HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2021-02-17 agenda.pdf City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel AGENDA Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 4:00 pm Held Virtually Via Zoom Teleconference Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone https://mapleridge-ca.zoom.us/j/99115383902?pwd=UkI5b3JOVVJmUUdtdVN2TENOTEU4QT09 Or join the meeting using your phone Dial: 1-778-907-2071 Meeting ID: 991 1538 3902 Password: 842174 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES – January 20, 2021 4. QUESTION PERIOD 5. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6. PROJECTS 6.1 Development Permit No: 2020-062-DP 4:05 PM Applicant: Falcon Homes Project: CHP Architects Project Landscape Architect: M2 Landscape Architecture Proposal: Mixed use commercial/residential with approx. 68 apartments Location: 22349 North Ave, 22347 117 Ave and Unaddressed Lot (PID 008-130-493) File Manager: Adrian Kopystynski 6.2 Development Permit No: 2018-041-DP 4:20 PM Applicant: KeyPlan Project Architect: Salikan Architects Project Landscape Architect: Greenway Landscape Architecture Proposal: Six Storey Residential Building with approx. 57 apartments Location: 11607, 11621 and 11633 Burnett Street File Manager: Adrian Kopystynski 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting: March 17, 2021 Agenda Items Submission Deadline: February 22, 2021 QUESTION PERIOD Question Period provides the public with the opportunity to ask questions or make comments on subjects that are of concern to them. Each person will be given 2 minutes to speak. Up to ten minutes in total is allotted for Question Period. /sc ------ MAPLE RIOGE tlr-.1J1h Calw,r.1111 map endge.,ca City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MEETING MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) held via Zoom teleconference on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 4:04 pm. PANEL MEMBERS PRESENT Stephen Heller Landscape Architect BCSLA Meredith Mitchell Landscape Architect BCSLA Steven Bartok Architect AIBC Emily Kearns Architect AIBC Andrea Scott Architect AIBC STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Wendy Cooper Staff Liaison, Planner Sabina Chand Committee Clerk Wendy Cooper, Staff Liaison, chaired the meeting until the election of the Chair. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2020-034 It was moved and seconded That the agenda for the January 20, 2021 Advisory Design Panel meeting be approved as circulated. CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES R/2020-035 It was moved and seconded That the minutes for the November 18, 2020 Advisory Design Panel meeting be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 4. QUESTION PERIOD - Nil 5. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS ------ HAPLI;; R l □GE Dr-.1J1h Cah.nr.1111 map endg;e.,ca Advisory Design Panel Minutes January 20, 2021 Page 2 of 3 5.1 Member Introductions Members of the Advisory Design Panel introduced themselves and welcomed new member Andrea Scott to the Panel. 5.2 Chair and Vice Chair Selection The Staff Liaison opened the floor to nominations for Chair of the Advisory Design Panel for 2021. R/2020-036 It was moved and seconded That Stephen Heller be elected as Chair of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel for 2021. CARRIED Note: Stephen Heller began chairing the meeting At this time, the Chair opened the floor to nominations for Vice-Chair. R/2020-037 It was moved and seconded That Meredith Mitchell be elected as Vice-Chair of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel for 2021. CARRIED 5.3 Advisory Committee Overview The Staff Liaison provided a PowerPoint presentation on the role of the ADP, relevant bylaws, development processing guidelines and meeting procedures. 6. PROJECTS 6.1. Development Permit No: 2019-353-DP/22058 119 Avenue 4:20 pm The Chair welcomed the project team to the meeting and introduced the members of the ADP. The Staff Liaison provided a brief overview of the proposed Triplex application. The project team presented the development plans and answered questions from the Panel. R/2020-038 It was moved and seconded That the Advisory Design Panel has reviewed application No. 2019-353-DP and supports the project and recommends that the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to Planning staff for follow-up: Comments from the Panel included: Advisory Design Panel Minutes January 20, 2021 Page 3 of 3 Architectural Comments: • Consider lowering the main floor elevation to reduce the overall massing; • Consider a more human scale for the front entry elements; • There are discrepancies between the plans and elevations: please show the door to unit one; please coordinate the doors to entry stairs to the individual units on plans and elevations; • Please provide a more detailed colour board and consider individual coloured doors for differentiation between units; • Consider additional material highlights to the front entrance. Landscape Comments: • Show actual size of detention tank on landscape plan; • Ensure that the civil engineer shows tree protection on drawings; • Consider permeable paving in hard surface areas; • Consider perimeter planting to soften 6ft height fence and provide visual separation of yards; • Consider adding perimeter planting to property line in particular east and west; • Consider alternate decorative materials for the surface parking; • Ensure that the corner of the garage that extends beyond the entry is compliant with the current bylaw; • Consider adding hard surface walkway from rear yards to rear patios; • Clarify the maximum property driveway dimensions from the lane, if supported by engineering, garage orientation facing the lane is preferred; • Ensure that the site is compliant with Zoning Bylaw 7600-2019 for percentage of landscape coverage. CARRIED 7. CORRESPONDENCE – Nil 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:56 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Advisory Design Panel will be held on Wednesday, February 17, 2021. Stephen Heller, Chair /sc Page 1 of 4 City of Maple Ridge TO: Advisory Design Panel MEETING DATE: February 17, 2021 FILE NO: 2020-062-DP SUBJECT: 22349 North Avenue, 22347 117 Avenue & Unaddressed Lot (PID 008-130-493) PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel (the “ADP”) submission has been received for the above cited application and properties to permit the construction of a five (5) storey mixed use commercial / residential building with:  768.1 square metres (8,268 square feet) of office space at the ground level;  68 apartment units; and  102 underground parking spaces. The rezoning application being processed in conjunction with this proposal was given First Reading by Council on June 16, 2020. The westernmost unaddressed lot is already zoned C-3 (Town Centre Commercial). The purpose of this rezoning application is to rezone the two other lots (22349 North Avenue and 22347 117 Avenue) to the same zone. This rezoning application is accompanied by an Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment to change the designation from Low-Rise Apartment to Town Centre Commercial. The development permit application made to the City is subject to Section 8.11 Town Centre Development Permit Area, South Lougheed Precinct. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Falcon Homes Legal Description: Lot 47 Except: Part Dedicated Road on Plan BCP 14057 Block 5 District Lot 398 Group 1 NWD Plan 155; Lot 48 Except: Part Dedicated Road on Plan BCP 14057 Block 5 District Lot 398 Group 1 NWD Plan 155; and Lot 49 Except: Part Dedicated Road on Plan BCP 14057 Block 5 District Lot 398 Group 1 NWD Plan 155 OCP: Existing: Low-Rise Apartment Proposed: Town Centre Commercial Zoning: Existing: RM-3 (Medium/High Density Apartment Residential) RT-1 (Two-Unit Urban Residential) and C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Proposed: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Commercial Zone: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Designation: Town Centre Commercial South: Use: Mixed Use Commercial/Residential and Residential Zone: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) and RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) I 4·-~--- mapleridge.ca Page 2 of 4 Designation: Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial and Mixed-Use East: Use: Vacant - recently rezoned for mixed-use building (2017-078-RZ) Zone: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Designation: Town Centre Commercial West: Use: Institutional and Commercial Zone: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Designation: Low-Rise Apartment Existing Use of Property: Residential and Vacant Proposed Use of Property: Mixed use Commercial/Residential Site Area: 1,436 sq. m. (15,457 sq. ft.) (Including Total of 3 Lots) Access: 117 Avenue Servicing requirement: Urban Standard DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: The development permit application made to the City prompting this submission to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.11 Town Centre Development Permit, South of the Lougheed Precinct. Key Guidelines: The following are the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines for SOLO, which are assessment for compliance in the attachments to this report: 1. Develop a diverse shopping, employment and residential district. 2. Create pedestrian-oriented streetscapes. 3. Enhance the quality, character and vibrancy of SOLO. 4. Maintain cohesive building styles. 5. Capitalize on important views. 6. Provide public outdoor space. 7. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features. 8. Maintain street interconnectivity. Design Guidelines: The Design Guidelines and a full explanation of how the project complies with them or the reasons why they are not applicable are attached in Appendix F to this memo. PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: The proposal is for a five (5) storey, mixed use commercial / residential building with: • 768.1 square metres (8,268 square feet) of office space at the ground level; • 68 apartment units; and • 102 underground parking spaces. The form and character of the building is to be classic English architecture, with colours and materials inspired by the surrounding neighborhood. It features low sloping roofs, landscaped rooftop decks, large overhangs and ornate detailing. Materials include tumbled brick, horizontal fibre cement lap siding, fibre cement panels with wood batten and wood brackets and dentils. The rear pedestrian access stairway and the exterior of the façade of the exposed underground parking level, will have landscaping and incorporate public art-inspired elements to create a sensitive pedestrian interface along 117 Street. Page 3 of 4 2. Context: The general area is undergoing redevelopment with similar mixed-use projects. One such project (2017-078-RZ) was approved to the east, for a four (4) storey project with ground level flexible training, gallery or commercial space, two (2) two floors for office space and six (6) rental apartment and redesignated to Town Centre Commercial. Close by on St. Anne Avenue is a six (6) storey building at first reading, for approximately 570 square meters of office and 111 apartment units. 3. OCP and Zoning Compliance: The subject site is being redesignated to Town Centre Commercial. The subject site is being rezoned such that all three lots will be zoned C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) and Development Data Sheet (Appendix F) analyses the compliance of the project with the applicable zone regulations, based on the new Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019. The proposal has a density (Floor Space Ratio) of 2.043, which complies with maximum density by employing the Town Centre Bonus Density provision. The following variances will be required:  Reducing the rear setback from 6.0 metres to 5.59 metres. 4. Parking and bicycle storage: The required parking and bicycle storage for the proposed use is analyzed in the Development Data Sheet (Appendix F). 5. Environmental, Sustainability & Stormwater Management: A number of strategies are being incorporated using environmental sustainability and aging-in- place features. These are further described in the attached materials, including the architectural plans. 6. Garbage/Recycling: These have been identified in the attached materials, including the Architectural Plans. Compliance with City’s Waste Management Storage and Disposal Guidelines will be reviewed as the project progresses. 7. Works along abutting roads: Any off site works such as new curb, gutter, sidewalk, new sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer connections; street lighting; street trees on all frontages; under-ground wiring for utility services to be under-ground will be determined as the project progresses. Page 4 of 4 CONCLUSION: The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. ______________________________________________ Prepared by: Adrian Kopystynski The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject map Appendix B Explanatory letter from Architect (and Landscape Architect if applicable) Appendix C ADP Submission Form Appendix D ADP Applicant Checklist (signed by Architect) Appendix E Development Data Sheet (signed by Architect) Appendix F DP Town Centre Area Guidelines Checklists (General, Sustainability and SOLO) Appendix G Architectural and Landscaping Plans ~ ---------- DATE: Mar 4, 2020FILE: 2020-062-RZ LOT 47, PL 155, 22347 117 AVENUE & 22349/51 NORTH AVENUEPID'S: 008-130-493, 000-660-612 & 011-539-534 City of PittMeadows District ofLangley Di s t r i c t o f M i s s i o n FRASER R. ^ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 117 AVE. ST. ANNE AVE. HA N E Y B Y P A S S SELKIRK AVE. 22 3 S T . CALLAGHAN AVE. 22 3 S T . NORTH LANE CALLAGHAN AVE. FRA S E R S T . FR A S E R S T . NORTH AVE. 22 4 S T . NORTH AVENUE 22 4 2 8 11672 22 3 2 3 22 3 6 6 22 2 4 1 22 3 3 7 22 3 5 2 22 3 4 7 / 5 1 22 3 3 7 11682 22 3 4 7 / 5 5 22 3 7 5 22 4 5 6 22 3 1 5 22 3 4 4 / 5 0 11857 11696 22486 11841 11654 22 3 3 4 22 3 1 8 11841 22 2 4 5 11630 11811 22 3 6 3 / 6 5 11774/78 22 4 1 1 22362/64 22 3 6 8 22 3 5 6 11685 22 3 8 1 22 2 4 6 22 3 3 4 / 3 6 22 3 1 8 22 3 7 5 11690 22 3 3 4 22 2 3 8 22 3 4 5 11695 22 3 0 8 22 3 5 1 22 2 6 9 22 2 1 3 11779 22 2 7 4 22 2 6 6 22 2 5 9 22 3 3 7 22 3 2 6 22 4 4 4 11855 Westminster Savings 11841 11657 22 3 7 2 11743 22 3 5 5 / 5 7 2 2 3 9 0 11718 22 3 1 5 / 3 5 22 2 1 9 11867 /65 22 4 1 5 11682 22 3 2 0 22 2 3 9 22 3 6 3 11770 11703 11768 22 2 8 4 22 3 2 8 11656 22356/58 22 2 3 4 22 3 1 3 11688 11697 11698 22 3 5 7 22 3 2 0 22353 22 2 4 2 22 3 6 7 22346/48 11830 11641 22 2 9 0 22 2 8 9 11665/11667 11759/61 11664 11695 22 3 6 5 22 3 4 5 22 3 4 0 22 3 6 9 / 7 3 22 2 8 6 22 2 3 0 22 3 7 4 11777 11650 22 2 5 1 11715 11710 22 3 2 7 11671 22 3 7 4 22 3 2 5 22 4 3 2 11683 /6911765 22 3 6 6 22 4 6 1 22 3 1 1 11763 22 3 8 0 11746 22 4 4 6 11664 11863 22 4 6 4 22 3 3 6 / 4 2 11850 22 3 6 2 22 3 3 5 22 4 2 2 22 3 0 3 / 0 5 / 0 7 22338 11742 22 2 7 0 22 3 4 4 22 3 2 8 11739 11740 22 3 4 7 22 4 2 5 / 2 7 22 3 5 2 22357 22 2 5 4 Credit Union 11671 22 2 3 8 11781 11767 11686 11771 22 2 7 7 22 3 2 1 11784 22 4 1 0 11783 22 3 5 6 SUBJECT PROPERTIES 22 4 S T LOUGHEED HWY ´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PC ~~~~ I I I I I I I I \ '-------------'____L__J I I I I I I I i I j ~ ------i - _J _J I I \ ~ /I T ,/ -7 l I I I \l I I I J I I I I I I I I / 1TI l 111111/ ~1 f I I I I I U ~__l_____, ~___J \ I I I I I I / station 0 1,e archit.ects alvin bartcl, architect aibc justin dyck, architect aibc January 22, 2021 Adrian Kopystynski Planning Department, City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Re: Letter of Intent Lougheed & North Avenue Residences, Building A 22347 to 22351 North Avenue Dear Adrian, The proposed development on North Avenue is a new mixed-use office and residential building. As part of the development approval process, three lots will be consolidated. We are requesting a rezoning to the C-3 zone, as well as application for a Development Permit and Development Variance Permit. Note that one of the existing three lots is already zoned as C-3, as well as other adjacent properties on all four sides. The proposed building will be 5 storeys in total with two levels of underground parking. The building is primarily residential with offices proposed on the ground floor. We anticipate approximately 770 square metres of office space and a total of 68 residential units. A variety of bachelor, 1 bedroom, 1 bedroom+ den, and 2 bedroom units is proposed. The owner feels this unit mix will be an asset to the community by addressing affordability concerns and different family sizes, which is needed in the area. The building design showcases classic English architecture, with timeless colour and materials inspired by the surrounding neighbourhood. The building's prominent main entry serves as the central focal point for its symmetrical massing. It features low sloped roofs, landscaped roof decks, large overhangs, rows of stacking windows, metal railings, and ornate detailing. The exterior finishes are durable and low maintenance. They include tumbled brick, horizontal fibre cement lap siding, fibre cement panels with wood battens, and wood brackets and dentils. Red brick is enhanced with contrasting black brick detailing, and when complemented with a mix of grey and charcoal siding colours, the building will look appealing for decades to come. The main entry and all office entries are street friendly and accessible. Accessiqle parking is provided within the parkade and served by a central elevator. Sustainability for the building has been approached through the following methods: 1. Deep decks, substantial overhangs, and roof deck planters create shade in the summer months. 2. Outdoor lighting is ground oriented. 3. Efficient lighting will be installed. 4. Low volatile organic compound (v.o.c.) paints will be used. 5. Renewable wood is a major building component. CHILLIWACK 935S YOUNG ROAD CHILLIWACK BC V2P 4S3 ABBOTSFORD 2O3·219D W RAILWAY ST ABBOTSFORD BC V2S 2E2 604 793 9445 soarohitects.com Page 2 of 2 6. Low maintenance materials and timeless architectural style will contribute to low life cycle costs. 7. Simple forms and roof design minimizes energy loss through the building envelope. As part of this proposed development, we are requesting the following variances as part of the approval process. 1. Rear yard setback (south) at the 2nd storey, from 6.0m to 5.7m. 2. Outdoor open common area, from 108 sm to 13.9 sm. 3. Indoor amenity area, from 68 sm to O sm. 4. Private outdoor areas, from 4.6 sm to 3.9 sm or 2.7 sm in select units The default permitted density is 2.0 FSR for this property, and we are proposing 2.05 FSR, which was previously permitted in the old bylaw. The new bylaw allows a cash contribution for the additional 0.05 FSR, which we understand is roughly $15,000. The owner is willing to provide this contribution. If you need any further information, please contact us. We thank the City of Maple Ridge for the opportunity to bring this new facility to the community. station 0 1,e architects alvin hart.el, architect aibc jnstin dyck, architect aibc January 22, 2021 Adrian Kopystynski Planning Department, City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Re: Sustainability and Aging in Place Strategies Lougheed & North Avenue Residences, Building A 22347 to 22351 North Avenue Dear Adrian, This letter is to inform you on the strategies we are using to incorporate environmental sustainability and aging-in-place features. Sustainability for the building has been approached through the following methods: 1. Deep decks, substantial overhangs, and roof deck planters create shade during summer. 2. Outdoor lighting is ground oriented. 3. Efficient lighting will be installed. 4. Low volatile organic compound (v.o.c.) paints will be used. 5. Renewable wood is a major building component. 6. Low maintenance materials and timeless architectural style will contribute to low life cycle costs. 7. Simple forms and roof design minimizes energy loss through the building envelope. Aging-in-place strategies for dwelling suites have been approached through the following methods: 1. All floors accessible via elevator; no stairs w ithin dwelling suites. 2. Lever hardware on all doors. 3. Lever controls/faucets on all plumbing fixtures. 4. Electrical outlets positioned 78" above floor level to centre of box. 5. Electrical switches positioned 42" above floor level to centre of box. 6. Fourplex electrical outlets beside beds in Master Bedrooms. 7. Provisions for future grab bar installation. 8. 2nd floor units have lower barrier threshold at door to roof decks. If you need any further information, please contact us. We thank the City of Maple Ridge for the opportunity to bring this new facility to the community. Regards, 6047939445 soarchitects.com station 0 1,e architects alvin baitel, ardutect aibc justin dyck, architect aibc January 22, 2021 Adrian Kopystynski Planning Department, City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Re: Variance Rationale Lougheed & North Avenue Residences, Building A 22347 to 22351 North Avenue Dear Adrian, As part of the proposed development, we are requesting the following variances: 1. Rear yard setback (south) at the 2nd storey, from 6.0m to 5.7m. a. The purpose of this variance is to maximize livability on the 2nd floor. It is not possible to shift the entire building northwards due to the elevator and stair core locations, as this would have negative impacts on other floors below, such as parking loss. It is worth noting that all other floors comply with the 6.0 m rear setback; the variance applies to the 2nd floor only. 2. Outdoor open common area, from 108 sm to 13.9 sm. a. The purpose of this variance is to prioritize space allotted to private outdoor areas on the 2nd floor level. A common gathering area is provided on the south roof deck. 3. Indoor amenity area, from 68 sm to O sm. a. The purpose of this variance is to provide attainable, cost-sensitive housing. As you know, British Columbia faces some of the highest housing costs in the world. Indoor amenity spaces represent substantially higher initial purchase costs and higher monthly strata fees. The owner's market research suggests the target market is avoiding buildings with indoor amenity spaces. 4. Private outdoor areas, from 4.6 sm to 3.9 sm or 2.7 sm, in select units only. a. The purpose of this variance is to ensure that a variety of housing needs are met. More specifically, the owner wishes to provide attainable, cost-sensitive housing options to some units. That is why some units have smaller decks, and others have more than 40 sm private outdoor areas. The average private outdoor area for the entire building is well beyond 4.6 sm. If you need any further information, please contact us. We thank the City of Maple Ridge for the opportunity to b_,r1"1g tni npw facility to the community. d \ \ / / Regar s, ,, ~'fl.ED . ri '" ' ~" ...,·,1.. ;,, ' ~'\ • •• • • '1/..._ ,, ''J·•"'' •• ,,. ,,, , 0 •• <:,'\\r• • Dr.~. <:~ ,,. ~ q; •• ~ er"• (\ ,,, ... Q:-• ..., • ....i, ... 2 i JA 5 2021 \ - Justin•E).,-k; • • : Statio~One~.rcn'' ·,,,~.1'.·.i~~-''.<-.·•, : -~ • . ... ,,t;,... .. ~ ,,,,. . .. ... , ~ .. . .. ~~ ,' ,, ••••••• .... 'Q ' ✓✓, is,., f"n\.u~· .. ',, / '"l:WllLl~\;i<t ABBOTSFORD ;, r=:J... I I/ l ll31;4~1JNGROAD 203·2190WRAllWAYST .... CHILLIWACK BC V2P 4S3 ABBOTSFORD BC V2S 2E2 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com I ··-~ ~~ mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: Name of Applicant Falcon Homes 2020-062-RZN File number Address of site 22347 to 22351 North Avenue Current Zone RT-l/RM-3/c-.:._ Proposed Zone _C_-_3 ____ _ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date February 17, 2020 Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect Justin Dyck, Architect AIBC Landscape Architect Meredith Mitchell, MLA Other Professional (State Name & Role) David Laird, P.Eng (Civil Engineer) Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m'; and -all schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 l~-ADP Submission Checklist mapleridge.ca Application No. _2_0_2_0_-0_6_2_-R_z _________ File Manager __ A_d_ri_a_n_K_o_p_ys_t_y_ns_k_i ____ _ This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel (ADP). Please refer to the ADP Submission Form and the ADP Requirements Brochure for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP. Certificatio'#" Complete ADP Submission: Architeh ification:_ (~ct's :ertification: JAM 2 5 2021 '--'<. ✓ Sit:.n re Date S10 . , ___ -.. Date Pr' name Justin Dyck, Architect AIBC Print name Meredith Mitchell, MLA V Required Submission Materials (File Manager to Provided indicate If required) A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) [I [!) B. Covering Letter including explanations about: 1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) l!l [I 2. Architectural and Landscaping Design rationale [I [I (Detailed information Required) 3. Statement in brief about the following: a. DP Key Concepts Compliance [I [I b. DP Guideline Compliance IEJ [I C. Stormwater management strategy with emphasis on Tier A [I [I requirements integrated into landscaping plans d. Public Art/ Amenities, etc. [I [I e. Sustainability practices [I [I f. Other □ □ C. Site and Neighbourhood Context 1. Context Review -Context Plan with existing/proposed buildings and trees, vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed grading, and other major features within the site, on the [I [I abutting properties, the public realm and along the road allowances/ lanes. 2. Photographs of site and surrounding sites. □ □ D. Develo('.!ment Permit Area Checklist (Note: The Architect is responsible to describe how the project complies with [El [I each guidelines, or if not applicable, a description of why not applicable. Please use fillable forms on line.) City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist (Page 2) E. Architectural Plans {Site and Building{s}): 1. Site Plan and layout [I [[I 2. Site sections [[I ~ 3. Streetscape elevation [I I!) 4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees [I I!) superimposed 5. Shadow analysis I]:) IE) 6. Lighting analysis (on building and on site) □ □ 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and roof tops [) [I 8. Waste collection /recycling (inside of buildings) [I [I 9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside) IE) [I 10. Building elevation (all sides) l!I ~ 11. Signage (attached to building and free standing) I]:) I!) 12. Colours and materials I]:) [[I 13. Material board [I [I 14. Building sections I]:) [I 15. 3D renderings of site, building(s) and associated landscaping [I [I F. Landsca1;1ing Plans: 1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting [I [I details 2. Storm water management works focused on Tier A [I [I requirements integrated into landscaping plan with details 3. Landscaping details, including public art, signage, lighting, play IE) [[I and other amenity areas, fences, retaining walls, 4. Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures) □ □ 5. Details for pedestrian amenity and furniture features provided [I [I 6. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns [I [I 7. Tree retention and management plan □ □ 8. Site sections for lot grading, drainage, landscaping, retaining [I [I walls and relationship to adjacent grades/ City roads/ lanes 9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnections [I [I G. Green BuildingLSustainabili~ initiatives [I I!) H. Engineering-related Information: 1. Site grading plans I!) [I I. Other □ □ □ □ □ □ Rev. March 2018 ~-DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET mapleridge.ca Existing /Proposed Zone C-3 Proposed Date Prepared January 20, 2021 Required Development Data Minimum Required or I Maximum Allowed LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total . Less Road Widening/ Truncations . Less Park - Net Total 1672 sm LOT COVERAGE (in% of net lot area) Total Site Coverage 100% SETBACKS (in metres) Front O.Om Rear 0.0 m at parkade; 6.0 m Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) West: 0.0 m Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) East: 0.0 m Side #3 (N, S, E or W) - SETBACKS -Underground Structures (in metres) Front - Rear - Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) - Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) . Side #3 (N, S, E or W) - BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal not less than 11 m Accessory n/a NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor no requirements One Bedroom no requirements Two Bedroom no requirements Three Bedroom+ no requirements Total no requirements GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential Retail Commercial . Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type ) - Institutional - Industrial - TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA * If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) 2156.6 sm Less than 100% 0.0m 0.0 m. 5.7 mat 2nd floor 0.0m O.Om greater than 11 m n/a 8 56 4 0 68 4897 sm 1052 sm 5949 sm Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) no requirements - # of units/ha (net) no requirements - Gross Floor Area 4313.2 sm 4405.7 sm Floor Space Ratio (net) 2.0 2.043 AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area 68sm 0 sm Useable Open Space 107.8 sm 13.9 sm PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses 68 68 Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) -- Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) -- Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) -- Commercial Uses 20 20 Educational & Assembly Uses -- Institutional Use -- Industrial Use -- Business Park Uses -- Comprehensive -- Other -- Number of spaces for visitors 14 14 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES Number of total for disabled 2 2 Number oftotal (and%) small cars 10 I 10 % 9 Number of total (and%) tandem spaces 0 I % TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) 1 1 BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking 12 18 Long Term Bicycle Parking 18 18 OTHER -state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site I No I Tree Survey/Assessment Provided I No Watercourse/Steep Slopes I NO I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements [NO Print Name NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by Application. Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines SOLO (South of Lougheed) Precinct Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines 1 Pursuant with Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, development in the Town Centre will be assessed against the following form and character and green building design guidelines. The guidelines apply to Ground- Oriented Multi Family; Low-Rise Apartment; Medium & High-Rise Apartment; Flexible Mixed-Use; Town Centre Commercial; Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial & Waterfront; and Port Haney Heritage Adaptive Use. See the guidelines in Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan for a detailed list and descriptions of development permit area guidelines. These guidelines are intended to aid in the review of development permits in the Town Centre and are to be completed by the architect of record for the project. The project will be reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Department and the Advisory Design Panel. In the checklist, you are only required to address the guidelines with the icon that relates to your project: TCC = Town Centre Commercial (commercial developments only) MU = Mixed-Use (ground-oriented developments, with commercial on the ground level and either offices or residential above) MFR = Multi-Family Residential (ground-oriented developments and low-rise, medium-rise, and high-rise apartments) Precinct Key Guidelines and Green Building Design Guidelines must also be completed for projects within the Town Centre. Development and Design Objectives The following summarizes the development and design objectives for each section on the following checklist. A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height • To promote a cohesive building style and strong pedestrian oriented urban realm in Maple Ridge Town Centre by ensuring new buildings, renovations and/or additions have consistent architectural and urban design setbacks, form, mass, and height. • To help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces. B. Building Façades, Materials and Colour • To ensure additions, renovations and/or new infill projects in the Town Centre have a coherent architectural design concept where windows, doors, siding material and other façade elements create a pleasing composition compatible with surrounding buildings, commercial and neighbourhood character. • To enhance the architectural and massing concepts of a building as well as the quality, character and vibrancy of the urban environment of the Town Centre through the use of harmonious, quality materials and colours. • To screen rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment and trash storage from public view and thereby ensure commercial and mixed-used buildings maintain an attractive appearance to the street. C. Building Site Considerations • To ensure public outdoor spaces are designed so that they improve use and activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, increase safety and provide more attractive, functional outdoor spaces in the Town Centre. • To provide street trees and landscape elements that reinforce the ‘urban’ character and vibrancy of the Town Centre, enrich the pedestrian friendly character of streets in the district, and integrate this important commercial and higher density residential area with the character and quality of the surrounding residential neighbourhood. • To ensure parking lots are designed to be accessible, but do not intrude upon the surrounding residential area, nor the urban, pedestrian-oriented quality of the Town Centre. • To facilitate off-street parking and car storage at the rear of commercial and mixed-use buildings to maintain street inter-connectivity, traditional use of the lane as a service street, and to provide a secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway in the Town Centre. • To ensure service loading and mechanical equipment is designed to protect the surrounding businesses and residential areas from unsightly, noisy and noxious environments. Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist 2 Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height A.1 Building Mass and Form A1.1 Maintain the mass and scale of buildings TCC MU MFR A1.2 Enhance the block with corner commercial buildings TCC MU A1.3 Accent corner buildings TCC MU MFR A1.4 Use pedestrian-scale design elements TCC MU A1.5 Feature pedestrian amenities TCC MU MFR A1.6 Design large buildings into smaller modules TCC MU MFR A1.7 Accommodate street-fronting units TCC MU MFR A1.9 Ensure appropriate roof pitch TCC MU MFR A1.10 Use design elements to reduce roof mass and scale TCC MU MFR A.2 Building Heights A2.1 Vary building heights TCC MU MFR A2.2 Maintain alignment of architectural features TCC MU MFR A2.3 Integrate taller buildings TCC MU MFR A2.4 Step back taller buildings TCC MU MFR A2.5 Match building heights at the end of blocks TCC MU MFR A2.6 Manage phased development TCC MU MFR A2.7 Protect views TCC MU MFR A.3 Building Setbacks A3.1 Place buildings to reinforce sidewalk activity TCC MU MFR A3.2 Situate building entrances for visibility TCC MU MFR A3.3 Provide adequate throughways and lighting TCC MU MFR A3.4 Provide clear sight lines from building foyers and lobbies to allow visual surveillance TCC MU MFR A3.5 Separate residential entrances from commercial entrances MU A3.6 Respect existing buildings TCC MU MFR A3.7 Distinguish entrances with arrival areas and courtyards TCC MU MFR A3.8 Locate ramps and entrances in areas that are highly visible TCC MU MFR Explain how the objectives for Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height are met. If you have selected “no” or “not applicable”, explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. 6J N :ffl@M@Mffi-ifM □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist 3 Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable B. Building Façades, Materials and Colour B.1 Building Façade B1.1 Address both sides of the block with corner commercial buildings TCC MU B1.2 Orient main entrances to face the sidewalk TCC MU MFR B1.3 Locate windows, doors, and entry features at the street level TCC MU MFR B1.4 Use a mix of common facade patterns and elements TCC MU MFR B1.5 Reflect original façades and building scale TCC MU MFR B1.6 Respect original architectural elements TCC MU MFR B1.7 Respect old and new design TCC MU MFR B1.8 Maintain the horizontal rhythm of the street wall TCC MU MFR B1.9 Provide a visual division between the street level and upper floors TCC MU MFR B1.10 Include continuous canopies, awnings or overhangs TCC MU B1.11 Ensure appropriate placement and materials for awnings or canopies TCC MU B1.13 Use windows to provide ‘eyes on the street’ TCC MU MFR B1.14 Enhance the public realm TCC MU MFR B1.15 Ensure signage reflects building scale, character, and materials TCC MU B.3 Building Materials B3.1 Enhance the public realm with high quality materials and detailing TCC MU MFR B3.2 Use materials consistently TCC MU MFR B3.3 Avoid the use of inappropriate materials TCC MU MFR B3.6 Use a mix of quality materials TCC MU MFR B.4 Building Colours B4.1 Select appropriate colours TCC MU MFR B4.2 Highlight architectural details, awnings, and entrances TCC MU MFR B4.3 Ensure a cohesive, consistent colour palette TCC MU MFR B.5 Screening and Storage B5.1 Locate and enclose trash, composting, and recycling to keep out of site of general public TCC MU MFR B5.2 Screen mechanical equipment TCC MU MFR B5.3 Avoid conflict with neighbouring properties TCC MU MFR B5.4 Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise and exhaust TCC MU MFR Explain how the objectives for Building Façades, Materials and Colour are met. If you have selected “no” or “not applicable”, explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. 6J N :ffl@M@Mffi-ifM □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist 4 Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable C. Building Site Considerations C.1 Public Outdoor Space and Hardscapes C1.1 Provide public outdoor space TCC MU MFR C1.2 Ensure public outdoor space is highly visible TCC MU MFR C1.3 Provide connections between buildings, sidewalks, and outdoor open spaces TCC MU MFR C1.4 Ensure universal access for all public spaces TCC MU MFR C1.6 Provide hardscape elements to enhance the street environment TCC MU MFR C1.7 Design hardscape elements as part of the building TCC MU MFR C1.8 Integrate pedestrian amenities with walls and/or landscaped areas TCC MU MFR C1.9 Provide public art TCC MU MFR C1.10 Ensure new elements complement existing TCC MU MFR C1.12 Provide smooth routes TCC MU MFR C1.13 Ensure barrier-free access TCC MU MFR C.2 Parking and Parking Lots C2.1 Provide required parking underground, where feasible TCC MU MFR C2.2 Screen large surface parking lots while maintaining surveillance TCC MU MFR C2.3 Maximize pedestrian safety within parking lots TCC MU MFR C2.4 Provide visible signage TCC MU MFR C2.5 Consider developing underground parking garages TCC MU MFR C2.7 Locate parking lot equipment away from the public street TCC MU MFR C.3 Lanes, Service and Loading Areas C3.1 Use lanes for service, parking access and loading TCC MU MFR C3.2 Utilize lanes as secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughways TCC MU MFR C3.3 Strengthen visual access of the lane TCC MU MFR C3.5 Consider lanes as a community amenity TCC MU MFR C3.7 Locate loading and service areas away from the street front TCC MU MFR C3.8 Separate loading from parking and pedestrian paths TCC MU MFR C3.9 Screen loading areas TCC MU C.4 Street Trees and Landscape C4.2 Use the right species TCC MU MFR C4.8 Maintain sight lines TCC MU MFR Explain how the objectives for Building Site Considerations are met. If you have selected “no” or “not applicable”, explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. 6J N :ffl@M@Mffi-ifM □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines SOLO (South of Lougheed) Precinct Key Guidelines Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the SOLO Precinct 5 KEY GUIDELINE CONCEPTS 1. Develop a diverse shopping, employment and residential district a. Does proposed development help to establish SOLO as an important commercial, office and residential corridor in the Town Centre? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 2. Create pedestrian-oriented streetscapes b. Does the building’s form and mass support a strong pedestrian-oriented urban realm and help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces? Taller buildings should be stepped back podium style. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 3. Enhance the quality, character and vibrancy of the Town Centre c. Does proposed development promote the quality, character, and vibrancy of the urban environment? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: d. Are colours consistent and materials of sustainable quality? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 4. Maintain cohesive building styles e. Is there consistency with other new buildings in the precinct in terms of architecture, building setbacks, form, mass, and height? • Consistent: Yes No N/A Explain: 5. Capitalize on important views f. Does proposed new development capitalize on mountain and/or river views? • Consistent: Yes No Not Applicable Explain: g. Have the important views of existing buildings been considered in relation to the proposed development? • Consistent: Yes No Not Applicable Explain: 6J N :ffl@M@Mffi-ifM □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines SOLO (South of Lougheed) Precinct Key Guidelines Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the SOLO Precinct 6 6. Provide public outdoor space h. Are public spaces designed to accommodate a range of activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, and increase safety? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 7. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features i. Are landscape elements designed to enrich the pedestrian environment, moderate the internal building climate, manage stormwater on site, and reference the architectural quality of the building(s)? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 8. Maintain street interconnectivity j. Does proposed development maintain street interconnectivity and the use of the lane as a service street and secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway? • Consistent: Yes No Not Applicable Explain: k. Is required parking provided underground? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 6J N :ffl@M@Mffi-ifM □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 7 A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height A1.8 Design flexible ground-floor unit spaces in commercial and mixed-use buildings. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: A1.11 Accommodate roof gardens, trellises, and green features. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: A2.8 Site buildings to capitalize on daylight and solar opportunities. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: A2.9 Protect solar access to surrounding buildings and minimize wind tunnel effects. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B. Building Façades, Materials, and Colour B1.12 Use exterior shading devices to block summer sun. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B2.1 Design outdoor lighting to minimize light pollution. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B2.2 Encourage energy efficient lighting. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B3.4 Select environmentally responsible building materials. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B3.5 Minimize the use of unsustainable building materials. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 6J N :ffl@M@Mffi-ifM □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 8 B3.7 Consider life-cycle cost. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C. Building Site Considerations C1.5 Locate outdoor plazas to capture the sun. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C1.11 Use materials that are functional, durable and include recycled or salvaged content. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C1.14 Encourage use of infiltration techniques. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C2.6 Locate adequate priority parking in visible areas convenient to entrances. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C2.8 Use permeable pavement and infiltration devices on appropriate sites. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C2.9 Provide shade trees and landscaping. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C2.10 Provide secure and sheltered bicycle storage facilities for short-term uses. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C2.11 Provide long-term bicycle parking. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 6J N :ffl@M@Mffi-ifM □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 9 C2.12 Provide end-of-trip facilities. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C3.4 Minimize impervious paving of the lane. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C3.6 Respect existing grades. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.1 Plant street trees. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.3 Minimize use of high maintenance plants. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.4 Maximize the use of native and climate appropriate species. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.5 Consider the inclusion of community gardens. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.6 Design and place landscape to facilitate year round moderation of the internal building climate. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.7 Minimize erosion potential. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 6J N :ffl@M@Mffi-ifM □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 10 C4.9 Provide adequate landscape maintenance. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.10 Consider incorporating landscape plantings for green features. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.11 Incorporate low impact stormwater features. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.12 Consider rainwater collection for re-use. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.13 Use natural plantings and green space to support habitat. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.14 Retain existing mature trees. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 6J N :ffl@M@Mffi-ifM □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ COVERSHEET LOUGHEED & NORTH AVENUE RESIDENCES, BUil.DING A BLDG A: 22347TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE. BC SCAl£ J0BNO. 1905 JAN 25 2021 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com Chilliwack 9355 Young Rd V2P4S3 PERSPECTIVES WUGHEED & NORTH AVENUE RESIDENCES, BUILDING A BLDG A: 22347TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 5CAl£ JOB NO. 1905 VIEW FROM EXISTING HOU5E5 ON 111TH AVENUE JAN 25 2021 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com Chilliwack 9355 Young Rd V2P 4$3 BUILDING A PROJECT DATA L£QM. DESCRIPTION LOT 47, -48AN04Q,ALL OF6LOCK5 OL308GP 1 MNO PLAN 155EXCEPT PLAN BCP14057 ZON. EXISTING: RT-1, RM-3, c-3 PAOPOSED: C-:J ZP:1 lQNIHq m,AW BfOU!Af,Uf t:fI 703.2) PRINCIPAL l>$ES 703.3) ACCESSORY USES 703.4) LOT AREA & DIMENSICINS 703.5) OENSfTY FLOOFI SPACE RATIO (RESIDENTIAL.) NUMBER OF UNITS (R!;SICIENTIA.L) FLOOR SPACE RATIO (OFACE) NUMBER OF UNITS lOFFICEl 703.6) LOT COVERAGE BUll.CtNGS & STRUCTUftES INCLUOINO PARKING 703.7) SETBACKS REAR SETBACK (SOUTH) FFONT SETBAOK (NORTH) SIDE SETBACK (W£S1) SIDE SETBACK (EAS'T) 703.8) HEIOHT P£--:twP VAA!OUS VAA10US MIN.Ul72BM MIN. 3(5 M(W)x27 M (0) 1.0 + 0.25 + 0.25 + (2 X 0.25) • 2.0 FSA NO RESTRICTIONS NO RESTRICTIONS NO RESTRICTIONS ........... '°"" 0.0 MAT ISTSTOAEYPAfU(JNG e..o M ABOVE 1ST STOREY PARKING 0.0 M 0.0 M 0.0 M MIN.11 m PlKMPfP APARTMENT&. OFFICE NIA 2166.eSM 60.4 M(',/'1)•35.7 M (D) 2.043 (CASH OONTRIBUTION REQUIRl!I>) .. 0.350 (708.1 SM) 6 ESTIMATED; TBC AT TEM'WIIT IMPAOVEMENT STAGE 1!1D'W,{1732.2SM) LESS THAN 1()011f, 0.0 M (LANOSC.-.PED ROOF DECK PAOVIOEO ON PARKING) 8.7 M AT2NO &TOREY; 7.1 M ABOVE 2ND STOREY{VAR1ANOI!) 0.0M 0.0M 0.0M OREATEATHA.N 11 M (5 STOREYS) 703.9) LANDSCAPING ANOSCR~MNG 703. 10) PAAl<ING ANO LOAONG 703.11) OTHER REGULATIONS (SEE LAN06CAPE AFtCHITECTS DRAW.NOS) (SEE BELON) 1) AE:S!OENTIAL USES a) ONLY USE ON STOREY 60 USEC b) LIMITED TO STOAEYS ABOVl: 1 ST STOREY c) 1.0CATED ABOVE ALL NON-RESIDENTIAL USES d) SEPARATE ENTRY FROM OTHER USES e) PERMITTED OM.. Y WHEN OTHEA USES HA\IE CO NO EAL.ED PAFIKI.NG f)OPEN<X>MMONAAEA 511f,OFLOTAAEA • 10&SM g) INDOOR AMEN!TY AREA 1 SM PEFI UNIT• 58 SM hJ PFWATE OIJTOOOAAREAS GREATER OF 5%SUrTE AFIEAOFI 4.0 6M 2) LANOSCAPEO ROOF DECK ABOVE Fl£AA PARKA.CE 3)00MMERCW. FRONTAGE 4) USES WITHIN ENCl.OSED BUILDING Qff~SJBFO P68KIN9 BX\&Y RE9\BREMENI REQUIRED SPACES OFACE RESIDENTIAL VISITOFI RESIDENT TOTAL SPACES SMALL CAR SPACES ACCESSIBLE SPACES LOADNG SPACES t..10TOACYCLE SPACES BICYCLE PARKING PCAMfTTEP 1 PER 40sm AREA (768.1 I 40 • 1 Q.2O) 0.2 PER UNIT {M X 0.2' • 13,00) 1.0 PER UNIT (68 UNrTS) 20•14•68 -102 MAX.10'ii, MN.2 NO REQUIREMENT COMPL!ES COMPLIES COMPLIES COMPLIES COMPLIES 13.9 8M (VARIANCE) 0 BM (VARIANCE) 80MI! Of:CK.8 LE88 THAN 4.0 6M (VARIANCE) COMPLIES COMPLIES OOMPI...IES P89Y!DED 20 .. .. 102 OFFK::E LONQ-TERM SPACES OFFICE SHOAT-TERM SPACES RESIDENTIAL LONG-TERM SPACES RESIDENTIAL SHORT-TERM SPACES 1 PER750srnAAEA {7113.1 /750 • 1.02) 1 PROVlOEO IN UNOEAGFIOUNOSTORAGE AOOM e PER 1.500sm AAEA(7113.1 / 1SOCI • 0.51) 6 PROVIOEO AT GRADE 1 PER4 UNITS 108 /4 • 17) 17 PROVIDEOINUNOERGAOUNDSTOR,,:,,GE ROOM :J PER:ZO UNITS (158/20 Jl'3 • 10.2) 12 PROVIDED AT GRADE NOTE: PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT IS LOCATEO WrTHIN TOWN CE~ BUT NOT \.'IIITHIN CENTRAL BUSINESS DISlRICT (REFER TO OFF-STAEET PARKING BYLAW SCHECU..E 1)'). THEAEFOF\E, SCHECIULE 'A' PARl()f'lk) REQIJ;REMENT'S APPLY. LEGEND H.,C -HANDICAPPED PAR!ONG STAU. a.,c -SMALL CAR PAFll<lNG STALL au . SUPPL y AJA EX· EXHAUST A!A TA-TOP OF ASPHALT TC -TOP OF FINISHED OONORETE TQ -TOP OF GRADE TS -TOP OF STRUCTURAL SLAB T6F • TOP OF SveA..OOR aw-BOTTOM OF WALL TW-TOPOFWALL /4D • AREA DRAIN CB-CATCH BASIN 00-DECK CRAIN PD -PATIO DRAIN RD -ROOF CRAIN n,c -TO BE CONARMED 8RW-SERVICE RIGHT OFWA.Y UNO -UNLESS NOTED OTHf.RWISE R'M.. -RAIN WATER LEADER FN-ACOF VENT FQ -FtXEO GLASS GENERAL NOTES & PROJECf DATA WUGHEED & NOR1H AVENUE RESIDENCES, BUilDING A BLDG A: 22347 TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC SCALE J0BN(). t/4 .. :: r-cr 1905 JAN 25 2021 BUILDING A INFORMATlON OFFICI! UNIT SUMMA.RY (SQM) UNIT TYPE AREA-BQF WEST OFFICES 4202 EAST OFFICES 4000 TOTAL 02&&(7&&.1) RESIDENTIAL UNIT SUMMARY (SQM) UNIT TYFIE BEDROOMS UIEA-6Qf UNITS A1 ,,.,.. , .. . A2 HOEN "' 13 ., H DEN '" • .. HDEN ,,. 10 C1 I "" ' C2 I ,., ' 03 I ... . C4 ' ... . 01 1~., "' ' 02 '"""' '" ' 03 1 (PACH! .,. 3 04 '(PACHJ .., 3 e, ' ... 1 .. ' "' 3 .. . "' 2 F2 ' "" 2 TOTAL 47,42:3(~.7) .. FLOOR AREA· SOF (SQM) BU:lO. ...... OECK8 1ST 0 mo 7000 3RD 2770 '™ .,, "" 2412 10TAL 3,111(1,21!!.0 INSU\ATEO TOTAl. """' .... """' 11,323 .. ..., 21,947 ,,.,,. Hl,012 ,,.,,. ,.,06!i 11,3N 13,791 M,031(!5G48AJ n,1G{71!!!0.7J 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com DRAWING INDEX• DP• BLDG. A DP0.0a COVERSHEET DP0.2a GENERAL NOTES & PROJECT DATA DP0.1a PERSPECTIVES DP0.4a SHADOW STUDY DP1.1 SITE PLAN DP1.2a UNDERGROUND PARKING -LEVEL P2 DP1.3a UNDERGROUND PARKING· LEVEL P1 DP2.1a 1 ST FLOOR PLAN DP2.2a 2ND FLOOR PLAN DP2.3a 3RD FLOOR f'I.AN DP2.4a 4TH FLOOR PLAN DP2.Sa 5TH FLOOR PLAN DP2.6a ROOF PLAN OP3.1a ELEVATIONS DP3.2a ELEVATIONS DP4.1a SUITE PLANS DP4.2a SUITE PLANS DP4.3a SUITE PLANS DP4.4a SUITE PLANS DP4.5a SUITE PLANS DPS.1a BUILDING SECTIONS DF'5.2a BUILDING SECTIONS DP5.3a BUILDING SECTIONS DP5.4a BUILDING SECTIONS OWNER &CONSULTANTS OWNER: ARCHITECT: CML ENGINEER: FALCX>N HOMES 101 -11 862 226TH STREET MAPLE Rl[X;E, BC, V2X 9C8 604-'4?7-5500 CRAVEN I HUSTON I POWERS ARCHITECTS 203-2190WEST RAILWAYSTFEET ABBOTSFORD BC V2S 2E2 004-864-8555 APLIN MARTIN CONSU..TANTS 505-17~ WEST BROADWAY VANCOlNER 90 V6J 4SS 604-224-6827 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: M 2 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 220 -26 LOANE MEWS SURVEYOR: Chilliwack 9355 Young Rd V2P 4S3 NEW WESTMINSTER BC V3M 3L7 604-563--0045 TERRA PAClAC LAND SURVEYING 22371 ST. ANNE AVENUE MAPLE AJOGE BC V2X 2E7 604-463-2509 EXISTING 6 STOREY MIXED-USE EXISTING 2> STOREY OFFICE EXISTING 2.5 STOREY MIXED-USE --------··-··------ EXISTIP+G2 MlllEP.UM NORTH U!STIHG 1.5 STOll!EY COMMEJ:CW. EXISTING16 STOREY COMMD:QAL ~,., COM -'fAUNOL.Or ·----·---·-------~ --LANE 6 STOREY XED-USE □:□:□ ===i =--~....----..-~--.-----~-----:-----.-··--------··· EXl5TING 1 STOREY ,'\UTOSHOP El(]STING 15TOREY ,'\UTO SHOP EXISTING 2 STOREY HOUS ( EXISTING 1 STOREY HOU EJIISTlNG 1 STOKEY CI.U~ (NON- ~ESIDE~L) SHADOW STUDY, 8 AM MARCH 18 1/32" • 1'-0" SHADOW STUDY NORTH 1 · 1 7 TH A VENUE AVENUE 7··· EXISTING 1 STOREY HOUSE EXISTING 4 STOREY APARTMENT WUGHEED Bl NORTH AVF.NUE RESIDENCES, BUilDING A BLDG A: 22347TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC SCA!£ JOBNO. 11a2·. r-o· 1905 EXISTING PARKING LOT EXISTING '-(tR"-INGLOT EXISTING 2 STOREY APARTMENT JAN 25 2021 !QtiTIHGt.5 ITOltEY A:lt,iMSa.o EXJ,T!NG 2 5T~EY t.ll)'£1).IJ$E PSnoots ~fOUY ~ME~!M. EX15TIHG 1.5 STOREY MIXED- USE EJISTIHGl.6 5T~EY COMMEl!CIAL DIST/NG 15 STO.l:EY COMME~OAL 915-TING "All:JNG LOT EXISTING 6 STOREY MIXED-USE EXl5Tll(l'l2> 5TOQ\l'OFFICE El(ISTING 2.5 STOREY MIXED-USE FUTURE B ILDING C 6 STOREY M XED-USE EXISTING 1 STOREY ,'\UTO SHOP EXISTING 1 STOREY ,'\UTO SHOP EXISTING EXISTING I STOREY CLUBHOUSE (NON- RESIDENTIAL) SHADOW STUDY, 3 PM MARCH 18 1/.32" 1:1 ,·-er 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com NORTH LANE '□:□:□ NORTH 117TH AVENUe AVENUE EXISTING 1 STOREY HOUSE EXISTING PARKING LOT EXISTING tu \() u ('j u: \'.)~ z >-I= tu <fl "" /;H~ \() EXISTING 4 STOREY APARTMENT 2 STOREY APARTMENT Chilliwack 9355 Young Rd V2P4S3 NORTH DP0.4a r::L.~ ~ station 01,e '-.. ~ architects LOUGHEED HIGHWAY NORTH LANE I-w w a: FUTURE PHASE 2 -T.B.D. I-SEPARATE PERMIT($) REQUIRED en er) .. i \ i i L.....--------.,c:;___\ ! i FUTURE PHASE 3 -T.B.D. \ SEPARATE PERMIT($) REQUIRED i i I i \ ,_, UJ ' IJJ f C\I '-.... ------------~------,,,---==~-=~---.•---==-----------:---~-~ •. ~ a: ,_ C\I SITE PIAN LOUGHEED & NOR'IH AVENUE RESIDENCES BLDG A: 22347TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 500.E r "' ao'-o" JOBNO. 1905 NORTH AVENUE ,....--l'!!IIICll'AL EN~CE PROl'Bm' LINE .... 1 {7TH AVENUE JAN 25 2021 _ .. 0 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com • • 0 -. ~ ... . ... .,.,, .· ~ .. ':,,.~ ' Chilliwack ~!lmi,;,!.ai~ ~ ,, 9355 Young R a\ ti~ V2P 4S3 / \ \ ,,,,, 11\' (J) ,.,. "' "' ffi DPl.1 r:::::L -~ ~ station 01,e ~ ~ architects ~ ~ e ~ ~ it • 1 I I I 191',7' I .,_ ~ 10(1•7VZ' W ·?VZ' ,., . .,. Z!J-0' 'II-fl'' e,q .... @-·-·----·---·-· PROfERTY LINE ---·---·-----------@ ~-- ®--------·-------- ~ ~l§ : • @---------_L_ -1--------------------·---------·-@ ~ .. -:1 ~ -··-··-··----··-· -··-· : I - --.r t=1 ------------~ ·,•r:--7-----=·:~~ -~-~ -::·=:--:-~•o:=:=-~~~:-:.~~~-~~::-: ~~·-••. ,_ ='<t~·-~~--·=-.~l----------------@) v----l ~---~ .. --·-··-··-··-••-~ ~ .. -~9 ~°"_'"'_"~~ST j[~. --~ .. ~ &·-·-·------- ~-_______ e ~-+ . J_ • • --.El>G~OFrAAOWlEAO/lVla ----=:-·r~.:.::.,:_~--==·~-=--~-=-==~=':!::'i~P1:R:;Of'ERTY::;::~LINE~~~~~'==~S::::~_=1Y1'~.~,0GC~ .... =o,-_=:=....,::!.::";""°"'~==-=-~·::~:::::~~:~1~_;;c_~:=2'=-~0X'~:~:~=-=:~:~--~-~--::._~10~ .. =,,.~,::;_:=;::.;_~.~7~ > • 0~7~7~7~7~7~7~7~7~ UNDERGROUND PARKING -LEVEL P2 LOUGHEED & NORTH AVENUE RESIDENCES, BUil.DING A BLDG A: 22347TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 5CAI£ JOB NO. 1/8"•1'-0" 1905 JAN 25 2021 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com Chilliwack 9355 Young Rd V2P4S3 I I I @ NORTH DP1.2a Cl.~~ station 01,e --1111 ~ architects ~ ~ I ~ I .,,_,,. zz • .- @-·-·-·-·-·-·-·---• I i ~ ®-·-·-------·-·-·-- @)----- t- I @ UNDERGROUND PARKING -LEVEL Pl LOUGHEED 8/. NOR1H AVENUE RESIDENCES, BUD.DING A BLDG A: 22347TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC SCAU: 1/B"al'-O" J06N0. 1905 e5' .z VZ' 05'-2 tl2" JAN 25 2021 ~ I~ i ~· I . ,.,..,. I --- PROPERTY LINE I W·1VZ' 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com Cf§) .,,_.,. Chilliwack 9355 Young Rd V2P4S3 ~ .,,_,,. I -. : : . -• ------·-·-·-·-------·-·-·--@ CMLDETE iTIOHfAHI\. ~ J.C 'H0Le MO',"[ --·-·--•-·-® ~ NORTH b"(CONflRMI;. e--.t-_, ___ ~10_-~>W~• _ •-V2' ____ 4_l ____ J ~-....... ----- 1 I I I ® @ 1ST FLOOR PIAN LOUGHEED & NORTH AVENUE RESIDENCES, BUILDING A BLDG A: 22347 TO 22351 NORTH AVE . MAPLE RIDGE, BC = 1/8"01'-0'" JOB NO. 1905 1 1 ~~~ ~ '!'!..:2'._ -i__,,.,~•· _N_O_ R T H i A V E N U E 7TH AVENUE JAN 2S 2021 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com Chilliwack 9355 Young Rd V2P4S3 NORTH DP2.la r::i...~ ._ station 01,e "'all ~ architects fl"EWAlL l"l,IU,.l"ET IS MIN ~•,e· tflOH CiU/111:tlWAll @--·-·-·-·---- @-·-·-·-·-·--·-·- @--·-·-·-·-~....:. @--·--·-·-·-·-·- 23' .?5" .,...,.. UNITC1 ~r-. ~ ,z .g- UNITC2 UNIT $1 DECK @-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·- @--·-·-·--l.:;:;:i;;;;;;;;;;;;:a;;;;z;;~-a;:i:::;i;;;;;;;=a;;:;r;~ ..----l"tt ~ -~-;~---lJ..:_ .. :...._·-;~·:.~~-.:._· -,.....,,-~~~.._-',_.,._ fllEWALL l'~l"Et 15, l,IIN. .!N'r' HIGH GUAtow ... u :,,. :j ~.MmLCN) ~ I Ii PARKING ENTRYjBl!LOW ' V --t ··-fi --·-··-··-i ---1- @--·-·--·--·-·--•-·---~------=1 I I Z,'-IS" l = @ 4 2ND FLOOR PIAN • ··,· ••• ! • ;f~:/~t3 ' . . . ;-'_; ' I.. 1 .. • . =·;:: -~. 12 ·2" -----------------·· ~~ ------ UNIT A1 UNIT B1 ~ I C>ASH£0 LME OENDJES CONCRETE l"AltAm WALL elfl.OW(.1.1" (TYi".) MIJril. 9',6• 1-11Gt4 GUAltDWAU.- ~ I I ~ I Z5•9' ElEr;TIICAL LIGHTING FltillJl:ES (l'Yf'.) _ ! I UNIT A1 UNIT B1 UNITB1 -lt1_=-~=>.~o-.E--c~ .. K=_=!!r'=o=e=c=Kaa::.:·:::iil-=-~~-~--~=w..:,M=""----=~---t- ,t.JY,.crSCJ!EEN ;;i,;t~,) Li\H~l"E ;:...........:..=-='--"'~---'=--+:~--~-·::·-~__,!,_~--=r-. ~•~ ~fJ =-~1, _ --:::~rL i. .:. .' ;.:.~~-~~~~~~ k.~ ~-;~::_::l.,~·;:;dl:P~~.T~ <Ep --b lJ ~ -3-;J~e,';)=~F TC ~~ . 0·mlllF1, +.d:~:::..:~E l ·j : 1'·"'-:...:...:~~':i"""'"~ 1 PA:rH ··_._sij°ui/H-~JoFoEcK: ~~=trm-1·:.· 1 ,G,,,_,, i:!Nl·++tt'FiaaHHM-HI --. i P~OPEIITY LINE 2Z·9" ,z.,r M'·~ "'7·T I I @ @ @ 22 ·9' :4 @' I ~::·:i=:~~-~lCATED - -.......:.:.: j l"KECI.Sf COHCIU!Tl! CAI' {'f'I?'.) -,~:::~\~":Ll~~~TE:~~: ,z.,r MCI-I 5€1.DW (sq:. lSot FLOOlt '1..AA) MIN, .3•.13• HICilt ~"Ef" M,Q:AT'ED MET/t!.GlJl'Jl:.Dll:NL (TYf".) I -·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·--·-@ -·--·-·-·-·--·--·-@ fll.EWAU. l'AUt'ET" MIit :,•.e,• HJGH AOOVE LANDOC/111! O!H0-1 6UXf"la: l,V,/DSC..vE elENCH LANOOC,.t'E WOOD TRELLIS COLU~~~ -·-·-·-·-·--·-•-·--@ NORTH LOUGHEED & NORTH AVENUE RESIDENCES, BUIIDING D DP2.2a r::i.. -~ ~ station 01,e ~ ~ architects BLDG A: 22347TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC SCALE 1/8" a 1'·0" JOB NO. 1905 JAN 25 2021 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com Ch illiwack 9355 Young Rd V2P4S3 I rz-v UNITC3 ~ WALL C£l.<JW --,,_.,. I I -i. I z:.·-,· :12-9' I 4 I I I @ @ @ 3RD FLOOR PIAN LOUGHEED 81. NOR'IH AVENUE RESIDENCES, Bun.DING A BLDG A: 22347TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 500£ JOllNO. J/B"a 1'-0- 1905 <Ff) zz-,r I I @ JAN 25 2021 I I @ ~§) ~ ~ ~ ~ [[~ I ~ I I I II I II I II I PROPERTY LINE ::-··7· ---, lj II I ,.,.,,. 'i l 22'-0V2" zz . .-~-~-.. - 197•_c.T __ ~----I----- 'i ,7'-r -2' 12 • 2" rz. 2" 1-7; w~_ ., ... ... ,,. _J-2" .,_.,,. ·le t2',-10'" I -b 2 UNITB2 ~~---------------@ -~~ -------------@ J '-.._l.ANOSCAf'1:eot0EfE M~.3'-e"HIGHGOAAO«/tll ' 1 >L. li; r'A~ (TYi",) DASMED UN£ DENOTES wood • i I _ """'""" WAl.l mow r.mET w,u. oaow CAr <f •l I l ffJEWALL P'Au.P"ET 15 MIH. s·-e-t«iH GtM.!r:OWAlL ~~ ~~ _,__ _ ___.__ __ ______..lllll 11,1-·----·- PROPERTY LINE I~ I~ @ 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com Chilliwack 9355 Young ~d V2P453 • =-c_rr~ ___ ....,.... ___ _,,Z!I'-!!" • : . -• I I @) NORTH DP2.3a r.:i.~ ~ station 01,e '11111111 ~ architects @------·-·-·-·-·-·- @--- @---- @ @ @ ~· r I i l ,. .... • r " .,. _!,_ l r __ (ll'.EgtiANCi~-7 ""'- . ,!loecK UNITC4 ':'_NIT F UNITC3 -, @ ,, ... DECK , ... - (0 @ u -r 22·'1" -+ _,. 12 -Z' "'r !~ ... , ~ -0' "! b' "IDl!CK UNIT A2 UNIT A2 --··-·· u,,. 1Z...:L_ ---- @@ 10 11 ~~ .. I - ,1 11 ~0¥EUYl.JNE "" 7 ... ,, •. • DE« rz -r ~ I ---------+--------, ·1 ii 22-9' 11 b . J DECK_ UNIT A2 •·lY' Ii 11 ,I I! I _O~~HAN .-.OOV! __ ~i 14'- L ------------,------~---------------------=f'ROl'Elm'==:-c-L,""'NE::----r-----------------------------'----+----+---~ I ~ I @ @) @) @ 4TH FLOOR PIAN LOUGHEED & NORTH AVENUE RESIDENCES, BUll..DING A BLDG A: 22347TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC SCA!£ 1/8" • l'·O- J08 NO, 1905 ).~ 1 ~- JAN 25 2021 10 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com Chilliwack 9355 Young Rd V2P4S3 -. : -------·-·-·-------@ NORTH @ ~ @--·-----·-·-·-·-•-• •-- ...... --1 r-------='-'-=-- i t'A\'EltS(lW) ' -' ¼-rT -~ -; -~~~~ '. ~ il • • ~ -4 I ~ lij•, FIREWALLfAUJ'ETl5 · .. T !5'•.&"HIGt1GUllltt'W,I.U 1· ~ FIREWAU. fAlAl'Ei I! _ 5'-0" H'°"1 OUAAO'lllhl.L ~---- 1 • ,. ... L .. I· .. J,. @ ~~ • r '---------...J...1 I , I , --_iu wu:J1 I e @ @ @® ~ ~ I ~~ I I rtO!'EJ:!Y LINE ., r ~-~ ___ 6c..,.,. ____ zz_-_ovz-zz .. W•r _.,12-'-'· ,,.,__ _ _.,.1 _---="'-•=-'T-~ _,, !" UNIT A2 e zz . .- 1. 'I I I U.Nrr. F_1_I _ I ~ ~ _.,. w r , .. t,11TIH CA.Lttt01t"I (n-J ' I , ~ __ I _ r, DECK ,..........,,,,,,_._, ~ I UNIT F2 I I ' I I L-------- DECJ( I ,- ,:J.!:;!:"';~~=,:!~;;;;-:~~as-~;;;;-:;.a;;;~~~~~~~~~~~:"=i'~~~~,;;~!!!!-l-;;;;;;;_~_;c;_~_;,;;;;;_.,_~_~_:.;_;;!;;~~~:=!,~I ~~~~ ~ ~-~-~=-~-~ ~ e I 1, I j ! ! i ! L __ I .. I , -L . . ' . . . . . . . " . : . ., " p ?-=7';:: : -:~_~_;,_. ___ 9'-r' 2" ~~~-.z~_ .... _,,,._-_:~. -I ,.._ •• ,,. _____ ,,_-,,_~--~-ZZ-·S-____ ..;_ ____ u __________ :rz_-r ____ ~l-~~=..-=,,.::-:~~!!---,·f---z,-r-----;-----"-r ____________ "'_--r_---~~--• __ •_,.._ [lJ ,..,_,,. ~ ~ ;:Ji ~ i PRC!'EltT'r LI. I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I ® @ @ @ 5TH FLOOR PIAN LOUGHEED & NOR1H AVENUE RESIDENCES, BUllDING A BLDG A: 22347TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC SCALE 11s· • r-0" JOBNO. 1905 :4 @ @ @ JAN 25 2021 101 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com Chilliwack 9355 Young Rd V2P4S3 4 I I I I @ ,-,------·----------@ l'~l;WAll P'/1.Mr&rr 15 6'·&" HIGH GtlAW..."1.l ---·--------------@ ~ NORTH DP2.5a 7 @ -------·-·------ ROOFPIAN ~ I r- I ---i----i I I @ f~EWAU. '"'""" 0p ~ ' -1 f'AAllET (TTr.) l'U'f~~TW ~ ~ ---+----• _.ll_U .. _MUMGIJ1TEl(TY1'.)-?'-...------- 2Z· .. I 2Z· .. ~ I @ LOUGHEED & NORTH AVENUE RESIDENCES, BUil.DING A BLDG A: 22347TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC SCALE 1/8" • 1'·0" JOB NO. 1905 2Z·9' JAN 25 2021 ~ PROfERJY LINE t· -:i ., I • ,~. 14'-Y tfll-7· ~~ ~~ ~, PROPERTY LIi.iE I :4· I • ~ @ @ fP --------·-----------@ 2Z·9' -rARN"ET (f'(J",) -➔ I i . ! ----~---i _ _j I I @ 604 793 944S soarchitects.com Chilliwack 93S5 Young Rd V2P4S3 ® NORTH DP2.6a r::::L -~ • station 01,e "".. ~ architects 1'1.ANTIMO N5 P'Elt LANDSC.-TE ~W!NGS{'f'rf'.) SIGNAGE (TO 01! C()t,jARI.\ED Al TEMNAHT 0.1/'iWVEMElff ST/IGE) I I @ NORTH ELEVAnON 1/8" =1'-0" BUILDING FINISHES (BUILDING A) ■ A· RllOf • fll!"tEGLASS SHINGLE, ('-0 YR:. WAUANTY} IW: CAMl:lllDGf: Clif.te.0"1. GKEY ■ O • f'6CIA -fAIHTE021112 fl\S,QAV111'Hl"KEANISHEDAlUYL'IIJM ~M-IU~ UQUtl?.ED &001\MIH ~ Z124-..!a I~ MOUNTAJ,I Ol/fTl:ltS AU FACTOl'Y' l:ILAC~ ■ (;• l"'llltArETfCOKNICE • rlllNlEOCEM£NflTIOU5 l"t\NELS WITH ff.IMS & !l,KIICWS &ENJ/J.11N MOOJ:E: 2134-W I !!ON MOiJNTNN ■ C2. 1"AltArET/CORNICE -l"~Nr£DCEMENTITIOUS f'ANEL5 WlfH TRIMS, et:,,i,,o:.p5_ 4 MOOLDINO l'ENJM1lM MOORE; 21~9-!0 ~AA~N ■ A· lllAU • PAINTEO CEMENTITIOUS Q.N'80M:D SfPING: 5" EXPOSURE &£HJM4»-1 MOORE; 21::59-M 6HAR~N ■ !'2. WALL • f'AJNreD CEMENTlflOUS o.NOOMD 51Pll+O; !5" EXl'OSUl!! &EHJM-tlH MOOJltE; 2G7...0 OESaT T'MIJGMT ■ Gt· W,\I.L • l"AINT'EDa:MENftTJOU, l"t\NEL.5 WITH I~ mM5 el!NJM11N MOOltE; Z1M-~ tl!OH MOUHll'JN ■ OZ· ¥11,U. -P"AINTED CEMENHTIOUS PANELS MTH 1x ll:IM5 &EMJAMIN MOORE; 21:59-ro :IHAlt~JI.IN ~. WALL-,AJNTEOCEl.4DITiflC!JS ,Am.LS WITH 'be l~M5 ~AMIN MOm:E; 207--40 DE$:.1l:T f'MUGHT ■ ""1 • Wi\U. -t,Qa. V£NEEl Mll1UAL MATB'!IM..S: ~UTIJAL USED: t.mJlliLr ■ ■ ■ Hort TO MA50N: ru,.N THE!" CK:EA"4 ANO &l.ACII. r'AJNTEO 8lJCl(S INWAAOS TO FACE Alli: GN'. 6RICr.5 5HOULO ,,.,'f'E~ lED F"()M THE OUT51D£. M2 • W!\LL -!lttGK YENEEt MUTIJIIL M"TI!ll:IA1.S; CLINK.a: N. l'IClt.4. ,,.INTED 2x1Z IJIDlMNC'I, D£Clt fMiCIA, & OECF:. 6f.AC.I.ETS &EHJAMIM t.lOORE; 21:39-:!,0 5HMJ:.51QS l'1 • Ttlt.i -r',\INTEO 2116 CO(MER OOM ~.WIH MOOl£: 2139-30 SHi\11:~N l'2. ff.lM -r'AINTl'E) 2...eCOltHEI: ffit.4 OEHJAMIN MOOKE,: ~7-.a D€SEU T'MlJGHT ELEVATIONS ■ Q. OOM -r'AINTEDZXBWIMOOWmM !lf'NJM41N MOOJtE;?.0+-00 11:0N MDUHTAIM □ Jt-GtAZ,l+a•VIH'r\.Ff:N,,fEMHPOWUNIT fACrORY WHITE ■ .S -GLAZING• f"f:Ef A.ellCATED STOll!Efl:ONT fACrOrn' el.AC~ ■ U • GU~AK. • ~E1MltUTBl 111.UMINUM fACrOltr' !}LACI( ■ V • ~CORATWE LKiHTIMG flXTLllE • rltfFA~ltJCATEO ALUMINUM fACrOn"eLAO:. ■ W-l'AINTI:OST'EUW-5fVJ'EeEAM f!VUAMIN MDm:E Z1a'.>-IO JET 81..ACr.. ■ ;t -PI.Eflf!SHEO 6MMO P0m &ENJAMIN MOOII:!: ~!IO IWN MOUHT NM NOTES i. IMPERIAL FLOOR GRADE ELEVA TIO NS ARE ASSUMED 2 METRIC GRADE ELEVAitONS AFE AcnJAL ANO GEODETIC 3. MAIN FLOOR GEODETIC GPADE ELEVATIONS MUST BE CONARMED WITH OVI!.... DRAWINGS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION LOUGHEFD & NORTH AVENUE RESIDENCES, BUilDING A BLDG A: 22347 TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC SOII.E 1/B"a l'-0" JOB NO. 1905 8 ~ -i:1 - I ! i -+- TG 2b.7PJ re (EXl6UNG) ~- ! i i +-I I j i !---,- ! ! PA JAN 2S 2021 ~ WEST ELEVAnON I @ '•-CMUfltl.WAU--' ...,. "-.._ --CASf .... f"t..ACE ~ FD:EWAU 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com -----,. .... WOOD DEMTI. (f'rr.) l"R.IVAC'f WAU (1'11'.) !'.C t.1°'r'---cEo:;IIIIC&.tf ---..A....A A.f l'M:IAW ll ---ll·RO<fQ -«1rst.~Sl-tE/\nth'G 50.20m --~-~A 'JOl'Of'COHaDJTCfflt,;i 43-.44 m h -4THFLOOl::Q ---;-Of CCW~h'G 40.32 m __ !_·~KQ TOl'OfWOl'll:1Gff'IIIG ~.00 m A·5TiiFLOOll:A --rcwtf~om::io 43,44 m A ·2NDFU)()RQ --n"°i-CDNCWtfOITIHO 3409m M~M. i'DORE55 5!GH/1Gf SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" =1'-0" BUILDING FINISHES (BUILDING A) ■ II· ~OF· 1'1DltEGLAS5 SHINGLES ('40Ylt, WAUAH'fY) I~; CMC0'1PGf; c-tr\KC0/\1. Gl:EY ■ e. fASCIA. l'NN~ 2lol12 l'~A MTH 1"11:EANISHa> N.UWNIJM OtJrTl:'.'5 'M-IUE UOUIRED &EKJAMIM MOORE; 2124-.30 f~ MOUNT~ GUTTEl!.5 ME FN:TOJrr el.JOI. ■ C1. P'AIUl"ET/CORNICE: • l'/JNfEOCF.M!!tl'TlnOUS PANELS Willi TRIMS & 8J!:JICl(.£TS !IENJAMIN MOOl:.E; 215-4-!£1 1-'.0f.l MOUNT NN ■ C2. f'ARN"ETIC.OtNICE • PAJNT'WCEl.lENTITlOU5 l",\NELS WITH TIUMS, ~ACJ.ElS, & MOULDING MNJAMIN MOOR!!: Z,S!J.30 StiAH.5.l:IH ■ Fl. WM.t. l'AmTED CEMENTITlllt.!5 Q.Af60ARD 51DING: 5" E.o'OSUU &fHJAMt,1 MOOlE; 21:59-,0 5HMGUN ■ rz. WM.L. l'NHTI!DCEMENTITIOOS CLN'OOMP e!Cl\HG;S· EV05UU E,UN,l,:N MOORE; 2157-..0 OESElr 1'MUGHr ■ GI. W/\1.L • l"'-!Nll!O (3:MEMTITIOUS l"..-,NEl.5 wtr11 h fl.IMS OEHJAMIN MOOltE; 2154-!IO 111:0N M0UNTI\IN ■ Ci2 • WALL -PAINTED CE:MEt./TffiOU~ l"ANEL5 WlTH 1:< 1'l.lM5 151!:NJAMIN MOORE: 21~M SHAlt,;s,aN nr.J a, . WN.l • l"ll!NTEO CEMENTIYIOI.IS r'AHELS WITH 1• Tl:11,,15 ,. i,EHJ1'Mf4 "4001:E; 2137.....0 ~T TWIIJGHT ■ t.41 ·WALL· i,ocic. VEMCU MUTUl,I,. MATEIUAI.S-: I.U1TUA1. IJ5EO; ~ NOYE TO MA50H: TURH THE ClEIIM AMI> Cl.IQ; I" AINTED l'JOCK5 IHWM~ TO FACE .W. 01'. 5,li:ICICS 5/'tOULO Al"f'EAA I.a> fl'.OM THE OIIT"SJDE. ■ M2 -WAl.L -D~ICF. ~e:~ MUTUAL MATElttALS; CUNKER ■ t,t. n.lM. f'AINTE02"12 MIOOAND, OECK.FASClf,,,& DECr-ei.:..-.curs l'EHJAM!t4 MOOl:E: 2139-.50 SKAt.~N ■ ". TltJM . f'AIHT'ED z.e co~n. 00M l'EHJAM.'4 "40()(£: ffl9,,?.,0 SHAR:iC.Sl(IN ■ n -T'-IM· f'NNl'n>~~Elr:OOt.l 1'8UAl,UH MOOl:E: 2"7-40 0£SEI.T T"MUGKT ELEVATIONS ■ Q • Tl:IM • l"NNTl'!O 2w6 MNOOW n.lM OENJl'.MIH MOOll:E: Z\M-:,0 lllON MOUNTAIN □ It • Gl.A2)1<t(; • VINYL 1'11:/wlE \lt1NDOW UNIT f/'Cr0,:(Mill'? ■ ■ 5 • GLAZING • ~El'A!!!I.IC:liTID STOICEFI.ONT fl\CTOI.Y l!HAa. u. CiUAli:D(AIL. nD'Af!!l:ICATED Al.Ut,m,IUM ■ V • DfCOltATIVE UGtffiNG l'IXTUlf • P'UPA!>~CATP.D /\1.UMIHUM F.-cTOln' !JLN:Jt ■ W • l"A!HTEO 5TUL W·SHA"E 6EN.4 60UAMIH MOOll:E 212().fOJfT !'LACI.. ■ X•l'KEFIHJ5t1ED:5~NOD0o« &ENJAMIN MOOfi:E; ~!IO 111:0H MOl/HTAIN NOTES 1. IMPERIAL FLOOR GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE ASSUMED 2. METRIC GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE ACTUAL AI\O GEODETIC 3. MAIN FLOOR Gt:ooenc GRADE ELEVATIONS MUST BE CONAAMED WITH CML DRAWINGS PAlOA TO EXCAVATION "'' ; ----------1 I I ---------------,--! i I ------+-- l630.5• ! i j LOUGHEED & NOR1H AVENUE RESIDENCES, BUllDING A BLDG A: 22347 TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC SCALE 1/8" • l'•o·· JOBNO. 1905 JAN 25 2021 l!AST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-<Y 0p METAL N:R'OU. IH l"m.J,J>f. OfPEl,ffljG5. ~ DES~. ........_FINISH. & COLOUl TOM CONl"IRMED, SllOMIT SHOP' ~AWIHG TO AACHITF.CT f"lt101t TO FABRICATION (T'Tl'.) f--._ ---CMT·IN-n.N:.E CDHCttT1!'. flltEWAU..----, 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com Chilliwack 9355 Young Rd V2P4S3 W000 OE:NOL (TYr.] ---A·lOOf'A TOI' OF IIDOE !!iHEAT111HG 50.20 m Jf:i:ta++-1-.....JL __ RMNWATI:lt COLLECf~ OOl (JYP".) ~ F'A l'LMITING AS l'£lt I.ANOSCAl"E DU'MNGS-(TYI",) WOOD MOULDING ('M'.) ~ ~ --------, --~·~RA CEMENTmous (l.APOISG ATFJREWN.L{l"T'1'.) TOl"OF WtCUl'Htffll/G 572{) m WOOD eR....a.ET (1"11".) ~ LANPSCl'TE \IKlOO TREUJS COU!a OUT ~DIER COll~(TYf'.) CONCRETE LINTEL (N'I',) e~i.. ~14.. (T'r1'.) MECHIINICAL G~ATE TO MATO! MET~. _11_,,.:ryffJK,K_Sm.E. rUfMIUCATE!) MEllil. UNIT 51G!'IAGE & ENl'Uf'HONE N A·ROOf~ ---_, __ ---lOfOl'IICIOl,tlU,lllNG 50.20 m -~--A.:._TlU~MG...Q UJll/50Fl00f1ll.155f.5 -40.51 m ~ C " ~~--_A·b™FLOO~a l'Ol'Ol'~ettrr.TO!'Tll«l 4.5..-44 at ~ A· ♦1H FLOOR ___Q -,·-----TIPOfCOHCZE!t romHG 40.32 m ~ 0 P!.ANTINO AS l'U LANDSC~E -~ DRA'MNOO (fl'l',) A . 5t!) FWOfi': ~ ---------,.IP~~or,u«:, 57.20 m $! ------"~OOK_Q b i> I TOl'Ol'GONcimTOl'f'lltG 34.09 m A-15ffl.Om:~ -,-----W"OFSU5'91tlEtl~ 50.12m DP3.2a .---'I,---- ,. ~I I ______ _F~QFEJ\TY klN,J. ______ _ ······················-··· ······••i•-······ ••• .; ••••• 01\SHED LIN~ DEHOTl:6 C:0/.:Clt~ r'Ail:N'ETWN.L i,eLO\YC1' : -1,11J :,•-~-~-~.11 !?_U~.,~.L!-; .l .. --- "C:.,'l'"r,--...-P'tUMIOCA:fED P'l.uhus ,\Hi> l'LA.•moo 1-S ira. tNt05C"'1: (1'Y1".) -·---: ···•··-· ·······-·---: -------._ --- . ~~~:;J:i:r~-~. ···'·-.·····: ""-"------'+-=-,'--!----·~Z' ! .. '. -~ ......... :•··-····•··J.·· ......... j .. ,. ~ l ;'"=.,. ... ,~ -_ ~-S!< ___ :t.:,~ t .~-.-~--~-=-.~j--~--~----~c-~,::~~-: .... T ... 5(.,:.ec-N (T'Yl".):·· • : ~ POVERED ·QECK :-- MASTER BEDROOM I I I I I I I 9'•11"•15'·11" W.1.C. '---------' co UNITA1 PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" ~ LIVING 11'·0-• ,U-2" DINING 11'•0"• T• O" UNIT A1 KITCHEN 1T • 0-• 12' • CJ" DEN 7·1"•t1·T 794SF SUITEPIANS r I --' ;,,,,_ ___ _,IY:.c•.!.r ___ ....,...e_Z __ • Z'e...., MJN. ~•-e• HIOH OUAltDK.,\IL COVERED DECK 10'-2'• •· • r 5.9flf(59 Dm) -l'RNACY WALL UNIT A2. ALTERNATE Dl!CK 1/4""" 1'-0" ,z . .- DASl-1F.D lME DEHO'fe; CO ETl: --PMN"ET WALL e.EWN C~ UNIT A2 LIVING n•-0".r. t2'•4" ------------------------------ MASTER BEDROOM 9' • ll"a 12· • It" UNIT A2. PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" --------------------------------- fi!Tffll03~AII W~ l"XivACYWAl,L(TYI".): ··--•..f•-···-·-· ; ..... ·-·-·\ LIVING lr•(r'a 12'· 4" UNIT A2 □□ KITCHEN/DINING lr•<>"•t2'•CI' 683 SF LOUGHEED & NOR1H AVENUE RESIDENCES, BUILDING A BLDG A: 22347TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC SCAl.E 1/4"•1'·0" JOBNO. 1905 JAN 25 2021 SUITE PLAN NOTES 1. ENSURE THAT THE 0/8" TYPE'X' GYPSUM BOARD IS INSTALL.ED BEHIND THE BATHTUBS AND SHOWERS AT THE PARTY WALLS AND OOAAIOOA WALLS 2, AU. EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS ARE TOTHE: OUT'SIDE FAOE OF THE WALL SHEATHtp,,c;; 3. ALL BATHTUBS ANO SHOWERS ARE TO BE ENCLOSEDWrTH WATE~ FESISTANT GYPSUM BOARO&AU.. BATtm.JBS TO HAVE CERAMIC TILE SUAROUrlOS ~•..a-HIGH ABOVE TOP OF TUB 4. THE EXTERIOR OECK.-GOLARIUM IS TO HAVE AN APPFIO\leD VINYL WATERPAOOF MEMBRANE ANO IS TO SLOPE DOWN ANO AWAY FROM THf 6VILOINQ AT A MINIMUM SLOPE Of 2"l!J ON THE 2N0 FLOOR, 3111, ON THE 3RO, 4"' ON THE 4TH, ETC. 0. THE LAUNDRY APPLIANCES SHOWN ARE THE STACKING TYPE e. SOME DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE CENTER-LINE OF WALLS AND SOME ARE TO THE FACE OF THE STUDS. SEE PL.ANS 7. DROP CEIUNOS IN BATHROOMS ANO SOME DENS, ETO. TO 8'-0" ABOVE ANSH R.OOA AS REOU!REO TO AC(X)MOQATE PLUMBING ANO VENT SHAFTS. 0, F0A HORIZONTAL SHAFT'S (l.AUNCRY l'IOOMS, KITCHENS, BATI-IRCXlMS) WITHIN THE FLOOR JOtST SPACES, SEE DETAIL 0-18 ON ORAWll'-.K. A-e.~ II, SEE KITCHEN OONSULTANT6 DRAWINGS FOR ACTUAL LAYOUT OF APPUANOES ,A,NO CABINETS 10. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR DECK OFIAINAGE MASTER BEDROOM 9'•11"•13'·6"' DEN B-~11b'•1" 11.ALL LO.A.OBEAAING WAL.LS ARE TO HAVE 1 LAYEROF5/8'TVPE'X' GYPSUM BOAAO ON BOTH SIDES. SEE CONSTAUOTION TYPES SCHEDULE 12:. SEE STFIUCT\JRAL ORAWINOS FOR ALL JOIST, STUD, COLUMN, ANO SEAM INFORMATION 13, C.-tECK ELEVATIONS FOR REOUIREDSUONG DOORS 14, CONFIFIM Sl2E AND LOCATION OF ALL WINDOWS MTH BVu..DINCi R.OOR PLANS Af\.O ELEVATIONS 18_ CONFFIM EXTERIOR WALL DIMENSIONS \MTH BUL.OING FLOOA PLANS 18 PBOVJQE FOR FUTURE INSTALLATION OF GRAB BAAS AS PER AGING:: IN::PI AGE AGRFFMFNI WITH 9IY OF MA.Pl f AIQGF 17 PQQM TO HAYf I fYFR D'.fT HAfliPWARf AS PER AGING-IN:Pt ACf AGRE FM ENI \MTH 9ID'. Qf MAPbf RPGF 1 Q PI-YMRW Am.JAE§ TO HAYE LEVfie nPF CONTflOI SlfAUCEJS AS PfB AGING::IN::fl-ACE AGRFEMfw: wrTH CITY OF MAP\ F RJOOE 22 PfPYIPE FQR BID/BE GRAB AAR INST.AUAT!QN AT JP/LETS AND SHOWEflS AS PER AGINCHN-Pl.ACE AGREEMENT ,_.,. 12-2" ' ' • -~~~~~-~~~-,.~~~-~1~,- ENTRY LIVING 11'. o•,. i4' -1· UNIT B1 OINING tr-o·• '°'·O' KITCHEN 12'·4"•12"-0- I I I I ___ J 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com Chilliwack 9355 Young Rd V2P4S3 -M:N . .,.-6. HIGH GL/At:PU.ll ~l'li:IVAC'fWALL COVERED DECK e·-1r11 2'-IO" 25.2-,f(2.3 .... J UNIT B2 ALT. DECK 1/4" C 1'-0" l)fotiEO LU4!. O!NOTES CONCJ:ETE ~,M,.,rl~l\l.1.0EI.OWCN .,,_._.,. ___ _ UNIT B2 . :;._:__. ' --'---s•~---'--...... --'---~-~--il'I , , i---MIN.!"·&HIGMi;IJA,DR,(JL -:=;~~;*~if ~t~~t~; .. MASTER BEDROOM 9'· 11"• ,, •. 6' I I W.I.C. L ______ _ DEN 6'. 2"~ 5' • l" ENTRY LIVING IT • (T• n•,3· UNIT B2 DINING lT•Cl"•t'>'•O' KITCHEN '2'••·" \2' -0" ' I ' I I I ' E~ I l I I ___ J c::========~---,.•-·- 22-fr DP4.la I -·4"-·-· MASTER BEDROOM 9'-1r~ 1-4· • ICT 22·~"~' --------- DINING Jl'•U• r •O' UNIT C1 KITCHEN 13'•8'• 11'-0" I --r--, I : e BATHr) 0 1--------.,,0~ 7 _,,. '----------·---------- 1"-Z' UNIT C1 PLAN 767 SF 1,14° = 1'-0" SUITEPIANS I I I ! I-~ i N SUITE PLAN NOTES 1. ENSURE THAT THE 5$" TYPE 'X' GYPSUM BOARD IS INSTALL.EC EIEHINO 11, ALL LOADBEARINCi WALLS AFIE TO HAVE 1 LAYER OF 518' TYPE 'X: THE BATH1Ua8 ANO SHOWE"RS AT THE PARTY WAI.LS AND OORRIOOR GYPSUM BOARD ON BOTH SIDES. SEE OONSTRUCTION TYPES SCHECULE WALLS 2. ALL EXTEAIOR DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE OUTSIDE FACE OF THE WALL SHEATHING 3.. All BA1lmJBS ANb SHOWERS ARE TO BE ENCLOSED 'vVITI-I WATER RESISTANT GYPSUM BOARD & ALL BATHTVBS TO HAVE CERAMIC Tl LE SURROUNDS 5'-0" HIGH ABOVE TOP Of TUB 4. THE EXT~AIOR OECKISOLAR!UM 18 TO HAVE AN APPROVEO VINYL WATEAPAOOF MEMBR.t\NEANO IS TO SLOPE OOWN ANO AWAY FROM THE BUil.DiNG AT A MINIMUMSLOPEOF296ON THE 2NOFLOOA, 396 ON THE 3RD, 4'l6 ON THE 4TM, ETC. 5. THE LAVNDAY APPLIANCES SHOWN ARE THE STACKING 1YPE 0. SOME DIMENSIONS AAE TO THE CENTER-LINE OF WALLS ANO SOME ARE TO THE FACf OF THE STUDS. SEE PLANS 7. DROP CEILINGS IN BA.~MS ANO SOME OENS, ETC. TO~'-()" ABOVE RN.SH FlOOR AS REQUIRED TO AOCOMOOATE PLUMBING ANO VENT SHAFTS. 8. FOR HORl20NT AL SKA.FTS (LAUN ORY ROOMS, KITCHENS, EIATHFIOOMS) WlTHJt,,I THE FLOOR JOIST SPACES, SEE OETAIL D-1 & ON DRAWING A-e.3 0. SEE l(J'TOHEN OONSUL TANTS DRAWINGS FOR .ACTUAL LAYOtlT OF APPLIANCES AND CABINETS 10. SEE MECHANICAL ORII.\NINGS FOR DECK DRAINAGE , .... 7-T , . .,, 12, SEE STRUCTI...IFW. OR.t!W1NGS FOFI ALL JOITT, =5W0, OOWMN, AND BEAM INFORMATION 13. CHECJ< ELEVATIONS FOR REQUIRED 6UOINO 000RS 14, CON~ SIZE ANO LOCATION Of ALL WINCX1WS WITH 8UILOING FlOOA PLANS ANO ELEVATIONS 1!11. OONFIRM EXTERIOR WALL DIMENSIONS VV'ITH BUILOINO FLOOR F>t..ANS 10 PROYJPf FOR fl UURF INSTALLATION Qf OMA BAR..<. AS P!=R AGING-!N-PL.AOE AQREFMPW WrTH CITY Of MAPI E RIDGE 17 PQOP§ ro HAVE l EYfRJYPf HARQWARE A5 PERAC'..ING-IN::NCE AGREEMENT \MTH ca:y Of MAP! f BWF 18 PLUMRING flXTl/Bf§I TO HAYE I EYER JYPE' CONJBOIStfA.lKHTTS AS PEA AGINf--lN·PI ACE AOBfEMfNT 'MIH QfTY Of MP.Pl f BIOOE 11 ELECIH!CAI BFQf P'.CAHI f OOXfS ID Rf tR: HIGH ffl9M EINISffi:O B.OOBTO CEWBf Of em; AS PER AGINJ·IN--NCE AGREEMENT wnJ::! CITY Of MAP\-E BOOE :; ~™\~1VZ:rn+.~ I.!hVEJYwf NT1%ttW&r:r™m?.faPeff ilme 21 PBOYIPE FOUAPLEX E'LEOJBIQAI RECEMAPI f BES1Pf MASTER BsDBOOM BfOO M FER AGING-!N-PLACE AQReEMENT WITH CUXOE ~ 22 PROVIDE FOA MURE GRAB BAR INSTALi ADON AT JOU fIS AND SHOY,:EB:a: AS P~JJ e'GING-!f:PL.ACE AGREEMENT " r to10~1 .. ,;l£\Qf5e::-,,icl{icl'E" -fAC._.o'ffl 11,_. 0fi.-C•t .,--'"' :! -I!'~ GuM'(C,., FlltEWl,L.L ....... ~6\iE~eo6eoK 10'-'.4·••'•0' 4t3.,{:,4'ocj) .. ···-·< .. • MASTER BEDROOM 9'· 11"~ '14' • 10" UNITC2 PLAN 1/4"-=1'-0" 11' • O'• IO· ,II' DINING 1\'•cY'• T ·O' UNITC2 KITCHEN ,~· • e·• tt' • o- t- b ~ ii ~ 0 757 SF WUGHEED & NOR1H AVENUE RESIDENCES, BUllDING A BLDG A: 22347TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC SCAI.E 1/4" • l'•D" JOB NO. 1905 JAN 25 2021 ii ~ ii ~ ,,_,,. r- 1 MIN. 3'•0" HIGH ou.-.ir.Dlt,',IL COVERED DECK 10' ......... 2· -43.1~(4D"'") UNIT C3 ALTERNATE DECK 1}4" = 1'-0- .. l~z~-~""~--.,_,,. I Z·Z' r MASTER BEDROOM 9' • 11"• 12' • "' .,. . .,. UNITC3 LIVING 11 '1'• \l 'O' 01&-tEO LINE DENOT£5 COHC,El'E rf'IU,,f''fJ WALL eELOW CAr -MIN, ;,•-e-HIGH GU~AIL r "'"ooc""" COMCm• ,.,...J,7, "' . ...... ···•·--·····-.-- LIVING 1r•O'•l2'·1D' UNITC3 KITCHEN/DINING 11"•0'•11'•0' 22-tr 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com Chilliwack 9355 Young Rd V2P4S3 .. .. 1 ~ p R: i, ~ ll iii t i ! ! i I I ! ! i 6'-5" COVERED DECK '° ... ~ ..... 2· .45.11f{4Om) 22-8" z.,,. 12-r r--------O~ANGAOOVE _______ 7 UNITC4 LIVING lr·0'•1Z'·IO' '" z ::; UNIT C4 AL TERNATI! DECK 1/4" = 1'--0" ,.,-______ 2,e_:_,-r P/6HED LIME PE:NOTES CONCKETE -rM.Na IYN.L OE\.DW W .,..--MIN, :,·-e-HIGH GV,.,~!L . I ,..._-.:t=-,------------_-__ -__ -__ -,-__ -__ -_ .,.... _-'-__ -__ -___ -__ -__ -___ -__ -'-__ ,;,.,a,, __ -_c>.c:...,, :.,,i_. rrn1_ ~ ---------------------------I ~ LIVING 11' • o-. 12'· 10' MASTER BEDROOM 9'·11"• 12'· .... UNITC4 KITCHEN/DINING 11' .a-. ff• O' ENTRY ------~-,,. 22·8" I --r--, I : I : 0 ·i -~ i j i w z ::; DP4.2a r::::L -~ • station 01,e '-1111111 ~ architects ~ l; ~ :i 14'·"""~------+ ---• CB"fESJY Ptiii ______ _ T _ KITCHEN1UVING l2'•a·~12-e UNIT D1 SLEEPING AREA 13' • 0-• 12' ·3· tr-T 14'·3 I -1- z-er J • ~ ~ ii • .. UNIT D1 PLAN 523SF 114•::::,11-0" SUITEPIANS ~ l; SUITE PLAN NOTES 1, ENSURE THAT THE !5/8' TYPE 'X' GYPSUM BOAAD 16 INSTALLED BEHIND 11. ALL LOADBEAFUNQ WALLS ARE TO HAVE 1 LA YEA OF ,m• TYPE 'X THE BATHTUBS ANO SHOWERS AT TI-IE PAR1YWALL6 ANDCOARIOOR OYPSUM BOARD ON 80TH SIOES, SEE CONSTRUCTION TYPES SCHEDULE WALLS 2. ALL EXTEAIOA DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE OUT SJ DE FACE OF THE WALL SHEATHING 3.. ALL BATHTUBS AND SMOWERS ARE TO 8E ENCLOSED WITH WATER RESISTAJtlT GYPSUM BOARD &ALL BATHTUBS TO HAVECERA.MICTll.E SURAOUNOS ,•-o-HIGH ABOVE TOP OF TUB 4, THE EXTERIOR DECl<ISOI..AAUM 19 TO HAVE AN APPROVED VNl"'L WATERPHOOF MEMBFlANE AI\IJ IS TO SLOPE OOWN AND AWAY FROM THE BUILDING AT A MINL\o1UM St.OPE OF 2'11. ON THE 2ND FLOOR, 3'16 ON THE 3RD, 4'M. ON THE 4TH, ETC. 5. THE LAUNDRY APPLIANCES SHOWN ARE TI-IE STACKING lYPE e. SOME DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE CENT EA-LINE OF WALLS AIIIJ SOME ARE TO THE FACE OF THE STUDS. SEE PLANS 7. DROP CElllNGS IN BATHROOMS AJ>.D SOME DENS, ETC. TO 8'-0" AB0\11; FNSH FlOOR ~ REOL'1AEO TO AOOOMOOATE PLUMBING; ANO 12, SEE ST RUOT URAL ORA.WINGS FOR ALL JOIST, STUD, COLUMN, ANO BEAM INFORMATION 13. CHECK ELEVATIONS FOR REQUIRED SLIDING DOORS 14. OONAAM SC!£ ANO LOCATION OF ALL WINDOWS WITH BUILO!NG FLOOR PLANS ANO ELEVATK>NS 15. OONFlAM EXTERIOPI WAl..l. DIMENSIONS \NITH BUILDING R.OOA PL.ANS 11 POOY/Df fOR flWJBE INSIAI I ATION OE9RAR BABS AS PfBAG!Nr-lN::PI ACE AGREEMENT WITH GOY OE MAPI F BIOOE JI P99M IQ HAYE I EYER IYPf HABOWARF AS PER AGING-IN-fl.ACE AGREEMENT WITH Cax: OE MApLE BIOOE 18 pt UMB1NG EJXI\IBFS JP HAYf I MBIYPfootaROlS/EAUCETS AS PER AGING-IN-Pl ACF AQBEFMENT WJTH CIIY OE W,pt E BIDGE _ VENT SHA"5. 19 R fCIRICA\ BECfPTABI f OOXfS TO Bf Ht HGH fflOM FNISHfP FLOOR TO CENTRE OE RQ?C AS PER AGf"G·IN·PlACE AOflEEMENT 't{IJH 9tTYOEMAPI E BIIXif ·-·--- a. FOA HOFILZONTAL 6"AFl~ CLAUNOAY ROOMS, KITCHENS, BATHROOMS) \IVITHINTHE Fl.OCR JOIST SPACES, SEE DETAIL 0-le ON DRAWING A-e.3 D. SEE KITCHEN CONSULTANTS DflAWINCJS FOR ACTUAL LAYOUT ~ APPLLANOES ANO CABINE"TS 10. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR DECK DRAINAGE 20 ELWBICAL SW®HfS IO BE 4Z FROM ANISHFP A-DOR TO CENTflE Of BOX AS PER AGING-IN.PLACE AGflEEMENT WITH CITXOF tAAPl F RIOOF 21 PFPYIPF fOYBB-fX ELWIBJCAL BECEPTACLf BES!PE MMTEB BFPROOM §gP§ AS PfB AGING·IN·PtACf e-OREEMENf YYUMClIY Qf """""""' 22 PB9\/1DE FOB F\fTUBf GRAB BAB INSTAI I ATK>N ATIOI fISAND SHOWERS AS PER A.GING-IN-PLACE AGREEMIWT KITCHEN1UVING 12'· &"J iz. e· UNIT D2 I, ~ i .. Iii SLEEPING AREA l; 13' ·0-• \'I'. 'IO'" ~ ~ ~ ~ - BATH ~ .. , ... ,,_.,. 1-4'•3" UNITD2 PLAN 512SF WUGHEFD 81. NORTH AVENUE RESIDENCES, BUllDING A BLDG A: 22347 TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC SCALE JOB NO. 1/4~ = 1'-0" 1905 JAN 25 2021 M'•Y _,. Mllol. 3'-8' HIGH GUAJIDRAIL DECK IO•!a"• 2°· IO' 29 sf(2.1-) UNIT 03 KITCHENJ\JVING 12' • 9"• IO· 9" UNIT D3 AL Tl!FINATE DECK 1}4" = 1'-0- 14'•:Y' DASHEO LINE DEMO'fe CONC,ETE ..,-PAAN'E'f W,1,U. !!ElOW CM MIN. s•.e· HIGH GUARDRAIL ~ ----::::.!::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::_ KITCHENA.IVING t2'. U'• 10· 9"' UNIT D3 SLEEPING AREA 13' ·O"• 9' •2' I .,.1 _____ _,,_fl-7' ! I I 14'•&° 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com Chilliwack 9355 Young Rd V2P 4S3 ~ _..._,,_ ____ ,_ ' ·-•-·- 14'·5" MIN ....... HIGH GUA~otAJL DECK 10'· ~-. 2'·10' 29D ef (2.7 1111) UNIT 04 KITCHENA.IVING t2' ·0"ir 10-6' 2-0' UNIT D4 AL TEFINATE DECK 1/4" = 1"--0" Ii ---·-·-..,.__ 14' -5"e_ _____ __; DA.SHEO UNE DENOTES CONClfl\i'. 'l'M.N'£f WAll &£1.0WCl,f MIH. ~'-6" HIGH GUMotAlL ........ ; .... l'XJY'0-W/\U. (P'P..) r~:~lii~~;;l~;~~ i KITCHEN/\.IVING 12·-a•.,u.e UNIT D4 SLEEPING AREA e·-o-. 9•.(r ~ I "' -------7 DP4.3a CL.~.._ station 011e '-11111 ~ architects SUITE PLAN NOTES 1. ENSURE THA.T THE 5.16' TYPE 'X' GYPSUM BOARD &S INSTALLED BEHIJ\Q Tt-E BATHTUBS ANO SHOWERS ATTME PARTY WALLS AND CORRIDOR WAU.S a. AU. EXTl;fVOR OIMENSIONS ARE TO THE OIJT'SIOE FACE OF THE WALL SHEAll-llNG 3. ALL BATHT\JBS AND SHOWERS ARE TO BE ENCLOS!O \NITH WATER RESISTANT GYPSUM BOARD & ALL BA.THT\JBS TO HAVE CERAMIC TILE SURF'IOIJNOS o·-o· HIGH ABOVE TOP OF TUB 4. THE EXTERIOR DECKiSOLAAIUM IS TO ~\11; AN APPROVED VlNY\. WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ANO IS TO SLOPE OOWN AND AWAY FROM THE BULONG AT A M!NlMUM St.OPE OF 21E. ON THE 2NOFLOOA, 3%0N THE 3RD, 4'ff, ON THE 4Tli, ETC. 5. THE LAUNDRY APPLIANCES SHQINN AAE THE STACKING TYPE D. SOME DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE CENTER-, LINE OF WALLS ANO SOME ARE TO THE FACE OF Tt-lE STUDS. SEE Pl.ANS 7. CFIOP Cl;IUNG-5 IN BATHROOMS ANO SOME DENS, ETC. TO 8'•0" ABOVE ANISH FLOOR AS REQUIRED TO AOOOMOOATE PLUMBING ANO VENT SHAFTS, e. FOR HORIZONTAL SHAFTS (LAUNCRY AOOMS. KITCHENS BATHAOOMS)WTTHIN THE Fl.DOA JOIST SPACES, SEE DETAIL 0-18 ON Df\A\'IIING A~.3 9. SEE l<fTCtEN CONSULTANTS ORA WINGS FOR ACTUAL LAYOUT OF APPLIANCE'S AND CABINETS 10. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOA DECK DRAINAGE SUITEPIANS 11.AL1.LOAD8EAAINGWALL6AAE TO HAVE 1 LAYEAOF6/'8'"TYPE'X' GYPSLM BOARD ON BOTH SIDES. SEE OONSTAUCTK>N TYPES SCHEClJLE 12. SEE STAUCTUAAL ORA\YIN::iS FOR ALL JOIST, STUD, COLUMN, ANO flEAM INFORMATION 13.CHECK ELEVATIONS FOA REQUIRED SUOIN:i DOORS 14, CONF"IRM SIZE AND LOCATION OF ALL WINOO\NS WrTH BUILDING FL<X>A PLANS AND ELEVATCINS 18. CONFIRM !XTERlOA WALL OMENSIONS \/\IITH BUILDING R.OOR flt.ANS 18 PflOY!PffQB BffilBEINSTAlL.ATlONPFGRARRARSM PfB AOJNO· lt+:PlACf AGRE BA ENT \llo'TTH CITY OF MAPLE RIOOE 17 OOOQSIPHAVF LMFI TYPE HARDWAf\£AS P€BAGU'.'Q·lrt:f1-:r'Gf AffffMfNTWITH CJTYOfMePlf RWE ,a EI_ECTRIQAL RfCl;PTABLE BQXESTO BE Hr HIQH FROM FIN'SHED B 006 m CFNIBF Of ROX AS PER AGINlriHtt-PL.ACg AGRFFMFNI WITH cm:: OF W.PLI; BIDGE LOUGHEED & NORTH AVENUE RESIDENCES, BUllDING A BLDG A: 22347 TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 50U£ J06NO. 1/4•,. 1'-0"' 1905 I I • 6i:iiiE~e□D~bK IO'->r•-4'-d •1.!5 ~ l'"'•mJ MASTER BEDROOM 9' • 1Tl '14'•9° : W.I.C. - I L _____ _ UNrrE1 PLAN JAN 25 2021 22-.- zz . .- LIVING 11·-a-. ,o.z• DfNING 1T·O'• 7-0' UNIT E1 t2 ·71/2" I : 8 686 SF 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com Chilliwack 9355 Young Rd V2P4S3 .. " I r I r ZZ -9' j ".,. r,UAr'ET UNITE2 LIVING !1'-a~ 12'•<4" UNIT E2 ALTl!ANATE DECK 1/4" = 1'--0" __J 2'·2"' ..... _____ _, DASH-ED LIN! OENOfES CONCRETE ~ f'AI..Anf WAU. eELOWO.r I MASTER BEDROOM 9' -:1•x \1' ·9" I W.1.C. L _____ _ 10 •110' ENTRY ---------''2-~ LIVING 1T •C1's 12'·-4' UNIT E2 b "' ..f-- 1 I I . 10' • 2"x 4'• 1" 41.!59'1'(3.9•m) -~1v.-.CYWALL MASTER BEDROOM 9'· ,, •• 1!5'· 11" r--_J I WJ.C. I I 0 . ENSUITE 0 UNIT F1 PLANS 1/4" = 1'-0" 22· .. , .... LIVING 11' -1· • 11' • 11' UNIT F1 DINING g .10•11&•-cr ENTRY KITCHEN 9'•11"x14'-11' BEDROOM 10·-:,•.1r-rr SUITE PLAN NOTES 1. ENSUPE THAT THE 5.18" TYPE 'X: GYPSUM BOARD IS L"8TALlED BEHNO THE BATHTUBS ANO SHOWERS AT THE PAATVWALL.S ANO CORFIIOOR WAU.S 2. ALL EXT~RIOR DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE OUTSIDE FACE OF THE WAL.L SHEATHING 3. ALL BATHTUBS AND SHOINEAS ARE TO BE ENCLOSED WTTH WATEFI RESISTANT GYPSUM BOAFIO & ALL MTHTUBS TO HAVE CERAMIC TILE SURROUNDS 5'-0" HIGH ABOVE TOP Of TVS •· THE EXTEAJOA DEOK/.SOLARIUM IS TO HAVE AN APPROVED VINYt WATERPAOOF MEMBRANI: AND IS TO SLOPE DOWN ANO AWAY FROM THE BUILOING AT A MINIMUM SLOPE OF 2'l6 ON THE 2ND R.OOA, 3 ... ON THE 3RD, -4'6 ON THE 4TH, ETC. 5. THE LAUNDRY APPLIANCES SHOWN ARE THE STACKING TYPE e. SOME DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE CENTER-LINE OF WALLS AND SOME AFE TO THE FACE OF THE STUDS. SEE PLANS 7. DROP CEILINGS IN BATHAOOtv1S AND SOME DENS, ETC. TO e·-o· ABOVE FINISH FLOOR AS REQUIRED TO AC():jMODATE PLUMBING ANO VENT SHAFTS. 8. FOR HOAJZDNTAL SHAFTS (LAUNDRY ROC»AS, KITCHENS, BATHROOMS} WITHIN THE FLOOA JOIST 6PACE8, SEE DETAIL 0-18 ON DRAWING A--6.3 &, SEE KITCHEN OONSULTANTS Of\AWINaS FOR ACTUAL LAYOUT OF APPl...lANOES N40 CABINETS 10.SEE MECHANICAL DFIAWINOS FCA DECK DRAINAGE SUITEPIANS 11. AU. LOAOBEAAING WALLS ... RE 10 HAVE 1 LAYER OF 5/8' TYPE 'X' GYPSUM BOARD ON BOTH SIDES. SEE OONSTRUC'TION TYPES SCHEDUl.E 12. SEE STRUCTURAL OAAWll'.GS R:>fl ALL JOIST, STUD, COLUMN, .AND BEAM INFORMATION 13. CHECK ELEVATIONS i:oA REQUIRED SLIDING DOORS , •• CONFIRM SIZE ANO LOCATION OF ALL WINOO'NS WITH BUILO!NG R.OOA PLANS ANO ELEVATIONS 15. CONARM EXTERIOR WAll DiMENSIONS WITH BUILDING FLOOR Pl.ANS 10 f?ROVIPffOB flat/Bf IN§TAllAIPN9EGRAB BABS AS PfRAG1NG-IN:flACE AGREEMENT WITH CfTY OF MAPLE FIOOE 17-t:IOOR!i TO HAVE Ll=YfBUPE HAftQW.I.Af M ff"AGING-lhf::PL.AQE AGREEMFNI WH C'!IIY Of MAPl f 6iOOE ~~mc:Ziw:i WsFta~a:N:wl ~~: :w;:::r:w CIIY Pf MAf-4-P\iOO.E: ~ '5ra8§W AfJ2:Itr!i-Jfbf AG~Gre~UfWJ1HegJ9~BMJfJ:WC:E 21 f'BOVJQE FOYRPLEX EL.EOJRICAL RECEPTAC\ f HfStPli MASTER BFOBOOM RECS AS eee AAING::r+:e AC'ff AGBffMfrit WITH cm: Qf ~ 22 PROYIPF FOA Am.JBF GRAB BAB INSTAI 1 AIPN AI TOIi EIS MIO SHOWffl§ A§ PfB AGING-IN-PLACE AGRfEMfW ; "ii, ··-+···- ---•---~-~------------------------:: !::, i !., Lkl : ........... +, .. ····+•···- ·········· ! ---of.------- ,1 i i -t --· ·---·-t -~--- / I ..... 916SF LOUGHEFD & NORTH AVENUE RESIDF.NCES, BUH.DING A BLDG A: 22347TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC SCA!£ 1/4" a 1'·0" d08 NO. 1905 JJ.N 25 2021 MJH. &'·e" HIGH OUAkOIWL I ;__ mv¥"' w,.,1.J ! __ i __ _]_ -+· ...... !. ... ;DECK • ,,0-.,4-.,r-e: 07&2-'(_7.1,mJ \ • ~~~~A~'53;· MASTER BEDROOM g,. 11'• 1,•. ,r r __ _J I W.I.C. I I 0 ENSUITE (0 UNIT F2 PLANS 1/4" = 1'-0' zz ... 22-bV'Z' 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com Chilliwack 9355 Young Rd V2P4S3 LIVING T1'•1"xfl'•II" UNIT F2 DINING 9'· ., •• ,, •. ()" ..... KITCHEN 9'•11",r\4'·1\" BEDROOM ,u-,·• 9"-e· ---------tl-l,1/2' --t-, I : L' 19 t f b .. ... O•~~~ fi'[E"#...UM-.llwf',,,._,.,.._,,,10 -, DECK 9 •• .,. !! l .tl'"IOtfr"'' 906 SF 7 DP4.5a ~ -i--t - 1 I V.MDSC\f'E n.NACY !IG'lE"EN - 117TH AVENUE WEST OFFICES ~ NORTH AVENUE -MUl«:IPAL SIDEWAL,:, MU~PALWAD .._ s, ~ ~ A·ROOFQ ~Cf°i~~G 60.20 m h -5fl1FLOORQ ~OFC0NamtfCfflMG 43.44 m ---~·~K~ tOf'OfCON<m'EfOl'rlHG 5-4-.00 m A·15TFLOOR~ -""" -~Cf'~ 50.12m -______ -----:--=T:=-=·:·::::r:._ --~-=·:-:::·:::) ___ J __ r-,"'.~----------------------------- • ! ! RESIDENjr PA,i~NQ @ ~ Nd ; t: .... :j l --+-~------ i i I I --~ !DEC.I< UNJT B2 I ! ----n=t=====~~';::=~=:r UNIT B2 _;;~;~;: ti!tir UNITB2 ~P~·:!:,_VI..P'1 __ Z7.10 m fOl'Of"ti-l.lSl'l:lttU~ • QPAH.AD£A·~~ 25A0m fOl'Of'SUJIONG«NJE. QP~·~f2 __ _ 23.75 m fOl'OfSI..AtlONGY.1,R;; BUILDING SECTIONS M~Al. MTWOD.. IN ,,.M~ Of'E'N)NGS, SUDMJf £.HO!" D'RA'MNG ro AlQill'ECf r'ltlOJ: TO Flotl«Ch1'ION (T'r'f'.) 117TH AVENUE -MUNIClrAl ICOAO TG 29.43 m (f'RDf"05Et>t ,., LOUGHEED & NORTH AVENUE RESIDENCES, BUB..DING A BLDG A: 22347TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC SCALE !" = 10'-o• JOIINO. 1905 RESIDENT PARKING T I @) @ JAN 25 2021 r- @ EAST OF~u:iEB RESIDENT PAl'IKINO re 2e.4,z"' (YAA!E51 ® 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com ---• -----__ , . SECTION A NORTH AVENUE _.-1,UJN"IOP'AL SIDE"'ALI.. MlJNICIP'Al.nlhD - I --r ------- I ~ B~IONB 1•: 10'-0" Chilliwack 9355 Young Rd V2P 4S3 !> J'AU/iDE.A-LVLPl•Q --tOf;-6~ 25.40 m A· TlLISS IDRiNG~ --uNl5CW~ES -46.51 m A.·5fHFLOOtQ ~CfCONCm'f"~ 43,44 m A·4THFl..00f.Q ~OFCONCm'ETOP"NIG40.32m ,.,.5WR.OOJ:Q ~(I'~ '!J72Dm ... E .. nN<IG<ADE ---------------- TG 20.69 m \DWTil«ij ----~---· ..... . Qf'AUADEA·LVLP1 _ _ ______ _ 27.10 m TCl'Of51/S."tHDEPSLMJ f., ~f'AfMOEA·J:.'l't~ _ ~"--__ _ 25AO m TI1'DfstMOft<i"'1,l)t :ii Qr~-!!1,P2 __ -" 2:3.75 m TOl'OFst.ADC..GWE BUilDING SEcnONS LOUGHEED & NORTH AVENUE RESIDENCES, BUilDING A BLDG A: 22347TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC S0\1.£ JOB NO. l"ta10'-0" 1905 ----- LANDSC..\l't:rt.Atff'Ell:A~Ol'l.ANTINQ---_ --------'-==--:d,'-r Lf,HP:ICAM! WOOD ffELll5 - WWf/\HICAL GltAfE TO &E SAME !ME AS t.AFl"M. AIJV.CU EXl5TlHGGRAOE 117TI-I AVENUE rxoJ"OSED MUNICll"AL SIDEWAU, - • rG ~-16 m 05£:0J DETENTION TANK (SEE OVIL DRAW NOS) EAST OFFICES ·---+-,, ---t,---··-·· ------~ --OFFICE & VISITOR r:---------- ~ ~ • • PARKING J' ---~~ T(I" r1 riooe :s-HENHING 50.20 m ~ _________ ---"I: A· TlUSS OEAllHG~ MUHIClf'AL~M.lt MUHiOl"AL R0/10 --. IM'SOfrlJOf-~ 4e.51 m ~ 0 s l\•5TttfLOO~A ~·--rt:1rti""(.DH~ 4:3.44m ~ b TG:,,1.1om+1-LEX.51PEWALt:.) .· A·ISTFlOO~ ---• ---• --+ f(l"Or~SU& 30.12m " -l'AAlv\DEA·LYL~ •--.rr,(i;'~&v.6 27,10m .'. • ::: f },'·"·"'"'~'""~•'"··•··"·• ... r ! b E ~ : Rl!SIDl!NT PARKING ' ~ I R~SI0ENT PARKING I I. ~a @d -ll-----'--.....:..,.;....-----.,,..----,.--i~t::--i.... ............. ____ ""'.,r --+----. -- ~@ ~ @) @@ @ ~~~NC _·_PA~DEA•LYLP2...Q Tll"(l"Sl.l,ll(»IOW)E 2.3.75 m JAN 252021 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com Chilliwack 9355 Young Rd V2P 453 __ _., ___ A-~Q ~ ~ TOl'OfmGE ftAlilHG 502,0 m __ P~OEA·LYLPIQ TCl'CF50SnNDE.P5l,a 27.10m --. STAIR #1 ~ -------------------- --:-···--- BUilDING SECTIONS ii I ~ jPJNITA: :J 1i t: jJ.JNIT A z ::, WUGHEED & NOR1H AVENUE RESIDENCES, BUHDING A BLDG A: 22347TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC JOB NO. ,. = 1a-o~ 1905 JAN 25 2021 i!JNIT A1 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com Ji Chilliwack 9355 Young Rd V2P4S3 I l,JNIT A. i I IJNIT A: j IJNIT A1 j ~ N ~ h·411iFLOO!i:A ----------I\--n:ir«Cl>ta£1'ETOmNG 40.32m .r ~ --~·~RQ STAIR~-------------~ rororeot1a:mTOmHO 37.Wm ~ / __________ \ __ ~-2N'.>FLOORQ MAINTENANCE PLATFORM L " -~--------' EX!STI~Gll'.DE- ~ " b fO!"OfGONCmlfOff'.MG MD9m __ _!,·ISTFLOOR~ fll' Of Sl.6PENPED SUD :30,12 m __ 1'111'-~0E~nQ Tr.If~~ MM, 27.10 m __ _A • l!>T R.OOI:: ~ lOl"Of51SVtDfl>51.J,8 30.12m ___ PA~OEA • LVLPI Q l0,0f~P6l5V,!1 Zl.10 m BUILDING SECflONS WUGHEED & NOR1H AVENUE RESIDENCES, BUILDING A BLDG A: 22347 TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC SCALE JOB NO. r,,,cr.o· 1905 JAN 25 2021 604 793 9445 soarchitects.com Chilliwack 9355 Young Rd V2P 4S3 SECTIONG _11-~~ lll"OfSllStDIOEDSLAO :!lll.12 m Gr o u n d Le v e l Pl a n Se c o n d Le v e l Pl a n LO U G H E E D & N O R T H RE S I D E N T I A L , 22 3 4 7 - 2 2 3 5 1 NO R T H A VE . , MA P L E RI D G E , BC No r t h Av e n u e 11 7 t h Av e n u e No r t h Av e n u e 11 7 t h Av e n u e N EB N EB STRETCHER PA mRN ST AND ARD 5ERIE5, NATURAL COLOUR BROOM FINISH GONGRETE SIDEV'W.K STRETCHER PATTERN STANDARD SERIES, NA TIJRAL GOLOUR □ El D D --------~ --------------------------------------------------------- eB!;MAN.,!'AGT\RED MET L VINE LATTICE P05SIB.l..E LOC.ATION OF BIKE RACK (TO BE GOORDINA TED ~ITH FlJTURE CIVIL LAYOUT) PLANT SCHEDULE M2 JOB NUMBER: 19-070 KEY QTY BOT A.NICAL NAME COMMON NAME PLANTED SIZE / REMARKS ""1JB ® • TAXU5 X MEDIA 1-IIGK511' HIG-K'5Y'EH "°°'"'POT 6RA5S @ 1B STIPA TENJl551MA MEXlw\H FEATHER 6RA55 "POT NOTES, • PL.ANT SIZES IN THIS LIST ARE 5PEc.lFIED AC.CORDIN6 TO THE BC, LANI:>SC,APE STANDARD, LATEST EDITION. CONTAltER SIZES SPEGIFIED AS PER GNTA STANDARDS. BOTH PLANT SIZE AND c.ct,ITAll£R SIZE ARE THE MINIHIJM AGGEPTABLE SIZES. • REFER TO 5PEGIFIGATION5 FOR DEFll'ED GONTAIIER ~TS AW on-ER Pl.ANT MATERIN.. REGUIREt-ENTS. • 5EARGH AND REVl&,I; MAKE f'I..ANT HATERIN.. AVAILABLE FOR OPTIONAL PEVIEH BY LAND5C-APE ARGHITEc.T AT 50UR.c.E OF 5lffi.. 'f. AREA Of 5EARC-H TO INC-LLVE Lc:t£R MAINLAND AND FRASER VALLEY.• 5UB5TITVTION5, OBTAIN 1-RITTEN Nf'RO'VAL FROM TI-E LANDSC-APE ARC.HITEc.T PRIOR TO MAKINiS AN'I' :WSTIMION'S TO TIE SPEC.IFIED MATERIAL~ 5l.813T11UTION5 HILL BE REJEGTED. AU.OW A MINIMUM OF FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO DB..IVERY FOR REGUE5T TO 5UBSTl1VTE. SlBSTITIJTIONS ARE 5IJB...EC,T TO BG LAND5CAFE STANDARD -DEFINITION OF c.ct-lDITla-15 OF AVAILABILITY. ----------- EXISTING TREES RETENTION/REMOVAL KEY X TREE TO BE REMOVED 0 CRITICAL ROOT ZONE ___/TREE TAG ~ Iq01er1.z1p 0 LAND SCAPE ARCH IHCTURE 5 202/-()/-~ Ra.81/SSJON FOR OP GL 4 ;/020-(Jq-2,f. SI.BM/55/0N FOR DP GL 3 2020-02-14 SUBMISSION FOR DP JWt 2 10/'H2-<I PRELIMINARY DE516N JWt /20l4<JIJ-<J1 /saE ~ REZONIHB APP. ..,., LOUGHEED+NORTH REBID. 22347-22351 NORTH AVE MAPLE RIDGE, ac. SITE PLAN 20/CI.DEC.II 3/32" = l'-0" "" L 1 -'" OF3 19-070 OPAQUE 6LASS SCREEN FOR PRIVACY l'-6'[o.91] AIR GRATE, ___ _,-, CURB FLUSH WITH THE PAVIN6 Ir FURNITURE BY TENANT --7 24"X24" HYDROPRESSED CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS 'TEXADA SERIES', NATURAL COLOUR STRETCHER PATTERN STANDARD SERIES, NATURAL COLOUR :;::;._;.:;,,--- -,_.;....:;c; l, -I STRATCHER BOND CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS 2'X2' TEXADA SERIES SLABS 24"X24" HYDROPRESSED CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS 'TEXADA SERIES', NATURAL COLOUR LIGHTING FIXTURES -CONFIRM WITH OWNER AND ELECTRICAL DRAWING --1 l: GUARDRAIL AS PER ARCHITECTURAL OPAQUE 6LASS SCREEN FOR PRIVACY ,-~ cf OPAQUE GLASS SCREEN OPAQUE 6LASS SCREEN FOR PRIVACY 24"X24" HYDROPRESSED CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS 'TEXADA SERIES', NATURAL COLOUR PLANT SCHEDULE KEY QTY BOTANICAL NAME TREE l, PREFABRICATED PLANTER, 45" x45"x36" FIREWALL PARAPET IS 3'-10" Hl6H; REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWIN6S FOR DETAILS FIREWALL PARAPET IS 3'-10" Hl6H; REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWIN6S FOR DETAILS CANTILEVERED BENCH PREFABRICATED PLANTER, 60" x24"x30" METAL TRELLIS, REFER TO L3 FOR DETAILS M2 JOB NUMBER: 19-070 COMMON NAME PLANTED SIZE / REMARKS (P 2: LlaJIDAMBAR STYRAGIFWA 'SL.ENDER 511.J-IOLETTE'i'SLENDER SILl·k:'.lUETTE 51,EET GUM 2M STD;Bf:B PRlJltJ5 5ERRIJLATA 'AMANC6N-IA' AMAM'.76N-IA GtERRi' 15M5TD;B4B 1 5 GAMEL.LIA 5A5ANGIUA '51-1151-H 6A5HIRA' 51-1151-11 eASHIRA C.At-EI...LIA 40GM '3 POT 1 ITEA VIR61NIC.A VIRSINIA 5H=ETSPIRE 50C.M #B POT 1 Rl-lODODEtt:JRO MAYDAY' Rl-k'.JDODENDRO; RED; MA l' 20C.M '3 POT 21 TmJS X MEDIA 'HIGKSII' HIGK'S'fEH 50C.M le POT VINE © .. CLEMATIS t:u:::.HE55 OF EDINBJRSH' 50C.M 12 POT --~ ''" L 60 LAVENDll.A AN6l.6TIFOLIA ENi51..ISH LAVB\VER •I POT u '45 HEl'EROCALLl5 DAl'LILl' 1-2 FAN •2 POT ~ • PLANT SIZES IN THIS Ll5T ARE SPEGIFIED ACGORDIN6 TO TI-E BG l..ANDSC,APE STANDARD, LATEST EDITION. CONTAINER SIZES SPEC,IFIED AS Pl:R CNTA STANJARDS. BOTH PLANT SIZE Nf:l CONTAINER SIZE ARE 11-E HINIMLM A,C,C.EpTABL£ SIZES. • REFER TO SPEGIFIGATION5 FOR DEFltED CONTAINER l"EASIJREMENT5 AND 01l-ER PLANT MATERIAL REGlJIRB"1ENTS. • 5EARGH AND REVIEH, MAKE PLANT MATERIAL AVAILABLE FOR OPTIONAL REVIEl-i BY LAND5GAPE ARa-llTEGT AT SOLRC,E Of 5lf'PI...Y. AREA Of SEARCH TO lt<.LUDE LOhER MAltt..AND AND FRASER VAJ..LE'(. • SleSTIMIONS, OBTAIN 1-RITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE LANDSc.APE ARGHITEGT PRIOR TO MAKINS ANY SIBSTITIITIONS TO THE SPEGIFIED MATERIAL. LNAPPRDVED 5UBSTIMION5 HILL BE RE...EGTED. AL.LOH A MINIM.M OF FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO DELIVERY FOR REGIBT TO 51.65TITIITE. s..e5TITIJTION5 ARE 51.B..EGT TO BG L.ANDSGAPE STANDARD -DEFINITION Of c.oNDITIONS Of AVAILABILITY. 1q01er1.z1p 0 LANDSCAPE ARCHIHCTURE 5 202/-()/-~ Ra.81/SSJON FOR OP GL 4 ;/020--(Jq-2,f. SI.BM/55/0N FOR DP GL 3 2020-02-14 SI.BM/55/0N FOR DP JWt 2 1"1'H2-<I PRELIMINARY DE516N JWt /20l4<JIJ-<J1 /saE ~ REZONIHB APP. ..,., LOUGHEED+NORTH REBID. 22347-22351 NORTH AVE MAPLE RIDGE, ac. LEVEL 2 PLAN 20/CI.DEC.II ..,., L2 OF4 19-070 J: 1 Stand.3rd 3:1 Standard Length: 8-7/a• (llimm) Width: 2-15116• (75mm) Alea'. 5 4 stones/ft2 60 stones/m2 Thickness: 2-3·8" (60mm) J.·1 Standard is a special order TOP OF PAVERS TO MATCH FINISHED 6RADE PAYERS BY, ABBOTSFORD CONCRETE 1-800-663-40'!1 PIAZZA SERIES TYPE I 23 ~" X 3 Ii' SIZE GHARGOAL COLOUR 4 NATURAL COLOUR RUNNIN<S BOND PATTERN ~:~;::~~I~~~;~~~~ ~ MIRADRI QUICKDRAIN ---~ · • ~.. ,~ ••• OR APPROVED EQUAL . . . SLAB BY OTHERS ~~--~· ·~-~-~~~~~~~- NOTE, PAYERS TO BE INSTALLED TO MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS PAVERS ON SLAB SGALE , 1-1/2" = I '-0' DRAINA<SE (BY OTHERS) MIN. 2' GROY'IIN<S MEDIUM IN ALL PLANTING BEDS FOR SHRUBS AND MIN 3' GROH/NG MEDIUM FOR TREES PROVIDE 2" GAP AT TOP OF PLANTER DRAIN MAT NILEX, MANUFACTURE SPECIFICATION ARCHITECWRAL BUILD UP (BY ARCHITECT; APPROX. 5' DEPTH) POUR IN PLACE CONCRETE PLANTER HALL ON ---, CONCRETE CURB ED<SE REBAR AS REQUIRED; SMOOTH FINISHED FACE ON PATH SIDE RIGID INSULATION AND HATER PROOFIN MEMBRANE BY ARCHITECT FINISHED GRADE CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PLANTER ON SLAB SGALE, 3/4' = 1'-0" n"" II " i ttttt:ttt:tt~ i :EffiE: it ji ! tt°tt"t"t-lj ! !ttt :t:it:tjtjt!Jttj:jj i :Ft :le.Jc : 6: FRONT SECTION A-A' ® :~;,~;; = l'-0" TOP OF PAVERS TO MATCH FINISHED 6RADE HYDRAPRESSED SLABS BY MUTUAL MATERIALS, 6RAPHITE COLOUR MIN I" BEDDING SAND DRAINA6E LAYER- PAYERS BY, MUTUAL MATERIALS I-E!>E,8-bE,8-8250 18' X 18" HYDRAPRESSED SLABS BRAY/PLATINUM COLOUR GRID PATTERN OR APPROVED EQUAL • ·~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~---; MIRADRI QUICKDRAIN/, :·· SLAB BY OTHERS NOTE, VARIES SEE eRADIN<S PLAN 5'-1" 4" 1-4¾" ~+---ALUMINIUM TOP CAP 1-----+---TEMPERED 4 FROSTED 6LASS -----t---3"SQ METAL POST BLACK COATED b' PAYERS TO BE INSTALLED TO MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS STAINLESS STEEL SQUARE FOOT 6LASS BRACKET AS PER I I I ,: ~ ~ 0.5" STAINLESS STEEL, 6ALVANIZED MESH WIRE, W 3" INSIDE ED6E TO INSIDE ED6E OPENIN6S ATTACHMENT CLIP = --~ 6'X8" HSS COLUMN f 2'-6"PLANTER 4 WALL ! HEIGHT 5" .<I 4 ~+---SUPPLIER AND SILICONE RUBBER CONCRETE FOOTING ON THE SLAB CONCRETE SLAB <I 4 A <I FREE-STANDING GLASS SCREEN BARKMAN 45"X45"X36" PLANTER 4' DRAIN ROCK HITH FILTER FABRIC RIGID INSULATION AND HATER PROOFING MEMBRANE BY ARCHITECT FINISHED GRADE BUILD UP ABOVE THE SLAB REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAHINGS SGALE , I' = l'-0" CUBE PLANTER ON RUBBER PADS (I½" THICKNESS) SIZE VARIES AS PER LANDSCAPE PLANS ARCHITECWRAL SLAB------~~-~--~.:...~~---_-'----'---•-~-~--~~--------< MOVABLE PLANTER ON SLAB SGALE, 3/4' = l'-0' METAL TRELLIS oO"(L) X 24"(W) X 30"(H) BARKMAN PLANTER SIDE SECTION B-B' 1q01er1.z1p 0 LAND SCAPE ARCH IHCTURE 5 202/-0,.~ Ra.81/SSJON FOR OP GL 4 ;/020-(Jq-2,f. SI.BM/55/0N FOR DP GL 3 2020-02-14 SI.BM/55/0N FOR DP JWt 2 """'2-<I PRELIMINARY DE516N JWt l:IOl4<JIJ.<J1 /saE ~ REZONIHB APP. .,., LOUGHEED+NORTH REBID. 22347-22351 NORTH AVE MAPLE RIDGE, ac. LANDSCAPE DETAILS 20/CI.DEC.II .,., L3 .,., OF4 19-070 1.1REFERENCES . 1 CCDCD,c2LATESTEDITil'.»I Ca.plJ with ill irli:ll!s in th1 G!llenl Cmditims of CantrlCT in canj.ndDI with this sedian 111ll!ss superseded by Diller Cmlr1Ct Doclllltll!s. .2 8.C. L1ndse1p1 Stmlll'd, LATEST EIJTIIII, prep11red lly the BL Sacil!tr d Lnlmpe Architects ilnd the B.C. LilndKilpl! l N1rmy Associillian, jointly. All wDrk nl milltriillS shill me~ standill'ds as ut out in the BL L1ndmpe St1ndan:I uM1u superwded by this spteifi:iltian or IS direct1d b1 lmclscipl Archlhct with written lnstructiro. .3 HASTERHIJIICIPAL SPECIFICATklNS& STANDARDDETAILS,LATESTEDITll'.»l,Jrtpa-edby th1CansultingEr,;iiimsofBritishColurllii1, Rudb.Jl.dersaidHmyCanslruclian AssDOiltian,m:lthe1111liciJilEl9llft!rsDi,isi111 .4 STANlAlllFORLANDSCAPEIRRIGATKINSYSTEH,LATESTEDITION,Prepll't'dbythelrri!ationlndustryAsso::iltQlofBritishCIIWl'lllil. . S IIJN□PALBYI.AWSAIClEIGNEERINGSPECIRCATIONSWHERENOTED. 1.2TESTING . 1 Ac1J"rtntlnotr.orethi110111.,onthJIKtfDr.illgrowing1111diu.,tobeuwdonthissiteisrequlredPro,idlandpi1yfartestingbyi1nindepen:lfllll1stir,;ifi1CiUty Jrt•il~roved by the lilndmpe Architect. Dtlirer wawir,;i 111td1111 test mu.ts to L.idsc~1 Arctitect for min" ind wovil prior to plilc111tflll. Rlf1r to Sectian U Grawir,;i Htdi.nTnlilgforproceffl. .2 Owner rewrwes the lt,llt to test ar re-test ruhriils. Contrilchlr rnpmsibl.1 hi p.iy for testilg If 11teriils da not llft!I specific;itlm. 1JSIJBltTTALS .1 My i1lternilt1 FW"odUCIS dilferi,g frOll lhil COlll.-ied in lhl contrilCT docune11h .. us! be pre-wmd by the L.idSClpe Arctitect. .2 SIE.,lthlstoconsistofFW"DductsillnpltotlllDlfilCtunir'spmluctde5criplion USITEREVIEW .1 lhltr the hr.,s of the L.idsc~e Architect's ContrilCT with the Owner ;md whert the Lilndsnpe Arct.t1ct Is the deslg111ted rniewer, the Lilndsnpe Architect will observe canstructian n is IIICISY-J in lhl!ir ~rrian ta canfir11 cortfor.,illlCe to th1 pl.is iflll sp«ificillions. Cantilcl Dwlll!rs RrpresrntilliH ta rr•gr for site ollservillion ilt th1 .ipproFW"lillttl.,es.Allowhlod.iysnotice. Obwr•iltian$ChedU.e11.iyilctudebulwllrlOtbelnlledtothtfallawing, .1.1 St1rt ~ Silt Hntir,;i, lillleril C011lr1tt, Prior to illlJ sitr dislll'llilnct, ii llft!lilg with thr gmril contrilCTDr to min" Im prfSfrviltion issuft, gmtrill lindSCilpt iuun ml111111ic1JilrtqUl't!■1nts. . 1.2 Shrt Up Sih H11ling, L.idsc~• CortlrilCt (if stpilrillrh At th1 st1rt af wor• with Owner's Rl!prnflltillive, Sitr Superinhn:lflll nl Lnlmpe Contrilclor: ii llft!li1111 is to be hrld la rrrirw Hprcled w11rk .,d la urify the acceptilbi61y Df 1hr subtradr ind gmerill site conditions to the Lm:lsClpr Contractor. Pro,idl! growing 1111di11n test results forthis11111ling. . 1.3 Pra,.,n Site Visits: To crllserve 1111teriills .,d worlananship IS necnmy thrau!ll lhr CGUrH of thr werk. Rflin" of different npecls of 1hr work Ill)' be dlillt with on i111JSilglevisit.Sucllelernrnts11yinclude,Silllilylillt,RoughGridir,;i,lirawir,;iHediu.,-quillity,drpths,lirrishgrilding;Drili'lilg1.idDrilin9Hilt1riills;Lilwnsar6ri1ssrH5; Plilntir,,i-plmt milteriill includ1111 negatillions wit~ sui.tiers, nll'stry inspectians, plmt sizes, 11-11li!y, qllillllity, pl.itir,;i prildice ind lilyout, trn H~orl; Hlich; lrrigill"ian Systems:PliyEqUi;wnent:Stlt!Furl'lture:i1ndothereleM1lsofthesitedevetop.,entwheretheLmdscilptArchitectislhedesiJ)lledre¥iewerS11chil5:PedestrlilnPuing, Fencing,Non-slrutlll'ilwillsiln:lslill,s,lll'IIPnin'° .1.4 SIDshntlill Ptrlorfflilntf: Rflltw of ill Wll'k, ilCCOlllting of ill substitutions, dtltlions: plmt counts, FW"tp.-illlons of dl!ficiency Hsi, .id rec1n11tmlilli0115 for co .. plttioR. .1.S ClrtificattDfCoinplltion,Uponlhtdecl1r1tionofSubst1nti1lPerfor11•ce,1recoin1endationfortheiS$UilnttoltheCtrtlfitilteofCo.,i:ullonwllbe.,adtlothePi1111ent Clrtifierndl!linrdi1thecontr1tt. .1.6 Deficit11cyRl'fiew,PrlDrtothetollplMionDftheholcllackperiod,<htcklorco.,p1Mlonofdefidencles.Oice~ted,i1ScheitJ.e'C'wllbelssedwhererequlred .1.1 Wilfrilrtly Revltw: Prior ta the t11""ll!ti111 of the Wilr.ity periad (~J-11.,onths illttr lswince of the Certificatr af Ca■plelian), rffllw ill Wilfilrtly 11iltrriil .id report recornnndatiunslorw.-.,tyrrplilcement. 1.5 WORKHANSHP . 1 lnlnsotherwiseinstruchd inlhr Cortlri1Clllaru.,fl!ls, thrprrpa-illianof lh1mlgridr shill br theresponsibiUlyofthr 6rneril(Gntr1Ctor. Plilcmrntofgrawingmedium canstihrles 1Ccephnc1Dfthrsubgri1deby thrLilndStipl!Canlrilclll'. Any1ubsecpntc11rrectianstolhesubigrad1required1retilerrspansitiityoftheL.,dsc~eContmtor. .2 All wark WIii S1.11trint1ndence sllilll be p1rlor11ed bJ personnel skill1d ii llndm111 contracting. n 1dditian, all persomtl applying herbi:ld11 ilnd/or prsticidn shill hold ii currflll6cen1rissuedbrthriwr11P"iill11ulhoritirs. .3 Asile•lsitlsrequinidtobec-hmili.-withsiteconditionsbefor1blddlr,;i1ndblforeshrtafwork. . 4 Croflr11lautlonofilllwr¥icnbefan!FW"OC1!edilgwlthi1nyworlc. .5 NotifylilndmpeArchilectDf.iydiscrep111cirs.Obtilin1pprorillran1L1ndsclpl!Archilectpri11rtDdnii1lingfro.,thrplilns. .6 hkr ilpproprille 11rn1rrs ta IVOid trWironrtrnt1l dnagr. Donat du11p 1nr wutr ruteri1ls into willer bodirs. (onfor11 with ill feder1l, pra,inciill ind locil stltulH iln:I guidtlln1s. . 1 Cdlrct iln:I dispose af ill drbris md/or extess fflilleriil fran, lnlsc~r oper1tions. Ktep Pl'•d surflCK dN'I iln:l n,ilir dl1191 resulting fro11 l•dmp1 wor•. Rtplirs ntobecHpletedpri.-tofi11l1cupli11ce. . I Whert lll!W work conntcls with Histing. iln:I whirr nlsling work Is illlnd, Hkt good ta 11iltch Histing undishrbed condition. 1.fi WARRANTIES .1 GHrilllnill11ti1leriilsi1ndwarlc.,.istiplori1.,ilillllllptriodafon1full111rfro.,thedi1leof(rrtificileaf(111fletion. .2 R1ferloilldivlduillwcliansfcrspecificwilrr.itirs. 2.1 sca>EDFWORK .1 Other cmdilians of C111tr1Ct nay ilWlJ. Collfir11 Scapr af WDrk ilt tillf af iflldl!r. . 2 Warkindudlssupplyofillrtlilledite..si1ndptrlorllingi1Uaptri1lionsnrcess1rytaca■plelethewarkinaccordnewiththtchwingsillldspecili:i1li011s.,dga,erilly cansis.lsafth1follawing, .2.1 Rl!tlllli111afExisR11Trrnwher1sh1n1nandrilWin11. .2.2 FinishGradingindLilndsnpeDrilinilgt. . 2.3 ~plynlpl1tfllll!ntafgrowing11tdiu11. .H Testi1111afi.,pcrted!J'llwilgrtediummd/Drsilltopsal, . 25 ~plyW111inarpar1tionaf1ddti,ntorteetrequiremrntsofsollt1st.,dllbl.e()ie. .2.6 Pl'lpirillian of plilr'lling beds, sc.pply Df plffll 11ilhirial and plintilg. . 2.1 Prepiriltianafrou!ti9'1SSilrt1s,supplroffflilteriils1ndsftdi,g. .2.1 Pl'lp1riltianoflawnnu,sui.tyal111teriils-,dsoddil'° .2.1 ~ply nl pli1Cllllfnt of bilrk lllllch. .2.10 Hililh11111cealpl•ted.:1dwedtd/soddl!dnuuntlli1tceptedbyOwntr. .2.11 SEPARATEPRICE,Estlblish.,rntHilintenne,Secti0113.11. .2.12 Dtherw11rk,WorkothrrlhlnlhisUst,natspecifiedbyL•dscaptArchilect. 2.2HATERIALS .1 GrawingHtdlu.,,ConfDr■toBCL.idscilJ)IStindardfardetinitlansDfi.,parttdandon-silelapuiL Rl!ferlalilbl.1()irb1low. TABLEONE,PROPERTESDFGRO'lillGl'EIJUHFORLEVEL26ROOHEDANDLEVEL31'1D:RATEAREAS C.iidiln System of Sml Cl.usificiltian Texturill Class: "Lamy Sillll' to 'Sindy L01.,•. AptU:1tions GrowingM1dl1111Types LawTr;iffi:Ar1;is. Trees.imlLilrgeShrubs HighTr;iffi: LilwnAms Pl:intingAre.is nlPlilnlers PrrcentDfDryWlijrtofTohl&-owiigHedillll CurstGrm~ l.-!frthan25111 Alllrml: lilf!Jtrthan2nll , ... lilf"'°lhilnO,c,;.,111 S11illlerlhm2.01111 Silt, lilf"'°lhiln0.002m■ S11illll!rlhm0.05m■ Cl1y, Slllillll!rthilr'I0.00211111 Cli1r1ndSill(a11bined Org.ii:Cant111tko,sth Organi:Cmlfllt!interiot~ 0-1" 0-5" 50-IO" 10-25" 0-25" llllillu.,35:rl 3-5" 6.0-1.0 0-1" 0-S" PercentDfDryWli1htaflrowill1HedillllExdudillglir~tl 70-90" 40-IDX to-25" 0-25" Nx■111135" 3-5:rl 3-5:rl 6.0-7.0 4.5-6.5 Dralntgt-Percdiltian shill b1 such !hilt 1111 sli1ndl1111 w1ter is ,isble H ■in.rhs tiler ill lust 10 rtinutes of moder1te to ileny rlin or irrigillion. .2 Ftrhlilln An otpnic and/or inorglr'ic c11111111rn:I conlainll! Nitrogen lN), Phosplme (251. ;ind Pot;ish (soluble 21 i, Jl'(lpottions rrc,.ri'ltd by soil Int. .3 Lint: Ground agrlcUtural lllllslone. MIii rtctUre111nts of th1 8.( LamlstilPI Standill'd. .4 lsglr'ic Additin, C111111rrciil co.,past FW"aducl to thr reqc.ire.,tnls of the B.C. LilndscilJII Sti111d1rd, LATEST EDmON ind pr~,wravN lly the Lilndsc~r Architect. Rtcam11en:ledsupplil!rs,Yardworks,ThrAnswerGill'dmProductt.,Fm1rRichmondSolslRbre,StrY10rgi11i:sHilni1CJfllll!nt. . 5 Sa,d, Clun, washed pu"" sand ta 111111 requlN!.,tnls of the 8.( Li1mlm111 Standa'd. .6 (Ollpos.ted Bilfk Hulclt-111nwn 13/r) llinus Fir/Ht.,lodc birk chips aid finn, free of dllnk, ind sticlis, dirk brawn in cal111rr m:I free af ill soil, st1111s, roots or other 1xtr1nK1Us11illt1r.Freshor•11intolourbilrkwilberejecltd. .7 H1rbicides md Pnti:ldes, If used, IIWISt confar11 to all fedrral, jl'nindil a,d local statutes. A"~1rs IIUSt hold current li:enm Ir.sued by the a~roprlat-1 autharitils In lhrilrlil. .I Riter FD'lc, A non blodegrildilble bl.inlet or other flterir,;i 111ertbra111 thilt will i1Uow the pan11, of wils but not fine soil piirtlcles. [Such i15 l1RAFI 140 NL, l.i:111.0N N4G DRAHOCD4545arilll1M11teprodllctpre-ipp'avedbylhrLi11dst;ipeArchitect.l . , Drilil;ig1Pipir,;iifr1quired,Schm.Jl140PV[m.,ililsizes. .10 llrain l«lck: Clean, round, inert, O.nbl.e, and hne 111xinu11 siz, of 11Jra11 aid contaili,g no llilerill Slllillll!r thlr'l 1ilrllrL .11 Plilnt Mllltriill, To the rtquirtlfl'lh of the BL Laidstapi Standard. Refrr to 3.9, PlllntS and Planting, All plant natrrlal IIUSI be prOYldltd fro1111 certified dsuse frH fllJ'sery.Prnidlproofolcertlflciltion. 12 Sod:Refertolrd¥1clJilseclionslnthlsspecifk:ilion. .13 Supplirr and installers of sepenhl block wills to prnidt rnginerred drawings far all wills, signtd ind SIited drilWings for ill will.ls, indiridually, in excess ol 1.2.,, DI' cllllbinltionsDf wallscolleclirlly In mm of 12111. lnshllat-lon11JUStberniewed ilndsi!JnedDff byCertilledPrafmiollillEnglnetr: illcudecostoffllglneerintsenk:esln T!lldtrprice. . 14 t"lsctllill'llaus: Any other .. atfrial lll!c1mry to ccmpletr tile proj1ct as shown on tht drhrin!Js -,d described herein. 3.1 RETENTIWOFEXISTNGTREES .I Prior lo 1ny worlc OIi site -protect ildi-riduill lreK Dr plilnt grOYpin!JS ln:lk:.tted ilS relilined on lilndmpe plilns ilS H!Jtlal-lon retention ill'NS. .t1 lnso11tinsli11cesthelilndsti1peArchitectwllti1gtrenDrilfe11lart11ain.Discus,trnretenlianare1sili1slart-up■1etir,;iwiththeliln:lsti1prArct.tect. .2 A physicill billTifr lllJd bt Instilled ta dl!lillNtt durin!J bliUndiiri1s. Rlf1r lo physic;il b1rrltr dl!hiL If dtliil not FW"lrfidtd, CG .. pl, with locill ■uni:ipil re~r11111nts. .3 Noruchi1etrlltlthroughorwithi1nget1tionretention1r111orun:lercrawnsoftrn1tobertl~nedlsi1Uowed. .4 D1notstock1iesoll.con5trucll01111i1terials.,Drelltuatedmaterlillswltli1-,egetatlonrelfllHmilren. .S Donotpi1rk,fuelorser¥1ce.ehicle1withlnwegetationretenllonaren. . & Na drtris fires, during fires II' Irish burnir,;i shill b1 perllilted witlil ng1hti111 rel1nti111 ill'l!IS. .7 No ncuillims, !Flin or ser¥1c, trenches nor .iy glhrr disruption shill be 111rllitted willil vegetatim n!lflltim ilren without ii revltw Df the propos,d encr01cllllt11I by th1lilndsc1peArchitecl. . I DorlOtcutbr.ichnorrootsolrtlililedtrttswilhouttheilPP'tviloftheLiln:lstiprArchiltct. ., Any dilllilil to nlsti119 ngtliltion lnten:led fll' pr1Stf¥illion wll be slbject to h'ilUiltion by iln LS.A Ctrlifil!d Arborlst usir,;i the "Wldt for Plinl Apprillwl", LATEST EDTION. .9.1 Rt,liltfflfnl plintilg Df equinlflll Hlu1 to the dislurbi111C1 will b1 re-ii.ired The cast Df thr Hilluilion iln:I of thr replacmrnt plmting will be thr rnponsiblily of the Gr11tri1lCantrilCtDrillldotlhrpersonlslrnpansllleforthedishrbilllCI!. .IO lnllllridpiilitltswith5Pt'dfi:treeret,ntitn!replK,1,ntbyl1ws,nsur,compllilncttobyl1WS. .11 '1sitU1tianswhtrerequlredconslruction11aydsl1J"bexlstin1vegetillianllten:ledfDrpreser.alian,crohctL.idsc~1Arcliteclfarrel'iewpriortat11-m:ing canstrucli111. 32!l!AIIES .I Ens1re11rbgradtisprep1r1dtoconlormtodl!pthsspecified inSectlanlS,lrowilgHtdi1111Suwly, below. Whereplanti1111is i,dic;illddos.tlo Histl1111trles,pr1pn suitillil1 pl.iling packtls fDr rtilhrial ildicilled 111 tile pl•til1 pl.i. Sh1111 subgr1dr la eli■i111te free shnding Willer iflll conform to th1 site grildir,;i ml 1hi11~ pl1n. .2 Onslopeslnexcessot3,1trenc~mlgradei1Crossslapeta15G1■nl6"lllil'l11U11ti111.511(5ftJlntervals■11'1111111. . 3 Sc;irifylherntiresubrtri1dekllnedatelyFW"lortoplatilg!J'DWilgnedk,11a.Re-cUtivilewhereret.CUilftrilfflcresilhilc11111ilClirod1J"ingth1canstrucli111proC1!dures Ensurtthi1li1llpl.ilingilrtnns.,oottl.ycontouredilftrrllr,lllcOllpil[llontofi,lshtdgrides. .4 Ellmiflllt stiln:ling water Iran, ill finished !J'adrs. Prawlde ii smooth, fir11 ind e.eo surf1te iln:I confor11 to !Jrildes shown on the Landscape [hwilp. DD nat exceed llilXinlllll ind llinimJ .. ,.,dil!nts dl!fintd by !ht B.C. Liln:lmpe Stilndilrd. .5 Crostruct swilK lru1 ta tinr ind grade, s..oalh ml frH af sags Dr ligh pants. t"ll'IIIU., slope 2:rl, 11ai.,u11 sldr slc~m 1GX. Assure pDSitire lrilin;igr ta colleclim pants. .& Slapenattoexceedthefallawingfflilxillll.,s:Rough6ri1ss3'1,Li1Wn4:1,Lnlsc~rpl.iti,gs2'1. .1 Firrishedsail/llU.chtln11imillbcildillgtocollplywith.,ul'lcipilre~rernrnts. .I lnlor11L1ndsc1peArditectofcompltlionDffil'lsh,.1drpriarlapl1te■enlafseed,sod,plWsorlllllch. BLANDSCAPEDRAIIAGE .I Reli1t1d Wark, Grawir,;i .,tdiu11 md Finish Griding, Grus ilrNS, Tren Slinils .,d Grllll'ldca¥rrs, Planten, Crib Wills. .2 Warklnduded,Sitefi'lish!J'i1ding•dsurl1cedriillilge.ilstillli1tionof•ydrilinilgrsyslemsdtl1ledonl1ndsci1peplilns.NDt1:Cillchbnilsshawnonlandsciprplnfor caordi11tionarty,canfir11scop1olworkpriDrtobid. .2.1 Coanlilliltti1lllii1ndstiilpidrilii;igewDrkwithrntafsilelrilina!t,IWrrtorngilll!erilglr1Wil!5andsptcificali011slorconnecli0115iln:latherdrai1agework. .2.2 llltrrllintHi1Cllacillionof1Uexislingutililies1ndslruct1resmlun:lrrgraun:lutlilirsprirtoc111111encillgwork,whichmaynalb1I001ledanlri1wilgsilndcandu:lwork so ill taprmnt Interruption d ,er,IC1! or dilllillf to !hr.,, Protect exl,tint struchrres iln:I utiily serl'im .id be respmsibl.1 fa dl1111e tilUsed. .2.l Pl1nlerdrilinsonslilb:R1fertaSer:tianl1G,lnslillilgLiln:lscilprsanStruct1res. .3 Emuti111 .11 llatrenchir,;ii11dbilckfil6ntlni1ccotdi1nctwithtngilll!tringdl!liis.idspecific;iti1111. .12 Liy drilins on prfpilrld bid, trut to lilt ind grilde with i!lffl'ts s..aoth .id frlt! of 51gs or li!ti pants. Enstrr barrel of each J1111! is in canlilcl with bed ltrou;,11111 fUI l1119t~. .13 Clllllt!nC1! lilyillg Pill ii wtll!I .id praceltd in l41Slre:n direclian. .14 Layperfori1ledpipeswithptrlarillionsat,._..,d4p11pasitions. .3.5 Hilkejaintsli1hlilli1Ccotd1ncrwith1111nufilchrrer'sdrections. .1' DanritillawwillerloflowthracqlthrpipesduringcanslrucliannceplnilPP'OVedbyEngillft!r. .3.7 Hilke willerti!llt canneclians to Histing lrlins, Mw or exislil! 1111nholH or cillchbasiM when ildiclttd or n dreclN bJ Lilndstilpl Ar<hlt«t. .ll Plugupstrr:nendsofpiprwilhwillertightclHnautc~s. .3.t Scrr11U1di11dcov1rpipewithdrilinrocklnunllonn15011.,l;iyntemious.depthsnshownlnd!tillls,nil'l11un100rtm. .3.10 Carer !rail rack with nan-wo,1n flttr cloth lip Ill 1dges nl M!illlS mirimu111SOmm. .111 Ass1rrpasitivedrainilgl!. .3.12 Bilckfillre■ilinderoltrtnchuinclciled. .3.13 Prot1ctsubdralnslnmftaillilllanduringinst;allillion. 3.4!llOWll«iHEDIUHTESTWG .I SIJl■itrrpresrnt~inso1rtpltof!J'awln!J.,edlu11FW"opoMdloruseonthlsprojecttoo1nlndl!pendl!ntlilboriltory.Pravldet11tre1ulhtoliln:lscipeArchltectpriorta plimtg.TeslresU.tslai11dudl!, .t1 Physicill.propertles,"cantentafgrntl,Siln:l,silt,clily.idorglrlcs. . t2 AOOtyPH1ndqllillllitltsol611torsulphurrequirtdtobrin!Jwithins111dfitdr.:191. .l3 llltrillntl1rtlsofprilcipl1i11dlracrtllllllnl"sandreco.,.,1nr11t1ansfarre11-1iredsaili111tmlnlrnts. .l4 C.bon/Nltrogenlml. 15 !llOWINiHEDIUHSUPPI.YANJPI.ACEl'ENT .I 5tfplyi11lgrawingmedi1111requiredforth1perfor11:n:1afth1[antrilCT.Damtlaad,lri1nspartot5P'Hdgrowi,grtedi.J11whenitissoWl!llhillitsstructureisl•etytobe dlrtilgrd. . 2 ~ply ill growing rledl1111 ildmixlll'es ilS reqlired by lh1 soil Int. A.,1111ded growing llll!di.J., 11ust llft!t the specifk:iltian fDr wawilg rtedl111111 definrd in Tillie 1),1 fDr the HriDIJ5ilre;IS. .2.1 Thoraughlyllixrr~red-ndmrntsintathrfu.ldepthafth11rawing.,rdiu11. .2.2 Sprcillllixes11N1Jb1reqLiredforv1ria11Ssi!U1tions. Rlfertedrawingngtesfarilstrur:tions. .3 Pl1telhe1ffll!ndrd,.awlr,;i■edlumln1llgrusilnrlpli1nlingare1s.Sprndgrowingmedqolnurrifonnli1ytrsnolex(lt!di11!16'l15011111l,0¥trunfrozensublfildelreeaf st-,dingwater . . 4 Hi1■1111deplhsOf!J'Owloglltdlumpl1tedaodca11pi1CledloBO"' .4.1 On-grade, .4.1.1 Sltc1edandsoddedl----~·11sam11) . 4.1.2 Hm.p.int1dslu'\br.&groundco,rrs..".""·"--"-1S"(40D11111) . 4.1.3 Groondr:a,eranly1rm,ifdrfir.donpl1n.-·-··"""9"(22S.,11) . 4.1.4 Trttl.lilf!Jeshru~pit~---~1pthtaconfor.,ladl!pthDfrootbill-widthshilllbrillusttwicethewldlhaflheraD!b1Uwith5illlctrsh~ed ..... .4.20n-Slilb, .t2.1 lrri!Jel'edl-------9"121Gm.,) .4.2.2 Grao.rndca¥erarn~-----12"!3fflllll .4.23 L1Wnwithlilltaut11111ii:i'ri91tlon_ .. _ ···-··-·12"(3001111] . 4.2.4 Shrlilgroundcortrill'l!ilS ............... -.. ········-··15"l380nml .4.25 Trees iln:I 1ped11en slrubs,,. .... _ .................... _)O" (7&0111111 over colurtns 1n:l/ar edge af slilll !verify cdu.,n locillions 111-sit1 far lrlt! I001tians.l .4.2.6 D1pthnatedincludesrto2'(2S-SO.,.,)s.idlffl!rfiterfillri: .4.2.1 Haxi■u1111rdepthgrowlng111diu11txceplwhtrt1K1undedfartmsovercol111111pointt.. .5 Hnilllyspmdgrawin!J.,ediulll'P,lr'ltir,;isoU.iroundexisti1gtrees,sllrubsi1ndobslacln. .i In ptri..ehr seeded IJ'ilSS ilrflS. feill"hrr !J'OWJlg 11dJ11 aut lo nothing ill ed115 illd blend lnla Histiig !J'idn. .1 Firrishedgrildesshilllcortfor.,teth1rln1tionsshownonlmdscip1!.idsitepli1115. 3.6 ROUGHGRASSAREA-SEEDING .I Gl!lleril, Rorqi!J'ilSSilreilSilrenoted mthedrilwings n 'RouthGms". Trnl ill i1rusdl!f11rdilsrou!tigrilssbetweenilll pr~rrlyllll!safth1prajKtindudl1111 ill lxlull!Hnlshledrj1afrudsi11dlillll!S. .2 Prlp;ir;itionofSurfic1s:ToB.C.L.idsc;iptStilllllrdCl;iss3Art.isO!oughgr;is~Sl!Clkll7.l1J . 2.1 ClN'IHlslilgsolby11tchilflic;il1111:insllfdl!brisoverS011111lnqd11ellSion . 2.2 Rou!lilygr1desurf1test1illowfor1111iltenancesprcifil!dnlforpasitir1draililgt. .3 Ti11DfSeeding:SledfM111ei1rlJ5P'lng!generilllyAFW"il1sl)lolill1fi1U(Seple..bl!r15th)afei1Ch1flr. Fll'lher11tfl!sians11,yb1dll;ined111c111cu1Tfl!C1!afth1Lilndsc1pe Architect. . 4 Slt!IISupply&Ttsii,g,Allsetd11UStbeo~t;inedfran1i1reca,iizltds1t!d,upplirr1ndshillbl!No.1grilssllixlll'ldlUverrdincontilinersbHringthefollowinginfDr11illian, . 4.1 Allillysisafthrseedmi~ure . 4.2 PerC1!nl;ig1af11chserdty111 .5 Seed Nixturr: All Vilfilllts shill builled H strong prrf11r11ers in 1hr Pacific Narthwl!St m:I IN! slEjl!ct to dienl ~proHL 1°"CrttpilgRedFescur 2°"AnnuilRJ1 5"SihrnPer1mii1lRyr 5"klnluckyBtuegr;iss For Wildflower Areils use ii .,ilrture af Wldflowers with Hird Fescues !Ternln Cont ii Wildllawersl with Hilfd Flscue ar pr1-.1~raved illterllilte . .& FrrtiUzs, Htchilric;il sll!ding, Apply ii co.,pletr sylllhetic slaw-relti15e fertiUzer with 11i1Xin111 3SX Willer solubl.e nitroten ind ii fotllU.illian rillio of 11-18-11-50:rl Slllphur ll'N cNled, 112 kg/hil[IOOlbs/Krt) using I MChilrical sprudrr. .7 Seedir,;i, Apply Mild 1t ii rile af 112k/H (100lbs hcr1) with ii mechilllicil Sjl'Udtr. l11tarpo,i11 seed into lh1 top 1/4" !&.,.,) af sol nl llljllly t11■pact . . I Acctplilnct: Pra¥ide adequrie FW"Olection of the seeded ilrus 111li condtims of ilCCfPlilRCt hnt befl! mtl. ClllflY with Sectian 3.l HylrOsll!ding. 3.7HYDROSEEDIJ«; .I Haybeusednilnillternilteto.,iec:hanlc;ilSttdilginrau!llgrilssilreils, . 2 Hay not be used in ilfm of lilWII url.tss FW'~~prmd by !ht Lm:lsc1111 Arct.trct pmr to biddir,;i. . 3 Pn!par1ti0111ndGrawin1Htdiura, . 11 lnilrNSofRoughGrilSs,(an.,lywithSettianl&RaughGrass. . 12 Wherei1pproredfDruseinareasofli1Wn,callplrwithSer:tion3.BlilwnAreils:Soddlng . .4 Prolectlan,Ensuretlt.ltferliUzerlnsolullondOKnott11.,eincanti1ctwilhthefollilgeolqtrees,slr'ubs,orothersusceptibl.eweg~at-ion.Don,t5P'ay1ttdDr.,ulchon dljects nat Hpected to grow grns. Prtt«t Histing Sitt tctuipmrnt, raidways, lilndSCilpill!I, refel'IIIICe pants, lbOllllltnh, U'kfl'S _,d slructll'H frOll dnage. Where contHillllanocrurs.,rl!IIIO'flsndingslurrytoliltlsf.ictlonofo1ndby1111o111$appra.edllythelilndsci1peArchitect .S Nul.chshilllconsislDfrirginw.odflln!orrecydedpilJlll'fi:lredesignedforhydri1UicSttdilgoldyt'dfDrei1seol11011itoring1pplic1tim.lfusir,;iriec:ydedpapermilltrW forwoodfbresubslitutruse135"[bywfightLConlonntoB.C.Li11dsti1ptStm:lil'dlorllWhre"ir111ents. -' Wffl!r, Slt.lllbefrttof.iyi11puritil!s thillmo1y hmillinj.rrioustffecl onthesuccnsofieedilgor .,.iybthilrllfU tothe1rwiron.,rnt. .1 E11-11J11ent, Uselndustrysli11dil'dhydrilliicsHder/1111lchlr1qui1111entwiththtl;illknllllll!tll'tifitdby;inlclenlifiulionplilleorsltkrr;iffllredlnpl1in¥1n"onthl! tc[Uip.,rnt.ThehylrnUcseeder/rnulchersllillbec;ip.ibl1ofsuffidflltil!lititionto.,lxthelffltriilllntoi1holllogtnliU1slurry.indto.,illntilintheslurryi,.ihomo111111us$tilte llltilitisapplied. Thedischarg1puff1PS.,d(Jrnmzzlesshallbeupi1bl.eDfipplJl1111thl!mat1rialsunifarffllyoverthednignaledna . ., AwlicitionRate, .l1 Sledl1rlurt:136kg/hil[1251bs/i1Cre) .l2 Flrtilizr.112:kg/h1l100lbs/..:rel .l3 CoaslalWildflowerl1x:Wheresptcifitd,i1pply[311bs/i1crel(1/4lb.,1111.of,.ilSSSeedl . l4 Notis, .l4,1 Allheli■eofTenderprnidli1COllplNechill'lofi1llcortpanentsafthemixpropDSedi11tludng.,ulc~.ladoifltr,willerNc. Slopedsitesre~r1li1ckifirr. .l4.2 Fertlizer, . l4.2.1 Roughlirns:lfi1soili1ni1lysisiSil'fillii1bl.t,caniplywithre~ls. .l4.2.2 Lilwn,Wherehydrosttdngisilpprovltd,c1111plywilhsoili1nalysisrrconandi1lions. .9 Accurilttlyme1suretheq111ntitiesaf1achafthe.,itlerlillslabechilrgedintolheli1nkeitherby.,nsarby1c1n11111ly1ccepledsyslertDf111ss-cillbr1ted,dlJlf lltilSUre■ents.The11eterlillsshi1llbei1ddedtolhefilnkwhlellisbeil1flll!dwilhwiler,lnthefallowingse"t11C1!;serd,f1rtilizer. TIKrou;tymixintoilham,grn111rsslurry . Afl1r ch.-ging, .add no w1t1r or other 1111-eriill to th1 llixlll't. Do not lene slurry in tht link fa more thin foll' 14) hours . . 10 Distribut1slll'ryunifamtyoverth1surfa:raftheilrt1 tabehydraseldrd Btendipplici1ti111inlaFW"eriausappli:illicns.idolstil11rnsnn toformll'lilor11surlar:n. .11 Clun up, Rfllllm! all ■ilerlill$ nl other debris re~tint fran, sll!dlll!I operiltions fr011 the job site . .12 Hilinttn1nce, Bl!gln11ilinlenilncelm..edii1telyilfltrseedingi1ndcantinue for60daysilfttrSllbslillltlillCartpltllaniln:lqntl i1Ccrpltdlly lheDwlll!r. Re-seed ilt three week lntervilswheregermillillionhilsfililed.ProtectW1dedilfnsfran1di111i1!1ewithtrn,orilfywireortwinefenc1StC1111letewllhsi1111ge1.11tilgrilSSill'nlsblktn0¥trbythe Dwnrr. Wilttr i, sufficirnt 11-1.ititin ta ensure dtep pen1lrillian ind ill frtc[ufffl" irrlervils to Nillilin vigor111rs grawth until !J'HS is taken cmr by th1 Dwnrr. It is tht Dwnfr's respans~lltytosupplywilttr•l1111Htri1casttothe(anlr1Ct. . 13 Acceptilr'ltl of the Rou!ll Gms Arus: Proper gtr.,illillion of ill specified Vil" species is the respansibiUty of the Li11dsci1p1 Cantr1Ctor. Thr grns shill be rHslillilbly well esti1bUsh1d, with na ~p1r!11t dead or U'1 sprits .id shill be rusonably free of wnds !ta B.C. Liln:lsc~1 Shndilfd, Slction 13 Miint1nilllC1 Levtl 4 (Dprn spi1tel. Sixty d1ys ilfter scbstmtiil co.,pltlion, 1rus metlin!J the cmlitions ilbove will be liken o,er by 1hr Owner. Ams sHded II Fall wU br ilCtepled in Spring one month tiler st1rt Df grawingsHsan,pral'idedlhiltheiliav1candition5for1a:eplillC11r1fUfilled 3.8 LAWNAREAS-SOOONG .1 Giner ill, Trut all ar11s dl!fiMd ai: lawn 1rus on the l.,dsc~e pllfl betwe111 all properly Unts af the project lncludnt Ill llriulnill'ds to elite Ill roads ind Lines. .2 GrawingMd.J.,,Co11plywlthSection2.2.1,GrawlngH1di1111. Prlortosoddllg,r~stanlnspectionafthefil'lshedgradt,anddeplhi11dcanditi011ofgrowing■tilnbythe LandSCilptArchitect . .3 TiraeofSoddir,;i, SodfrOllAJril1sttoDctoberlst. flrthrrexlensions1111rbeobt1inedoncnurrenceoftheL1ndsc;iptArclitect. .4 Sod Slffly: Canforn to ill concltlons of B.C Lillldscape Slilndrd, SecliOII B, B.C. Standilrd for Turlgrus Sod. .5 SptcifltdTurfgrmhy.-y,R,frrtoTable2bflow. TABLE2SPECIFIEDWRFGRASSBYAll:A Arn Dmriptlon CLASS1 L1Wn,illlrtasnol1dandrawlngsnlilwninurbiln dntlopmrntsiteslncludlngbou.nilrdgrilSs CLASS2 Grass-publ.k:piirlcs,industrlill.idlnstltutlon.ilsites CLASS3 Rau1hGr,ss SPECIAL QuillitJlirlde ND.11'1'111iull ND.2Slindard srrhydraseedi11 HiljorSpecil!s klnluckyBlutlorsun,FntllHIDl'shadr .6 Li11e: The U11r shill be n dtfiled in Stclion 2.23, Hlfrrills. Ai.tr II rilln rec01111111nded In re,.ired soil test. Refer to Section 3.4 far 11~hod. .7 FlrtiUztr,RefertoSeclion2.2.2Hilt1ri1ls.Applyspecifiedfrrtilizlralrlltsshownlnthere~redsoiltest.Applywithi1.,tcharricalsprlitder.(U.ti'l'ilelnto!J'OWilg rtedl111141hacrspriartosadding.Applysfpilrlhlyfra11lmf. .I Soddi,g,Prrp1rt1smooth,firm,mnsurf11telarli11il!JSOd.Lilysodsli1ggeredwithsectlonsdor.elyb.Jlted,withouto,erta~i,g1rgaps,S11aothandewenwilhildjGiolng .-us ilr'ld roll Ul,fltly. WIier to abtilll IIOistur1 ptnetratian of 3" ta 4" !7 -10cnl (Ollply with r1quiN!11tnts of BC Landsc~e Standard Section S. BC st.,dard for TurfgrHs Sad . . , HaintenifflCl,Beginnainltn1nceillffltclattlyafl1rsoddlntlfldconliruefar60d1yslft1rSubst1nliillC011pltllon1nduntil1tctpledbytheOwnrr.Pratectsodded.-11s froindilllil!Jtwithtertpor.irywhortwinlfencescoinpletewithsigna!JtllllllilwnistikflloverhytheOwlll!r.Wil1rtoobt.iil11oistureptntlriltlonof3"to4"!7-10cndil 1nt1rvilslll!mSffY lolllintiliisufficitnt vawth. ktep1rasscutathri:j'ltof belw1en1-1/2' (4cm] illld 2"l5c•I. Provi:lta:ltquateprllilcti011ofsadded areasagailst danage untl the hrrf hn been hlcfll aver by Dwnrr. Replir ill1Y di1111g1d 1reu, re-!J'idl n necrssry. Aerillim ■ay br reqlirrd if in the LilndSCilPI Architect's apiiion, drainilgl! lhraughthrsDdllilwrtediu11isi.,pilired .10 AccephnceafLilwnArHS:Thrhrrfshillberei1sanlblywrllrsliblishrd,withnoapp.1r!lltdl!idspatsarbilrrspotsi111dsllilllbereasonilblylr11Dfwlflls!toB.C. LilndSCilpl! Slilndilrd, Ser:lian 13 Mili1ttn1nct Levtl 2 (Appiil'ilOO!I. Use hrrbk:idu if necns.iry fDI' wad removil 1.11less other candilions Df contr1Ct forbid their uw. Aftrr the lilWII his been rut ill Inst twice, ilreils 11eeling the candilions ibcm wll be hken ll'ffl' by 1hr Dwnrr . .1 Confor11topl•tilglarout11shown0nLindsclpl!Pli1ns. .2 Dllti1il;ippr0¥illoflilndKilpl!Ar<hlt«tfDrliy111rlm:IFW"fPlri1llonafplilllin11prlortoc111111111cfffllllafplilntilg~eriltlons. .3 Hilktl!dgtolbedswith,110Dlhde.indefintdU11H. .4 Ti11ofPlilnting, .4.1 Pl1nltrlt!s,shnrbsi1ndgroundco,rrs111lyduringperiodsthill1rrnor11ilforsuchwarki1sdllerninedbylocilwulhercandilionswhfllwilsanilcandili111sr1l•t1yto 1nsuresucC1!ssfUadipli1lionafpl1nlstolhrirlll!wlociltion . 5 Shndilfds, .5.1 Allplilnt11ilterlillsllillconfDr111tothrrequir111rntsaftheB.C.L.idsc;ipeSt:n:lird,tATESTEOITION,1.11llssmndltdbydrawingPli1nlSchtclultDrthlsspecifici1ilon .5.t1 Rll'trloB.C.Lilndsc;ip1Stlr'lrllrd,Secti1119,Pl1nts.idPl:intir,;iiflllinSrction12,BCLNASlnllrdfDrContiinerlirownPlilntsfar11ilimJ11stilnd1rds. .5.t2 Rl!f1rtaPli1nlSchtduleforsptclflcpli1nliln:lcantilinersizesm:lco.,plywilhnquil't!.,tnk . .5.2 Plillll Hltriill abhilll!d frDII iilrus with l1ss semt cUllillic con:litiens shill be grown ta withstm:I the site cU11ale. ·' Rewiew: .i.1 Relrin"ilflh1sourceafsuppl1i1nd/orcallrctlonpaintdaesnrilpreventstbs1qurnlrrjrctionDfi111JDrillplmtingstocki1llhrsite . .7 A•alabi~tJ, .1.1 Arlil al serch includes th1 Lawer Milinlmd iln:I Frnrr Villley. Refer to Plilnt Schedule far illlJ extensian af ilreil. .1.2 Scqily praaf of the nillabilily ef thr sp1cifiltd plant .,ilerill within )0 diys af tile ilwill'd Df thr Canlmt . .8 Scbstilutlon, .l1 ll:rhlnwrlltrrri!WrowilloftheL:indsc:iprArchitectprlortamo1kilgi11ysubstitulionslolhesp1cifiedfflilteri.il. Non-~prowidsubstltutlonswlllberejected . .l2 Allowalliri11U11afSdi1rspriortodtli,rryforrequnllosubstihrte . .BJ Scbstilulims n subjl!ct la BC Lnlmpe Standilrd-dlfi,ition af Conditions of AHililbility . ., Plffl!Sprcil!s&Locilian, .9.1 Plillllssh1ll bltrutlollilllll!.in:lol ththtight, cill"91'.iml siaof rootbilllasshawnmthrlaidmpe/siltplilnp.illtschrdlll!. (alliplrof!N!ftislobthk1n6" l&:.,I abore!Jrilde. .9.2 Pl1ntilll specifitc1sp1citsilthel11tilllan11shown,nthelilldSCilpedrawlngs. NDlifyLiln:lsc1111Architect If coofliclilgrockarundrrgrOYnd/omhrildwrvicesil'e enCC1U1tered . .u llniilionafgrffllplilntinglociltlonwillOlllybeilloW1dilfterrtviewafthrpropaslddh'lillionbyth1Li1ndSCi1piArchltect. .10 ExcautiDrr. .10.1 TN!IS and t.-ge shrubs, Emwm ii SilUCtr shilped trn pit to the depth ,I 1hr roolball nl ta ill Inst twlC1! th1 width of the rootball. Ass1re thil firrishrd ,.ildt Is ill tt11orlglniiltrildelhtlrteWil5!J'OWllill . .11 DraillageofPlantilgHol1s, .11.1 Prolridr dr1inil1e Df plmting pits wherr required. ir. an sli,ed canditions, bruk CM thr sidr of the plaiting pit ta 1llaw dr1in;igr dawn sl~e; .,din ll11 conditicns, mo111d tarilisrthrrootbilli11KJ,/ei.,prniauslayer. Nalifythel.idsc~1Archlleclwhrrethelri1il191Dfplintinghd.esislirited. .12 Plilntii1.idFertlizir,;iPraced1J"rs, .12.1 Platl-1lltr1n.,dshrliswithlheroolsplactdinthfirllilhr;ilgrcrwilgpositlro. ifb.Jrlilpped,loo5l!ll:ir111rndthrtopofthebill.indcut;iw.iyarfoldun:lrr. Donotpull b.Jrlip fra11 under th1billl. C•lfully re..an contilinrrs without injuril11hr raotbillls. Aft1r settled in pliltr, rut twine. F11r wire bilskrh, dip .,d rnncm top lhrlt! raws of wire . . 12.2 FlltheJUltingholesbygenttylirmilgthegrawing.,tdu11i1ra111dthrrootsyslemin6"l1X■)liyers.Settlelhesolwithw1ter. Addsoili1srrqliredto11eellioish grilde.LmenoilirYOlds.Wllen2/3ollhetopsallhi1Sbeenpli1C1!d,;ipplyferllizerasreconmendedbytherequiredsoiltestillthespecifledrilles . .12.3 Whtrtplillltinglslndicaltdadjacrnttolxistlngtrt1S,uwspeciillcrtlouoiddlsturllanc1oftherootsyst11110rn1llrillgr1dl!sofsur:htrees . .12.4 Where trees ilfl iT lilwn ilfln, FW"Hid1 ii dun rut mulched !!0011111 (3 ftJ lilll~er cirde cfl!ttred an thr tr1t. .13 SlillcingafTr11s: .13.1 Usetwa2"x2"x5'stalces,url.1sssupersedrdby11unic1Jillreq11h11tots.Setsli1kes11ini.,11112ff.lnsail.Donoldrirestilk1thraughroatbi1ll. .13.2 L11vtthrtr11cnfUlrvrrti:ill . .13.3 Tit with pre-1pprond c-ill, flill wo,en palypropylen1 flbric belt, lliri11111 width 19m11 l3/4•~ Awoved product, Arbor Tie -1¥1ilillie fro• Dnplorit . .13.4 Conifrr«1s Trees om 511.hei!l)t, Guy with tine 2-slrWlllwires{11g;iuge). Drive thrieeshkesequidlstilnlill'OYndthetreeco.,pletely belowgrilde . .135 Tre15 6 ft.+ on Wood or Concrete Dicks: Wr IS above using tlll'le deiliDl!l'I !lli11. 2'x2"x4') buril!d to the no11l11u11 posslbl.1 depth insTI!;id af stilku .13.6 Mrk1llgurwir11withvisibl.eflaggilgmilltrii1L .14 Prllling, .'14.1 Li■it pn11il1 to the 11il■u11 nrtessary to re1Jtve dlld or injured brilllchn. PrHl!!rvt 1hr naturil character of !ht plillts, do not cut the llldtr. Us1 oriy cllilr'I, shrp tools.Mikl.illcutscle.io1ndcuttothtbr:n:hcalli1rlHwingnostubs.Shipeilfftcledo1rnssoasnattoretiinwiller.Re.,owedi111a9edmaleriil. .'f.i Hulchilg, .15.1 Hutch ill plWi,g rr,s with iln even lilyer Df 11ulch te 2-112 -3" (&5 .15.,.,1 drplh. Callfirm plilcfllll!lll af lllllch in .-usl1btled 'liroun:lcaver Are1• on drawir,;is. Hulcll ii 3ft.[9001111)dii1llltercircll!1raundtrflS.ill1WnilrNS,ltt,e1duntdge. . 16 Acceptilllte, .16.1 ThrestibUshmentali1llpl.,t1111teriilisthernpansihlilyDfthtlilndmpeContr«tor . .fl PlilntMlhrillMaint1nance, .fl.1 Hililtilini1llpl.it11iltfflillfar60di1ysilft1rlilndsc~fWDl'khi1Srtc1iwedi1Certific;ihof(.lion. .fl.2 Willlrin!J, ConfDr11!0B.C.Lilodsti1peSli1mlilrd,Section13.l.2-Willtrir,;i.idgenerillyilsfollows: .fl.2.1 Willer to suwi.tnt 1111 .... 11 r1i1filll such that tht soil .,oist1re content Is klpl to 50:rl ta 1H" of fil!ld c~•lly. Willrr to thr fU.I dtpth of the r,ot zone 11th tirN. TheOwnerlsrnponsibl.etosupplywillerilnoextrilcosttothrContract.ConfirmsaU'ceafwillspriortabeginrir,;iwark . .fl.3 Use1pprapri1lrlll!nurntoC011b1lptttsardlsmndilltilgln!Jplilntmillerii1l.(011plywithillloci1lgoml'lr,;isli1lutes.id!JuldtlilesforchrllicilcontroL .fl.4 Plilnt11tffl!rii1lwt.chfillsto1111'ffltshillbertplilcedlnlhen1XlipFW"Olliiltesei1soni15dtltminedbythrlilndSCilpiArChil1ct . .fl5 RepilirtrngU1rds,shkn,iln:lguywires,wh1111nec1Ssill'y . .fl.6 Haintilinilfusrellll.elywtedfrn.!ApptilfmC1!1tvel2,B.(lilndmpeSl.idi1rd,Chilpler131 . .fl.1 Miintilin11Ulchtosprcif1tddtplhs. .ti PlantWarranty, :18.1 Rtpli1C1!i1ll111siltisfilCTarypli1nt111teriillm:rptthostdl!signaled"Specirnn'forilperiodof0111Ulye.iraftertheCertifi:ilte,IComplNlon. Replaceallunsilllsfilclory p.-,i rtilhriill design1led "Sprci.,fll" for ii period of two (2) yms ilft1r the Clrtificiltl of (011plffion. Rrplact ill unsiltlsfilCTor, !ms iln:I st-rubs nl contiiut to rtplilCI lhneuntnthtspecltiednlffllerlscan.,leleilndsi1tisfi1clorytatheLi1n:lsc:iprArchitect. Suchreplate.,tnlshilllbestbjecttoth1natification,inspecllonmli1~raviln sptcifiedlortheorigilillplanling,andsll;illnatconstitut1.iextrilt1theConlri1CI. .11.2 ThosePl;irth.,ldmllfiedi15hil'dywithlnOllf21J1eoflhe(wdi1Drpill'llll!ntafA!rlculturtlon;ilcli1SSlll'lht;1m,specifiedbytheL1ndscipl!Arthihctmlill51illledlly lh1 Li1rtdsci1P1 C111tr1Ct1r whichilre killed llr111r1h belaw nam11l t111per1tures lbrlaw the il'lfl'ilgl! af 1hr extre11 llirrillllll h.,perilt1J"1s olficiilly remdl!d in the 1r11 cancernrd,inthelilst10r1ars),willnolberrplacedwithoutcostofreplilcertentlxlrntllylheDwn.-. .113 A rnlew ■ay be l'e(1Jnled during the l1ttrr prt of the w.-raltt}' !J'OWing IUS(II. All pl1nt material showlll!I well dmloped fDUilgt, heillthy growth .id bud fonnlr,;i, will thrnbttakencmr. .18.4 For illl pl.,t lllteriil, 1hr Landscape Arcllit1ct rewrvu the right to 111tend the CantrilCTor's rnponsiblity for :inother grewing Stilson If, i, hisapinlon, leaf dertli,■flll aidgrowlhisnolsuffi:ifllllaensurefu!IJ'1Sillisfactarygrawth . :B.5 WheretheDwnerisresponsbll!forplil'rtmillnlenilrnilmlltilsnotprowidedi1dequi1lellilinleoilnc1,thtpl.itr1p1.o1cernrntstcHroofthtcontr.ictlll)'bedeclaredvold. The Lilndstilpr Architect shill dffrrlline whffher nilintm.ice hn bHn SillisfilCT1ry usi1g the B.C. Lilndmpe St.,dard, SeciiOll 13, Hilillt1nance n the !Jridl. Thr re-iuired 11illnt1111ncrshndilfdis1.,ini111111afLmlThrer-Hldir11.Rlf1rtoSecli1113.11,Eslib6shrnm-Hilintrnm:1 . .'11.6 Thrhndsci1pe(ontrilCTDrisresponsibletoreplaceanyplilnt1111teriilorrepairqconslrucli011includedinthe(olltractthilisdl1111gedar1tolenuntilthtiS1UilfltlDf theCrrtific;itrofCa■plelian :B.1 DtviiltionfromthespHificiltionsraayr1quireextensionafth1WarrantyP1riodasdtlrrllinedbythelilndsupeArclitecl . 3.101NSTALLINGLANIISCAPEONSTRUCTI.RES .1 V1rifylhilllriinag,m:1protectionni111riillisc•telyinstallediflllac(rplal:ttbflortbeginningwarlc.CantilclLilldscapeArchilectfarinstructionsifnollnpl1t1. .2 Coardlnateworl,wllhconstructionDfplillll1rs.indplinterdrilin;ige . .2.1 Verify thil planhr drains ilrl i1 pl1te and pos.itin drainilgl! to roof drillns is prHl!!nl prior to pl1cin!J ll'IJ drail rock or soi . .3 Pravid1clnnoullfalllhrouglt-sliblrli'lh1ti1tlons.Use300nn.,i,.d'11.PVCPiprfilll!dwilhlrilinrackunlessspecificlr1wii1dllailshDwn . .4 Install drilil rock nfllly to ii llll'l111n drpth of 4" [1H.,.,)ar illterllillt shNI drilin If specified. Instill sheet drilln n per IIIDlfilCTurer's reco1111nrlltl111s. .5 (om driin rack !Dr illlem1h sher! drain if specified an drawing dtlii~ with filtrr fillric lipping 6" (150nn) ill ill edgrs. Obtilin 1ffrn1I of driinag1 system prior to pliilcir,;igrowingllfdllll. .6 Pli1Ce.inmlilyerDf25-50nrrclHnwi1shrdpu11pS1ndarrrfillerfibri: . .7 Pli1Ce!J'awi,grtedUlltodeplhssprcifirdinSection3.5i1bO'fffar,1ri111rsSll'f1cetr1i1111enls.Referlollrlwir,;idtliisfor.,ylightwfightfillerrtetuiredtoilll1rtrade. UseStyrofaa.,blodcaverdriinroclishi1pedloFW"nides..aathsurfac1tr.isitionilted1es.Butt1i1Chpiecetightlytagtlhrri1ndcaverwithfilterfillriclDFW"rYfllisolfrom lligratingdownwlrd. l11ESTABLISHHENTHAINTENANCElProrid1i1Sl!parillrFW"iCef1rtt.ssectian} .1 lnte11t, Theintflltof"eshllUshrnrnt"11iinlfllmC1!istopro¥1dlsufficltnlcilf1ton1Wlyinstilledplilnl11ilerialfarart11tivtlyshortperiadoftimftoensureotintrHM! th1longter11succ11seftheplantin'° Thtabjectl¥eisthead~till011ofplantsteanrwsil1inordl!rtoobtilinthtdtsln!dlfflctfra■lhtpl1ntingwhill!reducingtherateof fililure ml umrC1!ss.-y work ilssaciilled with i.,proprr Hlilbl.istxnrnl. Eshbl.islwlent of ffllinlenilnce procm.JrlS ipply to all new and rffaiMd r1gffation includir,;i culti•al1d turfgr11Srusmdnewtr11Si11dshrubs . .2 Hlinteni1nctPeriod,Prll'lidr111inlellilnctofinsti1llltdl.idSCilpingfor1211Grtlhsfallawingsubstfflllillc111pll!tion . .3 Reli1ledShndilfdSi1ndlegisliltian, B.C.LandscapeSli111dard,l1t1Stedition:FtrtiliZlrCadl!.,B.C.P1Stitidl!Control.Act. .4 Site Rt¥iew, In addition to the Inspections ill subslintiil co.,pletian, ill linill FW"Ogrtss drilW ;iwlicltian, nl it the end of the gu1rilntlt! periad, there shacJ.d b1 thrtt rilher rewlews dllrin!l the 12 months .itt1nded by the Contriltlot .id .i dl!sl!Jlilted represenliltire af the Owner. Hilintilin ii logbook .id reporlilg proctdures nl scti .. it to the dtsigllilledrepresenhtin. .S SchedUlr,;i, Prfpilre ii schedule of anlicipiled wisils ilnd sutwr.t to dtsi!J)illed rrpres111tiltlr1 ill shrt-up. HilinlfllilllCe ~trillill'J$ shill be Cilrrlld out predlllllnillely dl.l'ilg the growing HilSOn brlwHn M.-ch 1st iln:I Nllurtber )0th, hawmr ¥isits ill ather ti■es af 1hr 111r 111y be re-iuired. .6 HilintenilllCl!Levtl,(°""'ywithB.C.Lnls~eShnrlard,Sectian13,Ti1bl1!7,Haillte111na!Lewtl'Hedi1111", .7 Hill"erials:(1111plywlthPilflTwaofthisspftlfi:i1tian, .1.1 Fertilizers, Ta the requlre1ents of !ht B.t Landmpe Standard. Formulltions and rillH as r111Lired by soil testing . .I PllftlHateri1lEstaliUsh111nh .l1 W.iterin!J, During 1hr fMt grawing season, witer new p..ints ill Inst tmy ten (10) dilys btlween AFW"l kl .id July 31'1, ind emy twenty !201 dilys betwlt!n August Isl aid51pternl.Jer15th. l"lni.,u1125gilllans pertrreperlfl)licillian. Dll'ing thesecondgrawingSHSOn, waterr.wplilr'llsal lmt nery lweotr daysbetwl!IIApril 1:indArly 31 m Cllte btlwlt!n August 1st ilnd Slplelllller 31st. Apply willtr ii ii rile nl cb'iltian such thilt the willer canhnt mchrs fil!ld c~ilCity to 1hr !Ul drplh al lht ,.awir,;i llldillll. Awlr wilttr agail when the wahr content reildlfs 2S:rl af fitld Cilpidty. Pro'fidt nl irrigat1 with wlltr ii 1hr llt!nt thilt .,, ilulomatic irrigation srste11 mill functions orhilsmlbeenrortplet1lylnst;ill1d.Scheduledi1ppUc.itionsofwilrrsh;illbtmissedonlywhrnrilinfilllh;ispenetrat-edlhtsoillully;isrtqLin!d. .l2 Hulch,Hilintain1Ulchesiltheorlgilalill'li15ilndlolhrorigi'lilldrpths. .l3 Weed Cantra~ Rr11lrfl! ill werds fro• ill arns at lust once per l'IOR!h durilg the (rowing stason by ha1ilg or cui.lintion to a 1111xilllll dl!pth of IIOIIIII:, hml-pulUr,;i, or, if ntcmilfy,llytheuwofhrrbk:ldn . .l4 Pest Ind OiSUSI (anlro~ Inspect Ill plilnll!d ill'liS lot pests ind disnws ptriodcilly iflll ill Ind every hlo ■onths during thr !J'OWilg se1SC11 bJ m experif!Ked prrson.Ci11Tyoutlrfillmrntfcrp15tsordse.isnpro .. ptlr;in:lconsisttnllyfor■ilXi .. uml!ff1tliHIIISi. COl!p.ywithill.lB.C.Pesliclde(011trolAclnllllll'ldp;1lrrq.ini .. 1nts. .l5 TrnSL1Jp1rt, Hililtilinstilkes,guywirHilndtirsonrfuU Vowill!I suson. Check ties1tlmt1rrryhlo11onthsto1nsure lhrtlh1yarenotc11rsing;idepressionillhr blrk. Loasrn,rlpilirorreplilcrtltsun1ces51ry. Rlrnoui1llslilkfl!J!Jwires.idtiesi1flerlhrfirst1rawingsnsonexceptwhrrelilr91lrenrt!p'rcontinuingslffDrlin th1apinionafthtLi1ndsciptArcliilect,Allllii1ggingaf,iywiresshallbevisilil1•din!Oodrepair . .U Prl.lling, lnsprct ill trNs 11111 slrubs If lust every twa months clJrin1th11rawing SHSOII; prin to re110vr ill dud, weak II' diwaed wood Hlintilin th1 llillur1I sltape ofthepl.,I. Ci1rrJOYlc~wilgorshilpingonlyifr11p'edinthelllinteno1nctct11tri1ClforspHlficvilrltllnorcondllloni. .l7 FerliUzi11, Onteclrin1thetwtlvemonthprriodafeslillllishmrntlllintenilllC1flrtiliZlstrubs,trnsnlvaundclll'trSaccordi,gtosaililnilyslsreqUre111nh. .9 lr11sArmEstillilsh.,mh .9.1 W1trring, Ust hose11nd sprinklers, irrl!Jilion syst1111s or other 11tthodl to ipply Willer to Class 1 ml Clns 2 !Jrassed areilS IB.C. Landsc;ipe Stiln:lilfd, Settlan 1, Lilwns m lr11ws) ,ixh thil the 1rass is 11aintftd in a turgid ct11dition. S!ipply and J'rigate with water in the 1Yent of any irrigation syshra nallunctian, or in<lllflete inshllalion illnoeirprnselotheownrr. Applywi1lertoirevrntpi1ckin!DrffllSDlaflh1soil. Applywi1leriltilrilt1.iddurilti111sothilthew1tert11ntentilthrgrawingmediu.,rHchrs fieldcipi1[itytoth1IUldeptholth1Vowlr,;irtedlu11.Applywilttril!jli1Whrnthrwilterc111t1ntmches25"offieldc,pilClty. .9.2 Wied, Insect ind [bnu (ootrd, Inspect 1Ji1S$ ilfUS each 1in1t they n rtowed fDI' WHdS, insect prstt., .,d dStilll!S ind trnt promptly when neteSHl'J bJ awoprillf llilllJill llllhDdS, or by the USI af chr■icillS In c11111llilnct with thr B.C.SLA./B.CLJI.A. Landscilpr Sli1n:l1rds l1test edition. Kill bradHfed wreds ill gr1ssed ilrHS bJ I generill ilPP6Cillion of .i suitible herbir:idt if the wNd papu..itian txCl!ltdS 10 llr'o1dll!1f lft!edS or 50 niual w1eds or lft!edy vmes per U square 1111ters. This appUcaliCII shall red:Jt:t theweltdpapul1tianlazera . .9.3 FertiUzi11,A[(11rdingtosail111ilysis. .9.4 LilnilgA«ordll!taSOl.,illysis .9.5 Hawing ind Trillllilg-All ill'l!ilS, Thi first fllll' cuts shill be I shilrp rat•r type IIIIIWtf. Excess grilSS cllJping shill bl rfll0¥ed ilfltr uch cut. Mow Ill grlSHd lrUS with I shll'p l'll!l or roliilry ._er when the !l'itSS reaches a hfigll of 6011'1'1. How to a hfi!hl of 41111m. Edrje with a mechanir:il v1rilcill cutting edrjrr Onct per yur iT H.-cll . Removei1llgr1sscllJpingsilfttrHchrut . .9.6 AerilllDn, Atriltlannat rrqulredlnthrflrst!J'aWint season.lfnrcess1ry,inth1wc111d grawinJSlilSlln, iltrillelnurtyH1y with I scahbl.er.ch:ri:il corer. Core toil d1pthDf100m■.(4"),•dre■OHCOl'IS. .9.1 Replirs,R1-,.1dl!,re-seedorre-sodwhfllntcessrytorest11rrd111igedarfillin1grilSSilren.Hillchthegr1ss.irietininthtsurrounding.-11.Re-sod,ifrequired, thrDIJ!lhaut the !J'DWiig senon. R~sNd belwHn April 'kl ilr'ld April 151ft or belwt1n Septlll'lll1r 1st .,d Sepl1rtber 15th. Prollcl r1-weded nas and k1rp moist llllll till first ... .. 1q01er1.z1p 0 LANDSCAPE ARCHIHCTURE 5 202/-()/-~ Ra.81/SSJON FOR OP GL 4 ;/020--(Jq-2,f. SI.BM/55/0N FOR DP GL 3 2020-02-14 51.BM/SSION FOR DP JWt 2 """'2-<I PRELIMINARY DE516N JWt /20l4<JIJ-<J1 /saE ~ REZONIHB APP. ..,., LOUGHEED+NORTH REBID. 22347-22351 NORTH AVE MAPLE RIDGE, ac . LANDSCAPE SPECIF/CATIONS 20/CI.DEC.II ..,., L4 OF4 19-070 {i APLIN MARTIN ~ ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE PLANNING SURVEYING #505 -1755 W. Broadway Street, Vancouver, BC V6J 4S5 Tel: (604) 224-6827, Fax: (604) 597-9061, Email: general@aplinmartin.com ~ J~ I ~ :==;===='=';=,¢,,;,c;'#=';='c;==! l 11 I L____l____j____L.....J.....L..__J I I JE I l I I I I LANE I I I ~,;OJ l 111111 ST. ANNE AVE NOT TO SCALE ---........1......l...... I '" I ~ ~ ~----------------------------------------------------------___J.ij _J __ 26 J 98 0 . NORTH AVE ,~ ~-~ 25 ,. . ~-"0 oi ~o W/11 COIIECTION BY CITY :1 11 7 AVE OF MN'Lr ROGE 0 IIE\ruffR's EXPENSE 0 STORM SEWER CONNECTION 1:250 1:25 EB EQ 31 ~1-H :i::I'> 31 . ,._ . O ;:: ,GROONDO'tm O ~ ,c:::!,PIPE\ :g -'-' -30 ,,-~~f 30 ;-29 -f -29 DEIENTION ... ....-TANK 28 ~ 28 - l~ALCULATED 250• STORML ------1~ !~':,:~ I 1~:~~~~RT ~~ I 27 1.lm--200! PII: SIIR 35 ---27 STORM INVERTS I SlM • 2.cm 1· 9.5m--I'll: SIIR 35 l ~ 0 2.00~ I 3.lm--200,0 I'll: SDR 35 51M G 2.lm STORM INVERTS SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION 1:250 1:25 ~ r :;:. ~-da L ~: ~; ~ 0 0 0 0 --f 99 ' -'-,,,---"- 6 -_----_-r::_ ------ J_ 21 20 ~I ® 30 ,;> :::1 1----=30=+----<>~,--t----+- 29 I ~OUNOOYER PIPE\ 29 ~ ~- ~0 ~ EX D 1---~2=8+---1--t,;~F-----t=2=8~----1 "6 --= --,J:::::::: -f---~2~7+,.,_e"cc ::=-"'f---+------l-"2'-'7----1 SEVER INVERT 26.70± -EX. 26.70±---' !CALCULATED 300• SANITARY}-' _EX. 30(Jf SAN, (CONTIRACTOIR VERIFY) 26 1-+----+=26~--1 14.0m-150~ PVC SDR 35 •, z SANITARY:!~ "' INVERTS ~E::l ~w<"II SlM O 5.29ll: ill SANITARY ~ INVERTS GENERAL NOJES· 1. El£VATIONS ARE REFERRED 10 GEODETIC DATIJM 2. AU. cc»ISlRUCTION AND MATERIALS 10 BE IN ACCOROANCE llllH CURRENT CITY Of MAPL£ RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARlMENT STANDARDS AND SPECACATIONS 3. IIIIERE INAWNG Of EXIST. DITCi, ETC .. 15 REQUIRED AND IIIIERE SER"1CES ARE cc»ISTRUCTED IN All SECTION, All MATERIAL 15 10 BE GRANULAR BACKALl COMPACTED 10 95X MODIAED PROClOR. 4. RESIDENTS DIRECllY AFFECTED BY cc»ISTRUCTED OF PRO.ECT SHAU. BE Gl"91 48 HOURS NOTICE PRIOR 10 cc»ISTRUCTION 5. cc»ITRACTOR 10 EXPOSE AU. EXISTING UTILITIES AT PRIPOSED TIE-INS AND CROSS-0~ POINTS 10 VERIFY INVERTS AND LOCATIONS PRIOR 10 COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION AND SHAU. NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CONFLICTS 6. AU. EXISTING MANHOILr RIMS, VALVE5, LJOS, ETC., 10 BE AD.lJSTED 10 SUIT ANAL GRADES 7. EXISTING BUIUJING5, STRUCTIJRES, AND FENCES 10 BE DEMOLISHED AND REMOVED BY DEVELOPER. All CITY BUILDING DEPT. REQUIREMENTS ARE 10 BE MET PRIOR 10 DEMOLITION 8. AU. lESTING AND RElESTING IF NECESSARY, Yllll BE THE RESPONSIBILITY Of THE cc»ITRACTOR. AU. ASSOCIATED COSTS FOR TESTING, INCLUDING SUBMISSION Of IIRITTEN REPORTS AS YIELl. AS \1DEO LOG5, Yllll BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 9. AU. lESTING SHALL BE CARRIED OUT BY A QUAUAED lESTING ARM APPROVED BY THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE, AND THE CONTRAClOR OR DEVELOPER Yllll BE REQUIRED 10 AD'<1SE THE INSPECTION DEPARlMENT AT L£AST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE Of UNDERTAKING ANY lESTING. ROADWORKS NOJES· 1. ElGSllNG VALVE BO!ES, MANHCLE5, ETC., IIITHIN ROAD RIGHT-Of-WAY TO BE AMSTED 10 SUIT FlNISIED GRADE. 2. CHANGES OF GRADE SHALL BE FOlllED BY SMOOTH WlVES. l N.L SUBBASE AND GRANULAR BASE MATERIALS TO BE COMPACTED TO ll8ll STANDARD PROCTOR. 4. ALL LOOSE OR lllGANIC MATERIAL TO BE EXCAVATED FROII ROADWAY. 5. Hn.CHAIR RAMPS AS PER IIAPLE ~OGE 510. DYl1l. NO. C8. 6. ALL BENKELMAN BEAM TESffiG 10 BE PERFORMED BY COITR.IC11E AND RESULTS RRWARO TO CITY AND ENGINEER. 7. THE COITRAClllR NLL BE REQIIRED TO PR0\1DE A 9EVE ANAl.151S ON ALL TYPES OF GRANULAR MATERIAL P~OR TO INOORPOR.\TION INTO THBR MlRlt lESllNG SHALL BE ~ ACCORDANCE TO I.Slll C136 (OR LATEST RE\1SION) AND SHALL MEET 11£ REQIIREMENTS OF SECTIGN OF THE GENERAL SPECIACATIGNS PRKIR TO ACCEPTANCE. 8. THE COITRACTOR NLL BE REQIIRED TO TEST N.L Bl.SE MATERIALS AS REQIIRED IN SECTION OF THE GENERAL SPECIACATIONS AND 11£ Clrt's 'DESGN CRITERIA' Fill ROADWAYS PROOF ROil, BENKELJl/11 BEAM, AND/OR NUCLEAR DENSOIIETER lESllNG WU BE ACCEPTED. 11£ METHOD OF TESffiG NLL BE AT THE SOI£ DISCRETION OF 11£ CITY. 9. THE COITRAClllR Nll BE REQIIRED TO TEST 11£ I.SPHAL T ACCORDING TO SECTIGN OF THE GENERAL SPECIFlc.\TIONS ASPHALT MATERIALS SHALL COIFOllM TO SECTION OF 11£ GENERAL SPEllFlc.\ TIONS. ,. 'HCClllRAClOtallEREUID lOlESTIDtCIIEIEACl'.XIIINGTO SEC1D 3.1.1.J CF 'H GENEIW. HaFICAlDCS. WA lERWORKS NOlES.: 1. AU. WORKS 10 BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE YIITH CITY Of MAPL£ RIDGE STANDARDS SPECIACATIONS 2. CONTRACTOR 10 LOCATE TIE-IN POINTS AND LOCATION OF EXISTING SER\1CES AT CR055-0~ POINTS PRIOR 10 ANY CONSTRUCTION 10 ~IFY IN~T AND LOCATION 3. AU. WATERMAINS 10 BE D.I. PC 350 CEMENT MORTAR LINED. 4. AU. CONNECTIONS 10 BE :i&nm• TYPE K COPPER. 5. MIN WATERMAIN GRADE 10 BE 0.10:1. 6. CO~ ON WATERMAIN 10 BE 1.0m MIN, 1.4m MAX. 7. THRUST BLOCKS 10 BE PLACED IIIIERE REQUIRED AS PER CITY Of MAPL£ RIDGE SPECIACA TIONS 8. PRESSURE lESTING AND CHLORINATION 10 BE PERFORMED BY CONTRACTOR. 9. AU. ATTINGS SHALL BE AS PER CITY SPECIACATIONS 10. AU. WATER SER"1CES 10 BE INSTAllfD MTH METER BOX & MATERIALS AS PER Sil 'MIS. 10.0.1 IIIIERE MIN 0.50m ~TICAL OR 3.0m HORIZONTAL SEPARATION ARE NOT ACHIEVED RELATIVE 10 ANY STORM .t SANITARY MAINS OR THE WATERMAIN CROSSES UNDER A SE'ltffi MAIN. SEE MAPL£ RIDGE DESIGN CRITERIA SECTION W10. 10.0.2 THE CONTRACTOR Yllll BE REQUIRED 10 TEST All WATERMAINS ACCORDING 10 SECTION (e) AND DISINFlECT AND FUJSH ACCORDING 10 SECTION OF THE GENERAL SPECIACATIONS PRIOR 10 ACCEPTANCE. STORM NOlES.: N.L DK 91N.L BE COISlRIIClED IN AOCOODN«I 11H ll1Y (f 1111'1.E ~IXI STANDARll catSTRUCTIOII Sl'EllFICATIOtS 2. N.L P.Y.C. ~PE TO BE SOR 35 AND CllNCR£1E Pl'E TO IE A.ST.M. C76 Cl.lSS Ill 3. N.L SIORII catlECID6 TO BE 150 Ill. (SOR 211) c/w I.C. (IIIN. GR/,IJE 1.51) 4. N.L CA!tHIIISINS TO IE IKIO LO. IS PER SID. OM:. S11 .t S101 & N.L ll£lR Y!Rll LIIN IJWNS TO BE 375 LO. 5. N.L CA!tHIIISINS TO HAVE SNl.E LfADS 200 Ill. 8. N.L ll!NHOIIS TO BE 1lll0 I.D., UNLfSS OIIER'IIS[ NOIED. 7. SEE RIW1IIORl<S' DIICS RR LOC\TIOtS Nil EIIVATIOtS (f C\1tHIMSINS. 8. 11£ C001W:llll WU BE IEIUIID TO IIIED NSl'ECT SIDRII 11/JNS PRIil TO ta:EPT/11:E. ~11£D lliPECllllNS 1/!f. TO BE RBXIRIIED ON CD WRC OIIIINl flRllll Nil I/If.TO BE TURNED~ TO 11£ CITY/I.ONG WIIH AIITIJLID Wll11EN REPORT. SECIDl5 OF SIDRII SlllER ll!IN WHDI DO l«JT PASS ~11£D NSPECOON 'MLL BE REP/jREO Nil RE-IIIED-ED AT THE CllNIRICTOl!'s COST. 9. ANCHOR llOll(S RlllllRED ON SIEEP SIC11llNS IS PER Mlm SANITARY NOlES.: 1. ALL IIIIRI( SHALL BE CONSIRIJCIID IN .ICCORlW«:E WITH CITY OF MIPLE RIDGE STNORI> CDNSIROOION SPECIFlc.\TIOtS 2. ALL P.V.C. ~PE TO BE SIIR 35 3. ALL SANT/Rf CDNNEmlNS TO BE 100 D~ (SDR 28) c/w I.C. (IIN. GRADE 2.111) 4. ALL ~HOUS 10 BE 1050 I.D., UNLISS OTHERWISE N<JIED 5. THE CON1R/CIOR WU BE REQ~RED TO All JEST 11£ SMrrARY SEWER 11'.ffi AND SEIMCES /roRllNG TO SECTION OF THE GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS PRIOR 10 !CCEPTANCE THE CON1R/CIOR YIILL BE REQUIRED TO \1DED INSPECT SMrrARY 11/jNS PRKIR TO !CCEPTANCE \1DEO INSPECIIONS ll!f. TO BE RECORDED ON ID WRC CODING FORMAT AND ll!f. TO BE TURNED IN TO THE CITY ALONG WIIH A DEIM.ED WRITTEN REPORT. SECTIONS OF SMrr/Rf SEWER ll!IN YlliDl DO NOT PASS "1DEO INSPECIION 111LL BE REPAIRED AND RE-\IJED-ED AT 11£ OON1RACIOR'S COST. 6. ANCIIIR 81.0CKS REQUllED ON SJIEP SECOONS 15 PER MMCD. ! -li ~ I ~ ! < ~ R ~ ~ ;l-~ ~ I ~ ¾ :I! !;-t i 5245-20-2020-000 i i,-...,.--------------------------,--,---------------------..... ----------------------------.... ---------..----------,---------------------------------iu DRAWN AV DESIGNED DWL DWL E ~ 0-----------------------~D~A=lE~-------t,;; CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT JANUARY 2020 I_,. APLIN MARTIN ~ ENGINEERING AACHITEClURE PI...AI\INING SURVEYING ~ i-_:_A:....j.__:1.:_3•__:0.:_1•.:.2.:.1 +.:..FOR:..:.___:R::_E-_S__:U__:B__:M__:IS:_:S__:IO.:_N:..:._ _______________ j....:.A.:.V--J-:~==========:;;;-=c,,=====--1------------------------------JSCAL..ES DWG. No. OF REV. ~ BY •·•· LOCATED AT 225 STIREET &: NORTH AVE (CVD28 GVRD2018) LEGAL DESCRIPmN, LOTS 47, 48 &: 49, ALL OF BLOCK 5, DL 398, GROUP 1, PLAN 155 ~~.•,'_· l:2SO c ._"0_·..__'_'_lE_._ __________ •'_vi_si_oN __________ ..._ _ _._• .. o .. Nu .. " .. '" .. '-"' .. ·-84H"--'0 .. 0 .. 36"'----'"'" .. v .. ATI,.ON .. ,-""38.=85 .. 3m'"'------_.,-----a.EXaaC;.;Ea,P.;.T .. P.;;L;;.aA;.;,N .. B;.;Ca,P.;,14a;0;.;5;.;,7_TP.._-"12a.,.aNaal\0"'------------.._•0 ________ __,.,_ _______ _._ ______________________ ..,.,,,_,.,.....,,.,..,,,-,=.,,,,.,...,A='-'l FILE No. AM 20-019/DX-670 DWL SHEET 32 31 24 23 WAlERMAIN INVERTS PROP. N G/L ELEV. PROP. i ELEV. EXIST. i ELEV. STATION NOlES: 00 t 26 I 25 1. SEE SHffi 2 FOR GENERAL NOTES, ROADWORKS NOlES !c WAlER WORKS NOlES 00 : ;-----+-----+----,e---+-----e-------+--+----+-----+---- 0 ~ ~ I I "' I _I 60. im-250f D.I. A.C. CLASS 350 W/M ,) ff < ;'.;' ./ t _t ------ I ,. 1 -150FL x 1som GAlE VN..Vf. 1 1 -150ffl GAlE VALVf. -u "'-,-, ' IW/11 CONNECTKW BY CTY Of MAPLE RllGE 0 OEle.ll'ER'S EJIPENSE 1 -250m x 250FL x 1 soFL m: I : I 1 -250FL x 250ffl GAlE VN..Vf. 1 -CONC. lHRUST BLOCK 11 7 A VE "' "' .,; "' "' ... .,; N ~ 0 ~ + "' ----- - I 22 ... ... 0 ,. g CD 0 a, <O "' "' ... 0 0 c:i c:i .., .., ... "' "' N c:i c:i .., .., ~ ~ • • • " 0 " "' 0.., "' "'c:i ... +"' + N + N N I 0-----r • L --- I 21 IEXVEX\ ~ '\/ 32 31 - 24 23 WAlERMAIN INVERTS PROP. N G/L ELEV. PROP . i ELEV. EXIST. i ELEV. STATION 6 ---------=-- 31 N P/1. C S P/1 31 0.12 a_:v, I 2.00 ...3,_5 I 3 4 1~ -~-____ }- 30 30 8 rG~ i;! :;!~ - -10 -5 0 5 10 2+60 N P/1. C/1. S P/1. p 30 ----30 -"-i::::-,,-,---------r- : ~~ 29 Fl~ 29 -10 -5 0 5 10 2+45 30 N P/l c,t S P/1. 30 p 29 29 "' ill~ ~ ~gj -10 -5 0 5 10 2+30 -__ NP/I. C/1. _SPt - I 29 29 ~!.; !ii~ 28 0 5 10 2+15 c,t S P/1. 29 p 29 ______ N=P,'~/L _____ ,_ _____ ~,:,-- .2.llD......LlCI ~-i---==-- 28 - EX. NP/I. < I----- 2.00 -10 <>.12 ~9-30 10.82 I -~I -5 HORIZ.1:250 VERT. 1: 25 EX.9.J EX.VARIES EX.J.O 0 2+00 EX. 20,12 R/W ~ -- EX.10.82 I I -28 10 117 AVE EX. SP,t EX. STftJGH --_> EX.7.J TYPICAL SECTION 117 AVENUE 1:100 (HOR.) 5245-20-2020-000 I i--,.----,---------------------..--..... --------------------,.---------------------------.---------.--------.--------------------------------1u AV S~L .. ~~ y CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE J OWL ,..,_~ •. I/ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT .• DWI... •'~y ..-;,..._ 0-----------------------~,A~lE---------1,;; l w \ JANUARY 2020 APPROVED DWI... ~ D{ W. ---~ i SHEET z::;j ._:.A4 ..:_13..:_.0..:_1..:_.2..:_1...j..:.F..:.OR..:...:_R..:_E-_S..:_U..:_B..:_M..:_IS..:_Sl..:_O..:_N ______________ -J_A..:_V--t::-::--;-;;=;:;;-====~==~======;---1-----------------------------ISCAL.ES t~t/ DWG. No. OF REV. : .. _""_-..__,_.lE_...._ __________ "_Vl_Sl_oN _________ ___._•v ...... •-• .. • .. L .. O .. CA_TE .. D-'-'AT=22 .. 5 .. S_lR_E_E_T_!c .. N"'O-R .. TH"--AVf.=(""C'"'VD""2_8_G_VR_o_20_1_s) __ .. '_"_·_' _''_''_"_'"_o,_,_.L .. OTS= .. 47 .. • .. 48=&=4'-9'"', "'A"'LL'-"OF'--'B'-LO .. C"'K"'S-·_o_L_3_9_s_. -GR_o_u_P_,_·_P_L-AN_1_ss _ _..~_-O'R.:Z-_. ___ ,,_2_so ___ .._ _______ .._ _______ 1_1_7 __ A_V_E_N_U_E _______ ,,,,,,,..,,_,.,,..=..,.,.,..,,,,,..=,..'.:c MONUMENT NO. B4H0036 ELEVATION: 38.853m EXCEPT PLAN BCP14057 1P 12 NY«> YI:. A J FILE No. AM 20-019/DX-670 I_,. APLIN MARTIN ~ ENGINEERING AACHITEClURE PI...AI\INING SURVEYING DRAWN DESIGNED 26 THREE TIER* SYSTEM Rem 46 25 MH TOP A 98 8.3 PLACEMENT OF MINIMUM 258c.m. OF PROCESSED * TOPSOIL IN ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS NORTH AVE MH TOP LOWEST U/G PARKING 23.75 30.12 ~ 29.90 ...LMA~.2~. 29•2° CONTRCX. STRUCTURE TO BE FABRICATED IN PVC AND ANCHORED TO MANHCl.I WAll .--' --- 27.70 2:1!.. SQUARE EDGED ORIFICE PLATE (15 MIN. lHICK) WlH 100mm, _ SEDIMENT AND GREASE TRAP (26.6m, OPENING-REMOVABLE) <( ON-SITE OIL INTERCEPTOR n::: (SEE MECHANICAL * w 1-ENGINEER'S DRAWINGS) 99 ~ _---=-_---=-~ ---3 ______u ;---_-_--~' -0- 22 117 AVE 21 DETENTION TANK TIER B FLOWS WILL BE RELEASED AT 1: 2 B YEAR FORESTED FLOW. I * TIER C FLOWS WILL BE C RELEASED AT 1: 2 YEAR PRE DEVELOPMENT RATE 20 '"'"" P~SlM Developer Project Address Falcon Hornes Ltd Proposed Apartment Site 22347/51117 Avenue & North Avenue 3-Tier Stormwater Management Volume Calculations Tier A: Capture and Infiltrate 50% of Mean Annual Rainfall (36mm in 24 Hour Period) Area· MAR Depth: A Target Rainfall Capture 2,154 m 36 mm 78 m3 30% 258 m Tier B: Detain From 50% of MAR up to and including the MAR ,.(2-yearforestedrate) '4,, .. (2-year Post-Development) Rainfall Duration r, 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 Intensity I 17 12 10 Detention Volume Required to Detain Full MAR Ier B Total Detention Volume Required 50% of Full MAR Detention Volume) ier B Detention Volume Required ier B Release Rate Required 0.62 9.81 m/s2 Q 0.0017 m3/s 1.2 m A 0.0006 ml D 26.6mm Tc Runoff coeffecient min 15 0.10 10 0.75 Peak Flow Peak Flow Cl,, Q,, m3/s ml/5 O.Dl5 0.008 0.Q1S 0.006 0.015 0.005 0.DlS 0.004 0.QlS 0.004 0.QlS 0.003 0.015 0.003 0.015 0.003 0.015 0.003 0.015 0.003 23.2 m~ 11.6 m3 11.6 m3 1,7 L/s Tier C: Detain the 10-Year Event and Release at the 2-Year Pre-Development Rate Q,.,. (2-year pre-development rate) Q,.,, .. (10-year Post-Development) Tc min 15 10 Rainfall Duration Intensity Peak Flow T, I 82 10 59 15 48 20 42 25 38 30 34 35 32 40 30 45 28 50 27 Tier C Detention Volume Required Q h A Notes Storage Volume= 0.62 9.81 m/s2 0.010 m1/s 1.2 m 0.0033 m1 65.2 mm T, = Duration of storm, in seconds T, = Time to concentration, in seconds 0.,1= Peak flow for storm, T,=Tc,m3/s 0.,2= Peakflowforstormspecified,m3/s 0..~1= Ma)t.imum release rate, m3/s Orifice Equation A=O/(C(2gh)o.5 C= Coefficient of discharge g = Acceleration of Gravity (m'/s) Q= Release Rate h= Head ontheorificeplate(m) Cl,, m1/s 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.026 Runoff coeffecient 0.60 0.75 Peak Flow o,, m3/s 0.037 0.026 0.022 0.019 0.Q17 oms 0.014 0.013 0.013 0.012 11.0 m3 Area Ha 0.22 0.22 Required Storage m' 15 19 21 22 23 23 23 23 22 21 Area Ha 0.22 0.22 Required Storage m' 10 11 11 11 11 10 9 Intensity 28 0.00278 0.002 30 0.00278 0.QlS Intensity Q m1/s 28 0.00278 0.010 59 0.00278 0.026 5/16" STEEL CHECKER PLATE CO'v£R IN TWO PIECES FOR H20 LOADING CAST IN PLACE REINFORCED CONCRETE BASE '------6'-10"-----~ SECTION 'A' N.T.S. PLAN VIEW N.T.S. 250 GALLON OIL INTERCEPTOR 105 L/MIN, MAX, FLO\,/ \,/ /H20 LOAD RATING CHECK PLATE LID A A=Areaoforifice(m2) tl.Q.IE.: WALL AND BOTTOM OF THE INTERCEPTOR ARE TO BE OF CONC. 4" D= Diameterofproposedorifice THICK AND MADE WATER TIGHT. ~ DETENTION TANK NOlES: WHEN DRAINAGE HOLES ARE INSTALLED IN THE BOILER PLATE COVER, ~ 1-___________________ .:,;1:_;:5:;_o ____________________________ 1._SE_E_SH_EET_2...,.FOR_GEN_ER_A_L_N_o_1ES ______________ 5_2_45_-_2_0_-_2_02_0_-_o_oo ____ T" ________ _,..,,,.::---------r--------P_R_o_v1_□_E_A_s_L_1G_H_T_□_o_w_N_w_A_R□_s_L_oP_E_o_N_T_H_E_c_o_v_E_R_T_o_TH_E_1N_L_E_T_E_N_□-t. ';;' AV I_,. APLIN MARTIN ~ ENGINEERING AACHITEClURE PI...AI\INING SURVEYING DRAWN DESIGNED OWL CHECKED OWL E ~ 1------------------------~D~A~lE~-------lm CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT JANUARY 2020 APPROVED OWL SHEET A 13.01.21 FOR RE-SUBMISSION AV SCALES HORZ. 1:250 OF DWG. No. REV. ~ BY •-•· LOCATED AT 225 SlREET &: NORTH A\/f. (Cllll28 G\IRD2018) LEGAL DESCRIPOON, LOTS 47, 48 &: 49, ALL OF BLOCK 5, DL 398, GROUP 1, PLAN 155 A c VERT. L_No_.J.._o_•_lE_J... __________ •,_vi_s,_o" __________ ..L._..J.:•:;o:;:Nu;::•:;:eN~T,:N:;:;o._;B4H~::;00::;36:... __ _;:ELE;;.v;::•::,:TION::;:;_, _;:38.:;:::85:::3m:.::., _____ ...J. _____ !;E~XC::!Ea!:P:.!T_:P;;:L,::A~N_:B~C::;P;.!1;::40~5:_:7_,::TP;_:,12~N:_:ll0::;:_ ___________ .J..;,.._ _______ ....JL...--------'-----------------------"'l'::~:;:"il;'-:;0:::;;.""o~:;:::~-'l FILE No. AM 20-019/DX-670 98 45 s.m. SEDIMENT TRAP ~~~c1t:f!Lg~t~N~s EXCAVATION 1--11-'---... FOUNDATIONS ARE INSTALLED 26 25 Rem 46 lEMP. 200• CULVERT (ABANDON AND CAP AFlER ROADS & CURBS ARE COMPLElED) EX.2504IP\ICSTM CONTINGENCY PLAN· IF PROHIBITED DISCHARGE OCCURS, A ROLL-OFF BIN EQUIPPED WITH FLOCCULANT & DEWATERING BAG IS TO BE ADDED FOR ADDITIONAL CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO DISCHARGE TO DITCH. (SEE 2014 E.S.C. REPORT FOR REFERENCE) NORTH AVE Rem 49 DEWAlERING SUMP-PUMP ------r,TO SEDIMHNT TRAP, THEN TO STORM' CONNECTION 117 AVE SILT FENCE STAPLES 150 O/C SEE NOTES 600mm MIN ~mm TYPICAL PERIMETER SILT FENCE DETAIL N.T.S. 22 99 Rem 50 Rem 105 21 20 1.0 AT 10m c/c TYPICAL DRAINAGE DITCH. CHECK DAM N.T.S. MIN. 50 Lm. 300mm THICK PAD 100mm MINUS ANGULAR ROCK DITCH "--t"'"'~--~--~!,£DITOl --,=,,"'.8:1"','"~---,1 <i:CFAIIIK:FCRPOCR SUIIGRAOCG'G.SD ACCESS ROAD SECTION DETAIL N.T.S. NOTIES: 1. SEE SHffi 2 FOR GENBRAL NOTES SEDIMENT CONlROL NOlES: 1 GENERAi • 11£ COITRACTOR SHIU COIFLY 111H lHE REQUllEMENTS OF lHE MIMIQP/l. SEIJMENT COITRQ. BYLAWS, AND IU DlHER REGIUTORY STAllJTES, FEDERAL AND PR0\1NQAI. AND COIIPL Y 111H 11£ REQUIREIENTS OF IU GO\mtMENT DEPARTMENTS INWJmNG lHE DEPARTMENT OF FISIERIES AND OCEAN~ CANADA, AND 11£ IIRITISH C(IJJIIIIA IINISTRY OF EN~RONMENT, LANDS AND PARK~ FOR 11£ PROTECTI~ OF AQUATIC HAIITAT DURltG lHE COISTR\JClKlt OF lHE Y«IRKS SPECFIC/UY, lHE COITRACTOR SHIU ENSURE lHAT IU EXCAVATI~ AND CONSTRUCTI~ PROCEDlllES ARE IMIERTAKEN IN SIJCJI A MANNER IS TO PREVENT SLT-LADEN RUNOFF FRal lHE STE OF lHE WORK FRal ENTERING lHE DOYIIISTREAM DRAINAGE SYSTEM, AND SHIU Rl1llW PROCEDURES IS RECOMMENDED IN lHE PIBJC,\ TJON ENTITllD "lJH> DEIRIPMENT GUOOJNES" Rll 11£ PROTECTI~ OF AQUATIC HAIITAr, IS ISSL(I) BY 11£ MIMSTRY OF EN\ll~MENT, LANDS AND PARKS 2. DU~NG COISTRUCTI~ 11£ COITRACTOR SHIU ENSl!lE lHAT IU DISllllBED AREi/ii ARE KEPT DE-WATIERED 111H COICENTRATED SlllFACE RUNOFF BlHER mRECTED AROUND MR< AREi/ii OR TEMPORARLY COITAINED 11111N CLOSED COIDUITS 3. IU STOCl(l'I.ES, LARGE EXCAVATED Al£S OF SPCL MATIERIAI. AND LARGE TEMPORARY 51.a'ES ARE TO BE COl{REI) 111H P<l YE1H'IIEI£ SHEETING. Pll YElH'IUNE PROTECTI\£ SHEETING TO BE OVERLAPPED IINIIIII 1.5 METRES AND BE YoEU. ANCJlllRED TO RESST IIND 111H TIED TIRES llR 011£R115E 4. IN GENERAL IU CUT AND Rll SI.IPES, REGRADED AND mSTURBED AREi/ii ARE TO BE PROTECTED FRCII EROSI~ BY HYORO-SEEDING, lllHIN 2 WEEKS OF Cl£ARING ACTI~TY UNL£S5 011£R115E INSTRUCTED BY 11£ ENGNEER OF RECllRD (llR EN~RONMENT/l. ~llllR) AND ll'PROWJ BY lHE QTY. IEW 51.a'ES MAY RE!URE PROTECTI~ 111H HYORCHIULCJI llR ~ LARGER STEEPER 51.a'ES YllH EROSI~ ~-MATTING AS mRECTED BY lHE EN~RONMENTAI. M~ITOR. HYDR0-5EED MIX SHllULD BE AN APPROVED HARDY V~ COITAIMNG FERTILIZER OF STANDARD NITROGEN COIIIIERCIAI. MATERIAl.5 60X OF lHE FERTIUZER SHllULD BE IN lHE FORM OF SI.OW RfilA5E UREA RATE OF FERTIUZER ll'PLIGATI~ SHOllD BE MIN 400 KG/liA OF 19-20-12. MUllll SHAil BE APPLIED HYORO-MULCJING COITAINING MXlll FlBER MUUll DESGNED Rll HYOR0-5EmNG APPLIED AT A RATE IF 2,500 KG/liA TOGE1l£R 111H TAll<FIER AT A RATE OF 60 KG/liA 111H A HYOR0-5EEIER TO FORM A COITINUDUS BLOTTIER LIKE CO\£R, EROSI~ ~-MATTING TO BE COIIBINATI~ STRAW/DDCOIUT RBRE BLANKET TYPE 5C150 IS MANUFACllJRED BY NllRlH AM-GREEN BWl([J TO BE PLACED ~CTLY IN ACCllRDANCE 111H IIANUFACllJRERS INSTR\JC1Klt5 5. INTIERCEPTOR AND CUT OFF SWALES ARE TO BE INST/l.LED IS PER 11£ E.S.C. PLAN ~llR TO CONSTRUCTI~ ~TIES COIIMENCNG, UN:ISS 01HERll5E DIRECTED Ill RELOCATED BY lHE EN~RONMENTAI. MOMTOR AND APPRD\£0 BY 11£ QTY, HRE GRADE EXCEED5 511, 1RENCJl IN\£RTS TO BE ~ RAP ARMllRED ~ GEOFAB~C. CJIE(l( IIERS,1'1LTIER BERMS TO BE INST/l.LED AT MAX. 5.lm O.C. 6. IU SLT FENQNG, IF RE!URED, TO BE ~STR\JCTED IN ACCllRDANCE 111H DETAIL COITRACTOR TO INSTIU ADmTiatll. SLT FENCE WHERE SITE catmTI~S DICTATE AND DOIINSl.(fE OF IU SPaL PILES. 7. IU GATai BISINS TO HA\£ UPSTREAM 5EDIIENT TRN'S BERllE AND AFTIER PA~NG. a IU STREETS TO BE REGULARLY S'IIEPT llfAN (NOT RIJ5HED) MIMMUM TMCE PER DAY UNL£S5 D1HERll5E AUlHllllZED BY lHE EN\llOIIIENT/l. MOIITOR AND APPRD\£0 BY 11£ QTY. 9. COITRACTOR, IS PART OF REGULAR MAINTENANCE SHALL VACUUM ACCUMULATED SI.TS llUT OF STllRM MAINS FEEDING 11£ 5EDIIENT ~TROL P<NlS 2 OPERATION & MAINJENANCE*· 1. COITRACTOR TO MAINTHN REPAIR llR REPLACE IU SEIJMENT COITRQ. MllKS AND IEASURES AND LEA\£ IN 0000 Y«IRKING llRDER. 2. COISTR\JClKlt AND IIAINTAINANCE OF lHE SEIJMENT COITRa. FACU1ES TO BE 1HE ~SBILITY OF lHE COl1RAGTOR. COITRACTOR TO PROIU' QTY 111H COITACT NAMES AND 24 HM EIIERGENCY COITACT. l TmC/l. MAINTENANCE SHIU COISST OF, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, lHE Fll.LOIING ITEMS: -ACCUMULATED SLTS IN STllRM 5ElEl SYSTEM TO BE VACUUM llfANED. -SI.TATION FENCES SHALL BE llfANED AND REPHRED IS REQ'D. -GRAVEL ALTIER BERM AT OOll£T SHAil BE llfANED llR REPLACED IS REQIIRED -~METIER FENCING TO BE REPAIRED IF ltiDED. N.T.S. ~ I ~ ! < ~ R ~ ~ ;l-~ ~ I ~ ¾ :I! !;-t i 5245-20-2020-000 i i,---.---.-----------------------,--,---------------------..... ------------------------------.---------..----------,---------------------------------1u I_,. APLIN MARTIN ~ ENGINEERING AACHITEClURE PI...AI\INING SURVEYING DRAWN AV DESIGNED DWL CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DWL E ~ 1-----------------------~D~A=lE~--------t,;; JANUARY 2020 ~ i-:,A:....J,_:1.:_3•_:0.:_1•.:_2.:_1 +.:..FOR:..:._.:_R::_E-_S.:_U.:_B_:M.:_IS:_:S.:_IO.:_N:..:._ _______________ j....:.A.:.V-J-:~==========:;;;-=c,,=====--1-------------------------------JSCAL..ES DWG. No. OF REV. ~ BY •-•-LOCATED AT 225 S1REET & NORTH A\/f. (Cllll2B GVRD2018) LEGAL DESCRIPmN, LOTS 47, 4B & 49, ALL OF BLOCK 5, DL 398, GROUP 1, PLAN 155 ~~.•,'_-l:25o c ._"0_-..__0_•_1E_._ __________ •,_vi_s,_oN __________ ..._ _ _._• .. o .. Nu .. " .. '" .. '-"o ... _84H'"--'0"'-0 .. 36"'----'"'" .. v .. ATI .. ON .. ,-"'38.=85 .. 3m'"'------_.,-----a.EXaaC;.;Ea,P.;,T .. P.;;L'-'A;.;,N .. B;.;Ca,P.;,14a;0;.;5;.;,7_TP.._.a12a..aNaaWD"'------------..,_•0 ________ __, .... _______ _._ ______________________ ..,.,,,_,.,.....,,.,..,,,-,=.,,,,.,...,A='-'l FILE No. AM 20-019/DX-670 DWL SHEET Page 1 of 4 City of Maple Ridge TO: Advisory Design Panel MEETING DATE: February 17, 2021 FILE NO: 2018-041-DP SUBJECT: 11621, 11607 and 11633 Burnett Street PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel (the “ADP”) submission has been received for the above cited application and properties to permit the construction of a six (6) storey Apartment building with approximately 57 units and 77 underground parking spaces. The rezoning application being processed in conjunction with this development permit was given First Reading by Council on May 22, 2018. This rezoning application is accompanied by an Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment to adjust the conservation boundary and dedicate the western portion of the subject site. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Key Plan Development Management, Kevin Key Legal Description: Parcel “A” (Reference Plan 13279) Lot 1, Section 17, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 12316; Lot 1 Except: Firstly: Parcel “B” (Explanatory Plan 12951), Secondly: Parcel “A” (Reference Plan 13279), Section 17, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 12316; Lot 2, Section 17, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 12316 OCP: Existing: Low-Rise Apartment and Conservation Proposed: Conservation boundary adjustment only Zoning: Existing: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Proposed: RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Vacant Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential), C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Designation: Low-Rise Apartment and Conservation South: Use: Single-Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Ground-Oriented Multi-Family and Conservation East: Use: Single and Multi-Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential West: Use: Single-Family Residential Zone: RS-1 One Family Urban Residential Designation: Ground-Oriented Multi-Family and Conservation I 4·-~--- mapleridge.ca Page 2 of 4 Existing Use of Property: Single-Family Residential Proposed Use of Property: Multi-Family Residential Site Area: 0.73 ha (1.8 acres) Access: Burnett Street Servicing requirement: Urban Standard DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: The development permit application made to the City prompting this submission to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.7 Multi-Family Development Permit. Key Guidelines: The following are the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines for SOLO, which are assessment for compliance in the attachments to this report: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of higher density developments. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. Design Guidelines: The Design Guidelines and a full explanation of how the project complies with them or the reasons why they are not applicable are attached in Appendix F to this memo. PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: The proposal is for a a six (6) storey Apartment building with approximately 57 units and 77 underground parking spaces. More than two thirds of the site is being dedicated for park to protect the steep slopes and the watercourse flowing through. The massing typology is a double- loaded mid-rise, articulated facades, individual framing the apartment units and corner units having red-toned frames. Finish materials are glass windows and sliding doors, and coloured, low- maintenance fiber cement panels. The colour palette is charcoal and off-white or gray tones, with red accents on the vertically expressed frames. 2. Context: The site fronts on Burnett Street, with most of the area to the north and west being an environmental conservation area, and an older single residential areas to the south and across the street. Page 3 of 4 4. Bylaw Compliance: Official Community Plan: The subject site has two designations. Slightly less than a third is designated Low-Rise Apartment and the majority of the site, over two-thirds, is designated Conservation. The boundary is being adjusted for ground trothing, and the setback relaxations needed to accommodate the project on the tight development site, have been accepted by the City Environmental Planner. Compensation measures are work in progress, and will not affect the established development / conservation area boundary. Subdivision Control Bylaw: This site fronts on Burnett Street, which requires widening to comply with its street classification category. The City is prepared to support to Council a variance in the amount of street widening required. The amount of widening is to be reduced from 4.0 metres to 3.0 metres. The dedication plan accompanying the ADP submission reflects staff discussions; however, it is still subject to being proved out with detailed design and acceptance of the servicing design as a condition of rezoning. Zoning Bylaw: The subject site is proposed to be zoned RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) and Development Data Sheet (Appendix F) analyses the compliance of the project with the applicable zone regulations. The proposal has a density (Floor Space Ratio) of 2.3, which complies with the density permitted with a density bonus payment provided under the bylaw. The following variances will be required:  Front lot line setback: to be reduced from 7.5 metres to 4.0 metres for the closest façade wall and 5.3 metres for the front face of the cantilevered balconies and frame/roof features. This may be adjusted, should it be necessary, to adjust the final road dedication requirement as the project progresses forward. An adjustment is not expected to affect the form and character of the project;  Interior lot lines: from 7.5 metres to 5.14 meters for the closest façade to the south interior lot line and 4.0 metres for the closest façade north interior lot line. An additional variance will be required for any façade or balcony features as projections must be specified for yards being varied; and  Rear lot line: from 7.5 to various reduced distances, with 1.7 metres at one building corner being the closest. 5. Parking and bicycle storage: All the parking for vehicles and bicycles are concealed or underground. The required parking for the proposed use is analyzed in the Development Data Sheet (Appendix F). 6. Environmental, Sustainability & Stormwater Management: The site is subject to a combined Watercourse Protection and Natural Features Development Permit being issued. It will established the measures necessary to achieve environmental protection, mitigations and other measures associated with the conservation area being dedicated and the interface along the development site. Other sustainability measures associated with the proposed building are reflected in the architectural plans. 7. Garbage/Recycling: The architectural plans reflect the recycling and wastes storage faculties incorporated into the project, specifically in the underground structure. Further adjustment’s that may be necessary as the project proceeds to better reflect the requirements of the Maple Ridge Waste Management Storage and Disposal Guidelines. Adjustments are not expected to affect form and character of the development. Page 4 of 4 8. Works along abutting roads: This project will be subject to the usual Rezoning Serving Agreement, for off-site upgrades include new curb, gutter, sidewalk, new sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer connections; street lighting; street trees on all frontages; under-ground wiring for utility services to be under-ground. As noted earlier, the proposed variance in the amount of road widening is still subject to being proved out with detailed design and acceptance of the servicing design as a condition of rezoning. CONCLUSION: This project incorporates an attractive design and respects the environmental constraints though the sensitive massing and siting of the building. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. ______________________________________________ Prepared by: Adrian Kopystynski The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject map Appendix B Explanatory letter from Architect (and Landscape Architect if applicable) Appendix C ADP Submission Form Appendix C ADP Applicant Checklist (signed by Architect) Appendix D Development Data Sheet (signed by Architect) Appendix E DP Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix F Architectural and Landscaping Plans, Renderings and related DATE: Feb 7, 20182018-041-RZ 11607/11621/11633 Burnett St. PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTIES ´ Scale: 1:2,000 BY: JV Legend Stream Indefinite Creek River Major Rivers & Lakes 61- 703 I I I ) (/) z g :::) u.. I I ---- 0 "-"-N N 11692 11 682 11672 11662 0, ~ N N \\0 p,..\JE-- C) 'oC)f!, rv 1, 11695 11681 11669 11661 "" 0, "-N N 0:, l I I f-C (/) O'.) I gj I I I 11646 ~ 11632 ~ "" ;-,; 0) N 0 ;-,; N co N N N N co 0 N 0 ;-,; ;-,; co N N N N N N - "-;-,; N N -Yti, ").. ~ 'l,'o 'l, 'l?'o 'l,'l, 0) ;-,; ~ N <X) N N N N b':i 'l,'li G, 11633 11621 ,-.: (/J t: IJJ z er :::) £ll "" "-~ "' "-0, 0, 0 0 N 0:, 0:, 0, 0, 0, N N N N N N N N N N 0 .... 0 0 0, 0) N N N N 11690 f-C (/) 0) N 11675 N 11678 11671 11644 \ ' L.---___,_---4~, \ \ 11580 116AVE. "-"" 0, N N 117 AVE. <X) <o N "" 0) 0) N N N N 11686 11680 "' "" 0, N N GILLEY A [:J f?J C\i 0 "" 0, N N ADP Submission Checklist Application No. 2018-041-RZ File Manager: Adrian Kopystynski This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel (ADP). Please refer to the ADP Submission Form and the ADP Requirements Brochure for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP. Certification of Complete ADP Submission: Architect’s Certification: _____________________________ ___________ Signature Date Print name Project Landscape Architect’s Certification: _____________________________ ___________ Signature Date Print name Submission Materials Required (File Manager to indicate if required) Provided A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Architect)  B. Covering Letter including explanations about:  1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required)  2. Architectural and Landscaping Design rationale (Detailed information Required)  3. Statement in brief about the following:  a. DP Key Concepts Compliance  b. DP Guideline Compliance  c. Stormwater management strategy with emphasis on Tier A requirements integrated into landscaping plans  d. Public Art / Amenities, etc.  e. Sustainability practices  f. Other __________________________________________  C. Site and Neighbourhood Context  1. Context Review – Context Plan with existing/proposed buildings and trees, vegetation, roads, existing / proposed grading, and other major features within the site, on the abutting properties, the public realm and along the road allowances / lanes.  2. Photographs of site and surrounding sites.  D. Development Permit Area Checklist (Note: The Architect is responsible to describe how the project complies with each guidelines, or if not applicable, a description of why not applicable. Please use fillable forms on line.)  Robert Salikan, Architect AIBC, MRAIC 2021-01-24 Paul Whitehead, BCSLA 11~-mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist (Page 2) E. Architectural Plans (Site and Building(s)):  1. Site Plan and layout  2. Site sections  3. Streetscape elevation  4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees superimposed  5. Shadow analysis  6. Lighting analysis (on building and on site)  7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and roof tops  8. Waste collection /recycling (inside of buildings)  9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside)  10. Building elevation (all sides)  11. Signage (attached to building and free standing)  12. Colours and materials  13. Material board - electronic only no physical board required  14. Building sections  15. 3D renderings of site, building(s) and associated landscaping  F. Landscaping Plans:  1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting details  2. Storm water management works focused on Tier A requirements integrated into landscaping plan with details  3. Landscaping details, including public art, signage, lighting, play and other amenity areas, fences, retaining walls,  4. Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures)  5. Details for pedestrian amenity and furniture features provided  6. Details for hard surfacing areas / patterns  7. Tree retention and management plan  8. Site sections for lot grading, drainage, landscaping, retaining walls and relationship to adjacent grades / City roads / lanes  9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnections  G. Green Building/Sustainability initiatives  H. Engineering-related Information:  1. Site grading plans  I. Other  Rendering to show adjacent dwelling for context  New Zoning Bylaw applies to this project  ____________________________________________________________________________________________ PROJECT CONTEXT & DESIGN RATIONALE 11607, 11621 & 11633 BURNETT STREET The proposal involves the creation of new housing through an apartment building with 57 dwelling units in six storeys above a two-level underground substructure, and with generous indoor amenities. To comply with the Town Centre Area Plan, the boundaries of the current Land Use Designations of Low-Rise Apartment and Conservation will be refined to implement the RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment) Zone, accompanied by substantial dedication of riparian and ravine parkland. 1 THE NEIGHBOURHOOD The site is a three-lot assembly situated at the eastern edge of the Town Centre Urban Area, in the South of Lougheed (SoLo) precinct. It fronts the west side of Burnett Street, a block of local road which extends from a two-way intersection at the 116 Ave Collector to an off-angle intersection with Lougheed Highway, a Major Road, which severs the 11600 block of Burnett. Assembly frontage length is significant, 84m (275 ft), which is 37% the length of this block. Immediately to the north, across a small gully, is a narrow, vacant property which has had, over the last decade, been several proposals for multi-family building. To the south lies a quartet of older SFDs (all built in the 1950s) on lots less than 1000 sq. Those lands are designated in the Town Centre Area Plan for future land consolidation for Townhouse form. Across the street are several lots, currently held by one owner, totalling 3900 sqm. Several buildings, dating to the 1950s, are currently used for rental purposes. Those lands are designated for future Townhouse form (18 - 20 units), a similar use to that directly south of that, where Cedar Estates, a collection of 32 townhomes (3-bedroom), was built in 1990. Most of the streetscape of this block of Burnett is rustic; broken pavement edges onto a small gravel shoulder, and a variety of overgrown firs, shrubs and invasive species. Overhead utility lines run along the eastern side, and streetlights hang from power poles. The exception is that stretch along the frontage of the Cedar Estate townhomes - the most recent development on this block, thirty years ago - which provides a public sidewalk, curb, and narrow boulevard with a row of mature trees. Units are fenced off from the public realm. Burnett Street Multi-Family (2018-041-RZ) 1 January 24, 2021 2 THE PROPERTY Historically, the site was a 2.5 acre homestead which was extensively cleared. In the 1950s, the two small lots of the current three-lot assembly were subdivided and small, single-bedroom cottages sited. The cottage on the northern lot was deconstructed in March 2017. The large, central lot (11621 Burnett) comprises three-quarters of the assembly, and the original homestead was replaced in 1992 with a two-storey dwelling. Over the decades, significant regrowth of vegetation has occurred, throughout the ravine and along the road frontage. Currently, the assembly lies within the Town Centre, but just outside the Central Business District. It encompasses 7320 square metres of land (1.8 acres). Approximately half of the assembly is relatively flat, above the top of the bank of the ravine for a daylighted portion of watercourse known as Creek 33, an ephemeral, non-fish-bearing, highly modified storm- watercourse. The Creek begins as a collector storm main under Lougheed Highway and flows in a mix of open bank and underground piped to its discharge into the Fraser River. Burnett Street’s existing stop-controlled intersection with Lougheed Highway will be reconfigured to only allow eastbound right in/right out (no left turns from or onto the Highway). This will effectively make this block of Burnett a one-way (southbound) street. Narrowing the streetscape aids in traffic calming, as vehicles transition from the 4-lane Highway into the SoLo neighborhood. After excluding fire hydrant and driveway access, the site’s frontage will result in twelve (12) on-street parking spaces. 3 SITE PLANNING While about 40% of the total assembly area is designated for Low-Rise Apartment, the Net Lot (strata) area is 1977 sqm, only 27% of the assembly. Dedications to the City amount to 73% of the lands; a 1.33 acre natural Park, and over a long frontage, a 3-metre wide road dedication (2.4m of which is for the parking lane). The result is a compact and irregular-shaped site. 4 BUILDING SITING Geotechnical investigation found the site to be well-drained and suitable for excavation of the two-level, underground substructure, which has been sited well-clear of geotech setback boundaries. The substructure has been sited towards the street, to further maximize distance from the ravine bank. On top of the substructure, the framed building is relatively centred to balance the building load. The off-set footprint of both the two-level parking/utility substructure and the framed building is driven by the shape of the net strata lot. The City directed that the vehicle access ramp be located to the south, away from the Lougheed intersection, which creates a building setback from the southern, interior lot line of 9.2 metres. Burnett Street Multi-Family (2018-041-RZ) 2 January 24, 2021 The combination of turf boulevard in the road standard and the front zoning setback specify a lawn of over 30 ft deep between public sidewalk and building face, which would result in an expansive, suburban front yard. The design sites the building closer to the public sidewalk, for more efficient site utilization and better interface with the public realm. This will also allow greater usable open space and common areas on the quiet, more private west-side rear of the building. Additionally, the substructure is raised above grade to create a distinct terrace for the main floor units facing the street, each of which will be accessible both through the public sidewalk through gated steps, as well as the internal hallway. Those terraces are delineated by railings and sections of planters along, separated from the sidewalk by a 1.85m turf boulevard. SUSTAINABILITY & GREEN BUILDING The biggest contribution to sustainability comes from the dedication of 70% of the entire land assembly, to create a 1.33 acre natural Park, one of the last and largest park creations in Maple Ridge Town Centre. This will be conservation park, with no trails or public access, intended for viewing and interpretation only. The significance of this environmental feature is such that it occluded the ability to salvage the Smith House (the well-maintained 2-storey dwelling), and preserving it by relocating it north by 17 metres to be re-purposed as self- contained amenity building. Its life-cycle would have been enhanced by being brought up to current Code, with an Energy Audit to determine improvements to efficiency. As a result, the park dedication offsets negative impacts to other goals of Sustainability in the OCP through loss of the building; reduction of solid waste disposal, reduced impact on landfills and most importantly, retention of embodied energy in building materials. Abandoning the adaptive re- use caused a major site and building redesign, resulting in the amenity spaces being incorporated within the apartment. The proposed site of the amenity building has been replaced with a vegetated bioswale, a natural and self-maintaining feature which provide significant aquatic rehabilitation. It will drain rainwater from the site northward into a gully - cut off long ago by Burnett Street - which deprived it of a flow of water, into a critical wetland area, that then drains into the ravine’s Creek 33. A more reliable source of water in these areas allows more and different plant species in the riparian area, thereby creating ecotones and promoting habitat diversity. Rather than minimal interior amenity space with extensive, unused lawn, this project will offer proximity to natural space while developing a strong strata community through extensive indoor amenities which will be used in all seasons, throughout day and evening. This will reduce the need to travel to other destinations for amenity experiences. There is approximately 200 sqm of Outdoor amenity area (including a 63 sqm rooftop space), 278 sqm of Indoor amenity area (on Main floor and P-1 level), and 560 sqm of Private outdoor areas (including patios, balconies and rooftop terraces). Burnett Street Multi-Family (2018-041-RZ) 3 January 24, 2021 To reduce solar gain on the south side, glazing on that face is limited, and the unoccupied southern stairwell forms the central part of that facade. Travel by cycling mode is made more convenient for visitors through bike parking locations in the parking garage, where bikes are sheltered from weather and secured from theft. Bike racks are installed adjacent to the elevators in both the P-1 and P-2 levels. FORM & CHARACTER There is no distinct architectural mode in the vicinity. The nearest multi-storey building is Urban Green, a 4-storey, 21-unit condominium (with grade-level and under-building parking), built in 2010 and which fronts and accesses Lougheed Highway, to which it is closely sited, with a front building setback of 2.2m. The multi-family building proposed immediately to the north (11655 Burnett, 21 units in 4 storeys) is also designed to be close to the street, with zero front yard lot line setbacks (at certain points), for both substructure and building. Massing typology is a double-loaded mid-rise with efficient envelope area to volume ratio. The width of the main body of building is 28m wide for a balance of energy-efficiency with good natural lighting and ventilation for the main interior spaces of each unit. There are 27 corner units with two-sides (nearly half of all units), which have been configured to benefit from lighting and cross-ventilation, particularly with the large southeast 3-bedroom units. Deep recesses create a well-articulated facade, as well as individually framing the apartment units. Corner units have red-toned frames to highlight their unique position, and top corner units are further augmented with taller ceilings and wrap-around balconies. The roofs of the penthouse units slope gently upward to the outside facade to create taller ceilings in the living areas. The main entry is delineated with its own frame and canopy, with broad steps leading up to it. There is no balcony above that canopy, giving the impression of a 2-storey lobby. With such a significant area of parkland to be dedicated and protected for natural purposes, views toward the building will be framed by background vegetation, including significant fir, hemlock and cedar trees, some of which already exceed the height of the proposed apartment. MATERIALS The main finish materials are high-performance glass windows and sliding doors, and coloured, low-maintenance fiber cement panels. The colour palette is charcoal and off-white or gray tones, with red accents on the vertically expressed frames. Guardrails are tempered safety glass with aluminum frames, to maintain views out and natural light penetrating into the units, and to maintain clean and minimalist lines. A low stone wall and row of planting provides a distinctive, active edge along the public sidewalk, and gives a sense of permanence, durability and quality appropriate for the residential character of this street. Burnett Street Multi-Family (2018-041-RZ) 4 January 24, 2021 INTERIOR FEATURES Affordability is provided through four 1-bedroom units (of 548 sqft) above the lobby, three of which compensate with wide balconies. Accommodation of larger households and families is achieved through provision of seven 3-bedroom units, 12% of the total unit mix. Accessibility is met through the five 1-bedroom units on the southeast corner, designed with SAFER standards. The top four of those compensate with wrap-around corner balconies. Adaptability is offered through two potential lock-off rental suites in the 3-bedroom units on the 6th floor. The City is working towards allowing secondary suites (minimum suite of 219 sqft), in duplexes, townhouses (where many exist already), and in apartments. These bachelor suites - with separate corridor entrances - are potential within the Master bedroom spaces, through conversion of the walk-in closest to an entry hallway/closet with installation of both a compact wash/dry stack unit, an addition of a compact kitchenette in the main room and finally to lock-off & seal the solid door to the master bedroom. These potential units spaces require sound and fire-proofing in partitions, an additional electrical panel and wiring (incl. independent hardwired smoke alarms), and roughed-in plumbing for the kitchenette. Amenities that were planned for the re-purposed Smith House have now been incorporated into the new building. The main floor amenity area (1518 sqft) has windows on three sides and is adjacent only to the lobby, not any private rooms. It includes a large social and meeting area with kitchen, as well as a separate cardio fitness area (treadmill & stationary bikes), which is located on the east (street) side to avoid afternoon heat, provide visibility to the public realm and to provide privacy for the main social area. P-1 level amenities (1475 sqft) include hydrotherapy in an enclosed whirlpool (for privacy and energy conservation), and a weight resistance room, located to isolate noise generation to units above. Ceiling heights are 10 ft on main floor, 11 ft on 6th floor, and 9 ft for all other levels. The master bedrooms of three of the four streetside, ground-floor suites (unit type A) have alcoves for office and study, allowing the space to have separation from noise and activity in other rooms. EXTERIOR FEATURES A common amenity area of 680 sqft on the roof on the 6th floor has been located towards the west (park) side to reduce noise conflict with liveable areas of unit 601, the master bedroom below in unit 501 and to avoid conflict with the northwest corner balconies (e.g. Unit 501). The canopy over the exterior door has been expanded for shade and storm protection and to store any furniture over winter months. The developer has intentionally left the rooftop terrace un- programmed to eventually allow the strata community to choose for resident needs. Burnett Street Multi-Family (2018-041-RZ) 5 January 24, 2021 In addition to having conventional unit access through the internal corridor, the four streetside units on the main floor also have direct pedestrian access from the sidewalk through gates that lead to their terraces. This will enable live-work use which will allow visitors and deliveries to avoid using the main entrance, lobby & corridor. Movers and trades (who cannot park underground) will access the building through the northern path around the main floor amenity, to a wide door through the stairwell and directly to elevators, avoiding movements through the pedestrian ramp and main lobby. 5 LANDSCAPING PRIVATE & SHARED OPEN SPACE The main entry area facing the public realm is open and accessible, with clear sight lines. The entry area is highlighted by gateway columns and specialty unit paving, which provides colour and texture to distinguish the entrance. On the east (street) side, the four units on the main floor have an individual front yard, with entry pathway, private patio, planting beds with small ornamental tree, and defined by a low fence. They are accessible from the street by a common walkway and split stairs with locking gate, with gateway columns. These yards are 1m above sidewalk level, providing separation from and prospect views to the street. Unit numbers are displayed to further identify the private spaces. On the west side, main-level units have private patios, with views to the adjacent park and forested ravine. The west terrace is accessed by an accessible pathway, with quiet seating places with views to the adjacent the ravine. Access to these common areas is through the southern exterior door at main floor corridor (adjacent to Stair 2), or through exit Stair 3 (via level P-1). FENCING & SCREENS Fencing between the individual front yards is kept low, to define the yards without encumbering sunlight as well as broader views and surveillance. Planting of larger shrubs and trees assists with defining spaces and breaking up the landscape. Vertical architectural panels provide privacy for the windows of adjacent units, so the use of fabricated screens or hedging is minimized. TREES, PLANTING & SOFT LANDSCAPING Due to the extent of site development and requirements of construction, it is not possible to retain any of the existing trees on the net lot or the boulevard. Where feasible throughout the site, suitably-sized trees will be planted; smaller trees near entries and yards, and larger trees where in more open spaces. Plant material has been selected to be suitable for sunny or shady exposure, tolerant of the growing conditions on the roof deck of the substructure, and appropriate ultimate growth size. Irrigation is provided for plantings on the substructure roof deck as they are limited in ability to be fully self-sufficient to survive without supplemental watering. Burnett Street Multi-Family (2018-041-RZ) 6 January 24, 2021 HARD LANDSCAPING For durability and consistent appearance, the hard landscaping includes concrete materials. Larger retaining walls will utilize cast in place concrete with an architectural quality finish where visible to the public, planter walls will be constructed with split-face segmental block with cap, concrete paving for the ramps and building exit paths, unit paving for the main entry and private pathways, and slab paving for the patios and perimeter walkways on the substructure roof deck. FENCING & SCREENS Fencing between the individual front yards is kept low, to define the yards without encumbering sunlight as well as broader views and surveillance. Planting of larger shrubs and trees assists with defining spaces and breaking up the landscape. Vertical architectural panels provide privacy for the windows of adjacent units, so the use of fabricated screens or hedging is minimized. RAINWATER MANAGEMENT Infiltration is achieved through perimeter, 0.9 metre-deep rain gardens with Ecoblocs and gravel fill overlain by a topsoil layer of 200mm to better ensure plant survival. Landscaped areas on the substructure will have an average of 450mm depth of absorbent soil (a maximum of 750mm), to reduce the rate of runoff, and support the vegetation. The park land to be created on the west and north sides by dedication will remain in a natural state, with maximum permeability, with no trails or hard surfaces. Rainwater runoff will be stored in a detention tank on the northside of the building and will be released into a vegetated bioswale which drains and infiltrates north to a gully which feeds a wetland and Creek 33 in the main north-south ravine. 6 PRIVACY To the south of the site is a 1952 SFD, part of several lots designated for future land consolidation and townhouse form. The north side of that dwelling has no primary windows, only three small windows, including a frosted bathroom window (adjacent to a shower stall) and a high-wall window in a bedroom. Glazing on the south side of the apartment is limited, both to reduce solar gain and to minimize overlook, and the unoccupied southern stairwall forms the central part of that facade. There are no south-side primary views from living rooms. The kitchens in southeast Unit B (adjacent to driveway) do not have south-facing windows, and the majority of southside windows of southwest Unit G are bedrooms. The 6th floor is stepped-back on the north and the south, including the two roof decks for the southern units. The common roof deck amenity area is stepped back from the public street & sidewalk, as well as the bedroom wall of northeast unit 601, and abuts the wall of the stairwell. Burnett Street Multi-Family (2018-041-RZ) 7 January 24, 2021 7 CPTED & LIGHTING For Crime Prevention, the master bedrooms of three (3) of the four main floor suites facing the public realm have alcoves for office/study areas allowing surveillance to observe exterior activity on sidewalk and street. The main floor, common area has windows on three sides for visibility around the north end of the building. Four northwest Units H have a wide kitchen window facing west and overlooking the west area of the strata, as well as the adjacent parkland. P-1 level exit stairways 3 (west side) and 4 (near main entrance) have been oriented to face towards the building for visibility and surveillance from units in the building. Recognizing the pervasive theft of unattended bikes and parts, even if locked, we have provided short-term bicycle parking, sheltered & secure in both parking levels, near elevators, 7 spaces on each level. This is in addition to short-term exterior bicycle parking, conveniently located near the main door (7 spaces), adjacent to the ramp for easy access, and visible for passive surveillance. Site lighting will be limited to low-level, low-voltage landscape lighting along pathways. Soffit and wall-mounted exterior lights will be limited to the main entry canopy, and to other exit doorways only. There are few windows on the south facade, so that there will be minimal light spillage onto the neighbouring property to the south. Similarly there are few windows on the north facade, while the west facade has greater setback to minimize light spillage into the parkland. Prepared by: Kevin Key KeyPlan Development Planning & Mgmt Robert Salikan Salikan Architecture Paul Whitehead Greenway Landscape Architecture Burnett Street Multi-Family (2018-041-RZ) 8 January 24, 2021 Robert Salikan, Architect AIBC, MRAIC 2018-041-RZ 11621, 11607 and 11633 Burnett Street RS-1 RM-2 Feb. 17, 2021 Robert Salikan, Architect AIBC, MRAIC Paul Whitehead, BCSLA I ""•-:: .~~ mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: Name of Applicant File number Address of site Current Zone _____ Proposed Zone ______ _ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date _______ _ Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect Landscape Architect Other Professional (State Name & Role) ------------------ Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -all schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Existing /Proposed Zone _____________ Date Prepared __________ Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total Less Road Widening / Truncations Less Park Net Total LOT COVERAGE (in % of net lot area) Total Site Coverage SETBACKS (in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) SETBACKS – Underground Structures (in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal Accessory NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three Bedroom + Total GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential Retail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type _________________) Institutional Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA * If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. l~-mapleridge.ca Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) OTHER – state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site Tree Survey/Assessment Provided Watercourse/Steep Slopes Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. Prepared by: ___________________________ __________________________________ Print Name (Please print form and sign above) NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) # of units/ha (net) Gross Floor Area Floor Space Ratio (net) AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area Useable Open Space PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive Other Number of spaces for visitors TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES Number of total for disabled Number of total (and %) small cars % Number of total (and %) tandem spaces % TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking Long Term Bicycle Parking I I Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines SOLO (South of Lougheed) Precinct Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines 1 Pursuant with Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, development in the Town Centre will be assessed against the following form and character and green building design guidelines. The guidelines apply to Ground- Oriented Multi Family; Low-Rise Apartment; Medium & High-Rise Apartment; Flexible Mixed-Use; Town Centre Commercial; Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial & Waterfront; and Port Haney Heritage Adaptive Use. See the guidelines in Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan for a detailed list and descriptions of development permit area guidelines. These guidelines are intended to aid in the review of development permits in the Town Centre and are to be completed by the architect of record for the project. The project will be reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Department and the Advisory Design Panel. In the checklist, you are only required to address the guidelines with the icon that relates to your project: TCC = Town Centre Commercial (commercial developments only) MU = Mixed-Use (ground-oriented developments, with commercial on the ground level and either offices or residential above) MFR = Multi-Family Residential (ground-oriented developments and low-rise, medium-rise, and high-rise apartments) Precinct Key Guidelines and Green Building Design Guidelines must also be completed for projects within the Town Centre. Development and Design Objectives The following summarizes the development and design objectives for each section on the following checklist. A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height • To promote a cohesive building style and strong pedestrian oriented urban realm in Maple Ridge Town Centre by ensuring new buildings, renovations and/or additions have consistent architectural and urban design setbacks, form, mass, and height. • To help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces. B. Building Façades, Materials and Colour • To ensure additions, renovations and/or new infill projects in the Town Centre have a coherent architectural design concept where windows, doors, siding material and other façade elements create a pleasing composition compatible with surrounding buildings, commercial and neighbourhood character. • To enhance the architectural and massing concepts of a building as well as the quality, character and vibrancy of the urban environment of the Town Centre through the use of harmonious, quality materials and colours. • To screen rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment and trash storage from public view and thereby ensure commercial and mixed-used buildings maintain an attractive appearance to the street. C. Building Site Considerations • To ensure public outdoor spaces are designed so that they improve use and activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, increase safety and provide more attractive, functional outdoor spaces in the Town Centre. • To provide street trees and landscape elements that reinforce the ‘urban’ character and vibrancy of the Town Centre, enrich the pedestrian friendly character of streets in the district, and integrate this important commercial and higher density residential area with the character and quality of the surrounding residential neighbourhood. • To ensure parking lots are designed to be accessible, but do not intrude upon the surrounding residential area, nor the urban, pedestrian-oriented quality of the Town Centre. • To facilitate off-street parking and car storage at the rear of commercial and mixed-use buildings to maintain street inter-connectivity, traditional use of the lane as a service street, and to provide a secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway in the Town Centre. • To ensure service loading and mechanical equipment is designed to protect the surrounding businesses and residential areas from unsightly, noisy and noxious environments. Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist 2 Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height A.1 Building Mass and Form A1.1 Maintain the mass and scale of buildings TCC MU MFR A1.2 Enhance the block with corner commercial buildings TCC MU A1.3 Accent corner buildings TCC MU MFR A1.4 Use pedestrian-scale design elements TCC MU A1.5 Feature pedestrian amenities TCC MU MFR A1.6 Design large buildings into smaller modules TCC MU MFR A1.7 Accommodate street-fronting units TCC MU MFR A1.9 Ensure appropriate roof pitch TCC MU MFR A1.10 Use design elements to reduce roof mass and scale TCC MU MFR A.2 Building Heights A2.1 Vary building heights TCC MU MFR A2.2 Maintain alignment of architectural features TCC MU MFR A2.3 Integrate taller buildings TCC MU MFR A2.4 Step back taller buildings TCC MU MFR A2.5 Match building heights at the end of blocks TCC MU MFR A2.6 Manage phased development TCC MU MFR A2.7 Protect views TCC MU MFR A.3 Building Setbacks A3.1 Place buildings to reinforce sidewalk activity TCC MU MFR A3.2 Situate building entrances for visibility TCC MU MFR A3.3 Provide adequate throughways and lighting TCC MU MFR A3.4 Provide clear sight lines from building foyers and lobbies to allow visual surveillance TCC MU MFR A3.5 Separate residential entrances from commercial entrances MU A3.6 Respect existing buildings TCC MU MFR A3.7 Distinguish entrances with arrival areas and courtyards TCC MU MFR A3.8 Locate ramps and entrances in areas that are highly visible TCC MU MFR Explain how the objectives for Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height are met. If you have selected “no” or “not applicable”, explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. 6J N :ffl@M@Mffi-ifM □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist 3 Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable B. Building Façades, Materials and Colour B.1 Building Façade B1.1 Address both sides of the block with corner commercial buildings TCC MU B1.2 Orient main entrances to face the sidewalk TCC MU MFR B1.3 Locate windows, doors, and entry features at the street level TCC MU MFR B1.4 Use a mix of common facade patterns and elements TCC MU MFR B1.5 Reflect original façades and building scale TCC MU MFR B1.6 Respect original architectural elements TCC MU MFR B1.7 Respect old and new design TCC MU MFR B1.8 Maintain the horizontal rhythm of the street wall TCC MU MFR B1.9 Provide a visual division between the street level and upper floors TCC MU MFR B1.10 Include continuous canopies, awnings or overhangs TCC MU B1.11 Ensure appropriate placement and materials for awnings or canopies TCC MU B1.13 Use windows to provide ‘eyes on the street’ TCC MU MFR B1.14 Enhance the public realm TCC MU MFR B1.15 Ensure signage reflects building scale, character, and materials TCC MU B.3 Building Materials B3.1 Enhance the public realm with high quality materials and detailing TCC MU MFR B3.2 Use materials consistently TCC MU MFR B3.3 Avoid the use of inappropriate materials TCC MU MFR B3.6 Use a mix of quality materials TCC MU MFR B.4 Building Colours B4.1 Select appropriate colours TCC MU MFR B4.2 Highlight architectural details, awnings, and entrances TCC MU MFR B4.3 Ensure a cohesive, consistent colour palette TCC MU MFR B.5 Screening and Storage B5.1 Locate and enclose trash, composting, and recycling to keep out of site of general public TCC MU MFR B5.2 Screen mechanical equipment TCC MU MFR B5.3 Avoid conflict with neighbouring properties TCC MU MFR B5.4 Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise and exhaust TCC MU MFR Explain how the objectives for Building Façades, Materials and Colour are met. If you have selected “no” or “not applicable”, explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. 6J N :ffl@M@Mffi-ifM □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist 4 Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable C. Building Site Considerations C.1 Public Outdoor Space and Hardscapes C1.1 Provide public outdoor space TCC MU MFR C1.2 Ensure public outdoor space is highly visible TCC MU MFR C1.3 Provide connections between buildings, sidewalks, and outdoor open spaces TCC MU MFR C1.4 Ensure universal access for all public spaces TCC MU MFR C1.6 Provide hardscape elements to enhance the street environment TCC MU MFR C1.7 Design hardscape elements as part of the building TCC MU MFR C1.8 Integrate pedestrian amenities with walls and/or landscaped areas TCC MU MFR C1.9 Provide public art TCC MU MFR C1.10 Ensure new elements complement existing TCC MU MFR C1.12 Provide smooth routes TCC MU MFR C1.13 Ensure barrier-free access TCC MU MFR C.2 Parking and Parking Lots C2.1 Provide required parking underground, where feasible TCC MU MFR C2.2 Screen large surface parking lots while maintaining surveillance TCC MU MFR C2.3 Maximize pedestrian safety within parking lots TCC MU MFR C2.4 Provide visible signage TCC MU MFR C2.5 Consider developing underground parking garages TCC MU MFR C2.7 Locate parking lot equipment away from the public street TCC MU MFR C.3 Lanes, Service and Loading Areas C3.1 Use lanes for service, parking access and loading TCC MU MFR C3.2 Utilize lanes as secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughways TCC MU MFR C3.3 Strengthen visual access of the lane TCC MU MFR C3.5 Consider lanes as a community amenity TCC MU MFR C3.7 Locate loading and service areas away from the street front TCC MU MFR C3.8 Separate loading from parking and pedestrian paths TCC MU MFR C3.9 Screen loading areas TCC MU C.4 Street Trees and Landscape C4.2 Use the right species TCC MU MFR C4.8 Maintain sight lines TCC MU MFR Explain how the objectives for Building Site Considerations are met. If you have selected “no” or “not applicable”, explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. 6J N :ffl@M@Mffi-ifM □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines SOLO (South of Lougheed) Precinct Key Guidelines Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the SOLO Precinct 5 KEY GUIDELINE CONCEPTS 1. Develop a diverse shopping, employment and residential district a. Does proposed development help to establish SOLO as an important commercial, office and residential corridor in the Town Centre? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 2. Create pedestrian-oriented streetscapes b. Does the building’s form and mass support a strong pedestrian-oriented urban realm and help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces? Taller buildings should be stepped back podium style. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 3. Enhance the quality, character and vibrancy of the Town Centre c. Does proposed development promote the quality, character, and vibrancy of the urban environment? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: d. Are colours consistent and materials of sustainable quality? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 4. Maintain cohesive building styles e. Is there consistency with other new buildings in the precinct in terms of architecture, building setbacks, form, mass, and height? • Consistent: Yes No N/A Explain: 5. Capitalize on important views f. Does proposed new development capitalize on mountain and/or river views? • Consistent: Yes No Not Applicable Explain: g. Have the important views of existing buildings been considered in relation to the proposed development? • Consistent: Yes No Not Applicable Explain: 6J N :ffl@M@Mffi-ifM □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines SOLO (South of Lougheed) Precinct Key Guidelines Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the SOLO Precinct 6 6. Provide public outdoor space h. Are public spaces designed to accommodate a range of activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, and increase safety? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 7. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features i. Are landscape elements designed to enrich the pedestrian environment, moderate the internal building climate, manage stormwater on site, and reference the architectural quality of the building(s)? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 8. Maintain street interconnectivity j. Does proposed development maintain street interconnectivity and the use of the lane as a service street and secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway? • Consistent: Yes No Not Applicable Explain: k. Is required parking provided underground? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 6J N :ffl@M@Mffi-ifM □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 7 A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height A1.8 Design flexible ground-floor unit spaces in commercial and mixed-use buildings. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: A1.11 Accommodate roof gardens, trellises, and green features. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: A2.8 Site buildings to capitalize on daylight and solar opportunities. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: A2.9 Protect solar access to surrounding buildings and minimize wind tunnel effects. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B. Building Façades, Materials, and Colour B1.12 Use exterior shading devices to block summer sun. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B2.1 Design outdoor lighting to minimize light pollution. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B2.2 Encourage energy efficient lighting. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B3.4 Select environmentally responsible building materials. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B3.5 Minimize the use of unsustainable building materials. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 6J N :ffl@M@Mffi-ifM □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 8 B3.7 Consider life-cycle cost. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C. Building Site Considerations C1.5 Locate outdoor plazas to capture the sun. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C1.11 Use materials that are functional, durable and include recycled or salvaged content. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C1.14 Encourage use of infiltration techniques. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C2.6 Locate adequate priority parking in visible areas convenient to entrances. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C2.8 Use permeable pavement and infiltration devices on appropriate sites. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C2.9 Provide shade trees and landscaping. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C2.10 Provide secure and sheltered bicycle storage facilities for short-term uses. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C2.11 Provide long-term bicycle parking. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 6J N :ffl@M@Mffi-ifM □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 9 C2.12 Provide end-of-trip facilities. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C3.4 Minimize impervious paving of the lane. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C3.6 Respect existing grades. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.1 Plant street trees. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.3 Minimize use of high maintenance plants. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.4 Maximize the use of native and climate appropriate species. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.5 Consider the inclusion of community gardens. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.6 Design and place landscape to facilitate year round moderation of the internal building climate. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.7 Minimize erosion potential. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 6J N :ffl@M@Mffi-ifM □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 10 C4.9 Provide adequate landscape maintenance. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.10 Consider incorporating landscape plantings for green features. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.11 Incorporate low impact stormwater features. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.12 Consider rainwater collection for re-use. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.13 Use natural plantings and green space to support habitat. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.14 Retain existing mature trees. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 6J N :ffl@M@Mffi-ifM □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 11607 B~1m ~itt Sr -Gougk:Map s lrnps://www.googlc .. 1;.-vnvmaps/pbc •'l1 607+Bu:rnctt+ t,+Maplc+Ridg;c,+B +V2X+6P3/ t!,49_ Go gle Maps 11607 Burnett St Imagery e2020 Cfl!ES I Airilus. IMTCAN, MaJ(ar TechnollogiBs, Map data ©202.0 '20 m ___, 1 of 1 2020-01--0·7. 3:42 p.m. A1.01 SITE PLAN Drawing No.:Drawn By: Scale: Checked: Date:Project No.: 1908 Drawing Title.: Project Name: 11607,11621 & 11633 BURNETT ST. MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Client: These drawings are instruments of service, and exclusive property of Salikan Architecture Inc. and cannot be reproduced or used for construction without the Architect's prior written permission. This Drawing must not be scaled. The contractor(s) shall verify all dimensions, datums, and levels prior to commencement of work. Any errors or omissions are to be reported immediately to the Architect. No. : Revision:Date: S N E W AS NOTED architect aibc mraic #923 - 409 granville street vancouver, bc v6c 1t2 t. 604.688.0100f. 604.331.8781e. info@salikanarchitecture.cawww.salikanarchitecture.ca 1: THE BURNETT JYT RAS 2: 3: 4: 5: Issued for Internal Review 6: 7: 11621 BURNETT STREET HOLDINGS INC. Project Manager: FEB. 25/20 MAR. 11/20Issued for Rezone/DP MAR. 11,2020 KEYPLAN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT 38 . 8 7 40 . 9 1 42 . 0 4 43 . 3 6 41 . 3 8 41 . 9 4 41 . 6 5 42 . 4 6 4 0 . 7 0 41 . 3 3 4 1 . 1 5 41 . 6 3 42 . 3 0 44 . 0 4 44 . 1 7 44 . 2 1 44 . 2 8 44 . 3 3 44 . 3 4 44 . 3 8 44 . 6 5 44 . 4 2 44 . 3 3 44 . 2 7 44 . 1 3 44 . 1 3 44 . 2 7 44 . 2 0 44 . 2 0 42 . 3 4 41 . 4 4 Re m 1 2 10 To p O f B a n k A 9 B 30 . 9 4 37 . 9 8 To e Cr e e k Top of Ba n k SR W Pl a n 87 4 9 5 We t l a n d A r e a C r e e k C h a n n e l T o e o f S l o p e T o e o f S l o p e To p o f B a n k Top of B a n k Ho u s e Top of Slope Creek 28.044 4 . 0 8 4 4 . 0 5 4 3 . 7 0 3 5 . 5 0 3 6 . 3 8 3 6 . 8 1 3 7 . 2 7 3 7 . 3 9 3 7 . 8 5 3 8 . 5 7 3 8 . 9 1 3 9 . 5 9 4 0 . 2 6 4 0 . 7 6 4 1 . 1 0 4 2 . 0 3 3 4 . 5 8 3 5 . 6 8 3 5 . 9 5 3 5 . 9 8 3 6 . 3 3 3 6 . 9 9 3 7 . 1 8 3 7 . 9 2 3 8 . 0 4 3 8 . 5 2 3 9 . 0 2 4 2 . 2 3 4 2 . 8 1 4 3 . 0 0 4 3 . 1 7 4 3 . 6 6 4 3 . 6 5 4 3 . 6 8 4 3 . 6 2 4 3 . 5 3 4 3 . 5 6 4 3 . 6 1 4 3 . 5 5 4 3 . 6 5 4 3 . 4 9 4 3 . 4 7 4 3 . 4 2 4 3 . 4 0 4 3 . 2 1 4 2 . 8 8 4 2 . 9 7 4 3 . 1 5 4 3 . 2 4 4 3 . 2 4 4 3 . 2 7 4 3 . 3 8 4 3 . 2 9 4 3 . 4 8 4 3 . 3 2 4 3 . 1 8 4 3 . 0 4 4 3 . 1 7 4 3 . 1 2 4 2 . 9 3 3 9 . 6 0 4 0 . 2 5 4 0 . 4 6 4 1 . 1 3 4 1 . 6 3 4 1 . 9 3 4 2 . 4 6 4 3 . 0 1 4 3 . 2 5 3 6 . 6 8 3 6 . 8 8 3 6 . 5 6 3 7 . 5 8 3 7 . 4 2 3 7 . 9 6 3 8 . 1 7 3 8 . 9 7 3 9 . 5 4 4 0 . 3 5 4 1 . 0 3 4 1 . 2 7 4 0 . 9 6 4 1 . 6 3 4 2 . 8 9 4 3 . 2 0 4 3 . 3 5 4 3 . 4 1 4 3 . 3 5 4 3 . 4 3 4 3 . 5 0 4 2 . 8 5 4 2 . 7 5 4 3 . 1 7 4 3 . 1 6 4 3 . 2 4 4 3 . 4 1 4 3 . 4 0 4 3 . 4 0 4 3 . 2 9 4 3 . 2 9 4 3 . 4 2 4 3 . 4 7 4 3 . 4 4 4 3 . 4 5 4 3 . 4 0 4 3 . 4 2 4 3 . 2 7 4 3 . 3 6 4 3 . 3 8 4 3 . 4 1 4 3 . 3 0 4 3 . 1 5 4 3 . 1 4 4 3 . 2 6 4 3 . 1 5 4 3 . 2 7 4 3 . 4 2 4 3 . 4 8 4 3 . 3 4 4 3 . 7 5 4 3 . 4 4 4 3 . 6 4 4 3 . 6 7 4 3 . 5 9 4 3 . 5 8 4 3 . 6 3 4 3 . 6 5 4 3 . 6 7 4 3 . 5 2 4 3 . 6 3 4 3 . 4 4 4 3 . 3 4 4 3 . 2 1 4 3 . 4 6 4 3 . 4 9 4 3 . 3 7 4 3 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3 4 4 . 0 9 3 7 . 3 0 3 7 . 6 5 3 7 . 5 5 3 7 . 4 8 3 9 . 7 5 3 9 . 2 4 3 9 . 9 1 4 0 . 4 8 4 1 . 3 4 4 0 . 9 2 4 0 . 6 1 4 0 . 3 0 3 9 . 5 3 3 8 . 6 8 3 7 . 5 7 3 9 . 4 8 3 9 . 6 3 3 7 . 6 6 3 7 . 4 8 3 8 . 7 2 3 8 . 6 7 3 7 . 4 3 3 7 . 6 5 3 9 . 3 0 4 1 . 4 0 4 2 . 3 4 4 3 . 0 1 4 2 . 8 0 4 2 . 6 7 4 2 . 7 1 4 1 . 9 8 4 2 . 5 2 4 2 . 8 4 4 3 . 7 4 4 4 . 2 8 4 4 . 3 2 4 3 . 8 0 4 1 . 4 3 4 1 . 3 5 4 0 . 6 8 4 4 . 0 6 4 2 . 5 9 4 2 . 5 0 4 3 . 3 5 4 2 . 8 7 4 2 . 5 5 4 2 . 7 5 4 3 . 9 4 4 2 . 9 4 4 3 . 1 9 4 3 . 4 3 4 3 . 9 4 4 4 . 5 8 4 2 . 2 8 4 1 . 9 9 3 9 . 8 8 3 9 . 9 1 3 9 . 9 7 4 2 . 4 5 4 2 . 9 2 4 1 . 1 6 4 1 . 0 1 4 0 . 6 8 4 1 . 6 3 4 3 . 0 0 4 2 . 9 4 4 4 . 2 1 4 3 . 7 8 4 1 . 0 4 4 2 . 4 3 4 0 . 3 3 4 0 . 5 0 4 2 . 7 3 4 2 . 6 4 4 0 . 3 8 3 8 . 3 9 3 8 . 3 7 3 8 . 7 2 3 8 . 4 9 3 8 . 8 4 3 9 . 3 7 3 9 . 2 8 3 9 . 1 0 3 8 . 6 0 3 8 . 6 0 3 8 . 3 8 4 0 . 3 2 3 9 . 0 0 3 8 . 9 0 3 8 . 9 8 3 9 . 6 4 4 0 . 3 9 4 0 . 3 9 3 9 . 8 3 3 9 . 0 4 3 8 . 5 1 4 3 . 1 1 4 3 . 5 7 4 3 . 9 8 4 3 . 6 9 4 2 . 8 1 4 3 . 0 2 4 2 . 8 3 4 2 . 5 7 4 3 . 1 3 4 2 . 5 1 4 2 . 9 2 4 4 . 2 9 4 4 . 3 8 4 3 . 7 2 4 3 . 7 7 4 4 . 1 0 4 3 . 3 7 4 3 . 6 7 4 3 . 7 8 4 4 . 6 2 S 4 4 . 6 3 4 4 . 0 4 4 4 . 6 5 4 4 . 5 5 4 4 . 9 9 GV 4 4 . 9 4 S 4 5 . 1 1 4 5 . 0 5 4 4 . 9 7 4 4 . 9 1 4 4 . 8 5 4 5 . 0 1 4 5 . 0 8 4 5 . 2 2 4 4 . 6 5 4 4 . 6 3 S 4 5 . 1 3 4 4 . 3 5 4 3 . 9 3 4 3 . 7 8 4 3 . 5 9 4 3 . 7 4 3 9 . 0 3 3 8 . 8 5 3 9 . 1 3 3 8 . 4 4 3 7 . 8 1 3 8 . 1 0 3 8 . 3 3 4 3 . 5 7 4 3 . 4 6 4 3 . 2 0 4 4 . 1 7 3 8 . 3 3 4 3 . 3 3 4 0 . 7 0 4 0 . 5 0 4 2 . 6 3 4 3 . 7 7 4 3 . 6 5 4 2 . 0 5 4 2 . 2 3 4 5 . 1 3 4 5 . 3 5 4 5 . 2 8 4 5 . 1 2 4 5 . 6 4 4 3 . 6 7 4 5 . 3 3 S 4 5 . 4 7 4 5 . 7 1 GV 4 5 . 8 4 4 5 . 5 2 4 5 . 8 2 4 5 . 6 8 4 2 . 0 9 4 3 . 1 1 4 3 . 1 2 4 4 . 0 5 4 3 . 0 4 4 5 . 2 3 50 . 2 3 36 . 5 8 28.04 3 9 . 5 3 3 7 . 6 6 10 A 8 44 38 3 7 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 43 42 41 40 39 38 39 40 41 42 43 36 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4418.31 Top of Bank (Note 1) (No t e 1) Ex i s t i n g (Not e 1) (N o t e 1 ) T o p o f B a n k ( N o t e 1 ) (N o t e 1 ) 44 . 1 9 Edge Of Pavement 1.10 2. 5 5 PARKINGEXHAUSTVENT AIR INTAKEVENT 45. 0 M TW 45. 0 M TW 45.0 MTWFG44.05MFG44.61M3 SUBSTRUCTURE SU B S T R U C T U R ENG44.0M2.3 3 % RA M P D N EXIT PATH RAMP DN RAMP DN 1.67 58.58 4.0 1. 5 0 33 . 0 6 0. 3 0 1.5 M1.5M RA M P D N SL O P E 1 0 % SL O P E 1 2 . 4 %FG44.05MDN6R@0.15DN6R@0.15TW=45.0MBW=44.05MTW=45.0MBW=44.05MFG44.95MFG44.05MDN6R@0.15DN6R@0.15TW=45.0MBW=44.05MTW=45.0MBW=44.05MFG44.95M16 R @ 0.15 DN 3 R @0 . 1 6 7 STAIR #4TW=45.0MBW=43.80MDN 5R @ 0 . 1 5 4 KIOSK BC HYDRO PMT TO S 44 . 6 5 M DN 20 R @ 0 . 1 7 7 STAIR #3 1.68M LINE OF BALCONY ABOVE SUBSTRUCTURE CANTILEVERED FLOOR ABOVE RA M P D N FG 44. 9 M 1.0 M 15 . 3 3 11 . 5 2 5. 2 044.57 M = 146.22'44.57 M = 146.22'5.13 8.23 46.68 144 . 1 3 '43.91M144 . 0 6 '43.91MFG44.05MFG44.05M143.70'43.80MNG = 4 3 . 6 1 M FG = 4 4 . 9 0 MNG=43.381MFG=44.90M NG = 4 3 . 6 7 M FG = 4 4 . 2 8 M NG = 4 3 . 7 4 M FG = 4 4 . 0 5 MNG=43.381MFG= 4 4 . 9 0 M 3. 7 0 38 . 8 7 40 . 9 1 42 . 0 4 43 . 3 6 41 . 3 8 41 . 9 4 41 . 6 5 42 . 4 6 4 0 . 7 0 41 . 3 3 4 1 . 1 5 41 . 6 3 42 . 3 0 44 . 0 4 44 . 1 7 44 . 2 1 44 . 2 8 44 . 3 3 44 . 3 4 44 . 3 8 44 . 6 5 44 . 4 2 44 . 3 3 44 . 2 7 44 . 1 3 44 . 1 3 44 . 2 7 44 . 2 0 44 . 2 0 42 . 3 4 41 . 4 4 Re m 1 2 10 To p O f B a n k A 9 B 30 . 9 4 37 . 9 8 To e Cr e e k Top of Ba n k SR W Pl a n 87 4 9 5 We t l a n d A r e a C r e e k C h a n n e l T o e o f S l o p e T o e o f S l o p e To p o f B a n k Top of B a n k Ho u s e Top of Slope Creek 28.044 4 . 0 8 4 4 . 0 5 4 3 . 7 0 3 5 . 5 0 3 6 . 3 8 3 6 . 8 1 3 7 . 2 7 3 7 . 3 9 3 7 . 8 5 3 8 . 5 7 3 8 . 9 1 3 9 . 5 9 4 0 . 2 6 4 0 . 7 6 4 1 . 1 0 4 2 . 0 3 3 4 . 5 8 3 5 . 6 8 3 5 . 9 5 3 5 . 9 8 3 6 . 3 3 3 6 . 9 9 3 7 . 1 8 3 7 . 9 2 3 8 . 0 4 3 8 . 5 2 3 9 . 0 2 4 2 . 2 3 4 2 . 8 1 4 3 . 0 0 4 3 . 1 7 4 3 . 6 6 4 3 . 6 5 4 3 . 6 8 4 3 . 6 2 4 3 . 5 3 4 3 . 5 6 4 3 . 6 1 4 3 . 5 5 4 3 . 6 5 4 3 . 4 9 4 3 . 4 7 4 3 . 4 2 4 3 . 4 0 4 3 . 2 1 4 2 . 8 8 4 2 . 9 7 4 3 . 1 5 4 3 . 2 4 4 3 . 2 4 4 3 . 2 7 4 3 . 3 8 4 3 . 2 9 4 3 . 4 8 4 3 . 3 2 4 3 . 1 8 4 3 . 0 4 4 3 . 1 7 4 3 . 1 2 4 2 . 9 3 3 9 . 6 0 4 0 . 2 5 4 0 . 4 6 4 1 . 1 3 4 1 . 6 3 4 1 . 9 3 4 2 . 4 6 4 3 . 0 1 4 3 . 2 5 3 6 . 6 8 3 6 . 8 8 3 6 . 5 6 3 7 . 5 8 3 7 . 4 2 3 7 . 9 6 3 8 . 1 7 3 8 . 9 7 3 9 . 5 4 4 0 . 3 5 4 1 . 0 3 4 1 . 2 7 4 0 . 9 6 4 1 . 6 3 4 2 . 8 9 4 3 . 2 0 4 3 . 3 5 4 3 . 4 1 4 3 . 3 5 4 3 . 4 3 4 3 . 5 0 4 2 . 8 5 4 2 . 7 5 4 3 . 1 7 4 3 . 1 6 4 3 . 2 4 4 3 . 4 1 4 3 . 4 0 4 3 . 4 0 4 3 . 2 9 4 3 . 2 9 4 3 . 4 2 4 3 . 4 7 4 3 . 4 4 4 3 . 4 5 4 3 . 4 0 4 3 . 4 2 4 3 . 2 7 4 3 . 3 6 4 3 . 3 8 4 3 . 4 1 4 3 . 3 0 4 3 . 1 5 4 3 . 1 4 4 3 . 2 6 4 3 . 1 5 4 3 . 2 7 4 3 . 4 2 4 3 . 4 8 4 3 . 3 4 4 3 . 7 5 4 3 . 4 4 4 3 . 6 4 4 3 . 6 7 4 3 . 5 9 4 3 . 5 8 4 3 . 6 3 4 3 . 6 5 4 3 . 6 7 4 3 . 5 2 4 3 . 6 3 4 3 . 4 4 4 3 . 3 4 4 3 . 2 1 4 3 . 4 6 4 3 . 4 9 4 3 . 3 7 4 3 . 2 9 4 3 . 5 4 4 3 . 6 8 4 3 . 5 0 4 4 . 0 5 4 4 . 0 7 4 3 . 7 5 4 3 . 8 0 4 3 . 4 2 4 3 . 2 9 4 3 . 3 9 4 3 . 5 2 4 3 . 5 5 4 3 . 6 1 4 3 . 5 0 4 3 . 4 9 4 3 . 5 5 4 3 . 6 9 4 3 . 6 8 4 3 . 6 8 4 3 . 5 2 4 3 . 5 6 4 3 . 6 1 4 3 . 6 9 4 3 . 6 5 4 3 . 6 9 4 3 . 7 8 4 3 . 7 3 4 3 . 7 1 4 3 . 7 1 4 3 . 7 1 4 3 . 7 7 4 3 . 7 4 4 4 . 0 4 4 4 . 0 4 4 4 . 0 8 4 3 . 8 0 4 3 . 6 4 4 3 . 4 3 4 3 . 6 8 4 3 . 6 5 4 3 . 8 6 4 3 . 8 6 4 4 . 0 2 4 3 . 8 8 4 3 . 7 6 4 3 . 7 1 4 3 . 6 7 4 4 . 0 3 4 3 . 8 3 4 3 . 5 6 4 3 . 4 3 4 3 . 4 0 4 3 . 0 9 4 3 . 1 2 4 3 . 2 3 4 1 . 7 9 4 3 . 3 2 4 3 . 6 4 4 3 . 7 1 4 3 . 4 9 4 3 . 4 4 4 2 . 7 9 4 3 . 1 1 4 2 . 8 6 4 3 . 7 6 4 2 . 7 2 4 2 . 7 1 4 2 . 7 4 4 2 . 5 7 4 3 . 8 6 4 3 . 8 5 4 3 . 8 4 4 3 . 8 4 4 3 . 7 3 4 2 . 6 0 4 2 . 5 8 4 4 . 9 7 4 4 . 3 3 4 4 . 6 2 4 4 . 6 6 4 4 . 6 4 S 4 4 . 9 5 4 5 . 0 0 GV 4 5 . 1 4 4 4 . 9 5 S 4 4 . 7 9 4 4 . 2 6 4 4 . 5 6 4 4 . 8 3 4 4 . 9 3 4 5 . 0 1 4 4 . 8 6 4 4 . 7 7 4 4 . 6 7 4 3 . 1 5 4 3 . 7 1 4 3 . 6 8 4 3 . 8 3 4 3 . 9 3 4 4 . 0 9 3 7 . 3 0 3 7 . 6 5 3 7 . 5 5 3 7 . 4 8 3 9 . 7 5 3 9 . 2 4 3 9 . 9 1 4 0 . 4 8 4 1 . 3 4 4 0 . 9 2 4 0 . 6 1 4 0 . 3 0 3 9 . 5 3 3 8 . 6 8 3 7 . 5 7 3 9 . 4 8 3 9 . 6 3 3 7 . 6 6 3 7 . 4 8 3 8 . 7 2 3 8 . 6 7 3 7 . 4 3 3 7 . 6 5 3 9 . 3 0 4 1 . 4 0 4 2 . 3 4 4 3 . 0 1 4 2 . 8 0 4 2 . 6 7 4 2 . 7 1 4 1 . 9 8 4 2 . 5 2 4 2 . 8 4 4 3 . 7 4 4 4 . 2 8 4 4 . 3 2 4 3 . 8 0 4 1 . 4 3 4 1 . 3 5 4 0 . 6 8 4 4 . 0 6 4 2 . 5 9 4 2 . 5 0 4 3 . 3 5 4 2 . 8 7 4 2 . 5 5 4 2 . 7 5 4 3 . 9 4 4 2 . 9 4 4 3 . 1 9 4 3 . 4 3 4 3 . 9 4 4 4 . 5 8 4 2 . 2 8 4 1 . 9 9 3 9 . 8 8 3 9 . 9 1 3 9 . 9 7 4 2 . 4 5 4 2 . 9 2 4 1 . 1 6 4 1 . 0 1 4 0 . 6 8 4 1 . 6 3 4 3 . 0 0 4 2 . 9 4 4 4 . 2 1 4 3 . 7 8 4 1 . 0 4 4 2 . 4 3 4 0 . 3 3 4 0 . 5 0 4 2 . 7 3 4 2 . 6 4 4 0 . 3 8 3 8 . 3 9 3 8 . 3 7 3 8 . 7 2 3 8 . 4 9 3 8 . 8 4 3 9 . 3 7 3 9 . 2 8 3 9 . 1 0 3 8 . 6 0 3 8 . 6 0 3 8 . 3 8 4 0 . 3 2 3 9 . 0 0 3 8 . 9 0 3 8 . 9 8 3 9 . 6 4 4 0 . 3 9 4 0 . 3 9 3 9 . 8 3 3 9 . 0 4 3 8 . 5 1 4 3 . 1 1 4 3 . 5 7 4 3 . 9 8 4 3 . 6 9 4 2 . 8 1 4 3 . 0 2 4 2 . 8 3 4 2 . 5 7 4 3 . 1 3 4 2 . 5 1 4 2 . 9 2 4 4 . 2 9 4 4 . 3 8 4 3 . 7 2 4 3 . 7 7 4 4 . 1 0 4 3 . 3 7 4 3 . 6 7 4 3 . 7 8 4 4 . 6 2 S 4 4 . 6 3 4 4 . 0 4 4 4 . 6 5 4 4 . 5 5 4 4 . 9 9 GV 4 4 . 9 4 S 4 5 . 1 1 4 5 . 0 5 4 4 . 9 7 4 4 . 9 1 4 4 . 8 5 4 5 . 0 1 4 5 . 0 8 4 5 . 2 2 4 4 . 6 5 4 4 . 6 3 S 4 5 . 1 3 4 4 . 3 5 4 3 . 9 3 4 3 . 7 8 4 3 . 5 9 4 3 . 7 4 3 9 . 0 3 3 8 . 8 5 3 9 . 1 3 3 8 . 4 4 3 7 . 8 1 3 8 . 1 0 3 8 . 3 3 4 3 . 5 7 4 3 . 4 6 4 3 . 2 0 4 4 . 1 7 3 8 . 3 3 4 3 . 3 3 4 0 . 7 0 4 0 . 5 0 4 2 . 6 3 4 3 . 7 7 4 3 . 6 5 4 2 . 0 5 4 2 . 2 3 4 5 . 1 3 4 5 . 3 5 4 5 . 2 8 4 5 . 1 2 4 5 . 6 4 4 3 . 6 7 4 5 . 3 3 S 4 5 . 4 7 4 5 . 7 1 GV 4 5 . 8 4 4 5 . 5 2 4 5 . 8 2 4 5 . 6 8 4 2 . 0 9 4 3 . 1 1 4 3 . 1 2 4 4 . 0 5 4 3 . 0 4 4 5 . 2 3 50 . 2 3 36 . 5 8 28.04 3 9 . 5 3 3 7 . 6 6 10 A 8 44 38 3 7 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 43 42 41 40 39 38 39 40 41 42 43 36 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4418.31 Top of Bank (Note 1) (No t e 1) Ex i s t i n g (Not e 1) (N o t e 1 ) T o p o f B a n k ( N o t e 1 ) (N o t e 1 ) 44 . 1 9 Edge Of Pavement 1.7 M2. 0 M CANTILEVERED FLOOR ABOVE LINE OF BALCONY ABOVE SU B S T R U C T U R E GATE ROAD DEDICATION 3.0 M THE BURNETT 6 - STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING 1.5M143.80'43.83M1.10 1. 5 M PARKINGEXHAUST VENT CL 4. 2 0 5. 8 0 10 . 0 0 GL 2. 5 5 1. 6 5 Temporary Loading Area for Recycling Carts2. 4 0 3. 4 0 Pa r k i n g La n e SL 1. 5 0 S/ W 7.51 1.50 M SU B S T R U C T U R E Top of Bank as Per Revised Survey on July 10th Building Area NO R T H PARKING COUNTS (based on 57 units, outside the CBD) REQUIRED PROVIDED Residents 1 Stall / 1.5 Unit 86 70 Visitors 0.2 Stall / Unit 11 7 Total 97 77 Disabled (in P1) 2/76 - 125 spaces 2/76 - 125 spaces 2 1 Small Car maximum 10%8 10 Bicycle (short term)6/every 20 units 15 21 Bicycle (Long term)1/4 unita 12 14 STATISTICS Civic address:11607, 11621 & 11633 BURNETT STREET, MARPLE RIDGE, BC Legal Address:Lot 2, Plan 12633, Lot1 Rem, Plan 12633 and Lot A, Ref Plan 13279 ALLOWABLE PROPOSED Land Assembly Lot Area Gross 7319 M2 = 78,781 sq.ft. Park dedication 5097.44 M2 = 54,868 sq.ft. Road dedication 251.75 M2 = 2,710 sq.ft. Net Lot Area 1976.64 M2 = 21'269 sq.ft. Zoning Classification RS-1 RM-2 Medium Density Apartment Zone Floor Space Ratio 1.8+0.1+0.4 2.3 Net Area for FSR 4546.27 M2 4,543 M2 = 48,896 sq.ft. Common Area 966 M2 = 10,408 sq.ft. Gross Floor Area 5,510 M2 = 59,304 sq.ft. Substructure Footprint 1730.49 m2 = 18,626 sq.ft. Amenity Areas (Indoor)141 M2 = 1518 sq.ft. Height 6 storeys (22 m) 6 storeys (20.85 m) MR Town Centre DP Area 57 units / 0.488 Acres = 116.80 UPA Apartments: 62+ UPH / 25+ UPA SITE PLAN 1:200 ~-·---•---·--- 1 • • I • I • I X X X X X X X X L X X ' I ,I -" ' ·---•"(---•---·---·-- ><~ ~ X X ~ X \___ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X < Burnett Street ·---·---·-, X X X X V X X X X X .. \ \ \ ,_ -, I I I I I I I I ,, ,., ·--- X X X X X X X X X X --~-X X ·---•-7 ·---·---·---·---·--- • X • I 0 X X X • X X X X X X X X X - X X ' ' ' X X X I X I I { X X X X X X X --------------- \ \ \ l I 1/ I I I I so•kon orchi~ec~ure inc, Drawing No.:Drawn By: Scale: Checked: Date:Project No.: 1908 Drawing Title.: Project Name: 11607,11621 & 11633 BURNETT ST. MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Client: These drawings are instruments of service, and exclusive property of Salikan Architecture Inc. and cannot be reproduced or used for construction without the Architect's prior written permission. This Drawing must not be scaled. The contractor(s) shall verify all dimensions, datums, and levels prior to commencement of work. Any errors or omissions are to be reported immediately to the Architect. No.:Revision:Date: S N E W AS NOTED architect aibc mraic #923 - 409 granville streetvancouver, bc v6c 1t2 t. 604.688.0100 f. 604.331.8781 e. info@salikanarchitecture.ca www.salikanarchitecture.ca 1: THE BURNETT JYT RAS 2: 3: 4: 5: Issued for Internal Review 6: 7: 11621 BURNETT STREET HOLDINGS INC. Project Manager: FEB. 25/20 MAR. 11/20Issued for Rezone/DP MAR. 11,2020 KEYPLAN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT A-2.01 BASEMENT PLAN - P-1 BASEMENT PLAN - P-1 1:100 SECTION - THROUGH DRIVEWAY-1 1:100 PARKING SPACE DIMENSIONS WIDTH -2.5M, SC-2.4M,HC-3.8M LENGTH -5.5M, SC=4.9M HC = HANDICAP SC = SMALL CAR TOS 43.91 TOS 38.75 1. 0 7 3. 0 5 2. 6 5 2. 2 NG 43.32M 3.0M ROAD DEDICATION TOS 44.9 1.5 0. 6 VISITOR 3.48 PARKING -L1 TOS 41.65TOS 42.00TW=45.97BW=49.92. 5 7FG44.15MFG43.54MTW=45.37MBW=44.22M2. 4 5 1.5G PARKING -L2 1. 1 5 TOS 44.9 TOS 45.0 SLOPE 10% SLOPE 12.4% SLOPE 10% STORAGE (LOCKER) TOS 41.70 TOS 42.26 0.3 TOS 43.61 2. 7 3 13 3 10.85 2. 4 4 3. 0 45.00 m /147.64' 48.35 m /158.64' 41.65 m /136.64' 38.75 m /127.14'' PR O P E R T Y L I N E E ACDBFG KIOSK ABOVE 0.35 EX I T P A T H P1=34 PARKING SPACES (4 SMALL) (1 HC ) GARBAGE ROOM OVERHEAD DOOR OVERHEAD DOOR VISITORVISITORVISITORVISITORVISITORVISITORVISITOR 5. 5 7. 3 5. 5 7 5. 5 TY P I C A L HC BICYCLE STORAGE 14 SPACES 5. 5 41.65M=136.65' F.F.E. MECHANICAL ROOM 5.5 7 5. 5 7. 3 SC SC 2. 4 ELECTRICAL ROOM ELEVATOR LOBBY STAIR #1 SP ST A I R # 3 UP DN 20R@0.177 15R@0.162 1.5M 1.5 M 0.3 (S L O P E 1 0 % ) (S L O P E 1 0 % ) (SLOPE 2.7%) RA M P U P ( 1 2 . 4 % S L O P E ) 15 16 4 5 6 7123 0.48 8 9 0. 3 24 25 17 18 20 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 DN UPSP EXIT STAIRS STAIR #4 0. 3 0.3 1. 3 1. 2 1. 8 2.5 TRENCH 1.26 4.9 21 22 DN UP 17 R @ 0 . 1 7 19 R @ 0 . 1 7 6 0. 3 0. 3 1. 5 1. 9 9 MEN WOMEN WHIRLPOOL WEIGHTS 0. 3 2. 5 0.75 LINE OF MAIN FLOOR ABOVE 16 . 4 8 BC HYDRO ABOVE 0. 3 LINE OF MAIN FLOOR ABOVE 0. 3 2. 6 4 1. 1 18.99 2. 8 6 2. 6 4 5. 9 1 4. 1 9 4. 6 6 1.5 2.63 2.17 3.8 3.78 6.46 3.44 4.63 12.67 3.64 8.23 9.75 9.75 9.91 4.58 12.72 58.58 4. 9 9 6. 4 3 9. 5 7 1. 6 8 10 . 3 6 3. 7 0 36 . 7 3 36 . 7 3 4. 7 2 6. 4 3 9. 5 7 1. 6 8 10 . 3 6 3. 7 0 POTENTIAL KNOCKOUT PANEL FOR INTERCONNECTED PARKING STORAGE UNDER RAMP AIR EXHAUST AIR EXHAUST AIR INTAKE ROAD DEDICATION 3.0 M 0.3 BIN 3.8 19 23 14 SC SC 10 11 12 13 2. 4 2.4 5. 2 4 5.3 1.67 4.07.51 6.71 8.23 8.23 8.23 6.95 12.72 58.58 LONGITUDE:22.91M 1-HR. FRR WALLS AROUND GARBAGE ROOM 3. 0 13 . 0 3. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 COMP.8 41 . 1 7 M = 1 3 5 . 0 7 ' 41 . 6 5 M = 1 3 4 . 9 1 ' (S L O P E D N 5 . 4 % ) 41.70 M = 1 3 6 . 9 8 ' AP P R O . F. F . E . 42.00 M = 1 3 7 . 8 0 ' AP P R O . F.F . E . 43.61 M = 1 4 3 . 0 8 ' AP P R O . F.F . E . TB C 43.91M=144.06'APPROX. T.O . RAMP 39 . 0 5 M = 1 2 8 . 1 7 ' T. O . R A M P T.O.RAMP41.07M=1 3 4 . 7 3 ' LO N G I T U D E : 1 6 . 2 5 M RA M P UP (S L O P E 1 2 . 4 % ) LO N G I T U D E 3 . 0 M (S L O P E 1 0 % ) 1 1 3 5 7 8 10 2 4 6 9 11 12 12 G F E D C B A 13 13 A- 4 . 0 1 A A- 4 . 0 1 A A-4.02 B A-4.02 B A-4.02 C A-4.02 C A-4.02 D A-4.02 E PL PL • l 0 I .-- 1 T T i i _,____c__ _____________ ~- i i 0 I ----·-r--------~---------~ .. 0 I i I 0 I 0 r i I i /,1;,, ---------~ --~i ______ i ____________ i __________ ---+-/ I I -------I ____ _J _____________ _ I I ----------~.------'.------'I.- I I I I I I o-___,______~-,-,-,---- 1 -f-------------,-t:;1-- I I I ----....------ I I I I I I 0-___,______ I I I I I I I I I I ,-----0------'r-- ,----_J I I I I r...J -----------1----------------------- ,------- 1 I I I ---------7 I I I I 1 -------------··L..,_ ____ . 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(\____,___ U=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-::..-=-=-=--=-#=-==::..::;:..::=-==-==-==-==--=!-~=====::::::::::±:::::'===±:::::::1'::::::::':::::::=====:::::::::===:±::::====::::::::~:'.:::~':::~=~=~ ==i='=~=~=~ ~::::~±=====i=====~===t==±=====~=:±:::==='==='=='=="='='=°'=='====--'========i=='l____J \____)~ ~---... _. -----;-~-----------,-----------~-------~---------------r----------~-~---------------r--,~~-~~----·-:.-:.-:.-::.::.-::,;::. _____ ____,e-----+------------+---------J I I I I I I I I I I 'l--•----------~---~-----------~------------·----·---·---·-+--·----·---J---·---·----·---·---·-"""'"-·---·---·---·---·--~1---·---·---·---·---· I t------------1 6 6 BU rrB urnett Street 6 6 6 I 0 Drawing No.:Drawn By: Scale: Checked: Date:Project No.: 1908 Drawing Title.: Project Name: 11607,11621 & 11633 BURNETT ST. MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Client: These drawings are instruments of service, and exclusive property of Salikan Architecture Inc. and cannot be reproduced or used for construction without the Architect's prior written permission. This Drawing must not be scaled. The contractor(s) shall verify all dimensions, datums, and levels prior to commencement of work. Any errors or omissions are to be reported immediately to the Architect. No.:Revision:Date: S N E W AS NOTED architect aibc mraic #923 - 409 granville streetvancouver, bc v6c 1t2 t. 604.688.0100 f. 604.331.8781 e. info@salikanarchitecture.ca www.salikanarchitecture.ca 1: THE BURNETT JYT RAS 2: 3: 4: 5: Issued for Internal Review 6: 7: 11621 BURNETT STREET HOLDINGS INC. Project Manager: FEB. 25/20 MAR. 11/20Issued for Rezone/DP MAR. 11,2020 KEYPLAN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENTELEVATOR LOBBY STAIR #1 SP 5. 5 2.5 TYPICAL 5. 5 7. 0 5. 5 TY P I C A L P2=43PARKING SPACES (6 SMALL) (1 HC) 2.5 TYPICAL STORAGE (19 LOCKERS) 1. 0 9 1. 0 9 STORAGE (11 LOCKERS) LINE OF LEVEL 1 ABOVE 7.3 1.37 38 . 7 5 M = 1 2 7 . 1 4 ' F.F. E . 2. 5 38 . 7 5 M = 1 2 7 . 1 4 ' F.F . E . UP ST A I R # 3 UP 38 39 40 0.3 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 UPSPSTAIR #4 50 51 52 56 57 0.3 1. 0 7 1. 0 7 STORAGE (42 LOCKERS) 17 R @ 0 . 1 7 15R@0.162 2. 3 53 54 55 0. 3 0. 3 41 42 43 44 45 0. 3 77 SC 1. 1 1. 1 1. 0 7 1. 0 7 1. 0 7 1. 0 7 MECHANICAL ROOM 2. 5 TY P I C A L 18.99 1.07 35 36 37 47 48 49 1.18 59 60 61 62 SC SC SC SC 4.9 2. 4 0. 3 0. 3 1.5 2. 6 4 4. 9 1. 6 9 4.8 3.8 10.25 3.43 4.58 0.04 12.67 0. 3 7.51 6.71 8.23 8.23 8.23 6.95 12.72 3.64 8.23 9.75 9.75 9.91 4.58 12.72 58.58 58.58 4. 9 9 6. 4 3 9. 5 7 1. 6 8 10 . 3 6 3. 7 0 36 . 7 3 36 . 7 3 4. 9 6 6. 4 3 9. 6 1. 6 8 10 . 3 6 3. 7 0. 3 16 . 4 8 2. 8 6 2. 6 4 5. 9 1 4. 1 9 0 4. 6 6 AIR EXHAUST AIR EXHAUST AIR INTAKE 63 46 SC SC 1.07 1. 1 4.9 2. 4 2.4 4. 9 1.5 38 . 7 5 M = 1 2 7 . 1 4 ' F.F. E . 58 3.8 1.1 5.5 7 5.5 1.39 HC 39 . 0 5 M = 1 2 8 . 1 7 ' T. O . R A M P 38.75M=12 7 . 1 3 'T.O.RAMP T.O.RAMP41.07M=13 4 . 7 3 ' LO N G I T U D E : 1 6 . 2 5 M RA M P UP (S L O P E 1 2 . 4 % ) LO N G I T U D E 3 . 0 M (S L O P E 1 0 % ) 1 1 3 5 7 8 10 2 4 6 9 11 12 12 G F E D C B A 13 13 A- 4 . 0 1 A A- 4 . 0 1 A A-4.02 B A-4.02 B A-4.02 C A-4.02 C A-4.02 D A-4.02 E A-2.02 BASEMENT PLAN - P-2 BASEMENT PLAN - P-2 1:100 PARKING SPACE DIMENSIONS WIDTH -2.5M, SC-2.4M,HC-3.8M LENGTH -5.5M, SC=4.9M HC = HANDICAP SC = SMALL CAR I • • I • I • I A.. • 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 ___,.__,---------- I i I I , , I I 1 I i 1. ·: I II / , I I I I I I . i ' .I I I i I I ~=+i ===l===========+===+-=======;r - - - -L - - --- - - ---·-·-·-·-·-·-· I - - - -J - - - - - - - - - - - - -·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· j i I I I I I I i I I i I i -----------1f--f------1---~ ' I I ·~ / I I /~f'. I I -·-·-·-·-·-·r·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·~-·-·-·-·~·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· I I I I I I I I I i -·--·--·-_i_,_,_,_ --·-·-·---·-·-·--.J -·-·-·--·-·-·-·--·-. 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I / ~----------------J __ ---------------------------- -----------r--• -L-----7----------------------: ;///~;IT~)-------,~---------: - I I I I I I I ;\I \. I i I I I I I I 14d-t-+++++t--H ••·· ... _ I I I I / I I I I I ,' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ______________________ .,__ ----------------------,- so•kon orchi1ec1ure inc. ---0 ,_,,____,,__ __ ,_,_,_,_,l ________ ---,,----+i-l__--1------------+;------+---------<l-----------t:----+-I ------t;---------+1----------.,.....·_,,,l ___________________ -+--+I ·-----·--·----.. ---:_---•------~-,----------,---, • I L. I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • J • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6 6 6 6 6 6 I 6 Burnett Street 0 NO R T H Drawing No.:Drawn By: Scale: Checked: Date:Project No.: 1908 Drawing Title.: Project Name: 11607,11621 & 11633 BURNETT ST. MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Client: These drawings are instruments of service, and exclusive property of Salikan Architecture Inc. and cannot be reproduced or used for construction without the Architect's prior written permission. This Drawing must not be scaled. The contractor(s) shall verify all dimensions, datums, and levels prior to commencement of work. Any errors or omissions are to be reported immediately to the Architect. No.:Revision:Date: S N E W AS NOTED architect aibc mraic #923 - 409 granville streetvancouver, bc v6c 1t2 t. 604.688.0100 f. 604.331.8781 e. info@salikanarchitecture.ca www.salikanarchitecture.ca 1: THE BURNETT JYT RAS 2: 3: 4: 5: Issued for Internal Review 6: 7: 11621 BURNETT STREET HOLDINGS INC. Project Manager: FEB. 25/20 MAR. 11/20Issued for Rezone/DP MAR. 11,2020 KEYPLAN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT RA M P D N SL O P E 1 0 % SL O P E 1 2 . 4 % KIOSK FITNESS 1.67 0.2 7.3 EX I T P A T H LOBBY 22'-4" x 35'-0" SU B S T R U C T U R E B E L O W LINE OF PARKING STRUCTURE BELOW PARKINGEXHAUST CORRIDOR GUARDRAIL 3'-6" HT MIN GU A R D R A I L 3 ' - 6 " H T M I N 4. 0 0 STAIR #1 EL E V A T O R SP STAIR #2 UP 19R@0.176 19 R @ 0 . 1 7 6 DN UP 19 R @ 0 . 1 7 6 45 SM DN 20 R @ 0 . 1 7 7 STAIR #3 M.U.A. B 691 SF ELEC F 900 SF AMENITY 141 SM SOCIAL SPACE 96 SM NG 43.83M SUBSTRUCTURE BELOW 4. 9 9 832 SF A ELEC F 900 SF 104105106107 108 109 110 111 Den 10'11"X 5'5" Dining 14'2"X 7'8" Kitchen 9'3"X 9'2" Bedroom 10'0"X10'0" Bath5'2"X 8'0" Living 10'8"X9'7" W.I.C. 6'6"X5'1" Ensuite 5'0"X 9'0" Master Bedroom 10'0"X13'4" Living 12'6"X10'7" Master Bedroom 11'2"X10'0" W.I.C. 5'0"X5'3" Ensuite 8'0"X 5'1" Bedroom 11'0"X10'0" Dining 12'6"X 8'4" Kitchen 12'6"X 11'0" Bath 5'2"X 9'0"Bedroom 11'2"X 9'0" Den 10'11"X 5'5" Dining 14'2"X 7'8" Kitchen 9'3"X 9'2" Bedroom 10'0"X10'0" Bath 5'2"X 8'0" Living 10'8"X9'7" W.I.C. 6'6"X5'1" Ensuite 9'0"X 5'0" Master Bedroom 10'0"X13'4" Living 10'7"X12'7" Dining 10'3"X 11'6"Kitchen 9'0"X 9'5" Ensuite 5'0"X 8'0" Master Bedroom 9'1"X13'1" Bedroom 9'0"X10'0" Bath 5'0"X 8'0" Kitchen 8'4"X 9'10" Dining 11'6"X 7'8" Living 11'6"X11'5" Bedroom 9'0"X12'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X12'0" Ensuite 5'0"X 8'2" Bath8'2"X 5'1"Kitchen 9'2"X 8'8" Dining 10'10"X 9'10" Living 10'10"X10'5" Bedroom 10'0"X13'6" Bath 7'8"X 6'10" W.I.C. 6'6"X4'4" Den 7'8"X 7'0" MAIL BOXES44.57 M = 146.22'1.7 M 2. 0 M 1.68M 4.0 1.0 M LINE OF BALCONY ABOVE LINE OF BALCONY ABOVE CANTILEVERED FLOOR ABOVE5.2 0. 3 0.2 4. 9 9 28 . 0 4 OFFICE ANNUNCIATOR PANEL F FIRE DEPARTMENT RESPONSE POINT 45.00 M = 147.64' 1st FLOOR RAMP DN 8% Max. 5.41 ENTER PHONE44.57 M = 146.22'44.57 M = 146.22'1.5 841 SF E 1.5 3.64 8.23 29.41 4.58 12.72 6. 4 3 4. 1 6 4. 7 2 11 . 4 9 1. 2 1 2. 1 3 7.51 6.71 8.23 8.23 8.23 6.95 12.72 3.64 8.23 9.75 9.75 9.91 4.58 12.72 58.58 58.58 4. 9 9 6. 4 3 9. 5 7 1. 6 8 10 . 3 6 3. 7 0 28 . 0 4 4. 9 9 6. 4 3 9. 5 7 1. 6 8 10 . 3 6 3. 7 0 4. 0 0 LINE OF ENTRY CANOPY ABOVE 0. 3 0. 9 1 G 1052 SF SU B S T R U C T U R E B E L O W LINE OF CANOPY ABOVE 832 SF A 832 SF A Kitchen 8'4"X 9'10" Dining 11'6"X 7'8" Living 11'6"X11'5" Bedroom 9'0"X12'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X12'0" Ensuite 5'0"X 8'2" Bath8'2"X 5'1"Kitchen 8'4"X 9'10" Dining 11'6"X 7'8" Living 11'6"X11'5" Bedroom 9'0"X12'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X12'0" Ensuite 5'0"X 8'2" Bath8'2"X 5'1" BC HYDRO PMT TO S 44 . 6 5 M CANTILEVERE D FLOOR ABOVE RA M P D N EXIT PATH RAMP DN RAMP DN PARKING EXHAUST VENT PARKING EXHAUST VENT AIR INTAKE VENTNG=43.61MFG=44.90MNG=43.381MFG=44.90MNG=43.67MFG=44.28MNG=43.74MFG=44.05MNG=43.381MFG=44.90MFG44.05MDN6R@0.15DN6R@0.15TW=45.0MBW=44.05MTW=45.0MBW=44.05MFG44.05MDN6R@0.15DN6R@0.15TW=45.0MBW=44.05MTW=45.0MBW=44.05MDN 5R @ 0 . 1 5 4 16 R @ 0.15 DN 3 R @0 . 1 6 7 STAIR #4TW=45.0MBW=43.80M4. 0 2 TP 45.0M TP 45.0MPatio Patio TP 45.0M Patio TP 45.0M Patio ROAD DEDICATION 3.0 M +43.11+ 7 bikes v v v v v v v v vv v v v v v 10 . 8 8 3. 0 1. 1 1. 1 1. 1 43.61 M = 1 4 3 . 0 8 ' AP P R O . F.F . E . TB C 43.91M=144.06'APPROX. T.O . RAMP 1. 1 4 1. 1 2 1. 2 4 1 1 3 5 7 8 10 2 4 6 9 11 12 12 G F E D C B A 13 13 A- 4 . 0 1 A A- 4 . 0 1 A A-4.02 B A-4.02 B A-4.02 C A-4.02 C A-4.02 D A-4.02 E MAIN FLOOR PLAN 1:100 MAIN FLOOR PLAN A-2.03 UNIT COUNT PER FLOOR TYPE A B C D E F G H A1 A2 C1 E1 F1 UNITS ROOM 2 BR 1BR 1BR 2BR 2BR 2BR 3 BR 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR 3 BR 3 BR DEN DEN MAIN FL.3 1 1 2 1 8 2ND FL.3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 3RD FL.3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 4TH FL.3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 5TH FL.3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 6TH FL.1 1 1 1 1 5 TOTAL 15 5 4 4 5 10 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 57 AREA COUNT PER FLOOR NET AREA COMMON AREA GROSS AREA AREA(sq.ft.)AREA(sq.m.)AREA(sq.ft.)AREA(sq.m.)AREA(sq.ft.)AREA(sq.m.) MAIN FLOOR 6,880.00 639.17 3,531.00 328.04 10,411.00 967.21 2ND FLOOR 9,305.00 864.46 1,385.00 128.67 10,690.00 993.13 3RD FLOOR 9,305.00 864.46 1,385.00 128.67 10,690.00 993.13 4TH FLOOR 9,305.00 864.46 1,385.00 128.67 10,690.00 993.13 5TH FLOOR 9,305.00 864.46 1,385.00 128.67 10,690.00 993.13 6TH FLOOR 4,796.00 445.56 1,337.00 124.21 6,133.00 569.77 TOTAL 48,896.00 4,542.59 10,408.00 966.93 59,304.00 5,509.52 I • I • I • l 0 ' i. : I - 0 ---> . ---"'--" • • / J \ < . 0 • J u 0 ' IK ..... '-n - Burnett Street 0 0 I I I. .... '-n 0 u /I <~ \ ... 7 < □ LJ -~ ' so •kon orchi1ec1ure inc. 0 0 0 ' ' ~ I §n§ ~ 0/ \. ·-.. ' A /. 0 ---0 -c I ii ~ I I .._ I I I ,_ " ·o 1"j I 7 L/ "----.... .L ! -~ ,, I I ~z I I! I I I I ------------- .... '· .... ' IL '-n Drawing No.:Drawn By: Scale: Checked: Date:Project No.: 1908 Drawing Title.: Project Name: 11607,11621 & 11633 BURNETT ST. MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Client: These drawings are instruments of service, and exclusive property of Salikan Architecture Inc. and cannot be reproduced or used for construction without the Architect's prior written permission. This Drawing must not be scaled. The contractor(s) shall verify all dimensions, datums, and levels prior to commencement of work. Any errors or omissions are to be reported immediately to the Architect. No.:Revision:Date: S N E W AS NOTED architect aibc mraic #923 - 409 granville streetvancouver, bc v6c 1t2 t. 604.688.0100 f. 604.331.8781 e. info@salikanarchitecture.ca www.salikanarchitecture.ca 1: THE BURNETT JYT RAS 2: 3: 4: 5: Issued for Internal Review 6: 7: 11621 BURNETT STREET HOLDINGS INC. Project Manager: FEB. 25/20 MAR. 11/20Issued for Rezone/DP MAR. 11,2020 KEYPLAN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT 2ND FLOOR PLAN 1:100 2ND FLOOR PLAN A-2.04 BALCONY B 691 SF ELEC F 900 SF ELEC F 900 SF BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY BALCONYBALCONYBALCONY 841 SF E G 1052 SF 204205206207 208 209 210 211 203 Den 10'11"X 5'5" Dining 14'2"X 7'8" Kitchen 9'3"X 9'2" Bedroom 10'0"X10'0" Bath 5'0"X 8'0" Living 10'8"X9'7" W.I.C. 6'6"X5'1" Ensuite 5'0"X 9'0" Master Bedroom 10'0"X13'4" Living 12'6"X10'7" Master Bedroom 11'2"X10'0" W.I.C. 5'0"X5'3" Ensuite 8'0"X 5'1" Bedroom 11'0"X10'0" Dining 12'6"X 8'4" Kitchen 12'6"X 11'0" Bath 5'2"X 9'0"Bedroom 11'2"X 9'0" Den 10'11"X 5'5" Dining 14'2"X 7'8" Kitchen 9'3"X 9'2" Bedroom 10'0"X10'0" Bath 5'0"X 8'0" Living 10'8"X9'7" W.I.C. 6'6"X5'2" Ensuite 9'0"X 5'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X13'4" Living 10'7"X12'7" Dining 10'3"X 11'6" Kitchen 9'0"X 9'5" Ensuite 5'0"X 8'0" Master Bedroom 9'1"X13'1"Bedroom 9'0"X10'0" Bath 5'0"X 8'0" 201 202 CORRIDOR SP STAIR #2 UP18R@0.169 19R@0.176 DN SP 18 R @ 0 . 1 6 9 DN UP 19 R @ 0 . 1 7 6 EL E V A T O R STAIR #1 LINE OF MAIN FLOOR BELOW CANOPY BELOW LINE OF MAIN FLOOR BELOW 3.87 6.71 8.23 8.23 8.23 6.95 12.72 3.64 8.23 9.75 9.75 9.91 4.58 12.72 54.94 54.94 28 . 0 4 4. 9 9 6. 4 3 9. 5 7 1. 6 8 10 . 3 6 3.64 28 . 0 4 6. 4 3 4. 1 6 2. 4 5 2. 2 7 3. 6 9 4. 1 4 3. 6 9 6. 4 3 9. 5 7 1. 6 8 10 . 3 6 4. 9 9 4. 0 0 BALCONYBALCONY 0. 3 6 0. 4 2 0. 4 4 3. 7 0 0. 3 0. 9 1 4. 0 0 CANOPY BELOW Kitchen 9'2"X 8'8" Dining 10'10"X 9'10" Living 10'10"X10'5" Bedroom 10'0"X13'6" Bath 7'8"X 7'2" W.I.C. 6'6"X4'4" Den 7'8"X 7'0" Kitchen 8'4"X 9'10" Dining 11'6"X 7'8" Living 11'6"X11'5" Bedroom 9'0"X12'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X12'0" Ensuite 5'0"X 8'2" Bath 8'2"X 5'1" 832 SF A Kitchen 8'4"X 9'10" Dining 11'6"X 7'8" Living 11'6"X11'5" Bedroom 9'0"X12'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X12'0" Ensuite 5'0"X 8'2" Bath 8'2"X 5'1" 832 SF A Kitchen 8'4"X 9'10" Dining 11'6"X 7'8" Living 11'6"X11'5" Bedroom 9'0"X12'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X12'0" Ensuite 5'0"X 8'2" Bath 8'2"X 5'1" 832 SF A BALCONY BALCONY 942 SF D 880 SFH 603 SF C Bedroom 10'2"X10'5" Kitchen 8'6"X 8'6" Master Bedroom10'0"X12'8" W.I.C. 4'2"X6'5" Ensuite 8'2"X 5'0" Bath 8'8"X 5'0" Living 8'10"X11'8" Dining 8'8"X 12'0" Bedroom 9'8"X10'0" Master Bedroom 10'0"X11'4" W.I.C. 6'6"X4'0" Ensuite 5'0"X 8'2" Bath 8'8"X 5'0" Kitchen 10'7"X 8'0" Living 8'10"X11'5" Dining 9'2"X 10'2"Master Bedroom 10'1"X10'0" W.I.C. 6'6"X3'10" Ensuite 5'0"X 8'8" Kitchen 8'4"X 9'10" Dining 11'7"X 7'8" Living 11'6"X11'5" LINE OF CANOPY BELOW LINE OF CANOPY BELOW 1. 1 2 1 1 3 5 7 8 10 2 4 6 9 11 12 12 G F E D C B A 13 13 A- 4 . 0 1 A A- 4 . 0 1 A A-4.02 B A-4.02 B A-4.02 C A-4.02 C A-4.02 D A-4.02 E NO R T H UNIT COUNT PER FLOOR TYPE A B C D E F G H A1 A2 C1 E1 F1 UNITS ROOM 2 BR 1BR 1BR 2BR 2BR 2BR 3 BR 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR 3 BR 3 BR DEN DEN MAIN FL.3 1 1 2 1 8 2ND FL.3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 3RD FL.3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 4TH FL.3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 5TH FL.3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 6TH FL.1 1 1 1 1 5 TOTAL 15 5 4 4 5 10 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 57 AREA COUNT PER FLOOR NET AREA COMMON AREA GROSS AREA AREA(sq.ft.)AREA(sq.m.)AREA(sq.ft.)AREA(sq.m.)AREA(sq.ft.)AREA(sq.m.) MAIN FLOOR 6,880.00 639.17 3,531.00 328.04 10,411.00 967.21 2ND FLOOR 9,305.00 864.46 1,385.00 128.67 10,690.00 993.13 3RD FLOOR 9,305.00 864.46 1,385.00 128.67 10,690.00 993.13 4TH FLOOR 9,305.00 864.46 1,385.00 128.67 10,690.00 993.13 5TH FLOOR 9,305.00 864.46 1,385.00 128.67 10,690.00 993.13 6TH FLOOR 4,796.00 445.56 1,337.00 124.21 6,133.00 569.77 TOTAL 48,896.00 4,542.59 10,408.00 966.93 59,304.00 5,509.52 I • I • I • • I • I 0 0 ,..___, 0 0 0 ''------" 0 0 I t t t t : t t t i I I I : i I i I 0 i i I i i I I i i i 0-_ ___,._ ____ I _______ I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I __________________ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I ____ 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I ________ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I ________ -~--- I I I I I I I I f-'l<---___,,._------l-----------1--rr-----------t:,e,===~----------------------------+--------------------------------1----------l------------------------+-------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------->.--,- 1 I IL---tL----1L,-__J µ L:::,, 00 ~ I I m~~ I . 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SP STAIR #1 CORRIDOR BALCONY 18 R @ 0 . 1 6 9 DN UP 19 R @ 0 . 1 7 6 SP STAIR #2 UP18R@0.169 19R@0.176 DN EL E V A T O R ELEC F 900 SF ELEC F 900 SF G 1052 SF 841 SF E BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY BALCONYBALCONYBALCONY Den 10'11"X 5'5" Dining 14'2"X 7'8" Kitchen 9'3"X 9'2" Bedroom 10'0"X10'0" Bath 5'0"X 8'0" Living 10'8"X9'7" W.I.C. 6'6"X5'1" Ensuite 5'0"X 9'0" Master Bedroom 10'0"X13'4" Den 10'11"X 5'5" Dining 14'2"X 7'8" Kitchen 9'3"X 9'2" Bedroom 10'0"X10'0" Bath 5'0"X 8'0" Living 10'8"X9'7" W.I.C. 6'6"X5'1" Ensuite 5'0"X 9'0" Master Bedroom 10'0"X13'4"Living 10'7"X12'7" Dining 10'3"X 11'6"Kitchen 9'0"X 9'5" Ensuite 5'0"X 8'0" Master Bedroom 9'1"X12'10"Bedroom 9'0"X10'0" Bath 5'0"X 8'0" Living 12'6"X10'7" Master Bedroom 11'2"X10'0" W.I.C. 5'0"X5'3" Ensuite 8'0"X 5'1" Bedroom 11'0"X10'0" Dining 12'6"X 8'4" Kitchen 12'6"X 11'0" Bath 5'0"X 9'0"Bedroom 11'0"X 9'0" 303304305306307 308 309 310 311 301 302 3.87 6.71 8.23 8.23 8.23 6.95 12.72 3.64 8.23 9.75 9.75 9.91 4.58 12.72 54.94 54.94 4. 9 6 6. 4 3 9. 5 7 1. 6 8 10 . 3 6 3. 7 0 28 . 0 4 28 . 0 1 4. 9 9 6. 4 3 9. 5 7 1. 6 8 10 . 3 3 3. 7 0 BALCONY 1. 5 2 1. 1 7 1.52 4. 0 0 0. 3 4. 0 0 0. 1 5 0. 4 7 0. 3 0.61 6. 4 3 4. 1 6 2. 4 5 2. 2 7 3. 6 9 4. 1 1 3. 6 6 0. 3 6 0. 4 4 0. 4 4 B 691 SF BALCONY BALCONY 942 SF D 880 SFH 603 SF C Kitchen 9'2"X 8'8" Dining 10'10"X 9'10" Living 10'10"X10'5" Bedroom 10'0"X13'6" Bath 7'8"X 7'2" W.I.C. 6'6"X4'4" Den 7'8"X 7'0" Bedroom 10'2"X10'5" Kitchen 8'6"X 8'6" Master Bedroom 10'0"X12'8" W.I.C. 4'2"X6'5" Ensuite 8'3"X 5'0" Bath 8'8"X 5'0" Living 8'10"X11'8" Dining 8'8"X 12'0" Bedroom 9'8"X10'0" Master Bedroom 10'0"X11'2" W.I.C. 6'6"X4'0" Ensuite 5'0"X 8'3" Bath8'8"X 5'0" Kitchen 10'7"X 8'0" Living 8'10"X11'5" Dining 9'2"X 10'2"Master Bedroom 10'1"X10'0" W.I.C. 6'6"X3'8" Ensuite 8'8"X 5'0" Kitchen 8'4"X 9'10" Dining 11'7"X 7'8" Living 11'6"X11'5" The 3rd Floor & 6th Floor are Cross-over Floors Required as Per BCBC and NFPA Kitchen 8'4"X 9'10" Dining 11'6"X 7'8" Living 11'6"X11'5" Bedroom 9'0"X12'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X12'0" Ensuite 5'0"X 8'2" Bath 8'2"X 5'0" 832 SF A Kitchen 8'4"X 9'10" Dining 11'6"X 7'8" Living 11'6"X11'5" Bedroom 9'0"X12'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X12'0" Ensuite 5'0"X 8'2" Bath 8'2"X 5'0" 832 SF A Kitchen 8'4"X 9'10" Dining 11'6"X 7'8" Living 11'6"X11'5" Bedroom 9'0"X12'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X12'0" Ensuite 5'0"X 8'2" Bath 8'2"X 5'0" 832 SF A 1 1 3 5 7 8 10 2 4 6 9 11 12 12 G F E D C B A 13 13 A- 4 . 0 1 A A- 4 . 0 1 A A-4.02 B A-4.02 B A-4.02 C A-4.02 C A-4.02 D A-4.02 E Drawing No.:Drawn By: Scale: Checked: Date:Project No.: 1908 Drawing Title.: Project Name: 11607,11621 & 11633 BURNETT ST. MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Client: These drawings are instruments of service, and exclusive property of Salikan Architecture Inc. and cannot be reproduced or used for construction without the Architect's prior written permission. This Drawing must not be scaled. The contractor(s) shall verify all dimensions, datums, and levels prior to commencement of work. Any errors or omissions are to be reported immediately to the Architect. No.:Revision:Date: S N E W AS NOTED architect aibc mraic #923 - 409 granville streetvancouver, bc v6c 1t2 t. 604.688.0100 f. 604.331.8781 e. info@salikanarchitecture.ca www.salikanarchitecture.ca 1: THE BURNETT JYT RAS 2: 3: 4: 5: Issued for Internal Review 6: 7: 11621 BURNETT STREET HOLDINGS INC. Project Manager: FEB. 25/20 MAR. 11/20Issued for Rezone/DP MAR. 11,2020 KEYPLAN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT 3RD - 5TH FLOOR PLAN 1:100 3RD - 5TH FLOOR PLAN A-2.05 NO R T H UNIT COUNT PER FLOOR TYPE A B C D E F G H A1 A2 C1 E1 F1 UNITS ROOM 2 BR 1BR 1BR 2BR 2BR 2BR 3 BR 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR 3 BR 3 BR DEN DEN MAIN FL.3 1 1 2 1 8 2ND FL.3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 3RD FL.3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 4TH FL.3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 5TH FL.3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 6TH FL.1 1 1 1 1 5 TOTAL 15 5 4 4 5 10 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 57 AREA COUNT PER FLOOR NET AREA COMMON AREA GROSS AREA AREA(sq.ft.)AREA(sq.m.)AREA(sq.ft.)AREA(sq.m.)AREA(sq.ft.)AREA(sq.m.) MAIN FLOOR 6,880.00 639.17 3,531.00 328.04 10,411.00 967.21 2ND FLOOR 9,305.00 864.46 1,385.00 128.67 10,690.00 993.13 3RD FLOOR 9,305.00 864.46 1,385.00 128.67 10,690.00 993.13 4TH FLOOR 9,305.00 864.46 1,385.00 128.67 10,690.00 993.13 5TH FLOOR 9,305.00 864.46 1,385.00 128.67 10,690.00 993.13 6TH FLOOR 4,796.00 445.56 1,337.00 124.21 6,133.00 569.77 TOTAL 48,896.00 4,542.59 10,408.00 966.93 59,304.00 5,509.52 • I • I • I • I • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I 0------'<----- I i I I i I I I j I i I I I I I I I I __ l _______ i ___ ~ ___________ J __________________ L _________________ J ____ J________ i I I -----7--------T-----------------------7---------~~ i I i i i i I i i 1 i I i i I I I I I I i I i i I I I I I I i I i i I 1-+--'>------1-------1-u-----I I i i • -l=f,,,-;=,~~~~..,;1-------------------------------I-------------------------------I--------I----------------------+--------------+----------------------------------------~---------------'k-____,.__,._ I I i i I I I I I I I Ir " 00 I i i • i . . 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Client: These drawings are instruments of service, and exclusive property of Salikan Architecture Inc. and cannot be reproduced or used for construction without the Architect's prior written permission. This Drawing must not be scaled. The contractor(s) shall verify all dimensions, datums, and levels prior to commencement of work. Any errors or omissions are to be reported immediately to the Architect. No. : Revision:Date: S N E W AS NOTED architect aibc mraic #923 - 409 granville streetvancouver, bc v6c 1t2 t. 604.688.0100f. 604.331.8781e. info@salikanarchitecture.cawww.salikanarchitecture.ca 1: THE BURNETT JYT RAS 2: 3: 4: 5: Issued for Internal Review 6: 7: 11621 BURNETT STREET HOLDINGS INC. Project Manager: FEB. 25/20 MAR. 11/20Issued for Rezone/DP MAR. 11,2020 KEYPLAN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT 3. 0 5 DECK DECK 2. 8 7 ELEC 1. 5 8 DECK 3. 0 5 DECK 3. 0 5 602 SP STAIR #1 CORRIDOR 18 R @ 0 . 1 6 9 DN SP STAIR #2 19R@0.176 DN EL E V A T O R LIVING/DINING 14'7"X22'1" KITCHEN 9'6"X 8'3" BEDROOM 10'0"X10'0"BEDROOM 10'0"X11'6" MASTER BDRM 10'0"X13'0" W.I.C. 5'4"X8'10" ENSUITE 5'0"X 8'10" BATH 5'0"X 8'10" 1132 SF E1 BATH 5'1"X 8'0" 2. 8 7 2. 8 7 601 508 501 502507 ROOF ROOF BALCONY BELOW LINE OF FLOOR BELOW BALCONY BELOW ELEC W/D DECK 605 KITCHEN 9'6"X 8'3" BEDROOM 10'4"X13'0" ENSUITE 5'1"X 8'10" LIVING/DINING 11'4"X22'1" ENSUITE 5'0"X 8'10" MASTER BDRM 10'0"X13'0" BEDROOM 10'0"X10'0" 1082 SF F1 BATH 8'1"X 5'0" W.I.C. 6'6"X 3'11" W.I.C. 5'4"X 8'10" 3. 0 5 DECK 603 DECK KITCHEN 9'6"X 9'7" LIVING/DINING 13'6"X 24'0" MASTER BDRM 11'6"X12'2" W.I.C. 8'10"X 5'4" 883 SF A1 BEDROOM 10'0"X11'10" ENSUITE 8'1"X 5'6"BATH 5'1"X 8'1" KITCHEN 9'6"X 8'4" DINING/LIVING 10'4"X 24'0" BEDROOM 9'6"X9'10" MASTER BDRM 10'0"X12'2" ENSUITE 8'1"X 5'6" BATH 5'1"X 8'1" 820 SF A2 W.I.C. 8'1"X 5'4" DECK 604 7.65 34.15 17 . 6 5 2. 7 4 3. 7 0 4.06 3.45 6.53 31.82 12.72 17 . 6 5 2. 7 4 12 . 6 4 ROOF DECK BALCONY BELOW BALCONY BELOW 7.51 6.71 8.23 8.23 8.23 6.95 12.72 3.64 8.23 9.75 9.75 9.91 4.58 12.72 58.58 4. 9 9 6. 4 3 9. 5 7 1. 6 8 10 . 3 6 3. 7 0 36 . 7 3 36 . 7 3 4. 9 9 6. 4 3 9. 5 7 1. 6 8 10 . 3 6 3. 7 0 ROOF ROOF DECK ROOF DECK ENSUITE 8'1"X 5'6"KITCHEN 9'6"X 9'7" DINING/LIVING 13'6"X 24'0" BATH 5'1"X 8'1" MASTER BDRM 11'6"X12'2" 879 SF C1 BEDROOM 10'0"X11'10" W.I.C.8'10"X 5'4" GUARD GUARD Max. O.L. 60 person 60 / 0.95 m2/person = 63.13 SM (680 SF) ROOF 1. 5 7 0.85 1. 2 2 The 3rd Floor & 6th Floor are Cross-over Floors Required as Per BCBC and NFPA 1 1 3 5 7 8 10 2 4 6 9 11 12 12 G F E D C B A 13 13 A- 4 . 0 1 A A- 4 . 0 1 A A-4.02 B A-4.02 B A-4.02 C A-4.02 C A-4.02 D A-4.02 E 6TH FLOOR PLAN 1:100 6TH FLOOR PLAN A-2.06 UNIT COUNT PER FLOOR TYPE A B C D E F G H A1 A2 C1 E1 F1 UNITS ROOM 2 BR 1BR 1BR 2BR 2BR 2BR 3 BR 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR 3 BR 3 BR DEN DEN MAIN FL.3 1 1 2 1 8 2ND FL.3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 3RD FL.3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 4TH FL.3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 5TH FL.3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 6TH FL.1 1 1 1 1 5 TOTAL 15 5 4 4 5 10 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 57 AREA COUNT PER FLOOR NET AREA COMMON AREA GROSS AREA AREA(sq.ft.)AREA(sq.m.)AREA(sq.ft.)AREA(sq.m.)AREA(sq.ft.)AREA(sq.m.) MAIN FLOOR 6,880.00 639.17 3,531.00 328.04 10,411.00 967.21 2ND FLOOR 9,305.00 864.46 1,385.00 128.67 10,690.00 993.13 3RD FLOOR 9,305.00 864.46 1,385.00 128.67 10,690.00 993.13 4TH FLOOR 9,305.00 864.46 1,385.00 128.67 10,690.00 993.13 5TH FLOOR 9,305.00 864.46 1,385.00 128.67 10,690.00 993.13 6TH FLOOR 4,796.00 445.56 1,337.00 124.21 6,133.00 569.77 TOTAL 48,896.00 4,542.59 10,408.00 966.93 59,304.00 5,509.52 NO R T H ' I • I • I • I I 0 A O < .. ) '-• ' ;_ : r / ~ /" / Q 0 0 0 0 0 ' ' ' ' i i i. \ +-----------------------.------1------------------------~---------------------------------------------------------------------1·---------------------I i --.------------ I ,c---1--------i-------tt------i-------j----------jl J □ I !"'-I = F N -~ I u_ 0 ~ □ -~ -· - (£)' Jo Ill -~ IC-----+------l ----------. -~ I -~ I C-----+------l -7 -~ ~------~~----j~----r-7 '-------------7 ~+="°"-~''"+'-=1 I I e--~LJ~l-------------11 U- : L -----7 j' ' I I -----------r--. -------------- 1 I ' I I 0-, ~aa-----t:---I I _ _,._ __ -----------------------------r:----\".::::====---~~~~::::::::::71TT'=m--F==::::;=;=:::;:::::;~===;:;;===nt"" -~rr==~~fi~SE~~=r===i'i~wn==n=~4rt.:'=...:'.ri'F,,5E¥8~~t-=-=-=-=-~1=-1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-,t ---,-1------------ \\ ff,'\ u O ~ f'\,/1 __ / L 1--' lR-R--~ r'V J j// L i 11+/'\r i; > u : Rxf 0 f ::J' \ IT '> ~o u : : ! 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No. : Revision:Date: S N E W AS NOTED architect aibc mraic #923 - 409 granville streetvancouver, bc v6c 1t2 t. 604.688.0100f. 604.331.8781e. info@salikanarchitecture.cawww.salikanarchitecture.ca 1: THE BURNETT JYT RAS 2: 3: 4: 5: Issued for Internal Review 6: 7: 11621 BURNETT STREET HOLDINGS INC. Project Manager: FEB. 25/20 MAR. 11/20Issued for Rezone/DP MAR. 11,2020 KEYPLAN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT LOWER ROOF LOWER ROOF 7.65 34.14 4.04 3.47 6.53 31.82 12.72 LOWER ROOF DECK DECK BELOW 7.51 6.71 8.23 8.23 8.23 6.95 12.72 3.64 8.23 9.75 9.75 9.91 4.58 12.72 58.58 58.58 4. 9 9 6. 4 3 9. 5 7 1. 6 8 10 . 3 6 3. 7 36 . 7 3 36 . 7 3 4. 9 9 6. 4 3 9. 5 7 1. 6 8 10 . 3 6 3. 7 LOWER ROOF LOWER ROOF LOWER ROOF LOWER ROOF DECK BELOWDECK BELOWDECK BELOWDECK BELOW DECK BELOW ROOF LOWER ROOF 8. 3 8 8. 3 8 0. 9 1 DECK BELOW GUARD DECK BELOW GUARD 0.91 0. 9 1 0. 9 1 1 1 3 5 7 8 10 2 4 6 9 11 12 12 G F E D C B A 13 13 A- 4 . 0 1 A A- 4 . 0 1 A A-4.02 B A-4.02 B A-4.02 C A-4.02 C A-4.02 D A-4.02 E ROOF PLAN 1:100 ROOF PLAN A-2.07 I • I • I • I I 0 Q~ \) Q Q~ C/ Q 'I ' ' ' I ' ' 0 t I I i I I I I I ; i i i I i i I I I I I I I i i I I I I _, _______ I______ I_·-·-I ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· -·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-i ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· i _____ J_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· i ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· i ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·--......· I I I I I I I I I __,,._------1------~-I~-·=-=· ====:====::;:::::;==+1 ==::::::;==::====:====:~+=I------------------l--------------------1------1--------------t--------t-------------------------t------------.-- l I ----i / \ ff------------~-----+--;+-----I-----f-------t-',--ll \---------·--,.-----I I i I ~-\+-----+--- - - - - -~----+-/-~\' ~ - - f l l --------0 ---------------~rf------"--------~-- 1/ • I I I I i I i I i L_______________ ------------------------...... ---------J ______ _ I I 6 • • • • I I 6 • I I 6 B urr1ett Street I I 6 I I 6 • • • • • • • • • I I I I I 6 I 0 ___________________ ...,____ • • • • • • I I 6 so •kon orchi1ec1ure inc. • EAST ELEVATION (FRONT) A-3.01 Drawing No.:Drawn By: Scale: Checked: Date:Project No.: 1908 Drawing Title.: Project Name: 11607,11621 & 11633 BURNETT ST. MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Client: These drawings are instruments of service, and exclusive property of Salikan Architecture Inc. and cannot be reproduced or used for construction without the Architect's prior written permission. This Drawing must not be scaled. The contractor(s) shall verify all dimensions, datums, and levels prior to commencement of work. Any errors or omissions are to be reported immediately to the Architect. No. : Revision:Date: S N E W AS NOTED architect aibc mraic #923 - 409 granville streetvancouver, bc v6c 1t2 t. 604.688.0100f. 604.331.8781e. info@salikanarchitecture.cawww.salikanarchitecture.ca 1: THE BURNETT JYT RAS 2: 3: 4: 5: Issued for Internal Review 6: 7: 11621 BURNETT STREET HOLDINGS INC. Project Manager: FEB. 25/20 MAR. 11/20Issued for Rezone/DP MAR. 11,2020 KEYPLAN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3.0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3.0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 3 5 [1 1 ' - 0 " ] 3.6 6 [1 2 ' - 0 " ] MAIN FLOOR 45.00 m /147.64' 2ND FLOOR 48.35 m /158.64' 3RD FLOOR 51.40 m /168.64' 4TH FLOOR 54.45 m /178.64' 5TH FLOOR 57.50 m /188.64' PARKING L1 41.65 m /136.64' PARKING L2 38.75 m /127.14'' 3.3 5 [1 1 ' - 0 " ] 2.9 [9 ' - 6 " ] 0. 5 2 [1 ' - 8 5 / 8 " ] 6TH FLOOR 60.55 m /198.64' UPPER ROOF 64.73 m /212.37'CEILING 64.21 m /210.64'144.06'43.91M144.06'43.91MFG=43.96MNG=43.74M 146.22' 44.57M144.13'43.93M143.83'43.84M143.83'43.84M143.70'43.80M143.80'43.83M107 106 105 104 1 1 6 2 5 1 82 10 13371254 EAST ELEVATION - FRONT 1:100 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 3 5 [1 1 ' - 0 " ] 3.6 6 [1 2 ' - 0 " ] MAIN FLOOR 45.00 m /147.64' 2ND FLOOR 48.35 m /158.64' 3RD FLOOR 51.40 m /168.64' 4TH FLOOR 54.45 m /178.64' 5TH FLOOR 57.50 m /188.64' PARKING L1 41.65 m /136.64' PARKING L2 38.75 m /127.14'' 3.3 5 [1 1 ' - 0 " ] 2.9 [9 ' - 6 " ] 0. 5 2 [1 ' - 8 5 / 8 " ] 6TH FLOOR 60.55 m /198.64' UPPER ROOF 64.73 m /212.37'CEILING 64.21 m /210.64' PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E 0.91NG=FG43.32MNG=43.38MFG=44.90MNG=43.67MFG=44.28MNG=43.42MFG=44.90MNG43.63M19211136124 WEST ELEVATION - REAR 1:100 WEST ELEVATION (REAR) ) l I I i l --------------,------------- • I • I • t • I • t • I • t • I • t • I • t • I ' ' " • I • f • I • I i i i I _l_ I i i I i -I- i i i I I -1- i i i I i -r- i i I ---___ L_ • I • ------l -----• I • ------l ----- • I • ------l ----- • I • ------i ----- • I -, \ ' T I -i- i i i i 1 i /, ' ,, ",<, l i I i ' ', I -~-------------------------------------------------------------------------~----------~--------------------------------------------------- •--.,·<,. I 1 ' r ' ' ! • ·<· I I I __ _, ____ _ --11 -- --11 -- --11 -- --11 -- ', ' /·' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1_ / l I r I ~------------------------------------------ - - - --1-·-L _ --- ,' ,' / ------ - ' ' I I I i I ',' L I i i i I +- I i i i I / ' ~-/ / / ' ' ~-'·----.'---, ' / ' ' / / ,' " ,' ---. I ' ,' <>< / >> l I 1 I i i i T i I i i I i -------11- --.----------- T i I >, ~ ~ / /:--1 ,. f ~ ------ • I • t----i----- 1 i • I I t--t i i ---- 1--t i i ' . --+--t I . I I : t I . I I ---- sa•kan orchi1ec1ure inc. SOUTH ELEVATION 1:100 SOUTH & NORTH ELEVATIONS A-3.02 Drawing No.:Drawn By: Scale: Checked: Date:Project No.: 1908 Drawing Title.: Project Name: 11607,11621 & 11633 BURNETT ST. MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Client: These drawings are instruments of service, and exclusive property of Salikan Architecture Inc. and cannot be reproduced or used for construction without the Architect's prior written permission. This Drawing must not be scaled. The contractor(s) shall verify all dimensions, datums, and levels prior to commencement of work. Any errors or omissions are to be reported immediately to the Architect. No.:Revision:Date: S N E W AS NOTED architect aibc mraic #923 - 409 granville streetvancouver, bc v6c 1t2 t. 604.688.0100 f. 604.331.8781e. info@salikanarchitecture.cawww.salikanarchitecture.ca 1: THE BURNETT JYT RAS 2: 3: 4: 5: Issued for Internal Review 6: 7: 11621 BURNETT STREET HOLDINGS INC. Project Manager: FEB. 25/20 MAR. 11/20Issued for Rezone/DP MAR. 11,2020 KEYPLAN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT 3.0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3.0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 3 5 [1 1 ' - 0 " ] 3. 6 6 [1 2 ' - 0 " ] MAIN FLOOR 45.00 m /147.64' 2ND FLOOR 48.35 m /158.64' 3RD FLOOR 51.40 m /168.64' 4TH FLOOR 54.45 m /178.64' 5TH FLOOR 57.50 m /188.64' PARKING L1 41.65 m /136.64' PARKING L2 38.75 m /127.14'' 3.3 5 [1 1 ' - 0 " ] 2. 9 [9 ' - 6 " ] 0. 5 2 [1 ' - 8 5 / 8 " ] 6TH FLOOR 60.55 m /198.64' UPPER ROOF 64.73 m /212.37'CEILING 64.21 m /210.64' PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E RO A D D E D I C A T I O N 3 . 0 M 1. 0 7NG=43.38MFG=44.90M144.13'43.93MNG=43.61MFG=44.90MNG=43.32MFG=NGA C DB FE 3.0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3.0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 3 5 [1 1 ' - 0 " ] 3.6 6 [1 2 ' - 0 " ] MAIN FLOOR 45.00 m /147.64' 2ND FLOOR 48.35 m /158.64' 3RD FLOOR 51.40 m /168.64' 4TH FLOOR 54.45 m /178.64' 5TH FLOOR 57.50 m /188.64' PARKING L1 41.65 m /136.64' PARKING L2 38.75 m /127.14'' 3.3 5 [1 1 ' - 0 " ] 2.9 [9 ' - 6 " ] 0. 5 2 [1 ' - 8 5 / 8 " ] 6TH FLOOR 60.55 m /198.64' UPPER ROOF 64.73 m /212.37'CEILING 64.21 m /210.64' PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E RO A D D E D I C A T I O N 3 . 0 M PMT142.13'43.32MNG=43.74MFG=43.96MNG=43.46MFG=44.57MNG=43.38MFG=44.90MNG=FG143.70'=43.80MADECFBG NORTH ELEVATION 1:100 \ ( r T 1· ~--------1 T ··1· i i I I I ~ i i i I I i tl ~ -·-·-·-· --i---------+-----------~-~-c ~~----1---------·-·-·-· · ~ - - -- i I i ·1 I : I ·1 • • • I • I I • I ----L--,---------'~-1 ~ ~ ___ H----~1-----t-N-------- 1 --+-+ ----.+------I I • ---!I--+ . I ____.___._ -----1-------1----i........i.. ~ :::::::::::::: ....__ I • --,~---,,-,-~----...--------i ._,_. >+---• I '-----+---r------1-------1------.. I • ---!I-+ . I .-= ~-I = ~ =............... I-+---I I I -~-I i -~ r--t----------+ ~"""--.__j..-\ - - - - - -i -----i ·--N------ - - -----1-----~-------i t 1 4 1 ·_ '-~-~ ~ -_ I -i ' '."'\'lr41 -.......+---+--~ ------'------I--- - - -i ----_ i ·-----------------I-1 t . . Ii ~~ ~~ ~ ~ I I I ~ ~ ~ . i ~', ~ ~ ~ \ i ' . I • H~------~---I i -----_______ j ___ l. + -~ T I I J i i i ' ' ' i A-~----•-- 1 . I i I • . I I • . I W . I ---------------------- • I I I i I -----------H ----------- 1 i -----~------ 1 i _____ i I ___ _ H -- 1 i . ' H ---------------------- 1 . I ~ / '-> -. ~ -·· llllli2-• -,-l==== ========t====== ==j==i· = =--Z I I I i i i ~ ' ' . I I I I ----------1--1· ----+--' ' I ' . I i I • t- 1 I 1111 --------7--1----C ' . ' ' I i , • • --------~--+----r I I I • I j --------: __ ! ____ l I I ~~~~---__ J __ i_ ---t------- \ t ------------------ ----<C------- sa•kan orchi1ec1ure inc. ~~ EAST ELEVATION (FRONT) A-3.03 Drawing No.:Drawn By: Scale: Checked: Date:Project No.: 1908 Drawing Title.: Project Name: 11607,11621 & 11633 BURNETT ST. MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Client: These drawings are instruments of service, and exclusive property of Salikan Architecture Inc. and cannot be reproduced or used for construction without the Architect's prior written permission. This Drawing must not be scaled. The contractor(s) shall verify all dimensions, datums, and levels prior to commencement of work. Any errors or omissions are to be reported immediately to the Architect. No. : Revision:Date: S N E W AS NOTED architect aibc mraic #923 - 409 granville streetvancouver, bc v6c 1t2 t. 604.688.0100f. 604.331.8781e. info@salikanarchitecture.cawww.salikanarchitecture.ca 1: THE BURNETT JYT RAS 2: 3: 4: 5: Issued for Internal Review 6: 7: 11621 BURNETT STREET HOLDINGS INC. Project Manager: FEB. 25/20 MAR. 11/20Issued for Rezone/DP MAR. 11,2020 KEYPLAN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT FG=43.96M NG=43.74M 146.22' 44.57M143.70'43.80M143.80'43.83M1 1 6 2 5 FRONT ELEVATION 1:100 3 22 73 1 FIBER CEMENT PANEL SIDING (REVEALS TO MATCHING) BM 2119 - 10 SPACE BLACK 3 FIBER CEMENT PANEL SIDING(REVEALS TO MATCHING) BM 2124-60 MISTY GRAY 4 CEDAR WOOD SOFFIT NATURAL WOOD - STAINED 2 FIBER CEMENT PANEL SIDING(REVEALS TO MATCHING) BM-2083-10 RAISIN TORTE METAL ROOFING FIBER CEMENT PANEL SIDING DARK OR BLACK CEDAR WOOD SOFFIT ALUMINUM THERMALLY BROKEN WINDOW, BLACK FINISH - ALL WINDOWS ARE CASEMENT AND PUSH-OUT WINDOWS. ALUMINUM FRAME WITH SAFTY GLASS RAILING BM 2119 -10 SPACE BLACK GREY BUILT-IN GUTTER AND METAL FLASHING FIBER CEMENT PANEL SIDING BM 2083 - 10 RAISIN TORTE BM 2124 - 60 MISTY GRAY NATURAL WOOD - STAINED MATERIAL LIST FIBER CEMENT PANEL SIDING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 367812186344 / / / / \ \ \ \ / / \ ' / / \ ' / / / ◊ / / / / ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ so•kon orchi1ec1ure inc. Drawing No.:Drawn By: Scale: Checked: Date:Project No.: 1908 Drawing Title.: Project Name: 11607,11621 & 11633 BURNETT ST. MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Client: These drawings are instruments of service, and exclusive property of Salikan Architecture Inc. and cannot be reproduced or used for construction without the Architect's prior written permission. This Drawing must not be scaled. The contractor(s) shall verify all dimensions, datums, and levels prior to commencement of work. Any errors or omissions are to be reported immediately to the Architect. No.:Revision:Date: S N E W AS NOTED architect aibc mraic #923 - 409 granville streetvancouver, bc v6c 1t2 t. 604.688.0100 f. 604.331.8781 e. info@salikanarchitecture.ca www.salikanarchitecture.ca 1: THE BURNETT JYT RAS 2: 3: 4: 5: Issued for Internal Review 6: 7: 11621 BURNETT STREET HOLDINGS INC. Project Manager: FEB. 25/20 MAR. 11/20Issued for Rezone/DP MAR. 11,2020 KEYPLAN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT A-4.01 SECTION A-A SECTION A-A 1:100 PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A C C C C D D D D LOBBY COMMON AMENITY A1 A2 C1 PARKING-L1 PARKING-L2 0.91 1. 0 7 DRIVEWAY 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 3 5 [1 1 ' - 0 " ] 3. 6 6 [1 2 ' - 0 " ] MAIN FLOOR 45.00 m /147.64' 2ND FLOOR 48.35 m /158.64' 3RD FLOOR 51.40 m /168.64' 4TH FLOOR 54.45 m /178.64' 5TH FLOOR 57.50 m /188.64' 6TH FLOOR 60.55 m /198.64' CEILING 64.21 m /210.64' PARKING L1 41.65 m /136.64' PARKING L2 38.75 m /127.14'' 3. 3 5 [1 1 ' - 0 " ] 2. 9 [9 ' - 6 " ] UPPER ROOF 64.73 m /212.37'' 0. 5 2 [1 ' - 8 1 / 2 " ] so•kon orchi1ec1ure inc. --.------ ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' -~' ____ 1_ □ □ Drawing No.:Drawn By: Scale: Checked: Date:Project No.: 1908 Drawing Title.: Project Name: 11607,11621 & 11633 BURNETT ST. MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Client: These drawings are instruments of service, and exclusive property of Salikan Architecture Inc. and cannot be reproduced or used for construction without the Architect's prior written permission. This Drawing must not be scaled. The contractor(s) shall verify all dimensions, datums, and levels prior to commencement of work. Any errors or omissions are to be reported immediately to the Architect. No.:Revision:Date: S N E W AS NOTED architect aibc mraic #923 - 409 granville streetvancouver, bc v6c 1t2 t. 604.688.0100 f. 604.331.8781 e. info@salikanarchitecture.ca www.salikanarchitecture.ca 1: THE BURNETT JYT RAS 2: 3: 4: 5: Issued for Internal Review 6: 7: 11621 BURNETT STREET HOLDINGS INC. Project Manager: FEB. 25/20 MAR. 11/20Issued for Rezone/DP MAR. 11,2020 KEYPLAN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT A-4.02 SECTION B-B SECTION B-B 1:100 TOS 43.91 TOS 38.75 1. 0 7 3. 0 5 2. 6 5 2. 2 NG 43.32M 3.0M ROAD DEDICATION TOS 44.9 1.5 0. 6 VISITOR 3.48 PARKING -L1 TOS 41.65TOS 42.00TW=45.97BW=49.92. 5 7FG44.15MFG43.54MTW=45.37MBW=44.22M2. 4 5 1.5 STAIR #2 G G G G G PARKING -L2 ROOF PR O P E R T Y L I N E RO A D D E D I C A T I O N PR O P E R T Y L I N E 1. 1 5 TOS 44.9 TOS 45.0 SLOPE 10% SLOPE 12.4% SLOPE 10% STORAGE (LOCKER) TOS 41.70 TOS 42.26 0.3 TOS 43.61 2. 7 3 13 3 10.85 2. 4 4 3. 0 E ACDBFG 2. 2 9 0. 4 6 1. 0 7 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 3 5 [1 1 ' - 0 " ] 3. 6 6 [1 2 ' - 0 " ] MAIN FLOOR 45.00 m /147.64' 2ND FLOOR 48.35 m /158.64' 3RD FLOOR 51.40 m /168.64' 4TH FLOOR 54.45 m /178.64' 5TH FLOOR 57.50 m /188.64' 6TH FLOOR 60.55 m /198.64' CEILING 64.21 m /210.64' PARKING L1 41.65 m /136.64' PARKING L2 38.75 m /127.14'' 3. 3 5 [1 1 ' - 0 " ] 2. 9 [9 ' - 6 " ] UPPER ROOF 64.73 m /212.37'' 0. 5 2 [1 ' - 8 1 / 2 " ] so•kon orchi1ec1ure inc. •• \ \ I I --- ·-I! -':..._ ______ = i ==i======---1 '.. I I I .!--·-----·-: -: ======= : : : i ,,.. • = ==={(===== T======== i , i ~=-=-===7[~~~---:j 1 -L-------~--i----------·-1,.----' I i i i i ' I i I i I I ' I i • i I ' I i i :-I I I 'I i -----i i --'---•--------I:-------,--I i -------i I i' I i~========7=====f=7r====7r-1 I i ' I i I I ' I ' i -:-- -i I I • I C-- - - --i - - -I --,- -----i r------i • __ _! ___ ~----*==========~=====r ·; 4======1=-1------i I I' , , , , 1 _______ _ 'I ---) ---1 j -----,I --,I- -----11 ---I i • I I i I ' 1 1 • . I • I i I I ·1: : ------:-: _L __ j ________ _ • I -----~-I i . I ' -----l,--i ~----➔~========t====tl 9=====--r-1lt--~~-1I i1 • I I i I • 11 . • I I I i 1 __ L____________ : : i ,L____ I i i ' -----1, , , , 1 .---1' 11 /. :1111 --_--:;:;-::=:~n~=:!'=ffi~F=~=t====":.___'::rr---I ~ ' ' , .. ~ I I -~~--I I "ij\J _____ _ j I i I .'"i<•---1 I j I %\-j i I I =,, ~ i Drawing No.:Drawn By: Scale: Checked: Date:Project No.: 1908 Drawing Title.: Project Name: 11607,11621 & 11633 BURNETT ST. MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Client: These drawings are instruments of service, and exclusive property of Salikan Architecture Inc. and cannot be reproduced or used for construction without the Architect's prior written permission. This Drawing must not be scaled. The contractor(s) shall verify all dimensions, datums, and levels prior to commencement of work. Any errors or omissions are to be reported immediately to the Architect. No.:Revision:Date: S N E W AS NOTED architect aibc mraic #923 - 409 granville streetvancouver, bc v6c 1t2 t. 604.688.0100 f. 604.331.8781 e. info@salikanarchitecture.ca www.salikanarchitecture.ca 1: THE BURNETT JYT RAS 2: 3: 4: 5: Issued for Internal Review 6: 7: 11621 BURNETT STREET HOLDINGS INC. Project Manager: FEB. 25/20 MAR. 11/20Issued for Rezone/DP MAR. 11,2020 KEYPLAN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT A-4.03 SECTION C-C SECTION D-D 1:100 PARKING-L1 2. 1 3 0.3 3.0M ROAD DEDICATION TOS 44.05TW=45.0MBW=44.05MGUARDRAIL 1.07 HT. SECTION C-C 1:50 A PARKING-L1 PARKING-L2 2. 1 3 3.0M ROAD DEDICATION TOS 44.05M WOMEN CHANGE ROOM SHOWER PMT STORAGE ROOM TOS 44.65M 1.5 PATHWAY SECTION E-E 1:50 E ACDBFG A A A A E E E E RO A D D E D I C A T I O N PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PARKING-L1 PARKING-L2 A2 E1 0.91 0.91 3. 0 5 12 0.9 2. 1 3 0.3 3.0M ROAD DEDICATIONTW=45.0MBW = 4 4 . 0 5 M FG=44.05M NG=FG 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 0 5 [1 0 ' - 0 " ] 3. 3 5 [1 1 ' - 0 " ] 3. 6 6 [1 2 ' - 0 " ] MAIN FLOOR 45.00 m /147.64' 2ND FLOOR 48.35 m /158.64' 3RD FLOOR 51.40 m /168.64' 4TH FLOOR 54.45 m /178.64' 5TH FLOOR 57.50 m /188.64' 6TH FLOOR 60.55 m /198.64' CEILING 64.21 m /210.64' PARKING L1 41.65 m /136.64' PARKING L2 38.75 m /127.14'' 3. 3 5 [1 1 ' - 0 " ] 2. 9 [9 ' - 6 " ] UPPER ROOF 64.73 m /212.37'' 0. 5 2 [1 ' - 8 1 / 2 " ] -------------____ _,,,___ _______ ------- -------------____ _,.___ ______ ------- -------------____ _,,__~.---------------- -------------------------------- -------------____ _,,__~.---------------- -------------____ _,,,___ _______ ------- -----------6------------- ----------~---------- -T I I I I -----r -------l---i--,-~__J_L_ _________ -4-~1.-----J-1----------__J-====;:~------------1--------_T __ _ i i i i I i i I I i I i i I I -----------~ -------------f:=!===1~-------------+'--------'--f----------------jl------------------------•-I I I i I i i i i ! 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Any errors or omissions are to be reported immediately to the Architect. No.:Revision:Date: S N E W AS NOTED architect aibc mraic #923 - 409 granville streetvancouver, bc v6c 1t2 t. 604.688.0100 f. 604.331.8781 e. info@salikanarchitecture.ca www.salikanarchitecture.ca 1: THE BURNETT JYT RAS 2: 3: 4: 5: Issued for Internal Review 6: 7: 11621 BURNETT STREET HOLDINGS INC. Project Manager: FEB. 25/20 MAR. 11/20Issued for Rezone/DP MAR. 11,2020 KEYPLAN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT UNIT PLAN 1:50 UNIT PLAN A-5.01 ELEC F 900 SF BALCONY Den 10'11"X 5'5" Dining 14'2"X 7'8" Kitchen 9'3"X 9'2" Bedroom 10'0"X10'0" Bath 5'0"X 8'0" Living 10'8"X9'7" W.I.C. 6'6"X5'1" Ensuite 5'0"X 9'0" Master Bedroom 10'0"X13'4" Bath 5'0"X 8'0" 309 6.45 3.3 1. 2 2 8. 3 6 8.03 1.73 8. 8 9 0. 7 1 EL E V A T O R ELEC 841 SF E BALCONY Living 10'7"X12'7" Dining 10'3"X 11'6"Kitchen 9'0"X 9'5" Ensuite 5'0"X 8'0" Master Bedroom 9'1"X12'10"Bedroom 9'0"X10'0" Bath 5'0"X 8'0" 311 The 3rd Floor & 6th Floor are Cross-over Floors Required as Per BCBC and NFPA 9. 6 3 3.13 3.78 4. 1 7 4. 5 7 0. 8 6 7.69 2.22 BALCONY SP STAIR #2 G 1052 SF Bath 5'0"X 8'0" Living 12'6"X10'7" Master Bedroom 11'2"X10'0" W.I.C. 5'0"X5'3" Ensuite 8'0"X 5'1" Bedroom 11'0"X10'0" Dining 12'6"X 8'4" Kitchen 12'6"X 11'0" Bath 5'0"X 9'0"Bedroom 11'0"X 9'0" 308 0.66 3.51 4.06 13 . 4 1 8.23 2. 3 4 3. 1 5 7. 9 3 UP 301 302 1. 1 7 0. 1 5 BALCONY 942 SF D 880 SFH Bedroom 10'2"X10'5" Kitchen 8'6"X 8'6" Master Bedroom 10'0"X12'8" W.I.C. 4'2"X6'5" Ensuite 8'3"X 5'0" Bath 8'8"X 5'0" Living 8'10"X11'8" Dining 8'8"X 12'0" Ensuite 5'0"X 8'3" Bath 8'8"X 5'0" Kitchen 10'7"X 8'0" The 3rd Floor & 6th Floor are Cross-over Floors Required as Per BCBC and NFPA 3.95 5.34 3. 4 7 1. 1 7 0. 7 7 2. 7 3 2.69 1.48 2.18 5.88 3.33 0. 5 9 0. 6 4 1. 0 4 3. 6 9 4. 1 4 l □ ,- - ~ 0 □ v-0 ~ 0~ ~ ~,-c ~ µ ~ IHI (r" ~ r-□ ( ( ( ·] [ ~ \" -~ [ ] :~ J I I ~ I I bd ~ I I I ,J i (<? 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Any errors or omissions are to be reported immediately to the Architect. No.:Revision:Date: S N E W AS NOTED architect aibc mraic #923 - 409 granville streetvancouver, bc v6c 1t2 t. 604.688.0100 f. 604.331.8781 e. info@salikanarchitecture.ca www.salikanarchitecture.ca 1: THE BURNETT JYT RAS 2: 3: 4: 5: Issued for Internal Review 6: 7: 11621 BURNETT STREET HOLDINGS INC. Project Manager: FEB. 25/20 MAR. 11/20Issued for Rezone/DP MAR. 11,2020 KEYPLAN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT UNIT PLAN 1:50 UNIT PLAN A-5.02 8.23 9. 1 5 1. 2 2 8. 4 9 1. 8 8 3.56 3.04 1.63 BALCONY 305 Kitchen 8'4"X 9'10" Dining 11'6"X 7'8" Living 11'6"X11'5" Bedroom 9'0"X12'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X12'0" Ensuite 5'0"X 8'2" Bath 8'2"X 5'0" 832 SF A BALCONY 307 B 691 SF Kitchen 9'2"X 8'8" Dining 10'10"X 9'10" Living 10'10"X10'5" Bedroom 10'0"X13'6" Bath 7'8"X 7'2" W.I.C. 6'6"X4'4" Den 7'8"X 7'0" 3.41 3.4 9. 1 2 1. 2 4 0. 6 6 9. 7 5.94 0.76 303 BALCONY 1. 1 7 603 SF C Ensuite 5'0"X 8'3" Bath 8'8"X 5'0" Master Bedroom 10'1"X10'0" W.I.C. 6'6"X3'8" Ensuite 8'8"X 5'0" Kitchen 8'4"X 9'10" Dining 11'7"X 7'8" Living 11'6"X11'5" The 3rd Floor & 6th Floor are Cross-over Floors Required as Per BCBC and NFPA Ensuite 5'0"X 8'2" 7 9. 1 4 1. 0 7 1. 7 6 6. 3 2 4.86 2.05 302 BALCONY 1. 1 7 1.52 BALCONY 942 SF D H Master Bedroom 10'0"X12'8" W.I.C. 4'2"X6'5" Ensuite 8'3"X 5'0" Bath 8'8"X 5'0" Living 8'10"X11'8" Dining 8'8"X 12'0" Bedroom 9'8"X10'0" Master Bedroom 10'0"X11'2" W.I.C. 6'6"X4'0" Ensuite 5'0"X 8'3" Bath 8'8"X 5'0" Kitchen 10'7"X 8'0" Living 8'10"X11'5" Dining 9'2"X 10'2"Master Bedroom 10'1"X10'0" W.I.C. 6'6"X3'8" Ensuite 8'8"X 5'0" The 3rd Floor & 6th Floor are Cross-over Floors Required as Per BCBC and NFPA 0.7 3.52 2.08 5.88 2.43 0. 8 2. 7 1 1. 9 3. 7 4 0. 3 8 0. 4 2 0. 4 2 2.75 3.3 2.98 2.9 2.69 0.9 1. 0 7 1. 7 6 7. 5 4 . --"r-7 ,-----"----- \\ •. ··-- a J --~ I V} I \ ao - do « ' I @ -t ~ I \OJ I I ~ I I I ' ~ ~ ~ so•kon orchi1ec1ure inc. )= A A □ r ~ [ ] □ ~ '-- bd lbd '-- 0 '-- '--L □ ~ ,,/ V/ A r [ OJ [ ] I - J I I lbd ~--- '--I I [Q] ~ I I □ 0 ' / ---._ I \ "' \ 0 ~ □ n v- □ \ J □ "' / ~ _,, Iv- C- 0--,,, ~ '--'--C-1,- C- II _.,.__ - □ ~ □ I . . , ' . . / ~ ' I ' /, A A /' . 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No.:Revision:Date: S N E W AS NOTED architect aibc mraic #923 - 409 granville streetvancouver, bc v6c 1t2 t. 604.688.0100 f. 604.331.8781 e. info@salikanarchitecture.ca www.salikanarchitecture.ca 1: THE BURNETT JYT RAS 2: 3: 4: 5: Issued for Internal Review 6: 7: 11621 BURNETT STREET HOLDINGS INC. Project Manager: FEB. 25/20 MAR. 11/20Issued for Rezone/DP MAR. 11,2020 KEYPLAN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT UNIT PLAN 1:50 UNIT PLAN A-5.03 ENSUITE 5'0"X 8'10" 2. 8 7 2. 8 7 ELEC W/D KITCHEN 9'6"X 8'3" BEDROOM 10'4"X13'0" ENSUITE 5'1"X 8'10" LIVING/DINING 11'4"X22'1" ENSUITE 5'0"X 8'10" MASTER BDRM 10'0"X13'0" BEDROOM 10'0"X10'0" 1082 SF F1 BATH 8'1"X 5'0" W.I.C. 6'6"X 3'11" W.I.C. 5'4"X 8'10" DECK 604 ROOF 1. 5 7 6.6 6.66 8. 3 8 13.26 1. 3 7. 0 8 10.56 0.61 DECK 2. 8 7 ELEC 1. 5 8 EL E V A T O R LIVING/DINING 14'7"X22'1" KITCHEN 9'6"X 8'3" BEDROOM 10'0"X10'0"BEDROOM 10'0"X11'6" MASTER BDRM 10'0"X13'0" W.I.C. 5'4"X8'10" ENSUITE 5'0"X 8'10" BATH 5'0"X 8'10" 1132 SF E1 BATH 5'1"X 8'0" 2. 8 7 605 ENSUITE 5'0"X 8'10" MASTER BDRM 10'0"X13'0" DECK DECK The 3rd Floor & 6th Floor are Cross-over Floors Required as Per BCBC and NFPA 3.1 6.3 4.75 1. 5 2 6. 8 5 14.11 1. 3 7. 0 9 10.72 3. 0 5 DECK 603 KITCHEN 9'6"X 9'7" LIVING/DINING 13'6"X 24'0" MASTER BDRM 11'6"X12'2" W.I.C. 8'10"X 5'4" 883 SF A1 BEDROOM 10'0"X11'10" ENSUITE 8'1"X 5'6"BATH 5'1"X 8'1" ROOF 13.26 10.56 0.61 7. 6 2 11.18 3. 8 2 3. 8 1 DECK 3. 0 5 DECK 3. 0 5 602 BEDROOM 10'0"X11'10" KITCHEN 9'6"X 8'4" DINING/LIVING 10'4"X 24'0" BEDROOM 9'6"X9'10" MASTER BDRM 10'0"X12'2" ENSUITE 8'1"X 5'6" BATH 5'1"X 8'1" 820 SF A2 W.I.C. 8'1"X 5'4" ROOF BEDROOM 10'0"X11'10" 14.11 10.72 3. 8 2 3. 8 1 0.61 9.5 0.61 3. 8 1 3. 8 1 3. 0 5 DECK 601 ENSUITE 8'1"X 5'6" W.I.C. 8'1"X 5'4" ROOF ENSUITE 8'1"X 5'6"KITCHEN 9'6"X 9'7" DINING/LIVING 13'6"X 24'0" BATH 5'1"X 8'1" MASTER BDRM 11'6"X12'2" 879 SF C1 BEDROOM 10'0"X11'10" W.I.C. 8'10"X 5'4" 1. 2 2 The 3rd Floor & 6th Floor are Cross-over Floors Required as Per BCBC and NFPA 0.61 10.52 7. 6 2 11.13 3. 8 1 3. 8 1 / / ' . . . -------------------i 1 i I ' I I ' I I I I I I I I ! i r J " sa•kan n □ □ □ - orchi~ec~ure inc. -I~ . 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No.:Revision:Date: S N E W AS NOTED architect aibc mraic #923 - 409 granville streetvancouver, bc v6c 1t2 t. 604.688.0100 f. 604.331.8781 e. info@salikanarchitecture.ca www.salikanarchitecture.ca 1: THE BURNETT JYT RAS 2: 3: 4: 5: Issued for Internal Review 6: 7: 11621 BURNETT STREET HOLDINGS INC. Project Manager: FEB. 25/20 MAR. 11/20Issued for Rezone/DP MAR. 11,2020 KEYPLAN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SHADOW STUDY A-6.01 Equinox 2pm Equinox 5pm Equinox 10am Sum Sol 2pm Sum Sol 5pm Sum Sol 10am Win Sol 2pm Win Sol 4pm Win Sol 10am ,. • &· :,:l i • I • •• • • I • I' :~j( .~"' .. . ' --------,,. ' • /~r • ... •• • .,.,. r -4 ... ~ "'""'' ..,. f ... . i I • . • • I • ~· :'?' 1· :~:;!{ ..._______, ,. • • ... ,• .. /4-r ---·----· •• . ,. ,.• ,• i/',' ' t • : • • • ' • i • I ' ' ~-• • 'l • ~:· 1· :\:;! 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" ,} :I ,· ' • • • SKETCH PLAN OVER PART OF LOT 1 SECTION 17 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 12316 EXCEPT: FIRSTLY: PARCEL 118 11 {EXPLANATORY PLAN 12951); SECONDLY: PARCEL "A" (REFERENCE PLAN 13279); PART OF LOT 2 SECTION 17 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 12316; AND PART OF PARCEL "A" {REFERENCE PLAN 13279) LOT 1 SECTION 17 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 12316 BCGS 92G.028 0 25 ~----50 m I The intended plot size of this pion is 560 mm in width by 432 mm in height {C SIZE} when plotted at o scale of 1: 500 Integrated Survey Area No. J6 , Maple Ridge , NAD8J (CSRS), 4.0.0.BC.1.G',R(J Grid bMJrings ore dM'i!Md from observations bet~ geodetic control monuments 88H4J51 and 87HJJ94 and are referred to the central meridian of UTll Zone ION. ...... Q) Datum: NAOBJ (CSRS} 4.0.0.BC.1.CVRD UTM Zone 10 UTM Northing: 5451J99.J71 UTM Easting: 529973.623 Point combined factor. 0.9996068 The UT),,f coordinates and estimated absolute accuracy achieved ore derived from the MASCOT published coordinates and standard deviations for geodetic control monumt1nfs 88H4J51 and 87HJJ94. ~ ~"-''-"'-•_ted_ob_,.,_u_t•_•_ccu_,_oc~r._+_l_-o_.o_,_, m ___ _,__ ~ 88H4J51 This pion shows horizontol ground-level distances unless otherwise specif,ed. To compute grid distances, multiply ground-level distances by the overage combined factor of 0.9996068. The overage combined factor has been determined based on geodetic control monument 88H4J51. (/) :S co ~ LEGEND: All Distances Are In Metres And Decimals Thereof Gilley A venue B- ~~ 8"' @ Control Monument Found 9 Pion 12197 10 Pion 12197 (Posting Pion LMP4745J} I \ f @ • 0 Standard Concrete Post Found Standard Iron Post Found Standard Iron Post Set 89:~~91• as· ro.914 s2· ss· as'52·ss· as-s2·ss· 0•911 7 NFf---,,,o;,;_o"'ss;-'4wrr::----"''---:,,.,_•6B,.;2c--""-----Q'i;;,1.J.J~6------------...,~,5~_SJ;-:2~-----------u!"'.?""ltwt ~ Rem E u DMotss "Unregistered" Note: This plan shows one or mortt witness posts which arl! not set on the true corner( s) Jl lr This pion lies within the j.Jrlsdictlon of the Approving Officer for the City of Mopls Ridge. 13 Pion 21553 12 Pion LUP50997 I I I 13 I Pion l.MP50997 \ I @If)\ 11 Plan 12316 Pel B Explanatory Pion 12951 Park 0.510 ho 89'52'59• .... _;. :::: o.s,4 kl Plan/2J/6 Plan/2316 ...... Q) ~ ...... (/) ...... ...... Q) E: c5 Plon\4834 \ 6 \ Pion 16011 t, \"%. ~/~ t.r· \ 5 Pion 16011 -Road,__ ___ -< 251.7 m2 1 Pion 14406 \ \ \ \ \ This pion lies within the Metro Vancouver Regional District. The field survey represented by this pion was completed on the 28th day of October, 2019 Mike Bernemann, BCLS 793 Datum: NADBJ {CSRS) 4.0.aBC.1.GvRD UTJ,f Zone 10 UTM Northing: 5450988.481 22371 St. Anne Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC Tel: 604-463-2509 Fie: MRl6-557SK UTM Easting: 530241.599 Point combined factor: 0.9996072 Estimated absolute accuracy. +/-0.014 m 3 Pion 14406 2 ~87HJJ94 November 26, 2018 (Rev. 2) Reference: 16-6837 Via Email: keyplan@shaw.ca 11621 Burnett Street Holdings Inc. c/o KeyPlan Development Management 805 - 271 Francis Way New Westminster, BC V3L 0H2 Attn: Mr. Kevin Key Re: Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Assessment Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett Street, Maple Ridge, BC 1.0 INTRODUCTION As requested, Braun Geotechnical Ltd. carried out a preliminary geotechnical assessment and completed the Phase 1 & 2 exploration programs for the above- referenced project. The geotechnical work has been performed in general accordance with the Braun Geotechnical proposal dated: June 23, 2016 (our reference No. P16- 5007), and with subsequent discussions with the Client. The Phase 1 scope of work included a geotechnical hazard assessment, review of soil conditions based on published and in-house geological and geotechnical information, site reconnaissance mapping and shallow test pit exploration, and provision of comments and recommendations for site development including site assessment and/ or exploration requirements that may be additional to the Phase 2 work scope provided. The Phase 2 scope of work included deep test hole and Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) exploration program for detailed foundation design, and to confirm assumptions/ conclusions from the Phase 1 work. The scope of services was limited to the evaluation of the geotechnical characteristics at the site and no consideration has been given to any environmental aspects. Note that exploration and reporting for offsite road improvements and servicing was not included in the current scope of work. The purpose of the geotechnical hazard assessment was to assess terrain hazard conditions in the area with potential to impact and/or to be impacted by the proposed development. The geotechnical reconnaissance mapping and subsurface exploration were carried out to assess slope conditions at the site in order to determine appropriate geotechnical requirements for avoidance and/or mitigation of identified hazards, and to assess potential requirements for detailed analysis of soil slope stability under both static and design seismic conditions. The slope assessment work was carried out using as a guide, relevant design methods and selected hazard acceptability criteria discussed in the APEGBC document, “Guidelines for Legislated Landslide Assessment for Proposed Residential Developments in BC (May, 2010). The APEGBC guidelines were developed to assist Foundations, Excavation & Shoring Specialists Braun Geotechnical 102 – 19049 95A Ave. Surrey, BC V4N 4P3 Tel: 604-513-4190 Fax: 604-513-4195 info@braungeo.com www.braungeo.com Foundations Excavation & Shoring Slope Stability Natural Hazards Pavement Design and Management Reinforced Soil Walls and Slopes Rev. Sept 15, 2006 ProfessionalEngineets andGeoscieotistsofBC MEMBER [lilRAUN G E O T E C H N I C A L LT D . Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development November 26, 2018 (Rev. 2) 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett St, Maple Ridge, BC Our File # 16-6837 2 designers and approving authorities in defining “safe site use” in accordance with provincial and municipal regulatory requirements. Should any changes be made to the proposed layout or general nature of the project, Braun should be notified to review and modify the geotechnical recommendations to reflect those changes, as appropriate. Braun should be forwarded final architectural/ structural drawings when they become available and be provided the opportunity to comment on potential geotechnical aspects of the foundation design 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION AND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The subject site comprises 3 adjoining parcels: 11607, 11621 and 11633 Burnett Street in the City of Maple Ridge, BC. At the time of the exploration, the site was surrounded by Burnett Street to the east, a vacant development site to the north, a Single Family Dwelling (SFD) to the south and a ravine to the west. Existing SFDs complete with accessory buildings and driveways/ landscaped areas were located onsite. Ground cover consisted of trees (up to ~0.6m butt diameter) with low-height grasses and shrubs. The site topography includes an upper bench set at approximate El. 43 to 44m, which slopes down gently to the crest of ravine slopes to the west. The bench occupies approximately 1/3 of the total site area. A ravine is located to the west of the upper bench and contains a creek which flows to the south. The ravine depth ranges from approximately 6 to 8m, with west side slopes established at gradients on the order of 2H:1V (Horizontal to Vertical), or shallower. Details of the proposed development were provided on preliminary Architectural drawings dated: 28/05/2018, prepared by Garcia Zunino Architects Inc. The development includes a 5-storey apartment building set on 2 levels of partially-embedded underground parking, and an at-grade amenity-type building to the north. Miscellaneous pathways and landscaped areas are proposed at remaining site areas. Based on the preliminary Architectural drawings and discussions with the Client, it is understood the first floor would be set approximately 1.2m above existing grades at Burnett Street (ie. approx. El. 45.3m). The P2 slab elevation is proposed at approximate El. 39.0m, and therefore an underside of footing elevation of El. 38.0m is anticipated at this preliminary stage. Preliminary drawings indicate that the western portion of the P2 parking level may not be fully built out. 3.0 ANTICIPATED SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Based on a review of published geological and geotechnical information, available in-house subsurface information, and on observations made during the site walkover review on July 12, 2016, it was anticipated that the study site is underlain by a thin veneer of organic soil underlain by a ‘crust’ of stiff to very stiff desiccated marine/ glaciomarine clay/silt overlying deep deposits of marine/ glaciomarine clay/ silt (Fort Langley Formation). 4.0 GEOTECHNICAL HAZARD ASSESSMENT 4.1 General The geotechnical hazard assessment involved collection and review of available geological and geotechnical information, review of available historical government air photos, and a site reconnaissance walkover review of the study site area. 4.2 Desk Study Information A desk study review of available published geological, geotechnical and terrain hazard information was carried out and historical government aerial photographs were obtained and reviewed. The geological and geotechnical information and air photo reviews were carried out to assess potential for past or incipient slope instability (regional or property-scale landslides) and/or stream channel hazards (avulsion flows, erosion) in the vicinity of the study site. [lilRAUN G E O T E C H N I C A L LT O. Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development November 26, 2018 (Rev. 2) 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett St, Maple Ridge, BC Our File # 16-6837 3 Information provided by the Client included a recent geotechnical exploration report prepared by Valley Geotechnical Ltd. (Valley) at 11655 Burnett Street located adjacent and to the north of the drainage ravine crossing the study site to the north and west. Factual data presented in the Valley report noted deep fill soils within most of the test pits, some beyond the limit of exploration at depths of up to approximately 3.7m. Braun also completed a subsurface exploration and prepared a geotechnical report for 11655 Burnett Street in early 2018. Deep test holes and Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) advanced on the site encountered approximately 3m of stiff silty CLAY overlying firm to stiff silty CLAY to a depth of approximately 22.7m. Inferred silty SAND to sandy SILT was encountered below, but refusal to the CPT was encountered at shallow advancement within this layer. A review of historical government air photos available for each decade and dating back to the 1940’s was carried out, and the following was noted on or in the immediate vicinity of the site:  The study site area visible in an air photo taken in 1940 indicated the site was partially tree- covered with cleared areas on the east and west side of Burnett Street. Light tones to the north of the study site suggest some clearing or filling activity. The current alignments of Burnett Street and Lougheed Highway are visible in the 1940 photo.  Air photo tones consistent with farming activity are visible on the 1949 air photo, and small buildings are visible on the study site. The property to the north of the study site is cleared with drainage channels visible to the south, west and north of this parcel (Refer to Plate 1). Subsequent air photos from 1951 to 1980 show new building construction on the study site and adjacent parcels to the north, and across the drainage channel ravine to the west. Plate 1 – 1949 Air photo showing intact drainage channels north and west of study site (Approx. study site outlined in yellow). BURNETT STREET [lilRAUN G E O T E C H N I C A L LT O. Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development November 26, 2018 (Rev. 2) 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett St, Maple Ridge, BC Our File # 16-6837 4  Air photos from 1980 show substantial modification to the ravine drainage channels to the north of the study site. In addition, photo tones were noted at an offsite property to the south of the study site that are consistent with filling and re-grading of slopes to flatter configurations (Refer to Plate 2). Plate 2 – 1980 Air photo showing substantial modifications to northern drainage channels and ravine slope filling south of the study site area (Approx. study site outlined in yellow).  Obvious visible modifications to the study site and its west-facing ravine slopes are not visible on the 2002 air photos. However, substantial development of areas to the south, north and west of the study side (across the ravine) is visible, and the northern drainage channel ravines appear to have been entirely in-filled (Refer to Plate 3).  Obvious visible features and/or tones to indicate past or incipient large-scale onsite slope movements were not observed on any of the air photos. Property-scale ground surface features were generally obscured by tree cover in the available air photos.  Obvious visible features and/or tones to indicate past or incipient offsite large-scale slope movements or surficial slumping in the immediate vicinity of the site were not observed on the air photos. BURNETT STREET [lilRAUN G E O T E C H N I C A L LT O. Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development November 26, 2018 (Rev. 2) 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett St, Maple Ridge, BC Our File # 16-6837 5 Plate 3 – 2002 Airphoto showing substantial modifications to northern drainage channels (Approx. study site outlined in yellow). 4.3 Site Observations A site reconnaissance of the property was carried out on July 12, 2016, to assess baseline condition of the area, and to review site slopes for obvious visible evidence of past or incipient soil movements. The following geotechnical observations were made:  Vegetation had been partially and/or completely cleared at portions of the site.  In areas that had not been cleared, large fir and cedar trees were observed to be straight growth and vertical. General upslope curvature in stands of large trees can be an indicator that ground movement has occurred during the growth of the trees. Obvious visible evidence of general upslope curvature in mature trees was not noted.  The topography of the onsite slope was consistent with anticipated conditions based on regional topographic mapping. Irregular slopes and/or unusual topography can be an indication of past soil movements. Obvious visible evidence of topographic irregularities was not noted.  The site was generally observed to be well-drained. Drainage was generally observed to be unconfined surficial run-off. It is considered drainage may also include near surface seepage. Spot seepage was encountered at depths from 3.0 to 5.7m within test pits excavated at the site. BURNETT STREET [lilRAUN G E O T E C H N I C A L LT O. Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development November 26, 2018 (Rev. 2) 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett St, Maple Ridge, BC Our File # 16-6837 6 Irregular drainage patterns on slopes can be an indication of past soil movements. Obvious visible evidence of irregular drainage patterns was not noted. Based on information provided via email by the Client on September 24, 2018, it is understood a low- height landscaping retaining wall was discovered onsite in 2018 during an environmental assessment by others. The retaining wall is located near the top of bank to the west of the existing SFD at 11621 Burnett. The existing retaining wall is not considered material to general (natural) slope stability concerns. 4.4 Hazard Assessment Findings The following sections of the Geotechnical Hazard Assessment follow the format presented in Cave, P. 1993., Hazard Acceptability Thresholds for Development Approvals by Local Government, BC, BC Geological Survey Branch, Open File 1992-15 (Cave, 1993). Additional information is presented below in Table 1 and provides some discussion on relative probability of occurrence. Table 1 - Relative Terms and Ranges of Annual Probability of Occurrence – BCMoE, 2007 Relative Term of Probability Range of Annual Probability of Occurrence (Pa) Comments Very High >1/20 Pa of 1/20 indicates the hazard is imminent, and well within the lifetime of a person or typical structure. Landslides occurring with a return interval of 1/20 or less generally have clear and relatively fresh signs of disturbance. High 1/100 to 1/20 Pa of 1/100 indicates that the hazard can happen within the approximate lifetime of a person or typical structure. Landslides are clearly identifiable from deposits and vegetation, but may not appear fresh. Moderate 1/500 to 1/100 Pa of 1/500 indicates that the hazard within a given lifetime is not likely, but possible. Signs of previous landslides, such as vegetation damage may not be easily noted. 1/475 is used by BC Ministry of Transportation and Highways as an acceptable probability of occurrence for life-threatening hazards, and is used by BC Hydro to define the Design Basis Earthquake for dams. Low 1/2500 to 1/500 Pa of 1/2500 indicates the hazard is of uncertain significance. A similar probability was at one time used to define the Maximum Credible Earthquake for dams, but this definition has been dropped. Current BC Building Code has adopted the Pa of 1/2475 for seismic design of buildings (2% Probability of Exceedance in 50 Years). Very Low <1/2500 4.4.1 Inundation by Flood Waters This section generally refers to development considerations within floodplain areas of major river systems such as the Fraser River and its tributaries. Flooding of major rivers is generally considered a ‘slow’ hazard in that there is typically sufficient warning for evacuation of the flood area. Inundation by flood waters unrelated to sea level rise is not considered a credible hazard to the study site. Based on a Class 0 Flood Hazard Assessment (FHA), inundation by flood waters is not considered a credible hazard to the proposed development areas of the property. 4.4.2 Stream Erosion and Avulsion The stream channels located to the north and west of the site were noted to be confined within deep ravine slopes, and with a limited watershed capture area in the immediate vicinity of the subject site. Based on a Class 0 FHA, stream erosion/avulsion is not considered to be a credible hazard to the proposed site development. 4.4.3 Debris Flow/Floods This section refers to hazards related to onsite or offsite mountain streams. As such, debris flows/floods are not considered credible hazards to the proposed site development (Class 0 FHA). [lilRAUN G E O T E C H N I C A L LT O. Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development November 26, 2018 (Rev. 2) 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett St, Maple Ridge, BC Our File # 16-6837 7 4.4.4 Regional Scale/ Property-Scale Landslides With the exception of the historical Haney Slide (1880) located to the west of the study site (i.e. eastern limit of the Fraser River Escarpment), a review of available regional geological and geotechnical information did not reveal regional-scale landslide activity in the immediate vicinity of the property. As such, direct impact to the proposed building(s) from regional scale landslides is not considered to be a credible hazard. The review of available geological and geotechnical information was found to be consistent with a review of historical air photographs and with the findings of the site walkover review. The site walkover review did not reveal recent shallow soil slide evidence within the proposed development area. The site walkover review noted occasional large diameter fir and cedar trees that did not exhibit tilting or trunk curvature features to suggest past or ongoing soil slope movements. Further, stands of immature coniferous trees that have become re-established on the property are vertical and straight growth. Previous experience on steeply sloped properties with ongoing soil creep issues has demonstrated that relatively immature second growth conifer tree stands can provide reliable field evidence of ongoing soil movements (i.e. jack-straw stands or general upslope tree curvatures). However, it is considered that some localized shallow sloughing of deep fill soils may occur at historically re-graded slopes located on property located to the north of the study site. Shallow sloughing is generally considered nuisance slope activity that is not expected to impact the proposed study site buildings. In view of the above, there is considered to be less than 2% probability of occurrence in 50 years (i.e. less than 1:2475 year return), with respect to direct impact from property-scale landslide activity. This assessment corresponds to an approval but with siting requirements to avoid the hazard, or with requirements for protective works to mitigate the hazard, relating to the assessed hazard response (i.e. approval response #3 – Cave, 1993) for new building developments. 4.4.5 Summary Geotechnical hazards considered for the study site area included inundation by flood waters, stream erosion and avulsion, debris flows and floods, and regional/property scale landslides. Prior knowledge of the study site area excluded requirements to consider snow avalanche, tsunami, and rock fall hazards. Inundation by flood waters, stream erosion and avulsion, debris flows and floods, and regional scale landslides were not considered credible geotechnical hazards at the study site location. For the development area in general, there is considered to be less than 2% probability of occurrence in 50 years (i.e. less than 1:2,475 year return), with respect to direct impact from property-scale landslide activity, corresponding to approval, but with siting requirements to avoid the hazard, or with requirements for protective works to mitigate the hazard (i.e. approval response #3 – Cave, 1993) for new building developments. In view of the above information and in accordance with the hazard acceptability criteria, the study site is considered safe for development of the buildings, subject to the siting measures discussed previously. A formal geotechnical hazard statement that meets the requirements of Section 86 of the Land Title Act is provided in Section 5.0 below. Geotechnical slope setback requirements are discussed in Section 8.2 below. 5.0 GEOTECHNICAL HAZARD STATEMENT It is our opinion that the “land may be used safely for the use intended,” subject to hazard avoidance measures, as discussed in Section 4.4.5 above. Safe site use is defined as a multi-family residential development, with onsite parklands and associated onsite roadways at property locations such that they are not considered subject to geotechnical hazards as described in the APEGBC document, “Guidelines [lilRAUN G E O T E C H N I C A L LT O. Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development November 26, 2018 (Rev. 2) 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett St, Maple Ridge, BC Our File # 16-6837 8 for Legislated Landslide Assessments for Proposed Residential Development in British Columbia, May, 2010.” Safe use is considered to be in reference to hazard acceptability criteria presented in the government document, “Hazard Acceptability Thresholds for Development Approvals by Local Government, 1993.” Further, a flood hazard assessment was carried out at a Class 0 level of effort in general accordance with the APEGBC Document, “Professional Practice Guidelines – Legislated Flood Assessments in a Changing Climate in BC, June 2012.” Geotechnical hazards with potential to impact the project area were considered and included inundation by flood waters, stream erosion and avulsion, debris flows and floods, and regional/property scale landslides. In accordance with Section 86 of the Land Title Act, and Section 56 of the Community Charter this report has been signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer and as such is considered a “certified report” (APEGBC, 2010). 6.0 GEOTECHNICAL SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Four test pits, TP16-01 to TP16-04, were excavated on July 12, 2016 to depths of up to approximately 5.8m below ground surface using a track-mounted excavator under subcontract to Braun Geotechnical. Two test holes, TH18-01 & TH18-02, were advanced on July 27, 2018 using a track-mounted solid stem auger drill under subcontract to Braun Geotechnical. The test holes were advanced to depths of 24.7 & 12.2m, respectively. A single Cone Penetration Test, CPT18-01, was advanced on August 10, 2018 to refusal at a depth of approximately 24.4m. The CPT measures the resistance on a stainless steel cone that is advanced hydraulically at a rate of approximately 2 cm/s. Pore water pressures near the cone tip and soil friction on the sides of the CPT probe are also measured using electronic transducers. Soil profile and engineering properties of soils can be obtained from correlations with the CPT data. Shear strength correlations calculated from the CPT data was calibrated with in-situ vane shear testing carried out by Braun in the vicinity of the study site. Subsurface conditions were logged in the field by an Engineer from Braun Geotechnical and representative disturbed soil samples were collected from the test pits & test holes for laboratory moisture content testing, Atterberg Limit Testing, and for further visual classification purposes. Approximate test locations are shown on the attached Location Plan (Dwg. 16-6837-01). 7.0 SOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS The findings of the subsurface exploration were generally consistent with the regional geological information, and assumed subsurface conditions. The findings of the subsurface exploration are provided on the attached test logs & CPT summary and should be referred to for detailed subsurface conditions at test locations. A generalized subsoil profile based on the subsurface exploration data is provided below: Organic SILT (TOPSOIL): Dark-brown, moist, soft organic SILT with some rootlets was encountered at all test locations to a depth of approximately 0.3m. Stiff Clayey SILT: Grey-brown, damp, stiff, clayey SILT with some sand, trace organics and occasional roots/ rootlets was encountered below to depths ranging from approximately 0.6 to 0.8m. The clayey SILT exhibited a disturbed “mealy” texture. [lilRAUN G E O T E C H N I C A L LT O. Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development November 26, 2018 (Rev. 2) 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett St, Maple Ridge, BC Our File # 16-6837 9 Very Stiff to Stiff Clayey SILT: Grey-brown, rust-mottled, moist, very stiff to stiff, clayey SILT was encountered below depths ranging from 3.7 to 4.6m. The clay exhibited a blocky fissured structure and contained fine sand interlayers at some test locations Firm Silty CLAY: Bluish-grey, moist, firm, silty CLAY, with occasional silty fine SAND lenses was encountered below to the limit of exploration in the test pits & in TH18-02, and to a depth of approximately 14.5m in TH18-01 & CPT18-01. Trace gravel and trace sand was encountered at some locations within this layer. Stiff Silty CLAY: Bluish-grey, moist, stiff, silty CLAY, with trace gravel and trace sand was encountered below to the limit of exploration in TH18-01 & CPT18-01. This layer was noted to be in moist to wet condition below a depth of approximately 20.4m in TH18-01. Dense Silty SAND: TH18-01 was advanced approximately 0.3m into underlying soils comprising, grey, moist, dense, silty SAND with some gravel. Drilling was terminated at shallow advancement within this layer with a view to avoid disturbing the overlying silty CLAY soil samples. Based on recent project experience in the area the dense silty SAND becomes very dense with depth. GROUNDWATER: Spot seepage was encountered at depths ranging from 3.0 to 5.2m in TP16-01, 03 and 04 during the 2016 exploration program. Groundwater seepage and/ or semi static water levels were not encountered during the 2018 exploration program. In general, groundwater levels and near- surface run-off flows are expected to fluctuate seasonally, and with drainage conditions. The subsurface conditions described above were encountered at the test locations only. Subsurface conditions at other locations could vary. 8.0 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1 General The subsurface exploration encountered a 3-4m thick desiccated “crust” of very stiff to stiff clayey silt overlying firm silty clay at depth. Based on TH18-01, CPT18-01 and recent in-house experience in the immediate vicinity of the study site the silty clay extends to a depth of approximately 22 to 25m, and stiffens slightly with depth. Dense silty sand was encountered below to the limit of the exploration, and based on deep exploration in the study site area is expected to become very dense with depth. Site soil conditions are expected to pose geotechnical challenges for proposed apartment buildings with two levels of underground parking, and with potentially large, unbalanced foundation loads. The natural soil conditions also pose geotechnical challenges for foundation excavations that extend below the crust soils into the underlying weaker, firm silty clay soils. The proposed multi-family apartment building with two levels of underground parking would be supported on firm silty clay with relatively low shear strength such that consideration should be given to supporting the building on large strip and spread footings or possibly a raft-type foundation. Geotechnical foundation designs for proposed apartment buildings will require liaison with the project Structural Engineer during foundation design development. Shallow foundations (ie. depths less than approximately 2m) for proposed at-grade buildings may be supported on conventional strip and spread footings founded on the very stiff to stiff clayey silt. [lilRAUN G E O T E C H N I C A L LT O. Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development November 26, 2018 (Rev. 2) 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett St, Maple Ridge, BC Our File # 16-6837 10 The following sections present geotechnical recommendations for site preparation and foundation design. Proposed foundation offsets from slope crest areas are discussed below in Section 8.2. 8.2 Slope Stability – Ravine Slopes 8.2.1 Static Slope Stability Assessment During extended periods of wet weather, water levels within the fissured clayey silts are expected to rise to ground surface, which can be expected to impact slope stability. A review of available published studies on desiccated fissured clayey silts indicated that the hydraulic conductivity of the fissured clayey silt relative to underlying intact non-desiccated clay has a contrast in the order of 100 (Lefebvre, 1986). This contrast indicates that only a very small portion of rainfall infiltration into the desiccated clayey silt layer penetrates below into the underlying intact clay. As such, the majority of recharge water infiltrating into the fissured soil layer is expected to disperse as ‘near-surface’ run-off on existing ravine slopes. A two-dimensional stability analysis was carried out using the limit equilibrium software, SLIDE 2018 (RocScience, 2018). Selected slope sections were analyzed at locations shown on the Location Plan (Dwg 16-6837-01). Slope profiles are shown on the Slope Sections Drawing (Dwg 16-6837-02). Selected slope profiles were modelled as a two-layer system consisting of stiff fissured clayey silt overlying intact firm silty clay in order to estimate static slope stability conditions. In view of the intact condition of the very stiff surficial soils, the slope profiles did not include tension crack distribution in the slope model, but did include an elevated water level within the fissured clayey silt layer (~50% of layer thickness). In addition to the frictional properties, the green space areas of the slope were assumed to possess some near-surface root strength that can be modelled as an apparent cohesion parameter. An apparent cohesion of 2.0 kPa was estimated based on observed vegetation cover and in-house geotechnical information. Based on back-analysis experience with shallow failures of similar soil slopes in the vicinity of the study site, the presence of pervasive fissures and joints was assumed to make the fissured clayey silt layer behave like a blocky frictional material with little or no cohesion. Drained shear strength condition was analyzed using empirical correlations to estimate drained fully softened secant friction angles for fine grained soils (Stark, et al., 1997, 2013). Note that the fully softened friction angle estimated for the fissured clayey silt and intact silty clay is considered to reflect fully softened shear strength of soils within slopes that have not experienced past movements. Once slopes become actively unstable, soil structure is disturbed and weaker residual shear strength soil parameters along structural discontinuities can be expected to govern stability. The findings of the slope stability analysis indicated the static factor of safety may be marginally less than 1.4 for proposed at-grade buildings located at the survey top of bank at slope Section A-A. Locating at- grade buildings at a 5m setback from the top of bank at this location resulted in a computed static factor of safety greater than 1.5. Factors of safety for at-grade buildings located at the survey top of bank at other slope sections were greater than 1.5. 8.2.2 Seismic Slope Stability Assessment The selected sections were also subjected to seismic slope stability analysis. The slope stability analysis was carried out in general accordance with pseudo-dynamic analysis methods presented in Appendix E of the APEGBC document, “Guidelines for Legislated Landslide Assessments for Residential Developments in BC, May 2010”, and using updated ground motion prediction equations (GMPE) to calculate design spectral accelerations presented in the 2015 NBCC Seismic Hazard Calculations (5th Generation). The seismic stability analysis included incorporation of a slightly elevated water level in the fissured clayey silt layer to reasonably assess seismic stability of slopes subjected to very rare design earthquake shaking. Subjection of the soil slope profile to fully saturated conditions (ie. water level at ground surface) and very rare earthquake shaking was considered unreasonably conservative. [lilRAUN G E O T E C H N I C A L LT O. Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development November 26, 2018 (Rev. 2) 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett St, Maple Ridge, BC Our File # 16-6837 11 At the existing survey top of bank area of Section A-A, estimated deformations exceeded 15cm along the critical slide surface (FS~1.0) of the soil model analyzed and for the calculated yield coefficient (ky) of approximately 0.15 for this slope section. Determination of setbacks from the survey top of bank was evaluated iteratively such that that the critical slide surface for each ky resulted in the target displacement of not more than 15cm. This means that for elements established at or beyond this setback, estimated permanent displacements along a slide surface would be expected to be less than 15cm. Based on the static and seismic slope stability assessment, a 5m geotechnical setback of foundations from the existing Section A-A (refer to enclosed plan) slope crest was calculated based on the current understanding of site conditions and assuming conventional at-grade buildings (conservative). The survey slope crest was determined to be an acceptable geotechnical setback for seismic and static considerations at other locations. Note that assumption of at-grade buildings is conservative with respect to the proposed 2 levels of underground parking for the apartment building. The deeper apartment building foundation results in a greater horizontal setback at footing level and thus a higher factor of safety. Note that the provided foundation setbacks are provided for geotechnical considerations only. Other non- geotechnical factors such as environmental, covenant, aesthetic concerns, or municipal setback requirements, may determine greater setbacks. These factors are considered outside the scope of geotechnical work and should be addressed by others. 8.3 Site Preparation Site preparation below the proposed building structures and onsite asphalt pavement areas should include removal of all vegetation, organic soils, existing fill and other deleterious material down to the natural, intact very stiff clayey silt. Final trimming should be carried out using an excavator equipped with a smooth-edged bucket. A thin layer of gravel should be placed on the clay/ silt subgrade to prevent softening of the subgrade. Drainage measures should be implemented to reduce potential for water ponding on exposed subgrades. Temporary and final grades should be established so as to avoid uncontrolled offsite discharge of surface and/or near-surface run-off flows. Stripped surfaces should be reviewed by Braun Geotechnical prior to placing foundations or structural fills. 8.4 Structural Fill Subgrade restoration fills should typically comprise 75mm minus well graded free draining (less than 5% passing No. 200 sieve) granular material. Structural fill should be compacted in maximum 300mm thick lifts to at least 95% Modified Proctor Density (MPD). For confined areas, structural fill placed under building and roadway pavements should extend horizontally beyond by a distance equal to at least the thickness of structural fill. Unconfined fills should typically extend horizontally by a distance equal to 2 times the thickness of structural fill. Density testing should be carried out during fill placement on a regular basis to confirm adequacy of compaction, and the results forwarded to Braun Geotechnical for review. Braun Geotechnical should also be contacted to review fill quality, and placement and compaction procedures. Note that existing organic-rich surficial soils and natural silt/clay are not considered suitable for re-use as structural fill at the study site. 8.5 Temporary Excavations Based on the preliminary architectural drawing provided, it is anticipated that excavation for the proposed underground parking levels will extend to depths of approximately 6m below existing onsite grades. [lilRAUN G E O T E C H N I C A L LT O. Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development November 26, 2018 (Rev. 2) 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett St, Maple Ridge, BC Our File # 16-6837 12 Temporary unsupported excavation slope cuts may be feasible where encroachment permits, or suitable support systems (such as lock block-type shoring) should be provided. Encroachment agreements should be established with the adjacent property owner to the south, and with the City of Maple Ridge prior to developing excavation & shoring designs. Final excavation details & drawings would be provided by Braun Geotechnical under separate cover after review with the design team and upon completion of the final building layout design. 8.6 Foundations 8.6.1 Shallow Foundations Established Near Existing Grades (ie. <2m Depth) It is recommended that foundations for the proposed at-grade buildings be supported on the natural, undisturbed very stiff clayey silt and/or structural fills placed thereon. The following soil resistance (bearing) values may be adopted for foundation design: Foundation Subgrade Limit States Design Working Stress Design Factored Ultimate Bearing Resistance (ULS) Serviceability Limit State (SLS) Allowable Bearing Pressure DL + LL Natural Very Stiff Clayey SILT and/ or Structural Fill Placed Thereon 150 kPa (3,130 psf) 100 kPa (2,090 psf) 100 kPa (2,090 psf) The above design bearing pressures for the above-referenced foundation subgrade assume the following:  Strip and pad footings have minimum widths of 24” (610mm) and 36” (915mm), respectively.  Perimeter footings are founded at least 24” (610mm) below slab on grade for confinement. Interior footings should be founded at least 12” (300mm) below finished adjacent grade for confinement.  Site preparation is completed as indicated above and load-bearing surfaces are reviewed and approved by the Geotechnical Engineer.  Foundation bearing surfaces are no higher than 1H:1V from the base or toe of adjacent walls, sumps, or buried structures such as utility lines, etc.  Footings are placed below a 2H:1V line projected up from lower footings.  Clay/silt subgrade areas are protected immediately after exposure. 8.6.2 Apartment Building Foundations (2 Levels U/G Parking) Strip/ Spread Footings Apartment building foundations are anticipated to be founded at a depth of approximately 6m on the underlying firm silty clay with relatively low shear strength. For building designs with relatively uniform balanced loading, foundations may be supported on wide strip and spread footings founded on a 0.3m thick structural fill layer comprising MMCD 75mm minus Crushed Granular Subbase (CGSB) underlain by a non-woven geotextile (Nilex 4551, or equivalent). The following soil resistance (bearing) values may be adopted for foundation design: [lilRAUN G E O T E C H N I C A L LT O. Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development November 26, 2018 (Rev. 2) 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett St, Maple Ridge, BC Our File # 16-6837 13 Foundation Subgrade Limit States Design Working Stress Design Factored Ultimate Bearing Resistance (ULS) Serviceability Limit State (SLS) Allowable Bearing Pressure DL + LL 0.3m Thick Structural Fill (CGSB) Placed on Natural Firm Silty CLAY 115 kPa (2,400 psf) 75 kPa (1,560 psf) 75 kPa (1,560 psf) The above design bearing pressures for soil subgrade assume the following:  Strip and pad footings have minimum widths of 36” (915mm) and 48” (1220mm), respectively.  Perimeter footings are founded at least 24” (610mm) below slab on grade for confinement. Interior footings should be founded at least 12” (300mm) below finished adjacent grade for confinement.  Site preparation is completed as indicated above and load-bearing surfaces are reviewed and approved by the Geotechnical Engineer.  Foundation bearing surfaces are no higher than 1H:1V from the base or toe of adjacent walls, sumps, or buried structures such as utility lines, etc.  Footings are placed below a 2H:1V line projected up from lower footings.  Clay/silt subgrade areas are protected immediately after exposure. Raft Foundations For large unbalanced building loads consideration should be given to supporting the building on a raft- type foundation. The available bearing resistance for support of the raft foundation will depend on the founding level, since it impacts both the bearing stratum and the compensating effect of the weight of the excavated soil. The following guidelines are provided for a raft foundation depth of approximately 6m. For a founding level in the order of 6m below existing grade, the excavation of the natural soils will result in an unloading of the underlying soils by approximately 108kPa. Therefore, a raft foundation designed using an SLS gross contact stress of 108kPa would result in essentially no net stress increase and, as such, the total settlement of the raft should be small (i.e. minor recompression of elastic heave due to excavation in the order of 40mm). However, if the weight of the building exceeds this SLS resistance, it is considered that the net stress increase on the silty clay at a founding depth of approximately 6m could be limited to no more than 20 kPa without the building experiencing excessive settlements. Therefore, the corresponding SLS gross resistance under the raft would be 128 kPa. The ULS factored bearing resistance that may be used for the design of the raft foundation is 192 kPa. The post-construction total and differential settlements of the raft will depend, in part, upon the length of time that passes between the excavation being made and the building load being applied, since as mentioned previously, the clay will ‘rebound’ elastically (i.e. heave) following removal of the weight of the overlying soil. That rebound will be recovered as settlement once the structure loads are imposed on the raft. The post-construction settlements will be larger for corresponding longer lengths of time between excavating and re-loading. The total settlement of the raft foundation is expected to be in the order of 50mm, depending in part upon that duration and noting that the larger settlement estimate would correspond to a period of several months of unloading. The corresponding differential settlements across the length or width of the structure are estimated at about half the total settlement (assuming a uniform founding level), but will also depend greatly on the stiffness of the raft. [lilRAUN G E O T E C H N I C A L LT O. Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development November 26, 2018 (Rev. 2) 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett St, Maple Ridge, BC Our File # 16-6837 14 Further, the SLS resistance for the case of a net stress increase corresponds to a settlement resulting from consolidation of the silty clay. Consolidation of silty clay is a process which takes months or longer and, as such, results from sustained loading. Therefore, the foundation loads to be used in conjunction with the SLS resistance given above should be the full dead load plus sustained live load (i.e. 60 percent of design live load). The factored dead load plus full factored live load should be used in conjunction with the ULS factored bearing resistance. The SLS resistance and corresponding settlement estimates are dependent upon the soil at or below founding level remaining undisturbed during construction. The silty clay subgrade is considered sensitive to disturbance by construction traffic, especially in the presence of water. In view of the above, a mud slab of lean concrete should be placed at the base level as soon as practical upon completion of excavation. It should also be noted that the localized differential settlements (i.e., raft slab deflections) within/beneath individual bays (such as directly beneath a column versus the mid-span of the bay) will depend upon the relative stiffness between the raft slab and the underlying subgrade. The deflections and the resulting shear forces and bending moments in the slab to be used in its structural design could be determined by structural analysis using a modulus of subgrade reaction (ks) for the subgrade. The modulus of subgrade reaction of the subgrade material may be used to estimate elastic deformation characteristics. Note that the modulus of subgrade reaction is not a fundamental soil property. The subgrade modulus is a conceptual relationship between soil pressure and deflection that is dependent on the geometry and stiffness of the structural member in contact with the subgrade material. The following soil-structure relationship may be used in the determination of the modulus of subgrade reaction for structural analysis of a slab. 𝑘௦ ൌ ඨ𝐸௦ 𝐸௖ య 𝐸௦ ሺ1െ𝑣௦ଶሻℎ ks = Modulus of subgrade reaction (kPa/m); Es = Young’s modulus of soil subgrade (kPa); Ec = Young’s modulus of structural element slab (kPa); s = Poisson’s ratio of soil subgrade, and h = thickness of slab (m). For raft foundation slabs founded at approximately 6m depth, partially saturated, firm, silty clay subgrade conditions should be assumed and the following soil parameters adopted: Es = 10 to 15 MPa, and s = 0.4 The structural design of the slab at any location should be determined based on whichever value is deemed critical (i.e. maximum and minimum modulus values may govern for selected foundation locations and shear force/bending moment load effects). 8.6.3 Pile Foundations Pile supported buildings are feasible with respect to geotechnical considerations but are expected to be cost-prohibitive for the scale of the project. 8.7 Seismic Considerations The current BC Building Code classifies a site as Site Class E where the subgrade soils in the upper 30m consist of “soft soil” with average SPT N values less than 15, average undrained shear strength (su) less than 50 kPa, and any profile with more than 3m of soil with a plasticity index (Ip) greater than 20, moisture content (wn) greater than or equal to 40%, and undrained shear strength (su) less than 25kPa. [lilRAUN G E O T E C H N I C A L LT O. Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development November 26, 2018 (Rev. 2) 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett St, Maple Ridge, BC Our File # 16-6837 15 Subsurface conditions encountered during the exploration are considered to correspond to Site Class E conditions. Accordingly, the proposed building structure may be designed for Site Class E seismic parameters. The subgrade soil conditions are not considered susceptible to seismically induced liquefaction in the design earthquake (NBCC2015 ground motions) based on current industry understanding of soil response to strong earthquake shaking. Laboratory testing on soil samples collected from the project site determined Ip of selected samples generally ranged 18 to 32 percent, and ratios of in- situ moisture content (wn) divided by the liquid limit (LL) marginally less than 1.0. These data indicate a non-liquefiable response to earthquake shaking whereby cyclic strain development is gradual such that shear stiffness degradation and generation of excess pore pressures are low. 8.8 Horizontal Wall Pressures 8.8.1 Shallow Foundations/ Low Height Retaining Walls Low height retaining structures and shallow foundation walls may be designed for the loads indicated on the Horizontal Wall Loading Diagram (Dwg. 16-6837-HWL-01) attached. The lateral wall pressures assume horizontal backfill that consists of an approved, free draining, granular material and no hydrostatic pressure against the retaining structures/ basement walls. 8.8.2 Deep Foundations (2 Levels U/G Parking) Actual earth pressures on deep foundation walls will be a function of backfill material, compaction procedure and equipment, surcharge loads, wall rigidity, backfill slope, and drainage conditions. Note that deep foundation walls are expected to behave rigidly (i.e. insufficient movement away from backfill so as to achieve active earth pressure distribution) at intervening floor level and somewhat flexible (capable of some movement) between floors. These assumptions should be confirmed by the structural consultant prior to adoption of active lateral earth pressures in structural design. Static Lateral Earth Pressures Deep foundation walls backfilled with drained granular material that are restrained from rotation or lateral movement are considered non-yielding structures. For non-yielding walls, a triangular earth pressure distribution is appropriate and determined using an at-rest earth pressure coefficient (Ko). The triangular earth pressure distribution assumes compaction of backfill within 1m of the wall is carried out using lightweight walk-behind vibratory compaction equipment such that large applied compaction pressures are not ‘locked-in’. For preliminary design purposes, a non-factored pressure distribution given by 8.5H kPa may be adopted, where H is the depth in meters below surface. Hydrostatic pressures should be included where the deep foundations do not retain drained backfill (i.e. tanked foundations). Seismic Lateral Earth Pressure For non-yielding walls, pressures that may be generated during earthquake shaking can be approximated in preliminary design using methods presented in the ATC document, “Seismic Design Guidelines for Highway Bridges, ATC-6, 1981”. These seismic design guidelines recognized that inertial forces in backfill soils against non-yielding walls are not considered in the Mononobe-Okabe (M-O) method which relies on movement sufficient to mobilize soil shear strength. To address this concern at the time of publication, the ATC guidelines suggested a factor of 1.5 be applied to peak ground accelerations (PGA) for preliminary determination of seismic lateral earth pressure. Note that adoption of the current BC Building Code “Firm Ground” PGA calculated for the study site may be conservative for actual site soil conditions where relatively shallow depth to actual firm ground at the site may de-amplify ground motions at the surface (or at the underside of foundations). A Site Specific Response Analysis (SSRA) could be carried out to calculate PGA at the site for 2,475year ground motions that consider de-amplification influence of soft soil layers underlying the study site area. Addition of dynamic lateral earth pressure to static pressure and, if applicable, hydrostatic water pressure should be considered in finalized foundation designs. [lilRAUN G E O T E C H N I C A L LT O. Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development November 26, 2018 (Rev. 2) 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett St, Maple Ridge, BC Our File # 16-6837 16 8.9 Slab on Grade The slab on grade should be underlain by a drainage layer comprising a minimum 100mm (4”) thick layer of well-compacted clean sand (less than 5% passing No. 200 sieve). This drainage layer should have a suitable discharge to the permanent storm system. Polyethylene sheeting should be provided beneath the floor slab to reduce potential slab dampness. Compaction testing should be carried out on underslab fills to confirm that all fill placed below the building has been compacted to at least 95% MPD. Prior to placement of any grade restoration fills, the subgrade should be reviewed by the geotechnical engineer. 8.10 Drainage and Backfill Perimeter drainage should consist of perforated 150mm (6”) PVC pipe, placed around the building perimeter, with the invert elevation at footing level connected to a suitable discharge. The perimeter drain should be surrounded by at least 150mm (6”) of 19mm (¾”) clear crushed gravel. A 150mm (6”) thick layer of birds-eye gravel should be placed over the clear crushed gravel to act as a filter layer. A non- woven geotextile should be placed on top of the gravel to prevent migration of general wall backfill into the perimeter drainage system. Perimeter drains should also be provided adjacent to any steps in the foundation walls. Backfill placed around perimeter foundation walls should consist of free-draining granular material such as sand or sand and gravel with less than 5% fines. The material should be compacted to at least 95% of MPD for its full depth. Where space is limited adjacent to the foundation wall, pea gravel placed in maximum 900mm (3’) thick lifts, with each lift compacted using a concrete vibrator while flushing with water may be used as backfill material. 8.11 Onsite Asphalt Pavements With subgrade preparation completed in the manner recommended above, the minimum recommended pavement structure for the proposed onsite pavements is outlined below. Parking Areas Travel + Fire Access Pavements (Areas subjected to Truck traffic) Material 65mm 80mm1 Hot Mix Asphalt Surface (MMCD Hot Mix Asphalt, HMA) 100mm 100mm 19mm minus Granular Base (MMCD) 200mm 200mm Granular Subbase (SGSB) (MMCD) Note 1: The pavements should be placed in two lifts comprising a base course of 45mm and an upper course of 35mm. The gradation of the above materials should comply with the appropriate Master Municipal Specifications outlined above. The road construction materials should be placed and compacted in compliance with the current MMCD specifications. Adequate drainage and/or cross falls should be provided to ensure that the base and subbase materials will not become saturated. 9.0 FUTURE GEOTECHNICAL WORK Additional site characterization efforts, detailed geotechnical designs, and communication/ consultation with design team members should be anticipated. Additional geotechnical efforts may include, but may not be limited to the following; [lilRAUN G E O T E C H N I C A L LT O. Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development 1160 7, 1162 1. 11633 Burnell St. Maple Ridge, BC November 26. 2018 (Rev. 2) Our File #-16-6837 • Site Specific Response Analysi s (SSRA) for use in se ismic design of raft foundations, • Temporary excavation shoring designs. • Installation of geotechnica l instrumentation for deep excavations, • Liaison with the project Structural Eng ineer during foundation design development, • Structura l eva lu ation and exploration of offsite roadways (If required), • Geotechnica l Construction Field Rev iews. 10.0 CLOSURE Thi s preliminary report is prepared for the exclusive use of I 1621 Burnett Street Holdings Inc. and their designated represe ntatives and may not be used by other parties without the written permission of Braun Geotechnical Ltd. The City of Maple Ridge may also rely on the findings of this report. If the development plans change, or if during constru ction so il cond itions are noted to be different from those described in thi report, Braun Geotechnica l should be notified immediately in order that the geotec hnical recommendations can be confirmed or mod ified, if req uired . Further, this report assumes that field reviews will be completed by Braun Geotechnica l during constru ction. The site Contractor should make their own assessment of subsurface conditions and select the construction means and methods most appropriate to the site conditions. This report should not be included in the spec ifications without suitable qualifications approved by the geotechn ical engi neer. The use of this assessment report is subject to the conditions on the attached Report Interpretation and Limitations sheet. The reader's attention is dra wn ·pecifically to those conditions, as it is consid ered essential that they be followed for proper use and interpretation of this report. We hope the above meets with your requirements. contact the undersigned. Yours truly, Alex Janzen, -" Geotechnical ~ngineer Fncl : Report lnterprctati1111 and Limitations Location Plan cotcclmic,11 Slope Sections Test I !oil' Logs (2) Test Pit Logs (4) CPT Data Horiwntal Wall Load ing Diagram /\ppcndix D Statement X \2010 Projcrt~\1<1-(1837 Proposed partmcm Building• l 1607. I lh'.! I. 11<>.U Burnl'lt S1, Maple Ridge Rcprnl\lo-(,817 1'1di111i11ar·v lll'nlcdmical Rcpn11 211 I :-:.11.20 lRc\' ~l doc..; 17 E3RAUN GE □TECHNICAL LTD. Page 1 of 2 REPORT INTERPRETATION AND LIMITATIONS 1. STANDARD OF CARE Braun Geotechnical Ltd. (Braun) has prepared this report in a manner consistent with generally accepted engineering consulting practices in this area, subject to the time and physical constraints applicable. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. 2. COMPLETENESS OF THIS REPORT This Report represents a summary of paper, electronic and other documents, records, data and files and is not intended to stand alone without reference to the instructions given to Braun by the Client, communications between Braun and the Client, and/or to any other reports, writings, proposals or documents prepared by Braun for the Client relating to the specific site described herein. This report is intended to be used and quoted in its entirety. Any references to this report must include the whole of the report and any appendices or supporting material. Braun cannot be responsible for use by any party of portions of this report without reference to the entire report. 3. BASIS OF THIS REPORT This report has been prepared for the specific site, development, design objective, and purpose described to Braun by the Client or the Client’s Representatives or Consultants. The applicability and reliability of any of the factual data, findings, recommendations or opinions expressed in this document pertain to a specific project at described in this report and are not applicable to any other project or site, and are valid only to the extent that there has been no material alteration to or variation from any of the descriptions provided to Braun. Braun cannot be responsible for use of this report, or portions thereof, unless we were specifically requested by the Client to review and revise the Report in light of any alterations or variations to the project description provided by the Client. If the project does not commence within 18 months of the report date, the report may become invalid and further review may be required. The recommendations of this report should only be used for design. The extent of exploration including number of test pits or test holes necessary to thoroughly investigate the site for conditions that may affect construction costs will generally be greater than that required for design purposes. Contractors should rely upon their own explorations and interpretation of the factual data provided for costing purposes, equipment requirements, construction techniques, or to establish project schedule. The information provided in this report is based on limited exploration, for a specific project scope. Braun cannot accept responsibility for independent conclusions, interpretations, interpolations or decisions by the Client or others based on information contained in this Report. This restriction of liability includes decisions made to purchase or sell land. 4. USE OF THIS REPORT The contents of this report, including plans, data, drawings and all other documents including electronic and hard copies remain the copyright property of Braun Geotechnical Ltd. However, we will consider any reasonable request by the Client to approve the use of this report by other parties as “Approved Users.” With regard to the duplication and distribution of this Report or its contents, we authorize only the Client and Approved Users to make copies of the Report only in such quantities as are reasonably necessary for the use of this Report by those parties. The Client and “Approved Users” may not give, lend, sell or otherwise make this Report or any portion thereof available to any other party without express written permission from Braun. Any use which a third party makes of this Report – in its entirety or portions thereof – is the sole responsibility of such third parties. BRAUN GEOTECHNICAL LTD. ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGES SUFFERED BY ANY PARTY RESULTING FROM THE UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THIS REPORT. Electronic media is susceptible to unauthorized modification or unintended alteration, and the Client should not rely on electronic versions of reports or other documents. All documents should be obtained directly from Braun. 5. INTERPRETATION OF THIS REPORT Classification and identification of soils and rock and other geological units, including groundwater conditions have been based on exploration(s) performed in accordance with the standards set out in Paragraph 1. These tasks are judgemental in nature; despite comprehensive sampling and testing programs properly performed by experienced personnel with the appropriate equipment, some conditions may elude detection. As such, all explorations involve an inherent risk that some conditions will not be detected. Further, all documents or records summarizing such exploration will be based on assumptions of what exists between the actual points sampled at the time of the site exploration. Actual conditions may vary [Iii RAUN G E □ T E C H N I C A L LT D . Page 2 of 2 significantly between the points investigated and all persons making use of such documents or records should be aware of and accept this risk. The Client and “Approved Users” accept that subsurface conditions may change with time and this report only represents the soil conditions encountered at the time of exploration and/or review. Soil and ground water conditions may change due to construction activity on the site or on adjacent sites, and also from other causes, including climactic conditions. The exploration and review provided in this report were for geotechnical purposes only. Environmental aspects of soil and groundwater have not been included in the exploration or review, or addressed in any other way. The exploration and Report is based on information provided by the Client or the Client’s Consultants, and conditions observed at the time of our site reconnaissance or exploration. Braun has relied in good faith upon all information provided. Accordingly, Braun cannot accept responsibility for inaccuracies, misstatements, omissions, or deficiencies in this Report resulting from misstatements, omissions, misrepresentations or fraudulent acts of persons or sources providing this information. 6. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REVIEW This report assumes that Braun will be retained to work and coordinate design and construction with other Design Professionals and the Contractor. Further, it is assumed that Braun will be retained to provide field reviews during construction to confirm adherence to building code guidelines and generally accepted engineering practices, and the recommendations provided in this report. Field services recommended for the project represent the minimum necessary to confirm that the work is being carried out in general conformance with Braun’s recommendations and generally accepted engineering standards. It is the Client’s or the Client’s Contractor’s responsibility to provide timely notice to Braun to carry out site reviews. The Client acknowledges that unsatisfactory or unsafe conditions may be missed by intermittent site reviews by Braun. Accordingly, it is the Client’s or Client’s Contractor’s responsibility to inform Braun of any such conditions. Work that is covered prior to review by Braun may have to be re-exposed at considerable cost to the Client. Review of all Geotechnical aspects of the project are required for submittal of unconditional Letters of Assurance to regulatory authorities. The site reviews are not carried out for the benefit of the Contractor(s) and therefore do not in any way effect the Contractor(s) obligations to perform under the terms of his/her Contract. 7. SAMPLE DISPOSAL Braun will dispose of all samples 3 months after issuance of this report, or after a longer period of time at the Client’s expense if requested by the Client. All contaminated samples remain the property of the Client and it will be the Client’s responsibility to dispose of them properly. 8. SUBCONSULTANTS AND CONTRACTORS Engineering studies frequently requires hiring the services of individuals and companies with special expertise and/or services which Braun Geotechnical Ltd. does not provide. These services are arranged as a convenience to our Clients, for the Client’s benefit. Accordingly, the Client agrees to hold the Company harmless and to indemnify and defend Braun Geotechnical Ltd. from and against all claims arising through such Subconsultants or Contractors as though the Client had retained those services directly. This includes responsibility for payment of services rendered and the pursuit of damages for errors, omissions or negligence by those parties in carrying out their work. These conditions apply to specialized subconsultants and the use of drilling, excavation and laboratory testing services, and any other Subconsultant or Contractor. 9. SITE SAFETY Braun Geotechnical Ltd. assumes responsibility for site safety solely for the activities of our employees on the jobsite. The Client or any Contractors on the site will be responsible for their own personnel. The Client or his representatives, Contractors or others retain control of the site. It is the Client’s or the Client’s Contractors responsibility to inform Braun of conditions pertaining to the safety and security of the site – hazardous or otherwise – of which the Client or Contractor is aware. Exploration or construction activities could uncover previously unknown hazardous conditions, materials, or substances that may result in the necessity to undertake emergency procedures to protect workers, the public or the environment. Additional work may be required that is outside of any previously established budget(s). The Client agrees to reimburse Braun for fees and expenses resulting from such discoveries. The Client acknowledges that some discoveries require that certain regulatory bodies be informed. The Client agrees that notification to such bodies by Braun Geotechnical Ltd. will not be a cause for either action or dispute. [lilRAUN G E □ T E C H N I C A L LT D . 16-6837 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett Street, Maple Ridge, BC AJ 11621 Burnett Street Holdings Ltd. Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development JW SS October 16, 2018 1:750 LOCATION PLAN 16-6837-01 2016 TEST PIT APPROXIMATE LOCATION TP16-01 LEGEND BU R N E T T S T R E E T Top o f B a n k TP16-01 TP16-02 TP16-03 TP16-04 TOPO PLAN FROM TERRA PACIFIC LAND SURVEYING TOPOGRAPHIC MAP DRAWING FILE MR16-557TOPO DATED JUNE 16, 2016 AND BASEMAP OBTAINED FROM THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPPING SERVICES 2018 TEST HOLE APPROXIMATE LOCATION TH18-01 2018 CONE PENETRATION TEST APPROXIMATE LOCATION CPT18-01 CPT18-01 TH18-02 TH18-01 ~/ ,0 , I ,,. f 1 ,,.1 ~· 1/ 4 ~' / ., 2 ,t p _.,,/ ----.. ~-.,:_,,!,-,;-,,.,,. ,,-,-,;;,,;:, t! 1 NK W'/z'O~.,:--;i. ~ll'f--GECl'l"e SETBACK LINE "" ., ,.. ; 1 ! ,J<' ~t ,t C ~PRITT_/ ; I A 2.81) (fence [nc,occl?mont} A Client t-:IRAUN Project Title Project no. Drown Design Checked Dote Scale Drawing no. C3 E □ T E C H N I C A L LT D, 16-6837 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett Street, Maple Ridge, BC AJ 11621 Burnett Street Holdings Ltd. Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development JW SS October 16, 2018 1:500 SLOPE SECTIONS 16-6837-02 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 ~ -CREST OF SLOPE t-:IRAUN C3E □TECHNI CAL LTD, Client Project :;;;EEK-CHANNEL ~~NlS,scl,EMATICDNL¥) Project no. "' Drown APPROJCEXISTI~Gl,RAU SECTION A-A -APPROX. EXISTING GRADE SECTION B-B APPROX. EXISTING GRADE SECTION C-C Design Checked Title Dote CREST OF SLOPE CREST OF SLOPE CREST OF SLOPE SLOPE PROFILES OBTAINE AND CITY OF MAPLE RIDGtMFAROM TOPOGRAPHIC MAP PPING SERVICES Scale Drawing no. De p t h mft Continued grey-brown, rust-motted, moist, very stiff, clayey SILT - stiff below 3.0m bluish-grey, moist, firm, silty CLAY - occasional silty fine SAND lenses from 4.6 to 5.5m - occasional silty fine SAND lenses from 7.6 to 8.2m - occasional silty fine SAND lenses from 9.1 to 10.7m - trace fine gravel, trace sand from 10.7 to 11.6m - trace gravel, trace sand below 12.2m grey-brown, damp, stiff, clayey SILT, some sand, trace organics, occasional rootlets - disturbed "mealy" texture Soil Description Sa m p l e # Dynamic PenetrationResistance, Blows/ft Shear Strength Cu, kPa pk V. rem V. Remarks 20 40 60 80 Wp M.C. NP - Non-Plastic WI Moisture Content Percent 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 dark-brown, moist, soft, organic SILT, some rootlets (TOPSOIL) - stiff below 14.3m Test Hole Log: TH18-01 File: Project: Client: Location: -0--0 --\ - --1 - 5-- -_-2 --- 10--3 --- --4 - 15-- --5 - -- - 20--6 --- --7 - 25-- --s - -- - 30--9 -- - --10 --35- --11 - -- --12 40- -- -_-13 -- 45- --14 --- --15 50 -- 16-6837 Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development 11621 Burnett St Holdings Ltd. 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett Street, Maple Ridge 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 + EB Equipment: Track Mounted Auger Rig Sampling Method: Grab off Auger Flight Datum: Ground Surface Water Depth: Not Encountered l:..:IRAUN G E O T E C H N I C A L LT D. I I 0 1------------El 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 I I 0 0 Logged By: AJ Drilling Date: July 27, 2018 Dwg No.: 16-6837-TH01 Page: 1 of 2 De p t h End of Test Hole @ 24.7m - Hole collapsed below 14.3m. Water level not observed above. mft Continued bluish-grey, moist, stiff, silty CLAY, trace gravel, trace sand - moist to wet below 20.4m grey, moist, dense, silty SAND, some gravel - drilling terminated at shallow advancement into dense layer to avoid disturbing CLAY samples above Sa m p l e # Dynamic PenetrationResistance, Blows/ft Shear Strength Cu, kPa pk V. rem V. Remarks 20 40 60 80 Wp M.C. NP - Non-Plastic WI Moisture Content Percent 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 Soil Description Test Hole Log: TH18-01 File: 16-6837 Project: Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development Client: 11621 Burnett St Holdings Ltd. Location: 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett Street, Maple Ridge -0 -- --16 - -- 55---17 --- --18 60--- --19 - -- 65--20 - -- - --21 70--- --22 - -- 75--23 - -- - 0 0 0 0 0 0 --24 I 80-_ -1=========18 --25 --- 85--26 - -- -_-27 90--- --28 --- 95--29 --- --30 - 100-- Equipment: Track Mounted Auger Rig Sampling Method: Grab off Auger Flight + EB Datum: Ground Surface Water Depth: Not Encountered l:..:IRAUN G E O T E C H N I C A L LT D. I I 0 1--------0---l 0 0 0 0 f----------BI 0 I I Logged By: AJ Drilling Date: July 27, 2018 Dwg No.: 16-6837-TH01 Page: 2 of 2 - S9 is of silty fine SAND lense De p t h mft Soil Description Sa m p l e # Dynamic PenetrationResistance, Blows/ft Shear Strength Cu, kPa pk V. rem V. Remarks 20 40 60 80 Wp M.C. NP - Non-Plastic WI Moisture Content Percent 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 End of Test Hole @ 12.2m - Hole collapsed below 8.7m. Water level not observed above. - stiff below 3.0m bluish-grey, moist, firm, silty CLAY - occasional silty fine SAND lenses from 4.6 to 4.9m - silty fine SAND lense @ 6.7m - firm to stiff below 8.8m - silty fine SAND lense @ 9.4m - firm below 9.4m dark-brown, moist, soft, organic SILT, some rootlets (TOPSOIL) grey-brown, rust-motted, moist, very stiff, clayey SILT grey-brown, damp, stiff, clayey SILT, some sand, trace organics, occasional rootlets - disturbed "mealy" texture Test Hole Log: TH 18-02 File: Project: Client: Location: -0--0 --\ - --1 - 5-- -_-2 --- 10--3 --- --4 - 15-- --5 - -- - 20--6 --- --7 - 25-- --s - -- - 30--9 -- - --10 --35- --11 - -- --12 40- -- -_-13 -- 45- --14 --- --15 50--- 16-6837 Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development 11621 Burnett St Holdings Ltd. 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett Street, Maple Ridge ----0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 + EB Equipment: Track Mounted Auger Rig Sampling Method: Grab off Auger Flight Datum: Ground Surface Water Depth: Not Encountered l:..:IRAUN G E O T E C H N I C A L LT D. I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I 0 0 0 Logged By: AJ Drilling Date: July 27, 2018 Dwg No.: 16-6837-TH02 Page: 1 of 1 Soil Description De p t h Sa m p l e # mft 15 10 5 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dynamic PenetrationResistance, Blows/0.3m Shear Strength Cu, kPa pk V. rem V. Remarks 20 40 60 80 Wp M.C. NP - Non-Plastic WI dark-brown, moist, soft, organic SILT, some rootlets (TOPSOIL) S1 Water Content Percent 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 End of Test Pit @ 5.6m grey-brown, rust-mottled, moist, very stiff clayey SILT - blocky structure - rust mottled root holes - fine sand interlayers @ 3.8m - trace seepage @ 3.0m - fissured, with moisture on surface @ 3.0m bluish-grey, moist, firm, silty CLAY, occasional shell fragments -blocky structure no longer visible S2 S3 S4 112 grey-brown, damp, stiff, clayey SILT, some sand, trace organics, occasional rootlets - disturbed "mealy" texture Test Pit Log: TP16-01 [Iii File: 16-6837 RAUN Project: Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development Client: 11621 Burnett St Holdings Ltd. Location: 11607, 11621 , 11633 Burnett Street, Maple Ridge GE □TECHNIC A L LTD. ') l ', -+ -(B -0--0 - - - -0 0 - - -+ - - - - - - - - -- -0 0 - - - - 8 0 - 0 - - - Equipment: Tracked Excavator Datum: Ground Surface Logged By: AJ Sampling Method: Lump Sample Water Depth: Spot Seepage @ 3.0m Exploration Date: July 12, 2016 Dwg No.: 16-6837-TP01 Page: 1 of 1 Soil Description De p t h Sa m p l e # mft 15 10 5 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dynamic PenetrationResistance, Blows/0.3m Shear Strength Cu, kPa pk V. rem V. Remarks 20 40 60 80 Wp M.C. NP - Non-Plastic WI End of Test Pit @ 5.5m Water Content Percent 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 grey-brown, rust-mottled, moist, very stiff clayey SILT, occasional roots/rootlets - vertical rust streaks around old root holes - blocky structure - sandy seams between 3.4m and 3.8m bluish-grey, moist, firm to stiff, silty CLAY, occasional rootlets S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 - black mottled, firm below 4.6m dark-brown, moist, soft, organic SILT, some rootlets (TOPSOIL) grey-brown, damp, stiff, clayey SILT, some sand, trace organics, occasional rootlets - disturbed "mealy" texture Test Pit Log: TP16-02 [Iii File: 16-6837 RAUN Project: Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development Client: 11621 Burnett St Holdings Ltd. Location: 11607, 11621 , 11633 Burnett Street, Maple Ridge GE □TECHNIC A L LTD. ') l ', -+ -(B -0--0 - - \ -0 0 - - - - - -0 0 - - -0 0 - - -0 0 -- - 0 0 - - - - 0 0 - - - - Equipment: Tracked Excavator Datum: Ground Surface Logged By: AJ Sampling Method: Lump Sample Water Depth: Not Encountered Exploration Date: July 12, 2016 Dwg No.: 16-6837-TP02 Page: 1 of 1 Soil Description De p t h Sa m p l e # mft 15 10 5 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dynamic PenetrationResistance, Blows/0.3m Shear Strength Cu, kPa pk V. rem V. Remarks 20 40 60 80 Wp M.C. NP - Non-Plastic WI End of Test Pit @ 5.8m Water Content Percent 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 - seepage @ 5.2m bluish-grey, moist, firm, silty CLAY, occasional rootlets - sandy seams between 3.6m and 4.0m dark-brown, moist, soft, organic SILT, some rootlets (TOPSOIL) grey-brown, rust-mottled, moist, very stiff clayey SILT, occasional roots/rootlets grey-brown, damp, stiff, clayey SILT, some sand, trace organics, occasional rootlets - disturbed "mealy" texture - stiff below 2.7m Test Pit Log: TP16-03 File: Project: Client: Location: 16-6837 Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development 11621 Burnett St Holdings Ltd . 11607, 11621 , 11633 Burnett Street, Maple Ridge t-:IRAUN G E □ T E C H N I C A L LT D. -0--0---------------~~~~--~~-~~----------< \~-------------! - 0 0 -----0 0 1=========10 Equipment: Tracked Excavator Sampling Method: Lump Sample Datum: Ground Surface Water Depth: Seepage @ 5.2m 0 0 0 0 0 Logged By: AJ Exploration Date: July 12, 2016 Dwg No.: 16-6837-TP03 Page: 1 of 1 Soil Description De p t h Sa m p l e # mft 15 10 5 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dynamic PenetrationResistance, Blows/0.3m Shear Strength Cu, kPa pk V. rem V. Remarks 20 40 60 80 Wp M.C. NP - Non-Plastic WI Water Content Percent 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 End of Test Pit @ 5.8m S1 S2 S3 S4 - seepage @ 3.7mbluish-grey, moist, firm, silty CLAY - rust mottled root holes 100 110 120 dark-brown, moist, soft, organic SILT, some rootlets (TOPSOIL) grey-brown, rust-mottled, moist, very stiff clayey SILT, occasional roots/rootlets grey-brown, damp, stiff, clayey SILT, some sand, trace organics, occasional rootlets - disturbed "mealy" texture Test Pit Log: TP16-04 [Iii File: 16-6837 RAUN Project: Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development Client: 11621 Burnett St Holdings Ltd. Location: 11607, 11621 , 11633 Burnett Street, Maple Ridge GE □TECHNIC A L LTD. ') l ', -+ -(B -0--0 - -+ \ -0 + 0 - - - - - - -+ -0 0 - - - - --0 0 - - - - - 0 0 - - - - Equipment: Tracked Excavator Datum: Ground Surface Logged By: AJ Sampling Method: Lump Sample Water Depth: Seepage@ 3.7m Exploration Date: July 12, 2016 Dwg No.: 16-6837-TP04 Page: 1 of 1 0123456789 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 0102030 De p t h ( m ) TIP RESISTANCE qt (Bar) 00.511.5 SLEEVE FRICTION (Bar) 0 5 10 15 20 25 02468 FRICTION RATIO (%) -10 30 70 110 U2 Pp (Meter)Robertson, 1990 SBT(n) Operator: Schwartz Soil Technical Sounding:  CPT18 ‐01 Cone ID:  DPG1433 5 Ton Date: August 10, 2018 Site:   11621 Burnette St, Maple Ridge Braun project no:  16 ‐6837 C. SILT - SILTY CLAY C. SILT - SILTY CLAY CLAY - SILTY CLAY CLAY - SILTY CLAY Maximum Depth = 24.40 meter Depth increment = 0.05 meter C. SILT - SILTY CLAY C. SILT - SILTY CLAY V. STIFF FINE GRAIN S.SAND - S. SILT CLAY - SILTY CLAY 3   CLAY ‐SILTY CLAY 2   ORGANIC 1   SENS FINE GRAIN 4   C. SILT ‐SILTY CLAY 5   S. SAND ‐S. SILT 6   SAND ‐S. SAND 7   GRAVELLY SAND ‐SAND 8   V. STIFF CLAY SAND 9   V. STIFF FINE GRAIN CLAY - SILTY CLAY SENS FINE GRAIN CLAY - SILTY CLAY C. SILT - SILTY CLAY CLAY - SILTY CLAY C. SILT - SILTY CLAY fSRAUN Ci E □ T E C H N I C A L LT □. } ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Schwartz S O I L ~T E C H 0 1020304050 SPT N(60) (Blow/ft) 0 50 100 150 200 Su (kPa) Nkt = 13 0 5 10 15 20 25 0102030 De p t h ( m ) TIP RESISTANCE qt (Bar) Robertson, 1990 SBT(n) Maximum Depth = 24.40 meter Depth increment = 0.05 meter Operator: Schwartz Soil Technical Sounding:  CPT18 ‐01 Cone ID:  DPG1433 5 Ton Date:  August 10, 2018 Site:   11621 Burnette St, Maple Ridge Braun project no:  16 ‐6837 3   CLAY ‐SILTY CLAY 2   ORGANIC 1   SENS FINE GRAIN 4   C. SILT ‐SILTY CLAY 5   S. SAND ‐S. SILT 6   SAND ‐S. SAND 7   GRAVELLY SAND ‐SAND 8   V. STIFF CLAY SAND 9   V. STIFF FINE GRAIN 0123456789 0 5 10 15 20 25 C. SILT - SILTY CLAY C. SILT - SILTY CLAY CLAY - SILTY CLAY CLAY - SILTY CLAY C. SILT - SILTY CLAY C. SILT - SILTY CLAY V. STIFF FINE GRAIN S.SAND - S. SILT CLAY - SILTY CLAY CLAY - SILTY CLAY SENS FINE GRAIN CLAY - SILTY CLAY C. SILT - SILTY CLAY CLAY - SILTY CLAY C. SILT - SILTY CLAY fSRAUN Ci E □ T E C H N I C A L LT □. ■ ■ ■ -13 I ) ) J j ~ j I] J J > ) l ~ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Schwartz S O I L ~T E C H 16-6837 11607, 11621, 11633 Burnett St, Maple Ridge, BC AJ 11621 Burnett Street Holdings Inc. Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development JW SS October 23, 2018 NTS Horizontal Wall Loading Diagram 16-6837-HWL-01 x x x x x x x x x x x NOTES: ASSUMPTIONS: Horizontal ground surface. Granular backfill adjacent to foundation walls as per city requirements and/or the Geotechnical Report. Lateral loads indicated are subject to review of actual soil conditions exposed at time of excavation. Active loading conditions (i.e. top of wall is free to rotate 0.1 % of wall height). Other conditions subject to review by Braun Geotechnical. Fully drained backfill. Wall pressures are approximate, actual pressures will depend on wall stiffness, groundwater conditions, backfill slope, type of backfill, compaction equipment, and surcharge pressures. Seismic peak ground acceleration of 0.303g (BCBC 2018). All surcharge loads to be reviewed by Braun Geotechnical. H ALL LOADS ARE UNFACTORED ~ ~\ 7 _\ Varies :\J -\ -\ --\ --\ 5.4H kPa (34.5H psf) STATIC Compaction Induced Pressure of 20kPa (400psf). A lower value may be feasible based on review of compaction equipment and procedure Compaction pressure need only be used for structural design not overall stability Client [lilRAUN Project Project no. G E C T E C H N I C A L LT D. Metric Units m & kPa Imperial Units ft & psf See Table for Wall Pressure Based on Tolerable Displacement of Wall away from Soil Backfill II ~I Tolerable Wall Displacement Pressure 0.1% 13mm (0.5") 25mm (1'') 50mm (2") 3.4H kPa (21 H psf) 2.2H kPa (14H osf) 1.8H kPa (11H osf) 1.5H kPa (9H osf) (Based on Richard & Elms Procedure) SEISMIC Title I Des;gn I Apprnved Date I Scale E t") X <( :iE 0.3 x Surcharge Press. SURCHARGE I Drow;ng no. APPENDIX D: LANDSLIDE ASSESSMENT ASSURANCE Our File: 16-6837 STATEMENT Bldg Dept Fax: (604) 467-7329 Note: This Statement is to be read and completed in conjunction with the "APEGBC Guidelines for Leg islated Landslide Assessments for Proposed Residential Development in British Columbia", March 2006 / Revised September 2008 ("APEGBC Guidelines") and the "2006 BC Building Code (BCBC 2006)" and is to be provided for landslide assessments (not floods or flood controls) for the purposes of the Land Title Act, Community Charter or the Local Government Act. Italicized words are defined in the APEGBC Guidelines. To: The Approving Authority CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE I 1995 Haney Place Maple Ridge. BC V2X 6A9 Jurisdiction and address Date: November 26.20 18 With reference to (check one): D Land title (Section 86) Subdivision Approval Q Local Government Act (Sections 919.1 and 920) -Development Permit □ Community Charter (Section 56) -Building Permit D Local Government Act (Section 910) -Flood Plain Bylaw Variance D Local Government Act (Section 910) -Flood Plain Bylaw Exemption D British Columbia Building Code 2006 sentences (8) and (Refer to BC Building and Safety Policy Branch Information Bulletin 810-01 issued January 18, 2010) For the Property: 11 607, I 1621. I 1633 Burnell Street Maple Ridge, BC Legal description and civic address of the Property The undersigned hereby gives assurance that he/she is a Qualified Professional and is a Professional Engineer or Professional Geoscientist. I have signed, sealed.and dated, and thereby certified, the attached landslide assessment report on the Property in accordance with the APEGBC Guidelines. That report must be read in conjunction with this Statement. In preparing that report I have: Check to the left of applicable items Q 1. Collected and reviewed appropriate background information Q 2. Reviewed the proposed residential development on the Property Q 3. Conducted field work on and, if required, beyond the Property Q 4. Reported on the results of the field work on, and if required, beyond the Property Q 5. Considered any changed conditions on and, if required, beyond the Property 6. For a landslide hazard analysis or landslide risk analysis I have: Q 6.1 reviewed and characterized, if appropriate, any landslide that may affect the Property Q Q 6.2 6.3 estimated the landslide hazard identified existing and anticipated future elements at risk on and, if required , beyond the Property Q 6.4 estimated the potential consequences to those elements at risk 7. Where the Approving Authority has adopted a level of landslide safety I have: D 7.1 compared the level of landslide safety adopted by the Approving Authority with the find ings of my investigation □ 7.2 □ made a finding on the level of landslide safety on the Property based on the comparison 8. 7.3 made recommendations to reduce landslide hazards and/or landslide risks Where the Approving Authority has not adopted a level of landslide safety I have: Q 8.1 described the method of landslide hazard analysis or landslide risk analysis used [J 8.2 referred to an appropriate and identified provincial, national or international guideline for level of landslide safety Q 8.3 compared this guideline with the findings of my investigation I APEGBC o Revised May 2010 Guidelines for Legislated Land I de Assessments for Proposed Residential Development in British Columbia 0 8.4 made a finding on the level of landslide safety on the Property based on my comparison 0 8.5 made recommendations to reduce landslide hazards and/or landslide risks D 9. Reported on the requirements for future inspections of the Property and recommended who should conduct those inspections Based on my comparision between Check one D the findi:ngs from the investigation and the adopted level of landslide safety (item 7.2 above) 0 the appropriate and identified provincial, national or international guideline for level of landslide safety (item 8.4 above) I hereby give my assurance based on conditions111 contained in the attached landslide assessment report Check one or more where appropriate D for subdivision approval, as required by the Land Title Act (Section 86), "that the land may be used safely for the use intended Check one D with one or more recommended registered covenants. D without any registered covenant. 0 for a development permit, as required by the Local Government Act (Sections 919.1 and 920), my report will "assist the local government in determining what conditions or requirements under (Section 920) subsection (71) it will impose in the permit." D for a building permit, as required by the Community Charter (Section 56), "the land may be used safely for the use intended" Check one D with one or more recommended registered covenants . D without any registered covenant. D for flood plain bylaw variance, as required by the "Flood Hazard Area Land Use Management Guidelines" associated with the Local Government Act (Section 910), "the development may occur safely." D for flood plain bylaw exemption , as required by the Local Government Act (Section 910), "the land may be used safely for the use intended." James W ethel'ill, P.bng. Name (print Signature 102 -190 Address (Print) Surrey, BC, V4 1 4P3 604-5 13-4190 Phone If the Qualified Professional is a member of a firm, complete the following . I am a member of the firm Braun Geotechnical Ltd. and I sign this letter on behalf of the firm. (Print name of firm) 111 When seismic slope stability assessments are involved, level of landslide safety is considered to be a "life safety" criteria as described in the National Building Code of Canada (NBCC 2005). Commentary on Design for Seismic effects in the User's Guide, Structural Commentaries, Part 4 of division B. This states: "The primary objective of seismic design is to provide an acceptable level of safety for building occupants and the general public as the building responds to strong ground motion. in other words, to minimize loss of life. This implies tha.t, alt/1ough there will likely be extensive structural and non-structural damage, during the DGM (design ground motion). there is a reasonable degree of confidence that the building will not collapse nor will its attachments breal( off and fa/Ion people near tile building. This performance level is termed 'extensive damage' because, although the structure may be heavily damaged and may have lost a substantial amount of its initial strength and stiffness. it retains some margin of resistance against collapse". APEGBC o Revised May 2010 Guidelines for Legislated Landslide Assessments for Proposed Residential Development in British Columbia 4 4 .1 6 4 4 .1 2 4 4 .2 0 4 4 .1 3 4 4 .0 1 4 4 .0 9 4 4 .0 9 4 3 .9 5 4 3 .9 1 A Ho u s e Top of Slope Ce d a r G r o v e 4 4 .0 8 4 4 .0 5 4 3 .0 0 4 3 .1 7 4 3 .6 6 4 3 .6 5 4 3 .6 8 4 3 .6 2 4 3 .5 3 4 3 .5 6 4 3 .6 1 4 3 .5 5 4 3 .6 5 4 3 .4 9 4 3 .4 7 4 3 .4 2 4 3 .4 0 4 3 .2 1 4 3 .1 5 4 3 .3 8 4 3 .2 9 4 3 .4 8 4 3 .3 2 4 3 .1 8 4 3 .0 4 4 3 .1 7 4 3 .1 2 4 2 .9 3 4 3 .0 1 4 3 .2 5 4 0 .9 6 4 1 .6 3 4 2 .8 9 4 3 .2 0 4 3 .3 5 4 3 .4 1 4 3 .3 5 4 3 .4 3 4 3 .5 0 4 2 .8 5 4 2 .7 5 4 3 .1 7 4 3 .1 6 4 3 .2 4 4 3 .4 1 4 3 .4 0 4 3 .4 0 4 3 .2 9 4 3 .2 9 4 3 .4 2 4 3 .4 7 4 3 .4 4 4 3 .4 5 4 3 .4 0 4 3 .4 2 4 3 .2 7 4 3 .3 6 4 3 .3 8 4 3 .4 1 4 3 .3 0 4 3 .1 5 4 3 .1 4 4 3 .2 6 4 3 .1 5 4 3 .2 7 4 3 .4 2 4 3 .4 8 4 3 .3 4 4 3 .7 5 4 3 .4 4 4 3 .6 4 4 3 .6 7 4 3 .6 3 4 3 .6 5 4 3 .6 7 4 3 .5 2 4 3 .6 3 4 3 .4 4 4 3 .3 4 4 3 .2 1 4 3 .4 6 4 3 .4 9 4 3 .5 0 4 4 .0 7 4 3 .4 2 4 3 .2 9 4 3 .3 9 4 3 .5 2 4 3 .5 5 4 3 .6 1 4 3 .5 0 4 3 .4 9 4 3 .5 5 4 3 .6 9 4 3 .6 8 4 3 .6 8 4 3 .5 2 4 3 .5 6 4 3 .6 1 4 3 .6 9 4 3 .6 5 4 3 .6 9 4 3 .7 8 4 3 .7 3 4 3 .7 1 4 3 .7 1 4 3 .7 1 4 3 .7 7 4 3 .7 4 4 4 .0 4 4 4 .0 2 4 3 .8 8 4 3 .7 6 4 3 .7 1 4 3 .6 7 4 4 .0 3 4 3 .5 6 4 3 .4 3 4 3 .4 0 4 3 .0 9 4 3 .2 3 4 3 .3 2 4 3 .6 4 4 3 .7 1 4 3 .4 9 4 3 .4 4 4 3 .7 6 4 2 .7 2 4 2 .7 1 4 3 .8 6 4 3 .8 5 4 3 .8 4 4 3 .8 4 4 3 .7 3 3 9 .6 3 3 7 .6 6 4 3 .0 1 4 2 .8 0 4 2 .6 7 4 2 .7 1 4 3 .1 1 4 3 .1 2 36 .5 8 3 7 .6 6 28.0737.53 36 .6 0 18.30 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 44 44 36 .5 6 18.31 Ex i s t i n g 4 4 .1 9 4 4 .1 3 Edge Of Pavement UP 3.2 0FG44.05MDN 6R@0.15DN 6R@0.15 16 R @ 0.15 DN 3 R @0 .1 6 7 STAIR #4 DN 5R @ 0 .1 5 4FG44.05MDN 6R@0.15DN 6R@0.15 RAMP DN EXIT PATH RA M P D NFG44 . 9 M KIOSK FITNESS LINE OF PARKING STRUCTURE BELOW CORRIDOR GUARDRAIL 3'-6" HT MIN STAIR #1 EL E V A T O R SP STAIR #2 UP 19R@0.176 19 R @ 0 .1 7 6 DN UP 19 R @ 0 .1 7 6 M.U.A. ELEC AMENITY ELEC 104105106107 108 109 110 111 Den 10'11"X 5'6" Dining 14'2"X 7'8" Kitchen 9'3"X 9'2" Bedroom 10'0"X10'0" Bath 5'2"X 8'0" Living 10'8"X9'8" W.I.C. 6'6"X5'2" Ensuite 9'0"X 5'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X13'4" Living 12'6"X10'8" Master Bedroom 11'2"X10'0" W.I.C. 5'0"X5'4" Ensuite 8'0"X 5'2" Bedroom 11'0"X10'0" Dining 12'6"X 8'4" Kitchen 12'6"X 11'0" Bath 5'2"X 9'0"Bedroom 11'2"X 9'0" Den 10'11"X 5'6" Dining 14'2"X 7'8" Kitchen 9'3"X 9'2" Bedroom 10'0"X10'0" Bath 5'2"X 8'0" Living 10'8"X9'8" W.I.C. 6'6"X5'2" Ensuite 9'0"X 5'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X13'4" Living 10'7"X9'8" Dining 10'3"X 11'6"Kitchen 9'0"X 9'6" Ensuite 5'0"X 7'10" Master Bedroom 9'1"X12'10" Bedroom 9'0"X10'0" Bath 5'0"X 8'0" Kitchen 8'4"X 9'10" Dining 11'6"X 7'8" Living 11'6"X11'5" Bedroom 9'0"X12'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X12'0" Ensuite 5'2"X 8'2" Bath 8'2"X 5'2" Kitchen 9'2"X 8'8" Dining 10'10"X 9'11" Living 10'10"X10'4" Bedroom 10'0"X13'6" Bath 7'8"X 7'2" W.I.C. 6'6"X4'4" Den 7'8"X 7'0" MAIL BOXES 44.57 M = 146.22'OFFICE ANNUNCIATOR PANEL F FIRE DEPARTMENT RESPONSE POINT 45.00 M = 147.64' 1st FLOOR RAMP DN 8% Max. 5.41 44.57 M = 146.22' Kitchen 8'4"X 9'10" Dining 11'6"X 7'8" Living 11'6"X11'5" Bedroom 9'0"X12'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X12'0" Ensuite 5'2"X 8'2" Bath 8'2"X 5'2"Kitchen 8'4"X 9'10" Dining 11'6"X 7'8" Living 11'6"X11'5" Bedroom 9'0"X12'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X12'0" Ensuite 5'2"X 8'2" Bath 8'2"X 5'2" RA M P D N FG44 . 7 1 M FG44 . 4 M 44.57 M = 146.22 ' 14 4 . 1 3 ' 43 . 9 1 M 14 4 . 0 6 ' 43 . 9 1 MFG44.05MFG44.05M143.70'43.80MFG44.05M143.80'43.83MNG=43.381M FG=44.90MNG = 4 3 . 6 7 M FG = 4 4.28MNG=43.74M FG=43.96MNG = 4 3 . 3 8 1 M FG = 4 4.90MDN 20 R @ 0 .1 7 7 ST A I R # 3 KIOSK THE BURNETT 6 - STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING PM T RA M P D N FG44 . 7 1 M FG44 . 4 M 14 4 . 1 6 ' 43 . 9 1 M DN 20 R @ 0 .1 7 7 ST A I R # 3 44.57 M = 146.22' 44.57 M = 146.22 'FG44.05MNG44.0MFG44 . 6 1 MFG44 . 9 M +43.29+43.11+43.93+43.84+43.81+TP45.00 + + 7 bikes 2.0% Lobby FFE 44.57m +43.84TP44.95+ +TP45.00 + + + TP44.95+ 44.05 + 44.05TW45.00 +TW45.00 +TW45.00 +44.50 v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v +44.31 + +43.91 +44.61 + +44.61 + + 44.16 + 43.80 44.00 44.61 +EG43.80 +EG43.80 +44.33 +44.31 +44.50 1.6% 1.6 % 10' 20'40' 2m 5m 10m 0' SCALE 1:100 metric DRAWING NUMBER DRAWING PROJECT CLIENT ISSUE/REVISIONDATE 1805 DRAWN PROJECT NUMBER PACW # All drawings remain the property of Greenway Landscape Architecture. Use for any purpose and reproduction only by written consent. Greenway Landscape Architecture 2280 Park Crescent Coquitlam BC V3J 6T4 T 604 461 9120 E paul@greenwayla.ca Landscape Plan L-1 Paul Whitehead RBCSLA Registered Landscape Architect #246 Landscape Plan 1 : 1001 NORTH The Burnett 11607 11621 11633 Burnett St Maple Ridge BC 1.Feb21.20 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT BURNETT STREET 11621 Burnett Street Holdings Inc. Off site improvements - to be confirmed with City curb and sidewalk - see civil grass boulevard street trees with root barrier Underground storm water detention tank refer to civil drawings lawn For Plant List Refer to drawing L-3 Main entry area Concrete stairs with metal handrail Feature columns concrete paved walkway bicycle rack Access pathway with ramps refer to architectural drawings Ground floor resident entry Concrete stairs with metal handrail feature columns concrete paved walkway metal railing with gate Ground floor resident patio and yard metal railing with gate Various shrubs and ornamental tree Det 3 L2 Det 1 L2 Det 2 L2 lawn Planting bed along base of wall Bicycle rack with ramped access to street Bench and coffee table: Metal frame with synthetic slats Modena by Wishbone Site Furnishings Bicycle Rack: painted metal, 7 bike capacity W5808 'Expo' black by Cora Bike Racks Patio Pavers: hydrapressed slab 18" x 18" tan colour Amenity walkway: hydrapressed slab 18" x 18" grey colour Pedestrian walkway: standard paver 90° herringbone pattern red/black blend Entry paving: standard paver basket weave pattern red/black blend with charcoal colour accent bands Planter wall: Garden Wallscape with cap, Granite colour with Charcoal cap, by Abbotsford Concrete Products. refer to detail Gravel strip along edge of building Materials Legend SWM Materials Planting Beds - On roofdeck - 450mm depth growing medium Absorptive soils provide water retention and delayed discharge Ecobloc/raingarden along west side - also see civil Quiet seating with forest views. Park Area Restoration planting to be determined by WPDP sidewalk sidewalk patio patio patio patio PMT Ground floor resident patio and yard Various shrubs and ornamental tree Planting strip with native shrubs Underground storm infiltration trench Water from roofdeck, piped via parkade. Ecobloc cells in gravel trench, with filter fabric wrap. To be below planting soil. Store and delay water along park area for discharge to north bioswale, with overflow to storm water system. refer to civil drawings 2.Jun19.20 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Temporary recycling bin pad concrete paving 5.1m2 SEAL patio 3.Jan18.21 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT ✓ l / \ / I L (ih]L~ / • 0 ,--7 I I □ 0 ~ □ " / -~ l---"----,.--"----,._----+nh-~~-~,-----'--c-11r----- . ' ' ' ' ' , ",!lr'""-\~-~t+~ '·,, ~ o', '·t ---- Qi-------- 0 0 0 0 0 +,-, ..... ' ' ' \ ' ,.. ____ , □ [1]0 □ 0 0 J ' X X X X X □ □ □ LJ' f-------C---L--"--1 0 □ - X X X X X X ~ □ I I I I I :x I X n L X ' !Jil~lli~~;Q~~~H1l1l1bf:l,>l.._~J• ,- _J 'I 0 ~·.r:=• c-4il ' I ' ' ' -----~ ' ~o;o ~re~-~11<~--'JI f 'f--'------,ll vl I ' I ' -~-~--,--.. cv ~---- ) ' ' X 4 4 .1 6 4 4 .1 2 4 4 .2 0 4 4 .1 3 4 4 .0 1 4 4 .0 9 4 4 .0 9 4 3 .9 5 4 3 .9 1 A Ho u s e Top of Slope Ce d a r G r o v e 4 4 .0 8 4 4 .0 5 4 3 .0 0 4 3 .1 7 4 3 .6 6 4 3 .6 5 4 3 .6 8 4 3 .6 2 4 3 .5 3 4 3 .5 6 4 3 .6 1 4 3 .5 5 4 3 .6 5 4 3 .4 9 4 3 .4 7 4 3 .4 2 4 3 .4 0 4 3 .2 1 4 3 .1 5 4 3 .3 8 4 3 .2 9 4 3 .4 8 4 3 .3 2 4 3 .1 8 4 3 .0 4 4 3 .1 7 4 3 .1 2 4 2 .9 3 4 3 .0 1 4 3 .2 5 4 0 .9 6 4 1 .6 3 4 2 .8 9 4 3 .2 0 4 3 .3 5 4 3 .4 1 4 3 .3 5 4 3 .4 3 4 3 .5 0 4 2 .8 5 4 2 .7 5 4 3 .1 7 4 3 .1 6 4 3 .2 4 4 3 .4 1 4 3 .4 0 4 3 .4 0 4 3 .2 9 4 3 .2 9 4 3 .4 2 4 3 .4 7 4 3 .4 4 4 3 .4 5 4 3 .4 0 4 3 .4 2 4 3 .2 7 4 3 .3 6 4 3 .3 8 4 3 .4 1 4 3 .3 0 4 3 .1 5 4 3 .1 4 4 3 .2 6 4 3 .1 5 4 3 .2 7 4 3 .4 2 4 3 .4 8 4 3 .3 4 4 3 .7 5 4 3 .4 4 4 3 .6 4 4 3 .6 7 4 3 .6 3 4 3 .6 5 4 3 .6 7 4 3 .5 2 4 3 .6 3 4 3 .4 4 4 3 .3 4 4 3 .2 1 4 3 .4 6 4 3 .4 9 4 3 .5 0 4 4 .0 7 4 3 .4 2 4 3 .2 9 4 3 .3 9 4 3 .5 2 4 3 .5 5 4 3 .6 1 4 3 .5 0 4 3 .4 9 4 3 .5 5 4 3 .6 9 4 3 .6 8 4 3 .6 8 4 3 .5 2 4 3 .5 6 4 3 .6 1 4 3 .6 9 4 3 .6 5 4 3 .6 9 4 3 .7 8 4 3 .7 3 4 3 .7 1 4 3 .7 1 4 3 .7 1 4 3 .7 7 4 3 .7 4 4 4 .0 4 4 4 .0 2 4 3 .8 8 4 3 .7 6 4 3 .7 1 4 3 .6 7 4 4 .0 3 4 3 .5 6 4 3 .4 3 4 3 .4 0 4 3 .0 9 4 3 .2 3 4 3 .3 2 4 3 .6 4 4 3 .7 1 4 3 .4 9 4 3 .4 4 4 3 .7 6 4 2 .7 2 4 2 .7 1 4 3 .8 6 4 3 .8 5 4 3 .8 4 4 3 .8 4 4 3 .7 3 3 9 .6 3 3 7 .6 6 4 3 .0 1 4 2 .8 0 4 2 .6 7 4 2 .7 1 4 3 .1 1 4 3 .1 2 36 .5 8 3 7 .6 6 28.0737.53 36 .6 0 18.30 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 44 44 36 .5 6 18.31 Ex i s t i n g 4 4 .1 9 4 4 .1 3 Edge Of Pavement UP 3.2 0FG44.05MDN 6R@0.15DN 6R@0.15 16 R @ 0.15 DN 3 R @0 .1 6 7 STAIR #4 DN 5R @ 0 .1 5 4FG44.05MDN 6R@0.15DN 6R@0.15 RAMP DN EXIT PATH RA M P D NFG44 . 9 M KIOSK FITNESS LINE OF PARKING STRUCTURE BELOW CORRIDOR GUARDRAIL 3'-6" HT MIN STAIR #1 EL E V A T O R SP STAIR #2 UP 19R@0.176 19 R @ 0 .1 7 6 DN UP 19 R @ 0 .1 7 6 M.U.A. ELEC AMENITY ELEC 104105106107 108 109 110 111 Den 10'11"X 5'6" Dining 14'2"X 7'8" Kitchen 9'3"X 9'2" Bedroom 10'0"X10'0" Bath 5'2"X 8'0" Living 10'8"X9'8" W.I.C. 6'6"X5'2" Ensuite 9'0"X 5'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X13'4" Living 12'6"X10'8" Master Bedroom 11'2"X10'0" W.I.C. 5'0"X5'4" Ensuite 8'0"X 5'2" Bedroom 11'0"X10'0" Dining 12'6"X 8'4" Kitchen 12'6"X 11'0" Bath 5'2"X 9'0"Bedroom 11'2"X 9'0" Den 10'11"X 5'6" Dining 14'2"X 7'8" Kitchen 9'3"X 9'2" Bedroom 10'0"X10'0" Bath 5'2"X 8'0" Living 10'8"X9'8" W.I.C. 6'6"X5'2" Ensuite 9'0"X 5'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X13'4" Living 10'7"X9'8" Dining 10'3"X 11'6"Kitchen 9'0"X 9'6" Ensuite 5'0"X 7'10" Master Bedroom 9'1"X12'10" Bedroom 9'0"X10'0" Bath 5'0"X 8'0" Kitchen 8'4"X 9'10" Dining 11'6"X 7'8" Living 11'6"X11'5" Bedroom 9'0"X12'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X12'0" Ensuite 5'2"X 8'2" Bath 8'2"X 5'2" Kitchen 9'2"X 8'8" Dining 10'10"X 9'11" Living 10'10"X10'4" Bedroom 10'0"X13'6" Bath 7'8"X 7'2" W.I.C. 6'6"X4'4" Den 7'8"X 7'0" MAIL BOXES 44.57 M = 146.22'OFFICE ANNUNCIATOR PANEL F FIRE DEPARTMENT RESPONSE POINT 45.00 M = 147.64' 1st FLOOR RAMP DN 8% Max. 5.41 44.57 M = 146.22' Kitchen 8'4"X 9'10" Dining 11'6"X 7'8" Living 11'6"X11'5" Bedroom 9'0"X12'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X12'0" Ensuite 5'2"X 8'2" Bath 8'2"X 5'2"Kitchen 8'4"X 9'10" Dining 11'6"X 7'8" Living 11'6"X11'5" Bedroom 9'0"X12'2" Master Bedroom 10'0"X12'0" Ensuite 5'2"X 8'2" Bath 8'2"X 5'2" RA M P D N FG44 . 7 1 M FG44 . 4 M 44.57 M = 146.22 ' 14 4 . 1 3 ' 43 . 9 1 M 14 4 . 0 6 ' 43 . 9 1 MFG44.05MFG44.05M143.70'43.80MFG44.05M143.80'43.83MNG=43.381M FG=44.90MNG = 4 3 . 6 7 M FG = 4 4.28MNG=43.74M FG=43.96MNG = 4 3 . 3 8 1 M FG = 4 4.90MDN 20 R @ 0 .1 7 7 ST A I R # 3 KIOSK THE BURNETT 6 - STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING PM T RA M P D N DN 20 R @ 0 .1 7 7 ST A I R # 3 44.57 M = 146.22' 44.57 M = 146.22 ' Lobby FFE 44.57m v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v 10' 20'40' 2m 5m 10m 0' SCALE 1:100 metric DRAWING NUMBER DRAWING PROJECT CLIENT ISSUE/REVISIONDATE 1805 DRAWN PROJECT NUMBER PACW # All drawings remain the property of Greenway Landscape Architecture. Use for any purpose and reproduction only by written consent. Greenway Landscape Architecture 2280 Park Crescent Coquitlam BC V3J 6T4 T 604 461 9120 E paul@greenwayla.ca Planting Plan L-2 Paul Whitehead RBCSLA Registered Landscape Architect #246 Landscape Plan 1 : 1001 NORTH The Burnett 11607 11621 11633 Burnett St Maple Ridge BC 1.Feb21.20 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT BURNETT STREET 11621 Burnett Street Holdings Inc.Underground storm water detention tank refer to civil drawings lawn For Plant List Refer to drawing L-3 Access pathway with ramps Det 3 L2 Det 1 L2 Det 2 L2 lawn Planting bed along base of wall Bicycle rack with ramped access to street Bench and coffee table: Metal frame with synthetic slats Modena by Wishbone Site Furnishings Bicycle Rack: painted metal, 7 bike capacity W5808 'Expo' black by Cora Bike Racks Patio Pavers: hydrapressed slab 18" x 18" tan colour Amenity walkway: hydrapressed slab 18" x 18" grey colour Pedestrian walkway: standard paver 90° herringbone pattern red/black blend Entry paving: standard paver basket weave pattern red/black blend with charcoal colour accent bands Planter wall: Garden Wallscape with cap, Granite colour with Charcoal cap, by Abbotsford Concrete Products. refer to detail Gravel strip along edge of building Materials Legend SWM Materials Planting Beds - On roofdeck - 450mm depth growing medium Absorptive soils provide water retention and delayed discharge Ecobloc/raingarden along west side - also see civil Quiet seating with forest views. Park Area Restoration planting to be determined by WPDP sidewalk sidewalk patio patio patio patio PMT Ground floor resident patio and yard Various shrubs and ornamental tree vent Planting strip with native shrubs 2.Jun19.20 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SEAL Off site improvements - to be confirmed with City curb and sidewalk - see civil grass boulevard street trees with root barrier Main entry area Concrete stairs with metal handrail Feature columns concrete paved walkway bicycle rack Ground floor resident entry Concrete stairs with metal handrail feature columns concrete paved walkway metal railing with gate Ground floor resident patio and yard metal railing with gate Various shrubs and ornamental tree Underground storm infiltration trench Water from roofdeck, piped via parkade. Ecobloc cells in gravel trench, with filter fabric wrap. To be below planting soil. Store and delay water along park area for discharge to north bioswale, with overflow to storm water system. refer to civil drawings patio Temporary recycling bin pad concrete paving 5.1m2 3.Jan18.21 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT ;■r," d MIH e--- I a 0 q 0 1 + I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 ,-- L ~_L_J 0 □ 0 ~L ~ • «+, •• • • • ----- / " l / \ I / • ,--7 I I / -~ Qi-------- 0 0 0 □ 0 0 X X X X X X X X X X [1]0 □ 0 □ □ 0 0 -- □ I X I I I I :x I I .. X n L X • • I ) I I y X SCALE 1:100 metric DRAWING NUMBER DRAWING PROJECT CLIENT ISSUE/REVISIONDATE 1805 DRAWN PROJECT NUMBER PACW # All drawings remain the property of Greenway Landscape Architecture. Use for any purpose and reproduction only by written consent. Greenway Landscape Architecture 2280 Park Crescent Coquitlam BC V3J 6T4 T 604 461 9120 E paul@greenwayla.ca Landscape Details L-3 Paul Whitehead RBCSLA Registered Landscape Architect #246 NORTH The Burnett 11607 11621 11633 Burnett St Maple Ridge BC 1. 11621 Burnett Street Holdings Inc. PLANT LIST - Burnett Apartments January 18, 2021 total site off-site SYMBOL QTY.BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING TREES 9 9 Acer palmatum Osakazuki Green Japanese Maple 2.5m tall, multi stem 5 5 Acer truncatum Pacific Sunset Pacific Sunset Shantung Maple 6cm Cal, WB 900 o.c. 1.8m standard 3 3 Halesia carolina Carolina Silverbell 6cm Cal, WB 1.8m standard SHRUBS 39 26 13 Azalea japonica Hino Crimson Hino Crimson Azalea #2 pot 900 o.c. 8 8 Buxus sempervirens Common Boxwood #2 pot 400 o.c. 15 15 Calluna vulgaris Pink Heather #1 pot 450 o.c. 18 18 Cornus stolonifera redtwig Dogwood #1 pot 900 o.c. 3 3 Euonymus alata 'Compactus'Dwarf Burning Bush #2 pot 900 o.c 32 32 Gaultheria shallon Salal #1 pot 500 o.c 43 40 3 Hydrangea macrophylla FP Forever Pink Hydrangea #2 pot 500 o.c 2 2 Kalmia latifolia Minuet Minuet Mountain Laurel #2 pot 750 o.c. 62 62 Mahonia aquifolium Oregon Grape #2 pot 750 o.c. 27 27 Physocarpus opulifolius Diabolo Diabolo Ninebark #2 pot 800 o.c. 14 14 Pieris japonica compacta Dwarf Pieris #2 pot 800 o.c. 124 104 20 Polystichum munitum Western Sword Fern #1 pot 600 o.c 6 6 Potentilla fruiticosa Red Ace Red Ace Shrubby Cinquefoil #1 pot 650 o.c. 50 37 13 Rhododendron 'Ramapo'Dwarf Red Rhodo #2 pot 750 o.c 21 21 Rhododendron Vulcan Red Vulcan Rhododendron #5 pot 900 o.c 23 23 Rubus spectabilis Salmonberry #2 pot 900 o.c 9 9 Sarcococca H. Humilis Himalayan Sweet Box #1 pot 450 o.c. 4 4 Skimmia j. macrophylla M + F Skimmia (male and female)#3 pot 900 o.c. 44 28 16 Spiraea x Bumalda Gold Flame Gold Flame Spirea #2 pot 900 o.c. 66 66 Symphoricarpos albus Snowberry #1 pot 900 o.c. 37 37 Taxus x Media Brownii Brown's Yew 1.2m tall, B&B 500 o.c. 4 4 Weigelia florida MW Midnight Wine Weigelia #2 pot 750 o.c. GROUND COVERS 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi VJ Vancouver Jade Kinnikinick #1 pot 500 o.c 0 Mahonia nervosa Longleaf Mahonia #1 pot 450 o.c 0 Pachysandra terminalis Japanese Spurge 10cm pot 450 o.c PERENNIALS AND GRASSES 0 Astilbe chinensis Chinese Astilbe #1 pot 450 o.c 0 Echinacea purpurea'Magnus'Magnus Purple Coneflower #1 pot 450 o.c 0 Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns'Happy Returns Daylily #1 pot 500 o.c 0 Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans'Elegans Plantain Lily #1 pot 500 o.c 0 Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldstrum'Black-Eyed Susan #1 pot 450 o.c 6 6 Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln'Hameln Fountain Grass #1 pot 600 o.c NOTES: 1) In case of discrepancy between plant numbers on this list and on the plan, the plan shall prevail. 2) All planting shall be in accordance with BCSLA/BCLNA Landscape Standard, latest edition. 3) All planting beds: 450 minimum absorbent soils with 75mm of mulch (decomposed hem/fir bark) 4) All off site work and plant material to satisfaction of the City of Maple Ridge 0 Acer rubrum Scanlon Scanlon Maple (columnar)6cm Cal, WB Low branching 0 Cornus florida Cherokee Chief Red Flowering Dogwood 6cm Cal, WB 1.8m standard 4 0 4 Magnolia galaxy Galaxy Magnolia 6cm Cal, WB 1.8m standard 4 4 Quercus palustris Pringreen Green Pillar Pin Oak (columnar)6cm Cal, WB 1.8m standard 7 3 4 Styrax japonica Japanese Snowbell 6cm Cal, WB 1.8m standard 0 Vaccinium ovatum Evergreen Huckleberry #2 pot 900 o.c. 11 11 Parrotia persica Persian Ironwood 6cm Cal, WB 0 Ligustrum japonicus Texanum Waxleaf Privet 1.2m tall, B&B 500 o.c. 0 Clematis armandi Evergreen Clematis #3 pot train 0 Lonicera mandarin Mandarin Honey Suckle #3 pot train 0 Stipa tenuissima Mexican Feather Grass #1 pot 500 o.c v Synthetic wooden slats and grey metal frame As manufactured by Wishbone Industries or alternate Secure to paving with SS anchor bolts. 4 Furnishings Not to scale Bench seating Coffee table Landscape Section 2 1 : 502 Parking Level 1 Patio Planting Road Property Line profile of parkade structure to be determined lawn 3.55 Rainwater Detention Trench 1 : 255 41.65 Parking Level 1 Patio Planting pathway Property Line profile of parkade structure to be determined railing Forested Park Planting strip with storm water detention trench trench. refer to enlargement Feb21.20 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT building wall structural roofdeck Planter 50mm organic mulch Growing medium 300 to 900 deep 50 depth sand choker layer on filter fabric on 100 depth drainage layer on protection board on waterproofed roofdeck planter 7 Planter and Gravel Strip 1cm = 10cm Gravel strip 100 depth ornamental pebble At or below pavement level 300 wide minimum Parkade Structure Growing medium 300/12" depth for groundcovers 450/18" depth for shrubs 750/30" depth for trees Filter fabric to separate soil from drainage layer 50mm depth sand choker layer over fabric Planter wall split face segmental block with cap stepping 18" to 30" high above paving 'Garden Wallscape' by Abbotsford Concrete Products Granite colour block, Classic face, with Charcoal cap. Fill blocks with gravel Drainage layer Pea gravel or approved alternate minimum 50mm depth under planter walls 6 Typical Planter on Roofdeck 1cm = 20cm width varies Patio paving Unit paving or patio slabs on free draining gravel bedding layer TP44.95 + 6R @ 150 +44.05 TW45.00 + TW45.00 + 6R @ 150 TP44.95 + TW45.00 + + 44.05 +44.05 +44.05 TW45.00 + A L2 1 L2 STAIR SECTION 1 FRONT VIEW A A B C C B A B CCA hand rail on stairs guard rail on wall column 300 x 450 x 2250 tall stone or brick clad concrete steps and landing A Entry Stair Details 1 : 501 Parking Level 1 pathway Property Line railing Forested Park Stormwater management trench Ecobloc chambers, filter fabric wrap, gravel fill, and impermeable liner. refer to civil drawings Planting strip / bioswale Native shrubs over Ecobloc chambers Drain pipe from roofdeck Landscape Section 3 1 : 503 2.Jun19.20 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SEAL Proposed off site improvements to City of Maple Ridge standards. boulevard with street trees and lawn Tree planting trench and root barrier beside sidewalk to City standards. curb and sidewalk - see civil 3.Jan18.21 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT □ ' ' - - □ ' r--I r--, r --J I - -J - -' I [~l-~ --~-~ ~~ ~J [ _, ~ ---·' ,-J/ .• - --------~ ==========; --lb~' ~~~--Jr--------- Qi------- Qr------ ' l---;:i C) z/) I 0---- Qi------ --------t111 I 1111111 111 1111 7ilillllillllilll 11-111 11 1 TT11 h'' )-sf \'-;, J ~~~1;--,s,-:J;:-4' l ~,'.~i?i- Qi------ 0---- Qi------- Au (+) Mn Pt Hs Rf Fig. 1 Aerial of assembly, prior to demolition of northern cottage Fig. 2 Northern part of assembly, looking west, post demolition of cottage Fig. 3 Northern part of assembly, looking east Fig. 4 Street frontage, looking north Fig. 5 Burnett Street, looking south Fig. 6 West view of southern area of assembly and adjacent property to the south Fig. 7 Adjacent property to the south, future part of an assembly designated for townhousing Fig. 8 Adjacent dwelling, built in 1952,, looking east along northern facade Fig. 9 Northward view of buildable area of assembly, backyards of existing dwellings I I I ' I I I 11 I ONSITE DETENTION r I I I I I I I Ir r r I I 1 \ / 1 I I I I I I ) ( I I I I I I I I \ I --RAIN GARDEN/BIO WA LE ~~---r----t-----+------i'-------------~--,!1111 46 44 42 40 WI TH ECOBLOCS AREA: 176m 2 -< -- ONSITE DETENTION ~--------~ ) ( l i @ EXISTING DRY CREEK DISCHARGE INTO EX, 20m LONG PERFORATED PIPE OFFSITE DRAIN WITH GRAVEL AND GEOTEXTI LE TO ALLOW INFILTRATION 46 44 42 40 -+---DRY CREEKr==-+----f-----+---~