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District of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Mount
Blanshard Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road, Maple Ridge , British
Columbia, on Wednesday, July 4, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
Bob Goos, Vice-Chair
Rajinder Kalra
Councillor Cheryl Ashlie
Councillor Robert Masse
S/Sgt. Andrew Martin
lneke Boekhorst
Candace Gordon
Arlana Kuzyk
Alanna Robson
Treena Innes
Sarah Nelson
Sue Wheeler
Tracy Camire
Inspector Dave Fleugel
Kathy Marshall
Lyn Taylor-Scott
Linda Morgan, Chair
1. Call to Order and Introductions
Community at Large
Community at Large
Council Liaison
Council Liaison
Ridge-Meadows RCMP
Business Improvement Association
Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network
Community Health Specialist, Fraser Health Authority
Community at Large
Community at Large
School Trustee, School District No. 42
Director of Community Services
Committee Clerk
Ridge-Meadows RCMP
School Trustee, School District No. 42 (Alternate)
Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
Community at Large
Bob Goos called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m.
2. Agenda Approval
R12-020 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for July 4, 2012 be adopted with the following amendments;
• Defer Item 6.4 and 8.3
• Add Item 6.5 Route 29 Youth Transition House -wish list
3. Minutes of May 2, 2012 Meeting
Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 1 of 4
Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes July 4, 2012
,,--~12-021 ) Motion was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 6, 2012 be adopted.
4. Delegations & Presentations -Nil
5. Roundtable
Councillor Ashlie -
Treena Innes -
lneke Boekhorst-
Candace Gordon -
Sarah Nelson -
Arlana Kuzyk-
Sue Wheeler -
Bob Goos-
provided an update on the Substance Misuse Prevention
Committee noting that the RCMP will be making a presentation to
Fraser Health on July 8 th _
reported that Big Brothers and Big Sisters is re-establishing
services in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows with a focus on the
school mentorship program.
reported on the following items that the Business Improvement
Association has been involved in:
• The opening of Thrifty Foods in Maple Ridge
• Business Watch Program
• Girls Night Out
• Art and Heritage Tour -a self-guided walking tour
• Caribbean Festival
reported that she has begun to engage community in developing
a community food security strategic plan.
reported on the School Board activities noting that the teachers
and administration have ratified a contract for a year.
reported that she will be working with Parks and Leisure Services
staff to develop a Healthy Communities action plan which is due
in mid July.
Reported on how successful the Canada Day celebration events
were and provided updates on the following items:
• Municipal Alcohol Policy that the District of Maple Ridge and
Whistler worked together to submit an application to present
at UBCM in the fall.
• Alouette Home Start Society's Alouette Heights Supportive
House that will open for tenants in July.
reported that he has been elected to the Ridge Meadows Seniors
Society Board of Directors and that he can now represent the
seniors perspective at the SPAC table.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes July 4, 2012
6. New Business
6.1 Video on Detroit Capuchin Soup Kitchen
The Committee viewed the Detroit Capuchin Soup Kitchen video that Rajinder Kalra
provided. Mr. Ka Ira thanked the committee for allowing him to share this information
and highlighted the message that investing in supporting people to build their own
capacity is at the heart of the success of the Detroit example.
Councillor Ashlie thanked Mr. Kalra for his presentation and noted that the Alouette
Heights program will have support to assist tenants in getting employment and The
Caring Place also supports those in need of assistance in getting employment.
Sarah Nelson advised the Committee that she would like to provide information to
the Committee at a future date on the programs available through the Employment
Service Centre.
Action Item: Staff to include Employment Services Centre program presentation on
a future agenda.
Healthy Communities BC Consultation
Arlana Kuzyk provided an update on the Healthy Communities BC Consultation
process that is currently underway. Ms. Kuzyk also provided information on the
Government BC Link -http://www2.gov.bc.ca/govtogetherbc/ and noted that the
Health Action Plans are due by the end of July and that she will be working with staff
utilizing the inventory that was created in March to build a plan for this community.
Fraser Health -Health Profile 2011 (teenage pregnancy rate statistics)
Arlana Kuzyk provided an update on the Health Profile 2011 with reference to the
teenage pregnancy.
6.4 Ministry of Child and Family Development Strategic Plan -deferred
6.5 Route 29 Youth Transition House -wish list
Sue Wheeler provided an update on the Route 29 Youth Transition House and noted
that there are now two youth living in the house. Ms. Wheeler reviewed the wish list
of supplies and furniture needs for the house with the Committee. The Committee
Clerk also emailed the wish list to the Committee members.
7. Unfinished Business
7.1 Housing Action Plan Process
7.1.1 Update from Council Process
Sue Wheeler provided an update on the Housing Action Plan Process and
advised that staff were at Council Workshop on June 18th and then went to
the following week's Council Meeting and it was approved for staff to proceed
with this work. Ms. Wheeler noted that staff will start work on this project in
the summer months.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes July 4, 2012
7.1.2 RFP Process
Sue Wheeler provided an update on the RFP Process noting that this work is
in the initial planning stages and the contract would be awarded after the
summer break with work starting in the fall. Ms. Wheeler noted that staff will
provide regular updates at monthly meetings.
ACTION ITEM: Staff to include Housing Action Planning process as a
regular agenda items to report on the progress of this
8. Committee Reports
8.1 Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network Update
Candace Gordon provided an update on the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie
Community Network and their work with the Community Foundation to explore the
possibility of working together to establish a Community Chest fund. Ms . Gordon
noted that the Community Chest would assist community members in crisis when
every other avenue has been exhausted. Ms. Gordon noted that a presentation will
be made to the Community Foundation Board on July 19th.
8.2 Port Haney Neighbourhood Change Initiative Update -deferred
9.1 Edleun -For Profit Child Care
R12-022 It was moved and seconded
That the above item be received.
10. Next Meeting:
Agenda Deadline:
11. Adjournment -
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Tuesday, June 18, 2012
Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall
8:59 p.m.
Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes
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