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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 1 of 6
District of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Mount
Blanshard Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road, Maple Ridge, British
Columbia, on Wednesday, October 5, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Councillor Linda King Council Liaison
Councillor Cheryl Ashlie Council Liaison
Ineke Boekhorst Business Improvement Association
Candace Gordon Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network
Alanna Robson Community at Large
S/Sgt. Andrew Martin Ridge-Meadows RCMP
Erin Corry Fraser Health Authority
Treena Innes Community at Large
Linda Morgan, Vice-Chair Community at Large
Sue Wheeler Director of Community Services
Shawn Matthewson Recreation Coordinator
Tracy Camire Committee Clerk
Ken MacDonald Fraser Health Authority (Alternate)
Lyn Taylor-Scott Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
Grover Telford Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Eleanor Palis School Trustee (alternate), School District No. 42
Dave Fleugel Ridge-Meadows RCMP
Mike Huber School Trustee, School District No. 42
Andrea Walker, Chair Community at Large
1. Call to Order and Introductions
Linda Morgan called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
2. Agenda Approval
R11-033 Motion was moved and seconded
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That the Agenda for October 5, 2011 be adopted.
3. Minutes of July 6 & September 21, 2011 Meeting
R11-034 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 6 & September 21, 2011 be adopted as
4. Delegations & Presentations
5. Roundtable
Erin Corry provided information on the Age Friendly grant, the Recreation grant and the
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) program which has received phenomenal response
from BC residents.
Candace Gordon noted that:
• October 10 -16 is Homelessness Action Week (HAW) and October 14 is Food Security
Day. To celebrate the Annual Chilli Harvest will take place at The Act and Spa Day at
the Caring Place. Ms. Gordon reviewed the expanded agenda for this year’s event,
including a Health Clinic and Talent Show, and the opportunities for both volunteering
and donations.
• The Golden Harvest will take place at 6:00 p.m. at The Act and is hosted by the
Maple Ridge Agricultural Advisory Committee, Haney’s Farmer’s Market and the
Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association.
• The Community Resource Fair will take place on Saturday, October 15th in Haney
Place Mall.
Ineke Boekhorst noted that:
• The Business Improvement Association (BIA) is proud to partner in the Community
Resource Fair where 12 service oriented businesses are participating.
• The BIA is in the process of organizing the Senior’s Bizarre and noted that the Pitt
Meadow’s Community Foundation is hosting a fundraising dinner on October 15th.
Councillor King noted that:
• She visited someone in the Hospice and talked about her positive experience there.
• She is impressed with how well the RCMP are responding to problems that are
occurring in some of the apartment buildings along 222nd and 223rd.
• There is a Smart Saver Fund which is a learning bond, and she noted that the
research shows that youth are more likely to pursue post secondary education when
there is a funding plan in place.
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Shawn Matthewson noted that:
• October 15th is the 30th anniversary of the Leisure Centre and the 10th anniversary of
the Greg Moore Youth Centre.
• The grand opening of the South Bonson Community Centre in Pitt Meadows was held
on September 16th and over 400 people attended.
Alanna Robson provided information on “Purple Crying” and asked for volunteers who can
crochet or knit (any shade of purple) hats which promote the prevention of eye and brain
injuries in infants.
Please note that Councillor Ashlie joined the meeting at 7:29 p.m.
Sue Wheeler provided an update on the Port Haney Neighbourhood Change Project and
noted that a meeting will be set up in late early November to discuss the work being done in
the Port Haney neighbourhood by the Purpose Society. Ms. Wheeler will provide another
update once this meeting has taken place.
Please note that Treena Innes joined the meeting at 7:38 p.m.
6. New Business
6.1 SPAC 2012-2016 Business Plan Review
Sue Wheeler reviewed the Draft 2012-2016 Business Plan with the Committee.
The Committee agree to adopt the 2012-2016 Business Plan via email once all
committee members have had the opportunity to review it.
6.2 SPAC Membership Review Recommendations
Shawn Matthewson reviewed the recommendations made by the sub-committee that
reviewed the membership criteria under the municipal bylaw regarding the Social
Planning Advisory Committee. Sue Wheeler reminded the committee that this work
began as a result of the request for consideration for membership that was received
from the Salvation Army
Shawn Matthew reviewed the current membership requirements for the Committee
along with the recommendations from the sub-committee regarding adjustments to
the membership in the bylaw.
ACTION ITEM: Recommendation to be send back to sub-committee to further
explore and recommend regarding post-secondary institution,
Housing Ministry, and Social Income Ministry representation..
R11-035 Motion was moved and seconded
That Items 6.3 and 6.4 be deferred to the November agenda.
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6.3 National Affordable Housing Framework - deferred
6.4 Housing Affordability Symposium - deferred
6.5 Request RE: Gaming Revenue Community Network
Candace Gordon provided an update on the Community Network Coordinator’s
position along with the request for municipal gaming fund revenue.
R11-036 Motion was moved and seconded
That the request from the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows’ Community Network to Maple
Ridge Council to reconsider the Gaming Revenue Policy criteria and that a request for
$25,000 from the gaming revenue to support the community network’s valuable
7. Unfinished Business
7.1 Review of Gaming Report Recommendations to Council:
7.1.1 Community Gaming Facility – Staff Recommendation for Consideration
Shawn Matthewson reviewed motion R11-019 that was passed at the May 4,
2011 Social Planning Advisory Committee meeting with the Committee. Ms.
Matthewson noted that the motion requested that Council along with the
Committee send a letter to the Minister of Social Development to request
that the social impact of the local Gaming Centre be evaluated on an ongoing
basis, and that a local community advisory committee be established to work
with the local Gaming Centre to evaluate and mitigate the social impacts of
gaming on the community.
Staff reported that they have since conducted additional research that has
provided more information on the activities of other communities, particularly
noting the work in Vernon, BC. The recommendation is being back to be
reconsidered pending the new research.
Councillor Ashlie advised the committee that a representative from the BC
Lottery Corporation has offered to send a representative to a future meeting
to discuss issues regarding the community gaming facility.
R11-037 Motion was moved and seconded
That the proposed amended motion be deferred to a future meeting until a
representative from the BC Lottery Corporation is invited to this committee in
early 2012.
7.1.2 BC Provincial Gaming Grants – Staff Recommendation for Consideration
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Shawn Matthewson provided an update on the BC Provincial gaming grants
and noted that the only amendment to the original motion is that the word
“Mayor” is removed.
R11-038 Motion was moved and seconded
That Council write a letter to the Minister of Social Development requesting
that the province make a solid commitment to the BC Charitable Gaming
Association of disbursing 33% of gaming revenues to charities in British
Columbia; and that direction and communications around funding application
and process be clear, transparent and timely.
8. Committee Reports
8.1 Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network Update
Candace Gordon provided an update on the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie
Community Network noting that the Network was informed by the Hive Steering
Committee that the School District has given the one year notice required under the
MOU for the dissolution of agreement between the school district and the community
partners. Access to space has become an issue due to the growing French
Immersion program demand and the full day kindergarten classes.
Sue Wheeler informed the committee that the Principal that gave the notice was
clear that the School District was giving notice as a precaution, due to the space
issues, and in the spirit of continuing to work on solutions to preserve the Hive.
Ms. Gordon noted that the Community Network passed a motion to write the School
Board to advise them how beneficial this program has been to delivering services
programs to the community and both encourage, and make a commitment to,
working together to ensure that this partnership continue.
ACTION ITEM: Committee Clerk is to add “Potential changes at The Hive” to
the next agenda.
Social Planning Staff to attend the upcoming School District 42
catchment review process and report back to SPAC.
8.1.1 2011 Community Resource Fair
This item was covered under Roundtable comments.
8.2 Port Haney Neighbourhood Change Initiative Update - Port Haney Day Update
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Sue Wheeler provided an update on the Port Haney Neighbourhood Change Initiative
and distributed pictures of the first annual Port Haney Day event that had over 100
people attend. The event proved to be very successful with a number of new people
signing up to learn more about the initiative and to connect with the committee.
R11-039 Motion was moved and seconded
That a note of appreciation be sent to Christine DiGiamberardine for covering during
Michelle Ninow’s absence to support the Port Haney Neighbourhood Change Group.
9. Correspondence
9.1 2011 Homelessness Action Week Invitation
Sue Wheeler noted that the date of the Health and Wellness Spa Day is Wednesday,
October 12th between 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. with the Talent Night to follow. The Harvest
Chilli Lunch is Friday, October 14th from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
10. Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 2, 2011 – 6:00 p.m.
Agenda Deadline: Tuesday, October 17, 2011
Location: Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall
11. Adjournment - 9:02 p.m.