HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2012-04-03 minutes.pdfCommunity Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 1 of 6 The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission,held in the Blaney Room,at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall,11995 Haney Place Road,Maple Ridge,British Columbia, on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. _____________________________________________________________________________ ________ COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT Craig Speirs, Chair Community at Large Brenda Smith, Vice-Chair Maple Ridge Historical Society Councillor Mike Morden Council Liaison Councillor Bob Masse Council Liaison (Alternate) Cyndy Johnson-McCormick Community at Large Mandeep Bhuller Community at Large Michael Cook Community at Large Wayne Beck Community at Large Voislav Cubaleski Community at Large STAFF PRESENT Lisa Zosiak Staff Liaison, Planning Department Tracy Camire Committee Clerk REGRETS Faye Isaac Maple Ridge Historical Society _____________________________________________________________________________ ________ 1.Call to order 7:00 p.m. 2.Adoption of the Agenda R12-011 It was moved and seconded That the Agenda for April 3, 2012 be ado pted with the following amendments; Add Item 5.8 Hammond Neighborhood Group ~ "" MAPLE RIDGE C OMMUNITY H ERITAGE C OMMISSION Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, April 3, 2012 – Regular Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 2 of 6 CARRIED 3.Minutes of March 6 , 2012 Regular Meeting be adopted . R12-012 It was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 6 , 2012 be adopted . CARRIED 4.Delegations 4.1 Report on Meetings & Rules of Order Workshop – Craig & Lisa Craig Speirs reported on a workshop he attended called “Meetings and Rules of Order”that was hosted by Eli Mina,Meeting Mentor and Registered Parliamentarian.Mr.Speirs noted the importance of being prepared,voicing your opinion and sharing information at commission meetings. Lisa Zosiak also attended the workshop and noted that everyone needs to be committed to the process and that it’s everyone’s responsibility to ensure the Committee stays focused to the process and that everyone has the opportunity to contribute to the meeting. It was noted that Eli Mina is returning for another session on Tuesday,April 24th. The Committee Clerk will send a meeting request to those that missed the first workshop. 5.New & Unfinished Business 5.1 Commission Priorities The group discussed planning a field trip to explore the current heritage inventory and noted this would be done in the month of May.Ms.Zosiak noted that there would be a cost associated with this field trip The following members volunteered for the planning sub-committee;staff,Cyndy Johnson-McCormick,Craig Speirs.It was confirmed that the sub-committee will organize the heritage inventory field trip to be held on Tuesday,May 1st,2012 at 5:00 p.m. The Commission reviewed the remaining priorities that were listed under Item 5.2 of the March 6, 2012 meeting minutes. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, April 3, 2012 – Regular Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 3 of 6 Cyndy Johnson-McCormick advised that she contacted Randy Kamp’s office to investigate whether there are any grants available for the patriotic competition to fly the Canadian flag within our community. 5.2 Maple Ridge Heritage Group Idea Cyndy Johnson-McCormick reviewed two recent articles that were published in the local papers noting that there is a lack of awareness regarding the Commission.Ms.Johnson-McCormick requested that the Commission submit an article to the local papers introducing the Commission to the public. Craig Speirs noted that staff has added both the local newspapers to the Community Heritage Commission newsletter distribution list. Staff reviewed the mandate of the Commission. Craig Speirs advised that if we continue to address our priorities and do a press release related to this, it will educate the public on the Commission’s work. Brenda Smith reviewed an article that was in The Sun regarding the lack of interest by the City of Vancouver to preserve historic sites located on park land. ACTION ITEM:Brenda Smith will investigate the issue as to whether Maple Ridge has any heritage homes that are located on Metro Vancouver Park system and report back to the next meeting. 5.3 Future Museum Strategy Craig Speirs advised that he will be meeting with Kelly Swift,Community Development,Parks &Recreation to discuss where a future museum site fits in to the Parks business plan. Councillor Morden advised that he met with Val Patenaude,Maple Ridge Museum and asked to see a current Business Plan for the museum. Councillor Masse advised that it would be very helpful to have a model that we aspire to.Brenda Smith advised that Campbell River,Vernon and Nanaimo have good examples to follow. R12-013 It was moved and seconded That an invitation be sent to the Maple Ridge Historical Society to attend the June meeting to update us on the Maple Ridge Museum plans and issues (including background information). CARRIED Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, April 3, 2012 – Regular Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 4 of 6 5.3.1 Museum Space Idea Cyndy Johnson-McCormick reviewed the Port Hammond Walking Tour information with the Commission and requested that Bernice Gahring be invited to the heritage tour. Craig Speirs advised the Commission that through a discussion with Val Patenaude it was made clear that a temporary solution to the museum is not a viable one.Mr.Speirs noted that this could be a topic that is discussed with Kelly Swift and at the meeting with the Historical Society. Cyndy reported on the fact that the Hammond Community Centre is not currently occupied and will be torn down if it’s not being used and proposed that this could be a temporary site for the museum.Ms. Johnson-McCormick noted that the Heritage Walking Tour will be a self guided tour. 5.4 Educational Action Plan Brenda Smith reported on the updates that can be made to the 2012 Education Action Plan and advised that the Community Heritage Networking Conference will be held in Nanaimo in November. 5.5 Heritage Procedures Bylaw Lisa Zosiak asked if the Commission members had any feedback on the Heritage Procedures bylaw and noted that the last update to the Heritage Register was completed in 2008. ACTION ITEM:Add Heritage Register Update to the Priority List for the first quarter of 2013 Members were asked to send feedback directly to staff by the end of April. 5.6 Heritage Conservation & Planning Info Session The Commission agreed to add “Heritage 101” to the 2012 Education Action Plan to be delivered by Lisa Zosiak. 5.7 Cemetery Tour Michael Cook provided an update on a Cemetery Tour and noted that he would like to present this information via a PowerPoint Presentation at the June meeting and the actual tour would take place in the summer. It was noted that the June 2012 meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, April 3, 2012 – Regular Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 5 of 6 5.8 2012 CHC Business Plan Presentation to Council – Reminder: April 24th Craig Speirs advised that the presentation to Council will take place on Tuesday, April 24 and all members are invited to attend.In case of the Chairs’absence Michael Cook will present the plan to Council. 5.9 BC Historical Federation AGM Brenda Smith advised that the BC Historical Federation is one of the organizations that the Commission belongs to (along with Heritage BC)and noted that the Federation’s Annual Conference will be held in Campbell River between May 3-6, 2012 with the Annual General Meeting will take place on May 3, 2012. R12-014 It was moved and seconded That Brenda Smith and Wayne Beck be the delegates at the BC Historical Federation Annual General Meeting. CARRIED 6.Sub-Committee Reports 6.1 Newsletter Cyndy Johnson-McCormick provided an update on the newsletter and noted that a draft should be available by April 17,2012.Ms.McCormick reviewed the items that will be included in future newsletter(s). The Chair requested that all new members provide an autobiography (with a maximum of 200 words) to staff for future newsletters. 6.2 Heritage Awards 2012 Staff will provide a review of the budget for the 2012 awards ceremony. 6.3 Heritage Plaque Program Lisa Zosiak advised that she has spoken with the Parks staff regarding a plaque for Nokai Park and they would like to work together on this project.Staff will continue to provide information as it is received. 6.4 Maple Ridge Historical Society update Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, April 3, 2012 – Regular Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 6 of 6 Brenda Smith advised that the Annual General Meeting was held on March 22nd and the board will meet next week to choose the Executive Officers.Ms.Smith advised that the Board meets on the 3rd Monday of each month and regular events are on the fourth Thursday of each month. 6.5 Council Liaison Update - Nil 7.Correspondence 7.1 CHC Information Pamphlet 7.2 Port Hammond Heritage Walking Tour R12-015 It was moved and seconded That a budget be established for up to $500 for a Heritage Inventory Tour to be held on May 1, 2012 CARRIED 8.Next Meetin g: Monday, May 1, 2012 Start Time – 5:00 p.m. Agenda deadline : Monday, April 16, 2012 Meeting Room:Heritage Inventory Tour 9.Adjournment -8:40 p.m. __________________________ Chairperson /tc