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City City City City of Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel held in the Blaney
Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on
Tuesday, March 10, 2015, at 4:00 pm.
Roger Amenyogbe Architect
Johnny Leung Architect
Mark Lesack Architect
Kyoung Bae Park Landscape Architect
Sunny Schiller Committee Clerk
Adrian Kopystynski Planner II
Blair Arbuthnot Landscape Architect
The Staff Liaison called the meeting to order at 4:15 pm. AAAAGENDA ADOPTION GENDA ADOPTION GENDA ADOPTION GENDA ADOPTION
R1R1R1R15555----000001010101 It was moved and seconded
That the That the That the That the Advisory Design Panel Advisory Design Panel Advisory Design Panel Advisory Design Panel AgendaAgendaAgendaAgenda dated dated dated dated March 10March 10March 10March 10, 201, 201, 201, 2015555 be adoptedbe adoptedbe adoptedbe adopted....
R1R1R1R15555----000002020202 It was moved and seconded
That the That the That the That the Minute Notes of January 2015 Minute Notes of January 2015 Minute Notes of January 2015 Minute Notes of January 2015 be be be be approved.approved.approved.approved.
Maple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel
Tuesday, March 10, 2015Tuesday, March 10, 2015Tuesday, March 10, 2015Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MinutesMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MinutesMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MinutesMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page Page Page Page 2222 of of of of 7777 PROJECTSPROJECTSPROJECTSPROJECTS
Development Permit: 2014-092-DP
Applicant: Integrated Construction
Project Architect: Architect- Larry Podhora
Landscape Architect: KD Planning Design Ltd., Stephen Watt
Owners: Anmore Holdings Inc. No. BC0786716
Proposal: Industrial Development Permit for a warehouse to
accommodate additional storage space for an existing
cabinet manufacturing business on the adjacent
property to the west.
Location: 20210 113B Avenue
File Manager: Michelle Baski
The following applicants were present at the meeting:
Architect Larry Podhora
Landscape Architect Stephen Watt
The Staff Liaison gave an overview of the project, which is an industrial development permit
application. The property is owned by Canterbury Kitchens, a manufacturer which owns lands
to the south and is expanding. This application complies with zoning requirements and
provides a good interface with the surroundings.
Architect Larry Podhora explained that this is a modest industrial project, not visible from the
street. The landscaping will provide some visual and acoustic buffers on the site to the
adjacent residential area. The design allows the new building to blend in with the neighbouring
buildings on the site. There is vehicle access behind the proposed building between the
existing Canterbury Kitchens building and the proposed site. They are planning improvements
to the existing frontage landscaping and cedar hedging and deciduous trees are planned along
the rear of the application site.
The Panel questioned the applicants in regards to the implication of leasing the building in the
future, security fencing and building access. Comments were provided in regards to the
parallel parking space, pedestrian access and the employee picnic area. Fire truck access to
the site and the need for a turning area in the area of the storage yard was discussed. The
functionality of the planned acoustic fence was discussed. A suggestion was made to change
the canopy treatment. No freestanding sign was proposed. The placement of potential roof
mounted equipment was discussed. There is no major roof equipment planned; however, such
equipment will be screened if located in an area that is viable. Responding to the lack of
detailing on the north elevation, it was noted Building 1 obstructs this view from the street.
After discussion it was
R1R1R1R15555----000003030303 It was moved and seconded
That the That the That the That the following concerns be addressed and digital versions of revised drawings and memo following concerns be addressed and digital versions of revised drawings and memo following concerns be addressed and digital versions of revised drawings and memo following concerns be addressed and digital versions of revised drawings and memo
be submitted to Planning staff; and further that Planning staff forward this on to the Advisory be submitted to Planning staff; and further that Planning staff forward this on to the Advisory be submitted to Planning staff; and further that Planning staff forward this on to the Advisory be submitted to Planning staff; and further that Planning staff forward this on to the Advisory
Design Panel for information:Design Panel for information:Design Panel for information:Design Panel for information:
Maple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel
Tuesday, March 10, 2015Tuesday, March 10, 2015Tuesday, March 10, 2015Tuesday, March 10, 2015
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- Provide Provide Provide Provide clarification regarding the fire truck aisle, including adding dimensions and clarifying clarification regarding the fire truck aisle, including adding dimensions and clarifying clarification regarding the fire truck aisle, including adding dimensions and clarifying clarification regarding the fire truck aisle, including adding dimensions and clarifying
the portion shown encroaching on the adjacent lotthe portion shown encroaching on the adjacent lotthe portion shown encroaching on the adjacent lotthe portion shown encroaching on the adjacent lot
- Show the location of fencing on the site plan more clearly and how it integrates with fencing Show the location of fencing on the site plan more clearly and how it integrates with fencing Show the location of fencing on the site plan more clearly and how it integrates with fencing Show the location of fencing on the site plan more clearly and how it integrates with fencing
of the overall two siteof the overall two siteof the overall two siteof the overall two sitessss
- Explore augmenting the building mounted lighting with other lighting on the siteExplore augmenting the building mounted lighting with other lighting on the siteExplore augmenting the building mounted lighting with other lighting on the siteExplore augmenting the building mounted lighting with other lighting on the site
- Increase the portion of the site that is landscaped, including the rear landscaping area Increase the portion of the site that is landscaped, including the rear landscaping area Increase the portion of the site that is landscaped, including the rear landscaping area Increase the portion of the site that is landscaped, including the rear landscaping area
visible from the parking area, breaking up the parking area (where tuning movements visible from the parking area, breaking up the parking area (where tuning movements visible from the parking area, breaking up the parking area (where tuning movements visible from the parking area, breaking up the parking area (where tuning movements
permit) and the area for picnic use to be better sheltered with landscaping by including a permit) and the area for picnic use to be better sheltered with landscaping by including a permit) and the area for picnic use to be better sheltered with landscaping by including a permit) and the area for picnic use to be better sheltered with landscaping by including a
- Consider providing defined pedestrian access from the street sidewalk to Building 1 and Consider providing defined pedestrian access from the street sidewalk to Building 1 and Consider providing defined pedestrian access from the street sidewalk to Building 1 and Consider providing defined pedestrian access from the street sidewalk to Building 1 and
enhance the pedestrian access area along the front of Building 2enhance the pedestrian access area along the front of Building 2enhance the pedestrian access area along the front of Building 2enhance the pedestrian access area along the front of Building 2
- IntrodIntrodIntrodIntroduce layers of plants and colours in the rear landscaping area incorporating a minor uce layers of plants and colours in the rear landscaping area incorporating a minor uce layers of plants and colours in the rear landscaping area incorporating a minor uce layers of plants and colours in the rear landscaping area incorporating a minor
level of storm water management level of storm water management level of storm water management level of storm water management
- Relocate the parallel parking space in front of Building 2 that conflicts with the building Relocate the parallel parking space in front of Building 2 that conflicts with the building Relocate the parallel parking space in front of Building 2 that conflicts with the building Relocate the parallel parking space in front of Building 2 that conflicts with the building
- Consider increasing the number of bicyConsider increasing the number of bicyConsider increasing the number of bicyConsider increasing the number of bicycle storage stalls in a suitably landscape the areacle storage stalls in a suitably landscape the areacle storage stalls in a suitably landscape the areacle storage stalls in a suitably landscape the area
Development Permit No: 2014-028-DP
Applicant: MacLean Homes Ltd.
Project Architect: Garcia Zunino Architects (Marcela Zunino)
Landscape Architect: Viewpoint Landscape Architects (Lena Chorobik)
Owners: Vladimir Levinson & Anita Mar
Proposal: Multi-family Residential
Location: 12080 Edge, 22554/66/76 121 Street
File Manager: Adrian Kopystynski
The following applicants were present at the meeting:
Architect Marcela Garcia Zunino
Architect Luis Zunino
Landscape Architect Lena Chorobik
Developers Josh MacLean and Dave Webster
The Staff Liaison provided an overview of the Edge 2 condominium project located at the
corner of Edge Street and 121 Avenue. The properties near the development include a church,
schools and a community garden. A space for public art will be set aside at the corner of the
development to contribute to the community space.
Ms. Zunino explained the proposed project, a centrally located condominium development.
This will be a five storey, 73 unit, apartment building with a contemporary look. The exterior
materials are mostly Hardie panels in an earth tone palette, with highlights of stone at the
building bottom, on the porticos and at the main entrance to the building.
The primary entrance is on 121 Avenue with a secondary entrance on Edge Street. The units
on the ground floor have their own entrances. There is an amenity space for use by the whole
building. A lane design is planned to increase the urban feel of the area.
Maple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel
Tuesday, March 10, 2015Tuesday, March 10, 2015Tuesday, March 10, 2015Tuesday, March 10, 2015
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Ms. Chorobik outlined the planned landscaping. Existing trees on the site will be removed and
replaced with approximately 40 new trees. An open type planting is planned for the side of the
building on Edge Street. Each ground unit has plantings with small trees and hedges
separating the units. The south side yards are large and will include shade trees. An exterior
amenity area will be wheelchair accessible. The edges of the development are transparent
and open.
A request was made for more detailed information on hardscape material. Suggestions were
made for a bench area on Edge St. Wall mount lighting was suggested. The design of the
entrance areas was discussed. Exits were discussed (fire code issue). Stairways design was
questioned / clarified re: stair case meeting code. Balcony overhang – increase balcony
canopy to provide increased protection to those units with two floors. Including an outdoor
patio space / roof top garden was suggested. Entry way canopy design – further detail
requested. Balcony design accepts were clarified. The slope and grade toward the street are
unclear relative to modifying the planned grades (no sidewalk currently exists). Suggestions
were made about: increasing the vibrancy of the colour palette; highlighting more strongly the
parkade entrance; relating the upper floor penthouse elements to rest of building; tying lower
and upper window elements. There were questions on how the visitor parking area would be
secured from the resident parking, and increased definition of reveals. The location and
provision of public art is appropriate for the Town Centre area and it was suggested that public
seating and other amenities be incorporated to better celebrate the corner and tie it to uses
across the street. After discussion
R1R1R1R15555----000004040404 It was moved and seconded
That the following concerns be addressed and digital versions of revised drawings and memo That the following concerns be addressed and digital versions of revised drawings and memo That the following concerns be addressed and digital versions of revised drawings and memo That the following concerns be addressed and digital versions of revised drawings and memo
be submitted to Planning staff; and further that Planning staff forward this on tobe submitted to Planning staff; and further that Planning staff forward this on tobe submitted to Planning staff; and further that Planning staff forward this on tobe submitted to Planning staff; and further that Planning staff forward this on to the Advisory the Advisory the Advisory the Advisory
Design Panel for information:Design Panel for information:Design Panel for information:Design Panel for information:
- Provide Provide Provide Provide more information about hard surfacing to be used, including a legendmore information about hard surfacing to be used, including a legendmore information about hard surfacing to be used, including a legendmore information about hard surfacing to be used, including a legend
- Provide revised sections with landscaping, sloping and grading information that demonstrate Provide revised sections with landscaping, sloping and grading information that demonstrate Provide revised sections with landscaping, sloping and grading information that demonstrate Provide revised sections with landscaping, sloping and grading information that demonstrate
the underground parking building slope and height out of the ground is properly coordinated the underground parking building slope and height out of the ground is properly coordinated the underground parking building slope and height out of the ground is properly coordinated the underground parking building slope and height out of the ground is properly coordinated
with the ultimate curb and sidewalk elevation for convenient pedestrian with the ultimate curb and sidewalk elevation for convenient pedestrian with the ultimate curb and sidewalk elevation for convenient pedestrian with the ultimate curb and sidewalk elevation for convenient pedestrian access and to access and to access and to access and to
minimize the slope of the front yards for ground level units minimize the slope of the front yards for ground level units minimize the slope of the front yards for ground level units minimize the slope of the front yards for ground level units
- Improve the identiImprove the identiImprove the identiImprove the identitytytyty and detail of the vehicand detail of the vehicand detail of the vehicand detail of the vehicle and two pedestrian entrancesle and two pedestrian entrancesle and two pedestrian entrancesle and two pedestrian entrances
- Provide more definition to the front entrance canopyProvide more definition to the front entrance canopyProvide more definition to the front entrance canopyProvide more definition to the front entrance canopy
- Improve the front entrance with more decorative Improve the front entrance with more decorative Improve the front entrance with more decorative Improve the front entrance with more decorative surface treatment, pavers, etc, as well as surface treatment, pavers, etc, as well as surface treatment, pavers, etc, as well as surface treatment, pavers, etc, as well as
confirming the ramp slope is code compliant confirming the ramp slope is code compliant confirming the ramp slope is code compliant confirming the ramp slope is code compliant
- Improve the Edge Street entrance and interface by adding decorative surface treatment, Improve the Edge Street entrance and interface by adding decorative surface treatment, Improve the Edge Street entrance and interface by adding decorative surface treatment, Improve the Edge Street entrance and interface by adding decorative surface treatment,
incorporating a ramp incorporating a ramp incorporating a ramp incorporating a ramp if if if if necessitated by access requirements necessitated by access requirements necessitated by access requirements necessitated by access requirements
- Review and provide mReview and provide mReview and provide mReview and provide more clarity about the stairwells to the underground parking. Consider ore clarity about the stairwells to the underground parking. Consider ore clarity about the stairwells to the underground parking. Consider ore clarity about the stairwells to the underground parking. Consider
adding canopies and landings at exterior stairs.adding canopies and landings at exterior stairs.adding canopies and landings at exterior stairs.adding canopies and landings at exterior stairs.
- Review vestibule requirements for interior stairsReview vestibule requirements for interior stairsReview vestibule requirements for interior stairsReview vestibule requirements for interior stairs
- Review exiting requirements from the upper floors to the exterior through lobbies.Review exiting requirements from the upper floors to the exterior through lobbies.Review exiting requirements from the upper floors to the exterior through lobbies.Review exiting requirements from the upper floors to the exterior through lobbies.
- Use Use Use Use a more colorful palette for the buildinga more colorful palette for the buildinga more colorful palette for the buildinga more colorful palette for the building
- Improve the relationship between the loft windows and the building elements and windows Improve the relationship between the loft windows and the building elements and windows Improve the relationship between the loft windows and the building elements and windows Improve the relationship between the loft windows and the building elements and windows
used on the lower floorsused on the lower floorsused on the lower floorsused on the lower floors
- Confirm use of battens or reveals as this may inform architectural expression. Confirm use of battens or reveals as this may inform architectural expression. Confirm use of battens or reveals as this may inform architectural expression. Confirm use of battens or reveals as this may inform architectural expression.
- Add architectural detaAdd architectural detaAdd architectural detaAdd architectural details to tie in the penthouses with the lower part of the buildingils to tie in the penthouses with the lower part of the buildingils to tie in the penthouses with the lower part of the buildingils to tie in the penthouses with the lower part of the building
Maple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel
Tuesday, March 10, 2015Tuesday, March 10, 2015Tuesday, March 10, 2015Tuesday, March 10, 2015
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- Add weather protection to upper balconies that may be exposedAdd weather protection to upper balconies that may be exposedAdd weather protection to upper balconies that may be exposedAdd weather protection to upper balconies that may be exposed
- Describe more fully how the underground parking areas will function, and consider adding a Describe more fully how the underground parking areas will function, and consider adding a Describe more fully how the underground parking areas will function, and consider adding a Describe more fully how the underground parking areas will function, and consider adding a
separate gate between the parking for visitors and residents thereby improve the security of separate gate between the parking for visitors and residents thereby improve the security of separate gate between the parking for visitors and residents thereby improve the security of separate gate between the parking for visitors and residents thereby improve the security of
the resident parking area the resident parking area the resident parking area the resident parking area
- In addition to providing public art, considerIn addition to providing public art, considerIn addition to providing public art, considerIn addition to providing public art, consider a stronger relationship with the institutional uses a stronger relationship with the institutional uses a stronger relationship with the institutional uses a stronger relationship with the institutional uses
to the north (Church, schools and community gardens) with seating and features such as to the north (Church, schools and community gardens) with seating and features such as to the north (Church, schools and community gardens) with seating and features such as to the north (Church, schools and community gardens) with seating and features such as
lighting or water at the cornerlighting or water at the cornerlighting or water at the cornerlighting or water at the corner
- Consider having a different colour and texture for the decorative pavement and increConsider having a different colour and texture for the decorative pavement and increConsider having a different colour and texture for the decorative pavement and increConsider having a different colour and texture for the decorative pavement and increasing asing asing asing
the seating wall depth from 12” to 18” for the amenity patio areathe seating wall depth from 12” to 18” for the amenity patio areathe seating wall depth from 12” to 18” for the amenity patio areathe seating wall depth from 12” to 18” for the amenity patio area
- Provide details for pedestrian and Provide details for pedestrian and Provide details for pedestrian and Provide details for pedestrian and building lightbuilding lightbuilding lightbuilding lightinginginging
- Provide details for stormwater management suitabProvide details for stormwater management suitabProvide details for stormwater management suitabProvide details for stormwater management suitably coordinated with landscapingly coordinated with landscapingly coordinated with landscapingly coordinated with landscaping
Development Permit No: 2014-072-DP
Applicant: Bissky Architecture and Design
Project Architect: Wayne Bissky
Landscape Architect: David Stoyko
Owners: Marek and Kinga Gallus; John and Chrysan Chen;
Harminder Shokar; Fadil Berisha
Proposal: Commercial and Multi-Family Development
Location: 13738, 13702, 13660 232 St., & 23262 Silver Valley
File Manager: Amelia Bowden
The following applicants were present at the meeting:
Architect Wayne Bissky
Landscape Architect David Stoyko
The applicants returned to address the ten recommendations previously made by the ADP in
regards to this application. Each recommendation was addressed specifically. Changes made
to the original design include a greater diversification of plantings; the number of bioswale
connections on 232A has been modified to provide fewer, more significant connections; more
detail has been provided on the blank end wall of the townhouse building; two different colour
schemes are now being used. A suggestion was made for minor changes to the retaining wall
at the commercial site. Adding public amenity and seating toward the street from the soft /
natural landscaping in the south could become contrasting contemplative public space. After
R1R1R1R15555----000005050505 It was moved and seconded
ThThThThat that that that the application be supported and the following concerns e application be supported and the following concerns e application be supported and the following concerns e application be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design be addressed as the design be addressed as the design be addressed as the design
develops and submitted to Planning staff (File Manager) for follow up:develops and submitted to Planning staff (File Manager) for follow up:develops and submitted to Planning staff (File Manager) for follow up:develops and submitted to Planning staff (File Manager) for follow up:
- Remove the small window in unit facing the commercial areaRemove the small window in unit facing the commercial areaRemove the small window in unit facing the commercial areaRemove the small window in unit facing the commercial area
- Insure landscaping in renderings is shown on landscaping plans (i.e the landscaping bed Insure landscaping in renderings is shown on landscaping plans (i.e the landscaping bed Insure landscaping in renderings is shown on landscaping plans (i.e the landscaping bed Insure landscaping in renderings is shown on landscaping plans (i.e the landscaping bed
depicted depicted depicted depicted in rendering A7.1 into the landscaping plan L1.1)in rendering A7.1 into the landscaping plan L1.1)in rendering A7.1 into the landscaping plan L1.1)in rendering A7.1 into the landscaping plan L1.1)
- Provide seating along toward the street in the Bio Pond #4 to create a contemplative space Provide seating along toward the street in the Bio Pond #4 to create a contemplative space Provide seating along toward the street in the Bio Pond #4 to create a contemplative space Provide seating along toward the street in the Bio Pond #4 to create a contemplative space
to balance the hard and active corner plaza area associated with the commercial building.to balance the hard and active corner plaza area associated with the commercial building.to balance the hard and active corner plaza area associated with the commercial building.to balance the hard and active corner plaza area associated with the commercial building.
Maple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel
Tuesday, March 10, 2015Tuesday, March 10, 2015Tuesday, March 10, 2015Tuesday, March 10, 2015
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Development Permit No: 2014-065-DP
Applicant: Scott Gordon
Project Architect: Scott Gordon Architect
Landscape Architect: Jonathan Losee Ltd.
Owners: Cameron Court Apartments Ltd.
Proposal: Renovation of an existing Mixed Use Building in
Town Centre
Location: 22355 McIntosh Avenue
File Manager: Ann Edwards
The following applicants were present at the meeting:
Architect Scott Gordon
Landscape Architect Jonathan Losee
The Staff Liaison introduced the project, which has a focuses on changes to the exterior of an
existing building. This building suffered extensive fire and water damage due to a fire in the
structure, and is being renovated inside and out. This presents the opportunity to give the
building a more contemporary design as well as improve its functionality. Variance may be
needed to accommodate the “as-built” situation.
The Architect gave an overview of the planned project. Originally built in the 1960s, the
building has suffered a fire and water damage. The owners are making changes to improve
the exterior of the building, which will continue as a rental property. Hardie board siding and
panels will be used to lighten up the exterior. The planned landscaping was presented. Private
paved landscaped patios are planned for the ground floor units.
Questions in regards to planned landscaping were answered. A suggestion was made in
regards to providing canopies to a couple of unprotected balconies. Exit stair design was
discussed. Visitor parking and access to the commercial space was discussed. The limited
opportunities for providing landscape at grade need to be balanced with more emphases on
design details. After discussion
R1R1R1R15555----000006060606 It was moved and seconded
That the proposal be reThat the proposal be reThat the proposal be reThat the proposal be re----submitted and presented at a future Advisory Design Panel meeting submitted and presented at a future Advisory Design Panel meeting submitted and presented at a future Advisory Design Panel meeting submitted and presented at a future Advisory Design Panel meeting
with the following concerns addressed:with the following concerns addressed:with the following concerns addressed:with the following concerns addressed:
- Renderings be provideRenderings be provideRenderings be provideRenderings be providedddd to better ascertain the changes to the existing building elements, to better ascertain the changes to the existing building elements, to better ascertain the changes to the existing building elements, to better ascertain the changes to the existing building elements,
particularly at the front of the buildingparticularly at the front of the buildingparticularly at the front of the buildingparticularly at the front of the building
- Add canopies to the exposed balconies on the east unitsAdd canopies to the exposed balconies on the east unitsAdd canopies to the exposed balconies on the east unitsAdd canopies to the exposed balconies on the east units
- Provide further details on the options to clad or remove the staircase block at the front Provide further details on the options to clad or remove the staircase block at the front Provide further details on the options to clad or remove the staircase block at the front Provide further details on the options to clad or remove the staircase block at the front
- Insure the garbage / recycling area is more functionalInsure the garbage / recycling area is more functionalInsure the garbage / recycling area is more functionalInsure the garbage / recycling area is more functional
- Strengthen the separation between patios for the individual ground level unitsStrengthen the separation between patios for the individual ground level unitsStrengthen the separation between patios for the individual ground level unitsStrengthen the separation between patios for the individual ground level units
- Describe more fully how the underground parking areas will function, including additional Describe more fully how the underground parking areas will function, including additional Describe more fully how the underground parking areas will function, including additional Describe more fully how the underground parking areas will function, including additional
information on access information on access information on access information on access to the commercial space from the parking and visitors access to to the commercial space from the parking and visitors access to to the commercial space from the parking and visitors access to to the commercial space from the parking and visitors access to
parking given that all parking spaces are behind a security gateparking given that all parking spaces are behind a security gateparking given that all parking spaces are behind a security gateparking given that all parking spaces are behind a security gate
---- Though not required, at least one (1) disabled parking space should be provided given the Though not required, at least one (1) disabled parking space should be provided given the Though not required, at least one (1) disabled parking space should be provided given the Though not required, at least one (1) disabled parking space should be provided given the
zone permits commercial useszone permits commercial useszone permits commercial useszone permits commercial uses
Maple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel
Tuesday, March 10, 2015Tuesday, March 10, 2015Tuesday, March 10, 2015Tuesday, March 10, 2015
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5.1 Review of ADP Applicant Checklist (attached) - Deferred
5.2 Election of 2015 Chair and Vice-Chair - Deferred PRESENTATIONS PRESENTATIONS PRESENTATIONS PRESENTATIONS ---- NilNilNilNil
7. 7. 7. 7. C0RRESPONDENCE C0RRESPONDENCE C0RRESPONDENCE C0RRESPONDENCE ---- NilNilNilNil NEXT MEETINGNEXT MEETINGNEXT MEETINGNEXT MEETING Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, AprilAprilAprilApril 14141414, 2015, 2015, 2015, 2015
Applicant deadline: Applicant deadline: Applicant deadline: Applicant deadline: Monday, March 23, 2015 ADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENT –––– 7:05 PM7:05 PM7:05 PM7:05 PM
Due to the number and length of presentations made, the meeting was adjourned just after
7:00 pm. On Thursday, March 12 the Staff Liaison and panel members Mark Lesack, Roger
Amenyogbe, Johnny Leung and Kyoung Bae Park participated in a conference call to finalize
the resolutions for Items 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4.