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The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney
Room , at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place Road , Maple Ridge , British Columbia , on
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 at 7:00 pm.
Brenda Smith, Chair
Fa ye Isaac, Vice-chair
Michael Cook
Councillor Michael Morden
Craig Speirs
Cyndy Johnson-McCormick
Councillor Bob Masse
Steve Ranta
Lisa Zosiak
Joanne Georgelin
Erica Williams
Wayne Beck
1. Call to order
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Community at Large
Council Liaison (alternate)
Community at Large
Community at Large
Council Liaison
Community at Large
Staff Liaison, Planning Department
Committee Clerk
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Community at Large
There being a quorum present, Brenda Smith called the Meeting to order at 7:03 pm and
introductions were made.
Adoption of the March 4, 2014 Agenda.
It was moved and seconded.
That the Agenda for the Regular Meeting of March 4, 2014 be adopted with the addition of;
• 5.6 Festivals Society Safety Workshop -Faye
3. Adoption of the February 4, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes.
Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Pagel
Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, March 4, 2014
R14-012 It was moved and seconded.
That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 4, 2014 be adopted.
4. Delegations
4.1 Erica Williams -Maple Ridge Historical Society
Erica Williams, president of the Maple Ridge Historical Society gave an interactive
presentation on heritage markers from various communities. Ms. Williams explained
the different types of markers in other communities along with the designs and
materials used in these markers.
Ms. Williams followed up her presentation with an invitation for the Commission to
join the Historical Society on June 5 at 7:00 pm for a meeting and tour of the
museum. Additionally, the Commission is invited to the birthday celebrations on
August 10 for the Maple Ridge Historical Society and Maple Ridge Museum.
5. New & Unfinished Business
5.1 Communities Map Revised Resolution -Councillor Masse
Councillor Bob Masse reviewed the motion put forward at the February meeting by
Councillor Michael Morden and explained this motion needs to be rescinded and
Steve Ranta expressed concern with the change of historical communities locations
on the map (ie Yennadon's location).
It was moved and seconded.
That resolution R14-010, item 5.9 of the February 4, 2014 meeting be rescinded;
"That Don Luxton be directed to alter the Heritage Plan to reflect OCP 7060-2014,
specially pages 42 and 43 Area Plan Map and Communities Plan Map, and correct
the designation passed by Council "East Haney" as a new community pending fourth
reading at Council, and further to ensure the "East Haney" designation is established
throughout the Heritage Plan."
And replaced with;
That the Community Heritage Commission recommend to Council that the two maps (the
Communities Map and the Area Plans Map) contained within the Heritage Plan be updated
with the same version of these maps recently adopted in Official Community Plan 7060-
2014, Appendix E, and that Council consider endorsing the updated Heritage Plan once the
map updates are completed.
OPPOSED -Craig Speirs and Steve Ranta
5.2 Intersections Event -April 9 -Brenda, Faye, Lisa
Lisa Zosiak gave an overview of the Intersections event occurring on April 9th .
Invitations to all committees of council have already gone out, and further invitations
Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, March 4, 2014
will be going out on March 10 to external organizations. The next Intersection
planning meeting is March 28.
Faye Isaac commented that she has been hearing positive feedback from many
community groups and committees who are planning to attend this event.
Brenda Smith expressed the need for volunteer presenters and hosts. Steve Ranta
and Cyndy Johnson-McCormick have both volunteered to help. If any other
Commission members are interested, please contact Ms. Smith.
5.3 CHC Presentation to Council -Lisa
Lisa Zosiak reported that the Commission will be going to Council as a delegation on
March 11 at 7:00 pm with Brenda Smith presenting. Ms. Zosiak encouraged all
Commission members to attend.
5.4 CHC Financial Report -Brenda -Lisa
Lisa Zosiak reported that she and Brenda Smith recently met with Catherine Nolan
from Finance. At the meeting Ms. Nolan explained that the carry-over funds have not
yet been approved. Ms. Smith asked Ms. Nolan to provide her assistance with re-
designing the CHC budget structure to help with planning projects.
5.5 CHC Membership -Brenda
Brenda Smith reported that she has received 4 letters to date from committee
members expressing interest in serving another term on Commission. Lisa Zosiak
commented that she still need members bios and photos.
5.6 Safety Workshop
Faye Isaac reported that she attended the recent Festivals safety workshop. Some of
the take-aways Ms. Isaac wanted to sha re with Commission included;
• Prior to an event you should identify risks and have a written plan how to deal
with them.
• Volunteers need to be identified with ID, safety vests and have completed an
orientation where the plans are reviewed.
• Events require someone with first aid/CPR training or first responder and this
person needs to be easily identifiable.
• All plans and procedures can be taken to RCMP and fire ahead of time to
ensure their approval is given, which in turn will help keep insurance
premiums lower.
6. Sub-Committee Reports
6.1 CHC Networking Conference -Deferred
6.2 Communications Sub-committee
Brenda Smith gave a visual example of how the sub-committees and work groups in
the CHC will work.
Road Show Work Group; Brenda Smith updated members on the various upcoming
meetings/events and encouraged Commission members to attend to learn and help
cross promote CHC. Ms. Smith commented that once the Heritage Plan has been
amended and in re-adopted by Council the CHC will start promoting this plan to the
Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Newsletter Work Group; Lisa Zosiak commented that Fred Braches has produced a
draft newsletter and it looks as though there may be enough content for 2
newsletters instead of just one.
6.3 Recognition Sub-committee
Brenda Smith reviewed a handout which showed municipally owned heritage sites.
The list identified which ones are listed on the Heritage Inventory and which ones are
legally protected through a Heritage Designation.
6.4 Project Sub-committee (Intersections)
Digitization Sub-committee; Brenda Smith reported that they are still waiting on Val
Billesburger and Val Patenaude for more information.
6.5 Maple Ridge Historical Society Update
Brenda Smith commented that all Heritage Commission members are invited to the
Heritage Tea on Saturday, April 5th at 1:00pm. Also, Commission members are
invited to the Museum and Historical Society's 40th birthday celebrations on August
10th. The Tillers Folly will be playing at the event.
6.6 Council Liaison Update
Councillor Bob Masse reported that he recently attended the Renewing Riverview
Forum in Coquitlam. Councillor Masse commented that the forum was well attended
and that BC Housing is responsible for this forum. Councillor Masse further
commented that he found the messages regarding inventory of the buildings to be
slightly inconsistent with visuals at the forum.
7. Roundtable
Brenda Smith passed around the most recent issue of British Columbia History
Magazine and noted that Val Patenaude has an article on Telosky Stadium in it.
Steve Ranta reported that he was in Whitehorse last week during the Rendezvous
Festival and suggested it would be a nice idea to have historical based events at our
Fair like they do in Whitehorse at theirs.
Lisa Zosiak reported that on March 3, she presented the planning process scoping
report for the Hammond area plan to Council. This process will be starting fairly
quickly once Council endorses it.
8. Correspondence -Nil
9. Next Meeting:
Agenda Deadline:
10. Adjournment:
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Monday, March 17, 2014
Blaney Room
8:59 pm
Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, March 4, 2014