl~R PLANS-UNIT 1 TO 10 j BASEMENT, GROUND FLOOR PLANS-LOT 1 TO 10 Architect Jl(i>jpllta 011d60t.771-56'l5 ltl!pt(n604-9l70154 h;stmis 6045650234 www~lca A'20l•l105Au;'11Ava. CQ!luilt.irnSCCarcilla VJK~F5 J p Ar C h I e C t I n C .• !e!:S.,Y.l',,i•CO"IN<,;,d•f>.&.-;;;•l!::;l"<t-O•tr_...,.-i) .... w.A~II "',hl~~C\EP,lSP"cl.f,l~ e«IFC::i>.Hil&l~!!IC<'IP.f'JM C!n l'UIIDI COO.u=i',1Wr.<~ONW£LJ\IC•11.!'Ullt'1 Cl))"-"l'1tD!ll,SIDOllf;!LNC1',,all!l£01 llr.'"WS!O..SFilltnCl\l!o.!:flVciEICfAJ:fll! Jll'll??:118 ~!!01.',IW!fi';IQl!.\l';JE'l'J!Sl ..r,m•u.i1t ttv.11F>"C1El!t5~15':;~1,mm1,t t~OFC1ICCMtlll/JIICOOiOr~10:,a1 t'Sl(OK,H_, a,a,;,u, ar:,l[\~111 • • ..C~U~-a.Yr.\ft) ~u:;1uo10 u.c:~ 1 O Unit Street Townhouse 13616, 13660 232 St, Maple Ridge -JS "'""" .P 10 08 A2 A I ED ~ Fl_!lR PlA~JNIT 1 TO 10 ~ G I -II 7i .,. -~I -1 r- I,~ '---~ '7 a ~ -......._, ~l J • ./ I -----~ I I.,.,,.-/ ' : ~ I ·~ : I =:::!: I -- • ! ~ -~ I::: 111111 r ,. """ • ., - ~-~, ~ II t~ II II ' tj II ----L..,_,.,.,,_ I -- lt:::::J ,....._.., r~·~ " j ...... • .... ·--· -·· ""'" .. ---... ,. --·· ---~ ~· -~ ~ ,c-g ,_ , ..... P .-..... P .4N .... ... ... ..... D,.. 2'( ·~ ., ... .. ROOF PLAN• UNIT t TO 10 ...... h ... ---, r -,...-...... 1~ -l/ -----' ~ I ~ I ' I 1-- " ' ,r • ..,, • ..... "" -~ L~.;...:· II ti -II -~ -. , ...... m-. -· -. -. -·· ,.,. ~ -...... -...... ~· r~· """ .,,.. "'"' ' !/ _--:--t I/ @'A i~ i_~ o~ i 1 ,_ '---. ""I & " ,_ II t • --•a -.. --,-· .... ¥ ""' P ,-..,., ,.., .,_... L2 FLOOR & ROOF PLANS-LOT 1 TO 10 Architect jp@~ln Di~604-1715695 Tt1eplw.lnd•)4911-0154 F~Wliieti0456502l4 --.fp,1lca Y.10l1106AlElinAw. CoquithmBCCnll~V.iK3F5 JP Arch :lect Inc ;• fc:!.X-<''t;.◄•q)."TN<~•,,.:":~•l!:7<tll 10.~,;1 .... ~'.l;i~~II Tu:OM\ISl.lSf~;tM P.c',i"1\' IIMU CW..1JtHpi:C...l'A1t 1/;121,1(;11 (00il:o'.IHD&AS'.0(11n.3Jlt(Nt.PI.A/lll! lltt-uli' ~v=Q,l,fm1'tlll'. .. (&'W.tllt W.fll 1':llt f~S!Jl>Sl'OIC.YIICll'lr.!:fill«:1r.AAl,!Q ___ q.»t ~~~ t;Ui;Ofo-:ICOl~JA',1CW!,:;,J1)!/0I At!";01,r,i11 .!SS'..EDIOiHP Wlll,'1,)11 U,,q II• .u,rr'\.PI ll(t")Q Ul'fCITIICUill , 111..11,1 O-:II.P0tnh-.::l:ft .a'1-JW u.a.: ..... 10 Unit Street Townhouse 13616, 13660 232 St, Maple Ridge 0-& JS ~ Chl'<let JP --10 08 A3 NIT1 ~~ ~~ 0 ~T.~ ELEV tU 1) HAIN~l..17N5te5fl'• l"IIGINTc:'C>I" ,._1/C. n".o:I'• ltO.~,•j / 2 ■ i,1.~• ~i;ic;'!"'"ve.a,-i.10'•1M.4'1'112■1lo2.20' COLOR&MATEPJALLEGEND: ~·-·;:;_.,_ ~~--~=----== ~:::::::;..::,.":"~ .. =:.-=--.;_,-=:;::. ~==...--~ -e-s¥...::r--e-5-?.=-- ~::-..-:--...i:--.::::... -e-==::.-~ WEST & SOUTH ELEVATIONS .c JP Architect ~Palu Dirdl50C-7115695 Teie,:~604-911-01S4 f,tSW!lfo,~Sf:6-0234 mwl;,;lg A'WJ 1100/lir;~nAve Coqlill.imBCD.11oilaVJKJP5 J P Ar c h I t e c t I n c- ,c .... w i,,;; c11-T,"'-if:,C.•f.<.<:K•1t;t~ .. ••e=-a .... J=.:l.. "£•!'a..,.=.,,..=.c.a,.,.cc.,.,..,_,.=----- ll'~01.:J:a (1':0::1#.'0Wll:.;(Jl!;l,Jlla\r..-Y M~~i.lltt (~•.n) ... ~,..f'\!1;.11!,D MI.Yl•.lGII ~~-.W~;.•tC1 l(Y~ltlnl~.lA-.tl • l&!IS~~tr..,(111 J1.m>U,)1t crorJ1us::e:.-:"1ttta,,. .'11.IC1,:.'llll ,I, •~-.. l,l)iOUllll C.UJJll-"" 11~,1,.~,1~ a.c"";, ....... 1 O Unit Street Townhouse 13616, 13660 232 St, Maple Ridge JS PmtdHtrn!iel 10 08 A4 / • UNIT3 =.r.--= ----------- ED ~-~EVATION {U - ) ED ~-~AllON (UNIT 7 -10) ED~ B.EVATIOIJ {IIIIT 10) •T ....... ~g=az..;_ ~ =..--:. ~ ~~s;:-- ~=-~..:=---- ~~~~ EAST & NORTH ELEVATIONS Architect 6SUIO ~31Cll Dil1Ul50H115f>95 ,,~twn,6()4.'Jl7-0154 ~milolilMSE6-0234 _..,.,. ~110l5AldnAYll C().1oob.m&:c:iF!libV3K3P5 -!lol.r.'lt calt:J!CG1J!JJMU A.'101.~II ~,,.~lt~C.0~ 111111.:1111 ~,;i,:11)~;;,rt?..-,d p;,i;.•..v11:an,a..,:,,c.w.f1t iltl-C.dlfl..."ti"Co,MW/11'1111:,lw:t■ J'w"lll.~Ola ~\I.W.-OIS\~ M<!!i.:1111 .u,a..blla~re;:-.•~•ll.."W; J\!.Y0,,:>,11 U.:,.J;l-~t.(li.~'llft ~U~OUOII ~tr l,l/,l\r,,011 &::i;C,~ .-ltJltt~~D ~•Cl~ • 6SLl!0f.:~~O~ 10 Unit Street Townhouse 13616, 13660 232 St, Maple Ridge °""" JS Qe<ll'd JP Chedl'll 10 08 A5 WESTELEVATION-STREETSCAPE ALONG 232 ST -: --=::.,__ 6' -i :..~ - <!, • /,l • I l , 1r,. -I , Ir: : ' • . • I if.:i ,' ••-I II ---.-'-'""""-____ u ___ _ ---=--'J_ ____ ffi --~---------====-i_l, , .. .J ~ '-<-, : C --~ ' '\, 1,9jlll,G/Vl.~~Mli,•,:rtR""--l"l'ID!ITC>Cl"'-'= ll'T.l"'1'• n.l.~/l"2•~"7' !OZMtx:i,"Ave., LT"l:l."IC>'•rc>.~)l>•Fll.w' -----u 8 i . ~~-------·-~---~-.. CD ~~:EELEVATIDN (UNIT7 -10) GARAGE4 ~~----_AS~:~ ftillCWl'-.... ~--•fflW1/2•1D ..-.,,,.or.,r,...-ri, ~•ffll')/tl•nU Y = = ----.. u g ·~ ..... '"'-, o.,~~ ... ED ~:..~~ATION-SACK YARD GARAGE 3 ED ~~E ELEVATIOU (UIIIT 1 • 6J GARAGES -- L-----"" ---M':i:m~ ~DJP"~a,,M"•nl..4nl2• ---: """"~Jrt.'oeoffl».!'"•'9-'>'112•~ C ;~ e ~ I ......... ··-----: I ll 10 u 11 I ~ .. ~ ·~--.. ~--~---el, =-.~ ... ~ 't'<: .. ~ ~ .. .. EAST GARAGE ELEVATION (LANE), EAST & WEST BUILDING ELEVATIONS C] JP- Architect ,,. .. ~ Qlicltl)l,n1,::e1 Teltphone604917-0154 Fmltrui&l604Sffi-0234 www.J1lal1;1 .t20l•\106AldnAve. CaQ.ijatr.n6CCaro:bVlK31'5 ~~IJ!D'uACll!)l!<;r;;,u,1. is;i'l,/f co::v.:cwcn•vi-.~•wN CO)~i-'tnl &.~,COii ,i<:cl.l\( Cr/t ~102 m1~ 1,U[C b\~OIWI ''-'1.1\( c.v1..G~~C!CI ~lllll 2JII P.c\'StD~SFC:\C~.\Clllil'.:Enl•.:.:::~~~>-Ci t?l ll,.'\\ll:'t, C\11111:Qillll!I~ 6~•-~r(,lQ£11!',CE!';~1,,i'J;I,( c.o •;;::;•:~u f.NIS!llPal!C~l'SC0\'.~,101 ~Uill 2C'I~ >!\~EOfaliCITTSCOW.J,102 MJC, 11 :'Ill~ 1 O Unit Street Townhouse 13616, 13660 232 St, Maple Ridge ._ JS Ch..-t~ JP ---10 08 A6 BATH / / BATH I V \ - BATH 8 ~M -\ DINING ,1·· --~~r@ . ~ l . ~~. --~ i"w II II -7 -.. I' r.2 -"F 1/ Bit RM / / BATH ~, B RM r\ BAl '\. \ ·-, D \ N DINING DINING \ ~ g ••DINING I / I I"-»' ,_, l'tn . ...i•t,1.1W I ~ ••urou,,w,;t I 1--- / BATH eeo BATH 8[0. / DINING I DINING / DINING '\ \ "au:e'eu-.J \ REC. BATH REC. REC. .,. "' ==~Th "====-----7------- I / ED ~~~N 8-8 (UNIT 8) • l K ~ BATH B RM - L_ I\ DINING I I !'IIM."16'Cll:t4o:J 1--- BATH 11£0 / DINING / 2 I BUILDING SECTION A-A, B-B & C-C Architect /p@jpdea Oim:160H 11-5695 Tt!ep!'orleli0491Hl154 f,cslrnle604-5~34 www.l;l.ln •-:uJll;lG,.a..dll,- Coqi.n\bmBCCariac!aVJK3P5 J.f',•A 1 Ch !J ec I, rn C :· ~-~•r,Jk•~••tLl'2".J' to::J,.)/141ED 1.1.S;oJQllflEl.ll.l CN~ Pu!IOI to::;.:..:~m1e1~ctw1r.e.i.,.t111_ruitl! 1.1.UU 101t (C(,l'::"..1,l!tl!.AmlC,:lfJQl!,!C,_,,.,,,1t1£01 1,11.fll ;111• ,~w.o.-;•01tnCKllf;Efl1Jx.UhECI! ~'\d.. 'lni:: .. H,lOUSICeofUI:::::~= J~/l'S,:011 Ml.;:Dmacm'5P~.JlAPi.W•L f;SIF.Df0C:0:;5\lll/J/1Cocall:111JNDI 6Sl.t0/_.,C,1' li\lF.OfC>IIC-1' .\:.lll,Jlilf lr\'lD-$U11i~lll r~l•IMJt ~ll'~c:¥11f"JO ~~DrCIIACP 10 Unit Street Townhouse 13616, 13660 232 St, Maple Ridge JS 10 08 Al ~ TI .... """" I ----------I --------- / / ' / ' ~ "-----·--./ "- ' ' ' ' -= 0 ~[] ' -·' ,., .... -.,..,.. ~::. =T ,~ CD ~E~ENT FLOOR PLAN fl'f Pf A) ED ~UNO FLOOR PLAN (TYPE A) J .., ~ I I ----- I I I I / ~ / / ~ / ~ >- ~ ' ' ' >- ~ >->- ~ '\ ..., ::: >- ' ' I _______ 1... . ....1 I l UNIT PLAN-TYPE A (UNIT 1) . [] J p Architect 1?@~11.ci OcW...11~ klcfo'w'°"91f.O~ f~~I www.,Plc.1 JFI' A rchi le ct Inc, •~•~.d~•tdf\....,..."\J ~·•u.Jbl ccm.:.,:llfDM~:UO:lf;t::l.lY. C~1.PUP101 fll\.W.JIH tooR!lliollfDtmllCllVi\:l.1"1C~I.P\J.'IC!I W.TI )Qt COO~P;llt.Jfilii>,DC'ifi\.'lLY.C'itGIIIN01 _,._b ,:u;s_..,.,c,(Wl~'tC•WlNtJO 11.1117.20\I fJ.105.201~ ~~~ ,~.2011 ~II', ll 2011 ;~"""'-~fflL~ C..ll'"-Ub.-,.Ul-7' _.. .t,U;lft"U 'U~(alll .M•:;or,:,.r,o ~•-c:,,;;-......,.._ =,:~~~ 1 O Unit Street Townhouse 13616, 13660 232 St, Maple Ridge JS 10 08 AS ~ ~ ti} ~-....,. .,_, ..... -~I .,_ .. P.- 1 ~ ~ I I I I \ 1 ! .,~l ... , ~~ I"" ~ l -_ _J_. I =-rr---..:::: -' ~ -' -' -' ' ' " l ,-,-,- ,-,-,- '= I, - -- I ;!14 CD ~E-~ FlOOR Pl.AN (TYPE B} (D ~';'.:o FLOOR PlAN (TYPE Bl ® ~:_PLAN (lYPE B) -M ~ ---.I -,_ I ' I ' I ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I I -I I I I ' ll UNIT PLAN-TYPE B (UNIT 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, & 9) . Cl j p Architect ~~lea Diriict604-7115G95 Ttleptwe604-911-0154 FK11m&60456fi-0234 www.J~lc:3 120J•1106Air;linAvt. CoquuamBCCl!'llibY.l~~PS •Jl' Archltecl·lnc . ~•(O";aT>O:c:f,b.DC•lt:Jfll\HU,~ 1,1,111\J,;>llll IS~I/.Ofo;>.CLIE/IT'S~W.11,li'i',\M RJl'J:N (~'o\lWF.>SIDC'll'Fal.lC/ilPIA'IOI Ul;r.Jtol ~~,.,_~Q'i-~Qllf!A-::- _N__ "11)16te(1o11,i).wt.lWUI L\I.YJl,;-Col l.t'IIW~l'Ult~ll(;IIU>:':,111t.i:&(~~ P,:VIS!l)l,IQJTPIJICL~'Si'!-"UST 6~0IOl'IU.1!:~l'SD31.~AF~·1,1. J~1ro,:'l" ISM~f0IICOIIWLIAlnroo.o:a1,oNOI Al,l:;Ol,11l\l CSIJ!DFOl\t'P l,;'VrS£CF.;icr.r.;cow.c1rro1 "'-'VrSIDPulCITT'Sl;Ofl'.EIITCQ 1 O Unit Street Townhouse 13616, 13660 232 St, Maple Ridge JS 10 08 A9 --~- ~ d N .. ~l, ::. .::...=:::... I _,. _ _L ' ~ n ~· rl -~ ._ ' -' >-' >-' -' ,-' ' I' >-' -' ,-' >-,-,- !'7 :ii:,.,.,. v-- ·-~ - I ~ 1·..-;• .. , - CD ~EMEtlT FLOOR PLAN (TYPE 81) (D ~u:'.o FLOOR PLAN (TYPE 811 CD ~E.';_ FLOOR PIJ\N {IYPE 81) @ ~~LAN (TYPE 81) ~ --- I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' --I ~ ::.. ·-· UNIT PLAN-TYPE B1 (UNIT 6 & 7) Architect l)l@k>2l!:3 .-CfG4,rr1"Ktl. ~tie,Htr-0,14 --www~;w.u ,~1-11,»A;;a:1 .... CoqW\bmBC~nadaVlKJPS ,JP. Arc hfl 9C t tt'l C 1 -.i..eJ~11ed•~•fQTN•t,,~ ~01.JII • "1"1Ul'l• ::.= .n.,111.1~11 !ll.Hl ~I " .. c;:W.b~~Elr.SP~cl.l\l ~.cl',~ (03f;,o:.,11ll1>1~eLlO.'il'i.!lJl,I CNlft.1,/101 aor;.-~---t.ttf"...-,U (Xl;•A ~,DnlW'.'1'("-~U'I P..'VISttl-SfiilC.V..ClltH:<:r:Pl::.E&c•.o!I!:«! •==· fflCP;\ltl,I# 6W!"0l'Oil(LOnSD!S'I.N-.('Ul :111!0r<'!ICOt~1"1/ICOC-l!.'ll;.\1(lNQI CQJ'Ji,, 1'!',',!!!lffi\CIT~CVWc!IT~I ilt\'~!!IPEP.Clll"SCO,..',r,:Jlla:> 10 Unit Street Townhouse 13616, 13660 232 St, Maple Ridge DrM• JS JP 10 08 A10 ) --·-· -·--- -~r7 - ~ I ... Ir -... ,.-~ b I<::-=--I I f-1'1-----......_ □ >-- ;;;; -l ' >-- ' .... -' -' ,_ ' -' ,_ ' ' ' ) ' " ' ,. ,_ . ~ ' v - , --- -..... ED ~E.~ENT FLOOR PLAN (lYPE 82) ED ~U~D FLOOR PLAN (TYPE 82) e ~~:_PLAN (lYPf 82) I r I I , ~ ,, □ - I ' ' ' UNIT PLAN-TYPE B2 (UNIT10) ..,,, □ JP : Arch i tect lll@Jpalca DM:th."4'1J~ tp,-~ftl-01'4 fjrialfc~ --D ff».110t ..... Co,;1.1ltim8CC2rgcj;iVJK3~ JP -Arch it e Cr :-1 n c: <c.'!-:R~•c,cQ.T{N< "'.,,.,:u •t~•-•~I 11,1;\P;ttll ,:~FO,;ClUll~f;[l~ P.2Vl!W ~•~cr.201~ C.OO~l:Ol!Il 1.1$:IJC,lj p;!l,~ Cf\'! f1.IJ!OI AF~2,,2~13 coo~•;,(Ul 6,1~,0C'i PC.:l.l~ C:Vl Pl.,\11~ \M"""" l::IMlt~ti!lt,lll'fA'i:'W·ll .. ., "~ ~v.,,un~.:.a .. 11(1,11 u,,ni::r Md.J.:• ~-m,n::.tfUS,IU"""Urf~ Allo:l,21:18 !W~Ofc-'l"'-"Sl/l.1"111COOF.llf-'l~NOI ~• CD91• lfAYl/.21111 MHI ,01~ P...,..~,~c~rscov.v-Jr.01 Ft'W~!DHAC~CO\'/Jclllet:' IS~DfC~A!IP 1 O Unit Street Townhouse 13616, 13660 232 St, Maple Ridge El( ... .5 Oei"Jried: ~aei: JP Cheel!d --10 08 A11 __ .. _, _ _...~.,. ........ ~--~-_ .. C'l-11.llf",&l~~--ft~U.--·~-,,.,....,.-,...a.. ,..,.,,tG ... ,-.,_ .... ~ .. :1:3.X.-..::l""II"-_,. __ --tlm.t.= .. ..,.,,.,_ -=--- ;,~il"\f'ivich..~ \:-.:;.~ ""'~ ..... l\AA:.~.o.u:;:a..,, ~TTUII! COlOR & MATERW. lfGHlO ~~~£.. ~E~-~~=-- ✓,y=~-- 1!,::.=-::..~ WEST & SOUTH ELEVATIONS -COLORED A rc hite c t i@ijJll.~I Ond61U-711659S ,~~tm-911-0154 h tsn>k 604-5~-0nl www.~ta 1203-11Ci5Al!SlinA,r CoqlitunBCCw.dl'l.lKJP5 O~k __.h ~Wll).tllt diQ'9'1~111'!n l,fJIJi.~li U'OO'll!ll.~~Clnl\.Mi!U .lfll11_1,1,, ~m1,4•~--,,a.wru1un, W.1'11 . .-:tll ~t.13i)~ieJl~ll Wfll.7.111 ~IJl"3~M:a'l'll11VA)(II ~tll!:..1~ia.&JI QdJ:alft!';'IC'I~~ C.f"llfOIHYDlll>l~Y l,ll-:;CI.Xlll iMJltrAl:I" W.Y 11 lll' Q:,a..r(llff 1 O Unit Street Townhouse 13616, 13660 232 St, Maple Ridge JS ~ ~ JP 10 08 A12 so or 86P!8 a1de~ 'IS ZEZ 099£ f '9 (9£ f asno4UMO l j88JlS l!Un Of flll'IIM.1 JilfO • .IOIM:l~i ..,~ca'IS7 ~~J._Y/l"J!ilo:lw:J~ ~w..-:, uro~,v~ ... lll~flt.11!ZJMO'&VJ~'!;fa,;-)al l;:t::l'l:l~~W:G!'I~ NW\!'l-n rras.i!.oll»'l9ll!I~ lll!ff",41/'.:Jl'fl,":!JMltmn!l!lNQIO,,'.Q i:~;·1 """"' ..,,,,., ,HC'Z'IUY.1 r.,u,.ffl, IIOl'!?'od'l' 112'lll!>N .-JIJll~~\iQIQru iUZi"!l!'lfl .,~ ~1.-0 Sdt)'Cfltpi'..:r.1:)11~ ~Yll!IS1IV!l()U-£0U r:rirdf'MNJ,.1 HZO-S9S1'09 ~!ff.l.4S"~ t5LINL6·1iJ9~J. s-m-l!N09~~ .,__, 03tl0708 -SN0I1'v'A373 Hltl0N 'II 1S'v'3 .,..._ L~*-•, ~ ,~,1~~~ \~11o-- i~ .. ~~-"°;~~v.-ei :0N3D3ll\l\83lm'ill0l0~ \, \ \.,.' ',, ; --~ - I I ,.,, === II --~-_..,... .. _., __ '-=--:;Go.WI~ •-Ml--cnz:a,,<r.-.,--.,;i--~_.,..,,_,._""~,_~#-...... .,.,..,_,...,. .. .,._,.QU>!IQOIDm.......-a,, .. ~~'<I.IOrl>lllll>l'~:rol!l""'"'Z:,:-._,,K...,. _,.,.-.=,,.._...,,,_ct:><M'I_.~.-- --I I --I l --~------ ,,•;,"\ GARAGE ELEVATION (l.\'l!T7 • 10l <:::;· --~- -f i -I GARAGE4 ---- -- f i GARAGE ELEVATION (lm 1-6) ::,_1 -..n GARAGES I -I - =============::=:::...::===~~==--======= EAST GARAGE ELEVATION (LANE), EAST & WEST BUILDING ELEVATIONS -COLORED Architect .... ~ell Dhcl604-7n-5695 T~60-l817-0154 Fmmlie 604-SID.®4 _.._.,..u 1203-1106Acm!Aw. Coql&-n9Cc-dlVJl(JPS Diltoe hr~Ck,r h\lilU?.111 ~f\J'llla7S/'!la\.!'l',F.f ...-11..r.t ~~~0.'\.NIIO ;ffl:.ll',,'illl ~raJ~[ll~O.'-r\1,1:Cla DIU»il ~CloZFJ11'l!:MOl.w.,(fl PIJI ~ ~.:n~~a ft\9:l~Ja' .um~I .O..=¥.Jl'l!A-.-;t.11'6;Q..Or."Sill!ILES/ AIIXZ:lf !Zl.e);.,,iCl.,O.."'S3SQIR':li(l;;,i. J.1YCll'li9 ~P.)'IC(I.IIIU;,,fl~Wriltl ~Dl~ll ~f.:fl(P UAYll2QIJ ~f>J<I~ 10 Unit Street Townhouse 13616, 13660 232 St, Maple Ridge 10 08 A14 ) ADJACENT PROPERTY ED .:::-,'.::HTING PLAN ' ' \ ADJACENT PROPERTY J UNfT8 ! [ I I / / I I ' / / ', .,,.,,;" J_.,,;/ ',,..., A .,,,,~- LA N E ------------- I DI □ ADJACENT PROPERTY ADJACENT PROPERTY GA · -E5- I I -... -• \ \ \ I I I I I I I I->- Zf-- w o,: U UJ <( o._ -.o O o,: <( o._ I I / I / / □ ADJACENT PROPERTY LEGEND ~ MOTION SENSO!iED EXT. Ll6HT -$-l-'iAL...LLl5HTMD.l-,'T EXTERIOR LIGHTING SCHEME PLAN Cl J p . . A r c h i t ect l?@ipalc3 ~~-lJ~ 1M'blltc.)4.11141.!t , .. -. .. ~-wwwJpalta ,.20J.1106Aus:i'1Aw. Coqu,,tl1mBCC;inacl1V.lKJP5 .JP,Arc111!ec1 Inc: -119,): ~«'d"•:,;,t-.;•Jiitma•10£0 Gl'!;or.:~Ct!!;i~ fffi.'V p_;v,;w C(~;c..V.liO!.l;'.ll~'lfilllVC:,;LFWlOI CW~,;1,TWMSUlC•~F.UIV (MLl'tA~01 ClefC•'-lll~!.l>cDO~FRSci~,CYLG'll[lO, F{V;:c.1Sffi!{.V~C•t<.~:.E ~•llc~G~Q? IEV,S;OV.T.'.<JIXJICU~l'SP~Y'J3i GS'J(O;MC~~l:':Sf.:0:.1.'IW!IM. J:".Tl'.'.l'(l1£ G!'J@;;:~O:\','Jll.1~10.."'Cfl:-..,.Ttj,IC, G5:Jl!m".cP r~~mr.;~tl' i£·.;;oni1C1.Y5COW:~~o, ;t"l;;~P8 Ci'l'SCCYVC~Tct! -.c.Q.Z11 ~1,;u,ct 1 o Unit Street Townhouse 13616, 13660 232 St, Maple Ridge -JP ...... ,., 10 08 A15 VIEW FROM SOUTH-WEST CORNER -STREETSCAPE ALONG 232 ST. VIEW FROM NORTH-WEST CORNER -STREETSCAPE ALONG 232 ST. (BIRD'S EYEVIEW) ~NUUI "1!;DPw\M1,1S-AA£O!l~AA0tlfCTIIIC l~fl'tJc,:aJITOFJDT U•Tl\l, ll1f~lfT . .ll/f~Sf\\'H,~ATHP.0P,Ul'r,UWl,()fTI!!;~l\l\!la ~ Alfflllll.OIKI' CIIOIIDl:cr>ctoSTOIElli.ttO~ll.Mt,tSl'OIG:aUrr Df5111l1 ~~E~?l~!t!~!~E=~;i~ llrui:lllOIIOIIU TIHISIIQTl':!llDIOIIC:OO~~LC1lOH "111.ll/fVl(H CC,IIIUt;101\JIH0.ll0'1"-J0TUllTIJ.~'1/IAW-UQ ONOll0l0110NJ1OU U.:D(ONllr~cci,s~~OO'IIN.lllSl'tft5MITTDf!LIOOP.IJlnts j} .u>,Ol/TK"llle•lllVIS/ll'l~!Sl'Cll~IOIID/JU.IU r&llY:!lllllMlla, l-ltrPI.An&HAl~Ttfi:tCISllf<SIJl,D{Q,111.Cl"llhS-OOUTHS "'-- VIEW FROM SOUTH-WEST CORNER -STREETSCAPE ALONG 232 ST. (BIRD'S EYEVIEW) VIEW FROM NORTH-WEST CORNER -STREETSCAPE ALONG 232 ST. 30 RENDERINGS Architect jp@jpal.ca Telephone604-771-5695 F.w.siat'f!t ~,,56~ w.•,11!paica i203-1106AuslinAve, CoquHl~m BC Canada V3K JPS m<:;CR.l.1\'111.UUSTIKIT!.ES~EO THI! l.~h!ll.ll C011T11,slOR'11.\U. 1mn .\llOLltN!IOIISIHJL!ltl$F'l\j)IITOl;Ol,IUf.lQ~IHTQrV.~K. /.l.LCRROOS IJIJWISSIOI.Sm\ll~N:l'llRIIOIUU!lllll!l.1lO'MlRQ1111CTCOl'IRJc.t1 ~~r:.i1~~fu!~~~,;~~~~\ll~~~:~AR~~W\? "'''"" Oat• trt:.edb' M.\Rll2018 IS!iUEDF<lACU!llfSPl',EUUREVlf\Y Af'R01,C018 APll27,20le W.YM.N:I& uon:111 M Jl_))l& COOf\CIIII.TEOl!.ASEDO:lf'llfLll,ICMLPUJI01 COOi\OIII.\TE08AH0011PflfLIMCtvl..PlAII02 ~1.ClllU:OGIIP'l'Ql\l,tJ.'fi.(t.UCtl 1!,t".l'tl-AS,tllU."t~int&Q.:iG ~Ct~Nlla6tlllifCf.Uf JUll26,2018 1ssumFORCUEUTSOESlt.li~PPROVAL JUl'fO'l,'i!OI! 155UEDFOActlUS!Jl.l~l(TCOD/l'JIIIA1KlU01 •n n 1, !UC!fCIIDI' .r,U5~2019 flrnS(OP(RCITYC0!,tl.1O1J0I SEPTIJ.20li fifVISEDPfACITYCOI.U.mrr02 smr.i.zots ISSUEDFOR:.OP REVISIONS j, Date Rflmorkl "'"""''' ffiDJECTTfflE 1 O Unit Street Townhouse 13616, 13660 232 St, Maple Ridge ao-JS Otsi9'led: JS °"""' JP Checked: Prcjecltli.rnber 10 08 A16 r RB'INISHED ZINC Fl.A5HIN6 ff ~-·~'''"" eoAAD I I \ \ 'mUPOR,\AY"TlJRAA.ROIJt(O RIGHT-OF-WAY Wlll .,..,O PARKING SIGH"' P,T.PRB"AB GN' AN6l.2TOPAAIL llil!iTOst£0H.l'l.lER 4X4 P.T. pOST -~ t=;::¢::;::;::;::~::::!:::!=!~~::!::::!::::!::j.....j---=""-lJ<l"=----R~ .,_._ __ ,,.._ COHPACTEO SLe6RADE Lt-lDfREACliP05T NOTES. I, AU. POSTS A>O BAR6ES ~ TREATED TO c::;.Slr,. ~TAND~ A"CJ BC a/TS ~TED Hni FftSERYATivE. ;l, AU O'TtER t-e1BERS TO BE ~AA r.il (cot6TRJC.TION) 6RAOE MIHIJ',U,l !I, ;..u_ ~ HOT OIPPl!D 6Al.V>-NIZEP. ♦ . .Aff'LT' ;;z GOATS~ STJrrJH TO MNIF.AG~ ~lflG,•l'T'IOK FINI~ ~TIOH >-S H"'PRO,/ErJ BY' PRO~T ARCHITEGT. 2X-4 eettltv (rrPJ . ..,. ~ ~B.EV',.,TIOH ,.,., """" , ,.,u~NtaM»tm~111£A.flOi::)'tJA.$,•~ :,. N.1..iwt>W::t'tottO-ctl'P'B'dAi.1/NllB' ~ N'R.Ym:JCOA1SOl'5rAMTOW.Tc.H~(TOfE~BI' ~CRI.NDSCN'f!~r, 4, C(;\,liTAIJ.CJ/fSW-"Ge)t'Tff'°"2..AA~A~A5~ ,. &,a.,;tf;H,~16f'f/f~Pl.M ~ 2 )( ◄ GmAA GN' --,.,.,....,,.,. --rr - Q!Uj'M◄CQ:WttOJl'PM. ~" X.41".t. ll,1\l'IR ,.,,,,,._,,.,._. ,,. - f'OST5,tWC.ll-o'O~ffl' I --II IL --- ~. ---,,..,.,,__ ............ ec 8.rV'ATlCIN - GD 1.2M HT. PICKET FENCE GD 1.8M HT. PRIVACY FENCE PLANT SCHEDULE KEY QTY BOTANICAL NAME l~ ACER JAPONICUM 'ACONJTJFOUUM' CORNUS KOUSA 'SATOMI' FAGUS SVLVATICA 'DAWYCK GCl..D' FAGUS SVLVATICA 'OAWYCK PU.~PLE' MAGNOLIA x 'SUSAN' PICEA GLAUCA 'PENOULA' SORBUS HUPEHENSIS 'PINK PAGODA' ~ lREE 10 UQUIOAMBAR STYRACIFLUA \IVORPLESDON' COMMON NAME MAPLE RIDGE'S STORMWATER RETENTION REQUIREMENTS ARE MET BY THE CIVIL ENGINEER'S DESIGIII FOR THE TIER A ELEMENTS lAID OUT ON THE LANDSCAPE DESIGN, INCLUDING: ~ SOIL DEPTHS ARE AS FOLLOWS: 150mm (S") FOR LAWN AREAS, 3BOmm (15~) FOR SHRUB AREAS, AND 915mm (36") FOR TREES. -AS NOTED BY APLIN MARTIN: AN RIC JS REQUIRED ON THE SITE TO ENSURE A MINIMUM OF 300MM OF PROCESSED TOPSOIL IS PLACE ON ALL PERVIOUS AREAS OF THE SITE TO ALLOW SUPPLEMENTARY STORM WATER INFILTRATION (MINIMUM 55% OF LOT AREA MUST BE PERVJOUS) .. SEE APLIN MARTIN CML ENGINEER'S PLAN FOR OETAILS REGARDING STORMWATER RETENTION CALCULATIONS ANO STRUCTURE OETAILS. PM<tPROJECT HUMJJER: 18-U:2 PLANTED SIZE/ REMARKS FERNLEAF FULL.MOON MAPLE 5CM CAL, B&B PINK KOUSA IX>GWOOO SCM CAL, 1M STD; B&B DAWYCK GOLD BEECH 6CM CAL; B&B DAWYCK PURPLE BEECH 6CM CAL; B&B SUSAN MAGNOLIA (RED-PURPLE) BCM CAL, 1M STO, 'lvEEPING 'NHITE SPRUCE 2 5M HT; B&B PINK PAGODA MOUNTAIN ASH 6CM CAL 1 SM STO;B&B VVORPLESDON S\\£ET GUIJI 6CM CAL: 2M STO; B&B NOTES.: .. PLNil SIZES IHTiftS UST AA:e SPECFIEONXOAOING TO ne-sc LANOSCAPE.STAND.ARD N'fl'J ~ ll,NOSCAP£ $TA.~. LA"TEST EOOlOY. CONTAJ.'IER $2ES SPEaFJEOAS PEA ~ST,V,OARO,. 80TH Pt.AH'! Si2EN.tDCONTA1.NER-51l:SAA:£ TIE.MIRIIM.NACCWTABLE SltES. • RUERTOSPEClACATIOHSFOROEFJNEOCON'tADlt!RMEASOftEMENTSNIOartERPI.NlfMATERIALRE.OlnRE.MENTS. •$£ARCHANDREVtEw.MN<E PlAH"tMAlsatAl.J,..V>Jl.A&t.£ FOR OPTIO,,'W,..RE\I\SYBV LANDSCAF'EARQ-fTECT AT SOURCE:Of SUWLY. AREA OF SEARCH TOlNCUJOE l.0Yi,£R MAINlANOAHIJ fRASER VAU.EY. • SUB$TTTUTiON$! 06-T.All,f Y.RITIEN N'PfH:YI/JJ.. FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ~Nah'OA>tt SUDSTnVnO.'tS TO TH£ SP£CIF1EO lMTDUM.. IJN.\PmoYEDSUBSTil\JTIONSW.U BE REJECTED. ALLOW A MINIMUM OF FIVE D'YS PRIOR TO DELIVERY FOR REQUEST TO SUBSTITlfTE. SUBSTITIJTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO BC LANDSCAPE STAN OARD AND CA.N.ADIAN LANDSCAPE STAN DARO - DEFINITION OF CONOmONS OF AVAILABILITY.• AU LANDSCAPE MATERIAL ANO v\lORKMANSHIP MUST MEET OR EXCEED BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD LATEST ecmoN .• ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY ... BIO.SOL.IDS NOT PERMITTED IN GROWING MEDIUM UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, 18132--4.ZIP @Copyright reseNed. This dl'OWJOO and ~gn is the property of PMG landscape A.r*-edJ an,J"m11y nol be reproduced or used for other projects without their pemission. ~ SuiteC100 -418S StillCreekDrive Burnaby, Brilish Columbia, V5C 6G9 p: 604294-0011 ; t 604294--0022 SEAL; .. 19.S(Pll J l~JIJNZ7 1 J9Jt1Hll NEWSIJt Pt.AN ,U ~ ;•.~l.!G~l-~-~l?.fi~-~~ RJ NO. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION OR CLIENT: PROJECT: 10-UNIT TOWNHOMES 13616 232ND STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TITLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN DATE: 18JUL16 SCALE: 1!150 DRAWN: RK DESIGN: ., CHK'D: PC PMG PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING NUMBER: Ll OF2 18-132 1-ul I ;u· I /0 0 <( I :-0 0 Q'.'. w 0 Q'.'. I gll ~o ::::,w ~z w IL WO l0 >z ::::, l <( o(/) <D I -,, "' Cf) Is: j l I I I ( I I PLANT SCHEDULE PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 18-132 KEY CTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME PLANTED SlZE I REMARKS SHRUB ~ 2 ARBUTUS UNEDO 'COMPACTA' COMPACT STRAvWERRY BUSH #3 POT; SOCM 7 AUCUBA JAPONICA 'SERRATIFOLIA' SAWTOOTHED JAPANESE AUCUBA #3 POT; 50CM 2B BERBERIS THUNBERGIJ "AUREA NANA" GOLDEN DWARF BARBERRY #3 POT; 40CM ,}) B2 BUXUS MICROPHYLLA 'V\'INTER GEM' LITTLE-LEAF BDX #2 POT; 25CM #3 POT; 40CM /:. 5 CARYOPTERIS x CLANOONENSIS 'DARK KNIGHT' BLUEBEARD #2 POT; -40CM ,!'; 5 CHOISYA TERNATA 'SUNDANCE' MEXICAN MOCK ORANGE #3 POT; 50CM ~ 52 EUONYMUS ALATA 'COMPACTUS' COMPACT WINGED BURNING BUSH #3 POT; 30CM .. 2 FOTHERGILLA MAJOR 'MOUNT AIRY' MOUNT AIRY FOTHERGILLA #3 POT; 60CM ~ 15 HYDRANGEA MACROPHYLLA 'SISTER THERESA' BIGLEAF HYDRANGEA; IM-\ITE #2 POT: 50CM ~ 2 HYDRANGEA QUERCIFOLIA OAKLEAF HYDRANGEA #3 POT; SOCM A 51 KALMIA LATIFOLIA 'ELF' DWARF MOUNTAIN LAUREL #3 POT; 50CM 32 MAHON IA NERVOSA LONGLEAF MAHONIA #2 POT; 40CM ~ 35 NANDINA DOMESTICA 'MOONBAY' DWARF HEAVENLY BAMBOO #3 POT; SOCM >;;< B PIERIS JAPONICA 'FOREST FLAME' PIERIS; IM-IITE BLOOMS #3 POT; 50CM s 3 RHODODENDRON 'MRS FURNIVAL' RHODODENDRON; ROSE PINK; MAY #3 POT; SOCl-.1 • ROSA MEJDILAND 'BONJCA' BONICA ROSE #2 POT; -40CM 'S 15 ROSA MEIDILANO 'RED' MEIDILAND ROSE; RED #2 POT; 40CM " ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS 'PROSTRATUS' CREEPING ROSEMARY t 9 RU8US PENTALOBOUS CREEPING RASPBERRY #1 POT .. 20 SKI MM IA JAPONICA (90% MALE) Jfl.P,~,HESE SKl~V,IIA. #2 POT; 30CM >;: 3B SPIRAEA JAPONICA 'LIMEMOUNO' BRIGHT GREEN SPIREA #3 POT: 60CM ·• 63 STIPA TENUISSIMA MEXICAN FEATHER GRASS #1 POT .. 121 TAXUS X MEDIA 'HILLII' HILLIIYEW 1.5M 8&6 :/!! 6 VACCINIUM OVATUM 'THUNDERBIRD' EVERGREEN HUCKLEBERRY #3 POT: 60CM NOTES: • PLANT SIZES JN THIS LIST ARE SPECIFIED ACCORDING TO THE BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD, LATEST EDITION, CONTAINER SIZES SPECIFIED AS PER CNLA STANDARD BOTH PLANT SIZE AND CONTAINER SIZE ARE THE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE SIZES • REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEFINED CONTAINER MEASUREMENTS AND OTHER PLANT MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS • SEARCH ANO REVIEW MAKE PLANT MATERIAL AVAILABLE FOR OPTIONAL REVIEW BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT SOURCE OF SUPPLY. AREA OF SEARCH TO INCLUDE LOVIIER MAINLAND AND FRASER VALLEY.· SUBSTITUTIONS: OBTAJN WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO MAKING ANY SUBSTITUTIONS TO THE SPECIFIED MATERIAL UNAPPROVED SUBSTITUTIONS IMLL BE REJECTED. ALLOW A MINIMUM OF FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO DELIVERY FOR REQUEST TO SUBSTITUTE, SUBSTITUTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD -DEFINITION OF CONDITIONS OF AVAILABILITY.• All LANDSCAPE MATERIAL AND V'vCIRKMANSHIP MUST MEET OR EXCEED BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD LATEST EDITION • ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY,• BIO-SOLIDS NOT PERMITTED IN GROVvlNG MEDIUM UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, 0 I PLANT SCHEDULE PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 18-132 ~EY QTY bOfA1UCALKAM.E COr.lMON NAME PLANTED SJZE I REN.ARKS GRASS ij 5B CAREX 'OSHIMENSIS EVERGOLD' SILVER VARIEGATED SEDGE #1 POT 9 PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIOES 'HAMELIN' DWARF FOUNTAIN GRASS #1 POT 66 PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIDES 'LITTLE BUNNY' FOUNTAIN GRASS #1 POT PE ENNtAL j '3 ASTJLBE x ARENDSII 'RED SENTINEL' FALSE SPIREA; RED #1 POT 01 HELLEBORUS x HYBRIDUS LENTEN ROSE 1SCMPOT ff/ HEMEROCALLIS '\f\lHITE TEMPATJON' DAYLILY, VI/HITE #1 POT; 20CM 2' HOSTA 'PATRIOT' HOSTA; GREEN ANO IM-IITE VARIEGATED #1 POT; 1 EYE 3' LIRIOPE MUSCARI BLUE LILY-TURF #1 POT 17 SEDUM 'AUTUMN JOY' STONECROP #1 POT 165 SEDUM KAMTSCHATICUM 'VARIEGATUM' YELLOW SEDUM 9CM POT I 1D5 ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI KIN NI KINNICK #1 POT; 20CM 27 GAULTHERIA SHALLON SAlAL #1 POT; 20CM 24 LONICERA PILEATA PRIVET HONEYSUCKLE #2 POT: 25CM 3B PACHYSANDRA TERMINAUS -,W>AllE.SE SPURGE #1 POT; 15CM 6 POLYSTICHUM MUNITUM INESTERN S'NORD FERN #1 POT; 25CM NOTES: • PLANT SIZES IN THIS LIST ARE SPECIFIED ACCORDING TO THE BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STAN DARO, LATEST EDITION CONTAINER SIZES SPECIFIED AS PER CNLA STANDARD~ BOTH PLANT SIZE ANO CONTAINER SIZE ARE THE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE SIZES • REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEFINED CONTAINER MEASUREMENTS ANO OTHER PLANT MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS. • SEARCH AND REVIEW: MAKE PLANT MATERIAL AVAILABLE FOR OPTIONAL REVIEW BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT SOURCE OF SUPPLY. AREA OF SEARCH TO INCLUDE LOvVER MAINLAND AND FRASER VALLEY • SUBSTITUTIONS: OBTAIN WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO MAKING ANY SUBSTITUTIONS TO THE SPECIFIED MATERIAL UNAPPROVED SUBSTITUTIONS lfollll BE REJECTED, ALLOW A MINIMUM OF FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO DELIVERY FOR REQUEST TO SUBSTITUTE. SUBSTITUTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO BC LANDSCAPE STAN DARO AND CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD -DEFINITION OF CONDITIONS OF AVAILABILITY~ .. ALL LANDSCAPE MATERIAL AND INORKMANSHIP MUST MEET OR EXCEED BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD LATEST EDITION,• ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY. • BIO-SOLIDS NOT PERMITTED IN GRO\f.JING MEDIUM UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. $z 10132-4.ZIP ©Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is lhe property of PMG Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. Suite C100 -418S Still Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, VSC 6G9 p: 604 294.0011 ; r: 604 2911-0022 SEAL: . iuc,u muJ.llH»ID/I' . UJO'f,tt l't$\ll0Hla.GI' . lt~H . u-ot _....,,. NO. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION CLIENT: PROJECT: 10-UNIT TOWN HOMES 13616 232ND STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC ORA~NG TITLE: LANDSCAPE SHRUB PLAN ~ tj DR, DATE: 18.JUW.6 DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: 1'150 L2 DRAWN: RK DESIGN: RK CHK'O: PC OF2 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 18-132 l. )286 ._) DIAMON~EAD 3551 COMM VANCOUVE ERCIAL STREET T 604 733.4886R IBC I VSN 4E8 F 604.733.4879 Drawing title· T Project addr~ss-~e3e5~;nagement Plan Client: Anoop·s: Bains and 13616 232 Street Maple R"d 1 ge, BC I 15 Orn 11/ LEGEND • NOTES r~F.E PWTl:CTION ZOf·JE TREE PROTECTION f-E~·lCE TREE TO !?E RETM·JED UN-)lJRVEYL':) !REE I ~f.F. iC ~[ RC:MOVED REFEREMCE DRAWIMGS l S;i~,:, Surv,:;y by Aplin and M11rlln Drawlr.g i'-lo: 002 Dcte: 2019/C?/18 Drawn by: MR Paoe s· ". IZI!': ARCH D (241'x36'') Page# 1 of 1 ) • APLIN MARTIN ~ ENGNcERING ARCHIJECTUE PLANNING SURVEYING Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. 201 -12448 82 Avenue, Surrey, B.C. Canada V3W 3E9 Tel: (604) 597-9058, Fax: (604) 597-9061, Email: general@aplinmartin.com CLIENT: 1118706 B.C. LTD. 220 -7404 KING GEORGE BLVD., SURREY, BC VJW 1 NS PH. 604-547-3178 FAX. 604-547-3001 PROJECT: 21 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION 13616 232 STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, BC SITE SITE LOCATION PLAN NOT TO SCALE DRAWING INDEX 17-476-01 COVER SHEET 17-476-02 KEY PLAN 17-476-03 LOT GRADING PLAN 17-476-04 ROADWORKS & SANITARY WORKS-BLANEY RD 17-476-05 ROADWORKS-232A ST 17-476-06 ROADWORKS-LANE 17-476-07 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 17-476-08 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL-STAGE 1 17-476-09 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL-STAGE 2 MUNICIPAL PROJECT No. 2017-473-RZ APLIN & MARTIN PROJECT No. 17-476 APPENDIXG \I I 11 I I " I I \ I I jJ m l \~,l-HH- \ i:;;::;l!;~;L--.r.~, •~u2~~~~1~~:i:.::,l>l:V,l 2 PLAN EPP702B6 --.... -·~-~e~ -~ ' -·~8,.,,.~s-----::=- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 7 PLAN 1117.3 \ 1 i 1 \ I SOL/TH PART LOT 9 EXCEPT PARCEL "A" (REFERENCE PLAN 10274), BLOCK "A" SECTION 33 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 2409 BEING ALL THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT LYING TO THE SOUTH OF A STRAIGHT LINE DRAWN PARALLEL TO AND PERPENDICULARLY DISTANT 200 FEET SOUTH FROM THE NORTH BOUNDARY MONUMENT NO. OCM 84H0062 ELEVATION: 39.225 SLOPE PROJECTIQl,j RC APLIN MARTIN CLIENT: PCL "B" (668484E) 1118706 B.C. LTD. 220. 7404 KING GEORGE BLVD., SURREY, BC V3W1 N6 PH. 604-547-3178 FA. 604-547--3001 ( / / PARK / ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA I I / / / / / ,,. / ,,. ,,. .,,. STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER WATERMAIN (DOMESTIC) WATERMAIN (FIRELINE) MANHOLE CLEANOUT --D----- -s----- -w----- -F----- • 4500 LAWN BASIN (AS PER MMCD) CATCH BASIN C/W ALUMINUM TRAPPING HOOD (AS PER MMCD) AREA DRAIN AIR VALVE SODDED SWALE TREE PROTECTION FENCING RETAINING \VALL ASPHALT CURB & GUTTER TEMP. RIGHT OF WAY GENERAL NOTES: " VZZZ7Zl ----------------;---- 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE LOCATION AND INVERTS OF EXISTING WATER, STORM AND SANITARY CONNECTIONS TO THE SITE. REPORT TO THE ENGINEER ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. / ,, I SRW Ex PLAN 79495 t.<',c, ,..or.,_ ,l'ofESs10❖"., /qq;.. 1:ftlo:;,,~,, -1(\, j- I 2.Smwide 2. ALL BUILDINGS & ROADS ARE TO BE LOCATED BY CO-OR DINA TES AS CALCULATED BY A B.C. LAND SURVEYOR. 3. THE CONTRACTOR MUST CONTACT THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION TO SCHEDULE AN ON-SITE PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING DURING WHICH CONSTRUCTION METHODS, TIMING, AND INSPECTION WlLL BE DISCUSSED. 4. ALL \VORKS TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WlTH THE BRITISH COLUMBIA BUILDING CODE 2012. 5. CONSULT GAS DRAWlNGS FOR GAS DISTRIBUTION WITHIN THIS SITE, 10mm gravel screenings 75mm(min) depth 250mm(min) level shoulder lYP. 75mm roadbase 1 150mm(min) depth -....,.._ Finished grade adjacent to trail 8hatl be 50mm below trail w/ all 250 I r-adjacent native or ex.isling 1 / planting restored to approval by l',;: CMRParks Nilex:4545 non-woven geolextile to extend 150mm pasl edge or trail :li,!,""",!il,;;,l:~8~:,!i,!l.,.,;~~,;;l..~,!,j;,.:,...--Drainage swale and 0150mm --.-,--;T "'· • culverts as required along Ih' "" uphill side of sloping site .NQIES;_ conditions PARKSIDE TRAIL STAN0AA0 DETAIL -Each lift of roadbase shall be compacted to refusal undisturbed native subgrade w/ with vibratory roller (min. 120 type) compacUon of 95% SPD or -Design longitudal slope shall be 12%. Slopes up to 15% 75mm pilrun lo ensure firm may be accepted wflh prior City approval. load bearing subgrade -Provide culverts every 20m or as required. compacted to 95% SPO .. ,__.::__-·--- -Culverts and swa1es lo direct water lo natural drainages. -Trail layout to avoid significant trees and root zones. -Trail layout to be approved by City representalive. = ~9:'::-. ,,_. TITLE: DESIGN: SMD CHECK: JJB ii! .. ..,..,.~...,,, .,11 & l.ao'I DRAWN: TJP APPR: JJB ==· ... ,.·~~-:!.~. KEY PLAN A & M FILE: :'!!.~ :" ~~~.r':: •-I 17-476 REY. NO. D S .IPTION 6 FOR COOROIW\TIOH B'GNBaGARCHrB:IUl!PL»NG-1-------------------------------t' \ a~~~'V~ :=:.:.7£_,r::~1.~ w PROJECT NO. SCAl.£ : DRAWING DAT£: ; 7 RE:-SUBl,IISSIOII SET 8 REVISE!> ESC PLANS 9 REVISE[) SETBACKS 10 Al) P,i.RKSIDE TRAIL DETNL ~ ... :_:~.!I,_,!J Aplln & Martin Consultants Ltd, 201 -12448 82 Avenue, Surrey, B.C. Canada V3W 3E9 Toi: {!&04) S'7·90S8. Fa,;: (804) S9T✓.t0G1, Emell: 9ano«1l@111pUrwD1tl11,,COtn PROJECT: 21 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION 13616 232 SIBEET, MAPLE RIDGE, BC _,.....,,, '"........... 2017-473-RZ HORZ. l;SOO SEPTEMBER 2019 ;: ~..:,v=..,_-::..J::""'1-0-RA_W_IN_G_N_O_.-------lf-V~E~:~~~M~N~O~~~ffl--llG-N~O-.--t---S-H~E~ET=-cN~O-.--.~R~el,,.,-.--1 17-476-02 02 OF 09 10 2Sm ) 2 _.,,_J ___ ,. ~,y ..... LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1n ~I~ ,~11 .. ._\._ ' .., LOT 12 SECTION 1-1 N.T.S. SOLJTH PART LOT 9 EXCEPT PARCEL "A" (REFERENCE PLAN 10274), BLOCK "A" SECTION 33 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 2409 BEING ALL THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT LYING TO THE SOUTH OF A STRAIGHT LINE DRAWN PARALLEL TO AND PERPENDICULARLY DISTANT 200 FEET SDUTH FROM THE NORTH BOUNDARY hlONUMENT ND. OCM 84H0062 ELEVATION: 39.22.5 \0 NL KG ------ .... w w g:: tr) <( N "' N LOT 23 t;\, ~1 CLIENT: PCL "B" / / ,, I ✓ -_·t./ ,::-_ . ·'"' ...... '4 ,;,<; f ~{ .. ~ ·.1 :1!:IP.' . .. ,. ·l-i •1r·...v -1,i· .·:f.,,-;r .:!11 '~ 1 :;f>1-~l.--:)'' .. ~ ~~)' , , .~,t'i y~ .. ~\, ,, PARK / ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA sp•:-r.::ffk :::1 ~_jtJ IS ~f fsr:.:inC! cwour,d / !:-... 7'>'1i'i ,::'-(:;1ir(:11r·( ~~1•·\•n" CJ(l .. ~ / ~~:·(rf 1,:-____ ;~c,'k • :or•:l·b';~;:k·•, , __ // . .. ,,,,,.,..• -----·· i:~ /~ I 9,0 -f'lrtP, B 5 fl/\. ,8,0 4 1.s --1 -1:::;:;:;::::~b:::;;-TI •7.0 I ~ {~ 4f~ORIYEIIA"I') ::~ :--l-- .... _ _,.1. ___ --------- £0 I .•. , ---I ,4,0 n"""-""""' lOf 1Q TOP OF BANK :;;-----+---''----,t---,--1..-----'-----------'-i SECTION 2-2 N.T.S. LOT GRADING: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS ARE IN METERS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. ALL ELEVATIONS ARE TO GEODETIC DATUM. 3. ALL ELEVATIONS ARE DERIVED FROM OCM BOH 1292 & OCM 64H0429. 4. ALL CONSTRUCTION IS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 2012 B.C. BUILDING AND PLUMBING CODES AND IS TO BE ACCEPTABLE TO THE CORPORATION OF DELTA BUILDING ANO PERMITS DEPARTMENT . 5. ALL EXCAVATION, FILL PLACEMENT ANO COMPACTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS REPORT. 6. CONTRACTOR TO EMPLOY GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT FOR PERFORMANCE OF IN PLACE TESTING DURING THE PREPARATION OF THE SUBGRADE AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE ROAD STRUCTURE TO VERIFY THE ADEQUACY OF PROPOSED ROAD STRUCTURE AND SUBGRAOE. 7. CHANGES TO GRADE SHALL BE FORMED BY SMOOTH CURVES. INDIVIDUAL LOT SILT CONTROL N01ES: 1. IT IS THE COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HOUSE BUILDERS TO DIRECT ALL LOT DRAINAGE TO A TEMPORARY SILT CONTROL FENCE/BERM . 2. SILT CONTROL AND CUT-OFF SWALE SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL FINISHED LDT GRADING. ALSO, FOUNDATION TILE SHALL NOT BE CONNECTED TO STM, CONNECTION UNTIL ALL ON-SITE TILE IS PLACED AND BACKFILLED, IN THE INTERIM, TILE TRENCH TO STM. CONNECTION SHALL BE TEMPORARILY DIRECTED TO SEDIMENT TRAP. 3. FILTER FABRIC FDR CONSTRUCTION OF SILT FENCE TO BE NICOLON "KDNTRDL PLUS" OR EQUIVALENT. 4. EACH HOUSE BUILDER SHALL INSTALL THE SILT FENCE/BERM AND CUT-OFF SWALE PRIOR TO UNCAPPING THE STORM CONNECTION AND EXCAVATING THE BUILDING FOOTPRINTS. 5. HOUSE BUILDER SHALL ENSURE THAT ND SILT-LADEN WATER SHALL BE PUMPED OUT OF DR DISCHARGED INTO THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM. EACH HOUSE BUILDER MAY BE REQUIRED TD INSTALL ADDITIONAL FACIUTIES, AS NECESSARY, TO CONTROL THE DISCHARGE OF SILT-LADEN WATERS. 6. HOUSE BUILDER TO CONSTRUCT 6.0m x 6.0m GRAVEL SITE ACCESS PAD. PAD SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF 40mm CRUSHED GRAVEL AND BE 200mm THICK. GRAVEL PAD TO BE USED FOR ALL DELIVERIES TO SITE. 7. ROAD MAINTENANCE EACH BUILDER MUST MAKE EVERY POSSIBLIE EFFORT TO MINIMIZE THE AMOUNT OF SOIL TRANSPORTED FROM THE BUILDING SITE ONTO THE ROADWAY. THIS IS PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT WHEN HEAVY MACHINERY, DUMP TRUCKS AND CONCRETE TRUCKS ARE ACCESSING THE SITE. THE PAVED ROAD SURFACE MUST BE REGULARLY CLEANED OF ACCUMULATIONS OF SOIL BY THE BUILDER. NO SOIL, SAND OR OTHER MATERIAL WITH A HIGH SEDIMENT CONTENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED DR PILED OUTSIDE THE PROPERTY BOUNDARIES, PARTICULARLY ON THE PAVED ROAD SURFACE. NO MATERIAL OF ANY TYPE IS TO BE DEPOSITED IN SUCH A WAY THAT IT INTERFERES WITH THE FLOW OF WATER ALONG THE CURBS DR INTO CATCH BASINS . I.EW:ill. EXISTING ELEVATION PROPOSED ELEVATION + 52.90 + 61.50 STEP HElGHT FROM GARAGE TO L.F.E GARACE SLOPE M F. MAIN FLOOR ELEVATION (m) LF.E =LOWER FLOOR ELEYAllON (m) ASPHALT lEMP. RIGHT OF WAY VZZZZZl ,---------------------------1,:: NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR ~ IT IS l}lE RESPONSIBIUIY OF THE CONTRACTOR'S SURVEYOR TO VERIFY THAT ALL ~ LEGAL SURVEY O!M~NS SHOWN ON THE ENGINEERS DRAWINGS AGREE WITH THOSE :: ON THE R£GlSTEREI) LEG,\L SURVEY PLAN. SHOULD THERE BE ANY DISCREPANCIES, • THEN W.MEDIA'ltl Y NO!\FY THE ENGlt/EER OF RECORD _; .,••o";i!.ssio:--.... ,,_ ......_" ..-, TITLE: DESIGN: SMD CHECK: JJB ~ u.cs:., .,... ~ DRAWN: TJP APPR: JJB 1118706 B.C. LTD. .r'I:-4< • APLIN MAA~IN ,,·' q .~o;.;"c6 ".-'¾. I j 220~7i104KINGGEORGEBLVD.,SUAAEY,BC V3W1N6 C PH. 604-547-3178 FA. 604-S•U-3001 :(:-:~~E:;b 'i: LOT GRADING PLAN A & M FILE; ~~:.=-~ ~-.n 17-476 -NICH'IB:IUIER»NtG.-1---------------------------'i PROJECT: .-.. Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. 21 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION =: 4;~~ tu ~PROJ--E-CT_N_O_.-------~S-CALE--, -------1---.....,..DRA,,..,:,,W.,,IN""G"""'OA-"TE:=·----t ~=-:-:o,,-,fta#nW":-k 2017-473-RZ =.· ~sio SEPTEMBER 2019 =~ _: ;::r.::-:-~•-'1-:,D.,,.RA-w"'1"'NG,,....,N'.":D-. --------1f-='A""&'----cM-"-'cD1:RA',W,,.,l"'N"'G""N"'o=-.-+--SH=EET=-:NO-:-=-. ---r-:R"'EV,,.,.., -~ 201 -12446 B2 Avenue, Surrey, B.C. canada V3W 3E9 13616 232 S1REET, MAPLE RIDGE, BC T•t: (G,04) ~7--9058• Fax: (60C) 597·9061, Emall: '!ilCII\Ot':!l@opllrvnanln.com 17-476-D3 03 OF D9 10 0 1;50Q _J PROP. PROP. P/L P/L &=!"' ____________ ___,!_,,8.,,.00m~c,.R;.,-,::0,-:.W,,.. ____________ -!~ I ULTIMATE I 0 VARIES WA PROP. ROAD C/1. MMCD BARRIER CURB & GUTTER I 42-01!: r 0 I ~ VARIES STM V/IRIES SAN BLANEY ROAD & 232A STREET TYPICAL ROAD CROSS SECTION N.T.S. BPAP STRUCilJRE· 0 :g~~=:~~~:t+ ~6~~ gg~~~~ :; @ ~~~~ BA~i:mm MINUS CRUSHED @ ~0NBBi~~mm -PIT-RUN GRAVEL © SUBGRADE TO 957. MODIFlED PROCTOR @ 150mm TOPSOIL SPECIFICATION TO BE AS PER MMCD SECTIONS 2921 & 2933. NOTE: 1. ALL BASE AND SUBBASE FILLS TO BE COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF 95% MODIFIED PROCTOR DRY DENSITY WITH A MOISTURE CONTENT WITHIN 2% OF OPTIMUM FOR COMPACTION. 2. GEOTECHNICAL REPORT TO FOLLOW UNDER SEPARATE COVER. GENERAL NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE LOCATION AND INVERTS OF EXISTING WATER, STORM ANO SANITARY CONNECTIONS TO THE SITE. REPORT TO THE ENGINEER ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. 2. ALL BUILDINGS & ROADS ARE TO BE LOCATED BY CO-ORDINATES AS CALCULATED BY A B.C. LAND SURVEYOR. 3. THE CONTRACTOR MUST CONTACT THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION TO SCHEDULE AN ON-SITE PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING DURING WHICH CONSTRUCTION METHODS, TIMING, AND INSPECTION WILL BE DISCUSSED. 4. ALL WORKS TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BRITISH COLUMBIA BUILDING CODE 2012. 5. CONSULT GAS DRAWINGS FOR GAS DISTRIBUTION WITHIN THIS SITE. 5 CENTRELINE ROAD ELEVATIONS SANITARY STORM CHAINAGE 68 64 621----+---l 60 I PROP. OflEC r-r er (n'P.) - 581---·+----+---.f--- 12 13 14 • 09 .. S8 --J--s -. f) ,:; S9 D10 ~~68 :l!«> ;C---+---+-~,c!+---+---+--±:1 g tn di ii'.~ '4- ·11-'----!----+---l-'---~lio 64 PROP. It PROfli.E ---60 PARK / ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA PROP. PROP. P/L P/L tfil-__________ _,1"'5.~00\Y:im;,'R~.aaeO'-'.W"-. _________ -l~ l ULTIMATE I PROP. ROAD C/1. 4.80m SThf 232A STREET D'.PICAL ROAD CROSS SECTION ROAD STRUCTURE: CD :g;;=1~~~1~ i ~b~~ gg~~~~ :; @ b~~m BA~~mm MINUS CRUSHED G) ~~NBBi~~mm -PIT-RUN GRAVEL © SUBGRADE TO 95il MODIFlED PROCTOR @ 150mm TOPSOIL SPEClFlCA TION TO BE AS PER MMCD SECTIONS 2921 & 2933. NOTE: 1. ALL BASE AND SUBBASE FILLS TO BE COMPACTIED TO A MINIMUM OF 95r. MODIFlED PROCTOR DRY DENSITY WITH A MOISTURE CONTIENT WllHIN 2il OF OPTIMUM FOR COMPACTION. 2. GEOTECHNICAL REPORT TO FOLLOW UNDER SEPARATIE COVER. N.T.S. 66 64 136 AVE i p l PA BLANEY ROI --• It I - 62t-----+-----'r-=--t~:--;~--lt---lH ---i:-1-"1il LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SOUTH PART LOT 9 EXCEPT PARCEL "A" (REFERENCE PLAN 10274), BLOCK "A" SECTION 33 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 2409 BEING ALL THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT LYING TO THE SOUTH OF A STRAIGHT LINE DRAWN PARALLEL TO AND PERPENDICULARLY DISTANT 200 FEET SOUTH FROM THE NORTH BOUNDARY 11.0tlUMEIIT IIO. OCM 84tl0062 ELEVATION: 39.22.5 REV. NO. ESCRIPTIPN 6 f'OR COO!!Dl~TION RE-SUBMISSION SO 8 9 REVISED SETE!ACKS 10 fVTURi: <e_ PI\Orll.E CENTRELINE ROAD ELEVATIONS CHAINAGE 60 CLIENT: APLIN MARTIN 1118706 B.C. LTD. 220 • 7404 KING GEORGE BLVD., SURREY, BC V3W1 N6 Mi.G04•S4T•3i78 FA.&OQ,5'117..JOOI EN3N!!ff«JARCHIB:I\.FEl'I.NNGIUNE'IN3 1------------------------------1~ PROJECT: 21 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION Aplln & Martin Consultanls Ltd. 201 -12448 82 Av&nua, Surroy, B,C. Canada V3W 3E9 13616232 STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, BC T.i: {804j 597-8051, Fax: (150-4) 597-9051, Emall: ~•n01~@.1pnnmat1in.com 66 r ~ 7 60 ---------0-===-- GENERAL NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE LOCATION AND INVERTS OF EXISTING WATER, STORM AND SANITARY CONNECTIONS TO THE SITE. REPDRT TO THE ENGINEER ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. 2. ALL BUILDINGS & ROADS ARE TO BE LOCATED BY CO-OROINATIES AS CALCULATIEO BY A B.C. LAND SURVEYOR. 3, THE CONTRACTOR MUST CONTACT THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION TO SCHEDULE AN ON-SITE PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING DURING WHICH CONSTRUCTION METHODS, TIMING, AND INSPECTION WILL BE DISCUSSED. 4. ALL WORKS TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BRITISH COLUMBIA BUILDING CODE 201 2, 5. CONSULT GAS DRAWINGS FOR GAS DISTRIBUTION WITHIN THIS SITIE. lctiOO MMCD GENERAL NOTES· 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY lHE LOCATION AND INVERTS Or EXISTING WATER, STORM AND SANITARY CONNECTIONS TO THE SITE. REPORT TO THE ENGINEER ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. 2. ALL BUILDINGS & ROADS ARE TO BE LOCATED BY CO-OR DINA TES AS CALCULATED BY A B.C. LAND SURVEYOR. 3. lHE CONTRACTOR MUST CONTACT lHE ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION TO SCHEDULE AN ON-SITE PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING DURING WHICH CONSTRUCTION MElHODS, TIMING, AND INSPECTION WILL BE DISCUSSED. 4. ALL WORKS TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WllH THE BRITISH COLUMBIA BUILDING CODE 2012. S, CONSULT GAS DRAWlNGS FOR GAS DISTRIBUTION WlTHIN lHIS SITE. PROP. W P/l 6.00m R.O, W. L MA PROP. ROAD C/1. PROP. E P/1. ROLLOVER CURB & GUTTER LANE TYPICAL ROAD CROSS SECTION N.T.S. ROAD SffllJCTURE· 0 :g~~=:~~~:t~ ~b~~~ g~:~ :: @ ~~~'Ce:1 sAkimm MINUS CRUSHED @ MIN. 200mm -PIT-RUN SUBBASE @ SUBGRADE TO 95% MOOIFlED PROCTOR NOTE: 1. ALL BASE AND SUBBASE FILLS TO BE COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF 95% MODIFIED PROCTOR DRY DENSITY WITH A MOISTURE CONTENT WllHIN 2% OF OPTIMUM FOR COMPACTION. 2. GEOTECHNICAL REPORT TO FOLLOW UNDER SEPARATE COVER. CENTRELINE ROAD ELEVATIONS CHAINAGE 56 52 R£LOCA TE/R£8UILO GllAVEL TllAtl. TO SI/IT AT 10.QO VC P STA -1+958. 70 1/1 ELEV = 45.828 A.D. -9.000 I<• ,1,1 50•---;------+--I 232 STREET It ----1----- 46---+----+-!;!~-+-i----l J ~~ I ~f / 46 YI SfA..,. 1/1 ELEV 0. • 1 . K • ?,.3, 9= ,_ E i5 o ::, ==~=----.1.; e :i ~ 0 12 o.. ---50 ) 2 PLAN EPP702B6 . -. -w-----w----- -0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 11,· • 111 • .fq.- \J\~-11 I ' I \ 1' \ ::., ... ~ I I I ·1~ •·' \ .l \ \' ~~' •. SOUTH PART LOT 9 EXCEPT PARCEL "A" (REFERENCE PLAN 10274), BLOCK "A" SECTION 33 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 2409 BEING ALL THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT LYING TO THE SOUTH OF A STRAIGHT LINE DRAWN PARALLEL TO AND PERPENDICULARLY DISTANT 20D FEET SOUTH FROM THE NORTH BOUNDARY MONUMENT NO, OCM 8<H0062 ELEVATION: 39.22.5 , NO, OESCRlPTION 6 FOR COORDINATION 7 RE-SUBMISSION SET (UNOPENED) CLIENT: APLIN MARTIN PCL "B" (668484E) 1118706 B.C. LTD. 220 • 7404 KING GEORGE BLVD., SURREY, BC V3W1 N6 PH. 604-547-3179 FA. 604-547-3001 ( / / ,Y.~X .._ , A~K '-.. • \ ., .... ~·-·· ~":.. ' ,f/" ;:, ;· ::;( I • .• , ~J !A;_ .,.. PARK / ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA /\H R/C IS REOUIRED ON l HE" SITE 10 ENSURE A MINIMUM OF 300mm OF TIER l'fU)CESSED TOPSOIL IS PLACE ON 81.L "'ERVlOIJS AREAS OF lliE SITE TO ALLOW A SUPPLOIENTA.'lY STORM WATER INFILTRATION (MINIMUM 55% OF LOT AREA MUST BE O(RVlOUS) / * / / / / , / -------------,----/ SRW Ex PLAN 79495 / t ,-------N-O_T_IC_E_T_O_C_O_N,-lTR_A_C_T_O_R _____ -1 ~ IT IS TME RESPONSl8IuiY Of" THE CONTRACTOll'S SURV!:'t'OR TO VERIFY THAT ALL ~ LE~J~~~~S~~~~~p~J ~~cru:w.:~~G~R7i,~~i ? THEN IMUEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD ;. , fllil-~., ~._ TITLE: DESIGN: SMO CHECK: JJB ~~~.,r.:;:\m DRAWN: TJP APPR: JJB t: .:!::-":t"'N-;..'t:~'J;,, STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN " & M F1LE.: ;~ =--:.'!i"'Jz-'•:;:; ·-17-476 ~ -.MCHTl!CT\R!PIRNG._ t-------------------------------1 b-1:.• ~ II.~ 1-::---=~-------..--~-------4---=::,:,.,.,,;.;~~----I e,,"N.1 1a u .tw'-1 ~ bt ?ROJE:CT NO. SCALE : DRAWING QP.TE; PROJECT: 21 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION 13616 232 STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, BC 111t1-= ,a,,,._,.,.. -ti$ a.-.. HORZ. 1:500 ""' ~~";'~1-:-,,..,2,,,o==-17-c-:::-4_7_3_-_R_Z ___ -+_VERt"':-'-,,_ • ....,..:.N~A=:,:-,-:::---+--S-=E,,,P=T=-Ec-:M::-B_E_Rr-:::2::::-0:-1_9-I DRAWING NO. A & M DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. REV. 17-476-07 07 OF 09 10 1;!,00 25m _) 2 PLAN £PP70286 llilIL.A:. IN THE EVENT OF A SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL (S.R.E.-25+mm RAINFALL IN 24HR PERlOO). THE OUTLET CELL OF THE 12000 PIPE IS TO BE PUMPED TO THE TEl,!PORAAY DISCHARGE POINT, AND THE RUNOFF ALLOWED TO SHEET FLOW THROUGH THE UNDISTURBED/VEGETATED GROUND. AS A FURTHER MEASURE IF S.R.E. CONTINUES, THE PIPE IS TO BE IMMEDIATELY PUMPED OUT WITH A VACTOR TRUCK & SEDIMENT LADEN WATER HAULED OFF SITE. IF S.R.E. & DISCHARGE IN EXCESS OF 1 OONTU IS NOTED TO OCCUR REGULARLY ON ESC MONITORING REPORTS, ON-SITE TREATMENT PLANT AS RECOMMENDED BY E.S,C. MONITOR (PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL) & APPROVED BY THE PROJECT P.ENG., MUST BE IMPLEMENTED TO AUGMENT THIS E.S.C. PLAN .& PREVENT PROHIBJTED DISCHARGE FROM REOCCURING. _Jj COl<lllACTOR STAGING AREA FOR MACHINERY. EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS EX. I.Om COIITOURS PRIOR TO SITE GRAOlNC (TIP.) PCL "B" (6684S4E) 8m X Sm CSAVEL ENTRANCE PAD (MAINTAIN CLEAN) (300mm DEEP 100 MINl/S ANGULAR ROCK} ' ,-r ' . ~'--•,<'- ' ..... ,., ~j:i, PARK / ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA / / ,, ,, -------------r- / ?.-ftf~Ll]E!i:NCE~ SRW Ex PLAM 79495 ✓ INlllAL CLEARINC ONLY TO AU.OW INSTALLATION OF 1200¢ 0£1£NTION PIP£S, MHs D1 TO D6 & STORM SERVlCE CONNECTIONS TO LOTS 1 & 15. USE OETENllON PIPE AS TEMP. SILT CONTROL (TEMP. BLOCK FLOW CONTROL ORIFlCE: PUMP OUT & CLEAN AS DIREC1ED BY E.S.C. MONITOR). SILT FENCE STAPLES 150 o/c SEE NOTES 100mm~ POSTS l,Om 0/C z :! GEOFABRIC FOR POOR SUBGRADE GFGSD I ACCESS ROAD SECTION DETAIL 0 "' N.T.S. 1.0 FILTER FABRIC TO BE NICOLON KONTROL OR KONTROL PLUS TYPICAL PERIMETER SILT FENCE DETAIL N.T.S. TYPICAL DRAINAGE DITCH, CHECK DAM N.T.S. ,. !iENEB&;._ 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MUNICIPAL SEDIMENT CONlROL BYLAWS, AND ALL OTHER REGULATORY STATUTES, FEDERAL AND PROVlNCIAL AND COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS DF ALL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS INCLUDING THE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS, CANADA. AND THE BRlllSH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF ENVlRONMENT, LANDS AND PARKS, FOR THE PROTECTION Of AQUATIC HABITAT DURING THE CONSTRUCTION Of THE WORKS SPECIFICALLY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT ALL EXCAVATION AND CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES ARE UNDERTAKEN IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO PREVENT SILT-LADEN RUNOFF FROM THE SITE OF THE WORK FROM ENTERING THE DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE SYSTEM, AND SHALL FOLLOW PROCEDURES AS RECOMMENDED IN THE PUBLICATION ENTITLED "LAND DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES" FOR THE PROTECTION OF AQUATIC HABITAT", AS ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, LANDS AND PARKS 2. DURING CONSlRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT ALL DISTURBED AREAS ARE KEPT DE-WATERED WITH CONCENTRATED SURFACE RUNOFF EITHER DIRECTED AROUND WORK AREAS OR TEMPORARILY CONTAINED WITHIN CLOSED CONDUITS 3. ALL STOCKPILES, LARGE EXCAVATED PILES OF SPOIL MATERIAL ANO LARGE TEMPORARY SLOPES ARE TO BE COVERED WITH POLYETHYLENE SHEETING. POLYETHYLENE PROTECTIVE SHEETING TO BE OVERLAPPED MINIMUM 1.5 METRES AND BE WELL ANCHORED TO RESIST WINO WITH TIED TIRES OR OTHERWISE 4. IN GENERAL, ALL CUT ANO FILL SLOPES, REGRADED AND DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO BE PROTECTED FROM EROSION BY HYDRO-SEEDING, WITHIN 2 WEEKS OF CLEARING ACTIVITY UNLESS OTHERWISE INSTRUCTED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD (OR ENVIRONMENTAL MONITOR) AND APPROVED BY THE CITY. NEW SLOPES MAY REQUIRE PROTECTION WITH HYORO-Ml/LCH OR ON LARGER STEEPER SLOPES WITH EROSION CONTROL MATTING AS DIRECTED BY TttE ENVIRONMENTAL MONITOR. HYDRO-SEED MIX SHOULD BE AN APPROVED HARDY VARIETY CONTAINING FERTILIZER OF STANDARD NITROGEN COMMERCIAL MATERIALS 60%%% OF THE FERTILIZER SHOULD BE IN THE FORM OF SLOW RELEASE UREA, RATE OF FERTILIZER APPLICATION SHOULD BE MIN 400 KG/HA DF 19-20-12. MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED HYDRO-MULCHING CONTAINING WOOD FIBER MULCH DESIGNED FOR HYDRO-SEEDING APPLIED AT A RATE OF 2,500 KG/HA TOGETHER WITH TACKIFIER AT A RATE OF 60 KG/liA ~TH A HYDRO-SEEDER TO FORM A CONTINUOUS BLOTTER LIKE COVER. EROSION CONTROL 1</\TllNG TO BE COIABlNATION STMW/COCONUT FlBRE 81.ANKET TYPE SC150 AS MANUFACTURf:D BY NORTH AMERICM GREEN IILJ;N~ET TO BE Pt.ACED STRICTLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS 5. INTERCEPTOR AND CUT OFF SWALES ARE TO BE INSTALLED AS PER THE E.S.C. PLAN PRIOR TO CONSTRl/CTION ACTIVITIES COMMENCING, UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED OR RELOCATED BY THE ENVlRONMENTAL MONITOR ANO APPROVED BY THE CITY. WHERE GRADE EXCEEDS 5%%%, TRENCH INVERTS TO BE RIP RAP ARMORED ON GEOFABRIC, CHECK WEIRS/FILTER BERMS TO BE INSTALLED AT MAX. 5.0m O.C. 6, ALL SILT FENCING, IF REQUIRED, TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAIL. CONlRACTOR TO INSTALL ADDITIONAL SILT FENCE WHERE SITE CONDITIONS DICTATE AND DOWNSLOPE OF ALL SPOIL PILES. 7. ALL CATCH BASINS TO HAVE UPSTREAM SEDIMENT TRAPS BEFORE AND AFTER PAVING. 8. ALL STREETS TO BE REGULARLY SWEPT CLEAN (NOT FLUSHED} MINIMUM TWICE PER DAY UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL MONITOR ANO APPROVED BY THE CITY. 9. CONTRACTOR, AS PART OF REGULAR MAINTENANCE SHALL VACUUM ACCUMULATED SILTS OUT OF STORM MAINS FEEDING THE SEDIMENT CONTROL PONDS 2. QPEBI\JlQH ANO MAIN'IFNANCF· 1. CONTRACTOR lO MAINTAIN REPAIR OR REPLACE ALL SEDIMENT CONTROL WORKS AND MEASURES AND LEAVE IN GOOD WORKING ORDER. CONSTRUCTION ANO MAINTAINANCE OF TttE SEDIMENT CONTROL FACILITIES TO BE THE 2. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR TO PROVlOE OISlRICT WITH CONTACT NAMES AND 24 HOUR EMERGENCY CONTACT. 3. TYPICAL MAINTENANCE SHALL CONSIST OF, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: -ACCUMULATED SILTS IN STORM SEWER SYSTEM TO BE VACUUM CLEANED. -SILTATION FENCES SHALL BE CLEANED AND REPAIRED AS REQ'D. -GRAVEL FlL TER BERM AT OUTLET SHALL BE CLEANED OR REPLACED AS REQUIRED - PERIMETER FENCING TO BE REPAIRED IF NEEDED. NOTE: ESC PHASE 1 -23 LOTS SEDIMENT TRAPS PROPOSED SILT FENCE ---□----□--- PROPOSED SWALE AND WEIR GRAVEL ACCESS PAD 75mm CRUSHED GRAVEL BOUNDARY AND LIMIT OF CLEARING + """'"" ,--t,. - ~ It p. [ ~ I; ~---------------------------tf. i· NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR rr IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR'S SURVEYOR TO VERIFY THAT ALL J LEGAL SURVEY DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE ENGINEERS DRAWINGS AGREE Wint ntOSE ,':: ON THE REGISTf~:~ l~~:~IA~~~ofl~Tl15li';i'fiN~RgF B~E~ODISCREPIINCIES, ~ ,. ) l.ECA!. DESCRIPTION: 2 PLAN EPP70285 7 PLAN 11173 \T·· "i1 -I '\ I 'j·,'· ~~ t ;i1r·-\l A: t ... ~1 \ ~ I I I I SOlffil PART LOT 9 EXCEPT PAACEL "A" (RITERENCE PIAN 10274), BLOCK "A" SECTION 33 TOWNSHIP 12 NEVI WESTMINSTER OISTRICT PW! 2409 8EINC ALL THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT I.YING 10 Tl<Ea SOUTH OF A STRAIGHT LINE DR(-.WN ?ARAI.LEI. TO AND PERPENDICULARLY DISTANT 200 FrrT SOUTH FROM TijE NORT)l BOIJNDAAY MONUMENT NO. OCM S>IH0062 .EV. NO. 6 ElEVAilON: J9.225 PTION 7.1-----, rl--------'.'v/ ', / \ llllLYlO£ .SIQE....YlEW LOG RAIL FENCE DETAIL N.T.S. MACHINE PEELED PINE RAILS AND POSTS A MINIMUM OF 150mm DIA. SHALL BE VACUUM PRESSURE IMPREGNATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CSA STANDARD 080.5 TO AN AVERAGE NET RETENTION OF 6.4kg/m BY ASSAY OF CHROMATED COPPER ARSENATE (CCA) AS AVAILABLE FROM RONCO POLE COMPANY 585-6088 OR OTHER SUPPLIERS POSTS SHALL BE SPACED AT 2.5m INTERVALS AND A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 0,6m. POSTS SHALL BE SECURED FIRMLY IN THE GROUND BY HAND TAMPING 150mm LIFTS OF BACKFILL MATERIAL, SPACE BETWEEN GROUND AND BOTTOM OF RAIL SHALL BE 0.4m. MAXIMUM NOTCH DEPTH OF RAIL SHALL NOT EXCEED 40mm. GALVANIZED SPIKES 250mm LONG SHALL BE USED TO ATTACH RAILS TO POSTS ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED BY PERSONS SKILLED IN THE FENCING TRADE AND IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD TRADE PRACTICE ALL EXPOSED IN FIELD CUTS SHALL BE TREATED W1TH BRUSH ON PRESERVATIVE CLIENT: APLIN MARTIN 1118706 B.C. LTD. 220· 7404 KING GEORGE BLVD., SURREY, BC V3W1N6 PH. 604-547-3178 FA. 604-547-3001 DIRECTION Of' \ CRAOINO (TYP.) I I \ • 1 PARK / ENVIRONMENTALLY SE~ISITIVE AREA --- I SRW Ex PLAN 79495 BUILDER SEDIMENT TRAP DETAIL (5 SM) N.T.S. I I I / -AflCHlB:IUEANHO._.._ _____________________________ R PROJECT: 8 ML Aplln & Martin Consultants Ltd. 21 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION 13616 232 STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, BC t-7'1 9 on"T"""'7,~~~;;;;;;;:;;::~.;:;;-;;;::;,~,_,;-L-----------j-"'~;:,~-t-;~r.,i',:::;:7,~-;;;'--tr.1: ~J :;.~~~~!~ r:.1use~7~~~~11{.' :~~-11~:~~_.v:;1:11tl1~eotn NOTES: 1. TEMP. ESC POND TO STORM IN PLACE UNTIL ALL HOUSES AND GARDENS ARE 100% COMPLETE. 2. ON LOT SEDIMENT TRAPS LOTS 1-8 & 34-37 BY CIVIL CONTRACTOR. 3. ON LOT SEDIMENT TRAPS & OUTFALLS LOTS 30-33 BY CIVIL CONTRACTOR. 4. ON LOT SEDIMENT TRAPS LOTS 11-29 AND LOTS 38-46 BY HOUSE BUILDER. 5. IN THE EVENT OF SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL (S.R.E,=25+mm RAINFALL IN 24HR PERIOD), THE OUTLET CELL OF THE POND IS TO BE PUMPED TO THE UNCLEARED AREAS OF PHASE 2, AND THE RUNOFF ALLOWED TO SHEET FLOW THROUGH THE UNDISTURBED/VEGETATED (lROtJND. USE "FLOCK SOCKS" IF REQUIRED BY THE E.S.C. MONITOR. AS A FURTHER MEASURE IF S,R.E. CONTINUES, THE PONO IS TO BE IMMEDIATELY PUMPED OUT WITH A VACTOR TRUCK & SEDIMENT LADEN WATER HAULED OFF SITE. IF S,R,E. & DISCHARGE IN EXCESS DF 1 OONTU IS NOTED TO OCCUR REGULARLY ON ESC MONITORING REPORTS, ON-SITE TREATMENT PLANT AS RECOMMENDED BY E.S.C, MONITOR (PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL) & APPROVED BY APLIN AND MARTIN, MUST BE IMPLEMENTED TO AUGMENT THIS E.S.C. PLAN & PREVIENT PROHIBITED DISCHARGE FROM REOCCURING, ON LOT SEDIMENT TRAPS LOTS 1-8 BY DEVELOPER AND LOTS 11-29 AND 36-40 BY BUILDER PROPOSED CATCH BASIN WITH SILT PROTECTION □ PROPOSED SILT FENCE ---□----□--- PHASE 1 BOUNDARY AND LIMIT OF CLEARING LOG RAIL FENCE ---o-----0-0--- ,• 'I ,. ,. ;; ;! ~ ~ ~ ~-----N-0-T-IC_E_TO_C_O_N_T_R_A_C_TO_R _____ ~~ rT IS ll-lE RESPOHSlBIUTY OF lHE CONTAACIOR"S SUfiVUOR TO VERIFY THAT ALL ! lLGAL SUP.VEY DIMEI-ISIO..S SHOWN OH ll-lE ENGINEERS DRAIVINGS ACR£E WITH ll10SE { ON THE REGIS~ l~~~~~~THSE~~N~ERgF ~E~RODISCRD'ANCIES, ;; 25m ) .J ·.., APLIN MARTIN ~ ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE PLANNING SUAVEYlNG September 14, 2018 (Revised July 10, 2019) Our File: 17-476 / DX616 City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Attention: Michelle Baski Dear Madam Re : Proposed Subdivision at 13616 & 13660 232 Street, Maple Ridge File: 217-473-R2 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that our Stormwater Management Plan for this project meets or exceeds the City of Maple Ridge, GVRD and DFO Guidelines for water velocity, quality and quantity. BACKGROUND: The 3 Tier Approach to Stormwater Management is part of the Stormwater Planning Guidebook for British Columbia as issued by the Province with the GVRD and Maple Ridge being some of the sponsors. Stormwater management requirements in the City of Maple Ridge are described in the City's Design Criteria Manual and Watercourse Bylaw. TIER A EVENTS: These are small rainfall events that are less than 50% of the mean annual rainfall even, which occurs once a year. These events represent about 90% of all rainfall and should be captured at source to reduce runoff volume and provide rainfall capture. In Maple Ridge, there Tier A Events are less than 40mm of rain per day. (Calculation sheets attached). TIER B EVENTS: These are larger rainfall events that are greater than half the size of the mean annual rainfall and represent about 10% of the overall rainfall. Typically, these events are to be detained. In Maple Ridge, these Tier B Events are between 40 and 80mm of rain per day. APLIN & MARTIN CONSULTANTS LTD. 201 -12448 82ND AVENUE, SURREY, BC V3W 3E9 I WWW.APLINMARTIN.COM I (604) 597-9058 fl · . ,.., APLIN MARTIN The Tier B event flows will be released at a controlled rate of 1:2 year forested flow of 0.070m3/s (69m3 storage volume). TIER C EVENTS: These are extreme rainfall events that may or may not occur once a year. These events can be released as long as the 100 year storm is managed to provide public safety. In Maple Ridge, these events .are over 80mm of rqin per day. The Tier C .event flows will be released with a controlled rate of 2:10 year pre- development rate of O.Ol0m3/s (70 year storage volume 778m3). The storm sewer will discharge via a stormceptor manhole to an existing storm sewer on 232 Street which in turn drqins to the South Alouette River. The stormceptor m,rnhole will provide water quality and will act as a velocity break. No additional downstream erosion will occur as a result of this Development. We trust the above is in order. cc Anoop Bains JJB;ML:tng 17•476rnllt0l-Storrnwater Managem~nt Plan -------- APLIN & MARTIN CONSULTANTS LTD. 201 -12448 82"0 AVENUE, SURREY. BC V3W 3E9 I WWW APLINMARTIN.COM I (604) 5.97-905B -Anoop Bains ' _.:'32 St/136 Ave, Maple Ridge 10 Vear Peak Flow Calculations Tc Runoff coeffecient Area min Ha Qpre (2-year) 10 0.10 1.05 Qpost (10-year) 10 0.65 1.05 Storage Volume Required (Modified Rational Method) Storage Volume= 11rv1aximum Storage Required = Rainfall Duration Tr min ~ 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 105 120 135 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 r 290 310 T,= Duration of storm, in seconds Tc= Time to concentration, in seconds QP1 = Peak flow for storm, T, = T0 ems Op2 = Peak flow for storm specified, ems O,e1 = Maximum release rate, ems = OPre 178 m3 Intensity Peak Flow Peak Flow I Qp1 Qp2 mm ems ems ~L U.111 U.l!>b 59 0.111 0.111 48 0.111 0.091 42 0.111 0.079 38 0.111 0.071 34 0.111 0.065 30 0.111 0.057 27 0.111 0.051 25 0.111 0.047 23 0.111 0.043 21 0.111 0.041 20 0.111 0.038 19 0.111 0.036 18 0.111 0.033 17 0.111 0.031 16 0.111 0.030 15 0.111 0.028 14 0.111 0.027 13 0.111 0.025 13 0.111 0.024 12 0.111 0.023 12 0.111 0.022 11 0.111 0.022 11 0.111 0.021 Intensity mm 34 59 II Required Storage cm 44 60 72 82 90 97 109 119 127 134 140 145 152 157 162 166 170 173 175 177 178 178 178 177 17-476/DX 616 11-Sep-18 n Q ems 0.00278 0.010 0.00278 0.111 1 Anoop Bains 232 St/136 Ave, Maple Ridge Orifice Sizing Equation Orifice Equation : Q=CA(2gh }" .5 A=Q/(C(2gh}".5} A= Area of orifice (m2} g = Acceleration of Gravity (m3/s} h = Head on the orifice plate (m) c = Coefficient of discharge r = Radius of proposed orifice Q = Desired flow (2-year pre-development} Q 0.01 m3/s C 0.62 A Pl*D"2/4 g 9.81 m/s2 h 1.2 m A 0.003324055 m2 D 65 mm 17-476/DX 616 11-Sep-18 -~noop Bains j2 St/136 Ave, Maple Ridge 2 Year Peak Flow Calculations Tc Runoff coeffecient Area min Ha Q pre {2-year) 10 0.10 1.05 Qpost (2-year) 10 0.65 1.05 Storage Volume Required (Modified Rational Method) Storage Volume= II ~aximum Storage Required= Rainfall Duration Tr min 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 l 140 150 160 T,= Duration of storm, in seconds Tc= Time to concentration, in seconds QP1 = Peak flow for storm, T, = Tc, ems Op2= Peak flow for storm specified, ems Ore1= Maximum release rate, err= OPre 69 m3 Rainfall Peak Flow Peak Flow Intensity Qpl Qp2 I mm ems ems 48 0.065 0.090 34 0.065 0.065 28 0.065 0.053 24 0.065 0.046 22 0.065 0.041 20 0.065 0.038 17 0.065 0.033 16 0.065 0.030 14 0.065 0.027 13 0.065 0.025 12 0.065 0.024 12 0.065 0.022 11 0.065 0.021 11 0.065 0.020 10 0.065 0.019 10 0.065 0.019 9 0.065 0.018 9 0.065 0.017 9 0.065 0.017 Intensity mm 34 34 11 Required Storage cm 24 33 39 44 48 51 56 60 62 65 66 67 68 69 69 69 69 68 68 17-476/DX 616 11-Sep-18 n Q ems 0.00278 0.010 0.00278 0.065 1 Anoop Bains 232 St/136 Ave, Maple Ridge Orifice Sizing Equation Orifice Equation: Q=CA(2gh)A.S A=Q/(C(2gh)A.S) A= Area of orifice (m2) g = Acceleration of Gravity (m3/s) h = Head on the orifice plate (m) c = Coefficient of discharge r = Radius of proposed orifice Q = Desired flow (2 -year pre-development) Q 0.01 m3/s C 0.62 A Pl*DA2/4 g 9.81 m/s2 h 1.2 m A 0.003324 m2 D 65 mm 17-476/DX 616 11-Sep-18