HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2012-06-06 minutes.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge SOCIAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Mount Blanshard Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Linda Morgan, Vice-Chair Councillor Cheryl Ashlie Councillor Robert Masse S/Sgt. Andrew Martin Bob Goos Rajinder Kalra Arlana Kuzyk Kathy Marshall Candace Gordon GUESTS Dana Parr Stephanie Ediger, Executive Director STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Sue Wheeler Shawn Matthewson Tracy Camire REGRETS/ABSENTS Treena Innes Inspector Dave Fleugel lneke Boekhorst Lyn Taylor-Scott Sarah Nelson Alanna Robson 1. Call to Order and Introductions Community at Large Council Liaison Council Liaison Ridge-Meadows RCMP Community at Large Community at Large Community Health Specialist, Fraser Health Authority School Trustee, School District No. 42 (Alternate) Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network City of Pitt Meadows Alouette Home Start Society Director of Community Services Recreation Coordinator Committee Clerk Community at Large Ridge-Meadows RCMP Business Improvement Association Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living School Trustee, School District No. 42 Community at Large Linda Morgan called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 1 of 6 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2012 2. Agenda Approval R12-015 Motion was moved and seconded That the Agenda for June 6, 2012 be adopted. 3. CARRIED R12-016 Minutes of May 2, 2012 Meeting Motion was moved and seconded ) That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 2, 2012 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 4. Delegations & Presentations 4.1 Route 29 and Alouette Heights Housing Project -Stephanie Ediger Stephanie Ediger, Executive Director with the Alouette Home Start Society provided an update on the Alouette Heights Housing Project noting that it is expected to be open by early July. Please note that Councillor Ashlie joined the meeting at 7:15 p.m. Ms. Ediger provided an update on the Route 29 project noting that this will be a three year project, funded through the Vancouver Foundation's Youth Homelessness Initiative and other partners and will employ staff who will work alongside youth (aged 17 -24) to find and maintain housing. In addition, a database of "youth friendly" landlords will be established as well. Ms. Ediger noted that the project will focus on providing intensive, long term support to youth transitioning to adulthood, and a core goal of the project is to honour participants' gifts and address their needs through relationship building and facilitation of connections, so that youth can find housing that is safe and meaningful. More information on these programs can be found at www.alouettehomestart.com Please note that Stephanie Ediger left the meeting at 7:43 p.m. 5. Roundtable Arlana Kuzyk -Reported on the Fraser Health forum that took place in Whistler where Vancouver Coastal was a presenter and noted that it was great to see both Maple Ridge and the Township of Langley Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page2 of6 ) Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2012 Candace Gordon - Councillor Ashlie - Councillor Masse - Shawn Matthewson - Sue Wheeler - 6. New Business represented by their Mayors. Ms. Kuzyk noted that Community Partnerships were discussed at this forum. Ms. Ku zyk also advised that the Healthy Communities East Area Position (Agassiz and Harrison) has been filled and a new Mental Health Officer has been hired for the east as well. Reported on the Seniors Volunteers program at the Farmer's Market called the "Gourmet Grannies", and the Nutritional Coupon Program. Reported on the Seniors' Network with regards to the population of seniors being diagnosed with Dementia, and the Substance Misuse Prevention Committee where the concern regarding the number of hours that the RCMP are sitting in emergency rooms with people who have mental health issues before they can be seen by a physician to be admitted. Reported that the possibility of bringing back the "Dental Health Day" (which provided dental care for seniors who can't afford it) will be reviewed by Dental Association later this month. Reported that the Early Childhood Committee has had significant reductions to their funding and as a result the Access Funding has been cut back and this program has been eliminated. The Committee is going to send a letter to the United Way to let them know how much that program meant to our community. Ms. Matthewson noted that they did receive $56,000 in funding that will go towards seven local projects. Reported on the two Volunteer Appreciation Events that took place in April; one in Pitt Meadows and one in Maple Ridge. 6.1 Appointment of the Chair and Co-Chair Sue Wheeler reviewed the process for nominating the Chair and Vice-Chair and then called for nominations for the role of the Chair. Candace Gordon nominated Linda Morgan for the role of the Chair and Kathy Marshall seconded the nomination. Linda Morgan accepted the nomination. Candace Gordon nominated Bob Goos for the role of the Vice-Chair and Mr. Goos accepted the nomination. R12-017 Motion was moved and seconded That Linda Morgan be appointed as the Chair and Bob Goos be appointed as the Vice-Chair for the 2012 term. CARRIED Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 3 of 6 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2012 6.2 Housing Action Plan Process Sue Wheeler distributed the Housing Action Plan Process diagram and advised the Committee that the name "Affordable Housing Strategy" will be changed to "Housing Action Plan " which is a requirement for each municipality to have in place to meet the requirements of the Regional Growth Strategy. Sue Wheeler reviewed the proposed process and the timeline which will include an extensive community engagement process which is expected to begin around mid- January. 6.2.1 Recommendation to Council R12-018 It was moved and seconded ) 6.3 That a recommendation be forwarded to Council to endorse the Housing Action Plan process. And that staff be directed to proceed with this project. Formation of MRPMK Community Network Housing Planning Table 6.3.1 Homelessness Action Plan CARRIED Sue Wheeler provided an update on the formation of the Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, and Katzie First Nations Community Network Housing Planning table and noted that this table is being proposed as a standing committee. Ms. Wheeler noted that there has been great engagement and participation from the community and will be made up of a wide range of stakeholders and community members. The first task of the table will be to complete an update to the Homelessness Action Plan. A consultant will be hired over the summer months and the wor k would start in the fall. Ms. Wheeler noted that this work would feed into the Housing Action Plan. Sue Wheeler advised that the Community Network would complete the work however all information would come to this table for feedback and endorsement. Ms. Wheeler advised that the three previous priorities in the 2004 Action Plan were: • Emergency housing for youth • Outreach services for those at risk of homelessness • Supportive housing Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 4 of 6 ) Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2012 7. Unfinished Business 7.1 Seniors' Network Landlord Training Program Update Sue Wheeler provided a review of the Landlord Training Program that the Seniors Network hosted in February where 20 Building Manager's attended a workshop to build a network of landlords who have aging tenants that don't have a support system around them. Ms. Wheeler advised that they shared information regarding community resources that are available and educated them on the issues that are happening with the seniors. Ms. Wheeler noted that the goal is to support seniors to stay in their homes longer with a good quality of life and advised that a database will be created to allow them to share information. Sue Wheeler advised that the Senior's Network is considering the possibility of bringing the group back together regarding Emergency Preparedness services and the District of Maple Ridge will be proceeding with this information session with seniors. 8. Committee Reports 8.1 Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network Update -deferred 8.1.1 Clothing Exchange at the HIVE -deferred 8.1.2 School Community Connections Grants Sue Wheeler advised that the two School Community Connections grants were not completed and the funding was returned. Ms. Wheeler advised that one grant involved planning for a Community Garden at Eric Langton Elementary School and the other involved planning and consultation for a satellite hub at Glenwood Elementary. Sue Wheeler advised that extensions were requested for both pieces of work however these requests were denied. 8.1.3 ECO Poverty Forum: Beyond Squeezed -deferred 8.2 2011 Spirit of Community Awards -update -deferred 8.3 Port Haney Neighbourhood Change Initiative Update -deferred 9. Correspondence 9.1 Elimination of Trans-Link Taxi Saver program 9.2 Childhood Hunger is a Canadian Public Health Crisis 9.3 Preliminary Report: UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 5 of 6 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2012 http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/Disp/ayNews.aspx?News/0=12159&L ang/D=E R12-019 It was moved and seconded ) That the above items be received. 10. Next Meeting: Agenda Deadline: Location: 11. Adjournment - Chairperson /tc Wednesday, July 4, 2012 Tuesday, June 18, 2012 Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall 9:02 p.m. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes CARRIED Page 6 of 6