HomeMy WebLinkAboutMACAI 2014-10-16 minutes.pdfMaple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee onMaple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee onMaple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee onMaple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility IssuesAccessibility IssuesAccessibility IssuesAccessibility Issues Page Page Page Page 1111 of 3of 3of 3of 3 MAPLE RIDGE/PITT MEADOWSMAPLE RIDGE/PITT MEADOWSMAPLE RIDGE/PITT MEADOWSMAPLE RIDGE/PITT MEADOWS MUNICIPAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE ACCESSIBILITY ISSUESMUNICIPAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE ACCESSIBILITY ISSUESMUNICIPAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE ACCESSIBILITY ISSUESMUNICIPAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE ACCESSIBILITY ISSUES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues, held in the Blaney Room at the Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Thursday, October 16, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENTCOMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENTCOMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENTCOMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Gillian Small Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living Councillor Al Hogarth Council Liaison, City of Maple Ridge Andrew Pozsar Community At Large, Maple Ridge Greg Turnbull Community At Large, Maple Ridge Bernice Rolls Community at Large, Maple Ridge Councillor Bruce Bell Council Liaison, City of Pitt Meadows GUESTS PRESENTGUESTS PRESENTGUESTS PRESENTGUESTS PRESENT STAFF PRESENTSTAFF PRESENTSTAFF PRESENTSTAFF PRESENT Petra Frederick Recreation Coordinator Sunny Schiller Committee Clerk REGRETS/ABSENTREGRETS/ABSENTREGRETS/ABSENTREGRETS/ABSENT Thelma Boudreau, Vice-chair Community at Large, Pitt Meadows Maria Kovacs Community At Large, Maple Ridge Kevin Priebe, Chair Community At Large, Maple Ridge Julie Lewis Fraser Health Authority Kathy Marshall School Board Trustee, School District No. 42 Connelle Styles Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTIONSCALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTIONSCALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTIONSCALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTIONS There being a quorum present, Greg Turnbull called the meeting to order at 5:11 p.m. AGENDA APPROVALAGENDA APPROVALAGENDA APPROVALAGENDA APPROVAL R14-013 It was moved and seconded That the That the That the That the aaaagenda dated genda dated genda dated genda dated October 16October 16October 16October 16, 2014 be adopted., 2014 be adopted., 2014 be adopted., 2014 be adopted. CARRIEDCARRIEDCARRIEDCARRIED British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights If• •• The ~ Place Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility IssuesMunicipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility IssuesMunicipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility IssuesMunicipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, October 16October 16October 16October 16, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014 Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility IssuesMaple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility IssuesMaple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility IssuesMaple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues Page Page Page Page 2222 of 3of 3of 3of 3 MMMMINUTES OF THE MUNICIPAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ACCESSIILITY ISSUES INUTES OF THE MUNICIPAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ACCESSIILITY ISSUES INUTES OF THE MUNICIPAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ACCESSIILITY ISSUES INUTES OF THE MUNICIPAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ACCESSIILITY ISSUES REGULAR MEETING REGULAR MEETING REGULAR MEETING REGULAR MEETING R14-014 It was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the That the Minutes of the That the Minutes of the That the Minutes of the September 18September 18September 18September 18, 2014 meeting be adopted , 2014 meeting be adopted , 2014 meeting be adopted , 2014 meeting be adopted CARRIEDCARRIEDCARRIEDCARRIED 4. 4. 4. 4. DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONSDELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONSDELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONSDELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Vocal Eye Presentation Vocal Eye Presentation Vocal Eye Presentation Vocal Eye Presentation –––– Maria KovacsMaria KovacsMaria KovacsMaria Kovacs The Recreation Coordinator gave an overview of the Vocal Eye service. UNFINISHED & NEW BUSINESSUNFINISHED & NEW BUSINESSUNFINISHED & NEW BUSINESSUNFINISHED & NEW BUSINESS Business Planning ApprovalBusiness Planning ApprovalBusiness Planning ApprovalBusiness Planning Approval The Recreation Coordinator stated that many items will be carried forward from the 2014 business plan as these items are still in progress. Members discussed and made suggestions for the business plan. Please note that Kevin Priebe entered the meeting at 5:23 pm. R14-015 It was moved and seconded ThThThThaaaat tht tht tht the 2015 Business Plan be accepted as discussed.e 2015 Business Plan be accepted as discussed.e 2015 Business Plan be accepted as discussed.e 2015 Business Plan be accepted as discussed. CCCCARRIEDARRIEDARRIEDARRIED 5.2 Update on the accessible transit project5.2 Update on the accessible transit project5.2 Update on the accessible transit project5.2 Update on the accessible transit project Kevin Priebe provided an update on the accessible transit project. Committee members have visited main bus stops in Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge and collected and recorded accessibility information on individual stops. The Pitt Meadows review is complete and the next steps for the Maple Ridge review were discussed. The goal is to have the maps finalized by the end of the year. The maps can be shared with the municipalities to aid in improving accessibility. Recruitment and retention Recruitment and retention Recruitment and retention Recruitment and retention The Recreation Coordinator updated the committee on the recruitment process underway. The committee discussed strategies for recruitment and retention to the Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues. 5.4 MACAI promotion5.4 MACAI promotion5.4 MACAI promotion5.4 MACAI promotion Item 5.4 was deferred to November meeting. ROUNDTABLEROUNDTABLEROUNDTABLEROUNDTABLE Bernice Rolls – related her experience working with the Valley Fair Mall maintenance department in regards to issues with the accessibility of the women’s washroom. Greg Turnbull – related a discussion at the beginning of September with a local business owner on 224th Street regarding the boulevard in the centre of the road. The height of the landscaping plantings had a negative effect on visibility. Councillor Al Hogarth – asked committee members for feedback on local Handydart service. Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility IssuesMunicipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility IssuesMunicipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility IssuesMunicipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, October 16October 16October 16October 16, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014 Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility IssuesMaple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility IssuesMaple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility IssuesMaple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues Page Page Page Page 3333 of 3of 3of 3of 3 The Recreation Coordinator provided information on recent and future events that may be of interest to committee members. Kevin Priebe – brought up an issue in regards to an intersection on 203rd street and the possible input Please note Councillor Bruce Bell and Greg Turnbull left at 6:55 pm CORRESPONDENCECORRESPONDENCECORRESPONDENCECORRESPONDENCE - Nil NEXT NEXT NEXT NEXT MEETINGMEETINGMEETINGMEETING Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, November 20November 20November 20November 20, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014 AGENDA DEADLINEAGENDA DEADLINEAGENDA DEADLINEAGENDA DEADLINE Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, November 12November 12November 12November 12, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014 LOCATIONLOCATIONLOCATIONLOCATION Blaney Room, Maple Ridge City HallBlaney Room, Maple Ridge City HallBlaney Room, Maple Ridge City HallBlaney Room, Maple Ridge City Hall ADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENT 6666::::55557777 pmpmpmpm /ss