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District of Maple Ridge
and the
City of Pitt Meadows
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory
Committee on Accessibility Issues, held in the Blaney Room at the Maple Ridge Municipal Hall,
11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Thursday, February 20, 2014 at 5:00
Councillor Bruce Bell
Julie Lewis
Kathy Marshall
Maria Kovas
Councillor Al Hogarth
Connelle Styles
Kevin Priebe, Chair
Thelma Boudreau, Vice-chair
Petra Frederick
Joanne Georgelin
Wendy McCormick
Brenda Brown
Lisa Smith
Randy Wagner
Gillian Small
1. Call to Order and Introductions
Council Liaison, City of Pitt Meadows
Fraser Health Authority
School Board Trustee, School District No. 42
Community At Large, Maple Ridge
Council Liaison, District of Maple Ridge
Ministry of Social Development & Social
Community At Large, Maple Ridge
Community at Large, Pitt Meadows
Recreation Coordinator
Committee Clerk
Director of Recreation
Community Living BC
MCFD, Child and Youth Social Worker Maple
Community at Large, Maple Ridge
Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
There being a quorum present, Kevin Priebe called the meeting to order at 5:12 pm and
introductions were made.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
R14-001 It was moved and seconded.
That the Agenda dated February 20, 2014 be adopted with the following additions;
Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues Page 1 of4
Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues
Thursday, February 20, 2014
• Item 5. 7 Housing Action Plan
• Item 5.8 Transportation Plan ~I CARRIED
Minutes of the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues Regular
It was moved and seconded.
That the Minutes of the November 21, 2013 Regular Meeting be adopted.
4. Delegations and Presentations -Nil
5. Unfinished & New Business
5.1 Election of Chair and vice-chair
Petra Frederick called for nominations for Chair. Kevin Priebe was unanimously
nominated, and accepted the role of Chair. Ms. Frederick called for nominations
for vice-chair. Thelma Boudreau was unanimously nominated, and accepted the
role of Vice-chair.
Review Meeting Schedule
Petra Frederick reviewed the March meeting date with committee members and
suggested due to a conflict with Parks & Leisure Services Commission the May
15th meeting may either have to be re-located to Pitt Meadows, or it may be
starting at an earlier start time of 4:45pm. Ms. Frederick will update members
once a decision is reached.
5.3 Review Business Plan 2014
Petra Frederick reviewed the 2014-2018 business plan with the committee
members. Ms. Frederick highlighted the top 3 deliverable projects for the year:
• Asset mapping of accessibility parking in downtown core in Maple Ridge &
Pitt Meadows.
• Asset mapping of accessible public transit bus stops in downtown core of
Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows.
• Asset mapping of M Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows core areas in relation to
curb let downs and tactical surfaces
Councillor Al Hogarth suggested there could be linkages with other committees
of council and these should be explored further.
Wendy McCormick, Director of Recreation advised the committee that Ms.
Frederick is working on researching the history this committee to determine its
original mandate. Ms. McCormick further commented that Ms. Frederick has
been in discussions with Social Planning staff to determine how this committee
can work more closely with them to accomplish common objectives ..
Please note: Committee members chose to discuss another topic at this time.
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Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues
Thursday, February 20, 2014
5.4 Annual Accessibility awards (discussion)
Petra Frederick reviewed last years accessibility awards flyer and suggested that
award criteria should be evaluated for this years awards. Ms. Frederick will take
suggestions from committee members and report back at the March meeting.
5.5 White Paper Conversation (discussion and submission)
Kevin Priebe gave a brief overview of the White Paper Conversation.
Petra Frederick worked with committee members present to complete the White
Paper survey and had also encouraged individuals to take advantage of
submitting their own survey comments on line too.
Please note: Committee members chose to discuss another topic at this time.
5.6 Intersection Project (discussion and involvement)
Petra Frederick handed out a letter from Diana Hall and the Agricultural Advisory
Committee regarding an upcoming networking potential called Intersections. This
will be an opportunity for committees of council to come together and review one
another's action items for the year and determine where crossovers might occur
and how committees may be able to work with or support one another.
R14-003 It was moved and seconded.
That the Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues will support the initiative
"Intersections" by attending.
5. 7 Housing Action Plan
Petra Frederick briefly reviewed the Municipal Housing Action Plan and
requested committee members fill out the Housing Action Plan questionnaire.
5.8 Transportation Plan
Councillor Al Hogarth updated committee members briefly on the 20 year
municipal Transportation Plan and commented how it could have impacts on
this committee. Councillor Hogarth further stated that Council recently has given
direction that the Bicycle Advisory Committee is on hold at this time.
6. Committee Reports
6.1 Curb Cuts & Bus Stop Pads -Deferred
6.2 Annual Accessibility Awards -Deferred
6.3 Displays & Presentations -Deferred
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Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues
Thursday, February 20, 2014
7. Roundtable -Deferred
8. Correspondence -Nil
9. Next Meeting:
Agenda Deadline:
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
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