HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2016-11-01 agenda.pdfCity of Maple Ridge
TuesdayTuesdayTuesdayTuesday, , , , November 1November 1November 1November 1, 201, 201, 201, 2016666, 7:, 7:, 7:, 7:00000 pm0 pm0 pm0 pm
Blaney RoomBlaney RoomBlaney RoomBlaney Room, Maple Ridge , Maple Ridge , Maple Ridge , Maple Ridge City HallCity HallCity HallCity Hall WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONSWELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONSWELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONSWELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS
3333.... MINUTES APPROVAL MINUTES APPROVAL MINUTES APPROVAL MINUTES APPROVAL – September 8, 2016 and October 4, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes
5.1 Business Plan 2017-2021 – Brenda Smith, Russell Irvine, Lisa Zosiak
6.1 Heritage and Cultural Planners and Professionals meeting invitation
7.1 Membership
7.1.1 Calendar of Events – Brenda Smith
7.1.2 December Meeting Date – Brenda Smith
7.2 Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure - Request for Stop of Interest Sign
submissions – Brenda Smith
7.3 Meeting with Chief Administrative Officer Ted Swabey – Brenda Smith, Craig Speirs
7.4 Tourism – Brenda Smith
7.5 Webster’s Corners (25569 DTR) – Craig Speirs
8.1 Communications Subcommittee – Brenda Smith
8.1.1 Local Voices
8.2 Recognitions Subcommittee
8.2.1 Heritage Week Subcommittee
8.2.2 Heritage Awards 2017 Nominations
8.3 Education Subcommittee
8.3.1 BC Societies Act Workshop – Brenda Smith
8.4 Maple Ridge Oral History Proposal – Steve Ranta, Lisa Zosiak
8.5 Heritage Marker Inventory Update – Brenda Smith, Sunny Schiller
8.6 Digitization Project Subcommittee – Brenda Smith, Lisa Zosiak
8.7 Heritage Inventory Project Update – Brenda Smith, Lisa Zosiak
8.8 Robertson Family Cemetery Project Subcommittee – Lisa Zosiak
8.9 Museum and Archives Update –Brenda Smith, Craig Speirs, Lisa Zosiak
8.10 Heritage Inventory Project Update – Brenda Smith, Lisa Zosiak
8.11 Robertson Family Cemetery Project Subcommittee – Lisa Zosiak
8.12 Museum and Archives Work Group Update – Brenda Smith
CHC Agenda
November 1, 2016
Page 2 of 2
9.1 BC Historical Federation – Brenda Smith
9.2 Heritage BC – Brenda Smith
9.3 BC Museums Association – Brenda Smith
9.4 Maple Ridge Historical Society – Julie Koehn
9.5 Council Liaison – Councillor Speirs
Question Period provides the public with the opportunity to ask questions or make comments on subjects that are of
concern to them. Questions or comments must be directed to the Chair of the meeting. Each person will be permitted 2
minutes to speak. A second 2 minutes to speak may be granted at the discretion of the Chair if no other member of the
public is waiting. The total time allotted for Question Period is 10 minutes.
Each speaker will be asked to provide their name for the record. No derogatory remarks will be tolerated. The Committee
reserves the right to defer responding to a question in order to obtain the information required to provide a complete and
accurate response.
City of Maple Ridge
Community Heritage Commission
Business Plan 2017 – 2021
Strategic Plan AlignmentStrategic Plan AlignmentStrategic Plan AlignmentStrategic Plan Alignment
Heritage Commission Mandate (Bylaw No. 5908Heritage Commission Mandate (Bylaw No. 5908Heritage Commission Mandate (Bylaw No. 5908Heritage Commission Mandate (Bylaw No. 5908----2000)2000)2000)2000)::::
The Commission is appointed for the purpose of advising the Council on
heritage conservation matters and undertaking and providing support for such
activities as benefit and provide for the advancement of heritage conservation
in the District.
Delivering the Mandate:Delivering the Mandate:Delivering the Mandate:Delivering the Mandate:
• The CHC provides information to Council pertaining to matters referred to the Commission as well as
reports about ongoing heritage programs and projects
• The CHC includes a community involvement, service or awareness component in all programs and
• The CHC looks for opportunities to facilitate or participate in community events to create greater
awareness and knowledge in the community’s tangible and intangible heritage resources.
• The CHC recognizes the value of heritage and cultural tourism development.
• The CHC promotes the awareness and conservation of heritage value inherent in many natural
• The CHC is attentive to planning and actions toward the creation of a new museum and archives to
serve the community. The CHC anticipates deeper involvement in the process.
Community PartnershipsCommunity PartnershipsCommunity PartnershipsCommunity Partnerships
• Senior levels of government provide enabling legislation for heritage conservation but do not provide
heritage project funding. The CHC and local community groups are always looking for ways to
“intersect” and identify common goals that will lead to partnership opportunities and leveraging of
skills, effort, and funding.
• The CHC works closely with Maple Ridge Historical Society in support of the delivery of heritage
services to the community. The production and implementation of conservation plans for CMR owned
properties is a timely partnership accomplishment.
• The CHC maintains an ongoing relationship with the Maple Ridge Library and partners on various
projects to help educate and promote heritage awareness and conservation.
• Connecting and partnering with government and province wide organizations is ongoing and involves
looking for opportunities to interact and identify common goals with First Nations, BC Heritage Branch,
Heritage BC, BC Museums Association and the BC Historical Federation.
• The CHC routinely invites community organizations, businesses and individuals to address regular
meetings bringing their varied interests and activities to the CHC’s attention.
Efficiencies and Effectiveness HighlightsEfficiencies and Effectiveness HighlightsEfficiencies and Effectiveness HighlightsEfficiencies and Effectiveness Highlights
• The Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission Plan was endorsed by Council in December 2013
and this document guides the work plan for the Heritage Commission each year....
• The CHC reports to Council twice annually.
• CHC projects unfold over more than one budget year. To date, in addition to maintaining existing
programs, the annual municipal allocation to the CHC has provided start-up funding to these long-
range projects.
• The CHC will benefit from an improved annual budget amount that acknowledges and supports the
work that the CHC is mandated to perform.
Customer Service HiCustomer Service HiCustomer Service HiCustomer Service Highlightsghlightsghlightsghlights
• Community Open House on Heritage Inventory Project: Included information about the nomination
process and eligibility criteria to place a property in Heritage Inventory or Register.
• Updated brochures describing: CHC operations and opportunities, Heritage Awards nominations.
• The CHC engaged in an exciting partnership opportunity with the Public Art Steering Committee to
bring history of baseball information into the “Play Ball” Project at Hammond Stadium.
• Continued partnership with Maple Ridge Library, Maple Ridge Family History Group, Golden Ears
Writers, and Maple Ridge Historical Society in community conversation program Local Voices.
• Joint work with CMR departments and agencies in ongoing initiatives. Current projects include
heritage and art at Hammond Field, archival digitization, historic site conservation at Haney House.
• The 2014 “Intersections” event encouraged partnerships with various community groups and helped
nurture interdependence and greater awareness of community issues, activities, accomplishments,
and opportunities. The CHC looks forward to the continuation of this valuable event to form new
relationships and strengthen existing ones through identifying joint project opportunities that serve the
• Networking with heritage volunteers in other communities promotes communication and supports the
development of increased capacity to meet the CHC’s local work.
• Membership in provincial history, heritage and museum organizations offers a range of networking
and practical support opportunities.
Commission OverviewCommission OverviewCommission OverviewCommission Overview
Services ProvidedServices ProvidedServices ProvidedServices Provided::::
• Heritage Awareness
• Heritage Education
• Celebration of Community’s Past
• Maple Ridge’s past, present and future will be connected through community and cultural
celebrations, partnerships and heritage activities that will preserve our tangible and intangible
heritage resources, provide educational opportunities and enrich the lives of our citizens and visitors
(S. 4, pg. 23, Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission Heritage Plan, November 2013).
• The District of Maple Ridge will recognize and celebrate our rich historic legacy through the
conservation and interpretation of significant heritage resources. Our Heritage Program will support
the sustainable development of our urban structure and our rural areas, and assist in the
development of a complete and healthy community. As we plan for an exciting, digital future, we will
respect our past by providing a balance for change and new development that recognizes the
importance of our historic communities, our rural lands and our natural landscapes. (S. 4, pg. 23,
Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission Heritage Plan, November 2013).
CHC Members:
Sandra Ayres, Community at Large
Russell Irvine, Community at Large
Julie Koehn, Maple Ridge Historical Society
Len Pettit, Community at Large
Eric Phillips, Community at Large
Nicole Read, Alternate Council Liaison
Steven Ranta, (Vice-Chair), Community at Large
Brenda Smith (Chair), Maple Ridge Historical Society
Craig Speirs, Council Liaison
FullFullFullFull----Time Equivalent Staff = 25%Time Equivalent Staff = 25%Time Equivalent Staff = 25%Time Equivalent Staff = 25%
DeliverableDeliverableDeliverableDeliverable Status Status Status Status % Complete% Complete% Complete% Complete
2016 Heritage Week including Heritage Awards Complete: Partnership with Maple Ridge
Historical Society
“History Is” Conversation Evening
2016 Heritage Awards
Heritage Marker Inventory- Database of all heritage
markers, signage, plaques, wraps, mosaics and
Accessible for CMR maintenance planning and
tracking, community uses.
Database constructed, data input
Reporting functions in planning phase
Open Access Archives Digitization Project Phase I will be complete early in 2017. 25%
Heritage Here CHC Newsletter Publication suspended pending improved
production resources.
Local Voices: Neighbours Talking With Neighbours
–Partnership with Maple Ridge Library
Fall 2016 (3 evenings/9 presenters)
Liaison with Heritage Organizations- Memberships
in BC Historical Federation and Heritage BC. New
membership in BC Museums Association.
Attendance as delegate at all annual
Coquitlam Heritage Symposium Complete: 6 Maple Ridge attendees 100%
Heritage Plaque Book online Complete
“Play Ball” Public Art Project-Control Box Wrap-
Partnership with Public Art Steering Committee
Complete 100%
Heritage Awards History Project Posted on mapleridge.ca Heritage Awards
Field Trip to North Vancouver Archives Education for CHC, Council, MRHS and
What’s On Maple Ridge feature article 100%
Members binders: Reorganized binders and
offered digital version to improve access to
Available in paper and digital form for
CHC members’ use.
2015 GETI Fest; Golden Ears Transition Initiative Partnership resulted in inclusion of
Heritage theme at annual festival.
Local Voices Winter and Fall 2016 Winter (4 evenings/12 presenters)
Fall (3 evenings/9 presenters)
BC Day Instameet Heritage Awareness Project Partnership with Economic Development
that was the only event in Maple Ridge
that weekend.
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Ongoing DeliverablesOngoing DeliverablesOngoing DeliverablesOngoing Deliverables
DeliverableDeliverableDeliverableDeliverable Status Status Status Status
2017 Heritage Week including Heritage Awards Event planning is currently underway for Heritage
Week February 2017
Heritage Marker Inventory Database constructed, data input underway
Reporting functions in planning phase
Open Access Archives Digitization Project Phase I will be complete early in 2017.
Phase II planning pending in anticipation of moving
CMR Archives.
Heritage Inventory Update Completion expected early in 2017.
Heritage Here Newsletter Publication suspended pending improved production
Local Voices partnership with Maple Ridge Library Winter 2017 in planning phase.
Liaison with Heritage Organizations Memberships maintained in BC Historical Federation
and Heritage BC. New membership in BC Museums
Robertson Family Cemetery Survey and LTSA filing pending.
Plaque Program and Information Panels Pending policy development and improved resources.
Workshop-BC Societies Act Pending
Canada 150 in partnership with other CMR projects Pending
Found MilestonesFound MilestonesFound MilestonesFound Milestones
• The CHC sent delegates to BC Historical Federation, BC Museums Association and Heritage BC
conferences, using the opportunities to network and develop heritage expertise.
• The Heritage Plan is a model for other communities and a flexible reference document for the CHC’s
work. The plan continues to support the CHC’s use of the strong framework that Maple Ridge has built
for education and conservation.
• Developed a new model to describe CHC operations, including a digital form, for members.
• The CHC is developing a response to CHC financial planning and funding constraints.
Performance Measures/IndicatorsPerformance Measures/IndicatorsPerformance Measures/IndicatorsPerformance Measures/Indicators
Work plan Highlights Work plan Highlights Work plan Highlights Work plan Highlights –––– 2017 Deliverables 2017 Deliverables 2017 Deliverables 2017 Deliverables
Service Service Service Service Area Goal: Area Goal: Area Goal: Area Goal:
• The CHC looks forward undertaking our role in the community and advising Council on key matters in
the heritage field.
• Having the updated Heritage Inventory available for use by interested parties and to restore its value
as a community resource.
• To partner with other community groups and agencies in the community to plan celebrations of
Canada’s 150 Anniversary in 2017.
• Heritage Awards: To increase interest and participation in recognizing heritage achievements and to
increase the recognition value of the awards for recipients.
• Encourage the production of Statements of Significance to support the maintenance of the Heritage
Inventory and facilitate promotion of tangible and intangible heritage features to the Heritage Register.
• For 2017 identified projects, success will lie in either progress through identified project phase(s) or
completion of project and reported in “Accomplishments” table above in 2018 Business Plan.
• For partners, success will be measured in greater participation in heritage activities and the building of
sponsorship funds (reported on twice a year to Council by CHC Chair).
• For the community, success will be evidenced by increased involvement in heritage events and more
telling of the Maple Ridge story (reported on twice a year to Council by CHC Chair).
Operating Budget Operating Budget Operating Budget Operating Budget
Proposed Financial Plan 2017 Proposed Financial Plan 2017 Proposed Financial Plan 2017 Proposed Financial Plan 2017 –––– 2021202120212021
(As presented in 2017 Incremental Package Report)(As presented in 2017 Incremental Package Report)(As presented in 2017 Incremental Package Report)(As presented in 2017 Incremental Package Report)
Budget request of $44,900 from the City of Maple Ridge
Carryover of program and project funds for 2016
Carry over remaining budget amount from 2016 to 2017 to fund completion of Heritage Inventory project and
other projects identified in this Business Plan.
Key budget areas for 2017 are:
• Heritage Inventory completion and steps to utilize the inventory in pilot projects
• Update Heritage Register
• CHC Communications Strategy
• Implementation of Heritage Plan noted for 2017
• Robertson Family Cemetery Project
• 2017 Heritage Week and Heritage Awards
• Open Access Archives Digitization Project
• Heritage Marker Inventory Data base
Proposed Changes or Remarks:Proposed Changes or Remarks:Proposed Changes or Remarks:Proposed Changes or Remarks:
The Community Heritage Commission requests a reversal of Council’s decision to reduce the annual operating
funds going into 2017. The group is concerned it will be unable to fulfill its mandate without the level of
funding it has received for many years. We foresee that project and program sustainability will become more
challenging with a $2,000 annual budget that may allow for only one small project each year and there is
concern that momentum within the group may be lost.
The Heritage Commission is an interface of community, staff and Council, comprised of people who are
passionate about heritage conservation and dedicated to enhancing heritage awareness and understanding
at a local level. The group is trying to understand the rationale for the reduction in funding and trusts that
Council’s appreciation for the value of heritage projects and programs undertaken each year has not faltered.
Since its inception, the volunteer members of the Commission have continuously demonstrated a high
capacity for achieving the mandate established through Heritage Commission Bylaw No. 5908-2000.
Creating awareness and an appreciation for heritage provides benefits well beyond a love for local history.
Heritage awareness helps strengthen the connection people have with their community and heritage
conservation plays a vital role in creating vibrant communities as they evolve and grow over time. We believe
that support for these efforts is a common goal shared by many in Maple Ridge.
The CHC members who have worked with the 2017 Business Planning model have benefited from the level of
detail required and appreciate the insights acquired during the process. It should be noted that the attached
Incremental Project Package has been adjusted to accommodate the specific functions of the CHC as a
committee rather than a staff department.
PleaPleaPleaPlease see attached:se see attached:se see attached:se see attached:
Appendix A: Heritage Inventory Overview Supporting Information
Appendix B: Incremental Project Package
Appendix AAppendix AAppendix AAppendix A
Heritage Inventory OverviewHeritage Inventory OverviewHeritage Inventory OverviewHeritage Inventory Overview
Supporting InformationSupporting InformationSupporting InformationSupporting Information
The Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission has identified a need to update the community’s Heritage
Inventory (Heritage Resources of Maple Ridge) on a regular basis and the Heritage Inventory update, currently
underway, will include designing a process to do just that. The goal for completion of this project is June
2017. The services Donald Luxton, a heritage professional consultant have been retained to undertake this
Updating the Heritage Inventory involves three phases in total as follows:
Phase I: Identify sites for removal and new sites for possible addition through public nomination;
Phase II: Research historical aspects of each site for evaluation;
Phase III: Update The Heritage Resources of Maple Ridge (HRMR) document with new information
and present to Council for endorsement.
Key objectives for Phase I are to:
• Consider a wider perspective of historical significance than in the past, such as cultural, social,
scientific, and spiritual heritage.
• Encourage public participation amongst individuals, other municipal committees, commissions,
community groups, sports groups, business community, etc.
• Establish criteria and evaluation process for each potential removal and addition to the HRMR.
The need for the Heritage Inventory Update:
• Improve this important planning and development tool that enables identification of existing heritage
features and describes their historical significance to the community.
• The 1998 work has not been revisited in 17 years. Significant shifts in population and extensive
property development are earmarks of Maple Ridge in the past decade and a half.
• Best practice in the heritage field has matured to consider a wider perspective of historical
significance, such as cultural, social, scientific, and spiritual heritage.
• Provide an opportunity for the present population of Maple Ridge to express the value of heritage
assets and celebrate the unique qualities they bring to the community.
The Heritage Inventory Update Project will:
• Review previous versions of the Inventory.
• Identify the status of previously inventoried features.
• Identify potential sites for addition to the inventory through a public consultation process.
• Update evaluation framework and historical research.
• Conduct a field survey of features, both previously inventoried and newly recommended.
• Identify the historical importance of heritage features to the community.
• Evaluate the resulting inventory.
• Design a process to keep the Inventory updated thereafter.
• It is anticipated that once the update is complete, the costs associated with regular maintenance,
undertaken every 3-5 years, can be covered under the CHC’s annual budget.
• The 1998 Inventory was supported by a grant from BC Heritage Trust. Funding is presently no longer
available from senior levels of government for this area of heritage work.
• The goal for completion is 2017. The project is underway.
Background and Context:
• The Heritage Inventory— The Heritage Resources of Maple Ridge is a consolidated list of the City's
heritage resources, published in 1998 by the Community Heritage Commission (then the Heritage
Advisory Committee), prepared by Donald Luxton & Associates.
• Heritage Inventory 1998 Contents— 95 historic buildings, 5 historic cemeteries, 14 landscape
features and three historic objects Some features have been demolished since 1998.
• There are no restrictions or other regulations placed on properties listed on the Inventory, but the
catalogue provides a list of sites that the community has identified as having heritage value.
Supporting Official Community Plan Policies:
4 – 38: Maple Ridge will work cooperatively with the Community Heritage Commission and other relevant
groups and organizations to establish an information database of all types of built, natural and
cultural heritage resources within the District, including evaluation criteria for each type. This
inventory would be updated on an ongoing basis evolving and responding to theoretical and practical
changes in the heritage arena.
4 - 44 Maple Ridge will endeavor to use tools available under Provincial legislation more effectively to
strengthen heritage conservation in the District. Other planning tools will also be utilized where
appropriate to establish a comprehensive approach to heritage management in the District.
4 - 45 Maple Ridge will assist the financial aspects of heritage resource management by:
a) Supporting the efforts of the Community Heritage Commission, which may include financial
assistance requests from the Heritage Commission evaluated by Council on a program or project
b) Working cooperatively with the Community Heritage Commission in fund raising efforts for the
conservation of heritage resources;
c) Supporting and promoting effective marketing of heritage resources to potentially interested
d) Supporting heritage tourism efforts;
e) Encouraging local organization, including the Community Heritage Commission to pool resources
and develop partnerships to strengthen heritage conservation activities throughout the
Appendix B Incremental Project PackageAppendix B Incremental Project PackageAppendix B Incremental Project PackageAppendix B Incremental Project Package
Incremental Package ReportIncremental Package ReportIncremental Package ReportIncremental Package Report
2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget
Date:Date:Date:Date: October 3, 2016October 3, 2016October 3, 2016October 3, 2016
Submitted By:Submitted By:Submitted By:Submitted By: Community Heritage CommissionCommunity Heritage CommissionCommunity Heritage CommissionCommunity Heritage Commission
Package:Package:Package:Package: 1 of 91 of 91 of 91 of 9
Activities/PurposeActivities/PurposeActivities/PurposeActivities/Purpose: : : : EDUCATION PROGRAMEDUCATION PROGRAMEDUCATION PROGRAMEDUCATION PROGRAM
Heritage Education & Awareness Initiatives: costs associated with community events.
The Heritage Commission has a mandate to help educate the community on local heritage, which helps
strengthen people’s connection to the place they live. To do that work, members of the CHC need to
participate in in-service activities to become and remain current in the heritage field.
Maple Ridge Heritage Plan page 34
Education & Awareness Initiatives
The focus would be on the celebrations of history that will occur around Canada’s Sesquicentennial.
Celebrate Canada 150
• Continue to work with community partners (Library, School District #42, MRHS, etc.) in heritage
awareness and education initiatives.
• Promote those aspects of community history that connect to Canada, e.g., CPR main line.
• Continue to celebrate local and community history within the broader national context.
• Engage a broader public through community events and celebrations.
Functions PerFunctions PerFunctions PerFunctions Performed/Degree of Serviceformed/Degree of Serviceformed/Degree of Serviceformed/Degree of Service::::
• Delegate fees support CHC members attending heritage training opportunities.
• Field trips and workshops provide educational opportunities for CHC members, Council, Staff, and the
• Networking events provide educational support and partnership opportunities for Maple Ridge
residents to communicate with those engaged in heritage service in other communities and
• Some of these activities are conducted as wholly CHC-funded events, others as partially partnership or
sponsor funded events.
ACTIVITYACTIVITYACTIVITYACTIVITY 2017201720172017 2018201820182018 2019201920192019 2020202020202020 2021202120212021
$ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs
Delegate Fees 300 20 500 30 500 30 500 30 500 30
CHC Hosted Field
1,000 30 1,000 30 1,000 40 1,500 40 1,500 40
CHC Hosted
3,000 50 3000 50 3000 50 3500 50 3500 50
3000 50 3000 50 3000 50 3500 50 3500 50
Alternatives ConsideredAlternatives ConsideredAlternatives ConsideredAlternatives Considered::::
Restricting opportunities to passive encounters such as brochures and the mapleridge.ca Web site weakens
heritage education. Heritage initiatives need more active delivery to expand community understanding and
Performance MeasurePerformance MeasurePerformance MeasurePerformance Measure::::
Increased community engagement in the uptake of Heritage Revitalization Agreements and participation in
heritage events.
2017 2017 2017 2017 BudgetBudgetBudgetBudget
$ 7,300.00$ 7,300.00$ 7,300.00$ 7,300.00
$ $ $ $ 7,300.007,300.007,300.007,300.00
Incremental Package ReportIncremental Package ReportIncremental Package ReportIncremental Package Report
2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget
Date:Date:Date:Date: October 3, 2016October 3, 2016October 3, 2016October 3, 2016
Submitted By:Submitted By:Submitted By:Submitted By: Community Heritage CommissionCommunity Heritage CommissionCommunity Heritage CommissionCommunity Heritage Commission
Package:Package:Package:Package: 2 of 92 of 92 of 92 of 9
Committees of Council are made up largely of community volunteers, who donate their time and expertise.
The development of a shared community vision for heritage depends on evident support for the work of the
CHC by Council and CMR staff.
The CHC needs sufficient financial reserves to engage in short term, un-forecastable opportunities such as the
2016 partnership with the Public Art Steering Committee in the “Play Ball” undertaking at Hammond Stadium
where the turn around on the project was two months.
Functions Performed/DFunctions Performed/DFunctions Performed/DFunctions Performed/Degree of Serviceegree of Serviceegree of Serviceegree of Service::::
Operations include member binders and meeting support.
Memberships include: BC Historical Federation, BC Museums Association and Heritage BC. Annual Fees and
conference fees are included.
ACTIVITYACTIVITYACTIVITYACTIVITY 2017201720172017 2018201820182018 2019201920192019 2020202020202020 2021202120212021
$ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs
CHC Operations 350 350 350 350 350
Annual Fees
Conference Fees
Alternatives ConsideredAlternatives ConsideredAlternatives ConsideredAlternatives Considered::::
Fewer than ten public meetings and regular sub-committees meetings will result in the CHC needing to
abandon several of its established programs.
Committee participation in conferences is voluntary and partially funded. There is no transportation or
accommodation support.
Performance MeasurePerformance MeasurePerformance MeasurePerformance Measure::::
Successful recruitment and retention of skilled commissioners and sub-committee volunteers.
Widened heritage knowledge base supporting CHC work.
2017 2017 2017 2017 BudgetBudgetBudgetBudget
$ 900.00$ 900.00$ 900.00$ 900.00
$ 8,200.00$ 8,200.00$ 8,200.00$ 8,200.00
Incremental Package Incremental Package Incremental Package Incremental Package ReportReportReportReport
2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget
Date:Date:Date:Date: October 3, 2016October 3, 2016October 3, 2016October 3, 2016
Submitted By:Submitted By:Submitted By:Submitted By: Community Heritage CommissionCommunity Heritage CommissionCommunity Heritage CommissionCommunity Heritage Commission
Package:Package:Package:Package: 3 of 93 of 93 of 93 of 9
Heritage Communication Strategy needs to include consultant and contract costs for creating and maintaining
website and print material. Communications strategy is a vital component in all other programs and projects,
particularly Education Initiatives. This work has depended on the skills and capacity of volunteers. The CMR
Communications Department is able to provide only intermittent support for CHC communications needs.
Maple Ridge Heritage Plan page 34
Heritage Communication Strategy
The first priority for the CHC is to develop a comprehensive communications strategy, to ensure the best
possible dissemination of key messages and heritage information. This includes a review of digital
communication, print materials, messaging, interpretation and public education and awareness initiatives.
The idea of a dedicated heritage website, possibly in conjunction with the MRHS, should be explored.
Maple Ridge Heritage Plan page 34
Education & Awareness Initiatives
The focus would be on the celebrations of history that will occur around Canada’s Sesquicentennial.
Celebrate Canada 150
• Continue to work with community partners (Library, School District #42, MRHS, etc.) in heritage
awareness and education initiatives.
• Promote those aspects of community history that connect to Canada, e.g., CPR main line.
• Continue to celebrate local and community history within the broader national context.
• Engage a broader public through community events and celebrations.
Functions Performed/Degree of ServiceFunctions Performed/Degree of ServiceFunctions Performed/Degree of ServiceFunctions Performed/Degree of Service::::
• Advertising: promotion of heritage events and programs
• Heritage Here Newsletter: 4 issues per year
• Marketing Package to align with City of Maple Ridge re-branding, refreshed annually
• mapleridge.ca: re-design the Community Heritage Commission pages
ACTIVITYACTIVITYACTIVITYACTIVITY 2017201720172017 2018201820182018 2019201920192019 2020202020202020 2021202120212021
$ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs
Advertising 20 20 20 20 20
Newsletter 1,600 40 1600 40 1600 40 1600 40 1600 40
Marketing Pkg 2,000 10 500 5 500 5 500 5 500 5
mapleridge.ca 50 10 10 10 10
Alternatives ConsideredAlternatives ConsideredAlternatives ConsideredAlternatives Considered::::
• The CHC has been unable to establish a communications strategy as mandated in the Heritage Plan.
• Social media: not permitted as a function discreet from CMR Communications Department capacity.
• The production of marketing tools, including brochures, posters and Heritage Here newsletter, have
been dependent on the in-house skills of staff and volunteers To improve consistent publication and
compliance with the quality of other City publications, it is necessary to either contract or have access
to staff graphic design services.
Performance MeasurePerformance MeasurePerformance MeasurePerformance Measure::::
• Increased participation by Council, City staff and public in CHC and partner programs and events.
• Regular production of the Heritage Here newsletter.
• Improved public understanding of heritage.
• A Communications Strategy in place to provide a framework for improved communication and
2017 2017 2017 2017 BudgetBudgetBudgetBudget
$ 3,600.00$ 3,600.00$ 3,600.00$ 3,600.00
$ 11,800.00$ 11,800.00$ 11,800.00$ 11,800.00
Incremental Package ReportIncremental Package ReportIncremental Package ReportIncremental Package Report
2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget
Date:Date:Date:Date: October 3, 2016October 3, 2016October 3, 2016October 3, 2016
Submitted By:Submitted By:Submitted By:Submitted By: Community Heritage CommissionCommunity Heritage CommissionCommunity Heritage CommissionCommunity Heritage Commission
Package:Package:Package:Package: 4 of 94 of 94 of 94 of 9
• The CHC engages in a wide range of programs and projects to develop and enhance community
awareness of heritage.
• Heritage Week in February is a national, provincial and local opportunity to recognize the
achievements of Maple Ridge citizens. The Heritage Awards recognize initiatives, achievements, and
projects that have enhanced heritage conservation in Maple Ridge. (By 2018 the event will require
larger premises.). In 2015 and 2016 the CHC hosted a Heritage discussion evening. Activities are
supported in partnership with the Maple Ridge Historical Society. None of these events have received
adequate promotion.
• Ongoing programs include: Plaque Program, new information panels and signage, heritage marker
replacement. Hopefully, in 2018 an anticipated partnership with the Public Art Steering Committee will
result in a contemporary stantion design for heritage markers.
• Heritage Marker Inventory: In 2016 the CHC created a Heritage Marker Inventory and plans an
activation project for 2017 to celebrate Canada 150. Other anniversaries include BC 160 in 2018 and
Maple Ridge’s fifth year as a city in 2019. .
Functions Performed/Degree of ServiceFunctions Performed/Degree of ServiceFunctions Performed/Degree of ServiceFunctions Performed/Degree of Service::::
ACTIVITYACTIVITYACTIVITYACTIVITY 2017201720172017 2018201820182018 2019201920192019 2020202020202020 2021202120212021
$ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs
Heritage Week:
Heritage Awards
Heritage Conversation
Partnered Event
Plaque Program 400 5 400 5 400 5 400 5 400 5
Information Panels
and Signage
400 10 10,000 40 400 10 500 10 500 10
Heritage Marker
600 20 400 10 400 10 500 10 500 10
Canada 150 2500 30
BC 160 2500 30
Maple Ridge
5 yrs a city
Alternatives ConsideredAlternatives ConsideredAlternatives ConsideredAlternatives Considered::::
The alternative is to restrict all of these programs and projects.
It should be noted that the annual $2,000 grant already authorized by Council will do little more than support
the Heritage Awards.
Performance MeasurePerformance MeasurePerformance MeasurePerformance Measure::::
• Identification of a broad range of heritage resources, natural sites and cultural landscapes for
planning purposes.
• Improved base of heritage information. Better identification of potential heritage resources.
• Broader public engagement in the heritage process. Improved identification of historic places valued
by residents.
2017 2017 2017 2017 BudgetBudgetBudgetBudget
$ 6,600.00$ 6,600.00$ 6,600.00$ 6,600.00
$ 18,400.00$ 18,400.00$ 18,400.00$ 18,400.00
Incremental Package ReportIncremental Package ReportIncremental Package ReportIncremental Package Report
2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget
Date:Date:Date:Date: October 3, 2016October 3, 2016October 3, 2016October 3, 2016
Submitted By:Submitted By:Submitted By:Submitted By: Community Heritage CommissionCommunity Heritage CommissionCommunity Heritage CommissionCommunity Heritage Commission
Package:Package:Package:Package: 5 of 95 of 95 of 95 of 9
The Digitization Project has been underway since 2012 in partnership with the City Clerk’s Department. The
project goals include:
• preserving the City’s unique and irreplaceable, at-risk historic records
• creating an archives catalogue
• digitizing the historic records
• creating public access to this invaluable heritage asset
Maple Ridge Heritage Plan page 34
Digitization Initiatives
This would include a renewed focus on initiatives to provide broader public access to historical
Review current digital initiatives and facilities requirements.
Review Municipal and Community Archives requirements and opportunities, and ensure that there will be
adequate public access to historical information.
Promote digital access through grant applications, and dissemination through websites.
Functions Performed/Degree of ServiceFunctions Performed/Degree of ServiceFunctions Performed/Degree of ServiceFunctions Performed/Degree of Service::::
The CHC contribution extends from research and advice to providing contract staff to inventory (Phase I) and
catalogue (Phase II) the CMR archives. Phase III will be creating the metadata to index the collection and
develop accessibility tools. At present the scope of the work is impossible to predict.
ACTIVITYACTIVITYACTIVITYACTIVITY 2017201720172017 2018201820182018 2019201920192019 2020202020202020 2021202120212021
$ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs
Phase I 2000 10
Phase II 6000 50
Phase III 10 6000 50 6000 50 6000 50 6000 50
Alternatives ConsideredAlternatives ConsideredAlternatives ConsideredAlternatives Considered::::
• The CMR archival collection is at high risk. Loss of irreplaceable historical material will be the
consequence of inaction.
• It should be noted that, to date, work has included progress on a preliminary inventory and condition
report by the CHC, and very limited conservation and digitization of a few of the earliest at-risk
material by the City Clerk’s department. There is no cataloguing or indexing to permit full access to the
Performance MeasurePerformance MeasurePerformance MeasurePerformance Measure::::
The CMR archives will be conserved, secure and fully accessible in digitized form for the use of citizens and
2017 2017 2017 2017 BudgetBudgetBudgetBudget
$ 8,000.00$ 8,000.00$ 8,000.00$ 8,000.00
$ 26,400.00$ 26,400.00$ 26,400.00$ 26,400.00
Incremental Package ReportIncremental Package ReportIncremental Package ReportIncremental Package Report
2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget
Date:Date:Date:Date: October 3, 2016October 3, 2016October 3, 2016October 3, 2016
Submitted By:Submitted By:Submitted By:Submitted By: Community Heritage CommissionCommunity Heritage CommissionCommunity Heritage CommissionCommunity Heritage Commission
Package:Package:Package:Package: 6 of 96 of 96 of 96 of 9
The site is currently protected under Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 6622-2008. It is also designated for
institutional use only and zoned accordingly. However, the property remains in the name of Robert Robertson,
who died in 1912. A few further steps need to be undertaken for the long-term protection of this site,
including survey work. The project is ongoing since 2015 and can be completed in 2017. Interments have
taken place on the site since about 1860 and it is the un-surveyed portion of an 1859 colonial pre-emption.
Functions Performed/Degree of Service:Functions Performed/Degree of Service:Functions Performed/Degree of Service:Functions Performed/Degree of Service:
The remaining work includes a survey of the property, tax sale, and provincial recognition of this heritage site.
ACTIVITYACTIVITYACTIVITYACTIVITY 2017201720172017 2018201820182018 2019201920192019 2020202020202020 2021202120212021
$ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs
Cemetery Project 3500 20
Alternatives ConsideredAlternatives ConsideredAlternatives ConsideredAlternatives Considered::::
Leave the site in legal limbo with Robert Robertson, deceased, as the property owner.
Performance MeasurePerformance MeasurePerformance MeasurePerformance Measure::::
The recognition project will be completed in 2017.
2017 2017 2017 2017 BudgetBudgetBudgetBudget
$ 3,500.00$ 3,500.00$ 3,500.00$ 3,500.00
$ $ $ $ 29,900.0029,900.0029,900.0029,900.00
Incremental Package ReportIncremental Package ReportIncremental Package ReportIncremental Package Report
2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget
Date:Date:Date:Date: October 3, 2016October 3, 2016October 3, 2016October 3, 2016
Submitted By:Submitted By:Submitted By:Submitted By: Community Heritage Commission Community Heritage Commission Community Heritage Commission Community Heritage Commission
Package:Package:Package:Package: 7 of 97 of 97 of 97 of 9
Activities/PurposeActivities/PurposeActivities/PurposeActivities/Purpose: : : : HERITAGE PLAN UPDATEHERITAGE PLAN UPDATEHERITAGE PLAN UPDATEHERITAGE PLAN UPDATE
The Heritage Plan 2013—2020 has guided the CHC’s work very competently since 2014. This is an essential
accountability piece in the CHC’s work. Note: this work is not proposed to commence until 2019 and no
funds are requested for this project at this time.
Maple Ridge Heritage Plan page 34
Update Heritage Plan
Heritage conservation is an ongoing process. Once updated policies, procedures and regulations are
established, it is necessary to continue to monitor the Heritage Plan to ensure its ongoing effectiveness. A
cyclical re-examination of the Heritage Plan – of planning, implementation and evaluation – should be
initiated, to review the results and effectiveness on a regular basis. A preliminary assessment could occur
at the end of each year’s CHC Work Plan, with a full revaluation at the end of each seven-year cycle, to
ensure that the Heritage Plan remains relevant and useful. At the end of the cycle of priority reviews, the
entire Heritage Plan should again be reviewed for relevance based on the current situation. The
effectiveness of existing initiatives should be reviewed, and the community and stakeholders consulted to
determine expectations and new ideas. The outcomes of this Heritage Plan should be measured to
determine the next set of priorities for the CHC.
Functions Performed/Degree of ServiceFunctions Performed/Degree of ServiceFunctions Performed/Degree of ServiceFunctions Performed/Degree of Service::::
Review of the Heritage Plan will be undertaken by CHC and stakeholders with a consultant.
Update of the Heritage Plan will require a year of work by CHC, stakeholders and consultant and will include
community consultation.
ACTIVITYACTIVITYACTIVITYACTIVITY 2017201720172017 2018201820182018 2019201920192019 2020202020202020 2021202120212021
$ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs
Heritage Plan Review 2000 30
Heritage Plan Update 8000 50
Alternatives ConsideredAlternatives ConsideredAlternatives ConsideredAlternatives Considered::::
The absence of a functioning and well-used heritage plan will compromise City planning and development,
and negate the excellent reputation Maple Ridge holds among its neighbours and heritage colleagues.
Performance MeasurePerformance MeasurePerformance MeasurePerformance Measure::::
A renewed Heritage Plan for Maple Ridge will be in place before the expiry of the present plan. The updating
process will ensure compliance with federal and provincial conservation standards.
2017 2017 2017 2017 BudgetBudgetBudgetBudget
$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0
$ 29,900.00$ 29,900.00$ 29,900.00$ 29,900.00
Incremental Package ReportIncremental Package ReportIncremental Package ReportIncremental Package Report
2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget
Date:Date:Date:Date: October 3, 2016October 3, 2016October 3, 2016October 3, 2016
Submitted By:Submitted By:Submitted By:Submitted By: Community Heritage Commission Community Heritage Commission Community Heritage Commission Community Heritage Commission
Package:Package:Package:Package: 8 of 98 of 98 of 98 of 9
The Heritage Incentives Review was mandated in the Heritage Plan to be conducted in 2016. Delays in
funding the Heritage Inventory Update Project have resulted in replacement of the review with more attention
to Education Initiatives. The review can be appropriately scheduled following the updates of the Heritage
Inventory and Heritage Register. Note: this work is not proposed to commence until 2018 and no funds are
requested for this project at this time.
Maple Ridge Heritage Plan page 35
Heritage Incentives Review
The CHC should assist in a full review of the City’s heritage incentives program. The intent is to develop an
enhanced heritage incentives program that would better serve the needs of heritage property owners, by
considering the following initiatives:
• Review heritage conservation tools enabled under provincial legislation.
• Consider a broader use of tax incentives, financial and developmental incentives and other
methods to ensure financial viability of conservation efforts.
• Review the possibility of a municipal grants program for private building owners, to provide
incentives for restoration as well as maintenance. Determine scope and magnitude of an ongoing
grants program that would assist both restoration and maintenance. Assess delivery methods for
grants (through CHC, a separate foundation or a fee-for service contract).
Functions Performed/Degree of ServiceFunctions Performed/Degree of ServiceFunctions Performed/Degree of ServiceFunctions Performed/Degree of Service::::
Heritage Incentives Review is a complex process requiring the services of a consultant.
ACTIVITYACTIVITYACTIVITYACTIVITY 2017201720172017 2018201820182018 2019201920192019 2020202020202020 2021202120212021
$ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs
Heritage Incentives
35,000 50
Alternatives ConsideredAlternatives ConsideredAlternatives ConsideredAlternatives Considered::::
The alternative is for Maple Ridge to operate as it has with insufficient incentives to encourage citizens and
developers to respect and conserve the community’s considerable heritage.
Performance MeasurePerformance MeasurePerformance MeasurePerformance Measure::::
The Heritage Incentives Review will provide improved and updated information for planning and development
decision making in Maple Ridge. A program of improved incentives will encourage residents to engage more
fully in heritage conservation.
2017 2017 2017 2017 BudgetBudgetBudgetBudget
$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0
$ 29,900.00$ 29,900.00$ 29,900.00$ 29,900.00
Incremental Package Incremental Package Incremental Package Incremental Package ReportReportReportReport
2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget2017 Community Heritage Commission Budget
Date:Date:Date:Date: October 3, 2016October 3, 2016October 3, 2016October 3, 2016
Submitted By:Submitted By:Submitted By:Submitted By: Community Heritage Commission Community Heritage Commission Community Heritage Commission Community Heritage Commission
Package:Package:Package:Package: 9 of 99 of 99 of 99 of 9
The Heritage Register Update was recommended in the Heritage Plan. Completion of the Heritage Inventory
Update Project in early 2017 will clear the way for updating the Heritage Register.
Maple Ridge Heritage Plan page 10
The Community Heritage Register is an official listing of properties having heritage value, passed by
resolution of local government. The Register may be used to “flag” properties for possible future
Maple Ridge Heritage Plan page 17
There are currently 28 sites identified as having heritage value that are listed on the Maple Ridge
Community Heritage Register (Note: CMR owns ten of these sites.)
Maple Ridge Heritage Plan page 34
Mechanisms for updating the Heritage Register should be considered, including direct contact with
property owners and a program to prepare Statements of Significance.
Functions Performed/Degree of ServiceFunctions Performed/Degree of ServiceFunctions Performed/Degree of ServiceFunctions Performed/Degree of Service::::
Heritage Register Update is a complex process requiring the services of a consultant. In some cases, entries in
the Heritage Register need to be carried through to provincial and federation recognition.
ACTIVITYACTIVITYACTIVITYACTIVITY 2017201720172017 2018201820182018 2019201920192019 2020202020202020 2021202120212021
$ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs $ Vol Hrs
Heritage Register
15,000 30 10,000 20 10,000 20 10,000 20 10,000 20
Alternatives ConsideredAlternatives ConsideredAlternatives ConsideredAlternatives Considered::::
The Heritage Plan clearly articulates the deficits of the Heritage Register which is impaired in its conservation
and management roles.
Maple Ridge Heritage Plan page 21
Key areas have been identified where existing heritage policies and initiatives could be strengthened.
• There are few sites coming forward for inclusion on the Heritage Register; the process seems to be
• The District owns heritage sites that have not been legally protected and do not have Conservation
• Heritage incentives tend to be minimal, and are not resulting in significant uptake.
• Current incentives are not appropriate for agricultural properties. Consultation is needed with the
Agricultural Land Commission regarding heritage retention strategies on agricultural land.
• There are no incentives for the maintenance of heritage sites.
• Demolition requests have increased as a result of ongoing neglect of heritage structures.
Performance MeasurePerformance MeasurePerformance MeasurePerformance Measure::::
The Heritage Register Update will provide improved and updated information for planning and development
decision making in Maple Ridge. The Heritage Register improves community and visitor awareness of cultural
assets that will be demonstrated by improved uptake of registration and designation. CMR will demonstrate
heritage leadership along with such communities as:
• Kelowna http://apps.kelowna.ca/iHeritage/hc001.cfm
• Surrey http://www.surrey.ca/city-services/3209.aspx
Maple Ridge representation on Canada’s Historic Places Register will increase from 15 to 30 or more heritage
assets. http://www.historicplaces.ca/en/results-
2017 2017 2017 2017 BudgetBudgetBudgetBudget
$ 15,000.00$ 15,000.00$ 15,000.00$ 15,000.00
$ 44,900.00$ 44,900.00$ 44,900.00$ 44,900.00
Sunny Schiller
From:Lisa Zosiak
Sent:Thursday, October 13, 2016 10:48 AM
To:Craig Speirs; Brenda Smith; 'Rant'; irvine7@shaw.ca; 'ayres22@shaw.ca';
lwpettit@shaw.ca; Eric Phillips (ephillips6795@shaw.ca); d-jkoehn@telus.net
Cc:Sunny Schiller
Subject:FW: Heritage Meeting
Attachments:2016 H&CP&P e-POSTER.jpg
Please see attached invite to the annual Heritage Professionals meeting. This year they will be focusing the agenda
to be more inclusive of Heritage Committee/Commission members.
Lisa Zosiak, M.R.M., MCIP, RPP
City of Maple Ridge
11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9
Tel: 604-467-7383 Fax: 604-466-4327
Web Facebook Twitter YouTube
Our service commitment: fair, friendly, helpful.
Survey Email Comments
-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Kopystynski
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 10:34 AM
To: Lisa Zosiak
Subject: Heritage Meeting
Hello Lisa,
Attached is the information about registering for this year's Heritage and Cultural Planners and Professionals
The BC Association of Heritage Professionals would appreciate it if this could be passed this to members of the
Maple Ridge Heritage Advisory Commission. They are very welcome to attend.
Adrian Kopystynski, MCIP, RPP, MCAHP
City of Maple Ridge
11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9
Tel: 604-467-7431 Fax: 604-466-4327
Web Facebook Twitter YouTube
Our service commitment: fair, friendly, helpful.
Survey Email Comments
Frida·y November 25
Shad bolt Cente r
6450 Deer Lake Pa rk, Bumaby, BC
9amto -4 .pm
forum ohd p resentabons
coffee breaks and cookies
free parking lunch incl uded
wine & c heese from 4 ,o 5 no host
Reg i.ster on line at:
http://c ahp-acecp.ca/chapt.ers/british-columbia/ with PayPal
or mall cheque before November 10 to:
BCAHP 1'030 -470 Granvill e St Vancouver, BC V6C lVS
Please register early and he l p us pla rrning the meeti'og
■~ 'oU.11(1,Cll°"~l'DN Qii ....... ~~~
general attendance: $40
bcahp mem~ers attendan,e, $35
Pa rks, Recreation
& Cµlmra.l Services
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney
Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on
Thursday,September 8, 2016 at 7:00 pm
Eric Phillips Member at Large
Sandra Ayres Member at Large
Brenda Smith,Chair Maple Ridge Historical Society
Julie Koehn Maple Ridge Historical Society
Councillor Speirs Council Liaison
Russell Irvine Member at Large
Len Pettit Community at Large
Lisa Zosiak Staff Liaison, Community Planner
Sunny Schiller Committee Clerk
Erica Williams President, Maple Ridge Historical Society
Lindsay Foreman Volunteer, Heritage Inventory Update
Councillor Duncan City of Maple Ridge Councillor
Steven Ranta, Vice-Chair Community at Large
There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm and
introductions were made.
It was moved and seconded
That the agenda dated September 8, 2016 be amended to add Item 9.3 BC Museums
Association Liaison Update and be adopted as amended.
CHC Minutes
September 8, 2016
Page 2 of 4
It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the June 7, 2016 meeting be approved.
4.1 Councillor Duncan –Pokemon Go Demo
Councillor Duncan provided information about Pokemon Go. Heritage related uses
for this type of application were discussed.It was suggested a symposium be held to
discuss the idea further.
4.2 Brenda Smith –Summer Roadtrip 2016 Presentation
Chair Brenda Smith made a presentation focused on heritage related highlights from
her summer travels.
5.1 Financial Update
Russell Irvine reported he has taken over responsibility for budget reporting for the
Commission and outlined his approach. An updated budget report will be provided at
the next meeting.
5.2 Business Plan 2017-2021
Russell Irvine outlined the 2017 budget development process.The Chair and Staff
Liaison reviewed details of the draft business plan.A finalized business plan will be
provided to the Commission for review prior to submission to Council.
5.3 2017 Meeting Schedule Adoption
A 2017 meeting schedule was reviewed. The Commission will meet monthly unless
otherwise notified.(The January 2017 meeting date may be rescheduled once the
2017 Council calendar is available for review.)
7.1 Membership
7.1.1 Calendar of Events
The Chair reported the calendar of event is currently being updated and will
be provided at a future meeting.
7.2 Pokemon Go Demo
Previously dealt with –Item 4.1
7.3 Hammond Public Art Report
The Chair provided a final report on this project.
CHC Minutes
September 8, 2016
Page 3 of 4
7.4 Canada 150
No update.
7.5 Tourism –Instameet Event
The Chair reported she assisted Vickie Fulton, Economic Development Office
Administrative Assistant,to setup an Instameet.
8.1 Communications Subcommittee
8.1.1 Heritage Here Newsletter
The Chair reported the cost for a consultant to produce the newsletter has
been included in the 2017 business plan.
8.1.2 Local Voices
The Chair reported the Fall Local Voices program is organized and ready to go
for a second season.
8.2 Recognitions Subcommittee
8.2.1 Heritage Week Subcommittee
Members will be appointed to the subcommittee by the Chair.
8.2.2 Heritage Awards 2017 Nominations
The Chair encouraged members to gather nominations for the 2017 Heritage
Awards.Submissions for the 2017 Heritage Awards will be accepted until
October 21, 2016
8.3 Education Subcommittee
No update.
8.3.1 BC Societies Act Workshop
No update.
8.4 Digitization Project Subcommittee
No update.
8.5 Heritage Inventory Project Update
The Chair provided an update on the Heritage Inventory project.More information,
including upcoming events, can be found at:www.mapleridge.ca/1384.Ways to
communicate the project were discussed.An update on the project will be included
in the fall report to Council.
8.6 Robertson Family Cemetery Project Subcommittee
The Staff Liaison reported the request for funding for the project is in progress.
8.7 Museum and Archives Work Group Update
The Chair reported a meeting of the work group has not been scheduled. Councillor
Speirs provided a status report on the museum project.
9.1 BC Historical Federation
The Chair reviewed the current BC Historical Federation newsletter.
CHC Minutes
September 8, 2016
Page 4 of 4
9.2 Heritage BC
The annual Heritage BC survey was discussed.
9.3 BC Museums Association
The Chair reported the BC Museums Association is holding an event October 12, 13
and 14 in Whistler, BC.As no members of the Commission are able to attend
It was moved and seconded
That Erica Williams, Maple Ridge Historical Society President,act as a Community Heritage
Commission delegate to the BC Museums Association October 2016 event and be
reimbursed the $200 registration fee.
9.4 Maple Ridge Historical Society
Julie Koehn reported the Maple Ridge Historical Society participated in Canada Day
festivities and a new Katzie First Nations display and has been working to grow their
online presence.A cemetery cleanup was done over the summer.Upcoming events
include Rivers Day on September 25th,Speaking Out on September 29th,Culture
Days on October 2nd.
9.5 Council Liaison
Councillor Speirs reported on his summer visit to a museum and archive facility and a
book store.
Eric Phillips shared some history relating to Russia.
Julie Koehn reported on a visit over the summer to Haida Gwaii, including a visit to the
museum and cultural centre.
It was moved that the meeting be adjourned at 9:10 pm.
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney
Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on
Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at 7:00 pm
Eric Phillips Member at Large
Sandra Ayres Member at Large
Brenda Smith, Chair Maple Ridge Historical Society
Julie Koehn Maple Ridge Historical Society
Councillor Craig Speirs Council Liaison
Russell Irvine Member at Large
Len Pettit Member at Large
Steven Ranta, Vice-Chair Member at Large
Lisa Zosiak Staff Liaison, Community Planner
Sunny Schiller Committee Clerk
Kevin Bennett Member of the public
There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm and
It was moved and seconded
That That That That the the the the agenda agenda agenda agenda dated dated dated dated October 4October 4October 4October 4, 2016 , 2016 , 2016 , 2016 bebebebe adoptedadoptedadoptedadopted....
It was moved and seconded
That the That the That the That the Minutes of the Minutes of the Minutes of the Minutes of the September 8September 8September 8September 8, 2016 meeting , 2016 meeting , 2016 meeting , 2016 meeting be be be be corrected to accurately reflect corrected to accurately reflect corrected to accurately reflect corrected to accurately reflect
Roundtable comments made by Eric PhillipsRoundtable comments made by Eric PhillipsRoundtable comments made by Eric PhillipsRoundtable comments made by Eric Phillips and be approved as correctedand be approved as correctedand be approved as correctedand be approved as corrected....
LE Iii: DG E
·-:-· C MU 'ff'l H F.l"IJ\G • (or,. MC SIQN
CHC Minutes
October 4, 2016
Page 2 of 5
Russell Irvine provided financial update. Business Plan 2017Business Plan 2017Business Plan 2017Business Plan 2017----2021202120212021
The Chair, the Staff Liaison and Russell Irvine provided an update on the 2017
business plan. CORRESPONDENCE CORRESPONDENCE CORRESPONDENCE CORRESPONDENCE Maple Ridge Historical SocietMaple Ridge Historical SocietMaple Ridge Historical SocietMaple Ridge Historical Society Letter y Letter y Letter y Letter –––– 2017 Representatives2017 Representatives2017 Representatives2017 Representatives
The Staff Liaison read a letter dated September 20, 2016 confirming that Brenda
Smith and Julie Koehn will serve as Maple Ridge Historical Society representatives to
the CHC during 2017. Letter from MLetter from MLetter from MLetter from Mr. Todd r. Todd r. Todd r. Todd Stone, MinistStone, MinistStone, MinistStone, Ministeeeer of Transportation andr of Transportation andr of Transportation andr of Transportation and InfraInfraInfraInfrastructure structure structure structure ---- Request Request Request Request
for for for for Stop of Interest Stop of Interest Stop of Interest Stop of Interest Sign submissions Sign submissions Sign submissions Sign submissions
The provincial government is accepting applications for “Stop of Interest” signs.
Approximately 75 signs will be created throughout the province to acknowledge
places of historical significance. The Commission was encouraged to bring
suggestions to the next meeting for discussion. Further information is available at:
6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 Heritage BC Heritage BC Heritage BC Heritage BC –––– Nominations Nominations Nominations Nominations for Heritage sfor Heritage sfor Heritage sfor Heritage sites with Japanese significanceites with Japanese significanceites with Japanese significanceites with Japanese significance
The Chair reported the Maple Ridge Historical Society is accepting nominations of
heritage sites with Japanese significance. What’s On MagazineWhat’s On MagazineWhat’s On MagazineWhat’s On Magazine
Correspondence has been received indicating the December issue will be the last
under the current owner. Maple Ridge Oral History ProposalMaple Ridge Oral History ProposalMaple Ridge Oral History ProposalMaple Ridge Oral History Proposal
Correspondence has been received from Fred Armstrong, Manager of Corporate
Communications, proposing a project to create videos with long term residents. Eric
Phillips, Councillor Speirs, Len Pettit, Staff Liaison Lisa Zosiak and Steven Ranta
volunteered to organize the project. NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESSNEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESSNEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESSNEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS MembershipMembershipMembershipMembership
7.1.1 Calendar of Events
The Chair requested members provide input to the Calendar of Events. The
Chair will make a CHC presentation to Council October 11.
CHC Minutes
October 4, 2016
Page 3 of 5 TourismTourismTourismTourism
Russell Irvine reported on a meeting he recently attended through the Tourism
subcommittee of the Economic Development Committee. Councillor Speirs provided
an update on the tourism rebranding project being undertaken by the City. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTSSUBCOMMITTEE REPORTSSUBCOMMITTEE REPORTSSUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Communications SubcommitteeCommunications SubcommitteeCommunications SubcommitteeCommunications Subcommittee
8.1.1 Heritage Here Newsletter
The 2017 business plan includes a request for funding for a consultant to
produce the Heritage Here newsletter. The Chair outlined the need for a
Commission communications strategy.
8.1.2 Local Voices
The Chair reported on the upcoming Local Voices sessions at the Library. Recognitions SubcommitteeRecognitions SubcommitteeRecognitions SubcommitteeRecognitions Subcommittee
8.2.1 Heritage Week Subcommittee
Plans for Heritage Week 2017 were discussed.
8.2.2 Heritage Awards 2017 Nominations
The Chair and the Staff Liaison reported the deadline for Heritage Awards
nominations is October 21. The Staff Liaison will send out a meeting
invitation to the Heritage Awards subcommittee to review nominations. Education SubcommitteeEducation SubcommitteeEducation SubcommitteeEducation Subcommittee
8.3.1 BC Societies Act Workshop
The Chair provided an update on the proposed workshop. Digitization Project SubcommitteeDigitization Project SubcommitteeDigitization Project SubcommitteeDigitization Project Subcommittee
The Chair and the Staff Liaison provided an update on the digitization project. The
goal of the project is to provide open access to the City’s archives. The Digitization
subcommittee will meet soon. A request for funding of Phase 2 of the project is
included in the 2017 business plan. Heritage Inventory Project UpdateHeritage Inventory Project UpdateHeritage Inventory Project UpdateHeritage Inventory Project Update
The Staff Liaison reported on the Heritage Inventory project. Nominations for the
Heritage Inventory will be accepted until October 31, 2016 and can be made online
at www.mapleridge.ca/1384 Robertson FamRobertson FamRobertson FamRobertson Family Cemetery Project Subcommitteeily Cemetery Project Subcommitteeily Cemetery Project Subcommitteeily Cemetery Project Subcommittee
The Chair reported a request for funding for this project will be made directly to
Council and also included in the 2017 business plan. Museum and Archives Work Group UpdateMuseum and Archives Work Group UpdateMuseum and Archives Work Group UpdateMuseum and Archives Work Group Update
Councillor Speirs provided an update on the museum and archives project. The
Commission watched a video outlining the need for the proposed civic facility that
was recently presented to senior levels of government. Commission members
provided feedback on the proposal to Councillor Speirs. The need for adequate
museum storage space was raised.
CHC Minutes
October 4, 2016
Page 4 of 5
It was moved and seconded
That the CThat the CThat the CThat the Community ommunity ommunity ommunity HHHHeritage eritage eritage eritage CCCCommissionommissionommissionommission (in combination with M(in combination with M(in combination with M(in combination with Maple aple aple aple RRRRidge idge idge idge HHHHistorical istorical istorical istorical
SSSSocietyocietyocietyociety) ) ) ) be be be be representrepresentrepresentrepresentedededed in the planning process for the proposed museum and archives in the planning process for the proposed museum and archives in the planning process for the proposed museum and archives in the planning process for the proposed museum and archives
The Staff Liaison will request a meeting with CAO Ted Swabey to discuss the
proposed museum and archive facility with a delegation from the CHC. LIAISON UPDATESLIAISON UPDATESLIAISON UPDATESLIAISON UPDATES BC Historical FederationBC Historical FederationBC Historical FederationBC Historical Federation
The Chair reported the next BC Historical Federation annual meeting will be held in
Chilliwack in the spring. The Chair encouraged members to plan to attend. Heritage BCHeritage BCHeritage BCHeritage BC
The Chair reported Heritage BC is working with the BC Arts Alliance and the BC
Museums Association on a number of joint projects. BC Museums AssociationBC Museums AssociationBC Museums AssociationBC Museums Association
It was agreed at the September CHC meeting that Erica Williams, President of the
Maple Ridge Historical Society, will represent the CHC at the upcoming BC Museums
Association meeting in Whistler. Maple Ridge Historical SocietyMaple Ridge Historical SocietyMaple Ridge Historical SocietyMaple Ridge Historical Society
Julie Koehn reported the museum and railway display were recently opened to the
public as part of Culture Days. Donald Luxton did a heritage talk on September 29th.
Volunteers from the neighbourhood helped out with the Wharfinger Office clean up
on September 10th. Council LiaisonCouncil LiaisonCouncil LiaisonCouncil Liaison
Councillor Speirs provided an update from the recent Union of BC Municipalities
(UBCM) conference. Councillor Speirs attended a session regarding regulatory
changes for agri-tourism. The City made presentations regarding homelessness in
The Staff Liaison reported the Hammond Area Plan has received first reading. A public
hearing will be scheduled for the Hammond Area Plan.
Russell Irvine volunteered to research heritage related tourism initiatives in other
Sandra Ayres has been reviewing historical Council Minutes as part of a research project.
Steven Ranta shared some family history.
CHC Minutes
October 4, 2016
Page 5 of 5
Eric Phillips shared some of his family history. Mr. Phillips reported a “Flashback to the 50s”
dance is coming up at the Eagles Hall.
Julie Koehn shared some of her family history.
Len Pettit shared details of his summer travels, including visits to the Agricultural and Food
It was moved that the meeting be adjourned at 9:10 pm.