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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 1 of 6
District of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Mount
Blanshard Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road, Maple Ridge, British
Columbia, on Tuesday, June 7, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Linda Morgan, Vice-Chair Community at Large
Councillor Cheryl Ashlie Council Liaison
Candace Gordon Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network
Alanna Robson Community at Large
S/Sgt. Andrew Martin Ridge-Meadows RCMP
Ineke Boekhorst Business Improvement Association
Dave Fleugel Ridge-Meadows RCMP
Sue Wheeler Director of Community Services
Shawn Matthewson Recreation Coordinator
Pat Shiratti Acting Committee Clerk
Andrea Walker, Chair Community at Large
Councillor Linda King Council Liaison
Ken MacDonald Fraser Health Authority (Alternate)
Lyn Taylor-Scott Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
Grover Telford Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Eleanor Palis School Trustee (alternate), School District No. 42
Valerie Spurrell Fraser Health Authority
Treena Innes Community at Large
Mike Huber School Trustee, School District No. 42
1. Call to Order and Introductions
Linda Morgan called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Staff Sergeant Martin introduced Dave Fleugel from the Burnaby detachment as Derren
Lench’s replacement.
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Regular Meeting Minutes June 7, 2011
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2. Agenda Approval
R11-022 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for June 7, 2011 be adopted.
3. Minutes of May 4, 2011 Meeting
R11-023 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 4, 2011 be adopted as circulated.
4. Delegations & Presentations - Nil
5. New Business
5.1 Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness 2011 Preliminary Homeless Count
Results: Request for Comment from Council
Sue Wheeler reported that the Homeless Count is conducted across the Lower
Mainland every three years with the last one in 2008. In March of this year the count
was held again and the preliminary numbers were released recently. Ms. Wheeler
noted that a significant impact was noticed on the overall count due to the regional
focus on youth homelessness. Locally, a team of close to 30 volunteers worked to
find the youth as this population is often referred to as the “hidden homeless” and
are usually not accounted for in the count. Our community did an exceptional job of
counting these youth with 29 youth reported as homeless on the day of the count.
As a result the local overall homeless numbers for our area appear to have increased
when in fact the adult population numbers declined and, in the case of youth
numbers, we have actually been provided a more realistic picture.
SPAC was asked to review the numbers and to inform Council regarding the
interpretation of the Count results. The committee will revisit this topic when the
report containing the local details is published in the fall and will send Council a
report at that time.
R11-024 Motion was moved and seconded
That an update on the preliminary 2011 Homeless Count results be given to Council,
noting that the full detailed report will be available in the fall.
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5.2 Housing Planning Table - Review of Initial Meeting
Sue Wheeler reported that the initial meeting with a group of service providers to
discuss establishing a Housing Planning Table went well. The process to request that
the Community Network form a new standing committee called the Housing Planning
Table will take place over the next few months. In the meantime the priority will be to
focus on providing input to the Regional Community Plan that will guide the priorities
for Federal Homelessness Partnership Initiative funds. A focus group meeting is
planned for early June.
5.3 Request for UBCM Motion Submission Regarding Funding for Enhanced Seniors and
Health Prevention Programs
WHEREAS a significant capacity for maintaining the health and wellbeing of seniors
exists at the municipal level through neighbourhood houses, seniors centres and
community centres;
AND WHEREAS limited funding for these services means they cannot meet the need
for outreach programming to isolated seniors, information services on locally
available social and health programs for seniors, social programming to keep seniors
active and connected;
BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government provide funding for enhanced
seniors outreach and health preventions programs (including information services,
social networking, and age-appropriate exercise programs); implement measures to
control cost pressures in a broader health care system; and support better
coordination among existing services.
AND THAT the above recommendation be forwarded to Council for endorsement.
5.4 Community Action Initiative: Healthy Transitions for Vulnerable Youth Funding -
Letter of Support for Application
Staff provided an update on the Community Action Initiative funding program which
has announced a second round of funding that focuses on supporting vulnerable
youth to make healthy transitions to adulthood. The call is for Letters of Intent. Ten
projects within the province will be selected to receive a $10,000 grant to develop an
application for funding.
A working group of the Substance Misuse Prevention Committee has developed and
submitted a letter of Intent. The submission is being hosted by Community Services
and is a collaborative initiative of five communities (Chilliwack, Langley, Maple Ridge,
Pitt Meadows and Abbotsford) with a regional focus on Youth at Risk (aged between
18 and 25 years) who are transitioning to adulthood. The initiative will utilize an
approach called Echo Therapy and will focus on building each communities capacity
in this area. If the proposal receives approval to proceed with a formal application,
the Committee will be asked to send a letter of support with the application.
R11-025 Motion was moved and seconded
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5.5 Committee 2011 Work Plan
5.5.1 Progress Update
Sue Wheeler circulated and discussed the details of the 2011 Committee
Work Plan reviewing the work in the four focus areas outlined in the business
plan: Network Development, Community Solutions Projects, Community
Building Projects and Social Sustainability.
5.5.2 Social Sustainability Strategic Planning Funding Recommendation
Staff reviewed the proposed budget that aligns with the 2011 work plan. Due
to additions to the work plan throughout the year, staff requested that the
Committee consider deferring the Strategic Planning process to the 2012
business plan. Staff recommended that the Committee consider reallocating
the dollars funded for this project to support the Housing Planning Table to
update the community housing strategic plan. By determining local priorities,
this type of plan would strengthen local agencies applications for federal
funding in the area of homelessness and housing initiatives.
R11-026 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Social Planning Strategic Plan be deferred for consideration in the
2012 Business Plan and that the 2011 funding envelope for this project be
redirected to support the development of a Housing Planning Strategic Plan.
ACTION ITEM: At a future meeting staff will to provide the Committee
with a review of potential models that could be used
for the development of a Social Sustainability
Strategic Plan.
5.6 Ed and Kathie Chiu, Salvation Army- Acknowledgement and Commendation of the
Staff advised the Committee that there is a farewell event planned for Ed & Kathie
Chiu on Sunday, June 26th at The Caring Place along with a Church service at 11:00
a.m., with a reception to follow at 1:00 p.m.
If members would like to attend this event, they are to RSVP to Erin by Monday, June
20th, at (604) 463-8296 extension 108 or email: admin.assistant@caringplace.ca
6. Unfinished Business
6.1 Spirit of Community Awards – Exceptional Awards Category
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R11-027 Motion was moved and seconded
That a new exceptional awards, “Community Champions”, be created as part of the
Spirit of Community Awards program which acknowledges community members or
organizations that do exceptional work within our community.
R11-028 Motion was moved and seconded
That Kathie and Ed Chiu be awarded the Spirit of Community “Community Champion”
award, acknowledging their outstanding contributions to developing The Caring Place
and contributing to developing the community’s capacity to support people in need
within Maple Ridge over the past fifteen years.
7. Committee Reports
7.1 Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network Update
Sue Wheeler provided the following updates:
• The Resource Fair will be held on September 25th and noted that two new
partners are getting involved with the event; the BIA and the Fall Prevention
Sub-Committee from Senior’s Network.
• The Supportive Housing Unit will be hosting a Ground Breaking Ceremony on
Friday, June 17th at 9am at Brown Avenue and 223rd.
• The Substance Misuse Prevention Committee has listed their 10 top priorities
in their work plan. Bylaw was revised and a campaign will be launched on
September 9th, called “Fetal Alcohol Awareness Day”.
• The Neighbourhood HIVE at Eric Langton School completed the second year
of operation.
7.2 Port Haney Neighbourhood Change Initiative Update
Sue Wheeler provided an update on the Port Haney Neighbourhood Change Initiative
and noted that this extremely successful project has been running for 10 months and
is nearing the end of the funding which Council provided to support the development
of the neighbourhood. Achievements to date include the development of a
neighbourhood vision, terms of reference, the appointment of co-chairs, and a Action
Staff recommended that SPAC consider forwarding a recommendation for
consideration by Council to provide additional funding to continue this initiative.
Committee members involved in the initiative commented on how the greatest
achievement to date is the transformation in the Neighbourhood resulting from a
recognition of the strengths and assets within the Neighbourhood.
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R11-029 Motion was moved and seconded
That the report from the Port Haney Neighbourhood Committee be accepted for
And that a recommendation be forwarded to Council to consider extending the
initiative by approving additional funding in the amount of $15,000 for the Port
Haney Neighbourhood Project.
ACTION ITEM: Staff Sergeant Martin will forward crime stats for Port Haney
Neighbourhood area to Sue Wheeler.
7.3 Community Connections – Neighbourhood Learning Centre Update
Shawn Matthewson provided a slide show and review of the recent gathering at the
Cottonwood Neighbourhood where the SPAC Spirit of Community Award was
presented posthumously to Hank Van Staalduinen. Ms. Matthewson noted that the
Cottonwood residents worked with Parks staff to design a kiosk, which was
subsequently built by a Neighbourhood member for their neighbourhood park. The
kiosk was named “Hank’s Happenings” which will serve as a way of connecting
residents as a continuation of Hank’s Legacy.
8. Roundtable – Nil
9. Correspondence
9.1 2010 District of Maple Ridge Citizen’s Report
10. Next Meeting: Wednesday, July 6, 2011 – 7:00 p.m.
Agenda Deadline: Monday, June 20, 2011
Location: Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall
11. Adjournment - 9:02 p.m.