HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2012-12-05 minutes.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held at the Alouette
Heights, 22207 Brown Avenue, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday, December 5, 2012 at
7:00 p.m.
Linda Morgan, Chair
Councillor Robert Masse
Councillor Cheryl Ashlie
S/Sgt. Andrew Martin
Candace Gordon
Bob Goos, Vice-Chair
Sarah Nelson
Rajinder Kalra
Rasika Acharya
Mitali Acharya
Manav Acharya
Shawn Matthewson
Tracy Camire
Arlana Kuzyk
Kathy Marshall
Inspector Dave Fleugel
Alanna Robson
Treena Innes
John Heffernan
lneke Boekhorst
1. Call to Order and Introductions
Community at Large
Council Liaison
Council Liaison
Ridge-Meadows RCMP
Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network
Community at Large
School Trustee, School District No. 42
Community at Large
Planning Department
Rasika's Daughter
Rasika's Son
Recreation Coordinator
Committee Clerk
Community Health Specialist, Fraser Health Authority
School Trustee, School District No. 42 (Alternate)
Ridge-Meadows RCMP
Community at Large
Community at Large
Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
Business Improvement Association
The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m.
2. Agenda Approval
R12-033 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for December 5, 2012 be adopted with the following amendments;
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes December 5, 2012
3. Minutes of November 7, 2012 Meeting
R12-030 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 7, 2012 be adopted.
4. New Business
4.1 2013 Meeting Schedule -Change of January Meeting Date
Shawn Matthewson proposed that the January SPAC meeting would take place on
January 16, 2013.
Motion was moved and seconded
That the first 2013 SPAC meeting take place on Wednesday, January 16, 2013
4.2 National Housing Day 2012
Shawn Matthewson reviewed the National Housing Day 2012 report including The 3
Important Things that All Canadians Should Know with the Committee.
4.3 RSCH Report to Community Homelessness Tables
Shawn Matthewson reviewed the Regional Steering Committee (RSCH) on
Homelessness Report to Community Homelessness Table Fall/Winter 2012
newsletter with the Committee.
The Committee discussed the issue surrounding bed bugs.
5. Delegations & Presentations
5.1 Holiday Celebration -presentation about Diwali by Rasika Acharya
Rasika Acharya gave a presentation on Diwali "Festival of Lights" to the Committee.
6. Unfinished Business
6.1 Annual election of the Chair and Co-Chair
Shawn Matthewson advised the Committee that the Committee will need to elect a
Chair and Co-Chair for the 2013 term. Ms. Matthewson noted that if anyone is
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes December 5, 2012
interested in either of these positions to let staff know prior to the January 16, 2013
6.2 Review of Future Presentation to Committee
Shawn Matthewson distributed and reviewed the Future Presentations information
with the Committee. The Committee would like to see the following organizations
present to SPAC at a future meeting:
• First Call
• EDI -Early Development Research
• District of Maple Ridge, Planning Department
The Committee discussed the issue of homelessness within our community.
6.3 Business Engagement Process -Staff Update
Shawn Matthewson provided an update on the Business Engagement Process and
noted that this item went to Council on November 27, 2012 and the
recommendations were supported. Shawn Matthewson reviewed the next steps with
the Committee.
Ms. Matthewson noted that the next step is to touch base with the planning
committee comprised of the EAC, the Downtown Business Improvement Association
and the Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce as well as representation from the
Community Network, SPAC and RCMP.
Discussion included that measurement data be a part of the evaluation process and
that residents be included in the engagement process.
6.4 FASO Awareness day -review of Business Bylaw Launch
Shawn Matthewson provided a review of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASO)
Business Bylaw Launch event. Ms. Matthewson shared a story that was told at the
event of a young girl that suffers from this disorder.
6.5 Request for information on Anti-Bullying Programs in School District 42
Sarah Nelson advised that the Government has created a portal tool (website)
www.erasebu llying.ca where students can report bullying incidents and also learn
how to deal with bullying. Ms. Nelson reviewed the process of reporting an incident
through this tool.
7. Committee Reports
7.1 Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network Update -no update
7.2 Port Haney Neighbourhood Change Initiative Update
Shawn Matthewson provided an update on the Port Haney Neighbourhood Change
Initiative noting that this group is working on goal setting for 2013.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes December 5, 2012
7.3 Haney Farmers Market
Candace Gordon provided an update on the Haney Farmer's Market noting that it has
finished for the year. Ms. Gordon noted that this group has been participating in a
Van City Economic study.
8. Roundtable
Councillor Ashlie noted that she will be selling 75 Christmas Trees on December 8th in front
of Canadian Tire in Maple Ridge. Councillor Ashlie noted that the cost is $25 and all
proceeds will be split between the Food Bank and the Ridge Meadows Education Foundation.
Councillor Ashlie noted that you can go to Marks Work Ware world for a Hot Dog and
Chocolate and receive a coupon to buy your tree for $20
Staff Sgt. Andrew Martin noted that starting next Monday the detachment will start their
Christmas Carolling and on December 13th they will be joined by Shirley Bond.
Shawn Matthewson noted that the Nurse Practioner should be hired by January
9. Correspondence
9.1 2012 Child Poverty Report Card
It was moved and seconded
Thatthe above item be received.
10. Adjournment -9:05 p.m.
11. Next Meeting:
Agenda Deadline:
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall
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