HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2010-01-05 minutes.pdfCommunity Heritage Commission Regular Meeting
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The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission,held in the
Blaney Room,at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall,11995 Haney Place Road,Maple Ridge,British
Columbia, on Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Lynne Probyn, Chair Maple Ridge Historical Society
Jacqueline Mulcahy, Vice-Chair Community at Large
Sarah Hossack Community at Large
Michael Cook Community at Large
Helmi Braches Community at Large
Brenda Smith Maple Ridge Historical Society
Nicole Read Community at Large
Val Patenaude Director, Maple Ridge Museum & Archives
Lisa Zosiak Staff Liaison, Planning Department
Tracy Camire Committee Clerk
Councillor Craig Speirs Council Liaison
1.Call to order 7:04 p.m.
2.New and Unfinished Business
2.1 Chair and Vice-Chair Appointments
Helmi Braches nominated Lynn Probyn as the Chair who accepted the
nomination.Jacqueline Mulcahy nominated Helmi Braches who declined the
nomination.Helmi Braches nominated Jacqueline Mulcahy for the Vice-Chair
role and Nicole Read seconded the nomination.Lynn Probyn nominated
Brenda Smith as Vice-Chair who declined the nomination.
Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting
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R10-001 It was moved and seconded
That Lynn Probyn assume the role as Chair and Jacqueline Mulcahy
assume the role as Vice-Chair for the 2010 term of the Community Heritage
Please note that Items 3, 4 and 5 were dealt with prior to 2.2 through 2.4.
2.2 2010 Workplan and Budget
Lisa Zosiak reviewed the budget with the Commission and noted she will
provide the Commission with another update once all receipts for 2009 have
been accounted for.
Helmi Braches noted that if there is a surplus in the 2009 budget that any
monies left over should be put towards the Inventory Research Project.
Nicole Read advised that it would be a good idea to have a fundraising meeting
to discuss how the Commission could raise funds for “to do” projects.
The Commission discussed different fundraising events along with ideas for
getting the community involved in partaking in these events.
Have a booth at the Home Show.
Partner more with the Maple Ridge Historical Society.
Invite representatives from the building and development community
as a Delegation to discuss how they are contributing to historic Maple
Find out what people are donating to the Maple Ridge Museum and
why these items are special to them.
Lisa Zosiak will organize an extra meeting to discuss fundraising and bringing
community awareness to heritage for Wednesday,January 27th,2010 at 6:00
2.2.1 2010 Meeting Schedule
Lisa Zosiak advised that she needs to change the June 2010meeting
R10-002 It was moved and seconded
That the Community Heritage Commission June 2010 meeting will
be held on Wednesday,June 23,2010 in the Blaney Room,Maple
Ridge Municipal Hall.
Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting
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2.3 Heritage Revitalization Agreements - Lisa Zosiak
Lisa Zosiak provided an update on the Miller House (located in Ruskin)
Heritage Revitalization Agreement and noted that she is expecting it to be
reviewed at the January 11,2010 Committee of the Whole meeting and then 1st
reading will be on Tuesday, January 12th, 2010 at Regular Council.
Lisa Zosiak updated the Commission on the Beaton House Heritage
Revitalization Agreement in which there is a covenant that everyone has to sign
to discharge it.The covenant is between the Daykin’s and every property
owner who bought a sub-divided piece of property.
2.4 Facebook Tutorial
This item was deferred to the January 27, 2010 meeting.
3.Adoption of the Agenda
R10-003 It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for January 5, 2010 be adopte d with the following amendment
Item 4.1 should be titled 5.1
Item 6.7 should read Newspaper Article
Add 2.2.1 2010 Committee Schedule
4.Minutes of December 1, 2009 Regular Meeting s be adopted
R10-004 It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 1, 2009 be adopt ed.
Page 4, Item 6.7 should be titled “Newspaper Article”
5.1 Proposal for CHC Heritage Home Inventory - Val Patenaude
Val Patenaude distributed “Proposal for CHC Heritage Home Inventory”and
explained that she would like to have an inventory of all existing building stock
that is 50 years old and identify the original names to them.Link historical
information and buildings;work together to get a list compiled and perhaps use
in real estate people as a resource;then a grant proposal for a researcher to
Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting
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work with volunteers to attach names to addresses or names to lot designations
to addresses.Ms.Patenaude reviewed two types of archives that were recently
brought to the Museum.
Val Patenaude would like to see this information in an Access Database.
Nicole Read confirmed that there are databases available that look like Access
but have better storage capabilities.Ms Read suggested that she would be
able to provide a practicum student to pull land titles for these buildings.
Lisa Zosiak also noted that Val Billesberger would be able to assist in this
process and Val Patenaude noted that she also has some resources that would
be able to assist.She also thought that the database should connect to GIS
and will bring in a staff person to assist with this.
The Commission discussed the process further and talked about what the
database would look like.
Lisa Zosiak will set up a meeting with Val Patenaude,Val Billesberger,Nicole
Read,Tresa Muir,Brenda Smith,Lynne Probyn,Jacqueline Mulcahy,and
Sarah Hossack.
Lisa Zosiak asked if the Commission would be willing to pay Val Billesberger if
she would be taking on part of this project;the Commission agreed that Val
Billesberger should be paid, but want to review the 2010 Budget and Workplan.
Val Patenaude left the meeting at 7:55 p.m.
6.Sub-Committee Reports
6.1 Newsletter
Helmi Braches provided a draft of the newsletter for the Commission members
and requested that the members help in identifying people that attended the
Networking Conference.Ms.Braches noted the winter issue of the Heritage
Commission Newsletter will be out after the Heritage Awards Event in
February .
6.2 Heritage Awards - Potential
Lynne Probyn provided an update on the Heritage Awards.Lisa Zosiak noted
that she will mail out the invitations shortly and two bouquets of flowers will be
raffled off at the event.Ms.Zosiak also noted that she will ask Jim Connor to
MC the awards.
6.3 Heritage Context Study, update
No update at this time.
Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting
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6.4 CHC Networking Conference, review of event
No update at this time.
6.5 Heritage Plaque Program
Lynne provided an update on the plaque program.
6.6 CHC Facebook Page
Sarah Hossack provided an update on the Facebook page and confirmed that
she has been updating the page as events take place.The Commission
decided to drop off CHC Facebook brochures at various community locations.
6.7 Newspaper Articles
Jacqueline Mulcahy agreed to take on this project in Jim Connor’s absence and
will provide an update at the next Community Heritage Commission meeting in
6.8 Street Naming
This item was deferred until further notice.
7.1 Response letter to Jim Connor RE: Time Allocated by Lisa Zosiak to the Maple
Ridge Heritage Commission
Lisa Zosiak advised that this would be something discussed during the
Business Planning cycle which takes place in September of every year.
ACTION ITEM:Committee Clerk to add “Business Planning discussion”
to the May agenda.
7.2 2010 Committee and Commission Council Appointments
8.Next Meetin g: Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Agenda deadline : Monday, January 18, 2010
19.Adjournment -9:12 p.m.
Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting
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