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City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel AGENDA Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 4:00 pm Held Virtually Via Zoom Teleconference Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone https://mapleridge-ca.zoom.us/j/99949162635?pwd=WEN0N2tnSzEwazk5TytVeVJ2Q3pWZz09 Or join the meeting using your phone Dial: 1-778-907-2071 Meeting ID: 999 4916 2635 Password: 433526 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES – February 17, 2021 4. QUESTION PERIOD 5. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6. PROJECTS 6.1 Development Permit No: 2018-180-DP 4:05 PM Applicant: Bissky Architecture and Urban Design Inc. Project Architext: Wayne Bissky, Architect AIBC Project Landscape Architect: Greenway Landscape Architecture Proposal: 6 Storey Apartment Building with 107 Residential Units Location: 22057 & 22083 – Lougheed Highway File Manager: Rene Tardif 6.2 Development Permit No: 2019-341-DP 4:45 PM Applicant: Architect 57 Inc. Project Architect: Cary Tsai, Architect AIBC Project Landscape Architect: Rebecca Krebs, PMG Landscape Architects Proposal: 15 Units for a townhouse development Location: 12162, 12170, and 12178 Fletcher Street File Manager: Tyson Baker 6.3 Development Permit No: 2019-393-DP 5:25 PM Applicant: Zeyuan Zhou Project Architext: Jessie Arora Architect, AIBC Project Landscape Architect: PMG Landscape Architects Proposal: 8 dwelling units in the form of Courtyard Housing Location: 20786 River Road File Manager: Rene Tardif ----- MAPLE R l □-GE tiru1h C11lw-11211 mapendge ca Advisory Design Panel March 17, 2021 Page 2 of 2 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting: April 21, 2021 Agenda Items Submission Deadline: April 5, 2021 QUESTION PERIOD Question Period provides the public with the opportunity to ask questions or make comments on subjects that are of concern to them. Each person will be given 2 minutes to speak. Up to ten minutes in total is allotted for Question Period. /sc City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MEETING MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) held via Zoom teleconference on Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 4:04 pm. PANEL MEMBERS PRESENT Stephen Heller Landscape Architect BCSLA Meredith Mitchell Landscape Architect BCSLA Steven Bartok Architect AIBC Emily Kearns Architect AIBC Andrea Scott Architect AIBC STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Wendy Cooper Staff Liaison, Planner Sabina Chand Committee Clerk 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2021-006 It was moved and seconded That the agenda for the February 17, 2021 Advisory Design Panel meeting be approved as circulated. CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES R/2021-007 It was moved and seconded That the minutes for the January 20, 2021 Advisory Design Panel meeting be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 4. QUESTION PERIOD - NIL 5. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS Note: Meredith Mitchell disclosed her conflict of interest on Agenda item 6.1 and recused herself from comments/decision-making. mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Minutes February 17, 2021 Page 2 of 3 6. PROJECTS 6.1. Development Permit No: 2020-062-DP/22349 North Ave, 22347 117 Ave and Unaddressed Lot (PID 008-130-493) The Chair welcomed the project team to the meeting and introduced the members of the ADP. The Staff Liaison provided a brief overview of the proposed construction of a five (5) storey mixed use commercial/residential building. The project team presented the development plans and answered questions from the Panel. R/2021-008 It was moved and seconded That the following concerns be addressed and digital versions of revised drawings & memo be submitted to Planning staff; and further that Planning staff forward this on to the Advisory Design Panel for information. Comments from the Panel included: Architectural Comments: - Consider further articulation of south façade; - Explore solar shading options for large windows on upper levels of south elevation; - Provide larger private outdoor decks above level 2, especially on south elevation; - Provide larger communal outdoor space. Ensure this space is easily accessed from; inside the building without using the stairs so that individuals with mobility concerns can use this space; - Further articulate/architectural express the blank concrete block walls at east and west property lines. Carry red brick around the corner; - Increase size of indoor and common outdoor space for private and public to better reflect zoning bylaw requirements; - Provide architectural definition/focus of condo entry and ground plane. Landscape Comments: - Provide landscape definition/focus of condo entry and ground plane; - Consider providing a pedestrian entrance closer to the bike rack location; - Revise south foundation planting to include more than one species and more structure i.e. evergreen planting; - Consider raising the proposed artwork on the south parkade wall and provide more planting height at the foundation; - Add more programing to make use of the south side patio, refer to all comments regarding amenity space above in architectural comments. CARRIED Meredith Mitchell did not vote 6.2. Development Permit No: 2018-041-DP/11607, 11621 and 11633 Burnett Street The Chair welcomed the project team to the meeting and introduced the members of the ADP. The Staff Liaison provided a brief overview of the proposed six (6) storey apartment building. The project team presented the development plans and answered questions from the Panel. Advisory Design Panel Minutes February 17, 2021 Page 3 of 3 R/2021-009 It was moved and seconded That the Advisory Design Panel has reviewed application No. 2018-041-DP and supports the project and recommends the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to Planning staff for follow-up: Comments from the Panel included: Landscape Comments: - Provide direct access to the west side amenity from the west patios; - Consider extending the pathway to connect around the north side of the building; - Consider more opportunities for small group gatherings with varied programming; - Consider reviewing ramp access from lobby and provide equal importance and visibility; - Evaluate the function of the north patio from indoor amenity space; - Confirm acceptable soil volumes for street trees installed; - Consider narrow planting bed or sound attenuation screen at patio next to underground. CARRIED Note: Meredith Mitchell left at 6:12 pm 7. CORRESPONDENCE – NIL 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:32 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Advisory Design Panel will be held on Wednesday, March 17, 2021. Stephen Heller, Chair /sc l~-maple,idge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: Advisory Design Panel MEETING DATE: March 17, 2021 FILE NO: 2018-180-DP SUBJECT: 22057 and 22083 Lougheed Highway and PID 001-844-652 PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel (the "ADP") submission has been received for the above cited application and properties to permit the construction of six (6) storey apartment with 107 units. The subject property is approximately 0.344 hectares (0.85 acres) in area is located just west of the Town Centre along Lougheed Highway at the intersection of 221 Street. The subject properties are located at 22057, 22083 Lougheed Highway and PID 001-844-652. The property is designated Urban Residential in the Official Community Plan (OCP), is located along a Major Corridor and is designated Transit Corridor Multi-Family in the Lougheed Transit Corridor Concept Plan. The subject site is being rezoned from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) in accordance with its designation. The rezoning application being processed in conjunction with this proposal was given First Reading by Council on May 28, 2019. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: Bissky Architecture And Urban Design Inc. Lot 3 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251; Lot 4 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251 Parcel B (Y89442) District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251 Urban Residential RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) North: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential South: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential East: Use: Maple Ridge Baptist Church Zone: P-4 (Place of Worship) Page 1 of 6 Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area:. Access: Servicing requirement: DEVELOPM ENT PERMIT AREA: I nstitutiona I Single Family Residential RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Urban Residential Vacant Multi-Family Residential 0.33 ha (0.82 acres) 221 Street; Lane Urban Standard The development permit application made to the City prompting this submission to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.7 Multi-Family Development Permit. Key Guidelines: The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal's compliance with the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines: • New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. The proposed apartment building is constructed with elements that reflect the materials, colours and detailing that are commonly found in single family housing through Maple Ridge. The faqade of the building is articulated and patterned, which helps to break up the scale and massing into smaller elements. The development also features a more generous 8.26 metre north side yard setback from the lane. The landscape plan has provided for ample vegetation on the north side to provide for privacy screening and an appropriate transition to the lower • density housing. • Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of higher density developments The building is ground-oriented as all ground floor units fronting 221 Street have their own individual sidewalks, distinguishing them as front faces to the street. The building is also stepped back on the top (6th floor), which helps address the transition to the low rise ground oriented housing surrounding the development. The development provides for generous landscaping along the entirety of the building and provides for both private and semi-private amenities to the residents of the building. • Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. The development has kept roof forms simple and provided for subtle variations for the balconies. The architect has been careful to use materials and a design that mimics single family housing, thus attempting to position the building as a newer form of higher density that respects the existing character of the neighbourhood. The brick accents and protruding balcony elements break up the massing of the building and the various elements help provide for unit identity. This development has met the requirements for both indoor and outdoor Page 2 of 6 amenity space, with one of the signature areas being the duel indoor/outdoor spaces on the 5th floor on the west and east sides of the building. These areas, when combined with the expansive communal spaces on the north of the site, will provide ample space for members of the building to interact and foster a sense of community. • Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. The parking for the building is a// underground, with access from the rear lane. This parking configuration reduces the visual impact of the parking entrance and limits the possibilities of conflicts at intersections. The proposal includes a heavy use of varied forms of landscaping and screening along the northern portion of the site. The proposed landscaping with the lane and north side yard setback provide a large buffer for the ground oriented single family housing to the north. Design Guidelines: The Design Guidelines and a full explanation of how the project complies with them or the reasons why they are not applicable are attached in Appendix F to this memo. PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: The applicant has chosen materials that reflect the same materials, colours and detailing most commonly found in the single family housing in Maple Ridge. The building materials forth is project consist of a charcoal coloured brick cladding, light beige hardie panel vertical siding and gray slate hardie panel horizontal cladding. The main pedestrian entrance to the building is from 221 Street, while the main vehicular access will be from the rear lane to the north, at the mid-point of the building. Two levels of underground parking are provided with a total of 162 stalls provided. Access to the 2 levels of underground parking is from the rear lane and the main pedestrian access to the building is from 221 Street. The landscape plan provides for vine maples, green Japanese maples and princess diana serviceberry trees. The ample placement of trees and other vegetation surrounding the building will help shield the private and public outdoor amenity areas and make them more comfortable and enjoyable for residents use year-round. • Both indoor and outdoor amenity areas have been provided for in different spaces and areas, which will allow for varied programming of the space and facilitate a variety of interactions amongst the residents of the building. 2. Context: The subject properties are located on the north side of Lougheed Highway, at the intersection of Lougheed Highway and 221 Street. The properties are currently vacant and generally flat, with mid 1950's single family dwellings to the north, the Maple Ridge Baptist Church to the east, older single family dwellings to the south and vacant single family lots to the west. While the proposal will certainly set a new higher density precedent for the neighbourhood, it is in keeping with a new emerging neighbourhood as part of the Lougheed Transit Corridor Concept Plan. Under the Page 3 of 6 Lougheed Plan , the lands to the west of the site are designated as Transit Corridor Multi-Family and the lands to the north are designated as Intensive Attached Residential Infill. These designations would support future multi-family residential up to 6 storeys for the lands to the west of the site and possible future Street Townhouse Residential, Duplex or Triplex to the north of the site. 3. OCP and Zoning Compliance: The subject property is designated Urban Residential in the Official Community Plan and is also located along a Major Corridor. The subject property is located within the Lougheed Transit Corridor Study Concept Plan area and is designated as Transit Corridor Mult-Family in the draft Plan. The Lougheed Corridor Plan designation supports densification through lot consolidation along key arterials such as Lougheed Highway. Supported multi-family forms of development include townhouses and apartments. The maximum height for an apartment use in the plan is 6 storeys. The Plan calls for proposed development adjacent to existing single detached dwellings and for these developments to ensure buildings are designed in a sensitive manner by stepping down building faces at interface points with adjacent existing buildings. The proposal is consistent with the designation in Lougheed Plan and the OCP. The subject site is being rezoned to RM-2 and Development Data Sheet (Appendix E) analyses the compliance of the project with the applicable zone regulations. The proposal has a density (Floor Space Ratio) of 2.36 which complies with the maximum density of 2.5 FSR. The Zoning Bylaw limits RM-2 building outside of the Town Centre to 4 storeys, therefore, a variance is being requested. Proposed Variances The applicant is seeking the following variances for this development. • Exterior side (south) setback reduction from 7.5 metres to 4.5 metres; and • Front yard (east) setback reduction from 7.5 metres to 3.658 metre; and • Rear yard (west) setback reductions from 7.5 metres to 5.9 metres; and • To increase the building height in the RM-2 Zone for a building outside of the Town Centre from 15 metres and 4 storeys to 20.292 metres and 6 storeys; and • A reduction in the required amount of parking stalls from 182 to 162 stalls. The variances to the side yard setbacks are supportable as the site is constrained by significant road dedication along Lougheed Highway at 3.5 metres and with dedication required along the lane to the north at 0.75 metres. 4. Parking and bicycle storage: The required parking for the proposed use is analyzed in the Development Data Sheet (Appendix E). The Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990 requires that the development provide parking in the RM-2 Zone at 1.5 stalls per dwelling unit and 0.2 stalls per dwelling unit for visitor parking for a total of 182 stalls. Residential Component: • 1.5 stalls per dwelling unit. Visitor Component: • 0.2 stalls per dwelling unit designated for visitors. Page 4 of 6 The applicant is seeking a variance to the Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990 to reduce the parking requirement from 182 stalls down to 162 stalls. As the project is outside of the Town Centre, the Maple Ridge Town Centre Parking Standards for bicycle storage do not apply. The applicant has provided for 2 short-term bicycle racks at the entrance to the building along 221 Street. 5. Environmental, Sustainability & Stormwater Management: MOTi will not allow any stormwater to be directed to Lougheed Highway and all stormwater will have to be directed to a municipally maintained storm system. As part of the development, the applicant will be required to meet the City's requirements for Tier A. As per the Fraser River's Escarpment Policy No. 6.23, no infiltration to groundwater is permitted. Onsite source control facility is required to address 3 tier storm water management criteria. 6. Issues requiring comments from ADP: • Does the ADP Panel feel that the applicant has provided a suitable interface and transition to the single family dwelling to the north of the site? • How does the ADP Panel feel about the proposed variances to setbacks and how these might affect the surrounding environment? • How does the ADP Panel feel about the spacing and suitability of the landscaping proposed for the site? 7. Garbage/Recycling: A garbage and recycling storage room is located on Parking Level 1. The requirements of the Waste Management Storage and Disposal Guidelines, to the extent not already reflected, will need to be incorporated into the project before the project proceeds to second reading. 8. Works along abutting roads: • 221 Street will need to be built to a collector standards along the frontage of the development. Lougheed Highway will require a 3.0 metres multi-use path (MUP). • MOTi has asked for 3.5 metres of road dedication along Lougheed Highway. • 0.75 metres of road dedication are required along the rear lane and 1.0 metres along 221 Street. • The applicant will be required to provide street lighting along Lougheed and 221 Street, pedestrian level lighting will be required along the MUP. • Street trees will likely need to go within a 3.0 metre. ROW along Lougheed Highway as MOTi has not supported tree installations on their property. Street trees in boulevard space are required along 221 Street. 9. Off Site Upgrades, Utilities and Services: • A new sanitary service connection is required with the size to be determined by Developers. The older sanitary sewer in the lane will need to be upgraded to current standard across the full property. • A new water service connection is required, size to be determined by the Developers engineer. Page 5 of 6 CONCLUSION: The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal, specifically with respect to the suitability and design of fagade materials, building articulation, and landscaping of this development, and integration with the surrounding single-family neighbourhood. This development will establish a new form and density of housing in this neighbourhood and the Planning Department would like to know if the building is suitable for the area both now and into the future as this part of Maple Ridge develops. ~ Prepared by: Rene Tardif The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject map Appendix B Explanatory letter from Architect (and Landscape Architect if applicable) Appendix C ADP Submission Form Appendix D ADP Applicant Checklist (signed by Architect) Appendix E Development Data Sheet (signed by Architect) Appendix F DP Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix G Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 6 of 6 (/) z[>; () I I I I I L I I I Ill ro N ._,I I -,......____ ;,, -I /11 0, ;;; 0 .... "' 0 0, = .,,..!liq <O :t ~ .... l!l~ "' ., ... 1 "' r-(") ij 1 21955 .... CD .,, .,, cc 21960 ;!1 21941 22001 CD 22012 0 C :::::, 21964 0 """'l a. 22020 :::J 0-tu (") 22023 en !: CD :::J =ll 22032 """'l ;o )> 22035 < < m tu CD !::!: en 22045 4 0 0.. :::J CD :::J 22057 !::!: 22050 tu ON ►0 ~I -I~ r,l~ s: ex, N tll '? N '< ::0 _N N 0 N CJ1 0 11\l --..J ~ ex, Qo "'CJ N ~ N 3 r,•-z 0 z m z co "C G') v) 0 <D° m r "'CJ )> 0 ... ;o a: "'" C ;;: {Q I m z :::::; "'" CD . CD (') a. CD I m -< I I "-...I_,-! I L I ■&lru& .. t... ~ < '< I I • I I • I 219381 (f) I 21932 21952 I 21944 21961 h /J 21975 I 8 5l__:J 21988 I~ 220 JT ~I C 22000 G) I 22012 ffi I~ 11 I I "" ~ 22004 22022 I ~ 122023 I 22020 I 122023 22034 122033 I I 22030 I I 22031 22044 22043 22040 I 22043 22055 122057 22055 ".l".ll"t~.:0 • I~ ~ ""O 1!ll • I ::0 ________ __, 0 ""O -m ~ ::0 ~ ~ 8l --, -22118 m -(/)_ (.J) z 22122 (/) -I 22155 I I 122155 F-L'il I I I 122157 I 122175 ., 0, "' ., "' .!1 21990 21989 ;;; ~ !:: 220 ST. ::: "' "' 0, <o ~ '.: C 22020 22023 22032 22033 ~ YORK S' 22057 -3 ;;; .., .... "' "' 22048 22058 I ., ~ m 22058 I 1- 22077 ~ I ~ "' 22078 -~ CD .... CD CD CD 22118 22128 22138 22148 --·---.• ~--· 22158 I -~ ■iic:;:ri-1 22154 I _:a iN:l'C I 22158 I ·= :.J· I )> ""'C ""'C rn z 0 >< )> WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ADP APPENDIX B COVER~NG ET ER ARCHITECTURE URBAN DESIGN PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN INC . 1 0 -l -2 2 \ 1 I) L O U G H E E D H I G H vV A', \I \ P L E R I O G E B C V 2 X 1 T .J P H 6 0 -l --l 6 7 -H J ll lJ FA \ 1, D .J --l 1, --,; : ll , Rene Tardif Planner 1 City of Maple Ridge Planning Department 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Saturday, February 20, 2021 Covering Letter for Advisory Design Panel Application for: Our Project No.: 1724 Civic: 22057 and 22083 Lougheed Highway File No.: 2018-180-RZ Dear Rene, I have driven past this property almost every day over the past 30 years we have lived here. During most of that time there have been two single family bungalows on these very generous lots. During the past two years those homes have been demolished and the lots are now sitting vacant. This entire stretch of Lougheed, for many blocks along its north and south sides, has been vastly under utilized and under developed, in spite of its prime location and the huge advan- tages it offers to provide much needed affordable housing with great access to services in our community. The average home price in our community last year was $828,000, well above our city's average household's income ability to save enough for a down payment never mind carry a mortgage of such staggering proportion. When my wife and I bought our first modest 1920's single family starter home, it cost just over twice our annual household income (she was a nurse and I was a school teacher then). Now that ratio for new buyers has increased to ten times. These multi family homes will be far less expensive than the average Maple Ridge home. If the potential new buyers of these apartments had been around 20 years or more ago, their housing options would have certainly included most of the single family homes in this central part of the city. But now those opportunities are long gone and we must find other ways to help them own their own home, albeit in a different form. It's the right thing to do. This is a proposed 6 storey apartment building located right at the extreme western edge of Maple Ridge Town Centre. Our project will finally begin the process to use our urban lands better, enhancing the experience and flow of pedestri- ans and increasing the use of our public transit. There are 106 units ranging in size from studio to three bedroom. All parking is located in the 2 levels of underground. We have stepped the building from the sides and the north to soften the profile. Our imagery and colours are deliberately soft, quiet and respectful of the neighbourhood. The increased setback along the north adds to the distance between the single family lots along that side side. A heavy landscaped edge helps buffer the properties . The building is a slight "U" shape with the two small arms extending northward enclosing a common private courtyard at the rear which has been designed for use by the residents. We feel this is a sensitive massing of the building and brings a human scale to the street level while maintaining the proposed density. We are ex- cited to bring this dev ,O' ment to our community and look forward to working with the city to achieve this end. Wayne Bissky, B , C.Ed, MArch, Architect AIBC, MRAIC Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture & Urban Design Inc. Our ProJPCI 1 ;'2➔ 2(11 ll-1 B0-l~L Covering Letter 1ADP Appl11 ,111on/ 1 (II I I ... :~ MAPLE RIDGE British Co.umbia APPENDIXC ' mapleridge.ca Advi sory Des ign Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: Name of Applicant File number Address of site Current Zone Wayne Bissky 2018-180-RZ 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Highway RS·l (One Family Utban R,.,.2 (Medium Denslly Apaflment _R'_'"'_"""_' ---Proposed Zone _"'_'!"'_"tia_· '' ____ _ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date March 17, 2021 Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect Wayne Bissky Architect AIBC Landscape Architect Paul Whitehead BCSLA Other Professional (State Name & Role) _N_IA ______________ _ Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -all schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 CITY OF MAPLE RIDG E ADVISORY DES IGN PANEL 2019 APPLICANT SCHEDULE M eetin g Date Applicant Dead lin e January 16, 2019 December 17, 2018 February 20, 2019 January 28, 2019 March 20, 2019 February 25, 2019 April 17, 2019 March 25, 2019 May 15, 2019 April 18, 2019 June 19, 2019 May 27, 2019 July 17, 2019 June 24, 2019 NO AUGUST MEETING September 18, 2019 August 26, 2019 October 16, 2019 September 23, 2019 November 20, 2019 October 28, 2019 NO DECEMBER MEETING -4' MAPLE RIDGE 2018-180-RZ 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Highway , M, Bissky Architecture Project H 1724 APPENDIX D [·~ ------- British Columbia ADP Subm ission Check li st mapleridge.ca Application No. __ 2_0_18_-_1 _80_-_R_Z ________ File Manager ___ R_e_n_e_T_ar_d_if ______ _ This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel (ADP). Please refer to the ADP Submission Form and the ADP Req uirements Brochure for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP. Certification of Complete ADP Submission: cape Architect's Certification: 2021 -02-18 Date ,V, 2021 -02-18 Signature Wayne Bissky , Architect AIBC Print name Submission Materials Signature Paul Whitehead BCSLA Print name Required (File Manager to indicate if required) A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) ~ B. Covering Letter including explanations about: 1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) 0 2. Architectural and Landscaping Design rationale @ (Detailed information Required) 3. Statement in brief about the following: a. DP Key Concepts Compliance ~ b. DP Guideline Compliance 0 C. Stormwater management strategy with emphasis on Tier A Ci) requirements integrated into landscaping plans d. Public Art/ Amenities, etc. ~ e. Sustainability practices ~ f. Other □ C. Site and Neighbourhood Context 1. Context Review -Context Plan with existing/proposed buildings and trees, vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed grading, and other major features within the site, on the ~ abutting properties, the public realm and along the road allowances/ lanes. 2. Photographs of site and surrounding sites. Ci) D. Develo~ment Permit Area Checklist {Note: The Architect is res ponsible to describe how the project complies with I]) each guidelines, or if not applicable, a description of why not applicable. Please use fillable forms on line.) Date Provided ~ 0 [ii ~ 0 [ii ~ ~ □ I]) [ii 0 City of Map le Ridge ADP Submiss ion Check list (Page 2) E. Architectural Plans (Site and Bu ilding(s}): 1. Site Plan and layout Gl lil 2. Site sections Gl lil 3. Streetscape elevation Gl [I 4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees Gl lil superimposed 5. Shadow analysis []) [I 6. Lighting analysis (on building and on site) [ii lil 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and roof tops Gl GJ 8. Waste collection /recycling (inside of buildings) [ii lil 9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside) Bikes outs ide only ~ (ii 10. Building elevation (all sides) ~ (ii 11. Signage (attached to building and free standing) []) [I 12. Colours and materials 0 [I 13. Material board ~ (ii 14. Building sections []I [I 15. 3D renderings of site, building(s) and associated landscaping []) [I F. Landsca1;1ing Plans: 1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting [ii lil details 2. Storm water management works focused on Tier A [i) lil requirements integrated into landscaping plan with details 3. Landscaping details, including public art, signage, lighting, play and other amenity areas, fences, retaining walls, [I [I 4. Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures) ~ GJ 5. Details for pedestrian amenity and furniture features provided [I [I 6. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns GJ GJ 7. Tree retention and management plan [I [I 8. Site sections for lot grading, drainage, landscaping, retaining [I [I walls and relationship to adjacent grades/ City roads/ lanes 9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnections ~ (ii G. Green Building[Sustainabilit~ initiatives □ □ H. Engineering-related Information: 1. Site grading plans [i) GJ I. Other □ □ □ □ □ □ Rev. March 2018 2018-180-RZ 22057 & 220 Bissky Archit APPENDIX E ,~ MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Variance Requested British Columbia mapleridge.ca Existing /Proposed Zone __ R_S_-1 ___ Date Prepared _R_M_-_2 __ _ Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed LOT AREA * (in square metres) Gross Total 14,000 sf Less Road Widening/ Truncations Less Park Net Total LOT COVERAGE (in % of net lot area) Total Site Coverage N/A SETBACKS (in metres) Front E 7.5m Rear w 7.5m Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) s 7.5m Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) N 7.5m Side #3 (N, S, E or W) SETBACKS -Underground Structures (in metres) Front E 1.5 m Rear w Om Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) s 1.5 m Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Exterior Side N 1.5 m Side #3 (N, S, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal 22 m nor 6 storeys Accessory N/A NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor N/A One Bedroom N/A Two Bedroom N/A Three Bedroom+ N/A Total N/A GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential Retail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type ) Institutional Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA • If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. HEIGHT, BUILDING means the greatest vertical distance of a Building measured between either the Average Natural Grade or Average Finished Grade. Refer to Section 403 (Buildino Heioht) of this Bvlaw. I Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) 35,891 sf 3,937 sf 0 sf 31,954 sf N/A 3.66m & 2.14m (see plans) W = 7.5m & 5.9 (see plans) S = 4.5m & 3.26m (see plans) N = 8.26m see lans 3.021 m 1.508 m .506 m .316 m at truncation 1.284 m 20.292 & 6 store s NIA 5 40 51 10 106 87,539.2 sf (above grade) 0 0 0 0 0 87,539.2 sf (above grade) idge Required Development Data Minimum Required or I Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) 357.14 UPA (Gross) # of units/ha (net) 317.9 UPA !Net)) Gross Floor Area 87,539.2 sf !above aradel Floor Space Ratio (net) 75 ,400 sf AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area Outdoor 75,400 sf Useable Open Space Outdoor I approx 10, 000 sf PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses 159 stalls 140 stalls Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive Other Number of spaces for visitors 22 stalls 22 stalls TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES 181 stalls 162 stalls Number of total for disabled 3 stalls 4 stalls Number of total (and %) small cars 18 stalls I 10 % 15 stalls Number of total (and%) tandem spaces O stalls I 0 % O stalls TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE{S) o stalls O stalls BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking O stalls 2 stalls Long Term Bicycle Parking o stalls O stalls OTHER -state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site I Nn I Tree Survey/ Assessment Provided I v,-,~ Watercourse/Steep Slopes I No I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements I Yes I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and no the Development and Environmental Services Department. Prepared by: __ w_a--'-y_ne_B_i_ss_k-'--y_A_rc_h_ite_c_tA_I_B_C __ Print Name NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. 1. 2. APPENDIX F 1~•-· -mapleridge.ca 2018-180-RZ Our Project # 1724 Multi-Fam il y Deve lopment Perm it Area Guideli nes Checkli st Pursuant with Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan, multi-family developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. 8.7.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies New development into established areas Understanding that this site is multi-family and located should respect private spaces, and in a prime area for more intense residential with its incorporate local neighbourhood proximity to services and transit (and especially on the elements in building form, height, city's TC west side, bus service and Westcoast architectural features and massing . Express) we have adjusted the plan to respect the more private areas across the lane to the north of the site. We have maintained a form and character that is reflective of single family neighbourhoods ; quiet and low-key with soft colours and details. Transitional development should be used We have set the elevation of the building to minimize its to bridge areas of low and high densities, height relative to the overall context. The lane and through means such as stepped building increased setback along the north with simple detailing heights, or low rise ground oriented respond quietly to the neighbourhood. housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. 1 Key Guideline Concepts (Continued) 3. Large scale developments should be This isnt really a very large building bu t to help soften clustered and given architectural the scale of the development and present a smaller separation to foster a sense of profile along the single family to the north we have community, and improve visual stepped back the upper floor and especially heavily attractiveness. landscaped the north side. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be Individual walkways and gates to the main floor units encouraged with attractive streetscapes and the main pedestrian entry are presented to 221 st attained through landscaping, The parking access is off the lane to the rear to reduce architectural details, appropriate lighting opportunities for conflict at the intersection. and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. Guidelines 8.7.1 A Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied Building Design, Massing and Siting with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Design and siting of buildings should take All units will enjoy views to either the Golden Ears, or advantage of natural features or views south to the Fraser River . The corner location opens up and should enhance privacy and the site and increases opportunities for views to and livability. from the project. 2. Residential buildings should front or The ground floor units fronting 221 st have individual appear to front onto public roads sidewalks and front gates to the sidewalk, distinguishing through the use of appropriate them as front faces to the street. The landscaping and treatment of exteriors, through direct fencing support this design approach. The main pedestrian access to individual units from accents and features with generous windows and the public street/sidewalk, or through balconies address the street frontages, taking full the provision of pedestrian walkways advantage of this exposure to the community. linked to the street. Street frontages should be emphasized by incorporating differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades, with a minimum two storey facade on the fronting street to foster a human scale. Buildings that are designed with an end wall or unit adjacent to a public street should design the end unit with the pedestrian entry facing the street. At significant intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets and incorporate corner cuts. 2 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 3. Higher density dwellings should be sited This buidlng fronts 221 st and Lougheed as required. adjacent to major streets in order to Vehicular access is away from the intersection to the minimize access problems and to provide west along the lane to reduce conflicts, while the main a transition to lower density uses. front entry is on 221 st for ease of reference and acknowledgement of 221 st as the main pedestrian point. 4. Multi-family developments adjacent to The building and grades have been selected to lower density or single detached minimize the building scale while the form and residential dwellings should: massing is sympathetic to the neighbourhood. We have a) be consistent in form and massing with not chosen a harder edge, contemporary imagery for the surrounding area; this building. It is difficult to achieve all of the goals of b) be sited adjacent to major streets to the design guidelines without compromising the higher provide a transition to lower density goal of providing affordable homes for people . uses; Reducing density increases cost to the end user. We c) concentrate density to the centre of the have stepped the upper floor and heavily landscaped development or towards a non-rear and west sideyard to buffer this new building from residential boundary and locate lower its neighbours. The west side of our downtown is a density components adjacent to lower highly valuable mulit-family area with its commercial density residential uses; and service links providing easy access to goods and d) create a transition in building mass and form towards the setbacks of the services. adjacent neighbourhood; e) minimize access conflicts; f) be designed to maximize privacy and minimize views onto adjoining sites, particularly for portions of the development abutting the side yards of adjacent single detached residential uses. 5. Larger buildings, roof forms and building We have kept the roof forms simple with subtle frontages should include design variations at the balconies; being concerned about elements and features to: makir)g too extreme a statement and wanting to respect a) provide variation in the facades to help the neighbourhood. The brick accents and vertical reduce the visual length of individual balcony elements break up the already-short facade of buildings; this building . Unit identity is easy and clear while b) have the appearance of a series of entries to the groud floor units are distinct and well smaller buildings, or as identifiable parts sited. of a larger concept; and c) incorporate components that express strong unit identity and incorporate direct access to grade for ground-floor units. 3 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continu ed ) 6. New multi-family developments should We have deliberately designed this buildiing to refl ect use design themes, architectural th e materials, colors and detailing most common in the features and elements of the single family housing found in Maple Ridge. The more surrounding neighbourhood by traditional fac ade is patterned and articulated, with the incorporating common elements such as scale broken into smaller elements through the use of form, scale, massing and proportion into balconies and variety of materials. Landscape design the design as a means to reinforce compliments this approach and adds a splash of neighbourhood stability. Examples seasonal colour and texture , anchoring the building include: and creating a pleasant pedestrain oriented base . a) the articulation of facades, using where appropriate, elements such as porches, chimneys, projections, recesses, and balconies; b) the placement, size, shape and number of doors and windows; c) the location and visual appearance of garages and/or parking facilities; d) the selection of appropriate and compatible roof forms; and e) the design of hard and soft landscaping. 7. The exposed undersides of balconies and We are offerring a bead-board soffit to the underside of porches that are visible from a street or the balconies and soffits. It is light in colour. public walkway should be covered with exterior finishes to provide a finished appearance to public view. 8. Developments are encouraged to use Because of the density and the parking requirements, the Leadership in Energy and much of the site is taken up by the underground Environmental Design (LEEDS) standards patrking garage, although the podium over is heavily in the design of buildings. Techniques landscaped for residents' use. The soils in Maple Ridge such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, do not permit infiltration and so the water will be separation of impervious surfaces, detained onsite with a slow release into the city storm installing below surface infiltration beds system. See landscape and civil plans for details . and tree box filters, and redirecting water from drain pipes into vegetated areas are encouraged. 9. Variation in individual unit designs is This project is offering a significant variety of unit types encouraged to provide visual interest which are expressed with restraint on the exterior of the and avoid significant repetition either building through their balconies and fenestration. We within a row of townhouses, or between believe we have offerred just enough variation to adjacent rows of units. prpvide interest without sacrificing harmony. I 4 Guidelines 8.7.1 A {Continued) 10. Garage doors should not face public The garge door is tucked off the back lane and in the streets. Where front facing garage doors middle of the building, down the ramp. As an apartment are unavoidable, the impact of garage building the width of units is more generaous that doors on the public realm should be typically found with townhomes. There is only one mitigated by: garage door and it is recessed into the building at P-1 . a) designing residential units with enough Most of the main interior spaces overlook the street, width to include attractive entrances with service spaces such as kitchens, bathrooms and and windows between garages; entries placed to the interior. The front entry to the b) recessing garage doors behind the main building is located along 221 st. Due to the proximity of building far;ade; the U/G parking to the property line we found it c) keeping a sufficient width in residential impossible to provide entries/stairs to Lougheed units to allow the creation of attractive Highway without losing parking below. Garage doors entrances and fenestration between are not an issue with this building. garages. d) grouping garage doors in pairs between adjacent units to allow building entrances and facades more prominence on the street; e) providing interior spaces that overlook the street; f) separating and orienting unit entrances to the street; g) providing individual pedestrian walkways linked to the street; h) including design details such as transom windows or glazing in garage doors; i) a comprehensive landscape plan that identifies how the visual impact of garage doors from the street will be mitigated. 11. Landscaping of rooftops is encouraged The podium off the 1st floor is heavily landscaped and where possible, to provide shared or provides both private and semi-public amenities to the private outdoor space for residents and residents. The 6th floor decks are open and offer to provide attractive views for residents opportunites for the residnets to place pots for planting and passersby. areas in the summer. 5 Guidelines 8.7.1 B Vehicle Access, Parkin g and Circulation 1. Parking and servicing should be located underground or to the rear of buildings, with access from lanes wherever possible. Where lane access is not possible, access should be from streets via narrow driveways to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 2. Parking structures should be adequately screened and architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. Large surface parking areas should be divided into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous appearance with landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement treatment to enhance their visual appearance. 3. Developments with large parking areas should provide a direct pedestrian pathway system through the parking area to facilitate convenient and safe pedestrian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscaping with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. 4. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. Descri be how the proposed design complies with each of the I listed guidelines, or descri bes why a guid eline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. All parking is located underground and accessed off the lane. We have pushed the U/G parking as far into grade as geotechnical would permit. Soils here are challenging and we have to be extremely mindful. We do not have any large open monotonous areas onsite. Parking is undergound with the standard safe pedestrian walkways and asiles . There is no danger whatsoever to pedestrians. There is no shared vehicular access to adjoining sites proposed for this development. 6 I ' ( Guid elines 8.7.1 B (Continued ) s. Locate parking spaces allocated for Handicap stalls are located close to entries in the U/G people with disabilities as close as parking as required. See plans for details. possible to the main entrance to a building. 6. Crime Prevention through There is a ramp off 221 st providing universal and Environmental Design (CPTED) principles direct access to the elevator lobby from the U/G parking should be incorporated into the design near accessible stalls. of all parking facilities with convenient, safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to building entrances, lobbies or other principal areas of buildings, and to grade level from any underground or above ground parking structures. 7. To increase safety, consider using Typically this is picked up at the working drawing stage. electronic security devices and Sadly, building security has become a very significant monitoring systems as a supplement to concern in Maple Ridge, as it is everywhere. natural surveillance opportunities in parking structures and parking areas. 8. The amount of asphalt surfaces in No asphalt is proposed. parking areas should be minimized by integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers, etc. or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Road grades, streets, lanes, and We are meeting grade at all corners and around the driveways should conform to the permimeter of the site. It is a relatively flat site and this existing grades as closely as possible to building will sit on a slight podium, maintaining the ensure minimal disruption of slopes and character of the site and area. vegetation. On steep terrain, roads should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. 7 Guidelines 8.7.1 C Landscaping and Open Space 1. Landscaping both within and outside the development should: a) provide definition for pedestrian corridors; b) delineate private and semi private space from public space; c) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces; d) present a pleasing street image; e) provide suitable buffering between public road and privacy areas; f) soften the transition between adjacent land uses; g) provide a buffer between residential and non-residential land uses; h) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site; i) reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties, the scale and massing of buildings, and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 2. Landscape drawings for development applications should include, but are not limited to, the following information: a) the location of mature and existing trees to be retained or removed, b) the location of all protective tree fencing; c) a gr9ding plan or cross section indicating finished grade; and d) a drainage plan for the site. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all development. Incorporate deciduous tree species into streetfront landscaping to define site boundaries, to enhance public space, and to permit light penetration in winter. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the I listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplica ble. The landscaping helps delineate between private and public areas onsite. As a corner site we are keenly aware of its high visibilty and have th erefore selected trees and shrubs that will bring delight and enjoyment to those walking or driving by the development. We are not able to save any trees onsite due to the u/g parking, we are planting significantly more trees onsite than are currently found there. Any offiste trees in close proximity will be safeguarded and monitored by our arborist. Generally, while there is some very limited infiltration, most stomrwater will be detained in tanks and slowly released into the city system. Maple Ridge Haney clay prevents significant infiltration as does the site's proximity to the Fraser River. Street trees are provided on and offiste.See landscape plans. 8 I Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 4. Energy efficiency and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) using native and/or drought-resistant species; b) designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind; c) providing shade in summer; d) allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the site; e) allowing daylight into buildings; and f) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. This requirement has been taken into account in th e landscape deisgn as it typical, but again, natural drainage is highly discouraged for geotechnical reasons. In winter, wh atever sun we do get can pass through the bare limbs of the trees and into the buildnig. Remember though that we only experience, on average, 2 hours of sunshine per day during our winter months. s. Maintain continuous landscaping along Continuous landscaping is provided around the entire abutting streets and minimize the permimeter of the site , broken only by the driveway number of interruptions such as down to the underground parking, the pedestrain entry driveways and parking entrances. along 221 st and the pedetrian emergency egress points Continue the sidewalk pavement across from the site. driveways and parking entrances. 6. Create visual landmarks on significant The landscape design features a predominant street corners and at locations of high character tree at the main intersection of 221 st and visibility. Provide landscaping and Lougheed Highway supported by colourful ground consider incorporating features such as plantings. flag poles, banners, visual art, ornamental trees, fountains, architectural elements, and landscape structures. 7. Any portion of a building site left vacant There will be no vacant areas left onsite post for future development should be development. landscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall site. The minimum ground surface treatment should be lawn. Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property not being developed. 9 Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) I 8. Identify, preserve and incorporate Due to the U/G parking there is no plan to preserve any stands of mature trees into the overall of th e existing trees onsite. An arborist's report was site landscaping design . Retain unique prepared and is submitted with this application. tree species, significant vegetation, natural landscape features and nesting areas on a site wherever possible. To attain this objective, prior to the design of a project, a detailed survey prepared by a qualified professional indicating the location and condition of existing trees and vegetation on a site should be conducted and provided to the District as part of the development application process. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new planting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replanting with indigenous or native species is encouraged. 10. Consider incorporating rain gardens and vegetated swales into parking lot landscaping to increase the natural absorption of rainwater runoff from paved areas into the ground. 11. The height and location of a landscape screen should ensure that: a) privacy to adjacent properties is adequately protected; b) driving site lines are maintained from adjacent roads, manoeuvring aisles, parking lots; and c) the quality of the streetscape and outdoor living spaces is enhanced. 12. Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to increase the natural absorption of rainwater on a site. None of the existing plants will be retained post development. The geotechnical and soils will not permit infiltration on this property. The landscape design was developed to ensure as much of a landcsape screen as possible is provided, in particular to the north and west neighbours. While some patio and hard walking surfaces have been provided, most of the landscaping is soft. 10 I Guidelines 8.7.1 D Universally Accessible Design 1. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 2. Building entries should be : a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; c) provided with level areas measuring a minimum of 1.Sm x 1.Sm (4 .9 ft. x 4.9 ft.) both inside and outside of doorways; and d) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. Guidelines 8.7.1 E Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas 1. Integrate vents, mechanical rooms, mechanical equipment, and elevator penthouses into the roof design or screen with materials and finishes compatible with the overall architectural design. 2. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This site meets the accessibility requirements. The building entry is from 221 st with a large bright sign and addressing proposed to front the street over the main entry. An area as required has been provided at the entry point. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Mechanical units will be located inside the attic space. and hidden from view. Unit venting will be discreetly locatec and co-ordinated on the exterior. This is done. 11 3. Garbage containers and recycling bins Refuse and recycling is located in P-1 of the must be: underground parking. a) easily accessible; b) appropriately sized for the building occupants; c) contained within roofed/walled enclosures; d) incorporated into the overall design of the development; or e) screened from public view and weatherproof and animal-resistant within the boundaries of each site. 4. Service areas should be internalized All main service spaces will be in the U/G parking with within the development. For some closets located in the corridors on upper levels. developments with multiple buildings, common refuse, recycling and service areas are to be provided. Storage areas should be located to be convenient and readily accessible from most buildings or units on the site. Avoid direct exposure from public streets and allow for adequate manoeuvring space for removal vehicles. s. Enclose or screen all exterior mechanical All mechanical will be inside the building or attic space. units or equipment, including roof top units, equipment, and satellite dishes within upper floors or structures that from part of the overall design of a development. 6. Locate building ventilation systems to Done. No residents or neighbour will be adversely minimize noise and exhaust pedestrian affected by mechanical noises. areas, residential units, and outdoor spaces and locate less sensitive land uses closer to sources of noise. 7. Buildings should be designed and This building will meet code for sound attention inside constructed maximize sound the building and between units; min STC 55. attenuation: a) between units; b) between public roads and units; and c) between adjacent land uses and units. 12 I ( Gu idelines 8.7.1 F Signage and Lighting 1. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message should be integrated and complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 3. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged along all pedestrian routes and pedestrian plazas. The lighting should be pedestrian focused. 4. Lighting should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. Guidelines 8.7.1 G Bicycle Parking and Storage 1. Short term and long term bicycle parking facilities should be considered for all developments. Short term bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads with bicycle racks made of sturdy, theft- resistant material that is securely anchored to the floor or ground. Longer term bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. Describe how the proposed design comp lies with each of the listed gu idelines, or describes why a gu ideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Done. Signage will be planned for on the building. Signage is located over the main entry. We will incorporate soft landscape lighting at the entry point. Done. Lighting will be surface mounted on balconies and facing downward. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. There is no requirement that I am aware of for bike parking for this property. We do provide a couple of stalls at the main entry. 13 SITE LOUGHEED HIGHWAY OCP LAND USE Zoning Information (Using Updated Zoning Bylaw) Property: Civic Address:22057 & 22083 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge BC PID:005-293-944 & 001-844-652 Legal Description:Lot 3 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251; Lot 4 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251 Existing Zoning:RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Proposed Zoning:RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) OCP:Urban Residential frontage for Street Trees 3.0 m SRW along Lougheed Hwy Plan) Provided (See Site Covenant Area:No Environmental Dedication:No Original Lot Area 35891 sq ft Lane & Lougheed Dedication 3937 sq ft NET SITE Area (after dedications)31954 sq ft Zoning Information for RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment) Required:Provided: Lot Width:30m 38.7m Lot Depth:N/A 82.9m Lot Area:1,300 m2 31,954.0 sf Max. Dwelling Height:6 storeys nor 22m 6 storeys, 20.292m Max. Accessory Height:N/A definition for height Using proposed by-law Siting:Required:Provided: Front Setback (East):= 7.5 m 3.66 m To Face of Bldg 2.14 m To Face of Balcony Rear Setback (West):= 7.5 m 7.50 m To Face of Bldg 5.90 m To Face of Balcony Exterior Side Yard Setback (South):= 7.5 m 4.50 m To Face of Bldg 3.26 m To Face of Balcony Exterior Side Yard Setback (North):= 7.5 m 8.26 m To Face of Bldg Common Activity Area: 1 m2 / Dwelling Unit 106 1549.5 m2 Usable Open Space:20% Lot area 52.20% Indoor Amenity Area (1m2 per unit)106 m2 1141 sq ft 1306.6 sq ft 121.4 m2 Parking:Required:Provided: Unit Parking = 1.5 159 Stalls Visitor Parking =0.2 21 Stalls Sub-Total =1.7 181 Stalls 162 Stalls Handicap Accessible Parking =3 Stalls 4 Stalls 100 required spaces in excess of 200 3 spaces plus one space for every Small Parking Stalls Allowed =0.1 18 Stalls 16 Stalls Density Calculation Permitted:Provided: Base Density at 1.8 FSR 57,517 sf Area) = Maximum Allowable FSR (2.5 x Site 79,885 sq ft 75,400 sf Proposed FSR 2.36 FSR Difference between 1.8 FSR and Proposed increased FSR ( Density bonusing)17,882 sf Permitted:Provided: Lot Coverage 80%48.1% Plans with 2.38 Density Number of Dwelling Units in Current Unlimited 106 units #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4 ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305 E-mail: bissky@telus.net Website: WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN Copyright Reserved. Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings. ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB Date: Scale 1724 Proposed RM-2 Multi-Family Dev't Civic Address: 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Hwy. Maple Ridge BC As Noted Zoning Info Legal Address: Lot 4 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 , Parcel B (Y89442) DL 397 Grp 1n NWD Plan 11251 & Lot 3 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 PID #: 005-293-944, 005-293-910 & 001-844-652 Sheet A0.0 April 14, 2018 2020-06-26 Issued for review 2020-11-10 Rezoning & D.P. Unit Reference # of Bedrooms Unit Area Total # Units Total FSR per Unit A Studio 380 SF 5 1900.2 SF B 1 517 SF 5 2585.7 SF C1 1 564 SF 2 1128.8 SF C2 1 564 SF 10 5643.9 SF D1 1 574 SF 1 574.2 SF D2 1 574 SF 5 2871.2 SF E 1 653 SF 3 1957.9 SF E1 1 605 SF 1 605.0 SF E2 1 605 SF 1 605.0 SF F 1 651 SF 4 2605.4 SF G1 Jr. 2 660 SF 20 13192.9 SF G2 Jr. 2 660 SF 4 2638.6 SF H1 1+Den 660 SF 1 660.0 SF H2 1+Den 660 SF 5 3300.0 SF I 1 703 SF 1 703.1 SF J 2 840 SF 5 4199.9 SF K 2 843 SF 8 6743.5 SF K2 2 840 SF 2 1680.2 SF L 2 853 SF 4 3412.5 SF M 2 853 SF 1 852.6 SF N 2 873 SF 1 872.7 SF O 2 877 SF 4 3507.9 SF P 2 902 SF 1 902.3 SF Q1 3 1093 SF 2 2186.9 SF Q2 3 1093 SF 8 8747.8 SF R 1 537 SF 1 536.9 SF T 2 784 SF 1 784.4 SF VIEW TO NORTH WEST1 PROPOSED 107 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Sheet List A0.0 Zoning Info A0.1 Perspective View to N-W A1.0 Site Plan A1.1 Fire Fighting Plan A2.0 P2-Parking Plan A2.1 P1-Parking Plan A2.2 Plan Floor 1 A2.3 Typical Floor Plans 2 to 5 A2.4 Plan Floor 6 A2.5 Roof Plan A3.0 Elevations A3.1 Elevations A4.0 Site Sections A5.0 Exterior Materials Board Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw 7600-2019 Part 6 - Page 51 Residential Zones 618 ZONE: RM-2 MEDIUM DENSITY APARTMENT RESIDENTIAL 618.1 PURPOSE 1. This Zone provides for a medium Density Apartment Residential with a maximum Building Height of four (4) to six (6) Storeys. 618.2 PRINCIPAL USES 1. The following Principal Uses shall be permitted in this Zone: a. Apartment Residential. 618.3 ACCESSORY USES 1. The following shall be permitted as Accessory Uses to one of the permitted Principal Uses in this Zone: a. Boarding; and b. Home Occupation. 2. Refer to Sections 401 and 402 of this Bylaw for additional information. 618.4 LOT AREA and DIMENSIONS 1. Minimum Lot Area and dimensions shall be not less than: a. in Lot Area 1,300.0 square metres b. in Lot Width 30.0 metres c. in Lot Depth not applicable 2. Refer to Section 407 (Building Envelope) of the Bylaw for required minimum Building Envelope dimensions. 618.5 DENSITY 1. Floor Space Ratio shall not exceed a base Density of 1.8 times the Lot Area, except: a. Floor Space Ratio shall not exceed 1.89 times the Lot Area specific to the following Lot: (i) Lot 1 District Lot 401 New Westminster District Plan EPP43749. PID 029-634-091. 22577 Royal Crescent. b. Floor Space Ratio shall not exceed 2.0 times the Lot Area specific to the following Lot: (i) Lot 1 District Lot 401 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan EPP94580. 11641 227 Street. 2. Additional Density, up to a maximum of 2.5 times the Lot Area, may be obtained with the following provisions: a. an amount equal to 0.1 times the Lot Area may be added to the Floor Space Ratio for providing all parking spaces in an Underground Structure for parking; and b. for LotV ORFDWHG ZLWKLQ WKH TRZQ CHQWUH AUHD, DV LGHQWLILHG RQ SFKHGXOH ´Cµ (Town Centre Area Plan) of this Bylaw or Designated as ´Major Corridor Residentialµ in the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 (as identified in Chapter 3 and Figure 4 of the Maple Ridge Official Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw 7600-2019 Part 6 - Page 52 Residential Zones Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014), an amount not to exceed 0.6 times the Lot Area may be added to the Floor Space Ratio for providing a cash contribution at a rate of $161.46 per square metres ($15.00 per square foot) as a Density Bonus. Refer to Section 402 (Density Bonus for Town Centre Area and Major Corridor Residential) of this Bylaw. 3. Refer to Section 403 (Gross Floor Area Exemptions) of this Bylaw for Gross Floor Area requirements. 618.6 LOT COVERAGE 1. Not applicable. 618.7 SETBACKS 1. Minimum Setbacks for all Principal Buildings or Principal Structures shall be not less than: a. from a Front Lot Line 7.5 metres b. from a Rear Lot Line 7.5 metres c. from an Interior Side Lot Line 7.5 metres d. from an Exterior Side Lot Line 7.5 metres. 2. Minimum Setbacks for an Off-Street Parking provided in an Underground Structure for parking that extends not more than 0.8 metres above Average Finished Grade and which is Landscaped and integrated to become a useable part of the yard area shall be not less than: a. from a Front Lot Line 1.5 metres b. from a Rear Lot Line 0.0 metres c. from an Interior Side Lot Line 0.0 metres d. from an Exterior Side Lot Line 1.5 metres. 3. Minimum Setbacks for all Buildings and Structures shall meet the requirements of Section 403 (Visual Clearance at Intersections) of this Bylaw. 618.8 HEIGHT 1. Building Height for Principal Buildings or Principal Structures within the Town Centre Area, excluding the Port Haney and Fraser River Waterfront Area, as LGHQWLILHG RQ SFKHGXOH ´Cµ (TRZQ CHQWUH AUHD PODQ) RI WKLV B\ODZ, shall not exceed 22.0 metres nor 6 Storeys, and shall be not less than 11.0 metres. 2. Building Height for Principal Buildings or Principal Structures within the Port Haney and Fraser River Waterfront Area or outside the Town Centre Area, as LGHQWLILHG RQ SFKHGXOH ´Cµ (TRZQ CHQWUH AUHD PODQ) RI WKLV B\ODZ, shall not exceed 15.0 metres nor 4 Storeys, and shall be not less than 11.0 metres, except: a. Building Height shall not exceed 22.0 metres nor 6 Storeys specific to the following Lot: (i) Lot 1 District Lot 401 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan EPP94580. 11641 227 Street. 3. Building Height for Accessory Buildings and Structures shall not exceed 4.5 metres. 4. Refer to Section 403 (Building Height) of this Bylaw. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw 7600-2019 Part 6 - Page 53 Residential Zones 618.9 LANDSCAPING and SCREENING 1. Landscaping and screening shall be provided in accordance with Section 405 (Landscaping, Screening and Fencing Requirements) of this Bylaw. 618.10 PARKING and LOADING 1. Off-Street Parking and Off-Street Loading shall be provided in accordance with Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990. 2. Accessory Off-Street Parking, except for that provided as visitor parking space, shall be Concealed Parking that extends no more than 0.8 metres above Average Finished Grade and which is Landscaped and integrated to become a useable part of the yard area. 3. Refer to Section 402 of this Bylaw. 618.11 OTHER REQUIREMENTS 1. Common Open Area(s) shall be provided on the Lot for Apartment Residential Use as a minimum of 30% of the Lot Area. 2. Outdoor Amenity Area(s) shall be provided on the Lot based on the following ratio, and this area may form part of the Common Open Area requirement: a. 1.0 square metres per apartment Dwelling Unit. 3. Private Outdoor Area(s) shall be provided for each Dwelling Unit at a minimum of 5.0% of the Dwelling Unit area or 4.6 square metres, whichever is greater. This area may form part of the Common Open Area requirement. 4. Indoor Amenity Area(s) shall be provided on the Lot based on the following ratio: a. 1.0 square metres per apartment Dwelling Unit. Transit Corridor Multi-Family Purpose: To continue multi-family residential densification through lot consolidation along key arterials such as Dewdney Trunk Road and Lougheed Highway. Supported multi-family residential forms of development include townhouses and apartments. The maximum height for an apartment use is six storeys. Development proposed adjacent to existing single detached dwelling or townhouse use will be encouraged to design buildings in a sensitive manner to the existing development, such as stepping down building face(s) at interface points with adjacent. existing buildings. m " " j ' ~ 0 " ;1 14 ., ,,_ " "-H""W Tl,',< lfi7r • -SU.TOl'l l'l nm 'bliJ ~ I"" "~ ,.~. ""' "~' I~ ' ~ Ulj!,, "'' ,,.~, "'' ew, ,,,.,! ; ' 1tH,VE l 1~ r 1~ r I' r r 1~ r 1, r 1E 1 .. ·~ 1 ,.:;su ~ [: ~ l'. ~ lj \,P ~llJ curr 11/E ., ·---..:.---·- ~--7~----- 1-----1" 0.IH p_ ' r• ..,..--{I'_ ~ [[ . " . n1ro C Town Centre Land Use Single-Family Residential ■ Port Haney Heritage Adaptive Use Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial and Mixed-Use ■ Ground-Oriented Multi-Family ■ Medium and High-Rise Apartment ■ Low-Rise Apartment Flexible Mixed-Use ■ Town Centre Commercial Institutional Conservation ■ Park Land Use (Excluding Albion, Town Centre and Silver Valley Areas) Agricultural Urban Reserve 0 Park in the ALR ■ Park ■ Forest Rural Residential Suburban Residential ½ Estate Suburban Residential Urban Residential ■ Commercial ■ Industrial ■ Industrial Reserve Institutional Rural Resource Conservation #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4 ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305 E-mail: bissky@telus.net Website: WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN Copyright Reserved. Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings. ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB Date: Scale 1724 Proposed RM-2 Multi-Family Dev't Civic Address: 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Hwy. Maple Ridge BC As Noted Context Photos Legal Address: Lot 4 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 , Parcel B (Y89442) DL 397 Grp 1n NWD Plan 11251 & Lot 3 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 PID #: 005-293-944, 005-293-910 & 001-844-652 Sheet A0.1 April 14, 2018 2020-06-26 Issued for review 2020-11-10 Rezoning & D.P. View North to Site Across Lougheed Highway Scale: 1:3001 SITE View west to Site Accross 221 st Scale: 1:3002 SITE or------ #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4 ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305 E-mail: bissky@telus.net Website: WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN Copyright Reserved. Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings. ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB Date: Scale 1724 Proposed RM-2 Multi-Family Dev't Civic Address: 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Hwy. Maple Ridge BC As Noted Perspective View to S-W Legal Address: Lot 4 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 , Parcel B (Y89442) DL 397 Grp 1n NWD Plan 11251 & Lot 3 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 PID #: 005-293-944, 005-293-910 & 001-844-652 Sheet A0.2 April 14, 2018 2020-07-13 Issued for Client Review 2020-11-10 Rezoning & D.P. I I I I I Y' I I I I I I ~. ;;J · 1/ .,,.,...{ • Local District Address Lower Mainland District 310-1500 Woolridge Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 0B8 Canada Phone: (604) 527-2221 Fax: (604) 527-2222 H1183P-eDAS (2009/02) Page 1 of 2 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PRELIMINARY BYLAW COMMUNICATION City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, British Columbia V2X 6A9 Your File #: 2018-180-RZ MoTI File #: 2020-00766 Date: Jul/30/2020 Attention: Adam Rieu, Senior Planning Technician Re: Proposed Bylaw 7481-2018 for: Parcel B (Y89442) District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251; Lot: 4, D.L.: 397, Plan: NWP11251 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge Preliminary Approval is granted for the rezoning for one year pursuant to section 52(3)(a) of the Transportation Act, subject to the following conditions: Access: • Direct access to the Lougheed Highway will not be permitted. Storm Water Management: • No storm water shall be directed to the Lougheed Highway. All storm drainage must be directed to a municipally maintained storm system. Setback: • As per section 12 of the Provincial Public Undertakings Regulation BC Reg. 513/2004, structures must be located at least 4.5m back from the highway right-of-way; however, in this case because there will be no access directly from the Lougheed Highway, the setback can be reduced to 3 metres. Road Dedication: • To provide for future road improvements, 3.5m additional Arterial Road Dedication will be required along Lougheed Highway, as well as a 6m x 6m corner truncation at Lougheed Highway and 221st Street. • Dedication for the Lougheed Highway shall be labelled on the final plan as "Arterial Highway" in accordance with Section 44.1 of the Transportation Act. The surveyor is hereby authorized by the Minister to show the area as an arterial highway and shall include the appropriate notation on the plan image. H1183P-eDAS (2009/02) Page 2 of 2 Additional Works: • Any offsite works along the Lougheed Highway – sidewalk/utility connections etc. – require approval and permit from the Ministry. Landscaping: • Trees in MoTI right-of-way are not supported. Any vegetation/trees will need to be reviewed in detail and located behind the sidewalk. Pedestrian Facilities: • We advise that you push any pedestrian facilities (sidewalk on the south and multi-use path on the north) as close to your property line as possible to maximize MoTI available space for future expansion. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Krista Drury at (778) 572-3778. Kind regards, Krista Drury Development Services Assistant 3 7.7 3 3 7.7 9 3 7.8 5 3 7.9 1 3 8.0 1 3 7.8 1 3 7.6 4 3 7.5 3 3 7.4 3 3 7.6 1 3 7.8 1 3 8.0 1 3 7.8 6 3 7.9 7 3 7.9 3 3 7.8 4 3 7.8 4 3 7.7 6 3 7.8 7 3 7.9 4 3 7.9 3 3 7.9 9 3 8.0 4 3 8.2 0 3 8.0 6 3 8.0 3 3 7.9 3 3 8.0 0 3 8.0 1 3 8.1 0 700Ø Cedar38.0 7 700Ø Cedar 3 8.8 7 3 7.7 6 3 7.7 9 3 7.8 8 3 7.8 8 3 7.9 5 3 7.7 3 3 7.8 4 3 7.7 1 3 7.8 1 3 7.8 8 3 7.9 6 3 8.0 4 3 8.2 7 3 8.0 5 3 7.7 4 3 7.9 8 3 8.1 7 3 7.7 9 3 7.6 9 3 7.6 9 3 7.5 3 3 7.6 1 3 7.4 0 3 7.3 2 3 7.1 0 3 6.5 7 3 6.1 036.2 8 3 6.7 5 3 7.1 9 3 7.6 0 3 7.9 837.6 837.4 2 3 6.6 6 3 6.3 8 3 6.3 9 3 6.4 1 3 6.8 7 3 7.2 7 3 7.4 7 1200Ø Conifer 1000Ø Conifer 3 7.4 0 3 7.2 7 3 7.3 1 3 7.1 5 3 7.2 7 3 7.4 237.3 7 3 7.0 1 3 6.6 5 3 6.3 836.1 4 3 5.9 9 3 5.9 2 3 6.9 5 3 5.9 1 3 5.7 935.7 9 3 6.8 0 3 6.8 9 3 6.8 4 3 6.8 6 3 6.8 9 3 6.8 8 3 6.9 8 3 7.0 0 3 7.5 2 3 6.7 136.3 0 3 6.1 035.9 2 3 5.9 2 3 5.8 0 3 6.9 7 3 6.9 8 3 6.9 6 3 7.5 0 3 7.5 2 3 7.5 7 3 7.6 5 3 7.6 9 3 7.6 7 3 8.3 7 3 8.0 1 3 7.8 138.4 1 3 7.8 1 3 8.4 1 3 8.3 9 3 8.3 838.3 8 3 7.7 7 250Ø Conifer37.8 0 150Ø Conifer 3 6.8 4 3 7.1 6 3 7.8 4 3 7.8 9 3 7.3 2 3 7.1 136.1 1 3 6.2 7 3 7.9 8 3 7.9 738.1 838.2 0 3 7.8 6 3 7.8 8 3 7.7 1 3 7.6 7 3 7.8 1 3 7.8 5 3 7.9 9 3 8.0 0 3 8.0 0 3 7.9 1 3 7.8 8 3 7.5 8 3 7.6 1 3 7.6 4 3 7.6 0 3 7.7 2 3 7.4 0 3 7.4 7 3 7.7 1 3 7.5 1 3 7.8 4 3 7.7 9 600Ø Conifer 3 7.7 8 500Ø Conifer 3 7.7 5 600Ø Conifer 3 7.7 9 550Ø Conifer 3 8.8 1 3 8.7 4 3 7.8 3 1100Ø Conifer 3 7.5 5 300Ø Decid 3 7.6 8 550Ø Decid 3 7.4 7 3 7.4 9 3 7.5 5 3 7.7 9 150Ø Conifer 3 7.8 3 3 7.8 037.8 6 3 7.7 8 3 7.7 2 3 7.8 3 3 7.4 7 3 7.6 2 3 7.7 2 3 7.7 4 3 7.7 2 3 7.8 0 3 7.9 1 3 7.9 1 3 7.8 7 3 7.7 0 3 7.6 7 3 7.7 8 3 7.9 1 3 7.8 9 3 8.0 837.8 3 3 7.6 0 3 7.8 2 3 7.8 9 3 7.9 9 3 8.0 6 3 7.0 637.9 7 3 7.9 9 3 7.9 4 3 7.9 5 3 7.9 9 3 7.6 8 3 7.4 4 3 8.3 5 3 8.4 0 3 7.8 4 3 7.7 3 3 8.3 2 3 8.3 3 3 8.2 3 3 8.1 1 3 7.9 8 3 7.9 7 3 7.8 3 3 7.8 7 3 7.4 3 3 7.4 1 3 7.4 135.8 4 3 7.4 4 3 7.5 4 Wood Fence Fence Chain Link Edge of Pavement Edge of Pavement Edge of Pavement Edge of Pavement A s p h a lt Sidewalk A s p h a lt Painted White Line Painred Yellow Line Stop Line A s p h a lt Curb Asphalt Sidewalk Tag3561Tag3565 Tag3566 tag3567 Tag4525 Tag4526 Tag4530 Tag4533 Tag4534 Tag4535 Tag4538 Tag4544 Tag4547 Tag4548 Hedge 1.5m width Hedge 1.5m width Hedge 1.5m width Edge of Pavement Concrete Pad Asphalt Driveway Gravel Driveway Concrete Pad Concrete Pad A s p h a l t D r i v e w a y Hedge 1.3m width Asphalt SidewalkAsphalt Sidewalk Asphalt Driveway Concrete Pad S tairs Concrete Pad Deck Stairs Concrete Pad A s p h a l t D r i v e w a y R e t a in i ng Wal lR e t a i n i n g W all Wood Fence 3 7.3 9 450Ø Cedar 450Ø Cedar 3 7.3 4 3 7.3 0 3 7.2 1 3 6.9 6 3 6.2 2 3 6.2 2 3 6.1 9 650Ø Holly 3 6.2 9 W Inv=29.53 (200Ø AC) San MH Rim=37.84 E Inv=29.53 (200Ø AC) Asphalt Curb Gate Gate Pcl B 34 300Ø Walnut 3 7.5 9 3 7.4 9 3 7.3 4 3 6.1 5 3 5.9 7 3 6.0 9 Concrete Pad Painted White Line PPump Diameter 0.55m 20.73 40.22 20.73 20.73 40.23 20.73 41.46 38.71 1.77 40.54 C urb 40.23 0.703m 37.88m 37.7m 3 7.0 4 DW Kitchen 8'6" x 9'5" F Living 9'11" x 12'4" Dining 9'11" x 5'6" Bedroom 1 10'0" x 12'7" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8"Laundry 3'0" x 7'0" K2 2 Bedroom 843 sf Deck 10'1" x 8'4" Bedroom 2 9'0" x 12'0" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" linen Entry DW Kitchen 8'6" x 9'5" F Living 9'11" x 12'4" Dining 9'11" x 5'6" Bedroom 1 10'0" x 12'7" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8"Laundry 3'0" x 7'0" K2 2 Bedroom 843 sf Deck 10'1" x 8'4" Bedroom 2 9'0" x 12'0" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" linen Entry Kitchen 17'3" x 5'6" Living 11'10" x 11'6" Dining 6'0" x 4'0" Deck 7'6" x 9'4" Bedroom 2 8'5" x 10'10" Bedroom 1 12'5" x 12'8" DWF Ensuite 5'0" x 8'0" Bath 5'0" x 7'9" Laundry Entry F Living 9'7" x 8'5" Kitchen 7'6" x 8'2" Bathroom 5'0" x 7'11" Dining 4'9" x 8'2" Utility/W/D Linen Bedroom 9'10" x 10'11" Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry Laundry F W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 C1 1 Bedroom 564 sf Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry Laundry F W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 C1 1 Bedroom 564 sf Kitchen 8'9" x 11'7" Living 9'5" x 12'10" Dining 4'6" x 4'8" Bedroom 2 8'9" x 12'7" Bedroom 1 10'1" x 12'7" F Bath 5'0" x 7'9" Laundry DW Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Entry Deck 9'3 7/8" x 6'10" 63.7 sq ft Kitchen 2515 x 3835Living 2769 x 3404 Bath 2438 x 1524 Ensuite 2642 x 1626 Laundry 1321 x 889 F Bedroom 1 4648 x 3353 Bedroom 2 3048 x 3785 Bedroom 3 4166 x 2718 Linen DW Dining 2286 x 2311 Kitchen 2515 x 3835 Living 2769 x 3404 Bath 2438 x 1524 Ensuite 2642 x 1626 Laundry 1321 x 889 F Bedroom 1 4648 x 3353 Bedroom 2 3048 x 3785Bedroom 3 4166 x 2718 Linen DW Dining 2286 x 2311 EXIT DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" Laundry Entry Bathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" Laundry EntryBathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" Laundry EntryBathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" Laundry Entry Bathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'0" x 12'2" Bedroom 10'0" x 10'0" Laundry Study/Work Entry Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" H1 1 Bedroom/ Den 660 sf HWT Den 7'10" x 11'0" Linen Kitchen/Dining 14'0" x 11'3" F Living 10'0" x 8'2" Bedroom 10'0" x 5'0" Kitchen 5'9" x 11'9"Bathroom 5'0" x 7'11" Deck 11'2" x 4'6" 50.3 sq ft translucentprivacyscreen Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry Laundry F W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 D1 1 Bedroom574 sf fire alarm panel EXITEXIT DW Living 9'4" x 10'7" Bedroom 10'3" x 10'3" Bathroom 6'0" x 8'0" Laundry 2'9" x 4'1" Entry Linen/Storage Deck 8'0" x 12'0" FKitchen 7'1" x 9'9" Elevator Elevator Bedroom 10'7" x 11'4" F DW Living 11'0" x 9'8" Kitchen 14'9" x 6'0" Bath 5'0" x 8'4" Entry Laundry W.I.C. 13'4" x 4'0" EXIT Main Floor Elev (38.56m) 126'-6" Indoor Amenity A 460 sf 7'-5 3/4" 9'-7" Fin 39.0 m Fin 38.8m Fin 39.0 m 38.0m Ex. 38.1m Ex 38.1 m Fin 37.60m fire department connection 9.689m 124'1.434" 124'4.518" .703m Road Dedication = 58.3m2 Ramp down 12% to U/G Parking EXIT EXIT EXIT RM2 setback line for parkade not more than .8m above average finish grade 7.500m ISY Setback 7.500m Required Setback RM2 setback line for Buildings over parkade 82.914m 39.521m 81.911m 38.003m 1.500m setback Hatched Area is S.R.W. see civil 7.500m Required Rear Setback bike racks adjacent RS1 Lots CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS sanitary sewer - see civil gas line - see civil existing water line - see civil existing storm sewer - see civil proposed detention tank see civil 22.569mexit stairs from parking below 8.285m 4.500m 3.658m proposed 4.500m F.Y. Setback 38.1m37.9m37.7m37.35m37.0m36.5m Lane 221st Street Original P/L Lougheed Highway 5.357m 6.0m Dedication 37.94m 37'-3 1/4" [11.359m] 3.5m Dedication 6.0m Dedication 0.703m Dedication 2.142m 3.262m 3.260m 3.272m 3.269m 5.995m 6.065m 5.945m 6.131m 7.587m 10.528m 10.528m 2.206m SITE PLAN 1:1252 PROPOSED 6 STOREY APARTMENT BLDG #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4 ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305 E-mail: bissky@telus.net Website: WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN Copyright Reserved. Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings. ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB Date: Scale 1724 Proposed RM-2 Multi-Family Dev't Civic Address: 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Hwy. Maple Ridge BC As Noted Site Plan Legal Address: Lot 4 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 , Parcel B (Y89442) DL 397 Grp 1n NWD Plan 11251 & Lot 3 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 PID #: 005-293-944, 005-293-910 & 001-844-652 Sheet A1.0 April 14, 2018 2020-07-13 Issued for Client Review 2020-11-10 Rezoning & D.P. FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION NOTE: Installed in a location accessible to Fire Department vehicles at the property line. Maple Ridge Fire Department to be consulted prior to final installation. 4” Storz fitting c/w cap installed. Cap to be attached to fitting by way of chain or cable so that cap cannot be misplaced. Fitting is NOT to be a 2-1/2” siamese connection. Angled down at a 35-degree angle to impede the insertion of debris. Installed at a height of 1,000 mm (39 inches) above finished grade measured to center of cap. Located remotely from the building face and away from any hazards and at least 1,500 mm (60 inches) away from any ornamental light standard, utility pole, electrical kiosk or driveway; and The fire department connection will also be required to have measures in place to ensure vegetation landscaping does not interfere with its use or visibility. l 'r ' I ' I I I I I I i I J I I I 1 • I I I - - J " _J r--- 1 I ------I ' +- - fl-' ----- ri-- ,j F-:_===~=rr=-1 =~'-----1 ,;"-L_ I / I I I :::! I I I I I I I I 1.--- 1 I I I I =I I I 1 I r I I I I I' I I I I I ' - L .. ' '.l L - L / / - ..I .. - ' .,;. 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Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings. ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB Date: Scale 1724 Proposed RM-2 Multi-Family Dev't Civic Address: 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Hwy. Maple Ridge BC As Noted Fire Fighting Plan Legal Address: Lot 4 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 , Parcel B (Y89442) DL 397 Grp 1n NWD Plan 11251 & Lot 3 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 PID #: 005-293-944, 005-293-910 & 001-844-652 Sheet A1.1 April 14, 2018 2020-06-26 Issued for review 2020-11-10 Rezoning & D.P. Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Access to U/G parking Address Visibility: Ensure address is visible from the street and visible day or night Electrical room located in the U/G parking. Fire Department Access All fire department access routes must be designed and rated for the following specifications • Minimum of 35,000Kg with a minimum force of 70 P.S.I • Turning radius of vehicle - Inside radius R = 35' 6" - Outside radius R = 53' Access to the building from multiple entry points. All overhead wires should be relocated underground. This provides access to the balconies by use of fire department ladders Fire Department Connection Installed in a location accessible to Fire Department vehicles as approved by the Fire Chief. This location to be at the property line by the main entrance to the building on 221st. NOT to be a Siamese connection 4” Storz fitting c/w cap installed. Cap to have a chain or aircraft cable attached so that cap cannot be lost. Angled down at a 35-degree angle to impede the insertion of debris. Installed at a height of 1,000 mm (39 inches) above the street or ground level; Located remotely from the building face and away from any hazards and at least 1,500 mm (60 inches) away from any ornamental light standard, utility pole, electrical kiosk or driveway; and The fire department connection will also be required to have measures in place to ensure vegetation landscaping does not interfere with its use or visibility. Please ensure landscape architect is aware of location of fire department location. Past experience has been one of a maintenance issue in order to ensure adequate access and visibility to the fire department connection. Fire Safety Plan Information in the Fire Safety Plan must be relevant to the building. References to all items not pertinent to the building must be removed. Fire safety plan to be submitted to Maple Ridge Fire Department in electronic format for revue and acceptance prior to occupancy of building. Copy of fire alarm and sprinkler system verification reports will be required to be sent to Maple Ridge Fire Department. The Fire Safety Plan to meet the requirements of the British Columbia Building Code 2006, Division B, Section 8.1 and to the British Columbia Fire Code (BCFC), Division B, Section 5.6 this applies to buildings, parts of buildings, and associated areas undergoing construction. Main Entrance into Building FD Lockbox - Fire department lock box to be flush mounted in wall in close proximity to the fire alarm panel in the main lobby. Fire department lock box to be installed before drywall is installed. Contraactor to coordinate the installlation of the lock box. Lock box for Maple Ridge is only available from Gunnebo Security Inc. #130 - 195 West 2nd. Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Y 1B8 Telephone: (604) 708-9994 Fax: (604) 877-1167 Keys for the FD lockbox are to be provided to all common areas and is to include a garage door remote and an electronic key (if installed). Fire alarm panel or enunciator to be located in the main entrance lobby. Mechanical & Sprinkler Room located in UG Parking Standpipe Connection To be located on intermediate landings starting on the second floor angled downwards at 45degrees from horizontal position. Sn G WM WM 3 7.8 1 3 8.3 838.3 8 3 7.9 9 3 8.0 0 3 8.0 0 3 8.7 4 3 7.6 0 3 7.8 2 3 7.8 9 3 7.9 9 3 8.0 6 3 7.0 637.9 7 3 7.9 938.3 5 3 8.4 0 3 8.3 2 3 8.3 3 3 8.2 3 3 8.1 1 3 7.9 8 3 7.9 7 3 7.8 3 3 7.8 737.4 3 Wood Fence Edge of Pavement Edge of Pavement Edge of Pavement Lane Lougheed Highway 221st Street Edge of Pavement A s p h a lt A s p h altCurb Edge of Pavement Stairs Deck Stairs Wood Fence 3 6.2 2 Asphalt Curb Pcl B 34 PPump Diameter 0.55m C urb 0.703m 37.88m 37.7m DW Kitchen 8'6" x 9'5" F Living 9'11" x 12'4" Dining 9'11" x 5'6" Bedroom 1 10'0" x 12'7" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8"Laundry 3'0" x 7'0" K2 2 Bedroom 843 sf Deck 10'1" x 8'4" Bedroom 2 9'0" x 12'0" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" linen Entry DW Kitchen 8'6" x 9'5" F Living 9'11" x 12'4" Dining 9'11" x 5'6" Bedroom 1 10'0" x 12'7" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8"Laundry 3'0" x 7'0" K2 2 Bedroom 843 sf Deck 10'1" x 8'4" Bedroom 2 9'0" x 12'0" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" linen Entry Kitchen 17'3" x 5'6" Living 11'10" x 11'6" Dining 6'0" x 4'0" Deck 7'6" x 9'4" Bedroom 2 8'5" x 10'10" Bedroom 1 12'5" x 12'8" DWF Ensuite 5'0" x 8'0" Bath 5'0" x 7'9" Laundry Entry F Living 9'7" x 8'5" Kitchen 7'6" x 8'2" Bathroom 5'0" x 7'11" Dining 4'9" x 8'2" Utility/W/D Linen Bedroom 9'10" x 10'11" Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry Laundry F W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 C1 1 Bedroom564 sf Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry Laundry F W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 C1 1 Bedroom564 sf Kitchen 8'9" x 11'7" Living 9'5" x 12'10" Dining 4'6" x 4'8" Bedroom 2 8'9" x 12'7" Bedroom 1 10'1" x 12'7" F Bath 5'0" x 7'9" Laundry DW Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Entry Deck 9'3 7/8" x 6'10" 63.7 sq ft Kitchen 2515 x 3835Living 2769 x 3404 Bath 2438 x 1524 Ensuite 2642 x 1626 Laundry 1321 x 889 F Bedroom 1 4648 x 3353 Bedroom 2 3048 x 3785 Bedroom 3 4166 x 2718 Linen DW Dining 2286 x 2311 Kitchen 2515 x 3835 Living 2769 x 3404 Bath 2438 x 1524 Ensuite 2642 x 1626 Laundry 1321 x 889 F Bedroom 1 4648 x 3353 Bedroom 2 3048 x 3785Bedroom 3 4166 x 2718 Linen DW Dining 2286 x 2311 2-01 EXIT DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" Laundry Entry Bathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" Laundry EntryBathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" Laundry EntryBathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" Laundry Entry Bathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'0" x 12'2" Bedroom 10'0" x 10'0" Laundry Study/Work Entry Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" H1 1 Bedroom/ Den 660 sf HWT Den 7'10" x 11'0" Linen Kitchen/Dining 14'0" x 11'3" F Living 10'0" x 8'2" Bedroom 10'0" x 5'0" Kitchen 5'9" x 11'9"Bathroom 5'0" x 7'11" Deck 11'2" x 4'6" 50.3 sq ft translucentprivacyscreen Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry Laundry F W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 D1 1 Bedroom574 sf fire alarm panel EXITEXIT DW Living 9'4" x 10'7" Bedroom 10'3" x 10'3" Bathroom 6'0" x 8'0" Laundry 2'9" x 4'1" Entry Linen/Storage Deck 8'0" x 12'0" FKitchen 7'1" x 9'9" Elevator Elevator 5068 2-01 5068 Bedroom 10'7" x 11'4" F DW Living 11'0" x 9'8" Kitchen 14'9" x 6'0" Bath 5'0" x 8'4" Entry Laundry W.I.C. 13'4" x 4'0" EXIT Main Floor Elev (38.56m) 126'-6" Indoor Amenity A 460 sf 7'-5 3/4" 9'-7" Fire Fighting Pre-incident Plan 1:2001 PROPOSED 6 STOREY APARTMENT BLDG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 0 " ---0--·y ' ---0-- ~ I 111111111 11 I I I 1 [ I 111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ,- II ~ I I~ II '•l, 1:,: ,' ' ' ,",",", ,:,:,:::::::::::::::1 I I II I . 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I / • // . . / // // / / / // / . / / . / . // / . . . / . . . / / . 7 • . • 7 7 . , ----____9l uu ~ 0 D Local District Address Lower Mainland District 310-1500 Woolridge Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 0B8 Canada Phone: (604) 527-2221 Fax: (604) 527-2222 H1183P-eDAS (2009/02) Page 1 of 2 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PRELIMINARY BYLAW COMMUNICATION City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, British Columbia V2X 6A9 Your File #: 2018-180-RZ MoTI File #: 2020-00766 Date: Jul/30/2020 Attention: Adam Rieu, Senior Planning Technician Re: Proposed Bylaw 7481-2018 for: Parcel B (Y89442) District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251; Lot: 4, D.L.: 397, Plan: NWP11251 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge Preliminary Approval is granted for the rezoning for one year pursuant to section 52(3)(a) of the Transportation Act, subject to the following conditions: Access: • Direct access to the Lougheed Highway will not be permitted. Storm Water Management: • No storm water shall be directed to the Lougheed Highway. All storm drainage must be directed to a municipally maintained storm system. Setback: • As per section 12 of the Provincial Public Undertakings Regulation BC Reg. 513/2004, structures must be located at least 4.5m back from the highway right-of-way; however, in this case because there will be no access directly from the Lougheed Highway, the setback can be reduced to 3 metres. Road Dedication: • To provide for future road improvements, 3.5m additional Arterial Road Dedication will be required along Lougheed Highway, as well as a 6m x 6m corner truncation at Lougheed Highway and 221st Street. • Dedication for the Lougheed Highway shall be labelled on the final plan as "Arterial Highway" in accordance with Section 44.1 of the Transportation Act. The surveyor is hereby authorized by the Minister to show the area as an arterial highway and shall include the appropriate notation on the plan image. H1183P-eDAS (2009/02) Page 2 of 2 Additional Works: • Any offsite works along the Lougheed Highway – sidewalk/utility connections etc. – require approval and permit from the Ministry. Landscaping: • Trees in MoTI right-of-way are not supported. Any vegetation/trees will need to be reviewed in detail and located behind the sidewalk. Pedestrian Facilities: • We advise that you push any pedestrian facilities (sidewalk on the south and multi-use path on the north) as close to your property line as possible to maximize MoTI available space for future expansion. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Krista Drury at (778) 572-3778. Kind regards, Krista Drury Development Services Assistant 3 7.7 3 3 7.7 9 3 7.8 5 3 7.9 1 3 8.0 1 3 7.8 1 3 7.6 4 3 7.5 3 3 7.4 3 3 7.6 1 3 7.8 1 3 8.0 1 3 7.8 6 3 7.9 7 3 7.9 3 3 7.8 4 3 7.8 4 3 7.7 6 3 7.8 7 3 7.9 4 3 7.9 3 3 7.9 9 3 8.0 4 3 8.2 0 3 8.0 6 3 8.0 3 3 7.9 3 3 8.0 0 3 8.0 1 3 8.1 0 700Ø Cedar38.0 7 700Ø Cedar 3 8.8 7 3 7.7 6 3 7.7 9 3 7.8 8 3 7.8 8 3 7.9 5 3 7.7 3 3 7.8 4 3 7.7 1 3 7.8 1 3 7.8 8 3 7.9 6 3 8.0 4 3 8.2 7 3 8.0 5 3 7.7 4 3 7.9 8 3 8.1 7 3 7.7 9 3 7.6 9 3 7.6 9 3 7.5 3 3 7.6 1 3 7.4 0 3 7.3 2 3 7.1 0 3 6.5 7 3 6.1 036.2 8 3 6.7 5 3 7.1 9 3 7.6 0 3 7.9 837.6 837.4 2 3 6.6 6 3 6.3 8 3 6.3 9 3 6.4 1 3 6.8 7 3 7.2 7 3 7.4 7 1200Ø Conifer 1000Ø Conifer 3 7.4 0 3 7.2 7 3 7.3 1 3 7.1 5 3 7.2 7 3 7.4 237.3 7 3 7.0 1 3 6.6 5 3 6.3 836.1 4 3 5.9 9 3 5.9 2 3 6.9 5 3 5.9 1 3 5.7 935.7 9 3 6.8 0 3 6.8 9 3 6.8 4 3 6.8 6 3 6.8 9 3 6.8 8 3 6.9 8 3 7.0 0 3 7.5 2 3 6.7 136.3 0 3 6.1 035.9 2 3 5.9 2 3 5.8 0 3 6.9 7 3 6.9 8 3 6.9 6 3 7.5 0 3 7.5 2 3 7.5 7 3 7.6 5 3 7.6 9 3 7.6 7 3 8.3 7 3 8.0 1 3 7.8 138.4 1 3 7.8 1 3 8.4 1 3 8.3 9 3 8.3 838.3 8 3 7.7 7 250Ø Conifer37.8 0 150Ø Conifer 3 6.8 4 3 7.1 6 3 7.8 4 3 7.8 9 3 7.3 2 3 7.1 136.1 1 3 6.2 7 3 7.9 8 3 7.9 738.1 838.2 0 3 7.8 6 3 7.8 8 3 7.7 1 3 7.6 7 3 7.8 1 3 7.8 5 3 7.9 9 3 8.0 0 3 8.0 0 3 7.9 1 3 7.8 8 3 7.5 8 3 7.6 1 3 7.6 4 3 7.6 0 3 7.7 2 3 7.4 0 3 7.4 7 3 7.7 1 3 7.5 1 3 7.8 4 3 7.7 9 600Ø Conifer 3 7.7 8 500Ø Conifer 3 7.7 5 600Ø Conifer 3 7.7 9 550Ø Conifer 3 8.8 1 3 8.7 4 3 7.8 3 1100Ø Conifer 3 7.5 5 300Ø Decid 3 7.6 8 550Ø Decid 3 7.4 7 3 7.4 9 3 7.5 5 3 7.7 9 150Ø Conifer 3 7.8 3 3 7.8 037.8 6 3 7.7 8 3 7.7 2 3 7.8 3 3 7.4 7 3 7.6 2 3 7.7 2 3 7.7 4 3 7.7 2 3 7.8 0 3 7.9 1 3 7.9 1 3 7.8 7 3 7.7 0 3 7.6 7 3 7.7 8 3 7.9 1 3 7.8 9 3 8.0 837.8 3 3 7.6 0 3 7.8 2 3 7.8 9 3 7.9 9 3 8.0 6 3 7.0 637.9 7 3 7.9 9 3 7.9 4 3 7.9 5 3 7.9 9 3 7.6 8 3 7.4 4 3 8.3 5 3 8.4 0 3 7.8 4 3 7.7 3 3 8.3 2 3 8.3 3 3 8.2 3 3 8.1 1 3 7.9 8 3 7.9 7 3 7.8 3 3 7.8 7 3 7.4 3 3 7.4 1 3 7.4 135.8 4 3 7.4 4 3 7.5 4 Wood Fence Fence Chain Link Edge of Pavement Edge of Pavement Edge of Pavement Edge of Pavement A s p h a lt Sidewalk A s p h a lt Painted White Line Painred Yellow Line Stop Line A s p h a lt Curb Asphalt Sidewalk Tag3561Tag3565 Tag3566 tag3567 Tag4525 Tag4526 Tag4530 Tag4533 Tag4534 Tag4535 Tag4538 Tag4544 Tag4547 Tag4548 Hedge 1.5m width Hedge 1.5m width Hedge 1.5m width Edge of Pavement Concrete Pad Asphalt Driveway Gravel Driveway Concrete Pad Concrete Pad A s p h a l t D r i v e w a y Hedge 1.3m width Asphalt SidewalkAsphalt Sidewalk Asphalt Driveway Concrete Pad S tairs Concrete Pad Deck Stairs Concrete Pad A s p h a l t D r i v e w a y R e t a in i ng Wal lR e t a i n i n g W all Wood Fence 3 7.3 9 450Ø Cedar 450Ø Cedar 3 7.3 4 3 7.3 0 3 7.2 1 3 6.9 6 3 6.2 2 3 6.2 2 3 6.1 9 650Ø Holly 3 6.2 9 W Inv=29.53 (200Ø AC) San MH Rim=37.84 E Inv=29.53 (200Ø AC) Asphalt Curb Gate Gate Pcl B 34 300Ø Walnut 3 7.5 9 3 7.4 9 3 7.3 4 3 6.1 5 3 5.9 7 3 6.0 9 Concrete Pad Painted White Line PPump Diameter 0.55m 20.73 40.22 20.73 20.73 40.23 20.73 41.46 38.71 1.77 40.54 C urb 40.23 0.703m 37.88m 37.7m 3 7.0 4 DW Kitchen 8'6" x 9'5" F Living 9'11" x 12'4" Dining 9'11" x 5'6" Bedroom 1 10'0" x 12'7" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8"Laundry 3'0" x 7'0" K2 2 Bedroom 843 sf Deck 10'1" x 8'4" Bedroom 2 9'0" x 12'0" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" linen Entry DW Kitchen 8'6" x 9'5" F Living 9'11" x 12'4" Dining 9'11" x 5'6" Bedroom 1 10'0" x 12'7" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8"Laundry 3'0" x 7'0" K2 2 Bedroom 843 sf Deck 10'1" x 8'4" Bedroom 2 9'0" x 12'0" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" linen Entry Kitchen 17'3" x 5'6" Living 11'10" x 11'6" Dining 6'0" x 4'0" Deck 7'6" x 9'4" Bedroom 2 8'5" x 10'10" Bedroom 1 12'5" x 12'8" DWF Ensuite 5'0" x 8'0" Bath 5'0" x 7'9" Laundry Entry F Living 9'7" x 8'5" Kitchen 7'6" x 8'2" Bathroom 5'0" x 7'11" Dining 4'9" x 8'2" Utility/W/D Linen Bedroom 9'10" x 10'11" Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry Laundry F W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 C1 1 Bedroom 564 sf Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry Laundry F W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 C1 1 Bedroom 564 sf Kitchen 8'9" x 11'7" Living 9'5" x 12'10" Dining 4'6" x 4'8" Bedroom 2 8'9" x 12'7" Bedroom 1 10'1" x 12'7" F Bath 5'0" x 7'9" Laundry DW Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Entry Deck 9'3 7/8" x 6'10" 63.7 sq ft Kitchen 2515 x 3835Living 2769 x 3404 Bath 2438 x 1524 Ensuite 2642 x 1626 Laundry 1321 x 889 F Bedroom 1 4648 x 3353 Bedroom 2 3048 x 3785 Bedroom 3 4166 x 2718 Linen DW Dining 2286 x 2311 Kitchen 2515 x 3835 Living 2769 x 3404 Bath 2438 x 1524 Ensuite 2642 x 1626 Laundry 1321 x 889 F Bedroom 1 4648 x 3353 Bedroom 2 3048 x 3785Bedroom 3 4166 x 2718 Linen DW Dining 2286 x 2311 EXIT DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" Laundry Entry Bathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" Laundry EntryBathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" Laundry EntryBathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" Laundry Entry Bathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'0" x 12'2" Bedroom 10'0" x 10'0" Laundry Study/Work Entry Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" H1 1 Bedroom/ Den 660 sf HWT Den 7'10" x 11'0" Linen Kitchen/Dining 14'0" x 11'3" F Living 10'0" x 8'2" Bedroom 10'0" x 5'0" Kitchen 5'9" x 11'9"Bathroom 5'0" x 7'11" Deck 11'2" x 4'6" 50.3 sq ft translucentprivacyscreen Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry Laundry F W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 D1 1 Bedroom574 sf fire alarm panel EXITEXIT DW Living 9'4" x 10'7" Bedroom 10'3" x 10'3" Bathroom 6'0" x 8'0" Laundry 2'9" x 4'1" Entry Linen/Storage Deck 8'0" x 12'0" FKitchen 7'1" x 9'9" Elevator Elevator Bedroom 10'7" x 11'4" F DW Living 11'0" x 9'8" Kitchen 14'9" x 6'0" Bath 5'0" x 8'4" Entry Laundry W.I.C. 13'4" x 4'0" EXIT Main Floor Elev (38.56m) 126'-6" Indoor Amenity A 460 sf 7'-5 3/4" 9'-7" Fin 39.0 m Fin 38.8m Fin 39.0 m 38.0m Ex. 38.1m Ex 38.1 m Fin 37.60m fire department connection 9.689m 124'1.434" 124'4.518" .703m Road Dedication = 58.3m2 Ramp down 12% to U/G Parking EXIT EXIT EXIT RM2 setback line for parkade not more than .8m above average finish grade 7.500m ISY Setback 7.500m Required Setback RM2 setback line for Buildings over parkade 82.914m 39.521m 81.911m 38.003m 1.500m setback Hatched Area is S.R.W. see civil 7.500m Required Rear Setback bike racks adjacent RS1 Lots CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS sanitary sewer - see civil gas line - see civil existing water line - see civil existing storm sewer - see civil proposed detention tank see civil 22.569mexit stairs from parking below 8.285m 4.500m 3.658m proposed 4.500m F.Y. Setback 38.1m37.9m37.7m37.35m37.0m36.5m Lane 221st Street Original P/L Lougheed Highway 5.357m 6.0m Dedication 37.94m 37'-3 1/4" [11.359m] 3.5m Dedication 6.0m Dedication 0.703m Dedication 2.142m 3.262m 3.260m 3.272m 3.269m 5.995m 6.065m 5.945m 6.131m 7.587m 10.528m 10.528m 2.206m SITE PLAN 1:1252 PROPOSED 6 STOREY APARTMENT BLDG Hard surfaces = 4,263 sf Soil depth of 450/18" = 3,566 sf Soft depth of min. 750/30" = 6,485sf. #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4 ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305 E-mail: bissky@telus.net Website: WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN Copyright Reserved. Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings. ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB Date: Scale 1724 Proposed RM-2 Multi-Family Dev't Civic Address: 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Hwy. Maple Ridge BC As Noted Site Plan w. Site Area Calculations Legal Address: Lot 4 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 , Parcel B (Y89442) DL 397 Grp 1n NWD Plan 11251 & Lot 3 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 PID #: 005-293-944, 005-293-910 & 001-844-652 Sheet A1.2 April 14, 2018 2020-07-13 Issued for Client Review 2020-11-10 Rezoning & D.P. FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION NOTE: Installed in a location accessible to Fire Department vehicles at the property line. Maple Ridge Fire Department to be consulted prior to final installation. 4” Storz fitting c/w cap installed. Cap to be attached to fitting by way of chain or cable so that cap cannot be misplaced. Fitting is NOT to be a 2-1/2” siamese connection. Angled down at a 35-degree angle to impede the insertion of debris. Installed at a height of 1,000 mm (39 inches) above finished grade measured to center of cap. Located remotely from the building face and away from any hazards and at least 1,500 mm (60 inches) away from any ornamental light standard, utility pole, electrical kiosk or driveway; and The fire department connection will also be required to have measures in place to ensure vegetation landscaping does not interfere with its use or visibility. r 17 I I I - I I , I I , I , I 11+--_Hi •• l I >I I I I' I I I I I I, 7 r-~-,- 1 ' . i I -- . 7 r I I 11 I ·•1 I I I I ! • .. I I t' I I I I -1 I I I t t l I/ I I I I • I I I I I I -- " V ' --- I '-I + -1 I I I I' L 7 -·-----------------1.u ,L __ ~~~--~--· I / / I / ·- -- ' i i 7 L --------I I I 7 \ . - I -R - / / / / -{__ I j / I I 7 1 ' I - R- ----~'-....... l..;;;;;;~~21jlFr==FI' ~=1~=-__ ~==Ir~j.~~~==fR~lT=R=;;;;;;;;;; iiii;,,,=-~,,c - _______ i---__ __J ·-I I I - / b UI / _I [jl / / 7 I ' r r f - I / / • I \ \ i ' I I I / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I t t t I I I I/•• t t ~ I I I I I I t t I . I / I ,---~ I / ! / II j.. / ' I I I I_ I I / ! 1c+-e+-_LJ -I • _/ I / lll] - ._ -r::= I II _, • L - l- ~ . I I #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4 ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305 E-mail: bissky@telus.net Website: WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN Copyright Reserved. Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings. ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB Date: Scale 1724 Proposed RM-2 Multi-Family Dev't Civic Address: 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Hwy. Maple Ridge BC As Noted P2-Parking Plan Legal Address: Lot 4 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 , Parcel B (Y89442) DL 397 Grp 1n NWD Plan 11251 & Lot 3 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 PID #: 005-293-944, 005-293-910 & 001-844-652 Sheet A2.0 April 14, 2018 2020-07-13 Issued for Client Review 2020-11-10 Rezoning & D.P. 102 103 104 105 106107108 110 111 124 125 126 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 2-01 small carsmall car small car small car small car Electrical Mechanical Room 112 113 114 2-01 small car EXIT 2-01 2-01 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 small car 136 137 138 139 140 141142143 EXIT 133 134 135 127128129130 115116117118119120121122123 Electrical Mechanical Room line of ramp over line of ramp over Parking P2 105'-6" UP Elevator Elevator 2-01 EXIT 6.064m 131132 4.5% slope DN 2-01 109 23'-0 5/8" 7.505m 7.000m 7.472m 85 Parking stalls this level including 8 small car parking stalls & 2 H/C stalls EXIT Vestibule & Elevator Lobby EXIT Stair #2 ramp up to upper parking 43'-3 1/4" P-B P-B 17'-8" P-C P-C 51'-4 5/8" P-D P-D P-A P-A 6.004m P-2 58.466m P-3 1.753m P-4 11.232m P-5 0.609m P-6P-1 Req'd RM2 setback line for parkade not more than 0.8m above average finish grade Actual setback line for parkade not more than 0.8m above average finish grade. Variance req'd. 1.500m 1.284m Parking Level P2 Scale: 1:1001 107108 2-01 EXIT Vestibule & Elevator Lobby TYPICAL PARKING STALL SIZES Scale: 1:503 Handicap Stall Regular Stall minimum clearance to adjacent structure 8'-2 3/8" 11 3/4" 12'-5 5/8" 18'-0 1/2" 8'-2 3/8" NOTE: minimum headroom for all parking stalls is 2.1m 103 small car small car 16'-0 7/8" 7'-10 1/2" Q Q ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _,/ " " " 1: 1: \\I II 111 ,, ,, 1; i II II I ' ' ' " ' " / ' ' ·-- ,: ' ' " II I I II II II I I II II " ( I I I I I I I I Q 0 , . . . : • < ----------' I ~ ~ , ! • '----+ +--' _L :11 r-r---------------------------------' ~ ~ ,I-•• • ••I-"""'T ••I--, , ·ii! I I I • I I "I • -,.. ~ ~--· .. -~ • ..., --• • --• ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~--• ~ " .• -~ , • ~ I-- I , I ~ : I -•· l I l I I .,>----------~I I' [ I I ! I \ ------1 .~.===-'- i [ I • I , : ~ • : l l I I I I • I , ! ' ' ~ ~ _//i ~ • 1-------------+-----< •• • • • ~ i , : ~ , •. ()rv ~ ••• '_) II ,,(! ! i ,_-_-_-_--~-----------~---------- -- ---------- -------- --- ---------- -- ---------- ---------. . .._ . . . ' ~---------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- -- ---------- -------------// -- --- ------- -------!-~-!-~!--! 1----1 I ~--~ + ' / '+ ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= -------------1 □ ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~· ·.~~ ' ' I ·, I 0 I [ I ln---------1 ------1 I i ·------Ifl i:,,; d ----------- ---------------------_1 . -.. -. . ci-~~.~ .~~. ~.~~~~~ ~~~~. -········-·······-·· ·····-··-.. -~. -. --.. -.. ---..Lr I -·····-< r .... ~ .. -i. --. , 11----o ----------~ □-. [:I" -------------------------~ . I I 1. I I I - I I 1, I .· . [ . / /y---------- I I I +-· I I I • I ' I < I , I ... I I ! I --•-I L ____ ----------------------------------1------1---------------------------------------------------------------------1-------1-------1-------~----------------------'---------➔------1 ------L _J ____ L _____ J. • , ' I ' ' • I ! I I :·• : I I I ·1 • I I ' l • I I ! I I . . ' < < ~ < I < '' < .. • • k~ 'I ', ·., ; ·-. < -; • / --~ • '' .. '. • • < -~ / \ . ',-;/ . .-,. ,,,,,- / / / / , (? / / / I ' I I ' I I I i I i ---.. / . / / / ,/ / / / //•/./ //. /: /._..-/ . / 0 #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4 ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305 E-mail: bissky@telus.net Website: WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN Copyright Reserved. Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings. ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB Date: Scale 1724 Proposed RM-2 Multi-Family Dev't Civic Address: 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Hwy. Maple Ridge BC As Noted P1-Parking Plan Legal Address: Lot 4 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 , Parcel B (Y89442) DL 397 Grp 1n NWD Plan 11251 & Lot 3 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 PID #: 005-293-944, 005-293-910 & 001-844-652 Sheet A2.1 April 14, 2018 2020-07-13 Issued for Client Review 2020-11-10 Rezoning & D.P. 35 gal 65 gal. 65 gal. 35 gal 95 gal. 65 gal. 95 gal. 65 gal. 95 gal. 95 gal. EXIT EXIT 77 Parking stalls this level including 8 small cars and 2 HC stalls Ramp Up 383940414243 33 34 44 45 46 W1b Vestibule & Elevator Lobby small carsmall car small car small car small car Electrical Mechanical Room 95 gal. 35 gal 65 gal. 5051 474849 35 36 37 small car EXIT 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 small car 52 53 54 55 565758 EXIT 65 gal. 44.0m travel distance to exit Elevator Elevator UP DN 2-01 2-01 2-01 2-01 1'-0" 7.000m 5.500m 0.305m 27.000m 5.500m 7.505m 7.300m 2-01 EXIT Stair #2 25 26 27 28 293031 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 4'-3 1/4" 2-01 3.800m 32 Req'd RM2 setback line for parkade not more than 0.8m above average finish grade 31.44m travel distance to exit 44.5 m travel distance to exit ramp Up 11.8% to lane ramp down 12% to lower parking Refuse Recycling Parking P1 115'-6" 124'1.652" 43'-3 1/4" P-B P-B 17'-8" P-C P-C 51'-4 5/8" P-D P-D P-A P-A Slope down 3% 7.000m 23'-0 5/8" 7.400m 7.707m 6.318m 7.206m 7.477m 7.000m 7.206m 6.004m P-2 58.466m P-3 1.753m P-4 11.232m P-5 0.609m P-6P-1 Actual setback line for parkade not more than 0.8m above average finish grade. Variance req'd. 1.500m 1.284m 34.235m Parking Level P1 Scale: 1:1001 3.021m 0.506m 0.3 1 6 m 1.508m 0 0 / / I ~ ,,--~~ HJ =~ ===z=ily _( Ir , >== , I in.-------, . I ., . ': : 11\\, ' ' IC " I ' II I I I 11 1 I I I I I I I I I 1: I II 11 0 ,, ' ' ' '" ' ' ' ' I ~ ,---------~-----~ ~ I I, I I,. J , 1 • ~I ----+-' -r---n1 n \; ~ i ~ u I J I 11; .. n • n ~ I 1; LJ LJ ~----~-~\-. -----ft------7:: , I: ~ I ,, ~ n · ·~ I , LJ · . I!' i , , , , ··.. • I r ~ I f---------=~7 ,~-----,, \ : I : • ·. . 1·,··'l-·-------! ' \ ,_, I' I Ir ~ I II I I , It I ---(',,----- -- --- ------ LJ ~ !-----=-~---------==== , --,----,, ,._ ___ ,J I I -- ----- ------ -- ------.------t · ------------r-------·r --,-------r -I ----------------,------,-----i ---------------------i-------~------r--------t-------1-- -I ' I r I I ,. ,.· I, I I I ·-i---, -', ·-r-·-,--- -_' --;---,-- , , ·-r -T. - ! ! ---------------- . _, J O 0 CD , 0 I I 0 -----·r ------·r -------t"------- -, , r------o #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4 ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305 E-mail: bissky@telus.net Website: WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN Copyright Reserved. Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings. ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB Date: Scale 1724 Proposed RM-2 Multi-Family Dev't Civic Address: 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Hwy. Maple Ridge BC As Noted Plan Floor 1 Legal Address: Lot 4 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 , Parcel B (Y89442) DL 397 Grp 1n NWD Plan 11251 & Lot 3 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 PID #: 005-293-944, 005-293-910 & 001-844-652 Sheet A2.2 April 14, 2018 2020-07-13 Issued for Client Review 2020-11-10 Rezoning & D.P. W-01W-01 DW Kitchen 8'6" x 9'5" F Living 9'11" x 12'4" Dining 9'11" x 5'6" Bedroom 1 10'0" x 12'7" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8"Laundry 3'0" x 7'0" K2 2 Bedroom 843 sf Deck 10'1" x 8'4" W-01 Bedroom 2 9'0" x 12'0" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" linen Entry W-01 W-01 DW Kitchen 8'6" x 9'5" F Living 9'11" x 12'4" Dining 9'11" x 5'6" Bedroom 1 10'0" x 12'7" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8"Laundry 3'0" x 7'0" K2 2 Bedroom 843 sf Deck 10'1" x 8'4" W-01 Bedroom 2 9'0" x 12'0" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" linen Entry Kitchen 17'3" x 5'6" Living 11'10" x 11'6" Dining 6'0" x 4'0" Deck 7'6" x 9'4" Bedroom 2 8'5" x 10'10" Bedroom 1 12'5" x 12'8" DWF Ensuite 5'0" x 8'0" Bath 5'0" x 7'9" Laundry Entry T 2 Bedroom 784 sf W-9660 W-6660 F Entry B 1 Bedroom 517 sf W-01 Living 9'7" x 8'5" Kitchen 7'6" x 8'2" Bathroom 5'0" x 7'11" Dining 4'9" x 8'2" Utility/W/D Linen Bedroom 9'10" x 10'11" Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry Laundry F W-01 W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 C1 1 Bedroom 564 sf Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry Laundry F W-01 W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 C1 1 Bedroom 564 sf Kitchen 8'9" x 11'7" Living 9'5" x 12'10" Dining 4'6" x 4'8" Bedroom 2 8'9" x 12'7" Bedroom 1 10'1" x 12'7" F Bath 5'0" x 7'9" Laundry DW W-01 W-6060W-01 Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Entry Deck 9'3 7/8" x 6'10" 63.7 sq ft Kitchen 2515 x 3835Living 2769 x 3404 Bath 2438 x 1524 Ensuite 2642 x 1626 Laundry 1321 x 889 F Bedroom 1 4648 x 3353 Bedroom 2 3048 x 3785 Bedroom 3 4166 x 2718 Linen entry DW Dining 2286 x 2311 W-01 W-01 W-01 W-01 W-01 Kitchen 2515 x 3835 Living 2769 x 3404 Bath 2438 x 1524 Ensuite 2642 x 1626 Laundry 1321 x 889 F Bedroom 1 4648 x 3353 Bedroom 2 3048 x 3785Bedroom 3 4166 x 2718 Linen entry DW Dining 2286 x 2311 W-01 W-01 W-01 W-01 W-01 2-01 Lobby/ EntryEXIT W-01 DW F W-01 Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" Laundry Entry Bathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf W-01 DW F W-01 Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" Laundry EntryBathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf W-01 DW F W-01 Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" Laundry EntryBathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf W-01 DW F W-01 Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" Laundry Entry Bathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F W-01 W-01 Living 11'0" x 12'2" Bedroom 10'0" x 10'0" Laundry Study/Work Entry Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" H1 1 Bedroom/ Den 660 sf HWT Den 7'10" x 11'0" Linen Kitchen/Dining 14'0" x 11'3" F Entry Utility/W/D Dining A Studio 381 sf Living 10'0" x 8'2" Bedroom 10'0" x 5'0" Kitchen 5'9" x 11'9"Bathroom 5'0" x 7'11" Deck 11'2" x 4'6" 50.3 sq ft translucentprivacy screen Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry Laundry F W-01 W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 D1 1 Bedroom 574 sf fire alarm panel EXITEXIT DW Living 9'4" x 10'7" Bedroom 10'3" x 10'3" Bathroom 6'0" x 8'0" Laundry 2'9" x 4'1" Entry Linen/Storage E1 1 Bedroom 605 sf Deck 8'0" x 12'0" Dining FKitchen 7'1" x 9'9" Elevator Elevator 5068 2-01 5068 Bedroom 10'7" x 11'4" F DW Living 11'0" x 9'8" Kitchen 14'9" x 6'0" Bath 5'0" x 8'4" Entry Laundry W.I.C. 13'4" x 4'0" R 1 Bedroom 538 sf EXIT Main Floor Elev (38.56m) 126'-6" Indoor Amenity A 460 sf 7'-5 3/4" 9'-7" 234'-5" translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen 54'-3 1/2" 6.004m 2 10.820m 3 6.274m 4 9.296m 5 7.061m 6 9.296m 7 9.855m 8 7.137m 9 11.710m 10 0.609m 111 3.994m B 9.347m C 1.549m D 0.902mE 6.132m F 3.882m G 8.428m H A 9.144m 21 5.994m 22 7.036m 23 7.036m 24 7.036m 25 7.036m 26 7.036m 27 5.994m 28 5.994m 29 9.144m 3020 Ground Floor Plan Scale: 1:1002 9 0 9 0 9 ' ' ' ' 9 9 9 00 ~ -------- - 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V2X 2T4 ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305 E-mail: bissky@telus.net Website: WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN Copyright Reserved. Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings. ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB Date: Scale 1724 Proposed RM-2 Multi-Family Dev't Civic Address: 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Hwy. Maple Ridge BC As Noted Typical Floor Plans 2 to 5 Legal Address: Lot 4 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 , Parcel B (Y89442) DL 397 Grp 1n NWD Plan 11251 & Lot 3 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 PID #: 005-293-944, 005-293-910 & 001-844-652 Sheet A2.3 April 14, 2018 2020-07-13 Issued for Client Review 2020-11-10 Rezoning & D.P. F Kitchen 10'4" x 8'6" Living 13'4" x 11'9" Bedroom 9'2" x 10'0" Bathroom 7'10" x 5'0" Entry O 2 Bedroom 877 sf Deck 8'0" x 12'0" Bedroom 10'0" x 15'8" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'6" W.I.C. 5'0" x 6'10" Dining 7'5" x 10'0" Laundry DW W-01 W-01 DW Kitchen 8'6" x 9'5" F Living 9'11" x 12'4" Dining 9'11" x 5'6" Bedroom 1 10'0" x 12'7" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8"Laundry 3'0" x 7'0" K 2 Bedroom 843 sf W-01 Bedroom 2 9'0" x 12'0" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" linen Entry Deck 10'3 1/2" x 9'4" 96.1 sq ft W-01W-01 DW Kitchen 8'6" x 9'5" F Living 9'11" x 12'4" Dining 9'11" x 5'6" Bedroom 1 10'0" x 12'7" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8"Laundry 3'0" x 7'0" K 2 Bedroom 843 sf W-01 Bedroom 2 9'0" x 12'0" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" linen Entry Deck 10'3 1/2" x 9'4" 96.1 sq ft F Entry Utility/W/D Dining A Studio 381 sf Living 10'0" x 8'2" Bedroom 10'0" x 5'0" Kitchen 5'9" x 11'9"Bathroom 5'0" x 7'11" Deck 11'2" x 4'6" 50.3 sq ft translucentprivacyscreen DW Living 9'4" x 10'7" Bedroom 10'3" x 12'8" Bathroom 6'0" x 9'0" Laundry 2'9" x 4'1" Entry Linen/StorageE 1 Bedroom 653 sf Deck 8'0" x 12'0" Dining F Kitchen 7'1" x 9'9" Elevator Elevator 2-01 Kitchen 2515 x 3835 Living 2769 x 3404 Bath 2438 x 1524 Ensuite 2642 x 1626 Laundry 1321 x 889 Deck 2438 x 3658 F Bedroom 1 4648 x 3353 Bedroom 2 3048 x 3785Bedroom 3 4166 x 2718 Linen entry DW Dining 2286 x 2311 Q 3 Bedroom 1093 sf W-01 W-01 W-01 W-01 W-01 W-01 DW F W-01 Living 3404 x 3658 1 Bedroom 3810 x 3327 Laundry Entry Bathroom 1676 x 2438 Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 2743 x 2743 Kitchen/Dining 2718 x 3658 G1 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf Deck W-01 DW F W-01 Living 3404 x 3658 1 Bedroom 3810 x 3327 Laundry EntryBathroom 1676 x 2438 Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 2743 x 2743 Kitchen/Dining 2718 x 3658G1 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf Deck W-01 DW F W-01 Living 3404 x 3658 1 Bedroom 3810 x 3327 Laundry EntryBathroom 1676 x 2438 Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 2743 x 2743 Kitchen/Dining 2718 x 3658G1 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf Deck Living 9'6" x 11'0" Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Bedroom 9'0" x 12'4" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'3" Entry Laundry Deck 9'8" x 5'3" F W-01 W.I.C 6'11" x 4'4" W/D DW Kitchen 12'9" x 9'0" C2 1 Bedroom 564 sf W-01 DW F W-01 Living 3404 x 3658 1 Bedroom 3810 x 3327 Laundry Entry Bathroom 1676 x 2438 Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 2743 x 2743 Kitchen/Dining 2718 x 3658 G1 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf Deck DW F W-01 W-01 Living 3353 x 3708 Bedroom 3048 x 3048 Laundry Study/Work Entry Bathroom 1524 x 2438 H2 1 Bedroom/ Den 660 sf HWT Den 2388 x 3353 Linen Kitchen/Dining 4267 x 3429 Deck Living 9'6" x 11'0" Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Bedroom 9'0" x 12'4" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'3" Entry Laundry Deck 10'1" x 5'3" F W-01 W.I.C 6'11" x 4'4" W/D DW Kitchen 12'9" x 9'0" D2 1 Bedroom 574 sf Living 9'6" x 11'0" Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Bedroom 9'0" x 12'4" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'3" Entry Laundry Deck 9'8" x 5'3" F W-01 W.I.C 6'11" x 4'4" W/D DW Kitchen 12'9" x 9'0" C2 1 Bedroom 564 sf Kitchen 2515 x 3835Living 2769 x 3404 Bath 2438 x 1524 Ensuite 2642 x 1626 Laundry 1321 x 889 Deck 2438 x 3658 F Bedroom 1 4648 x 3353 Bedroom 2 3048 x 3785 Bedroom 3 4166 x 2718 Linen entry DW Dining 2286 x 2311 Q 3 Bedroom 1093 sf W-01 W-01 W-01 W-01 W-01 F Entry B 1 Bedroom 517 sf W-01 Living 9'7" x 8'5" Kitchen 7'6" x 8'2" Bathroom 5'0" x 7'11" Dining 4'9" x 8'2" Utility/W/D Linen Bedroom 9'10" x 10'11" W-6060 DW F W-01 Bedroom 3353 x 3607 Living 3353 x 3785 Dining 1981 x 1321 Kitchen 2946 x 2896Bathroom 1524 x 2591 Entry W.I.C 1219 x 1600 Linen Laundry F 1 Bedroom 649 sf Deck 11'4 7/8" x 6'1 1/2" 69.8 sq ft Kitchen 8'9" x 11'7" Living 9'5" x 12'10" Dining 4'6" x 4'8" Bedroom 2 8'9" x 12'7" Bedroom 1 10'1" x 12'7" F Bath 5'0" x 7'9" Laundry DW W-01 W-6060W-01 Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Entry Deck 9'3 7/8" x 6'10" 63.7 sq ft Kitchen 5258 x 1676 Living 3607 x 3505 Dining 1829 x 1219 Deck 4267 x 2438 Bedroom 2 2565 x 3302 Bedroom 1 3785 x 3861 DWF Ensuite 1524 x 2438 Bath 1524 x 2362 Laundry Entry L 2 Bedroom 853 sf W-9660 W-6660 2-01 translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen 6.004m 2 10.820m 3 6.274m 4 9.296m 5 7.061m 6 9.296m 7 9.855m 8 7.137m 9 11.710m 10 0.609m 111 3.994m B 9.347m C 1.549m D 0.902mE 6.132m F 3.882m G 8.428m H A 9.144m 21 5.994m 22 7.036m 23 7.036m 24 7.036m 25 7.036m 26 7.036m 27 5.994m 28 5.994m 29 9.144m 3020 Typical Floor Plan - 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This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings. ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB Date: Scale 1724 Proposed RM-2 Multi-Family Dev't Civic Address: 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Hwy. Maple Ridge BC As Noted Plan Floor 6 Legal Address: Lot 4 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 , Parcel B (Y89442) DL 397 Grp 1n NWD Plan 11251 & Lot 3 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 PID #: 005-293-944, 005-293-910 & 001-844-652 Sheet A2.4 April 14, 2018 2020-07-13 Issued for Client Review 2020-11-10 Rezoning & D.P. Bathroom 5'0" x 7'11" Laundry 3'0" x 5'0" Kitchen 7'11" x 7'6" Living 8'10" x 13'9" Dining 8'9" x 7'5" Bedroom 1 10'5" x 13'0" Ensuite 5'0" x 7'11" Bedroom 2 10'0" x 11'10" DW P Two Bedroom Unit 902 sf F W.I.C 5'0" x 7'6" Linen W-6060 W-6060 W-01 Bathroom 2032 x 1676Kitchen / Dining 3200 x 3454 D-01 W-6060 F DW Ensuite 2438 x 1676 Bedroom 1 3632 x 3251 Living 4877 x 3505 W.I.C 1575 x 1702 Bedroom 2 3353 x 2743 N Two Bedroom Unit 873 sf W/D & linen Bath 2413 x 1524 Kitchen 2286 x 2438 Living 3226 x 2819 Bedroom 1 3048 x 4140 Ensuite 2438 x 1524 Bedroom 2 2845 x 3759 W-01 W-01 W-6060W-6060 M Two Bedroom Unit853 sf F DW Dining 2413 x 2438 W.I.C 2565 x 1524 linenW/D HWT Rooftop Patio Rooftop Patio Rooftop Patio Rooftop Patio See Landscape Elevator Elevator W-01 DW F W-01 Living 3404 x 3658 1 Bedroom 3810 x 3327 Laundry Entry Bathroom 1676 x 2438 Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 2743 x 2743 Kitchen/Dining 2718 x 3658 G1 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf Deck W-01 DW F W-01 Living 3404 x 3658 1 Bedroom 3810 x 3327 Laundry EntryBathroom 1676 x 2438 Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 2743 x 2743 Kitchen/Dining 2718 x 3658G1 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf Deck W-01 DW F W-01 Living 3404 x 3658 1 Bedroom 3810 x 3327 Laundry EntryBathroom 1676 x 2438 Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 2743 x 2743 Kitchen/Dining 2718 x 3658G1 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf Deck Living 9'6" x 11'0" Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Bedroom 9'0" x 12'4" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'3" Entry Laundry Deck 9'8" x 5'3" F W-01 W.I.C 6'11" x 4'4" W/D DW Kitchen 12'9" x 9'0" C2 1 Bedroom 564 sf W-01 DW F W-01 Living 3404 x 3658 1 Bedroom 3810 x 3327 Laundry Entry Bathroom 1676 x 2438 Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 2743 x 2743 Kitchen/Dining 2718 x 3658 G1 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf Deck DW F W-01 W-01 Living 3353 x 3708 Bedroom 3048 x 3048 Laundry Study/Work Entry Bathroom 1524 x 2438 H2 1 Bedroom/ Den 660 sf HWT Den 2388 x 3353 Linen Kitchen/Dining 4267 x 3429 Deck Living 9'6" x 11'0" Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Bedroom 9'0" x 12'4" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'3" Entry Laundry Deck 10'1" x 5'3" F W-01 W.I.C 6'11" x 4'4" W/D DW Kitchen 12'9" x 9'0" D2 1 Bedroom 574 sf Living 9'6" x 11'0" Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Bedroom 9'0" x 12'4" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'3" Entry Laundry Deck 9'8" x 5'3" F W-01 W.I.C 6'11" x 4'4" W/D DW Kitchen 12'9" x 9'0" C2 1 Bedroom 564 sf Living 3429 x 2870 Kitchen 2642 x 3531 Bedroom 3404 x 3023 W-01I One Bedroom Unit 703 sf W-01W-01 DW F Bath 3302 x 1905 W.I.C 1702 x 1905 Laundry 864 x 1473 Linen Dining 2159 x 2159 Rooftop Patio translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen 2-01 Rooftop Patio See Landscape 2-01 Indoor Amenity B 425 sq ft Indoor Amenity C 420 sq ft 4.259m 6-2 4.834m 6-3 1.727m 6-4 12.379m 6-5 10.252m 6-6 12.700m 6-7 12.353m 6-8 1.753m 6-9 2.100m 6-10 4.834m 6-11 4.259m 6-126-1 9.347m B 1.549m C 0.902mD 6.705m E 7.025m F 0.939mG A 9.144m 6-21 5.994m 6-22 7.036m 6-23 7.036m 6-24 7.036m 6-25 7.036m 6-26 7.036m 6-27 5.994m 6-28 5.994m 6-29 9.144m 6-306-20 6th Floor Plan Scale: 1:1001 42'-1 3/4" [12.845m]43'-5 7/8" [13.257m] 9 0 9 9 9 9 9 0 9 9 9 9 ,-----------------'-------------------------'--------'---------------------------------'-----------------------------'---------------------------------"-------------------------------------'-----------I ---'---------------'-7 I I I I I I c}-- c1 -------------------------+------------------------------------------+-------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------_________ ' _____________ -------, ____________________ '--~-------------- I I I I I I I C ~ ---------------------- \ I I I I I I c~ -------------------- 1 I I I I I I I I I r,------------------------,----,----------------------------------,----------------------------,-----------------------------------,----------------------------- 1 : : ! : : -- ffi I I ' I I r I I I I I 1-1 I H iH II I I - I • }- . 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I I I ------------~~------------ ► ' ' : L-:i-'========'========" CC+CJ :-i 4 +7 4 : i I ! ' ' ' ---------~------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' 6 6 / 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4 ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305 E-mail: bissky@telus.net Website: WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN Copyright Reserved. Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings. ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB Date: Scale 1724 Proposed RM-2 Multi-Family Dev't Civic Address: 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Hwy. Maple Ridge BC As Noted Roof Plan Legal Address: Lot 4 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 , Parcel B (Y89442) DL 397 Grp 1n NWD Plan 11251 & Lot 3 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 PID #: 005-293-944, 005-293-910 & 001-844-652 Sheet A2.5 April 14, 2018 2020-06-26 Issued for review 2020-11-10 Rezoning & D.P. Bathroom 5'0" x 7'11" Laundry 3'0" x 5'0" Kitchen 7'11" x 7'6" Living 8'10" x 13'9" Dining 8'9" x 7'5" Bedroom 1 10'5" x 13'0" Ensuite 5'0" x 7'11" Bedroom 2 10'0" x 11'10" DW P Two Bedroom Unit 902 sf F W.I.C 5'0" x 7'6" Linen W-6060 W-6060 W-01 Bathroom 2032 x 1676Kitchen / Dining 3200 x 3454 D-01 W-6060 F DW Ensuite 2438 x 1676 Bedroom 1 3632 x 3251 Living 4877 x 3505 W.I.C 1575 x 1702 Bedroom 2 3353 x 2743 N Two Bedroom Unit 873 sf W/D & linen Bath 2413 x 1524 Kitchen 2286 x 2438 Living 3226 x 2819 Bedroom 1 3048 x 4140 Ensuite 2438 x 1524 Bedroom 2 2845 x 3759 W-01 W-01 W-6060W-6060 M Two Bedroom Unit853 sf F DW Dining 2413 x 2438 W.I.C 2565 x 1524 linenW/D HWT Rooftop Patio Rooftop Patio Rooftop Patio Rooftop Patio See Landscape Elevator Elevator W-01 DW F W-01 Living 3404 x 3658 1 Bedroom 3810 x 3327 Laundry Entry Bathroom 1676 x 2438 Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 2743 x 2743 Kitchen/Dining 2718 x 3658 G1 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf Deck W-01 DW F W-01 Living 3404 x 3658 1 Bedroom 3810 x 3327 Laundry EntryBathroom 1676 x 2438 Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 2743 x 2743 Kitchen/Dining 2718 x 3658G1 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf Deck W-01 DW F W-01 Living 3404 x 3658 1 Bedroom 3810 x 3327 Laundry EntryBathroom 1676 x 2438 Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 2743 x 2743 Kitchen/Dining 2718 x 3658G1 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf Deck Living 9'6" x 11'0" Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Bedroom 9'0" x 12'4" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'3" Entry Laundry Deck 9'8" x 5'3" F W-01 W.I.C 6'11" x 4'4" W/D DW Kitchen 12'9" x 9'0" C2 1 Bedroom 564 sf W-01 DW F W-01 Living 3404 x 3658 1 Bedroom 3810 x 3327 Laundry Entry Bathroom 1676 x 2438 Linen HWT 2 Bedroom 2743 x 2743 Kitchen/Dining 2718 x 3658 G1 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf Deck DW F W-01 W-01 Living 3353 x 3708 Bedroom 3048 x 3048 Laundry Study/Work Entry Bathroom 1524 x 2438 H2 1 Bedroom/ Den 660 sf HWT Den 2388 x 3353 Linen Kitchen/Dining 4267 x 3429 Deck Living 9'6" x 11'0" Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Bedroom 9'0" x 12'4" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'3" Entry Laundry Deck 10'1" x 5'3" F W-01 W.I.C 6'11" x 4'4" W/D DW Kitchen 12'9" x 9'0" D2 1 Bedroom 574 sf Living 9'6" x 11'0" Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Bedroom 9'0" x 12'4" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'3" Entry Laundry Deck 9'8" x 5'3" F W-01 W.I.C 6'11" x 4'4" W/D DW Kitchen 12'9" x 9'0" C2 1 Bedroom 564 sf Living 3429 x 2870 Kitchen 2642 x 3531 Bedroom 3404 x 3023 W-01I One Bedroom Unit 703 sf W-01W-01 DW F Bath 3302 x 1905 W.I.C 1702 x 1905 Laundry 864 x 1473 Linen Dining 2159 x 2159 Rooftop Patio translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen 2-01 Rooftop Patio See Landscape 2-01 Indoor Amenity B 425 sq ft Indoor Amenity C 420 sq ft 4.259m 6-2 4.834m 6-3 1.727m 6-4 12.379m 6-5 10.252m 6-6 12.700m 6-7 12.353m 6-8 1.753m 6-9 2.100m 6-10 4.834m 6-11 4.259m 6-126-1 9.347m B 1.549m C 0.902mD 6.705m E 7.025m F 0.939mG A 9.144m 6-21 5.994m 6-22 7.036m 6-23 7.036m 6-24 7.036m 6-25 7.036m 6-26 7.036m 6-27 5.994m 6-28 5.994m 6-29 9.144m 6-306-20 Roof Plan Scale: 1:1001 9 0 9 9 9 0 9 9 9 9 ,-----------------'-------------------------'--------'---------------------------------'-----------------------------------'-----------------------------------------------"-------------------------------------------------'-------------------'--------------'-7 I I I I I I c}- c1 -------------------------+------------------------------------------+-------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 I I I I --------------------'--~------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c~ I I I I I r,------------------------,----,----------------------------------,----------------------------,-----------------------------------,----------------------------- 1 ! -- I I I I I I ' ' 11 I 11 I I I ---------------------r------, ; ' ' ' ----!- I ' d1 . . 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Shadow Analysis June 21st 10:00am Scale: 1:3501 Shadow Analysis June 21st 3:00pm Scale: 1:3502 Shadow Analysis Dec 21st 10:00am Scale: 1:3503 Shadow Analysis Dec 21st 3:00pm Scale: 1:3504 #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4 ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305 E-mail: bissky@telus.net Website: WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN Copyright Reserved. Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings. ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB Date: Scale 1724 Proposed RM-2 Multi-Family Dev't Civic Address: 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Hwy. Maple Ridge BC As Noted Shadow Analysis Legal Address: Lot 4 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 , Parcel B (Y89442) DL 397 Grp 1n NWD Plan 11251 & Lot 3 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 PID #: 005-293-944, 005-293-910 & 001-844-652 Sheet A2.6 April 14, 2018 2020-06-26 Issued for review 2020-11-10 Rezoning & D.P. I ' I • I l, •• .~-..-7 _____ . ..J ---... .. ., .. t t ; ; .:.. •'',;, ... , . • -:7' .f!o;:,:a:;Jw~' ;.'I .... "I "',if•.,,· ••• ..,.. • • ·~ .r.,,' " t • •• ... ~~i;. '~'-'i e,. ·•t•"'-' ii• ~ ·= ' ' .. . ""°" .. ,---.i ••. • ~.h-~~:7,.-..; :,..... • 1,i. !". ~ .. !\ , ..... ., • • :.:s ~ '•t ',Al ~,.~ I 'I • ~, •• , ..... ~. • • •.1•:= ' . ....,, ~, ... ,,,.."".:. ... : .. , , .. ' ..,. .. "-t.:_. •• _ ;\\ -~: ' J. ~ • :s ·,,,Qi.,.!;;, ..... •. 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EAST ELEVATION Scale: 1:1252 adjacent RS1 zone single family residences lane Selkirk Street LOUGHEED HIGHWAY proposed building 12 4 6 3 2 6 10 14 3 4 5 1 108 B C D E F G HA Parking Level -2 (32.16m) 105'-6" Parking Level -1 (35.20m) 115'-6" Main Floor Elev (38.56m) 126'-6" 2nd Floor Elev (41.68m) 136'-8 7/8" 3rd Floor Elev (44.80m) 146'-11 3/4" 4th Floor Elev (47.92m) 157'-2 5/8" 5th Floor Elev (51.04m) 167'-5 1/2" Top Plate (56.92m) 186'-9 1/8" 11'-9 1/8" 9'-0 3/4" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 11'-0" 10'-0" Average Finished Grade (38.6m) 126'-7.858" 6th Floor Elev (54.16) 177'-8 3/8" Roof Peak (60.51m) 198'-6.304" 12 4 20.292m 3.322m property line property line SOUTH ELEVATION Scale: 1:1251 12 4 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3020 6210 7 4 5 31 12 119 16 15 Parking Level -2 (32.16m) 105'-6" Parking Level -1 (35.20m) 115'-6" Main Floor Elev (38.56m) 126'-6" 2nd Floor Elev (41.68m) 136'-8 7/8" 3rd Floor Elev (44.80m) 146'-11 3/4" 4th Floor Elev (47.92m) 157'-2 5/8" 5th Floor Elev (51.04m) 167'-5 1/2" Top Plate (56.92m) 186'-9 1/8" 11'-9 1/8" 9'-0 3/4" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 11'-0" 10'-0" Average Finished Grade (38.6m) 126'-7.858" 6th Floor Elev (54.16) 177'-8 3/8" Roof Peak (60.51m) 198'-6.304" 15.558m property line property line #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4 ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305 E-mail: bissky@telus.net Website: WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN Copyright Reserved. Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings. ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB Date: Scale 1724 Proposed RM-2 Multi-Family Dev't Civic Address: 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Hwy. Maple Ridge BC As Noted Elevations Legal Address: Lot 4 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 , Parcel B (Y89442) DL 397 Grp 1n NWD Plan 11251 & Lot 3 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 PID #: 005-293-944, 005-293-910 & 001-844-652 Sheet A3.0 April 14, 2018 2020-06-26 Issued for review 2020-11-10 Rezoning & D.P. Exterior Materials #Description Material Manufacture Colour 1 Brick Cladding Brick IXL IXL Bronze Bay Brick 2 Board and Batten Cladding Fibre-Cement RAL 7036 Ral Platinum Grey 3 Horizontal Siding Fibre-Cement RAL 9010 Ral Pure White 4 Fascia Board Prefinished Metal RAL 7021 Black Grey 5 Gutters & Downspouts Prefinished Metal RAL 7021 Black Grey 6 Roofing Fibreglass Shingle DR36 Bone White 7 Windows Vinyl Frame & Glass KC Black 8 Exterior Doors Metal Clad / Vinyl & Glass KC Black 9 Landscape Railing Prefinished Metal RAL 7021 Black Grey 10 Balcony Railing Prefinished Metal RAL 7036 Ral Platinum Grey 11 Soffit Fibre-Cement 12 Concrete Cap Concrete 13 Glazed Balcony Railing Tempered Glass Clear 14 Translucent Privacy Screen Tempered Glass 15 Window & Door Trim 2x6 Painted Wood RAL 9003 16 Wood Columns Painted Wood RAL 9003 17 Exterior Lights Prefinished Metal * All Materials as noted or approved equal ~---..,..,.-- ..___ ..... 1 I . I .----1 ~~~-,-. I .----1----, ~ - --·o--·- 1 . I I, • 0 ~------------------------------ 0 ~------' --l +----------- +---------------- +------------------------------- 0 0 0 ? ? ' !O ' ◊ Parking Level -2 (32.16m) 105'-6" Parking Level -1 (35.20m) 115'-6" Main Floor Elev (38.56m) 126'-6" 2nd Floor Elev (41.68m) 136'-8 7/8" 3rd Floor Elev (44.80m) 146'-11 3/4" 4th Floor Elev (47.92m) 157'-2 5/8" 5th Floor Elev (51.04m) 167'-5 1/2" Top Plate (56.92m) 186'-9 1/8" 11'-9 1/8" 9'-0 3/4" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 11'-0" 10'-0" Average Finished Grade (38.6m) 126'-7.858" 6th Floor Elev (54.16) 177'-8 3/8" Roof Peak (60.51m) 198'-6.304" 221st Street 12 4 23456789 1 7 6 5 4 213 14 31128810 9 11 NORTH ELEVATION Scale: 1:1251 property line property line adjacent RS1 zone single family residences Selkirk Street 12 414673 10215 16 BCDEFGH A 12 4 property line property line WEST ELEVATION Scale: 1:1252 lane Lougheed Highway 1 12 119 Parking Level -2 (32.16m) 105'-6" Parking Level -1 (35.20m) 115'-6" Main Floor Elev (38.56m) 126'-6" 2nd Floor Elev (41.68m) 136'-8 7/8" 3rd Floor Elev (44.80m) 146'-11 3/4" 4th Floor Elev (47.92m) 157'-2 5/8" 5th Floor Elev (51.04m) 167'-5 1/2" Top Plate (56.92m) 186'-9 1/8" 11'-9 1/8" 9'-0 3/4" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 11'-0" 10'-0" Average Finished Grade (38.6m) 126'-7.858" 6th Floor Elev (54.16) 177'-8 3/8" Roof Peak (60.51m) 198'-6.304" #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4 ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305 E-mail: bissky@telus.net Website: WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN Copyright Reserved. Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings. ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB Date: Scale 1724 Proposed RM-2 Multi-Family Dev't Civic Address: 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Hwy. Maple Ridge BC As Noted Elevations Legal Address: Lot 4 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 , Parcel B (Y89442) DL 397 Grp 1n NWD Plan 11251 & Lot 3 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 PID #: 005-293-944, 005-293-910 & 001-844-652 Sheet A3.1 April 14, 2018 2020-06-26 Issued for review 2020-11-10 Rezoning & D.P. Exterior Materials #Description Material Manufacture Colour 1 Brick Cladding Brick IXL IXL Bronze Bay Brick 2 Board and Batten Cladding Fibre-Cement RAL 7036 Ral Platinum Grey 3 Horizontal Siding Fibre-Cement RAL 9010 Ral Pure White 4 Fascia Board Prefinished Metal RAL 7021 Black Grey 5 Gutters & Downspouts Prefinished Metal RAL 7021 Black Grey 6 Roofing Fibreglass Shingle DR36 Bone White 7 Windows Vinyl Frame & Glass KC Black 8 Exterior Doors Metal Clad / Vinyl & Glass KC Black 9 Landscape Railing Prefinished Metal RAL 7021 Black Grey 10 Balcony Railing Prefinished Metal RAL 7036 Ral Platinum Grey 11 Soffit Fibre-Cement 12 Concrete Cap Concrete 13 Glazed Balcony Railing Tempered Glass Clear 14 Translucent Privacy Screen Tempered Glass 15 Window & Door Trim 2x6 Painted Wood RAL 9003 16 Wood Columns Painted Wood RAL 9003 17 Exterior Lights Prefinished Metal * All Materials as noted or approved equal _,,,,__ --·-... __ . ·-.. __ .. __ .. __ . I I . I I -~ I . I . I . I . T I I . + ----'s-6,----- - - - ------ ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ---- I y I y ' ' ' ' 0 • ◊ ~-----9 ' ' _!_ J_ +------------------------------ ' J ' ' y ◊ ◊ 0 ◊ ADJACENT RS1 LOTS LANE property line Lougheed Highway Parking Level -2 (32.16m) 105'-6" Parking Level -1 (35.20m) 115'-6" Main Floor Elev (38.56m) 126'-6" 2nd Floor Elev (41.68m) 136'-8 7/8" 3rd Floor Elev (44.80m) 146'-11 3/4" 4th Floor Elev (47.92m) 157'-2 5/8" 5th Floor Elev (51.04m) 167'-5 1/2" Top Plate (56.92m) 186'-9 1/8" 11'-9 1/8" 9'-0 3/4" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 11'-0" 10'-0" Average Finished Grade (38.6m) 126'-7.858" 6th Floor Elev (54.16) 177'-8 3/8" Roof Peak (60.51m) 198'-6.304" parking level 2 parking level 2 parking level 1 parking level 1 residence residence residence residence residence residence residence residence residenceresidenceroof deck property line SECTION B Scale: 1" = 10'-0"2 9'-10" [3.000m] 1'-3 1/4" property line property line edge of pavement LANE Lougheed Highway Top of Retaining 125'-10 3/8" Parking Level -1 128'-0" parking level 1 parking level 2 residence residence residence residence residence residence residence residence residence roof deck parking level 1 parking level 2 existing grade Parking Level -2 (32.16m) 105'-6" Parking Level -1 (35.20m) 115'-6" Main Floor Elev (38.56m) 126'-6" 2nd Floor Elev (41.68m) 136'-8 7/8" 3rd Floor Elev (44.80m) 146'-11 3/4" 4th Floor Elev (47.92m) 157'-2 5/8" 5th Floor Elev (51.04m) 167'-5 1/2" Top Plate (56.92m) 186'-9 1/8" 11'-9 1/8" 9'-0 3/4" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 10'-2 7/8" 11'-0" 10'-0" Average Finished Grade (38.6m) 126'-7.858" 6th Floor Elev (54.16) 177'-8 3/8" Roof Peak (60.51m) 198'-6.304" SECTION A 1" = 10'-0"1 ADJACENT RS1 LOTS #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4 ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305 E-mail: bissky@telus.net Website: WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN Copyright Reserved. Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings. ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB Date: Scale 1724 Proposed RM-2 Multi-Family Dev't Civic Address: 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Hwy. Maple Ridge BC As Noted Site Sections Legal Address: Lot 4 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 , Parcel B (Y89442) DL 397 Grp 1n NWD Plan 11251 & Lot 3 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 PID #: 005-293-944, 005-293-910 & 001-844-652 Sheet A4.0 April 14, 2018 2020-06-26 Issued for review 2020-11-10 Rezoning & D.P. HEIGHT, BUILDING means the greatest vertical distance of a Building measured between either the Average Natural Grade or Average Finished Grade. Refer to Section 403 (Building Height) of this Bylaw. ~~-~--------------------------,. __,__+ - -,_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __,__+ - - - - - __,__+ - - - - - . +-\ I \ ' __,__+ _\_ - - - - v::-------====~ • -• - /~ -------------------------------- ~;;~~~~===:::======~::;;:;:;;;~=====~===d~~~ - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ ------ ~-11 -~ --------------------·--·- 4. The Building Height for an Apartment Residential or other Building constructed on an Underground StrnctrJre for parking sbiilJ. be measured as the vertical distance between the Average Finished Grade at the base of the BJJikil.rjg and one of the following: a. the mid-point between the ridge of a gable, hip, gambrel or other sloping roof and the eave immediately below for a Building with a roof having a roof pitch greater than or equal to 4 in 12 (4:12); or b. the highest point of a roof for a BJJi..kl.iJJt having a flat roof or a sloping roof with a roof pitch less than 4 in 12 (4:12). Apanment Building Height a) Roof P~ch <: 4:12 □ □ □ □ ""'""" Bulklln£ FiniShl!d Gr&da □□□□ For Buildinll □ □ Finished Grade l ror lol Ull<lergrnuM Pan.Ing S!ructura Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 Part 4 -Page 29 Helgnt 1, ' I General Regulations ,·-• 1 I : r"""1 •' ' ~---·--··--· -·--· -·- - - - - - - - - - - -·-·--·--·---fl-----=---;;.;.;__....IL...ll----11.-......:.;.:~...,_IJl...-....11....____,;;::........._ ___ ----&,!'.......l.'_,_,' I ' ! • I , I - "'ii----------, I $ \ "'ii--_\ . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . 1:=.=-=~ I ll-11 11 -11 ll-11 11 -111 Ill-Ill II I-I II lll-llll llll-llll llll-1111 111 -111 111 -111 111 -111 11 -11 I l-11 11 -11 I l-11 11 -11 I l-11 11 -11 I l-111 111 -111 111 -111 1111 -1111 1111 -1111 1111 -1111 111 -111 II I-I 11!1rY · :1 ~II I I II II I lll~~-llf-11~-llf-11~-llf-11~-llf-11~11~-lll~lll~-llli~lli-lllli-1111~-lllj-111~-11~( ;~~_ll~_ll~_llj Partial East Perspective1 1158101217 2 1 9 1615 153 4 6 1724 Proposed Multi-Family Development for 22057 & 22083 Lougheed, Maple Ridge EXTERIOR MATERIALS (Or approved equals) Reference on Drawing Image or Colour Name (or approved equal)Link to Colour only Link to Colour and/or Material as applicable 1.Brick Cladding “Charcoal Klaycoat” by IXL N/A https://ixlbuild.com/ product/charcoal- klaycoat/ 2.Fibre Cement SMOOTH Board and Batten Cladding HardiePanel SMOOTH vertical siding (PRIMED FOR PAINT) as the base material with decorative 3/4-inch thick x 2 1/2” wide strips over. Colour to be RAL 1013 Oyster white https:// www.ralcolorchart.c om/ral-classic/ ral-1013-oyster- white https:// www.jameshardie.c a/products/ hardiepanel- vertical-siding AND 3.Fibre Cement SMOOTH horizontal Cladding Hardie Panel HARDIEPLANK® LAP SIDING SMOOTH Colour to be Gray Slate N/A https:// www.jameshardie.c a/products/ hardieplank-lap- siding 4.9.25” Fibre Cement SMOOTH Fascia Board RAL 7021 Black grey https:// www.ralcolorchart.com/ral-classic/ ral-7021-black-grey https:// www.jameshardie.ca/products/ hardietrim-boards 5.Gutters & Downspouts RAL 7021 Black grey https:// www.ralcolorchart.c om/ral-classic/ ral-7021-black-grey N/A 6.Roofing Crowne Slate by IKO N/A https:// www.iko.com/na/ residential-roofing- shingles/designer/ crowne-slate/ 7.Windows Vinyl Frame Allweatther windows Horizon 7100 Colour = RAL 9003 Signal white N/A https:// www.allweatherwin dows.com/ windows/series/ horizon7100/#colours-and- finishes 8.Exterior Patio Doors All Weather Vantage Patio Door Colour = Clear Anondized N/A https://www.allweatherwin dows.com/doors/ type/patio-doors/ 9.Prefinshed Metal Landscape Railings RAL 7005 Mouse grey https:// www.ralcolorchart.c om/ral-classic/ral-7005-mouse- grey N/A 10.Prefinshed Metal Railings on balconies RAL 7005 Mouse grey https:// www.ralcolorchart.c om/ral-classic/ ral-7005-mouse- grey N/A 11.Soffit HARDIESOFFIT® PANELS VENTEDPLUSTM SMOOTH colour to be White Bungalow N/A https:// www.jameshardie.c om/products/ hardiesoffit-panels 15. Window Trim, Door Trim RAL 9003 Signal white https:// www.ralcolorchart.c om/ral-plastics-p1/ ral-9003-p-signal- white? N/A 16. Wood Clad Columns and miscellaneous trim RAL 9003 Signal white https:// www.ralcolorchart.c om/ral-plastics-p1/ ral-9003-p-signal- white? N/A 1 #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4 ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305 E-mail: bissky@telus.net Website: WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN Copyright Reserved. Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings. ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB Date: Scale 1724 Proposed RM-2 Multi-Family Dev't Civic Address: 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Hwy. Maple Ridge BC As Noted Exterior Material Board Legal Address: Lot 4 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 , Parcel B (Y89442) DL 397 Grp 1n NWD Plan 11251 & Lot 3 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 PID #: 005-293-944, 005-293-910 & 001-844-652 Sheet A5.0 April 14, 2018 2020-06-26 Issued for review 2020-11-10 Rezoning & D.P.Exterior Materials #Description Material Manufacture Colour 1 Brick Cladding Brick IXL IXL Bronze Bay Brick 2 Board and Batten Cladding Fibre-Cement RAL 7036 Ral Platinum Grey 3 Horizontal Siding Fibre-Cement RAL 9010 Ral Pure White 4 Fascia Board Prefinished Metal RAL 7021 Black Grey 5 Gutters & Downspouts Prefinished Metal RAL 7021 Black Grey 6 Roofing Fibreglass Shingle DR36 Bone White 7 Windows Vinyl Frame & Glass KC Black 8 Exterior Doors Metal Clad / Vinyl & Glass KC Black 9 Landscape Railing Prefinished Metal RAL 7021 Black Grey 10 Balcony Railing Prefinished Metal RAL 7036 Ral Platinum Grey 11 Soffit Fibre-Cement 12 Concrete Cap Concrete 13 Glazed Balcony Railing Tempered Glass Clear 14 Translucent Privacy Screen Tempered Glass 15 Window & Door Trim 2x6 Painted Wood RAL 9003 16 Wood Columns Painted Wood RAL 9003 17 Exterior Lights Prefinished Metal * All Materials as noted or approved equal = --■ • DJ ■■■ DJ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ I J I I I I I VIEW TO NORTH WEST1 #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4 ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305 E-mail: bissky@telus.net Website: WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN Copyright Reserved. Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings. ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB Date: Scale 1724 Proposed RM-2 Multi-Family Dev't Civic Address: 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Hwy. Maple Ridge BC As Noted Perspective View to N-W Legal Address: Lot 4 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 , Parcel B (Y89442) DL 397 Grp 1n NWD Plan 11251 & Lot 3 DL 397 Grp 1 NWD Plan 11251 PID #: 005-293-944, 005-293-910 & 001-844-652 Sheet B0.1 April 14, 2018 2020-07-13 Issued for Client Review 2020-11-10 Rezoning & D.P. / II 700Ø Cedar 37.79 37.85 37.9138.01 37 .81 37.64 37 .53 37 .43 37 .61 37 .81 38 .01 37 .86 37 .97 37 .93 37.84 37 .84 37 .76 37 .87 37 .94 37.93 37 .99 38 .04 38.20 38.06 38.03 37.93 38.00 38 .01 38 .10 700Ø Cedar38.07 38.87 37 .76 37 .7937.88 37 .88 37 .95 37.84 37 .71 37 .81 37.88 37.96 38.04 38 .05 37 .74 38 .17 37 .79 37 .69 37.69 37.53 37 .61 37 .40 37.32 37.10 36 .57 36 .1036.28 36 .75 37 .19 37.60 37.98 37 .6837.42 36 .66 36 .38 36.39 36 .41 36 .87 37 .27 37 .47 1200Ø Conifer 1000Ø Conifer 37.40 37 .27 37.31 37.15 37.27 37.4237.37 37 .01 36.65 36 .38 36 .14 35.99 35.92 36.95 35.91 35 .7935.79 36.80 36.89 36 .84 36.86 36 .89 36 .88 36.98 37.00 37 .52 36 .7136.30 36 .10 35 .92 35.92 35 .80 36 .97 36.98 36 .96 37 .50 37 .52 37.57 37 .65 37 .69 37 .67 38 .37 38 .01 37.81 38 .41 37.81 38 .41 38 .39 38.3838.38 37.77 250Ø Conifer37.80 150Ø Conifer 36 .84 37 .16 37.84 37 .11 36 .11 37 .98 37.97 38.18 38 .20 37.86 37.88 37.71 37 .67 37.81 37 .85 37 .99 38.00 38.00 37.91 37 .88 37 .58 37 .61 37 .64 37 .60 37.72 37 .40 37.47 37 .71 37 .51 37 .84 37 .79 600Ø Conifer 37 .78 500Ø Conifer 37 .75 600Ø Conifer 37 .79 550Ø Conifer 38.81 38 .74 37 .83 1100Ø Conifer 37.55 300Ø Decid 37 .68 550Ø Decid 37 .47 37 .49 37.55 37 .79150Ø Conifer 37.83 37.80 37 .86 37 .78 37 .72 37.83 37.47 37 .62 37.72 37 .74 37.72 37 .80 37.91 37.91 37 .87 37.70 37 .67 37 .78 37 .91 37.89 38 .08 37.83 37.60 37.82 37 .89 37 .99 38 .06 37 .0637.97 37.99 37 .9437.95 37 .99 37 .68 37.44 38.35 38 .40 37 .84 37.73 38 .32 38 .33 38.23 38 .11 37 .98 37 .97 37 .83 37.87 37 .43 37 .41 37.41 35 .84 37.44 37 .54 Wo o d F e n c e Fence Chain Link Edge of Pavement Edge of Pavement Ed g e o f P a v e m e n t Ed g e o f P a v e m e n t A s p h a l t Sid e w a l k A s p h a l t Stop Line Asphalt Sidewalk Tag3561Tag3565 Tag3566 tag3567 Tag4525 Tag4526 Tag4530 Tag4533 Tag4534 Tag4535 Tag4538 Tag4544 Tag4547 Tag4548 He d g e 1 .5 m w i d t h Edge of Pavement Concrete Pad As p h a l t D r i v e w a y Gr a v e l D r i v e w a y Concrete Pad Co n c r e t e P a d A s p h a l t D r i v e w a y Hedge 1.3m width Asphalt SidewalkAsphalt Sidewalk As p h a l t D r i v e w a y Concrete Pad Sta i r s Concrete Pad Deck Stairs Concrete Pad Asphalt Driveway Retaining Wall R e t a i n i n g W a l l Wood Fence 37.39 450Ø Cedar 450Ø Cedar 37 .34 37 .30 37 .21 36.96 36 .22 36.22 36 .19 650Ø Holly 36 .29 Gate Gate Pcl B 34 37.59 37.49 36.15 35 .97 36.09 Concrete Pad PPump Diameter 0.55m 20.73 40 .2 2 20.73 20.73 40 .2 3 20.73 41.46 38 .7 1 1.7 7 40.54 C u r b 40 .2 3 37.88m 37.7m 37 .04 DW Kitchen 8'6" x 9'5" F Living 9'11" x 12'4" Dining 9'11" x 5'6" Bedroom 1 10'0" x 12'7" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8"Laundry 3'0" x 7'0" Deck 10'1" x 8'4" Bedroom 2 9'0" x 12'0" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" linen Entry DW Kitchen 8'6" x 9'5" F Living 9'11" x 12'4" Dining 9'11" x 5'6" Bedroom 1 10'0" x 12'7" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8"Laundry 3'0" x 7'0" Deck 10'1" x 8'4" Bedroom 2 9'0" x 12'0" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" linen Entry Kitchen 17'3" x 5'6" Living 11'10" x 11'6" Dining 6'0" x 4'0" Deck 14'0" x 8'0" Bedroom 2 8'5" x 10'10" Bedroom 1 12'5" x 12'8" DWF Ensuite 5'0" x 8'0" Bath 5'0" x 7'9" Laundry Entry F Living 9'7" x 8'5" Kitchen 7'6" x 8'2" Bathroom 5'0" x 7'11" Dining 4'9" x 8'2" Utility/W/D Linen Bedroom 9'10" x 10'11" Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry La u n d r y F W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry La u n d r y F W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 Kitchen 8'9" x 11'7" Living 9'5" x 12'10" Dining 4'6" x 4'8" Deck 14'0" x 8'0" Bedroom 2 8'9" x 12'7" Bedroom 1 10'1" x 12'7" F Bath 5'0" x 7'9" Laundry DW Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" En t r y Kitchen 2515 x 3835Living 2769 x 3404 Bath 2438 x 1524 Ensuite 2642 x 1626 Laundry 1321 x 889 F Bedroom 1 4648 x 3353 Bedroom 2 3048 x 3785 Bedroom 3 4166 x 2718 Linen DW Dining 2286 x 2311 Kitchen 2515 x 3835 Living 2769 x 3404 Bath 2438 x 1524 Ensuite 2642 x 1626 Laundry 1321 x 889 F Bedroom 1 4648 x 3353 Bedroom 2 3048 x 3785Bedroom 3 4166 x 2718 Linen DW Dining 2286 x 2311 Th e s t a i r c a n ' t b e c a l c u l a t e d b e c a u s e l a y e r l e v e l 'T o p o f S l a b ' t h a t is m e a n t to b e t h e to p b o u n d d o e s n o t e x i s t i n t h e s t o r y a b o v e . EX I T DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" La u n d r y Entry Bathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HW T 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" La u n d r y EntryBathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HW T 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" La u n d r y EntryBathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HW T 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" La u n d r y Entry Bathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HW T 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'0" x 12'2" Bedroom 10'0" x 10'0" Laundry Study/Work Entry Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" HWT Den 7'10" x 11'0" Linen Kitchen/Dining 14'0" x 11'3" F Living 10'0" x 8'2" Bedroom 10'0" x 5'0" Kitchen 5'9" x 11'9"Bathroom 5'0" x 7'11" Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry La u n d r y F W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 fire alarm panel EX I T EX I T DW Living 9'4" x 10'7" Bedroom 10'3" x 10'3" Bathroom 6'0" x 8'0" Laundry 2'9" x 4'1" Entry Linen/Storage Deck 8'0" x 12'0" F Kitchen 7'1" x 9'9" El e v a t o r El e v a t o r Th e s t a i r c a n ' t b e c a l c u l a t e d b e c a u s e l a y e r l e v e l 'T o p o f S l a b ' t h a t is m e a n t to b e t h e t o p b o u n d d o e s n o t e x i s t i n t h e s t o r y a b o v e . Bedroom 10'7" x 11'4" F DW Living 11'0" x 9'8" Kitchen 14'9" x 6'0" Bath 5'0" x 8'4" Entry Laundry W.I.C. 13'4" x 4'0" One Bedroom Unit 22'4" x 22'0" The stair can't be calculated because layer level 'Top of Slab' that is meant to be the top bound does not exist in the story above. EXIT Main Floor Elev (38.56m) 38.56 37.94m Fin 39.0 m Fin 38.8m Fin 39.0 m 38.0m Ex. 38.1m Ex 38.1 m Fin 37.60m fire department connection 37.83m 37.91m .703m Road Dedication = 58.3m2 Ra m p d o w n 1 2 % t o U / G P a r k i n g EX I T EX I T EXIT 82.914m 39 .5 2 1 m 81.911m 38 .0 0 3 m Hatched Area is S.R.W. see civil CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS sanitary sewer - see civil gas line - see civil existing storm sewer - see civil exit stairs from parking below 38.1m37.7m36.5m Lane Original P/L A s p h a l t Asph a l t Cu r b Asphalt Curb C u r b A s p h a l t Sid e w a l k Sidewalk Ed g e o f P a v e m e n t Edge of Pavement S i d e w a l k +TW38.85 +TP38.40 +39.00 +TW38.85 +TP38.40 +39.00 +39.00 +TW38.85 +TP38.40 +39.00 +TP38.40 TW38.85 + +39.00 +TP38.40 TW38.85 + +39.00 +TW38.85+TP38.40 TW38.85 + +39.00 +TW38.85 +39.00 +TP38.40 +TW38.85 +TW38.85 +39.00 +39.00 +TP38.40 TW38.85 + PROPOSED 6 STOREY APARTMENT BLDG Lougheed Highway Resident patios Planter wall Patio paving - 12" x 12" unit paving Drainage strip with river pebble Partition screen between shared patios 10' 20'40' 2m 5m 10m 0' 22 1 S t r e e t Extent of roof overhang Lane Parkade structure below Proposed street trees Refer to Off-Site Landscape Plan To be confirmed with City of Maple Ridge lawn lawn lawn lawn Building entry area Concrete stairs, walls and ramp Metal handrails Main walkway - on site - unit paving with soldier course Pathway paving - off site - concrete Bike Rack - bollard style for two bicycles Communal amenity space Patio seating with benches and coffee table Trellis Communal walkway 4' wide - 12 x 12 unit paving Resident patios 12 x 12 unit paving low wall to separate spaces and retain soil evergreen hedge for privacy Landscape on roofdeck Planting soil 450 to 750 deep Soil mounded between planter wall along building and patios, and parapet wall at edge of parkade structure. Refer to typical detail - sheet L3.0 Evergreen hedge to provide privacy to bedrooms Landscape on Roofdeck Planter walls to support 450 to 750 depth growing medium. Trees, shrubs and perennials for seasonal interest and screening. Refer to typical detail - sheet L3.0 Columnar trees along west edge 1 L3 2 L3 Communal amenity spaces Patio seating with benches and coffee table Picnic/activity table Trellis Parapet wall on parkade structure Metal guardrail Detention tank - underground To receive rain water from Building roof. Provides interim holding and delayed discharge. Refer to civil drawings ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID PACW Date: Scale 1911 Pr o p o s e d R M - 2 M u l t i - F a m i l y D e v ' t Ci v i c A d d r e s s : 22 0 5 7 & 2 2 0 8 3 L o u g h e e d H w y . M a p l e R i d g e B C 1 : 125 La n d s c a p e P l a n Le g a l A d d r e s s : Lo t 4 D L 3 9 7 G r p 1 N W D P l a n 1 1 2 5 1 , P a r c e l B ( Y 8 9 4 4 2 ) DL 3 9 7 G r p 1 n N W D P l a n 1 1 2 5 1 & L o t 3 D L 3 9 7 G r p 1 NW D P l a n 1 1 2 5 1 PI D # : 00 5 - 2 9 3 - 9 4 4 , 0 0 5 - 2 9 3 - 9 1 0 & 0 0 1 - 8 4 4 - 6 5 2 Sheet L1.0 November 15, 2019 Co p y r i g h t R e s e r v e d . Al l d r a w i n g s r e m a i n t h e p r o p e r t y o f G r e e n w a y La n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t u r e . U s e f o r a n y p u r p o s e an d r e p r o d u c t i o n o n l y b y w r i t t e n co n s e n t .d i m e n s i o n s a n d c o n d i t i o n s s h o w n o n th e d r a w i n g s . Gr e e n w a y La n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t u r e 22 8 0 P a r k C r e s c e n t Co q u i t l a m B C V 3 J 6 T 4 T 6 0 4 4 6 1 9 1 2 0 E p a u l @ g r e e n w a y l a .c a Development PermitNov22.19 Client ReviewAug31.20 Development PermitNov18.20 Development PermitFeb17.21 For plant list refer to drawing L3.0 llLllJlllllll,11,n= C7 1 ➔ ' I I I I I ~ 1 , n fl tl 1 I LI J ~ - - - 7 r - - ---IC_ ' h~,I ] I ----:-7 ' I] 1. 11 I I ' ' C I " A s p h a l t Asph a l t Cu r b Asphalt Curb C u r b A s p h a l t Sid e w a l k Sidewalk Ed g e o f P a v e m e n t Edge of Pavement S i d e w a l k Bathroom 5'0" x 7'11" Laundry 3'0" x 5'0" Kitchen 7'11" x 7'6" Living 8'10" x 13'9" Dining 8'9" x 7'5" Bedroom 1 10'5" x 13'0" Ensuite 5'0" x 7'11" Bedroom 2 10'0" x 11'10" DW P Two Bedroom Unit 902 sf F W.I.C 5'0" x 7'6" Linen W-6060 W-6060 W-0 1 Bathroom 2032 x 1676Kitchen / Dining 3200 x 3454 D-01 W-6060 F DW Ensuite 2438 x 1676 Bedroom 1 3632 x 3251 Living 4877 x 3505 W.I.C 1575 x 1702 Bedroom 2 3353 x 2743 N Two Bedroom Unit873 sf W/D & linen Bath 2413 x 1524 Kitchen 2286 x 2438 Living 3226 x 2819 Bedroom 1 3048 x 4140 Ensuite 2438 x 1524 Bedroom 2 2845 x 3759 W-01 W-0 1 W-6060W-6060 M Two Bedroom Unit 853 sf F DW Dining 2413 x 2438 W.I.C 2565 x 1524 linenW/D HWT Rooftop Patio Rooftop Patio Rooftop Patio Rooftop Patio Rooftop Patio El e v a t o r Ele v a t o r 2-0 1 W-01 DW F W-01 Living 3404 x 3658 1 Bedroom 3810 x 3327 La u n d r y Entry Bathroom 1676 x 2438 Linen HW T 2 Bedroom 2743 x 2743 Kitchen/Dining 2718 x 3658 G1 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf Deck W-01 DW F W-01 Living 3404 x 3658 1 Bedroom 3810 x 3327 La u n d r y EntryBathroom 1676 x 2438 Linen HW T 2 Bedroom 2743 x 2743 Kitchen/Dining 2718 x 3658G1 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf Deck W-01 DW F W-01 Living 3404 x 3658 1 Bedroom 3810 x 3327 La u n d r y EntryBathroom 1676 x 2438 Linen HW T 2 Bedroom 2743 x 2743 Kitchen/Dining 2718 x 3658G1 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf Deck Living 9'6" x 11'0" Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Bedroom 9'0" x 12'4" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'3" Entry La u n d r y Deck 9'8" x 5'3" F W-01 W.I.C 6'11" x 4'4" W/D DW Kitchen 12'9" x 9'0" C2 1 Bedroom 564 sf W-01 DW F W-01 Living 3404 x 3658 1 Bedroom 3810 x 3327 La u n d r y Entry Bathroom 1676 x 2438 Linen HW T 2 Bedroom 2743 x 2743 Kitchen/Dining 2718 x 3658 G1 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf Deck DW F W-01 W-01 Living 3353 x 3708 Bedroom 3048 x 3048 Laundry Study/Work Entry Bathroom 1524 x 2438 H2 1 Bedroom/ Den 660 sf HWT Den 2388 x 3353 Linen Kitchen/Dining 4267 x 3429 Deck Living 9'6" x 11'0" Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Bedroom 9'0" x 12'4" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'3" Entry La u n d r y Deck 10'1" x 5'3" F W-01 W.I.C 6'11" x 4'4" W/D DW Kitchen 12'9" x 9'0" D2 1 Bedroom574 sf Living 9'6" x 11'0" Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Bedroom 9'0" x 12'4" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'3" Entry La u n d r y Deck 9'8" x 5'3" F W-01 W.I.C 6'11" x 4'4" W/D DW Kitchen 12'9" x 9'0" C2 1 Bedroom 564 sf Living 3429 x 2870 Kitchen 2642 x 3531 Bedroom 3404 x 3023 W-01I One Bedroom Unit703 sf W-01W-01 DW F Bath 3302 x 1905 W.I.C 1702 x 1905 Laundry 864 x 1473 Linen Dining 2159 x 2159 Rooftop Patio translucentprivacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucent privacy screen translucentprivacy screentranslucentprivacy screen 2-0 1 10' 20'40' 2m 5m 10m 0' Lougheed Highway 22 1 S t r e e t Lane Rooftop social and activity area Seating nodes with benches and coffee tables. Planter boxes with ornamental trees, shrubs, and perennials. Planter boxes and benches with metal frame and synthetic slats. Planter boxes set 3' from railing for safety and maintenance. Concrete patio slab paving 18" x 18" on pedestals Resident patios separated from main plaza with privacy screen. Rooftop social and activity area Seating nodes with benches and coffee tables. Planter boxes with ornamental trees, shrubs, and perennials. Planter boxes and benches with metal frame and synthetic slats. Planter boxes set 3' from railing for safety and maintenance. Concrete patio slab paving 18" x 18" on pedestals Resident patios separated from main plaza with privacy screen. ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID PACW Date: Scale 1911 Pr o p o s e d R M - 2 M u l t i - F a m i l y D e v ' t Ci v i c A d d r e s s : 22 0 5 7 & 2 2 0 8 3 L o u g h e e d H w y . M a p l e R i d g e B C 1 : 125 Ro o f d e c k P l a n Le g a l A d d r e s s : Lo t 4 D L 3 9 7 G r p 1 N W D P l a n 1 1 2 5 1 , P a r c e l B ( Y 8 9 4 4 2 ) DL 3 9 7 G r p 1 n N W D P l a n 1 1 2 5 1 & L o t 3 D L 3 9 7 G r p 1 NW D P l a n 1 1 2 5 1 PI D # : 00 5 - 2 9 3 - 9 4 4 , 0 0 5 - 2 9 3 - 9 1 0 & 0 0 1 - 8 4 4 - 6 5 2 Sheet L2.0 November 15, 2019 Co p y r i g h t R e s e r v e d . Al l d r a w i n g s r e m a i n t h e p r o p e r t y o f G r e e n w a y La n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t u r e . U s e f o r a n y p u r p o s e an d r e p r o d u c t i o n o n l y b y w r i t t e n co n s e n t .d i m e n s i o n s a n d c o n d i t i o n s s h o w n o n th e d r a w i n g s . Gr e e n w a y La n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t u r e 22 8 0 P a r k C r e s c e n t Co q u i t l a m B C V 3 J 6 T 4 T 6 0 4 4 6 1 9 1 2 0 E p a u l @ g r e e n w a y l a .c a Development PermitNov18.20 Development PermitFeb17.21 For plant list refer to drawing L3.0 Au X X Pt Pt ,--------- L __ _ .,... ______ _ 0 @o o@ 1u / --7 I I I 1 '----' 0 Pt Pt 7 CC) ~ --~---- ------~ - ------- D Pt 7 = = ~ '--' r,-~ I- =:1 '-' b J ---- C ,:____; v. <:J/! ,. ' ' . . 4 4' • ' • D Pt 0 L- X = ,----- 1 I I = .,. X Pt X ' I I I I • I ~ : ~-~--~n~----------------1 ,L X Pt X __ _J L-7 I I I I I I I I XAu ) 1 ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID PACW Date: Scale 1911 Pr o p o s e d R M - 2 M u l t i - F a m i l y D e v ' t Ci v i c A d d r e s s : 22 0 5 7 & 2 2 0 8 3 L o u g h e e d H w y . M a p l e R i d g e B C As Noted La n d s c a p e D e t a i l s Le g a l A d d r e s s : Lo t 4 D L 3 9 7 G r p 1 N W D P l a n 1 1 2 5 1 , P a r c e l B ( Y 8 9 4 4 2 ) DL 3 9 7 G r p 1 n N W D P l a n 1 1 2 5 1 & L o t 3 D L 3 9 7 G r p 1 NW D P l a n 1 1 2 5 1 PI D # : 00 5 - 2 9 3 - 9 4 4 , 0 0 5 - 2 9 3 - 9 1 0 & 0 0 1 - 8 4 4 - 6 5 2 Sheet L3.0 November 15, 2019 Co p y r i g h t R e s e r v e d . Al l d r a w i n g s r e m a i n t h e p r o p e r t y o f G r e e n w a y La n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t u r e . U s e f o r a n y p u r p o s e an d r e p r o d u c t i o n o n l y b y w r i t t e n co n s e n t .d i m e n s i o n s a n d c o n d i t i o n s s h o w n o n th e d r a w i n g s . Gr e e n w a y La n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t u r e 22 8 0 P a r k C r e s c e n t Co q u i t l a m B C V 3 J 6 T 4 T 6 0 4 4 6 1 9 1 2 0 E p a u l @ g r e e n w a y l a .c a Development PermitNov22.19 Development PermitNov18.20 Development PermitFeb17.21 Synthetic wooden slats and grey metal frame As manufactured by Wishbone Industries or alternate 2 Furnishings Not to scale Planter Box Bench seatingCoffee table 5 Unit Paving - pattern not to scale Bands / soldier course Standard paver - charcoal colour Field panels Running bond pattern Natural or Red/black colour blend Standard paver - Half and full size Permeable unit paving Aquapave by Abbotsford Concrete Products. Installation as recommended by manufacturer PLANT LIST - Lougheed Apartments - Roofdeck updated November 10, 2020 SYMBOL QTY.BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING TREES 7 Magnolia x Betty Betty Magnolia 1.5m tall specimen SYMBOL QTY.BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING SHRUBS 5 Azalea japonica Hino Crimson Hino Crimson Azalea #2 pot 900 o.c. 55 Buxus sempervirens Common Boxwood #2 pot 400 o.c. 3 Calluna vulgaris Pink Heather #1 pot 450 o.c. 3 Spiraea x Bumalda Gold Flame Gold Flame Spirea #2 pot 900 o.c. GROUND COVERS AND PERENNIALS Arctostaphylos uva-ursi VJ Vancouver Jade Kinnikinick #1 pot 500 o.c Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns'Happy Returns Daylily #1 pot 500 o.c Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans'Elegans Plantain Lily #1 pot 500 o.c 4 Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln'Hameln Fountain Grass #1 pot 600 o.c 4 Stipa tenuissima Mexican Feather Grass #1 pot 500 o.c NOTES: 1) In case of discrepancy between plant numbers on this list and on the plan, the plan shall prevail. 2) All planting shall be in accordance with BCSLA/BCLNA Landscape Standard, latest edition. 3) All maintenance shall be in accordance with BCSLA/BCLNA Landscape Standard, latest edition. 4) All planter boxes: Fill with soil and 50mm of decomposed organic mulch or approved equal. 4 Acer rubrum Red Sunset Red Sunset Red Maple 6cm Cal, WB 2.0m Std. 0 Fagus sylvatica Dawyck Gold Fastigiate Goldleaf Beech 6cm Cal, WB 3 Stewartia sinensis Chinese Stewartia 3.0m tall specimen 9 Euonymus alata 'Compactus'Dwarf Burning Bush #2 pot 900 o.c 17 Gaultheria shallon Salal #1 pot 500 o.c 16 Hydrangea macrophylla FP Forever Pink Hydrangea #2 pot 500 o.c 0 Kalmia latifolia Minuet Minuet Mountain Laurel #2 pot 750 o.c. 9 Mahonia aquifolium Oregon Grape #2 pot 750 o.c. 3 Physocarpus opulifolius Diabolo Diabolo Ninebark #2 pot 800 o.c. 10 Pieris japonica compacta Dwarf Pieris #1 pot 800 o.c. 0 Polystichum munitum Western Sword Fern #1 pot 600 o.c 33 Potentilla fruiticosa Red Ace Red Ace Shrubby Cinquefoil #1 pot 650 o.c. 10 Rhododendron 'Ramapo'Dwarf Red Rhodo #2 pot 750 o.c 14 Rhododendron Vulcan Red Vulcan Rhododendron #5 pot 900 o.c 1 Sarcococca H. Humilis Himalayan Sweet Box #1 pot 450 o.c. 3 Skimmia j. macrophylla M + F Skimmia (male and female)#3 pot 900 o.c. 16 Taxus x media Brownii Brown's Yew (male only)1.2m tall 400 o.c. 13 Vaccinium ovatum Evergreen Huckleberry #2 pot 900 o.c. 7 Weigelia florida MW Midnight Wine Weigelia #2 pot 750 o.c. Astilbe chinensis Chinese Astilbe #1 pot 450 o.c Echinacea purpurea'Magnus'Magnus Purple Coneflower #1 pot 450 o.c Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldstrum'Black-Eyed Susan #1 pot 450 o.c Mahonia nervosa Longleaf Mahonia #1 pot 450 o.c Pachysandra terminalis Japanese Spurge 10cm pot 450 o.c PLANT LIST - 22083 Lougheed Apartments February 17, 2021 total site off-site SYMBOL QTY.BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING TREES 14 14 Acer circinatum Vine Maple 3.0m tall, multi stem 13 13 Acer palmatum Osakazuki Green Japanese Maple 2.5m tall, multi stem 13 13 Amelanchier x grandiflora Princess Princess Diana Serviceberry #10 pot 900 o.c. multi stem 4 4 Cornus nuttallii EW Eddies White Wonder Dogwood 6cm Cal, WB 1.8m standard 2 1 1 Magnolia galaxy Galaxy Magnolia 6cm Cal, WB 1.8m Std. 9 9 Quercus palustris Pringreen Green Pillar Pin Oak 6cm Cal, WB SHRUBS 117 111 6 Azalea japonica Hino Crimson Hino Crimson Azalea #2 pot 900 o.c. 34 34 Calluna vulgaris Pink Heather #1 pot 450 o.c. 13 Cornus stolonifera redtwig Dogwood #1 pot 900 o.c. 18 18 Euonymus alata 'Compactus'Dwarf Burning Bush #2 pot 900 o.c 56 56 Gaultheria shallon Salal #1 pot 500 o.c 151 151 Hydrangea macrophylla FP Forever Pink Hydrangea #2 pot 500 o.c 14 14 Kalmia latifolia Minuet Minuet Mountain Laurel #2 pot 750 o.c. 6 6 Mahonia aquifolium Oregon Grape #2 pot 750 o.c. 23 23 Physocarpus opulifolius Diabolo Diabolo Ninebark #2 pot 800 o.c. 77 77 Pieris japonica compacta Dwarf Pieris #2 pot 800 o.c. 107 107 Polystichum munitum Western Sword Fern #1 pot 600 o.c 63 63 Potentilla fruiticosa Red Ace Red Ace Shrubby Cinquefoil #1 pot 650 o.c. 193 188 5 Rhododendron 'Ramapo'Dwarf Red Rhodo #2 pot 750 o.c 81 81 Rhododendron Vulcan Red Vulcan Rhododendron #5 pot 900 o.c 38 38 Ribes sanguineum Red-Flowering Currant #2 pot 900 o.c 145 145 Sarcococca H. Humilis Himalayan Sweet Box #1 pot 450 o.c. 34 34 Skimmia j. macrophylla M + F Skimmia (male and female)#3 pot 900 o.c. 166 166 Taxus x Media Brownii Brown's Yew 1.2m tall, B&B 500 o.c. 125 118 7 Spiraea x Bumalda Gold Flame Gold Flame Spirea #2 pot 900 o.c. 18 18 Symphoricarpos albus Snowberry #1 pot 900 o.c. 10 10 Vaccinium ovatum Evergreen Huckleberry #2 pot 900 o.c. 13 13 Weigelia florida MW Midnight Wine Weigelia #2 pot 750 o.c. GROUND COVERS 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi VJ Vancouver Jade Kinnikinick #1 pot 500 o.c 9 9 Mahonia nervosa Longleaf Mahonia #1 pot 450 o.c 0 Pachysandra terminalis Japanese Spurge 10cm pot 450 o.c PERENNIALS AND GRASSES 0 Astilbe chinensis Chinese Astilbe #1 pot 450 o.c 0 Echinacea purpurea'Magnus'Magnus Purple Coneflower #1 pot 450 o.c 0 Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns'Happy Returns Daylily #1 pot 500 o.c 0 Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans'Elegans Plantain Lily #1 pot 500 o.c 0 Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldstrum'Black-Eyed Susan #1 pot 450 o.c 98 98 Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln'Hameln Fountain Grass #1 pot 600 o.c 85 85 Stipa tenuissima Mexican Feather Grass #1 pot 500 o.c NOTES: 1) In case of discrepancy between plant numbers on this list and on the plan, the plan shall prevail. 2) All planting shall be in accordance with BCSLA/BCLNA Landscape Standard, latest edition. 3) All planting beds: 450 growing medium with 75mm of mulch (decomposed hem/fir bark) 4) All off site work and plant material to satisfaction of the City of Maple Ridge 8 8 Acer x freemanii Autumn Fantasy Autumn Fantasy Maple 6cm Cal, WB 2.0m Std. 5 5 Clematis armandi Evergreen Clematis #3 pot train 5 5 Lonicera mandarin Mandarin Honey Suckle #3 pot train 8 8 Cercis chinensis Chinese Redbud 2.0m tall. multi stem 11 11 Parrotia persica Persian Ironwood 6cm Cal, WB 4 4 Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir 3.0m tall, cont. 0 Buxus sempervirens Common Boxwood #2 pot 400 o.c. 2.0m Std. 3 Section 1 - Typical Materials 1" = 2' - 0" Growing medium Absorbent soils for Tier A storm water management 450/18" depth for shrubs 750/30" depth for trees Parkade Structure Drainage layer on parkade structure 100/4" depth aggregate on drain mat protection layer Weep holes or drain mat under planter walls building wall Low metal railing FFE 126' - 6" Parapet wall refer to architectural drawings Lougheed Highway Boulevard Planting strip at base of wall Dedication Site slopes down east to west height of wall and landscape varies lawn Growing medium 750 depth Parkade Structure width varies 4 Section 2 - Typical Materials 1" = 2' - 0" 42" high guardrail on parapet wall refer to architectural drawings 55 0 Planter wall split face segmental block with cap stepping 18" to 24" high 'Garden wall' by Abbotsford Concrete Products gravel strip Growing medium 300/12" depth for groundcovers 450/18" depth for shrubs 750/30" depth for trees Filter fabric to separate soil from drainage layer 50mm depth sand choker layer over fabric Drainage layer on parkade structure 100/4" depth aggregate on drain mat protection layer Weep holes or drain mat under planter walls Drain mat under wall and up inside to top course 45 0 - 7 5 0 v a r i e s Bi-level drain for roof deck. See mechanical. Roofdeck pedestrian paving Paths: Standard unit paving on free draining gravel bedding layer Lane Dedication Planting Strip along lane 1.94 Side view / Section Front View Top view structural roofdeck 2.8 6 2.8 6 1 Plaza Trellis Post 138 x 138 PT Timber Notch 25mm depth to receive beams Paint with solid stain. Colour TBD. Slats 64 x 238 custom lumber Pressure treat after cutting Paint with solid stain. Colour TBD. Beam (two per post and at brace) 50 x 188 custom lumber Pressure treat after cutting Notch to receive slats Paint with solid stain. Colour TBD. Stainless steel bolts and hardware Brace 88 x 138 Custom cut lumber Pressure treat after cutting Paint with solid stain. Colour TBD. structural roofdeck planter paving level in front of planter wall height of planter wall Footing and T blade post support 1" = 2' - 0" 0 0 0 0 0 0---- ----- 1111111111111111 111111111111111 II TI ----+-+~' ~ ··.~. .. ~"-, "' " I=~~ 11) ~.i""".;,,J -----i---------··~ _,•*~~~~~~ ' ' 0---- 0--- Q) □ • n U Au Hs Rf 0 © f l ____,..---,. Lr-~ ·2 0 ~ ' 0 ~=' ~ -tr o • . @) @ §l 0 @ CB® Au 0 Mn Pt Ac Ep 0 He Hs Rf ·= ~llt=-111 1111= = {\IJ J ,~ ce·, •· ~· =' ·· •i•.· _II _II I _Ill _1111 _1111 1111 Ft_J 1 -_ -_ _=lh _II _II _ _-_- 1 ~-II Ill -II I I II-Ill Ill -llll llll-llll llll 1111 , ~. 1 w I-II II -II ~\I-II II I I-II II -II II l-111 Ill-Ill II l-1111 1; I ·=="" -~,~~~-~. -~Ct--·=---=-· {)._,c\...i.~"--~"--_f_<_·,.J=-:~~~->k-1"" ---~J-~1rb~--,,d~~~ -~~A~l~~ 111~11~11~ I _,l 0---- I I - . . I . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 0--- 700Ø Cedar 37.79 37.85 37.9138.01 37 .81 37.64 37 .53 37 .43 37 .61 37 .81 38 .01 37 .86 37 .97 37 .93 37.84 37 .84 37 .76 37 .87 37 .94 37.93 37 .99 38 .04 38.20 38.06 38.03 37.93 38.00 38 .01 38 .10 700Ø Cedar38.07 38.87 37 .76 37 .7937.88 37 .88 37 .95 37.84 37 .71 37 .81 37.88 37.96 38.04 38 .05 37 .74 38 .17 37 .79 37 .69 37.69 37.53 37 .61 37 .40 37.32 37.10 36 .57 36 .1036.28 36 .75 37 .19 37.60 37.98 37 .6837.42 36 .66 36 .38 36.39 36 .41 36 .87 37 .27 37 .47 1200Ø Conifer 1000Ø Conifer 37.40 37 .27 37.31 37.15 37.27 37.4237.37 37 .01 36.65 36 .38 36 .14 35.99 35.92 36.95 35.91 35 .7935.79 36.80 36.89 36 .84 36.86 36 .89 36 .88 36.98 37.00 37 .52 36 .7136.30 36 .10 35 .92 35.92 35 .80 36 .97 36.98 36 .96 37 .50 37 .52 37.57 37 .65 37 .69 37 .67 38 .37 38 .01 37.81 38 .41 37.81 38 .41 38 .39 38.3838.38 37.77 250Ø Conifer37.80 150Ø Conifer 36 .84 37 .16 37.84 37 .11 36 .11 37 .98 37.97 38.18 38 .20 37.86 37.88 37.71 37 .67 37.81 37 .85 37 .99 38.00 38.00 37.91 37 .88 37 .58 37 .61 37 .64 37 .60 37.72 37 .40 37.47 37 .71 37 .51 37 .84 37 .79 600Ø Conifer 37 .78 500Ø Conifer 37 .75 600Ø Conifer 37 .79 550Ø Conifer 38.81 38 .74 37 .83 1100Ø Conifer 37.55 300Ø Decid 37 .68 550Ø Decid 37 .47 37 .49 37.55 37 .79150Ø Conifer 37.83 37.80 37 .86 37 .78 37 .72 37.83 37.47 37 .62 37.72 37 .74 37.72 37 .80 37.91 37.91 37 .87 37.70 37 .67 37 .78 37 .91 37.89 38 .08 37.83 37.60 37.82 37 .89 37 .99 38 .06 37 .0637.97 37.99 37 .9437.95 37 .99 37 .68 37.44 38.35 38 .40 37 .84 37.73 38 .32 38 .33 38.23 38 .11 37 .98 37 .97 37 .83 37.87 37 .43 37 .41 37.41 35 .84 37.44 37 .54 Wo o d F e n c e Fence Chain Link Edge of Pavement Edge of Pavement Ed g e o f P a v e m e n t Ed g e o f P a v e m e n t A s p h a l t Sid e w a l k A s p h a l t Stop Line Asphalt Sidewalk Tag3561Tag3565 Tag3566 tag3567 Tag4525 Tag4526 Tag4530 Tag4533 Tag4534 Tag4535 Tag4538 Tag4544 Tag4547 Tag4548 He d g e 1 .5 m w i d t h Edge of Pavement Concrete Pad As p h a l t D r i v e w a y Gr a v e l D r i v e w a y Concrete Pad Co n c r e t e P a d A s p h a l t D r i v e w a y Hedge 1.3m width Asphalt SidewalkAsphalt Sidewalk As p h a l t D r i v e w a y Concrete Pad Sta i r s Concrete Pad Deck Stairs Concrete Pad Asphalt Driveway Retaining Wall R e t a i n i n g W a l l Wood Fence 37.39 450Ø Cedar 450Ø Cedar 37 .34 37 .30 37 .21 36.96 36 .22 36.22 36 .19 650Ø Holly 36 .29 Gate Gate Pcl B 34 37.59 37.49 36.15 35 .97 36.09 Concrete Pad PPump Diameter 0.55m 20.73 40 .2 2 20.73 20.73 40 .2 3 20.73 41.46 38 .7 1 1.7 7 40.54 C u r b 40 .2 3 37.88m 37.7m 37 .04 DW Kitchen 8'6" x 9'5" F Living 9'11" x 12'4" Dining 9'11" x 5'6" Bedroom 1 10'0" x 12'7" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8"Laundry 3'0" x 7'0" Deck 10'1" x 8'4" Bedroom 2 9'0" x 12'0" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" linen Entry DW Kitchen 8'6" x 9'5" F Living 9'11" x 12'4" Dining 9'11" x 5'6" Bedroom 1 10'0" x 12'7" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8"Laundry 3'0" x 7'0" Deck 10'1" x 8'4" Bedroom 2 9'0" x 12'0" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" linen Entry Kitchen 17'3" x 5'6" Living 11'10" x 11'6" Dining 6'0" x 4'0" Deck 14'0" x 8'0" Bedroom 2 8'5" x 10'10" Bedroom 1 12'5" x 12'8" DWF Ensuite 5'0" x 8'0" Bath 5'0" x 7'9" Laundry Entry F Living 9'7" x 8'5" Kitchen 7'6" x 8'2" Bathroom 5'0" x 7'11" Dining 4'9" x 8'2" Utility/W/D Linen Bedroom 9'10" x 10'11" Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry La u n d r y F W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry La u n d r y F W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 Kitchen 8'9" x 11'7" Living 9'5" x 12'10" Dining 4'6" x 4'8" Deck 14'0" x 8'0" Bedroom 2 8'9" x 12'7" Bedroom 1 10'1" x 12'7" F Bath 5'0" x 7'9" Laundry DW Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" En t r y Kitchen 2515 x 3835Living 2769 x 3404 Bath 2438 x 1524 Ensuite 2642 x 1626 Laundry 1321 x 889 F Bedroom 1 4648 x 3353 Bedroom 2 3048 x 3785 Bedroom 3 4166 x 2718 Linen DW Dining 2286 x 2311 Kitchen 2515 x 3835 Living 2769 x 3404 Bath 2438 x 1524 Ensuite 2642 x 1626 Laundry 1321 x 889 F Bedroom 1 4648 x 3353 Bedroom 2 3048 x 3785Bedroom 3 4166 x 2718 Linen DW Dining 2286 x 2311 Th e s t a i r c a n ' t b e c a l c u l a t e d b e c a u s e l a y e r l e v e l 'T o p o f S l a b ' t h a t is m e a n t to b e t h e to p b o u n d d o e s n o t e x i s t i n t h e s t o r y a b o v e . EX I T DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" La u n d r y Entry Bathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HW T 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" La u n d r y EntryBathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HW T 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" La u n d r y EntryBathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HW T 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" La u n d r y Entry Bathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HW T 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'0" x 12'2" Bedroom 10'0" x 10'0" Laundry Study/Work Entry Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" HWT Den 7'10" x 11'0" Linen Kitchen/Dining 14'0" x 11'3" F Living 10'0" x 8'2" Bedroom 10'0" x 5'0" Kitchen 5'9" x 11'9"Bathroom 5'0" x 7'11" Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry La u n d r y F W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 fire alarm panel EX I T EX I T DW Living 9'4" x 10'7" Bedroom 10'3" x 10'3" Bathroom 6'0" x 8'0" Laundry 2'9" x 4'1" Entry Linen/Storage Deck 8'0" x 12'0" F Kitchen 7'1" x 9'9" El e v a t o r El e v a t o r Th e s t a i r c a n ' t b e c a l c u l a t e d b e c a u s e l a y e r l e v e l 'T o p o f S l a b ' t h a t is m e a n t to b e t h e t o p b o u n d d o e s n o t e x i s t i n t h e s t o r y a b o v e . Bedroom 10'7" x 11'4" F DW Living 11'0" x 9'8" Kitchen 14'9" x 6'0" Bath 5'0" x 8'4" Entry Laundry W.I.C. 13'4" x 4'0" One Bedroom Unit 22'4" x 22'0" The stair can't be calculated because layer level 'Top of Slab' that is meant to be the top bound does not exist in the story above. EXIT Main Floor Elev (38.56m) 38.56 37.94m Fin 39.0 m Fin 38.8m Fin 39.0 m 38.0m Ex. 38.1m Ex 38.1 m Fin 37.60m fire department connection 37.83m 37.91m .703m Road Dedication = 58.3m2 Ra m p d o w n 1 2 % t o U / G P a r k i n g EX I T EX I T EXIT 82.914m 39 .5 2 1 m 81.911m 38 .0 0 3 m Hatched Area is S.R.W. see civil CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS sanitary sewer - see civil gas line - see civil existing storm sewer - see civil exit stairs from parking below 38.1m37.7m36.5m Lane Original P/L A s p h a l t Asph a l t Cu r b Asphalt Curb C u r b A s p h a l t Sid e w a l k Sidewalk Ed g e o f P a v e m e n t Edge of Pavement S i d e w a l k PROPOSED 6 STOREY APARTMENT BLDG Lougheed Highway 10' 20'40' 2m 5m 10m 0' Extent of parkade structure below 22 1 S t r e e t Lane lawn lawn lawn lawn Main and resident pathway concrete paving off site Proposed sidewalk refer to civil drawings Proposed sidewalk refer to civil drawings ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID PACW Date: Scale 1911 Pr o p o s e d R M - 2 M u l t i - F a m i l y D e v ' t Ci v i c A d d r e s s : 22 0 5 7 & 2 2 0 8 3 L o u g h e e d H w y . M a p l e R i d g e B C 1 : 125 Of f - S i t e L a n d s c a p e P l a n Le g a l A d d r e s s : Lo t 4 D L 3 9 7 G r p 1 N W D P l a n 1 1 2 5 1 , P a r c e l B ( Y 8 9 4 4 2 ) DL 3 9 7 G r p 1 n N W D P l a n 1 1 2 5 1 & L o t 3 D L 3 9 7 G r p 1 NW D P l a n 1 1 2 5 1 PI D # : 00 5 - 2 9 3 - 9 4 4 , 0 0 5 - 2 9 3 - 9 1 0 & 0 0 1 - 8 4 4 - 6 5 2 Sheet L1.1 November 15, 2019 Co p y r i g h t R e s e r v e d . Al l d r a w i n g s r e m a i n t h e p r o p e r t y o f G r e e n w a y La n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t u r e . U s e f o r a n y p u r p o s e an d r e p r o d u c t i o n o n l y b y w r i t t e n co n s e n t .d i m e n s i o n s a n d c o n d i t i o n s s h o w n o n th e d r a w i n g s . Gr e e n w a y La n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t u r e 22 8 0 P a r k C r e s c e n t Co q u i t l a m B C V 3 J 6 T 4 T 6 0 4 4 6 1 9 1 2 0 E p a u l @ g r e e n w a y l a .c a Development PermitNov22.19 Client ReviewAug31.20 Development PermitNov18.20 Development PermitFeb17.21 PLANT LIST - 22083 Lougheed Apartments - Off Site February 17, 2021 total site off-site SYMBOL QTY.BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING TREES 4 4 Cornus nuttallii EW Eddies White Wonder Dogwood 6cm Cal, WB 1.8m standard 2 1 1 Magnolia galaxy Galaxy Magnolia 6cm Cal, WB 1.8m Std. NOTES: 1) In case of discrepancy between plant numbers on this list and on the plan, the plan shall prevail. 2) All planting shall be in accordance with BCSLA/BCLNA Landscape Standard, latest edition. 3) Tree watering dish with 75mm of mulch (decomposed hem/fir bark) 4) All off site work and plant material to satisfaction of the City of Maple Ridge 8 8 Acer x freemanii Autumn Fantasy Autumn Fantasy Maple 6cm Cal, WB 2.0m Std. 5 5 Clematis armandi Evergreen Clematis #3 pot train 5 5 Lonicera mandarin Mandarin Honey Suckle #3 pot train 8 8 Cercis chinensis Chinese Redbud 2.0m tall. multi stem 11 11 Parrotia persica Persian Ironwood 6cm Cal, WB 4 4 Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir 3.0m tall, cont. 0 Buxus sempervirens Common Boxwood #2 pot 400 o.c. 2.0m Std. BOULEVARD LANDSCAPE - Typical Refer to civil drawings for typical section with location of curb and sidewalks. Adjust tree locations as required for minimum offset requirements. Landscaped boulevard to including continuous 150mm depth growing medium and sod turf. Tree soil trench - 221 Street 1500 wide x 750 deep Root barrier - 450 tall x 5000 long, beside sidewalk. 1. All work to satisfaction of the Owner. 2. All work in compliance with City of Maple Ridge municipal standards. 3. Dispose of all excavated and surplus materials off site, recycle where feasible. 4. Contractor to confirm location of any site service before proceeding. 5. Contractor to confirm actual site conditions and layout before proceeding. 6. All dimensions are in millimeters, unless noted otherwise. 7.Contractor to coordinate landscape construction with work of other disciplines, including civil, electrical, and architectural, as directed by the Owner. 8.Contractor to make good all damage to satisfaction of the Owner, at no additional cost. 9. Public to be protected from harm at all times. Do not leave work areas in an unsafe or hazardous condition, fence and/or make safe as required. 10. Sidewalks and street to be kept clean at all times and cleaned to the satisfaction of the District. 11.All work to be completed consistent with all drawings and specifications. 12.Ensure positive drainage for all landscape areas. GENERAL NOTES Refer to civil engineering drawings prepared by Wedler Consulting Engineers. UTILITY CLEARANCE Trees should be setback a minimum distance of: 6.0m from Lamp Standards 3.0m from Utility Poles 2.0m from Driveways, Sidewalk Crossing, Catch Basin, Hydrants, Sanitary Sewer 1.2m from Valve Box, Services, Manholes 1.5m from Storm and Water Services 7.5m from Street Corners Tree locations to be adjusted in the field as determined by location of underground services and proposed driveways. Confirm locations before digging. ' I ' llLllJlllllll,11,n= ------------------ 1C7 -~ ~ --· --·-----.::;:--/ ~ ' / / ~--H-----r~-.-,--------/ /~---~-~·---~~/~/,a:_~~a=,,:,vt'";,------,<V'.')···~7"~-t----,:aa-~":-~.---,,--u-v -// ill" / / -·-=-·-----.-,---+I --,---------/-/-------.....,.---------~---------'+------/---------.-,----.• ----.-.---------/-/~-----····-·7 d i:u~---------------------~ -----------------~--------1--~----------~------~--------~·----------------------____ / _______ ---------------------~ ---------------·-~----,-, I 1 [ [j [ [ [ I ' •r DO SOT TRIM L£ADER "\ ,\ ~'~I \ \ \ I ~ i ~· ~ ~ \ !] ~• V -50mm 'MDE WOVES NYLON BANDING ATTACHED ~ \ / _ TO STAKE 'MTH SHINGLE NAILS. ' / \ ROOT 8ARRf£R IS REQUIRED TO PROTECT CONCRETE CURBS ANO SIDEWALKS FROM ROOT UPHEAVAL 2 PRESSURE TREATED 50---75mm DIAMETER -ROUND TYPICALl..Y u_L_;..----WOOD STAKES -2m LENGlH. ROOT BAG:RlER rs -1 _ , STAKES TO BE ALIGNED PARALLEL TO SIDEWALK/ROAD REQUIRED AT !L----"r--.1 BACK EDGE: OF 1.ern r-TREE TRUNK PROTECTOR CONCRETE CURB ~---- AND/DR AGAINST 1.2m ____ 50mm DEEP SAUCER FORMED IN TOPSOIL FRONT AND/OR ~ / ,-FOR INITIAL FlRST YEAR WA TER!NG BACK OF SIDEWALK \ ! .I / Fll..l.. SAUCER WITH SARK MULCH. :;;;~~~:~0'1-~[[:Mi-I ~ -IISl~JWi! 1 -_ --_1 ' 300mm M!N. OF TOPSOIL AR01JNO ROOT BAU SM LENGTH ADJACENT I I;::;! I DENSITY TO SlOEWALK/CURB CENTERED I !¥F 11 111 ~I I , - ON TREE-· ''" 1 STAKES DO NOT PENETRAlE ROOT BALL 450MM OEP1H OF 300 300 STAKES TO PENETRATE NATIVE SOIL BY 300mm ROOT BARR!ER SYSTEt.,1 MIN, ROOT BALL MIN. ROOT BARRIER !S NOT REQUIRED l>\jERE THE TREE IS PLANlED CREA TER TH A.N - 1-BM 0/S TO CURB LINE OR SIDEWALK AND \\HERE THERE IS NO SIDEWALK NOTES 1) SACKING/BURLAP TO SE LOOSENED AND DROPPED TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PLANllNG HOLE. ALL STRING, TWINE, ETC. TO BE REMOVED. 2) ALL 'MRE BASKElS SHALL HAVE THE TO? 1 /3 OF THE 'MRE FOLDED DOWN PRIOR TO PLANTING. 3) ALL TREES SHALL BE SJNGL£ STEMMED. 4) INSTALL APPROVED ROOT BARRIER SYSTEM -'DEEPROOT' MODEL UB 18-2; 'VES?RO' MODEL RS-18; OR 'NOS' MODEL EP-1850. INSTAL.l. AS PER MANUFACTURERS SPEClflCATIONS TREE PLANTING DETAIL TREE PLANTING DETAIL Nl], DATE REVISJl:J,1 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RlDGE DESI GNI JB DRAVN1 BS DVG No. ENGTh,"EERL~G DEPARTMENT SD STANDARD DRA\./INGS DATE1 JUL Y/07 SCALL N.T.S. , ---~ - / -/ / , //' / Ll , ======;;j"·------t=====================================~" ==;ii] I I I I ~J ', ~ I\ r " - -:i-- - - - - --- - - -D-- - I I ' I I I r ir======:::'JI I .._ -.. -1 -I\ I\ r r;=======::'.J _J - - -- - ...I r I I I I I I I I _J -11 ,.... I--- - --I / I @@@@ " , - - -1 I I I - - - . - = - . I I I ' I - 8 ' ' ~~ - I I I ~ r r 7 I J / ~ L / I I 700Ø Cedar 37.79 37.85 37.9138.01 37 .81 37.64 37 .53 37 .43 37 .61 37 .81 38 .01 37 .86 37 .97 37 .93 37.84 37 .84 37 .76 37 .87 37 .94 37.93 37 .99 38 .04 38.20 38.06 38.03 37.93 38.00 38 .01 38 .10 700Ø Cedar38.07 38.87 37 .76 37 .7937.88 37 .88 37 .95 37.84 37 .71 37 .81 37.88 37.96 38.04 38 .05 37 .74 38 .17 37 .79 37 .69 37.69 37.53 37 .61 37 .40 37.32 37.10 36 .57 36 .1036.28 36 .75 37 .19 37.60 37.98 37 .6837.42 36 .66 36 .38 36.39 36 .41 36 .87 37 .27 37 .47 1200Ø Conifer 1000Ø Conifer 37.40 37 .27 37.31 37.15 37.27 37.4237.37 37 .01 36.65 36 .38 36 .14 35.99 35.92 36.95 35.91 35 .7935.79 36.80 36.89 36 .84 36.86 36 .89 36 .88 36.98 37.00 37 .52 36 .7136.30 36 .10 35 .92 35.92 35 .80 36 .97 36.98 36 .96 37 .50 37 .52 37.57 37 .65 37 .69 37 .67 38 .37 38 .01 37.81 38 .41 37.81 38 .41 38 .39 38.3838.38 37.77 250Ø Conifer37.80 150Ø Conifer 36 .84 37 .16 37.84 37 .11 36 .11 37 .98 37.97 38.18 38 .20 37.86 37.88 37.71 37 .67 37.81 37 .85 37 .99 38.00 38.00 37.91 37 .88 37 .58 37 .61 37 .64 37 .60 37.72 37 .40 37.47 37 .71 37 .51 37 .84 37 .79 600Ø Conifer 37 .78 500Ø Conifer 37 .75 600Ø Conifer 37 .79 550Ø Conifer 38.81 38 .74 37 .83 1100Ø Conifer 37.55 300Ø Decid 37 .68 550Ø Decid 37 .47 37 .49 37.55 37 .79150Ø Conifer 37.83 37.80 37 .86 37 .78 37 .72 37.83 37.47 37 .62 37.72 37 .74 37.72 37 .80 37.91 37.91 37 .87 37.70 37 .67 37 .78 37 .91 37.89 38 .08 37.83 37.60 37.82 37 .89 37 .99 38 .06 37 .0637.97 37.99 37 .9437.95 37 .99 37 .68 37.44 38.35 38 .40 37 .84 37.73 38 .32 38 .33 38.23 38 .11 37 .98 37 .97 37 .83 37.87 37 .43 37 .41 37.41 35 .84 37.44 37 .54 Wo o d F e n c e Fence Chain Link Edge of Pavement Edge of Pavement Ed g e o f P a v e m e n t Ed g e o f P a v e m e n t A s p h a l t Sid e w a l k A s p h a l t Stop Line Asphalt Sidewalk Tag3561Tag3565 Tag3566 tag3567 Tag4525 Tag4526 Tag4530 Tag4533 Tag4534 Tag4535 Tag4538 Tag4544 Tag4547 Tag4548 He d g e 1 .5 m w i d t h Edge of Pavement Concrete Pad As p h a l t D r i v e w a y Gr a v e l D r i v e w a y Concrete Pad Co n c r e t e P a d A s p h a l t D r i v e w a y Hedge 1.3m width Asphalt SidewalkAsphalt Sidewalk As p h a l t D r i v e w a y Concrete Pad Sta i r s Concrete Pad Deck Stairs Concrete Pad Asphalt Driveway Retaining Wall R e t a i n i n g W a l l Wood Fence 37.39 450Ø Cedar 450Ø Cedar 37 .34 37 .30 37 .21 36.96 36 .22 36.22 36 .19 650Ø Holly 36 .29 Gate Gate Pcl B 34 37.59 37.49 36.15 35 .97 36.09 Concrete Pad PPump Diameter 0.55m 20.73 40 .2 2 20.73 20.73 40 .2 3 20.73 41.46 38 .7 1 1.7 7 40.54 C u r b 40 .2 3 37.88m 37.7m 37 .04 DW Kitchen 8'6" x 9'5" F Living 9'11" x 12'4" Dining 9'11" x 5'6" Bedroom 1 10'0" x 12'7" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8"Laundry 3'0" x 7'0" Deck 10'1" x 8'4" Bedroom 2 9'0" x 12'0" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" linen Entry DW Kitchen 8'6" x 9'5" F Living 9'11" x 12'4" Dining 9'11" x 5'6" Bedroom 1 10'0" x 12'7" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8"Laundry 3'0" x 7'0" Deck 10'1" x 8'4" Bedroom 2 9'0" x 12'0" Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" linen Entry Kitchen 17'3" x 5'6" Living 11'10" x 11'6" Dining 6'0" x 4'0" Deck 14'0" x 8'0" Bedroom 2 8'5" x 10'10" Bedroom 1 12'5" x 12'8" DWF Ensuite 5'0" x 8'0" Bath 5'0" x 7'9" Laundry Entry F Living 9'7" x 8'5" Kitchen 7'6" x 8'2" Bathroom 5'0" x 7'11" Dining 4'9" x 8'2" Utility/W/D Linen Bedroom 9'10" x 10'11" Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry La u n d r y F W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry La u n d r y F W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 Kitchen 8'9" x 11'7" Living 9'5" x 12'10" Dining 4'6" x 4'8" Deck 14'0" x 8'0" Bedroom 2 8'9" x 12'7" Bedroom 1 10'1" x 12'7" F Bath 5'0" x 7'9" Laundry DW Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" En t r y Kitchen 2515 x 3835Living 2769 x 3404 Bath 2438 x 1524 Ensuite 2642 x 1626 Laundry 1321 x 889 F Bedroom 1 4648 x 3353 Bedroom 2 3048 x 3785 Bedroom 3 4166 x 2718 Linen DW Dining 2286 x 2311 Kitchen 2515 x 3835 Living 2769 x 3404 Bath 2438 x 1524 Ensuite 2642 x 1626 Laundry 1321 x 889 F Bedroom 1 4648 x 3353 Bedroom 2 3048 x 3785Bedroom 3 4166 x 2718 Linen DW Dining 2286 x 2311 Th e s t a i r c a n ' t b e c a l c u l a t e d b e c a u s e l a y e r l e v e l 'T o p o f S l a b ' t h a t is m e a n t to b e t h e to p b o u n d d o e s n o t e x i s t i n t h e s t o r y a b o v e . EX I T DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" La u n d r y Entry Bathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HW T 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" La u n d r y EntryBathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HW T 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" La u n d r y EntryBathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HW T 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'2" x 12'0" 1 Bedroom 12'6" x 10'11" La u n d r y Entry Bathroom 5'6" x 8'0" Linen HW T 2 Bedroom 9'0" x 9'0" Kitchen/Dining 8'11" x 12'0"G2 Jr. 2 Bedroom 660 sf DW F Living 11'0" x 12'2" Bedroom 10'0" x 10'0" Laundry Study/Work Entry Bathroom 5'0" x 8'0" HWT Den 7'10" x 11'0" Linen Kitchen/Dining 14'0" x 11'3" F Living 10'0" x 8'2" Bedroom 10'0" x 5'0" Kitchen 5'9" x 11'9"Bathroom 5'0" x 7'11" Living 2896 x 3353 Dining 1397 x 1219 Bedroom 2743 x 3759 Bathroom 1524 x 2515 Entry La u n d r y F W.I.C 2108 x 1321 W/D DW Kitchen 3886 x 2743 fire alarm panel EX I T EX I T DW Living 9'4" x 10'7" Bedroom 10'3" x 10'3" Bathroom 6'0" x 8'0" Laundry 2'9" x 4'1" Entry Linen/Storage Deck 8'0" x 12'0" F Kitchen 7'1" x 9'9" El e v a t o r El e v a t o r Th e s t a i r c a n ' t b e c a l c u l a t e d b e c a u s e l a y e r l e v e l 'T o p o f S l a b ' t h a t is m e a n t to b e t h e t o p b o u n d d o e s n o t e x i s t i n t h e s t o r y a b o v e . Bedroom 10'7" x 11'4" F DW Living 11'0" x 9'8" Kitchen 14'9" x 6'0" Bath 5'0" x 8'4" Entry Laundry W.I.C. 13'4" x 4'0" One Bedroom Unit 22'4" x 22'0" The stair can't be calculated because layer level 'Top of Slab' that is meant to be the top bound does not exist in the story above. EXIT Main Floor Elev (38.56m) 38.56 37.94m Fin 39.0 m Fin 38.8m Fin 39.0 m 38.0m Ex. 38.1m Ex 38.1 m Fin 37.60m fire department connection 37.83m 37.91m .703m Road Dedication = 58.3m2 Ra m p d o w n 1 2 % t o U / G P a r k i n g EX I T EX I T EXIT 82.914m 39 .5 2 1 m 81.911m 38 .0 0 3 m Hatched Area is S.R.W. see civil CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS sanitary sewer - see civil gas line - see civil existing storm sewer - see civil exit stairs from parking below 38.1m37.7m36.5m Lane Original P/L A s p h a l t Asph a l t Cu r b Asphalt Curb C u r b A s p h a l t Sid e w a l k Sidewalk Ed g e o f P a v e m e n t Edge of Pavement S i d e w a l k PROPOSED 6 STOREY APARTMENT BLDG Lougheed Highway 10' 20'40' 2m 5m 10m 0' Extent of parkade structure below 22 1 S t r e e t Lane lawn lawn lawn lawn Main and resident pathway concrete paving off site Proposed sidewalk refer to civil drawings Proposed sidewalk refer to civil drawings ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID PACW Date: Scale 1911 Pr o p o s e d R M - 2 M u l t i - F a m i l y D e v ' t Ci v i c A d d r e s s : 22 0 5 7 & 2 2 0 8 3 L o u g h e e d H w y . M a p l e R i d g e B C 1 : 125 Of f - S i t e L a n d s c a p e P l a n Le g a l A d d r e s s : Lo t 4 D L 3 9 7 G r p 1 N W D P l a n 1 1 2 5 1 , P a r c e l B ( Y 8 9 4 4 2 ) DL 3 9 7 G r p 1 n N W D P l a n 1 1 2 5 1 & L o t 3 D L 3 9 7 G r p 1 NW D P l a n 1 1 2 5 1 PI D # : 00 5 - 2 9 3 - 9 4 4 , 0 0 5 - 2 9 3 - 9 1 0 & 0 0 1 - 8 4 4 - 6 5 2 Sheet L1.1 November 15, 2019 Co p y r i g h t R e s e r v e d . Al l d r a w i n g s r e m a i n t h e p r o p e r t y o f G r e e n w a y La n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t u r e . U s e f o r a n y p u r p o s e an d r e p r o d u c t i o n o n l y b y w r i t t e n co n s e n t .d i m e n s i o n s a n d c o n d i t i o n s s h o w n o n th e d r a w i n g s . Gr e e n w a y La n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t u r e 22 8 0 P a r k C r e s c e n t Co q u i t l a m B C V 3 J 6 T 4 T 6 0 4 4 6 1 9 1 2 0 E p a u l @ g r e e n w a y l a .c a Development PermitNov22.19 Client ReviewAug31.20 Development PermitNov18.20 Development PermitFeb17.21 PLANT LIST - 22083 Lougheed Apartments - Off Site February 17, 2021 total site off-site SYMBOL QTY.BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING TREES 4 4 Cornus nuttallii EW Eddies White Wonder Dogwood 6cm Cal, WB 1.8m standard 2 1 1 Magnolia galaxy Galaxy Magnolia 6cm Cal, WB 1.8m Std. NOTES: 1) In case of discrepancy between plant numbers on this list and on the plan, the plan shall prevail. 2) All planting shall be in accordance with BCSLA/BCLNA Landscape Standard, latest edition. 3) Tree watering dish with 75mm of mulch (decomposed hem/fir bark) 4) All off site work and plant material to satisfaction of the City of Maple Ridge 8 8 Acer x freemanii Autumn Fantasy Autumn Fantasy Maple 6cm Cal, WB 2.0m Std. 5 5 Clematis armandi Evergreen Clematis #3 pot train 5 5 Lonicera mandarin Mandarin Honey Suckle #3 pot train 8 8 Cercis chinensis Chinese Redbud 2.0m tall. multi stem 11 11 Parrotia persica Persian Ironwood 6cm Cal, WB 4 4 Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir 3.0m tall, cont. 0 Buxus sempervirens Common Boxwood #2 pot 400 o.c. 2.0m Std. BOULEVARD LANDSCAPE - Typical Refer to civil drawings for typical section with location of curb and sidewalks. Adjust tree locations as required for minimum offset requirements. Landscaped boulevard to including continuous 150mm depth growing medium and sod turf. Tree soil trench - 221 Street 1500 wide x 750 deep Root barrier - 450 tall x 5000 long, beside sidewalk. 1. All work to satisfaction of the Owner. 2. All work in compliance with City of Maple Ridge municipal standards. 3. Dispose of all excavated and surplus materials off site, recycle where feasible. 4. Contractor to confirm location of any site service before proceeding. 5. Contractor to confirm actual site conditions and layout before proceeding. 6. All dimensions are in millimeters, unless noted otherwise. 7.Contractor to coordinate landscape construction with work of other disciplines, including civil, electrical, and architectural, as directed by the Owner. 8.Contractor to make good all damage to satisfaction of the Owner, at no additional cost. 9. Public to be protected from harm at all times. Do not leave work areas in an unsafe or hazardous condition, fence and/or make safe as required. 10. Sidewalks and street to be kept clean at all times and cleaned to the satisfaction of the District. 11.All work to be completed consistent with all drawings and specifications. 12.Ensure positive drainage for all landscape areas. GENERAL NOTES Refer to civil engineering drawings prepared by Wedler Consulting Engineers. UTILITY CLEARANCE Trees should be setback a minimum distance of: 6.0m from Lamp Standards 3.0m from Utility Poles 2.0m from Driveways, Sidewalk Crossing, Catch Basin, Hydrants, Sanitary Sewer 1.2m from Valve Box, Services, Manholes 1.5m from Storm and Water Services 7.5m from Street Corners Tree locations to be adjusted in the field as determined by location of underground services and proposed driveways. Confirm locations before digging. ' I ' llLllJlllllll,11,n= ------------------ 1C7 -~ ~ --· --·-----.::;:--/ ~ ' / / ~--H-----r~-.-,--------/ /~---~-~·---~~/~/,a:_~~a=,,:,vt'";,------,<V'.')···~7"~-t----,:aa-~":-~.---,,--u-v -// ill" / / -·-=-·-----.-,---+I --,---------/-/-------.....,.---------~---------'+------/---------.-,----.• ----.-.---------/-/~-----····-·7 d i:u~---------------------~ -----------------~--------1--~----------~------~--------~·----------------------____ / _______ ---------------------~ ---------------·-~----,-, I 1 [ [j [ [ [ I ' •r DO SOT TRIM L£ADER "\ ,\ ~'~I \ \ \ I ~ i ~· ~ ~ \ !] ~• V -50mm 'MDE WOVES NYLON BANDING ATTACHED ~ \ / _ TO STAKE 'MTH SHINGLE NAILS. ' / \ ROOT 8ARRf£R IS REQUIRED TO PROTECT CONCRETE CURBS ANO SIDEWALKS FROM ROOT UPHEAVAL 2 PRESSURE TREATED 50---75mm DIAMETER -ROUND TYPICALl..Y u_L_;..----WOOD STAKES -2m LENGlH. ROOT BAG:RlER rs -1 _ , STAKES TO BE ALIGNED PARALLEL TO SIDEWALK/ROAD REQUIRED AT !L----"r--.1 BACK EDGE: OF 1.ern r-TREE TRUNK PROTECTOR CONCRETE CURB ~---- AND/DR AGAINST 1.2m ____ 50mm DEEP SAUCER FORMED IN TOPSOIL FRONT AND/OR ~ / ,-FOR INITIAL FlRST YEAR WA TER!NG BACK OF SIDEWALK \ ! .I / Fll..l.. SAUCER WITH SARK MULCH. :;;;~~~:~0'1-~[[:Mi-I ~ -IISl~JWi! 1 -_ --_1 ' 300mm M!N. OF TOPSOIL AR01JNO ROOT BAU SM LENGTH ADJACENT I I;::;! I DENSITY TO SlOEWALK/CURB CENTERED I !¥F 11 111 ~I I , - ON TREE-· ''" 1 STAKES DO NOT PENETRAlE ROOT BALL 450MM OEP1H OF 300 300 STAKES TO PENETRATE NATIVE SOIL BY 300mm ROOT BARR!ER SYSTEt.,1 MIN, ROOT BALL MIN. ROOT BARRIER !S NOT REQUIRED l>\jERE THE TREE IS PLANlED CREA TER TH A.N - 1-BM 0/S TO CURB LINE OR SIDEWALK AND \\HERE THERE IS NO SIDEWALK NOTES 1) SACKING/BURLAP TO SE LOOSENED AND DROPPED TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PLANllNG HOLE. ALL STRING, TWINE, ETC. TO BE REMOVED. 2) ALL 'MRE BASKElS SHALL HAVE THE TO? 1 /3 OF THE 'MRE FOLDED DOWN PRIOR TO PLANTING. 3) ALL TREES SHALL BE SJNGL£ STEMMED. 4) INSTALL APPROVED ROOT BARRIER SYSTEM -'DEEPROOT' MODEL UB 18-2; 'VES?RO' MODEL RS-18; OR 'NOS' MODEL EP-1850. INSTAL.l. AS PER MANUFACTURERS SPEClflCATIONS TREE PLANTING DETAIL TREE PLANTING DETAIL Nl], DATE REVISJl:J,1 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RlDGE DESI GNI JB DRAVN1 BS DVG No. ENGTh,"EERL~G DEPARTMENT SD STANDARD DRA\./INGS DATE1 JUL Y/07 SCALL N.T.S. , ---~ - / -/ / , //' / Ll , ======;;j"·------t=====================================~" ==;ii] I I I I ~J ', ~ I\ r " - -:i-- - - - - --- - - -D-- - I I ' I I I r ir======:::'JI I .._ -.. -1 -I\ I\ r r;=======::'.J _J - - -- - ...I r I I I I I I I I _J -11 ,.... I--- - --I / I @@@@ " , - - -1 I I I - - - . - = - . I I I ' I - 8 ' ' ~~ - I I I ~ r r 7 I J / ~ L / I I Page 1 of 6 City of Maple Ridge TO: Advisory Design Panel MEETING DATE: March 17, 2021 FILE NO: 2019-341-DP SUBJECT: 12162 FLETCHER ST 12170 FLETCHER ST 12178 FLETCHER ST PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel (ADP) submission has been received for the above cited application and properties located at 12161, 12170, and 12178 Fletcher Street to permit the construction of a townhouse development consisting of three (3) separate structures with a combined total of fifteen (15) dwelling units that will be 2,096.62m2 (22,568ft2) in combined total floor area. The proposed building will replace the three (3) existing residential single-family dwellings on the site. The subject properties are under application for rezoning from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM- 1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) to support the proposed townhouse development. The rezoning application being processed in conjunction with this proposal was given First Reading by Council on January 28, 2020. The development permit application made to the City is subject to Section 8.11 - Town Centre (North and South View Precinct) Development Permit. BACKGROUND: Applicant: CARY TSAI, ARCHITECT 57 INC. Legal Description: Lot: 9, Section: 20, Township: 12, Plan: NWP11845 Lot: 10, Section: 20, Township: 12, Plan: NWP11845 Lot: 10, Section: 20, Township: 12, Plan: NWP11845 OCP: Existing: GOMF (Ground-Oriented Multi-Family) Proposed: GOMF (Ground-Oriented Multi-Family) Zoning: Existing: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Proposed: RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Ground-Oriented Multi-Family South: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Ground-Oriented Multi-Family I 4·-~--- mapleridge.ca Page 2 of 6 East: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Ground-Oriented Multi-Family West: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Ground-Oriented Multi-Family Existing Use of Property: Single Family Residential Proposed Use of Property: Multi-Family Residential Site Area: 0.33 ha (0.82 acres) Access: Fletcher Street Servicing requirement: Urban Standard DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: The development permit application made to the City prompting this submission to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.11 - Town Centre (North and South View Precinct) Development Permit. The proposed RM-1 zone provides for the infill of ground-oriented residential buildings within established residential neighbourhoods in a form that will be incremental and sensitive to the existing and emerging context whilst providing increased desired density in the town centre. The RM-1 zone allows for dwelling units to be in one (1) or more buildings with shared party walls to create townhouses. Dwelling units may also be arranged individually or attached and clustered around a shared open space, in a courtyard residential housing form. Proposed characteristics for townhouses include: Importance of respecting the neighbourhood context, in terms of size, scale and massing; Encourage neighbourhoods a mix of housing types at various densities; Provide a transition from the downtown core to single-family dwellings beyond; Encouraging building articulation to create a comfortable scale and interesting streetscape; Providing adequate private and semi-private green space, such as front, back and courtyards; Pedestrian orientated with main entrances fronting public sidewalks with shallow setbacks; and Street-friendly façades and semi-public outdoor spaces; Key Guidelines: The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal’s compliance with the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines: Promote North and South View as distinctive, highly livable multi-family neighbourhoods; Create a pedestrian-friendly, ground oriented, multi-family community; Maintain cohesive building styles; Capitalize on important views; Provide private and semi-private green space; and Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features Please see applicant’s response on how the proposal meets the key design guidelines on Appendix C. Page 3 of 6 PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: The current application proposes to rezone the subject properties from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM-1 (Low Rise Townhouse Residential), to permit the development of a fifteen (15) unit townhouse development. The townhouse development will consist of three (3) separate structures which will consist of fifteen (15) dwelling units. The site will be accessed from Fletcher Street by a 6.40m wide driveway. The South (North Facing) structure consists of six (6) dwelling units with landscaped exterior parking and interior parking. The North (South Facing) structure consists of four (4) units with interior parking only. A playground is adjacent to the North (South Facing) structure. The East (West Facing) structure consists of five (5) units with interior parking. During preliminary discussions between the City and the Applicant, the Engineering Department indicated that 1.0m of road dedication would be required to meet a collector standard to meet 20.0m. The applicant submitted an application with a site plan and drawings based on information provided at the time. However, Fletcher Street is designated a bike route which would require a with bike lane which requires a 24.0m road right-of-way. This information was not initially considered. During a formal review by the Engineering Department during the rezoning referral process, the error was identified, corrected and revised. Additionally, the applicant submitted drawings utilizing Zoning Bylaw No, 3510-1985 which has since been replaced with Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019. The application was subject to the new Zoning Bylaw as it had not received a Public Hearing nor 3rd Reading. These regulatory revisions had significant impacts on the proposal and additional variances were requested to meet the applicant’s development plans. Engineering is willing to support a road variance of 3.0m to reduce the road collector standard of 24.0m to 21.0m as a multi-use path can be accommodated on a 21.0m road right-of-way. Below is a summary of the previous requested variances under Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 (since replaced) and the requested variances under Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019: Regulation/Setbacks Zoning Bylaw No. 3510- 1985 (Replaced) Proposal (Variance) Zoning Bylaw No. 7600- 2019 (Current) Proposal (Variance) Front Lot Line 7.5m 6.0m (1.5m) 5.0m 4.5m (0.5m) Interior Lot Line 6.0m 6.0m (No Change) 6.0m 6.0m (No Change) Exterior Lot Line 6.0m 6.0m (No Change) 7.5m (Not Applicable) Not Applicable (Interior Lots) Rear Lot Line 7.5m 6.0m (1.5m) 7.5m 6.0m (1.5m) Building Height 11.0m 11.0 (No Change) 9.5m 10.5 (1.0m) These setbacks are supported by the Planning Department in exchange for a more aesthetically pleasing and interesting architectural design. 2. Context: The subject property, once consolidated, is a rectangular shaped lot that is 0.33 ha (0.82 acres) in size. It is located in the Town Centre Area Plan in a transitionary area between higher density apartments and established single-family neighbourhoods. The subject property and surrounding lots to the north, east and west, are characterized by low (i.e. single storey and basement) single family dwellings. Lots to the south are a mix of single-family dwellings and apartments of up to four (4) storeys. The subject property is relatively flat with vegetation along its edges. Page 4 of 6 Preliminary renderings of the proposal utilized elements from the surrounding neighbourhood, which included gable style roofs. However, the Planning Department’s analysis on the submitted renderings determined that it lacked interesting design elements and dimensions; proposal was found to be too “boxy” and “rectangular”. The Planning Department requested that the applicant submit new drawings that provided modern and interesting architectural elements such as angled roofs, more windows, and greater emphasis on street interfacing. These changes required additional variances which the Planning Department would support in order to achieve the aforementioned design elements. 3. OCP and Zoning Compliance: The subject site is designated Ground-Oriented Multi-Family, and is located within the North View Precinct of the Town Centre Area Plan. Development within the North View Precinct should offer a mix of housing types, densities, and housing choices that cater to people of all ages, family types and income levels. Furthermore, it should provide residents with easy access to transportation choices, shops and services in the Central Business District, which in turn supports the vibrancy and viability of those shops and businesses. Adequate private and semi-private green spaces, such as front and rear yards should also be included, as well as climate appropriate landscaping. This project conforms to the general intent of these guidelines. It increases housing diversity by introducing the townhouse housing form into a neighbourhood almost entirely occupied by single family dwellings. It provides easy access to a range of transportation choices and services in the Town Centre Area. Town Centre Area Plan Policies 3-1 An increase in residential and commercial density is encouraged in the Town Centre… Land- use should include a mix of housing types catering to various demographics, including affordable and special needs housing, within walking distance to a broad mixture of uses, including shops, services, cultural facilities, and recreation. This project increases housing density and diversity by providing two bedroom (and den) units in close proximity to a range of amenities and services around the Town Centre. It is within walking and cycling distance of the numerous services and restaurants in the Central Business District to the south; Eric Langton Elementary School to the west; and Fletcher Park to the north. 3-18 Ground-Oriented Multi-Family development should be a maximum of three (3) storeys in height, with ground level entry to each unit. The project complies with this policy as it is proposed to be three storeys in height, and has ground-level access. 3-19 Townhouse development typically includes an internal private street for vehicle access to each unit. All townhouse forms of development should include a site size and configuration that allows for two or more units to face directly onto the street; and residential parking provided in a ground level concealed structure. This project complies with this policy. Two units face the street and will include façade treatments that are compatible and respectful of the single family oriented streetscape. Vehicle parking is provided in garages concealed from the street and located along the internal strata road. Furthermore, the applicant should ensure that the fencing and landscaping of the two front yards facing the street create a useful semi-private space for residents, an attractive streetscape, and a pleasant transition between the street and private space. Page 5 of 6 The proposed RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) zone permits a density of 0.6. However, additional density up to a maximum of 0.75 times the lot area may be obtained for Townhouse Residential Uses within the Town Centre. An amount not to exceed 0.15 times the lot area may be added to the Floor Space Ratio for providing a cash contribution at a rate of $344.46 per square metre ($32.00 per square foot) as a Density Bonus. The density (floor space ratio) of the proposed townhouse development is 0.65. A Development Data Sheet (Appendix D) analyses the compliance of the project with the applicable regulations of the proposed zone. The following variances will be required: List the Zoning Bylaw Variances o Front Lot Line: 0.5m (5.0m – 4.50m) (Building Face) Site Plans show 4.59m setback (0.41m variance); variance will be for 0.5m for contingency purposes o Front Lot Line: 1.12m (5.0m – 3.88m) (Support Deck Column) o Rear Lot Line: 1.5m (7.5m – 6.0m) o Building Height: 0.73m (10.23m – 9.5m) Building Plans show 10.23m height (0.73m variance); variance will be for 1.0m for contingency purposes o Roadway: 3.0m (24.0m – 21.0m) 4. Parking and bicycle storage: The RM-1 zone requires 2.0 off-street parking and 0.2 visitor off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit. Additionally, the number of bicycle parking spaces required is 3.0; the development is providing 5.0. 1.0 Electric Vehicle charging off-street parking space is required per dwelling unit capable of level 2 charging. 1.0 accessible off-street parking space is provided which meets the minimum requirements as per Bylaw No. 4350-1990 (Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw). The required parking for the proposed use is analyzed in the Development Data Sheet (Appendix F) 5. Environmental, Sustainability & Stormwater Management: The proposed townhouse development will incorporate a diversity of vegetation into the site design. Off-street parking regulations will require that there be at least fifteen (15) (1.0/dwelling unit) roughed in electrical connections capable of achieving level 2 charging for electric vehicles. Stormwater management plans (Appendix F) as attached are the 2nd set of revisions. The City will ensure that stormwater management plans meet City requirements. The ADP is being requested to comment on such plans for future consideration. 6. Planning request of comments from ADP: We request comments from the ADP regarding the whole of the proposal. However, the Planning Department is seeking specific advice or input on the following: Architectural elements o Windows o Massing o Street interface with dwelling units ‘A1’ for both the North and South structures that face the street. o Façade materials Landscaping Interface with surrounding area Page 6 of 6 7. Garbage/Recycling: Garbage and recycling may be stored in the garage of each unit; however, the collection location will have to be determined with the individual waste hauler. 8. Works along abutting roads: Fletcher Street is classified as a local road, however, when multi-family developments are proposed, the collector road standard must be applied. Currently, Fletcher Street has open ditches or gravel shoulders, with no curbs, gutters or sidewalks. The proposal will have to install/construct concrete curb and gutter, separated sidewalk, street trees, street lighting. New service connections will have to be installed underground. All works are to abutting the frontage of the subject property. 9. Off Site Upgrades, Utilities and Services: Possible upgrades/installation of the City’s water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer infrastructure may be required subject to additional analysis by the civil engineer. Specific information regarding the type of upgrades are still being determined. CONCLUSION: The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal, specifically with respect to the suitability and design of façade materials, building articulation, interface with the street, and landscaping of this development, and integration with the surrounding single-family neighbourhood. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. ______________________________________________ Prepared by: Tyson Baker, B.Pl. The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject map Appendix B Explanatory letter from Architect Appendix C ADP Submission Form Appendix C ADP Applicant Checklist Appendix D Development Data Sheet Appendix E DP Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix F Architectural and Landscaping Plans DATE: Dec 23, 2019FILE: 2019-341-RZ 12162/70/78 FLETCHER STREETPID'S: 002-396-106, 009-600-001 &000-740-632 City of PittMeadows District ofLangley Di s t r i c t o f M i s s i o n FRASER R. ^PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTIES FL E T C H E R S T 22 8 S T Aerial Imagery from the Spring of 2018´ Scale: 1:2,000 BY: PC 22 7 S T map eridge.ca COVERING LETTER 20.02.22 203-2680 SHELL ROAD, RICHMOND, BC V6X 4C9 l O:604.284.5028 l F:604.284.5029 l M:604.818.2088 l WWW.ARCHITECT57.COM Page 1 of 3 City of Maple Ridge Planning Department Advisory Design Panel Re: Design Rationale Design Guidelines The proposed project conforms to and design requirements of building in an urban environment as outlined in the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan, the North and South View Development Permit Area Guidelines for residential buildings, and the Town Centre Development Permit. Please refer to Appendix A for detail zoning analysis which is also provided on the architectural drawings. Context The proposed site is located on Fletcher Street, between 123rd Avenue and Brown Avenue. The properties are located within the Town Centre Area and are surrounded by: To the north by a single-family dwelling and a low-density residential development, To the east by two single-family dwellings, To the south by a single-family dwelling, To the west by Fletcher Street and three single-family dwellings. The proposed development is a consolidation of three single-family properties and is rezoned from RS-1 to RM-1. It contains three three-storey townhouse buildings with single driving aisle accessing the Fletcher Street. Existing topography is respected; the development follows the current topography of the land. Development Site Consideration The proposed townhouses are consisting of 15 units. Private backyards, with trees and hedges, are provided between the townhouses and the neighbours as nature transition zone. Most townhouses have direct or partial views with the mountain views at north direction. Only a single vehicular driving aisle is proposed. Visitor parking, including an accessible stall, are hidden at rear portion of the development, allows streetscape to receive more landscaping elements and reduces the chances of random vandalism. Each townhouse is equipped with enclosed parking, except south townhouse clusters having additional outdoor parking. The additional outdoor parking is separated with landscape strip or tree at each bay, which creating a more welcome passage when driving down the aisle. Building Setbacks, Form, Massing and Height The proposed 3-storey townhouses are clustered towards the center of the development to soften height difference with the neighbouring single-family dwellings. In addition, private balconies between the townhouse units and the neighbours further reduce the massing difference. Building heights are in general compliance with the zoning requirement except the slanted roofs require relaxation at the higher COVERING LETTER 20.02.22 203-2680 SHELL ROAD, RICHMOND, BC V6X 4C9 l O:604.284.5028 l F:604.284.5029 l M:604.818.2088 l WWW.ARCHITECT57.COM Page 2 of 3 ends. Welcoming paver plaza is located at the site entrance with the development sign, a bench and bike rack. Outdoor playground is situated at centre of the development and provides a warmth gathering place for the residents. Building Facade, Material and Colours Horizontal siding, form, and colours are architectural features in consist with the neighbourhood housings. Units facing Fletcher Street have dedicated pedestrian entrance, walkway and facade design, which helps to blend in with the neighbourhood. A gable-end feature is located between the ground floor and the second floor to create sense of softer/more friendly Fletcher Street-facing facade. Building forms are broken off by combination of different unit depths and of disconnected balconies. Colours alterations are provided to the townhouse design. Landscape Design The landscape design for the townhouses enhances the streetscape of the growing neighbourhood, provides ample outdoor space for each resident and a shared amenity area. The Fletcher Street frontage has existing street trees retained along the street, as well as additional trees proposed. The wood picket fence will be seen from the street, with a landscape buffer behind. A development sign, bench and bike rack are provided at the small entry plaza just off of the drive aisle entry. Each resident has a covered hydra-pressed slab patio as well as a large lawn yard with at least one tree in each yard. There are nine existing trees retained within this development, as well as 44 replacement trees proposed to meet the arborist recommendation. These trees provide privacy at the yard edges, a screen for the upper floor windows and microclimate control throughout the seasons. The shared amenity area has an open lawn area, wood steppers as a balance feature, and a small playhouse for imaginative play. There is a bench provided for parental supervision, and the area will be fenced and gated to keep children safe. Stormwater Management Tier A – Detail on-site through infiltration, evapotranspiration, or re-use. 450mm of topsoil will be incorporated in all landscape areas throughout the development. In addition, a infiltration/detention tank is to be installed under the proposed drive aisle to meet Tier A treatment and infiltration requirements. Tier B and C– Detain runoff from the entire site and release at 2yr pre-development rate. The above-mentioned infiltration/detention tank complete with a flow control manhole will also be able to meet Tiers B and C requirements. Tree Retention and Replacement Strategy Due to the proposed density of the site, tree retention is limited to the periphery of the site, with the retention of six onsite trees, and 15 offsite trees. The retained trees are all mature and large- growing tree species, with a diversity of eight different tree species. COVERING LETTER 20.02.22 203-2680 SHELL ROAD, RICHMOND, BC V6X 4C9 l O:604.284.5028 l F:604.284.5029 l M:604.818.2088 l WWW.ARCHITECT57.COM Page 3 of 3 One City tree is recommended for removal as it directly conflicts with sidewalk installation. The tree has been topped and sheared for powerline clearance and exhibits poor structure; The adjacent property at 12158 Fletcher St has a row of 12 Lombardi poplars in very poor condition, some of which are dead, and most of which have been topped. The applicant was unable to come to an agreement with the adjacent property owner, but has requested that they manage their risk and liability as the owner of the trees. The trees are proposed to be retained with special measures for driveway and parking surface installation; A total of 13 trees are recommended to be removed to accommodate the project. The majority exhibit structural defects or are in decline, with the exception of one Norway maple in the center of the site identified in very good condition. Effort was made to re-assess the feasibility of retaining the tree, but its retention would pose an undue constraint on the site, in part because of this tree's particularly aggressive surface rooting. Norway maple are also considered invasive species. A memorandum was sent to City staff for their review in July of 2020 to specifically address City comments received in June 2020 regarding this tree. A total of 7 trees between 20-50 cm DBH are recommended for removal, requiring 14 replacement trees respectively; A total of 3 trees between 50-70 cm DBH are recommended for removal, requiring 12 replacement trees respectively; A total of 3 trees >70 cm DBH are recommended for removal, requiring a total of 18 replacement trees respectively; Based on the diameter distribution of the 13 trees recommended for removal, a total of 44 replacement trees are required of the site. Upon collaboration with the project landscape architect, a total of 44 replacement trees of four different species and canopy classes have been proposed. Replacement tree locations have been proposed mostly around the periphery of the site as well as along the internal roadway. This will allow for adequate growing space for the trees given their growing habits, and will reduce the likelihood of future conflicts with buildings and utilities. Arborist supervision is recommended for various stages of the project and are outlined in the arborist report. Most notably, arborist supervision and low impact methods for foundation excavation, driveway installation, and removal of existing landscape features within the critical root zone of a mature Norway maple and Western red cedar will be crucial for their successful retention. L-shaped footings are recommended for the southern portion of "south building" to reduce the limit of excavation towards these trees. (APPENDIX A) ZONING ANALYSIS 20.02.22 203-2680 SHELL ROAD, RICHMOND, BC V6X 4C9 l O:604.284.5028 l F:604.284.5029 l M:604.818.2088 l WWW.ARCHITECT57.COM Page 1 of 1 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION Civic Address: 12162, 12170 and 12178 Fletcher Street, Maple Ridge Legal Description: LT 9-10, SEC 20, TWP 12, NWD PL NWP 11845 Zoning: Current: RS-1 Proposed: RM-1 (Ground Oriented Multi-Family) Required Proposed Lot Area: 557 sm, min. 3,194.43 sm (after 1.5 m road dedication) Lot Width: 18 m, min. 48 m Building Height: 9.5 m, max. 10.23 m (relaxation required) Setback: Front (W): 5 m 4.5 m (after road dedication; relaxation required) Rear (E): 7.5 m 6 m (relaxation required) Interior Side (N, S): 6 m 6 m (balcony supports allowed within setback) Exterior Side: 7.5 m n/a Lot Coverage Ratio: 60%, max. 25.90%, approximately Required Proposed Density 0.6, max. 0.6563, density bonus application required (21,099 sf: 1,960.16 sm) (22,568 sf: 2,096.62 sm) Unit Types and Sizes: Note Type A1 (139.92 sm) 2 (Unit Facing Fletcher) Double parking Type A2 (139.99 sm) 4 (Inside Corners) Double parking Type A3 (139.80 sm) 4 Double parking Type B1 (141.82 sm) 2 Tandem parking Type B2 (143.62 sm) 2 Tandem parking Type C (126.75 sm) 1 Tandem parking Total 15 Parking / Bicycle Required Proposed Regular: 2 per unit 2 per unit, 5 has enclosed tandem 8 extra exterior parking for South Building Visitor: 3 (0.2 per unit) 3 Accessible: 1 over 26 outdoor 1 (not required, but provided) Bicycle: 3 per 20 units 5 Required Proposed Amenity Area: 30 sm per 2-bedroom unit over 30 sm per unit 45 sm per 3-bedroom unit over 45 sm per unit Total: 525 sm 833 sm Required Proposed Common Activity 75 sm (5 sm per unit) 115.48 sm : ,I-> ' "•4' "' ,~ -~ -_MA~LE R}DGS ,/~- 'aridshto}urnbl~ , ' ADP Submission Checklist mapleridge.ca Application No. _______________ File Manager _____________ _ This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submissio n to the Advisory Design Panel (ADP)_ Please refer to the ADP Submission Form and the ADP Requirements Brochure for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Lia ison to the ADP, , Certification of,,_comt1ete ADP Submission: Architect's~ Project Landscape Architect's Certification: ~-y'Y">'D~ ,~ Feb 22, 2021 Signatu~i Date Signature Date Print name l ~ .,-'( 6'J C,M'j -f ',;lr1 Print name Rebecca Krebs, BCSLA r Submission Materials Required Provided (File Man ager to indicate if required) . / A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) □ ctV B_ Covering Letter includi ng explanations about: / 1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) □ tV 2. Architectural and Landscaping Design rationale □ [) (Deta iled information Required) 3, Statement in brief about the following: . / a. DP Key Concepts Compliance □ tr / b, DP Guideline Compliance □ [!y" C. Stormwater management strategy with emphasis on Tier A □ [I requirements integrated into landscaping plans / d. Public Art / Amenities, etc □ ~/ e. Sustainability practices □ ~ f. Other □ □ C. Site and Neighbourhood Context 1, Context Review -Context Plan with existing/proposed bu ildings and trees, vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed ~ grading, and other major features within t he site, on the □ abutting properties, the public realm and along the road allowances / lanes. 2. Photographs of site and surrounding sites. □ □ ✓ D. DeveloQment Permit Area Checklist (Note: The Architect is responsible to describe how the project complies with ,' □ each guidelines, or if not applicable, a description of why not applicable. Please .\;:, use fillable forms on line.) / City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist (Page 2) E. Architectural Plans {Site and Building{s}l: 1. Site Plan and layout □ aa"' 2. Site sections □ UY 3. Streetscape elevation □ [Y 4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees □ [CY' superimposed ./ 5. Shadow analysis □ ~ 6. Lighting analysis (on building and on site) □ □ 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and roof tops □ Cif 8. Waste collection /recycling (inside of buildings) □ □ / 9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside) □ [1J/ 10. Bu ilding elevation (all sides) □ 11. Signage (attached to building and free standing) □ .. □ 12. Co lours and materia ls □ a:r" 13. Material board □ ~ 14. Bu ilding sections □ 15. 30 renderings of site, building(s) and associated landscaping □ ~ F. Landsca~ing Plans: 1. La ndscaping plan and layout with spe cifications and pl anting □ [I details 2. Storm water management works focused on Tier A requirements integrated into landscaping plan with details □ lliJ 3. Landscaping details, including public art, signage, lighting, play and other amenity areas, fences, retaining walls, □ [El 4. Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures) □ □ 5. Details for pedestrian amenity and furniture features provided □ □ 6. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns □ □ 7. Tree retention and management plan □ ,. Lfil 8. Site sections for lot grading, drainage, landscaping, retaining □ □ walls and re lationship to adjacent grades/ City roads/ lanes 9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnecti ons □ [) G. Green Building[Sustainability initiatives □ □ H. Engineering-related Information: / 1. Site grading plan s □ GY I. Other □ □ □ □ □ □ Rev . March 2018 The City schedule making y ADP subm ADP thro Applicati Name of File num Address Current Z Seeking t Architect Submissi Architect Landscap Other Pro Note.: Th developm taken fro bulletin, Major per th build Group A (Pa Group B (Pa Group C Res Group D & E Group F (F1 Adv of Maple Rid es for submis your submiss mission pack ough your Fil ion Informa Applicant ber of site Zone to appear be t Informatio on will be p t pe Architect ofessional (S he Architects ments to the om AIBC Bull click here. 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Fo r Parts of Buildin t under section 6 Act. ding with an uns oss area exceed e than one store and ing veterinary h 12 beds oss area exceed ning 5 or more d ning 11 or more g oss area exceed oss area exceed m he attached irements. Be es a complet package for t ____ nt all he Table bel r the entire ng requiring the 60 of the Archit supported span ing 275 m²; ey with gross are ospital) with a ing 470 m² welling units guest rooms ing 470 m² ing 470 m² efore te the ow e ects ea I ~--~ . ' .. mapleridge.ca Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines North and South View Precincts ·" ... < Pursuant with Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, development in the Town Centre will be assessed against the following form and character and green building design guidelines. The guidelines apply to Ground- Oriented Multi Family; Low-Rise Apartment; Medium & High-Rise Apartment; Flexible Mixed-Use; Town Centre Commercial; Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial & Waterfront; and Port Haney Heritage Adaptive Use. See the guidelines in Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan for a detailed list and descriptions of development permit area guidelines. These guidelines are intended to aid in the review of development permits in the Town Centre and are to be completed by the architect of record for the project. The project will be reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Department and the Advisory Design Panel. !n the checklist, you are only required to address the guidelines with the icon that relates to you r project: TCC = Town Centre Commercial (commercial developments oniy) MU = Mixed-Use (ground-oriented developments, with commercial on the ground level and either offices or residential above) MFR = Multi-Fam ily Residential (ground-oriented developments and low-rise, medium-rise, and high-rise apartments) Precinct Key Guidelines and Green Building Design Guidelines must a!so be completed for projects within the Town Centre. Development and Design Objectives The following summarizes the development and design objectives for each section on the following checklist. A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height • To promote a cohesive building style and strong pedestrian oriented urban realm in Maple Ridge Town Centre by ensuring new buildings , renovations and/or additions have consisten t architectu ral and urban design setbacks, form, mass, and height. • To help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces. B. Building Fa~ades, Materials and Colour • To ensure additions, renovations and/or new infill projects in the Town Centre have a coherent architectural design concept where wi ndows, doors, siding material and other fa9ade elements create a pleasing compositi on compatible with surrounding buildings, commercial and neighbourhood character. • To enhance the architectural and massing concepts of a building as well as the quality, character and vibrancy of the urban environment of the Town Centre through the use of harmonious, quality materials and colours. • To screen rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment and trash storage from public view and thereby ensure commercial and mixed-used buildings maintain an attractive appearance to the street. C. Building Site Considerations • To ensure public outdoor spaces are designed so that they improve use and activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, increase safety and provide more attractive, functional outdoor spaces in the Town Centre. • To provide street trees and landscape elements that reinforce the 'urban' character and vibrancy of the Town Centre, enrich the pedestrian friendly character of streets in the district, and integrate this important commercial and higher density residential area with the character and quality of the surrounding residential neighbourhood. • To ensure parking lots are designed to be accessible, but do not intrude upon the surrounding residential area, nor the urban, pedestrian-oriented quality of the Town Centre. • To facilitate off-street parking and car storage at the rear of commercial and mixed-use bu ildings to maintain street inter-connectivity, traditional use of th e lane as a service street, and to provide a secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway in the Town Centre. • To ensure service loading and mechanical equipment is designed to protect the surrounding businesses and residential areas from unsightly, noisy and noxious environments. Map le Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines J ~ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist WM@iikM1M I Meet Guidelines: Yes A 1:m1'i , : --;,..,fl'TTll~~=r·-~i°iu ' A.1 Buildin2: Mass and Form A 1.1 Maintain the mass and scale of buildings TCC MU MFR rQ/ Al.2 Enhance the block with corner commercial buildings TCC MU □ Al.3 Accent corner buildings TCC MU MFR □ Al.4 Use pedestrian-scale design elements TCC MU ll...' Al.5 Feature pedestrian amenities TCC MU MFR ll... A 1.6 Design large buildings into smaller modules TCC MU MFR ..., Al.7 Accommodate street-fronting units TCC MU MFR J/ Al.9 Ensure appropriate roof pitch TCC MU MFR L, A 1.10 Use design elements to reduce roof mass and scale TCC MU MFR l.,,., A.2 Building Heights A2.I Varv building heights TCC MU MFR l'-1 A2.2 Maintain alignment of architectural features TCC MU MFR M A2.3 lnte!Zfate taller buildings TCC MU MFR □ A2.4 Step back taller buildings TCC MU MFR □ A2.5 Match building heights at the end of blocks TCC MU MFR [:}" A2.6 Manage phased development TCC MU MFR □ A2.7 Protect views TCC MU MFR rr:;r A.3 Building Setbacks A3.1 Place buildings to reinforce sidewalk activity TCC MU MFR 1)/ A3.2 Situate building entrances for visibility TCC MU MFR IV A3.3 Provide adequate throughways and lighting TCC MU MFR LY A3.4 Provide clear sight lines from building foyers and lobbies to allow □ visual survei llance TCC MU MFR A3.5 Separate residential entrances from commercial entrances MU □ A3.6 Respect existing buildings TCC MU MFR □ A3.7 Distinguish entrances with arrival areas and cou11vards TCC MU MFR □ A3.8 Locate ramps and entrances in areas that are highly visible TCC MU MFR □ No Not Applicable ~, □ □ □ [lY □ [Cr' □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ [Q,-' □ ],- □ □ □ 1,1-- □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ [lJ,-- □ V □ v □ V □ IV Explain how the objectives for Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height are met. lfyou have selected "no" or "riot app licable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Design considerations of proposed townhouse development are given in compliance with RM-1 low density townhouse in terms of forms and massing. All townhouses are clustered towards centre of the development. Units facing Fletcher Street have dedicated pedestrian entrance, walkway and facade design, which helps to blend in with the neighbourhood. Horizontal siding, form, and colours are architectural features in consist with the neighbourhood housings. Building forms are broken off by combination of different unit depths and of disconnected balconies. Slanted roofs requires building height relaxation. Most townhouses have direct or partial views with the mountain views at north direction. There is a welcoming paver plaza at the site entrance with the development sign, a bench and bike rack. Notable flowering species are used in the plant palette as well, such as a red flowering Magnolia tree. An accessible stamped asphalt pedestrian walkway is provided along the drive isle. Maple Ridge Town Centre 2 Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist ~ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable m. ] :11Tlrjrf,Ti1~ ... , I~ 7'• -,~ ,= ,: -" .. ,lll'41:flr:JMi,,\ 1-.1-.,p~ ... ""' ~@ . B.1 Building Fa<;ade Bl .I Address both sides of the block with corner commercial buildings TCC MU □ □ lvf BL2 Orient main entrances to face the sidewalk TCC MU MFR rvr □ □ B IJ Locate windows, doors, and entry features at the street level TCC MU MFR u:a □ □ BI .4 Use a mix of common facade patterns and elements TCC MU MFR [M □ □ B L5 Reflect original fa<;:ades and building scale TCC MU MFR 1, J' □ □ B l.6 Respect original architectural elements TCC MU MFR g □ □ BU Respect old and new design TCC MU MFR [0 □ □ BL8 Maintain the horizontal rhythm of the street wall TCC MU MFR n:;;r □ □ B l.9 Pro vide a visual division between the street level and upper floors TCC MU MFR M' □ □ B LI 0 Include continuous canopies, awnings or overhangs TCC MU [u □ □ BLl 1 Ensure appropriate placement and materials for awnings or canopies TCC MU ~ □ □ BLl3 Use windows to provide 'eyes on the street' TCC MU MFR I vi' □ □ B 1,14 Enhance the pub lic realm TCC MU MFR [y □ □ BLl5 Ensure sign age reflects bu i I ding scale, character, and materials TCC MU ru □ □ B.3 Building Materials 83.1 Enhance the public realm with high quality materials and detailing TCC MU MFR 11Y □ □ B3 2 Use materials consistently TCC MU MFR [Lr □ □ B3.3 Avoid the use of inappropriate materials TCC MU MFR cg, □ □ B3 .6 Use am ix of quality materials TCC MU MFR Iv!' □ □ B.4 Building Colours 84.1 Select appropriate colours TCC MU MFR Iv!' □ □ 84.2 Highlight architectural details, awnings, and entrances TCC MU MFR [g, □ □ B4.3 Ensure a cohesive, consistent colour palette TCC MU MFR lvi' □ □ B.5 Screening and Storage 85.1 Locate and enclose trash, composting, and recycling to keep □ □ if out of site of general pub! ic TCC MU MFR 8 5.2 Screen mechanical equipment TCC MU MFR □---I.,,□ □ 85.3 A void conflict with neighbourin_g properties TCC MU MFR 1171 □ lvf ./ B5.4 Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise and exhaust TCC MU MFR □ □ Iv!' Explain how the objectives for Building Fa<;:ades, Materials and Colour are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable'', explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Units facing Fletcher Street have dedicated pedestrian entrance, walkway and facade design, which helps to blend in with the neighbourhood. An gable-end feature is located between the ground floor and the second floor to create sense of softer/more friendly facade. Horizontal siding, form, and colours are architectural features in consist with the neighbourhood housings. Hardie siding products are made from natural and sustainable raw materials that are also low in toxicity-Portland cement, cellulose pulp, sand, and water. Landscape buffers have been provided at the edges of the site and between units, to improve the view of the site from the street and adjacent properties. Maple Ridge Town Centre 3 Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist ~ M =@IMiMdM Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable -ra i'f~Pi I ~..,. ' --. t..'1 -: ;,,,;'/,,.,~.;. ,,; • ;e~ ,,•, •• .,;o.J~d;,,i:;-"••'.i:::;: ", ;">;,s,.,: ··•'.>'·>'·:;,/: :.• :~w.:■flllL."'1 c: C.1 Public Outdoor Space and Hardscapes Cl.I Provide pub lic outdoor space TCC MU MFR I \.f □ □ Cl.2 Ensure public outdoor space is highly visible TCC MU MFR Qr □ □ Cl.3 Provide connections between buildings, sidewalks, and outdoor 0 □ □ open spaces TCC MU MFR Cl .4 Ensure universal access for all public spaces TCC MU MFR l'-"1 □ □ CI.6 Provide hardscape elements to enhance the street environment TCC MU MFR ~/ □ □ Cl.7 Desi_gn hardscape elements as part of the building TCC MU MFR V I □ □ Cl.8 Integrate pedestrian amenities with walls and/or landscaped areas TCC MU MFR lvf □ □ Cl.9 Provide public art TCC MU MFR □ □ tCr Cl.10 Ensure new elements complement existing TCC MU MFR [1d' □ □ C 1.12 Provide smooth routes TCC MU MFR [Y'/ □ □ C 1.13 Ensure banier-free access TCC MU MFR L~ □ □ C.2 Parkin!! and Parkin!! Lots C2.1 Provide required parking underground, where feasible TCC MU MFR □ □ IVJ C2.2 Screen large surface parking lots while maintaining surveillance TCC MU MFR □ □ fvf C2.3 Maximize pedestrian safety within parking lots TCC MU MFR IA □ □ C2.4 Provide visible signage TCC MU MFR □ □ [M' C2.5 Consider developing underground parking garages TCC MU MFR □ □ [M' C2.7 Locate parking lot equipment away from the public street TCC MU MFR □ □ f1II' C.3 Lanes, Service and Load in!!: Areas C3.I Use lanes for service, parking access and loading TCC MU MFR □ □ [1;!" C3 .2 Utilize lanes as secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughways TCC MU MFR □ □ M C3.3 Strengthen visual access of the lane TCC MU MFR □ □ [0 C3 .5 Consider lanes as a community amenity TCC MU MFR □ □ [VI C3 .7 Locate loading and service areas away from the street front TCC MU MFR □ □ lvf C3.8 Separate loading from parking and pedestrian paths TCC MU MFR □ □ [1? C3.9 Screen loading areas TCC MU □ □ Iv!' C.4 Street Trees and Landscape , C4.2 Use the right species TCC MU MFR I "I/ □ □ C4.8 Maintain sight lines TCC MU MFR IVI □ □ Explain how the objectives for Building Site Considerations are met. lfyou have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. There is a welcoming paver plaza at the site entrance with the development sign, a bench and bike rack. Notable flowering species are used in the plant palette as well, such as a red flowering Magnolia tree. The landscape design for this project provides generous private yards for the residents and pedestrian circulation through an improved city sidewalk and stamped asphalt pedestrian path in the drive aisle. Screening is provided between units through a use of fencing and planting. Landscape buffers have been provided at the edges of the site and between units, to improve the view of the site from the street and adjacent properties. Native species are used as appropriate to the site. Adaptable shrubs and trees typical for townhouse sites with low maintenance requirements are proposed. Visitor parking, including an accessible stall, are hidden at rear portion of the development, allows streetscape to receive more landscaping elements. Each townhouse is equipped with enclosed parking, except some units with additional outdoor parking. Maple Ridge Town Centre 4 Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines North and South View Precinct Key Guidelines KEY GUIDELINE CONCEPTS I. Promote North and South View as Distinctive, Highly Liveable Multi-Family Neighbourhoods a. Does proposed development help to establish the precinct as a residential area with a mix of housing types at varying densities? ~ / • Consistent: Yes [Y No D Ex lain: The proposed townhouse development is RM-1 , contain mix of one-and two-bedroom P units, which is low density and is similar to the neighbourhood density. 2. Create Pedestrian-Friendly, Ground-Oriented, Multi-Family Community b. Does the building's form and mass support a strong pedestrian-oriented urban realm and help define the street and sidewalk ar:tS.JS active public spaces? Taller buildings should be stepped back pod ium style. • Consistent: Yes LY' No D Explain: Units facing Fletcher Street have dedicated pedestrian entrance, walkway and facade design, which helps to blend in with the neighbourhood. 3. Maintain Cohesive Building Styles c. ls there consistency with other new buildings in the precinct in terms of architecture, building setbacks, form, mass, and heigh£/ • Consistent: Yes~ No D N/A D Explain: Horizontal siding, form, and colours are architectural features in consist with the neighbourhood housings. Slanted roofs requires building height relaxation. 4. Capitalize on Important Views d. Does proposed new dEeJ9Pment capitalize on mountain and/or river views? • Consistent: Yes M No D Not Applicable D Explain: Most townhouses have direct or partial views with the mountain views at north direction. e. Have the important views of existing buildings been c_ons~ered in relation to the proposed development? • Consistent: Yes D No D Not Applicable 19"' Explain: Not existing buildings are retained. 5. Provide Private and Semi-Private Green Space f. Does proposed development include front and back courtyards (in multi-family developments) and incorporate universal a.cc¢, reduce vandalism, and increase safety in the design? • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: All townhouses are clustered at centre of the development. Only single vehicular access/drive isle is proposed. The site design incorporates universal accessibility which increases pedestrian safety. Visitor parking, including an accessible stall, are hidden at rear portion of the development, to minimize vandalism . Maple Ridge Town Centre 5 DP Part l: Key Guideline Concepts for the North & South View Precincts Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines North and South View Precinct Key Guidelines 6. Provide Climate Appropriate Landscaping and Green Features g. Are landscape elements designed to enrich the pedestrian environment, moderate the internal building climate, manage ston11,waj6 on site, and reference the architectural quality of the building(s)? • Consistent: Yes IJl' No D Explain: Continuous landscaping is provided along the Fletcher frontage. There is a welcoming paver plaza at the site entrance with the development sign, a bench and bike rack. The lawn areas will provide storage for stormwater and will be detailed to collect water in a shallow grass swale. 7. Maintain Street Interconnectivity h. Does proposed development maintain street interconnectivity and the use of the lane as a service street and secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway? r\-,/ • Consistent: Yes D No D Not Applicable ~ I. Explain: No lane Is required parking provided un~·ound? • Consistent: Yes D No M Explain: No underground parking Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the North & South View Precincts 6 Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height A l.8 A l.11 A2.8 A 2.9 Design flexible ground-floor un.!!_s~es in commercial and mixed-use buildings. • Consistent: Yes D No [!]" Explain: Not a commercial nor mixed-use development. Accommodate roof ga~ey,, trellises, and green features. • Consistent: Yes !kr' No D Explain: Private backyards, with trees and hedges, are provided between the townhouses and the neighbours as nature transition zone. Site buildings to capit~~n daylight and solar opportunities. • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: All townhouses are situated to receive daylight from east, south and west. Protect solar access to~ounding buildings and minimize wind tunnel effects. • Consistent: Yes M No D Explain: Townhouses massing blends in with the surroundings and minimize tunnel effects. B. Building Fa~ades, Materials, and Colour B 1.12 B2.1 B2.2 B3.4 B3.5 Use exterior shading d~es to block swnmer sun. • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: Each unit has extended roof overhang and rear yard balcony to block summer sun. Design outdoor I ighti'.1g ~n inimize light pollution. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: No lighting will create direct glare from the proposed development to the neighbours. Encourage energy effi~i~ I ighting. • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: LED lighting will be used in this development. Select environmental l~ponsible building materials. • Consistent: Yes \Ll' No D Explain: Hardie siding products are made from natural and sustainable raw materials that are also low in toxicity-Portland cement, cellulose pulp, sand, and water. Minimize the use of u1:is~ainable building materials. • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: No unsustainable buildinq materials will be used in this project. M aple Ridge Town Centre ~ Green Building Design Guidelines 7 ~ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques M :ftitiiNi-i&MPM 83.7 Consider life-cycle cost. ,.._, / • Consistent: Yes D No l.\,Y Explain: Not applicable C. Building Site Considerations Cl.5 Cl.11 Cl.14 C2.6 C2.8 C2.9 Locate outdoor plaza:L!_o yapture the sun. • Consistent: Yes lll' No D Explain: Both the entry plaza and the outdoor playground will receive ample sunlight. Use materials that are functiona_l, ,~fable and include recycled or salvaged content. • Consistent: Yes D No [S?' Explain: Not applicable Encourage use of infi)tra;fon techniques. • Consistent: Yes Ill' No D Explain: With approximately 14,873 square feet of permeable area, and a typical soil depth of 6" beneath lawn areas and 18" beneath shrub areas, stormwater will naturally infiltrate into the landscape. Locate adequate priorjty »-firking in visible areas convenient to entrances. • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: Location of visitor parking are at rear portion of the development for reducing the chances of random vandalism. Use permeable pavement and iJ:lfiJ.0ition devices on appropriate sites. • Consistent: Yes D No 13' Explain: Not applicable Provide shade trees and ~dscaping. • Consistent: Yes !li' No D Explain: Trees have also been positioned around the edges of the site to protect the yards from wind, provide shade in the summer, and privacy throughout the year. C2.I0 C2.I I Provide secure and shelt?ed bicycle storage facilities for short-term uses. • Consistent: Yes M No D Explain: Short term bicycle storage is provided at entry plaza. Provide long-term bicycle parking./ • Consistent: Yes D No [tr' Explain: Not applicable Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 8 C2.12 C3.4 C3.6 C4.I C4.3 C4.4 C4.5 C4.6 Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques Provide end-of-trip fac ilities. . / • Consistent: Yes D No [B"' Explain : Not applicable Minimize im pervious paving ot:th,12"1ane. • Consistent: Yes D No ['5' Explain: Not applicable Respect existing grad~s. / • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Exp lain : Existing site is quite flat and the proposed townhouses are to follow the same terrain. Plant street trees. / • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Ex plain: Two street trees have been proposed along Fletcher where space permits outside the existing tree protection zones. Tree species and location to be confirmed by the City of Maple Ridge. Minimize use ofhigh_m~tenance plants. • Consistent: Yes g-No D Explain: Adaptable shrubs and trees typical for townhouse sites with low maintenance requirements are proposed. Max im ize the use of ~tj_ye and climate appropriate species. • Cons istent: Yes li,6" No D Explain: Native species are used as appropriate to the site. Consider the inclusion of comntu]Yfy gardens. • Consistent: Yes D No ~ Explain: Not applicable Design and place landsca~ to facilitate year round moderation of the internal building climate. • Consistent: Yes [9"'-No D Explain: Trees have also been positioned around the edges of the site to protect the yards from wind, provide shade in the summer, and privacy throughout the year. C4.7 Minimize erosion potent/4 • Consistent: Yes c:1'·-·No D Explain: The site topography is basically flat. Beside bu ilding area and driveway, remaining site area is covered with permeable landscaping . Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines JJ 9 C4.9 C4.10 C4.l 1 C4.l2 C4.13 C4.14 Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques Provide adequate lan~~e maintenance. • Consistent: Yes l];Y No D Explain: Planting design for the project proposes adaptable species that are low maintenance, drought tolerant, and located for solar exposure. Consider incorporatinJLIJfidscape plantings for green features. • Consistent: Yes M No D Explain: Native species are used as appropriate to the site. Adaptable shrubs and trees typical for townhouse sites with low maintenance requirements are proposed. Incorporate low impact yormwater features. • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: An infiltration/detention tank is to be installed under the proposed drive aisle to met Tier A treatment and infiltration requirements. The tank completes with a flow control manhole will also be able to meet Tiers Band C requirements. Consider rainwater collection f~1/'"use. • Consistent: Yes D No M Explain: Not applicable Use natural plantings .an91;reen space to suppo1i habitat. • Consistent: Yes M No D Explain: Native species are used as appropriate to the site. Retain existing matme tJ~. • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: Nine existing trees and a neighbour's hedge are proposed for retention, see the arborist report for additional details. Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines ~ --Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines .. Guide for Advisory Design Panel Members ' I N =MMN@M+M ❖ ~ l " • l FOR ADVlSORY DESIGN PANEL MEMBERS Pursuant with Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, development in the Town Centre will be assessed aga inst the Maple Ridge Town Centre Area Development Permit Guidelines. See the guidelines in Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan for the full list and description of development permit guidelines . This checklist is intended to aid in the Advisory Design pane l in the review of Town Centre development applications (either in collective discussion during monthly meetings or individually). PART H: SECTION OBJECTIVES A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height a. Promote a cohesive building expression and strong pedestrian oriented urban realm in Maple Ridge Town Centre by ensuring new buildings, renovations and/or additions have consistent architectural and urban design setbacks, form, ,m¢, and height. e Cons istent: Yes [B' No D Units facing Fletcher Street have dedicated pedestrian entrance, walkway and facade Explain: design, which helps to blend in with the neighbourhood. The proposed townhouse development is RM-1 , contain mix of one-and two-bedroom units, which is low density and is simila~to t e neighbourhood density. b. Help define the street and ·uewalk areas as active public spaces. o Consistent: Yes No D C. Explain: There is a welcoming paver plaza at the site entrance with the development sign, a bench and bike rack. Provide a consi stent an~com lementary scale of bu ilding form in accordance with the Development Permit Area Guidelines. e Consistent: Yes No D E 1 , . Design considerations are given in compliance with RM-1 low density townhouse in xp am, terms of forms and massing, Building forms are broken off by combination of different unit depths and of disconnected balconies. 8. Building Fai;ades, Materials and Colour d. Ensure additions, renovations and/or new infill projects in the Town Centre have a coherent architectural design concept where~·ind ws, doors, siding material and other fal,ade elements create a pleasing composition compati le 1th surrounding buildings, commercial and neighbourhood character. "' Consistent: Yes No D Units facing Fletcher Street have dedicated pedestrian entrance, walkway and facade Explain: design, which helps to blend in with the neighbourhood, An gable-end feature is located between the ground floor and the second floor to create sense of softer/more friendly facade. e, Enhance the architectural and massing concept of a building as well as the quality, character and vibrancy of the urban environm~nt of e Town Centre through the use of harmonious, quality materials and colours. • Consistent: Yes No D Explain: The proposed townhouses are clustered at center of the development Private backyards, with trees and hedges, are provided between the townhouses and the neighbours as nature transition zone. Horizontal siding, form , and colours are architectural features in consist with the neighbourhood housings. llfaple Ridge Town Centre DP Part 11: Section Objectives Checklist I Bnhsh Columbr.> Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Guide for Advisory Design Panel Members f. Screen rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment and trash storage from public view and thereby ensure commercial and mixed-u ~e b),lildings maintain an attractive appearance to the street. • Consistent: Yes D No at' Explain: Not a commercial nor mixed-use building C. Building Site Considerations g. Ensure public outdoor spaces are des igned so that they improve use and activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, increase safety and provide more attractive, functional outdoor spaces in the Town Centre. , / • Consistent: Yes [9' No D Explain: The outdoor playground is located at centre of development having a sense of connection to all townhouses surrounding it. h. Provide street trees and landscape elements that reinforce the 'urban ' character and vibrancy of the Town Centre, enrich the pedestrian friendly character of the streets in the district, and integrate this important commercial and highe~dens· residential area with the character and quality of the surrounding residential neighbourhoo . • Consistent: Yes No D E , 1 .. There is a welcoming paver plaza at the site entrance with the development sign , a xp am. bench and bike rack. Notable flowering species are used in the plant palette as well, such as a red flowering Magnolia tree. I. Ensure parking lots ar~desi ned to be accessible, but do not intrude upon the surroundi_ng residential area, nor the urban, pedestr· n-1ented quality of the Town Centre. • Consistent: Yes No D Explain: Location of visitor parking are at rear portion of the development for reducing the chances of random vandalism. An accessible parking is provided. j. Ensure service loading and mechanical equipment are designed to protect the surrounding businesses and residential areas from unsightly, noi_;ef,' and noxious environments. • Consistent: Yes D No [CV" Explain: Not applicable k. Ensure outdoor spaces consi r appropriate orientation for solar access and human comfort, in accordance with the Development Pe it Guidelines. • Consistent: Yes No D Explain : All townhouses are situated to receive daylight from east, south and west. FURTHER COMMENTS: Maple Ridge Town Centre 2 DP Part II: Section Objectives Checklist DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Existing /Proposed Zone RS-1/RM-1 Date Prepared Feb., 22, 2021 Required Development Data LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total Less Road Widening/ Truncations Less Park Net Total LOT COVERAGE (in % of net lot area) Total Site Coverage SETBACKS (in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal Accessory NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three Bedroom+ Total GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential Retail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type n/a I nstitutiona I Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed 557, min. nla n/a 557 60 5(W) 7.5 (E) 6 (N) 6 (S) n/a nla n/a n/a n/a 9.5 m I 3 storeys n/a 1,960.16 0 0 0 0 0 1,960.16 • If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) 3,266.94 72.51 n/a 3194.43 25.90 4.5 (variance) 6 (variance) 6 6 n/a n/a n/a nla n/a n/a 10.23 m I 3 storeys (variance) n/a ); 0 0 5 10 15 :P,l\" w d<"b ••!)/\ii ffi 2,096.62 0 0 0 0 0 2,096.62 Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) ,, DENSITY << # of units/ha (gross} n/a n/a # of units/ha (net} n/a n/a Gross Floor Area 1,960.16 2,096.62 Floor Space Ratio (net) 0.6 0.6563 ... AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area 75 115.48 Useable Open Space 525 833 PARKING (number of spaces} ) (') I /ii Xi ;21:ll:1 ii::0 Residential and Multi-Residential Uses 0 0 Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units} 0 0 Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units} 0 0 Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr} 30 38 Commercial Uses 0 0 Educational & Assembly Uses 0 0 Institutional Use 0 0 Industrial Use 0 0 Business Park Uses 0 0 Comprehensive 0 0 Other 0 0 Number of spaces for visitors 3 4 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES Number of total for disabled 0 1 Number of total (and%} small cars 0 I 0 % 0 Number of total (and%} tandem spaces 0 I 0 % 0 TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) 0 0 BICYCLE P~Ri<ING (number of spa~,~j 1 ::ff1JI:!!::: ••I• Short Term Bicycle Parking 3 I 5 Long Term Bicycle Parking 0 0 OTHER -state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site I n/a I Tree Survey/ Assessment Provided I Yes Watercourse/Steep Slopes I n/a I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements I n/a I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Environmental Services Department. Prepared by: Ching-yeh Cary Tsai Print Name NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. - revisions issued for consultant project no. sheet no. WEBSITE:ARCHITECT57.COM le g a l n o t i c e this drawings and specifications are the exclusive property of architect 57 inc. and may not be reproduced for any purpose without the written permission of architect 57 inc. all information shown on the drawings is for this specific project only. these documents are not final and ready for use, and therefore not valid, unless they are sealed, signed, and dated. drawing is not scaleable. the general contractor must verify all dimensions, datum, and levels prior to the commencement of work. all errors and omissions discovered must be reported immediately to architect 57 inc. copyright :: architect 57 inc. CHECKED: rev. project title ADDRESS: drawing titlearchitect OFFICE:203-2680 SHELL ROAD, RMD., B.C. V6X 4C9 A R C H I T E C T 5 7 I N C . SCALE:DATE: DRAWN:FACSIMILE:604.284.5028604.284.5029 CLIENT: logo & description no. description date 1. xxxxx xx.xx.xx no. description date 1. dp application 20.04.20 2. advisory design panel 21.02.22 2021-02-22 10:21:16 AM 5719021 A101AMR. JACK HE adp 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. RENDERINGS AuthorChecker 21.02.22 3 SW BIRDEYE VIEW 1 SOUTHWEST PERSPECTIVE 2 NORTHWEST PERSPECTIVE ~ 11 "~\. L..;- ~ --- -· j ' ' ,, >-\ l ,_, ~-~---------~- _,,,////,, _,,. "---------------!'. // --~-.,,,/ _,,,,/ ,,,,/' / / </ / / ,/ ·' // I I I FLETCHER STREET DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD BROWN AVE. 123 AVE. 12162 12170 12178 SITE INDEX TRUE NORTH PROJECT SITE - revisions issued for consultant project no. sheet no. WEBSITE:ARCHITECT57.COM legal notice this drawings and specifications are the exclusive property of architect 57 inc. and may not be reproduced for any purpose without the written permission of architect 57 inc. all information shown on the drawings is for this specific project only. these documents are not final and ready for use, and therefore not valid, unless they are sealed, signed, and dated. drawing is not scaleable. the general contractor must verify all dimensions, datum, and levels prior to the commencement of work. all errors and omissions discovered must be reported immediately to architect 57 inc. copyright :: architect 57 inc. CHECKED: rev. project title ADDRESS: drawing titlearchitect OFFICE:203-2680 SHELL ROAD, RMD., B.C. V6X 4C9 A R C H I T E C T 5 7 I N C . SCALE:DATE: DRAWN:FACSIMILE:604.284.5028604.284.5029 CLIENT: logo & description no. description date 1. xxxxx xx.xx.xx no. description date 1. dp application 20.04.20 2. advisory design panel 21.02.22 1 : 14402021-02-22 10:21:16 AM 5719021 A101BMR. JACK HE adp 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. SITE MAP AuthorChecker 21.02.22 - revisions issued for consultant project no. sheet no. WEBSITE:ARCHITECT57.COM legal notice this drawings and specifications are the exclusive property of architect 57 inc. and may not be reproduced for any purpose without the written permission of architect 57 inc. all information shown on the drawings is for this specific project only. these documents are not final and ready for use, and therefore not valid, unless they are sealed, signed, and dated. drawing is not scaleable. the general contractor must verify all dimensions, datum, and levels prior to the commencement of work. all errors and omissions discovered must be reported immediately to architect 57 inc. copyright :: architect 57 inc. CHECKED: rev. project title ADDRESS: drawing titlearchitect OFFICE:203-2680 SHELL ROAD, RMD., B.C. V6X 4C9 A R C H I T E C T 5 7 I N C . SCALE:DATE: DRAWN:FACSIMILE:604.284.5028604.284.5029 CLIENT: logo & description no. description date 1. xxxxx xx.xx.xx no. description date 1. dp application 20.04.20 2. advisory design panel 21.02.22 2021-02-22 10:50:47 AM 5719021 A101CMR. JACK HE adp 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. DESIGN RATIONAL and FLETCHER STREETSCAPEAuthorChecker 21.02.22 12178 FLETCHERNORTH SOUTH12178, 12170 and 12162 FLETCHER M M H shed asphalt drive asphalt drive cedar hedge shed deciduous hedge #12178 #12170 #12162 Area=1087.0 Sq.m. Area=1087.2 Sq.m. Area=1093.4 Sq.m. 67.60 67.59 16.16 16.09 16.09 67.57 67.58 16.08 16.08 16.19 -5 4.9 1 4 2.1 8-5 4.6 9 4 1.5 9 4 1.8 2 4 1.6 4 -5 4.1 3 4 2.1 9 4 1.7 2 4 2.9 6 4 2.2 4 4 1.7 2 4 1.7 0 4 2.3 7 4 1.6 8 4 1.8 0 4 1.8 7 4 2.1 5 4 2.0 0 4 2.0 8 4 2.0 442.0 7 4 2.1 9 4 2.1 1 4 2.1 6 4 2.1 2 4 2.1 5 4 2.4 3 4 2.3 6 4 2.3 0 4 2.3 1 4 2.3 5 4 2.2 2 4 2.3 3 4 2.2 4 4 2.4 0 4 2.5 7 4 2.7 0 4 2.8 0 4 3.0 1 4 3.0 0 4 3.1 3 4 3.1 642.9 742.8 4 4 2.7 1 4 2.6 4 4 2.5 7 4 2.6 1 4 2.5 4 4 2.6 5 4 2.6 9 4 2.6 9 4 2.7 3 4 2.7 3 4 2.7 3 4 2.8 8 4 2.8 8 4 2.9 5 4 2.4 6 4 2.4 2 4 2.4 6 4 2.5 9 4 2.6 6 4 2.7 1 4 2.9 4 4 2.7 0 4 2.6 0 4 2.2 2 4 2.0 2 4 2.1 2 4 2.2 5 4 2.2 1 4 2.4 0 4 2.5 5 4 2.6 0 4 2.1 6 4 2.2 4 4 2.1 7 4 2.2 6 4 2.3 5 4 2.3 4 4 2.3 0 4 2.3 2 4 2.4 5 4 2.4 2 4 2.4 7 4 2.5 2 4 2.5 7 4 2.6 5 4 2.6 142.5 2 4 2.5 2 4 2.5 8 4 2.6 3 4 2.7 3 4 2.6 1 4 2.6 0 4 2.6 3 4 2.0 3 4 2.0 1 4 1.9 5 4 1.8 2 4 1.7 6 4 2.0 1 4 1.9 2 4 1.8 0 4 2.4 3 4 2.3 9 4 2.0 6 4 2.3 1 4 2.0 4 4 2.1 3 4 2.1 2 4 2.5 1 4 2.5 3 4 2.4 3 4 2.2 5 4 2.5 9 4 2.6 4 4 2.7 0 4 2.3 1 4 2.1 7 4 2.2 7 4 2.3 0 4 2.2 5 4 2.1 7 4 2.2 1 4 2.2 5 4 2.2 2 4 2.1 8 4 2.4 6 4 2.3 9 4 2.0 1 4 2.4 7 4 2.5 3 4 2.1 4 4 2.1 1 4 2.2 0 4 2.1 0 4 2.1 1 4 2.1 6 4 2.1 0 4 2.0 3 4 1.9 7 4 2.0 5 4 1.9 9 4 1.9 3 4 1.9 0 4 1.9 4 4 1.9 0 4 1.8 4 4 1.7 8 4 1.8 5 4 1.7 8 4 1.7 1 4 1.6 7 4 1.7 1 4 1.7 1 4 1.8 3 4 1.7 7 4 1.8 141.8 1 4 1.8 8 4 2.0 1 4 2.0 7 4 2.1 1 4 2.1 0 4 2.0 8 4 2.1 7 4 2.1 0 4 2.0 3 4 1.8 3 4 1.9 0 4 1.9 3 4 1.9 2 4 2.0 4 4 2.0 2 4 2.1 0 4 1.9 9 4 2.0 3 4 1.8 9 4 2.2 9 4 2.8 3 4 2.5 5 4 2.7 2 4 2.6 0 4 2.9 1 4 2.9 6 4 3.1 0 4 2.3 8 4 3.0 9 4 3.0 2 4 3.0 3 4 1.8 1 4 2.1 8 4 2.3 2 c/ of road edge of asphalt san i/c 60 conifer 60 conifer 60 conifer 40 conifer 50 conifer 50 conifer 50 conifer 35 conifer 65 conifer 100 conifer 70 maple 50 maple 25 conifer 30 dec.20 holly 60 conifer 55 conifer existing house existing house 30 dec. 25 dec. 60 conifer 30 conifer existing house existing house existing house existing house 30 dec. 30 dec. 30 dec. 30 dec. sign 279 N 1/2 OF 10 FLETCHER STREET S 1/2 OF 10 REM 9 SOUTH 52.5 FEET OF 9 REM 2 336 BCS3707 SOUTH 52.5 FEET OF 2 FLETCHER STREET LANDSCAPE 4.50 m 14' - 9" UN I T A 2 UN I T A 3 UN I T A 3 UN I T A 2 UN I T C NE W P R O P E R T Y L I N E 48.35 m 158' - 8" 67.60 m 221' - 9" 6.00 m 19' - 8" 6. 0 0 m 19 ' - 8 " SETBACK LINE BUILDING EAST preliminaries mbe: 43.15m corners/garage: 43.00m LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE UNIT A1 UNIT A2 UNIT B2 UNIT B1 UNIT B1 UNIT B2 BUILDING SOUTH PLAYGROUND UNIT A1 UNIT A3 UNIT A2UNIT A3 BUILDING NORTH preliminaries mbe: 42.65m corners/garage: 42.50m preliminaries mbe: 42.65m corners/garage: 42.50m VISITOR PARKING VISITOR PARKING VISITOR PARKING ACCESSIBLE PARKING LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE BIKE 6. 0 0 m 19 ' - 8 " 0.91 m 3' - 0 " 6.40 m 21 ' - 0 " 1.21 m 4' - 0 " 1.52 m 5' - 0 " 35.41 m 116' - 2" 11.89 m 39 ' - 0 " 6.85 m 22 ' - 6 " 31.01 m 101' - 9" FLOORS ABOVE BALCONY OVERHEAD FLOORS ABOVE FL O O R S A B O V E BA L C O N Y O V E R H E A D 3 A103 2 A103 BALCONY OVERHEAD 6. 4 7 m 21 ' - 3 " 0. 9 0 m 2' - 1 1 " 4.59 m 15' - 1" 6.52 m R 21' - 4 1/2" 6.10 m R 20' - 0" 1. 8 4 m 6' - 0 " 6. 0 5 m 19 ' - 1 0 " 6.17 m 20 ' - 3 " 6.12 m 20' - 1" 7.62 m 25' - 0" 5.79 m 19' - 0" 2.74 m 9' - 0 " 3.00 m 9' - 1 0 " 2.74 m 9' - 0" 3.66 m 12' - 0" 0.00 m 0' - 0 " 9.55 m 31 ' - 4 " 6.08 m 20 ' - 0 " 6.40 m 21 ' - 0 " 6.52 m 21 ' - 5 " 1.41 m 4' - 8 " 1.21 m 4' - 0 " 12.51 m 41 ' - 0 " 4.46 m 14 ' - 7 " 6.26 m 20' - 7" 5.49 m 18' - 0" 3.25 m 10' - 8" 1.50 m 4' - 11" 1.50 m 4' - 11" 3.48 m 11' - 5" 3.48 m 11' - 5" 1.50 m 4' - 11" 1.50 m 4' - 11" 3.48 m 11' - 5" 2.06 m 6' - 9" 3.88 m 12' - 9" 0.62 m 2' - 0" 48.34 m 158' - 7" 66.07 m 216' - 9" 1.50 m 4' - 11" Road Dedication former property line - revisions issued for consultant project no. sheet no. WEBSITE:ARCHITECT57.COM le g a l n o t i c e this drawings and specifications are the exclusive property of architect 57 inc. and may not be reproduced for any purpose without the written permission of architect 57 inc. all information shown on the drawings is for this specific project only. these documents are not final and ready for use, and therefore not valid, unless they are sealed, signed, and dated. drawing is not scaleable. the general contractor must verify all dimensions, datum, and levels prior to the commencement of work. all errors and omissions discovered must be reported immediately to architect 57 inc. copyright :: architect 57 inc. CHECKED: rev. project title ADDRESS: drawing titlearchitect OFFICE:203-2680 SHELL ROAD, RMD., B.C. V6X 4C9 A R C H I T E C T 5 7 I N C . SCALE:DATE: DRAWN:FACSIMILE:604.284.5028604.284.5029 CLIENT: logo & description no. description date 1. xxxxx xx.xx.xx no. description date 1. dp application 20.04.20 2. advisory design panel 21.02.22 3/32" = 1'-0"2021-02-22 10:21:17 AM 5719021 A102AMR. JACK HE adp 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. SITE PLAN JTCT 21.02.22 ' ' I I I I ' ' I I\\ I I I I I ' I I I ' I' - ~ I .. --------------------ai--------------------._.-._. ______ ._.. ___ ._._._. ____ ._.._. ___ ._._._.. __ /_._. ______ ._.._\ __ ,, ■ • I .l -_ L _ --------.,.,' ---·---- I :, L -' _I _\-j - " ,□-~--]-' ' ,, l) I -I I I / f-l I I I I ~I I ' f I ----I I -r---------' I • I /---1 - ' I I I 1o1 I < I C. --• = I --• ,. - [g]_, I ' . l I I I I I I I I ~ ' _1 -----=--=-=---~----~½ ----{ 1---->--' ~ ---- / ~ ~ -_ _ _ ~ =~t-= G~1tt--~-= , 11 \ ~ _/ ~ -, -=1WF-~-' --1 - - - -r -;-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -·~ T'-'"1._....,__.."--al..o~--,,:,:::==========~=======~~=='3"c.-"O'i",~J-7 r I r 11 I I -------- ' --- t --- 11----/ --- ' ' I ---I - ' ' r --------- I I I I I I I ' ' 71-------•--------------------'--------------------\---------------'---"---dc_c'J---F~--Flt--+'-----~---'k-'-------- : •-·,----•--,-, : 1 -I : J,,f1i, __ ~:iiiiiiiiiiiiii~:---,i-,:l;,_,,~,::~:;_iiii:;~:Hli"-'--c,,,1' 1 '+:-t:-t 1 ,( .. ~~:~::::::::::~:~--1"''--l:~::::::::::iiii:H~~J-t:--j:-~i,[' 1 , ~\- 1 t : 1 + : 1 -,i _l~:::::~i-:-it---+-':t'.t+ :~,r'--:, I I -: I --I H H~ --~ 'H H H I -I I 1·· 1, -1 I 1 1 1----1----7 I I I I I ' ' -~, I I 7 I I I I cL J -j :_J ' I -l I i i -J1lJ iJJJillJ -j i ---• I I I ' -J ff ··, -" -j -------------r---I ____________ [g] :rr_-__ ; .. ll;:,:::::=====::t;i:===---~1=\==e.ti===_=Frl=J===-·==.i;ir.c=='=--==:liiil"\==j_r=L=/=f,P.::::.=:::~~-i--_-_-;---r.:=====~1, ~--·---..!1--11------.--tll = ,' i= + ' -- ' ' - , I I I ' , __ _ I [Q] --._ " - !='=7 I I - I --0 ,- "' -~ -r 111---H -~ 111---n F, ~ __c+m------._ I I I I \ F====~I I : I I L ·-------_:_ ------ 1 :~:, /' '-' "c --I ---- )1'; I I I ' j - --~ -----r -. ___: O ;_ ;_; ;_ _ --,------~-------f:_:i:I_~,: __ ==-==%-, :;':: :t~:i':__.:= __ :_:"i:_:=:_,~_:?-;;;_;;;-~ ~ ~ -_j ___ ,_ -----i ------~ ~-~~u ~ --=-=--,, . , , , --, ' ' ' , , I I I , ' ' I I I I, I \ / -, I -I I I I I I ' ' I I I I I I I -i ----1--/ / -, ' I I I -I -------r I •• <::t=========:-------------=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=------=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-----------= ---=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=~\=--'7'-r-,-- ,-~I __ L ___ "'"' ___ ---------------------1-: ----------------------_,.,i. ·------~-------------f---;~~~=---=~~l"-J.'_j·''=-:.-=--~~-----·--o111·1it-■---------~ t I I l ___ _ I / ' ' I I ' ' I ' ' I I I ' ' I - revisions issued for consultant project no. sheet no. WEBSITE:ARCHITECT57.COM legal notice this drawings and specifications are the exclusive property of architect 57 inc. and may not be reproduced for any purpose without the written permission of architect 57 inc. all information shown on the drawings is for this specific project only. these documents are not final and ready for use, and therefore not valid, unless they are sealed, signed, and dated. drawing is not scaleable. the general contractor must verify all dimensions, datum, and levels prior to the commencement of work. all errors and omissions discovered must be reported immediately to architect 57 inc. copyright :: architect 57 inc. CHECKED: rev. project title ADDRESS: drawing titlearchitect OFFICE:203-2680 SHELL ROAD, RMD., B.C. V6X 4C9 A R C H I T E C T 5 7 I N C . SCALE:DATE: DRAWN:FACSIMILE:604.284.5028604.284.5029 CLIENT: logo & description no. description date 1. xxxxx xx.xx.xx no. description date 1. dp application 20.04.20 2. advisory design panel 21.02.22 1" = 60'-0"2021-02-22 10:22:11 AM 5719021 A102BMR. JACK HE adp 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. SHADOW STUDY AuthorChecker 21.02.22 MARCH / SEPTEMBER 21 10 AM JUNE 21 10 AM DECEMBNER 21 10 AM MARCH / SEPTEMBER 21 12 PM JUNE 21 12 PM DECEMBNER 21 12 PM MARCH / SEPTEMBER 21 2PM JUNE 21 2PM DECEMBNER 21 2PM MARCH / SEPTEMBER 21 4PM JUNE 21 4PM DECEMBNER 21 4PM Ground 0' -0" Main 9' -0" Upper 19' -0" Truss 27' -0" Max. Height 31' -2" SB SA2 SA1NANB (M.B.E. Geotetic = 42.65m) Ground 0' -0" Main 9' -0" Upper 19' -0" Truss 27' -0" 3 A103SB SA2 SA1NANB B.E. Max. Height 32' -10" Ground 0' -0" Main 9' -0" Upper 19' -0" Truss 27' -0" Max. Height 31' -2" S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 EB EA2 EA1 B.E. Ground 1' -8" B.E. Main 10' -8" B.E. Upper 20' -8" B.E. Turss 28' -8" B.E. Max. Height 32' -10" 2 A103 0. 5 0 m 1' - 8 " - revisions issued for consultant project no. sheet no. WEBSITE:ARCHITECT57.COM le g a l n o t i c e this drawings and specifications are the exclusive property of architect 57 inc. and may not be reproduced for any purpose without the written permission of architect 57 inc. all information shown on the drawings is for this specific project only. these documents are not final and ready for use, and therefore not valid, unless they are sealed, signed, and dated. drawing is not scaleable. the general contractor must verify all dimensions, datum, and levels prior to the commencement of work. all errors and omissions discovered must be reported immediately to architect 57 inc. copyright :: architect 57 inc. CHECKED: rev. project title ADDRESS: drawing titlearchitect OFFICE:203-2680 SHELL ROAD, RMD., B.C. V6X 4C9 A R C H I T E C T 5 7 I N C . SCALE:DATE: DRAWN:FACSIMILE:604.284.5028604.284.5029 CLIENT: logo & description no. description date 1. xxxxx xx.xx.xx no. description date 1. dp application 20.04.20 2. advisory design panel 21.02.22 1/8" = 1'-0"2021-02-22 10:22:28 AM 5719021 A103MR. JACK HE adp 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. FLETCHER STREET ELEVATION & SITE SECTIONS Checker 21.02.221:1000 1/8" = 1'-0"1 FLETCHER STREET ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"2 NORTH-SOUTH SITE SECTION 1/8" = 1'-0"3 EAST-WEST SITE SECTION - ! ! I I ' ! --l -I --' -I --------- --' -~ _:--, ' -I 1--I --~ ~-~-~ ~ .= D = .~ 111,, D / D TT I ',>, I,, --------- ; -~ 7 ~ ~ - ~ ---/cd' -':,, ~ 1 -_---~/_-----;-.. ,-;::>'' .. /'/./ = ,--= // .. / 6 .--~--- llili i Ill iii ii 4"1// h -:::::~ c-a --~/-// Pl1II' PIIIW' ~ ; / L__I----------"·· --------' --,, i ""-1.,l ~ . I j ~· --ITT /// ! ~ ~ -- ' o/ [t£; ~ - •j·•· .L ' M on I - ----- ' I I I I I I I -I I I I I ' I .\ c-, I I ~ -~--; I] -- ;ITT. -- )~ ~ 7 --=□ =□ ·=c! !~ ~ c 7 J _U 'l ' _U _l~ c 7 ~ ~ c =-7 m ~ I _I II r1 ~ I ~ rn l I c 7 r, -r ~ i= Iii BIB "' ---E B B B tE E tE ~ 7 EtlE I 1111:r:I ' -~ ----I -~ ---0 I ~~ u...___________,: '[~ V - r=i :I I ii ' I ' I 11: I \ I :r Ir' I I II 'I --~_J ·~ I 11 ?Hi~-I '-h ! • _/_,,,, Ill Ill II I I ., II r.,, -CY -~□I ! ---~ - r = -! -"' ...., Ill I I I I I C. ' r 8 - ri= 1 --= I~ L_ p _L_ ~ Ri:l' ,c::> c IC: C -:-- I ~<, I I ' ~ 7 ' ~ 7 ~ ~ h ~ ~ -7 ~ 1ff 1nnr ~~ -=! CJ '"'1W11 "" 111111 , -I ,~.·, ' ,v;,, I --1 // -·~ -7 ! ! ' -_J -[[[ cl/ ~.~ I I I,_! I -[[[ - Ground 0' -0" Main 9' -0" Upper 19' -0" Truss 27' -0" Max. Height 31' -2" S1S2S3S4S5S6S7 9. 5 0 m 31 ' - 2 " 2 A103 (M.B.E. Geodetic = 42.65m) 35.39 m 116' - 2" 33 ' - 7 " 1 0 . 2 3 m 27 ' - 0 " 8 . 2 2 m Ground 0' -0" Main 9' -0" Upper 19' -0" Truss 27' -0" Max. Height 31' -2" S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 2 A103 Ground 0' -0" Main 9' -0" Upper 19' -0" Truss 27' -0" Max. Height 31' -2" 3 A103 SBSA2SA1 Ground 0' -0" Main 9' -0" Upper 19' -0" Truss 27' -0" Max. Height 31' -2" 3 A103SB SA2 SA1 13.37 m 43' - 11" MATERIALS JAMES HARDIE PANEL (9.25") BOOTHBAY BLUE (WALLS) JAMES HARDIE PANEL ARCTIC WHITE (FASCIA, TRIMS) JAMES HARDIE SHINGLES BOOTHBAY BLUE (GARAGE) JAMES HARDIE PANEL WHITE HOUSE (ROOF SIDEWALLS) JAMES HARDIE SHINGLES ARCTIC WHITE (WINDOW SEAT) - revisions issued for consultant project no. sheet no. WEBSITE:ARCHITECT57.COM le g a l n o t i c e this drawings and specifications are the exclusive property of architect 57 inc. and may not be reproduced for any purpose without the written permission of architect 57 inc. all information shown on the drawings is for this specific project only. these documents are not final and ready for use, and therefore not valid, unless they are sealed, signed, and dated. drawing is not scaleable. the general contractor must verify all dimensions, datum, and levels prior to the commencement of work. all errors and omissions discovered must be reported immediately to architect 57 inc. copyright :: architect 57 inc. CHECKED: rev. project title ADDRESS: drawing titlearchitect OFFICE:203-2680 SHELL ROAD, RMD., B.C. V6X 4C9 A R C H I T E C T 5 7 I N C . SCALE:DATE: DRAWN:FACSIMILE:604.284.5028604.284.5029 CLIENT: logo & description no. description date 1. xxxxx xx.xx.xx no. description date 1. dp application 20.04.20 2. advisory design panel 21.02.22 1/8" = 1'-0"2021-02-22 10:22:55 AM 5719021 A104MR. JACK HE adp 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. BUILDING SOUTH ELEVATIONS CTCT 21.02.22 1/8" = 1'-0"1 BUILDING SOUTH FRONT ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"3 BUILDING SOUTH REAR ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"4 BUILDING SOUTH EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"2 BUILDING SOUTH FLETCHER ELEV. ---------·-. ---·:=-~ ~---~----------- ----- .\ ()I, ~ r - Ground 0' -0" Main 9' -0" Upper 19' -0" Truss 27' -0" Max. Height 31' -2" N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 2 A103 (M.B.E. Geodetic = 42.65m) 9. 5 0 m 31 ' - 2 " 31.02 m 101' - 9" 33 ' - 7 " 1 0 . 2 4 m 27 ' - 0 " 8 . 2 3 m Ground 0' -0" Main 9' -0" Upper 19' -0" Truss 27' -0" Max. Height 31' -2" N1N2N3N4N5 2 A103 Ground 0' -0" Main 9' -0" Upper 19' -0" Truss 27' -0" Max. Height 31' -2" NA NB Ground 0' -0" Main 9' -0" Upper 19' -0" Truss 27' -0" Max. Height 31' -2" NANB 8.69 m 28' - 6" MATERIALS JAMES HARDIE PANEL (9.25") BOOTHBAY BLUE (WALLS) JAMES HARDIE PANEL ARCTIC WHITE (FASCIA, TRIMS) JAMES HARDIE SHINGLES BOOTHBAY BLUE (GARAGE) JAMES HARDIE PANEL WHITE HOUSE (ROOF SIDEWALLS) JAMES HARDIE SHINGLES ARCTIC WHITE (WINDOW SEAT) - revisions issued for consultant project no. sheet no. WEBSITE:ARCHITECT57.COM le g a l n o t i c e this drawings and specifications are the exclusive property of architect 57 inc. and may not be reproduced for any purpose without the written permission of architect 57 inc. all information shown on the drawings is for this specific project only. these documents are not final and ready for use, and therefore not valid, unless they are sealed, signed, and dated. drawing is not scaleable. the general contractor must verify all dimensions, datum, and levels prior to the commencement of work. all errors and omissions discovered must be reported immediately to architect 57 inc. copyright :: architect 57 inc. CHECKED: rev. project title ADDRESS: drawing titlearchitect OFFICE:203-2680 SHELL ROAD, RMD., B.C. V6X 4C9 A R C H I T E C T 5 7 I N C . SCALE:DATE: DRAWN:FACSIMILE:604.284.5028604.284.5029 CLIENT: logo & description no. description date 1. xxxxx xx.xx.xx no. description date 1. dp application 20.04.20 2. advisory design panel 21.02.22 1/8" = 1'-0"2021-02-22 10:23:18 AM 5719021 A105MR. JACK HE adp 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. BUILDING NORTH ELEVATIONS JTCT 21.02.22 1/8" = 1'-0"1 BUILDING NORTH FRONT ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"3 BUILDING NORTH REAR ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"4 BUILDING NORTH FLETCHER ELEV. 1/8" = 1'-0"2 BUILDING NORTH EAST ELEVATION ----------~ I. ... --- I I I, / .. • Cl' I 11 II I I I l .. ~· - 3 A103 E1E2E3E4E5E6 B.E. Ground 1' -8" B.E. Main 10' -8" B.E. Upper 20' -8" B.E. Turss 28' -8" B.E. Max. Height 32' -10" 9. 5 0 m 31 ' - 2 " (B.E. = Building East) (M.B.E. Geodetic = 43.15m) 36.06 m 118' - 3" 33 ' - 7 " 1 0 . 2 3 m 27 ' - 0 " 8 . 2 3 m 3 A103 SA1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 B.E. Ground 1' -8" B.E. Main 10' -8" B.E. Upper 20' -8" B.E. Turss 28' -8" B.E. Max. Height 32' -10" EB EA2 EA1 B.E. Ground 1' -8" B.E. Main 10' -8" B.E. Upper 20' -8" B.E. Turss 28' -8" B.E. Max. Height 32' -10" 11.61 m 38' - 1" EBEA2EA1 B.E. Ground 1' -8" B.E. Main 10' -8" B.E. Upper 20' -8" B.E. Turss 28' -8" B.E. Max. Height 32' -10" MATERIALS JAMES HARDIE PANEL (9.25") BOOTHBAY BLUE (WALLS) JAMES HARDIE PANEL ARCTIC WHITE (FASCIA, TRIMS) JAMES HARDIE SHINGLES BOOTHBAY BLUE (GARAGE) JAMES HARDIE PANEL WHITE HOUSE (ROOF SIDEWALLS) JAMES HARDIE SHINGLES ARCTIC WHITE (WINDOW SEAT) - revisions issued for consultant project no. sheet no. WEBSITE:ARCHITECT57.COM le g a l n o t i c e this drawings and specifications are the exclusive property of architect 57 inc. and may not be reproduced for any purpose without the written permission of architect 57 inc. all information shown on the drawings is for this specific project only. these documents are not final and ready for use, and therefore not valid, unless they are sealed, signed, and dated. drawing is not scaleable. the general contractor must verify all dimensions, datum, and levels prior to the commencement of work. all errors and omissions discovered must be reported immediately to architect 57 inc. copyright :: architect 57 inc. CHECKED: rev. project title ADDRESS: drawing titlearchitect OFFICE:203-2680 SHELL ROAD, RMD., B.C. V6X 4C9 A R C H I T E C T 5 7 I N C . SCALE:DATE: DRAWN:FACSIMILE:604.284.5028604.284.5029 CLIENT: logo & description no. description date 1. xxxxx xx.xx.xx no. description date 1. dp application 20.04.20 2. advisory design panel 21.02.22 1/8" = 1'-0"2021-02-22 10:23:44 AM 5719021 A106MR. JACK HE adp 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. BUILDING EAST ELEVATIONS AuthorChecker 21.02.22 1/8" = 1'-0"1 BUILDING EAST FRONT ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"2 BUILDING EAST REAR ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"3 BUILDING EAST SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"4 BUILDING EAST NORTH ELEVATION -:= -___ _,..==-==-. ----· ___ , __ ,,... C Il l II =------------=--~------- ·--- I -------.; =--::-- \ ~ ~·. - ~ ~ ~ ~ Ill • ~\ ca, Il l ~ ~ WH WH Fr i d g e Ra n g e Fr i d g e Ra n g e DW DW Fr i d g e DW Ra n g e Fr i d g e Ra n g e Fr i d g e Ra n g e DW DW Fr i d g e DW Ra n g e W D W D DryerWasher W D W D DryerWasher A104 1 A104 3 A1044A1042 3 A103 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 SB SA2 SA1 13.37 m 43 ' - 1 1 " 35.39 m 116' - 2" 2 A103 3 A103 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 SB SA2 SA1 2 A103 3 A103 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 SB SA2 SA1 2 A103 3 A103 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 SB SA2 SA1 2 A103 FL E T C H E R S T R E E T BUILDING NORTH BUILDING SOUTH BU I L D I N G E A S T - revisions issued for consultant project no. sheet no. WEBSITE:ARCHITECT57.COM le g a l n o t i c e this drawings and specifications are the exclusive property of architect 57 inc. and may not be reproduced for any purpose without the written permission of architect 57 inc. all information shown on the drawings is for this specific project only. these documents are not final and ready for use, and therefore not valid, unless they are sealed, signed, and dated. drawing is not scaleable. the general contractor must verify all dimensions, datum, and levels prior to the commencement of work. all errors and omissions discovered must be reported immediately to architect 57 inc. copyright :: architect 57 inc. CHECKED: rev. project title ADDRESS: drawing titlearchitect OFFICE:203-2680 SHELL ROAD, RMD., B.C. V6X 4C9 A R C H I T E C T 5 7 I N C . SCALE:DATE: DRAWN:FACSIMILE:604.284.5028604.284.5029 CLIENT: logo & description no. description date 1. xxxxx xx.xx.xx no. description date 1. dp application 20.04.20 2. advisory design panel 21.02.22 As indicated2021-02-22 10:23:57 AM 5719021 A107MR. JACK HE adp 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. BUILDING SOUTH PLANS AuthorChecker 21.02.22 1/8" = 1'-0"1 BULDING SOUTH GROUND FLOOR 1/8" = 1'-0"2 BUILDING SOUTH MAIN FLOOR 1/8" = 1'-0"3 BUILDING SOUTH UPPER FLOOR 1/8" = 1'-0"4 BUILDING SOUTH ROOF \ ' ! _J / / - ' \ ! \ ! ,, \ / --- -- \ I -1; 'I I __ )/ I ,~ < - - - -_J J ~--~ ~ -'-1 I/-->. \\ ::1 ' ---+4"ni- I I I I \, I I I I I I - I l I __ /) - -,c., -~ - l_cJ I r) T / I -- < A\/ I nD -I ~ ' , ~-------- -- ' ! -T I - I /\ \',, - - D - fl---,,,, /- - -- I ! 'T- I \ ! )_/ I \ / I ~ E-+-c; t-,· ·--. 1---.:.:0 ' ' I f---7 ' ' ,--7 ' I ' ' L __ ___j ' ' I 1----,--7 1----' ' I I I I I -\ I I I I I -----I-_// - I I \ C: n ] i,} - 1 --~ ' ~ l-) - 1-~ ~ lie--~ "¥,;-Ill---I f------11 ·--. '-· _____ _ r--•: lc-----11 l'r--11' I------- 1----=1 i---------- IL [ Jr IL -T, J I ( -- -- D D -- J B ~ I fvR'1 = B~ Jj 1 I - I / 4 ; ', ,, 1 !, , -- ' ' T" I ~ - ---__ / ' --\ I // I J - _,,,,· ,,,,-:_ _,,,., ----i c::_ __ ---1 ---' ---1 ' ' --- ' ' ---' ---' ------1 --- : ---\,, " " I I __ \ ___ I -- ---- ! ' ' ~-1 ~--·11:1 l-__ ---lll_,,, ,,,-·, 11:1 / ., : , _____,,,, I I -----,1,1 ' I 11:1 -----11:1 ---lr=-=11 11:1 11,1 I \ E ('\: ~ LJ J - -, D I 1 I B I 1 ' - / ' ~ ~ 17 - I ll ' -' -~ 'I l I //\(--, Ir -I -~ ;5 L/ .- < - __ i-<< I [J, : " ' rrr---7 " ' DJ ;:::, /',, '= ' :::::::, ',,,,/ = " 11 LI Ii /''\= I ,J[L \v\1 ':111/T) l:rJ II \j 1----( >I ----, A -II ____ ;\_ --- ~-- " '\ I I " I I L ) n n L-- I :~ Ii I I ----i II \/ \/ I I I 1.:-,' --~ ilL--_J 111 I \ jff--7 ~ rtt------1 B Il 111 I --m --II ~ ~ TT il E.._=_=_ - 3 _;z. /~\ ' ' l I~ I 1--, I ---1 WHWH WHWH Fr i d g e DW Ra n g e Fr i d g e DW Ra n g e Fr i d g e DW Ra n g e Fr i d g e DW Ra n g e DryerWasherDryerWasher DryerWasherDryerWasher A105 1 A105 3 A105 4 A1052 NA NB N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 31.02 m 101' - 9" 8.69 m 28 ' - 6 " 2 A103 NA NB N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 2 A103 NA NB N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 2 A103 NA NB N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 2 A103 FL E T C H E R S T R E E T BUILDING NORTH BUILDING SOUTH BU I L D I N G E A S T - revisions issued for consultant project no. sheet no. WEBSITE:ARCHITECT57.COM le g a l n o t i c e this drawings and specifications are the exclusive property of architect 57 inc. and may not be reproduced for any purpose without the written permission of architect 57 inc. all information shown on the drawings is for this specific project only. these documents are not final and ready for use, and therefore not valid, unless they are sealed, signed, and dated. drawing is not scaleable. the general contractor must verify all dimensions, datum, and levels prior to the commencement of work. all errors and omissions discovered must be reported immediately to architect 57 inc. copyright :: architect 57 inc. CHECKED: rev. project title ADDRESS: drawing titlearchitect OFFICE:203-2680 SHELL ROAD, RMD., B.C. V6X 4C9 A R C H I T E C T 5 7 I N C . SCALE:DATE: DRAWN:FACSIMILE:604.284.5028604.284.5029 CLIENT: logo & description no. description date 1. xxxxx xx.xx.xx no. description date 1. dp application 20.04.20 2. advisory design panel 21.02.22 As indicated2021-02-22 10:33:30 AM 5719021 A108MR. JACK HE adp 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. BUILDING NORTH PLANS JTCT 21.02.22 1/8" = 1'-0"1 BUILDING NORTH GROUND FLOOR 1/8" = 1'-0"2 BUILDING NORTH MAIN FLOOR 1/8" = 1'-0"3 BUILDING NORTH UPPER FLOOR 1/8" = 1'-0"4 BUILDING NORTH ROOF II I I II I I l __ _:tr;=--:;::J" L. ,, I I 11 I I 11 -J:;::-1_-;'j'["=---ii ' _L __ _jJ ' ,, I El I 'J 'j [_,_ '1 ,-:1 i[ ,--,1' :□ ' [] LJ LJ\',, ' Lu , ___ )' ' ' ' I ·1 '[ . .:i f--J. ~- " ' " ' L D I [l /~. D I ' ' ,{ w [:] I I II, I ~. - -t-1_ ---------I ---------_I __ --------------------- -_ I -~ .----' ,, ' ,, " ! ..... " -I-----------C-----------------+-----------+-------------- -- ,, c----------- WH WHWHWH Fr i d g e DW Ra n g e Fr i d g e DW Ra n g e Re f r i g e r a t o r DW Ra n g e Fr i d g e DW Ra n g e Fr i d g e DW Ra n g e DryerWasher DryerWasher W/ D DryerWasherDryerWasher A106 1 A106 2 A106 3 A1064 3 A103 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 EB EA2 EA1 8.69 m 28 ' - 6 " 2.92 m 9' - 7 " 36.06 m 118' - 3" 3 A103 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 EB EA2 EA1 3 A103 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 EB EA2 EA1 3 A103 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 EB EA2 EA1 FL E T C H E R S T R E E T BUILDING NORTH BUILDING SOUTH BU I L D I N G E A S T - revisions issued for consultant project no. sheet no. WEBSITE:ARCHITECT57.COM le g a l n o t i c e this drawings and specifications are the exclusive property of architect 57 inc. and may not be reproduced for any purpose without the written permission of architect 57 inc. all information shown on the drawings is for this specific project only. these documents are not final and ready for use, and therefore not valid, unless they are sealed, signed, and dated. drawing is not scaleable. the general contractor must verify all dimensions, datum, and levels prior to the commencement of work. all errors and omissions discovered must be reported immediately to architect 57 inc. copyright :: architect 57 inc. CHECKED: rev. project title ADDRESS: drawing titlearchitect OFFICE:203-2680 SHELL ROAD, RMD., B.C. V6X 4C9 A R C H I T E C T 5 7 I N C . SCALE:DATE: DRAWN:FACSIMILE:604.284.5028604.284.5029 CLIENT: logo & description no. description date 1. xxxxx xx.xx.xx no. description date 1. dp application 20.04.20 2. advisory design panel 21.02.22 As indicated2021-02-22 10:33:41 AM 5719021 A109MR. JACK HE adp 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 12162, 12170 and 12178 FLETCHER STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. BUILDING EAST PLANS AuthorChecker 21.02.22 1/8" = 1'-0"1 BUILDING EAST GROUND FLOOR 1/8" = 1'-0"2 BUILDING EAST MAIN FLOOR 1/8" = 1'-0"3 BUILDING EAST UPPER FLOOR 1/8" = 1'-0"4 BUILDING EAST ROOF \ - ' \/'•,_ ' \/ I I I~ r <~, I □ ;i, I -- ·- --- ' > ' ' LI ~ -"---- ] -+---1J --- I > Fi --- J --- --- --I I - J=i /r. >;\. -//_/ ·,,,, I I 'f\ ' ' // bJ/ ' ·,,_ /, " 1';71,:J, -- ' \/ ' ----- ' - ' ' ' ' ----r-r I I I I I I I I - \ - ' I -· I - ,\I I •I -- ----l ,, ,, ,, ----l ----+ ---~ m ---,---- --- ---,_ I ,-~ ,_ ,-~;; ,_ a, j , -IF;r·" i.,_<I ·-- - - \i ' \/ ' II I l □ : I IL ~ 8 I , _[ -r .□. {; ··--<\ ',):, I I \ > / ,i ',bJ/" 7 ·-.)\// - --- ' --~ " ' ~--7 rr------i 11------1 IL __ _J " ' i,--7 tt-------j " ' " ' " ' rr------i □ 7-------=--- ' ' I I ', T --+ -[!I_ __ _[_ 111 1 rtr--T 111 I 111 I ~--+ ~ ....... .d ~-----re-=== 111 I 111 I ~===r9==~~L==--===~"'-c::===~ ----t:====::::::..1--- - □ ' -· / ' ' \/ \/ I I I //\,( //'/ =:J I F1 j I I L -- n l 7!, " I t I I □ --~-- ' ----\i----...1.. : ' 111 I ' Ill I \ ' 111 I i I -I I --\j-----...1... -~ ~LJ LJ -~ ---~--+ B 71 I I I 8 ----- ',er; I ---] -- ,' ", ,,L. I -----Rf: - ------I ---I -II ----~ ---.F1 - -' )='. 1 1/ >:"\' -,)· --~ 7./ '\\._ --- I I ,' ' \ \, ' ,;('·, /)~ I ---< i"j. \;,_>, ,-·---<..-(i " " W \:,/ •fl rr------11 b 11-------11 -\_ ) ---i 1 1''71 /' ., [Ff\ ::r~-~~ / \ 1TJI ··./\ I~ ,'·-.-,\ l /\ // ' -, V -- ,' '1 / ', '~1 m - ' -- ' ; \ / • \ _) \i \/ \/ / I \ /", I \/ /~ r /\ ( I I I l • --·= =:J II __',,~_ -',-J II ' !-=1.' ~ -~,' ,_, :0 --L ',,L ' L_J ',..---. I /-- \ I \.-' II.>< -~ /><I I I>< >,/1 -- .j\ i n - r·/\, il /.--· r \. \\~ ' r;"\ il .. -r \ rr I II rr i -.> - ~ I_)\ --- L/J._ ---~ I' ·, ~I /\ ... _I I_.-"• -- ~ F\.,/ JI'\. __ -;[L \\/= [fir,O,IJ =-\Jf JI \ --IL .. ,/= = = = ~\/ C. 7:, --===i --c::, ,,) \'_ --,_../ 11 \/ 1/ , __ / _/ '\/ -\ -- \,\~ \,_ n ,-·1· 1 l./ \~ -J \[ u - ~ ~ ;<,(< ~ ' I - c: I ' I r> I I , ·-· I " ------\. _.--., _, -- -I I· i I '! •= j ·•.,/._ \ ' )\ /\.// -,; ··,,/\ ;'\• i '\.// \/ •• .. / /\✓/ ; /\_ • ~ L/ \L ;;'Ji C: ' \ -' '._/\// ---- ----j-~ - r< \ ----! SE T B A C K L I N E BU I L D I N G EA S T BU I L D I N G SO U T H PL A Y G R O U N D BU I L D I N G NO R T H VI S I T O R PA R K I N G VI S I T O R PA R K I N G VI S I T O R PA R K I N G AC C E S S I B L E PA R K I N G LA N D S C A P E LA N D S C A P E BI K E LA N D S C A P E SE T B A C K L I N E BU I L D I N G EA S T pre l i m i n a r i e s mb e : 4 3 . 1 5 m co r n e r s / g a r a g e : 4 3 . 0 0 m LA N D S C A P E LA N D S C A P E BU I L D I N G SO U T H PL A Y G R O U N D BU I L D I N G NO R T H pre l i m i n a r i e s mb e : 4 2 . 6 5 m co r n e r s / g a r a g e : 4 2 . 5 0 m pre l i m i n a r i e s mb e : 4 2 . 6 5 m co r n e r s / g a r a g e : 4 2 . 5 0 m VI S I T O R PA R K I N G VI S I T O R PA R K I N G LA N D S C A P E LA N D S C A P E LA N D S C A P E LA N D S C A P E LA N D S C A P E BI K E VI S I T O R PA R K I N G AC C E S S I B L E PA R K I N G FLETCHER ST STORM SEWER NOTES: ³ 1:250 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLANCoreConceptCC #220-2639 Viking Way, Richmond, BC,V6V 3B7 tel fax www.coreconceptconsulting.com : 604.249.5040 : 604.249.5041 CONSULTING LTD. ENGINEER CLIENT PROJECT SEAL SITE ADDRESS DESTROY ALL PRINTS BEARING PREVIOUS REVISION NUMBER BE N C H M A R K LE G A L ELEVATIONS ARE IN METRES AND GEODETIC. ELEVATIONS ARE DERIVED FROM MAPLE RIDGE CONTROL MONUMENT #84H9990 ELEVATION = 40.704m REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONSNo. DATE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DRAWING NUMBER RE V . XXXXXXX 12162 FLETCHER ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC HOR. SCALE VER. SCALE 0 TOPOGRAPHIC PLAN OF NORTH HALF OF LOT 10, SOUTH HALF OF LOT 10, AND LOT 9 EXCEPT: THE SOUTH 52.5 FEET, ALL OF SECTION 20 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 11845 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 20015JACK HE LEGEND TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE PROTECTION FENCE SCALE: 1:250 PLAN STORM WATER DETENTION ³ ³ ³³³ ³ SECTION A-A: STORMTECH SC-3500 SCALE : N.T.S. ~ ;:.: (I) 1. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS AND THE B.C. PLUMBING CODE. 2. CATCH BASINS AND SUMPS SHALL BE 600mm DIAMETER COMPLETE WITH 450mm SUMP AND TRAPPING HOOD. 3. ALL RIM ELEVATIONS OF MANHOLE, CLEANOUT AND BUILDING I.C. LIDS SHALL BE FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE. 4. ALL CATCH BASIN LEADS TO BE 150mm DIAMETER PVC SDR2B AT 1.0% MINIMUM UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. STORM CONNECTIONS FROM MAIN TO BUILDING TO BE 150mm DIAMETER AT 1.0% MINIMU"4 AND HAVE 0.90m COVER "4INIMUM UNLESS OTI4ERWISE NOTED. 6. ALL PIPE TO BE PVC SDR35 OR CONCRETE CUii WITH GASKET JOINTS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7. PIPE DEFLECTION SHALL NOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM DEFLECTION SPECIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER. 8. ANY CHANGES FROM THESE DRAWINGS MUST BE REPORTED TO CORE CONCEPT CONSUL TING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 9. CATCH BASINS GRATES TO BE DOBNEY No. 8-26 OR APPROVED EQUAL. 10. ALL MANHOLES MUST BE 1050¢ I.D. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 11. ALL BUILDING SUMPS ARE 600mm¢ AND TO BE LOCATED 0.90m FROM BUILDING UNLESS Oll<ERWISE NOTED. 12. ALL STORM PIPE IN TRAVELLED AREAS WITH LESS THAN 0.90m OF COVER TO BE PVC SDR28 CERTIFIED OR APPROVED EQUAL. 13. UNDERGROUND SERVICE MAIN CROSSINGS SHOWN THUS: 14. FINAL LOCATIONS AND SIZES OF STORM CONNECTIONS TO THE BUILDING SHALL BE CONFIRMED WITH TI4E MECHANICAL ENGINEER AND BUILDING PLUMBING CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO THEIR CONSTRUCTION. ANY DISCREPANCIES MUST BE REPORTED TO CORE CONCEPT CONSUL TING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 15. COORDINATES (IF SHOWN ON THIS PLAN) MAY NOT MATCH THOSE SHOWN ON PLANS PREPARED BY OTHERS. 16. ALL WORKS ENCLOSED THUS V/77,I ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY CITY FORCES AT TI4E DEVELOPERS COST. 17. ALL TRENCH BACKFILL AND BEDDING COMPACTION SHALL BE GREATER THAN 95% MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY OR AS SPECIFIED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. I B. ALL TRENCH BACKFILL AND BEDDING SHALL BE AS PER CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE SPECS. OR AS SPECIFIED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. ADS GEOSYNTHETICS 601T NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE ALL AROUND CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR STONE IN A & B LAYERS 1 LAYER OF ADS GEOSYNTHETICS NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE BEWTEEN COVER STONE AND C LAYER. OUTLET TO FLOW CONTROL MANHOLE TIER A DETENTION = 49.3m 12" (300 mm) MIN SUBGRADE SOILS TOTAL SITE AREA -3,269 m' M.A.R. = 72 mm 77" (1956 mm) TIER A INFILTRATE QR REUSE 50% OF MAR. 18" (450 mm) 12" (300 mm) 45" (1143 mm) lffil L L DEPTH OF STONE TO BE DETERMINED --BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER 9" (230 mm) 12" (300 mm) MIN VOLUME OF RAINWATER TO BE RETAINED -j X M.A.R. x TOTAL AREA = 0.5 x 72 mm x 3,269 m2 = 117.?m MIN. 450mm TOPSOIL ON ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS. ESTIMATED LANDSCAPE AREA -760m' ESITMATED POROSITY FOR TOPSOIL -0.2 TOPSOIL RETENTION VOLUME -LANDSCAPED AREA X SOIL DEPTH X POROSITY = 760m2 x 450mm x 0.2 -6ll..4m ADDITIONAL RETENTION REQUIRED IN INFILTRATION/DETENTION TANK = VOLUME OF RAINWATER TO BE RETAINED -TOPSOIL RETENTION VOLUME = 117. 7m -58.4m = ~ TIER B -DETAIN THE 50%-100% M.A.R. TO REDUCE POST-DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF DETENTION VOLUME REQUIRED TO REDUCE 1: 2 YEAR POST-DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF TO 2 YEAR FORESTED FLOW Q -FORESTED RUNOFF COEFFICIENT x A x MAR INTENSITY X N -0.1 x 0.327Ho x 3.1mm/hr x 0.00278 = 0.00028m /s MIN ~~ --: z "'< "'" V) a. u 0 < #12153 612179 .. .. a 0 #12185 "' "' a x "' w x .; w / I I ' / ' : \ ---c----"l---~1 -----c------------G------------',~---.------~-----' ' ' ' I C ' ' I -r ' ·--------1-~-- 812152 I ' ~-!~) \'.,_,:/ L/ )( \ ; \ ~ I I I . I I L I I ·_,1, ., I I I • ' I -( ...... I I ...,-. ~ I is ,_ < 0 i5 -0 ~ ~ er -a. ' I-, • L .l+ I /~ ' X . I "'4-+----o----------6flr. -PR. 250¢ STM f" --+------------ -17,00 ___ _ / Ir-111-l'-'---➔Fil-t-, 1~'/ Ir-I I I I t ~If~R~TECH SC-3500 CHAMBER ENCLOSED WITHIN CRUSHED ROCK SURROUND ~~--" ___. REFER TO DETAIL. ~ ~ 1----r' ~ i / I #12184 I ' 0: ,_ w ; i5 .. 0 "' -O· .x "'w (Ul .x i" ~ .. •···'~--~ TIER A: MINIMUM 450mm TOPSOIL ON ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS. ESTl"4ATE LANDSCAPE AREA - -:--"""f----. ;·-<_ \ Om 5m 10m 15m 760m2 20m 25m SCALE: 1: 250 ~1-...... -----------------------r--"""T------r-------------------------,------------------,-------------------,---------------------,----------r---------------------, (I) T ~-, gl---l------------------------------1----1--------t------------------------------- .--,1 2 08 JAN 2020 RE-ISSUED FOR OP I 13 OCT 2020 ISSUED FOR DP DESIGN: AR DRAWN: GG CHECKED: JBP L" L_L ___________________________ _L~0'..__L_:3~0'...:!!Ju~N~2::□~20~_.1___::1s~s~u~E£D..!F~o~R~co~o~R~o~1N~A~T~1o~N'.._ ____________________ ...L ______________________ L _____________________ --1. _________________________ ....1... ___________ .......Jc....... ___ -'-------'---------''--------''---'-~f' 6=-J 13 OCT 2020 ENGINEER: TS TOPOGRAPHIC PLAN OF NORTH HALF OF LOT 10. SOUTH HALF OF LOT 10. AND LOT 9 EXCEPT: THE SOUTH 52.5 FEET. ALL OF SECTION 20 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 11845 SURVEY LEGEND SCALE 1:250 - ----4 2 0 4 B 12 0 LAWN BASIN ALL DISTANCES ARE IN METRES M WATER VALVE • STANDARD IRON PIN ¢ POWER POLE ~ LAMP STAND <8> FIRE HYDRANT [ill WATER METER N ,"''f "' I I X /''b I / I / I I I I I 'b':J f \ \ .,,, I \ ' -gl "- \)2j 'b"' 'Oj--1 .,,,. "' 0 I ~ o;"' .,,,-I 'b\) .,,,. X 'b' .,,,. 'OjOji '+-0 "' X I I c:,':l ~'1, Oj'\ ,. "' QJ X > ·c: I D +' ¢ 0 I _.c: Q_ Ul 0 I \)":, '1,· "' ,ci, '1,· "' I c,'b '1, "' X l ,<iJ .,,'1,· I ,, .,,'1,· ,':J '1,· "' X ?' 0 <D [ill ' Cl .,,'1,· \)'\ '1,· "' .,,'1,· ?' O"l ..._'1, '1,· "' X ,, .,,'1,· existing house .,,'?Oj#12170 /0 existing house #12162 279 --&-7..5ct / " / ' I \ I ci.,"' ,"' \ existing house / I ci,· '1, S 1/2 OF 10 ,'];I % ()50maple I .,,'1,· I I Area=1087.2 Sq.m.x / \ I \ \ "- ', ')) // ------v·--- 100 conifer ........ __ /\. ' /'--.. "-/ ------' ........... ____ ,.,,,.,,.,,.,,,.., <2 l[) (l) LO'.:= C 0 u SOUTH 52.5 FEET OF 9 NOTES: 1) Elevations are in metres and are geodetic. 2) Elevations are derived from Maple Ridge Control Monument #84H9990, el=40. 704m. 3) This Plan was prepared for architectural design and site servicing purposes, and is for the exclusive use of our client. JAMES CHENG LAND SURVEYING LTD. B.C. Land Surveyor #35-6736 Southpoint Drive Burnaby B.C. V3NOA4 PH: 604-786-8870 jclandsurveying@gmail.com FILE: 18-109-TP-1 existing house I \ \ "-'- BCS3707 / I I / / I I I " "- ' " \ 336 REM 2 CIVIC ADDRESS: 12162 Fletcher St Maple Ridge B.C. PID: 003-396-106 12170 Fletcher St Maple Ridge B.C. PID: 009-600-001 12178 Fletcher St Maple Ridge B.C. PID: 000-740-632 SOUTH 52.5 FEET OF 2 Upated This 16th Day of July, 2020. Dated This 8th Day of October, 2018. © B.C.L.S. This Document Is Not Valid Unless Originally Signed And Sealed. BU I L D I N G NO R T H LA N D S C A P E BI K E FLETCHER ST DE W D N E Y T R U N K R O A D FLETCHER ST LEGEND EXISTING NAME PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENT SURFACE CONCRETE SURFACE ASPHALT PAVEMENT OVERLAY SEEDED BOULEVARD EDGE OF PAVEMENT WATER MAIN PIPE STORM SEWER PIPE SANITARY SEWER PIPE WATER METER OR CORPORATION STOP STORM MH OR I.C. SANITARY MH OR I.C. TREE STREETLIGHT HYDRO POLE WITH LEASING LIGHT WATER VALVE FUTURE STREET LIGHT GROUND SURFACE CONTOUR ELEVATION 1:250 CONCEPT PLANCoreConceptCC #220-2639 Viking Way, Richmond, BC,V6V 3B7 tel fax www.coreconceptconsulting.com : 604.249.5040 : 604.249.5041 CONSULTING LTD. ENGINEER CLIENT PROJECT SEAL SITE ADDRESS DESTROY ALL PRINTS BEARING PREVIOUS REVISION NUMBER BE N C H M A R K LE G A L ELEVATIONS ARE IN METRES AND GEODETIC. ELEVATIONS ARE DERIVED FROM MAPLE RIDGE CONTROL MONUMENT #84H9990 ELEVATION = 40.704m REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONSNo. DATE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DRAWING NUMBER RE V . XXXXXXX 12162 FLETCHER ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC HOR. SCALE VER. SCALE 0 TOPOGRAPHIC PLAN OF NORTH HALF OF LOT 10, SOUTH HALF OF LOT 10, AND LOT 9 EXCEPT: THE SOUTH 52.5 FEET, ALL OF SECTION 20 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 11845 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 20015JACK HE LEGEND TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE PROTECTION FENCE SCALE: 1:250 PLAN SCALE: NTS DETAIL - A SCALE: 1:1000 STREET LIGHTING MASTER PLAN i ,--------------------------------------------------------------~ GENERAL NOTES 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ANY REV1SIONS TO THESE DRAWINGS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER, WHO SHALL REVIEW ANY CHANGES WITH THE MUNICIPAL ENGINEER. CONSTRUCTION IS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6704-2009, SUBDIV1SION NO. 4800-1993 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS, SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DRAWINGS AND CITY DESIGN CRITERIA W.C.B. IS TO BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. CONSTRUCTION MAY NOT COMMENCE PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF FORM TITLED "PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT". 48 HOURS NOTICE IS TO BE GIVEN TO THE MUNICIPAL INSPECTOR PRIOR TO THE INITIAL CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT. THE MUNICIPAL INSPECTOR IS TO BE NOTIFIED OF ANY START OF CONSTRUCTION WHERE THE WORK HAS BEEN STOPPED FOR 72 HOURS OR LONGER. EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE TO BE LOCATED PRIOR TO INSTALLING ANY NEW UNDERGROUND SERV1CES. ANY DISCREPANCY IN ELEVATION OR LOCATION IS TO BE REFERRED TO THE DESIGN ENGINEER. RESIDENTS AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ARE TO BE NOTIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN WRITING 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION AND PROVIDED WITH THE CONTRACTORS PHONE NUMBER AND SCHEDULE. I I I I I -------------------~--------------------~----------------------~. ~ ........ J.·.·.·.·,--i-~1~ .> ~ -......_ ""' EX. 4500 CONC. STM TIE IN NEW STORM MAIN INTO 1---1 EXISTING MANHOLE /2 en 0: a. I E N .,,. THE DEVELOPER AND CONTRACTOR WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REPAIR OF ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO EXISTING STREETS OR SERV1CES BY CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AND/OR TRUCKS HAULING MATERIALS TO THE SITE. THIS WILL INCLUDE DAILY CLEANING OR SWEEPING EXISTING ROADS OF DIRT AND DEBRIS CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIV1TY. I I -------------------~--------------------~---------------------~ 'r---~----------------~~----------------~-~~--------------1 ' ,· w () ~ ;:.: Cl) ~ 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. TRAFFIC CONTROL IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER AND THE DEVELOPER SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTION 52 OF THE INDUSTRIAL HEAL TH AND SAFETY REGULATIONS OF THE WORKERS COMPENSATION BOARD OF 8.C. AND THE INSTRUCTIONS OUTLINED ON THE DISTRICT ROAD AND RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT AND TRAFFIC OBSTRUCTION PERMIT ISSUED BY THE DISTRICT. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO HAVE, ON SITE, A COPY OF THE CURRENT "B.C. TRAFFIC CONTROL MANUAL FOR WORK ON ROADWAYS" AS PUBLISHED BY THE OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS, WHERE APPLICABLE. THE DEVELOPER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL DISTRICT PERMITS FOR WITHIN THE CITY ROAD ALLOWANCE. CONSTRUCTION IN AND ABOUT A WATERCOURSE MUST RECEIVE PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE PROV1NCIAL MINISTRY OF ENV1RONMENT AND/OR THE FEDERAL DEPT. OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS, WHERE APPLICABLE. PERMANENT STREET, TRAFFIC AND ADV1SORY SIGNS, PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND GUARDRAILS REQUIRED BUT NOT NECESSARILY SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS, SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE AND ALL COSTS CHARGED TO DEVELOPER. LEGAL SURVEY POSTS MONUMENTS ARE TO BE REPLACED IF DESTROYED OR DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION; THIS WORK IS TO BE UNDERTAKEN BY A B.C. LAND SURVEYOR. MAPLE RIDGE'S SURVEY MONUMENTS ARE TO BE PROTlECTED. SHOULD THEY REQUIRE RAISING OR RELOCATING. THE CONTRACTOR MUST NOTIFY THE MUNICIPAL INSPECTOR AT LEAST 72 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF SCHEDULING WORK AFFECTING THEM. MATERIAL SUPPLIED AND CONSTRUCTION PERFORMED ARE TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE SUBDIV1SION & DEVELOPMENT CONTROL BYLAW AND APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA AND SPECIFICATION STANDARD DRAWINGS. THE MUNICIPALITY HAS A LIST OF APPROVED MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS AS LISTED IN DISTRICT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS ONLY THOSE MATERIALS ON THE LIST APPROVED PIT RUN MUST BE USED FOR BACKFILL IN TRENCHES WHEN INSIDE ROAD LIMITS, APPROVED NATIVE MATERIAL MAY BE USED AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. WHERE UTILITY OR SERV1CE CROSSING ARE REQUIRED ACROSS EXISTING PAVEMENT. AUGURING AND JACKING ARE REQUIRED UNLESS THE DEVELOPER'S CONTRACTOR RECEIVES APPROVAL FROM THE MUNICIPAL ENGINEER FOR OPEN CUT OPERATIONS. ALL EXISTING PAVEMENT, BOULEVARDS, DRIVEWAYS, ETC. WHICH ARE DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL OR BETTER CONDITION WHERE NO IMPROVEMENT IS OTHERWISE PROPOSED UNDER THIS CONTRACT. EXISTING DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE SHAPED ACROSS THE WIDTH OF BOULEVARD TO FORM A SMOOTH TRANSITION WITH NEW PAVEMENT, THE FINISHED PAVEMENT SURFACE OVER TRENCH EXCAVATIONS SHALL BLEND IN SMOOTHLY WITH EXISTING PAVEMENT. I---'1\' ----l I---3 ----l INSTALL BARRIER / CURB AS PER MMCD----f' S TD. DWG. C4 I r- e---D----, I M • • ALL MATERIALS PLACED TO MEET A MINIMUM COMPACTION OF 95% MODIFIED PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY. #12147 \ ITIE INTO EXISTING! I ASPHALT I #12148 20. WHERE INFILLING OF EXISTING DITCHES, ETC. IS REQUIRED OR PROPOSED, AND WHERE SERVICES ARE CONSTRUCTED IN FILL SECTIONS, THE FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE APPROVED GRANULAR MATERIAL. PLACED IN LIFTS NOT EXCEEDING 300mm AND COMPACTED TO 95% MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY. NEW SERVICE CONNECTIONS ARE TO BE LOCATED AT LOT FRONTAGE AS SHOW ON STANDARD DRAWINGS OR AS NOTED ON DRAWINGS. OR AS NOTED ON DRAWINGS. -. gggg~gg f gfii~100mm OF 19mm MINUS CRUSH ggo0°0 00°go GRAVEL BASE :n◊ O -,,.oO 300mm OF 75mm-MINUS / WELL GRADED, CLEAN, SAND 21. 22. FIGURED DIMENSIONS SHALL GOVERN OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS. ALL WORK ENCLOSED THUS 1ZZJ ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY CITY FORCES AT DEVELOPER'S COST. 23. @ DENOTES TREE/HEDGE IS TO BE PRESERVED AND PROTECTED AS PER THE ARBORIST REPORT. ALL OTHER TREES WITHIN SCOPE OF CONSTRUCTION TO BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OFFSITE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 1. * i 2.57 t t 4.82 0.60 r-7,50 PR. S/W t t I c· F::<. ;-/)/\ ·"''-· '.-:;.~1\ 8.60 : . DETAIL A - 4.83 1.50 PR. S/W C. J I\' 1 '.""ifrt-1,1 1,\1"2.-T B,.D,,,m=m"-'cA=Se,PHs,As-,Le,T,._,==~~ AND GRAVEL SUB-BASE 40mm SURFACE COURSE 40mm BASE COURSE ,< E."\ST p 4.08 PR. BLVD PR. EAST ft. r 1.50 PR. DEDICATION APPROVED SUBGRADE - C. C 12026 I ~* "!' 12028 ~ 0 U) ci 0 "' . I CC NO. , 12032 #12152 I 12038 12042 I #12153 #12179 I • I QV} --:z • < "' en"' .., " a. u Cl <C .. 0 "' -x w Y ~~I I '.) I (42.3 ,, 1\ /r r,.., I : • I"'-. .J.,~>' < 7.\t' ( <y • :( ]~~ _· 1_11(_· :/ ·_ I ~ ~ I ""~ ~ ""~: I -~. :·\9, { -~ ( O\~fi I t i / 1 5 , ~ ...... 1 1' 1111 1 , '1800.0" •. r~~ • J,-~ N--~ -I PR. 1s.o __ i_sAN 1coN~EC,!:ION • i / I Cl ~-tt----i .f'U=-~+=~=4 -JI \21.00 11 ' I / \ I/ I 1~-+-====±-~~;ir-1.' \. : 4/ ?ri I • / / i: (( :, , #12185 612184 12057 12067 12071 12081 12087 12101 12111 12119 12131 12139 12147 12153 12179 12054 12062 12076 12086 12096 12102 12126 12136 12148 12162 12170 12178 12114 12128 I I o· . )( <OW 12185 12184 I 12193 12194 #12193 \ fTIE INTO EXISTING !ASPHALT ,, 2194 12218 12208 12216 12222 Om 1.50 - #12203 c, p 612208 12261 12253 12228 12230 12240 I 5m 10m 15m 20m 25m SCALE: 1: 250 C(l-""T------------------------------.---,,-------..---------------------------------""T------------------------.------------------------,---------------------------.... -------------.-----------------------------1 (I) T gl--+------------------------------J----jf-------+----------------------------------1 .-·,1 2 19 FEB 2021 REISSUED FOR DP 13 OCT 2020 ISSUED FOR DP o 30 JUN 2020 ISSUED FOR COORDINATION DESIGN: AR DRAWN: GG CHECKED: JBP 13 OCT 2020 ENGINEER: TS SE T B A C K L I N E BU I L D I N G EA S T BU I L D I N G SO U T H PL A Y G R O U N D BU I L D I N G NO R T H VI S I T O R PA R K I N G VI S I T O R PA R K I N G VI S I T O R PA R K I N G AC C E S S I B L E PA R K I N G LA N D S C A P E LA N D S C A P E BI K E FLETCHER ST SITE GRADING NOTES: CONCRETE PARKING CURB DETAIL SCALE = N.T.S. PARKING STALL DETAIL SCALE = 1:100 HOR., N.T.S. VERT. CROSS SLOPE ROADWAY / UNIT CROSS-SECTION SCALE = 1:100 HOR., N.T.S. VERT. 1:250 SITE GRADING PLANCoreConceptCC #220-2639 Viking Way, Richmond, BC,V6V 3B7 tel fax www.coreconceptconsulting.com : 604.249.5040 : 604.249.5041 CONSULTING LTD. ENGINEER CLIENT PROJECT SEAL SITE ADDRESS DESTROY ALL PRINTS BEARING PREVIOUS REVISION NUMBER BE N C H M A R K LE G A L ELEVATIONS ARE IN METRES AND GEODETIC. ELEVATIONS ARE DERIVED FROM MAPLE RIDGE CONTROL MONUMENT #84H9990 ELEVATION = 40.704m REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONSNo. DATE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DRAWING NUMBER RE V . XXXXXXX 12162 FLETCHER ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC HOR. SCALE VER. SCALE 0 TOPOGRAPHIC PLAN OF NORTH HALF OF LOT 10, SOUTH HALF OF LOT 10, AND LOT 9 EXCEPT: THE SOUTH 52.5 FEET, ALL OF SECTION 20 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 11845 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 20015JACK HE LEGEND TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE PROTECTION FENCE SCALE: 1:250 PLAN ,-, ~ ;:.: Cl) ~ 1. ALL ONSITE WORKS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITIONS OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE'S DESIGN CRITERIA MANUAL, MASTER MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS (MMCD), BRITISH COLUMBIA'S BUILDING AND PLUMBING CODE STANDARDS, THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE'S STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS (GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIFICATIONS ANO SUPPLEMENTARY STANDARD DRAWINGS) AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE MUNICIPAL BYLAWS AND POLICIES, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. ALL DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS ARE METRIC AND TO GEODETIC DA TUM, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 3. ALL ROAD ELEVATIONS ARE FINISHED PAVEMENT AND GUTTER LINE ELEVATIONS. 4. CHANGES IN GRADE SHALL BE FORMED BY SMOOTH CURVES. 5. ADJUST ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED RIMS, 1.C.'s AND COVERS FLUSH WITH FINISHED SURFACE GRADES (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE). 6. TIE-IN ALL NEW SURFACE WORKS TO EXISTING SURFACE WORKS WITH A SMOOTH TRANSITION. 7. FINISHED SURFACE ELEVATIONS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN A VERTICAL TOLERANCE Of 10mm OR ARE SUBJECT TO REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT AT THE Cl\/1L CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 8. EXISTING SUBGRADE SHALL BE PREPARED AS PER GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS AND APPROVED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF IMPORTED SUBBASE AND BASE MATERIALS. SUBBASE AND BASE MATERIALS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND COMPACTED AS PER THE RECOMMENDATIONS IN THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT AND APPROVED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER PRIOR TO ASPHALT PAVING. 9. ALL LOOSE AND/OR ORGANIC MATERIAL WITHIN THE ROADWAY SHALL BE OVER EXCAVATED AND AS DIRECTED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AND SHALL BE REPLACED 111TH APPROVED ENGINEERED FILL AS PER GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS. 10. REFER TO THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT AND MMCD SECTION 02512 FOR HOT-MIX ASPHALT PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS SUCH AS MIX DESIGN AND MINIMUM FINISHED PAVEMENT THICKNESS. 11. FINISHED SURFACE WATER PONDING IS NOT PERMITTED AND IS SUBJECT TO REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT AT THE Cl\/1L CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 12. IF REQUIRED, ASPHALT PAVEMENT CUTS AND PATCHES SHALL CONFORM TO MMCD STANDARD DRAWING NUMBER G5 AND TO CURRENT DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE'S STANDARDS. 13. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRA\\lNGS FOR DETAILED GRADING WITHIN LANDSCAPE AREAS 14. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE CURBS, SIDEWALKS AND HOT-MIX ASPHALT PAVING, THE CIVIL CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN WRITTEN SIGN OF"F APPROVAL FROM THE ELECTRICAL CONSULTANT THAT ALL THE UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES HAVE BEEN INSTALLED AND ARE ACCEPTABLE TO THE ELECTRICAL CONSULT ANT. 15. DEVELOPER TO EMPLOY THE SERVICES OF A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER FOR FIELD REVIEWS RELATED TO STRIPPING DEPTHS, SUBGRADE EXCAVATION, SUBGRADE PREPARATION, ENGINEERED FILL, BACKFILL MATERIALS IN TRENCHES, ROAD STRUCTURE MATERIALS, COMPACTION, ASPHALT MIX DESIGN, ETC. 16. AFTER PLACEMENT OF HOT-MIX ASPHALT PAVING, CIVIL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ASPHALT CORE TEST RESULTS PREPARED BY AN APPROVED TESTING COMPANY APPROXIMATELY EVERY 350 SQUARE METRES AS DIRECTED BY CORE CONCEPT CONSUL TING LTD. GARAGE I 150x150 CONCRETE CURB 0/W 0.15 0.15 E E a "' AS PER ROAD (i_ AS PER ARCHITECTS PLAN 1.0 -2.0% 125mm 25mm RADIUS 175mm AS PER ASPHALT OR PAVERS AS PER LANDSCAPE ARCH DRAWINGS ROLLOVER CURB PAVEMENT THICKNESS AND STRUCTURE AS PER GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATION 25mm BACKFILL TO GRADE ROUGHEN ASPHALT SURFACE TO A 1 ~-----DEPTI-l OF 6mm. BOND CURB TO ASPHALT WITH EPOXY BOND. 75mm D/W GARAGE ARCHITECTS PLAN ARCHITECTS PLAN 0.19 -TYP. I -~ 3 - 1.0% 4.0% 1.0%-4.0% . .f I -~ REVERSE ROLLOVER PAVEMENT THICKNESS AND STRUCTURE CURB {TYP.) AS PER GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATION CURB STRUCTURE AS PER GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATION ~~ --: z "'<C ., '-' VJ [L u 0 < #12147 .. .. 112153 #12179 a 0 #12185 "' ., x x w w I ·. / I -. " I C ' ) G ---~---------c:-------------G-------------c; ' ' --+ --------/, I I ' -----q / -------------------~!!-I _!______ ~1 /---c42Joo ,i " 1-i>~.~L,-. --~·.··-~--;----;::;:;::::;;c;::---,:~-,--/ /;---sc-c:.,~ .. ~,;:4;:,1~.8=9~11 \.\---,,_,-,,,,.---I -- I (42.0'll' \'/ / I i~/ -- ' I 'l r 41,68' 612148 812152 -' i ' >< ' I I ' I I ! I I (42.3 I (71 I I 2.80> ~ . 612170 BUILDING SOUTH MBE•42.95 GARAGE ELEV•42.BO 8.0% 7.4% -- 6.8% 6.5% I 43.00 jfL----+---""===1===="-1~---~ I - 1 \fc_T\;: ~ f \J <{;~a~I,)~-/ :_ I . "' a a N "' N "' -~ "' N ., J "' ., N ., -"' N N ;! ---- X -- I I lt-L. j r-1--8.0% I I ) BUILDING NORTI-, W -MBE=-42.65 ~ GARAGE ELEV•42.50 ' : I ' --7.0%/ ! 141.73) "' ~ {42.06) l!I ~ ,- -. ' ' \_/, 43.00> ' i. ( ' \ -' ( ~,:JJ~ i ' ( I) 1_ --- "'>, X '42-:'Jt ··-.i) 1)-/ Om 612184 \PROPOSED RETAINING! WALL BY OTHERS I 5m 10m I "' ~ w ~ i5 6 a "' -O· .x "'w 15m SCALE: 1: 250 I 20m 25m C)l-""T-------------------------------.----,,-------..---------------------------------""T-------------------------.------------------------,----------------------------r--------------.-----------------------------1 (I) T gl--+------------------------------4------,f-------+------------------------------------1 .-·,1 2 19 FEB 2021 REISSUED FOR DP 1 13 OCT 2020 ISSUED FOR DP a 30 JUN 2020 ISSUED FOR COORDINATION DESIGN: GH DRAWN: GG 6=-J CHECKED: AR 13 OCT 2020 ENGINEER: TS PMG PROJECT NUMBER:20-036 FL E T C H E R S T FL E T C H E R S T R E E T UN I T A 2 UN I T A 3 UN I T A 3 UN I T A 2 UN I T C BUILDING EAST UNIT A1 UNIT A2 UNIT B2 UNIT B1 UNIT B1 UNIT B2 BUILDING SOUTH UNIT A1 UNIT A3 UNIT A2UNIT A3 BUILDING NORTH preliminaries mbe: 42.65m corners/garage: 42.50m preliminaries mbe: 42.65m corners/garage: 42.50m FLOORS ABOVE FLOORS ABOVE BA L C O N Y O V E R H E A D PLAYHOUSE PLANTED SIZE / REMARKSCOMMON NAMEBOTANICAL NAME TREE SCHEDULE KEY QTY 7 ACER GRISEUM PAPERBARK MAPLE 6CM CAL; 1.8M STD; B&B 7 EXISTING TREE TO RETAIN 8 FRAXINUS OXYCARPA 'RAYWOOD'RAYWOOD ASH 6CM CAL; 1.8M STD; B&B 11 MAGNOLIA x 'SUSAN'SUSAN MAGNOLIA (RED-PURPLE)6CM CAL, 1M STD, B&B 18 PICEA GLAUCA 'PENDULA'WEEPING WHITE SPRUCE 2.5M HT; B&B NOTES: * PLANT SIZES IN THIS LIST ARE SPECIFIED ACCORDING TO THE BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD, LATEST EDITION. CONTAINER SIZES SPECIFIED AS PER CNLA STANDARD. BOTH PLANT SIZE AND CONTAINER SIZE ARE THE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE SIZES. * REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEFINED CONTAINER MEASUREMENTS AND OTHER PLANT MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS. * SEARCH AND REVIEW: MAKE PLANT MATERIAL AVAILABLE FOR OPTIONAL REVIEW BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT SOURCE OF SUPPLY. AREA OF SEARCH TO INCLUDE LOWER MAINLAND AND FRASER VALLEY. * SUBSTITUTIONS: OBTAIN WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO MAKING ANY SUBSTITUTIONS TO THE SPECIFIED MATERIAL. UNAPPROVED SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE REJECTED. ALLOW A MINIMUM OF FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO DELIVERY FOR REQUEST TO SUBSTITUTE. SUBSTITUTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD - DEFINITION OF CONDITIONS OF AVAILABILITY. * ALL LANDSCAPE MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP MUST MEET OR EXCEED BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD LATEST EDITION. * ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY. * BIO-SOLIDS NOT PERMITTED IN GROWING MEDIUM UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.WOOD STEPPERS 7'-6" 13'-6" SOD LAWN SOD LAWN SOD LAWN SOD LAWN SOD LAWN SOD LAWN SOD LAWN SOD LAWN SOD LAWN SOD LAWN SOD LAWN SOD LAWN SOD LAWN SOD LAWN SOD LAWN SOD LAWN SOD LAWN ACER GRISEUM, PAPERBARK MAPLE TREE FRAXINUS OXYCARPA 'RAYWOOD' ASH TREE PICEA GLAUCA 'PENDULA', WEEPING WHITE SPRUCE MAGNOLIA X 'SUSAN' RED MAGNOLIA TREE KOMPAN PLAYHOUSE SOD LAWN WOOD STEPPERS BENCH HYDRAPRESSED SLABS STAMPED ASPHALT STAMPED ASPHALT VISITOR STALLS RIVER ROCK BENEATH OVERHANG HYDRAPRESSED SLAB PATIOS, TYPICAL DIMENSIONS 7'-6" x 13'-6" HYDRAPRESSED SLAB PATIOS, TYPICAL DIMENSIONS 7'-6" x 13'-6" RIVER ROCK BENEATH OVERHANG DEVELOPMENT SIGN BENCH BIKE RACK HYDRAPRESSED SLABS ASPHALT ASPHALT SLAB PATIO SLAB PATIO SLAB PATIO SLAB PATIO SLAB PATIO SLAB PATIO SLAB PATIO SLAB PATIO SLAB PATIO SLAB PATIO SLAB PATIO SLAB PATIO SLAB PATIO STAMPED ASPHALT VISITOR STALLS WOOD PICKET FENCE MAINTENANCE GATE STREET TREE SPECIES AND LOCATION BY MAPLE RIDGE CONCRETE CONCRETE SOD LAWN STAMPED ASPHALT HEDGE TO RETAIN CHK'D: 20036-3.ZIP DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: PMG PROJECT NUMBER:20-036 OF 2 DRAWING TITLE: MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. 15-UNIT TOWNHOMES PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO. DATE DR. 12162-12178 FLETCHER STREET SEAL: Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the property of PMG Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c CLIENT: LANDSCAPE Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 Suite C100 - 4185 Still Creek Drive ARCHITECTS 1 20.APR.07 REVISE PER NEW SITE PLAN RK 2 21.FEB.18 REVISE FOR ADP SUBMISSION RK LANDSCAPE PLAN L1 20.MAR.26 1:150 RK RK MCY (m1 I 1:1 'CJ-) %,'"Z (_') 0 'CJ- r> -:.~- ~ 1 ~ ·J· .. I l I l l f r t I ·1 ·: '. -., . L -- I 7 •.. '. i,i)' ·-1 I .[ ,. t-:· :,·.· ·r:-: : ·, r: .:• • .. , ,. ' ' ·t-• :, ~ I ~ :✓~~~l=rFl=h=r~~~~~~~~~~=rFFH~=~~n-"4-W / )'rJ 0 N 'CJ- ---7 , .. • . : .. . I' . '•. :-' .. :I' -I ,, . , . I .. , :. :~: ·•· :. ' '<·:· • N LO ,?7 [7 " .. /7 7 :·.· .. ---t-f--tt-L . • • L..--+--Ht-,:' ~ ,,-- . ,,_I , I I. ·1· {' J' ··1 ·1 • .. I ._ . . .1 · ... . : I . • 1 ... ·1 .I ... I . I ll-+--ft.--•• I :·• I-'.._°® ---f--¾- 0 FLETCHER ST FLETCHER STREET UNIT A2UNIT A3UNIT A3UNIT A2 UNIT C BU I L D I N G EA S T UN I T A 1 UN I T A 2 UN I T B 2 UN I T B 1 U N I T B 1 UN I T B 2 BU I L D I N G SO U T H UN I T A 1 U N I T A 3 UN I T A 2 UN I T A 3 BU I L D I N G NO R T H pr e l i m i n a r i e s mb e : 4 2 . 6 5 m co r n e r s / g a r a g e : 4 2 . 5 0 m pr e l i m i n a r i e s mb e : 4 2 . 6 5 m co r n e r s / g a r a g e : 4 2 . 5 0 m FL O O R S A B O V E FL O O R S A B O V E BALCONY OVERHEAD Pe r m e a b l e A r e a i n b l u e h a t c h 14 , 8 7 3 s q u a r e f e e t o f p e r m e a b l e a r e a CH K ' D : 20 0 3 6 - 3 . Z I P DR A W N : DE S I G N : SC A L E : DA T E : PM G P R O J E C T N U M B E R : 20 - 0 3 6 OF 2 DR A W I N G T I T L E : MA P L E R I D G E , B . C . 15 - U N I T T O W N H O M E S PR O J E C T : DR A W I N G N U M B E R : RE V I S I O N D E S C R I P T I O N NO . D A T E DR . 12 1 6 2 - 1 2 1 7 8 F L E T C H E R S T R E E T SE A L : C o p y r i g h t r e s e r v e d . T h i s d r a w i n g a n d d e s i g n i s t h e pr o p e r t y o f P M G L a n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t s a n d m a y n o t b e re p r o d u c e d o r u s e d f o r o t h e r p r o j e c t s w i t h o u t t h e i r pe r m i s s i o n . cCL I E N T : LA N D S C A P E Bu r n a b y , B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a , V 5 C 6 G 9 p: 6 0 4 2 9 4 - 0 0 1 1 ; f : 6 0 4 2 9 4 - 0 0 2 2 Su i t e C 1 0 0 - 4 1 8 5 S t i l l C r e e k D r i v e AR C H I T E C T S 1 2 0 . A P R . 0 7 R E V I S E P E R N E W S I T E P L A N RK 2 2 1 . F E B . 1 8 R E V I S E F O R A D P S U B M I S S I O N RK PE R M E A B I L I T Y PL A N L2 20 . M A R . 2 6 1: 1 5 0 RKRKMC Y ____L_-.---.--------G ---.------------G 3V~~1 ~ : 4 3-:2_J31,, ~ I ,. '·' r,c--J '12-'---0 ~ ~ l 42.03 ·., 'I I -i .· ' ' :, I :1 .• ··1 I ,-1 I -I .I I I I I \ : / I/ It / ,c4195'~~ '--'-'---=st- : 41.89 / / I, ·: I 1,I \i ' ' ~iid1_J[: N C (4207)1 -7 / m ~J -~\41~I; MEET d26~ .. -.. -- ru 0 Project: 115110101.01 Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation – Report SITE: 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher Street, Maple Ridge, BC Submitted to: 1154333 BC LTD. June 27, 2019 Report by: Next Environmental Inc. Burnaby | Vancouver | Victoria Ph: 604.419.3800 Fax: 604.419.3801 www.nextenvironmental.com Investigator Compliance Statement Zac McKoen, B.Sc., G.I.T. Field Lead, Detailed Site Investigations This report was completed in general compliance with the Environmental Management Act and the regulations thereto, as well as the Canadian Standards Associated Standard Z-768-01 for Phase I Environmental Site Assessments as in effect at the date of the report. The staff at NEXT has over 120 years of combined experience in environmental investigation and remediation of contaminated sites. NEXT has completed over 8,000 environmental studies including Stage 1 and Stage 2 Preliminary Site Investigations, Detailed Site Investigations, Remediation Plans, Remediations, Risk Assessments, Confirmatory Sampling and Monitoring Reports. The reviewer has participated in, coordinated and/or reviewed all types of environmental studies. The staff work under the direct supervision of the senior reviewer, and has experience in on-site evaluations and investigations. Both the undersigned field staff and reviewer were directly involved in this project. Report does not constitute warranty. The assessment and conclusions in this report are based on the interpretation of information collected during investigations and/or from relevant knowledgeable parties/resources. The accuracy of the information available to or presented to NEXT cannot be warranted and/or is the responsibility of the issuers. NEXT does not therefore, warrant the information contained in this report. The responsibility of NEXT is to express an opinion on the information as obtained/presented regarding the environmental status of the Site, as at the date of the report. Services considered confidential and cannot be relied on by third parties. The contents of this report are confidential and are intended for the exclusive use of the Client, the Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Strategy, and the Society of Contaminated Sites Approved Professionals (“CSAP Society”) of BC unless otherwise expressly permitted by NEXT. NEXT accepts no responsibility for any damages suffered by any third party as a result of decisions made or actions taken based on this report. Any use of the report or reliance on or decision made based on its contents by any third party is at the risk of said party. NEXT is not responsible for any representations made by the Client to a third party based on the contents of this report. The Client assumes full responsibility for damages sustained by any third party arising from representations made by the Client to a third party based on the contents of this report. Reviewer Aio Haberli, M.Sc., P.Chem Project Lead, Detailed Site Investigations 1154333 BC LTD. 115110101.01 Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher Street, Maple Ridge, BC 1 STAGE 1 PRELIMINARY SITE INVESTIGATION – OPINION Date of Report Validity: June 27, 2019 Next Environmental Inc. (“NEXT”) was engaged by 1154333 BC Ltd. (“Client”) to conduct a Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation (“Stage 1 PSI”) for a property located at 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher Street, Maple Ridge, BC (herein referred to as the “Site”). This report has been prepared in support of financing the purchase of the Site for future redevelopment. Authorization to proceed with this evaluation was provided by Mr. Li He on June 20, 2019. This report summarizes the results of an environmental Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation conducted by Next Environmental Inc. Areas of Potential Environmental Concern (“APECs”) and Items of Low Potential Environmental Concern (“Items”) are noted in the text throughout Part 1 to Part 5 when identified from information sources, and then summarized and discussed further in Part 6. APECs require further investigation if identified. Items are not considered to be a significant environmental concern and do not require additional investigation. Please refer to the Appendices for the Methodology (including data sources), List of Acronyms, and other pertinent information provided by others. In compliance with the Ministry’s Environmental Management Act and CSA Guidelines, this report assesses the likelihood of contamination by reviewing available information, following generally accepted consulting practice and standards. The accuracy of historical and current information provided by others cannot be warranted. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the likelihood of contamination based on our review. Please note that this summary should be read in conjunction with the entire report. APECs Present No Further Investigation Recommended No N T Next Envi ronmental Inc. INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISKASSESSMENT 1154333 BC LTD. 115110101.01 Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher Street, Maple Ridge, BC 2 Contents Part 1 – Subject Site Description ............................................................................................................................ 3 Part 2 – Physical Setting ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Part 3 – Site Visit ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 Part 4 – Water Use Receptors ................................................................................................................................ 7 Part 5 – Records Review ......................................................................................................................................... 8 Part 6 – Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 10 Part 7 – Conclusion & Recommendation .............................................................................................................. 12 Appendices Figure(s) Site Photographs Methodology & List of Acronyms Land Title(s) iMapBC Database CSAP GIS Info System Aerial Photographs Site Registry Waterway Maps Investigator & Reviewer Qualifications Documentation Search Date: June 2019 Next Environmental Inc. INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISK ASSESSMENT 1154333 BC LTD. 115110101.01 Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher Street, Maple Ridge, BC 3 Part 1 – Subject Site Description Site Civic Address 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher Street, Maple Ridge, BC Refer to the Figure(s) for the General Site Location. Site Legal Address & Registered Owner 12162: Lot 9 Except: The South 52.5 Feet, Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 11845 PID 002-396-106 Donald Hay Debra Hay 12162 Fletcher Street Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6K9 12170: South Half Lot 10, Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 11845 PID 009-600-001 12178: North Half Lot 10, Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 11845 PID 000-740-632 Ali Oveisy Malihe Abolhasani 1309 Honeysuckle Lane Coquitlam, BC V3E 2E7 Refer to Appendices for Land Title(s), Owner Location Report(s) and historical cancelled Land Title(s). Coordinates 49° 13’ 24.72’’ N and 122° 35’ 31.04’’ W at approximately the Site’s center. Site Dimensions Frontage: ~50m Depth: ~70m Area: ~3,500m2 (3.5ha) Current Land Use Residential Future Land Use According to Mr. Jack He (Prospective Site Purchaser), the Site is to be redeveloped into 3 storey townhouses with 15 residential units. The exact configuration with respect to future in-ground structures is not yet known. Zoning & Approved Municipal Zoning Current: RS-1 (One Family Residential Zone) Approved Municipal Zoning: GOMF (Ground-Oriented Multi-Family) N T Next Envi ronmental Inc. INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISKASSESSMENT 1154333 BC LTD. 115110101.01 Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher Street, Maple Ridge, BC 4 Part 2 – Physical Setting Topography Based on City of Maple Ridge GIS and Site visit observations, the regional topography slopes gently downwards towards the northwest. The Site was nearly flat with a slight slope towards the southwest. % of Site Covered By: From the information collected during this investigation, the following is a summary of the historical coverage of the Site: c.1949: 100% Unpaved; c.1959 to Present: ~25% Building, ~15% Paved, ~60% Unpaved; Surrounding Land Use A general description of adjacent lands is as follows: North: Residential East: Residential South: Residential West: Roadway (Industrial) followed by Residential Refer to Figure(s) for the Site and Surrounding Land Use Plan Views Nearby Relevant Waterbodies A tributary of the Alouette River is located ~420m northwest of the Site in the inferred down-gradient direction from the Site. The Fraser River is also located ~1.5km southwest of the Site. Geology/Stratigraphy Geological Survey of Canada and/or Surficial Geology Map: Quaternary Pleistocene Fort Langley Formation, consisting of “glacial and deltaic sediments” in particular: glaciomarine stony clayey silt to silty sand 8 to 90 m thick, commonly thinly bedded and containing marine shells. Previous Reports - Borehole Log: Based on NEXT's experience in the area, the underlying stratigraphy consists mainly of clay or silty clay from surface to a maximum depth of investigation of ~10m bgs. The geology listed by the Geological Survey of Canada was consistent with other sources of information. Inferred Groundwater Flow Direction Based on the topographic slope of the Site and surrounding area, and the direction of the nearby tributary of the Alouette River, groundwater is inferred to flow towards the northwest. Further hydrogeological investigation would be required to confirm groundwater flow. Depth to Groundwater Based on NEXT’s experience in this area of Maple Ridge, groundwater may be encountered between 3 and 5m bgs. Further hydrogeological investigation would be required to confirm this. N T Next Envi ronmental Inc. INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISKASSESSMENT 1154333 BC LTD. 115110101.01 Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher Street, Maple Ridge, BC 5 Part 3 – Site Visit Date of Site Visit June 24, 2019 by Zac McKoen. Site Photos from the Date of Site Visit are provided in the attached Appendices. Site Configuration The Site occupies three similarly sized rectangular lots, each containing a single family residential home located in the western or central portion of the lot. The remainder of the lots are vegetated/landscaped or occupied by semi-permanent structures like sheds. Construction All three on-Site homes had wooden frame and roof construction with concrete slab-on- grade foundations and seemingly no below-ground levels. Each Site property also had separate garages and/or storage sheds that also had the same construction as the houses. Year Built 12162: 1956 12170: 1960 12178: 1952 (BC Assessment) Heating/Cooling Each Site home had a municipal natural gas and electrical connection. Based on the age of the homes, they likely used electrical heating and natural gas powered hot water tanks. Current Operations The Site was occupied by the following operations: All three lots: Single family residential home. In-Ground Structures No in-ground structures were identified on any of the Site lots other than municipal utilities. No indications of UST(s), such as vent pipes, fill caps, backfilled excavations, or cut asphalt, were observed during the Site visit. Mr. Jack He (the prospective Site purchaser), was unaware of any UST(s) on-Site. The current Site home owners did not provide Property Disclosure Statements that may provide additional information regarding the potential presence of in-ground tanks and the City of Maple Ridge does not keep records of installation or removal of heating oil tanks. In-ground structures including but not limited to such structures as former (historical) or disused heating oil tanks may be difficult to identify during a Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation for a variety of reasons such as limited access or visibility, incorrect representations by third parties or the client, subsequent construction related activities, and so on. Therefore, Next Environmental Inc. (“NEXT”), is unable to warrant their absence and the absence of contamination from their current or former presence. In the event of demolition and/or excavation, if a UST, back-filled excavation, or contamination is discovered on-Site, please contact NEXT to be present on-Site during the UST removal and/or excavation of soil to collect confirmatory soil samples. The collection of confirmatory soil samples will allow for laboratory analyses to identify the presence and/or absence of the PCOCs associated with heating oil and for proper off-Site disposal of the soil. Above-Ground Structures None identified. Septic Systems (non-domestic) None identified. Special Attention Items The following Special Attention Items could be present based on the age of the buildings: Insulation within Site homes, based on age – Asbestos-containing Materials; Paint – Lead; and, Spray insulation within Site homes, based on age – Urea foam formaldehyde insulation (UFFI). N T Next Envi ronmental Inc. INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISKASSESSMENT 1154333 BC LTD. 115110101.01 Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher Street, Maple Ridge, BC 6 Light ballasts – Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); In the event of renovation or demolition of the Site, a hazardous materials or pre-demolition survey is recommended to address the potential presence of the substances listed in the report to satisfy applicable WorkSafe BC, CSR, and HWR requirements. Additional Chemical Storage None identified. Manufacturing Processes None identified. Waste Streams (non-domestic) None identified. Odours None identified. Stains None identified. Stressed Vegetation None identified. Fill Material None suspected, other than a likely thin layer of construction grade fill that may be present beneath the Site homes. It is considered unlikely that a large quantity of fill would have been used for this purpose and, as such, is not considered to pose a risk of potential environmental concern. Review of aerial photographs also does not indicate that fill material may have been placed on the Site historically and no structures that predate the current homes appear to have been present. Interviews Interview 1 – (conducted on June 20, 2019) Name: Mr. Jack He Position: Prospective Site purchaser Contact: 778 229 8844 Site Familiarity: Recently familiar Notes: Following purchase, the three Site homes are to be redeveloped into 3 storey townhomes containing 15 units; The exact nature of the construction with regard to below-ground levels is not currently known; and, Mr. He is unaware of any potential heating oil tanks on the Site. Off-Site Activities The following operations were noted at neighbouring properties: North: 12184 Fletcher Street & 12191 228 Street: Residential homes East: 12161 & 12183 228 Street: Residential homes South: 12152 Fletcher Street: Residential home West: Fletcher Street followed by 12153 & 12179 Fletcher Street: Residential homes Additional Observations On-Site: None Off-Site: None Limitations The Site homes could not be entered during the Site visit, however, due to their residential nature and seemingly slab-on-grade construction with no below ground areas or structures, it is considered unlikely that any may pose a risk of potential environmental concern. As such, this limitation is not expected to impact conclusions. N T Next Envi ronmental Inc. INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISKASSESSMENT 1154333 BC LTD. 115110101.01 Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher Street, Maple Ridge, BC 7 Part 4 – Water Use Receptors Water Wells On-Site: No water wells were identified at the Site. Off-Site: One water well was found within a 500m radius of the Site. A map of the water well search (and any relevant detailed well records) is included in the Appendices. Aquatic Life Water Bodies A tributary of the Alouette River is located ~420m west of the Site in the inferred down- gradient direction from the Site. Surface Water Intakes On-Site: None identified Off-Site: None identified CSAP GIS Info System & Ministry Determinations On-Site: None identified Off-Site: None identified N T Next Envi ronmental Inc. INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISKASSESSMENT 1154333 BC LTD. 115110101.01 Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher Street, Maple Ridge, BC 8 Part 5 – Records Review Historical Site Plans None available. Historical Land Title(s) This report includes historical land titles (“cancelled titles”) registered in the Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia (“LTSA”) electronic database. The LTSA database typically includes titles dating back to the 1990s. Hard copies of land titles dating prior to the 1990s may sometimes be available through an archive search. Since Site ownership does not necessarily correlate with Site activity, Land Titles may be of limited value to assess past Site activities. Further information regarding historical titles were not pursued as other sources of information were deemed sufficient to adequately determine the historical use(s) of the Site. Aerial Photographs On-Site: Aerial photographs from 1949 to 2018 (5-10 year intervals) were available for review for the Site and are summarized below: 1949: The Site occupied an undeveloped portion of a rural, residential lot, potentially used for farming. 1954 to 1959: The three current Site homes appear to have been built. 1963 to 2018: The Site homes appear to have remained in approximately the same configuration with some minor additions to the Site being made such as garden sheds and vehicle garages. Off-Site: Aerial photographs from 1949 to 2018 (5-10 year intervals) were available for review for the area surrounding the Site and are summarized below: 1949 to 1959: The area surrounding the Site was rural and occupied by single family residential homes or farmland. 1963 to 1979: The density of single family homes increased around the Site but the area appears to have remained residential. 1984 to 2018: the area surrounding the Site appears to have remained in approximately its current configuration. City Directories On-Site: City Directories from 1973 to 2001 for Fletcher Street (~5 year intervals) were reviewed. The three Site civic addresses were listed with residential occupants for the duration. Off-Site: The following City Directories were review for off-Site locations: 227 Street – 1973 to 2001 (~5 year intervals) 228 Street – 1975 to 2001 (~5 year intervals) Fletcher Street – 1973 to 2001 (~5 year intervals) The properties surrounding the Site were listed with residential occupants for the duration. No areas of potential environmental concern were identified in the available City Directories. Site Registry On-Site: A Site Registry PID Search, Area Search, and iMapBC database search were completed for the Site. The Site was not listed in search results. Off-Site: A Site Registry Area Search (500m) and iMapBC database search, centered on the Site, N T Next Envi ronmental Inc. INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISKASSESSMENT 1154333 BC LTD. 115110101.01 Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher Street, Maple Ridge, BC 9 returned a total of four records. Based on the location and distance relative to the Site, no listings warranted further discussion. Site Registry Search Results and iMapBC Database Results are included in the Appendices Lost Streams Lost streams are evaluated as they may have been backfilled with material of unknown quality, creating a potential source of contamination. In addition, these streams may provide preferential pathways for groundwater and/or vapour to flow onto or away from the Site. Review of the DFO Lost and Threatened Streams Map and Aerial Photographs did not indicate any lost streams were located on or near the Site. Authorization Management System Database Search On-Site: None identified. Off-Site: None identified within 500m of the Site. Environmental Monitoring On-Site: None identified. Off-Site: None identified within 500m of the Site. Fire Insurance Map(s) On-Site: None available. Off-Site: None available. Previous Report(s) & Documentation Review On-Site: None identified. Off-Site: None identified. N T Next Envi ronmental Inc. INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISKASSESSMENT 1154333 BC LTD. 115110101.01 Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher Street, Maple Ridge, BC 10 Part 6 – Summary Historical Site Summary Based on the information presented in this report, the Site was historically occupied by the following activities: 1949: Vacant 1954 to Present: Single family residential homes Summary of Schedule 2 Activities Current (On-Site): None identified Former (On-Site): None identified Nearby (Off-Site) Schedule 2 Activities: None identified Items of Low Potential Environmental Concern (refer to Figure(s) for Item locations) On-Site Items None identified Off-Site Items None identified N T Next Envi ronmental Inc. INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISKASSESSMENT 1154333 BC LTD. 115110101.01 Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher Street, Maple Ridge, BC 11 Areas of Potential Environmental Concern (APEC) (refer to Figure(s) for APEC locations) On-Site APECs None identified Off-Site APECs None identified N T Next Envi ronmental Inc. INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISKASSESSMENT 1154333 BC LTD. 115110101.01 Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher Street, Maple Ridge, BC 12 Part 7 – Conclusion & Recommendation Based on the findings of this Stage 1 PSI, no APECs were identified. Therefore, no further investigation is recommended at this time. N T Next Envi ronmental Inc. INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISKASSESSMENT Figure(s) Inferred Groundwater Flow Direction Tributary of Alouette River ~420m Fraser River ~1.5km DISCLAIMER: This drawing is part of a NEXT Environmental Inc. report and its use is subject to the limitations expressed in the Compliance Statement of that report. IMAGE SOURCES: ·Inset Map: Google Maps ·Aerial Image: Maple Ridge Municipal GIS (2011) Figure:01Site Plan Client: 1154333 BC Ltd. Project: Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher Street, Maple Ridge, BC Project No: Drawn date:115110101 115110101-001.dwg DWG: June 25, 2019 Kilometers 0 0.5 1 Site Location LEGEND Site Boundary NOTE: All locations are approximate unless otherwise noted. 0 1:750 30m Drawn by: ZM Consultant:Checked by: JL AH Checked date: June 25, 2019 f:; 1,ylve,. Ab~ "° fQ 12.U.u fj >JN ,....,. .::; •lf~ lQ ! ,..,,, --n H~rry 1n••• Hooge-Park 'Aaple Ridge "' Q M I lor,. Clock u~icllbraf)· T Site Photographs Next Environmental Inc. 215 – 2550 Boundary Road, Burnaby, BC Canada V5M 3Z3 | 604.419.3800 | www.nextenvironmental.com Photograph 1 A frontal view of the central and southern Site lots (12162 & 12170 Fletcher Street), looking northeast from the southwest corner of the Site. Photograph 2 A frontal view of the northern Site lot (12178 Fletcher Street), looking east from the northeast corner of the Site. Next Environmental Inc. 215 – 2550 Boundary Road, Burnaby, BC Canada V5M 3Z3 | 604.419.3800 | www.nextenvironmental.com Photograph 3 A rear view of 12178 Fletcher Street, looking west from the northeast corner of the Site. This also illus- trates some storage sheds in the yard of 12178 Fletcher Street. Photograph 4 Another view of the backyard of 12178 Fletcher Street, looking east. This also illustrates the residen al nature of surrounding, off-Site proper es. Next Environmental Inc. 215 – 2550 Boundary Road, Burnaby, BC Canada V5M 3Z3 | 604.419.3800 | www.nextenvironmental.com Photograph 5 A closer view of the front of 12170 Fletcher Street (center Site lot), looking northeast. Photograph 6 A rear view of 12170 Fletcher Street, looking northwest. Next Environmental Inc. 215 – 2550 Boundary Road, Burnaby, BC Canada V5M 3Z3 | 604.419.3800 | www.nextenvironmental.com Photograph 7 A view of the backyard of 12170 fletcher street, looking east from behind the Site home. This also illus- trates the detached garage building. Photograph 8 A frontal view of 12162 Fletcher Street (southern Site lot), looking southeast. Next Environmental Inc. 215 – 2550 Boundary Road, Burnaby, BC Canada V5M 3Z3 | 604.419.3800 | www.nextenvironmental.com Photograph 9 A view of the backyard of 12162 Fletcher Street, looking east. This also illustrates the detached garage building. Photograph 10 A rear view of 12162 Fletcher Street, looking southwest. Next Environmental Inc. 215 – 2550 Boundary Road, Burnaby, BC Canada V5M 3Z3 | 604.419.3800 | www.nextenvironmental.com Photograph 11 An off-Site view, looking southwest from the southwest corner of the Site. Photograph 12 An off-Site view, looking northwest from the northwest corner of the Site. Methodology & List of Acronyms METHODOLOGY The Stage 1 is an opinion on the likelihood of significant contamination on the Site from on- or off-Site sources that may pose a risk to human health and/or the environment. The conclusions of the Stage 1 are constrained by the availability of reviewed information. Visual inspection of neighbouring properties is typically limited to observations made from the Site or public areas. The Stage 1 consisted of a Site visit and review of information from the following sources: Legal description, current land title, and legal lot plan from BC Online and/or Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia (“LTSA”); Geological data from a Regional Surficial Geology map; Topography from iMapBC and/or municipal GIS; Surface waterbodies from iMapBC and/or municipal GIS and/or google maps Water supply information (including utilities and/or water wells and/or surface water intakes) from the municipality and/or iMapBC; Surface Water Intakes from iMapBC; Aquifer information from iMapBC; Water Use Determinations (from CSAP GIS info system and/or MOE); Climate and precipitation charts from Environment Canada Climate Normals for 1981-2010 Zoning information from the municipality; Aerial photographs from various archives (primarily UBC Geography Information Centre) and/or google earth; Site Registry details from BC Online and iMapBC; Environmental Monitoring stations from iMapBC; Borehole Lithology Logs from iMapBC; Environmental Management Authorization Database from the Ministry; Lost streams information from DFO Lost Streams of Lower Fraser Valley map and/or municipal sources; City directories for the Site and surrounding properties from various libraries (primarily Vancouver Public Library); Fire Insurance Maps from various municipal archives or libraries (primarily UBC Library - Rare Books and Special Collections); Previous environmental investigation reports identified in the report; Historical Site Plans from municipal archives and/or client; Visual inspection of the Site and adjacent properties; and, Interviews with knowledgeable persons. Depending on Site specifics, not all the above mentioned sources are always available. NEXT can be contacted at any time for specific details on the available information reviewed for this Stage 1. The Stage 1 does not include the sampling and/or analysis of any environmental media. City Directories, if available, were reviewed as part of this report are not attached to the Appendices. However, digital copies of the City Directories applicable to this report (if any) are available upon request. LIST OF ACRONYMS APEC(s) Area(s) of Potential Environmental Concern (further investigation required) AST(s) Aboveground Storage Tank(s) AW Aquatic Life Standard BTEXS Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes, Styrene CL Commercial Land Use CSA Canadian Standards Association CSR BC Ministry of Environment’s Contaminated Sites Regulation CU Commercial Use Vapour Standard DNAPL Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid DFO Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada DSI Detailed Site Investigation DW Drinking Water Use Standard EMA Environmental Management Act EPH Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon ESA Environmental Site Assessment GW Groundwater ha Hectares HDPE High-density Polyethylene HEPH Heavy Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon HWR BC Ministry of Environment Hazardous Waste Regulation ICOC(s) Identified Contaminant(s) of Concern IL Industrial Land Use Item(s) An activity, operation or structure of low potential environmental concern (no further investigation recommended) IU Industrial Use Vapour Standard IW Irrigation Water Use Standard km Kilometers LEPH Light Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon LNAPL Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid LW Livestock Water Use Standard m Metres mbg Metres below grade mm Millimeters MTBE Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether Ministry BC Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Strategy NEXT Next Environmental Inc. OCP Official Community Plan (OCP) PAHs Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons PCOC(s) Potential Contaminant(s) of Concern Phase I Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Phase II Phase II Environmental Site Assessment QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control RL Residential Land Use RU Residential Use Vapour Standard ROW(s) Right of Way(s) Stage 1 Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation Stage 2 Stage 2 Preliminary Site Investigation TG10 BC Ministry of Environment’s Technical Guidance 10 UST(s) Underground Storage Tank(s) VOCs Volatile Organic Compounds VPH Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons Land Title(s) **CURRENT INFORMATION ONLY - NO CANCELLED INFORMATION SHOWN**Land Title District NEW WESTMINSTER Land Title Office NEW WESTMINSTERTitle Number CA5085327 From Title Number CA1594634Application Received 2016-04-04Application Entered 2016-04-06Registered Owner in Fee Simple Registered Owner/Mailing Address:ALI OVEISY, ENGINEER MALIHE ABOLHASANI, REGISTERED NURSE 1309 HONEYSUCKLE LANE COQUITLAM, BC V3E 2E7 AS JOINT TENANTSTaxation Authority Maple Ridge, City ofDescription of Land Parcel Identifier:000-740-632 Legal Description: NORTH HALF LOT 10 SECTION 20 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 11845Legal Notations NONECharges, Liens and Interests Nature:MORTGAGE Registration Number:CA5085328 Registration Date and Time:2016-04-04 13:13 Registered Owner:THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANKDuplicate Indefeasible Title NONE OUTSTANDINGTransfersNONEPending Applications NONE TITLE SEARCH PRINT 2019-06-20, 11:53:36 File Reference: 115110101.01 Requestor: Dennis Chao Declared Value $510000 Title Number: CA5085327 TITLE SEARCH PRINT Page 1 of 1 **CURRENT INFORMATION ONLY - NO CANCELLED INFORMATION SHOWN**Land Title District NEW WESTMINSTER Land Title Office NEW WESTMINSTERTitle Number CA4955672 From Title Number CA2322092Application Received 2016-01-28Application Entered 2016-02-01Registered Owner in Fee Simple Registered Owner/Mailing Address:DONALD LANCE HAY, CNC MECHANIC DEBRA JOY HAY, SENIOR MORTGAGE UNDERWRITER 12162 FLETCHER STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2X 6K9 AS JOINT TENANTSTaxation Authority Maple Ridge, City ofDescription of Land Parcel Identifier:002-396-106 Legal Description: LOT 9 EXCEPT: THE SOUTH 52.5 FEET SECTION 20 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 11845Legal Notations NONECharges, Liens and Interests Nature:MORTGAGE Registration Number:CA4955673 Registration Date and Time:2016-01-28 14:16 Registered Owner:THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANK Nature:MORTGAGE Registration Number:CA6576932 Registration Date and Time:2018-01-19 07:40 Registered Owner:THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANKDuplicate Indefeasible Title NONE OUTSTANDING TITLE SEARCH PRINT 2019-06-20, 11:53:36 File Reference: 115110101.01 Requestor: Dennis Chao Declared Value $535000 Title Number: CA4955672 TITLE SEARCH PRINT Page 1 of 2 Transfers NONEPending Applications NONE TITLE SEARCH PRINT 2019-06-20, 11:53:36 File Reference: 115110101.01 Requestor: Dennis Chao Declared Value $535000 Title Number: CA4955672 TITLE SEARCH PRINT Page 2 of 2 **CURRENT INFORMATION ONLY - NO CANCELLED INFORMATION SHOWN**Land Title District NEW WESTMINSTER Land Title Office NEW WESTMINSTERTitle Number CA5085216 From Title Number CA4326646Application Received 2016-04-04Application Entered 2016-04-18Registered Owner in Fee Simple Registered Owner/Mailing Address:ALI OVEISY, ENGINEER MALIHE ABOLHASANI, REGISTERED NURSE 1309 HONEYSUCKLE LANE COQUITLAM, BC V3E 2E7 AS JOINT TENANTSTaxation Authority Maple Ridge, City ofDescription of Land Parcel Identifier:009-600-001 Legal Description: SOUTH HALF LOT 10 SECTION 20 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 11845Legal Notations NONECharges, Liens and Interests Nature:MORTGAGE Registration Number:CA5085217 Registration Date and Time:2016-04-04 12:46 Registered Owner:THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANKDuplicate Indefeasible Title NONE OUTSTANDINGTransfersNONEPending Applications NONE TITLE SEARCH PRINT 2019-06-20, 11:53:37 File Reference: 115110101.01 Requestor: Dennis Chao Declared Value $500000 Title Number: CA5085216 TITLE SEARCH PRINT Page 1 of 1 6/20/2019 Search & Retrieval Services https://apps.ltsa.ca/srs/app#/printPage 1/2 2019-06-20 11:51:46 Title Search Results Requestor: Dennis Chao File Reference: 115110101.01 21 search results found in Land Title District: All Land Title Districts PID 000-740-632 S/11845/////10 N2 PENDING APPLICATIONS: There are no pending applications Title Number Land Title District Status First Owner Name on Title CA5085327 New Westminster REGISTERED OV*, A* CA1594634 New Westminster CANCELLED DU*, T* BL172130 New Westminster CANCELLED DU*, T* BF417873 New Westminster CANCELLED BU*, A* AC152623 New Westminster CANCELLED RE*, B* X108034E New Westminster CANCELLED HA*, I* X106131E New Westminster CANCELLED ST*, E* 707060E New Westminster CANCELLED DE*, W* PID 002-396-106 S/11845/////9 REM PENDING APPLICATIONS: There are no pending applications Title Number Land Title District Status First Owner Name on Title CA4955672 New Westminster REGISTERED HA*, D* CA2322092 New Westminster CANCELLED RE*, B* BB543248 New Westminster CANCELLED RE*, J* BV110714 New Westminster CANCELLED CA*, C* BE77755 New Westminster CANCELLED RU*, Z* AB116110 New Westminster CANCELLED CU*, M* myLTSA D D Q D Q D Q D Q D Q D Q D Q D Q D D 0 D Q D Q D Q D Q D Q 6/20/2019 Search & Retrieval Services https://apps.ltsa.ca/srs/app#/printPage 2/2 X7558E New Westminster CANCELLED RI*, J* PID 009-600-001 S/11845/////10 S2 PENDING APPLICATIONS: There are no pending applications Title Number Land Title District Status First Owner Name on Title CA5085216 New Westminster REGISTERED OV*, A* CA4326646 New Westminster CANCELLED GO*, V* BK377612 New Westminster CANCELLED GO*, V* BF185737 New Westminster CANCELLED HE*, R* AD78249 New Westminster CANCELLED OL*, R* W90794E New Westminster CANCELLED OL*, R* D 0 D D 0 D 0 D 0 D 0 D 0 D 0 iMapBC Database CAUTION: Maps obtained using this site are not designed to assist in navigation. These maps may be generalized and may not reflect current conditions. Uncharted hazards may exist. DO NOT USE THESE MAPS FOR NAVIGATIONAL PURPOSES. Copyright/Disclaimer Key Map of British Columbia The material contained in this web site is owned by the Government of British Columbia and protected by copyright law. It may not be reproduced or redistributed without the prior written permission of the Province of British Columbia. To request permission to reproduce all or part of the material on this web site please complete the Copyright Permission Request Form which can be accessed through the Copyright Information Page. Legend iMapBC Mapping Projection: NAD83 Datum: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Spher e km0.200 0.4 10,000.001: Water Rights - Licences POD_STATUS Active Inactive Borehole Lithology Sites - Total Depth TOTAL_DEPTH 1.8 - 7.4 7.5 - 13.1 13.2 - 21.4 21.5 - 32.6 32.7 - 96.0 EMS - All Stations Water Licence Points of Diversion - Springs STATUS Active Application Active Application and Licence Active Licence Inactive Water Licence Points of Diversion - Drinking Water Sources STATUS Active Application Active Application and Licence Active Licence Water Wells - All Environmental Remediation Sites Contours (1:20,000) FCODE Contour - Index Contour - Index Indefinite Contour - Index Depression Contour - Index Depression Indefinite Contour - Intermediate Contour - Intermediate Indefinite Contour - Intermediate Depression Contour - Intermediate Depression Indefinite Integrated Cadastral Fabric - Outlined 40 ~,--......... ,rl-1rr-T7-~~m=r=rro ~~ ~ I I I I f 0 • • h e e rT""""l"--r---------, I j 11 Ill j I. ■ • • □ 0 0 0 0 • • • • • • • • • I I BRITISH COLUMBIA .... 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Borehole Lithology ID Borehole Site ID Borehole Name Borehole Municipality Latitude Longitude Date Drilled Total Depth TOC Elevation Surface Elevation Depth to Top of Screen Depth to Bottom of Screen From Unit Depth To Unit Depth Unit Number Unit Description Hydraulic Conductivity Depth to Water Below TOC Depth To Water Below Surface 2748 1299 16‐Feb Maple Ridge 49.220167 ‐122.593472 8/14/2002 7.6 43.5 43.6 6.2 7.6 3 7.6 4 clay, grey 2745 1299 16‐Feb Maple Ridge 49.220167 ‐122.593472 8/14/2002 7.6 43.5 43.6 0 0.6 1 sand (fine to medium) (fill) 2747 1299 16‐Feb Maple Ridge 49.220167 ‐122.593472 8/14/2002 7.6 43.5 43.6 1.2 3 3 silt (fine), grey 1.8 2746 1299 16‐Feb Maple Ridge 49.220167 ‐122.593472 8/14/2002 7.6 43.5 43.6 0.7 2.1 0.6 1.2 2 silt (fine), grey/brown 1.1 Longitude Latitude Address Site ID 122° 35' 46.39" 49° 13' 11.88" 22606 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD, MAPLE RIDGE 1056 122° 35' 36.80" 49° 13' 12.58" 22710 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD, MAPLE RIDGE 1299 122° 35' 16.52" 49° 13' 12.17" 22882 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD, MAPLE RIDGE 10483 122° 35' 23.42" 49° 13' 29.68" 12240 228TH STREET, MAPLE RIDGE 18595 CSAP GIS Info System CSAP GIS Info System Search LEGEND Search Point Drinking Water Applies Drinking Water Not Applicable Drinking Water Applicability Unknown 12193 1.;.1a5 12179 1215:J 12147 12138 t-(/) er:: UJ I u t- UJ _J LL Next Environmental Inc. INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISK ASSESSMENT 12208 12194 12184 12178 0 lFO 121o2 12152 1214~ 12136 12201 12191 12183 12161 121'il 12139 12203 N A 12169 1::' 12141 -------'--...L.-'-------~1' ◊ • • • Aerial Photographs Historical Aerial Photograph —2018 Source: [UBC Historical Aerial Photograph Library or City GIS] SITE INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISK ASSESSMENT Historical Aerial Photograph —2008 Source: [UBC Historical Aerial Photograph Library, Google Earth, or City GIS] SITE INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISK ASSESSMENT Historical Aerial Photograph —2004 Source: [UBC Historical Aerial Photograph Library or City GIS] SITE INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISK ASSESSMENT Historical Aerial Photograph —1999 Source: [UBC Historical Aerial Photograph Library or City GIS] SITE Historical Aerial Photograph —1993 Source: [UBC Historical Aerial Photograph Library or City GIS] SITE INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISK ASSESSMENT Historical Aerial Photograph —1989 Source: [UBC Historical Aerial Photograph Library or City GIS] SITE INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISK ASSESSMENT Historical Aerial Photograph —1984 Source: [UBC Historical Aerial Photograph Library or City GIS] SITE INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISK ASSESSMENT Historical Aerial Photograph —1979 Source: [UBC Historical Aerial Photograph Library or City GIS] SITE INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISK ASSESSMENT Historical Aerial Photograph —1974 Source: [UBC Historical Aerial Photograph Library or City GIS] SITE INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISK ASSESSMENT Historical Aerial Photograph —1969 Source: [UBC Historical Aerial Photograph Library or City GIS] SITE INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISK ASSESSMENT Historical Aerial Photograph —1963 Source: [UBC Historical Aerial Photograph Library or City GIS] SITE Historical Aerial Photograph —1959 Source: [UBC Historical Aerial Photograph Library or City GIS] SITE INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISK ASSESSMENT Historical Aerial Photograph —1954 Source: [UBC Historical Aerial Photograph Library or City GIS] SITE INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISK ASSESSMENT Historical Aerial Photograph —1949 Source: [UBC Historical Aerial Photograph Library or City GIS] SITE INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISK ASSESSMENT Site Registry 6/20/2019 https://apps.bconline.gov.bc.ca/Mailbox/Attachment.faces?attachmentDownloadType=VIEW&id=14302492 https://apps.bconline.gov.bc.ca/Mailbox/Attachment.faces?attachmentDownloadType=VIEW&id=14302492 1/1 As Of: JUN 16, 2019 BC Online: Site Registry 19/06/20 For: PG93506 NEXT ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 11:49:45 Folio: 115110101.01 Page 1 PID Nil Search As of JUN 16, 2019, no records from Site Registry match Land Titles PID 000740632 You have been charged for this information. Sites may be revealed by searching with alternate search methods. For example, a site not revealed in an Area search may be revealed by searching with another piece of information such as PID, PIN, address or Crown Lands File Number 6/20/2019 https://apps.bconline.gov.bc.ca/Mailbox/Attachment.faces?attachmentDownloadType=VIEW&id=14302490 https://apps.bconline.gov.bc.ca/Mailbox/Attachment.faces?attachmentDownloadType=VIEW&id=14302490 1/1 As Of: JUN 16, 2019 BC Online: Site Registry 19/06/20 For: PG93506 NEXT ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 11:49:39 Folio: 115110101.01 Page 1 PID Nil Search As of JUN 16, 2019, no records from Site Registry match Land Titles PID 002396106 You have been charged for this information. Sites may be revealed by searching with alternate search methods. For example, a site not revealed in an Area search may be revealed by searching with another piece of information such as PID, PIN, address or Crown Lands File Number 6/20/2019 https://apps.bconline.gov.bc.ca/Mailbox/Attachment.faces?attachmentDownloadType=VIEW&id=14302454 https://apps.bconline.gov.bc.ca/Mailbox/Attachment.faces?attachmentDownloadType=VIEW&id=14302454 1/1 As Of: JUN 16, 2019 BC Online: Site Registry 19/06/20 For: PG93506 NEXT ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 11:47:42 Folio: 115110101.01 Page 1 PID Nil Search As of JUN 16, 2019, no records from Site Registry match Land Titles PID 009600001 You have been charged for this information. Sites may be revealed by searching with alternate search methods. For example, a site not revealed in an Area search may be revealed by searching with another piece of information such as PID, PIN, address or Crown Lands File Number 6/20/2019 https://apps.bconline.gov.bc.ca/Mailbox/Attachment.faces?attachmentDownloadType=VIEW&id=14302460 https://apps.bconline.gov.bc.ca/Mailbox/Attachment.faces?attachmentDownloadType=VIEW&id=14302460 1/1 As Of: JUN 16, 2019 BC Online: Site Registry 19/06/20 For: PG93506 NEXT ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 11:48:03 Folio: 115110101.01 Page 1 4 records selected for 0.5 km from latitude 49 deg, 13 min, 24.7 sec and Longitude 122 deg, 35 min, 31 sec Site Id Lastupd Address / City 0001056 12MAY07 22606 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD MAPLE RIDGE 0001299 11FEB03 22710 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD MAPLE RIDGE 0010483 07OCT12 22882 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD MAPLE RIDGE 0018595 12240 228TH STREET MAPLE RIDGE Waterway Maps DFO Lost Streams of Lower Fraser Valley SITE 1·1 _td1 Next Environmental Inc. [JT INVESTIGATION I REMEDIATION I RISK ASSESSMENT Site (approximated location using BING address search engine) Wild Stream Threatened Stream Endangered Stream Lost Stream Not Assessed Streams DFO Lost and Threatened Streams Map Legend I I I I 0 ----- Investigator & Reviewer Qualifications Investigator Zac McKoen, B.Sc., G.I.T. Field Lead, Detailed Site Investigations Zac joined NEXT in April 2017. He has completed over 50 Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigations, as well as multiple Stage 2 Preliminary Site Investigations. He has also completed work on Detailed Site Investigations, report reviews, and groundwater monitoring projects. Reviewer Aio Haberli, M.Sc., P.Chem Project Lead, Detailed Site Investigations Aio has joined NEXT in April 2016 and has worked in the contaminated sites industry for more than six years. He has worked on hundreds of projects including Stage 1 and 2 PSIs, Phase I and II ESAs, Detailed Site Investigations, as well as remedial excavations and in-situ remediation (ISCO, IAS-SVE, pump and treat). In his role as Project Lead at NEXT he supervises and reviews the completion of several PSI projects every week, and manages ongoing DSI projects. Arborist Report Tree-Mendous Arb Care Tel: (604) 339-1689 Email: thetreewarden@gmail.com Tree-Mendous Arb Care Certified Arborist: Matt Huk, RPF, PN-8447A 604-339-1689 thetreewarden@gmail.com 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher St. Maple Ridge Land Assembly Rezoning for Proposed Townhouse Complex Date of Assessment: Mar 14, 2020 Date of Report: Mar 15, 2020 Weather: Sunny, Windy Updated July 19, 2020 following city comments and July 13, 2020 site visit Summary: • Due to the proposed density of the site, tree retention is limited to the periphery of the site, with the retention of six onsite trees, and 15 offsite trees. Tree protection and arborist involvement is outlined herein; • One City tree is recommended for removal as it directly conflicts with sidewalk installation. The tree has been hydro-topped and sheered and exhibits poor structure; • The adjacent property at 12158 has a row of 12 Lombardi poplars in very poor condition, some of which are dead, and most of which have been topped. The rezoning applicant is no longer seeking the removal of the neighbour’s trees, but request that the neighbour manage his risk and liability as it pertains to the trees’ potential to become hazardous. • Per city comments, one Norway maple in the centre of the site was re-evaluated for retention potential, but is still recommended for removal, discussed in a separate arborist memorandum. • A total of 7 trees between 20-50 cm DBH are recommended for removal, requiring 14 replacement trees respectively; • A total of 3 trees between 50-70 cm DBH are recommended for removal, requiring 12 replacement trees respectively; • A total of 3 trees >70 cm DBH are recommended for removal, requiring a total of 18 replacement trees respectively, for a grand total of 44 replacement trees required of the site, or otherwise accounted for with cash-in-lieu. ARB CARE July 19, 2020 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher St. Maple Ridge, BC Page 2 of 7 Re: Arboricultural Assessment – Land Assembly Rezoning, Fletcher St 1.0 Introduction: A site visit was requested by the property owner to review the quality of existing significant and bylaw protected trees at the site associated with the proposed construction of a townhouse complex. We were provided with a site survey and the preliminary site plan. A servicing concept plan was not available at the time of review, and remains outstanding at the time of the July 2020 update. Only the trees detailed in this report were assessed. The purpose of this review is to determine the existing condition of the subject trees including health and structure, and to determine their viability based on the proposed form of development. This report will be submitted to meet municipal permitting requirements. 2.0 Scope of Work: Our scope of work is defined by the owner as follows: a) Assess bylaw size trees within the site and within 5m of all property lines; b) Assess the feasibility of retaining trees on the site, on neighboring properties and on city property in association with the proposed form of development; c) Provide mitigation / protection comments. 3.0 Observation: The above image is taken from Ridge Map and the subject site is shown outlined in red. The property shares boundaries with various single-family residences, and one multifamily property. ARB CARE July 19, 2020 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher St. Maple Ridge, BC Page 3 of 7 Attached Photos: Photo 1: City 1, Douglas fir topped and sheered Photo 2: Tight codominant tops of #234 Photo 3: OS 1 multiple tops and OS 2 excellent form Photo 4: #224 hemlock in decline Photo 5: Dead top of #201 Photo 6: #232 in decline ARB CARE July 19, 2020 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher St. Maple Ridge, BC Page 4 of 7 Photo 7: #204 and #236 likely to be retained Photo 8: UT1-3 badly impacted by ivy, poor long-term retention potential in densified site Photo 9: OS 4-7 very tall overextended Lombardi poplars unsuitable for densified environment Photo 10: Left to right OS8-14, two are dead, remaining badly topped Photo 11: Left to right OS8-15 Photo 12: Peel out of #243 ARB CARE July 19, 2020 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher St. Maple Ridge, BC Page 5 of 7 3.1 Recommendation: The mandate from the client to the Arborist was to review the existing trees on site and within 5m of the property line for their overall health and quality, and to provide comments to their on-going viability, based on the proposed construction of a multifamily townhouse complex. Based on the available information, tree impacts are expected to be significant with tree retention potential limited to the periphery of the site. A servicing concept plan was not provided for the purpose of this review, and should be incorporated into this report when it becomes available. Based on City comments received in July of 2020, the client, arborist, and architect have explored further tree retention possibilities, including tree #230, a crimson king Norway maple identified by the City to be in excellent condition. • Tree #230 is still recommended for removal. A separate memorandum outlining the rationale for its removal has been written. To compensate for the loss of this exceptional specimen, the client is pursuing the retention of six additional on-site trees previously recommended for removal. The successful retention of these six on-site trees require arborist supervision and involvement at various stages of the project: • Trees 233 and 234 are Norway spruce of similar condition, located in the same tree protection area. Civil upgrades to the sidewalk will incur into the tree protection area, and base prep must be performed under arborist supervision. Foundation excavation comes within 4 m of the base of tree 234, which is considered acceptable for the species given its size. L-shaped footings are recommended where foundation works will incur into the tree protection area, and arborist supervision is required for foundation excavation. • Trees UT2 and UT3 are volunteer bitter cherry trees, located in the same tree protection area. The bases of these trees have not been inspected due to significant blackberry, ivy and a fence preventing access to the area. Nonetheless, these trees exhibited a healthy green canopy during the July 2020 site assessment, and appear to be worthy retention candidates. The ivy should be removed from the base as soon as possible, and the base of the trees should be inspected for decay. Beyond a re-inspection of the trees once access is available, arborist supervision is not required for these trees, as the specified tree protection area is expected to adequately protect the trees. • Trees 204 and 236, a Norway maple and western red cedar respectively are located in the same tree protection area. There is a low retaining wall within the immediate CRZ of tree 204, in addition to various hard surfaces, which must be dismantled under arborist supervision. Grade must be maintained as much as possible, and once the retaining wall has been removed, the area should be back filled with bark mulch. A small fungal fruiting body believed to be the aggressive root rot pathogen Kretzschmaria deusta was identified in the base of tree 204, but appears to be at very early stages of infection. The tree remains a good retention candidate if it is monitored regularly throughout construction. The tree also requires some clearance pruning for the proposed building location. No more than 20% of the live canopy of the tree should be removed in a given year, and pruning should be limited to the limbs directly in conflict with construction. Tree 236 appears to be exhibiting drought stress symptoms, likely compounded from several years of hot dry summers, despite the exceptionally wet spring of 2020. The tree may be in decline, with a somewhat chlorotic canopy and heavy cone crop. The tree also has a large set of concrete steps in its immediate critical root zone that must be removed under arborist supervision. The tree should be fertilized and mulched at the earliest opportunity, and should be subject to a watering maintenance ARB CARE July 19, 2020 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher St. Maple Ridge, BC Page 6 of 7 program throughout construction with the installation of a soaker hose throughout the CRZ. L-shaped footings are recommended the length of this tree protection area to minimize root zone incursion, and arborist supervision is required for foundation excavation. The 6 m setback and L-shaped footings afford these trees approximately 5 m of tree protection zone on their northern extent. Any support structures for the overhead balconies should use point footings only, be hand dug, and done so under arborist supervision. • Demolition of the main residence at 12162 Fletcher St. should be done under arborist supervision as the tree protection area abuts the existing structure. Beech are known to be particularly sensitive to root zone impacts, but the tree fencing specified is expected to adequately protect the tree. • One large tree protection area is specified for the neighbour’s 12 Lombardi poplars. The internal road specified nearly all the way to the south property line is only possible with significant arborist supervision in this zone. While the trees are in very poor condition structurally, Lombardi poplar is extremely hearty and tolerant to root zone impacts. Nonetheless, the installation of a geogrid within this tree protection area for the internal road and visitor parking area is recommended. Minimal organics can be stripped back under arborist supervision with the installation of the geogrid backfilled with a porous structural material. A permeable hard surface is then recommended on top of this area to allow for water infiltration. • Following any arborist supervision of demolition and/or excavation, a tree maintenance plan may be specified which may include but is not limited to bark mulching throughout the tree protection areas, deep root fertilization, and a watering program. One City-owned tree is recommended for removal as it conflicts directly with the required installation of the sidewalk. The tree exhibits very poor structure having been topped by BC hydro, with the regrowth subsequently sheered on the tree’s eastern extent. Five codominant tops were observed at the topping wound, making this tree a very poor long-term retention candidate. Meandering the sidewalk for such a specimen is not warranted and the tree is recommended for removal. We request guidance from the City of Maple Ridge as to any compensation fees and/or replacement tree criteria that may be applied to the development site. 3.2 Replacement Tree Requirements As per the City of Maple Ridge’s replacement tree criteria, the following pivot table summarizes the replacement trees required for the on-site tree removals only. DBH (cm) # of trees for removal Replacement multiplier # of replacement trees 20-50 7 X2 14 51-70 3 X4 12 >71 3 X6 18 Total 44 A total of 58 trees are required for the recommended on-site tree removals. We await guidance from the City of Maple Ridge staff as to how to apply replacement criteria for City-owned trees. The replacement tree plan will be prepared by the landscape architect, with species and location input from the project arborist. A cash-in-lieu portion for replacement trees that will not be accommodated on site is likely. ARB CARE July 19, 2020 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher St. Maple Ridge, BC Page 7 of 7 4.0 Limitations We attach the following clauses to this document to ensure you are fully aware of what is technically and professionally realistic in the assessment and preservation of trees. Unless otherwise stated, tree inspection and analysis used the standardized VTA (Visual Tree Assessment) endorsed by the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture, to identify species, size, condition, outward signs of structural defect(s), health deficiencies, and environmental conditions potentially impacting the structural integrity of the tree(s) and/or the retention suitability of the tree(s) given the proposed scope of work. Trees have been tagged for inventory and reference purposes, and photos have been taken for file and report reference purposes. A detailed inspection including aerial inspection, decay mapping, excavation explorations, probing, coring, and root mapping was not performed. This Arboricultural field review report is based only on-site observations on the date noted. Effort has been made to ensure that the opinions expressed are a reasonable and accurate representation of the condition of all trees reviewed. All trees or groups of trees have the potential to fail. No guarantees are offered or implied by Tree- Mendous Arb Care or their employees that the trees are safe given all conditions. Trees can be managed, but they cannot be controlled. To live, work or play near trees is to accept some degree of risk. The assessment provided was based on preliminary information only. The opinions expressed in this report are valid for a period of one year only. Any trees retained should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure reasonable safety. The information provided in this report is for the exclusive use of our client and may not be reproduced or distributed without permission of Tree-Mendous Arb Care. Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter. Yours Truly, Matthew Huk, RPF ISA Certified Arborist PN-8447A ARB CARE Tree-Mendous Arb Care. Project #20-011 Arborist Tree Table 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher St. Maple Ridge, BC Tree Number Common Name Latin Name DBH cm Health ON SITE Description Recommended Treatment CRZ City 1 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga meziesii 58 M N Has been hydro topped and sheered up one side, five codominant tops, not a good longterm candidate. In direct conflict with proposed sidewalk, meandering not warranted for tree with such structural defects Remove 10.44 201 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga meziesii 80 P Y Dead top, dieback from top down, tree in decline Remove 14.40 204 Norway maple Acer platanoides 72 G Y Tree has one bad limb peel out with decent compartmentalization, small fungal fruiting body believed to be Kretzschmaria deusta,an aggressive root rot that infects maple and other hardwoods found at base. Does not appear to be advanced decay, tree can likely be safely retained if monitored. Building canopy clearance required by certified arborist, low retaining wall in CRZ to be dismantled under arborist supervision. Retain 12.96 222 Western red cedar Thuja plicata ~100 G Y DBH estimated due to fence in way, has been topped at approx 4 m with ~7 false tops, in building footprint Remove 18.00 223 Mountain ash Sorbus aucuparia 20 P Y Short lived species, suppressed and in poor condition Remove 3.60 224 Western hemlock Tsuga heterophylla 62 P Y Very sparse canopy, in advanced decline Remove 11.16 225 Western red cedar Thuja plicata 59 P Y Has been topped multiple times, very poor structure, sounds hollow throughout, in building footprint Remove 10.62 226 Western red cedar Thuja plicata 41 P Y Has been topped multiple times, very poor structure, in building footprint Remove 7.38 227 Western red cedar Thuja plicata 43 P Y Has been topped multiple times, large peel out wound, horrible structure, in building footprint Remove 7.74 228 Western red cedar Thuja plicata 71 G Y 2 leaders at 4 m with good distance between union, healthy green canopy, in building footprint Remove 12.78 229 Western red cedar Thuja plicata 57 M Y Sparse canopy, in decline, lean, in building footprint Remove 10.26 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher St. Maple Ridge, BC Page 1 of 4 p=poor; m=moderate; g=good; OS=Off Site; UT=Untagged July 19, 2020 Tree-Mendous Arb Care. Project #20-011 Arborist Tree Table 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher St. Maple Ridge, BC Tree Number Common Name Latin Name DBH cm Health ON SITE Description Recommended Treatment CRZ 230 Norway maple Acer platanoides 50 G Y Crimson king maple in good condition, has large structural roots and concrete pads in multiple locations near base. Tree is located in proposed internal road location, traffic circle explored with architect discussed in report. Remove 9.00 231 Holly Ilex aquifolium 22 G Y Typical form and structure, vigorous young tree, invasive species, not desirable to leave on landscape Remove 3.96 232 Mountain ash Sorbus aucuparia 34 P Y Volunteer near property line, short lived species with insipient decay throughout main stem and in unions Remove 6.12 233 Norway Spruce Picea abies 41 M Y Has either been topped or has had top blown out, new leaders apear to be somewhat well attached, could benefit from some canopy restoration pruning Retain 7.38 234 Norway Spruce Picea abies 46 M Y Has been hydro topped, two tight codominant leaders from topping wound appear to be well attached, could benefit from some canopy restoration pruning Retain 8.28 236 Western red cedar Thuja plicata 47 G Shared Tree exhibiting signs of stress, somewhat sparse canopy and heavy cone crop, species sensitive to construction, large concrete steps in CRZ to be removed under arborist supervision, tree should be mulched and fertilized and placed on a watering program during construction Retain 8.46 UT1 Bitter Cherry Prunus emarginata 20 P Y Top has has broken out with three new small leaders forming, badly impacted by ivy, poor condition, untagged due to severe blackberry and fences in the way, base of tree not inspected Remove 3.60 UT2 Bitter Cherry Prunus emarginata 40 M Y Phototropic lean towards site, badly impactef by ivy but exhibited healthy green canopy during July 2020 site visit. Ivy should be removed as soon as possible and base of tree inspected. Retain 7.20 UT3 Bitter Cherry Prunus emarginata 30 P Y Leaning away from the site, impacted by ivy but exhibiting healthy green canopy during July 2020 site visit. Ivy should be removed as soon as possible, and base of tree inspected Retain 5.40 Page 2 of 4 p=poor; m=moderate; g=good; OS=Off Site; UT=Untagged July 19, 2020 Tree-Mendous Arb Care. Project #20-011 Arborist Tree Table 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher St. Maple Ridge, BC Tree Number Common Name Latin Name DBH cm Health ON SITE Description Recommended Treatment CRZ OS1 Eastern white pine Pinus strobus 60 M N Has had its top blown out, respons growth is vigorous with new tops that appear somewhat well attached, limbs extending into subject site need to be pruned for clearance, stub cutting is an option as branches have foliage almost all the way back to the stem. We request that the neighbouring strata manage their risk and liability as it pertains to this tree identified as having a structural defect Retain 10.80 OS2 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga meziesii 55 G N Excellent longterm retention candidate, tight conical canopy, good flare, single leader Retain 9.90 OS3 European beech Fagus sylvatica 35 G N Good specimen in proper location for retention, has been hydro pruned on its western extent but beech is very tolerant to heavy pruning Retain 6.30 OS4 Lombardi poplar Populus nigra lombardii ~50 G N Very tall tree not suited to densified urban settings, not a good longterm candidate, in neighbour's yard, request that neighbour manage his risk and liability as it pertains to this tree with potential to become hazardous Retain 9.00 OS5 Lombardi poplar Populus nigra lombardii ~50 G N Very tall tree not suited to densified urban settings, not a good longterm candidate, in neighbour's yard, request that neighbour manage his risk and liability as it pertains to this tree with potential to become hazardous Retain 9.00 OS6 Lombardi poplar Populus nigra lombardii ~50 G N Very tall tree not suited to densified urban settings, not a good longterm candidate, in neighbour's yard, request that neighbour manage his risk and liability as it pertains to this tree with potential to become hazardous Retain 9.00 OS7 Lombardi poplar Populus nigra lombardii ~50 G N Very tall tree not suited to densified urban settings, not a good longterm candidate, in neighbour's yard, appears to be a decay cavity in upper stem where branch unions may be weakly attached. Request that neighbour manage his risk and liability as it pertains to this tree with potential to become hazardous Retain 9.00 OS8 Lombardi poplar Populus nigra lombardii ~50 Dead N Dead Retain 9.00 OS9 Lombardi poplar Populus nigra lombardii ~50 Dead N Badly topped, suckering regrowth vigorous with weak attachments, currently no targets Retain 9.00 OS10 Lombardi poplar Populus nigra lombardii ~50 Dead N Dead Retain 9.00 Page 3 of 4 p=poor; m=moderate; g=good; OS=Off Site; UT=Untagged July 19, 2020 Tree-Mendous Arb Care. Project #20-011 Arborist Tree Table 12162, 12170, 12178 Fletcher St. Maple Ridge, BC Tree Number Common Name Latin Name DBH cm Health ON SITE Description Recommended Treatment CRZ OS11 Lombardi poplar Populus nigra lombardii ~50 VP N Badly topped at approximately 3 m, new growth is sparse, poor longterm candidate Retain 9.00 OS12 Lombardi poplar Populus nigra lombardii ~50 VP N Badly topped at approximately 3 m, new growth is sparse, poor longterm candidate Retain 9.00 OS13 Lombardi poplar Populus nigra lombardii ~50 VP N Badly topped at approximately 3 m, new growth is sparse, poor longterm candidate Retain 9.00 OS14 Lombardi poplar Populus nigra lombardii ~50 VP N Badly topped at approximately 3 m, new growth is sparse, poor longterm candidate Retain 9.00 OS15 Lombardi poplar Populus nigra lombardii ~50 VP N Badly topped at approximately 3 m, new growth is sparse, poor longterm candidate, impacted severely by ivy. Retain 9.00 Page 4 of 4 p=poor; m=moderate; g=good; OS=Off Site; UT=Untagged July 19, 2020 1~1111 mapleridge.ca TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel 2019-393-DP 20786 River Road MEETING DATE: March 17, 2021 An Advisory Design Panel (the "ADP") submission has been received for the above cited application and property to permit a construction of eight (8) dwelling units in the form of courtyard housing. The proposed buildings will replace the vacant site. The subject property is under application for rezoning from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) to support the development of courtyard housing. The rezoning application being processed in conjunction with this proposal was given First Reading by Council on March 10, 2020. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Zeyuan Zhou Lot 37 District Lot 277 Group 1 NWD Plan 31152 RES (Urban Residential) RES (Urban Residential) RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) Residential RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Urban Residential Maple Ridge Elementary School P-1 (Park and School) Institutional Maple Ridge Elementary School P-1 (Park and School) I nstitutiona I Residential RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Single-Family & Compact Residential (Hammond Area Plan) Residential Residential 0.20 HA. (0.5 acres) Page 1 of 5 Access: Servicing requirement: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: River Road Urban Standard The development permit application made to the City prompting this submission to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.7 Multi-Family: Ground Orientated Residential Infill Guidelines Development Permit. The proposed RT-2 zone provides for the infill of ground-oriented residential buildings within established residential neighbourhoods in a form that will be incremental and sensitive to the existing and emerging context. This RT-2 zone allows for dwelling units to be in one building with shared party walls to create triplexes or fourplexes. Dwelling units may also be arranged individually or attached and clustered around a shared open space, in a courtyard residential housing form. Proposed characteristics for triplex, fourplex and courtyard housing, include: • Importance of respecting the neighbourhood context, in terms of size, scale and massing; • Appear as a 'single family' house in terms of residential character; • Encouraging building articulation to create a comfortable scale and interesting streetscape; • Providing useable private outdoor space for each unit; • Encouraging sustainable and permeable landscaping on site; and • Provide shared site accesses to limit impacts of parking on the development. It was intended that these newly created in-fill housing forms would not have their own set of guidelines in the first year of implementation. Therefore, in addition to the characteristics listed above, applications for triplex, fourplex and courtyard would apply Section 8.7 Multi-Family: Ground Orientated Residential Infill Development Permit Guidelines where applicable. Key Guidelines: The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal's compliance with the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines: • Incremental and sensitive integration of RT-2 Ground Oriented Residential Inti/I Zone projects into existing neighbourhoods. • Consider similarity of scale, massing and appearance to a detached single-family dwelling, and avoid replicating townhouse or rowhouse housing form. • Ground-oriented infill developments are expected to relate to the height and location of existing single detached neighbours and sensitively transition to neighbouring properties by stepping massing down, where applicable. • Dwelling units must be in one building with shared party walls or as a stacked unit to create triplexes or fourplexes. • Access to public roads to be in accordance with the Maple Ridge Design Criteria Manual. A secondary driveway may be approved by the Engineering Department, where it supports key guidelines concepts. • Design and construction of new buildings located within designated floodplains to be in accordance with Provincial legislation and the Zoning Bylaw. Page 2 of 5 • Effectively utilize the site context to create uniqueness, orient entrances towards the street, and use landscaping and screening to create private or semiprivate yard spaces. • Encourage permeability of rainfall and meet City of Maple Ridge stormwater management requirements and best management practices. • Contribute to a more sustainable community and neighbourhood, design for health and wellbeing, use green infrastructure, adaptations for climate change and resiliency. The proposed eight (8) unit courtyard housing development is designed to be of a similar scale to the adjacent single family houses, and is meant to integrate well with the surrounding neighbourhood. The development proposes four buildings containing two units each, with each unit featuring a separate ground floor entrance, which gives it the appearance of single family housing. The developments form and character are similar in scale to the overall neighbourhood and respects the height of the existing homes in the area. The River Road elevation of the development reads as two single family units, while the bulk of the massing of both units is contained primarily on the first and second floors. This elevation integrates well overall with the single family streetscape along this portion of River Road. The courtyard is the project core and it emphasizes this importance by incorporating corner glazing facing common amenity spaces and the driveway. All of the units have fenced rear yards and landscape areas along the property line. The outdoor amenity areas have also received a generous landscaped treatment, which is meant to maximize the privacy from adjacent properties. The courtyard space has been broken up, in order to retain a significant offsite cedar tree (OS-1), in the south west corner of the site. The applicant's response to the applicable, detailed Design Guidelines for the Section 8.7 Multi-Family: Ground Orientated Residential Infill Development Permit Guidelines are attached in Appendix F of this report. PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: An application has been received for the property located at 20786 River Road for a courtyard housing development consisting of eight (8) dwelling units in the built form of four (4) duplexes. There will be two courtyard open spaces traversing the site; one in the south west corner and the other on the eastern portion of the site mid-way. An internal drive aisle will provide access to the garage of each unit. All eight (8) units will feature side-by-side parking garages, as well as one visitor space will be provided. Special surface treatment will be applied over the portion of the drive aisle crossing the courtyard area. 2. Context: The subject property is 0.20 HA. (0.5 acres) in size and is located in the general urban area, on the eastern border of the Hammond area . The subject property and surrounding lots are characterized by low (i.e. single storey and basement) single family dwellings. Maple Ridge Elementary School borders the site to the south and east. The subject property is relatively flat with a few trees along its edges and in the back yard . Page 3 of 5 3. OCP and Zoning Compliance: The development site is currently designated Urban Residential. The proposed RT-2 (Ground- Oriented Residential Infill) Zone is consistent with this designation. This property is at the periphery of the Hammond Area Plan and the lands to the west are designated Single-Family and Compact Residential, which envisions a similar density and infill-housing form. The subject site is being rezoned to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) and Development Data Sheet (Appendix E) analyses the compliance of the project with the applicable zone regulations. The proposal has a density (Floor Space Ratio) of 0.75 which complies with the maximum density of 0.75 FSR. The following variances will be required: • Reduction in the Front Lot Line setback from 6.0 metres to 4.5 metres; and • Reduction in the Rear Lot Line setback from 1.5 metres to 7.5 metres; and • Increase in the allowable Building Height from 8.0 metres to 9.41 metres. 4. Parking and bicycle storage: The Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350 -1990 requires that triplexes, fourplexes and courtyard residential developments are to provide two off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit. The proposed courtyard meets these requirements by providing a total of seventeen parking spaces, two spaces per unit and one visitor parking. Bicycle parking can be accommodated in the accessory detached garage for each unit. The required parking for the proposed use is analyzed in the Development Data Sheet (Appendix E) 5. Environmental. Sustainability & Stormwater Management: This project's site proposal will have to conform to the City's three tier stormwater management requirements. Because the subject property is within the Fraser River Escarpment, no infiltration is permitted. 6. Issues reg·uiring comments from ADP: • Please comment on the courtyard layout. How does the ADP feel about the two different courtyard spaces? • How does the ADP feel about the integration with the surrounding neighbourhood and with the Elementary School to the south and east? • Does the ADP think that the materials and massing of the buildings are reflective of single family housing? • How does the ADP feel about the relation between the units and the courtyard? • How does the ADP feel about the variances being proposed? 7. Garbage/Recycling: Garbage and recycling may be stored in the garage of each unit; however, the collection location will have to be determined with the individual waste hauler. 8. Works along abutting roads: • The applicant will be required to install new curb and gutter and letdown along River road. Page 4 of 5 • River Road will require 5 metres of dedication and widening across the frontage to reflect the width that is established across the frontage of Maple Ridge Elementary School. • Sanitary sewer will need to be extended to the east of property line of the site. • A new service connection may need to be provided to the site. • Street trees and installation of LED street lights required along River Road. 9. Off Site Upgrades, Utilities and Services: • Developers engineer will be required to review condition and capacity of sewer and may require a replacement in order to support proposed development. • Any upgrades are required downstream to support the proposed development will be the responsibility of the developer. • Any upgrades to the water main to be determined by applicant. Calculations are to be submitted to the City's Engineering Department. • All 3rd party utilities to be provided via underground conduit. CONCLUSION: The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal, specifically with respect to the suitability and design of fac;ade materials, building articulation, and landscaping of this development, and integration with the surrounding single-family neighbourhood. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared by: Rene~ The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject map Appendix B Explanatory letter from Architect (and Landscape Architect if applicable) Appendix C ADP Submission Form Appendix D ADP Applicant Checklist (signed by Architect) Appendix E Development Data Sheet (signed by Architect) Appendix F DP Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix G Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 5 of 5 (j) () Ill ro N 0 ,, )> --I fn rn .. .. N zo 0 ~ < 'P ~ <,) (]1 <D -N Cf I 0 :0 ~N <D I OJ -< .. 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V2X6A9 Re: Courtyard Development at 20786 River Road, Maple Ridge, B.C. Application# 2019-393-RZ Dear Mr. Rene Tardif, APPENDIX B February 22, 2021 The attached documents and drawings are provided to address the Community Planning and Building Departments comments, as well as comments regarding the Arborist report for our Rezoning and Development Permit #2019-393-RZ at the above noted address. Please find below an overview of t.he revisions: -In response to the City's preference to retain the trees along the south property line (OS-1, 1004 and 1005), we have shifted Block 2 towards the north and relocated the outdoor amenity to the southeast corner of the property. We have revised our proposed Arborist report and landscape drawings to accommodate this change. (Please refer to sheets 'T-1' and 'L 1 ') -The elevations were revised to address comments relating to form and character. We have revised the unit entrance locations and garage door finishes to were to promote the appearance of a single-family building form minimize the look and feel of a duplex development. We have also revised the vertical stone elements and some cladding finishes to further address this concern. (Please refer to DP 3.2 and DP3.3) Please note that if further adjustments are required, we could investigate alternating the recesses and bump outs of the elevations to further break up the massing. We hope that you find everything in order. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office by 604-662-8689. Best regards, JessieAroraArchitectAIBC, SAA, AAA, MRAIC, RA, OAA, MAA Principal Atelier Pacific Architecture Inc. E-mail: accounts@atelierpacific.com #111-3823 henning drive burnaby, be canada v5c 6p3 t 604.662.8689 I f 604.662.8655 lnfo@atellerpaclfic.com I www.atellerpaclflc.com Jessie arora I architect albc saa aaa mralc ra oaa maa APPENDIXC [<ill- maple,idge.ca Ad vi so ry Design Pa nel Submiss ion Requ est Fo rm The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: Name of Applicant _J_e_s_s_ie_A_ro_r_a ___________ _ File number Address of site 2019-393-RZ 20786 River Road Current Zone RS-1 Proposed Zone _R_T_-2 ___ _ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date March 17, 2021 Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect Gordon Yiu ----------------- Landscape Architect _M_a~ry.___C_h_a_n_-_Y ..... ip ________ _ Other Professional (State Name & Role) Brian Shigetomi (Senior Associate -Atelier Pacific Architecture) Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A {Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 27S m2; ~ any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -all schools, any size Group B {Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building {excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F {Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 APPENDIX D ,~,-ADP Sub mission Chec kli st mapleridge.ca Application No. 2019-393-RZ File Manager Rene Tardif This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel (ADP). Please refer to the ADP Submission Form and the ADP Requirements Brochure for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP. Certification of Complete ADP Submission: Architect's Certification: I 2021.02.22 2021.02.22 ------------Signature Date Signature Date Print name Jessie Arora Print name Mary Chan-Yip Submission Materials Required (FIie Manager to Provided Indicate If required) A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) □ [El B. Covering Letter including explanations about: 1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) □ [El 2. Architectural and Landscaping Design rationale □ I]) (Detailed information Required) 3. Statement in brief about the following: a. DP l<ey Concepts Compliance □ [El b. DP Guideline Compliance □ [El c. Stormwater management strategy with emphasis on Tier A □ I]) requirements integrated into landscaping plans d. Public Art/ Amenities, etc. □ □ e. Sustainability practices □ [El f. Other □ □ c. Site and Neighbourhood Context 1. Context Review -Context Plan with existing/proposed buildings and trees, vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed grading, and other major features within the site, on the □ I]) abutting properties, the public realm and along the road allowances/ lanes. 2. Photographs of site and surrounding sites. □ 0 D. Develogment Permit Area Checklist (Note: The Architect Is responsible to describe how the project complies with □ III each guidelines, or If not applicable, a description of why not applicable. Please use fillable forms on line.) City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist E. Architectural Plans (Site and Building(s)l: 1. Site Plan and layout 2. Site sections 3. Streetscape elevation 4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees superimposed 5. Shadow analysis 6. Lighting analysis (on building and on site) 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and roof tops 8. Waste collection /recycling (inside of buildings) 9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside) 10. Building elevation (all sides) 11. Signage (attached to building and free standing) 12. Colours and materials 13. Material board 14. Building sections 15. 3D renderings of site, building(s) and associated landscaping F. Landscaping Plans: 1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting details 2. Storm water management works focused on Tier A requirements integrated into landscaping plan with details 3. Landscaping details, including public art, signage, lighting, play and other amenity areas, fences, retaining walls, 4. Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures) 5. Details for pedestrian amenity and furniture features provided 6. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns 7. Tree retention and management plan 8. Site sections for lot grading, drainage, landscaping, retaining walls and relationship to adjacent grades/ City roads/ lanes 9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnections G. Green Building/Sustainability initiatives H. Engineering-related Information: 1. Site grading plans I. Other Rev. March 2018 (Page 2) IBl IBl I]) [El □ [8] □ □ [ii □ [8] [8] [8] □ [8] IBl [8] □ [8] [El [El □ □ [8] □ □ □ APPENDIX E lol.1-mapleridge.ca DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Existing /Proposed Zone Rezone from RS-1 loRT-2 Date Prepared February 22, 2021 Required Development Data Gross Total Less Road/ Truncations Dedicated Less Park/ Open Space Dedicated NetTotal Buildings & Structures Paved & Hard Surfaced Areas Landscaping Front Rear Side #1 (N, E, or W} Side #2 {N,S,E, o Side #3 (N, S, E or W) Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three Bedroom+ Total Residential Retail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial {Type Institutional Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed 45% 6.0m 7.5m 2.25m 2.25m NIA • If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) 2,017.1 sq.m. NIA NIA 1,814.6 sq.m. 38% 31% 31% 4.5m (variance required) 1.5m (variance required) 2.25m 2.25m NIA NIA NIA NIA 8 8 1,365 sq.m NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 1,365 sq.m # of units/ha {gross) # of units/ha {net) Gross Floor Area Common Activity Area (Courtyard) Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Not less than 7m in width 360 sq.m Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) 39.66 units/ha 44.09 units/ha 1,365 sq.m 0.75 Residential and Multi-Residential Uses 16 16 Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) NIA Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bd~ Units) NIA Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) NIA Commercial Uses NIA Educational & Assembly Uses NIA Institutional Use Industrial Use NIA Business Park Uses NIA Comprehensive NIA Total Number of Parking Spaces for Uses Number of parking spaces for disabled NIA Number of spaces for visitors NIA TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES 17 Number and percentage small cars 0 Number and percentage tandem spaces 0 NIA NIA Short Term Bicycle Parking Long Term Bicycle Parking Heritage Site No Tree Survey/Assessment Provided Watercourse/Steep Slopes No Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. P db Jessie Arora, Architect, AIBC repare y: ____________ _ ~...-J;\t~----zv, V Print Name {Please print form and sign above) NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. 1. 2. APPENDIX F l<>Ll-maple,idge.ca Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan, multi-family developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the l<ey Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the l<ey Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. 8.7.1 l<ev Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies New development into established areas This infill project proposes 4 ground oriented units, should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood which are similar on scale to surrounding elements in building form, height, neighborhood and the maximum height is under architectural features and massing. 9.5m proposed to courtyard residential. Transitional development should be used The proposed ground-oriented development to bridge areas of low and high densities, accomodates four buildings, each with two units. through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented Each unit has a separate entrance located on housing located to the periphery of a different facades. Entrances on separate facades higher density developments. promote the appearance of a single family building form. To further minimize the look and feel of duplexs, the garage door of the south unit in each buildng is coloured to match the wall finish colour. the intent is to emphasize only one garage entrance to encourage the look and feel of a single family hoUSP.. 1 l(ey Guideline Concepts (Continued) 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural NIA. The subject project can be classified as a small separation to foster a sense of sc_ale development, because it has only 4 ground community, and improve visual oriented buildings containing 8 units. attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes Four ground oriented units sit at corner of the site attained through landscaping, with paved strata road and common amenity at architectural details, appropriate lighting center between units. Each unit has its own rear and by directing parking underground yard against the property lines. where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. Guidel_lnes 8.7.1 A Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the Building Design, Massing and Siting listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Design and siting of buildings should take The lot is almost flat and an internal strata road runs advantage of natural features or views and should enhance privacy and no~h and south in between buildings serving as livability. main access road, as well as courtyard area. 2. Residential buildings should front or The top storeys of duplexes houses are setback and appear to front onto public roads through the use of appropriate on _its both sides, there are private deck patios, ' treatment of exteriors, through direct which reduce the overall building height and pedestrian access to individual units from massing. the public street/sidewalk, or through An extensive use of glazing, including corner the provision of pedestrian walkways linked to the street. Street frontages widows, o~ all elevations t~ke maximum advantage should be emphasized by incorporating ?f natural light as well as views, and create visual differentiated front, side and rear interest. oriented facades, with a minimum two storey facade on the fronting street to Also, large canopies and cultured stone wall foster a human scale. Buildings that are treatment identify the main entrance of each unit. On designed with an end wall or unit units facing River Road, canopies have larger adjacent to a public street should design proportions, while on the units facing the amenity the end unit with the pedestrian entry area/outdoor spaces, the canopies extend to the facing the street. At significant property's sides creating a covered patio and intersections, the definition of corners increasing the control against sun exposure. should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets and incorporate corner cuts. 2 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 3. Higher density dwellings should be sited N/A. Co nsistent de nsity utilize d with RT-2 zon e. adjacent to major streets in order to minimize access problems and to provide a transition to lower density uses. 4. Multi-family developments adjacent to a) The development form and character is similar on lower density or single detached residential dwellings should: scale to surrounding neighborhood and respects the a) be consistent in form and massing with 9.Sm maximum height. the surrounding area; b) The project is setback from the adjacent major road. b) be sited adjacent to major streets to provide a transition to lower density c) N/A. uses; c) concentrate density to the centre of the development or towards a non-d) All buildings are setback from the adjacent residential boundary and locate lower properties, and top floor is further setback to create density components adjacent to lower roof top patios. density residential uses; d) create a transition in building mass and e) N/A . form towards the setbacks of the adjacent neighbourhood; f) All units have a fenced rear yard and landscaped e) minimize access conflicts; area along the property line. The outdoor amenities f) be designed to maximize privacy and also receives a landscape treatment, which increases minimize views onto adjoining sites, privacy from adjacent properties. particularly for portions of the development abutting the side yards of adjacent single detached residential uses. 5. Larger buildings, roof forms and building frontages should include design a) To create a visual reduction on massing while elements and features to: providing articulation and hierarchy the design a) provide variation in the facades to help utilizes a variety of contrasting materials. reduce the visual length of individual b) Along River Road, the development can be read buildings; b) have the appearance of a series of as single-family unit. smaller buildings, or as identifiable parts of a larger concept; and c) Each entrance is marked with a generous canopy c) incorporate components that express and highlighted with cultured stone finish. • strong unit identity and incorporate direct access to grade for ground-floor units. 3 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 6. New multi-family developments should Th_e ~oncept outlines a simple, yet elegant 3-storey use design themes, architectural features and elements of the building form, topped by a slope roof to provide surrounding neighbourhood by shadin~ and visual crown to the building. The top incorporating common elements such as storey 1s setback to reduce the overall building form, scale, massing and proportion into height and massing, and at the same time to create • l the design as a means to reinforce an enJoyable private deck patio. Glazing is used neighbourhood stability. Examples extensively on all elevations to provide natural light include: and visual surveillance. ' a) the articulation of facades, using where appropriate, elements such as porches, The courtyard residential is the project core; chimneys, projections, recesses, and consequently, the following design features balconies; emphasize its importance on the development: b) the placement, size, shape and number -Large corner glazing facing common amenity space of doors and windows; and driveway. c) the location and visual appearance of -Roof cover around corner glazing to encourage the garages and/or parking facilities; use of outdoor space as well as to blur boundaries d) the selection of appropriate and between private and public space. compatible roof forms; and e) the design of hard and soft landscaping. 7. The exposed undersides of balconies and porches that are visible from a street or The exposed undersides of canopies will be covered public walkway should be covered with with a matching colour soffit. exterior finishes to provide a finished appearance to public view. 8. Developments are encouraged to use the Leadership in Energy and -Permeable surface are specified at visitor parking Environmental Design (LEEDS) standards stall. in the design of buildings. Techniques -An automatic high-efficient mechanical irrigation such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, sy~tem will be specified to reduce water wastage. separation of impervious surfaces, -Light colored pavers are specified for the building installing below surface infiltration beds roof deck to sun light reflection. and tree box filters, and redirecting -Extensive lighting (led low voltage) around water from drain pipes into vegetated pathways and outdoor areas. areas are encouraged. 9. Variation in individual unit designs is The contrasting materiality, from the white and gray encouraged to provide visual interest and avoid significant repetition either colour scheme and warm wood, creates visual within a row of townhouses, or between interest and provide articulation among the units. adjacent rows of units. Also, porch statement with column/canopy are provided to each entrance. 4 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 10. Garage doors should not face public N/A. All garage doors are fronting the inte rn al streets. Where front facing garage doors driveway/ strata road. are unavoidable, the impact of garage doors on the public realm should be mitigated by: a} designing resident ial units with enough width to include attractive entrances and windows between garages; b} recessing garage doors behind the main building fa~ade; c) keeping a sufficient width in residential units to allow the creation of attractive entrances and fenestration between garages. d) grouping garage doors In pairs between adjacent units to allow building entrances and facades more prominence on the street; e) providing Interior spaces that overlook the street; f} separating and orienting unit entrances to the street; g) providing individual pedestrian walkways linked to the street; h} including design details such as transom windows or glazing in garage doors; i} a comprehensive landscape plan that identifies how the visual impact of garage doors from the street will be mitigated. 11. Landscaping of rooftops is encouraged It is proposed th e use of light colored pavers at roof where possible, to provide shared or deck to reflect sun light and to reduce maintenance. private outdoor space for residents and to provide attractive views for residents and passersby. 5 Guidelines 8.7.1 B Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation 1. Parking and servicing should be located underground or .to the rear of buildings, with access from lanes wherever possible. Where lane access is not possible, access should be from streets via narrow driveways to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 2. Parking structures should be adequately screened and architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. Large surface parking areas should be divided into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous appearance with landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement treatment to enhance their visual appearance. 3. Developments with large parking areas should provide a direct pedestrian pathway system through the parking area to facilitate convenient and safe pedestrian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscaping with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. 4. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. N/A. There is no underground parking in this development. N/A. There is no parking structure in this development. N/A. There is no large parking in this development. N/A. There is no shared vehicle accessible in this development. 6 Guidelines 8.7.1 B (Continued) 5. Locate parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities as close as possible to the main entrance to a b_uilding. 6. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities with convenient ' safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to building entrances, lobbies or other principal areas of buildings, and to grade level from any underground or above ground parking structures. 7. To increase safety, consider using electronic security devices and monitoring systems as a supplement to natural surveillance opportunities in parking structures and parking areas. 8. The amount of asphalt surfaces in parking areas should be minimized by integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers, etc. or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Road grades, streets, lanes, and driveways should conform to the existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, roads should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. All individual garages have direct access to internal driveway/ strata road. -Individual car garage (double) is provide to all unit. -Pathways and outdoor areas are lit by led low voltage for improved visibility. -The visitor parking stall is adjacent to the building block. -The common outdoor amenity is located in the center of blocks and at the site corner to improve security. N/A. There is no parking structure in this development. Permeable surface are specified at visitor parking stall and units' garage access. The development follows the almost flat natural contour and keeps existing grades at property as much as possible. 7 Guidelines 8.7.1 C Landscaping and Open Space 1. Landscaping both within and outside the development should: a) provide definition for pedestrian corridors; b) delineate private and semi private space from public space; c) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces; .d) present a pleasing street image; e) provide suitable buffering between public road and privacy areas; f) soften the transition between adjacent land uses; g) provide a buffer between residential and non-residential land uses; h) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site; i) reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties, the scale and massing of buildings, and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 2. Landscape drawings for development applications should include, but are not limited to, the following information: a) the location of mature and existing trees to be retained or removed, b) the location of all protective tree fencing; c) a grading plan or cross section indicating finished grade; and d) a drainage plan for the site. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all development. Incorporate deciduous tree species into streetfront landscaping to define site boundaries, to enhance public space, and to permit light penetration in winter. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. a)Paved and patterned pathways are provided at each unit connected to the strata road/common area. b)Screen planting and fencing divide private and semi private areas of the development. c)Screen fencing is provided between units. d)Landscaped front yard is provided facing the River Road, and landscape along the paved and patterned strata road. e)Landscaped buffering (minimum 3 feet) is provided on the east, south and west property lines. On the outdoor amenity at the southwest corner the fence and existing retained trees provide adequate buffer. f)N/A. g)N/A. h)Paved and patterned courtyard/ strata road with trees create interesting views into and out of the site. i)A consistent street tree patterning has been provided. In addition, low level fencing and vegetative buffer area provided along property lines for a more welcome development approach. a) Please, refer to Landscape drawings (sheet L-01 ). b) Please, refer to Landscape drawings (sheet L-01) c) Please , refer to Civil drawings (sheet 02). d) Please, refer to Civil drawings (sheet 03). Street trees will be provided as part of Servicing Agreement. 8 Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 4. Energy efficiency and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) using native and/or drought-resistant species; b) designing the landscaping to moderate t he effect of wi nd; c) providing shade in summer; d) allowing natural drainage to occu r throughout the site; e) allowing daylight into buildings; and f) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 5. Maintain continuous landscaping along abutting streets and minimize the number of interruptions such as driveways and parking entrances. Continue the sidewalk pavement across driveways and parking entrances. 6. Create visual landmarks on significant street corners and at locations of high visibility. Provide landscaping and consider incorporating features such as flag poles, banners, visual art, ornamental trees, fountains, architectural elements, and landscape structures. 7. Any portion of a building site left vacant for future development should be landscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall site. The minimum ground surface treatment should be lawn. Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property not being developed. a)Native adaptive or drought tolerant plant species have been proposed. b)Medium height trees have been provi ded for a reduction in wind effects. c)Trees with abundant fo li age, some with large tree tops, to provi de shading duri ng summe r time. d)Natural drainage is occurring thro ughout the lot - please, refer to civil drawings. e)The amenity and courtyard/strata road are designed to allow ample natural light to enter into the bui!dings by using multiple large window and roof top patios. Please, refer to civil drawings fo r run-off strategies f) Please, refer to civil drawing s for ru n-off approaches. A consiste nt landscape and fencing are provided along the sidewalk. Site sign age, landscaped front yard and ornamental trees are provid ed at the entry of the site. NIA. 9 Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 8. Identify, preserve and incorporate stands of mature trees into the overall site landscaping design. Retain unique tree species, significant vegetation, natural landscape features and nesting areas on a site wherever possible. To attain this objective, prior to the design of a project, a detailed survey prepared by a qualified professional indicating the location and condition of existing trees and vegetation on a site should be conducted and provided to the District as part of the development application process. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new planting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replanting with indigenous or native species is encouraged. 10. Consider incorporating rain gardens and vegetated swales into parking lot landscaping to increase the natural absorption of rainwater runoff from paved areas into the ground. 11. The height and location of a landscape screen should ensure that: a) privacy to adjacent properties is adequately protected; b) driving site lines are maintained from adjacent roads, manoeuvring aisles, parking lots; and c) the quality of the streetscape and outdoor living spaces is enhanced. 12. Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to increase the natural absorption of rainwater on a site. Existing trees will be retained at the outdoor amenity at the property's southwest corner. Please refer to arbori st report. New plantings include native adaptive species. Storm runoff will be collected by the on site drainage system. Please refer to civil drawings. a)6' fence or shrub will be provided against the adjacent property. • b)Low shrubs are proposed to maintain the driving site line. c)Outdoor spaces are enhanced with shrubs, grass, patio and trees. Landscaped areas have been maximized throughout the development. 10 Guidelines 8.7.1 D Universally Accessible Design 1. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 2. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; c) provided with level areas measuring a minimum of 1.Sm x 1.Sm (4.9 ft. x 4.9 ft.) both inside and outside of doorways; and d) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. Guidelines 8.7.1 E Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas 1. Integrate vents, mechanical rooms, mechanical equipment, and elevator penthouses into the roof design or screen with materials and finishes compatible with the overall architectural design. 2. The design of a roof, placement of • mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. All non-vehicular routes are accessible. a) Entry signage is provided by the site entry. b) Each unit has direct access from the street and/or the strata road. c) NIA. d) Each individual entry porch is covered with canopy. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. N/A. N/A. There is no mechanical units on the roofs. 11 3. Garbage containers and recycling bins must be: a) easily accessible; b) appropriately sized for the building occupants; c) contained within roofed/walled enclosures; d) incorporated into the overall design of the development; or e) screened from public view and weatherproof and animal-resistant within the boundaries of each site. 4. Service areas should be internalized within the development. For developments with multiple buildings, common refuse, recycling and service areas are to be provided. Storage areas should be located to be convenient and readily accessible from most buildings or units on the site. Avoid direct exposure from public streets and allow for adequate manoeuvring space for removal vehicles. s. Enclose or screen all exterior mechanical units or equipment, including roof top units, equipment, and satellite dishes within upper floors or structures that from part of the overall design of a development. 6. Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise and exhaust pedestrian areas, residential units, and outdoor spaces and locate less sensitive land uses closer to sources of noise. 7. Buildings should be designed and constructed maximize sound attenuation: a) between units; b) between public roads and units; and c) between adjacent land uses and units. There is no common garbage facility in thi s development. Garbage pickup is at the individual unit's driveway by a private garbage collection contractor. N/A. N/A. N/A. a) The party wall between units conform to the Building Code STC rating. b) Buildings are setback from the public road. c) All buildings are setback minimum 2.30m from the property line. 12 Guidelines 8.7.1 F _Signage and Lighting 1. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message should be integrated and complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 3. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged along all pedestrian routes and pedestrian plazas. The lighting should be pedestrian focused. 4. Lighting should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. Guidelines 8.7.1 G Bicycle Parking and Storage 1. Short term and long term bicycle parking facilities should be considered for all developments. Short term bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads with bicycle racks made of sturdy, theft- resistant material that is securely anchored to the floor or ground. Longer term bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Entry signage, following Maple Ridge Bylaw, is proposed on development entrance. Wall sconces are proposed at each garage as well as soffit light at each entry porch. Non direct exterior lighting is proposed adjacent to the property line. All site lightings are inside the site away from the property lines. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied .with or why it is inapplicable. Bicycle can be stored within each unit as required. 13 Project Inform ation To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File Number 2019-393-RZ Date prepared: February 22, 2 021 Architect Jessie Aro ra Print Name Signature 14 (.!:J >< a z L1.I Cl. Cl. <( PROJECT DIRECTORY ARCHITECTURAL: ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. ARBOR!ST CONSUL TANT: MIKE FAD UM AND ASSOCIATES LTD. CIVIL CONSULTANT: WEDLER ENGINEERING OWNER: BRIMMING CAPITAL INC. LANDSCAPE CONSUL TANT: PMG lANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS SURVEYOR: COASTLINE LANO ENGINEERING & SURVEYING LTD. GEOTECHNICAL ASSESMENT: EXP SERVICES !NC. DRAWING LIST: DPO.O COVER SHEET DP0.1 CONTEXTS. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH DP02 CONTEXT & AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH DP0.3 DESIGN RATIONALE DP0.4 ARCHITECTURAL AESTHETICS DP0.5 DATA SHEET DP0.6 DATA SHEET DP0.7 DATA SHEET DP0.8 MATER!Al SCHEDULE DP0.9 STREETSCAPE DP1 .0 SITE PLAN DPl,1 LIGHTINGS!TEPLAN DP1.2 OUTDOOR AREAS SITE PLAN OP2.1 FLOOR PLANS BLOCK 1 DP2.2 FLOOR PLANS BLOCK 2 OP2.3 FLOOR PLANS BLOCK 3 OP2.4 FLOOR PLANS BLOCK 4 DPJ.1 ELEVATIONS BLOCK 1 OPJ.2 ELEVATIONS BLOCK 2 OP3.3 ELEVATIONS BLOCK 3 DP3.4 ELEVATIONS BLOCK 4 DP4.1 SECTIONS BLOCK 1 DP4.2 SECTIONS BLOCK 2 OP4.3 SECTIONS BLOCK 3 DP4.4 SECTIONS BLOCK 4 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SUBMISSION -FEBRUARY 22, 2021 (DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION 20 19-393-RZ) REVISED FOR ADP SUBMISSION -FEBRUARY 22, 2021 BRIMMING CAPITAL INC. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22. 2021 DP 0.0 COVER SHEET SCALE: NTS DP 0.1 CONTEXT BRIMMING CAPITAL INC. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22, 2021 SCALE: NTS DP 0.2 CONTEXT BRIMMING CAPITAL INC. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22, 2021 SCALE: NTS --------------------------------------------- DESIGN RATIONALE 20786 RIVER ROAD, MAPLE RIDGE, BC LOCATION THE PROPOSED PROJECT IS LOCATED AT 20786 RIVER ROAD, BET'MEEN 207 STREET AND STEEVES STREET. THE DEVELOPMENT IS INTENDED TO CONFORM TO THE DEVELOPMENT ANO DESIGN PRINCIPALS AS DEFINED IN THE MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN ADOPTION BYLAW N0.7060-2014. THE SUBJECTED SITE IS AN INFILL SITE; THE LAND PARCEL 1$ CURRENTl Y VACANT. THE PROPERTY IS BORDERED BY: TO THE NORTH, BY EXISTING 2 STOREYS SINGLE FAMILY HOME TO THE EAST, BY 1 STOREY MAPLE RIDGE ELEMENTARY TO Tl-lE WEST. BY EXISTING NEW 2 STOREYS SINGLE FAMILY HOMES TO THE SOUTH, BY 1 STOREY MAPLE RIDGE ELEMENTARY OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN CONFORMANCE A. LAND USE PLAN + ZONING THE PROPOSED PROJECT WOULD RE OU IRE A REZONING APPLICATION FROM RS1 (ONE FAMILY URBAN RESIDENTIAL) TO RT2 (GROUND-ORIENTED RESIDENTIAL INF1Ll. ZONE) TO ALLOW FOR FOUR COURTYARD RESIDENTIAL DUPLEXES. THE SITE IS DESIGNATED AS URBAN RESIDENTIAL IN THE OCP LANO USE. IT IS ALSO LOCATED ALONG THE MAJOR CORRIDOR (RIVER ROAD). THE SUBJECTED DEVELOPMENT IS SIMILAR IN SCALE TO SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOOD, ANO THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT IS UNDER 9.5M. 8. GROWTH MANAGEMENT+ HOUSING COMPACT AND UNIQUE COMMUNITY THE DEVELOPMENT ACCOMMODATES EIGHT GROUND-ORIENTED UNITS. FAMILY FRIE.NOL Y UNITS WITH LARGE FOUR BEDROOMS, FLEX ROOM, PRIVATE REAR YARD AND ROOF TOP PATIOS. RESIDENTIAL FRIENDLY SPACES WITH A SUBSTANTIAL OUTDOOR AMENITY FOR RESIDENTS WITH CHILDREN PLAY AREA, COMMUNITY GARDEN, PICNIC TABLES. ANO SEATING AREA. PAVED AND PATTERNED DRIVEWAY TO ACTIVATE ANO ENCOURAGE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES. URBAN RESIDENTIAL THE PROJECT IS DESIGNED AL.ONG MAJOR CORRIDOR RESIDENTIAL SENSE OF COMMUNITY ANO SAFETY ARE IMPROVED WITH UNITS FRONTING RIVER ROAD WITH DIRECT ACCESS TO THE SIDEWALK. All UNITS ARE GROUND-ORIENTED FACILITATING INTEGRATION BETWEEN INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR. C. HOUSING DIVERSITY+ AFFORDABILITY+ FAMILY FRIENDLY SITING AN INTERNAL STRATA ROAD RUNS NORTH AND SOUTH IN BElWEEN BUILDINGS SERVING AS MAIN ACCESS ROAD ANO COURTYARD AREA. THE 569 SO. M (6,127 SO. FT.) REMAINING OF THE LOT IS OUTDOOR LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE. FROM THE FRONT ENTRY, THE BUILDINGS ARE DESIGNED TO FRONT ONTO THE PUBLIC ROAD THROUGH DIRECT PEOESTR!AN ACCESS TO THE OUTSIDE ANO THROUGH APPROPRIATE TREATMENT OF EXTERIORS. BUILDINGS ON EITHER StDEARE SETBACK 2.33M (7.65 FT.) FROM THE STRATA ROAD, CREATING AOD!T!ONAL SPACE FOR PARKING. PROGRAM THE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSES 3 STOREYS RES!OENTIAL COURTYARD DUPLEXES WITH FIVE DIFFERENT UNIT TYPES RANGE FROM 165.89 SO. M. (1,7985SO. FT.) TO 181.77 SO. M. (1,956.61 SO. FT.) IN AREA. ALL UNITS HAVE FOUR BEDROOMS, FLEX ROOM ANO AN OPEN CONCEPT GREAT ROOM WITH LIVING, KITCHEN ANO DINING. ALSO, EACH OF THE UNTT HAS AN ENCLOSED TWO-CAR GARAGE (SIDE BY SIDE). TWO GENEROUS ROOF DECKS, ANO FENCED LANDSCAPED REAR YARDS. 3. COURTYARD• AMENITY SPACE 209.58 SO. M. (2.262.30 SO. FT.) OF COMMON OUTOOORAMENmES IS PROPOSED WITH CHILDREN PLAYGROUND. COMMUNITY GARDEN, ANO SEATING AREA. THE OUTDOOR AMENITlES ARE LOCATED BETWEEN BLOCKS 2 ANO 4, ANO AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE PROPERTY, WHERE EXISTING MATURE TREES ARE BEING RETAINED ANO INCORPORATED INTO THE PROJECT. THE RECREATIONAL AREA IS SURROUNDED BY A DIVERSITY OF PERENNIALS SHRUBS. TREES. ANO GARDEN PLOTS. THERE IS ALSO ONE VISITOR PAVED PARKING STALL PROVIDED. THE FOLLOWING STRATEGIES ARE PROPOSED TO ACTIVATE THE COURTYARD ANO AMENITY SPACE: LARGE WINDOWS ARE PROVIDED AT BUILDING CORNERS FACING AMENITY SPACE/ COURTYARD TO PROVIDE A VISUAL CONNECTION BETWEEN INDOOR AND OUTDOOR AREAS. A FLEX ROOM AND A BEDROOM ARE PROPOSED ON All GROUND FLOOR UNITS. STRATA ROAD ANO PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ARE PAVED WITH PATTERNED. 2.33M (7 .65 FT.) SETBACK ON EITHER SIDE FROM THE STRATA ROAD, INCREASING DISTANCE BElWEEN BUILDINGS. 0. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT THE PROJECT INCORPORATES SEVERAL SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLO~IESI CONSTRUCTION METHODOLOGIES: EACH UNIT HAS LARGE WINDOWS WITH HIGH PERFORMANCE GLAZING THAT MEET NAFS WITH OPERABLE PANES FOR NATURAL VENTILATION AND LIGHT PENETRATION WHILE ALL THE SLIDING DOORS ARE RECESSED TO BE SHEL TEREO FROM PEAK SUMMER SUN EXPOSURE. TO REDUCE HEAT ABSORPTION AND TO IMPROVE ENERGY EFFICIENCY, LIGHT COLORED PAVERS ARE SPECIFIED FOR THE BUILDING ROOF DECK. HEAT RECOVERY (HRV) DUCTED SYSTEM Wlll REDUCE ENERGY LOSSES THROUGH VENTING/EXHAUSTED AIR HIGHER 'R' VALUES FOR THE BUILDING ENVELOPE ANO A TIGHTER AIR BARRIER TO REDUCE HEAT LOSSES DURING WINTER AND HEAT GAINS DURING SUMMER, REDUCING HVAC REQUIREMENTS. AN AUTOMATIC HIGH-EFFICIENT MECHANICAL IRRIGATION SYSTEM WILL BE SPECIFIED TO REDUCE WATER WASTAGE. WHEREVER POSSIBLE. THE PROJECT WILL SPECIFY CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS THAT ARE: • EXTENSIVE RECYCLED MATERIAL CONTENT -WOOD CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS THAT ARE CERTIFIED (FROM RESPONSIBLY MANAGED FORESTS} -LOW ENERGY CONSUMPTION FIXTURES ANO APPLIANCES -LOCALLY PRODUCED MATERIALS TO AVOID TRANSPORTATION COSTS ANO ENERGY WASTE. E. CPTED (CRIME PREVENTION THROUGH ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN) GLAZED DOORS ANO ABUNDANT LARGE WIDOWS FOR IMPROVED VISIBILITY, LIGHTING (LED LOW VOLTAGE)AROUND PATHWAYS, OUTDOOR AREAS ANO BUILDING EXTERIOR. IMPROVE 'EYES ON THE STREEr WITH FENESTRATIONS ANO ROOF DECKS. F. SUMMARY THE PROPOSED COURTYARD RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IS IN LINE WITH THE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN STRATEGIES THAT INFILL URBAN SITES WHILE INCREASE DENSITY THROUGH SUSTAINABLE ANO LIVABLE STRATEGIES BY RESPECTING THE EXISTING NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT. A VARIANCE IS REQUESTED FOR THE MINIMUM SETBACK OF 6 METERS TO BE REDUCED TO 4.5 METERS FROM THE FRONT LOT LINE. THE PURPOSE OF THE RE OU EST IS TO ACCOMMODATE A ROAD DEDICATION ANO TO ENCOURAGES PEDESTRIAN CONNECTIONS AT THE LANDSCAPED FRONT YARD. lN THE PROPERTY REAR. A VARIANCE SETBACK IS REQUESTED TO BE REDUCED FROM 7.5 METERS TO 1.5 METERS. THE LANDSCAPED ANO FENCED AREA ALONG THE PROPERTY LINE CREATES A BUFFER ANO PROVIDES PRIVACY FROM THE ADJACENT NEIGHBOR, THE MAPLE RIDGE ELEMENTARY. IN CONCLUSION, THE PROPOSED PROJECT WILL BE A UNIQUE ANO POSITlVE ADD1TION TO THE CITY ANO THE NEIGHBORHOOD, AS IT ENHANCES THE URBAN PEDESTRIAN STREETS CAPE ALONG RIVER ROAD BY BECOMING AN ATTRACTIVE FOCAL POINT. THE SHARED OUTDOOR AREAS ANO PAVED DRIVEWAY CREATE FRIENOL Y SPACES WHERE RESIDENTS CAN CONNECT ANO ENJOY RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES. DP 0.3 DESIGN RATIONALE BRIMMING CAPITAL INC. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22, 2021 SCALE: NTS ARCHITECTURAL AESTHETICS BUILDINGS MASSING, FORM, AND CHARACTER THE CONCEPT PROPOSES A SIMPLE. YET ELEGANT 3-STOREY BUILDING FORM. TOPPED WITH A SLOPED ROOF TO PROVIDE SHADING AND VISUAL INTEREST TO THE BUILDING. THE TOP STOREY IS SETBACK TO REDUCE THE OVERALL BUILDING HEIGHT ANO MASSING AND, AT THE SAME TIME, TO CREATE USABLE PRIVATE DECK PATIOS. ALSO, EXTENSIVE USE OF GLAZING ON ALL ELEVATIONS MAXIMIZES NATURAL LIGHT AND VIEWS AS WELL AS EMPHASIZES A CONNECTION BElWEEN INDOOR AND OUTDOOR SPACES. THE PROPOSED GROUND-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT ACCOMODA TES FOUR BUILDINGS, EACH WfTH TWO UNITS. EACH UNIT HAS A SEPARATE ENTRANCE LOCATED ON DIFFERENT FACADES. THE UNITS ON THE SOUTH SIDE HAVE AN ENTRANCE FACING THE INTERIOR ROAD WHILE THE UNITS ON THE NORTH HAVE A SIDE ENTRANCE EITHER FACING RIVER ROAD, THE OUTDOOR COURTYARDS, OR THE INTERNAL STRATA ROAD. ENTRANCES ON SE PARA TE FACADES PROMOTE THE APPEARANCE OF A SINGLE FAMILY BUILDING FORM. WHILE ALSO GIVING A DISTINCT CHARA.CTER TO EACH UNITS ENTRANCE. LARGE CANOPIES IDENTIFY THE MAIN ENTRANCES OF EACH UNIT FURTHER GIVING INDIVIDUALITY TO EACH UNIT. ON THE UNITS FACING THE OUTDOOR COURTYARD/AMENITY AREAS, PORTIONS OF THE CANOPIES WRAP AROUND THE BUILDING CORNER TO PROVIDE SHADING IN SUMMER AND PROTECTION FROM INCLEMENT WEATHER. TO FURTHER MINIMIZE THE LOOK AND FEEL OF DUPLEXS. THE GARA.GE DOOR OF THE SOUTH UNIT IN EACH BUILD NG IS COLOURED TO MATCH THE WALL FINISH COLOUR THE INTENT IS TO EMPHASIZE ONLY ONE GARAGE ENTRANCE TO ENCOURAGE THE LOOK AND FEEL OF A SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE. l. MATERIALITY A CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURAL AESTHETIC IS PROPOSED IN BUILDING FORMS. MASSING. MATERIALS AND COLOR. THE ARTICULATION AND HIERARCHY ARE EXPRESSED THROUGH MASSING AND MATERIALITY OF BUILDING ELEMENTS. THE DESIGN UTILIZES A VARIETY OF 'NOBLE FINISHING MATERIALS'. CULTURED STONE IS PROPOSED AS THE VERT!CAL ACCENT AT THE MAIN ENTRANCES. WHILE THE GRAY CEMENTITIOUS S!OING AND WHITE CEMENTITIOUS PANELS COMPLEMENT EACH OTHER TO BREAK UP THE OVERALL MASSING. THE WARM WOODEN CANOPY AND COLUMNS CONTAASTWITH THE GRAY AND THE WHITE CEMENTITIOUS PANELS AND SIDINGS. BRIMMING CAPITAL INC. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22, 2021 DP 0.4 ARCHITECTURAL AESTHETICS SCALE: NTS PROJECT DATA CIVIC ADDRESS: EXISTING ZONING: PROPOSED ZONING: EXISTING LAND USES: GROSS SITE AREA: NET SITE AREA: UNIT YIELD: RESIDENTIAL AREA GROSS: NOTES: 20786 River Road, MAPLE RIDGE RS-1 RT-2 (Ground Oriented Residential Infill) URBAN RESIDENTIAL 21,711.9 sq.ft. (2,017.1 sq.m or 0.50 AC) 19,532 sq.ft. (1,814.6 sq.m. or 0.45 AC) 8 Residential Units (Side by Side garage) 14,697 sq.ft. (1,365 sq.m.) Road dedication confirmed by the city engineering department. NET DENSITY (FSR): OPEN SPACE USABLE OPEN SPACE/ PRIVATE OUTDOOR AREA: COURTYARD SPACE (INCLUDING DRIVEWAY): SETBACKS FRONT (River Road): REAR (SOUTH): INTERIOR SIDE (WEST): INTERIOR SIDE (EAST): LOT COVERAGE: (USE NET SITE AREA) BUILDING HEIGHT: PARKING RESIDENTIAL (2 PER UNIT): VISITOR PARKING 20786 RIVER ROAD, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. BRIMMING CAPITAL INC. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22. 2021 REQUIRED/ALLOWED PROPOSED 0.75 0.75 45 sq.m. per Unit x 8 = 360 sq.m. 675.01 sq.m. (7.265.86 sq.ft.) (3,875 sq.ft.) min. width 7 .Om 7.39m 6.0m 4.Sm (variance required) 7.Sm 1.Sm (variance required) 2.25m 2.25m 2.25m 2.25m 45% 38% 9.Sm 9.41m 8 X 2 = 16 16 Not required 1 DP 0.5 DATA SHEET SCALE: NTS BLOCK AREA DISTRIBUTION BLOCK 1 BLOCK2 BLOCK3 BLOCK4 BLOCK SIDE BY SIDE SIDE BY SIDE SIDE BY SIDE SIDE BY SIDE SIDE BY SIDE SIDE BY SIDE SIDE BY SIDE SIDE BY SIDE TOTAL UNIT TYPE UNIT 1 'A' UNIT2 'Bl' UNIT3'82' UNIT4'B' UNIT 5 'B' UNIT6 '82' UNIT7'81' UNIT8'C' 407.51 s.f. 413.89 s.f. 411.38 s.f. 418.36 s.f. 418.36 s.f. 411.38 s.f. 411.96 s.f. 449.81 s.f. GARAGE 37.86 s.m. 38.45 s.m. 38.22 s.m. 38.87 s.m. 38.87 s.m. 38.22 s.m. 38.27 s.m. 41.79 s.m. 573.14 s.f. 490.20 s.f. 488.59 s.f. 499.60 s.f. 499.60 s.f. 488.59 s.f. 487.96 s.f. 577.32 s.f. GROUND FLOOR 53.25 s.m. 45.54 s.m. 45.39 s.m. 46.41 s.m. 46.41 s.m. 45.39 s.m. 45.33 s.m. 53.63 s.m. 961.17 s.f. 901.08 s.f. 899.63 s.f. 938.41 s.f. 938.41 s.f. 899.63 s.f. 899.28 s.f. 952.88 s.f. SECOND FLOOR 89.29 s.m. 83.71 s.m. 83.58 s.m. 87.18 s.m. 87.18 s.m. 83.58 s.m. 83.55 s.m. 88.52 s.m. 422.30 s.f. 397.45 s.f. 397.46 s.f. 412.88 s.f. 412.88 s.f. 397.46 s.f. 397.25 s.f. 364.42 s.f. THIRD FLOOR 39.23 s.m. 36.92 s.m. 36.92 s.m. 38.36 s.m. 38.36 s.m. 36.92 s.m. 36.91 s.m. 33.86 s.m. UNIT SUBTOTAL 2,364.12 s.f. 2,370.32 s.f. 2,197.06 s.f. 2,269.25 s.f. 2,269.25 s.f. 2,197.06 s.f. 2,196.45 s.f. 2,344.43 s.f. (INCL. GARAGE} 219.63 s.m. 220.21 s.m. 204.11 s.m. 210.82 s.m. 210.82 s.m. 204.11 s.m. 204.06 s.m. 217.80 s.m. UNIT SUBTOTAL 1,956.61 s.f. 1,788.73 s.f. 1,785.68 s.f. 1,850.89 s.f. 1,850.89 s.f. 1,785.68 s.f. 1,784.49 s.f. 1,894.62 s.f. (EXCL. GARAGE) 181.77 s.m. 166.18 s.m. 165.89 s.m. 171.95 s.m. 171.95 s.m. 165.89 s.m. 165.78 s.m. 176.01 s.m. UNIT COUNT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 GROOS FLOOR AREA 2,364.12 s.f. 2,370.32 s.f. 2,197.06 s.f. 2,269.25 s.f. 2,269.25 s.f. 2,197.06 s.f. 2,196.45 s.f. 2,344.43 s.f. 18,207.94 s.f. (INCL. GARAGE} 219.63 s.m. 220.21 s.m. 204.11 s.m. 210.82 s.m. 210.82 s·.m. 204.11 s.m. 204.06 s.m. 217.80 s.m. 1,691.56 s.m. GROOS FLOOR AREA 1,956.61 s.f. 1,788.73 s.f. 1,785.68 s.f. 1,850.89 s.f. 1,850.89 s.f. 1,785.68 s.f. 1,784.49 s.f. 1,894.62 s.f. 14,697.59 s.f. (EXCL. GARAGE} 181.77 s.m. 166.18 s.m. 165.89 s.m. 171.95 s.m. 171.95 s.m. 165.89 s.m. 165.78 s.m. 176.01 s.m. 1,365.44 s.m. DP 0.6 DATA SHEET BRIMMING CAPITAL INC. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22, 2021 SCALE: NTS USABLE OPEN SPACE USABLE OPEN SPACE BLOCKl BLOCK2 BLOCK3 BLOCK4 UNIT TYPE UNITl 'A' UNIT2 'Bl' UNIT3 'B2' 1,059.81 s.f. 189.91 s.f. 204.34 s.f. YARD AREA 98.46 s.m. 17.64 s.m. 18.98 s.m. 561.15 s.f. 502.21 s.f. 502.13 s.f. ROOFTOP DECK 52.13 s.m. 46.66 s.m. 46.65 s.m. 0.00 s.f. 0.00 s.f. 0.00 s.f. SHORTFALL 0.00 s.m. 0.00 s.m. 0.00 s.m. LOT COV ERAGE BLOCK BLOCK 1 BUILDING COVERED AREA 1,890.94 sq.I. TOTAL COVERED AREA LIST OF VARIANCE REQUIRED • FRONTYARD SETBACK (RIVER ROAD) -NORTH: REQUIRED: 6.0m (19.69 ft) PROPOSED: 4.Sm (14.76 ft) UNIT4'B' UNITS'B' UNIT6'B2' UNIT7 'Bl' UNIT 8 'C' 222.89 s.f. 200.98 s.f. 202.85 s.f. 206.49 s.f. 696.10 s.f. 20.71 s.m. 18.67 s.m. 18.85 s.m. 19.18 s.m. 64.67 s.m. 524.84 s.f. 524.84 s.f. 502.13 s.f. 502.15 s.f. 663.04 s.f. 48.76 s.m. 48.76 s.m. 46.65 s.m. 46.65 s.m. 61.60 s.m. 0.00 s.f. 0.00 s.f. 0.00 s.f. 0.00 s.f. 0.00 s.f. 0.00 s.m. 0.00 s.m. 0.00 s.m. 0.00 s.m. 0.00 s.m. BLOCK 2 BLOCK 3 1,842.73 sq.I. 1,842.73 sq.I. 7,505.4 sq.f. (697.3 sq.m.) • REARYARD SETBACK -SOUTH: REQUIRED: 7.Sm (24.6 ft) PROPOSED: l.Sm (4.92 ft) = 38% of Net Site Area BRIMMING CAPITAL INC. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22, 2021 TOTAL PROVIDED TOTAL REQUIRED 45 s.m. per unit 7,265.86 s.f. 3,875.04 s.f. 675.01 s.m. 360.00 s.m. 0.00 s.f. 0.00 s.f. 0.00 s.m. 0.00 s.m. BLOCK 4 1,928.94 sq.I. DP 0.7 DATA SHEET SCALE: NTS 1 7 EAST ELEVATION -BLOCK 2 (COURTYARD/ DRIVEWAY) WOODTONE FIBER CEMENT SIDING COASTAL GRAY 2 CULTURED STONE PLATINUM PRO-FIT LEDGESTONE TRIMS DARK GRAY CULTURED STONE WINTERHAVEN PRO-FIT ALPINE LEDGESTONE 9 FIBER CEMENT PANEL WHITE 4 VINYL WINDOW (BLACK) 10 NORTH ELEVATION -BLOCK 4 (RIVER ROAD) FIBER CEMENT PANEL LIGHT GRAY 5 ALUMINUM GUARD RAILS WITH GLASS :: FASCIA/ COLUMNS PAINT- ED BENJAMIN MOORE COLOR AUTUMN LEAF 6 11 ~~::i~~5c,sOR 1 2 COLOUR CEDAR 20786 RIVER ROAD, MAPLE RIDGE, e.c. BRIMMING CAPITAL INC. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22, 2021 PERFORATED METAL SOFFIT FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR COLOUR TO MATCH WALL FINISH DP 0.8 COLOUR/ MATERIAL SCHEDULE SCALE: 1:75 BRIMMING CAPITAL INC ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC: FEBRUARY 22, 2021 DP 0.9 STREETSCAPE SCALE: NTS PROJECT NORTH \ ATELIER PACIFl/:~MCMING CAPITAL INC. HITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22. 2021 L___ DP 1.0 SITE PLAN SCALE: 1:150 PROJECT NORTH LIGHTING LEGEND: Kl) WALL MOUNTED LIGHT F!XTURE @ SOFFIT LIGHT FIXTl.JRE 4 PENDANT LIGHT FIXTURE () 80LLARO LICHT □ LAMP STANDART [3_Jiu] ~,l!E PLAN -LIGHTING 0 -----------E: I I ----------- I I 17,/,;;;',7;'7,7;777777::;::;;.::;::;:.==::::_ iB / -,:-----------1- 1 I I I I : ~E '///.////// I I I I r-------~~ - -----~------------------------'"ATE:Ll:ER=PA=CIF~ICB:~MCMlNGCAPITAL1NC. HITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22, 202, DP 1.1 SITE PLAN SCALE: 1:150 PROJECT NORTH LEGEND: -PFUVATE ROOF DECX AREA: 4,282.'19 sq.It. (397.85 $<1,m.) C==:J PRJVATE OUTDOOR.AREA AT GRADE; 2,983.37 !,Q,lt. (277.16 ~.m.) COMMON ACTIVm AREA -COUii.TT ARD AREA: 5,38J.9S IQ.It. jS00.18 sq.m) C==:J C==:J OUTDOOR AMENITY: WEST (min. wkllli 7.30m) • 1,39.30 !IQ.ft. (115.5 oq.m) EAST (min ... kith 5,93m). 922.!>4 sq.It. (7'4.4 sq m.) DRIVEWAY/STRATA ROAD: 3.121.65 sq.ft. (289.8 ~q.m.) -------------- ~ ~,l!E PLAN -OUTDOOR AREAS ---I I I I ! ___...... _ ___..__/...,..'/-,--,-'(~--:-----~ I /Y-; / / i =:£- I // I I I I I 222.89 sf 1 --t------t-"ct-tl~n I 524.84 sfl I-________ 13~9J ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22, 2021 / 0 DP 1.2 SITE PLAN OUTDOOR AREAS SCALE: 1:150 ®, ® '"' © 1-.,j-111~1>;' 11 ~ ~,~~CK 1 -THIRD FLOOR PLAN ~~,~~CK 1 -SECOND FLOOR PLAN BRIMMING CAPITAL INC. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22, 2021 f''4_,__rrc,=&---+-(,o-,i"';'""_~,----.c.;'r----+ I I , , f"=!;=~="===="=Fs"_="_~tl____ l:-.------l--_________ J ,~~~1-· 0im BLOCK 1 -GROUND FLOOR PLAN OP2.t 1:100 DP 2.1 FLOOR PLANS -BLOCK 1 SCALE: 1:100 ITl@iJ ~,'ooOCK 2 -THIRD FLOOR PLAN I Z lom I ~,'ooOCK 2 -SECOND FLOOR PLAN l]J@3 ~,~~CK 2 -GROUND FLOOR PLAN DP 2.2 FLOOR PLANS -BLOCK 2 BRIMMING CAPITAL INC. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22. 2021 SCALE: 1:100 r~1J ~-~-----=+------.' !t~ ~ f ~~,~?CK 3 -THIRD FLOOR PLAN ~ ~,~?CK 3 -SECOND FLOOR PLAN [I]@iJ ~,~?CK 3 -GROUND FLOOR PLAN DP 2.3 FLOOR PLANS -BLOCK 3 BRIMMING CAPITAL INC. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22. 2021 SCALE: 1:100 ----=---- 1Ii ... J l:IkiJ ~,~,?CK 4 -THIRD FLOOR PLAN ~ ~,~,?CK 4 -SECOND FLOOR PLAN 13 loPz, I ~,~,?CK 4 -GROUND FLOOR PLAN DP 2.4 FLOOR PLANS -BLOCK 4 BR1MMING CAPITAL INC. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22., 2021 SCALE: 1:100 MATERIALS LEGEND 0 CEMENT SIDtNG COASTAL GRAY 0 TRIMS PAINTED BLACK {MATCHING WINDOW HARDWARE) (D FIBER CEMENT PANEL WHITE 0 FIBER CEMENT PANEL GRAY 0 FASCW COLUMNS PAINTED BENJAM!N MOORE COLORS AUTUMN LEAF 0 PERFORATED METAL SOFFJT 0 CULTUREDSTONEWINTERHAVEN PRO.FIT ALPINE LEDGESTONE 0 TRIMS DARK GRAY 0 VINYL WINDOW (BLACK) @ ALUMINUM GUARD RAILS WITH GLASS 0) FIBERGLASS GARAGE ODOR COLOUR CEDAR © DECORATIVE LIGHT FIXTURE @ CUL TU RED STONE PLATINUM PRO-FIT LEDGESTONE G} FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR COLOUR TO MATCH WALL FINISH UNIT1 "A" @ ii , ... _, i· ? I --~:::::,--..:;8-----0 ~-UN:81" f~~:~~-~t !~,-!I -r [1.~-111.11m1 -r -I -'1-(========~= I e--,,.. --r-T_ -,--,, I _-+,nlMJ:lOHII "1-=-1' TO!:!'.COND:;HE'.AlttiNC --- ,u •a ~ ~ ;~E:u.23~~ FLOOR -~--A,~' ¢f,'-'19 ~ BLOCK 1 EASTELEVATION {DRIVEWAY) SCALE: 1:100 BLOCK 1 NORTHELEVATION (RIVER ROAD) SCALE: 1:100 I UN1T1 "A" UN1T2"B1" ~ UN1T2"81" ~ cr,1 __ ~w:hl.'5-'~---! n,·,~ ___ °2 ~ ! ,m, T I ...,.----111.tlm l rr.,i;iii,f r I I 1,, ... :....1 l -1-----' -~-~--~---------!--I -~• ----.-L---+--@ J ______ _ ___________ _J___ I 1~:-= J..11:i.'J-;f;:I.IWMI -t ., __________ _,._ __ 1 1.0Th,SOO"~™'" I ----I P=-=+~~'""'1-,~~ $ 7~.ZIZllllMI I l ' ,.,,,~oa,~™'1 ___ -------~- ~! 1' 1-$ ~:-~~~~~FtOOR ilf:==cc..=:==-=~~=~===l=c::===:==£= 0~ 4 '<11,'-'19 <:"' '<1.t' BLOCK 1 WESTILEVATION (YARD) SCALE: 1:100 BRIMMING CAPITAL INC. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22, 2021 BLOCK 1 SOUTHELEVATION (AMENITY) SCALE: 1:100 DP 3.1 BLOCK 1 CONCEPT ELEVATIONS SCALE:1:100 MATERIALS LEGEND 0 CEMENT SIDING COASTAL GRAY 0 TRIMS PAINTED BLACK (MATCHING WINDOW HARDWARE) Q) FIBER CEMENT PANEL WHITE 0 FIBER CEMENT PANEL GRAY @ FASCW COI.UMNS PAINTED BENJAMIN MOORE COLORS AUTUMN LEAF 0 PERFORATED METAL SOFFIT 0 CULTURED STONE WINTERHAVEN PRO-FIT ALPINE LEDGESTONE @ TRIMS DARK GRAY 0 V\NYL WINDOW (BLACK) @ ALUMINUM GUARD RAILS WITH GLASS 0 FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR COLOUR CEDAR @) DECORATIVE LIGHT FIXTURE (} CUL TU RED STONE PLATINUM PRO-FIT LEDGESTONE (3 FIBERClASS GARAGE DOOR COLOUR TO MATCH WALL FINISH !~ ~ UNIT4"B" r UN::•s,-~ I 1 17.0""-~-, ---r----r~~ml -r ~ !°!:~Ml ______ ~ n'--------,--------,-, f I $ ~s1~FE~~1~b J. oo.gr f:?11.511 ~11 f' 11.00Ff>EAK _ .l U.11'ptl.J.IIM) f urSOfCf.lUNO BLOCK2 EAST ELEVATION (DRIVEWAY) SCALE: 1:100 BLOCK2 NORTHELEVATION (AMENITY) SCALE: 1:100 ::•82" (D UNl:,~::s•~1 11 ;1_ r U~~T:•s· ~~.-,------~,-I ~ ~ ~ I I _____ , -~------~-l __ c' --- ~=~=-=±!_ '---------L -~ -;I I , BLOCK 2 WESTELEVATION (YARD) SCALE: 1:100 'f-----------•-'-~I I n--------r ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22. 2021 BLOCK2 SOUTHELEVATION (YARD) SCALE: 1 :1 00 DP 3.2 BLOCKS 2 CONCEPT ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1:100 MATERtALS LEGEND 0 CEMENT SIDING COASTAL GRAY (D TRIMS PAINTED BLACK (MA TC HING WINDOW HARDWARE) Q FIBER CEMENT PANEL WHITE 0 FIBER CEMENT PANEL GRAY © FASCIA' COLUMNS PAINTED BENJAMIN MOORE COLORS AUTUMN LEAF 0 PERFORATED METAL SOFFIT 0 CUL TUREO STONE WINTERHAVEN PRO-FIT ALPINE LEDGESTONE 0 TRIMS DARK GRAY 0 VINYL WINDOW (BLACK) 0 ALUMINUM GUARD RAILS WITH GLASS @ FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR COLOUR CEDAR @ DECORATIVE LIGHT FIXTURE @) CUL TUREO STONE PLATINUM PRO-FIT LEDGESTONE @) FIBERGLASS GA.RAGE DOOR COLOUR TO MATCH WALL FINISH UNIT6"62" i~ t UN:~~:2· $ ~~1;:;:MJ _______ >-~~-------~--------~-__________ -~.-I _ ~ ____ _ $ ~;~B?11~~mOOH----- G «t~ ~ T 6'>---· .....--r-r-T""1 -rr-,,-n-~-------,I ~J::=::+:i'~~~=-::;;; BLOCK3 EASTELEVATION (YARD) SCALE: 1:100 UNIT 6 "B2" cp UNIT 5 "B" ,./L----1~"·::;~,---1----1~"'~., --- BLOCK3 NORTHELEVATION (AMENITY) SCALE: 1:100 0) ~~ ~r.;r _j,_ ~ !11lSml T l UNIT5"B" _______ ,_, ----------~~. "--1-' ---, I ~"1 ,,~,, BLOCK3 WESTILEVATION (DRIVEWAY) SCALE: 1:100 BRIMMING CAPITAL INC. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22, 2021 :;;;;:"3'?"--1 BLOCK3 SOUTHELEVATION (YARD) SCALE: 1:100 I I I DP 3.3 BLOCK 3 CONCEPT ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1:100 MATERIALS LEGEND 0 CEMENT SIDING COASTAL GRAY 0 TRIMS PAINTED BLACK (MATCHING WINDOW HARDWARE) Q) FIBER CEMENT PANEL WHITE 0 FIBER CEMENT PANEL GRAY 0 FASCIN COLUMNS PAINTED BENJAMIN MOORE COLORS Al/TUMN LEAF 0 PERFORATED METAL SOFFIT 0 CUL TUREO STONE WINTERHAVEN PRO-FIT ALPINE LEOGESTONE 0 TRIMS DARK GRAY 0 VINYL WINDOW {BLACK) 0 ALUMINUM GUARD RAILS WITH GLASS E) FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR COLOUR CEDAR 0) DECORATIVE LIGHT FIXTURE 0 CUL TU RED STONE PLATINUM PRO-FIT LEDGESTONE @ FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR COLOUR TO MATCH WALL FINISH CD I UNITB"C" BLOCK4 EASTELEVATION (YARD) SCALE: 1 :1 00 WEST ELEVATION (DRIVEWAY) SCALE: 1:100 BRIMMING CAPITAL INC. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22. 2021 BLOCK4 NORTHELEVATION (RIVER ROAD) SCALE: 1:100 (A) UNIT7"01" (c) ii T~-----=~-----~l_ ~~ -r 1 , -~-~" -I -+-- _•!......J_-~ ~· I BLOCK4 SOUTHELEVATION (AMENITY) SCALE: 1:100 DP 3.4 BLOCK4 CONCEPT ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1:100 "'$==Ml ~; $ ::~~~~l~:b BLOCK 1 CROSSSECTION A SCALE: 1:100 20786 RIVER ROAD, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. BRIMMING CAPITAL INC. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22. 2021 qi UNI:.~··,· <fl UNIT I "A" ? ~I,, t ----r,l11UH!-,---t -------f.11nnz.~,-, ------.i't ?s I ! --'----1--- 1 ----i--- 1 ---1--- 1 I ~---i--- BLOCK 1 CROSSSECTION B SCALE, 1c100 DP 4.1 BLOCK 1 CROSS SECTIONS SCALE: 1:100 1 ii t UNIT4"B" 1 ii .. ~~---UN~~cc:cc,:0,_; ____ 9.,,,' ___ uN~ITCCJCC"B~2-" --~f,,_, tr!IS (11.l:;mJ ~ "J 1 l~~"'I t (1.0~"1) 7 ! I I ·1" ' ' -i ' ' I I I ----' --1 ~~~--=1 -----1-~~~~~~~ ----7---, ---7 - + 8'.l.11"t~.9HI) ---+ 1 '!"10.TNIRO'.lt<EATHI~-~-1---~--1-I ~ ~;•;:;.:.:~,~~"" --_ j _ --Eit============~ ---_j -~:'.-'!:1:'.J.:=======if'==l========ii===it::1 I i I BLOCK2 CROSSSECTION A SCALE: 1:100 20786 RIVER ROAD, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. BRIMMING CAPITAL INC. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22. 2021 BLOCK2 CROSSSECTION B SCALE: 1:100 DP4.2 BLOCK 2 CROSS SECTIONS SCALE: 1:100 BLOCK3 CROSSSECTION A SCALE: 1:100 BRIMMING CAPITAL INC. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22. 2021 BLOCK3 CROSSSECTION B SCALE: 1:100 DP4.3 BLOCK 3 CROSS SECTIONS SCALE: 1:100 UNIT8"C" (11.rtml ~t ~;~[ I :1t1''""'"·= --j- d, t11.1rpo.~~~ "\iE""'='=====//,;~~=,;;=~"'=~;;==S -,--"j-f1.0:;i....a"1Alt<~L001< ----1--Jt.1 1 I ,,:.~4, I I '',/'..,_ BLOCK4 CROSSSECTION A SCALE: 1:100 BRIMMING CAPITAL INC. ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC. FEBRUARY 22, 2021 t UNIT8"C" t UNIT7 "81" [711.mJ ' I BLOCK4 CROSSSECTION B SCALE: 1:100 t ' I DP4.4 BLOCK 4 CROSS SECTIONS SCALE: 1:100 I ::.511 L o...L>.NCI:'. t::T?:P(~~+-_,__,__ .. ~:;~~~-'--!---~~ ...... =~ w~E:~___J~JJ'"""="""~\:<:i~~¥;:;ic:"::' 0S1 PLANT SCHEDULE ACERRUIIRUM"l<ARPICK' CA!IP1NUS8ETULUS1'"'"-NSFONTAINE' CEll.CIOIPffTLLIJM.IAPONICIJM FRAN:;FONT/11NEH00{NBF.N,1 tc,t,T:IUAAffiEI: ,CMCAL;1..:!MSID;ll611 5CA1o,CAL;12MSTO;B&l'J llCMCIIL;\.BMSTD:111!.ll ~CM CAI..: 2.0f,,1 STD; 060 NOT'E:l· • PI.J\,',ff:ll,l[S IN THI:! Lt.::T AAE SJ>EClFIEDACCOROINC TC n«: llC tANo:::c,.p[ STANMRO ANOCAN,t,.OIAN lANll:ICAPE :;TANDA!IC.1..,,u::rr EOITJON CONTAINER :::.JZE:; SPEClrlEDAS PHI CNLA:lTANtlARO 0011, P\.J\NT:J!X[ -'NO CONT .... NER:llZE f<R.E TliE MINIMUMACCEPMBLE SlZES. • RITER TOSPEC1r.1CATION:I rnR 11€rlNEOCONTAINCR M[A$URD.1!:NTtAND On-tl:R Pl.ANT IMTI;IUAI.RCOUIREMENfS. • SUJ'!Cli l'NO REVJEW• ~lo'IKE PLIINT M,'iTCRIIII.A\/l'Jl>Jlll:: FOR OPTIQWJ.. RINll:W DY lANDSc,.p(ARClilTl:CT AT SOURCE OF SUPl'I_Y, I\R[AQF :::.U.RCM TO INCLUDE LOl"ltRMAJNL.,O,NDAND F~F.R V"1.LEY. • SU!l...'7'1TUTIONS: 08T ... u,,wJtrTTEN M"PROVA.l FR0"1n<C LANO~AACHITTCT ~~~rgu~;g~~~~~~~~~c:~~E~"i~;~~rgT!i_~~=~~a:~c~:~~1~6~~~~~"';,,~!~~:;TgFoEuvERY AVAII.AIIIUT'I'.' M..I.. lANOIICA.PI:: IMTlcRl,\L ... NO WO-IIHIP Ml.r.:TMEET OR EXCEED 8C lANOi;ct.1'! !ITAND,,1,/WANO CANAOW'I l,t.NQ:;c,,,pi;: STl<NDAAO LATEST EDITION.• ... Ll ~~~LMU:JTDl:PROVIOEDFROMCERTIFIEODl:lD,,'.;EFREE NURSERY "BIO-.:iOUO:'lNOf P(Al,IITTl'-OINCROWINC"1EOIIA1VN~A!JTI,O!tlU::00Yl.Al<O:;CA.PE ' " .....__; rt,Copyn~Mn,:;,.....od. Thlaara .. lngand0"11-,nlalho proportyo!PMCu,ndac:ipo....-ctulocbar,amayOO!t>o :=.0<ur.odfor0ll,0<projecb.,;11,ou1111011 ~ SullaC100 • 4Hl5SllllC,oc~Drtvo llumot)y, Bnll:/.rl Calumblll, V5C 6C9 p· G0420-4l011 ; f GC42').t..0022 8 UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 20786 RIVER ROAD MAPLE RIDGE LANDSCAPE PLAN Ll OF4 19-072 i D 0S1 Ll,IP511 L / CC'C"I bK'"l ~ "-Do110-;,,... 1 -~ ospholl drive '\ :~ -~" PLANT SCHEDULE -,· ;, " ~ " " " " @ 1,1,3 ~NN: ~le :: ~ " " AAIIUT\JSUNCDOCOMP,.CTA t1AAW.1El..1St.10l.l.JS PRUHU!:~'OTTOUJYIU:Ji' RH0000CNOA:()N'I,~~"'-• RO"..,_MCJDCLAHO'OONICA' TAAU511Mtll""'HIU.W ™'J.L,1,0CC10£NTA!.l:l~ MIX.O.Nll-1U0 SINENSIS'"°"'°ter l'loNNl:i.ETI.iMAI.Of'ECIJR~Oli9'1-1A.Ma.li'I' fRAQ,t,RIA~~ AACHY"..ANOR,t,.TtRI.UW.U:::'CRl;EH!lHEEt-1' POI.YSrlCHUMMtJNITIJM C()MP...C,-SmAWOEl'U'n'OIJSt< 011Nf~WJTCtlHAZCl OTTOL\ITKOIL,\IJREL flt,l;AAIJl GREEN CEO,O,R POI.AA~blUEBE.RRY PVlll'I.ZWElG,El.A "'""I0£N0AA!:S D"'AHFFOUNT,...,.GAASS ENCU~ lAVENOBt COMPACT; VIOl,.0 -&UI! :: 10 ----....J " I PMCPROJCCTNUMIIClt:lO-OT.: P~t1,1Ullltll\AJIIK, ~POT;IOCM IIOPOT,OOCM T.?POT,XICM Ult/111&11 UMHT,B&II ,:'JPOf,«JCM IIOPOT,60CM #1POT #1POT JTl'OT.~ r..POT.~,QCM 1r;Coo1"IIM'°""""ed.To•e1ra .. 1n;IWldoo•,g"•lh& P"1P'lfl'rolPMG~poAtt11<t.,,::t;,lll'>Clr1111yl'IOI~ ~ot..r.odl<>rcu.tpro,,,ct,>..,IIIOultMir -- ~ Sun, C100 -4165 S~II Cf<lt:k Ori.,: 6UITIDby,BnU.hColumt,i:,,VSCCGg o eo-i2?-l-0011 ;t-e04~1122 8 UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 20786 RIVER ROAD MAPLE RIDGE SHRUB PLAN L2 OF4 19-072 i UAP51 I L ''"l'l'o-.n .., g~pnolt ri,11 -lotao,.,.. / "'-,::'.' ~" ~\~ '" ;---. --~r-,,,,,,,_ "/ - _::1 I I asphalt drive . ,, ....... ' :a-, ... : = ..... J'fO. C,,TI! ............... \IT'I ...... . ..,.. ................... ,.,_..,..."( ................... _ REVts!ONDE,CRIPTION ~~:i~oTi?~~~OUSE 20786 RIVER ROAD MAPLE RIDGE GRADING PLAN L3 OF4 r L .. ,tHUONf NCUDTIUll: ::lKTUNC: CU"'°Ul PA/IJt D(NCH '::<,CU-! 1· fUDWOOOSV.~,C/10"""1.ltXT\JIU:OCR!:YJ>OWD(RCO,O,l -AlLf'O:lTll""1::::;VRC:TRU,TUlfOC:,.O.ITTANDAflO.\NOtl-lOClJ'n mCATCOWITl<PRt:m::RVmvi:.. ~ ~ ~ITT0"1'.Ct'.NCl'ffHJT[ 1dD0"ROVl'fJ/4' OYERu\PflEffiEEN •LTT.,U,U.Ti'"°80olfl0::l h,IINAlUR IIOTH(llllfl, l!. AllOntrn1-1c~mER:1TOl!EC1'0Alli:(CON!:~UCTION)OAADl;MINIMUM 4. APl'LY1COO.T!lcm.:RIOlt::lTA.INTOIMNUFM;TI;MJC;DJ>t:CIPlc;..,,TIQN. flNl'.:M::lh.ECIJONA:lA!'PROY(OBYPROJECT.-ACHIT'ECT. '-AI.LfENCt'.010Ut:lEYEL°"'NC(Oll'<ORAll(TOBEIN1<-16"1llEP'O(IM.ll.) C'.AP:lTOCRIIDCTOFOU..O'l't~!Nl~OAACt.OIIPTOOC::J..-0" CD ~::?; HEIGHT SOLID WOOD FENCE CD CD ~'.:?~: PATIO SCREEN 14"01AM,L00.TOPDMOOTI1C:04FRCt Of0PllNTC"ll!'IIIIJRYMIN.1r.llit.Or LOCU:"°TI1 BALANCE I STEPPING LOGS ,--AlUMINUl,I ~;~ ()Co?1'11gti1"'"°"'1!<1.Th,0<1<;i-,r1ng~nddao,Jn lslll<I p1<1portyolf>MCUlndr.Qp<1ArcNl<>ci.oondfl\ilyl'lOllH> ;::ill;la":'°'uwlld!orcltl<>rptl)!oelo.,,u,g.,tu,ojr rTrlc¥ ·~~~i'ri~i6 Sull.OClOO • 4\0!iS~IICro,,kOIN~ Sum.Dby, e,m~n Cclumblll, V5C CCII p:604Z9-l-0011 ;f.6042\!-I-O0Z2 8 UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 20786 RIVER ROAD MAPLE RIDGE LANDSCAPE DETAILS L4 19-072