HomeMy WebLinkAboutMACAI 2014-11-20 agenda.pdf Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues Agenda Page 1 of 1 City City City City of Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridge and theand theand theand the City City City City of Pitt Meadowsof Pitt Meadowsof Pitt Meadowsof Pitt Meadows MAPLE RIDGE and PITT MEADOWS MUNICIPAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ACCESSIBILITY ISSUES AGENDAAGENDAAGENDAAGENDA ThursdayThursdayThursdayThursday, , , , NNNNovember ovember ovember ovember 20202020, 201, 201, 201, 2014444 ---- 5:005:005:005:00 –––– 7:007:007:007:00 pppp....mmmm.... Blaney RoomBlaney RoomBlaney RoomBlaney Room Maple Ridge Municipal HallMaple Ridge Municipal HallMaple Ridge Municipal HallMaple Ridge Municipal Hall The purpose of the Committee is to advise, inform and educate the Councils, municipal departments, community agencies and general public on accessibility and disability issues. CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONSCALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONSCALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONSCALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS 5555::::00000 0 0 0 –––– 5555::::15151515 PMPMPMPM AGENDA APPROVALAGENDA APPROVALAGENDA APPROVALAGENDA APPROVAL 5555::::15151515 –––– 5555::::17171717 PMPMPMPM ADOPTION OF THE ADOPTION OF THE ADOPTION OF THE ADOPTION OF THE MINUMINUMINUMINUTES OFTES OFTES OFTES OF OCTOBER 16OCTOBER 16OCTOBER 16OCTOBER 16, 201, 201, 201, 2014444 5:17 5:17 5:17 5:17 –––– 5:205:205:205:20 PMPMPMPM DELEGATIONS & PRESENTATIONDELEGATIONS & PRESENTATIONDELEGATIONS & PRESENTATIONDELEGATIONS & PRESENTATIONSSSS ---- NilNilNilNil 5555.... UNFINISHED UNFINISHED UNFINISHED UNFINISHED &&&& NEW BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 5:5:5:5:22220000 –––– 6666::::45454545 PMPMPMPM 5.1 MACAI 2015 Work Plan 5.2 MACAI Business Plan 5.2 Update on the accessible transit project 5.3 Recruitment and retention 5.4 MACAI promotion 6666.... ROUNDTABLEROUNDTABLEROUNDTABLEROUNDTABLE 6:6:6:6:44445555 –––– 6666::::55555555PMPMPMPM 7777.... CCCCORRESPONDENCEORRESPONDENCEORRESPONDENCEORRESPONDENCE 6666::::55555555 –––– 6666::::55555555 PMPMPMPM 8888.... NEXT MEETING NEXT MEETING NEXT MEETING NEXT MEETING ---- ThursdaThursdaThursdaThursdayyyy, , , , January 15January 15January 15January 15,,,, 2012012012015555 AGENDA DEADLINEAGENDA DEADLINEAGENDA DEADLINEAGENDA DEADLINE ---- FridayFridayFridayFriday, , , , January 2January 2January 2January 2, 201, 201, 201, 2015555 LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION ---- Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Blaney Room, Maple Ridge City HallCity HallCity HallCity Hall 9999.... AJOURNMENTAJOURNMENTAJOURNMENTAJOURNMENT 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 PMPMPMPM /ss