HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDC 2015-01-21 minutes.pdfContact Information: Email: invest@mapleridge.ca Call: 604-467-7320 Website: www.investmapleridge.ca Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission MINUTES Wednesday, January 21, 2015, 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM Suite 300 – 22470 Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple Ridge, BC EAC Role: Helping advance the goals of Council for a vibrant local economy. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Nicole Read, Mayor Council Liaison Bob Masse, Councillor Council Liaison Corisa Bell, Councillor Council Liaison COMMUNITY LIAISON: Karen Pighin, Vice Chair Maple Ridge Arts Council Andrea Madden Chamber of Commerce, Executive Director Kristina Gervais Executive Director, TMRPM COMMUNITY AT LARGE: Karoline DeVries Community at Large John Lyotier Community at Large Malvin A J Harding Community at Large Jessica Chen EAC Youth Representative – by phone STAFF PRESENT: Sandy Blue Staff Liaison, Manager Strategic Economic Initiatives Bruce Livingstone Business Retention & Expansion Officer Elyse Marlo Commission Secretary, Administrative Assistant GUESTS: Chrislana Gregory Downtown Property Owner Margaret Daskis Agricultural Sector Business Owner REGRETS: Drew Atkins Seyem’ Qwantlen Business Group Glenn C. Ralph, Chair Community at Large - on leave Josef Lara Community at Large Mary Jane Stenberg Community at Large Rohith Manhas EAC Youth Representative 1. Call To Order 7:44 AM Vice-Chair, Karen Pighin called the meeting to order. 2. Adoption Of The Agenda R15-001 It was moved and seconded. That the Agenda for January 21, 2015 be adopted. CARRIED 3. Adoption Of Minutes R15-002 It was moved and seconded. That the Minutes of the Maple Ridge EAC Regular Meeting of November 19, 2014 be adopted. CARRIED ----=c-~ ...... ~ ••• mapleridge.ca Contact Information: Email: invest@mapleridge.ca Call: 604-467-7320 Website: www.investmapleridge.ca 4. Delegations 4.1 IT community update - John provided an update on emerging tech in Maple Ridge, advantages, and growth opportunities. 5. Correspondence 5.1 Contact list 5.2 Liaison Reports 5.3 Final 2015 EAC Work Plan 5.4 New business letters 5.5 Glenn Ralph - on leave 6. New & Unfinished Business 6.1 Welcome new members (Mayor Read, Councillor Masse, Councillor Bell) & a roundtable of introductions 6.2 Appoint EAC member to AAC – deferred to February meeting. Vice-Chair encouraged EAC members to consider the position. 6.3 Update on EAC Bylaw- Sandy introduced the draft bylaw. Importance of achieving quorum discussed. Ms. Gregory expressed concern to reach quorum due to “Director” positions not being filled. Suggestion by Commissioner Harding made to remove the vacant Home Based Business member. Action: Karen and Andrea to look into a HBB representative and report back at next meeting. http://www.mapleridge.ca/DocumentCenter/View/529 6.4 CME video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQx6fXrfx-U&feature=youtu.be Note: Commissioner Harding left 8:39 AM 6.5 Break out groups & Reporting out – Commissioner Lyotier provided an update on technology connectivity in Maple Ridge through Intelligent Communities Tech Score Cards. Vice-Chair Pighin provided a Tourism and Agriculture update on cultural tourism and how the community identifies itself. What is tourism and how to categorize businesses on truenorthfraser.com? Ms. Gregory expressed the importance of a strong connection with TMRPM. Andrea discussed the importance of a destination hotel site in Maple Ridge. Preliminary meetings on a full service campground are taking place. Note: Commissioner deVries left 9:07 AM 7. Upcoming Dates 7.1 INF Economic Update session- January 29, 2014 7.2 BCEDA Minister’s Dinner- February 2, 2015 7.3 Next EAC meeting- February 18, 2015 7.4 BC Economic Summit (Richmond)- April 26-28, 2014 8. Roundtable- nil 9. Comments From The Public- nil 10. Adjournment 9:32 AM Next EAC meeting – Wednesday, February 18, 2015 7:30 – 9:30 AM Location - Suite 300-22470 Dewdney Trunk, Maple Ridge Contact Information: Email: invest@mapleridge.ca Call: 604-467-7320 Website: www.investmapleridge.ca