HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2021-09-15 agenda.pdf City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel AGENDA Wednesday, September 15, 2021 at 4:00 pm Held Virtually Via Zoom Teleconference Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone https://mapleridge-ca.zoom.us/j/93613167607?pwd=U0ZaQy9BTjVKYVJUS0ppcmxhREIxdz09 Or join the meeting using your phone Dial: 1-778-907-2071 Meeting ID: 936 1316 7607 Password: 435141 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES – July 21, 2021 3. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4. PROJECTS 4.1 Development Permit No: 2019-119-DP 4:05 PM Applicant: K. Atwall Project Architect: Henk Kampman, Think Space Architecture Project Landscape Architect: ETA Landscape Architecture Proposal: CS-1 zoned 2-storey commercial building Location: 12791 232 Street File Manager: Michelle Baski 4.2 Development Permit No: 2020-309-DP / Resubmission 4:45 PM Applicant: JM Architecture-Joseph M Minton Project Architect: JM Architecture-Joseph M Minton Project Landscape Architect: Donald VS Duncan Landscape Architect Proposal: 7 storey-106 Unit apartment building with daycare facility Location: 2297 222 Street, 22175 and 22185 123 Avenue File Manager: Wendy Cooper 5. QUESTION PERIOD 6. ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting: October 20, 2021 / Agenda Items Submission Deadline: September 15, 2021 QUESTION PERIOD Question Period provides the public with the opportunity to ask questions or make comments on subjects that are of concern to them. Each person will be given 2 minutes to speak. Up to ten minutes in total is allotted for Question Period. ------ HAPLI;; R l □GE Dr-.1J1h Cah.nr.1111 map endg;e.,ca City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MEETING MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) held via Zoom teleconference on Wednesday, June 16, 2021 at 4:03 pm. PANEL MEMBERS PRESENT Stephen Heller, Chair Landscape Architect BCSLA Meredith Mitchell, Vice Chair Landscape Architect BCSLA Steven Bartok Architect AIBC Emily Kearns Architect AIBC STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Wendy Cooper Staff Liaison, Planner Sabina Chand Committee Clerk ABSENT Andrea Scott Architect AIBC 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2021-029 It was moved and seconded That the agenda for the June 16, 2021 Advisory Design Panel meeting be approved as circulated. CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES R/2021-030 It was moved and seconded That the minutes for the May 19, 2021 Advisory Design Panel meeting be adopted as circulated. CARRIED Note: Steven Bartok joined at 4:07 pm 4. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5. PROJECTS Note: Meredith Mitchell recused herself from item 5.1 due to conflict of interest. 5.1 Development Permit No: 2020-309-DP −12297 222 St. | 22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge, BC The Chair welcomed the project team to the meeting and introduced the members of the ADP. The Staff Liaison provided a brief overview of a multi- storey (7) residential development. The project team presented the development plans and answered questions from the Panel. MAPLE R l □·GE tir1J1h CP!h,111211 map endge ,ca Advisory Design Panel Minutes June 16, 2021 Page 2 of 2 R/2021-031 It was moved and seconded That the Advisory Design Panel has reviewed application No. 2020-309-DP and recommends the proposal be re-submitted and presented at a future Advisory Design Panel meeting with the following concerns addressed: Note: Meredith Mitchell left at 5:00 pm Architectural Comments:  Height of the building is out of scale given the context: o reconsider 7 storey volume to a height more in keeping within the neighbourhood o Gable roof is exacerbating the height of the roof o Please provide shadow studies, extended street elevations and larger reaching sections to show the impact of the building on the surrounding context  Consider the Human scale of the building and introduce elements to lower the overall massing;  Provide more celebration/distinction of entry and more articulation/visual interests on the street fronting facades;  Consider softening material pallet to add warmth to the façade;  Consider opportunities for the indoor/outdoor relationship at the ground plane. Landscape Comments:  Provide more clarification on perimeter grades and relationship to neighbouring property;  Provide terraced landscape retaining walls to soften the edges of the exposed parkade;  Provide removable bollards at the 123rd street let down in front of the garbage collection – evaluate if this let down is needed as garbage truck could use podium access as the firetruck;  Consider to blend and expand the amenity area into the environmental setback;  Maintenance path of the Westside of the building is hidden – provide a looping path or additional connections to the building to reduce CPTED concerns;  Consider more variety in the play structures. CARRIED Meredith Mitchell did not vote 6. QUESTION PERIOD - NIL 7. CORRESPONDENCE - NIL 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:31 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Advisory Design Panel will be held on Wednesday, July 21, 2021. Stephen Heller, Chair /sc {jj/j!ff<f97Jf!!;1/}P! :2Z£d;f-"r:-X;u/jJ";, sif~J1 , ffll'mme Rlllr<H '" 1/ ,,;if 10lflt!t~sttf olH~bi~ " j ; t1 1 ;i mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: Advisory Design Panel 2019-119-DP 12791232 Street MEETING DATE: September 15, 2021 PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel (ADP) submission has been received for the subject property, located at 12791 232 Street (see Appendix A), to permit the construction of a two-storey commercial building, with eight units ranging from 175m2 (1,884 ft2) to 290m2 (3,122 ft2). The subject property is rezoning from the RS- 2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) zone to the CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone. The lot is approximately 0.36 ha after road dedication, and is located within the Yennadon Lands Study Area, which has been endorsed by Council for a future Employment Park. Development applications that propose employment land uses are able to come before Council, providing they align with the endorsed concept and Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7734-2021 (Policy) and By/aw No. 7735-2021 (Land Use Designation). As this application is proposed for commercial uses, the applicant is able to proceed; however, Council may wish to defer the application until the Yennadon Official Community Plan amending bylaws and Design Guidelines for the Yennadon Lands Employment Park are adopted first. The Yennadon Lands report indicates that applicants will be required to rezone to the proposed new M-7 Employment Park Industrial zone and obtain a development permit to regulate the form and character of new buildings. As this application received first reading on July 9, 2019, it is being considered under the originally proposed CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone. The development permit application made to the City is subject to Section 8.5 Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines for land designated Commercial on Schedule B of the Official Community Plan. The applicant has submitted their Advisory Design Panel application for review and comments (see Appendix B). BACKGROUND: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: South: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: K. Atwall Lot 44, Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 30199 Agricultural (proposed for Employment Park Category within the Yennadon Lands report) Commercial RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) CS-1 (Service Commercial) Single-Family Residential RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) Estate Suburban Residential Single-Family Residential RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) and RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) Page 1 of 5 Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: -Use: Zone: Designation: Agricultural (proposed for Employment Park Category within the Yennadon Lands report) Single-Family Residential RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) Agricultural (within the Agricultural Land Reserve) Single-Family Residential and Farm RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) and RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) Agricultural (proposed for Employment Park Category within the Yennadon Lands report) Existing Use of Property: Vacant Proposed Use of Property: Commercial Site Area: 3,574 m2 (0.88 acre) 128 Avenue Access: Servicing: Urban Standard DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: This development permit application is subject to the Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines. Key Guidelines: The following is a brief description of the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines, with the architect's assessment of the proposal's compliance with the guidelines below: 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. The proposed landscaping buffer and a solid panel fence along the shared property lines provides an aesthetic solution to limiting vehicular noise generated on the site .. The proposed two-storey building will block a large amount of noise from the intersection. The massing of the proposed building incorporates elements of the adjacent buildings such as pitched roof elements along with vertical and horizontal cladding. 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. Three terraces have been provided along with quality landscape design which provides visual interest and separation between the vehicular and pedestrian experiences. 3. Promote sustainable development with multi-modal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. The building design balances cost-effective construction and pedestrian flow while creating as much usable space as possible to serve the public. 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed-use development and adjacent residential areas. The design for pedestrian circulation pulls pedestrians away from adjacent properties. That, with landscaping and solid panel fencing do the utmost in respecting the adjacent residential properties. Page 2 of 5 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. The architectural style of the proposed building ties in a residential feel with the pitched roof along 128th Avenue while introducing a bit more progressive design along 232nd Street. The pitched roof also ties into the agricultural history of the area by mimicking the look of a barn. The mixture of wood and metal cladding further that balance and integration with surrounding properties. PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: The development proposal is for the construction of a two-storey commercial building, with eight units, ranging from 175m2 (1,884 ft2) to 290m2 (3,122 ft2). The subject property is rezoning from the RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) zone to the CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone. The lot is approximately 0.36 ha and is located within the Yennadon Lands Study Area, which has been endorsed by Council for the future Yennadon Lands Employment Park. Parking is provided at grade, to the south and west of the building. An access easement is required, which will provide access to the lands to the west once those lands redevelop. In the meantime, two parking stalls can be temporarily utilized. The proposed two-storey building takes the shape of a barn, integrating harmoniously with the architectural context of the rural suburban neighbourhood. High quality finishes are proposed for the external facades, consisting of standing seam charcoal, metal cladding, cedar wood siding and white horizontal metal siding (see Appendix C). The landscape design of the open spaces includes outdoor seating and small plaza-like spaces, entrance accesses and walkways around the building. The landscaping separates the public realm using layers of plant material and changes of paving types demarking the entrances. The same paver palette changes are continued around the building indicating the access points. 2. Context: The subject property is located on the south-west corner of the intersection of 232 Street and 128 Avenue. The property is currently vacant and generally flat, with a Douglas Fir tree located in the south-west corner that is proposed to be retained. There are single-family homes in all directions, with the exception of a service station located on the north-east corner of the intersection. 3. OCP and Zoning Compliance: The subject property is located within the Yennadon Lands Study Area, which has been endorsed by Council for the future Yennadon Lands Employment Park. Development applications that propose employment land uses are able to come before Council, providing they align with the endorsed concept and Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7734-2021 (Policy) and Bylaw No. 7735-2021 (Land Use Designation). As this application is proposed for commercial uses, the applicant is able to proceed; however, Council may wish to defer the application until the Yennadon Official Community Plan amending bylaws and Design Guidelines are adopted first. The Yennadon Lands report indicates that applicants will be required to rezone to the proposed new M-7 Employment Park Industrial zone and obtain a development permit to regulate the form Page 3 of 5 and character of new buildings. As this application received first reading on July 9, 2019, it is being considered under the originally proposed CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone. The Development Data Sheet (see Appendix D) summarizes the development details and the project architect has completed the Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines checklist (see Appendix E). The development proposal complies with the Commercial designation; however, the applicant is seeking variances to the CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone and Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990 as discussed below (see Appendix F). 4. Proposed Variances: The applicant is seeking the following variances for this development: i. A reduced front yard setback from 9.0m to 6.9m to the building face and to 5.6m to the canopy; ii. A reduced exterior side yard setback from 7.5m to 6.0m to the canopy; iii. An increase in height from 7.5m to 8.5m for the roof mechanical units; iv. A parking shortfall of 6 stalls (3 stall shortfall is temporary until the access to the western lot is developed), plus increase in small car stalls from the allowed 7 stalls to 12 stalls (10% to 19%); and v. To vary the requirement to underground the overhead wiring. The proposed variances are subject to Council approval. 5. Parking and bicycle storage: The Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990 requires that developments provide 1/25m2 gross floor area for commercial retail use, proposed for the first storey, resulting in a required 37 stalls. In addition, the proposed office use for the second storey requires 1/40m2 gross floor area, resulting in a required 29 stalls, for a total required amount of 66 stalls. The ultimate site plan including the access easement proposes 63 stalls; a shortage of 3 stalls, with nearly 20% of them being for small vehicles. One space is provided for accessible parking, which is located near the western main entrance to the building. One loading space is also provided along the western side of the building. Bicycle parking spaces are not required outside of the Town Centre Area, however, the Commercial Development Permit Guidelines state that facilities for cyclist should be considered for all developments. Bicycle racks are proposed near the north-east and north-west corners of the building, allowing for 12 bicycles in total. 6. Environmental Sustainability and Stormwater Management: The Stormwater Management Plan for this development consists of topsoil amendments within the landscaping and planter beds and stormtech detention and retention with an oil interceptor. The landscaping is selected based on native and native-adapted plants familiar to the west coast to set up the sense of place initiated by the architecture, design intent and the neighbourhood. Permeable surfacing is used to facilitate water infiltration. A high-efficiency irrigation system is proposed to reduce water consumption for the landscaping. Landscape lighting will be low-level LED and have cut-offs to minimize light spillage into other areas. 7. Garbage/Recycling: A garbage and recycling storage enclosure is located in south-west corner of the site and is screened with landscaping, as required by the Zoning Bylaw. Page 4 of 5 8. Off Site Upgrades. Utilities and Services: Servicing upgrades consisting of concrete barrier curb and gutter, sidewalk, decorative streetlights, and street trees are required on 232 Street and 128 Avenue. The developer will need to build a parallel main on 128 Avenue to service the lot with sanitary. A horse trail is also required along 128 Avenue. CONCLUSION: The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared by: Michelle Baski, AScT, MA Planner The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Appendix 8 Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Subject Map ADP Submission Form and Checklist Design Rationale Development Data Sheet Commercial DP Area Guidelines Checklist Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 5 of 5 DATE: Apr 4, 2019FILE: 2019-119-RZ 12791 232 StPID 003-269-477 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTY 23 2 S T 128 AVE CALVIN CRES 23 1 S T ´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: MC Legend Street Name Labels Stream Ditch Centreline Lake or Reservoir ~ 12888 12912 I "' "' """ ~"' "'"' ''"" 12885 12892 12854 12865 12834 12831 I i!2 '-) " '-g ~ ~ '-'-g 12814 "' "' 0, "' "' "' "' ;;; <o '-"' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' '-"' "' "' "' "' "' "' ---·---------------· -------~------------------------------------~--------V I / I " I I ~ c:, I 0, "' "' "' I "' "' I ----I 12784 ----I ---12791 -----I, -I I I 12760 12761 I I I 12734 I I , I / I , I I I 12724 12759 I . ( . r I I \'--( I \ l... I 12686 \ ' I \ .... _ I ,.._,_.,,.,---- I I 12662 I .. __ -mapleridge.ca The City  schedule making y ADP subm ADP thro Applicati Name of  File num Address  Current Z Seeking t Architect Submissi Architect Landscap Other Pro Note.: Th developm taken fro bulletin,  Major  per th build Group A (Pa Group B (Pa Group C Res Group D & E Group F (F1 Adv of Maple Rid es for submis your submiss mission pack ough your Fil ion Informa Applicant   ber   of site   Zone    to appear be t Informatio on will be p t   pe Architect  ofessional (S he Architects ments to the om AIBC Bull click here.  Occupancy  he current  ing codes  art 3)   art 3)   sidential  E   : Part 3)   isory Des dge Advisory ssion deadlin sion, contact kage for you le Manager w tion:  _________ _________ _________ _________ efore the AD on:  resented to  _________ _________ State Name  s are require e ADP that a letin 31 Build Public Assem Hospital, San Home for the Aged  Institutional  Hotel or sim Commercial  Industrial  sign Pane y Design Pan ne dates and t your File M ur project. Fo well in adva __________ __________ __________ ___ Propose DP on this da ADP by:  __________ __________ & Role) ____ ed to prepar re in the Ma dings Requir Use  mbly  natorium, or  e  ilar occupancy  el Submis nel (ADP) me d for the min Manager to e orward your nce of the d ___________ _____  ___________ ed Zone ____ ate ________ ___________ ___________ __________ re plans and ajor Occupan ring the Serv Type services − any o exce − any b exce − all sc − any b capa − any b − any b − any b − any b − any b ssion Req eets monthly nimum subm establish wh r complete s deadline date __________ __________ __________ __________ ________  _______  ___________ to attend a ncy categori vices of an A es of Building or s of an architect one‐storey build eeding 9 m or gro building of more eeding 235 m²; a chools, any size building (exclud acity exceeding 1 building with gro building contain building contain building with gro building with gro uest Form y.Refer to t mission requ at constitute ubmission p e.  __  __  __  __  __________ nd to presen es cited in th Architect. Fo r Parts of Buildin t under section 6 Act.   ding with an uns oss area exceed e than one store and  ing veterinary h 12 beds  oss area exceed ning 5 or more d ning 11 or more g oss area exceed oss area exceed m  he attached irements. Be es a complet package for t ____  nt all  he Table bel r the entire  ng requiring the 60 of the Archit supported span  ing 275 m²;  ey with gross are ospital) with a  ing 470 m²  welling units  guest rooms  ing 470 m²  ing 470 m²    efore  te  the  ow  e  ects  ea  I ~--~ . ' .. mapleridge.ca //i-7 1\ j, ·) _'JO_·)·) I .L.. l. ~J .L...L.. ADP Submission Checklist Application No. _______________________________ File Manager _____________________________ This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel (ADP). Please refer to the ADP Submission Form and the ADP Requirements Brochure for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP. Certification of Complete ADP Submission: Architect’s Certification: _____________________________ ___________ Signature Date Print name Project Landscape Architect’s Certification: _____________________________ ___________ Signature Date Print name Submission Materials Required (File Manager to indicate if required) Provided A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) ‰‰ B. Covering Letter including explanations about:  1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) ‰‰ 2. Architectural and Landscaping Design rationale (Detailed information Required) ‰‰ 3. Statement in brief about the following:  a. DP Key Concepts Compliance ‰‰ b. DP Guideline Compliance ‰‰ c. Stormwater management strategy with emphasis on Tier A requirements integrated into landscaping plans ‰‰ d. Public Art / Amenities, etc. ‰‰ e. Sustainability practices ‰‰ f. Other __________________________________________ ‰‰ C. Site and Neighbourhood Context  1. Context Review – Context Plan with existing/proposed buildings and trees, vegetation, roads, existing / proposed grading, and other major features within the site, on the abutting properties, the public realm and along the road allowances / lanes. ‰‰ 2. Photographs of site and surrounding sites. ‰‰ D. Development Permit Area Checklist (Note: The Architect is responsible to describe how the project complies with each guidelines, or if not applicable, a description of why not applicable. Please use fillable forms on line.) ‰‰ 2019-119-DP Michelle Baski ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸¸ ¸ ¸¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ August 19, 2021 Daryl Tyacke 11~-1 mapleridge.ca _ I ~~:___________L__ ___ _J City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist (Page 2) E. Architectural Plans (Site and Building(s)):  1. Site Plan and layout ‰‰ 2. Site sections ‰‰ 3. Streetscape elevation ‰‰ 4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees superimposed ‰‰ 5. Shadow analysis ‰‰ 6. Lighting analysis (on building and on site) ‰‰ 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and roof tops ‰‰ 8. Waste collection /recycling (inside of buildings) ‰‰ 9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside) ‰‰ 10. Building elevation (all sides) ‰‰ 11. Signage (attached to building and free standing) ‰‰ 12. Colours and materials ‰‰ 13. Material board ‰‰ 14. Building sections ‰‰ 15. 3D renderings of site, building(s) and associated landscaping ‰‰ F. Landscaping Plans:  1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting details ‰‰ 2. Storm water management works focused on Tier A requirements integrated into landscaping plan with details ‰‰ 3. Landscaping details, including public art, signage, lighting, play and other amenity areas, fences, retaining walls, ‰‰ 4. Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures) ‰‰ 5. Details for pedestrian amenity and furniture features provided ‰‰ 6. Details for hard surfacing areas / patterns ‰‰ 7. Tree retention and management plan ‰‰ 8. Site sections for lot grading, drainage, landscaping, retaining walls and relationship to adjacent grades / City roads / lanes ‰‰ 9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnections ‰‰ G. Green Building/Sustainability initiatives ‰‰ H. Engineering-related Information:  1. Site grading plans ‰‰ I. Other ‰‰ ‰‰ ‰‰ Rev. March 2018 ¸¸¸¸ ¸¸¸¸¸¸ ¸¸¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸¸ ¸¸ ¸ ¸ ¸¸ ¸ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ -- DESIGN RATIONALE Project: Commercial Development, Maple Ridge Project Address: 232nd Street & 128th Ave. Maple Ridge, BC Context and Public Realm eta 1690 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver . BC . Canada . V6J 1 H4 t 1604.683.1456 f I 604.683.1459 w I www.etala.ca Project No: 21936 Date: Jan 13, 2020 This new commercial development situated in Maple Ridge, is bordered by 128th Ave on the north and 232nd street on the east. The new development sits several blocks away from Maple Ridge Waterpark to the south and surrounding the site within a small catchment area are the Yennadon Elementary School, other commercial use buildings and stores and 2 neighboring bus stops. North east of the development is a gas station. Treatment of the North East frontage of the development, which is adjacent to the roads, creates a vegetated soft buffer while keeping all entrances accessible and views to the commercial development unblocked. The South West side of the site is adjacent to the neighbour's lots which was designed to provide privacy and screening using a fence design with large shrubs/hedge planting. Landscape Design The landscape design of the open spaces includes outdoor seating and small plaza like spaces encouraging gatherings, entrance access and walkways around the building. The landscape design separates the public realm using layers of plant material and changes of paving types demarking the entrances. The same paver palette changes are continued around the building indicating access points from the parking lot. Changes of plant material contrast with hard elements and provide a unique character to the site while using a low wall feature as seating with mountable benches along with adjacent freestanding seats. The landscape is designed to direct the maximum number of us~rs into the commercial site. This creates a unique public access for all users and provides usable outdoor space for all. Using a native and native adapted plant palette familiar to the west coast assists in setting up the sense of place initiated by the architecture. Sustainability • Native and non-native adapted plant material ensuring less water demand. • Permeable surfacing off-slab to facilitate water infiltration. • High efficiency irrigation system to further reduce potable water consumption in the landscape. • Use of durable materials. • Landscape lighting will be low level LED and have cut-offs to minimize light spillage into other areas. DESIGN RATIONALE Architecture Site and access At the intersection of 232nd street & 128th avenue, the proposed re-zoning & 2 stories commercial development sits on 3677m2/ of land, in maple ridge, be. The property in question is currently zoned as rs-2 one family suburban residential. The proposed development requires a re-zoning to cs-1 service commercial. Being an existing site, and an already flat property, the cross section will remain relatively unchanged, with the parking area and the building designed to be close in elevation to the existing street. The proposed development will have one main access from 128th street (front store). With visibility from 232nd street, the proposed development will easily be seen and subsequently navigated too. A fire truck exit access will sit on 232nd street, with a controlled gate allowing access when needed. Form and character The proposed 2 stories commercial building takes the shape of a barn, with a twist, integrating harmoniously with the architectural context of the rural suburban neighborhood in maple ridge. High quality finishes are proposed for the external fa~ades, consisting of standing seam charcoal, metal cladding, cedar wood siding and white horizontal metal siding. A generous & welcoming landscape strip, with designated patio areas, face both 128th avenue and 232nd street. Road -widening allowances and setbacks have been respected including the 5.0m chamfer at the main intersection. Sustainability Every sustainability opportunity will be reviewed to determine what best can be implemented to make this development a sustainable responsible one. Landscape Architecture Context and public realm This new commercial development situated in maple ridge, is bordered by 128th/ ave on the north and 232nd/ street on the east. The new development sits several blocks away from maple ridge waterpark to the south and surrounding the site within a small catchment area are the yennadon elementary school, other commercial use buildings and stores and 2 neighboring bus stops. North east of the development is a gas station. Treatment of the north east frontage of the development, which is adjacent to the roads, creates a vegetated soft buffer while keeping all entrances accessible and views to the commercial development unblocked. The south west side of the site is adjacent to the neighbour's lots which was designed to provide privacy and screening using a fence design with large shrubs/hedge planting. Landscape design The landscape design of the open spaces includes outdoor seating and small plaza like spaces encouraging gatherings, entrance access and walkways around the building. The landscape design separates the public realm using layers of plant material and changes of paving types demarking the entrances. The same paver palette changes are continued around the building indicating access points from the parking lot. Changes of plant material contrast with hard elements and provide a unique character to the site while using a low wall feature as seating with mountable benches along with adjacent freestanding seats. The landscape is designed to direct the maximum number of users into the commercial site. This creates a unique public access for all users and provides usable outdoor space for all. Using a native and native adapted plant palette familiar to the west coast assists in setting up the sense of place initiated by the architecture. Sustainability native and non-native adapted plant material ensuring less water demand. permeable surfacing off-slab to facilitate water infiltration. high efficiency irrigation system to further reduce potable water consumption in the landscape. use of durable materials. landscape lighting will be low level led and have cut-offs to minimize light spillage into other areas. DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Existing /Proposed Zone _____________ Date Prepared __________ Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total Less Road Widening / Truncations Less Park Net Total LOT COVERAGE (in % of net lot area) Total Site Coverage SETBACKS (in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) SETBACKS – Underground Structures (in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal Accessory NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three Bedroom + Total GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential Retail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type _________________) Institutional Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA * If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. l~-mapleridge.ca Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) OTHER – state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site Tree Survey/Assessment Provided Watercourse/Steep Slopes Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. Prepared by: ___________________________ __________________________________ Print Name (Please print form and sign above) NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) # of units/ha (net) Gross Floor Area Floor Space Ratio (net) AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area Useable Open Space PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive Other Number of spaces for visitors TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES Number of total for disabled Number of total (and %) small cars % Number of total (and %) tandem spaces % TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking Long Term Bicycle Parking I I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0*'""' 1 1 "' J!Jvva'" ?;JgZ M~RllE! Rll!>BE! ": British Columb;;~--" ~ "~ mapleridge.ca Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.5 of the Official Community Plan, commercial developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. 8.5.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses The proposed landscaping buffer and a solid panel fence along the shared property through sound attenuation, appropriate lines provides an aesthetic solution to limiting vehicular noise generated on the site. The proposed two storey building will block a large amount of noise from the lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and intersection. The massing of the proposed building incorporates elements of the the transition of building massing to fit adjacent buildings such as pitched roof elements along with vertical and horizontal with adjacent development. cladding. Encourage a pedestrian scale through Three terraces have been provided along with quality providing outdoor amenities, minimizing landscape design which provides visual interest and the visual impact of parking areas, separation between the vehicular and pedestrian creating landmarks and visual interest experiences. along street fronts. Promote sustainable development with The building design balances cost effective construction, multimodal transportation circulation, pedestrian flow while creating as much usable space as possible to and low impact building design. serve the public. Respect the need for private areas in The design for pedestrian circulation pulls pedestrians away from mixed use development and adjacent adjacent properties. That with landscaping and solid panel fencing residential areas. do the utmost in respecting the adjacent residential properties. The form and treatment of new buildings The architectural style of the proposed building ties in a residential should reflect the desired character and feel with the pitched roof along 128th Avenue while introducing a pattern of development in the area by bit more progressive design along 232nd Street. The pitched roof incorporating appropriate architectural also ties into the agricultural history of the area by mimicking the styles, features, materials, proportions look of a barn. The mixture of wood and metal cladding furthers and building articulation. that balance and integration with surrounding properties. 1 Guideline 8.5.2 A Building Design, Massing and Siting 1. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, roof forms, facade modulation, architectural features, fenestration patterns, building elements and proportions and building articulation. 2. Exterior finishes should be wood, brick, natural stone or other materials of warm appearance. Substantial areas of concrete should be avoided. Expanses of solid wall or glass are unacceptable. 3. New buildings adjacent to existing small scale buildings such as houses should be designed to provide visual interest whilst protecting the privacy and livability of both properties. 4. Significant corners should be given added emphasis with vertical architectural features and roofscape features. At intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets. 5. Development should be sited to have the building frontage on the main street alignment. 6. Projects located on slopes should be developed in a manner which creates a step in perceived height, bulk and scale between developments. 7. Design and construction of buildings should account for maximum sound attenuation between commercial and adjacent residential uses. To ensure that noise generated on the site is addressed in the most appropriate manner, Council may request that a noise attenuation study be prepared. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. The architectural style of the proposed building ties in a residential feel with the pitched roof along 128th Avenue while introducing a bit more progressive design along 232nd Street. The pitched roof also ties into the agricultural history of the area by mimicking the look of a barn. The mixture of wood and metal cladding furthers that balance and integration with surrounding properties. The fenestration on the ground floor achieves a comfortable level of transparency to the connected pedestrian areas and circulation. The fenestration on the second floor is more conservative reflecting a more residential feel. Concrete is not used as an exterior finish on this project. The design effectively mixes wood and metal cladding to best reflect the surrounding properties as well as introducing a bit more progressive design along 232nd Street. The proposed design provides privacy and livability of both adjacent residential properties by having over 20 meters setback from the west property and 15 meters setback from the south along with new landscaping, solid panel fencing and existing tall trees on both property lines. Emphasis to the building frontage along 128th Avenue is achieved by a gable roof and recessed ground floor entries. The proposed design is sited to have alignment to 128th Avenue as to better identify the pedestrian and vehicular access to the site. Additional building entries and access points are provided to 232nd Street. There are no steps or major slopes on this site to consider. The proposed design provides privacy and sound attenuation to both adjacent residential properties by having over 20 meters setback from the west property and 15 meters setback from the south along with separating the parking with new landscaping, solid panel fencing. Existing off-site tall trees on both property lines. An acoustic study has not been performed. 2 Guideline 8.5.2 A (Continued) 8. Continuous weather protection, such as canopies, structural awnings, or building overhangs, is strongly promoted where at-grade retail uses are included in a development and over common entries to commercial and/or mixed-use developments that front a public sidewalk or open space. 9. Developments adjacent to treed slopes, ravines and watercourses must respect natural vegetation, use natural landscaping to retain soils on the site and may require additional setbacks as established by agencies having jurisdiction. Creeks and ravines are encouraged to be retained in their natural state. 10. Developments are encouraged to redirect water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 11. Buildings should be designed and located on a site to: a) preserve and incorporate natural features or views; b) ensure proper orientation and relationship to adjoining residential uses; c) minimize impacts on natural features and agricultural lands; d) accommodate natural grades to ensure minimal grading is required. Guideline 8.5.2 B Refuse, Recycling and Servicing Areas 1. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. Canopies have been provided at all building access points. All grades at the property lines have been respected along with siting the building 15m and 20m away from the property lines. Only fencing and parking su~faces have been designed at or near to the property lines. Permeable materials can be used if required. There are not creeks and ravines. A water detention and infiltration facility has been provided along with capturing rainwater in the planting beds surrounding the pedestrian paths. The proposed design preserves natural features and views, is oriented to have a proper relationship to adjacent properties and accommodates natural grades with minimal required grading. The property to our immediate west is in the ALR. As a result, we have procured an Agricultural Impact Assessment as part of our submission, which states there are no impacts from the proposed commercial development on the agricultural lands in the area. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. To minimized any visual impact, all rooftop mechanical equipment has been located in the central fl~t roof area of the building and is visually screened by raised parapets, the sloped roof and architectural screening. 3 Guideline 8.5.2 B (Continued) 2. Service areas should have differentiated Access to service areas has been differentiated and access to minimize visual impact as well consolidated into one area of the building as to as conflicts with pedestrians. minimize visual impact and conflicts with pedestrians. 3. Refuse receptacles must be located Refuse receptacles have been located outside of indoors or within service areas out of pedestrian areas while maintaining easy access for view from pedestrian access. Garbage refuse vehicles. All containers are to be weatherpoof an and waste material should be stored in animal-resistant. containers that are weatherproof and animal-resistant. 4. Mechanical equipment, drive-through uses, service or car wash bays, restrooms, vending machines, unenclosed storage, and public telephones should be oriented on the site to face away from adjacent residential development. Whenever possible, these uses should not be visible from an adjacent residential property. Guideline 8.5.2 C Street Front 1. Particular attention should be made to the image presented to the streetfront. 2. New development should emphasize the street frontages by incorporating differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades. Facades should incorporate vertical and horizontal relief in a well-proportioned rhythm appropriate to the intended scale of development. 3. Buildings with over 15 metres of street frontage should break the horizontal mass of the building with vertical elements in a rhythmic pattern. 4. Streetfront landscaping will incorporate street trees for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space. N/A Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Special attention has been made to the streetfront image of the proposed building with the pitched roof, recesses and large canopies at the unit entries and elegant signage. The proposed design incorporates a well-proportioned rhythm with the scale of the development and differentiates the front, side and rear facades. A rhythmic pattern of materials has been used to breakup the 34.5 meter East and West facades. Site boundaries are clearly defined by an interesting landscape design utilizing trees, shrubs, other low planting and ground cover and enhance the public space and experience. 4 Guideline 8.5.2 C (Continued) 5. Vehicle access on a street frontage should be located to the side of the building away form the pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. Guideline 8.5.2 D Signage and Lighting 1. Signage should be integrated with the design of a building, preferably at ground level only, and its size and design should complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 2. High intensity illumination directed at adjoining properties should be avoided. Commercial signage and high intensity illumination adjacent to residential uses should be minimized in order to protect residential amenity. 3. Lighting and signage should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way. 4. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter should take precedent. 5. In multiple-tenant commercial or mixed- use buildings, signs should be designed to present a unified appearance. Signage space should be provided for upper storey tenancies. Vehicle access has been located as far away as possible from the primary pedestrian access points to the site, minimizing disruption to pedestrian movement and impact on the streetscape appearance. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. The signage design integrates the signage with the building design, is sized to complement the architectural detail of the building. High intensity lighting is avoided throughout the project. Lighting design and signage will be designed to have not direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way. All signage will be designed to the Maple Ridge Sign bylaw. All signage will be designed to present a unified appearance and be provided for the upper storey tenancies. 5 Guideline 8.5.2 E Vehicle Access, Parking, and Circulation 1. Buildings and structures should be located to ensure safe traffic circulation and access and adequate on-site parking. Parking should be encouraged in smaller units to avoid a monotonous appearance. 2. Parking and storage areas should be appropriately screened. Low level landscape screening should be provided to parking areas adjacent to public streets. 3. Where possible, parking and servicing should be located underground or to the rear of buildings to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and pedestrian amenity. In all new buildings the portion of the structure used for parking and servicing should be adequately screened and should be architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. 4. Existing lanes should be used for vehicle access, loading and servicing. Upgrading of lanes in terms of attractive treatment and screening of parking access and loading and service areas is encouraged. 5. Vehicle access should be located to the side of the building away from the pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 6. Lanes, and driveways should conform to the existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, access should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. The proposed building has been located and shaped to maximize the parking count to meet the Bylaw requirements. One peninsula per row of parking is possible if preferred over the CPTED guidelines. The parking area has a 3.0m landscape buffer from the 128th Avenue and 232nd Street propertylines and 1.5m min. landscape buffer (including solid panel fence) to shared propertylines with the adjacent residential properties. All parking is located at the side and rear of the b~ilding to minimize visual impact from the street. All parking has landscape screening. N/A Vehicle access is located to the side of the building to minimize disruption to pedestrian movement and impact on streetscape appearance. . The main pedestrian entrance has been located at the accessible parking stall for two reasons: 1) proximity of _the_ mai~ entry ~nd ?levator to the accessible parking stall; 2) users of this site will be pnmanly commuters as opposed to pedestrians. For the most part, the grading of the proposed parking area and pedestrian paths conform to the existing grades. Grades have been manipulated for adequate site drainage and access to the ground floor of the proposed building. 6 Guideline 8.5.2 E (Continued) 7. Shared vehicle access between adjoining N/ A. sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of the property is Adjoining properties are residential with established limited. Joint or shared access should access points located near the center of the properties. also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. 8. Minimize the amount of asphalt surfaces Every attempt will be made to minimize asphalt in parking areas by integrating a variety surfaces. We will try to comply with the guidelines in of paving materials such as concrete, regards to the paving. decorative pavers or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Above ground parking structures should N/A not front public streets at grade. Non- parking uses or special fac;:ade treatments must be provided along street frontages to enhance the building's appearance to the public realm. On non-street fronting facades, parking structures should be treated to avoid long blank walls at grade, such as massed landscape treatments or attention to design detailing on the fac;:ade. 10. Parking control equipment, such as N/A ticket dispensers and card readers, should be located at a sufficient distance from a public street to prevent parking queues extending onto the street. Similarly, a minimum distance of one car length, and preferably two car lengths, should be provided between an exit gate and the street edge to accommodate cars waiting to merge into traffic. 11. Rooftop parking structures should N/A include design elements, including landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street and surrounding uses. 7 Guideline 8.5.2 F Pedestrian and Bicycle Access 1. Development should improve pedestrian amenity through interesting design detail at ground level, easily identifiable entrances, shop fronts with clear untinted glazing, concentration of signage at ground level, attractive landscaping and well defined pedestrian crossings for driveways and roadways. 2. A well defined pedestrian access to the commercial use will be provided from the public sidewalk. Design will ensure that pedestrian use is given precedence over vehicular use. Where possible, at least one pedestrian connection should be provided through the main block of buildings. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. The proposed design improves pedestrian amenity by providing all criteria in the guideline. Four pedestrian access points from the public sidewalk have been provided. All pedestrian access points are concentrated at the building for easy access and achieves an effective separation from vehicular use. 3. Facilities for cyclists should be Bicycle racks have been provided. considered for all developments. Guideline 8.5.2 G Landscaping and Open Space 1. Landscaping should be supplemented to identify and define public space, to present a pleasing image and to soften the transition from adjacent land uses to the commercial development. 2. Adjacent residential uses should be adequately protected by significant landscaping or the provision of screening or both. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all new development for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space. Simplicity in landscaping materials is desirable and should be encouraged for screening purposes. Deciduous tree species should be considered in landscape plantings to permit light penetration in winter. Mature vegetation should be retained where possible. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. The Landscape was designed to create a vegetated soft buffer around the site while keeping all entrances accessible and views to the commercial development unblocked from the two street frontages. The Landscape adjacent to the neighbouring lots was designed to provide privacy and screening using a fence design with large shrubs, and hedge planting for proper screening. Currently street trees are not shown. Once the direction of the engineering department is known, this area will be addressed as part of the SA. One mature Douglas Fir is slated for retention in the SW corner 8 Guideline 8.5.2 G (Continued) 4. Aesthetic values along frontages and on- site ought to be enhanced by significant landscaping on all property lines and around buildings. Street trees should be used to provide the landscaping variety that would soften the character and scale of the area. 5. Landscape planting and screening should be used to create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site for pedestrians, passing drivers and building tenants on the site or adjacent to it. 6. Open space should be usable, attractive and well-integrated with the design of the building. Open space, in many cases, will be achieved with courtyards, recessed balconies, terraced balconies, roof top gardens, and atria. 7. Landscaping should reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 8. Landscaping should define the purpose and emphasize the desired character and function of public and private space. All private and semi-private open space should be clearly defined as such and should be controllable by those meant to benefit and be responsible for it, thus encouraging use, pride and safety. 9. Distinguish public and semi-public spaces from private spaces. Design symbolic barriers through: a} building and site design; b} changes in paving, vegetation, or grading; or c} architectural features, such as low walls, bollards or raised planters. The landscape treatment along the frontage and the onsite design aesthetically enhances the site development within the property lines. The addition of street trees as part of the SA will further the layering and interest from the street Groundcovers and medium sized shrubs are used onsite around the road sides to create an aesthetically appealing look and pedestrian experience while keeping the views into & out of the site unblocked for commercial uses The landscape design within the open spaces includes outdoor seating and small plaza like spaces for small gatherings-mostly employees of the on-site businesses, entrance access and walkways around the building The tree & plant material selection is based on using a native and native adapted plant palette familiar to the west coast to set up the sense of place initiated by the architecture, design intent and the neighborhood The use of the site is mainly commercial and the landscape was designed to comply with this land use while allowing for a varied pedestrian/ user experience. The landscape design separates the public realm using changes of paving types to designate entrances along _the street frontage .. A_s ":'ell, t~ese same changes of paving types continue around the buildings perimeter walkway designating other entrances accessible from the parking lot. Changes of planting material and forms contrasting with hard elements provide a unique character to the site wh!le using ~ low wall feature as seating with mountable benches along with the adJacent seats. These define nodes intended for staff and pedestrian intermingling. 9 Guideline 8.5.2 H Crime Prevention through Environmental Design {CPTED) 1. Developments should be designed to maximize opportunities for natural surveillance allowing people to easily view what is happening around them during the course of everyday activities. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design principles and techniques are encouraged. 2. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design {CPTED} principles should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities. 3. Design the interior spaces and exits from any underground and above ground parking structures for maximum visibility within the parking area. Entries should be highly visible, well lit and spaced at convenient intervals Hidden spaces, obscured alcoves and blind corners should be avoided in the design and layout of the parking facilities. 4. Walls and ceilings of parking structures, particularly underground structures, should be painted white to enhance or reflect light. Guideline 8.5.2 I Universally Accessible Design 1. All non-vehicular routes be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair / scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. The proposed design maximizes opportunities for natural surveillance using straight slight lines and full height glazing to public spaces at the recessed entries. The building design minimizes un-supervised nooks and crannies with continuous visual sightlines from the street of all areas of the parking area. Floor to ceiling glazing for most of the ground floor further the passive surveillance of the parking area. N/A N/A Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Curb-cuts have been provided at all pedestrian access points to the parking area. All pedestrian pathways have accessible access to the City sidewalks. 10 Guideline 8.5.2 I (Continued) 2. Locate parking spaces allocated for The accessible stall is the closest stall to the main people with disabilities as close as building access point. possible to the main entrance to a building. 3. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; and c) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. Guideline 8.5.2 J Bicycle Storage and Parking 1. Provide short term bicycle parking facilities, such as bicycle racks, at grade close to building entrances. Bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads. Bicycle racks should be made of sturdy, theft- resistant material, securely anchored to the floor or grounds. 2. Provide long term bicycle parking facilities in secure storage areas within buildings. Bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. In mixed-use buildings, bicycle storage facilities for residents are to be separate from those for the commercial uses. 3. Large-scale developments are encouraged to provide end-of-trip facilities, such as showers and lockers, within the development for the convenience of employees. All building/unit entries will be clearly addressed with large numbers visible from the street and parking drive aisle and are directly accessed from the street and parking drive aisle without stairs. Canopies have been provided at all entries. Exterior lighting and power-assisted door openers will be provided at all exterior entries. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Bicycle parking racks have been provided and will comply with this guideline. N/A N/A 11 Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File Number ________ _ 2020-01-14 Date prepared: _______ _ Architect Ray Wolfe Print Name Signature 12 SITE 23 2 S T R E E T CONTEXT PLAN N.T.S. RENDERING N.T.S. 232nd STREET COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 12791 232 STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, BRITISH COLUMBIA LOT 44, SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 12, NEW WESTMINSTER, DISTRICT PLAN 30199 RE-ZONING & DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION 2020-12-17 N A0 . 0 0 CO V E R P A G E PROJECT STATISTICS LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT 44, SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 12, NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 30199 PARCEL IDENTIFIER:003-269-477 STREET ADDRESS:12791, 232nd STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, BC, CANADA EXISTING ZONING:RS-2 - ONE FAMILY SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED ZONING:CS-1 - SERVICE COMMERCIAL OCCUPANCY TYPE:E (LEVEL 1) & D (LEVEL 2) E (MOST RESTRICTIVE) Dr a w i n g Pr o j e c t Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Sh e e t N u m b e r Is s u e d F o r Is s u e D a t e GL O B A L R E V I S I O N S L I S T * NO . DA T E DE S C R I P T I O N Pl o t D a t e : Fi l e P a t h : *S h e e t c h a n g e s c l o u d e d a n d t a g g e d r e s p e c t i v e l y . ## Th i s pl a n an d de s i g n ar e th e ex c l u s i v e pr o p e r t y of Th i n k s p a c e Ar c h i t e c t u r e ® Pl a n n i n g In t e r i o r De s i g n (T h i n k s p a c e ) an d ca n n o t be us e d or re p r o d u c e d wi t h o u t wr i t t e n co n s e n t of Th i n k s p a c e . Th i s of f i c e sh a l l be in f o r m e d of an y va r i a t i o n s fr o m th e in f o r m a t i o n sh o w n on t h i s d r a w i n g . D o n o t s c a l e d r a w i n g s . Co p y r i g h t R e s e r v e d Th i n k s p a c e , a p a r t n e r s h i p o f : Da v i d L e e B l a n c h a r d , A r c h i t e c t A I B C To d d D u s t , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A He n k K a m p m a n , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Le o n a r d R o d r i g u e s , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Ra y W o l f e , A r c h i t e c t A I B C 19 7 6 2 23 2 n d S T . C O M M E R C I A L D E V E V E L O P M E N T RE - Z O N I N G S E R V I C E C O M M E R C I A L : C S - 1 12 7 9 1 2 3 2 n d S T R E E T , M A P L E R I D G E , B C RE - Z O N I N G C S - 1 20 2 0 - 0 2 - 0 7 1 20 2 0 - 1 2 - 1 7 RE S U B M I S S I O N 2 20 2 1 - 0 4 - 2 6 PA R K I N G U P D A T E 3 20 2 1 - 0 6 - 0 3 WE S T E R N L O T S 4 20 2 1 - 0 7 - 0 8 EA S E M E N T & T E M P P A R K I N G 5 20 2 1 - 0 8 - 2 0 AD P S U B M I S S I O N -- - - f: \ 1 9 7 6 2 2 3 2 s t . c o m m e r c i a l d e v e l o p m e n t \ 2 . 0 d r a w i n g s \ 2 . 1 c u r r e n t d r a w i n g s \ 1 . a r c h i t e c t u r e \ 1 . c a d \ 1 9 7 6 2 a 2 . 0 1 r o o f p l a n . d w g ABBREVIATIONS ADD ADDENDUM AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR AL ALUMINUM ANOD ANODIZED ARCH ARCHITECTURAL AS ACOUSTIC SEALANT AT ACOUSTICAL TILE BDRM BEDROOM BL BUILDING LINE BLDG BUILDING BM BENCH MARK BOT BOTTOM BRG BEARING BSMT BASEMENT BU BUILT UP CENTER LINE C/C CENTER TO CENTER CG CORNER GUARD CJ CONTROL JOINT CLKG CAULKING CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CO CLEAN OUT CONC CONCRETE CONST CONSTRUCTION CPT CARPET CPTT CARPET TILE CT CERAMIC TILE C/W COMPLETE WITH D DOOR DCS DOUBLE CLEAR SAFETY GLASS DEMO DEMOLITION DET DETAIL DF DRINKING FOUNTAIN DIA DIAMETER DN DOWN DTS DOUBLE TINTED SAFETY GLASS DWG DRAWING ELECT ELECTRICAL ELEV ELEVATOR, ELEVATION ENCL ENCLOSURE EQ EQUAL EX EXISTING EXP EXPANSION, EXPOSED EXT EXTERIOR FA FIRE ALARM FD FLOOR DRAIN FDN FOUNDATION FE FIRE EXTINGUISHER FFE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FHC FIRE HOSE CABINET FIN FINISH FP FIRE PROOF FRR FIRE RESISTANCE RATING FRP FIBREGLASS REINFORCED PANEL FURN FURNITURE GA GAUGE GALV GALVANIZED GFA GROSS FLOOR AREA GL GLAZING GLB GLASS BLOCK GR GRANITE GWB GYPSUM WALL BOARD HB HARDBOARD HC HOLLOW CORE HDWD HARDWOOD HDW HARDWARE HIWP HIGH IMPACT WALL PANEL HM HOLLOW METAL HMD HOLLOW METAL DOOR HSS HOLLOW STRUCTURAL STEEL HT HEIGHT ID INSIDE DIAMETER IMD INSULATED METAL DOOR INSUL INSULATION JST JOIST JT JOINT KG KILOGRAM KM KILOMETER KO KNOCKOUT L LENGTH, LONG LAM LAMINATED GLAZING LAV LAVATORY LH LEFT HAND LIN LINEAR LINO LINOLEUM LL LIVE LOAD LVR LOUVRE LWC LIGHT WEIGHT CONCRETE M METER MARB MARBLE MATL MATERIAL MAX MAXIMUM MECH MECHANICAL MEMB MEMBRANE MEZZ MEZZANINE MIN MINIMUM MISC MISCELLANEOUS MM MILLIMETER MTL METAL N NORTH NF NEAR FACE NIC NOT IN CONTRACT NO NUMBER NOM NOMINAL NTS NOT TO SCALE OA OVERALL OC ON CENTER OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER OH OVERHEAD OHD OVERHEAD DOOR O/O OUT TO OUT OPNG OPENING P PAINT PLAM PLASTIC LAMINATE PC PRECAST CONCRETE PERP PERPENDICULAR PL PROPERTY LINE PLY PLYWOOD PCN PROPOSED CHANGE NOTICE PSF PRESSED STEEL FRAME PTN PARTITION PVC POLY VINYL CHLORIDE QT QUARRY TILE QTY QUANTITY R RISER, RADIUS R&S ROD AND SHELF RB RUBBER, RUBBER BASE RBC RUBBER BASE COVED RBS RUBBER BASE STRAIGHT RD ROOF DRAIN REQD REQUIRED REV REVISION RH RIGHT HAND RO ROUGH OPENING ROW RIGHT OF WAY RT RESILIENT TILE RS RESILIENT SHEET SAFB SOUND ATTENUATION FIBERGLAS BATTS SC SOLID CORE WOOD DOOR SCS SINGLE CLEAR SAFETY GLASS SIM SIMILAR SPEC SPECIFICATION SS STAINLESS STEEL ST STAIN STC SOUND TRANSMISSION CLASS STL STEEL STRUC STRUCTURAL STS SINGLE TINTED SAFETY GLASS STU STUCCO SUSP SUSPENDED SV STONE VENEER T/O TOP OF T&B TOP AND BOTTOM T&G TONGUE AND GROOVE TEL TELEPHONE TEM TEMPERED (GLASS) TEMP TEMPORARY TERR TERRAZZO THK THICK TF TINT FILM TR TREAD TRAV TRAVERTINE TYP TYPICAL UH UNIT HEATER UNFIN UNFINISHED UNO UNLESS NOTED U/W UNIVERSAL WASHROOM OTHERWISE U/S UNDERSIDE VEST VESTIBULE VB VINYL BASE, VAPOR BARRIER VR VAPOR RETARDER VOS VERIFY ON SITE VT VINYL TILE W WOOD W/C WATER CLOSET WD WINDOW WG WIRED GLASS WM WIRE MESH W/O WITHOUT WP WORK POINT, WATERPROOF WV WOOD VENEER WWF WELDED WIRE FABRIC CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLIES W1 EXTERIOR WALL - 25mm EXTERIOR FINISH - 19mm P.T. WOOD STRAPPING @ WALL STUDS (RAINSCREEN) - AIR BARRIER - 25mm RIGID INSULATION - 13mm PLYWOOD SHEATHING - 140mm STRUCTURAL WOOD STUD WALL - R22 MINERAL WOOL BATT INSULATION - VAPOUR BARRIER - 16mm TYPE-X GYPSUM BOARD EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES A0.00 COVER PAGE A0.21 SURVEY PLAN A0.22 STREETSCAPES A0.23 CONTEXT PHOTOS A0.31 SITE PLAN A0.32 ENLARGED SITE PLAN A1.01 LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLAN A1.02 LEVEL 2 FLOOR PLAN A2.01 ROOF PLAN A3.01 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A3.02 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A4.01 BUILDING SECTIONS A4.02 BUILDING SECTIONS A8.01 MATERIALS BOARD AND SIGNAGE A9.01 RENDERINGS 01 SITE SERVICING PLAN 02 SWMP AND LOT GRADING THINKSPACE ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN SUITE 300 - 10190 152A STREET, SURREY, BC V3R 1J7 PH: (604) 581-8128 E: admin@thinkspace.ca L0.0 COVER SHEET L0.1 NOTES AND SCHEDULES L0.2 ILLUSTRATIVE PLAN L3.1 MATERIALS PLAN L5.1 TREE PLAN L5.2 PLANTING PLAN L6.0 SOIL DEPTH PLAN L7.0 IRRIGATED AREAS PLAN L9.0 SOFTSCAPE DETAILS L10.0 HARDSCAPE AND FURNITURE DETAILS 128 AVENUE DESIGN RATIONALE SITE AND ACCESS AT THE INTERSECTION OF 232ND STREET & 128TH AVENUE, THE PROPOSED RE-ZONING & 2 STORIES COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SITS ON 3677M2 OF LAND, IN MAPLE RIDGE, BC. THE PROPERTY IN QUESTION IS CURRENTLY ZONED AS RS-2 ONE FAMILY SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL. THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT REQUIRES A RE-ZONING TO CS-1 SERVICE COMMERCIAL. BEING AN EXISTING SITE, AND AN ALREADY FLAT PROPERTY, THE CROSS SECTION WILL REMAIN RELATIVELY UNCHANGED, WITH THE PARKING AREA AND THE BUILDING DESIGNED TO BE CLOSE IN ELEVATION TO THE EXISTING STREET. THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT WILL HAVE ONE MAIN ACCESS FROM 128TH STREET (FRONT STORE). WITH VISIBILITY FROM 232ND STREET, THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT WILL EASILY BE SEEN AND SUBSEQUENTLY NAVIGATED TOO. A FIRE TRUCK EXIT ACCESS WILL SIT ON 232ND STREET, WITH A CONTROLLED GATE ALLOWING ACCESS WHEN NEEDED. FORM AND CHARACTER THE PROPOSED 2 STORIES COMMERCIAL BUILDING TAKES THE SHAPE OF A BARN, INTEGRATING HARMONIOUSLY WITH THE ARCHITECTURAL CONTEXT OF THE RURAL SUBURBAN NEIGHBORHOOD IN MAPLE RIDGE. HIGH QUALITY FINISHES ARE PROPOSED FOR THE EXTERNAL FAÇADES, CONSISTING OF STANDING SEAM CHARCOAL, METAL CLADDING, CEDAR WOOD SIDING AND WHITE HORIZONTAL METAL SIDING. A GENEROUS & WELCOMING LANDSCAPE STRIP, WITH DESIGNATED PATIO AREAS, FACE BOTH 128TH AVENUE AND 232ND STREET. ROAD - WIDENING ALLOWANCES AND SETBACKS HAVE BEEN RESPECTED INCLUDING THE 5.0M CHAMFER AT THE MAIN INTERSECTION. SUSTAINABILITY EVERY SUSTAINABILITY OPPORTUNITY WILL BE REVIEWED TO DETERMINE WHAT BEST CAN BE IMPLEMENTED TO MAKE THIS DEVELOPMENT A SUSTAINABLE RESPONSIBLE ONE. F1 TYPICAL CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE - FLOOR FINISH - CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE - POLY MOISTURE BARRIER - 100mm GRANULAR BASE - SUB-BASE AS PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FLOOR ASSEMBLIES R1 TYPICAL ROOF ASSEMBLY - 2 PLY ROOFING MEMBRANE SYSTEM - PROTECTION BOARD - AIR/VAPOUR RETARDER MEMBRANE - 19mm PLYWOOD SHEATHING - STRUCTURAL ROOF JOIST SYSTEM - 19mm GWB ROOF ASSEMBLIES D.K. BOWINS & ASSOCIATES INC. 8955 EMIRY STREET, MISSION B.C. V4S 1A6 PH: (604) 826-4399 E: dbowins@shaw.ca ETA LANDSCAPING ARCH. LTD 1690 WEST 2nd AVENUE, VANCOUVER, B.C. V6J 1H4 PH: (604) 683-1456 W: www.etala.ca CONTEXT AND PUBLIC REALM THIS NEW COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SITUATED IN MAPLE RIDGE, IS BORDERED BY 128TH/ AVE ON THE NORTH AND 232ND/ STREET ON THE EAST. THE NEW DEVELOPMENT SITS SEVERAL BLOCKS AWAY FROM MAPLE RIDGE WATERPARK TO THE SOUTH AND SURROUNDING THE SITE WITHIN A SMALL CATCHMENT AREA ARE THE YENNADON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, OTHER COMMERCIAL USE BUILDINGS AND STORES AND 2 NEIGHBORING BUS STOPS. NORTH EAST OF THE DEVELOPMENT IS A GAS STATION. TREATMENT OF THE NORTH EAST FRONTAGE OF THE DEVELOPMENT, WHICH IS ADJACENT TO THE ROADS, CREATES A VEGETATED SOFT BUFFER WHILE KEEPING ALL ENTRANCES ACCESSIBLE AND VIEWS TO THE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT UNBLOCKED. THE SOUTH WEST SIDE OF THE SITE IS ADJACENT TO THE NEIGHBOUR'S LOTS WHICH WAS DESIGNED TO PROVIDE PRIVACY AND SCREENING USING A FENCE DESIGN WITH LARGE SHRUBS/HEDGE PLANTING. LANDSCAPE DESIGN THE LANDSCAPE DESIGN OF THE OPEN SPACES INCLUDES OUTDOOR SEATING AND SMALL PLAZA LIKE SPACES ENCOURAGING GATHERINGS, ENTRANCE ACCESS AND WALKWAYS AROUND THE BUILDING. THE LANDSCAPE DESIGN SEPARATES THE PUBLIC REALM USING LAYERS OF PLANT MATERIAL AND CHANGES OF PAVING TYPES DEMARKING THE ENTRANCES. THE SAME PAVER PALETTE CHANGES ARE CONTINUED AROUND THE BUILDING INDICATING ACCESS POINTS FROM THE PARKING LOT. CHANGES OF PLANT MATERIAL CONTRAST WITH HARD ELEMENTS AND PROVIDE A UNIQUE CHARACTER TO THE SITE WHILE USING A LOW WALL FEATURE AS SEATING WITH MOUNTABLE BENCHES ALONG WITH ADJACENT FREESTANDING SEATS. THE LANDSCAPE IS DESIGNED TO DIRECT THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF USERS INTO THE COMMERCIAL SITE. THIS CREATES A UNIQUE PUBLIC ACCESS FOR ALL USERS AND PROVIDES USABLE OUTDOOR SPACE FOR ALL. USING A NATIVE AND NATIVE ADAPTED PLANT PALETTE FAMILIAR TO THE WEST COAST ASSISTS IN SETTING UP THE SENSE OF PLACE INITIATED BY THE ARCHITECTURE. SUSTAINABILITY -NATIVE AND NON-NATIVE ADAPTED PLANT MATERIAL ENSURING LESS WATER DEMAND. -PERMEABLE SURFACING OFF-SLAB TO FACILITATE WATER INFILTRATION. -HIGH EFFICIENCY IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO FURTHER REDUCE POTABLE WATER CONSUMPTION IN THE LANDSCAPE. -USE OF DURABLE MATERIALS. -LANDSCAPE LIGHTING WILL BE LOW LEVEL LED AND HAVE CUT-OFFS TO MINIMIZE LIGHT SPILLAGE INTO OTHER AREAS. ARCHITECTURAL LANDSCAPE PROPERTY DATA 23 2 S T R E E T 128 AVENUE 23 0 S T R E E T CALVIN CRESCENT 129 AVENUE 23 1 S T R E E T 12 9 S T R E E T 126 AVENUE 127 AVENUE DOGWOOD AVENUE 23 4 b S T R E E T NOTES: 1.BASED ON NEW PROPERTY LINES 2.LEVEL 1 GROSS AREA / LOT AREA = BUILDING LOT COVERAGE (915m2 / 3 677m2) = 24.9% 3.TOTAL GREEN SPACE / LOT AREA = GREEN COVERAGE (605m2/ 3 677m2) = 16.5% 4.TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA / LOT AREA = DENSITY RATIO (2 055m2/ 3 574m2) = 0.57 5.RETAIL, WHOLESALE OR PERSONAL SERVICE COMMERCIAL IN THE CS-1, CS-3, CS-4, C-4 OR C-4a ZONE = 1 PARKING STALL PER 25m2/ GROSS FLOOR AREA 6.OFFICE = 1 PARKING STALL PER 40m2/ GROSS FLOOR AREA 7.SHORT-TERM BICYCLE PARKING REQUIREMENT = 6 SPACES FOR EVERY 1500m2 TOTAL GLOSS FLOOR AREA = 2 055m2 SHORT-TERM BICYCLE PARKING REQUIREMENT = 12 SPACES F2 TYPICAL WOOD FRAME FLOOR FRR: TBD ULC: TBD R: N/A STC: TBD - FLOOR FINISH - 19mm PLYWOOD SHEATHING - STRUCTURAL FLOOR JOIST SYSTEM - 140mm MINERAL WOOL ACOUSTIC INSULATION - 2 LAYERS 16mm TYPE-X GYPSUM BOARD R2 TYPICAL FLAT ROOF ASSEMBLY - 2 PLY ROOFING MEMBRANE SYSTEM - PROTECTION BOARD - TAPERED ROOF INSULATION TO FORM SLOPES TO DRAINS (SEE ROOF PLAN FOR EXTENTS) - AIR/VAPOUR RETARDER MEMBRANE - 19mm PLYWOOD SHEATHING - STRUCTURAL ROOF JOIST SYSTEM - 19mm GWB R3 TYPICAL CANOPY ROOF ASSEMBLY - 2 PLY ROOFING MEMBRANE SYSTEM - PROTECTION BOARD - 19mm PLYWOOD SHEATHING (SLOPED TO SUIT) ON WOOD SLEEPERS - STRUCTURAL ROOF JOIST SYSTEM - LONGBOARD SOFFIT SC1 TYPICAL ROOFTOP SCREEN ENCLOSURE - PRE-FINISHED 80% PERFORATED METAL PANEL ON UPPER HALF OF THE FRAMING - FULL HEIGHT 127x127 HSS POST @ 2000mm O.C. - 127x127 HSS TOP RAIL ARCHITECTURAL SCREENS F3 TYPICAL WOOD FRAME FLOOR AT OVERHANGS - FLOOR FINISH - 19mm PLYWOOD SHEATHING - STRUCTURAL FLOOR JOIST SYSTEM - MINERAL WOOL ACOUSTIC INS. TO FILL ENTIRE CAVITY - 16mm DENSGLASS - LONGBOARD SOFFIT (VENTED) PARKING REQUIREMENTS (& SHORT-TERM BICYCLE REQUIREMENT) LOCATION REQUIRED PROPOSED LEVEL 1 - COMMERCIAL USE (GROUP E) (915m2/ 25) (SEE NOTE 5)37 37 LEVEL 2 - OFFICE USE (GROUP D) (1 140m2/ 40) (SEE NOTE 6)29 26 TOTAL 66 60 (INTERIM) 63 (WEST ACCESS) PORTION OF ACCESSIBLE PARKING REQUIRED FOR DISABLED PERSONS 1 1 OFF-STREET LOADING BAY REQUIREMENT 1 1 SHORT-TERM BICYCLE PARKING REQUIREMENT (SEE NOTE 7)12 12 RE-ZONING & DP FOR SERVICE COMMERCIAL: CS-1 LOT NUMBER 44 (12791- 232nd STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, BC REQUIREMENT (min./max.)PROPOSED LOT AREA 668m2 (min.)3 574m2 (SEE NOTE 1) LOT WIDTH 18m (min.)61.38m LOT DEPTH 36m (min.)66.4m LOT COVERAGE BUILDING 40.0% (max.)24.9% (SEE NOTE 2) BUILDING HEIGHT 7.5m (max.)8.5m FRONTAL SETBACK 9.0m (min.)5.67m CANOPY 6.92m BUILDING EXTERIOR SETBACK 7.5m (min.)7.5m REAR SETBACK 6.05m (min.)19.8m INTERIOR SETBACK 3.0m (min.)20.6m GREEN COVERAGE 5.0% (min.)16.5% (SEE NOTE 3) LANDSCAPE STRIP 1.5m (min.)1.5m SITE STATISTICS GROSS FLOOR AREA LOCATION m2 (s.m.)f2 (s.f.) LEVEL 1 915 9 850 LEVEL 2 1 140 12 270 TOTAL 2 055 22 120 DENSITY RATIO (SEE NOTE 4)0.57 CONSULTANT AND DRAWING LIST 01 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY LOT 44 WADE & ASSOCIATES LAND SURVEYING LTD. BC LAND SURVEYORS, MISSION MAPLE RIDGE PH: (604) 826-9561 OR (604) 463-4753 2 3 5 5 Dr a w i n g Pr o j e c t Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Sh e e t N u m b e r Is s u e d F o r Is s u e D a t e GL O B A L R E V I S I O N S L I S T * NO . D A T E D E S C R I P T I O N Pl o t D a t e : Fi l e P a t h : *S h e e t c h a n g e s c l o u d e d a n d t a g g e d r e s p e c t i v e l y . ## Th i s p l a n a n d d e s i g n a r e t h e e x c l u s i v e p r o p e r t y o f Th i n k s p a c e A r c h i t e c t u r e ® P l a n n i n g I n t e r i o r D e s i g n (T h i n k s p a c e ) a n d c a n n o t b e u s e d o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t wr i t t e n c o n s e n t o f Th i n k s p a c e . T h i s o f f i c e s h a l l b e in f o r m e d o f a n y v a r i a t i o n s f r o m t h e i n f o r m a t i o n s h o w n on t h i s d r a w i n g . D o n o t s c a l e d r a w i n g s . Co p y r i g h t R e s e r v e d Th i n k s p a c e , a p a r t n e r s h i p o f : Da v i d L e e B l a n c h a r d , A r c h i t e c t A I B C To d d D u s t , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A He n k K a m p m a n , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Le o n a r d R o d r i g u e s , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Ra y W o l f e , A r c h i t e c t A I B C 19 7 6 2 23 2 n d S T . C O M M E R C I A L D E V E V E L O P M E N T RE - Z O N I N G S E R V I C E C O M M E R C I A L : C S - 1 12 7 9 1 2 3 2 n d S T R E E T , M A P L E R I D G E , B C RE - Z O N I N G C S - 1 20 2 0 - 0 2 - 0 7 1 2 0 2 0 - 1 2 - 1 7 R E S U B M I S S I O N 2 2 0 2 1 - 0 4 - 2 6 P A R K I N G U P D A T E 3 2 0 2 1 - 0 6 - 0 3 W E S T E R N L O T S 4 2 0 2 1 - 0 7 - 0 8 E A S E M E N T & T E M P P A R K I N G 5 2 0 2 1 - 0 8 - 2 0 A D P S U B M I S S I O N -- - - f: \ 1 9 7 6 2 2 3 2 s t . c o m m e r c i a l d e v e l o p m e n t \ 2 . 0 d r a w i n g s \ 2 . 1 c u r r e n t d r a w i n g s \ 1 . a r c h i t e c t u r e \ 1 . c a d \ 1 9 7 6 2 a 2 . 0 1 r o o f p l a n . d w g A0 . 2 1 SU R V E Y P L A N 1: 3 0 0 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY OF LOT 44 SECTION 20 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 30199 SCALE 1 : 250 AlL DISfANCES NIE IN MITRES AND DECIMALS THEREOF UNLESS OTHERWISE INOICAffD. 5 2.5 0 5 10 CIVIC ADDRESS: 12791 232 STREET, MAPLE RIDGE PARCEL IDENTIFIER: 003-269-4 77 " 43 Plan 30199 • FIR 0.50 950 RR 0.50 951 I FIR 0.50 952 FIR 0.50 95J RR 0.50 954 .FIR 0.50 955 ' FIR 0.50 956 RR 0.50 957 FIR 0.50 958 , RR 0,50 9:N--,i RR 0.20 960 \ FIR 0.50 961 RR 0.80 962 Proposed 1ccess • 128 AVENUE 60.J7 44 Plan 30199 MH-S4!/JTNIY .,., ,. '7 NE: 13.50 SE: 13.50 W: IJ.50 '" )(\t· MH-S4!/ITARY ~ .. , . ., N: /J.60 SW: IJ.52 "" (\~ • PINE o.60 963 ,.;/0 _,PINE 0.70 964 ,0 .:"_AWER 0.70 969:;i_. -'-"_•'>' ________ __,,_-:::---------,·I.!;;---, ,----a'mf,· _s .. o.,.6._f _______ .., ·"''------.i.,r!,1-. '-~' '1--::-1 0 NUT D70 --co~oN 0.70~968"--,, ' • -'-PINE 0.80 966 '" ,~ PINE 0.60 965 CEO/if/ 0.90 967 8 Plan 5467 L£.GENQ SYMBOLS DESCRIPTION E-ANCHOR WIRE "" CATCH BASIN • GAS VALVE .. ll LAMP STANDARD @ MANHOLE -DRAIN/STORM ® MANHOLE -SANITARY • POWER/UTIUTY POL£ -"I!" STREET SIGN .. WATER VALVE LOT DIMENSIONS DERIVED F_ROM Plan 30199 ELEVATIONS ARE IN METRES (GEODET/C) ELE\IA TIONS REFERENCED TO MONUMEN~ 84H0055 ELEVATION: 18.359m CVD28GVRD2018 WADE & ASSOC/A TES LAND SURVEYING LTD. BC LAND SURVEYORS MISSION & MAPLE RIDGE PHONE: (604) 826-9561 OR 463-4753 FILE: HJ071 01 R3 PREPARED FOR: ALMA JONES CHARGE(S) ON rm£ WITHOUr REFERENCE TD SURVEY PlANS THAT IIAY AFFECT IMPROVEMENfS: BK2T6980 STATIJTOn'Y RIGHT or WAY i 0 ~ cl' ~ 0 "-•' -1>· MH-SfORM DUJ tR 7n N: 17.62 S: 17.62 SW: 17.67 .,, "t~- I I ' I I MH-SfORM RIM 1R.'" £: 17.78 w.-17.77 MH-STORM RI/J 1a t::."1 N.-17.6J [: 17.61 s.-16.94 MH-STORM 011,1 '" " £.-17.72 cl-( i), •• ,(o~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I 1 I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I t,,9- @,,P S. P. WADE, BCLS OAT[ or SURVEY: MAY 30, 2019 DATE or SURVEY; AUGUST 26, 2020 <J C en Vl OJ -0 L 0 L OJ ...., C ~ en ~ C C C "' D.. OJ L ::, ...., u ~ OJ ...., ..c u L "' C ■ .c I r,.. ra ~ '-! .... a., ... er: ra m .._ ., >~ _c u .c a) "'! !t -!t ~ !t L L CO ::, "' LJ) .... co r-1 ...., co OJ Ln Q) L- .._, "' <11 C 1.0 <t'. -N - LJ) co .-<N r-1 0 co en r-1 .... co 0 Ln .... -' "' oC oe m ,.. SIGNAGE SIGNAGE MAINPROFESSIONALBUILDING SIGNAGE. SIGNAGE SIGNAGE 12791 OPEN TOPARKING SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE MAINPROFESSIONALBUILDINGSIGNAGE. 232nd STREET 128th AVENUE 23 2 n d S T R E E T 12 8 t h A V E N U E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E METRES12915 Dr a w i n g Pr o j e c t Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Sh e e t N u m b e r Is s u e d F o r Is s u e D a t e GL O B A L R E V I S I O N S L I S T * NO . D A T E D E S C R I P T I O N Pl o t D a t e : Fi l e P a t h : *S h e e t c h a n g e s c l o u d e d a n d t a g g e d r e s p e c t i v e l y . ## Th i s p l a n a n d d e s i g n a r e t h e e x c l u s i v e p r o p e r t y o f Th i n k s p a c e A r c h i t e c t u r e ® P l a n n i n g I n t e r i o r D e s i g n (T h i n k s p a c e ) a n d c a n n o t b e u s e d o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t wr i t t e n c o n s e n t o f Th i n k s p a c e . T h i s o f f i c e s h a l l b e in f o r m e d o f a n y v a r i a t i o n s f r o m t h e i n f o r m a t i o n s h o w n on t h i s d r a w i n g . D o n o t s c a l e d r a w i n g s . Co p y r i g h t R e s e r v e d Th i n k s p a c e , a p a r t n e r s h i p o f : Da v i d L e e B l a n c h a r d , A r c h i t e c t A I B C To d d D u s t , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A He n k K a m p m a n , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Le o n a r d R o d r i g u e s , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Ra y W o l f e , A r c h i t e c t A I B C 19 7 6 2 23 2 n d S T . C O M M E R C I A L D E V E V E L O P M E N T RE - Z O N I N G S E R V I C E C O M M E R C I A L : C S - 1 12 7 9 1 2 3 2 n d S T R E E T , M A P L E R I D G E , B C RE - Z O N I N G C S - 1 20 2 0 - 0 2 - 0 7 1 2 0 2 0 - 1 2 - 1 7 R E S U B M I S S I O N 2 2 0 2 1 - 0 4 - 2 6 P A R K I N G U P D A T E 3 2 0 2 1 - 0 6 - 0 3 W E S T E R N L O T S 4 2 0 2 1 - 0 7 - 0 8 E A S E M E N T & T E M P P A R K I N G 5 2 0 2 1 - 0 8 - 2 0 A D P S U B M I S S I O N -- - - f: \ 1 9 7 6 2 2 3 2 s t . c o m m e r c i a l d e v e l o p m e n t \ 2 . 0 d r a w i n g s \ 2 . 1 c u r r e n t d r a w i n g s \ 1 . a r c h i t e c t u r e \ 1 . c a d \ 1 9 7 6 2 a 2 . 0 1 r o o f p l a n . d w g A0 . 2 2 ST R E E T S C A P E S 0 63 1 A0.22 STREETSCAPE - 128 AVENUE LOOKING SOUTH 1:250 2 A0.22 STREETSCAPE - 232 STREET LOOKING SOUTH 1:250 I • I • ;I ,'-_ ,, _,!. \I •~; , ii I • I • I I • I • I • I • I • I • I • I I \l_J I ':-: •:.,, i \J ( "~,__:_ I - <J ■ .J:: C en Vl Ill "'CJ L 0 L Ill ..., C en C C C "' 0.. Ill L ::, ..., u Ill ..., ..c ~ "' r,.. ra ~ '-! .... a., ... er: ra m .._ ., >~ _c u .c a) "'! !t -!t ~ !t L L CO "' .... ::, LJ) ..., Ill Q) co r'1 co Ln ;:: ~ <11 C 1.0 <t'. -N - LJ) co .-<N r'1 0 co en r'1 .... co 0 Ln .... -"' oC oe m ,.. Dr a w i n g Pr o j e c t Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Sh e e t N u m b e r Is s u e d F o r Is s u e D a t e GL O B A L R E V I S I O N S L I S T * NO . DA T E DE S C R I P T I O N Pl o t D a t e : Fi l e P a t h : *S h e e t c h a n g e s c l o u d e d a n d t a g g e d r e s p e c t i v e l y . ## Th i s pl a n an d de s i g n ar e th e ex c l u s i v e pr o p e r t y of Th i n k s p a c e Ar c h i t e c t u r e ® Pl a n n i n g In t e r i o r De s i g n (T h i n k s p a c e ) an d ca n n o t be us e d or re p r o d u c e d wi t h o u t wr i t t e n co n s e n t of Th i n k s p a c e . Th i s of f i c e sh a l l be in f o r m e d of an y va r i a t i o n s fr o m th e in f o r m a t i o n sh o w n on t h i s d r a w i n g . D o n o t s c a l e d r a w i n g s . Co p y r i g h t R e s e r v e d Th i n k s p a c e , a p a r t n e r s h i p o f : Da v i d L e e B l a n c h a r d , A r c h i t e c t A I B C To d d D u s t , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A He n k K a m p m a n , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Le o n a r d R o d r i g u e s , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Ra y W o l f e , A r c h i t e c t A I B C 19 7 6 2 23 2 n d S T . C O M M E R C I A L D E V E V E L O P M E N T RE - Z O N I N G S E R V I C E C O M M E R C I A L : C S - 1 12 7 9 1 2 3 2 n d S T R E E T , M A P L E R I D G E , B C RE - Z O N I N G C S - 1 20 2 0 - 0 2 - 0 7 1 20 2 0 - 1 2 - 1 7 RE S U B M I S S I O N 2 20 2 1 - 0 4 - 2 6 PA R K I N G U P D A T E 3 20 2 1 - 0 6 - 0 3 WE S T E R N L O T S 4 20 2 1 - 0 7 - 0 8 EA S E M E N T & T E M P P A R K I N G 5 20 2 1 - 0 8 - 2 0 AD P S U B M I S S I O N -- - - f: \ 1 9 7 6 2 2 3 2 s t . c o m m e r c i a l d e v e l o p m e n t \ 2 . 0 d r a w i n g s \ 2 . 1 c u r r e n t d r a w i n g s \ 1 . a r c h i t e c t u r e \ 1 . c a d \ 1 9 7 6 2 a 2 . 0 1 r o o f p l a n . d w g A0 . 2 3 CO N T E X T P H O T O S 232 STREET & 128 AVENUE INTERSECTION - SOUTH EAST 232 STREET & 128 AVENUE INTERSECTION - SOUTH WEST (SITE)232 STREET & 128 AVENUE INTERSECTION - NORTH WEST 232 STREET & 128 AVENUE INTERSECTION - NORTH EAST 128 AVENUE (NORTH) - 23121 & 23161 128 AVENUE 128 AVENUE (SOUTH) - 12784 232 STREET 232 STREET (EAST) - 12854 & 12834 232 STREET 232 STREET (WEST) - 12761 232 STREET 128 AVENUE (NORTH) - 23161 128 AVENUE & 12815 232 STREET 128 AVENUE (NORTH) - 12815 232 STREET 128 AVENUE (NORTH) - 12814 232 STREET 128 AVENUE (SOUTH) - 12791 232 STREET (PROPOSED SITE)128 AVENUE (SOUTH) - 23154 128 AVENUE 128 AVENUE (SOUTH) - 23154 128 AVENUE 232 STREET (EAST) - 12814 232 STREET 232 STREET (EAST) - 12784 232 STREET 232 STREET (EAST) - 12760 232 STREET 232 STREET (WEST) - 12791 232 STREET (PROPOSED SITE)232 STREET (WEST) - 12815 232 STREET 232 STREET (WEST) - 12831 232 STREET X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 128th AVENUE 23 2 n d S T R E E T RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL/SERVICE RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL/SERVICE RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL 2ND STORY OUTLINE (TYP.) EDGE OF EXISTING PAVEMENT SEE SURVEY PLAN (A0.21) EXISTING PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE RELOCATED FOR ROAD-WIDENING ALLOWANCE FENCE EXISTING PROPERTY LINE FENCE PR O P E R T Y L I N E 6 2 . 3 0 5 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 6 1 . 3 3 0 M PROPERTY LINE 57.610M 7500 SETBACK27850 3000 1500 19 SM18 27 35 45 63 46 SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM 2.75% 2.75% 0. 5 % 2.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.8 % 0.8 % DG18. 3 0 C B 18.30M DG 18 . 7 5 M D G 18.75M DG 18. 7 5 M 0.5% EX I S T I N G S I D E W A L K PROPERTY LINE 54,355M CB18 . 3 5 M D G 1 8 . 4 0 M DG18.4 0 M DG 18. 7 5 M DG 18 . 7 5 M DG 18.75M DG 18.75M EX I S T I N G S I D E W A L K EX I S T I N G S I D E W A L K SIDEWALKEXISTING SIDEWALK 128th AVENUE 23 2 n d S T R E E T EX I S T I N G S I D E W A L K EXISTING SIDEWALK SM E G 18.33M EG 18.50M EG17.5 6 M E G 17 . 5 7 M TOS 18.90M 26 EG18 . 1 0 M FIRE HYDRANT 19-003 SI D E W A L K A F T E R R O A D - W I D E N I N G TERRACE TE R R A C E TE R R A C E LOADING STORM WATER DETENTION AND FILTRATION FACILITY NEW FIRE HYDRANT D G 18.26M DG 18 . 6 0 M LOCATION OF BUS STOP AFTER ROAD-WIDENING CANOPY ABOVE (TYP) 47 DG18.7 5 M DG 18 . 7 5 M 0.8%0.8% 135° 1 3 6 ° LOCATION OF BUS STOP LOCATION OF BUS STOP LOCATION OF BICYCLE RACK (6 SPACES) LOCATION OF BICYCLE RACK (6 SPACES) PROPOSED 2-STORY COMMERCIAL BUILDING 27 2 5 0 T O F . H . FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION ANNUNCIATOR PANEL ACCESSIBLE CURB RAMP PROPOSED STREET TREES TYP. WASTE MANAGEMENT ENCLOSED AREA WITH ROOF ON CONCRETE SLAB 34 SIDEWALK HORSE TRAIL BOULEVARD ENTRY/EXIT FIRETRUCK ACCESS ROUTE X X TEMPORARY FENCE TO MATCH NEW FENCE HATCHED AREA DEPICTS ACCESS EASEMENT FOR FUTURE CONNECTION TO THE WEST CB18 . 5 0 M 01 5500 MIN. 7300 5500 1500 22090 SETBACK 21 0 7 5 SE T B A C K 34 2 8 5 15 0 0 355 2400 15 0 0 55 0 0 DR I V E A I S L E MI N . 7 3 0 0 50 0 0 15 0 0 1500 3460 15 0 0 34 9 0 17345 79 8 0 87 6 0 19 9 5 33 5 0 R = 45M 36 6 0 35 0 0 70 0 0 6135 20 0 0 30 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 33 0 0 (3 3 0 0 ) 60 0 33 0 0 20 0 0 6000 14 6 5 5 S E T B A C K 40 9 0 5 12 5 0 56 7 0 S E T B A C K 69 1 5 S E T B A C K PARKING (3 STALLS) AND LANDSCAPE PENINSULA TO BE CONSTRUCTED AFTER WEST ACCESS IS IMPLEMENTED. (HATCHED AREA) Dr a w i n g Pr o j e c t Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Sh e e t N u m b e r Is s u e d F o r Is s u e D a t e GL O B A L R E V I S I O N S L I S T * NO . DA T E DE S C R I P T I O N Pl o t D a t e : Fi l e P a t h : *S h e e t c h a n g e s c l o u d e d a n d t a g g e d r e s p e c t i v e l y . ## Th i s pl a n an d de s i g n ar e th e ex c l u s i v e pr o p e r t y of Th i n k s p a c e Ar c h i t e c t u r e ® Pl a n n i n g In t e r i o r De s i g n (T h i n k s p a c e ) an d ca n n o t be us e d or re p r o d u c e d wi t h o u t wr i t t e n co n s e n t of Th i n k s p a c e . Th i s of f i c e sh a l l be in f o r m e d of an y va r i a t i o n s fr o m th e in f o r m a t i o n sh o w n on t h i s d r a w i n g . D o n o t s c a l e d r a w i n g s . Co p y r i g h t R e s e r v e d Th i n k s p a c e , a p a r t n e r s h i p o f : Da v i d L e e B l a n c h a r d , A r c h i t e c t A I B C To d d D u s t , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A He n k K a m p m a n , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Le o n a r d R o d r i g u e s , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Ra y W o l f e , A r c h i t e c t A I B C 19 7 6 2 23 2 n d S T . C O M M E R C I A L D E V E V E L O P M E N T RE - Z O N I N G S E R V I C E C O M M E R C I A L : C S - 1 12 7 9 1 2 3 2 n d S T R E E T , M A P L E R I D G E , B C RE - Z O N I N G C S - 1 20 2 0 - 0 2 - 0 7 1 20 2 0 - 1 2 - 1 7 RE S U B M I S S I O N 2 20 2 1 - 0 4 - 2 6 PA R K I N G U P D A T E 3 20 2 1 - 0 6 - 0 3 WE S T E R N L O T S 4 20 2 1 - 0 7 - 0 8 EA S E M E N T & T E M P P A R K I N G 5 20 2 1 - 0 8 - 2 0 AD P S U B M I S S I O N -- - - f: \ 1 9 7 6 2 2 3 2 s t . c o m m e r c i a l d e v e l o p m e n t \ 2 . 0 d r a w i n g s \ 2 . 1 c u r r e n t d r a w i n g s \ 1 . a r c h i t e c t u r e \ 1 . c a d \ 1 9 7 6 2 a 2 . 0 1 r o o f p l a n . d w g A0 . 3 1 SI T E P L A N 1: 3 0 0 N LEGEND LANDSCAPING DEDICATED PARKING AREA BUILDING FOOTPRINT PAVERS TYPE 1 PAVERS TYPE 2 SMALL CARS ONLY BUILDING ACCESS POINT VEHICULAR ACCESS POINT SM 0 63 METRES12915 FIRE TRUCK ACCESS ROUTE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS POINT TENANT ACCESS POINT PROJECT STATISTICS LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT 44, SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 12, NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 30199 PARCEL IDENTIFIER:003-269-477 STREET ADDRESS:12791, 232nd STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, BC, CANADA EXISTING ZONING:RS-2 - ONE FAMILY SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED ZONING:CS-1 - SERVICE COMMERCIAL OCCUPANCY TYPE:LEVEL 1: E MERCANTILE (MOST RESTRICTIVE) LEVEL 2: D BUSINESS AND PERSONAL SERVICES PROPERTY DATA NOTES: 1.BASED ON NEW PROPERTY LINES 2.LEVEL 1 GROSS AREA / LOT AREA = BUILDING LOT COVERAGE (915m2 / 3 574m2) = 25.6% 3.TOTAL GREEN SPACE / LOT AREA = GREEN COVERAGE (605m2/ 3 574m2) = 16.9% 4.TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA / LOT AREA = DENSITY RATIO (2 055m2/ 3 574m2) = 0.57 5.RETAIL, WHOLESALE OR PERSONAL SERVICE COMMERCIAL IN THE CS-1, CS-3, CS-4, C-4 OR C-4a ZONE = 1 PARKING STALL PER 25m2/ GROSS FLOOR AREA 6.OFFICE = 1 PARKING STALL PER 40m2/ GROSS FLOOR AREA 7.SHORT-TERM BICYCLE PARKING REQUIREMENT = 6 SPACES FOR EVERY 1500m2 TOTAL GLOSS FLOOR AREA = 2 055m2 SHORT-TERM BICYCLE PARKING REQUIREMENT = 12 SPACES PARKING REQUIREMENTS (& SHORT-TERM BICYCLE REQUIREMENT) LOCATION REQUIRED PROPOSED LEVEL 1 - COMMERCIAL USE (GROUP E) (915m2/ 25) (SEE NOTE 5)37 37 LEVEL 2 - OFFICE USE (GROUP D) (1 140m2/ 40) (SEE NOTE 6)29 26 TOTAL 66 60 (INTERIM) 63 (WEST ACCESS) PORTION OF ACCESSIBLE PARKING REQUIRED FOR DISABLED PERSONS 1 1 OFF-STREET LOADING BAY REQUIREMENT 1 1 REQUIREMENT SHORT-TERM BICYCLE PARKING (SEE NOTE 7)12 12 RE-ZONING & DP FOR SERVICE COMMERCIAL: CS-1 LOT NUMBER 44 (12791- 232nd STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, BC REQUIREMENT (min./max.)PROPOSED LOT AREA 668m2 (min.)3 574m2 (SEE NOTE 1) LOT WIDTH 18m (min.)57.4m LOT DEPTH 36m (min.)62.3m LOT COVERAGE BUILDING 40.0% (max.)25.6% (SEE NOTE 2) BUILDING HEIGHT 7.7m (max.)5.8m FRONTAL SETBACK 9.0m (min.)5.67m CANOPY 6.92m BUILDING EXTERIOR SETBACK 7.5m (min.)7.5m REAR SETBACK 6.05m (min.)19.8m INTERIOR SETBACK 3.0m (min.)20.6m GREEN COVERAGE 5.0% (min.)16.9% (SEE NOTE 3) LANDSCAPE STRIP 1.5m (min.)1.5m SITE STATISTICS GROSS FLOOR AREA LOCATION m2 (s.m.)f2 (s.f.) LEVEL 1 915 9 850 LEVEL 2 1 140 12 270 TOTAL 2 055 22 120 DENSITY RATIO (SEE NOTE 4)0.57 0 63 5 5 5 555 5 5 5 5 2 34 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X FENCE 19 SM18 27 35 45 63 46 SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM 2.75% 2.75% 0. 5 % 2.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0. 8 % 0. 8 % DG18. 3 0 CB 18.30M D G 18 . 7 5 M DG 1 8 . 7 5 M DG18.7 5 M 0.5% CB18.3 5 M D G 1 8 . 4 0 M DG18.4 0 M DG18. 7 5 M DG18. 7 5 M D G 1 8 . 7 5 M D G 18 . 7 5 M SM E G 18 . 3 3 M E G 18.50M EG 17 . 5 6 M EG 17.57M TOS 18.90M 26 EG 18. 1 0 M LOADING DG 18.26M DG 18.60M 47 DG18.7 5 M DG18.7 5 M 0.8%0.8% 27 2 5 0 T O F . H . WASTE MANAGEMENT ENCLOSED AREA WITH ROOF ON CONCRETE SLAB 34 ENTRY/EXIT X X CB18 . 5 0 M 01 14 6 5 5 S E T B A C K 40 9 0 5 12 5 0 56 7 0 S E T B A C K 69 1 5 S E T B A C K 103 TENANT 1200 s.m. / 2 155 s.f. 106 TENANT 4 175 s.m. / 1 880 s.f. 104 TENANT 2205 s.m. / 2 205 s.f. 105 TENANT 3 195 s.m. / 2 100 s.f. 100 ELEC ROOM20 s.m. / 215 s.f 101 SPRINKLER 102 COMMON SPACE115 s.m. / 1 240 s.f. NEW FIRE HYDRANT LOCATION OF BICYCLE RACK (6 SPACES) LOCATION OF BICYCLE RACK (6 SPACES) ACCESS AISLE STORM WATER DETENTION AND FILTRATION FACILITY (SEE CIVIL) BOULEVARD HORSE TRAIL SIDEWALK BOULEVARD HORSE TRAIL SIDEWALK BOULEVARD SIDEWALK EXISTING PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE RELOCATED FOR ROAD-WIDENING ALLOWANCE EXISTING PROPERTY LINE LOCATION OF BUS STOP AFTER ROAD-WIDENING PROPOSED STREET TREES TYP. EDGE OF PROPOSED EDGE OF PAVEMENT AND CURBS (SEE CIVIL) 20 0 0 5000 300 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 73 0 0 M I N . D R I V E A I S L E 375024002400240024002400240024002400240024002400 65 7 0 25 5 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 35 0 0 15 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 7300 DRIVE ISLE 6000 FIRE TRUCK ACCESS ROUTE 9470 25 0 0 51 5 0 15 0 0 14 6 2 0 51 2 0 10 5 5 0 40 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 2715 1575 2945 3655 14720 3470 175530 0 0 15 0 0 40 8 0 75 7 5 42 8 5 36 6 0 31 3 5 76 8 0 38 0 0 15 0 0 51 5 0 1500 27850 1500 15 0 0 1760 3000 25 0 0 55007300 MIN. DRIVE AISLE5500 50 0 0 55 0 0 15 4 0 35 0 0 2100 3000 D G 18 . 7 5 M CB18. 3 5 M DG18.4 0 M DG18. 7 5 M DG18. 7 5 M DG 18.26M 72 5 GAS METER ENCLOSURE FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION ANNUNCIATOR PANEL CURB STOP TYP. 297 0 320 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 BUS STOP SIDEWALK SIDEWALK SI D E W A L K REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR ALL PLANTING AREAS, PLANTS, TREES AND SITE LIGHTING (TYP) BUILT-IN BENCH (TYP) CONCRETE SEAT WALL (TYP) 23 2 n d S T R E E T 128th AVENUE SETBACK LINES LINE OF BUILDING ABOVE TEMPORARY FENCE TO MATCH NEW FENCE HATCHED AREA DEPICTS ACCESS EASEMENT FOR FUTURE CONNECTION TO THE WEST EXISTING FIR TREE TO REMAIN 34 0 0 22 5 0 15 0 0 14 6 0 5 S E T B A C K CANOPY CANOPY CANOPYCANOPY 1250 6020 SETBACK TO CANOPY 1250 6265 SETBACK TO CANOPY 1250 6395 SETBACK TO CANOPY 125020585 SETBACK TO CANOPY 125020700 SETBACK TO CANOPY 125020905 SETBACK TO CANOPY 25 0 0 25 0 0 PARKING (3 STALLS) AND LANDSCAPE PENINSULA TO BE CONSTRUCTED AFTER WEST ACCESS IS IMPLEMENTED. (HATCHED AREA) TEMPORARY TRUCK HAMMERHEAD UNTIL WEST ACCESS IS IMPLEMENTED Dr a w i n g Pr o j e c t Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Sh e e t N u m b e r Is s u e d F o r Is s u e D a t e GL O B A L R E V I S I O N S L I S T * NO . DA T E DE S C R I P T I O N Pl o t D a t e : Fi l e P a t h : *S h e e t c h a n g e s c l o u d e d a n d t a g g e d r e s p e c t i v e l y . ## Th i s pl a n an d de s i g n ar e th e ex c l u s i v e pr o p e r t y of Th i n k s p a c e Ar c h i t e c t u r e ® Pl a n n i n g In t e r i o r De s i g n (T h i n k s p a c e ) an d ca n n o t be us e d or re p r o d u c e d wi t h o u t wr i t t e n co n s e n t of Th i n k s p a c e . Th i s of f i c e sh a l l be in f o r m e d of an y va r i a t i o n s fr o m th e in f o r m a t i o n sh o w n on t h i s d r a w i n g . D o n o t s c a l e d r a w i n g s . Co p y r i g h t R e s e r v e d Th i n k s p a c e , a p a r t n e r s h i p o f : Da v i d L e e B l a n c h a r d , A r c h i t e c t A I B C To d d D u s t , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A He n k K a m p m a n , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Le o n a r d R o d r i g u e s , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Ra y W o l f e , A r c h i t e c t A I B C 19 7 6 2 23 2 n d S T . C O M M E R C I A L D E V E V E L O P M E N T RE - Z O N I N G S E R V I C E C O M M E R C I A L : C S - 1 12 7 9 1 2 3 2 n d S T R E E T , M A P L E R I D G E , B C RE - Z O N I N G C S - 1 20 2 0 - 0 2 - 0 7 1 20 2 0 - 1 2 - 1 7 RE S U B M I S S I O N 2 20 2 1 - 0 4 - 2 6 PA R K I N G U P D A T E 3 20 2 1 - 0 6 - 0 3 WE S T E R N L O T S 4 20 2 1 - 0 7 - 0 8 EA S E M E N T & T E M P P A R K I N G 5 20 2 1 - 0 8 - 2 0 AD P S U B M I S S I O N -- - - f: \ 1 9 7 6 2 2 3 2 s t . c o m m e r c i a l d e v e l o p m e n t \ 2 . 0 d r a w i n g s \ 2 . 1 c u r r e n t d r a w i n g s \ 1 . a r c h i t e c t u r e \ 1 . c a d \ 1 9 7 6 2 a 2 . 0 1 r o o f p l a n . d w g A0 . 3 2 EN L A R G E D S I T E P L A N 1: 1 2 5 N LEGEND 0 21 METRES435 50 0 0 LANDSCAPING DEDICATED PARKING AREA BUILDING FOOTPRINT PAVERS TYPE 1 PAVERS TYPE 2 SMALL CARS ONLY BUILDING ACCESS POINT AND VEHICULAR ACCESS POINT SM PEDESTRIAN ACCESS POINT TENANT ACCESS POINT 5 55 5 5 5 3 5 4 5 5 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 CANOPY CANOPY CANOPY 2ND STORY OUTLINE 2ND STORY OUTLINE 103 TENANT 1200 s.m. / 2 155 s.f. 106 TENANT 4 175 s.m. / 1 880 s.f. 104 TENANT 2205 s.m. / 2 205 s.f. 105 TENANT 3 195 s.m. / 2 100 s.f. CANOPY 100 ELEC ROOM 20 s.m. / 215 s.f 101 SPRINKLER 102 COMMON SPACE115 s.m. / 1 240 s.f. VEST. ELEVATOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE COLUMN (1.5HR F.R.R.) (TYP.) 81008100 350925086509250350 60 6 0 20 3 0 20 1 0 20 0 0 69 5 0 15 0 0 35 0 0 49 5 14 6 2 0 51 2 0 10 5 5 0 40 0 0 3000 8395 5055 8395 80100657555988080 9495 21 7 0 295 65 6 0 14 6 2 0 36 6 0 12 0 1 0 40 0 0 24 5 60 0 57 1 5 75 6 0 20 3 0 37 6 0 20 0 0 C L R . 12 7 0 35 6 0 69 5 0 15 0 0 35 0 0 50 0 EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT GA S M E T E R S DECORATIVE METAL GATE 3000 SHAFT 65 6 0 21 0 0 1760 2260 5840 1460 5210 1460 8100 1760 900 860 860 3275 22 4 0 13 6 0 12 4 0 20 0 0 C L R . 24 0 0 10 4 0 5840 4020 95 35 0 300 TYP. WINDOWS TYPE A WINDOWS TYPE A WINDOWS TYPE AWINDOWS TYPE A WI N D O W S T Y P E A WI N D O W S T Y P E A WI N D O W S T Y P E A WI N D O W S T Y P E A WI N D O W S T Y P E A WI N D O W S T Y P E A D.T.= 18924D.T.= 17775 D.T.= 16414m D.T.= 16414 14 5 0 14 5 0 30 0 0 95 95 40 8 5 0 27850 95 D. T . = 2 4 5 3 5 D. T . = 3 0 6 0 9 D. T . = 1 9 9 8 4 60 0 TY P . OCCUPANT LOAD : 48 GROUP E OCCUPANCY (MERCANTILE) OCCUPANT LOAD : 53 GROUP E OCCUPANCY (MERCANTILE) OCCUPANT LOAD : 56 GROUP E OCCUPANCY (MERCANTILE) OCCUPANT LOAD : 55 GROUP E OCCUPANCY (MERCANTILE) 1 5 A B C 2 3 4 A3.01 1 A3.01 2 A3.02 2 A3.02 1 2 A4.01 1 A4.02 2 A4.02 1 A4.01 20 9 9 5 20 6 5 32 4 0 14 3 6 0 95 95 13830 1383095 94 D. T . = 2 6 6 8 5 CANOPY CANOPY BULKHEAD ABOVE BULKHEAD ABOVE WASHROOM(SEE NOTE 1) WASHROOM(SEE NOTE 1) WASHROOM(SEE NOTE 1) WASHROOM(SEE NOTE 1) EXIT EXIT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION UP 20 R @170 19T@280+25NOSING UP 20 R @170 19T@280+25NOSING STAIR1STAIR2 EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT WATER CURTAIN (BOTH SIDES OF GLAZING) EXTERIOR WALL (1.5HR F.R.R.) EXTERIOR WALL (1.5HR F.R.R.) EXTERIOR WALL (1.5HR F.R.R.) WATER CURTAIN (BOTH SIDES OF GLAZING) CEILING AT COVERED PARKING (1HR F.R.R.) (HATCHED AREA) FIRE ALARM PANEL A1 . 0 1 LE V E L 1 F L O O R P L A N 1: 1 0 0 GROSS FLOOR AREA (LEVEL 1) - OCCUPANCY GROUP E NAME ROOM #m2 (s.m.)f2 (s.f.) ELECTRICAL ROOM 100 20 215 SPRINKLER ROOM 101 5 55 COMMON SPACE 102 115 1 240 TENANT 1 103 200 2 155 TENANT 2 104 205 2 205 TENANT 3 105 195 2 100 TENANT 4 106 175 1 880 TOTAL 915 9 850 PROJECT STATISTICS Dr a w i n g Pr o j e c t Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Sh e e t N u m b e r Is s u e d F o r Is s u e D a t e GL O B A L R E V I S I O N S L I S T * NO . D A T E D E S C R I P T I O N Pl o t D a t e : Fi l e P a t h : *S h e e t c h a n g e s c l o u d e d a n d t a g g e d r e s p e c t i v e l y . ## Th i s p l a n a n d d e s i g n a r e t h e e x c l u s i v e p r o p e r t y o f Th i n k s p a c e A r c h i t e c t u r e ® P l a n n i n g I n t e r i o r D e s i g n (T h i n k s p a c e ) a n d c a n n o t b e u s e d o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t wr i t t e n c o n s e n t o f Th i n k s p a c e . T h i s o f f i c e s h a l l b e in f o r m e d o f a n y v a r i a t i o n s f r o m t h e i n f o r m a t i o n s h o w n on t h i s d r a w i n g . D o n o t s c a l e d r a w i n g s . Co p y r i g h t R e s e r v e d Th i n k s p a c e , a p a r t n e r s h i p o f : Da v i d L e e B l a n c h a r d , A r c h i t e c t A I B C To d d D u s t , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A He n k K a m p m a n , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Le o n a r d R o d r i g u e s , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Ra y W o l f e , A r c h i t e c t A I B C 19 7 6 2 23 2 n d S T . C O M M E R C I A L D E V E V E L O P M E N T RE - Z O N I N G S E R V I C E C O M M E R C I A L : C S - 1 12 7 9 1 2 3 2 n d S T R E E T , M A P L E R I D G E , B C RE - Z O N I N G C S - 1 20 2 0 - 0 2 - 0 7 1 2 0 2 0 - 1 2 - 1 7 R E S U B M I S S I O N 2 2 0 2 1 - 0 4 - 2 6 P A R K I N G U P D A T E 3 2 0 2 1 - 0 6 - 0 3 W E S T E R N L O T S 4 2 0 2 1 - 0 7 - 0 8 E A S E M E N T & T E M P P A R K I N G 5 2 0 2 1 - 0 8 - 2 0 A D P S U B M I S S I O N -- - - f: \ 1 9 7 6 2 2 3 2 s t . c o m m e r c i a l d e v e l o p m e n t \ 2 . 0 d r a w i n g s \ 2 . 1 c u r r e n t d r a w i n g s \ 1 . a r c h i t e c t u r e \ 1 . c a d \ 1 9 7 6 2 a 2 . 0 1 r o o f p l a n . d w g N 0 21 METRES435 NOTES: 1. WASHROOMS ARE SHOWN FOR INDICATION ONLY. REQUIREMENTS WILL BE STUDIED AND WASHROOMS WILL BE DESIGNED ACCORDINGLY AT A LATER STAGE. 5 5 5 55 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . e 0 • / / , / ~-------------7 ~ I I I /-\ '-., ...J ,-------------✓ I ·1 I I I I I L I I I A I \J I I I i _J D 7 I I I I r I I I I I 7 D ~-----~--1 -~-i--------~ : -_J L : I I I I I -_J I . . 0 ' ' ' ' ?- I () I I 7,f------,--~f-------- = --~~---~~.---~ ~~-,--=~ -1 ---....-1~ 11 .... 1 ~11 .... 1 ---- - -f------~ 1 I I I I I (/-D I I I I I I I / \ I I I I I I I I I - () . I I -i---I I I 1 1 I.,/: ii llliliii, ~ ---- ~ r-_;-~H~.__.........~----lllllllt-ic:::t-. _________ ., -n---i _______ ----t>_Ai,i C ~ '• . ,___,O e \_ ~\ : I ii ,: ;j I ,,_ l j l I I I t'. I I 11 11 • 1 1 .... 1 I I I I I _.. - I D ': L:.. I I I I I ~ d. / L I -!\, \ (.(~ D I I L 7 r _J ------~-r-1-------> E3J -~ ~ •< I : : h47 L_ I I I 1 I D I I I • I I I · · · /·,/-. · • ·. ·v-_·· .-./.-. .-. •"•/·. ---"• .-. /-/-. /"/ .... ---~•-· .-. ...... -. •""/" --,,-v"v"•l/"v·" -/. _\ _j L I I D = I °]Ea -_J ' i ~~ : \ /t ~\L~-------__,,_f--_----+--------+---------_j-+-->'-V-' ! I I I I I I ~ ) I I I . ' . V .l I ,H-I ,: , • D O □: [ ==, ====== ,.Q 'k--+-.--------+~,h-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----+-, _____ _,__ _ ___,__-'<---'> • I - I I / <J C r,.. ra en ~ u "vi "'""" cu OJ u -o c:: ra L m ... 0 ., ·;;:: > ~ OJ -C ..., ·-c u .c ·-en ~ en !t C ' it ·->-,. C QJ ;,, C L r<l L CO 0.. ::I -4' LJ) rl OJ co L -rl .a .... co u QJ Ln OJ QJ ._, L -·--4' ..c ..., C ~ V, U) "' <t'. -N - LJ) co rl N rl 0 co en .-1 rl co 0 Ln rl- ' -4' oC oe m ,.. 201 TENANT 5 215 s.m. / 2 215 s.f. 202 TENANT 6 215 s.m. / 2 215 s.f. 204 TENANT 8 280 s.m. / 3 065 s.f. 203 TENANT 7 290 s.m. / 3 120 s.f. SHAFT ELEVATOR ACCESS TO ROOF RD.RD. STAIR1STAIR2 40 6 0 23 0 0 23 0 0 23 0 0 23 0 0 37 5 0 23 0 0 20 4 5 35 0 0 35 5 0 69 5 0 15 0 0 23 5 0 16 4 5 30 7 5 39 3 0 49 4 5 10 5 5 5 59 9 5 47 5 0 12 5 0 23 9 5 25 5 5 40 0 0 3895 2300 2300 2300 3130 3130 2300 2300 2300 3895 13400 3555 13395 1600 1250 4400 2300 2300 2300 2625 2625 2300 2300 2300 4400 52 1 0 23 0 0 23 0 0 23 0 0 35 6 0 22 3 0 34 5 0 35 0 0 35 5 0 69 5 0 15 0 0 60 4 0 92 0 5 63 4 5 48 8 0 33 4 5 1250 1250 D. T . = 3 7 3 2 3 D. T . = 3 0 2 3 9 D. T . = 3 0 2 3 9 1460 5210 9860 5640 22 4 0 13 6 0 12 4 0 24 0 0 10 4 0 5840 4020 30 0 0 121510001915106520552200410 14 5 0 410 40 8 5 0 27850 OCCUPANT LOAD : 24 GROUP D OCCUPANCY (BUSINESS AND PERSONAL SERVICES) OCCUPANT LOAD : 24 GROUP D OCCUPANCY (BUSINESS AND PERSONAL SERVICES) OCCUPANT LOAD : 32 GROUP D OCCUPANCY (BUSINESS AND PERSONAL SERVICES) OCCUPANT LOAD : 31 GROUP D OCCUPANCY (BUSINESS AND PERSONAL SERVICES) 1 5 A B C 2 3 4 A3.01 1 A3.01 2 A3.02 2 A3.02 1 2 A4.01 1 A4.02 2 A4.02 1 A4.01 20 9 9 5 20 6 5 32 4 0 14 3 6 0 95 95 13830 1383095 94 D. T . = 2 9 8 0 8 D. T . = 2 9 8 0 8 D. T . = 3 3 2 1 1 D. T . = 3 3 2 1 1 D. T . = 3 7 3 2 3 WASHROOM(SEE NOTE 1) WASHROOM(SEE NOTE 1) WASHROOM(SEE NOTE 1) WASHROOM(SEE NOTE 1) BULKHEAD ABOVE BULKHEAD ABOVE SKYLIGHT ABOVE (TYP) BULKHEAD ABOVE BULKHEAD ABOVE 19 9 0 20 0 0 C L R . 14102200 1460 200 COMMON SPACE 135 sm / 1 455 sf 14 5 0 14 5 0 DN 20 R @170 19T@280+25NOSINGDN 20 R @170 19T@280+25NOSING 4020 5840 A1 . 0 2 LE V E L 2 F L O O R P L A N 1: 1 0 0 GROSS FLOOR AREA (LEVEL 2) - - OCCUPANCY GROUP D NAME ROOM #m2 (s.m.)f2 (s.f.) COMMON SPACE 200 135 1 455 TENANT 5 201 215 2 315 TENANT 6 202 215 2 315 TENANT 7 203 290 3 120 TENANT 8 204 285 3 065 TOTAL 1 140 12 270 PROJECT STATISTICS Dr a w i n g Pr o j e c t Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Sh e e t N u m b e r Is s u e d F o r Is s u e D a t e GL O B A L R E V I S I O N S L I S T * NO . D A T E D E S C R I P T I O N Pl o t D a t e : Fi l e P a t h : *S h e e t c h a n g e s c l o u d e d a n d t a g g e d r e s p e c t i v e l y . ## Th i s p l a n a n d d e s i g n a r e t h e e x c l u s i v e p r o p e r t y o f Th i n k s p a c e A r c h i t e c t u r e ® P l a n n i n g I n t e r i o r D e s i g n (T h i n k s p a c e ) a n d c a n n o t b e u s e d o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t wr i t t e n c o n s e n t o f Th i n k s p a c e . T h i s o f f i c e s h a l l b e in f o r m e d o f a n y v a r i a t i o n s f r o m t h e i n f o r m a t i o n s h o w n on t h i s d r a w i n g . D o n o t s c a l e d r a w i n g s . Co p y r i g h t R e s e r v e d Th i n k s p a c e , a p a r t n e r s h i p o f : Da v i d L e e B l a n c h a r d , A r c h i t e c t A I B C To d d D u s t , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A He n k K a m p m a n , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Le o n a r d R o d r i g u e s , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Ra y W o l f e , A r c h i t e c t A I B C 19 7 6 2 23 2 n d S T . C O M M E R C I A L D E V E V E L O P M E N T RE - Z O N I N G S E R V I C E C O M M E R C I A L : C S - 1 12 7 9 1 2 3 2 n d S T R E E T , M A P L E R I D G E , B C RE - Z O N I N G C S - 1 20 2 0 - 0 2 - 0 7 1 2 0 2 0 - 1 2 - 1 7 R E S U B M I S S I O N 2 2 0 2 1 - 0 4 - 2 6 P A R K I N G U P D A T E 3 2 0 2 1 - 0 6 - 0 3 W E S T E R N L O T S 4 2 0 2 1 - 0 7 - 0 8 E A S E M E N T & T E M P P A R K I N G 5 2 0 2 1 - 0 8 - 2 0 A D P S U B M I S S I O N -- - - f: \ 1 9 7 6 2 2 3 2 s t . c o m m e r c i a l d e v e l o p m e n t \ 2 . 0 d r a w i n g s \ 2 . 1 c u r r e n t d r a w i n g s \ 1 . a r c h i t e c t u r e \ 1 . c a d \ 1 9 7 6 2 a 2 . 0 1 r o o f p l a n . d w g Dr a w i n g Pr o j e c t Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Sh e e t N u m b e r Is s u e d F o r Is s u e D a t e GL O B A L R E V I S I O N S L I S T * NO . D A T E D E S C R I P T I O N Pl o t D a t e : Fi l e P a t h : *S h e e t c h a n g e s c l o u d e d a n d t a g g e d r e s p e c t i v e l y . ## Th i s p l a n a n d d e s i g n a r e t h e e x c l u s i v e p r o p e r t y o f Th i n k s p a c e A r c h i t e c t u r e ® P l a n n i n g I n t e r i o r D e s i g n (T h i n k s p a c e ) a n d c a n n o t b e u s e d o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t wr i t t e n c o n s e n t o f Th i n k s p a c e . T h i s o f f i c e s h a l l b e in f o r m e d o f a n y v a r i a t i o n s f r o m t h e i n f o r m a t i o n s h o w n on t h i s d r a w i n g . D o n o t s c a l e d r a w i n g s . Co p y r i g h t R e s e r v e d Th i n k s p a c e , a p a r t n e r s h i p o f : Da v i d L e e B l a n c h a r d , A r c h i t e c t A I B C To d d D u s t , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A He n k K a m p m a n , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Le o n a r d R o d r i g u e s , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Ra y W o l f e , A r c h i t e c t A I B C 19 7 6 2 23 2 n d S T . C O M M E R C I A L D E V E V E L O P M E N T RE - Z O N I N G S E R V I C E C O M M E R C I A L : C S - 1 12 7 9 1 2 3 2 n d S T R E E T , M A P L E R I D G E , B C RE - Z O N I N G C S - 1 20 2 0 - 0 2 - 0 7 1 2 0 2 0 - 1 2 - 1 7 R E S U B M I S S I O N 2 2 0 2 1 - 0 4 - 2 6 P A R K I N G U P D A T E 3 2 0 2 1 - 0 6 - 0 3 W E S T E R N L O T S 4 2 0 2 1 - 0 7 - 0 8 E A S E M E N T & T E M P P A R K I N G 5 2 0 2 1 - 0 8 - 2 0 A D P S U B M I S S I O N -- - - f: \ 1 9 7 6 2 2 3 2 s t . c o m m e r c i a l d e v e l o p m e n t \ 2 . 0 d r a w i n g s \ 2 . 1 c u r r e n t d r a w i n g s \ 1 . a r c h i t e c t u r e \ 1 . c a d \ 1 9 7 6 2 a 2 . 0 1 r o o f p l a n . d w g N 0 21 METRES435 NOTES: 1. WASHROOMS ARE SHOWN FOR INDICATION ONLY. REQUIREMENTS WILL BE STUDIED AND WASHROOMS WILL BE DESIGNED ACCORDINGLY AT A LATER STAGE. 5 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 " ' \___,J ', 0 ________;: I ) , I - ' I I I I / I I I I I L / / D /• / _J ' I I I I I I I I I 7 I I I I I e / / / I I ' r D r······················1······· ' ••• ···L ·····················1·········: .-: i' 1i~_J ~~ i' : 7 I / I ·1 I I I I ---=====ID / 11 ' !!:!!: !__ / \, I ~! :! :! ii: I i! i ,___ ■ ----... ---■ • r !i !i : I / - ~-: I ' • i y ti. 11 _: ~ I I I ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 I ---i--1111'-ric~ -------■--~-0----------..-~~--rll ' v v I ' I ' I / I --,; -.__ / .:1,, \I 1 L 7 I ~ : I =/·-/. ~•~!! ~. --=:------'< 1 D D J L 1 : I t I ; I /"L ' I I I I J . I ---~' 0 I <J e ~ ~ ~ C ■ .c I C en Vl OJ "CJ L 0 L OJ ..., C en C C C "' 0.. OJ L ::, ..., u OJ ..., ..c u L "' r--ra ~ '-! .... a., ... er: ra m .._ ., >~ _c u .c a) "'! !t -!t ~ !t L L CO ::, "' LJ) .... co r'1 ..., co OJ Ln Q) L- ,._, "' <11 C ID <t'. -N - LJ) co .-<N r'1 0 co en r'1 .... co 0 Ln .... -' "' oC oe m ,.. SLOPE 1:12 DNSLOPE 1:12DN 16 0 0 7515 3075 16 0 0 16004745 12 1 5 0 35 5 0 12 1 5 0 21025 19665 2 A4 . 0 1 2% M I N . 2% M I N . 2% M I N . 2% MIN. 2% M I N . 2% MIN.2% MIN. 2% MIN. RD . RD . SK Y L I G H T ( T Y P ) 63 . 4 4 63.4 4 RO O F HA T C H 15 A B C 234 A3 . 0 1 1A3 . 0 1 2 A3 . 0 2 2 A3 . 0 2 1 2 A4 . 0 1 1 A4 . 0 2 2 A4 . 0 2 1 A4 . 0 1 20995 2065 3240 14360 9595 13 8 3 0 13 8 3 0 95 94 X X X XX X X RO O F T O P ME C H . U N I T EL E V A T O R RO O M RD . 2% MIN. 2% MIN. RO O F R I D G E L I N E 42 2 0 32 7 5 23 6 5 17 9 9 0 2400 RD . RD . SLOPE 4:12DN 1055549453925 40850 27 8 5 0 7515 3345 12504745 20250 1055549455135 20595 SC 1 33 0 0 12 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 50 5 1 12 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 33 0 0 CR I C K E T 1 : 1 2 (T Y P ) 3155 RD . Drawing ProjectProject Number Sheet Number Issued For Issue Date GLOBAL REVISIONS LIST* NO. DATE DESCRIPTION Plot Date: File Path: *Sheet changes clouded and tagged respectively. ## This plan and design are the exclusive property of Thinkspace Architecture® Planning Interior Design (Thinkspace) and cannot be used or reproduced without written consent of Thinkspace. This office shall be informed of any variations from the information shown on this drawing. Do not scale drawings. Copyright Reserved Thinkspace, a partnership of: David Lee Blanchard, Architect AIBC Todd Dust, Architect AIBC, AAA Henk Kampman, Architect AIBC, AAA Leonard Rodrigues, Architect AIBC, AAA Ray Wolfe, Architect AIBC 19762 232nd ST. COMMERCIAL DEVEVELOPMENT RE-ZONING SERVICE COMMERCIAL: CS-1 232nd STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, BC RE-ZONING CS-1 2019-12-20 ----f:\19762 232 st. commercial development\2.0 drawings\2.1 current drawings\1. architecture\1. cad\19762 a2.01 roof plan.dwg N A2.01 ROOF PLAN 1:100 0 2 1 ME T R E S 4 3 5 Drawing ProjectProject Number Sheet Number Issued For Issue Date GLOBAL REVISIONS LIST* NO. DATE DESCRIPTION Plot Date: File Path: *Sheet changes clouded and tagged respectively. ## This plan and design are the exclusive property of Thinkspace Architecture® Planning Interior Design (Thinkspace) and cannot be used or reproduced without written consent of Thinkspace. This office shall be informed of any variations from the information shown on this drawing. Do not scale drawings. Copyright Reserved Thinkspace, a partnership of: David Lee Blanchard, Architect AIBC Todd Dust, Architect AIBC, AAA Henk Kampman, Architect AIBC, AAA Leonard Rodrigues, Architect AIBC, AAA Ray Wolfe, Architect AIBC 19762 232nd ST. COMMERCIAL DEVEVELOPMENT RE-ZONING SERVICE COMMERCIAL: CS-1 12791 232nd STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, BC RE-ZONING CS-1 2020-02-07 1 2020-12-17 RESUBMISSION 2 2021-04-26 PARKING UPDATE 3 2021-06-03 WESTERN LOTS 4 2021-07-08 EASEMENT & TEMP PARKING 5 2021-08-20 ADP SUBMISSION ----f:\19762 232 st. commercial development\2.0 drawings\2.1 current drawings\1. architecture\1. cad\19762 a2.01 roof plan.dwg 12 5 0 12 5 0 12 5 0 12 5 0 5 5 5 555 12 5 0 12 5 0 1250 1250 CI> ffi . ' ' ' . / / ,. ~ L, ~ 1AA1 I -..... •-·· .. 1-1-\t"'.-..... ~ .. ··-··I/--• I • ,. I ',----" ~ "s--r-;=========~==71 11 I \ -1 11 , -( I q re;: ' ' ,'. .., -· ·---·----··-. ' I I I I I I C I -------=c, I I I 1 I l I ~! Hi -------~ ii I : : I I I _Li ___ _ --I I I I I .. ~I t7 ' ' ~I P . 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',),.-:.. l'v-. 0:, .. ,1) • '((\ .-~ : ~--.,,, ::: ii ~-:r;:~= oo..o• o• ..... -,i• ,..._ ...... -~c.•. ,....,,.:~:: .,-~• ·r•l')-.. ~ ■ •• ··~~ ,,,_, -? •••••• -?>"" , ..... 1,,1 • ~') ,,' 1'11 ,1,111'''' ~ • • ➔ ,.-r (_ ,.Ill 111 'I I 111111 I kl~ II ,, 111 I ,-'[~I -,, l •. J \' ), v " \ ' < ! ' 'i ' I " l 1 = + 11 , ' 11 I I 11 "- 11 ', D O<D ' { FINISHED GRADE 8500 T.O. ROOF 85 0 0 51 0 0 34 0 0 0 T.O. LEVEL 1 3300 T.O. LEVEL 2 S I G N A G E 24 4 0 ( 8 ' ) F E N C E PARKING STRUCTURE STRUCTURE C B A 13830 14020 SLAB 23 2 S T R E E T PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E RE Q U I R E D S E T B A C K 01 080509 01 S I G N A G E MAIN PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SIGNAGE . S I G N A G E S I G N A G E 12791 RE Q U I R E D S E T B A C K (MAXIMUM HEIGHT ALLOWED FOR CS-1: 7500) 128 AVENUE 0206 04 0502 02 06040210 TYP S I G N A G E S I G N A G EFINISHED GRADE 8500 T.O. ROOF 85 0 0 51 0 0 34 0 0 0 T.O. LEVEL 1 3300 T.O. LEVEL 2 PARKING 24 4 0 ( 8 ' ) F E N C E STRUCTURE STRUCTURE A B C 13830 14020 SLAB RE Q U I R E D S E T B A C K EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E 23 2 S T R E E T 0706 04 05 06040207070706 01 0809 0105 S I G N A G E S I G N A G E RE Q U I R E D S E T B A C K (MAXIMUM HEIGHT ALLOWED FOR CS-1: 7500) 1250 1250 10 TYP 11 TYP 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 MATERIAL LEGEND Dr a w i n g Pr o j e c t Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Sh e e t N u m b e r Is s u e d F o r Is s u e D a t e GL O B A L R E V I S I O N S L I S T * NO . DA T E DE S C R I P T I O N Pl o t D a t e : Fi l e P a t h : *S h e e t c h a n g e s c l o u d e d a n d t a g g e d r e s p e c t i v e l y . ## Th i s pl a n an d de s i g n ar e th e ex c l u s i v e pr o p e r t y of Th i n k s p a c e Ar c h i t e c t u r e ® Pl a n n i n g In t e r i o r De s i g n (T h i n k s p a c e ) an d ca n n o t be us e d or re p r o d u c e d wi t h o u t wr i t t e n co n s e n t of Th i n k s p a c e . Th i s of f i c e sh a l l be in f o r m e d of an y va r i a t i o n s fr o m th e in f o r m a t i o n sh o w n on t h i s d r a w i n g . D o n o t s c a l e d r a w i n g s . Co p y r i g h t R e s e r v e d Th i n k s p a c e , a p a r t n e r s h i p o f : Da v i d L e e B l a n c h a r d , A r c h i t e c t A I B C To d d D u s t , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A He n k K a m p m a n , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Le o n a r d R o d r i g u e s , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Ra y W o l f e , A r c h i t e c t A I B C 19 7 6 2 23 2 n d S T . C O M M E R C I A L D E V E V E L O P M E N T RE - Z O N I N G S E R V I C E C O M M E R C I A L : C S - 1 12 7 9 1 2 3 2 n d S T R E E T , M A P L E R I D G E , B C RE - Z O N I N G C S - 1 20 2 0 - 0 2 - 0 7 1 20 2 0 - 1 2 - 1 7 RE S U B M I S S I O N 2 20 2 1 - 0 4 - 2 6 PA R K I N G U P D A T E 3 20 2 1 - 0 6 - 0 3 WE S T E R N L O T S 4 20 2 1 - 0 7 - 0 8 EA S E M E N T & T E M P P A R K I N G 5 20 2 1 - 0 8 - 2 0 AS P E R C I T Y C O M M E N T S -- - - f: \ 1 9 7 6 2 2 3 2 s t . c o m m e r c i a l d e v e l o p m e n t \ 2 . 0 d r a w i n g s \ 2 . 1 c u r r e n t d r a w i n g s \ 1 . a r c h i t e c t u r e \ 1 . c a d \ 1 9 7 6 2 a 2 . 0 1 r o o f p l a n . d w g A3 . 0 1 NO R T H & S O U T H E L E V A T I O N S 1: 1 0 0 1 A3.01 NORTH ELEVATON 1:100 2 A3.01 SOUTH ELEVATON 1:100 08 09 0 21 METRES435 VERTICAL METAL CLADDING STANDING SEAM - CHARCOAL VERTICAL METAL CLADDING ALUMINUM - CHARCOAL CEDAR WOOD SIDING LONGBOARD - WESTERN CEDAR STOREFRONT GLAZING CHARCOAL HORIZONTAL METAL CLADDING LONGBOARD - WHITE OAK METAL SOFFIT LONGBOARD - WESTERN CEDAR ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE CHARCOAL ARCHITECTURAL SCREEN METAL LOUVERS - CHARCOAL ROOFTOP MECHANICAL UNIT 10 SIGNAGE SEE 1&2/A8.01 11 WALL MOUNTED AREA LIGHTS - CHARCOAL 8500 T.O. ROOF 85 0 0 51 0 0 34 0 0 0 T.O. LEVEL 1 3300 T.O. LEVEL 2 24 4 0 ( 8 ' ) F E N C E FINISHED GRADE STRUCTURE STRUCTURE OPEN TO PARKING 5 4 3 2 1 20995 2065 3240 14360 27 0 0 SLAB EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E (R E Q U I R E D S E T B A C K : 9 0 0 0 ) 12 8 A V E N U E 232 STREET PARKING 06020702030103 TYP. 03 06 0206 0809 S I G N A G E S I G N A G E S I G N A G E S I G N A G E MAIN PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SIGNAGE . RE Q U I R E D S E T B A C K 18 3 0 (MAXIMUM HEIGHT ALLOWED FOR CS-1: 7500) 04 04 04 0101030406 1250 10 10 TYP FINISHED GRADE 8500 T.O. ROOF 85 0 0 51 0 0 34 0 0 0 T.O. LEVEL 1 3300 T.O. LEVEL 2 24 4 0 ( 8 ' ) F E N C E OPEN TO PARKING KEY POINT: 8500 1 2 3 4 5 14360 3240 2065 20995 STRUCTURE STRUCTURE SLAB (MAXIMUM HEIGHT ALLOWED FOR CS-1: 7500) EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E 12 8 A V E N U E PARKING 0809 S I G N A G E S I G N A G E S I G N A G E S I G N A G E S I G N A G E S I G N A G E RE Q U I R E D S E T B A C K 18 3 0 1250 PR O P E R T Y L I N E (R E Q U I R E D S E T B A C K : 9 0 0 0 ) 04 020602 070204040103 TYP 030101030402 060401 0710 TYP 11 TYP Dr a w i n g Pr o j e c t Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Sh e e t N u m b e r Is s u e d F o r Is s u e D a t e GL O B A L R E V I S I O N S L I S T * NO . DA T E DE S C R I P T I O N Pl o t D a t e : Fi l e P a t h : *S h e e t c h a n g e s c l o u d e d a n d t a g g e d r e s p e c t i v e l y . ## Th i s pl a n an d de s i g n ar e th e ex c l u s i v e pr o p e r t y of Th i n k s p a c e Ar c h i t e c t u r e ® Pl a n n i n g In t e r i o r De s i g n (T h i n k s p a c e ) an d ca n n o t be us e d or re p r o d u c e d wi t h o u t wr i t t e n co n s e n t of Th i n k s p a c e . Th i s of f i c e sh a l l be in f o r m e d of an y va r i a t i o n s fr o m th e in f o r m a t i o n sh o w n on t h i s d r a w i n g . D o n o t s c a l e d r a w i n g s . Co p y r i g h t R e s e r v e d Th i n k s p a c e , a p a r t n e r s h i p o f : Da v i d L e e B l a n c h a r d , A r c h i t e c t A I B C To d d D u s t , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A He n k K a m p m a n , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Le o n a r d R o d r i g u e s , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Ra y W o l f e , A r c h i t e c t A I B C 19 7 6 2 23 2 n d S T . C O M M E R C I A L D E V E V E L O P M E N T RE - Z O N I N G S E R V I C E C O M M E R C I A L : C S - 1 12 7 9 1 2 3 2 n d S T R E E T , M A P L E R I D G E , B C RE - Z O N I N G C S - 1 20 2 0 - 0 2 - 0 7 1 20 2 0 - 1 2 - 1 7 RE S U B M I S S I O N 2 20 2 1 - 0 4 - 2 6 PA R K I N G U P D A T E 3 20 2 1 - 0 6 - 0 3 WE S T E R N L O T S 4 20 2 1 - 0 7 - 0 8 EA S E M E N T & T E M P P A R K I N G 5 20 2 1 - 0 8 - 2 0 AS P E R C I T Y C O M M E N T S -- - - f: \ 1 9 7 6 2 2 3 2 s t . c o m m e r c i a l d e v e l o p m e n t \ 2 . 0 d r a w i n g s \ 2 . 1 c u r r e n t d r a w i n g s \ 1 . a r c h i t e c t u r e \ 1 . c a d \ 1 9 7 6 2 a 2 . 0 1 r o o f p l a n . d w g A3 . 0 2 EA S T & W E S T E L E V A T I O N S 1: 1 0 0 1 A3.02 EAST ELEVATON 1:100 0 21 METRES435 2 A3.02 WEST ELEVATON 1:100 MATERIAL LEGEND 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 VERTICAL METAL CLADDING STANDING SEAM - CHARCOAL VERTICAL METAL CLADDING ALUMINUM - CHARCOAL CEDAR WOOD SIDING LONGBOARD - WESTERN CEDAR STOREFRONT GLAZING CHARCOAL HORIZONTAL METAL CLADDING LONGBOARD - WHITE OAK METAL SOFFIT LONGBOARD - WESTERN CEDAR ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE CHARCOAL ARCHITECTURAL SCREEN METAL LOUVERS - CHARCOAL ROOFTOP MECHANICAL UNIT 10 SIGNAGE SEE 1&2/A8.01 11 WALL MOUNTED AREA LIGHTS - CHARCOAL 8500 T.O. ROOF 85 0 0 51 0 0 34 0 0 0 T.O. LEVEL 1 3300 T.O. LEVEL 2 204 TENANT 8 202 TENANT 6 107 TENANT 3 105 TENANT 2 24 2 5 ( 8 ' ) F E N C E BULKHEAD (TYP.) 18 3 0 STAIR 2 STAIR 2 200 COMMONSPACE 102 COMMONSPACE EXPOSED STRUCTURE 2 A4.02 1 A4.02 1 A4.01 5 1 27 0 0 F1 F2 R1 234 F3 R3 26 0 0 29 5 0 24 9 0 27 0 0 25 0 0 24 3 5 12 8 A V E N U E PARKING SE T B A C K PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P O S E D S E T B A C K T O BU I L D I N G F A C E EXPOSED STRUCTURE STRUCTURE STRUCTURE SLAB A.H.U. SC1 F1 F2 R1 R2R2R1 EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E 18 3 0 MAXIMUM HEIGHT ALLOWED FOR CS-1: 7500 1250 PR O P O S E D S E T B A C K T O CA N O P I E S PR O P E R T Y L I N E FIRE RATED CEILING 34 0 0 8500 T.O. ROOF 85 0 0 3300 T.O. LEVEL 2 51 0 0 0 T.O. LEVEL 1 202 TENANT 6 104 TENANT 1 105 TENANT 2 201 TENANT 5 24 4 0 ( 8 ' ) F E N C E A B C 13830 13830 F1 F2 R1 1 A4.01 23 2 S T R E E T PARKING STRUCTURE STRUCTURE SLAB EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E RE Q U I R E D S E T B A C K PR O P E R T Y L I N E R3R3 SC1 EXPOSED STRUCTUREEXPOSED STRUCTURE BULKHEAD (TYP.) RE Q U I R E D S E T B A C K MAXIMUM HEIGHT ALLOWED FOR CS-1: 7500 12501250 A4 . 0 1 LO N G & C R O S S S E C T I O N S 1: 1 0 0 1 A4.01 LONG SECTION 1:100 2 A4.01 CROSS SECTION A 1:100 0 21 METRES435 Dr a w i n g Pr o j e c t Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Sh e e t N u m b e r Is s u e d F o r Is s u e D a t e GL O B A L R E V I S I O N S L I S T * NO . D A T E D E S C R I P T I O N Pl o t D a t e : Fi l e P a t h : *S h e e t c h a n g e s c l o u d e d a n d t a g g e d r e s p e c t i v e l y . ## Th i s p l a n a n d d e s i g n a r e t h e e x c l u s i v e p r o p e r t y o f Th i n k s p a c e A r c h i t e c t u r e ® P l a n n i n g I n t e r i o r D e s i g n (T h i n k s p a c e ) a n d c a n n o t b e u s e d o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t wr i t t e n c o n s e n t o f Th i n k s p a c e . T h i s o f f i c e s h a l l b e in f o r m e d o f a n y v a r i a t i o n s f r o m t h e i n f o r m a t i o n s h o w n on t h i s d r a w i n g . D o n o t s c a l e d r a w i n g s . Co p y r i g h t R e s e r v e d Th i n k s p a c e , a p a r t n e r s h i p o f : Da v i d L e e B l a n c h a r d , A r c h i t e c t A I B C To d d D u s t , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A He n k K a m p m a n , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Le o n a r d R o d r i g u e s , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Ra y W o l f e , A r c h i t e c t A I B C 19 7 6 2 23 2 n d S T . C O M M E R C I A L D E V E V E L O P M E N T RE - Z O N I N G S E R V I C E C O M M E R C I A L : C S - 1 12 7 9 1 2 3 2 n d S T R E E T , M A P L E R I D G E , B C RE - Z O N I N G C S - 1 20 2 0 - 0 2 - 0 7 1 2 0 2 0 - 1 2 - 1 7 R E S U B M I S S I O N 2 2 0 2 1 - 0 4 - 2 6 P A R K I N G U P D A T E 3 2 0 2 1 - 0 6 - 0 3 W E S T E R N L O T S 4 2 0 2 1 - 0 7 - 0 8 E A S E M E N T & T E M P P A R K I N G 5 2 0 2 1 - 0 8 - 2 0 A D P S U B M I S S I O N -- - - f: \ 1 9 7 6 2 2 3 2 s t . c o m m e r c i a l d e v e l o p m e n t \ 2 . 0 d r a w i n g s \ 2 . 1 c u r r e n t d r a w i n g s \ 1 . a r c h i t e c t u r e \ 1 . c a d \ 1 9 7 6 2 a 2 . 0 1 r o o f p l a n . d w g 00 I ' D 0 D D 0 D 0 / n f \ I ' 7 1S \ \ ' d( I ii :I I <J ■ .J:: C en Vl OJ ""CJ L 0 L OJ ...., C en C C C "' 0.. OJ L ::, ...., u OJ ...., ..c ~ "' r,.. ra ~ '-! .... a., ... er: ra m .._ ., > ~ _c u .c ... a) it -== ~ == L L CO "' .... ::, LJ) ...., OJ Q) co r'1 co Ln ;:: ~ <11 C 1.0 <t'. -N - LJ) co .-<N r'1 0 co en r'1 .... co 0 Ln r;14 oC oe m ,.. SIGNAGE 34 0 0 8500 T.O. ROOF 85 0 0 3300 T.O. LEVEL 2 51 0 0 0 T.O. LEVEL 1 24 4 0 ( 8 ' ) F E N C E PARKING 1 A4.01AB C VESTIBULE WASHROOM STAIR 2 STAIR 1 200 COMMON SPACE SIGNAGE 200 COMMON SPACE 13830 13830 F1 F2 R2 F3 F3 WASHROOM WASHROOM WASHROOM STRUCTURE STRUCTURE SLAB EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E R3R3 SC1 F2 23 2 S T R E E T RE Q U I R E D S E T B A C K RE Q U I R E D S E T B A C K MAXIMUM HEIGHT ALLOWED FOR CS-1: 7500 12501250 34 0 0 8500 T.O. ROOF 85 0 0 3300 T.O. LEVEL 2 51 0 0 0 T.O. LEVEL 1 24 4 0 ( 8 ' ) F E N C E PARKING VESTIBULE 200 COMMONSPACE 102 COMMONSPACE SIGNAGESIGNAGE A B C1 A4.01 13830 13830 F1 F2 R2 F3 F3 STRUCTURE STRUCTURE SLAB EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E R3R3 SC1 23 2 S T R E E T MAXIMUM HEIGHT ALLOWED FOR CS-1: 7500 RE Q U I R E D S E T B A C K RE Q U I R E D S E T B A C K 18 3 0 12501250 A4 . 0 2 CR O S S S E C T I O N S 1: 1 0 0 1 A4.02 CROSS SECTION B 1:100 2 A4.02 CROSS SECTION C 1:100 0 21 METRES435 Dr a w i n g Pr o j e c t Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Sh e e t N u m b e r Is s u e d F o r Is s u e D a t e GL O B A L R E V I S I O N S L I S T * NO . D A T E D E S C R I P T I O N Pl o t D a t e : Fi l e P a t h : *S h e e t c h a n g e s c l o u d e d a n d t a g g e d r e s p e c t i v e l y . ## Th i s p l a n a n d d e s i g n a r e t h e e x c l u s i v e p r o p e r t y o f Th i n k s p a c e A r c h i t e c t u r e ® P l a n n i n g I n t e r i o r D e s i g n (T h i n k s p a c e ) a n d c a n n o t b e u s e d o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t wr i t t e n c o n s e n t o f Th i n k s p a c e . T h i s o f f i c e s h a l l b e in f o r m e d o f a n y v a r i a t i o n s f r o m t h e i n f o r m a t i o n s h o w n on t h i s d r a w i n g . D o n o t s c a l e d r a w i n g s . Co p y r i g h t R e s e r v e d Th i n k s p a c e , a p a r t n e r s h i p o f : Da v i d L e e B l a n c h a r d , A r c h i t e c t A I B C To d d D u s t , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A He n k K a m p m a n , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Le o n a r d R o d r i g u e s , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Ra y W o l f e , A r c h i t e c t A I B C 19 7 6 2 23 2 n d S T . C O M M E R C I A L D E V E V E L O P M E N T RE - Z O N I N G S E R V I C E C O M M E R C I A L : C S - 1 12 7 9 1 2 3 2 n d S T R E E T , M A P L E R I D G E , B C RE - Z O N I N G C S - 1 20 2 0 - 0 2 - 0 7 1 2 0 2 0 - 1 2 - 1 7 R E S U B M I S S I O N 2 2 0 2 1 - 0 4 - 2 6 P A R K I N G U P D A T E 3 2 0 2 1 - 0 6 - 0 3 W E S T E R N L O T S 4 2 0 2 1 - 0 7 - 0 8 E A S E M E N T & T E M P P A R K I N G 5 2 0 2 1 - 0 8 - 2 0 A D P S U B M I S S I O N -- - - f: \ 1 9 7 6 2 2 3 2 s t . c o m m e r c i a l d e v e l o p m e n t \ 2 . 0 d r a w i n g s \ 2 . 1 c u r r e n t d r a w i n g s \ 1 . a r c h i t e c t u r e \ 1 . c a d \ 1 9 7 6 2 a 2 . 0 1 r o o f p l a n . d w g 0 0 I I f--- I I --7 0 / I D m I I 0 / I <J ■ .J:: C en Vl OJ ""CJ L 0 L OJ ...., C en C C C "' 0.. OJ L ::, ...., u OJ ...., ..c ~ "' r,.. ra ~ '-! .... a., ... er: ra m .._ ., > ~ _c u .c ... a) it -== ~ == L L CO "' .... ::, LJ) ...., OJ Q) co r'1 co Ln ;:: ~ <11 C 1.0 <t'. -N - LJ) co .-<N r'1 0 co en r'1 .... co 0 Ln .... -"' oC oe m ,.. S I G N A G E MAIN 24 0 0 610 100 2100 100 21 0 0 20 0 13 0 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SIGNAGE 20 0 13 0 A8 . 0 1 MA T E R I A L S B O A R D & S I G N A G E N. T . S . Dr a w i n g Pr o j e c t Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Sh e e t N u m b e r Is s u e d F o r Is s u e D a t e GL O B A L R E V I S I O N S L I S T * NO . D A T E D E S C R I P T I O N Pl o t D a t e : Fi l e P a t h : *S h e e t c h a n g e s c l o u d e d a n d t a g g e d r e s p e c t i v e l y . ## Th i s p l a n a n d d e s i g n a r e t h e e x c l u s i v e p r o p e r t y o f Th i n k s p a c e A r c h i t e c t u r e ® P l a n n i n g I n t e r i o r D e s i g n (T h i n k s p a c e ) a n d c a n n o t b e u s e d o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t wr i t t e n c o n s e n t o f Th i n k s p a c e . T h i s o f f i c e s h a l l b e in f o r m e d o f a n y v a r i a t i o n s f r o m t h e i n f o r m a t i o n s h o w n on t h i s d r a w i n g . D o n o t s c a l e d r a w i n g s . Co p y r i g h t R e s e r v e d Th i n k s p a c e , a p a r t n e r s h i p o f : Da v i d L e e B l a n c h a r d , A r c h i t e c t A I B C To d d D u s t , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A He n k K a m p m a n , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Le o n a r d R o d r i g u e s , A r c h i t e c t A I B C , A A A Ra y W o l f e , A r c h i t e c t A I B C 19 7 6 2 23 2 n d S T . C O M M E R C I A L D E V E V E L O P M E N T RE - Z O N I N G S E R V I C E C O M M E R C I A L : C S - 1 12 7 9 1 2 3 2 n d S T R E E T , M A P L E R I D G E , B C RE - Z O N I N G C S - 1 20 2 0 - 0 2 - 0 7 1 2 0 2 0 - 1 2 - 1 7 R E S U B M I S S I O N 2 2 0 2 1 - 0 4 - 2 6 P A R K I N G U P D A T E 3 2 0 2 1 - 0 6 - 0 3 W E S T E R N L O T S 4 2 0 2 1 - 0 7 - 0 8 E A S E M E N T & T E M P P A R K I N G 5 2 0 2 1 - 0 8 - 2 0 A D P S U B M I S S I O N -- - - f: \ 1 9 7 6 2 2 3 2 s t . c o m m e r c i a l d e v e l o p m e n t \ 2 . 0 d r a w i n g s \ 2 . 1 c u r r e n t d r a w i n g s \ 1 . a r c h i t e c t u r e \ 1 . c a d \ 1 9 7 6 2 a 2 . 0 1 r o o f p l a n . d w g RENDERING - 232nd STREET - SOUTH WEST N.T.S. 0101050403 07 04 FRAMES 08 0602 0208 08 MATERIALS VERTICAL METAL CLADDING STANDING SEAM - CHARCOAL 02 VERTICAL METAL CLADDING ALUMINUM - CHARCOAL 03 CEDAR WOOD SIDING LONGBOARD - WESTERN CEDAR 04 STOREFRONT GLAZING CHARCOAL 05 HORIZONTAL METAL CLADDING LONGBOARD - WHITE OAK 06 METAL SOFFIT LONGBOARD - WESTERN CEDAR 07 ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE CHARCOAL 08 ARCHITECTURAL SCREEN METAL LOUVERS - CHARCOAL 1 A8.01 SIGNAGE - TALL 1:20 2 A8.01 SIGNAGE - MAIN 1:20 <J • - L ' C r,.. ra en ~ '-! Vl .... a., OJ ... ""CJ er: ra ... ~ m ., 0 > ~ ·;:: C OJ ...., u .c C ... ~ a) it en C -== C ~ == C ~ co "' ::, "' 0.. LJ) .... OJ co ~ .--1 ::, ...., co ...., OJ Ln u ~ OJ Q) -...., ~ "' ..c ....,0 u <11 1.0 ~ "' <t'. -= C N LI) co .-<N .--1 ■ 0 co en .--1 .c .... co 0 Ln .... -' "' ' oC oe m ... ' 1 / l / 0 RE N D E R I N G 4 - 1 2 8 t h A V E N U E F R O N T P E R S P E C T I V E N. T . S . A9.01 RENDERINGS N.T.S.Drawing ProjectProject Number Sheet Number Issued For Issue Date GLOBAL REVISIONS LIST* NO. DATE DESCRIPTION Plot Date: File Path: *Sheet changes clouded and tagged respectively. ## This plan and design are the exclusive property of Thinkspace Architecture® Planning Interior Design (Thinkspace) and cannot be used or reproduced without written consent of Thinkspace. This office shall be informed of any variations from the information shown on this drawing. Do not scale drawings. Copyright Reserved Thinkspace, a partnership of: David Lee Blanchard, Architect AIBC Todd Dust, Architect AIBC, AAA Henk Kampman, Architect AIBC, AAA Leonard Rodrigues, Architect AIBC, AAA Ray Wolfe, Architect AIBC 19762 232nd ST. COMMERCIAL DEVEVELOPMENT RE-ZONING SERVICE COMMERCIAL: CS-1 12791 232nd STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, BC RE-ZONING CS-1 2020-02-07 1 2020-12-17 RESUBMISSION 2 2021-04-26 PARKING UPDATE 3 2021-06-03 WESTERN LOTS 4 2021-07-08 EASEMENT & TEMP PARKING 5 2021-08-20 ADP SUBMISSION ----f:\19762 232 st. commercial development\2.0 drawings\2.1 current drawings\1. architecture\1. cad\19762 a2.01 roof plan.dwg RE N D E R I N G 5 - 1 2 8 t h A V E N U E V I E W ( N O R T H W E S T C O R N E R ) N. T . S . RE N D E R I N G 2 - 2 3 2 n d S T R E E T F R O N T P E R S P E C T I V E N. T . S . RE N D E R I N G 3 - 2 3 2 N D S T R E E T V I E W ( S O U T H E A S T C O R N E R ) N. T . S . hinkc=•·,c architecture planning interior design 300-10190 152A Street I Surrey, BC I V3R 1]7 t (604) 581 8128 f (604) 581 8148 www.thinkspace.ca ,,,,11,,,, ..,,, ,,, ,... 111:, ,<,. ,' _..._Q, :r"'l!t,;.;~. Q,, ....... ..... ~ •• • ''5' ,,. :::-~ -· •·. ',),.-:.. l'v-. 0:, .. ,1) • '((\ .-~ : ~--.,,, ::: ii ~-:r;:~= oo..o• o• ..... -,i• ,..._ ...... -~c.•. ,....,,.:~:: .,-~• ·r•l')-.. ~ ■ •• ··~~ <, -? • ••••• -?>"" , ..... 1,, • ~') ,,' 1'11 ,1,111'''' L:,. No.Date Revision Notes Drawing No. Scale Project IDProject Manager Drawn By Reviewed By Date Legal L0.0 1/200 21936AA DT 2019.09.06 14 No.Date Issue Notes Professional Seal Plot Date: of Issue Revision All Rights Reserved by eta landscape architecture inc. Information contained on these documents is part of the Consultant’s instruments of service, and the Consultant shall retain ownership thereof. Such information shall not be used for any purpose other than for the construction of the referenced project. Any other use, reuse or modification of the documents without the Consultant’s prior written consent will be at the recipient’s sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. Project Maple Ridge Drawing Title Cover Sheet Re-zoning and Development Permit ApplicationA2020-01-14 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateB2020-01-22 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateC2020-12-03 ISSUED FOR REVIEWA2019.10.28 Issue for DPB2019.11.22 Re-Issued for DPC2021.08.20 Civic Address: Maple Ridge CONSULTANT TEAM OWNER: ARCHITECT:ThinkSpace Architecture LANDSCAPE:eta Landscape Architecture DRAWING LIST L0.0 Cover Page L0.1 Notes and Schedules L0.2 Illustrative Plan L0.3 Offsite Plan L0.4 Pedestrian Circulation L1.1 Tree Management Plan L2.1 NOT USED L3.1 Materials Plan L4.1 Grading Plan (Not Included) L5.1 Tree Plan L5.2 Planting Plan L6.0 Soil Depth Plan L7.0 Irrigated Areas Plan L8.0 Landscape Sections L9.0 Softscape Details L10.0 Hardscape and Furniture Details X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X WTR WT R WTR ST ST ST ST WTR WTRWTRWTRST ST X X lan d sc a pe arc h itectu r e 1690 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver . BC . Canada . V6J 1 H3 t I 604.683.1456 f I 604.683.1459 w I www.etala.com ----------------------------v ~"' ----------' ,(}" ~ >..<If----- ~ 1! i --I i • i • j _Ir~----- ~ ~ ~L I>-'~ -=-=s:,, ;-.<=)=} ====""Y )/ 1; ' . I I ~ ~= ~ II I .I • 1 l === === === = I I II eta l a nd s c a pe 1690 West 2nd Avenue Vanoouver. BC. Canada. V6J 1H4 I J 604.683.1456 1 J 604.683.1459 w I www.etala.ca a 0 cf" t ec ture No.Date Revision Notes Drawing No. Scale Project IDProject Manager Drawn By Reviewed By Date Legal L0.1 NTS 21936AA DT 2019.09.06 14 No.Date Issue Notes Professional Seal Plot Date: of Issue Revision All Rights Reserved by eta landscape architecture inc. Information contained on these documents is part of the Consultant’s instruments of service, and the Consultant shall retain ownership thereof. Such information shall not be used for any purpose other than for the construction of the referenced project. Any other use, reuse or modification of the documents without the Consultant’s prior written consent will be at the recipient’s sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. Project Maple Ridge Drawing Title Notes and Schedules Re-zoning and Development Permit ApplicationA2020-01-14 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateB2020-01-22 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateC2020-12-03 Issue for DPB2019.11.22 Re-Issued for DPC2021.08.20 ALL PLANTS TO BE NURSERY GROWN ALL PLANT MATERIALS AND LABOUR TO CONFORM TO THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE CSLA/CLNA STANDARDS. ALL PLANT MATERIAL TO BE INSPECTED PRIOR TO DELIVERY ON SITE. CONTRACTOR TO ARRANGE FOR INSPECTION AND MATERIAL TO ASSEMBLED IN ONE LOCATION FOR REVIEW. IMPORTED GROWING MEDIA SHALL BE A SANDY LOAM OR LOAMY SAND TEXTURE (NO LESS THAN 50% SAND BY WEIGHT) CONTAINING 4 AND 15% ORGANIC MATTER (DRY WEIGHT BASIS). GROWING MEDIA SHALL BE FREE FROM SUBSOIL , WOOD INCLUDING WOODY PLANT PARTS, INVASIVE AND NOXIOUS PLANT AND THEIR REPRODUCIBLE PARTS, PLANT PATHOGENIC ORGANISMS, ORGANIC OR INORGANIC MATERIALS, TOXINS, STONES OVER 30mm (1.2"), ANY DEBRIS AND FOREIGN OBJECTS. IMPORTED GROWING MEDIA SHALL CONFORM TO AND BE TREATED AS PER SECTION 6.2.3 TO 6.2.7 INCLUSIVE OF THE CURRENT EDITION BCLNA STANDARDS. GROWING MEDIUM SHALL CONFORM TO LEVEL 1 "WELL-GROOMED" AREAS: LOW TRAFFIC LAWN AREAS, TREES AND LARGE SHRUBS (1L IN TABLE T- OF THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE CSLA/BLNA STANDARDS). IT SHALL POSSESS THE FOLLOWING QUALITIES: TEXTURE- *COARSE GRAVEL (LARGER THAN 19mm AND SMALLER THAN 40mm): 0-1% *ALL GRAVEL (LARGER THAN 2mm AND SMALLER THAN 40mm): 0-5% *SAND (LARGER THAN 0.05mm AND SMALLER THAN 2mm): 50-70% *SILT (LARGER THAN 0.002mm AND SMALLER THAN 0.05mm): 10-25% *CLAY (SMALLER THAN 0.002mm): 0-20% *CLAY AND SILT COMBINED: MAXIMUM 25% ORGANIC CONTENT: 3-10% Acidity (pH): 6.0-7.0 DRAINAGE: PERCOLATION SHALL BE SUCH THAT NO STANDING WATER IS VISIBLE 60 MINUTES AFTER AT LEAST 10 MINUTES OF MODERATE TO HEAVY RAIN OR IRRIGATION. MINIMUM SOIL DEPTH TO BE AS PER TABLE T OF THE CURRENT EDITION BCLNA STANDARDS: Over prepared Over structures or subgrade where the where the subsoil drains subsoil drains rapidly poorly TREES (10m2 PER TREE) 610 MM (24")750 MM (30") LARGE SHRUBS 610 MM (24")610 MM (24") GROUNDCOVERS 300 MM (12")225 MM (9") LAWN-IRRIGATED 150 MM (6")150 MM (6") LAWN-NOT IRRIGATED 150MM (6")225 MM (9") SOIL DEPTHS WILL BE CHECKED AT TIME OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION REVIEW SOIL FOR URBAN AGRICULTURE PLOTS IS TO BE URBAN GRO PROVIDED BY VERATEC, OR APPROVED ALTERNATIVE. SOIL FOR URBAN AGRICULTURE AREAS IS TO MEET OR EXCEED THE GUIDELINES FOR COMPOST QUALITY UNDER CANADIAN COUNCIL OF MINISTERS OF THE ENVIRONMENT (CCME). COMPOST IS TO BE TESTED AND RESULTS SUBMITTED TO CONSULTANT PRIOR TO DELIVERY TO SITE. BEDS TO HAVE 50MM (2" )MULCH LAYER (after settling) CONSISTING OF ORGANIC COMPOSTED BARK APPLIED. PLANTED AREAS TO HAVE PERMANENT HIGH EFFICIENCY IRRIGATION SYSTEM - SHOP DRAWINGS ARE TO BE PREPARED BY AN IABC CERTIFIED DESIGNER AND APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE FOR 1 YEAR FOLLOWING SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE WRITTEN 1 YEAR WARRANTY ON PLANT MATERIAL CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE COPY OF SOIL TEST TO LANDSCAPE CONSULTANT 3 WEEKS PRIOR TO DELIVERY ON-SITE. TEST TO BE PERFORMED BY AN INDEPENDENT LAB AND IS TO INCLUDE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BOTH LAWN AND PLANTING BEDS. CONSULTANT TO APPROVE SOIL BEFORE INSTALLATION. THIS DOES NOT PRECLUDE THE CONSULTANT FROM PERFORMING AN INDEPENDENT SOIL ANALYSIS AT TIME OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF SOIL THAT DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AT NO EXTRA COST TO CLIENT. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE WRITTEN 1 YEAR WARRANTY ON SOIL SPECIFICATIONS. AN INDEPENDENT SOIL TEST TO BE PROVIDED 1 WEEK PRIOR TO END OF 1 YEAR WARRANTY PERIOD CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SOIL AMENDMENTS TO BRING SOIL UP TO QUALITY RECOMMENDED IN SOILS REPORT. SITE INSPECTION EXAMINE EXISTING SUBGRADE CONDITIONS AND SIGNIFY ACCEPTANCE IN WRITING TO THE CONSULTANT. ASCERTAIN THE SIZE AND LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING SERVICES AND SUBGRADES PRIOR TO THE WORK. IMMEDIATELY REPAIR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM FAILURE TO EXERCISE SUCH PRECAUTIONS AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. ALL PRUNING TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BCLNA/BCSLA STANDARDS CURRENT EDITION. PLANT COUNTS IN THE CASE OF ANY DISCREPANCY BETWEEN PLANT COUNTS ON PLANT LIST AND PLANT SYMBOLS ON DRAWING, THE DRAWINGS TAKES PRECEDENT. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY ALL PLANT COUNTS AND NOTIFY CONSULTANT OF ANY DISCREPANCY. BIRD FRIENDLY PLANTING PLANTS THAT ENABLE BIRD-FRIENDLY HABITAT CONSERVATION AND PROMOTION HAVE BEEN SELECTED AND CAN BE FOUND THROUGHOUT THE LANDSCAPE. PLANTING IS GROUPED IN NATURALIZED LAYERS OF TREES, TALL SHRUBS, LOW SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVERS, MIMICKING THE IDEAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS FOR BIRDS. THESE LAYERS WILL BE VARIED WITH A DIVERSITY OF TEXTURES AND DENSITIES THAT ATTRACTS AND PROTECTS MANY BIRD SPECIES. SPECIFIC LOCAL AND NON-INVASIVE PLANT SPECIES HAVE BEEN SELECTED BASED ON THEIR ABILITY TO PROVIDE YEAR- ROUND FOOD FOR BIRDS AND/OR YEAR-ROUND NESTING OPPORTUNITIES. ID QTY LATIN NAME COMMON NAME SPACING SCHEDULED SIZE NOTES ATTRIBUTES TREES - OFF-SITE Mag 9 Magnolia grandiflora 'DD Blanchard'DD Blanchard southern magnoliaas shown «comments» SHRUBS / GROUNDCOVERS / PERENNIALS - OFFSITE LAWN - OFFSITE Non-Netted, grown on sand TREES Cn 3 Cornus nuttallii Pacific dogwood as shown 6cm cal/ B&B 2m standard/ full crown N, B, P Cof 1 Cornus florida "Cherokee Princess"Cherokee Princess dogwood as shown 6 cm cal.full, bushy plants B, P Far 1 Fraxinus angustifolia 'Raywood'Raywood ash as shown 6cm cal/B&B 2m standard Prsk 9 Prunus serrulata 'Kwanzan'flowering cherry as shown 6cm cal.full, bushy plants Siw 1 Salix sitchensis Sitka willow as shown 5cm/B&B N SHRUBS / GROUNDCOVERS / PERENNIALS Af 300 Aquilegea formosa western columbine 0.254 Sp #4 full/ bushy plants N, P Bmj 382 Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost'Siberean bugloss 0.275 #1 cont.full/ bushy plants/ heavyP Camf 347 Cornus alba 'Midwinter Fire'Midwinter Fire dogwood 0.3048 #3 cont.full/bushy He 433 Heuchera 'Plum Pudding'coral bells 0.3048 #1 cont.full/ bushy plants N, B, P Jsq 235 Juniperus squamata `Blue Star`Blue Star juniper 0.4572 #2 cont.full/ bushy plants Las 202 Lavandula stoechas Spanish lavender 0.4572 #2 cont. staked E, B, P, Ed Lm 42 Liriope muscari big blue lily turf 0.4572 #1 cont.staked Pah 382 Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln'dwarf fountain grass 0.4572 #1 cont.full/ bushy plants B, W Ron 51 Rosa nutkana Nootka rose ---#2 cont.full/ bushy plants Rra-1 102 Rhododendron 'Ramapo'purple rhododendron 0.4572 #5 cont.full/ bushy plants Sob 218 Salvia officinalis 'Berggarten'common sage 0.3048 Sp #4 full/ bushy plants P, Ed Sr 26 Sarcococca ruscifolia fragrant sarcococca 1 #3 cont.full/ bushy plants Vb 34 Viburnum burkwoodii Korean spice bush ---1m high B&B full/ bushy plants 0 0 LAWN Non-Netted, grown on sand NOTES: A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE PLANT LIST AND THE PLANTING PLAN, THE PLANTING PLAN TAKES PRECEDENCE.1 ALL LANDSCAPE TO CONFORM TO THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE CSLA STANDARDS FOR LEVEL 2 'GROOMED' LANDSCAPE TREATMENT IN THE EVENT OF 2 SEARCH AREA TO INCLUDE BRITISH COLUMBIA, WASHINGTON, AND OREGON 3 N - NATIVE E - EVERGREEN B - BIRD FRIENDLY P - POLLINATOR Ed - EDIBLE W - WINTER INTEREST PLANT LIST SITE FURNISHINGS ID REFERENCE DESCRIPTION SIZE HEIGHT MODEL MANUFACTURER WEIGHT COLOUR COMMENT QTY S1 6/L10.0 wall mount Bench 1765mm x 475mm Wall mount total Ht. 488mm 800 Series -870 Backed wall mount Maglin Site Furniture 53Kg Wood Color RAL1001 - S2 7/L10.0 Backless Bench 1216mm x 509mm 457mm MBE-2300-00052 Maglin Site Furniture 35.2 Kg Ipe Wood - S3 8/L10.0 Backed Bench 1765mmx614mm 472mm MLB870-W Maglin Site Furniture 55.1Kg Ipe Wood - S4 9/L10.0 Bike Rack 700mm heigh 508mm diam MBR150-s Maglin Site Furniture 5.5Kg SS tube Steel mounting plate - MATERIALS ID REFERENCE DESCRIPTION SIZE THICKNESS MODEL MANUFACTURER FINISH COLOUR PATTERN QTY M1 1/L10.0 Granite Pavers 500x500 mm 50mm Saint Clair Fleuri Polycor Supplies Antique Finish Gray Running Bond - M2 1/L10.0 Moduline Series Plank Pavers 100mmx500mm 100mm -Belgard Flamed Finish Mid Gray Running Bond - M3 2/L10.0 CIP Concrete ---Broom Finish Natural Concrete Gray - M4 3/L10.0 Pebbles Stone CIP Concrete with Washed ---Aggregate Finish Embedded with Washed dark brown colour) Washed Pebble stone ( Natural Concrete Gray - M5 -Natural Stone Edger 150mm x 500mm 300mm deep --Sand Blasted Finish Gray Soldier course 10/L10.0 Aggregate mulch 15mm to 25mm 75mm --Natural Light Gray -- WALLS AND FENCING ID REFERENCE DESCRIPTION SIZE HEIGHT MODEL MANUFACTURER FINISH COLOUR QTY F1 4/L10.0 Concrete wall 500mm wide 450mm custom custom Plaster and Paint Light Gray - F2 5/L10.0 Wooden Fence as per plan 1800mm custom custom Natural finish To match Arch window colors - F3 5/L10.0 Garbage enclosure Fence as per plan 2500mm custom custom Natural finish Natural - NOTE: IN THE EVENT OF A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE SITE FURNISHINGS, MATERIALS, AND LIGHTING SCHEDULE QUANTITIES AND THE LANDSCAPE PLANS, THE LANDSCAPE PLANS TAKE PRECEDENCE. MATERIALS AND FURNISHINGS Backed Bench; DIMENSION: 1765mm length; SUPPLIER: Maglin Site Furniture Limit of Work MATERIALS PLAN LEGEND Tree Trunk Location Planting Area AnnotationPA Granite Pavers; MANUFACTURER: Polycor Supplies; MODEL: Saint Clair Fleuri; FINISH: Antique Finish; COLOUR: Gray; DIMENSIONS: 500x500 mm size, 50mm thickness; PATTERN: Running Bond Pattern Moduline Series Plank Pavers; MANUFACTURER: Belgard; FINISH: Flamed Finish; COLOUR: Mid Gray; DIMENSIONS: 100mmx500mm sizes, 100 mm Thickness; PATTERN: Running Bond CIP Concrete, FINISH: Broom Finish, COLOUR: Natural Concrete Gray CIP Concrete, FINISH: Washed Pebble stone ( dark brown colour) Embedded with Washed Aggregate Finish, COLOUR: Natural Concrete Gray Concrete wall; FINISH: Plaster and Paint; COLOUR: Light Gray; DIMENSIONS: 500mm wide x 450mm height Natural Stone Edger; FINISH: Sand Blasted Finish, COLOUR: Gray; DIMENSIONS: 150mm wide x 500mm long x 300mm deep; Soldier course Pattern 360 Degrees Pole Light 180 Degrees Bollard Light 180 Degrees Wall Light Spike Tree up-Light 800 Series -870 Backed wall mount Bench; SUPPLIER: Maglin Site Furniture Backless Bench; DIMENSION: 1216mm length; SUPPLIER: Maglin Site Furniture Wooden Fence 1 L10.0 1 L10.0 2 L10.0 3 L10.0 4 L10.0 6 L10.0 7 L10.0 8 L10.0 5 L10.0 Bike Racks, DIMENSION: 700mm height, 508mm diam; SUPPLIER: Maglin Site Furniture9 L10.0 ##-Xxx Shrubs & Groundcovers soft callouts, ##= number of plants in area Xxx= Plant species abbreviation, refer to soft landscape Planting schedule Limit of Work PLANTING PLAN LEGEND Note: Refer to Softscape Schedule Tree Trunk Location Trees, for info refer to soft landscape schedule Cn Tree Species abbreviation, for info refer to soft landscape schedule Limit of Work TREE PLAN LEGEND Cn SOIL DEPTH LEGEND 750 MM (30") SOIL DEPTH Limit of Work Tree Trunk Location IRRIGATION LEGEND Note: Refer to Canadian landscape standard, typ. Area To Be Irrigated Limit of Work Tree Trunk Location ·,· I. ,,~~ . . " " C:8 ------- 11 I I I 11 • Pl w - -I X r - 1- I I I I eta lacdscape a cc tectcce 1690 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver . BC . Canada . V6J 1 H4 1 I 604.683.1456 1 I 604.683.1459 w I www.etala.ca No.Date Revision Notes Drawing No. Scale Project IDProject Manager Drawn By Reviewed By Date Legal L0.2 1/150 21936AA DT 2019.09.06 14 No.Date Issue Notes Professional Seal Plot Date: of Issue Revision All Rights Reserved by eta landscape architecture inc. Information contained on these documents is part of the Consultant’s instruments of service, and the Consultant shall retain ownership thereof. Such information shall not be used for any purpose other than for the construction of the referenced project. Any other use, reuse or modification of the documents without the Consultant’s prior written consent will be at the recipient’s sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. Project Maple Ridge Drawing Title Illustrative Plan Re-zoning and Development Permit ApplicationA2020-01-14 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateB2020-01-22 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateC2020-12-03 ISSUED FOR REVIEWA2019.10.28 Issue for DPB2019.11.22 Re-Issued for DPC2021.08.20 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X WTR WT R WTR ST STST ST ST STST ST WTR WTRWTRWTRSTSTST ST X X Concrete Finish Building Sidewalk Bldg Large Shrubs / Hedge Planting Large Shrubs / Hedge Planting Illustrative plan Scale: 1:1501 0 5 10 15 20 m Fence Wall Bench With Wood Coping Finish Bench Small Tree Small To Medium Small Size Tree Small To Medium Small Size Tree Building Connectivity Pavement Decorative Type Concrete Finish Bike Racks Waste Management Enclosed Area Existing Tree to Retain Fence Existing Tree to Retain Existing Tree to Retain Fire Hydrant ----------------------------------- --------------·.-----~1\------·---il---- I I I 11 ', I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I , I ij ij Qv ij ij 7 --- •\ "\.i',,S/W--____ ,,., 1 :j;J ij -f- ij • Pl ij ij ,. -·---·------------- <J .. '• ., IL eta lacdscape 1690 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver . BC . Canada . V6J 1 H4 I I 604.683.1456 1 I 604.683.1459 w I www.etala.ca &':::I-tecture No.Date Revision Notes Drawing No. Scale Project IDProject Manager Drawn By Reviewed By Date Legal L0.3 1/150 21936AA DT 2019.09.06 14 No.Date Issue Notes Professional Seal Plot Date: of Issue Revision All Rights Reserved by eta landscape architecture inc. Information contained on these documents is part of the Consultant’s instruments of service, and the Consultant shall retain ownership thereof. Such information shall not be used for any purpose other than for the construction of the referenced project. Any other use, reuse or modification of the documents without the Consultant’s prior written consent will be at the recipient’s sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. Project Maple Ridge Drawing Title Offsite Plan Re-zoning and Development Permit ApplicationA2020-01-14 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateB2020-01-22 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateC2020-12-03 ISSUED FOR REVIEWA2019.10.28 Issue for DPB2019.11.22 Re-Issued for DPC2021.08.20 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X WTR WT R WTR ST STST ST ST STST ST WTR WTRWTRWTRSTSTST ST X X Illustrative plan Scale: 1:1501 0 5 10 15 20 m Horse Track- as per the city of Maple Ridge CIP Concrete Sidewalk- as per the city of Maple Ridge Boulevard planting Bus Stop 2. 1 3.1 3.1 Fire Hydrant Exit/Entry walkway Exit/Entry walkway Exit/Entry walkway Offsite trees --------------- ·--------- -------------------- :,... Ml~------ t;..< l<s.., ! I ij I ij I ~ . ,,~--\\r-·-,_ . ,/ ' / ' I X /-\,~S-"' X • [ i' \ ;~ f JX 'V .,) •JIIIJ...---;,,' t:--~ • .... --~ , v 'r--- ' V ._.---· .. /·.r·-, 1 11 : ', :-"'<IP-, µ / i\ ~ X . ij~ --------11 ij --------1~ ij ------Hu---> - ij I >----1- --------1 ij lec==I --------1 ij /\ v V r / v ,... V v . . I V V V V V . y 'V V y .. - --------··1 • • • I ' ' J ' I ' ' ' ---., ~ ·\ \,"·-,,-~,. _ __,~'' • v t-- I< I \ I I ' . II ~ 1/ ~;J __ , \' 0 X ~t • ~ \.,' ,) Ii r--'-. • X • • I • I • • I/ i/ ~ . J V' I I ' ' X . I \ ,P ..... I \ • , .. y .. Y>! ,Y., Y.. . . IL eta lacdscape 1690 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver . BC . Canada . V6J 1 H4 I I 604.683.1456 1 I 604.683.1459 w I www.etala.ca a 0 ::::I-tecture No.Date Revision Notes Drawing No. Scale Project IDProject Manager Drawn By Reviewed By Date Legal L0.4 1/150 21936AA DT 2019.09.06 14 No.Date Issue Notes Professional Seal Plot Date: of Issue Revision All Rights Reserved by eta landscape architecture inc. Information contained on these documents is part of the Consultant’s instruments of service, and the Consultant shall retain ownership thereof. Such information shall not be used for any purpose other than for the construction of the referenced project. Any other use, reuse or modification of the documents without the Consultant’s prior written consent will be at the recipient’s sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. Project Maple Ridge Drawing Title Pedestrian Circulation Plan Re-zoning and Development Permit ApplicationA2020-01-14 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateB2020-01-22 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateC2020-12-03 Issue for DPB2019.11.22 Re-Issued for DPC2021.08.20 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X WTR WT R WTR ST STST ST ST STST ST WTR WTRWTRWTRSTSTST ST X X PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PAPA PA PA PA PA PA 128th AVENUE 23 2 n d S T R E E T PA PA PA PA PAPAPA Pedestrian Circulation Plan Scale: 1:1501 0 5 10 15 20 m Amenity seating area Am e n i t y s e a t i n g a r e a Am e n i t y s e a t i n g a r e a sidewalk horse trail boulevard si d e w a l k bo u l e v a r d ----- ------------------- ! 0 I ·o I ·~======~ I lf-:---ij --l I I 1 11 I P111-:-ij -- 1 l'lt-:-1 - I ij I llf--ij -- 1 I I ij ! I l,1l1--~ -- i I ~ ' 'l::----- i I I I If--------- ! lt-:-ij --i ij I t-:-ij -- 1 ij I lf--ij -- 1 if--ij -- i lo ij I f----- 1 l'=ij =-==i I 'Hl'i ===---<;j l ij X X I , L___ ------_7 ..::: -. = -I ---~j jl i I I I J I 0 : I± l!'.'.'. 0 0 X I 0 0 t • I ' I ' ! I 0 X ~ -v 0 r o l \ I X ~ -· ·-· . .. I l ' t ' :1 I : ,_ -JD eta lacdscape a cc tectcce 1690 west 2nd Avenue Vancouver . BC . Canada . V6J 1 H4 t I 604.683.1456 1 I 604.683.1459 w I www.etala.ca No.Date Revision Notes Drawing No. Scale Project IDProject Manager Drawn By Reviewed By Date Legal L1.1 1:150 21936AA DT 2019.09.06 14 No.Date Issue Notes Professional Seal Plot Date: of Issue Revision All Rights Reserved by eta landscape architecture inc. Information contained on these documents is part of the Consultant’s instruments of service, and the Consultant shall retain ownership thereof. Such information shall not be used for any purpose other than for the construction of the referenced project. Any other use, reuse or modification of the documents without the Consultant’s prior written consent will be at the recipient’s sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. Project Maple Ridge Drawing Title Tree Management Plan Re-Issued for DPC2021.08.20 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X WTR WT R WTR ST STST ST ST STST ST WTR WTRWTRWTRSTSTST ST X X 128th AVENUE 23 2 n d S T R E E T Bldg Tree management plan Scale: 1:1501 0 5 10 15 20 m Existing Tree to Retain Existing Tree to Retain Existing Tree to Retain 12 2 0 m m [ 4 ' - 0 " ] mi n 61 0 m m m i n 1220mm max Dripline 2x4 top rail on flat 2x4 wood post 2x4 bottom rail Orange polyethyline laminar safety netting ----------------------------------- \ I --------------i----------'H---------___ ,, _________ v ____________________________ ------------·--·-·------+---------------•---- \ • t;f • I I = ~ ij :,.., ),.< ~ "-" :1 >,.< ij ~ ~ ij ~': I "'' ij ' . • \ . ,. ?( I ,'I I ' ij 1( I •• " ' "'. ' I fJ. ij I > • 11 > ' ij I > < I C, ' I I> < I I I> ' I > < ' ij I ' I ij I I> ' I I J, • I 1- , ' ij I ' . ' K'-' , I • ij ' I ,( ',' ' ' I ., ' ij K ,_, ' . ' . ! i<.!.' ij I ' < ! > ' ij > < ~ I "" ij I ,...., l ,..._ jl I ).< 1 ' . ij . I < ~ > ' 1 ) > • ) Uk x. __ 7 ~ -.... ,,--y g:i C / I'\ i\ / . -- V v ij - ------..,, ij -------,1- - ij ------HU,,> ij I >-----I-I -------,1 ij le==II -------,1 ij I I v V V V V V . y v' V r ., ' A , . v I< I \ ., y ., YY ' Y. . Y. • . y . . A \ r ' ' ' I I I I X ' ,, ;,, ,) .,.,_ I f iy ,/ . \ <J IL Tree Protection Fencing Detail Solid Barrier (minimum 2"x4') 1.2m (4') in height ff Orange heavy grade \ ~ 1 snow fencing \ Outside protection zone Note: no storage of soil, building materials Vll'ithin or against barrier REFER TO ARBORIST REPORT FOR ADDITINAL INFORMATION I / i II \l 1 _1 Ii[ __ _ l I i . -- I I I I ' I \ I \ I "·-I ,---1 eta ardscape architecture 1690 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver . BC . Canada . V6J 1 H4 I 1604.683.1456 f 1604.683.1459 w I www.etala.ca No.Date Revision Notes Drawing No. Scale Project IDProject Manager Drawn By Reviewed By Date Legal L3.1 1/150 21936AA DT 2019.09.06 14 No.Date Issue Notes Professional Seal Plot Date: of Issue Revision All Rights Reserved by eta landscape architecture inc. Information contained on these documents is part of the Consultant’s instruments of service, and the Consultant shall retain ownership thereof. Such information shall not be used for any purpose other than for the construction of the referenced project. Any other use, reuse or modification of the documents without the Consultant’s prior written consent will be at the recipient’s sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. Project Maple Ridge Drawing Title Materials Plan Re-zoning and Development Permit ApplicationA2020-01-14 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateB2020-01-22 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateC2020-12-03 Issue for DPB2019.11.22 Re-Issued for DPC2021.08.20 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X WTR WT R WTR ST STST ST ST STST ST WTR WTRWTRWTRSTSTST ST X X PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PAPA PA PA PA PA PA 128th AVENUE 23 2 n d S T R E E T PA PA PA PA PAPAPA Concrete Finish With Washed Pebble Stone Cip Concrete, Broom Finish Moduline Series Planks Pavers, Building Sidewalks Bldg Materials plan Scale: 1:1501 0 5 10 15 20 m Fence Backed Wall Mount Bench With Wood Coping Finish Backless Bench Granite Pavement, Entrance Connectivity M2 M1 M3 M4 S2 S1 S2 Bike Racks F2 Concrete Wall F1 S4 Backed Bench S3 S4 Bike Racks Backless Bench S2S2 Fence F2 F2 Garbage Enclorure Fence F3 Backed Bench; DIMENSION: 1765mm length; SUPPLIER: Maglin Site Furniture Limit of Work MATERIALS PLAN LEGEND Tree Trunk Location Planting Area AnnotationPA Granite Pavers; MANUFACTURER: Polycor Supplies; MODEL: Saint Clair Fleuri; FINISH: Antique Finish; COLOUR: Gray; DIMENSIONS: 500x500 mm size, 50mm thickness; PATTERN: Running Bond Pattern Moduline Series Plank Pavers; MANUFACTURER: Belgard; FINISH: Flamed Finish; COLOUR: Mid Gray; DIMENSIONS: 100mmx500mm sizes, 100 mm Thickness; PATTERN: Running Bond CIP Concrete, FINISH: Broom Finish, COLOUR: Natural Concrete Gray CIP Concrete, FINISH: Washed Pebble stone ( dark brown colour) Embedded with Washed Aggregate Finish, COLOUR: Natural Concrete Gray Concrete wall; FINISH: Plaster and Paint; COLOUR: Light Gray; DIMENSIONS: 500mm wide x 450mm height Natural Stone Edger; FINISH: Sand Blasted Finish, COLOUR: Gray; DIMENSIONS: 150mm wide x 500mm long x 300mm deep; Soldier course Pattern 360 Degrees Pole Light 180 Degrees Bollard Light 180 Degrees Wall Light Spike Tree up-Light 800 Series -870 Backed wall mount Bench; SUPPLIER: Maglin Site Furniture Backless Bench; DIMENSION: 1216mm length; SUPPLIER: Maglin Site Furniture Wooden Fence M1 M2 M3 M4 F1 F2 S1 S2 S3 1 L10.0 1 L10.0 2 L10.0 3 L10.0 4 L10.0 6 L10.0 7 L10.0 8 L10.0 5 L10.0 Bike Racks, DIMENSION: 700mm height, 508mm diam; SUPPLIER: Maglin Site Furniture9 L10.0S4 ----- ------------------- ·-·-----•-------- ---------------.--------n------ 0 _/ 11 ij -~ 1- ij I ij I ij I ij I 11 ij I I I I I I I I ij I I ij I I I ij I I I ij I I ij ! ij 1 lo ij I I ij l , .... ii I t I ij I I ij I X 7 __'i j_ V -·--v-----' --·--,-------------- 0 ~ ~~ J11 11' 1 ,-----7 ,:j;Jt,1 2 / ' ' 0 ' = \ <J -0 "{'o\' • X id , 7,-, .... ....:~·· ·, ' • ~ ~i x \ l 0 \. \" \ •, ~ ,.J ..J 1 _ _j_..J • <J 1 1 I II I ~ r-:::----I I o I rc======-j n ~ It=-~o~~Ynid__L_L_L____j:L____j____J_____ti___L_____j____---'------~ 0 wTT■8 ~ []]■8 L •8 L•8 I '._.8 F • Pl w f sp 1111111 1 ■8 ~•0 ~ ~-\ I =~■, I I I I ■ ~ 0 ,_ -JD eta lacdscape a cc tectcce 1690 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver . BC . Canada . V6J 1 H4 t I 604.683.1456 1 I 604.683.1459 w I www.etala.ca No.Date Revision Notes Drawing No. Scale Project IDProject Manager Drawn By Reviewed By Date Legal L5.1 1/150 21936AA DT 2019.09.06 14 No.Date Issue Notes Professional Seal Plot Date: of Issue Revision All Rights Reserved by eta landscape architecture inc. Information contained on these documents is part of the Consultant’s instruments of service, and the Consultant shall retain ownership thereof. Such information shall not be used for any purpose other than for the construction of the referenced project. Any other use, reuse or modification of the documents without the Consultant’s prior written consent will be at the recipient’s sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. Project Maple Ridge Drawing Title Tree Plan Re-zoning and Development Permit ApplicationA2020-01-14 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateB2020-01-22 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateC2020-12-03 Issue for DPB2019.11.22 Re-Issued for DPC2021.08.20 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X WTR WT R WTR ST STST ST ST STST ST WTR WTRWTRWTRSTSTST ST X X 128th AVENUE 23 2 n d S T R E E T MagMag MagMag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Far Cn Cn Cn Prsk Prsk Prsk Prsk Prsk Siw Cof Prsk Prsk Prsk Prsk Bldg Tree plan Scale: 1:1501 0 5 10 15 20 m Existing Tree to Retain Existing Tree to Retain Existing Tree to Retain Trees, for info refer to soft landscape schedule Cn Tree Species abbreviation, for info refer to soft landscape schedule Limit of Work TREE PLAN LEGEND Cn ----- ------------------- ·------,-------L _.:-. .L ' 'I V --r-,-------------·--------·--. L -~ IT ' • ~ • ,J ·--, ', • ' -.., /', L· ~--~a~l.:,..,"'_i~------t::j~;~;~pfd' ... 0 J:'"1i1 ~l--~-===7/ .-1~~.~ , .. ~, ==/==J===(~i; x J 'i/--~ ....,..""'"'" )' ~,,, • ~ .I r" _,,d_ I , IL lr, .4 r :~1_,"'-=-"' ,; . I I r.1 i '? rjf ~\"(, ~ ._//-./ c, x 1; ',,,,7 ,.,:-• X ~ 'c,? "> X ._\ c,j ~L,,,x""\\ ,--~---/ /'/ ,\ ) J )5;.} Ar ," "' [: 11-=ij'-----I ~ ', ij , . • ' . I' , ';,,lf ----- 1 ;,, ij : .. I.I,'. I '~1-~---- ) V • ~ I i: :<l--ij-- 1 r 1------ 1 >'' I I ~ . I , -<'f------ 1 . ~ I I • lf--~---- 1 r • ~ I I' ~ I I.., , , ., , ,-@Z&r./'-,r I • / ' ~ ," , \,,,, . 1- ij v ij ij -----11- IFF=,----, 'r> L-----11v,/ • , = v I I< ' I = \ • <J --------;;lijl I I J X • S Jl'>c, I ./ • _v - rr-~- I V . 'f ., 1/ IL eta lacdscape a cc tectcce 1690 west 2nd Avenue Vancouver . BC . Canada . V6J 1 H4 t I 604,683, 1456 1 I 604,683, 1459 w I www.etala.ca No.Date Revision Notes Drawing No. Scale Project IDProject Manager Drawn By Reviewed By Date Legal L5.2 1/150 21936AA DT 2019.09.06 14 No.Date Issue Notes Professional Seal Plot Date: of Issue Revision All Rights Reserved by eta landscape architecture inc. Information contained on these documents is part of the Consultant’s instruments of service, and the Consultant shall retain ownership thereof. Such information shall not be used for any purpose other than for the construction of the referenced project. Any other use, reuse or modification of the documents without the Consultant’s prior written consent will be at the recipient’s sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. Project Maple Ridge Drawing Title Planting Plan Re-zoning and Development Permit ApplicationA2020-01-14 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateB2020-01-22 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateC2020-12-03 Issue for DPB2019.11.22 Re-Issued for DPC2021.08.20 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X WTR WT R WTR ST STST ST ST STST ST WTR WTRWTRWTRSTSTST ST X X 20-Jsq 29-Jsq 25-Jsq 72-Jsq 47-Sob 21-Sob 36-Sob 29-Sob 38-Sob 96-Camf 29-Camf 35-Camf 68-Camf 36-Camf 52-Camf 31-Camf 7-Jsq 11-Jsq 23-Jsq 32-Bmj 56-Bmj 34-Bmj 23-Bmj 34-Bmj 58-Bmj 39-Bmj 47-Sob 106-Bmj 29-Af 12-Af 26-Af 36-Af 40-Af 39-Af 45-Af 73-Af 30-He 75-He 72-He 26-He 31-He 113-He 17-Rra-1 33-Rra-1 23-Rra-1 29-Rra-1 46-Las 100-Las 73-Pah 43-Pah 52-Pah 28-Pah 49-Pah 33-Pah 21-Pah 30-Pah 23-Pah 7-He 8-Lm 12-Lm 22-Lm 17-Jsq 12-Vb 7-Sr 12-Ron 8-Sr 5-Ron 5-Vb 11-Sr 17-Ron 17-Vb 26-He 30-Pah 7-Jsq 8-Jsq 16-Jsq 53-He 56-Las 17-Ron 128th AVENUE 23 2 n d S T R E E T Planting plan Scale: 1:1501 0 5 10 15 20 m Bldg ##-Xxx Shrubs & Groundcovers soft callouts, ##= number of plants in area Xxx= Plant species abbreviation, refer to soft landscape Planting schedule Limit of Work PLANTING PLAN LEGEND Note: Refer to Softscape Schedule Tree Trunk Location ID QTY LATIN NAME COMMON NAME SPACING SCHEDULED SIZE NOTES ATTRIBUTES TREES - OFF-SITE Mag 9 Magnolia grandiflora 'DD Blanchard'DD Blanchard southern magnoliaas shown «comments» SHRUBS / GROUNDCOVERS / PERENNIALS - OFFSITE LAWN - OFFSITE Non-Netted, grown on sand TREES Cn 3 Cornus nuttallii Pacific dogwood as shown 6cm cal/ B&B 2m standard/ full crown N, B, P Cof 1 Cornus florida "Cherokee Princess"Cherokee Princess dogwood as shown 6 cm cal.full, bushy plants B, P Far 1 Fraxinus angustifolia 'Raywood'Raywood ash as shown 6cm cal/B&B 2m standard Prsk 9 Prunus serrulata 'Kwanzan'flowering cherry as shown 6cm cal.full, bushy plants Siw 1 Salix sitchensis Sitka willow as shown 5cm/B&B N SHRUBS / GROUNDCOVERS / PERENNIALS Af 300 Aquilegea formosa western columbine 0.254 Sp #4 full/ bushy plants N, P Bmj 382 Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost'Siberean bugloss 0.275 #1 cont.full/ bushy plants/ heavyP Camf 347 Cornus alba 'Midwinter Fire'Midwinter Fire dogwood 0.3048 #3 cont.full/bushy He 433 Heuchera 'Plum Pudding'coral bells 0.3048 #1 cont.full/ bushy plants N, B, P Jsq 235 Juniperus squamata `Blue Star`Blue Star juniper 0.4572 #2 cont.full/ bushy plants Las 202 Lavandula stoechas Spanish lavender 0.4572 #2 cont. staked E, B, P, Ed Lm 42 Liriope muscari big blue lily turf 0.4572 #1 cont.staked Pah 382 Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln'dwarf fountain grass 0.4572 #1 cont.full/ bushy plants B, W Ron 51 Rosa nutkana Nootka rose ---#2 cont.full/ bushy plants Rra-1 102 Rhododendron 'Ramapo'purple rhododendron 0.4572 #5 cont.full/ bushy plants Sob 218 Salvia officinalis 'Berggarten'common sage 0.3048 Sp #4 full/ bushy plants P, Ed Sr 26 Sarcococca ruscifolia fragrant sarcococca 1 #3 cont.full/ bushy plants Vb 34 Viburnum burkwoodii Korean spice bush ---1m high B&B full/ bushy plants 0 0 LAWN Non-Netted, grown on sand NOTES: A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE PLANT LIST AND THE PLANTING PLAN, THE PLANTING PLAN TAKES PRECEDENCE.1 ALL LANDSCAPE TO CONFORM TO THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE CSLA STANDARDS FOR LEVEL 2 'GROOMED' LANDSCAPE TREATMENT IN THE EVENT OF 2 SEARCH AREA TO INCLUDE BRITISH COLUMBIA, WASHINGTON, AND OREGON 3 N - NATIVE E - EVERGREEN B - BIRD FRIENDLY P - POLLINATOR Ed - EDIBLE W - WINTER INTEREST PLANT LIST ------------ ij ij I ', 1 ij I <' I I , I '}r-::-ij __ _ I\ ij I , ' JI-------- • ' I I .. i' ------- ------,_ / I I ij l f-ij - ,,~--\\r- I M··· ij ij ij ij ij ij ij1~ ij ij ~ij' 1...._____.' ij1~1 ____ ____:~1 ij ij ij ~ "-,' .. ' .. < ..... ",,.:....__ ---- ( / • ·----'- '< < ,· ,.----. t~( \ l\,~ /\! I I I I I I I I I I I I I <J r IL - I I I I eta lacdscape a cc tectcce 1690 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver . BC . Canada _ VSJ 1 H4 I I 604.683.1456 I I 604.683.1459 w I www.etala.ca No . Da t e Re v i s i o n N o t e s Dr a w i n g N o . Sc a l e Pr o j e c t ID Pr o j e c t M a n a g e r Dr a w n B y Re v i e w e d B y Da t e Le g a l L6 .0 1/ 1 5 0 21 9 3 6 AA DT 20 1 9 .0 9 . 0 6 14 No . Da t e Is s u e N o t e s Pr o f e s s i o n a l S e a l Plo t D a t e : of Is s u e Re v i s i o n All R i g h t s R e s e r v e d b y e t a l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e i n c . In f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d o n t h e s e d o c u m e n t s is p a r t o f t h e C o n s u l t a n t ’ s in s t r u m e n t s o f s e r v i c e , a n d t h e C o n s u l t a n t s h a l l r e t a i n o w n e r s h i p th e r e o f . S u c h in f o r m a t i o n s h a l l n o t b e u s e d f o r a n y p u r p o s e o t h e r t h a n fo r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h e r e f e r e n c e d p r o j e c t . A n y o t h e r u s e , r e u s e o r mo d i f i c a t i o n o f t h e d o c u m e n t s w i t h o u t t h e C o n s u l t a n t ’ s p r i o r w r i t t e n co n s e n t w i l l b e a t t h e r e c i p i e n t ’ s s o l e r i s k a n d w i t h o u t li a b i l i t y o r l e g a l ex p o s u r e t o t h e C o n s u l t a n t . Pr o j e c t Ma p l e R i d g e Dr a w i n g T i t l e So i l D e p t h P l a n Re - z o n i n g a n d D e v e l o p m e n t P e r m i t A p p l i c a t i o n A 20 2 0 - 0 1 - 1 4 Re - z o n i n g a n d D e v e l o p m e n t P e r m i t A p p l i c a t i o n U p d a t e B 20 2 0 - 0 1 - 2 2 Re - z o n i n g a n d D e v e l o p m e n t P e r m i t A p p l i c a t i o n U p d a t e C 20 2 0 - 1 2 - 0 3 Is s u e f o r D P B 20 1 9 .1 1 .2 2 Re - I s s u e d f o r D P C 20 2 1 .0 8 .2 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X WTRWTR WTR STSTST STSTSTST ST WTR WTRWTRWTRST STST ST XX 12 8 t h A V E N U E 232nd STREET So i l D e p t h p l a n Sc a l e : 1 : 1 5 0 1 0 5 10 15 20 m Bl d g SO I L D E P T H L E G E N D 75 0 M M ( 3 0 " ) S O I L D E P T H Li m i t o f W o r k Tr e e T r u n k L o c a t i o n <J C> ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I 00 ~ 7) r.~J'v"\/ ' \ \. :j C> C> v 0 " " 0 m L " m 0 ~ rn 0 m D C rn t, ... 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Information contained on these documents is part of the Consultant’s instruments of service, and the Consultant shall retain ownership thereof. Such information shall not be used for any purpose other than for the construction of the referenced project. Any other use, reuse or modification of the documents without the Consultant’s prior written consent will be at the recipient’s sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. Project Maple Ridge Drawing Title Irrigated Areas Plan Re-zoning and Development Permit ApplicationA2020-01-14 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateB2020-01-22 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateC2020-12-03 Issue for DPB2019.11.22 Re-Issued for DPC2021.08.20 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X WTR WT R WTR ST STST ST ST STST ST WTR WTRWTRWTRSTSTST ST X X 128th AVENUE 23 2 n d S T R E E T Irrigated Areas plan Scale: 1:1501 0 5 10 15 20 m Bldg IRRIGATION LEGEND Note: Refer to Canadian landscape standard, typ. Area To Be Irrigated Limit of Work Tree Trunk Location ----- ------------------- ..::: -' L ....', _j_ I ------i----------n----·--·--,r------_v_ -------------- • • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I ! . I l I ! I I I J J J 1 l J 1 _,' JJJJJJJ ij 11 I ij ij v I ij ' ij ij ij ----71 ___ _ lff=-,.--, 'p '-----,IYv • ; Qv ij ij r- f- ij ' > ij ij ij ij ij ij ij ij I\ ij --- ij ,,~--\\r---.. ,_ - J ·-·-- ·-,'-.._ ' ·, ·--._,._~ v ... --i==~ .... -'--.... <' h ,,,. I ) \ I< X I X <J 11 I I I 11 ----··· IL_ eta lacdscape a cc tectcce 1690 west 2nd Avenue Vancouver . BC . Canada . V6J 1 H4 t I 604.683.1456 1 I 604.683.1459 w I www.etala.ca No.Date Revision Notes Drawing No. Scale Project IDProject Manager Drawn By Reviewed By Date Legal L8.0 as shown 21936AA DT 2019.09.06 14 No.Date Issue Notes Professional Seal Plot Date: of Issue Revision All Rights Reserved by eta landscape architecture inc. Information contained on these documents is part of the Consultant’s instruments of service, and the Consultant shall retain ownership thereof. Such information shall not be used for any purpose other than for the construction of the referenced project. Any other use, reuse or modification of the documents without the Consultant’s prior written consent will be at the recipient’s sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. Project Maple Ridge Drawing Title Landscape Sections Re-zoning and Development Permit ApplicationA2020-01-14 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateB2020-01-22 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateC2020-12-03 Issue for DPB2019.11.22 Re-Issued for DPC2021.08.20 Pr o p e r t y L i n e Planting Garbage enclosure Parking lotFence Section 1 Scale: 1:501 Pr o p e r t y L i n e Bu i l d i n g f a c e Building walkway Bench wall Planting Concrete finish Boulevard Planting Sidewalk Asphalt Section 2 Scale: 1:502 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X WTR WT R WTR WT RWTRWTRX X 1 2 ( --i, ,( \ II -1111 / ;;::__--- / 111 _,___II I , I I i If-I - 111 F.----1 - i I i i:---1- ! i11l--1- i!llf---i f.-1-- i i;-1 __ i1 I i I i "-1-- i 1!--1 __ !1 .,_I __ J .,_1 __ V t:,.=-----------1L" I V - I Q-I .. I - 1~ I I I r :<] ..__.u_u_LILUliilJJ I • ) '-1- i c---- ( ·...-: I• j - eta landscape &':::I-tecture 1690 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver . BC . Canada . V6J 1 H4 1 I 604.683.1456 1 I 604.683.1459 w I www.etala.ca No.Date Revision Notes Drawing No. Scale Project IDProject Manager Drawn By Reviewed By Date Legal L9.0 As Shown 21936AA DT 2019.09.06 14 No.Date Issue Notes Professional Seal Plot Date: of Issue Revision All Rights Reserved by eta landscape architecture inc. Information contained on these documents is part of the Consultant’s instruments of service, and the Consultant shall retain ownership thereof. Such information shall not be used for any purpose other than for the construction of the referenced project. Any other use, reuse or modification of the documents without the Consultant’s prior written consent will be at the recipient’s sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. Project Maple Ridge Drawing Title Softscape Details Re-zoning and Development Permit ApplicationA2020-01-14 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateB2020-01-22 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateC2020-12-03 Issue for DPB2019.11.22 Re-Issued for DPC2021.08.20 DETAIL: Tree at Grade Scale: 1:201 Minimum Width Of Tree Pit Shall Be The Rootball Diameter Plus 24". Tree Wells Shall Be 36" In Depth.Tree Wells In Boulevards Shall Be Connected By A Continuous Soil Trench Of At Least 24"x In Depth 30 " m i n t o 4 8 " m a x 50mm (2") thick mulch, refer to specifications - do not put mulch against the base of the plants 750mm (32") min. to 1200mm (48") max. growing medium, planting pit to be 2x rootball size 2x rootball 4" drainage pipe connected to storm where possible Ties: "arbour tie" or approved alternate Two pressure treated hem / fir 50 mm dia. woodstakes, 2m in length. Low saucer: 100 mm of soil around tree. circumference of tree to form a shallow bench to prevent water run-off. soil over the rootball shall not exceed 25 mm in depth. Prune off broken and damaged branches Roll back top 1/3rd of burlap. remove all plastic ties, treated burlap or container materials. Compacted permeable sub-grade, not excavated material - refer to geotech for acceptable permeability rate for soil 1 50mm (2") thick mulch, refer to specifications - do not put mulch against the base of the plants 600mm (24") min. growing medium, planting pit to be 2x rootball size 2x rootball Shrub Compacted permeable sub-grade, not excavated material - refer to geotech for acceptable permeability rate for soil 0 Compacted permeable sub-grade, not excavated material - refer to geotech for acceptable permeability rate for soil 50mm (2") thick mulch, refer to specifications - do not put mulch against the base of the plants 300mm (12") min. growing medium Groundcover 2% min. DETAIL: Shrubs at Grade Scale: 1:202 DETAIL: Groundcovers at Grade Scale: 1:204 1 50mm (2") thick mulch, refer to specifications - do not put mulch against the base of the plants 750mm (32") min. growing medium, planting pit to be 2x rootball size 2x rootball Hedge Compacted permeable sub-grade, not excavated material - refer to geotech for acceptable permeability rate for soil DETAIL: Hedge at Grade Scale: 1:203I I _/ . i - eta landscape 1690 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver BC · • Canada . V6J 1 H4 1 I 604.683.1456 1 I 604.683.1459 w I www.etala.ca &':::I-tecture No.Date Revision Notes Drawing No. Scale Project IDProject Manager Drawn By Reviewed By Date Legal L10.0 As Shown 21936AA DT 2019.09.06 14 No.Date Issue Notes Professional Seal Plot Date: of Issue Revision All Rights Reserved by eta landscape architecture inc. Information contained on these documents is part of the Consultant’s instruments of service, and the Consultant shall retain ownership thereof. Such information shall not be used for any purpose other than for the construction of the referenced project. Any other use, reuse or modification of the documents without the Consultant’s prior written consent will be at the recipient’s sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. Project Maple Ridge Drawing Title Hardscape and Furniture Details Re-zoning and Development Permit ApplicationA2020-01-14 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateB2020-01-22 Re-zoning and Development Permit Application UpdateC2020-12-03 Issue for DPB2019.11.22 Re-Issued for DPC2021.08.20 MATERIALS: FINISH: Bench ends are made from solid cast aluminum. The seat employs Ipe wood slats. All steel components are protected with E-Coat rust proofing.The Maglin Powdercoat System provides a durable finish on all metal surfaces. INSTALLATION:The bench is delivered pre-assembled. Holes (0.5") are provided in each foot for securing to base. TO SPECIFY:Select MLB870-WChoose:- Powdercoat Color - All drawings, specifications, design and details on this page remain the property of Maglin Site Furniture Inc. and may not be used without Maglin authorization.- Details and specifications may vary due to continuing improvements of our products. 870 SERIES T 800-716-5506F 877-260-9393www.maglin.comsales@maglin.com DIMENSIONS:Height: 32.2” (81.7cm)Length: 69.5” (176.5cm)Depth: 24.2” (61.4cm)Weight: 121.62lbs (55.1kg) MLB870-W 69 1/2"1765mm 18 9 / 1 6 " 472 m m 26 1 / 4 " 666 m m 24 5/16"618mm 24 3/16"614mm 32 3 / 1 6 " 817 m m DETAIL: Pedestrian Unit Pavers at Grade Scale: 1:101 DETAIL: Pedestrian CIP Concrete at Grade Scale: 1:102 DETAIL: Pedestrian Washed Aggregate Concrete with Pebbles at Grade Scale: 1:103 DETAIL: Backed Wall mount Bench & Wall Scale: 1:104 DETAIL: Bench type 1 Scale: NTS7 DETAIL: Bench type 2 Scale: NTS8DETAIL: Wall Mount Bench Scale: NTS6 MATERIALS: FINISH: Bench ends are made from solid cast aluminum. The seat employs Ipe wood slats. The wall mount bracket is made of steel. All steel components are protected with E-Coat rust proofing.The Maglin Powdercoat System provides a durable finish on all metal surfaces. INSTALLATION:The bench is delivered pre-assembled. Holes (0.5") are provided in each bracket for securing to base. TO SPECIFY:Select MLB870-L-WChoose:- Powdercoat Color - All drawings, specifications, design and details on this page remain the property of Maglin Site Furniture Inc. and may not be used without Maglin authorization.- Details and specifications may vary due to continuing improvements of our products. 870 SERIES T 800-716-5506F 877-260-9393 www.maglin.com sales@maglin.com DIMENSIONS:Height: 18” (45.7cm)Length: 69.5” (176.5cm)Depth: 24” (61.0cm)Weight: 116.81lbs (53kg) MLB870-L-W 69 1/2"1765mm 3 5 / 8 " 92 m m 18" 45 7 m m 7 5 / 1 6 " 185 m m 24"610mm 19 3 / 1 6 " 488 m m VA R I A B L E DETAIL: Wooden Fence Scale: NTS5 M1 M2 M3 M4 F1 F2 S1 S2 S3 2020-01-13, 12(32 PMIconic 48in Backless Bench | Maglin Site Furniture Page 1 of 2https://www.maglin.com/products/iconic/48in-backless-bench-series.html PRODUCTS | COLLECTIONS | CUSTOM | COMPANY INFO | PORTFOLIO | QUICK QUOTE | RESOURCES SUBSCRIBE | CONTACT US | SITE MAP | LOGOUT | MY ACCOUNT | FRANÇAIS Amer Abi Rafeh ICONIC COLLECTION: 48" L Backless BenchICONIC COLLECTION: 48" L Backless Bench The 48" Iconic Backless Bench ends are made from solid cast aluminum. The seat is available with Ipe or Thermally Modified Ash wood. Stand alone or pair with the Iconic standard table. DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT MBE-2300-00028 Ipe wood MBE-2300-00052 Arms, Ipe wood MBE-2300-00061 Thermally Modified Ash wood MBE-2300-00070 Arms, Thermally Modified Ash wood Height: 18" (45.7cm)Height: 18" (45.7cm)Height: 18" (45.7cm)Height: 18" (45.7cm) Length: 48" (121.6cm)Length: 48" (121.6cm)Length: 48" (121.6cm)Length: 48" (121.6cm) Depth: 20 1/16" (50.9cm)Depth: 20 1/16" (50.9cm)Depth: 20 1/16" (50.9cm)Depth: 20 1/16" (50.9cm) Weight: 67lbs (30.2kg)Weight: 77.5lbs (35.2kg)Weight: 55lbs (25kg)Weight: 66lbs (30kg) FINISHES ‹‹›› PRODUCT INFO COLOR CHART 2020-01-13, 12(32 PMIconic 48in Backless Bench | Maglin Site Furniture Page 2 of 2https://www.maglin.com/products/iconic/48in-backless-bench-series.html The Maglin Powdercoat System provides a durable finish on all aluminum castings. The wood is treated with penetrating sealers. Thesteel brackets are e-coated and powdercoated. INSTALLATION The 2300 Series - Iconic Backless Bench is delivered pre-assembled. The legs have 7/16" holes for anchoring. ORDER Contact your Maglin representative for specifications and pricing. Chair:Model: KNCH2000-M0 KNCH2000-M0 Login to Maglin's Extranet to access our product library and Quick Quote System: (PDF, DWG, SKETCHUP, CSI SPEC, BIM OBJECTS) MAGLIN_SKP_LAYT_MLTB1050-BHN-P SKETCHUP Additional Files for Download: METAL FINISHING PDF ©2019 Maglin Site Furniture. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy Toll Free: 1.800.716.5506 | Fax: 1.877.260.9393 DETAIL: Bike Rack Scale: NTS9 S4 MATERIALS: FINISH: The bike rack is constructed using H.S. steel tube and steel mounting plate. All steel components are protected with E-Coat rust proofing. The Maglin Powdercoat System provides a durable finish on all metal surfaces. INSTALLATION:The bike rack is delivered pre-assembled. TO SPECIFY:Select MBR150-SChoose: - Powdercoat Color- Galvanized Finish - Surface Mount (MBR150-S-G) - All drawings, specifications, design and details on this page remain the property of Maglin Site Furniture Inc. and may not be used without Maglin authorization.- Details and specifications may vary due to continuing improvements of our products. 150 SERIES T 800-716-5506 F 877-260-9393 www.maglin.comsales@maglin.com DIMENSIONS: Height:Diameter:Weight: MBR150-S 27 3 / 4 " 70 5 m m 20"508mm 1 5/8"41mm 5"127mm 27.75” (70.5cm)20” (50.8cm)12.04lbs (5.5kg) 75mm aggregate pathway 200mm of crushed-compacted sub-base spiral steel spike at 300mm o.c. - typical - install as per Manufacturer's 'installation guidelines' PERMALOC aluminum restraint for Finish, Refer to plans Planting DETAIL: Horse trail aggregate pathway Scale: NTS10 Compacted subgrade 100mm (4") CIP Washed Aggregaate Concrete pad with 65% of size embedded washed pebbles, reinforced with 9 gauge welded wire mesh, 2% slope to drain 150mm (6”) 3/4” minus crush-compacted 95% mpd aggregate base course NOTE: - Washed Aggregate finish - River washed pebbles embedded in concrete slab, 65% of height of pebble is embedded - To be completed within 24hrs of pouring the slab Construction joint - edge at intersection wth broom finish concrete with 1/8" (3mm) radius Subbase compacted to 95% modified proctor density 50mm (2") #9 aggregate setting bed 150mm (6") 3/4"crushed - compacted aggregate base course Unit pavers, 2% slope to drain. refer to materials schedule for Type, Size and Colour & Pattern. Non-woven filter fabric Compacted Site Subgrade 100mm (4") cip concrete pad, reinforced with 9 gauge welded wire mesh, 2% slope to drain 150mm (6”) 3/4” minus crush-compacted 95% mpd aggregate base course Sawcuts to be 25mm deep or 1/4 of concrete slab depth NOTE: - Saw-cuts to be installed per layout plan - Saw-cut control joints to be 1/4 slab depth - To be completed within 24hrs of pouring the slab Varies - not to exceed 3x width for sidewalks Construction joint - edge each side with 1/8" (3mm) radius Subbase compacted to 95% modified proctor density Comopacted Site Subgrade 48 8 m m 500mm 37 0 m m For Finish, Refer to Landscape Plans and details Plaster and Paint Concrete wall, Light Gray colour, refer to Structure for Details Backed wall mount Bnech, refer to Furniture Schedule, installation as per manufacturer's recommendations NOTE: - ShopDrawing to be provided, design as per this detail - To be coordinated with structure engineer F3 2.5 c: Sectionb: Elevation a: Plan In n e r s i d e Ou t e r s i d e Fence wood column with concealed fixation to steel base anchored on top of curb. Wooden horizontal bars bolted to wooden columns Curb concrete Footing Level Finish Grade Inner side Outer side a: Plan 1.8 c: Sectionb: Elevation NOTE: - ShopDrawing to be provided, design as per this detail - To be coordinated with structure engineer Fence wood column with concealed fixation to steel base anchored on top of curb. Wood frame fence with wire mesh panel, wood columns and pannels wire mesh panels fixed to wood pannels & post Curb Footing Level Finish Grade SITE FENCE GARBAGE ENCLOSURE FENCE f - - - -- - - - -- - - - -= I Ill ------- ------- -... 11-... 1111-... 1111-. 1111-.11 ... I I I I I I I I I I ' ------- ------- 1 11 1111 1111 1111 11 11 1111 Ill -Ill 1 -111 111 11 111 1111 1111 11 1111 11 1111 111 1 11 111 e MAGLIN" S,te rumilur@ i -r /4 l. ' I 1~ -' ---j -~ -' I ~ -'--, ' r-::-;;::-.... =-:::.:> I I i/ \,i':1 1: ~ \\ / i '"·:rr;::· I ell MAGLIN eMAGLIN l t I ' ~ I 2 ' ::,:'.·//. ---"c--t==---___[~:::J.' i=~l__ ________ _J_~___j -,------i~ ______ _J '' I '.)'.) 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PER W-41. 1-150 FL X 150 1YT X 200 FL TEE 1-150 FL X 150 1YT GAlE V/IJ...VE _ 1--ooNC THRUST BLOCKS -- 1.50 43 23154 - - 12761 REVISED SITE Pl.AN DRP REVISED SITE Pl.AN DRP ~ Lil 0 M ri '° w z :::; ~ w a. 0 ex: a. -- -- T ' : I :If ~ I T I 1: t ff: I 1~ ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' I T ' ' ' T T T I ' ' ' ' ' ' lib r---- I I Ill I II ILI ' • I / I I I ' I I ' . I I . t ,) I ' I ,, ') I I I ':::l IN 01 Ii~ I ',d ' ' ,, 19 I ~ I',: 5_,,11 - I I I I 26 I I LOADING I 18 I , I I I UPDATED PER ENGINEERING COMMENTS f'OR SWMP DRP D.K. BOWi NS & ASSOCIATES INC. RE-ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION LKF Revision BY 8955 EMIRY STREET, MISSION, B.C. V4S 1A6 TEL: 604-826-4399 EMAIL: dbowins@shaw.ca Thi5 drowing and design 15 the property of D,K. BOWINS & ASSOCIATES Inc:. and c:annot be u5ed, reu:sed or reprinted without the written consent of said r:::ompony. 7-W- I - V ,~ -~ ' I I I I I I I I I I I I \ - _,._ w -,... - -'" 2000 D.I. W/M w 8 1 SOOltl FLOW CONTROL MANHOLE. EXISTING PROPOSED STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER GAS WATER U.G. LIGHTING U.G. HYDRO U.G. TELEPHONE MANHOLE CATCH BASIN WATER OR GAS VALVE SEE SWMP FOR DETAILS 00 me STM SAN GAS W/M S/L B.C.H. B.C.T. --0- 0 N DITCH UTILITY POLE /ANCHOR FIRE HYDRANT IRON PIN ♦-3 Q-- . I.P. BASEMENT ELEV. LEFT T RIGHT J_ EDGE OF PAVEMENT FENCE SIDEWALK SURVEY MONUMENT ,,, SAN. INSPECTION CHAMBER STREET LIGHT w 0 0--y / --------:::---- ----~ - // / X EDGE OF GRAVEL SLOPE SHRUB 0 HEDGE ~ ~ TREE 9 BUILDING c::_;:J ' I ' ~ w--- DETENTION AND INFILTRATION FACILITY / (LOCATION SHOWN AS APPROXIMATE) 30.0m X 9.0m 4 ROWS OF STORMTECH MC3500 I ~f-, -I (/) r ;~\"~ <( (') Q_ '::s 0 "' ,-2 s ~ (f)(/) "-- ---< "" <1' . u ' --z . -□ s I u X & "' o s ~o ~ D \en ~ -U) ---, ' , I ' I " I ' DRAWN LKF SEAL DESIGNED DRP CHECKED DRP APPROVED DRP FIELD BOOK SCALES HORZ. 1: 200 VERT. - ~ IV n---- --sf7LJ~-ST DMH N INV. ~ 17.55 S INV. ~ 17.03 :s: w :D ;:;; il!l ,z 't; ~ "' _J <t :s: w C "' '=! 2 12784 1 12760 CllY OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SITE SERVICING PLAN 12791 232 STREET Date OCT 2019 SHEET 1 of 2 Dwg. No. 04 RESIDENTIAL X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RESIDENTIAL 2ND STORY OUTLINE (TYP.) FENCE FENCE PROPERTY LINE 57.610M PROPERTY LINE 54,355M FIRE HYDRANT 19-003 CANOPY ABOVE (TYP) LOCATION OF BUS STOP WASTE MANAGEMENT ENCLOSED AREA WITH ROOF ON CONCRETE SLAB ENTRY/EXIT FIRETRUCK ACCESS ROUTE ii~~~MWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 1 \ / 1. 1, 1 1 J '~ ~r----K> 1 9 14 -• 360mm TOPSOIL ON ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS/PLANTER BEDS AND DISTURBED ~ ~ ~ AREAS = 90Om1 X 2 = 33m' \ / ~ ~ -• 71m' OF INFILTRATION STORAGE ALLOTTED IN THE DETENTION/INFILTRATION "-w • ., 2000 D.I. W/~ -----=..-c~ w ---+-l-~---SYSTEM. ...1.. ___.-/ w-~-------1,-------------'l;-Cl-150~T =- - • 2 YEAR RETURN EVENT CAPTURED/DETAINED AND RELEASED AT 2 YEAR / -,+ll"----TIER B; 128 AVENUE ~ <> // w \ ~ v PREDEVELOPMENT RELEASE RATE. = 58m' / (W--:!__j ~,, ST --SL~-ST TIER C: ~ T <7 ---M---- O 10 YEAR RETURN EVENT CAPTURED/DETAINED AND RELEASED AT 2 YEAR t====l===============================:;::;;::::;:a;::f". j"'vi vi PREDEVELOPMENT RELEASE RATE. = 177m' • sP ;/ cc---J i:" ~---j -• THE 100 YEAR EVENT IS CONVEYED TO 128 AVENUE VIA OVERLAND FLOW. ==;c3!-~ 1/ IC IC ~ v, • TYPE I OIL INTERCEPTOR " ,_"\l1/~ 7 u 0--' 0 'J~ s (Jnl ts SAi~ ~ •• ••• -T -. ______ _,.__-···---~~···~~"~-// ~ ~ l~/jf ~ PVC ~=--=;;;:;;,iiiit;:::=:='.=--==--1J[Ej[::"f"--------~-"-"....__t="'.:'~==='=~==i~~rrc/~~~=~~:;:==tl't{~52~5i¢~C~O~NSC.~S~A~ (2 \ ,---~-.;;a.....;::,,.. ___ _,11111 ~~---TIER A -~ " ~ -~) (l1)) .::; ;T(Jin~+--37~j co_N_c_. _sTM5 T -~ s I 2.0m DEDICATION ~--It' 360mm TOPSOIL FOR '\ ~ ~-~---4\-~+. /P-----~-___i,,__-; SIDEWALK ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 ALL DISTURBED AREAS AND PLANTERSF======,,_='-"'~====.=~~~r'co~11,:~0~=_d_~=--~~ v/ APPROX. CRITICAL CABLE TELUS['] HO UC ""~ '\ I , :x </ V EX SIDE - H -Jf-------I CATCH IC 1.50 I 1,"Y I I I I I I I I I I "l \ I Ml .o I •. 7 --1--1--!c11-.-,_-:_-:_-_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:::....,.1 I I _@ ~;f "1 I CATCH BASIN 111 : f--!IC~~- 43 _, _ b 23154 >-~ ~ 1if-----~ t f C,:: e lf-------- 0.. HATCHED AREA DEPICTS ACCESS EASEMENT FOR FUTURE CONNECTION TO THE WEST -- ' I I I I 1111 I 1 .50 ::;,:,u I I I ------IRF'lll ~ ~ § I 26 j e= I =--:----::-:-=--1~!~L., LOADING II 1111111 Ill 11111 -- J IC IC .85 13.00 / / TOTAL AREA 0.36Ha \~ 44 12791 IC VEX. 1 00mm¢ SAN SERVICE DECOMMISSIONED a-DEP7:_H = 2.38m _ / EXISTING PROPERTY LINE \ REVISED PROPERTY LINE A3,0m DEDIICATION w w 0:::: 1--(f) N l"1 N l• / FOOTING DRAIN TO BYPASS F.C. MANHOLE AND OIL INTERCEPTOR I J TIER B/C: DMH N INV. = S INV. = ~ w C> V, il'J IZ ~ ?:i 17.55 17.03 2 12784 ✓ DETENTION AND INFILTRATION FACILITY (LOCATION SHOWN AS APPROXIMATE) 30.0m X 9.0m 4 ROWS OF STORMTECH MC3500 -45 UNITS TIER A INFILTRATION VOLUME = 71 ~ TIER B DETENTION VOLUME -58~ TIER C DETENTION VOLUME = 177m3 1 - - 12760 (J) -, -Ill I II September 2, 2020 12791 232 street Tier A: Capture, Infiltrate the 50% Mean Annual Ralnran = 36mm In a 24 hour period 36mm X 0.31Ha = 133 ml 1. Landscaping (36mm Capture/Infiltrate) -Total Area 450m Per Landscape Plan L1.B CB =R/0 2 36 = R = (mm) REinfal capture depth 0.2 = O 2 = (unitless) Wffer holding capacity of the soil calculated as fiel d c,;:pacity minus wilting J))int 180 =Cs= (mm) Depth (thickness) of Planter/Green Roof soil Use 360mm to account for an additi onal 900m2 of area= 901)1-,2 x 36mm = 32.4m3 . 2. Remaining Volume to be stored for inflltration in Stormie ch 36 = R = (mm) REinfel capture depth 2800 = (m2) Remaining Area to Store (3700m-900m) 101 = (ml) Volume to be Retained 150 = (m2) Base Alea ct Stormtech 0.6 = (m) Oei:(h of Rock UnOOr Stornitech :29.7 = (m3) Infiltration Volume In Base Rock 71 = (m3) Remaining Vciume Required in Stormtech -Elevation of Outlet AdJusted to Suit Teir B : Detain and Control the Runoff From the 50% MAR to MA.R = The next 36mm calculate Tc C c L e 0.1 = RunctfCoefficient 75 = (m) Travel Distance Ti S 0 1.5 =(%)slope oftr~ Path Ti = 25 = (min) Inlet Time Total De.-81opment Area = Runoff Coefficient Post De.-elopment = Runoff Coeffici ent Pre Development = Pre De1.elopment Release Rate to Storm = ln~ltrat.ion Release Rate = Combined R~ease Rate= Op1 = 2 Year Posl:to 2 Year Forested 0.2-0 Ha 0 8 0 1 O 002186 m3fse,::: O.OOCOJCG mis 0.002231 m3ise,::: 0 017 m3{se,::: 3.26 (1.1-C) L 0.5 50.33 Tc= 25 mi n 150 o m2 of Slormtech Base 2.2 Us 22 mm/hr 0.000045 m3/sec Time Intensity (mm/hr) Qp2 Peak Flow In Flow Intermediate Calculations Vol line storage Volume Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 (min) 5 10 15 30 60 90 300 T2D 1440 2880 47.7 34.1 280 20.0 14 3 11.7 60 43 3.1 22 Minimum Storage Required= o.m2 0.027 0.022 0.016 0.011 0.009 0 005 0.003 0 002 0.002 56 m' [m'J 11 16 20 29 41 51 11)4 148 212 302 Teir c : Detain and Control the Runoff for the 10 Year Stonn Total D:r.-elopment Area= Runoff Coefficient Post De.-elopment = Ru noff Coefficient Pre Development = Pre De\Blopment Release Rate to Storm = Infiltration Release Rate = Combined Raj ease Rate= Op1 = 10 Year Post to 2 Year Forested 0.36 Ha O.S 0 1 0.002186 m3isoc O.OOCOJCG mis 0 002231 m3fse,::: 0 017 m3isa Tr*Qp2-Qrel 1/Qp2 1/Qp1 1/0p2-1/Qp1 1078 15.03 18 16 24.80 33 15 38 .69 5542 51 68 18 81 -8320 Tc= 26.20 36.66 44.63 62.46 87 .42 100.42 200.46 291.76 400.34 571.51 57.18 57.18 57.18 57.18 57.18 57.18 57 18 57.18 57 18 57.18 25 mi n 150.0 m2 of Storm tech Base 2.2 Us -30.98 -20.51 -12.55 5.29 30 25 49.24 151.28 234.58 351.17 514.33 Orel"2 4 97827E-C6 4.97827E-C6 4 97827E-C6 4.97827E-OO 4 97827E-C6 4.97827E-OO 4 97827E-C6 4 97827E-C6 4 .97827E-C6 4 97827E-C6 OSTc(1/Qp2-1/Qp1) ~arelA2 22 mm/hr -0 1 -0.1 0 0 0.0 0 1 0.2 0 6 0 9 1.3 1 g 0.000045 m3/sec 10 67 14.95 ·18.1 ·1 24.82 33 26 38.88 56.99 52 56 :,J 12 -81.27 Time lnteil!!ity Qp2 Peak Flow In Flow Intermediate Calculations Vol line stora.ge Volume Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 (min) 5 10 15 30 60 90 300 7:,J 1440 2880 (mm/hr) 820 586 482 344 24.6 202 10.3 74 53 38 Uinimum storage Required • Tier B -Orifice Calculation Q • CA(2g h)"-0. 5 0.006 0 1)47 O.CG9 0.028 0.020 0.016 0.008 0.006 0 004 0 003 172 m3 [m'J 20 28 35 50 71 87 178 255 364 5:,J Tr*Op2-0rel 1/0p2 19 04 26 82 32 69 45 57 62.83 75 26 130.10 15840 17131 134 72 15.22 21 .31 25.94 36.30 50.81 61.85 121.15 169.56 237.31 332.13 1/Qp1 57.18 57 18 57.18 57.18 57.18 57.18 57.18 57.18 57.18 57 18 1/Qp2-1/0p1 -41.95 -35.87 -31.24 -20.88 -6.37 4.67 63.97 112.38 180.13 274.96 Orel"2 4 97827E-C6 4 97827E-C6 4 97827E-C6 4 97827E-C6 4.97827E-C6 4 97827E-C6 4.97827E-OO 4 97827E-C6 4 97827E-C6 4 97827E-C6 Find Flow Released by 16.5mm [bmeter Orific:e Compare Alloo.rable Re Iese Rate Find 16.5mm Orifice Flow at Full Depth C= 082 Sharp orsQJare g= 9.81 m2/sec Gra-vitational Acceleration h= 0.3 m Hoodoo Orifice Demeter Tier C -Orifice Calculation 16.5 mm 21 4 mm2 o.CDJ3 m3/ssc 0.0022 m3/sec Area of Orifice Q = CA(2gh)"-0.5 Calculate Secondary Orifice From Ooiff Clui1t : Cc gc he Demeter Dameter = 0.0015 m3/sec 0 62 9 81 m2/sec 0.9 m 23.0 mm 589 mm2 27 mm Sharp or SQJare Gra-vitational Acceleration Head m Orifice Area of Orifice C= 0.62 Diameter Q16.5 Full Depth = QRi,1.,.s,i = QDltf = 9.81 m2/sec 1.23 m 16.5 mm 21<! mm2 O.ClXJ7 m3/sec O 0022 m3/sec 0.0015 m3/sec 0.5"Tc(1/0p2-1i0p1) ~cirel"2 -0.2 -0 1 -0 1 -0 1 0.0 0 0 0.2 04 0 T 1 0 Sharp cr squae Gr8"Vitaional Acceleration Head oo Orifice Area of Orifice EYE BOLT SET IN CONCRETE 6mm GALVANIZED SlRANDED STEEL lllRE CABLE. \1!1TH Ulm SLACK SECONDARY ORIFICE 28mm DIAMElER ORIFICE 0 18.60 17.51m 1.07m (HEAD FOR DESIGN Of ~ ~ . ' I ORIFICE Pl.A lE) 18.44 450mm MIN 1_27m -1!!.44 -··-··-··----~ ----lSO ~ M_H=,,'/-t•➔--rl-18.44 TOP OF TIER C STORAGE ELEV. 300mm MIN I DElENTION ~-"' / •• • ~::----t----.-1-~. i~~R:ic v .~. / _ f-c _ _ ~-;s:u:/;~ER_B_STORAGE ELEV. ~,l\\~rn\l'\\,r,\\--+--'-1440'-'-'-'lm;.:.mc...._+-;;=.,.,-----------'--'/IN:.:.V!:. • ..:177.72r:;1 _,,/,,-. .._,,.--,__=--1-lL. . .L17c, .. 2..,1u,TOP Of TIER.A STORAGE ELEV. I • .-+-1'----t---+~IN~1~~~7~.0~1~L-----------,,-~~-t-/--o-~~:1:~~rt-t--+8~-- \I 1 _J WAlER TIGHT SLIDING / <e "'!l'"rll-~=H''N..,.v.,_,,16,..7c,Ou... __ ..i.. O.Slm / _ -"ill' -uEPTH OF STONE INFlLlRATION (AS FABRICAlED BY LE / · DETENTION FACILITY 18 88 26 69 3258 4549 62.80 75 28 130.34 158 81 171.98 135 75 - -=1 , I-· GAlE c w EYE BOLT • ~---r . 0 -200, OVERFLOW TO ' " " I _\I 400mm MIN STORAGE RON PLASTICS OR £v 1fil 8 17.01 1950mm ------JOO mm TIER A EQUIVALENl) I}' 2. _LE~; :;: . ·. ~ 7'l ~ SEE A~~E~~i~~ !PROPOSED OVERBUILD MANHOLE! 200, WAlER TIGHT CAP V.,TH/f'.': ":'"7: ,. : ~ . .-..,.,.,. ~."4 CONNECTION FLOW CONlROL DEVICE (15mm THICK ORIFICE PLATE lllTH 16.5mm DIAMElER ORIFICE) /. LSEDIMENT AND GREASE lRAP ~--<::ONlROL SlRUCTURE TO BE fABRICAlED IN PVC AND ANCHORED TO MANHOLE I I I 04 21/08/20 REVISED SITE Pl.AN 03 20/12/09 REVISED SITE Pl.AN 02 20/09/02 UPDATED PER ENGINEERING COMMENTS FOR SWMP 01 20/01/'12 RE-ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION No Date Revision 8 12761 DRP DRP DRP LKF BY 1500111 FLOW CONTROL MANHOLE. SEE SWMP FOR DETAILS D.K. BOWi NS & ASSOCIATES INC. 8955 EMIRY STREET, MISSION, B.C. V4S 1A6 TEL: 604-826-4399 EMAIL: dbowins@shaw.ca Th15 drowing and design 15 the property of D,K. BOWINS & ASSOCIATES Inc:. and c:annot be u5ed, reused or r€pr1nted without the written c:ons€nt of said r:::ompany. EXISTING PROPOSED STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER GAS WATER U.G. LIGHTING U.G. HYDRO U.G. TELEPHONE MANHOLE CATCH BASIN WATER OR GAS VALVE I 111 , I 00 me STM SAN GAS W/M S/L B.C.H. B.C.T. --0- CZJ N DITCH UTILITY POLE /ANCHOR FIRE HYDRANT IRON PIN BASEMENT ELEV. EDGE OF PAVEMENT FENCE SIDEWALK SURVEY MONUMENT ♦-3 Q-- . LP. LEFT T RIGHT J_ SAN. INSPECTION CHAMBER STREET LIGHT 0 0--y EDGE OF GRAVEL SLOPE SHRUB HEDGE TREE BUILDING I I 0 9 c::_;:J DRAWN LKF DESIGNED DRP CHECKED DRP APPROVED DRP FIELD BOOK SCALES HORZ. 1: 200 VERT. - SEAL FLOW CONTROL MANHOLE N.T.S. CllY OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SWMP AND LOT GRADING 12791 232 STREET Date OCT 2019 SHEET 2 of 2 Dwg. No_ 04 Architectural Comments: Height of the building is out of scale given the context: o reconsider 7 storey volume to a height more in keeping within the neighbourhood JMM – supported by Planning needs council approval with public input o Gable roof is exacerbating the height of the roof JMM – Revised design at street (south) face has removed units from the top floor and changed the roof to a terrace. o Please provide shadow studies, extended street elevations and larger reaching sections to show the impact of the building on the surrounding context JMM – refer to architecture plans attached. Consider the Human scale of the building and introduce elements to lower the overall massing; JMM – Revised design has eliminated the strong vertical brick cladding in favour of a single storey only and pronounced entry arch. Provide more celebration/distinction of entry and more articulation/visual interests on the street fronting facades; JMM – provided refer to revised street entry facade Consider softening material pallet to add warmth to the façade; JMM – there are two options provided for review comments Consider opportunities for the indoor/outdoor relationship at the ground plane. JMM – this will be difficult to achieve with the declining grade to the north face of the building unless we get approval to connect into the environmental areas somewhat City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MEETING MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) held via Zoom teleconference on Wednesday, June 16, 2021 at 4:03 pm. PANEL MEMBERS PRESENT Stephen Heller, Chair Landscape Architect BCSLA Meredith Mitchell, Vice Chair Landscape Architect BCSLA Steven Bartok Architect AIBC Emily Kearns Architect AIBC STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Wendy Cooper Staff Liaison, Planner Sabina Chand Committee Clerk ABSENT Andrea Scott Architect AIBC 5.1 Development Permit No: 2020:309:DP −12297 222 St. | 22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge, BC The Chair welcomed the project team to the meeting and introduced the members of the ADP. The Staff Liaison provided a brief overview of a multi: storey (7) residential development. The project team presented the development plans and answered questions from the Panel. --==-_.-... ...____ - mapleridge .ca Landscape Comments: Provide more clarification on perimeter grades and relationship to neighbouring property; JMM – Refer to plans and comments provided by landscape architect attached Provide terraced landscape retaining walls to soften the edges of the exposed parkade JMM – Refer to plans and comments provided by landscape architect attached Provide removable bollards at the 123rd street let down in front of the garbage collection – evaluate if this let down is needed as garbage truck could use podium access as the firetruck; JMM – Refer to plans and comments provided by landscape architect attached Consider to blend and expand the amenity area into the environmental setback; JMM – Refer to plans and comments provided by landscape architect attached Maintenance path of the Westside of the building is hidden – provide a looping path or additional connections to the building to reduce CPTED concerns; JMM – Refer to plans and comments provided by landscape architect attached Consider more variety in the play structures. JMM – Refer to plans and comments provided by landscape architect attached End of comments jmm This document has been electro11ically certified with digital certific,ite and encryption ,iuthorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The original had been tra11smitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version -··::s~::;::f !~,, \J;-~/ ·•, 811 co\.. ..••• .................... 2021-08-23 DVS Duncan| DP 2018-255-RZ/DP – 12297 - 222 STREET / 22175, 22185 - 123 AVENUE 1 Donald V. S. Duncan BA BLA BCSLA CSLA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Suite 603 – 220 11st Street, New Westminster, BC V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 22 August 2021 Planning Department City OF Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge BC V2X 6A9 Re: DP 2018-255-RZ/DP – 12297 - 222 STREET / 22175, 22185 - 123 AVENUE My thanks to the members of the Advisory Design Panel for entertaining and reviewing our submission. Having read the Panel's comments, some adjustments have been made to the design while other concerns of the panel are addressed below with a fuller explanation of existing design elements. The landscape responses are as follows, with the ADP comments shown in green: • Provide more clarification on perimeter grades and relationship to neighbouring property; While the southern portion of the site will be at or near the elevation of the adjacent roadways and the residential lot to the west, the grading relationships for the northern portion of the site is more complex both because of the adjacent ravines and because of the environmental protection areas. Three sections have been provided (see L3-10) to clarify these relationships. It is to be understood that the northern portion of the site is defined by ravines that meet at the north and continue along its western and eastern boundaries. These ravines have steep sides and are well forested. As such, they represent a considerable physical and visual barrier between the site and neighbouring properties. • Provide terraced landscape retaining walls to soften the edges of the exposed parkade; The exposed parkade condition occurs in the northern portion of the site. This condition is most notable at the northern extent of the parking structure. As noted above, this area is largely screened from adjacent residences. In addition to the forested ravines, a row of trees (on the development site) blocks views from the immediately adjacent residential property into the northern portion of the site and therefore blocks views of the parkade wall. As the screening vegetation consists of coniferous trees, the affect does not vary seasonally. Notwithstanding this condition, a retaining wall has been added to the north west corner of the building to raise the grade at this location. Additional vine maples have also been added against the building wall along the western frontage as well. The landscape on the eastern side of the parking structure is more constrained by tree protection considerations. At the northeast corner, the tree protection area reaches to the edge of the path, which is in turn immediately against the foundation wall. While this area would most benefit from terracing, any such works would compromise the integrity of the preserved trees. Moving southward there is a decreasingly need for terracing as the pathway and general landscape rise. As with the west side, this entire portion of the building is well screened by the wooded ravine to the east. And by existing trees on the development site. ~ 1~00 - DVS Duncan| DP 2018-255-RZ/DP – 12297 - 222 STREET / 22175, 22185 - 123 AVENUE 2 • Provide removable bollards at the 123rd street let down in front of the garbage collection; Bollards have been provided. (see L1-00) • Consider to blend and expand the amenity area into the environmental setback; An additional trail has been added to address the CPTED concerns expressed below. This will allow residents good views into the adjacent ravine and to circulate more freely. However, this trail may encourage excessive pedestrian intrusion into the protection area and is not recommended by the landscape architect or the environmental consultant. • Maintenance path of the Westside of the building is hidden – provide a looping path or additional connections to the building to reduce CPTED concerns; A loop trail has been added to address the concerns of entrapment. However, it should be noted that this area of site will be subject to significant levels of natural surveillance by the residential units above and will be generally populated by legitimate users. Illegitimate users tend to be behaviourally averse to locations with a single option for egress and may prefer the loop trail configuration. This, in combination the potential environmental impacts of this trail, would suggest its inclusion is marginally beneficial at best and potentially harmful on balance. • Consider more variety in the play structures. The design has not included features such as climbing structures and active play toys because of the limited area outside the environment setbacks. The need for fall-proofing play grounds makes them unsuitable for passive adult recreation and such a playground could easily occupy the majority of the available area. It is hoped that the play houses and the knotwork trail will provide an amenity area that can be enjoyed by all ages, engaging the imagination and offering the children to run in circles until they are quite exhausted. It is my hope that this satisfactorily addresses the concerns of the Advisory Design Panel. It is the desire of this consultant and the developer to create a quality development that balances the needs of future residents, the community, and the environment as a whole. We thank the members of the committee for assisting us in this endeavour. Should clarification or further information be required, please do not hesitate to contact the sender. Yours sincerely, Donald V. S. Duncan Landscape Architect -. UP PLAY AREA SURFACE PARKING CHAIN LINK FENCE @ TOP OF BANK KOMPAN NRO414 PLAYHUT w/SIDE, GABLE & DESK CHAIN LINK FENCE @ TOP OF BANK GRAVEL PATH 1.2m WIDTH IDENTITY SIGNAGE GRAVEL PATH 1.2m WIDTH GRAVEL PATH 1.2m WIDTH 123 AVENUE 22 2 S T R E E T EX1ST. TREE (TYP.) EXIST. TREE (TYP.) TREE PROTECTION FENCE (TEMPORARY) LOW POST & RAIL FENCE (600mm)LOW POST & RAIL FENCE (600mm) TREE PROTECTION FENCE (TEMPORARY) KOMPAN NRO404 VILLAGE SHOP C.I.P. CONCRETE WALK 1.5m WIDTH GRAVEL MULCH (TYP.) 600x300 HYDROPRESS CONC. SLABS (TYP.)600x600 HYDROPRESS CONC. SLABS (TYP.) C.I.P. CONCRETE WALK C.I.P. CONCRETE WALK GRAVEL PATH 1.5m WIDTH TWO 5' QUEEN CHARLOTTE WOODEN BENCHES BY SARITA AQUAPAVE CONCRETE UNIT PAVER INFILTRATION AREA MID-SLOPE STORM WATER DIVERSION SWALE INFILTRATION AREA MID-SLOPE STORM WATER DIVERSION SWALE INFILTRATION AREA REMOVABLE BOLLARDS CONCRETE UNIT BLOCK RETAINING WALL PL O T D A T E : A u g u s t 2 2 , 2 0 2 1 T I M E : 1 0 : 0 9 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 1 - 0 0 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 2020-08-27 REZONING 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnD Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2021-03-17 D.P. 2021-06-09 A.D.P. 2021-08-23 A.D.P. L1-00 SITE PLAN 01 L1-00 KEY PLAN SCALE 1:300 CHAIN LINK FENCE @ TOP OF BANK LOW POST & RAIL FENCE (600mm) KOMPAN NRO404 - VILLAGE SHOP KOMPAN NRO414 - PLAYHUT w/SIDE, GABLE & DESK CONC. SLABS IN GRAVEL 5' QUEEN CHARLOTTE BENCH BY SARITA \ \ ) I I I // // I ,,.--_:::,.,,, I ,,,--;,,,, I / ,------,L-----11- ~ r-c--------++-------l---_J = Donald V. S. Duncan DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RE\ A B C D nm PROTECTION ZOi[ /.S PER ARBOR~! REPORI --------- 15M 5£IBACK FWM l.O.BAIIK lRlE PROTECmN mi£ AS PER AiBORfil REPORT ------ "" 11466 161,95 11166, 30GM-~ 11481, 30GM-- 11410, 45GM-~ 54.67 Ill 2, 11480, 246M 11468,36GM-x-r-~ 11418•p~~RYltjNE 9 .5 OOB, 2 <J'i-/'-..__)c~-) ON SUR 11168, 0 6.64 11 "' l:! I 17 "' ~ ACG :2 ~ oi = ~ "' -~ z I ~ -FlOOR ~ -ABOVE ~ PIAYGROOND IN 2400 SF SABLE OPEN = = = = ~ "' .. ~ 1'"l = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ Q = 8 ii! ! C ~ ~ ~ M 38GM -------+-fXIISIING HOUSE TO BE REMOVED ----j--------------;-·10!' or BANK II I, 30GM ~-~~i-lc---+-------+-1100 SCTBACK FllllM 1.0.BANK ,,----------+--IEXISTING BUILDING TO l1E 0£MOLISHED --.--==,------;--1EJIH!AiC[ TO 'llOl!T TERM ~ BICYCLE STORAGE : ON Pl LEVEL ~---;,J-'-"----~"--'e-'---+-------+-----1'EW FENCE 4M ,., 10 DAYCARE PL." Pt..TIO UP .60M @ 5¾ - ~ ➔ 11 12 13 PROPEm UH[ 48.96 M SIOEWALK LIP 1 13 #' I 4 I @ 10% "' ,, .:."' 16 <}_ FllllM 1.0.BANK ~--+-TREE PROTECT!Oi ZONE AS rm ARBORl~T REPORT 41' l_._J > <( "" "" "" .1> ROPER11Y SI ICE flli!E HYDR_IHT PL AN KEY • TREE TO BE RETAINED CRITICAL ROOT ZONE (CRZ) -~~-TREE PROTECTION FE NCE ARBOR/ST NOTES: -ARBOR/ST TO SUPERVISE THE WALKWAY INSTALLATION NEAR TREE #4214 AND #53c:r8. -ARBOR/ST TO SUPERVISE TREE REMOVAL OF TREE #7781 #427 and #3571 STUMPS SHOULD ALSO BE GRINDED UNDER ARBOR/ST SUPERVISION . -ARBOR/ST TO SUPERVISE THE FENCE INSTALLATION INSIDE THE TREE PROTECTION ZONE NEAR TREE #35ql 47qt 483/ 488/ 4q1I 4qql 767/ 770/ 777/ 787/ 7qqAI 8021 24001 24071 53q5 AND 53c:r8. PROPOSED FENCE POST INSIDE TREE PROTECTION ZONE SHOULD BE EXCAVATED BY HAND ONLY. -ARBOR/ST TO SUPERVISE THE SHED DEMOLITION NEAR TREE #35ql 770/ 2407/ 4214 AND 53c:r8 . -PROPOSED WALKWAY TO BE BUILT ON EXISTING GRADE INSIDE THE TREE PROTECTION ZONE OF TREE #24001 #24071 #53q5 AND #53c:r8I NO EXCAVATION ALLOWED INSIDE THE TREE PROTECTION ZONE . -NO EXCAVATION OR GRADE CHANGE IS ALLOWED FOR THE RENOVATION OF EXISTING DWELLING. ~opyright reserved. This drawing and design fs the property of M2 Landscape Arctiite:cts and mav not be reproduced or' used for other projects without their permission. lA_NO·SCAP E AACHIJ fC~UAE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax : 604.553.0045 Ema il: office@m2la.com 2 11/C8fll IFVATE A5 PER NEYI SITE PLAN I ,1mao IFVATE A5 PER NErl SITE PLAN NO. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL: PROJECT: ARBORIST "" Xl3 DR. 12297 222ST, 12175123AVE & 12185 123AVE MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TITLE: ARBOR/ST PLAN DATE: 21.IV.le.2020 DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: 1,250 DRAWN, XB L2 arb DESIGN: XB CHK'D: XB OF 2 2oo3q-03 ARB.zip M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: 20-()39 _____________________________________________________________________ .......... EL . 2 2 . 7 5 EL . 2 1 . 4 9 EL.2 1 . 7 0 EL.2 2 . 3 0 EL . 2 2 . 1 2 EL . 2 0 . 7 0 EL . 1 9 . 5 2 EL . 1 9 . 0 7 EL . 1 9 . 1 6 EL . 1 9 . 6 4 EL . 2 0 . 4 6 EL . 1 9 . 3 0 EL . 1 9 . 5 9 EL . 1 9 . 0 7 EL . 1 9 . 7 5 EL . 1 8 . 9 9 EL. 1 8 . 6 5 EL. 1 8 . 6 2 EL . 1 8 . 9 9 EL . 1 8 . 9 2 EL . 1 8 . 5 8 EL.1 8 . 9 1 EL . 1 8 . 5 7 EL . 1 8 . 8 1 EL. 1 8 . 2 5 EL . 2 5 . 4 9 EL . 2 5 . 6 2 EL . 2 5 . 7 7 EL . 2 5 . 9 0 EL . 2 5 . 6 6 EL . 2 5 . 5 5 EL . 2 5 . 7 0 EL . 2 2 . 0 6 EL.2 3 . 5 2 EL . 2 2 . 9 0 EL. 2 4 . 9 9 EL. 2 5 . 0 6 EL . 2 2 . 5 5 EL.2 5 . 6 9 EL . 2 5 . 4 5 EL . 2 5 . 0 7 EL . 2 4 . 6 1 EL . 2 4 . 3 2 EL . 2 4 . 6 6 EL . 2 4 . 4 2 EL. 2 3 . 6 7 EL . 2 3 . 6 2 EL . 2 4 . 2 6 EL . 2 3 . 3 9 EL.2 4 . 1 5 EL . 2 4 . 8 9 EL . 2 3 . 9 7 EL . 2 1 . 0 9 EL . 2 0 . 6 6 EL. 2 1 . 1 2 EL.2 0 . 8 2 EL . 2 2 . 3 1 EL . 2 0 . 0 1 EL . 2 1 . 5 5 EL. 2 1 . 1 5 EL . 2 2 . 3 0 EL. 2 1 . 9 2 EL . 2 3 . 1 7 EL . 2 2 . 5 4 EL . 2 3 . 5 6 EL . 2 2 . 7 5 EL . 2 3 . 9 5 EL. 2 3 . 0 9 EL . 2 4 . 0 1 EL . 2 3 . 4 3 EL . 2 4 . 0 1 EL . 2 3 . 8 2 EL . 2 3 . 9 2 EL . 2 4 . 6 3 EL . 2 5 . 7 5 EL . 2 7 . 0 0 EL . 2 6 . 0 0 EL . 2 5 . 9 4 EL . 2 6 . 0 7 EL . 2 5 . 0 7 EL . 2 3 . 3 5 EL . 2 4 . 7 8 EL . 2 4 . 2 4 EL . 2 5 . 0 4 E L . 2 6 . 9 5 E L . 2 6 . 8 0 EL. 26.65 EL . 2 6 . 0 0 2% D N 2% D N EL . 2 5 . 7 9 EL. 25.80 EL . 2 5 . 8 3 EL. 2 5 . 7 8 EL. 2 5 . 7 4 EL. 2 5 . 7 5 EL . 2 5 . 6 0 EL . 2 7 . 2 5 EL . 2 5 . 1 0 E L . 2 5 . 7 7 EL . 2 6 . 6 0 EL . 2 7 . 2 6 4% D N 3 % D N EL . 2 5 . 6 3 EL . 2 5 . 5 3 31 % D N EL . 2 5 . 4 0 EL . 2 5 . 3 0 EL. 2 5 . 4 0 EL . 2 5 . 6 3 EL . 2 7 . 2 6 EL . 2 7 . 1 6 EL . 2 5 . 0 0 EL. 2 4 . 9 0 EL . 2 5 . 0 0 15% D N EL. 2 3 . 9 0 EL. 2 3 . 8 0 EL . 2 3 . 9 0 EL . 2 7 . 2 5 EL. 2 7 . 2 5 EL . 2 7 . 1 5 EL . 2 6 . 3 6 EL . 2 6 . 3 6 EL . 2 6 . 8 5 EL. 2 6 . 7 5 E L . 2 6 . 8 5 22% D N EL. 2 7 . 6 6 EL . 2 7 . 6 6 EL. 2 7 . 5 6 EL . 2 7 . 3 7 28%DN 30%DN 2% D N IN TREE PROTECTION AREA BOTTOM OF CHANNEL TO BE NO MORE THAN 100mm BELOW EXISTING GRADE IN TREE PROTECTION AREA BOTTOM OF CHANNEL TO BE NO MORE THAN 100mm BELOW EXISTING GRADE IN TREE PROTECTION AREA BOTTOM OF CHANNEL TO BE NO MORE THAN 100mm BELOW EXISTING GRADE EL . 2 0 . 0 0 EL . 2 0 . 0 0 2% DN PROPOSED GRADE PROPOSED SLOPE EXISTING GRADE GRADING SYMBOL KEY INTERCEPTION SWALE TO CAPTURE & REDIRECT RUN-OFF FROM BUILT AREA INFILTRATION AREA EL. 2 4 . 0 0 EL. 2 4 . 0 0 EL. 2 4 . 0 0 INFILTRATION AREA EL . 2 6 . 2 6 INTERCEPTION SWALE TO CAPTURE & REDIRECT RUN-OFF FROM BUILT AREA A A B B 12 % D N TW. 26.55 TW. 26.55 C C PL O T D A T E : A u g u s t 2 2 , 2 0 2 1 T I M E : 1 0 : 1 1 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 3 - 0 0 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 2020-08-27 REZONING 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnD Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2021-03-17 D.P. 2021-06-09 A.D.P. 2021-08-23 A.D.P. L3-00 PRESERVE AREA GRADING & WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 01 L3-00 PRESERVE AREA GRADING & WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN SCALE 1:150 NOTE: FOR GRADING OF FRONTAGE, DRIVEWAY AND PARKING PORTIONS OF SITE, SEE ARCHITECTURAL DWGS. (DP-100) f---1'--- / // I ! / I --/---- I I / 7 / I I / II /I/ _____ _, ;-- 1; -I/ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (/,---"'-, \._~j □ □ □ □ I I I I I \ I \ ' ' ' / \ \ I I I I / RE A B C D Donald VS D DEVEL • • uncan LANDSg~~:ANTRCCONSULTANT HITECT 25.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 PATHMIXED PLANTING MEADOWSWALEPATHMIXED PLANTING MEADOW FOUNDATION PLANTING RIPARIAN AREA 25.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 PATH MIXED PLANTING MEADOW SWALE FOUNDATION PLANTINGRIPARIAN AREA MIXED PLANTING MEADOWPATH MIXED PLANTING MEADOW 25.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 24.00 23.00 22.00 21.00 PATH RIPARIAN AREAMIXED PLANTED BANK TREE PRESERVATION AREA TREE PRESERVATION AREA PL O T D A T E : A u g u s t 2 2 , 2 0 2 1 T I M E : 1 0 : 1 7 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 3 - 1 0 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 2020-08-27 REZONING 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnD Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2021-03-17 D.P. 2021-06-09 A.D.P. 2021-08-23 A.D.P. L3-10 SECTIONS 02 L3-00 SECTION B-B SCALE 1:100 01 L3-00 SECTION A-A SCALE 1:100 03 L3-00 SECTION C-C SCALE 1:100 POST & RAIL FENCE ' Dona ld V. S. Duncan DEVELOPMENT CONSU LTANT LAN DSCAPE ARCHITECT .......i RE\I A B C D UP RESIDENTIAL BUILDING SURFACE PARKING MEADOW AREA (TYP.) w/Cornus Dicentra Oxalis Mix AREAS BELOW EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED WHERE POSSIBLE - MITIGATE WITH SHRUB AREA MIX WHERE DISTURBANCE OCCURS MEADOW AREA (TYP.) w/Cornus Dicentra Oxalis Mix CENTRAL INFILTRATION SWALE (TYP.) w/Carex Iris Juncus Mix 123 AVENUE 22 2 S T R E E T CENTRAL INFILTRATION SWALE (TYP.) w/Carex Iris Juncus Mix AREAS BELOW EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED WHERE POSSIBLE - MITIGATE WITH SHRUB AREA MIX WHERE DISTURBANCE OCCURS SHRUB AREA (TYP.) w/Gaultheria Mahonia Rubus Mix SHRUB AREA (TYP.) w/Gaultheria Mahonia Rubus Mix 1. COMPLIANCE, GOVERNMENT - ALL WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE AND SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS OF THE SAME. CONTRACTORS SHALL ENSURE COMPLIANCE OF ALL WORK PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. COMPLIANCE, BCNTA/BCSLA - ALL MATERIAL, SHIPPING PROCEDURES, AND INSTALLATION OF LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS SHALL CONFORM TO LATEST EDITION OF BCNTA/BCSLA LANDSCAPE STANDARD AVAILABLE AT COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. 3. COMPLIANCE, MMCD - ALL WORKS SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST MMCD DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS AVAILABLE AT COMMENCEMENT OF WORK WHERE NO SPECIFIC DETAIL, NOTE OR SPECIFICATION IS PROVIDED IN THE DRAWING SET OR ATTACHED MATERIALS. 4. EXISTING SERVICES - REFER TO ENGINEERING DRAWINGS FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL BURIED SERVICES. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING AND PAYING FOR ALL UTILITIES LOCATIONS AND ANY AND ALL COSTS WHICH ARISE FROM DAMAGE TO SERVICES CAUSED BY ANY ACT OR FAILURE TO ACT OF THE CONTRACTOR. 5. COORDINATION - THESE DRAWINGS SHALL BE TAKEN TO BE PART OF THE LARGER SET OF DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHETHER DIRECTLY ATTACHED OR NOT, ISSUED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ASSOCIATED BOULEVARD WORKS. THESE DRAWINGS SHALL BE READ IN CONCERT WITH SUCH DOCUMENTATION AND, WHERE CONFLICTS ARISE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY REPORT SUCH CONFLICTS TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. THE WORK IS TO BE DONE IN COORDINATION WITH THE CONTRACTOR OR CONTRACTORS ENGAGED IN CONSTRUCTION OF SUCH ADJACENT WORKS. 6. CONCRETE, FORMS - THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPARE DIMENSIONS PROVIDED WITH SITE CONDITIONS AND IMMEDIATELY REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND THE ENGINEER. ONCE COMPLETED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL FOR INSPECTION OF THE FORMS PRIOR TO PLACING STEEL REINFORCEMENT. CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO DESIRED INSPECTION TIME. 7. CONCRETE, REINFORCEMENT - ALL CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER PRIOR TO POURING OF CONCRETE. CONTACT STRUCTURAL ENGINEER A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO DESIRED INSPECTION TIME. 8. GRADING, GENERAL - THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ESTABLISH GRADES SUCH THAT THERE IS, IN ALL AREAS, POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO AN ADJACENT DRAIN. MINIMUM SLOPES SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: PEDESTRIAN PAVED AREAS 1% VEHICULAR PAVED AREAS 1% LAWN AREAS 2% PLANTED BEDS 5% 9. GRADING, ALLOWANCES AND TOPSOIL PLACEMENT - OVERALL DEPTH OF PLANTING MEDIUM AFTER SETTLEMENT SHALL BE: GRASS AREAS 150 MM SHRUB BEDS 450 MM GROUND COVER AREAS 300 MM TREES 600 MM N.B. ALL SOIL SHALL BE TESTED NOT MORE THAN 14 DAYS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION ON SITE. TESTING SHALL BE SPECIFIC TO THIS WORK. CONTRACTOR SHALL AMEND THE SOIL ACCORDING TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SOILS TESTING LAB. 10. GRADING, BUILDING FINISHED FLOOR & CORNER ELEVATIONS - SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 11. PLANT MATERIAL, QUANTITIES - CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM ALL PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES. ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE PLANT LIST AND THE DRAWING SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE CONSULTANT. IN CASE OF DISCREPANCY CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL PLANT MATERIAL AS PER DRAWING. IN CIRCUMSTANCES WHERE THERE IS A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN GROUND COVER QUANTITY AND SPACING THE SPACING REQUIREMENT WILL PREVAIL. 12. PLANT MATERIAL, SUBSTITUTIONS - NO SUBSTITUTIONS TO PLANT LIST SHALL BE MADE BY CONTRACTOR WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM CONSULTANT. 13. PLANT MATERIAL, HEALTH - ALL PLANT MATERIALS MUST BE DISEASE FREE FROM CERTIFIED NURSERIES. 14. MULCH - ORNAMENTAL PLANTING AREAS ALONG THE ROAD FRONTAGES AND IN THE PARING AREAS SHALL BE MULCHED WITH 50 MM OF HEM/FIR BARK MULCH. THE USE OF CEDAR MULCH OR ANY MIX CONTAINING CEDAR IS NOT PERMITTED. NATURESCAPED AREAS SHALL NOT BE MULCHED. GENERAL NOTES SIZESCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZECOMMENTSCODE SPACING PLANT LIST DECIDUOUS TREES COMMENTSSCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZESIZECODE SPACING CONIFEROUS SHRUBS COMMENTSSCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZESIZECODE SPACING BROADLEAF EVERGREEN SHRUBS COMMENTSSCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZESIZECODE SPACING FERNS COMMENTSSCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZESIZECODE SPACING GROUND COVERS GT 1 Gleditsia triacanthos Honey Locust 6 cm cal 150cm standard B&B min. 50cm root ball dia. 20m height 20.0m spread as shown CN 9 Cornus 'Eddies White Wonder'White Wonder Dogwood 6 cm cal.150cm standard B&B min. 50cm root ball dia. 6.0m height 4.5m spread as shown ah 127 Azalea japonica 'Hino Crimson'Crimson Japanese Azalea #2 pot minimum 20cm height 100cm height 120cm width 60cm ri 5 Rhododendron 'Impeditum'Dwarf Purple Rhododendron #2 pot minimum 20cm height 30cm height 60cm width 60cm ts 24 Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd'Smaragd Hedging Cedar 1.2m B&B minimum 20cm height 300cm height 100cm width 75cm pm 175 Polystichum munitum Swordfern #1 pot minimum 30cm height 100cm height 100cm width 60cm gs 262 Gaultheria shallow Salal #1 pot minimum 30cm height - heavy 100cm height 150cm width 60cm cij 375 Carex Iris Juncus Mix Pacific Pleeding Heart plug 50% Carex densa + 10% Carex vulpinoidea + 10% Iris douglasiana +30% Juncus balticus 50cm o.c. COMMENTSSCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZESIZECODE SPACING DECIDUOUS EVERGREEN SHRUBS cc 1 Cotinus coggygria Purple Smokebush #5 pot minimum 50cm height 300cm height 300cm width 100cm rs 80 Ribes sanguineum Flowering Currant #2 pot minimum 50cm height 300cm height 20cm width 75cm COMMENTSSCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZESIZECODE SPACING VINES gf 11 Lonicera 'Gold Flame'Gold Flame Honeysuckle #5 pot vo 47 Vaccinium ovatum'Thunderbird'Evergreen Huckleberry #2 pot minimum 20cm height 180cm height 150cm width 75cm au 25 Arbutus unedo 'Compacta'Dwarf Strawberry Tree #5 pot minimum 45cm height - heavy 300cm height 300cm width 100cm cs 123 Cornus sericea Red Osier Dogwood #2 pot minimum 50cm height 200cm height 200cm width 75cm cf 148 Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea'Yellowtwig Dogwood #2 pot minimum 50cm height 200cm height 200cm width 75cm AC 25 Acer circinatum Vine Maple 6 cm cal.150cm standard B&B min. 50cm root ball dia. 4.5m height 4.5m spread as shown cdo1040 Cornus Dicentra Oxalis Mix Redwood Sorrel/Bleeding Heart plug 25% Cornus canadensis + 25% Dicentra formosa + 50% Oxalis oregana 50cm o.c. arc 48 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Kinnikinnick 10cm pot 30cm o.c. pp 13 Pinus mugo 'Pumilio'Dwarf Mugo Pine #2 pot minimum 30cm height 125cm height 250cm width 75cm COMMENTSSCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZESIZECODE SPACING CONIFEROUS TREES TS 15 Tsuga heterophylla Western Hemlock 3.5m B&B B&B min. 50cm root ball dia.50m height 15m width as shown TP 11 Thuja plicata Western Red Cedar 2.5 m B&B B&B min. 50cm root ball dia.40m height 15m width as shown pf 18 Photinia x fraseri Glossy Photinia #5 pot minimum 60cm height 500cm height 400cm width 150cm oo2412 Gaultheria Mahonia Rubus Mix Redwood Sorrel plug 30% Gaultheria shallon + 40% Mahonia repens + 10% Rubus spectabilis + 20% Vaccinium vitis-idaea 50cm o.c. la Lawn Shade Tolerant Blend ag 22 Abelia grandiflora 'E. Goucher'Edward Goucher Abelia #5 pot minimum 45cm height 120cm height 120cm width 90cm AJ 3 Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku'Coral Bark Maple 6 cm cal.150cm standard B&B min. 50cm root ball dia. 6m height 5m spread as shown la 16 Lavandula angustifolia English Lavender #1 pot minimum 30cm height - heavy 100cm height 120cm width 60cm PL O T D A T E : A u g u s t 2 2 , 2 0 2 1 T I M E : 1 0 : 1 9 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 4 - 0 0 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 2020-08-27 REZONING 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnD Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2021-03-17 D.P. 2021-06-09 A.D.P. 2021-08-23 A.D.P. L4-00 OVERALL PLANTING PLAN 01 L4-00 OVERALL PLANTING PLAN SCALE 1:300 0 711 I I I • 0 00 -.... gc, .,,. •--• ,'it ...... b~ . ,_ ">;:, . ' {~)--~·_.,,/ .,. 1 • NJ __,I r /\ V .... . ~ s;., " ~. '-~-- (~,~ .... o~I l~I __ ____L___ _ ______L________L__ _ ______[_ _ __[_________J . ,----c + L ' ~ f;1 ~ ,, Le._ . Donald V. S. Duncan DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT .......i RE\ A B C D UP cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cscscscscs cs cs cs cs cs cscscscscscscs cs cscscscscscs cs cs cs cs cs cscscscscscscs cs cscscs ahau auauauau au auauah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ah ah ah ah ah ah au ah au auau au au ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah au au au au au au au au ts ts ts ts pp ppah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ri ri ri ri ri pp pp cfcfcfcfcfcf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf pf pf pf pf pf pf pf pf cf cf cf cf cf cf au au au pm pm pf pf pf pf cf cf cfcf TS TS cc ah ah ah ah ah ah ahahah ahahah ah ah ah ah ahahahah ah ah ah AC AC ACACAC CN CN gf gf gf gf ACACAC RESIDENTIAL BUILDING SURFACE PARKING PL O T D A T E : A u g u s t 2 2 , 2 0 2 1 T I M E : 1 0 : 2 1 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 4 - 0 1 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 2020-08-27 REZONING 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnD Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2021-03-17 D.P. 2021-06-09 A.D.P. 2021-08-23 A.D.P. L4-01 PLANTING PLAN 01 L4-01 PLANTING PLAN - SOUTHERN PORTION SCALE 1:100 ', • 't-. k--J', ', □ □ □ ' Donald V. S. Duncan DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT .......i RE\I A B C D pm pmpm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pmpm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pmpm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pmpm pm pm pm pmpm pm pm pmpm rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs pm rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs gs gs gs gs vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gsgsgsgs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gsgs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gsgs gs gs pm pmpm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pmpmpm pm pm pm pm pm pmCN CN rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs vo vo vo vo vo rs pmpm pm pm pmpm gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs vo vo vo vo vo vo vovovo CN vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo TS TS CN TP TP TP TS TS TP cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf AC AC AC cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cf cf cf cfcfcfcfcfcf cfpf pf pf pf pf pf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf pf pf pf pf pf cscs cf cf cfcf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cs pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs cs cs cs cs cs rs rsrs rs rs rs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf pm pm pm pm pm pm rs rsrs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs pm rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs vo vo vo vo rs vo vo vo vo gs gs AC AC AC TP TS TS TS pm pm pm pm AC ACAC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC TS TS cfcfcfcfcfcf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cfcfcfcf cf PL O T D A T E : A u g u s t 2 2 , 2 0 2 1 T I M E : 1 0 : 2 3 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 4 - 0 2 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 2020-08-27 REZONING 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnD Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2021-03-17 D.P. 2021-06-09 A.D.P. 2021-08-23 A.D.P. L4-02 PLANTING PLAN 01 L4-02 PLANTING PLAN - CENTRAL PORTION SCALE 1:100 02 L4-02 PLANTING PLAN - CENTRAL WEST WEDGE SCALE 1:100 NOTE: SEE 02 ABOVE FOR WESTERN EXTENT OF PLANTING 1/ + V / 1 I I I I -,/+ I \ / "( I / I I+ I+ /+ □ □ □ □ 11--g RE A B C D / ', \ ( \ "\ \ / \ / , __ --- ~ pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pmpm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pmpm pm pm pm pmpm pmpmpm pm pm pmpm pm pmpmpmpmpmpm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pmpm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs gs gsgsgs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gsgs gsgsgsgs gs gs gsgs gs gsgs gs gs gs gs pm CN gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gsgs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gsgs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gsgs gs gs gs gs pmpm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pmpm pm pm pmpm gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gsgs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gsgs gs gs gsgsgsgs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gsgsgs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs pm vo vo vo vo vo vo vovovo CN TS TP TP TP TP TP TP TS TS TS TS TS TS CN CN TS TP TP cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf rs rsrs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs pm rs AC pm pm pm cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cscs cscf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cfcf cf cf cf cf cscs cscs cs cs cs cs cs cs GT AC AC AC AC PL O T D A T E : A u g u s t 2 2 , 2 0 2 1 T I M E : 1 0 : 2 5 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 4 - 0 3 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 2020-08-27 REZONING 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnD Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2021-03-17 D.P. 2021-06-09 A.D.P. 2021-08-23 A.D.P. L4-03 PLANTING PLAN 01 L4-03 PLANTING PLAN - NORTHERN PORTION SCALE 1:100 .: I .) I , 'r / I // I /I !" I / I I J '/ I / I d / I I , /' \,--,,J,-..'I; f t~~t&}i ... .-,...Js--····•·.·" .,,.., ::::If i:,:~,:-:;>::~ :'-.,.' ·:·-~ •. ~ •. · .. :. ·.,: • <'};~ ,_:::, .... . ' ' f-' ):: ; _,, ' ~-} ' ~i-,,<;~::. .. :"':: ;·_~ ,:)" •• .. 'I .. il",J) :';•.•:,;.,◄ ~Milli---tt-'~,;,;,,,;~,.,...;~-~~f;:l'1 UL.-1. . . . ' ·,.i ... . \..-.J--- ;/>::~: i \ • -'·'·•'· O·•o:·:.i .... a .·_: ·:-. ·.,~ -~-; Donald V. S. Duncan DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RE\ A B C D ag AJ AJ ag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag gf gf ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah pm pmpm pm pm pm pm pm AJpm pmpm pm pm pm ag ag ag ag gf gf gf gf gf ag agag ag agah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ag agah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ag agah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah la la la la la lala la la lala la la lala la PL O T D A T E : A u g u s t 2 2 , 2 0 2 1 T I M E : 1 0 : 2 6 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 4 - 0 4 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 2020-08-27 REZONING 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnD Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2021-03-17 D.P. 2021-06-09 A.D.P. 2021-08-23 A.D.P. L4-04 PLANTING PLAN 01 L4-04 PLANTING PLAN - SEVENTH FLOOR PATIO SCALE 1:100 l / ! u - ' - ' "-.______/ -= [I = [I = g .,,,. ~ .. ~ • ~ ... /------~ ( \ \ . \"----_.,// ----- \, ( (~ // \ / \ ' \, __ _ I ___j ~_,-.~~!!!!I..-----ac· ===7 ~I \. rr,) ""-f---- ' , I I ,7-\1 i{~ ,_,, re -L [ P1 L =:J C l: ---~-.[-)_ ... [~ "--. ~ ( I I i ) \ -J IIE! ~ [ J \ U __ lJ e I 11111~1 ~ u ' Donald V. S. Duncan DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT .......i RE\I A B C D OF SODDED AREA USED FOR PERIMETER FULL ROW OF SOD TO BE SL O P E DO W N DO W N SL O P E PLANTING AREA OR WALKWAY SOD TO BE LAID CLOSELY PACKED TOGETHER, JOINTS IN ADJACENT ROWS SHALL BE STAGGERED COMPACTED SUBGRADE FLUSH WITH PAVED AREA (IF APPLICABLE) SOD FLUSH WITH CURBS (IF APPLICABLE) PLAN VIEW OF SOD LAYOUT AND EDGING NOT TO SCALE SECTION THROUGH SOD SOIL LEVEL: TO BE SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN SURROUNDING GRADE TO ALLOW FOR BACKFILL SETTLING. UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL PRUNE ONLY DEAD, BROKEN, OR DISEASED LIMBS TO MAINTAIN NATURAL FORM OF SHRUB. 75mm MIN. DEPTH BARK MULCH OR APPROVED EQUAL. TAPER MULCH TO BASE OF SHRUB. REESTABLISH ANY DAMAGED SEED / SOD. POTTED ROOT CONIFEROUS OR DECIDUOUS SHRUB MIN. 450 mm BACK OF PLANTING BED EDGE Less than 100mm caliper (optional) SPADE CUT EDGE 100 TYP. GALVANIZED GUY WIRE No. 11 MIN. POSITIONED ABOVE FIRST STRONG BRANCHES. NEW 2 PLY / 12mm, REINFORCED BLACK RUBBER HOSE OR APPROVED EQUAL. POSITIONEDAPPROX. 3/5 HT. FOR ALL TREES. WIRE DOES NOT GO AROUND TREE. USE THREE (3) 50mm X 50mm X 2500mm LNG. STUDDED HEAVYWEIGHT T-POSTS (7.5 POUND). ALL EXPOSED PORTIONS OF TREE STAKE TO BE FREE OF RUST AND PRIMED. TREE STAKE SET MIN. 900mm INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL W/ ONE ON SIDE OF PREVAILING WINDS. STAKES ARE TO BE REMOVED AFTER ONE GROWING SEASON. 3X ROOT BALL DIAMETER 10 0 n.t.s.STAKING PLAN TAMP TOP SOIL AROUND ROOTBALL BASE FIRMLY WITH FOOT PRESSURE SO THAT ROOT BALL DOES NOT SHIFT. DO NOT ALLOW AIR POCKETS TO FORM WHEN BACKFILLING. B&B ROOTBALL n.t.s.DETAIL TOPSOIL, REFER TO TOP SOIL SPECS. 400mm COMPACTED LOAM BELOW ROOT BALL. 75mm MIN. DEPTH BARK MULCH OR APPROVED EQUAL OVER EXPOSED ROOTBALL. TAPER MULCH TO BASE OF TREE. MULCH STARTING 50mm FROM ROOT FLARE (TRUNK) & EXTENDING THE HOLE. PRUNE ONLY DEAD, BROKEN, OR DISEASED TREE LIMBS TO MAINTAIN NATURAL FORM OF TREE. IF TREE IS IN WIRE BASKET, CUT AND REMOVED STRAPPING AND THE HORIZONTAL/ VERTICAL WIRES OF THE BASKET TO A MIN. DEPTH OF 200mm FROM TOP OF ROOTBALL. PULL BACK BURLAP TO MIN. DEPTH. UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL SCARIFY WALL OF TREE WELL. EVERGREEN CONIFEROUS BROADLEAF DECIDUOUS * ANGLE STAKES $7ƒ SLOPE TOPSOIL FROM ROOT BALL TO EDGE OF HOLE TO FORM WELL. SINGLE LEADER (unless multistem species is specified) DO NOT DAMAGE OR CUT LEADER 150 REMOVE CONTAINER AND LOOSEN ROOTS OF POTBOUND PLANTS BY SCORING OR PULLING. 45 0 M I N . 450mm MIN. DEPTH LIGHTLY COMPACTED TOPSOIL REFER TO TOP SOIL SPECS. 15 0 M I N . 150mm MIN. DEPTH LIGHTLY COMPACTED TOPSOIL REFER TO TOP SOIL SPECS. 60 0 M I N . PL O T D A T E : A u g u s t 2 2 , 2 0 2 1 T I M E : 1 0 : 2 7 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 5 - 0 1 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 2020-08-27 REZONING 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnD Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2021-03-17 D.P. 2021-06-09 A.D.P. 2021-08-23 A.D.P. L5-01 DETAILS 02 L5-01 TREE INSTALLATION SCALE 1:20 01 L5-01 SHRUB INSTALLATION SCALE 1:20 01 L5-01 TREE INSTALLATION SCALE 1:20 03 L5-01 GRASS INSTALLATION SCALE 1:20 04 L5-01 I) PREVALING ~WIND Plastic mesh s-c reening ___ 0 '---...__/ . • • ' ':'-.:. i,: :·:,'-::, Tree Protection Barrier No : oo storage o buildirg male • Is vi hln o against protec tion barrier mini um outside of branches (a1pli ) _) A Soli:I Barrier -(2" x 4') ' Don ald V. S. Dun ca n DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT LAN DSCAPE ARCHITECT .......i RE\I A B C D 500 1600 15 0 75 102x102 MW13.3/MW13.3 BENCH (TYP.) MODEL: QUEEN CHAROLETTE MANUF.: SARITA 50 0 500x150 P/T HEM/FIR RAIL COMPACTED GRAVEL FINISH GRADE 150x150 P/T HEM/FIR POST 400 60 0 400 60 0 75 67 5 50 0 60 0 9 GA. x 50 SQUARE CHAIN LINK FENCE MESH w/ BLACK VINYL COAT COMPACTED GRAVEL FINISH GRADE 100 DIA. P/T HEM/FIR POST 400 SECTIONINTERIOR ELEVATION 400 60 0 60 0 75 67 5 50 0 10 0 60 0 10 0 10 0 12 5 0 50 0 10 0 100 DIA. P/T HEM/FIR RAIL 400 60 0 10 0 10 0 12 5 0 50 0 10 0 100 DIA. P/T HEM/FIR RAIL 50 150GROUND LEVEL TO BE FLUSH w/ SURFACE OF PAVER 34" MINUS COMPACTED GRAVEL BED 15 0 SECTION PLAN VIEW PRECAST CONCRETE SLABS SIZE: 600 x 600 (24" x 24") FINISH: SANDSTONE 5mm CLEAR CRUSH OPEN GRADED PAVING COURSE @ 500mm DEPTH 20mm CLEAR CRUSH OPEN GRADED AGGREGATE UPPER SUB-BASE @ 100mm DEPTHNON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE NILEX 4510 OR EQUIVOLENT SECTIONINTERIOR ELEVATION 10 0 1% CROSS-SLOPE 10 0 EXPANSION JOINT 6000mm O.C. (TYP.) ZIP STRIP @ 1500mm O.C. 102 x 102 MW13.3/MW13.3 100mm x 250mm C.I.P. CONC. CURB STOP w/2 x #3 REBAR AS SHOWN AQUAPAVE CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS PATTERN: AS PER LAYOUT PLAN COLOUR: AS PER LAYOUT PLAN 5mm CLEAR CRUSH OPEN GRADED BEDDING COURSE @ 50mm DEPTH 20mm CLEAR CRUSH OPEN GRADED AGGREGATE UPPER SUB-BASE @ 100mm DEPTH INBITEX GEOTEXTILE GEOTEXTILE BROUGHT UP TO CURB AND CUT FLUSH WITH SURFACE OF AQUAPAVE NOTE: DETAIL SUBJECT TO CO-ORDINATION & REVIEW BY ENGINEER. ENGINEER'S DETAIL SHALL GOVERN. ȕ ALLAN BLOCK WALL BATTER FROM VERTICAL 100 mm TOE DRAIN INFILL BLOCK CAVITY WITH COMPACTED 20MM MINUS GRAVEL UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE OR FILL COMPACTED TO 95% S.P.D. MI N . 4 0 0 AS R E Q . 10 0 3 ALLAN BLOCK WALL BATTER FROM VERTICAL 100 mm TOE DRAIN DRAIN ROCK MI N . 4 0 0 AS R E Q . 10 0 460 PL O T D A T E : A u g u s t 2 2 , 2 0 2 1 T I M E : 1 0 : 2 8 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 5 - 0 2 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 2020-08-27 REZONING 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnD Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2021-03-17 D.P. 2021-06-09 A.D.P. 2021-08-23 A.D.P. L5-02 DETAILS 03 L5-02 PAVING SLABS SCALE 1:20 01 L5-02 BENCH SCALE 1:20 02 L5-02 GRAVEL TRAIL SCALE 1:20 04 L5-02 POST & RAIL FENCE SCALE 1:20 06 L5-02 CONCRETE UNIT BLOCK WALL SCALE 1:20 06 L5-02 CONCRETE PAVING SCALE 1:20 07 L5-02 PEREVIOUS CONCRETE UNIT PAVING SCALE 1:20 05 L5-02 CHAIN LINK FENCE SCALE 1:20 GAL V. STEEL ANGLE BRACKET ON BOTH REAR LEGS OF BENCH 12mm GALV. STEEL CARRIAGE BOLT 12mm 0 THREADED ROD OR BOLT w/ 90' BEND SET INTO CONG. PAD r::==JD 150mm DEPTH 20mm MINUS CRUSH ps~ru~-GRAVEL COMPACTED TO 95% SP□ ff C.I.P. CONCRETE WALKWAY WIDTH= VARIES -SEE LAYOUT PLAN COLOUR= NATURAL FIN SH =BROOM/ NON-SLIP FINISH UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SUBGRADE TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY C.I.P. CONCRETE WALl<::-NAY WIDTH= VARIES -SEE LAYOUT PLAN FINISH= AS PER LAYOUT PLAN 150mm DEPTH 20mm MINUS CRUSH GRAVEL COMPACTED TO 95% SPD UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SUBGRADE TO 95% ST AND ARD PROCTOR DENSITY I ' \ I ' tx:> V X X X xx X X " X " X \? ix> ,x > > ' " ;':,. 1-- I' '1~ '<~~~ •. J ., ·--L , • • X X X X X X X X X X V X V V X X ")Xx ~)( X ">< ">< " " X X " X X X X X V X X X X X ~: ' " >, ,,, ~ / " - r, . ~ , X X > X " > > > XXXXA. X y -.r "" X X X A ;,,; X V V X X X X X V V X X X V X X X X X X ,,, V X X V X X V X X X X ,xx X X X > '>~x X > > > X > >~ > > > X X > " > X X > > X X > > ' X X X X > X V X X X X ;,,; ') X v ..,,, xxxxx X V X X X X .JOI , V X X > , ' X > X > ) > V X X > ) /'· " " > > ' ' X > > ) " > X x X > > ' X " )( )( X > " " > > > > ' • • = X X X X X X X X A A y y ..,,.. "II X X X X X X X A V V V X X X X X X JO; X V V V X X X X X V V X X X X X X V X V " x...x ~" X X > X,/'"x_ X X > > > > X V " ~ > > )( X > > > X X " " " > > X X X " > X > X X X " 0 X X X X X V X X X X X X X X V X V V X X X X X .,.; ~ X X V X X X V V X X > X > > ) > > > ' ' " (, > > X, )< X > > " " > > > ' ,, > ' > ' " > > > > X X > X " > /</ <.<;( f(J' ~;>-> ;{< /<< i < ~1 (\ (<> ' ' /-el •• j )< -:•.;\ ,,,_L _ ___,J d ' Dona ld V. S. Duncan DEVELOPMENT CONSU LTANT LAN DSCAPE ARCHITECT .......i RE\i A B C D Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant's instrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa, mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations, additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred without written agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will not be responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 5 : 3 0 : 1 0 P M DP-9002018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 3D VIEWS 1 CORNER 123 AVE @ 222 ST 2 SOUTH @ 123 AVE CAMERA LOCATIONCAMERA LOCATIONCAMERA LOCATIONCAMERA LOCATION 1 151 151 151 15----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ 2 202 202 202 20----08080808----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR AAAADDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ I I I I ---- I II ~SIMPLEX MEADOWS ev1 l op""ent C o r p . ' "'""'" ,, ,,,, ,. "'"''' "'"'""·"'""''"" ,c,l<alc , ,J '"""';", L.cl" clu_s• ,el ,u,;ae~ U·,· AID(,,; A'[G[)C. Th, ,ceicric,ti,e oisii, ,ad t>e€n '""'";"" ,o yo" rn "'""'""'' fo•-n caa be ,dcd ,po, a, a t,,.,c "C'J cf o··giaal ,·,hen ,-,,;did[,, U,e o,igi,,,I ,a.I", i,,.,;,,l ;,, •~" o! U,e pro·ass,cn,i "" .,, o ,;e.i cerc~ c;:e, or _,,Mn p· nt«I frc,rn ,h, JirI,lf/ ,~rtfi,rl elecccmc f,I, pccv Oe<i Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 8/ 2 3 / 2 0 2 1 1 2 : 2 2 : 1 2 P M DP-900a2018-15 Author Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 3D VIEW - STUCCO OPTION 1 CORNER 123 AVE @ 222 ST - STUCCO OPTION 2 SOUTH @ 123 AVE - STUCCO OPTION CAMERA LOCATION I I I • • ---- I ~SIMPLEX MEADOWS ev,l opinent C o r p . :c,l<alc , ,J '"""';", L.cl,d0,s• '"''."';""~I,·,· AID(,,; A'[G[)C. Th,'"'""'"'" o,sm ,ad t>e€n '""'";"" '" Y"" rn "'""'""'' rn•o, caa be ,dcd , poc ".' a t,,,,0 "C'J cf. . o ··giaal. ,·,hen ,.,,,,,i;e, I.,, U,e 0,;g,,,,1 ,a.I", ""'"'l "' •~" o( U,e pro·ass,cn,i "" .,, 0 ,;e.i cerc~ c;:e, ~r .''"°" p· nt«I frc,rn ,h, JirI,lf/ ,~rtfl,rl elecccmc f,I, pc..v <fe<f Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 8/ 2 3 / 2 0 2 1 1 2 : 1 7 : 2 5 P M DP-901a2018-15 Author Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 3D VIEW - STUCCO OPTION 1 ENTRY - STUCCO CAMERA LOCATION ~SIMPLEX MEADOWS ev,l opinent C o r P • Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 8/ 2 3 / 2 0 2 1 1 2 : 1 8 : 5 0 P M DP- 901 3D VIEWS 2018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 4 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ CAMERA LOCATION 1 ENTRY --.. ---- ---- - : ~]-- ' "'""""'''''"' """"''""'"'"'·'·"""""" ,c,l<alc , ,J '"""';", L_cl,, clu_s• ,el ,u,;ae~ I,·,· AID(,,; A'[G[)C. Th, ,ceicric,ti,e oisii, ,ad t>e€n '""'";"" ,o yn" rn "'""'""'' fo•o, caa be ,dcd ,po, a, a t,,,,c "C'J cf o··giaal ,·,hen ,.,,,,,i;e, I.,, U,e o,;g;,,,1 ,a.I", i,,.,;,,l ;,, •~" o( U,e pro·ass,cn,i "" "" o,;e.i cercoca:e, or ,,Mn p·nt«I frc,rn ,h, Jir"tslf/ ,~rtfi,rl eleccconlc file pccv•Oe,i CONSULTANT INFORMATION ARCHITECT BUSINESS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON JM ARCHITECTURE INC MAIN FLOOR - BLDG.#4 15243-91ST AVENUE SURREY, BC V3R 8P8 604 583 2003 JOE@JMARCHITECTURE.CA JOE MINTEN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BUSINESS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON CIVIL ENGINEER BUSINESS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON GREWAL & ASSOCIATION UNIT 204, 15299-68TH AVENUE SURREY, B.C. V3S 2C1 604-597-8567 LUCKY GREWAL SURVEYOR BUSINESS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON CORE CONCEPT CONSULTING LTD. 220-2639 VIKING WAY, RICHMOND | V6V 3B7 604 249 5040 JPEREZ@CORECONCEPTCONSULTING.COM JOSE B. PEREZ TRAFFIC ENGINEER BUSINESS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON ARBORIST BUSINESS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER BUSINESS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER BUSINESS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON - DONALD V. S. DUNCAN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 603 - 220 ELEVENTH STREET 778-791-4323 DVSDUNCAN@GMAIL.COM DONALD DUNCAN ASYAM CONSULTING LTD. 2876 E. 6TH AVE VANCOUVER BC V5M 1R8 778 552 7112 ASYAM@TELUS.NET TONY YAM CSR ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. 206 - 3855 HENNING DRIVE, BURNABY, BC V5C 6N3 604.559.7100 MAMOUD@CSRENVIRO.COM MAMOUD BASHI M2 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE &ARBORICULTURE LTD. #220 - 26 LORNE MEWS NEW WESTMINSTER, BC V3M 3L7 604-783-3732 MEREDITH.MITCHELL@M2LA.COM MEREDITH MITCHELL 12297 222 ST / 22175, 22185 123 AVE MAPLE RIDGE BC. 222 MEADOWS WALK2018-15 RE-ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 23/08/2021 ARCHITECTURAL SHEET LIST SHEET NUMBER SHEET NAME DP-200 SOUTH ELEVATION DP-201 EAST ELEVATION DP-202 WEST ELEVATION DP-203 NORTH ELEVATION DP-300 BUILDING SECTION A - A DP-301 BUILDING SECTION B - B DP-302 MAIN ENTRANCE SECTIONS DP-400 ENLARGED UNIT PLANS DP-401 ENLARGED UNIT PLANS DP-903 3D VIEWS DP- 901 STREET CORNER VIEW DP- 902 123 AVE VIEW DP- 904 222 ST VEIW DP- 905 3D VIEWS DP- 906 MATERIAL BOARD DP- 907 Unnamed DP- 908 PERSPECTIVE VIEW - ROOF TOP ARCHITECTURAL SHEET LIST SHEET NUMBER SHEET NAME DP-001 DRAWING LIST, SYMBOLS/ABBREVIATIONS, PROJECT DIRECTORY DP-002 CONTEXT DP-003 CONTEXT DP-004 DESIGN BRIEF DP-005 SHADOW ANALYSIS DP-006 STREETSCAPE DP-100 SITE PLAN DP-101 SITE PLAN - VEHICLE ACCESS DP-102 SITE SECTIONS DP-104 P2 FLOOR PLAN DP-105 P1 FLOOR PLAN DP-105.1 MAIN FLOOR DP-106 2nd FLOOR PLAN DP-107 3RD FLOOR PLAN DP-108 4TH FLOOR PLAN DP-109 5TH FLOOR PLAN DP-110 6TH FLOOR PLAN DP-111 7TH FLOOR PLAN DP-112 ROOF PLAN TABLE OF CONTENT LANDSCAPE DESIGN SHEET NUMBER SHEET NAME L1-00 SITE PLAN SUPPORTING DOC. ITEM NUMBER DOCUMENTS D-01 ARBORIST REPORT D-02 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT D-03 SURVEY PLAN D-04 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT I I Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 8/ 2 3 / 2 0 2 1 1 2 : 3 1 : 3 9 P M DP- 9022018-15 Author Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK PERSPECTIVE VIEW - ROOF TOP 1 ROOF TOP-1 2 ROOF-TOP-3 3 ROOF TOP-2 1 20-03-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ ) ...., __ ~.·· i 1 l op111ent C o r p . cc ,i<alc , ,J '"""';", L.cl" clu_s• ,el ,u,;ae~ I,·,· AID(,,; A'[G[)C. Th, ,ceicric,ti,e oisii, ,ad t>e€n '""'";"" ,o yn" rn "'""'""'' fo•-n caa be ,dcd ,po, a, a t,,.,c "C'J cf o··giaal ,·,hen ,-,,;did I.,, U,e o,igi,,,I ,a.I", 1,,.,;,,l ;,, •~" o! U,e pro·ass,cn,i "" "" o,;e.i cercoca:e, or ,,Mn p·nt«I frc,rn ,h, JirI,lf/ ,~rtfi,rl eleccconk fll, pccv•Oe,i Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 8/ 2 3 / 2 0 2 1 1 2 : 3 3 : 2 4 P M DP- 9032018-15 Author Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK MATERIAL BOARD BASALITE CMU VEENER Precision Smooth Finish Burgandy ANODIZED Dark Grey 2 5 KAYCAN METAL CLADDING Grafton Gray 1 VICWEST PRESTIGE Regent Grey 3 4 PAINT BM-Charcoal Linen 2133-40 EXTERIOR CLADDING ROOFING 7 Smooth Silver Grey 6 GLASS Clear Panel ALUMINIUM FRAMES 9 ANODIZED Dove Grey BALCONY RAIL PANEL 8 PAINT Dove Grey 1 8 6 11 79 11 KAYCAN METAL CLADDING Soho Gray 2 1 14-06-2021 ISSUED FOR ADP TJ 10 TRELLIS/BEAM Stain Cedar 1 MATERIAL BOARD 10546 3 8 2 20-03-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ I I I ,, _, I □ □ ~SIMPLEX MEADOWS ev1 l op111ent C o r p . 2ND FLOOR 33.87 m 3RD FLOOR 36.99 m 4TH FLOOR 40.12 m 5TH FLOOR 43.24 m 6TH FLOOR 46.36 m P1 FLOOR 25.94 m 7TH FLOOR 49.49 m TOP PLATE 52.26 m ROOF PEAK 56.01 m RRRR PAPAPAPA PGPGPGPG AAAASSSS PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E UNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKING 222 ST222 ST222 ST222 ST MAIN FLOOR 29.60 m 26 4 0 7 26 4 0 7 26 4 0 7 26 4 0 7 T/O PARAPET 50.56 m 340363403634036340362651265126512651 36687366873668736687 11 3 4 4 6611114 AVG.GRADE 27.17 m BU I L D I N G H T . 2 8 8 4 2 BU I L D I N G H T . 2 8 8 4 2 BU I L D I N G H T . 2 8 8 4 2 BU I L D I N G H T . 2 8 8 4 2 FINISH SCHEDULE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9KAYCAN METAL CLADDING GRAFTON GRAY BASALITE CMU VENEER PRECISION SMOOTH FINISH BURGUNDY RIB STEEL ROOF PANEL VICWEST REGENT GREY PAINTED BM CHARCOAL LINEN ALUMINUM WINDOW FRAME ANODIZED DARK GREY RAIL PANEL GLASS STEEL CLADDING ON COLUMNS SMOOTH SILVER GREY ALUMINUM SOFFIT/FACIA BOARD PAINTED DOVE GREY CURTAIN WALL - FRAME DOVE GREY 10 TRELLIS / BEAM STAINED CEDAR 11 KAYAN METAL CLADDING SOHO GRAY WOOD TEXTURED Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant's instrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa, mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations, additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred without written agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will not be responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY As indicated 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 5 : 0 6 : 3 1 P M DP-2002018-15 JVS JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK SOUTH ELEVATION 5 1/8" = 1'-0"1 SOUTH ELEVATION 1 201 201 201 20----08080808----2222000022220000 FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLEEEENNNNTTTT RRRREEEEVVVVIIIIEEEEWWWW SSSSPPPP 2 282 282 282 28----08080808----2222000022220000 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP SSSSPPPP 3 193 193 193 19----02020202----2222000022222222 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT RRRREEEEVVVVIIIIEEEEWWWW TTTTJJJJ 4 034 034 034 03----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT////CCCCOOOONNNNSSSSUUUULLLLTTTTAAAANNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 5 095 095 095 09----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 6 156 156 156 15----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ 7 207 207 207 20----08080808----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR AAAADDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ ■ ]] _J -=:J +--- +--- +-- +-- I 7 I o r □ +--I i - 7 _r I +--- I I I +--- I I r I +--t I +-- t +------1- I 7 L ■ =:J I I - -□ I - I - I I t --- --- -- -- -- --~SIMPLEX MEADOWS -- -- -- --- _____, - -' "'""'"''''""'""""'"""""·'·'""""" cc,l<alc , ,J '"""';", L_cl,, clu_s• ,el ,u,;ae~ I,·,· AID(,,; A'[G[)C. Th, ,ceicric,ti,e oisii, ,ad t>e€n '""'";"" '" '"" rn "'""'""'' fo•-n --- caa be ,dcd ,po, a, a t,,.,c "C'J cf o··giaal ,·,hen ,-,,;did I.,, U,e o,igi,,,I ,a.I", 1,,.,;,,l ;,, •~" o! U,e pro·ass,cn,i "" "" o,;e.i cercoca:e, or ,,Mn p·nt«I frc,rn ,h, JirI,lf/ ,~rtfi,rl eleccconk fll, pccv•Oe,i 2ND FLOOR 33.87 m 3RD FLOOR 36.99 m 4TH FLOOR 40.12 m 5TH FLOOR 43.24 m 6TH FLOOR 46.36 m P1 FLOOR 25.94 m 7TH FLOOR 49.49 m TOP PLATE 52.26 m ROOF PEAK 56.01 m 16161616 5555 P2 FLOOR 22.59 m 111133331212121217171717 UNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKING MAIN FLOOR 29.60 m T/O PARAPET 50.56 m 10668106681066810668 13694136941369413694 21015210152101521015 10347103471034710347 8626862686268626 64351643516435164351 6 11 3 4 8 11 6 1 11 1 1 11 6 8 AVG.GRADE 27.17 m 33 5 3 33 5 3 33 5 3 33 5 3 36 5 8 36 5 8 36 5 8 36 5 8 42 6 7 42 6 7 42 6 7 42 6 7 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 10 6 7 10 6 7 10 6 7 10 6 7 17 0 5 17 0 5 17 0 5 17 0 5 37 4 7 37 4 7 37 4 7 37 4 7 T/ O P A R A P E T 2 3 3 9 0 T/ O P A R A P E T 2 3 3 9 0 T/ O P A R A P E T 2 3 3 9 0 T/ O P A R A P E T 2 3 3 9 0 BU I L D I N G H T . 2 8 8 4 2 BU I L D I N G H T . 2 8 8 4 2 BU I L D I N G H T . 2 8 8 4 2 BU I L D I N G H T . 2 8 8 4 2 FINISH SCHEDULE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9KAYCAN METAL CLADDING GRAFTON GRAY BASALITE CMU VENEER PRECISION SMOOTH FINISH BURGUNDY RIB STEEL ROOF PANEL VICWEST REGENT GREY PAINTED BM CHARCOAL LINEN ALUMINUM WINDOW FRAME ANODIZED DARK GREY RAIL PANEL GLASS STEEL CLADDING ON COLUMNS SMOOTH SILVER GREY ALUMINUM SOFFIT/FACIA BOARD PAINTED DOVE GREY CURTAIN WALL - FRAME DOVE GREY 10 TRELLIS / BEAM STAINED CEDAR 11 KAYAN METAL CLADDING SOHO GRAY WOOD TEXTURED Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant's instrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa, mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations, additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred without written agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will not be responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY As indicated 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 5 : 0 8 : 2 1 P M DP-2012018-15 JVS JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK EAST ELEVATION 11/8" = 1'-0"1 EAST ELEVATION 1 201 201 201 20----08080808----2222000022220000 FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLEEEENNNNTTTT RRRREEEEVVVVIIIIEEEEWWWW SSSSPPPP 2 282 282 282 28----08080808----2222000022220000 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP SSSSPPPP 3 033 033 033 03----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT////CCCCOOOONNNNSSSSUUUULLLLTTTTAAAANNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 4 094 094 094 09----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 5 155 155 155 15----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ 6 206 206 206 20----08080808----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR AAAADDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ +-- - +--- +-- +-- +-- +-- +-- +--- +--- +--- +--- I I ---+-1~.- 1 I I I I D - - D - - I D I D I D o---------+---- 1 F===f-- n n i I lt----------lL"t----------i D ■ [I □ -.-==;=====- n ~~-n mffi~mITT~~,n,,....,...~-.. -u-~=-='--=--=-=ill~~-==i£il.----- D mm l □ n n □ □ I □ □ □ nn □ D m LJ ■ □ -1 I I _____.I - - --- --- --- --- --- --- -- -- -- --- --- --- ' "'"""" ,, ''"" ,. """"' "" "''" ' • '" "''"" cc,l<alc , ,J '"""';", L_cl,, clu_s• ,el ,u,;ae~ I,·,· AID(,,; A'[G[)C. Th, ,ceicric,ti,e oisii, ,ad t>e€n '""'";"" '" '"" rn "'""'"nl,fo•-n """"" '" "" caa be ,dcd ,po, a, a t,,.,c "C'J cf o··giaal ,·,hen ,-,,;did I.,, U,e o,igi,,,I ,a.I", 1,,.,;,,l ;,, •~" o! U,e pro·ass,cn,i "" "" o,;e.i cercoca:e, or ,,Mn p·nt«I frc,rn ,h, JirI,lf/ ,~rtfi,rl eleccconk fll, pccv•Oe,i 2ND FLOOR 33.87 m 3RD FLOOR 36.99 m 4TH FLOOR 40.12 m 5TH FLOOR 43.24 m 6TH FLOOR 46.36 m P1 FLOOR 25.94 m 7TH FLOOR 49.49 m TOP PLATE 52.26 m ROOF PEAK 56.01 m 16161616 P19P19P19P19 P1P1P1P1 P2 FLOOR 22.59 m 1111 17171717 UNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKING RAMP TO UNDERGROUND RAMP TO UNDERGROUND RAMP TO UNDERGROUND RAMP TO UNDERGROUND PARKINGPARKINGPARKINGPARKING UNDERGROUND ENTRANCE UNDERGROUND ENTRANCE UNDERGROUND ENTRANCE UNDERGROUND ENTRANCE GATEGATEGATEGATE MAIN FLOOR 29.60 m T/O PARAPET 50.56 m 53683536835368353683 10668106681066810668 64351643516435164351 11 8 3 4 11 6 1 64 83 11 AVG.GRADE 27.17 m 33 5 3 33 5 3 33 5 3 33 5 3 36 5 8 36 5 8 36 5 8 36 5 8 42 6 7 42 6 7 42 6 7 42 6 7 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 10 6 7 10 6 7 10 6 7 10 6 7 17 0 5 17 0 5 17 0 5 17 0 5 37 4 7 37 4 7 37 4 7 37 4 7 T/ O P A R A P E T 2 3 3 9 0 T/ O P A R A P E T 2 3 3 9 0 T/ O P A R A P E T 2 3 3 9 0 T/ O P A R A P E T 2 3 3 9 0 BU I L D I N G H T . 2 8 8 4 2 BU I L D I N G H T . 2 8 8 4 2 BU I L D I N G H T . 2 8 8 4 2 BU I L D I N G H T . 2 8 8 4 2 FINISH SCHEDULE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9KAYCAN METAL CLADDING GRAFTON GRAY BASALITE CMU VENEER PRECISION SMOOTH FINISH BURGUNDY RIB STEEL ROOF PANEL VICWEST REGENT GREY PAINTED BM CHARCOAL LINEN ALUMINUM WINDOW FRAME ANODIZED DARK GREY RAIL PANEL GLASS STEEL CLADDING ON COLUMNS SMOOTH SILVER GREY ALUMINUM SOFFIT/FACIA BOARD PAINTED DOVE GREY CURTAIN WALL - FRAME DOVE GREY 10 TRELLIS / BEAM STAINED CEDAR 11 KAYAN METAL CLADDING SOHO GRAY WOOD TEXTURED Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant's instrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa, mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations, additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred without written agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will not be responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY As indicated 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 5 : 1 1 : 1 9 P M DP-2022018-15 Author Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK WEST ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"1 WEST ELEVATION 1 201 201 201 20----08080808----2222000022220000 FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLEEEENNNNTTTT RRRREEEEVVVVIIIIEEEEWWWW SSSSPPPP 2 282 282 282 28----08080808----2222000022220000 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP SSSSPPPP 3 193 193 193 19----02020202----2222000022222222 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT RRRREEEEVVVVIIIIEEEEWWWW TTTTJJJJ 4 034 034 034 03----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT////CCCCOOOONNNNSSSSUUUULLLLTTTTAAAANNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 5 095 095 095 09----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 6 156 156 156 15----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 7 207 207 207 20----08080808----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR AAAADDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ ~ -L ■ DJ LJ ■ LJ - - ' -- ------- ---- ' ' I I ~ ------------+-~------------+----+-- I -----) ... -----,, -------_.. --_ __., ... --------__ ,--- -----I ... 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U,e pro·ass,cn,i "" "" o,;e.i cercoca:e, or ,,Mn p·nt«I frc,rn ,h, JirI,lf/ ,~rtfl,rl eleccconlc file pccv•Oe,i 2ND FLOOR 33.87 m 3RD FLOOR 36.99 m 4TH FLOOR 40.12 m 5TH FLOOR 43.24 m 6TH FLOOR 46.36 m P1 FLOOR 25.94 m 7TH FLOOR 49.49 m TOP PLATE 52.26 m ROOF PEAK 56.01 m FFFF P2 FLOOR 22.59 m AAAA BBBB SSSS PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E UNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKING PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E UNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKINGUNDERGROUND PARKING 79 2 5 79 2 5 79 2 5 79 2 5 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 27 7 2 27 7 2 27 7 2 27 7 2 37 4 7 37 4 7 37 4 7 37 4 7 30 0 6 5 30 0 6 5 30 0 6 5 30 0 6 5 MAIN FLOOR 29.60 m 1 DP-301 ______________________ 1 DP-301 ______________________ T/O PARAPET 50.56 m 3 116 1161846 8 2301223012230122301213675136751367513675 36687366873668736687 46 6 AVG.GRADE 27.17 m BU I L D I N G H T . 2 8 8 4 2 BU I L D I N G H T . 2 8 8 4 2 BU I L D I N G H T . 2 8 8 4 2 BU I L D I N G H T . 2 8 8 4 2 FINISH SCHEDULE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9KAYCAN METAL CLADDING GRAFTON GRAY BASALITE CMU VENEER PRECISION SMOOTH FINISH BURGUNDY RIB STEEL ROOF PANEL VICWEST REGENT GREY PAINTED BM CHARCOAL LINEN ALUMINUM WINDOW FRAME ANODIZED DARK GREY RAIL PANEL GLASS STEEL CLADDING ON COLUMNS SMOOTH SILVER GREY ALUMINUM SOFFIT/FACIA BOARD PAINTED DOVE GREY CURTAIN WALL - FRAME DOVE GREY 10 TRELLIS / BEAM STAINED CEDAR 11 KAYAN METAL CLADDING SOHO GRAY WOOD TEXTURED Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant's instrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa, mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations, additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred without written agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will not be responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY As indicated 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 5 : 1 2 : 4 8 P M DP-2032018-15 Author Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK NORTH ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"1 NORTH ELEVATION 1 201 201 201 20----08080808----2222000022220000 FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLEEEENNNNTTTT RRRREEEEVVVVIIIIEEEEWWWW SSSSPPPP 2 282 282 282 28----08080808----2222000022220000 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP SSSSPPPP 3 033 033 033 03----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT////CCCCOOOONNNNSSSSUUUULLLLTTTTAAAANNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 4 094 094 094 09----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 5 155 155 155 15----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ 7 ■ I]] n -n n n • r7 D i' I i' -+-- I D i' -T - D ~ i' ~ I I I i' . I I ~ n n n --- LJ ■ I -+-- - ,/,,, I I I I [ ---=---=-~-~--=-=---_ _J-- - ~SIMPLEX MEADOWS ev1 l op""ent C o r P - 2ND FLOOR 33.87 m 3RD FLOOR 36.99 m 4TH FLOOR 40.12 m 5TH FLOOR 43.24 m 6TH FLOOR 46.36 m P1 FLOOR 25.94 m 7TH FLOOR 49.49 m TOP PLATE 52.26 m ROOF PEAK 56.01 m PFPFPFPF P2 FLOOR 22.59 m PGPGPGPG PEPEPEPE PDPDPDPD PCPCPCPC PBPBPBPB PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E EXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADE FINISHED GRADEFINISHED GRADEFINISHED GRADEFINISHED GRADE 27 7 2 27 7 2 27 7 2 27 7 2 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 31 2 4 79 2 5 79 2 5 79 2 5 79 2 5 33 5 3 33 5 3 33 5 3 33 5 3 28 7 3 28 7 3 28 7 3 28 7 3 26 4 9 26 4 9 26 4 9 26 4 9 MAIN FLOOR 29.60 m DAYCAREDAYCAREDAYCAREDAYCARE GUEST ROOMGUEST ROOMGUEST ROOMGUEST ROOM OFFICEOFFICEOFFICEOFFICERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITE P1 PARKINGP1 PARKINGP1 PARKINGP1 PARKING P2 PARKINGP2 PARKINGP2 PARKINGP2 PARKING P2 PARKINGP2 PARKINGP2 PARKINGP2 PARKING BALCONYBALCONYBALCONYBALCONY BALCONYBALCONYBALCONYBALCONY BALCONYBALCONYBALCONYBALCONY DAYCARE DAYCARE DAYCARE DAYCARE OUTDOOR PLAYAREAOUTDOOR PLAYAREAOUTDOOR PLAYAREAOUTDOOR PLAYAREA CORRIDORCORRIDORCORRIDORCORRIDOR CORRIDORCORRIDORCORRIDORCORRIDOR CORRIDORCORRIDORCORRIDORCORRIDOR GUEST ROOMGUEST ROOMGUEST ROOMGUEST ROOM RESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITE CORRIDORCORRIDORCORRIDORCORRIDOR CORRIDORCORRIDORCORRIDORCORRIDOR GUEST ROOMGUEST ROOMGUEST ROOMGUEST ROOM RESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITE CORRIDORCORRIDORCORRIDORCORRIDOR GUEST ROOMGUEST ROOMGUEST ROOMGUEST ROOM BALCONYBALCONYBALCONYBALCONY BALCONYBALCONYBALCONYBALCONY BALCONYBALCONYBALCONYBALCONY ATTICATTICATTICATTIC RESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITE CORRIDORCORRIDORCORRIDORCORRIDOR GUEST ROOMGUEST ROOMGUEST ROOMGUEST ROOMBALCONYBALCONYBALCONYBALCONYT/O PARAPET 50.56 m [21.33 m] 69' - 11 7/8" AVG.GRADE 27.17 m Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant's instrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa, mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations, additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred without written agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will not be responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 5 : 1 8 : 2 0 P M DP-3002018-15 JVS JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK BUILDING SECTION A - A 2 1/8" = 1'-0"1 SECTION A-A 1 201 201 201 20----08080808----2222000022220000 FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLEEEENNNNTTTT RRRREEEEVVVVIIIIEEEEWWWW SSSSPPPP 2 282 282 282 28----08080808----2222000022220000 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP SSSSPPPP 3 093 093 093 09----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 4 154 154 154 15----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ 5 205 205 205 20----08080808----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR AAAADDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ -.',------- -.',------- -~ ~- --+- 4- ,;,J...!.----,--,- -.',----___ - I I 7[ -, T r____c.!_TT-1-1!...!._-,------,__,_-, ,-'-- ----.--,LI_-.------.-_I_----,--,- !...!._-,l.l_, I- I I I I I • I I • I ___ : Li __ _ • I I l)_ I ff II I I ,I I ,!)_ J_ I I I-=I -1 -1 -I --, 11 ,n ,iT T 111' I J_ - I I hk ,I I, ,I 1, --+-....J--1--1' 1,,11 = = 11 I I, II 1 1 1h 1111 1 T nk-___. l)_ JJ 1 , = I= I ' I ._ _ __.f-,....,.J -, 1 1 1 iT 11 1' Jj _J 11, I, u ill Jl'--I ,= 1111 I ,I I, ,111, 11-;I I 11-I -11 I I I I 11 1n m, T 1-um, ,_ , 11 1 11 1 t- I I -1-- ~SIMPLEX MEADOWS ev1 l op""ent C o r p . 2ND FLOOR 33.87 m 3RD FLOOR 36.99 m 4TH FLOOR 40.12 m 5TH FLOOR 43.24 m 6TH FLOOR 46.36 m P1 FLOOR 25.94 m 7TH FLOOR 49.49 m TOP PLATE 52.26 m 15151515 16161616 P19P19P19P19 5555 P1P1P1P1 P2 FLOOR 22.59 m P2P2P2P2 P4P4P4P4 P6P6P6P6 P8P8P8P8 P9P9P9P9 P12P12P12P12 P15P15P15P15 P17P17P17P17 1111 2222 3333 7777 9999 11111111 17171717 1 DP-300 ______________________ 1 DP-300 ______________________ MAIN FLOOR 29.60 m RESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITE MEETING ROOMMEETING ROOMMEETING ROOMMEETING ROOM GUEST ROOMGUEST ROOMGUEST ROOMGUEST ROOM ADMIN. OFFICEADMIN. OFFICEADMIN. OFFICEADMIN. 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COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant's instrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa, mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations, additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred without written agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will not be responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 5 : 2 1 : 1 2 P M DP-3012018-15 Author Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK BUILDING SECTION B - B 1 201 201 201 20----08080808----2222000022220000 FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLEEEENNNNTTTT RRRREEEEVVVVIIIIEEEEWWWW SSSSPPPP 2 282 282 282 28----08080808----2222000022220000 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP SSSSPPPP 1/8" = 1'-0"1 SECTION B-B 3 153 153 153 15----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ 4 204 204 204 20----08080808----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR AAAADDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ ---- +-------- ---- ---- \' - - ---- ---- +------ .. .. ,-• - ' i ' ' ; '• l ,-----, l ' ' ! \ ! ' ' ' . ' \ ' T T . 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COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant's instrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa, mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations, additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred without written agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will not be responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/4" = 1'-0" 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 5 : 3 7 : 2 2 P M DP-400 ENLARGED UNIT PLANS 2018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 1111 1 201 201 201 20----08080808----2222000022220000 FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLEEEENNNNTTTT RRRREEEEVVVVIIIIEEEEWWWW SSSSPPPP 2 282 282 282 28----08080808----2222000022220000 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP SSSSPPPP 3 153 153 153 15----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ 1/4" = 1'-0"1 TYPE A - 1 BEDROOM 582SF 1/4" = 1'-0"2 TYPE C - 2 BEDROOM - LOWER FLOOR 1164SF 1/4" = 1'-0"3 TYPE C - 2 BEDROOM - UPPER FLOOR 1/4" = 1'-0"4 TYPE B - 1 BEDROOM 673SF 1/4" = 1'-0"5 TYPE D - 3 BEDROOM LOWER FLOOR 1388 SF 1/4" = 1'-0"6 TYPE D - 3 BEDROOM UPPER FLOOR 4 204 204 204 20----08080808----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR AAAADDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ - I i-------------- I I I ___ J ,----- - J .:::;:= I I I I I I I I I I I 1 - I ( (_i C ,' I I : 3Ji ===1 ===1 7 C Ji I ~I -------- ~ ... [] -- lf-------+---t-1-"° I I I --- \ I -LJ i u_ ______ _ ... ... 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WALKWALKWALKWALK----ININININ KITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHEN LIVING RMLIVING RMLIVING RMLIVING RM DINING RMDINING RMDINING RMDINING RM 2ND BEDROOM2ND BEDROOM2ND BEDROOM2ND BEDROOM 3RD BEDROOM3RD BEDROOM3RD BEDROOM3RD BEDROOM MASTER BEDROOMMASTER BEDROOMMASTER BEDROOMMASTER BEDROOM ENSUITEENSUITEENSUITEENSUITE C.L.C.L.C.L.C.L. CL.CL.CL.CL. W/DW/DW/DW/D TYPE G BALCONYBALCONYBALCONYBALCONY 52 2 0 52 2 0 52 2 0 52 2 0 18 5 8 18 5 8 18 5 8 18 5 8 22 9 1 22 9 1 22 9 1 22 9 1 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 19 9 1 19 9 1 19 9 1 19 9 1 12 4 9 7 12 4 9 7 12 4 9 7 12 4 9 7 Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant's instrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa, mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations, additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred without written agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will not be responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/4" = 1'-0" 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 5 : 3 8 : 0 4 P M DP-401 ENLARGED UNIT PLANS 2018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 1 201 201 201 20----08080808----2222000022220000 FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLEEEENNNNTTTT RRRREEEEVVVVIIIIEEEEWWWW SSSSPPPP 2 282 282 282 28----08080808----2222000022220000 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP SSSSPPPP 3 153 153 153 15----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ 1/4" = 1'-0"4 TYPE E - 2 BEDROOM 868SF 1/4" = 1'-0"1 TYPE F 2 BEDROOM 898 SF 1/4" = 1'-0"2 TYPE G - 3 BEDROOM 1110SF 4 204 204 204 20----08080808----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR AAAADDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ - + c _JJ • .JI JI ~ ,---- I tJ LJ ~ I I ' I I I I I I I I ' I I I n I 'I n L. LJ □s lf _u 11 I I I 0 w JI • • r----·\ I I I - - - - - I 2 - - -c I I = I I I I I -. [, ' ' ' ,' 11 I I I ' I I I ' I I ! 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SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant's instrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa, mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations, additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred without written agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will not be responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/16" = 1'-0" 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 5 : 4 4 : 1 8 P M DP-0062018-15 TJ JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK STREETSCAPE 1/16" = 1'-0"1 SOUTH ELEVATION-STREETSCAPE 1/16" = 1'-0"2 WEST ELEVATION -STREETSCAPE 1 201 201 201 20----08080808----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR AAAADDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ -- □□ □□ □□ □ □ i □ ------- □ □ □ □ □ CJ □ CJ --- ' "'""'"'' ''"" """'""""''''·'""'"" cc,l<alc , ,J '"""';", [_cl,, clu_s• ,el ,u,;ae~ I,·,· AID(,,; A'[G[)C. Th, ,ceicric,ti,e oisii, ,ad t>e€n '""'";"" '" Y"" rn "'""'""'' fo•-n caa be ,dcd ,po, a, a t,,.,c "C'J cf o··giaal ,·,hen ,-,,;did I.,, U,e o,igi,,,I ,a.I", i,,.,;,,l ;,, '~" o! U,e pro·ass,cn,i "" "" o,;e.i cercoca:e, or ,,Mn p·nt«I frc,rn ,h, JirI,lf/ ,~rtfi,rl eleccconk fll, pccv•Oe,i 2ND FLOOR 33.87 m 3RD FLOOR 36.99 m 4TH FLOOR 40.12 m 5TH FLOOR 43.24 m 6TH FLOOR 46.36 m P1 FLOOR 25.94 m 7TH FLOOR 49.49 m TOP PLATE 52.26 m ROOF PEAK 56.01 m P2 FLOOR 22.59 m PARKPARKPARKPARK PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PARKINGPARKINGPARKINGPARKING PARKINGPARKINGPARKINGPARKING RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL EXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADE RAMPRAMPRAMPRAMP RAMPRAMPRAMPRAMP MAIN FLOOR 29.60 m T/O PARAPET 50.56 m RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL 4 STOREY BUILDING4 STOREY BUILDING4 STOREY BUILDING4 STOREY BUILDINGENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY YARDYARDYARDYARD AVG.GRADE 27.17 m 2ND FLOOR 33.87 m 3RD FLOOR 36.99 m 4TH FLOOR 40.12 m 5TH FLOOR 43.24 m 6TH FLOOR 46.36 m P1 FLOOR 25.94 m 7TH FLOOR 49.49 m TOP PLATE 52.26 m ROOF PEAK 56.01 m P2 FLOOR 22.59 m PARKINGPARKINGPARKINGPARKING PARKINGPARKINGPARKINGPARKING RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL 222 ST222 ST222 ST222 ST PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E RAMPRAMPRAMPRAMP RAMPRAMPRAMPRAMP NEIGHBOUR HOUSENEIGHBOUR HOUSENEIGHBOUR HOUSENEIGHBOUR HOUSE MAIN FLOOR 29.60 m T/O PARAPET 50.56 m AVG.GRADE 27.17 m 2ND FLOOR 33.87 m 3RD FLOOR 36.99 m 4TH FLOOR 40.12 m 5TH FLOOR 43.24 m 6TH FLOOR 46.36 m P1 FLOOR 25.94 m 7TH FLOOR 49.49 m TOP PLATE 52.26 m P2 FLOOR 22.59 m 123 AVE123 AVE123 AVE123 AVE PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E EXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADEPARKINGPARKINGPARKINGPARKING PARKINGPARKINGPARKINGPARKING RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL NEW DRIVEWAYNEW DRIVEWAYNEW DRIVEWAYNEW DRIVEWAY MAIN FLOOR 29.60 m RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL T/O PARAPET 50.56 m EXISTING BUILDINGEXISTING BUILDINGEXISTING BUILDINGEXISTING BUILDING AVG.GRADE 27.17 m EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE 123 AVE123 AVE123 AVE123 AVE 22 2 A V E 22 2 A V E 22 2 A V E 22 2 A V E ML 29.3ML 29.3ML 29.3ML 29.3P1 25.7P1 25.7P1 25.7P1 25.7 NEW NEW NEW NEW APARTMENTAPARTMENTAPARTMENTAPARTMENT 11111111 22222222 3333 3333 Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant's instrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa, mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations, additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred without written agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will not be responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY As indicated 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 6 : 0 4 : 3 8 P M DP-1022018-15 Author Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK SITE SECTIONS 1/16" = 1'-0"1 SC-EW CROSS SECTION 1 1/16" = 1'-0"2 SC-EW CROSS SECTION 2 1/16" = 1'-0"3 SC-NS CROSS SECTION 1 201 201 201 20----08080808----2222000022220000 FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLEEEENNNNTTTT RRRREEEEVVVVIIIIEEEEWWWW SSSSPPPP 2 282 282 282 28----08080808----2222000022220000 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP SSSSPPPP 3 153 153 153 15----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ 4 204 204 204 20----08080808----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR AAAADDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ I I I I I I I --- --- --- ___ --- --- --- --- --- --- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- --- --- --- ___ --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- --- --- ----- -------- ------ ---------- ......__ ~----Y ,-, -I----¾-----_J7 __ I I U I n n _J7 -------- --- --- ___ --- --- --- --- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- -------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- --- --- ___ --- --- --- --- --- ----- ---- ---- --- --- -l - 1 j _ I 1 ------------- --- -----------~ l ------+t----t-------- -------1-----I-------- ------- --- ----1-----p-llllliiiiiil _________________________ llllr-1--- ---+--------- ------- --- F ----I--- ---•--============================::;::~.----+--------- I ------- ----i --------- -----------1 -----.......=====~ -------- ------- -------r------i1111--==========;=========!1===1====::;==t------------ ---t ---- --- __ _, ----------+ ----- 1 ----_,___ __ ---•--=======================:::::;:::;:::::;:::::==:===:=;::::::~t--J ---- ----- ----- --- ' "'""'" ,, ''"" '""""' "'""'"·'. 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U,e pro·ass,cn,i "" "" o,;e.i cercoca:e, or ,,Mn p·nt«I frc,rn ,h, JirI,lf/ ,~rtfi,rl eleccconk fll, pccv•Oe,i UPUPUPUP PFPFPFPF PFPFPFPF P19P19P19P19 PAPAPAPA PAPAPAPA P1P1P1P1 P1P1P1P1 SCSCSCSC 7 % S L O P E U P 7 % S L O P E U P 7 % S L O P E U P 7 % S L O P E U P 7% SLOPE UP7% SLOPE UP7% SLOPE UP7% SLOPE UP 12% SLOPE UP12% SLOPE UP12% SLOPE UP12% SLOPE UP 444444445353535354545454 60606060 61616161 64646464 65656565 7373737372727272 76767676 77777777828282828383838386868686 87878787 89898989 90909090 93939393 LOCKERLOCKERLOCKERLOCKER 55 1 2 55 1 2 55 1 2 55 1 2 70 1 0 70 1 0 70 1 0 70 1 0 55 1 2 55 1 2 55 1 2 55 1 2 254254254254609660966096609638824388243882438824203203203203111441114411144111442032032032037423742374237423203203203203 PGPGPGPG PGPGPGPG PEPEPEPE PEPEPEPE PDPDPDPD PDPDPDPD PCPCPCPC PCPCPCPC PBPBPBPB PBPBPBPB P2P2P2P2 P3P3P3P3 P5P5P5P5 P7P7P7P7 P10P10P10P10 P13P13P13P13 P14P14P14P14 P16P16P16P16 P4P4P4P4 P6P6P6P6 P8P8P8P8 P11P11P11P11 P18P18P18P18P9P9P9P9P12P12P12P12P15P15P15P15P17P17P17P17 LOCKERLOCKERLOCKERLOCKER 59595959 SCSCSCSC SCSCSCSCSCSCSCSC 14313143131431314313 7938793879387938 8192819281928192 7010701070107010 5690569056905690 5258525852585258 7760776077607760 8192819281928192 64351643516435164351 63 5 0 63 5 0 63 5 0 63 5 0 48 6 7 48 6 7 48 6 7 48 6 7 88 3 9 88 3 9 88 3 9 88 3 9 91 9 5 91 9 5 91 9 5 91 9 5 88 3 9 88 3 9 88 3 9 88 3 9 49 4 7 49 4 7 49 4 7 49 4 7 43 0 3 7 43 0 3 7 43 0 3 7 43 0 3 7 63 5 0 63 5 0 63 5 0 63 5 0 48 6 7 48 6 7 48 6 7 48 6 7 88 3 9 88 3 9 88 3 9 88 3 9 91 9 5 91 9 5 91 9 5 91 9 5 88 3 9 88 3 9 88 3 9 88 3 9 49 4 7 49 4 7 49 4 7 49 4 7 43 0 3 7 43 0 3 7 43 0 3 7 43 0 3 7 5461546154615461991991991991773477347734773498689868986898683083083083083997399739973997651565156515651552075207520752075302530253025302102041020410204102048763876387638763 64351643516435164351 LONG LONG LONG LONG TERM TERM TERM TERM BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE STORAGESTORAGESTORAGESTORAGE 22 BIKES22 BIKES22 BIKES22 BIKES 1 DP-300 ______________________ 1 DP-300 ______________________ EL. 22.59 MEL. 22.59 MEL. 22.59 MEL. 22.59 M P1 OUTLINEP1 OUTLINEP1 OUTLINEP1 OUTLINE P1 OUTLINEP1 OUTLINEP1 OUTLINEP1 OUTLINE LONG TERM LONG TERM LONG TERM LONG TERM BIKE STORAGEBIKE STORAGEBIKE STORAGEBIKE STORAGE 8 BIKES8 BIKES8 BIKES8 BIKES ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL SETBACK LINESETBACK LINESETBACK LINESETBACK LINE SCSCSCSC 23'-9 3/4"23'-9 3/4"23'-9 3/4"23'-9 3/4" 13 ' - 1 1 3 / 8 " 13 ' - 1 1 3 / 8 " 13 ' - 1 1 3 / 8 " 13 ' - 1 1 3 / 8 " 5 % S L O P E D N 5 % S L O P E D N 5 % S L O P E D N 5 % S L O P E D N P2 ELEV. LOBBYP2 ELEV. LOBBYP2 ELEV. LOBBYP2 ELEV. LOBBY 55 2 7 55 2 7 55 2 7 55 2 7 70 1 0 70 1 0 70 1 0 70 1 0 55 1 2 55 1 2 55 1 2 55 1 2 55 1 2 55 1 2 55 1 2 55 1 2 70 1 0 70 1 0 70 1 0 70 1 0 56 1 0 56 1 0 56 1 0 56 1 0 20 ' - 1 0 " 20 ' - 1 0 " 20 ' - 1 0 " 20 ' - 1 0 " 1 DP-301 ______________________1 DP-301 ______________________ Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant's instrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa, mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations, additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred without written agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will not be responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 6 : 0 6 : 0 0 P M DP-1042018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK P2 FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" P2 FLOOR PLAN 1 201 201 201 20----08080808----2222000022220000 FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLEEEENNNNTTTT RRRREEEEVVVVIIIIEEEEWWWW SSSSPPPP 2 282 282 282 28----08080808----2222000022220000 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP SSSSPPPP 3 083 083 083 08----01010101----2222000022221111 AAAADDDDDDDDEEEEDDDD OOOONNNNEEEE SSSSTTTTOOOORRRREEEEYYYY SSSSPPPP 4 094 094 094 09----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 5 155 155 155 15----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ 6 206 206 206 20----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR AAAADDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ / i I I I I I I I -----7 ------ I I _--t--• --- ---I---- --f-- '---. - --' ' - --f-- ,I ------ -- I -, /'~~ T T I I I -L - _ _J_ I / / / /I I I -, -~ -------------------------- 1· !(; I I /I ----H - -----I / / --l---- \\I I I +---1.] J_ ___ J ' ' T ---·f-~---j -l-- - -+Iii-+-, + ---~ •'----l----1 +---~ I I ' ~ - - - I I~~ J____ -::__:_1_ I I II I T-------T I ,_ ---+ ' -- I ----'••-I -I I I L _______ _J I --I-- ~ - - --------------~------------c----~------------------ 1 I -- I ---- ---- -------~----- I I --t - I I -- ---- ---- I I / ',t!;:_==========~====== .. =_=_=_===~========~===_=_=_====--=~::i:.:==~=============~ -----------------------------------I I I I I ' --'\-----------------------------------------------------------------------"s=c"--------------------------------------7,~!1 '.___/ ' cc ,l<alc , ,J '"""';", L_cl,, clu_s• ,el ,u,;ae~ I,·,· AID(,,; A'[G[)C. 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ROOM COLOUR SCHEME COMMON SPACE DAYCARE TYPE A 1BR TYPE B 1BR TYPE G 3BR PROPOSED DAYCARE DAYCARE OUTDOOR PLAY PATIO (OPEN) DAYCARE OUTDOOR PLAY AREA (COVERED) 1300 SF 2900 SF28.2627.7528.3627.8528.7428.2727.7029.3029.4529.4527.6827.6027.7827.7029.4329.4310 % S L O P E U P28.8328.835% S L O P E U P28.0028.8829.24FLOOR ABOVE ACCESSIBLE ROUTE ACCESSIBLE ROUTE WA L K W A Y O N G R A D E CITY SIDEWALK DN 9R DN 9R UP 3 . 8 5 M @ 1 0 % VESTIBULE ACC GROUND PARKING GROUND PARKING 222 ST 1000 SF EL. 29.45M EL. 29.60M DOWN TO UNDERGROUND PARKING29.30FLOOR ABOVE PMT GARBAGE ROOM ROOF ACCESSIBLE ROUTE DAYCARE ENTRY RESIDENCE ENTRY DR I V E W A Y DR I V E W A Y ELEC. 5% SLOPE UP ENVIRONMENTAL SETBACK LINE TRELLIS CANOPY PRES. 26 5 1 57 4 0 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 57 4 0 34 0 3 6 10668167612017 [3 6 . 6 9 m ] 120 ' - 4 3 / 8 " 63 5 0 10 0 4 0 24 5 7 16 7 6 58 5 8 29 8 1 23 0 1 2 5756 12316 5639 5639 5639 5639 5639 5740 1676 10668 5756 2870 10347 5740 5639 5639 3394 603 12017 1676 10668 22 9 6 25 1 5 31 2 4 54 2 0 DN 1 DP-301 ______________________1 DP-301 ______________________ 5% SLOPE DN12% SLOPE DN AMENITY ROOM WALKWAY ON GRADE BIK E S 11A 11A [0.46 m] 1' - 6" 1159 SF CORRIDOR 64351 1 DP-400 4 DP-400 [3.81 m] 12' - 6" 2 DP-401 64351 Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 5 : 0 0 : 4 0 P M DP-105.12018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK MAIN FLOOR 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 MAIN FLOOR PLAN 1 08-01-2021 ADDED ONE STOREY SP 2 22-02-2021 ISSUED FOR CONSULTANT TJ 3 03-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT/CONSULTANT TJ 4 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 5 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ l l . ( l ,t--+-------------------. }---:·~:: ----_---~·· ... t--_/_/ -------~i::. ---<i-, -·..ce-·• __________ _ I : \ I I I -------- ---+ =--_ ------. -. -. -- •··· )! l 1=-i 1,_L i! ~ •-1 --J .J, 14-:---+-I- I c;;_ I r, I I ~ (J 111-+I ,+-- \_/ 1"---t-1 ~-~~----------tt,r---•-,gr-1t-- l JrC ··--.. I I 7 _J 7 _J 7 ----- - --- ~· •.-- \ ____ . I I I I I , ' ,· '> ·,>' :J-' -I I I - ---+- - I I \; ' • ..•• • • • I y~ ' -~-5 ~.~-~-~-~/~~~~~F-~1~f ✓l1 ~ I I _ · -· U .. / ;1. 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COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant's instrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa, mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations, additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred without written agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will not be responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 6 : 0 6 : 4 6 P M DP-1052018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK P1 FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" P1 FLOOR PLAN 1111 1 201 201 201 20----08080808----2222000022220000 FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLEEEENNNNTTTT RRRREEEEVVVVIIIIEEEEWWWW SSSSPPPP 2 282 282 282 28----08080808----2222000022220000 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP SSSSPPPP 3 083 083 083 08----01010101----2222000022221111 AAAADDDDDDDDEEEEDDDD OOOONNNNEEEE SSSSTTTTOOOORRRREEEEYYYY SSSSPPPP 4 094 094 094 09----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 5 155 155 155 15----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ 6 206 206 206 20----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR AAAADDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ I I I/ n I I I ---- □ I \ / l I -, L=======~---1::::=:::::::::::;:i" ' r I ~------- I ------; I I / / / / -~~< _.C:.~>:__ --:c \ \\/ i-/~::.L( -_.· .- 1 !( I I - ~ -+-- ------ I I -· --,, ·r·· / \ / --:::==!J' t:========:i::: ,===========::;i-· -----~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I : : I I I I ~-----------------J I ~----l ___ l . •1 I I I l l L __ _ ----------------~ I J _ - - - ---- I . -• I I . - ----"t, I -t-------,-------- I I I I I I I I ------ II II II I ,-- 1 I I I I I I I II 1----------i-------7 I I I I I I I I I II II ---I -- -- ---t ,----------------7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I I -----' ' ·-- I }-- I I I I I - _I - - - -I I I ' - - - - - - ,- 7 I I I I I I I j - ---- / ,---------------- / ' I I I I I I I ,- I I I I I I I I I I ~----------- -~-~?-)------------------------------------- ' I I I I . -- - ----- . 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An y c h a n g e o r m a n i p u l a t i o n o f t h i s d o c u m e n t i s ex p r e s s l y f o r b i d d e n ; t h i s d o c u m e n t m u s t r e m a i n co m p l e t e l y i n t a c t a t a l l t i m e s . T h e C o n s u l t a n t w i l l n o t be r e s p o n s i b l e f o r c h a n g e s t o t h i s d o c u m e n t b y o t h e r s . RE V DA T E DE S C R I P T I O N BY 1/ 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " 8/20/2021 5:39:16 PM DP - 1 0 6 20 1 8 - 1 5 SP JM M 20 1 8 - 1 5 SI M P L E X M E A D O W S D E V E L O P M E N T C O R P . 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LOBBYELEV. LOBBYELEV. LOBBYELEV. LOBBY 1 DP-300 ______________________ 1 DP-300 ______________________ ELEVATORELEVATORELEVATORELEVATOR ELEC.ELEC.ELEC.ELEC. GUESTROOMGUESTROOMGUESTROOMGUESTROOM ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL SETBACK LINESETBACK LINESETBACK LINESETBACK LINE 1 DP-301 ______________________1 DP-301 ______________________ ELEVATORELEVATORELEVATORELEVATOR PRES.PRES.PRES.PRES. 11A11A11A11A 11A11A11A11A 1599 SF1599 SF1599 SF1599 SF CORRIDORCORRIDORCORRIDORCORRIDOR Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant's instrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa, mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations, additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred without written agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will not be responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 5 : 3 9 : 3 7 P M DP-1072018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 3RD FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" 3RD FLOOR PLAN 1111 1 201 201 201 20----08080808----2222000022220000 FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLEEEENNNNTTTT RRRREEEEVVVVIIIIEEEEWWWW SSSSPPPP 2 282 282 282 28----08080808----2222000022220000 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP SSSSPPPP 3 033 033 033 03----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT////CCCCOOOONNNNSSSSUUUULLLLTTTTAAAANNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 4 094 094 094 09----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 5 155 155 155 15----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ n □ □ □ □ □ □ / / I I / ;>-----+----------~I -------+ --ti ---------r,==~/ /=:::;:]. / •~'; ~~;:::::i;:=\~,,=;j"F::r~~/ ~I 1 -/E .. / , E1 n -E ---o ---------~---_--~----=;=,---;=:====;;=--~-.~~' 1: :1 J I 1 .~~-------0-------~ __ LI _ lJ _ ~ , I _J ~ _J Cl f1 ---"\ lcJ \ ' 1 =r J LI I ! 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U,e pro·ass,cn,i "" "" o,;e.i cercoca:e, or ,,Mn p·nt«I frc,rn ,h, JirI,lf/ ,~rtfi,rl eleccconk fll, pccv•Oe,i UPUPUPUP UPUPUPUP UPUPUPUP UPUPUPUPUPUPUPUP UPUPUPUP UPUPUPUP FFFF 15151515 15151515 16161616 16161616 RRRR 5555 GYMGYMGYMGYM TYPE ETYPE ETYPE ETYPE E TYPE FTYPE FTYPE FTYPE F TYPE GTYPE GTYPE GTYPE G TYPE DTYPE DTYPE DTYPE D TYPE DTYPE DTYPE DTYPE D TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C 1066810668106681066816761676167616761201712017120171201760360360360333943394339433945639563956395639563956395639563957405740574057401033110331103311033128862886288628865756575657565756 TYPE ATYPE ATYPE ATYPE A TYPE ATYPE ATYPE ATYPE A TYPE ATYPE ATYPE ATYPE A TYPE ATYPE ATYPE ATYPE A TYPE ATYPE ATYPE ATYPE A TYPE ATYPE ATYPE ATYPE A 1111 1111 2222 2222 3333 7777 9999 11111111 12121212 17171717 17171717444466668888101010101313131314141414 AAAA AAAABBBB DDDD HHHH IIII PPPP SSSSSSSS KKKK MMMM CCCC CCCC EEEE EEEE JJJJ LLLL QQQQ PRES.PRES.PRES.PRES. ADMIN.OFFICEADMIN.OFFICEADMIN.OFFICEADMIN.OFFICE ROOM COLOUR SCHEME COMMON SPACE OFFICE TYPE A 1BR TYPE C 2BR TYPE D 3BR TYPE E 2BR TYPE F 2BR TYPE G 3BR 5756575657565756 12316123161231612316 5639563956395639 5639563956395639 5639563956395639 5639563956395639 5639563956395639 5740574057405740 1676167616761676 10668106681066810668 64351643516435164351 26 5 1 26 5 1 26 5 1 26 5 1 57 4 0 57 4 0 57 4 0 57 4 0 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 49 2 49 2 49 2 49 2 51 4 7 51 4 7 51 4 7 51 4 7 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 57 4 0 57 4 0 57 4 0 57 4 0 36 6 8 7 36 6 8 7 36 6 8 7 36 6 8 7 10 0 4 0 10 0 4 0 10 0 4 0 10 0 4 0 24 5 7 24 5 7 24 5 7 24 5 7 16 7 6 16 7 6 16 7 6 16 7 6 58 5 8 58 5 8 58 5 8 58 5 8 29 8 1 29 8 1 29 8 1 29 8 1 23 0 1 2 23 0 1 2 23 0 1 2 23 0 1 2 [64.35 m] 211' - 1 1/2" 1 DP-300 ______________________ 1 DP-300 ______________________ ELEV. LOBBYELEV. LOBBYELEV. LOBBYELEV. LOBBY ELEC.ELEC.ELEC.ELEC. ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL SETBACK LINESETBACK LINESETBACK LINESETBACK LINE 1 DP-301 ______________________1 DP-301 ______________________ ELEVATORELEVATORELEVATORELEVATOR ELEVATORELEVATORELEVATORELEVATOR PRES.PRES.PRES.PRES. 11A11A11A11A 11A11A11A11A 2222 DPDPDPDP----400400400400 5555 DPDPDPDP----400400400400 Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant's instrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa, mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations, additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred without written agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will not be responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 5 : 4 0 : 4 4 P M DP-1082018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 4TH FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" 4TH FLOOR PLAN 1111 1 201 201 201 20----08080808----2222000022220000 FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLEEEENNNNTTTT RRRREEEEVVVVIIIIEEEEWWWW SSSSPPPP 2 282 282 282 28----08080808----2222000022220000 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP SSSSPPPP 3 033 033 033 03----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT////CCCCOOOONNNNSSSSUUUULLLLTTTTAAAANNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 4 094 094 094 09----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 5 155 155 155 15----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ 6 206 206 206 20----08080808----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR AAAADDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ :------1.--------- -~--------; \.. -- -~C----< -; --,--I " " -----r ~--,I cc □ D1c;;;;;~ =='□ _l_J -' --" ---- if=-=-=-=- la=--- ' I ' I I I ' f-- 1 I L i L i L i L i -------- " _, ul -- ---- II ___ _ ~ ------- T' ' I I [j - I [ '-ou () () 0 ' '- I I I I I b - I "·- - ' I I I '. 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U,e pro·ass,cn,i "" "" o,;e.i cercoca:e, or ,,Mn p·nt«I frc,rn ,h, JirI,lf/ ,~rtfi,rl eleccconk fll, pccv•Oe,i OOOO NNNN FFFF 15151515 15151515 16161616 16161616 RRRR 5555 GUESTROOMGUESTROOMGUESTROOMGUESTROOM LOCKERS/ LOCKERS/ LOCKERS/ LOCKERS/ STORAGESTORAGESTORAGESTORAGE TYPE ETYPE ETYPE ETYPE E TYPE FTYPE FTYPE FTYPE F TYPE GTYPE GTYPE GTYPE G TYPE ATYPE ATYPE ATYPE A TYPE ATYPE ATYPE ATYPE A TYPE ATYPE ATYPE ATYPE A TYPE ATYPE ATYPE ATYPE A TYPE ATYPE ATYPE ATYPE A TYPE ATYPE ATYPE ATYPE A TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE DTYPE DTYPE DTYPE D TYPE DTYPE DTYPE DTYPE D TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C 1066810668106681066816761676167616761201712017120171201757565756575657562870287028702870103471034710347103475740574057405740563956395639563956395639563956393394339433943394603603603603 1111 1111 2222 2222 3333 7777 9999 11111111 12121212 17171717 17171717444466668888101010101313131314141414 AAAA AAAABBBB DDDD HHHH IIII PPPP SSSSSSSS KKKK MMMM CCCC CCCC EEEE JJJJ LLLL QQQQ PRES.PRES.PRES.PRES.ELEC.ELEC.ELEC.ELEC. ROOM COLOUR SCHEME COMMON SPACE GUESTROOM TYPE A 1BR TYPE C 2BR TYPE D 3BR TYPE E 2BR TYPE F 2BR TYPE G 3BR 5756575657565756 12316123161231612316 5639563956395639 5639563956395639 5639563956395639 5639563956395639 5639563956395639 5740574057405740 1676167616761676 10668106681066810668 64351643516435164351 26 5 1 26 5 1 26 5 1 26 5 1 57 4 0 57 4 0 57 4 0 57 4 0 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 49 2 49 2 49 2 49 2 51 4 7 51 4 7 51 4 7 51 4 7 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 57 4 0 57 4 0 57 4 0 57 4 0 36 6 8 7 36 6 8 7 36 6 8 7 36 6 8 7 64351643516435164351 10 0 4 0 10 0 4 0 10 0 4 0 10 0 4 0 24 5 7 24 5 7 24 5 7 24 5 7 16 7 6 16 7 6 16 7 6 16 7 6 58 5 8 58 5 8 58 5 8 58 5 8 29 8 1 29 8 1 29 8 1 29 8 1 23 0 1 2 23 0 1 2 23 0 1 2 23 0 1 2 ELEVATORELEVATORELEVATORELEVATOR 1 DP-300 ______________________ 1 DP-300 ______________________ ELEV. LOBBYELEV. LOBBYELEV. LOBBYELEV. LOBBY ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL SETBACK LINESETBACK LINESETBACK LINESETBACK LINE 1 DP-301 ______________________1 DP-301 ______________________ ELEVATORELEVATORELEVATORELEVATOR PRES.PRES.PRES.PRES. 11A11A11A11A 11A11A11A11A 1599 SF1599 SF1599 SF1599 SF CORRIDORCORRIDORCORRIDORCORRIDOR 3333 DPDPDPDP----400400400400 6666 DPDPDPDP----400400400400 Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant's instrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa, mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations, additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred without written agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will not be responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 5 : 4 1 : 1 7 P M DP-1092018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 5TH FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" 5TH FLOOR PLAN 1111 1 201 201 201 20----08080808----2222000022220000 FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLEEEENNNNTTTT RRRREEEEVVVVIIIIEEEEWWWW SSSSPPPP 2 282 282 282 28----08080808----2222000022220000 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP SSSSPPPP 3 033 033 033 03----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT////CCCCOOOONNNNSSSSUUUULLLLTTTTAAAANNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 4 094 094 094 09----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 5 155 155 155 15----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ 6 206 206 206 20----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR AAAADDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ I J I I I I I 1- t;;;:::=~ 111---hc-]I-----~f---:::==i:: ±= "C----- 1 t __ _L CJ 1·-, I I \.._./ I I I I r I -1 El J □ B fl I I l □ I I I I - '1 C(J C; :o ,.===~:::-;:=:::i I-"°'--~' 11=-==cq_ --,- I I -~-----_J C / / / / / / ~ ',,,J I I I I I _j ~ l_ I >-I I () ..,-~, :'--_./ I / C □ /1 Ii::!:::::::::::::!:::::::::!::::!::!::::~, 'l=: \ ,, I I=-~ ,~--1 (--l- , __ _, ',=-i: ' I / --- 1 ) i 1\ l _I - [] LJ:::] ~ -r- ::1 1 ,.--,, I , __ j >· -I ,, I I L_ n I I I CJC L_ --C5 [; I L cl I I --7 I I I I -~~' -==-~" ~=~::i'- ::)CJ C)C> rr:::: _J □ 1::1 ,-,, I L I - ( '1 - li n~ 'c:::::f l '-====i==::::::::::====::::!J -----------+--'r IJ I /I \ r~ ~I __J k--7 I """"I ____ _ '~aa=;;;a_,.J==i1 □ n I I I L_ --:-, ,-it-,_ --~1 □ I □ □ / / -t iii I --- __J I I ( □ J 7 ' "''""""'''''"' '"""''""'"'('·'·"""''"" cc,l<alc , ,J '"""';", L_cl,, clu_s• ,el ,u,;ae~ I,·,· AID(,,; A'[G[)C. 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U,e pro·ass,cn,i "" "" o,;e.i cercoca:e, or ,,Mn p·nt«I frc,rn ,h, JirI,lf/ ,~rtfi,rl eleccconk fll, pccv•Oe,i OOOO OOOO NNNN FFFF 15151515 15151515 16161616 16161616 RRRR RRRR 5555 1111 1111 2222 2222 3333 3333 7777 9999 11111111 12121212 17171717 17171717444466668888101010101313131314141414 AAAA AAAABBBBBBBB DDDD IIIIIIII PPPPPPPP SSSSSSSS KKKKKKKK MMMMMMMM CCCC EEEE JJJJ LLLL QQQQ LOCKERS / LOCKERS / LOCKERS / LOCKERS / STORAGESTORAGESTORAGESTORAGE TYPE ETYPE ETYPE ETYPE E TYPE FTYPE FTYPE FTYPE F TYPE GTYPE GTYPE GTYPE G TYPE ATYPE ATYPE ATYPE A TYPE ATYPE ATYPE ATYPE A TYPE ATYPE ATYPE ATYPE A TYPE ATYPE ATYPE ATYPE A TYPE ATYPE ATYPE ATYPE A TYPE ATYPE ATYPE ATYPE A TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE DTYPE DTYPE DTYPE D TYPE DTYPE DTYPE DTYPE D TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C PRES.PRES.PRES.PRES. ROOM COLOUR SCHEME COMMON SPACE GUESTROOM TYPE A 1BR TYPE C 2BR TYPE D 3BR TYPE E 2BR TYPE F 2BR TYPE G 3 BR TYPE G 3BR 5756575657565756 12316123161231612316 5639563956395639 5639563956395639 5639563956395639 5639563956395639 5639563956395639 5740574057405740 1676167616761676 10668106681066810668 26 5 1 26 5 1 26 5 1 26 5 1 57 4 0 57 4 0 57 4 0 57 4 0 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 57 4 0 57 4 0 57 4 0 57 4 0 36 6 8 7 36 6 8 7 36 6 8 7 36 6 8 7 12017120171201712017 1676167616761676 10668106681066810668 64351643516435164351 5756575657565756 2870287028702870 10347103471034710347 5740574057405740 5639563956395639 5639563956395639 3997399739973997 10 0 4 0 10 0 4 0 10 0 4 0 10 0 4 0 24 5 7 24 5 7 24 5 7 24 5 7 16 7 6 16 7 6 16 7 6 16 7 6 58 5 8 58 5 8 58 5 8 58 5 8 29 8 1 29 8 1 29 8 1 29 8 1 23 0 1 2 23 0 1 2 23 0 1 2 23 0 1 2 64351643516435164351 48 1 0 48 1 0 48 1 0 48 1 0 85 4 4 85 4 4 85 4 4 85 4 4 TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C 1 DP-300 ______________________ 1 DP-300 ______________________ GUESTROOMGUESTROOMGUESTROOMGUESTROOM ELEC.ELEC.ELEC.ELEC. ELEVATORELEVATORELEVATORELEVATOR ELEV. LOBBYELEV. LOBBYELEV. LOBBYELEV. LOBBY ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL SETBACK LINESETBACK LINESETBACK LINESETBACK LINE 1 DP-301 ______________________1 DP-301 ______________________ ELEVATORELEVATORELEVATORELEVATOR PRES.PRES.PRES.PRES. 11A11A11A11A 11A11A11A11A 170 SF170 SF170 SF170 SF STAIRSTAIRSTAIRSTAIR 1599 SF1599 SF1599 SF1599 SF CORRIDORCORRIDORCORRIDORCORRIDOR 174 SF174 SF174 SF174 SF STAIRSTAIRSTAIRSTAIR Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant's instrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa, mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations, additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred without written agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will not be responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 5 : 4 1 : 5 2 P M DP-1102018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 6TH FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" 6TH FLOOR PLAN 1111 1 201 201 201 20----08080808----2222000022220000 FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLEEEENNNNTTTT RRRREEEEVVVVIIIIEEEEWWWW SSSSPPPP 2 282 282 282 28----08080808----2222000022220000 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP SSSSPPPP 3 033 033 033 03----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT////CCCCOOOONNNNSSSSUUUULLLLTTTTAAAANNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 4 094 094 094 09----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 5 155 155 155 15----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ 6 206 206 206 20----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR AAAADDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ ., ' ' I I I I ~=;-;1f \(l == ---rn7 ~~. •, ---' ' _bl_ ' ' 1 I t C C C □ C C C C C I r I 1./ / ' ./ I I I I -£--□ -~~~ 1,~._I l---ll H-------"" 1 "J I c _r.=!!=!=!ir ~==J L 1~;~=-::!h;J.! 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ROOM COLOUR SCHEME COMMON SPACE GUESTROOM TYPE C 2BR TYPE D 3BR TYPE E 2BR TYPE F 2BR TYPE G 3 BR TYPE G 3BR 5756575657565756 12316123161231612316 5639563956395639 5639563956395639 5639563956395639 5639563956395639 5639563956395639 5740574057405740 1676167616761676 10668106681066810668 64351643516435164351 26 5 1 26 5 1 26 5 1 26 5 1 57 4 0 57 4 0 57 4 0 57 4 0 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 56 3 9 57 4 0 57 4 0 57 4 0 57 4 0 36 6 8 7 36 6 8 7 36 6 8 7 36 6 8 7 10668106681066810668167616761676167612017120171201712017 64351643516435164351 5756575657565756 2870287028702870 10347103471034710347 5740574057405740 5639563956395639 5639563956395639 3394339433943394 603603603603 10 0 4 0 10 0 4 0 10 0 4 0 10 0 4 0 24 5 7 24 5 7 24 5 7 24 5 7 16 7 6 16 7 6 16 7 6 16 7 6 58 5 8 58 5 8 58 5 8 58 5 8 29 8 1 29 8 1 29 8 1 29 8 1 23 0 1 2 23 0 1 2 23 0 1 2 23 0 1 2 TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C TYPE CTYPE CTYPE CTYPE C 1 DP-300 ______________________ 1 DP-300 ______________________ GUESTROOMGUESTROOMGUESTROOMGUESTROOM ELEC.ELEC.ELEC.ELEC. ELEVATORELEVATORELEVATORELEVATOR ELEV. LOBBYELEV. LOBBYELEV. LOBBYELEV. LOBBY ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL SETBACK LINESETBACK LINESETBACK LINESETBACK LINE 1 DP-301 ______________________1 DP-301 ______________________ ELEVATORELEVATORELEVATORELEVATOR PRES.PRES.PRES.PRES. 11A11A11A11A 11A11A11A11A KITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHEN HOT HOT HOT HOT TUBTUBTUBTUB GLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOF GLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOF GLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOF STORESTORESTORESTORE W/CW/CW/CW/C Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant's instrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa, mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations, additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred without written agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will not be responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 6 : 1 1 : 1 1 P M DP-1112018-15 SP Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 7TH FLOOR PLAN 1111 1/8" = 1'-0" DP - 7TH FLOOR 1 201 201 201 20----08080808----2222000022220000 FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLEEEENNNNTTTT RRRREEEEVVVVIIIIEEEEWWWW SSSSPPPP 2 282 282 282 28----08080808----2222000022220000 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP SSSSPPPP 3 033 033 033 03----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT////CCCCOOOONNNNSSSSUUUULLLLTTTTAAAANNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 4 094 094 094 09----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 5 155 155 155 15----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ 6 206 206 206 20----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR AAAADDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ ------------~--~---~---i::::---===-7 ~11r J LJ Ll Ill II / I_ I I I I _J _J LJ □ □ LJ □ LJ □ LJ I I I I I I I I I I I I r / / / / 1 LI J I \ / I -/ ' I I I Ill / nt::J / ~ -- II ' ' " LI i ,_ !. \ --· I 7 ,-- L --- / --- - II I -- I I ~ ---+ - ' I = 11 r ' --'-- -' -- - -: I D [] • _ =f 1=c8==f=~===rt -Ill-II ==~--r-11, L 11 1 '1 -I I I II I I J...b =1r :: :: I I II I i f" 11 · I I II I _lcL II II I II I L = = ti - ll II l ----Jc-#-=t -i= --i I 111 -=II=-#-C II I I , II 11 I I I 11, 11 II 11 : :: : L===:r 11 II II I I --= II II I I II I F-=_lf II 11 I _l ___ =,t==--1:P -_ it--+ f----1~ IMl1r_i -'i:111 II I I II, 11 I 11 ,1 / " I 11 i i r 1'1 (11 1) ,I F===1 ij'1 'N---1" ,I II I F ===Ip -~ ~ II I ---bb ----11 ====1r ~~:i i===-1r -===I~ ----R7 11 ----If _IL 11 ~ 5 L I L NNNN FFFFFFFF 15151515 15151515 16161616 16161616 RRRR RRRR 5555 1111 1111 2222 2222 3333 7777 9999 11111111 12121212 12121212 17171717 17171717444466668888101010101313131314141414 AAAA AAAA HHHHIIIIIIII PPPPPPPP SSSSSSSS KKKK CCCC EEEE JJJJ LLLL QQQQ 1 DP-300 ______________________ 1 DP-300 ______________________ 53683536835368353683 10668106681066810668 26 5 1 26 5 1 26 5 1 26 5 1 34 0 3 6 34 0 3 6 34 0 3 6 34 0 3 6 64351643516435164351 10 0 4 0 10 0 4 0 10 0 4 0 10 0 4 0 12 9 7 2 12 9 7 2 12 9 7 2 12 9 7 2 13 6 7 5 13 6 7 5 13 6 7 5 13 6 7 5 GLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOF GLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOF GLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOF GLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOF GLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOF GLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOF GLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOF GLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOF 1 DP-301 ______________________1 DP-301 ______________________ 11A11A11A11A 11A11A11A11A [8.22 m] 26 ' - 1 1 1 / 2 " GLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOFGLASS ROOF Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant's instrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa, mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations, additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred without written agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will not be responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 5 : 4 2 : 5 3 P M DP-1122018-15 SP Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK ROOF PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" DP-FP-ROOF PLAN 1 201 201 201 20----08080808----2222000022220000 FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLEEEENNNNTTTT RRRREEEEVVVVIIIIEEEEWWWW SSSSPPPP 2 282 282 282 28----08080808----2222000022220000 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR DDDDPPPP SSSSPPPP 3 033 033 033 03----03030303----2222000022221111 IIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR CCCCLLLLIIIIEEEENNNNTTTT////CCCCOOOONNNNSSSSUUUULLLLTTTTAAAANNNNTTTT TTTTJJJJ 4 204 204 204 20----03030303----2222000022221111 RRRREEEEIIIISSSSSSSSUUUUEEEEDDDD FFFFOOOORRRR AAAADDDDPPPP TTTTJJJJ ---t +-i I □.□ u rr==I I D $ ~~Tl _J _J J i --------,. _j_ -----i =--~~ -=f-=-==== EXISTING HOUSE 123 AVE 222 AVE GAS LINE EASEMENT 5 3 4 7 89 Project No. REV No. COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1" = 40'-0" 8/23/2021 2:10:46 PM DP-0032018-15 Author Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK CONTEXT 5 1 2 3 4 6 7 89 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 4 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ UP DN DN UNIT COUNT MAIN FLOOR 2ND FLOOR 3RD FLOOR 4TH FLOOR 5TH FLOOR 6TH FLOOR 7TH FLOOR TOTAL: TYP. A 1BR 6 15 15 6 6 6 6 60 TYP. B 1BR 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 5 TYP. C 2BR 2LV 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 18 TYP. D 2BR 2LV 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 4 TYP. E 2BR 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 TYP. F 2BR 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 TYP. G 3BR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 TOTAL 8 20 20 20 9 20 9 106 ZONING DATA CURRENT ZONE GROSS LOT SIZE RIPARIAN AREA GAS LINE R.O.W. NET LOT SIZE PRIMARY USES GROSS FLOOR AREA DEMOLISHED FLOOR AREA DENSITY-FAR SITE COVERAGE SETBACKS HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS OFF-STREET PARKING H/C PARKING RS1 10,034.83 m² (5565.91 m²) BOUNDARY @ NEW FENCING & ROAD CURB (746.66 m²) 3,722.26 m²/ 0.9198 Ac. /0.3722 Ha APARTMENT BASED ON NET LOT AREA BASED ON GROSS LOT AREA SOUTH: 7.5M (123 AVE) EAST : 7.5M (222 STREET) WEST: 7.5M NORTH: 7.5M BASED ON AVERAGE GRADE TO ROOF RIDGE NON-MARKET APARTMENT IN TOWN CENTER AREA 1 BEDROOM: 0.9 PER UNIT X 59 = 53.1 2 BEDROOM: 1.0 PER UNIT X 34 = 34.0 3 BEDROOM: 1.1 PER UNIT X 7 = 7.7 VISITOR: 0.05 PER UNIT X 106 = 5.3 SUB 100 CARS DAYCARE 2900 SF 36 CHILDREN / 10 = 3.6 6 STAFF / 2 = 3 SUB 6.6 (7 CARS) TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED 107 CARS 2 ( INCLUDED IN VALUES ABOVE) CD APARTMENT + DAYCARE 9903.00 m² 4 BUILDINGS IN TOTAL: 330 m² 9903.00m²/ 3722.26 = 2.66 1630 / 10,034.83 = 16.2% 15.63 M 5.63 M 6.64 M 42.2 M 7 STOREYS / 28.84 M GROUND PARKING: 21 P1 PARKING: 43 P2 PARKING: 50 TOTAL 114 CARS 2 (GROUND PARKING & P1 FLOOR) REQUIRED / ALLOWED PROPOSED ZONING RECONCILIATION PMT EXISTING HOUSE TO BE REMOVED EXISTING BUILDING TO BE DEMOLISHED 123 AVE 22 2 S T DO W N T O U N D E R G R O U N D P A R K I N G 1 5234 76 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 TOP OF BANK 10M SETBACK FROM T.O.BANK 15M SETBACK FROM T.O.BANK LOBBY EL. 27.30M ML EL. 29.60M P1 EL. 25.94M P2 EL. 22.59M GARBAGE ENCLOSURE SID E W A L K SIDEWALK TOP OF BANK FIRE HYDRANT FIRE HYDRANT GA S L I N E E A S E M E N T PROPERTY LINE 97.50M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 8 2 . 9 1 M PROPERTY LINE 10.06 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3 9 . 6 3 M PROPERTY LINE 48.96 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3 9 . 6 3 M PROPERTY LINE 38.47 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 8 2 . 9 1 M 15.00 10.00 15.0028.2627.7528.3627.8528.7428.27FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION SID E W A L K PROPERTY SIGNAGE27.7027.1629.4527.25ENTRANCE TO SHORT TERM BICYCLE STORAGE ON P1 LEVEL ACC 1 0.0 0 NEW FENCE 4M FROM T.O.BANK29.3029.4527.5027.5027.0026.5026.0026.0026.0027.0027.2027.2529.3029.45TREE PROTECTION ZONE AS PER ARBORIST REPORT TREE PROTECTION ZONE AS PER ARBORIST REPORT TREE PROTECTION ZONE AS PER ARBORIST REPORT27.6827.6027.7827.7029.4429.4429.6028.8328.83ACC 17 18 19 20 2128.0028.8829.24DAYCARE PLAY PATIO FLOOR ABOVE FLOOR ABOVE ONEWAY BIKES AC C E S S I B L E R O U T E AC C E S S I B L E R O U T E 42 . 5 0 80 . 0 3 42. 7 9 80 . 0 3 6.64 54.87 10.67 31.97 EX I T P A T H O N G R A D E E XI T P A T H O N G R A D E29.9329.9130.05UP 1.13M @ 10%UP 0.60M @ 5%30.03EXISTING HOUSE 123 AVE 22 2 S T TOP OF BANK 10M SETBACK FROM T.O.BANK 15M SETBACK FROM T.O.BANK GA S L I N E EA S E M E N T NEW APARTMENT RIPARIAN AREA USABLE OPEN SPACE 4 FT HIGH FENCE 5M SETBACK FROM T.O.BANK 4 FT HIGH FENCE 4M SETBACK FROM T.O.BANK RIPARIAN AREA Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY As indicated 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 3 : 2 7 : 1 7 P M DP-1002018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK SITE PLAN 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 08-01-2021 ADDED ONE STOREY SP 4 22-02-2021 ISSUED FOR CONSULTANT TJ 1" = 20'-0" 1 SITE PLAN 5 03-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT/CONSULTANT TJ NOTE: TREES REMOVED 6 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 7 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 1" = 40'-0" 2 SITE PLAN 8 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ / I I \ ------•' -------... I' '-/ / I I I \ " I I \ " I I \ --... / \ / I I ,,,.. ,/ I - I \ \ I I / / ( I \ I - ✓-­,,,,.... --/- \ i' I I 1 \ ---- I / v --... I I / \ I I / / \ I I I I I / / f I I \ I / I \ . 7 I _.,J ( ( ( - = ,,,.. ( I / \ I / / I \ -I I I I / / I --------------I II I \ ' ' I --/-----~~-➔--\ I ) I I \ \ I / _,,,..,. \ \ \ ( \ \ I I \ \ I I ' ly--,,-- _,,,..,. _,,,..,. _,,,..,. _,,,..,. \__._.,,./ - \ \_, \ I I = = '- - = \ \ \ \ \ _,,,..,. I I I L I I / Ii fl \ \ / "' \ --r I -!D ·= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = I I y._'- 1 \ _,,,..,. 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VEHICLE PLAN LEGEND TRUCK / CAR TURNING RADIUS 3810 55 1 2 2502 55 1 2 2400 49 0 2 H/C SC HANDICAPPED PARKING STALL STANDARD PARKING STALL SAMLL CAR PARKING STALL PMT EXISTING HOUSE TO BE REMOVED EXISTING BUILDING TO BE DEMOLISHED 123 AVE 22 2 S T DO W N T O U N D E R G R O U N D P A R K I N G 1 5234 76 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 TOP OF BANK 10M SETBACK FROM T.O.BANK 15M SETBACK FROM T.O.BANK LOBBY EL. 27.30M ML EL. 29.60M P1 EL. 25.94M P2 EL. 22.59M GARBAGE ENCLOSURE SID E W A L K SIDEWALK TOP OF BANK FIRE HYDRANT FIRE HYDRANT GA S L I N E E A S E M E N T PROPERTY LINE 97.50M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 8 2 . 9 1 M PROPERTY LINE 10.06 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3 9 . 6 3 M PROPERTY LINE 48.96 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3 9 . 6 3 M PROPERTY LINE 38.47 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 8 2 . 9 1 M 15.00 10.00 15.0028.2627.7528.3627.8528.7428.27FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION SID E W A L K PROPERTY SIGNAGE27.7027.1629.4527.25ENTRANCE TO SHORT TERM BICYCLE STORAGE ON P1 LEVEL ACC 1 0.0 0 NEW FENCE 4M FROM T.O.BANK29.3029.4527.5027.5027.0026.5026.0026.0026.0027.0027.2027.2529.3029.45TREE PROTECTION ZONE AS PER ARBORIST REPORT TREE PROTECTION ZONE AS PER ARBORIST REPORT TREE PROTECTION ZONE AS PER ARBORIST REPORT27.6827.6027.7827.7029.4429.4429.6028.8328.83ACC 17 18 19 20 2128.0028.8829.24DAYCARE PLAY PATIO FLOOR ABOVE FLOOR ABOVE ONEWAY BIKES AC C E S S I B L E R O U T E AC C E S S I B L E R O U T E 42. 5 0 80 . 0 3 42 . 7 9 80 . 0 3 6.64 54.87 10.67 31.97 EX I T P A T H O N G R A D E E XIT P A T H O N G R A D E29.9329.9130.05UP 1.13M @ 10%UP 0.60M @ 5%30.03GARBAGE PICK UP ROUTE FIRE DEPT. ACCESS ROUTE FIR E A C C E S S 1 3 6 7 2 Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY As indicated 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 3 : 3 0 : 1 6 P M DP-1012018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK SITE PLAN - VEHICLE ACCESS 3 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 4 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 1" = 20'-0" 1 DP -SITE PLAN -VEHICULAR ACCESS 5 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ .-------------------,.------------{-11-'-t-----.\)--.'1 -',--)-----1/-------------------.---------~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,,,,,...---1 / '-. I ; I \ \ I I I \ I I I I I / -r--'-. / I I I ,_ I ------------\ ---\. '\ I \ / -I I I \ \'--;II --i - '--'-;,,, -/ " ,,- 1 \ I -1-.. 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I ' \ \ I I I / / \ I I I ,---7 I ___ J ' I l ( ( ( r = I I = = II L!\_J ~ I '· = ~ I \ \ \ \ r-.: 0r m ·-... ~ • -t i_t l!lllo -I fT:J ' ff ~, [... h=r=("'·r~-""• ,;c,;;:: __ ~,-\Jl, r ' ,J , ' ___ , .' 1 1 • I I I I I I ---------------------------·-----------------=====-__ :j __ •• _. ·-CL-=...c:r:..-~~=-==7~-r:-j '~-j~~~~~=~~~=~!:~_~E~~EL~!!=~-···:!:·.I:!1~-~;::t w ~m~-t /·----------------------- = = = --y ---------=------------------------------------- ~ ~ ---------------------------~--------------------------------------------- . -----------------------------=------------------------------ )-I/ I/ _/ ----------- ----------- I I~~ ~ - I I ' ''"'"" ,, ''"" --""""' "'""'""''""''"" ,c ,l<alc, ,J '"""';", L_cl,, clu_s• ,el ,u,;ae~ I,·,· AID(,,; A'[G[)C. Th, ,ceicric,ti,e oisii, ,ad t>e€n '""'";"" '" '"" rn "'""'"nl,fo•o, """"'" '"" caa be ,dcd ,po, a, a t,,,,c "C'J cf o··giaal ,·,hen ,.,,,,,i;e, I.,, U,e o,;g;,,,1 ,a.I", i,,.,;,,l ;,, •~" o( U,e pro·ass,cn,i "" "" o,;e.i cercoca:e, or ,,Mn p·nt«I frc,rn ,h, Jir"tslf/ ,~rtfi,rl eleccconlc file pccv•Oe,i Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 8/ 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 2 : 4 9 : 0 4 P M DP-0052018-15 W.H Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK SHADOW ANALYSIS JUNE 21 @ 10:AM JUNE 21 @ 12:PM JUNE 21 @ 3:PM SEPTEMBER / MARCH 21 @ 10:AM SEPTEMBER / MARCH 21 @ 12:PM SEPTEMBER / MARCH 21 @ 3:PM DECEMBER 21 @ 10:AM DECEMBER 21 @ 12:PM DECEMBER 21 @ 3:PM 1 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP WH 1 "' ' ,---'' ·"', / "-{ ' '" / ' l 111 ' ' ' I l I I ,,, I ;:1 ' I ' ' ' I ' ,., I I 1111\1 ',, ----+--•,---------f',-,/';,;•••.t~>,~;.::.,' •~ , I 'I , • .;.~,-ii,-~ fl-rl, - ;1,;{l£,}lf;J2:l~=~c,<i }\ \\{';/,'::, / 'i ,1,''./'i\1:1\}/ __ •• -\·-\<},{){ ?.' ~ ~, l1 '1 1 / I 1 ' '"' ' /1 I /1/•1 I, / /, 1 I \ ' I ' •• "-;,~: , /I' I , 1,1 l11 r ' ' I :/ I I I • I I I I I 'A \ ~ I' ,/ ·-1;/',/1,11/10.' /,1/11/' I I' I I I' I • I 1, I / I '1 I ,1,1 '11 !/ ·I, ,''/.'//, 1'/i/, ;.:1,, .. ,:,-1:11,,,1,i,; _I /~-1 !/~~~:~i✓ ' I !-;,-,!···1;1;',/,: .• ?·•: .• ,;-;''.•.'./.;·¥':. /.;./:-?,:~.-•' ) ____ ., /1",;1·11,,·,-. , ,·· ,- /'- / I ,~ 'I ,,-\j / 1 I I 11\1 oc:c:) I ,,~ '' -1· ,, '•., 1 l op111ent C o r p . I •~ rlc,,-,,,,,en· h,·, hen • """"' ·.,11, " ,rr, •,1 ·.•,<'• a,1,1tal Cc .1i<alc , ,J '"""''"IL.cl" clu_,, ,el'""""~ U,• U,c AID(,,; A'[G[)C. Th, au<icric,t1,e o,sm ,ad t>e€n '""''""'' '" Y"" '" "'""'""'' fo•-n AC\' p,lnn>C '"" on caa be ,,+d , poc a, a t,,.,c "C'J cf cf, o ·giaal ,·,hen "-',d ,d I.,, U,e ""g""I ,a.I", ""'"'l "' •~" o! U,e pro-ass,cn,i "" "" o,;e.i """"""· or ,,Mn p·nt«I frc,rn ,ha air t•lf/ ,~rtfl,rl ele·-conlc file pccv Oe<i EXISTING HOUSE 123 AVE 22 2 A V E 4 2 1 3 5 6 7 8910 Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic Building 4 - Main Floor 15243 - 91st Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1" = 40'-0" 8/ 2 3 / 2 0 2 1 2 : 1 0 : 4 6 P M DP-0022018-15 Author Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK CONTEXT 5 1 2 3 4 6 7 8910 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 4 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ L ~SIMPLEX MEADOWS 1 l op111 ent C o r p . cc· ,i<alc , ,J '"""';", L.cl" clu_s• ,el ,u,;ae~ U·,· AID(,,; A'[G[)C. Th, ,ceicric,ti,e oisii, ,ad t>e€n '""'";"" ,o yo" rn "'""'""'' fo•-n caa be ,dcd ,po, a, a t,,.,c "C'J cf o··giaal ,·,hen ,-,,;did [,, U,e o,igi,,,I ,a.I", 1,,.,;,,l ;,, •~" o! U,e pro·ass,cn,i "" .,, o ,;e.i cerc~ c;:e, or _,,Mn p· nt«I frc,rn ,h, JirI,lf/ ,~rtfi,rl elecccmc f,I, pccv Oe<i