HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLSC 2005-03-17 agenda.pdfMAPLE RIDGE & PITT MEADOWS
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, Blaney Room
7:00 p.m.
Page #
1. Adoption of the Agenda ......................................................................................................................... 1
2.Minutes - Commission Regular Meeting of February 10, 2005 ............................................................. 2
3. Delegations
3.1 Ridge Meadows Festival Society – Karin McCulloch
3.2 Volunteer Services Presentation – Kathryn Baird
4.Decision Items
4.1 Pitt Meadows Historical Society Fee For Service Agreement* ......................................... 10
4.2 Maple Ridge Historical Society Fee For Service Agreement* ........................................... 30
4.3 Maple Ridge Art Gallery Fee For Service Agreement* ..................................................... 68
4.4 Search & Rescue Building Expansion Proposal ................................................................. 98
4.5 Commissioner Job Description ........................................................................................ 104
4.6 Pitt Meadows – Maple Ridge Sector Recreational Greenways Plan
(separate attachment)
4.7 Parks Tour – Verbal Discussion
* Representatives present to respond to questions
5.Information Items
5.1 Quarterly Statistics Report, Shelley Jorde, Recreation Manager (verbal report)
5.2 Letter to Editor Maple Ridge News re Soccer Politics ..................................................... 108
5.3 BC Arts and Culture Investment announcement .............................................................. 110
5.4 Parks & Leisure Services Annual Report 2004 (to be distributed at the meeting)
6.Commission Liaison Reports
7.Staff Liaison Reports
8. Question Period
9.Motion to adjourn
That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission move into a Closed Meeting pursuant to Sections 242 (1)(e)
of the Local Government Act as the subject matter being considered relates to the acquisition, disposition
or expropriation of land or improvements.