HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2013-12-04 Minutes
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District of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney
Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall on Wednesday, December 4, 2013 at 7:00 pm.
Bob Goos, Chair Community at Large
Councillor Bob Masse Council Liaison
Councillor Cheryl Ashlie Council Liaison
Candace Gordon Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network
Ineke Boekhorst Business Improvement Association
Kathy Marshall School Trustee, School District No. 42
Sgt. Rob Wheeler Ridge-Meadows RCMP
Sheila McLaughlin Community at Large
Steven Lamothe Community at Large
Treena Innes, Vice-Chair Community at Large
Shawn Matthewson Social Planning Coordinator
Joanne Georgelin Committee Clerk
Siobhan Murphy Planning Technician
Arlana Kuzyk Community Health Specialist, Fraser Health Authority
John Heffernan Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
Rajinder Kalra Community at Large
Sarah Nelson School Trustee, School District No. 42
1. Call to Order and Introductions
Chair Bob Goos called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
There being no quorum, the Committee moved to Item 4 first.
2. Approval of the December 4, 2013 Agenda
R13-032 It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda of the Regular Meeting of December 4, 2013 be adopted.
3. Approval of the October 2, 2013 Meeting Minutes
R13-033 It was moved and seconded
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That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 2, 2013 be adopted.
4. Christmas Cheer – The Season of Compassion
Shawn Matthewson shared a video with Committee members.
Please note: Candace Gordon entered the meeting at 7:13 pm.
Please note: Ineke Boekhorst entered the meeting at 7:15 pm.
There now being quorum, items 2 and 3 were dealt with at this time before resuming with item 5.
5. New Business
5.1 Housing Action Plan Update – Staff Report
Siobhan Murphy gave an update to the Committee members of the Housing Action
Plan including where they have participated at various open houses and the
education happening around the Housing Action Plan.
R13-034 It was moved and seconded
That the Housing Action Plan be received by SPAC and that SPAC forward the Housing Action
Plan on to council.
5.2 Process for requests to agencies
Shawn Matthewson reviewed with the Committee, the new positions for the Social
Planning Advisory Committee and the letters which will be directed to community
organizations as per the recommendation.
R13-035 It was moved and seconded
That staff be directed to send a letter for expressions of interest to apply for membership to
the Social Planning Advisory Committee to organizations that provides services for poverty
alleviation, multi-cultural and aboriginal services.
5.3 SPAC vacancies
Shawn Matthewson reviewed the SPAC vacancies with Committee members and the
process of interviews and orientations.
5.4 2014 Schedule meeting – January 8, 2014
Shawn Matthewson reviewed with the Committee the draft 2014 SPAC meeting
schedule and it was agreed upon by members that since January 1st being the 1st
Wednesday of the month, the meeting instead be moved to January 8th. In addition,
the September 3rd meeting shall be moved to September 10th.
5.5 Presentation list for 2014
Shawn Matthewson asked Committee members for their ideas on presenters they
would like lined up for 2014 and to respond back to her through email. Topic
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suggestions included; $10 a day child care, post-secondary education in our
community, the new Fraser Health housing position, and senior’s network update.
5.6 Request for funding Community Network Coordinator
The Committee received the request for funding the Community Network Coordinator.
An increase from $25000 to $30,000 was requested. Staff suggested that we look
at the SPAC budget. Councillor Ashlie suggested that we ask for an increase from
the gaming funding.
5.7 BC Non-Profit Housing Conference
Siobhan Murphy reported to Committee members on the recent Non-profit Housing
5.8 Cities Fit for Children Conference
Shawn Matthewson reported on the Cities Fit for Children Conference she recently
attended in Surrey. Councillor Bob Masse brought to the Committees attention to a
new report out called the “Human Capital Report” by the world economic council.
5.9 Housing Planning Table Request – Motion to Council
Siobhan Murphy reported on the Regional Transit Working Group which has been
working with local Housing Planning Tables to address a number of issues facing
people who are homeless or living in poverty. Their work has been forwarded to the
Housing Planning Table and was requested that the Social Planning Advisory
Committee forward the following motion to Mayor and Council to endorse:
Original motion: “Call on TransLink to establish a task force with representation of
provincial ministries responsible for public transit, health and housing, and the
Regional Transit Working Group, with the purpose of developing a Regional Homeless
Transit Plan that will make the system accessible to homeless people while
minimizing costs to TransLink, and;
Request that TransLink includes a reduced fare option for individuals on income
assistance along the lines of those now in place for persons with disabilities and low
income seniors.”
It was reported that Community Network is bringing Translink in as a delegation in
March, so a report will be brought back to SPAC at that time.
R13-036 It was moved and seconded
That SPAC forward the above Translink motion to Maple Ridge council for endorsement.
5.10 Motion from Council dated November 12, 2013
Shawn Matthewson reported on a recent motion from Council that stated “That the
issue of enforcement of the Motor Vehicle Act to enforce the Motor Vehicle Act as it
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pertains to the safe operation, wearing of helmets and proper illumination of bicycles
or other motorized vehicles be referred to the Maple Ridge Social Planning Advisory
Committee and the RCMP for input by the first quarter in 2014”.
Ms. Matthewson stated that SPAC and RCMP have been included in this conversation
to determine which groups of individuals in the downtown core fit this profile as
stated in the recommendation. Sgt. Rob Wheeler stated that Inspector Flugel is
asking officers to interview individuals fitting certain descriptions to find out what
activities they are participating in the downtown core.
Bob Goos stated the emphasis of this is a criminal activity investigation and a safety
issue to see where bikes are being ridden and how.
A report will be coming back to SPAC at the January meeting.
5 Unfinished Business
6.1 Canadian Rental Housing Charter Update
Shawn Matthewson reported that the Canadian Rental Housing Charter is something
which many municipalities have signed on to, and further suggested recommendation
be sent to Maple Ridge Council to have our community sign on to this charter. This
item was tabled until the January meeting.
6.2 Compassionate Cities Update
Shawn Matthewson reported that an update on the Compassionate Cities went to
Maple Ridge Council recently, and that the project report will come to SPAC in March
before going back to Council later in March.
6.3 Homelessness Action Week Update
Shawn Matthewson reported that the Homelessness Action Week event at the ACT
was very successful with the health services portion of the event being very well
Candace Gordon further reported that the global food buffet was very well received.
7 Roundtable
Cheryl Ashlie reminded Committee members to completed the Fraser Health’s “myhealth my
community” survey, as our community is in competition with other communities for prizes.
This survey is open until March.
Ineke Boekhorst gave Committee members calendars from the BIA and stated that Paul
Gordon, the compassion cities representative is doing a great job
8. Correspondence - Nil
8.1 Child Poverty Report Card
9. Adjournment: 9:00 PM
10. Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 8, 2013
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Agenda Deadline: Monday, December 30, 2013
Location: Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall