HomeMy WebLinkAboutEAC 2021-05-26 agenda.pdf City of Maple Ridge Environmental Advisory Committee AGENDA Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 7:00 pm Held via Zoom teleconference Meeting Access Information To practice social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic we will be holding the Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) meeting via Zoom teleconference. Members of the EAC and the public are asked to join the meeting from home using the following access information: Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone https://mapleridge-ca.zoom.us/j/98891328735?pwd=aWx1ZmM1UjNYY0Q5VHA1STdtcUFwdz09 Or join the meeting using your phone Dial: 1-778-907-2071 Meeting ID: 988 9132 8735 Passcode: 824205 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES – April 14, 2021 4. DELEGATIONS 4.1 Green Infrastructure Strategy Overview Anne Marie Whittaker, Eco Plan International 5. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5.1 2022 EAC Business 5.2 Environmental Professional Vacancy 6. LIAISON UPDATES 6.1 Staff Liaison 6.2 Council Liaison 7. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES 7.1 Green Infrastructure Subcommittee 8. QUESTION PERIOD 9. ROUNDTABLE 10. ADJOURNMENT Next Regular Meeting: September 8, 2021 Agenda Items Submission Deadline: August 25, 2021 QUESTION PERIOD Question Period provides the public with the opportunity to ask questions or make comments on subjects that are of concern to them. Each person will be given 2 minutes to speak. Up to ten minutes in total is allotted for Question Period. /sc mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge Environmental Advisory Committee MEETING MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) held via Zoom teleconference on April 14, 2021 at 7:00 pm. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor Judy Dueck Council Liaison Bill Hardy, Chair Member at Large Jessie Lees, Vice Chair Member at Large Ross Davies Member at Large Dennis Kinsey Member at Large Simon Matthews Member at Large Janice Jarvis Environmental Professional STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Rodney Stott Staff Liaison/Environmental Planner Sabina Chand Committee Clerk Councillor Dueck chaired the first meeting of the Environmental Advisory Committee. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2021-001 It was moved and seconded That the April 14, 2021 Environmental Advisory Committee agenda be approved as circulated. CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES R/2021-002 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Maple Ridge Environmental Advisory Committee meeting dated December 9, 2020 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 4. DELEGATIONS - NIL 5. QUESTION PERIOD At this time, the Staff Liaison introduced Kirk Grayson who joined the meeting to answer any questions or comments related to Agenda item 9.1. MAPl.~ R l □GE tlr-JJ1h Cah11r:111 map endg;e ,ca Environmental Advisory Committee Minutes April 14, 2021 Page 2 of 3 6. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.1. Chair and Vice Chair Selections Councillor Dueck opened up the floor to nominations for Chair and Vice Chair of the Environmental Advisory Committee. R/2021-003 It was moved and seconded That Bill Hardy be elected as Chair of the Environmental Advisory Committee for 2021. CARRIED R/2021-004 It was moved and seconded That Jessie Lees be elected as Vice Chair of the Environmental Advisory Committee for 2021. CARRIED Note: Councillor Dueck continued to Chair the remainder of the meeting. 6.2 Advisory Committee Overview The Staff Liaison provided a PowerPoint presentation on the Environmental Advisory Committee orientation and highlighted the following: background/history of EAC, current membership, related policies, important milestones and special projects. 6.3 Anti-Discrimination Policy The Staff Liaison noted that the Anti-Discrimination HR policy applies to all employees and volunteers working for the City of Maple Ridge and is to be reviewed and acknowledged by the Committee. 6.4 Respectful Workplace Policy The Staff Liaison noted that the Respectful Workplace HR policy applies to all employees and volunteers working for the City of Maple Ridge and is to be reviewed and acknowledged by the Committee. 7. LIAISON UPDATES 7.1. Staff Liaison The Staff Liaison provided a general update on department operations during COVID-19. 7.2. Council Liaison Councillor Dueck shared that each municipality is currently reviewing greenhouse gas reduction targets and highlights of the Maple Ridge report will be provided at the April 20, 2021 Committee of the Whole meeting. Environmental Advisory Committee Minutes April 14, 2021 Page 3 of 3 8. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATE 8.1 Green Infrastructure Subcommittee Bill Hardy provided a brief update on the new Subcommittee that met once last year in the fall and will be meeting soon to discuss next steps on green infrastructure educational speaker series. Stakeholders and internal/external partners will participate and share valuable information with the Subcommittee. EAC would like the Subcommittee to send the meeting information for the upcoming meeting. 9. CORRESPONDENCE 9.1 2021 Business Planning, Maple Ridge Climate Hub Response The Chair thanked Kirk Grayson for being available to provide a brief summary on Climate Hub’s letter regarding 2021 Business Planning and to answer questions/comments. 10. ROUNDTABLE Members provided updates and reports on related environmental activities and events. 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Environmental Advisory Committee will be held on Wednesday May 14, 2021 at 7:00 pm. Councillor J. Dueck, Acting-Chair /sc