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The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney
Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on
Tuesday, March 5, 2013 at 7:00 p.m .
Craig Speirs
Faye Isaac
Wayne Beck
Councillor Bob Masse
Brenda Smith
Cyndy Johnson-McCormick
Lisa Zosiak
Christina Stewart
Coun cillor Mike Morden
Michael Cook
Community at Large
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Community at Large
Council Liaison (Alternate)
Maple Ridge ,Historical Society
Community at Large
Staff Liaison, Planning Department
Committee Clerk
Council Liaison
Community at Large
Please note that Craig Speirs assumed the role of Chair for this meeting.
1. Call to order
Craig Speirs called the Meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
1.1 Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair
Lisa Zosiak reviewed the process for electing a Chair and Vice-Chair. Craig Speirs
volunteered to be the Chair. Craig Speirs nominated by Faye Isaac for the role of
Chair and Cyndy Johnson-McCormick seconded the nomination. Craig Speirs
accepted the nomination.
Craig Speirs nominated Brenda Smith for the role of Vice-Chair and Faye Isaac
seconded the nomination. Brenda Smith accepted the nomination.
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Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, March 5, 2013 -Regular
It was moved and seconded
That Craig Speirs be appointed as the Chair and Brenda Smith be appointed as the
Vice-Chair for the 2013 term.
Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for March 5, 2013 be adopted with the following addition;
• Item 5.10 Provincial Heritage Awards
Minutes of January 29, 2013 Regular Meeting be adopted.
It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 29, 2013 be amended to correct the
spelling in item 5.1 of "Princes George" to "Prince George" and that the minutes as
amended be adopted .
4. Delegations -Nil
5. New & Unfinished Business
5.1 Heritage Procedures Bylaw Update
Lisa Zosiak advised that the Heritage Procedures Bylaw went to the February 18,
2013 Committee of the Whole meeting and the February 26, 2013 Council meeting
for first three readings. Ms. Zosiak noted the Heritage Procedures Bylaw will go to
Council on March 12, 2013 for the final reading.
5.2 Cemetery Tour -deferred
5.3 Heritage Revitalization Agreements Update
Lisa Zosiak provided updates on the Miller Residence Heritage Alteration Permit
application, the Whitehead Residence and the Turnock Residence.
5.4 Port Hammond 130th Birthday -CHG Contribution
Craig Speirs informed the Committee that three new "Port Hammond' signs will be
constructed and displayed in various locations as part of the Port Hammond 130th
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Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, March 5, 2013 -Regular
Birthday contribution. Cyndy Johnson-McCormick noted the Port Hammond 130th
Birthday event is booked for August 10, 2013 or August 17, 2013. The booking is not
confirmed until the maintenance bid for the Hammond Community Centre is
Note: it was the consensus of the Committee to have discussion outside the item topic.
The Committee discussed the merit of the Hammond Cedar Mill receiving a plaque to
acknowledge the contributions it has made to the community.
Christina Stewart, Committee Clerk noted the Hammond Cedar Mill will present to the
Economic Advisory Commission on March 27th 2013.
R13-008 It was moved and seconded
That the Hammond Cedar Mill will receive a heritage information plaque as part of
the Hammond 130th Birthday celebrations.
Action Item: The CHC Chair to draft a letter and send it to the Hammond Cedar Mill.
5.1 Dynamic Downtowns Community Workshop
Craig Speirs informed the Committee that the Dynamic Downtowns Community
Workshop has been awarded to Maple Ridge. Mr. Speirs described the three hour
workshop as a focus group of twenty five stakeholders that will identify key strategies
to enhance downtown Maple Ridge. Planning consultants will facilitate the workshop
and compile a report. The sponsors for the event are the Real Estate Foundation, BC
Heritage Branch, and the Columbia Institute. The workshop will focus on how to
create an authentic downtown true to Maple Ridge's heritage. The workshop will
highlight different strategies to celebrate heritage in the Downtown, generate some
design guidelines, and develop permit guidelines. Lisa Zosiak will work with the
organizers of the workshop to finalize a date and generate a list of participants.
It was moved and seconded
That a budget of $1000 be approved for the Dynamic Downtowns Community
5.5 CHC Membership
Lisa Zosiak provided an update on the Commission Membership and confirmed 3
vacancies on the Committee. The Committee discussed the importance of having a
youth representative on the Committee and ways to promote the position to youth.
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Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, March 5, 2013 -Regular
5.6 CHC Presentation to Council on February 26, 2013
Craig Speirs informed the Committee that the Council Presentation on February 26,
2013 was a success.
5. 7 Prince George Heritage Commission -deferred
5.8 Heritage Awards Program
Craig Speirs advised the Committee that a long range plan should be put together to
recognise different communities and their milestones. Mr. Speirs noted Val
Patenaude is currently putting together a timeline of important dates for different
Maple Ridge communities. The Committee could meet with the various community
groups and associations to tailor initiatives to celebrate these community milestones.
Action Item: The Committee will form a sub-committee to organise the Heritage
awards at the next meeting.
Note: It was the consensus of the Committee to have discussion outside the item topic.
The Committee discussed proposing nominations for various provincial awards.
It was moved and seconded
That the Broe House Heritage be nominated for the BC Heritage Awards building
It was moved and seconded
That the "We Call It Haney" facebook page be nominated for the BC Historical
federation website award and that Val Patenaude be nominated for a certificate of
recognition from the BC Historical Federation and a certificate of recognition from the
Heritage BC Awards.
6. Sub-Committee Reports
6.1 Heritage Plan
Lisa Zosiak informed the Committee that the name of the Heritage Strategic Plan has
been changed to the Heritage Plan. Ms. Zosiak noted the survey has had 96
completed replies as of late and the invitation to complete the survey will be
recirculated. The Committee discussed strategies of promoting the invitation to
complete the survey including:
• Contacting the School District No. 42
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Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, March 5, 2013 -Regular
• Posters at various public computers and the Fraser Valley Public
• Recirculating through social media
• The Reader Community Board
• Community Facebook pages and websites
Ms. Zosiak noted that Don Luxton will conduct a workshop for CHC members on May
7, 2013 to go through the first draft responses.
6.2 Newsletter
Craig Speirs informed the Committee that they may want to consider downgrading to
two Newsletter publications per year depending on subject matter that arises.
6.3 Heritage Awards 2013
Lisa Zosiak advised the Committee that they should review the process of acquiring
Heritage inventory and the Heritage Award criteria due to a letter that was received
questioning the procedures.
Ms. Zosiak noted the Heritage Inventory list could be updated in the future if the
budget costs were set aside and the Committee may consider putting this expense
into a future budget.
6.4 Heritage Plaque Program
Craig Speirs noted that the sub-committee will meet prior to the next regular meeting.
6.5 Digitization Project
Lisa Zosiak noted that the Digitization Project sub-committee will meet on March 20,
2013 at 10:30 am in the Blaney room at Municipal Hall.
6.6 Maple Ridge Historical Society Update
Faye Isaac advised that the joint meeting between the Maple Ridge Community
Heritage Commission and the Maple Ridge Historical Society will be rescheduled.
Ms. Isaac invited the Committee to the Maple Ridge Historical Society's potluck and
Annual General Meeting scheduled for March 21, 2013 at 6 pm at St. Andrews
Heritage church. The Maple Ridge Historical Society is currently working on their
2013 budget.
6. 7 Council Liaison Update-nil
7. Correspondence -Nil
8. Roundtable -Nil
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Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, March 5, 2013 -Regular
9. Public Questions -Nil
8. Next Meeting:
Agenda deadline :
Meeting Room:
10. Adjournment -
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Tuesday, March 18, 2013
Blaney Room
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