HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2010-06-02 minutes.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge SOCIAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday, June 2, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Joshua Leyenhorst, Chair Katrina Elliot, Vice-Chair Councillor Cheryl Ashlie Betty Levens Paul Livingstone Treena Innes Candace Gordon lneke Boekhorst GUESTS Ken McDonald (alternate) Christian Cowley Jack Emberly STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Sue Wheeler Shawn Matthewson Christine DiGiamberardine Tracy Camire REGRETS/ABSENTS Councillor Linda King Valerie Spurrell Eleanor Palis Kathie Chiu Gwen Champagne Mike Huber Lyn Taylor-Scott 1. Call to Order and Introductions Community at Large Community at Large Council Liaison Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Community at Large Community at Large Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network Business Improvement Association Fraser Health CEED Centre Director, CEED Centre Director of Community Services Coordinator, Social Planning Recreation Coordinator Committee Clerk Council Liaison Fraser Health School Trustee (alternate), School District No. 42 Community at Large Ministry of Child and Family Development School Trustee, School District No. 42 Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living The meeting was called to order 7:08 p.m. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 1 of5 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes June 2, 2010 2. Agenda Approval R10-021 Motion was moved and seconded That the Agenda for June 2, 2010 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 3. Minutes of May 5, 2010 Meeting R10-022 Motion was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 5, 2010 be adopted with the following amendments; • Item 7.2 should read "a presentation from the Medical Health Officer" CARRIED 4. Delegations & Presentations 4.1 Presentation on GEED Centre Plan for Neighbourhood Development in South Haney -Christian Cowley Christian Cowley gave a presentation on the GEED (Community Education on Environment and Development) Centre and reviewed the mandate, programs and service portfolios of the centre. Please note that lneke Boekhorstjoined the meeting at 7:41 p.m. Mr. Cowley then gave a recap of the South Haney Neighbourhood Block Party which was recently hosted by the CEED Centre. Although attendance was low, and despite the poor weather, neighbours that attended gave positive feedback regarding participation in Neighbourhood activities. Christian Cowley advised the Committee that he is looking forward to the CEED Centre's participation in the South Haney Community Development Project and ottered the CEED Centres support for the project. Sue Wheeler provided an update on the process for selecting a Community Development Coordinator for the South Haney Neighbourhood Development Project. She noted that the SPAC sub-committee for selection of the Coordinator is in the process of meeting with representatives from the community for input to the development of selection criteria for a coordinator. Please note that Christian Cowley and Jack Emberly left the meeting at 7:52 p.m. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 2 of 5 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes June 2, 2010 5. New Business 5.1 Federation of Canadian Municipalities -Quality of Life in Canadian Municipalities Report: Mending Canada's Frayed Social Safety Net -The Role of Municipal Governments -Staff Review R10-023 Shawn Matthewson gave an overview of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities - Quality of Life in Canadian Municipalities Report: Mending Canada's Frayed Social Safety Net -The Role of Municipal Governments report. Motion was moved and seconded That the Federation of Canadian Municipalities -Quality of Life in Canadian Municipalities Report: Mending Canada's Frayed Social Safety Net -The Role of Municipal Governments report be forwarded on to Council. CARRIED 5.2 SPAC 2010 Work Plan -Status update Sue Wheeler distributed the SPAC 2010 Work Plan to the Committee including updates on project timelines for 2010. In addition, she provided an overview of the 2010 budget status. The discussion centred on the need to contain the amount of work being directed to SPAC as it has become overwhelming with a number of major projects being added since the business plan was established, and in light of the fact that staff support is limited. The committee agreed that it would be helpful to utilize the Strategic Planning process to establish some focus areas that will assist in prioritization of projects. ACTION ITEM: Establish a Planning Sub-Committee that will work to design the strategic Planning process scheduled for this fall. The Chair, Council Liaisons, Staff and Katrina Elliot will form the committee. 6. Unfinished Business 6.1 Update on National Housing Strategy Private Members Bill C-304 6.2 Shawn Matthewson provided an update on the National Housing Strategy Private Members Bill C-304 that was sent to the senate to pass. Ms. Matthewson noted that she spoke with Libby Davis' office who advised her that they are asking individual groups across Canada to support the document by urging their local Members of Parliament to adopt Bill C-304. The senate will vote on this bill in the fall. Living Wage Campaign Presentation by First CafVUFCW -Response Discussion Sue Wheeler provided a review of the previous presentation from First Call and UFCW regarding a living wage campaign for municipalities and large organizations within British Columbia. She also reminded the Committee that the Affordability Study of the Community that the Committee has determined as a future project, when funding is secured, includes establishing a living wage as one component of the study. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 3 of5 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes June 2, 2010 Please note that Treena Innes left the meeting at 8:28 p.m. Sue Wheeler suggested that the Committee consider the Living Wage campaign initiative and the Affordability Study during the 2010 Business Planning process and the Strategic Planning process this fall. ACTION ITEM: Living Wage Campaign initiative and the Affordability Study will be forwarded to both the 2010 Business Planning session and the SPAC Strategic Planning process. 6.3 Response Letter to the BC Coalition for Action on Alcohol Reform Sue Wheeler advised that, as directed by Council, a letter from SPAC responding to the BC Coalition for Action on Alcohol Reform's request for letters of support for the recommendations made by the Centre for Addictions Research of BC in the Alcohol Reduction Strategy has been sent. The letter that was co-signed by the Mayor and the Chair of SPAC was sent to the Minister of Health, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, the Provincial Health Officer, and the Vancouver Island Health Authority. Ms. Wheeler noted that once a reply has been rece ived she will provide the Committee with another update. 6.4 Recommendation to Council on UBCM Resolution on Alcohol Reform R10-024 Sue Wheeler reviewed the proposed UBCM resolution, based on the recommendations made by the Centre of Addictions Research of BC on alcohol pricing and policies, for SPAC's consideration to forward to Council recommending that Council send the resolution to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities. Motion was moved and seconded That a recommendation be sent to Council to forward a resolution based on the policy on alcohol pricing recommendations made by the Centre of Addictions Research of BC to UBCM. CARRIED 7. Committee Reports 7.1 Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network Update: Candace Gordon Candace Gordon advised the Committee that the Community Network has hired Bev Bakka as their new Community Network Coordinator. Ms. Gordon also noted that at the facilitators meeting yesterday in a discussion regarding tracking the funding cut backs and the impacts; there was a decision to gather total funding changes at the ministry level rather than the impacts at the organization or program level as it is becoming a complex process. 7.2 Sub-Committee Healthy Communities Initiative -Update -deferred to June 7.3 Building Community Solutions Project -deferred 7.4 Community Connections "Hive" -deferred Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 4 of 5 ) Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes June 2, 2010 8. ROUNDTABLE Betty Levens Betty noted that it is Seniors Week next week (June 7-11) and everyone is welcome to come out and celebrate the seniors of our community. 9. CORRESPON.DENCE 10. 9.1 In From the Margins: A Call to Action on Poverty, Housing and Homelessness, The Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology http://www.parl.gc.ca/40/2/parlbus/commbus/senate/com-e/citi-e/rep- e/rep02dec09-e.pdf (Information Only) Councillor Ashlie provided a review of the "In from the Margins" report, noting that there may be components of the report that should be forwarded to SPAC Strategic Planning process. 9.2 Committees of Council Policy -review and provide feedback to Committee Clerk via email ACTION ITEM: Next Meeting: Agenda Deadline: Location: Committee Clerk to add this to the next agenda for discussion. Wednesday, July 7, 2010 -7:00 p.m. Monday, June 21,, 2010 Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall 11. Adjournment -9:17 p.m. Chairpers~ /tc Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 5 of5