HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2013-11-05 minutes.pdfCommunity Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 1 The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission,held in the Blaney Room,at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall,11995 Haney Place Road,Maple Ridge,British Columbia, on Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at 7:00 pm. _____________________________________________________________________________ ________ COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT Craig Speirs, Chair Community at Large Brenda Smith, Vice-chair Maple Ridge Historical Society Councillor Mike Morden Council Liaison Cyndy Johnson-McCormick Community at Large Michael/Joseph Robinsmith Community at Large Steve Ranta Community at Large STAFF PRESENT Lisa Zosiak Staff Liaison, Planning Department Joanne Georgelin Committee Clerk REGRETS Councillor Bob Masse Council Liaison (Alternate) Faye Isaac Maple Ridge Historical Society Michael Cook Community at Large GUESTS _____________________________________________________________________________ ________ 1.Call to order Chair Craig Speirs called the Meeting to order at 7:04 pm. 2.Adoption of the November 5 , 2013 Agenda. R13-031 It was moved and seconded. That the Agenda for the Regular Meeting of November 5,2013 be ado pted with the following addition: Add item 5.8 CHC Meeting Schedule for 2014 Addition to 6.5; Tolme Park Plaque CARRIED ~ "" MAPLE RIDGE C OMMUNITY H ERITAGE C OMMISSION Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, November 5 , 2013 – Draft Page 2 3.Adoption of the October 1 , 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes . R13-032 It was moved and seconded. That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 1 , 2013 be adopted. CARRIED 4.Delegations - Nil 5.New & Unfinished Business 5.1 BC Hydro Heritage Wraps – Craig Craig Speers shared photos with the Commission of the new BC Hydro Heritage Wraps. Lisa Zosiak informed the Commission that Engineering worked with Val Patenaude to select the photos being used on these wraps. The Commission suggested sending an appreciation letter to the Engineering department and Historical Society for their work done on these. 5.2 Maple Ridge Funeral Home 50th Anniversary - Nil 5.3 Federal Government Travelling Archives – Craig Brenda Smith reported that funds are incoming from the Museum of Civilization and more information will be following in upcoming months. 5.4 Heritage Revitalization Agreements Update – Nil 5.5 10th Anniversary Plaque Book on Website – Lisa/Craig Craig Speirs reported that sometime in the New Year, the 10th Anniversary Plaque Book should be available online. 5.6 Digital Presence in Community – Craig, Brenda & Lisa Craig Speirs reported that he, Brenda Smith and Lisa Zosiak met recently with Fred Armstrong to discuss the CHC digital presence. With the launch of the new District of Maple Ridge website in December, expectations are CHC’s presence will be more prominent. 5.7 Heritage BC Annual Conference (report) – Craig & Wayne Craig Speirs reported he attended the Heritage BC Annual Conference and found it to be quite interesting. Mr. Speirs further reported that he used this conference to promote the upcoming CHC Networking Conference on November 30. 5.8 CHC Meeting Schedule for 2014 Craig Speirs presented the proposed CHC Meeting Schedule for 2014 to the committee. R13-033 It was moved and seconded. That the CHC Meeting Schedule for 2014 be adopted as presented. CARRIED Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, November 5 , 2013 – Draft Page 3 6.Sub-C ommittee Reports 6.1 CHC Networking Conference – November 30th Brenda Smith shared with the Commission the conference schedule for November 30. Ms. Smith explained some fine tuning to the schedule which is yet to come. Craig Speirs gave an update on the lunch and dinner components of the day, and Ms. Smith reviewed the online registration with committee members. Craig Speirs pointed out that the entertainment for the evening will be the Whiskey Minstrals and the CHC is partnering with the Billy Minor Pub to cover the cost of entertainment. Michael Robinsmith agreed to take on seeking sponsorship for the coffee break session on November 30. Ms. Smith is looking for 15 volunteers for the day. R13-034 It was moved and seconded. That the Community Heritage Commission will pay the $25 registration fee for any CHC members who volunteer at the CHC Networking Conference on November 30, 2013. CARRIED 6.2 Heritage Plan Craig Speirs reported that the Heritage Plan was presented to Council Workshop by Don Luxton and was well received. Mr. Luxton was advised to add further definitions which will be completed shortly before it returns to Council for endorsement. Brenda requested to see the plan again before it goes to council. 6.3 Newsletter Lisa Zosiak reported that she has received Cyndy Johnson-McCormick’s contribution for the upcoming newsletter. 6.4 Heritage Awards Brenda Smith reminded the Commission that at last month’s CHC meeting it was decided that no awards would happen in 2014 and the Heritage Awards subcommittee decided they would wait on proceeding with awards discussion until after the heritage plan is in place. 6.5 Heritage Plaque Program Craig Speirs reported that Eric Philips mentioned a Heritage Sign at Tolme park was potentially damaged. Cyndy Johnson-McCormick will investigate this. Please note: Commission members chose to discuss another topic at this time. Cyndy Johnson-McCormick suggested a goal of CHC could be to make a list of damaged signs needing replacement and use budget funds at the end of the year for this project. Craig Speirs suggested a life span budget should be initiated for all heritage plaques for replacement signs. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, November 5 , 2013 – Draft Page 4 Lisa Zosiak updated Commission members that Fred Armstrong anticipates an unveiling of the Hammond signs during Heritage Week in February of 2014. 6.6 Digitization Project Craig Speirs reported that a meeting was in a meeting with Brenda Smith, Lisa Zosiak, and Ceri Marlo from the District of Maple Ridge. After this meeting, it was learned that Val Billesberger already has an inventory for this project. Brenda Smith confirmed that she will be in touch with Ms. Billesberger to get a copy of this inventory. R13-035 It was moved and seconded. That $500 will be set aside in the CHC budget to get Preliminary work on the digitization project started. CARRIED 6.7 Maple Ridge Historical Society Update Brenda Smith reported that the Maple Ridge Historical Society has two new board members. 6.8 Council Liaison Update - Nil 7.Roundtable Brenda Smith shared an interesting report she recently found on the Heritage BC website and further reported that the BC Historical Annual Conference will be held June next year in Surrey. Cyndy Johnson-McCormick asked Commission members if the horse culture of Maple Ridge is something that could become part of this Commission. Councillor Michael Morden discussed the True North Fraser brand launch happening soon with the AAC committee and suggested that the horse culture could be a good fit with this. Lisa Zosiak also suggested that in the Heritage Plan, it states that the term heritage should be broadened to a wider range of heritage resources and should include the horse culture. Craig Speirs suggested the horse culture discussion be added to a future agenda. 8.Correspondence - Nil 9.Next Meeting:Tuesday, December 3 , 2013 Agenda Deadline:Tuesday, November 18 , 2013 Location:Blaney Room 10.Adjournment:8:27 PM __________________________ Chairperson Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, November 5 , 2013 – Draft Page 5 /jg