HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2018-09-05 AgendaCity of Maple Ridge SOCIAL POLICY ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA September 5, 7:00 pm Blaney Room, Maple Ridge City Hall 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES – June 6, 2018 4. DELEGATIONS 4.1. Downtown Maple Ridge Business Improvement Association Update  Ineke Boekhorst 4.2. Constituency Youth Council  Hailey Robinsmith 5. ROUNDTABLE – 15 minutes 6. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.1. Fall Workshop on EDI sub-scales 6.2. Update on the resolutions around physician recruitment 6.3. Meeting schedule 2018 6.4. 2019 Business Planning 6.5. Plan H Grant 7. COMMITTEE UPDATES 7.1. Community Network 7.2. Youth Strategy 7.3. Opioid Overdose Working Group 7.4. Youth Wellness Centre 8. CORRESPONDENCE 9. QUESTION PERIOD 10. ADJOURNMENT QUESTION PERIOD Question Period provides the public with the opportunity to ask questions or make comments on subjects that are of concern to them. Each person will be given 2 minutes to speak. Up to ten minutes in total is allotted for Question Period. /aa City of Maple Ridge SOCIAL POLICY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Policy Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room, at Maple Ridge City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on June 6, 2018 at 7:02 pm COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Tarel Swansky, Vice Chair Member at Large Annette Morgan Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Seniors Network Brenna Ayliffe Fraser Health - Alternate Hailey Robinsmith Member at Large – Youth Rep Ineke Boekhorst Downtown Maple Ridge Business Improvement Association Dr. Ingrid Tyler Fraser Health Jenny Earley Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Katzie Community Network Trish Salisbury Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Katzie Community Network STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Shawn Matthewson Staff Liaison / Social Planning Analyst Amanda Allen Committee Clerk GUESTS Catharine Hume ICM Team ABSENT Councillor Masse Council Liaison Susan Carr, Chair School District No. 42 Cathy Bennett Member at Large Cpl. Amanda Harnett Ridge Meadows RCMP Laura Butler Member at Large Mike Murray School District No. 42 – Alternate 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2018-009 It was moved and seconded That the June 6, 2018 Social Policy Advisory Committee agenda be amended by deferring items 6.3 Update on the resolutions around physician recruitment and 7.2 Youth St rategy to the following meeting, and that the agenda as amended be approved. CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES R/2018-010 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Maple Ridge Social Policy Advisory Committee meeting dated April 4, 2018 be adopted. CARRIED Social Policy Advisory Committee Minutes June 6, 2018 Page 2 of 4 4. DELEGATIONS 4.1. Intensive Case Management (ICM) Team  Catharine Hume, Co-Executive Director RainCity Housing Ms. Hume provided an update on the activities, personnel, and intent of the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Intensive Case Management (ICM) Team. The ICM Team has worked to create and build relationships with people in the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows area for one year now. Ms. Hume spoke of the housing first focus of the ICM team and the different experiences of their clients. Ms. Hume answered questions from the Committee and provided a statistical update on current and previous clients of the ICM team. 5. ROUNDTABLE Annette Morgan advised that the Intergenerational garden received a grant from Food Bank Canada to expand food production and strengthen partnership with the Friends in Need Food Bank. Ms. Morgan reported on the recent activities of the Dementia Friendly Community T ask Group including the First annual Walk for Alzheimer’s on May 12, 2018 which raised money and awareness on reducing the stigma around Alzheimer’s. Ms. Morgan advised work continues on the Age Friendly Community Task Group and that the bus co-op project continues to be evaluated by the Seniors Transportation Initiative. Ms. Morgan reported dates for upcoming events: the Scooter Rodeo on September 15, 2018, Pedestrian Safety for Seniors on September 26, 2018, and the Enhanced Road Assessment for Seniors on October 24, 2018. Ineke Boekhorst provided an update on the Clean Team pilot program and advised the BIA received an award for the social employment program. Brenna Ayliffe advised of two new grant opportunities through the PlanH Healthy Communities Fund for local governments to collaborate with health authorities. Funding is available through a Community Wellness Strategy grant and a Creating Healthy Places grant. Trish Salisbury noted an increase in the number of kids with complex feeding requirements in the community. Ms. Salisbury reported that the Ridge Meadows Child Development Centre will undergo a rejuvenation of both the inside of the building and the external façade and that the Development Centre is recruiting for their Board of Directors. Jenny Earley reported that the Family Education and Support Centre is offering a full week summer camp in Pitt Meadows free of charge and has 15 spots available for the month of July. Ms. Earley shared the news that Sheena Sharp, CAPC Program Coordinator, has been shortlisted for a Community Hero award. The ECD Children’s Table faces funding uncertainties for 2019 and members continue to plan for different possibilities. Hailey Robinsmith advised that the Youth Council is soliciting ideas on how youth can approach youth homelessness and invited members to contact her with any ideas. Shawn Matthewson expressed appreciation and gratitude to the members of the Social Policy Advisory Committee for their volunteered time and valuable contributions. Social Policy Advisory Committee Minutes June 6, 2018 Page 3 of 4 6. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS Note: Item 6.1 was dealt with following item 4.1 6.1. Cannabis Regulations/Policies Dr. Tyler gave a presentation on the effects of cannabis, the potential medical benefits, the health risks by route of administration, and identified some of the potential health r isks for vulnerable populations. Dr. Tyler spoke to data sets of cannabis users in Canada and British Columbia and reviewed objectives of the Bill C-45 legalization. Dr. Tyler shared findings and statistics from cannabis legalization in the United States and reviewed recommendations by the Fraser Health Medical Health Officers regarding potential community regulations through land use management, business regulations, public consumption bylaws, public education and enforcement of policies and bylaws using an equity lens. There was discussion on the legal versus illegal cannabis market and whether or not there would be any targeted marketing by the Province of ‘alternative highs’ for youth . 6.2. Planning discussion for the Fall Workshop on the EDI sub-scales The Staff liaison reported on the May 3, 2018 subcommittee meeting. The workshop is anticipated to start with a presentation by UBC Professor, Dr. Schonert-Reichl followed by a presentation from Roberta O’Brien who will provide a local context to the sub-scales. Attendees will then break into small table discussion on pre-planned questions. There was discussion and suggestions on workshop questions. The Staff liaison advised that the next subcommittee meeting will be in June. 6.3. Update on the resolutions around physician recruitment Item deferred to the following meeting. 7. COMMITTEE UPDATES 7.1. Community Network Jenny Earley reported on the May Community Network meeting and the keynote speaker, Joe Roberts. Ms. Earley advised that a communication strategy review and update is underway and that the MLA’s are scheduled to speak at the June meeting. 7.2. Youth Strategy Item deferred to the following meeting. 7.3. Opioid Overdose Working Group Dr. Tyler advised that the funding application for the community action team has been submitted. Dr. Tyler reported that the Coroners report is due for release with data up to April 2018 and is showing a similar trend to that of 2017. There have been 11 deaths in M aple Ridge over the past four months and appears to be a steady trend in Maple Ridge over the past few years. Social Policy Advisory Committee Minutes June 6, 2018 Page 4 of 4 Brenna Ayliffe advised that the Photo Voice project was shared with six high schools in Maple Ridge. Over one thousand students visited the exhibit. 7.4. Youth Wellness Centre The Staff liaison advised that funding continues to be sought to achieve the Foundry program. The Youth Wellness Centre has expanded within Greg Moore Youth Centre and has extended hours. 8. CORRESPONDENCE - Nil 9. QUESTION PERIOD - Nil 10. ADJOURNMENT – 9:09 pm. T. Swansky, Vice Chair /aa