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The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney
Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on
Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Joshua Leyenhorst, Chair
Katrina Elliot, Vice-Chair
Councillor Cheryl Ashlie
Councillor Linda King
Gwen Champagne
Grover Telford
Staff Sgt. Andrew Martin
Treena Innes
Sue Wheeler
Shawn Matthewson
Christine DiGiamberardine
Tracy Camire
Kathie Chiu
Inspector Derren Lench
Valerie Spurrell
Paul Livingstone
Candace Gordon
lneke Boekhorst
Mike Huber
Eleanor Palis
Lyn Taylor-Scott
1. Call to Order and Introductions
Community at Large
Community at Large
Council Liaison
Council Liaison
Ministry of Child and Family Development
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Ridge-Meadows RCMP
Community at Large
Director of Community Services
Coordinator, Social Planning
Recreation Coordinator
Committee Clerk
Community at Large
Ridge-Meadows RCMP
Fraser Health
Community at Large
Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network
Business Improvement Association
School Trustee, School District No. 42
School Trustee (alternate), School District No. 42
Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
The meeting was called to order 7:07 p.m.
2. Agenda Approval
R10-025 Motion was moved and seconded
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2010
That the Agenda for September 8, 2010 be adopted with the following additions
• Item 5.4
• Item 5.5
• Item 7.6
Homelessness Action Week
MG -Golden Harvest Event Suggestion
Spirit of Community Awards
3. Minutes of July 7, 2010 Meeting
R10-026 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 2 and July 7, 2010 be adopted.
4. Delegations & Presentations -Nil
Sue Wheeler advised that Rain Daniels will attend the December meeting to update the
committee on the development of the new Aboriginal Society.
5. New Business
5.1 2011 Business Planning Meeting September 22
Sue Wheeler reviewed the business planning process and advised that there is an
additional meeting on September 22nd to review the Business Plan between 7:00 -
9:00 p.m.
5.2 Committee Policy Draft 09-11
Sue Wheeler reviewed the draft Committee Policy with the Committee.
There was discussion on the process to amend committee membership and it was
clarified that this is addressed through a process of recommending to Council that
amendments be made to the Committee's bylaw.
Councillor King noted that there should be an emphasis on providing training for the
Chair and Vice-Chair roles and suggested this should be requested of the Clerk's
Motion was moved and seconded
That the Committee Policy Draft 09-11 be endorsed.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2010
5.3 Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness Update
Sue Wheeler gave a brief summary of the role of the Regional Steering Committee on
Homelessness (RSCH). Ms. Wheeler explained that the RSCH is providing new bulletins to
keep regional planning tables informed of the work of the steering committee. Ms. Wheeler
also noted that these bulletins will be available on a regular basis and will be attached as
correspondence to the SPAC agenda.
Ms. Wheeler gave a brief overview of the status of the RSCH process to consider moving
towards an entity model to conduct the work of the committee.
ACTION ITEM: Staff to provide another update at the November SPAC meeting.
Homelessness Action Week
Sue Wheeler advised that the Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness is once again
hosting Homelessness Action from October 11th through to October 15th. Once again our
community will host a two part event on Friday October 15th: Spa Day at the Caring Place,
and the Harvest Chilli Lunch at the ACT from 11:30am to 1:30pm. The purpose of this
event is to raise community awareness regarding the issues of homelessness and to inspire
people to contribute to the solutions of homelessness. The day is designed to be a day of
caring and to illustrate to the participants that they are valued members of the community.
The Harvest Chilli event is prepared by the Caring Place with ingredients donated by
members of the Community Network which is intended to symbolize everyone contributing
to the solutions to homelessness and that "every contribution makes a difference". The
ambiance of the ACT along with the meal being served by local community leaders helps to
create a very special event.
The community is invited to both contribute to the event through donations or volunteering.
Many donations and volunteers are required to make this special day a success. Sue
Wheeler advised that if people would like to participate in this event they can contact Polly
at Outreach or Connie at The Caring Place.
Sue Wheeler also advised the Committee that Alouette Home Start Outreach workers have
been going into the schools to promote the "Give a Dollar Give a Darn" campaign. Working
with Leadership classes, the campaign is designed to raise awareness of the issues of
homelessness. The concept is that if everyone in the community bought a bracelet for one
dollar, it would make a significant difference. Proceeds will go to the Caring Place meal
5.5 AAG Golden Harvest Event -suggestion
Sue Wheeler advised that the Agricultural Advisory Committee is hosting the 2nd annual
Golden Harvest event to support awareness of local food production in Maple Ridge. Ms.
Wheeler noted that this event will take place on Friday, October 15th between 6-8p.m.
Motion was moved and seconded
That compensation of $15 per member is given to those Committee members that
wish to attend the Golden Harvest Event in support of local food production at the
Act, on Friday, October 15th.
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Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2010
ACTION ITEM: Committee members to advise the Committee Clerk if they wish to be
compensated to attend the Golden Harvest Event.
6. Unfinished Business
6.1 Responses to Letter to Ministers supporting BC Addictions Research Centre
Sue Wheeler provided an update on the motion that went forward to Council
requesting support of the BC Coalition on Alcohol Pricing Reform's request for
endorsement of the BC Addictions Research Centre recommendations on alcohol
pricing. She noted that it was endorsed by council and a letter jointly signed by the
Mayor and the SPAC Chair was sent to Ministers of Housing and Social Development,
Heath Services, Public Safety and Solicitor General, and to the Vancouver Island
Health Authority.
6.1.1 Dr. Perry Kendall Response
Sue Wheeler advised that there was a letter received from Dr. Perry Kendall,
Provincial Health Officer, thanking the Committee for endorsing the
6.1.2 Council Request to respond to Minister Coleman Response
Sue Wheeler reviewed the response letter from Minister Rich Coleman,
Housing and Social Development where he noted that although it would not
be appropriate for government to regulate alcohol pricing, the
recommendations will be considered when the province reviews the alcohol
pricing regulations. Ms. Wheeler informed the Committee that Council is
requesting that SPAC respond to Minister Coleman's letter.
There was discussion that concluded that it would be appropriate to have this
discussion after the UBCM conference in late September where the District of
Maple Ridge resolution regarding alcohol pricing will be considered.
ACTION ITEM: This topic will be added to the October agenda.
Staff asked to bring the response letter received by the Mayor
from the BC Coalition on Alcohol Reform to next meeting.
6.2 Update on Recommendation to Council on UBCM Resolution on Alcohol Reform
Sue Wheeler advised that Council endorsed and forwarded this resolution and it will
be going forward to be considered at the UBCM conference.
ACTION ITEM: Council liaisons to provide an update at the October meeting.
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Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2010
6.3 FCM Quality of Life Reporting System Report: Mending the Frayed Social Safety Net -
Council Request
Sue Wheeler reminded the Committee that this report from the Federation of
Canadian Municipalities was reviewed by this committee and that it was forwarded to
Council for information. Ms. Wheeler noted that Council has had a review of the
report and has asked that the report be sent back to SPAC with a request that the
Committee Chair and the Mayor jointly write a letter to the FCM thanking them for
their advocacy work and highlighting how the report relates to this Committee's
Motion was moved and seconded
That in response to the motion from Council, staff work with the Mayor's office to
prepare a letter to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities acknowledging the
importance of their advocacy work for this municipality, highlighting the relationship
to the priorities of the SPAC committee, and this letter be co-signed by the Mayor and
the Chair of SPAC.
7. Committee Reports
7.1 Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network Update: Candace Gordon
Sue Wheeler advised that Candace Gordon is not in attendance as she is attending
the Albion Flats Community Input process.
Sue Wheeler noted that the Network took a break over the summer however they will
resume meeting next Tuesday, September 14th. Ms. Wheeler also noted that work
on gathering the local impacts of funding reductions and service level changes
continued over the summer months but this is proving to be a difficult exercise as
determining the actual impacts as agencies are trying to absorb the impacts and
reorganize their services to meet as many needs as possible. The Network is now
taking an approach of trying to determine the financial impact and total loss of
funding to the overall community. The Network is hoping to complete this work and
report to SPAC in November.
The committee discussed the ongoing goal of the Network to support local agencies
in reducing their reliance on government funding. Staff was asked to follow up with
the Network on rescheduling a workshop that was cancelled last spring that focused
on this topic.
ACTION ITEM: Add "Cut in funding -the impacts to local Agencies" to the November
Staff is to follow up with the Community Network facilitators to find
out if the Funding diversification workshop will be rescheduled.
7.2 Sub-Committee Healthy Communities Initiative -Valerie Spurrell -deferred
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Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2010
7.3 Building Community Solutions Project -Update
Christine DiGiamberardine provided an update on the Building Community Solutions
project; including a report that there were a large number of Neighbourhoods Seed
Grant recipients that hosted block parties throughout both Maple Ridge and Pitt
Meadows. Ms DiGiamberardine also reported that the Haney Farmer's Market has
had a successful summer and has continued to strengthen their capacity to sustain
funding a market manager and providing additional opportunities for local production
of food.
7.5 South Haney Neighbourhood Project Update
Christine DiGiamberardine provided an update on the South Haney Neighbourhood
Project and noted that Michelle Ninow has been hired as the project coordinator.
Ms. DiGiamberardine advised that the Project Coordinator will be working with the
neighbourhood group to create opportunities for people to connect, to support the
group in developing both a vision and action plans for their neighbourhood.
7.6 Spirit of Community Awards
Shawn Matthewson advised the Committee that the deadline for nominations for
both the Good Neighbour and the Good Business awards was September 10th
however. Ms. Matthewson reviewed the purpose of the awards including the two
categories and the selection criteria. Due to the poor response to date, she indicated
that she will talk to the sub-committee about extending the date for nominations.
Ms. Matthewson reviewed prior recipients of the awards with the Committee.
Councillor Ashlie
Councillor Ashlie noted that John Marven who organizes the entertainment at the Farmer's
Market has done a great job showcasing the youth talent.
Christine DiGiamberardine, Staff
Christine provided an update on the School Neighbourhood Garden project and noted they
are promoting the opportunity for all schools to have gardens and are focusing on
strengthening the committee.
Grover Telford, RMSS
Grover noted that this meeting, his first meeting representing the Ridge Meadows Senior
Society, has been very informative and also noted that the community gardens are close to
his heart as they provide sustainability for Maple Ridge on all different levels.
Councillor King
Councillor King discussed the elimination of the long form census and suggested that a
broader discussion on the impact of this take place on a future agenda.
Gwen Champagne, MCFD
Gwen Champagne provided an update on MCFD (Ministry of Children and Families
Development); integration of services and the current management structure changes,
noting that she will have more to report at the November meeting.
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Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2010
Shawn Matthewson, Staff Support
Shawn noted that Active Kids Club, before school care, has opened at Eric Langton ,
Hammond and Highland Park. Shawn noted that this is a partnership program between
School District 42 and Parks and Leisure Services.
Sue Wheeler, Staff Liaison
Sue noted that summer went well in the P&L Services children and youth programming and
provided some summer highlights from Memorial Peace Park including the positive
atmosphere created by the addition of picnic tables and table tennis.
9.1 Social Determinants of Health: The Canadian Facts
Press Release: http://www.thecanadianfacts.org/The Canadian Facts-Press.pdf
Report: http://www.thecanadianfacts.org/
9.2 Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness -Report on Housing and Supports to
March 31, 2009 http://intraspec.ca/report on housing.pdf
9.3 BC Program Standards for Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Teams
http://www.health.gov.bc.ca/library/publications/year/2008/BC Standards for ACT T
9.4 Seniors Services Society August 31, 2010 Press Release -"Seniors Services Society
Now Reaching More Seniors Than Ever With Newly Launched Accessible Website and
Textnet Services "
9.5 Canada's Toughest Impaired Driving Penalties Start September 20, 2010
Next Meeting:
Agenda Deadline:
Wednesday, October 6, 2010 -7:00 p.m.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall
11. Adjournment -9:10 p.m.
Chairpers~ •
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