HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2013-10-01 minutes.pdfCommunity Heritage Commission Regular Meeting
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The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission,held in the Blaney
Room,at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall,11995 Haney Place Road,Maple Ridge,British
Columbia, on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 at 7:00 pm.
Craig Speirs, Chair Community at Large
Brenda Smith, Vice-chair Maple Ridge Historical Society
Councillor Bob Masse Council Liaison (Alternate)
Cyndy Johnson-McCormick Community at Large
Faye Isaac Maple Ridge Historical Society
Wayne Beck Community at Large
Don Luxton Donald Luxton & Associates
Lisa Zosiak Staff Liaison, Planning Department
Joanne Georgelin Committee Clerk
Councillor Mike Morden Council Liaison
Michael Cook Community at Large
Michael Robinsmith Community at Large
Steve Ranta Community at Large
1.Call to order
Chair Craig Speirs called the Meeting to order at 7:01 pm.
2.Adoption of the October 1, 2013 Agenda.
R13-027 It was moved and seconded.
That the Agenda for the Regular Meeting of October 1,2013 be ado pted with the
following addition:
5.10 Heritage BC Annual Conference
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Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, October 1, 2013 – Draft
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3.Adoption of the September 3 , 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes .
R13-028 It was moved and seconded.
That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 3 , 2013 be adopted.
4.1 Don Luxton – Heritage Plan Final Draft
Don Luxton gave an overview of the changes to the draft Heritage Plan.
Highlights include:
Increased access to material (community achieves)
Expanded vision statement
How the OCP will connect with this plan
Priorities and how they will be expressed
Mandate is now included
R13-029 It was moved and seconded.
To adopt the draft heritage plan with suggested changes.
R13-030 It was moved and seconded.
That the committee forwards this draft heritage plan to council for endorsement.
5.New & Unfinished Business
5.1 Business Planning - Lisa
Lisa Zosiak informed the Commission that the business plan has been filed with
District staff. Ms. Zosiak suggested that during Heritage Week in 2014 (February
17-23) would be a good time for the CHC to do a presentation to council
regarding their business plan.
5.2 Cemetery Tour – Nil
5.3 Maple Ridge Funeral Home 50th Anniversary - Nil
5.4 Federal Government Travelling Achieves – Nil
5.5 Heritage Revitalization Agreements Update – Nil
5.6 Port Hammond Sign Update - Cyndy
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Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, October 1, 2013 – Draft
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Commission members agreed the Port Hammond signs look impressive in place.
Lisa Zosiak will connect with Fred Armstrong to determine a Sunday afternoon in
October when an official unveiling can occur.
5.7 10th Anniversary Plaque Book on Website – Lisa/Craig
Craig Speirs updated Commission members regarding a recent conversation he
had with the author of the Anniversary Plaque Book and confirmed the author is
busy with some personal business at this time, but when he is available he will
work with staff to ensure an electronic version can go up on the website. Brenda
Smith suggested an author biography would be a nice addition to include when
this is posted online.
5.8 Digital Presence in Community (awards program) – Craig
Lisa Zosiak, Craig Speirs, and Brenda Smith will meet with Fred Armstrong to
discuss recommendations from CHC regarding their web presence.
5.9 CHC Bylaw
Craig Speirs reported that in reading the bylaw he determined the CHC does
have some capacity to do stand-alone projects aside from Council’s direction.
5.10 Heritage BC Annual Conference
Lisa Zosiak gave an overview of the upcoming Heritage BC Annual Conference
October 18 & 19 at the Shadbolt Centre in Burnaby. This year’s topics are to
include: a new business plan, introduction of a new executive director and her
vision, and a Riverview hospital tour. Please let Ms. Zosiak know ASAP if you
would like to attend.
6.Sub-C ommittee Reports
6.1 CHC Networking Conference – November 30th
Brenda Smith reported to CHC members the exciting details of the program for
the CHC Networking Conference in November which has been worked out so far.
6.2 Heritage Plan
Dealt with under item 4.1.
6.3 Newsletter
Lisa Zosiak noted that it was reported at the September CHC meeting that the
newsletter sub-committee is anticipating to have a newsletter out before the CHC
Networking Conference in November.
6.4 Heritage Awards - 2014
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Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, October 1, 2013 – Draft
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Lisa Zosiak confirmed with the Commission that following their direction there
would be no heritage awards in 2014. The sub-committee will convene before the
next CHC meeting to discuss the Heritage award process.
6.5 Heritage Plaque Program - Nil
6.6 Digitization Project
Craig Speirs reported a meeting is happening shortly with Ceri Marlo, Manager of
Legislative Services regarding the digitization project.
6.7 Maple Ridge Historical Society Update
Faye Isaac reported on a upcoming Workshop with Vicki McLeod on October 22
and that Music on the Wharf made enough money that they are trying to have a
4th concert in connection with the museum’s anniversary in 2014. This 4th concert
will take place on the museum grounds. Ms. Issac informed Commission
members that the Arts Council will be having the AGM at the Act on October 15.
Brenda Smith reported 2 publishing projects underway and the BC Historical
Conference will be in Surrey this year in May.
6.8 Council Liaison Update
Bob Masse reported on a recent records management discussion which
happened at council workshop and the question was asked if Laserfiche could
handle our electronic achieves problems. Councillor Masse explained that John
Bastaja, Director of Corporate Services responded to the question that he was
confident it would. Councillor Masse suggests that Commission have a
discussion with John Bastaja to ensure the Commission’s vision can be included.
Bob Masse further reported that Council was asked to look at the treatment
centre on Maple Crescent in Hammond. Lisa Zosiak confirmed this location is not
on the heritage inventory. Commission members suggested a discussion with
Don Luxton should happen to see if there is anything worth saving in this building
before effort is put in by this Commission to recommend putting the building on
the registry.
Brenda Smith reminded CHC members that everyone should be thinking about new
prospect commission members and that she will be looking to Commission members as
a volunteer resource at the Networking Conference.
Faye Isaac mentioned she hasn’t seen certain Commission members in quite some and
asked if they were still part of this Commission. Lisa Zosiak agreed to check on their
attendances and if they have made any effort to forward regrets when they have missed
Cyndy Johnson-McCormick reported that she has tracked down the photographer who
did the portraits of Councils in the hallway and will ask if we can get copies of the
Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, October 1, 2013 – Draft
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Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, October 1, 2013 – Draft
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9.Next Meeting:Tuesday, November 5 , 2013
Agenda Deadline:Tuesday, October 22 , 2013
Location:Blaney Room
10.Adjournment:8:51 PM