HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2017-03-01 Minutes.pdfCity of Maple Ridge SOCIAL POLICY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Policy Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room, at Maple Ridge City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at 7:00 pm COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Annette Morgan Brenna Ayliffe Cathy Bennett Candace Gordon Councillor Craig Speirs Dr. Helena Swinkels lneke Boekhorst Kathy Doull Laura Butler Mikayla Clayton Mike Murray Sgt. Brenda Gresiuk Susan Carr Tare! Swansky Vicki Kipps, Chair Seniors Network Fraser Health Member at Large Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows-Katzie Community Network Council Liaison -Alternate Fraser Health Downtown BIA / Friends in Need Fraser Health -Alternate Member at Large Youth Rep School District #42 -Alternate RCMP School District 42 Member at Large Community Network ) STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT ) ·..__/ Shawn Matthewson Sunny Sch iller GUESTS REGRETS/ABSENTS Hannah Macdonald Staff Liaison / Social Planning Analyst Committee Clerk Member at large -Youth Rep 1. CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTIONS There being a quorum present, Councillor Speirs called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm and introductions were made. 2. 2017 CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR ELECTIONS R17-003 It was moved and seconded That Vicki Kipps be elected Social Policy Advisory Chair for 2017. CARRIED SPAC Minutes March 1, 2017 Page 2 of4 R17-004 It was moved and seconded That Susan Carr be elected Social Policy Advisory Committee Vice-Chair for 2017. 3. AGENDA ADOPTION R17-005 It was moved and seconded That the agenda dated March 1, 2017 be adopted. 4. MINUTES APPROVAL R17-006 It was moved and seconded That the minutes dated January 4, 2017 be approved. 5. DELEGATIONS -Nil 6. ROUNDTABLE CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED Annette Morgan reported the Seniors Network has obtained funding to keep operating for another year. The Seniors Guide for Disaster Preparedness is nearing completion. Seniors Network meetings are open to the public. Mayor Read will be making a presentation at the next meeting coming up on March 30th. Brenna Ayl iffe shared information on Fraser Health physical activity grants of approximately $25,000 available to local municipalities to increase physical activity levels, with a focus on seniors, youth and those not typically able to access physical activities. Information will be distributed to the Committee. Cathy Bennett will be participating in the upcoming Homeless Count. Mikayla Clayton let members know that a youth focused homeless count is scheduled. Mike Murray suggested the Committee reach out to Student Voice groups in secondary schools to get input from students on their priorities. Mr. Murray would like to see increased communication from students to the community. Mr. Murray let the Committee know the recently announced Albion School is scheduled to open September 2019. Sgt. Brenda Gresiuk reported that Superintendent Fleugel is retiring. Sgt. Gresiuk shared information on newly formed Uniformed Community Response Units. lneke Boekhorst reported the BIA is very happy with the newly formed RCMP Uniformed Community Response Units. Ms. Boekhorst provided a status report on the Clean Team project. ) SPAC Minutes March 1, 2017 Page 3 of4 Dr. Helena Swinkels provided further details on the physical activity grants, which encourage partnerships. Dr. Swinkels provided an Opioid Overdose Response Task Group update. Dr. Swinkels looks forward to an ongoing discussion around youth engagement. Candace Gordon reported on a recent presentation made to the Community Network on LGBTQ issues by a group called Qmunity. The Community Network recently awarded Community Superhero awards to Alouette Homestart Society members. Ms. Gordon provided information on Alouette Heights Transitional Housing. As the coordinator for Golden Ears Feast Ms. Gordon reported the Seniors Network recently held a successful fundraiser to allow more seniors to access the food coupon program. Ms. Gordon provided printed copies of a list of food of agricultural programs in Maple Ridge for review. Shawn Matthewson reported that a new Coordinator has been hired for the Community Network. Kathy Doull reported the Ridge Meadows Hospital is excited to receive an MRI. Ms. Doull reported on the Integrated Case Management Team recently announced for Maple Ridge. In response to a question raised Kathy Dou II and Vicki Kipps provided information on funding for the Youth Wellness Centre. R17-007 It was moved and seconded That the Social Policy Advisory Committee recommend that the City of Maple Ridge advocate for core government funding for the Youth Wellness Centre. CARRIED 7. NEW BUSINESS 7 .1 Provincial Announcement on Housing and Homelessness R17-008 The Staff Liaison reported on funding for initiatives related to homelessness, including increased rent supplements, an Integrated Case Management team, and an increased number of beds at the Salvation Army. The Chair reported that Community Services has received an 11 million dollar grant to build affordable housing units. The Staff Liaison reported on transition plans for the closure of the temporary shelter on May 31, 2017. It was suggested that local service providers (Coast Mental Health, the Salvation Army, RainCity) be invited to make presentations at future SPAC meetings. It was moved and seconded That the Staff Liaison work with the provincial government to determine the purpose and structure of the community committee and the process for consultation, with the goal of identifying if there is a role for SPAC to support the work. CARRIED ) SPAC Minutes March 1, 2017 Page 4 of 4 7 .2 Social Planning Workshop Discussion The Staff and Council Liaison reported on a Social Planning department presentation recently made to Council. 7.3 Advisory Committee Training and Networking Opportunities The Committee Clerk provided information on upcoming events for advisory committee members. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8.1 Youth Strategy Update The Staff Liaison provided an update on the implementation of the Youth Strategy. Presentations will be made to local schools. The Development Wheel has been very popular. 8.2 Update from the Opioid Overdose Working Group Previously dealt with under Roundtable -Dr. Swinkels. 8.3 8.4 Social Policy Workshop Planning The Staff Liaison provided details on social policy engagement workshops. Two workshops will be held annually with provincial ministries and two workshops will be held annually with Community Network partners. A subcommittee will be struck to plan the workshops. Potential topics were identified (child and youth mental health / youth substance use and abuse, public transportation and related impacts on social issues). Subcommittee membership was discussed. Mikayla Clayton and Fraser Health volunteered to work on the subcommittee. Regional Mayor's Task Force on Homelessness The Staff Liaison reported on the work of the Task Force work over the last few months. The report of the Task Force is available at: http://www.metrovancouver.org/homelessness Information on the homeless count was provided. 9. COMMITTEE UPDATES 9.1 Community Network Previously dealt with under Roundtable. 10. CORRESPONDENCE 11. QUESTION PERIOD 12. ADJOURNMENT It was moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 9:00 pm. /ss