HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2011-01-05 minutes.pdf Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 1 of 5 District of Maple Ridge SOCIAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday, January 5, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. _____________________________________________________________________________________ COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor Cheryl Ashlie Council Liaison Grover Telford Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Candace Gordon Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network Ineke Boekhorst Business Improvement Association Treena Innes Community at Large Inspector Derren Lench Ridge-Meadows RCMP Valerie Spurrell Fraser Health STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Sue Wheeler Director of Community Services Christine DiGiamberardine Recreation Coordinator Tracy Camire Committee Clerk REGRETS/ABSENTS Councillor Linda King Council Liaison Staff Sgt. Andrew Martin Ridge-Meadows RCMP Eleanor Palis School Trustee (alternate), School District No. 42 Lyn Taylor-Scott Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living Mike Huber School Trustee, School District No. 42 Please note that Councillor Ashlie chaired the meeting as the role of Chair and Vice-Chair will be confirmed at the February 2011 regular meeting. 1. Call to Order and Introductions The meeting was called to order 7:15 p.m. 2. Agenda Approval R11-001 Motion was moved and seconded That the Agenda for January 5, 2011 be adopted with the following amendments; • Add Item 6.0 2011 Meeting Schedule Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes January 5, 2011 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 2 of 5 • Add Item 6.0 (a) Food Bank Update • Add Item 7.5 Albion Flats Charette Follow-up Stakeholder Meeting • Item 9.3 should be Item 9.2 • Item 9.5 should be Item 9.3 • Add Item 10.5 Province extends pay for Vancouver shelters CARRIED 3. Minutes of December 1, 2010 Meeting R11-002 Motion was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 1, 2010 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 4. Delegations & Presentations 4.1 Homelessness Action Week Final Report - deferred Please note that Item 5. was dealt with after Items 6.0 – 9.0 5. Roundtable Grover Telford Grover noted that he manned a Salvation Army Kettle Drive outside the Buffalo Club; where people indicated to him that they don’t carry cash and that it would help to provide mobile debit machines. Grover also noted that the Seniors Society has surveyed members regarding issues and one that was identified was access to dental care so the Society has found a dental hygienist that is willing to do mobile work at the Seniors’ Centre. Cheryl Ashlie Cheryl noted that she too volunteered for the Kettle Drive outside the Fox’s Reach and noted that she learned a lot from people on the street regarding their perceptions of what is working and what isn’t working in social services within our communities. Please note that Items 6. – 9. were dealt with prior to Item 5. 6. New Business 6.0 2011 Meeting Schedule 6.0 (a) Food bank update Sue Wheeler advised the Committee that a representative from the Food Bank will be attending the February SPAC meeting to provide an update. 6.1 Homelessness Action Week Final Report Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes January 5, 2011 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 3 of 5 Sue Wheeler reviewed the final report on the Homelessness Action Week that took place between October 10-16, 2010 which included a budget, a review of events, contributors to the event, and the top messages that came out of the event. The video that was prepared to show highlights of the event was deferred to the February agenda. 6.2 Substance Misuse Prevention Committee – Request for Support for Application under the Communities Action Initiative Funding Program Sue Wheeler advised the Committee that the Substance Misuse Prevention Committee has applied for funding with a proposal that has been endorsed by Council and noted that this is a collaborative application between the District of Maple Ridge and the Substance Misuse Prevention Standing Committee of the Community Network. The proposed project will focus on the Haney Area and is designed to increase protective factors and lower risk factors in the 10-12 age demographic. Staff noted that they will report on the outcome of the application possibly by mid-March. 6.3 Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness: Community Entity Process – Update Sue Wheeler reported that at the November 18th meeting of the Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness (RSCH), the Committee unanimously approved the draft Community Entity Proposal submitted by Metro Vancouver. The proposal will now be submitted to Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) for approval. If approved, Metro Vancouver will assume the administrative and managerial responsibility for the region’s allocation of federal funds under the Homelessness Partnership Initiative (HPI). The Committee’s long-standing roles in the delivery of the program and the broader fight against homelessness will not be altered by the proposal with the proposal including a significant advisory role for RSCH members. The proposal includes a significant role for Vancity Community Foundation in the administration of homeless projects across our region. 6.4 HRSDC Service Canada – Homelessness Partnership Funding Announcement (Attached) Sue Wheeler advised that HRSDC Service Canada announced that the Homelessness Partnership Initiative Fund has been renewed at the current funding level of $134.8 million per year, for the next three years, ending March 2014. In this community this program funds the Caring Place Cold, Wet Weather Shelter and Alouette Home Start programs (Outreach and the Youth Safe House). Ms. Wheeler noted that due to the extremely short notice of this funding announcement (current funding ends March, 2011) the Regional Steering Committee has been given the approval by Service Canada to renew funding for programs that are currently funded for a period of up to one year. For the second and third years of this funding envelope a Call for Proposals will need to be issued and this will be the responsibility of Metro Vancouver if the Entity Proposal is accepted. She Wheeler advised that the Regional Steering Committee has begun a discussion regarding Youth Emergency Housing Funding because in many communities this is a priority service but it has primarily been funding under the HPI program. RSCH will be working on a discussion paper regarding the gap in provincial ministry mandates that has created a dependency on federal grant funding for this service. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes January 5, 2011 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 4 of 5 ACTION ITEM: Staff to report back once the RSCH Discussion Paper on Youth Emergency Housing funding has been developed and to keep the Committee informed of the outcomes. 6.5 Spirit of Community Awards - New Award Category Proposed for Discussion (Outstanding Contribution) Christine DiGiamberardine provided an update on the Spirit of Community Awards and brought forward a suggestion that a category be added to the Award Program that would provide an opportunity to recognize a citizen that adds a significant contribution to the community regarding social services. ACTION ITEM: Ineke Boekhorst, an RCMP rep, Treena Innes volunteered to work with staff on the criteria for the new category and report back at the February meeting for endorsement. 7. Unfinished Business 7.1 Updates on Recommendation to Council: 7.1.1 UBCM 2010 School Community Connections (Round 2) Funding Sue Wheeler noted that the original grant submission that was approved by SPAC, Council and School District 42 was not accepted and the committee was given one week to resubmit a proposal. Ms. Wheeler advised that two proposals were submitted and reviewed each proposal with the Committee; one is for Glenwood Elementary to complete a consultation process to create a neighbourhood learning centre; the other is Eric Langton Neighbourhood Hive to conduct consultation to build a neighbourhood school garden. Ms. Wheeler noted that both applications have received approval in principle, with the Eric Langton project conditional on confirming $5,000 for another funding source. 7.1.2 Alcohol Pricing Response Letters - deferred 7.1.3 FCM Quality of Life Reporting System Report Response Letter – deferred 7.2 Population Census: Federal Minister Response to Council - deferred 8. Committee Reports 8.1 Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network Update: Candace Gordon Candace Gordon provided an update on the Community Network and noted that the January meeting will focus on updating the strategic plan for 2011 next Tuesday. ACTION ITEM: Candace Gordon to provide a copy of the draft 2012 Strategic Plan to SPAC members for information. 8.2 Port Haney Neighbourhood Project Update Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes January 5, 2011 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 5 of 5 Christine DiGiamberardine advised that at the November meeting the Neighbourhood worked on a Terms of Reference and the draft vision which will be endorsed at the January meeting at which time the group will appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair to represent their work. A number of the safety concerns that we noted by the Neighbourhood have been addressed through working collaboratively with municipal departments and partners. Ms. DiGiamberardine noted that on December 15th the Neighbourhood hosted a carolling event with about 20 people participating the event was a great success. 8.3 Neighbourhood Champions Celebration Update - deferred 9. CORRESPONDENCE. 9.1 Growing Up in BC - Report from Representative for Children and Youth and Provincial Health Officer http://www.rcybc.ca/Images/PDFs/Reports/Growing%20Up%20in%20BC%20Final %20Web.pdf 9.2 Federal Poverty Strategy Response http://www.vancouversun.com/business/Federal+parties+unite+call+anti+poverty+ strategy/3845399/story.html. 9.3 Video Conference Forum December 14, 2010: Income Inequity and the Community Response (Attached) 9. 4 Building Strong Economies with Strong Communities (Brochure from Regional Steering Committee meeting with Business Community on Homelessness) (Attached) Candace Gordon noted that this report talks to the partnerships with Chamber of Commerce and would like to see this sent to our Chamber of Commerce and the BIA. ACTION ITEM: Councillor Ashlie to share this information with the Chamber of Commerce. 9.5 Province extends pay for Vancouver Shelters 10. Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 2, 2011 – 7:00 p.m. Agenda Deadline: Monday, January 17, 2011 Location: Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall 11. Adjournment - 8:17 p.m. ______________________________________ Chairperson /tc