HomeMy WebLinkAboutMACAI 2010-09-16 minutes.pdf) District of Maple Ridge and the City of Pitt Meadows MAPLE RIDGE/PITT MEADOWS MUNICIPAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ACCESSIBILITY ISSUES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues, held in the Blaney Room at the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Thursday, September 16, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Greg Turnbull, Chair Manfred Wuensche, Vice-Chair Councillor Bruce Bell Mike Huber Councillor Al Hogarth Gillian Small Joylene MacBurnie Kimberly Hoffman Thelma Boudreau John Ricketts Lois Rougeau Danielle Foulds Kathy Doull STAFF PRESENT Petra Frederick Shelley Jorde Tracy Camire REGRETS/ABSENT Lisa McMurray Brenda Brown John Kanjer Maria Kovacs 1. Call to Order and Introductions Community At Large, District of Maple Ridge Ministry of Children and Family Development Council Liaison, City of Pitt Meadows School Trustee, School District No. 42 Council Liaison, District of Maple Ridge Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living Community at Large, Maple Ridge Community at Large, Maple Ridge Community at Large, Pitt Meadows Community at Large, Maple Ridge Ministry of Housing & Social Development Community at Large, District of Maple Ridge Fraser Health Authority Recreation Access Coordinator Recreation Manager -Community Connections Committee Clerk Fraser Health, Mental Health and Addictions Community Living BC Community at Large, District of Maple Ridge Community at Large, Pitt Meadows There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. 2. Adoption of the Agenda Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues Page 1 of6 Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues September 16, 2010 Ri0-019 It was moved and seconded That the Agenda dated September 16, 2010 be adopted with the following amendments; • Add Item 5.6 Fall Prevention Society Brochure • Add Item 5.7 Life Trail Advanced Wellness System CARRIED 3. Minutes of the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues Regular Meeting Ri0-020 It was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the June 17, 2010 Regular Meeting be adopted with the following • Lois Rougeau noted that under the roundtable it should state "may see some budget reductions as a result of provincial cut backs" CARRIED 4. Delegations and Presentations -Nil 5. Unfinished & New Business 5.1 Business Planning 2011 Greg Turnbull reviewed the Vision, Mission, Values, Services Provided from the 2010 Business Plan with the Committee. The Committee reviewed the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats for the 2011 Business Plan. Strengths • Different view points to form one idea • Variety of issues • Diversity of the group; representation of organizations, cross section of people with diversities • Universal view point • Long term members • Commitment of members • Variety of different backgrounds • Support from both Councils • Fair and open floor • Leading edge; Entering into areas that other municipalities haven't Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues Page 2 of6 Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues September 16, 2010 • Improved relationship with municipal department • We finish what we start -project completion • Constantly working to create more awareness in the community • Awards growth and community inclusiveness • Open mindedness and engaging one another • Not overly demanding • Pitt Meadows Member on the Committee Weaknesses • Funding • Employment Accessibility • Transportation Accessibility • Awareness of MACAI from the public • Education within the community about Disability in general and about MACAI • Other groups within the community (SPAC, BAC) not enough linkage between the groups and what they are doing. • Opportunities for different things that are going on in other areas (education seminars) that are of interest to this group or other groups, could be invaluable. Comes down to funding; discussion that is starting to happen. There might be funding more individuals from groups that have a want and time to attend seminars. • Operating in a vacuum other municipalities' that are doing similar work to what we're doing; share our information more efficiently • What re other communities doing? • Don't have a lot of younger input; more of a younger input then just me. • Nice if the community had a youth liaison position on each community. • Other department's priority of MACAl's need. • Any tracking; improvements that are happening Opportunities • Doing something involving employment; barriers • Working with the BIA • Book out by "Van Jones "The Green Collar Economy -rewarding jobs • Creating a booklet of information for businesses about the benefits of hiring someone with a disability. • Wage subsidy for the first 6 months, don't take a lot of financial loss. • Lack of information and technology and marketing • School systems; huge opportunity people are more open minded now; education system, early detection; mental or physical disability; front line discussion if you're building a new school. • Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows are supportive if there is a huge champion behind it. • Leading the way in developing education; people with disability to know what's out there and employers to know what the benefits are to hiring people with disability • Big opportunity throughout the year; need to work up to the awards to the smaller businesses know it exists. • Take this to the schools to recruit youth representation Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues Page 3 of6 Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility issues September 16, 2010 • Housing -adaptable housing • Speak, meet and greeting managers of organizations that have representations • Collaborating with other municipalities • Social networking (Facebook, twitter, Care2petitionsite) • Presentation to School Board Threats • Beyond our control or jurisdiction • Governed by provincial and federal legislation -unknown changes • Credibility of the committee • Lack of awareness of the committee • Funding • Cuts -impacts the amount of time that I can be a part of sub-committees, really does limit what I can do. • Growing demands; create awareness of things, you have do things and you create this complex problems. Create a demand that this committee may not be ready to embrace. • The ministry is looking at priorities; no indication that they are going to replace me. Hoping Petra will send a formal letter asking for representation. • Commitment • Loss of experience (as committee members retire) 2010 Accomplishments • Curb cuts (Petra to find out how many) • 2010 7th Annual Accessibility Awards -expanded categories more nomination • Audible Signal -207th • Supporting the Paralympics • UDG Promotion & inventory • Accessible Bus Pads (top 20) Petra to find out numbers • Installation tactile surfacing@ bus loop • Implementation of tactile surfacing at the start of projects • Involvement with the Downtown Core revitalization project • UBCM Award • Reached out to the Senior's Network -Age Friendly Initiative • Presentation to both MR & PM Council Please note that Gillian Small left the meeting at 6:05 p.m. 2011 Work Plan (Deliverables) Focus Areas • Recruitment of youth representation • Discussion regarding employment (BIA, accessibility) • Leading education both resources available • Adaptive Housing Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility issues Page 4 of6 ) Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues September 16, 2010 5.2 Review and discuss the adaptable housing council report (Pitt Meadows) Councillor Bell provided background information on the adaptable housing council report from the City of Pitt Meadows. Petra Frederick reviewed the report from Kim Grout, Director of Operations and Development Service dated August 9, 2010 regarding Adaptable Housing in detail with the Committee. Please note that Councillor Hogarth left the meeting at 6:50p.m. R10-021 It was moved and seconded That the Zoning bylaw amendment and Council policy on adaptable housing regulations received from the City of Pitt Meadows be endorsed and Council and staff be commended for their forward thinking in developing this policy and bylaw proposal. And that the Zoning bylaw amendment and Council policy on adaptable housing regulations received from the City of Pitt Meadows be reviewed in one year And that the following items (and the like) be considered when creating adaptable housing regulations; plumbing goose necks for adaptable countertops, lever handles on doors and sinks. Please note that Councillor Bell did not vote on this resolution. Please note that Councillor Hogarth joined the meeting at 7:05 p.m. 5.3 Accessibility Issues at South Bonson and Harris Landing CARRIED Petra Frederick advised that she is working with GVRD to have this item dealt with and will provide another review and the next meeting. 5.4 Presentation to the Senior's Network Table (November) -deferred 5.5 Audible Signals discussion with Engineering -deferred 5.6 Ridge Meadows Fall Prevention Society-deferred 5. 7 Life Trail Advanced Wellness System -deferred Councillor Hogarth advised that Maple Ridge Council has forwarded two resolutions to the UBCM conference that recommend adaptable housing be done in all housing forms. 6. Committee Reports -deferred to October 6.1 Universal Design Guideline for Outdoor Spaces (UDGOS) Inventory Update -defer 6.2 Bus Stop Top 20 Status 6.3 Curb Cuts Update Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues Page 5 of6 Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues September 16, 2010 7. Roundtable 8. Correspondence 9. Next Meeting -Thursday, October 21, 2010 5:00 p.m., Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall Agenda Deadline: Wednesday, October 6, 2010 10. Adjournment -7:07 p.m. Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues Page 6 of6