HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2011-11-01 minutes.pdfCommunity Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 1 of 5 The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission,held in the Blaney Room,at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall,11995 Haney Place Road,Maple Ridge,British Columbia, on Tuesday, November 1, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. _____________________________________________________________________________ ________ COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor Mike Morden Council Liaison Jacqueline Mulcahy, Vice-Chair Community at Large Brenda Smith Maple Ridge Historical Society Michael Cook Community at Large STAFF PRESENT Lisa Zosiak Staff Liaison, Planning Department Tracy Camire Committee Clerk REGRETS Faye Isaac Maple Ridge Historical Society Jeremy Laity Community at Large _____________________________________________________________________________ ________ 1.Call to order 7:02 p.m. 2.Adoption of the Agenda R11-027 It was moved and seconded That the Agenda for November 1 , 2011 be ado pted with the following a dditon s; Add Item 5.9 Member Recruitment Add Item 5.10 Historical Society Meeting Add Item 5.11 Appointments for 2012 Add Item 5.12 Fraser Valley conservancy Add Item 5.13 2011 Networking Conference Add Item 6.6 Veteran ’s Report ~ "" MAPLE RIDGE C OMMUNITY H ERITAGE C OMMISSION Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, November 1 , 2011 – Regular - DRAFT Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 2 of 5 CARRIED 3.Minutes of October 4 , 201 1 Regular Meeting be adopted R11-028 It was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 4,2011 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 4.Delegations – Nil 5.New & Unfinished Business 5.1 CHC Chair & Vice-Chair – defer to the December meeting. Michael Cook nominated Jacqueline Mulcahy as the Chair and she declined the nomination but noted that she would be willing to act as the Chair until the position is filled.Lisa Zosiak noted that Faye Isaac volunteered to be the Vice- Chair of the Committee via email. The Commission decided to defer the appointment of the Chair and Vice-Chair roles until January 2012. 5.2 Context Study Update Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that the 5th draft is due on December 5th and staff will provide an update at that time. The Committee agreed that the December 6th meeting would be moved to Monday,November 28th between 5:30 –7:00 prior to Don Luxton’s presentation that starts at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers on the same night. 5.3 Statement of Significance Preparation Lisa Zosiak advised that Don Luxton will be making a presentation on the Statement of Significance prepared for Dr.and Mrs.Sommi’s house on house on Monday, November 28th at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. 5.4 Cemetery Tour – deferred to November 28th meeting. 5.5 CHC Information Pamphlet Lisa Zosiak provided an update on the Community Heritage Commission Information Pamphlet and noted that the pamphlet should be printed soon. 5.6 North Vancouver/Abbotsford Museum Field Trips - Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, November 1 , 2011 – Regular - DRAFT Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 3 of 5 Brenda Smith advised that this item has been tabled until further notice and will provide another update at the November 28th meeting. 5.7 Heritage Revitalization Agreements Lisa Zosiak noted that there is nothing new to report on this item. 5.8 2012 CHC Business Plan Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that the format of the Business Plan has changed and also noted that the dates for Business Plan presentations to Council are scheduled for December 12 and 13th. Jacqueline Mulcahy noted that she felt either the Chair or the Vice-Chair should be making the presentation to Council.Lisa Zosiak will advise at the next meeting what the dates are for Business Plan Presentations to Council. 5.9 Member Recruitment Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that she spoke with Kathryn Baird, Events/Volunteer Coordinator,about recruiting volunteers for CHC membership. Jacqueline Mulcahy along with staff agreed to work together on creating ideas to recruit new members. The Committee Clerk advised that there are three members’whose terms expire at the end of 2011 and one of which does not wish to be reappointed.The Committee Clerk advised that this will leave the Commission with five vacancies and two reappointments. Councillor Morden noted that he will make a public announcement at the next Council meeting advising there are vacancies on the Commission. 5.10 Historical Society Meeting Lisa Zosiak noted that the Commission has been invited to the Historical Society Meeting that will be held on Monday,November 14th at 7:00 p.m.at St.Andrew’s Church where staff will be presenting the vision for the town centre and the transportation planning for the town centre. 5.11 Appointments for 2012 Please note that this Item was covered under Item 5.9 5.12 Fraser Valley Conservancy Lisa Zosiak advised that Ken Wushke with the Fraser Valley Conservancy has extended an invitation to the Commission to attend the first meeting of the Fraser Valley Conservancy’s Heritage Committee on November 24th in Abbotsford. Jacqueline Mulcahy advised that she will attend this meeting. - Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, November 1 , 2011 – Regular - DRAFT Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 4 of 5 ACTION ITEM:Staff to forward the email received from the Fraser Valley Conservancy group to the Commission members. 5.13 2011 Networking Conference Lisa Zosiak advised that the 2011 Networking Conference will be held on Saturday,November 26th in Surrey.Staff distributed the agenda for the conference to the Commission members.Lisa Zosiak advised that any members who wish to attend this conference are to confirm with her and she will register and submit payment for those members. 6.Sub-Committee Reports 6.1 Newsletter Jacqueline Mulcahy provided an update on the newsletter and noted that she submitted the newsletter to staff and there are some revisions that were required. Staff will work with Jacqueline Mulcahy on the distribution of the newsletter. Jacqueline Mulcahy advised that the 2nd newsletter (winter issue)will be ready once the Don Luxton Statement of Significance presentation has been held and can be distributed after that. 6.2 Heritage Awards 2012 The nominations received to date were discussed.The Heritage Awards will be held in February during BC Heritage Week. 6.3 Heritage Plaque Program – will be covered under Closed Lisa Zosiak noted that once we determine who is receiving a plaque the plaques will then be ordered. 6.4 CHC Facebook Page The Commission discussed the Facebook page that is going to be archived and discussed how to get a new one up and running.Staff will work with Fred Armstrong,Manager of Communications along with the Committee Clerk on how best to get this restarted. ACTION ITEM:Staff will provide another update at the next CHC meeting. 6.5 Maple Ridge Historical Society update Brenda Smith advised the Commission that the “We Call it Haney”Facebook page has grown to almost 2000 members. 6.6 Veterans Report - Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, November 1 , 2011 – Regular - DRAFT Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 5 of 5 Councillor Morden noted that “Veterans Way”was dedicated this past weekend. Councillor Morden also noted that Occupy Maple Ridge will be coming to Maple Ridge in the near future. ACTION ITEM:Add Council Liaison updates as a regular item to each agenda. 7.Correspondence 8.Next Meetin g: Monday, November 28, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. Agenda deadline : Monday, November 14, 2011 Meeting Room:Kanaka Room 9.Adjournment -8:09 p.m. __________________________ Chairperson /tc -