HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2011-10-04 minutes.pdfCommunity Heritage Commission Regular Meeting
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The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission,held in the Blaney
Room,at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall,11995 Haney Place Road,Maple Ridge,British
Columbia, on Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Faye Isaac Maple Ridge Historical Society
Councillor Mike Morden Council Liaison
Jacqueline Mulcahy, Vice-Chair Community at Large
Lisa Zosiak Staff Liaison, Planning Department
Tracy Camire Committee Clerk
Jeremy Laity Community at Large
Brenda Smith Maple Ridge Historical Society
Michael Cook Community at Large
Please note that due to quorum not being met the following notes were taken.
1.Call to order 7:11 p.m.
2.Adoption of the Agenda
That the Agenda for October 4 , 2011 be ado pted with the following a mendment s;
Add Item 5.10 Recruitment for CHC
3.Minutes of September 6 , 201 1 Regular Meeting be adopted – deferred to November
4.Delegations – Nil
Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, October 4 , 2011 – Regular - DRAFT
Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting
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5.New & Unfinished Business
5.1 CHC Chair & Vice-Chair
Jacqueline Mulcahy agreed to take over the role of Chair,however,it was noted
that this will need to be voted on at the next regular meeting.
5.2 Context Study Update
Lisa Zosiak provided an update to the Commission on her meeting with the
consultants regarding the review of the 4th draft of the Context Study.Ms.Zosiak
reviewed the items that the consultants agreed to change in the Context Study
and also discussed the areas where Ms.Zosiak will assist with the preparation of
the next draft.
Staff noted that the consultants would like draft #5 to be the last draft,however,
they are aware that minor changes might be required after the public open house
has been held.
5.3 Statement of Significance Preparation - Lisa
Lisa Zosiak provided an update on the Statement of Significance for Dr.and Mrs.
Sommi’s house and noted that Don Luxton will start writing it shortly.Mr.Luxton
would like to present the Statement of Significance to the Commission at the end
of November.
The Commission agreed to change the December 6th meeting to Monday,
November 28th if Mr. Luxton is available.
5.4 Cemetery Tour - deferred
5.5 CHC Information Pamphlet
Jacqueline Mulcahy reviewed the CHC Information Pamphlet with the
Lisa Zosiak noted that she will review the newsletter with Fred Armstrong.
The Commission decided that the information pamphlet will be distributed at
public events and to anyone that requests one.
5.6 North Vancouver/Abbotsford Museum Field Trips - deferred
5.7 Heritage Revitalization Agreements
Lisa Zosiak provided updates on three Heritage Revitalization Agreements for the
following locations;Dewdney Trunk Road and York Street,Port Haney and
Dewdney Trunk Road and 221st Street.
5.8 2012 CHC Business Plan
The Commission reviewed the draft 2012-2016 Business Plan.
Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, October 4 , 2011 – Regular - DRAFT
Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting
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It was agreed by the Commission that a vote via email will be held to adopt the
2012-2016 Business Plan and Budget.
The following changes were suggested:
Lynne Probyn should be listed as “Community at Large”
Remove ‘early’ from time for the completion of Heritage Context Study
Public Process
Commencement of Heritage Strategic Plan Public process change timeline
to ‘start 2012”
Under Accomplishments –add ‘2’to newsletters.Send out the one that was
already created and create a new one for fall/winter.
Change timeline for cemetery tour to 2012
ACTION ITEM:Staff to send out the completed 2012-2016 Business Plan
and Budget for the Commission to adopt via email.
5.9 Report: Heritage BC Conference
Lisa Zosiak and Jacqueline Mulcahy provided reviews of the Heritage BC
5.10 Recruitment for CHC
The Commission discussed the different avenues for recruiting members for the
Displays at local events
Ads in the newspaper
Online newspaper
Talk to Fred Armstrong for ideas
Talk to Katherine Baird
Post on the volunteer page
Recruit those that were interested in the local election
My Maple Ridge page on Facebook
Volunteer to do a display during Heritage Week
6.Sub-Committee Reports
6.1 Newsletter
Jacqueline Mulcahy confirmed that she will send out two newsletters before the
end of 2011.
Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, October 4 , 2011 – Regular - DRAFT
Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting
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Lisa Zosiak noted that she will talk to Val Patenaude about the distribution of the
newsletter.The Commission agreed that to start there should be 30 copies of
newsletter printed.
6.2 Heritage Awards
Lisa Zosiak noted that no nominations have been submitted to date.
Faye Isaac noted that she will talk to the Historical Society about possible
The Commission agreed to discuss the nominations received at a Closed
Meeting in November.
6.3 Heritage Plaque Program
Lisa Zosiak noted that Michael Cook and Faye Isaac agreed to take on the
Heritage Plaque Program which will include replacing the plaques that have been
6.4 CHC Facebook Page
The Commission discussed the Facebook page and staff will work on creating a
new Facebook page with staff being the creator and commission members being
the administrators.
6.5 Maple Ridge Historical Society update
Faye Isaac provided an update on the Maple Ridge Historical Society and noted
that the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday,October 12th which Lisa Zosiak
will be attending.
7.1 British Columbia Historical Federation Newsletters (2)
8.Next Meetin g: Tuesday, November 1, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Agenda deadline : Monday, October 17, 2011
Meeting Room:Blaney Room
9.Adjournment -8:28 p.m.
Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, October 4 , 2011 – Regular - DRAFT
Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting
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