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The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney
Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place Road, Maple Ridge , British Columbia, on
Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
Councillor Mike Morden
Councillor Bob Masse
Brenda Smith
Faye Isaac
Cyndy Johnson-McCormick
Craig Speirs
Voislav Cubaleski
Lisa Zosiak
Tracy Camire
Jacqueline Mulcahy
Michael Cook
Council Liaison
Council Liaison
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Community at Large
Community at Large
Community at Large
Staff Liaison , Planning Department
Committee Clerk
Community at Large
Community at Large
Please note that Faye Isaac chaired the meeting as a Chair has not yet been appointed to the
1. Call to order 7:04 p.m.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
R12-001 It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for February 7, 2012 be adopted as presented.
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Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, February 7, 2012 -Regular
Minutes of November 28, 2011 and the notes of January 3, 2012 Regular Meeting be
It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 28, 2011 and the notes of the January
3, 2012 be adopted.
4. Delegations -Nil
5. New & Unfinished Business
5.1 Member Orientation
The Committee Clerk provided the commission with an orientation.
5.2 Elect Chair
Lisa Zosiak reviewed the process for electing a Chair and Vice-Chair. Craig Speirs
volunteered to be the Chair. Brenda Smith nominated Craig Speirs for the role of
Chair and Councillor Masse seconded the nomination. Craig Speirs accepted the
Craig Speirs nominated Brenda Smith for the role of Vice-Chair and Councillor Masse
seconded the nomination . Brenda Smith accepted the nomination.
It was moved and seconded
That Craig Speirs be appointed as the Chair and Brenda Smith be appointed as the
Vice-Chair for the 2012 term.
Please note that Craig Speirs assumed the role of Chair.
5.3 Context Study Update
Lisa Zosiak provided an update on the Context Study and noted that the 5th draft was
received in December and is being edited by staff. Ms. Zosiak noted that this draft
should be ready for review a couple of weeks after the Heritage Awards.
Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that there has been a Freedom of Information
request filed on the Context Study, requesting any comments that have been made
on the 4th draft of the document.
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Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, February 7, 2012 -Regular
5.4 Cemetery Tour -deferred to the next meeting.
5.5 CHC Information Pamphlet
Lisa Zosiak distributed and updated the information pamphlet for the Commun ity
Heritage Commission. Ms. Zosiak advised that this is meant to be distributed
through events and upon request.
Brenda Smith requested that the pamphlet be distributed to the following locations:
• Maple Ridge Public Library
• Maple Ridge Leisure Centre
• Maple Ridge Museum
It was noted that the following amendments should be made
• Staff Liaison should be added
• File name should be removed
• 2010 should be removed from Past and Current Projects
5.6 Educational Action Plan
Brenda Smith provided an update on the Educational Action Plan .
The Commission reviewed the proposed educational plan for 2012.
It was moved and seconded
That Fred Armstrong be invited to the next Community Heritage Commission meeting.
ACTION ITEM: Keep this item on the agenda for the March meeting.
5. 7 Heritage Revitalization Agreements
Lisa Zosiak provided updates for two heritage revitalization agreements that are
currently being worked on.
ACTION iTEM: Staff to provide commission members with a copy of the heritage
revitalization agreement for the Turnock Residence.
5.8 Sparling House Statement of Significance (SoS)
Lisa Zosiak reviewed the Sparling House Statement of Significance with th e
Commission. Ms. Zosiak asked for any final comments for the Sparling House
Statement of Significance to be sent to her directly.
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Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, February 7, 2012 -Regular
The Commission discussed creating a resource (accessible through the Internet) of
plans of historical sites for future use.
Lisa Zosiak provided a review of how Don Luxton, who is a renowned heritage
consultant, was commissioned for this project.
ACTION ITEM: Add Roundtable as an ongoing item to future meetings.
5.9 2012 CHC Business Plan Presentation to Council
Lisa Zosiak advised that the commission needs to select a date to present an update
to Council.
ACTION ITEM: Keep this on the agenda for the March meeting.
5.10 Member Recruitment
It was determined that this item can be removed from future agendas.
5.11 2012 Meeting Schedule -adoption
It was noted that the March 2012 meeting will be held on March 6, 2012.
It was moved and seconded
That the amended 2012 Meeting Schedule be adopted.
6. Sub-Committee Reports
6.1 Newsletter
Lisa Zosiak advised that this item will need a sub-committee to create a seasonal
newsletter. Voislav has volunteered to be on the sub-committee.
It was deemed that this item be deferred to the March meeting when the
Commission will be in full capacity.
6.2 Heritage Awards 2012
Lisa Zosiak provided an update for the 2012 Heritage Awards.
6.3 Heritage Plaque Program
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Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, February 7, 2012 -Regular
Lisa Zosiak provided an update on the Heritage Plaque Program. Councillor Masse
asked how houses are deemed historical. The Chair reviewed the process for
deeming that a house has historical significance.
6.4 Maple Ridge Historical Society update
Faye Isaac provided an update on the Maple Ridge Historical Society and noted that
the society has finalized their strategic plan and their goal is to promote the society
and how they are working towards a new museum facility.
Faye Isaac noted that the next Historical Society meeting will be held on Monday,
February 13th at 7:00 p.m. and on March 22nd the Annual General Meeting will be
held at St. Andrew's United Church at 7:00 p.m.
Brenda Smith advised that the Senior's Heritage Tea will be held on April 14th
between 1:00 -4:00 p.m. at the Senior's Centre on 224th Street.
Brenda Smith also advised that on Saturday, April 21st there will be an Earth Day
celebration in the Maple Ridge Library between 11:00 -5:00 p.m. where a family
history show and share will take place.
6.5 Council Liaison Update
Councillor Morden provided a review of a new development that is occurring the
Hammond Area. Councillor Morden also advised the Commission that Council has
requested a plan be created for Hammond once the Albion Plan has been completed.
Councillor Morden reviewed the process for how projects are reviewed by Council.
ACTl0NJTEJ\1: Faye Isaac to provide the Commission members with a copy
of the plan for the museum
Brenda Smith advised that the BC Historical Federation is holding their conference is
May 3 -8, 2012 in Campbell River.
7. Correspondence
7.1 Heritage Foundation newsletter
Next Meeting:
Agenda deadline:
Meeting Room:
Monday, March 6, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Blaney Room
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Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, February 7, 2012 -Regular
Adjournment -8:48p.m.
Motion to move into Closed Meeting
It was moved and seconded
That the Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission move into a Closed Meeting
pursuant to 242(b) personal information about an identifiable individual who is being
considered for a municipal award or honour. or who has offered to provide a gift to the
municipality on condition of anonymity.
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