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The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney
Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on
Tuesday, April 1, 2014 at 7:00 pm.
Brenda Smith, Chair
Faye Isaac, Vice-chair
Steve Ranta
Cyndy Johnson-McCormick
Councillor Michael Morden
Lisa Zosiak
Joanne Georgelin
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Community at Large
Community at Large
Council Liaison (alternate)
Staff Liaison, Planning Department
Committee Clerk
Sandy Blue, Manager Strategic Economic Initiatives, District of Maple Ridge
Bruce Livingstone, Business Retention, Strategic Economic Initiatives, District of Maple Ridge
Fred Armstrong, Manager Corporate Communications, District of Maple Ridge
Debbie Pope, Administrative Assistant, Planning Department, District of Maple Ridge
Michael Cook
Councillor Bob Masse
1. Call to order
Community at Large
Council Liaison
There being a quorum present, Brenda Smith called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm and
introductions were made.
2. Adoption of the April 1, 2014 Agenda.
R14-014 It was moved and seconded.
That the Agenda for the Regular Meeting of April 1, 2014 be adopted.
Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Pagel
Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Adoption of the March 4, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes.
It was moved and seconded.
That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 4, 2014 be adopted.
4. Delegations
4.1 True North Fraser Agricultural Brand Strategy
Sandy Blue, from the Economic Development department walked committee
members through the Invest North Fraser website. Ms. Blue went on to explain her
department's use of the True North Fraser brand and their marketing strategies in
place to support the brand. www.truenorthfraser.com is a website updated by
Economic Development. The True North Fraser brand covers Maple Ridge, Pitt
Meadows and Mission. Ms. Blue stated that any business supporting locally
grown/made food or artisans are able to use this logo on any of their advertising to
show which menu items contain food locally grown/made.
5. Correspondence
6. New & Unfinished Business
Please note: Craig Speirs joined the meeting at 7:28 pm.
6.1 CHC Webpage Design Workshop
Fred Armstrong, Communications Manager for Maple Ridge walked Commission
members through the new Maple Ridge website before focusing on the Community
Heritage Commission's presence on the site. Mr. Armstrong explained how the new
search feature works including how to modify searches to appear as higher priorities.
Mr. Armstrong took suggestions for changes to the Commissions web pages.
Commission members asked for a link off the main website landing page for history.
Please note: Councillor Michael Morden left the meeting at 8:16 pm.
6.2 Report on CHC Presentation to Council
Brenda Smith thanked Cyndy Johnson-McCormick, Craig Speirs, and Lisa Zosiak for
being present during the update on CHC activities that Brenda provided to Council on
March 11th .
Heritage Commission will follow up with a presentation to Council again in September
or October this year.
6.3 CHC Financial Report
Lisa Zosiak reported that the rollover will be appearing in the CHC budget shortly.
Brenda Smith stated that she will be working on a new financial reporting system for
the Commission.
6.4 CHC Membership
Brenda Smith reviewed upcoming events and encouraged Commission members to
attend. The events include: Intersections on April 9, Heritage Tea on April 5, the Pitt
Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Meadows birthday celebration on April 25, Earth Day April 26 as well as a
Geocashing session being hosted by Metro Vancouver on April 26.
Enquiries were made regarding Wayne Beck's membership since no emails or
messages have been received for 3 consecutive months. Ms. Smith and Ms. Zosiak
will continue to try getting in contact with Mr. Beck.
7. Sub-Committee Reports
7.1 Communications Sub-committee
7.1.1 CHC Road Show
Ms. Smith reported the CHC Road Show is pending the forthcoming resolution
at Council regarding the Heritage Plan.
7.1.2 Intersections Event April 9
Brenda Smith, Faye Isaac, Lisa Zosiak, Cyndy Johnson-McCormick, Steve
Ranta and Craig Speirs will be attending this event. Ms. Smith stated that
volunteers are required for set-up and take down. There is 50 people
confirmed attending this event. Ms. Smith shared a brochure she created
which explains the roles of each committee of council as well as their projects
and activities. This information will be presented in a booklet form for the
7.1.3 CHC Presence on mapleridge.ca
Commission members agreed the message they want their webpage to have
includes what the Commission has done, what heritage services and tools are
available along with definitions with links (ie a glossary).
7.1.4 Heritage Here Newsletter
Cyndy Johnson-McCormick explained the upcoming newsletter deadlines.
June 1, August 1 and November 1.
It was recommended to have another communications sub-committee
meeting next month before the regular meeting.
7.2 Recognitions Sub-committee
7.2.1 Call to Meeting
Brenda Smith reviewed upcoming projects for Commission. This included the
upcoming Heritage Awards and nominations, which open in September, and
the need for a manageable database for Ms. Johnson-McCormick's work on
the marker inventory. The next sub-committee meeting is scheduled for May
6 at 6:00 pm.
7.3 Project Sub-committee
7.3.1 CHC Networking Conference Report
Brenda Smith supplied the preliminary networking conference report which
indicates a profit of $400 for hosting this conference.
Liaison Updates
8.1 Maple Ridge Historical Society
Faye Isaac reported on attending the Historical Society's recent AGM and dinner. All
of the Heritage Society's current board members are back in for another year by
acclamation. Ms. Isaac reported that the Music on the Wharf date of August 11 has
Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, April 1, 2014
been changed to August 18 and that August 10 is the Museum's anniversary party.
Saturday, April 5 is the Heritage Tea at the Maple Ridge Seniors Centre.
9. Roundtable
Cyndy Johnson-McCormick reported she is co-chairing Communities in Bloom and that one of
the categories we are judged on in the community is heritage. The Communities in Bloom
committee would like Maple Ridge to stand out for it patriotism points in the judging. This
includes the use of banners, buntings, flags, flowers/plants in reds and whites. Judging will
be mid July.
Brenda Smith reported from the Literacy Committee that in March they were told they would
only receive a 2/3 grant and it was made clear to them, that community literacy is no longer
a core goal of the federal government.
Steve Ranta inquired about a trail in Golden Ears Park where he noticed a large removal of
trees and new widened gravel pathways. Mr. Ranta is concerned regarding information from
the Provincial government which has passed a law of more industrial development to be
implemented in provincial parks. Ms. Zosiak said she will follow up with Rod Stott the
Environmental Planner about this.
Craig Speirs reported on attending the recent Recycling Society's meeting and a GEED Centre
meeting. At the GEED Centre meeting an individual came forward who wants to work on
rejuvenating the Katzie Slough.
Lisa Zosiak reported that the Hammond Area Plan process is underway. It can be found on
the website under 'news room'. Ms. Zosiak will be presenting the Hammond Area Plan
process at the May CHC meeting.
10. Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Monday, April 21, 2014
Blaney Room
Agenda Deadline:
11. Adjournment: 9:08pm