HomeMy WebLinkAboutMACAI 2011-05-19 minutes.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge
and the
City of Pitt Meadows
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee
on Accessibility Issues, held in the Blaney Room at the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple
Ridge, British Columbia, on Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 5:00 p.m.
Greg Turnbull, Chair
Manfred Wuensche, Vice-Chair
Councillor Bruce Bell
Councillor Al Hogarth
John Ricketts
Joylene MacBurnie
Gillian Small
John Kanjer
Shelley Jorde
Tracy Camire
Mike Huber
Kathy Doull
Thelma Boudreau
Teresa Daniels
Brenda Brown
1. Call to Order and Introductions
Community At Large, Maple Ridge
Ministry of Children and Family Development
Council Liaison, City of Pitt Meadows
Council Liaison, District of Maple Ridge
Community at Large, Maple Ridge
Community at Large, Maple Ridge
Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
Community at Large, Maple Ridge
Recreation Manager Community Connections
Committee Clerk
School Trustee, School District No. 42
Fraser Health Authority
Community at Large, Pitt Meadows
Community at Large, Pitt Meadows
Community Living BC
There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m.
1.1 Chair and Vice-Chair Appointment
Shelley Jorde reviewed the process for nominating a Chair and Vice-Chair.
John Ricketts nominated Greg Turnbull for the role of Chair and Greg Turnbull
Please note that Mike Huber joined the meeting at 5:06 p.m.
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Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues
May 19, 2011
John Ricketts nominated Manfred Wuensche for the role of Vice-Chair. John Kanjer
nominated Joylene MacBurnie for the role of Vice-Chair and Joylene MacBurnie
R11-013 It was moved and seconded
That Greg Turnbull is appointed as the Chair and Manfred Wuensche is appointed as
the Vice-Chair for the 2011 term.
R11-014 It was moved and seconded
And that the idea of extending the term of Chair and Vice-Chair be explored.
And further that the concept of a Co-Vice-Chair role be researched and reported back
at the next meeting.
Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda dated May 19, 2011 be adopted with the following addition:
• Item 5.6 Accessibility Awards -Discussion & Selection of Award Recipients
• Item 5.7 Selkirk Mall Development -Councillor Hogarth
Minutes of the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues Regular
It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the April 21, 2011 Regular Meeting be adopted.
4. Delegations and Presentations -Nil
5. Unfinished & New Business
5.1 Review past and present Curb Cut Requests
John Ricketts suggested to the Committee that he continue to be the contact person for
curb cuts in Maple Ridge and that if willing, Teresa Daniels be the contact person for curb
cuts in Pitt Meadows.
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Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues
May 19, 2011
Mr. Ricketts provided a review of the curb cuts that have been completed in Maple Ridge
and reviewed the process for how these have been completed.
Shelley Jorde reviewed the curb cuts that are outstanding in Maple Ridge and Pitt
Meadows with the Committee.
ACTION ITEM: Committee Clerk to tabulate the curb cuts requests into a spreadsheet
for review.
Staff to contact Michael Eng, in the Engineering Department along with
someone in the Planning Department to ensure they consider the
surrounding sidewalks of the transitional housing that is being built on
Browne Avenue to ensure they are rebuilt with accessibility in mind.
5.2 Discuss Letter -Pedestrian Safety Hammond
Shelley Jorde will forward the letter (that was received from a resident in Hammond) to the
Engineering Department in preparation for further discussion on this matter.
Ms. Jorde will contact the resident to explore what resources are available in the
community that may help them to address their pedestrian safety concerns.
It was moved and seconded
That the letter received from a Hammond resident be received as information and
forwarded on to Mayor and Council for information.
And that a letter be sent to the resident advising them that their request will be sent to
Mayor and Council.
5.3 Review past bus stop updates -deferred
5.4 Accessible parking in the Downtown Core -update from Councillor Hogarth
The Committee discussed accessible parking in the downtown core of Maple Ridge.
Shelley Jorde advised the Committee that she will ask staff to provide an update on where
the process currently is.
Councillor Hogarth advised the Committee that he has requested this item to be put on a
future Council Workshop Agenda and will provide another update once this discussion has
taken place.
5.5 Discuss and assign roles for Awards event
Greg Turnbull volunteered to be the Master of Ceremonies for the Accessibility Awards
event and noted that he will contact the winners to ensure they are all in attendance.
Shelley Jorde reviewed the event schedule with the Committee. Ms. Jorde noted that staff
will ensure that certificates are ready and signed by both Mayors.
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Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues
May 19, 2011
5.6 Accessibility Awards -Discussion & Selection of Award Recipients
Shelley Jorde reviewed the nominations for each category with the Committee.
The Committee discussed the following nominations;
Customer Service
Volunteer Access
Leisure and Recreation Access
Club, Maria Daley
Arch itectu ra I Access
5. 7 Selkirk Mall Development -Al Hogarth
Roast Bistro, Dollar Giant
Canoe Kayak BC, Norman Fowler
Pitt Meadows Paddling Club, Vicunia
Pitt Meadows Seniors Centre
Councillor Hogarth reviewed a Development Permit for the upgrade to a portion of the
Selkirk Mall which recently went before Council for approval with the Committee.
Councillor Hogarth reviewed the request which included a facade upgrade and
changes to the parking lot and noted that for this particular development upgrade
there will be no sidewalks through a parking lot, no pedestrian way making from one
parking lot to the mall side.
The Committee di~cussed changing some of the driving accesses to this building
along with future parking issues that might arise.
6. Committee Reports
7. Roundtable
Councillor Bell
Councillor Bell congratulated to Petra Frederick for her presentation at the LGLMA
Conference. Councillor Bell also noted that this was an excellent conference and was well
Shelley Jorde
Shelley Jorde noted that she has received two requests for the Universal Design Guidelines
Booklet since the LGLMA conference. Ms. Jorde also noted that MACAI has been invited to
participate in the 2012 Wheels in Motion Tour and noted that more information will be
provided at the next meeting.
Ms. Jorde also provided an update on the Enabling Accessibility Funding that was received in
Pitt Meadows and noted that some funding has also been approved for Maple Ridge.
Shelley Jorde noted that the Seniors Society has requested MACAI assistance at the Annual
Resource Fair in Pitt Meadows on Thursday, June 9th between 9-3 p.m.
John Kanjer
John Kanjer thanked Maple Ridge Mayor and Council for their work on 224th; first class as far
as accessibility goes.
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Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues
May 19, 2011
8. Correspondence
9. Next Meeting -Thursday, June 16, 2011
5:00 p.m., Blaney Room , Maple Ridge Municipal Hall
Agenda Deadline: Wednesday, June 1, 2011
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