HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2017-01-03 minutes.pdf~ MAPLE RIDGE OMMUNJTY HERITAGE COMMISSION \ The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 at 7:00 pm COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT Brenda Smith, Chair Julie Koehn Len Pettit Kevin Bennett Russell Irvine Steven Ranta, Vice-Chair STAFF PRESENT Lisa Zosia k Sunny Schiller GUESTS Erica Williams REGRETS/ABSENT Councillor Craig Speirs Eric Phillips 1. CALL TO ORDER Maple Ridge Historical Society Maple Ridge Historical Society Member at Large Community Member Member at Large Member at Large Staff Liaison, Community Planner Committee Clerk President, Maple Ridge Historical Society Council Liaison Member at Large There being a quorum present, the Staff Liaison called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. 2. 2017 CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR ELECTIONS R17-001 It was moved and seconded That Brenda Smith be appointed 2017 Community Heritage Commission Chair. CARRIED R17-002 It was moved and seconded That Steven Ranta be appointed as 2017 Community Heritage Commission Vice-Chair. CARRIED With Elections complete Brenda Smith began chairing the meeting. CHG Minutes January 3, 2017 Page 2 of 4 3. AGENDA ADOPTION R17-003 It was moved and seconded That the agenda dated January 3, 2017 be amended to add Item 7 .1.3 Cultural Strategic Plan Update and be adopted as amended. CARRIED 4. MINUTES APPROVAL R17-004 It was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the December 8, 2016 meeting be approved. CARRIED 5. FINANCE 5.1 Financial Update Russell Irvine provided a verbal update on the current CHC budget balance. Mr. Irvine reminded Commission members to track their volunteer hours, as this information is useful for plans and reports. 6. CORRESPONDENCE The current BC Historical Federation newsletter was shared. 7. NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7.1 Membership 7.1.1 Calendar of Events The Chair provided a verbal update on the calendar of events. 7.1.2 CHC 2017 Meeting Schedule Review After discussion it was agreed that the Commission would hold meetings on September 7 and December 7 to avoid conflicting with Council meetings. 7.1.3 Community Cultural Strategic Plan Update The Cultural Plan update is launching in February 2017. The Committee Clerk will re-forward an invitation to contribute to the update group. 7.1.4 Tourism Task Force Russell Irvine will represent the CHC on the Tourism Task Force. 7.1.5 Canada 150 The Chair confirmed the City has obtained a grant to celebrate Canada 150. Potential plans were shared. 8. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS 8.1 Communications Subcommittee 8.1.1 Local Voices The Chair reported the next session starts February 2 at the library. 8.1.2 Commun ications Package The Chair reported a consultant has been engaged to refresh the CHC communications package. CHG Minutes January 3, 2017 Page 3 of 4 8.2 Recognitions Subcommittee 8.2.1 Heritage Week Subcommittee The Chair shared details of plans for Heritage Week. Erica Williams, President, Maple Ridge Historical Society will host two walking tours, one of downtown and one of the cemetery. 8.2.2 Heritage Awards 2017 Nominations The Heritage Awards will be held February 16, 2017. 8.2.3 Review of Heritage Awards Annual Nom ination Deadlines The Chair reminded the Commission of the need to review deadlines from organizations such as Heritage BC and the BC Historical Federation to ensure nomination deadlines are not missed. This topic will be revisited at an upcoming meeting. 8.3 Education Subcommittee 8.3.1 BC Societies Act Workshop The Chair reported on the transition to the new BC Societies Act and plans for a workshop. 8.3.2 Oral History Training The Chair reported on plans to provide a training workshop for those interested in doing an oral history project. This training will be available to the public and is planned for February 18. 8.3.3 Museum and Archives Field Trip The Chair reported on a planned guided tour of the City of Vancouver Archives and the Museum of Vancouver. 8.4 Maple Ridge Oral History Project Steve Ranta provided an update on the Oral History subcommittee, which met in December. The group is working to include a broad spectrum of the community in the project and asked the Commission to share suggestions. Mr. Ranta shared next steps. The Staff Liaison will schedule the next meeting of the subcommittee. 8.5 Digitization Project Subcommittee The Chair reported on the current status of the digitization project. 8.6 Heritage Inventory Project Update The Staff Liaison will be meeting with consultant Donald Luxton to determine next steps and a project timeline. The Chair raised the need to discuss software requirements for the Heritage Inventory (and the Digitization project) with the City. 8.7 Robertson Family Cemetery Project Subcommittee The Cha ir provided a document recently found in the BC Crown Lands database that is now the earliest record on file related to the property. 8.8 Museum and Archives Update The Commission discussed ideas for a Maple Ridge Museum and Archives building. Russell Irvine shared information from a recent newspaper article regarding the new North Vancouver museum facility. 9. LIAISON UPDATES 9.1 BC Historical Federation The Chair provided information on BC Historical Federation newsletter subscriptions. Information regarding the annual BC Historical Federation conference in May 2017 in Chilliwack was shared. 9.2 Heritage BC The Chair reported provided an update on services provided by Heritage BC. CHC Minutes January 3, 2017 Page 4 of 4 9.3 BC Museums Association The Commission discussed museum and heritage features in other local municipalities. 9.4 Maple Ridge Historical Society No update. 9.5 Council Liaison No update. 10. QUESTION PERIOD 11. ROUNDTABLE The Chair will report to Council on March 28, 2017. Members were asked to provide relevant photos and suggestions to the Chair for the presentation. 12. ADJOURNMENT It was moved that the meeting be adjourned at 8:32 pm. /ss