HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2022-06-15 agenda.pdf City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel AGENDA Wednesday, June 15, 2022 at 4:00 pm Held Virtually Via Zoom Teleconference Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone https://mapleridge-ca.zoom.us/j/82341020208?pwd=V3c3VVVuRzhZVTRQQksveVhNNS9CUT09 Or join the meeting using your phone Dial: 1-778-907-2071 Meeting ID: 823 4102 0208 Password: 644119 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 3.ADOPTION OF MINUTES – May 18, 2022 4.QUESTION PERIOD 5.NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.PROJECTS 6.1 Development Permit No: 2019-402-DP 4:15pm Applicant: J. Illiscupidez, Centex Petroleum Project Architect: Rick Balbi, Rick Balbi Architect Ltd. Project Landscape Architect: Jones Landscape Architecture Proposal: Commercial Service Station and restaurant/convenience store Location: 9450 287 Street File Manager: Michelle Baski 7.CORRESPONDENCE 8.ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting: July 20, 2022 Agenda Items Submission Deadline: July 6, 2022 QUESTION PERIOD Question Period provides the public with the opportunity to ask questions or make comments on subjects that are of concern to them. Each person will be given 2 minutes to speak. Up to ten minutes in total is allotted for Question Period. _.-___ . - mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MEETING MINUTES May 18, 2022 Regular Meeting The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) held via Zoom teleconference on Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at 4:00 pm. PANEL MEMBERS PRESENT Meredith Mitchell, Vice Chair Landscape Architect BCSLA Sang Kim Architect AIBC Andrea Scott Architect AIBC Jose Gonzalez Landscape Architect BCSLA STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Wendy Cooper Staff Liaison, Planner PANEL MEMBERS ABSENT Jaswinder Gabri Architect AIBC 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA R/2022-050 It was moved and seconded That the agenda for the May 18, 2022 Advisory Design Panel meeting be approved as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3.ADOPTION OF MINUTES R/2022-051 It was moved and seconded That the minutes for the April 13, 2022 Advisory Design Panel meeting be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4.QUESTION PERIOD – NIL 5.NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NIL 6.PROJECTS 6.1 Development Permit No: 2021-061-RZ / 21783 Lougheed Highway. The Chair welcomed the project team to the meeting and introduced the members of the ADP. The Staff Liaison provided a brief overview of a 6-storey 121-unit apartment building with some ground floor commercial in the C-7 Zone. A previous submission was made before the ADP meeting held on March 23, 2022. The ADP requested that changes be considered by the applicant. The ADP requested 3. Advisory Design Panel Minutes May 18, 2022 Page 2 of 3 that the proposal be re-submitted and presented at a future meeting. The project team presented how the concerns of the March 23, 2022 ADP meeting have been addressed and answered questions from the Panel. R/2022-052 It was moved and seconded That the Advisory Design Panel has reviewed application 2021-061-DP and recommends that the application be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to planning staff for follow-up. Architectural Comments: • Ensure the refuse access door can accommodate larger bin sizes. • Ensure adequate headroom at parking ramp for refuse pickup vehicle. • Consider adding access at the north end of the corridor at ground level for residential outdoor amenity area. Landscape Comments: • The amenity areas proposed need to fulfill the Development Permit guidelines as well as, Zoning Bylaw 2019-7600. • The mounded grass area indicated as amenity space for residents with the singular trees should be enhanced for privacy and programmability to ensure that it can be functionally used by the residents of the building. • The amenity area proposed at the north east corner has opportunities to include additional programming, for example child play. • Recommend relocating the commercial door next to the lobby door on slab amenity space to provide greater separation between public and private space. • Recommend rotating planting beds separating commercial amenity and private amenity to ensure more complete separation of space. • Ensure proposed sod areas on slab are flush with hard paved walking surfaces. • Recommend that the chain link fencing enclosing the community garden space be reconsidered with softer material. • Consider removing the sod from the community garden area and expanding the community garden plots. • Consider relocating the garden shed within the community garden fenced area. • Confirm construction of retaining wall and garden shed on the community garden area is allowed within setback. • Provide cross sections for amenity area from neighbouring property to building to identify height of proposed retaining wall and materiality. Advisory Design Panel Minutes May 18, 2022 Page 3 of 3 • Provide cross sections and details and how grade change will be achieved at tree protection area and all interfaces with adjacent properties. • Provide details on how the grade changes will transition with the statutory right-of-way and the single family residential homes located to the north. Ensure landscape grading plan resolves interface with the existing trees. Ensure, if permitted, that the exposed portion of the retaining wall is aesthetically pleasing to the residential use to the north, consider setback and screening. • Ensure the storm water on sloped sod landscape at north property line is captured onsite. • The proposed retaining wall may require a fence, due to a fall height issue. • The proposed sod along the northern property line may present maintenance issues. • Ensure stormwater report and plans are provided to Planning Staff with resolution of storm water drainage on north and west property line. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. CORRESPONDENCE - NIL 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Advisory Design Panel will be held on Wednesday, June 15, 2022. Meredith Mitchell, Chair /WC Potenti al Location of ---~ 5' Ht. Chain Link Fence -TBD 17 18 Concrete Wa ll To Extend Parkade Surface Fo r Garden Area 2 Fruit Trees (Va riety TBD ) \ 6.1 TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel 2019-402-DP 9450 287 Street MEETING DATE: June 2022 An Advisory Design Panel (ADP) submission has been received for the subject property located at 9450 287 Street (see Appendix A), to permit the construction of a service station with three commercial retail units. The subject property is approximately 1.3 ha (3.2 acres) in area, and is currently zoned CS-2 (Service Station Commercial) and M-2 (General Industrial); however, the proposed development is only on the CS-2 (Service Station Commercial) zoned portion of the lot, which is approximately 0.99 ha (2.4 acres) in area and is a former service station. The proposed development consists of approximately 578 m2 (6,222 ft2 ) of commercial floor space. The allowable lot coverage is 40%, and the proposed lot coverage is less than 10% for the CS-2 (Service Station Commercial) zone portion of the lot. The applicant is requesting the ADP to review the development application for form and character (see Appendix B). A Design Rational (see Appendix C) has been provided by the Project Architect. The ADP submission checklist (see Appendix D) is also attached for reference. The Development Data Sheet (see Appendix E) provides a quick summary of the project details. This Development Permit application is subject to Section 8.5 of the Official Community Plan for Commercial Developments. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Within Urban Area Boundary: OCP Major Corridor: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: J. lliscupidez Lot 29 Except: Part on Statutory Right of Way Plan LMP3310, District Lot 438, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 47148 Commercial and Industrial Commercial and Industrial No Yes CS-2 (Service Station Commercial) and M-2 (General Industrial) CS-2 (Service Station Commercial) and M-2 (General Industrial) Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Industrial M-2 (General Industrial) Industrial Industrial RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) and M-2 (General Industrial) Page 1 of 4 Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Industrial and Rural Residential Industrial M-2 {General Industrial) Industrial Single-Family Residential and Vacant RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) and CS-3 (Recreation Commercial) Rural Residential and Commercial Existing Use of Property: Industrial and Decommissioned Service Station Proposed Use of Property: Industrial and Service Station, Restaurant and Convenience Store 1.32 ha. (3.3 acres) Site Area: Access: 287 Street Servicing requirement: Rural Standard DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: This development is subject to Section 8.5 of the Official Community Plan for Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines (see Appendix F). • The following is a summary of the applicable Key Guidelines Concepts and a brief assessment of the proposal's compliance with the guidelines, as provided by the Project Architect: 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. "Landscape is designed along the periphery of the parking areas and along property lines abutting roads. Site fighting is designed in such a way that it will reduce light pollution." 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. "The layout of landscaping provides visual cues and supports pedestrian and vehicular circulation." 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. "The project has mostly retained existing building shell, like roof, floors and walls. Reuse of building materials will make the building low impact." 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. "Not applicable, as the surrounding development is mainly industrial." 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. Page 2 of 4 "The project is a one-storey, simple rectangular shaped commercial building. The exterior building finishes have siding like corrugated metal, hardie planks, and brick veneer, which reflect characteristics of surrounding buildings." Additional details on the development are provided in the Building Design, Massing and Siting section of the guidelines checklist. PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: This Commercial Development Permit is for the development of a service station, with three commercial retail units. An existing building will be renovated for the new development. The property will be accessed from 287 Street. Details of the building materials, colours, and landscaping are attached (see Appendix G). 2. Context: The subject property is a former service station, surrounded by industrial land to the north, east, and south, and residential land to the west. 3. OCP and Zoning Compliance: The subject property is designated Commercial and Industrial in the Official Community Plan and is zoned CS-2 (Service Station Commercial) and M-2 (General Industrial). The proposed development is on the CS-2 (Service Station Commercial) zoned portion of the lot only. The proposed development consists of 578 m2 (6,222 ft2) of commercial floor space. The allowable lot coverage is 40%, and the proposed lot coverage is less than 10%. 4. Parking and bicycle storage: The required parking for the commercial use, based on 1/20m2 gross floor area for the two retail units is 22 spaces, plus 1 per 3 seats for the restaurant use, which is 7 spaces, for a total required parking amount of 29 parking spaces. Forty-six parking stalls are provided, two of which are accessible parking stalls. Bicycle parking is not required, but 6 bike stalls are provided. A five-car stack up is required for drive-thru uses in the CS-2 zone and the proposed development allows for 18 cars to be stacked onsite. 5. Environmental. Sustainability & Stormwater Management: The stormwater management plan consists of two onsite retention ponds on the east side of the development, which will eventually drain to existing catchbasins/dry well located at the east end of the road ditch along the north side of Lougheed Highway. 6. Garbage/Recycling: Garbage receptacles are provided along the north end of the property, the details of the enclosure screening are provided in Appendix G. Page3 of 4 7. Engin ee rin g Se rvi cin g Upgrades: Serving upgrades along 2 87 Street, if required, will be id e ntified at th e Building Permit stage. Servicing upgrades along Lougheed Highway are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, and they are s upportive of the proposed dev e lopment. CONCLU SION : The proposed development complies with the Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. • Prepared by: Michelle Baski, AScT, MA Planner The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendi x A -Ortho Map Appendi x B -ADP Submission Request Form Appendix C -Design Rationale Appendix D -ADP Submission Checklist Appendi x E -Development Data Sheet Appendix F -Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix G -Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 4 of 4 DATE: Nov 20, 2019FILE: 2019-402-RZ 9450 287 STREETPID: 000-444-031 City of PittMeadows District ofLangley Di s t r i c t o f M i s s i o n FRASER R.^ PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTY Aerial Imagery from the Spring of 2018´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PC Appendix A map eridge.ca The City  schedule making y ADP subm ADP thro Applicati Name of  File num Address  Current Z Seeking t Architect Submissi Architect Landscap Other Pro Note.: Th developm taken fro bulletin,  Major  per th build Group A (Pa Group B (Pa Group C Res Group D & E Group F (F1 Adv of Maple Rid es for submis your submiss mission pack ough your Fil ion Informa Applicant   ber   of site   Zone    to appear be t Informatio on will be p t   pe Architect  ofessional (S he Architects ments to the om AIBC Bull click here.  Occupancy  he current  ing codes  art 3)   art 3)   sidential  E   : Part 3)   isory Des dge Advisory ssion deadlin sion, contact kage for you le Manager w tion:  _________ _________ _________ _________ efore the AD on:  resented to  _________ _________ State Name  s are require e ADP that a letin 31 Build Public Assem Hospital, San Home for the Aged  Institutional  Hotel or sim Commercial  Industrial  sign Pane y Design Pan ne dates and t your File M ur project. Fo well in adva __________ __________ __________ ___ Propose DP on this da ADP by:  __________ __________ & Role) ____ ed to prepar re in the Ma dings Requir Use  mbly  natorium, or  e  ilar occupancy  el Submis nel (ADP) me d for the min Manager to e orward your nce of the d ___________ _____  ___________ ed Zone ____ ate ________ ___________ ___________ __________ re plans and ajor Occupan ring the Serv Type services − any o exce − any b exce − all sc − any b capa − any b − any b − any b − any b − any b ssion Req eets monthly nimum subm establish wh r complete s deadline date __________ __________ __________ __________ ________  _______  ___________ to attend a ncy categori vices of an A es of Building or s of an architect one‐storey build eeding 9 m or gro building of more eeding 235 m²; a chools, any size building (exclud acity exceeding 1 building with gro building contain building contain building with gro building with gro uest Form y.Refer to t mission requ at constitute ubmission p e.  __  __  __  __  __________ nd to presen es cited in th Architect. Fo r Parts of Buildin t under section 6 Act.   ding with an uns oss area exceed e than one store and  ing veterinary h 12 beds  oss area exceed ning 5 or more d ning 11 or more g oss area exceed oss area exceed m  he attached irements. Be es a complet package for t ____  nt all  he Table bel r the entire  ng requiring the 60 of the Archit supported span  ing 275 m²;  ey with gross are ospital) with a  ing 470 m²  welling units  guest rooms  ing 470 m²  ing 470 m²    efore  te  the  ow  e  ects  ea  Appendix B I ~--~ . ' .. mapleridge.ca CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL 2019 APPLICANT SCHEDULE Meeting Date Applicant Deadline January 16, 2019 December 17, 2018 February 20, 2019 January 28, 2019 March 20, 2019 February 25, 2019 April 17, 2019 March 25, 2019 May 15, 2019 April 18, 2019 June 19, 2019 May 27, 2019 July 17, 2019 June 24, 2019 NO AUGUST MEETING September 18, 2019 August 26, 2019 October 16, 2019 September 23, 2019 November 20, 2019 October 28, 2019 NO DECEMBER MEETING Appendix C ot:S\GN RAi\ONAl E ARC1-11i E C 1 RICK BALBI AXIOM ARC\-\1iE C 1 U R E \NC. DATE: 2022-os-27 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Ruskin Centrex proposed commercial development is located at the intersection of Lougheed Highway and 287 street, Maple Ridge, BC. The strategic location of this development will benefit the surrounding industrial area and people travelling on the highway. The proposed building consists of a restaurant, convenience store, and retail unit. The gas filling station is in the south part of the site. The restaurant will have outdoor patios, drive-thru lanes, and ample parking space to accommodate the flow of customers. The project is an alteration to the existing one-story commercial building. The shell of the building will remain the same while existing windows and doors will be replaced. The building facade will be renovated with bright silver metal siding, brick veneer, and light blue Hardie siding. SITE CONTEXT The site is bounded by the Lougheed highway to the South, and 287 Street to the West. The proposed development site currently has two site accesses: on the northwest and southwest sides. Each access is located on 287 Street. The proposed development will have only one access on the Northwest side. Other access will be eliminated to meet the requirements of MOTi. The site is largely flat with no existing trees. DESIGN RATIONALE The project is a one-story, simple, rectangular-shaped building that faces the Lougheed Highway. The exterior building finishes reflect the characteristics of the neighboring building and will be commercial in character. Since the building is located at an intersection, it will feature significant corner and pop-out architectural wall features . The glazed area is designed mainly at front elevations facing the highway, and entrances are easily identifiable and clearly visible from the street. The project is utilizing an existing roof which is visually covered by new parapets . Continuous weather protection like canopies, overhangs, and awnings are provided at the entrance of restaurants and convenience stores . The service areas and drive-thru are located at the back of the building. Refuse areas are also on the rear side of the building and will be properly enclosed with metal fencing . Signage is designed to complement the scale and architectural details and are located at ground level only. All signage will conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. Separate signage will be provided to each tenant. Site lighting is designed to remove glare and direct visibility of a light source from the public quickly. The project will feature well -lit public areas and clear sightlines between private and public spaces. A pedestrian crossing will be provided from the main building to 287 Street. Both vehicle and bicycle parking spaces are provided as per Maple Ridge bylaws. The site entrance has sufficient space for two car lengths between the street edge and the exit gate. The building finishes feature siding like corrugated metal, Hardie planks, brick veneer, and glazing. Colors are used to differentiate one unit from another, but a common color palette has been selected based on surrounding buildings. Signature & Date 11995 Haney Pl. Maple Ridge British Columbia V2X 6A9 May 27, 2022 Attention: Michelle Baski Re: Landscape Design Rationale Ruskin Centex – 287 St. and Lougheed Hwy., Maple Ridge, BC We are happy to present the following landscape design rationale for the Ruskin Centex development in Maple Ridge, British Columbia. The following rationale has been prepared for review by the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel: Plant Material Layout Deciduous and coniferous trees in the permitter landscape yards enhances site boundaries and provides a visual buffer to adjacent land uses. Internal site landscaping in parking lot islands and drive thru isles softens the buildings architecture, reduces building scale, and provides visual cues for pedestrian and vehicular circulate. Plant Material Selection A broad planting palette, including deciduous, coniferous and flowering ornamental trees have been selected for year- round and seasonal colour. All trees and shrubs have been chosen for regional suitability within the 8B hardiness zone. Ground Cover Decorative rock mulches, wood mulch and sod complete the ground cover in landscape areas. A combination of wood mulch over topsoil is used in tree and shrub planting beds for its moisture retentive and nutrient recycling qualities. All ground covers have been selected to support tree and shrub vitality We hope that the above rationale communicates the design intent for this landscape development. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Ryan Jones, AALA Jones Landscape Architecture 47 Greenwich Crescent St. Albert, Alberta T8N 0Z5 @jonesla.ca p. 587.983.3498 e. ryan Appendix D l <2lM■ ADP Submission Checklist maple ridge.ca Application No. m/?-i/02..-bf Fil e--Manager ,711~ iJe:...-;h.'-- This checkl ist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel (ADP). Please refer to the ADP Submission Form and the ADP Requirements Brochure for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting informat_ iQll'la'fl <f P.~-•~etfi ~tions on size-and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions ,~i,•'· ... /~ to th~.,.e../'l ~~ag • ciil~ ~nning liaison to the ADP . .. ~~°'¥ ~~l> 3a~Ql°t01.1otca,&i C ,. ~ Submission Materials A. ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) B. Covering letter including explanations about: 1. Project description/analysis {Detailed information Required) 2. Architectural and Landscaping Design rationale (Detailed information Required) 3. Statement in brief about the following: a. DP Key Concepts Compliance b. DP Guideline Compliance c. Stormwater management strategy with emphasis on Tier A requirements integrated into landscaping plans e. Sustainability practices :;;_l:':}if j~½r SI,'.i: C. Site and Neighbourhood Context 1. Context Review-Context Plan with existing/proposed buildings and trees, vegetation, roads, existing/ proposed grading, and other major features with in the site, on the abutting properties, the public realm and along the road allowances/ lanes. 2. Photographs of site and surrounding sites. D. Development Permit Area Checklist (Note: The Architect is responsible to describe how the project complies with each guidelines, or if not applicable, a description of why not applicable . Please use fillable forms on line.) N ".•\ ~-~-• ••~ • •• •, ;':~-'-: ~~/. ... /~ -)~:::\,{.:.t ;~:[{\ n: Date Provided □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist E. Architectural Plans (Site and Building(s)): 1. Site Plan and layout 2. Site sections 3. Streetscape elevation 4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees superimposed 5. Shadow analysis 6. Lighting analysis (on building and on site) 7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and roof tops 8. Waste collection /recycling (inside of buildings) 9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside) 10. Building elevation (all sides) 11. Signage (attached to bu ilding and free standing) 12 . Colours and materials 13. Material board 14. Building sections 15. 3D renderings of site, building(s} and associated landscaping F. Landscaping Plans: 1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting details 2. Storm water management works focused on Tier A requirements integrated into landscaping plan with details 3. Landscaping details, including public art, signage, lighting, play and other amenity areas, fences, retaining walls, 4. Waste collection /Re_cycling (exterior areas/structures) 5. Details for pedestrian amenity and furniture features provided 6. Details for hard surfacing areas/ patterns 7. Tree retention and management plan 8. Site sections for lot grading, drainage, landscaping, retaining walls and relationship to adjacent grades/ City roads/ lanes 9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnections G. Green Building/Sustainability initiatives H. Engineering-related Information: 1. Site grading plans I. Other Rev . March 2018 (Page 2} 0 □ D □ □ □ □. □ D □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ D D □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Appendix E I~. DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET mapleridge.ca Existing /Proposed Zone cs-2 Date Prepared 2022--05-27 Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total 2,100.00 Less Road Widening/ Truncations - Less Park Net Total 2 ,100.00 LOT COVERAGE (in % of net lot area) Total Site Coverage 40% MAXIMUM SETBACKS (in metres) Front 9.00 Rear 6.00 Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) 6.00 Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) 7.50 Side #3 (N, S, E or W) SETBACKS -Underground Structures (in metres) Front - Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) - Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) - Side #3 (N, S, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal 7.5 Accessory - NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor - One Bedroom Two Bedroom - Three Bedroom+ Total GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential - Retail Commercial Office Commercial - Other Commercial (Type ) - Institutional Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA 779.00 • If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) 13,219.00 13,219.00 4.369% (577 .60 SQ.M.) 21.28 44.20 33.27 25 .15 4 .92 577.60 577.60 Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) -- # of units/ha (net) - Gross Floor Area -- Floor Space Ratio (net) AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area - Useable Open Space PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses 22 46 Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive Other Number of spaces for visitors TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES Number of total for disabled 2 Number of total (and%) small cars I % Number of total (and%) tandem spaces I % TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) 1 1 BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking 3 3 Long Term Bicycle Parking 1 3 OTHER -state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site jNO I Tree Survey/Assessment Provided INO Watercourse/Steep Slopes I No I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements jNO I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. Prepared by: RICK BALBI Print Name (Please print form and sign above) NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application . Appendix F 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 . I ~ .•• mapleridge.ca Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.5 of the Official Community Plan, commercial developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. 8.5.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses Landscape is designed along periphery of parking areas and along through sound attenuation, appropriate property lines abutting to roads . lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and Site Lighting is designed in such a way that it will reduce light pollution . the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. Encourage a pedestrian scale through Layout of landscaping provides visual cues and providing outdoor amenities, minimizing supports pedestrian and vehicular circulation. the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts . Promote sustainable development with Project has mostly retained existing building shell like roof, floors multimodal transportation circulation, and walls . Reuse of building materials will make the building low and low impact building design. impact. Respect the need for private areas in Not applicable. Surrounding development is majorly mixed use development and adjacent industrial development. residential areas. The form and treatment of new buildings Project is one storey, simple rectangular shaped should reflect the desired character and commercial building. Exterior building finishes has pattern of development in the area by sidings like corrugated metal , hardie planks, brick incorporating appropriate architectural veneer which reflects characteristics of surrounding styles, features, materials, proportions buildings. and building articulation. 1 Guideline 8.5.2 A Building Design, Massing and Siting 1. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, roof forms, facade modulation, architectural features, fenestration patterns, building elements and proportions and building articulation. 2. Exterior finishes should be wood, brick, natural stone or other materials of warm appearance. Substantial areas of concrete should be avoided. Expanses of solid wall or glass are unacceptable. 3. New buildings adjacent to existing small scale buildings such as houses should be designed to provide visual interest whilst protecting the privacy and livability of both properties. 4. Significant corners should be given added emphasis with vertical architectural features and roofscape features. At intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets. 5. Development should be sited to have the building frontage on the main street alignment. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Project is one storey commercial building. Exterior building finishes has sidings like corrugated metal , hardie planks, brick veneer and glazing. Colours are used to differentiate one unit from another, through the number of colours but limited to three colors and common colour palette has been selected based on surrounding buildings finishes. Additional colours are used only as an accents or trim. Building materials will be commercial in character.Exter~or building finishes has sidings like corrugated metal, hard1e planks, brick veneer. Glazing is use_d majorly on front . elevations and partly on side elevations as a commercial requirement. Not applicable. Surrounding development is majorly industrial development. Corner and pop out architectural wall feature is designed, as building is located at intersection of roads. Glazed area is designed mainly at front elevations facing main street. Project is using existing roof and it is visually covered by new parapets. Building is existing building and front elevation is facing main street. 6. Projects located on slopes should be Not applicable, as site is not located on slopes. developed in a manner which creates a step in perceived height, bulk and scale between developments. 7. Design and construction of buildings Not applicable. Surrounding development is majorly should account for maximum sou nd industrial development. attenuation between commercial and adjacent residential uses. To ensure that noise generated on the site is addressed in the most appropriate manner, Council may request that a noise attenuation study be prepared. 2 Guideline 8.5.2 A (Continued) 8. Continuous weather protection, such as canopies, structural awnings, or building overhangs, is strongly promoted where at-grade retail uses are included in a development and over common entries to commercial and/or mixed-use developments that front a public sidewalk or open space. 9. Developments adjacent to treed slopes, ravines and watercourses must respect natural vegetation, use natural landscaping to retain soils on the site and may require additional setbacks as established by agencies having jurisdiction. Creeks and ravines are encouraged to be retained in their natural state. 10. Developments are encouraged to redirect water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. Canopies and overhangs are provided at the entrance of restaurants and convenience store. Not applicable, as site is not located at mentioned locations. Storm water management infrastructure is designed to manage roof top runoff water. Please refer storm water management plan. 11. Buildings should be designed and located Not applicable, as site is not located at mentioned on a site to: locations. a) preserve and incorporate natural features or views; b) ensure proper orientation and relationship to adjoining residential uses; c) minimize impacts on natural features and agricultural lands; d) accommodate natural grades to ensure minimal grading is required. Guideline 8.5.2 B Refuse,. Recycling and Servicing Areas Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. The design of a roof, placement of Roof top units will be screened. mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. 3 Guideline 8.5.2 B (Continued) 2. Service areas should have differentiated Service areas are located at the rear the building . access to minimize visual impact as well as conflicts with pedestrians . 3. Refuse receptacles must be located Refuse areas are located at the rear side of the building indoors or within service areas out of and proper fencing will be done. Containers will be view from pedestrian access. Garbage weather proof. and waste material should be stored in containers that are weatherproof and animal-resistant. 4. Mechanical equipment, drive-through uses, service or car wash bays, restrooms, vending machines, unenclosed storage, and public telephones should be oriented on the site to face away from adjacent residential development. Whenever possible, these uses should not be visible from an adjacent residential property. Guideline 8.5.2 C Street Front 1. Particular attention should be made to the image presented to the streetfront. 2. New development should emphasize the street frontages by incorporating differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades. Facades should incorporate vertical and horizontal relief in a well-proportioned rhythm appropriate to the intended scale of development. 3. Buildings with over 15 metres of street frontage should break the horizontal mass of the building with vertical elements in a rhythmic pattern. Not applicable. No residential properties around the site. Drive through is located at the rear side of the building. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Not applicable. Site is not located at street fronts. Not applicable Not applicable 4. Streetfront landscaping will incorporate Not applicable street trees for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space. 4 Guideline 8.5.2 C (Continued) 5. Vehicle access on a street frontage Not applicable should be located to the side of the building away form the pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. Guideline 8.5.2 D Signage and Lighting 1. Signage should be integrated with the design of a building, preferably at ground level only, and its size and design should complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 2. High intensity illumination directed at adjoining properties should be avoided. Commercial signage and high intensity illumination adjacent to residential uses should be minimized in order to protect residential amenity. 3. Lighting and signage should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way. 4. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter should take precedent. 5. In multiple-tenant commercial or mixed- use buildings, signs should be designed to present a unified appearance. Signage space should be provided for upper storey tenancies. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Signages are designed as per building proportions and located at ground level only.Attached are the details of signages. No high intensity illuminations are directed to adjacent properties and residential amenities are not existing near site. Lighting and signages has been designed in _su~h away that no direct light source is visible from pubhc right of way. Please refer lighting study plans and signages details submitted. All signages will conform to the Maple Ridge sign bye law. Please refer signages details submitted. Separate signage space has been provided for each tenant. 5 Guideline 8.5.2 E Vehicle Access, Parking, and Circulation 1. Buildings and structures should be located to ensure safe traffic circulation and access and adequate on-site parking. Parking should be encouraged in smaller units to avoid a monotonous appearance. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Adequate parking capacity is provided. Parking is divided in three groups. Please refer site plan. 2. Parking and storage areas should be Landscape is designed along periphery of parking appropriately screened. Low level areas and along property lines abutting to roads. landscape screening should be provided Storage areas will be screened by proper fencing. to parking areas adjacent to public streets. 3. Where possible, parking and servicing Parking are divided in groups. Some parking spots are should be located underground or to the located at rear of the building and some are located rear of buildings to minimize the impact adjacent to street. Parking adjacent to streets are on streetscape appearance and screened by landscape. Storage areas will be screened pedestrian amenity. In all new buildings by proper fencing. the portion of the structure used for parking and servicing should be adequately screened and should be architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. 4. -Existing lanes should be used for vehicle Existing lanes are used for vehicle access, loading and access, loading and servicing. Upgrading servicing. of lanes in terms of attractive treatment and screening of parking access and loading and service areas is encouraged. s. Vehicle access should be located to the Not applicable, as site is not located at street front. side of the building away from the pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 6. Lanes, and driveways should conform to Not applicable, as the building and access roads are the existing grades as closely as possible existing. to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, access should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. 6 Guideline 8.5.2 E (Continued) 7. Shared vehicle access between adjoining Not applicable, adjoining sites have no such conditions sites should be considered where access as mentioned in guidelines. for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. 8. Minimize the amount of asphalt surfaces Not applicable, as the building, access roads are in parking areas by integrating a variety existing. of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Above ground parking structures should Not applicable. Project is not having above ground not front public streets at grade. Non-parking structures. parking uses or special fa~ade treatments must be provided along street frontages to enhance the building's appearance to the public realm. On non-street fronting facades, parking structures should be treated to avoid long blank walls at grade, such as massed landscape treatments or attention to design detailing on the fai;ade. 10. Parking control equipment, such as Distance of two car lengths is provided between exit ticket dispensers and card readers, gate and street edge at both entry exit points. should be located at a sufficient distance from a public street to prevent parking queues extending onto the street. Similarly, a minimum distance of one car length, and preferably two car lengths, should be provided between an exit gate and the street edge to accommodate cars waiting to merge into traffic. 11. Rooftop parking structures should Not applicable. Project is not having above ground include design elements, including parking structures. landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street and surrounding uses. 7 Guideline 8.5.2 F Pedestrian and Bicycle Access 1. Development should improve pedestrian amenity through interesting design detail at ground level, easily identifiable entrances, shop fronts with clear untinted glazing, concentration of signage at ground level, attractive landscaping and well defined pedestrian crossings for driveways and roadways. 2. A well defined pedestrian access to the commercial use will be provided from the public sidewalk. Design will ensure that pedestrian use is given precedence over vehicular use. Where possible, at least one pedestrian connection should be provided through the main block of buildings. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Building has clear glazing windows and identifiable entrances. Signages are at ground level as building is one storey. Pedestrian crossing has been provided from main building to 287 st. 3. Facilities for cyclists should be Bicycle parking has been provided on site. considered for all developments. Guideline 8.5.2 G Landscaping and Open Space 1. Landscaping should be supplemented to identify and define public space, to present a pleasing image and to soften the transition from adjacent land uses to the commercial development. 2. Adjacent residential uses should be adequately protected by significant landscaping or the provision of screening or both. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all new development for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space. Simplicity in landscaping materials is desirable and should be encouraged for screening purposes. Deciduous tree species should be considered in landscape plantings to permit light penetration in winter. Mature vegetation should be retained where possible. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Landscape trees, shrubs and grass has been proposed in landscape yards along the perimeter of the site to provide a buffer from neighboring lands uses. Not applicable. Adjacent land uses are not residential. Deciduous trees have been proposed in the landscape yards along 287 Street and the Peter Lougheed highway to enhance public street and site boundaries. 8 Guideline 8.5.2 G (Continued) 4. Aesthetic values along frontages and on-Tree, shrubs and decorative rock mulches have been site ought to be enhanced by significant proposed in parking lot islands and drive thru isles landscaping on all property lines and directly adjacent to the building to soften the image and around buildings. Street trees should be support the pedestrian scale. Layout of landscaping used to provide the landscaping variety provides visual cues and supports pedestrian and that would soften the character and vehicular circulation. scale of the area . s. Landscape planting and screening should Landscape trees and shrub have been proposed at be used to create interesting views and along 287 Street to enhance site entrance and define focal points into and out of the site for circulation into the site. Permitter trees frames views pedestrians, passing drivers and building into the site. tenants on the site or adjacent to it. 6. Open space should be usable, attractive Programmed open spaces have not been considered in and well-integrated with the design of the landscape drawings. the building. Open space, in many cases, will be achieved with courtyards, recessed balconies, terraced balconies, roof top gardens, and atria. 7. Landscaping should reinforce design Trees and shrubs have been selected for regional continuity with neighbouring properties suitability within the 88 hardiness zone. and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 8. Landscaping should define the purpose Private spaces have not been provided in this land use and emphasize the desired character class. and function of public and private space. All private and semi-private open space should be clearly defined as such and should be controllable by those meant to benefit and be responsible for it, thus encouraging use, pride and safety. 9. Distinguish public and semi-public Private spaces have not been provided in this land use spaces from private spaces. Design class. symbolic barriers through: a) building and site design; b) changes in paving, vegetation, or grading; or c) architectural features, such as low walls, bollards or raised planters. 9 Guideline 8.5.2 H Crime Prevention through Environmental Design {CPTED) 1. Developments should be designed to maximize opportunities for natural surveillance allowing people to easily view what is happening around them during the course of everyday activities. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design principles and techniques are encouraged. 2. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities . 3. Design the interior spaces and exits from any underground and above ground parking structures for maximum visibility within the parking area. Entries should be highly visible , well lit and spaced at convenient intervals Hidden spaces, obscured alcoves and blind corners should be avoided in the design and layout of the parking facilities. 4. Walls and ceilings of parking structures, particularly underground structures, should be painted white to enhance or reflect light. Guideline 8.5.2 I Universally Accessible Design 1. All non-vehicular routes be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/ scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impa i red . Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Chain link fencing is used to maximise natural surveillance. Entries are clearly visible from roads. No blind corners in and around the building. Clear sightlines between public and private spaces. Well lit public areas which will not produce glare or dark shadows. Landscaping will not obstruct natural surveillance. Entries are clearly visible from roads. No blind corners in and around the building. Clear sightlines between public and private spaces. Well lit public areas which will not produce glare or dark shadows. Landscaping will not obstruct natural surveillance. Clearly visible entries and well lit parking layouts has been designed to achieve clear sightlines between public and private spaces. Not applicable, no underground parkings in the project. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Pathways are wide enough for wheelchairs. Direct access from parking spaces and 287st to buildings has been provided with pedestrian crossings. 10 Guideline 8.5.2 I (Continued) 2. Locate parking spaces allocated for Barrier free parking has been provided near entrance of people with disabilities as close as the building. possible to the main entrance to a building. 3. Building entries should be : a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; and c) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. Guideline 8.5 .2 J Bicycle Storage and Parking 1. Provide short term bicycle parking facilities, such as bicycle racks, at grade close to building entrances. Bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads. Bicycle racks should be made of sturdy, theft- resistant material, securely anchored to the floor or grounds. 2. Provide long term bicycle parking facilities in secure storage areas within buildings. Bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. In mixed-use buildings, bicycle storage facilities for residents are to be separate from those for the commercial uses. Building has signages which are clearly visible from road. Entrances can be easily identifiable with clear glazing doors and proper entrance door signs. Building is one storey and directly accessible. Canopies and awnings will be installed for weather protection. Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. Bicycle parking has been provided which can be visible from entrance. Also parking sign for Bicycles will be installed. The parking area will be well lit and the bike racks will be securely anchored to the ground. Not applicable, as building is not mix used and multistoried. 3. Large-scale developments are Not applicable, as its small scale development. encouraged to provide end-of-trip facilities, such as showers and lockers, within the development for the convenience of employees. 11 Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File Number 2. OIJJ/ -tot. ... DF' Date prepared: Feb z..z)z,::;r< Architect ./< 54,/bl Print Name 12 THIS SITE DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: ARCHITECT: PROJECT No.: SHEET ISSUE DATE: PROJECT STATUS: CONTRACTOR DRAWING NO.SHEET SEAL CLIENT PROJECT DESCRIPTION No.Description Date 1 ISSUED FOR REVIEW 2019-01-09 2 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2021-11-13 3 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-05-17 20 2 2 - 0 5 - 1 7 5 : 4 1 : 3 3 P M G1.10 RUSKIN CENTEX MD C.M. VALIENTE JOHN LEHNERS, P. ENG. 180214 DECEMBER 03, 2021 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Cover Page 1 11Vicinity Map TRUE NORTH S EW Drawing List 9450 287 Street , Maple Ridge , BC ARCHITECTURAL SHEET No. SHEET NAME CURRENT REVISION DATE A1.01 Existing and Demolition Plan A1.10 Main Floor Plan A1.20 Roof Plan A1.30 Reflected Ceiling Plan A2.00 Existing & Demolition Elevations A2.10 Building Elevations A2.11 Elevations A3.10 Building Sections A3.11 Wall Sections A3.12 Wall Sections A4.10 Enlarged Plan - Men's & Women's Washroom A6.10 Window & Door Schedules G1.10 Cover Page G1.20 General Notes, Abbrevations, Symbols & BCA Exterior Perspective MECHANICAL SHEET No.SHEET NAME CURRENT REVISION DATE M1.0 Mechanical Cover Page M2.0 Foundation Plumbing Layout M3.0 Main Floor Plumbing Layout M3.1 Main Floor Water Plumbing Layout M4.0 Main Floor HVAC Layout M5.0 Roof Mechanical Layout M6.0 Plumbing Fixture Schedule M7.0 Mechanical Specifications and Schedules ELECTRICAL SHEET No.SHEET NAME CURRENT REVISION DATE E1.0 Electrical Site Plan E2.0 Main Floor Lighting Plan E3.0 Main Floor Power & Auxiliary Plan E3.1 Roof Floor Power Plan E4.0 Single Line Diagram, Schedule and Details E5.0 Exterior Lighting Elevation E6.0 Lighting Schedule E7.0 Fire Alarm Details E8.0 Electrical Specifications STRUCTURAL SHEET No.SHEET NAME CURRENT REVISION DATE S0.1 Structural Cover Page S1.0 Foundation Plan S2.0 Roof Framing Plan S3.0 Foundation Details S4.0 Framing Details S4.1 Framing Details RUSKIN CENTEX Appendix G Ph: Rick Balbi Architect Ltd. #15 591 7 _ 1 "A" Street S.W. ' Alberta T2H 0G4 (4oit~i~~2853 Fax: _(403) 253 -3078 general@rbalb1.ca ~ Plan 7537 Plan 7537 Easement (T57776) >-z w :, ~ a. " z F I-., x w w ~ w 0 I ""'w 0:: ----,,---.., 0 w I-en r---co N LMP/2175 -EXIST. CURB Plan 26725 6-BIKE TALLS DRIVEWAY 21. 8 \ ffiil '·. DRIVE Tl-I Ell '.i . . I • . . r . • 68 • 1 • . 1------U--<,f· ----'1-=1 ..... .,..,...., • 1 1.00 ---t----t--.. •; L• ' I l .. • • • ... _.,~ ..... ! ·-·-· • TO BE REMOVED • LANDSCAPE ,.,., o'lt-11'. 6'.,.>s r.e.,6' (TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE) SIGN ----,,--- Plan LMP 3310 EXIST. CURB EXIST. CURB C7 I '--__ ,._a::>,___ 39.02 -+--,-: 3.66 7.92 --r-'-'7,=92,___-+-----'r ~=· . t,,.) .._. ... ., ... • • • '♦ • PYLON SIGN • • • .... L_ ... ~- SIGN 39.02 +----- ~ --.J "' "' L lw a, "' ,.u ----------------■--------■-~ I:\ Id ... • .. • • 3ntfRONT 'fARD'SEffiACK IGN • ... • • • + • + + + + .. ... • • • ....... J. .. " ......... "-111. •••• -■-■-■-■-■ ■--■-•-■-23'45 I LOUGHEED HIGHWAY 44. 28. 5 28.25 25.00 ~ _J.85 lit[ " ...,,, .... - 16.92 • I • • I iil i ~ 16.92 1.2.G e.~J?~,4'@) _l;P;-.-~T~\!i;=l.e==¥',~tQt"jl I r·st J,-·t '.,Ydtl- l rc·lsr ·/,'ic-1 1·rst J,'t -red lrc·1er 1-r:1~< 27.74 1-r et_;:,rs 2.sc, :_!_,':,,", C -- 4.8] Le::., t::.-Lo::.< Ti71e 9eerinJ /\·-,:;i e ,\,·ti:::_ lcti1q hnqle . 6.C 'I I S:', : g:J.O Plan LMP29523 Plan LMP29523 SITE DETAILS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: MUNICIPALITY: CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ADDRESS: LOUGHEED HIGHWAY MAPLE RIDGE, BC SITE AREA TOTAL 1.3219 ha. (3.257 AC.) ZONING COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL ZONE (CS-2) BUILDING AREA CONVENIENCE STORE 173.25 sq.m., FOOD PARTNER (RESTAURANT) 404.34 sq.m REQUIRED PROVIDED BUILDING HEIGHT 7.5m MAX FRONT YARD 3.0m REAR YARD 6.0m INTERIOR SIDE YARD Om EXTERIOR SIDE YARD 3.0m LANDSCAPE AREAS 1.5m FROM LOT LINE PARKING C-STORE REQUIREMENTS 1 SPACE PER 30 sq.m GFA = 241.64 Sq.m./30 LOADING AREA = 8.0 SPACES TIM HORTONS & FOOD PARTNER (RESTAURANT) 1 SPACE PER 3 SEATS = 20 SEATS PER RESTAURANT = 13.33 SPACES= 14 SPACES 22 SPACES REQUIRED 1 SPACE REQUIRED I I 4.92m 21.28m 44.20m 33.27m 25.lSm 1.62m 46 SPACES PROVIDED 1 SPACES PROVIDED 1-w w 0:: I--en co co N ■-■-■-■-■-■-■-■-■-■-■-•-·•· .... ~ C, .aDJOINING PROPERTY ROW a-lAIN LINK GATE -""""" .,. /w CINI UNK ~TE ~ 21.43 _l ■-•-·-·-·-·-•-■ T .... ....... .... . ... .... . ... .... .... .... .... .... .... ~ •.., vl}J. •..,: <' .... ....... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... EXISTING SAWMILL •.., • .._ .,.,.,./ , (:, ,· •' ~" ; f" ~":, ,. 'v ,· ~,,,~ ■-•-·-■-~ ~ ·-·-·-•-■ ~ 125.76 -■-•-·-·-·-·-■-■-,· ·-·-•-■-•-·-·-■ • EDGE OF EXISTING PAVEMENT Plan LMPJJ10 ••••••••••••••••••••' SIGN ----,,--- SITE LEGEND LOUGHEED HIGHWAY SIGN ----,,---PROPOSED BUILDING EDGE OF EXISTING PAVEMENT TY LINE LANDSCAPE AREA EXISTING FENCE CONCRETE PAVING PAVING BLOCKS PATIO HANDICAP STALL ----STI~ET LIGHT j j . . . . . I + • + • . . . . . I I I I 1 1 Rick Balbi Architect Ltd. #15, 5917 • 1""A"" Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2H 0G4 Ph: (403) 253 • 2853 Fax: (403) 253 • 3078 general@rbalbi.ca COPYRIGHT RESERVED THESE DRAWINGS AND DESIGN ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF DESIGN WORKS ENGINEERING LTD. AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY OR FORM WITHOUT THE DIRECT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DESIGN WORKS ENGINEERING LTD. NOTES THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS IT IS SIGNED AND SEALED, AND DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION IN THE TABLE BELOW. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. No. Description Date 01 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2021-12-03 02 ISSUED FOR REVIEW 2022-02-08 03 ISSUED REVIEW 2022-02-15 04 ISSUED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-05-17 ARCHITECT CLIENT SEAL PERMIT DRAWN BY: RP CHECKED BY: RICK BALBI ARCHITECT: RICK BALBI PROJECT#; 180214 SCALE: 1:400 PROJECT RUSKIN CENTEX DESCRIPTION SITE PLAN DRAWING NO. SHEET SP-01 2 11 12 0 0 m m 12 0 0 m m 50 m m 50 m m 32 5 m m DOMED CONCRETE TOP 168.3mm O.D. SCH. 40 STEEL PIPE, CONCRETE FILLED (PAINTED YELLOW) SLOPED TOP JOINT FILLER CONCRETE FOUNDATION 10M x 300mm LONG BAR 1000 mm FACE OF CURB SL OPE 2 % TO ROAD DRIVEWAY GRADE VARIES SLOPE 2% MAX. TO CATCH BASIN P.L 6mm DEEP TOOLED JOINTS @ 150mm O.C. TOP OF PAVING AND RAMP WITH 12mm LIP BEVELED AT 45 DEGREES 15M CONT. 100 CONC. RAMP W/ 15M REINF. BAR AT 460 O.C. BOTH WAYS 299.5 mm 2285 mm 20 0 m m 12 5 m m 19 6 6 SECTION 1:1 5 S E C TIO N 1:10 1: 10 CONCRETE RAMP AND SIDEWALK 6mm DEE TOOLED JOINTS AT 50mm O.C. PAINT TOP AND FACE OF CURB TWO COATS SLIP-RESISTANT TRAFFIC YELLOW 6mm DEEP TOOLED JOINTS AT 19mm O.C. 25mm WIDE BAND CURB AND GUTTER CONDITION WHERE OCCURS CONCRETE SIDEWALK CENTRE THE RAMP AT CENTRE OF ENTRANCE DOORWAY, TYP. 3 6 5 0 1 2 2 0 M I N . V A R I E S V A R I E S 1500 ISOMETRIC 600 mm 2 2 5 0 6 0 . 0 0 ° 150 WIDE PAINTED YELLOW LINES TYPICAL DRY AND COMPACTED SUB-BASE GRASS COVER MIN. 150mm TOP SOIL GRAVEL BASE AS PER SOIL REPORT ASPHALT (AS PER SPEC.) HEAVY-DUTY AREA (TRUCK ACCESS AREA) CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING MIN. 25,000kg LOAD: - 6" (150mm) ASPHALT - 2" (50mm) COMPACTED CRUSHED GRAVEL BASE - 10" (250mm) PIT RUN HOT MIX LIGHT-DUTY ASPHALT (CAR PARK AREA): - 2 1/2" (65mm) ASPHALT - 2" (50mm) COMPACTED CRUSHED GRAVEL BASE - 8" (200mm) PIT RUN ALL GRADING AND ASPHALT WORK SHALL BE CARRIED OUT IN ACCORDANCE W/ SOIL CONSULTANT'S RECOMMENDATION. ASPHALT PAVING CRUSHED GRAVEL OVER LOCAL PIT-RUN GRAVEL BASE 175 mm 9 0 0 m m 5 0 m m 5 0 m m 1 0 0 m m 20mm~X 900mm LONG ANCHOR PIN 20 MPa CONCRETE 2-10mm REINFORCING RODS 25mm~ANCHOR PIN HOLES CONC. WHEEL STOP SECTION (N.T.S.) 600mm MIN. AS PER SITE PLAN 1.5m OR 2.0m SIDEWALK SL OPE CONCRETE WHEEL STOP 300.2 mm 300.2 mm 2000 mm 75 mm 75 mm 10 0 m m 9 0 0 25mm~ANCHOR PIN HOLES ASPHALT SIDE VIEW (N.T.S.) 50 mm 15 0 m m SLOPE 1:50 MIN. 25 MPa CONCRETE TOP SOIL OR SOD WHERE APPLICABLE WOOD FLOAT AND NYLON BRUSH FINISH ALL EDGES, INCLUDING JOINTS, TO BE TOOLED FOR A WIDTH OF 50mm AND THE CORNERS ROUNDED TO A 6mm RADIUS. JOINTS TO BE 1500 O.C. CRUSHED GRAVEL COMPACTED SUB-GRADE 50 m m 50 m m 12 0 m m R R 2 7 0 18 5 m m 205 mm 1350 mm 7 5 .1 m m 7 5 m m 115 mm 15 0 m m 13 5 0 m m 49 5 m m 15 4 . 8 m m BACKGROUND PAINT (2) COATS BLUE ALLIGN WITH END OF STALL STRIPPING NOTE: SIMELAR IMPACT RESISTANT SIGN ALSO REQUIRED AT EACH STALL, REFER TO SITE PLAN 100 WIDE PAINED STRIPES PAINT (2) COATS WHITE BEADED REFLECTIVE 30 0 m m 125 mm 100 mm 165.3 mm100.4 mm CONCRETE SLAB c/w LIGHT BROOM FINISH WELDED WIRE MESH ON MINIMUM 150 COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL-EXPANSION JOINTS @ MAX. 6000 O.C. AND CONTROL JOINTS MAX. @ 1800 O.C. TOOLED JOINT CONCRETE CURB WITH EXPANSION JOINTS @ 6000 O.C. (MAXIMUM) 3-10M CONTINUOUS REINFORCING BARS OVERLAP ENDS 300 (TOP TO BOTTOM) REFER TO GEOTHICNICAL REPORT FOR GRANULAR FILL AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS 5% MAXIMUM SLOPE 15 0 m m 89.6 mm90.4 mm 64 . 8 m m 11 6 m m 12 5 m m 15 0 m m 15 0 m m 150 mm 15 0 m m 1/2" WIDE X 3/4"DEEP JOINT; FILL WITH APPROVED JOINT SEALER CURB PINNED TO ASPHALT USING 15MX12" SPACED @ 30" O/C100mm ACP ROAD SURFACE 60mm 1ST LIFT 40mm 2ND LIFT 300mm OF 20mm GRAVEL, MAX 20mm LIFTS TO 100% SPD\ 30 0 m m 300mm SUBGRADE PREP IN 150mm LIFTS COMPACTED TO 98% SPD SIDE WALK AS PER SITE PLAN 125 mm 2% SLOPE DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: ARCHITECT: PROJECT No.: SHEET ISSUE DATE: PROJECT STATUS: CONTRACTOR DRAWING NO.SHEET SEAL CLIENT PROJECT DESCRIPTION No.Description Date 1 ISSUED FOR REVIEW 2019-01-09 2 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2021-11-13 3 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-05-17 20 2 2 - 0 5 - 1 7 5 : 4 8 : 3 2 P M A0.30 RUSKIN CENTEX C.M. VALIENTE JOHN LEHNERS, P. ENG. 180214 DECEMBER 03, 2021 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Site Details 11 1 : 25A0.30 11 Typical Bollard detail 1 : 25A0.30 5 Typical Driveway detail 1 : 10A0.30 3 Standard Barrier-free Curb Cut 1 : 25A0.30 6 Standard Pedestrian Cross-walk Pavement Marking Detail 1 : 10A0.30 8 Typical Asphalt-to-Grass detail 1 : 10A0.30 2 Standard Paving Detail 1 : 10A0.30 4 Standard Curb Detail @ Sidewalk 1 : 10A0.30 7 Standard Conc. Apron Detail 1 : 20A0.30 1 Std Barrier-free Stall Pavement Marking 1 : 10A0.30 10 Std Barrier-free Accessible Curb detail1 : 12A0.30 9 Pin On Curb & Sidewalk Detail 3 '-,--,----'--+------------ _,_ ~--------------------------------- I L__ _______ _ -~---------------------_ __ __J [I ----------'"- ,:l ------+---------\. ( /, I I I , • -+~ / •. --::::I r-~ I· I I 'I --, . • v\0/. ' _ _'c,_ --- I . I I I I --I _J _~ -~ ~ ~ ~--~ -~ -~-~ -~-=----=-=-----=-~-----------~ -----~ I ,...__,.+---------'+- .. ! I I 1. - 1 Rick Balbi Architect Ltd. #15, 5917 -1"A" Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2H 0G4 Ph: (403) 253 -2853 Fax: (403) 253 -3078 general@rbalbi.ca I/ 4 r C') N 0 I C"'") 0 ..... - 04 3.65 3.65 [12'] [12'] I ---- ---- - ....... 0 02 02 TRASH ENCLOSURE PLAN FGL ALUMINIUM_ PLATES 01 TRASH ENCLOSURE ELEVATION TUBULAR ALUMINIUM GATE POST ALUMINIUM VERTICAL v-PLATES - C"'") !:'""' ""-: ...... N - TUBULAR ALUMINIUM GATE POST (TYP.) FGL ALUMINIUM_ PLATES 03 TRASH ENCLOSURE ELEVATION ALUMINIUM GATE_ W/PADLOCK FGL ALUMINIUM GATE_ W/PADLOCK ,,,,,,,---TUBULAR ALUMINIUM ~ GATE POST 02TRASH ENCLOSURE ELEVATION C"'") !:'""' ..... ...... N - FGL ALUMINIUM_ PLATES 04 TRASH ENCLOSURE ELEVATION • Rick Balbi Architect Ltd. #15, 5917 - 1 ""A"" Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2H 0G4 Ph: (403) 253 -2853 Fax: (403) 253 -3078 general@rbalbi.ca COPYRIGHT RESERVED THESE DRAWINGS AND DESIGN ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF DESIGN WORKS ENGINEERING LTD. AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY OR FORM WITHOUT THE DIRECT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DESIGN WORKS ENGINEERING L lD. NOTES THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS IT IS SIGNED AND SEALED, AND DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION IN THE TABLE BELOW. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. No. Description Date 01 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2021-12-03 02 ISSUED FOR REVIEW 2022-02-08 03 ISSUED REVIEW 2022-02-15 04 ISSUED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-05-17 ARCHITECT CLIENT SEAL PERMIT DRAWN BY: RP CHECKED BY: RICK BALBI ARCHITECT: RICK BALBI PROJECT#: 180214 SCALE: 1:400 PROJECT RUSKIN CENTEX DESCRIPTION SITE PLAN DRAWING NO. SHEET 7 SP-01 11 UP A 1 2 B C 3 4 5 6 EXISTING COVERED AREA/OUTSIDE SPACE. ROOF OF THIS OUTSIDE SPACE TO BE DEMOLISHED EXISTING MECHANICAL ROOM 1' EXISTING WASHROOM ROOM EXISTING STORAGE EXISTING OVERHEAD DOOR TO BE REMOVED REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING DOOR AND FRAME TO CRU 3 EXISTING CRU NO.1 8. 9 1 8. 9 1 36.38 EXISTING CRU NO.2 EXISTING CRU NO.3 DEMOLISHED ONLY WHERE THE WINDOW IS LOCATED DEMOLISHED ONLY WHERE THE WINDOW IS LOCATED DEMOLISHED ONLY WHERE THE WINDOW IS LOCATED REMOVE EXISTING RIGID FRAME STRUCTURE REMOVE EXISTING RIGID FRAME STRUCTURE EXISTING CROSS BRACING EXISTING CROSS BRACING TO BE RELOCATE @ GRID LINE 5 - 6 EXISTING CROSS BRACINGEXISTING CROSS BRACINGEXISTING CROSS BRACING EXISTING OVERHEAD DOOR TO BE DEMOLISHED EXISTING OVERHEAD DOOR TO BE DEMOLISHED EXISTING OVERHEAD DOOR TO BE DEMOLISHED EXISTING DOOR TO BE DEMOLISHED EXISTING DOOR TO BE DEMOLISHED EXISTING STAIR TO BE DEMOLISHED EXISTING DOOR TO BE DEMOLISHED EXISTING WINDOW TO BE DEMOLISHED EXISTING DOOR & WINDOW TO BE DEMOLISHED EXISTING WINDOW TO BE DEMOLISHED EXISTING DOOR TO REMAIN EXISTING DOOR TO REMAIN EXISTING WALL TO BE DEMOLISHED EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN WALL LEGEND: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: ARCHITECT: PROJECT No.: SHEET ISSUE DATE: PROJECT STATUS: CONTRACTOR DRAWING NO.SHEET SEAL CLIENT PROJECT DESCRIPTION No.Description Date 1 ISSUED FOR REVIEW 2019-01-09 2 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2021-11-13 3 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-05-17 20 2 2 - 0 5 - 1 7 5 : 4 1 : 1 7 P M A1.01 RUSKIN CENTEX MD RICK BALBI RICK BALBI 180214 DECEMBER 03, 2021 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Existing and Demolition Plan 5 11 1 : 75A2.00 A1.01 1 Existing/Demolition Plan TRUE NORTH S EW 1.COORDINATE SCOPE OF ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION WITH ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL, AND PLUMBING DRAWINGS. SEE SPECIFICATIONS. 2.UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, REMOVE ALL ELECTRICAL, LUMINARES, EQUIPMENT, SYSTEMS, DEVICES, OUTLETS, SWITCHES, PULL BOXES, JUNCTION BOXES, ETC. AS REQUIRED TO COMPLETELY TAKE OUT THE ELECTRICAL ITEMS SHOWNS TO BE REMOVED. DISCONNECT AND REMOVE ALL ELECTRICAL PROVISIONS TO EQUIPMENT BEING REMOVED. REMOVED ALL WIRING, CONDUIT, RACEWAYS, OUTLET BOXES, ETC. SUPPORTING OR SERVING THE ITEMS REMOVED. 3.REMOVE BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING AND CONDUCTORS BACK TO PANELBOARD OR TO LAST OUTLET OR JUNCTION BOX THAT WILL REMAIN IN SERVICE. WHERE COMPLETE CIRCUITS ARE DEMOLISHED, REMOVE WIRING AND RACEWAY BACK TO THE BRANCH CIRCUIT PANELBOARD. REVISE THE PANELBOARD SCHEDULE TO INDICATE THAT THE DEMOLISHED CIRCUIT'S BREAKER IS "SPARE". 4.REMOVE ALL CONDUCTORS, WIRING, AND CONDUIT (WHERE PRESENT) INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO FIRE ALARM, POWER, VOICE/DATA, SECURITY, INTERCOM, AND PAGING IN DEMOLITION AREA THAT ARE NO LONGER IN USE OR ALREADY ABANDONED. NO CONDUCTORS OR CABLES SHALL BE ABANDONED IN PLACE. REMOVE EXISTING WIRING AND CONDUIT BACK TO SOURCE. 5.CONCEALED CONDUIT THAT CANNOT BE REMOVED DUE TO INACCESSIBILITY MAY BE ABANDONED. CONDUCTORS SHALL BE REMOVED AND CONDUIT CUT FLUSH WITH SURFACE. 6.OUTLET BOXES THAT CANNOT BE REMOVED DUE TO FLUSH MOUNTING IN PARTITIONS NOT BEING REMOVED SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A BLANK DEVICE PLATE UNLESS NOTED TO BE FILLED AND FINISHED FLUSH WITH WALL. DEMOLITION NOTES: m Rick Balbi Architect Ltd. #15, 5917 -1 "A" Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2H 0G4 Ph: (403) 253 -2853 Fax: (403) 253 -3078 general@rbalbi.ca ---. ' ' \ I ' i ' I ' -l l .. i . ni1 a,~~uoa~c~•t ,,,. t.•, ,,,• ~~t",C AR ,,,,, ❖ ,(, ~c."-❖ ""' G ri,a.:i~•'"•"• Jt,,. .. ., .l0~0 •• ,••' o ,A~.·•~~~\\ ,, ' ~ . ~-.. 8 • * ... I I I I ~· &,; 0 tl,• (1 " :,:r'" ·-i= -. --*' • -/ / -. - ::."~ • ½,tJ;.•0E : 1S'!-•• • :: \, ~ •,~~ ,~ .a ~~ .. 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I I -.. 11 \ ~ ~~ -F F-F ~ t ~ i I -( -----, rj_ -', -r----! ~ - ~ =-·---· --,er--r,F ' a 11 n1 " 11 ; F ; -I I I 11 11 I I -II I I I 11 11 11 I I I I I I I 11 11 II \/ I 11 I I I I I I ~ 11 I II I I I I I I n c::: - I 11 - I Llc -----:J I I I I 11 11 I -----I I 11 II I I I I I I I 11 IF ______ _J I ------, I l I I I I 11 I ' / 1---I I I 1---Ill~-=---= ' I I 11 I I) I I I 11 I I ' I I ~ c::: c::: ::::Li L - - -_J I ' ---7 - I I I ~ I I I I 1 ___ I I - I I I I I I --~ ----77 ~ ,,-----~I i ,_ -, - ! -' -------~ ----------~ -- ---_, r-----'-u , I I I ll 11 ---I - ~ -' ---ia-:::: -\ I -- It d ____ _j es---1n 1 I I ----i,--c l Ill f~T"".- ~111 1--- I ~- I ~ ---1 ---I 111 1 I === I I I ---1 Ill I ---I n 1 ___ 1---l ___ I I I I I 11 I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I 11 I L ,~ -cc~~ I I I - \ I u " ', 11 ' = = -::::JJ---0----,,- I I I I --' ' ' ' l l l , ' ; I ' ' ' . r J ' ' " . I ' I I I ,, ~-~ ' \ ~>y:/< --------- ---------I/ T/O Slab 30.48 1 2 3 4 5 61' EXISTING WINDOWS TO BE DEMOLISHED DEMOLISHED ONLY WHERE THE WINDOW IS LOCATED EXISTING RIGID FRAME STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED T/O Roof 35.40 DEMOLISHED ONLY WHERE THE WINDOW IS LOCATED DEMOLISHED ONLY WHERE THE WINDOW IS LOCATED EXISTING ROOF TO BE REMOVED EXISTING EXTERIOR WALLS TO REMAIN. EXISTING SIDINGS WILL BE REPLACED EXISTING ROOF TO REMAIN EXISTING EXTERIOR WALLS TO REMAIN. EXISTING SIDINGS WILL BE REPLACED EXISTING EXTERIOR POP OUT WALLS TO REMAIN. EXISTING SIDINGS WILL BE REPLACED T/O Slab 30.48 A B C EXISTING RIGID FRAME STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED T/O Roof 35.40 EXISTING EXTERIOR WALLS TO REMAIN. EXISTING SIDINGS WILL BE REPLACED PART OF ROOF TO BE REMOVED PART OF ROOF TO BE DEMOLISHED EXISTING PARAPET TO BE REMOVED DEMOLISHED ONLY WHERE THE WINDOW IS LOCATED T/O Slab 30.48 ABC DEMOLISHED ONLY WHERE THE WINDOW IS LOCATED DEMOLISHED ONLY WHERE THE WINDOW IS LOCATED U/S Main Ceiling 33.83 T/O Roof 35.40 EXISTING EXTERIOR WALLS TO REMAIN. EXISTING SIDINGS WILL BE REPLACED EXISTING PARAPET TO BE REMOVED EXISTING EXTERIOR WALLS TO REMAIN. EXISTING SIDINGS WILL BE REPLACED EXISTING DOOR TO REMAIN T/O Slab 30.48 123456 1' REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING DOOR AND FRAME TO CRU 3 EXISTING OVERHEAD DOOR TO BE REMOVED EXISTING OVERHEAD DOOR TO BE REMOVED U/S Main Ceiling 33.83 T/O Roof 35.40 EXISTING RIGID FRAME STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED EXISTING ROOF TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING ROOF TO REMAIN EXISTING OVERHEAD DOOR TO BE REMOVED EXISTING EXTERIOR WALLS TO REMAIN. EXISTING SIDINGS WILL BE REPLACED DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: ARCHITECT: PROJECT No.: SHEET ISSUE DATE: PROJECT STATUS: CONTRACTOR DRAWING NO.SHEET SEAL CLIENT PROJECT DESCRIPTION No.Description Date 1 ISSUED FOR REVIEW 2019-01-09 2 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2021-11-13 3 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-05-17 20 2 2 - 0 5 - 1 7 5 : 4 1 : 1 9 P M A2.00 RUSKIN CENTEX RP RICK BALBI RICK BALBI 180214 DECEMBER 03, 2021 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Existing & Demolition Elevations 6 11 1 : 64A2.00 1 Existing & Demolition Front Elevation 1 : 64A2.00 2 Existing & Demolition Left Side Elevation 1 : 64A2.00 3 Existing & Demolition Right Side Elevation 1 : 64A2.00 4 Existing & Demolition Rear Elevation I I I I I 11 I I I I --'sc--,/7 '>< II •• ' 1[ I • I I '. . '{ F .. ~:<< •. II /'. \<>< ·II <<·> / I . . . I ~ I >·~ j/ II ••>(: / ·. . ( 11 >:.t: • II •✓1• / •• II ·, >. II . . I >/•. II \ >!··•. I I I •• II I I I I J 'i; I 1 I I J;Z:c\:-:,~· j', ....... 1, I I /'• .. . I /! • •. ~:·.~ . ?' :<:< II . I I I ~:·, ,7 ••. I ><<~ y • II . F • ::<t ~:< II . 1·•. Y( •,••• II Y I • :<:~• • •• .. I . !'.·< \'•'. 1· I . -7 II I / I I I r 7 rc: r c ~7r, • r • • •• II "•"· ... , . 'll " ".... , ~•::< iZ :: :•::1.~ •. ·.:. // ::<: :<:<7 1rr-==--- II I I " ....... . 'H ", ::<:: H ::<:<<: II .::x.· II '( lf .. . . II . . II"' ' /( ·ft:::<: " • 0: f( 11 . . ii i', . I >\:/ II >> I 1"/ ./ II :<•/ . II r •• 11 ,,,. I I I I I I ·~~ . . ·~~ ~ - c I I I I . 18' ' I I I \ / ' . . ~~~~ . ~, -- Ill Ill Ill II I .• lt l/ ~1 Ill IJ I Iii, Rick Balbi Architect Ltd. #15, 5917 -1 "A" Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2H 0G4 Ph: (403) 253 • 2853 Fax: (403) 253 • 3078 general@rbalbi.ca I/ A 1 2 B C 3 4 5 6 UNIT 1-FOOD PARTNER 100 UNIT 2 - CONVENIENCE STORE 102 UNIT 3 - FOOD PARTNER 101 30.29 m 1. 3 8 m 7. 0 1 m 5. 0 0 m 5. 1 0 m WASHROOM FEMALE 107 8- D O O R W A L K - I N CO O L E R 10 5 D102D100a D101a G1 G1 G5 G1a G6 G4 G2 G3 G6 G8 G8 ATM MACHINE 2 -S I D E D R E T A I L F I X T U R E S 1 - S I D E D R E T A I L F I X T U R E S 1 - S I D E D R E T A I L F I X T U R E S 2 -S I D E D R E T A I L F I X T U R E S 1 - S I D E D R E T A I L F I X T U R E S 1 - S I D E D R E T A I L F I X T U R E S 2 -S I D E D R E T A I L F I X T U R E S 1 - S I D E D R E T A I L F I X T U R E S 1 - S I D E D R E T A I L F I X T U R E S ø 1 .5 2 ø 1.5 2 ICE CREAM DIPPING CABINET IC E C R E A M DI P P I N G CA B I N E T T O B A C C O D I S P L A Y S H E L V E S SL U S H MA C H I N E 3 DOOR FREEZER 1.54 m 70.00° 0.91 m1.79 m 3. 3 5 m 0. 9 1 m 1 . 7 3 m 1 5 0 . 0 0 ° ELECTRICAL ROOM 111 120.00° 0 . 6 1 m 1 . 3 2 m 0 . 6 6 m 2.78 m 2.29 m 0.97 m 3. 4 6 m 2. 1 9 m WASHROOM MALE 108 LOTTO STAND LOTTO TICKET CHECKER CA N D Y S H O P D I S P L A Y S I N K T O B A C C O D I S P L A Y S H E L V E S T O B A C C O D I S P L A Y S H E L V E S 2-SIDED RETAIL FIXTURES 1-SIDED RETAIL FIXTURES 1-SIDED RETAIL FIXTURES MOP SINK 3 .4 5 m CASH DESK / SERVICE 104 FA S T F O O D 10 3 1 .8 3 m 1 . 0 7 m 1. 8 9 m 2. 6 9 m 6. 4 0 m 5. 8 9 m D101b 0.18 m 1.24 m 2.97 m 4.83 m 5.71 m 1.80 m 18 . 4 4 m 1.29 m 4.27 m 1.17 m 3.51 m 0.36 m 2.42 m 0.27 m 4.42 m 1.22 m 2.44 m 3.71 m 4.88 m 1.09 m D100c D106b D106a D105 D107 D108 8. 9 1 m 8. 9 1 m 1.12 m 1.85 m 3.12 m 1.70 m 1.95 m 3.76 m EXISTING EX I S T I N G A4.10 1 A4.10 2 2-SIDED RETAIL FIXTURES 1-S IDED RETAIL FIXTURES 1-SIDED RETAIL FIXTURES 3. 1 0 m 1. 4 5 m 4. 0 4 m 2. 4 9 m 1. 2 2 m 1.22 m 2 .4 4 m 2 .4 7 m BACK MANAGERS OFFICE 109 DESK ST O R A G E C A B I N E T 1. 6 0 m 1. 0 2 m D109 W1 W2 W2a W2 W2 W2a W1 W1 W3 W3 W3 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P2 P2 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 MA R B L E S L A B A R C H . P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P6 P5P6 P6 P6 P6P6 BACK AREA 106 PR E P T A B L E R E D B U L L F R I D G E MECHANICAL / SPRINKLER ROOM 110 HE A T E D CH E E S E MA C H I N E 2.87 m 2. 3 1 m 0. 9 4 m 6. 9 6 m 1. 4 7 m 2. 4 4 m 4. 7 2 m 1. 2 9 m 1.29 m0.16 m 1.52 m 0.17 m3.06 m 2.44 m 0.51 m 1.21 m D110 P5 P2 P2 W2 W2a W2a W2a 17 . 8 2 m 6.01 m 6.10 m 6.10 m 6.10 m 5.99 m 6.86 m P6 W5W6W6 17 . 8 2 m 36 ' ' H I G H S T U B W A L L P4 P6 P6P6P6 P6 P6 P5 W5 6.01 m 1. 0 6 m D112b D112a 6. 5 8 m PO L Y C A R B O N A T E ( I M P A C T ) F O L D I N G P A R T I T I O N B Y : M O B I F L E X 0. 7 6 m TRAVEL DISTANCE 17.11m TR AVEL DISTA N CE 17.97 m TR A V E L D I S T A N C E 18 . 9 8 m 140.74 m2 268.83 m2 167.00 m2 KITCHEN COUNTER 1.80 m ø 1 .5 2 ROUGH IN WASHROOM FOR FUTURE TENENT DRIVE THROUGH WINDOW G7 D101c D131 D132 D140 D141 D142 D143 D144 D153 D1594 D112 D112c WALL TYPE SCHEDULE EXTERIOR WALL (TIM HORTON'S & CONVENIENCE STORE SIDE) - VERTICAL CORRUGATED (CL 6025) METAL CLADDING; VICWEST 2624 BRIGHT SILVER METALLIC FINISH (INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER SPEC'S) - 25 GA. 7/8" DEPTH METAL HAT FURRING @ 16" O.C. (HORIZONTAL) - EXISTING MASONRY WALL - 1" AIR SPACE - 2x6 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C. C/W MID BLOCKING - R20 BATT INSULATION - 6 mil POLYETHYLENE VAPOUR BARRIER - 5/8" G.W.B.; TAPED & PAINTED EXTERIOR WALL (TO MATCH EXISTING) - EXTERIOR METAL CLADDING TO MATCH EXISTING (INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER SPEC'S) - WATER RESISTIVE BARRIER - 3/4" O.S.B. SHEATHING - 2x8 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C. C/W MID BLOCKING - R28 BATT INSULATION - 1" AIR SPACE - 2x6 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C. C/W MID BLOCKING - R20 BATT INSULATION - 5/8" TYPE "X" G.W.B.; TAPED & PAINTED W1 EXTERIOR WALL (TIM HORTON'S SIDE) - 2-1/4 x 5-5/8 BRICK; COLOR TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER (INSTALLED AS PERMANUFACTURER SPEC'S) - EXISTING MASONRY WALL - 1" AIR SPACE - 2x6 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C. C/W MID BLOCKING - R20 BATT INSULATION - 6 mil POLYETHYLENE VAPOUR BARRIER - 5/8" G.W.B.; TAPED & PAINTED W2a EXTERIOR WALL (TIM HORTON'S SIDE) - 2-1/4 x 5-5/8 BRICK; COLOR TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER (INSTALLED AS PERMANUFACTURER SPEC'S) - 1" AIR SPACE - SELF-ADHERED WATER RESISTIVE BARRIER - 7/16" OSB SHEATHING - 2x8 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C. C/W MID BLOCKING - R28 BATT INSULATION - 1" AIR SPACE - 2x6 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C. C/W MID BLOCKING - 6 mil POLYETHYLENE VAPOUR BARRIER - 5/8" G.W.B.; TAPED & PAINTED W3 EXTERIOR WALL (CONVENIENCE STORE & UNIT-3 SIDE) - HARDIE PLANK LAP SIDING; 7" EXPOSURE SELECT CEDARMILL CAPE-COD BLUE (INSTALLED AS PERMANUFACTURER SPEC'S) - 25 GA. 7/8" DEPTH METAL HAT FURRING @ 16" O.C. (VERTICAL) - EXISTING MASONRY WALL - 1" AIR SPACE - 2x6 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C. C/W MID BLOCKING - R20 BATT INSULATION - 6 mil POLYETHYLENE VAPOUR BARRIER - 5/8" G.W.B.; TAPED & PAINTED W4 EXTERIOR WALL (UNIT-3 SIDE) - HARDIE PLANK LAP SIDING; 7" EXPOSURE SELECT CEDARMILL CAPE-COD BLUE (INSTALLED AS PERMANUFACTURER SPEC'S) - 52 GA. 7/8'' DEPTH METAL HAT FURRING @ 24" O.C. (VERTICAL) - EXISTING METAL WALL - 5/8" G.W.B.; TAPED & PAINTED W5 DEMISING WALL - 2 LAYERS 5/8" TYPE "X" G.W.B.; TAPED & PAINTED - 2x6 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C. - R20 BATT INSULATION - 2 LAYERS 5/8" TYPE "X" G.W.B.; TAPED & PAINTED P1 INTERIOR WALL PARTITION - 1 HR. F.R.R. - 5/8" TYPE "X" G.W.B.; TAPED & PAINTED - 2x4 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C. - R12 BATT INSULATION - 5/8" TYPE "X" G.W.B.; TAPED & PAINTED P2 INTERIOR WALL PARTITION - NON-RATED - 1/2" G.W.B.; TAPED & PAINTED - 2x4 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C. - R12 BATT INSULATION - 1/2" G.W.B.; TAPED & PAINTED P3 EXTERIOR WALL (TO MATCH EXISTING) - EXTERIOR METAL CLADDING TO MATCH EXISTING (INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER SPEC'S) - WATER RESISTIVE BARRIER - 7/16'' O.S.B. SHEATHING - 2x8 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C. C/W MID BLOCKING - R28 BATT INSULATION - 3/4'' O.S.B SHEATING - 5/8" TYPE "X" G.W.B.; TAPED & PAINTED W6 FURR-OUT WALL PARTITION - 1 HR. F,R,R, - 5/8" TYPE "X" G.W.B.; TAPED & PAINTED - 2x4 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C. P5 - CROSS HATCH INDICATES 2 HR. FIRE SEPARATION NOTE: EXTEND FIRE RATED WALLS TO U/S OF FLOOR/ROOF ABOVE - DIAGONAL HATCH INDICATES 1 HR. FIRE SEPARATION NOTE: EXTEND FIRE RATED WALLS TO U/S OF FLOOR/ROOF ABOVE P4 36'' HIGH STUB WALL- NON-RATED - 1/2" G.W.B.; TAPED & PAINTED - 2x4 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C. - 1/2" G.W.B.; TAPED & PAINTED FURR-OUT WALL PARTITION - 1 HR. F,R,R, - 5/8" G.W.B.; TAPED & PAINTED - 2x4 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C. P6 W2 DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: ARCHITECT: PROJECT No.: SHEET ISSUE DATE: PROJECT STATUS: CONTRACTOR DRAWING NO.SHEET SEAL CLIENT PROJECT DESCRIPTION No.Description Date 1 ISSUED FOR REVIEW 2019-01-09 2 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2021-11-13 3 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-05-17 20 2 2 - 0 5 - 1 7 5 : 4 1 : 1 8 P M A1.10 RUSKIN CENTEX RP RICK BALBI RICK BALBI 180214 FEBRUARY 09,2022 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Main Floor Plan 7 11 1 : 75A2.00 A1.10 1 Main Floor Plan TRUE NORTH S EW I ' ' " I ' I 7 1 ,, I. I / / / • rr " I , ' I ' I ) h.-1 -- I I l I I I ',-- !-I , =---=--_____!_'_J I I - I I I I IL JI IL ! JI I F1 F I I I .-----------i ~ WI I ~ I 11 r 11 I'] .□ ' I ' 9 ---' ' ,I ,, I, -- -,'~I ~. --l --+ ' ' .-- 1---v ,' --. 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ENGINEER OF RECORD SHALL SIZE GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS BASED ON THE TRIBUTARY ROOF AREA AND THE LOCAL RAINFALL DESIGN CRITERIA. 2. ALL ROOF TOP PENETRATIONS, INCLUDING PLUMBING VENTS AND MECHANICAL CURE, SHALL HAVE FLASHING INSTALLED THAT IS COMPATIBLE WITH ROOF SLOPE AND ROOF MATERIALS. PAINT ALL PENETRATIONS TO MATCH ADJACENT ROOF MATERIAL. DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: ARCHITECT: PROJECT No.: SHEET ISSUE DATE: PROJECT STATUS: CONTRACTOR DRAWING NO.SHEET SEAL CLIENT PROJECT DESCRIPTION No.Description Date 1 ISSUED FOR REVIEW 2019-01-09 2 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2021-11-13 3 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-05-17 20 2 2 - 0 5 - 1 7 5 : 4 1 : 1 8 P M A1.20 RUSKIN CENTEX RP RICK BALBI RICK BALBI 180214 DECEMBER 03, 2021 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Roof Plan 8 11 1 : 75A2.00 A1.20 1 Roof Plan TRUE NORTH S EW I --+-t-1- 1 I I ,- I • 1ceI " J >< ,l)",1 _' o-> I I j I j I I I I u I ,-I ~ I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I "I • l~I . . ~ ]f I I j I I I I I ' ~ I L__lillLL__ ,- ] j l ] ~ ] J ' ' LJJL__J lllllWUI __J lliJillJI Lli1J L_J I Rick Balbi Architect Ltd. #15, 5917 - 1 "A" Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2H 0G4 Ph: (403) 253 -2853 Fax: (403) 253 -3078 general@rbalbi.ca '"'1~,~~~u~uor ,,\, t,•",, ,,, ~~!) Ji]i;?' ,,, ❖ ~ ·e: ❖ .::''I,,-<. (lt,ll.-,o11 /4•"•:"'• ~ fi.., ❖~ .., :j o• ~o .--.,, •!, ::-0~' o• '} -"'"' a.": .,'° :I-. ~ ...... ,:, E k; ,;,"' If . •• • Cl <- 1:0:' w. ·-1:: = "*· • >-(: = : . : ::.'"~&-. ~,tJ};.-.. ~ ... 11. • .. \ ~~:· "' 161 .• ~ I ~,'4 ? "e•f!l~oet:.11 ~'l:)._.,,l ,,, SJ.; CO\..\S ,,, .,,,_,, ,, .. '\\ .ff Jto11,u1'!.1 I/ T/O Slab 30.48 T/O Parapet 36.27 ABC 04 04a 04a0502 5. 7 9 m T/O Roof 35.40 4. 9 2 m 4. 9 2 m T/O Slab 30.48 T/O Parapet 36.27 A B C 03 01 0205 0405a0303a 5. 7 9 m 06 T/O Roof 35.40 4. 9 2 m T/O Slab 30.48 T/O Parapet 36.27 1 2 3 4 5 6 02 030405 05 05040504a Steel overhang canopy with glass top terrain (Colour: Charcoal Grey) 04a U/S Main Ceiling 33.83 5. 7 9 m 020603a T/O Roof 35.40 4. 9 2 m 5. 7 9 m T/O Slab 30.48 T/O Parapet 36.27 123456 Solid Metal Door External Glass Door 04a 04a02 03a06 Solid Metal Door U/S Main Ceiling 33.83 06 5. 7 9 m 3. 3 5 m T/O Roof 35.40 4. 9 2 m 5. 7 9 m Anodized Drive-Thru Window DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: ARCHITECT: PROJECT No.: SHEET ISSUE DATE: PROJECT STATUS: CONTRACTOR DRAWING NO.SHEET SEAL CLIENT PROJECT DESCRIPTION No.Description Date 1 ISSUED FOR REVIEW 2019-01-09 2 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2021-11-13 3 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-05-17 20 2 2 - 0 5 - 1 7 5 : 4 1 : 2 0 P M A2.10 RUSKIN CENTEX RP RICK BALBI RICK BALBI 180214 FEBRUARY 09, 2022 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Building Elevations 9 11 1 : 75A2.10 2 Right Side Elevation 1 : 75A2.10 3 Left Side Elevation 1 : 75A2.10 1 Front Elevation 1 : 75A2.10 4 Rear Elevation Keynote Legend KEY NO.DESCRIPTION 01 2-1/4 x 7-5/8 BRICK WITH HARDIE TRIM BOARDS (INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECS) 02 HARDIE PLANK LAP SIDING - 7" EXPOSURE SELECT CEDARMILL TEXTURE - CAPE COD BLUE (INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECS) 03 VERTICAL CORRUGATED CL 6025 - VICWEST 2624 BRIGHT SILVER (INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECS) 03a METAL FLASHING 6" - VICWEST 2624 BRIGHT SILVER ( INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPEC'S.) 04 HARDIE TRIM BOARD 5/4 NT3 SMOOTH - ARCTIC WHITE (INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECS.) 04a HARDIE TRIM BOARD 5/4 NT3 SMOOTH 11-1/4" WIDTH - ARCTIC WHITE (INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECS.) 05 HARDIE TRIM BOARD 5/4 NT3 ROUGHSAWN - IRON GREY FLASHING (INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECS.) 05a HARDIE TRIM BOARD 5/4 NT3 ROUGHSAWN 11-1/4" - IRON GREY (INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECS.) 06 EXISTING WALL MATERIAL AND COLOR LEGEND KEY NO.MATERIAL SAMPLE COLOUR / FINISH HARDIE PLANK LAP SIDING WITH COLORPLUS TECHNOLOGY THICKNESS = 5/16" WIDTH = 8.25" EXPOSURE = 7" MATERIAL/PRODUCT MANUFACTURER CAPE COD BLUE; SELECT CEDARMILL VERTICAL CORRUGATED CL 6025 VICWEST 2624 BRIGHT SILVER METALLIC FINISHES HARDIE TRIM NT3 THICKNESS = 1" WIDTH = 7 1/4" JAMES HARDIE 5/4 SMOOTH; ARCTIC WHITE JAMES HARDIE 2-1/4 x 5-5/8 BRICK 01 02 03 04 05 METAL FLASHING IRON GREY 06 TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER REMARKS HARDIE TRIM NT3 THICKNESS = 1" WIDTH = 5 1/2 " 5/4 ROUGHSAWN; IRON GREY ALL WINDOWS TO HAVE WINDOW TRIM METAL FLASHING WIDTH = 6" VICWEST 2624 BRIGHT SILVER 03a HARDIE TRIM NT3 THICKNESS = 1" WIDTH = 11 1/4" JAMES HARDIE 5/4 SMOOTH; ARCTIC WHITE 04a HARDIE TRIM NT3 THICKNESS = 1" WIDTH = 7 1/4" JAMES HARDIE WHITE 04b FLASHING JAMES HARDIE 05a HARDIE TRIM NT3 THICKNESS = 1" WIDTH = 11 1/4 " 5/4 ROUGHSAWN; IRON GREY FLASHING JAMES HARDIE _,, n l - n n - T n i i n --n -i --I ,---, vl I vl ~1' ··l I .11 I I [ [2J ' n ' /-• ' • ' j__ j llj Jl)J 11 JI 11_ /l l.l l )Jdli l ' ' ' ' 1:1:,,,,.,1 I .: ,:<~!.:,: I .':1 I 1:1:1 • ' ' ' ' ' I: I: I: I: I : I: I: I: I: m. :z:; I I I l.1-1:c~ I " ' ' ' I I,,.-/,>""•': .. ·~' 1/,f ,/LL,,.,-,J;,', --,_,~' '··· ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ,.;"dil)! 11 1111 1 I I,: nl]Jn n~-~ (,,Qk:; 1~, □~-'(s' C I ,'T f,7/i7 , •• -,'.__J_,•jj,'V/7ef;~;,, ;i -'-.Vi •/H'~" I ,'ri.1,:7 /.Jf :;-r1 : -,,;'.!{ ./~ti<&s 9F 10{,-'.,_, I I I I I J I I 111 I • .':=:. -=---~~2' ''=:·:.· \-2 ~ ~ rn ' ' ' ' ' ' ,\\ 6 I, r , r ' \ h I I I • ~ I -- I I ~ = t--- - ' ' ' --( .-_ - = - ' I ' ' --[' ~ - l ~ \-: l ' -==i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' --( - ){ ~ < - i i i = ,i i ,.:,:-A'' ,i --I i -C - -- ---~ I I I ~ • ~ - r -- ---,, C ,,,,I t, ~~~-~c ___ Jc~'. Ar'-''--I -I ~ ~ ~ -··:'. r:=..-..;_·•,,~ II !! -_,: = --\ ___ ,-----_~-=-,. -~ -::=·--=--~_?.s__J • /]- ; \ -'" ~ ~ 1-iij-~ I l +-' ' I r ~ ~ i i i i -·----r ~ ~ i ~ +-~ ---r -~ r ~ ~ ' i i :/ i i i ,i ---~ - i n n i n n ' i I, I l LJ I -·~-· !1, I _J I • • R=-~~~~---t,-~-~-~,,-~~~~~~~~~~~~~,,~~-~-~~-~~~~~77-nf-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++++--+--+-+----+-+-- -----------+----------j ml I L] • iiii1 r,;;- II I II I I ' ---~ I n=t li-1 I ' I I 1 111 L - • • ' - -- ,, -----+ Rick Balbi Architect Ltd. #15, 5917 - 1 "A" Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2H 0G4 Ph: (403) 253 -2853 Fax: (403) 253 -3078 general@rbalbi.ca ,0111 41 ,~rru,!!:,•,,~3 ,,, ED 4 ,,, ~,~ ~'r\ ' ,~ '❖ ..,,..._,(; "-"'"oo~•--•••" C-~, ".,.;.d' $ ~" ···~-•• ".A~-$ (!) ,i?~ '' ,i • :{<\~ :;: 1,/ • • • .. • • • (1 ~ • It • • -:: .-i= -*' . --. - 1:~~ --~1/);.-.. ; :. ~·-:: \ ~ ·-fl.p~ ,~ .~ ~ I .:,?,_•Q 1111 r.:-o~.::, ❖ ... ..,., 8 1-/ co\.-\> ........... "' #4'"11 ,, .... '"' ''1 nu 1 1,Jv1~ I/ T/O Slab 30.48 T/O Parapet 36.27 1 2 3 4 5 6 U/S Main Ceiling 33.83 02 030405 05 05040504a Steel overhang canopy with glass top terrain (Colour: Charcoal Grey) 04a 03a 5. 7 9 m 01 02 T/O Roof 35.40 T/O Slab 30.48 T/O Parapet 36.27 A B C 03 01 0205 0405a0303a 5. 7 9 m T/O Roof 35.40 T/O Slab 30.48 T/O Parapet 36.27 123456 U/S Main Ceiling 33.83 Solid Metal Door External Glass Door Solid Metal Door 04a 04a02 03a06 Solid Metal Door 06 5. 7 9 m 3. 3 5 m T/O Roof 35.40 T/O Slab 30.48 T/O Parapet 36.27 ABC 04 04a 04a050203a 5. 7 9 m T/O Roof 35.40 MATERIAL AND COLOR LEGEND KEY NO.MATERIAL SAMPLE COLOUR / FINISH HARDIE PLANK LAP SIDING WITH COLORPLUS TECHNOLOGY THICKNESS = 5/16" WIDTH = 8.25" EXPOSURE = 7" MATERIAL/PRODUCT MANUFACTURER CAPE COD BLUE; SELECT CEDARMILL VERTICAL CORRUGATED CL 6025 VICWEST 2624 BRIGHT SILVER METALLIC FINISHES HARDIE TRIM NT3 THICKNESS = 1" WIDTH = 7 1/4" JAMES HARDIE 5/4 SMOOTH; ARCTIC WHITE JAMES HARDIE 2-1/4 x 5-5/8 BRICK 01 02 03 04 05 METAL FLASHING IRON GREY 06 TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER REMARKS HARDIE TRIM NT3 THICKNESS = 1" WIDTH = 5 1/2 " 5/4 ROUGHSAWN; IRON GREY ALL WINDOWS TO HAVE WINDOW TRIM METAL FLASHING WIDTH = 6" VICWEST 2624 BRIGHT SILVER 03a HARDIE TRIM NT3 THICKNESS = 1" WIDTH = 11 1/4" JAMES HARDIE 5/4 SMOOTH; ARCTIC WHITE 04a HARDIE TRIM NT3 THICKNESS = 1" WIDTH = 7 1/4" JAMES HARDIE WHITE 04b FLASHING JAMES HARDIE 05a HARDIE TRIM NT3 THICKNESS = 1" WIDTH = 11 1/4 " 5/4 ROUGHSAWN; IRON GREY FLASHING JAMES HARDIE DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: ARCHITECT: PROJECT No.: SHEET ISSUE DATE: PROJECT STATUS: CONTRACTOR DRAWING NO.SHEET SEAL CLIENT PROJECT DESCRIPTION No.Description Date 1 ISSUED FOR REVIEW 2019-01-09 2 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2021-11-13 3 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-05-17 20 2 2 - 0 5 - 1 7 5 : 4 1 : 3 0 P M A2.11 RUSKIN CENTEX RP RICK BALBI RICK BALBI 180214 DECEMBER 03, 2021 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Elevations 10 11 1 : 75A2.11 1 Front Elevation - Rendered 1 : 75A2.11 2 Left Side Elevation- Rendered 1 : 75A2.11 3 Rear Elevation- Rendering 1 : 75A2.11 4 Right Side Elevation- Rendering Keynote Legend KEY NO.DESCRIPTION 01 2-1/4 x 7-5/8 BRICK WITH HARDIE TRIM BOARDS (INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECS) 02 HARDIE PLANK LAP SIDING - 7" EXPOSURE SELECT CEDARMILL TEXTURE - CAPE COD BLUE (INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECS) 03 VERTICAL CORRUGATED CL 6025 - VICWEST 2624 BRIGHT SILVER (INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECS) 03a METAL FLASHING 6" - VICWEST 2624 BRIGHT SILVER ( INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPEC'S.) 04 HARDIE TRIM BOARD 5/4 NT3 SMOOTH - ARCTIC WHITE (INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECS.) 04a HARDIE TRIM BOARD 5/4 NT3 SMOOTH 11-1/4" WIDTH - ARCTIC WHITE (INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECS.) 05 HARDIE TRIM BOARD 5/4 NT3 ROUGHSAWN - IRON GREY FLASHING (INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECS.) 05a HARDIE TRIM BOARD 5/4 NT3 ROUGHSAWN 11-1/4" - IRON GREY (INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECS.) 06 EXISTING WALL n n n n n n l n n 1 ? ) • L J I I L - 1w n - n -~"' (:' ·:~ nn c-----:: ~ • l D L J - -----+ - ----+ • Rick Balbi Architect Ltd. #15, 5917 -1"A" Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2H 0G4 Ph: (403) 253 -2853 Fax: (403) 253 -3078 general@rbalbi.ca T/O Slab 30.48 T/O Parapet 36.27 A B C2 A3.10 2 A3.10 UNIT 2 - CONVENIENCE STORE 102 W5 P3 W1 17.82 m 8.91 m 8.91 m VERTICAL CORRUGATED (CL 6025) METAL CLADDING; VICWEST 2624 BRIGHT SILVER METALLIC FINISH (INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECS) STEEL OVERHANG CANOPY WITH GLASS TOP TERRAIN (COLOUR: CHARCOAL GREY) ALUMINUM CANOPY FRAME BY OTHERS EXTERIOR GLAZING DOOR SEE SCHEDULE PRE-FINISHED METAL CAPPING BACK AREA 106 U/S Main Ceiling 33.83 --- - 4. 9 2 m T/O Roof 35.40 T/O Slab 30.48 T/O Parapet 36.27 1 2 3 4 5 61 A3.10 1 A3.10 UNIT 1-FOOD PARTNER 100 UNIT 2 - CONVENIENCE STORE 102 8-DOOR WALK-IN COOLER 105 UNIT 3 - FOOD PARTNER 101 P1 W4 HARDIE PLANK LAP SIDING; CAPE COD BLUE (INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECS) ALUMINUM CANOPY FRAME BY OTHERS PRE-FINISHED METAL CAPPING EXTERIOR GLAZING DOOR SEE SCHEDULE 6.01 m 6.10 m 6.10 m 6.10 m 5.99 m 30.29 m NEW LOCATION OF EXISTING CROSS BRACING (BLACK COLOR) U/S Main Ceiling 33.83 W2 4. 9 2 m T/O Roof 35.40 DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: ARCHITECT: PROJECT No.: SHEET ISSUE DATE: PROJECT STATUS: CONTRACTOR DRAWING NO.SHEET SEAL CLIENT PROJECT DESCRIPTION No.Description Date 1 ISSUED FOR REVIEW 2019-01-09 2 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2021-11-13 3 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-05-17 20 2 2 - 0 5 - 1 7 5 : 4 1 : 3 2 P M A3.10 RUSKIN CENTEX CVP RICK BALBI RICK BALBI 180214 DECEMBER 03, 2021 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Building Sections 11 11 1 : 50A3.10 A3.10 1 Building Section 01 1 : 50A3.10 A3.10 2 Building Section 02 I I \ 2J 2J I I I I I -I 1 l(i,,;,,,! ,J II 'I', ,),J "i ,·, ;·_-.. , ';',',"i.'1· I GO ;:, -· CJ [ J I Q I' II, -iii ,, '-, ''7 r· - I ' I --- . ,,.. ' -- I I ,- +-- II, '.i ,, , I ,.I I l' ,, ---+ -1 -- lc---c-. F C - I ~ I ' -, . . 2J I I n " r,~ •. - • ~ Rick Balbi Architect Ltd. #15, 5917 - 1 "A" Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2H 0G4 Ph: (403) 253 -2853 Fax: (403) 253 -3078 general@rbalbi.ca GAS PUMPS DR I V E T H R U 28 7 S T R E E T GARBAGE COLLECTION PA T I O TRANSFORMER DITCH: SEED ON 150mm DEPTH TOPSOIL FOR ALL DISTURBED AREAS. BLEND TO EXISTING GRASS. LEASE LINE 6' HIGH CHAINLINK FENCE ADJOINING PROPERTY ROW W/ CHAIN LINK GATE POTABLE WATER WELL 6' HIGH SOLID FENCE3 - TA SPACED @ 5.0m O.C.3 - LP 4 - TA SPACED @ 5.0m O.C. 4 - br 1 - RM 3 - cr 2 - kd 3 - dp 3 - TA 2 - kd 3 - dp 2 - kd 1 - TA 5 - kd 1 - TA 2 - kd 1 - LP 1 - IL 1 - br 2 - kd 2 - kd3 - dp 1 - TA 4 - cr 4 -dp FLAG MOUNT PYLON5 -cr 9 - kfr 3 - kd 3 - dp 10 - kfr 1 - dp 3 - sk 4 - rf 3 - dp 8 - kfr 1 - IL 1 - br BUILDING SCALE: NOT TO SCALE ZONING: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL ZONING (CS2 ) LEGAL LAND DESCRIPTION: LSD 16, SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 2 RANGE 4, WEST OF 7TH MERIDIAN MUNICIPAL ADDRESS: 287 ST. AND LOUGHEED HIGHWAY MAPLE RIDGE, BC L1 LANDSCAPE PLAN Revision 00 Designed by: Drawn by: Job No.:Scale: Date: Checked by:RJ No DescriptionRev Date By 00 00 RJ 47 Greenwich Crescent, St Albert, AB Tel (587) 983-3498 Email ryan@jonesla.ca Seal MAPLE RIDGE, BC RUSKIN CENTEX Drawing Sheet Number 287 ST. AND LOUGHEED HIGHWAY 2022-05-18 VM RJ 05/18/22 AS NOTED Issued for Municipal Review LEGEND SOD ON 150mm DEPTH TOPSOIL. SOD TO BACK OF CURB AND EDGE OF SIDEWALKS. ENSURE SMOOTH TRANSITION WITH ADJACENT SURFACES. QTY. 367.60 m² KEY PLAN PLANT LIST LANDSCAPE PLAN 100mm DEPTH SHREDDED SELF-BINDING CEDAR WOOD CHIP MULCH ON 350mm DEPTH TOPSOIL TO BE PLACED LEVEL WITH ADJACENT SURFACES, CROWN IN CENTER OF PLANTING BED. QTY. 251.90 m² Key Qty Common Name Botannical Name Size Remarks TREES DECIDUOUS IL 2 Ivory Silk Tree Lilac Syringa reticulata 'Ivory Silk'60mm cal.W.B single leader/ specimen RM 1 Red Rocket Red Maple Acer rubrum 'Red Rocket'60mm cal.W.B single leader/ specimen TA 13 Trembling Aspen Populus tremuloides 60mm cal.W.B single leader/ specimen CONIFEROUS LP 4 Lodgepole Pine Pinus contorta latifolia 2500mm ht.W.B single leader/ specimen SHRUBS DECIDUOUS cr 12 Champlain Rose Rosa 'Champlain'450-600mm ht.container/ specimen rf 4 Rainbow Fizz™ Spirea Spiraea japonica ‘Matgold’450-600mm ht.container/ specimen kd 20 Kelsey Dwarf Dogwood Cornus sericea 'Kelseyi'450-600mm ht.container/ specimen CONIFEROUS dp 20 Dwarf Mugo Pine Pinus mugo var. pumilio 450-600mm spr.container/ specimen br 6 Blue Rug Juniper Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii'450-600mm spr.container/ specimen sk 3 Skyrocket Upright Juniper Juniperus scopulorum 'Skyrocket'1200mm ht.container/ specimen PERENNIALS kfr 27 Karl Foerster Reed Grass Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster'2 year pot 600mm O.C N SCALE: 1:200 0 5 10 20m PROPERTY LINE 150mm DEPTH, 75-100mm Ø RIVER ROCK MULCH INSTALLED WITH HD LANDSCAPE FABRIC WITH AN OVERLAP OF 500mm. QTY. 595.10 m² ALUMINUM EDGER LOUGHEED HIGHWAY 28 7 S T R E E T PROJECT SITE NOTES Refer to Town of Maple Ridge General Construction Standards in its latest edition. Plant material and construction methods shall meetor exceed CSLA standards. 1.0 SOIL 1.0 Plant material and construction methods shall meet or exceed CSLA standards.. 1.1 Contractor to submit soil samples be used for the intended project to a professional Agrologist for analysis and recommendations. 2.0 PLANT MATERIAL 2.1 All plant material is to be nursery grown stock and shall meet or exceed the horticulture standards of the "Guide Specifications for Nursery Stock" of the Canadian Nursery Trades Association for size, height, spread, grading, quality and method of cultivation. 3.0 MULCHES 3.1 A mulch sample must be provided by the contractor for approval prior to site installation. 3.2 Wood mulch to be free of insects & disease, branches, leaves, shavings, sawdust, weeds, and stones. 4.0 WATERING 4.1 Contractor to water all plant material, seed and sod on-site to ensure continuous healthy growth. 4.2 Contractor to supply clean fresh water, water tanker, equipment, sprinkler and labour necessary to adequately and efficiently apply water to all plant material, seed and sod on-site. 4.3 Contractor to monitor moisture levels of individual plants species and apply sufficient water to each plant to ensure continuous healthy growth. Apply sufficient water to obtain moisture saturation of the rootball of the plant. 5.0 RESTORATION REQUIREMENTS: 5.1 Prevent damage to fencing, plant materials, natural features, benchmarks, buildings, pavement, curbs, culverts, and utilities, and make good any changes. / l & I. I i = ~ = = = D Ii] [1 = 11 'I 11 = D ~ D = 8 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE = D ~ D 0 Revision 00 Designed by: Drawn by: Job No.:Scale: Date: Checked by:RJ No DescriptionRev Date By 00 00 RJ 47 Greenwich Crescent, St Albert, AB Tel (587) 983-3498 Email ryan@jonesla.ca Seal MAPLE RIDGE, BC RUSKIN CENTEX Drawing Sheet Number 287 ST. AND LOUGHEED HIGHWAY 2022-05-18 VM RJ 05/18/22 AS NOTED Issued for Municipal Review L2 DETAILS TYPICAL TREE INSTALLATION1 TYPICAL SHRUB PLANTIN* PROPER SHRUB FORM. DECIDUOUS DISEASED BRANCHES TO MAINTAIN PRUNE ONLY DEAD, BROKEN, OR ONLY. NOTES: 1. LANDSCAPE WEED LINER ALIGNMENTS. U.G. POWER, TELEPHONE AND GAS DO NOT ROTOTILL WITHIN 1.0m OF 3. 2. (OPTIONAL) PRIOR TO EXCAVATION SHRUB. ROLL WEED LINER BACK, LIMITS OF ROOTBALL AND PLANT ROLL WEED LINER BACK BEYOND PROPOSED SHRUB LOCATION. 120mm INTERVALS FROM CENTER OF FOR SHRUB, CUT WEED LINER AT ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS UNLESS NOTED WATER IN AND MULCH AS OTHERWISE. REQUIRED. 4. TAPER MULCH TO BASE OF SHRUB. OR APPROVED EQUAL. 100mm MIN. MULCH AS SPECIFIED SOD, TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE REESTABLISH ANY DAMAGED SEED/ OWNER / CONSULTANT. SPREAD ROOTS EVENLY 350mm MIN. DEPTH LIGHTLY COMPACTED TOPSOIL. PRUNE ALL DAMAGED ROOTS THROUGHOUT CLASS 'B' TOPSOIL. TOPSOIL, SAND, AND PEAT AS PER CONSULTANTS DIRECTION. UNDISTURBED NATIVE SUBSOIL ROTOTILL 150mm NATIVE SOIL, ADD SPECIFICATIONS. TOPSOIL OWNER / CONSULTANT. FROM TOP OF ROOTBALL, POSITION TOP OF ROOTBALL 50mm MAX. BELOW FINISH GRADE. BURLAP TO BE TREATED NATURAL FIBER. ROOTBALL MINIMUM SIZE AS PER FOLD 1/3 WIRE BASKET AND BURLAP SOD, TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE LIGHTLY COMPACTED CLASS 'B' REESTABLISH ANY DAMAGED SEED/ UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL SCARIFY WALL OF TREE WELL. 100mm MIN. MULCH AS SPECIFIED OVER EXPOSED ROOTBALL. TAPER MULCH TO BASE OF TREE. MIN. 300mm INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. (7-1/2 POUND). TREE STAKE SET TREE STAKES MIN. 2.1m LENGTH STUDDED HEAVYWEIGHT T-POSTS 2 STAKES PER TREE. ALL EXPOSED PORTIONS OF TREE STAKES FREE OF RUST SCALED AND PRIMED. RUBBER BLACK HOSE - 12mm OR APPROVED EQUAL. POSITIONED APPROX. 3/5 HT. FOR ALL TREES. GALVANIZED GUY WIRE No. 12 MIN. NOTED OTHERWISE. ALIGNMENTS.WINDS. 1. NOTES: 3. 4. PRUNE ONLY DEAD, BROKEN, OR DISEASED TREE LIMBS. IF MINIMUM UTILITY SETBACKS PERMIT POSITION TREE STAKES INTO DIRECTION OF PREVAILING CLEARANCE FROM ALL U.G. POWER, TELEPHONE AND GAS ALIGNMENTS. DIG ALL ROOT HOLES BY HAND THAN 1.0m TO U.G. MILLIMETERS UNLESS ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN2.ALL TREE STAKES TO MAINTAIN MINIMUM 1.0m WHEN CLOSER POWER, TELEPHONE AND GAS LANDSCAPE EDGER AS SPECIFIED EDGER W/ MULCH LEVEL WITH TOP EDGE B&B ROOTBALL EQ U A L EQ U A L TYP. 300 AT 2ƒ STAKES ANGLE TYP. 100 DECIDUOUS LESS THAN 100mm CALIPER CONIFEROUS LESS THAN 3.0m HEIGHT 150 DETAIL n.t.s. LANDSCAPE EDGER AS SPECIFIED EDGER W/ MULCH LEVEL WITH TOP EDGE 150mm EDGING DETAIL n.t.s.TYPICAL CONIFEROUS OR DECIDUOUS SHRUB PLANTING BED EDGING MIN. 450mm BACK OF PLANTING BED WIDTH VARIES BARE ROOT ROOT POTTED NOT TO SCALE I I ~ro==thl1 i== 1 , I +- L2 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 111 -111 NOT TO SCALE EXISTING EX I S T I N G DRIVE THRU WINDOW 10,000 GAL. U/G SEPTIC H/C PARKING DRIVE THRU PARKING LA N D S C A P E LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE (TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE) 28 7 S T R E E T EDGE OF EXISTING PAVEMENT ED G E O F E X I S T I N G P A V E M E N T PYLON SIGN DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY 16 03 H/C 09 DR I V E T H R U 10,000 GAL. U/G SEPTIC PATIO AREA 01 STACKING 6-BIKE STALLS TRANSFORMER DR I V E T H R U WI N D O W EXISTING EX I S T I N G 17 EE RM. 113 117 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 117 117 112 112 112 112 112 112112112 112 112 117 116 116 116 116 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 115 114 116 REISSUED FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: ENGINEER: PROJECT #: SCALE: DRAWING NO.SHEET PROJECT DESCRIPTION No. Description Date COPYRIGHT RESERVED THESE DRAWINGS AND DESIGN ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF DESIGN WORKS ENGINEERING LTD. AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY OR FORM WITHOUT THE DIRECT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DESIGN WORKS ENGINEERING LTD. NOTES THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS IT IS SIGNED AND SEALED, AND DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION IN THE TABLE BELOW. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. P: 780 814 5533 F: 780 814 5533 #116 8805 Resources Road, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 3A6 info@designworkseng.com www.designworkseng.com COPYRIGHT 2021 DESIGN WORKS ENGINEERING LTD. SEAL PERMIT CLIENT ARCHITECT FOR BC HYDRO APPLICATION 2020-01-24ISSUED FOR REVIEW1 2020-02-19ISSUED FOR BLDG. PERMIT2 2021-03-263 ISSUED FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT 2021-11-094 AS NOTED RADP AL NEIL CABALLES 180214 MOSES NORGA, P. ENG 2 Ruskin Centex 2022-05-275 Site Lighting Study Plan E1.0 1 1 E1.0 Site Lighting Study Plan NORTH Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" T -SIGN ----0- -l SGN S N 0 "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' L_---~"' "' "'+"' [' "' "' "' +3: □"' ~ -1, g., "' +~ ~---~+~-¥'+ "' "' "' "' "' "' ,., "' "' <}== +2 □ +25 +2El ===t> 15 15 17 0 +21 If------ + 15 If-------+2 El +21 +22 +24 4, - + 1El +21 +23 + 1El +21 +25 +25 SIGN ----0- N +2El "' "' +2El "' "' "' "' + • • • +1 □5 • • + 4 : • +3 • • • • • • • • + 1El +2El +2El "' "' "' 2fl + 1El POTABLE "' "' +3El + 1E3 "' +1 g +1 2 "' 1 :s-+ "' "' "' "' "' "' +2El +27 +24 +31 WAlER ~;,5!===±!2e,a:l"'===±e'3=1==""2=5"=~ + 3 +::S El +2El +6El +1 □7 +122 SIGN ----0- 37 +42 + 181 +227 +154 +2 □::S +1El "' "' +24 □ +2 □5 "' "' "' "' "' "' ,., ,., ,., ,., ,., "' 23 "' +42 + 1El +47 + 1 □ 5 +245 +254 • +2 □ 1 +2 □2 + 1El5 +157 -- + , '1 I "' ,., ,., "' "' "' "' "' "' "' + 14 4 + •□ + □ + g + g 23 +1 4 3 (i\ ,-:/\./ + ,is,g ~'+ 'A'\ 'A'\ \..'S, \..'S, \t-121 / \+2'l / --0 -- "' "' "' "' "' "' ,., "' "' "' +118 +::SB + 1E3 +2El +2El +::SEl +2El "' ,., "' ,., "' "' "' "' [~-~--'f'.f--ci ~ _,'j +S-:-□ +::S, :2 + , +El5 +77 J +1El I +5, □ I + 4, g l I µ3J + 4. ci I +5 0 4 1 I +5-g I +5, 1 I +4-El I I +5, □ I May 27 2022 -------- T I/ Luminaire list (Site 1) Index Manufacturer Article name Item number Fitting Luminous flux Light loss factor Connected load Quantity Mounting Height 111 LSI INDUSTRIES, INC.CRUS-SC-LW-50 1x 11146 lm 0.80 73 W 24 @14FT-6IN 112 COOPER LIGHTING SOLUTIONS - LUMARK (FORMERLY EATON) CROSSTOUR 58W WALL MOUNT LED XTOR6B-W 1x EATON LED 4000K 6037 lm 0.90 58 W 10 12FT-9.5IN 113 Lithonia Lighting DSX1 LED P7 40K T3M MVOLT with houseside shield DSX1 LED P7 40K T3M MVOLT HS 1x LED 16320 lm 0.80 183 W 1 25FT 114 Lithonia Lighting DSX1 LED P8 40K TFTM MVOLT DSX1 LED P8 40K TFTM MVOLT 1x 24252 lm 0.90 207 W 1 25FT 115 Lithonia Lighting DSX1 LED P5 40K T3M MVOLT with houseside shield DSX1 LED P5 40K T3M MVOLT HS 1x LED 12460 lm 0.80 138 W 1 25FT 116 COOPER LIGHTING SOLUTIONS - LUMARK (FORMERLY EATON) CROSSTOUR 12W WALL MOUNT LED XTOR1B-W 1x EATON LED 4000K 1396 lm 0.90 12.2 W 5 8FT-9IN 117 Lithonia Lighting DSX1 LED P8 40K T4M MVOLT with houseside shield DSX1 LED P8 40K T4M MVOLT HS 1x LED 18424 lm 0.80 207 W 4 25FT LUMINAIRES LED CANOPY LUMINAIRE LAMP LED LAMP OUTPUT 11146 BALLAST LED DRIVER HOUSING DIE-CAST ALUMINUM LENS DIFFUSED TEMPERED GLASS LENS INPUT WATTAGE 73 W MOUNTING CANOPY RECESSED SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS NA ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS LSI INDUSTRIES INC. CRUS-SC-LW-50 (OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) LUMINAIRE TYPE 111 LUMINAIRES WALLPACK OUTDOOR LAMP LED LAMP OUTPUT 6037 BALLAST - HOUSING DIE-CAST ALUMINUM LENS FULL CUTOFF AND REFRACTIVE LENS INPUT WATTAGE 58 W MOUNTING EXTERIOR WALL SURFACE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS N/A ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS LUMARK - XTOR6B - W (OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) LUMINAIRE TYPE 112 LUMINAIRES WALLPACK OUTDOOR LAMP LED LAMP OUTPUT 1396 BALLAST - HOUSING DIE-CAST ALUMINUM LENS FULL CUTOFF AND REFRACTIVE LENS INPUT WATTAGE 12.2 W MOUNTING WALL SURFACE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS N/A ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS LUMARK - XTOR1B-W (OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) LUMINAIRE TYPE 116 LUMINAIRES LED AREA LUMINAIRE LAMP LED LAMP OUTPUT 16320 BALLAST - HOUSING DIE-CAST ALUMINUM LENS ACRYLIC LENSES INPUT WATTAGE 183 W MOUNTING 22FT POLE MOUNTED SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS - ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS LITHONIA - DSX1 LED P7 40K T3M MVOLT HS (OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) LUMINAIRE TYPE 113 LUMINAIRES LED AREA LUMINAIRE LAMP LED LAMP OUTPUT 24252 BALLAST - HOUSING DIE-CAST ALUMINUM LENS ACRYLIC LENSES INPUT WATTAGE 207 W MOUNTING 22FT POLE MOUNTED SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS - ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS LITHONIA - DSX1 LED P8 40K TFTM MVOLT(OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) LUMINAIRE TYPE 114 LUMINAIRES LED AREA LUMINAIRE LAMP LED LAMP OUTPUT 12460 BALLAST - HOUSING DIE-CAST ALUMINUM LENS ACRYLIC LENSES INPUT WATTAGE 138 W MOUNTING 20FT POLE MOUNTED SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS - ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS LITHONIA - DSX1 LED P5 40K T3M MVOLT (OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) LUMINAIRE TYPE 115 LUMINAIRES LED AREA LUMINAIRE LAMP LED LAMP OUTPUT 18424 BALLAST - HOUSING DIE-CAST ALUMINUM LENS ACRYLIC LENSES INPUT WATTAGE 207 W MOUNTING 22FT POLE MOUNTED SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS - ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS LITHONIA - DSX1 LED P8 40K T4M MVOLT HS (OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) LUMINAIRE TYPE 117 FINAL GRADE SQUARE STEEL LIGHT POLE LIGHT FIXTURE TO BE AS PER LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE NUMBER OF FIXTURES AS INDICATED ON DWGS. RIGID PVC CONDUIT CONCRETE BASE C/W REBAR BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR. REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS 36 " DEPTH AND WIDTH TO STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATION 36 " BOND BOLT POLE HANDHOLE 22 ' PO L E #Name Parameter Min Max Average Min/average Min/max 1 parking01 Perpendicular illuminance (Adaptive)6.62 lx 48.3 lx 25.5 lx 0.26 0.14 2 parking03 Perpendicular illuminance (Adaptive)4.53 lx 48.1 lx 24.8 lx 0.18 0.094 3 parking04 Perpendicular illuminance (Adaptive)22.6 lx 164 lx 60.4 lx 0.37 0.14 4 Drv01 Perpendicular illuminance (Adaptive)1.10 lx 257 lx 33.3 lx 0.033 0.004 5 Drv02 Perpendicular illuminance (Adaptive)13.5 lx 54.7 lx 26.6 lx 0.51 0.25 6 Workplane (drivethru)Perpendicular illuminance (Adaptive)3.56 lx 227 lx 33.9 lx 0.11 0.016 7 Workplane (gaspump area) Perpendicular illuminance (Adaptive)3.35 lx 518 lx 95.4 lx 0.035 0.006 8 Workplane (sidewalk)Perpendicular illuminance (Adaptive)8.08 lx 215 lx 69.4 lx 0.12 0.038 9 Workplane (boundary)Perpendicular illuminance (Adaptive)0.43 lx 43.0 lx 9.62 lx 0.045 0.010 10 Workplane (boundary1) Perpendicular illuminance (Adaptive)1.67 lx 45.6 lx 15.4 lx 0.11 0.037 11 Workplane (boundary02) Perpendicular illuminance (Adaptive)0.86 lx 46.2 lx 9.51 lx 0.090 0.019 REISSUED FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: ENGINEER: PROJECT #: SCALE: DRAWING NO.SHEET PROJECT DESCRIPTION No. Description Date COPYRIGHT RESERVED THESE DRAWINGS AND DESIGN ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF DESIGN WORKS ENGINEERING LTD. AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY OR FORM WITHOUT THE DIRECT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DESIGN WORKS ENGINEERING LTD. NOTES THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS IT IS SIGNED AND SEALED, AND DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION IN THE TABLE BELOW. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. P: 780 814 5533 F: 780 814 5533 #116 8805 Resources Road, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 3A6 info@designworkseng.com www.designworkseng.com COPYRIGHT 2021 DESIGN WORKS ENGINEERING LTD. SEAL PERMIT CLIENT ARCHITECT FOR BC HYDRO APPLICATION 2020-01-24ISSUED FOR REVIEW1 2020-02-19ISSUED FOR BLDG. PERMIT2 2021-03-263 ISSUED FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT 2021-11-094 AS NOTED RADP AL NEIL CABALLES 180214 MOSES NORGA, P. ENG 2 Ruskin Centex 2022-05-275 Lighting Schedule, Photomectric Calcs. & Details E1.1 2 1 E1.1 Light Pole Detail Scale: NTS "---...,_----, ■ < -----...... """II ·s .,·>¾<,~-, ,~. ~ ,, ·<· .;·., __ .· J' "-·.c -~,,~ ,_,:;~/,. Pe,m ;t #: 10orn15 May 27 2022 V                 Explanatory Notes / Discussion: Design Criteria The drainage design criteria for the project are based on the principals outlined in the BCMoTI Supplement to TAC Geometrics Design Guide -1000 Hydraulics Chapter. This drainage assessment is limited to evaluating onsite storm sewer pipes. No pavement drainage, roadside ditches, or catch basin design is included in this scope of work. The design criteria noted below provide a summary of the key design items. Hydrology • Flow rates to be calculated using the Rational Method • Rainfall Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) Data to be based on IDF CC Tools for ungauged IDF for Lat: 49.17388° and Lon: Ͳ122.42822°(onsitelocation) Design Component Design Life or Return Period Design Criteria + (Units) Design Value Without Climate Change Change in Design Value from Future Climate Design Value Including Climate Change Adaptation Cost Estimate ($) Comments / Notes / Deviations / Variances 300mm stormwater pipe from STM CBMH-1 to CBMH-2 100yr RP Flow Rate (m3/s) 0.040 0.0084 0.0484 $0 Storm sewer pipe connected two storm storage ponds, will be surcharged during the storm event 300mm stormwater pipe from STM CBMH-2 to STC- EF04 100 yr RP Flow Rate (m3/s) 0.113 0.0113 0.137 $0 inlet control device to be used to control the release rate at 1:5 year pre- development flow rate 0.113 m3/s 250mm stormwater pipe outlet pipe from STC-EF04 to CB/DW-3 100 yr RP Flow Rate (m3/s) 0.113 0.0113 0.137 $0 Outlet storm pipe to CB/DW-3 at 1:5 year pre- development flow rate 0.113m3/s Design Criteria Sheet for Climate Change Resilience Highway Infrastructure Engineering Design and Climate Change Adaptation BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (Separate Criteria Sheet per Discipline) (Submit all sheets to the Chief Engineers Office at: BCMoTI-ChiefEngineersOffice@gov.bc.ca) Project: SilverdaleCentex(gasͲstation,cͲstore&foodpartner) Typeofwork:CommercialreͲdevelopment Location:9450287Street,MapleRidge,BC Discipline:CivilEngineeringDesign Sewer Pipes •Sewer pipes diameter between 250mm to 300 mm are to be sized for the pre-development 5-year return period design flow rate • Outlet-controlled 250mmm pipe is to be sized to limit the head loss across the culvert to 250 mm • Inlet-controlled 300mm is to be sized to limit the headwater-to-diameter (HW/D) ratio to 0.9 Design Life 75 year – return period design Climate Change Risk In accordance with BCMoTI Climate Change Technical Circular T-04/19, the potential impacts of future climate change need to be considered on all Ministry projects. For the drainage design components of this project, future climate change is anticipated to increase the amount of rainfall. Climate Change Estimate IDFFC (Western University Ontario) Using the IDFCC tool to estimate increases to rainfall intensities for Ungauged IDF onsite for Lat: 49.17388° and Lon: - 122.42822° gauge from year 2015 to 2100. Using climate Model SSP5.85 change scenario, looked at the estimated increases to rainfall rates for a variety of return periods and storm durations. Looking at storm durations from 5 minutes to 24 hours for the 100- year return period, the estimated increase in rainfall intensity to 21%. Flow Estimate Estimated the post development 100-year peak flow rate for the storm sewer pipe using the Rational Method. The peak flow is a function of the catchment area, runoff coefficient, and rainfall intensity. To account for climate change, applied an increase of 21%, resulting in a design rainfall intensity of 140 mm/hr. Using these values, estimated a peak 100-year design flow rate of 0.272 m3/s. However, the allowable stormwater flow rate from site is restricted to pre-development 1:5 year return period flow rate. Results-Sewer Hydraulic Estimated length of the storm sewer pipe CBMH-2 to STC-EF04 and STC-EF-04 to CB/DW-3 are 16.653m and 5.5m; at 2.3% and 6.0% slope; and have pipe capacity of 0.156m3/s and 0.155m3/s, respectively. At the restricted design flow rate of 0.113 m3/s, therefore, the storm sewer pipes appear to have sufficient capacity Recommended by: Engineer of Record: Edmund Li, P.Eng. (Print Name / Provide Seal & Signature) Date: May 06, 2022 Engineering Firm: ELI Consulting Inc. Accepted by BCMoTI Consultant Liaison: _______________________________________________________________ (For External Design) Deviations and Variances Approved by the Chief Engineer: _________________________________________________ Program Contact: Chief Engineer BCMoTI Subdivision Development Drainage Report – Rev. 0 for Centex Petroleum Page 1 Silverdale Centex 9450 287 Street, Maple Ridge, BC MARCH 2022 Subdivision Development Drainage Report – Revision 1 Proposed Silverdale Centex (Gas Station, C-store & Food Partners) 9450 287 Street, Maple Ridge, BC eDAS File# 2021-05741 DP File # 2019-402-DP Prepared for: Centex Petroleum Prepared by: ELI Consulting, Inc. Civil Engineering, Erosion & Sediment Control 230 Edgebrook Circle NW Calgary, Alberta T3A 5A2 Canada Phone: (403) 607-0049 email: edmund@eliconsult.ca May 06, 2022 Subdivision Development Drainage Report – Rev. 0 for Centex Petroleum Page 2 Silverdale Centex 9450 287 Street, Maple Ridge, BC MARCH 2022 Attention: Ms. Sally Case Development Officer | Service Area 6 Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure 310-1500 Woolridge Street Coquitlam, British Columbia V3K 0B8 March 31, 2022 eDAS File# 2021-05741 – Site Grading Plan Dear Sally: On behalf of Centex Petroleum, we are submitting a copy of the Subdivision Development Drainage Report to support the development of Silverdale Centex (Gas Station, C-store and Food Partner) for 9450 287 Street Maple Ridge, BC for your review and approval. We trust this additional information is sufficient for your approval. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at 403-607-0049. Sincerely, Edmund Li, P.Eng. ELI Consulting Inc. Subdivision Development Drainage Report – Rev. 0 for Centex Petroleum Page 3 Silverdale Centex 9450 287 Street, Maple Ridge, BC MARCH 2022 1.0 Introduction ELI Consulting Inc. (ELI) has been retained by the Centex Petroleum to prepare a Subdivision Development Drainage Report (SDDR) in support of design drawings for the approval for Application Submission Confirmation eDAS File # 2021-05741 Site Grading Plan for an existing site re- development of proposed Silverdale Centex Gas Station, C-Store, and Food Partner at 9450 287 Street, Maple Ridge, BC. This report outlines the results of the pre and post-development flows, design storm details, and detention storage and run-off flow control. Subdivision Development Drainage Report – Rev. 0 for Centex Petroleum Page 4 Silverdale Centex 9450 287 Street, Maple Ridge, BC MARCH 2022 2.0 Site Description and Drainage Design The project site is located in Maple Ridge, BC, bounded by Lougheed Highway to the south, 287 Street to the west and existing commercial development to the north and east. (see Figure 1), is legally described as Rem 29 Plan 47148. The existing site is occupied by Ruskin Gas Station and C-Store. The proposed site re- development included demolition/renovation of existing building with new Centex Petroleum Gas Station, C- Store and Food Partner. Fig # 1 Project Site The existing site development study area covers about 0.8344ha, which consisted of sub-catchment area SC 1-1-1 (building roof area) = 671m2, sub-catchment area SC 1-2-1 (concrete area) =156m2, sub-catchment area SC 1-3-1 (asphalt area) = 7199m2 and sub-catchment area SC 1-4-1 (landscaping area) = 318m2 (see Drawing SP-03 Drainage Plan – Pre-Development). The pre-development stormwater run-off on the north side of the existing building was draining overland free flow from west to east to the neighbouring property then free flow overland to an existing catchbasin (assumed to be drywell) at the end of road ditch along north side of Lougheed Highway; and the stormwater run-off on the southwest portion of the existing building was captured by the existing onsite catchbasins that were connected to an existing manhole (assumed to be dry well) onsite and the stormwater run-off of remaining southeast portion of the existing building was draining free flow overland to the road ditch along north side of Lougheed Highway. All drainage from site ultimately drains to existing catchbasin/dry well located at the east end of the road ditch Subdivision Development Drainage Report – Rev. 0 for Centex Petroleum Page 5 Silverdale Centex 9450 287 Street, Maple Ridge, BC MARCH 2022 along north side of Lougheed Highway. The proposed site re-development study area covers about 0.834ha, which consisted of sub-catchment area SC 1-1-1 (building roof area) = 574m2, sub-catchment areas SC 1-2-1, 1-2-2, 1-2-3, 1-2-4, 1-2-5, 1-2-6, 1-2- 7, and 1-2-8 (concrete area) =11321m2, sub-catchment area SC 1-3-1 (asphalt area) = 5435m2 and sub- catchment areas SC 1-4-1, 1-4-2 and 1-4-3 (landscaping area) = 982m2. (see Drawing SP-04 – Drainage Plan - Post Development) The permissible discharge from site equals to the run-off generated from the post development 1:100 year storm event to be controlled at the pre-development run-off generated from1:5 years storm event. The post development stormwater run-off generated from the site collects at two (2) stormwater retention ponds TL #1 and TL #2 located on the east side of the development. The sub-catchment area SC 1-4-2, 1-2-5, 1-2-6, 1-2- 7, 1-2,8 and north portion of 1-3-1 are draining into TL#1, similarly, sub-catchment area SC 1-1-1, 1-2-1, 1-2- 2, 1-2-3,1-2-4, 1-4-1 and remaining portion 1-3-1 are draining into TL-2. The sub-catchment area 1-4-3 is draining free flow overland into the road ditch along the north side of Lougheed Highway. The post development stormwater retention pond TL#1 is drained via STM CBMH-1 to STM CBMH-2, and stormwater retention pond TL#2 is drained via STM CBMH-2. An Inlet Control Device with orifice opening R=70mm to be installed at STM CBMH-2. Both stormwater retention ponds operate as one combined stormwater retention pond which is made possible by the fact that the rim elevations of both ponds is within 0.1m. All All post development stormwater run-off drainage from site ultimately drains to existing catchbasin/dry well located at the east end of the road ditch along north side of Lougheed Highway. Subdivision Development Drainage Report – Rev. 0 for Centex Petroleum Page 6 Silverdale Centex 9450 287 Street, Maple Ridge, BC MARCH 2022 2.1 Design Objectives The design criteria for the project site are based on drainage design submission of Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, BC Supplement to TAC section 1010.03, including climate change design criteria sheet, and City of Maple Ridge Design and Construction Documents Part 1 Design Criteria Manual. x All drainage systems must include run-off controls to limit post-development peak discharge rates to the pre-development rate for 5 year return period storms. x All additional Ministry requirement is an assessment of the receiving ditch or watercourse for peak flows greater than a 5 year return period up to a 100 year return period. x Will the roof runoff be directed to a foundation drainage system (collected/drained underground) or downspouts discharge directly on the ground? If there will be a foundation drainage system, where will it be connected to? Also, could part of the pavement runoff be collected through catch basins and discharged to the underground system. The pertinent design criteria and strategy are as follows: 2.2 Water Quantity For urban watershed up to 1Km2, using Design Storm based on Rational Method Qp = CiA/360 Qp is the peak flow, m3/s C is the runoff coefficient i is the rainfall intensity = P/Tc mm/hr P is the total precipitation, mm Tc is the time of concentration, hr A is the drainage area, ha Table 1 - Pre-Development Site Condition SURFACE AREA (m2) RUNOFF COEFFICIENT C EX. ROOF AREA 671 1.00 EX. CONCRETE AREA 156 1.00 EX. ASPHALT AREA 7199 0.90 EX. LANDSCAPING AREA 318 0.30 TOTAL 8344 0.89 Subdivision Development Drainage Report – Rev. 0 for Centex Petroleum Page 7 Silverdale Centex 9450 287 Street, Maple Ridge, BC MARCH 2022 Table 2 - IDF CC Tools for Ungauged IDF Time Of Concentration ( From City of Maple Ridge Design Criteria Manual, section D5.4) Tc = Ti + Tt Where Tc = time of concentration (minutes) Ti = inlet or overland flow time (minutes) Tt = travel time in sewer, ditches, channels or water courses (minutes) Inlet or Overland Flow Time (Ti) Typical inlet times for urban areas commercial/Industrial/Institutional = 5 minutes Travel Time (Tt) Tt = Ct*L*n / 12s0.5 Where Tt = TRAVEL TIME (MINUTES) Ct = Flow travel coefficient (0.5) L = Length of flow (131 m) n = Roughness coefficient 0.013 asphalt, concrete lined channels, PVC pipe, or Concrete pipe s = Slope in m/m (0.0145) Therefore: Tt = 0.5*131*0.013 / 12(0.0145)0.5 = 0.59 minutes Tc = 5 + 0.59 =5.59 minutes Ungauged IDF for: Lat: 49.17388 °, Lon: -122.42822 ° Station Info IDF hts.tnncal data ~ _ IDF under dimate change f;I Fl I Tables I Plots Interpolation Equations Tota l precipitation amounts are presented in mm and precipitation intensity rates are p resente d in mm/h for different return periods (Tl presented in years O Tota l PPT (mm) ® Intensity ra tes (mm/h) T (years) 2 5 10 20 25 so 100 S min 40.91 55.80 67.37 80.30 84.38 99.03 115 .63 lOmin 30.06 39.75 46.99 54.91 57.36 66.11 75.85 l5min 25.41 32.80 37.95 43.26 44.83 50.24 55.94 30min 18 .06 22.54 25 .44 28.40 29.21 32 .1 9 35 .37 l h 12.26 14.96 16.86 18.84 19.43 21.49 23.71 2 h 9.58 11.63 13 .07 14 .56 15 .0 1 16.54 18.17 6h 6.74 7.75 8 .41 9.05 9.23 9.87 10.53 12 h 5.17 6.25 6 .99 7.73 7.94 8 .67 9.42 24 h 3.76 4.69 5 .33 5.96 6.15 6.77 7.41 Subdivision Development Drainage Report – Rev. 0 for Centex Petroleum Page 8 Silverdale Centex 9450 287 Street, Maple Ridge, BC MARCH 2022 Pre-development Storm Runoff Calculation: Allowable discharge rate Qp1 to road ditch based on ungauged IDF for Lat: 49.17388° and Lon: -122.42822° (onsite location) 5 year return period 5 minutes duration i = 55.80mm/hr Qp1 = CiA/360 (m3//s) where C = runoff coefficient A = drainage area (ha) i = rainfall intensity (mm/hr) Qp1 = (0.887*0.8344*55.80)/360 = 0.115 m3/s Allowable discharge rate Qp1 to road ditch based on ungauged IDF for Lat: 49.17388° and Lon: -122.42822° (onsite location) 5 year return period 5.59 minutes duration i ~ 55mm/hr Qp1 = CiA/360 (m3//s) where C = runoff coefficient A = drainage area (ha) i = rainfall intensity (mm/hr) Qp1 = (0.887*0.8344*55)/360 = 0.113m3/s Allowable discharge rate Qp1 to road ditch based on ungauged IDF for Lat: 49.17388° and Lon: -122.42822° (onsite location) 5 year return period 15 minutes duration i = 32.80mm/hr Qp1 = CiA/360 (m3//s) where C = runoff coefficient A = drainage area (ha) i = rainfall intensity (mm/hr) Qp1 = (0.887*0.8344*32.80)/360 = 0.067 m3/s Subdivision Development Drainage Report – Rev. 0 for Centex Petroleum Page 9 Silverdale Centex 9450 287 Street, Maple Ridge, BC MARCH 2022 Table 3 Post Development Site Condition SURFACE AREA (m2) RUNOFF COEFFICIENT C ROOF AREA 574 1.00 CONCRETE AREA 1321 1.00 ASPHALT AREA 5435 0.90 LANDSCAPING AREA 982 0.30 TOTAL 8344 0.85 Table 4 - IDF CC Tools for Ungauged IDF under Climate Change Ungauged IDF for: Lat: 49.17388 °, Lon: -122.42822 ° Station Info IDF historical data ~ IDF undel" d1mate mani:,, ~ Ctimate Model Setection SSPl.26 ~ SSP2 .45 ~ SSP3.70 I SSPS.85 Comparison Graphs 1 I Tables I Plots Interpolation Equations Box Plot· Uncertainty ~ Tota l precipitation amounts presented in mm and precipitation intensity rates presented in mm/h for different re tu rn periods (T) presented i n years 0 Total PPT (mm) ®Intensity ra tes (mm/h) T (years) 2 5 10 20 2 5 50 100 5 min 47.14 65.46 80.26 95.95 100.92 1 1 9.22 140.00 10 min 34.63 46.62 55.98 65 .62 68.60 79.58 91.84 15 min 29.27 38.48 4 5.21 51.69 53.61 60.48 67-73 30 min 20.81 26.44 30.31 33 .94 34.94 38.75 42 .83 I h 14.12 17.55 20.08 22.51 23.23 25.87 28-70 2h 1 1.04 13 .64 15.57 17.40 17.95 19.92 22.00 6h 7.77 9.10 10.01 10.82 11.04 11.88 12-75 12 h 5.95 7.34 8 .33 9 .2 3 9.50 10.44 11.41 24 h 4.33 5.51 6.35 7.13 7-35 8.1 5 8.98 Subdivision Development Drainage Report – Rev. 0 for Centex Petroleum Page 10 Silverdale Centex 9450 287 Street, Maple Ridge, BC MARCH 2022 Post Development Storm Runoff Calculation: Actual discharge rate Qp2 to road ditch based on ungauged IDF for Lat: 49.17388° and Lon: -122.42822° (onsite location) 100 year return period under climate change 5 minutes duration i = 140.00mm/hr Qp1 = CiA/360 (m3//s) where C = runoff coefficient A = drainage area (ha) i = rainfall intensity (mm/hr) Qp1 = (0.85*0.8344*140)/360 = 0.276m3/s Actual discharge rate Qp2 to road ditch based on ungauged IDF for Lat: 49.17388° and Lon: -122.42822° (onsite location) 100 year return period under climate change 5.59 minutes duration i ~138mm/hr Qp1 = CiA/360 (m3//s) where C = runoff coefficient A = drainage area (ha) i = rainfall intensity (mm/hr) Qp1 = (0.85*0.8344*138)/360 = 0.272m3/s Actual discharge rate Qp2 to road ditch based on ungauged IDF for Lat: 49.17388° and Lon: -122.42822° (onsite location) 100 year return period under climate change 15 minutes duration i =67.73mm/hr Qp1 = CiA/360 (m3//s) where C = runoff coefficient A = drainage area (ha) i = rainfall intensity (mm/hr) Qp1 = (0.85*0.8344*67.73)/360 = 0.133m3/s Subdivision Development Drainage Report – Rev. 0 for Centex Petroleum Page 11 Silverdale Centex 9450 287 Street, Maple Ridge, BC MARCH 2022 Design Volume (Small Catchments) (From City of Maple Ridge Design Criteria Manual, section D7.2) Storage Volume = Tr *(Qp2-Qrel) + 0.5*Tc*((1/Qp2)-(1/Qp1)) *(Qrel)^2 Where Tr = duration of specified storm (seconds) Tc = Time of Concentration (seconds) 5.59minutes Qp1 = peak flow for storm duration Tr=Tc (m3/s) 0.113m3/s Qp2 = peak flow for specified storm duration (m3/s) Qrel = maximum release rate (m3/s) 0.113m3/s Table 5 Results of 1:100 year storm event required storage volume Hyd No. Rainfall Duration Tr (min) Rainfall intensity I (mm/hr) Peak Flow QP2 (m3/s) Inflow Runoff Volume (m3) Max Release Rate Qrel (m3/s) Required Storage Volume (m3) 1 5 140 0.276 82.8 0.113 37.72 2 15 67.73 0.133 119.7 0.113 15.15 3 5.59 138 0.272 91.2 0.113 42.25 Table 6 Results of Stormwater Retention Storage Pond Analysis Number1 Low Point Elevation Spill Conditions 1:100 Year Event Results MG Elevation3 Capacity Depth Elevation Storage Volume2 Spillover Volume Depth Elevation m3 m m m3 m3 m m TL #1 9.415 88 0.245 9.660 42.25 0 0.200 9.615 10.63 TL #2 9.448 0.212 9.660 0 0.167 Table 6 Permissible Discharge Rates and On-site Storage Requirements Location Manhole Number Invert Rim Elevation HGL Area Discharge Rate Storage Volume (m) (m) (m) (ha) (m3/s) (m3) TL #1 CBMH-01 8.115 9.415 9.660 0.2950 0.113 42.25 TL #2 CBMH-02 7.880 9.448 9.660 0.5394 The selection of Orifice ICDs is such that the catchbasin manhole CBMH and stormwater retention ponds have adequate capacity to convey the resulting peak 1:100 year discharge rate under climate change IMPACT without resulting in overflow conditions. The overall flow exiting the entire site is 0.113 m3/s is equal to the total permissible discharge rate of 0.113 m3/s. The storm storage pond volume required is 42.25m3, and storm storage ponds volume provided is 88m3. All flows are to be fully retained within the site without spill onto the surrounding roadways or properties for a 1:100year design event. I I I I I Subdivision Development Drainage Report – Rev. 0 for Centex Petroleum Page 12 Silverdale Centex 9450 287 Street, Maple Ridge, BC MARCH 2022 Release Control - Orifice ICD calculation Qrel = 0.6*3.1416*r^2(2*9.81(H-r))^0.5 = 0.6*3.1416*(0.102)^2*(2*9.81(1.78-0.102))^0.5 = 0.113m3/s Therefore Orifice Opening R=102mm 2.3 Water Quality For water quality enhancement, the runoff from catchment 1 be treated by on-site oil/grit separator Stormceptor STC-EF04 prior to release to STM DRYWELL CB/ DW-3 at the road ditch. 2.4 Major - Minor System There is no existing public storm sewer system at 287 Street except road ditches along Lougheed Highway. There is a storm sewer minor system on the site to capture and control to limit post-development peak discharge rates for 1:100 year return period storm to the pre-development rate for 5 year return period storms. 2.5 Minor System Capture Table 7 Results of On-site Storm Sewer System Analysis Pipe Section Size Slope Capacity Velocity Peak 1:100 Year Flow From To (mm) (%) (L/s) (m/s) (L/s) CBMH-1 CBMH-2 *300 0.3 66.7 0.996 113 CBMH-2 STC-EF04 300 2.3 156.3 2.33 113 STC- EF04 CB/DW-3 250 6.0 155.3 3.36 113 CBMH-1 to CBMH-2 *300 mm storm pipe is under surcharge condition during storm event. 3.0 Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations 1. Pre-Development 1:5 year storm return period with 5.59 minutes duration run-off flow rate = 0.113 m3/s. 2. Post Development 1:100 year storm return period under climate change impact with 5.59 minutes duration peak flow rate = 0.276m3/s. 3. Stormwater storage volume required under climate change impact = 42.25m3, and stormwater pond TL#1 and # 2 storage volume provided 88m3. 4. Post Development Permissible Discharge Rate is equal to Pre-Development run-off flow rate 0.113m3/s. 5. Post Development Permissible Discharge Rate is controlled by Orifice plate with opening R=102mm. 6. Water quality from site to be treated by Stormceptor STC-EF04 prior to discharge to STM drywell CB/DW-03 7. The existing site do not have public storm sewer along 287 Street, controlled release from site to be discharged into STM drywell CB/DW-03 at Lougheed Highway north road ditch. 8. The section of Lougheed Highway north road ditch does not have any other outlet except thru catchbasin drywell infiltration. 9. There is no new ditch or culvert required for the project. 10. The proposed building does not have foundation drains, and the roof drains to be directed to asphalt pavement. CORPORATE AUTHORIZATION We agree and certify that all requirements on this template have been reviewed and properly identified as part of this submission. We understand that this template will be used as a tool for review and approval of drainage reports and accept responsibility and liability for the designs in this submission. RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER EDMUND LI, P.ENG MAY 06, 2022 Drawings SP 01 Site Servicing Plan SP 02 Grading Plan SP 03 Drainage Plan – Pre-Development SP 04 Drainage Plan – Post Development SP 05 Details REFERENCES x BC MoTI Supplement to TAC Geometric Design Guide x City of Maple Ridge – Design and Construction Documents Part 1 Design Criteria Manual x Manning’s Calculator – J.F. Sabourin and Associates Inc. x Technical Circular T-04/19 x IDF CC Tool – Western University Ontario ~ I-,'1,- z w :;;; ~ <i:: 0... Cl z I- (/] X w GNF', <:i'l, '\. OJ' ,,. .,,,,,,,,,,,, ,'I,., "' ., 1Z2'9) "' , "' (11.956) <l== "' "' "' "''»'l EX UGff_0Siii,i,ANi=~-4&-,;,,' "'J'-_ •_ ID IE RFU N co N t- "' i I~ D 5 "' "' "' "' '·"' "' "' N <:,'> '----+-'~ ti,'> -"~XIST. CURB "' "' 10.61 I - COPYRIGHT C ELI CONSULTING INC. REPRODUCTION OR USE WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. '!,~'I, 20 PLAN 26725 ~p, , 1l3.21 lP RETAlltlG IAl.l "' "' "'L.ANDSCAPe' "' "' ., "' "' "' "' "' "' DRIVEWAY DELIVERY AREA N'PROJOMAlE POTABLE _ff ~~ v " " ,; W1R IOOX100 90': 1 U 22.134m -100mm PVC 1lt'IR ---------- 11181}n -IOl}nm PVC WIR---1 1---I' 1h ' EX SIM C8 TO IE REMO\{() "' "' ., "' "' ING ,. DRIVE THRU -.::-,/ DR,vETHRy , V • , , -- ' -■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■q;,■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ~- 23.45 El am "' "' MAXIIUM PONIJNG El.EVA~: 9.5i2-j WI.LIE: 44 m"J . I --. / I I \ \ \ I \ X ,--- I • • ---__, S"IY CBlll-2 c/w ORFICE OPENING R-102mm I I \ \ \ \ AL.LOWAB..E REI.EASE RAlE Q=11J L/1 ~--1 RIM: !I.J78 N tllET: 7.85J "' "' ~ EX o,n I ' SIGN ~ EDGE OF EXISTING PAVEMENT LOUGHEED HI HWAY 1 SITE SERVICING PLAN SP-01 SCALE: 1 :250 RETAlltlG WAil •• ~-8.-400 9.914 "' "' "' "' "' "' 10,000 GAL. U/G SEPTIC TOW 9.71J ..,, '!,· to SAN CONNECTICNf--::a,r---+------, Olm, '"" 10,000 GAL. SlU llllH-1 Rlt 9.JJ2 S OOILET: 8.0J2 I I I I I / I, ' oJ ·, •. PONDTL#2 U/GSEPTIC -RETMK IAll. IJ!:I z .....J w ~ w .....J 'bf ENI IF R£TAINt«. WH.l """ ~El£YAD9.592 , nLIIIIE: J1 m"J ADJO NING PROPERTY ' ' ' I \ I ) I 'b· I "' ~11 +"' I '-"'>-"-"-""-"-'~I "' Slt-EF04 'V Rli: 9.225 NW INLET: 7.497 S otm.ET: 7.,4J7 'V 5.500m _: 250mm PVC STM 06.00I ii "': i.l: 8.563 N tllET: 7.1D7 "' "' "' ., "' "' .,.. (I.J4il) ROW CHAIN LINK GATE ... ('476) .. ,. B i'tAN LMP29523 EXISTING SAWMILL /1 • ..., ________ -!otj,'>:_ ____ ~;;;;'l,';,.., EX DITOl CB RIM 7.611 '\ • EX. IJ1t:H IE 10 BE CffiARIE> LEGEND Xl090.09 9.690 + -~ 0 • ® 0 IE33 PROPERTY LINE LEASE LINE EX. DRAINAGE PATH EXISTING GRADE FINISHED GRADE EX. ROAD DITCH EX. CATCH BASIN EX. CATCH BASIN TO BE REMOVED EX. MANHOLE TO BE REMOVED SANITARY WATER MAIN STORM EX. WATER WELL CATCH BASIN MANHOLE MANHOLE DRY WELL /CATCH BASIN ~OlC0 ,-... <OlO-o:tl""lN GENERAL NOTES: MUNICIPAL ADDRESS 9450 287 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC LEGAL ADDRESS REM29 PLAN47148 OWNER: CENTEX PETROLEUM PROJECT: SILVERDALE CENTEX (GAS STATION, C-STORE & FOOD PARTNERS) fflLE: SITE SERVICING PLAN DRAWN BY: CAD FILE: ELI E22-D1-SP01 DESIGNED BY: DATE: ELI 20/01/2022 CHKD BY: SCALE: ELI AS SHOWN ELI Consulting Inc. CML ENGINEERING . EROSION &: SEDIMENT CONTROL 230 Edgat>nx>k Clrcle NW, Cc,'9al)', AB T3' 6A2 Tel; 40J-l307-0CH9 Emal; edmunc:llhllconeult.co The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta PERMIT NU UBER: P ons7 DRAWING NO. REV NO. SP-01 2 ' • (11.955) x,'~ START Cf 1£TAINNG Ml -lOTAL L.ENGlH:164 m u~x. HEIIHT:1.6 m 'b' g'' .. .. <}= ~ .. ~ .. + \t. .. ,"> X ,. " !j . li.1115 f ., SllE LIGHTS TO~ "'b~ rlDOVED/RruJCATID ,,. ' -.. ,"f lf----11!i-"'--\ .. ' ' II-----'-/-· .. .. .. .. -~ ., L,,~ EXISllNG S1TE UGflS TO BE "' ..----REMIMD/lm .. OCATED ' ... . o.i'b ~I~'.:!-,-' /~1;s;55 -~ +~ / 3/• ,%.o.Jr---- l(f''' EJOSTING SIii a,_.,,, TO BE REUQIIED -li!lSI .. .. "'It------ .. EXISTII«: El.£ClRICAL IIJILDING ---<; 10 BE REMOVED ,~ (fO.BBO . -RETAINNG WAl.1 .. .. 11.240 COPYRIGHT IE> ELI CONSULTING INC. REPRODUCTION OR USE WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. iD' PLAN 26725 x~'J-i 9.842\ -.. .. .. .. .. DRIVEWAY X DELIVERY AREA ID.677 10.633 .. s.86i557 10.617 10.574 10.393 POTAEI£ :r WA.lER Ylfil POTABLE 1 :-: ..., -.j., "" "' WJR IOOX100 90" El.ll)W~ 11 10.374 ---~ ----'":~·~:~!.~ '""" .. I ~ I I I ~El WIii WUE"c'IKIII !IE ltlEali lNICAL l tANS~ t\Wl -tcnii;;J;r.-117,. X ~ EX!SffiG STU CB~~- TO BE IBl°l ~'\ D.ISllNG SlM UH TO BE IEIOVED 10.112 SIGN ,C, . ~,~- 1 1 GRADING PLAN I ~P-O3, SCALE: 1 :250 ' .. 1P ,c, tl3.21 r-RET,tlN; IALl .. otv1 11iThlRU ~-,, - DRIVE 1.•!'!RJ.Y " / / ;~ ,., • 10.oo .. ,..,. JJ -,. .. .. .. . I I ~ I I I I ..,..._ SITE LIGHTS 10 E RE110VEDfllEJ..DCATED I l I ~ I I \ / / . X'l>· rRETAl4NG WALL (l, Xli.~------------------------- (8.1lll0 X 'b~ • •• V'b• 1,..,1 "" 9.914 l .8 m IIGI EXISTI«, _ : QtHN ~K FENCE I I I I --RETAINNG WH.l I I I ~A I I I x<J / / / / / '·"' 9.821 TOW 9.990_/ tt---llOAINNG Ml ...J w Cl) <( w ...J ~D1Lf2 ..,__ELEVAllON:9.592 '-vruJIIIE: 31 m"J ' f' r::,_-AD.klNINGPR~PERTY , ~ ROW V-.. CHAIN LINK GATE ...... ) .. < .. I ~m .-s:IF--', I ' \ ~-~'°"'6 PRCFERlY _/ X'b~ ~ 'lf---• .. ""'TE\ '""' "" I .,~~ ~,._,,_,.__,~ ' • ~'l>'I, \ '6> 9.740 1 ,. Xtl· PRCFOSED BERCDCY EXSIIIG DllOI SIii C8III 3 RIM: 8.563- .,., (a58a) II .,,. ""-!!"i (1..341) ,- ~ 'b· R!IJTE .... (a,76) . .,. . I f . . B x-M.AN LMP29523 X'b~ EXISTING SAWMILL I EX DrnJi eel~..,...... RIM 7.611h~ . ~ /4 LEGEND ---------------- Xl090.09 9.690 + -~ 0 • ® 0 IE33 PROPERTY LINE LEASE LINE EX. DRAINAGE PATH EXISTING GRADE FINISHED GRADE EX. ROAD DITCH EX. CATCH BASIN EX. CATCH BASIN TO BE REMOVED EX. MANHOLE TO BE REMOVED SANITARY WATER MAIN STORM EX. WATER WELL CATCH BASIN MANHOLE MANHOLE DRY WELL /CATCH BASIN GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL ELEVATIONS, STATIONS, PIPE LENGTH, AND DIMENSIONS IN METRES AND PIPE SIZES IN MILLIMETRES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. SITE PLAN IS PROVIDED BY DESIGN WORKS . 3. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY INFO IS PROVIDED BY WADE & ASSOCIATES LAND SURVEYING LTD. 4. ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND SITE SERVICES ARE BASED ON EXISTING SITE SURVEY INFORMATION. IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED HYDROVAC OF THESE LINES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 5. ALL WORK TO CONFIRM TO THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. 6. CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM LOCATION OF ALL ONSITE EXISTING UTILITIES TIE-IN PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION & NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL CHECK ALL PLANS, REPORT ANY CONFLICTS TO ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. MUNICIPAL ADDRESS 9450 287 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC LEGAL ADDRESS REM29 PLAN47148 OWNER: CENTEX PETROLEUM PROJECT: SILVERDALE CENTEX (GAS STATION, C-STORE & FOOD PARTNERS) fflLE: GRADING PLAN DRAWN BY: CAD FILE: ELI E22-01-SP01 DESIGNED BY: DATE: ELI 20/01/2022 CHKD BY: SCALE: ELI AS SHOWN ELI Consulting Inc. CML ENGINEERING . EROSION &: SEDIMENT CONTROL 230 Edgat>nx>k Clrcle NW, Cc,'9al)', AB T3' 6A2 Tel; 40J-l307-0CH9 Emal; edmunc:llhllconeult.co The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta PERMIT NU UBER: P 071.57 DRAWING NO. REV NO. SP-02 2 1-----~" f-z w ::; ~ <( Q_ {!) z F Cf) x w S/GNB ---0- ~ EXIST. CURB (11.181) N co N r-- " 1 • EX 1111T STMJ mu,.,. " EXIST. CURB • 20 PLAN 26725 113.21 r,.,.-_(., _ _-~ .-::,.1f."-, . .:;.J!,-f_.--'.,1f-~'".:~ T ~ .. . -~· .. i . . -: ,:··, -,-. • ~ 1(/'-;_·'-I>. >'fl :~~·/;_f_; / :~~. <;:◄_'-i/,j-• EXISTING BUILDING .,.,._,..._,_,.,.,.,.-,,. .. ·\t·-t,-,,:.~,~-;_:'.;, i-,.'.·_:,;.:-¥ -i<i~•{t'i x;~;{C:, :h...L..-L,{DEMOLITION / RENOVATION)-~--1 '·,. ,·~·,i '";'., -·;.:,::~ (-· ·.~,~-~:~,:-0,~-•:~; 1;_{~\, :-,-_.;;i ,;</f >( .,.,_ ·,· .,., "· ,,<\,, ,--~ ,-,c .· _.,., .. -~ ' .· .,__ ,,.._ __..,.. :~ "' ·-'f. ..,. .. ·,. :ti'.. ' .,, ; . _,.,.,' -:1' , . "' . .,., '·'1' _ .x_> /~.:i' i~): / sc,-1-1 ._ .. :~ , ·:.'... i: ::/ .. t-'--<-·: -~-: __ .; ~c:··r/: -~:. _:.-:-~--' 1• ·l-, ,::--~ ._, __ : \ .. --:·-_f._ f: -~: :/:_·_ :=)'!:~~: ·;\·, -:-.:~-/-_:--,:'~ --~--~ -X:~q . .-•• ~, <~ .,, ,., -~ ....... ~, _~:~·'1-_·,-'l'-', .... ~ .. ;<r-,:-,L;·., _:--~_~:-,,?'-.'.;.~1i-.-/~if·-;, i·---~ ~·:i-1L ... '._-.• ,~·,,..:.:1!: "'..., L,-...L-,-'-t-'---.'--.--L,--'-,---'---,-'-,'---,'--,-"',--'-T--'---,~,'"",-i: II 11 EDGE OF EXISTING PAVEMENT LOUGHEED HI HWAY 1 DRAINAGE PLAN -PRE-DEVELOPMENT SP-03 SCALE: 1 :300 COPYRIGHT c ELI CONSULTING INC. REPRODUCTION OR USE WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. w z ....I w ~ ....I B PLAN LMP29523 •=m All 7.811 LEGEND EXISTING ( PRE-DEVELOPMENT) SITE CONDITIONS SURFACE AREA (m2) C EX. ROOF 671 1.00 ¢ EX. CONCRETE 156 1.00 a::_1· • ::r • ·5_ 1· 2 · ·:3 _]_[_ --_[ EX. ASPHALT 7199 0.90 EX. LANDSCAPING 318 0.30 TOTAL 8344 0.89 TIME OF CONCENTRATION Where Tc Tc = Ti = Tt Ti + Tt TIME OF CONCENTRATION (minutes) INLET OR OVERLAND FLOW TIME (minutes) TRAVEL TIME IN SEWER. DITCHES. CHANNELS OR WATER COURSES (minutes) INLET OR OVERLAND FLOW TIME (Ti) CATCHMENT NUMBER lYPICAL INLET TIMES FOR URBAN AREAS COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL/INSTITUTIONAL = 5 minutes Travel Time (Tt) Tt = Ct*L •n / 12s°·5 Where Tl = TRAVEL TIME (MINUTES) Therefore: Ct = FLOW TRAVEL COEFFICIENT (0.5) L = LENGTH OF FLOW (131 M) n = ROUGHNESS COEFFICIENT 0.050 NATURAL CHANNELS 0.030 EXCAVATED DITCHES OR PACKED CLAY 0.013 ASPHALT OR CONCRETE LINED CHANNELS 0.013 CONCRETE OR PVC PIPE s = SLOPE IN M/M (0.0145) Tt = 0.5*131*0.013 / 12(0.0145)0-5 = 0.59 minutes Tc = 5 + 0.59 =5.59 minutes PRE-DEVELOPMENT STORM RETENTION CALCULATIONS BASED ON RATIONAL METHOD FOR 1 :5 YEAR RUNOFF COEFFICIENT R=0.887 ALLOWABLE DISCHARGE RATE Q,1 TO PUBLIC STORM SYSTEM BASED ON UNGAUGED IDF FOR LAT: 49.17388' AND LON: -122.42822" (ONSITE LOCATION) 5 YEAR RETURN PERIOD 5 MINUTES DURATION I = 55.80mm/hr 0,,1 = CiA/360 (m3 /s) WHERE C = RUNOFF COEFFICIENT A = DRAINAGE AREA (ha) I = RAINFALL INTENSllY (mm/hr) 0.887*0.8344*55.80/360 = 0.115 m 3/s ALLOWABLE DISCHARGE RATE 0,,1 TO PUBLIC STORM SYSTEM BASED ON UNGAUGED IDF FOR LAT: 49.17388" AND LON: -122.42822" (ONSITE LOCATION) 5 YEAR RETURN PERIOD 5.59 MINUTES DURATION I = 55mm/hr 0,,1 = CiA/360 (m3 /s) WHERE C = RUNOFF COEFFICIENT A = DRAINAGE AREA (ha) I = RAINFALL INTENSllY (mm/hr) = 0.887*0.8344*55/360 = 0.113 m 3/s ALLOWABLE DISCHARGE RATE Q,1 TO PUBLIC STORM SYSTEM BASED ON UNGAUGED IDF FOR LAT: 49.17388" AND LON: -122.42822" (ONSITE LOCATION) 5 YEAR RETURN PERIOD 15 MINUTES DURATION I = 32.80mm/hr 0,,1 = CiA/360 (m3/s) WHERE C = RUNOFF COEFFICIENT A = DRAINAGE AREA (ha) I = RAINFALL INTENSllY (mm/hr) = 0.887*0.8344*32.80/360 = 0.067 m 3/s PROPERlY LINE LEASE LINE EX. DRAINAGE PATH EX ROOF AREA EX. CONCRETE AREA EX, ASPHALT AREA EX. LANDSCAPING AREA SUB-CATCHMENT AREA ID 0 ,,, "' ,-.. "' "' .,. "' GENERAL NOTES: MUNICIPAL ADDRESS 9450 287 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC LEGAL ADDRESS REM29 PLAN47148 OWNER: --' >--:l' :::, 0 0 5 0: a. a. <( "' >= 0: V> e Cl "' Cl V> "' ~ :::, V> 0: !!! :::J :::J "' "' N N N N ' ' "' "' ~ ~ ,,, -N "' N CENTEX PETROLEUM PROJECT: SILVERDALE CENTEX --' :l' 0 0: a. a. ,,: z 0: e 0 ;::: a. Cl iE "' 0 :::, V> V> "' !!! Cl :::J ~ "' N t N ' ::,; ~ ::,; ' Cl N Cl 0 i;; 0: (GAS STATION, C-STORE & FOOD PARTNERS) fflLE: DRAINAGE PLAN • PRE-DEVELOPMENT DRAWN BY: CAD FILE: ELI E22-01-SP01 DESIGNED BY: DATE: ELI 20/01/2022 CHKD BY: SCALE: ELI AS SHOWN ELI Consulting Inc. CML ENGINEERING . EROSION &: SEDIMENT CONTROL 230 Edgat>nx>k Clrcle NW, Cc,'9al)', AB T3' 6A2 Tel; 40J-l307-0CH9 Emal; edmunc:llhllconeult.co The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta PERMIT NU UBER: P 07257 DRAWING NO. REV NO. SP-03 2 \ 20 • PLAN 26725 ..., ou,,1 Ji X " l X X " II I ii / 1 '1 DRAINAGE PLAN -POST DEVELOPMENT I ,sP-01, SCALE: 1 :300 COPYRIGHT IE> ELI CONSULTING INC. REPRODUCTION OR USE WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. . UXh -~_/ .... {I"') II --- "" B PLAN LMP29523 [ ________ _ EXISTING SAWMILL -I .... ..,,,. .. uiir EX. rn:11 al 'II II( alllRIID • Storage Volume Where Tr Tc Qp1 Qp2 Qrel = LEGEND ----------------- -,,-....,.. -• ---., ---r-.--3 + + + + + + + ----·-··-··-··7 i i c_" ---;:==:;-----.. J CATCHMENT NUMBER .,I ~· AREA(m2,IFACTOR PROPER1Y LINE LEASE LINE PROP. DRAINAGE PATH PROP. ROOF AREA PROP. CONCRETE AREA PROP. ASPHALT AREA PROP. LANDSCAPING AREA PROP. TRAPLOW SUB-CATCHMENT AREA ID PROP. OVERFLOW SPILL POST DEVELOPMENT SITE CONDITIONS SURFACE AREA (m2) C ROOFS 687 1,00 CONCRETE 760 1.00 ASPHALT 5635 0,90 LANDSCAPING 1262 0,30 TOTAL 8344 0.83 POST DEVELOPMENT STORM RETENTION CALCULATIONS BASED ON RATIONAL METHOD ACTUAL DISCHARGE RATE Qp 2 TO PUBLIC STORM SYSTEM BASED ON UNGAUGED IDF FOR LAT: 49.17388" AND LON: -122.42822" (ONSITE LOCATION) 100 YEAR RETURN PERIOD 5 MINUTES DURATION I = 140.00mm/hr Qp 2 = CIA/360 (m3 /s) WHERE C = RUNOFF COEFFICIENT A = DRAINAGE AREA (ha) I = RAINFALL INTENSl1Y (mm/hr) = 0.85*0.8344*140.0/360 = 0.276 m3 /s ACTUAL DISCHARGE RATE Qp 2 TO PUBLIC STORM SYSTEM BASED ON UNGAUGED IDF FOR LAT: 49.17388" AND LON: -122.42822" (ONSITE LOCATION) 100 YEAR RETURN PERIOD 5.59 MINUTES DURATION I = 138.00mm/hr Qp 2 = CIA/360 (m3 /s) WHERE C = RUNOFF COEFFICIENT A = DRAINAGE AREA (ha) I = RAINFALL INTENSl1Y (mm/hr) = 0.85*0.8344*138/360 0.272 m3 /s ACTUAL DISCHARGE RATE Oi,2 TO PUBLIC STORM SYSTEM BASED ON UNGAUGED IDF FOR LAT: 49.17388" AND LON: -122.42822' (ONSITE LOCATION) 100 YEAR RETURN PERIOD 15 MINUTES DURATION I = 67.73mm/hr Oi,2 = CIA/360 (m3 /s) WHERE C = RUNOFF COEFFICIENT A = DRAINAGE AREA (ha) I = RAINFALL INTENSl1Y (mm/hr) = 0.85*0.8344*67.73/360 = 0.133 m3/s Tr*(Qp2-Qrel) + 0.5*Tc*{(1/Qp2)-(1/Qp1)) '"(Qrel),,_2 duration of specified storm (seconds) time of concentration (seconds) peak flow for storm duration Tr= Tc (rn3/s) peak flow for specified storm duration (m31s) maximum rate (m3/s) 5 .59 minutes 0.1130 m3/s 0.1130 m3/s Given: Orel =0.140m3/s and Tc =5.59 minutes Post development 1 :100 year return Hyd No. Rainfall Rainfall Duration Tr intensity I (min) (mm/hr) 5 140 2 15 67.73 3 5.59 138 Peak Flow QP2 (m3/s) 0.2760 0.1330 0.2720 Inflow Runoff Volume (m3) 82.8 119.7 91.2 STORMWATER POND STORAGE VOLUME PROVIDED 75m3 GREATER REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME 42.25m3 Max Release Required Qrel (m3/s) Storage Volume (m3) 0.113 37.72 0.113 15.15 0.113 42.25 GENERAL NOTES: MUNICIPAL ADDRESS 9450 287 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC LEGAL ADDRESS REM29 PLAN47148 OWNER: CENTEX PETROLEUM PROJECT: SILVERDALE CENTEX (GAS STATION, C-STORE & FOOD PARTNERS) fflLE: DRAINAGE PLAN - POST DEVELOPMENT DRAWN BY: CAD FILE: ELI E22-01-SP01 DESIGNED BY: DATE: ELI 20/01/2022 CHKD BY: SCALE: ELI AS SHOWN ELI Consulting Inc. CML ENGINEERING EROSION &: SEDIMENT CONTROL 230 Edgat>nx>k Clrcla NW, Cc,'9al)', AB T3' 6A2 Tel; 40J-l307-0CH9 Emal; edmunc:llhllconeult.co The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta PERMIT NU UBER: P 07257 DRAWING NO. REV NO. SP-04 2 C) C) -s;I- N 5!2.1 N A Tl VE --------''=" MATERIAL , . 1000 (TYP.) -, . ,. 1220111 MANHOLE PRECAST SECTION WITH 75x150mm HOLES SPACED VERTICALLY 150mm O.C. AND HORIZONTALLY 200 O.C. ]'Or ,9> -EXCAVATION BACKFlLLED WITH DRAIN ROCK 75-200mm $1 ~20mm GRAVEL BASE MATERIAL CATCH BASIN/DRY WELL (CB/DW-3) DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. CURVED TO FIT CATCHBASINS AT MANHOLE ~ RETAINER PLATE ... ,1·----"-'50:..::0;__ ___ .J<,I< OVER SHIM PLATE ORIFICE PLATE 13mm GAUGE PVC MIN 11mm X 11mm BEVEL ON PIPE SIDE FRONT VIEW 0 0 ,,., SHIM PLATE 19mm GAUGE PVC 2 HOLES 8mm H X 20mm V ICD ORIFICE PLATE DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. COPYRIGHT c ELI CONSULTING INC. REPRODUCTION OR USE WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. RETAINER PLATE 13mm GAUGE PVC 2 HOLES 8mm Ill 0 0 ~ 0 0 "' ISOMETRIC VIEW --' ;; 0 "' 0. 0. .. "' z e 0 ;::: 0. C iE w 0 :, {/) {/) w '!! C ~ o:, C0 ,-.. <O lO 0 i;; "' GENERAL NOTES: MUNICIPAL ADDRESS 9450 287 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC LEGAL ADDRESS REM29 PLAN47148 OWNER: CENTEX PETROLEUM PROJECT: SILVERDALE CENTEX (GAS STATION, C-STORE & FOOD PARTNERS) fflLE: DETAILS DRAWN BY: CAD FILE: ELI E22-01-SP01 DESIGNED BY: DATE: ELI 20/01/2022 CHKD BY: SCALE: ELI AS SHOWN ELI Consulting Inc. CML ENGINEERING . EROSION &: SEDIMENT CONTROL 230 Edgat>nx>k Clrcle NW, Cc,'9al)', AB T3' 6A2 Tel; 40J-l307-0CH9 Emal; edmunc:llhllconeult.co The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta PERMIT NU UBER: P 07257 DRAWING NO. REV NO. SP-05 0