HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLSC 2004-02-12 minutes.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge
and the
Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services
Commission, held at the Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, Blaney Meeting Room, Maple Ridge, British
Columbia, on Thursday, February 12, 2004 at 7:00 pm.
Commissioner Don MacLean
Commissioner Debra Eisel
Commissioner Craig Speirs
Commissioner Candace Gordon
Commissioner Dave Rempel
Commissioner Kathie Ward
Commissioner Bunny Home
Commissioner Keith Nightingale
Commissioner Dave Roemer
Commissioner Gerry Trerise
Commissioner Kathy Reinheimer
Commissioner JoAnne ten Brink
Commissioner Kathy Morse
Commissioner Cheryl Ashlie
Commissioner Judy Dueck
Commissioner Gwen O'Connell
District of Pitt Meadows, Mayor, Chair
District of Pitt Meadows, Councillor
District of Maple Ridge, Councillor
District of Maple Ridge, Councillor
School District No. 42, Trustee
School District No. 42, Trustee
Pitt Meadows
Pitt Meadows
Maple Ridge
Maple Ridge
Maple Ridge
Maple Ridge
District of Maple Ridge, Mayor
School District No. 42, Trustee
District of Maple Ridge, Councillor
District of Pitt Meadows, Councillor
Mike Murray
David Boag
Don Cramb
Shelley Jorde
fugrid Kraus
GM Community Development, Parks & Recreation
Director, Parks & Facilities
Recreation Manager -West Area
Recreation Manager -East Area
Executive Assistant
Ms. Bonnie Telep Olympic Spirit 2010 Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee, Chair
Ms. Val Patenaude Curator, Maple Ridge Museum
Ms. Lisa Codd, Maple Ridge Historical Society
Ms. Amber Kostuchenko, Maple Ridge Historical Society
Mrs. Sheila Nickols, Maple Ridge Historical Society
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
February 12, 2004
Ms. Linda King, Maple Ridge Historical Society
Mr. Dick Sutcliffe, Dewdney-Alouette Railway Society/Museum Planning Committee
Mrs. Annette Code, Pitt Meadows Historical Society
Ms. Sandra Caddo, Pitt Meadows Historical Society
Mr. Bill Hartley, Ridge Meadows Festival Society
The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
1. Adoption of the Agenda
The following additions were requested.
4.11 Park Curfew Variance in Pitt Meadows
5.11 GVRD Parks re Blue Mountain
Moved By Commissioner Rempel
Seconded By Commissioner Eisel
That the Agenda for February 12, 2004 be adopted as amended.
2. Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular
Moved By Commissioner Rempel
Seconded By Commissioner Eisel
That the Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Meeting of January 8, 2004 be adopted as circulated
3. Delegations
3 .1 Ms. Bonnie Telep, Chair, Spirit 2010 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Olympic Committee was
welcomed to the meeting. Mrs. Telep provided the Commission with an update on what the
committee has accomplished over the past year. This date marks the start of the Games as only
six years away and there is much work to be done. Mrs. Telep has attended initial meetings at the
Provincial level and participated in the first intranet chat on February 10, with the chairs from
other communities.
The Committee is now a registered Society. In February, all eighty-seven communities were
asked to attach 'Spirit of 2010' to their name and the committee will now be called Maple Ridge
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
February 12, 2004
Pitt Meadows Spirit of 2010. Mrs. Telep referred to the draft business plan attached to the
meeting package and introduced the members of the sub-committees. The sub-committees are
all in the process of finalizing their work plans and developing their budgets.
Mrs. Telep outlined the timeline and countdown to the Olympics. She indicated the Olympic
Organizing Committee is in the initial construction stage and is developing marketing plans and
the Playground to Podium initiative. There will be a substantial cultural component to the Games
to start in 2006. In 2008 test events will be held in every sport with athletes coming into
communities. The call for volunteers' is expected to start in 2008, tickets go on sale in 2009 and
the Games begin Feb. 12, 2010 followed by the Paralympic Games.
The next step will be to approach residents and businesses through forums to talk about the
Olympics and the role for communities. The Organizing Committees of the Olympic Games
(OCOG) is presently developing templates to help communities host forums. Finally,
presentations will be made to both Councils for support.
Commission members raised questions on funding expectations and whether it is known how
much will be required. Mrs. Telep indicated that financial support is going to be required and that
the sub-committees are in the process of identifying their budget requirements.
Mrs. Telep was acknowledged for her hard work, dedication and enthusiasm for this initiative and
thanked for the informative update.
3.2 Maple Ridge Historical Society
Ms. Val Patenaude, Curator, referred to the Historical Society Annual Report circulated with the
meeting package. Volunteerism at the museum is up 66% and actually at capacity for volunteers
in terms of supervision and available workspace. The Society also wanted to acknowledge the
work and efforts of Ms. Kathryn Baird, Volunteer Coordinator, who has assisted with the
screening and placement of the volunteers. The museum has added an assistant for two days a
week (a former summer student) which will free the Curator to focus on the planning and
development of the new museum.
A copy of the museum expansion plan was distributed. Considerable work has been done with
the assistance of UBC Architecture staff. Their assistance has been invaluable in keeping the
plans for the heritage walk, planting and designs to fit the area.
Ms. Amber Kostuchenko, President, Maple Ridge Historical Society thanked the Commission for
their support of heritage initiatives in Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge. The Society also
acknowledged the support and assistance of Mr. Don Cramb. The highlights this past year
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
February 12, 2004
receiving a grant for organizational development
gaining three new board members
completing a grant application to develop business plans
contract staff became employees
increase in volunteers.
Attending teachers workshops to institute heritage fairs & interaction with schools
Three presentations were made at the library and heritage displays organized in the
library showcase over five months.
Brian Burns donation -an extensive collection of archeological materials including such
items as carvings, baskets and a selection of clocks. In all over 3,000 items with a value
that moves the museum collection to a Provincial level .
The Commission thanked Ms. Patenaude and Ms. Kostuchenko for their hard work and
informative presentation. The members of the historical societies were thanked for their
support and attendance.
4. Decision Items
4.1 Maple Ridge Historical Society Museum & Curatorial Fee For Service Agreement:
Moved By Commissioner Rempel
Seconded By Commissioner Speirs
That the Chair and General Manager: Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services be
authorized to execute the Maple Ridge Historical Society Museum and Curatorial Fee for Service
Upon question regarding the repairs to the museums, staff advised major repairs, such as roof
replacement, is taken care through the life cycle program in each municipality. One change was made to
the insurance requirement reducing it from $SM to $3M liability required as it was deemed a low risk
4.2 Pitt Meadows Historical and Museum Society Fee for Service Agreement:
Moved By Commissioner Rempel
Seconded By Commissioner Eisel
That the Chair and General Manager: Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services be
authorized to execute the Pitt Meadows Historical and Museum Society Museum Fee for Service
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
February 12, 2004
4.3 Ridge Meadows Community Festival Society Fee for Service Agreement:
Moved By Commissioner Ward
Seconded By Commissioner Rempel
That the Chair and General Manager of Community Development, Parks & Recreation be
authorized to execute the Ridge Meadows Community Festival Society's Fee for Service agreement.
Upon question regarding workshops for board members, staff advised that Volunteer Vancouver has
courses available and our Volunteer Coordinator will be contacting them for more information. Upon
question as to whether the Airport Open House will receive assistance, staff confirmed that this event is
listed on Schedule A and will receive some financial assistance and support from the Festival Society.
4.4 Festival Support Recommendations:
Moved By Commissioner Rempel
Seconded By Commissioner Gordon
That festival support allocations for 2004 be approved as noted in the summary developed by the
Parks and Leisure Services Commission Festival Support Sub-Committee, attached to the
February 12, report on this subject.
The Commission members reviewed the allocations in depth and raised a number of questions regarding
the rationale and difference in funding levels compared to 2003.
Ms. Reinheimer explained the process followed and that the sub-committee thoroughly reviewed the
submissions against the criteria. The sub-committee indicated there was a need for community groups to
realize there is a cost to those services covered under the category of in-kind. The in-kind items would
still be made available, however, community groups will be invoiced. The events considered protocol
events, i.e. Remembrance Day and Canada Day would receive the same support as in previous years, in
both municipalities.
The Commission members requested that, in future, a copy of the criteria and definitions be provided in
the package, as this information would be helpful towards making a final decision. Upon further
discussion, the Commission agreed that it is important for community groups to understand that the in-
kind contributions have a cost associated with them. However, there is also a concern that if in-kind
contributions are lost, some groups may not be able to proceed with their event.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
February 12, 2004
Moved by Commissioner Eisel
Seconded by Commissioner Ward
That the allocations for the Pitt Meadows Day event include the in-kind costs in addition to the
$4,000 funding.
The amendment was defeated.
Further discussion on the amendment followed as to how additional assistance and support could be
provided to the groups. Staff indicated that this would be the first year that the new format is implemented
and both staff and the Festival Society would be working closely with all groups to ensure that they
understand the new funding structure.
Moved by Commissioner Gordon
Seconded by Commissioner Rempel
That the main motion be amended:
That festival support allocations for 2004 be approved as noted in the summary developed by the
Parks and Leisure Services Commission Festival Support Sub-Committee, attached to the
February 12, report on this subject and further, that staff be directed to monitor and respond to in-
k.ind needs as required.
4.5 Harris Road Dyke Equestrian Trail Access:
Moved By Commissioner Rempel
Seconded By Commissioner Ward
That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission recommend to Pitt Meadows Council that
continued equestrian access be permitted on the dyke trail, situated on the North side of the South
Alouette River, East of Harris Road, with an increased emphasis on etiquette signage for
equestrians using the trail. And further, that new signage be posted at the trail entrances with the
Parks office telephone number to report individuals who do not follow the rules of use on the dyke,
which will be considered periodically to determine if continuing access by equestrians should be
suspended or ceased.
Following a discussion, the Commission members agreed that the onus is on the equestrian community to
observe signs and ensure appropriate trail etiquette is followed. Staff will work with the Haney Horsemen
Association to approach stable owners in the area and solicit assistance in patrolling and maintaining the
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
February 12, 2004
4.6 Art Gallery Fee For Service Agreement:
Moved By Commissioner Rempel
Seconded By Commissioner Ward
That the Commission Chair and General Manager be authorized to execute the Fee for Service
agreement with the Art Gallery Society for the operation of the Gallery attached to the February 3,
2004 report on this subject
Mike Murray reviewed the agreement and noted the following change:
-Paragraph 3(I) is incorrect and should read: "To provide a minimum of one opportunity per year to local
arts group for a four week long exhibit."
Discussion followed on the importance of providing opportunities for elementary and secondary schools
to showcase student artwork. An amendment to the main motion was proposed
Moved by Commissioner Speirs and
Seconded by Commissioner Rempel
That the main motion be amended to read as follows:
That the Commission Chair and General Manager be authorized to execute the Fee for Service
Agreement with the Art Gallery Society for the operation of the Art Gallery attached to the
February 3, 2004 report on this subject with an amendment to paragraph 3(1) of the agreement to
read "to provide a minimum of one opportunity per year to School District 42 to host a four week
long exhibition of student art and provide ongoing gallery educational programs in cooperation
with the School District"
4. 7 Park Gift Program -Benches on Dyke Trails:
Moved By Commissioner Rempel
Seconded By Commissioner Ward
That the main motion be amended to read:
That a recommendation be forwarded to Pitt Meadows Council that requests for the installation of
benches on the dyke trail system be accepted at an interval of no less than 200 metres between
bench groups to minimize interference with the routine maintenance operation of the dyke surface
and impact on the visual qualities and experience of walking on the trail; and further, that
landowners who own property adjacent to dykes who wish to participate in this program be
considered an exception to the distance rule in order to accommodate the placement of a bench next
to their property in recognition of their family's involvement in the history of the community.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
February 12, 2004
The Commission members agreed that this was a great benefit and thanked the staff for their work on this
project. There was some discussion on options and benefits of placing more than one bench in the same
4.8 Joint Grounds Maintenance Agreements Review:
Moved By Commissioner Speirs
Seconded By Commissioner Ward
That the Chair and General Manager be authorized to execute the amended Grounds Maintenance
Agreements for a first three-year term beginning in 2004 for the:
-Alouette Park and School
-Alexander Robinson Park and School
-Edith McDermott Park and School sites
-Garibaldi Secondary School Site and tennis Courts
4.9 BCRPA Annual Symposium Attendance)
Mike Murray referred to the program brochure circulated. This year the conference runs from
April 29-May 2 in Penticton, BC. Each year six members attend -3 Commissioners and 3 staff.
Anyone wishing to attend should let Ingrid Kraus know by February 27, 2004.
4.10 March Commission Meeting -to be rescheduled (verbal update)
The March meeting conflicts with the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner that was scheduled for
March 11 . Following a brief discussion, Commission members were asked to hold the following:
March 4 for a full meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. in Pitt Meadows (Library) and March 11
beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the Senior Centre. The date will depend on the length of the agenda and
staff will confirm by end of February.
4.11 Park Curfew Variance
A request has been received from BC Adventure Inc. to hold a fitness work out at 5:45 a.m. The
park does not open until 6:00 a.m. under the current park bylaw, which would prohibit this
activity and the group, is seeking a variance to accommodate their request.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
February 12, 2004
Moved By Commissioner Eisel
Seconded By Commissioner Ward
That a recommendation be sent to Pitt Meadows Council to approve a variance to the park
hours bylaw, to allow BC Adventure Boot Camp Inc. to run their proposed fitness program
commencing at 5:45 a.m. at Harris Park.
5.0 Information Items
Moved By Commissioner Speirs
Seconded By Commissioner Eisel
To receive the information items as circulated.
5 .1 Maple Ridge Historical Society Annual Report
5.2 Maple Ridge Museum Expansion Project Status Report
5 .3 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Team 2010 Business Plan
5 .4 Letter: Ridge Meadows Arts Council re Constitution & Bylaw Amendment
5.5 GVRD: Parks Sustainable Region fuitiative Workshop Comments
5.6 Letter: email Craig Millin re Patron Letter
5. 7 Letter: Ms. Helen Homer re Allco Park and response
5.8 Copy: Articles in The Times January 27 & 30, 2004
5.9 Festival Events Calendar -February
5 .10 Personal fuformation Form
5 .11 GVRD Parks re Blue Mountain -GVRD will be dealing with this item at their meeting
on February 13. Recently Blue Mountain representatives made a recommendation to
GVRD parks committee and is outlined in the attachment.
6.0 Commission Liaison Reports
Bunny Home -Has attended a number of different meetings to deal with: Transportation 2010,
Airport Open House, Codd Island Wetlands and the Land Conservancy.
7.0 Staff Liaison Reports
Mike Murray-Advised the Commission that Mr. David Boag has been appointed to the position
of Director, Parks & Facilities replacing Mr. Mike Davies who has retired. Mr. Boag's position
will be posted within the next few weeks and staff will be looking for new skills that will include
a focus on in-house design capacity to meet future needs.
BC Seniors Games -staff learned that we were not the successful applicant for reasons which
include inadequate accommodation in our two communities and that our track has only six lanes
and not eight lanes.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
February 12, 2004
David Boag announced that a new Parks Foreman has been hired and will begin working
March. I, 2004. The successful candidate comes to us from West Vancouver and has a very strong
horticulture background which will help to round out the skills of the parks staff.
8. 0 Question Period
Commission raised the issue ofletters to the editor in the local newspapers re the Leisure Centre
concerns. Staff indicated that in one case, the individual had not contacted staff to provide an
opportunity to address the concerns and staff are following up on the complaints.
Upon question regarding the games bid, staff confirmed that the Maple Ridge Secondary School
Track has only six lanes and eight on the straightaway.
Motion to move into closed session.
Moved by Commissioner Gordon
Seconded by Commissioner Speirs
That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission move into a closed meeting pursuant to
Sections 242 (J)(e) of the Local Government Act as the subject matter being considered relates
to the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements.
The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
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