HomeMy WebLinkAboutMACAI 2010-03-18 minutes.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge
and the
City of Pitt Meadows
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee
on Accessibility Issues, held in the Blaney Room at the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple
Ridge, British Columbia, on Thursday, March 18, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.
Greg Turnbull, Chair
Manfred Wuensche, Vice-Chair
Councillor Al Hogarth
Joylene MacBurnie
Thelma Boudreau
Maria Kovacs
Danielle Foulds
Gillian Small
Lois Rougeau
John Kanjer
Amelia Bowden
Shelley Jorde
Tracy Camire
Councillor Bruce Bell
Lisa McMurray
Soheila Ghodsieh
Kimberly Hoffman
John Ricketts
Mike Huber
1. Call to Order and Introductions
Community At Large, District of Maple Ridge
Ministry of Children and Family Development
Council Liaison, District of Maple Ridge
Community at Large, Maple Ridge
Community at Large, Pitt Meadows
Community at Large, Pitt Meadows
Community at Large, District of Maple Ridge
Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
Ministry of Housing & Social Development
Community at Large, District of Maple Ridge
Recreation Access Coordinator
Committee Clerk
Council Liaison, City of Pitt Meadows
Fraser Health, Mental Health & Addictions
Community Living BC
Community at Large, Maple Ridge
Community at Large, Maple Ridge
School Trustee, School District No. 42
There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
Rl0-008 It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda dated March 18, 2010 be adopted with the following additions:
Item 4.1 Lack of resting areas in shopping malls -Heidi Bonner & Barbara Goodman
Item 5.4 Bus Accessibility Improvements
Item 5.5 Sport in Disability Opportunity
Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues Page 1 of4
Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues
March 18, 2010
Item 5.6 SAFERHome Society Membership
Item 5.7 Bylaw and Building Codes for Accessible Housing
Item 5.8 Tactile Surfacing Update
3. Minutes of the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues Regular
R10-009 It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the February 18, 2010 Regular Meeting be adopted
4. Delegations and Presentations
4.1 Lack of resting areas in shopping malls -Heidi Bonner, Barbara Goodman
Please note that neither delegation was present.
5. Unfinished & New Business
5.1 Accessible Pool Lift at the Leisure Center
Shelley Jorde advised the Committee that a new lift (with a 400 pound capacity) has
been installed at the Leisure Centre and noted that a press release will be issued to
the community. Ms. Jorde requested that MACAI members please forward this
information on to their networks.
Shelley Jorde also noted that the Parks Department is looking at increasing the
number of adaptable machines available at the Leisure Centre.
ACTION ITEM: Shelley Jorde will find out if the equipment is assessable for kids.
5.2 Annual Accessibility Awards
Amelia Bowden reviewed the 2010 nomination form for the Annual Accessibility
Awards and noted that the ceremony will take place on Thursday, June 3, 2010
between 6:30 -7:30 p.m . A sub-committee was formed; Greg Turnbull, Joylene
MacBurnie, Maria Kovacs and Lois Rougeau.
Amelia Bowden advised that the District of Maple Ridge has provided a budget for
5.3 Paralympic Torch Relay -event review
Greg Turnbull reviewed the Pa ralympic Torch Relay event and commended Danielle
Foulds on her performance along with Amelia Bowden on her involvement with this
5.4 Bus Accessibility Improvements
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Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues
March 18, 2010
Amelia Bowden reviewed the two spreadsheets that she has received from the Maple
Ridge Engineering Department which captures the non-accessible bus stops in Maple
Ridge and reviewed each of the categories with the Committee.
ACTION ITEM: Committee members are to email Amelia their feedback by the first
week of April.
5.5 Sport in Disability Opportunity
Shelley Jorde reviewed a letter from Ranita Manocha who is a medical student that is
researching how people with disabilities experience sport through the use of
photography. Ms. Jorde noted that this is an opportunity for members of MACAI to
participate in if they chose to. Shelley Jorde asked if this is information that
members have already received through another avenue.
ACTION ITEM: Staff to forward this on to the Special Olympics Committee.
5.6 SAFERHomes Society Membership
Shelley Jorde advised the Committee that she met with Stephen Cote-Rolvink,
Manager of Building & Inspections to better understand how he is involved with the
SAFERHomes project and noted that Mr. Cote-Rolvink would be available to come to
a future MACAI meeting to discuss how this membership works.
Shelley Jorde noted that a report is going forward to Maple Ridge Council regarding
changes to building codes and bylaws. Ms. Jorde also noted that SAFERHomes has
made a presentation to the City of Pitt Meadows.
Bylaw & Building codes for Accessible Housing
Councillor Hogarth advised the Committee that he attended a meeting at SPARC BC
where he provided them with the SAFERHomes membership information. Councillor
Hogarth also discussed restrictions put on municipalities with regards to accessibility
housing aspects.
Councillor Hogarth advised the Committee that Council passed a resolution that will
expand the building code to be inclusive to all building forms (this resolution will be
forwarded on to the Lower Mainland Government Association and the Union of British
Columbia Municipalities). Councillor Hogarth also advised the Committee that on
Monday, March 22nd Council will vote on another resolution that will allow
municipalities to find ways to encourage builders and developers to build more
accessible housing and provided an example to the Committee. Councillor Hogarth
noted that this resolution will then be forwarded on to the Local Government Act and
the Community Charter.
5.8 Tactile Surfacing update
Danielle Foulds provided an update on the tactile surfacing that is located at the
intersection of 210th and Wicklund noting that individual squares of tactile surfacing
will be used instead of wrap around tactile for future locations.
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Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues
March 18, 2010
Maria Kovacs updated the Committee on two curb cuts that are incomplete; one is
located on 210th and the other is located at Westview Secondary School. Ms. Kovacs
also provided an update for the area around McIntosh and Edge Street.
Danielle Foulds advised the Committee that there is an audible signal on Dewdney at
207th on the south side but coming back on the other (north) side there is no audible
signal. Ms. Foulds noted that there is a residential area on the south side of
Dewdney and therefore if an audible signal is installed there would need to be a shut
off time restriction in place.
Amelia Bowden confirmed that in retrofit projects the decision was made to not move
the directionals however if it's a new curb it could have the new directionals.
Please note that Item 6.3 was dealt with prior to Item 6.1 and Item 6.2
6. Committee Reports
6.1 Curb Cuts Report
Shelley Jorde asked the Committee to review the list provided and confirm the next
10 locations that are to be improved.
6.2 Bus Stop Improvements
Amelia Bowden requested the sub-committee review the Engineering Department's
bus stop list (the ones that need minor improvements, highlighted green) and confirm
the top 20 stops that should be made a priority.
6.3 Universal Accessible Update
Greg Turnbull advised the Committee that Danielle Foulds has taken on the task of
tabulating the distribution and inventory of the Universal Design Guidelines for
Outdoor Spaces booklet.
ACTION ITEM: Committee Clerk to add this to agendas ongoing as a committee
7. Correspondence
8. Next Meeting -Thursday, April 15, 2010
5:00 p.m., Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall
Agenda Deadline: Wednesday, March 31, 2010
9. Adjournment -6:51 p.m.
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